IRC log for #debian on 20200901

04:27.40*** join/#debian apt (
04:27.40*** topic/#debian is Current Debian release is buster, 10.5 point release /msg dpkg 10.5; /msg dpkg buster; /msg dpkg stretch->buster; /msg dpkg apt suite changed | Stretch has limited LTS support: /msg dpkg stretch-lts ; /msg dpkg 9.13 | NO FLOOD: /msg dpkg paste | offtopic: #debian-offtopic | testing/unstable: #debian-next @ | chanlogs: /msg dpkg irclog
04:27.54SerajewelKSor do i just not worry about them?
04:28.54SerajewelKS"mount | sort | uniq -d" lists only /dev and /dev/pts
04:29.01*** mode/#debian [+l 1109] by debhelper
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04:50.11somiajSerajewelKS: looks like there is a lazy unmount, so umount -l /path, "Lazy  unmount.  Detach the filesystem from the file hierarchy now, and clean up all references to this filesystem as soon as it is not busy anymore"
04:50.47somiajthough you may still want to reboot soon, but maybe that will let you schedule the reboot better.
04:51.34*** join/#debian Dara (~Dara_Simc@gateway/tor-sasl/aaliya)
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04:52.38somiajthough unsure if there would be any issue do to mounting /dev over itself.
04:55.33*** join/#debian Ashleee (
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05:09.57tecdroidhi there. did someone have random colored pixels recently? mostly visible on dark backgrounds.. like my consoles.. i'm having bullseye on a laptop with ryzen 7.
05:10.22dpkg#debian-next is the channel for testing/unstable support on the OFTC network (, *not* on freenode.  If you get "Cannot join #debian-next (Channel is invite only)." it means you did not read it's on See also and
05:10.53tecdroidwhoopsi! i forgot ;) sorry
05:11.02sneybut broadly, visual artifacts are usually either a hardware problem or a driver issue, so when you get there, be specific and don't ask if "someone" had the problem
05:11.21tecdroidi try
05:31.44*** join/#debian grobi (~rtng@unaffiliated/grobi)
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06:16.49brettgilioHey all I am using buster on a server, and for some reason cgit just isn't behaving properly. It will list my repos but will 404 on click. Any help?
06:17.17*** join/#debian fling (~fling@fsf/member/fling)
06:18.12Unit193Do you have the needed re-write rules?
06:18.52brettgilioLet me check, probably not tho
06:19.45*** join/#debian zalt (~devp@unaffiliated/lambda443)
06:19.49Unit193I have cgit, works like a charm (though I *do* have 1.2.3+git2.25.1)
06:20.26brettgilioUnit193: mind if I send you a paste of my Apache config?
06:20.53Unit193brettgilio: You can use a pastebin, but I don't use apache so I might not be the best to assist with that.
06:21.07brettgilioSeems the only rewrite rules I have are for https redirecte
06:21.25*** join/#debian lovemytux (
06:24.05brettgilioI guess now the question is what exactly should the rule be rewriting. Lol
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06:29.45Unit193brettgilio: Don't you just symlink /etc/apache2/conf-available/cgit.conf to enabled conf?
06:30.15*** join/#debian fling (~fling@fsf/member/fling)
06:30.22brettgilioUnit193: that alone doesn't set up the subdomain
06:30.50Unit193See also:
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07:00.19*** join/#debian Aurora_v_kosmose (~Aurora_iz@gateway/tor-sasl/randomnumbers/x-93746987)
07:00.40Aurora_v_kosmoseIs there a license-related reason for ABCL not to be in Debian repos, or is it simply that no one has added it?
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07:03.28Aurora_v_kosmoseThere's a (long-dead) ITP about it, but that seems to be all.
07:08.02somiajmost likely the later, maybe the person ran out of time (or if they weren't a DD didn't find a sponsor). One would hope they would have put any license issues in that bug report if that was what stopped them.
07:09.07Aurora_v_kosmoseYeah, I just looked it up, it's GPL'd with classpath exception. So it seems fine.
