IRC log for #debian on 20200310

00:01.01*** join/#debian Hermkronos (
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00:55.06copynubhey guys, can anyone help me with the correct rsync command to copy my entire local / and essentially overwrite my remote vm? (kinda like a snapshot restore type thing?)
00:57.59hht__pywhat do you want? backup your entire system?
00:58.38*** join/#debian Mr_Me (
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01:26.04ryoumasomething like copynub: --archive --hard-links --sparse --acls --xattrs --one-file-system
01:26.16ryoumaand --delete --delete-excluded if youw ant that
01:26.52*** join/#debian Acid`Slayer (~whatisaus@
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01:58.29ryoumai just ran across a proprietary language learning chat exchange thing for cell phones.  is there anything for debian that would hook into such a thing, or that does anything similar?  (interested in general in ja tools.)
01:58.49*** join/#debian sdrac8_ (
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02:22.59ComputerTechpops in
02:23.09dvsblocks the doors
02:23.09ComputerTechwhat is this channel about?
02:23.13*** join/#debian mr_machina (
02:23.26dpkgwell, debian is  See
02:24.14ComputerTechhmm can this channel be used to chat and make friends?
02:24.48ComputerTechah man
02:24.55*** part/#debian ComputerTech (
02:25.03dpkgAnother happy customer leaves the building.
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02:38.18hht__pythat's google's concept: leave it ASAP.
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04:01.39*** join/#debian Ceber (
04:04.26*** join/#debian CrazyTux (~S@unaffiliated/crazytux)
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04:05.19CrazyTuxplease comment on this..
04:05.59annadaneyeah, no.
04:08.04CrazyTuxI am a casual end user. I need to know more about this.
04:10.17*** join/#debian nyov (~nyov@unaffiliated/nyov)
04:12.03themillCrazyTux: It's junk. "I have 10 apples, you have 9 oranges, I'm better".
04:12.50annadanefrom briefly skimming the article it seems to be "many vulnerabilities reported in debian = debian is insecure" when the reality is closer to "many vulnerabilities reported = vulnerabilities fixed + transparency"
04:12.56annadanedebian has a pretty decent reputation
04:13.23CrazyTuxthemill, what do you mean? You need to give some technical explanation about what is said in that article. You can't dismiss it a junk.
04:13.41CrazyTuxannadane, ok
04:13.45*** join/#debian koniu (~koniu@gateway/tor-sasl/koniu)
04:13.52CrazyTuxplease elaborate on that.
04:16.11annadanei mean, debian is open source, it means more eyes on what can go wrong, the bug reporting process is transparent and the bug reports are open to anyone
04:16.26*** join/#debian bukkitgerman8 (
04:17.50annadanedebian is *perhaps* not quite as secure as OpenBSD, but then what is
04:18.13annadanethey're the extremists, not necessarily meant in a bad way
04:18.15themillCrazyTux: one is talking about an operating system, the other is talking about an operating system plus 30000 user applications.
04:18.29*** join/#debian koniu (~koniu@gateway/tor-sasl/koniu)
04:19.00themillAlso, "casual end user" is the opposite of demanding a "technical explanation"
04:19.10annadaneopenssl had/has a difficult to maintain codebase, openbsd stripped it out and replaced it wtth libressl... they're probably the most secure of anything, but it's not like debian is particularly easy to exploit either
04:19.36annadaneit has its reputation for a reason
04:19.56ryoumaof the major linux distros, is debian likely the most secure?
04:20.00eponyother than that, there is little base for comparison between the two operating systems
04:20.27eponyapples and oranges, they are round and compute stuff sometimes
04:22.07*** join/#debian sdrac8 (
04:22.19ryoumayou have to choose on some basis
04:22.58ryoumai'm guessing those who want a community distro that is linux and is secure would put debian pretty high up there.  would it be at the top pretty much?
04:23.07ryouma(not talking about specialized distros)
04:23.48annadanei think so yes
04:23.50eponyryouma, there are good reasons for this
04:24.14ryoumai think debian was first major distro to have signign
04:24.20ryoumanot sure
04:24.20eponysecurity team and vulnerability tracking
04:24.28*** join/#debian diogenes_ (~diogenes_@
04:24.47eponyis more important in my opinion
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04:25.23eponyyou can't compensate for large number of users and viewing developers any other way but with large number of.. (repeat same sentence)
04:26.17annadanepeople can take a gander at and/or etc
04:26.37ryoumaalso, i think many die-hard long-term floss-contributor bug-reporting users of debian are kind of picky about stuff (compliment)
04:26.56eponyit's probably a good recommendation to gradually and carefully tweak up measures of security and mitigations against baseline vulnerabilities in the system one at a time carefully in the default installation so you benefit from this large live testing group (it would be very useful to the wide range of Linux users out there from other distributions too)
04:27.17annadanedebian does have a better historical reputation than mint/manjaro and slackware is run basically by one person whereas debian has what, 1000 official developers, so...
04:29.25annadaneplus whatever comfort you can derive from using debian stable intentionally for older versions of software which in theory are less likely to be exploited compared to the shifting goalposts of newer software
04:29.30annadanebut that's sort of incidental
04:29.40ryoumai cant tell from what methodologuy was used
04:30.01eponystable and secure are orthogonal
04:31.12annadanei forget, does orthogonal mean less likely to be connected or more likely?
04:31.33eponyat 90° angle
04:31.44annadaneright but i don't get the analogy so to speak
04:31.55eponydifferent directions
04:32.02eponynot necessarily connected
04:32.06annadaneso you're saying stable is not secure
04:32.16annadaneor rather that it's different priorities?
04:32.16*** join/#debian ghost43 (~daer@gateway/tor-sasl/daer)
04:32.48ryouma2 knobs like etch-a-sketch, not like screwy knobs connected
04:33.02ryoumabut idk if it's true
04:34.09*** join/#debian TuxCrazy (~S@
04:34.24eponyin Linux distributions like Debian it is less likely to be insecure probably stable is kept with quite a significant backporting effort
04:34.43annadaneon the whole i'd trust Stable to be more secure than anything but the main point for most users (servers aside) is just to avoid unnecessary updates constantly
04:34.50*** join/#debian Scytale89 (
04:35.06annadaneintroduce new stuff only when required as opposed to everything; less overall hassle
04:35.48annadanealthough yes security-wise, you can really nail down individual packages so you know your version of gimp or whatever is a known quantity
04:36.58annadanethere are bugs but the bugs are known bugs rather than new bugs that come with new versions of stuff
04:37.54TuxCrazyare rolling release distros like manjaro better than fixed release distros, in this respect?
04:38.21eponydepends on the devs involved in the "rolling" compared to "stable"
04:38.56TuxCrazyepony, what about manjaro?
04:39.01*** mode/#debian [+l 1501] by debhelper
04:39.23eponyI hope you would share the details ;-)
04:39.46*** join/#debian nickodd (~nickodd@unaffiliated/nickodd)
04:40.53eponyhow many developers does it have.. and of them how many security experts, and of them how many working on actively patching the kernel and packages
04:43.14*** join/#debian PsychoTron (
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04:48.54ryoumai use stable but i find i fear dist-upgrades.  if upgrades occastionally area  problem, the flip side is that upgrades all at once is a lot all at once.
04:49.22ryoumaeverything that breaks breaks at once
04:50.03annadaneYMMV i guess
04:50.20annadanei'm a little apprehensive about nvidia because i don't know if i'll need to use the legacy packages as of bullseye or not
04:50.44eponyI can share the info that I use OpenBSD -current via snapshot to snapshot binary upgrades of the OS and packages, and it has proven the best user experience so far (of course, with watching the system ChangeLog and relevant mailing lists)
04:51.26eponyso, you might need to start tracking the lists and announcements and changelogs to fear less upgrades and updates
04:51.39TuxCrazyepony, I don't have any idea about how many devs manjaro has.
