IRC log for #debian on 20200524

00:00.27*** join/#debian waxfire (~waxfire@
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00:35.26bombdo non-free NVIDIA driver and tools have any sort of telemetry, analytics, error reporting, etc. built in?
00:36.00sponixbomb: after close examination of the source -- I'd say No ;)
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00:36.56sneythere's some stuff in nvidia-driver-bin including something called "nvidia-debugdump"
00:37.08bombI mean, it's closed-source, but it would still be known if it ever tries to do that, right?
00:38.04sponixbomb: well I don't see any "" type DNS queries in my pi-hole logging -- If that makes you sleep better at night
00:38.38sneybomb: I see sponix is assuming your real question is whether your non-free driver is phoning home. is that your real question?
00:39.05bombsney: phoning home sounds like the right description, yeah
00:39.48*** join/#debian Lord_of_Life_ (~Lord@unaffiliated/lord-of-life/x-0885362)
00:40.31sneywell, this nvidia-driver-bin thing looks like it *could* send a bug report directly to nvidia after a crash, though the utility is right there so you can see what kind of info it would send if it did
00:42.46bombI think I should still add a line for in my /etc/hosts file
00:43.46sneyI doubt anything is being sent without your knowledge, but that wouldn't hurt anything I guess
00:47.17bombI suspect very few would raise their voice if a non-free package does stuff like that, because it's the user's choice to use non-free after all
00:47.19bombbut I might be wrong
00:47.56sneyit would make the news somewhere
00:48.29sneyunless the eula says that you consent to send telemetry anyway
00:48.43sneywell, no. even then. people would make a stink.
00:49.39annadanethe package you REALLY have to watch out for is emacs-common-non-dfsg, stallman gets all your n00dz
00:49.48annadane(yes this is a joke)
00:54.07sponixbomb: I'm not 100% about error reporting in case of crash. But I can tell you from general network monitoring the Nvidia binaries don't just have traffic -- Like say, Windows RGB Software by Razer or something :)
00:54.33*** join/#debian emilsp (~emilsp@freenode/staff/emilsp)
00:55.05sponixI do honestly recommend having a look for yourself if worried though, as in this frame of mind, my word alone is unlikely to make matters better
00:56.59*** join/#debian mavhq (
00:59.12*** join/#debian Deano59 (~Deano59@unaffiliated/deano59)
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01:27.10*** join/#debian JackMerryYoung (~JackMerry@2409:8a28:2483:8320:b090:3157:24fb:436f)
01:28.01JackMerryYoungso,debian is a software...
01:28.33JackMerryYoungdebian buster is a good version
01:29.01*** mode/#debian [+l 1262] by debhelper
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01:29.44M_aDDebian is a Linux based distribution, a OS (Operating System). Not "a software".... ;)
01:30.05sneyit's a collection of a lot of different software under one roof
01:31.20M_aDalso true
01:32.16*** join/#debian inhetep_ (~inhetep@gateway/tor-sasl/inhetep)
01:32.20JackMerryYoungfollow book,book good
01:33.07JackMerryYoungah,how to install libisl 0.15?
01:33.25JackMerryYoungapt install libisl-dev?
01:33.33*** join/#debian saptech (~saptech@unaffiliated/saptech)
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01:34.01pingfloydJackMerryYoung: generally you shouldn't need to manually install libs.
01:34.05dpkgPlease search for things rather than just asking, e.g. «apt-cache search regex», or with <aptitude search>.  The following ways can locate packages that own a file (installed, or candidate for install): «dpkg -S /bin/foo», <apt-file>, <pdo> (online) and «/msg judd help file» (bot).  <search dpkg> for factoids.  See and ask me about <bot help>.  See also <axi-search> <debtags> <dlocate>.
01:34.21pingfloydJackMerryYoung: and -dev libs are for compiling
01:34.38pingfloydJackMerryYoung: debian splits packages between runtime and build components
01:34.50JackMerryYoungI'm building lfs
01:35.22dpkgPlease search for things rather than just asking, e.g. «apt-cache search regex», or with <aptitude search>.  The following ways can locate packages that own a file (installed, or candidate for install): «dpkg -S /bin/foo», <apt-file>, <pdo> (online) and «/msg judd help file» (bot).  <search dpkg> for factoids.  See and ask me about <bot help>.  See also <axi-search> <debtags> <dlocate>.
01:37.22*** join/#debian asterismo_l (~asterismo@2800:a4:1366:d000::2ce)
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01:42.26*** join/#debian laughingtiger (~xk@
01:43.46laughingtigerI love debian, the best OS in the world.
01:45.00annadane^ same.
01:45.39*** join/#debian epsilonKNOT (
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01:49.08*** join/#debian Malek (~Malek@
01:50.36laughingtigersometimes some crappy services in windows suddenly eats cpu, and I can't even play a video smoothly, and they say it's my hdd's fault. sometimes there's a line appears randomly in videos on windows, but not a single time on debian. on windows, it's always click click click with mouse, even when maxing and minimizing a window,makes my right shoulder sick, makes me whole body sick. while on debian, it's always keyboard, makes me feel very comfortable.
01:51.30*** join/#debian drzacek (~drzacek@2001:16b8:1c1b:9700:bf6:fecf:7815:b2d)
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01:58.12laughingtigerand the ugly looks of windows, no matter how much effort they put to try to decorate it, it's just ugly, the more they try to improve the outlooks, the uglier it becomes, like an ugly person, the more he/she try to do a makeup, the more disgusting they're.
02:00.34sneylaughingtiger: this is a support channel, if you don't have a debian usage question please go chat somewhere else
02:00.52*** join/#debian phunyguy (~blaahchm@ubuntu/member/phunyguy)
02:01.17laughingtigersney, IKR
02:01.53*** join/#debian JackMerryYoung (~JackMerry@2409:8a28:2483:8320:b090:3157:24fb:436f)
02:01.56laughingtigersince noone is talking, why not say sth amusing, and true.
02:02.06*** join/#debian keebler (~keebler@unaffiliated/keebler)
02:02.16sneyI'm sure you can find somewhere appropriate to complain about windows.
02:03.34laughingtigersney, :)
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03:00.43enthdegreeHello all
03:01.41enthdegreei am trying to scp onto my debian server but it does not work. I can ssh fine using a privkey using `ssh user@ip` but `scp myFile user@ip:myPath` times out
03:02.28enthdegreeis this because of a configuration setting somewhere? it is debian with apache2 installed, otherwise completely untouched
03:05.32*** join/#debian coruja (~coruja@unaffiliated/coruja)
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03:07.54somiajmaybe scp -vvv ... will give more output to see what is going on
03:08.26enthdegreeit hangs on the connecting command
03:09.33somiajscp needs to login, could there be some login scrip in the users .bashrc for eample causing problems?
