IRC log for #debian on 20210501

00:04.46*** join/#debian HannaM (
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00:18.41sn00phello, i'm trying to burn a bunch of mp4 files to a blank dvd, i've tried with k3b and xfburn and every time I press burn it says I dont have enough space on the dvd, it is blank never been used any idea on what would be wrong?
00:20.09mutantesn00p: well, did you check the total size of the mp4 files?
00:20.15sn00p9 gig
00:20.57mutantethat would only work if it's double-layer
00:21.07mutantethere are 4.7 GB on a regular DVD
00:21.23sn00pI cant burn them?
00:21.42mutantewhat does it say on the packaging of the blank DVD?
00:22.09mutantewell, yea, you can't burn it
00:22.17sn00pwhy not
00:22.21mutanteunless you split it into 2 DVDs
00:22.23sn00pits just dat
00:22.25mutantebecause 9 is larger than 4.7
00:22.44sn00pi'm stupid
00:22.47sn00pnever mind
00:22.50mutantenp :)
00:23.15phoggeven a DL DVD won't store 9G, it tops out at 8.something as I recall
00:23.32oxek"9 is larger than 4.7"
00:23.46oxekwhy do we live in a world where we have to say that
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00:24.05phoggoxek: because we live in the best possible timeline. The entertainment is free.
00:24.32oxekyeah I guess
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00:50.30warsoulbullseye upgrade worked perfect :)
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00:56.15ryoumaversion 4.13 is larger than version 4.9.  i freely admit to having been confused by that.
00:57.44monkwitdafunkhello. i am reading the debian reference manual
00:58.02*** mode/#debian [+l 971] by debhelper
00:58.42monkwitdafunkwhat is the purpose of blacklisting a module so the udev system does not invoke auto-loading a module?
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00:59.56monkwitdafunkreduce functionality of hardware correct?
01:00.11*** join/#debian troyt (zncsrv@2601:681:4100:d591:44dd:acff:fe85:9c8e)
01:01.31ectospasmif you don't want to use the hardware for that driver anymore.
01:02.24ectospasmI have an old 802.11n PCIe card in my router, and somehow it still got an IP address.  I ended up blacklisting the kernel module so that would go away since I no longer use it.
01:03.01ectospasmI couldn't find its IP address anywhere in the configuration, but still it got one on a subnet I don't use anymore.
01:04.28phoggmonkwitdafunk: sometimes a module can think it should handle a piece of hardware when it in fact should not, and a module that will load later should (if it gets the chance).
01:05.00*** join/#debian catman370 (~catman@unaffiliated/catman370)
01:05.34phoggThe classic example is having both nouveau and nvidia modules installed. To be sure you get the one you want to load you can blacklist the one you don't.
01:07.19monkwitdafunkvery nice. thank you. one time i asked for somebody to do a hacking demonstration and they told me i shouldve blacklisted a module
01:08.22monkwitdafunkdoes anyone use any other command line shell rather than bash?... like zsh?
01:10.23oxekryouma: why?
01:10.32*** join/#debian werneta (
01:11.14ryoumawasn't used to the idea that the decimal point was not a decimal point
01:11.48oxekryouma: bear with me, what's the word in english for '9'?
01:12.05oxekand what's the word in english for '13'?
01:12.16oxekand which one of those words indicates a higher number?
01:12.35ryoumayou are trying to teach me version numbering?
01:12.42*** join/#debian YaoNai (~YaoNai@unaffiliated/yaonai)
01:13.01oxekmaybe, I don't even know what I'm doing anymore, weird day
01:13.01ryouma"having been" is not present tense
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01:13.19oxeksomeone asked earlier whether 9 is larger than 4.7
01:13.27monkwitdafunkokay. forget about choosing which linux shell
01:13.50oxekmonkwitdafunk: I use bash for scripts, and zsh for interactive use
01:13.52ryoumayou can choose later
01:14.31monkwitdafunkokay. ill be back after i read some more. i would like to find something about wayland and xorg
01:18.24monkwitdafunki have to confess that there is so much to learn using "the universal operating system" due to the high quality documentation. thank you and i wish i can have oppertunity to reunite with my old hardware with 3 years dust
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02:11.19lenswipeHey folks
02:11.29lenswipecurrently trying to cross-compile for ARMv7 on a debian box.
02:11.59lenswipeSpecifically, I'm compiling ffmpeg.
02:12.05lenswipeIt just bombed out with "/usr/lib/gcc-cross/arm-linux-gnueabihf/8/../../../../arm-linux-gnueabihf/bin/ld: cannot find -lndi"
02:12.22lenswipeMy instinct is that this error means that the linker can't find the library "ndi". Is that correct?
02:12.26dvs,v libndi-dev
02:12.27juddNo package named 'libndi-dev' was found in amd64.
02:12.41lenswipedvs, ?
02:13.08lenswipeit's a closed-source library, it's not going to be in the repos
02:13.37lenswipei have a copy of it from newtek's website
02:15.04dvsThey're still around?
02:16.12lenswipenewtek? Sure, why wouldn't they be
02:17.19dvsThey're almost 40 years old!  Good for them.
02:20.00lenswipewell in the meantime, im trying to compile ffmpeg with NDI support
02:20.35lenswipeand the compilation is failing because (I think) the linker can't find libndi (that's my guess based on that error
02:20.54lenswipemy question is...since I have a copy of the entire SDK for ARM - is there a way to pass that to make?
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03:26.29blackopi was using speedtest-cli v2.0.2 but it is giving error
03:26.37blackopseems there is updated version 2.1.3
03:26.41blackopbut distro doesnt have it
03:26.54blackopso do you know how to update?
