IRC log for #debian on 20190127

00:05.57*** join/#debian enoch85 (~enoch85@unaffiliated/enoch85)
00:07.09nickgawThe new kernels have a presure sensor option that I hope is enabled in the next Debian official kernel and not disabled as I could use this information probably.
00:07.45*** join/#debian LeFnorZ (~FnorZ@unaffiliated/fnorz)
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00:19.39rantnickgaw: is that the extent of your understanding of this option? Because its useless to achieve any technical objective
00:21.33*** join/#debian felgercarb (~jslawrenc@2601:18c:8800:9de0:475:862:33c6:e25d)
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00:23.31nickgawWhat is it's purpose then?
00:24.30*** join/#debian bdax (~tom@2a02:c7f:2022:1900:a64e:31ff:fe54:d7e4)
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00:31.21rantnickgaw: how should I know.. thats the point.. we dont even know what you're talking about
00:31.30t3st3rnickgaw> hum you haven't even told what sensor or kernel and so on.
00:31.42rantwhen you say pressure sensor I think of that little thing screwed into the block of my engine to monitor oil pressure
00:32.01rantor the thing a bomb maker uses to trigger an explosion
00:32.15ranta whole lot of things that likely have nothing to do with whatever you're talking about
00:32.53rantI dont think, putting my tech hat on that whatever you are referring to has anything to do with pressure or a sensor
00:33.04rantits just your way of understanding it
00:33.16t3st3rGuess he about some actual pressure sensors, maybe even supported by some kernel. But who knows for sure?
00:33.45rantkernel options are in all caps and start with CONFIG_ and you'd serve yourself better to know what this one is called if you want to achieve any technical goal regarding it
00:33.53ryoumacazhe pressure?
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00:35.51*** join/#debian Mazhive (~Mazhive@
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00:36.45rantaka CONFIG_PSI
00:37.03rantwhich is what its actually called that would be meaningful to anyone
00:37.26nickgawok so not the full option name that is in the description.
00:37.58rantnope.. less is more is the saying..
00:38.28*** join/#debian DeadTOm (~deadtom@2001:4b98:dc0:41:216:3eff:fe58:44d0)
00:38.50*** join/#debian deicide- (~deicide-@unaffiliated/deicide-)
00:38.52nickgawand what package is the debian cert .pem file located in?
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00:50.31t3st3rlol, I've guessed incorrectly. I can see this _PSI is some instrumentation. But I guess it can add overhead, no?
00:51.52*** join/#debian Uberius (~Uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
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00:53.49nickgawWhen compiling the latest kernel sources I get make errors about a debian cert pem file that is not found I was copying the /boot/config file to .config in the kernel source directory and this is how that came up so how do I fix this issue?
00:54.16whislockCONFIG_PSI has nothing to do with pressure sensors. CONFIG_PSI creates a /proc space that exposes CPU, memory, and IO pressure statistics. Basically, it's intended to indicate overcommitment of those resources.
00:54.46nickgawyes that I understand and this is what I want to do.
00:54.58whislocknickgaw: Okay, then you understood it perfectly.
00:55.13*** join/#debian x032cx (~lxuser@unaffiliated/tdis)
00:55.24nickgawyes but my point is I hope that this is enabled in the next kernel release.
00:55.43rantis looking into that
00:55.46fundatillusI have something to say!
00:55.49whislockIt's in 4.20.
00:55.53fundatillusDebian is awesome!
00:56.35fundatillusAll of you fuckers need to take a step back and appreciate the wisdom, though, and distilled computing excelence before you!
00:56.46fundatillusHappy Saturday… drink up!
00:56.48rantfundatillus: #debian-offtopic kthxbye
00:56.52*** join/#debian Thedarkb-T60 (
00:57.19rantor better yet, turn the computer off before one of you gets hurt
00:57.33*** join/#debian synegy34 (
00:58.55joepublicnickgaw, you have to remove CONFIG_SYSTEM_TRUSTED_KEYS
00:59.07fundatillusWe need a Debian party. It’s amazing that this operating system exists.
00:59.29dpkg#debian is primarily a support channel for Debian users.  Please keep the discussions in #debian on-topic and take longer discussions and non-support questions to #debian-offtopic.  Imagine the chaos if each of the hundreds of people in the channel felt the need to wander off topic for a few minutes every day.
00:59.29rantfundatillus: we need you to stop disrupting this channel. Its very rude
00:59.45joepublicif you copied the debian standard distribution .config for your kernel as a base, that option indicates that you're a debian developer with a key you're going to sign the kernel with, which you probably aren't.
01:00.06*** join/#debian elkalamar (~elkalamar@
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01:00.23nickgawno I am not how can I remove that what do I look for?
01:00.42joepublicit's in the .config file generated by make (whatever)config in your kernel source directory
01:00.49fundatillusOk. I can bow to the whims of the people.
01:01.21*** join/#debian nuxil (~nuxil@
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01:01.29nuxilGood evening.
01:01.35*** join/#debian innoix (
01:01.37fundatillusThank you, everyone, for contributing and using one of the greatest creations mankind has ever created.
01:01.52nickgawok trusted keys got itif I was wanting to make my own key not for debian just for my own use is there a guide on how to do this?
01:03.14*** join/#debian elkalamar (~elkalamar@unaffiliated/elkalamar)
01:04.46nuxili have a problem.. i have my disk (/) almost full. and i need to remove stuff. the thing only got a 4GB disk. :p
01:05.07*** join/#debian Tenkawa (~Tenkawa@unaffiliated/tenkawa)
01:05.32nuxilhow would i go saftly about removing example my DE,, xfce as i have no use for graphical stuff on it.
01:06.19*** join/#debian dreamon_ (~dreamon@unaffiliated/dreamon)
01:06.59*** join/#debian bltzfsck (
01:07.14t3st3rfirst thing one may want to try is smth like apt-get clean or so to get rid of package archives.
01:07.20nuxildone that
01:07.31Tenkawauses tasksel
01:07.31nuxilstill 95% full
01:08.02Tenkawathat gets depencies
01:08.35*** join/#debian wEssBRowN84 (~wEs@unaffiliated/wessbrown84)
01:08.37Tenkawaer dependencies
01:08.52t3st3rhum then it harder. Also some logs, etc. Maybe something in /var/run - but it needs discretion.
01:09.20Tenkawaharder? its a gui
01:09.30nuxilyea logs. im sure i can remove some MB of logs
01:10.00Tenkawanux... start at root at and first do ..
01:10.09Tenkawadu -smx *
01:10.28Tenkawafigure out where where the major usage is
01:10.36Tenkawait should be in /usr
01:10.44t3st3rTenkawa> I meant nuxil seems to be aware of "basic" things - so likely did basic cleanup on his own.
01:11.03Tenkawaif its not then some research needs to be done
01:11.21nuxilits usr indeed
01:11.39*** join/#debian thunderrd (~thunderrd@
01:11.39t3st3rthat's what makes smart ideas on cleaning things that aren't harmful harder to suggest.
01:12.00Tenkawanuxil: go to use and repeat. one layer at a time
01:12.13Tenkawahow big of a card do you have?
01:12.18nuxilthis sounds tediouse
01:12.29t3st3rSay localepurge can be helpful to get rid of useless cruft. Ironically it needs plenty of stuff to work :\
01:12.33nuxilits 4gb flash storage or something.,
01:12.57t3st3rsounds like some SBC or so?
01:12.58Tenkawawhat did it allocate your swap as?
01:13.21Tenkawasometimes it can overalloc
01:13.43Tenkawaor under
01:13.54*** join/#debian tryte (~tryte@gateway/tor-sasl/tryte)
01:13.57Tenkawai've had it do both
01:14.09nuxilsda6 swap
01:14.13*** join/#debian aloo_shu (~atomic@
01:14.13Tenkawayeah thats fine
01:14.27t3st3ralso things like deborphan can help to get rid of packages you've not really want - it attempts to guess packages not really needed by anything.
01:15.03*** join/#debian Abdullah (~z@unaffiliated/abdullah)
01:15.38nuxilwell. if i get rid of my DE i be getting plenty of space.
01:15.40t3st3ras for swap, I guess swapping to zram is the best, swapping to cards/disks/etc is awful idea overall.
01:16.07Tenkawat3st3r: and be faster
01:16.14t3st3rlol, without DE I've chopped debian to like 50 megabytes. Sure, it plenty of space and kinda useless system as well :)
01:16.25*** join/#debian mavhc (
01:16.31*** join/#debian Wulf4 (~Wulf@unaffiliated/wulf)
01:16.38nuxili only ssh into this pc..
01:16.42*** join/#debian patterson (
01:17.04Tenkawat3st3r: I'm trying to work on zram more
01:17.23t3st3rif you want bare minimum you can try netinstall or debootstrap.
01:17.43Hooloovo0yeah, debootstrap is the best way to get absolute minimum
01:17.51Hooloovo0you can get maybe 512k-ish
01:17.56nuxili dont want to reinstall now :p
01:18.03Hooloovo0(excluding kernel)
01:18.36*** join/#debian well_laid_lawn (
01:18.44t3st3rHooloovo0> debian base packages are well over of it, it even attempts to install perl, this alone well above 512k.
01:19.07t3st3rand also package manager and its dependencies, without it it wouldn't be debian :P
01:19.25nickgawWith testing 4.19 is the latest debian kernel package are there later packages of newer kernels?
01:19.35t3st3rguess even just glibc exceeds 512K by considerable margin
01:20.16*** join/#debian Brigo (
01:20.30nuxilso to get rid of my DE i can just do aptitude search xfce  , and start uninstalling one by one ?
01:20.50Hooloovo0huh, it's been a while since I've done it then
01:21.04Hooloovo0err 512M
01:21.45Hooloovo0yeah 512k is like... a minimal buildroot with sh and a couple other things
01:21.49nuxilapt-get install xfce-* --purge ?
01:22.22bltzfsckim using tmux in an xterm and want to select some text in one of the windows, but the mouse selects everything on the line, regardless of which window it's in
01:23.08*** join/#debian Abdullah (~z@unaffiliated/abdullah)
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01:24.09t3st3rHooloovo0> err 512M <- I've got like 10% of that. But alright, mere list of packages could take around 100Mb for stable + testing + backports.
01:24.13*** join/#debian Abdullah (~z@unaffiliated/abdullah)
01:24.57Hooloovo050M is possible for a minimal linux-based system, but I think debian will have a hard time fitting into that
01:25.16Tenkawamisses dsl
01:25.22t3st3r32-bit ARM version fits that.