03:09.48somiajyou could also try rsync.
03:12.57*** join/#debian Trieste (~T@unaffiliated/trieste)
03:17.52enthdegreehuh if i change it to its website name it works
03:17.57enthdegree( or
03:18.09enthdegreei guess i will just use that
03:20.41*** join/#debian sentreen (sentreen@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/sentreen)
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04:04.37jaggzwhy's pastebin considering a lot of my recent pastes of sourcecode as spam?
04:04.47jaggzit's really frustrating
04:04.55*** join/#debian ZRocket (~ZRocket@
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04:07.47jaggzoh and this is cool too
04:07.55jaggz"Get this repository: git clone ....."
04:08.07jaggzso I clone it.. and get: warning: You appear to have cloned an empty repository.
04:10.39*** join/#debian malplenegen (
04:12.32jaggzwe should just call apt 'a'.  nothing else is 'a'.
04:13.40jaggzand apple should call their spreadsheet software "numbers", because *that's* not rude.
04:19.13*** join/#debian rustbuckett (~downtime@2602:304:b226:44c9:f3ec:7e80:299b:31ce)
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06:24.53kristijonasI'm just wondering what is the correct (secure) way opening and editing files that requires root access? I remember someone telling me how wrong this is to use for example nautilus as root
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06:32.06ansimitakristijonas: sudo $EDITOR /path/to/file ?
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06:36.54kristijonasansimita: oh, okay, I see.
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06:47.19choiceOut if interest what Linux would do these days when you press ctrl+alt+backspace - I did. What happened was that the screen went black for a second, then some kind of login screen turned up. I logged in. All my windows were gone. I rebooted. The it looks like a clean reboot after closing all my windows manually. What happened?
06:48.40*** join/#debian Prints (~333@unaffiliated/prints)
06:49.44themillCtrl+Alt+Backspace can be configured to kill your X session
06:50.30choiceSo since the X session started the applications that displayed windows (like firefox) they got killed along the way?
06:51.03themillyes, when X is killed, everything running inside the X session is killed too
06:51.36choiceI wonder why Firefox and Chromium did not come back with the question if I want to restore my windows after the reboot.
06:51.53choiceThey usually do when I turn off the machine while they are running.
06:52.03boubahi, Midori doesn't have sound, i tried to install pulseaudio but nothing happened, any other suggestion?
06:54.53*** join/#debian Prints (~333@unaffiliated/prints)
06:56.14boubathe sound is hard a matter in linux
06:56.24boubaa b h
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08:11.11ratracebouba: can you confirm that the sound otherwise works?
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08:12.33boubaratrace, i solved the issue ..... apt-get update --fix-missing    +  apt-get install gstreamer1.0-als
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08:13.50boubai use alsamixer otherwise we need gstreamer1.0-pulseaudio
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08:18.56ratracebouba: well yes, PA is tested and supported, you should use PA. Really no reason not to.
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08:19.20ratraceyou _can_ use ALSA only, but then you're on your own to fix bugs and figure out what's not working.
08:20.10boubai started by netinstall ...
08:20.40swift110hey all
08:21.01swift110I am loving debian on this t420 and wondering why I didn't do this a lot sooner
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09:21.11*** topic/#debian is Current Debian release is buster, 10.4 point release /msg dpkg 10.4; /msg dpkg buster; /msg dpkg stretch->buster; /msg dpkg apt suite changed | Oldstable Stretch: /msg dpkg stretch ; /msg dpkg 9.12 ; 9.12 needs dist-upgrade | NO FLOOD: /msg dpkg paste | offtopic: #debian-offtopic | testing/unstable: #debian-next @ | chanlogs: /msg dpkg irclog
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10:45.32AquaL1teany advice about which one to use? in terms of best? i now use apticron, but i now also see the unattended-upgrades. which seems more integrated into apt since it's the backend of APT::Periodic::Unattended-Upgrade, according to the apt show info anyway
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10:49.22ansimitaAquaL1te: apticron(1) "Generate a mail listing packages which are pending an upgrade" whilst unattended-upgrade(8) "automatic installation of security (and other) upgrades" seem like two separate tools?
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11:08.42AquaL1teansimita: i'll test them out, there is also a mail option in unattended-upgrade. maybe by just downloading updates, it triggers also an email overview
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11:20.16ratraceAquaL1te: I recommend apticron instead of unattended-upgrades. Upgrades should be checked and tested, proper services restarted on library updates, which unattended-upgrades doesn't do. also reboots for kernel upgrades, which unattended-upgrades doesn't do.
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12:00.01MalekHello everybody, I have Debian buster on my laptop. Recently, I had a problem with making any LAN server. I used to play multiplayer games on LAN where I host the game and make others join, but now I can't host games, but I can join a hosted one. I can't even setup a media server. I don't have any clue what would be the reason for this and I really don't know where should I start from :|
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12:06.25vltMalek: I would start by using netcat to listen to a port and then trying to connect to it.
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12:08.26barrettMalek, you should start from the errors the other pc get when trying to connect
12:08.44barrettand as other suggested, find the port your game is listening to, using netstat
12:08.50barrettand try to telnet/netcat on it
12:09.23Malekvlt, I don't have any experience with this tool, but thanks, I will try to do this
12:09.44Malekbarrett, my computer doesn't show to others
12:09.51barrettare you able to ping it?
12:10.34barrettsuppose you have the pc A that hosts the game, you will have an ip on your lan, then from the second pc just go in the terminal and use ping
12:10.37barrettliterally, from the shell
12:10.39barrettping ip
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12:10.48barrettlike "ping"
12:11.47Malekah okay, and then I can tell if there is a connection?
12:12.04barrettthis tell you that there are no network problems
12:12.26barrettthe lan works, so you know the problem must be into something else like the port is closed or something like that
12:12.46barrette.g. that the two pcs "see each other"
12:13.29MalekI will try this, thanks
12:13.31barrettalso have a read to this
12:13.47barrettfor what to do later
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12:48.37Kats99I wanted to block a website so I added to /etc/hosts and logged back in but the website still opens.
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12:49.20abrotmanit has to be the exact hostname
12:50.19Kats99yes like this right?
