IRC log for #debian on 20200623

00:01.03*** join/#debian drdee (~drdee@2001:b07:a70:9f1f:1562:34de:f50f:77d4)
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00:17.35EdePopedewhan is "browsable" on salsa? i see some directories, but the sources aren't included
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00:35.22EdePopedeand a weird alphabet it uses
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00:41.17EdePopedehtop (and also bashtop) has all the files on top level it seems. mc: nada. only "debian" which is a directory
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00:48.04EdePopedeseems to be the content of the .debian tarball. but where's the one from the .orig? or are they just rips from the upstream?
00:48.48sney.orig is literally the upstream tarball, orig is short for original
00:49.08sneybut also, not everything is maintained on salsa. is a good resource for checking which packages are and aren't
00:49.18*** join/#debian BrianG61UK (~BrianG61U@2a02:8010:66b7:dddd:a896:3215:85ab:8d26)
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00:50.42sneyand debian tries to get changes included upstream as much as possible. debian is an integration project; ideally, the only change between upstream and the debian sources is package build glue in debian/rules
00:51.28EdePopededownloaded the htop's now. its .orig looks like the files salsa has here:
00:51.57EdePopedeso some packages have their original files browsable on salsa while others don't?
00:53.09EdePopedeoh. good. so it's not me :)
00:53.42*** join/#debian odp (
00:56.25EdePopedeactually i was hoping to find some more undeveloped versions of mc's filetype helper scripts, but they seem to be the same, though some come as .in with tiny differences
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02:12.32oblioanyone else having problems w zoom screensharing under x11/bullseye?
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02:17.01dpkg#debian-next is the channel for testing/unstable support on the OFTC network (, *not* on freenode.  If you get "Cannot join #debian-next (Channel is invite only)." it means you did not read it's on See also and
02:17.04annadaneoblio, ^
02:19.56*** join/#debian hyskaru (
02:20.54qu1nn_pr0pointers greatly appreciated...missing my nextcloud;  see thread:
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02:26.01dpkgownCloud is an open source web application for data synchronization, file sharing and cloud storage.  #owncloud on
02:27.51*** join/#debian Trieste (~T@unaffiliated/trieste)
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03:09.04*** topic/#debian is Current Debian release is buster, 10.4 point release /msg dpkg 10.4; /msg dpkg buster; /msg dpkg stretch->buster; /msg dpkg apt suite changed | Oldstable Stretch: /msg dpkg stretch ; /msg dpkg 9.12 ; 9.12 needs dist-upgrade | NO FLOOD: /msg dpkg paste | offtopic: #debian-offtopic | testing/unstable: #debian-next @ | chanlogs: /msg dpkg irclog
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03:49.07DisavowedHey all. Delving into setting up my nvidia GPU on my XPS on Debian 10 but there's quite a few ways to do it and I'm not sure what I should be doing really. I'm newish to Debian which probably doesn't help
03:49.31DisavowedI've installed nvidia-driver via apt but glxinfo gives me: `X Error of failed request:  BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation)` which I suspect is something to do with my problem, but it's entirely possible I've gone about this all wrong!
03:49.43DisavowedAny pointers gratefully received
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05:22.16mi11k1hey, whats the simplist ftp server?
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06:02.42mi11k1could somebodyt maybe help me with usb wifi? dmesg shows it, i have firmware-realtek installed as its a realtek chipset, lsusb shows it, however iw phy iw dev show nothing
06:02.51mi11k1rfkill shows it not being blocked
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06:30.58EdePopededon't people understand the difference between irc and a web forum anymore?
06:31.53rj1maybe some people don't!
06:35.08EdePopederj1: unrelated, you don't use thunderbird as irc client by accident?
06:37.11rj1EdePopede: nope, do u?
06:37.45EdePopedeno, hexchat. from the beginning, which wasn't even on my own system.
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06:38.20EdePopedeit's just that a similar nick has SASL connect messages from another user
06:38.56EdePopedei thought this could have been you, raj1 some 15 hours ago
06:39.04rj1not i
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08:24.09r1nt3csorry misstake
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09:08.36MonotokoAnyone know where I'm supposed to find named-checkconf these days?
