IRC log for #debian on 20190409

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00:27.15kevinnndoes anyone know if the "quiet" kernel line parameter was removed from debian buster?
00:27.33kevinnnit doesn't seem to make the system boot quietly like it did in stretch
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00:34.25tytanhello everyone. i want to write random data to several disks at once and then shutdown the computer after every pocess finished. my current solution is like this
00:34.27tytansu -c 'while [[ -d /proc/123 ]] || [[ -d /proc/134 ]]; do sleep 1; done; poweroff'
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00:34.33tytanbut is there a better way?
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00:36.33ryoumaif you have deleted or moved a conffile, will upgrading ask you whether to restore it?  i think maybe specifying force confmiss is unnecesasry for me as i am ok if it will ask in such (rare) cases.
00:37.10themillno, dpkg assumes that if you deleted a conffile you did that intentionally
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00:39.55ryoumathemill: interesting.  but if you /change/ a conffile, it asks.
00:40.28themillonly if there's a new version of that file in the package
00:40.54ryoumaright.  but it is different if tehre is a new version of your moved or deleted file?
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00:58.30themillryouma: dpkg doesn't prompt you for that - you want the whole file gone if you've deleted it. (this is another reason why conf.d/foo.conf snippets are so handy)
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01:07.18Neobenedictis there any reason to use LVM on a 10TB drive
01:07.24Neobenedictwhich will be mounted as one partition to /storage
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01:15.00SerajewelKSNeobenedict: i use LVM just about everywhere, except external storage
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01:15.38SerajewelKSLVM allows you to do useful things like move volumes between devices without downtime.  you may not expect to now but it might come in handy later.
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01:17.54SerajewelKSLVM is rarely about what it lets you do now, but about what it lets you do later
01:20.37SerajewelKSusing LVM but leaving 5-10% of the VG free will give you even more freedom
01:20.54Neobenedictcan someone tell me if this makes sense
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01:23.00SerajewelKSlooks fine to me as long as it's not an EFI system might be
01:23.57LopeLVM FTW
01:24.00Neobenedicter imma add swap space
01:24.10SerajewelKSi'd suggest using one VG for both volumes, but the installer doesn't have a way to specify which PVs to allocate extents from
01:24.28Lopebackup your partition layout info and raid and LVM superblocks. #justSaying.
01:25.34SerajewelKSyou can do it from the command line if you want.  then you can set the allocation policy to cling.
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01:26.09Neobenedicti really don't need swap space
01:26.12Neobenedictthis machine has 64gb ram
01:26.25Neobenedictand the main ssd is only 256gb
01:27.26Neobenedict<SerajewelKS> i'd suggest using one VG for both volumes, but the installer doesn't have a way to specify which PVs to allocate extents from
01:27.32Neobenedictso I can't do this until the system is installed?
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01:41.24SerajewelKSNeobenedict: you can but you have to use the command-line to do it
01:41.36SerajewelKSe.g. you can do it from the installer CD but not using the installer's GUI
01:41.55SerajewelKSthe GUI doesn't let you specify which PV to allocate from, nor the VG allocation policy
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01:42.43SerajewelKSso you can set up the partitions and flag the LVM PVs, then go to the command line, set up the LVs, go back to the GUI and force it to reload the partition list, then set up the stuff inside of the LVs using the GUI
01:42.55SerajewelKSmay be more trouble than it's worth
01:43.05Neobenedicti'm going with this
01:43.06Neobenedicti think
01:43.08Neobenedictcan always change it later
01:43.45Neobenedictalso if I understand it correctly
01:43.54NeobenedictI can shrink later my /storage1 lvm
01:44.01Neobenedictand make a backup storage for the main filesystem
01:44.33SerajewelKSmy other recommendation would be to leave 5-10% of the VG as free space
01:44.46SerajewelKSand yes you can shrink volumes, but not without unmounting them
01:44.52Neobenedictah they have to be unmounted
01:45.02SerajewelKSright.  you can grow online but not shrink.
01:45.14Neobenedictwell, I just went forward in the installer
01:45.16SerajewelKSas long as the stuff that uses /storage1 can be stopped then it's fine
01:45.22Neobenedictfirst thing I'll do is unmount that and shrink it
01:46.07SerajewelKSleaving free space lets you use LVM snapshots
01:46.14SerajewelKSas well as allocate temporary volumes for whatever reason
01:47.25SerajewelKSLVM snapshots are an important part of a backup system, to ensure that you get a point-in-time view of the filesystem while backing up
01:48.15Neobenedictalright, is there a gui tool to shrink partitions lol
01:48.17Neobenedictor a guide
01:48.23Neobenedictthis seems easy to mess up
01:48.28epsilonif you are new to LVM and strugglled in the installer, just setup one crypt & LVM on sda and install the base system. you can add 100TB anytime later with or without LVM
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01:48.50NeobenedictI'm waiting to hear that i'm fucked because i didn't boot the installer in EFI mode
01:48.51SerajewelKSlvresize can automatically resize contained extN filesystems
01:49.26SerajewelKSthe mode you use is up to you.  if you installed in BIOS mode then your system will boot from BIOS mode just file.
01:49.42SerajewelKSif you installed in EFI mode then the system is going to complain when grub tries to install and you have no EFI system partition :)
01:49.56Neobenedictwell the partitions are all made aren't they
01:50.15Neobenedictwould just need to shrink /boot
01:50.19SerajewelKSyep.  so just forge ahead and if the system is running in BIOS mode then you're fine.  if you're running in EFI mode then you'll probably get an error at the end.
01:50.30epsilonNeobenedict: if unsure about EFI partitioning (actually one extra partition at the beginning of sda), run automatic partitioning to see what's recommended. You can still modify it
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01:50.36Neobenedicthalp pls
01:50.45SerajewelKSepsilon: he didn't struggle in the installer, i just had some suggestions that require using the CLI instead of the GUI and that's a bit much at this phase
01:51.00Neobenedictdoes continue fuck up my install
01:51.02Neobenedictor do i need to "go back"
01:51.13SerajewelKSNeobenedict: hit ALT+F4 to get to VT 4 then show us that output
01:51.18Neobenedict>alt f4
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01:51.33Neobenedictmy kvm crashed
01:51.49SerajewelKSi always forget that's a window shortcut my bad
01:51.55SerajewelKSthat is how you switch VTs, I promise :)
01:51.55Neobenedictnow I will have to probably reinstall
01:52.05SerajewelKSi didn't notice it was a VM
01:52.13SerajewelKSmy guess is that the VM didn't have internet access
01:52.21Neobenedictwhat a great fucking shortcut
01:52.29SerajewelKSmaybe the installer should use VT 3 or VT 5 instead
01:52.35SerajewelKSfor the log i mean
01:52.45SerajewelKSthe way you switch VTs on linux is ALT+Fn where n is the VT number
01:53.16SerajewelKSin X you have to add CTRL but this also works on the console so maybe CTRL+ALT+F4 will work
01:53.29epsilonthe whole install is inside KVM?
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01:53.47Neobenedictthis is kvm over ip
01:53.54Neobenedictit's a physical system
01:54.13epsilonah ok, not kernel VM thingy :)
01:54.23Neobenedictanyway "mirror does not support specified release"
01:54.25SerajewelKSgotta love ambiguous terms
01:54.28Neobenedictand alt+f1 to go back?
01:54.42SerajewelKSthat's really odd.  maybe try a different mirror...
01:54.47SerajewelKSthat one could be borked at the moment
01:55.00Neobenedictwell alt+f1 isn't doing anything
01:55.28SerajewelKSadd ctrl?
