IRC log for #debian on 20190510

00:00.07rantit you use one for anything at all these days, its not wasted
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00:01.40xparanoikdidn't have patience to get USB boot to work on this old box, so figured I'd go back to the old ways. had forgotten how slow it was to install debian back in the day
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00:06.36rantI recently used a cdr to open the door when someone locked it when I went out into the yard for a minute
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00:07.30rantidk why there was a cdr on the porch, but it worked good to jimmy the door :P
00:07.55xparanoikhaha, still good for something
00:09.01xparanoiki guess it adds to the nostalgic value of installing it on an amd k6-2, my first homelab server back in the woody/sarge days
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00:09.59rantcould weld that ol k6-2 to a frying pan and make a low-power induction cooker :D
00:10.38xparanoiklol. i wonder how long it will last, it's gotta be a 99/2000 machine
00:11.19xparanoiki actually chated and burned the CD at 48x instead of 4x
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00:20.39altker128Hey guys.  Anyone using Debian Stretch w/Ryzen CPUs+integrated Radeon graphics?  Just asking to see if that combination is supported and works reasonably for day to day "business" activities
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00:22.08soulissonDoes any one Know what /sbin/uinitrd does, please?
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00:23.52xparanoiksoulisson road RAM disk by the boot loader ?
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00:24.54soulissonwhat's the difference with init?
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00:30.32Brisancehello, I am installing debian on an old 2008 mac pro, dual xeons, question is, which kernel to pick
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00:31.01Brisance4.9.0.9-amd64, or the ones without version numbers?
00:31.29dvsnot the rt one (real time)
00:31.47Brisanceah, ok
00:32.05Brisancedidnt find a definite answer of the difference on google, thus asking
00:32.43Brisancecan anyone point me to a resource I can read about the difference anyway? I will put the linux-image-amd64 then :)
00:32.51agioit seems netstat is deprecated in debian - what are we supposed to use to print network connections?
00:33.44dvsBrisance, linux-image-amd64 is a virtual package for the latest kernel.
00:33.47annadanei've tended to just select linux-image-amd64 in the expert install
00:34.12Brisancedvs, ah, thank you
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00:34.43agioss - like "show sockets" :)
00:34.56agioworks :)
00:35.07Brisancewon't be really critical anyway, as long as it works, it's just a web dev server for me :) but I chose the non-rt one
00:36.41xparanoikrun proxmox instead? based on debian, you can create VMs (kvm) and containers (lxc)
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00:39.04xparanoikjeez, this k6-2 seems slower than my raspberry pi 3
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01:23.31annadanewhat package do most people use to enable cron to send emails to the user?
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01:52.01jelly!start a mta way
01:52.02jelly!start a mta war
01:55.38*** join/#debian agris (
01:55.53annadanei guess what i'm asking is "what is the most lightweight where i can get general messages and i'm asking because i'm a total f!@#$ moron about this"
01:56.08annadanecan i just install exim4 and with no configuration have cron send me stuff?
01:56.27agrisHello, How can I fully remove systemd from Debian 9? I've tried apt install openrc, reboot, apt purge systemd dbus
01:56.41agrisbut I still see 1 systemd proccess running, systemd-udevd
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01:56.56agrisI can kill -9 it but every reboot it comes back
01:57.06annadaneyou know, i'd be better off asking my internet search engine first *before* pissing off IRC land
01:57.15annadane(not replying to you agris)
01:57.51agrisother than that, that is the only systemd and dbus related thing running
01:58.09agrisDo I even need a udev manager?
01:58.41*** join/#debian uNmowed (~Kaede@
01:58.43agristhe only hardware changes during runtime would be hotswaping hard disks
01:58.45xparanoikannadane you can use sendmail with smart relay option and use your GMail account or some other SMTP server
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01:59.59jellyannadane: for local delivery into /var/mail/username, try "dma".  For remote delivery only, see perhaps msmtp-mta.  No need to use full-fledged MTA like exim4 or sendmail unless you know exacrly why you need them
02:00.39*** join/#debian Krikonildo (b1b6e9b6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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02:01.43agrisannadane, If you do want to run your own SMTP server, use OpenSMTPd instead of exim or postfix. It's so much simpler to setup correctly
02:02.22xparanoikyou do get a lot of tutorials online on postfix/sendmail, if you like to follow those
02:02.38jellyagris: there is no alternative for udev that I know of.
02:02.51agrisjelly, what about eudev?
02:02.58jelly,v eudev
02:02.58agrisCan I get eudev for Debian?
02:02.59juddNo package named 'eudev' was found in amd64.
02:03.26jellyagris: what's wrong with udev?
02:03.39agrisjelly, It's pulling in systemd
02:03.46jelly,depends udev
02:03.47juddPackage udev in stretch/amd64 -- depends: libacl1 (>= 2.2.51-8), libblkid1 (>= 2.19.1), libc6 (>= 2.17), libkmod2 (>= 5~), libselinux1 (>= 2.1.9), adduser, libudev1 (= 232-25+deb9u11), lsb-base (>= 3.0-6), util-linux (>= 2.27.1), procps,dpkg (>= 1.17.14).
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02:03.57agrisand I don't want to run systemd, I want to run sysv-init + OpenRC supervisory
02:03.59jellyagris: does not look that way to me.
02:04.19jelly,recommends udev
02:04.20juddPackage udev in stretch/amd64 -- recommends: None.
02:04.20agrisjelly, in htop it says systemd-udevd is running
02:04.25*** join/#debian Jing (Kafei@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/kafei)
02:04.29jellyagris: that's just udev, not systemd.
02:04.39agrisso why is the file named systemd-udevd?
02:04.49daxbecause udevd is a systemd daemon
02:05.12agrisok, so can I remove it?
02:05.28daxdo you have any reason to do so other than "it has systemd in the name"
02:05.35jellyagris: which part of "no reasonable alternative" is not clear
02:06.05agrisjelly, eudev is a reasonable alternative
02:06.14jellyit's not in debian
02:06.22agrisI understand there is no package for it, but I could just compile and install it by hand
02:06.22*** part/#debian Krikonildo (b1b6e9b6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
02:07.25jellyagris: do you have any technical reason to avoid udev?
02:07.53agrisIt's part of systemd, and I have technical reasons to purge systemd from my servers
02:08.40daxit's a standalone daemon that was adopted by systemd. it doesn't depend on systemd, and it appears to have an /etc/init.d/ script so should work with other init daemons
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02:08.50jellyagris: it's as much a "part" of systemd as it's a part of debian.  It's a separate piece of software, managed in the same source version system.
02:09.23agrisbut can I replace it with eudev?
02:09.47jellyprobably, but don't expect a lot of help from the distro side
02:10.39daxfun fact: it's straightforward because it's basically the same code
02:11.02jellyexcept there would be no packaging integration at all
02:11.12agrisSo could I just apt purge udev; make ; make install on the eudev source
02:11.16daxright, i meant straightforward on gentoo, was paraphrasing the wiki link
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02:11.59daxgod only knows whether it'd work on distros that don't package it, or why you'd go to all that bother to make your binaries be named differently
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02:13.40agrisit's a fork
02:13.47agrisit's not exactly the same code
02:13.55daxgood thing i said "basically" and not "exactly" then
02:14.45daxanyways, clearly this isn't a technical discussion, so peace
02:15.28jellyagris: I do not consider having "systemd" in the name as a sound technical reason, sorry
02:16.17agristhat's ok. I didn't ask your opinion
02:16.18jellybest of luck with your endeavours, and perhaps investigate what Devuan does with that particular component.
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02:18.03daxdevuan does , i guess
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02:18.19daxi haven't used it (unlike eudev), so don't know much about it
02:19.07jellythey have a couple channels on freenode, #devuan being the main tech one, #debianfork the offtopic/social one
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02:21.31agristhank you
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02:28.25jellycontinues to use sysvinit with udev, which even in Debian 8 came from Source: systemd, but did not have the evil part visible in the executable name yet
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02:33.58Epakaidoing a multi-gpu setup with radeon and amdgpu cards. It seems on every xorg start I have to do 'xrandr --setprovideroutputsource 1 0' to enable the second card. is there some xorg config to specify this?
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03:22.49r00toboanyone here uses the new 9th gen Intel CPU ?
03:23.05dpkgIf you have a question, just ask! For example: "I have a problem with ___; I'm running Debian version ___. When I try to do ___ I get the following output ___. I expected it to do ___." Don't ask if you can ask, if anyone uses it, or pick one person to ask. We're all volunteers; make it easy for us to help you. If you don't get an answer try a few hours later or on See <smart questions><errors>.
03:23.14r00toboif yes, is it supported in the Linux kernel 4.19 ?
03:24.03r00tobodvs: thanks, I don't have a problem yet, I'm just asking if the kernel 4.19 is supporting the 9th gen processors. because I've ordered an i5 9400 CPU
03:24.15r00toboalso with the graphics driver as well
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03:54.00Brisancehello again, is there any way to install on software raid 0? been messing around with that for hours, if fails installing grub
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03:55.03Brisancewant to use 2 old 80GB drives, but in RAID0, and I am pretty confused after hours of messing with it
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03:57.46r00toboBrisance: the built-in motherboard soft raid ?
03:57.58r00toboI've had a lot of trouble with that in some installers too
03:58.57Brisancer00tobo, well since it is a mac, I am installing it on, I have no access to bios, but I am trying to configure it from the debian installer
03:59.18r00toboah I see
03:59.25Brisancecurrently doing sanity check and installing on a single one, to see, if thats a problem
03:59.30r00toboI didn't try that
03:59.41r00toboat least on a mac
04:00.00Brisancewell theres loads of variables, it has a 32 bit efi, but 64 bit cpus, etc
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04:01.10Brisancemac pro 1,1 - got it for free back in the day, got debian64 as well as win10 64 working on it fine on an SSD, which lives elsewhere now
04:01.33Brisancenow picked up the project and trying to convert it into a web dev server for me
04:01.49Brisancebut have been messing with it whole night :(
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04:04.32Brisancehmm didnt work on a single disk as well
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04:14.28agrisDoes Debian support Ed25519
04:14.30agrisDoes Debian support Ed25519?
04:14.40agrisor is the openssl library too old?
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04:15.24Unit193Buster will.
04:18.34madagebuster does
04:21.22agrisbut not stable
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04:24.16madagewhat is debian?
04:24.50agrisextra sharp
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04:58.18NematocystI'm trying to use reportbug, but it crashes on me with the following after entering the version (390.116-1):
04:59.32annadanetime to file a bug on reportb... wait...
