IRC log for #debian on 20201012

00:01.18*** join/#debian tds5 (
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00:09.42H-vardoes anyone know some nice program available on debian servers for managing fans in a computer?
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00:10.58derpadminhmm, I might be mistaken but sensord?
00:11.49H-vardoes it have a GUI derpadmin?
00:12.31derpadmingoing from memory, not even sure if I am telling you the right info
00:12.36derpadminlet me look something up
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00:15.12plp__does anyone know if the the rtl8821ce PCIe card work with buster?
00:16.26derpadminset fanX_min and set fanX_div might do what you want, not sure
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00:18.00plp__better yet, is there a guide to installing or troubleshooting wifi? The debian wiki doesn't provide details instructions unless I'm skipping over something
00:18.11H-varthank you derpadmin
00:18.40dvsplp__: I think that driver is in a newer kernel.  You might want to try a backported kernel.
00:18.41derpadminplp__, check if the card is recognized
00:18.53H-varunfortunately debian does not have sensord, derpadmin
00:18.54derpadminand test with wpa_supplicant
00:19.25derpadminH-var the binary is called sensors
00:19.56derpadminand it sure works on my debian box
00:20.26plp__derpadmin: thanks but how do i test with wpa_supplicant. I followed the deb guide to setting up wpa_supplicant
00:20.29H-varderpadmin, debian cannot find "sensors" among its packages
00:20.49derpadminwhich sensors
00:21.01H-varI don't know :D
00:21.14H-varI just need a program with gui and sliders :D
00:21.25plp__dvs: how would I do that first time using debian so I'm clueless about backports
00:21.51dvs!bpo (formerly is an official repository of <backports> for the current stable (see <buster backports>) and oldstable (<stretch backports>) distributions, prepared by Debian developers.  Ask me about <backport caveat> and read  See also <bdo kernel> <bdo mirrors> <bdo contents> <bdo list> <bdo bugs> <bdo xorg> <bdo NEW>.
00:23.02sponixH-var: if you are looking for programs with graphics and sliders, try MSI Afterburner on Windows 10
00:24.08sponixH-var: I just control my fan speed through the UEFI - Mine has sliders in there :)
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00:42.05H-varsphonix yeah, I'll just fine-tune better mine in bios too
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04:39.32*** topic/#debian is Current Debian release is buster, 10.6 point release /msg dpkg 10.6; /msg dpkg buster; /msg dpkg stretch->buster; /msg dpkg apt suite changed | Stretch has limited LTS support: /msg dpkg stretch-lts ; /msg dpkg 9.13 | NO FLOOD: /msg dpkg paste | offtopic: #debian-offtopic | testing/unstable: #debian-next @ | chanlogs: /msg dpkg irclog
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06:20.57davoringood morning everyone (o;
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06:28.06astronavtgood morning and greetings from bullseye
06:28.39davorinsomeone has an idea why a udev won't work when powering on/rebooting?
06:29.44davorinit only works when doing on boot a: echo 1504 008C > /sys/bus/usb-serial/drivers/ftdi_sio/new_id
06:29.55davorinafter that the udev rule works when plugging the usb device in/out
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06:44.24themilldavorin: that's an unusual vendor for an ftdi device
06:44.42davorinit's a bixolon pos display
06:44.45ratracedavorin: define "won't work". pretty sure udev works or you wouldn't be able to boot at all. do you mean some custom rule you wrote doesn't work as expected?
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06:45.13davorinwell have this rule defined:
06:45.15davorinACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="1504", ATTRS{idProduct}=="008C", MODE="0666", GROUP="dialout", RUN+="/usr/bin/echo 1504 008C > /sys/bus/usb-serial/drivers/ftdi_sio/new_id"
06:45.27davorinbut it won't add the /dev/ttyUSB0 device then
06:45.53davorinso had to add this in crontab:
06:46.00davorin@reboot echo 1504 008C > /sys/bus/usb-serial/drivers/ftdi_sio/new_id
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06:46.09davorinthen it works
06:47.02davorinso the udev rule works actually...but not when powering on/reboot without the crontab entry
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06:49.52ratracedavorin: you mean the echo works, but the udev rule is not triggered.   RUN+ is not a shell. you must explicitely invoke shell in it
06:50.04ratraceeg.   RUN+="sh -c 'echo ....'"
06:50.16ratracefull path.  /bin/sh -c ...
06:50.26davorinwell the full path is in thee udev rule
06:50.42davorinah with shell
06:50.45ratracedavorin: but    >   is meaningless for "RUN". You need to invoke it in context of a shell for   >   to work
06:51.26davorinbut why does it work afterwards with the "sh" in the rule?
06:52.21davorinin other rules i also don't see a shell
06:52.21ratracebecause contents of RUN are not interpreted as a shell command
06:52.37davorinSUBSYSTEM=="module", ACTION=="add", DEVPATH=="/module/ni_usb_gpib", RUN+="/usr/local/lib/udev/gpib_udevadm_wrapper trigger --property-match DRIVER=ni_usb_gpib"
06:53.12ratracethere is no stdout redirection in there, just a command invocation, which is what RUN does, yes
06:53.41ratraceyou want redirection, you need a shell to interpret it.  OR, put your echo in a script and invoke the script from RUN
06:54.05davorinah now i get it....redirection is the key
06:54.13davorinthanks (o;
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07:09.40davorinnope..doesn't work
07:10.13davorinusing an external shell script....which i already used in crontab with @reboot...
07:10.15davorinACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="1504", ATTRS{idProduct}=="008C", MODE="0666", GROUP="dialout", RUN+="/usr/local/bin/"
07:11.22ratrace,pciid 1504:008c
07:11.23judd[1504:008c] is 'Unknown device' from 'KAISER Electronics' with no known kernel module in stretch or in sid. See also
07:12.12themillit's usb not pci though
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07:12.22ratraceah, right
07:12.39davorinwell i'll stick with my @reboot approach...
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07:13.57themillI don't recall whether ATTRS{idProduct} is case sensitive
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07:15.15ratracedavorin: so basically the issue is most likely in finding the correct match trigger for the rule. if you have to echo the vendor ID to teh driver to create a new node, it's possible the kernel doesn't even create an event for udev to trigger on it
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07:15.46ratraceanything in dmesg about it from the kernel _before_ you echo the id?
07:15.56davorini see that something is happening when monitoring udev..and plugging/unplugging the pos display
07:16.12davorintrying 008c instead of 008C now..
07:16.22ratracedavorin: but _before_ you manually echo the new_id?
07:18.01davorin[    3.166166] usb 1-3: New USB device found, idVendor=1504, idProduct=008c, bcdDevice= 6.00
07:18.37kats99I'm trying to run servo browser using the tar.xz package and installed libgstreamer-plugins-bad1.0 but when I execute the file it says version GLIBC_2.29', GLIBCXX_3.4.26' not found (required by ./servo/servo). I'm on Debian 10.6
07:19.52ratracekats99: sounds like you'll need bullseye for that
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07:20.51ratraceyou can debootstrap a bullseye chroot (or use nspawn) just for this
07:20.53genr8_,v libc6
07:20.54juddPackage: libc6 on amd64 -- jessie: 2.19-18+deb8u10; jessie-security: 2.19-18+deb8u10; stretch-security: 2.24-11+deb9u1; stretch: 2.24-11+deb9u4; buster: 2.28-10; bullseye: 2.31-3; sid: 2.31-4
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07:23.10ratrace(now I'm assuming that's the minimum glibc version it requires, but if it requires that exact version, then it won't work, you'll have to rebuild or find a build for debian's libc versions)
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07:24.16kats99haven't used debootstrap so will that download bullseye from
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07:26.41jellykats99, do the servo people have a binary made for debian 10?
07:26.57anotherit will install any debian form any mirror you tell it into the folder you give it
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07:28.20ratracekats99: debootstrap bootstraps a minimal debian installation into a directory, without the kernel and without some minimal settings that you have to set up manually depending on how you intend to use the installation (eg. root password, fstab+kernel+grub if you intend to boot into it, networking, sshd or other software needed, ...)
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07:29.20kats99ah okay then
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07:31.08davorinhmm..the script isn't called at all in the udev rule
07:31.42genr8_try /bin/sh /path/to/the/
07:31.55genr8_instead of just putting the .sh in the run
07:32.11spl33nhello I need to configure HAProxy to use Consul service discovery for increase my website to 3 running containers in debian buster
07:35.44genr8_maybe it only runs when you access the udev
07:36.41davorinwell udevadm monitor --udev shows something when plugging in
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07:38.23genr8_i forgot how udev works. my concern is the RUN rule may only run when you actually go to access it instead of just connecting it
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07:38.40davorinwell there's nothing to access...
