IRC log for #debian on 20170305

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00:07.08unborndc123: if you dont install any DE you will be left with glory of really really snappy os and gawjust tty. if you do install xfce then you have DE installed.
00:08.25*** join/#debian SuperTramp83 (~SuperTram@unaffiliated/supertramp83)
00:08.26stoneddc123: you can list the pckages in each task
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00:08.35stoneddc123: read the man page for tasksel
00:08.48pikluAny vnc experts here?
00:09.16unbornpiklu: what about it? just shoot your question out
00:09.18stonedpiklu: are you able to connect your machines together otherwise? Does it make a connection?
00:09.22dc123its funny cause i didnt install man @stoned xD
00:09.45stoneddc123: mandb is installed by the base system, iirc. (you can probably skip that during expert install)
00:09.55stonedor maybe man-db is part of another task, I don't recall
00:10.00dc123its in system utilities
00:10.03stonedi see
00:10.15piklustoned : I am able to connect machines. authentication is accepted if password is right and rejected otherwise. I see a gray screen. I am recieving an error in log saying - xstartup not found, however file is accessible. I am running it as root, I understand it is an issue, I will make a separate user later for vnc
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00:10.41shawn1Man, there are so many videos on youtube claiming to review Debian Stretch RC1... I keep telling them it's just the installer that's RC1, why is English comprehension so hard for some ? Debian.Net and the readme state this so clearly
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00:11.33unbornpiklu: why vnc for linux to linux? you can use ssh for it.. or no go?
00:11.36stonedpkiller: do you have an xstartup file?
00:11.51piklustoned : absolutely, in the same location.
00:11.52unbornI do use vnc to windows machines...but that is like different story
00:12.02pikluunborn : mac to linux
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00:12.14stonedthe machine you are connecting to, does it have X alreayd running or not?
00:12.15pikluunborn : Want to use mostly like remote desktop
00:12.36piklustoned : it is a gnome environment.
00:12.39unbornpiklu: yeah - ssh should work for you.
00:12.42stonedpkiller: XDMCP as well a ssh -X and import a desktop
00:12.50dpkgThe X Display Manager Control Protocol (XDMCP) provides a uniform mechanism for an autonomous display (e.g. X terminal) to request login service from a remote host.
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00:13.05piklustoned : it seems a new thing ?
00:13.09stonedVery old.
00:13.15stonedBut the thing w/ VNC. let's figure that out
00:13.26stonedWhat are the contents of your xstart up, pastebin it
00:13.46unbornah like gui?forward x should worked for you.. however that would be only on your machine.. happening.. not on users one
00:14.42piklustoned :
00:14.53unbornffs for root operation you dont need to use gui.. for user interaction use something less complicated like funny closed software teamviewer - if you dont like ssh..
00:15.28piklustoned : ssh -X is not an option in mac ssh
00:15.40stonedThat's goofy.
00:15.55stonedpiklu: try as user, not root, then we'll see.
00:16.18piklustoned : you want me to switch vnc to a non root user and make the xstartup again?
00:16.28stonedpiklu: ls /root/.vnc/xstartup
00:16.30stonedwhat it says?
00:16.51stonedI bet you're having a startup file in user, and launching as root, and no file found, b/c root scusk.
00:16.52piklustoned : /root/.vnc/xstartup
00:17.13piklustoned : it is there
00:17.15stonedthata's bizzare.
00:17.22piklustoned : exactly.
00:17.23stonedyou can edit it and sh says not found.
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00:17.29piklustoned : yupp
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00:17.35stonedIs this debian?
00:17.41piklustoned : jessie
00:18.02stonedpiklu: does it work for user?
00:18.13unbornpiklu: are those machines on same network or?
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00:18.42pikluunborn : No. but they can connect pretty well, no issue in networking, since  it logins and shows up a gray screen
00:18.52piklustoned : I will have to make a user and check
00:19.04unbornsure piklu - what ports are you using for connection? or vpn?
00:19.10piklustoned : is XDMCP better than VNC
00:19.17pikluunborn : 5901
00:19.28pikluno vpn
00:19.32pikludirect connection
00:20.35stonedpiklu: piklu target machien (one w/ vnc server) needs to have the xstartup file, it's on there right? and not on your client?
00:20.48piklustoned : absolutely on server :)
00:20.59piklupiklu : both commands I pasted were on server
00:21.09piklustoned : and I run them using same root user.
00:21.18unbornhm piklu and display number? since you connecting to linux
00:21.18piklupiklu - client is a mac
00:21.20stonedpiklu: what are the permission son xstartup file
00:21.26stonedpiklu: ls -l
00:21.34unbornlike :0 or something
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00:25.21piklustoned : How should I check if x11 is running properly
00:26.16unbornperhaps its my karma.. I dont know
00:26.37unbornpiklu: try to tell your vnc to connect to specified screen
00:26.55pikluunborn : you have to guide me
00:26.55unbornI think you got connected correctly
00:27.24unbornsure I google it for you
00:28.00*** mode/#debian [+l 1655] by debhelper
00:28.21unbornhere piklu rest you can do it your self
00:28.33mendi,package php
00:28.38dpkgPHP is a scripting language.  To install, ask me about <install php>.  See also <php wants me to download still>, <php mysql>, <php userdir>, <phpmyadmin>, <php gd>, <pear>, <pecl>, <suhosin>, <xampp>.  #php on, #php and ##php on
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00:29.04mendiwhich repo has php5 latest xD
00:29.15stoneddebian stable
00:29.23stonedmainline repository
00:29.24piklustoned : the only port open is 5901
00:29.31unbornmendi: you should try this in terminal apt-cache search --names-only ^* php5-
00:29.37stonedOh sorry, I went to go do somethign and I forgot what is happening
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00:30.05stoned,v php5-cli
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00:30.06juddPackage: php5-cli on amd64 -- wheezy: 5.4.45-0+deb7u2; wheezy-security: 5.4.45-0+deb7u7; jessie: 5.6.29+dfsg-0+deb8u1; jessie-proposed-updates: 5.6.30+dfsg-0+deb8u1; jessie-security: 5.6.30+dfsg-0+deb8u1
00:30.42piklustoned : I Tried x11 too.
00:30.44pikluecho $DISPLAY is empty
00:30.58stonedpiklu: that could be an isue. Try connection to DISPLAY=0
00:31.04stonedexport $DISPLAY=0 on debian
00:31.19stonedexport DISPLAY=0 on debian
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00:31.44piklustoned : export: `0=0': not a valid identifier
00:32.03piklustoned : cannot open displayE852: The child process failed to start the GUI
00:32.37CeBeisn't that :0 instead of 0?
00:32.46CeBeexport DISPLAY=:0
00:33.13unbornmendi: the stable debian does have latest stable php5.. from that command I gave you you can select packages you want to install.. no need to install everything.. just cherrypick what you need
00:33.23CeBemendi: what is in /etc/apt-get/sources.list.d ?
00:33.34mendiunborn not on debian 9 :s
00:33.39stonedCeBe: main sources.list is alwyas in /apt/sources/
00:33.40CeBeoh wait, that is /etc/apt/sources.list
00:33.47unbornstoned: I pointed this earlier, but refused to spoon feeding.. well wasted time btw
00:33.52mendiempty aswell cebe
00:34.10stonedsorry /etc/apt/sources.list
00:34.12unbornmendi: ah you are on testing... ? well... check wikis..
00:34.14dpkgA suitable /etc/apt/sources.list for Debian 8 "Jessie" has three lines: "deb jessie main" "deb jessie/updates main" "deb jessie-updates main".  Be sure to run «aptitude update» after editing sources.list.  Also see <deb-src> <contrib> <non-free> <jessie/updates> <jessie-updates> <mirrors> and "man sources.list".
00:34.29mendithanks unborn stoned
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00:35.11piklustoned : export DISPLAY=:0
00:35.13piklusame issue
00:35.26pikluCeBe : same issue, unborn
00:35.42stonedpiklu: you have an Xserver on os x?
00:36.04piklupiklu : the xserver is supposed to be on server debian or client os x?
00:36.12stonedIf you have an x server on your os x machine ( i dunno os x) you can use ssh -X
00:36.23stonedpiklu: xserver on vnc machine(debian)
00:36.24unbornmendi: sorry I use only stable thingy for server.. I understand you may have run this on desktop or something.. perhaps php7? I think stretch have that included.. have look into that instead of php5
00:36.46CeBe,v php7.0
00:36.47juddPackage: php7.0 on amd64 -- sid: 7.0.14-2; stretch: 7.0.15-1; sid: 7.0.16-3
00:36.47mendiyeah stretch has php7
00:36.56stonedunborn: if it's a gray screen, then it mean maybe nothing is loading.
00:36.58piklustoned : you mean I need a x server on os x to connect to a debian server through ssh -x ?
00:37.01CeBe,v php7.1
00:37.02juddPackage: php7.1 on amd64 -- sid: 7.1.0-5; sid: 7.1.1-1
00:37.19stonedpiklu: yes. for vnc, no.
00:37.32piklustoned : for ssh -X - yes ?
00:38.00*** mode/#debian [+l 1647] by debhelper
00:38.09stonedpiklu: vnc works two ways, 1) connect to an already running display, or 2) start a display (mosty on headless machines) and connect there
00:38.36piklustoned : Okay than
00:38.44mendi!sources.list is wrong tho
00:38.44dpkg...but sources.list is already something else...
00:38.44stonedpiklu: you need a LOCAL xserver running in order to launch xclients on remote machines (using ssh -X on local machine, with local xserver, you can view remote x apps)
00:38.59mendiit's apt-get update not aptitude update xD
00:39.13stonedpiklu: does your debian machine run an Xserver? Or a desktop?
00:39.30piklustoned : First - mac os is client, debian is server
00:39.42stonedpiklu: what is your vnc doing? starting another X server session for itself, or using one already runnig ?
00:39.43unbornstoned: yeah.. could mean he does not connect to correct screen or his ports are not opened correctly.. I would perhaps sounds idiotically but for newbie I would let him open port in both ways also I am not sure right now but I think he should have more then one port open - here is 0.38 am.. keep this in mind.. also it could be one another thing. when you install whatever vnc on your linux machine you must install that lightway gui - xcfe? without it,
00:39.44unbornhe would not load anything.
00:40.02stonedit's not a port issue.
00:40.23piklustoned :
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00:40.29stonedgray screen probably means a launched connected X session, just no xstart up was launched.
00:40.32stonedso nothing.
00:40.43stonedyou can still probably run xterm on it and make it conenct to the already running display
00:41.03unbornstoned: been while since I used vnc for linux, ssh or vpn was worked for me.. perhaps it would be much easier to suggest the user to use proprietary software like teamviewer quick support, unless user is seeking making something out of it..
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00:41.43stonedxsetroot -solid grey
00:41.51stonedit connects, it launches something, makes it grey
00:41.53stonedit's running
00:42.08stonednot a port issue.
00:42.14stonedjust that xserver is empty
00:42.22stonedno apps or clients are connected to it when vnc launches
00:42.46stonedup to xsetroot =solid gry it works (since you reprted it is a gray window)
00:42.53stonedx-terminal-emulator -geometry 80x24+10+10 -ls -title "$VNCDESKTOP Desktop" &
00:42.55unbornstoned possibly he installed without de specified for vnc
00:42.58stonedthis doesnt seem to work
00:43.08stonedcomment this out, and change to xterm.
00:43.14stonedalso, isntall xbase-clients on your debian machine
00:43.27piklustoned ?
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00:44.17piklustoned: you want me to comment that line and say startx?
00:44.24stonedpiklu: does the debian machine have xorg installed?
00:44.34stonedfull xorg packages, not minimal xsever-xorg-core or something
00:44.36piklupiklu  : yes it does now
00:44.45unbornnow :D
00:44.53stonedunborn: not helping. stop.
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00:45.22unbornstoned: sure. sorry.. ssh is my answer unless you tell him step by step. enjoy
00:45.35stonedeither the grey backround is default, or it's using the file to set it using xsetroot, however, it's running xserver it seems and ocnnecting
00:45.43stonednoting show sup, no apps or anythign, not even gnome-session
00:45.50stonedthat it means the file is n't causing the destop to be gray
00:45.57stonedit's default gry desktop in Xorg afaik.
00:46.01tofutoonCan someone suggest a server/client combination that supports chat, audio calls, and screensharing that works on Linux, Mac, and Windows?
00:46.02stonedso this file isn't taken effect
00:46.06stonedI would run as user, not root
00:46.12stonedcome back when you run as user
00:46.18stonedand stop running things as root
00:46.36stonedalso, i'm tired. Bye now.
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00:48.52piklustoned : :)
00:49.30unborntofutoon: there was something long time ago like screenconnect but that was sold and went well expensive.. only google chrome non free software can give you this or skype.. I mean google is your friend
00:50.02stonedpiklu: sorry. I got tired. I don't know vnc enough. Perhaps another could assist.
00:50.07unbornor realvnc but that is also non free software
00:50.20stonedOnce I get my second machine up, I'll use vnc and set you know.
00:50.23piklustoned : I am extremely thankful for whatever help I got
00:50.33stonedI got a free computer, 2gb, windows xp, not bad, gonna debian it up.
00:50.38unbornor teamviewer but also non free.. I mean google it
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00:53.02pikluunborn : I have used teamviewer, I don't think so using with linux is a great idea
00:53.36stonedGet an X server for your Mac.
00:53.39stonedRun it.
00:53.45stonedThen ssh -X to debian.
