IRC log for #debian on 20170419

00:00.12*** join/#debian sorin-mihai_ (~sorin-mih@unaffiliated/sorin-mihai)
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00:18.00*** topic/#debian is Debian Stretch frozen 2017-02-05; /msg dpkg stretch freeze | Unwanted private messages? /umode +R | point release 8.7 of Debian Jessie released! /msg dpkg jessie ; /msg dpkg 8.7; /msg dpkg wheezy->jessie ; /msg dpkg install jessie | NO FLOOD: /msg dpkg paste | /msg bots NOT people | offtopic: #debian-offtopic | testing/unstable: #debian-next ( | chanlogs: /msg dpkg irclog
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00:43.55casinI'm using debian
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01:05.14huihwWhat am I doing wrong?
01:05.33huihwI can't switch user in debian jessie with xfce4. When I do "$dm-tool switch-to-greeter" screen goes black and I go back to session with alt+f7
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01:08.09wondiwsxbacklight doesn't work anymore after reinstall, is there something I'm missing, any definitions for displays or something?
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01:20.45hyperrealHas a release data been set for Debian 9?
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01:26.18missmbobhyperreal: no
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01:28.46hyperrealmissmbob: okay, thank you
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01:32.01missmbobhyperreal: it'll be shortly after the # of rc bugs (the green line) get to 0
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02:27.40deitario1I'm trying to get nginx to run un-privileged but it's dying with "bind() to failed (13: Permission denied)" despite my having `CapabilityBoundingSet=CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE` and `AmbientCapabilities=CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE` in my custom nginx.service... a configuration which a Gentoo user reported as allowing it on their system.
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02:29.41deitario1Oh, wait. I think I just realized what's going on. Ambient capabilities were apparently added in Kernel 4.3 and my Jessie is still on 3.16.
02:30.20missmbobdeitario1: jessie-backports has 4.9, fyi
02:30.22*** join/#debian skza (~skza@unaffiliated/skza)
02:31.39deitario1missmbob: Hmm. I'll have to think about whether to add that to my ansible playbook then. In your experience, is it lower-effort to maintain a VPS with or without -backports?
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02:32.23missmbobdeitario1: definitely with
02:32.51dpkgSome packages intended for Stretch (Debian 9) but recompiled for use with "Jessie" (8.x) can be found in the "jessie-backports" repository.  See .  A suitable line for your sources.list is «deb jessie-backports main».  Also ask me about <bdo>.
02:33.28missmbobread the instructions. you have to use -t jessie-backports when wanting to pull packages from it
02:35.46deitario1If I have to opt into specific packages, what in -backports makes maintaining a VPS easier and how?
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02:37.17missmbobsame way backports makes anything easier. if you need updated version of packages, like you need of the kernel, you dont have to compile it and maintain updates to it yourself
02:38.02missmbobdeitario1: it has a newer version of nginx, for example
02:38.28missmbob,v nginx
02:38.29juddPackage: nginx on amd64 -- wheezy: 1.2.1-2.2+wheezy4; wheezy-security: 1.2.1-2.2+wheezy4; wheezy-backports: 1.6.2-5+deb8u2~bpo70+1; jessie: 1.6.2-5+deb8u4; jessie-security: 1.6.2-5+deb8u4; sid: 1.10.1-1; jessie-backports: 1.10.3-1~bpo8+1; sid: 1.10.3-1; stretch: 1.10.3-1; experimental: 1.11.2-1~exp1; experimental: 1.11.10-1~exp1
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02:39.48deitario1In other words, if I'm willing to use an alternative to AmbientCapabilities like `setcap 'cap_net_bind_service=+ep' /usr/sbin/nginx`, then doing it now would just be extra work now for potential future gain.
02:40.08*** join/#debian jubo2 (~juboxi@wikipedia/jukeboksi)
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02:41.04deitario1I'll just add the setcap line to my ansible playbook, gated on ansible_kernel starting with "3." and leave -backports for when I have a more significant need for it.
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03:56.58hanasakiwhat is there besides privoxy and dansguardian ?  what do you prefer and why and which projects are active?
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04:02.41hanasakiwhat's good software that will let me turn my little pc intall a wireless router, AP with captirve portal?
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05:51.41K-archthis room is dead too...
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05:54.51rpd_K-arch: its night time bro
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06:31.06joltNope, not in Sweden!
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06:53.59andrew2221Hi everyone. A quick question. I have a Debian8 and a Debian9 installs on the same hard disk. Boot flag is on Debian9. I want to get rid of Debian8 and merge the partitions. It is safe to do so? Will Grub work if I delete the Debian8 partition?
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06:56.24epsilonif grub is installed on disk (/dev/sda) and not on partition (dev/sda1), then yes
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06:57.10andrew2221epsilon, how can I check if it's installed on the partition or not?
06:57.56epsilonyou get grub as only bootloader if you boot, right?
06:58.07epsilonthen it's on disk
06:59.13andrew2221epsilon, yes, and when I boot I have options in Grub for both Debians.. So I guess you're right..
07:00.14andrew2221Well, if I am not coming back today, you'll know why.. :)) Just that this is a workstation at my job, and don't want to risk lose something.. Thank you very much.
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07:00.36epsilondont' forget to make backup
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07:06.43andrew2221epsilon, right, rule #1 of IT, always have backup copies. :)
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07:20.40theluckymikeis there a way to shut down eth itnerface so physical link goes down on uplink switch?
07:22.28oohhoois it posible to get a history of package version
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07:25.41thereyougohow to make "top" show amount of swap or RAM in human readable form ? like "ls -h" option does
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07:27.01LiuYanthereyougo: alternative: 'htop'
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07:28.51thereyougoI want "top"
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07:29.01jer0megood morning #debian, do we have some sort of acpi script collection to provide common actions for various vendors? Like thinkpads, macs. etc? For some reason, volume and brightness are not handled by default as it seems.
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07:29.19jer0meacpi-support is pretty poor.
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07:30.46LiuYanthereyougo: `man top` said you can press 'E' to switch the unit ...
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07:31.39thereyougowhen I press "E" it says:
07:31.44thereyougoUnknown command - try 'h' for help
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07:33.14coketop -M
07:34.23LiuYanthereyougo: <-- This is what I got after press 'E' two times
07:34.30cokeif E doesnt work .. i can never figure out where what does and doesnt work
07:35.03awal1top then press E as you have been told thereyougo
07:35.11awal1E, not e
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07:36.26oohhooawal1: thanks
07:36.55awal1you can press several times E for get the unit you want
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07:49.38thereyougoin this version it doesn't work: "procps-ng version 3.3.3" but in these versions it works: "procps-ng 3.3.12",            also I tryed "top -M" and it says: "unknown option 'M'"
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08:02.42shtrbIs there yammer IM integration I can use with debian tools (main/contrib/non-free) ?
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08:21.22cokethereyougo: apparently the world needs 100 different kinds of top
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08:24.19thereyougoso there is apparently "procps" and "procps-ng" versions of packages that has "top" in it
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08:26.03awal1htop is a better alternative
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08:26.12LiuYandon't see procps-ng package in debian unstable. `apt-file search /bin/top` doesn't show procps-ng
08:28.04CutMeOwnThroatI don't see procps-ng in stable either
08:28.19CutMeOwnThroatjudd, versions procps-ng
08:28.20juddNo package named 'procps-ng' was found in amd64.
08:28.27CutMeOwnThroatwhat version of debian is this?
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08:29.36oohhooawal1: is it posible to get history of all version from comand line in that format
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08:34.47jellyshtrb: if you find out, let us know!
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08:45.02iveqyI've set up a reprerpo server and it all works fine until I've added jessie-backports as an update to that server. It looks like reprepro doesn't find the packages I want from the jessie-backports mirror, rendering my reprepro missing certain packages (openjdk-8 for example)
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08:49.41thereyougoLiuYan: if you run "top -v" what it says ?
08:50.29LiuYanthereyougo: procps-ng 3.3.12
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08:50.59sw-tritumhi, systemd232-20 fixed #787028 but now won't boot setups with luks containing a randomly encrypted swap. is there a webinterface to file bugreports?
08:51.00juddBug in systemd (closed, fixed-upstream): «systemd-cryptsetup@.service fails, although encrypted swap is enabled nevertheless»; severity: normal; opened: 2015-05-27; last modified: 2017-03-16.
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08:54.07petn-randallsw-tritum: Is this on jessie?
08:54.18thereyougoso "cat /etc/issue" says its: "Debian GNU/Linux 8", and "lsb_release -a" says: "Description:    Debian GNU/Linux 8.6 (jessie)", now, when I run "top -v" it says: "procps-ng version 3.3.9", and here "E" works
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08:54.46petn-randallsw-tritum: The bug tracker is handled via mail. You can use the 'reportbug' tool to file bugs or search for them.
08:54.59thereyougoLiuYan: so its "procps-ng", how is that there is no such package "procps-ng" ?
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08:55.11thereyougothen what is it ?
08:56.00petn-randallthereyougo: You probably have it installed from some 3rd party repo.
08:56.18petn-randallOR you're not running Debian, but some derivative.
08:56.33thereyougo"lsb_release -a" says: "Description:    Debian GNU/Linux 8.6 (jessie)"
08:56.43TomTomToschnoe, it's fine. debian packages procps-ng as procps
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08:59.08shtrbsw-tritum , are you telling me the system blocks or the swap doesn't open ?
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09:01.04sw-trituminitrd won't boot, waiting for swap to become available
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09:02.11sw-tritumusing kernel 4.8 with old initrd as workaround
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09:02.53sw-tritumhope i narrowed it down correctly, next i'll try to disable swap in fstab/crypttab and rebuild initrd for
09:03.23shtrbcan you try with forcing the swap to use a passphrase by user instead of reading a key ?
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09:04.08sw-tritumpetn-randall: nope, testing with systemd 232-22, image 4.9.18-1, initramfs-tools 0.128
09:05.06sw-tritumshtrb: i'll try that, too. report back here after lunch :)
09:05.23Waheedi'm trying to build libboost 1.49 on ubuntu 16.04 and I'm having two targets failing. recipe for target 'build-stamp' and recipe for target 'clean'
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09:06.20shtrbWaheedi , that's not #ubuntu
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09:06.42Waheedishtrb: its debian related
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09:06.49Waheedithe rules are debian rules
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09:07.16Waheedishtrb do you know that?
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09:08.15shtrbunless you are building it on debian , the tools used (and package versions) on ubuntu are different
09:08.28Waheedishtrb: thats right
09:08.46mjau^hi folks! I've tried to read the manual but feel a little bit unclear on this: what's the difference between safe-upgrade and full-upgrade?
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09:12.46greenithi, i'd like to use ufw in debian (unstable). do i have to deal with other firewalls (ufw is for iptables-config afaik) first if i want to use it?
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09:16.16oohhoodoes debian snapshot has any API
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09:20.48zeitsofa u mean this one?
09:21.13petn-randallgreenit: Only if you have other firewalls installed. They all act on iptables as this is the only firewall interface in the kernel.
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09:24.13greenitis there another one installed by default? i didn't expicitly install one until now petn-randall
09:24.22petn-randallgreenit: no
09:24.39greenitok, so i should be good to go with ufw, thanks :)
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09:29.19dezdebian-multimidia broke my vlc and i dunno what to do to fix it anymore
09:30.04dpkgWe recommend against using; these unofficial packages are known to cause many hard to debug problems.  They are not in Debian either because the they are poor in quality or for legal reasons.  See or ask me about <dmm wheezy>, <dmm jessie>.  See also <dmm list>, <dmm mirrors>, <dmm pinning>, <why not dmm>, <dmm remove>.