03:27.27lenswipesudo apt update; sudo apt upgrade -y
03:27.49monkwitdafunklenswipe, this is in the debian reference?
03:28.52blackopi mean will there be updated version of speedtest-cli package?
03:29.30Unit193blackop: FWIW, 2.0.2-1+deb10u2 is in stable-new.
03:29.55blackopUnit193: my version shows 2.0.2
03:30.08blackopso i installed 2.1.3 with pip install command
03:30.13Unit193Most likely 2.0.2-1+deb10u1?
03:30.35blackopUnit193: i dont know but when i checked speedtest --v it just showed 2.02
03:30.40blackopnot 2.0.2-1
03:30.57blackophow can i get it ?
03:31.14monkwitdafunkyou authenticate your trust
03:31.25monkwitdafunkam i right Unit193 and lenswipe ?
03:31.48lenswipemonkwitdafunk, ...what?
03:33.27monkwitdafunki was assuming it may be possible for repositories listed in /etc/apt/sources.list that should not be there as in my case when i wanted to volunteerfor h-node
03:34.27monkwitdafunksorry. it is getting late for me
03:34.56*** join/#debian Abrax (~Abrax@unaffiliated/abrax)
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03:35.52monkwitdafunkblackop, are you willing to compile from source? there was once i time i needed iperf 3
03:44.55*** join/#debian Hydroxide (~jimmy@debian/developer/jimmy)
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04:08.04somiaj,v speedtest-cli
04:08.05juddPackage: speedtest-cli on amd64 -- jessie: 0.3.1-1; stretch: 1.0.0-1; buster: 2.0.2-1+deb10u1; bullseye: 2.1.3-2; sid: 2.1.3-2
04:08.22somiaj,check-backport speedtest-cli
04:08.23juddBackporting package speedtest-cli in sid→buster/amd64: unsatisfiable build dependencies: Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 12).
04:08.46somiajblackop: outside of needing debhelper from backports, looks like you might be able to backport speedtest-cli from bullseye.
04:08.57dpkgFirst, check for a backport on <debian-backports>.  If unavailable: 1) Add a deb-src line for sid (not a deb line!); ask me about <deb-src sid> 2) enable debian-backports (see <bdo>) 3) apt update; apt install build-essential; apt build-dep packagename 4) apt -b source packagename 5) dpkg -i packagename-ver.deb  To change compilation options, see <package recompile>; for versions newer than sid see <uupdate>.
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04:34.49monkwitdafunksomiaj, if i were to just use the cdrom: debian archive repository, do i need backports?
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04:37.47sneymonkwitdafunk: you will need debhelper from backports, and its dependencies. otherwise you should be able to get the rest from your buster isos
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04:41.44monkwitdafunki have the debian 10.9.0 DVDs 1-3
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05:05.56somiajmonkwitdafunk: need is relative, you don't need backports if you are happy with the versions of software in buster.
05:06.35somiajmonkwitdafunk: sney comment was if you wanted to build newer packages (think they confused you with blackop)
05:06.49monkwitdafunkyeah. i thought so
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05:07.54somiajthough depending on your use, with bullseye release comming soon, you could also wait for that.
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05:09.26monkwitdafunkif debian security fixes and point release optical media was all i needed. is that practical somiaj ?
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05:10.37somiajDepends on use case, to me I just download only the packages from the internet that I need. But I don't have use for an offline repository of packages
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05:13.23monkwitdafunkthis makes me think i need proprietary graphics drivers if i can get one of my boxes for video editing somiaj
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05:49.36gmcastili'm rolling with the Debian 10.9 live installer on an older Dell laptop -  after the bootloader, it tries to fire up Gnome, and then fails with a message saying the system cant recover - how can i get a more complete log of what actually happened during boot?
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05:52.47alkisggmcastil: ctrl+alt+f2 to get a shell, then dmesg and journalctl -f?
05:53.04alkisgMaybe also try adding nomodeset in the kernel parameters...
05:54.02gmcastilwouldnt let me get to a shell - just a log out button and then a blank screen with a cursor in the upper left that isnt flashing
05:54.21alkisgctrl+alt+f2 switches to another vt; that didn't work either?
05:54.42gmcastilmain menu doesnt seem to let me edit kernel arameters for live
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05:54.54alkisgThen it's probably completely hanged, it wouldn't answer to pings or remote connections either...
05:55.00alkisgThat's still the live cd, not the installed system, right?
05:55.12alkisgTry adding nomodeset to the kernel params
05:56.06gmcastildont have any options to edit kernel parameters
05:57.12alkisgPress <tab> in the menu
05:57.23alkisgIt should show a line at the bottom with kernel parametesr
05:57.38alkisgReplace "splash quiet" there with "nomodeset"
05:57.57gmcastilah, <tab>
05:58.01gmcastilkept trying 'e'
05:58.10alkisge is for grub, tab for syslinux-based CDs
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06:02.57gmcastilah, well that seems to have fixed it
06:03.19alkisgMaybe proceed with the installation that way then, and you'll resolve the graphics glitches later on in the installed system...
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06:03.40gmcastilyeah, i'm reading a stack overflow question about this modeunset parameter
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06:04.31gmcastilso, according to this, video card clocking and configuration are done by the kernel now instead of by the X11 server itself?
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06:21.03CryptoSiDHi, is it fine to ask stuff about debian testing?
06:21.18CryptoSiDand/or bullseye
06:21.28Unit193This channel is for Debian stable, testing is in #debian-next on OFTC.
06:21.30dpkgOFTC is the Open and Free Technology Community, a support/collaboration service.  They have an IRC network:  You may (or may not) be connected to OFTC's network.  See also <freenode>, <oftc move> and <fact sharing>.
