IRC log for #debian on 20171014

00:00.20*** part/#debian bdax (~Thunderbi@2a02:c7f:2022:1900:6e88:14ff:fe98:c918)
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00:21.58dD_Whenever I try to log into GNOME, I get the log-in screen over and over again.  I can log in with LXDE .  My journalctl file says: "failed to read Wayland events: Connection reset by peer".  What could it be?
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00:23.24teskowhat startup screen do you have? grub?
00:25.24teskoperhaps a new kernel?
00:25.36dD_tesko, hm.. I'm not sure this is after Grub, I think lightdm?
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00:27.17well_laid_lawnseems that you can't use wayland ou'll have to use X
00:27.34teskodo you only have gnome2 ? or do you have another os on the hdd?
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00:29.07dD_tesko, I have windows :/ and I can log in with another dm (LXDE).  It's gnome3 that's giving me trouble
00:29.47dD_well_laid_lawn, is that just /etc/gdm/custom.conf and waylandenable=false?
00:30.21teskowell why do you need windows?
00:30.54well_laid_lawnif you use lightdm you'll need to check it's config
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00:31.20dD_tesko, to get tech support/update the bios
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00:34.28teskodid you get randsomware?
00:35.09dD_tesko, no, not at all...
00:35.50teskolast question is it an hw issue?
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00:36.53dD_tesko, i doubt it, since lxde works fine and everything has worked fine for 6 years
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00:39.05teskomay i see your sysctrl.conf dD_
00:39.23teskopaste it to pastebin dot com
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00:40.41teskoalso your lshw says
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00:44.40dD_one sec, gonna reboot
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01:12.40Lybertawhat regex do I need for run-parts to make it run scripts with sh extension?
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01:14.58RoyKLyberta: ^/path/\*.sh ?
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01:17.38RoyKLyberta: as from the manual -  run-parts --list --regex '^p.*d$' /etc  - replace that with '.*\.sh$' /path
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01:19.31Lybertaalright, that seems to work
01:24.09RoyKreplaces another dead drive :P
01:25.12RoyKthanks to science for raid-6 and its friends
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01:25.43RoyKwe should have a science god, something to be named, just to piss off some americans
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02:30.19Dewi_can mdadm raid1 with 3+ copies repair mismatches? by consensus I would guess, since it doesn't hold checksums
02:30.50Dewi_(repair with confidence I mean, I am concerned it might just arbitrarily pick one)
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02:41.55RoyKDewi_: if it detects an I/O error, it'll read from somewhere else - but then - it's not like zfs which will check the actual data
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02:45.56RoyKDewi_: if you need a two- or three-way mirror with data checks, zfs is the thing
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05:17.55Dewi_RoyK: yeah, I'm using zfs for data but still booting off mdadm/lvm/ext4, which hasn't even had I/O errors, just some dropped and reattached disks, and is already reporting mismatches.
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05:20.23Dewi_just a non-zero mismatch_cnt, but I can't find any detailed info about what that really means, or how mdadm's repair/resync selects blocks, etc
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05:41.59a0phi all, I am on debian stretch. I cannot connect anymore to vpn using vpnc
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05:42.08a0panyone having this problem?
05:42.19a0por knows how to deal with it?
05:43.40a0pI keep getting 'no response from target'
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07:50.19i76700I've just installed debian, great stuff. I installed the nvidia driver, restarted and everything is tiny. DPI has changed? I was able to set fonts to 100% but still small menus. Panel is a 1080p tv
07:50.31i76700Do I need to change something in xorg.conf?
07:51.13ranti76700: how did you install the nvidia driver?
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07:53.00i76700via linux mint's sweet gui
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07:53.33ranti76700: well first of all if you used linux mint's sweet gui, you're not using debian you're using mint
07:53.34nkuttleri thought you use debian?
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07:54.16ranti76700: my recommendation though aside from using debian, is the same, install the nvidia package for the settings gui and see if you can resolve your issue with that
07:54.37rantbecause yes, you can create an xorg.conf.d file and change dpi, but thats a bit complicated
07:56.28ranti76700: on the first note I'd rever you to and highly recommend you read and which are the documents that made me realize I'm a debian user and kept me here for the last 15 years and should show you what you're missing out on
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08:01.35ranti76700: otherwise refer to linux mint's support forums or join #linuxmint-help on
08:02.35rantI found mint to be a nice distro, but I can only imagine supporting such a system that has Ubuntu and Debian based branches is a bit complicated
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08:03.37tdnSo I just did an apt-get autoremove to remove an old kernel image and during removal it said: "The link /vmlinuz is a damaged link. Removing symbolic link vmlinuz. You may need to re-run your boot loader." (full output: )  What do I need to do before I reboot? I have checked that both /vmlinuz and /initrd.img are gone.
08:04.20i76700rant, thanks, i'm just trying it out, very easy driver install but now i can't read the menus etc
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08:04.29ranttdn: if I were you I'd either replace the links manually or reinstall the kernel package you're using which will probably recreate those links for you
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08:05.47tdnrant, apt-get reinstall linux-image-amd64?
08:06.09ranti76700: yeah well its impolite to expect debian users to support some derivitive system that has issues outside the scope of this channel, it can waste our time chasing issues not in debian itself and direct attention away from actual debian users that need help
08:06.18tdnrant, that does not fix it.
08:06.51ranttdn: do you know what bootloader you're using and if anything fancy like uefi is involved?
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08:08.46rantI'd say link your kernel image and initrd image files in /boot/ to those locations on the root /vmlinuz and /initrd.img  but only way to be certain you dont have an issue is to run your bootloader's install command and verify it installs without error
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08:10.37tdnrant, grub
08:10.46tdnrant, I have run update-grub but did not fix it
08:11.08rantit'd be nice if someone else could chime in here.. because I haven't used a normal system in a very long time, I'm on an orangepi which uses uboot and the only machine I can access right now has jessie so I'm not sure what may have changed since I last done any of this
08:11.34ranttdn: well no, it won't fix anything, it'll just tell you if there are errors that you should be concerned about
08:11.35jaxsontdn .. what image are you running?
08:11.43tdnjaxson, debian 9 64 bit
08:12.07rantjaxson: mentioned using the linux-image-amd64 metapackage
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08:13.05jaxsonit'd be nice to know the exact image.. but probably reinstalling linux-image-4.9.0-4-amd64
08:13.09jaxsonwould recreate it
08:13.29jaxsonalthough depends if that's what file it was pointing to..
08:14.06jaxsonI wouldn't reboot until you are sure you have the boot image installed properly
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08:21.03tdnjaxson, just reinstalled linux-image-4.9.0-4-amd64 but it did not crreate /vmlinuz nor /intrd.img
08:21.43rantlast time I used it grub install usually tells you what images it found, and if it worked without error and found the images, then there probably isnt an issue
08:21.46jaxsondo a ls of /boot/vml* for us
08:22.09rantit probably just used the full path rather than the links
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08:22.11jaxsonyes rant .. but depends what has caused the issue..
08:22.31rantthat is true as well, the fact that this happened indicates something
08:22.40jaxsonif his boot is pointing to /vmlinuz he's not going to boot without it..
