irclog2html for #debianppc on 20060430

01:15.35*** join/#debianppc karim (
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01:50.54onidhello! in using yaboot one edits yaboot.conf and then runs ybin in order to write the bytes on the booting partition like lilo does on pc's?
02:04.39onidthanks simonrvn! :D
02:06.43onidis there a -t option as well to test but not install?
02:36.00*** join/#debianppc sk1p (
02:55.01*** join/#debianppc deadcat (n=deadcat@
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03:30.47deadcatxorg 7.0 is broken in unstable ya? x11-common is failed to installed. now i am without X on the laptop (= am i the only one?
03:39.24*** part/#debianppc desrt (n=desrt@ubuntu/member/desrt)
04:23.46simonrvncheck /usr/X11R6/bin to see if there's anything in there
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06:22.05freeflyinghi all, anyone here use kpowersave on ppc
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06:56.47deadcatsimonrvn: the package breaks when i install. you dont have that problem?
06:57.14simonrvni removed the stuff that was blocking
06:57.19simonrvn2 symlinks
07:08.00deadcatsimonrvn: it was wmapm
07:08.08*** join/#debianppc TBBle (i=identdsu@
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07:10.12deadcatsimonrvn: why do i have to install so many video- drivers? i just want -ati -input-mouse and -input-kbd
07:11.20simonrvnyou don't. you install what you need
07:11.49deadcatits trying to install all those for me )=
07:14.51deadcatsimonrvn: thanks. i apt-get install the -video-ati, now it only install 7 instead of all those.
07:25.07*** join/#debianppc johill (
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08:05.34justinmhi guys, someone posted a link here with info on which macs are old world and which aren't, and also had tips on booting cds with them etc
08:05.39justinmanyone remember that?
08:26.11demonthe debian/powerpc install handbook enumerates which systems are nubus/oldworld/newworld; however, you can't boot a Debian CD on an OldWorld (and I've never seen any Linux CD that was bootable on an OldWorld)...
08:28.51*** part/#debianppc rcy (
08:37.03simonrvn@mac models
08:37.17simonrvn@mac models
08:37.29ravenbirdNo I'm not online anymore
08:37.38ravenbird or
08:37.56johill"No I'm not online any more" ??
08:39.13johillalmost like saying on the phone 'btw, I hung up a minute ago'
08:40.56johillhey cool, my keyboard backlight thingie works :)
08:41.03johillnow on to ambient light sensors
08:41.34Corsacjohill: you're recoding the complete drivers pack for pb 5,6 ?
08:41.40johillsort of ;)
08:42.28johillin this case I'm just moving code from pbbuttonsd into the kernel. well, improving it along the way
08:44.57johillheh. it shows that I wrote sound drivers for a while ;)
08:45.04johill'It also detects the right i2s bus to use'
08:45.09johillshould be i2c of course :)
08:46.26Corsackeyboard backlight in the kernel
08:46.34Corsacyou rox johill, you know ?
08:47.22johillit sort of abuses the 'backlight' layer (which lives in ... video/backlight) heh
08:47.37johillbut it's a backlight right? :D
08:48.02Corsacjohill: and maybe this work could be ported to those guys who got a macbook pro
08:48.18johillwell, I have *no* idea how the hardware there works
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08:48.31johillthey need to figure out a lot of kernel stuff first too
08:48.44Corsacwell, that's the job of guys who have a macbook :)
08:48.45johillbecause they currently enable drivers/macintosh always, which isn't quite the right thing to do
08:49.07johillbut once they do, if there's any common code, they can do that. if not, I'd suggest writing a new driver
08:49.15Corsacyeah, in the kernel macintosh means "ppc" ?