04:51.41epony(it's a similar process regardless of the distribution and software model)
04:52.11*** join/#debian xcm (
04:52.23ryoumai don't fear updates because those are tiny for me
04:52.32ryoumaoops i mean upgrades
04:52.37ryoumavis-a-vis dist-upgrades
04:53.05*** join/#debian Ignacy (
04:53.19annadaneit's definitely something to prepare for in advance
04:53.26annadanethen hopefully stuff goes smoothly
04:56.33*** join/#debian conyers (
04:56.44annadaneor wait until x.1
04:57.10annadanebut i mean, it's also 2 years in the making
04:57.18annadanemost stuff will probably Just Work
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05:10.42eponyif you want details related to comparisons with OpenBSD, let me know and say how a certain aspects is in Debian, and I'll match that with the OpenBSD process and related details
05:12.40eponythe major differences are that there are lot of mitigations in the default setup which are non optional and everyone is using them and running the system live effetively testing these
05:12.43*** join/#debian Jade_NL (~JadeNL@unaffiliated/jade-nl/x-0507005)
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05:13.29eponyand the development model is tracking the HEAD and only maintenance (security) backports for the critical issues for the last two releases (every 6 months like clockwork)
05:14.06eponyso the snapshots are just continuous production releases of the HEAD with all packages compiled from ports
05:14.54eponythus, it's much closer to the rolling release model (while it is not a rolling model) but a twice yearly releases (fixed in time snapshots)
05:16.30karlpincepony: Trouble with OpenBSD is that ports don't tend to get security fixes except for the latest stable release.  And figuring out what ports need to be updated involves tracking the mailing list and filtering out tons of junk.  And then you often need to compile your own port after that....
05:16.39eponyThe point of the system is to have correct process and correct code, thus security comes as an after effect with the code correctness and measures to clamp software of the system and ports (third party addon software) with these "mitigations"
05:18.04eponywell actually the security fixes in ports come from upstream developers (the authors of the original software) that get notified by port maintainers so OpenBSD helps the third party software become security aware as a result of these measures
05:18.10*** join/#debian Acid`Slayer (~whatisaus@
05:19.18eponyso ports get only latest versions in -current (tracks HEAD) and only there, if you run release you're stuck with 6 months old software until you upgrade (and only critical ports and packages get backported to release versions)
05:20.01*** join/#debian endstille (
05:20.03karlpincepony: But this is offtopic for debian support.  You can move to #debian-offtopic....
05:20.05eponythere is not much to figure, but upgrade weekly / monthly or every 6 months (if you run releases)
05:21.36karlpinc!security backports
05:21.36dpkgDebian incorporates security fixes into the version currently in <stable>.  This is non-trivial so it may take a couple days.  Backporting security fixes means that you can update the package without problems like changed behaviour that would come with updating to a new version of the software.  The upstream version number doesn't change in the Debian package when this is done; check the changelog or the <tracker of doom>.
05:21.46eponyof course, just the process is different so it's quite unlikely that comparisons for "security" are applicable between both systems (that also differ on the software included and the model of development)
05:22.53eponyand the sizes of developer groups, maybe only the engagement level is similar
05:23.18*** join/#debian jm_ (
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06:22.52usneyI enabled ftp for apt how do I disable it?
06:23.12usneyI noticed that the repo mirrors that use ftp don't use ftps
06:23.25usneyso I manually added https mirror
06:28.28themillusney: the protocols that are used are the ones you specified in your /etc/apt/sources.list or sources.list.d/*.list.
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06:29.33jm_if you edited that just run apt update
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06:36.56usneyyes I now that themill and jm_
06:37.14usneyI am talking about how do I disable ftp after I reenabled it?
06:38.13jm_like we said, edit sources.list files, remove ftp URL-s (or replace them with https) and run apt update
06:40.32*** join/#debian Kyros (~kyros@2001:bc8:47c0:1413::1)
06:40.38usneyI see
06:41.14*** join/#debian llucenic_ (
06:42.20usneyNewer versions of APT have disabled FTP access by default, which is used by some of the mirrors. Re-enable it:
06:42.27usneyhow do I undo that?
06:42.31PygriaafWhat is the recommended chat channel?
06:43.38*** join/#debian Hunterkll (~hunterkll@2001:470:8b06:400:215:5dff:fefb:c04)
06:43.58usney#debian-offtopic Pygriaaf
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06:45.12PygriaafThank you.
06:45.16*** part/#debian Pygriaaf (~Administr@
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06:52.55jm_usney: if I run that command I don't see it changing anything, does «apt-config dump» show it as being set?
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06:57.41themillif you've got no ftp URLs in your source.list, ftp is not used; nothing to do
06:58.01*** join/#debian teddysc (~teddysc@
06:58.05jm_yeah I would just do that and don't bother with apt-config
06:58.26usneyI just did a grep ftp pipe and it didn't come up jm_
06:58.44usneyyes I have no ftp urls in my source.list
06:58.50jm_then you're all good
06:59.03*** join/#debian Pallas|D (~PallasXD@gateway/tor-sasl/pallasxd)
06:59.11usneythank you
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06:59.26jm_no worries
06:59.49*** join/#debian r1nt3c (
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07:02.30usneyIs there a way to install apt packages with dependencies to a flash drive to be able to run on any linux os?
07:02.42usneyor should I try appimage?
07:06.28jm_usney: check if apt-zip or apt-offline can help
07:07.22jm_forget about apt-zip :)
07:07.45usneywhat about apt-offline?
07:07.54*** join/#debian Grldfrdom (uid391113@gateway/web/
07:07.54jm_ahh no, I misunderstood - yeah, those tools will not help with your problem
07:08.28*** join/#debian teddysc (~teddysc@
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07:09.28jm_yeah just look at tools that can convert debs to appimg or snap files
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07:12.39usneyokay cool you can use snap on debian too? jm_
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07:15.17jm_usney: yes, apt-cache show snapd
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07:18.42_Fremen_hello everyone
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07:19.03_Fremen_how I do fix UNCLAIMED graphics card?
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07:21.06jm__Fremen_: what is the exact problem?
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07:23.30_Fremen_jm_, I have dell inspiron 15 7577 and it has Nvidia Primus technology. I am having problems with using dual monitor setup and I tried nearly every solution online and even broke my installation and had to reinstall
07:24.22dpkgThe Bumblebee project aims to provide support for the Nvidia Optimus GPU switching technology on Linux systems.  GeForce 400M (4xxM) and later mobile GPU series are Optimus-enabled; if «lspci -nn | grep '\[030[02]\]'» returns two lines, the laptop likely uses Optimus.  Packaged for Debian <jessie> and <stretch> and <buster> and <bullseye>.  #bumblebee on
07:24.27jm__Fremen_: tried the above?
07:24.43*** join/#debian HerbY_NL2 (~HerbY_NL2@2001:67c:2564:518:f0a8:e318:c364:6e9)
07:25.26_Fremen_jm_, installed it and did not make a difference
07:25.49jm__Fremen_: installed accrding to the wiki?
07:26.40_Fremen_jm_, no will try that now
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07:31.41dpkgDo not paste more than 2 lines to this channel.  Instead, use for text: | pics/screenshots: or | large files up to 100MB (think tar.gz): or | Remember to tell us the URL of your paste!  Cannot cut and paste?  Ask me about <pastebinit>, <nopaste>, <wgetpaste>.
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07:50.51raver> acu hat geschrieben:
07:50.51raver> !paste
07:50.51raverecho "Hello World" | nc 9999
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08:01.21snake-venom -- remove maribdb issue
08:01.36snake-venominstall mariadb issue -
08:01.51snake-venomdont know how to solve :( .. autoremove and autoclean also not solving this issue
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08:07.26dpkgUbuntu is based on Debian, but it is not Debian.  Only Debian is supported on #debian.  Use #ubuntu on instead.  Even if the channel happens to be less helpful, support for distributions other than Debian is offtopic on #debian.  See also <based on debian> and <ubuntuirc>.
08:08.39kskthe "remove issue" tells you, that something else is holding a lock on parts of the package database (like, a graphical apt-frontend or so?)
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08:14.38_Fremen_I tried the following tutorial
08:15.15_Fremen_still no change I get the following error:
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08:15.28_Fremen_sudo optirun glxspheres
08:15.29_Fremen_[  738.189621] [ERROR]Error running "glxspheres": No such file or directory
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08:25.42ratrace_Fremen_: what's glxspheres?
08:25.59ratrace,file glxspheres
08:26.04juddNo packages in buster/amd64 were found with that file.
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08:33.07_Fremen_ratrace, it is an example code in optirun
08:33.15_Fremen_check it by man optirun
08:33.33_Fremen_optirun glxspheres      Runs the graphics demo supplied with Virtual GL.
08:34.36jm_it's just an example usage, doesn't look like debian ships glxsphere
08:34.40ratrace_Fremen_: there's no such file in any debian package though. did you perhaps want glxgears? it's in mesa-utils
08:36.24_Fremen_ratrace, ok I still does not have output on my HDMI port, what should I do next?
08:38.10*** join/#debian jaggz (~jaggz@unaffiliated/jaggz)
08:38.30jaggzMy okular says it's version 1.3.2, but shows they're up at 1.9.x
08:38.44ratrace_Fremen_: sorry no idea, optimus has always been a huge broken mess on linux.
