irclog2html for #debianppc on 20040420

00:00.29jdevilok thanks guys
00:00.32jdevilthe cd is booting now
00:02.04rustyBOFHhi folks anybody there?
00:03.26jdevilok whats a bootable flag?
00:03.34jdevilshould i turn that on the ext3 partition?
00:03.41jdevilwell let me back up
00:03.48jdevili am in the manual partitioning thing
00:03.57jdevilthing == software on install disk
00:04.22jdevilits not the software i used before it seems easier to use.. but i dont know how to use it yet...
00:04.37jdevili just went back
00:04.40jdevilhere is where i am
00:04.45jdevillooking at my 12 partitions
00:04.54jdevil9 is the hfs bootstrap
00:05.01jdevil10 is the swap partition of 1200mb
00:05.12Protequehuge swap
00:05.15jdevil11 is the ext3 partition at 10gig
00:05.34jdevil... i just followed a tutorial when installing... i dont know why or what swap is.. exactly
00:06.17Protequeit is virtual memory
00:06.34jdevili assumed but its not like virtual memory on windows...
00:06.39jdevilits not good to use i heard
00:07.05skellol 1200mb swap
00:07.17Protequewell I never use any of my swapspace
00:07.23skelyou'd be fine with 512
00:07.24ProtequeI only have 256 "just in case"
00:08.13jdevilfirst should i use the auto partitioning software that this cd has
00:08.15*** part/#debianppc jpablo (~jpablo@
00:08.38*** join/#debianppc Slugger (
00:08.47jdevilsecond should i delete partitions and if so which and what do i create in their place
00:10.07skelok hang on
00:10.14jdevillol :)
00:10.45skelwhats it called?
00:11.02jdevilthe partition software?
00:11.20jdevilor the partitions themselves... ok h/o i'll see if i can find it..
00:11.31skeloh.. duh
00:11.35jdevilno name
00:11.37skelI'm on my intel box
00:11.39skelhang on
00:11.45jdevilits graphical...
00:11.51jdeviloh ok
00:12.12jdevilthanks :)
00:12.28skelthe partition program is?
00:12.38skelhmm.. maybe its qtparted
00:13.06skelwell darnit if I don't know which program it uses..
00:13.10jdevilits blue and grey... it could be just part of this installer
00:13.20jdevilit doesnt seem to be any different than the rest of the installer...
00:13.32jdevilwell its ok
00:13.32skelthe one I used with the beta installer was just an ncurses based menu and then ran macfdisk
00:13.38jdevili can just guesstimate :)
00:14.52jdevilif it doesnt work... i dunno i guess just use mac os x for a while lol
00:14.58Sluggerjdevil : did that once, with mixed results
00:15.10jdevilumm... well now somehow
00:15.14jdevili got mac fdisk open
00:15.22jdevili just hit back and it brought me to a new menu
00:15.39jdeviland it then asked me if i wanted to view all partitions i said ok
00:15.41jdevilthen it came up
00:17.05jdevilso then
00:17.09jdevilshould i do what i did before?
00:17.19skelyou can use the instructions from brandens howto to get started with macfdisk
00:17.22jdevilok :)
00:17.56jdevilwhat amount of swap space?
00:18.06skelyou can do i to initialize the partition map then b to create a new bootstrap
00:18.12skelhow much ram do you have?
00:18.36skelthen i'd to like 396 - 512 of swap
00:18.42jdevilok 512
00:19.11Lobezno512 is too much with 386
00:19.33jdevilits fine 512 is better
00:19.38jdevilmore is better than to little
00:19.49Lobezno384 is enought
00:19.51skelLobezno: rule of thumb is generally have swap x2 the amount of ram
00:20.16Lobeznoskel, i am sure he 'll never use 384 mb of swap :)
00:20.44skelya never know =P
00:20.58skelwhen you start doing things like mol
00:21.04Lobeznoskel, are you using alsa?
00:21.19Lobeznowith an ibook?
00:21.26LobeznoI have to make /etc/init.d/alsa restart