IRC log for #debian on 20170404

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00:10.06somiajOoze: you may want to write a systemd unit file for the mount point over using fstab, this way they can be mounted at the appropriate time
00:11.00OozeIt's fine if I have those other mount point commented out though, not sure why that is
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00:28.53*** topic/#debian is Debian Stretch frozen 2017-02-05; /msg dpkg stretch freeze | Unwanted private messages? /umode +R | point release 8.7 of Debian Jessie released! /msg dpkg jessie ; /msg dpkg 8.7; /msg dpkg wheezy->jessie ; /msg dpkg install jessie | NO FLOOD: /msg dpkg paste | /msg bots NOT people | offtopic: #debian-offtopic | testing/unstable: #debian-next ( | chanlogs: /msg dpkg irclog
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02:15.10JakeDeanI'm trying to display the php file which I have located in /var/www/error.php and I included that in my config but my error.php isn't even shown, it shows the nginx default error
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02:15.45missmbob#nginx might be better
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02:16.53JakeDeanmissmbob: it gives me an error when I type: cannot send to channel: #nginx
02:17.04missmbobregister your nick
02:17.11JakeDeani did
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03:18.36fwegyou know when you download debian server, install it and then boot into it you see all the lines of what it's doing during boot? well i bought a VPS and installed debian but i don't see any of that. can someone tell me how to enable it please?
03:19.00gryask your vps provider how to enter serial console
03:19.16gryi had a prgmr vps once and it had this info in its serial console. don't remember about linode
03:19.52missmboblinode has it in lish via web interface. you can also set up ssh to lish but that's more steps
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03:27.06jellyfweg: Assuming you do have access to console and are just not seeing a lot info at all.  Removing "quiet" from boot parameters will help a bit.  Check lines for GRUB_CMDLINE_* in /etc/default/grub and run "update-grub" after editing the file.
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03:28.50fwegjelly: thank you. is this good?
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03:31.34jellyfweg: it depends on what kind of console and console access you have, it might be fine.
03:32.18jellyfweg: was line 9 already commented out?
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03:32.53fwegjelly: yes
03:33.59fwegI will test it on another server
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03:34.01fwegThanks again
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03:35.27constantineXIIHello debian users
03:36.33mutantesup Mo
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03:40.03daffy__hey guys, I was wondering how to make a debian testing clean install from cml
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03:40.33daffy__installing gnome and gdm3 is enought?
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03:41.31theMagnumOrangedoes debian have grsecurity by default? if not is it easy to install?
03:41.50mutantedaffy__: you can first install stable and all the packages you want as normal and then edit /etc/apt/sources.list, replace 'jessie' with 'stretch' and  apt-get update ; apt-get upgrade
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03:43.35constantineXIIcan I install kde 5 on debian jessie??
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03:44.30daffy__mutante: I dont use all the apps provided by default installation, I would like to know the sequence of packages to install in net-installation in order to install only the ones I use
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03:46.07mutantedaffy__: if you get the "netinstall" image and during installer deselect all the software you get pretty much that
03:46.36mutantedaffy__: then you can start from the minimal system and install packages you want. dependencies will be pulled in
03:47.28mutantedaffy__: here are netinstall images for testing
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03:49.17daffy__thanks mutante!
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04:06.42constantineXIIanyone uses kde on debian stable?
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04:08.47jelly<constantineXII> can I install kde 5 on debian jessie?? # short answer, no
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04:09.22constantineXIIOK. Thanks!
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04:10.29jellyplasma 5 will be part of the upcoming release, codename "stretch" (to be released probably this year)
04:13.24constantineXIIThanks debian community and good luck!!
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05:56.46hmz365"device-mapper: reload ioctl on veracrypt1_0 failed: No such file or directory Command failed . " Anyone encounter the same problem has been resolved, the wing! Online is not the answer, for kernels from 3.14.54 to 4.5.2 is still the same, I do not know where the problem.
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06:01.42pantato is anyone gonna help me with this issue? :(
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06:03.02afidegnumhello good morning,
06:03.03Papillontry ##linux, I don't think this is a debian specific issue and there may be more people that know about that specific issue
06:03.26afidegnumon my laptop, the Fn key is not working, i can't add a combination of Fn key to additional keys
06:03.39afidegnumhow do i fix it pls?
06:04.07Papillonyou might try asking in ##linux
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06:07.37somiajafidegnum: depends on the laptop but the Fn key may not generate a keycode by itself, it only generates keycodes in special combinations
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06:11.15afidegnumsomiaj: yes, even the combination does not work
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06:57.58MoepManhey, can someone tell me what the option in preseed.cfg for stretch is that disables scanning for additional cds/dvds? couldn't find it in either the example-preseed.cfg or appendix B.4
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07:16.02afidegnumi tried all my best but the Fn key doesn't seems to work
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07:17.27no_gravityIt seems everytime my wlan drops - even if only for a few seconds - my ssh connections are dead afterwards. Any ideas why and how to fix that?
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07:21.32afidegnumany insight?
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08:11.20grizzlybWhat is an APT stand for exactly
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08:11.46abffadvanced package tool
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08:12.11bolthe said "exactly". it's "packaging" :)
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08:12.35abffright right
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08:12.51petn-randallHeh. Technically correct, the best kind of correct. ;)
08:12.54abffI appreciate pedantry
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08:14.17grizzlybHaha thank you!!
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08:28.39juliuswhy cant i run this: -rwsr-Sr--  1 root   root   1.3K Mar 27 10:20      as user, isnt it setuid root?  the commands in it need to be executed as root
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08:36.19petn-randalljulius: Setting suid root on shell scripts is considered insecure.
08:36.29juliusyes i am aware of that
08:36.37juliusnot my first choice...
08:37.00blackflowcan't sudo?
08:37.12juliusneed to start a GRE tunnel from a remote host via a users ssh connection, the GRE tunnel needs a dynamic ip as argument
08:37.28petn-randalljulius: Consider using sudo for that, it's much safer.
08:37.34juliusim the only one working on that system
08:37.57petn-randalljulius: Setting a shell script suid root is effectively giving everyone root that can execute it.
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08:38.25juliuspetn-randall, how are they executing code that is not in the shell script?
08:39.30petn-randalljulius: Long story short: The user controls the environment that is used in the shell script, which can be leveraged to execute arbritary code as root.
08:39.35juliusbut for sudo i need to enter a password, right?   how do i run this:  ssh andromeda-inet ~/bin/ x.x.x.x       with entering the sudo pw?
08:39.52petn-randalljulius: No, there's a NOPASSWD option in sudo.
08:39.57juliusah ok
08:40.10juliuswasnt aware that setuid can be that dangerous
08:40.32petn-randalljulius: Just for completeness, the reason your user can't execute that script is because that user is missing executable rights.
08:41.12juliusbecause the would be "other" ?
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08:41.25blackflowjulius: setuid is dangerous because it gives root to _anyone_ who executes it. with sudo you can control which user/group can execute this, as root, with/out password.
08:41.44blackflows/gives root/executes as root/
08:41.48juliusyes i will setup sudo
08:41.52petn-randalljulius: Since you have it setuid and setgid root, the only option would be to make it world-executable, effectively granting root to everyone (or play around with ACLs).
08:42.33juliuspetn-randall, no i mean...the user has no executable rigths becuase the group or the other's has no x?
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08:42.40juliusim guessing it is other's
08:43.22petn-randalljulius: If the user isn't root, the rights it has on that file are defined in "other". Since it's only readable, no user other than root can execute it.