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09:08.37Monotokoeverything tells me it's in the bind9utils but it's not
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09:09.20f-aI would like to write a mathematical formula in TeX and have it converted to an image. What is the easiest way to do it? If it is command line, even better
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09:10.00Haohmarui hate to say this, but maybe it could be done with imagemagick x_x
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09:10.45Haohmarui mean, if it's like a matter of putting some text with a specific font into an image..
09:10.52f-aHaohmaru: that would be fantastic — and scary at the same time!
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09:11.13Haohmaruscary for sure
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09:12.27MonotokoI'm so confused... I can see the man page here:
09:12.37Monotokoand have everything installed including bind9-utils
09:12.43Abraxlooks like i am using a fairly old debian version
09:12.49Abraxgotta do an upgrade
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09:21.18ratraceMonotoko: it's in /usr/sbin
09:21.21ratrace!buster su
09:21.21dpkgIn buster, su no longer overrides PATH by default, requiring that you use "su -" or "su -l" for login shells (which is not really a new thing at all...). To approximate the previous behaviour, put "ALWAYS_SET_PATH yes" in /etc/login.defs. See for details.
09:21.23ratraceMonotoko: ^^
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09:51.06Aehuse2ahello <3 debian
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10:06.25bipulHi, does anyone know how to connect with bridged adapter using virtualbox in debian 2.2 potato ??
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10:18.42RoyKbipul: potato? ;)
10:19.00RoyKbipul: what are you trying to achive here?
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10:31.02RoyKbipul: if this is to revive an old installation or similar, I'd just use kvm. But again, if you have it running in virtualbox can either bridge the vm, which is neat, meaning it'll be on the same segment as everything else, or you can use the virtualbox "port forward" stuff. Not to be confused with iptables/nftables port forward. See
10:31.07RoyK for more info
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10:40.38otisolsen70Is it possible to run wireguard with Debian 10?
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10:44.00Monotokoratrace Ahhh yes I forgot this, that makes sense thanks (turned out it wasn't the config, I was just asking for A records rather than PTR :P)
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10:57.15bipulRoyK, let see if i can do port forwarding
10:59.34bipulRoyK, But to do portforwarding NIC need to detect, and i found 2.2 version has kernel 2.2.19 which does not support NIC
11:00.18bipulWhich does not support the list of NIC provided by VirtualBox.
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11:01.28bipulSo basically what's happening here is potato uses 2.2.19 version of kernel which does not support any NIC provided by virtualBox
11:02.14RoyKoh - that sucks
11:03.40bipulRoyK,  :(
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11:06.09bipulThe only option i can see is to blend the 2 decade old kernel with +5 Years kernel and customize the iso
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11:10.05RoyKbipul: perhaps you could try with kvm?
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11:15.59bipulboth uses the same libvirt,
11:17.16bipulRoyK,  I guess VirtualBox & KVMuses the same libvirt
11:18.45RoyKthat's libvirt, but not the drivers, afaik
11:18.59JyZyXELneither of those use libvirt
11:19.37bipulLet me see search if kvm support 2.2.19 kernel versions
11:19.55dkaI have upgraded my kernel and now I can't connect my bluetooth speaker
11:20.03dkait does not appear in my list of audio devices
11:20.09dkaeven if bluetooth is connected
11:20.11dkaany idea why?
11:21.11RoyKbipul: I have some time off now, in these coronean times, so let me try :)
11:21.59bipulIt's crona era.
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11:30.41RoyKdamn - I've forgotten how shitty that potato installer was :D
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12:16.06mokulusI've been distrohopping a lot, could Debian be the remedy for my ailment?
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12:20.00dvsno! ;-P
12:20.39netvixtratry LFS
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12:26.07dpkgTIAS is "Try It And See".
12:29.37dkaI am having bad issue with google-chrome-stable it's so unstable
12:29.45dkaI am now thinking to format my debian
12:29.51dkaBut there's no reason to
12:29.55dkais this package unstable?
12:30.16Haohmaruy u no firefox?