09:30.22dezi already removed it
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09:31.15dez!dmm jessie
09:31.15dpkgIf you really need (are you sure your information isn't five years out of date?), then (as root): echo "deb jessie main non-free" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/dmm.list; aptitude update && aptitude install deb-multimedia-keyring && aptitude update.  For an alternative way to load Marillat's archive key, ask me about <apt-key 1F41B907>.  See <why not dmm>.
09:31.52petn-randalldez: You need to remove any packages you installed from dmm and replace them by the Debian packages.
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09:32.16dezi used the debian wiki to find the packages i installed from them
09:32.24dezthe commands listed there
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09:32.29dezbut i cant find any anymore
09:32.43sine0when editing files inside of apache on my server i always save files move dirs etc and it saves as root and i have to chmod -R 775 chown -R www-data:www-data is there  an easier quicker way of doing it ?
09:33.16petn-randallsine0: Don't edit them as root?
09:33.53sine0ok so then i add my reg user to the www-data group ?
09:34.32petn-randallsine0: What is your "reg user"?
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09:35.37sine0i want that user to be able to create and edit files
09:36.07sine0i guess i just amke the files one time and chmod to www-data and add user to taht group to edit the files
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09:37.18petn-randallsine0: Why does your apache need to write to those files?
09:37.29hexhaxtronIs this line correct to allow user king to run mongo as root? king ALL=(ALL) /usr/bin/mongo
09:37.45sine0never mind, i put on my big boy pants and did it
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09:39.23petn-randallhexhaxtron: Try it and see. It sounds like you're approached a problem from the wrong angle, though.
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09:40.15blackflowsine0: I'd advise you create a general user you log in with, don't use www-data for that. Your site files should be long to that user. Apache will read them fine if they're world readable, or make Apache part of that user's group and have the files group readable.
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09:43.04user11_hi. could someone help me fix my swap partition? this is the error I am getting when my computer starts
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09:43.54user11_it is a fresh installation
09:45.17petn-randalluser11_: Did you see the details yet?
09:49.22user11_petn-randall: swapon[248]: swapon: /dev/sda3: read swap header failed | systemd[1]: dev-sda3.swap swap process exited, code=exited status=255 | systemd[1]: Failed to activate swap Swap Partition. | systemd[1]: Unit dev-sda3.swap entered failed state.
09:51.40user11_Loaded: loaded | Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since <date> | What: /dev/sda3 | Docs: man:systemd-gtp-auto-generator(8) | Process: 248 ExecActivate=/sbin/swapon /dev/sda3 (code=exited, status=255)
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09:51.55petn-randalluser11_: Looks like sda3 isn't formatted as swap. Did you manually partition the system?
09:52.08user11_petn-randall: yes I did it manually
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09:54.16petn-randalluser11_: Did you format it with mkswap?
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09:55.34user11_petn-randall: oh no, I used the installation with the graphics
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09:55.45user11_petn-randall: but I did it manually using it
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09:56.08JubeiI'm totally confused about upstart, systemv, systemd... which one is the latest/most modern?
09:56.21petn-randallJubei: systemd is the one used by default in Debian.
09:56.53dezpetn-randall, any idea on how should i proceed?
09:57.23petn-randalldez: How did you prepare the installation image?
09:57.46dezprepare the installation image?
09:58.19petn-randalldez: Yes, how did you install?
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09:59.06dezdeb-multimidia stuff?
09:59.15dezthrough the terminal i think
09:59.39dezbut ive uninstalled everything i installed since then and also followed the instructions on the wiki
09:59.40petn-randalldez: Oh sorry, mixed up some users in here.
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10:00.31dezim the idiot who broke his system with deb-multimidia
10:00.41petn-randall!dmm remove
10:00.41dpkgIf you want to remove the packages from and reinstall the packages from Debian repositories, one could do this: dpkg --remove --force-depends $(aptitude search '?narrow(?version(CURRENT),?origin(Unofficial Multimedia Packages))' --disable-columns -F%p); remove the dmm repository from sources.list; apt-get update; apt-get install -f; install the still missing packages which were removed in the former process ...
10:00.47petn-randalldez: You could try this ^^^
10:00.48dezvlc dont work on a specific codec
10:01.12deztheres nothing in the unofficial multimedia packages thing
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10:01.37blackflowAre security fixes to Jessie blocked or slowed down during the freeze of Stretch?
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10:01.46petn-randallblackflow: no
10:02.47dezis the last one really that or an unicode error? -F%p)
10:02.53petn-randallblackflow: However, security fixes to *stretch* are slowed down during the freeze of stretch..
10:03.46petn-randalldez: I'm assuming you should type it exactly as like it's there.
10:03.46dezdpkg: error: --remove needs at least one package name argument
10:03.46dpkgdez: KCI error, or a problem with the Keyboard-Chair Interface.
10:03.49blackflowpetn-randall: yeah but I'm wondering about Jessie for now, there's a rather nasty remote vuln for bind9 already fixed upstream and in ubuntu, was wondering when it'll land in Jessie.
10:04.20petn-randallblackflow: CVE?
10:04.32blackflowpetn-randall: CVE-2017-3137
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10:04.56blackflowthere are 4 open vulns in total for bind9 but I'm mostly interested in fixing -3137
10:05.35juddBug in src:bind9 (open, fixed-upstream, patch, security, upstream): «bind9: CVE-2017-3137: A response packet can cause a resolver to terminate when processing an answer containing a CNAME or DNAME»; severity: grave; opened: 2017-04-13; last modified: 2017-04-13.
10:05.51petn-randallHmm, a simple DoS. I'm guessing it's being worked on.
10:05.52blackflowpetn-randall: yeah
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10:07.51user11_petn-randall: i've been thinking that there may be something wrong with crypttab or fstab. could you read those if i were to post?
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10:21.38user11_petn-randall: fstab:
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10:24.35user11_petn-randall: crypttab
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10:25.37user11_i removed the ID's because they seem unique and i don't know what they mean
10:26.06petn-randalluser11_: Oh, they're *encrypted*!
10:26.48user11_petn-randall: yes. the debian page installation guide suggest that users encrypt /home, /tmp and swap
10:27.35petn-randalluser11_: I would have just used guided partitioning, picked "encrypted LVM", and then everything would have been on the LVM.
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10:29.11petn-randalluser11_: The error you showed somehow suggests that systemd is thinking the swap is on /dev/sda3, whereas it is on /dev/mapper/sda3_crypt.
10:29.51user11_petn-randall: same for tmp?
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10:30.22petn-randalluser11_: Probably.
10:30.45user11_petn-randall: ok thanks. i will try that and if it won't work i will use LVM
10:30.51petn-randalluser11_: Using a randomly encrypted swap will prevent you from being able to suspend to disk, though.
10:31.16user11_petn-randall: suspend to disk?
10:31.16petn-randalluser11_: If you have the time to spare I'd reinstall and use the guided, encrypted LVM.
10:32.05petn-randalluser11_: It saves the system state to swap and powers off the machine. On resume you'll start off where you were before the suspend.
10:32.18petn-randalluser11_: Sometimes it's called "hibernate".
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10:35.02user11_petn-randall: changed sda3_crypt /dev/sda3 to sda3_crypt /dev/mapper/sda3_crypt and it's still giving me the error. maybe i should reinstall as you suggested
10:35.23user11_thank you for saving the day once more, petn-randall
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10:39.27BluesKaj'Morning folks
10:39.48JyZyXELdoes debian have GPU stress tester?
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10:42.35user11_petn-randall: by the way, swap has no mounting point? I though it was a file
10:42.57thereyougoJyZyXEL: for i in {1..1000}; do glxgears & done
10:43.32JyZyXELim not sure that would put a good even stress on the gpu?
10:43.36sypherI somehow don't think that glxgears is a good stress test.
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10:57.38blackflowJyZyXEL: run some modern game in maximum graphics quality settings? :)
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10:58.58JyZyXELblackflow: i found "Unigine Valley benchmark" and "geeks3d gputest" that have binaries for linux
10:59.34blackflowthere's also that phoronix benchmarking thing that can do similar
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11:00.45JyZyXELhmm, ill try that first since i have the most trust for phoronix
11:01.35blackflow"trust" and "phoronix" in the same sentence, oh my! :)
11:01.51BluesKajJyZyXEL:  good luck with that ;-)
11:02.38JyZyXELmichael would be shooting himself in the foot if he put something malicious in the test suite
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11:07.35CookiesAnywone here
11:07.57BluesKajno shit here
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11:16.35thereyougo"trust" and "phoronix" in the same sentence, what is wrong with "phoronix" ? and why is "phoronix" by the way ?
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11:19.11blackflowthereyougo: it's a benchmarking suite that's quite questionable from the standpoing of statistical sciences
11:19.14leo-unglaubhey friends, since 3 days i have a problem with php fpm. Around every 24 hours the process dies and i have to manually restaret it again
11:19.22leo-unglaubathere is nothing in the logs
11:19.24leo-unglauband ideas?
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11:21.32thereyougobatman: what is that fpm even doing, any additional information ? paste any configs or logs
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11:22.45thereyougo"my programm doesn't works, any ideas ?", and chances are you will not get any help
11:23.39blackflowleo-unglaub: which logs? fpm has its own log iirc, if there's nothing on the syslog side. and process dying should be audited, does it segfault?
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11:24.06toruvinnleo-unglaub, out of curiosity, are you using apache with worker MPM?
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11:24.49leo-unglaubblackflow: i checked the fpm logs and the system logs including dmesg as well
11:24.53toruvinni remember having trouble with mod_fcgi and mutexes, but dont remember exactly what it was.
11:24.58leo-unglaubnothing, no segfault, nothing
11:25.12blackflowleo-unglaub: how do you know it dies then? It's no longer running?
11:25.14leo-unglaubit just does not respond anymore until i restart the daemon
11:25.20toruvinnit was leaving countless zombies iirc.
11:25.25blackflowah that's different from "process dies"
11:25.56blackflowleo-unglaub: what webserver? and how do you interface it with fpm?
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11:27.07thereyougoleo-unglaub: strace it ?
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11:27.51leo-unglaubblackflow: apache2.4
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11:28.12blackflowleo-unglaub: and the other part of my question?
11:28.28leo-unglaubits included as a fastcgi handler
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11:28.43leo-unglaubusing the socket instead of tcp to connect
11:28.51blackflowat any rate, if it's apache, like toruvinn said, those fastcgi mods can be quite faulty
11:30.54leo-unglaubhmm, but it has been running in that config for 4 years
11:31.04leo-unglauband now all of the sudden it fails every 24 hours?
11:31.37blackflowleo-unglaub: could be wise to check Apache logs too
11:31.49blackflowiirc there's an error log
11:32.08leo-unglaubblackflow: already did. the global ones and the per vhost ones. nothing at all. even with the highest error log level
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11:32.41toruvinnleo-unglaub, check apache's error.log. anything about failing to lock mutexes coming from fcgi?
11:32.58blackflowleo-unglaub: which Debian? is there journald? Are you sure you've got logging configured correctly?
11:33.19toruvinn basically this.
