IRC log for #debian on 20190325

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00:18.14simpledatWhat encryption does it use when you do LVM disk encryption during install?
00:19.33kyychehh, editing logind.conf seems not to work. I uncomented HandleLidSwitch=suspend, and restarted logind service, even reboot my machine. It is not working
00:19.36kyychany ideas why?
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00:30.08milktkyych: what do you mean with not working?
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00:32.27mindpatternhi guys. i have a staging server (very little traffic normally) which for the last 10 days has been sending out a crazy 50gb a day in outgoing traffic. its hosted on cloudways. i see the spike happens every 30 mins. 20 mins past the hour and 50 mins past the hour. are there any linux commands i can use to try to understand what this traffic is? cloudways have not been helpful. they have just told me it's https traffic. i have turned
00:33.06kyychmilkt: after closing lid laptop is not suspended :p
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00:36.37milktkyych: is your laptop connected to charger? does manual suspending work?
00:37.33kyychnope, charger is disconnected
00:37.45kyychsuspend work if I type systemctl suspend
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00:45.01dpkgA backport is a package from a newer Debian branch, compiled from source for an older branch to avoid dependency and <ABI> complications. (2.7.4 and 2.7.10), .  Ask me about <debian-backports> and <backport caveat>.  See also <simple sid backport>.
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00:50.53jakefbhi everyone, I am having a problem with setting up an nfs client in debian
00:51.45jakefbwhen I mount the nfs volume the owner and group permissions are all set to 4294967294
00:52.23jakefbI have head this can be caused by domain value in /etc/idmapd.conf
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01:02.48darkdrgn2k3hi all
01:03.09darkdrgn2k3an empty file in "/etc/udev/rules.d/80-persistent-net.rules" does not seem to disable predicvice naming anymore
01:03.12darkdrgn2k3anyone have any insight?
01:03.17rwpjakefb, 4294967294 sounds like -2 which is the nobody user, right?  Are you root with root_squash active?
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01:04.03rwpdarkdrgn2k3, Are you wanting to add net.ifnames=0 to the kernel boot command line?
01:04.16dvsI thought it was 70-persistent-net.rules
01:04.42darkdrgn2k3dvs, /lib/udev/rules.d shows it as 80
01:04.48darkdrgn2k3rwp, dont think so
01:05.49dvsdarkdrgn2k3, check  /etc/udev/rules.d/
01:06.13darkdrgn2k3empty asside from the placeholder i mentioend above
01:06.24darkdrgn2k3the idea is to overwrite the udev rules in lib
01:06.41darkdrgn2k3however even after removing the rule from lib it still gets renamed and im not sure why
01:08.14jakefbrwp, yes that is what I have found according to this article
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01:08.35jakefbrwp, how do I know if root_squash is active?
01:08.47rwpIf you haven't changed anything then root_squash is the default.
01:08.56jakefbyes it should be
01:09.01darkdrgn2k3jakefb,  i beleave root_squash is active unless you specify it not to be
01:09.02rwpInstead of trying to be root, use a non-root id.  That is the intention.
01:09.09rwpNFS is for non-root users, by default.
01:09.47darkdrgn2k3ok even after erasing all the ruesl in /libe/udev/rules.d it still renamed it ?!?
01:10.01rwpIf you have a "special case" then you can turn off root_squash and then root will be root over NFS.  But otherwise root is mapped to the nobody user for security and safety.
01:10.24jakefbrwp, so you mean chmod the nfs folder in export so the owner and group is something other than root?
01:11.00rwpCautiously I will say yes.  But the answer depends upon what you are doing and how that directory was created and so forth.
01:11.16rwpYou said folder instead of directory so I assume you are using Unix tools for the first time?
01:11.43jakefbI meant to say directory
01:11.59rwpHow did you get to this point?  I assume you set up a server and a client and then started testing as roo.
01:12.03rwpas root.
01:12.15rwpBut if you were a non-root user then things should work as one would expect.
01:12.34rwpYou will need to make the directory user:group:permissions available to the user.
01:13.01rwpFor instance I might make a directory rwp-stuff and then "chown rwp rwp-stuff" and so forth and then my uid can access it.
01:13.22rwpOr if I have something shared among several users I might put them all in a group, say "photos" and then chgrp and chmod the directory.
01:13.41rwpchgrp photos group-photos ; chmod g+ws group-photos
01:13.57rwpThen all users in that shared group have access to the shared directory.
01:14.22jakefbboth the nfs server and client are docker containers running debian, but they are both set up as the root user so it sounds like I should use a different user other than root
01:14.56rwpNormally one would use a different user than root.  Yes.  But there is no single correct answer.  It all depends upon what you are doing.
01:15.27rwpFor example if exporting the entire file system then allowing root is a less than good choice because it allows remote access to the operating system files.  /etc, /bin, and so forth.
01:15.56rwpBut if exporting a full secondary partition such as /srv/data or some such then perhaps okay because then root cannot get to the OS files on the system.
01:16.05rwpSo you see it all depends.
01:17.15rwpAlso in an nfs mounted home directory workstation environment it is typical to disallow root most places but to allow one system to have root access for administrative purposes.  And keep that one system locked down as much as possible since it has root access to the others.
01:18.40rwpI'm just providing some low level information.  It is up to you as the local admin on the spot to make a judgement decision on the best way to do this.
01:19.10jakefbrwp thanks for explaining. To clarify, what does root_squash do? Does it disallow any files in the nfs export directory from having root permissions?
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01:20.07rwproot_squash maps the root user uid 0 to the nobody user id -2.  That is all that it does.  All other users are left unmapped.
01:20.33jakefbOkay that makes sense
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01:20.44rwpOver NFS root uid 0 is the only "safe" user because any other user can be spoofed.
01:21.21rwpBasically the server trusts the client that the uids it passes are correct and trustworthy.
01:21.34rwpBut NFS itself has very little infrastructure to enforce that trust.
01:22.01rwpBut if you trust the client, because both the client and server are your docker images, then that is where the security exists.
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01:22.23rwpAs long as a hostile 3rd user on the Internet cannot nfs mount the server then this is a reasonable thing.
01:22.49rwpBut if a hostile 3rd party user on the Internet can actually nfs mount the server then that 3rd party can be any user on their system and spoof any user on the nfs mount file system.
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01:23.48rwpIf both are your docker images and no others can network into their shared network then it doesn't matter because the networking doesn't allow any other access.
01:25.13rwpI know this is a lot of information in little pieces.  But that is NFS for you!  Hopefully it helps regardless.
01:26.32jakefbthanks I appreciate your help I understand why it was causing a problem now
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01:28.32jcb2016Kinda upset right now I got Ubuntu installed to a flash drive full drivers I reboot from flash drive everything saves and is fine. Why can’t I get Debian to install to my flash drive and boot up properly with firmware installed? Would really like to know
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02:24.23zumba_ad_hi all. I'm using mariadb client 10.1.37. I need to upgrade to 10.2.x. How do I do it?
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02:27.19dvszumba_ad_, you can't.  Debian has 10.1 and 10.3
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02:27.48zumba_ad_I found something. I should not follow this?
02:28.01zumba_ad_Ok, how do I install 10.3?
02:28.09zumba_ad_I just uninstalled my 10.1
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02:28.35dvsunfortunately, it's in buster (Debian 10)
02:29.11zumba_ad_so I'll have to install from tar.gz?
02:30.09dvsIf you want it that badly...
02:30.42zumba_ad_yes, i really need higher than 10.1
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02:34.34noahmg123My laptop seems to try and throttle itself when my battery is below 10% or something. It slows to the point of near unusability, but performance restores upon plugging into AC power.
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02:35.12zumba_ad_I can't believe, all the links are returning 404, even the mirrors
02:36.17zumba_ad_I'm on this page -
02:36.31zumba_ad_Then I select a linux, Nginx says 404
02:37.04zumba_ad_which brings me here -
02:37.09zumba_ad_it's downloading now
02:37.29zumba_ad_that was intermittent
02:37.44*** join/#debian toxync12 (~toxync12@
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02:46.38aloo_shunoahmg123: could be two things: either, the cpu governor is getting set to something very conservative at 10%, or passing the 10% threshold is triggering some action that doesn't finish, e.g. a hibernation that doesn't work
02:48.35aloo_shunoahmg123: in the power manager settings of your desktop environment, you should be able to see and set what happens at low/critically low power
02:50.30TerrellI would like osme advise on how to set up a computer.  I have two of these.  Both about the same.  Say Terabyte drives.  They currently have either windows 7 or 10 and they are both 64 bit machines.  So.  I want Windows 7 and 10 and Debian Linux Multiboot and VM if possible.  I am thinking a large common user data space.  If I use NTFS then all should be able to access it right?
02:50.40aloo_shuother tools, like task manager, cpu freq widget, or the 'top' - command in a terminal, would allow you to see what is happening at 10%
02:51.13aloo_shu^ noahmg123
02:51.30zumba_ad_what is this referring to? ln -s full-path-to-mysql-VERSION-OS mysql I'm asking about `full-path-to-mysql-VERSION-OS`
02:52.51aloo_shunoahmg123: also possible that your bios is having some exotic powersave functions, but it'd be rare
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02:53.13zumba_ad_LOL, that is very bad documentation in INSTALL-BINARY
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02:53.48zumba_ad_it can really confuse people installing mariadb
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03:05.59SerajewelKSTerrell: what does "VM if possible" mean
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03:06.41SerajewelKSTerrell: there is also the option of exfat for the common space
03:06.43dpkgexFAT (Extended File Allocation Table, <MBR> partition ID 0x07) is a proprietary file system designed for flash drives.  A <FUSE> driver providing exFAT read/write support is packaged for Debian as exfat-fuse. .  Not to be confused with FATX.
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03:39.55Furry_KittyWhat could happen if I use MX Linux repository (deb stretch main non-free) on Debian and use it to install some software. Eg: Conky-Manager
03:40.34dpkgWhen you get random packages from random repositories, mix multiple releases of Debian, or mix Debian and derived distributions, you have a mess.  There's no way anyone can support this "distribution of Frankenstein" and #debian certainly doesn't want to even try.   Ask me about <reinstall>
03:41.04Furry_KittyGood to know. Thanks.
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03:41.27noahmg123aloo_shu: I found that that /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq values are being capped around 400000
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03:42.19noahmg123That's about 1/5 of what some of them get up to
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03:44.54TerrellSerajewelKS, Virtual Machine  I am just back from the store
03:45.54aloo_shuthat said, if mx are doing a good job of maintaining a dedicated debian repo, than you might be lucky, and the quality is above 'random pkg from random repo' with regards to compatibility and reversibility of changes, Furry_Kitty , only that here, nobody can or will guarantee that
03:47.05TerrellI was thinking as I walked over... just go with say an 80 MB partition for w7 and ditto for W10.  Should be both NTFS.  Then perhaps 2 OS partitions for Linux so I can test stuff and with a VM I can run the otehr copy as an application if needed and then one BIG partition for /usr
03:48.05Terrellnot /urs  pardon /home
03:48.20TerrellI was thinking as I walked over... just go with say an 80 MB partition for w7 and ditto for W10.  Should be both NTFS.  Then perhaps 2 OS partitions for Linux so I can test stuff and with a VM I can run the otehr copy as an application if needed and then one BIG partition for /home
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03:53.45aloo_shuok, noahmg123 , if it's happening via /sys, then it's definitely linux, not the bios. Did you find anything in the powermanagement settings?
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04:04.56noahmg123aloo_shu: None that reference something like this. Why would it be the BIOS though? Windows, as far as I remember, did not have this issue.
04:06.15aloo_shuforget about bios
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04:09.59aloo_shuwindows definitely has cpu governor settings in the advanced settings for power management. I cannot tell you where to find that configuration settings are in debian, if they are not exposed in the desktop environments settings gui, I could just suggest guesses
04:10.55ckur13anyone having problems running apt upgrade with the hashes being incorrect size
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04:13.08TerrellI was thinking as I walked over... just go with say an 80 MB partition for w7 and ditto for W10.  Should be both NTFS.  Then perhaps 2 OS partitions for Linux so I can test stuff and with a VM I can run the other copy as an application if needed and then one BIG partition for /home
04:14.02*** mode/#debian [+l 1506] by debhelper
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04:15.04Terrellnot in context.  I am setting up a multiboot machine Windows 7 windows 10 and Linux.