08:22.53rantI usually look in dmesg when weird stuff happens for disk IO type errors or such
08:23.06jaxsonbut if he gives the ls then we'll know what ver he's running at least..
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08:23.15jaxsonyep good plan too
08:25.00rantIn any case I'd try getting somethign else bootable I could chroot from and have screen, irssi, and links2 or such installed so I could get on IRC/web in case it doesn't boot
08:25.16jaxsonhehe yep
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08:30.43tdnrant, no io errors in dmesg
08:30.51tdnor anything unusual
08:31.22tdnrant, jaxson: ls gives: /boot/vmlinuz-4.9.0-3-amd64  /boot/vmlinuz-4.9.0-4-amd64
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08:33.57jaxsonyeh I see .. and what does dpkg -l | grep linux-image
08:34.00jaxsongive you?
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08:36.50jaxsonln -s /boot/vmlinuz-4.9.0-3-amd64 /vmlinux
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08:37.07jaxsontry that as root.. but again I'm not sure what would happen to remove it in the first place
08:38.52jaxsonls -s /boot/initrd.img-4.9.0-3-amd64 /initrd.img
08:38.56jaxsonthat one too ..
08:39.14jaxsonand make sure they are there before rebooting: ls -l /
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08:40.40tdnjaxson, you mean /vmlinuz ?
08:40.49jaxsonyeh .. my bad
08:41.16jaxsonthat will point to your older ver .. once you know it is good with a reboot .. then try the reinstall of the new one
08:42.05tdnjaxson, did that now.
08:42.12tdnjaxson, then reinstall latest kernel image?
08:42.24jaxsonso you have done the ls -l /
08:42.24tdnwhy /boot/vmlinuz-4.9.0-3-amd64 and not 10:31 < tdn> rant, jaxson: ls gives: /boot/vmlinuz-4.9.0-3-amd64  /boot/vmlinuz-4.9.0-4-amd64
08:42.57jaxsoncould've done the latest .. but if it doesn't work you haven't broken it ;)
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08:44.11tdnjaxson, then what now? Reinstall linux image package? Or just reboot?
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08:44.46tdnPlease note the server is remote (like 1000s of km away) so I really want to be sure that it does boot
08:44.49jaxsonapt-get reinstall linux-image-4.9.0-3-amd64
08:44.57jaxsonapt-get reinstall linux-image-4.9.0-4-amd64
08:45.06tdnE: Invalid operation reinstall
08:45.11tdninstall --reinstall instead?
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08:46.27jaxsontry the latest ver
08:46.37tdnTo see if the symlinks change?
08:46.38jaxsonapt-get install --reinstall linux-image-4.9.0-4-amd64
08:46.54jaxsonand to fix any boot issues with grub
08:47.49tdnSymlinks did not change
08:48.04tdn/etc/kernel-img.conf:7: W: ignoring unknown parameter warn_initrd
08:48.10tdnWhat does this mean?
08:48.54jaxsonhow long since you did a reinstall?
08:49.09jaxsonso it's got left over things there still..
08:49.36tdna complete reinstall of OS? Or of linux image?
08:49.48tdnIt is probably 3 years
08:50.00tdnDebian 7 I think
08:52.01jaxsonyeh it's just left over stuff .. I'm just checking how they point the kernel image on the latest..
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08:53.04jaxsonI don't run the latest so just checking..
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08:58.02tdnNot sure how to move forward from here...
08:58.15rantsounds vaguely like you were discussing the Microsoft(r) Windows(tm) diagnostic tree of reboot > reinstall > buy a new computer
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09:00.51jaxsontdn .. I'm updating to that kernel since it's a good idea anyway .. but I'm doing it locally so less risk/pain
09:01.40jaxsonand it didn't update the sym link either..
09:02.06jaxsonI'll brb ;)
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09:06.03testingteststuffHow much write IO can I expect with a basic debian install in a VM? (No swap)
09:06.21jellytestingteststuff: depends on your block device backend?
09:06.55testingteststuffwell, I hope to run a portable QEMU VM (debian guest) from a USB drive
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09:07.06jellyand the whole stack and testing methodology really
09:07.44testingteststuffgenerally just hoping to not wear out the drive too quickly
09:08.35jellyoh, you aim for _less_ writes?
09:09.06testingteststuffyes, I have broken nice drives before with live ubuntu, so am being a little more careful this time.
09:09.10jellythat requies some tuning
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09:10.16jellydebian does not take precautions to avoid writes, best install it on a hdd or an ssd with decent leveling (ie. not a random cheap usb stick)
09:10.29testingteststuffwould it be worth tuning debian, or just trying to run puppy or something? The current need for this vm is to be able to work with c++ on windows machines
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09:11.29veekwhen you do apt-get update does the update install patches or the whole pkg
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09:11.41jellytestingteststuff: I'd say get an external hdd and don't worry about writes
09:11.55jellyveek: apt-get update does not install anything
09:12.01testingteststuffok, thanks for the advice :)
09:12.08veeksorry upgrade
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09:12.39jellyveek: it's always whole packages
09:12.59veekso the existing installed pkg gets nuked barring cfg files
09:13.16veekthanks jelly
09:13.17jellytheir contents get replaced, yes
09:14.13jellyfiles marked as conffile are an exception.  There can be some other less common exceptions.
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09:15.06jellyveek: see /msg dpkg conffile, and /msg dpkg divert, if interested
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09:21.35hipodilskihi guys
09:22.00hipodilskiI ha ve a question I'm just upgrading to debian unstable and there was a changelog pointing out what was changed in debian unstable compared to stretch
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09:22.32hipodilskiI quitted that messages and continued with update but I want to read the messages any idea where or how can I read that, run command or do what?
09:22.56jellyhipodilski: was this output of apt-listchanges?
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09:23.32jellyif you configured apt-listchanges to also send you the changes in mail, you'd have them in mail
09:23.48hipodilskijelly: i don't know
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09:24.11hipodilskijelly: could be
09:24.26hipodilskican I review the whole output once again after I've upgraded?
09:25.09jellythat question has the same answer, yes if you configured it that way
09:25.22hipodilskijelly: no i didn't do any configuration
09:25.37jellyhipodilski: you must have at the time you installed id.
09:25.54jellyhipodilski: check local root mailbox.  If you have no idea how apt-listchanges is configured, run "dpkg-reconfigure apt-listchanges"
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09:26.46jellyalso, consider running all your upgrades with an output log, eg. inside "script"
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09:27.30jellyI do that, and scroll thru the whole changelog even if I'm not going to read it right away, and also make sure both news and changelogs are sent via mail.
09:28.21jellyhipodilski: presumably you've read the sid faq
09:28.24hipodilskijelly: no mail for root
09:28.34jelly!sid faq
09:28.34dpkg ; it doesn't hurt to read the FAQ, even if you are using <testing>.  See also and <sid upgrade test>.