08:49.21johillnot quite
08:49.23johillI think
08:49.35johillobj-$(CONFIG_PPC_PMAC)          += macintosh/
08:49.51johillmore like 'powermac' specific, see :)
08:49.55simonrvncrapple has gone through 2 arch changes. m68k, ppc, now intel
08:50.45johillI just hope the macbook pro people will sooner or later move the drivers to some other place, or adjust the infrastructure
08:50.55johilltheir current kernel patches read like bad hacks ;)
08:51.00johillbut that's ok for now
08:51.33Corsacyeah, that's a really recent hack
08:59.06johillI have no idea how to surface the ambient sensors in sysfs
09:00.29Corsac« surface » ?
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09:08.16Corsacjohill: with your patch the buttons are hardcoded in the kernel ?
09:08.33johillwhat buttons?
09:08.52Corsacthe keys
09:08.57Corsacfor brightness control
09:09.13johillno no
09:09.23johillit doesn't react to the buttons, just shows a nice entry in sysfs
09:09.49Corsacah ok, so pbbuttonsd (or other client) is still needed ?
09:16.20johillI'm thinking hal
09:32.52johillwhee, ipv6 on my home net :)
09:36.48Corsaci have to wait for a week :(
09:40.28johilltelnet -6 works well
09:40.30johillbut galeon refuses
09:40.43johilland my router keeps saying
09:40.45johillMASQUERADE: No route: Rusty's brain broke!
09:44.13Corsacjohill: did you try other browser ?
09:44.16johillnot yet
09:44.43Corsac(and maybe you need to adjust the network.dns.disableIPv6 value in about:config)
09:45.40johillthe mtu seems to be screwed
09:46.39johillhmm no
09:47.21Corsac(speaking of galeon, do you know an hidden settings to have it open pages only in new tab, wherever the order came from ?)
09:47.28Corsac(command line, middle click or whatever)
09:48.27johillno, but you can use galeon -n from the command line
09:48.31johilland middle click is configurable
09:48.58Corsacyeah, same as epiphany, i'd have to make a wrapper I guess
09:53.04johillthis is very odd. short packets go through but anything over 500 bytes or so doesn't. strange
09:53.12johillanyway, lunch
09:56.56johillor maybe the reply isn't fragmented properly
09:57.13johillwill check on the server later
09:58.53pahartikjohill: your MTU is broken?
10:01.59Corsacpfff, i don't want to wait for a week :(
10:02.08Corsactoo bad one can't 'give' credits
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11:01.43johillpahartik: yes looks like
11:01.50johillexcept, I don't see where
11:02.37johillshouldn't my router just fragment the packets?
11:03.41johillthe packets don't arrive on the server. that doesn't make sense, they go out my ipv6 tunnel (mtu 1280)
11:03.54johillI'd say someone else's mtu is broken along the way or something strange
11:05.17pahartikjohill: someone else's MTU is probably broken then
11:07.22johillhah. tracepath6 says:     Too many hops: pmtu 1280
11:08.27johillping6 -s 191 fails already
11:09.29johillbut it's my end :(
11:09.46Corsaci can ping it
11:10.09johillyeah, it's my tunnel
11:10.22johillno, it isn't the tunnel either
11:10.25Corsacwell, ::1 is the siixs part of the tunnel no ?
11:10.27johillit works fine from the router isn't sixxs
11:10.49johillit's btexact, had a closer pop
11:11.00johilllooks almost as though it's sixxs screw-up
11:33.08*** join/#debianppc reDFog_ (n=redfog@tor/session/external/x-1d29af3c2c9c15b5)
11:50.05rotzbouwwhat is preferred by ppc users: xorg or xfree86?
11:50.43*** join/#debianppc MelkorD (
11:50.53johillI thought xorg was preferred by *everyone*
11:53.12rotzbouwokay. I've got lots of problems with it though, so I thought switching to xfree'd maybe help.
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11:53.41rotzbouwxorg starts up correctly like 33% of tries.
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11:55.51johillwhat machine?
11:56.18rotzbouwpowerbook 5.8
11:56.45johillI'd have thought it doesn't work *at all*
11:56.51johillsince there's a bug in the radeon driver stuff
11:57.07rotzbouwit works sometimes :)
11:57.19rotzbouwlogging out fails 90% of all times though :>
11:57.32johillthe CVS is supposedly fixed
11:59.14rotzbouwhow long does it usually take for new machines to get "fully" supported?