06:21.34*** join/#debian Haxxa (
06:21.40dpkg#debian-next is the channel for testing/unstable support on the OFTC network (, *not* on freenode.  If you get "Cannot join #debian-next (Channel is invite only)." it means you did not read it's on See also and
06:27.20themillbullseye should be fine here at this stage, however.
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06:29.03rockworlddoes anyone can tell me how to know what is the permission number when doing ls -la I can see -rw-r--r-- on a file
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06:29.53rockworldis it a 640, 700, 755, 751, 777, etc?
06:30.18themillif you use "stat filename" it will show you both
06:30.44rockworldok thank you
06:30.50themillchmod(1) has a paragraph on how to do the calculation yourself
06:30.57themill!man 1 chmod
06:30.57dpkgman 1 chmod is probably at , where you can view many Debian man pages.  Ask me about <docs> <dmp> <grounding> <search>.
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06:31.33rockworldthats good to know I was alway wondering how to understand that
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06:37.15selfkinetichello, I'm trying to fix a  "apt-issue with the debian repo" - for docker.  I'm receiving this error posted in a gist I created. --->  I am out of my depth on resolving this issue.
06:37.24cefI have a TV screen (on another PC) that is connected to the DisplayPort (via a DP to HDMI cable). The TV does 4k @ 30 Hz, but I want to always force it to use 1920x1080, particularly if the screen goes away and comes back (switching inputs on the screen or with the TV off, is when it sometimes defaults back to 4K - but not always!). I have it doing 1920x1080 on the login screen no issue, just in the desktop. Using Xfce if that helps.
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06:40.32themillselfkinetic: the three normal problems are (a) date/time is wildly wrong (b) guest has run out of disk space (c) docker host has run out of disk space (particularly with the mac docker-in-vm thing)
06:41.42selfkinetic@themill I did see that dialog come up after a build.  What do I do to fix it?  I'm a boot at this, sorry.
06:42.52themilla dialogue box about a disk space problem?
06:43.23selfkineticin the command line
06:43.57selfkineticit was before the event that I posted in the gist I created
06:44.46selfkineticalthough I have plenty of disk space (physically) so that doesn't make sense to me
06:45.05themillwhat OS is the docker host running?
06:46.24selfkineticClient: OS/Arch:           darwin/amd64
06:46.36selfkineticServer: OS/Arch:          linux/amd64
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06:48.18themillI know nothing about docker or macs... but I recall reading something about purging stale images to solve this problem
06:48.48selfkineticThis is an observation from tabakhase in the docker channel: a) looked good from your build-log containign timestamps - b/c depends on "how you run docker"
06:48.48selfkinetic[12:45:18 AM] <tabakhase> disk full is a not a bad idea tho... seen that bite people before indeed
06:50.00themill"prune" rather than "purge" might be the correct keyword
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07:00.00selfkinetic@themill pruning worked Thank You!
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07:10.00cefQ: Is the only way to force a specific default "Preferred Mode" to still create a monitor file for X11? Not even sure if this default Deb 10 install I did is using X or wayland.
07:13.58alkisgcef, can you pastebin the output of `xrandr` ?
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07:20.46cefalkisg: it's not the machine I am on.. I'll see what I can do.
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07:22.16cefbasically though it shows the + next to the 4k res, and * next to 1920x1080. It seems very sad that xranr can't change that preferred mode setting (least, that is what seems to be the case from what I looked at)
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07:22.51alkisgif xrandr says XWAYLAND, it's wayland, otherwise it's xorg
07:23.19alkisgXorg supports /etc/X11/xorg.conf, wayland doesn't; both support video= kernel cmdline settings; and gnome supports saving  the user resolution, not sure about the system one
07:23.23cefok.. xorg then
07:23.53alkisgTo tell you the video= setting, the output of xrandr would help. At least the desired mode and the output name
07:24.52cefjust pushed it to a file.. grabbing a usb key to copy it off the machine
07:25.18alkisgxrandr | nc 9999 => would give a URL, if it's connected to the net
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07:26.38cefI'll remember that for next time. ;)
07:28.11alkisg+ is the default, * is the current. Which one you want as the default?
07:28.17alkisgThe 1920 one?
07:28.20cef1920x1080 is the mode I want by default for Preferred. I'm not too fussed if the console is 4k
07:28.39cefbut that would be easier on the eyes if I need the comsole
07:29.02cefs/comsole/console - damn fingers
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07:29.23alkisgOK try this in the kernel cmdline: video=HDMI-1:1920x1080@60
07:29.29alkisgDo you know how to put that in grub?
07:29.43cefYup. Cool.. Will give it a shot.
07:29.50cefthank you.
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08:12.50cefalkisg: well, neither video=HDMI-1:1920x1080@60 or using drm.edid_firmware=HDMI-1:edid/1920x1080.bin seem to force the default res to 1920x1080 after boot.
08:14.02cefin the meantime, I have 'xrandr -s 1920x1080' in lightdm's config, and I've added a default launcher that calls 'xrandr -s 1920x1080' so at least it's easy to get back to a reasonable res.
08:16.15alkisgcef: which graphics driver is that, e.g. intel, nvidia?
08:16.33cefintel. it's also old (ie: i915).
08:16.53alkisgYou may create an /etc/X11/xorg.conf with a PreferredMode entry, see e.g.
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08:17.16cefthis will do in the meantime till I go down the xorg.conf route
08:17.21alkisgAlthough intel did respect the video= setting all the times I tried it; is it there in cat /proc/cmdline ?
08:18.17cefYeah and mentioned in /var/log/messages as well.
08:19.35alkisgStrange then. Anyway here's the generic xorg.conf I'm usually using:
08:19.36cefAnyway, past 6pm now so dinner and watching stuff (eg: youtube) using said box.. this'll do for the moment. Thanks anyway and I'll follow up on the xorg.conf method later.