09:28.41dpkg#debian-next is the channel for testing/unstable support on the OFTC network (, *not* on Freenode.  If you get "Cannot join #debian-next (Channel is invite only)." it means you did not read it's on
09:29.39jellyhipodilski: if you want to help with unstable, you'll probably want to learn the tools like apt-listchanges and apt-listbugs
09:32.11veekif the box freezes due to a disk error or some such thing - where's the coredump created
09:32.31veekmy X is acting weird
09:32.39veekand i had to rest twice
09:32.46veekhard reset
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09:38.11hipodilskijelly: yes you're right I haven't used seriously debian for quite a long time and many things changed since then
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09:38.55_raven_which architecture to use for building two encrypted and compressing partitions onto a raid5 array?
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09:58.04plasmikHi everyone! I'll be grateful for a hint how can I create an alias "LiberMono" for "Liberation Mono" font on my system.
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10:03.32plasmikOk, I seem to have figured it out by now.
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10:19.21linurandyHello to everyone, I've a problem with my bluetooth triying o link my headset wireless with my debian 9 in my lenovo's ThinkPad Edge E431 laptop with serial number: PF108R5, i been read and i was do it all configurations and nothing, i need light to resolev that
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10:22.51linurandysomeone saw my mesage??
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10:35.16durgwhich torrent clients in debian are checked frequently for security holes?
10:35.44durghow can i find out?
10:36.05jozedunno lol
10:36.59durgi want to share the amd64-dvds, but i need a secure client
10:37.23durgmaybe all of them are checked by the team, but it seems a lot of work
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10:59.51tdnAre /vmlinuz and /initrd.img still required in debian 9.2?
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11:02.55tdnBRB reboot
11:03.00tremonI don't think they've ever been required
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11:06.23linurandyHello to everyone, I've a problem with my bluetooth triying o link my headset wireless with my debian 9 in my lenovo's ThinkPad Edge E431 laptop with serial number: PF108R5, i been read and i was do it all configurations and nothing, i need light to resolev that
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11:20.42rantlinurandy: you need not repeat, we don't need your serial number, but kudos for thinking to provide information
11:21.30rantlinurandy: info that would be relevant here is what software you're using to try do this and what your're doing, and what its doing when you try get it to work
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11:22.57rantlinurandy: we have over 4 complete Desktop Environments in debian, and tons of packages that all do the same thing.  so it helps to mention which software you're talking about and what its (not) doing.
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11:23.16Antares give e-mail
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11:25.01Vizvawhat kind of scam is that?
11:25.19vigilantLimeIf i were to install owncloud on a raspbian, would it be ok to follow the owncloud debian instructions?
11:26.43linurandyi'm using the default that was installed by debian 9.2
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11:27.22rantlinurandy: there is no default. there are 4 different isos you can download that each install one of our 4 largest and most popular environments
11:27.55rantlinurandy: Gnome, KDE, XFCE and LXDE are the big 4
11:28.29rantvigilantLime: that would be a question for the rasbian users/developers
11:28.42rantvigilantLime: but more than likely yes
11:28.46linurandyi'm installed debian-9.2.0-amd64-netinst.iso with Gnome environment
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11:30.53rantlinurandy: so you are doing what exactly to try pair this device? going to system > bluetooth?
11:31.07linurandyrant: my wireless card is broadcom BCM43142
11:31.26rantyeah those are a pain to use
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11:32.16linurandyi do that and the buetooth w$ said bluetooth off
11:32.30rantlinurandy: problem may be firmware missing open a terminal and see if you get any messages about missing firmware when you run dmeg | grep -i firmware
11:32.55rantlinurandy: also those laptops often have either hard or soft switches to turn the radio on/off
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11:34.04linurandysaid: [    0.392275] ACPI: [Firmware Bug]: BIOS _OSI(Linux) query ignored
11:34.06linurandy[   19.338946] psmouse serio2: trackpoint: IBM TrackPoint firmware: 0x0e, buttons: 3/3 [   31.641628] r8169 0000:05:00.0: firmware: direct-loading firmware rtl_nic/rtl8168e-3.fw
11:34.52rantlinurandy: well if thats all you got, then those messages are all not relevant to your bluetooth
11:34.58linurandydon't said nothing about lost firmware
11:35.12linurandyi do that
11:35.18linurandylet me explain you
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11:36.05rantlinurandy: now before I tell you anything else you need to understand that you can't paste stuff in here like that, if you'd pasted more than 2 lines the bot would have kicked you out. You need to use to paste information
11:36.41abffyou can use pastebinit to automatically pipe output there as well
11:36.58rantlinurandy: the command "hcitool dev" (without the quotes) should tell you if your bluetooth device is installed and working, the command "hcitool scan" will tell you about any bluetooth devices nearby
11:37.55linurandythe command hcitool dev nothing said
11:38.26rantlinurandy: if that command gave no output then its likely your bluetooth device is not properly loaded at this time. Are you sure its switched on?
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11:39.03linurandyat least in the window
11:39.11rantlinurandy: you have an indicator light for bluetooth?
11:39.58*** join/#debian Logg (~Logg@
11:40.30rantI have an old IBM Thinkpad T42p and the wifi light is on but not the bluetooth light indicating the bluetooth is disabled
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11:41.48linurandyi don-t see a light
11:42.12linurandylet me explan you what i did
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11:44.13linurandyi install those firmware b43-fwcutter, firmware-b43-installer firmware-brcm80211
11:44.53linurandythen i read this documentation
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11:45.03linurandyand nothing happen
11:45.17linurandywhat o you think?
11:45.44rantI'm not certain but while I believe the chip you mentioned is a hybrid wifi/bluetooth chip, linux doesn't see it that way, it treats the wifi side as a pci b43 wifi, but the bluetooth as a usb device
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11:46.08rantyou could verify this by checking output of the lsusb command
11:46.09linurandyyes i think the same
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11:46.50linurandynothing about broadcom
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11:48.26ranthmm.. check lspci
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11:49.01mr__teahey rant
11:49.05rantactually do lspci -nn and tell me the number inside the [ ] brackets
11:49.29rantshould be 105b: something possibly e065
11:49.36linurandysee that
11:50.48rantlinurandy: yes, thats not showing anything 105b: (broadcom)  how about lspci -nn ?
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11:53.40linurandywhat do you think?
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11:56.02rantwell 14e4:4365 is the device.. but I thought that chip was handled (the bluetooth side anyhow) by btusb driver
11:58.19linurandyDo you think that i have to remove the /lib/firmware/brcm/BCM20702A1-0a5c-21e6.hcd
11:58.41rantlinurandy: try "rmmod btusb; modprobe btusb; dmesg | tail"
11:58.57rantsee what it says when the driver I _think_ it uses is loaded
11:59.36linurandyor another dirver
12:00.10linurandyi made innoextract to the lenovo dirver for w$ and the hex2hcd and the copied BCM20702A1_001.002.014.0449.0462.hcd to /lib/firmware/brcm/BCM20702A1-0a5c-21e6.hcd
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12:02.42rantlinurandy: if you'd responded I missed it, I got disconnected
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12:03.43linurandyi made innoextract to the lenovo dirver for w$ and the hex2hcd and the copied BCM20702A1_001.002.014.0449.0462.hcd to /lib/firmware/brcm/BCM20702A1-0a5c-21e6.hcd
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12:04.37rantyes well that driver was already loaded and reloaded without any errors.. yet you say the hcitool didn't show your device
12:05.11rantwhich suggest to me either I'm all wrong about what driver supports this, or its not claiming that device
12:06.06linurandywhat I do?