11:59.28johillyours should be fine mostly
11:59.36johillthe bug also affects my powerbook 5,6
11:59.43johillso I'm still running xorg 6.8.2
12:00.31rotzbouwHm, I had to install the sid because otherwise it didn't work at all
12:00.55Corsaci'm one of the lucky guys (maybe the only one ?) which runs xorg without problems :)
12:01.16Bor_EdI have it working ok too, ati mach64 as gfx
12:01.58rotzbouwI guess the 9700 mobility is more problematic then..
12:02.29Corsac9600 here
12:12.15*** join/#debianppc risc- (
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12:22.31Bor_Ed I can recycle say, dual g4 and faster too if someone here decides to upgrade to wintel mac :D
12:22.43johillheh :)
12:23.08Bor_Edemacs will do too
12:27.15CorsacI have a really old one (maybe even 68k, don't know) resting here
12:27.22Corsacand a g3 which I use as a test machine
12:27.43risc-can the bcm43xx in kernel 2.6.17-rc3 do 54mbit?
12:28.01johilldepends on your hardware
12:28.05johillif it's 4318 then no
12:28.20johillthat tells me nothing at all
12:28.26risc-airport extreme... :)
12:28.51johillAE = airport extreme was obvious, but the hw number is imoprtant
12:28.56johill4306 should work at 54mbit
12:29.02risc-btw, I always get this error:
12:29.29risc-when I try iwlist eth2 scan: Warning: Driver for device eth2 has been compiled with version 20 of Wireless Extension, while this program supports up to version 19. Some things may be broken...
12:29.53risc-(I can never get an IP from my eth2 (ae card) :s)
12:30.22risc-even though it locates wireless networks using iwlist
12:33.37johilltry using network manager ;)
12:33.57risc-network manager?
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13:17.35*** join/#debianppc jck77 (n=jck@gugve/developer/jck77)
13:18.52jck77hi, everybody
13:19.44jck77i wondering if someone installed with success a flash player? i know there is no official package
13:30.33Bor_Edgplflash in apt... works
13:31.47jck77um in testing?
13:31.54*** join/#debianppc risc- (
13:32.08Bor_Edat least in unstable... possibly in stable and testing too
13:32.24jck77well i dont see it in my stable
13:34.02Bor_Edlibflash-mozplugin - GPL Flash (SWF) Library - Mozilla-compatible plugin
13:34.04Bor_Edmy bad
13:34.08Bor_Edlibflash-swfplayer - GPL Flash (SWF) Library - stand-alone player
13:35.43jck77same thing :S
13:36.19Bor_Edtesting/unstable then most probably
13:36.26demonBor_Ed: does it actually work usefully? I remember trying it in the past, and it half worked, but most flash animaations just made it implode
13:36.50Bor_Edsound has issues but all the penis enlargement etc ads run just fine
13:38.11demonoh... thrilling
13:38.11jck77i on a stable, using backports to install the testings ones! but even that i can get the package
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15:36.58risc-hi, anyone here already installed a java sdk on debian/ppc?
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15:37.12Bor_Edseveral different ones...
15:37.18risc-and did they work?
15:37.41Bor_Edat least ibm and sun ones have worked and are more or less recent too
15:37.55risc-I installed IBM's jdk, but things that normally compile under macosx/windows without errors give me errors/warnings on linux
15:38.15risc-and I cannot run thhem either
15:38.44Bor_EdI've only made console apps and those tend to work
15:39.01risc-1~java CyberSpaceInvaders
15:39.02risc-(.:4659): Gtk-WARNING **: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "pixmap"
15:39.07risc-stuff like that
15:39.26risc-and it compiles like very fast, not like what I'm used to in osx..