11:33.55toruvinni got rid of apache thanks to that. nginx is great. ;^)
11:35.00blackflowapache fastcgi has always been a nightmare for me, there are three modules for it, and each having some kind of problem so neither of them had a fully working solution.
11:35.17blackflowif you don't need .htaccess, I'd recommend nginx too
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11:36.22r00trunnerhow can i uninstall the gui of a jessie install?
11:37.05r00trunnerso I basically want to convert a debian desktop install into a server install
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11:37.54jellyr00trunner: remove the task-*-desktop packages that are installed, and remove X
11:37.59jelly!remove x
11:37.59dpkgi guess remove x is "aptitude remove x11-common" will remove X.  Use "purge" instead of remove if you also want to remove X's configuration.
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11:41.01r00trunnerBluesKaj: I've already have a dektop version installed. Reinstallation is not an option.
11:41.38thereyougoleo-unglaub: do you have APC ?
11:41.44BluesKajwell then follow what jelly posted ;-)
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11:42.01BluesKajr00trunner: ^
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11:43.33r00trunnerBluesKaj: I will. Thanks anyways. Was the tasksel package removed in jessie?
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11:43.49r00trunnerjelly: is it ok to remove those packages with autoremove --purge?
11:44.21thereyougoleo-unglaub: try these settings: "emergency_restart_threshold=3", "emergency_restart_interval=1m", "process_control_timeout=5s"
11:44.33dcpc007hi all. How ssh-keygen choose the list of keys to generate by default (when no option -t is put) ? and how to change this default behavior please ?
11:44.35leo-unglaubthereyougo: i am going to give it a try
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11:45.45thereyougoleo-unglaub: also:
11:45.48dcpc007i need to find a common behavior between different os versions and different OS
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11:48.20blackflowdcpc007: you change the default with -t  :)   but all distros are using the one and the same OpenSSH which hasn't changed the logic of ssh-keygen in quite a while. RSA has always been a default iirc, and DSA has been deprecated with newer sshd servers and you shouldn't be using it anyway.
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11:51.47dcpc007on some centos 7 (recent then) i have rsa + dsa + identity by default ...
11:51.58dcpc007AND authorized_keys2 used !!
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11:52.08rkibem▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ jubo2: ding ding ding grumble aka xyrand is slow and HATES being called xyrand, dont call him it! ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄
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11:52.18dcpc007but it seems taht default is in compile option ant not in a config file ....
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11:52.50blackflowdcpc007: you mean when you run "ssh-keygen" ? or are you talking about defaults installed with the distro?
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11:53.04dcpc007the default when using ssh-keygen
11:53.20GenteelBengrumble: is this true?
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11:54.03dcpc007currently ssh keys were created on different servers ... and the i have not all users with the same type of keys. i think it's not a real problem ot have 3 keys and not oinly the rsa,
11:54.28dcpc007but i don't like have different behaviors and have some config files for nothing (especially for sensible data)
11:54.29blackflowdcpc007: well then it seems RH is patching it to do so. but, what's the problem exactly? you can run ssh-keygen with -t and it should only create one pair of priv-pub keys
11:54.38cokesounds like you want to create all the keys in one central place and roll them out anyways
11:54.57dcpc007when a user connect for the first time and no ssh keys, it generate them autmatically ...
11:55.23blackflowdcpc007: you're talking about sshd server keys, not ssh client private/public keys?
11:55.37dcpc007i'm not sure but i suspect that even with a "only RSA key" user, on some servers the others keys could be generated ... don't understand why
11:55.45dcpc007no user account ssh keys
11:56.00dcpc007on nfs shared home dir
11:56.01jellyGenteelBen: keep comments on spam out of this channel, please
11:56.07blackflowdcpc007: is it in the account skel dir? I don't recall any distro doing that on connection
11:56.12blackflowcertainly not the behavior of ssh
11:56.18dcpc007ha !
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11:56.42dcpc007ok i'll check ... it's some important server that i don't configre myslef and not all the fine details tuned ...
11:56.51blackflowdcpc007: however, what coke suggested is a wise approach. pregenerate the keys as you want them and use in automation
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11:57.20dcpc007for me authorized_keys2 should not be used since 2001 !  then i 'm surprised to see it in recent server, even centos7
11:57.33blackflowdcpc007: is there cpanel on that thing?
11:57.40jellyr00trunner: the remaining automatically installed deps?  Yes, you said you don't need/want any of that stuff
11:57.44dcpc007don't think, never used
11:57.54blackflowdcpc007: because that sounds a lot like cpanel
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11:58.09blackflowanyway, this is becoming offtopic for #debian, as #centos will have more info about their specific configs
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11:58.15dcpc007i will check with a new account i will force with rsa only and see what happens after 1st connection
11:59.07dcpc007yes, but if you want i'll try to make config fo rall servers here, not only debian ones ... i need to have a global approach . (and i hope one day use something like salt and multi os config for deploy)
11:59.34blackflowdcpc007: a global approach works for OpenSSH, you don't have to use authorized_keys2, nor the dsa keys pregenerated by the distro
11:59.36dcpc007and my luck is to have to look too on RHEL and SUSE, and different versions ...
11:59.58blackflowdcpc007: you can simply wipe out ~/.ssh and put in there whatever keys and authorized_keys you want
12:00.03dcpc007yes, a few monthes ago, i don't know it exists :)
12:00.21dcpc0071st time i see lthe *2 file
12:00.22blackflowif it is OpenSSH, it works uniformly across all distros, regardless of distro defaults
12:01.18blackflowthe only difference I've noted is the location of sftp internal executable, it's different between, say, Debian and FreeBSD
12:02.23dcpc007ok i confirm ... i delete my dsa and identoty file .. do a ssh user@centos and it create again dsa and identity file + put in the 2 authorized_files :-(
12:02.39dcpc007same on my debian don't do this :-(
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12:02.48dcpc007i hate centos ...
12:03.19dcpc007but debian not supported by most of official vendors then no support if i go full debian ... boring +++
12:03.23blackflowdcpc007: make a habit to avoid DSA, it's being deprecated
12:03.30dcpc007yes, i would :)
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12:04.17dcpc007that's my final goal .. a simple config with only di_rsa + pub, known_host and authorized_keys like on my "old" servers
12:04.33blackflowbut like I said, you can wipe out the default ~/.ssh and create your own, regardless of distro
12:04.35dcpc007at least i know it's this "new" centos that create the problem
12:04.56dcpc007read , i just do, and all "missing" files are recreated at the ssh connection
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12:06.45blackflowdcpc007: is that a problem, beside having cruft you don't want?
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12:09.53dcpc007not sure, but  ihad to recreate some keys sometime and then i manage only rsa key ... why keep unwanted / unused identity/securty files
12:10.05dcpc007not really a good thing too
12:10.08blackflowdcpc007: ask in #centos, surely there's a way to prevent that, could be skel or shell rc files doing that
12:10.26blackflowit's not something openssh does itself
12:10.33dcpc007yes, dooing it in //
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12:10.47dcpc007default options seems in compilation options too .. not config file
12:13.21blackflowyou're overthinking this. if you want to automate ssh key deployments across different distros you can do that easily, just don't rely on distro defaults, and in case of centos try to block that default behavior
12:14.10dcpc007yes but even after the good configuratioin, it changes when used
12:14.25dcpc007waiting centos answers
12:14.37dcpc007i test on my "old" computer on centos 6, not this problem ...
12:14.50dcpc007maybe it's a bad configuration on this serveur ...
12:15.12dcpc007ppl who installed it are not here naymore :-(
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12:26.57nathmorning everybody, I gut a problem with exim4 after an Upgrade (I'm on "stretch" - testing), output is as follows:
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12:27.37nathI have been looking it up on the net but the 2 Options i found did not do it.
12:27.54nathapt install -f >> same output
12:28.03dpkgTesting is a continuously updated release between <stable> and <unstable>, currently codenamed <stretch>. See . Support in #debian-next on and ask me about <testing faq> <jessie->stretch> <testing security> <moving target> <apt-listchanges> <apt-listbugs> and <bts>. You need a sound knowledge of Debian and be prepared for a very bumpy ride. Don't use it on things that are critical!
12:28.47nathsypher: Sorry! THX
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12:30.33joltnath: I would make sure that exim4 user can write to /run/exim4/ (/run/exim4/). If that is the case, delete all rows in the paniclog and restart again.
12:30.57joltOh, darn
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12:43.56dbristowIs it possible to have sudo rights to a shell script as another user?
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12:44.21dbristowfor example: user ALL=(other-user) NOPASSWD: /path/to/shell/
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12:45.23dbristowUsed like this: sudo -u other-user /path/to/shell/
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12:54.32joltdbristow: yes: user1 ALL=(user2) NOPASSWD: /home/user2/bin/
12:55.20jolt(haven't tried it myself though)
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13:14.51CutMeOwnThroatjudd, versions libopencv-dev
13:14.52juddPackage: libopencv-dev on amd64 -- wheezy: 2.3.1-11+deb7u1; jessie:; stretch:; sid:; experimental: 3.1.0+dfsg-1~exp3
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13:15.18CutMeOwnThroatuh… 3.x is only in experimental
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13:19.11aypea[3]how do I exclude an md device from being started at startup?
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13:25.38CarlFK  may be fixed by
13:25.39juddBug in grub-installer (open, d-i, patch): «grub-installer: NVMe boot drives not supported»; severity: important; opened: 2015-05-12; last modified: 2017-04-19.
13:26.42CarlFKI have installed stretch, rebooted into rescue, I can wget stuff.  how do I get/install the patched version ?
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13:54.11raphaEpakai: indeed, you were right, the username turned out to be Debian-gdm ... thank you!
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14:06.20txanxiously awaits to see if kde plasma 5.9 makes it into next stable.
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14:06.47greycatstretch has been frozen for a while now.
14:06.55greycatIf it's not in stretch, it's not going to be.
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14:07.50tx#testing4lyf then. :)
14:08.21greycatfvwm 4 lyf "What?  It's what year?  Ehh, who cares."
14:09.04han-solowhich window manager?
14:09.06txAnother window manager.
14:09.12greycat,popcon fvwm
14:09.13juddPopcon data for fvwm: inst: 1603, vote: 349, old: 1200, recent: 54, nofiles: 0
14:09.18txI think it stands for F virtual window manager.
14:09.47txAnd aye, gone are the days of i3wm. :)
14:09.53txwent mainstream.
14:09.57greycatIf you like it, it's not gone.
14:10.06greycatUse whatever you want.
14:10.12txFrom my life it is.
14:10.18BluesKajstretch has had a few upgrades in the last week
14:10.19txbut it will always hold a place in my heart.
14:10.26rpd_,popcon wmaker
14:10.36juddPopcon data for wmaker: inst: 1404, vote: 267, old: 1039, recent: 96, nofiles: 2
14:10.44txBluesKaj: only minor ones, something as big as KDE Plasma would be very unlikely to make it at this stage.
14:10.50missmbobBluesKaj: those are rc fixes
14:10.54rpd_wmaker the one and only :D
14:11.33greycat!start a wm war
14:11.33dpkgGNOME makes me vomit!
