IRC log for #debian on 20200414

00:01.23*** join/#debian de-facto (~de-facto@gateway/tor-sasl/de-facto)
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00:04.32usneyHow can I get netinstall debian to be able to use my wifi? I am using a wifi card that doesn't require non free software.
00:04.48sneywhat wifi card is it?
00:05.12sneyath9k? that should just work with the regular netinstall
00:05.23usneyit doesn't
00:05.33sneywhat does it do instead?
00:05.33usneyoh wait sorry
00:05.44usneyI am thinking of my other laptop
00:05.51usneythat has a different chip
00:06.30usneyhow do I get debian netinstall to recongnise a wifi dongle with atheros chipset that doesn't need proprietary software to work?
00:06.43joepublicagain, should 'just work'
00:06.48usneyI tried it in the paste it doesn't work
00:06.59sneyyeah, same answer. if it doesn't use firmware and it isn't brand new, it will just work
00:07.12joepublichow long ago?  atheros firmware wasn't always free
00:07.13usneyit isn't brand new
00:07.22usneyI got it from thinkpenguin
00:07.36sneysometimes laptops have hardware wifi toggles that you need to explicitly set in bios so the wifi interface will be enabled in the installer
00:07.44usneyit is certificated free hardware by fsf it should work
00:07.54sneyanyway that's all we can give you without log output
00:08.01usneyokay thank you
00:08.09abrotmanisn't brand new? or is a year old?
00:08.45usneyit is certificated by GNU and FSF to work out of the box with free software only.
00:09.07sneythen it is probably just getting disabled by bios. or it's defective
00:09.11joepublicthen if functional, will 'just work'
00:09.26usneyIt works on my laptop I am using now
00:09.41sneycome back when you have a question that makes sense
00:09.49usneyI have two laptops
00:10.03sneyand read this:
00:10.04usneythe older one doesn't want to work with the wifi dongle
00:10.05sney!doesnt work
00:10.05dpkg"Doesn't work" is a vague statement.  Does it sit on the couch all day long?  Does it procrastinate doing the dishes?  Does it beg on the street for change?  Please be specific!  Define 'it' and what it isn't doing.  Give us more details so we can help you without needing to ask basic questions like "what's the error message?".  Ask me about <smart questions>, <sicco> and <errors>.
00:10.08joepublichey!  *I* have two laptops
00:10.20sneyparticularly this: Define 'it' and what it isn't doing.
00:10.46sney"it works" and "it doesn't work" back to back about different things is confusing to people who aren't sitting in your room with you, and can't see your screen.
00:10.46usneyIt doesn't seem to detect the wifi chip when I plug in the dongle
00:11.10usneyI am sorry that is my mistake
00:11.20sneyI think the atheros usb wifi does require firmware, but again, you need to be specific or else we are just guessing.
00:11.24sneyand I'm getting tired of guessing.
00:11.38joepublicit requires free firmware
00:11.45usneyokay how do I get the logs?
00:12.01*** join/#debian ElFerna (~Thunderbi@
00:12.06usneywhat is the package name for the free firmware?
00:12.27sneyin the installer, alt-f4 gets you an info console. if you go there when it's looking for a network connection you will probably see something relevant.
00:12.30sney!atheros firmware
00:12.30dpkgFirmware from userspace is required by the <ar9170usb>, <ath9k_htc> and <ath3k> USB device drivers.  Ask me about <non-free sources>, then install the firmware-atheros package to provide; this package is not required for the <ath5k> or <ath9k> drivers, and not required for any Atheros Ethernet device.  Firmware for the <carl9170> driver is provided by the firmware-linux-free package.
00:12.44*** join/#debian ElFerna (~Thunderbi@
00:13.21usneythank you sney
00:13.45joepublicdmesg|grep firmware may narrow it down
00:14.14usneyI am sorry I wasn't being clear enough my brain isn't working right today.
00:14.33usneyyes grep is a nice command
00:14.47usneyI use that all the time when I search for packages in apt search or apt-cache search
00:15.14joepublic`dmesg|grep firmware` in this case just shows you mentions of things about firmware, helpful
00:17.31*** join/#debian swift110 (~swift110@unaffiliated/swift110)
00:18.12usneyI am back
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00:19.14usneyjoepublic sney how do I download a i386 package without installing with apt? I have done it before but I don't know how to do that because I never needed to specify the arch.
00:19.55joepublicfind it at
00:20.05usneyI'll do a web search real quick I'll be back when I can't find out how
00:20.28sneyusney: joepublic literally just told you how.
00:20.31joepublica will likely save you time.
00:20.32*** join/#debian krabador (~krabador@unaffiliated/krabador)
00:20.58sneythere is also the option to enable multiarch:
00:21.00usneyyes that shows me how in a browser not through the terminal
00:21.23joepublicfind the package, then in terminal wget http://so-and-so/filename.deb
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00:21.38usneycool joepublic
00:22.49usneythank  you sney
00:22.54usneyand joepublic
00:23.05joepublicmay the free software be with you
00:23.08usneyI just prefer to use the command line
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00:23.18usneyas much as possible
00:23.27usneythese days I only install via the command line
00:23.48usneyespecially makes it easy to see what I manually installed because of the bash history file
00:23.57joepublicapt logs everything.
00:24.04usneyoh cool
00:24.14usneyhistory | grep install
00:24.20usneyis really simple
00:24.22joepublicfair enough
00:25.03usneyhow can I use apt logs to only see stuff I installed manually and not software installed at time of installation?
00:25.27joepubliclook in /var/log/apt
00:25.34usneycool thanks
00:26.11usneyI will probably need multiarch often see I have a single board computer with arm and also have 32bit laptop.
00:26.44usneyin case I can't for some reason get the software to download and install from the single board computer or 32bit laptop
00:26.54sneythat's not what multiarch is for.