12:50.35vltKats99: www.
12:50.52flayerand also without...
12:51.24Kats99yea and i added too
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12:52.44aarono https:// just the domain name
12:54.52abrotmanEh, if they're using newer FF, might be bypassing system settings
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13:08.37g0zzy>>phpmyadmin : Depends: php-twig (>= 2.9) but 2.6.2-2 is to be installed<< Does that mean phpmyadmin is broken in stable?
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13:11.52ksk,v phpmyadmin
13:11.53juddPackage: phpmyadmin on amd64 -- jessie: 4:4.2.12-2+deb8u2; jessie-security: 4:4.2.12-2+deb8u9; stretch: 4:4.6.6-4; stretch-proposed-updates: 4:4.6.6-4+deb9u1; buster-backports: 4:4.9.5+dfsg1-2~bpo10+1; bullseye: 4:4.9.5+dfsg1-2; sid: 4:4.9.5+dfsg1-2
13:11.59kskI thought it was deprecated?
13:12.10abrotmang0zzy: or you're missing sources perhaps ?
13:12.31kskg0zzy: there does not seem to be a phpmyadmin package in stable. could you provide more details please?
13:12.33abrotmanjudd: versions php-twig
13:12.34juddPackage: php-twig on amd64 -- jessie: 1.16.2-1+deb8u1; jessie-security: 1.16.2-1+deb8u1; stretch: 1.24.0-2+deb9u1; stretch-security: 1.24.0-2+deb9u1; buster: 2.6.2-2; buster-backports: 2.12.5-1~bpo10+1; bullseye: 2.12.5-1; sid: 2.12.5-1; experimental: 3.0.3-1
13:12.48abrotmanseems like maybe been mixing?
13:13.18kskg0zzy: enable backports, and install phpmyadmin. Do not install a .deb you downloaded somewhere.
13:13.23abrotmang0zzy: what is `apt-cache policy phpmyadmin` ?  ( to show us)
13:13.31ksk!tell g0zzy about buster backports
13:13.48g0zzyYes, sorry - it's in backports
13:14.43kskseems you did not setup it properly. what abrotma-n says.
13:15.37g0zzyI think maybe i forgot -t buster-backport
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13:23.40g0zzyOdd that phpmyadmin is not in stable. It's like - standard - isn't it?
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13:24.01kskits bad, thats what I know :/ afaik it was like in a  really bad state when buster came out, so it was not included.
13:24.12abrotmanit's actively discouraged to use phpmyadmin/phppgadmin
13:24.14dpkgphpMyAdmin is a tool written in PHP intended to handle MySQL administration over the Internet.  Can create and drop databases, create/drop/alter tables, delete/edit/add fields, execute any SQL statement, and manage keys on fields.  Read /usr/share/doc/phpmyadmin/README.Debian and run "dpkg-reconfigure phpmyadmin" to configure your web server.  #phpmyadmin on
13:24.28kskokay, that does not really include any disconcerns, nevermind.
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13:26.58oiaohmg0zzy: ksk and abotman  To be correct phpmyadmin is not exactly a standard and it is discouraged on production servers a lot.
13:27.09g0zzy>>it's actively discouraged to use phpmyadmin/phppgadmin I'm all ears but what's the alternative? I don't want to have to write my own front end to my company database
13:27.46abrotmanfront end for what?  creating tables/etc? or entering data?
13:28.18oiaohmReally there is no alternative like it.   Because as soon as you make a web front end and put it out with absolute control over you database it comes a kick me target.
13:28.25oiaohmthat is recommend.
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13:29.42g0zzyOK. Thought not. Will have to be backports in that case
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13:30.22g0zzyabrotman: Entering data for company accounts
13:30.31oiaohmg0zzy: you do get different local run applications taht will control database by ssh
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13:30.51oiaohmg0zzy: and that not like the massive kick me sing.
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13:31.02abrotmang0zzy: you sohuld want to create a custom portal/app for that, to ensure better data control .. (assuming it's not open the rest of the internet)
13:31.12abrotmanIMO anyway
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13:32.22g0zzyI haven't got the time to be doing that unfortunately
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13:34.51oiaohmg0zzy:   remember I said no alternative like  phymyadmin that is recommend.  That does not mean there is not other ways of doing it.
13:35.25oiaohmg0zzy: note here with dbeaver its running on your machine and you open up a ssh connection to access the database server that is remote.
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13:35.36oiaohmYou are not leaving up a kick me sign.
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13:38.16g0zzyoiaohm: Looks like (at first glance) an expensive rewrite of phpmyadmin ;)
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13:45.08g0zzyThanks for the input folks
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13:46.41oiaohmg0zzy: that is not the only one out there it was just the example off the top of head.   Do note that the one I pointed to does not run in a webbrowser or on a webserver like phpmyadmin does.
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14:06.56kskbuilding a minimal (rest) api with for example python would most likely be the sane approach, yes.
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14:07.46kskimho end-user wont really understand phpmyadmin and the usage of it, so you can just resort to "the admin invokes a shell, and does mysql" - really no need nor benefit by having the admin use phpmyadmin
14:08.11ksknota that the admin typing in mysql is of course not sane at all..
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14:24.06oxekAre the vulnerabilities listed on unique to debian's version and not present on google chrome from google?
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14:25.25vltoxek: Chrome and Chromium are not entirely the same.
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14:26.30annadanethe answer is probably "it depends"
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14:31.40ratraceit's bound to version. there's nothing specific about chromium in Debian, except which version it pulled in. some bugs may've been fixed in upstream versions that Debian yet has to pull in.
14:31.58ratracein addition, google-chrome has code not available in chromium which may have bugs of its own.
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15:17.12Lady_AleenaHello. Is there a straight list of font packages that I can copy and paste to the command line install?
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15:21.57obiwahnHi, how to I control which tool is used to show me notifications?
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15:24.17jmcnaughtLady_Aleena: there's this but it all looks out of date:
15:26.20Lady_Aleenajmcnaught, that doesn't look like something I could put after apt-get install
15:26.37Lady_AleenaAnd I guess I should switch over to apt instad of apt-get.
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15:41.44ratraceLady_Aleena: I always make sure I have the trifecta of dejavu, liberation and noto   fonts
15:42.16Lady_Aleenaratrace, I have those.
15:42.20phoggLady_Aleena: aptitude search '?tag(made-of::font)' -F %p | xargs aptitude install
15:43.32jmcnaughtyou don't need xargs for that: "aptitude install ~Gmade-of::font" but it won't be able to install everything without resolving conflicts.