08:43.43juliuspetn-randall, ah...yes r can be also x ok
08:43.56juliusthanks guys
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08:44.42petn-randalljulius: No, r and x are different permissions. Everyone can run 'cat' to see the contents, but only root can currently execute it.
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08:46.12tnorthhi there
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08:52.17delkinHello :) Does anyone know how I can install python-sphinx (>=1.5) through debian package manager?
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08:54.26delkinWhen I run it keeps complaining that python-sphinx is not installed with the correct version… And installing with PIP does not solve the issue :(
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08:57.45blackflowdelkin: use a virtualenv and inside it, install whatever version with pip
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09:00.18mab_blackflow: what if he wants to use the package manager? Are there any ppa available?
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09:02.19delkinblackflow: unfortunately that doesnt work… :( keeps complaining that sphinx is not installed
09:02.52delkinblackflow: i think i must do it through the debian package manager
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09:08.29blackflowdelkin: well, there's 1.5.3 in experimental, but that would mean mixing packages, not sure that's wise., which package is that from?
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09:10.20blackflowdelkin: is this for lava?
09:10.29delkinblackflow: yeah, exactly
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09:10.57blackflowdelkin: but it's not coming from a package, is it?
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09:11.47dynekI'm unable to find how I can download/install snmp mibs on stretch - anyone would have a clue?
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09:12.07delkinblackflow: no, I am using this script here:
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09:12.17delkinblackflow: which should generate a .deb file
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09:12.41delkinblackflow: but fails complaining that python-sphinx is not >=1.4
09:13.04blackflowdelkin: well I don't know anything about that software, I just found mentioned in its context. I asked because if it was coming from a package, you should report a bug about wrong dependencies.
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09:13.29blackflowdelkin: but since it's not.... install virtualenv, install python-sphinx 1.5 in it, and with the virtualenv active, run your script.
09:13.31delkinblackflow: that is sensible
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09:14.04delkinblackflow: i have tried that. I complains that sphinx is not installed
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09:14.21blackflowmaybe there is a PPA for sphinx but.... I'd never recommend using PPAs, only official and sanctioned repositories.
09:14.37blackflowdelkin: you ran the script in the shell where virtualenv with sphinx installed was active?
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09:14.38dynekanswering to self: non-free!
09:14.50OS-27693hi everyone
09:15.00OS-27693what's up?
09:15.55lixusto whom it may concern: One of the two DNS round robin adresses does not work
09:15.59delkinblackflow: exactly. If I run sphinx-builder —version it actually shows the version I need. Although, when I run that lava script it keeps complaining that sphinx version is not > 1.4
09:16.00lixuscurl --header "" -I
09:16.14OS-27693I'm a noob in OSCP course
09:16.24lixusversus: curl --header "" -I
09:16.39delkinblackflow: i guess this script is looking for deb package manager for dependencies
09:17.00delkinblackflow: and misses the fact that sphinx is already installed with the version needed
09:17.12OS-27693I didn't understand a thing. If i hack the majority of lab machines in the public net, is it sufficient to be prepared for the exam?
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09:18.39blackflowdelkin: is there a public url for that script? github or something? I wanna take a look
09:19.30delkinblackflow: this is the script that should generate the .deb file when all dependencies are met:
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09:19.48delkinblackflow: the lava .deb file
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09:21.24dadinnhi all
09:21.26blackflowdelkin: looking at the pkg-lava-server, it looks like it depends on  python-sphinx (>= 1.4)
09:21.29blackflowdelkin: not 1.5
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09:21.55dadinnI think I have run into something similar to bug simply disregard any dependencies which have been specified
09:21.59delkinblackflow: correct. I was too “agressive” on my request
09:22.17dadinnsorry, bug #754218
09:22.17delkinblackflow: the default version debian installs is 1.2
09:22.18juddBug in ifupdown (closed): «boot hangs forever on LSB job "raise network interfaces"»; severity: serious; opened: 2014-07-08; last modified: 2015-01-28.
09:22.37delkinblackflow: the issue remains
09:22.47blackflowdelkin: on jessie? install it from jessie-backports
09:23.43blackflowdelkin: and please don't make up information in your request for help. had you said 1.4 the first time, the answer would be quicker without wasting anyone's time to look up and find possible cause fo nonexisting 1.5 requirement.
09:23.44delkinblackflow: I have added deb jessie-backports main  to my sources.list. Do you think that should be sufficient?
09:23.56dadinnI have a interface.d/wlan0 file for my wifi with psk passphrase, and the boot stalls with the same issue
09:24.04delkinblackflow: that is not working
09:24.23dadinnis this a known issue? When I remove it it boots fine
09:24.23blackflowdelkin: jessie-backports has python-sphinx 1.4.9  according to that script and pkg-lava-server repo, that should suffice
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09:26.19delkinblackflow: so, I added the above line to my sources.list; then ran apt-get update; then apt-get install python-sphinx. However sphinx 1.2 is being installed
09:27.45delkinblackflow: i am using debian jessie
09:28.10blackflowdelkin: apt-get -t jessie-backports install python-sphinx
09:28.47delkinblackflow: you are my heroe!!!
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09:54.45thereyougoany suggestion of a tyniest live CD ? that uses under 64MB of RAM ? I don't need X, only command line so I can ssh to it
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09:57.44rjsaltsthereyougo: you could just use the installer maybe?
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10:03.26abffhey guys I am currently messing around with a GTK theme for my lightdm-gtk-greeter. I was wondering how could I go about starting another instance of LIGHTDM in a tty
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10:06.18Papilloncontrol alt f2?
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10:07.45abffyes that gets me to a tty but I don't know how to start a second instance of my dm, but don't worry about it I'll just keep loging out and back in
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10:12.04rufushello everybody..newbie here ...tryig to install debian in virtual box follwoing tutorials..evrything goes well ut when sys boots i get root and terminal commands instead of GUI..what is wrong?
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10:14.08ber532krufus: What exactly did you install? This might be what's supposed to happen.
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10:14.41ber532kDo you get any error messages?
10:16.55rufusber532k: I tried with debian-8.7.1-amd64-netinst and debian-8.7.1-amd64-CD-1...same result
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10:17.26ber532kNo error messages?
10:18.39rufusber532k: no everything goes smooth and boots correctly but in o get a GUI?
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10:19.51ber532kFirst you'd want to log in (probably as root) and check X11 is indeed installed.
10:20.11ber532kTry logging in.
10:20.17rufusber532k: i correctly log in
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10:21.36ber532kTry `which startx` (not sure if it is included though)
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10:22.59rufusber532k: usr/bin/startx
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10:23.14ber532kok, great
10:23.46ber532kYou might want to create some sort of user first, so you don't have to do everything as root ...
10:24.14rufusber532k: actally i created user during the configuration process
10:24.30ber532kok, so log out back in as that user
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10:25.11rufushow to do it from root?
10:25.32ber532k`exit` logs you out
10:25.57ber532kafterwards just log back in with your username
10:26.23rufusber532k:ok logged in
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10:26.29rufussill no gui
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10:27.27ber532kThis might produce an error, if no Desktop Environment is installed or if it is configured badly.
10:28.22ber532kBut then at least we know X11 (the graphical server on which most Desktop Environments run) is there all right.
10:28.33rufusno just increased terminal size
10:29.08ber532kDid you choose any Desktop Environment during install?