00:27.33usneyyou can't use that for downloading deb files to be installed on the other computer(s)?
00:27.50joepublicuse for that, actually
00:28.07usneyof course you have to transfer it to it and use apt install ./nameofpackage.deb
00:28.10sneymultiarch is for *systems* that can use more than one arch. like amd64 and i386, usually.
00:28.59sneyyou could probably twist its arm to download binary-incompatible crap somehow, but you might as well just use apt-cacher-ng instead
00:29.00usneyyou mean like how amd64 can be able to use run 32bit software?
00:29.31sneyyes, that's what systems that can use more than one arch, like amd64 and i386, means.
00:29.54*** join/#debian diniwed (~gavron@
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00:30.52usneyI'll figure out which software the dongle is using by plugging it in and getting the hardware specs
00:31.13sneythat sounds like a good first step.
00:31.49usneyI hope it is the same name as the 32bit name for the software or firmware it needs
00:32.01usneyor at least similar name
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00:39.42usneythanks for the link sney it has some info on there to help me with another problem I been having that I didn't ask on here yet.
00:40.42abrotmananyone else tihnk it's weird that sney and usney are talking to each other?
00:40.54sneyme more than anyone else, probably
00:41.18usneyyes we have similar nicks
00:41.25abrotmansney: could you /nick isney ?
00:41.30usneyI registered for this nick so I can't change it
00:41.33abrotmanisney, usney  .. we all sney!
00:41.52sneydon't make me put you in the highlight ignore doghouse too, abrotman
00:41.57abrotmanis done
00:42.04Unit193Haha. :D
00:42.23usneyyou put me in the ignore list?
00:42.34*** join/#debian k4nz (
00:42.45sneyusney: I still see your messages, but when you say sney my client won't blink at me anymore.
00:43.31usneythat's okay
00:44.50usneyyes I know what highlight does
00:45.21usneyI don't have it set to ignore anyone I like when it flashes so I know of messages directed at me.
00:45.34usneyI have done it before but that was long ago
00:45.42sneycool, thanks for letting us know.
00:46.30*** join/#debian eliotome3000 (~eliotime@
00:46.51n-iCecan I install debian in a microsd using a usb adapter?
00:47.29sneya disk is a disk. usb is pretty slow though, and so is microsd
00:47.31usneywhat usb version is it? n-iCe
00:47.43sneyit'd be fine for the installer, anyway
00:48.33n-iCeoh, it's slow? thought was going to be fast
00:48.37usneyI know you can do that because you need it for singleboard computers but I prefer to install it to the onboard flash memory if it has enough space.
00:49.09usneyare you using it for single board computer or just for live usage on a desktop or laptop computer?
00:49.13*** join/#debian LordBreetai (~LordBreet@
00:49.32dvsn-iCe, no way, MicroSDs are usually really slow.
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00:51.20usneyif for use with a single board computer like raspberry pi you need the arm edition of debian n-iCe
00:51.55sneythe rpi's whole i/o bus is usb, so that's the kind of slow that you have to deal with one way or another.
00:52.11sneybut usually people with rpis are using raspbian, because only the pi3 can run a real debian release that doesn't suck.
00:52.18usneyeven raspberry pi 4?
00:52.49usneywow I think I might not get a raspberry pi 4 then
00:53.10sneysmall, cheap, fast. pick 2
00:53.11usneywhat is a good alternative to the raspberry pi 4 that has usb 3 support?
00:53.54sneypi 4 has usb3, but it's still using usb for everything that a full size computer would normally do with pci, dma, etc
00:54.15sponixusney: you might want to ask in ##hardware. There was a guy talking about an nvidia single board computer that looked pretty slick
00:54.20sneyyou have to know that if you are buying a computer for $35USD there is a compromise somewhere
00:54.29usneynice sponix
00:54.52sneysome of the odroid stuff is better than a rpi and there are of course embedded computers in the $hundreds that can do basically anything
00:55.01sneystep 1: define what you need
00:55.02usneyI have a orange pi pc plus it works okay I use armbian on it.
00:55.05*** join/#debian Gerula (~Gerula@unaffiliated/gerula)
00:55.40usneycurrently I just use it for streaming and server use.
00:55.52usneyBut maybe use it for games later
00:55.53n-iCeis it possible that the usb adapter does not read a 128GB microsd?
00:56.14usneysome adapters do not support sdhx or sdhc
00:56.20n-iCeI bought a 128GB microsd card, I had the adapter and works fine with other cards(16/32)
00:56.44usneydo you know what the adapter is called?
00:56.58usneythe usb adapter
00:57.06warsouln-iCe dimelo
00:57.31dvsn-iCe, some card readers that don't support sdxc can't handle anything over 64GB.
00:57.44*** join/#debian criti (~Thunderbi@2604:6000:130d:146:71d0:1105:b2:1d78)
00:58.51usneythank you guys for the help I am going to go and try out the advice.
00:59.00sponixusney: I can't scroll back in the log far enough, but last night people were arguing as to what did the best transcoding per dollar and per watt. And it was mentioned
00:59.46usneyI am really loving openbox with tint2
00:59.48sponixusney: was like a Pi, but made by Nvidia with their GPU magic, that allowed a different type of encoding/decoding than traditional nvenc. Jellyfin has support for its hardware encoding type also, I know that
00:59.50dvssney, the Pi 4 doesn't use USB for it's ethernet port
00:59.51usneyits pretty fast
01:00.08sneydvs: oh yeah? well that's something at least
01:00.42n-iCewarsoul: dvs:
01:01.04sponixusney: it is called the Nvidia Jetson
01:01.04n-iCebut might be the sdcard does not work, I insert it in my phone which is supposed to read sdcards and is doing nothing
01:01.13usneythank you sponix
01:01.22n-iCeif I use a other card adaptor dmesg says this
01:01.25n-iCe[ 7485.018582] mmc1: card never left busy state
01:01.27n-iCe[ 7485.018600] mmc1: error -110 whilst initialising SD card
01:01.29usneyI am willing to pay a few or more hundred dollars for it
01:01.52usneyfor a really good SBC
01:02.10sneyif hundreds are in your budget, you might as well get one of those nuc-sized celeron machines that comes with a case and a power supply
01:02.19sneybut I suppose that depends on the use case.