00:53.45piklustoned : Exactly installing this right now
00:54.30unbornpiklu: well I am using it all the times since some users does not like idea to install anything.. personally I do not have package installed on my system.. its jut in browser - google extention or whatever you call it.. however for linux, I would not advice you to use full install.. just use quick support
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00:54.53linuxgoofcan anyone tell me how to undo this command i used when trying to fix an earlier problem? trying to get things back to the way they were
00:54.54unbornpiklu: if you want to do real work on linux desktop/server just use ssh.. safest and best way
00:54.54linuxgoofdpkg-divert --local --rename --add /sbin/initctl
00:54.58stonedI woudld not recommend any non-free software unless absolutely needed and last resort.
00:55.05unborn*and fastest
00:55.06pikluunborn : I think it will still mess up, I believe we have a generic session mess up here, teamviewer will have to start a GUI too
00:55.11stonedThis is #debian. DFSG, free software.
00:55.21pikluunborn : I do use ssh. mostly.
00:55.27stonedThe spirit of freedom. Let's try to recommend prop. apps as least as possible.
00:55.52pikluunborn : However i want to have a server running everything, so I can come back and use it as a remote desktop to continue work
00:56.16unbornso whats the issue? piklu I would be honest with you.. I used vnc on linux last time in 2009, it was called wino or what it was.. perhaps its still in debian..
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00:56.32tofutoonunborn: I have been googling for some time. And, I tried out several software packages. qTox was the closest thing I found, but it's a bit buggy. Skype seems to be the best option. It's free as in beer but not as in freedom.
00:56.37pikluunborn : I keep changing computer and I lose the flow of work.
00:56.38unbornah sure.. server.. ssh on my end..
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00:57.25piklustoned : I will come back, xquartz wants me to login logout to start it
00:57.25linuxgoofso no? no one knows how to revert a dpkg-divert?
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00:58.48fishsticksmight help
00:58.55Shadow_7_linuxgoof: probably a dpkg-reconfigure
00:59.08unborntofutoon: what I do with my clients is simply plug into network rpi with reverse ssh to my server, then I connect to rpi and have look at network.. then connect to desktop via rdp or vnc and do remote support.. most of vncs have chat build in.. also I run my own irc server if user wants to chat and I am on rdp.. but thats over kill.. simple skype should give you screensharing (no remote access just sharing) and chat.. is that what you looking for?
00:59.26linuxgoof@Shadow_7_ if I ran this exact command: dpkg-divert --local --rename --add /sbin/initctl do you know how I would go about undoing it?
00:59.27artificialSo I followed the advice of a couple users here by keeping jessie (instead of stretch) and just using a backport kernel. Now debian no longer boots into gdm and I get the following errors at boot:
00:59.40unbornpiklu: sure.. same here long time ago.. have backup on server. server does not need gui
01:00.16unbornsaid in simple plain loud words.. ssh would serve you best piklu
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01:00.24stonedartificial: just boot the old kernel in grub.
01:00.34stonedartificial: then remove the bpo kernel
01:00.35Shadow_7_linuxgoof: what is it in conflict with?  dpkg-divert
01:00.44stonedI don't use any goofy backports kernels stable is stable.
01:00.56missmbobartificial: install firmware-iwlwifi from jessie-backports as well
01:00.58stonedbackprots are not part of stable, but provided as conveneince to users to use at their own risk.
01:01.11unbornpiklu: if you about to use remote desktop like cloud os - you may better google things out to better understand what it is about. sorry.
01:01.12linuxgoof@Shadow_7_ not in conflict with anything, i just don't want anything changed unecessarily
01:01.14tofutoonunborn: I'm currently using Skype, but it's a bit buggy. What do you use for rdp and/or vnc?
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01:01.19artificialstoned: My hardware is pretty new and requires kernel 4.6+, should I just use stretch?
01:01.23missmbobartificial: the firmware version has to match the kernel. so both need to be from backports
01:01.30stonedartificial: I see your isuse now. Hm.
01:01.40stonedartificial: then in that case, install the non-free package
01:01.48themillartificial: do you have firmware-misc-nonfree installed?
01:01.49stonedartificial: you need contrib non-free in your sources
01:02.04piklustoned: I was able to start a gvim window now.
01:02.05stonedThen that packet  the mil saisd
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01:02.09stonedthemill said
01:02.11piklustoned : However extremely slow
01:02.17Daggerspecifically I think you need firmware-misc-nonfree /from backports/
01:02.19piklustoned : how can I start a full desktop ?
01:02.24stonedpiklu: try ssh -X -C for compression
01:02.46piklustoned : I am on a gigabit line :)
01:02.53stonedpiklu: over ssh -X? I dunno. I don't know if you can.
01:02.54unborntofutoon: vnc - realvnc and sometimes for just quick drop of google chrome.. for rdp just rdp.. I mean remmna if you asking for client
01:02.59Daggerartificial: although given that stretch is frozen, you might want to just install it directly rather than bothing with backports at the moment
01:03.07unbornI dont use skype at all
01:03.22stonedstretch is supported in #debian-next on oftc
01:03.25unborntofutoon: also sometimes teamviewer but that depends on client
01:03.42artificialstoned: themill I have my sources set to non-free already and I believe firmware-linux-nonfree is also installed.
01:03.59stoned,v firmware-misc-nonfree
01:04.00juddPackage: firmware-misc-nonfree on amd64 -- jessie-backports/non-free: 20161130-2~bpo8+1; sid/non-free: 20161130-2; stretch/non-free: 20161130-2
01:04.01themillartificial: don't believe, check. That dmesg output indicates otherwise
01:04.48themill(it may also be that it has just loaded a different version of the firmware of course)
01:04.54piklustoned : almost unusable, very laggy
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01:05.09stonedpiklu: is there an rdesktop client for os x?
01:05.10piklustoned : I extremely like the idea of launching apps.
01:05.19stonedpiklu: run rdp on debian, rdesktop client on os x
01:05.21piklupiklu : Rdesktop ?
01:05.22artificialthemill: Says its installed
01:05.27stonedpiklu: rgp > vnc anyway
01:05.33stonedvnc updates full, whic this updates in chunks.
01:05.37stonedbetter algorightm.
01:05.39piklustoned : RDP as in windows rdp ?
01:05.41unborntofutoon: realvnc as viewer only.. on linux and on windows and xos as servers I use opensourced binary software.. you can google them
01:05.48themillartificial: not that I can see
01:05.52stonedrdp is by microsofft, also implented in foss
01:06.07stonedI personally prefer rdp to vnc
01:06.10stonedrdp also carries audio iirc.
01:06.11themillartificial: firmware-misc-nonfree is not listed there
01:06.12stonedvnc does not.
01:06.19artificialthemill: Line 165: ii  firmware-linux-nonfree                0.43                                 all          Binary firmware for various drivers in the Linux kernel
01:06.58stonedIf you have a Linux computer and sound is working on it, then you will be able to get sound through rdesktop. But it's not necessary easy, unless you are aware that there is a bug that prevents it. Good news is that there is a really simple work-around to make sound work. -
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01:07.12stonedIf you want a full desktop experience, try rdp on debian, client on os x
01:07.20stonedthis will give sound too.
01:07.21artificialthemill: There is no package by that name in jessie
01:07.32piklustoned : RDP installed and connected, same gray screen now
01:07.33themillartificial: you're running the kernel from backports
01:07.43unborntofutoon: but primary is vpn connection (if you have this assets) or give client simple rpi poe with reverse connection to your server and then you can use rdp or vnc within local ips..
01:07.54stonedpiklu: keep messing w/ it, eventually you'll figure it out
01:07.57themillartificial: as missmbob said earlier, [12:01] <missmbob> artificial: the firmware version has to match the kernel. so both need to be from backports
01:07.57stonedI have to go now.
01:07.59piklustoned : yes
01:08.41stonedpiklu: there are many solutions to the desktop issue. Run gnome panel over ssh, and use it to launch individual apps on your local machine Xquartz server
01:08.52stonedit maybe slow, but you can use -C ssh compression
01:08.59stonedover lan, it should be pretyt darn fast.
01:09.02piklustoned : I am pretty sure it has something to do with gnome now
01:09.13unborntofutoon: vpn is very free option.. keep your clients on and when they need support they just log into it and you just connect, be it ssh, vnc, rdp or whatever
01:09.16unbornsimple and clean
01:09.17stonedlike I said, xorg launches, you conenc,t just no apps run
01:09.21piklustoned : I launched gnome-session, it asked me to logout.
01:09.23stoneddisplay is running afaict
01:09.32stonedI don't use goofy desktops man
01:09.34stonedXmoand here.
01:09.37stonedand mostly cli apps.
01:10.20stonedI might setup vpn on a vps
01:10.21artificialthemill: Still doesnt exist, and I tried installing the other firmware packets with jessie-backports and it says they're already the newest version.
01:10.27tofutoonunborn: VPN might be the right option.
01:10.43stonedmy cheap vpn right now is screen in terminal :D
01:10.51tofutoonunborn: Thanks for the suggestion.
01:10.53unborntofutoon: I am using this for about 8 months and it is.. at least for me..
01:10.55missmbobartificial: you must add non-free to jessie-backports line
01:11.01themill!show sources.list artificial
01:11.01dpkgartificial: Please pastebin the contents of your /etc/apt/sources.list and /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*.list.  The easiest way to do this is to pastebin the output of: head -v -n -0 /etc/apt/sources.list{,.d/*}
01:11.26unborntofutoon: once you loose client for whatever reason you just remove his credentials from vpn and forget him..
01:12.24unbornstoned: vpn aka ssh port forwarding is great for proxying :) I love it
01:12.31tofutoonunborn: Mainly I'm looking at this as a tool to work with other developers remotely. Neither of us really wants to give access to our machines to the other person.
01:12.49tofutoonunborn: That's one reason Skype works well.
01:13.00stonedtofutoon: the best way to do this is with version control.
01:13.31unborntofutoon: then vpn should be fine.. if you all *nix based then ssh should be fine too.. if you working on some code, man use git
01:13.37stonedtofutoon: development works best when you have a container setup, anyone can replicate, w/ code on repository.
01:13.42unbornor something similar
01:13.43tofutoonstoned: We use version control, but there's things like design/questions that people don't always want to put down in writing.
01:14.02stonedtofutoon: they work best in writing.
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01:14.10piklustoned : I am trying to change to a docker based dev now
01:14.11linuxgoofShadow_7_ actually im kind of confused as to what dpkg-divert does in that scenario considering i thought it redirects packages
01:14.14stonedThere is a reason RFCs are written and not spoken.
01:14.37unborntofutoon: vpn or shared disk somewhere on net.. where you can actually upload things, see them and test them
01:14.42stonedAlmost all RFC I've read are primarrily design documents.
01:15.01unborntofutoon: I mean calling each other regards button on website is just - ehrm..
01:15.10Shadow_7_linuxgoof: without parms it details diverts... files provided by more than one package
01:15.23*** join/#debian APexil (~you@unaffiliated/apexil)
01:15.24unbornbut vpn should works for everyone
01:15.27stonedpiklu: vagrant here.
01:15.30piklustoned : do u have experience with swarm or deis or kubernetes?
01:15.43stonedpiklu: docker is too ... well, vagrant can spin up instances on rackspace so that's good.
01:15.49Shadow_7_like that is by xorg or amd proprietary driver
01:15.57stonedpiklu: never heard those names before.
01:15.57piklustoned : I use dedicated machines mosty
01:16.13piklustoned : Really ??
01:16.19stonedWould I lie?
01:16.42piklustoned : look them up. they can save you lots of bills :) making your own cluster using dedi
01:16.50artificialthemill: Installed the backport version, still have dmesg errors and still doesnt boot into gdm
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01:17.28piklustoned :
01:17.29stoned you mean this?
01:17.30piklutry this service too
01:17.49stonedI don't even use containers, really.
01:17.54unbornpiklu: im running my sites from my own server costing me 23 pops a month on my regular internet.. if you want to save money, do it on your own..
01:17.56piklustoned :
01:18.05unbornno dedi..
01:18.07stonedI'm oldschool. I don't use ansible type config software either
01:18.13unbornbe your own dedi..
01:18.14stonedold school shell scripts and presseding stuffs
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01:18.23pikluunborn : I agree, but i am trying to make a MMORPG baseline. I need better.
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01:18.24stonedI have dabbled in the whole container thing
01:18.42stonedthat whole container and all that workflow is for people who I think have a terrible work habit.
01:18.48*** join/#debian lufeng (~lufeng@
01:18.52stonedI think these containers try to solve a nonproblem. but that' sneither here nor there.
01:18.57piklustoned : you are on right path. you will love swarm though. It is native docker and allows you to make a cluster out of many machines.
01:19.08stonedi'll check it otu, thank you
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01:19.37piklupiklu - you can than scale them, move here and there, they will self heal and will be highly available.
01:19.46*** part/#debian OS-27789 (
01:20.01stoneddon't mention moving things here and there.
01:20.20stonedI battled a crazy zfs on linux feature/flag mismatch issue from jessie to stretch for 4 days
01:20.30stonedincluding 3 days of openindiana, freebsd, 3 linux, and 2 debians testing.
01:20.42stonedback on zfs after all the ranting. but still.
01:20.51stoned(was moving pools across oses)
01:21.09piklustoned : well, it is not a clustered filesystem. It runs many docker containers and allows to be load balanced.
01:21.31linuxgoofis it possible to apt-get the original /sbin files
01:21.45stonedlinuxgoof: what did you do?
01:21.46linuxgoofsay if i accidently delete one
01:21.46unbornstoned: since we are in same container.. how would you do apache proxy but leave .htaccess rules in local to be applied to proxy.. any thoughts?
01:21.54stonedlinuxgoof: you can always install-reinstall a package
01:22.02stonedwhich file?
01:22.09stoneddo apt-file on it, fin dth epackage, and reinstall th epacakge.