04:59.41Nematocystyeah.  heh
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05:45.52Nematocystgot a template from reportbug without crashing, and edited it to a big text file.  this may sound stupid, but how to send it via a thunderbird account so that all the headers match the generated file's headers?
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05:50.39Nematocystthere's things like Content-Type, MIME-Version, X-Debbugs-Cc... no idea how to enter those into thunderbird
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06:03.37Lvl4SwordUsing fail2ban 0.10.2 from Debian's stretch-backports, I can't seem to ban ipv6
06:03.43Lvl4Swordgetting WARNING Determined IP using DNS Lookup: 2 = ['']
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06:25.55rwpLvl4Sword, You are in #debian so can I assume you are running Debian Stable?  If so then that is version 0.9.6.  But IPv6 support arrived in version 0.10.  So you will need Buster Testing or later to get IPv6 support.
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06:26.36Lvl4Swordrwp, I'm running stable, yes. I also installed fail2ban from stretch-backports like I said. That version is 0.10.2.
06:26.53rwpOh!  I was "this" close then.  Sorry.
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06:30.41Synaptichow is that possible that when i run a vieo using vlc... everything is good and then after a while go out of sync audio/video....
06:31.00Synapticand same video opened still with vpc... for example on win... on the same pc, working good all time
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06:47.15Lvl4Swordrwp, Was able to fix my problem. Thanks for the help though!
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06:52.17Unit193boycottg00gle: Perhaps
06:53.32boycottg00gleUnit193: thanks - will read (just also found: - but there somehow is a mismatch)
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06:55.01rwpLvl4Sword, What was the problem?  How did you fix it?
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07:16.30a-l-e---hi, on my laptop i'm managing my internet wifi connections by adding entries to /etc/network/interfaces and then running "/etc/init.d/networking restart"
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07:17.00a-l-e---this normally works perfectly (and fast)... but i have issues with getting a connections from some routers...
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07:21.14a-l-e---today i have such an issue.
07:21.52a-l-e---and i cannot even get the connection from usb tethering from an android device that can use the same wifi connection.
07:21.59a-l-e---any hint at what i can have a look at?
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08:36.08donnyhi i'm trying to update my aptitude on a older debian wheezy box, I've got about 1000+ packages in apt to update but I am getting the following error:  dpkg-deb: error: archive '/var/cache/apt/archives/locales_2.28-10_all.deb' contains not understood data member control.tar.xz, giving up
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08:36.31donnyhow can I fix this issue, as currently my box is stuck at this dpkg issue and I cannot install anything
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08:37.27donnyhere's a verbose output from apt -
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08:37.38donnythanks in advance!
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08:38.41Mystifiedjust reading "Microsoft readies its own Linux for Windows" Aka WSL
08:39.47Mystifiedwhat implications does this have with future vulnarabilities with respect to possible attacks like spyware
08:40.12Mystifiedvia the windows subsytem linux kernel
08:40.29Mystifiedinto native run linux
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08:47.06jellyMystified: approximately the same as any other vm/container host which ash full access to vm guest/container.  Use a host OS you trust.
08:47.31EdePopedei don't think the number of users will increase dramatically with WSL. there's dual boot, there's live. for years. you never needed a CS degree to use it.
08:47.55jellyyep, undergrads could use it
08:48.11EdePopedewhat would be a difference to a VM?
08:48.45EdePopedeespecially in schooling i'd prefer them. defined start situation, native, start with a click
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08:58.20alioui_hi all
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08:58.42alioui_i am followin this blog to build deb package
08:59.11alioui_it use install file to add files to package
08:59.37alioui_how can i let make install do that for me
09:00.06alioui_i have source in src dirctory
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09:01.22ValjanAnyone know how I would see which drive had another OS installed during the Debian installer, trying to dual boot w/ 2 seperate drives.
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09:27.29vltValjan: `blkid` yould help.
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09:55.23AnononAi need to run a script as soon as ive made connection to vpn tun0
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09:56.33AnononAetc/network/if-up.d is this the route to go by
09:58.05AnononAdoes Debian have an option somewhere to run a script when connection is active or will i have to place script in certain folder
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10:11.08kardborrenI'm running the cli tool pdfunite, both from a terminal and from a php exec command. Getting slightly different results, what can be the cause of that? (Terminal results are correct, exec slightly wrong.) I've verified that both run same binary, and that printenv from both don't have any major diffs (as far as I can tell).
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10:41.14ValjanAnyone know how I would see which drive had another OS installed during the Debian installer? trying to dual boot w/ 2 seperate drives.
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11:02.24humpledValjan the installer should show you the disks at the partioning stage,
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11:02.55humpledyou should already know the sizes, filesystems and hopefully UUIDs or labels of your disks
11:03.31humpledat any time during the installation, you can press ctrl-alt-f2 to use a shell
11:04.56humpledcommands like blkid, lsblk and fdisk -l will show you information about your disks, you can use mount to temporarily look at the contents
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11:07.47Valjanhumpled    Thanks that helps alot. They are both the same size which makes it a bit harder and both appear to have the same labels but ctrl-alt-f2 for shell will probably allow me to actually see which one is empty.
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11:40.19TwollHi, is there someone here used to work with macsec interfaces?
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11:51.15dooteoHi all,
11:51.21dooteoMy computer has internal 3 USB sound cards (located at rear panel, with DB9 connectors), and another PCI in front panel.
11:51.27dooteoOnce Debian installation is done, PCI an one of USB sound cards works fine. But other 2 USB cards did not sound.
11:51.33dooteoAlsamixer volumes for all cards are high/loud.
11:51.37dooteoEven computer ir rebooted, 2 USB cards keeps not working.
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11:51.42dooteoBut if I switch OFF trhe computer, and switch back ON it, all cards works flawlessly.
11:51.47dooteoDoes anybody know which command must I run to activate/power on all USB cards after Debian install to not switch off/on the computer?
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12:16.57karlpincdooteo: Look in dmesg output and the logs for clues as to the problem.  It would not hurt to put relevant parts in a paste site for us to see.
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12:22.31dooteokarlpinc: check this link:
12:22.33Terrellam I on #debian now?
12:22.46jellyTerrell: yes you are
12:23.24Terrellgreat.  I am using this stupid winders system and will be setting up the real servers shortly.
12:23.39dooteokarlpinc: USB Sound cards are "C-Media Electronics Inc."
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12:30.49Terrelljelly.  Here is where I'm going.  Twin towers... like in Kuala Lumpur.  Then winders 7 & 10 both 32 and 64.  Debian on both and I would like VMware or Virtual Box or both.  Both 7 & 10 64 on those two boxen.  My lord I feel like Rumple Still skin and I only stopped developing software for about 10 years.  My lord how things have changed. I got 2 little laptops and I've got Debian already running on them on a USB stick.  Unfortunately they are USB 2 so kinda
12:30.49Terrellslow.  But only at boot.  There is still enough ram and 2GB that once running its good!  and these are $50 machines.  Next step... I am buying a Samsung S6 with 64 GB storage and I want to leave the Linux OS as is (won't be Debian) and either ROOT it and install GNU tools not for fun.. I am putting in the equivalent of a web server and then either a database like MySQL or for my app I'll likely write my own because I'll need speed.  Any suggestions on what I
12:30.50Terrellface?  Issue is I will call Samsung later and buy an open system and if not just keep rooting what they sell.
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12:36.31dooteokarlpinc: gotta go. Next monday I gonna come back to this IRC. Enjoy the weekend!!
12:37.32TerrellHas anyone rooted a smart phone and either installed Debian or just an app running in the base os?
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13:09.28TerrellHas anyone rooted a smart phone and either installed Debian or just an app running in the base os?
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13:20.07TerrellHas anyone rooted a smart phone and either installed Debian or just an app running in the base os?
13:20.46dpkgPlease don't immediately repeat your question if no one answers it.  If no one answers, that means that either no one knows the answer to your question, no one is willing to answer it, or you haven't provided enough information.  Ask me about <ask> or <sicco> if you need help phrasing your question.  If you don't get an answer here, go ahead and try asking your question on
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13:23.13TerrellGreycat  I see so many disconnects it looks to me like a channel split
13:23.51STMelonno, no netsplit
13:24.20TerrellSTMelon, thanks... right.
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13:25.31TerrellAm I in the right channel to ask such a question?  any suggestions where to ask?
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13:26.00STMelondunno, i lurk here lol offtopic: #debian-offtopic
13:26.27TerrellIts been a few years since I was really active here
13:26.48Bjornnit's just a high volume channel. completely normal
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13:27.03TerrellOh okay
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13:27.43BjornnI have that type of notification turned off. you might consider that as an option.
13:27.55TerrellWell I'm just in the early stages of installing operating systems.  Last time I did this was 1998
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13:28.31TerrellBjornn, I am not too conserned at this time.  But I do want to be a good citizen
13:29.51TerrellBjornn, I need to get twin towers re installed .  I don't want to use winders but I might have to.  So I need them running.  Most of my work has been Linux since 1998
13:30.48STMelonfreeBSD :P
13:31.21STMeloni prefer unix for my servers, and linux for my laptop
13:31.34TerrellBjornn, what I'm doing is setting up bee hive manufacturing and to to this I need to set up robotics and I may have to do some significant programming to generate Gcode
13:31.55TerrellI use OpenBSD on the servers.  They are actually heaqautered here
13:32.10Bjornnvery interesting work
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13:32.22TerrellI wont really be using laptops much.  But I have 4.
13:32.50TerrellWen you are retired you need to do something other than watch TV and drink beer
13:33.05TerrellLaptops can't handle the equipmetn I have
13:33.18TerrellI run a lot of SCSI stuff
13:33.32STMelonmy laptop is general use, my servers take the workload
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13:33.46Bjornnjoin me in #debian-offtopic terrell
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13:33.56TerrellSTMelon, what do your servers do?
13:34.11STMelonfile sharing, web hosting, ircd
13:34.14TerrellSure.  Let me find the join comand
13:34.28STMelon----------> /j #debian-offtopic
13:34.35Terrell?join #debian-offtopic
13:34.42STMelonor just click
13:34.45STMelonon the room
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13:37.45TerrellBjornn, Iwas in offtopicc and I'm getting cannot send to channel.. are you seeing anything
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13:39.12Bjornnoh I see.
13:39.13greycatyou probably need to be identified via nicksev
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13:39.24STMelonTerrell, you need to register your nick to talk there
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13:39.37TerrellI see it.  I'm am not registered in offtopic
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13:39.47greycatregistering is network-wide, not per channel
13:39.49STMelon] -NickServ- Information on Terrell (account Terrell):
13:39.58STMelon----------> /ns identify yourpass
13:40.16Bjornnthere you go. that' shorthand version is awesome.