01:25.23*** join/#debian KROSS- (~movement@
01:25.32TenkawaDam* Small Linux
01:25.46t3st3rharder to do with 64-bit though, that one implies larger binaries.
01:26.01friendofafriendYou can sure use OpenWRT.
01:26.33*** part/#debian bltzfsck (
01:26.43Tenkawaopenwrt.. that one brings back memories tii
01:26.45Tenkawaer too
01:27.41*** join/#debian milktea_71 (~debian@gateway/tor-sasl/milktea71/x-94344181)
01:27.49nuxilthats on my todo list.. got some old routers i want to hack :p
01:28.15*** join/#debian inthl_ (
01:28.53TenkawaI still have some old routers from my networking days back in the 90s stored in a closet
01:29.54*** join/#debian oojacoboo (~oojacoboo@2800:200:e440:507:481:a175:2540:663c)
01:32.30*** join/#debian fundatillus (
01:33.45rpifanHooloovo0, why r u here
01:33.48rpifanr u stalkign me
01:34.01Hooloovo0I've been here longer than you
01:34.07Hooloovo0I think
01:34.41t3st3rguess openwrt can feel kinda crippled system on 4G storage.
01:35.30Hooloovo0hmm, I guess I should keep the year in my logs
01:36.19rpifanbest if u burn them in winter
01:36.25rantHooloovo0: you should also register your nick if you're going to be a regular
01:36.48Hooloovo0I'm registered under Hoolootwo
01:36.54Hooloovo0should probably get that switched over
01:36.57*** join/#debian Abdullah (~z@unaffiliated/abdullah)
01:37.05rantHooloovo0: well you can group your nicks under the same account
01:37.14rantits good to have one or two alternates
01:37.32nickgawWhy do that?
01:38.03rantwell for one thing, you need an alt should you have connection issues and want to remain identified if you reconnect before the other times out
01:38.11Abdullahso none can occupy them
01:38.51rantand you want to register in general because some channels esp during network trouble times, require registration. It also allows you nick protection so people know you by your nick, use of memoserv, etc
01:38.55Abdullahrant: I'm having problems with ident server
01:39.03*** join/#debian leopard (
01:39.13rantAbdullah: yes well these conversations are more for #freenode
01:39.26Tenkawaand some channels you cant join without identifying i think too i think
01:39.41*** join/#debian LeFnorZ (~FnorZ@unaffiliated/fnorz)
01:39.57Abdullahyeah like you can't join #linux without identifying to services
01:40.00Tenkawarather.. you can join
01:40.04Tenkawabut not talk
01:41.29*** join/#debian elkalamar_ (~elkalamar@
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01:43.27Tenkawacheers all..
01:44.01*** mode/#debian [+l 1498] by debhelper
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01:45.22Abdullahso how to remove orphans in debian?
01:45.52dpkgdeborphan is a package that will tell you what library packages you have installed that nothing's using.  If you want remove all packages use 'deborphan | xargs apt-get -y remove --purge', or a nice tool to clean up grown debians. provides a nice guide to several more steps to reclaim big chunks of HDD.  Ask me about <debfoster><autoremove><unmarkauto>.
01:47.40*** join/#debian inthl_ (
01:47.59inthl_I have a question about the netinstall .iso one can download. it is about 300MB in size. now I have a 8GB USB drive here, what I want to do is: make it the netinstall usb drive, so that by sticking it into the host it can boot from it and do its stuff
01:48.23*** join/#debian mchammerdad (~Mchammerd@
01:48.32inthl_what I want is to use the remaining 7.7GB (or less in real numbers) as an e.g. ext4 partition to store data on it
01:49.03inthl_my thoughts were dd if=debian.iso of=/dev/sda ...which would write the first 300MB on the drive, leaving the rest untouched to format as ext4
01:49.15*** join/#debian elkalamar (~elkalamar@unaffiliated/elkalamar)
01:49.29inthl_but that does not check out, I can not write a partition there using cfdisk or onboard tools. can one tell me what I am doing wrong?
01:50.03klysis there a channel specific to the debian-installer?
01:50.06*** join/#debian Diogao (~qwerty@
01:50.24rantyes, its on
01:50.27inthl_well my question is more something in general either
01:50.31*** join/#debian elkalamar (~elkalamar@unaffiliated/elkalamar)
01:50.46inthl_how to burn some .iso and use the remaining space as a partition to store data on it
01:50.54*** join/#debian sheen (~sheen@
01:51.26klysjoin #debian-installer
01:51.28Abdullahinthl_: that's technically possible
01:51.46inthl_Abdullah, so what's the show stopper here?
01:52.28Abdullahinthl_: just get another usb and burn iso there. then install to this one.
01:52.31*** join/#debian wes__ (~wEs@unaffiliated/wessbrown84)
01:53.01AbdullahA few days ago I installed an encrypted install on a usb which is 128 gb.
01:53.39Abdullahsearch with these strings. 'how to create a live usb with persistent storage'
01:53.57inthl_ah, okay thanks for the hint
01:54.01*** join/#debian cdown (
01:54.03nuxilinthl_, look at how they do it with raspberry pi.
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01:54.26Abdullahbetter idea nuxil
01:54.41flingglxinfo | grep Open ->
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01:54.42flinglibGL error: MESA-LOADER: failed to retrieve device information
01:54.45fling^ how to fix? ^
01:54.55sheenHi there. I've just installed Debian on btrfs volumes (@, @boot and @home), all working fine except running update-grub on the system, it kill my grub, only bootloader is loading but no more boot choice, like if grub.cfg was corrupted. I need to chroot from another distro, update grub, and all good I can boot again my Debian until next update-grub... I've diff between both generated grub.cfg there is NO difference. So I don't understand what is the problem,
01:54.55sheensystem is EFI. Help Welcome, thanks.
01:55.38Abdullahsheen only single OS?
01:55.54sheenAbdullah: No I have Mint on another SSD
01:56.09Abdullahin same machine
01:56.17AbdullahI would go for efistub btw
01:56.21sheenAbdullah: trying to migrate to debian testing slowly.
01:56.32sheenAbdullah: ezfi stub ?
01:56.50*** join/#debian altin (~altin@
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01:56.59sheenAbdullah: 404
01:57.28Abdullahsheen just go to the domain and check. it has only 4 entries yet.
01:57.41sheenAbdullah: the fact I4d like to use grub cause of btrfs snapsqhots, timeshit and btrfs-grub
01:58.07*** join/#debian BeerHall (~Thunderbi@
01:58.21AbdullahI had btrfs on arch. and yeah with efistub there too. don't know much about btrfs yeah
01:58.40Abdullahgrub I never used on this laptop
01:59.22Abdullah sheen here you go
02:00.10Abdullahsheen is my male cat name ;-)
02:00.25sheenAbdullah: yeah I'm reading, but like I said, I'd llike to keep ghrub for grub-btrfs. I've tried it with a VM it's great? But actuallyt on my real system with another grub on different ssd, seems a mess.
02:00.49sheenAbdullah: ha seriously xD ^^
02:01.18AbdullahI'm a testing now, and I have used almost all famous active distros with efistub. and never got a problem
02:01.30sheenAbdullah: Do you think if I unplug my other ssd and reinstall grub on Debian testing could work ?
02:01.52Abdullahsorry mate no idea about grub.
02:02.05*** join/#debian monksam (~monksam@gateway/tor-sasl/monksam)
02:02.59Abdullahyeah you can use rEFInd that has more options. don't forget to read arch wiki on it . (don't know if debian has wiki on it)
02:03.17sheenAbdullah: tbh archwiki is the best wiki :)
02:03.46AbdullahI installed it remotely on a friend machine a few days ago on his arch box.
02:04.01*** mode/#debian [+l 1504] by debhelper
02:04.03Abdullahnone can beat arch nor arch wiki
02:04.08sheenAbdullah: I don't know much about efi. Can I have multiple EFIO partitions on different ssd or could it be the sourc eof my problems ?
02:04.17*** join/#debian hakash (
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02:05.21sheenI don't know much about efi. Can I have multiple EFI* partitions on differents ssd or could it be the source of my problems ?
02:05.25sheenNew keyboard ;)
02:05.28Abdullahin efistub, you just have to add an entry with efibootmgr or you can write a script in ESP. There you can point the kernel and root to load
02:05.43Abdullahand yeah its very possible.
02:06.03AbdullahI use one OS at one time. but Its technically possible.
02:06.18Abdullahjust be sure you have enough space in ESP
02:06.28Abdullahdon't forget to mount it at /boot .
02:06.33sheenAbdullah: I think I'll unplug my Mint ssd and do some tests. Because this behavior is really weird.
02:06.48Abdullahother boot managers will mount it at /boot/efi or soemthing
02:07.04*** join/#debian finalbeta (
02:07.25Abdullahsure, lemme know if you have some problems
02:07.43*** join/#debian toxync12 (~toxync12@
02:07.50Abdullahwhich laptop you have got btw?
02:07.55sheenAbdullah: Got 512Mb sda1 on /boot/efi, sda2 on swap and sda3 btrfs (volumes mounted on /, /boot and /home)
02:08.30sheenAbdullah: not a laptop, a desktop. Ryzen 7, 32Gb, x370, x560 & 1060.
02:08.36Abdullah512 mbs is good. I have 512 mbs too.
02:09.00Abdullahyou can create multiple entries in efi, with efibootmgr
02:09.20Abdullahand then sort them
02:09.58Abdullahyou can boot to other os like you boot from some usb. in my machine I hit F12 and it shows me entries to select for boot
02:10.10Abdullahwithout modifying the entries
02:10.33sheenAbdullah: grub is booting but no os, like is grub was booted in bios mode on EFI system. I've installed it with --efi-directory option btw.
02:10.39AbdullahI'd welcome you on #debian-testing on
02:11.21sheenAbdullah: oh thanks, did not not know there was a testing channel
02:11.43Abdullahsheen when I installed debian I didnt create the entry and had issues. so I tried to do something with it like
02:12.00*** join/#debian thms (
02:12.21Abdullahroot (hd0,gpt1)/vmlinuz don't forget tab completion there sheen
02:12.48Abdullahroot will be your / path
02:13.02Abdullahand also load linux /vmlinuz
02:13.10Abdullahinitrd /initrd.img
02:13.16Abdullahand then hit boot
02:13.51Abdullahif you have encrypted installation, you may need extra params like cryptroot
02:13.59sheenhow to load it in grub shell . It's btrfs volumes
02:14.03sheeninsmod btrfs ?