01:22.29stonedapt-file search initctl
01:22.41stonedthen apt-get install reinstall (forgot syntax, check manpage)
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01:23.32unborn...thats what I thought..
01:23.56unbornall of those nowadays wanabies.. zero knowledge
01:24.33unbornyou may be able to deploy docker but rest of it guys? I mean really..
01:24.40linuxgoof@stoned okay so there's the one i want to reinstall /sbin/initctl
01:24.55unbornwtf is wrong with you. anyway this is supposed to be debian help channel...
01:26.12abishaiguys, is udevd required on a VPS?
01:26.14stonedlinuxgoof: ok
01:26.24stonedabishai: yes.
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01:27.21linuxgoof@stoned so when I do apt-get reinstall initctl it says unable to locate
01:28.01*** mode/#debian [+l 1636] by debhelper
01:28.05unborndocker was build to be easy as.. i wont swearing.. its good toy
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01:29.35abishaiguys I'm coming from Slackware, which I've been using for a few years
01:29.45abishaiI have to say I'm liking Debian, a lot
01:29.53abishaiand the package manager is very potent
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01:30.06stonedapt-get install --reinstall upstart ?
01:30.11stonedtry that linuxgoof
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01:30.26Shadow_7_upstart is ubuntu.  and older ubuntu 14.04 -
01:30.42stonedupstart: /sbin/initctl
01:30.49stonedapt-file reports this in debian jessie
01:30.55stonedreinstall this package.
01:31.01stonedand stop deleting things in /sbin
01:31.05unborn,v upstart
01:31.06juddPackage: upstart on amd64 -- wheezy: 1.6.1-1; jessie: 1.11-5
01:31.43unbornhm okay.. ist still there..
01:31.57stonedShadow_7_: ubuntu is debian :)
01:32.05stonedwell. not 'is', but you get me.
01:32.10unbornstoned: ubuntu is not debian
01:32.22unbornits based on debian but ubuntu is not debian
01:32.32linuxgoofdoing that want to install a lot of packages
01:32.35unbornubuntu works completely differently from debian
01:32.40unbornits not the same thing
01:32.43stonedSir, the package is the same.
01:32.51stonedUbuntu takes debian packages.
01:32.59stonedWhatever is in ubuntu, is in debian.
01:33.02linuxgoofi just want to install the initctl i guess i can't?
01:33.21stonedThen they add all sorts of goofy stuff
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01:33.26artificialabishai: well you come from a distro that doesnt resolve dependencies lol
01:33.29stonedBut it always begin with debian.
01:33.40abishaiartificial: yes :P
01:33.47unbornyes Ubuntu takes debian packages but modifies them and uses them for ubuntu.. are you running debian at all by any chance?
01:33.55unbornstoned: ^^^
01:34.02stonedknock it off.
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01:36.54piklustoned : xhost +
01:37.02pikluthis says unable to open display "localhost:10.0"
01:37.07pikludoes it click something ?
01:37.22unbornI was wonder why half of the stuff you was advised here was not working for users who asked.. dont get me wrong ops does not like me here coz I am pain in butt I mean really, but.... im out of here.
01:37.30unbornstoned: ^^^
01:38.09fishsticksUbuntu is Debian that is slightly modded is all
01:38.23fishstickswell customised
01:38.28fishsticksnot modded
01:38.49unbornfishsticks: sure.. nothing against it.. but its modded
01:38.53unbornnot the same thing
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01:47.13sn0wmonsterUbuntu is Debian with the mindset of "get this working on all hardware at any cost, especially the cost of security"
01:49.30unbornsn0wmonster: o/ long time no seen you.. anyway yes but - debian does run on all hardware too without any compromises
01:49.54unborn:) dont forgot there is nonfree.. and it just worked on everything Ive tested
01:50.56*** join/#debian Yukiteru (~Yukiteru@unaffiliated/yukiteru)
01:51.19unbornI think ubuntu is great for what it does try to sale or whatever you call it, and debian does the same if not better but I would still say, its modified and its not the same thing.
01:51.33sn0wmonsterI haven't tested them both thoroughly enough to say, but Ubuntu Touch is proof enough fro me that they're most interested in bredth rather than depth
01:51.53dpkgThis is not a chat channel, this is a Debian user support channel.  Unless you have a Debian support question, please chat elsewhere, like #moocows on or ##chat on
01:52.03sn0wmonsterty missmbob
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01:52.23unbornsn0wmonster: i use only debian.. which reminds me that this should be about debian support?
01:52.46unbornmissmbob: ty and s
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01:56.20pikluSuggest me a desktop environment other than gnome, I think it is a gnome issue here
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01:57.56Digzpiklu, I quite like KDE on my Debian. Its old school, but slick.
01:58.06pikluDigz : Trying kde plasma now
01:58.09unbornpiklu: tty, openbox, kde, xcfe
01:58.22pikluunborn : Was trying to take one of them
01:58.28unbornand that buggy how you call it..
01:58.46unborndeveloped by mint
01:58.52unbornI forgot the name..
01:59.12unbornah and other one the very nice one, buddye?
01:59.46unbornpiklu: budgie.. thats the one
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02:00.24piklulooks cool.
02:00.27unbornwhat was the name of the buggy one
02:00.35Digzunborn, cinnamon?
02:00.48unbornDigz: yes !
02:00.48Digzor mate?
02:01.14unbornmate? aint seen that from 2009.. dont even know if that still exist
02:01.24piklux11, it can start apps without a desktop environment, right ? though slow but works, I loved the idea actually. if it was working without lag I would love it.
02:01.45unbornpiklu: openbox and gnome my favours
02:01.49unbornor tty
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02:02.06pikluunborn : I like gnome but is not working
02:02.17pikluand x11 apps are laggy....without a full desktop I guess.
02:02.22unbornpiklu: whats not working?
02:02.37piklugnome : whenever I start says oh - there is an error trying to connect
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02:04.32unbornpiklu: connect to where? are you again about your vnc?
02:04.48pikluunborn : It is not a vnc issue at all, I believe it is a gnome issue
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02:05.28unbornpiklu: so you have an error to connect somewhere from somewhere..
02:05.42pikluunborn : I have an error to start a gnome environment.
02:05.44unbornman whats the error msg?
02:05.57unbornand how do you exactly connect?
02:06.30pikluunborn : I can use vnc or ssh -X
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02:06.43pikluunborn : starting gnome-session is saying can not connect..oh oh
02:06.50unbornsure you can..
02:07.17unbornah..I see..
02:09.02artificialWhy are there so many gui package management applications pre-installed? (Software, Synaptic, Package Updater, Packages) Whats the difference?
02:09.32unbornthere is plenty of 3th party (nonfree) software for the thing you just want to accomplish or free some great tool like ssh. I know that you was saying that you want to connect to server and keep your work there.. ssh would be completely fine. vnc it self have documentation out on internet. have look for it. I said that before.. for vnc you will not be able to log into gnome session.. that is why you have an error but perhaps you miss read my message
02:09.40*** join/#debian Kawaxi (kawaxi@gateway/shell/elitebnc/x-bqafqdjtfxsncjwk)
02:09.55unbornartificial: synaptic
02:10.02unborngreat thing ^^^
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02:10.52unbornpiklu: there is plenty.. was for you...
02:11.50artificialAlso whats the difference between "Firefox ESR" and "Iceweasel -> Firefox ESR"
02:12.02artificialand why do I have both installed
02:12.12unbornpiklu: i dont really get it coz if you install vnc properly as server on linux machine it will install another DE for you.. you wont be able to use gnome session that milion % sure
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02:12.20psychoticwarriori think firefox ESR is a newer version
02:12.32missmbobnothing. you dont. the -> is just a link because firefox replaced iceweasel
02:12.44unbornI think firefox esr is older version.. but I could be wrong
02:14.47jrtc27Firefox ESR is the LTS version
02:15.20unbornartificial: as jrtc27 said... I was wrong. sorry.
02:15.41artificial"Iceweasel->Firefox ESR: This is a transitional package, it can be safely removed."
02:19.52artificialCan I get the non-esr version of firefox?
02:20.25missmbobit's in sid and jessie only
02:20.41missmbob,v firefox
02:20.42juddPackage: firefox on amd64 -- jessie-backports/firefox-release: 51.0.1-3~bpo80+1; sid: 51.0.1-3; experimental: 52.0~b9-1
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02:27.33unbornartificial: you can still download the ff from its own website, unpacked into your opt directory and use it from there.. I mean manual is on internet.. once verified you happy with package on your system you can remove the debians one in synaptic but this is ill advised
02:27.51unbornand also I would say insecure
02:27.57KawaxiGuys I need to find a package , and stop the installation if its already installed , someone could help me?
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02:28.19pikluunborn : $DISPLAY is not set or cannot connect to the X server.
02:28.25pikluunborn : when I do startkde
02:28.33somiajKawaxi: what do you mean by find? apt/aptitude will not install packages that are already installed
02:28.42unbornpiklu: no you dont listen or read what I said
02:28.54unbornpiklu: no gnome no cinammon no kde
02:29.00pikluunborn : why ??
02:29.51unbornyou can get maximum xcfe.. piklu well you should ask someone who developing vnc for linux, perhaps there is very good reason for this.. less resources for remote
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02:30.06unbornlocal is not important that much but remote is
02:30.29pikluunborn : People are using gnome on vnc
02:30.35unborn...i think its xcfe isnt it
02:30.44piklupiklu : and I have 1gbit connection
02:30.54unbornyes piklu I use gnome to connect to vnc on my arch..
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02:31.01Shadow_7_you should be using some sort of manager.  be it startx or otherwise
02:31.37unbornagain piklu you can connect whatever to lightweight DE like xcfe
02:31.38veekfor iptables -N, if the chain exists how do we detect and skip
02:32.26unbornyou will never be able to get connection from your box to gnome or kde or cinnamon.. unless you running that linux in virtualbox
02:32.58missmbobunborn: wrong.
02:33.03unbornits not about the connection speed its about vnc server
02:33.31unbornmissmbob: perhaps - sunlight me
02:33.52missmbobunborn: the opposite of what you said
02:34.21unbornmissmbob: so vnc on linux will does load advanced gui like gnome and kde?
02:34.47unbornas server.. he is whatever to linux box..
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02:36.55somiajKawaxi: please speak in the channel, don't send messages
02:37.36Kawaxisomiaj , I havent pm you.
02:37.56somiajyou are sending some kinda of message, just speak in the channel
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02:38.16Kawaxinotice is not some kind of msg, its the same you use when you mention my nickname...
02:38.17somiajanyways I suggest using dpkg to check if something is installed first, that might work better.
02:38.43unbornsomiaj: there is easy way to block that - I think debian chan have it in message right as you connect to it.. just give your self favour with +r more
02:39.19somiajunborn: it isn't a /msg, but it is some other message, maybe something the client is doing.
02:39.23Kawaxithanks for the suggestion somiaj
02:40.12Kawaxiyou more than likely hes receiving a notification product of the / notice
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02:40.38unbornmissmbob: I admit I used vnc in long time ago on linux box.. but never been able to connect to gone or other.. only wino used to let you do this.. but I am not sure.. if you would spare few moments to tell me and piklu how to do this? hes been trying it all evening.. like 3 hours
02:40.54unborn..and I also would love to know hot to do that
02:40.57somiajthe messages are going to my main information console, this is not normal, if you are just typing my name and this is automatically happening, it is a configuration in your client.
02:41.32unbornvnc server on linux box simply would not work with gnome.. thats what I know past several years...but I could be also wrong.
02:42.00unbornsomiaj: ah sure.
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02:45.45Kawaxinoted somiaj
02:45.49*** join/#debian Jgd888 (32833254@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
02:47.14Jgd888hi everyone. I took a hdd with windows out of a laptop and put in a ssd from another computer that has debian on it. The laptop is saying no bootable device found even though the ssd is connected. Uefi issue maybe?
02:47.38unbornI guess sunlight isnt happening
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02:48.27unbornJgd888: did you cloned the hdd or you just simply copied?
02:49.20Jgd888unborn i had the ssd in another laptop running debian. All i did was take it out and put it in this other laptop. No cloning or anything
02:49.39Jgd888Since it already has a OS on it i want to use after switching laptops
02:49.40unbornthat would not work
02:50.18Shadow_7_How old is the UEFI?
02:50.33Jgd888really? I thought debian didn't depend on the hardware like windows and a hard drive could be transfered to any machine
02:50.39Shadow_7_Some only boot DOS partitioning
02:50.45Jgd888Not sure how old but it's a new laptop
02:50.52unbornyou will have to have very very much similar hardware to be able to run it again but you will still have to and must reactivate windows it self
02:50.53Jgd888Old computer had uefi too
02:50.58Shadow_7_Some drives don't have boot hardware in them
02:51.09Jgd888It does not have windows
02:51.16Jgd888Osn't this debian channel?
02:51.35unbornJgd888: you can try it but if cpu was changed and bios as well.. you more likely to have bsod
02:51.41unbornblue screen of death
02:51.46Shadow_7_I have the same issue here, but I use a usb bootable distro to boot the ssd
02:52.00Jgd888bsod is a windows thing. Is unborn a troll?
02:52.12unborngood luck then
02:52.20Shadow_7_I can configfile (hd1,gpt1)/boot/grub/grub.cfg boot the ssd
02:52.54Jgd888So shadow, i should put a livecd ln a usb and try to use it to get grub and boot from the ssd?
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02:53.22Jgd888Or would reinstalling debian on the ssd work
02:53.29Shadow_7_it's easier to boot a usb linux and update-grub on it, and use it's menu to select
02:54.32Jgd888How do I update-grub? Boot into the live distro and run uodate-grub, then reboot and see if the ssd is listed?