01:56.00Neobenedictnvm shift key was sticky
01:56.05Neobenedictok so do I press "go back" or "continue"
01:56.07Neobenedictto change the mirror
01:56.14SerajewelKSyeah i was gonna say, my money would be on kvm doing something because it should work
01:56.17SerajewelKSgo back
01:57.31Neobenedictinstalling debian is always a mountain to climb
01:58.03epsilongo back and select another mirror in server's neighborhood
01:58.09Neobenedictnow it's stuck scanning
01:58.28Neobenedictsame error
01:58.30epsilondoes it have network?
01:58.50SerajewelKSFWIW i rarely have install issues with debian :X
01:58.54epsilonyou should have been asked for internet/network setting before partitioning
01:58.57Neobenedictit HAS network
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01:59.04SerajewelKSbut i've also done it *a lot* (i manage dozens of servers at work)
01:59.12Neobenedictdoesn't mean it didn't take a dump in the last half an hour
01:59.25SerajewelKScan switch to VT2 and try curling/pinging stuff
01:59.27jmabsdAny more thoughts about how to make Debian BIOS-MBR-install, let me kow.
01:59.47NeobenedictDNS might be fucked
02:00.01Neobenedictno entire network is down
02:00.22epsilonmaybe missing DNS or default gateway...
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02:00.44Neobenedictit was working.
02:01.37epsilonyou can abort the current installation step and jump back to network setup
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02:02.44epsilonjust abort the current step and you get a menu where all installation steps are listed, you can jump to any step you want
02:04.01nvzjust dropped this cappy phone tryin to get it outta my pocket
02:04.27nvzoops wrong channel
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02:08.13Neobenedictokay wtf
02:08.43Neobenedicthow do I always get the most bizarre errors when installing debian
02:09.16Neobenedictwhatever, changing mirror fixed it
02:09.26Neobenedicti think my 10G nic doesn't work without the correct drivers
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02:16.25Neobenedictwell the new system just gets stuck
02:16.30Neobenedictafter grub
02:17.03Neobenedictdo I need to decrypt before entering linux from grub?
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02:18.06nvzdecrypt a fs? no rootfs is decrypted from inotrd
02:18.20nvzinitrd even
02:18.32Neobenedictit gets here
02:18.44nvzprovided /boot is unecrypted
02:18.49Neobenedictboot is unencrypted yes
02:18.54Neobenedictwhere do I go now to unencrypt the filesystem
02:19.09Neobenedictpressing the first option hangs the system it seems
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02:19.46nvzif its setup properly you should be promoted when initrd loads
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02:19.58Neobenedictso that is *before* grub?
02:20.20nvzno grub loads the kernel and initt
02:20.32JohnASometime back I wrote a script to automate some stuff, one of the things that it did was to setup "at" to run a job after a delay. It seems that at is not installed as part of the base system. ?? is the a better alternative to "at"??
02:20.42Neobenedictnvs: entering just hangs here
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02:20.52Neobenedictwith a blinking cursor
02:20.58Neobenedictnowhere to enter a password
02:21.09nvzinitrd int memory and passes control to tje kernel which m mounts the initrd as rootfs.
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02:22.27nvzbackground info is required.. sttetch with stock kernel and rootfs setup default ext4 with luks and lvm by installer?
02:22.51Neobenedictyes yes and that ^
02:23.05Neobenedictit took its time
02:23.12Neobenedictbut what are these errors
02:23.41nvzidk but prob either s o
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02:24.34nvzim on crappy cell i just dropped and crackd
02:24.47nvznot seen those photos
02:25.33nvzwould be a huge ordeal for me to look at those right now
02:26.00Neobenedictwell it seems to work now
02:26.02Neobenedictjust spews errors
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02:27.51nvzi see msgs on mine too usualy some bios crap
02:28.25nvzgoes to passwd prompt almost immeditely after grub though
02:29.12nvzif you see lvmetad errors though could be lag searching for rootfs partition
02:30.37nvzwhich usually only arises out of miscpnfig or actual issue with accessing or findng the rootfs device to run cryptsetup
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02:46.17SerajewelKSNeobenedict: those errors are expected
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02:46.57SerajewelKSNeobenedict: the kernel looks around for your / and /storage1 volumes and goes "wtf they aren't here" and spits errors.  then it goes "maybe they're beneath other layers" (encryption/lvm) and starts probing for those.  it finds encrypted volumes so it prompts for the passphrase.
02:47.10SerajewelKStl;dr is the kernel trying to find your filesystems that are on top of luks and lvm
02:47.11NeobenedictSerajewelKS: there a way to tell it not to look around?
02:47.18Neobenedictand speed up boot
02:47.27SerajewelKSit won't speed up boot
02:47.35Neobenedictor not produce ugly errors
02:47.35Neobenedicteither way
02:48.16SerajewelKSnot to my knowledge
02:48.31SerajewelKSthey're inconsequential
02:48.37SerajewelKSall of my systems using luks do the same thing
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03:06.40rantJohnA: chron is in the base install
03:08.38rantcron even
03:09.05jmabsdSerajewelKS: so the "gdisk" program converts GPT to MBR, great. now let's see how to install grub on the mbr..
03:09.55rantas our forefathers did in colonial days :P
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03:16.56ryoumathemill: conf.d?
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03:23.08jmabsdurr, Grub says "Installing for i386-pc platform.   grub-install: warning: File system `ext2' doesn't support embedding."
03:24.37SerajewelKSjmabsd: are you trying to install it to a partition?
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03:24.56jmabsdSerajewelKS: yes! so both to "sda" and "sda2", is that a problem?
03:25.09jmabsdgoogling for it it looks to me like it's fine anyhow
03:25.11SerajewelKSusing partitions is deprecated IIRC, it's not that useful
03:25.22SerajewelKSinstalling it to the disk device is the usual way you'd do it
03:25.31jmabsdaha hm.
03:27.23jmabsdSerajewelKS: actually which program is the Curl UI wherein it asked me what disks and partitions i wanted to install to ??
03:27.36SerajewelKScurl UI?  what?
03:28.08jmabsdSerajewelKS: first time i did "apt install grub-pc grub-pc-bin", I got a Curl UI asking me what disks and partitions i want to install grub to.
03:28.17SerajewelKSyou mean ncurses?
03:28.48rantjmabsd: dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc
03:28.58jmabsdcool thanks!!
03:29.22SerajewelKScurl is a utility for fetching stuff over HTTP
03:29.46rantlibncurses is the console UI
03:30.18jmabsdahh i meant curses UI, sorry.
03:30.24rantwhich fwiw thats called debconf and also has readline, gtk, and qt interfaces
03:30.36jmabsdrant: cool, actually where is that config file located?
03:31.21SerajewelKSwhat config file
03:31.51rantdpkg, debconf
03:31.51dpkg[debconf] Debian's configuration management system for packages, giving a single interface for asking and storing configuration-related settings. .  Not to be confused with the yearly Debian Conference (DebConf):
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03:32.21jmabsdSerajewelKS,rant: "dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc" produces a config file for grub that's located somewhere, is it /etc/grub.d ??
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03:32.35jmabsd"grep sda /etc/grub.d/*" gives nothing
03:32.41SerajewelKSjmabsd: doesn't that just reinstall grub to the MBR?
03:32.50SerajewelKSare you thinking of update-grub?