10:29.14rufusand poiinter is an X now
10:29.24rufusyes if I remember well
10:30.04ber532kok, so X11 works all right ;)
10:30.19ber532kswitch to another tty and kill X11
10:30.29rufusno idea what you mean
10:30.44ber532kCtrl-Alt-F2 should open another login prompt
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10:31.13ber532kthen run `killall -QUIT Xorg` to kill the X-server you just started
10:32.12ber532kthis should take you back to tty1 (where the Xserver was started) and throw a bunch of messages.
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10:32.50rufuskilla ommand not found
10:33.09rufuskillall command not found
10:33.15thereyougorjsalts: no, LiveCD, I want to run 10 qemu virtual machines
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10:33.31ber532kok, something else:
10:33.38thereyougobut I can allocate only under 64MB per VM
10:34.16ber532kon tty2 (you got there via Ctrl-Alt-F2) try running `which gnome-session`
10:35.29rufusok entered
10:35.41ber532kDoes that return some path?
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10:36.18ber532kThen I guess gnome is not installed.
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10:36.42rufuscxan you send me a link to restart the installation on virtualbox? ay be the one I got was not good
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10:36.54ber532kDid you by chance install any other Desktop Environment? Xfce4, Kde, Lxde, Mate, Cinnamon?
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10:37.22rufusabsolutely no
10:38.01ber532kIs internet working from the virtual machine?
10:38.17rufushow to chek?
10:38.37ber532k`ping -c2`
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10:39.01ber532kIf that returns 0% Package loss it's working
10:39.07rufusber532k: will give it another try and revert... thanks for y our patience
10:39.26petn-randallber532k: Last time I checked ping doesn't cope with url but domains.
10:39.35ber532k`ping -c2`
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10:40.00ber532kpetn-randall: just found out myself, thanks
10:40.31ber532krufus: Good luck!
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11:50.14guest___Hello. I'm facing "man: can't set the locale; make sure $LC_* and $LANG are correct" when running man, although $LANG is correctly set.
11:50.29guest___I've already ran locale-gen to no use. Any hints?
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11:51.45c1a551f1edguest___: On Jessie?
11:52.06guest___c1a551f1ed: Yes, on Jessie.
11:52.19c1a551f1edguest___: You could try forcibly correcting the system's locale.
11:52.31c1a551f1edguest___: localectl set-locale <whatever>
11:52.34Brigoguest___, check localectl
11:52.46c1a551f1edguest___: localectl set-locale en_US.UTF-8 for example.
11:53.37guest___`Failed to issue method call: Invalid Locale data.` I tried with both en_US.UTF-8 and en_US.utf8 FWIW.
11:54.08c1a551f1edguest___: And that locale was properly generated when you ran locale-gen?
11:54.49guest___c1a551f1ed: Yes, `locale-gen` tells me that en_US.UTF-8 was properly generated.
11:56.16*** join/#debian karakedi (~e7E2C80CD@unaffiliated/orphan)
11:56.41guest___Also, FWIW, `locale` tells me that `LANG=en_US.UTF-8` but other values (such as LC_PAPER) are set to `pt_BR.UTF-8`. I don't know why it is set that way; I've never enabled that locale (although my timezone is set to America/Sao_Paulo and my keyboard layout is also a br-abnt one).
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11:58.22BluesKaj'Morning folks
11:58.34BluesKaj'Morning folks
11:58.45BluesKaj'Morning folks
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11:58.50guest___Apologies. Ignore the `Invalid Locale data` error message, please, I've used a wrong cmdline. Still, the original problem persists.
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12:07.45ksk_how do I add an IP to an interface, that linux does not arp for? If I do "ip a s" I see "< [snip] NOARP >" in there - but the machine is still arping for that IP :/
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12:10.47guest___I've managed to fix it by manually setting LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8. No idea why it wasn't set before. I'll jot that in /etc/environment.
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12:12.44zero-cryptoHolla All
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12:21.17kskI know set arp_ignore for that interface (dummy0) to "8". I am however wondering that this noarp in <> is for?
12:22.36guest___Oh, wow. Actually LC_ALL is unset and I was ssh'ing into the buggy machines. The problem is not even Debian related. Bitten by ssh idiosyncrasies once more.
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12:23.51colo-workenv scrubbing is real
12:23.57colo-workyou better respect it!
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12:24.25jellyalso, locale names vary between different unices
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12:52.13jer0mehey there. What's the recommend "acpi" setup for a laptop with no DE nowadays on debian stable to get suspend/resume on lid close, acpi buttons, vol control, autoswitch to low power consumption on battery etc? There seems to be quite a choice.
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12:53.49sonOfRajer0me: back when I used debian (gnome on jessie), it did all that. There was no "setup"
12:53.55jer0meOn my thinkpad x220 (~5yo), most things work with acpid, but I have to write some scripts for screen brightness, volume, and so on. apmd handles those ootb on openbsd. I think I may have done a non optimal choice :)
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12:55.31jer0mesonOfRa: yep I guess, but I don't use gnome. I have searched and found acpid, acpi-support, tpd, laptop-mode-tools, systemd even has some features. I'm a bit lost.
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13:02.35jellyhow do I tell grub2 on jessie to boot into an older kernel?  setting GRUB_DEFAULT= to a non-zero value does not seem to count older kernels that are now present in the "advanced" submenu
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13:04.20kskhehe, good to see other regular debian user have problems with that, not only me ;)
13:04.33ksklet me thing how I solved that last time :o
13:05.30kskjelly: IIRC you could give it values like 1-5 where 1 would be first(second?) submenu and 5 the entry in that submenu
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13:10.22Veritywhy cant I install packages
13:10.27Verityhow could a debian install break on its own
13:10.30Verityor could someone have hacked it remorely
13:10.33Verityto destroy it
13:10.47VerityI see people trying to send shell codes to my server
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13:12.30c1a551f1edWhat is your actual issue?
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13:15.53rafalcppVerity: what is the error message?
13:16.07rafalcpphow to recreate /boot/initrd....img file?
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13:17.20Veritysomeone hacked me?
13:17.29Veritywhy would that be in my sources.list
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13:19.01rafalcppVerity: do you run linux or raspbian?
13:19.04rafalcppVerity: do you run debian or raspbian?
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13:19.24jellyVerity: that link is a 404
13:19.31Verityyeah its not real
13:19.33Verityits someones IP
13:19.35Veritythey must have broken in
13:19.38Verityand put that in my sources
13:19.40jellyand in case you're on raspbian,
13:19.41Verityto install malicious packages
13:19.42dpkgRaspbian is a distribution <based on Debian> made specifically for the <Raspberry Pi>.  Raspbian is not Debian and it is not supported in #debian.  Please use #raspbian on for support.
13:19.52Verityraspbia, yes
13:20.06BluesKajlooks like raspbian to me , I run it too, get help in #raspberrypi , Verity
13:20.41BluesKajor #raspbian as posted above
13:20.43jellyVerity: or it could just be a mirror, IP hardcoded to work even when dns resolving fails
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13:21.10userrothat could be top
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13:21.22jellydig +short -x
13:21.34jellywhatever that is
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13:21.48rafalcppjelly:  is it possible to recreate that /boot/initrd?
13:21.56jellyredrabbit: update-initramfs
13:21.57rafalcppso far debian failed me on this task :/
13:22.18rafalcppjelly: it does not recreate that file
13:22.43jellyyou do not need a file with that exact path
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13:23.00rafalcppjelly: -c -k all   and no initrd file was created in /boot/
13:23.00jellyunless you're doing something unusual
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13:23.34jellyrafalcpp: which debian release?  pastebin the output
13:23.54rafalcppjelly: deleted /boot/initrd....img because it seem to included inside wrong copy of raid conf.   mkinitramfs -k all -c  did not create any in /boot , no error messages
13:24.11rafalcppjelly: btw doing that from inside installer's rescue mode, chrooted into the target system
13:24.27jellywhat is mkinitramfs?  Which debian release is this?