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04:36.33Tordekhi, I just got a radeon graphics card and xorg is segfaulting after/during loading glamoregl
04:36.36TordekI purged nvidia, installed the firmware, and deleted xorg.conf
04:36.38TordekI'm on "mostly stretch"
04:36.45Tordekthe last line in xorg.0.log mentions a segfault on 0x0
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04:53.39IngvixHey, I tried to get spotify working on buster by packaging a private libcurl3 with it as instructed here:
04:53.39IngvixDespite that spotify still tries to seek the CURL_OPENSSL_3 from the lib in the normal library path with libcurl4 and not the one set in LD_LIBRARY_PATH in the script. Any ideas how get around? (I already asked in #debian-next but with this chan being more active and the solution probably not being buster specific, I also decided to ask here too)
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05:15.56Tordekok, for reference, the segfault issue was that glx-alternative-mesa was missing
05:16.24Tordekso I guess there's a missing dependency between those packages
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06:09.12zumba_ad_sorry for the off topic question. Who drinks red wine here?
06:11.25diogenes_drinks only as means against any sorts of flu, viruses etc.
06:12.27zumba_ad_I mean, I opened a red wine back in January and only drank like half of the bottle. I closed it. Then today, I want to drink it. Looks like it's not color red anymore. It changed
06:12.49zumba_ad_should I just throw this away?
06:13.22zumba_ad_the taste has changed too
06:13.24zumba_ad_it's so bitter
06:13.42zumba_ad_looks like the alcohol content went up
06:13.56diogenes_yes, no good.
06:14.06zumba_ad_cool. Thanks
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06:50.39sneepRed wine vinegar is made by leaving red wine in a warm place for a while
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07:29.59radkoshello I'm trying to execute grub-install so the grub is not going to create /boot/grub/uuid/<something> and search for it on boot
07:30.03radkoshow can i achieve that?
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08:22.44TerrellI am setting up a multiboot machine Windows 7 windows 10 and Linux.
08:23.02TerrellI was thinking as I walked over... just go with say an 80 MB partition for w7 and ditto for W10.  Should be both NTFS.  Then perhaps 2 OS partitions for Linux so I can test stuff and with a VM I can run the otehr copy as an application if needed and then one BIG partition for /home
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08:39.09sneepTerrell: 80 MB?
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08:42.22Terrellsneep  Nice to meet you.  Ya.  Just a number out of the air.  80 GB partition on a 500 GB to 1 TB drive
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08:43.00Terrellsneep  Where are you from?
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08:44.46sneepEarth, Milky Way
08:45.08TerrellLOL  I'm in Calgary.  For all I know you are a fish in Nebraska
08:45.50Terrellsneep  youu forgot sol.  But the Vogons have a different map
08:46.24pagetelegramGot a job that wants me to do off-site work. I asked them to purchase me a hard drive and carrage for my getac lappy. HIPAA type stuff and sensative credentials I will be carrying. Can I setup a debian install that when hard drive is encrupted that the hard drive begins zero-write if N number of attempts to password have failed?
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08:46.57Terrellpagetelegram, yes
08:47.29Terrellpagetelegram, you can and should encrypt and you can issue a CERT to yourself.  No one can crack that.
08:48.08pagetelegramGood, my memory is a bit rusty....havent encrupted install in a while. How can I keep myself from loosing the cert file? Ideas thinking....keychain?
08:48.27Terrellpagetelegram, I use to work on OpenSSL.  I even know wherre Dr Tim Hudson's wife is... and his wifes best friend who just happens to be a professor of education in Griffiths Uni in Brisbane
08:48.58Terrellpagetelegram, put it on a card in your bank vault
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08:49.26pagetelegramoh ok....don't need to know any of that. :P Bank Vault....I need to access this stuff everyday....oh you mean a backup copy! gotcha
08:49.28TerrellI guess sneed is gone
08:49.54Terrellsneep, I am just looking for suggestions.
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08:50.23TerrellOnce I get these machines configured then they will stay that way for ever
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08:51.00pagetelegramI'll give a copy to my boss, have one on keychain and ask my credit union if they have those safety deposit boxes. Need anyhow I undergo open heart surgery in two months and need to secure my Last WIll and WIshes for my rep
08:51.02sneep80 GB isn't very much for Windows
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08:51.23sneepDepends on what you're going to do on those Windows installations though
08:51.29TerrellI would not necessarily rely on a USB.  You want a card you can carry in your wallet and I know this is feasible and have told such to my bank.
08:51.53pagetelegramPCMCIA and Express-slot I have on getac
08:52.04Terrellsneep, nothing.  Really as little as possible.  I quit windows before 1998
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08:52.40pagetelegram98 is when I started using OS/2 Warp as my desktop....then Red Hat then Windows XP...7...then Debian flavours.
08:52.57at0mpagetelegram: even if you could have the bootloader wipe the luks fs after x failed attempts, what if i just pulled the disk from the laptop and tried to mount it on another machine? see, there's no use in auto-wipe.
08:53.09Terrellpagetelegram, if you have a reader and these are avaiable on on keyboards made by the company that took over the IBM PS/2 line... then that is the way to go.
08:53.42TerrellatAT0M EXACTLY
08:53.56pagetelegramI have a smart card reader that I never used or even put in my mind until now
08:54.06pagetelegrambuilt in
08:54.23at0mpagetelegram: other than that, the debian installer has an option to FDE (full disk encrypt) your partitions (apart from the bootloader)
08:54.54Terrellsneep, the windows shit is there because I amy need to do some image editing and I am also about to start setting up a robotic manufacturing line.  I want everything Linux based.  But I might have to use some crappy software as well
08:54.54pagetelegramTHat was what I was thinking HDD encruption not bootloader I didn't even think that was a thing - bootloader
08:55.19Terrellpathat is what you should use.
08:55.32pagetelegramAnd yes I be swaping hard drives from personal to company
08:56.05Terrellpage get a copy of OpenSSL.  There is a untility where you generate a self signed cert.
08:56.45TerrellThis is what Banks should be offering to all their customers.  Its real security.
08:57.03sneeppagetelegram: I hope your surgery goes well
08:57.41Terrellpagetelegram, keep me posted.  I don't think I will need it but as I said I have worked with it.  I use it on my web servers.  It in the Https protocol
08:57.41pagetelegramEveryone tells me not to worry. I will be fine knowing that all the papers and ducks are in order before going under the knife. I can't trust next to kin to honor my wishes.
08:58.21pagetelegramWill do, be back on here after recovery....still couple months away tho.
08:58.32Terrellpage brest enhancement?  Nip Tuk is a good place to get consulting
08:59.04pagetelegramNa, :P two bengign masse growths that will cause problems soon if not zapped.
08:59.31dpkgEncryption is useful to keep data protected on your system.  There is a nice guide on how to use LVM encrypted partitions at .  See also <dm-crypt>, <ecryptfs>, <encfs>, <gpg>, <luks>.
08:59.34pagetelegramAlready causes me shallow breathing and difficulty with intense activity
08:59.50Terrellshould not be a problem.  At you going to see a plastic surgeon after?
09:00.06pagetelegramMost Debian installs ask if you want encryption from partitioning gpart.
09:00.26Terrellpage but I suppose they want a password.
09:00.58Terrellusing a cert is much better and just use public key encryption.
09:01.03pagetelegramI doubt that is an option or even covered by insurance....anyway it is of non-importance how the scare makes me look....if anything adds charactor.
09:01.06TerrellFor this a smart card.
09:01.25at0mpagetelegram: re: bootloader, indeed the decryption libs can't be stored encrypted, so there's a small part at boot that tells those where the encrypted partition is and has provisions to decrypt then continue load the OS from there
09:01.46pagetelegramSo I encrypt post installation with generating a cert key?
09:02.01Terrellya.  I'm a hasher.  check which BTW I own.  I'm donating it.  That was the intention in the first place.
09:02.08at0mpagetelegram: no, during installation, before files are written to the system partition
09:03.20Terrella USA diplomat hurt himself on one of our runs... a friend actually.  I hurt myself another time.  Slipped on the floor and fell on a server with the cover off parked in my hallway.  Had to call my daughter to take her beeling dad to the hospital.  We were comparing scars
09:03.21pagetelegramLooks good in lynx (i'm on console only install)
09:03.32pagetelegramWork good in any d**m browser lol
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09:04.38pagetelegramSome links are dead ends....The magic one
09:05.01TerrellI think you will need the cert first and store encrypted files.  If the key is in the reader it can be copied to a file on boot up and deleted on shut down or whenever you want.  If the key is present then faille can be reaed.  Otherwise forget it.
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09:05.37TerrellOh really!  I'll have to call Mike.
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09:06.17TerrellThose were funny.  It was me on one of those runs.  We set the trail using flour.  COps thought I was trying to poison the city.
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09:08.55pagetelegramyeah unable to connect to host with "Tribute to Magic" my luck being the first link I enter.
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09:09.52Terrellsneep, so.. windows is only there if I need it.  I want to be able to back up to tape as well.  I have NEVER seen a hard drive inerface live forever.  We can read tapes from the 1960's
09:10.24Terrellpagetelegram, Magic died a few years ago.  But that was never on our servers
09:10.50Terrellsneep, this may not be true of USB
09:11.27Terrellsneep, I have used EVERY interface since the old MFM drives.
09:11.28pagetelegramIf it's not too "deep" archive might have mirrored it.
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09:11.43TerrellMike will check it out.
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09:13.28at0mTerrell: i thought i had a lot of SCSI interfaces and cables, but a sampler i recently got has yet another format. oh the joy. but that's probably more for #debian-offtopic
09:13.41Terrellsneep, What if I use 128 gb partitions.  These match usb stick sizes.  Makes it handy to back up.
09:14.01TerrellI have never even filled an 80 GB drive with my stuff
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09:14.30Terrellatthey use to call me Mr. SCSI
09:15.04at0mi guess that's not for your habit of tipping over people's coffees
09:15.26Terrellat0m, I was selling them at the time... a dealer.  I took every drive that came into Canada and was importing out of the US as well.  Fujitsu dealer as well.
09:16.47TerrellI was trying to remember.  WE were hanging 9GB drives on I think 386's.  Like a dozen of them.  Can you imagine a 386 with a dozen 9GB drives on it
09:17.00TerrellNow I want my money back!
09:17.44at0meheh. my drives were in the order of 20-200MB back then
09:18.00Terrellsneep, biggest issue for me really is backups.
09:18.29Terrellya well we were and still are doing geophysics.  Carmine has 3000 core computers running.
09:19.47Terrellmy 1st computer was a 286 bough the day the Challenger blew up so that was I think 1986 and it cost me $10,000  My house was only worth about $100,000
09:20.45pagetelegramI went backwards, Started on an 80386 MCA PS/2 tower (beast) then went to 80286 then 8088 Zenith Datasystems laptop something-Sport
09:21.48Terrellpagetelegram, I think I went both ways also.  But I had the 286 and skipped the 386 then bought a 486 and next a 400 mHz celron pentium.
09:22.05FinalXmy first was a WANG 8086.. but that was not the family first, as my grandparents & family had an accountancy firm.. they even had a computer that took up an entire room in my grandparents' house (hi real bugs).. and later a smaller one with WANG 1mbit disks (huge copper plates with a handle you could plug in to the "wall" of computers
09:22.29FinalXgrandpa's went to grandma, grandma's to my mom, my mom's to me, etc :P was lucky
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09:22.50Terrellpagetelegram, and that one was interesting because I upgraded the CPU to a PIII tualatin core at 1.3 GhZ and stayed there.  Its still here and I have to now replace it.
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09:22.51pagetelegramAt least you had something to zap them bugs (bug zapper)
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09:23.30pagetelegramMy math professor used his NeXTCube until 2002. He passed it on to me. Wish I didn't put it to the curb
09:23.35FinalX(note: 1 mbit, not 1mbyte)
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09:24.01TerrellFinalX, that is so funny.  I bought and off line Calcomp plotter... and had to program it!  And it worked.  9 track drive and wire wrap
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09:24.40TerrellI have a 36" Calcomp plotter here.  I hae a 300 LPM band printer.
09:25.05FinalXI just tossed some old pc's but I left my first ever self-bought system, Intel Pentium board that I got with a Pentium 75 CPU, and later my grandpa gave me his Pentium 133, it's still in there. And later even I did some off-the-books work for a computer shop and he paid me with 64MB RAM
09:25.14FinalXHuge, full, tower, and I can't bring myself to toss it.
09:25.36TerrellI hate to toss them!  Damn!  If I knock down this house I can install display cabinates and maybe make them structural
09:25.57FinalXwell, I have a baby coming and need the space, so :(
09:26.03FinalXhad to make some choices
09:26.22FinalXplus the ones I tossed weren't as old in comparison, Core2Duo, Celerons, etc.
09:26.28FinalXnot much love lost on those
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09:26.48TerrellMy kids are grown.  Unfortunately my son is dead.  google Jessica Patterson and Joseph Larson
09:26.50FinalXstill have some 3DFX cards, too
09:27.28TerrellActually the Tualatin core PIII outran even the 1.7 P4's
09:27.39Terrellinstuction queue issue.