07:09.17somiajI do some license talk in the old bug report
07:09.38*** join/#debian user217 (
07:10.33somiajso "Unfortunately the loops
07:10.33somiajimplementation looks like it might be a mixture of GPL incompatible and
07:10.48somiajGPL licensed parts" has been worked out? Anyways, I think it is more likely due to time
07:11.24*** join/#debian Ycarus (~Ycarus@2001:bc8:47b0:1b0b::1)
07:12.35Aurora_v_kosmoseloop.lisp seems to be prefaced with MIT blobs.
07:13.54somiajthe DD (assuming due to email address) seems to suggest that should be cleaned up or addressed to make it compadable with the GPL
07:14.34somiajat least that is what seems to have stoped him from sharing the development package. The original author may have had trouble finding a sponsor.
07:14.38Aurora_v_kosmose According to GNu that shouldn't be an issue?
07:17.26somiajSeems that way. Are you intersted in packaging it?
07:17.48*** join/#debian endstille (~endstille@
07:18.25Aurora_v_kosmoseI'm thinking about it. Packaging requires sufficient dedication to do some upkeep.
07:18.45somiajIt really depends on the package, some packages don't need that much upkeep
07:19.17somiajProvided you make a decent package to start with, and are there to adress rc-bugs, it should be fine.
07:19.27*** part/#debian diogenes_ (~diogenes_@
07:20.15somiajI can point you at mentors and guides on how to go about this if you are not familar.
07:21.10*** join/#debian Eryn_1983_FL (
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07:21.47Aurora_v_kosmoseIs it fine to package something I haven't personally maintained? That is, I am not actually familiar with its codebase.
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07:24.10somiajAurora_v_kosmose: It can be (I matain a single package and I'm not much of a coder). Being able to work with upstream is important. A bit part is mostly ensure the package fits debian policy and fiddling with the build process, and then forwaring bugs upstream if they are due to the codebase.
07:24.11*** join/#debian user217217 (~user21721@
07:24.36somiajThough a lot depend son the scope of the package, how supportive upstream is, and so on.
07:25.29*** join/#debian PETURBG (2e1ad4d0@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
07:25.39PETURBGmysql fail to start
07:25.51Aurora_v_kosmosesomiaj: I see. I'll probably be poking them over the next few days then.
07:26.00somiajIf you are courious, maybe #debian-mentors on could help give you better answers of what would be required, and you can go to for a detailed guide on how to create a package then find a sponsor.
07:26.22PETURBGother day comment it has legacy path /var/run/ and change it... it was working but after yestarday when again restart now mysql fai to start
07:26.58somiajbut for my package, basically I deal with debian side issues (though fvwm is in a good spot, so these don't crop up that often), and then forward the bugs to upstream.
07:26.59*** join/#debian HerbY_NL2 (~HerbY_NL2@2001:67c:2564:518:e9c2:4d98:968d:2cf0)
07:27.45PETURBGthere is other systemd[1]: /lib/systemd/system/rpc-statd.service:13: PIDFile= references path below legacy directory /var/run/, updating /var/run/ → /run/; please update the unit file accordingly.
07:27.56PETURBGwhy it comment change path and after that it fail to start
07:28.12PETURBGevery update debian is worse.
07:28.38PETURBGit was for mysql too comment change path and now mysqlfail to start
07:28.42somiajPETURBG: are you using systemd? Have you looked at systemctl status mysql or journalctl -u mysql.service (though debian uses mariadb now days).
07:28.50*** join/#debian mohabaks_ (~mohabaks@gateway/tor-sasl/mohabaks)
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07:29.34gateway2000somiaj u maintain fvwm? that's awesome
07:29.35PETURBGsomiaj i dont know how to debug... help me
07:29.39PETURBGjournalctl -u mysql.service
07:29.39PETURBG-- Logs begin at Tue 2020-09-01 09:23:07 CEST, end at Tue 2020-09-01 09:29:07 CEST. --
07:29.40PETURBG-- No entries --
07:30.07PETURBGhoild on on mariadb it has
07:30.22somiajthat path change seems to be just a warning and not the actual issue (it is just saying that it should use /run vs /var/run, but it updated it just fine)
07:31.08somiajgateway2000: You could say that, for the most part fvwm2 has been frozen for years and hasn't been updated (though I should do a little matiance on it before bullseye freezes)
07:31.17PETURBGUploaded file:
07:31.45PETURBGsomiaj it comment to update it for good. but when i update for mysqld it FAIL TO START. so this mean warning IS BAD
07:31.47Aurora_v_kosmosesomiaj: I see. I'll give it some thought over the next few days.