13:40.45Terrellwow.  Nice.  I have my neame registered.  I would not be able to talk here is this was not so
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13:41.06STMelonsome rooms require you to be identified to type
13:41.07greycat#debian is one of the few large channels that *doesn't* require registration to talk
13:41.08TerrellI wrote that down.  over a month ago
13:41.34greycatand when spam bots are attacking, that may change
13:41.44Terrellthere we go
13:41.51greycatyes, better :)
13:41.59STMelonspambots are easy, +R the room
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14:00.10milkthow can i check whether my /tmp is located on RAM or on HDD/SSD? and what is the best way to switch /tmp to be on RAM or HDD/SSD? (i'm running debian 9.9 stable)
14:00.24greycatdf /tmp
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14:01.59milktthis is my df /tmp output, does this means /tmp is located on HDD/SSD?
14:02.03milktFilesystem             1K-blocks    Used Available Use% Mounted on
14:02.04milkt/dev/mapper/sda2_crypt   6661296 6078312    224892  97% /
14:02.37greycatYes, it's just a plain directory inside your root file system, which is on sda2_crypt which I'm guessing is an encrypted thingy on top of /dev/sda2.
14:02.50milkthave configured luks on /dev/sda2 yes
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14:03.36greycatif it were a tmpfs mounted at /tmp then you would've seen something closer to what you get from "df /run/lock"
14:04.23milkti have found the way to move /tmp to on RAM, by modifying /etc/fstab or modifying /etc/default/tmpfs, which method should i choose?
14:04.57greycatthe big warning at the top of /etc/default/tmpfs says it's ignored under systemd
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14:06.11milktactually i don't have /etc/default/tmpfs file
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14:06.43greycatthe warning is also repeated in the tmpfs(5) man page
14:06.55greycatso, I'm thinking that's not the way you should choose
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14:08.50milktgot it, thanks, i'll try with /etc/fstab
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14:13.00milkti don't have tmpfs manual either somehow
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14:13.44greycatmine's in the "initscripts" package
14:14.30greycatwhich according to "aptitude why initscripts" is included because of a dependency from console-setup
14:15.16milkti see
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15:26.27enowaldoI'm trying to sort a segfault-on-startup issue, seems to be a glamor_egl or similar issue.
15:27.04enowaldoThere are some related Debian bugs from ... a while back, trying to see if I can find those again...
15:29.34enowaldo#767356 from 2014, different HW, similar symptoms.  Also #777457
15:29.35juddBug in xserver-xorg-core (open): «X.Org segfaults when starting on an Intel+Radeon laptop at glamor_set_screen_pixmap from within radeon_drv»; severity: important; opened: 2014-10-30; last modified: 2014-12-24.
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15:30.53enowaldoI've tracked the error message to source code but can't see what specifically might cause/fix/work-around the issue
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15:44.53enowaldoSeems to be in xserver-xorg-core
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15:45.33enowaldoHrm ... is wayland a viable alternative to xorg yet?
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15:51.02annadaneit... depends, like i don't think nvidia really supports it and i'm not sure if redshift (a must for me) works with it
15:51.15enowaldoSo, a thought would be to disable glamor itself, if I can sort out how to do that.
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15:51.51enowaldoannadane: This is an Intel chipset.  00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 09) (prog-if 00 [VGA controller])
15:52.23enowaldoannadane: Though I think I can try other approaches.  Same problem since yesterday, BTW.
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15:54.51enowaldoAnd glamor doesn't seem to have any kernel modules associated, good.
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15:57.09enowaldois more active than freenode?
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15:59.39jmcnaughtenowaldo: yesterday you somehow didn't have grub2-common installed after upgrading from jessie→stretch, and mentioned that you did the upgrade with pinned entries from testing and unstable… you've got a frankendebian
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16:01.22enowaldojmcnaught: And as I said, no, really, not:
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16:01.52enowaldojmcnaught: Some stuff didn't come through in the update.  Nothing updates shouldn't be able to address.
16:02.51enowaldojmcnaught: If you don't care to assist, that's fine.
16:03.57*** join/#debian Nevermi__ (
16:04.24jmcnaughtenowaldo: I'm bringing up context that you're neglecting to mention. Also worth noting that the correct way of replacing systemd is not to remove the package (or pin it so it won't install).  You can install sysvinit-core to get sysvinit as init, but the systemd package is still needed for logind which is needed for desktops
16:05.50enowaldojmcnaught: FWIW, systemd is presently installed and running as init.
16:06.06enowaldojmcnaught: I'm also correcting your misapprehensions.  Trying to get /etc/apt/sources posted....
16:06.20enowaldop.d.n is not cooperating.
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16:07.50enowaldojmcnaught: Point being there's not much here that seems anything other than 1) Xorg issues and 2) some missed packages in a pretty large in-place update.
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16:08.37enowaldoNB: getting 408 timeouts on
16:09.35annadanewonders if apt install --reinstall systemd would work, and pull in requisite dependencies it may not have due to it previously being pinned as negative priority
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16:10.02enowaldo/etc/apt/sources listing:
16:10.32enowaldoOf FFS.  CAPTCHA on console browser.
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16:10.57annadanealternatively, use aptitude to untangle the potential mess you have from said frankendebian
16:10.57enowaldoWell:  only changes were s/jessie/stretch/g
16:11.26enowaldoannadane: Been doing that.  The Xorg issue does not appear to be package-related AFAICT, though I welcome any information otherwise.
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16:14.30jmcnaughtenowaldo: you only need netcat for
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16:16.36enowaldoAny way to query my package list(s) to see what's installed from which repos?
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16:17.44kskenowaldo: apt-cache policy $package.
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16:18.07kskno Idea if this is possible for all packages (without building a small loop of course..)
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16:20.27enowaldoksk: Looks like no args after "policy" lists everything.  Otherwise, a simple loop is easy.
16:20.42jmcnaughtenowaldo: look you've got stretch, testing, unstable *and* experimental repos all in your sources.list, and in your pinning paste you had testing at higher priority than stable.  You've got a mess on your hands, the quickest way to solve this is to do a fresh reinstall, and maybe consult for advice on how to avoid that next time
16:21.34enowaldoRecommend doing likewise.
16:21.45dpkgWhen you get random packages from random repositories, mix multiple releases of Debian, or mix Debian and derived distributions, you have a mess.  There's no way anyone can support this "distribution of Frankenstein" and #debian certainly doesn't want to even try.   Ask me about <reinstall>
16:21.52annadaneugh, FFS. i installed i3 and now its notification messages are taken precedence over xfce's while in xfce
16:21.55annadanehow to fix?
16:22.12annadaneby notification messages i mean it uses i3's style thing
16:22.18enowaldoksk: That's what I'm trying to suss out.  If I've got a bunch of different release-level packages, I can fix that.
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16:23.42enowaldoksk: Simple shell loop:  dpkg --get-selections | awk '$2 == "install" {print $1}' | while read pkg; do apt-cache policy $pkg; done
16:23.51enowaldoksk: ... though that wants to be less verbose.
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16:40.19TenkawaI've got this posted in ##kernel too.. after going to 5.1 I'm getting major ACPI spam in dmes with this and cant seem to track it down.. anyone else seen it?
16:40.35Tenkawa128.695294] ACPI Debug:  "_Q8D : Nvidia/AMD Dx mode"
16:41.00Tenkawagoogle seems tp be useless too
16:41.20annadanenot sure you have a *problem*, if that's what you're asking
16:41.29TenkawaI agree
16:41.30annadaneACPI messages are sort of notoriously verbose
16:42.14TenkawaI still dont like verbose subsystem messages that I dont know the source of that I cant turn off
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16:45.22TenkawaI since I have an nvidia card in here I am working with more constraints.
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16:45.46Tenkawa(using the non-free drivers)
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16:48.46TerrellHas anyone rooted a smart phone and either installed Debian or just an app running in the base os?
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16:49.26jhutchins_wkTerrell: Yes, someone has.
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16:51.05Terrelljhutchins_wk, I need to do this.   Where do I look to find out how.
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16:51.21annadanein future, ask your real question
16:51.24annadanenot "has anyone..."
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16:52.11TerrellI can talk to the OpenBSD guys and they are in town and I know THeo.  But I want to do Debian not OpenBSD
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16:52.41annadanei mean, i know zero about this but i'd start with the architecture and see if debian supports it
16:52.58annadanedebian does support a bunch of stuff other than stock amd64
16:53.20Terrellannadane, Yes - good point - I'm installing Debian in my desk top servers but on the cell it will be native
16:53.23greycatperhaps the #debian-arm channel on OFTC
16:53.41annadaneisn't it ARM? yeah
16:53.45annadanedebian certainly supports ARM
16:53.57Terrellgreycat, I have to check the cpu and I know it is not an arm
16:54.01greycatAll I know about ARM is that there's more than one kind of it.
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16:54.28Terrellgreycat, in the S55 and S6 samsung used their own CPU
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16:54.41Terrellmy 55 key sticks
16:55.26TerrellCheap keyboard.  Only cost like over $100.  the one I really like cost more than a cell phone but this was in 1986
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16:55.36annadaneno idea about buster, which is pretty soon
16:55.43Terrellannadane, its not an ARM processor
16:56.04annadanewell, okay, so do the research
16:56.09greycatthis just gets better and better by the hour
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16:56.16annadanedebian has officially supported hardware and then there's some unofficial ports
16:56.18Terrellannadane, I am just starting this.
16:56.40greycat"I'm going to repeat VERBATIM the SAME question 4 times for a whole morning"  "No, you're wrong in your guesses.  I have additional info.  I won't say what it is, of course."
16:57.16TerrellI'm not interested in changing the version that Samsung uses because I want to add in a very sophisticaed app and keep everything else as is
16:57.20annadanesee also
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16:58.00Terrellgreycat, people come and go.  I did not even know you were talking to me.  I'll just drop it for now
16:58.18greycat!smart questions
16:58.18dpkgAsking the right question can be hard, and effective communication is easier if you give us extra information. has some suggestions. The key points are: tell us what you actually did and what you were trying to achieve, provide the full command and full output in a <pastebin>.
16:58.29dpkgPlease do not ask if anyone can help you, knows 'something' or uses 'some_program'.  Instead, ask your real question.  (If the real question _was_ "does anyone use 'some_program'?" ask me about <popcon> instead.)  See <ask> <ask to ask> <polls> <search> <sicco> <smart questions>.