01:03.54usneyI think I'll get a kit instead I don't want winblows 10
01:04.29usneywow they have i9 cpu options too
01:05.18sneyeverything comes with a windows license. if you rule that out, you're just being dumb. put whatever you want on the disk.
01:05.34sneyI have one of those little x86 machines, it's a "zotac" and I believe it was $250
01:06.37sponixusney: I keep finding it for $400 USD. I swear they linked to it last night for $99 USD. I am trying to see if someone will drop the link again, because I can't find it grepping my log
01:06.38usneythe kit comes from intel to build it doesn't say it comes with windows
01:07.08usneythat's okay I am pretty good at savvy shopping
01:07.09*** join/#debian Yugi (~hunterkll@2001:470:8b06:400:215:5dff:fefb:c04)
01:07.22usneyI will see if I can find the cheapest price.
01:09.19usneyI found it for 99
01:09.33*** join/#debian Quick_Wango (
01:09.33usneyit lists it for 99 in google shopping search
01:10.48sponixusney: that doesn't have nvidia or jetson in the name of the link -- thus why my "grep" wasn't finding it lol
01:10.55*** join/#debian Hunterkll (~hunterkll@2001:470:8b06:400:215:5dff:fefb:c04)
01:11.04sponixusney: Thanks, at times I forget Google exist and go full on n00b
01:11.25usneyI don't use google for regular searching
01:11.30usneyI use it for shopping
01:11.44usneyI use
01:12.20sponixusney: whatever.. thanks for the link anyway
01:12.50sponixusney: there is already a Debian build specifically for it. they said if anyone needed it they could share. but you can probably find that also :)
01:12.59usneyI use for regular web searches
01:13.09lwpwhen I bought this Dell desktop I'm typing on, the ordering website gave option for windows or ubuntu -- the ubuntu was a couple hundred cheaper. I got that one, and it was actually just an installer stub, which I ignored and installed debian instead
01:13.31usneynice lwp
01:13.44usneydell has been doing that but wasn't sure if they still were
01:14.22n-iCeso? haha
01:16.57usneyit is good to know n-iCe who wants to pay extra for winblows?
01:18.13*** join/#debian drzacek (~drzacek@2001:16b8:1c62:3d00:3efc:510e:dd0a:403e)
01:18.14usneyplus you can get a free copy of windows 10 technician disc that you can boot from usb and upgrade bios for systems that can't be upgraded because there isn't software to do it for linux.
01:18.22usneyhirens bootcd
01:19.01*** mode/#debian [+l 1438] by debhelper
01:19.18usneywow sponix that is a really nice SBC I think I am going to get that.
01:19.31usneyI wonder if you have to download the drivers for it on nvidia's website.
01:20.19n-iCeusney: what?
01:20.33n-iCeI want to know what's going on with my 128GB micros
01:20.35n-iCeI want to know what's going on with my 128GB microsd
01:21.10*** join/#debian black_ant (~antilope@unaffiliated/black-ant/x-1505394)
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01:22.04usneyn-iCe slax is meant to run from microsd or usb drive it is based on debian
01:22.15usneyI have used it slax is pretty sweet!
01:22.26*** join/#debian sidmo_ (
01:24.24usneyyou just need to backup your data if you have any on the usb drive or microsd card and format it to ext4 and make it bootable then mount the slax iso and copy the slax folder to the root of the microsd or usb flash drive. once it is finished copying the files then you can reboot and use it as you would something installed on a hard drive.
01:25.05*** join/#debian SoulsForBelial (
01:27.55sponixusney: It is super powerful for the price. I know that much. We were talking hang a few USB 3.0 drives off of it and have it be a media server -- But there is tons more it could do I'm sure
01:28.10n-iCeusney: what?
01:28.19n-iCemicrosd is not working
01:28.24n-iCeis what I want to know.
01:28.29n-iCemaybe is the adapter
01:39.10*** join/#debian AlmarShenwan_Qua (~quassel@
01:39.27OozeWanna host my own irc server, because. What do most use?
01:47.45*** join/#debian beencubed (~beencubed@
01:48.33sneyOoze: I'm not sure about "most," but ngircd is popular and currently maintained
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01:54.13sponixusney: Amazon has a version B01 (instead of A02) but there is no list of what the changes are. Main specs look the same
01:55.07sponixusney: I want one of these bare SoCs with a wall adapter. But I'm not sure what for yet lol
01:55.36sponixOoze: "Unreal IRCD" was big at one point. there are Tons though
01:56.01sponixOoze: you look familiar - do I know you from somewhere ?
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03:06.54usneyhi sponix I was away for a bit
03:10.49sponixusney: its okay.. I just went on to say Amazon does have the model B01 for $109 USD. And I want one bad, but can't figure out what to tell the wife I'm gonna use it for :P
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03:23.27digitalironyhello. This may seem like a dumb question. But I can't find it an it is frustrating me. But where can I find the key id for the debian repos to import into my keyring?
03:23.34digitalironyI think the one I have is old, and is no longer working
03:25.35annadanemaybe helps
03:25.47annadaneas unhelpful i think that page is the other 90% of the time
03:26.21digitalironythat says its just the CD keys
03:28.03digitalironymaybe someone who has it can just do a gpg -k or something and tell me the key id?
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03:30.18oerheksdigitalirony, state what version you are on?