08:19.45alkisgIt should be enough to uncommented the preferred mode line there
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12:39.23tcurdtwhen I put a file into /etc/cron.d do I need to reload/restart cron?
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12:40.41jhutchinstcurdt: No, it reads the files each time it runs.
12:41.45tcurdthm .. odd ... somehow it wasn't starting my job and I didn't see anything in the logs about it
12:41.57tcurdtguess that needs some more digging then
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12:45.14tcurdtsomething I wondered before: is there a way to poke cron to trigger a job - just for testing? ... like "run cron as if it was 09:00"
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12:48.27nkuttlertcurdt: um, just * * * * * and remove it after the full minute?
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12:49.48tcurdtnkuttler: yeah, that's what I am doing currently ... but that's still not quite the same
12:49.56tcurdtgood enough to debug the one job
12:50.54tcurdtbut it would be nice if there was a dryrun that would tell you what would happen at that time
12:51.05tcurdtand then execute as if was
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13:19.24echoSMILEHow to filter with grep using two strings a the same line?
13:21.13echoSMILEGot it.
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13:36.08jhutchinstcurdt: What's the name of the file?
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14:05.49berkhanHi everybody! I am interested to install new Debian installation with cloud-init. I looked in the Wiki but could not find anything useful. Is preseed the only way to setup new Debian on a virtual machine (XenServer)?
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14:17.59tomreynberkhan: you can also manually run the installer. or use debootstrap.
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14:20.06deadromJust heard ofo RotaJakiro - sorting out if this is press humdrum or to be considered. Anything know yet, thread assessment, distribution, path, impact etc? Debian systems affected, repositories breached/tainted?
14:22.41berkhantomreyn: I want to create instances on-demand. For example today, I need to setup a FTP server, but I really don't want to get into the Debian Installer. I guess using preseed is the only option in Debian for automated installation
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14:24.41ratracedeadrom: press humdrum. someone found something uploaded on virus total. looks like a tool you have _install_ or "somehow" get onto the target system. shrug.
14:25.13ratrace(there's tone of those)
14:25.30deadromAlright, thanks.
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14:26.54tomreynberkhan: there's also
14:27.30tomreynso now you have three options: preseed, debootstrap, FAI
14:27.47berkhan> A tool for automated unattended installation. Lazy system administrators like it.
14:27.47berkhanThis is what I want :)
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14:29.04deadromThat said I recently came to think that doing this computer stuff for a couple decades one tends to rely on old knowledge. The other day I get a notification on my desktop from a messenger - while the web interface of said messenger was not open in the browser I use for accessing it. So if I did not load their web interface and did not install externsions for it, how do I get desktop notifications? What does my browser silently run in the
14:29.06deadrombackground I am not aware of? Why does it even run?
14:30.16tomreynwelcome to the current millennium
14:31.35ratracedeadrom: chromium?
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14:31.55deadromratrace: yes indeed
14:32.14ratracedeadrom: go to its settings and disable those things, including running apps in the background and/or when chromium exits
14:32.37deadrom"Do no evil", fnord.
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14:33.48ratraceit's not evil. it's not hidden, it's in teh settings. I guess you missed to disable that earlier, or read the proper documentation or release notes for the programs you use.  :)
14:34.37berkhandeadrom: I am also using Chromium day to day, but I did not see such thing
14:34.38deadromratrace: well, technically you're right, but if they really cared about my privacy they would not make it default:on
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14:35.36ratracethe lack of "privacy" is the price for free (as in beer) software.
14:36.23ratraceI don't think we can reasonably expect free (as in beer) things to not work against us.
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14:37.20deadromanother badge on my tinfoil hat.
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14:53.18superbatmandhi everyone
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14:54.44superbatmandi would like to know if zulucrypt is safe option to use r no i checked bot on internet looks like veracypt for some reason is more populer
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15:03.05ratracesuperbatmand: looks like that's just a frontend to cryptsetup and "tcplay" whatever that is?
15:03.55ratraceinfact, the upstream website says it can also manage truecrypt and veracrypt volumes
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15:04.23ratracenever heard of it until now, tho. I prefer LUKS directly via cryptsetup.
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15:06.17superbatmandfii used luks to make encypted usb using gnome disk i like it but i am not very good with all terminal commands still learning so wanted to know what should i use to encrypt my private folder i had only two otions in mind zulucrypt and veracrypt
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15:09.35superbatmandany suggestion  will help specially from expiriance users of this softwares
15:09.40Bayesian_Coffeequick q for a debian newbie. i'm coming from Fedora / RH ecosystem because of a bad bug
15:10.02Bayesian_Coffeedoes debian's fwupmgr keep track of lenovo thinkpad UEFI updates?
15:10.18Bayesian_Coffeeon fedora, there were firmware updates that did get pushed to Software Center on GNOME
15:11.14superbatmandthanks ratrace for sharing your views
15:11.30ratraceBayesian_Coffee: no idea about _that_ particular firmware, but in general, in Debian Stable, once released, breaking updates are never or very rarely (where justification exists, for noncritical software) introduced for that release.
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15:12.25cosimonehello, does anyone know if this was backported already?
15:12.28juddBug in mpv (closed, patch, upstream, fixed-upstream, security): «mpv: CVE-2021-30145 - demux_mf: improve format string processing»; severity: grave; opened: 2021-04-12; last modified: 2021-04-26.
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15:13.27ratrace!cve lookup CVE-2021-30145
15:13.27dpkgInformation about the security advisory CVE-2021-30145 may be found at
15:14.01ratracelooks like Nope.