02:54.51Shadow_7_as root, but basically yes
02:54.56unbornaha .. another hdd with debian on it.. well that should work instantly.. sorry I was reading you try to place windows hdd into another laptop
02:55.11unbornmy bad
02:55.55Jgd888yea unborn i think it should have worked instantly too
02:56.04Shadow_7_Assuming the live distro isn't read-only
02:56.14Jgd888CPU shouldn't matter
02:56.19unbornJgd888: sorry I am not troll, I just read it all wrong..
02:56.33Jgd888no problem
02:57.03unbornyeah, Jgd888 what I would do try is to disable/enable uefi - depends what you will see when you log into bios
02:57.34Shadow_7_Some systems are sensitive to if the ssd is SATA II or SATA III
02:57.41unbornJgd888: most of the times when I move around the bare metal with my existing system, I just plug it in and it works instantly
02:57.49unbornam also on ssd
02:57.53Shadow_7_sata 2 bootable... sata 3 fail
02:58.11unbornJgd888: I should have somewhere here button
02:58.22unbornbeen changing machine about 4 times
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02:58.27unborn** Uptime: 2d 2h 41m 57s **
02:59.13unborncrap it does not say if ssd.. but basically you should be able to just plug disk in and continue to work
02:59.35Jgd888I tried
03:00.00pikluunborn : I removed xrdp and installed again, i removed the /etc/init.d file manually, now its not generating it. any help ?
03:00.05unbornJgd888: even with uefi optoin on and off?
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03:00.22unbornJgd888: is the disc encrypted?
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03:02.45Jgd888unborn yes it is
03:02.55Jgd888Is that a problem? Luks
03:03.01pikluunborn : I removed xrdp and installed again, i removed the /etc/init.d file manually, now its not generating it. any help ?
03:03.18unbornpiklu: - wow.. well that is outside of my scope.. well its not but I would suggest you to reinstall that machine. missmbob said you could connect to gnome if there on that linux box is vnc server.. which to me looks like its not possible, unless its really outside of my scope.. I had no sunlight from him regards his last reply so.. best bet would be to reinstall machine and use xcfe as end view for your remote vnc session..
03:03.22unbornsorry about troubles
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03:04.45Shadow_7_vncviewer worked for me long ago.  just need to know the port (5900) on the host machine and not have it blocked by firewall
03:04.51unbornJgd888: ah - well.. that will not work.. you changed the hardware - to be honest with you I dont really know if that does read signature of the hardware but it should - and I am not troll - just saying. encrypted disk onto another machine is possible but its outside of my scope.
03:05.23unbornI mean to give advice to someones else data.. I cannot help
03:05.32Jgd888Oh ok
03:06.32epsilonvnc, rdesktop, spicy... many options these days
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03:07.31unbornShadow_7_: yeh for me last time in 2009 :) but that was last time.. and no gnome session possible.. maybe I am wrong
03:08.09unbornpiklu: or just use ssh - for me that is the best option.. sorry im a bit old
03:08.21pikluunborn : I agree however ssh -X is too slow
03:08.39Shadow_7_I want to say x11vnc on the host.  When you viewed and stopped the viewer, the host stopped hosting
03:09.40unbornpiklu: may I ask after those hours.. what on earth you need gui for? I mean on server..
03:10.10pikluunborn : I have a developer and me, I need to continue my workflow and setup environment for him. I need a remote linux environment
03:10.18unbornShadow_7_: I would agree with him.. x is slow over net.. from usa to uk.. its just pain
03:10.38unbornpiklu: sure, thats sounds about right
03:11.02unbornpiklu: and whats the purpose of that dev work? source code?
03:11.08Shadow_7_I found it surprisingly performant... on local 10/100 ethernet
03:11.54unbornShadow_7_: did you just read what I said.. I was talking about 1000+miles.. not local network
03:12.37Shadow_7_I know, but there are other options and not all interwebs suck.  x2go is what the nubs seem to favor these days
03:12.42pikluunborn : We need to create a primary dev environment to code projects, like a MMORPG backend, some java jobs, I will use docker and python and eclipse etc
03:12.44unbornand I believe piklu was talking same
03:13.01piratepeteanyone here running an old IRC program that would stay on in your terminal and you could logout and then come back to the terminal later and IRC was still there? I forget the name of it. It's been years but I liked it.
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03:13.25Shadow_7_piratepete: irssi and screen
03:13.34Shadow_7_or tmux
03:13.51unbornpiklu: you may consider very fast environment with some version control like a git
03:13.58piratepete<Shadow_7_>: that's it! perfect!
03:14.03unbornno gui is need it at all, its easy
03:14.27stonedcan be any client in screen
03:14.35stonedI switch between irssi and weechat
03:14.36unbornpiratepete: yes.. you may consider znc on your server..
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03:14.50pikluunborn : yes, only if I was using linux locally, a typical problem comes when the flow of your work is gone by rebooting computers, coming back from work etc, on a server I am very confident I can simply work in the manner I need without interupption
03:15.18piratepeteis there an install of irssi for debian e.g. apt-get install irssi?
03:15.26unbornone chan one login to all your chans whenever you go off, you will be still presented also once you log in you would read logs.. google it znc
03:15.33Shadow_7_piratepete: yes  even xirssi for nubs
03:15.34unborn,v znc
03:15.35juddPackage: znc on amd64 -- wheezy: 0.206-2; jessie: 1.4-2; jessie-backports: 1.6.4-1~bpo8+1; stretch: 1.6.4-1; sid: 1.6.4-1+b1
03:15.42unbornits even in repos
03:16.21unbornyes piklu git works even offline
03:16.35unbornyou do your changes to code, then you pull and push and you done
03:17.03unbornother developer simply pull and edit your code, then once he is ready he just push it back
03:17.15unbornso you can both be synced
03:17.21unbornor more of you
03:17.45unbornpiklu: good example is github.. :)
03:17.49somiajpiratepete: you will also need something like tmux or screen to run the terminal irc client in.
03:18.13unborn1+ somiaj for screen
03:18.31stonedgoogle screen vs tmux pros and cons
03:18.45unbornbut I still think you can run some irc bouncer even if you use terminal
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03:21.22piratepeteI am in irssi and I logged off freenode but it wouldn't let me identify
03:21.40unbornpiklu: repos on your computer will be always yours.. when you pull you will get his or their updates to your code from server and it will merge to your own code changes.. if no conflicts then your can push it back to server so others can update.. also it will tell you who was changed what and you would be able to retrieve it back if anything wrong.
03:21.51somiajpiratepete: you may want #freenode or an irssi channel for that. But you can configure auto identify in irssi
03:21.51unbornthere are even web apps for it
03:22.38piratepetesomiaj: thanks
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03:22.43unbornno vnc or any other crap need it piklu
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03:26.14unbornheck you can run this even without server if you run linux on your machine.. piklu if not you only need somewhere cheap linux machine. I can help you with git web gui as well.
03:26.30piklugit web gui ??
03:27.46unborn:) piklu one moment
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03:28.46unbornpiklu: that is just an example.. this is web gui (the ugly way) of git repository.. keep in mind this was my home project..
03:29.11unborngit repos in terminal looks much better for me but its only personal preference...
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03:29.19unbornpiklu: here:
03:29.33stonedyup. script some gitty stuff, publish blog articles on my site in like 2 seconds.
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03:31.15unbornpiklu: you can see changes and all sort of rubbish you do to your code.. that repo is just a demo - i mean its real but its just demo :)
03:31.34unbornstoned: yes.
03:31.51unbornbut its more about other things..
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03:33.17stonedwant me to show you  how fastly?
03:33.20pikluunborn : i have used things which allow for online coding, like codeanywhere, icecoder etc, they are similar.....but to be honest working on linux environment helps
03:33.41pikluunborn : I believe I need to work on more complicated stuff.
03:34.02unbornpiklu: the point of git is you coding on your laptop even without internet with all of your tools
03:34.05sawthewhathow to scroll my screen?
03:34.13pikluunborn : and how do u build and test ?
03:34.16missmbobpage up/page down
03:34.17unbornpiklu: once you have internet you just push it to the server
03:34.27stonedsawthewhat: sometime ctrl+page up down
03:34.33Shadow_7_sawthewhat: Shift+PageUp / Shift+PageDown
03:34.38stonedor that.
03:34.40pikluunborn : how about when u want to run many times and test in 10 min sessions
03:34.48sawthewhatok i see
03:34.48Shadow_7_Or mouse wheel if gui
03:34.50unbornpiklu: ah you mean testing your code? sure.. virtual machine and test it there so I do not mess my real machine
03:34.52stonedhey watch this is how fast.
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03:35.28unbornstoned: I dont know what you mean but it will be slow.. not using any cache or other rubbish
03:35.42unbornif that was what you mean
03:36.21ghormoonhi, is there something like hddscan in repos? that would be able to write some random data (or patterns) over whole disk and then read it listing slow parts/sectors of there are any?
03:36.45unbornpiklu: pardon me.. linux kernel the very base is controlled by git
03:38.37unbornpiklu: I mean I tried to help you.. but you seems to me, that you have no idea what you on about.. coding is not some childish container with one command and here we working yay.. its responsibility.. anyway you dont need me to tell you. if you think git is not good for you but its good for linux developers and founder of linux it self then - I am deeply sorry - cannot freaking help ya
03:38.58sawthewhatim new here. and, why i can't use some commands in channels? i typed many commands and pressed enter. irssi echoed nothing to me.
03:39.20missmbobfreenode doesnt support *all* commands
03:39.31unbornstoned: exactly :) 1+ (but still ubuntu is not debian - get this to your nut) :)
03:39.51Shadow_7_sawthewhat: if it's not an irssi command it'll go to the irc server
03:40.16Shadow_7_sawthewhat: switching windows is /window 2 ... /window 3 ... or /2 /3 for short
03:40.19stonedunborn: seriously. Knockk it off
03:40.25unbornsawthewhat: sometimes use brain.. as you surely know - few things you read on internet will never work on public irc chan
03:40.47unbornstoned: dont be upset..
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03:40.51Shadow_7_sawthewhat: it's not well documented, but it is documented depending on sources from which your draw.
03:40.58stonedunborn: im not upset, I think you're confused.
03:41.07stonedI don't use bubuntutu
03:41.09stonedwhatever it's called.
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03:41.28unbornstoned - perhaps you may be right.
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03:41.59stonedunborn: I forgot I wrote another article in debian
03:42.39unbornbut really liked your blog post.. you know you can write git push alias or something to push that thingy out with those things you write on your blog.. just saying stoned ;)
03:44.14unbornstoned we should keep in mind that this is debian support chan.. im bit relaxed - as here is 4am.. but really this should not be here
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03:44.39unbornbut you was very right about gitty thing ;)
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03:48.19stonedThe thing I'm trying to update my zram script.
03:48.38stonedI was using 4 devides, 512mb ech, but now 2gb each, 2 devies half my ram for compression
03:49.17unborn2 gigs - why would you ever need to compress that small poo?
03:50.09stonedI'll modify the script, and make it so /etc/init.d/zram start 2 2048 would start 2 devices that size.
03:50.25stonedgonna make it take num_devices and size_devices as params.
03:50.57stonednot that I'll be changing it around, but keeps it nice and ... something.
03:51.30unborneven taken no of devices and rams.. its just like my home server - still poo.. whats the cpus?
03:52.21pikluunborn : we all use git, but git is not a solution for local development environment, or is it ?
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03:52.33stonedthere is even git for /etc/
03:52.44stonedlots of uses for git, version management of documetns too
03:52.49stonedfor /home
03:53.09stonedAnything you want to track changes.
03:53.18unbornah common piklu for testing your code you can install some free virtualbox and debian or whatever os you want to test it on... running right from your windows os
03:53.41unbornpiklu: I mean what a question - really?
03:54.27unbornstoned: my git runs on 1gig ram and - well its acer revo r3600
03:54.35unbornstoned: 78 users
03:55.08unborndoes not go up more then 400megs/38%cpu
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03:58.34unbornpiklu: I offered help but you seems to not listen also I think you have no clue what you actually want to accomplish. not a worry about it.. we all been there.. as I said google it.. its all there. I think you was looking completely in wrong direction.. if you on about testing your container scripts with your collaborates you can do that in free server - there is plenty of them just for testing purposes.. you dont need me
03:58.52unborn- basically I dont think so I am well advanced to help.
03:59.26unbornstoned: I like those :)
03:59.38pikluunborn : it depends on what u need, I really need all my terminal, all my browser tabs, everything I do to stay intact, got it ?
03:59.39unbornstoned: crap resolution for bg ;)
04:00.16unbornpiklu: you seems to really not understand.. you will have that all.. never mind.
04:00.37pikluunborn : I will have that all ? like with git-web I can have a browser window opened?
04:00.51unbornsorry piklu, it would be better for you to try vnc solution you was after all the times.
04:01.06pikluunborn : don't wanna let a good option go, please explain
04:01.53unbornpiklu: you know you can have many tabs open in your browser and also you know git web interface is to view quickly the code not to work on it
04:02.22unbornalso piklu that web thingy would run on your server not on your laptop..
04:03.10pikluunborn : ok, so what to do with my laptop rebooting ? won't that close my browser windows...and existing terminal sessions
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04:04.22unbornrunning it locally was optional suggestion however git it self is terminal - mean eats less then one meb of ram.. so I think since here is 4am and I am really tired of trying and keeping explain you all the times what devops really does and helping you or perhaps as English is my 4th language - it must be very bad, which I think is my fail. sorry.