13:24.47rafalcppjelly: debian 8 amd64
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13:25.44rafalcppjelly: ok will try again the damaged system then. one moment.  (was about to give up and reinstall)
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13:26.11jellyrafalcpp: I have no idea what mkinitramfs is and what the correct parameters for it would be.  I suggested update-initramfs.
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13:33.38rafalcppjelly: ok, so using update-initramfs -v -c -k all . it does not recreate the /boot/initrd...img file. I delted that file because I think there debian stored invalid old copy of /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf which was prohibiting bootup
13:34.13rafalcppall the output from that command is "Nothing to do, exiting"
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13:35.45jellyrafalcpp: do you have any kernels in /boot/ at all?
13:36.28rafalcppjelly: yes, I did not delted other files there, there is vmlinuz-3.16.0-4-amd64 and kernel boots up
13:36.29jellyrafalcpp: pastebin the output of your "update-initramfs -v -c -k all", and, dunno, "ls -la /boot /lib/modules"
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13:37.49rafalcppjelly: hard to pastebin (rescue shell), but /boot/ has and config and vmlinuz for 3.16.0-4 and a grub/ ;   and /lib/modles have 3.16.0-4-amd64
13:38.18rafalcppjelly: this is fresh install, it was overall booting up, except for not being able to open root filesystem in init scripts, because of wrong mdadm.conf
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13:42.17rafalcppjelly: I see that /var/lib/initramfs-tools/ is empty here. there should be a kernel here?
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13:44.37G4F21_I've added to /etc/sysctl.conf "kern.warning /var/log/iptables" and the logs are in /var/log/messages
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13:45.25petn-randallG4F21_: What is that supposed to do?
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13:45.52rafalcppcat fuck_this_fucking_shit > /var/lib/initramfs-tools/3.16.0-4-amd64   and THEN calling update-initramfs fixed it, jelly
13:46.14G4F21_petn-randall: I don't wanna keep rubbish in /var/log/messages
13:46.33dpkgDescribe your goal, not what you think the solution is.
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13:46.37petn-randallG4F21_: ^^^
13:46.41rafalcppseems like a bug, where -c (create) works more like update.
13:47.07BluesKajrafalcpp, nice language there, not necessary
13:48.10petn-randallwonders if rafalcpp meant echo instead of cat.
13:48.16rafalcpppetn-randall: indeed
13:48.33G4F21_petn-randall: what?
13:49.12jellyrafalcpp: that's... weird
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13:49.19petn-randallG4F21_: You described a solution that doesn't work. We don't even know what you're trying to achieve. If you tell us that, we could give suggestions what you need to do.
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13:50.02rafalcppjelly: will bug report it.  Also, it's all due to really buggy installer
13:50.20G4F21_petn-randall: I want to keep iptables logs in /var/log/iptables not in /var/log/message
13:50.40jellyrafalcpp: especially if you can reproduce it reliably
13:50.45rafalcppsomehow the god damned insaller found out that there was a RAID on the disk, even after the disk was zeroed out, and rebootted, still the installer found the old raid (how??????) and created two md0 entries in mdadm.conf
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13:51.30petn-randallrafalcpp: I guess you didn't zero it out then.
13:51.37rafalcppgranted the hdd was only partially wiped out, but partition table was gone. how it discovered old software raid O_o
13:51.43petn-randallrafalcpp: What command did you use to wipe it?
13:51.46jellyrafalcpp: did you zero start 1M and end 1M of every partition and disk?
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13:53.01rafalcpppetn-randall: jelly  zeroed beginning of sdb enough so that the installer partitioner stopped showing old partitions and raid and just shown it as unformatted disk with nothing existing logically
13:53.10rafalcpp* after restart
13:53.25G4F21_petn-randall: get out of here now
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13:53.36rafalcppdunno. it's as if scanned disk and somehow discovered old raid headers. strange story isn't it
13:53.40grizzlybwhat is the difference between a debian and debian mac iso?
13:53.42rafalcppmaybe will have time to reproduce that one one day
13:53.43petn-randallrafalcpp: Try reading the man page before complaining about things that are already documented.
13:54.01petn-randallG4F21_: What? Why?
13:54.08rafalcpppetn-randall: users never do, if it's important it should be displayed inside installer
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13:54.59petn-randallrafalcpp: the mdraid tools already have an option to wipe the metadata. You just have to use it.
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13:55.20G4F21_I won't waste time on this prick
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13:55.31rafalcpppetn-randall: how can installer find old meta-data, if the partition sdb3 containing it is gone (by removing partition table)?
13:55.33dpkgAnother happy customer leaves the building.
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13:56.01petn-randallrafalcpp: Have you read the man page yet? It would cut the discussion down greatly.
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13:58.27rafalcppjelly: now the problem is different, can not find root fs.
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13:59.23rafalcppthat's the classical one. brb, should be very easy
14:00.06TomyWorkis /var/tmp cleaned up automatically on wheezy?
14:00.41TomyWorkI'm missing a few files from there
14:00.56petn-randallTomyWork: Not if it's on physical disk.
14:01.02TomyWorkit is
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14:01.18petn-randallTomyWork: Restore from backups?
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14:01.35TomyWorkpetn-randall who backups a tmp directory? :)
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14:01.54petn-randallTomyWork: Then the data isn't important, I guess. :)
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14:02.11rafalcppor not.  What was the suntax for grub option   linux /vmlinuz....  root=??? ?  the /boot is ext4 on sdb1. the actuall root is on encrypted partition that init scripts should open
14:02.13petn-randallTomyWork: But seriously though, there's no tmpreaper on a usual instllation.
14:02.17TomyWorkit's not that important. i just want to know if there's an automatism before i tell people that some*one* deleted it :)
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14:03.22rafalcpppetn-randall: which part of "man mdadm"? I don't see it
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14:05.51rafalcppis it --zero-superblock
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14:06.46cokeTomyWork: everyone who uses snapshots
14:06.53petn-randallrafalcpp: Could be. What does the description say?
14:07.13cokeon the underlaying storage
14:07.25rafalcppIf the device contains a valid md superblock, the block is overwritten with zeros.
14:07.29tdnI get a lot of ACPI errors in dmesg everytime I run 'sensors' (lm-sensors). How do I fix this problem?
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14:09.43petn-randallrafalcpp: Does that answer your question?
14:12.03rafalcpppetn-randall: no
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14:12.38rafalcppstill no idea how it survived, and still debian installer should add option to nuke/ignore preexisting partitions it "helpfully" auto discovers
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14:13.38petn-randallrafalcpp: It already has the option? You just didn't use it.
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14:14.34petn-randallrafalcpp: So we already found the option to wipe the superblock. Now we'll take a look at the meta-data format, which is also defined in there. Look up the meta-data formats.
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14:16.20XeonSquaredIs it possible to use a kernel as old as 3.2 on Debian 8?
14:17.15abrotmanyou can try anything you want, it won't be supported, and probably won't work
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14:19.17XeonSquaredThat's comforting.
14:19.20BluesKajXeonSquared, suspect you have an app that needs a regression ?