03:32.51jmabsdyea it does
03:32.56rantits in /boot/grub/
03:33.08SerajewelKSreinstalling grub to the MBR doesn't change any config
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03:33.24SerajewelKSupdate-grub probes for things that can be booted and rewrites the config in /boot/grub
03:33.36rantthe /etc/ is on the rootfs and isnt accessible if /boot is seperate and / in encrypted
03:33.58jmabsdah cool, great, thanks
03:34.01*** mode/#debian [+l 1490] by debhelper
03:34.07SerajewelKSand you usually don't want the config in /etc anyway because you might have multiple linux / partitions
03:34.25SerajewelKSif you require it to be in /etc then you tie the boot config to a specific install of linux and that's not good
03:34.53jmabsdrant,SerajewelKS: "grep -r sda /boot/grub/*" also gives nothing, weird.
03:35.05SerajewelKSjmabsd: IIRC by default it uses volume UUIDs
03:35.26rantyeah someone was in here the other day asking questions about dual booting two linux installs and they had two different /boot partitions for no apparent reason
03:35.29SerajewelKSjmabsd: run 'lsblk -o +uuid'
03:35.47SerajewelKSjmabsd: you'll see the UUID for your / volume somewhere in the grub config
03:36.41jmabsdSerajewelKS,rant: aha, so, even while i install grub to SDA, then still the Grub installer will resolve my sda2 partition's UUID and use that one in the config file as target?
03:36.42jmabsdweird but ok
03:36.48SerajewelKSNeobenedict: ^ btw that lsblk command is super useful to see how all of your virtual devices are nested, since you're using luks and lvm
03:36.54jmabsdi guess the disk has no uuid, so just getting uuid of some partition is most practical
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03:37.30SerajewelKSjmabsd: the UUID is of the filesystem itself, not the disk or the partition.  this is good because it means that you can put the disk in another machine, transfer the filesystem to another disk, stick it back in, and grub can still find it.
03:37.33jmabsdok, time to reboot, see if it works
03:37.46SerajewelKSbecause nothing in grub cares where the filesystem is, it just looks around for something with that UUID
03:38.01jmabsdSerajewelKS: well *which* partition's filesystem does it choose for UUID then?
03:38.03ranttechnically the partition has a UUID too but thats not the one used
03:38.12SerajewelKSjmabsd: whatever / is
03:38.13jmabsdthe first partition in the MBR partitioning table which has been marked as MBR-bootable?
03:38.22jmabsdyou mean /boot ?
03:38.24SerajewelKSrant: right that's what i meant, to differentiate the two
03:38.26jmabsdwhatever /boot is ?
03:38.37SerajewelKSgrub reads the config from /boot.  it already knows where that is.
03:38.52SerajewelKSbut once grub is loaded it has to know where the filesystem that becomes the root is, e.g. /
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03:39.10SerajewelKSputting the UUID of the /boot filesystem in /boot would be silly.  now you have a chicken and egg problem.
03:39.23SerajewelKSyou have to read something from /boot to know where /boot is?  that wouldn't work.
03:39.24jmabsduu ok
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03:39.35jmabsdvery well, let's try. :)
03:40.47SerajewelKSgrub's job is to load the kernel and tell the kernel where stuff is
03:40.54SerajewelKSin particular where / is
03:40.59rantdo or do not there is no try </yoda>
03:41.00SerajewelKSthat's why the UUID of / is in grub's config
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03:47.48Neobenedictso yeah, is there some way to clean this output up a bit
03:49.04Neobenedicti'm also wondering how whack HP's kvm console is now
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03:54.45jmabsdFor higher res console on boot just add " vga=0x0307" to the kernel configuration in "dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc" right?
03:55.45jmabsdworked, yey!
03:56.22JohnAI answer to my ? people have suggested cron, I don't see how that will allow me to automatically schedule a task to start 90 sec from the end of the job I am running now.
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04:01.08rantJohnA: task1; sleep 90; task2
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04:09.26JohnArant, I tried that, but it does not work, or I couldn't get it to work as I wanted. I need to run task1, logoff leaving task2 to start n seconds after I leave.
04:09.58JohnArant, No I am not build a software bomb!
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04:19.30SerajewelKSJohnA: atd can do that but the lowest granularity it has is minutes:  task1 && echo task2 | at now + 2 minutes && exit
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04:20.01SerajewelKSor you could just nohup a script
04:20.20SerajewelKStask1 && nohup sh -c 'sleep 90; task2' && exit
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05:40.46melissa666I am unable to play videos on Youtube in Chromium, but they work fine in Firefox. In chromium it just indefinitely displays "loading" gif, with no video playback ... and then after a bit says "If video playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device." (which doesn't fix it). Is there some package I need for HTML5 video in chromium? I feel like either an update broke something, or a
05:40.52melissa666dependency might have been uninstalled accidentally, because it used to work.
05:41.16melissa666I can't figure out how to determine cause, because there are no other error messages other than the "Try restarting" thing
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05:42.34melissa666... some video sites work (for instance dailymotion) ... so it's not like video/audio are completely broken. it's just youtube :( ...
05:42.38jmabsd"lsmod | grep kvm" prints "kvm_intel             200704  0\nkvm                   598016  1 kvm_intel\nirqbypass              16384  1 kvm". What are the criteria that tell me that KVM is fully enabled?
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07:01.52SerajewelKSjmabsd: perhaps the presence of /dev/kvm, and i'm not sure what you mean by "fully" enabled
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07:06.54jmabsdSerajewelKS: fully enabled as in KVM will actually work. if you see in the output i posted, there is a third column there, for some rows it's "1" for others it's "0"
07:07.03jmabsdi wonder if that means "active" or something else
07:07.18telmichgood morning
07:07.26telmichdoes anyone know why lxd is in ubuntu, but not in Debian?
07:08.49Unit193lxd isn't in Ubuntu as a package, only a snap.  IIRC, one problem is that it's using a forked sqlite3?
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07:22.06uebI've got a problem with a client SSL connection on Debian 8, while on Debian 9 it works
07:22.31SerajewelKSjmabsd: the third columns is just the use count of the module, e.g. how many parts of the kernel are using it
07:23.08SerajewelKSueb: jessie is likely missing the CA
07:23.16SerajewelKSueb: upgrade to stretch or install the CA manually
07:23.21uebon Debian 8 there is OpenSSL 1.0.1 while on Debian 9 there is OpenSSL 1.1.0
07:23.27uebCA ?
07:23.34SerajewelKScertificate authority
07:23.53uebhow could I install CA on Debian 8 ?
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07:25.07uebSerajewelKS: thanks for your answer, how could I install CA on Debian 8 ?
07:25.10SerajewelKSfirst we need to verify that's the problem
07:25.16SerajewelKSis this an https server or something else?
07:25.43uebyes, it's a https server, with a REST api
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07:27.04SerajewelKSueb: on debian 8 can you pastebin the output of 'curl -v https://...'
07:27.08uebI tested the connection with CURL too, and I see different responses
07:27.27uebSerajewelKS: ok now I make a pastebin
07:27.51dpkgDo not paste more than 2 lines to this channel.  Instead, use for text: or | pics/screenshots: or | large files up to 100MB (think tar.gz): or | Remember to tell us the URL of your paste!  Cannot cut and paste?  Ask me about <pastebinit>, <nopaste>, <wgetpaste>.
07:29.33uebSerajewelKS: it replies with status 401 Unauthorized
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07:32.51SerajewelKSueb: okay and what does that have to do with SSL?