16:59.30TerrellCAn anyone refer me to a person who has actually rooted a cell phone and written some software for it at the nuts adn bolts level
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17:00.23annadanefiguring out the architecture should be relatiely simple - ask the manufacturer, google your model, etc - then you can ask around about how well debian supports it
17:00.28annadanethat's basically what it comes down to
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17:00.31annadaneeven if this isn't ARM
17:00.32TerrellOkay.  Thanks.  That is a good answer.  I thought perhaps you were refering specifcally to that particular CPU
17:01.18TerrellI'm calliong Samsung.  Thanks.  Very good ansewr
17:01.30jellyTerrell: are you asking for a dev who figured out a workable root exploit, or just some people who used it?  #lineageos is full of people with unlocked phones and their firmware of choice allows root access
17:01.56TerrellJelly.  Perfect.
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17:06.22greycatdpkg, repeating is also <>
17:06.24dpkgokay, greycat
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17:10.02annadaneooh, i like that page
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17:16.31wrany software for control mouse movement on debian?
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17:23.01rantdoes anyone have any idea why when I was using an RSA key, and I ssh from mate-terminal I got a graphical dialog that seemed to remember my key password for the session, and when I switched to an EC key it doesnt do that?
17:23.26rantI just can't imagine how the type of key used changed this behavior
17:23.28jellyin the same terminal?
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17:23.37rantyeah. same terminal
17:23.56jellyis SSH_AGENT variable (still) set for the latter?
17:24.07greycatcaching of ssh key passphrases is done by an agent (ssh-agent or gnome's bastardized version)
17:24.31jellymake that SSH_AGENT_PID
17:24.41jellywhy is it bastardized?
17:24.46greycatseems possible that your rsa key is in the agent but your ecdsa or whatever key is not
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17:25.01rantjelly: no, I have SSH_AUTH_LOCK and SSH_AGENT_PID in env
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17:25.38rantthat is possible I suppose but afaik I never did anything to put my old key in there.. I used ssh-keygen in the terminal in both cases
17:26.15wrdvs, will the gpm be better than this ?
17:26.58annadane"better" meaning?
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17:27.23dvswr: track your cursor by moving your head? not even close.
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17:28.22wrdvs, wanna control my mouse without hands on debian
17:28.37wrany way
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17:28.50dvswr, shoulda mentioned that when asking for "mouse software"
17:28.57rantyes well as annadane suggested, xdotool can do it in X
17:29.14wrdvs, yeah maybe i was not so accurate
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17:29.33rantI used xdotool and and yad/zenity to make my father a custom auto scrolling utility
17:29.49rantcause he claimed the built in auto scroll was too fast and touchy :P
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17:30.28rant,v yad
17:30.29juddPackage: yad on amd64 -- stretch: 0.38.2-1; buster: 0.40.0-1; sid: 0.40.0-1
17:30.31wrrant, but i don't want to use keyboard too
17:30.44ranthmm.. yad IS in debian
17:31.08rantwr: you don;t have to.. you just have to script somethig around xdotool like I did
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17:33.09wrrant, what does the control of the mouse on the xdotool? script and?
17:34.00rantwr: you obviously have nfc what you're doing.. and you haven't stated near as I can tell what you're trying to achieve
17:34.01*** mode/#debian [+l 1539] by debhelper
17:34.36wrrant, want to move the mouse with hands, that's it
17:34.58rantthats what xdotool does
17:35.07rantor just use your feet to move the mouse
17:35.17rantwe're not gonna keep guessing wtf that means
17:35.20wrrant, basically this
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17:36.00rantso you want to control the mouse with a camera
17:36.02annadaneenowaldo, incidentally
17:36.32wrrant, i get that the xdotool does it, but what i asked is exactly how technically
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17:36.51rantxdotool is just a command that does what you tell it to
17:36.52milktread xdotool manual
17:37.16rantsaying "I want to move the mouse without hands" is HIGHLY ambiguous.. do you want to use your feet, or what?
17:37.18wrrant, camera is one option, it can be a sensor, anything thatworks over debian
17:37.26rantif you want to use your camera just f'n say that
17:38.14wrrant, i disagree, i said any way, move the mouse without hands is very precise
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17:38.27mzajcI'm trying to install lvm2, but it fails to configure. I get that whenever I try to configure it using dpkg:
17:38.29greycatIt is NOT precise.  It is the exact OPPOSITE of precision.
17:38.41greycat"I want a pen that is not blue."  Then what color DO you want?
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17:39.43altker128Hey guys.  Anyone using Debian Stretch w/Ryzen CPUs+integrated Radeon graphics?  Any surprises, or everything work as should?
17:40.47wrrant, i wrote any way
17:41.12greycatAny solution at all will suffice?  OK, then use your feet as suggested.
17:41.15wrwithout hands
17:41.22greycatFeet.  Problem solved.
17:41.25rantand you were answered, xodool and use your fee
17:41.33jelly,v lvm2
17:41.34juddPackage: lvm2 on amd64 -- jessie: 2.02.111-2.2+deb8u1; stretch: 2.02.168-2; buster: 2.03.02-2; sid: 2.03.02-2
17:41.45annadaneapt install telekinetic-move-mouse-with-brain
17:41.50jellymzajc: which debian release is that?
17:41.51wrrant, yes, but not how it works, manual right
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17:42.07mzajcjelly: Debian GNU/Linux buster/sid \n \l
17:42.07greycatwr: what are you trying to do?
17:42.18jellymzajc: did you install buster or sid?
17:42.33enowaldoOK, for anyone following the frankenbox issue, here's the breakdown of sources:
17:42.34mzajcbut I have the sid repo for some packages
17:42.41wrgreycat, just move mouse no hands, mouse kills my slow wrists
17:42.49mzajcand yes, I have configured apt.conf to point at buster
17:43.10enowaldoannadane: thanks
17:43.11wrgreycat, and then gonna code with voice too
17:43.21greycatSo your goal is to avoid repetitive strain injury?  Maybe look for ergonomic solutions.  I don't know enough about that field of study but you can start your searches.
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17:43.44enowaldoannadane: That's not responding for me, FYI.
17:43.47phazonwr: try hacking on pygaze; they've libinput/mouse support:
17:43.48jellymzajc: unmask lvm2-lvmpolld.socket unit, /usr/lib/systemd/system/lvm2-lvmpolld.service seems to require it
17:43.50rbanffyHi folks. Besides Konsole and Gnome Terminal, do we know of any other terminal emulators that support overline attributes?
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17:44.21greycatpossible starting point
17:44.24mzajcjelly: how do I do that?
17:44.39mzajcsystemctl unmask?
17:44.52jellymzajc: probably
17:45.20jellyI have no idea what any of those services is used for.
17:45.40mzajcjelly: great, that did it
17:45.54jellymzajc: unrelated, I'd strongly advise to avoid having any sid repos configured  if you plan this installation to be on buster.
17:46.13phazonrbanffy: you mean the text/markup overline; like this: X̅x̅  ??
17:46.17mzajcfirefox has their non-esr packge on sid only
17:46.45jellymzajc: use firefox release tarball from mozilla instead.
17:46.45mzajcAlso, while we're on the topic, anyone knows what this is and how can it safely be resolved:
17:46.48wrdvs, rant, greycat the most logical thing would be to use some software on debian that tracks the movement of the eyes and then the mouse moves
17:47.05greycatsoftware cannot track your eyes.  you need hardware for that.
17:47.09rbanffyphazon, not the Unicode glyphs, the ECMA-48, ESC[53m terminal attribute
17:47.25jellymzajc: when buster becomes stable this sort of setup will gt broken quickly
17:47.40mzajcI know, I know
17:47.58wrgreycat, yes, i agree, but will i need not software too?
17:48.10jellyif you want to run sid stuff,
17:48.13dpkg#debian-next is the channel for testing/unstable support on the OFTC network (, *not* on freenode.  If you get "Cannot join #debian-next (Channel is invite only)." it means you did not read it's on
17:48.29rbanffyphazon, you can check with `python3 -c 'print("\nThe \033[53mtest\033[55m is done")'`
17:48.39enowaldoSo, if you want to get a breakdown of your Debian packages by release, you can use apt-cache policy, and some parsing.
17:48.45wrgreycat, i seen this one sudo apt-get install eviacam
17:48.55greycatthen try it and see what happens
17:48.57*** join/#debian woshty (~woshty@unaffiliated/woshty)
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17:49.07mzajcAnyone knows how to solve the issue on [19:46]
17:49.08rant,i eviacam
17:49.09juddPackage eviacam (x11, optional) in stretch/amd64: camera based mouse emulator. Version: 2.1.0-1+b1; Size: 5567.8k; Installed: 7573k; Homepage:
17:49.17jelly!which repo
17:49.17dpkgTo see what repository a package may have come from, try;a=blob_plain;f=apt-listrepository or use dpkg -l | awk '/^.i/ {print $2}' | xargs apt-cache policy | awk '/^[a-z0-9.-]+:/ {pkg=$1}; /\*\*\*/ {OFS="\t"; ver=$2; getline; print pkg,ver,$2,$3}', or ask me about <obsolete>, or, or <bdo list>, or <dmm list>
17:49.26enowaldodpkg --get-selections | awk '$2 == "install" {print $1 } | while read pkg; do apt-cache policy $pkg; done | tee installed-packages-policy
17:49.26dpkgselects enowaldo's family photos collection
17:49.43enowaldo... which may take a while (about 15 minutes for me).  Then parse that with:
17:49.44wrgreycat, found one more
17:50.04*** join/#debian linarcx (~linarcx@
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17:50.44rantwr: you already linked to a video with such a solution that is available in debian, wth are we still having this discussion?
17:50.44jellymzajc: do you have any luks-encrypted block devices (partitions, logical volumes, disks)?  If you don't have any, do what the message says
17:50.48*** join/#debian digitalnomad (~digitalno@
17:51.07mzajcjelly: alright, thanks!
17:51.15enowaldoAFAIC make out, /var/lib/dpkg/status isn't an issue.  I've got 9 unstable, 3 testing, 1 stretch, and 1 testing packages.  Which I'm going to suss out now....
17:51.21wrrant, cause don't know if there is anything better
17:51.58rantthere is something better, its me and everyone else ignoring you now :P
17:52.00enowaldotesting/contrib are mathematica fonts.
17:52.03annadanethis has been a fun day in #debian
17:52.08jellyenowaldo: it's pretty hard to have a working debian installation with just 14 packages!
17:52.15wrrant, you seem to be in a bad mood today
17:52.30enowaldojelly: 4094 packages total.