15:39.40risc-** ERROR **: file ../../../src/libjava/jni/gtk-peer/gnu_java_awt_peer_gtk_GtkImage.c: line 572 (createRawData): assertion failed: (data_fid != 0)
15:43.45risc-even text apps do not work
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15:52.23risc-Bor_Ed: do you have a link for Sun's jdk?
15:52.59risc-for ppc?
15:53.05Bor_Edfor ppc
15:53.17Bor_Edjava_se_powerpc-1_4_2-ea-linux-ppc.tar.gz file
15:57.43rotzbouwis it possible to downgrade from unstable to etch but leave the newest xorg version alone?
15:59.07pahartikrotzbouw: yes... though other way around it is easier
15:59.19Corsacwell, downgrading from unstable to etch seems quite tricky to me
16:02.39risc-Bor_Ed: it must be me but I really cannot find it for ppc, only ia64 and x86 (version 1.4.2_11)
16:03.06Bor_Edrisc-: a sec, I'll grep the log
16:04.04rotzbouwWhat's the most stable desktop environment for debian/ppc?
16:04.28Bor_Edtwm shouldn't be too shaky either
16:05.04rotzbouwconsole = no desktop environment? :)
16:05.27Bor_Edconsole can be desktop too, as I have here :)
16:05.38risc-got it, thanks
16:05.41Bor_EdI have irssi, links2 and mplayer running on it :)
16:06.54risc-Bor_Ed: there is no sdk? (javac,...)
16:07.18Bor_Edit has all the yadayada afaik... a sec
16:07.54Bor_Edaww, had to do reinstall last week, don't have any java currently installed
16:08.04Bor_Edbut I recall it has javac too
16:08.26risc-it extracs to j2re1...-eval
16:08.39risc-and in the /bin there's only java,... but no javac
16:08.53Bor_Edhmm, could've recalled wrong too...
16:09.15Bor_Edthere are several free java compilers too, gcj coming to mind as first one
16:10.40jck77Bor_Ed: i use mp3blaster in console :-D
16:11.24Bor_Edmplayer is good for pr0n, eh educational videos too
16:19.12rotzbouwHm, I think I've done a mistake somewhere editing in the "boot" section in Gnome.. I renamed "Linux" to "Debian" and "mac os x" to "MacOS X" and now, when the system boots and I press TAB to get the overview of the OSes available ti still shows the old ones. Where can I fix this?
16:19.44rotzbouw(I can't rename again.. apparently there are no OSes installed.. at least that's what I'm told in that menu)
16:19.46Bor_Edrun /sbin/ybin or such
16:20.46rotzbouwok, i'll have a look there
16:22.12rotzbouwnothing there :\
16:22.34Bor_Edwhich ybin tells you where it is
16:22.59rotzbouwyup :) thnanks
16:23.26Bor_Edno problemo
16:24.52rotzbouwSo I have to replace the old values in that file with the values I renamed the old values to?
16:26.22Bor_Edno idea, I don't have newworld box
16:34.25rotzbouwwhat's the "old" in the "Boot Manager Settings"?
16:35.17Bor_Edprevious kernel from debian
16:35.47johilluseful if you screw up and your new kernel doesn't boot ;)
16:36.00Bor_Edpretty much like that
16:36.29rotzbouwHah, that's good, I'll keep it :)
16:37.01rotzbouwWhat IRC client do you recommend? I'm tired of leaning towards my wintel keyboard all the time :>
16:37.18pahartikrotzbouw: Irssi
16:37.20Bor_Edxchat ain't that bad either
16:37.22rotzbouw(for Gnome, preferably)
16:37.33Bor_Edxchat is a gui toy
16:38.19rotzbouwI hate the MacOS X X-Chat client..
16:38.28rotzbouwit sucks even compared to mIRC
16:38.37Bor_Edhmm, just get irssi and hack it to look like you
16:38.55pahartikrotzbouw: for GNOME, Irssi needs terminal emulator
16:39.19rotzbouwAh :\
16:39.25rotzbouweasy package installation?