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07:33.38SerajewelKSthat's just the server saying that you aren't supplying valid credentials
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07:34.11uebit's a call to an HTTPS webserver, it works on Debian 9 while it doesn't work on Debian 8
07:34.11SerajewelKSthe only time a 401 error would be related to SSL is if the service expects a client certificate
07:34.29SerajewelKSyes, and the TLS negotiation succeeds
07:34.35SerajewelKSso again, what makes you think this is related to SSL?
07:34.43uebI made this call from 2 servers on the same LAN, and it works on Debian 9
07:35.02SerajewelKSthat's entirely possible, but i don't see any indication here that it's related to SSL
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07:35.22SerajewelKSmore likely the server is blocking a specific curl user-agent
07:35.23uebI don't know the cause and how to solve it
07:35.27SerajewelKShave you tried changing the user-agent string?
07:36.05uebno I did not try to change the user-agent string, because I have the same problem calling it from java..
07:36.09SerajewelKScan you run this same command (with -v) on a debian 9 server?
07:36.12uebhowever that's try it
07:36.19SerajewelKSand pastebin that result?
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07:36.32uebok now I pastebin it
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07:37.06SerajewelKS401 is an HTTP level error, and if you made it that far to where you're talking HTTP, then the SSL connection is fine
07:37.27SerajewelKSso this is almost certainly entirely unrelated to SSL and more related to the HTTP request itself
07:39.12SerajewelKSi just tried curl'ing the same URL from a debian 9 server i have and i also got a 401
07:39.30SerajewelKSthe version of debian is likely irrelevant.  to the servers all NAT to the same public IP, or do they have distinct public IPs?
07:39.58uebSerajewelKS: it's blocking not allowed IPs
07:40.06uebmy IP is white listed
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07:40.19SerajewelKSdo all of the servers on your LAN NAT to the same public IP though?
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07:40.35SerajewelKSit sounds like the debian 8 server is making the request from a different source IP
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07:41.01uebSerajewelKS: both servers have same public IP because are on the same router
07:41.15SerajewelKSbeing on the same router does not necessarily mean they have the same public IP
07:41.26uebthey're VM servers I created
07:41.34SerajewelKSon both machines, run 'curl; echo' and verify that the public IPs match
07:41.39uebok lets test their public IPs
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07:41.57SerajewelKSif they do match then i'm out of ideas, but i can tell you that my debian 9 server has the same error
07:43.02uebSerajewelKS: you're right :) for some strange reason they're connected to two different routers!
07:43.12uebone is connected to the backup router!
07:43.17SerajewelKSthere you go
07:43.40SerajewelKSi gotta run to bed, sounds like you know how to fix it now
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07:46.34uebSerajewelKS: surely it will work when they'll whitelist my ip.. :)
07:46.45SerajewelKSthat or connect it to the other router
07:46.53SerajewelKSeither should work
07:47.01uebit's many days I'm fighting against this!! :)
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07:48.47SerajewelKSsometimes it's the simple thing you never expected
07:49.08uebSerajewelKS: thank you very much for your help!
07:49.13SerajewelKSno problem
07:50.28uebare you a system admin or developer?
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07:51.10IngvixDid I miss some relevant option as I've build debian kernel with "bash debian/bin/test-patches" and I can't install the kernel deb as it conflicts with the current installed kernel which I do not hope to remove at this point. How to install it alongside with the current kernel?
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07:58.48XsiSechi guys
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08:00.12IngvixI build it as instructed here
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09:05.14workerany idea when deb 10 hits non beta ?
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09:09.17debianAverageUseanybody here ?
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09:55.06rafalcpp_uuu a critical security bug in systemd CVE-2019-3842
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09:56.48Foxrafalcpp_: already fixed in stretch
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10:01.13jellyrafalcpp_: /msg dpkg cve lookup CVE-2019-3842
10:01.23jellyor not
10:01.40at0mfixed in sid and stretch.
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10:02.46lxsameerhey folks, is there any service on debian which is enabled by default and uses snmp?
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10:25.27Lady_AleenaHello. Has anyone here used InkScape from the Experimental dist?
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10:26.18Lady_AleenaAlso, how do I install from the Experimental dist? I can't remember how to install from other dists.
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10:26.39Unit193-t experimental ?
10:27.15themillcautions against doing so
10:28.08Lady_Aleenathemill, may I ask why? InkScape before that version is driving me crazy by not having the top left hand corner of the workspace set to 0, 0.
10:28.40Unit193You likely shouldn't have experimental while using stable, though..
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10:28.50Lady_AleenaI've been told that 1.0-alpha has the ability to set the top left corner to 0, 0.
10:29.02Lady_AleenaI'm using old stable.
10:29.24Lady_AleenaI haven't upgraded from jessie yet.
10:29.28themillthen you're definitely not using packages from experimental
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10:30.19Lady_AleenaOkay, it seems that I won't be working in InkScape any time soon. Thanks.
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10:31.10GNU\colossusupgrading to Debian 9 usually isn't hard. what keeps you from doing it?
10:31.33Lady_AleenaGNU\colossus, there is something wiggy in my system. I can't remember what it was though.
10:32.16Lady_AleenaAlso, I haven't backed things up yet. It is such a pain to do it.
10:33.06Lady_AleenaThe wiggy thing has probably scrolled out of my chat buffer.
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10:39.55rafalcppthat systemd ssh bug CVE-2019-3842 had what impact, could remote attacker with non-root ssh access escelate to root, or do what exactly?
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10:40.15Lady_AleenaYes, the wiggy thing has scrolled out of my buffer, so I can't say what was wrong.
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10:49.54Lady_AleenaOh, and when I boot, I see "ata3: SRST failed (errorno=-16)" and haven't figured out what that is.
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10:56.03__m4ch1n3__maybe your kernel is corrupted
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10:58.00Lady_AleenaA corrupt kernel can still run?
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11:00.51GNU\colossusthat mesage _could_ hint at a hardware problem
11:01.32GNU\colossusI think you should establish a regular, recurring backup routine :)
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11:02.00GNU\colossusif you don't have a particular solution you want to use, check out restic:
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11:02.14GNU\colossus(you can download a single binary that will run on jessie as well as stretch)
11:02.15Lady_AleenaGNU\colossus, one of my back up devices (my thumb drive) is dead, so all I have left is my two additional hard drives.
11:02.53GNU\colossusthumb drives make crappy backup destinations due to their overall rather brittle reliability
11:02.56GNU\colossus(generally speaking)
11:03.58Lady_AleenaGNU\colossus, I run these rsyncs.
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11:04.31GNU\colossusLady_Aleena, I suppose that's fine if you don't want/need revisions
11:04.52GNU\colossusbut if you've got an hour to spare, investigate alternatives to a homegrown solution like yours
11:04.58Lady_AleenaGNU\colossus, I can't find a version system I like yet.
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11:05.43GNU\colossusrestic is awesome - you just mount the repository (= the place where restic keeps your backups) as a regular fuse filesystem, and you'll have a snapshot exposed as a directory in that mountpoint
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11:05.55GNU\colossusso you can use rsync or cp or whatever file manager you want to restore
11:06.33Lady_AleenaGNU\colossus, you are talking over my head now. I know very little about repositories and versioning.
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11:07.24GNU\colossusa "repository" in restic speak is just a special directory that contains your backup data (your current data and all its history you instructed restic to keep) in encrypted form
11:07.24Lady_AleenaThe closest thing I've gotten to versioning is on Wikipedia.
