irclog2html for #debianppc on 20060307

00:00.54*** join/#debianppc witch (
00:01.29ohadpahartik, i have tried
00:01.34ohaddebian works fine
00:01.39ohadbut the x11
00:01.40ohaddoes not
00:02.14ohadpahartik, i was told that ati 9200 is radeon driver. when i try to dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg i don't have that driver on my list
00:02.23ohadany ideas how to add that one?
00:02.46ohadi tried search for any pkgs of radeon driver but couldn't find anything that will fit
00:04.17pahartikohad: Device section of my "/etc/X11/xorg.conf" has Driver "ati"...
00:04.31ohadi tried that
00:04.42witchDid anybody use autofs on large mac partitioned disks?
00:05.04ohadfor some reason i dont' have the option of running startx and when i try to start gdm the machine gets stuck
00:06.01witchI cannot mout sda11 and if I try to mount sda10 as user, it tells me, I have no rights
00:06.16witchsda11 is xfs and 10 hpfsplus
00:07.11witchohad: to use startx as user, you need to dpkg-reconfigure x
00:08.59witchohad: which machine?
00:09.48witchon my mac mini I have "radeon" as driver
00:10.35pahartikohad: if newer version of "xserver-xorg" package is not available, try older version from... there was some Debian archive site that contains lots of older package versions
00:12.10pahartikohad: could also see if your "/var/log/Xorg.0.log" contains something useful...
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00:15.05ohadpahartik, ok. i am trying again.. should i try and let it auto detect the video hardware?
00:15.53pahartikohad: I think so
00:18.05ohadok. i have ati RV350 mobility radeon 9600 M10 - which one should i choose from the list?
00:18.12ohadi don't have radeon
00:18.30ohadpahartik, or nv?
00:19.46pahartikohad: I am not aware of any Radeon produced by NVidia...
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05:50.01ohadhi, i have just  upgraded from 2.6.15-1 to 2.6.15-7 . in my boot loader ( i am not sure which one i'm using - i think yanta or something like that) i only have the options of Linux and Old. when i choose Linux option i get my old 2.6.15-1 kernel. how do i choose the new one that i chose?
05:50.42tcsetattryou mean _yaboot_?
05:51.16tcsetattrI think yanta is some kind of fruit drink
05:51.45ohadAheh.. yes. yaboot..
05:51.57ohadhow do i insert the new kernel as an option there?
05:53.08tcsetattrby editing yaboot.conf, I suppose
05:53.17*** part/#debianppc Agrajag` (
06:10.02*** join/#debianppc ohad_ (
06:10.51ohad_hi, i am trying to get the x11 (xserver-xorg) mod to work on my new pb g41.67.
06:10.53SimonRavenfixing symlinks
06:11.09ohad_for some reason everytime i try the entire machine freezes
06:11.21ohad_i don't have in my list of drivers the radeon
06:11.33ohad_only ati
06:11.59ohad_my card ati 9200
06:12.09ohad_anyone here
06:12.15SimonRavenradeon is a  subset of the ati x driver
06:13.04SimonRavenso it locks up when x starts?
06:14.07ohad_also i've upgraded my linux from 2.6.15-1 to 2.6.15-7 - how do i choose at boot from 2.6.15-1 to 2.6.15-7 - how do i modify yaboot?
06:14.31tcsetattrlook into /etc/yaboot.conf
06:14.56ohad_SimonRaven: yes. i have tried different conf. and nothing worked...linux boots but always hangs when starts xdm/gdm/kdm...
06:15.20SimonRavenwhen you installed the kernel it should have done that for you, at least modifying the symlinks. editing yaboot.conf (and running ybin if necessary) is your job :)
06:15.46tcsetattryeah, look to see if there's a /vmlinuz and /vmlinuz.old symlink
06:15.52SimonRavenremove those or prevent them from running first, you won't get much done with those starting at boot
06:16.11SimonRaven@tell ohad_ -about nodm
06:16.28ohad_what about my laptop freezing because of x11 ? xorg.conf
06:16.52SimonRaventhat's what i meant by "remove those or prevent them..."
06:17.33ohad_i'll remove all of them. sure
06:18.09ohad_what else should i do. if i remove them then i get to prompt but i still get a stuck machine when i run startx
06:18.11tcsetattryou could look at the X server log to see if managed to write anything before the freeze
06:18.16SimonRaventhe bot was telling you how to do all that
06:19.56ohad_anything else?
06:20.21ohad_i should do. or just remove those pkgs and run the echo cmd?
06:20.31SimonRavensee your system logs for pointers, too. /var/log/syslog kern.log messages
06:20.38SimonRavenup to you
06:23.19ohad_i'll be back:)
06:24.19SimonRavenircing as root? eek i didn't notice ...
06:36.52hexleynither did the bird
06:54.35*** join/#debianppc ohad (
06:54.41ohadhi, still freezes
06:55.03ohadthere were no errors only warnings in the x11 logs
07:07.18*** join/#debianppc ohad (
07:07.24ohadhi, anyone here?
07:07.38ohadi am still having problem with the machine freezing
07:07.44ohadwhen i try to run x
07:07.51ohador startx
07:08.07ohadcan i try to run x without x-window-system?
07:08.19ohadthat pkg is tied to xdm
07:10.39ohadno one?
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07:59.36SimonRavenassassin: the bird /msgs people when it does notice; and doesn't announce it in-channel, that part was disabled... hmm, that should be configurable...