12:30.27dkabecause chrome for web developement is better
12:30.54Haohmaruhow unfortunate
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12:32.04Haohmaru"formatting" doesn't sounds like a solution at all to me
12:32.12Haohmaruwut's it supposed to achieve?
12:32.51dkaHaohmaru, do you have a better solution?
12:33.01dkaI can start it with --disable-extensions
12:33.13dkabut that doesn't fit for my web dev work
12:33.25dkaI removed and purged it, reinstalled it, remove extensions sync otherwise it break
12:33.29dkainstall my own extensiond
12:33.33dkabut then it break again
12:33.41dkait seemed that the issues was hangout extension
12:33.42Haohmaruno, i only browse, i don't make webpages
12:33.47dkabut this time I didn't installed it, and it break again
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12:34.46mokulusI've been distrohopping a lot, could Debian be the remedy for my ailment?
12:35.07RoyKbipul: hm - I just don't understand why you want to run this old poptato install. If it's an old disk and so on, why not mount it and grab the data?
12:35.50abrotmanmokulus: 1160 "people" can't be wrong!
12:36.30joepublicsettle on debian and you can distrohop between stable and testing.  Much cozier.
12:36.31RoyKseven billion flies can't be wrong: eat shit!
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12:39.03Aebiancan someone point me in the right diretion on how to go along with this device driver? my laptop is an lg and this driver would certainly fix some issues
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13:09.33premobosshello everyone. I need to have Debian 4.0... where can i find CD/DVD images? i know rgere is a sort of archive, i dig here but i fount onli the netist.iso, my wish is to have the images of cd/dvd, if possible.
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13:15.36EdePopedehm. did i miss Debian Retro Days?
13:15.49Haohmarumuseum-grade Debian
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13:18.01EdePopedepremoboss, mentions jigdo which will give you the iso when everything is collected (or so they say, i didn't use it yet)
13:18.25dpkgJigsaw Download (jigdo) is a method for downloading CD/DVD/BD images of Debian.  See "Downloading Debian CD images with jigdo" at . Jigdo uses .deb packages and a .jigdo receipe to create the image.
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13:33.02dD__My system is crashing with a strange I/O error directly from the SSD.  I've practically tried everything to test the disk.  Before replacing it, I want to be 100% certain.  The server crashes about 24 hours in, and works perfectly before those 24-36 hours always.  What would be the best way to check the logs?  Since once the system crashes I have to reboot and sometimes it crashes in the middle of
13:33.04dD__the night and cannot see the logs when it crashed.
13:37.06sussudiodD__: do remote logging. and 9 out of 10 times, it's either the powersupply or a bad cable/connection.
13:39.02*** mode/#debian [+l 1185] by debhelper
13:39.13greycatalso, enabling the persistent journal would be a good idea, and easier to set up than remote logging
13:39.26greycatdpkg persistent journal
13:39.27dpkgIn Debian releases 8-10, systemd's journal is not persistent by default. To enable a persistent journal, enable Storage=persistent in /etc/systemd/journald.conf. Persistence will be the default in Debian 11 Bullseye.
13:40.48shtrbDoes anyone know how to inverse the microphone led indicator ? my mic led is operating in an inverted way (led is on when mic is mutes/ not in use and off when it is in use )
13:40.57shtrbUsing debian buster
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13:41.34no_gravityHello! Sometimes, when I type "exit" in a terminal it hangs for a while. It is always the second window in screen. Is there a way to find out what is going on?
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13:45.59jellywriting any kind of logs to a dead disk might pose a problem
13:46.24greycatTrue, but there's a good chance the disk is only partly dead, and not all the way dead.
13:46.38greycatSo *something* might get written, and it doesn't cost much to try it.
13:46.52greycatMeanwhile you can also start working on remote logging.
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13:47.49sussudioif i recall correctly, enabling remote logging required 1 line at the client side, and uncommenting 2 lines at the server side rsyslog.conf
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14:22.14premobossEdePopede, no, i have to do a task that need that a kernel of 2.4.x
14:25.37jellywhat kind of task?