15:14.48jellyratrace, fwupd gets firmware metadata and firmware itself from its own repos, independently of the packaging system
15:15.14ratracejelly: oh? didn't know that.
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15:15.46jellyand in theory ought to behave the same regardless of the distro, taking into account just the hardware
15:15.58ratracethat's terrible then, esp for efi which is easily brickable for some... buggier... variants
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15:16.33ratraceand by brickable I mean turn hardware into paperweight, not "oof, I can reset bios or something"
15:16.37jellydebian can't really verify sanity of hw vendor blobs
15:17.43Bayesian_Coffeeratrace: i'm just waiting on whatever firmware lenovo produces
15:18.15Bayesian_Coffeeratrace: like does debian's fwupmgr handle it?
15:18.36jellyBayesian_Coffee, it shouldn't behave any different that fwupdmgr on any other distro
15:18.37Bayesian_Coffeewhen there's a new one, will it come through?
15:18.56ratraceBayesian_Coffee: obviously, I didn't quite understand how fwupd worked until now. I thought there was a packaged DB or something like that.
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15:19.45Bayesian_Coffeei guess i don't really understand what the relationship of the hardware vendors is to the different distro's repos
15:19.51jellyI don't use gnome, so no idea if the Software Center integration is present
15:20.02Bayesian_Coffeelike how does a firmware update get into  a distro? fedora or debian, for isntance?
15:20.08jhutchinsBayesian_Coffee: I don't think you should expect regular updates.  There's usually one, about the time a new model hits the market, then they're done, on to the next model.
15:20.33ferzI've already created the locale too.  Is there any other using mosh that had already this mistake and he has fixed its config?
15:20.39jellyBayesian_Coffee, firmware that is shipped with fwupd uses distribution canals independent of the distro
15:21.00Bayesian_Coffeei've seen thinkpad updates come through maybe every 6 mo or so
15:21.11Bayesian_Coffeeanyway the reason why this is an aissue is that i'm on debian as a backup
15:21.23jellyjhutchins, that's not true. I got 3-4 uefi, me, thunderbolt, nvme ssd updates for this thinkpad in the last 2 years
15:22.08Bayesian_Coffeea new shim in fedora 34 exposed a crazy uefi bug
15:22.51jhutchinsInteresting.  I used to maintain about 200 thinkpads, and once the first update was out, that was it.
15:22.59jhutchinsIt's not like the hardware is constantly shifting.
15:23.27jellythe firmware however, has bugs, and there are security issues sometimes
15:23.48ratraceis that specific to lenovo? my (asus) mobo has had a number of updates, and I mean updates I looked up on their site and downloaded manually and put on a FAT stick for it to take on boot and apply.... or are we talking about different things.
15:25.35jellyno, there's a dozen different vendors uploading fw updates to LVFS
15:26.34jhutchinsjelly: LVFS?
15:26.40ratrace"no" it's not specific, or "no" we're not talking about the same kind of firmware updates
15:27.02ratracejelly: Linux Vendor Firmware Service
15:27.03jellyno it's not lenovo specific
15:27.05ratracejhutchins: ^
15:27.23ratracejelly: ah gotcha
15:28.57Bayesian_Coffeejelly: interesting, thanks. will look for the update
15:29.20jhutchinsYeah, well, things change.
15:29.49jhutchinsWhy wouldn't updates to firmware packages be incorporated in the main apt updates?
15:30.19jellydebian does not redistribute flashable firmware at all
15:31.39jhutchinsOk, so distinct from the kind of firmware we associate with things like WiFi firmware.
15:32.10jellythose are loaded at boot time.
15:32.55jellyuefi firmware, or disk firmware, or thunderbolt (= pcie) firmware can't be loaded after boot for obvious reasons
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15:33.49jhutchinsDoes this apply to pre-UEFI systems?
15:34.33jellyno idea
15:35.51ratraceafaik it does. bios updates always required special floppies or USB key with vendor programs
15:35.54jellybut in general vendors that bother with fwupd do so if they sell hardware that is supposed to run linux.  Dell XPS models, Lenovo Thinkpads, Thinkstations, etc
15:36.43jellyfwupd saves them the trouble of developing their own fw upgrade tools
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15:42.31Bayesian_Coffeeso the fwupmgr has its own repo that it hits?
15:46.58jhutchinsNothing I own appears to be supported.
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15:58.37Bayesian_Coffeeoh i see
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17:31.55concordiaHello, how to remove "Possible missing firmware.." output when generating initramfs ? Thanks
17:32.22nkuttlerinstall the firmware?
17:32.38concordiankuttler, no need for it, it works 100% fine
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17:33.17sneythere's probably a way to hide the warnings with configuration in initramfs-tools
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17:33.45concordiasney, I look in initramfs.conf and update-initramfs.conf but nothing relevant
17:34.16sneythe default behavior is not explicitly configured then, you'll have to read through the documentation
17:34.58petn-randallconcordia: Then you can just ignore it?
17:35.50dpkgYerp, lots of software outputs warnings.  Kernel module warnings on boot, mplayer warnings, GTK warnings, X11 warnings, build warnings, gpg warnings.  Don't be scared - informative output is a GOOD THING.  Consider yourself warned, and if the program works as expected, be happy.
17:36.10concordiapetn-randall, of course but it's annoying to have trillion of line wasting my terminal output. I remember having set this up years ago on stretch but can't remember the variable
17:37.45petn-randallIt's like ... 3 lines? Which is far less than this discussion took.
17:38.45concordiapetn-randall, ok nevermind.. sorry for the trouble for asking a simple question.
17:39.25sneythere are a couple drivers that go overboard with it
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18:45.40ralinuxhi people, my pc-laptop with Debian Bullseye, freezes touchpad,keyboard and mouse ramdonly, after that I have to close lid, open and logging again, what could be the problem?
