IRC log for #debian on 20181003

00:01.11*** join/#debian rpifan_ (~rpifan@
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02:05.09*** join/#debian apt (ibot@
02:05.09*** topic/#debian is Debian Stretch: /msg dpkg stretch ; /msg dpkg 9.5 ; /msg dpkg jessie->stretch ; /msg dpkg install stretch | Oldstable: Debian Jessie /msg dpkg jessie ; /msg dpkg 8.11 | NO FLOOD: /msg dpkg paste | /msg bots NOT people | offtopic: #debian-offtopic | testing, unstable: #debian-next @ | chanlogs: /msg dpkg irclog
02:05.17*** join/#debian Emmanuel_Chanel (
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02:10.11*** join/#debian apetrescXY (~apetresc@
02:16.12thoriehi, i'm getting an error when creating a file: "No space left on device" but when i run `df -h` there's 70% disk space left on / ... any ideas why I might be getting this error all of a sudden?
02:17.06*** join/#debian Sleepy63 (~Sleepy63@
02:17.29tomreynthorie: inodes. use df -i
02:18.10themillor you're looking on the wrong device
02:18.54thorieall of my IUse% is at 1% seems like i have enough... and wrong device? all of the entries in `df -h` show <30%
02:20.14tomreynthen file system corruption or reserved space may explain it.
02:20.30*** join/#debian Gazooo (~Gazooo@
02:21.17thoriealright i'll just randomly try rebooting
02:21.23tomreynbe sure to run df -h / -i against the very directory you tried to write to.
02:21.52*** join/#debian clemens3 (
02:23.35*** join/#debian amcorreia (~amcorreia@
02:25.27thoriealright rebooted and it seems like i can continue writing files again... that was weird, maybe the disk is bad... kind of annoying, it's a brand new vps i ordered
02:25.48*** join/#debian retiform (~retiform@2601:5ca:c304:8764::bffd)
02:25.50nyovhey, recently I cannot download any search addons anymore from did they disable that? or does anyone have a working User-Agent string with which it works?
02:26.13nyov"Your version of Firefox does not support search plugins." what a bunch of bs
02:28.10*** join/#debian Gazooo (~Gazooo@
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02:29.32*** join/#debian milktea_71 (~milktea_7@
02:31.02nyovhm, looks like some search addons are simply disabled. weirdness
02:32.01*** join/#debian Hoolootwo (
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02:33.57*** join/#debian bezabanWo (~bezaban@
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02:50.19*** join/#debian LinuxGuy2020 (
02:52.03LinuxGuy2020I can not get "sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386" is not working for me. Does this not work anymore?
02:52.16petn-randall!doesnt work
02:52.16dpkg"Doesn't work" is a vague statement.  Does it sit on the couch all day long?  Does it procrastinate doing the dishes?  Does it beg on the street for change?  Please be specific!  Define 'it' and what it isn't doing.  Give us more details so we can help you without needing to ask basic questions like "what's the error message?".  Ask me about <smart questions>, <sicco> and <errors>.
02:52.51*** join/#debian dvs (
02:52.54petn-randallLinuxGuy2020: ^^^
02:53.17LinuxGuy2020How much clearer can I be? It does one thing, adds i386 architecture for package installs.
02:53.31LinuxGuy2020Just say you dont know.
02:53.47*** join/#debian awal1 (
02:54.00*** join/#debian Gazooo (~Gazooo@
02:54.53LinuxGuy2020Obviosuly you have no idea what that command does.
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03:00.20*** join/#debian sikun (~David@
03:00.36nyovit flashes the screen red+green and beeps the pcspkr *beeboopmeep* saying 'i don't work anymore'. so obvious, petn-randall, is your crystal ball at the repairshop?
03:01.12*** join/#debian Gazooo (~Gazooo@
03:01.40LinuxGuy2020petn-randall can suck my cock
03:02.08n4dirnyov: that would be a good factoid
03:02.58thoriedamn the error came back, still getting "No space left on device"
03:03.06*** join/#debian rgr (
03:03.22nyovthorie: what does `df -i` say?
03:03.38thorieFilesystem          Inodes IUsed    IFree IUse% Mounted on
03:03.39thorie/dev/ploop28303p1 32768000 64899 32703101    1% /
03:04.01*** mode/#debian [+l 1216] by debhelper
03:04.33nyovwhat is ploop, FS?
03:04.43thorieno idea
03:04.50*** mode/#debian [+o petn-randall] by ChanServ
03:04.51*** mode/#debian [+q *!*] by petn-randall
03:04.51*** mode/#debian [-o petn-randall] by petn-randall
03:05.02thoriei'm not super technical
03:05.21nyovoh you say it's a vps? well uh hmm
03:05.28petn-randallLinuxGuy2020: Good luck finding support somewhere else.