11:07.43GNU\colossusyou don't have to interact with that repo; restic does it for you
11:07.54GNU\colossusit'S rather user-friendly imo
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11:09.44Lady_AleenaGNU\colossus, you part of the development team for rustic? 8)
11:11.14GNU\colossusno, I don't speak golang :) but the creators are very nice people, and always helpful. I promised to contribute a wrapper around restic that we created at work to do pull-style, centrally orchestrated backups, but that kind of fell off the radar... :x
11:12.37Lady_AleenaI just backed everything up that I want to be sure of. Now to find upgrading to 9 for dummies/idiots.
11:13.42GNU\colossusjust follow
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11:17.42Lady_AleenaI'm reading
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11:21.55workeranyone has any idea when debian 10 is released ?
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11:24.46avuworker: sometime later this year, probably
11:25.41dpkgDebian 10 "Buster" started the <freeze> process on 2019-01-12 and should release mid-2019. . Remember that Debian releases come out when they are ready, and arrive sooner, if you help ;)
11:25.42*** join/#debian vandman (~vandman@
11:26.11workeri thought this channel to be really dead
11:26.16workeridled here a couple of days ago
11:26.55avuyou were here for a full 7 minutes :)
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11:28.39workeryeye didnt mean now
11:28.51workerdifferent nicks etc
11:29.43Lady_AleenaOkay, got a headache.
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11:31.05workerim just happy this channel is alive lmao
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11:43.47scxAnyone on armv7 here?
11:44.18scxI need output of: uname -p
11:46.29SwedeMikescx: Linux wrt1200-hemma 4.14.95 #0 SMP Mon Jan 28 08:54:32 2019 armv7l GNU/Linux
11:46.45SwedeMikescx: but this is not debian kernel.
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11:55.18scxSwedeMike: thanks
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11:59.31andi_hello, i if i want to install gitlab in a lan, what can i use for the external_url?
11:59.39andi_i just want to access it via ip at first
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12:17.29yokowkaheavenO everysoul
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12:18.21hassoonow we reached 9.8 already ?
12:18.42hassooni still remember when wheezy was the stable version back in like ~2013 or so
12:18.53yokowkahassoon i prefer 10th debian
12:18.54hassoontime moves on  sooooo fast
12:19.02hassoonyokowka: buster ?
12:19.30yokowkawhen he will apear?
12:20.14dpkgDebian 10 "Buster" started the <freeze> process on 2019-01-12 and should release mid-2019. . Remember that Debian releases come out when they are ready, and arrive sooner, if you help ;)
12:20.48yokowkawhat is mid?
12:21.19yokowkaFox bles you heavens!!!!
12:21.52yokowkaHow i can help debian to apear buster greatly?
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12:22.43themillFixing bugs, mostly:
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12:25.07yokowkathemil is it can shark translate on Rus' yazyk??
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12:27.32jellywonders if themill knows what a yazyk (= language) is
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12:36.58dpkg<stew> autovaccum was killing the box before and I had to kill the postgres cluster.  the stupid plugin author was too dumb to make the bot plugin pick up a new database connection <stew> (I'm the stupid plugin author)
12:37.20wwilliamhello can i sshfs mount a remote share to 2 different mount points at the same time?
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12:37.59jellywwilliam: it is very likely you can mount it two times
12:38.53wwilliamno i/0 issues or anything?
12:38.57jimhmm, whatever happened to stew? haven't seen him for awhile
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12:39.42jellywwilliam: do not expect contents to be synchronized right away.
12:40.04jellywwilliam: also consider using a bind mount
12:40.24jelly!bind mount
12:40.24dpkgIf you want to bind mount a directory somewhere else: mount -t $filesystem --bind /dev /chrooted/system/dev (for example).  $filesystem is whatever FS that directory is mounted as, be it tmpfs or jfs or .... read man mount (and do /bind) for details.
12:41.08jimit means mount a dir onto another dir
12:41.16hassoonjelly: thought for an instant that you are a bot
12:41.33wwilliamthanks jim
12:41.37wwilliamthanks jelly
12:41.39jimalso I would think that bind mounts don't need a filesystem type
12:41.51jellyno.  fellow human.  I am most certainly an organic human person, like you.  hassoon.
12:42.24BotaniCarjelly has less bugs than a average robot :) Highly polished !
12:42.48hassoonjelly: alright then :>
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12:43.39wwilliamright now im using this but this remote dir may have to be mounted again somewhere else on another users dir
12:43.41wwilliamsshfs -o password_stdin "ftpuser"@"":"/some/path/" "/home/user/mymnt" <<< "somepw"
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12:46.25jellywwilliam: each user may mount the same remote directory with their own sshfs if they so choose
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12:47.40wwilliamThank you jelly
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12:58.01WulfHello! Where can I find a mirror for wheezy-updates? It's not on; is the only place
12:58.50greycatwheezy-updates and jessie-updates no longer exist.  Simply do not attempt to use them.  There wouldn't be anything there even if they DID exist, which they don't.
12:59.27Wulfgreycat: what about any packages that once existed there? Have they been merged into just "wheezy"?
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12:59.44greycatYes, long long long ago.
13:00.00Wulfthanks, great to hear that.
13:00.03greycatfoo-updates is just a temporary staging ground for things that are slated to go out in the next stable point-release
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13:00.44Wulfah, right. I keep forgetting this. So after each point release, -updates will be quite empty?
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13:01.24greycatThat's the idea, at least.
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13:03.17WulfWhat about jessie-backports? It exists in the archives, but the Release file expired. Is that to be expected too? I know that this can be ignored with some setting.
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13:03.40greycatEither tell apt to disregard the expiration dates, or change the system time.
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13:10.42dpkgrumour has it, valid-until is apt-get/aptitude -o Acquire::Check-Valid-Until=false ...
13:10.45jellyWulf: ^
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13:11.19greycatyou can also drop an option in apt.conf as described on (e.g.)
13:12.21jellythat makes you susceptible to someone replacing all your repos with older insecure snapshots
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13:13.39jellyreally really new apt (buster) has an option to enable valid-until for each deb line in sources.list separately
13:14.51WulfWouldn't it be better if I could specify a minimum date?
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14:11.18marconlineto clamAv or not to clamAv on a personal PC?
14:12.06petn-randallmarconline: Can you rephrase you question?
14:14.01greycatThe only reason anyone ever uses clamav is to be able to check the box that says "Yes, I have an av installed" on some bureaucrat's form.
14:14.02*** mode/#debian [+l 1540] by debhelper
14:14.24marconlineis it suggested to use an anti-virus program like clamAv?
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14:18.37petn-randallmarconline: If you want to scan software that is primarily used for Windows, yes.
14:19.33greycatI've always wondered what kind of services actually expose files containing windows viruses in the clear to an av program, other than email.
14:20.16greycatMaybe if you're executing windows programs in Wine, or some kind of binary emulation...
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14:22.23greycatOr, I guess, if you're running a Samba server that hosts Windows files, some of which may be programs.  Or some of which may contain windows application bug exploits, like infected Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, if those kinds of bugs still exist (I'm betting they do).
14:22.42petn-randallgreycat: You've got a large Windows share where developers dump their files for others. You'd be surprised how often it occurs that a virus-ridden executable lands on there.
14:23.13greycatOK, that makes sense.
14:23.47greycatmarconline: you understand that clamav is used to scan for WINDOWS virus, right?  In programs that are executed or used on Microsoft Windows.
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14:25.49petn-randallThere's are a couple of signatures for Mac OS and Linux, but there aren't that many.
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14:39.45marconlinegreycat, I wans't aware of that. thanks for letting me know.
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14:45.00nojakehi. is it usual the jessie live debian installation is configured to launch that avahi-daemon?
14:47.04petn-randallnojake: Could have been, yeah. Note that jessie is out of support for quite a while now.