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14:19.46XeonSquaredBluesKaj: More like a machine. Newer ATI video drivers don't support the weird GPU in an old Mac
14:20.02XeonSquaredYou can get sane output with a little messing around but no hardware acceleration or anything like that
14:20.41petn-randallXeonSquared: systemd makes heavy use of cgroups which old kernels don't support. I'd rather find a way to get it running on a newer kernel, maybe even try the one on backports.
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14:22.19XeonSquaredWell, the machine is currently running Debian 7, because it's flawless. No xorg.conf neccesary. Kernel 3.2. I tried 8 for a while but like I said, the ATI driver doesn't like the GPU, so I don't think a newer kernel is an option.
14:22.47rafalcpppetn-randall: well --metadata says that meta should be at 4K from start, and on end.  Hm, it's in that places in entire "sda" when raid is created on "sda3"?
14:23.41petn-randallXeonSquared: I'm guessing that you don't need to install an extra driver with newer kernels, they support the ATI cards with the FOSS one.
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14:24.02XeonSquaredpetn-randall: no driver neccesary on the old one
14:24.07XeonSquaredIt worked out of the box.
14:24.34XeonSquared... That term isn't entirely accurate, but anyway.
14:24.40petn-randallXeonSquared: I see. Then it should also work on newer kernels, though regressions are possible.
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14:25.15XeonSquaredWelp, a fresh install can do X happily on 7, but on 8 I get 4 shades of purple and if I fix that I don't get 3D acceleration so I guess that's a regression.
14:25.19rafalcpphm after fresh install, still the boot process can not find LV with root, it does not ask for password. Why this could be, the encryption was created during installation (the same way that always worked)
14:26.03petn-randallrafalcpp: If you have the meta-data block at the end of the partition, and you overwrite only the beginning of the disk, have you overwritten the meta-data?
14:26.32rafalcpppetn-randall: effectivly it can not be find, without scanning entire disk, if system doesnt know on which sector sda3 was beginning
14:27.24petn-randallrafalcpp: And what happens if the system reads it from the end of the disk?
14:27.26rafalcppso metadata that was in sda3+0 or sda3+4096, or sda3+sizeof(sda3) , should be inaccessible after partition table was killed and system rebooted
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14:28.13rafalcpppetn-randall: on end of entire sda there is raid data for raids sda3, sda4, sda5 all together?
14:28.24rafalcppwell that would survive yeah
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14:29.34petn-randallrafalcpp: The mdraid doesn't care much about partitions. If there's no partition table, it'll just read the meta-data from the end of the disk.
14:30.13petn-randallrafalcpp: But this in not a problem, because if you actually *use* the installer to remove mdraid, it'll wipe the superblock.
14:31.18BluesKajXeonSquared, assume you tried older/legacy drivers on debian 8 ?
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14:33.42rafalcpppetn-randall: not really, if you just click on the disk and tell it to start over with new parttable, it doesn't cleanly remove the raid it discovered
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14:34.17petn-randallrafalcpp: I thought you wiped the disk by hand? Which is it now?
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14:34.40rafalcpppetn-randall: after the option to start with new parttable didn't worked, instead I zeroed begining of disk and rebooted
14:35.24rafalcpphm on boot, the init scripts do not ask for crypt password that is needed for root. what lines were needed for that, and is it in grub.cfg or in initramfs?
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14:40.30rafalcpphow to see all metadata, mdadm --detail --scan shows just one array, but somehow system detects another one
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14:43.51XeonSquaredBluesKaj: legacy flgrx is too new
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14:47.03BluesKajXeonSquared, yeah, fglrx
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14:51.42jellytdn: carefully instruct sensors not to touch acpi-virtual* sensors (I don't know how to actually do that)?
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15:29.22injusticecan i get kdump-tools to just write out the dmesg and not the core file?
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15:32.58jhutchins_wkinjustice: dmesg > target.txt?
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15:38.03twCan I reliably use busybox(-static) as sh on a debian system?
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15:38.54greycatI'm gonna go with "Try It And See".  Not sure what POSIX features busybox sh may be missing these days....
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15:39.21injusticejhutchins_wk: it seems to be running one of its own scripts on my behalf, which includes capturing dmesg (it uses /sbin/vmcore-dmesg) and also writes out a core file. I want just the dmesg (from the crashed kernel) to be preserved
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15:48.55jellytw: as /bin/sh, or as root's login/interactive shell?
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15:49.12twjelly: as /bin/sh
15:49.41greycatThere shouldn't really *be* an interactive root shell, or if there is, you shouldn't be worried about strict POSIX compliance in it.
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15:50.31jellyI like having a useful interactive shell to manage stuff in
15:50.48greycatIn that case you'd run zsh or bash or ksh or ....
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15:51.08jellythat order is correct :-)
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15:51.59king_frogHello, I have quite a dumb question and googling it has not helped me
15:52.35king_frogIn particular about editing the xconfig file. I tried joining an X11 channel but it was invite only.
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15:53.37TimurTheLameking_frog, let'er rip
15:54.01jellyking_frog: can you find this xconfig file on debian?
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15:54.39king_frogHello hi, thank you. I'm trying to sort out mouse buttons and a guide told me to edit xconfig. I have the folder it should be in but there is no file here, so either I messed up or I have to make it.
15:55.13TimurTheLameking_frog, can you give us the guide's link?
15:55.17king_frogMy question was do I have to edit this file as root or as the user?
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15:56.52jhutchins_wkking_frog: As root.  Look at the docs for how to get xorg to generate a default file.
15:56.55greycatThere isn't an X config file by default any more.
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15:58.17king_frogThanks, that's a help
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15:59.43jhutchins_wkking_frog: Generally anything system-wide will be as root.  If it's user specific, as user.
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16:00.15king_frogThanks again. It's my first time doing running a system with multiple users.
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16:04.56twRegarding busybox as /bin/sh, since busybox (jessie,stretch) is built to prefer applets, it causes a problem with a number of system scripts including ifup/ifdown and some part of the post-auth x11 session startup (either the xsession cmds or a problem with lxde).
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16:05.52twthere are good reasons to prefer applets when using busybox for recovery, so it's not really a bug, it just doesn't work.
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16:06.18jellywhat was your use case
16:06.43twthe main problem is run-parts --list; the busybox run-parts doesn't implement --list
16:07.16twI am using debian as part of a bsp.
16:07.26dpkgA Bug Squashing Party (BSP) is a gathering of Debian Developers and enthusiasts at a specific time, to fix as many <bugs> as possible.  #debian-bugs on  Also ask me about <release-critical>.
16:07.35twSorry, board support package.
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16:07.40twtoo many acronyms.
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16:08.03twit's an arm image on an embedded system.
16:08.10greycatSo the issue with busybox isn't sh at all, but *other* busybox programs.
16:08.49twRight, and that busybox prefers the internal applets instead of the external ones.
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16:09.12twThe behavior isn't wrong, it's just incompatible with being used as /bin/sh
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16:10.36jellyat least on a system that still uses init scripts
16:11.17jellyif you only had systemd units or whatnot you'd probably care less about run-parts
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16:11.51greycatBiggest user is cron.