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14:12.24BluesKajtx:  I'm running KDE/Plasma, but no big changes makes it look like the big ones are already behind us
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14:12.46missmbobyes. when it froze. :P
14:13.08BluesKajhaven't been monitoring the freeze
14:13.12rpd_greycat: just wanted to see the distribution :D
14:13.23rpd_,popcon wmii
14:13.24juddPopcon data for wmii: inst: 225, vote: 84, old: 137, recent: 4, nofiles: 0
14:13.30rpd_,popcon dwm
14:13.31juddPopcon data for dwm: inst: 811, vote: 93, old: 687, recent: 30, nofiles: 1
14:13.41greycat/msg judd popcon ...
14:13.46txpopcon has a website too
14:13.48txwith graphs and all!
14:14.41txPoor i386, on the way out it seems.
14:15.00greycatI'm sure it'll be around for at least another decade or two.
14:15.23BluesKajwhat are the gamers gonna do, a lot of games are still 32bit
14:15.35greycatThat's one of the many reasons.
14:16.11han-solosadly, i still use GNOME, it's been some time i have been wanting to switch to KDE4
14:16.25missmbobmaybe they meant that stretch only supports 586 and higher
14:16.26greycatAnd two decades puts us right up near the 32-bit time_t deadline.
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14:16.37rpd_tx: love the graphs, puts the popularity in perspective over a nice 10+ yr period
14:16.38BluesKajKDE4? a bit late for that
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14:16.56han-soloi haven't tried any kde yet though
14:17.06han-solorooting for 2038 :}
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14:18.04BluesKajnadley:  not much devel going on, now that kde/plasma5 has been around for almost 2 yrs
14:18.12BluesKajhan-solo: ^
14:18.20BluesKajsorrry nadley
14:21.31BluesKajDebian Stretch handles the kde/plasma5 desktop much more smothly than Kubuntu Zesty 17.04 IME
14:22.06han-solowill try it then
14:22.15BluesKajespecially if one uses activities
14:22.57CarlFKhow do I anna-install ?
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14:23.21greycatWow, kde package version numbers are confusing.
14:23.59han-solowhich wm do you use greycat ?
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14:24.46greycatIn stretch, there's kde-standard (version 92) which depends on things like kde-plasma-desktop (version 92) and kmail (version 16.04.0)
14:25.01greycathan-solo: I thought I already made it clear I use fvwm
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14:25.54han-soloah. Sorry, i though you were just making a joke :}
14:26.14greycatwooledg    918   913  0 Apr17 tty1     00:00:06 fvwm
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14:26.38BluesKajCarlFK:  sudo dpkg -i grub-installer_1.128ubuntu8_arm64.udeb
14:27.03BluesKajopen the terminal in the containing folder
14:27.17CarlFKBluesKaj: -sh: dpkg: not found
14:27.27lixusi want to log an "apt-get dist-upgrade" with "script" (typescript), how can i make sure apt-get is just using text mode and not ncurses/dialog when interactive quetions need to be answered ?
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14:28.11CarlFKBluesKaj: I booted into stretch rescue shell
14:28.36greycatlixus: dpkg-reconfigure debconf, according to man dpkg-reconfigure
14:28.38CarlFKBluesKaj: thus needing to use anna stuff.  which I don't really ... get
14:28.44BluesKajCarlFK:  use the path to the package or open the terminal in the folder where the package is located
14:28.58greycatBluesKaj: he's missing dpkg, not the .udeb file
14:29.12BluesKajoh sorry
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14:31.04BluesKajrunning debian without dpkg, how can that be?
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14:31.17greycathe's not in Debian yet
14:31.39greycathe's inside the installer, and he either hasn't installed yet, or he hasn't chrooted into his installed Debian system yet
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14:32.49aypea[3]ffs. how could you not give an easy mechanism to not start an array on boot? :/
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14:33.18BluesKajok greycat, guess I should have read the url more closely
14:33.48CarlFKyep.  installer hit:   - that ubuntu udeb might fix it
14:33.49juddBug in grub-installer (open, d-i, patch): «grub-installer: NVMe boot drives not supported»; severity: important; opened: 2015-05-12; last modified: 2017-04-19.
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14:37.27thadthemanCan anyone help me with my script?
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14:40.36sypherthadtheman: Is that script (that I didn't read because pastebin is terrible) somehow relevant to a Debian-specific issue? Otherwise, you may want whatever channel corresponds to whatever language your script is written in.
14:40.53JubeiI'm wondering why on debian 8.0 there are scripts under /etc/init.d if Debian has moved to systemd
14:41.11greycatnot every package has been fully converted
14:41.18kskJubei: some packages do not have systemd unit files.
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14:41.39ShadurBecause we don't throw something away just because we don't have a use for it anymore right now.
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14:41.59greycatIf a specific package has no systemd unit file, but does have an init.d script, then systemd will use a sysv-rc emulation layer to manage it as best it can.
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14:43.27Jubeiso systemd is still reading these scripts?
14:43.42JubeiI shoudn't.. delete them or anything :)
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14:44.27thadthemansypher: it is bash. zsh awk. So which channel should I ask in?
14:44.44greycatIt is bash, or is it zsh?
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14:45.05thadthemanI did try linux, but they are too busy BSing about Windows to answer linux questions.
14:45.33thadthemangreycat: It's a bash script called from zsh.
14:45.40thadthemanCheck it out.
14:45.44greycatIf it's a zsh script ask #zsh.  If it's a bash script, ask #bash.   But I'll warn you, don't just slam the pastebin URL at us and say "SLAVES, READ THIS AND READ MY MIND AND TELL ME WHAT I WANTED"
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14:46.08twbut for the sake of telepathy, most likely you have the ! outside the ( when you intended it inside.
14:46.10greycatWe will expect you to explain what the goal is, what you tried, and what went wrong.
14:46.15Jubeiin my case, however, I'm noticing that a daemon has something both under init.d AND under /etc/systemd/system/
14:47.03thadthemangreycat: If you look at the pastebin, it will be self explanatory. It's all there including output.
14:47.15greycatYeah, THAT is precisely what gets you on /ignore.
14:47.26greycatWhich you now are.
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14:47.42sypherthadtheman: We tried to warn you.
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14:48.52thadthemansypher: RThat greycat is nutso?
14:49.19Shadurthadtheman: No, that you were being an asshole and more likely to get ignored than helped with that attitude.
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14:52.51someboyHi all.
14:53.00someboyHow do I restart the iptables in jessie?
14:53.24petn-randallsomeboy: ipables is not a daemon, there's nothing to restart.
14:53.26dpkgDescribe your goal, not what you think the solution is.
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14:53.49someboypetn-randall: I did open a port
14:54.05Stummisomeboy, what does this has to do with iptables?
14:54.12Jubeisomeboy do sudo iptables -L to see what's currently happening
14:54.17someboybut I don't see the entry when I do iptables -t nat -L
14:54.45Stummisomeboy, than you should be fine. No entries means everything is allowed
14:54.46Jubeisomeboy if you don't see the entry then it means the command you used to insert it into the table probably failed.
14:55.00petn-randallsomeboy: Can you provide the command + output you used? And also the output of 'iptables -L -vn' and 'iptables -t nat -L -vn'. →
14:55.05greycatI'm guessing the question is "how do I make my iptables rules get loaded when I boot"
14:55.13Stummioh, I thought with "open a port" he means he started a daemon listening on a tcp port or something
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14:56.10thadthemanShadur. It is basically a one-line script. There is a lot more added simply to display problems. Including the output of the script a bit of the input ( not all because as you can see there are hundreds of thousands of lines ). If there is something that is missing tellme. It's not apporpriate for any "language" because it is an awk script called from a bash script. I have no idea where the interaction fails. In fact
14:56.10thadthemanthe only reason it is an awk script is that I don't know how to do a grep that excludes all lines that match two regular expressions. Then it would be a bash script that calls grep.
14:57.02thadthemanWhat I was trying to do is write a script that strips irc logs of all "has joined" and  "has quit" messages.
14:58.15Jubeiis there some way to check if some script in /etc/init.d is actually used by systemd?
14:58.15greycat"I opened a port" is usually shorthand for "I am using a deny-by-default policy firewall, and then I created an exception to allow incoming traffic on one specific port"
14:58.23greycatExcept they usually get something wrong, so it ends up not being that.
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14:58.40greycatJubei: systemctl status SERVICENAME   will show you where it read stuff from
14:59.20greycatE.g. jessie's apache2 shows that it reads from /etc/init.d/apache2 and /lib/systemd/system/apache2.service.d/forking.conf which is ... interesting.
14:59.42Jubeigreycat it shows me that it's using the systemd script, not the init script. So I guess it's safe to delete it. It would be nice to have a way of knowing if that init script is ever used (not only currently)
14:59.50thadthemanJubei, modify that script so it writes something to /tmp/the_scriptname_hasbeen_called then ls /tmp.
14:59.59greycatA systemd unit file has priority.
15:00.40jabojaWhat is newest version of Iceweasel which is the real Iceweasel and not dummy for Firefox?
15:00.52Jubeithank you all.
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15:01.02greycatwonders what "the real Iceweasel" means
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15:14.39ackbdoes anyone know a quick fix for ?
15:16.23timholumI have a module that adds usb over spi, I am wondering how I would configure which spi port to have it use? ( a link to the kernel module )
15:17.16petn-randallackb: Looks like you require java8 but the package doesn't depend on it yet.
15:17.32petn-randall,v default-jre-headless
15:17.33juddPackage: default-jre-headless on amd64 -- wheezy: 1:1.6-47; wheezy-security: 1:1.7-47+deb7u2; jessie: 2:1.7-52; stretch: 2:1.8-58; sid: 2:1.8-58
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15:17.55petn-randall,v openjdk-8-jre-headless
15:17.56juddPackage: openjdk-8-jre-headless on amd64 -- jessie-backports: 8u121-b13-1~bpo8+1; sid: 8u121-b13-4; stretch: 8u121-b13-4
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15:18.25ackbpetn-randall, yes, the last comment suggests an updated debian package might be out by now, but how do you check whats installed/available and the dependency specs of the deb ?
15:18.31petn-randallackb: Installing openjdk-8-jre-headless from jessie-backports /should/ fix the problem (from what I've read in the bug report, but untested by me).
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15:18.41ackbapt-get upgrade says it skipped jenkins
15:18.48petn-randall,v jenkins
15:18.49juddNo package named 'jenkins' was found in amd64.
15:18.51ackbbut apt-get dist-upgrade does not update jenkins either
15:19.13petn-randallackb: That's a strong hint that you're already running the current jenkins package.
15:19.39dpkgSome packages intended for Stretch (Debian 9) but recompiled for use with "Jessie" (8.x) can be found in the "jessie-backports" repository.  See .  A suitable line for your sources.list is «deb jessie-backports main».  Also ask me about <bdo>.
15:20.12petn-randallackb: Yes, we already established that.
15:20.36ackbjava -version is 1.7.0_121
15:20.45ackbso I didn't get the update to 1.8 yet
15:20.52greycatackb: install the openjdk-8-jre-headless package from jessie-backports
15:21.05petn-randallackb: "get"? You have to install it by hand from backports.
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15:23.45ackbgreycat, apt-get install openjdk-8-jre-headless
15:24.00greycatThat is not the correct command to install a pkg from jessie-backports.
15:24.24ackb-t jessie-backports ok
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15:33.33twtimholum: You need to configure your device tree entries for your chip and board.
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15:37.18timholumtw: do you know of any documentation for doing that?