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14:26.16premobossjelly, if i tell you, then i have to kill you (joke)
14:26.31premobosswell, i am performing a linux-on-floppy
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14:26.48premobossso i need a old kernel that can fit in.
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14:29.08jellyuse tomsrtbt then, not a Debian kernel with lots of modularized stuff
14:29.29jellyand pick actual or virtual hardware VERY carefully
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14:35.36dD__If this is a new error my disk is giving me, does this mean it's very likely a hardware issue?
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14:44.02this_paradiskreyren: Life is Strange, Dreamfall, Dota 2, CS:GO, Gothic, Freespace 2
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14:46.03kreyrenthis_paradis, thanks ^-^
14:46.07kreyrenwhat is Dreamfall and Freespace 2?
14:47.13this_paradisadventure and spaceship sim
14:47.56kreyrenI see O.o
14:48.28sussudiodD__: did you google that error? looks like it's likely what i said before; bad sata cable or not seated correctly at either side.
14:48.30annadanedreamfall is the sequel to the longest journey so you may wish to play that one first
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14:48.53annadaneyou'll miss context otherwise
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14:56.32dD__sussudio: I did, but the problem is that I already changed the cable, the SATA port, used compressed air, made sure it's seated correctly, and up to now nothing
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15:02.21sussudiodD__: powerconnector could be bad too. also, this "openmediavault" is not debian, just based on it.
15:04.10sussudiogoogle also suggests disabling native command queueing to see if that fixes is, if it isn't a hardware problem (which most likely it is)
15:07.20sussudiooh, it even mentions ncq in the error message.
15:07.24dD__sussudio: I did blow compressed air into the power connector but left it in the same place.  But maybe i'll change it, power supply is also new
15:07.31dD__what is NCQ?
15:07.33dD__googling it
15:07.51sussudiowhat i said in the line before
15:08.30dD__My problem is that after 24 hours I get this error message:
15:08.42dD__SSD is almost new but I'm guessing that it might just be a faulty one?
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15:10.25sussudiodid you run a smart test on it
15:11.19ImL8depending on the brand of ssd, there may be a tool to test it.  I don't know if they make them for linux though
15:11.33dD__sussudio: yes, found nothing:  updated the database on another one but don't have the results here but also didn't show anything.
15:12.04dD__ImL8: it's kingston, I ran it on medicat and it didn't find any problem with it
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15:13.06dD__ran the diagnostics tools on medicat*
15:14.52jmdAt I see the error:
15:14.52jmd"BLOCKED: Rejected/violates migration policy/introduces a regression"
15:14.52jmdbut it doesn't say why it is blocked or which policy is violated nor any
15:14.53jmdother details.  How can I get more information and/or fix this?
15:15.17greycatprobably by clicking on it
15:15.31jmdIt's not a link.  Just text.
15:15.59greycatthere's a new item that's only 2 days old, which might override that
15:17.01greycatbeyond that, who knows... read the bug tracker, or ask the maintainers
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15:26.14Haohmaru,v qucs
15:26.15juddNo package named 'qucs' was found in amd64.
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17:54.04buu[ 2281.047438] FS-Cache: Loaded
17:54.04buu[ 2281.058928] FS-Cache: Netfs 'nfs' registered for caching
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17:54.34buuGah, sorry
17:54.42buuThis is a kernel panic right?
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18:00.05sneysure is
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18:08.00Thedarkb1Hi, I've installed libgtk-3-dev but gtk/gtk.h isn't in my library path.
18:10.25sney,file gtk/gtk.h
18:10.29juddSearch for gtk/gtk.h in buster/amd64: libgtk-3-dev: usr/include/gtk-3.0/gtk/gtk.h; libgtk2.0-dev: usr/include/gtk-2.0/gtk/gtk.h
18:10.38dvsThedarkb1, you need to include /usr/include/gtk-3.0/ to your include path
18:10.52Thedarkb1Thank you.
18:11.22greycatthere's probably some magic pkg-config command that you're supposed to run from your Makefile to generate the -I flags for cc
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18:21.23tw--cflags or --cflags-only-I
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18:23.49twOh, I guess the hard part is knowing to use --cflags gtk-3.0 to pull the proper library.