17:52.48*** join/#debian Ingvix (~Ingvix@
17:53.06enowaldoThe unstable packages are:  libgnomeui-0, libgnomeui-common, nbibtex, pia, scantv, v41-conf, webcam, xawtv, and xawtv-plugins
17:53.27*** join/#debian teclo- (42@unaffiliated/teclo)
17:53.38enowaldoI'm going to call this a non-frankendistro
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17:54.56wrwasn't expecting but it really is on the repos, just don't know if there is any better one
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17:55.24greycatwr: nobody ELSE here knows either.  Try them all and see.
17:55.37wrgreycat, ok
17:55.47rantseems is busted again :-/
17:56.08enowaldoxorg packages are testing (mostly) and stretch (4), where the stretch packages all have the same version as testing.
17:56.45enowaldoSo:  back to my initial issue:  I'm running Debian testing and have an Xorg segfault-on-startup issue related to glamor
17:57.18enowaldoAnd no, this isn't a frankendebian, though it's a recently-updated-from-stretch box that's been offline a few years.
17:58.27keith4looks like the security update to libjs-jquery in oldstable last week broke jquery.min.js, as it now gives a parse error in browsers. is this worth reporting as a bug, or is the answer just going to be "time tu upgrade"? ;-)
17:58.35annadanei thought you'd said initially this was from a jessie -> stretch upgrade
17:58.42annadaneif it's testing, i'd try #debian-next on
17:59.12enowaldoIf anyone wants to question the frankstatus, they're welcome to look at the full package listing here:
17:59.20annadanei wonder if the bts maybe has anything related to xorg
17:59.27jellykeith4: report bug to lts mailing list, I think
17:59.29*** join/#debian gislaved (8e2cc12d@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
17:59.31enowaldoannadane: it has some old bugs.
17:59.46*** join/#debian brokencycle (~brokencyc@
17:59.56enowaldoannadane: And specifically xorg-common commit 4795c069a503144ea31f01de0c039f32d9880292
18:00.04*** join/#debian format_c (~format_c@unaffiliated/format-c/x-8927423)
18:00.21dpkgDebian Long Term Support (LTS) is a project to extend the lifetime of all Debian stable releases to (at least) 5 years.  Debian LTS is not handled by the Debian security team, but by a separate group of volunteers and companies.  Ask me about <jessie-lts> and see for more information.  #debian-lts on
18:00.45enowaldoannadane: See:
18:01.00rantor not.. seems like anything I put in my sources.list isn't working currently.. even with a single source "deb main contrib non-free" its hanging at 0% on that mirror
18:01.14keith4jelly: meaning run reportbug, and mail the output to that list?
18:01.19enowaldoannadane: I'd posted the bug numbers earlier.  They're similar but unrelated.
18:01.27annadaneanyway if you're primarily running buster right now i'd still try #debian-next i guess
18:01.27enowaldoannadane: ... not _directly_ related ,anyway.
18:01.44jellykeith4: that seems sane but I'd check out their instructions first.
18:01.57keith4will do. thanks
18:02.15jelly(or ask about the proper procedure in their channel)
18:02.25keith4ah, even better
18:02.38jelly(or even about the bug itself)
18:02.46jelly(but I did not tell you that)
18:02.51keith4... where is the channel?
18:03.16wrgreycat, it works
18:03.16keith4oh, probably on OFTC?
18:03.20jellyon OFTC. = = official debian irc network
18:03.26rantI'm able to connect to these mirrors in chromium yet its just hanging on apt install or apt update
18:03.43enowaldoannadane: Bugs: #767356 from 2014, different HW, similar symptoms.  Also #777457
18:03.45juddBug in xserver-xorg-core (open): «X.Org segfaults when starting on an Intel+Radeon laptop at glamor_set_screen_pixmap from within radeon_drv»; severity: important; opened: 2014-10-30; last modified: 2014-12-24.
18:04.01annadaneyes, right, i forgot about that. anyway, like i said try the other channel
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18:05.03enowaldoannadane: #debian-next requires an invite.
18:05.09annadaneother network.
18:05.13enowaldoannadane: OK.
18:05.14greycatno, it requires taht you be on the right network
18:05.17phazonrbanffy: if gnome-terminal supports it than other libvte -based terminal emulators should (theoretically) be able to as well
18:05.21enowaldogreycat: Details, details.
18:05.21*** part/#debian PaddyF (
18:05.33annadaneyou'd said initially this was a jssie -> stretch update, then only recently you said you're running testing
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18:05.38annadanetesting -> #debian-next,
18:05.57enowaldoannadane: I've been trying to figure out where I'm at, so apologies for that.
18:06.01greycatAll the debian channels are on OFTC, except this one and a few of the other non-English general ones.
18:06.05jellyannadane: but buster -> also here
18:06.06jmcnaughtannadane: i think they're ignoring me, but I think they did a jessie-stretch upgrade with testing in the repos, so they have a mix of jessie, stretch, and buster
18:06.10jellyhow that?!?!
18:06.22annadaneyeah, we're aware it's a spaghetti mess
18:06.25enowaldogreycat: Right.  I remember when Freenode was the official, still generally prefer it.
18:06.28*** join/#debian Texou (~Texou@unaffiliated/texou)
18:06.41phazonrbanffy: try 'apt rdepends libvte-2.91-0' or 'apt rdepends libvte9'
18:06.44greycat!oftc move moved to OFTC on June 4th 2006, see  Operators and bots (see <fact sharing>) will remain on both networks for the foreseeable future; you're welcome to either move to OFTC with i.d.o or stay on freenode.  Questions?  Ask in #debian on one or other network.  See also
18:06.58annadanefine, fine. buster = also here i *guess*
18:07.29annadaneit's an unwritten rule, though.
18:07.47*** join/#debian JohnML (
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18:07.54greycatThis channel pushes testing/unstable questions away vehemently except during a freeze.
18:08.05greycatSince we're in a freeze now, buster questions are becoming acceptable.
18:08.19*** part/#debian wr (~wr@gateway/tor-sasl/wr)
18:08.28jellybut testing/unstable mix questions probably less so
18:08.37annadaneno, i do understand the distinction, i'd just still have thought it's better to ask questions over there but i do stand corrected
18:09.17annadaneit's kind of hard to reason with the question asker if we keep saying "it's a frankendebian" and keep getting brushed off
18:09.26annadaneself righteousness makes it difficult to give support
18:09.34*** join/#debian Sepultura (~quassel@unaffiliated/sepultura)
18:09.38greycatthen you /ignore them and wait for the next person
18:11.01rantI am unable to connect to ANY official mirrors, I've tried,,, all hang at connecting 0%, yet the leap (bitmask), skype, google (earth, chrome) mirrors all work, and I can get to the official mirrors in chromium just fine
18:11.44rantthis happened first with apt install then also with apt update. and apt-get as well
18:11.49kska little bit of strace maybe..?
18:11.58*** join/#debian thatpythonguy (
18:12.10ksksounds like you did something to your apt.config though.
18:12.11jellyrant: do any of those resolve to some ip addresses?
18:12.21dpkgIn order to troubleshoot your problem with apt-get, apt or aptitude we need ALL OF THE FOLLOWING information: 1. complete output of your apt-get/apt/aptitude run (including the command used) 2. output from "apt-cache policy pkg1 pkg2..." for ALL packages mentioned ANYWHERE in the problem, and 3. "apt-cache policy".  Use to provide us with this information.  Also ask me about <localized errors>.
18:13.31rantits just repeating this over and over in strace
18:13.35jellyand are those addresses dotted ipv4 or coloned ipv6, and can you ping any?
18:13.38*** join/#debian DammitJim (~DammitJim@
18:13.51rantits resolving to ipv6
18:14.12kskare you v6 connected? :)
18:14.16rantpings are not coming back
18:14.17jellyand does this system, in fact, have ipv6 connectivity?
18:15.10jellyrant: can you ping6 ?
18:15.10rantwould certainly appear so
18:15.38rantthat seems to be not getting a response either
18:15.52jellya configured address means little if your packets are not going anywhere
18:16.08kskfix your (v6) network setup then I suppose..
18:16.21jellycycle your wifi and see what happens?
18:16.39*** join/#debian han-solo (~han-solo@
18:17.10jellyand look at "ip -6 r" and "ip r" in addition to "ip a" to see where the packets are supposed to go
18:17.25rantbah.. f'n xfinity! :P
18:17.37jellysuuuure, blame comcast
18:17.44rantwhen I reconnected to the gateway, it worked for a few seconds then quit
18:18.01rantI was getting ipv6 ping replies from google then it just stopped
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18:18.55rantif anything is dropping my ipv6 traffic it'd be them.. :D
18:19.25rantI dont have any sort of software to interfere.. its gotta be their damn network or gateway
18:20.39jellyat least they tried to give you ipv6.  Mine does not even try
18:20.41*** join/#debian flokuehn (
18:20.57rantpersonally I'm inclined to set the kernel param to disable ipv6 its nothing but a headache
18:21.07dpkgFrom Debian 6.0 "Squeeze" onwards, <IPv6> is built into the Linux kernel (excluding the loongson-2f flavour).  To disable IPv6, add the kernel command line option ipv6.disable=1 to your bootloader.
18:21.25rantyeah well there is a sysctl interface or something iirc
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18:23.07rantI'm gonna call them.. cause I been getting bitched at since this new gateway was installed that connections been flaky and its probably all this same ipv6 issue
18:23.19rantthis is just the first I personally ran into it
18:25.46rantanother curiousity I have ... I just went ot go unplug all the cables from this laptop to go away from my desk.. and the damn VGA cable always seems to be screwed in yet I dont screw it in.. I just press it in.. anyone ever seen that kinda thing happen? heh
18:25.54rantseems like it screws itself in
18:26.28rantI have never screwed in a connector before on a computer.. I see no need to have it securely fastened.. I dont use my computers inside tornadoes..
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18:28.12rantI may just remove the damn screws from the cable.. its annoying :D
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18:32.17SPFsometimes my debian system is not reachable for around 5 minutes. When I finally login, the time on the machine is 5 minutes behind. I don't see anything suspicious in dmesg
18:33.19kskSPF: is it a virtual machine, or on real hardware?
18:33.24SPFreal hardware
18:37.35*** join/#debian elm_ (
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18:37.49elm_where can I get the debian non-free cd?
18:38.10elm_I have a problem accessing my network via lan
18:38.47greycat!firmware images
18:38.47dpkgUnofficial <netinst> and DVD installer images containing non-free Debian firmware packages are available for installing Debian 9 "Stretch". See and ask me about <install guide>.