15:38.46twThe kernel docs are the only ones I know, sorry. Here's the one for spi:
15:38.55twIt's pretty out of scope for #debian though =/
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15:39.55timholumtw: Thanks, That gives me a direction to start digging in
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16:25.08newlinuxHi what format on my USB should I use to install debian?
16:25.17newlinuxFAT32 would be good?
16:26.06petn-randallnewlinux: You want to install Debian onto the USB stick?
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16:26.25newlinuxno I want install debian on my hard drive from the USB
16:26.55alekznewlinux: you can try Etcher
16:27.01petn-randallnewlinux: Then you don't format it at all, just copy the image onto the blank device.
16:27.03alekzit's a nice tool to create booting usb from .iso files
16:27.10newlinuxwhat is Etcher?
16:27.11dpkgetcher is, like, initial testing shows etcher is not a reliable way to copy debian images for installation. instead use cp or dd for linux, or win32diskimager for windows.
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16:27.33alekzdpkg knows everything :P
16:27.33dpkgalekz: KCI error, or a problem with the Keyboard-Chair Interface.
16:27.33petn-randallnewlinux: It's bad advice, see above.
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16:27.45newlinuxno I will use win32diskimager to copy file to file from .iso to USB, can I use FAT32?
16:27.46maurerI've got a debian jessie system with a large number of drives which I just upgraded from kernel 3.13 to 3.16 in response to repeated CPU soft lockups. With 3.16, it no longer boots, saying it can't find /dev/disk/by-uuid/UUID-HERE
16:28.01alekzdidn't know this problem with etcher and debian
16:28.05maurerIf I boot 13 from the grub menu, it boots successfully
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16:28.24petn-randallnewlinux: Any partitions and filesystems on the usb stick will be overwritten, you don't need to format/partition it at all.
16:28.32maurerIf I go into the initramfs in the failed 16 boot and look around, drives /dev/sda-/dev/sdk are all present, but there is only one entry in /dev/disk/by-uuid
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16:29.29newlinuxpetn-randall: so win32diskimager will format it for me or what?
16:29.41daxnewlinux: the disk image .iso contains a filesystem and it will use that filesystem
16:30.00newlinuxdax: so it really doesnt matter what format the USB has?
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16:30.20daxthe entire disk gets overwritten, filesystem and partition table and all
16:30.26newlinuxok thank you
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16:34.56petn-randallThree times is the charm.
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16:38.24jabojabtw, is it possible to install Debian or Ubuntu on a flashdrive and just use it that way? Or will it be slower or eat more memory than installed on HD?
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16:40.37petn-randalljaboja: Most USB sticks are much slower, so booting and working with it will be painful. Also USB stick memory isn't always reliable.
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16:41.25jabojaWill it help if it shared swap space with my main OS on HD?
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16:47.09petn-randalljaboja: hardly
16:47.13StochasticAre there any serious consequences to expanding an ext4 partition?
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16:47.26petn-randallStochastic: You might end up with more free space.
16:47.39Stochasticpetn-randall: huh?
16:48.38Stochasticpetn-randall: care to elaborate a bit, please?
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16:51.31petn-randallStochastic: If you expand a ext4 partition, you end up having more free space on the filesystem.
16:51.43Stochasticpetn-randall: is that a joke or something?
16:51.57kruugwhere would I find `` on my system?
16:52.30jhutchins_wk_kruug: you could use locate
16:52.56petn-randallStochastic: It depends. Would you expect a different answer?
16:53.24Stochasticpetn-randall: X_X
16:53.41kruugjhutchins_wk_: Thanks!  I was trying to figure out `find`
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16:54.39jhutchins_wk_kruug: That's a good possibility, find / -name "libdbus*"
16:54.54jhutchins_wk_It gets a little lost on root searches.
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16:55.20jhutchins_wk_kruug: I don't have that file on my system.
16:56.27kruugjhutchins_wk_: yeah, I couldn't figure out syntax for `find`
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17:04.30jhutchins_wk_kruug: Basic use is find <starting from> -name "<name>*"
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17:05.49jhutchins_wk_jaboja: There are "live" images that are optimized to run off of slow medial like CDs or pen drives.  They mostly run in RAM.
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17:09.31StochasticJust resized my home; is resizing going to affect this partition's performance now?
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17:11.06jhutchins_wk_Stochastic: How do you think it would do that?
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17:11.23Stochasticjhutchins_wk_: I don't know if it does that, so I'm asking X_X
17:11.30StochasticI don't know what I don't know!
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17:12.34jhutchins_wk_Stochastic: It will change the time it takes to format it, it will change the time it takes to fsck it.
17:12.50Stochasticjhutchins_wk_: oh. Ok.
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17:13.20jhutchins_wk_It would take very precise equipment to see the difference in random seek times caused by having to seek over a larger or smaller area of the disk.
17:13.23Stochasticafaik, mkfs.ext4 says that it does some allocation stuff for a particular size
17:13.44StochasticSo, I wonder if something's "different" now that I resized it
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17:13.56jhutchins_wk_Stochastic: Really, nothing that you'll notice.
17:13.57StochasticBut, whatever
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17:14.56greycatThe main difference is that it'll hold more stuff.
17:15.59`KevinStochastic: performance would only noticeably degrade if somehow you skewd block size and/or the start block of the partition thus throwing off partition alignment
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17:16.35Stochastic`Kevin: didn't do either. Thanks for the detailed answer. :)
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17:23.49glaucomhi all
17:23.56glaucomi need help install samba.
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17:26.13dpkgIf you have a question, just ask! For example: "I have a problem with ___; I'm running Debian version ___. When I try to do ___ I get the following output ___. I expected it to do ___." Don't ask if you can ask, if anyone uses it, or pick one person to ask. We're all volunteers; make it easy for us to help you. If you don't get an answer try a few hours later or on See <smart questions><errors>.
17:27.03*** join/#debian lethu (~lethu@unaffiliated/lethu)
17:27.46greycatYou pasted the output of some command, probably an apt-get command, but you didn't show the command itself.  You also didn't provide any background on WHY your system is broken.  Did you change sources.list?  Did you download a samba .deb file from a random web site and try to install it?
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17:34.58SarkHow can I force xorg to ignore the lack of EDID data from my monitor and just do what I tell it to?
17:35.03CyberJacobI'm having an issue with aptitude refusing to do anything useful with the error "E: Can't find a source to download version '3.12.9~git20141130.241663-1' of 'evolution-common:amd64'"
17:35.17CyberJacobI don't even want evolution...
17:35.36greycatIt's probably a dependency of something else that you did ask for.
17:35.41CyberJacobIs there a way to tell Aptitude to uninstall and remove it?
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17:36.25greycatThere's "aptitude why".
17:36.47CyberJacobIf I don't have X installed, is there any reason to have tk8.6?
17:37.14greycat"aptitude why tk8.6"
17:37.41CyberJacobi  expect  Recommends tk8.6
17:38.14CyberJacobbut I can't remove tk because of that error
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17:42.34CyberJacobgreycat: any ideas?
17:43.51greycatSo you want to know why evolution-common is deemed necessary.
17:44.03greycatIf only you knew of a command that could tell you why the package manager was doing things.
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17:45.13SarkMy xorg.conf -  and the log output -  X just refuses to use the mode I specify, because it thinks the monitor isn't connected.
17:45.14CyberJacobI know why, and it's not
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17:45.25CyberJacobit's a reccomendation of a reccomendation from the `expect` package
17:45.44CyberJacobbut regardless of that, I can't remove it or `expect` because of that error
17:45.51SarkThe monitor works fine, as does the card. I know the modeline is good. It's just that the monitor doesn't support EDID so it doesn't think it's plugged in.
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17:47.18SarkSo how can I just tell X to trust me, there IS a monitor there, just display the mode I'm telling it to display.
17:47.32greycat13:47 Ignoring MSGS from pcz
17:47.38greycaterr, that was for #bash
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17:48.29greycatSark: probably by creating xorg.conf.d fragments.  Ask #xorg?
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17:51.00JyZyXELwhat is the simplest/fastest performing method of remote desktopping into a LAN connected debian desktop?
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17:53.00CyberJacobJyZyXEL: VNC?
17:53.17JyZyXELi think it has very poor performance?
17:54.45JyZyXELhmmm, well apparently its not that bad after all
17:55.02SarkOK, I asked over in #xorg too, and I'll keep an eye on it, I know that's not a real active channel.
17:55.37SarkBut at the moment, I'm tearing my hair out. I have tried every trick I have seen mentioned, and added every variant of "ignoreEDID" that I have found.
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17:57.54CyberJacobSark: do you have a Monitor section in your xorg.conf?
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17:59.22greycatI would personally start out by just creating a Monitor *fragment* in xorg.conf.d instead of making an entire xorg.conf file.
18:00.36SarkCyberJacob: Yes. I have defined absolutely everything in my xorg.conf
18:00.52CyberJacobSark: got the right Identifier?
18:00.56SarkMy xorg.conf -  and the log  output -
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18:01.59CyberJacobSark: we looking at the NEC or the Radius Pivot?
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18:02.10SarkThe Radius.
18:02.36SarkThe NEC doesn't support EDID either, afaik, but the computer does see that it's connected.
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18:02.52CyberJacobI'm guessing it should be 640x870?
18:02.57SarkIn the log, you can see that it ignores the modeline for the Radius, and just makes up something when it thinks VGA-2 is disconnected.
18:03.05SarkYes. That is the mode, that is the only mode that monitor supports.
18:04.32CyberJacobSark: did you add the mode using xrandr?
18:04.45Sarkxrandr doesn't see the other display
18:05.39CyberJacobdoesn't see?
18:05.52SarkIt doesn't list it.
18:06.11SarkAt least, I don't think so. It only shows the one card.
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18:07.17CyberJacobWhere did you get the modeline from?
18:07.46SarkI computed it based on the capabilities of the monitor.
18:07.55SarkThe modeline does work, I've used it before.
18:08.20CyberJacobif you do `cvt 640 870 75`, does that give you the same modeline?
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18:08.30aja22hey, im new to linux. for a web server that has a public ip and a private ip, what IP should i use for the full hostname?
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18:08.40SarkThe previous graphics card I was using would work with it fine, but it would crash X after it was running for a few minutes because the 3DFX driver didn't play nice with the nvidia one.
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18:09.07mefistofelesaja22: if you want to connect from the outside of your Local Network, you have to use the public IP
18:09.24mefistofelesaja22: but you have to make sure the ports are opened and forwared by the ISP or whatever setup you need
18:09.28CyberJacobok, then try `xrandir --newmode "640x870@75" 65.26 640 672 912 944 870 886 897 914 -HSync +Vsync`, what does that say?
18:09.36greycataja22: whatever you put in /etc/hosts is 99.9% irrelevant.  Your web server is driven by DNS and by your web server configs.
18:10.47*** join/#debian Andreas33 (~quassel@2a01:4f8:d12:140f::2)
18:11.01CyberJacobSark: and then `xrandr --addmode VGA-2 640x870@75` (might need to escape the @s on both of those)
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18:11.20greycat@ isn't special to any shells
18:11.57CyberJacobSark: then finally, `xrandr --output VGA-2 --mode 640x870@75`
18:11.57Sarkcannot find output VGA-2
18:12.09SarkIt took the mode just fine
18:12.20SarkBut doesn't believe in the existance of VGA-2
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18:12.50CyberJacobStrange, because that's what X calls it in the log
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18:13.54CyberJacobSark: does `xrandr -q` or `lshw -c video` find it?