15:44.05phoggah, I didn't know you could do that
15:44.10Lady_AleenaI am a bit miffed that I don't have every character in unicode in some font package.
15:44.58Lady_Aleenajmcnaught, will that do backports?
15:45.10phoggit will do everything in your sources.list
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15:45.37Lady_Aleenaphogg, I though one had to specify to look in backports when installing.
15:45.39jmcnaughtLady_Aleena: I don't recommend it.  Take a look at what happens if you add -s for simulate:  "aptitude -s install ~Gmade-of::font"
15:46.08Lady_Aleenajmcnaught, my cli is busy at the moment upgrading what I have already.
15:46.38Lady_AleenaIt is processing triggers now.
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15:47.56Lady_AleenaWhat are initramfs?
15:48.06EdePopedejmcgnh: Tag: culture::hebrew, made-of::font, role::app-data, x11::font
15:48.14Lady_Aleenaclosed Firefox-esr while updaing.
15:48.28EdePopedei checked some font packages from the list in the wiki, there was only one single entry with debtags
15:48.50EdePopedeif aptitude relies on them it maybe won't find most of the packages
15:49.20phoggpackage tagging is kind of inconsistent
15:49.31EdePopedetrumps tweets are more consistent^^
15:49.37Lady_Aleenajmcnaught, couldn't aptitude use -n for dry runs like rsynch?
15:50.04Lady_Aleenahead desks for spelling error.
15:50.06EdePopedei'd think a lot of packages never had been tagged and nobody cared for it when they were updated
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15:50.29Lady_AleenaYay! Upgrading is done.
15:50.50jmcnaughtLady_Aleena: aptitude does not use -n
15:51.24Lady_Aleenajmcnaught, I am a sucker for consistency.
15:51.42Lady_Aleenaloves when things are consistent.
15:52.15EdePopedeLady_Aleena: then never use coreutils for textfield related things ;)
15:52.40EdePopedeor: $ printf "süßöl" | wc -m; printf süßöl | cut -c 8 ### note: 'c' is for "characters"
15:53.08Lady_AleenaEdePopede, what is that?
15:53.28EdePopedeGNU tools working on multibyte characters
15:53.38EdePopede8 bytes, 5 characters
15:54.43Lady_AleenaEdePopede, doesn't the second süßöl need to be quoted, or is the first quote just 'cause.
15:55.21EdePopedeLady_Aleena: even their manpages and their text on the byte and character options *head→desk*
15:55.52Lady_AleenaEdePopede, Why didn't they use -b for bytes and -c for characters? I don't get it!
15:55.57EdePopedeLady_Aleena: i also suck at consistency, but in both directions: i want it but can't keep it up myself ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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15:56.32Lady_AleenaEdePopede, my mind just went somewhere else with that statement.
15:56.39EdePopedei think they started with -c for chars and then multibyte entered the field. err.. well... *cough*
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16:09.32Lady_AleenaDoes apt and apt-get have the same options?
16:10.19karlpincI find apt way too chatty for normal use.
16:11.38karlpincAnd don't see any reason to use it.  Not today, not outside of major release upgrades, etc.
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16:15.15Lady_Aleenakarlpinc, so I can leave my suag alone?
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16:30.14oxek,v tlsdate
16:30.15juddPackage: tlsdate on amd64 -- jessie: 0.0.13-1~deb8u1
16:30.28oxekanyone know why tlsdate is not available in buster and above anymore?
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16:32.37jmcnaughtoxek: try looking it up on then check the news section, look for a message that links to a bug report about the removal.
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16:41.09tichunHello, is there information on troubleshooting blank black screen on boot? Kernel is fine, but I have zero output. Tried init=/bin/bash and
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16:42.55nkuttlertichun: did other kernels boot fine? try an older one
16:43.33nkuttlertichun: passing some vga mode at boot time might be worth a shot, or replacing the graphics card
16:44.37tichunThanks for vga, will try. It's a rpi and everything was fine until I messed up Weston modeline. After that I set init=/bin/bash and since I think it's not even getting to Weston
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16:44.58tichunI have had vt switching and zapping disabled :p
16:45.02nkuttlertichun: a cold reboot could also help
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16:51.40robiis there a specific reason for to be non-HTTPS? or am I missing something?
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16:53.22annadane,i apt-transport-https
16:53.23juddPackage apt-transport-https (oldlibs, optional) in buster/amd64: transitional package for https support. Version: 1.8.2; Size: 145.4k; Installed: 152k
16:53.36annadaneyou can use it if you have that installed, or something
16:55.00robialright, thanks
16:55.10somiajwell that package does nothing.
16:55.13robii was just wondering about the inconsistency between and
16:55.21robisomiaj: on older distros it was required i think
16:55.26robinow apt has the feature integrated
16:55.35somiajanyways, https support is now end apt by default (no need for a third party package), but it still might need to be configured
16:55.39annadaneah ok, i see the description now
16:55.43annadaneyeah it got changed
16:55.46annadanei forget about that
16:56.04somiajthat could be, though we tend to try to give info for debian stable here and not assume what other distros are doing (though if still running oldstable it would matter)
16:57.02somiajrobi: in genenral apt has its own methods of security data, https doesn't add much to that, so debian due to resources hasn't made all mirrors https.
16:57.17somiajthough I do expect things are slowly changing with letsencrypt and certs much easier to deal with than times past
16:58.08*** join/#debian Ping_MkDir (5bcfaf8d@
16:58.42Lady_AleenaI just found something else that doesn't work with my system, sound files on Wikipedia. I can't hear anything, and when I pulled up pulseaudio volume control, there wasn't a bar showing for it. *sigh* Just another problem with audio for me.
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17:03.34InnovAnon-Incwiki sound files are MIDI, I think. I have trouble playing them, too.
17:05.08Lady_AleenaI was on and tried to play the pronunciation of his name and heard nothing.
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17:05.43Lady_AleenaIt looks like it is .ogg
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17:10.21robiLady_Aleena: which browser? distro version?
17:11.37somiajHere on firefox (Though i'm on windows) I have a lag, and often the first few seconds of media won't make sound. Could that be the case and just playing it again works?
17:12.11InnovAnon-IncIt is, indeed, an .ogg file. It plays correctly on my system and I'm not seeing a lot on Bing about your problem. Please verify that you have libogg* installed: `dpkg --get-selections | grep -q ogg && echo yes || echo no`
17:12.17Lady_AleenaDebian 10 (Buster), XFCE 4.12.5 Firefox 68.8.0esr (64-bit)
17:13.04Lady_AleenaInnovAnon-Inc, yes
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17:19.02Lady_AleenaI hope I don't have to take scorched earth approach to fixing my audio problems.
