irclog2html for #debianppc on 20060928

00:38.43*** join/#debianppc pahartik ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
01:32.24*** join/#debianppc Scitzo (
02:24.43*** join/#debianppc s^3_0 (i=s^3@gateway/tor/x-696aa5d7bef140c6)
02:35.31*** join/#debianppc sk1p (
03:13.59*** join/#debianppc xbaez (n=xbaez@
07:20.49*** join/#debianppc simonrvn (i=simon@unaffiliated/simonrvn)
07:54.09*** join/#debianppc Q-FUNK (
08:09.12*** join/#debianppc mcgreg (
09:44.11*** join/#debianppc nefertum (
10:11.10*** join/#debianppc karim (
12:07.51*** join/#debianppc xbaez (n=xbaez@
12:22.20*** join/#debianppc benzea (
13:59.09*** join/#debianppc GeneralTom (
14:17.23*** join/#debianppc nefertum (
14:35.23*** join/#debianppc GeneralTom (
14:57.38*** join/#debianppc s^3 (i=s^3@gateway/tor/x-98f8164ee1472e0e)
16:28.15*** join/#debianppc kfm82k6bsd (
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16:36.49*** join/#debianppc kfm82 (
17:01.51*** join/#debianppc s^3 (i=s^3@gateway/tor/x-71463a9c6876af28)
18:54.40*** join/#debianppc benzea_ (
18:57.53*** join/#debianppc Oliverro (
18:59.39*** join/#debianppc Oliverro (
19:00.48OliverroI recently installed debian on my macbookpro and I really need a .xmodmap file for Ch_fr, Does someone have it?
19:02.46Oliverro... or an example of xmodmap file?
19:03.00Bor_Edmacbook isn't covered on this channel
19:03.18Bor_Edit's just a basic wintel lappie with weird EFI instead of bios
19:03.37OliverroBor_Ed: I know, but the keycode should be the same
19:04.03Bor_EdI wouldn't count on that... anyway, I don't have such xmodmap here, sorry
19:04.09OliverroBor_Ed: Please, I don-t want to argue with you ... I have ppc too
19:05.01Bor_EdI'm not arguing either :)
19:05.14OliverroAnd I made a tutorial about installing netbsd under ppc and so on... so dont tell me that Im a wintel user :p
19:09.21Oliverrothank you Bor_Ed you really helped me :) bye
19:09.23Bor_Edanyway, if the keymap hacks are comparable, there might be some getting alive at some point whose have the same setup as you do
19:10.01OliverroBor_Ed: yeah I know, I ask continue asking google for this :) bye
19:10.12*** part/#debianppc Oliverro (
19:11.14*** join/#debianppc nefertum (
20:49.05*** join/#debianppc benzea__ (
21:02.10*** join/#debianppc Zapelius (
21:22.25*** join/#debianppc leandro (i=leandro@gateway/tor/x-5cb3ad6674f29d57)
21:48.55*** join/#debianppc leandro (i=leandro@gateway/tor/x-6869dd34885c149a)
21:50.23*** join/#debianppc dreamind (
22:09.40*** join/#debianppc mirak (
22:16.02*** join/#debianppc Apodemos (
22:16.25ApodemosSomeone can help me for video out on ibook please?
23:31.19*** join/#debianppc Q-FUNK (
23:49.20kfm82Apodemos, try this for starters:

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