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07:39.41genr8_in this case. so youre saying its a catch 22. but that may just be how it works.
07:41.07davorinreading now
07:42.16genr8_maybe it wants RUN== instead of RUN+= for the first command
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07:48.11davorinno difference..also going by product doesn't work...
07:48.12davorinACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM="usb", ENV{PRODUCT}=="1504/8c/600", RUN=="/bin/sh /usr/local/bin/"
07:48.49genr8_maybe your script is just broken
07:49.25davorinnope...the same script i used in the crontab on boot
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07:50.35genr8_you're gonna figure it out and its gonna be something silly
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07:51.37ratracedavorin: the catch22 problem sounds more plausible. udev doesn't get event notification because the kernel doesn't recognize the device, because you have to explicitly add it to the driver via that echo.
07:51.47ratraceie, just use the crontab or write a proper service unit for it even.
07:52.49genr8_or maybe 2 rules somehow
07:52.49davorindoing that now actually...
07:52.59davorinonly udev rule
07:53.57davorinand of course forcing the ftdi_sio kernel module load
07:54.52ratracedavorin: did you say that's a POS device?
07:55.01davorina pos display
07:55.09ratraceso basically something that should be plugged in on boot?
07:55.29ratraceor do you specifically require hotplugging it at any time?
07:55.43davorinah should be always plugged in
07:55.48davorinbut you never know (o;
07:56.04ratraceso then having a crontab or service would fix your issue for now
07:56.36davorinbut forcing the ftdi kernel module to accept the usb id is all that's needed apparently
07:57.09genr8_there may be a module parameter for that
07:57.37davorinmight be
07:57.49davorinso even booting without the pos display this works...
07:58.02davorinkeep it simple and stupid (o;
07:58.44davorinso now only have to find an easy way to output a 12v signal to open the cash drawer (o;
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07:58.45ratraceyes, maybe   options ftdi-sio ids=1504:008c     in a file like arbitrarily named   /etc/modprobe.d/99-pos-lcd.conf
07:58.58ratrace(assuming the module is "ftdi-sio")
07:59.02davorinit is...
07:59.04genr8_yea thats what im thinking
07:59.35ratracebut that would require the device to be plugged in on boot, yes.
07:59.55genr8_maybe not
08:00.11genr8_if the module loads with that parameter, the module will stay loaded
08:00.24davorinwell currently it doesn't require the device to be plugged in
08:00.33ratraceyes but when are the ids evaluated for the driver?
08:00.50ratraceif they're evaluated on any hotplug even, then indeed this would be the final solution
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08:01.21genr8_depends on the driver i guess
08:01.41davorini assume this echo 1504 008C > /sys/bus/usb-serial/drivers/ftdi_sio/new_id just adds the ids to the actual list of ids to be handled
08:01.55davorinregardless being plugged or not
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08:02.18davorinbut overall...happy with this approach...
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08:02.34davorinthe whole system is a shuttle p51u all-in-one system running a python kivy pos app
08:02.42ratraceI'm not sure. my entire expirience with adding new ids like that and via modprobe optoins is for vfio-pci, and that action requires the device to be existing at that moment, and reassigns it to the driver   (At least in the case of vfio-pci module)
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08:03.34davorinwell pci isn't meant for hotplug...maybe that's why
08:03.53genr8_there is such a thing
08:04.05ratracesure is :)  CONFIG_HOTPLUG_PCI_*  drivers for me now ;-)
08:04.26ratraceand by default on debian, CONFIG_HOTPLUG_PCI=y
08:04.56ratracedavorin: so to recap, you added the modprobe line?   and does it work on hotplug too?
08:05.22davorinah no...just kept the @reboot script
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08:05.55ratraceand does the @reboot script enable hotplugging of the device?
08:06.26davorinrebooting now with device unplugged
08:06.28ratraceie, does adding the IDs to the new_id sys/usb node,  make it assign the device to the driver when you plug it _later_ ? plugging in the pos display
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08:07.30davorinand: [   35.564679] usb 1-3: Detected FT232RL
08:07.30davorin[   35.564999] usb 1-3: FTDI USB Serial Device converter now attached to ttyUSB0
08:07.38ratracevery nice!
08:08.14davorinmaybe i'll try the modprobe approach later...
08:08.23ratraceI'd do that anyway because it's the .... "more correct" way to do it.
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08:08.51ratraceI mean last thing I'd check is a crontab when trying to figure out of a system is explicitly setting up modules for modprobe :)
08:08.58ratrace/etc/modprobe.d/   is the place for that.
08:09.01*** mode/#debian [+l 1170] by debhelper
08:10.08ratrace(might require you to add ftdi-sio to /etc/modules  to explicitly "modprobe" it on boot, as well)
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08:16.12davorinhmm..ftdi_sio doesn't get loaded
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08:20.33davorinnope..modprobe approach isn't working
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08:25.00davorinback to /etc/modules with just ftdi_sio and crontab
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08:50.35kats99I installed bullseye using debootstrap and installed all the libraries needed by it says Failed to initialize any backend! Wayland status: XdgRuntimeDirNotSet X11 status: XOpenDisplayFailed when I run it
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08:53.35ratracekats99: you need to bind mount the .X11-unix dir from the host into the container. look up "chroot X11 applications" for your specific use case
08:53.53ratracethe /tmp/.X11-unix/ I mean, but also use xhost to allow the container to access it
08:54.17ratraceoh you'll also need to bind mount audio and drm devices (for hw acceleration) if you need those
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09:46.26kevmitchwhat is supposed to provide /usr/bin/python now? python-minimal got nuked by upgrade and python[23]-minimal both only provide /usr/bin/python[23]
09:46.36kevmitchwas something supposed to set up an alternatives entry?
09:46.49kevmitchthis is on sid
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09:48.29jellykevmitch, nothing, /usr/bin/python is gone
09:49.07rj1you are the top of our mountain, the cream in our cups
09:49.08rj1oops wrong window
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09:51.14jellykevmitch, presumably when python2 is eradicated completely python3 might take that place
09:51.34jellybest ask in
09:51.37dpkg#debian-next is the channel for testing/unstable support on the OFTC network (, *not* on freenode.  If you get "Cannot join #debian-next (Channel is invite only)." it means you did not read it's on See also and
09:52.07ratracejelly: is it gone? per PEP-<I forgot number> /usr/bin/python becomes python3 with the EOL of 2
09:55.01ratraceI guess Debian isn't following the PEP too close
09:55.56ratraceOkay, per PEP-394,  "Distributors may choose to set the behavior of the python command as follows".  so it's not _required_.
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09:57.24themillThey keep rewriting the text of that PEP in ways that make it hard for anything to follow it.
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10:00.07ratraceI'm sure more confusion will follow when python4 is released
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10:00.21Haohmaruaww, moar SNEKs /o\
10:00.53sorcererim running debian in the form of MX Linux lol
10:01.04themillThere is also
10:01.09Haohmaruaka you're not running debian
10:01.16ratracewhenever that happens... /usr/bin/python _should_ be enforced now, or when 4 is released, if it remains backwards compatible (as the BDFL of SNEK implied it would be), then all this py2/py3 confusion is just gonna happen again
10:07.25jellywhat is python 5? :-)
10:08.22Haohmaruyet another snek
10:09.52ratracepython5 is when python, perl and php unite in a single language. Written in Rust.
10:10.10ratrace(and the way python3.9 is getting new syntax, I'm MAYBE NOT joking at all!)
10:11.03Haohmarureality can be scarier than your worst nightmares
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10:15.22jelly,v python3.9
10:15.23juddPackage: python3.9 on amd64 -- bullseye: 3.9.0-1; sid: 3.9.0-1
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10:55.36genr8_will ubuntu end up eating debian alive ? the snake eating itself
10:56.18genr8_how many times would the word ubuntu come up if you grep all debian packages
10:56.31azeemgenr8_: please keep it on topic
10:58.06genr8_is upgrading from debian to ubuntu supported ?
10:59.06rawtazgenr8_: that's something youll have to ask the target platform, obviously.
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11:09.23queipwhy dpkg says I  have kmail "kmail 4:18.08.3-1" but kmail  about says "Version 5.9.3" ?
11:10.19azeemone is the Debian package version, the other the internal version as known to the program
11:10.38azeemusually they should match, but why they don't is a question to the kmail maintainers and/or the kmail developers
11:12.30queipalso, why we do not have any *good* email program in Debian?