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03:52.10usneysponix cool
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08:13.24SilmarilionHi, I am trying to figure out why xorg xrdp active connection doesn't prevent debian 10 from going to sleep. Did anyone had similar issue?
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08:16.04linuxthefishhey, will anything bad come about by disabling journald? I know this will cause a lack of logging, but memory usage is more important
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08:47.43areyoulocohi I have questions about debian-installer. good channel?
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08:48.43mefistofelesareyouloco: I guess just ask
08:49.01areyoulocoi am trying to install manually with remote ssh connection and when I ssh into installet session there are tabs on the terminal 1 installer 2 console 3 logs. how do I switch between those tabs?
08:49.35areyoulocoi've tried all the ctrl/alt/shift combinations
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08:50.39mefistofelesareyouloco: hmm interesting, I never did such a thing, are you following some tutorial for that? can you sahre it?
08:51.04areyouloconope just trying out stuff
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08:51.54areyoulocoi want to make some specific installation so I have to do some disk preparation manually since gparded wizard doesnt predict such a setup
08:52.06mefistofelesareyouloco: so I guess you chose the "Continue installation remotely using SSH" at some point, right?
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08:52.19areyoulocoyup exacly mefistofeles
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08:53.25mefistofelesareyouloco: ok, I don't know what that uses, but try Ctrl-a + p
08:53.27mefistofelesor n
08:53.33mefistofelesotr ctrl-b + p (or n)
08:53.43mefistofelesjust guessing it has the same commands as screen/tmux sessions
08:54.03areyoulocowill try in a sec. i was suspecting screen as well
08:56.18areyoulococtrl+b+p/n doesnt work
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09:00.42mefistofelesareyouloco: what about ctrl-a +p/n ?
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09:04.21areyoulocoyup works thanks mefistofeles !
09:04.41mefistofelesareyouloco: no problem
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11:11.24biodihello anyone have had crashing issues with debian 10 aws ami?
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11:19.54cybercryptobiodi: No sorry, I have no experience with aws images, but I got no crashes so far with my debian 10 servers (lean netinstall iso + few tools, installed myself)
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11:36.42L0aD1nGhello there
11:36.58L0aD1nGif i would like to change my username is this a valid way to go :  ??
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11:41.26cybercryptoL0aD1nG: Do you have any doubts or concerns after reading the man page of usermod?
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11:42.54L0aD1nGcybercrypto: i read it the specific arguments the thread suggests and no i dont but will it change the whole filesystems ownerships?
11:43.05L0aD1nGi ve never done that before..
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11:45.24cybercryptoL0aD1nG: Sure. try it then, using a test account and check results. usermod parameters are plenty and useful.
11:46.33L0aD1nGi want to do it for my main username the one i use.. actually its the only user.
11:46.45L0aD1nGmaybe i ll do a test first with a temp one
11:47.19cybercryptoL0aD1nG: sounds like a plan!
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13:48.59rocketmagnethi everyone, can someone please tell me how i can find the folder my android handy is located ?
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13:49.16rocketmagneti need to search the hole phone and the card for all images and videos
13:49.33greycatlooks really hard for the Debian part of this question
13:50.00ratraceis it via mtp?
13:50.26greycatI'm still trying to figure out what the word "handy" means in this context, since I don't think he's using the phone as a masturbation aid currently.
13:50.44ratracehandy is german for cellphone
13:50.51greycat... wow, ok
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13:52.59greycatSo is the question actually something like "I have a Debian computer and an android phone and a cable and I plugged them all into each other, I don't even know how, and what do I do next oh yeah my goal is to retrieve files from the android phone and copy them to my web server"
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13:53.16ratraceI was thinking it's maybe that.
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14:31.03dar8Hi,My webcam is not detected (Computer = Latitude E5470 OS = Debian Buster)  As recommended on, i have installed libv4l-0 thought withoutresults ...Can someone please help me ?
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14:45.23areyoulocodar8: launch lsusb and dmesg from terminal and show output
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14:49.48dar8Sorry I forget to add that this not a usb-camera. It is in the frame (Don't know if it this is the right term)
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14:52.30areyoulocoso lspci and dmesg output
14:53.11dar8I need to paste the output here or in another website ? Dmesg show a very long output ...
14:53.12areyoulocoalso try to launch your camera with guvcview
14:53.20areyoulocopaste it on
14:53.36dar8Ok thanks i am doing it
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14:56.47dar8For dmesg >
14:58.10dar8For lspci >
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15:00.04areyoulocodar8: nothing obvious seems like
15:00.25areyoulocoinstall guvcview and lunch it see if it detects your camera
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15:02.26dar8guvcview >
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15:07.38dostoyevskyhmmmm... apt-mark showmanual # doesn't show me that I installed a package e.g. via "-t buster-backports" ...
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15:08.13Akuwhow can i know if SElinux is enabled ?
15:08.44Akuwgetenforce   retunr Command not found
15:08.53Akuwi guess it is not enabled
15:09.00areyoulocoit is by default
15:09.31areyoulocoinstall selinux-utils the command is thete
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15:11.30dar8Guvcview is not working also >
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15:19.17areyouloco@dar8: is your camera not disabled in bios/uefi? was it working ever before?
15:20.20dar8It was not working before, i will check the bios
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15:22.00dar8I am going to check it, brb
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15:39.54dar8I just checked the bios and yes i forgot that i have disabled it ...I will note it in the future if i disabled something important so this kind of things don't happen again.Thanks for the help
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15:50.09lupuloi have a nvme from a laptop
15:50.29lupuloi try to connect that with usb but it only assin sdd
15:50.38lupulonot number
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15:54.39lwplupulo, try:  fdisk -l /dev/sdd
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15:57.18lupulolwp, lsblk not detect sdd
15:57.36lupulofdisk -l /dev/sdd not finds sdd
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15:59.14lwplupulo, what is the exact output from that fdisk command ?