03:05.49*** part/#debian LinuxGuy2020 (
03:06.58thorienyov: yeah i sent in a support ticket, but not sure what they can do about it
03:07.31nyovif it's brand new, maybe they do have some technical problem
03:07.39nyovwith their host system
03:07.50thorieit was provisioned just 2 days ago
03:08.20thoriei wish there was a way to prove there is a hardware problem
03:09.01nyovI wouldn't think hardware problem per se. but some hypervisor limiting? I don't know what it could be
03:09.48nyovbut I'd ask for a replacement.
03:10.11thorieyeah that would be good
03:10.20*** join/#debian abff (
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04:24.55Epakaii did an install, grub failed. so i did now when grub runs on boot there is no debian entry. what did i miss?
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04:37.25*** join/#debian holycow (~holycow@pdpc/supporter/bronze/holycow)
04:37.28holycowhi all
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04:38.47holycowanyone know what the deal is with nodejs?
04:39.08holycowdebian repos seem to have 4.x and it seems to be on 10.x on
04:39.16dkaI want to git clone using https without typing my password. I use git-credentials with git 2.11 on debian stretch. Git fail to use the credential even if they are tested valid locally. Any Idea
04:39.32dkaholycow, you should install nodejs with nvm not using debian repo
04:39.35holycowdka: never used that, apologies
04:39.56dka# wget -qO- | bash
04:40.36holycowman that just goes against all my sysadmin intuition
04:41.46holycowdka: i appreciate the explanation, i was not really understanding why nmp / nodejs and stuff was not in repos
04:41.49holycowthank you
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04:47.23Epakaigot grub to boot, no kernel image installed so no entry generated. now i'm not finding the lvm under an encrypted partition. i think i know what i'm doing now though
04:47.51*** join/#debian nighty- (
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04:48.56nyovdka: why use https+password instead of ssh+key?
04:49.43dkaaccess_token expires, they are made to be renewed, they do not give ssh access
04:49.50dkathey give access to git only
04:50.08dkaI found them more appropriate for that task
04:51.34nyovno clue what you mean by that, but okay :)
04:58.52*** join/#debian jetscreamer (~jetscream@unaffiliated/jetscreamer)
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05:09.10*** join/#debian cooldude (~cooldude1@unaffiliated/cooldude13233)
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07:13.06*** join/#debian srged (~srged@unaffiliated/srged)
07:13.11srgeddespite having a high internet speed, pages are loading quite slow. what could it be ?
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07:13.49HaohmaruIMO it's due to all the "advancements" in www
07:14.01*** mode/#debian [+l 1224] by debhelper
07:14.07srgedHaohmaru: and what would be a fix for that?
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07:15.57Haohmaruprobably none, apart from doing what they want you to do - get moar computing powah and memory and bandwidth
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07:16.17Haohmarusrged but seriously, define "quite slow"
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07:17.08Haohmaruthere are ways to measure certain things, like, it's possible that despite your fast internets, the packets towards a specific website are taking a really slow route.. who knows
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07:17.58brondifsrged:How about addblocks
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07:18.04Haohmarualso, connection with https is not exactly meant to be "fast and easy"
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07:18.33srgedbrondif: yeah im suing that
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07:19.04srgedbrondif: is adblock slowing me down ?
07:19.24brondifto much adds in youtube
22:45.38*** join/#debian apt (ibot@
22:45.38*** topic/#debian is Debian Stretch: /msg dpkg stretch ; /msg dpkg 9.5 ; /msg dpkg jessie->stretch ; /msg dpkg install stretch | Oldstable: Debian Jessie /msg dpkg jessie ; /msg dpkg 8.11 | NO FLOOD: /msg dpkg paste | /msg bots NOT people | offtopic: #debian-offtopic | testing, unstable: #debian-next @ | chanlogs: /msg dpkg irclog
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23:05.54ws2k3how can i do a watch on a wc -l on cat? i wannt count the messages per second from cat
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23:17.52Antares_ Хрюки-рок
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23:29.36WallyIs there a way to invoke the command line in the debian installer?
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23:40.56masonWally: Go to a virtual console.
23:41.03Wallyyeah I found it.
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23:41.24WallyI'm trying to recover a MacBook Pro however I just realised that Debian probably isn't familiar with APFS so yeah abandoned that idea.
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23:42.27*** part/#debian Pegasus_RPG (
23:44.04puxavidaWally, command-r at boot for recovery or press t for target disk mode and connect to another mac - it will look like an external hard drive to work on, etc.
23:44.19Wallypuxavida yeah I'm aware.. This machine just hard crashes whenever I do that.
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23:44.30Wallyalso this is a current gen rMBP..
23:44.48puxavidarun diags
23:44.54WallyDiags come back with no issues.
23:44.59WallyGunna have to wait for the vendor to come have a look
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