07:31.54Aurora_v_kosmosesomiaj: Thanks.
07:32.08*** join/#debian Haudegen (
07:32.09gateway2000i have a lot of respect for fvwm, played with it here and there in openbsd, maybe one day will take the deep dive into getting it comfy
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07:33.12ratracePETURBG: that warning about PId is irrelevant. /var/run is a symlink to /run anyway. As the service can't start with status 6, you should look up mysql/mariadb logs themselves, as systemd doesn't know, it can't even get the service to start
07:33.51*** join/#debian rebrec (
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07:36.28somiajgateway2000: maybe soon debian will have fvwm1, fvwm2, and fvwm3, fvwm has been active again, and there is no a 1.0-rc1 release for fvwm3.
07:36.29PETURBGratrace help solve it. where look.
07:36.32*** join/#debian abeniis (~Abeniis@
07:36.49PETURBGyestarday i seek in /var/log/mysql and there is no log. now in var/log/mysq tehre is log
07:36.55PETURBGUploaded file:
07:36.57ratracePETURBG: well, where did you configure mariadb logs to go? check the configs, I don't know mariadb by heart
07:37.03gateway2000we will see!
07:37.05*** join/#debian sentreen (
07:37.27ratracePETURBG: "[ERROR] InnoDB: Your database may be corrupt or....."
07:37.39*** join/#debian Unit193 (ukikie@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.unit193)
07:37.45PETURBGi see that now but how to solve it
07:37.59ratracePETURBG: restore from backups
07:38.09ratraceyour table files are corrupt.
07:38.14*** part/#debian Aurora_v_kosmose (~Aurora_iz@gateway/tor-sasl/randomnumbers/x-93746987)
07:38.15ratracesurely you have backups...
07:38.23PETURBGand can't be repaired ?
07:38.34somiajgateway2000: to give a testimate to the code, you can still build and run fvwm-0.91 on a modern xorg (code is from 1993ish)
07:38.36Haohmarusurely you know data storage can get corrupted
07:38.45Haohmarudata transfer also
07:38.46gateway2000I know I use one program from Thomas Adam (I think that's their name, one of people involved in fvwm) - xteddy! gotta have it.
07:38.48jellyPETURBG, "last time" you were asking about one issue in both #ubuntu and #debian.  Which OS and release are you REALLY running?
07:38.52ratracePETURBG: maybe they can but that's outside of the scope of #debian. Ask in #mysql and #mariadb for more expert advice
07:39.01*** mode/#debian [+l 1119] by debhelper
07:39.14ratracejelly: mint! haha :)
07:39.19PETURBG./join #mariadb
07:41.13jelly10.3.23-MariaDB-0+deb10u1 does look like Debian 10 this time
07:41.13*** join/#debian Lupricon (~Lupricon@
07:41.27PETURBGjelly you are drunk
07:41.48*** part/#debian PETURBG (2e1ad4d0@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
07:42.15*** join/#debian grobi (~rtng@unaffiliated/grobi)
07:42.35Haohmarucheerz ;P~
07:43.22gateway2000hands out hors d'oeuvres
07:44.07ratraceeats some
07:44.53ratracejelly: The Curious Case of one Kreyren taught me that package versions can't be trusted to show the distro running :)
07:45.30Haohmarui have an idea
07:46.09Haohmaruuse crypto/hash stuff and stuff the distribution info into many things
07:46.35ratraceHaohmaru: well there is such a thing and it's part of the so called Reproducible Builds
07:47.03Haohmaruthen, you could ask the unsuspicious guy "are you running debian actually?" "uh     yeeeaaah-ish" "show me the output of <sumfin innocent-looking>"
07:47.17ratracewon't help if one takes debian base, cuts out apt and installs portage, then guts _that_ out and puts parts of exherbo in it :)
07:47.40Haohmaruokay, another solution then:
07:47.48*** join/#debian PETURBG (2e1ad4d0@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
07:48.00Haohmaruship a debian police officer with every debian iso
07:48.29PETURBGjelly i can be where i can and ask what i WANT BUT YOU women SON OF BITCH can't SO PISS OF AND LIVE ME ALONE.