02:14.23Abdullahthese commands were for you sheen (grub)
02:14.57sheen(hdX,gptX) won"t woprk because btrfs volume
02:14.59AbdullahAs I said earlier I have no experience with btrfs. but I think it will load them
02:15.06sheenI don't knoww grub syntax for this
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02:15.37Abdullahsheen type root (hd then hit tab
02:15.53*** join/#debian __m4ch1n3__ (~m4ch1n3@gateway/tor-sasl/m4ch1n3/x-98631305)
02:16.06sheenWhat I don't understand is that if I update-grub from Mint chroot it work, and if I update-grub from debian testing itself, it won't.
02:16.06Abdullahit will show you something like no file system detected. even if it say that just complete the path
02:16.38Abdullahsorry sheen no idea about both grub and btrfs.
02:16.41*** join/#debian pvdp (
02:16.55AbdullahI hope you can get help in ##linux
02:17.12sheenI had not this isuee on efi VM; I'm pretty sure it's related to my other grub on my other ssd.
02:17.14AbdullahI wish I could ;-)
02:17.34Abdullahmaybe you have to specify the path for grub
02:17.35sheenI give it  a try, thanks :)
02:17.57sheenalready specified, --efi-directory --bot-directory and --target
02:18.02sheencan't do much more
02:18.43Abdullahgrub-mkconfig ?
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02:21.01sheenalready tried
02:21.18t3st3rnuxil> either way, if you remove DE, running deborphan to clean up plenty of unneeded libs could be a good idea, etc.
02:21.27sheengrub-update, grub-update2, grubmk-config -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
02:21.30sheenall same issue
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03:06.55leopardcan anyone confirm that the nftables icmpv6 type "ind-neighbor-solicit" is not valid in nftables 0.7? I know it is in unstable (v. 0.9) but not sure if the error is me or the old version on stretch
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03:15.54Abdullahleopard: I don't have stretch now
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03:44.50s3rfccccombo breakerrr
03:45.01s3rfslaps idiot136 around a bit with a large trout
03:45.03uptimeSigyn: bruh
03:45.36idiot136hail dobbs
03:46.57idiot136hail dobbs
03:47.57rant!ops idiot136 flood
03:47.58dpkgHydroxide, dondelelcaro, LoRez, RichiH, mentor, abrotman, Maulkin, stew, peterS, Myon, Ganneff, weasel, zobel, themill, babilen, SynrG, jm_, somiaj, jelly, petn-randall: rant complains about a problem (see above)
03:48.14idiot136hail dobbs
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03:48.25s3rfthis is funny
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03:48.55s3rfthis is my first time back on irc in like 20 years and instead of 100s of idiots doing this dumbshit its just one sad lonely person left
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03:49.44konimexwell, you're on freenode and it's... "well-managed" to say the least
03:50.08s3rfso is it still the wild wild west on dalnet/efnet etc?
03:50.51konimexdunno about dalnet, but efnet's pretty much a wasteland at this point
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03:51.18s3rfso many good memories
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03:58.55leopardso many memories on efnet
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04:18.18Old_Dogjust got his Internet service back.
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04:42.14rantapparently I have no idea how to use experimental packages I wanted to test one in a sid base vm I have I'd tried doing it like stretch-backports and its saying there is no new package available
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04:44.13rantnm I assumed the metapackage existed which was probably silly to assume :P
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05:00.23rantcarlino3: hello, how can we help?
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05:00.25carlino3i'm experiencing this issue: "the root filesystem on /dev/mapper/hostname--vg-root requiers a manual fsck"
05:00.42carlino3and the built-in shell prompts
05:00.53rantcarlino3: so run a manual fsck on it
05:01.07carlino3of course, but i don't want to screw it up
05:01.11carlino3how can i do it safely?
05:01.40carlino3simply "fsck" is enough?
05:01.49rantsafely? heh.. an fsck is required cause damage to the fs was detected.. thats what fsck does, fix things
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05:02.10carlino3i know, i mean. what options do i need to pass to fsck
05:02.13rantfsck is enough, yes.. though you will have to manually confirm each action required
05:02.25carlino3is it ok to "yes to all"?
05:02.35rantif you are willing to trust fsck to do what needs to be done you can add the switch for yes to all
05:02.49carlino3ok, i'll proceed.
05:02.50rantthats what I'd do
05:03.13carlino3i have to reboot and call /bin/bash from grub right?
05:03.29rantnot necessarily
05:03.32carlino3i have a shell "initramfs"
05:03.44carlino3when i write "fsck" it only says "fsck from util-linux xx.xx.xx"
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05:05.15rantcarlino3: do you have another media you could boot from? It'd overall be safer if the fs wasnt mounted and simpler using a full fsck than the busybox
05:05.39carlino3no, i think that i will call /bin/bash from grub.
05:05.44carlino3is this ok?
05:06.07rantsure if it is functional enough to mount and boot that way
05:06.17rantit should boot read-only
05:06.23carlino3i'm using debian home directory encryption
05:06.27carlino3does that change anything?
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05:07.05rantthe /home has little to do with root operations or problems with the rootfs if its a seperate fs
05:07.22rantroot's homedir is /root not in /home
05:07.23carlino3can you please remember me how to execute  /bin/bash from grub?
05:07.42carlino3i remember that i have to edit some settings but i dont remember how to do it
05:07.52rantcarlino3: press e to edit the command line and append init=/bin/bash to the linux command line
05:08.02rantthe instructions will typically be on screen
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05:08.17carlino3rant: thanks
05:08.21carlino3lets see
05:09.57carlino3f10 = save and boot right?
05:10.38carlino3if yes, it is not working. the error occurs when the home directory is decrypted
05:10.47rantI dont recall but as I said the instructions are usually on the screen
05:10.50carlino3no bash shell is executed
05:11.05carlino3rant: yes, it says F10 to boot, but it does not specify that
05:11.16carlino3but i assume that
05:11.27carlino3so i will have to do it from busybox, no other options
05:11.54carlino3can i execute /bin/bash from busybox?
05:12.13rantyou could if you mounted the rootfs and pivot_root
05:12.50rantthe utilties in busybox are just slimmed to fit in the image.. they have less features like flexible syntax.. you have to be more specific when using them
05:13.02carlino3"exec fsck"
05:13.17carlino3the same message apperas.
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05:16.01carlino3solved, i had to pass the fs name as parameter
05:16.24carlino3but now, it boots in emergency mode
05:18.16carlino3rant: i can exec a bash shell but i cannot see my hostname nor my home folder in /home. ("root@(none)")
05:18.19carlino3did i screw it up?
05:19.06rantdid it not tell you why this happened? if not, you may want to check journalctl
05:19.42carlino3i cant see the complete output because it does not fits on the screen and i have no scroll feature
05:20.05rantwell the interesting bits are usually at the end, and journalctl usually uses the system pager
05:20.32carlino3rant: i dont see anything relevant
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05:21.24rantwell I can't really guess.. you'd have to explain to me more what this system is, how its setup, and anything you may know that could've caused this.. like a power failure or something
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05:21.55carlino3rant: it happened before and i fixed it with fsck. the system was freezed, i rebooted and this issue started again
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05:22.24carlino3this is the error message
05:22.37__m4ch1n3__had something similar once it was like it could not boot into initramfs, if you have an installation media you could try boot it and select rapair system, if it gives you a shell where you can execute update-initramfs try that
05:22.40carlino3"Failed to start File System Check on /dev/mapper/hostname--vg-home"
05:22.47carlino3"Dependency failed for /home"
05:22.55carlino3"Dependency failed for Local File Systems."
05:23.30rantmeh.. ok.. well you should probably learn more about diagnosing what you call a "freeze" and know how to properly shut the machine down to avoid damage to your somewhat complex filesystem setup
05:24.02carlino3rant: yes, my bad. but now i need to recover the fs.
05:24.32__m4ch1n3__if grub recovery cant fix it boot debian installation iso try repair options
05:24.35rantcarlino3: right well could you start by explainging to me what this system is.. is it a desktop, server, vm? What is the system on it?
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05:24.57carlino3rant: it is a desktop computer
05:25.00__m4ch1n3__*recovery boot option from grub
05:25.10carlino3rant: debian 9
05:25.28carlino3rant: maybe run another fsck?
05:26.06rantcarlino3: well obviously it tried that already and failed and said there was a dependency issue usually meaning the mapper failed possibly indicating damage to the disk, LVM, or such
05:26.26__m4ch1n3__is it an luks crypted lvm
05:27.04carlino3this could be helpful
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05:27.19carlino3"WARNING: Failed to connect to lvmetad. Falling back to device scanning"
05:27.33__m4ch1n3__isnt the maper script part of initramfs?
05:27.36rantthats actually fairly normal
05:27.45carlino3yes, i see that message a long time ago
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05:30.38carlino3rant: solved by another fsck
05:30.41carlino3thank you to all!
05:31.06carlino3i will never shut down the machine that way... haha
05:31.27rantcarlino3: yes first of all you should make sure the system is actually frozen before doing that
05:31.48rantcarlino3: most of the times sysrq is still available to you and can flush the disks before rebooting
05:31.57carlino3rant: it was. i'm having issues with gedit.
05:32.03__m4ch1n3__could happen acidently, powerblackout or so
05:32.15carlino3the damn search feature freezes the system almost all the times
05:32.30carlino3and some times it gets completely unresponsive
05:32.49__m4ch1n3__because of
05:32.57__m4ch1n3__IO disk access?
05:33.08rantcarlino3: REKSUB
05:34.42rantcarlino3: alt+sysrq+<letter>    R takes back the keyboard from X, E sends SIGTERM asking processes to exit, K sends SIGKILL forcing them to exit, S to flush cache to disk, U to remount all fs read-only and B to reboot
05:34.57carlino3__m4ch1n3__:  it is a bad design. managing large text files with gedit, it appears to be seraching on keyup event. so whatever you write, it freezes finding the first character on a large file.
05:35.00rantcarlino3: doing this will prevent filesystem damage
05:35.24carlino3rant: interesting, thanks for the advice
05:36.21rantcarlino3: the K alone, also known as a SAK sysrq+alt+kill may solve the issue and will usually from X result in merely sending you back to the login screen
05:36.51__m4ch1n3__lower iopriority for gedit below default system priority
05:36.51carlino3sysrq = command key?
05:37.18rantno its the sysrq key.. if not labelled on your keyboard its commonly the PrntScr key on most normal PC 104 style keyboards
05:37.35rantyou can try a SAK and see if it works.. it should take you back to the login screen
05:37.40carlino3rant: oh, i see "prt sc sysrq"
05:38.18rantsysrq allows you to communicate directly with the kernel when things get out of hand
05:38.35carlino3rant: very helpful, thanks for the information
05:38.45carlino3do you use gnome?