08:38.48jaggzlocal policy shows Installed & candidate: 4:17.12.2-2.2
08:38.51*** part/#debian snake-venom (~snake-ven@2409:4051:114:6a76:ac7c:4ffc:d74f:13d9)
08:39.36_Fremen_ratrace, so my only alternative is installing windows or something?
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08:40.29_Fremen_or does Bumblebee requires more setup?
08:40.54themilljaggz: you're running debian stable. You don't get new versions of applications within a stable release.
08:42.45jaggzthemill, how does the local numbering system work?
08:43.09jaggz4:17.12.2-2.2 vs. okular's 1.3.x through 1.9.x
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08:44.32jaggzand then it appears okular's own repositories do use this other numbering system.. so okular has two version numbering systems??  Not sure if that's weird or not
08:44.53jaggzso debian's using that one possibly, with the 17.12 in buster
08:47.13jaggz17.12 matches back in 2018
08:47.51ratracethat's plasma apps versioning. 18.x is lts, and 19.x is latest upstream, 17.x is in buster
08:48.58ratraceit's most unfortunate huge mess, alright, with practically three version groups in KDE.
08:49.40jaggzokay.. so what's a relatively stable way to get some newer versions in here?  to go to bullseye?
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08:50.36jaggzwithout breaking my life
08:50.43ratracedepends on your definition of "relatively stable" :)   you could upgrade to testing, sure, if you accept the caveats.
08:51.17fred__tvwich installation image for a celeron64bit ? AMD64 or i386 ?
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08:52.05ratracefred__tv: amd64 unless you have so little RAM that 32-bit might be more optimal choice.
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08:53.05jaggzratrace, yeah.. too much going on right now.. will save this updating for another month or year :)
08:53.09fred__tv"amd" was misleading as celeron is intel..... thank you
08:53.50ratracefred__tv: yea. amd64 is just a more popular name for x86_64, but it's x86 alright.
08:54.17sedroskencan I apply the pf patchset to the linux-source 5.4 package and expect it to work? I know it's got debian patches already
08:55.02sedroskenif nothing else, at least graysky's gcc optimizations patch?
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08:55.27ratracesedrosken: no idea what pf patchset is, but in theory if it doesn't change the code that debian patches changed, it could work.
08:55.53ratracework = apply all hunks with no conflict
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08:56.00sedroskenhmm, hang on, it seems like all they do is provide archives of the already-patched kernel source
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08:56.15sedroskenI wonder if I even can find the patches
08:57.04sedroskenehh whatever then, just the gcc opts patch it is
08:58.07jaggzI always feel rude just parting a channel once I've reached a conclusion [and have no means to offer anything at the time to other channel members]...
08:58.10jaggzsomeone free me from that
08:58.18*** join/#debian NetTerminalGene (~NetTermin@unaffiliated/dontknow)
08:58.51ratracejaggz: you're free to go, thanks for using debian.
08:58.52dpkgAnother happy customer leaves the building.
08:59.02*** mode/#debian [+l 1516] by debhelper
08:59.48jaggzI need it to be general wisdom that applies to every channel.. I'll substitute "debian" with "us".
09:00.39jaggzI've found "/me flees" is a good balance that seems like it resolves it.
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09:01.09jaggz(technically, "/me fleas" might actually serve the purpose even better)
09:01.16jaggzokay, later y'all!  thanks :)
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09:37.59ice9is it okay to have single ssh key for all servers in different projects/companies or better to have separate key for every project?
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09:41.23kskit is of course better to have more than one key. If you do not do key-forwarding you are not risk compromising it though.
09:41.35ksk*you do not risk
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10:45.50Yonatan___What's up?
10:46.00Haohmaruceiling spiders
10:46.08ratracelittle fluffy clouds
10:46.09Yonatan___What's down?
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10:47.31Haohmaruants chopping up a semi-dead roach
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11:42.14dpkgTo reinstall <GRUB> boot to your Debian install disk/live CD, switch to the other console (Alt-F2), mount your root filesystem (mount -t ext4 /dev/whatever /target ; mount --bind /dev /target/dev ; mount -t proc none /target/proc ; mount -t sysfs none /target/sys), chroot into it (chroot /target), run "mount /boot/efi" on EFI and "update-grub && grub-install /dev/whatever".  See also <rescue mode>, <dual boot guide>, <supergrub>.
11:42.25rander2is it correct ?
11:43.06*** join/#debian Alleria (
11:43.57rander2I installed another linux distribution togheder deb10, and its grub is not bootable, the screen remain black, and alt+Fx dont have any effect
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11:49.08jm_rander2: if you are looking for a way to reinstall GRUB, then the above is correct, yes
11:50.21rander2ok, so I must boot from a deb10 live with chroot , or it's possible reinstall it from rescue normale boot ?
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11:51.16rander2'cause I installed it from netinstall, so I could download the large .iso image and burn it in a usb key
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11:52.23jm_you can boot with netinst in rescue mode
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11:55.31rander2jm_, ok, but I must boot from another .iso , not from the original OS
11:55.50jm_rander2: yes, that's why I said you can use debian netinst ISO
11:55.58rander2this is the central point ?
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11:56.13rander2ok, thx jm_  very gentle
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13:06.25LunaLovegoodI dd'd the Debian netinst image to a USB key and successfully booted the installer on my diskless computer. Now, is there a way from there to mount a (currently empty) remote nfs share and point the installer at it for later pxe/nfsroot boots?
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13:13.31LunaLovegoodI'd thought I could mount /target and skip the "Partition disks" step, but it looks like there are no nfs modules with the installer's kernel.
13:14.05LunaLovegoodGuess I'll go back to doing it with debootstrap.
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13:16.32zatumilI would expect something called netinst has options for nfs
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13:17.17LunaLovegoodNah, it's a minimal size image to be able to download and install the rest of the system from the Internet.
13:18.26zodd_zatumil, if you are interested in nfs you will probably want pxe for which you can still use netinst
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13:27.40riverrHow can I install exact node 13.9 version in debian 9? I dont want to use node version manager
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13:27.56riverrit install the 13.10.1
13:28.11jellyriverr: what's the package name?
13:28.19riverrjelly, nodejs
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13:28.45jellyriverr: if you look at "apt-cache policy nodejs" do you see the desired version as available from some repo?
13:28.48GNU\colossusriverr, you can download the static builds from, unpack that somewhere in /opt/, and symlink the executable in /usr/local/ - that's what we did to make our frontend "developers" happy.
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13:29.04GNU\colossusjelly, chances are ~ 0
13:29.05riverrhmm sounds hard
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13:30.05zatumilnfsroot is possible, but does debian-installer install the root filesystem into nfs mount? maybe there is a different debian-installer available in fai-nfsroot package?
13:30.33GNU\colossusriverr, I'd start with downloading
13:31.12ratraceGNU\colossus: no uh... "containers"? :)
13:31.45riverrI used this tutorial
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13:32.18GNU\colossusratrace, and worrying about getting _everything else_ into that container of yours as well? you just turned your one problem into n+1 problems, with presumably nontrivial n
13:32.48ratraceGNU\colossus: you're preaching to the choir ;)
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13:35.58f8e3what is this file for: ~/.xprofile  (xfce)
13:37.42f8e3yes: but .profile the same, or use .bashrc?
13:38.08f8e3i try so bash is if terminal is started, but i have no .xprofile for lightdm
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13:43.26f8e3the doc says: "you also need to tell ssh about it by adding this to your init script:"
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13:45.03ratracef8e3: what are you trying to achieve?
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13:51.08jellyGNU\colossus: some third (first?) party repos keep many versions of binary packages available
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13:55.02f8e3ratrace: where to place the lines, .xprofile is only for xsessions, what if i use tty1 instead
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13:55.24bacarrdyHello, any one tryed to create raid10 with 4x nvme u2 ssd drives? was reading today a lot and seems that dell raid cards doesnt support it or something like it. So thinking or software raid could help in this case or may be there is raid cards for nvme raid?
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13:59.27zodd_riverr, upgrade to deb10 if possible. Next consider:
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14:00.28riverrzodd_, whats the main differences in debian 10?
14:00.31riverror how its better
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14:02.44ratracebacarrdy: I don't see why it wouldn't work. the drives don't know they're in raid configuration, if you use software raid like mdadm
14:02.59zodd_deb10 is the current stable release. Debian is by default old, but more robust than most Linux distros. Basicallt deb9 is years behind. You will need to upgrade sooner or later. But now NodeJS comes into the picture where developers want the latest stuff. Latest with ancient might not mix well. Better to keep things as close as possibe. So 2 reasons to consider upgrading.
14:03.44greycatI don't understand why people develop in a language that is still a moving target.  It must be horrible.