07:48.31*** part/#debian PETURBG (2e1ad4d0@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
07:48.42ratraceLOL... permaban pls.
07:49.04Haohmaruaww, i hope the BG part of his nickname doesn't mean .bg
07:50.45Haohmaruthis guy was banned before
07:51.23*** join/#debian luuuciano (~luuuciano@unaffiliated/luuuciano)
07:52.18ratraceapparently not _perma_ bun
07:52.24jellyI don't permaban someone just because they're emotional and having issues
07:52.57Haohmarubans and ignores doesn't fix things usually..
07:52.57ratraceI would.
07:53.11Haohmaruespecially ignores
07:58.45jelly200901  9:24:20 [ERROR] mysqld got signal 6 ; # something is horribly wrong there, probably best they moved to #maria
07:59.01*** mode/#debian [+l 1112] by debhelper
07:59.37ratracejelly: according to mariadb logs themselves, table files are corrupt
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08:11.56kats99I've got a problem with torsocks..I am running tinyfugue inside docker with torsocks but the talkers there show my real ip instead and when I use vpn it shows the vpn's address.
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09:21.21Morg0thHi, I have a laptop with an Intel HD Graphics and a GeForce GTX 1050 Ti. Should I install the official nvidia drivers (propriatary) or the ones from the debian packages?
09:22.33jellyMorg0th, maybe install nvidia drivers FROM debian's packaging of those, see if those work
09:22.41*** join/#debian Sleepy63 (~Sleepy63@
09:22.50jelly!nvidia dkms
09:22.50dpkgFor Debian 7 "Wheezy" and later.  Ask me about <contrib> and <non-free sources>. «aptitude -r install linux-headers-`uname -r|sed 's,[^-]*-[^-]*-,,'` nvidia-kernel-dkms && mkdir -p /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d && echo -e 'Section "Device"ntIdentifier "My GPU"ntDriver "nvidia"nEndSection' > /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-nvidia.conf».  Reboot to enable the <nouveau> blacklist.
09:22.58jelly!non-free sources
09:22.58dpkgEdit /etc/apt/sources.list, ensure that the two main Debian mirror lines end with "main contrib non-free" rather than just "main", then «apt-get update».  But bear in mind that you'll be installing <non-free> software.  These may have onerous terms; check the licenses.  See also <sources.list>.
09:24.01*** join/#debian monksam (~monksam@gateway/tor-sasl/monksam)
09:24.30jellyMorg0th, you can also install and run just "nvidia-detect" after enabling non-free sources, but before installing any drivers.  This tool ought to tell you which drivers are supposed to work with your card
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09:30.12Morg0thalright, nvidia-detect tells me that i should use the nvidia-driver package so I'll try that one. i think i installed the official ones a while ago but i'm having issues with dualscreen, will try to uninstall those first then. thanks!
09:30.14algunHi, sorry about that flood, I had 3 hexchat processes for some reason
09:31.54*** join/#debian rpthms (rpthms@unaffiliated/rpthms)
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09:32.30jmcnaughtMorg0th: if you have hybrid graphics then you may also want to see this page:
09:32.47*** join/#debian AquaL1te (~AquaL1te@unaffiliated/aqual1te)
09:33.06algunAnyway, I tried running debian-live-10.5.0-amd64-gnome from USB (an SD card plugged into an USB reader) on a Thinkbook. It booted up but wouldn't start GNOME. The screen just showed a blinking cursor. Why could that be? Btw I could switch to a textual terminal, but there was nothing to autocomplete my gdm<tab>
09:34.50*** join/#debian mbrad (~mbrad@
09:35.41ratracealgun: gpu drivers and/or firmware?
09:35.43algunOn the other hand, graphical instalation could run fine
09:36.03algunratrace, for a live system? I'd expect it to use generic ones.
09:36.22algun(also see above)
09:36.24ratracealgun: no. gnome requires full opengl acceleratd hw experience
09:37.05ratracethere really are no "generic" gpu drivers. either it's nouveau, nvidia, amdpgu, intel or vesa/vga, but I don't think gnome works with vesa
09:38.16*** join/#debian dionysus69 (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/dionysus69)
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09:39.34algunWell vesa ones.
09:39.46algunBut I guess you have a point about 3D acceleration.
09:40.22algunMy GPU is Intel Iris Plus. Shouldn't Intel's integrated GPUs have free drivers?