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04:06.29unbornpiklu: you just log into your machine as you was before and you run your testing environment for your apps again. if you would use free testing servers for docker fine, - they are valid for as long you use them, if the server is not used for about 10 minutes it will be deleted, so you freaking deploy your docker thingy again and continue to work
04:06.41unborn- I just dont get it
04:07.17unbornwhich part of I am saying is bad? or all of it? :D
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04:10.14stonedunborn: I made those in 2004
04:10.15unbornpiklu: or purchase some nice server and run your development there.. once you finished with your development publish it on github
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04:10.42pikluunborn : I have dedicated servers !
04:10.43unbornstoned: nice one man
04:10.51unbornpiklu: so enjoy
04:11.09pikluunborn : Yes, that is what am trying to do, setup dedicated environment to develop on this machine
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04:12.09unbornI only assume what you trying.. as you do not saying properly what you actually want. read it in backlog.
04:13.12unbornpiklu: that is completely different from vnc shit you was on about to development - testing machine is not development - development happens when you write your code and deploy..
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04:14.02pikluunborn : consider your developer having a very light weight machine, not suitable to continously test ur dev codes, you would like to help him ? right ? using a server.
04:14.04pikluthats all.
04:14.18unbornpiklu: you know what, I do admire you, you have dedi servers, go and use them as dedicated environment to develop whatever you want. Im sorry but I cannot help you as I do not understand.. im just human.
04:14.23unborngood luck.
04:14.41unbornim fucking devops man
04:14.50unbornlike really?
04:15.06unbornstoned: photoshop or gimp?
04:16.01pikluunborn : I appreciate you are a devops, I have worked on all sorts of devops shit now. :)
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04:17.47stonedOn debian sarge
04:17.59unbornyeah I hope so, no one ever like you get write any code for docker. anyway insulting anyone is under my level of humanity - sorry piklu take your garbage away, you get my full ignore :) have nice day/evening.
04:19.14*** part/#debian tippy (0599e922@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
04:19.35unbornstoned: how did you managed to get those brushes on second picture? does gimp - can that be done in gimp? i mean it looks nice but sort of darker color would be my taste. I
04:20.02unbornmean if you would share source of it.. I could play with it ;)
04:20.42pikluunborn : I did not insult you, but you seem to be undermining importance completely of having a machine to develop on locally. A always available dev environment, your being devops is making you feel build deploy is the only reality, that is not how all people work. It is not possible to keep waiting for your deploy agents to keep compiling and building while dev is waiting to see what happened.
04:20.43stonedlost xcf files
04:20.51unbornpiklu: never call people shit. its just bad.
04:21.13stonedunborn: he did not call anyone shit.
04:21.24pikluunborn: Let's end this topic now. I did not call you shit.... I said all devops shit...... it means like devops and everything....
04:21.32stonedit's a figure of speech.
04:21.54pikluunborn : and I apologize for causing confusion and if you felt disrespected. Please let's close this topic now
04:22.05unbornstoned thanks but "piklu> unborn : I appreciate you are a devops, I have worked on all sorts of devops shit now. :)" we dont need to even talk about it.. it sounds like it was written.. just move on
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04:22.31piklustoned : I launched a new VM, and everything worked smoothly with RDP and KDE, seems like that server has strange issues, but KDE is causing drama
04:22.43stonedsounds good
04:22.50stonedI don't mess around w/ goofy desktops
04:22.56piklustoned : and checkout apache guacamole, it looks awesome
04:23.06stonedLast time, I used KDE 3.5.10. Best kde of life.
04:23.16stonedMany years past.
04:23.36stonedSince then, I used just a xmonad wm.
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04:23.47piklustoned, my primarily use is on SSH, but due to my nature of work I seriously feel the need to have some place to keep all my browser tabs, workflow, etc I can come back and work, and so does my dev.
04:24.13stonedguacamole is nice.
04:24.33stonedpiklu: browser sessions.
04:24.42piklustoned : yes
04:24.57unbornstoned: yeah if I would not tell him about 5 hours ago he would not even know :D
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04:28.06pikluunborn : are u pointing to me ? I know about guacamole since many months now
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04:30.00stonedCome on.
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04:33.38piklustoned : I can't really get him anymore. I will remain silent for a while and fix guacamole
04:34.32stonedunborn: brush strokes are fractal patterns in gimp, I can't recall which. I'll have to get back into gimpy stuffs again
04:35.04unbornstoned: just looking into it
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04:37.41unbornstoned: I will have look tomorrow when I wake up.. its a bit late here.
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04:38.30unbornstoned: perhaps I could use some free image as background and play with logo in front plus some hue and saturation.. that would do just as about same ;)
04:39.04unbornoh yeah
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04:44.41unborn,v ruby-zip
04:44.42juddPackage: ruby-zip on amd64 -- jessie: 1.1.6-1; jessie-security: 1.1.6-1+deb8u1; sid: 1.2.0-1.1; stretch: 1.2.0-1.1
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04:47.26piklustoney : Guacamole setup done, connected to XRDP, I love it.
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04:47.42piklustoned : I need a lightweight environment now, kde is sucking
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05:12.43somiajpiklu: xfce or lxde are the lightest of the desktop enviroments, after that you can look into window managers.
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05:28.12aZz7eChlxde is what lubuntu uses yeah?  very light indeed.
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05:28.36aZz7eChif i wasn't so happy in gnome3 ... :P
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05:34.48stoned a stoned desktop
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05:35.06aZz7eChlawl far out
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05:36.40stoned2x 60" and 4x 19" under
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05:36.51aZz7eCh  move into the 90's stoned
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05:39.01stonedaZz7eCh: I am inside the now.
05:40.10stonedI just can't stand all the goofy things you have to do w/ a mouse.
05:40.31stonedplus, xmonad is a great wm.
05:40.43stonedurxvt is a great terminal.
05:41.04stonedwhat more does one need? goofy menus? panels? for what? I don't get it.
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05:41.58tomg2i3 and/or dwm will probably get me from window maker
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05:44.06piklustoned : what do I need to do for adding a user to x11, it seems other users can't login
05:44.40stonedno idea.
05:44.48stonedhow are you connecting?
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06:06.18n___is there a BSD-like securelevel sysctl in Linux current?
06:06.27n___There used to be one dictated in a sysfs file
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06:28.47La09x09how to get redshift in panel in mate
06:29.02La09x09since redshift-gtk is not available in debian repo
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06:37.03somiaj,v gtk-redshift
06:37.04juddPackage: gtk-redshift on amd64 -- wheezy: 1.7-2; jessie: 1.9.1-4; stretch: 1.11-1; sid: 1.11-1
06:37.09somiajLa09x09: you mean that ^^?
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06:37.46somiajthat is the name in wheezy/jessie, in stretch/sid it is a transitional package that points to redshift-gtk
06:37.52La09x09somiaj, thanks a lot!.
06:38.00La09x09somiaj, I thought it was redshift-gtk :P
06:38.08La09x09so kept searching without a luck!
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07:15.02hk238I'm trying to get a newer version of cmake, is that likely to result to problems? I don't remember things so well
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07:29.42ghormoonhi, how should I ensure net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-iptables is 0 when it doesn't apply on boot? I have to call manually sysctl -p later, which is sometimes not so convinient :)
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08:09.11somiajghormoon: how are you trying to set it at boot?
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08:23.38ghormoonsomiaj: well, it's in sysctl.conf, but not applied. if I sun sysctl -p after the system boots, it applies correctly
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09:10.28quesada_does the installer offer encryption of /home?
09:11.03nkuttleryou can configure encrypted partitions
09:11.19nkuttlerso, if you do that and put home on one, yes
09:12.37ghormoonmaybe he asks about encfs like mint etc. offers, but yes, you can encrypt whole partition with luks (I'd personaly prefer that)
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09:13.01quesada_I don't know much about it
09:13.15quesada_I want something simple that will survive kernel upgrades
09:13.51nkuttlerquesada_: kernel upgrades hardly matter
09:14.27nkuttlerluks has been working for more than a decade now
09:14.49quesada_so luks >> encfs, which is what the installers use?
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09:18.23ghormoonwell only advantage of encfs I can think of is that multiple users can use the same partition and have their own passwords, but if it is personal machine, I'd go luks
09:18.42quesada_thanks ghormoon
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09:38.52zxdI am getting nss_getpwnam: name '0' does not map into domain
09:38.55zxdany ideas why
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09:53.45pikaro__hi! are there any versions of checkinstall that properly save your settings for a particular package? it's extremely annoying for anything complicated to reenter them over and over again if anything goes wrong during the process, which it often does.
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10:02.15pikaro__ah nice, this patch works:
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10:33.10fifi-vI'm running Debian Jessie on a MacBook Air, the WIFI connection is much weaker on Linux. Is there a way to improve it? Googling tells me it's to do with the wireless driver, but all information I found is Arch related. Any suggestion?
10:33.34La09x09fifi-v, why would you even run linux instead of macOS?
10:33.48La09x09on a macbook*
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10:35.25n4dirfifi-v: you sure want to add the info which chipset you have got and which connection-manager you use.
10:36.18n4dirmy workflow is "lspci" and then enter "chipset +debian" in a searchengine of choice. Usually that leads me to the debian wiki
10:38.37fifi-vn4dir: Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM43224 802.11a/b/g/n (rev 01)
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10:39.28fifi-vI'm runing i3 on xfce4, I usually use nmtui-connect as my connection manager.
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10:40.42n4dirfifi-v: i can't help with wireless. (i got a broadcam too, and i do know a) there is a debian wiki page and b) there are several drivers and c) i sometimes got problems too). But like said: i am not the right person for wireless. Good luck
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10:41.53fifi-vI found this wiki page,, which seems helpful. Thank you.
10:43.01n4dirgood luck
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10:50.46NewKingKong71Hey, is it safe to use testdisk to another partition or should i use a different drive?
10:51.11NewKingKong71For recover files deleted in another partition
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10:57.00NewKingKong71Anyone knows? I don't have an external drive. I only have a 16gb pendrive, while i need to recover gb60
10:57.00jrgpfoohey, when is stretch coming out?
10:57.16missmbobcouople of months probably
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10:57.54missmbobor more. when the green light goes green.
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10:58.08GNU\colossusthose of you running their own mail service, which anti-spam solutions (shipping in Debian) do you use? since dspam was dropped from jessie, I'm having a hard time to choose.
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10:58.56camhjrgpfoo: stretch was frozen 4 weeks ago. historical freeze times can be found at
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10:59.19camhmake your own guess how long the freeze will be
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11:00.43jrgpfoowow I didn't realize the freeze could be hundreds of days long. various news articles made it sound like the release was "imminent"
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11:09.23NewKingKong71Anyone can help me?
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11:18.12Shadow_7_testdisk, or at least photorec will recover up until the point that you run out of space.  Without changing the source drive.  Now if that drive is failing and not just corrupted, don't use that.  Otherwise get a bigger drive, they're cheap these days.
11:19.49NewKingKong71Shadow_7_: i have 2 partition. I was asking if i can recover files deleted on partition 1 with testdisk on partition
11:19.54NewKingKong71Is it safe?
11:19.56Shadow_7_NewKingKong71: Also, I don't know if you can advance past the point that it runs out of space.
11:20.21Shadow_7_It would be safe to do said things on a dd copy of the drive
11:20.24tdnI am upgrading from debian 7 to debian 8. During grub-pc configuration, I was asked a question about which devices to install grub on. I checked all available as I was unsure and that seemed the safe choice. Then grub install failed. I have the original question and my response + lsblk + the error message here:    How do I proceed ?
11:20.47NewKingKong71But i only have a 16gb pendri
11:21.06NewKingKong71I need to recover 60gb of pure gtaV modded
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11:21.24Shadow_7_NewKingKong71: You could combine several smaller drives into one big one with lvm and other things.  Or use an nfs mount, although networks, even gigabit are slow as molasses
11:22.06NewKingKong71But i only have that drive
11:22.29n4dirtdn: i would assume you want to install grub to /dev/sda (a question mark here ... no clue about lvm, raid and similar voodoo)
11:22.37Shadow_7_If only there was a man page for friends.  *sigh*
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11:23.41tdnn4dir, I would think grub needs to be loaded before lvm and raid is happening
11:23.55n4dirtdn: i would think the same, but am not sure.
11:24.02Guiflehello, can you help me please? I cannot make Samba work
11:24.14NewKingKong71Well, i can redownload everything in about 3 days, so i want to know if it worth to try to recover in another partition from the one where ive deleted gta
11:24.18tdnn4dir, but if you are right, that means it should be safe to continue, right? Because grub did not seem to fail on sda and sdb
11:24.20n4dirif no one has a "do it exactly like that", i would simply try /dev/sda , tdn
11:24.38Shadow_7_tdn: grub-pc is legacy???  not grub2.  I tend to use another grub on another disc to boot the install.  And then install grub to the / according to mount
11:24.48tdnn4dir, the server is 2000km away from me so I would like to be sure that it does boot
11:24.53n4dirtdn: i never did such, i install it to only one device. i would think so
11:25.04tdnShadow_7_, I have no idea, I just use what is installed
11:25.17NewKingKong71I think ill try
11:25.20n4dirtdn: ah, i see. Then wait for someone who knows 100% for sure. try & error is not a good approach then
11:25.26Shadow_7_tdn: Sometimes when it's a flash drive or whatnot you have to --force the grub to install.  # grub -f /dev/sdXYZ
11:25.43tdnShadow_7_, did you see the linked images?
11:26.10tdnShadow_7_, this is HDDs in md raid-1 with lvm on top
11:26.25tdnShadow_7_, lsblk is even included in the images
11:26.26Shadow_7_tdn: yes... 2x 3tb drives, and a lvm one.