09:28.00pagetelegramI've used a floppy based linux for older systems (8088 and 8086) forgot what it is called...too fringe to be listed on online articles tho. I used it to dd zero write ancient hard drives (MFM/RLE) for resale to collectors at FreeGeek
09:28.11TerrellBut these new machines.  I bough a pair of I5's WOW. Quad core.. peddle to the metal.
09:28.19FinalXWe still have a sort of museum at work that I built with some other folks, but now our mother company wants to get rid of us.. so gonna see if I can find a new, proper home for them nearby :)
09:28.41Terrellwho is your mother company?
09:28.50FinalXback then there was no Linux, though. my 8086 was running MS-DOS 2.x and later 3.x iirc.
09:29.46Terrellgot them all.  Breath of fresh air with Linux.  I did look at a unix machine.  COuld not afford it... well I could have ... but its the price points since nobody back then knew much  about computers
09:29.59TerrellDon't know of them
09:30.44pagetelegramBegins with an S....trying to recall . Was kernal and basic commands specifically designed to fit even on them 8" floppies
09:30.44FinalXmy first Linux distro's came from a CD set from the local computer store, and I tried them all on that Pentium 133 w/ 64MB RAM I mentioned earlier back then
09:30.53TerrellI am trying to figure out how to get an old DOS editor running.  Brief.  I can run NT4.0 in a virtual machine.. and I might try it.
09:31.15FinalXRedHat (before the split up to Fedora/CentOS/RHEL), Slackware, SuSE, not sure if I had Debian on there too, I think I did
09:31.38FinalXI ran RedHat for a while, but SuSE the longest on it, I think.. it was just the most mature desktop environment back then
09:31.55FinalX(for a computer and utter newbie to linux/unix in general that is)
09:32.05Terrellon a pentium 233 with MAX MEMORY OF COURSE I ran Linux... VMWare... DOS (I think) and Oracle and was doing a port
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09:32.33pagetelegramfound it. Is called ELKS linux by Jody
09:32.51TerrellI ran RedHat and then switched to Debian.  And just stayed there
09:32.51pagetelegramfrom Tritech
09:33.02*** join/#debian x0n (~x0n@unaffiliated/x0n)
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09:33.06pagetelegramSame, Once debian never looked back
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09:33.34TerrellI trie Ubuntu and was ready to puke.
09:33.41FinalXYeah, I ran all MS-DOS versions, all Windows versions, OS/2 Warp. When I got those Linux CD's I just dove in without thinking and wiped my entire harddisk and started with Linux, determined to learn everything I could.
09:33.45TerrellThe things I need were not present
09:34.08Terrellsame.  Add in Solaris... I got that OS as well!
09:34.16FinalXI'm the reason my company switched to Debian (and sponsored servers for Debian) here like 15+ years ago :)
09:34.22FinalXI got fed up with FleaBSE.
09:34.30pagetelegramI used old version of Solaris....when they ditched CDE I ditched Solaris
09:34.43Terrelladd in w97 w97 NT3.5 NT4.0 NT2000
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09:35.02TerrellW95  soirry
09:35.06pagetelegramI prefer WindowMaker (OpenStep) for any DE.
09:35.08FinalXMySQL kept on having parent processes which had lost their children and then getting stuck in a loop due to a bug in FreeBSD's threading libraries that only got fixed in FreeBSD 10 or so.
09:35.13Terrellwe've done them all!
09:35.29pagetelegramNT3.5 IBM called NT=Nice Try
09:35.52TerrellIBM had the world in their hands and blew it.
09:35.53FinalXI got so fed up I wiped the machines, installed Debian with MySQL and it never occurred again (Linux threading libs++); after that, more and more people started seeing how much nicer Debian was to maintain
09:35.54*** join/#debian m0j0dj0dj0 (~punk3r@unaffiliated/m0j0dj0dj0)
09:35.54pagetelegram"UP and Running, not Up and Coming" :P
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09:36.24FinalXNow we're at 1000+ Debian machines, and like 50+ Ubuntu ones (and we don't talk about the ~10 inherited RHEL machines).
09:36.34fireba11FinalX: haha
09:36.50TerrellFinalX, must be a fairly big company
09:37.26*** join/#debian AimHere (
09:37.32PsyndromeIs there a way to keep multiple windows activated at a time or at least to be activated with the mouse pointer without the need of clicking?
09:37.35FinalXXS4ALL; we used to host (part of) for a while, too.. and still run
09:37.54*** join/#debian martastain (~martastai@
09:37.57TerrellI have been consulting since 1982.  On that side:  TI990 UGGH  HP3000 VAX PDP11 Prime Perkin Elmer IBM of course and there are otehrs I have forgotten
09:38.34FinalXmust say that since hardware's become so much faster and more efficient, the amount of server is going down rapidly, and most get consolidated with virtualisation obv.
09:38.37TerrellNow I am going bee keeping.
09:39.06*** join/#debian tommaso (~osboxes@
09:39.16TerrellI also run OpenBSD on hte web servers adn firewalls
09:39.26pagetelegramJust like Sherlock Holms....bee keeping in retirement.
09:39.31FinalXmy coworker just took up bee keeping, and I'm often taking time to nurse bees back to health at home
09:40.49FinalXmy cherry-plum mix tree is blossoming in full, there's dozens and dozens of bees in there almost every day, it's nice :)
09:40.57*** join/#debian Poffer (
09:41.10TerrellFinalX, where from?
09:41.33TerrellWe still have winter
09:41.35FinalXme? NL.
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09:43.16TerrellFinalX, what does NL stand for?
09:43.20*** join/#debian Brilpikk3wyn (~Segfault0@unaffiliated/segfault0x40)
09:43.57TerrellI thought so.  I'm in Canada.  Calgary
09:45.50*** join/#debian MScott (MScott@gateway/vpn/protonvpn/mscott)
09:46.27TerrellWell its been a nice discussion but I still need to repartition and install operating systems into my twin towers.
09:46.36*** join/#debian SmearedBeard (~SmearedBe@unaffiliated/smearedbeard)
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09:46.53Terrellfor the main partition for Linux... what would be a minimum size?
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09:47.51TerrellIf I partition a TB drive into 128GB slices I should have 8 right?
09:47.52rantTerrell: if you are using only one partition and going to use a desktop install 8GB would be the bare minimum
09:47.56FinalXI wouldn't go below 8GB, with package upgraddes and log files.. if something small happens, it's full fairly fast
09:47.56rant!de usage
09:47.57dpkgsomebody said de usage was The HDD/RAM usages of the 7 Stretch DE on amd64 VirtualBoxes with 1GB RAM / 32GB HDD are as follows as reported with only their terminals running df -Th and free -h: GNOME 4.2G 726M, KDE 4.1G 604M, Cinnamon 3.7G 482M, MATE 3.1G 215M, LXQt 3.1G 184M, LXDE 3.0G 180M, XFCE 2.9G 226M
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09:48.18rantTerrell: you'd need room to be able to do a dist-upgrade so.. 8GB would be cutting it thin
09:48.21Terrellrant, ya.  THought so.  Its not W$Bloiatware
09:48.36jellyTerrell: workstation or server?
09:48.49*** part/#debian diogenes_ (
09:48.53Terrellrant only way I'll be down that small is on embedded processors
09:49.01FinalXI know that Ubuntu recommends 25GB+ for a comfortable desktop environment, and I'm inclined to agree. For servers you could go with way less, depending on what you're going to do.
09:49.16Terrelljelly all my machines are servers
09:49.20FinalXFor my personal server I'm running a 16GB SLC stick as root, and having other disks for containers.
09:49.21jellyphysical server: 10GB for /, workstation 20GB or so
09:49.43jellyTerrell: or use LVM and grow / size as needed
09:49.50Terrelljelly misinterprested.  They do both desktop and can function as a server
09:50.02indomitablewhat is an SLC stick
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09:50.05TerrellI'll never be under 64gb.
09:50.38FinalXindomitable: SLC-flash drive as a SATA Disk-on-Module, that you can stick straight into a SATA-port on the motherboard.
09:50.43pagetelegram!wmaker usage
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09:51.07TerrellI can get 64GB sticks and 128GB sticks so cheap there is little reason to go any smaller.
09:51.08indomitablewhy not just use an ssd
09:51.18pagetelegrammy beloved de not in that list :(
09:51.23FinalXit _is_ an SSD
09:51.34indomitableso it's a roudabout confusing way of saying SSD?
09:51.45FinalXSLC is a type of SSD memory.
09:51.58TerrellFinalX, I am not familiar but I think different packaging.
09:51.58rantpagetelegram: I did the testing in virtualbox and made that factoid.. the point was to use Debian's actual DE for reference.. wmaker isnt really a DE and its ancient
09:52.37FinalXregular USB flash drives are in no way as reliable or performing as SLC/MLC/TLC drives are.
09:52.39*** join/#debian seekr (~seekr@unaffiliated/seekr)
09:52.40Terrellrant between virtualbox and VMWare... any comments?
09:52.42indomitableI never install Debian (or any other OS) desktop editions, too much junk software I don't care about comes with it
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09:53.08rantTerrell: VMware cost several hundred dollars, virtualbox costs $0
09:53.20TerrellFinalX, that is goo9d to know.  How do I use SSD then?  What kind of interface?
09:53.25pagetelegramStill maintained though hanging by a thread it seems. Only good implemntation with debian is WindowMaker Live
09:53.28rantvmware player is free but you can't actually make machines, only use them
09:53.40indomitableTerrell, SSDs are SATA or NVMe or eMMC usually
09:53.45ranthasn't used vmware in ages
09:53.53FinalXSSDs are usually either SATA or M.2 format (with NVMe interface)
09:54.25indomitableI have never heard of an SLC stick, but it sounds suspiciously like an M.2 SSD
09:54.38indomitable(though obviously those don't connect via sata)
09:54.38FinalXI explained it in detail.
09:54.45FinalXIt goes straight into the SATA port.
09:54.54Terrellindomitable, I bought a "toaster"  so I can install 3.5" (?) and 5.25" without a case.  Can I use SSD with it?
09:55.11indomitableI see no reason why you couldn't
09:55.21indomitableApparently you already have an SSD according to FinalX, your shiny SLC stick
09:55.32FinalXSLC is the type of memory. "Regular" SSD's have that as well, it's just insanely expensive. Most newer disk *emulate* having a SLC cache nowadays.
09:55.43FinalXI'm the one with the stick, not him.
09:55.59indomitableNow who has the carrot?!
09:56.20TerrellI need the carrot.  I'm makin soup
09:56.40indomitableTerrell, I have a spare carrot in my fridge I think. Also yeah SSDs work most places hard drives do. They have their upsides and downsides.
09:56.52FinalXthey're like this
09:56.53rantactually apparently they're charging for player now too
09:57.15indomitableFinalX, but that's MLC
09:57.17TerrellIf you "think" you have a spare carrot then I can feed it ot my mushrooms
09:57.20FinalXand Supermicro makes motherboards and Disk-on-Modules ("stick") that are powered by the special SATA-slot as well
09:57.25rantwhich is ridiculous.. they're about as bad as microsoft with their fees
09:57.25FinalXindomitable: can you stop fucking trolling now?
09:57.42indomitableSo it's ... like that, but SLC instead of MLC+
09:57.42Terrellwhat is the form factor of the SSDs
09:57.50indomitableTerrell, 2.5 usually
09:57.54indomitable(the SATA ones)
09:58.05indomitableThere's also the M.2 through NVMe ones FinalX talked about
09:58.10FinalXm.2 slots can come in SATA, NVMe and both variants, btw
09:58.15indomitableCan they? Huh
09:58.20Terrellokay.  I can place a bare one in the "toaster".  And use it as a back up.
09:58.23FinalXdifferent "keys" as they call it.
09:58.31indomitableYou don't usually use SSDs as backups
09:58.37rantcould you folk consider going to ##hardware, #debian-offtopic or somewhere? last actual debian question I see here was aroung 4 hours ago and you all have been offtopic ever since and that question was never answered
09:59.22TerrellToaster is what they call a unit that runs USB3.0 and can interrface a 2.5 or 3.5
09:59.44Terrellindomitable, what do people typically use?
10:00.01*** join/#debian pragomer (
10:00.07Terrellrant.. I think we're done...  Good point.
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10:00.42TerrellI have yet to install it.  Just figuring out partitioning
10:00.56pagetelegramI asked about hard drive encrytion and all meanders after.