09:41.43*** join/#debian m0u_ (~m0u@unaffiliated/m0u)
09:41.58algunI mean surely debian-live-...-gnome was conceptualized booting into GNOME with free drivers, right?
09:42.44*** join/#debian bertbob (
09:45.57CommunistWolfyeah, it should work well enough
09:46.51jelly!firmware live
09:46.51dpkgUnofficial <live> images - containing non-free Debian <firmware> packages - for Debian 10 "Buster" as a live OS are available at . See also <firmware images>.
09:47.15jellyalgun, even Intel GPUs need firmware these days
09:47.39jellyonly 7+ years old generations might work without any
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09:48.37jellythe drivers are free, but they need fw
09:49.09algunMy face remains theh same
09:49.34algunAnyway, says "The files here are complete ISO images, ready to use.", but I dono't see no .iso-s
09:50.31algunSame with official weekly livie builds over at
09:52.54algunjelly, can I simply add non-free sources and install linux-firmware-nonfree in the live shell, will it persist?
09:53.50algunActually, I think my wifi doesn't work without them either
09:54.08algunSo I'd really need those ISOs
09:55.56algunAre these (stable) ISOs hybrid?
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09:57.23algunnvm, last slug implies so. I reached the page through Google, got thrown off by cdimage
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10:01.41jellyyes, all debian isos are supposed to be hybrid and bootable either from usb-storage or burned to dvd or cd
10:06.32algunjelly, that leaves the question of why there are no isos in the weekkly builds dirs?
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10:26.16jellyalgun, those are for bullseye (current testing), I don't know what's the optimal way of trying testing right now
10:26.34jellythere are no weeklies for stable
10:26.44jellyonly point release
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11:33.01algunI'm afraid "d-live nf 10.5.0 gn amd64" also failed to start gnome. Trying to manually startx failed as well. The logs seems to have mentioned a (missing) display and then a framebuffer error
11:33.57jellyis that the firmware one?
11:34.28algununless I selected the wrong image, it should be (I think nf stands for non-free")
11:35.15algun(what I gave you was the name of the drive after "burning" an iso, hopefully the debian-live-10.5.0-amd64-gnome+nonfree.iso
11:37.33algunThat's right. Rufus offers the name with the "nf " if I select the ...+nonfree.iso, otherwise it offers a label without the nf part
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13:22.37Eryn_1983_FLhey guys is it worth it to rebuild our ntp with the secure ntp?
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13:25.51cluonbeamEryn_1983_FL: Do you have a particular concern with someone spoofing an incorrect date/time?
13:26.07cluonbeamThen there you go.
13:26.14Eryn_1983_FLbut im in the process of planning upgrading all the services
13:26.28cluonbeamSee the previous question.
13:26.36Eryn_1983_FLok fine
13:26.37cluonbeamIf it's not something you're concerned about, then why expend the effort?
13:27.15Eryn_1983_FLwell i wouldn't say im not concerned, im wondering if it is EOL or out dated or what
13:27.23jellyalgun, you may have too new hardware for drivers and fw in Debian 10
13:27.26Eryn_1983_FLalso concerned about best practices
13:27.46Eryn_1983_FLwould you implement ntp when are redoing everything?
13:28.05jelly,i sntp
13:28.08juddPackage sntp (net, optional) in buster/amd64: Network Time Protocol - sntp client. Version: 1:4.2.8p12+dfsg-4; Size: 162.7k; Installed: 281k; Homepage:
13:28.42Eryn_1983_FLrebuild yeah,
13:28.43jellyoh, that's just a client
13:28.50algunjelly, might be a good guess. Imma try Ubuntu Live and see what it says
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13:29.23jellyubuntu 20.04 will probably have a newer kernel and intel gpu drivers than debian 10, yeah
13:34.08nulleiphow can one see the samba compiled options of certain debian distro samba package?
13:34.35nulleipI mean, configure options
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13:35.42rkoshello i have a strange urxvt problem i cant solve
13:36.47rkosi have urxvt installed on my laptop, it works fine with unicode, when i make a ssh session to my vps also running debian the unicode still works but when i open a tmux or an irssi on the vps then the unicode suddenly stops working, but this is for urxvt only and in the same sessions with different terminals the unicode works
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13:42.02oxekdoes 'apt changelog mupdf' work for anyone?