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18:46.55sneyralinux: as you can see from the channel topic, testing/unstable support is in #debian-next on OFTC (note, right now you are on freenode)
18:47.19ralinuxok, sorry, thanks anyway,bye
18:47.50ralinuxcan buster support newer hardware?
18:48.32sneywith the kernel from buster-backports, usually yes
18:48.34avuralinux: the kernel from backports can help with newer hardware
18:49.00ralinuxFrom backports?
18:49.12dpkgA backport is a package from a newer Debian branch, compiled from source for an older branch to avoid dependency and <ABI> complications. (2.7.4 and 2.7.10), .  Ask me about <debian-backports> and <backport caveat>.  See also <simple sid backport>.
18:50.43ralinuxok thanks!
18:51.41ralinuxanyway great distro Debian Bullseye but this problem got me perplexed
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18:57.09oxekralinux: this problem is expected on bullseye
18:57.16oxekthat's why it's in testing and not stable yet
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19:58.31somiajwith bullseye being realsed soon, might as well start supporting it here to help us get use to the changes once it is released
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20:00.57brokencycleHi! I am having problems with fail2ban: It doesn't ban, although saying so.
20:02.01somiajbrokencycle: 'iptables -L', do you see the f2b-sshd chain? (here assuming you are wanting sshd blocking)
20:02.56brokencyclesomiaj: It's a different jail, but yes, I see the f2b-jailname chain.
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20:03.30brokencycleThere are also rules in there, like eg. 0     0 REJECT     all  --  *      *            reject-with icmp-port-unreachable
20:03.35brokencycle0     0 REJECT     all  --  *      *            reject-with icmp-port-unreachable
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20:03.42somiajbrokencycle: but that ip isn't actually being blocked?
20:04.25jhutchinsbrokencycle: A better strategy is to a) Run it on a different port and b) Set iptables to throttle it to something like 3/sec.
20:04.51brokencycleYes. In the app's logs, I can still see that there are (unsuccessful) login attempts to the service
20:04.53brokencyclefromt hat IP
20:05.15brokencyclejhutchins: That sounds like a good idea, but the thing is, the rule seems to be ignored.
20:05.20somiajbrokencycle: and you have an INPUT rule that targest that chain?
20:05.45brokencycleThe chain has a "RETURN statement last, and that has all the bytes associated with it in the INPUT chain, too.
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20:06.07brokencyclesomiaj: Yes
20:06.18somiajI haven't used fail2ban outside of the default sshd configuration it comes with, but just figured you could at least double check the rules are being created
20:06.37brokencycleIt's actually the only rule in INPUT
20:06.37somiajso unsure why the rules are being ignored, or could there be some other rule taking presidence
20:07.07brokencycleThis is the last rule in the f2b-service chain:
20:07.09brokencycle37  4625 RETURN     all  --  *      *  
20:07.24brokencycleAll other rules in there have 0 packets processed.
20:07.26somiajit isn't an tcp/udp issue, I notice my rule only affects tcp.
20:07.48brokencycleYes. It should block *all* traffic.
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20:08.38brokencycleI mean, it should block all traffic from that IP. But inside the chain, all rules seem to be ignored.
20:08.41somiajwell maybe someone else with more knowledge than I can help out. I also don't know if maybe ##networking could also help out if you don't get any support here.
20:09.18dpkg[iptables] The user-space process used to administer iptables kernel parts on top of netfilter.  Ask me about <netfilter docs>.  For a proper Debian-way of setting up iptables, see or ask me about <iptables-restore>.  #netfilter on  See also <ferm>, <lartc>, <masq>, <ulogd>.
20:09.49jhutchinsbrokencycle: It's usually a problem with syntax, but that shouldn't happen with fail2ban.
20:10.11brokencyclejhutchins: fail2ban does insert the right rules, as far as I can see. They just seem to be skipped.
20:10.37brokencycleBut I wonder whether this has something to do with my networking setup. The packets come in
20:11.26brokencyclevia an unnumbered ethernet, which is a port on an OVS bridge.
20:13.19brokencycleCan iptables or nftables be turned on and off on a per interface basis, or does it
20:13.27brokencyclealways work across the entire system?
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20:14.09brokencycleI looked at sysctl -a, but it didn't leap out to me.
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20:25.42calamariI'm trying to achieve no dropped frames and no screen tearing in mpv. With LXDE, there is no tearing, but there are dropped frames. With MATE, there is tearing (unless I switch to compton/compiz, then there are dropped frames). Is there another window manager that I should be using? Gnome 3? KDE?
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20:35.58jmcnaughtcalamari: something that uses Wayland instead of X11 might be worth a try.  GNOME 3 uses Wayland by default, for KDE there is the plasma-workspace-wayland package.  In bullseye there's also sway.
20:37.28calamarijmcnaught: thank you
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20:42.43brokencycleOk. I think I found the fail2ban problem: I use dovecot as a single source of truth to check for
20:43.14brokencyclevalid users and then reject invalid users at the Postfix SMTP level. However, probing
20:43.59brokencycleon behalf of spammers happens via the SMTP port, but are detected by dovecot, so logged as
20:44.06brokencyclefailings in the dovecot service.
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20:44.53brokencycleTo block those IPs, anyway, I augmented the postfix filter with the regular expression matching
20:45.03brokencycledovecot, but so far, fail2ban doesn't block on that.
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20:47.26brokencycleI have dovecot and postfix jails enabled, plus a few more
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20:50.30joltbrokencycle: I'm no expert, but I think the way I got it to work was with the fail2ban debugging tools, then I restarted it after I updated the filter.d/ conf for dovecot
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21:09.59brokencycleI think I got it working now, sort of. It would be quite helpful to have something like
21:10.22brokencycless -K dst <HOST> dport = <port of relevant service> as an action.