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16:37.07usois there any way to run a process on a system with a very low priority? I'm trying to copy a few TB of data to an external disk, run the process with nice -19, ionice -c3 and nocache and it still renders my whole system unusable
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16:38.16DoberMannuso: usb drive ? ;)
16:38.32usoDoberMann: sure :)
16:39.05DoberMannmaybe using ionice it will work, but not sure with usb device
16:39.37usobut the problem is not the USB drive, it looks like the problem is the memory management
16:40.39sine0fresh debian install, lamp installed. wordpress local dev. the machine is and I am on laptop on 0.5 . when I request the page it really really hangs and loads after about 15 seconds. this has happend to me before on a different computer and network so i know this is some kind of config problem. apache was fine default with virtual hosts, now i have installed wordpress and there is soem
16:40.45sine0bottlekneck. the trouble is i dont know how to find out whats causing the delay. the server is fresh i5 w8GB ram, on eth0, should be no issues at all. I have watched htop and iftop and there are no problems.
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16:41.20usothe system only has 8GB of RAM and the system uses 80% of the memory for cache so that a lot of the deskop applications are swapped out
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16:42.48jellyuso: that's not a problem as long as nothing is actively swapping in or out
16:43.34jellyuso: run "vmstat 1" for a while, see if there's significant nonzero volume in "si" and "so" columns
16:43.41usojelly: it havily is, that's what makes my desktop unresponsible
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16:44.19jellyuso: does vmstat's output confirm that?
16:45.06usojelly: si is between 100 and 500, not sure what units that uses
16:45.51usobut with iotop I see one or more kworker processes with 99% disk usage
16:46.13jellyuso: that'd be the one having to deal with usb device
16:46.38jellysadly this is normal with usb2
16:46.41usojelly: and how can I reduce it's priority?
16:47.33jellyno idea, I investigated for a while and decided my time and money is better spent just buying a usb3 card and disks.
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16:48.02usojelly: that behaviour is fixed with USB3? that would be good news
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16:48.32jellyyou can try telling the kernel to use swap less, but that won't solve the cause
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16:49.43usojelly: I was afraid of that
16:49.46jelly(personally I consider the default "60" value to be MUCH too aggressive for both desktops and server use, and reduce it to 10... whatever that means)
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16:51.16usojelly: I already have played around with swappiness and vfs_cache_pressure, but that slows down normal disk operations a lot then
16:51.51jellysometimes picking a different usb port makes a difference
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16:52.21jellyif i remember correctly
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16:53.35usoI'm about to look for a new PC (mainly because I need more memory and updating my old PC is too expensive), so when that problem is fixed with USB 3 I won't invest too much time looking into it
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16:58.51usoso in general I do not have much control over the priority of single processes, the only way to make the system more responsive is to tune the memory management of the whole system, right?
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16:59.52kskuso: what? look into cgroups if you want to limit the memory per process.
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17:00.40kskand "tuning the memory managment" is not something you do, imho.
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17:00.54jellyuso: when you're dealing with a shitty driver for a shitty ehci controller, which hasn't been dealt with properly on linux during the last what, 15 years, the actual thing that works best is to stop using it
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17:01.35kskoh its about copying to a disk? maybe use some kind of pipe that has a bandwith limit? sounds very hackish though
17:01.53kskor, use rsync with bandwith.
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17:03.03usojelly: that means a yes for it's fixed with USB 3, or is it a genearal problem with USB?
17:03.32usoksk: bandwith limit with rsync that's a good idea
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17:04.09jellyuso: usb3 is a lot better, if anything
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17:04.26jellyeven usb3 devices on usb2
17:04.33usois there a good way to see what the cached memory is used for, preferrably in an understandable form :) ?
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17:04.55usojelly: it's an USB 3 disk on a USB 2 controller
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17:06.20jellydunno, those have been working well for me last couple of years
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17:12.56petn-randalluso: Which kernel are you running? There have been some concurrency fixes for slow I/O devices in recentish kernels.
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17:13.36usopetn-randall: the default kernel, 3.16
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17:14.21usopetn-randall: I need nvidia legacy driver, does that work with the bpo kernel?
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17:15.25petn-randalluso: I think the FOSS driver will cover that, so no legacy non-free driver needed.
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17:16.52usopetn-randall: I have a dual GPU, 3 monitors setup, last time I've tried nouveau I could not get it to work
17:17.16usobut that has been after jessie has been released, I'll give it another try with stretch
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17:25.31dadinnhi all
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17:26.09dadinntrying to boot debian live 8.6.0 cd image (iso) under kvm, but I am getting an error message saying it is not bootable
17:26.17dadinnis this a known issue?
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17:31.12sine0how can i disable ipv6
17:31.42greycatExplain why you think you want to do that, so people can fix your real problem.
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17:32.59n0archo ive missed u greycat ;D
17:33.03sine0your astute intuition pleases me.
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17:35.00KNERDWhat's going on with Firefox? Left my laptop unattended for four days, come back and I see Firefox has not only consumed the entire system's RAM, but was demanding more to the point it was causing page swaps which made disk usage go to 100%.
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17:35.36missmbobyou can use sysctl for active session. sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1  for example
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17:36.45c1a551f1edSame answer, though. Disabling IPv6 is likely not the real solution to the actual problem.
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17:39.22BluesKajthe new FF versions use pulseaudio by default now ...goodbye FF
17:40.43ryoumaBluesKaj: does that mean they will not work if you have purged pulseaudio?
17:40.56usoBluesKaj: do they still work with alsa? (when there's no pulseaudio installed)
17:41.26ryoumapurging pulseaudio was the best thing i did for my debian
17:41.32BluesKajryouma, no audio
17:41.39elatllatKNERD: plugins? how much RAM you have? maybe an auto upgrade issue?
17:41.44BluesKajin FF52 and up
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17:42.24KNERDelatllat: I really don't have any plugins, just tab mix plus, and it's an old one with 4GB of RAM
17:42.40ryoumabut stretch is below that so maybe they will become sane by stretch+1
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17:43.06ryoumai have 4gb also and firefox has to be rebooted frequently
17:43.07BluesKajryouma, it's a matter of preference alright, especially with intel audio which uses alsa directly with no dependence on pulse
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17:43.43BluesKajunless you want to stream several audio sources simultaneously
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17:44.37ryoumai only want one at a time :)
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17:44.41elatllatlike say p2p/webrtc video chat with a group of 5
17:44.56ryoumai suppose a notification would be good + vlc
17:45.32BluesKajryouma, well, setting google paranoia aside, chrome browser now fills the bill for me
17:45.37elatllatpulse sucks but also is unpractically limiting these days.
17:46.21ryoumai need both firefox and chromium for different purposes (and not sure i can trust chromium's extensions)
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17:47.32mednutQuestion, I'm currently logged into a machine as root, but I don't have the current root password. Is there a way i can change this password without rebooting the machine and booting into grub?
17:47.51greycatYes.  Learn the current password.
17:47.57BluesKajwell, my patience with HTML5 adoption has run out so chrome it is.
17:48.03greycatOr acquire root privileges somehow.
17:48.10mednutim logged in as root
17:48.16mednutroot password needs to be changed
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17:48.26mednutpasswd asks for current password
17:48.42ryoumawhat does id say?
17:48.46greycatOh, if you are already root, just run "passwd root".
17:49.13usoKNERD: firefox eats up a lot of RAM when it runs for a longer time, mine often uses 5 GB and more
17:49.13greycatroot@wooledg:/home/wooledg# passwd root
17:49.13greycatEnter new UNIX password:
17:49.19BluesKajryouma, chromium and chrome are different browsers with respect to plugins flash etc
17:49.21greycatDoes not prompt for current password.
17:49.22elatllatmednut: sudo -i then passwd
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17:50.32elatllatBluesKaj:what part of HTML5 did FF miss?
17:50.34ryoumaBluesKaj: yeah, just don't know if it's safe to use google's product /and/ extensions from its repo, without vetting them
17:50.47KNERDuso: yeah, and that is a problem..memory leak perhapse?