10:01.58Terrellpagetelegram, I suggested a CERT which you can generate yourself.  These are used in a webserver to support the HTTPS protocol..and jsut put it on a smartcard
10:02.15indomitableThat seems like an absolutely terrible idea for drive encryption
10:02.25indomitableThe gold standard is 256 AES with 512 bit keys
10:02.39Walexindomitable: it is not terrible, a key is just a bit number, whatever the container is.
10:02.39indomitable(through LUKS2)
10:02.48TerrellI would not encrypt the whole drive.  Just certain files
10:02.55indomitableI would definitely encrypt the whole drive
10:03.13indomitableIt depends on needs however, and processing power
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10:03.22Terrellbut accessing it woudl be terribly slow.
10:03.33indomitableNot that slow
10:03.41FinalXjust use cryptsetup with /etc/crypttab and benchmark which encryption works best for you. usually something with AES works best since most newer CPU's have AES-NI hardware acceleration support.
10:03.53TerrellMaybe I would encrypt a partition.  But not the OS
10:04.07pagetelegramI've ran on encrypted hard drives before (years ago) and not slow enough to notice for what I do.
10:04.14pagetelegramOH yeah good point
10:04.17indomitableIt shouldn't be an issue since AES is optimized pagetelegram
10:04.21indomitableBetter safe than sorry
10:04.22FinalXSome of those work at 2GB/s+ speeds, which would saturate even PCIe 2.0 links
10:04.24Walexpagetelegram: what other people have said is sort of sensible but incomplete
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10:04.39indomitableFinalX, Some of what work at 2GB/s speeds?
10:04.43mutantenobody notices any difference
10:05.05Walexpagetelegram: most drives today have builtin encryption, and it is transparent to the OS. You can usually activate it by setting a drive password in the BIOS.
10:05.14indomitableIn 2019 most people run their stuff on SSDs (for systems, day to day) which is very, very fast even encrypted
10:05.17FinalXEncryption algorithm combinations of "standard" Linux disk encryption (cryptsetup / "LUKS")
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10:05.44Walexpagetelegram: alternatively at the "Debian" level you can use LUKS/'cryptsetup' as mentioned, and on a per-partition basis.
10:05.44pagetelegramYeah tho lappy is easy to remove the HDD, so I'm going with the most secure recommendation.
10:05.51Terrellindomitable, don't the SSD's wear out?
10:05.59indomitableTerrell, Yes they do, but that takes a long time
10:06.09FinalXDisk's own enccryption is not safe enough. There have been many reports lately of disks that are not doing that properly and leak their entire content. It's only to securely wipe the SSD in the event of selling off the SSD or tossing it, the encryption key is then dropped and you can't access the data anymore.
10:06.11indomitableIf you aren't using them for industrial applications then they tend to last years
10:06.22indomitableThey have wear levelling of course
10:06.25TerrellI can still go that route.  BUt I've never found a hard drive slow.
10:06.31Walexpagetelegram: if you encrypt partitions mnake sure '/boot' is not encrypted.
10:06.33indomitableYou're a more patient man than I
10:06.41mutantethey might wear out but that is much better than spinning disks that constantly move
10:06.46indomitableMy laptop boots up in 30 seconds at most >P
10:06.59FinalXpagetelegram: You can make a partition specifically for files you want encrypted (documents and alike), I'd really stick with LUKS/cryptsetup.
10:06.59pagetelegramGood point about SSD's I won't use SSD's for encrypted drives. Hard drive RPMs are not even mentioned anymore like they were for IDE, SCSII and MFM/RLE
10:07.08indomitablepagetelegram, you won't use SSDs for encrypted drives?
10:07.09TerrellI'm using a 1.6 atom on an EEEPC netbook that I picked up on Kijiji for $50 bux.
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10:07.18indomitableThey are the best encrypted drives since once you encrypt them there's no way of recovering data off them
10:07.25indomitableEven unencrypted they are a pain to recover from :P
10:07.35Walexthe great advantages of SSDs are: much faster system updates (DPKG deal with lots of small files), no prpoblems with bumps, most have very fast native AES encryption.
10:07.41FinalXSSDs *need* to have it, because from the OS you can never access all blocks on the disk. With spinning rust, you can.
10:07.51pagetelegramNo, SSD's not good....they wear down with the physical gates with all them rewrites and moving sh!t around.
10:08.15indomitableThat's a neat point FinalX
10:08.24mutanteexpect hardware to die. have backups. the end
10:08.27pagetelegramI need reliability and dependability so no SSD for me....SSD is only good in that is solid state.
10:08.29*** join/#debian kapil____ (uid36151@gateway/web/
10:08.29indomitableI have yet to wear out an SSD
10:08.32indomitableOr a hard drive...
10:08.39indomitableTremendously lucky I guess in the hardware sense :P
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10:08.59FinalXWe have some worn out SSDs, but that's only because they weren't TRIM'd properly.
10:09.12indomitableOld ones probably?
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10:09.20FinalXAnd some that just broke because of hardware RAID-controller imcompatibilities.
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10:09.36indomitableYeah I think even new SDcards have proper wear levelling now
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10:10.03colo-workwe smoked through a number of
10:10.04pagetelegramI've had horrors with SD cards....but never CF. I have about 15 SD cards that are corrupt
10:10.10colo-workthe endurance rating on these _is_ accurate
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10:10.19indomitablepagetelegram, oh they'll definitely go corrupt ?:P
10:10.20colo-work(but the speed/priceratio is also very, very good)
10:10.31indomitableWhat is with my keyboard layout today, god damn it.
10:10.39pagetelegram*** we got stuck talking hardware lol
10:11.00Terrelltaking a break.
10:11.04*** join/#debian tnozyrox__ (~tnozyrox@unaffiliated/tnozyrox)
10:11.28indomitableSo. How about ... that Debian?
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10:11.45pagetelegramThey got divorced years ago...the name lives on.
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10:12.41rantwatches the channel redirct to topical off-topic
10:14.01*** mode/#debian [+l 1545] by debhelper
10:15.01pagetelegramMurdocks ex-wife: Debra Lynn who inspired the name Debian
10:15.44pagetelegramAnyhow I would agree with is a good hangout to chat tangents and such.
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10:37.36RoyKany idea what to do when I try to make a package and I get this error?
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10:40.36pstkhi here
10:41.17indomitableRoyK, did you read the error message? and check the obvious stuff?
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10:42.41pstkwhy jessie-backports is empty?
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10:45.14kapil____hello, i have very trouble linking .so lib in android project
10:45.15RoyKindomitable: obviously, I just wonder what do do with it - the git repo in question has the debian dir in it, but is missing the changelog, and I can't really understand why that is critical for building a package
10:45.44kapil____is there any simple documetation available?
10:46.30indomitableRoyK, make the changelog file :P
10:46.32indomitablesee what happens
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10:48.11RoyKindomitable: I've tried a "touch debian/changelog", but it complains about it being empty
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10:48.35mutantewhere else would it get the author and version from?
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10:48.53RoyKperhaps I should use checkinstall
10:49.09mutanteor just make the changelog file
10:49.10indomitableRoyK, put "Fixed all the bugs" in it
10:49.12indomitablesee if it works
10:49.23mutante"Fixed missing changelog file" obv :)
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11:26.48kyychhello, Ive got some problems with logind. I uncommented HandleLidSwitch=suspend, and restarted service several times, even rebooted laptop. Closing lid does nothing. Laptop wont suspend. Any ideas whats wrong?
11:27.11kyychofc ive got acpid on my system
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11:42.04TerrellAre people still having problems using initrd?
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11:45.57TerrellIf I partition a 1TB drive like this:  256GB 256GB 128GB 128GB 2556GB  how would I back it up.  I am thinking {Windows 7} {Windows 10} {Debian boot1} {Debian boot2} {/home}
11:46.29*** part/#debian ionix0 (~iionix0@
11:46.53mutanteTerrell: wouldnt backup always mean "not the same disk" anyways
11:47.11mutanteso.. external HDD ?
11:47.37TerrellIf I partition a 1TB drive like this:  256GB 256GB 128GB 128GB 2556GB  how would I back it up.  I am thinking {Windows 7} {Windows 10} {Debian boot1} {Debian boot2} {/home}   The reason for the duplicated boot partitions is if I do an upgrade or ANYTHING and there is a problem I always have the old version which I can boot from.  And this has happened in the past.  Issue is I'll never need the space on that drive
11:48.11*** join/#debian homaar (~homaar@
11:48.14Terrellmutante, yes.  If I want to backup the while thing then for me its $70 bux and I buy a new drive.
11:48.37mutanteTerrell: so. problem solved :)
11:48.54Terrellmutante, I think so.
11:49.13TerrellBut if I want to just back up a partition then to what?
11:49.39milktTerrell: you can make smaller root partition and backup root partition itself
11:49.53Terrellto what media?
11:50.24TerrellUSB stick?
11:50.27Ede|PopedeTerrell: forget about boot2, if you upgrade simply dd your sys partition onto a BIG data partition and go on
11:51.20mutanteTerrell: rsync to a remote server ?
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11:51.34TerrellEde|Popede, okay.  Makes sense.  so it ends up in an ISO right?  and if I can't reboot then how do I dd it back?  Rescue disk?
11:51.40Ede|PopedeTerrell: my / is just 14GB, a have a couple 32GB sticks, see the idea? ;)
11:51.57Ede|PopedeTerrell: you have a live stick, i hope? oO
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11:52.29Terrellmutante, well I plan on having twin towers.  But I expect I'll have M$ running on one of them because I think I'm going to need access to software that ONLY runs on a crap OS
11:52.50Ede|Popede/var goes extra, also /usr/local. could have been /usr, but i wanted my own stuff on its own.
11:53.05mutanteTerrell: that must be pretty exotic software. are you doing development of Windows app?
11:53.14TerrellEde|Popede, I have nothing at this time.  I'm just trying to figure out how to partition these humungus drives.
11:53.23Ede|Popedeoh and for win10, don't forget the efi partition or whatever it may need in addition
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11:53.55mutanteTerrell: better if the backup is not even in the same power circuit / room / house /..
11:54.04Terrellmutante, check Fusion  (autocad).  Its 3D milling.
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11:54.34TerrellI'll likely use FreeCAD
11:54.51TerrellIt will be in my safty deposit box
11:54.56Ede|PopedeTerrell: just think of potential extra drives and what kind of data needs how much space. code isn't the real problem, it's mostly videos, then maybe your music collection. unless you run a database center.
11:55.20TerrellI do none of the above.
11:55.32TerrellLet Netflix do it.  I hafve better things to do.
11:55.36Ede|Popedeso you should end up with (a) really big data partition(s) and reasonably sized / and even /home.
11:56.27TerrellI never even filled an 80 GB drive and I've run my own company since 1982
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11:56.45mutanteTerrell: if it says "Gold" that means you can run it in Wine.. and use the Windows app under Linux and peopel said no issues
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11:57.06Terrellmutante, I know of wine.. but I've never used it.
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11:57.36TerrellI need an image editor like illustrator or photoshop.
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11:57.58tarzeauTerrell: try gimp, inkscape,, scribus ?
11:58.05Terrelland if FreeCAD does the job then the rest is standard editors and so forth.
11:58.22Terrelltarzeau, I am not that far along
11:58.23Ede|Popededepending of ressources you also could do something Xen-like (Xen itself isn't state of the art anymore i've read, but i generally like the idea)
11:59.36TerrellI have a very simple label for my jars of honey and that is so far about it.  Maybe a poster.  But when I hire art work I end up with what professional illustrators use
12:00.14Ede|Popedeafaik PS has features you don't find elsewhere. may be a reason to use it ;)
12:00.58Terrellwell I may end up with fonts and features in the image that PS can handle... I think this will be the case.
12:01.39TerrellIf I had my web servers running (they are in the shop) then I could show you... and down the track I will be able to.
12:01.54Ingvixany idea why does spotify still use libs in the default directory usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu even though I LD_LIBRARY_PATH points elsewhere?
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12:14.21radkoswhen is debian 10 expected to be released
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12:16.54mutanteradkos: "soon"
12:17.50mutanteit's been frozen already
12:19.20mutanteradkos: ^ so only release-critical bugs have to be fixed
12:19.23CrystalMathoh wow :)
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12:31.09rantor more specifically
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12:31.41rant320 bugs, 39 have a patch available.. when those are gone, and no new ones are filed, it will be released
12:32.13CrystalMathaptly: unable to delete local repositories
12:32.20CrystalMathwhat's this about local repositories???
12:32.50CrystalMathi always wanted to be able to install to $HOME/.local
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12:54.03aloo_shuooops, so soon the wheezy that I need to run because of the kernel on this well-working android device, will be oldoldoldstable=archived
12:54.28colo-workMar 25 13:51:51 debproxy approx[996]: download error
12:54.28colo-workMar 25 13:51:52 debproxy approx[996]: Unrecognized response: HTTP/2 302
12:54.34colo-worknow isn't that just effin' great?!