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13:43.32oxekhmm, must be a problem on my side then, thanks
13:44.22oxekthis is the output I get
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13:46.37cluonbeamEryn_1983_FL: Best practices are guidelines, not rules. Consider your threat model. If you don't consider spoofed dates/times a threat, then... There you go.
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13:51.32jelly,v mupdf
13:51.33juddPackage: mupdf on amd64 -- jessie: 1.5-1+deb8u4; jessie-security: 1.5-1+deb8u6; stretch: 1.9a+ds1-4+deb9u4; stretch-security: 1.9a+ds1-4+deb9u4; buster: 1.14.0+ds1-4; buster-security: 1.14.0+ds1-4+deb10u1; bullseye: 1.17.0+ds1-1; sid: 1.17.0+ds1-1
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13:52.34jellyoxek, that's a known issue, does not export changelogs the way normal repos do
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13:52.59jellydon't know the bug number
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13:54.40jellyoxek, reported in 2008 and a couple times afterwards!  Eg. #729948
13:54.40juddBug in (open, confirmed): «Please include changelog and copyright after security uploads»; severity: normal; opened: 2013-11-19; last modified: 2015-10-17.
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13:55.04JanniHello. I have a little question concerning display managers and ~/.profile.
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13:56.08JanniOn my personal Debian (stable) where I use nodm ~/.profile seems to be read when I "log in", whereas on another Debian (stable) with xfce4 it does not seem to be read at all.
13:56.34JanniCan you tell me, whether it should be read upon log in and who is responsible for doing that?
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13:59.01JanniMaybe that's the answer:
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14:00.58JanniOr for Debian:
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14:06.15ratraceJanni: note, it's .xsessionrc on debian
14:07.37nickname123"Hardware-accelerated video decode" isn't avalaible in chromium on a machine that is running bullseye. according to chromium should support va-api
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14:10.32jellynickname123, two things a) there's a separate channel for versions of software in testing and b) which gpu? See if i965-va-driver and vainfo packages are installed, run vainfo
14:10.38dpkg#debian-next is the channel for testing/unstable support on the OFTC network (, *not* on freenode.  If you get "Cannot join #debian-next (Channel is invite only)." it means you did not read it's on See also and
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14:14.22nickname123i965-va-driver is installed, but vainfo doesn't do anything
14:16.09nickname123now i've installed it. it says "libva info: Trying to open /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/" etc.
14:16.27NetTerminalGenenickname123: are you usre chromium doesn't require to enable some experiment?
14:16.43oxekjelly: thanks for finding that
14:19.00nickname123NetTerminalGene: isn't this chrome://flags/#ignore-gpu-blacklist ? i disabled this.
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14:20.02nickname123i mean enabled it
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14:26.44NetTerminalGenenickname123: probably
14:26.49NetTerminalGenei don't use chrome
14:27.11NetTerminalGenei heard firefox is also enabled acceleration
14:27.24NetTerminalGeneyou can enable under about:config
14:27.48Janniratrace: Thanks!
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14:29.43nickname123[16:27] <NetTerminalGene> i heard firefox is also enabled acceleration <-- according to the debian wiki it only works with wayland
14:30.27NetTerminalGenenickname123: latest version can work with X
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15:34.39nickname123<NetTerminalGene> nickname123: latest version can work with X <-- amazing. thx
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15:35.26wrksxomg masks mandatory in openspaces
15:35.39wrksxtime to ask for more remote working
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15:43.31nickname123i got a written excemption from a doctor
15:43.57nickname123no masks for me in shops
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15:46.44nickname123are you living in australia, wrksx?
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15:50.35wrksxnickname123: nope =) but I guess it's gonna be that way in many countries
15:51.42wrksxI whish everyone wears it. But me =) ain't that selfish
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16:03.49nickname123the masks only give you more CO2 and are a so called Gessler hat
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16:13.23cluonbeamnickname123: Too bad there are no medical reasons for exemptions whatsoever. Medical exemptions are a bunch of bull leveraged by people that can't be bothered to care about anyone other than themselves.
16:13.47cluonbeamAnd the idea that a mask increases your CO2 levels is also bunk.
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16:18.37n4dirat least it looks cool.
