IRC log for #debianppc on 20110102

12:22.25*** join/#debianppc netman_ (~jaci@
17:50.42*** join/#debianppc peterrooney (~peter@
19:48.47*** join/#debianppc wcstok (abc123@
20:34.32*** join/#debianppc simonrvn_ (
21:25.11bittinSomone wants a Diaspora invite?
21:25.41dougmenckenbittin: stop spam, read books :)
21:36.06dougmenckenbittin: which script is that?
21:36.15*** join/#debianppc ssam (~ssam@
21:36.31dougmencken(don't say you did spammed by looking up visited channels by hand)
22:21.08simonrvnbittin: was going to install that, but it seems too heavy for what it does to my taste. all these various deps on other things, runs on ruby, which is *still* slow on ppc (never mind x86)
22:22.11dougmenckensimonrvn: isn't x86, x_86, x-86, X-86, x_86, X_86 and X86 offtopic here? ;) %%just kidding%%
22:22.12simonrvni'd rather have something on python, at least it won't run like a slug.
22:22.41simonrvndougmencken: ;). i mention it because most servers around nowadays are x86 based
22:23.16dougmenckensimonrvn: damn, even on servers! time to take a battle!
22:23.21simonrvnthere's still some sparc boxen around, but they're getting long in the tooth, as well as the big iron mips*
22:24.16simonrvnmy rockboxed music player has as much MHz as my PPC box...
22:24.55dougmenckensimonrvn: MHz doesn't matter, we all got that
22:25.07simonrvnall these good arches, and they get ignored except for embedded
22:25.25dougmenckensimonrvn: I have something to show you
22:25.31simonrvni know, it was purely for a number comparision
22:26.54dougmenckensimonrvn: I want to show you some 2011 desktop powerpc machine
22:28.55simonrvnah amigaone, heh =)
22:29.17dougmenckensimonrvn: and processor from apple's bought company
22:30.31dougmenckensimonrvn: and don't forget: desktop powerpcs will die only if there'll be none of them; if some ppc desktop is turned on say once a year, then ppc desktop is alive
22:33.01simonrvnmy little beige g3 is on all the time ;)
22:33.55dougmenckensimonrvn: mine are 603 performa, 750 b&w g3, 7440 g4 da, 7447 g4 800, 970 dual 1.8
22:34.40simonrvni'll be upgrading the ram for the beige soon, and the imac... they need it
22:34.47simonrvnnice setup there dougmencken
22:35.38dougmenckensimonrvn: I'll buy that A-EON machine too; I tried to get Terrasoft Powerstation, but they said "we're out of machines" and that they are now in Japan
22:36.05simonrvnthose terrasoft boxen are nice too
22:36.58dougmenckensimonrvn: they produced ~2000 of them only, and then were sold to some japanesse company
22:39.10simonrvnreading the wikipedia entry for the pa6t... max 7W at 2 GHz (!)
22:39.52dougmenckensimonrvn: time to throw a cake into steve job's face, I suppose
22:40.25dougmenckenhe claimed that the primary reason to switch to x86 was power consumption
22:41.02dougmenckendespite the IA64 (not fully compat. with x86) was waaaay less power cons. than other alternatives
22:41.07simonrvneven the g5s were less power hungry, and they didn't do enough to remedy the issues
22:42.13dougmenckensimonrvn: after a half of year, IBM revealed 970ev, very suitable for laptops
22:43.05dougmenckenall I heard, the primary reason to switch to x86 was an ability to natively run windows, as many and many mac users wanted
22:43.45dougmenckennow there's no reason to port games to mac and pro soft to mac os x, coz api emulation software is avail
22:43.59simonrvnwhich is a dumb reason to switch. the proc horsepower was more than good enough to do the endian switching. blame windows for being a pos ;).
22:44.40dougmenckensimonrvn: heh, now x86 doing a lot of byte-swapping inside, wasting cycles
22:45.13dougmenckenit is cisc outside, but BE RISC inside
22:45.17dougmenckenbut that doesn't matter, coz they want to remain 100% compatible with 20286 code
22:45.32dougmenckenliked IA64
22:45.35simonrvnLEGACY CRAP
22:45.58*** join/#debianppc Diytto (
22:46.40dougmenckensimonrvn: heard about the distro I'm trying to build?
22:47.05dougmenckenI like Debian, but I cannot be sure it won't follow suse and fedora way
22:48.13simonrvndrop the less common arches? there's been hints, but so far no.
22:48.41simonrvni think they won't for the very reason that others have.
22:49.11dougmenckenanyway: ; the main power is inside build system, i.e. scripts
22:49.41simonrvncool. good luck with that :).
22:50.07dougmenckenthe most new thing is "vcheck commands" to check for new versions directly with vanilla tarball provides
22:50.57simonrvna la uupdate / watch for debian packaging
22:51.08dougmenckensimonrvn: thanks! I hope with that thing I can survive for at least 1000 years with my ppc boxes
22:51.24dougmenckensimonrvn: better to lynx -dump real web site
22:53.00simonrvnwow, that xcore is impressive
22:53.21dougmenckena-one's? yeah, and 16 pci-e slots too :)
22:53.45simonrvnyeh. i was looking at those specs and going wtf ! hehe
22:55.08dougmenckenbefore that (and after stopping of powerstation production) there was some african notebook, trying to find it now
22:57.17dougmenckengot a link:
23:00.18dougmenckensimonrvn: yeah, and you said embedded only :)
23:03.35*** join/#debianppc wcstok_ (abc123@
23:03.51dougmenckenI don't really the reason for alternative archs to rise up (but the thing job's switch was: native windooze availablility)
23:06.15dougmenckenI want to say that there's nothing that can prevent some architecture to be released as desktop computer, except that proprietary os thing
23:06.47dougmenckenwith all that proprietary flash and such bad things :)
23:07.33simonrvnyes, but those don't matter much ;p
23:07.37dougmenckenevery my frient which does use linux, use windows® applications in wine
23:07.54simonrvni'm half-joking there
23:08.11simonrvnsometimes you don't have a choice :(
23:08.37*** join/#debianppc wcstok (abc123@
23:09.06dougmenckenyou hever had a choice when 99% archives on web are in RAR, and 99% mulitimedia on web is in Flash
23:09.56dougmenckenmy first computer was 601 powermac 6100 with system 7.5
23:10.14simonrvnflash suck hard.. i wish people stuck to animated gifs for things like ads. i guess people want to make some money back from paying adobe way too much money.
23:10.24dougmenckenit was my choice, and now I'll never revert my choice
23:10.26simonrvnmine was a c64 ;)
23:10.57dougmenckensimonrvn: flash is not about ads, it's mostly video and such
23:11.09dougmenckensimonrvn: so you'll love that a-one
23:11.40simonrvnthat's why i have a soft spot for it
23:14.39dougmenckennice to meet you, and good nite
23:14.57dougmenckensee you later
23:15.13simonrvng'night dude
23:29.20*** join/#debianppc simonrvn (
23:29.21*** join/#debianppc Diytto (
23:31.34simonrvnwow, what's with the splits?

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