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14:47.52greycatYou could ask #debian-live on the OFTC network.
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14:48.42nojakejessie is out of support? what distri is recommended then?
14:48.57nojakeor version, or what the term is.
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14:49.14jellydebian 9 is the current stable release, codename stretch
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14:49.15greycatCurrent stable release is stretch, Debian 9.  Buster (10) is next, probably coming out later this year.
14:49.21petn-randallDebian stretch, which has been out been released two years ago.
14:49.28jellySO OLD
14:49.53petn-randallslowpokes jelly.
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14:50.37nojakeoh. okay. good to know. thanks. that avahi-daemon. any idea why it would be pre-configured to run? and/or what that mdns thing is good for?
14:50.59GNU\colossusit's for service discovery in LANs
14:51.02dpkgextra, extra, read all about it, mdns is a Multicast <Domain Name System> for use on local networks.  It is used by <avahi> to set up automagical name resolution using the <.local domain>.
14:51.04GNU\colossusa handy thing to have
14:51.14GNU\colossusand that, too, yeah
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14:52.27nojakeis there a file where eventual names are configured?
14:53.30nojakei guess it would override the dns configfured for the default network interface?
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14:59.34nojakelol. this is the 5th installation-trial now. i'm getting better and better @ screwing things up.
14:59.35jellyit's good to kill dns resolving inside old MS AD .foo.local domains
15:00.01nojakei have no idea how to do this
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15:00.51nojakebut i guess i will have to install stretch first. i had no idea.
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15:02.07nojakeand that version i have now seemed weird from the start. no net-tools installed.
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15:02.19nojakethis is weird no?
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15:03.46Tenkawauggh i hate realtek mmc card readers
15:04.37petn-randallnojake: If you tell us what you're trying to accomplish we might be able to help you reaching that goal.
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15:08.32nojakepetn-randall, i just want a stable, approved debian. best no remote access or anything that would listen to some port. somebody mentioned debian doesn't listen to anything by default. yet by now all versions i installed did so (once apache, once avahi, once dhclient). so i will go for stretch.
15:08.47nojakeis that information correct?
15:10.17greycatYou've been using LIVE crap.  That's totally different from an actual Debian installation.
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15:10.29nojakei see.
15:10.33nojakeoh i see.
15:10.44nojakethanks a lot.
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15:11.47jellynojake: fwiw, debian will only have apache running after install if you explicitely tell the installer you want a web server
15:13.29nojakeback like 10 years ago debian had an immaculate reputation.. used for servers and blah. i admit i haven't been much of a linux user, but im glad to see ppl are still comitted to be helpful
15:13.51jellynojake: and dhclient or another dhcp client is needed to get network working in many setups.  Its listener is part of how dhcp _works_.
15:14.07jellyit will do the same on stretch
15:14.18jellyor any linux.
15:14.20petn-randallnojake: Note that the live system and the installed system are quite different. Live has a lot of stuff installed to demo what Debian can do, it's not really intended for anything beyond that.
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15:15.43nojakearight, nice. maybe one more thing. can u give me the exact command i have to use to verify the signature?
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15:18.14nojakereading man pages is a bit like learning a language starting at A. :p it's definitely great for deeper insight, but most of times im totally lost in the forests of options
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15:19.13jhutchins_wknojake: Man pages vary a lot.  Some are deep in theory and not much practical use, some are great at the basic tasks but lousy on the "how" part.
15:19.25jhutchins_wknojake: Then there are the ones that are just the blank template...
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15:20.22nojakeic. ok thx @ all. i will retire now and screw things up a bit.
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15:24.45jellyenjoy your retirement!
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17:00.17Deihmosthere were some updates released yesterday. whereon the debian site can i find the details? i cannot find it
17:01.08greycatWhat updates are you referring to?  There hasn't been a stable point release since February.
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17:02.44greycatIf you mean security patches, there's a log of recent ones at
17:03.23greycatYou can also subscribe to the debian-security-announce mailing list to get notices of security patches mailed to you.
17:04.55Deihmosi have that subscription. I didn't see anything about mono-llvm-tools
17:05.43greycat,v mono-llvm-tools
17:05.44juddNo package named 'mono-llvm-tools' was found in amd64.
17:05.52greycatsounds like a third party package
17:05.53Deihmossince this update i notice memory use has dropped by a lot
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17:07.20Deihmosok i think i know what it is
17:08.01greycatyou can run "apt-cache policy mono-llvm-tools" to see where your system thinks it comes from
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17:13.34AzluxIs someone know why zram has been remove from many distrib ?
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17:29.24jhutchins_wk,v ansible
17:29.25juddPackage: ansible on amd64 -- jessie: 1.7.2+dfsg-2; jessie-security: 1.7.2+dfsg-2+deb8u1; stretch:; stretch-proposed-updates:; stretch-security:; stretch-backports: 2.7.5+dfsg-1~bpo9+1; sid: 2.7.6+dfsg-1; buster: 2.7.7+dfsg-1
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17:42.00linarcxHi. I install debian on my laptop, but i have no internet connection. what should i do?
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17:43.03MScottwifi? can you see networks?
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17:44.30linarcxMScott: Yes, wifi and ethernet. i can't connect to internet. no ping,..
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17:45.04linarcxi try to use wpa_supplicant, but it gives me an error and try to reconnect every time.
17:45.40MScottadd this
17:46.02linarcxIs there any network manager service to enable it?
17:46.11linarcxi'm in arch. let me go back to debian.
17:46.46MScottafter edit you need to restart the service
17:47.02linarcxMScott: Yes. sure. i get these errors:
17:47.23linarcx`deauthenticating from *** by local choice (reason=3)`
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17:50.16linarcxWhere is the log of this channel?
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17:51.38dpkgLogs are what you should always check when you have a problem, they live in /var/log/ .  For #debian logs, ask me about <irclog>.
17:51.48CodeHunterI had to re-install linux because there was a package that just wouldn't remove and it wouldn't let me install stuff because of it.  When I re-installed, it didn't use my old /home drive.  Do I have to re-install again to get the /home drive back?
17:52.35greycatIf your old /home is a separate partition, just find it and mount it on /home.
17:52.40CodeHunterI am using an SSD for / and 500Gb SATA for /home and swap
17:53.30CodeHunterWhen I re-installed I think the / and /home is all on the SSD
17:54.10greycatInstead of guessing, you need to find where the old /home actually is.
17:54.46CodeHunterI am only guessing where the current /home is.  old /home is the 500GB sata
17:54.48greycatIf it's a partition, and you manage to find it, you can use "blkid" to get the UUID for it, and add an entry to /etc/fstab.
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17:55.11greycatTo see what the current /home is, try "df /home".
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17:55.22greycatthat'll tell you whether it's a separate mount point, or just part of /
17:56.06greycatThen it's just a directory inside / so you can mount your partition over it, no sweat.
17:56.21greycatMake sure you're not logged in as a regular user at the time.
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18:45.45imkillroyhello, im trying to run a discord bot on my debian 9 slot, and it is failing to detect my dotnet installation. the part in the installation that checks for dotnet is ' if hash dotnet 1>/dev/null 2>&1 ', but i do not have root access on this machine so my install is located at /media/8d7e/killroy/.dotnet
18:46.11greycathash just looks in $PATH
18:46.37imkillroyso i can just move that script to my user folder?