14:03.53ratracef8e3: ~/.xsessionrc probably
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14:04.28zodd_iirc nodejs is also a rolling release thingy
14:04.46ratracef8e3: ah for tty... well, that's your shell config then. I don't know what to suggest here, I never tried to use gpg with ssh, I don't see the point...
14:04.48jellyone man's horrible is another's "able to finally use decent language features"
14:04.57zodd_so by default your setup is not properly tested...
14:05.07greycatjelly: for the next month, until they break again...
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14:05.22jellygreycat: if you think node is problematic, don't take a look at the Rust ecosystem
14:05.26riverrzodd_, oh
14:05.32zodd_the classic split between (frontend) developers and sysadmins
14:05.33ratraceor an angry dev pulls out a string padding lib that halfa internet is using, which then breaks halfa internet.
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14:05.56jellygreycat: to compile rust x + 0.01 you need a working rustc version x
14:06.30ratracezodd_: in my company, the sysadmins won. I expressly forbid any installation of nodejs. so far so good.
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14:09.02ratraceproblem is stuff that doesn't really need nodejs but wants it anyway, like the <expletives> reactjs
14:09.20ratrace_thankfully_ that's needed only on developers workstations and doesn't concern my servers.
14:09.43zodd_it remains a classic :-)
14:10.09ratraceI'm a BofH indeed :)
14:10.10greycatBlocked. :(
14:11.24greycatf8e3: can you repeat your question?   I came in late and only caught parts of it.  Also .xprofile is not standard in Debian, though some desktop environments might use it, I guess.
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14:13.32f8e3greycat: i try to follow, deb10 + xfce, i try to dropin gpg-agent instead of ssh-agent (easier keymgng/backup), now where to place the linkd lines into an 'init script', which one for terminals/users/even-tty0?
14:14.16greycatEugh... I don't know a lot about gpg, especially the apparently totally rewritten-from-scratch gnupg 2.x
14:15.04f8e3abstraction: where to have bash sourced, if iam in any environment terminals/users/even-tty0/tty7 ?
14:15.45greycatBut that's a HUGE x-y.  You do not want to run an agent on a remote server that you're sshing into.  Agents should only be running on your trusted, physically-there-in-front-of-you workstation.
14:16.08greycat(I'm going by my understanding of ssh agents, not GPG agents.)
14:16.38f8e3the agent is local, its only for cache
14:16.46ratracemy question is really what does gpg offer here instead of native openssh keys...
14:17.30greycatthat's another great question, though my first thought is "I'm already using this gpg agent thing, so if I can make it do double duty, it might simplify my life", but it sounds like life has not been simplified here
14:18.25joepublic"getty pood grivacy"?
14:18.44greycatGNU Privacy Guard, their version of PGP
14:19.24greycatand apparently gpg (aka gnupg) v2 rewrote things in a MAJOR way
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14:20.50greycatSo, if we ignore the ssh part entirely and simplify f8e3's question down to "I want to run the agent on local console logins and also on *dm logins", you will need code in ~/.profile or ~/.bash_profile for the console logins.  And then code in ~/.xsessionrc for the *dm logins.
14:21.10f8e3ratrace: keymgngt, pgp additonal funcs, git signs with pgp, easier backup, pgp2 is (thank god) a rewrite to ease use, interaction with ssh gets simpler, especiall: private masterkey with ssh keys being ssb subkeys only (security), +
14:21.33f8e3greycat aye thank you will try
14:22.18greycat(assuming bash is your login shell -- if zsh or something else is your login shell, adjust the dot files accordingly)
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14:25.28ratracepersonally I'd always advocate separation of concerns. centralizing all key mgmt with just one suite is asking for a SPOF-related issues, and in some cases even their roles might contradict.
14:26.51f8e3ratrace correct, but: rather have the crown juwels in ONE basket and duplicate it, than disperse the juwels all over the place (bad track keeping etc)
14:27.17f8e3the duplicate/backup is the crucial; overall i assume its more robust
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14:27.22ratracef8e3: what about situations where you want person X to be able to sign git commits but have no ssh access, or vice versa...
14:27.41f8e3ratrace you issue another ssb, and easiy revoke it if compromised simplest
14:27.54f8e3set expirt and all the funky stuff.
14:28.26ratraceI'm not talking about that, but about separation of roles.
14:28.51f8e3ratrace you can have as many identies as you want (keyrings primarys subs etc)
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14:30.06f8e3gpg web-of-trust is a big FAIL due hassle, and trusting others to sign so their trust increses local width of trusted keys forming a 'web thing', bah, otherwise good
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14:34.59annadaneif i remove myself from a group do i need to log out for the changes to take effect?
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15:12.26f8e3greycat: is ~/.profile sufficient for not only console but graphical logins (making .xsessionrc optional here) ?
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15:12.48LunaLovegoodHello, is it safe to remove the e2fsprogs and libext2fs2 packages if it's for a diskless (nfsroot) computer?
15:13.03greycatf8e3: you already know the answer, don't you?
15:13.19f8e3greycat it does, can you confirm?
15:13.39greycatAre you claiming that the things you placed in ~/.profile actually WORKED in your GUI login!?
15:13.57greycatthat is not normal.  you might have done something to MAKE that happen, like sourcing ~/.profile from one of your GUI files
15:14.27greycatyou might have even FORGOTTEN that you did it, if it was long ago
15:14.33greycator you might not be in Debian
15:14.35f8e3greycat i defer it from the link posted, grpahicals OR to sh must be in profile
15:14.57f8e3where to read up on this
15:15.14f8e3man bash maybe ok
15:15.20greycatAre you reading a RANDOM FUCKING SEARCH RESULT ON THE INTERNET and ASSUMING THAT IT IS TRUE AND ACCURATE without testing it?  And then asking ME why my answer was what it was?
15:15.54somiajLunaLovegood: do you really need ths space claimed by that, one usually shouldn't remove a 'required' package
15:16.30f8e3greycat your answer is good, will implement it uff.
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15:20.44somiajLunaLovegood: -- this lists some ways to reduce debian, it does seem e2fsprogs and libext2fs are not essential packages, though they can be removed. Though together the packages only take 2MB, so probably don't get much from removing them unless space is extremaly limited.
15:21.50LunaLovegoodYeah, I guess it's just some OCD kicking in or something lol.
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15:23.11annadaneoh, wow.
15:23.20annadanei know the wiki gets some criticism but it also has a lot of good stuff
15:23.22tcurdtI have unsintalled postgresql but the service is still listed as failed ... why is that?
15:25.08annadanetcurdt, AFAIK services don't automatically stop after you uninstall a package
15:25.25annadanei think you have to manually systemctl stop postgresql.service
15:25.37tcurdtannadane: I have even rebooted and they are still there
15:25.42annadaneor hmm, i know that's true for processes
15:25.45annadanei don't know, then
15:26.39greycattcurdt: what packages did you actually remove, and what packages did you actually purge?  and what packages remain?
15:27.09greycatmy current guess is you removed some metapackage that depends on a versioned postgresql package, but you didn't remove the real (versioned) package
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15:28.40dpkgTo reinstall <GRUB> boot to your Debian install disk/live CD, switch to the other console (Alt-F2), mount your root filesystem (mount -t ext4 /dev/whatever /target ; mount --bind /dev /target/dev ; mount -t proc none /target/proc ; mount -t sysfs none /target/sys), chroot into it (chroot /target), run "mount /boot/efi" on EFI and "update-grub && grub-install /dev/whatever".  See also <rescue mode>, <dual boot guide>, <supergrub>.
15:28.43tcurdtgreycat: apt-get purge prometheus-nginx-exporter postgresql
15:29.01greycat!info postgresql
15:29.07dpkgpostgresql: (object-relational SQL database (supported version)), section database, is optional. Version: 12+214 (sid), Packaged size: 61 kB, Installed size: 66 kB
15:29.08Guest5757on my system I havent /boot/efi
15:29.13greycat,info postgresql
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15:29.15juddPackage postgresql (database, optional) in buster/amd64: object-relational SQL database (supported version). Version: 11+200+deb10u3; Size: 59.4k; Installed: 64k
15:29.30greycatDamn, I was hoping for a better description, but... you see how it's only 64k?
15:29.34Guest5757so what must I mount instead /boot/efi
15:29.36greycat,depends postgresql
15:29.38juddPackage postgresql in buster/amd64 -- depends: postgresql-11.
15:30.00greycat"postgresql" is a metapackage.  It only exists to depend on "postgresql-11" or some other versioned packaged.
15:30.08tcurdtso removing the meta package does the install but is not enough for the remove?