08:14.20assassinSimonRaven: Used to autokick
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08:17.31SimonRavencan if it has ops, but not required
08:18.16SimonRavenin this chan usually chanserv kicks them and sets a ban
08:18.32SimonRaveni guess sourdough removed the setting
08:19.22*** join/#debianppc homar (
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08:30.31assassinAh... nice fnode
08:41.41*** join/#debianppc saintiss (n=saintiss@
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09:22.36speedydemongood morning
09:23.12speedydemonhmm right... ill be on later
09:23.15speedydemonafk :D
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13:19.48TTimoanyone running a 2.6.16-rc5 ?
13:19.54TTimoor trying to for that matter
13:24.16TTimocompiled it and all, but yaboot gives me a 'read failed' when I try to boot it
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16:24.20*** join/#debianppc speedydemon (
16:24.27speedydemonhello again
16:35.04speedydemonquite a dead channel *sigh*
16:36.34Bor_Edyup yup
16:37.41speedydemonhey there
16:38.13speedydemoni was just bored.  ive been here before under other names.  well hey there :)
16:38.25speedydemonwho else is awake!?
16:39.57speedydemonI haven't done my kernel in a while :S.  erm i got it all like I KNOW it needs to be except one thing.  What IDE controller would I chose for a G4 Mac Mini?  (Erm, lspci is vague)
16:41.04speedydemonthe thing is, it's mostly notebook parts.  So I guessed PowerBook ATA/100 IDE.  Dmesg reports that it's an ATA/100 IDE.  So we'll see.
16:41.28speedydemonwaiting for dpkg to get to business
16:42.16Bor_Edsend me one g4 macmini and I'll try to find out... mac store only sells wintels nowadays
16:52.03*** join/#debianppc dolphy (
17:01.09speedydemonheh got it
17:01.41speedydemonBor_Ed, i was missing the right fs driver built-in ironically.  booted fine.  forgot i was using ext3 on there xD
17:02.16speedydemoni dont care what the hype makes them think.  this box kicks ass.  quite more snappy then even my 2.8 p4 with nothing running atall
17:02.54Bor_Edthis 315MHz ibm750 is faster than 500MHz k6-2 too... does its work to me
17:02.56speedydemonoh well
17:03.03speedydemonyep i have it, im using it :)
17:03.28speedydemonfor work im getting a new intel mac in a few months.  this box will serve me as a nice debian development box :D
17:04.06speedydemonpersonal expense unfortunately, couldnt wait.  now im screwed.  apple doesnt have tradeins really.
17:04.37Bor_Edintel mac? aww geebus
17:04.59speedydemonsee im a ppc buf.  but the standard apple gets 6 years support.  in an effort to shake off ibm, theyre trying to kill off ppc as quick as possible.  as i read on a debian ppc howto: "x86 kills another architecture"
17:05.09speedydemonI know bor ed.  im not paying for it heh
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17:05.30speedydemoni know
17:05.34speedydemoni hate it too
17:05.43Bor_Edthat's like shooting yourself to a leg
17:06.02speedydemonrisc is just so much better.  funny thing is ibm is breaking the 4ghz barrier while intel had to go multiple cores because they couldn't break it efficiently
17:06.43speedydemon"cooling" - apple gimme a break.  PPC omits less heat, dumba$$es
17:06.50Bor_Edwell, cell ain't general use processor anyway
17:07.07Bor_Edand 970mp just runs at ~3GHz
17:07.09speedydemonthey couldnt WAIT for the new line of CPUs.  just had to feed their GHz indulgence
17:07.22speedydemonGHz hype =/
17:07.42Bor_Edthough I dont' think there are too many x86/x86_64 boxen that can kick butt on ibm970mp/2GHz
17:07.43speedydemon1.5GHz PPC32 G4 beats my 2.8 P4 at most benchmarks.
17:07.45speedydemonerm yeah
17:07.56speedydemonand it's 99% laptop parts HA
17:08.45speedydemonIBM ThinkCentre A30 2.8GHz P4 (Non-HT, HT Actually Slows Down Things), 768MB DDR.  Has more ram, double the clock nearly, this thing whoops it
17:09.04speedydemonanywho time to test my hopefully non foobar kernel
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17:09.30speedydemongot this running in screen on my server, so no bother having to reconnect or any of that junk yay
17:09.38Bor_Edreally doesn't suprise... too bad there aren't too many risc lappie manufacturers around... tadpole makes sparcs but then the next step is xscale and arm based pdasa
17:13.06speedydemonerm the comparison is a full blown desktop.
17:13.22speedydemonyay kernel works.  even using the airport extreme bcm driver
17:13.42speedydemonisnt full speed but hey IT WORKS!
17:14.13Bor_Edthe airport ain't full speed?
17:14.15speedydemonhad to patch 2.6.16 over 2.6.15 then apply the bcm patch and install softmac 802.11b stack (in kernel).  works
17:14.57speedydemonnope because broadcom is a proprietary chipset.  this driver is clean house design, legal.  uses specications made from dissassemling the original darwin drivers and linksys wrt54g router firmware
17:15.19speedydemonthe air force uses the chipset, so even if broadcom wanted or apple asked, they wouldnt release the specs
17:15.33speedydemonit even supports wep though.  with the other version wpa also
17:15.34Bor_EdI know the story behind the AE
17:15.42speedydemonalright well it works now
17:16.13speedydemonnice chatting with you btw
17:16.17speedydemonill be on some other time
17:16.21Bor_EdI'd just pick up some 108Mbps usb stick for wifi :)
17:16.26speedydemonno money here
17:16.33Bor_Ed~30 euros...
17:16.50speedydemon0 euros
17:17.12speedydemontake care Bor_Ed
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18:34.34woodenhow to get java for ppc?
18:35.16woodenneed the plugins for browser
18:35.53Bor_Edget/install ibm jre 1.5 and gcjwebplugin
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19:13.30Bor_Edirc is fun place to live in... all kinda nice links show up
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