IRC log for #debianppc on 20090717

00:14.45*** join/#debianppc mikexcr ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:14.45*** join/#debianppc ravenbird (
00:14.45*** join/#debianppc ekix ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:14.45*** join/#debianppc pahartik (i=pahartik@2001:14b8:1ea:0:205:2ff:fe66:1020) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:38.18*** join/#debianppc Deformative (
01:09.20*** join/#debianppc king_crimson (
01:09.31king_crimsonhi guys... hopefully somebody can help me
01:09.34king_crimsonthis makes no sense
01:10.05king_crimsoni've got this old powermac 6100/60, and i'm using bootx to try and load the debian ppc kernel (i've tried the one from the sarge, etch, and lenny discs)
01:10.15king_crimsonand all it will do it change the screen colors and lock up
01:10.34king_crimsonbut what's weird is, months ago i tried it and it worked fine.. i even ran the debian install i didn't didn't have enough hard disk space at the time
01:10.34simonrvnum, you don't use bootx with that, use penguin
01:10.41king_crimsonno its not an m68k
01:10.50king_crimsonits powerpc
01:10.59simonrvnyeh yeh
01:11.14king_crimsonand for some reason any version of bootx newer than 1.1.3 just locks up the system on load
01:11.21king_crimsonwhen i used to use 1.2.x
01:11.26king_crimsonsame machine
01:11.42king_crimsoni've tried with os 7.5.3 and 8.6, same problems
01:13.25king_crimsoni feel stupid that i may have just figured out the problem 5 mins after asking for help here
01:13.31king_crimsoni wonder if these kernel images are gzipped
01:13.36king_crimsoncan bootx handle that?
01:13.55king_crimsoni know penguin can on my quadra 950
01:16.13simonrvnbootx... i've done it before
01:16.23simonrvnoh wait...
01:16.44king_crimsoneven if it doesn't handle gzipped, this still doesn't explain why 1.2.x locks up the machine on loading the app
01:16.51simonrvni've never tried post-install gzipped booting with bootx, tmk
01:17.01king_crimsoni'll see what happens
01:18.40king_crimsonhmm no its not even in gzip to begin with
01:18.54pahartikking_crimson: One needs special kernel for that model...
01:19.16king_crimsonwhich one? i don't remember having to do that before.
01:19.31pahartikking_crimson: AFAIK, "mklinux"
01:19.44king_crimsoni'll look it up thanks
01:20.50simonrvnyes, that's the term i was looking for, thank you pahartik
01:22.46pahartikking_crimson: That workstation is based on NuBus and not PCI... Document at ""
01:23.17king_crimsonstrange, though.. because i actually know for a fact i just ran the plain vanilla kernel right off the debian ISOs when i had it booting the installer before
01:23.49king_crimsoni'll try this link though
01:24.51pahartikking_crimson: Did it detect any devices?
01:25.43king_crimsonyeah i could use the asante ethernet dongle on the AAUI port and everything
01:25.46king_crimsonall drives worked
01:25.48king_crimsonno issues
01:26.11king_crimsonread the etch CD i had burned and everything
01:26.28king_crimsonmaybe i was using a modified version of bootx
01:26.31king_crimsonthat's the only thing i can think of
01:27.02pahartikking_crimson: Oh... Maybe my information is outdated then...
01:29.45king_crimsonwell i see a modified bootx on the link you just pasted, i'm going to see if that helps
01:30.28king_crimsoni just figured out why 1.1.3 doesn't work for me
01:30.35king_crimsoni just have the onboard
01:30.40king_crimsonA modified version of BootX_1.2b1 [ http ] provided by Ludovic [This does not work with HPV video card.]
01:30.44king_crimsoni'm about to try this one ^
01:38.23simonrvngo for it
01:45.14king_crimsonw00t w00t
01:45.16king_crimsonwell you were right
01:45.35king_crimsoni had to get a special 2.4.27 kernel from that site you linked
01:46.09pahartikking_crimson: Very good
01:46.15king_crimsonthanks for the help
01:46.20king_crimsonwonder if lenny will work with 2.4.27
01:47.45simonrvndoubt it
02:21.32*** join/#debianppc pahartik (
02:45.13king_crimsonhey what are these miboot iso's... for example i have one hat has a built-in sarge installer
02:45.24king_crimsonis this able to just boot right from CD in a powermac?
03:07.20*** join/#debianppc pahartik (
17:42.07*** join/#debianppc docelic (n=docelic@
18:12.21*** join/#debianppc jpl (
18:14.37*** part/#debianppc jpl (

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