15:30.09Guest5757I'm in chroot mode from rescue usb key
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15:30.33greycatit sounds like you also want to remove postgresql-11 or whatever version exists in your release
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15:31.32ratraceI think removing 'postgresql' leaves 'postgresql-<version>' as an auto package for autoremove
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15:31.57ratracehrm.... doesn't... nvm what I just said.
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15:32.41rander2mount /boot/efi # but I haven't efi file or folder
15:32.55rander2maybe dont use uefi in bios
15:33.00annadanei know that sometimes when i've uninstalled packages certain *processes* are still left running but i don't know whether the same is true of services
15:33.07annadanemetapackages vs the packages they point to aside
15:33.12tcurdtI did a grep on dpkg and purged all postgres related ... ot it's ok
15:34.02SanchoPensaHey guys!
15:34.02SanchoPensaAs of lately, I am experiencing weird problems with filezilla. First I thought, it was a problem with vsftp, but no matter the changes in the config, filezilla keeps on doing weird things, and according to duck duck go, it is definitely not vsftp but filzilla:
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15:34.37tcurdtanother package is also a bit strange: prometheus-nginx-exporter ... purged that ... I don't see anything left to uninstall ... it's still listed as "not-found failed failed    prometheus-nginx-exporter.service"
15:34.40SanchoPensatransfers get stuck at 100% then some error message of a time out on the command line appears, and then the transfer starts all over again.
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15:35.49tcurdteven after a "systemctl daemon-reload" it's still there
15:35.58SanchoPensalike infinitely.
15:35.58SanchoPensaIf I abort the download after 100% the next download produces an error message" Waiting for replies to skip before sending next command..."
15:36.25SanchoPensadoes anybody happen to know, how to fix this, since the internet is really not helpful?
15:36.38SanchoPensaotherwise what ftp clients are you guys using nowadays?
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15:37.28SanchoPensagreycat: scp-Ing or wgetting tons of files? :D
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15:38.24ratraceSanchoPensa: Use sftp, not a ftpd
15:38.26greycatI doubt many people here do massive porn downloads like that, but if I had to do one, I'd write a shell loop with wget.  Maybe.  It would depend on the porn site.
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15:38.51greycatI can't even *do* FTP.  Like, literally, it does not work through the corporate-type firewall here.
15:38.55ratraceSanchoPensa: also, filezilla can do sftp, including with ssh keys, so definitely do sftp.
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15:39.44SanchoPensaratrace: as I said, I am using vsftp, and both vsftp and filezilla are configured to use a TLS encrypted line...
15:40.00ratraceSanchoPensa: vsftp = sftp (openssh FTP)
15:40.05ratracevs = very secure
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15:40.12ratraceoops... vsftp != sftp
15:40.18greycatit's just a name...
15:40.33ratraceyes, but vs in vsftp stands for "very secure".  sftp is "SSH FTP"
15:40.38greycatI have to wonder about the actual security of a product that names itself "very secure".
15:40.48ratracevsftp is still a regular FTPd
15:41.15tcurdtthe prometheus packages leave the service files behind in /etc/systemd/system/ :-(
15:41.42ratraceSanchoPensa: also, encryption in FTP is just for the control channel afaik. does it also encrypt data?
15:41.48tcurdtor there is something I don't get about systemd yet
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15:42.30ratracetcurdt: packages don't install systemd files under /etc, but under /lib/systemd.   /etc/systemd/ is local config
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15:43.01tcurdtratrace: well, I didn't put them there :)
15:43.37ratracetcurdt: someone did :) and if your package did... does the package come from debian or some third party repo?
15:43.53SanchoPensaratrace: greycat: well, I am enforcing SSL, as far as I know, vsftp has a very good reputation of being reliable and as a matter of fact also secure.
15:43.53SanchoPensaAnd all that is actually not the issue. The issue is, that filezilla keeps hanging at 100% because it loses the connection. And that is according to the net not a vsftp but a filezilla issue.
15:44.09tcurdtratrace: AFAIK those are official debian packages
15:44.12SanchoPensaI do therefore not quite understand, why we are now discussing about vsftp?
15:44.20ratracetcurdt: `dpkg -L prometheus` will tell you if it installs them
15:44.58ratraceSanchoPensa: because you asked what clients are we using nowadays
15:45.23SanchoPensagreycat: other than that, I do not transmit pron, since there is so much of it on the net, that I simply see no point in it. Other than that not everybody here is a pimpledick :P
15:45.30ratracetcurdt: I forgot,  or any of the additionap prometheus-* packages it might've pulled in, check them too.
15:45.40SanchoPensaratrace: and sftp is a client?
15:45.58ratraceSanchoPensa: yes, part of openssh-client
15:45.59greycatSFTP is a protocol, and sftp is a program that implements the client side of it.
15:46.05greycatsshfs is another.
15:46.26tcurdtratrace: not in there ... but I have the feeling this is something else ... I also deinstalled ntp and there still is the link from ntp.service but to /dev/null
15:46.28ratracebut indeed I meant use the sftp _protocol_ when I suggested sftp
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15:46.50tcurdtI am still not feeling all too comfortable with systemd I guess
15:47.03ratracetcurdt: manual interventions, disabling of the service will do that. the package afaik should NOT deal with systemd units under /etc, so uninstalling it, won't change /etc
15:47.10somiajratrace: if you 'mask' a service, that links is created by systemctl in /etc
15:47.16ratraceI know
15:47.17somiajtcurdt: ^^
15:47.45somiajtcurdt: in general, if you have a file in /etc/systemd, it was put there because of something you did, and purging the file won't remove them.
15:47.53somiaj(as ratrace has already stated)
15:48.18tcurdtsomiaj: stopping a service is manual intervention?
15:48.33ratracestopping != masking or disabling
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15:48.42jhutchins_wkDoes any mechanism exist to warn of expiring ssl certificates?
15:48.51somiajstoping a service won't create a file in /etc/systemd, masking is different. Also if you use systemctl to edit the service, a copy of the file gets added to /etc
15:49.06ratracejhutchins_wk: I've had a custom openssl based script that checked those, before I switched to LetsEncrypt
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15:50.39ratracejhutchins_wk: it's an oneliner really, but I had it in a loop for each cert.    `echo | openssl s_client -connect <domain>:<port> | openssl x509 -noout -dates`   will give you dates to check and warn against
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15:51.42tcurdtratrace: how do I get rid of the left-overs? I mean: I did a purge of the package, deleted the links in /etc/systemd/system and did a systemctl daemon-reload ... what else?
15:51.47ratracesomiaj: nitpick, but systemctl edit doesn't copy the whole unit, it creates and manages drop-ins snippets
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15:52.20somiajratrace: yea, puts it into foo.d/
15:52.30ratracetcurdt: purge will only deal with files the package is aware of, so any other files you placed there must be dealt yourself
15:53.02tcurdtratrace: I did not place any files myself. I installed package and then uninstalled the package.
15:53.21tcurdtand now I am stuck with a service in systemd
15:53.32ratracetcurdt: what's the service name?
15:53.43tcurdtratrace: prometheus-nginx-exporter.service
15:54.20ratrace,file prometheus-nginx-exporter.service
15:54.25juddSearch for prometheus-nginx-exporter.service in buster/amd64: prometheus-nginx-exporter: lib/systemd/system/prometheus-nginx-exporter.service
15:54.41ratracethe package deals with the unit under /lib
15:56.02ratracetcurdt: also:
15:56.27tcurdtratrace: judd: there is nothing at /lib/systemd/system/prom*
15:56.36SanchoPensaratrace: so this literally runs via ssh, which I absolutely don't mind. Since I was scp-ing all them files anyways until a few months back, when I finally foung the andling of all them directories on the command line just too cumbersome. so, do you use a GUI client for it?
15:57.28ratracetcurdt: judd is a bot. meanwhile, I find no postinst or other script that might touch /etc   here:
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15:58.03ratraceSanchoPensa: no. I use openssh's sftp client for quick transfers, and otherwise rsync, sometimes scripted with a Makefile for more complex transfers
15:59.12ratracetcurdt: if there's nothing there, the package has removed it, as you said you uninstalled. if you re-install, it'll re-appear
15:59.59greycattcurdt: what command are you running that makes you think pieces of the package are still present, and what is the ACTUAL output from that command?  Paste it on or similar.
16:00.03ratracetcurdt: which is to mean that the package deals with its own default systemd unit. anything in /etc must've been placed there by someone; and the symlinks will get created/managed when you en/disable or mask the service.
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16:01.31SanchoPensaratrace: due to the complexity of the file structure and the content, respectively the naming conventions, scripting is next to impossible... I am an archiver for audio-visual infotainment content. in other words, I really need that Gui client, or I can just as well stick to scp...?