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05:39.42carlino3i used it in different distros, different hardware and i experience freezes very frequently
05:39.51ranti try not to.. i think using windows or getting a colonoscopy are about as unpleasant
05:40.13carlino3by windows you mean ms windows or a graphical desktop?
05:40.55rantyes i mean Microsoft(r) Windows(tm)
05:41.13carlino3what has to do gnome with ms windows?
05:41.47rantits about as unusable
05:41.56__m4ch1n3__if its cuz of disk read/write "ionice -c3 -p $(pgrep gedit)" would give gedit idle-class priority, means gedit can read/write to disk only if nothing other does
05:41.57rantonly better documented and better to multi-task with :P
05:42.07carlino3what graphical desktop do you recommend?
05:42.19rantI'd recommend any of them over GNOME personally
05:42.43__m4ch1n3__:3 whats wrong with gnome?
05:42.47carlino3__m4ch1n3__: i don't think that is an IO issue, more likely eating all CPU usage serching a single character through a 1 MB text file
05:42.54rantMATE, XFCE, LXDE, or if you want something a lil more flashy, Cinnamon
05:43.13carlino3__m4ch1n3__: like i said, i experience random freezes with almost any hardware i tested
05:43.37carlino3i3 + gb ram. i don't think that is a requirements issue
05:43.49rantwhat isn't wrong with gnome.. you have to search for applications because the menu is incomprehensible and unnecessarily complex, it no longer allows right clicking to configure anything, its highly undocumented, it runs like a kiosk and makes it hard to multi task..
05:44.22rantin general GNOME3 has set all the GTK FOSS world back decades
05:44.24__m4ch1n3__would give ionice a try
05:45.31rant3 features regarding scrollbars that were changed in GTK3 for example.. the transparency, seeking to location when clicked, and auto-hiding of scrollbars.. all poorly documented, all three regarding the same widget, are configured seperately in 3 different places
05:45.44rantnone of which are easy to figure out or exposed through any UI
05:47.03rantyou shouldnt release an upgrade that undoes tons of GUI configuration, and then program it incoherently incohesive and fail to document it and call that progress
05:47.31rantIt'd be different if gnome didnt have these things to begin with, but it did prior to 3.x
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05:48.39rantyou wanna know whats wrong with gnome/gtk3 I challenge you to go revert those 3 scrollbar behaviors on your own.. I'll see you back here in a week with patches of your hair missing :D
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05:50.53rantor since I already did this and documented it just see /msg dpkg gtk3 scrollbar fix
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05:53.42__m4ch1n3__after playing around with blackbox, fluxxbox and finaly openbox i realized that i dont need 99% of the fulll de services and other stuff
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05:55.19__m4ch1n3__dont need udiskd & all other resources wasting always runnig gimmicks
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05:56.44__m4ch1n3__just adwaita(-qt) dark openbox,gtk,qt theme pcmanfm + fbpanel
05:56.54__m4ch1n3__*dark theme
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06:25.01__m4ch1n3__rant ahh awesome,  have same issue with openbox and gtk windows like synaptic and its so anoying. the horizontal scrollbar when appers  covers the last entry in list so its not possible to click it
06:25.25rant__m4ch1n3__: yes my point exactly.. this crap has harmed people not even using GNOME :P
06:25.41rantwhich is what caused me to figure out how to solve that specific issue and document it
06:27.13rantthis is what happens when you have a fragmented group of ideological developers making radical changes to widely used code
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10:08.16adamantiumHi, i can't find the page for amd64 server edition + nonfree firmware, can someone help me
10:09.33n4dirthere is nothing like a server edition for debian, as far i know, but i am rather sure. Just use the non-free amd64 download
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10:26.15at0madamantium: or go from netinstall if you prefer not to get desktop and other bundles
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10:27.05n4dirat0m: no need for the netinstall for that, just deselect what you don't want during tasksel
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13:11.41brenlaei have debian 9.7 with apt 1.4.9, i heard there was some sort of security risk, am i safe?
13:12.43themillthat is the fixed version
13:12.57brenlaethemill: oh thank you very much :)
13:13.22brenlaethemill: have a nice day :)
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13:13.27themill(you should subscribe to debian-security-announce )
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14:38.59PsynoKhi0hey, in light of the recent apt vulnerability, I've been wondering about feasibility of MitM attacks in my case: as the sole user on my network, and DNS queries being cached on my router, from my ISP's DNS servers, am I correct when assuming that, should I be the target of MitM attacks I'd have bigger issues to worry about than an vuln in apt?
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14:43.24Tom-_i'd love to help you but i don't know
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14:43.41Tom-_apt sounds more vulnerable than a run-of-the mill firefox hole at this point
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14:44.36arm1eHi, can anywone help with installing latest nvidia drivers. Must be 396.57 or higher
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14:46.18Tom-_maybe.... doesn't it come with a .run file that does everything for you?
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14:47.11arm1ewondered if there was anything special to do
14:47.30dpkgWhere possible, Nvidia graphic processing units are supported using the open source <nouveau> driver on Debian systems by default.  To install the proprietary "nvidia" driver, see or ask me about <nvidia dkms>, <nvidia legacy>; installing this directly from (i.e. with <nvidia-installer>) is _not_ supported in #debian, please go to #nvidia on
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14:51.59Tom-_probably the wiki and two other <> options it mentioned
14:52.09Tom-_!nvidia dkms
14:52.09dpkgFor Debian 7 "Wheezy" and later systems.  Ask me about <contrib> and <non-free sources>.  Â«aptitude -r install linux-headers-`uname -r|sed 's,[^-]*-[^-]*-,,'` nvidia-kernel-dkms && mkdir -p /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d ; echo -e 'Section "Device"\n\tIdentifier "My GPU"\n\tDriver "nvidia"\nEndSection' > /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-nvidia.conf».  Restart your system to enable the <nouveau> blacklist.
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14:53.54blackflowarm1e: "not supported" means if you break something, you get to keep the pieces, otherwise Debian won't stand in your way. Personally I would not recommend installing system files outside of a package manager.
14:54.32arm1eblackflow, Me either, but if I want proton to work I need to have at least 396
14:54.36blackflowarm1e: what you could do is try to backport the package from experimental
14:54.45blackflowMaybe someone could recommend a better link:
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14:55.36blackflownote however that problems might ensue if you need newer mesa which then means a whole lotta more package changes and likely breakage
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14:55.51arm1ebeyond my level of expertise
14:56.22arm1eIt is frustrating since all I can find is the .run file or a ppa.
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14:57.43blackflowI'm also not sure using the driver from upstream (via .run) would work. Steam needs 32-bit opengl and driver stupport, which means multilib and quite a lot more work, for which you better have a deb file.
14:58.33blackflowmaybe enabling the experimental repo just for nvidia-driver might be the easiest way but.... apt pinning is not recommended unless you know what you're doing, and there's that question of pulling in all the other requirements, like mesa that I mentioned.
14:58.37themilljust install from stretch-backports?
14:58.45blackflowthat's 390
14:58.59blackflow390 is the LTS iirc
14:59.12blackflowso I guess it'll get bumped with a regular package with the next LTS
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15:01.50arm1eSo no proton gaming on debian based systems unless it is ubuntu?
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15:05.23PsynoKhi0maybe SteamOS... also you might want to consider a Radeon for your next GPU purchase
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15:07.30arm1eNo, just confirming that it is not worth me switching distros, and instead sticking with the distro I already have.
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15:15.03Tom-_arm1e, I'm using Steam on a Debian-stretch derived version now
15:15.21Tom-_arm1e, I think I have Proton installed but I'm unsure if I've used it.  Intel video card
15:15.25Tom-_anyway i'd just install the .run file
15:15.30Tom-_knock yourself out
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15:18.04casualnewbieHi guys !
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15:21.29Deihmosdoes debian make a better server than ubuntu?
15:21.43Deihmosthe file size seems to be so much smaller
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15:26.06EdePopedewhich file?
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15:27.05PsynoKhi0I'd say it depends... "server" is kinda vague, also there are different releases, but overall from my experience with stable releases, Debian tends to offer better stability through more thoroughly tested packages while Ubuntu offers newer feature sets...
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15:29.36blackflownewer features sets and stuff like netplan, cloud-init that turn seasoned debian admin into a "wth is this" noob. :)
15:30.10blackflow(by "noob" I mean you get to learn a whole new set of paradigms and config options, if you wanna keep using the defaults)
15:30.19apollo13cloud-init is not specific to ubuntu though
15:30.35petn-randallcloud-init is a pretty nifty feature if you know how to use it. It's good to note however that Ubuntu only offers security support for *main*, which is only 10% of their repo if you count them all.
15:30.36apollo13literally everyone is using that nowadays to bootstrap cloud images afaik
15:30.42blackflowno but it's a default that messes certain configuration paradigms established in debian
15:31.08blackflowproblm is, it's there even for non-coud server installations
15:31.14apollo13blackflow: last time I checked it only did stuff on first boot, like adding an ssh key etc…
15:31.16apollo13blackflow: where?
15:31.34apollo13I do not see it on a default ubuntu install here
15:31.43apollo13well I see it as available package, but not installed
15:31.46blackflowapollo13: part of the regular server installation, whether its a "cloud" or not
15:32.12casualnewbieCan anyone help me with Nvidia drivers on debian ? :)
15:32.17apollo13blackflow: you and I must have a different idea of regular then
15:32.18petn-randallblackflow: That's a Ubuntu design decision, and not a problem with cloud-init itself.
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15:32.31petn-randallcasualnewbie: Go ahead and ask your real question. :)
15:32.39casualnewbieUnder 9.6 debian
15:32.45apollo13blackflow: I just looked through 3 server installs and none of them has it installed
15:32.48casualnewbiez820 hp workstation
15:32.59casualnewbieK2000 + K40 nvidia cards physically installed
15:33.09blackflowpetn-randall: yes, that's why I said "if you wanna keep using the defaults". because its' easy to remove all that additional layering, as long as one is aware of it.
15:33.15casualnewbieI install drivers according to debian tutorial
15:33.27casualnewbie42:00.0 3D controller: NVIDIA Corporation GK110BGL [Tesla K40m] (rev a1)
15:33.48casualnewbieWhen I try to do this : cat: '/sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:05:00.0/remove': Permission denied
15:34.19casualnewbienvidia-smi shows only K2000 without any mention of K40
15:34.26PsynoKhi0shameless plug for a question I asked earlier, in light of the recent apt vulnerability, I've been wondering about feasibility of MitM attacks in my case: as the sole user on my network, and DNS queries being cached on my router, from my ISP's DNS servers, am I correct when assuming that, should I be the target of MitM attacks I'd have bigger issues to worry about than an vuln in apt?