18:46.56greycatmake sure the dotnet command is in your $PATH, either by changing PATH, or by moving dotnet, whichever makes more sense
18:47.38imkillroyim still learning a lot with linux so im not sure how to do that
18:47.49imkillroyi saw something mentioned earlier about --path but it didnt go into much detail
18:48.25greycator whatever directory the command is *actually* in
18:49.39imkillroyhmm, same result
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18:49.48imkillroythe command is in /killroy/
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19:02.38imkillroyyeah im still not sure, support from my hosting co replied "have you checked that it's not possible to specify the dotnet location to the "main" install you want to do?
19:02.38imkillroyi.e. it might be looking for dotnet somewhere where it isn't, but could be told to look somewhere specifically."
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19:04.11SerajewelKSthat's what PATH does
19:04.43SerajewelKSafter changing PATH appropriately, what does 'hash dotnet' say?
19:05.03imkillroy-bash: hash: dotnet: not found
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19:05.14greycatthen you didn't put the right directory in PATH
19:05.16SerajewelKSokay then PATH isn't set right
19:05.19imkillroyi have only tried changing path to PATH=/media/8d73/killroy/.dotnet:$PATH
19:05.31greycatFIND the command.  Find where it ACTUALLY REALLY is.
19:05.32SerajewelKSfind /media/8d7e/killroy/.dotnet -name dotnet
19:05.43SerajewelKSmy guess would be /media/8d7e/killroy/.dotnet/bin but who knows
19:06.22imkillroywhat is "the command"? inside .dotnet is host sdk and shared, with a dotnet file
19:06.45SerajewelKSis the dotnet file executable?
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19:07.37imkillroyhow can i check that? im in that folder and hash dotnet returned the same thing
19:07.46SerajewelKSls -l dotnet
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19:08.12imkillroy-rwx------ 1 killroy killroy 105872 Apr  8 07:42 dotnet
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19:09.14SerajewelKSecho $PATH
19:09.20greycatdoes the command actually *work*?
19:10.10SerajewelKSthen 'hash dotnet' should display its location
19:10.38imkillroy-bash: hash: dotnet: not found
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19:10.54greycatif you run it (./dotnet) does it work?
19:11.02SerajewelKSbut we don't know what modifications your provider might have made to your environment
19:11.11SerajewelKShash should report it there whether it runs or not
19:11.21greycatI would've thought so as well, but who knows
19:11.34SerajewelKSIME shared hosting providers do weird shit in the name of security
19:11.39greycatmaybe the file system has no exec permissions or something
19:11.56SerajewelKSthat's possible, didn't think of that -- does bash check that?
19:12.00greycatI don't know
19:12.07SerajewelKSi'd think that would just effectively -x all files
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19:13.20greycatbut seriously, if he just tests whether it can run at all, that would eliminate a lot of guesswork (wrong architecture, missing shared libs, no exec perms on the mount, etc.)
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19:13.49imkillroyhow can i do that
19:13.49SerajewelKSright.  but none of that should apply to hash except maybe noexec, if it checks for that
19:13.54SerajewelKSimkillroy: ./dotnet
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19:14.38SerajewelKSoh i'm dumb, hash doesn't output _anything_
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19:14.44SerajewelKSimkillroy: try 'which dotnet'
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19:15.03SerajewelKShash doesn't do output usually unless there is a problem
19:15.24imkillroywhich dotnet?
19:15.25greycatSerajewelKS: but he claimed it was giving an error message
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19:16.05greycatand that error is consistent with what you get if you mistype the command, or if it's not in PATH
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19:18.44linarcxGyus, is there any package like pkgbrowser for debian.
19:19.04ksklinarcx: what is pkgbrowser?
19:19.11SerajewelKSimkillroy: does 'hash dotnet' actually say anything?
19:19.21SerajewelKSimkillroy: or does it just give you a shell prompt without output
19:19.30ksk"A utility for browsing pacman databases and the AUR
19:19.32linarcxA gui application that you can track all installed packaes and their dependencies.
19:19.35ksklinarcx: how about aptitude?
19:19.38imkillroy-bash: hash: dotnet: not found
19:19.45SerajewelKSthat's weird
19:20.09ksklinarcx: there are also full GUI things around, synaptic or so?
19:20.11SerajewelKSall i can suggest is that your hosting provider made changes but hell if i know what changes they would've made to cause this
19:20.31imkillroyalright, thanks for your help
19:20.39linarcxksk: I don't try them. this is first time i'm useing debian. Let me try them :)
19:20.45SerajewelKSFYI shared providers usually aren't the best for installing your own custom binaries
19:20.47ksklinarcx: aptitude has a "GUI" in console, and synaptic is a desktop thingy.
19:21.00linarcxksk: cool.
19:21.03SerajewelKSconsider a linode or AWS EC2 server
19:21.23SerajewelKSyou get root access to your own VM and can install anything you want (within their terms of service, anyway)
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19:21.56SerajewelKSshared hosting usually costs more for some reason, and can do far less.  i don't know why anyone buys shared hosting these days.
19:22.17kskbecause clicky and not having to worry about anything I suppose :)
19:22.37kskThings are not working? call the hotline. good luck calling aws ;)
19:23.11SerajewelKSwell yes, the support is for different things.  aws will help you with an operational problem on their end that keeps your server from working but they're not going to help you set up nginx.
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19:23.48kskIm totally on your page, I can just imagine some people have other needs.
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19:25.27imkillroyits just a seedbox for private trackers and plex
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19:25.47imkillroyi recently got a ovh vps box and got this running there without issue
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19:31.26twobitspriteSo, I tried to use reportbug once a few weeks ago, and now exim keeps trying to deliver an email. I don't need it to deliver the mail, but I keep getting mail about failed delivery? How do I get exim to give up and stop trying to send this mail?
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20:09.10SerajewelKStwobitsprite: 'mailq' will show you a list of mail in the queue
20:09.38SerajewelKStwobitsprite: if there's only one item, it's probably that message.  'exim -Mrm $ID' will delete that message.  (the id is the third column of mailq output)
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20:10.57zetunoHI I have a "PC401 NVMe SK hynix 512GB" ssd in this laptop and the weekly build of the nonfree installer doesn't show the drive. how do i check compatibility for this hardware?
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20:12.25jhutchins_wkzetuno: Find someone else who has one and ask them?
20:12.42jhutchins_wkzetuno: You could try different live images and see if something detects it.
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20:14.38jhutchins_wkzetuno: If it's the standard drive for that model laptop, you can search for posts by people using that laptop with linux.
20:14.49SerajewelKSif it shows up in lspci output, google the id
20:15.01jhutchins_wkzetuno: There are hardware compatibility databases, but they rely on people posting reports.
20:15.13jhutchins_wklspci -nn
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21:15.40TuxBlackEdoI got got some problems with debian stretch's installer. I provide a ip/gw/netmask to the installer to grab a preseed file. The installer attempts to grab the preseed file before the network link becomes active, displaying an error "Failed to retreive the preconfiguration file / The file needed for rpeconfiguration could not be retreived from <URL>" however after pressing enter a few times the file is eventually retrieved.
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21:16.11TuxBlackEdoI was wondering, is there a kernel argument that I can send the debian installer to wait for the link to become active?
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21:36.48CombatVetdoes systemd reloads after an update?
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22:07.44__m4ch1n3__CombatVet, i actually duno but it is debians init system,that means it is parent of all processes, im pretty sure it cant relaod while its child processes stay alive, you have to reboot
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22:09.28CombatVet__m4ch1n3__, ended up rebooting
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22:10.58__m4ch1n3__systemd has always pid 1
22:11.27__m4ch1n3__you could try "kill -9 1" and look what happens :D
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22:16.57edriveHey, I just got an external HDD and would like to encrypt with debian. Is there a default gui tool for doing this?