17:20.03oxekrobi: use for security as well
17:20.14robioxek: hmm, how so?
17:20.23robiis there a special path for security?
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17:21.18oxekrobi: literally just replace with in your sources.list
17:21.55robihmmm, i'll try that
17:22.45oxekyou'll end up with lines like deb buster/updates main contrib non-free
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17:25.20oxekin my opinion, it should be made default for any new installation of debian
17:26.41miskatonicwhat should be made default?
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17:28.28oxekincluding for s.d.o
17:28.34oxekand use https as well
17:28.47ratracewhy d.d.o instead of s.d.o?
17:29.15oxekbecause d.d.o can use more local caches than s.d.o, and supports https
17:29.53oxek'more local' = geographically closer
17:30.36ratracewhat about the issue that made is separate to begin with, mirror resync latency?
17:30.40ratracemade *it
17:31.19oxekis that still a relevant issue now? d.d.o mirrors resync pretty quickly no?
17:31.29ratracedunno, that's why I'm asking
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17:31.46ratraceI usually update test and roll into production, security updates within 30 minutes of receiving the DSA
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17:32.48oxekI don't have the data to answer your question unfortunately
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17:32.59oxekI would be interested in knowing the answer as well though
17:33.34oxekI don't know who to ask "How quickly are d.d.o mirrors updated?"
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17:35.48ratraceoxek: well that was the reason s.d.o is a separate URL by default, and not part of d.d.o for other updates
17:36.05ratraceto avoid mirror latencies which in some cases can be in days...   *glares at OVH*
17:36.18jhutchinsoxek: https does not provide any additional security for package downloads and increases bandwidth and CPU load.
17:36.42oxekjhutchins: https would have protected against all known apt attacks to date :p
17:37.02jhutchinsoxek: The only reason it's been implemented is for clients that will not allow insecure connecions.
17:37.22jhutchinsoxek: You are misinformed.
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17:38.15oxekfixed by using https
17:38.23oxekI mean, mitigated
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17:40.21ratracepackages are signed so https wouldn't bring much to the table other than protecting privacy
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17:40.25jhutchinsThat says it was mitigated by a configuration change in apt, and it was a theoretical vulnerability, not a known attack.
17:40.29oxekcuriously, they even suggest in that message to use which is the main mirror in d.d.o
17:41.07oxekmost vulnerabilities are theoretical anyway, but we still fix them
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17:41.58jhutchinsratrace: WHich, really, privacy about software downloads?
17:42.04oxekratrace: https helps protect against bugs in apt that a mitm could exploit
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17:44.01ratracejhutchins: well some people consider leaking apps they install as violating their privacy
17:44.18jhutchinsoxek: Also adds load and complexity, which are exposure risks in their own right.
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17:45.20ratraceoxek: yeah but the same bugs can render https ineffective too, eg. connection downgrades
17:45.39jhutchinsratrace: There are valid cases, such as countries that outlaw encryption.  Most of the ones squawking though are the tinfoil hat crowd.
17:46.03oxekjhutchins: so load is minimal, and complexity is at least well known
17:46.32oxekbut ignoring the issue of https, d.d.o, even without https, could be a better fit that s.d.o
17:47.55jhutchinsThe nice thing about OSS is  that if you think there's a problem, even if you're wrong you can fix it.
17:48.19EdePopedeadding otherwise useless encryption also increases the noise for those in need of it
17:48.23ratracepersonally I think the https overhead is negligible in 2020
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17:49.17EdePopederatrace: yep. it's as useful as firefox's compressing its json files
17:49.52somiajI think the biggest issue is debian's mirror network is just slow to eveolve. I think apt handels things decent enough and https is there for those who want to use it.
17:50.02ratraceEdePopede: depends on the use case
17:50.18jhutchinsOne of the things that is coming out in the unemployment crisis in the U.S. is how much more efficient the old, 1950's era software is than modern code.
17:50.54EdePopedetoday's web is bloated as it could be anyway. fullsized images instead of thumbnails or previews, complete JS frameworks, often more than one, background videos, more CSS than content in text pages....
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17:51.44EdePopedejust had an image of about 5k*3k crunched down to fit into the sidebar
17:51.54miskatonicback to punchcards and paper tapes
17:52.03GNU\colossus[19:48:23] <ratrace> personally I think the https overhead is negligible in 2020 - it is, when things go relatively smoothly. but there's problems with HTTPS content (you can't transparently proxy/cache it, for instance) that might bight us in case of a catastrophe that actually affects the Internet.
17:52.26ratraceproxies are MITM
17:52.43GNU\colossus"no shit"
17:52.53EdePopedewasn't cloudflare breaking up encryption?
17:53.03ratracebreaking how?
17:53.09GNU\colossuscloudflare is not part of the solution, it's part of the problem :>
17:55.43ratracethere's nothing inherently wrong with encrypting network traffic, quite the contrary. caching and proxies have been out of fashion since 1990s, and dynamic internet pretty much makes them irrelevant. browsers themselves can cache based on caching directives in teh response, and that's good enough
17:56.31miskatoniceverything with cloud is bad, except on overseeable local networks
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17:57.28dffhow could it be hugely popular if everything is bad with it.
17:58.27jhutchinsLots of bad things are popular.  Tobbaco.
17:58.30ratracethe only thing bad about clouds is centralizing power in teh few cloud mega-providers
17:58.44miskatonicbecause mankind is a bunch of dumb sheeple
17:59.13GNU\colossusratrace, again, you're arguing from a position of abundant bandwidth available and properly working, planet-wide connectivity
17:59.14ratracemiskatonic: you do realize that you're now in an irc cloud made up of many machines in one transparent network? if it's bad, please lead by example and /part :)
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18:00.31miskatonicthe freenode network is not a cloud as it does not replace locally installed software
18:01.06ratraceyou have some weird definition of a "cloud" then. perhaps you meant just a subset of it then, * services that replace locally installed software.
18:01.45ratraceGNU\colossus: yes, which is the vast majority of the internet.
18:02.39jhutchinsratrace: Most people mean the cloud services like AWS, Google, etc. when they say "cloud".  There are independent implementations of multi-server applications which can be considered clouds, but that's not what most people mean.