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16:23.56wwilliamwhy would any command  regular user execute would hang?
16:24.04wwilliamand root can execute?
16:24.15greycatstrace it and find out
16:24.19oerhekswwilliam, 'any' ?
16:24.34wwilliamno strace installed greycat can not install either
16:24.46wwilliamany including built in commands.
16:24.55greycatwwilliam: name one builtin that hangs.
16:24.58wwilliamI dont know greycat not my call
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16:25.21oerheksi would do; step 1. create new user, 2. see if it occurs again
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16:25.36greycatlet me guess, "I can't do that"
16:25.58cluonbeamHow do you expect to troubleshoot a system that you don't even control?
16:26.14wwilliammany protocols and change control here
16:26.34cluonbeamSounds like you need to consult local resources, then.
16:26.37wwilliamnothing, nothing can be done without a change that 100 people have to approve.
16:26.47cluonbeamThen how are you supposed to troubleshoot a problem?
16:26.56*** join/#debian Morg0th (~Morg0th@
16:27.01wwilliamIRC  :)
16:27.18cluonbeamIf you can't install diagnostic utilities, you can't troubleshoot.
16:27.58cluonbeamAnd, by the way, troubleshooting and diagnostic work on a faulty system aren't things that are limited by any sane change control process. Either you're misunderstanding how change control works, or you should find a new employer.
16:28.08wwilliamok everything you guys said is valuable , what can i do with root? where can i look?
16:28.26cluonbeamHow should we know? You won't install anything that can be used to diagnose the problem./
16:28.43wwilliamha ha ha cluonbeam no, need changes for everything.
16:28.51wwilliamOk Thank you.
16:29.04cluonbeamwwilliam: Then either you're misunderstanding the change control process or your employer is a bucket of idiots.
16:29.27cluonbeamBecause... Troubleshooting and diagnostics aren't "changes" as far as a change control process goes.
16:29.33cluonbeamAnyway, glhf.
16:29.55greycatyou don't even need to "install" strace to use it as root to diagnose a problem.  just copy it over from another machine of the same arch/version and drop it in /usr/local/sbin and then run it
16:30.49wwilliamOK, thanks will check.
16:31.32Morg0thHey there, I just installed nvidia-driver on my laptop in the hope that my dualscreen will work, but weirdly enough I found that if I have a file like 10-nvidia.conf with 'Driver "nvidia"' in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ and that I start X with an external screen then I get only the external screen, and if I remove the xorg file then I get only my laptop screen. And only one is ever detected by xrandr. Any ideas
16:31.38Morg0thwhere I should look at to make this work?
16:32.16oerheksMorg0th, laptops have a FN key for internal/external/both screens
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16:33.27nickname123cluonbeam: the reall bull is that virus hype
16:33.42oerheksnickname123, please continue this conversation in -offtopic, thanks
16:33.47cluonbeamnickname123: Tell that to my friend who just lost both parents to said virus.
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16:33.49Morg0thoerheks: hmm ok, i tried that earlier but not since i reinstalled the drivers, brb
16:34.15cluonbeamnickname123: Go spout your nonsense somewhere else, please. Not even in -offtopic.
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16:38.01Morg0thWell using the fn laptop key didn't do it. I should have said that when I have a xorg.conf file, X fails to start if I don't have an external screen (saying "No screens found"), but if I have one it starts on that other screen and my laptop screen stays in terminal mode with no WM. I can never have both screens at the same time, even in xrandr's listing
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17:02.17psusidoes anyone know why ssh insists on looking for my RSA key in /root even thoguh I used sudo -s -E to preserve my bloody environment so HOME still points to *my* directory?
17:03.00jhutchinspsusi: Have you verified that?
17:03.14psusiecho $HOME shows my home directory
17:03.27greycatwell, you either source dive, or you google search for someone else who has the same question
17:04.35psusinever had this problem on ubuntu... I wonder if debian has some weird patch?
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17:07.25jhutchinspsusi: What happens if you do sudo -i ?
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17:07.53psusi-i means forget my environment and give me a real login shell as that person
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17:08.43psusisudo -s means don't do that on ubuntu anyhow, but debian defaults to throwing it out anyhow unless you specify -E aparently
17:09.02greycatwe know what sudo -i and sudo -s MEAN.  you were asked to TRY it and see if it changes the behavior of ssh.