11:13.00queipthunderbird - very bad pgp support since few days, and very slow pgp support (and memleak) in older version
11:13.11queipkmail - stops downloading emails, literally unusable
11:14.34another,i claws-mail
11:14.38juddPackage claws-mail (mail, optional) in buster/amd64: Fast, lightweight and user-friendly GTK+2 based email client. Version: 3.17.3-2; Size: 1563.3k; Installed: 4315k; Homepage:; Screenshot:
11:15.07queipanother: first of it's C code looks like one huge remote code execution, with pointer arithmetics like if it was coded around 80's
11:15.11ratraceme gusta Roundcube
11:15.18queipratrace: lol. no
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11:15.40anotherthe only thing missing is IMAP idle
11:16.56ratracethere's some fancy schmancy clients available via snaps and maybe flatpaks
11:17.02ratraceMailspring for instance
11:17.16queipratrace: I guess, but I wanted something in debian. with security updates and all
11:17.50ratracesnaps or flatpaks aren't precluding "security updates and all"
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11:17.58ratracein fact quite the contrary
11:18.53ratraceyou'll get an update sooner via snaps (and probably flatpaks, haven't used much of them to be certain) than via .deb. granted, you'll also probably get a version bump with all the new features.
11:19.15ratracebut, I mean, if that works for you, it's an option.
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11:23.41queiphow to check which backend is used by the god-frosaken Akondai server?
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11:23.54queipit seems Akonadi+MySQL is the root of problems with KMail
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11:24.42ratraceakonadi is root of many problems on kde in general
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11:25.09ratraceturns a perfectly working, lean mean computing machine, into a slugfest of worse than winXP crawl
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11:28.45queipsome say akonadi+postgresql is less crappy.
11:28.55queipand blame debian for packaging it the wrong way
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11:30.37ratraceit's not the backend but the intrusiventess of search indexing
11:31.14queipwhy not patch it out
11:31.24queipis this that idiotic Nepumoko that was a plague many many years ago?
11:32.02ratraceNepomuk is separate iirc
11:32.10ratracebut should be possible to disable them all
11:32.40azeemwouldn't sqlite be more appropriate as akonadi backend?
11:32.45azeemor does that not work at all
11:34.04queiphow to confirm which backend is used by my akonadi?
11:35.29ratraceis more than one installed?
11:36.07queipok only mysql is installed, ratrace
11:36.18queipmaybe I should throw it into the ditch and use -postgresql?
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11:37.02ratracedepends. if it's using myisam engine for mysql, then mysql would be better performing
11:38.37queipakonadi is not performing at all
11:38.47queipit just stops downloading emails, with no error messages (Waited few hours)
11:38.52ratraceshould be possible to disable it completely no?
11:39.05queipbug is so common that I hit this bug during first 2 hours of using kmail
11:39.35queipratrace: to disable what?
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11:40.45ratraceoh wait, kmail is using it for actual email storage?!  lololol. I thought it was just PIM metadata
11:41.01ratraceis happy it left KDE and other big DEs many years ago
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11:43.37davorinwasn't there some cde clone available?
11:43.49davorinloved that back then on sunos4/5
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11:44.35azeemdavorin: just build it yourself?
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11:45.20rawtazqueip: do you want a GUI one or are you fine with a CLI one?
11:47.48queiprawtaz: I prefer gui, although what would be a cli one that is really good? and coded in C full of exploits
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11:49.09rawtazqueip: i just happen to know that there's aerc which is CLI and also astroid ( which is GUI. i too think its hard to find options.
11:49.28rawtazqueip: FWIW aerc is written in Go, but uses CGO for some small parts such as sqlite
11:51.14davorinwell seems not maintained anymore as it fails building...
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11:51.21rawtazwhat does?
11:52.58queipwell, I wanted actually something in Debian
11:53.15queipif we can not provide a good email client, then this is worse situation than it was 20 years ago
11:53.25queipDebian can't even full fill most basic home&office needs
11:53.37codedmartI am going to be setting up a new computer. I will only have 1 2TB ssd to start. I will use btrfs, but do I need to setup btrfs any particular way if I plan on adding another ssd later? Still fairly new to btrfs.
11:53.46rawtazno linux desktop can fulfill proper usability, but most of the basics i think
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11:54.53jelly,v thunderbird
11:54.54juddPackage: thunderbird on amd64 -- jessie: 1:52.8.0-1~deb8u1; jessie-security: 1:68.9.0-1~deb8u2; stretch-proposed-updates: 1:68.9.0-1~deb9u1; stretch: 1:68.10.0-1~deb9u1; stretch-security: 1:68.10.0-1~deb9u1; buster: 1:68.12.0-1~deb10u1; bullseye: 1:68.12.0-1; buster-security: 1:78.3.1-2~deb10u2; sid: 1:78.3.2-1
11:54.59Francimanqueip, you just need to deal with it harder
11:55.02Francimanbut don't give up
11:55.08oerhekstons of good emailclients.
11:55.09jellyqueip, thunderbird 78 is in debian
11:55.22Francimanyou can also try a backported version of golang
11:55.27Francimanand compile aerc
11:55.56davorinwell there are loads of good installable packages for debian, or app images....just when doing graphics/dtp then you might end up using another os
11:56.18rawtazor when you want to print something properly. or when you need an email client that's actually usable and not full of bugs
11:56.24davorinbut for electronics/software development and 3d, i never use anything else than debian
11:56.41rawtazthats nice :) do you use blender, or what stuff are you using?
11:57.29FrancimanI'm thrilled of the idea of having a free OS
11:57.31Francimanas in freedom
11:57.37Francimandebian just rocks
11:57.43Francimanexcept when it makes my network fail
11:57.46Francimanbecause it's too free :P
11:57.56rawtazhow can it be too free in that regard?
11:59.01ratraceit's allergic to firmware
11:59.19Francimanyep, I was just kidding though :)
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12:01.13queipdpkg: tell jelly new thunderbird update few days ago, broke pgp support. The integrated support is bad.
12:01.55ratracehow did it "break" pgp support?
12:02.11ratraceafaik, enigmail became redundant as thunderbird grew that functionality?
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12:03.22queipratrace: they provide internal pgp engine
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12:03.25queipthis is very bad idea
12:03.45queipall your private keys - are  not available in thunderbird.
12:04.04queipyou need to export own privkeys from gpg, and import them into thunderbird
12:04.12ratracebut can you use enigmail?
12:04.35queipratrace: no, new update broken old plugins. This is the Mozilla Way(tm) apparently
12:04.55queipso this is a bad idea to store my privkeys in some random program
12:05.11kskby definition, yes.
12:05.24rawtazplease stop being so critizising.. you're talking about people who spend a lot of their free and unpaid time writing software that the rest of the world uses. even if they make mistakes and break things, it's not fair to talk about their work in such a condescending way.
12:05.42queipany rules to protect ~/.gnupg/ so that only /usr/bin/gpg can acess it? nope, need to also allow bin/thunderbird  (firejail, apparmor, etc)
12:05.49rawtazits not like they do it on purpose
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12:06.07ratracebut also to be fair, Thunderbird was being basically discontinued few years no
12:06.13queiprawtaz: if I see someone breaking a totally good tool, no matter the purpose, it should be noted so something can be changed
12:06.34rawtazqueip: yes, but there's a difference to saying "it broke in the last update" and suggesting that this is the mozilla way. seriously, tf.
12:07.06queipall your known public keys of all other users, and trust levels? nope, thunderbird doesn see them
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12:07.43queipand all future updates, like web of trust, trusting a key and all - all need to be done twice now, in gnupg, and in thunder
12:07.45ratrace" you need to export own privkeys from gpg, and import them into thunderbird"   ::   so basically, it's not broken you just have to reimport?
12:07.54queipalso, pin entry is not working (so smartcards and all)
12:09.06queipratrace: Mozilla at least once disabled all old plugins (in firefox)
12:10.14queipratrace: I do not want to reimport, because then I need to have two set of privkeys, known pubkeys, trust levels - to maintain in 2 places now,  and because gnupg isolation might be a good idea for security
12:10.43queipexternal signing works all right. Kmail uses it it seems. But kmail is unworkable for another reason, the akonadi-mysql problem
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12:11.37ratracequeip: mozilla has been doing these changes to ensure longevity of a better API. that's what the quantum was about and removal of XUL methinks even in thunderbird, AND decoupling of thunderbird from firefox
12:12.27ratraceso the effort to reimport the key is really a very acceptable price for otherwise free program that wouldn't have the money or developer time to maintain multiple coexisting APIs and paradigms
12:12.55queipratrace: importing privkeys into some random program is not acceptable for the reasons I listed above
12:13.13queipbin/gpg should be only binary touching files in ~/.gnupg/
12:13.18ratrace"some random program"?
12:14.22queipthe integrated openpgp support should just use gnupg
12:14.48ratracewhy? what's the difference?