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18:03.23ratracejhutchins: and even then "replacing locally installed software" ist just a small portion of AWS and  Google's product portfolio
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18:06.11jhutchinsThe biggest problem with "the cloud" is the unknown and unknowable details of it's underlying implementation by people who are unreachable and unaccountable.
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18:07.34ratrace%s/the cloud/many internet services/
18:08.20oxek%s/the cloud/someone elses computer/
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18:20.56jhutchinsActually, I'm pretty confident of my control when managing something like a remote VMWare virtual machine with direct network access.
18:29.32ratraceI don't know why I have such bad luck with Debian installations on USB sticks. They all start failing after weeks or a few months of being unused. but I have no idea why, just ran badblocks in one, no problem.
18:31.17ratracefor example, running ping segfaults in . and I can't even run apt to install strace (segfaults there as well)
18:31.35kskthe ram/hardware is okay?
18:32.36ratraceyes . I've booted the USB stick both in a nspawn chroot, and as a VM with the stick as its "virtual disk" (raw access)
18:32.51ratracein both cases same segfault.
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18:34.44ratracethe /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/  md5sum seems correct, so the lib isn't corrupt that way. wth
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18:36.23ratracehrm, maybe I can mount the rootfs and try apt-get -o RootDir   and install strace that way, just so I can see wth is going on
18:37.31kskits only a binary, you should be able to just copy it over.
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18:39.23ratraceksk: well, I need the libunwind8 DLLs too
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18:39.51kskah dependency, did not check that. indeed..
18:40.07ratraceI can copy them over too if that apt-get trick fails
18:41.48ratraceoh hellyeah, it works.
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18:47.57BlackSalmonHalp. I can NOT install the pytorch at all. I've tried everything
18:48.30ksk,v pytorch
18:48.31juddNo package named 'pytorch' was found in amd64.
18:48.43kskBlackSalmon: It does not seem to be part of Debian?
18:48.53BlackSalmonI have i386, deb 10.
18:49.01BlackSalmonksk: Well, it kinda is
18:49.23BlackSalmonWhere else should I look for help if it's not the system problem to install package?
18:49.44ratraceBlackSalmon: which repository is that from? doesn't seem part of debian
18:49.47kskby the creator of said package, if its not part of the Debian Project.
18:50.50kskBlackSalmon: How are you trying to install? said project seems to offer pip-packages - I would go for these.
18:51.12ratracein a virtualenv, by the way.
18:52.08BlackSalmonI am in venv. I've tried just `pip install pytorch` as well. Then I started looking for that issue on overstackflow and official site but it still send same error
18:52.33ratraceBlackSalmon: so what error you get from pip in a virtualenv?
18:53.12BlackSalmonNo module named 'tools.nnwrap'
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18:54.38BlackSalmonbut then i've started looking for that error, but it keep telling me: `ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement torch==1.2.0 (from versions: 0.1.2, 0.1.2.post1, 0.1.2.post2)` `ERROR: No matching distribution found for torch==1.2.0`
18:54.52ratraceBlackSalmon:   Exception: You tried to install "pytorch". The package named for PyTorch is "torch"
18:55.39BlackSalmoni missspelled it then, of course I'm trying to donwload "torch" package
18:55.43ratraceBlackSalmon: and pypi has it at 1.5.0   you seem to be installing it as part of a requirements.txt   update it
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18:56.16BlackSalmonupdate what
18:56.27Lady_AleenaInnovAnon-Inc, I just noticed you tried to message me. I have +g set. What was your question in the message?
18:56.33ratracerequirements file that wants to pull in torch==1.2.0
18:56.56ratraceLady_Aleena: +1 for your +g  :)    I  run that flag too.  highfive, we're a minority.
18:57.12BlackSalmonWell, I just tried to manually download this by `pip install torch==1.2.0 torchvision==0.4.0 -f`
18:57.14InnovAnon-Incsorry it took so long to get back to you. firstly, I didn't find firefox-esr v68.8.0esr. instead, I found 68.7.0esr-1~deb10u1. next thing is... the .ogg file you provided plays just fine on my machine :(   I can upload the dockerfile I used to test it, if you think that my help you
18:57.22Lady_Aleenaratrace, with "Lady" in my username, it is a must.
18:57.31ratraceBlackSalmon: yeah well don't try to force the version, looks like pypi doesn' thave 1.2.0 any more
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18:57.38ratraceLady_Aleena: indeed. :)
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18:58.59Lady_AleenaInnovAnon-Inc, I think I may have to go the scorched earth route with my machine to hopefully fix things.
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18:59.13BlackSalmonratrace: `pip install torch torchvision -f` or just `pip install torch` keep throwing "no module named tools.nnwrap" at me
18:59.39ratraceBlackSalmon: just pip install torch     ...  and if that doesn't work, file a bug report with the developer
19:00.05ratraceBlackSalmon: before that, try to   pip install -U pip
19:01.43BlackSalmonratrace: I did update pip, cause it raised error that v.19-sth-sth is outdated and I need 20.1.1
19:01.49BlackSalmonStill not really helped
19:02.47ratraceBlackSalmon: sorry, it seems your only option is to contact the developers. They also provide a docker, maybe that'd be more helpful and less intrusive on your system
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19:03.23Lady_AleenaInnovAnon-Inc, what is a dockerfile by the way?
19:03.35BlackSalmonratrace: thx anyway
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19:06.06InnovAnon-Incthe dockerfile is a set of instructions for building a container. basically like a chroot, but more akin to BSD jails. I'm not running debian on my host, so I just installed it in a docker container, so I could get the precise versions of software you specified
19:07.06ratraceunlike BSD jails, containers are just namespaces, so they're more akin  chroots on steroids
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19:32.50ersoulHi, I have a debian jessie installation on one of my old pc's, is it still recommended to update it to the last stable release through the apt-source list?
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19:35.33jmcnaughtersoul: upgrades need to be done one release at a time, so in this case the computer needs to be upgraded to stretch first, then buster.  The instructions for how to upgrade are in the release notes, along with what's new and changed:
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19:46.06oxekWhere can I read about safeguard that prevent debian from turning evil? (such as those in control of debian suddenly going rogue, putting advertisement everywhere, and so on)
19:46.21oxekwho has ultimate control over debian anyway?