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21:11.04brokencycleThen bolt that onto any iptables rule editing, and voila! Because it seems that
21:11.19brokencyclefail2ban does not, by default, reset the connection to the banned host.
21:11.25urkI get the following error message on bootup
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21:12.01brokencycleSo the host keeps pounding the service because established connections are not subject to
21:12.08brokencycleiptables filtering, as far as I can see.
21:12.14urkAny idea how to fix this problem?  I followed the URL in the message, and attempted to download a file in a referred url, but not sure what to do with it
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21:22.47dpkgFirmware is software to operate electronic devices, usually contained in EPROM or flash memory.  Some Linux kernel drivers require firmware to be provided from userspace, notably for <WiFi> devices.  Most firmware files are not part of a Debian release as they do not conform to the <DFSG>; some are available via <contrib> and <non-free> packages, ask me about <search>.  See also <installer firmware>.
21:23.20somiajthe package you need is firmware-misc-nonfree
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21:25.48urksomiaj:  firmware-misc-non-free version is already installed.  However, I am accessing the internet via an adapter, and a Cat 8 cable.
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21:26.59jhutchinsIs the firmware package backported?
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21:27.38urksomiaj:  There shouldn't be a problem downlaoding this package.  And to prove my point take a look at  Please note that only SID is available for my particular computer.  Additionally I would have to upgrade the kernel, but I have been able to do fine with kernel 4.19 which doesn't support wireless with my laptop.
21:28.23urkjhutchins:  I already have backports in my /etc/apt/sources.list so it would have been automatically added unless there was something wrong with the update routine.  This missing package has been a long standing problem.
21:28.35somiajMaybe I missed which firmware you needed, you shouldn't need backports for the firmware I looked up (for your gpu), are you wanting the wireless firwmare
21:29.21somiajbut the firmware file that it says is missing is in stable, so no need for backports.
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21:30.26somiaj,v firwmare-misc-nonfree
21:30.28juddNo package named 'firwmare-misc-nonfree' was found in amd64.
21:30.35somiaj,v firmware-misc-nonfree
21:30.37juddPackage: firmware-misc-nonfree on amd64 -- jessie-security/non-free: 20161130-5~deb8u1; stretch/non-free: 20161130-5; stretch-backports/non-free: 20190114-2~bpo9+1; buster/non-free: 20190114-2; buster-backports/non-free: 20210315-2~bpo10+1; bullseye/non-free: 20210315-2; sid/non-free: 20210315-2; experimental/non-free: 20210322-1~exp1
21:30.45somiajbut a newer version is in backports, you could try that.
21:32.17somiajurk: also backport packages are never isntalled automatically, you have to expliclity reqest they are installed. But I don't know why you are talking about internet via an adapter, are you trying to get wifi to work?
21:32.24somiajthe firmware you have there won't get wifi working
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21:33.08urksomiaj:  yes
21:33.42urksomiaj:  I had it working during the first install of kernel 5.10l, but have decided not to use it because it isn't nearly as stable as kernel 4.19
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21:33.51somiajIt could be you need both a newer kernel and firmware from backports for your wifi adpater. What wifi adapter do you have?
21:34.19urksomiaj:  Don't have any because there is no adapter with kernel 4.19
21:34.22somiajI don't know why 5.10 wouldn't be nearly as stable as 4.19, they are both longterm support kernels. But it could be the only way to get wifi support for your card is to use a newer kernel.
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21:34.55somiajIf your hardware needs a newer kernel  you'll want 5.10 + firmware from backports
21:35.06urksomiaj:  I had problems with 5.10, and a couple of times the whole system crashed after only running a chmod command on a couple of files.
21:35.51somiajMy guess is something else is going on, there are many using 5.10 just fine, and chmod shouldn't be stressing things that much.
21:41.47urkI assume that i915/kbl_dmc_ver1_04.bin  was designed for kernel 4.19 or it wouldn't have shown up as missing at bootup so this is the reason I was looking for advice on how to install it.
21:42.08jhutchinssomiaj: We have seen some regressions for 5.10 and certain hardware.
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21:46.02urkMissing firmware       is not showing up in i915/kbl_dmc_ver1_04.bin  However, the binary is showing up in  I am not sure what to do with the binary
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21:47.55brokencyclesomiaj: I consider going back from testing to stable in order to (hopefully) get my optimus graphics working again.
21:49.38urkBased on the status message, the missing firmware appears to operate runtime power management, and won't likely assist with wifi.
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21:50.24jhutchinsbrokencycle: You might ask in #debian-next on if there are known issues.
21:50.37qrpnxzhello fellow debian users
21:50.49petn-randallhi qrpnxz
21:51.05ryoumais btrfs, even without compression, going to supply, say 20gb extra space on a 2tb drive compared to ext4, due to its various space saving features (not including compression and dedup)?
21:51.07qrpnxzwould you believe i'm reaching you via XMPP? amazin protocol
21:52.24qrpnxzare y'all running bullseye yet?
21:52.33qrpnxzBeen working well for me for over 6 month
21:53.21ryoumaany changes on stretch to buster installation in the past few months?  i.e. any gotchas discovered?
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21:55.01qrpnxzhaven't seen anything big/weird in my regular upgrades, but idk
21:55.48somiajurk: firmware isn't exactly tied to kernel versions, but 'ls /lib/firmware/i915/kbl_dmc_ver1_04.bin
21:56.20somiajurk: If you have firmware-misc-nonfree installed y ou should ahve that file. Though wonder if you need to rebuild your initramfs to make it at boot.