12:15.31genr8_he has a point
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12:16.39queipratrace: 1) less isolation (can't set system to deny access to .gnupg data to all but bin/gpg)   2) two places to maintain my privkeys (e.g. revoking old key)   3) two places to set trust levels   4) no support for smart cards  5) I do not like their pinentry, I want to be asked each time and per-my-ID to avoid mistakes if I have few own keys
12:16.59queip3b) two places to import known pubkeys
12:19.47queipalso, it is the Unix Way to have separate programs cooperating. Thunder can leave internal engine for like windows users I guess, but on linuxes should re-add external gpg
12:20.19genr8_have you considered downgrading back to when it worked ?
12:20.44queipgenr8_: older thunderbird was changed in stable for a good reason, according to bug report it contained important security bugs
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12:25.34queiprawtaz: btw, Mozilla developers are not really "[spending] their free and unpaid time writing software", at least not only - many are paid. Just a nitpick, because I see this myth repeated often.  No matter the reason, I just wanted to continue office work today, and suddenly I can't using the tools provided by Debian
12:26.29rawtazqueip: yeah, but there's a ton of unpaid work under the mozilla umbrella too, even if some of them are paid :)
12:26.37rawtazi understand it's frustrating when things break
12:26.55rawtazpersonally i dont use thunderbird at all because it sucks at grouping related messages (and some other htings)
12:26.55genr8_If you would like to discuss end-to-end encrypted email in Thunderbird, need help setting it up, or have other questions related to this topic please do so on our e2ee mailing list:
12:27.12blodkorvso whats the conclusion here?
12:27.34blodkorvregarding thunderbird and other email-clients on debian
12:27.40rawtazqueip: i think thunderbird needs someone to step up and start maintaining it more actively, and improve it. perhaps even merge stff from other forks of it. you up for that? :D
12:27.44queipblodkorv: none of Debian's email clients meet my criteria of: full support of PGP (via gnupg) while being generally usable in other ways
12:27.56blodkorvok i see
12:28.46queiprawtaz: well I work like 50 hours per week as it is, in software. If someone would make a kick starter to create a really good open source email client (or fix&maintain existing) I would tip in
12:28.53blodkorvthe only problem i have with thunderbird is that i cannot use the same signatures as the others in my office has made in outlook
12:29.18queipblodkorv: you upgraded recently, and imported all keys into thunder?
12:29.25dvskeeps evolution to himself
12:30.09blodkorv@queip we dont use pgp so never had that problem, i am talking about email signatures, the little "footnotes" in the message
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12:30.50genr8_Advanced users may attempt to view internal error messages produced by the OpenPGP cryptographic engine that Thunderbird uses (the RNP library). To do so, you need to set the environment variable called RNP_LOG_CONSOLE=1
12:31.02blodkorvthe others used the tiny editor to make quite an elaborate signature and i have to remkae it in html but it looks different
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12:31.31queipgenr8_: nice, I was just about to write that thunderbird doesn't even have a mailing list, just offer a matrix chat (where matrix is not really good, even irc works better)
12:33.00genr8_yeah. the devs probably dont hear a lot of serious complaints so you should report them up the chain of command
12:33.09queipdvs: I see evolution seems to lack DSN (disposition status notification). I start to think only thunder has that.
12:33.44genr8_maybe you investigate this OpenPGP "RNP library" too, to find what can be done about integrating it with the systems gpg .local user keyring
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12:42.20jimis there a mechanism other than putting lines in /etc/modules, for loading modules at boot? I tried that, and it's not loading the module I want
12:43.13greycatMight help if you said what the module is and why you need it to be loaded manually instead of automatically.  Also important is whether you need it during the initramfs phase, or after that.
12:45.58jimit's v4l2loopback.ko
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12:46.38genr8_in that file, you leave off the .ko
12:46.50queipwhat will debian do when I instsall akondapi postgresql instead default mysql, will it migrate all data?
12:47.19jimI don't think I need it during initrd phase, as long as it's loaded by the time I run obs
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12:48.12jimI don't think there's a mechanism that loads that module automatically
12:48.19greycatIn that case, I would expect /etc/modules to work fine... does it load if you type "modprobe v412loopback"?  Are there any errors from journalctl showing it trying to load and failing?
12:48.48jimit -does- load when I modprobe it
12:49.20jimit's not on the net, sec let me log it in
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12:50.49genr8_When you write modules in /etc/modules, you dont write the .ko
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12:57.02jimgenr8_, yes I'm aware of that
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13:02.34queipperhaps switching to akonadi-backend-postgresql will make kmail usable
13:02.40queipshouldn't debian default to that?
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13:03.14azeemqueip: maybe you should evaluate that first
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13:03.26jimgreycat, running journalctl (which puts me in "less"), then typing /v4l, no matches
13:03.27queipcan we default to that in case if it turns out to work
13:03.37azeemI don't know, I'm not the kmail maintainer
13:03.43azeemand/or akonadi maintainer
13:03.46Francimanhm the text in gtk applications flickers, when it is printed
13:03.47queipalthough that seems to be consensus among kde users, akonadi+mysql=trouble but +pgsql is ok
13:04.01Francimanfor example in sakura, if I run apt search xserver-xorg-video-intel
13:04.05Francimanthe result flickers
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13:04.23Francimandoes anybody notice this too? I'm using the backported  kernel 5.8
13:04.54azeemqueip: I'm not sure how well suited postgres is for this kinda embedded usage
13:05.06azeemor rather, the Debian postgres packaging
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13:40.44jimgreycat, actually, I did find something by running journalctl | v4l (instead of searching journalctl with the instance of 'less' it spawns), I'm getting this: Oct 12 05:30:02 hplap2 systemd-modules-load[790]: Failed to find module 'v4l2loopback video_nr=10 card_label="loopback" exclusive_caps=1'
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13:41.23greycatsounds like you did not put "v412loopback" in /etc/modules
13:41.34greycatsounds like you put "v412loopback a bunch of crap" instead
13:41.49jimthe parameters, yes
13:42.24greycattry getting rid of the double quotes maybe... modules(5) does say you can supply arguments, but doesn't give much detail
13:42.38greycatso I'm guessing the double quotes confused it
13:43.10jimyep, just read it
13:44.21jimso maybe replacing with single quotes? but wait, doesn't it look like it took the whole line (including the params) and tried to match that whole thing with the name of a module?
13:44.53greycatjust get rid of all the quotes on the line, why do you even think you need any
13:44.57ratracemodule options go to /etc/modprobe.d/<somewhere>; /etc/modules just lists them afaik
13:45.04greycatthere's nothing about the word loopback that indicates a need for quoting
13:45.17H4ndyjim: ready up in linux-support in discord
13:45.21greycatratrace: if that's true, the modules(5) is lying quite profoundly
13:45.42jimH4ndy, I'm already there
13:46.03jimgreycat gimme a few mins
13:46.06ratracegreycat: wouldn't be the first time a manpage lied profoundly; also, I could be wrong about /etc/modules
13:46.08greycat(which is possible, and was the first thing I thought after the error msg, until I read the man page again)
13:46.10H4ndyace gave you the answer a few minutes ago
13:46.33jimoh ok
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13:46.53jimI'll check that now, and if there's interest will report back here
13:46.54ratracejust that I never came across to /etc/modules being used to anything other than listing modules to _force_ on boot, and /etc/modprobe.d/... always used for various options, dependency ordering, etc...
13:48.28greycatThe error message also indicated that systemd-modules-load is doing a translation of the legacy file into systemd stuff, so who knows what the details are.
13:49.09jimwhy is systemd involved here? argh.
13:49.14greycatI could see double quotes confusing the translator, but I could also see the translator naively expecting each line to be a module name only, with no args.
13:50.38jimace on discord, obs server, is saying I need to separate out the parameters into another file in /etc/modprobe.d and then run update-initramfs
13:51.26jim(as I said before, I don't think the module needs to be loaded that early, but I can try that
13:51.37ratracegreycat: looking through the manpages, are you sure systemd is using /etc/modules? apparently it looks into {/etc|/lib|/usr/lib|...}/modules-load.d/
13:52.26greycatI'm looking primarily at the error message that jim pasted.
13:52.41ratraceoh right
13:52.55ratraceand that module+options is given in /etc/modules   ?
13:52.57greycatAfter that, I'm looking at everything I can find to try to find what's doing the translation and where that thing is documented... not having much luck.
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13:53.46ratracequick googling suggests it's specific to debian+derivs, so good luck finding out what :)  looked into intramfs-tools scripts and hooks, nothing there tho
13:54.18greycathere's a thign
13:54.18greycatlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Apr 27 13:02 /etc/modules-load.d/modules.conf -> ../modules
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13:54.32ratraceohohohoh, quite right.
13:54.43mi11k1can somebody tell me if theres a specific kernel or something for running on qemu-kvm? im running buster on Proxmox.