11:26.47tdnShadow_7_, exactly
11:26.50Shadow_7_tdn: blkid might help clear up what's there
11:27.36Shadow_7_partitioning for > 2TB requires GPT
11:28.12tdnShadow_7_, is that a problem for grub? I would assume GPT is in place if that is required because this system has been working and booting fine for years. :)
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11:28.26tdnShadow_7_, and I just want it to continue working and booting after upgrade to debian 8 :)
11:28.42tdnShadow_7_, not sure what to do with blkid
11:28.46Shadow_7_GPT maintains it's stuff in multiple places so a traditional MBR install doesn't hurt it (much).
11:28.53Shadow_7_as far as grub goes
11:29.20tdnThere seems to be GPT on /dev/sda and sdb
11:29.21Shadow_7_tdn: blkid lists your drives / partitions and usable bits like UUID / LABEL stuffs
11:29.44tdnShadow_7_, yes, but what do I use that for in this context? :)
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11:30.39Shadow_7_you only need grub on one bootable device.  Which could be a usb stick and relatively unrelated
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11:31.22NewKingKong71What's the percentage of recovery files? If i run testisk in a different partition, the partition where i deleted files, should be untouched, right?
11:31.33tdnShadow_7_, sure, but does this mean that when I selected all devices, and it did not seem to fail on sda and sdb, then both of these are bootable and booting will work and it is safe to continue?
11:31.44n4diruh, well, from the top of my head you will also need to be sure that the PC boots from that device. So you will want to install grub to the device it boots from per default
11:32.14tdnNewKingKong71, please only work on a disk image and not the actual disk
11:32.16Shadow_7_tdn: well, the MBR basically points at the /boot/ of where you where when you installed grub.
11:32.58Shadow_7_I tend to select NONE on that screen, and use grub-install && update-grub on the CLI
11:33.03NewKingKong71But i can't
11:33.07tdnShadow_7_, ok, so does this mean that when I selected all devices, and it did not seem to fail on sda and sdb, then both of these are bootable and booting will work and it is safe to continue?
11:33.15NewKingKong71Is there a possibility to success?
11:33.33Shadow_7_tdn: only the last one might be relavent to booting if you select all
11:33.51tdnShadow_7_, the last one? /dev/md0?
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11:34.05Shadow_7_and it could be problematic if any disk does not use traditional MBR / GPT partitioning
11:34.05teraflopstdn: it looks like md0 is a sw raid, if yes install grub in both /dev/sda and /dev/sdb
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11:34.32tdnteraflops, md0 is software raid, yes.
11:34.54tdnteraflops, as far as I understand, grub did install on sda and sdb. So it should be safe to continue, right?
11:35.05Shadow_7_software by lvm?  zfs?  ???
11:35.12tdnShadow_7_, md
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11:35.21tdnShadow_7_, seen in 'lsblk'
11:35.22teraflopsyeah, anyway you can always fix it using the installer iso
11:35.44n4dirteraflops: the problem is the server is not locally accessible
11:36.30teraflopsn4dir: then he can wait forever until he makes a decision…
11:36.32Shadow_7_One issue is that it has to be a /boot/ location that grub knows how to read.  Otherwise I don't know much about raids
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11:38.00n4dirtdn: no one you can contact via phone, email, etc ? (in case it goes south ...)
11:39.02Shadow_7_I mostly keep grub on a usb stick.  So when windows or other OSes mess up the MBR, I can still boot the linux
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11:39.17teraflopstdn: if you dont believe what I said (which is fine since you must not trust random guys on the internet), go search for info about "install grub in sw raid"
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11:42.06tdnteraflops, I already chose to continue :)
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11:42.33tdnn4dir, no, not on a Sunday
11:42.36n4dirfingers crossed ...
11:44.33n4dirtdn: do you have to reboot at all (before tomorrow?)
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11:46.24tdnn4dir, yes
11:46.36n4dirk, then good luck
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11:47.26tdnn4dir, thanks. :)
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11:50.55BluesKajHiyas all
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12:02.00Guiflehello, I cannot transfer files from host to guest machine. I am totally new to this. can you please help?
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12:03.15Shadow_7_If you can network between them you can use nc to transfer a single file
12:03.55GuifleShadow_7_ I have been trying to network between them with all the suggestions I found online, but none worked so far
12:04.18n4dirguest and host of what? Virtualbox? qemu? etc ...
12:04.28Guiflen4dir, qemu-kvm
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12:04.38Shadow_7_three parts to networking, an interface with an IP, a route, and a firewall
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12:05.08Shadow_7_breakage in any one breaks all
12:05.21n4dirGuifle: i got no experience with qemu (networking), but there are how-to's out there, the one from ubuntu is good, iirc
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12:05.48n4dirmany do use qemu though, so you can also just wait
12:06.00donald_trumpI announce every one to use Openvms and throw nazi version of unix a.k.a Linux out.  Details here:
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12:06.49n4diror try this:
12:06.52dpkgKernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) is a full <virtualization> solution for Linux hosts on x86 hardware with x86 guests.  Packaged as qemu-kvm since Debian 6.0 "Squeeze".  See for installation instructions, also ask me about <xve>.  #kvm on
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12:08.03GuifleI've been wrestling with the samba thing, and ssh, no avail. should be very simple. but as beginner, something went wrong
12:11.04Guifleif you check online, it is so easy, right click folder, select share, it isn't
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12:35.55refresherhello everyone, I have a banal problem with permissions. I want to open a block device for readonly-binary reading as user - and obviously I am getting "Permission Denied". Is there a way to ask the user for password, and when correct, grant only once this opening the block device and read from it? After closing the descriptor, authentication should be required again
12:36.25refresherI am using plain python script with open("/dev/sda","rb")
12:37.56refresherAny suggestions how I can ask the user for password for privileged access and effectively open the device with the permissions necessary to read only once ? Further attempts to open the device for reading should again require authentication after the descriptor is closed.
12:38.44refresherFor example - something like gnome-disks and opening a device for benchmark is what I am looking for
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12:39.18refresheranyone ?
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12:40.46tdnn4dir, Shadow_7_ teraflops: server came back up after reboot. Thanks for the help. :)    PS. Should I do anything to get rid of grub-pc and get grub2 instead?
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12:43.00cybrNautanyone know if there is a debian package to protect nighttime users from blue light?
12:43.30cybrNautI did an "aptitude search blue" and got only bluetooth stuff as far as I can tell
12:43.31Blitzgewitter-cybrNaut: redshift
12:43.39cybrNautBlitzgewitter-: thanks, will check it out
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12:44.49teraflopstdn: if you have BIOS/MBR you want grub-pc
12:45.19tdnteraflops, I have a BIOS. Is it possible to not have one? :)
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12:45.29teraflopstdn: huh?
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12:46.01BluesKajteraflops, i have grub 2 with BIOS , it works fine
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12:46.23teraflopstdn: did you install grub-pc manually?
12:46.47teraflopsI mean if you apt-get install grub it picks the one you need (ideally)
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13:27.05dirgeablehi! im getting a 511 relaying denied error for incoming mail. outgoing mail is working fine. im using citadel for the mail server. wondering what to check
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13:31.04shtrbAnyone have an idea how to interact with SMS (with gnokii)  over E8327h/e3372 without rooting the modem ?
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13:31.32NekojimiHey, I'm getting 403 Forbidden trying to access the Debian Wiki. Is it down?
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13:32.20missmbobNekojimi: working here
13:33.20shtrbNekojimi with the login page or something else ?
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13:44.05unborn,v openxenmanager
13:44.06juddPackage: openxenmanager on amd64 -- jessie: 0.r80+dfsg-4; sid: 0.r80+dfsg-4; wheezy: 0.r80+dfsg-4
13:44.47stonedis there a tool to automatically sync directories across disks
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13:45.58stonedthat's what I figured, but any ready made backup tool like that?
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13:46.15stonedi know they have wrappers around the basic tools etc.
13:46.22stoned(trying to avoid reinventing the wheel)
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13:51.10veekstoned, amanda? it's meant for bkups
13:51.54missmbobyou could just do a loop every x seconds, wait x seconds, if pgrep returns foo, exit, else rsync
13:52.26stonedyeah ok.
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13:59.25unborn,v proxmox
13:59.26juddNo package named 'proxmox' was found in amd64.
13:59.50dpkgProxmox Virtual Environment (Proxmox VE) is a GNU/Linux distribution <based on Debian>, providing a virtualization platform with <LXC> and <KVM>.  It is not supported in #debian.  There's an unofficial ##proxmox channel on Freenode.  For official venues, see
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14:40.25tdnteraflops, did not install it manually. Was installed by the installer
14:43.12DeaDSouL_Hi, what kind of cables do I need to connect this motherboard to the backplane of this chassis .... I have no idea whatsoever.. this is my first real server ever...
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14:46.46BrigoDeaDSouL_, i can't see how your questions is related to Debian.
14:47.33DeaDSouL_Brigo: heheh... debian used to be used as server... i thought someone here knows something :p
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14:52.34shtrbDeaDSouL_: the bare minimum you need is the cabling of your powersupply , 8 SAS3 cables
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14:54.04DeaDSouL_shtrb: can you tell me the model number of the sas3 cables... or a picture or anything... i'm totally noob at this
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15:01.12shtrbI just googled the info , you better talk with their/your techsupport  (I looked what you have on the chassis and what you have on the motherboard )
15:01.55shtrbgoogle says it's SFF-8643 but my google-foo skills may be rusty
15:02.20shtrbDeaDSouL_ ^
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15:23.29rlyWhat's the name of the program which uses mime type mappings to select the right program to open a file?
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15:24.02rlyI think on MacOSX there is "open", and IIRC on Debian it's called "see", but I just want to check that.
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15:24.24VerityHow Hsad
15:24.33VerityHow can I update VIM to support python?
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15:24.45VerityThere is a lot of conflicting information online
15:25.19rlyVerity: you can build it from source (which is easy).
15:25.26VerityI'll try this
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15:25.37Veritybuilding from source is a bad choice if package is available from what I've read
15:25.50FinalXa/w 23
15:26.14rlyVerity: sure, but if you are a heavy user, then the distribution package is often not what you want.
15:28.33rptxhey everybody. I'm running testin in virtualbox. After updgrading today. I'm no longer able to start x with a normal user
15:28.36rptxroot works ok
15:29.06rptxit failes with enableIOports operation no permited
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15:30.13rptxvesa(0) cannot read int vect (where I think the problem is)
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15:31.45rptxIs this a known problem?
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15:44.38dirgeablehi! i have citadel installed on debian 8. outgoing mail works fine but incoming gets denied 511 relaying denied. what could be the problem? thanks!
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15:46.41snowkrashanyone ever did a gpu passthrough?
15:47.04snowkrashis this the right place to ask questions about it?
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16:27.39dc123how do I install a package from jessie in stretch?
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16:28.09jmddc123: dpkg ... and cross your fingers.
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16:28.39dc123my package has a version in stretch main and another in jessie main i want the one from jessie jmd
16:29.03jmdThen download it and run dpkg
16:29.34dc123how do I download it
16:30.16jmdftp, ssh, http .... ?
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16:30.57dc123cant i apt-get install $repo $package or something
16:31.47towo`apt install package/jessie
16:31.56towo`or apt install package=version
16:32.50dc123it says that it couldnt find the package package
16:34.05towo`you would need an entry for jessie in your sources
16:34.10dc123I did
16:34.44towo`if apt-cache policy package shows a jessie version, it would work
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16:49.07rptxSo, I cloned a vm without X, installed VBox Guest additions, and it works now. Donno what happeneed
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16:51.16Samsa_hi. I don't actually know what "sound system" is running in my dist (default debian stable); but at the moment, and also in the past, its just making distorted noise. any ideas what I can do? the "sound system" seem to get upset when mute / un-mute, etc.
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16:54.06Shadow_7_Samsa_: if pulse over a network... clocks could be out of sync... if jackd or alsa, could be using the wrong period size.
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16:58.38user5346How do I temporarily change the console font in console mode?
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16:59.08Samsa_(did I miss any response? my connection died)
16:59.09user5346I want to set it to terminus upon logging in.
16:59.56Samsa_Shadow_7_, allright,,, gonna check it closer...
17:00.25DefianoWhere is chanell for package developer?
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17:01.25Samsa_ok, in /etc/init.d I only see also*, and no pulse* or jackd*... So I reckon I run alsa*
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17:05.11Samsa_(actually it was pulse...)
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17:06.42zykotick9!tell Defiano about mentors
17:09.04DonquixoteWhen will Debian 9 stable come out?
17:09.20missmbob3-4 months maybe
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17:11.15Samsa_how can I restart pulseaudio? there is nothing in init.d/ it seems,,, I tried doing by sudo pulse,, but it didnt work
17:11.46missmbobyou dont. when it's needed it'll automatically start. and dont ever run it as root
17:12.49Shadow_7_Samsa_: pulseaudio --kill && pulseaudio --start
17:12.52Samsa_missmbob, ok. wouldn't use root.. ok, will check if its works now
17:13.05Shadow_7_Samsa_: although by default it auto-restarts, so kill -9 works too
17:13.23missmbobkill -9 didnt change that. you have to set it to autospan first
17:13.36Samsa_Shadow_7_, ok,, did that,, but I could only kill it being root, but didn't want to restart being (root)... brb
17:14.16Shadow_7_autospawn is by default iirc
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17:17.37jhutchinsCross-grading to 64b really didn't work. Way to much 32b stuff still installed, and things are still trying to default to 32b versions.  build-essential is very confused.
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17:18.23snowkrashis it normal that /media shows mylinuxlive folder without any media?
17:18.48snowkrash... /media/usr/mylinuxlive/
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17:24.48DefianoI'm looking mentors from Poland
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17:29.33aleph-TAcan anyone here help me out with a network namespace dns issue?
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17:54.00stonedDeaDSouL: and go into #debian-mentors
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17:54.32stonedI mean nevermind.