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14:53.47zumba_addictmorning all. Why would debian uninstall a database that I installed from source?
14:54.11zumba_addictI installed mariadb 10.3 last night using this doc
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14:55.27indomitablezumba_addict, are you sure it did?
14:55.28nkuttlerzumba_addict: what do you mean by uninstall?
14:55.36zumba_addictyes I am sure
14:55.40nkuttlerzumba_addict: what do you mean by uninstall?
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14:56.53zumba_addictso I had 10.1.37 version before but I needed a new version of mariadb. I removed the 10.1 manually and followed the link I posted few minutes ago. I got it up and running and I was using it for like 3 hours. I went to sleep. Now, dpkg -l |grep maria doesn't show it anymore
14:57.17nkuttlerzumba_addict: dpkg -l is only for debian packages
14:57.43zumba_addictwhat do you mean?
14:57.55zumba_addictI installed it this way `apt-get install ./mariadb-*build-deps_*.deb`
14:58.19nkuttlerzumba_addict: those are only build deps according to the name, not a database..
14:58.57zumba_addictso I was still using 10.1 last night?
14:59.15nkuttleraccording to the doc you linked to, yes... you didn't perform all steps..
14:59.26zumba_addictit's weird I don't have a systemd scripts anymore in /lib/systemd/system
14:59.31nkuttler,v mysql-server
14:59.32juddPackage: mysql-server on amd64 -- wheezy: 5.5.47-0+deb7u1; wheezy-security: 5.5.60-0+deb7u1; jessie: 5.5.60-0+deb8u1; stretch: 5.5.9999+default; sid: 5.7.24-3
14:59.44nkuttler,v mariadb-server
14:59.45juddPackage: mariadb-server on amd64 -- jessie: 10.0.25-0+deb8u1; jessie: 10.0.30-0+deb8u2; jessie: 10.0.32-0+deb8u1; stretch: 10.1.26-0+deb9u1; stretch-security: 10.1.26-0+deb9u1; stretch-security: 10.1.37-0+deb9u1; sid: 1:10.3.12-2; buster: 1:10.3.13-1
15:00.24zumba_addicti'll check it later. I need to attend a meeting. Thank you
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15:05.04tomreynzumba_addict: btw. mariadb provide (both minor and micro) versioned apt repositories.
15:05.58zumba_addicti was told last night there is no 10.2 for Stretch. I decided to install 10.3 from source
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15:08.03tomreynthere are 10.3 packages for stretch according to
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15:16.18zumba_addicthow do I install that 10.3 tomreyn?
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15:16.48zumba_addictoh, mariadb-server-10.3 - MariaDB database server binaries with apt-cache search
15:18.14zumba_addictdoes dpkg -l show installed packages in our system?
15:18.26zumba_addicti ran apt-get remove but it still shows it
15:18.31greycatAnd a few things besides, but yes.  It's mostly the installed packages.
15:19.03zumba_addictmaybe my removal command was wrong
15:19.08zumba_addictapt-get remove mariadb-server-10.1
15:20.15zumba_addictPackage 'mariadb-server' is not installed, so not removed
15:20.38zumba_addictbut dpkg -l|grep maria, I see this `rc  mariadb-server-10.1                    10.1.37-0+deb9u1                     amd64        MariaDB database server binaries`
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15:21.02greycatRead the headers.  "r" means removed, "c" means config files left.
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15:21.25greycatPurge the package to get rid of the config files, if you never intend to re-install it.
15:23.39jelly,v mariadb-server-10.3
15:23.40juddPackage: mariadb-server-10.3 on amd64 -- sid: 1:10.3.12-2; buster: 1:10.3.13-1
15:24.32jellyoh you used upstream's own builds
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15:29.10tobiasBoraI'd like to know, except for the file /etc/fstab, where can be written the usb mount policies? Because in my univ, some users have there usb mounted as read only and I don't know how to make sure if it's a sysadmin choice or not without mailing them
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15:37.02hodappany reason why is now listing no packages? I was looking for news that might pertain to this but couldn't find anything
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15:53.38zumba_addictmy mariadb is up and running
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15:59.17_anbHi there, I cannot find the changelog to debian repo, e.g. when a package get removed from the repo, or package version changed, etc. May I get some clues?
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16:05.02_anbnkuttler: great, that's what I need. Thank you. Do you know the thing for backports?
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16:08.35hodappah, yes, speaking of backports I'm still looking around for why jessie-backports is now empty
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16:09.49hodapphm, lists the version in old-bpo that I was using (libjsoncpp1=1.7.2-1~bpo8+1) but the link is dead
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16:12.16_anbyeah, my deploy broke because libuv1 is missing from jessie-backports.
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16:17.55jelly,v libuv1
16:17.57juddPackage: libuv1 on amd64 -- jessie-backports: 1.9.0-1~bpo8+1; stretch: 1.9.1-3; stretch-backports: 1.18.0-3~bpo9+1; buster: 1.24.1-1; sid: 1.24.1-1
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16:18.51jelly[17:18] ~ # apt-get download libuv1
16:18.51jellyGet:1 jessie-backports/main libuv1 amd64 1.9.0-1~bpo8+1 [83.6 kB]
16:18.51jellyFetched 83.6 kB in 0s (2294 kB/s)
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16:19.02MurgothGood afternoon, I'm having trouble making an additional IP on my network card. Can someone send me an exemplod (debian stretch)
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16:19.50jellyMurgoth: how is your network configured?  /etc/network/interfaces or something else?
16:19.54MurgothI got it !!
16:20.15Murgothjelly Thank you, it worked!
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16:20.31jelly!win Murgoth
16:20.32dpkgCongratulations, Murgoth!  You have won second prize in a beauty contest!
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16:23.47TerrellMurgoth, Awake.  Up and at it.  Lasat time I did this stuff was 1998
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16:25.04TerrellMurgoth, why do I feel like Rip Van Wrinkle?  I stopped systems work for 20 years and did some law instead.  Law is easier.
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17:01.05hodapp_anb: you're on jessie-backports too?
17:02.21greycatOne is not "on" *-backports.  One is on jessie, or stretch, and may have installed a few backports.
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17:03.27hodappin so far as "on" is a very open-ended term, that seems sort of a needless correction
17:04.05hodapp_anb: asking because my deploy broke as well due to libjsoncpp1=1.7.2-1~bpo8+1 in jessie-backports
17:04.10greycatIt's quite needful.  There is a substantial difference in how stretch-backports works vs. how stretch works.
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17:04.39greycatBackported packages have to be selected individually.  You do not just get all of them.
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17:07.10hodappwhat you're saying is true, but not really relevant, considering the inherent vagueness of "on". I didn't ask if jessie-backports is literally the distribution installed.
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17:38.17KOLANICHHi everyone. How to make multiple packages with debian/rules?
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17:39.18dpkgThe packaging tutorial ( and the New Maintainer's Guide ( are good places to start learning about Debian packaging.  You should also ask me about <devref> and <policy> to understand how packages should be maintained and how they should interact with each other.  Ask me about <package basics>, <mentors>, <best practices> <build without helper>.
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17:39.30_anbhodapp: yep, I'm using jessie-backports
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17:40.03hodapp_anb: and I take it you too have no clue why is now empty?
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17:45.27r4co0nKOLANICH, greycat gave you the links to documents that imnsho carry the essence of Debian packaging, a must read and I found large parts really interesting. As to your specific question: You want to look at debian/control, see for example
17:49.36r4co0nhodapp, I suppose the mirrors for jessie-backports were taken offline as it is EOL for a long time. You only have so much space on your mirrors...
17:50.16KOLANICHr4co0n: thank you. So I cannot use dh $@, do I?
17:50.57hodappr4co0n: and that's fine by me, but I'm just trying to get some kind of confirmation that this is the case and not a transient thing
17:51.38KOLANICH*can I
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18:01.47hodapp_anb: okay, here is the actual announcement on that:
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18:07.29Sqwonktime is  a fickle
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18:09.50albertvakaHi guys, I wanted to use the wheezy docker image to reproduce a problem from a customer and found a problem
18:10.06albertvakaThe installed versions of the packets there, are newer than the ones from
18:10.26albertvakaSo it's impossible to use apt-get for anything
18:11.06albertvakaThe following packages have unmet dependencies:  libc6-dev : Depends: libc6 (= 2.13-38+deb7u10) but 2.13-38+deb7u12 is to be installed
18:11.22albertvakathat's from a freshly pulled docker debian:wheezy image
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18:11.53greycatYou'll have to work out what the sources.list lines should be to fetch the packages from archive instead of the mirrors.
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18:14.49eogan3I am new to debian, I want to install testing and KDE to enjoy compiz effect. I have few bandwidth so I downloaded net install and I would like to know if I can donwload KDE packages and add them to my usb stick ?
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18:15.27tobiasBoraI'm trying to simulate programmatically a graphic tablet.
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18:15.40tobiasBoraSo I wrote the following code:
18:15.46tobiasBoraHowever there are two problems:
18:15.52tobiasBora1) xinput does not detect the pressure
18:16.06tobiasBora(with "xinput test")
18:16.43tobiasBora2) "xinput test" has a slow rate (like 1 update/sec), while my code outputs 10 values/sec
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18:23.59unbornhi tobiasBora regards 1) (in case you are using modern touch displays and not those obsolete ones) i think modern touch screens does not use pressure on input any more, its about gestures and how many taps on selected item or perhaps how many seconds sensors feels passing in.. regards 2) perhaps your hardware is not capable to process it.. - I don't know your hardware specs but that could be a problem.. I would have look at the hardware side if it
18:23.59unbornmeets your specs?
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18:26.24tobiasBoraunborn: I want to simulate graphic tablets, so no really gestures here right? And I tried to cat a /dev/input/eventX file corresponding to my graphic tablet (that is not really recognized as expected), and the pressure is reported, with the position in X and Y coordinate
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18:27.31tobiasBoraunborn: for 2), my hardware is good enough to proceed much better than that, it's an intel i7... And the python part print things at the good rate, the problem is on the other side, to interpret these data
18:27.32unborntobiasBora: how do you simulate that tablets? name of the simulator if I can ask.
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18:29.11_anbhodapp: thanks, that helps. :)
18:29.21tobiasBoraunborn: Well my tablet is not detected by softwares like gimp etc... So my goal is to manually create a virtual program that reads the input from /etc/input/eventX, and then output it to the virtual device. But as a first step, I just want to check with a simple/fixed trajectory, like the one in the python script above.
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18:30.02unborn*those tablets.. Im on i7 too.. just asking, btw from dev. point I would not take pressure points in unless its for those old cnc robots panels in industry.
18:30.31unbornaha (my moment) - I see.
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18:34.30unborntobiasBora: Im still on jessie btw for python scripts there is huge base here on debian channel however better you would be asking for code review at #python channel, I learned loads of stuff from them there. Anyway whats the tablet hardware then?
18:34.54tobiasBoraunborn: I'm affraid the problem is not python. If you want I can do the same on C.
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18:35.17tobiasBoraI think I misunderstand something how xinput handles the inputs/outputs
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18:36.03tobiasBoraunborn: and the tablet hardware is VEIKK A30. But in the script, I don't need any hardware to run it.
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18:38.27Tenkawadoes it seem odd to anyone that my usb 3 thumbdrive root host is actually faster than the emmc on this notebook?
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18:38.55unborntobiasBora: thanks. let me look into that.
18:39.19Tenkawa(according to hdparm tests)
18:39.44tobiasBoraunborn: ok thanks. I'll be away during some time, but I stay online and will read everything when I'm back.
18:39.51unborntobiasBora: I now see the purpose, all I would say in my opinion bamboo does better job. give me sec.. I will check out drivers and see if I can run it virtually on my system too.
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18:41.18unborn(bamboo = wacom company)
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18:42.30tobiasBoraunborn: maybe, but it does not say why the bare python script that sends messages to uinput does not work^^
18:43.35unborntobiasBora: hardware - drivers... I still need some time..
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18:47.33unborntobiasBora: is the pressure detected in my paint program?
18:47.41unbornon your current distro
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19:07.04jhutchins_wkTenkawa: That's not unreasonable. emmc is not real high performance.
19:07.50Tenkawabut should it be slower than a offboard usb stick ?
