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00:01.49*** join/#debianppc nusse (
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00:24.59skel_homeso anyone on the globus deb source?
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00:57.18denkenwhats the proper boot-file for OF again? dont you just point it to first.b and quik handles the rest?
00:57.30denkensimonrvn knows, im sure of it :D
00:57.54simonrvndefault is "", you can put "Linux" - some machines necessary, some not.
00:58.48denkenmkay so boot-file should be an empty string
00:58.54denkenthank you
01:02.12haloIs anyone here familiar with setting up X windowing system with the radeon 9200 on the newer powerbook?
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01:02.51halo*ibook, not powerbook
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01:03.16simonrvnhalo: don't /msg me please
01:05.53simonrvnhalo: dunno much, but i do know you need ati driver, the rest the mouse is at /dev/input/mice, and video sync just choose simple. other than that, if it still doesn't work, google search for a config
01:06.09simonrvncould try too
01:06.33haloLOL, i've been googling for the last 6 hours trying to get my display to work
01:07.07simonrvnsearch engine searches are a quasi-art form
01:07.24simonrvnkeep it to keywords. simple really
01:07.27chrisaThere are a million X configs online for ibook g4s with 9200 cards
01:08.08haloi noticed. And all of them differ somewhat and don't provide clear enough documenation for a new user.
01:08.37denkenthere is also a lot of info on the debian-powerpc mailing lists
01:08.49simonrvni have 2 hits for the ML alone
01:08.55chrisaMake sure you have Xfree 4.3 or Xorg, have dri for radeon in the kernel (or module) with agppart, use the config
01:09.33denkenhalo: just be happy your not using an old-world mac :D
01:09.36chrisaYou whippersnappers have it easy, why back when I bought my ibook g4 we didn't have newfangled info sources for it on google or MLs!
01:09.52chrisaWe had to test everything by HAND! UPHILL! IN SNOW!
01:10.02simonrvnor funky oldworld h/w
01:10.24denkensimonrvn: like this power computing powercenter pro in the corner? :)
01:10.28denkenthats for a rainy day
01:10.34simonrvnchrisa: i actually had to do that with my 13" trinitron
01:11.08simonrvnnah, my power tower pro i just took out the ims tin turbo and put in my ati lt pro
01:11.15haloI'm sorry for being so annoying chrisa; could you repeat that in english?
01:11.16chrisasimonrvn: So did I when the ibg4s came out, check your irc archives ;)
01:11.23denkenbtw if any of you guys are feeling especially brave,
01:11.30simonrvnchrisa: no doubt ;)
01:12.06simonrvnand if some of you want to test out netatalk 2, my site has 'em. while we're doing the plugging thing
01:12.37skel_homeanyone know when debian will include's X11 ?
01:13.05denkenskel_home: i think the main thing we are waiting on is modularization of the source tree
01:13.14denkensimonrvn: linky?
01:13.18skel_homedenken: ok
01:13.22skel_homedenken: ty
01:13.34simonrvnw00t fixed up quik sources. gotta test them
01:13.54skel_homeI need a haircut
01:13.59skel_homeall of them actually
01:14.14skel_homegah bummage.. ag failed
01:14.30skel_homehave any of you messed around with accessgrid?
01:14.38skel_homeI've got it on my x86 box at work
01:14.45skel_homeit's pretty neat
01:15.09skel_homevideo/audio conferencing with shared applications through IP multi-casting
01:15.39skel_homeall opensource
01:17.13skel_homeyea a bunch of universities and intitutions participate and are involved
01:18.30skel_homethere's a presentation on Unified Parallel C programming on Nov. 30 and Dec 1
01:22.43denkensimonrvn: - you added "not necessary"... meaning i assume that System Disk isnt required, you can just fondle OF directly and get the machine to boot?
01:23.06simonrvnyou assume correctly
01:23.19denkenthank you
01:23.36simonrvnthe wiki one is slightly more up to date:
01:24.57denkennice. thanks
01:25.27*** part/#debianppc icedtrip (
01:39.37denkendoes quik have to have properly setup the boot blocks on the hard drive for the OF boot method to work?
01:39.53denkenim pretty damn sure ive got everything right but she isnt cooperating
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01:47.48simonrvnyou need to run it whenever there's a change
01:49.32denkenright. im just not sure that the initial install ran it properly... i used bootx to get the cd install running (sarge weekly build) and it did everything right (even set OF boot-device) but i still get problems with /pci/mac-io/ide@20000/ata-disk@0:0
01:49.47denkeni just booted single user mode with bootx and am re running quik now
01:52.39denkenhmm yup. "can't OPEN: <above mentioned device>"
01:53.32denkeni even booted single user from bootx and check /proc/device-tree/pci/mac-io/etc/etc/etc to make sure the drive is there
01:54.02simonrvnum, what box is this?