16:40.24Bor_Edapt-get install irssi-text
16:40.36pahartikrotzbouw: and preferably "screen" for easy attach, detach and sharing of Irssi across X11 sessions or various workstations
16:44.27rotzbouwbeautiful webpage. wow.
16:44.55rotzbouwI hope the application is as good as the page
16:56.15pahartikrotzbouw: I switched from ircII to Irssi some years ago... probably about six years ago...
16:57.17rotzbouwOh. I switched from MacOS X to debian/ppc days ago... probably 2 days ago... :D
16:57.33rotzbouwtherefore I still like colours and stuff..
16:57.34Bor_EdI switched from xchat to irssi, wanted something that I can run on server and SZ and BX weren't my league
16:57.59pahartikBor_Ed: I would like to see IRC client that behaves more like IMAP client...
16:58.53Bor_Edhmm, now that'd require some work... I've just managed to get instant messenger that behaves like irc... bitlbee :)
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17:00.50pahartikBor_Ed: it would present IRC more as "message database" than "FIFO buffers of text"...
17:01.24Bor_Edhave phun making yer own interface for that... just some bot with mutt or so :D
17:01.41rotzbouwHm, freenode isn't in the default networks list.. how can I add another network in irssi?
17:02.09pahartikBor_Ed: someone will write it, probably not me...
17:03.26Bor_Edadding networks is explained in the irssi site... as well as millions of other thingies
17:03.32Bor_Edpahartik: wimp :P
17:03.42rotzbouwHm, I don't see it :( but okay
17:06.22rotzbouwoh, adding a network is just adding a name? ./NETWORK ADD freenode seemed to work ^^
17:06.37pahartikBor_Ed: my point is... it is annoying that messages disappear from buffers when user quits IRC client...
17:07.04Bor_Edpahartik: quits irc client?? how that can happen? :D
17:07.57Bor_Edand logging is invented to prevent blackout etc extreme situation faults
17:07.59pahartikBor_Ed: my IRC client was started in 2004, so it will be even more annoying when power failure happens or my server decides to pass out
17:08.56Bor_EdI have only 8k buffer on irssi and logging on every discussion
17:10.05pahartikBor_Ed: when starting it again, I would like to get exactly same view as it showed when it was running... just like IMAP, I do not want messages or folder structures to disappear unless I order them to...
17:11.20Bor_Edsounds like a place for some hacked generic script
17:13.18pahartikBor_Ed: new IRC client with new user interface approach is required :)
17:13.45Bor_Edand new server backend
17:14.09Bor_EdSZ+screen+candyass imapwannabegui? :)
17:16.10pahartikBor_Ed: what it "looks like" does not matter... point is that it would treat messages in different way
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17:17.28Bor_EdI used to have messages blocked... worked ok but now when I have bitlbee running on same interface I had to allow 'em again
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17:17.55rotzbouwHa :)
17:18.43rotzbouwI think I want Screen, though. but I don't mind the ugliness of irssi's default settings
17:19.09rotzbouwYup, I'm on irssi
17:19.29Bor_EdI have xchat theme on irssi here, otherwise stock... and this is usable
17:19.47rotzbouwThis is just perfect.. well, almost.
17:20.13Bor_Edjust install screen too to keep it running on the server forever if you prefer to
17:20.58pahartikBor_Ed: was it that default Irssi colour scheme is "white on black"?
17:21.03rotzbouwYes, I will. Oh and do you use any other messengers? like multiprotocol clients comparable to miranda?
17:21.21Bor_Edpahartik: don't recall
17:21.24rotzbouwpahartik: it's black on white here.
17:21.46Bor_Edrotzbouw: install bitlbee, conf it and you can access  it from irssi (apt-cache show bitlbee)
17:22.22Bor_EdI have googletalk and M$N running through it
17:24.24rotzbouwthanks Bor_Ed
17:24.31Bor_Edno problemo
17:24.39rotzbouwHow big would you guess the Jabber community?