12:07.12rantlinurandy: check modinfo btusb
12:07.25rantthat should list what devices that driver is compiled to support and claim
12:08.47rantafaik there are no pci bt drivers in linux.. they all are used as usb
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12:10.51linurandywhat i do?
12:11.54rantidk honestly I think its hardware disabled
12:12.00rantas in the switch is off
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12:13.15rantlinurandy: check rfkill list all
12:13.25linurandywell in my wireless card i can't create hospot to
12:13.35linurandymaibe for that
12:14.02rantlinurandy: well that you're more than likely not going to be able to do.. because brodcom usually doesn't let their devices be used in master or monitor modes
12:14.20rantthese devices are crap, and I avoid them
12:14.47abffdid you check the bios
12:15.12linurandywhat i hav see?
12:15.14abffbrcm usually let the bios dictate whether or not it's available
12:15.18rantwell rfkill says its not blocked
12:15.50rantbut then agian btusb didnt show it being claimed either, and lsusb doesnt show it
12:16.24rantI've never used the bluetooth side of one of those hybrid chips before so I'm at a loss and trying to go off what I can find online which is all way outdated
12:17.57abffthe only bt I ever used was a 5 dollar usb chinastick for sixaxis
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12:18.25linurandywhat i do?
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12:18.40abffsee if it's disabled in the bios
12:18.54rantif it were me I'd sell the thing to a windows user and go buy a laptop without broadcom anything :P
12:18.57linurandybut the rfkill said no
12:19.15rantI'd think if it were disabled in the bios rfkill would not even see it at all
12:19.19abffit knows it should be there
12:20.06linurandysee you later i'm going to the bios
12:20.17abffjust replace the wifi dont sell your wohle freaking laptop
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12:20.38alioui_i need help with vnc4server
12:21.05alioui_the server seems to work fine till a client connect to it
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12:22.19alioui_from the client i get a message that "can not start D-Bus can you start qdbus"
12:22.30alioui_from the server log i get
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12:25.31alioui_XIO: fatal IO 11 (Reesource temporarily unavailable) on X server ":1"
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12:25.49alioui_any idea how to solve this
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12:27.08dontknowhow can i stop and start the session in tty?
12:27.22dontknowkde plasma
12:28.50debuser52453Hello, I just finished installing debian 9 stretch on a small nuc style machine Gigabyte BACE-3000 barebone pc. After installing lm-sensors i can see that the CPU temperature is always pretty high, around 65-70 °C with a max of 90°. This small barebone pc is fanless, the processor is an Intel Celeron N3000 dual core cpu with no HT.
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12:29.12jellydontknow: you can stop and start the sddm service (or whatever *dm you have running)
12:29.14debuser52453My question is, should i install manually some extra driver to make the CPU frequency scale down when in idle to save some power and lower the temps ?
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12:32.52linurandyi'm come back
12:33.00linurandyall in the bios ok
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12:35.09linurandybut i see when OS was loading that error: usb 3-1.3: device descriptor read/64, error -110
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12:45.31linurandyif you'd responded I missed it, I got disconnected
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12:51.19elioshi, can anyone help me to import debian stale pub_keys?
12:53.54eliosgetting following error message after apt update " The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 8B48AD6246925553 NO_PUBKEY 7638D0442B90D010"
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13:04.43dionysus69is there a process history
13:04.57dionysus69I am interested at the time process was terminated and the reason
13:05.09dionysus69specifically puma webserver
13:06.48tremononly if your puma webserver was started as a proper service. In that case, you can use journalctl -u puma.service
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13:07.32tremonif it's started outside of systemd, you'll have to chase the puma logs (and hope that puma wrote any)
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13:11.55jellyelios: which debian release is this supposed to be?
13:13.05jellyelios: pastebin the contents of your /etc/apt/sources.list, please, and contents of any files matching /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*.list
13:13.12eliosjelly: stable 9.x ...stretch?
13:13.58jelly46925553 was a signature key for debian 7
13:14.30eliossources.list.d is empty... i removed wheezy ones.
13:14.48jellyand 2B90D010 for debian 8
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13:15.07eliosjelly: yeah i only need stretch
13:15.18jellywaits for the paste
13:15.21dpkgDo not paste more than 2 lines to this channel.  Instead, use: or for pics.  Use for large files (think tar.gz) up to 100MB.  Remember to tell us the URL of your paste!  Cannot cut and paste?  Ask me about <pastebinit>, <nopaste>, <wgetpaste>.
13:15.43eliosas i said earlier, it's empty.
13:16.00jellyelios: /etc/apt/sources.list shouldn't be empty
13:17.58eliossources.list.d is. i still can install packages tho since sources.list is either is stable main, stable/ubdates main, and stable-updates main.
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13:19.01jellyelios: but you can't put it all into a paste site?
13:19.21eliosit's fine i can assure you
13:21.15jellyelios: read /msg dpkg stretch sources.list
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13:21.37jellyand make sure you use the codename "stretch" explicitely, not "stable"
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13:22.02eliosdeb stable main, deb stable main, deb stable-updates main
13:22.12jellyI'm afraid I can't offer further suggestions without seeing the actual file
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13:22.40eliosthat's it
13:23.23eliosstable/updates on the second one
13:23.37themillelios: It'd be great if you actually pastebinned it as requested. Your summary has been incorrect 3 times now.
13:24.00themillThe output of 'apt-cache policy debian-archive-keyring; apt-cache policy' would be nice to see too
13:25.20eliosyeah it's definitely there
13:25.56jellyit's not that hard to pastebin stuff from files, you need a browser and copy/paste functionality, or curl
13:26.01eliosi just deleted wheezy an another one but the system runs on debian stable.
13:26.18eliosi deleted none of stretch/stable
13:26.35jellycat /etc/apt/sources.list | curl -F 'sprunge=<-'
13:26.44jellyelios: ^^ do that
13:26.57eliosi don't have curl
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13:27.40jellyelios: and you can't install it?
13:27.45eliosi just want to import two keys and be done with it
13:27.48themillelios: So use something else instead.
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13:28.33jellyelios: the thing is, if you only use stretch repos from debian mirrors, you shouldn't need to import keys for wheezy and jessie
13:28.51jellyso something else is going on, and it might be nice to find the cause
13:29.11eliosor rather 3 keys
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13:30.39eliosor remove them idk
13:31.17themillSo I take it there is no chance of us seeing some useful output that would help us help you?
13:31.54jellyelios: which version of debian-archive-keyring package is installed?
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13:32.48jellyelios: dpkg -l debian-archive-keyring | tail -n 1
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13:41.54linurandysomeone to help me with my bluettoth
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13:42.21raidghostwhat seems to be the problem linurandy
13:43.03linurandycan you see the history of this irc channel?