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16:00.18lupulolwp, cannot open /dev/sdd: No medium found
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16:01.56lwplupulo, are there new messages in dmesg after what you already pasted for us ?
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16:04.00lupuloyes lwp
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16:04.54lupulothe product says USB 3.0 UASP to M.2 SATA SSD
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16:16.38wrksxhey, what is is this a special thing setup by systemd ?
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16:18.05wrksxignore me, found the answer
16:18.11greycatIt's an IPv4 address within the loopback namespace.
16:18.46greycatThe question is really, what's *using* it.  The .53 strongly implies DNS, since 53 is the UDP port used by DNS.
16:18.55wrksxyes indeed
16:19.24wrksxsystemd-r 1019 systemd-resolve   12u  IPv4  31914      0t0  UDP
16:19.24wrksxsystemd-r 1019 systemd-resolve   13u  IPv4  31915      0t0  TCP (LISTEN)
16:19.42wrksxit's the dns part of systemd
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16:21.51wrksxgreycat: I think I'm gonna investigate a bit on how loopback addresses work
16:22.04ratracews2k3: same as any other
16:22.09lupulowrksx, no idea about the but you could read man systemd-resolved
16:22.13wrksxIt seems like I could bin different service to different loopback addresses
16:22.21lupuloman systemd-resolved
16:22.32ratracethe was arbitrarily chosen by systemd-resolved devs, for the stub resolver. could've been anything.
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16:24.23wrksxSo basically my system is only querying systemd's stub, which takes care of the rest (caching, querying etc...)?
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16:25.05tdsyou can systemd-resolve --status or possibly resolvectl to see where resolved is forwarding to
16:25.12ratracewith one distinction, it's a stub resolver, which means it requires a real recursive resolver somewhere in the network
16:25.29ratraceie. systemd-resolved is not recursive resolver
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16:25.47greycatthat depends on the contents of /etc/resolv.conf
16:25.56ratraceit doesn't.
16:26.03FUtz!squeeze sources.list
16:26.04dpkgA suitable /etc/apt/sources.list for Debian 6.0 "Squeeze" has two lines: "deb squeeze main" "deb squeeze-lts main".  Put "Acquire::Check-Valid-Until false;" in /etc/apt/apt.conf and run «aptitude update».  Also see <deb-src> <contrib> <non-free> <squeeze-lts> <squeeze-updates> and "man sources.list".
16:26.20wrksxratrace: I don't know enought to make complete sense of what you said. Gonna read on the "recursive" property
16:26.44greycatit can't do actual DNS lookups.  all it can do is forward requests to another place.
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16:27.08ratracewrksx: for it'l recurse from root DNS servers (.) into .com. then get a response for and then for
16:27.33wrksxoh right okay, I remember that
16:27.46ratracethat's what a recursive resolver does. systemd-resolved does not, and needs one "upstream", set by its DNS= and FallbackDNS= entries,    defaults to google0s at compile time
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16:30.54wrksxratrace: where are those entries provided?
16:31.11ratrace/etc/systemd/resolved.conf    see resolved.conf(5) manpage
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16:34.33ZAJDANhow to check swap if was overloaded
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16:36.28ratraceZAJDAN: you can check swap size and how much its used with    /sbin/swapon -s
16:36.43ratraceit's also part of    `free` and `top`
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16:37.18ratraceyou can check swappin activity with vmstat, se si/so columns are swap IN and swap OUT (to disk)  respectively
16:37.43joepublicfor variety, you can also cat /proc/swaps
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16:38.49ZAJDANthe reason is that machine is frozen..I have to reboot and now want to find if the problem was the swap
16:39.02joepublicis it frozen? can you ping it?
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16:46.08valogaI used to be able to cross compile armhf on my aarch64 system but it seems I'm getting a floating point error now, has anyone experienced this before?
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16:53.19ZAJDANI/O error on HDD should be in dmesg?
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17:01.04freqhow do i install arch from a debian install
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17:02.41sa-ghostsArch as in the arch linux distro?
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17:04.39sa-ghostsI don't think you can.
17:06.30sa-ghostsalso it's much easier to install Arch than to turn Debian (a totally different distro) to it
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17:07.22ratracefreq: if anyone can answer how to install Arch from <non-ARCH environment>  it's #archlinux
17:07.50freqis termux based on debian?
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17:49.01chmykhHello dear Debian users! Which version of Debian should I install for desktop and gaming purposes (nvidia user)? I like stability and also I like when packages is not ancient. For example GNOME 3,34 would be awesome.
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17:51.49ratrace,v gnome
17:51.51juddPackage: gnome on amd64 -- jessie: 1:3.14+3; stretch: 1:3.22+3; buster: 1:3.30+1; bullseye: 1:3.30+2; sid: 1:3.30+2
17:51.57ratraceyea, no.
17:52.33ratracechmykh: your demands are contradictory though. if you wnat gaming, then you must avoid gnome.
17:53.20ratracechmykh: debian buster works just fine for me. steam works fine. vulkan too. games run in proton just fine. or not at all. I don't care nor need SNS.
17:53.53ratracegaming doesn't need SNS. steam runtime is still based on Ubuntu 12.04
17:54.45chmykhratrace: can you please explain what is buster? Is buster stable tree? Or is it testing?
17:55.05ratracechmykh: Debian Buster is the current Debian Stable release. testing is Bullseye, the next stable.
17:55.14dpkgBuster is the codename for the current <stable> release, Debian 10, released 2019-07-06. "Buster" is Andy's pet Dachshund in Toy Story, see . Ask me about <install buster>, <release notes>, <stretch->buster>. <apt suite changed>
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17:55.24chmykhratrace: thank you a lot. And one more - why I should avoid GNOME?
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17:56.08ratracechmykh: because gnome slows things down a lot. especially for games. tried it, tested it. avoid complex desktops for gaming on linux. WMs or xfce work just fine.