13:54.55greycatmi11k1: *plonk*
13:55.22mi11k1greycat, ?
13:55.44mi11k1its just the host hardware thats bagging me
13:55.48jimmi11k1, kernels in debian enable every possible module, so that when you install a kernel package, you get all the modules
13:55.52ratracewell there _is_ kvm-guest optimized kernels in other distros
13:56.09mi11k1i have qemu-guest-agent installed
13:56.20greycatSo... it *looks* like systemd doesn't read /etc/modules directly, but because of the symlink, it reads it indirectly... and because systemd is completely different from the previous program, modules(5) is no longer applicable, and the syntax is not the same.
13:56.54mi11k1i guess what im asking is what is the cloud image and the RT image for?
13:57.04jimgreycat, is there documentation on the thing it reads?
13:57.05ratracegreycat: indeed that'd be the case, and modules-load.d(5) doesn't mention options
13:57.55greycatit would be nice if it would explicitly *say* "you can't put arguments here; put them in ___ instead"
13:58.32jimyep, that would be helpful
13:58.44ratraceit would, but frankly it's not systemd's fault that someone was ln -s happy and linked two _different_ config paradigms together.
13:59.09ratraceif sysv allowed options, and systemd doesn't.... the maintainer who symlinked it, is the one to blame.
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13:59.49greycatThat, but also the systemd man page just does not say where to put the arguments.
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14:00.42jimthe modules man page of section 5 even lies, it says you can put args, but evidently you cannot
14:01.01greycatThat's because that man page is from a completely different program, which is not in use on your system.
14:01.05ratracebecause the manpage is not for system'd modules-load.d
14:01.14greycatThe only reason that file is being read *at all* is because of the symlink.
14:01.24jimthat's not my fault :)
14:01.39ratracealso... the mechanisms here at completely different domains. systemd's is convenience "force load" service. the default is autodetection, and modprobe.d belongs to kmod
14:02.37jimbut I see what you're saying, it's not the correct man page in man 5 modules
14:03.31jimratrace, in my case I don't believe the module would be autoloaded at boot
14:04.36ratracesure that's why you'd force load them
14:05.01ratraceI use the list to force load modules because I prefer running with the kernel.modules_disabled=1  sysctl and prevent on-demand module loading
14:05.22ratracebut either way, if you want it loaded on boot, that's the default way
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14:07.47greycatSo, as near as we can tell from the incomplete documentation here, you should put "v412loopback" in /etc/modules, and put "options v412loopback video_nr=10 card_label=loopback exclusive_caps=1" in /etc/modprobe.d/v412loopback.conf
14:08.40ratrace(the modprobe.d/ filename is arbitrary tho, except it has to be .conf)
14:09.08greycatCorrect, but I *strongly* advise using the name of the module plus .conf
14:09.23ratracesure, it's a good pattern
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14:20.44jelly-homein /etc/sysctl.d/ things without .conf stopped working
14:21.08greycatmodprobe.d(5) is very clear that the .conf is needed
14:21.34greycatsysctl.d(5) same
14:25.15jimI split out the module params into /etc/modprobe.d/something.conf, now it works
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15:31.16dob1I have a doubt about ssh auth via key: how do you copy the key if pass auth is disable?
15:32.27jellydob1, disabled for all users or just for root?
15:32.37dob1jelly, all the users
15:32.38jellyyou can just copy/paste the text.
15:33.04jellylog in in whatever way, doesn't have to be ssh
15:33.15dob1jelly, it is the "whatever way" the problem :)
15:33.26jellyif you have console access you can paste or type it in there
15:33.36dob1I know the key is written is authorized_keys
15:33.48jellyssh-ed25519 pub keys are short enough for that to be an option
15:34.12jellydob1, well how do you gain access to the system _right now_?
15:34.30greycatGenerally you don't disable password auth *until* you have set up key auth and verified that it works, so you have a way to get in.
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15:35.03dob1I disabled because there were a lot of login attempts
15:35.25AndreasLutrodob1: if you use a public cloud provider, they all have a way to inject an SSH public key into the VM as it's being created
15:35.27jellydob1, and you logged out?
15:35.31dob1jelly, I got the idea, I was thinking I was missing some point but I know how to do it then
15:36.28dob1jelly, it's ok, I can login again. I just wanted to be sure how to do it
15:36.58jellythis is why I only try to use remote systems with a secondary way to log in (eg. a console)
15:37.31genr8_<jelly> welp.  Provider says "console will start working after a power cycle of the VM"... and I wanted to use the console to have access to the VM DURING reboot
15:37.52dob1jelly, my idea is to set password auth whe I am connected via vpn, but only with this subnet. I think I can do it with Match directive
15:38.16dob1AndreasLutro, like the google one or the amazon one?  I just read about them I don't now them a lot
15:38.28jellygenr8_, aye, there's the rub
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15:39.09EmptyMessagedob1: Yeah, I use digital ocean, and it automatically puts my keys in there for me with the click of a button
15:39.36dob1EmptyMessage, ok but you have a web console for you vps
15:39.45EmptyMessagedob1: yes
15:43.30jellydob1, if you're connected via vpn you can paste stuff into ~/.ssh/authorized_keys right then
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15:44.15jellyI can't be bothered and just allow all traffic within the vpn
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15:50.27dob1jelly, got it, thanks
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17:13.24Matroxhow can i download the source for a debian package? dpkg-src?
17:13.45Matroxi got devscripts pbuilder etc, and i want to modify and rebuild a package
17:14.46dpkgAs an overview: to work with Debian source packages, add a <deb-src> line to your sources list; cd to a location with free space; download the source package with <apt-get source>; retrieve dependencies with <apt-get build-dep>; edit <debian/rules> to taste; use <dpkg-buildpackage> to build the new .deb.  For more details, also ask me about <package recompile> <backport> <nmg> <policy> <source package>
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17:19.00Matroxi had followed a debian presentation once or guide to build i3-gaps package for debian (in debian mentorship project etc) but have completely forgot the procedure. mainly because there like 20 alternative tools for each job, debuild, pbuilder, cowbuilder, some devscripts and others
17:19.24greycatwelcome to free software
17:19.40Matroxnot every distro is like that. more are a bit more organized
17:20.08Matroxyesterday is was searching for like 30 minutes on the debian website, on how to get the netinstaller iso i wanted. that thing is like a maze
17:20.18greycatok, that's fair; Debian has a much higher herd-of-cats aspect than pretty much any other Linux distribution
17:22.02Matroxwell maybe good documentation can help this. athough i was in a debian mentor irc channel, and everyone in there linked me to different guides, and advised me to use different tools. cowbuilder in c, some others in bash/python , some in perl
17:22.21Matroxpbuilder is a good tool though and does what it says
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17:24.34ratracewell frankly other distros don't have 20 alternative tools for each packaging step :)    that's really the biggest, hugest, obstacle for fresh blood in Debian
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17:25.31ratraceI've been maintaining and packaging software for FreeBSD and Gentoo for years, and yet when I had to submit a single package to Ubuntu.... I just couldn't get it done because of this.
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17:25.43Matroxwhat has helped me understand debian workflow, believe or not was a rant from one of debian packagers. the guy that packages i3
17:26.13Matroxhe wanted to showcase the insanity in debian workflow, and in doing so he posted a diagram with all the tools availabe, alternate workflows, languages used in each program etc
17:26.30Matroxso i understood which programs are complementary, which are overlapping and which are contradictory
17:26.50ratrace.deb format is also a nightmare in comparison
17:26.52Matroxsince noone told me a clearcut workflow procedure, but various tools
17:27.29Matroxdeb format, i think is the hardest format i have seen.
17:27.42Matroxafter that i quit complaining about ebuild complexity in gentoo
17:28.06ratraceindeed :)   one .ebuild or Ports' Makefile versus a whole directory of various stuffs....
17:28.49ratrace(even RPM was much easier to understand and build, the few times I had to package something for Fedora)
17:28.56Matroxthe documentation isnt that good though. i managed to build my package using another one as a template, using linting tools and others, and some hints from the server auto-test tool that i upload the metapackage
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17:29.02Matroxtook me about a week to do so, lol
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17:31.14Matroxeven though i dont use archlinux any longer, i can see why it has suddenly increased in popularity, they have the best documentation i have seen in linux (i use gentoo which has still good documentation but often i look stuff up at archwiki) and their aur pkgbuild format that anyone can upload to is the easiest format i have seen. i had built my first source package there.
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17:32.38Matroxwell that richness is too complex for new maintainers. at least debian should offer an "official" tooklit and workflow
17:32.53Matroxthat decision paralysis doesnt help
17:32.55CommunistWolfsounds like you should propose a policy amendment to make it so
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17:33.47Matroxi am not sure how to do that. also i use debian occasionally now. i mainly use gentoo, at least on system powerful enough to compile things
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17:34.42jhutchinsMatrox: Which, having supported Gentoo in the past, is what 99% of your time and resources will be spent on.