21:57.01somiajurk: Yes, I already said that the firmware mentioned there is not for your wifi, its for your gpu. It might just be 4.19 is not new enough for your wifi, if that is the case you may have to track any bugs in 5.10 that effect your hardware.
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21:57.22urksomiaj:  It isn't in there, and there is no need to do an "ls" since the error message wouldn't have been displayed if it was in there.
21:57.43somiajurk: then you don't have firmware-misc-nonfree installed?
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21:58.16somiajurk: note I wasn't sure if error -2 meant that the file was missing, or maybe there was some other error loading the firmware. Hence you said you installed the package, so you can easily double check the file you need is in place.
21:58.30somiajurk: so you should run commands to double check even if you think it is obvious.
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21:59.22somiaj -- but you can clearly see that package provides the file
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22:00.02urksomiaj:  I did run the command, and the file isn't there.
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22:00.26somiajthen is the package firmware-misc-nonfree installed (you said it was).
22:00.35urkThis is the case of the amazing disappearing kbl_dmc_ver1_04.bin
22:00.49somiajthough note, this erally won't help your wifi issue, but it will give you that missing firmware.
22:01.12somiajurk: put the output of 'apt policy firmware-misc-nonfree' at
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22:03.31somiajurk: why did you say that package was installed, it isn't. So install the firmware package for that firmware.
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22:03.56urkI never said it was installed, and had requested help with installation.  You misread my comments.
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22:04.15somiaj< urk> somiaj:  firmware-misc-non-free version is already installed. --
22:04.23somiajso 'apt install firmware-misc-nonfree'
22:05.08urkThank you
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22:08.16brokencyclejhutchins: I did already, but to no avail.
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22:08.40brokencycleI'll try to move back, then I can see whether it's a hardware issue or a software problem.
22:09.00brokencycleBecause it used to work with stable.
22:10.00somiajbrokencycle: what isn't working?
22:10.06oxekI see some people still haven't realized that urk is a troll
22:10.09oxekremember that next time
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22:14.56brokencyclesomiaj: The kernel does not load the driver.
22:15.13brokencycleI mean, the 5.10 kernel does not load the driver.
22:16.59somiajwhich driver? talking about the nvidia non-free driver?
22:17.41sneyoptimus changed in bullseye+ with the introduction of prime render offload support.
22:17.54sneyso if you are just trying to do the exact same thing on bullseye as buster, that may not apply.
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22:18.31sney has the details for that.
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22:37.47redbeard72how can I change my default text editor to Gedit? (so that whenever I open a .txt gedit launches)
22:38.23somiajredbeard72: by open a .txt file, how are you opening it? Assuming you are using some file manager?
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22:40.11redbeard72yeah in Thunar by double clicking on it
22:40.41somiajI would first start with thunar, does it provide you the ability to set which program is ran (right click, check its options)?
22:42.39somiajgoogle seems to suggest you can do this by loking under file -> properties -> open with
22:43.34somiajredbeard72: are you running xfce?
22:45.14redbeard72yes xfce
22:45.49redbeard72I installed gedit later on. And when I do under file -> properties -> open with, it doesn't list gedit as an option, even though it's installed.
22:46.14redbeard72I'm able to launch in using the terminal: gedit <file_name>
22:50.10jhutchinsredbeard72: You have an option to write in a handler for the file, and it will ask you "Always o[en with this program?"
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22:50.36jhutchinsredbeard72: In either case, it will remember and associate this mime type with this program.
22:50.58somiajredbeard72: it appears that a better method is to go into xfce settings -> mime type editor, and set text/plain to be what you want.
22:51.24somiajthis way any text/plain file should get opened as you prefer, and this will probably work in other apps besides thunar
22:56.08mentorredbeard72: Maybe the mime handler desktop information thingy needs to ge trerun?
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22:59.44jhutchinsI don't know why that would be "better".  What works works, and if it's part of a process you're already in, so much the better.
23:01.02ndorfis there a package out there that will take a CSV or ODF file and output a nice ASCII table, preferably in the style of markdown?
23:03.14somiajndorf: google gave me this and some online sites that do just that.
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23:04.20somiajdoesn't look like it is in debian, but you could install it in a virtual enviroment just fine I would assume
23:04.58ndorfthanks, that'll work. it does say discontinued but hopefully it just works as is
23:05.36somiajseems like a simple enough script to write, so I suspect it will
23:05.56ndorfi'd found a nodejs version but this should hopefully be better, thanks again
23:07.17ndorfoh nice, sqlite in unstable has .mode markdown
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23:13.21ndorfpure debian solution: apt install sqlite3, then alias csv2md="'sqlite3 -cmd '.mode csv' -cmd '.import /dev/stdin tbl' -cmd '.mode markdown' -cmd 'select * from tbl'"
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23:49.16alexrelis[m]Debian crew, can my user password have spaces?
23:49.27ndorfof course it can
23:50.00alexrelis[m]Okay, just making sure.
23:50.11alexrelis[m]I just changed it and I didn't want to suffer not being able to login.
23:50.53dvsalexrelis[m]: login using another terminal
23:51.52alexrelis[m]My password is *******.
23:52.35ndorfyours too? nice
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23:56.20alexrelis[m]Funny story: I once had a heated conversation with a "security expert" online who kept insisting that Windows was wayyyyy more secure than GNU/Linux, while I was saying that it depended on how each OS was configured. It got to the point where it wasn't worth arguing and I just said, "If GNU/Linux is so insecure, then hack my computer." He got livid and said some nasty things to me that I will not mention here.
23:56.35redbeard72thanks all. Solved it.
23:59.34brokencyclesomiaj: Yes, I am talking about the non-free driver. I didn't have much luck with the nouveau driver, yet.
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