17:54.35stonedHe's gone.
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18:02.56Quatrokingokay so I have a big media library in ~/Library, and I want to add an extra harddrive soon. How can I make it so that folder is shared over multiple drives?
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18:04.57Quatrokingor should I consider redoing my server, throwing the OS on an ssd and throwing the disks in a RAID?
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18:06.11otherMehi guys, I'm trying to setup a vpn (auto starts openvpn) and redirect all trafic from wlan0 to eth0. I did that using bridge, which works without vpn, but when I connect VPN I lose DNS. Is bridge the best way of doing this? can you point me in the right direction to fix the DNS problem? thanks
18:09.45teraflopsotherMe: you can do openvpn in bridge mode, I think the "I lose DNS" bit is unrelated though. just push DNS's. if yes, maybe your client is overwriting or ignoring it/them
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18:12.36otherMeteraflops, thanks. As soon I connected openvpn I can't ping for example, but if I do it's fine. Do I need to specify any parameter to openvpn or it should work as is?
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18:15.43teraflopsotherMe: yep depending on your setup something like push "dhcp-option DNS"
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18:16.24otherMeteraflops: thanks I will try that
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18:22.23teraflopsotherMe: out of curiosity, you do openvpn in bridge mode or you just made a bridge outside openvpn?
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18:24.27otherMeI guess was outside! I changed /etc/network/interfaces did the bridge between eth0 and wlan0 and then start openvpn. My ideia is to have hostapd running and all clients go out over vpn
18:24.46teraflopsotherMe: that should work
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18:25.50otherMenow that you asked that, should I do the bridge between wlan0 and tun0? [sorry networks is best :/]
18:26.40otherMeteraflops: thanks again
18:27.56teraflopsotherMe: well if I get what you want you have a wireless hotspot and want all the clients go though the vpn
18:28.17otherMeteraflops, correct
18:28.24teraflopsyou can do that way you can also do it using iptables
18:29.19otherMewhat is the difference or which method is preferable ?
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18:31.27WeiJunLihow do i get a newer version of e2fck?
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18:55.35maven27145Hello, I'm trying to add a my/a user to the sudo'ers file, but when I try to sudo something it says the user is not in the sudoers file.
18:57.05Shadow_7_the user also needs to be in the sudo group
18:57.40maven27145Shadow_7_: Which means?
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18:59.36missmbobsudo adduser username sudo ; then log out and back in
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19:00.38missmboblogout username, not the user you used to add
19:00.39maven27145missmbob: I've already added the user with adduser {username} sudo, and it doesn't work.
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19:00.55missmbobyou *have* to log out and back in
19:00.59Shadow_7_maven27145: usermod if you go that route
19:01.17maven27145Okay, I'll try reboot again
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19:08.41newbiekjhkjhkljhis there any reason why on linux when i set mode +x and am the owner of a binary that bash will throw a "command now found" error. its for wine.  i run ./wine in the same directory.
19:08.49newbiekjhkjhkljhI'm running debian stretch
19:09.20hassoonnewbiekjhkjhkljh: what?
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19:10.39Shadow_7_are you trying to run shutdown -h now ?
19:10.54newbiekjhkjhkljhhassoon:  so , I am running debian stretch :P I'm using playonlinux from both repo (at first) and the site (which is the same version), when it tries to run the POL wine it downloads, it gets a 'command now found' error, i tried to debug by going directly to the directory the exectuable was in, I ran chmod +x and ls -l, ls -l confirmed i have execute permissions and that I own the file and bash is
19:10.58Katana_SteelDid you use chmod +x [bin]?
19:11.15Shadow_7_because systemd changed shutdown.  The modern equivalent is ... shutdown -H -P +0
19:11.26newbiekjhkjhkljhhassoon:  saying "command not found", there is no other wine exectuatble on the system, the package is removed
19:11.32newbiekjhkjhkljhKatana_Steel:  yes lol
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19:11.45newbiekjhkjhkljhKatana_Steel:  don't let the named fool you lol
19:11.55emxi try to systemctl start wpa_supplicant@wlan0.service. /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant-wlan0.conf exists. systemd tells me that the service failed to start since unit wpa_upplicant@wlan0.service file not found. what could be the reason?
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19:12.32hassoonnewbiekjhkjhkljh: in fact, i can hardly understand what's your problem
19:12.40hassoonyour english and even the context are so broken
19:12.46hassoonsorry, good luck
19:12.51newbiekjhkjhkljhhassoon: no actually its not
19:13.11Katana_Steel./wine ChanSer
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19:13.17newbiekjhkjhkljhhassoon: let me put this in words you understand.  I'm running debian stretch (testing)
19:13.24hassoonnewbiekjhkjhkljh: yeah and ?
19:13.44newbiekjhkjhkljhhassoon:  on the little itty bitty program, which is a compiled series of code packages.
19:13.48Katana_SteelWhat are you trying to run with wine?
19:13.54newbiekjhkjhkljhhassoon:  I am running play on linux
19:14.02newbiekjhkjhkljhhassoon:  it downloads a version of wine
19:14.05newbiekjhkjhkljhKatana_Steel:  yes ty
19:14.21hassoonso he basically has a proble with wine and/or playonlinux, is that it ?
19:14.24newbiekjhkjhkljhKatana_Steel:  and bash, even if the permissions are all set correctly throws an error "command not found"
19:14.25hassoon* problem
19:14.40newbiekjhkjhkljhhassoon:  problem is i'm wondering if testing has a bug in its bash build at this moment
19:15.05Katana_Steel./wine c:/wi
19:15.14newbiekjhkjhkljhKatana_Steel:  that will throw the bash error mentioned
19:15.46newbiekjhkjhkljhKatana_Steel:  i've only ever seen bash throw that error when +x permissions have not been granted
19:15.59somiajor the command it not found in your $PATH
19:16.17newbiekjhkjhkljhsomiaj:  when you're not specifying its exact path that would be correct
19:16.45newbiekjhkjhkljhsomiaj:  see Katana_Steel's comment just now, that is how i'm trying to run it from inside the same directory
19:17.08Katana_SteelIs the wine in your current dir a shell script perhaps trying to execute system wine?
19:17.21newbiekjhkjhkljhKatana_Steel:  nope, its a binary
19:17.37newbiekjhkjhkljhKatana_Steel:  containing a symbol table of strings apparently as well
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19:20.34newbiekjhkjhkljhKatana_Steel:  I really wish we could pay package maintainers
19:20.47newbiekjhkjhkljhKatana_Steel:  is there a donations page or anything that you are aware of ?
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19:21.07newbiekjhkjhkljhKatana_Steel:  don't want another microsoft, but rewarding contributors would be great
19:21.31likcorasHi, what would be the most optimal way to detect whether a mouse is connected? I want to kill syndaemon & completely disable touchpad when I plug in a mouse, and restart syndaemon & enable touchpad when I unplug.
19:22.00newbiekjhkjhkljhlikcoras: i believe under syslog a usb descriptor event will occur if you do a tail -f /var/log/syslog
19:22.21newbiekjhkjhkljhlikcoras:  most hardware connection events get dropped in there, like when you hotplug a hard drive
19:22.49Katana_SteelOnly wine website I know of is
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19:23.32newbiekjhkjhkljhKatana_Steel:  ya, but playonlinux downloads binary builds of it. point is, even if i create a malformed binary, i THINK bash still tries to determine if it can be executed.
19:23.45Katana_SteelI don't know who's the debian maintained
19:23.46newbiekjhkjhkljhKatana_Steel:  when you run it with an absolute path.
19:24.39likcorasnewbiekjhkjhkljh: eh, so just grep logs? I was thinking more udev rules.
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19:25.05newbiekjhkjhkljhlikcoras:  I can tell you thats what i usually do and i just plug the device in after running tail -f to see it in realtime
19:25.16newbiekjhkjhkljhlikcoras:  hold on.
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19:28.24likcorasI am also trying to run a command when I plug in my external monitor, so figuring out udev would be best, two birds with one stone.
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19:28.41newbiekjhkjhkljhit should look something like that
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19:29.00jhutchinsUp and running in 64b, recovering environment.
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19:29.15newbiekjhkjhkljhjhutchins:  64 kb ?
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19:30.46newbiekjhkjhkljhlikcoras:  that will tell you if the system recognizes its been connected at least
19:31.10newbiekjhkjhkljhlikcoras:  actually thats probably better.
19:31.23newbiekjhkjhkljhlikcoras:  udev manages /dev
19:31.42newbiekjhkjhkljhlikcoras:  i think that you will not see an entry there unless a module that creates one is loaded
19:31.53likcorasyeah, I remember setting it up once. Just lost the config and can't remember what I did.
19:32.05newbiekjhkjhkljhlikcoras:  haha thats usually the way, eh ? lol
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19:32.34newbiekjhkjhkljhlikcoras:  i set up samba like 4 times in my life and i have to look up how to do it every time lol
19:32.41newbiekjhkjhkljhlikcoras:  and pxe
19:32.53likcorasAnd I had done it on arch, so not sure whether it would work on debian as well. Can you point me to some resource on writing udev rules?
19:33.00newbiekjhkjhkljhhas anyone gotten efi boot from pxelinux to work btw ?
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19:33.26newbiekjhkjhkljhor is that being abandoned because hardware manufacturers are removing ethernet ports from a lot of laptops ?
19:34.25newbiekjhkjhkljhas part of their 'everything must be total crap and $0.25 for a jack and $5.00 for a controller is too expensive and we like people being able to snoop the airwaves for our crap' initiative ?
19:35.24teraflopsnewbiekjhkjhkljh: feel free to share your thoughts in #debian-offtopic
19:35.41th_i cant get past this (upgrading 6.0 to 7.0):
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19:35.50newbiekjhkjhkljhteraflops:  sorry, but subtract 2 lines :P what is the status of efi boot under pxelinux ?
19:36.06newbiekjhkjhkljhteraflops:  does anyone use it or is it a dead project under debian ?
19:36.28teraflopsdid you try it?
19:36.55newbiekjhkjhkljhteraflops:  yeah, and it seems i have it configured properly, but client connection tends to throw errors and it just bypasses it
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19:37.53newbiekjhkjhkljhteraflops:  course i'm working with ms nazis on a controlled network where i have the same conversations on irc.
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19:44.50johndebCan someone remind me how to install Debian on a macbook pro? All I have is a macbook pro and a new ssd drive
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19:46.41JPTboot from the installer iso and install it? :o
19:47.06teraflopsJPT: so no existing macos installation? go install it :P
19:47.46JPTWhy would i want to install mac os?
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20:08.46teraflopsJPT: I didn't say you want to install macos.
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20:10.05jhutchinsI wish XFCE came with more keyboard shortcuts.  I particularly like the Window Management ones.
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20:18.39llamapixeljhutchins:  have you considered xmonad instead of xfce if you like kb shortcuts.?
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20:19.40aleph-TAso i'm having a problem with running openvpn in a network namespace to isolate transmission-daemon traffic. After about 5 hours DNS resolving will fail and i have to kill transmission and relaunch in the namespace. any ideas as to why this happens and how to fix it?
20:20.08nickgawHi, If I wish to upgrade past 4.10.0rc6 in experimental how would I do this like to the stable 4.10 kernel?
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20:21.02towo`nickgaw, apt install it
20:21.36towo`what's the problem?
20:21.46nickgawbut there is no later version in experimental then 4.10.0rc6?
20:22.02towo`sure, there is
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20:23.12msdchow to disconnect  OpenConnect   ?
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20:30.07nickgawthe trunk unsigned one ok I did not know that was a real package.
20:31.01towo`why should that package be unreal?
20:33.15nickgawwell I have never seen trunk-unsigned before in a apt-cache search -t experimental listing.
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20:34.48nickgawDoes debian ever patch against the normal sources to add or change features?
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20:36.13rgrnew install and I wasnt prompted for a mysql passwrd. no access. help! I tried no passwd with mysql -u root -p
20:36.34rgror how to remove mariadb totally so i can reinstall it with no access passwd as should be the default
20:36.49missmbobnickgaw: why are you fucking around with expirimental kernels?
20:37.04msdci can not  disconnect openconnect and i could find a tutorial for that in interent
20:37.25nickgawjust wanted to help test things out as so far things work fine with 4.10.0rc6 but want to try the latest one.
20:38.17nickgawwhy cuss about the fact that I want to help test things out?
20:39.01missmbobbecause i can, i guess. seriously? sigh
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20:39.21missmbobdid it hurt you?
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20:39.59nickgawI could care less what you think about what I do but it is my system so should I just want to run a later version then an rc version.
20:40.01absmissmbob: yous are hurting us biotch
20:40.51missmbobnickgaw: i never told you what i thought. still havent. you just got something up your butt because i said fucking. grow up. people swear.
20:41.32nickgawI could care less what you say I just was wondering why it matters to you what I did not harsh feelings to you at all sorry if you thought that.
20:41.58missmbobit does. i asked before i knew what you were talking about. had nothing to do with reaction later
20:42.16nickgawok like I said no big deal
20:42.28absno, sailors swear, lunix peoples do not swear, theys are educated peoples!
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20:42.56missmbobnickgaw: dont throw random accusations my way repeatedly that i didnt do
20:43.07Shadow_7_educated in all maners of slang and inuendo
20:43.07dTalabs: untrue:
20:43.16nickgawunderstand and I was not trying to do anything to you personally.
20:43.44nickgawlets move on
20:44.28dTalinteresting that 2.6.13 marked the height of 'fuck' in the Linux kernel
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20:44.29nickgawAre there methods for building a custom debian installation image with this new trunk-unsigned kernel so I can install unstable with this kernel?