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17:36.06Matroxjhutchins, well after i have my system set up, it isnt that time consuming. i just compile things overnight
17:36.30Matrox(i havent created any ebuilds on that yet)
17:37.22Matroxi dont even system upgrade that often also. once a week or less, so not that crazy.
17:38.03Matroxratrace, here is the blogpost i was talking about:
17:38.21ratracejhutchins: that's really not the case. it _is_ more involving than Debian, but really not that much more
17:38.23Matroxthis has to be an official debian resource, for understanding the workflow
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17:39.29ratraceperfectly splendid mess.
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17:48.33Matroxis there any advantage to using sbuild instead of pbuilder?
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17:48.57Matroxi found only guides for pbuilder online and thats what was suggested to me mostly
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17:58.29unixbsdHello, is there a modern word-perfect, that runs on debian buster?    In order to have full compatibility of docx with MS Office docs (own format).
17:59.11greycatWord Perfect and Microsoft Word are very different products.  If you want MS Word compat, try libreoffice.
18:00.36unixbsdI have tried libreoffice, but the formatting is totally different, pages not following that MS office gives, at all.
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18:03.23sponix2ipfwunixbsd: - login with your Microsoft account ;)
18:03.53dirdi_unixbsd: onlyoffice has a better support for MS office documents than libreoffice. However, its a webapplication that has not been packaged for Debian AFAIK and installation is rather challenging.
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18:05.33Matroxare google docs (online, they offer an office suite with word, excel, presentation etc) maybe compatible with docx?
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18:07.44Matroxits word processor inside the browser, probably compatible with docx. you might have luck exporting that from within google docs to a format that libreoffice can use.
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18:07.56sponix2ipfwdid my obvious solution not work out ?
18:08.25Matroxms office offers online doc editing too?
18:08.38sponix2ipfwMatrox: Yes
18:08.46sponix2ipfwI wasn't joking
18:08.56Matroxmicrosoft is free and open source now
18:09.10Matroxalready using vs-code
18:09.19Matroxgood software
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18:32.51maddocHi guys, I'm not sure I'm in the right channel, kinda new to this. If not, please can you tell me what would be the best place? Thanks! Anyway, I'm trying to automate my VPN connection at boot time on my raspberry, my the openvpn client doesn't support anymore passing username and password via the command line. Is there some tool that can watch the
18:32.52maddocstdout of the openvpn client and do something like "at the first input request pass this and at the second one pass that"? I read something about systemd-tty-ask-password-agent, but I didn't understood that much about how it works! Thanks in advance for any help!
18:34.01dpkgThe Raspberry Pi is an open hardware design based on a Broadcom system-on-a-chip, requiring <non-free> <firmware>.  Debian's <armel> port works fine, but does not use the Pi's hardware floating point unit.  Debian's <armhf> port targets a newer revision of the ARM chip than is in the Pi, so armhf will not work on it.  #raspberrypi on
18:34.14greycatYour best choice would be to read the docs for your VPN client and learn how to configure it without going through silly crap like this.  But what you literally asked for is called "expect".
18:38.14maddocOk, I tried but there seems to be no way, seems to be a recent change and I couldn't find any decent solution. However I'll try digging a little more, maybe updating my client to a newer version. Thanks a lot for the answer!
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18:43.22Matroxis there a way to drop root privilages for Xorg?
18:43.29Matroxit runs as root only it seems.
18:43.39unixbsdmaddoc: there is likely a debug option to check the stdout of openvpn where it fails. sometimes it comes from server, because the vpn server is not easy to install for admins.
18:44.10unixbsdtehre is on buster a package   xserver-xorg-legacy that gives users more freedom.
18:44.13greycatMatrox: it should run as you, by default, starting with Debian 9.  The exception is if you're using a device which requires legacy support, and went out of your way to install the old setuid X wrapper.
18:44.14Matroxi used Xwrapper.config to make it run as a normal user without sudo, but this seems to use suid
18:44.26Matroxand Xorg still runs as root
18:44.32greycatMatrox: what version of Debian is this?
18:45.00unixbsdyou can install legacy and you have more freedom then. and also : dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg-legacy
18:46.21Matroxgreycat, i just installed debian 10 using non-free netinstaller, and installed ldxe, with firmware-linux (free and non free) and my gpu driver is radeon (with xorg-video-radeon as its userspace component). i havent done any other modification (havent touched xwrapper yet) and in ps -aux | grep Xorg it shows it runs as root, and also lightdm starts as root
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18:46.57greycatWell yeah, of course the Display Manager runs as root before you login.
18:47.29Matroxgreycat, alright, still Xorg is using root it seems. anyway to drop privilages? should i use Xwrapper.config?
18:47.44greycatI don't use a Display Manager.  I don't know why yours is acting this way.
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18:49.02greycatHmm, maybe it's just a DM thing.  The Deb9 machines at work that run sddm/kde are showing Xorg running as root.
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18:49.21greycatOn my machine, I use startx, and Xorg runs as me.
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19:09.44n4dirI'd assume that if display-managers run X as root, then there is a reason why they do it like that. I also think at there are threads about it.
19:10.01n4dirthat -> how to disable
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19:12.29FrowneyWhat's the difference between Debian and PureOS?
19:13.56greycatgoogle results are a little scatterbrained on this, but it seems that among the DMs, only GDM supports non-root X at this point
19:14.02nkuttlerFrowney: ask the pure os people
19:14.11Frowneynkuttler: mkay
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19:28.10anothermaddoc: you can put credentials in a file and specify that
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19:30.05anothersee: --auth-user-pass /file
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19:38.07n4dirFrowney: as sees it as a free distro, i would assume it hasn't got contrib and non-free repos, perhaps a libre kernel, but in general doesn't differ that much
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19:46.37maddocanother I tried, but it says: Options error: Unrecognized option or missing or extra parameter(s) in [CMD-LINE]:1: auth-user-pass (2.4.0)
19:47.26maddocbut in the man page the option is valid
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20:00.47anotherdid you pass it a filename?
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20:02.16maddocsure, I tried in all possible ways, one file, two file, one file with only one line, and so on, but it just seems to not recognize the option.
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20:36.14oneHi. I'm having Link up/Link down problems with my Realtek 8169. I see reports about it going back to 1999. Any advice on the metagame today? I've installed a dkms package for the 8168, but it didn't work.
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21:01.05ratracewell that was quick. whole minute of waiting.
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21:17.38Francimanif there is a failure during dhcp renewal, I will not be able to navigate?
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21:20.43unixbsdby the way, how to format mkfs.ext2 with enabling badblock excluding?
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21:23.54unixbsdlet's hope that it works well... "date ; mkfs.ext2 -c /dev/sda2  ; date"
21:28.31ratraceunixbsd: why would you want ext2?
21:28.54avumust be a time traveller
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21:29.52unixbsdbecause I can run it on openbsd
21:30.01ratracealso, -c does readonly test. ideally you want a proper rw test with multiple passes using `badblocks`
21:30.19unixbsdah I knew it ! thank you
21:30.34unixbsdso that wouldnt exclude them. What is the command to exclude effectively ?
21:30.55ratraceI don't know about "exclusion". you want driver firmware to detect and reallocate bad sectors
21:31.09ratraceinfact, if you DO get any bad sectors, start planning for a disk replacement asap
21:31.34unixbsdI wanna give a try ... maybe there is chance. it is an old WD western usb disk.
21:31.59ratracethen run badblocks with -w . warning, it'll erase all data on the drive
21:32.48unixbsdhow do you mean?
21:32.57unixbsdbadblocks -w /dev/sda1 ?
21:33.05ratracewhich part of "erase all data on the drive" is confusing?
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21:33.27ratraceoh you're asking "how do I mean" using badblocks.... yes, that way
21:33.50ratraceunixbsd: are you sure it's sda? what's your boot drive?
21:34.06unixbsdit is usb and I do it with a raspberry pi.
21:34.22ratraceso what's your boot/rootfs device?
21:34.37unixbsdmy debian buster runs on SD/MMC
21:35.28ratraceso /dev/mmcblk_something_ ?
21:36.46unixbsdthank you... I hope to see the results. Looking forward if we can still use it. thank you
21:36.52Francimanso ppl, I think my problem with networking is due to dhcp renewal
21:36.56Francimannot sure what happens sar
21:37.03ratraceunixbsd: it'll take a while, so let it do multiple passes with several patterns
21:37.13Francimanprobably my router misbehaves somehow
21:37.30Francimanor behaves in a way that makes my driver go nuts
21:37.33unixbsdwow  thank you so much ! I will add -p 4
21:38.29ratraceunixbsd: I meant -w   (with -p0, default) will do multiple patterns itself. with -p you just repeat that multiple times altogether. I'm not sure more than once is significantly better
21:38.34unixbsdI added as well "-v" to read a bit what it does (all under TMUX).