18:40.01elm_I have an RTL8111/8168/8411 gigabit ethernet
18:40.18elm_it recognizes my ethernet plug and I can configure it with an IP
18:40.25elm_but I get no network access
18:40.41elm_I have already swapped plugs with this computer but no result
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18:41.45elm_why does the ethernet controller not work on that computer?
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18:47.29haclustererhello everyone!
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18:48.20jawa78Ok running debian 9 did apt-get install mysql-server it installed the server I can make users but my php i cant connect php apps to a database nore can i connect mysql workbench either  i get connection denied and no I am not running as root but did tried that when i had problems and started trouble shooting and got the same issue
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18:49.32haclustererhow did you make users? via cli
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18:52.06jellyjawa78: mysql server has a listener only on localhost IP address by default, you'd have to work around that by using ssh LocalForward if you want to connect to it from remote.  If you want to connect with a php app running on the same machine, using "localhost" as the mysql server ought to work
18:52.37haclustererI'm an arch linux user who has recently decided to learn some more about linux, servers and clustering. For that I am using debian
18:52.47jawa78I know that but it not connecting to local host but net stat shows  running
18:53.03annadanehaclusterer, adduser
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18:53.53jawa78jelly: I yeah can get in via the cli but even workbench sshed into the server trying to reach local host is saying connection denied
18:54.26jellyjawa78: where are you running mysql workbench?
18:54.35jellyon the server itself?
18:54.36haclusterernow I grow rather frustrated with the fact that seemingly every cool feature I would like to test is not yet in the **version** of the service that is available through the regular package manager.. is it common practice to use 3rd party repositories?
18:55.03jellyhaclusterer: it depends.
18:55.05*** join/#debian tempnick1 (~tempnick3@
18:56.14jellydebian is a good stable platform, but software versions get 3+ years old near the end of the cycle
18:56.23greycatand that's a problem?
18:56.28*** join/#debian teclo- (42@unaffiliated/teclo)
18:56.31jawa78jelly on a windows machine
18:57.03haclustererjelly: on what? my intuition tells me not to include 3rd party repos
18:57.10jawa78I think it somehow mysql is broken i must of not installed something
18:57.12jellyjawa78: do you know how to set up ssh LocalForward from port 3306 on windows machine to localhost:3306 on the remote linux system?
18:57.33*** join/#debian Greyztar (~irc@gateway/tor-sasl/greyztar)
18:57.38jellyputty can do that.
18:57.51jawa78Yes that is what I amm doing with work bench .  My setttings evne look right in webmin
18:58.00elm_how can I activate insecure repositories via apt??
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18:58.17elm_I have no network connection to install from and need to compile the kernel
18:58.24haclustererjelly: could you elaborate on "the cycle" isn't debian 9 about 1 years old... (lmgt)
18:58.34dpkgStretch is the codename for the current <stable> release, Debian 9, released 2017-06-17. "Stretch" is the rubber octopus in Toy Story 3, see . Ask me about <install stretch>, <release notes>, <jessie->stretch>.
18:58.41greycatclose to 2 years now
18:58.43elm_for debian testing apt-get update refuses to work at me with the bd
18:58.45jelly!stretch freeze
18:58.45dpkgStretch is frozen as of 2017-02-05; see or <freeze>, <slushy>.
18:58.56greycat(or more than 2 years if you count since the freeze)
18:59.06jellyhaclusterer: versions of most software in current release predate 2017-02-05;
18:59.30*** join/#debian Iarfen (~quassel@
18:59.59Iarfenit's possible to run iOS inside a VM using Debian?
19:00.20jellyhaclusterer: for some bits, maintainers create builds of newer versions that with work current stable.  These are called backports.
19:00.23dpkgA backport is a package from a newer Debian branch, compiled from source for an older branch to avoid dependency and <ABI> complications. (2.7.4 and 2.7.10), .  Ask me about <debian-backports> and <backport caveat>.  See also <simple sid backport>.
19:00.41*** join/#debian tempnick2 (~tempnick3@
19:01.10jawa78Iarfen: yes it called GNS3
19:01.21jawa78wait never mind you mean apples idiot os
19:01.24jellyhaclusterer: for other pieces of software, there are 1st party repos from upstream authors. and have packages that are patched for security issues regularly.
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19:01.34haclustererjelly: ah that's what a backport is! I was wondering :)
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19:02.13jellyhaclusterer: 1st and 3rd party repos can vary in quality, freedom and adherence to Debian's packaging policy.
19:02.47jellybut some software moves so fast debian has no chance to package and maintain the same version for 3 years.
19:03.19jellyeg. for docker people seem to use packages, even if they're known to have some issues
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19:03.39haclustereris it advised to use 1st party in regards to security patches?
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19:04.29haclustererthat has already been very informative, thanks!
19:04.56jellydepends on the party.  My own rule of thumb is roughly "stray from repos for chosen specific release only if you have to"
19:05.41haclustereraka is sufficient in most cases
19:06.33jellyit's definitely sufficient for most components, and sometimes, maybe even often, for all the components.
19:06.38greycatMany people who choose Debian do so *because* it is stable, where "stable" means "unchanging".  We don't WANT version grind and the pain of updating and adjusting and tweaking everything every month.
19:06.50*** join/#debian pagetelegram (~pageteleg@
19:07.30jellybut it's also a great platform to put only a few select pieces newer than what debian offers, and use the rest of the OS as-is.
19:07.56haclusterercool. I was wondering because I am trying to install nextcloud 16 which requires php7.1; debian supports php7.0, what do you suggest? nextcloud15 or some repository?
19:08.04jellythat usually means you have to take care of security, packaging and integration of those pieces yourself
19:08.14Eryn_1983_FLhey guys
19:08.23haclusterergreycat: this is totally understandable and comes with obvious benefits!
19:08.27annadaneEryn_1983_FL, hi, we see you. if you have a question, just ask it :)
19:08.40Eryn_1983_FLoh im trying to search my log for the answer..
19:08.45Eryn_1983_FLof weechat
19:08.49jellyhaclusterer: there are some options for php7.3 and 7.2 on stretch.
19:08.52Eryn_1983_FLso i was just testing
19:08.53dpkgShort instructions for sury's php deb builds can be found at
19:09.16annadanewhat debian needs... is slackbuilds.
19:09.17elm_it is uprageous: I have downloaded the BD and now I can not install from BD: there is no Release.gpg on the BD and apt-get keeps complaining about it no matter what options I seem to pass; is there any way to overcome this problem?
19:09.34jellyhaclusterer: these packages are done by one of debian and ubuntu php maintainers, but not by the whole team and may be occasionally broken a bit
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19:09.44elm_it says: depot not signed
19:10.13jellyhaclusterer: alternatively, installing "buster" (to become Debian 10 hopefully in a couple months) might be an option
19:10.24haclusterer> occasionally broken
19:10.36Eryn_1983_FLim trying to figure out what i turned off in mozilla to get my addons working, so i can turn it back on so i know if the fix is working right..
19:10.49annadanexpinstall.signatures.required probably
19:10.49daxEryn_1983_FL: was it in about:config?
19:10.54dax^ if so that
19:11.10jellyhaclusterer: it's php.  The language where upstream breaks semantics from x.y.z to x.y.z+1 patch release.
19:11.37annadanealternatively use a virtual machine or something
19:11.40jellya single debian maintainer might miss such an occurence.
19:11.43Eryn_1983_FLyeah de-facto
19:11.52annadane(for php, not firefox)
19:12.28jellysupposedly their ship is run a little bit more tightly now than in 5.x days.
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19:13.38jellybuster is in feature and version freeze right now, but does not have security team support yet.
19:13.58haclustererin a couple of months buster should be released, right? using 1st and 3rd party packages for this period cannot be to bad... wrong?
19:14.01*** join/#debian Tenkawa (~Tenkawa@unaffiliated/tenkawa)
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19:14.18jellyit will be released as debian 10 when the number of ugly bugs drops to zero
19:14.20jelly!c bugs
19:14.22jelly!rc bugs
19:14.27*** join/#debian Nevermin_ (
19:14.28jellydpkg: boo
19:14.29dpkgdies from a heart attack thanks to jelly
19:14.32jelly!rc bugs
19:14.32dpkgRelease-Critical bugs are Debian bugs with critical, grave or serious severities, preventing the next release of Debian.  See the graph at or the lists at  .  See also <rc-alert>.
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19:15.47jellyhaclusterer: if you choose to go with debian 9 + some extras now, you might have to remove those extras temporarily when buster is out and you want to do an in-place release upgrade
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19:16.29jellyI do not know how well sury's packages behave on release upgrades.
19:16.46annadanegreat, you killed dpkg.
19:16.52annadaneyou got some 'splaining to do.
19:17.34*** join/#debian Sabotend_ (~Sabotende@unaffiliated/sabotender)
19:17.48jellyThe previous well know 3rd party php builds, I forget the name, where frankly horrible.
19:18.30jellythey were so bad I could not describe them without at least two typos per liiine
19:19.06haclustereri guess I'll find out
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19:19.32haclustererjelly & greycat: thank you both, gotta go
19:20.51dpkg is an unofficial package repository with emphasis on the <LAMP> solution stack, unsupported in #debian.  To get support, read and report any issues to .  Ask me about <dotdeb alternatives>.
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19:20.59jelly^ avoid :-)
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19:26.48rantping: Address family for hostname not supported  anyone have a clue about this? I can ping6 but can't ping6 any LAN addresses
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19:27.29jellyyou can't ping6 a ...
19:27.42rantah right.. heh
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19:29.41ranthmm.. its not showing any ipv6 addresses here.. only local link ipv6 addresses :-/
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19:33.56jhutchins_wkrant: So likely your DHCP server isn't handing out v6 addresses, or you've configured somethng that turned them off.
19:35.03rantno, I have them, I can see them in "ip a" its just not showing them on connected devices in the router's config
19:35.56rantwhats happening here is I can ping6 and get about 10 replies give or take each time I connect to the router, but then after that it stops working.. can't do anything over ipv6
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19:39.01jhutchins_wkGood network hardware is worth the investment.
19:40.09rantyeah well, this is the latest and the greates from the ISP that just came 2 days ago
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19:46.13jhutchins_wkThe only equipment more likely to fail than really old hardware is really new hardware.
19:49.36enowaldoOK, sorted my X issue.  As root:  Xorg -configure; cp /root/ /etc/X11/xorg.conf
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19:50.47enowaldojmcnaught: ^^
19:51.30jhutchins_wkrant: Well, if the ISP is providing the router, which is supposed to be providing DHCP6 and is supposed to route it, I would definitely talk to the ISP about it.  What you describe is not a known behavior of Debian 9.