19:08.13Tenkawa(granted I'm not complaining.. just surprised)
19:08.45Tenkawathe emmc is just currently housing my windows 10 install on the machine anyway
19:09.24Tenkawamakes dual booting a lot easier
19:09.25BCMMTenkawa: USB 3 is, potentially, really fast
19:09.32TenkawaBCMM: indeed
19:09.42BCMMand i'm sure there are cheap emmc modules available that aren't particularly quick
19:09.49Tenkawamy powerhouse machine it screams on
19:10.20BCMMbasically both interfaces are quick enough that they're probably not actually the bottlenecks
19:10.24Tenkawamy gaming box has one of the newes usb 3.x chips and omg its fast
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19:30.52rocketmagnethello everyone, what package do i need to install for openGL programming ?
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19:38.13jhutchins_wkDoes anybody have any knowledge of a change to systemd that causes it to fail to mount NFS(cifs) shares from fstab at boot?  They mount just fine with mount -a after boot.  I have seen several reports of this with recent updates to Debian and Ubuntu, but all of the work-arounds are pretty kludgy.
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19:41.42indomitablejhutchins_wk, what specifically is the fstab line for this?
19:41.51indomitablethe goal is to have the nfs retry when it fails
19:42.01indomitablesince it's obviously going to fail before you get wifi or ethernet up properly
19:42.07indomitableor any other of ten billion reasons
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19:46.47klysjhutchins_wk, fsstab option comment=systemd.automount might help
19:46.59jhutchins_wk_netdev is supposed to postpone the mounts until networking is up.
19:47.03klysthat's for systemd.  if using sysvinit-core it's auto
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19:47.22jhutchins_wkI boot so seldom that this could actually be an older problem.
19:47.58jhutchins_wkklys: Yeah, systemd.  Is that requirement documented anywhere?  (That was one of the "solutions" I found yesterday.)
19:48.51klysI saw it at and it's probably documented in the systemd docs, I haven't seen them though
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19:52.11indomitablejhutchins_wk, my nfs doesn't complain at all with my mount settings
19:52.16indomitablebut it's on raspbian stretch lite
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19:53.24indomitablewhateverip:/share /var/lib/minidlna/mountpoint nfs nofail 0 0
19:53.37indomitable(I obviously use mine for media :P)
19:53.39klysand judging that this is the toc for systemd's "documentation", it's a wonder anybody knows how to use it:
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19:53.52indomitablesystemd is fine
19:53.56indomitablethe clue is to only use it when you have to
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19:54.08indomitablenot like its precursors and competitors are any better
19:54.22indomitableyes it does more stuff than it's supposed to, no it isn't a huge problem
19:54.35jhutchins_wkklys: Amen to that.
19:55.10jhutchins_wkThe problem is when they sneak changes in like going from making it optional to making it fail.
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19:56.29jhutchins_wkWhat's the difference between systemd and x-systemd?
19:57.01indomitableI don't know what x-systemd is
19:57.11jhutchins_wkProbably an ubuntu thing.
19:57.47indomitableI don't use GUIs on linux much
19:57.53indomitableso when X comes up I just go "wat"
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20:04.31rocketmagnethow to install the dot tools ??
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20:04.52jhutchins_wkrocketmagnet: What dot tools?
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20:05.06rocketmagnetfor doxygen to be able to create diagrams
20:05.26Voldenetrocketmagnet: apt-get install graphviz
20:06.31rocketmagnetand which package is used for opengl programming ?
20:07.06anticwis there a way to get a machine readable (json/xml/whatever) list of bugs in a given release?  i'm looking to get a list of which packages have open issues in buster (to see what remains to be done to preemptibvely upgrade some test systems)
20:07.21jhutchins_wkrocketmagnet: I'd start with the doxygen-docs package.
20:07.24klysrocketmagnet, you will likely need all of those, at least.
20:07.56dpkgdoxygen is probably, a manual making tool
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20:15.32klysrocketmagnet, the allegro5 package uses libgl* to draw, and the primitives are listed here:
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20:17.00rocketmagneti need a general package for only
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20:18.05klysrocketmagnet, then libgl1 is your package.
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20:20.31jhutchins_wkrocketmagnet: AFTER the docs package.
20:20.42badcoderbtw should I install nvidia drivers or keep with neauveu?
20:20.59klysbadcoder, that depends on what works with your card.
20:21.32badcoderneauveu apparently works, but I own an NVIDIA Geforce GTX 980M
20:21.36badcoder(ASUS ROG)
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20:30.29tonka123hello, did something happen to the wheezy repos? maybe i missed an announcement but im getting a 404 on,, and
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20:31.18dpkgWheezy is the current <oldoldstable> release, Debian 7, released on 2013-05-04: ; security support ended on 2016-04-25. Wheezy is the rubber toy penguin with a red bow tie. See and ask me about <install wheezy> <wheezy release notes> <wheezy->jessie>.  Final update <7.11>. Consider upgrading.
20:32.03tonka123yes, i've read the docs and im failing to find a notification that the repos would be removed within the past few days. they were working on Friday
20:32.05greycatGods almighty, do we have to put this in the TOPIC?  Every freaking hour someone asks.
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20:32.28greycat14:01  hodapp> _anb: okay, here is the actual announcement on that:
20:32.35indomitableisn't wheezy 2 versions ago
20:32.49indomitableI feel like you should be aware of at least 1 version
20:32.50greycatIt fell out of LTS support a year or two ago.
20:33.12indomitablegreycat, here's the fun part, I don't even use debian for anything but a raspberry pi, and I know that
20:33.19tonka123yes im aware it fell out of LTS, and im aware of how old it is :)
20:33.30indomitabletonka123, ok. cool.
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20:33.37jhutchins_wktonka123: archives is a good place to look in circumstances like that.
20:33.58tonka123unfortunately some legacy code requires i still run 1 wheezy machine. thanks everyone i will look in the archive repos :)
20:34.13Ede|Popedeit could be on the homepage and instead of 404 there could be a 30x to a page saying what's going on. problem solved. and iirc there's even a HTTP status for "gone"
20:34.38tonka123yes that would be awesome Ede|Popede
20:35.39Ede|Popedewhat happened to the idea of URLs following the ressource?
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20:39.26jhutchins_wkYou mean so you end up with 257 redirects?
20:40.22indomitableEde|Popede, you've been on freenode 10 years, why don't you have a cloak
20:41.45jhutchins_wkSome people don't see the usefulness of a cloak.
20:42.10jhutchins_wkIt's like complaining that your phone number is listed on-line when it's printed, along with your address, in the phone book.
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20:44.31Ede|Popedejhutchins_wk: mine isn't, and guess what. no cold calls (would be illegal anyway). not even automated ;)
20:44.39indomitablejhutchins_wk, my phone number isn't
20:44.40badcoderI am trying to install my drivers for nvidia
20:44.51badcoderI have followed:
20:45.00badcoderDebian 9 "Stretch"
20:45.03badcoderVersion 390.48 (via stretch-backports)
20:45.13badcoderstep 3.
20:45.21badcoderso, what is going on?
20:46.41jhutchins_wkYeah, well, I've been around since you had to pay extra to be unlisted.  Yes, I'm aware that most cell phones aren't, but it's the principle of the thing.
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20:47.28badcodercan I get any pointers
20:47.32jhutchins_wkMy contact info is not blocked on my DNS records, because I think it provides a useful indicator of who's responsible for a domain.
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20:47.49dpkgWhere possible, Nvidia graphic processing units are supported using the open source <nouveau> driver on Debian systems by default.  To install the proprietary "nvidia" driver, see or ask me about <nvidia dkms>, <nvidia legacy>; installing this directly from (i.e. with <nvidia-installer>) is _not_ supported in #debian, please go to #nvidia on
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20:48.44Ede|Popedeuh. iirc it was just a box i had to check. but then there's the imprint on the website. you don't need one if it is purely private, but you can't really make one. lawyers still need some work to pay their rent :P
20:49.18badcoderjhutchins_wk: I have FOLLOWED the official installation link from the debian website
20:49.27badcoderI even told you on which step I am stuck
20:49.42madspnbadcoder, try cleaning out your local apt cache
20:50.01madspnor repository cache - not sure what to call it :/
20:50.14badcodermadspn: how do I do that?
20:50.38madspnbadcoder, apt-get clean
20:52.15madspnbadcoder, did you enable non-free the repository?
20:54.02badcoderso, shouldn't it be fine?
20:54.40BCMMbadcoder: (continuing discussion from ##linux) you can use this page to look up which package provides the missing firmware files. you'll probably need to enable non-free in sources.list too
20:55.32BCMMyou want to install firmware-iwlwifi to get your wireless working.
20:56.36towo`madspn, doesn't matter at this point
20:57.00badcoderBCMM: how do I change sources.list to non free?
20:57.07towo`badcoder, you want to add contrib and nonfree to the deb stretch main line
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20:57.34BCMMbadcoder: what towo` said. also
20:57.48towo`badcoder, and have you done apt update after adding backports to your sources?
20:57.52jhutchins_wkbadcoder: Restore your backup and try again.
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20:58.09madspnha! badcoder, check out the url for non-free
20:58.26madspnbadcoder, deb stretch-backports main contrib non-free
20:58.38BCMMbadcoder: you also probably want firmware-realtek to get full use of your wired ethernet. it think it might work without, but only at 100Mb/s or something like that (from vague memory)
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20:59.21madspnbadcoder, oh never mind - did not know of the httpredir url
20:59.41badcoderwhy do ppl sing all the time in musicals
20:59.51badcoderjesus f*cking christ, thats annoying
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21:00.37badcoderBCMM: gonna reboot
21:00.42badcodercheck if the wireless thing worked
21:00.54badcoderbadcoder@CORSAIR:~$ sudo apt-get install firmware-iwlwifi
21:00.57badcodertotally did this
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21:05.12badcoderyaw gawgz
21:05.19badcoderwireless totally working, ty BCMM
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21:06.05badcoderu chillin'?
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21:36.03SerajewelKSwhy is wine a dependency of playonlinux?  playonlinux maintains its own installs of wine and doesn't even see the system-provided wine.
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21:37.55SerajewelKSor i guess it can use the system-provided wine but it's not clear in the UI.  at any rate, the system-provided wine is not actually required, so it would make more sense as a suggests.
21:38.15Ede|PopedeSerajewelKS: suggestion, not dependency
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21:38.28jhutchinsOf course, when I rebooted to test where the cifs shares were failing to mount, they mounted.
21:38.52Ede|Popedeah nvm, the other way round
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21:39.09SerajewelKSright.  i'm saying that having at a depends is wrong, it should be a suggests.
21:39.17SerajewelKSbut i'm wondering if there's some reason it is currently a depends, that i don't know of
21:39.54Ede|Popedewine suggests playonlinux, playonlinux is virtual and atm i have no clue what i'd need to find it :)
21:40.48indomitableplaying games on linux is like having sex with a tree -- it might be pleasurable, but it's no substitute for the real thing
21:41.16OerHeksPOL is just a bunch of script to use wine properly
21:41.25SerajewelKSEde|Popede: playonlinux is not virtual.  but it's in contrib, not main.
21:41.28SerajewelKS,v playonlinux
21:41.29juddPackage: playonlinux on amd64 -- wheezy/contrib: 4.1.1-1; jessie/contrib: 4.2.5-1; stretch/contrib: 4.2.10-2; buster/contrib: 4.3.4-1; sid/contrib: 4.3.4-1
21:41.30OerHeksconveniant, it is
21:42.04Ede|Popedeah, i only have main
21:42.20SerajewelKSplayonlinux has a hard dep on wine which i'm saying is not correct, since playonlinux has a wine version manager where it can download wine tarballs and manage them in a local per-user install.  so the wine package is not required to use it.
21:42.34SerajewelKShowever, it _can_ use the system-provided wine so it would make sense as a suggests/recommends
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21:59.18gvthis there a graphical tool to configure a VNC server?
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22:17.36tobiasBoraunborn: nothing is detected in krita and gimp
22:18.22tobiasBoraBy the way, does anyone knows why this script does not simulate a press on key "A"?
22:19.46tobiasBorasending libevdev.InputEvent(libevdev.EV_SYN.SYN_REPORT, 0) seems to be important!
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22:22.31tobiasBoraI don't understand...
22:22.43tobiasBoraWhen I do libevdev.InputEvent(libevdev.EV_KEY.KEY_A, 0)
22:22.49tobiasBorait displays an A.
22:22.59tobiasBora(well a Q because I'm on azerty)
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22:23.19tobiasBorabut if I write libevdev.InputEvent(libevdev.EV_KEY.KEY_Z, 0)... it fails
22:23.31tobiasBorawhy does it succeed with A, but not with Z???
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22:25.59Ede|PopedetobiasBora: did you replace KEY_A *everywhere*? you also could look into the libs used for the values of those constants
22:26.06tobiasBoraEde|Popede: yes
22:26.12tobiasBoraEde|Popede: I tried also with KP1
22:26.30tobiasBoraEde|Popede: ex:
22:26.36KOLANICHit's me again. Can anyoje explain why python3 is not managed via update-alternatives?