21:38.55ratraceFranciman: so what's the actual symptom
21:39.23Francimannetwork manager thinks I am connected, everything thinks I am connected to internet
21:39.32Francimanbut the network fails
21:39.40Franciman(the router knows I am not connected)
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21:39.57FrancimanI can't even ping, (my gateway) and
21:41.09Francimanit happens once a day, mostly the night around 9:30 pm, and it seems to me that it's after a dhcp renewal event. So now I'm trying with a static ip address
21:41.15ratraceFranciman: well, if dhcp lease is the cause then that's on the router side. if your network stack holds an IP, it _should_ work even with lease expired, unless the router cuts off routing on its end for that ip
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21:41.47ratrace(in which case you wouldn't be able to use static IP in a dhcp-only network)
21:41.52Francimanratrace, the strange thing is that everything worked fine on the ubuntu-oem I had
21:42.41ratraceyou really need to look at the logs at the time you lose connectivity, but "everything thinks [you're] connected"
21:42.43Francimanso a component of the problem must be on the pc (and in fact, no other device is affected, except for this one)
21:43.18Francimanratrace, there is NO log at that moment, man, it usually starts with a dhcp renewal, and nothing happens later
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21:43.39Francimanlet me paste it
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21:44.06unixbsdto paste there is :   cat file.txt | netcat 9999
21:44.32greycatso many uselessly used cats
21:44.41ratracecat abuse!
21:45.01unixbsdmight be... poor animals ;)
21:45.50unixbsdwhat would be lighter command then?
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21:46.27ratracenah that's okay (xcept it's `nc` and not `netcat`
21:46.57unixbsdOn bsd I use nc. But sometimes on linux nc doesnt work, so netcat is univ workaround.
21:47.14ratracewh.... wha?
21:48.18unixbsdmaybe on ubuntu... I guess. strange system this ubuntu. never anythg work on ubuntu. Not even "less" or "vi" is on it.
21:48.19greycatunixbsd: netcat 9999 < file.txt
21:48.21FrancimanI noticed the network went down, because irc disconnected around 21:50
21:48.31Francimanthen I ran nmtui networking off
21:48.46unixbsdit is lighter, nice. "netcat 9999 < file.txt"
21:48.47Francimanaround 22:02
21:48.54ratraceFranciman: so it's wifi? wlp2s0?
21:49.01*** mode/#debian [+l 1187] by debhelper
21:49.38unixbsdmay I ask you, will debian remove libx11-dev and replace the X11 by Wayland, like other linux?
21:49.51ratraceFranciman: looks like a problem in the driver
21:50.07Francimanuff :<
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21:50.24FrancimanI also tried with debian sid, but the problem persists
21:50.25ratraceunixbsd: not for a long time
21:50.33ratrace(and other linuxes won't either)
21:50.39ratraceFranciman: missing firmware?
21:50.42Francimanbut I don't really understand why in ubuntu it didn't happen
21:50.45FrancimanNo i have the firmware
21:51.12ratraceubuntu does a lot of custom patching for hardware enablement. that code is sometimes not available anywhere else
21:51.58Francimanone thing I can say is that, during that period of time in which everything believes I'm connected to wifi, but network doesn't work, wavemon does a strange thing
21:52.14Francimanthe RX field of the statistics is STABLE, is constant, whilst normally it fluctuates quite a bit
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21:55.19FrancimanI will try with the static ip, if the network doesn't fail, i'll take it as a strong signal that the problem is during dhcp lease
21:55.54ratracenothing to do with dhcp. you have a kernel strace from lower in the OSI stack
21:56.14Francimanat what time?
21:56.30ratracethe kernel throws an exception from inside the max80211 module... that's way below dhcp
21:56.52ratraceFranciman: the bigger part of your paste is. starts at 22:04:36
21:57.16unixbsdcool, luckily, we may miss libx11-dev ;)
21:57.20unixbsdI need evilwm
21:57.37FrancimanI'll admit I'm not extremely knowledgeable, so sorry for silly questions, ratrace: that's the time where I forced the network to shut down
21:57.52ratraceFranciman: dunno what you did, but kernel had an oops there
21:57.55Francimanso that strace is where the driver was at, when I stopped it?
21:58.26warsouli need a small business software like quickbooks or something better to use it on linux debian10
21:58.28Francimanlet me try to stop network now, I think it happens as well
21:58.32ratraceFranciman: where the kernel had an exception, yes
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22:06.57Francimanratrace, so do you have any suggestion about how to proceed?
22:10.07ratraceFranciman: about what exactly... there's no mention of dhcp lease expiration in your paste and you have a kernel oops indicating driver issue
22:10.22Francimanabout what I could do
22:10.35FrancimanI  tried the latest drivers possible, in debian sid, and there is still this issue
22:10.42Francimanso I guess debian can't be on this system
22:10.56ratraceFranciman: check ubuntu changelogs if they do anything specific with regards to the driver or firmware for your wifi
22:11.19ratracethen see if it's something you can port, or file a bug report for the debian kernel team to port (I heart they do that in some cases).
22:11.58Francimanok thanks a lot
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22:12.45ratraceFranciman: btw you also have a segfault in   I have no idea if it's related or not
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22:13.15Francimanno I think it may be another sympthom, but no the cause
22:13.25ratracesure it's not the cause
22:13.43jhutchinsFranciman: Ubuntu probably had a different version of the kernel (and drivers), compiled with diffrent options.
22:14.05jhutchinsFranciman: Did you say what release you're running now?
22:14.17Francimanof debian?
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22:15.38juddAvailable kernel versions are: experimental: 5.9.0-rc8-686-pae (5.9~rc8-1~exp1); sid: 5.8.0-3-686-pae (5.8.14-1); bullseye: 5.8.0-2-686-pae (5.8.10-1); buster-backports: 5.8.0-0.bpo.2-686 (5.8.10-1~bpo10+1); buster: 4.19.0-11-686-pae (4.19.146-1); stretch-backports: 4.19.0-0.bpo.9-686-pae (4.19.118-2+deb10u1~bpo9+1); stretch: 4.19.0-0.bpo.11-686 (4.19.146-1~deb9u1); jessie-
22:15.39juddbackports: 4.9.0-0.bpo.6-686-pae (4.9.88-1+deb9u1~bpo8+1); jessie: 4.9.0-0.bpo.12-686 (4.9.210-1+deb9u1~deb8u1)
22:16.10FrancimanI tried with both buster-backports and buster kernels
22:16.20sneyubuntu is also known for patching the kernel with out-of-tree vendor drivers, which debian doesn't do. see my conversation with ben in #933302
22:16.22juddBug in src:linux (open): «firmware-realtek: RTL8723DE not working»; severity: important; opened: 2019-07-28; last modified: 2020-04-15.
22:16.23ratraceFranciman: you also said you tried sid
22:16.29Francimanoh yes
22:17.00FrancimanI tried these three: buster (firmware-atheros + kernel) buster-backports (firmware-atheros + kernel) sid (firmware-atheros + kernel)
22:17.09Francimanthe problem persists in all the three
22:17.32jhutchinsFranciman: One thing to consider is that some realtek implementations are realcrap.
22:17.33unixbsdyou need to have a good kernel for atheros
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22:17.43unixbsdlikely the last kernel will support them better.
22:17.54unixbsdvanilla kernel is always recommended
22:18.33jhutchinsOh, atheros, I thought you said realtek.
22:18.57Francimannono, it's ath10k
22:19.18dpkgQualcomm Atheros is a developer of semiconductors.  For support of PCI/PCIe wireless LAN devices with an Atheros chipset, ask me about <ath9k>, <ath5k>.  For USB wireless LAN device support, ask me about <ath9k_htc>, <carl9170>, <ar5523>.  For Ethernet driver information, see <atl1c>, <alx>, <atl2>, <atl1e>, <atl1>.  For Bluetooth device support, see <ath3k>.
22:19.27sneyFranciman: still no luck, eh?
22:20.05Francimanunfortunately, no, sney
22:20.14unixbsdatheros, made in China. the atheros are not so well supported as realtek. with realtek it is easier.
22:20.48sneystuff that's made in china is automatically bad? welp, I better throw out my whole computer
22:21.04Francimanwell last thing I can try meanwhile I find the issue is with the static ip address
22:21.24unixbsdpoor hardware quality... sometimes or often.
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22:21.40FrancimanI paid this pc 1600 euro :P
22:21.56FrancimanI should have bought a macbook pro
22:22.14ratraceatheros used to be (the most) well supported wifi chipset in linux. did that change?