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16:02.00ratraceSanchoPensa: command line scp?
16:02.27greycatI use scp for manual transfers sometimes, because of muscle memory more than anything.
16:02.30SanchoPensaratrace: yeah. What I was doing till a while back, until the handling really got too cumbersome...
16:02.47SanchoPensagreycat: i feel ya, bro... :D
16:02.56tinyhippogreycat: I used to do that but now Iuse rsync
16:02.59greycatit's fine for simple one-off interactive stuff where you can fix it if it breaks
16:03.15tinyhippoits' not much more effort to type rsync -av rather than scp
16:03.47SanchoPensarsync is pretty fine, if you have regular tasks, that are easy to automate... which in my case is unfortunately not the case...
16:03.54jellyscp is a lot less useful after they've implemented arbitrary checks on glob syntax
16:03.55ratracetcurdt: I don't use Filezilla, but some of my Windowsite coleagues do, on windows. it works okay with sftp (protocol) and ssh-key based authentication. I'd recommend you try that instead of ftp, there could indeed be a problem in filezilla with FTP (the protocol) + TLS
16:04.40SanchoPensaratrace: there is, as a matter of fact. I can definitely confirm it.
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16:05.02tcurdtratrace: even lists a file in /etc ... but I checked all files of the packages are gone
16:05.16tcurdtratrace: still the service is listed here
16:05.48greycatstupid gist, no raw link can be derived from the non-raw link
16:05.50ratracetcurdt: yes under /etc/default  which is normal for services to have an environment file there, compatibility with sysv inits;  but none under /etc/systemd/
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16:06.08SanchoPensaso, guys, you are saying sftp over filezilla works better? hmmm... gonna have to check that out, will report back in a while...
16:06.20tcurdtratrace: ok ... thought /etc in general ... anywway ... files are gone ... service is still listed
16:06.25SanchoPensathan you so far, ladies and gents, appreciate your help!
16:06.51greycattcurdt: it clearly says "not found".  I don't see the problem yet.  Are you asking what service is LOOKING FOR prometheus-nginx-exporter.service?  I don't know how to find that out, other than things like grep -r.
16:06.55ratracetcurdt: no, sorry if I wasn't precise, I meant systemd units under /etc, should not (must not?) be managed by the package
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16:07.25ratracetcurdt: I don't know how exactly systemd/systemctl creates that list, but if you have that symlink still under /etc/systemd/system   just `unlink` it
16:07.36greycatP.S. the raw link is
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16:08.51greycatso if you're just dead curious about why something is looking for your deleted service, you could start with something like   grep -rF prometheus-nginx-exporter /etc/systemd /lib/systemd
16:09.27tcurdtgreycat: why is systemd still looking for the service ... that's my question ... there is no file anymore in /etc/systemd/system and I reloaded systemctl
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16:09.37tcurdtyes, grep -rF prometheus-nginx-exporter /etc/systemd /lib/systemd returns nothing
16:09.49greycatThen I don't know.  Ask #systemd.
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16:11.28tcurdtok ... then back to packaging part ... I don't get why a package would not remove the link from /etc/systemd/system when being removed
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16:11.32tcurdtis that expected?
16:11.46somiajthe package dose not know of this file
16:11.47jellytcurdt: and by "reloaded" you mean "systemctl daemon-reload" ?
16:11.56tcurdtjelly: yup
16:12.36ratraceit is expected, /etc/systemd/ is for local systemd overrides of vendor (package) provided units under /lib/systemd/
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16:14.27tcurdtratrace: so these are all overrides?
16:16.24somiajthe services yes, I don't see why you have those links there (they are not on my system for isntance).
16:16.52tcurdtsomiaj: odd ... I didnt' create them
16:17.01ratracetcurdt: no, I was talking about service units. those files are .wants that systemd configures to express dependencies, and .service symlinks I'm not sure, iirc they're explicit enablements of a service
16:17.07somiajsomething you did created them
16:17.28ratraceexplicit   systemctl enable <service> would do that, iirc, but I could be wrong
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16:18.04tcurdtis starting to hate systemd
16:18.08somiajhmm, opps, I guess I do have an sshd.service link, I think the package puts that there so sshd.serbice and ssh.service are identicle.
16:18.39somiajSo it does appear packages will put links there to duplicate service names and to setup targets
16:18.47ratracesomiaj: ah yessss... no not the package, but Alias directive in the unit
16:19.16somiajratrace: so when the unit is run, if there is an Alias directive, systemd creates said link?
16:19.16tcurdteven after a reboot I still have those services from the removed packages listed as "loaded active exited"
16:19.51ratracesomiaj: not sure when it's created exactly, but those are definitely due to Alias=
16:20.28ratracetcurdt:   find /etc/systemd/  -name '*prometheus-nginx-exporter*'
16:21.11somiajshouldn't systemctl status service list the location of said unit file?
16:21.12tcurdtratrace: nothing
16:24.13ratracesomiaj: systemctl enable   will create the Alias symlinks, just checked with a dummy unit
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16:27.46somiajratrace: does disable remove the links (so packages would remove them correctly)?
16:28.06somiajthough unsure if a package disables or what it does in its remove script
16:28.13ratracesomiaj: looks like it doesn't
16:28.44ratraceI don't think the packages deal with those files explicitly; only through systemctl controls
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16:29.13somiajyea so I was wondering if systemd dealt with them, wonder if it cleans up dead links, so if you remove the dummy service the link gets cleaned up later
16:29.39ratracesomiaj: wait, it does remove the symlink if you _disable_ the main service unit yes
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16:30.09somiajso packages probably disable the service before remobing the unit file?
16:30.27somiajanyways, seems like systemd is correctly dealign with these Alias links
16:31.08ratracesomiaj: afaik it was always like that in debian, even pre-systemd. removing a package stops the service
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16:31.51ratrace(all the services enabled by default by the package)
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16:32.40somiajyea, invoke-rc.d (I think this was the tool used) was probably updated to do similar things for systemd units
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16:35.23somiajor maybe it is update-rc.d (if I recall correctly these are what packages use when installing/removing services)
16:35.29SanchoPensaratrace: greycat: sftp works like charms with filezilla! Thanks once more, guys!
16:36.02ratraceupdate-rc.d iirc
16:36.08dpkgAnother happy customer leaves the building.
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16:41.58ratracetcurdt: I wonder if for some reason the service ended up in initramfs, but if that was expected, the package should've triggered initramfs update.    try it manually (update-initramfs -u) and see if that clears on next boot?
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16:43.35tcurdtratrace: will try - but what is initramfs? sounds like it should be gone after reboot anyway
16:44.21greycatit certainly doesn't *sound* like the kind of package that would touch initrd
16:44.24ratracetcurdt: it's a miniaturized rootfs containing minimum requirements to find and mount the root filesystem, and pivot to it, during boot. it's standard component of almost every linux distro
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16:44.53ratracegreycat: I was thinking more about manual masking that could've ended up as a symlink in initramfs and then systemd somehow picked that up something something.... just an idea.
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16:46.09tcurdtnah ... did the update-initramfs -u but still there after the reboot
16:46.24ratraceafter all, systemd does consult files and simlinks under /lib, /etc and /run , it has no other database where it tracks deps and service enablement
16:47.01ratracetcurdt: what does   systemctl status prometheus-nginx-exporter.service   say?
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16:55.02tcurdtratrace: I think I found it
16:55.35tcurdtrm /etc/init.d/prom* and then a reboot
16:56.17ratraceooohh yes, systemd wraps those through a generator, forgot about it.   but uh... the package should've removed it. was it modified or something?
16:56.49tcurdtbut I don't understand why those files were there - or rather were not removed when the package was removed
16:56.58tcurdtratrace: nope ... nothing modified
16:57.03greycatit's not in
16:57.20greycatmust've been left over from an older version, or it was created on the fly for some reason
16:57.51somiajtcurdt: Did you ever install prometheus locally or follow some guide to setting it up?
16:57.52tcurdtit seems like all prmetheus related packages were affected
16:58.08tcurdtsomiaj: nope ... apt-get install ... that's it
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16:58.18tcurdtno custom repo
16:58.25tcurdtjust plain buster
16:58.37ratracetcurdt: try it again. make sure the init script is gone, then apt install prometheus-nginx-exporter,  see if it appears
16:58.52somiajall signs point to you (or some script) on your system did something which created these init files in /etc
16:59.42somiajratrace: If the script was a config file, and the install doesn't create it, it could also be due to the confmiss option.