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17:52.15elatllatYah I think the FF memory issues are Linux specific because (the limiting)MacOS keeps FF around 1GB...
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17:52.22BluesKajelatllat, it's not FF that's at fault, it's the webmasters etc who don't adopt HTML5 on their websites
17:52.42greycatBluesKaj: or both.
17:52.45elatllatBluesKaj: don't go to those websites
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17:53.39BluesKajelatllat, heh, how do you know ?
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17:53.53usoKNERD: of course it's a problem, but nothing new, and seeing what complexity browsers have reached it probably never will get fixed, the only workaround is to restart the browser at least once a day
17:54.11mednut__ok so does anyone in here know much about proxmox / ceph?
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17:54.21dpkgProxmox Virtual Environment (Proxmox VE) is a GNU/Linux distribution <based on Debian>, providing a virtualization platform with <LXC> and <KVM>.  It is not supported in #debian.  There's an unofficial ##proxmox channel on Freenode.  For official venues, see
17:54.24ryoumafind . -name \*.sqlite\* -exec echo {} \; -exec sqlite3 {} 'VACUUM; REINDEX; ANALYZE;' \;
17:54.30BluesKajgreycat, most browsers can handle HTML5 already
17:54.42elatllatuso: ... or you could make a memory dump and file a bug report.
17:54.50ryoumaturn firefox off
17:54.51greycatBluesKaj: "can handle" does not necessarily mean "has no memory leaks"
17:54.57missmbobi dont restart my browser daily. that's silly.
17:55.01usoelatllat: good luck to that :)
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17:56.06ryoumaalso my firefox has all tabs greyed out by default.  dunno if that is bartab or default for firefox these days.
17:57.41BluesKajryouma..not worried about google like everyone else is ...internet conspiracy theories is mostly BS anyway , there are other ways to track an why would they track me ..I'm just an old retired guy who they find out quick enough isn't much of a consumer
17:57.48KNERDi think that is has gotten hard to tell which tab is open on that browswer now days. I always accidentally close the wrong tab
17:58.30ryoumaBluesKaj: dunno re google, just being cautious, don't install non-repo programs, etc.
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17:59.05PhageIs Ruby pre-installed on Debian?
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17:59.29greycatnot by default
17:59.37Phagesad panda :(
17:59.38BluesKajryouma, my expereince with chrome has been fine now for over a yr worries
17:59.53ryoumayou install a lot of extensions?  too many moving ads etc. for me
18:00.06greycatDefault Debian install has (I think) Bash, Perl, Python.
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18:01.01BluesKajryouma, not many just an adblock
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18:20.10tdnIs there a way in Debian 8 with systemd to get a list of all services and which are running and which are not?
18:20.25greycatsystemctl status
18:20.39greycatalso, systemctl -a ... also, man systemctl
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18:40.05tdngreycat, I was hoping for something that will list all services and then have a status column with values such as RUNNING, STOPPED, FAILED, etc. Maybe even red/green dots.
18:40.11tdnNot sure how to read systemctl status
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18:49.04jhutchins_wktdn: What about ps ax?
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18:49.34jhutchins_wktdn: Ah, yeah, that'd be useful.
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18:52.47ksktdn: from what I understand so far (Talking to the systemd people in irc) and reading that:
18:52.52zylinxhello, i installed ufw and apt raised 'update-rc.d: warning: start and stop actions are no longer...' does this mean ufw will not start and reboot ?
18:53.01ajaXHorsemanI don't think its my router as everything else on the network works fine. I just went into my router and set it to open dns and it didn't help anything. I am really stuck on this one any help would be greatly appreciated lol
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18:53.15kskthe systemd commandline tools are not to be used via another (automated) tool - you would have to use the DBus
18:54.03ksktdn: also take a look here maybe:
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18:54.51kskthats why I still use monit with systemd, which then has its own checks to check if any service is running :(
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19:00.20sine0greycat: with remote desktop on a headless server does a GPU card help?
19:00.41sine0im not sure if the GPU sends it all out through the pipes :P
19:00.53greycattdn: systemctl -t service -a
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19:02.39Megaf_Hi all, can you tell me a simple and efficient init software?
19:02.56Megaf_upstart has plymouth as dep and I don't want systemd
19:03.13greycatI don't believe there are any that are "simple".
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19:06.27ajaXHorsemanEverytime I reboot it sets the dns back to the router( the router is set to opendns
19:06.38jellyMegaf_, if you've worked with daemontools before, something like runit will me familiar.  Or s6 but I'm not sure that's packaged in debian
19:06.53jellywill be* familiar
19:06.56ajaXHorsemanI am out of ideas to try, any help debian world?
19:07.14jelly!override dns
19:07.14dpkgTo instruct dhclient to use your specified nameserver rather than the one given to you by your DHCP server, echo "supersede domain-name-servers a.b.c.d, e.f.g.h;" >> /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf, or see man 5 dhclient.conf for more information.  Instead of supersede, you can also use "prepend" or "append" to add nameservers.  Or remove domain-name-servers (etc.) from dhclient.conf if you prefer.
19:08.03jellythat's a workaround.  Finding the root cause would probably be nicer.
19:08.33greycatIt's highly likely the "root cause" is that he's running DHCP.
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19:09.16ajaXHorsemanThank you jelly, trying. . .
19:11.44ajaXHorsemanAny ideas as to why it would randomly change in the middle of the night?
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19:12.21greycatWhen the DHCP lease expires, you re-contact the DHCP server and get a new IP and new resolv.conf and so on.
19:12.27greycatMultiple times per day, potentially.
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19:14.05ajaXHorsemanI get that but why would it change the dns to my router? Then it uses the router dns settings i am guessing?
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19:14.31greycatYes, normally a plastic router acts as a DHCP server and DNS resolver for your home network.
19:14.36jellytypically the router is also the dhcp server and dns recursor server.
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19:14.52teraflopsheh plastic router
19:15.04greycatIf you don't want that, follow one of the ideas from the "override dns" factoid.
19:15.07ajaXHorsemanWell I do have a plastic router.
19:15.11greycatMe too.
19:15.27teraflopswe all have one
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19:16.01jellyplastic, reminiscent of "fragile" and "cheap", is also a decent description of such routers firmware, including the dns recursor included
19:16.03deegoHow do I change my From email address in reportbug?
19:16.17ajaXHorsemanlol I just started using dd-wrt and don't really know much about it, thought about flashing back just to see if I could get lucky w/stock net gear
19:16.26greycatdeego: man reportbug, look for the word EMAIL
19:16.31teraflopsjelly: yeah I got what greycat meant I think
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19:16.51ajaXHorsemanBut everything else on the network works fine other Debian boxes have no problems.
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19:18.15jellyyou can probably configure said dd-wrt firmware and maybe tell it to give dhcp clients a different (set of) dns resolver values.
19:18.31jellyoops, sentence broken
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19:20.06teraflopsmany of those plastic routers can run openwrt or similar which is nice
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19:25.29ajaXHorsemanDo I need to reboot after the override dns?
19:26.05greycatDepends on which thing(s) you do.  You probably want to restart the DHCP client daemon.  Easiest way to do that is typically "ifdown eth0; sleep 1; ifup eth0"
19:26.10ajaXHorsemanI dont think it worked. I really think its something else too possibly. My slack client wont connect.