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17:56.47chmykhratrace: well, gaming is not only purpose. Do you use xfce?
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17:57.02ratraceno, I use i3-wm
17:57.16ratrace(used to use xfce, and gnome, and kde)
17:57.43chmykhratrace: Can you please share your actual workspace screenshot? I hope I'm not annoying.
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17:58.44ratracechmykh: what for? it's not eyecandy. it's just i3-wm
17:59.46chmykhratrace: just to realize how experienced user is using GUI, that's it. I will be very glad for help. My qustions won't last long.
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18:00.57ratracechmykh: my workspace is just full of terminals which contain non-public information. there's nothing to see.
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18:01.59chmykhratrace: your advices was very helpful, thank you very much!
18:02.11ratraceI have big, 37" curved screen so a lot of terminals fit there nicely. I love terminals. I love the keyboard, and hate the mouse. my hands very rarely leave the keyboard home row. vim bindings ftw.    pro enough? :)
18:02.54chmykh37 is big, very big screen.
18:03.04ratracethat's on meta-1.   meta-2 is firefox. meta-3 is firefox protected mode, linked to urxvt terminal URL launcher. meta-4 is pycharm code editor. meta-5 is steam.
18:03.46ratraceI have another such monitor and it displays work stuff. server stats, graphs, logs...
18:04.03chmykhratrace: a bit of interview, what is your favorite steam apps?
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18:04.18chmykhtwo 37 inches, wow. )
18:04.21ratraceFactorio :)
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18:07.31L0aD1nGrat what would you do if you must select a website after the google search or press a button? spam the Tab ? I love keyboard too but sometimes there is no other option than the mouse.. right?
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18:08.05ratraceL0aD1nG: unfortunately so. however, there's vimperator but I didn't play with it much
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18:09.04L0aD1nGI want to rename the only user i have, i found what i need on stack overflaw but i am worried.. will the groups change to match the new name for example?
18:09.27mzajcpretty sure you need to run another command for that L0aD1nG
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18:10.11L0aD1nGthey said only for groupmod so i ll create the new group for the new username
18:10.33ratraceL0aD1nG: keep in mind that new group == new GID
18:10.40mzajcI was wondering if there are any working terminal youtube audio-only streaming tool that supported playlists and optionally search. I found mpv-yt a while ago, but that's broken
18:11.15ratracemzajc: mpv itself can't? uses youtube-dl in the background iirc
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18:11.48mzajcthat's what I'm currently doing, but it requires me to download the entire audio file to be able to listen to it
18:12.09mzajcit also requires me to go to to get the video id, which is also pretty inconvenient
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18:29.03vltHello. What might be missing on Debian 10 when I get a "No module named '_ctypes'" error from `pip install mysqlclient` in a Python 3.8.2 venv?
18:30.00jhutchins,v python3
18:30.01juddPackage: python3 on amd64 -- jessie: 3.4.2-2; stretch: 3.5.3-1; buster: 3.7.3-1; bullseye: 3.8.2-3; sid: 3.8.2-3
18:30.22greycatayup, that isn't Debian 10
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18:33.11sponix2ipfw,v mysqlclient
18:33.13juddNo package named 'mysqlclient' was found in amd64.
18:33.25sponix2ipfw,v mariadb-client
18:33.26juddPackage: mariadb-client on amd64 -- jessie: 10.0.32-0+deb8u1; jessie-security: 10.0.38-0+deb8u1; stretch-security: 10.1.26-0+deb9u1; stretch-security: 10.1.37-0+deb9u1; stretch: 10.1.44-0+deb9u1; buster: 1:10.3.22-0+deb10u1; bullseye: 1:10.3.22-1; sid: 1:10.3.22-1; experimental: 1:10.4.12-1~exp2; experimental: 1:10.4.12-1~exp3
18:35.11ratracethe "mysqlclient" here is a python module from pypi, not an apt package
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18:46.24vltratrace: Yes, thank you.
18:47.41vltgreycat: "not Debian 10"? Was that for me?  (If yes, yes it *is* Debian 10.)
18:48.07greycatthen how do you have python 3.8.2
18:49.09vltgreycat: I installed as a user using pyenv which makes that very convenient.
18:49.47greycatif you're not using Debian's python, then there's probably not a lot we can help you with, here in #debian
18:50.20vltgreycat: pyenv allows me to have different "self contained" Python versions in a user directory.
18:50.31greycatyes, now ask #python for help
18:50.32vltgreycat: Hmmmm :-|
18:50.41vltgreycat: Ok, thank you :-)
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18:55.31f8e4will debian at some point be rewritten in RUST, because no overflow/static safe?
18:56.08jhutchinsf8e4: Debian is not written in any one language, it is a collection of packages written in many.
18:56.09dvsfeels a "pal" coming on
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18:57.13mureenaNo Debian is getting rewritten with brainfuck and R
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18:58.55f8e4mureena if not angent smith will be grateful
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19:05.14JPTOver the years, perhaps some programs might be replaced or rewritten - but rewriting everything at once would be too much to ask.
19:05.38JPTThat's just like asking "When will all the street lights on all the roads be replaced with LED ones?
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19:07.22L0aD1nGI have no sound on tor browser. what might causing that?
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19:08.10petn-randallL0aD1nG: Which OS release are you running?
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19:10.45L0aD1nGthe weird thing is that i had sound before some days... it works fine on firefox
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19:12.36L0aD1nGsmplayer has sound also its just tor. i didnt touch anything that had to do with it.
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19:19.44somiajL0aD1nG: are you using pulse audio?
19:20.05somiajL0aD1nG: (mostlikely yes), maybe check out pavucontrol and see if the tor browser appears and for some reason it has been muted, pulse alows configuration per application
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19:21.55ws2k3so i installed debian with software. ran grub-install. that went all fine. but after boot im getting a grub error error: disk ''mduuid/somelongidhere' not found what could this be?