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18:16.26Sarkdoes not show up when I do xrandr -q
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18:16.35Sarkshows up in lshw and in lspci
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18:20.05SarkNow, if I type those commands in for VGA-1, and swap the monitor over to the first graphics card, it works perfectly.
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18:23.24SarkSo, the monitor and the modeline are good.
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18:32.52dkaIs it possible to tell sonar-ldap plugin to only login if the user is present is found in at least one group ? Right any user found is allowed to login, even if they have no group. I have forced the security so user have to login but this doesn't correct the issue.
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18:53.49raynoldahh it's a wonderful day
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19:36.47indistyloI am getting low disk space warning:, Can someone help how to get rid of it, disk stats, df and du profiles:, How to know the root cause? Kindly suggest solution for disk fill up
19:38.22phoggindistylo: are you sure you're running Debian?
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19:39.03missmbobidmistir: you probably have a ton of old log files in /var/log/ that you can safely delete. those quickly add up to gigs. also apt-get clean
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19:39.31indistylophogg: debian derived, Ubuntu :)
19:39.37dpkgUbuntu is based on Debian, but it is not Debian.  Only Debian is supported on #debian.  Use #ubuntu on instead.  Even if the channel happens to be less helpful, support for distributions other than Debian is offtopic on #debian.  See also <based on debian> and <ubuntuirc>.
19:39.53phoggindistylo: come to ##linux and I will help you.
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19:40.31SuperTramp83missmbob already provided the fix.. indistylo /var/log and clean
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19:44.19jhutchins_wk_phogg: You'll want to get logrotate installed and working, no idea why that distro wouldn't take care of that.
19:44.56phoggjhutchins_wk_: If it's logs. Sometimes it's core files, things the user forgot about, etc.
19:45.09jellySuperTramp83, that's not a fix, that's an educated guess
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19:45.51Pro1Hey guys. Maxres is stuck at 1024x768 and my monitor is stuck at unknown. I installed with a VGA cable plugged in to the integrated graphic card where the problem started at first. Now I have a graphic card and I have tried using both DVI and VGA but the screen is stil unknown and res is stil stuck at 1024x768. Anyone have any idea where the problem might be?
19:46.02jhutchins_wk_phogg: Actually, I meant that for indistylo
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19:46.54jhutchins_wk_Pro1: Sounds like your chipset wasn't recognized and it's fallen back to the VESA driver.
19:46.59jellyPro1, which graphic cards specifically?  lspci -nn |grep VGA
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19:48.27Pro1Jelly: Can you write command again? I bugged out
19:48.51jellyPro1, lspci -nn | grep VGA
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19:49.31Pro100:01.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Kaveri [Radeon R7 Graphics] [1002:1313]
19:49.32Pro101:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Tahiti PRO [Radeon HD 7950/8950 OEM / R9 280] [1002:679a]
19:50.02jellyjudd, pciid 1002:1313
19:50.03judd[1002:1313] is 'Kaveri [Radeon R7 Graphics]' from 'Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI]' with kernel module 'snd-hda-intel' in jessie. See also and the out-of-tree 'snd-hda-intel' module.
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19:50.14jellythat doesn't look right
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19:51.49jellyPro1, I don't know a lot about amd gpus, but installing a newer kernel from jessie-backports would be a start
19:52.01bibblewhat gui calculator do you like ?
19:52.16jellyjudd, pciid 1002:1313 --release stretch
19:52.17juddAn error has occurred and has been logged. Please contact this bot's administrator for more information.
19:52.31greycatbibble: I don't use a "gui calculator".  I keep a terminal open with bc -l running in it all the time.
19:52.34jellydpkg, tell Pro1 about jessie-backports
19:52.42jellydpkg, tell Pro1 about bdo kernel
19:53.16jellydpkg, tell Pro1 about radeon firmware
19:54.04Pro1What do you mean doesn't look right?
19:54.33jellyPro1, read the topics bot sent you in private messages.  Make sure you get firmware-linux-nonfree from jessie-backports as well.
19:54.41bibblegreat greycat :) ..are you able to use the last sum in a new calc without retyping it ?
19:55.10jellythe other bot's output did not look right
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19:55.45jellyit looked as if there was no kernel driver support for that gpu in jessie.  Thus the suggestion to switch to 4.9 kernel from jessie-backports
19:56.05bibblegreycat: ah, got parenthesis, so kind of solved :)
19:56.06jellywhere the "radeon" kernel driver does seem to match that PCI id
19:56.07greycatbibble: yes, "." refers to the previous result
19:56.17bibbleoh, even better !!
19:56.31greycatand yes, you can use parentheses
19:56.38jhutchins_wk_That's a ~2012 card, should be supported.
19:56.39jellydpkg, tell Pro1 about non-free sources
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19:56.59jhutchins_wk_,pciid 1002:679a
19:57.01judd[1002:679a] is 'Tahiti PRO [Radeon HD 7950/8950 OEM / R9 280]' from 'Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI]' with kernel modules 'snd-hda-intel', 'radeon' in jessie. See also and the out-of-tree 'snd-hda-intel' module.
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19:57.08SarkOK, well, I have determined my problem is solely due to the computer not being able to detect that a monitor is connected. I borrowed another monitor, and if I have that one connected when I start X, then it sees a monitor, and obeys my modeline. Then I can swap over to my monitor, and it works perfectly.
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19:57.28phoggbibble: for a graphical calc I kind of like qalculate, though it's a bit busy
19:58.01SarkSo... how to force it to output regardless of if it thinks there is a monitor connected?
19:58.03jellyjhutchins_wk_, maybe judd is just buggy there
19:58.22jellyindeed, /lib/modules/3.16.0-4-amd64/modules.alias:alias pci:v00001002d00001313sv*sd*bc*sc*i* radeon
19:58.37bibblethanks phogg , will take a look. though think greycat's 'bc' is just right actually
19:58.59phoggbibble: bc is the better answer, really, since it's found everywhere and is dead simple.
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20:00.56jellySark, ask in #xorg channel perhaps
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20:01.19lolorasudo apt-get install dkim-filter
20:01.23loloraE: Unable to locate package dkim-filter
20:01.39lolorawhy did you remove dkim-filter?
20:02.01jelly,v dkim-filter
20:02.02juddNo package named 'dkim-filter' was found in amd64.
20:02.21jellylolora, which release did you see it last in?
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20:02.42jhutchins_wk_,v opendkim
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20:02.44juddPackage: opendkim on amd64 -- wheezy: 2.6.8-4; jessie: 2.9.2-2+deb8u1; stretch: 2.11.0~alpha-9; sid: 2.11.0~alpha-9
20:02.50jellyand are you sure that's the correct package name?
20:02.57lolora<jelly> no idea but it is mentionned in this guide
20:03.23jellylolora, how old is that guide?
20:03.30missmbobit's not in ubuntu either
20:03.43lolora<jelly> I don't know
20:04.04jellylolora, don't trust random guides on web.
20:04.22lolora<jelly> this is part of virtualmin guide
20:04.31greycatAnd don't put people's nicks in <angle brackets> if you are addressing them.  Angle brackets are used by most clients to indicate who is speaking, so it looks like you are pasting something jelly SAID.
20:04.33phoggespecially don't trust {wen,virtual}min
20:04.40jellylolora, at the very least, make sure the ones you choose to trust are written for the OS and release you have installed
20:05.12jellylolora, so... ask the virtualmin people if this applies to debian 8 ("jessie") or not
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20:05.54missmbobthere is no such package in snapshot, either
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20:06.20jhutchins_wk_Ahem.  See opendkim listed above by judd.
20:06.23jellylolora, if you do something like "apt-cache search dkim filter" you may find packages with related functionality.
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20:06.58lolorawhy did you remove dkim ?
20:07.00jhutchins_wk_,v dkim-milter-python
20:07.02juddPackage: dkim-milter-python on amd64 -- sid: 0.8.18-2; stretch: 0.8.18-2; jessie: 0.8.18-2
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20:07.19lolorawhy did you remove dkim-filter in particular ?
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20:07.28JeoWi used this guide to setup dkim for postfix on jessie and it worked fine for me:
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20:07.54jhutchins_wk_lolora: Why do you think it was removed?  It was probably never packaged, or was packaged in some other package.
20:07.59jellylolora, this package hasn't existed in debian since at least 2012 and probably before.
20:08.13*** join/#debian Dj_Dexter (djdexter@gentoo/user/dj-dexter)
20:08.25jellylolora, maybe it never was part of debian.
20:08.37lolora<JeoW> cool but it might break virtualmin, they say we should never customize
20:08.39jellythat would have made it hard to remove
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20:09.19jellyyou'll have to ask virtualmin people where they got that from.
20:09.27jhutchins_wk_lolora: That's probably written for a different distribution that also uses apt/deb, like ubuntu.  Their packages are different.
20:09.35jellywasn't debian 6 or 7 or 8.
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20:10.18missmbobit's also not in ubuntu
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20:10.52jellyoh, it actually was present in Debian 6
20:10.54dannyLopezAny one help me, I try compile, but show me this error:
20:11.02jellyjudd: bug rm dkim-filter
20:11.06juddSorry, no removal reasons were found.
20:11.11jhutchins_wk_The guid does say "Debian or Ubuntu" - I guess it's just wrong.
20:11.23loloraso their guide is bogus? :/
20:11.38jellyjudd: bug rm dkim-milter
20:11.40juddSorry, no removal reasons were found.
20:11.43jhutchins_wk_lolora: Errors like that should make you suspicious of the quality of the virtualmin code and other documentation.
20:11.49jellylolora, yes
20:11.58jellyhas not been updated for Debian 7 or 8
20:12.26jellypackages created from dkim-milter source do not include "dkim-filter" any more, but there are others.
20:12.49missmbobdannyLopez: sudo apt install libgl1-mesa-dev
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20:14.43dannyLopezmissmbob: 0 actualizados, 0 nuevos se instalarán, 0 para eliminar y 0 no actualizados.
20:14.45jellylolora, opendkim seems to be a still-supported fork of dkim-milter, (aptitude changelog opendkim says so)
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20:15.27lolora<jelly> thank you I'll try that athough I'm scared of breaking my server
20:15.49jellylolora, do not put my nick in < >
20:16.11greycatAnd don't put people's nicks in <angle brackets> if you are addressing them.  Angle brackets are used by most clients to indicate who is speaking, so it looks like you are pasting something jelly SAID.
20:16.12jellyuse jelly: or jelly, instead
20:16.12lolora<jelly> sorry this is copy pasta garbage
20:16.26lolorablame my client
20:16.45missmbobwe can blame you for not configuring your client properly
20:17.10Pro1jelly: So let me see if I got this right. I can't increase my resolution without installing non-free software with radeon graphic card? This problem would not exist if I had nvidia card? What happens if I re-install debian with the radeon card plugged in?
20:17.36cruncherlolora, dont copy paste, just start typing the name like "jel" then hit tabulator.. every decent client should have auto completion
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20:18.09loloraell ok I'll do that if it really matters to you
20:18.13jellyPro1, I have no idea how radeon works on linux, and which cards need firmware for video decoding and which for everything
20:18.45jellyit is not likely there would be any change if you had the card present at install time
20:19.09cruncherPro1, no, you can use the free driver, at least it works perfectly with 7970. dont see why not with 7950
20:19.14jellydebian will not install non-free bits by default, you need to explicitely opt-in
20:19.17lolorathere are debian devs here?