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20:45.14dTal(but 'crap' is still ascendant)
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20:45.47rgrI swear to god mysql/mariadb will be the death of me.
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20:46.57nickgawlike a fresh installation of unstable with this experimental kernel.
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21:28.36zomboHi, when installing debian I get prompted to choose one or more 'roles' for my install (laptop, desktop, web server, etc.) and then the relevant packages will be installed. What if I didn't pick a role during the first install and then decide I need those packages after all? Can I install roles and all their packages from a package manager?
21:29.02twzombo: you can add them using tasksel.
21:29.42zombotw, ty :)
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21:47.32unbornoh wow.. I think stretch is really really great, cannot wait for release
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21:52.17Klaus_Dieterunborn: then don't wait. get involved!
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21:52.48unbornKlaus_Dieter: just testing in virtualmin
21:52.56unbornre* virtualbox
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21:53.58Klaus_DieterI never quite understood the concept of those install roles. I am awayre that the installer-guys have to come up with something new every now and then but frankly a minimal set really is all that is needed. afterwards apt-get install $THE_DESKTOP_I_LIKE fixes the rest if indeed a desktop is needed
21:54.29nkuttlerroles? tasks?
21:54.35Klaus_Dieternkuttler: exactly.
21:54.48missmbobmost people do that. it's not done for you. it's for newbies and to make things easier for them
21:54.50nkuttlernoob friendly
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21:56.03Klaus_Dieterwell.. imo this is one of the things were a supposedly newbie-friendly makes things more difficult... no I have to understand the concept of roles and check what packages selection is in  each of them.. and I have to wonder whether timing parameters and memory parameters are actually adapted as well...
21:56.27Klaus_Dieterie udp buffers might increase, maybe the default config of sshd is different in a server role too....
21:56.35missmbobnothing newbiews would even know to think of
21:56.40Klaus_DieterI know
21:56.50Klaus_Dieterbut everyone else suddenly has to think of
21:56.59Klaus_Dieterlet me repharse that
21:57.05missmbobso dont make it more complicated for them. accept it. we can read texts and know to do so
21:57.26Klaus_Dietermissmbob: yes that is nothing newbies would thinkg of but it forces everyone else to put thought into now that the concept of roles has been introduced.
21:57.47nkuttleryet i never think about tasks
21:57.50Klaus_DieterI do accept it. I just don'T like it :)
21:57.54missmbobi dont care about everyone else. they'll just skip it and lose maybe 1.5 seconds
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21:58.03missmbobokay :)
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21:59.49Klaus_Dietermissmbob: but maybe in that regard I am more in the bsd camp.... have some documentation that tells what setting is to be set, what it does and why it is needed, the last part being the most important.
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22:00.23Klaus_Dieterstill I have swithed back from bsd even with using zfs and all..... because... well... debian is just better. :)
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22:05.08absis it possible to change journald logs output directory?
22:05.24absI want to have the logs in a different partition
22:05.47absbut can't find such an option in the manpage or the net
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22:10.47OerHeksstorage= ...
22:13.34Klaus_Dieterabs: you could mount your partition to /var/log
22:14.04Klaus_Dieterabs: having logs somewhere else does not comply with "man hier"
22:15.33abshmm how come, I think it's good practice on a server
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22:16.15twabs: the short version is systemd is not configurable, but you can adjust the rest of the systems to put things where it expects.
22:16.52absyeah I could ln -s /var/log/journal to somewhere else
22:17.01Klaus_Dieterabs: it is horrible to put logfiles all over the place for anyone having to log on to the server and find an issue quickly.
22:17.20twKlaus_Dieter: doesn't matter if they have to use journalctl anyway.
22:17.30absI will put ALL logs smewhere else
22:17.43Klaus_Dieterabs: I am aware that some RoR-applications and nodejs and generally apps from the fancy-folk do this. still it is bad. the standard is there for a reason.
22:17.50Klaus_Dieterjava does this too.
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22:18.38absI think keeping the OS clean and isolated to it's own partition is good practice for a server
22:18.47absalso makes for easier backups
22:19.29th_was debian 2.2 really a potato?
22:19.29twthat's why you put /var on its own partition.
22:19.39absth_ lol
22:19.46Klaus_Dieterthat is wrong on multiple levels. "the os" already may use multiple partitions /boot is adviasable and /var is adviasble to be separate as well
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22:20.23bazhangKlaus_Dieter, not for ages
22:20.29missmbobno one said this was a good idea :P
22:20.33Klaus_Dieteram I that old? :)
22:20.48absKlaus_Dieter: you sir are a dinosaur
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22:22.07Klaus_Dieterwell, still I advise to use the layout written down in "man hier" because that means that new admin folk will know their way around the file system without having to poke in horrible application documentation
22:22.22missmbobyeah. i'd fire you otherwise
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22:22.58absmissmbob: you can't fire me you fool, I'm the boss! I fire YOU!
22:23.10missmbobdamnit! :(
22:23.21absyep you sir are so fired
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22:23.49Klaus_Dieterof course you could interpret that as a teaser for the application folk to make an effort and improve documentation... well it still sucks coming into a critical incident and not even knowing where the f**k the app-team chose to place their logs.
22:23.51absyou're ALL fired
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22:25.00absKlaus_Dieter: it can be moved and still be clear
22:25.54absit's not like Linux has the most clean FS structure ever made... by far imho
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22:45.25jhutchinsKlaus_Dieter: The traditional Linux partitioning scheme really doesn't make sense with modern hardware.  Back when hard drives were small and expensive and systems were all multi-user it made sense.  These days it just guarantees that you will run out of spave on one partition when you have plenty on another.
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22:47.01jhutchinsI usuall receommend (and practice) one partition + swap unless you know of a specific reason you need something else.
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22:48.51jhutchinsKlaus_Dieter: I agree about using the hierarchy.  Particularly when it comes to logs.  They're so much easier to manage with logrotate if they're all in one tree.
22:49.07Klaus_Dieterjhutchins:  /boot is always a separate partition on my systems. /home is a separate partition if actual users log on to the machine and depending on the intended use I sometimes separate /var as well :)
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22:49.09jsw_To add to that, IME production systems these days tend to have monitoring in place to alarm before the disk actually does fill up. Sadly it's not safe to assume "all logs go to /var/log".
22:49.15jhutchinsI have one server that has about five years of web logs.
22:49.28Klaus_Dieterjhutchins: true. it also stops java developers charging me fees for developing their own flavor of logrotate
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22:50.14jhutchinsKlaus_Dieter: So do you leave boot unmounted?
22:50.56Klaus_Dieterjhutchins: I mount it ro mostly
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22:51.07OS-26474msg Nickservice 0987609876
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22:51.47Klaus_Dieterjhutchins: this will also give me a heads-up if there is a new kernel in dist-upgrade as that will then fail...
22:51.50jhutchinsOracle servers tend to have their own special partitioning scheme (usually on NAS).
22:52.42Klaus_Dieterunfortunately oracly is a different can of worms entirely... with everything. You cannot trust a software having version 12 or whatever if it never had version 1.
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22:53.20Klaus_Dieterby version 2 at the latest you already know that the marketing department had taken over. ;)
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22:54.01Klaus_Dieterjhutchins: actually for me it does not matter if the device is attached physically or over san.
22:54.16jhutchinsGiven databases that can take well over 24 hours to move over high speed connection, Oracle is a fact of life.
22:54.56Klaus_Dieterunfortunately yes. still applications using it have slightly more incidents than the ones running db2.
22:55.31jhutchinsI don't see things like the Federal payroll or the DMV registry for Texas on db2 these days.
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22:56.11Klaus_DieterI am seeing a lot of banking backend software...
22:56.11jhutchins100 years of Aviation Week and Space Technology is actually on MySQL.
22:56.22Klaus_Dieterinteresting :)
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22:56.54Klaus_Dieterfrankly that probably is a good choice given its foss nature....
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22:57.07twI disagree that partitioning doesn't have a place; /home, /srv, and /var/lib should run out of space before /var/log and /run (if /run is not tmpfs)
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22:58.06theartificialQuick unrelated question. Two computers and one email/keybase. Should I have a 3 ssh keypairs or one for all?
22:58.07twAs soon as you get into a position where a user can induce init to start vomiting, something is designed wrong.
22:58.25rx777Hello, I am experiencing an issue described here though I am not using disk encryption. Does anybody know how to fix it? Thanks
22:58.26juddBug in src:linux (open): «linux-image-4.8.0-1-amd64: Debian fails to prompt for encrypted disk password on boot»; severity: important; opened: 2016-11-16; last modified: 2016-11-16.
22:58.41Klaus_Dietertheartificial: it probably depends on your use case. If in doubt chose the 3 pairs solution.
22:58.59Klaus_Dietertw: ack.
22:59.34Klaus_Dieterrx777: how can you suffer from debians failure of asking for disk encryption if you do not even use it?
22:59.47Klaus_Dieterasking for disk ecnrpytion passwords
23:00.06tomreynrx777: if you aren't using disk encryption then you aren't experiencing the issue discussed in #844487
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23:00.34rx777Klaus_Dieter: I am getting the same message the user gets, and then Debian boots.
23:00.47rx777tomreyn: you are right, I'm sorry.
23:01.07rx777I get the same messages and then Debian boots fine.
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23:01.40rx777I'd like to know what's causing these messages to appear.
23:02.24theartificialKlaus_Dieter: SSH and signing things. Wondering if the security outweighs the convenience of using one keypair.
23:03.51tomreynrx777: lvmetad does not run this early in the boot process, so lvm initialization using it fails, and the system falls back to device scanning. that's all this *warning* (not error) message is about.
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23:05.31rx777tomreyn: I understand. Is there some way to disable it? (just because I don't enjoy seeing warnings, but I could live with it)
23:05.49Klaus_Dietertheartificial: at this point it is more about flexibility. how about you want to revoke one of those keys but in the beginning you picked to use just one?
23:06.26tomreynrx777: there is definitely some way, but i don't know it. you'd start by looking at the scripts contained in your initrd.
23:07.06twtheartificial: If you're propagating your signing key to both hosts, I would just use the one. If you're generating different signing subkeys for each host, I would just use the host-specific signing subkey for ssh auth.
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23:08.43rx777tomreyn: thank you. Will look at it and let you know if I found a way :)
23:08.49Klaus_Dietertw: good catch I was assuming the latte rscenario.
23:08.59Klaus_Dieterbut actually the situation is not quite clear.
23:09.31theartificialtw: Well I need to ssh into both computers from each other. Also I'd like to sign things with one keypair from both hosts.
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23:10.28zomboKlaus_Dieter: about the tasks; I don't use them because I'm a newbie (to computers anyway), I use them because in the last couple of years I've noticed that if I try to build my install up from the bare bones, some things magically won't work and I will have to scour forums and IRC, and nobody will be able to figure out why, and that is on a stable install (I personally blame a certain recent hotly debated change in debian). Somehow when I install stuff by vi
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23:27.18theartificialtw: I am dumb. You sign things with a pgp keypair not ssh.
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23:27.58twtheartificial: yes, but you can ssh with a pgp keypair.
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23:28.25theartificialtw: how?
23:29.11twgpg-agent.conf enable-ssh-support
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23:29.56twIt takes some setting up. And as far as I know, it's the easiest way to get ssh keys on a smartcard.
23:30.04tw(which is how I know it exists)
23:33.06*** join/#debian NapoleonWils0n (
23:33.12NapoleonWils0nhi all
23:33.29teraflopsNapoleonWils0n: o/
23:33.34NapoleonWils0ndebian wiki kvm section seems outdated
23:33.39NapoleonWils0nhi teraflops
23:33.53NapoleonWils0nlibvirt-bin package doesnt exist
23:33.57teraflopsnot the only one sadly
23:34.26NapoleonWils0nanyone know what the correct package for qemu-kvm and libvirt-bin are
23:34.51teraflops,v libvirt-bin
23:34.52juddPackage: libvirt-bin on amd64 -- wheezy:; wheezy-security:; wheezy-backports: 1.2.9-9+deb8u2~bpo70+1; jessie: 1.2.9-9+deb8u3; jessie-security: 1.2.9-9+deb8u3
23:35.14NapoleonWils0nim on unstable
23:35.28NapoleonWils0nno hits
23:35.35teraflopsNapoleonWils0n: well, this channel is mainly for stable
23:35.45NapoleonWils0nsorry my bad guys
23:35.54bazhangNapoleonWils0n, check the topic here
23:35.55twon stretch, you want libvirt-daemon%
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23:36.04twbut yes, OT.
23:36.05NapoleonWils0ntw cheers mate
23:36.35NapoleonWils0nthought that might be the one, but wasnt sure
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23:37.10NapoleonWils0nswitched main main from arch to debian unstable
23:37.17teraflopsNapoleonWils0n: no worries just saying
23:37.47NapoleonWils0ndoes that mean all the people here are stable then :)
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23:38.20teraflopsNapoleonWils0n: I dont think so xD
23:38.53teraflopsNapoleonWils0n: you can ask about sid in #debian-next at oftc network
23:40.21NapoleonWils0nstill getting used to debian names for packages
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23:41.00NapoleonWils0non arch you have openbsd-netcat on on debian its netcat-openbsd
23:41.43teraflopswhat about wpasupplicant?
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23:50.25J1syHow to dual boot debian with win10?
23:52.36teraflopsJ1sy: did you make some research before asking here?
23:54.36J1syYup none was useful because win10 bootloader is always kill grub it
23:55.29teraflopsJ1sy: then go use the debian iso and reinstall grub
23:55.55teraflopsafter having win10 installed
23:56.29J1sy#i installed debian allong side win10 and still on start up win10 load ,no debian
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23:59.01J1syIts uselèss to install grub when alway win10 loads even with no hdd installed
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