01:54.28denkenbeige g3 rev1 w/OF 2.0f1
01:54.59simonrvnum did you happen to read the thing about IDE drives?
01:55.17simonrvnand it worked before?
01:55.35denkenhad it running for months
01:56.41farruinnsince when did quik start supporting beige g3's?
01:57.00simonrvnon some of them partially. they're very finicky
01:57.15simonrvnand the rare one that does work
01:57.33farruinnhuh, didn't know that any of them worked - I've always just used bootx
01:58.30denkenlife is so much easier on the powerbook g4 :)
02:03.29chrisadenken: Sure, assuming you bought one with an ATI
02:03.39chrisaand assuming it supports the Airport card types
02:03.53denkenno and no :P but its STILL easier
02:04.04chrisahah, you're screwed in general :)
02:04.09chrisaNo AE, no sleep
02:04.22denkenno backlight control that ive found as of yet either :P
02:05.40chrisahrm, I can't recall. If I build CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_GOV_POWERSAVE into the kernel will my cpu be scaled to the lowest possible setting by default?
02:06.06denkeni made the same mistake with my radeon AIW 8500DV
02:09.45chrisahrm, damn. With the powersave governor loaded my cpu still runs at max
02:10.28farruinnwow, did you compile that quickly?
02:10.55chrisaMost of the objects were cached
02:11.11farruinnoh ok, I was getting extremely jealous
02:11.13chrisaSo in this case a full recompile was unnecessary
02:12.42simonrvnfarruinn: ccache
02:13.20chrisasimonrvn: in this case yes, but in a lot of cases you're ok with even the objects left over from a normal compile
02:13.26chrisaSince it'll rebuild any that change
02:13.56chrisaaha! Got it
02:14.01simonrvni do that. works ok
02:14.47chrisaecho 'powersave' > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor
02:15.16simonrvn"use the source, luke" ;)
02:15.40chrisaNow I need to remember how to set sysfs vars on boot
02:17.14simonrvnchrisa: is there a sysctl type thing for sysfs?
02:17.45chrisasimonrvn: That's what I'm checking for, it was my first guess ;)
02:18.34simonrvnstill having this heat issue grrr
02:18.53simonrvn35-37 C
02:30.17haloI'm going through the ibook setup step by step untill i get to this part:
02:30.40haloall i get is a message saying i already have the newest version
02:30.46haloany clues?
02:31.13chrisaoh, his howto is terribly out of date
02:31.19chrisaPainfully even
02:31.23chrisaWhat's the problem right now?
02:31.48halohow many more hours am i gonna kill???
02:32.15haloanyways... I get a  message saying that xserver-xfree86 is already the newest version
02:32.25chrisaAre you running sid, or sarge?
02:33.24halosid, i believe
02:33.32denkencat /etc/debian_version
02:33.56chrisaYour X version is fine then
02:34.22chrisaI wonder if I have my linux. subdomain up still
02:34.27chrisahey, I do
02:35.46chrisaYou want that
02:35.58chrisaEverything else in that directory is out of date
02:36.18chrisaBasically, make sure these are built into the kernel: DRI (Radeon), Agppart support, uninorth agp support
02:36.28chrisaYou can use modules if you wish, I just don't
02:36.35halothanks for the link
02:37.21simonrvn3.0 is woody
02:37.44halothat it is
02:38.02simonrvnupgrade to sarge. it *will* work
02:38.19chrisaoh god, woody
02:38.33chrisaYes, you're screwed with woody's X version unless you get a backport
02:38.46halo*starts crying*
02:39.18halowhere's a good place to start on documentation for upgrading to woody?
02:39.35halo*err sarge
02:42.35simonrvnravenbird: woody->sarge
02:42.38ravenbirdrumour has it, woody->sarge is edit /etc/apt/sources.list, changing all non-local mentions of "woody" or "stable" to "sarge", or "testing". testing *is* sarge currently.. Then "apt-get update" and "apt-get dist-upgrade".
02:45.44jncravenbird: man->woman
02:45.45ravenbirdjnc: I wish you would RTFM.
02:46.21haloravenbird, seems to be working...
02:46.22ravenbirdhalo: PEBKAC error, or Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair.
02:47.46farruinnlol, how clever
02:48.14chrisasimonrvn: I protest the sarge factoid, that should be dselect-upgrade
02:48.15chrisaMuch cleaner
02:48.28halonot exactly fair either. I am using this IRC channel as a last resort instead of just comming here and expect answers
02:48.46chrisahalo: ravenbird is a bot
02:48.49chrisaYou triggered a reply
02:50.07halobut thank you simon and chrisa, hope this helps
02:53.15simonrvnchrisa: yeh, i agree
02:53.40simonrvnravenbird: woody->sarge =~ s/dist-/dselect-/
02:53.41ravenbirdsimonrvn: OK
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