15:35.04casualnewbieglxgears are spinning nicely
15:35.16casualnewbieno idea how to get K40 up and  running
15:35.19PsynoKhi0ouch sorry I pressed enter too fast, I wanted to let casualnewbie finish their statement :/
15:35.33casualnewbieNo problems, no worries PsynoKhi0
15:35.34petn-randallPsynoKhi0: The apt vulnaribility has clear steps how to remove it, so it's easy to resolve that.
15:36.00petn-randalldamnit, can't type today :D
15:36.24blackflowPsynoKhi0: yes.
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15:37.05blackflowshould you be the target of MitM... there's bigger fish to fry than worrying about apt. though this one was quite a biggie, it's resolved fast
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15:38.08PsynoKhi0petn-randall: yes... unfortunately I tend to do a plain apt update && apt dist-upgrade first thing when I power on the machine (before browsing, so no care for the -o recommendations), which might have bit me in the rear this time around
15:38.58casualnewbieAnyone have any ideas on the problem I am facing ?
15:39.40petn-randallcasualnewbie: So your issue is that one nvidia card is working, and the other one (K40m) isn't?
15:40.06casualnewbieI have several K40
15:40.07blackflowcasualnewbie: I'm not sure what your problem is or what you're trying to achieve, but if I understand correctly, you want to force one of the GPUs being used? should be doable by forcing a xorg.conf
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15:40.21petn-randallcasualnewbie: It might be well possible that the non-free driver doesn't support using all in parallel. I'd do some research about that.
15:40.28casualnewbieTried swapping them - same problem, tried different PCI slots - no difference
15:40.45petn-randallcasualnewbie: Does it work if you *only* have the K40m inside?
15:41.03casualnewbieK40 does not have any outputs
15:41.14PsynoKhi0petn-randall: if you are referring to Acquire::http::AllowRedirect=false that is
15:41.33casualnewbieSo I am forced to use both cards
15:41.50casualnewbieIt is gpu accelerator, I intend to use it only for computations
15:42.28PsynoKhi0blackflow: thanks, so you reckon that, as it stands, it's a bigger concern for e.g. larger networks, hosted environments etc.
15:43.12PsynoKhi0casualnewbie: so a gpgpu
15:43.36blackflowPsynoKhi0: no, I'm not evaluating possibility for you being MitM. I said assuming "should you be the target" of one, there's a lot of vectors to consider. also, there could currently be more apt or other mitm-facilitating vulns that we know nothing about.
15:43.50blackflowwhich means to say, don't obsess with this one, patch asap, and move on ;)
15:43.58casualnewbiePsynoKhi0, yes
15:44.45PsynoKhi0blackflow: all patched up, I wish I had been more timely, maybe time for me to have a few more non-debian systems though
15:45.21PsynoKhi0casualnewbie: is the gpgpu even supposed to be supported by the same driver as the other card?
15:45.49petn-randallPsynoKhi0: yes
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15:46.42PsynoKhi0yeah I should have waited till casualnewbie had gotten their answers, because now the crossfire is starting to confuse me :D
15:46.47petn-randallSorry, I was referring to Acquire::http::AllowRedirect=false
15:46.55PsynoKhi0petn-randall: ah ty
15:47.07PsynoKhi0yeah I didn't do that at first...
15:47.54blackflowPsynoKhi0: non-debian systems are not safe from this kind of issues. Two years ago, for example, freebsd had a very similar problem through a libarchive vuln, which wasn't patched for months. secteam knew, told nobody, until someone leaked it on twitter.
15:48.14blackflowso if you're really concerned about security, you should layer up mitigtions, and make sure you have good intrusion detection.
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15:49.26casualnewbieChecking card:  NVIDIA Corporation GK110BGL [Tesla K40m] (rev a1)
15:49.26casualnewbieYour card is supported by the default drivers and legacy driver series 340.
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15:49.32casualnewbieChecking card:  NVIDIA Corporation GK107GL [Quadro K2000] (rev a1)
15:49.32casualnewbieYour card is supported by the default drivers and legacy driver series 340.
15:49.39casualnewbieaccording to nvidia-detect - it is
15:50.12casualnewbieAccording to also
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15:51.16petn-randallcasualnewbie: I'm not sure if I understand the issue then. If it's a pure compute module without video output, why are you expecting that glxgears works on it?
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15:51.30petn-randallcasualnewbie: How are you testing if the driver is working on the K40m?
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15:52.21PsynoKhi0casualnewbie: any mention of both cards in e.g. dmesg? do you have any application that could let you choose the compation card?
15:52.23casualnewbieI mean glxgears works using K2000 - so I assume driver for K2000 is installed correctly
15:52.39casualnewbieSince both cards are supported by the same driver
15:52.51casualnewbieWhy I can only see K2000 under nvidia-smi
15:53.34PsynoKhi0glxgears expects to output something on the screen though, if your K40 has no video output... how do you expect glxgears to use it?
15:53.54casualnewbiePsynoKhi0, once again - both cards are supported by the same driver.
15:54.17PsynoKhi0yes I got that part, what I'm wondering about is:
15:54.31blackflowPsynoKhi0: actually it's a bit unintuitive. differentiating systems can only lead to _more_ vulnerabilities. See the Monty Hall problem. Or problem with disks in a RAID. If one disk had probability of failure X, then 10 such disks would mean probability of 10*X that at least one will fail in the same period.
15:54.38casualnewbieK40 and K2000, but only K2000 has video ouput. So I check glxgears(it works...). I don't say glxgears is using K40
15:55.19zleapwhat is the command for listing upgradeable packages, I think i sort of have it right but I have the spelling wrong somewhere, dpkg -list--upgradeable
15:55.36blackflowPsynoKhi0: (so if all 10 were mirrors, total failure probability is actually 1/10th of single disk. if they were differentiated functionally (like striping), the probability is 10x greater)
15:56.07BCMMzleap: apt list --upgradable
15:56.09PsynoKhi0zleap: use apt
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15:56.43BCMMzleap: dpkg doesn't know anything about updates, because it doesn't know anything about packages that aren't installed on your machine right now
15:57.12BCMMdpkg can just install and uninstall packages - it's apt that fetches them from the internet
15:57.12dpkgBCMM: You are person #1 to send an unparseable request
15:57.34BCMMdpkg: this is entirely your fault.
15:57.34dpkgBCMM: what are you talking about?
15:57.37PsynoKhi0blackflow: ok... though it becomes a matter of balance IMO, I tend to think "at least 2 at most 3" if that makes any sense
15:58.34PsynoKhi0for redundancy, for example
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15:59.12casualnewbiePsynoKhi0, what should I look for in dmesg ?
15:59.24PsynoKhi0I can't bring myself to being overreliant on one supplier
15:59.50PsynoKhi0casualnewbie: not sure... try "dmesg | grep "K2000\|K40"
16:00.16PsynoKhi0I'm more of a radeon guy so...
16:00.49casualnewbieI have strange line
16:00.49casualnewbie[   12.479287] NVRM: This PCI I/O region assigned to your NVIDIA device is invalid:
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16:01.51PsynoKhi0casualnewbie: I think pasting should be done elsewhere (#flood) as per the channel's guidelines
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16:02.51casualnewbieI am sorry for that, never used IRC before. Will try to follow guidelines
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16:03.21PsynoKhi0or use pastebin and paste only the URL here
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16:04.27PsynoKhi0save the URL in a text file so you can even refer to it elsewhere
16:04.51PsynoKhi0(I might be telling you obvious stuff but...)
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16:08.05petn-randallOne line is fine, if you have more than 2, please use a paste site, yes.
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16:15.07casualnewbieI think I understood what is wrong.... Thanks for the help !
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16:16.47LtLPsynoKhi0: please don't recommend, its terrible, use
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16:18.30paradigmHi!  Debian Testing/Sid's version of libglib2.0-0 includes a bug that's hitting me pretty hard.  I've worked with the glib folks to fix it, and they kicked out a new release.  Is there something I can do to prompt the Debian folks to update it?  Should I be concerned about the possibility of the current, broken version being frozen for Buster?
16:20.02*** join/#debian Tom-_ (
16:21.45dpkg#debian-next is the channel for testing/unstable support on the OFTC network (, *not* on freenode.  If you get "Cannot join #debian-next (Channel is invite only)." it means you did not read it's on
16:21.53n4dirif there is a bug report, give the info in that bug report. If there isn't, file one.
16:21.58petn-randallparadigm: Feel free to ask in the testing support channel above. ^^^
16:22.15paradigmWill do, thanks!
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16:24.32nsrafkIs there an easy way to mail (or send another way) a backupfile (tar) from a shell to myself?
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16:26.47Spechow big of a file?
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16:28.23PsynoKhi0off to something else, have a nice one!
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16:59.10nsrafkhmm i figured i can just use scp from mac as well
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18:28.25vegenaisehi #debian. is there a basic terminal word processor like nano or pico etc that does word wrap? so i don't have to it enter every line before the text goes past the window?
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18:31.09nkuttlerman fmt
18:31.42BCMMvegenaise: what do you mean about "before the text goes past the window"?
18:32.13LtLvegenaise: for nano edit /etc/nanorc un-comment set nowrap
18:32.13BCMMvegenaise: you do realise that the start of that long line you entered in Nano is still there, just scrolled off the screen, right?
18:32.39vegenaiseBCMM, yes i do i just want it to look uniform and not have to scroll over to see what i wrote
18:32.49xandvegenaise: neither are for word processing
18:32.57vegenaisei am aware
18:33.21nkuttleri prefer to format my text how i want it, not to trick the editor into displaying it like that
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18:33.45vegenaiseheh to each their own nkuttler :)
18:34.12BCMMvegenaise: what sort of thing are you writing? source code? paragraphs of natural language?
18:34.35vegenaisethank you for that tip LtL. i will try that first as i am now comfortable using nano
18:34.37nkuttleri don't like people who send me emails that are 1000 chars wide..
18:35.08vegenaiseBCMM, journaling mostly. writing paragraphs in natural language.
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18:36.24BCMMvegenaise: anyway, look at the output of `man nano` (search for "wrap"). i *think* `nano -$` is what you want
18:36.43Deihmosi just installed debian. not too familiar with linux.
18:36.58Deihmosdebian does not have sudo so what is used instead? su?
18:37.29xandit has sudo if you install it
18:37.33BCMMDeihmos: su should be there. you can install sudo if you want it
18:37.46BCMM(also i think if you choose not to set a root password during installation, sudo gets installed?)