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18:55.46cronoliohello, where i can fing out default /etc/ for debian 10 ?
18:56.18greycatinclude /etc/*.conf
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18:56.28greycatplus a blank line for some reason
18:57.07cronoliothanks, looks like i am override it with my experiments
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19:19.35otisolsen70Is there a way to see what installed packages takes up what space? I.e. make a list of packages by size so that I can remove stuff to clean up?
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19:28.29jmcnaughtotisolsen70: the debian-goodies package has a dpigs command that does this.
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19:29.33badsektordude try this: sudo apt install calibre --install-suggests. it wants to download 4 gb of files and needs 11 gb space in total
19:29.51badsektorjust an epub reader
19:30.50joepublicthat's kind of like saying Libreoffice is just an epub reader.
19:30.51otisolsen70jmcnaught, thanks!
19:32.52badsektorjoepublic, that prompted me to google the software, in its website it says the guy who develops calibre is called Kovid Goyal. what a name
19:33.31badsektorjoepublic, btw, your analogy would be better if you said "libreoffice is just a text editor"
19:33.35joepublicI know, right? First name, last name, jammed together like that.  How dare he.  Well, nice talkin to you.
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19:33.44badsektorlibreoffice can't read epub, can it?
19:34.05badsektorjoepublic, why are you stuck up man? what is your problem?
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20:50.28yanmaaniMy computer is extremely slow, as if it were out of RAM, but I have a full gigabyte free.
20:50.46yanmaaniThis happens when e.g. /tmp/ is full, but it isn't. Any other things which can do this?
20:51.25annadanehave you checked htop/iotop?
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20:54.51LaScoumoune_cat /proc/meminfo
20:54.54LaScoumoune_vmstat -s
20:55.01LaScoumoune_sudo dmidecode -t 17
20:55.03LaScoumoune_free -m
20:55.05LaScoumoune_df -h
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20:58.49velixHmm, `apt update` suddenly gives me wired results: `/usr/bin/apt-key: 57: /usr/bin/apt-key: cannot create /dev/null: Permission denied`
20:59.31velix`/dev/null` belongs to root. `echo 1 > /dev/null` works.
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21:00.58greycatIs it a character file, or a regular file?
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21:01.10greycatcrw-rw-rw- 1 root root 1, 3 May  9 08:04 /dev/null
21:01.21greycatAre the permissions correct (666)?
21:01.48greycatIs there any chance your error message is coming from a process that is chrooted?
21:02.41velix-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Jun 23 21:00 /dev/null
21:02.53greycatSo, two issues.  Wrong type of file, and wrong permissions.
21:03.29velixlet me google, how to fix it
21:03.35greycatThe question is, what happened to your /dev/null?  Is the whole /dev file system mounted incorrectly?
21:03.49velixgreycat: No other problems occured.
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21:04.07greycatare things like /dev/zero correct?
21:04.30velix0 crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 1, 5 Jun 14 21:01 /dev/zero
21:04.32velixlooks well
21:04.39velixgreycat: mknod -m 0666 /dev/null c 1 3 ?
21:04.55greycatI haven't had to use mknod in *ages*... you can try
21:05.14velixcrw-rw-rw- 1 root root 1, 3 Jun 23 21:05 /dev/null
21:05.25velixlet me update
21:05.33velixWorks again. Crazy.
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21:06.08velixHehe, perhaps I was tired and did a "mv x /dev/null"? :D
21:06.34velixDoes this work?
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21:08.57otisolsen70Is it possible to see HEIC images on Debian? If so, what tools do I need?
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21:09.09yanmaaniannadane: Yeah, it tells me the memory isn't full.
21:09.57yanmaaniLaScoumoune_: 0.5GB of shared and 0.8GB of buff/cache.
21:10.23yanmaaniif there are "/tmp/ full" type incidents, which one of these would it count towards?
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21:14.05annadaneyanmaani, i'm not sure; someone else might know if you stick around though. btw sorry for the lack of ping before, i need to get used to that when addressing people on irc
21:15.06LaScoumoune_yanmaani: when you say it's slow, how it's slow ?