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13:43.29eliosjelly: ii debian-archive-keyring 2017.5 all GnuPG archive keys of the Debian archive
13:43.33linurandynot problem i explain again
13:44.31linurandyHello to everyone, I've a problem with my bluetooth triying o link my headset wireless with my debian 9 in my lenovo's ThinkPad Edge E431 laptop with serial number: PF108R5, i been read and i was do it all configurations and nothing, i need light to resolev that
13:44.55linurandyi'm installed debian-9.2.0-amd64-netinst.iso with Gnome environment
13:45.12linurandymy wireless card is broadcom BCM43142
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13:45.44themillelios: and what version of apt is installed?
13:45.51rantlinurandy: chill a second
13:46.15rantlinurandy: pretty much 90728 thru 990733 belongs to his issue,
13:46.15eliosthemill: version 1.4.8
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13:46.52veeki have a squeeze 6 i386 dvd and when i try to rescue mount ext4 i get sda3 couldn't mount unsupported option 2c0 and something about RDWR 400
13:46.53themillelios: then I really do want to see the things we've already asked for in a pastebin
13:46.56jellyelios: and are you able to install curl right now without scary questions from apt?
13:47.01veekwhat's going on?
13:47.19jellyelios: or pastebinit, that's also fine
13:47.50rantrfkill shows it unblocked, hcitool dev doesnt show the device, firmware for device was installed with b43 cutter
13:47.51eliosyes, but i rather use pastebin or similar.
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13:48.02themillelios: how about actually doing so?
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13:48.16eliosthemill: i'm trying to figure stuff out here
13:48.39eliosit's the jessie key i deleted after upgrading dist
13:48.56themillperhaps you can explain that?
13:49.47eliosi deleted it out of /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/
13:50.21eliossince i only need the stretch ones.
13:50.49elioswhich are still there
13:50.49themillthat's not correct
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13:51.20elioscan you elaborate on that themill ?
13:51.42themillelios: you probably still have /var/cache/apt/archives/debian-archive-keyring*deb present; reinstall it
13:51.49eliosi'm pretty sure i deleted only jessie
13:51.59elioswill try
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13:52.23linurandyrant: any idea about that usb 3-1.3: device descriptor read/64, error -110
13:53.07elioswell there are none themill
13:53.15themillnone what?
13:53.28eliosno keyrings
13:53.43rantlinurandy: that sort of thing is really common and could be anything, but you could narrow it down by cross-referencing 3 and 1.3 with the output of lsusb and see what device has that address
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13:53.55themillelios: where? what are you talking about?
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13:54.10themillpretend I can't see your screen
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13:54.28eliosthe directory you posted. i have no debian-*.deb in there
13:54.44themillthen try installing it with apt
13:55.07themilland, most likely, do the confmiss dance
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13:56.02elioswhat is the exact name of the package?
13:56.39eliosnvm: debian-archive-keyring is already the newest version (2017.5).
13:56.50linurandyrant: none
13:56.53themilltell it to reinstall i
13:57.51eliosi did
13:57.55eliossame thing
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13:58.26themillmeaning what?
13:58.45eliosthe keys i supposedly are missing where are they and how can i import them?
13:58.58dpkgYou have to especially tell the packaging system to reinstall config files because when they are gone, it is assumed that you want them to stay deleted.  "aptitude -o DPkg::Options::='--force-confmiss' reinstall $packagename" will restore them (man dpkg for details).  If the package uses <ucf> for config file management, ask me about <ucf confmiss>.
13:59.02eliosthemill: after apt update i get the same error message about missing keys
13:59.38eliosi did apt-get install --reinstall debian-archive-keyrings without any problems
13:59.56themillexcept it did nothing
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14:00.05gpunkelios: maybe a non updated depot
14:00.13eliosit did reinstall them
14:00.21themill"it" "them" ffs
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14:00.38eliosapt did it for me
14:00.46themillDID WHAT
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14:01.00eliosreinstall said package
14:01.19themillexcept it did not replace deleted conffiles, as already pointed out
14:01.22eliosi can dpkg-reconfigure if it helps you calm down.
14:03.19eliosthese are the missing keys apt keeps complaining about "NO_PUBKEY 8B48AD6246925553 NO_PUBKEY 7638D0442B90D010 NO_PUBKEY 9D6D8F6BC857C906"
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14:04.46eliosand my sources list is 3 lines long. nothing more nothing less. as posted before
14:05.04*** join/#debian rguz10 (
14:05.31themillSo have you reinstalled debian-archive-keyring such that the keyring files are now present?
14:05.54eliosshould i purge it and reinstall?
14:06.00themillno need
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14:08.11eliosyes they s̶e̶e̶m̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶b̶e̶ are there.
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14:08.47themillDoes apt-key list now list them?
14:09.02*** mode/#debian [+l 1697] by debhelper
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14:09.12eliosyes, three times for stretch.
14:09.27themillwe're not interested in the stretch keys
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14:09.45eliosno other keys themill
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14:10.11themillso what keyrings do you have now?
14:10.15eliosthe system is 9/stretch
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14:12.15themillso you've not successfully reinstated the keyrings
14:12.30eliosthat's the only keys i want and need
14:13.03themillif that were correct, we wouldn't have spent an hour going around in circles
14:13.18eliosit's stable, i don't need wheezy jessie or bumblebee keys
14:13.27*** join/#debian Vizva (~Vizva@gateway/tor-sasl/vizva)
14:14.03themillYou can keep claiming that you don't need it but apt is telling you that you do. The repo is telling you that you do. I am telling you that you do. debian-archive-keyring includes them because you do.
14:15.40*** join/#debian Zvmdyv (~Zvmdyv@unaffiliated/zvmdyv)
14:16.11elioscan't i just gpg --keyserv --rec-keys somehow?
14:16.38themillThere is no need
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14:16.54eliosbecause they already there somehow?
14:16.55themill(and you can't trust that)
14:17.20themillyes, in the debian-archive-keyring package. You should reinstall it and get the conffiles back.
14:17.22eliosin the archive...?
14:18.02eliospurge it with fire and install it... but it's not trusted yet. huhuhu
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14:19.34eliosthemill: where are those conffiles?
14:19.37themillGiven you refuse to pastebin commands and output, I don't know what you have or haven't done and I'm afraid I've also lost interest.
14:19.50themill(dpkg already told you that)
14:19.59eliosoh. right.
14:20.04eliosscrolls up
14:21.23elioswhat's the equivalent to aptitude -o?
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14:26.44eliosdpkg: how do i do that but just with apt?
14:26.44dpkgdoes that but just with apt
14:26.52eliosoh great
14:28.25eliosthemill: pls don't give up on me. i don't have the aptitude package installed.
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14:30.26eliosthemill: i got it!
14:30.49elioswhy do i need wheezy and jessie keyrings in debian stable tho?