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17:00.50somiajjust pointing out that the script not being created wouldn't be complete evidence the package doesn't create one
17:01.40ratraceare init scripts dealt with confmiss? I thought dh differentiated them from "config"
17:02.01tcurdtapt-get install prometheus-nginx-exporter, apt-get remove prometheus-nginx-exporter, systemctl daemone-reload, systemctl | grep prom
17:02.05tcurdtand it's still there
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17:02.20ratracetcurdt: did the init script reappear under /etc/init.d/ ?
17:02.48somiajratrace: maybe I'm mistaken here, I was trying to look up if they are config files or not, I think being in /etc triggered that thought for me
17:02.50tcurdtratrace: oddly enough - no
17:02.58greycatwhat's the easiest way to get from the binary package name (prometheus-nginx-exporter) to a source package name, so we can look for the systemd unit file in
17:03.45tcurdtbut it left over /etc/systemd/system/prometheus-nginx-exporter.service -> /dev/null
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17:04.09somiajapt-cache show prometheus-nginx-exporter | grep Source -> Source: prometheus-nginx-exporter (0.1.0-1)
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17:04.28ratracegreycat: the lazy me googles for  "<package> debian package", then I click the "Developer Information" in the sidebar, then there's the "browse source code" on the tracker
17:04.36greycatAh.  It *was* there, all along.
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17:06.14greycattcurdt: you did apt-get remove, not apt-get purge?
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17:06.37tcurdtthis time I just did a remove
17:07.01greycatthat *might* explain why the service was masked -- I really don't know
17:07.04somiajso it is treating the unit files as config files and putting them in /etc?
17:07.14tcurdtrm /etc/systemd/system/prometheus-nginx-exporter.service && reboot and it now it's gone again
17:07.18greycatsomiaj: no, masking is done by creating a symlink in /etc
17:07.22tcurdtbut I had to reboot
17:07.29tcurdtreloading systemd was not enough
17:08.42ratracefires up a testing VM ...
17:09.09ratraceapt install  prometheus-nginx-exporter     does not install the service unit under /etc/systemd/system
17:09.34greycatI bet it doesn't install an init.d script either.
17:09.40ratracenot even an init.d script
17:09.53ratracetcurdt: lay down all your cards. is this really debian buster? :)
17:10.14ratraceImma charge you $200 for wasted support time if it isn't.
17:10.39tcurdtlsb_release -a says: Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)
17:11.58tcurdtratrace: I used apt-get not apt ... not sure if that makes a difference ... I doubt it but... just for the record
17:12.06greycatit shouldn't
17:12.27greycatbut so far there's no sign of who/what created the init.d script, so we have to assume it was something you did
17:13.04ratracetcurdt: assuming that IS buster, do you have some trigger happy declarative config management there, like, I don't know, chef or puppet, or maybe nix
17:13.05tcurdtgreycat: well, I wouldn't know how
17:14.37tcurdtratrace: the initial install was with ansible but I did not run that during this irc session ... I can run it now to see if it does some funny business
17:15.38tcurdtas suspected - nothing
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17:15.55ratracetcurdt: the bottom line is, if you remove the package, then make sure there aren't service units in /etc/systemd/system  nor init scripts in /etc/init.d/      do they re-appear when you   `apt-get install prometheus-nginx-exporter`  ?
17:16.15ratrace*related service units and init scripts
17:16.32greycatthe first bottom line is "purge it instead of removing it, if you really care about aesthetics like ignoreable warnings"
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17:22.59tcurdtratrace: greycat: another round of tests ... using prune this time
17:23.13tcurdtI still have no clue how those init.d scripts came to be
17:23.20tcurdtbut now I know what to check
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17:23.27tcurdthaving to reboot though
17:23.35tcurdtis not really great
17:23.43tcurdtand should be reproducable
17:24.08tcurdtbut that's probably rather a systemd thing
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17:24.47tcurdtand systemd = no friends (yet)
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18:00.43raidghostAre there any teatime for GNOME (i found one for kde) but not gnome)
18:02.35jellyraidghost: you can install the one for KDE at the expense of some disk space for zillions of dependencies
18:03.19jellyI suspect there are also online web pages with similar specific purpose timers
18:03.54greycat"apt-get -s install kteatime" wants to install 140 packages, for me, but it might be less on a system with GNOME installed
18:03.58raidghostjelly: install the one for kde, but then i have to install all THE KDE needed packages also
18:04.08greycatyes, that's what he said
18:04.44greycatglares at apt-get -s for not telling me the *size*
18:05.26greycat"sudo apt-get -u" shows the size, but it's sad that I have to break out sudo for that
18:05.47jellyhmm.  Did it not use to do that?
18:06.43jellyaptitude -s install ... does: Need to get 31.3 MB of archives. After unpacking 252 MB will be used.
18:07.07greycatOK, aptitude wins this round.
18:07.43jellyapt does not, either
18:08.58jellyraidghost: so maybe just this time you can add --without-recommends... to that aptitude -s install kteatime
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18:09.32jellysee if there's a significant difference
18:09.37greycatthat saves 30 MB for me, out of 167 MB
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18:10.06wallbrokenhow to set dns server in debian 10 ?
18:10.19jellywallbroken: depends on how your network is configured
18:10.30wallbrokenactually it pulls from dhcp server, now i need to set for all
18:10.37greycatwallbroken: for most people, the DHCP client daemon overwrites /etc/resolv.conf on a semiregular basis.
18:10.42wallbrokenjelly: it's a guest virtual machine in dropbox with NAT configuration
18:11.00jellywallbroken: and you cannot configure the dhcp server to provide the correct nameserver entries?
18:11.12jellyin... virtualbox?
18:11.38wallbrokenlooks like a virtualbox bug
18:11.54jellywe used to have recipes for that
18:11.57jelly!override dns
18:11.57dpkgTo have dhclient etc not touch /etc/resolv.conf, the best plan is to configure it not to touch that file. See for more details. Note that by ignoring the DHCP-provided DNS servers, you may find that you are unable to use captive portals or surf the web on some network. Beware creating technical debt by doing things like chattr +i
18:12.05wallbrokenthe problem is that when i switch host connection, i need to reboot guest to get the new one
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18:12.45wallbrokenso, what do i need to do?
18:13.01greycatYou could start by reading what the bot said.
18:13.19wallbrokenthat said to not touch resolv.conf
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18:13.39greycatSo, you can't read English.  I'm so sorry to hear this.
18:13.42jellycorrect, you can avoid touching it manually
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18:14.44jellythe silly irc client I use right now is hiding dpkg's messages, I trust it did its thing and provided a couple options and a dhclient-specific one?
18:14.45wallbrokenjelly: so, what's the correct way to set the dns server address?
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18:15.12jellywallbroken: I don't know, can you read what dpkg said more carefully (if it said anything)
18:15.17greycatjelly: "dpkg> To have dhclient etc not touch /etc/resolv.conf, the best plan is to configure it not to touch that file. See for more details. Note that ..."
18:15.34greycatAnd out friend read this as "do not touch /etc/resolv.conf".
18:15.47jellythe best plans... often go awry
18:16.11greycatI don't know how to write factoids that can be understood by a person who reads English at a 4th grade level, and also convey actual information.
18:16.33jellywallbroken: I'd go read
18:16.38greycatOf course, I didn't write this one, but still.
18:16.51wallbrokennot really clear
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18:17.06greycatwallbroken: go to in a browser
18:17.12jellyvisits instead
18:17.23nickdoif someone uses a code written in example of debian manpage, in a software with MIT license, is it a violation of terms? i saw a (one liner) condition in d's manpage, which i wanted to adapt.
18:17.58greycatnickdo: what package is the man page from, and what's the license of that package?
18:18.13wallbrokenok never mind...
18:18.16jellywallbroken: there are several options on that page, I'd go with "Modifying /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf"
18:18.37wallbrokeni'm not an expert, and i didn't understood that guide
18:18.45wallbrokenso, never mind. thank you anyway
18:19.17nickdogreycat: it is a man 2 sys calls, not sure about the pacakge, base system?
18:19.28greycatnickdo: what man page is it?
18:19.49jellynickdo: man pages typically do not embed significant passages of code
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18:21.54nickdogreycat: let me ask the person (waiting for his response on another chat) :p
18:22.28jellynickdo: and there can't really be so many different ways to interact with a syscall, it is an API.  However.  IANAL.  This is not legal advice.
18:22.30nickdogreaycat: seccomp(2), does it make sense?
18:22.40greycat,file seccomp.2
18:22.44juddNo packages in buster/amd64 were found with that file.