18:38.20Deihmosi see
18:38.28vegenaisethank you BCMM i will do that :)
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18:38.42Deihmosdebian seems more light weight so i am thinking about it instead
18:39.21nkuttlerDeihmos: debian pretty much leaves it to you how to set up the system. if you want it, you can make a bloated install
18:40.13Deihmosthe debian website is a bit weird. hard to find the downloads
18:40.20Deihmosi downloaded a 300mb file
18:40.50petn-randall!light weight
18:40.50dpkg<mjg59> To a first approximation, when someone says "Lightweight" what they mean is "I don't understand the problems that the alternative solves". (
18:40.53nkuttlerthe download link is at the top right..
18:41.13xandDeihmos: it's the netinstall image
18:41.26xandDeihmos: it'll download packages during install
18:41.31petn-randallDebian can be "lightweight", but it depends entirely on what you install on it.
18:41.58G3ph4zHi Guys, I have one word in file and I have to replace it with a certificate. I tried with sed, but its failed because many special characters in certificate.
18:42.45G3ph4zCan anyone help with it? I would be grateful.
18:43.18BCMMthat's a kind of weird factoid
18:43.37BCMMmost of the factoids i've seen seem to be, like, principles that are generally agreed on
18:43.57BCMMbut that's just somebody's rather controversial opinion (with a few total misunderstandings thrown in)
18:44.11petn-randallBCMM: There are also lots of factoids that are more light-hearted at nature, and not necessarily universally true.
18:44.43BCMMthat particular blog post would work *much* better if it was "light-hearted"
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18:59.18jhutchinsBCMM: I think it's fairly accurate.  It's like "is Debian secure".
18:59.45jhutchinsBCMM: It really shows that the person asking doesn't understand their own question.
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19:02.58rwpG3ph4z, That is a somewhat vague problem description. If you want to replace a file with a certificate then is there any reason not to just "cp certificatefile targetfile" since that will do exactly what you wanted?
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19:03.32G3ph4zrwp, Not exactly, I want to change a word in a config file with a certificate.
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19:04.11rwpWhen I think of certificate I think of something used by an https server (nginx, apache) or imap (dovecot) and certificates are always full files.
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19:06.07rwpG3ph4z, In any case if you want to use sed for that then use the 'r' command to read a file.  Something like: sed '/PATTERN/rFILENAME' infile
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19:07.11rwpAnything more would need more specific information about what is happening.
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19:24.08Dyl0nHi all
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19:28.59Deihmosis it standard for debian to bring up the grub screen at boot when there is no other OS
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19:30.16petn-randallDeihmos: yes
19:30.28petn-randallYou might want to boot a different kernel.
19:30.40petn-randallIf you don't like that, feel free to change it at /etc/default/grub.
19:32.46Deihmosnot a big deal
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19:52.50dmastahey all
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20:01.27dmastaI need to setup server with untrusted users to run applications in there user space with limited network seems like LXC a fair solution, any suggestion what else I can use ?
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20:04.28dmastashtrb, qemu will have substational preformance penality compared to LXC as far I can understand
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20:04.54shtrbdmasta, I'm kidding, it would make your life harder
20:05.00apollo13but more secure
20:05.26shtrbdmasta, if you will not load kvm you will get slightly more separation
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20:07.23dmastais it stupid if run it on google cloud ?
20:07.36dmastaI looked they have nested virualization
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20:08.37apollo13dmasta: tendentiell perfect if you don't run untrusted stuff on your infra ;)
20:10.02dmastaapollo13, what do you mean dendentiell ?
20:10.25apollo13tendentially is probably the english word
20:11.04apollo13but you can just remove it and the sentence still stands
20:11.18dmastathis how untrusted stuff is each user will run python/Java/C++ application
20:11.46dmastawill or can run and modify such application
20:12.01dmastaI never done such setup before, seems like I am over my head lol
20:12.12blackflowjust don't kid yourself that LXC or any container is a significant security boundary for running random untrusted executable code
20:12.34blackflowto make it really secure, you need to MAC the namespaced process group with SELinux or AppArmor
20:12.56blackflowdisable module loading, seccomp filter avilable syscalls.
20:13.00apollo13dmasta: what are you trying to do? become a hoster?
20:13.23dmastait for a computer game
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20:13.32dmastaeach user will be able to deploy own NPC code
20:13.35blackflow(and by "really secure" I mean _actually_, by not misunderstanding what LXC does -- a there's never 100% absolute security)
20:14.24dmastablackflow, I do understand that 100% is only death in this reality :)
20:14.41blackflowand taxes, but the jury is still out on death :)
20:15.45apollo13so what you want to do is create throw away virtual machines
20:16.01apollo13preferably on a cloud so it's their problem if someone breaks out
20:16.02dmastaso I joking say to my self combining game with untrusted users and code on linux box, if I wanted I could not make it more complicated :)
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20:16.19dmastayes, AWS or Google
20:16.23apollo13fwiw is a perfect example of what you are trying to achieve
20:16.24dmastaor both
20:16.31apollo13CI basically has the same problem…
20:16.39blackflowalso "qemu will have substational preformance penality compared to LXC"  -- not really with kvm. the penalty is not in performance, but in memory compartmentalization as you have to assign it up front per VM
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20:17.09apollo13actually there should be an example on how to configure gitlab runner to create vms in DO per job
20:17.29dmastawell that makes things simple
20:17.46dmastaI feel a bit stupid why I did not think about docker heh
20:17.56apollo13docker doesn't make things simple
20:18.02apollo13it is as insecure as lxc
20:18.18apollo13hence gitlab launches complete virtual machines for every job
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20:18.45dmastaproblem is sharing single virtual machine with multiple users
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20:18.58apollo13you are not supposed to share the stupid VM
20:19.01apollo13one VM per user
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20:20.41blackflowif you wanna stick with "contaienrs", you don't even need docker, you can set up systemd service template and run it easily for any number of user. there's filesystem namespacing with ProtectSystem, seccomp filtering, and you can assign selinux/apparmor profiles even
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20:21.14apollo13till someone breaks out
20:21.27blackflowyes, but that would affect docker as well -- containers are just namespaces
20:21.46apollo13yes, hence me comparing docker with lxc above, same problems, all containers…
20:21.56apollo13I mean it's not like a vm is 100% secure, but still
20:21.58blackflowmind you, not even VMs are secure there. plenty of host-affecting vulns this past year, for qemu
20:22.22blackflowapollo13: yeah :)
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20:22.34apollo13yeah, but I prefer a VM where a breakout is not my problem (cloud) over containers breakouts that affect my machine
20:22.51apollo13though one interesting approach would be a throw away k8s cluster and launch the jobs there
20:23.01blackflowpersonally, I'd trust selinux or apparmor quite a bit in this case. when you accept it can never be 100%, running a carefully carved MAC policy is significantly better.
20:23.17dmastaapollo13, what do you k8s ?
20:23.52apollo13blackflow: getting a selinux policy right is hard though :D
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20:24.42blackflowwell, true. it's much easier when you confine it all under a directory, you don't need to write complex interactions wiht other parts of hte system and there's no context transition
20:25.12blackflowthat + seccomp + being unable to load kernel modules makes it very very hard to break out. you'd need a serious in-kernel RCE to do that.
20:25.12D1rT3M0nEEvening fun-seekers, has anyone encountered mic problems specific to skype?  The native drivers don't seen to wanna play nice with skype - it only seems to pick up static (mic works fine otherwise) and I'm at a loss at how to troubleshoot.
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20:26.23dmastaabout that, it only allowed to run single process app, network access only to signle specific host:port, I thought even to use network attached storage on another machine as idea
20:26.52dmastalinux untrusted user does not need to have full access to box like via ssh as example
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20:32.30dmastawhat if user only can edit part of dockers startup file and provide source binary for app
20:32.53dmastaupload it on gitlab for example, I parse them and run in cloud ?
20:34.00blackflowdmasta: if I were doing that (NPC scripting) -- I'd use a domain specific language or even better base it around LUA, and let the users upload only such LUA scripts and any non-executale resources, through a web GUI. No machine executable code, ever. no ability to run anything on the CPU that's not trhough your LUA interpreted DSL
20:34.24dmastanah, not going to work in my case
20:34.34shtrbdmasta, remember spectra and meltdown - don't let anyone in
20:35.05blackflowwell, if spectre and meltdown are an issue, then you wouldn't run it in a public cloud to begin with, right? :)
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20:35.37dmastaI need resonable solution it not like national security information storage system :)
20:35.42shtrbmaybe he is not aware that there is nothing trully secure ? and that he need to select his threat model and to how to act on that ?
20:35.44dmastait a computer game :)
20:35.56dmastait is*
20:36.14shtrbPrepare your threat model, what will happen if your security is breached and judge up on it
20:36.32dmastashutdown part of cloud restart game play
20:36.51dmastalots of hate on forums if happens a lot will lose players most likely
20:37.08shtrbdmasta, what happen if someone start to mine coins or use it as his gateway for a vpn ?
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20:38.06blackflowa partyvan would pay them a visit!
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20:38.33dmastaminecoins easy to detect, about VPN I thought to limit network access via iptables
20:38.37shtrbdmasta, would get to meet skooby and shaggy.
20:40.00dmastathis is complicated setup heh
20:40.46dmastaalso user app process is very limited
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20:41.24dmastait seems like I will have clear syslog pattern of using app for intended porpuses
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20:43.14t3st3rblackflow> whatever, container or VM is order of magnitude easier to set up compared to SELinux/apparmor. An if h40rz pwn kernel, who cares if it would be container or SELinux disabled?
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20:45.00blackbithi. is there a way to display only a certain 'field' of the `apt-cache show` (or an equivalent command) output like 'Description-en' without fiddling with grep/sed/awk/perl?
20:45.37dmastaoption a is nested VM instances in google cloud, option b is scripted container
20:46.14n4dirblackbit: i sure never heard of it.
20:46.15dmastaoption a 10% overhead for CPU usega, optiom b complicated to setup and less secure arguably
20:46.37dmastaI don't like my options
20:46.50Tenkawablackbit: there might be with dpkg itself
20:47.28blackflowt3st3r: your argument is not unlike saying no need to lock front doors, if thieves can pick locks
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20:54.42blackbitn4dir: Tenkawa: seems like this works, but only for installed packages $ dpkg-query --show --showformat '${Description}\n' acl
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20:54.56blackbiti'd like to have the same also for not installed packages
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20:56.50Tenkawayeah i've always had to awk/sed that
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20:58.09Tenkawahowever i havent spent too much time looking into the datasource
20:59.30t3st3rblackflow> no, my argument is that containers and VMs achieve comparable goal by far easier means. Just that.