19:46.51sneythere's the debian project leader who is elected every 4(?) years, and all of the debian developers vote on anything that happens
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19:47.27sneyI don't remember where this is documented, it might be in policy, but you can look at the mailing list resolution for the switch to systemd as an example of the voting process
19:49.28sneydebian going rogue and putting advertisements everywhere would require a massive conspiracy among academic types who rarely think along the same lines. I'm convinced it's practically impossible
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19:53.56oxekso there's not a singular person who can just take debian infrastructure with them and do whatever they want with it?
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19:55.49jmcnaughtoxek: Debian has a social contract:
19:56.31annadanewe're already evil. >:)
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20:11.31orbI've noticed when running debian-based Proxmox Virtual Environment, that vmbr0 appears to always drop RX packets, per ifconfig. I believe this isn't normal, but it seems to be something that exists even if I install the latest proxmox on a second computer. That is, I installed the latest proxmox on another computer and I'm seeing dropped packets there as well. It seems to be causing internet slowness on my network. Slowness only exists when proxmox is
20:11.31orbrunning and all the router LEDs blink like crazy when it's up.
20:11.53orbWould anyone have any insight on this?
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20:12.51orbI thought it was hardware related at first but the issue seems to follow the OS. As described above, I swapped the hardware entirely.
20:13.55tdsdoes the dropped counter continue to go up if you start tcpdump on vmbr0?
20:14.53flayerif debian didn't exist, i'd be completely lost what to do OS-wise
20:16.15flayeron that note, i should probably make an install usb just in case
20:17.58ascwas that the keebler?
20:18.08ascte.irc keebler?
20:20.22kskasc: eh?
20:20.53kskorb: mhhm, not sure, but might that be packets that reach your card, but are not "captured" so to say? (like, packets with a mac that your  machine does not recognize) - just guessing here.
20:21.56ascksk: nevermind
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20:38.13oxekanyone tried using on debian? Did it do what it says it does?
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20:44.10kskif you want to "monitor outgoing connections" I would suppose there are many apps around for that. pi-hole maybe?
20:44.34kskthat thing is for a "subgraph os" which seems to be based on debian, and is "secure" - eh? :P
20:46.35Lady_AleenaInnovAnon-Inc, sorry to drop out like I did, but there were other things at and away from the keyboard that I wanted to get done that I am almost done doing.
20:53.51oxekksk: pihole can't tell you which app initiated the connection
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20:54.31oxekperfect example is this - you currently have no idea if your calculator app is making connections to some irc port somewhere
20:55.36kskah yes indeed, gotcha.
20:55.53ksksince I am using "xcalc" I am quite sure it wont ;)
20:56.33ksknot sure how this works tbh.
20:56.52kskI could imagine putting every app in its own network namespace, but sounds a little bit oof.
20:57.42kskIn general I would advise putting "strange stuff" into a lxc container or so ( I run for example spotify from  there - granted you kind of loose all security by making the container able to connect to your X and pulseaudio..)
21:00.10oxekI don't get why X still allows every app to control every other app, it's been 40 years
21:01.00kskas far as I know Xorg is a monstrosity.
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21:01.28kskMight be wayland comes to the rescue,  but I dont really know anything about it.
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21:16.32UrkIs there a check writing program in the Debian repository?
21:17.38InnovAnon-IncLady Aleena, np. I was fixing my parent image that I want to use as the base for the dockerized firefox... now that I can check off my todo-list dockerizing firefox. slowly putting every app into it's own network namespace :P
21:18.52allizomUrk: not sure what you mean, do you need to sign checks?
21:19.19UrkI need to print and create checks online so that they can be uploaded to my banks web server.
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21:20.28allizomuhm, I was under the impression you had to get checks from your bank
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21:24.31joepublicYou Do Not have to get checks from your bank.  I print checks on my laser printer.
21:24.55joepublicAdvice may vary by jurisdiction.
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21:31.27ratraceWhatCanPossiblyGoWrong(tm)   also  #catchmeifyoucan
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21:34.46oxekksk: I don't think wayland will ever replace X unfortunately
21:35.09cybercryptooxek: Why would you say that?
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21:41.20mnsjoepublic: what is the application you use for printing checks ?
21:42.18joepublicI print checks as bank drafts for donors to a nonprofit who have agreed to a monthly donation by paper draft.
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21:49.46oxekcybercrypto: there's little momentum behind wayland replacing X.
21:53.34jmcnaughtoxek: GNOME defaults to Wayland on buster, I'm using it right now.
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22:03.30cybercryptooxek: jmcnaught: correct. Since buster wayland defaults in gnome. And there is something I learn about past history: after debian decides to move, lot of things starts to happen. It will take time for full replacement, OF COURSE. But it is hapenning already.
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22:04.55oxekjmcnaught: did you ever get remote desktop to work?
22:05.04metbsdwhen i plugin hdmi there's no signal
22:05.14metbsdlatest stable
22:05.15oxeki.e. being able to connect to your running desktop session at work from your home pc?
22:05.29oxekafaik gnome/wayland cannot do it yet
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22:06.10jmcnaughtoxek: so for that use case use X11 which is selectable on the gdm3 login screen.  I don't need remote desktop.
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22:06.40oxekit's a pretty major usecase
22:06.49oxekand yes, that's why I had to switch back to x11
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22:07.18jmcnaughtI'm sure there will be a Wayland solution at some point, if there isn't already.
22:07.36metbsdanyone know how to get hdmi port detected?
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22:13.33cybercryptooxek: There is one method for that. It is experimental and very limited. you can learn more at the upstream site and give it a try if you will.   You could also try to inquire the gnome channel if they have recent updates on that.
22:14.52allizommetbsd: what have you tried? what is your system? how have you set it up?
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22:18.08catbeardhi all, any updates for unbound per
22:18.35catbeardseems there's no package updates for ubuntu 18.04 bionic
22:18.41catbeardseems maybe i should have put in #ubuntu
22:18.47catbeardthought it was deb
22:19.11catbeardthere is one for RHEL/CentOS -
22:19.26catbeardwell there's a page for it, don't know if they have an updated binary release
22:19.46metbsdanyone know how to get hdmi port detected?
22:19.53metbsdnow it's not
22:20.58cybercryptometbsd: Please, read the messages above addressed to you.
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22:24.02oxekcybercrypto: I am happy to wait for it to no longer be experimental and limited. x11 works for my usecase.
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22:25.11oxekI'm moving away from gnome anyway, especially since I received 50+ old laptops to be refurbished and given to schools for remote learning
22:25.29oxekgnome does not run on those machines
22:25.39cybercryptooxek: I see. X11 will wokr for you meanwhile. Wayland will replace it and bring more security for you usecase for sure, in the future.