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14:32.51eliostake this $aptitude
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14:34.10eliosthemill: it works now. thanks for your not-patience but still. :3
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14:35.57bev_i'm trying to make a gma500 (poulsbo) driver recognize the touchscreen. Any clue on which channel i should join to get help? or is here ok? (i'm also on ##linux but seems my query is of no interest :) )
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15:28.15Walexbev_: on IRC questions about special narrow topics usually dobn't work very well
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15:29.03rantbev_: yes, mailinglists are often more useful in those cases
15:29.37rantbev_: lkml comes to mind since you're talking about a driver in the kernel and specific hardware
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15:30.14rantseems to me thats the best place to reach savvy people with the know-how you're looking for
15:30.31bev_Walex: rant: thanks
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15:30.58Walexbev_: BTW having a look I suspect your question is wrong :-)
15:31.07bev_i'll dig first and try to ask a smart question
15:31.43Walexbev_: for touchscreens there are specific tables/convertible oriented X11 discussion mailing lists
15:31.46rantmerely getting a driver to recognize something is simple.. you just add the vend:prod id to the driver.. doesn't mean it will work with it
15:32.09Walexbev_: for touchscreens there are specific tablet/convertible oriented X11 discussion mailing lists
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15:32.43bev_Walex: please kindly point-me to one :)
15:33.16rantI'd head over to the Xorg or such project pages and look for their mailinglists
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15:33.26Walexbev_: the error I think you are making BTW is that you think the driver for an output device is also the driver for an input device.
15:34.28Walexbev_: :-)
15:34.37bev_heh :)
15:34.57rantIf it were me I'd go broad on both kernel and X project mailinglists
15:35.09rantthose are where hardware savvy people are found
15:35.28Walexbev_: probably you should be looking at tyhe 'libinput' driver not the 'gma500' driver
15:35.43bev_hmm, 'k
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15:36.12bev_thanks both for your advices
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15:36.43Walexbev_: actually robably 'evdev' rather than 'libinput'
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15:47.52rantgreetings fellow traveller
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15:52.21rantso I've been away for quite awhile and I'm not real familiar with all the new changes in our branches, things like LTS and such.. what I'm curious about is if there is any real point in filing bugs against olstable/stable if they're non-security related?
15:53.20rantwill it help the project any doing so, and will it be likely from my end that I'd see any fixes?
15:54.14*** part/#debian bev_ (
15:54.56rantI'm asking now in particular because I'm on a jessie system and I think I found a pretty serious issue in tint2 that is locking my xsession up quite frequently and I'm wondering if I should bother running it down and filing a bug or just pull a newer version and/or use something else
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16:01.03McErroneousHI, in which file is the $PATH -variable stored... ?
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16:02.06rantMcErroneous: its not stored in a file.. but if you mean where is it typically set at.. that would be different
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16:04.44rantMcErroneous: globally its set in /etc/profile by per-user it can be set in ~/.profile  however its just an environment variable its not "stored" in a file, its stored in the shell's environment
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16:13.06McErroneousSnoop Doggy Dog..., thanx ranty panty..
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16:15.59rantheh wow.. do you have a time machine?
16:16.48rantyour lingo sounds like it came straight out of the early 90s
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16:17.22rantand fwiw its Dogg
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16:41.00McErroneousAunty ranty, but like say this machine had only 32MB or RAm and had to write part of its internal memory out to HDD(swapfile) , than it would be stored in a file, right  lawyer anty ?
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16:44.41rantMcErroneous: ok you're not allowed to be weirder than me..
16:44.54rantthis has got to stop :P
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16:50.35nomadanybody know of a good way to search a tree for executes only?
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16:55.01RoyKDogmann: find /tree -perm 755 ?
16:55.10RoyKnot sure how to search for only +x, though
16:55.27RoyKDogmann: find /tree -type f -perm 755 ?
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16:56.36DogmannI will try that, would you mind explaining the process behind that command?
16:56.40rantI thought you'd just look for the corpses dangling for the branches.
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16:57.01rantDogmann: 755 means its executable by owner, read/write by group and other
16:57.29Dogmannahhh awesome thanks man
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16:57.32rantDogmann: its rather specific and wouldn't catch files that are also executable by group or other
16:57.46RoyKrant: no, it's read-write-execute by owner and read-execute by group and others
16:57.53rantor that were not read/write by group or other
16:57.57Dogmannwhat would i use for all executes?
16:58.06rantRoyK: yes if you want to be specific
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16:58.52RoyKDogmann: man find is a good start
16:59.04rantDogmann: -executable
16:59.20rantbut that will match directories as well
16:59.50RoyKfind /path -type f -executable
16:59.57RoyKdidn't know -executable
17:00.06jelly!using find
17:00.06dpkgit has been said that using find is or "man find"
17:00.35DogmannI apreciate all the advice guys
17:00.47rantfind /tree -type f -executable
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17:01.24jellydoes that differ from -perm /111 ?
17:01.25DogmannI apreciate all the advice guys
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17:01.35ranthmm.. apparently you said that already while I was in another window
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17:01.55jelly(yes, says the manual)
17:02.40dTalDogmann: why did you ask the same question in #archlinux when people were already helping you here
17:02.52Dogmanni asked before i got a response
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17:03.45ShadowcritGot a fresh new KVM with a Debian 8 image installed, and I am trying to change the locale to USA english. the output for localectl -list-locales doesn't have USA EN, it has en_GB what can I do to change this?
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17:04.05rantIs there any point to filing non-security bugs against olstable/stable? will it be of any use to the developers or likely to bring any fixes to me?
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17:04.50RoyKrant: did you just copy/paste that find command from me? ;)
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17:05.23jellyrant: if those are still unfixed in sid, or make a package completely unusable, yes
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17:07.31rantjelly: I figured as much.. what would you do in this case then? I think tint2 has been responsible for hanging my X session and if I simply tried to backport sid to jessie I may introduce other issues and further complicate the bug report.. so I'm not sure
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17:08.45rantI'd need to do more digging to compile a bug report either way, I'm just trying to figure out what would be the most sensible way to deal with such issues
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17:09.32jellyrant: I have no idea what tint2 is but if you can reliably trigger bugs in gpu drivers that's a gpu driver issue, not necessarily a problem in the userspace triggering it
17:10.07rantjelly: its a lightweight panel.. and I dont think its gpu related
17:10.42jellyhow do you figure "hanging my X session" is not gpu related
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17:14.03rantjelly: well Idk.. its really bizare what happens. I just had this lxterm with screen and irssi open, a leafpad and a links2, and I closed links2, which is usually when it happens, when closing something.. and the mouse still moves but it wont accept any input (clicks keystrokes), but I can still switch to tty1 and system is responsive
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17:14.38jellyrant: that's not a hang, sounds more like a focus steal issue
17:14.38rantbut when I try stop nodm via systemd's service command X won't terminate.. I either gotta slay -9 or such
17:15.03rantjelly: in this instance the text entry cursor was stuck on.. it wasnt an arrow
17:15.30jellyanything in Xorg log?
17:15.32rantthe service nodm stop will return but X is still stuck
17:15.47rantjelly: not that I've seen in any instance this has happened
17:15.57jellyservice command is asynchronous with systemd
17:16.14jellyit doesn't mean it stopped anything, it just asked for things to be stopped
17:16.56rantbut there is other wierdness leading me to tint2.. which is that this system has no RTC and when this happens often the clock in tint2 will revert back to hw time of Dec 31 at 1900hrs, when date in tty1 will still have realtime
17:17.21jellyis that still a tiny arm board
17:17.26rantthen I normally slay -9 the user to solve it and restart nodm, but this time I had for whatever reason killed tint2 and everything else died with it
17:17.42rantif I kill any other of the session processes they all have to be killed one at a time
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17:17.52jellywith a custom vendor kernel and probably custom vendor drivers?