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21:16.39LaScoumoune_htop is a great cmd real time
21:16.54LaScoumoune_for see if is the process or the memory
21:17.38blurkisI installed debian stable, then upgraded to testing. I havent done much changes besides that.  When I run apt-get update/upgrade it seems the upgrades are already downloaded. Not a problem really, just curius.. does debian download upgrades in background?
21:17.49yanmaaniLaScoumoune_: The mouse cursor is slow when moving around, things are generally extremely unresponsive. It's stopped now, but I'd like to know what's the cause
21:18.25LaScoumoune_and the cmd shell ?
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21:19.38LaScoumoune_you don't have run a script look that empty a folder ? i say that because i have do that one time
21:20.36annadaneblurkis, if you just updated then i don't expect immediate upgrades; one decent way to check is the package-update-indicator package (GUI application)
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21:20.55annadanetesting isn't like sid where you'll get updates every day and also it depends how much you installed
21:21.06yanmaaniLaScoumoune_: The cmd shell? A script that empties a folder?
21:21.20yanmaaniI have a terminal and I can run htop in it and it tells me that I have about a gigabyte free.
21:21.39LaScoumoune_sorry for my english
21:21.53blurkisannadane: My bad. Sorry.  Its Sid im running.  By choise.
21:22.16blurkisannadane: I just wondered if it downloads upgrades in the background. Seemd like it.
21:22.28annadaneblurkis, i'd probably go ask #debian-next on the oftc network
21:22.35annadanetypically it won't download upgrades by default
21:22.53annadaneyou can check /var/log/apt/history.log though
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21:25.37LaScoumoune_yanmaani: so that only you're cursor mouse ?
21:26.28LaScoumoune_if you have %mem & %cpu free and disk free
21:26.54LaScoumoune_and if it's only the mouse
21:27.12LaScoumoune_so check you're mouse or the usb connect
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21:37.46velixCan I create a copy-target, which links to /dev/null ?
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21:44.38greycatYou can create a symlink to /dev/null.  Anything that writes to your symlink will be writing to /dev/null.
21:44.50greycatI don't know what a "copy-target" is.
21:47.09velixgreycat: Something like a sink or /dev/null filesystem.
21:47.11velixOh, let me google this
21:47.31velixHa! nullfs in fuse
21:48.39jhutchinsyanmaani: Use top, ps ax, and netstat -anp and figure out what every one of those entries is there for.
21:49.40jhutchinsvelix: Why would you overcomplicate things and not just use /dev/null?
21:49.55velixjhutchins: Because many tools don't support piping on output.
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21:54.28yanmaaniLaScoumoune_: No, Everything becomes extremely unresponsive. Mouse, keyboard, everything. Clock doesn't update, and it becomes normal-ish whenever I do alt-sysrq-F to kill a random process.
21:54.41yanmaaniIf the CPU is maxed out, that doesn't make my system unresponsive. Neither if disk is full.
21:56.33velixurgs, this actually makes no sense: It's VFS on tmpfs??
21:57.03LaScoumoune_sorry but fasle, i have make a wrong program one time and that full my disk, all is low, for the cpu too.
21:57.20LaScoumoune_But that a fresh install you have make ?
21:58.07LaScoumoune_sometime the better solution is make a back-up and reinstall, but need more info for why that slow
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22:00.01LaScoumoune_you have make a change before ? and other, for me i use debian since 8years, 3 times that can be slow and i have found the problem very fast, so that strange why is so slow on you're computer. I hop you find fast my friend
22:00.24LaScoumoune_and my english is not very good so complicated for me to help you :/
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22:00.56LaScoumoune_the clock who doesn't update that very warning !!!
22:01.13foul_owlHow do I kill a process that won't respond to kill -9? The process is thunar
22:03.39rgwuDid you specify the correct pid?
22:03.57rgwuDid you issue the command as root?