22:26.30bomboxek: so which desktop you decided to use for those laptops, Xfce?
22:26.31oxekcybercrypto: I don't want to sound like I am bashing on wayland, but I've heard of people wanting to replace x11 for over 30 years now
22:26.38oxekbomb: yeah, xfce
22:27.03oxekwould have gone with lxde, but it's dead, and I am not sure how mature lxqt is
22:27.20oxekobviously can't give them i3 or some other tiling wm
22:27.28bombgreat choice. I installed Gnome on parents computers after years of Xfce, I still regret it because they're now used to Gnome :(
22:27.50bombheh, try xmonad :P
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22:29.19bomboxek: do you disable the compositor to increase performance, or it has the opposite effect on those laptops?
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22:30.32oxekthere's no such thing as 'performance' on those laptops :)
22:30.54oxekbut all they need to do is connect to internet and connect to a single webpage, and have videochat
22:31.14metbsdallizom: i tried plugin hdmi. system is latest. all firmware is loaded
22:31.17metbsdwithout error
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22:32.26jmcnaughtoxek: if they're low on RAM the package zram-tools might be useful.
22:32.34allizommetbsd: are you running a graphical session on your system? if so, which one?
22:32.57metbsdyes it's the debian
22:33.05metbsdi forgot the name
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22:34.07allizommetbsd: do you have a settings panel? can you configure the display there?
22:35.15metbsdit's not visible
22:35.37allizomwe basically still know nothing about your system, or what you did
22:37.01metbsdi haven't done anything yet
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22:37.13metbsdall i did was connect hdmi port
22:37.34metbsdi type xrandr there's only one monitor
22:37.50metbsdit's default installation with default window manager
22:37.55metbsdor desktop environment
22:38.21oxekjmcnaught: I thought zram makes things worse
22:38.25oxekinstead zswap is the way to go
22:38.56brabomoin. i just installed gpsd-clients on buster to use xgps. upon launch xgps says 'ImportError: No module named gi".. as far as i can see that should be provided by python-gobject-2 which got installed as a dependency, ideas?
22:39.00allizommetbsd: I guess that's Gnome then. You should have a system settings app where to configure displays
22:39.35metbsdyes there's built-in display
22:39.42metbsdunder devices
22:40.43jmcnaughtoxek: I don't know, they seem like they would have similar performance to me.
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22:40.54keeblerAnyone with experience with the Serval from System76?
22:41.14keeblerLooks like a Clevo
22:42.05oxekjmcnaught: my understanding is that zram steals RAM and uses it for a compressed swap space. Hence you get less RAM. Whereas zswap compresses stuff going into swap space hence writing and reading to swap is faster.
22:42.06allizommetbsd: I don't use Gnome, but there should be a way to enable the external display from there
22:42.24allizomif it is detected
22:42.54metbsdi don't think it's detected
22:43.01metbsdno response as if nothing happen
22:43.02brabohm manually installing python-gobject and this module is there..
22:43.13brabowonders why that wasn't a dependency then..
22:43.35allizommetbsd: run "udevadm monitor" then connect your display, does anything show up?
22:43.49metbsdas root?
22:44.24jmcnaughtoxek: zram takes some RAM, makes it into a compressed ramdisk that you can use as swap providing more memory total at the expense of CPU cycles for compression/decompression.  zswap is a compressed RAM cache (so also uses memory) that can only be used as swap.
22:44.50oxekjmcnaught: I am wrong then
22:44.51metbsdallizom: it got stuck
22:45.02metbsdshows UDEV and KERNEL
22:45.07metbsdand stopped
22:45.25allizomit will show output when something happens. connect your display while you are running it
22:45.25jmcnaughtoxek: the idea is that using the CPU for compressing memory contents is better than the slow down caused by swapping to disk.
22:46.06metbsdallizom: when i reconnect again, something shows
22:46.17oxekjmcnaught: sounds good to me. I'll need to study up on these things. Unfortunately, most of the help I've seen comes down to "buy more RAM" which is not an option here.
22:46.22metbsdkernel udev online
22:46.36metbsdand container
22:46.49metbsdis it a good sign?
22:47.12allizomplease paste the output
22:47.17allizomon a pastebin if long
22:47.50braboand then that requires Gtk 3.0 and i have libgtk-3-0 at latest version?
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22:50.01oxekbomb: what does the xfwm compositor do anyway? These laptops don't need any transparency nor shadows.
22:50.13oxekand snapping to screen borders works even with the compositor disabled
22:50.17allizommetbsd: if there's nothing else, it seems not ok
22:50.25allizomwhat are you connecting to?
22:51.30metbsdnothing else
22:51.38metbsdit's dell u2415
22:52.56metbsddoes this mean it's not recognized?
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22:54.48allizomthere should be a line more or less like "UDEV  [738.206107] change   /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.0/0000:01:00.0/drm/card1 (drm)" when you connect/disconnect the cable
22:55.18metbsdhmm, there isn't
22:56.16allizomare you sure the display/cable are ok? is it powered on?
22:56.48metbsdlet me try another
22:56.50metbsdwindows works
22:57.43metbsdsame thing
22:58.00metbsddo i need a .. linux driver?
22:59.00metbsddoes it mean it's not connecting to a graphic card?
22:59.07metbsdi have i915 and gtx1050
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23:01.19metbsdtoo bad my another monitor is also dell u2415
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23:02.12allizommetbsd: Hm, I have no experience with nvidia GPUs, or with switching between discrete/integrated GPU. Do you have only one HDMI out on your box?
23:03.37allizomyou could also have other ports such as DP, maybe you can connect your display with those
23:04.25metbsdonly hdmi port on laptop
23:04.34metbsdi tried hdmi to tv too. same
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23:06.30metbsddebian is pretty good already. less bugs than fedora and rhel/centos
23:06.56cybercryptometbsd: is that a nvidia? what is the output (if you can ssh into your box, from # lsmod |grep -i vi
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23:09.57cybercryptometbsd: you could try using nouveau module and non-free-graphics package. It is well known for fixing most of the issues (when using X11)
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23:30.28metbsdi can't restart bluetooth service
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23:32.46metbsdyou all going out party?
23:32.51metbsdnice weather outside
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23:33.55annadanefor future reference, we prefer
23:33.58annadane! mangles input, takes forever to load, is full of js, often makes us enter a CAPTCHA to see your paste and fills the screen with ads.  Please use a different site, like (or give us the raw link like<identifier>, in other words becomes
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