18:23.00greycat,file seccomp.2.gz
18:23.04juddSearch for seccomp.2.gz in buster/amd64: manpages-dev: usr/share/man/man2/seccomp.2.gz
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18:23.31wallbrokenok, foud the solution
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18:23.38wallbrokenadded "prepend domain-name-servers" to dhcclient.conf
18:23.39greycatmanpages-dev is under GPL-2 according to /usr/share/doc/manpages-dev/copyright
18:23.51greycatwallbroken: make sure you spell the file name correctly
18:24.18nickdojelly: yup, i think things get quite tricky, so i wanted to make sure that copy/paste don't come back at us haunting down the road. maybe extra cautious is overkill
18:24.22greycatoh wait, there are multiple licenses here...
18:25.06greycatThe section that has seccomp in it is listed as "License: verbatim"
18:25.09nickdogreycat: does the package license also include example in the manpage?
18:25.10ratracegreycat: surely that's just for the manpage code?
18:25.36nickdothat's what i heard at least :D
18:25.37ratraceif the manpage is part of teh (MIT licensed) upstream source, then I'd imagine it's MIT too
18:25.54greycatAnd at the bottom of the file, "License: verbatim" is exlained.
18:26.25greycatratrace: manpages-dev apparently draws from many different sources, and this particular page is from Linux
18:26.49jellynickdo: let someone else read it, NOT you, write a functional spec, then you implement it.  Now you've reinvented clean-room reverse engineering!
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18:27.49nickdohaha, i know it's above my paygrade anyway. i just wanted to have some understanding of what we are getting into :D
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18:28.30jellyI seem to remember GPL having exceptions for OS API boundaries
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18:28.51greycatthe "verbatim" license seems more strict than GPL, to me, but IANAL
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18:30.33nickdoyup me neither, if it was solely my choice to change the world, i would have open sourced everything (even the gd hardware and cars design), but i am not a genius or expert of any sort. -.-
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18:31.41jelly> The User-space API (UAPI) header files, which describe the interface of user-space programs to the kernel are a special case. # says nothing about the docs for said API
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18:34.04nickdothanks for the link. sad that it is not explicitly spelled out "what about the example code in manpage" .. maybe nobody get inspired by examples in manpage, instead folks resort to stackoverflow etc. :D
18:34.35greycatI suspect most people would just copy the example and never give credit.
18:35.18jellyif unsure, treat it as completely closed source, and reverse engineer it if that's legal
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18:37.27nickdolol, maybe they can have a webapi for automated laywers, that would return forbidden status code if query is illegal. "can i at least reverse-engineer it?", resp: <i am a teapot>
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18:38.20jelly418 != 403
18:39.04nickdotrue! and 418 is deprecated as well (facepalm on more time)
18:39.08jelly451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons
18:39.32nickdonoice 8-)
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19:08.27iieehi :)
19:08.56iieei am using net install of debian 10 without x11 relying on framebuffer and mpv works good for video playback
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19:51.40jhutchins_wkIs there a way to prevent ipv6 dns lookups?
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19:54.59pasizjhutchins_wk: /etc/gai.conf
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20:05.13jhutchins_wkYeah, but what disables 6 lookups?  It seems to configure whether it sends queries over 6.
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20:08.41pasizjhutchins_wk: disable ipv6 via sysctl if you need to be sure
20:08.51ChmEarljhutchins, from firefox about:config
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20:09.14pasizChmEarl: and that helps to os level?
20:09.47pasizjhutchins_wk: do you need ipv6 without dns?
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20:10.10jhutchins_wkpasiz: No.
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20:10.46pasizthen disable it via sysctl
20:10.59jhutchins_wkWhat we see is that nslookup returns the ipv4 address, then returns a srvfail for ipv6, which apps are seeing as a DNS fail.
20:11.30jhutchins_wkpasiz: It is disabled, but it seems to be autoconfiguring internal addresses.
20:11.39pasizlike: net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 1
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20:12.14Daggerjhutchins_wk: your DNS is broken. fix the DNS
20:12.30pasizand same but conf.default.disable_ipv6
20:12.31Daggeryou shouldn't be disabling v6 for this, just use a DNS server that actually works
20:12.43pasizand conf.lo.disable_ipv6
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20:12.58pasizDagger: that is a good point
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20:30.20dpkgTo chroot into your Debian system boot to your Debian install disk/live CD, switch to the other console (Alt-F2).  Mount your root filesystem with "mount -t ext2 /dev/whatever /target" and make /dev, /proc and /sys usable with "mount --rbind --make-rslave /dev /target/dev ; mount -t proc none /target/proc ; mount -t sysfs none /target/sys".  You can then chroot into the system with "chroot /target".
20:31.36wwilliamwhat is the factoid to create a sarge chroot?
20:32.12greycatthat's going pretty damned far back...
20:32.14dpkgdebootstrap can create a basic Debian system from scratch, without apt/dpkg.  Useful for installing in a <chroot>. It is key to installing Debian GNU/Linux from a Unix/Linux system, ask me about <install guide>.
20:32.27greycatare you sure the sarge userspace will run on a modern kernel?
20:33.41wwilliamthat is all i need i  forgot the name of the chroot i created and i name it exactly as the instructions thank you.
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20:39.55wwilliamhow do i know if i have any chroot set up  i forgot the name
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20:41.32Akuwi am getting this when try to install   "pcscd : Depends: libccid (>= 1.4.1~) but it is not going to be installed or"
20:41.40Akuwbut that .deb file is there
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20:44.30allizomAkuw: what is your exact command line?
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20:45.01Akuw"apt-get install pcscd"
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20:50.56wwilliam!install guide
20:50.57dpkgThe Installation Guide for Debian 10 "Buster" can be found at . See also <errata> and <buster release notes>.
20:51.14greycatyou know you can /msg the bots, right?
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20:54.24Akuwthe problem is with that package only
20:54.41allizomAkuw: which debian version and arch are you running this on? how have you configured your local repo? please paste your /etc/apt/sources.list
20:55.20Akuwdeb [trusted=yes] file:///var/lib/local-apt-repository/ ./
20:56.02Akuwall packges install without problem
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20:56.10Akuwthe only package is that
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20:56.23Akuwpcscd, with dependency problem
20:57.07greycatso the file is actually in /src/local-apt-repository/ but sources.list says /var/lib/local-apt-repository/ ?
20:57.11greycaterr /srv/
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20:58.23greycat16:42  Akuw> "/srv/local-apt-repository/libccid_1.4.18-1_amd64.deb"
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21:07.30allizom<allizom: Akuw: which debian version and arch are you running this on? how have you configured your local repo?>
21:08.05greycatat least we know there's an _amd64.deb file in it
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21:17.37f8e3how to reverse-i-search and jump to previous search hit?
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21:25.17annadaneisn't sure what i-searching is so can't answer
21:25.26dob1,v guacamole
21:25.27juddPackage: guacamole on amd64 -- jessie: 0.8.3-1.1; sid: 0.9.9+dfsg-1; stretch: 0.9.9+dfsg-1
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23:15.18kittonianhi all. i am trying to build the latest geoipupdate from maxmind and it's requiring pandoc. I installed pandoc via apt and now it's complaining about "no version number", but when I went to install the libghc-pandoc-dev it wants to install a ridiculous amount of other stuff. perhaps I am choosing the wrong dev package?
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23:37.01dob1what does that mean ? [vsftpd.conf:1] Line references path below legacy directory /var/run/, updating /var/run/vsftpd/empty → /run/vsftpd/empty; please update the tmpfiles.d/ drop-in file accordingly
23:38.32dob1I cannot start it...
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23:41.18dob1and I can start it with /etc/init.d/vsftpd  not by systemd
23:44.48lupulodob1, do you have systemV or systemd?
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23:45.04dob1lupulo, I use systemd for every service
23:45.05lupulodob1, install Freebsd sure you could start with init.d
23:45.25dob1I am using debian
23:45.46lupulodob1, daemons don't understand system
23:46.03lupulothey read the script from init.d or lib/system
23:46.17lupuloyour problem is not daemon read from init.d
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23:47.08dob1lupulo, I used init.d in the older debian releases and I am using systemd now. imho the problem is vsftp,  systemctl status vsftpd works   but I was not able to start it before
23:47.40lupulodob1, systemctl enable vsftpd
23:47.58dob1lupulo, I know these commands but as you see there was an error before
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23:49.01lupulodob1, increase the debug level verbose
23:49.33dob1lupulo, I was able to start it
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23:55.02lupulodob1, i don't understand "your please update the tmpfiles.d"
23:55.20dob1lupulo, it was an error that I get after the installation of vsftpd
23:55.48lupulobut do you know systemd-tmpfiles?
23:55.51lupuloit is new
23:57.11lupulodo you have a docker?
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