17:09.30jhutchinsiirc ssh uses the key of the user you specify the connection for, so if you ssh, it uses /root's key.
17:09.31psusiyet for some reason, even though HOME=/home/psusi, ssh still looks up root's home directory in /etc/passwd and looks for id_rsa there
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17:09.41greycatjhutchins: no, that is nonsense
17:09.52psusigreycat: the behavior I'm seeing is exactly what you should get if you use -i
17:10.12jhutchinsgreycat: You're right, it looks for /root's public key on the target.
17:10.45psusiyea, I specified the correct remote user name
17:10.50greycatpsusi: well, you can either start source diving, or you can start pounding on google.  Figure out which one will get you the answer you want more quickly.
17:11.45greycatyou threw a wrench into the problem when you claimed that U and D behave differently, so now there are THREE different source trees to consider -- upstream, U and D
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17:11.50psusiand I can see with strace that it's lookupg up root's entry in /etc/passwd
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17:15.44royivHi; our CI system is seeing some failed fetches from We're working on vendoring these fetches, but in the meantime, is there some way to see the status/health of
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17:16.44somiajroyiv: you could try to use an actual mirror as opposed to the redirector.
17:17.02somiajalso what is failing, and why? Did you make sure to update your sources before fetching?
17:17.25nkuttlerroyiv: you might also want to run a local cache/mirror
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17:23.42royivsomiaj: "Could not connect to (, connection timed out" is the exact error we see; we run `apt-get update` immediately prior to `apt-get install`. (The package it is failing on is `dumb-init` and `e2fsprogs`, if that matters.)
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17:35.59somiajhmm, that is strange, you could try a real mirror see if that helps, and nkuttler suggestion is good if you have multiple clients needing the info (so you only have to download it once to your local network) should be redircting you to a mirror based on a few factors uses a cdn which sometimes runs afoul of isp caching and other tomfoolery
17:40.20sneyit's *usually* fine but some people have better results with
17:40.37sneywhere country = us, ca, uk, etc
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17:42.50royivIn this case, this is our CI system (which runs in one of Azure's US datacenters), and we're using the Debian buster-slim dockerfile; reading, it looks like the two choices are Fastly or Cloudfront? (I think we're hitting the Fastly ones presently, given the IP address we see.)
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17:43.29royiv(I just mean that, I hope we're not hitting ISP tomfoolery, here. This should be very expected traffic for Azure, I would think.)
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17:45.05sneycould be azure tomfoolery in that case. I would be surprised if they *weren't* caching the cache, as it were
17:45.14greycatannnd there we go, "i use docker so i can't make it work" *plonk*
17:46.06sneythat was very helpful thank you greycat
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17:47.41somiajroyiv: if it is an issue with the network, and a real mirror works, could you just change the mirror in the docker file you use?
17:48.33somiajby real, I mean one that isn't a CND/redictor,
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17:48.53royivgreycat: I think we could update our Dockerfiles to overwrite the default source's file to point to, say, the CF mirror along the lines of what has been suggested. I thought I would ask here, to see if perhaps this is a problem that Debian might be aware of, or if not, that it might be worth bring to folk's attn. I also have to try to balance the pragmatism of making such a change if this is a transient
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17:48.59royivoutage. (We do try to vendor to isolate ourselves from Debian's uptime, and we should do a better job of that, and we've clearly missed a spot or two.)
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18:55.14johnjayhi where can I learn to make debian packages? is it in the handbook?
18:56.14dpkgThe packaging tutorial ( and the New Maintainer's Guide ( are good places to start learning about Debian packaging.  You should also ask me about <devref> and <policy> to understand how packages should be maintained and how they should interact with each other.  Ask me about <package basics>, <mentors>, <best practices> <build without helper>.
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19:55.56dpkgFor information on permissions, read «info coreutils 'File Permissions'», and .  For further information, see and and follow the setuid and setgid links within.  See also <ssh permissions>, <qotd232>.
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23:30.54Guest397can i ask a question about ubuntu
23:31.49alex11why not use the ubuntu support?
23:32.09Guest397because i got banned
23:32.15Guest397for asking an debian question
23:32.22Guest397im a troll
23:32.35cluonbeamThat'd do it.
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