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20:19.37loloraor just users?
20:19.39Pro1cruncher: Where is this driver?
20:20.02jellythere are some devs in here, perhaps a bit more on
20:20.04cruncherPro1, the free driver debian already installed
20:20.20lolorajelly, ok
20:20.27*** join/#debian lethu (~lethu@unaffiliated/lethu)
20:20.28cruncherim not at a amd gpu station right now, but i believe it was the radeon module
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20:21.15cruncherPro1, there must be something else wrong there if you cant get higher than 1024... did you check the logs?
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20:22.34SarkThere. I figured it out. The graphics card was trying to detect if a monitor was connected by looking for the termination resistors on the RGB lines.
20:22.51SarkBecause this is not a color monitor, there was only a termination resistor on the one line.
20:22.52*** part/#debian foo30303 (~foocraft@unaffiliated/foocraft)
20:23.08jhutchins_wk_Sark: Good work!
20:23.09SarkI soldered a couple of 75 ohm resistors to the back of the video card to terminate the two unused video lines.
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20:23.29SarkSo now it correctly detects that there is a monitor connected, and it works perfectly.
20:23.32jhutchins_wk_Sark: Ack!  I would've don it at the monitor, or at least the cable.
20:23.48cruncherpro1, and you'lll need the firmware anyway... so check if its installed
20:23.52SarkThe graphics card was a lot easier to get to. That monitor is a pain to disassemble.
20:24.11SarkAnd it's super easy to just desolder the resistors if I ever wanted to.
20:24.16Pro1cruncher: What logs? yes I can't get higher than 1024x768.
20:24.21jhutchins_wk_Sark: Well, it's your hardware.
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20:24.33jhutchins_wk_Sark: You just need to remember what you did.
20:24.51Pro1I shouldn't need to install non-free firmware in order to get higher resolution than 1024, seriously?
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20:25.06SarkYeah - I know, if I connect a color monitor to this in the future, I'll have double termination on those two lines, which could affect the video slightly.
20:25.33jhutchins_wk_Pro1: Seriously.  Need to get a lot of wifi chipsets working as well.
20:25.35greycatMany recent pieces of hardware require non-free firmware.
20:25.40SarkBut, it's not a big deal. If I ever have another cause to take this mono monitor back apart, I'll add resistors in there and take them off the graphics card.
20:25.50SarkBut, for now, problem solved.
20:25.59SarkAnd I'm happy.
20:26.19jellyPro1, even intel gpus need (non-free) firmware for the last two generations to work properly
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20:26.58jhutchins_wk_Pro1: You'll see evidence of the problem in the output of dmesg and in /var/log/Xorg.0.log
20:28.12jellyPro1, pastebin output of "xrandr" and that /var/log/Xorg.0.log if you want someone to take a look
20:28.16Pro1[drm:radeon_pci_probe] *ERROR* radeon kernel modesetting for R600 or later requires firmware-linux-nonfree.
20:28.17greycat"dmesg | grep -i firmware" is also helpful
20:28.27greycatYes, like that :)
20:28.39jellyPro1, that seems pretty clear cut
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20:28.54Pro1hehe yes
20:29.12Pro1so what are you telling me, that I need an old as fuck gpu for higher res than 1024?
20:29.30greycatYou need to install the firmware-linux-nonfree package to make full use of this card.
20:29.58Pro1I don't want full use I want higher resolution than 1024
20:30.09cruncheryou are contradicting yourself
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20:30.13jellyPro1, that's part of "full use" duh
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20:31.23jellymy nvidia needs firmware for h264 decoding, but not for modesetting.  Your card needs firmware for modesetting.  If that goes against your beliefs, consider investigating hardware a bit better before buying next time
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20:31.57Pro1Any list of what cards is supported with free drivers?
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20:32.19jellygreycat, but not the latest two generations.
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20:32.38jellythose have external fw as well
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20:33.30JeoWso, i'm sick of ubuntu and i want to install debian. do i need to do anything with my /home partition in preparation? if i just create the same uid on debian will i be ok?
20:33.45greycatYou should.
20:34.05missmbobmaybe. different versions of software could have conflicting configuration files
20:34.15greycatSome of your files may be configs for different versions of programs, so there *could* be some minor incompatibilities there.
20:34.50greycatNothing worse than you'd expect if you shared your /home across multiple systems via NFS.
20:34.59JeoWalright, im gonna go for it
20:35.01missmbobmay be bad enough some programs wont run or crash a lot. until you delete those configs
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20:37.10jhutchins_wk_When I went from 32b Jessie to 64b, I had to selectively import my $HOME files, it wouldn't load the GUI with the old ones.
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20:37.45greycatThat sounds horrible.
20:37.58greycatA window manager designed to be incompatible with a shared /home?
20:38.03jellyportability is for wimps!
20:38.20cruncherPro1, for that info you can see the description of xserver-xorg-video-radeon
20:38.30crunchershould cover all it supports
20:38.45phoggjhutchins_wk_: was it GNOME? Please tell me it was GNOME.
20:39.03greycatcruncher: that doesn't appear to say which of those are only fully supported by adding non-free firmware
20:39.13jellyphogg, kde isn't any better
20:39.17crunchergreycat, true
20:39.29cruncherbut that wasnt his question :)
20:39.37greycatI'm pretty sure it was.
20:39.44phoggjelly: but I want to put all my distaste in one basket, so I want it to only be a GNOME problem
20:39.48greycat16:31  Pro1> Any list of what cards is supported with free drivers?
20:39.55jhutchins_wk_phogg: xfce4
20:40.12phoggjelly: although to be honest KDE's terrible dbus menu stuff is just as ridiculous
20:40.17jhutchins_wk_phogg: I'm not certain the root issue was with the WM, there was a lot of cruft.
20:40.20jellygreycat, does not say "with free drivers and NO ADDITIONAL SOFTWARE" !
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20:41.02greycatIt seemed completely clear from context.
20:41.03jellyphogg, Unity has dbus-driven panel indicators and probably menus too
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20:41.23missmbobeh who cares. unity and mir are dead.
20:41.29phoggjhutchins_wk_: yeah, probably. I did a 32->64 move pretty recently that went very smoothly, but with only a few years of accretion to deal with,
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20:41.55phoggjelly: It's all fun and games until you try remote X!
20:42.16jellymissmbob, only dead because gtk3/gnome now have good enough APIs to do most the features natively
20:42.24jhutchins_wk_Pro1: It's not a matter of need an old card to get high res, it's a matter of how the hardware is supported.  I don't know about the latest Intel graphics, but many fairly recent chipsets do high res with no firmware or non-free drivers.
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20:44.19crunchergreycat, sorry if i didnt read between the lines... i will behave myself in future from giving any information since i can read only whats written
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20:45.37missmbob"Once the new development cycle opens up for buster (right after final stretch release) we'll be switching gnome to use Wayland by default" ...well that's good news
20:46.50gentunianhi, in debian 4.1 there's a file with the 'a' attribute set. I cannot change it with chattr -a saying that operation was not permitted. When I invoke lcap I can see that my root user has no CAP_LINUX_IMMUTABLE and CAP_SETPCAP enabled. How can I set those capabilties in order to remove the 'a' attribute?
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20:47.05gentunianI've been googling a lot without luck.
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20:47.58Pro1jhutchins_wk_: Yes I will do some reading about hardware.
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20:49.24jhutchins_wk_Pro1: I'm not sure why they do it with graphics cards, but the restrictions on wifi firmware are often about making sure the radios operate within the regulations for the country they're in.  They have the capability to operate outside those regulations if they're in another jurisdiction.
20:49.27greycatDebian 4.1?  Seriously?
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20:52.37jhutchins_wk_greycat: I have a lenny server with samba, hylafax, and mail that I have to get up to date and to 64b.
20:52.54greycat4.1 is older than lenny
20:53.03jhutchins_wk_I figure I'm building a new one from scratch and swapping the HD.
20:53.12gentuniangreycat, yes :/
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20:53.38jhutchins_wk_greycat: Etch.
20:54.29jhutchins_wk_gentunian: What's the uptime?
20:54.36gentunianunfortunately is a mail server.
20:54.42greycatAnyway, I don't know of any irreversible file attribute operators on etch.  If you changed something at the kernel level AFTER the modification, maybe you need to change that back.  Or move the disk to a system without a kernel restriction on chattr.
20:54.56*** join/#debian ArchDuke (~ArchDuke@unaffiliated/archduker)
20:55.00gentunianjhutchins, just an hour, when I missused lcap and I removed capabilities
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20:55.09gentuniani needed to reboot ....
20:55.15greycator destroy the file and make a new one with the same content but without the chattr weirdness
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20:55.48jhutchins_wk_We came across a server a while back with something like 2000+ days of uptime.
20:55.50gentuniangreycat, I can't remove the file, it has the append only flag
20:56.24gentunianwe have some dns servers with ~800 days, but 2000 it's a lot :)
20:56.54jhutchins_wk_~5 yrs.
20:56.57gentunianand the file is a log file growing, 3GB as for now.
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20:59.32jhutchins_wk_gentunian: You could echo > file
21:00.11greycathe will tell you how he broke something and now he can't do that
21:00.23greycatbecause apparently he broke every possible thing relating to that file
21:00.40jellythere was no 4.1 debian.  4.0.1 maybe?
21:01.31gentunianjhutchins, operation not permitted
21:01.40gentunianjelly, Debian 4.1.1-21
21:01.48greycatthat is not how Debian version numbers work
21:01.55gentuniancat /proc/version says that
21:01.56greycatWhat command did you run to get that output?
21:01.59jellygentunian, where are you getting that version from?
21:02.01greycatThat is a KERNEL thing.
21:02.02*** join/#debian PityDaFool (
21:02.04jelly!debian suite
21:02.04dpkgcat /etc/debian_version (or lsb_release -sc).  Or check /etc/apt/sources.list.  If unsure about the distribution, $ cat /etc/{*version*,*release*,*issue*} should grab almost all distributions.
21:02.09jellygentunian,  ^^
21:02.14greycatAnd you only showed PART of the output
21:02.21gentunianups, 4.0 then
21:02.29greycatWRONG AND WRONGER
21:02.41greycatYou are showing the version of THE GNU C COMPILER THAT BUILT YOUR KERNEL
21:02.44gentunianI swear
21:02.55jellygentunian, what do "cat /etc/debian_version" and "lsb_release -sc" say?
21:02.57gentuniancat /etc/debian_version
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21:03.21gentunianjelly, lsb_release does not exists.
21:03.38*** part/#debian cruncher (~cruncher@unaffiliated/cruncher)
21:03.46jellygentunian, what does "dpkg -l libc6 dpkg | tail -2" say?
21:03.47gentunianand just don't be rude, I inherited this problem :)
21:04.01jellyshow the complete output.
21:04.20gentunianii  dpkg           1.13.26               package maintenance system for Debian
21:04.20gentunianii  libc6          2.3.6.ds1-13etch10+b1 GNU C Library: Shared libraries
21:04.30jellyokay, that's really etch
21:04.37jellyyou poor sod
21:04.44bin_bashlol oh my word
21:04.52greycatWeird how he did everything except "cat /etc/debian_version" though.
21:05.01jellyeh, whatevs
21:05.09gentunian:/ we received an alert to free space, so I found this file and I wanted to be removed. Impossible.