19:22.37somiajws2k3: could the uuid grub is using be invalid, maybe check the uuid that is not found, to the uuid of the actual file system
19:23.36ws2k3somiaj when i run ls i see (md/0) but when i run ls (md/0) i get not found
19:23.54somiajwhat file system is on that partition?
19:24.25somiajMy guess is some misconfiguration, but I don't think I know the details well enough to have an idea what.
19:24.37somiaj(I have about zero expeience with the grub shell)
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19:30.43ws2k3somiaj i checked once booted in rescue i can boot mount the /dev/dm0 just fine
19:30.47ws2k3so what exacly could be wrong
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19:32.01L0aD1nGi rebooted and the tor sound corrected.
19:35.00somiajws2k3: might just be the grub config having an issue, did you ever run update-grub (or only grub-install)?
19:40.05ws2k3somiaj just did grub-install again on all disk(went fine) and ran grub-update again. and it found some images. now gonna try again
19:40.23ws2k3somiaj nope same error
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19:44.30mandeepi think i installed an audio package that changed my sound settings such that now audio is controlled on a per application basis. anyone know how i can find which package did this?
19:44.40ws2k3somiaj does grub support booting from raid10? i remember some versions of grub do not support that
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19:45.16somiajws2k3: I know there have been some improvements, but my (maybe outdated info) was to have a /boot outside of the raid.
19:45.35somiajmandeep: pulseaudio?
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19:45.59mandeepsomiaj: yeah it may be pulseaudio looking into it now
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19:46.40somiajI finally had to take the dive and just use pulseaudio now. It has better software mixing than alsa, and almost all apps support it now
19:47.00somiaj(I used alsa for years, but got harder and harder with some apps only support pulse and not alsa)
19:47.11greycatI installed it to get support for a USB microphone.  So far, no problems.
19:47.12mandeepyeah but the per application audio is driving me crazy
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19:47.28mandeepespecially since the settings seem to keep changing
19:47.45somiajmandeep: pavucontrol is useful, I actually like the per application (gave me a central place to configure outputs/levels for applications in which this is hard to configure)
19:48.08mandeepthanks ill look into it
19:48.15ws2k3somiaj it seems grub2 does not support booting of a raid10
19:48.17somiajand the de independent pavucontrol gave a simplisitic way to configure it all
19:48.27mandeepi see
19:48.45somiajws2k3: yea, I tink the suggestion of having /boot outside of raid is still prefered. I know in some caes not needed
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19:49.23mandeepgotta logout to test these changes
19:49.25somiajwell outsie of raid, lvm, encryption, etc. Having a simple /boot makes grub's world way easier. On the side affect grub really isn't needed with efi if your firmware can see your efi partition (unsure if you can put that in raid though)
19:49.46ws2k3somiaj my disk is gpt. i already need a partition for grub itself right?
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19:50.08somiajws2k3: grub should be living in your efi partition if using efi boot (or the mbr partition if using legacy)
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19:50.25somiajthough it can share its efi partition with other stuff
19:50.31ws2k3im using bios not eufi
19:50.48ws2k3somiaj but when using gpt i think i need a partition for it
19:51.08somiajthen you'll need some mbr compadability partition then. I have only used legcy with mbr tables and efi with gpt tables.
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19:51.19ws2k3i see
19:51.28somiajnever saw a reason in my limited case to try to mix them, for legacy machines I just use mbr
19:51.56mandeepwell i guess uninstalling pulseaudio gave me back universal sound settings, but now my keyboard volume controls don't work :(
19:52.27mandeepi wonder if it was alsa-tools
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19:54.14somiajmandeep: the volume controls may depend on the DE, most DE's require pulse.
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19:54.40somiajYou can configure the defaults that all apps use in pulse, you don't have to configure each app indvidually (I never did, I only used per app configurations for apps I didn't want to use defaults)
19:55.03somiajBut if you can recofnigure your keybindings in your DE/WM, you can have them issues alsa commands to raise/lower volume.
19:55.25mandeepyeah i dont think pulse was the problem so i reinstalled it
19:56.55mandeephow does pavucontrol differ from what can be found in the Sound system panel
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19:58.48somiajIt might give more options, depending on which DE you use
19:59.04somiajI just suggest pavucontrol because it works with all DEs and Windowmangers (not all have a sound system panel)
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20:03.43mandeepi see
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20:35.47ZAJDANI catch via 'journalctl -f' gsch_scan (inode=8324900, type=1, flags=0x0) interrupted & wait
20:35.58ZAJDANdo you think is it problem with HDD?
20:36.25sneycould be, particularly if you get a lot of them
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20:38.59jhutchinsZAJDAN: Install smartmontooks, enable it, and watch for bad block messages in /var/log/messages &/or dmesg.
20:39.05ZAJDANsney: last few days system suddenly freezes I have catched thin in journalctl
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20:39.41ZAJDANjutchins: will it works when is it virtualized machine?
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20:41.03jhutchinsZAJDAN: A VM has no real hardware, you need to troubleshoot hardware on the host machine.
20:41.26jhutchinsZAJDAN: Those messages are more likely a symptom than a cause.
20:42.06ZAJDANjhutchins: symptom of what?
20:42.14ZAJDANbad HDD?
20:42.50jhutchinsZAJDAN: There is no HDD.  There is a virtual disk, which is a file on the host HD.
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20:44.12ZAJDANjhutchins: true....but anyway when I see in the message 'inode'it points me to HDD
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20:44.22jhutchinsZAJDAN: More likely is resource contention with the host causing it to pause the VM during a disk operation.
20:44.47jhutchinsZAJDAN: Again, any hardware troubleshooting needs to be done on the host, not the VM.