17:25.01Bor_Edsome times smaller than googletalk which uses the same protocol
17:26.05rotzbouwwhat would it take to convince msn users to switch to it? I hate msn.
17:26.28Bor_Edlighter EULA
17:26.31rotzbouwThey call it a version 7 and there's no possibility to send offline messages :/
17:26.35Bor_Edoh, and hella smaller lag
17:27.05Bor_EdM$N lags several secs even to neighbour country from here
17:27.24rotzbouwI haven't tried Jabber yet because there is nobody who'd follow me 'cause they are all so comfortable with msn/icq :/
17:28.37Bor_EdI have account in googletalk... that really ain't jabber but still... and got 1gig mailbox too when I made the account :D
17:30.44rotzbouwugh, I made a mistake :/ I just deleted the whole top panel in Gnome instead of just one little panel inside of it. How can I redo this?
17:31.43Bor_Edno idea
17:32.41rotzbouwhm, I think it wasn't a mistake. Now I have to build my own panel which is rather good as it won't include unnecessary stuff :)
17:32.43pahartikrotzbouw: create new panel instance and configure it to behave like one you had?
17:32.56rotzbouwpahartik: yup, thanks :)
17:39.41rotzbouwHm, I'd like to have a cpu temperature monitoring tool... I have the suspicion that it's hotter than when on MacOS X :/
17:40.22Bor_Edcat /proc/cpuinfo
17:41.25rotzbouwdon't see the temperature there..
17:41.50Bor_Edthen your kernel doesn't support it
17:41.53Corsacthere was, on old kernels
17:42.09Corsac(i remember i had it using 2.6.12 or so)
17:42.37Bor_EdI have stock debian 2.6.8 for now... though had it on own 2.6.16 too
17:42.41rotzbouwwhy would they discontinue cpu temp. monitoring?
17:42.55Bor_Edconf options...
17:43.18Corsacdo you know which one ? )
17:43.49Bor_Edapm/cuda/pmud some switch somewhere
17:57.07rotzbouw-a stands for automatically? :)
17:58.32pahartikrotzbouw: did you look at "/sys/devices/temperatures/"?
18:00.54rotzbouwthere is no "temperatures"
18:02.55rotzbouwI think I'll just have to trust apple :/
18:05.19pahartikrotzbouw: your workstation is too new or too old?
18:06.29rotzbouwtoo new
18:10.16rotzbouwthink I'm going to try a restart in order to get the touchpad working.. don't want to carry a mouse all the time :/
18:11.09johillwhat kernel is he running?!
18:11.13johillthat should all work out of the box
18:36.16Corsacdoes lmsensors work on ppc ?
18:38.20johilldon't think so
18:38.29Corsaccorsac@hidalgo: sensors                                                     [~]
18:38.32johillbenh said something like "I'm not letting those people near ppc" ;)
18:38.33CorsacCan't access procfs/sysfs file
18:38.35CorsacUnable to find i2c bus information;
18:38.38CorsacFor 2.6 kernels, make sure you have mounted sysfs and libsensors
18:38.40Corsacwas compiled with sysfs support!
18:38.43CorsacFor older kernels, make sure you have done 'modprobe i2c-proc'!
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19:03.16felicitasanybody here who uses voip?
19:03.30*** join/#debianppc rotzbouw (
19:07.04Corsacjohill: ahah
19:07.07rotzbouwWhat again is the advantage of "Screen"?
19:07.12felicitasdoes nobody here use voip?
19:11.15pahartikrotzbouw: keeping terminals open and/or sharing them between multiple hosts or X11 sessions
19:13.53*** join/#debianppc mirak (
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22:24.47justinmwhat does vmode:14 mean
22:24.53justinmmclk = refresh rate?
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23:55.51microgrammei'd like to ask you just 1 question :
23:56.38microgrammewould it be useful if i read a book about debian on PC or it has really nothing to deal with debian on PowerPC ?
23:58.00*** part/#debianppc microgramme (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.