21:00.21t3st3rSELinux and so on look weird to me. Takes plenty of efforts to set up, yet any sane exploit disables it at once.
21:01.06n4dirblackbit: cool stuff, good info. Gotta say that in all those years i hardly ran in dpkg* instead of (say) apt-cache (my fault, of course)
21:01.07blackflowt3st3r: well that's false. RH and derivatives have SELinux policies for containers and VMs precisely becasue containers are not a security boundary, they're just namespaces.
21:01.08t3st3rAnd when it takes almost zero efforts for attacker and plenty of efforts for defender I think it kinda unfortunate.
21:01.25blackflowt3st3r: if YOU don't wanna bother, that's perfectly fine. just don't generalize please.
21:01.45t3st3rRH got plenty of pointless crap on board, SELinux isn't worst of them. Maybe its why I use Debian...
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21:02.10blackflowt3st3r: which is perfectly valid CHOICE of yours. which doesn't render the technology any less usefull just because you don't feel like dealing with it.
21:02.58t3st3rblackflow> it has been you who generalized without bothering self to provide any meaningful arguments. Unlike you I've at least attempted to back my views.
21:03.05blackflowalso consider that flatpak's sandboxing is a thing. and snaps use apparmor for security
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21:03.38D1rT3M0nEAnyone else notice that Debian doesn't play nice with Facebook?  My fans spin up and performance drops when opening FB in a tab - anyone else?
21:04.05blackflowt3st3r: again, if YOU don't wanna mess with it, that's perfectly fine. just please don't assert falsehoods as facts. containers are not security boundaries.
21:04.22t3st3rblackflow> speaking for myself I'm trying to keep things hard for attackers and easy for me. Whatever, SELinux isn't like that. And apparmor is quite dodgy thing either.
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21:04.55blackflowt3st3r: do you know what the problem with USER_NS is and why it's considered insecure?
21:04.56t3st3rIf you want to tell about messing things up, look, both Debian and Ubuntu screwed their apparmor to degree tor can't run plugable transport. Cool, isn't it?
21:05.22t3st3rYes, I do. Linux wasn't even created with NS in mind. That's an issue.
21:05.30blackflowt3st3r: which doesn't render the tech any less useful. yes, I have my own apparmor profiles because stock ubuntu's suck
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21:06.04blackflowt3st3r: right. parts of the kernel might not be aware of it and will see uid=0 UNmapped to effective id.
21:06.08t3st3rOnce again, usefulnes of all this apparmor and selinux crap is few assembly commands in exploit, sending them both to oblivion. Huh.
21:06.21blackflowand that's why MACs are useful because uid=0 means nothing to them
21:06.28joepublicD1rT3M0nE, the debian project does not interact with facebook.  Are you using one of the many browsers available in debian to interact with facebook?
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21:07.02blackflowt3st3r: by all means, write such an exploit and get ton of money, Zerodium will reward you handsomely.
21:07.05t3st3rSo both create plenty of troubles... but not to attackers, unfortunately. It like placing bear trap at your entrance and then getting caught yourself/
21:07.26blackflowif you think it's a few assembly "commands", then you're a rich guy. just call Zerodium.
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21:07.55t3st3rblackflow> Have you ever seen any "real" exploits that face in the wild? Nearly 1st thing they do is knock out SELinux.
21:08.16blackflowdon't waste your time armchairing here on freenode, go get the monies, man! they're paying GREATLY for such "few commands to bust a MAC" vulns!
21:08.40blackflowt3st3r: every software has bugs, selinux included, but it's not as easy as you make it sound. if you thin it is, monies await you!
21:08.58t3st3rit isn't bug in SELinux, lol.
21:09.03blackflowand btw most of selinux vulns lately have been through badly written policies, not through the mechanism itself.
21:09.21blackflowagain, don't waste time arguing with me, go get the monies!
21:09.32t3st3rIt's okay to use any bug to get kernel side. Then it takes mere few commands to get rid of SELinux. And kernel is pretty big thing.
21:09.51blackflowno, not any bug.
21:10.04blackflowyou need a specific class of bugs to do that.
21:10.48t3st3rAny. Once kernel is breached, it is not a big deal if there is SELinux or not.
21:10.51blackflowyou're making it sound like it's a piece of cake but your whole house of cards rests on that FIRST premise which is rather extremely important and rather hard to do on properly securred systems: get the kernel to exec any random code in ring0
21:11.58t3st3rSElinux has been created by NSA, who are inclined on formal crap. SELinux fills their bill for formal policies. They're surely staffed and funded enough to be able to afford all that.
21:12.15blackflowho-kay, tinfoil hat time. we're done here, kid.
21:13.16t3st3rI have rather bad news for you: Linux is plenty of code, running at what you call ring 0 (btw there're cpus other than x86, that do not name it like this).
21:13.34blackflowyes, vulnerabilities are abound. but not all of them are equal.
21:13.45t3st3rThis code gets plenty of bugs and things like spectre/meltdown/rowhammer/etc make it even more fun, etc.
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21:14.43t3st3rFurthermore, SELinux/apparmor wouldn't help vs, say, recent apt vuln. On other hand VM would confine damage to self. Well, ideally.
21:14.53blackflowfor example. CVE-2019-5489 is something I landed my finger on. a kernel vuln. you cannot use to to shut down SELinux.
21:15.15blackflowso yeah, not _any_ bug. you need a specific class of bugs. and like I said, if you know of any, Zerodium will pay greatly.
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21:16.14t3st3ronce again, for me it's enough I've seen exploits disabling SELinux & sometimes apparmor to not really rely on that.
21:16.27blackflowt3st3r: selinux/apparmor wouldn't help with that last apt bug because the apt action is of HIGHEST privilege (short of modifying kernel itself by loading a module): it installs files on the system at arbitrary locations.
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21:16.42blackflowyou know what else selinux wouldn't help with? someone walking over with a gun and demanding your passwrod.
21:16.58t3st3rblackflow> maybe you failed to get idea but I can scrap damaged VM and try again...
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21:17.26t3st3rand all this takes very modest efforts unlike SELinux tantrum
21:17.30blackflowt3st3r: maybe not. see, that apt vuln could've loaded a trojan that would affect the host through a secondary qemu vuln.
21:17.33blackflowby your logic.
21:18.00t3st3rIts valid concern. Since hypervisors aren't perfect either.
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21:18.21blackflowbut uh, this is really offtopic, weirdly nobody warned us. feel free not to use selinux or apparmor if you don't like them, but that's all there is to it -- your personal choice.
21:18.36t3st3rmaybe we should go #debian-offtopic with it?
21:18.53D1rT3M0nE<joepublic> What? I'm not a naive Facebook user.  What are you, the Galactic Empire?
21:19.32SlidingHornD1rT3M0nE: the point is that Debian itself has nothing to do with how Facebook behaves in your browser of choice.
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21:19.54t3st3ras for guns and passwords... well, I can't remember long encryption keys. Not even with help of gun. And in case of emergency I would just ensure no keys remains.
21:20.21nuxilI have two ssd disks setup raid 0 what uses ntfs/windows. i need to access some files. How do i go about mounting these raid disk in linux,
21:20.48nuxili was told to look in /dev/mapper for them. but there is only one dir there called controls.
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21:21.06nuxili also have ntfs-3g installed.
21:21.54nuxili see them in fdisk. but im no sure what to do with mount command.
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21:23.34nuxilim guessing im missing some kernel stuff perhaps ?
21:23.37D1rT3M0nESlidingHorn: I get that, but if Facebook is bogging down my laptop, it makes me wonder about what kind of dodgy analytics they're trying to capture.  Does that not interest anyone else?
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21:25.34coltkirkfb wants to peak through your webcam to get their jollies off
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21:25.40EdePopedeD1rT3M0nE: or their code is just simply bloated
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21:27.15coltkirkfacebook wrote a prog lang called 'hack' lol
21:27.24coltkirkit must be for hackers
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21:29.28D1rT3M0nEEdePopede: maybe also.  I mean, they're definitely working on mad analytics though. Zuck's definitely convinced he's building a hive mind. :)
21:29.44coltkirkoh hack lang comes with the Hip Hop Virtual Machine, how fitting
21:29.55EdePopedeouch that hurts :D
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21:30.57shtrbnuxil, did you mount it , or see anything related to it  ?
21:31.16SlidingHornD1rT3M0nE: it's no surprise to anyone that facebook is incredibly shady and data-hungry.  Not really a topic for this channel, however.
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21:32.09n4dirD1rT3M0nE: "leaving the cloud"
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21:32.12shtrbnuxil, check if you have something in dmesg. also the FS be dirty so you need to manually clean it (ntfsfix If I remember corrcetly)
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21:34.33D1rT3M0nEFair enough.
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21:44.19Deihmosanyone know how to activate contrib repo?
21:44.38Deihmosinstructions provide no instructions. trying to install sabnzbd
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21:46.21jmcnaughtDeihmos: you edit /etc/apt/sources.list. This wiki page has examples: and then after you change that file run "apt update"
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21:52.34IniGithow can I label luks containers?
21:52.41IniGitI tried the following, but it does not work:
21:52.44IniGitsudo cryptsetup config /dev/sdi --label=TestLUKS
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22:04.14finlstrmIniGit: give this a shot -
22:04.41rantthere obviously isnt a partition table
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22:05.07ranteither that or the problem is them not specifying a partition
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22:12.57IniGitfinlstrm: This does not work on LUKS containers
22:12.57l0rd_hexhi all, is it possible to install syslinux instead of grub2 during the initial debian install? (I'm using the netinst ISO)
22:13.24IniGitfinlstrm: Itseems like luks2 is required in order to use --label, but I'm not sure if this is already stable
22:13.56IniGitfinlstrm: So I'll not use label. I will check my udev rules in order to find the partition that I want to mount
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22:20.44rantyou're suppose to use the UUID of the container in mtab
22:20.48ranterm crypttab
22:21.06soda__hobarthi everybody, my Debian partition is running low on disk space.  The Debian partition is formatted as ext4 at /dev/sda6.  I have another linux distro (Mint) installed on another ext4 partition at /dev/sda6.  I don't use this one nor do I have any data on this partition, so I want to clear it and add that space to the partition where I have Debian.  What is the best way to do this?  They share a swap partition at /dev/sda7.
22:22.06rantsoda__hobart: /dev/sda6 is the same partition as /dev/sda6
22:22.33soda__hobartrant: oh, sorry the Debian install is on /dev/sda5
22:23.13l0rd_hexsoda__hobart: something like partitionmagic should help
22:23.19petn-randallsoda__hobart: You could delete sda6, and extend the partition sda5 to the whole space, then extend the ext4 filesystem to encompass all space.