19:52.26jhutchins_wk(In fact, it sounds a lot like a badly configured ipv6-over-ipv4 implementation.)
19:52.36rantyes. I did talk to them about it, they're clueless and as usual we're back to on the verge of cancelling the service
19:53.43extorwonders if the current debian installs are truely multilib since finding out that another distro does not work with android studio because it was not multilib/multiarch and only available in pure 64 bit or pure 32 bit ¯_(ツ)_/¯
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19:57.51Tenkawayay at least Nvidia fixed the kernel compile issue and released a driver that will compile cleanly without any mods
19:58.00Tenkawabut it still debug spams
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20:00.43jhutchins_wkTenkawa: So reconfigure it and recompile.
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20:01.24Tenkawajhutchins_wk: cant find the source of the message
20:01.41TenkawaI think its in the proprietary bits
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20:03.06TenkawaI haven't seen any "other" side effects so far
20:03.14Tenkawajust annoying
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20:06.13annadanei'd installed i3 earlier and now its notification style supercedes xfce's even while in xfce, how to change back?
20:09.12jhutchins_wkannadane: It would be fairly obvious to either uninstall i3 or reinstall xfce.
20:09.43jhutchins_wkThey probably share something like a QT style configuration and it got overwritten.
20:09.46Tenkawacheck window manager and window manager tweaks too
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20:09.55annadaneoh good poin
20:09.58Tenkawaxfce used that
20:10.17enowaldoannadane: solution ^^
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20:10.24annadaneyes i saw
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20:13.15Tenkawacheers.. bbll
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20:15.59wald0what is the "messagebus" group for in /etc/groups? or where i can read about each of them
20:20.43jmcnaughtwald0: /usr/share/doc/base-passwd/users-and-groups.txt.gz
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20:21.41wald0ha! perfect! :)
20:23.23elm_how to find out what package I need for my wifi network?
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20:23.45elm_it wanted to install that on install time but now I do not know about the right package
20:23.58elm_I can not simply install all the firmware packages
20:23.59greycattypically you begin by identifying the wireless interface hardware, using lspci -nn or some equivalent if it's a USB device instead of PCI
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20:24.13elm_it is an intel cannon interface
20:24.21greycatwhat does lspci -nn say about it?
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20:25.10elm_Cannon Point-LP CNVi
20:25.38greycatThe most important part is the PCI ID that is revealed by the -nn option.
20:25.58greycatif it's really Intel, it'll likely begin with 8086:
20:26.05greycatthat's Intel's little inside joke
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20:26.44dpkgThe PCI ID helps us work out how to support your PCI hardware.  It looks like [abcd:1234] in the output of "lspci -nn".  Ask the bot "judd" to match the PCI ID of the device, e.g. "/msg judd pciid 8086:284b".  Some hardware uses alternate means of detection: beware of some false positives+negatives.  See also <judd-hardware>, <local pciid>.  To find out what currently installed kernel modules your hardware is using, run "lspci -k".
20:27.07greycatI've not been impressed by judd's pciid database results lately
20:27.44wald0i have a user in a server which the /etc/passwd has the login set to /bin/false, is this enough to avoid any security issue? (the ssh access is shared between different people, but they cant login  because of that)
20:28.25kskwald0: that should prevent anyone logging in as that user
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20:28.35karlpincelm_: The other trick is to install with the unoffical non-free installer, which is non-free because it includes non-free firmware.  That way having the firmware to operate your hardware "just happens".
20:28.43greycat says "Stretch was released June 2017. Your wifi card was released Q2 2017."
20:28.56wald0yeah, my question is: since they have the ssh key for that user, is this a security issue?
20:29.23wald0or, they can "run" anything because of that key? (even if the login is set to /bin/false)
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20:29.47kskwald0: they will not be able to login. they might authenticate successfully, but no further.
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20:30.19greycatYou can try doing your own google searches for your PCI ID (8086:9df0) + "Debian" to see if you find anything more helpful.  But if this machine is really post-early-2017 then you might not be able to run stretch on it very well.
20:30.22kskif you have not setup anything (pam, maybe?) which triggers stuff on successfull ssh authentication you should be fine.
20:30.26elm_karlpinc: how does that work?
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20:31.05wald0so i can run different things on a server with something like: "ssh server /bin/zsh", but i cannot do that with this conf set
20:31.18karlpincelm_: You use a speical installer when installing debian.
20:31.30wald0no ssh, no ftp I assume, mmh.. ok
20:31.30karlpinc!tell elm_  about firmware images
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20:31.32greycatwald0: if you want an interactive shell like that, use ssh -t
20:31.57karlpincksk: What about command= in authorized_keys?
20:32.06kskwald0: yeah, if you had like ftp running, authed via pam/passwd, and set /bin/false to be a valid shell, that could happen
20:32.29kskkarlpinc: not sure what happens if that user has no shell.
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20:33.49FunkyBobgah... can't seen to persuade Chrome or Firefox they are NOT my default browser :/
20:34.00karlpincwald0: Maybe the right way is to use passwd with --expiredate 1.  Then when you want to re-enable you can unexpire.
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20:34.04FunkyBobany tips?  $BROWSER shows the right value
20:34.28karlpincwald0: Er, not passwd, usermod
20:34.28kskFunkyBob: that is a shell thingy, not desktop related (BROWSER)
20:34.43FunkyBobksk: yeah, well, I can't seem to find where in lxqt to fix it
20:34.46kskFunkyBob: xdg-something iirc ;) Im not a desktop guy..
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20:36.43FunkyBoblet's see if update-alternatives --config x-www-browser  does the job
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20:38.49jhutchins_wkwald0: That superficially stops them from loging in to a shell, but it's really easy to get around if they know what they're doing.
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20:39.08kskjhutchins_wk: could you give one example? :D
20:39.48jhutchins_wkksk: What happens when you put a command in your ssh command?
20:40.18jhutchins_wkksk: IE ssh foo@bar -e /bin/bash
20:40.31greycatagain, if you want an INTERACTIVE shell doing this, use ssh -t
20:40.33jhutchins_wk(I think it's -e)
20:40.35greycatotherwise it will fail
20:41.16elm_do I need to reboot in order to activate the firmware?
20:41.18jhutchins_wkgreycat: Yes, it will fail, and I will go read the man page like I should have before I posted.
20:41.32greycatelm_: I would.
20:41.43jhutchins_wkI can never remember which ones are -c, -e,-t, or just the command.
20:41.44elm_I have installed iwlwifi-all firmware but ip link show does not  show it
20:41.49elm_greycat: ok
20:42.02greycatssh -t means allocate a pseudoterminal, which allows interactive commands to work
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20:42.16greycatyou need that for anything that expects a terminal, like an interactive shell
20:42.27greycatif you DON'T specify a command, -t is the default
20:42.32greycatif you DO specify a command, it's not
20:42.38jhutchins_wkwald0: If you really need to lock it down there are some good docs available, and/or you might want to specify users or groups to allow.
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20:42.56kskjhutchins_wk: -e? "Sets the escape character" eh?
20:43.22jhutchins_wkksk: It's not the one for ssh.  There's some protocol where it's "execute".
20:43.24kskjhutchins_wk: did you want to refer to "-s" (shell)? It does not lead to a login.
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20:43.51karlpincjhutchins_wk: Anything wrong with: usermod --expiredate 1 someuser?
20:44.05jhutchins_wkIt's been five years since I last locked a server down to sftp only, details are foggy.
20:44.26karlpincjhutchins_wk: Oh, sftp only.
20:44.49jhutchins_wkkarlpinc: It serves as a good example of how to lock a user down to something specific.
20:45.16kskI cannot make a user with shell set to "/bin/false" make anything over here - would be glad if you enlightend me ;)
20:45.31jhutchins_wkThere are some good docs on line, which tends to allow me to work from vague memories.
20:46.03karlpincjhutchins_wk: To do something specific I always use command= in authorized_keys.  Then they're pretty much stuck if they use that key.
20:46.35greycatksk: ssh always runs every command using the user account's shell.  Period.
20:46.57kskokay, thanks greycat.
20:47.06xparanoikgetting a kernel recursive fault on debian 8.11 i386/32bit running on and AMD k6-2 machine, any tips on how to figure out the root cause? looks like I get messages related to the BIOS version
20:47.42greycatI don't know whether a K6-2 is supported under jessie... you'd better look it uo.
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20:48.19xparanoikyesterday someone here linked me to an email on the list, looks like Jessie is the last release to support i386 and AMD K6-2 should be fine
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20:48.50greycateven jessie doesn't support an actual 80386, if that's what you meant by i386
20:50.05beardyIt was many releases ago that 80486 was required.
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20:50.36xparanoik"The older processors will continue to be supported in jessie until at least 2018, and until 2020 if i386 is included in jessie LTS."
20:50.39greycatjessie dropped support for 80486 as noted in
20:51.15elm_trying to compile the kernel it complains that there is no rule to create certs/debian-uefi-certs.pem
20:51.17greycatxparanoik: all right, that's a good sign then.  Should be supported.
20:51.24elm_how to disable signing for the kernel?
20:51.41xparanoikI got it to install fine, just got the kernel recursive fault when running apt-get install memtester
20:51.54greycatelm_: if you're dealing with Secure Boot in ANY WAY whatsoever, skip stretch and go straight for buster.  And pray.
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20:54.00xparanoikbeardy: "However, Debian GNU/Linux jessie will not run on 486 or earlier processors. Despite the architecture name "i386", support for actual 80386 and 80486 processors (and their clones) was dropped with the Sarge (r3.1) and Squeeze (r6.0) releases of Debian, respectively."
20:54.11xparanoikso this must be it then... :(
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20:54.44beardyxparanoik: Yep.
20:54.57greycatxparanoik: you could ask on debian-user.  Some of the kernel guys read that sometimes....
20:55.14elm_greycat: I have buster
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20:55.30xparanoikthanks greycat, i might try that.
20:56.25xparanoikthe 0 in 80386 is the processor stepping i assume?
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20:56.41greycat80386 is just the model number
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20:57.27greycatstarting with 80586 they started giving their CPUs *names* as well, because they weren't allowed to trademark a number
20:57.48xparanoikgot it, so the k6-2 is a 80386 then
20:58.01greycatno, K6-2 is from a whole different company, AMD instead of Intel
20:58.29xparanoikim 100% ignorant on this, sorry.