22:27.21petn-randallKOLANICH: What would the other alternatives be?
22:27.56Ede|PopedetobiasBora: line 9. you should use global search&replace ;)
22:28.01KOLANICHpetn-randall: python3.6, python3.6 pypy3.6, graalpython at least
22:28.11tobiasBoraEde|Popede: grrr sooo stupid
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22:29.56KOLANICHon my systems I personally replace the symlink to point to python3.7 and do some other manipulations to make them share packages.
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22:40.52mikelissAre there any tricks for resetting networking automatically if a change takes down your network? Trying to configure a server and I'd love to avoid sitting in the server room with it. Last week I made a change that didn't work and I had to drive across town to sit with the  server and fix the change. There must be a way to do this such that my mistakes get reverted?
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22:41.36mawkwhat do you mean by resetting mikeliss ?
22:41.43mawkyou have ways of watching what happens to the network yes
22:41.50mawkbut that depends on what you mean by happenning
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22:42.00mikelissWell, like, if I misconfigure the network, I'm toast b/c I'm doing configs via SSH.
22:42.11mawkit could be losing connectivity in an extern manner, it could be losing address or gateway, it could be a bad configuration for something unrelated to your network configuration
22:42.15mikelissI want the network to revert to the working settings.
22:42.25mawkyou mean the IP addresses and everything ?
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22:42.34somiajA lot depends on your network, usually automatic configuration means 'dhcp', and if you use network manager, it will try to bring the network back up if it goes down.
22:42.34mikeliss(Or I need a way to ensure my settings will work before I apply them.)
22:42.43mawkI don't know of any software that does that, principally because you don't change network settings that often
22:42.46mikelissI'm trying to bonded, bridged static IP.
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22:42.52mawkand that once you become a bit experienced you know in advance if it will work or not
22:42.59mawkbut anyway it wouldn't be incredibly hard to od
22:43.03mawkeven a bash script might do it
22:43.36mikelissMaybe it's not the right thing to do. I feel like I"m struggling with this more than I ought to be.
22:43.39somiajIf you are configuring a static ip, and misconfigure it, not much one can do without physical access. You could also set up some serial access (or alternative access) to the machine that isn't the main network as a way to work on the machine even if the network is misconfigured.
22:43.42mawkfor ensuring your settings will work yeah it's a common thing, UBNT routers have that mechanism
22:43.57mawkyou have a command to test the new network config, if you don't confirm after 10 minutes it rollbacks the previous one
22:43.58mikelissMy reboots take a while and I feel blind as to whether a change will work or not until after it's in place.
22:44.12mawkreboot on linux are pretty uncommon, you shouldn't reboot to test your config
22:44.15mawkunless you test the boot
22:44.36mikelissI felt like rebooting was a mistake, but it's what the guides say.
22:44.45mikelissI'd *love* to not reboot.
22:44.46mawksomiaj: he means try the static ip, if after X minutes no confirmation bring back the last one
22:45.10mawkyou could script this I guess, but to script it you would have to master the whole thing, and once you master the whole thing the need for such a script vanishes a bit
22:45.29somiajyea, you could have a cron job or something revert for you.
22:45.29mikelissYeah. Kinda feels like the wrong approach really.
22:45.40mawkif you're using /etc/network/interfaces I guess you could make a program that lets you edit a copy of the file, then try the copy, wait for confirmation, if not confirmed restore the old one
22:45.52mikelissBut I'm hating life doing these reboots and I don't enjoy going to the server room.
22:46.10somiajso setup a cron job that reverts the network to a working state. Give it a time limit, you know that at least this will go off and get you back. If it works, you just need to manually stop the cron job
22:46.22mikelissI am using /etc/network/interfaces, yes. Is that supposed to not need a reboot?
22:46.31mawkyeah, or use the at command for a one-off "cron"
22:46.33somiajyou shouldn't hvae to reboot to test the network settings. Just use ifup/ifdown
22:46.45mawkit doesn't need a reboot no mikeliss , but this format doesn't tolerate errors very well
22:47.05somiajproblem is you may need to script it, so ifdown interface && ifup interface (because you will loose connection on the ifdown), then have a cron job revert if needed.
22:47.15mikeliss"This format" meaning the interfaces file format?
22:47.50mawkjust to be sure I'd do ifup -v $IFACE; sleep 600; ifdown --force $IFACE; ip link set $IFACE down; ip addr flush dev $IFACE; ip route flush dev $IFACE; cp old_config /etc/network/interfaces; ifup $IFACE
22:47.52somiajI almost think setting up a serial connection (or alternative back end network) would be easier, then this will always be connected as you configure the front facing network. Once it is up, you can bring down the server room only network.
22:48.03mikelisssomiaj: Right. Can't just bring it down without a plan for bringing it back up.
22:48.07mawkall of this inside nohup so that losing ssh won't kill the script
22:48.12mawkshould work
22:48.18somiajor do it inside a screen or tmux
22:48.33mawkyou need all the extra fuss because ifupdown doesn't tolerate errors very well
22:48.35mikelissscreen is a good idea.
22:48.40mawkin case of errors it leaves the thing in an inconsistent state
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22:49.26mikelissWell, I feel doomed to trial and error until this thing works, but I guess that's my fate.
22:49.31mawkrather ifup -v $IFACE; sleep 600 && { ifdown --force $IFACE; ip link set $IFACE down; ip addr flush dev $IFACE; ip route flush dev $IFACE; cp old_config /etc/network/interfaces; ifup $IFACE; }
22:49.40mawkso that when you ^C when you know it works it doesn't go on with reverting
22:49.58mawkthis should settle the inconsistency issues
22:50.41mikelissThat looks pretty great, mawk.
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22:52.28mawkyeah so if you don't do it in a tmux you should use nohup to prevent ssh closing the connection from killing the script
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22:52.45mikelissI'll just do it in screen, I think.
22:52.56mikelissShould keep my head above water a bit.
22:53.15mikelissThough I still expect to go to the server room before this is over.
22:53.34mawkso for my line you see you have to copy a known good config somewhere
22:53.37mawkso that it can be restored
22:53.50mikelissRight, yeah.
22:54.07mawkif you're messing with bridges and all you can maybe add ip link set $IFACE nomaster; after the down; command
22:54.10mawkto disable the bridging
22:54.22mawkbut maybe ifupdown will take care of that if you wrote a proper config
22:54.39mikelissHere's a question. I currently have just a static IP. It feels like the next step is to add briding or bonding, but probably not both. Is there a logical approach here to getting everything working?
22:54.59somiajmikeliss: there isn't a second interface on this server you can just plug into another known server?
22:55.03mawkI never used bonding, what is your final goal ?
22:55.17mawkI use bridging extensively tho
22:55.22mikelisssomiaj: I have two ethernet ports?
22:55.49mikelissmawk: I'm trying to have two bonded ports and a bridge for KVM all set up with a static IP.
22:55.50somiajmikeliss: you could just make a local network between this server and another server that have open ethernet ports (get a write between the two, I don't think it even has to be a cross over anymore)
22:56.20somiajmikeliss: setup an internal network between the two machines, this way you can access your test machine over ssh from another server, and do all the networking stuff there, and won't loose the connection when the network settings your testing go up/down.
22:56.23mikelisssomiaj: I have no idea how to do that, but it sounds promising?
22:56.53somiajshould just have to plug an ethernet cable between the two, then set up static ip address of and on the two interfaces, and they can talk to each other.
22:56.59mikelisssomiaj: I am connecting over SSH from one machine in the network to the one I'm working on, but that connection will go down if I make a mistake.
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22:57.17mikelisssomiaj: Assuming the network is up, right?
22:57.41somiajwell if you connect to a machine that isn't being worked on, you can connect to the machine you are working on through this second network, and that way if you make a mistake and the main network drops, you still have the secondary method of access
22:58.08somiajbut this does require a second server to setup as a back way into the server you are working on, but it could save a lot of trips to the server room.
22:58.37mikelissI have a second server, but I don't think I can mess around with its network.
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22:59.09mikelissAnd I guess I'm also just thinking that I'd like to just stay on task — setting up one more network sounds like one more headache even if it saves me one, I think.
22:59.44mawkmikeliss: here's my /etc/network/interfaces
23:00.04mawkI don't know what a port bond is, with my VMs and containers I never needed it
23:00.19mawkI use various bridges and either veth for containers or macvtap for VMs
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23:00.56somiajmikeliss: that's fine, scripts to recover will work to. I was just giving an alternative.
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23:01.06mikelissI'm probably using the wrong terminology. The idea is to have two physical ports work together as one.
23:01.18mikelissI appreciate it, somiaj.
23:01.24mawkwhat for ? to turn your computer into a switch ?
23:01.26mawkthat's a bridge then yes
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23:01.57mikelissmawk: Better performance (mostly) and reliability if one ethernet port goes down.
23:02.09mawkthat's bonding then, I guess
23:02.18mikelissYeah? That's what I was saying?
23:02.20AlbinoStoicThat's bonding
23:02.21mawkI guess
23:02.27mikelissOr intending to?
23:02.28AlbinoStoicand you have various bond modes to pick whether it is reliable or performant
23:02.43AlbinoStoicIt generally doesn't do both at the same time (just due to MACs and such)
23:02.55mikelissYeah, so I want that + a bridge for KVM.
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23:03.13mawkbridging is like a switch or a hub
23:03.21AlbinoStoice.g: either you have a policy that handles one connection per port, iterating per connection to balance; and others that try to send packets in the same connection across multiple ports, but this can confuse switches and other machines.
23:04.07AlbinoStoicKVM Bridging especially, just exposes your virtual machines directly to your host network, as unique devices (they don't look like you.)  Your host machine becomes a dumbswitch for the VM traffic.
23:04.23mawkyeah, security wise it's not very good mikeliss
23:04.32mawkbut I'm sure he meant bridging all the VMs together AlbinoStoic
23:04.35mawkthat's what people usually do
23:04.43mawkthen use routing and NAT
23:05.17mikelissI'm new to setting this up, but I think my goal is to have an IP address for the host and an IP address for the guest.
23:05.18AlbinoStoicand/or you just enable "promiscuous bridging" in virtualbox, virt-manager, etc
23:05.22AlbinoStoicor brctl promiscuous on
23:05.23mikelissAnd I think a bridge accomplishes that?
23:05.24mawkbut on the same network mikeliss ?
23:05.33AlbinoStoicno requirement for NAT, etc. (unless internet incoming)
23:05.36mawkah, yeah so you want the dumb bridging
23:05.45AlbinoStoicdumb bridging is the easiest
23:05.48mawkso you need to be aware that your VM can talk to anyone on your other network
23:05.49mikelissI like easy.
23:05.56mawkNAT isn't especially hard either
23:05.58mawkit's like 2 commands
23:06.01AlbinoStoicmake a br0 , but eth0 (or enp0s1f6) under it, put VMs under it too, done
23:06.19mawksysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.all.forwarding=1; iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s $VM_RANGE ! -d $VM_RANGE -j MASQUERADE
23:06.20AlbinoStoicbrctl set promiscuous or w/e to enable inter-VM chatter
23:06.23mawkfor the dumbest rule you can do
23:06.29mikelissWe have a private network for the servers. Guests chatting with each other is by design.
23:06.30mawkbridges are always promiscuous AlbinoStoic no ?
23:06.40mikelissIt's only three physical machines.
23:06.45mawkeven when it doesn't has the IFF_PROMISC flag
23:06.45AlbinoStoicmawk: You can turn it off in virtualbox, virt-manager or I think in brctl as well
23:06.55mawkyeah but I think it doesn't matter to linux
23:06.57AlbinoStoicthen each virtual adapter only gets connected to the host adapter, not to eachother too
23:07.10AlbinoStoicso packets must then go to the host , switch , host , VM -- as opposed to VM <--> VM
23:07.32mawkah, that's not the same promiscuous as usual then; promiscuous is getting frames for MACs other than you
23:07.41mawkI mixed the two
23:08.08AlbinoStoicIf you have VLAN tagging, port trunking, a real switch, literally anything special; promiscuous off can make VMs look like uniquely isolated devices.
23:08.16mawkif it's by design you can go on mikeliss
23:08.26mawkeven though even in that case with a few tweaks here and there you can firewall that with iptables
23:08.31mawkso you keep a little security
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23:09.00mikelissI'd be happy to have more security, but I'm really focused on getting functionality first.
23:09.00mawkyou enable net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-iptables
23:09.13mawkthen using a special match rule in iptables you can filter the traffic going through the bridge
23:09.20mawkinstead of using the very lame ebtables command
23:09.53mikelissKinda lost me here, but the final result is what? Specific ports to specific guests?