22:04.06foul_owlAs a normal user and root
22:04.21velixHighly interesting. What's the limiting factor here? Pipe or cat?  `pv /dev/zero > /dev/null` = 9.12 GiB/s but `cat /dev/zero | pv > /dev/null` = 2.55 GiB/s
22:05.17rgwufoul_owl: How many instances of Thunar are running? ps aux | grep -i thunar
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22:06.02foul_owl1 instance
22:06.09LaScoumoune_if multi instances: killall thunar
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22:06.39foul_owlI believe this is a bug in Linux itself. (Although I'm sure people will say it's not a bug, it's a feature)
22:06.58foul_owlTo the average desktop user, it's a bug
22:07.09velixOh, I'm on #debian not on #linux - sorry.
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22:08.05foul_owl"Since the program isn't really using any resources it really doesn't cause any issues."
22:08.23foul_owlExcept I don't want 30 dead thunar windows floating around my desktop
22:09.15LaScoumoune_i have same issue with gnome-file
22:09.31foul_owlAnd more importantly, trying to launch a new instance of thunar does not work
22:09.44LaScoumoune_i have try to kill gnome-file, but that was not gnome-file
22:10.07foul_owlSo I have to reboot my entire system every time thunar chokes on a bad sd card? That's insane
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22:10.32foul_owlIt's simply bad design. Unless there is some secret way to kill the process that I don't know about
22:10.57LaScoumoune_try to kill the process you have run before you're file manager
22:11.04rgwufoul_owl: You failed to mention you have thunar trying to deal with bad hardware.
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22:11.21foul_owlThat's what I've seen happen in the past
22:11.32foul_owlI'm assuming that is what happened now
22:11.43foul_owlAll I know is that it's unkillable
22:11.48LaScoumoune_do that look
22:12.19foul_owlHow would I even try to determine that's what the issue is? It's not even possible to know
22:12.25LaScoumoune_ps -eo pid,ppid,cmd,%mem,%cpu --sort=-%cpu | head
22:12.31LaScoumoune_ps -eo pid,ppid,cmd,%mem,%cpu --sort=-%mem | head
22:12.32rgwufoul_owl: There's probably a udiskctl command that would sort things out for you, but I don't know what it would be.
22:13.00foul_owlInteresting, thank you! If I know the possible command, I can look it up
22:13.34foul_owlI don't know for sure that is the cause
22:13.52foul_owlBut it seems like some thing disk io related can make a process unkillable
22:14.03LaScoumoune_no possible
22:14.14LaScoumoune_i have a same problem like you
22:14.20LaScoumoune_and that not you're file manager
22:14.33LaScoumoune_I have use a shell, my pc have freez in the past
22:14.52mzajcI intend to "switch" from debian to bedrock. are there any caveats I must be aware of?
22:14.55rgwufoul_owl: udisksctl status
22:15.03foul_owlI didn't launch thunar from a shell, I beleive I lauch it on fluxbox init
22:15.13foul_owl(Which might use a shell itself)
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22:16.02LaScoumoune_Ok folk i do eat, but no put you're arm down ! With debian you can all man
22:16.09LaScoumoune_with windows you like a jail
22:16.23foul_owlHmm, that command does not exit, it just hangs
22:17.06LaScoumoune_look what use all you're memory or cpu for freez you're file manager
22:17.33foul_owlThank you, I don't see anything hogging any cycles or ram right now
22:18.46foul_owlLooks like the state is "uninterruptible sleep"
22:19.15LaScoumoune_normaly is you use top or the other commande i have write
22:19.23LaScoumoune_you do see you're file manager in the top
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22:19.49LaScoumoune_if not that not you're file manager you do to kill another process
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22:21.44LaScoumoune_and try to umount you're sdcard correctly
22:22.36foul_owlThe parent process is fluxbox, and I'm unable to restart at this time, just as bad as restarting my entire system
22:23.20foul_owlI think the issue is the design of the Linux kernel, being unable to kill a process in the D state
22:23.42foul_owlThank you everyone
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23:21.23annadanewhat package are spice guest tools in in debian?
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23:27.19Casper26Anyone help with why debian is seeing an internal drive and thinks it's an external drive?
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