22:22.27sneyratrace: yep, they got bought out and their driver policy changed
22:22.44sneyath9k is probably still the best example of a wifi driver that linux will ever see
22:23.17unixbsdI try to avoid tplink and atheros if possible. I usually use realtek, so that I can use netbsd in multiboot with linux
22:24.35sneytplink doesn't make controllers. they typically use realtek though sometimes there are ralink models too. I just stick with intel, but I'm aware intel is priced out of some users' range, particularly in some regions
22:25.28Francimanin fact the newer version of my pc (dell xps 13) uses an intel wifi chip
22:26.19sneyyep, if you had iwlwifi, getting it to work would have taken about 1 minute
22:27.27sneyif you get the dell part number for that iwlwifi nic you may be able to order it online and switch them, then just ebay the atheros
22:27.52FrancimanI can't, it's hardwired
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22:47.03Francimanthanks a lot for your help, ppl
22:47.07Francimanleaving for the night, bye
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22:54.27dgood`_Anyone ever seen this QEMU message?
22:54.29dgood`_qemu-system-x86_64: symbol lookup error: qemu-system-x86_64: undefined symbol: libusb_free_ss_endpoint_companion_descriptor
22:55.21dgood`_Or how one might try to resolve the fact that QEMU was working and now won't even start.
22:55.23ratracenope. are you building some software yourself, or mixing repos?
22:55.38dgood`_Not that I know of. I'm not building software.
22:55.50dgood`_This is just on Debian 10.
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22:56.41dgood`_I do have backports enabled, but have very few packages installed from it and none that look to have anything to do with qemu or usb.
22:57.59dgood`_It was working find for years until today when I rebooted the machine due to a samba password update.
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22:59.31dgood`_I have no idea what I'm going to do... Reinstalling is a very unattractive solution, but is on the table. This is my main work machine and I'm dead in the water without the ability to run VMs.
23:01.14sneyqemu had a security update in july, if it has been resident in memory since before then, this might be your first time using the updated binary
23:01.41dgood`_That's what I'm thinking. It's probably been that long since I rebooted.
23:02.20sneyand indeed there's a usb patch mentioned in the changelog
23:02.45H-varhi, I installed debian 10 release on a laptop, but the touchpad does not work at all. What do I need to install to make the touchpad work?
23:03.13H-varI installed the "firmware-debian-10.6.0-netinst" version iso
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23:04.13unixbsdwhat is the "  uname -a "   version of the kernel?
23:04.20unixbsddmesg would be helpful as well.
23:04.46H-varit's 4.19
23:06.34unixbsdthat's such a old kernel
23:09.09unixbsdyou could tryy to post your dmesg ; e.g.:    dmesg > file.txt ; less file.txt ; cat file.txt | netcat 9999      (check or modify if necessary).
23:10.24sneykernel age shouldn't matter unless the hardware is also very new. a trackpad is usually a generic hid. I'd check first to see if it's disabled in the efi, and also look at the X log under libinput entries to see if it's detected
23:10.37dpkgUUOC is the Useless Use of Cat Award.  Given out for years by Randal Schwartz on the newsgroup  Basically, most constructions that look like "cat filename | grep pattern" can be more easily written as "grep pattern filename".  Works for grep and most other Unix utilities.  Easier to type and marginally more efficient.
23:10.49sneyyou can dmesg | nc termbin 9999
23:13.03sneyyes, that
23:13.45unixbsdxinput allows to enable and disable in X
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23:17.37H-varthank you
23:17.53unixbsdFor instance: echo  asus ; xinput set-prop 'Elan Touchpad'                   'Device Enabled'   1
23:18.02H-varidk - I downloaded the latest debian buster stable
23:18.06unixbsdor another exr:   echo  acer ; xinput set-prop 'ELAN0501:00 04F3:300B Touchpad'  'Device Enabled'   1
23:18.22H-varwhy it's old I don't know why it's like that. It's debian 10.6.0  is about to reach 6. mainline:   5.9           2020-10-11 [tarball] [pgp] [patch]
23:19.27dvsunixbsd: not necessarily.  it could go 5.10
23:19.54H-varshould I update? How do I update kernel, and everything with it?
23:20.01H-varit's a fresh install anyway, so no sweat
23:20.04sneyH-var: 4.19 is the standard debian buster kernel. one of the side effects of a stable OS is that some stuff is "old." again it doesn't matter unless the hardware is also new, and you should really be looking at logs first
23:20.51H-varoh, okay, I thought it's serious, but he was just kidding :D
23:20.55H-varthanks sney
23:21.07*** join/#debian foul_owl (~foul_owl@
23:21.21unixbsdStill, you grab from ubuntu the newest kernel. You need grub2, initrd, vmlinuz and /lib/modules/  from it and inject on same arch into your buster debian.
23:21.45sneyunixbsd: if you want to recommend mixing OSes, please don't do it in #debian
23:21.51H-varthanks unixbsd I have just installed xinput
23:22.07H-varit sees "Virtual core XTEST pointer and my usb mouse
23:23.31H-varvirtual core pointer (Master) > and then two slaves (described above)
23:25.08*** join/#debian secntech (~secntech@unaffiliated/secntech)
23:25.09H-varbtw love xfce - so much better than kde for sure. I already regret going with kde (it was just a nostalgic choice, more than rational lol)
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23:25.36unixbsdsney: ok, we stick to classic debian approach.
23:25.43*** join/#debian secntech (~secntech@unaffiliated/secntech)
23:25.52H-varI'm now literally installing linux on all my friends' computers lol whenever I visit them haha
23:25.57unixbsdxfce is way lighter and still an efficient desktop.
23:26.23unixbsdif you instlal  usbmount, your usb sticks will be auto mounted on it. likely already there up.
23:26.25H-varalready installed on my brother's computer, and on my two friends' computers haha
23:26.38*** join/#debian secntech (~secntech@unaffiliated/secntech)
23:26.39unixbsdkeep going and spreading the linux
23:26.47H-varlol the classic way
23:27.31*** join/#debian secntech (~secntech@unaffiliated/secntech)
23:27.36unixbsdthe best is that notebooks are sold with freedos or ubuntu. it becomes than easy to install linux on it.
23:28.05unixbsdGood night and have fun
23:28.07H-varefi laptops are the worst
23:28.34unixbsdwe should not buy efi windows stuffs. it should be forbidden ;)
23:29.12H-vari just rewrite the hdd table as MBR, and it works
23:29.31H-varI read that you supposed to like tell debian to mount the efi disk into /boot/efi and stuff
23:29.40H-varsounds like pain right there already
23:31.22H-varmost laptops come with <2tb space anyway, so best and fastest choice is to make it MBR instead of GPT, but some people say that there also laptops which do not support booting from mbr anymore, only GPT efi (no CSM) support. That's real RIP
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23:34.35anotherGPT != EFI
23:35.07ectospasmGPT is part of the EFI standard.
23:35.16H-varsney it's not disabled in the efi - there's no efi anymore. I converted to mbr.
23:35.39sneyH-var: I'm sure there is still some kind of hardware setup thing that you can access when turning on the system
23:35.43H-varwhen I go to the "mouse and touchpad" settings, debian only shows the optical mouse in the list of available devices
23:36.31sneywhen I say "maybe it was disabled in the efi" I mean efi or bios or openfirmware or whatever. idgaf what yours is called, just go look.
23:37.38anotherGPT has various advantages over DOS partitioning
23:37.56*** join/#debian Steeve (~steve@unaffiliated/steeve)
23:37.58anotherit can bue used independently from EFI
23:38.09another(at least with Linux)
23:38.11H-varI was using it in windows before deleting it from the pc, so it's functional, and I didn't touch bios - it's typical "nothing to see here" bios with like one option - to change the clock :D
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23:46.27ectospasmH-var: there's got to be a configuration section.  And not all UEFI BIOSes have sane menus.  My ThinkPad has the CPU Virtualization option under Security, not Configuration.  YMMV.
23:46.55ectospasmIt may be in CSM/BIOS mode by default.
23:47.06ectospasmIf it is indeed a UEFI BIOS.
23:47.56H-varyeah, luckily mine has it
23:48.05H-varhow can I make trackpad just work in debian?
23:48.10H-varwhat do I need to install?
23:48.34ectospasmDepends on what driver you need for the trackpad.
23:48.51ectospasmAnd if the laptop is really new, Debian might not have support for it.
23:49.17ectospasmlsusb should at least show the trackpad.
23:50.26H-varno, it's actually really old, like 2009
23:50.51H-varit's fujitsu A514
23:51.29H-varI'll post dmesg
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23:57.57H-varcan you help me install drivers necessary for this laptop?

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