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22:18.36edriveShould I format to FAT32 or FAT16? Currently ntfs
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22:19.41kskwonders, if you could use something older/less fitting
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22:20.33kskedrive: I suppose you do not plan on using this disk on a windows computer?
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22:21.00edriveNo, but the option to mount it on windows would be nice (if I need to on a rare occasion)
22:21.52edriveksk: so it's not a necessity, but would be ideal if I could mount in windows too
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22:22.14kskthis would then mean, that you need to use a method of encryption, which works on both (debian) linux and windows. I dont think that is possible - apart from veracrypt (former truecrypt)
22:22.17madageencrypts a disk, fills it with personal data and then give spyware OS access to it
22:22.41kskalso what madage mentions.. ;)
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22:23.11g0zzyTrying to get my head around the totally new way of doing networking under systemd. Why are container-type techniques used for a simple headless server with /lib/systemd/network/ ?
22:23.26edriveksk: in that case, I am fine with using it only on a linux machine.
22:23.36NitrousPGnautilus can do it for you edrive, using LUKS
22:23.42imkillroyhello, how could i check/see what is blocking access to quasselcore on my debian VPS? its listening on port 4242 but i get connection timed out requests
22:24.03kskedrive: then I encourage you to use some linux filesystem (ext4, xfs) and look up cryptsetup.
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22:24.17edriveNitrousPG: I use nemo unfortunately
22:24.38NitrousPGah yeah
22:24.48edriveksk: my machine's internal HDD was encrypted with cryptsetup when I installed debian
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22:26.16edriveksk: is cryptsetup a CLI aplication?
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22:27.45NitrousPGit is edrive
22:28.26edriveNitrousPG: is there a gui tool that I can use to acheive the same result? Don't want to break my system by following an online tutorial, have limited command line knowledge
22:28.53NitrousPGhonestly, as he said, veracrypt might be your best bet
22:29.20NitrousPGit's not included in most distributions because of its license though IIRC
22:30.55madageedrive: apparently there is zulucrypt-gui
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22:31.05edriveNitrousPG: the only application I am seeing in the debian repos is zulucrypt
22:31.16edrivemadage: yeah
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22:31.49madageI've never used it though.. not even heard of it until now
22:31.54NitrousPGme neither
22:32.20edriveis veracrypt a standalone application?
22:32.42edrivewould I have to enable backends to get it on stable?
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22:33.02NitrousPGim pretty sure its just not on the debian repos at all
22:33.32edriveI'll try zulucrypt then as it seems to do the same thing
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22:34.11tristerog0zzy: it's not used (it won't match) unless you fire up containers that need it. it's just inherited from the standard Debian systemd package
22:34.35madageedrive: report back on your experience
22:34.59edriveNitrousPG & madage: "zuluMount is bundled with zuluCrypt and its meant to be used as a general purpose tool that mount and unmount zuluCrypt supported encrypted volumes as well as unencrypted volumes and it can be used as a substitute to udisks, pmount and related tools."
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22:35.26edrivedoes this mean I need to have zulumount installed on a linux system to mount my encrypyted drive (encrypted with zulucrypt)?
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22:36.22madageedrive: you don't even need zulucrypt, both tools are just gui helpers
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22:37.08madageand IIRC, Nemo/Nautilus have some way of mounting encrypted disks
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22:47.03edriveformatting the drive to FAT32 for most versatility, will see if it works with zulucrypt
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23:13.38kskedrive: eeh, rather not fat32, max filesize is ~4G with that :P
23:13.44awal1how can i find what is the executable of x pkg via cli
23:13.52kskuse xfat? or vfat? something like this, its cross-OS also
23:14.12somiajawal1: dpkg -L packagename | grep bin
23:14.16kskawal1: not really like this, but you can do "dpkg -L pkg | grep bin"
23:14.41awal1somiaj, ksk. ok thanks
23:16.07edriveksk: oh thanks for pointing that out
23:16.47awal1dpkg -L epiphany-browser | grep bin   "/usr/bin   /usr/bin/epiphany     /usr/bin/epiphany-browser"
23:16.47dpkgii  epiphany-browser | grep bin   "/usr/bin   /usr/bin/epiphany     /usr/bin/epiphany-browser"                 2.3-5.3           awal1's private porn collection
23:17.01kskntfs support in debian is also okay-ish (you could argue better on some parts than m$..), but Id not use that if you want to primarily use linux with the disk
23:17.05awal12 executables or what
23:17.28kskawal1: seems so :>
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23:17.42kskman epiphany should help
23:17.44awal1i guess yes , bcoz if i cal epiphany or epiphany-browser i get the browser open so
23:18.14kskA package can ship a whole lot of executables. And many do.
23:18.17edriveksk: gparted doesn't give an option for xfat
23:18.30kskedrive: exfat it is
23:18.57edriveksk: it's greyed out for some reason, not selectable
23:18.58kskedrive: might be you need a package to support that.
23:19.02ksk,v exfat
23:19.03juddNo package named 'exfat' was found in amd64.
23:19.12ksk,v exfat-fuse
23:19.14juddPackage: exfat-fuse on amd64 -- jessie: 1.1.0-2+deb8u1; stretch: 1.2.5-2; buster: 1.3.0-1; sid: 1.3.0-1
23:19.14kskinstall that ;)
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23:20.09kskedrive: on the other hand (sorry to slow you down :P) states its an usb flash drive filesystem.
23:20.13edriveksk: i already have it installed
23:20.34edriveksk: what about ext4?
23:20.45kskis cool. just not usable on windows.
23:21.12edriveonly other optin is that or ntfs
23:21.48kskyeah seems so :)
23:22.11kskstuped m$ not implementing ext4 drivers..
23:22.50EdePopedewhat happened to that dll which was available for ext2 on XP?
23:23.54kskthere seem to be some OSS and some proprietary ext* drivers for windows with differing features.
23:24.29ksknot sure If I would advise on using something like that thoug..
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23:27.26EdePopedeiirc i used 2 tools in those days. first a crude filemanager with some strange approaches to some things, and later a dll with even write access, i remember this because i had some of the special win dirs on the partitions i used.
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23:32.19aloo_shuthere's some relatively good ext tool for win, and free, probably open, lemme check a sec
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23:33.39EdePopedecould be it was ext2ifs. not able to read ext4 atm and last release was in 2015.
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23:34.39aloo_shuext2fsd (.com)
23:35.01EdePopedewith a BIG FAT WARNING
23:35.41aloo_shugpl v. 2
23:35.48EdePopedelinked from ubuntuusers>
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23:36.59aloo_shuthere used to be fuse for win + an ext fs for it, but that was rudimentary
23:38.10aloo_shuI avoid win, so I don't use ext2fsd often, but when, even enable write support for ext4, no drama so far
23:39.42EdePopedemay depend on the version used and maybe even on the hardware, who knows
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23:42.02EdePopedethese morons... '<noscript><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0"[…]'
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23:45.16aloo_shuyeah, removing drives is nothing I've ever tried, I use it to sporadically access linux partitions from win side when I've got them side by side on the int. hdd, so that I don't need to switch OS for a single copy operation
23:45.56aloo_shucan confirm the explicit warning in the README
23:46.10EdePopedesame here, good old dual boot :)
23:47.06aloo_shuoften more than dual here, win just in case, 1-4 linuxes
23:48.30aloo_shucan't win10 access ext *anyway*? it has an entire 'linux subsystem' if you want one
23:50.38aloo_shujust not much is getting ported for it (surprise, surprise)
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