22:23.42petn-randallsoda__hobart: Make sure to make backups before attempting this though, if you screw up the data might be gone.
22:23.48soda__hobartok, so just delete the partition I don't want, and then add the unallocated space to the partition I want to keep?
22:23.49rantsoda__hobart: download and just use gparted to remove the one partition and grow the other
22:24.02*** mode/#debian [+l 1545] by debhelper
22:24.23l0rd_hexmake sure you backup sda5 though
22:24.23rantsoda__hobart: it will drastically simplify the process using a GUI while both FS are offline
22:24.28l0rd_hexjust incase
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22:25.53soda__hobartyeah, I just did a backup a few weeks ago when I upgraded to Debian Buster/Sid so I'm good there
22:26.51l0rd_hexI _highly_ recommend you wear a hat while repartitioning as well
22:27.21rantone with a propeller on it
22:27.45soda__hobartI never leave the house, but if I did, I would definitely wear the tin foil hat that I wear all the time inside the house.
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22:31.35soda__hobartI can expand the size of the Debian partition while it is mounted, right?
22:33.18l0rd_hexsoda__hobart: you can but it's probably easier just to use the liveCD rant mentioned
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22:33.59rantext4 supports online resize.. but the cli progs can be a bit confusing.. gparted will do it all for you by merely cliking and dragging
22:34.13petn-randallsoda__hobart: You can expand the *filesystem*, but you need to change the partition layout first, and that doesn't work online.
22:34.16rantand it would arguably be safer to do while both FS are offline
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22:35.42at0msoda__hobart: also, check man resize2fs
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22:36.24petn-randallsoda__hobart: I'd take a current backup, unless you're willing to loose weeks of data.
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22:39.40soda__hobartyeah, I'm reading the gparted docs and the partedmagic docs now, and I suppose I will do a backup--related to that, is there a good way to take a system snapshot in Debian?  Most of my files and work are already backed up remotely, but I'd like to save stuff like my keyboard shortcuts and whatnot.
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22:40.14rantsoda__hobart: thats all in your homedir
22:40.22petn-randallsoda__hobart: They're all saved in your homedir, so just backup that.
22:40.39ranttar it up, use any compression you like
22:40.57at0msoda__hobart: and bleachbit can help wipe caches and temp files, decreassing backup size
22:41.22petn-randallsoda__hobart: If you ever happen to reinstall, I recommend you read up on LVM; it let's you create partition snapshots which makes making consistent backups much easier.
22:41.40rantalso makes resizing simpler
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22:41.53petn-randallThat, too.
22:41.55at0msoda__hobart: your personal settings are in ~/.*
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22:42.18at0mdotfiles and dotdirs, if the latter is even a word =)
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22:48.20soda__hobartnice, I am re-installing on my desktop machine soon, so I will look into LVM for that.  Is there anything that keeps track of the software and dependencies installed?
22:49.31petn-randallsoda__hobart: You can export and import your installed package list via apt.
22:51.30soda__hobartpetn-randall: oh cool, thanks
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23:03.39EdePopedei could just need a bit of a big picture right now. apt-cache shows me 2 available versions of nginx: 1.10.3-1+deb9u2 and deb9u1. apt-get -s install prefers u2. judd has u1 in stretch, u2 in proposed-updates and security.
23:04.03EdePopedeso 1) what's the logic behind it and 2) how do i get more info locally?
23:04.33petn-randall,v nginx
23:04.34juddPackage: nginx on amd64 -- wheezy: 1.2.1-2.2+wheezy4; wheezy-security: 1.2.1-2.2+wheezy4+deb7u1; jessie: 1.6.2-5+deb8u5; sid: 1.10.1-1; jessie-backports: 1.10.3-1+deb9u1~bpo8+2; stretch: 1.10.3-1+deb9u1; stretch-proposed-updates: 1.10.3-1+deb9u2; stretch-security: 1.10.3-1+deb9u2; stretch-backports: 1.13.3-1~bpo9+1; stretch-backports: 1.14.0-1~bpo9+1; stretch-backports:
23:04.35judd1.14.1-1~bpo9+1; buster: 1.14.2-2; sid: 1.14.2-2
23:05.15rantEdePopede: you have the stretch version and the security update available
23:05.28petn-randallEdePopede: `apt-cache policy nginx` will show you which package will be preferred during installation, and where they come from. u2 is from stretch-security, btw.
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23:06.56EdePopedei'm afraid i'm gonna develop a migraine over debian's software management, there are simply too many tools to remember
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23:07.19EdePopedeand they all have too many commands
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23:07.56rantEdePopede: you realize they invented the apt command which pretty much does it all, right?
23:08.19EdePopedei used it *once* and then it didn't keep the deb :(
23:08.22frikinzIt's way easier that other distro IMO. But you don't learn things in a week.
23:09.08EdePopedeweek? i try to memorize those things for MONTH now, before the upgrade i stayed with aptitude's ui mostly to keep it easy
23:09.20rantyeah.. its annoying like that.. does a lot of stuff automatically
23:10.17EdePopedebut it feels like when i tried to get through bertrand russel's book where he mentions a new philosopher or some long forgotten city on every bloody page :|
23:10.23frikinzI used apt a lot then aptitude a lot but yeah, it had phases were it would do too many things ... like proposing you to uninstall the package you just requested to install XD
23:11.01rantcould be worse.. Long Walk To Freedom had some african word every 3rd word..
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23:11.33EdePopedemy problem with bare cli is that i can't go with just text output floating by. mc instead of ls/rm/mv/mkdir and such things....
23:11.35petn-randallEdePopede: It helps taking notes if you can't easily remember commands / parameters and stuff.
23:11.50petn-randallEdePopede: I do it for a lot of things I only touch once or twice a year.
23:12.21EdePopedepetn-randall: that's the thing atm, i try to rearrange this thing, some cli fed wiki or something
23:12.45EdePopedeand i always have been on war with names of any kind
23:12.59rantare you familiar with apropos?
23:13.10EdePopedeimagine your brain filled up with stacks of boxes with no label on them
23:13.23frikinzIs that for professional or personnal projects?
23:13.37EdePopederant: that's the opposite approach from what i've need :/
23:14.17EdePopedefrikinz: atm only for arranging stuff. taking notes. making those little cards. putting them into some context
23:15.23EdePopedei tried to manage a tree of markdown files with make, compiling them and putting them into the doctree, but meh
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23:16.11EdePopedeand i tried some wikis in the past, but don't ask me... for their names
23:17.22EdePopedeand i really prefer to do it in the shell, have a script around the editor, save, leave, and then a quick upgrade.
23:18.17frikinznotes are nice for things you don't do often or which are very obscure but practice is important. and reading docs, manpages.
23:18.35EdePopedeactually i was only trying to see the tags for a webserver to get a list of options then
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23:20.20frikinzDon't be too impatient also. It's not just point and click. Go progressively.
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23:21.12EdePopedefrikinz: i never used a shell but bash on a regular base. sure, i looked into zsh, csh years ago. but what did i try recently to avoid an arbitrary variable for read? i tried using $_. took me some time to remember that in bash it was $REPLY. names, remember?
23:21.52EdePopedefrikinz: the boxes, remember? that's f'n annoying after all these years.
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23:23.30EdePopedeand man pages... like nginx has "Tag: implemented-in::c, interface::daemon, network::server, network::service, protocol::http, role::program, use::proxying"
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23:23.52EdePopedeand now "man debtags" for the 180th time to look up for the syntax
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23:24.27jmcnaughtI reread man pages all the time. Sometimes just knowing where to look is enough.
23:24.56rantwhich is what apropos is for :P
23:25.06frikinzI use debtags once a year so that'd be a candidate for notes :) not sure I wouldn't classify these as obscure. Like a bit :)
23:25.27rantand what I do is write my own wrappers and scripts for shit I know I wont remember
23:25.58rantthen I have something I created that works in a way that makes sense to me..
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23:26.32rantwhen I hit a limitation of that, IT becomes my reference
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23:27.19jmcnaughtEdePopede: you might like ikiwiki, it's a lot like what you described of keeping a tree of markdown files and compiling them
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23:27.59EdePopedejmcnaught: now that you mentioned it, iki is one of those i did use in the past
23:28.08frikinzI use cherrytree but its so looking like 80s and not easily convertible.
23:28.10EdePopedenope: debtags cat 'network::server && protocol::http && role::program'
23:28.52EdePopedei used cherrytree for some time, but i really prefer some file based approach
23:29.19EdePopedei tend to reorganize things sometimes and i live in mc :>
23:29.20frikinzYeah but I have several hundreds by now. What a mess
23:30.02EdePopedethis one: debtags search 'network::server && protocol::http && role::program'
23:30.58frikinzI live in ranger or just zsh
23:31.09frikinzanyway, back to discoverying redmine installation
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23:31.35frikinzo/ good luck ;p
23:31.53EdePopedethanks for you too
23:32.32EdePopederant: guess what my problem with wrapper scripts (or functions) is
23:34.15EdePopedereally have to read that one
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23:34.37joepublicInstead of writing wrappers, I usually write a script whose name I will probably try first that tells me what to actually do
23:34.49joepublicyears of writing wrappers, I didn't learn much
23:35.06EdePopedethe perfect approach for me, one topic in depth
23:35.10rantffmpeg is one that was way too damn complicated for me.. so I wrote a wrapper script with defaults for it
23:36.39EdePopedeproblem #1
23:37.16rantheh.. I often have issues with naming things.. even vars when programming
23:37.23EdePopedeand then after 2 weeks i usually have to look into .bash_aliases or /usr/local/bin (being the only user here)
23:37.23biteszsh has better completion than bash. <command> -<tab>  shows a list of options with description for example. it helps a bit.
23:37.48EdePopedeyoutube-dl has such a file for bash
23:37.52rantI was for awhile writing my scripts with my own style headers showing their function and the dependencies
23:38.04rantbut that practice fell out of style
23:38.26EdePopedesomething like javadoc? hmm...
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23:39.00EdePopedehave a script parsing your wrappers in the bin and doing something like apropos for them
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23:39.26rantone issue I have with naming vars is that I like things to make sense literally if I have an array of things I don't like to call it things because things[1] doesn't make sense like thing[1] does
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23:39.47rantbut then iterating over thing when its things..
23:40.05EdePopedewith thing from things do
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23:40.08EdePopedeor so ;)
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23:41.06rantcause years ago I got to just using alphabetical vars to avoid fretting over the names but then following wth was going on got confusing
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23:42.59EdePopedejust imagine you'd had to do it in MUMPS
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