17:18.13rantjelly: yes it is an old kernel and a crazy fb hack
17:18.32jellythen don't be surprised things break
17:18.51rantI'm not all that surprised :P
17:19.27jellyit's possible the combination of userspace just triggers a bug somewhere
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17:20.09jellyrant: what userspace is this, armhf stretch?
17:20.11rantI've noticed other issues with tint2 though where things stay in the taskbar after being closed or it either fails to start from .xsession or it freezes up
17:20.17rantjelly: yes
17:20.47jelly,v tint2
17:20.47ranterm no.. its jessie
17:20.49juddPackage: tint2 on amd64 -- wheezy: 0.11+svn20111022-3; jessie: 0.11+svn20121014-3; stretch: 0.12.12-3; buster: 15.1-1; sid: 15.1-1
17:21.05jellycan you do a release upgrade?
17:21.24rantto stretch you mean?
17:21.43jellyrant: and which SoC is there?
17:22.42rantyeah I was running stretch before I had issues with my sd that i boot from dying and I'd reinstalled and not upgraded this time just to see.. the only issue there is that their fb hack doesnt work "properly" with stretch no matter what I did, but honestly it seemed like it ran better even though I couldnt get es2gears to work on stretch
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17:23.29rantjelly: its the orange pi lite, allwinner h3 512mb ram
17:23.58jellyH3 is a work heavily in progress.  Maybe try to get 4.10 from linux-sunxi running.
17:24.14rantafaik the hdmi is not supported yet in mainline
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17:24.24jellydid I say mainline?
17:24.44jellyI don't think I did... I thought I said 4.10 from sunxi people
17:24.55rantno you didn't but I wasn't aware they had a newer kernel that wasnt mainline
17:25.23rantafaik the sunxi people as you put it use weird board codes.. this one is sun8i I think
17:25.42jellyjoin #linux-sunxi and read their wiki and mailing lists
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17:26.46rantI'm normally in there, but havent been the past couple days.. I'll look around I guess and see if they have a sun8i kernel for 4.x
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17:28.04jellythere is a lot of stuff being fixed before it gets into the mainline queue, and it's probably the most likely place to help with debugging
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17:28.49jellysun8i is a reference to the SoC.  DTS for specific boards are more detailed iirc
17:29.14rantI'm still on 3.4.113-sun8i which is pretty dated
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17:30.41rantyou pretty much gotta use the sunxi cause those xulong kernels from the orange pi people are fubar
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17:31.08jelly> Repositories with H3 patches: Ondřej Jirman's branch for H3 based orange Pi (kernel 4.13) (work-in-progress DVFS) [...] Working HDMI driver (v6 patches from moinejf ported to sunxi-ng clk driver)
17:31.33jellyrant: most hardware vendors for those boards are useless
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17:32.07rantyeah it had horrible OOM issues and from what I read it also has possibl priv esc vulnerablities
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17:34.44rantwell 4.13 IS mainline.. and it can't be more than a couple weeks since I checked on this and it said the HDMI wasnt working yet
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17:36.02rantI need to head over there and try talk to someone cause I'd like to get my hands on a patched source tree.. and I havent been able to find one
17:36.32rantthings like this have so many patches its annoying to hunt em all down.. idk why they dont just package up a patched source tree
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17:39.44jellyrant: I literally clicked thru to the H3 page and Orange Pi Lite page on that wiki.
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17:50.45McErroneousHi, i edited uncommented lines in /root/.bashrc but still after typing source ~/.bashrc && ls -l , i do not get colored "ls " output when root
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17:50.58Guest58346good evening every1
17:51.38Guest58346Can i ask a question ?
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17:52.22Canucktuxdon't ask to ask; just ask!
17:52.33CanucktuxGuest58346: wutchu up to?
17:52.34rantMcErroneous: I dont think colors work with ls -l
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17:53.16Guest58346ok ty... well i installed mint linux
17:53.18CanucktuxMcErroneous: gotta switch to fish
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17:53.40Guest58346and tried to also install LoL ( League of Legends)
17:53.56Guest58346and i think i can't go further than what i am now
17:55.13Guest58346a help would be appreciated
17:55.28dpkgLinux Mint is not Debian and is not supported in #debian.  Please use their forums at or join #linuxmint-help on for support.  Linux Mint is variously based on <Ubuntu> with a "Linux Mint Debian Edition" (LMDE) also available.  See also <based on debian>, <mintppc>.
17:55.59CanucktuxI thought LoL was only on windows?
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17:56.29Guest58346Nope but i'll change channel now because this is not the place for mint linux
17:57.32Guest58346but if you can help me come to that channel as well
17:57.49CanucktuxI stick to native ports, good luck though
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18:10.54Ormu1since Debian (and Ubuntu) support S/390x, is it practically possible for a hobbyist to get a used  zSeries mainframe for a reasonable price?
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18:20.31rantI seen one in a garage of a guy I was working for once.. just sitting there collecting dust
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18:24.24random_numbersI'm getting ipv6 answers from while I'm on an ipv4 link.
18:24.26random_numbersWhat should I do?
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18:25.31DaggerDNS is expected to give both A and AAAA records, regardless of the capabilities of your link
18:25.42Ormu1rant: :O
18:25.43sharp15random_numbers: tell me which router you are using? (this is a joke.  i'm trying to get ipv6 working)
18:25.50Daggerbut if your problem is "apt-get is printing a v6 address in an error message", try `wget` and see what errors you're actually getting
18:26.01Ormu1rant: not *very* reasonable price but not astronomical either:
18:26.29random_numbersDagger: Apt spits out an error, wget gets nothing wrong.
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18:26.38Daggerodds are it's your v4 that's failing, and apt-get is trying v6 as a last-ditch attempt (which obviously fails), and then it only reports the last error rather than all the errors
18:26.50random_numbers...Okay so it seems to be intermitently happening.
18:26.53random_numbersBecause now it works too.
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18:28.45dpkglupen: Debian è un sistema operativo composto da software libero (un concetto distinto da quello di gratis): vedi per saperne di più.
18:30.20random_numbersDagger: I see. I wasn't aware it had fallback behavior. Thanks for mentioning it.
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18:44.08jhutchinsOrmu1: That's going to use a surprizing amount of power and generate a lot of heat and noise.
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18:50.19jhutchinsI hadn't noticed this before but df shows both rootfs and /dev/sda2 mounted on /
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19:07.25cha18I mucked up my /etc/network/interfaces -- I'm installing xen, I made a xenbr0 bridge. I basically have two static IPs, one for my eth6 iface and one for my xenbr0, and I'm trying to "move it over to one static"
19:08.05cha18in my stanza, does the "bridge_ports eth6" line need to appear before the "address; netmask; gateway" portion of the stanza
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19:10.07jhutchinscha18: See man bridge-utils-interfaces
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19:14.04__raven__how to achieve a remote encrypted file container. kind of encrypted home folder which is decrypted by mounting it with sshfs on a local machine?