20:59.00greycatafter Intel released the "Pentium" (80586) AMD released their "K5" alternative CPU.  I believe the K stood for "Kryptonite", because they wanted to strike down Intel (Superman) with it.
21:00.06xparanoikso architecture wise the k6-2 is equivalent to an intel 80386?
21:00.17greycatIt's WAY newer than the 80386.
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21:00.36greycatthe K6-2 is contemporary with the Pentium II (80686) but the actual instruction sets are not identical.
21:01.30hypn0as quick as a pi3 :-)
21:01.48xparanoiki think my pi 3 is a tad bit faster honestly
21:01.55greycatA pi is probably faster.  The k6-2 is from 1998.
21:02.21xparanoikgreycat so kernel wise the k6-2 requires i386
21:02.37greycatIt uses the i386 *architecture* yes.
21:02.42xparanoikgot it
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21:03.02xparanoiksadly this box came with Windows XP so I was hoping i'd haven no issues with debian i386
21:03.08greycatThe amd64 architecture came quite a bit later.
21:03.21xparanoikhave no*
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21:07.46xparanoiknot sure what to do with this box now, definitely don't want to install XP on it again
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21:08.28greycatmaybe try installing a wheezy kernel package, but I'd certainly ask debian-user to see if anyone knows it specifically
21:09.01xparanoikwill do
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21:13.28bigMouthCommiei followed the wiki page called suspend, but my lid switch still suspends
21:13.48bigMouthCommiehow do i keep the usb keyboard useful while lid is closed?
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21:14.58jmcnaughtbigMouthCommie: what specifically did you do?
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21:16.51bigMouthCommieecho "HandleLidSwitch=ignore" >> /etc/systemd/logind.conf
21:17.19bigMouthCommiei mean i edited the file and searched for the (default commented) line and uncommented it and set the value
21:17.24jmcnaughtand you restarted systemd-logind.service?
21:17.33bigMouthCommiefull system restart
21:17.39jmcnaughtwhich DE are you using?
21:18.12bigMouthCommiei see on the suspend page there is an option to prevent the system from EVER suspending.
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21:18.24bigMouthCommiesudo systemctl mask
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21:18.36jmcnaughtdoes it have any suspend on lid closed options? making the change in logind.conf is all that I had to do to stop the lid closing from suspending in GNOME
21:19.14bigMouthCommiei'll try that line
21:19.19jmcnaughtdo you have more than one display?
21:19.47bigMouthCommieits for a blind user
21:20.52jmcnaughtlogind.conf(5) says "If the system is inserted in a docking station, or if more than one display is connected, the action specified by HandleLidSwitchDocked= occurs; otherwise the HandleLidSwitch=action occurs."
21:20.54bigMouthCommiei tried that line. it didnt do the thing
21:21.10bigMouthCommieso set them both to ignore?
21:21.25jmcnaughtmight as well, I would try that before masking etc.
21:23.06bigMouthCommieso i did the additional edit and restarted logind. still requires the user to navigate the suspend screen
21:23.41bigMouthCommieo no. i think i have to read pm-suspend man page
21:24.25bigMouthCommienevermind. i dont even have it
21:24.35jmcnaughtyeah systemd handles suspending now
21:25.10FunkyBobdid they fix their ill-advised use of the random source? :P
21:26.13jmcnaughtbigMouthCommie: what do you mean "navigate the suspend screen?" Is a dialogue coming up when the lid is closed?
21:26.29bigMouthCommiefixed it with xfce4-power-manager -c
21:26.47bigMouthCommieyea. it asks for login info. the session is just suspended
21:27.04bigMouthCommiebut like i said.
21:27.19bigMouthCommiethe fix is xfce4-power-manger -c, and fix it in the gui
21:28.01bigMouthCommiethe fix was on the redhat bugzilla:
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21:58.25xparanoikdoes anyone know of debian mirror that still supports wheezy?
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22:01.56EdePopedexparanoik: you could look at maybe works, never looked at it closer. hope you know what you're doing.
22:02.06enowaldoAnother xorg issue:  Thinkpad T520, middle mouse button isn't being correctly detected.
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22:10.31xparanoikEdePopede just installing debian on and old amd k6-2 box, for fun
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22:11.12ksk"for fun"
22:11.43kskk6(2, iirc) was my first personal computer I did not have to share btw :D
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22:12.24xparanoikyeah that was my first server where I learned debian on
22:13.19kskI was happy playing games on windows back then :(
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22:16.11EdePopedecouldn't even say for sure which was my first debian box. had slackware before and bought a new pc during that period. may have been a P-60. 16MB RAM iirc.
22:16.26enowaldoEdePopede: bo or hamm, here.
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22:17.37EdePopedehamm in my case. even bought it. a book shop with mostly medicine books but an increasing number of computer related stuff.
22:18.34EdePopedeunluckily they're gone now. another book shop used to have install parties from time to time. worked well as a mirror
22:19.53EdePopedelearning debian from the docs on the discs, maybe a book. no flatrate, so no irc, no web, no nothing. some usenet with short online periods.
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22:22.03xparanoikstill getting that kernel recursive fault tho :(
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22:22.35gvthIs it still the case that Intel CPUs are better supported by Linux than AMD ones?
22:23.39kskgvth: apart from very new CPUs I would think both AMD and Intel are kinda well supported.
22:25.30kskmight be debian kernels are too old for $bleeding-edge, not sure if debian backports (or upstream?) support for new cpus to old(er) kernels.
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22:42.00rbanffyHi folks. Besides Konsole and Gnome Terminal (and derived ones), do we know of any other terminal emulators that support overline escape sequence? So far, rxvt, xterm and pangoterm don't
22:42.55CyberManifest@rbanffy, does termite ?
22:43.15rbanffyDidn't try.
22:44.35rbanffyCyberManifest, Termite is VTE-based, so it should. I'm looking for other emulators that do.
22:44.55rbanffyIt'd be wonderful if xterm could, but its code is well beyond my understanding.
22:45.26kskCyberManifest: a highlight in irc is done via "$Nickname:" syntax btw, you might not catch people (including me for sure) using "@$nickname"
22:46.01CyberManifestksk, yeah thanks, old habits die hard
22:46.29CyberManifestksk, discord thing ;)
22:48.15kskso 2019 :D
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22:49.05ksk"$nick," is btw also not triggering a highlight
22:49.43CyberManifest@ksk:, then change your IRC client :D :P
22:50.10kskgvth: also, I assume you are thinking like "Should I buy an AMD right now" (you should!), so better ask us "Is CPU AMD X supported by debian Y" rather ;)
22:50.13CyberManifestcause "$nick," works for highlight triggering for me
22:50.46kskI can of course alter the highlight-pattern, but "$nick:" is the default (in irsi).
22:51.25CyberManifest"$nick:" AND "$nick," is default (in hexchat)
22:51.45kskwhich irc client is more ancient though? :D
22:52.14CyberManifestyou mean on the verge of extinction :P ?
22:52.56kskoh, yours is graphical? pff
22:54.18CyberManifestI've been out of touch what's the general Debian stance/consensus of actual Linux Kernel in Microsoft WSL  ?
22:55.51CyberManifestBTW ksk: does Telnet count in the Ancient category ?
22:56.24EdePopedeshouldn't it have been replaced by ssh?
22:56.38EdePopedeunless you build routers of course
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22:57.45CyberManifestEdePopede, that's part of the point
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22:59.38gvthksk: as I have read in the internet, AMDs CPUs don't seem to be as energy efficient as Intel ones which is undesirable especially on laptops
23:00.26kskthat might be, yes.
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23:01.49ksknot sure if linux related though, I would still try to keep it based on "amd generation X " or so if you google..
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23:02.10icariousHi. What will be the Default Desktop Environment for Buster? GNOME or XFCE?
23:05.58RoyKfvwm2 :D
23:05.58ksk"sug: gnome" -- So Id say looks like GNOME
23:06.01RoyKor twm
23:06.25icariousis a i3 user, just curious to test buster and was asking
23:06.37kskicarious: It would not really hurt if you installed debian, choose "base system" in installer, and type in "sudo apt-get instal xfce" after that ;)
23:07.00icariousksk: ya I know that can be done through tasksel. was just curious is all
23:07.08icarious:P not a n00b
23:07.19kskbut you asked that, so I could google it for you? :>
23:07.30EdePopedeor kde-standard
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23:07.42icariousksk: haha no. its ok. not a critical question, I see the "sug" tells it
23:07.52kskor xfce4, or wmaker (What is this? :D)
23:07.53icariousksk: google couldn't answer it. i don't ask without doing my bit
23:08.02icariousksk: The "DEFAULT" one
23:08.08icariousthe "King". The "Ruler" whatever xD
23:08.23icariousNo wait. "Official" :P
23:09.03kskyeah okay; as you see there is "desktop-base" which pulls in what you describe as "default DE".
23:09.25ksknot sure how that "or:" would work apt-wise though, never really run desktops.
23:09.37ksk(or made use of the or, as far as I can tell)
23:10.02icariousActually it came from a close friend of mine who wants to try Debian over CentOS. Myself I take the i3+dmenu route :P
23:10.48icariousIt seems like there will be a clash of "Stable" titans soon. Buster vs CentOS8 ..
23:11.12icariousDebian should have named this one "Debian-X"
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23:14.15CyberManifest@gvth, ARM?
23:16.51CyberManifestWhat ever became of Debra Lynn?
23:17.03CyberManifestthe part namesake of Debian?
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23:28.19Gabrielle_99Hey)) Wanna have fun with a horny girl? Check -->>
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23:47.00TerrellI want to ask some technical questions on a cell phone USB interface.  Does anyone know of an appropriate group.  Thanks
23:50.07CyberManifestTerrell, irc://
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23:53.11root________is 'deb jessie-updates main non-free' wrong?  I'm getting 404 errors when I try to apt update; and the repo looks...  'empty'?  Is anybody else having similar issues?  There's nothing in the /topic
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23:55.45dpkgjessie-updates was a suite providing updates to some packages (from <proposed-updates>) prior to a <point release>.  All packages from jessie-updates were included in point releases. .  Not to be confused with <jessie/updates> which is for <security> updates. jessie-updates has been unsupported since 2018-05-17.
23:57.00CyberManifestjmcnaught, with that being said does apt dist-upgrade still work?
23:57.13TerrellCyberManifest, thanks.
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23:57.57jmcnaughtCyberManifest: not sure what you mean
23:58.50CyberManifestjmcnaught, if "jessie-updates has been unsupported since 2018-05-17." can a user simply use apt dist-upgrade to bump to a higher debian that IS supported?

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