23:10.02mawkno, just generic firewall
23:10.08AlbinoStoicSecurity at all, vs ... all packets "just work"
23:10.08mawkyou will be able to filter what passes through the bridge
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23:10.18mikelissFilter by what?
23:10.19AlbinoStoicby default, a bridge, or dumb switch, passes all packets in all directions
23:10.30mikelissWhat's typical?
23:10.32mawkyou can filter by bridge port, and by anything you want
23:10.39AlbinoStoiciptables lets you filter by proto, port, dst, src, ... content... etc
23:10.41mawkyeah you can say this vm can only talk to this host on this port
23:11.01mawkif you don't enable this sysctl switch you can only filter by ip, and vm can spoof their IPs
23:11.07mawksince they're right on the bridge they can do anything
23:11.12mawkthey can even impersonate the host
23:11.19AlbinoStoicWhich gets real fun....
23:11.24AlbinoStoicebtables prevents that by default, which is nice
23:11.29mikelissThat seem useful.
23:11.39AlbinoStoicvs iptables w/o configuring the nf-bridge feature
23:11.40mikelissIs there a larger howto on this either of you'd recommend?
23:11.40mawkmy sysctl command allows you to use iptables instead of ebtables for all IP traffic
23:11.52mawkyou have the same for ip6tables and arptables
23:12.02AlbinoStoicxtables-legacy and friends
23:12.11AlbinoStoicErm... as per a guide...
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23:12.20AlbinoStoicCisco bridging documentation was a great read for the theory
23:12.23mikelissI'm also sort by all these crazy sysctl commands. Like, wtf is that thing and where did it come from? It seems a new system has passed me by.
23:12.24mawkI don't like ebtables since it has a horrible interface, but iptables is pretty nice
23:12.33mawkit's config options for the kernel
23:12.34AlbinoStoiclots of diagrams and explanation as to what it does on a spec level.
23:12.35mawkvery simple interface
23:12.42mawkit's a bunch of files in the /proc/sys directory
23:12.49mawkyou write to them like they were real files
23:12.49AlbinoStoicmawk: One of the reasons I am building my own distro: no user-space firewall
23:13.14mawkwell netfilter is in the kernel
23:13.18AlbinoStoicksyscall('bpf', rules_ptr);
23:13.18mawkbut I get what you mean
23:13.25AlbinoStoicbpf > netfilter
23:13.27mikelissWait, so where do I start my googling on this for a simple but effective way of doing this?
23:13.40mikelissI can't quite keep up with the convo/jargon.
23:13.42AlbinoStoicmikeliss: Break it down, it's a lot.
23:13.46AlbinoStoicWhat do you want to learn first?
23:13.50mawkof doing what mikeliss ? you can do the firewall later
23:13.51phoggand soon bpf will be part of netfilter, hopefully
23:14.03mawkfirewall isn't required for normal operations in most cases
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23:14.11mikelissfirewall later is my plan, was hoping for something to bookmark now so I can review later.
23:14.16mawkthen you have some convoluted network setups where firewall rules are needed, but you're not there yet
23:14.30mikelissFor now I just want to get the danged static bridge/bond connection up.
23:14.35mawkwell I just read man iptables and saw a few diagrams, that's how I learnt networking
23:14.55mawkalso I had one week-end to move my entire company offices and setup the switches and routers, while knowing nothing to network
23:14.57AlbinoStoicSo, to set up bridging for the first time-- consult a hypervisor documentation.
23:14.58mawkthat helped me get going
23:15.07AlbinoStoicFor example, SolusVM Node Installation -- KVM Bridging tutorial
23:15.13mawkif you want to get your hands dirty you can try making a bridge by hand mikeliss
23:15.27AlbinoStoicThat should guide you through exactly that process ^
23:15.32mikelissI absolutely do not want my hands any dirtier than needed. :)
23:15.34phoggdefinitely a good idea to do it by hand at least once
23:15.38AlbinoStoicbuuuut, what's your distro again?
23:15.44mawkbrctl is outdated, now you can use ip
23:15.49AlbinoStoicrh/fedora/centos or debian/ubuntu/whatever based?
23:15.54mikelissMy distro? Debian.
23:16.00AlbinoStoictake a backup of your network config before you start, as you will take yourself offline repeatedly
23:16.06AlbinoStoicYeah, so backup /etc/network/interfaces
23:16.10mikelissYeah, I did that.
23:16.27AlbinoStoicthen make sure you have .. .what?  inetutils , iproute2 and bridge-utils ?
23:16.35AlbinoStoicor were those replaced too after brctl went?
23:17.06mawkonce you know the trick it's very simple, it takes like 3 steps for a container for instance (a VM a similar): you create a bridge with « ip link add br0 type bridge », you set this bridge as the master of your interface with « ip link set eth0 master br0 », you create a veth pair for use with your container « ip link add veth0 type veth peer name veth1 » and then you setup your container to use veth1 as its interface
23:17.21mawkthen you up all the interfaces, add the addresses on br0 as usual
23:17.25mawkand you've got connectivity on the container
23:17.33mawkfor a VM it's very similar, it's just macvtap instead of veth
23:17.53AlbinoStoicThe thing to remember: Your bridge takes your IP now, not your trunk port (eth0/emp0s1f6)
23:18.00AlbinoStoicthat's what screwed me up for a while
23:19.22mikelissmawk: The amount of magic in that "very simple" trick is boggling.
23:19.24mawkthe equivalent in terms of /etc/network/interfaces is specifying bridge_ports eth0 in the iface block for the br0 bridge
23:19.27mawklol mikeliss
23:19.35mawkip is the swiss army knife for networking
23:19.43AlbinoStoicoh lawdy
23:19.46mikelissThere are a few of those.
23:19.46mawkmore than the swiss army knife, it's the primary gateway to networking
23:19.51AlbinoStoicI just learned hand-routing the other day
23:19.52mawkno, it's the primary tool
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23:20.06AlbinoStoica newly learned respect for the `ip` tool vs previous tools
23:20.06mawkit's not just another tool, it's the primary command for setting up network
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23:20.21AlbinoStoic`ip route` being so integral to getting anything working in a no-service network :X
23:20.22mawkif you want to get lower level than it you open a terrible netlink socket to the kernel and talk with binary commands
23:20.24mikelissGood to know. I've seen a lot of sysctl being thrown around too, and ifconfig, and brctl, and whatever else.
23:20.29mawkfrom a script ip is the lower level you can get
23:20.42AlbinoStoicsysctl <-- changing system configuration in a reliable way
23:20.42mawkifconfig is the predecessor of ip, it's deprecated now
23:20.50mawkip replaces brctl, ifconfig, route, arp
23:20.59mawkit replaces all these; it also replaces tunctl, and some others
23:21.13AlbinoStoicthe /etc/sysctl.(conf?cfg) file being where those changes can be persisted
23:21.22mawk.conf yes
23:21.30mawk.cfg is uncommon
23:21.32AlbinoStoicmawk: Why is `iproute` still a different subsys/binaries ?
23:21.42mawkwhat do you mean ?
23:21.46mawkip is iproute
23:21.49mawkiproute is the name of the package
23:21.49AlbinoStoice.g: `ip route` ([ip, route]) != `iproute`
23:21.50phoggbut it does not replace tc, more's the pity
23:21.51mawkiproute2 rather
23:21.59AlbinoStoiciproute = a different binary , in busybox and GNU systems
23:22.00mawkah, well it's a single binary AlbinoStoic
23:22.02mawkwith a lot of subcommands
23:22.03AlbinoStoicthat has a different use, etc
23:22.07mawkah I don't know about iproute
23:22.14mawkI guess it's the prevous version, now it's iproute2
23:22.19mawkit's the package name for ip
23:22.22AlbinoStoicIt's more, I've never used it- I wonder if I can strip it from my distro
23:22.28mawkI guess you can yes
23:22.30AlbinoStoic`iproute` binary that is, since it doesn't come from the `iproute2` package
23:22.41AlbinoStoicSweet, thanks.
23:22.59mikelissWell, this has been edifying. I appreciate all the input.
23:23.28mawkso now you know the lowlevel command for setting up the network, it's ip
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23:23.37mawkyour /etc/network/interfaces config file uses ip
23:23.42tobiasBoraAre we still supposed to edit files in /etc/X11/xorg? I though is was out of date, but I see quite a lot of ressource (not that old) refering to xorg.conf:
23:23.42mawkyou can do ifup -v to see that
23:23.54mikelissI don't want to sound ungrateful, but I think that's one of the few things I definitively learned.
23:23.59AlbinoStoictobiasBora: Not directly, unless you need a system-wide change.
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23:24.07AlbinoStoicYou normally want to use .Xconfig if it's available instead.
23:24.19AlbinoStoic(located in your home directory)
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23:24.45mikelissIf I make changes using ip, do those get persisted somewhere?
23:24.47AlbinoStoic** ifup isn't guaranteed to be on modern systems anymore, package: ifupdown is depr in favor of raw `ip` usage
23:24.51tobiasBoraAlbinoStoic: and I can use the same syntax as in Section "Pointer"...?
23:24.51mawkso yeah if you want to learn ip at your own rythm you can just use ifup -v to see which ip commands correspond to your /etc/network/interfaces file
23:25.01AlbinoStoicmikeliss: No, you have to write them in /etc/network/interfaces to persist
23:25.04tobiasBoraAlbinoStoic: and also, how can I take the changes into account?
23:25.05mawkreally AlbinoStoic ?
23:25.11mawkwhat is processing /etc/network/interfaces then ?
23:25.30AlbinoStoicDepends on the system.  /etc/init.d/network on mine ,a shell script that calls `ip` various ways :/
23:25.35mawkifconfig is deprecated, but ifup is just the thing that processes /etc/network/interfaces, it's higher level
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23:25.42mawkI see
23:25.53AlbinoStoicUbuntu 18.04 uses netplan now (eugh)
23:25.59AlbinoStoicso no network/interfaces file anymore
23:26.05mikelissThis is nuts.
23:26.14mawkgood thing I use debian
23:26.29AlbinoStoicmikeliss: Yeah... don't worry about it too much.  Everything changes, a lot
23:26.59mikelissSo, I have to learn ip in order to make changes that I can also make by persisting the interfaces file, which I have to figure out how to do anyway because if I don't none of my changes with ip will do anything after a reboot.
23:27.26mikelissAlbinoStoic: I guess so.
23:27.54mawkyou don't have to learn ip but it's sure useful
23:28.04mikelisskinda how I'm feeling atm.
23:28.04mawkalso to make temporary changes to try out things before writing a config file
23:28.18AlbinoStoicDoing things with `ip` are safer at least in your case, where you can reboot to get your internet back.  You could just as well be making changes one-by-one in the file, and asking the networking service to re-apply said file; HOWEVER;
23:28.44AlbinoStoicthere are times when re-applying said file can simply "not work", due to the order of operations (e.g: you delete lines describing a bridge interface, then it doesn't know what to do with it)
23:28.55mawkyeah, this is a problem with ifupdown
23:28.58AlbinoStoicand then a reboot is necessary anyways , or manual fixing with `ip` command
23:29.22mawkusually you can down the interface, flush everything, do ifdown --force to force the internal ifupdown state to be down, then ifup it like normal
23:29.22mikelissThat sounds reasonable.
23:29.46mikelissI suppose `ifdown --force -a` should provide a relatively clean slate.
23:30.12mawkfor the internal ifupdown state yes
23:30.18mawkbut for the real state I don't know
23:30.26mawkthat's why I suggered all the ip command to flush state
23:30.32mawkbut it's maybe not necessary, you'll se
23:30.49mawkyou do « ip -c addr » to see the addresses, « ip -c route » to see the routes
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23:38.23mikelissmawk, AlbinoStoic, does this look reasonable as a simple bridge connection:
23:38.38mikeliss(I think I'm going to leave bonding as a second exercise and keep things simple at first.)
23:39.05mawkthat's reasonable
23:39.36mawkyeah but it's eno1 not eth1 mikeliss
23:39.41mawknot eth0 *
23:39.43mawkin the bridge_ports
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23:39.59mikelissGood catch. Thank you!
23:40.02mawkalso the other bridge_* commands are superfluous I think, it's just grandma's recipe you find online
23:40.10mawksome people needed them for performance or something and it stuck
23:40.23mikelissAll I can find online are old recipes.
23:40.38mikelissI mean, that's from the Debian wiki. :)
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23:42.13mikelissAlright, well, here goes nothing (using the command you offered earlier to revert if needed)
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23:46.47tobiasBoraAny idea why when I run "dev.enable(libevdev.EV_KEY.BTN_TOOL_PEN)" it stops being detected by xinput???
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