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19:28.54ajaXHorsemanI can connect with hexchat but not slack or my mail client
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19:29.47deegoI just submitted a reportbug for hp-scan in that if you scan "my receipt.pdf", it tries to run xpdf on my. Is that just a minor bug, or is it a security issue as well?
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19:30.35greycatNot a security bug, unless this thing runs with elevated privileges.  Just a bug.
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19:33.02jhutchins_wkWell, just a failure to deal with an unescaped space.
19:33.31jhutchins_wkdeego: Lots of programs don't like spaces in names.  Did you have quotes around it?
19:33.51greycatI don't know whether it's a command line program, or a thing that prompts for a filename in a GUI, or what.
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19:34.44deegojhutchins_wk: hp-scan --file="my document.pdf"
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19:35.07deegoit scans correctly ..
19:35.25ajaXHorsemanWhen trying to bring the interface down it tels me its not configured. Could Deluge which is the torrent client that was running could have changed something? Or possibly my vpn?
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19:36.07ajaXHorsemanForgive me if this is a retarded questions, but isn't there logs somewhere that show changes made to the dns or interfaces?
19:36.15missmbobno deluge wouldnt touch anything
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19:36.34greycatajaXHorseman: the dhcp client daemon may log somewhere.  I don't know.
19:37.20ajaXHorsemanMan this is looking like a fresh install problem lol
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19:38.10jhutchins_wkajaXHorseman: Are you sure you didn't tell the router to use opendns as the source, but still act as the local DNS server?
19:38.19jhutchins_wkajaXHorseman: 'cause that's usually all you can set.
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19:39.25sh00pfuaarrk when is stretch stable
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19:39.41missmbob188 bugs to go
19:39.48TomTomToschmaybe something like  journalctl | grep -i 'dhcp'
19:40.05greycat188 bugs on the wall / 188 bugs / Take one down, patch it around / 193 bugs on the wall
19:40.12sh00pthat don't sound so bad
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19:57.07ajaXHorsemanjhutchins_wk: I only input the ip addresses into the field for static DNS. DHCP type = DHCP server and its enabled
19:57.30ajaXHorsemananother note is I can not connect to the router from this machine either.
19:57.45ajaXHorsemanI mean I cant access it
19:57.52ajaXHorsemanfrom a browser
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20:01.05ajaXHorsemanI can access sites just fine with a proxy and foxy proxy.
20:01.39greycatYour proxy may be preventing you from making a direct HTTP connection to the router's IP.
20:02.12jhutchins_wkajaXHorseman: So you've set an external opendns server as the DNS for the router?
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20:20.05tdngreycat, that works. Thanks!
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20:30.07ajaXHorsemanIm giving up. Ill see you guys on a fresh install.
20:30.37ajaXHorsemanside note: best back up for all your files when reinstalling?
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20:34.05ryoumadebian has many backup systems.  rsync is idempotent, so you can just do it yourself and update it if you remember something new.
20:35.27ryoumarsnapshot is based on rsync.  a few others too.  .  obnam has interesting fanciness.  rdiff-backup has a finer-grained transfer system but less familiar retrieval and squashing type options.  there are more enterprisey systems too.
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20:59.03kevris there an alternative to bluetoothctl that isn't interactive?
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21:01.17teraflopskevr: what's your issue?
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21:02.39G4F21Hello what's the script for simple building debian packages?
21:02.46kevrteraflops: i need to setup some bluetooth management in the background, and i don't want to use an interactive application to do it
21:02.50G4F21what is it called?
21:03.00G4F21I remember that was make or something
21:03.12teraflopskevr: as in?
21:03.12kevrbut i dont really want to lose the abilities that bluetoothctl has
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21:03.43teraflopskevr: hcitool iirc
21:03.48kevrteraflops: just basic stuff. setup bluetooth device, make it discoverable, scan, make people able to connect to it, with a possible passphrase, etc
21:04.03kevryeah, ive gotten pretty good progress with hcitool but there's some things that i can't figure out how to do with hcitool
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21:04.06teraflopskevr: scripting it?
21:04.16kevrscripting what?
21:04.19teraflopskevr: use dbus (good luck)
21:04.41teraflopskevr: . setup bluetooth device, make it discoverable, scan, make people able to connect to it ...
21:05.02kevrokay, so after i do that shit with bluetoothctl i can just exit it and itll work fine?
21:05.18kevrbut then for example, how do i query bluetoothctl for an already scanned list of devices
21:05.22kevrwithout being interactive
21:05.37teraflopskevr: the problem is that upstream deprecated many bluez utils, like hciconfig and so on
21:05.40G4F21Ah I got it
21:05.52kevri got that
21:05.58kevrbut why would they not provide another command-like utility
21:06.00teraflopskevr: idk if stretch will keep them or not tbh
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21:07.03teraflopskevr: as I said use dbus
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21:07.30teraflopsit will work, but speaking dbus is like speaking klingon :P
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21:08.25kevri see, so im gonna have to actually just directly speak to dbus in a script
21:08.29kevralright, thanks
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21:10.53teraflopskevr: I bet you can use something in the middle for mitigating the pain
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21:11.33teraflopskevr: and ofc bluez has an API
21:11.49teraflopskevr: random search
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21:18.10thechadoes the -doc part of any softwar represent its man pages?
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21:18.59ryoumainfo pages too
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21:38.03harovalihi, any hint to install python3.6 in jessie?
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21:39.36jmcnaughtharovali: do it in a container or a chroot, don't compromise your debian system by replacing its python packages
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21:43.58harovalijmcnaught: thanks
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21:57.04dokmaHow do I tell apt that my packages from backports are newer than stable? It keeps trying to upgrad bpo -> stable.
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22:00.24TomTomToschdokma: can you put the output of apt-cache policy <pkg>   of the package in question on
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23:07.19missmbobdokma: it's upgrading to testing/unstable, not stable. as it should.
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23:07.46likcorasHi, how do I allocate more video memory to vms with qemu/kvm, like in virtualbox? Searching gave me "ram", "vram", and  "vgamem" attributes, but adding them to the <video> element with 'virsh edit' has no effect, running 'virsh edit' again shows me that "vgamem" attribute was deleted, and guest does not report more video memory.
23:08.45likcorasGuest starts with 16M of video memory from what I can tell, and I can't seem to increase that.
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23:14.40awal1dokma, mixing branches?
23:15.07awal1you may want to paste your apt sources file
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23:17.06mutanteapt-get update tells me "Ign stable InRelease" "E: The method driver /usr/lib/apt/methods/https could not be found." "N: Is the package apt-transport-https installed?
23:17.35mutantewell, 2 questions, first of all that is a http link, not https so why do you need it, and second, "Unable to locate package apt-transport-https"
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23:20.09mutanteoh, i think i see now.. that was a red herring, it is skipping one and then the problem is with another source which does http->https redirect
23:21.08mutantestill i would like the apt-transport-https package then
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23:26.59clementine0this might be a frustrating question, but here goes.. i have a friend who is getting an error when booting, says 'failed to load firmware "radeon/R520_cp.bin"'. then then loads to a shell prompt, then goes to a blank screen with a cursor but no keyboard input possible. from what i read it looks like maybe modules kms and udev not loading in the correct order. This friend doesn't really have an internet
23:27.07clementine0... router. i'm way out of my depth, can anyone get me on the right path to help him?
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23:35.57foxpupclementine0: what distro is he booting? on which machine?
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23:36.46foxpupmaybe try something else
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23:39.56clementine0foxpup: jessie, not sure about the machine, i know it's a fairly old desktop
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23:59.27slack_i need to detect  sound activity in command line script

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