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19:15.13n4dirsimply sshfs-mounting it and then decrypting it like usual is not an option?
19:15.50ber532k__raven__: No special experience here, but how about a raw disk image with encrypted fs un it?
19:17.30Ormu1jhutchins: yep. But imagine how cool that would be as a home server :P
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19:18.18__raven__how you would do that setup? plan is to have some vms accessing "their" encrypted file container on a remote nas
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19:21.29ber532kI guess you could sshfs-mount the filesystem containing the raw image and then mount -o loop the raw image or something
19:21.38ber532kbut as I said, no experience
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19:22.29cha18jhutchins, got it :)
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19:25.42jhutchinschrissl: xlnt.
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19:55.23f3bruarywhy can't I put a var in a sed statement
19:55.28f3bruaryI'm using double quotes
19:57.11f3bruarye.g.: color=blue; echo "My shoes are color" | sed "s/color/$color/g"
19:57.27f3bruaryI keep getting unterminated `s' command
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19:59.24thirasok I have a non .deb software I have to install
19:59.41well_laid_lawn└──╼ color=blue; echo "My shoes are color" | sed "s/color/$color/g"
19:59.42well_laid_lawnMy shoes are blue
19:59.52thirasGot it procompiled but have no idea which path i should put it
20:00.22ber532kthiras: Is it just a binary?
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20:00.29ber532kOr binary and libraries?
20:00.38thiraswith libraries i think
20:00.49f3bruarywell_laid_lawn: which shell are you using ?
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20:00.56thirasgot bin  include  lib  share folders in it
20:01.10well_laid_lawnf3bruary:  bash
20:01.37ber532kthiras: well, then probably it's already sorted out for you
20:02.12thirasyou mean it will work standalone binary?
20:02.26ber532kbut since you might want to remove it with apt remove at some point you should probably make a deb file out of it
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20:03.10thirasber532k, sure if it's easy process
20:03.23ber532kif you've got a folder with bin lib share etc. in it, it might be expected to have those at some special places
20:03.26thirasactually it's wkhtmltopdf with qt patched
20:03.37ber532kcreating deb files is quite easy
20:03.39thirasyeah they are not empty
20:03.56thirasgot some .so .h and .inc files
20:04.13ber532kyou should probably verify it runs first
20:04.31ber532krun it from shell right away or something ./bin/filename
20:04.55thirasit runs
20:05.21thirasthe funny thing guide i follow just copy it to /usr/local/bin
20:05.32thirasand doesn't care all the other files
20:05.56ber532ktry moving it out of the folder and see if it still runs
20:06.00thirasdoesn't seem to me as best practice
20:06.06ber532kI would guess not
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20:06.33thirasIt works
20:07.12ber532kok, then copying it to /usr/local/bin (or anywhere in PATH) might do the trick
20:07.13museI usually just try stuff like that in ~/bin/ and leave it there if it runs
20:07.35ber532kbit I would still write a .deb file if you deploy it somewhere
20:07.43thirasi have to make it avaiable for bash
20:07.56ber532kfor personal use or system-wide?
20:07.59thirasber532k, /usr/local/bin is not managed by apt right?
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20:08.52ber532kbut you could write a deb-control file, copy that and the binary into a folder and have dpkg-deb make a package out of it
20:09.28ber532ksince the result would be a binary-only package you wouldn't be able to get it to the official repos, but it should be ok for managing the contents with dpkg / apt
20:10.47ber532kI'll just write a quick gist describing how to get a .deb file if you want
20:11.22thiraswow that would be amazing
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20:18.15ber532kthiras: here's a dead simple example for creating a working deb file:
20:18.32thirasthank very much ber532k checking now
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20:18.41ber532knote that just calls `dpkg-deb --build`
20:19.18ber532kof course you can rename simpleshutdown-de_all to anything you want
20:19.45ber532kadjust simpleshutdown-de_all/DEBIAN/control to your needs (should be fairly obvious)
20:19.58thirasyeah just noticed that
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20:21.11ber532keverything else in simpleshutdown-de_all is an overlay for root, so just have your binary in usr/bin/ and delete usr/share if you don't have anything for it
20:21.13brimonkAre there any plans in the near-future to discontinue 32bit support?
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20:21.35ber532kand of course you might want to change "all" to something architecture-specific
20:22.05thirasyes got the main idea
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20:22.21ber532khope I could help
20:22.41thirasyes you defiantly did
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20:22.50dcaxqhi. anyone know how to do alt code?
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20:23.55zusi speak spanish
20:24.03dpkgEste canal es de soporte técnico en Inglés para Debian. Si prefiere que el soporte sea en Español, puede ingresar en #debian-es tecleando /join #debian-es en la línea de chat.
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20:24.38dcaxqctrl+shifT+u not work, neither shift+u...
20:25.33dcaxqthis neither work
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20:35.46Guest52087Hi, I'm reading the debian administrator´s handbook. I'm at "7.2.3. Asking for Help on a Mailing List" chapter. I´m not english mother tongue so please excuse me for my errors. Ok now the problem. There is a link to Does anyone use it?
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20:38.25frostschutzGuest52087, try instead
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20:52.55Guest52087frostschutz: thank you I´ll try :)
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20:58.19HazWardIs there a way to reset the root password on MariaDB?
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21:16.17HazWardNevermind I found a way to do it
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22:17.46marolocciohow to get interface ip addresses? used to use `ifconfig`, now using `ip a`, is there a better way on debian?
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22:18.50Mathisenip address
22:18.53csh-harmful"ip addr" is the modern way
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22:20.03disasterHi! i got a load problem on my server yesterday(3.6 load average on 15mn) and i try to trace it back with the logs. Unfortunately i think the problem is linked with some kernel's log that i can't understand. Does something like a "kernel log to human" guide exist?
22:20.08marolocciook, so `ip a`, which is the same, is fine..
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22:35.34DelfLooking inside /etc/gdm3/Init/Default. There are references to "gdmwhich setxkbmap". But I don't have gdmwhich?
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22:48.31disasteror maybe you can tell me more about those messages : sd 2:0:0:0: [sda] tag#0 abort      INFO: task jbd2/sda1-8:413 blocked for more than 120 seconds.     [<ffffffff8e408835>] ? ret_from_fork+0x25/0x30
22:52.34DelfMy bad. It's a function defined within the script. I have problem with the script not running for seat0, but for the other seats the script is run, what's going on?
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23:12.44DelfThere is a session for Debian-gdm running in seat0 even when I'm logged in as myself in seat0, that Debian-gdm still lingers, what's going on? This is not the case for the other seats
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23:24.21cr1t1calis a rtkit user running /usr/lib/rtkit common in linux?
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23:26.25ryoumaif you install rtkit, you might get that
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23:28.50ryoumahmm, but not in jessie
23:29.16ryoumathere is no such binary
23:29.29cr1t1calits realtime kit
23:29.33cr1t1cali thought it was rootkit
23:29.42cr1t1calryouma: thanks ;)
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