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21:05.26jellygentunian, and you don't have chattr command?
21:05.43gentuniangreycat, I mainly use centos, so i'm used to /etc/issue rather than other debian related commands, sry for that.
21:05.52greycatNear as I can tell, he fucked around with the kernel and broke root's ability to run chattr on this file.  Or that's what he said.
21:06.08gentunianjelly, yes, but I can't set the 'a' because I dont have CAP_LINUX_INMUTABLE capability enabled
21:06.20gentunianchatrr -a <file> returns "operation not permitted"
21:06.31jellyschedule downtime, boot a live image, fix things
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21:06.33bin_bashgentunian: what is the output of uname -a
21:06.39bin_bashoh nvm
21:06.40gentuniangreycat, I don't admin this server, I can't touch this kernel
21:06.58greycatThen how did you get it into this state?
21:07.01jellygentunian, what does "uname -a" say?
21:07.07bin_bashgreycat: he said he inherited it
21:07.16gentunianmanagers told me to audit the server running out of space.
21:07.28*** join/#debian anuxivm (~anuxi@
21:07.33gentunianLinux my-hostname 2.6.18-4-686 #1 SMP Wed May 9 23:03:12 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux
21:07.44gentunian(my-hostname is my edit)
21:07.53sypherYes, your hostname is such sensitive information. /s
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21:08.02gentuniansypher, it's a public mail server
21:08.10bin_bashsypher: it could be, actually.
21:08.19greycatHe's ashamed that the hostname is "teamedward".
21:08.23sypherWhatever. Enjoy your etch problem.
21:08.32gentunianwith a broken debian 4.0 possible target for hackers :)
21:08.33bin_bashwell we have to fight. mine is teamvanhelsing
21:08.39jellygreycat, Edward James Olmos.
21:08.44sypherIf you massively compromise yourself by telling someone your hostname, you're already beyond help.
21:09.03jellysypher, and if you can't help, be quiet
21:09.16bin_bashor maybe it's a public domain name and he doesn't want to blab it all ovber irc and potentially dox himself??
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21:09.30jellythis isn't a Point Out and Laugh channel, it's a support channel
21:09.38greycatpeople who put dots in their hostname are insane, but yes, I will concede that these people exist.
21:09.42*** part/#debian lolora (~name@
21:09.54sypherK. Whatever.
21:09.59`Kevingentunian: see if you have capsh in your .bash_profile or etc
21:10.00bin_bashgentunian: when i saw the old version of debian, i thoguht maybe you didnt even have chattr, but you do, lol
21:10.05gentuniandox? what would that be, I don't have any problems to say who I am but I cant compromise the domain name.
21:10.27greycatSounds like his predecessors are insane in that particular way.
21:10.42jellygentunian, eh, there's nothing to do here.  Schedule downtime, reboot into something sane and fix.
21:11.18gentunian`Kevin, nop, no capsh
21:11.48gentunianjelly, ok, thanks all for the help :)
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21:12.12bin_bashgentunian: good luck tbh sounds unfun
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21:12.24jellysure you could hunt for one of a hundred exploits for that kernel and work around your capability breakage, but why
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21:12.40bin_bashfor... fun? idk
21:12.57jellymaybe for overtime pay
21:13.18gentunianI'm curious, never have a problem like this and I wanted to learn more about. I just end up with this things of capabilites, so weird root user has caps bits disabled
21:13.57jellythe system has been somewhat hardened apparently
21:14.00gentunianbut I can't spend more time on this so I think your option to shutdown the server is best
21:14.17jellyhardened against admining
21:14.37`Kevinjelly: i was pondering grsec or something similar but yea indeed something was done
21:14.38bin_bashLOL jelly
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21:14.41greycatI would question the wisdom of creating a log file that can ONLY grow and can never be rotated.
21:14.44gentunianif you ask me I will migrate this into a newer version but... It's not my call
21:15.05bin_bashgreycat: in their infinite wisdom they assumed that once they fixed all the bugs the file would never grow!
21:15.06gentuniansame for me
21:15.10bin_bashof course they never fixed all the bugs...
21:15.10jelly`Kevin, it's not a grsec kernel, looks pretty much like a normal etch-n-half kernel
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21:15.48greycatAnd the closeness of the gcc version (4.1.1) and the Debian version (4.0) was a weird coincidence.
21:15.49gentunianwant to laugh? look what I found in rc.local
21:16.01gentunian/usr/bin/chattr +a /var2/log/auth.log
21:16.01gentunian/usr/sbin/lcap 9
21:16.13gentunianwtf is that
21:16.38gentunianI desire death to whoever did that
21:16.55jellywell that's one way to stop tampering logs.  Remote syslog?  Nah!
21:17.02`Kevin9 is the bit you are looking for gentunian
21:17.37gentunianit would be nice to expose this but for sure the guy who admin this server is already gone
21:17.49gentunianselling donuts
21:18.31greycatWell, seems clear how to proceed, if they forgot to protect /etc/rc.local itself.
21:18.32gentunian3 hours of my time for this... and a big noise in the channel :S
21:18.50greycatThis wasn't noise.  This was actually on topic, albeit technically unsupported due to extreme age.
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21:19.19gentunianluckily they didn't +a rc.local
21:19.25greycatI figured.
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21:19.47jellythere's literally no better channel to ask about some horribly old debian install around these parts
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21:20.38bin_bashthis is a much better support channel than #ubuntu. i one time got banned from there for actually helping someone, but it was not the ubuntu way
21:21.32gentunianthanks for helping in either way guys. I will schedule a reboot finally
21:22.01*** mode/#debian [+l 1746] by debhelper
21:22.29`Kevingentunian: tell whomever to print his logs instead :P
21:23.14jellywhomever has left that company a long time ago, and gentunian is probably the cheaper, younger replacement (of a replacement)
21:23.17bin_bash"think of the environment before printing this auth log"
21:23.18gentunianI see no reason why to do that, and why to use /var2 what the heck
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21:23.46greycatprobably security-through-obscurity
21:23.51greycat"They won't think to look in /var2!!"
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21:24.40gentunianok, but why to remove the cap to root? you are thinking root account is compromised
21:25.11greycatWe're not the ones you'd have to ask.
21:25.22jellyexactly.  If someone elevates to root, they still can't wipe logs to cover their tracks
21:25.32greycatlcap removes the capability from the running instance of the kernel.  It's irreversible if you do it "right".
21:25.57jellyin theory.  In practice there's a dozen ways to do it, writing to disk directly is one
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21:27.50gentunianI meant that the guy who set that thought that root could be compromised so he removed the cap. Yeap, my english is bad among other things..
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22:05.42tonytcan someone take a look at this screen shot and tell me what i need to install to fix it?!Aqm_HiYIEo4Ej2xxHMW5l-Jm1J0_
22:06.14bin_bashno, sorry. cant access onedriver
22:06.48tonytill move it
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22:10.58tonytthere is the screen shot
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22:13.40happygilmoregentwhat is the difference between apt update/upgrade and apt-get update/upgrade
22:15.11mel00010As far as I know, apt update/upgrade has a progress bar, and apt-get update/upgrade
22:15.43mel00010Apt should just be a drop in replacement for apt-get on most systems
22:15.44hanshenrikhappygilmoregent, more like, what's the difference between `apt` and `apt-get` , apt-get is supposed to be more backwards-compatible, more parsable output, stabler interface, something like that, i think
22:16.05happygilmoregentok so it's the same?
22:16.26mel00010Apt-get should also be installed on every debian system, while apt may not be installed
22:16.35mel00010Yeah, pretty much
22:16.43hanshenrikif you try to use apt with piping, you get this on stderr: WARNING: apt does not have a stable CLI interface. Use with caution in scripts.
22:17.01mel00010If you are writing any kind of script
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22:17.05mel00010use apt-get
22:17.20mel00010apt is just a little nicer from a usage standpoint
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22:21.22bin_bashtonyt: hmm not sure. havent run into that. hopefully someoen else may know
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22:45.01PlushfishIs it wise to use stretch in a production environment? And is there a release date yet? (I know it's released when it's done, I'm just asking for your feelings or so what you'd except)
22:45.56mtnPlushfish: no, and no. ;)
22:45.57missmbobPlushfish: no
22:46.47PlushfishOkay, thanks. I think Stretch (still testing) doesn't get security updates yet? Only when it's released?
22:47.07missmbobPlushfish: correct. just prior to being released it'll start. long time to go
22:47.33PlushfishIs it a good idea to use Jessie with backported packages (like the kernel), or won't I get security updates then?
22:47.40Plushfishfor the backported packages
22:47.48Epakaitonyt: sounds like you would need to set up multiarch to have any 32-bit compatibility. is that the nvidia driver installer? seems like debian's nvidia packages would handle that
22:48.12missmbobPlushfish: jessie-backports dont have security per se, but the maintainers do their best. it's not run by the security team
22:48.15Plushfishmissmbob: Yes, I though so, long time to go. What do you think when it'll be released? Just your thoughts
22:48.43missmbobPlushfish: late august is my random guess.  the green line has to go to 0
22:49.23Plushfish192 bugs left if I'm right?
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22:49.44missmbobright now, yeah
22:50.09PlushfishAh, I see. As I can see on the graph you do a great job :)
22:50.48PlushfishThanks for giving me all that information, missmbob
22:50.55missmbob*i* dont do anything :P you're welcome
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22:51.32Plushfishmissmbob: Yeah, I meant everyone in Debian, even the users who do bug reports
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22:53.07hanshenrikPlushfish, if you're looking for something in between jessie and stretch with security updates, maybe you wanna check out Ubuntu Server
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22:56.16expert975I can't get applications to output sound on my sound card under Debian 9. Can I get some help?
22:56.55missmbobsudo apt install pavucontrol and run it. assuming the user is part of audio group.
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22:57.24Plushfishhanshenrik: Nah, I don't like Ubuntu, but thanks :)
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23:00.42expert975How do I check if the user is part of the sound group?
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23:01.08missmbobgrep audio /etc/group
23:02.25dannyLopezI miss the X
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23:04.56expert975I've told firefox to output to my sound card. Seems fine but there's no sound
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23:05.51expert975I can use HDMI normally, but not the sound card
23:05.59missmbobthat's why you play with pavucontrol levels and output devices.
23:06.25missmbobin configuration tab you can pick hdmi, or analog stereo, etc
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23:10.14expert975I've set to analog and tryed all options... what can I do?
23:10.39expert975Note that I'm able to enable my microphone using alsamixer
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23:11.06expert975But I can only hear the mic, not any app
23:11.23missmbobif you can figure it out with pavucontrol i'm not sure what else to look at
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23:11.59expert975All the device do is pop when I change settings
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23:15.25expert975I can even hear the guitar, but if I set any application to output to it, it goes silent
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23:23.59expert975Is there any free alternative to Spotify?
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23:39.38ZeeZsudo shutdown -r now
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23:42.19anotherus3rHi should default-jdk be installed by default?
23:42.24anotherus3ror not?
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23:43.27anotherus3rI was asking if default-jdk should be installed by default during debian install?
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23:50.57expert975What does "apt install tor" installs exactly?
23:51.05expert975Does it install tor browser?
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23:54.41brenlaeanybody have trouble installed spotify on debian stretch?
23:54.49brenlaeit asks for libraires that are older than the ones i have
23:55.00brenlaewas fine on jessie
23:55.42expert975I'll do it right now
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