20:45.00ZAJDANyes I agree
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21:10.04WarptwistHi. I'm fairly new in the wonderful world of Linux. I have been setting up a home server, and for the most part I have figured things out as I went along. At this point I'm in the process of configuring my Iptables. I'm logging dropped packages, and I need help understanding what the log line means.
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21:12.37sneythere's not much point to a firewall on a system that's behind a NAT already. but you can see what's happening here by looking at the source and destination ips and ports and then matching that to traffic that you know is on your network
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21:16.21cybercryptoWarptwist: welcome to the real world. I recommend you to use netfilter instead, i believe it is default in debian already.
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21:17.04sney(iptables is netfilter, but nftables is the new one and will be more useful to know in the future, yeah)
21:17.05cybercryptoWarptwist: there is plenty of docs that explains the concepts behind it, perhaps will help you during the traces/troubleshooting
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21:19.14phoggpretty sure they're both netfilter
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21:21.12cybercryptosney: phogg: yes, correct. Debian Buster uses the nftables framework by default, so it is recommended by the netfilter project page to start using it, instead iptables.
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21:23.49WarptwistThanks guys. I will definitely look into using nftables instead. Any good practical use tutorials you guys know of?
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21:27.01cybercryptoWarptwist: check the wiki, is a good start point (you will find the project link as well, it is more detailed there.
21:27.02ratracecybercrypto: what?! debian uses neither by default
21:27.22dob1nft add rule ip filter output ip daddr drop      iptables -A OUTPUT -d -j DROP     I find the latter easier
21:27.22dob1it was just difficult to learn iptables, now it's deprecated?
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21:28.26ratracedob1: it's not yet deprecated
21:29.01dob1ratrace, ok but you wrote "yet"
21:29.12cybercryptoratrace: it is published in the debian wiki, in bold caps lock: Current status
21:29.16cybercryptoNOTE: Debian Buster uses the nftables framework by default
21:29.48dob1it's not "official" the wiki
21:30.01cybercryptoratrace: if thats not true, we may raise a fix for that page info.
21:30.33ratraceiptables is not deprecated. nftables is not necessarily THE successor to it, since kernel devs are looking into BPF based firewall
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21:30.46ratraceif you wanna use iptables, do so with no fear of it disappearing soon
21:31.35dob1and... if you specify 2 rules that are in conflict, one with iptables one with nftables, what happen?
21:32.30ratraceI don't know
21:32.53tdsavoid mixing them if you can, things get quite messy
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21:39.37dob1nft add rule ip filter input tcp dport {telnet, http, https} accept   vs iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m multiport --dports 23,80,443 -j ACCEPT
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21:52.17cybercryptoratrace: I am checking update-alternatives in a default debian install. It is pre-defined there with higher priority. test made on buster 10.3
21:53.46cybercryptoratrace: the group link is pointing to a mixed name "iptables-nft" using auto
21:54.17cybercryptoratrace: do you know what it means?
21:54.33somiajthat sounds about right, on debian buster iptables is actually a front end to nftables via iptables-nft
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21:54.43somiajI think this was in the release notes
21:55.46cybercryptosomiaj: thanks, I got confused by the answer from ratrace related to this topic, and what is on the wiki page.
21:56.15cybercryptosomiaj: to me, sounds like debian buster uses nftables as default framework for now.
21:56.32somiajcorrect, one would have ot install iptables-legacy to use the iptables
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22:08.41tdsboth iptables-nft and iptables-legacy are part of the iptables package - you just need to use update-alternatives to switch if you want to
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22:15.18dashsCan dd be used to zero an entire disk (small ssd)?
22:16.40vvorBut not practical on SSD
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22:18.14dashsvvor: and why?
22:20.13derpadminyou never know if you whipe an ssd (correct me if I am wrong)
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22:21.12vvordashs: Why are you zeroing at the first place?
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22:22.47tradardashs: if you need it for privacy - possibly - it's first better to overwrite it with random data first, and then zero it. In a single go: shred -vzn1 /dev/ssx
22:23.59vvortradar: dashs: Not on SSDs! You only wear out the drive. the zeroed sector will return 0, but the data is likely still on the drive.
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22:26.14tradarvvor: i think you misread my previous msg
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22:28.18cybercryptodashs: what is your goal, by zeroing an SSD disk?
22:33.50vvortradar: Mybe, but the point is you/he needs to find out what secure erase and or disk encryption the SSD supports. The dd/shred options should not be blindly used on SSD drives.
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22:46.27ws2k3 anyone got some advise on how i could resolve this?
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23:52.36incalhello, can I repartition the filesystem somehow after the install of Debian to make room for a second Linux distro or Debian instance? I didn't think of this when I installed the Debian I'm on now and I don't want to loose all the files and configurations I already did. but I do have a lot of disk space so I'd be happy to give some from the first instance so to speak
23:54.30incalcan parted set this up, then I just reboot with installation media and choose the set-up partitions for install?
23:55.07*** join/#debian beaver (~none@gateway/tor-sasl/beaver)
23:55.17sneyyou shouldn't resize a partition that your OS is currently running from. but there are livecds that make the process pretty easy.
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23:55.48vvorBoot with Clonezilla and resize
23:55.56cybercryptoincal: do you have no space left on your disk, and you need to 'resize' partitions?
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23:56.03vvorMake sure you have a backup
23:56.14sneyclonezilla is overkill when there's but yes in principle
23:56.51incalthis computer doesn't have a CD, it works with USB?
23:57.02ratracecan be done from debian installation media too
23:57.52incalis a partition filled up lineary from 0 -> max or how does it know what parts to take for the new one?
23:58.43sneyyes, it's essentially linear. and filesystem utilities know how to shrink a volume without deleting anything you put on it, as long as there's enough space overall.
23:58.59incalgreat, but you don't do this from the running OS?
23:59.07joepublicand this usually* works, not problem (*important key word)
23:59.24sneybest not to modify filesystems that are online.
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