IRC log for #debian on 20160714

00:00.10FuriousGeorgei'm new to debian.  is there anything running in userland that might be monitoring my usb ports and creating a conflict?
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00:08.28MrHatterI have a debian Jessie box, with an external hard drive that I just formatted with ext4, when I try to mount it, this happens : mount: unknown filesystem type 'ext4'
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00:48.32nymevenDoesn't work :(
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01:05.26awal1nymeven, how you formated it? cli/gui?
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01:06.19awal1formatted ^
01:06.56nymevenuh (google translate English -> French in progress)
01:07.16nymevenhow i've installed it?
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01:09.00nymevenI've used a Net-Install to have Debian testing with kde
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01:13.35awal1nymeven, if you need help ask in room, no pm's, thanks
01:14.43ssid98any luck
01:14.49ssid98with the panel
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01:16.35ssid98ok bye
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01:17.02GhostbirdHow can I prevent the system from trying to act when I plug-in a USB device?
01:17.32GhostbirdI have a bricked LG phone that I need to flash from a Windows VM, but by default Debian does "something" that makes download mode fail.
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01:18.25awal1Ghostbird, almost all DE and some WM have a feature for manage external hard drives, check in system settings
01:18.49awal1or in settings of the file manager you run
01:18.55*** join/#debian Colti (Miramar-FL@unaffiliated/miramar-fl)
01:19.40GhostbirdThe thing doesn't actually show up as mounted though (of course it cannot be mounted, it's a bricked phone)
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01:20.04GhostbirdSo the normal auto-mount settings menu doesn't even show it.
01:20.06awal1external hard drives or any external stuff plugged in (external media/devices, I mean) ^
01:24.37awal1When I use only a window manager, external media/devices are auto mounted here via gvfs-backends pkg
01:24.54awal1auto maunted in my file managers
01:25.55GhostbirdYeah, but even removing the gvfs-backends wasn't enough to solve this problem.
01:26.23GhostbirdIt then just complains that it cannot execute the gvfs backend, but still messes up the phone.
01:26.40frostschutzGhostbird, usually it starts with udev triggering things so you could disable some udev rules
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01:27.01Ghostbirdfrostschutz: I looked into that, but I couldn't find any rules that seemed applicable
01:27.42nymevenIs Kde 4 or Plasma 5 on Debian stable?
01:29.10Ghostbirdfrostschutz: I only have the persistent net rules and a series of rules for DMX controllers.
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01:29.36ZeuxBlackis back from: $null - was away for: 2428wks 29mins 30secs
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01:30.21orlockZeuxBlack: Impressive time machine!
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01:30.37orlock46 and a half years..
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01:37.07latemusneigh, neigh!!
01:37.13latemusbbrrrrrrrr huffff
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03:07.45levinster82hello people
03:08.46levinster82anybody out there running wayland gnome?
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04:06.15gnikc2So, I've recently installed jessie on a previously *buntu device. Back then, I could ssh into the machine and burn discs using cdw just fine. Now, for some reason, the drive isn't detected if cdw is started over ssh.
04:06.20gnikc2What setting could cause that?
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04:39.05MrHatterI have a debian Jessie box, with an external hard drive that I just formatted with ext4, when I try to mount it, this happens : mount: unknown filesystem type 'ext4' - any ideas why ?
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04:53.55veekanyone use a password store
04:54.08veekwhat's a good one with support for otp lists
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05:05.18nevynmooltipass ?
05:05.25nevynveek: ^^
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05:13.16veekoo thanks nevyn
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05:16.53hiexpohi all
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05:34.01FaTonyhi, the Fluid GM soundfont is installed in /usr/share/sounds/sf2, is this directory layout standardized somewhere? I want to organize my soundfonts
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05:36.56nevynveek: I dunno about otp tho
05:37.22nevynveek: there was talk about having a firmware do the openauth pin stuff..
05:37.44nevynbut they screwed that up by not shifting from avr to a decent arm micro for the implementation
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05:43.03veeknevyn, yeah that tool's expensive too and i'm not sure it's secure from a keylogger
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05:43.57veeknevyn, anyway i was dead keen on otp auth.. trouble is most apps keypassx etc just have a single master unlock and then copy the pass to clipboard
05:44.03veekwhich is ridiculous
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05:44.30veeki wanted something with a master that spits out the otp value
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05:55.36mms_I know how to use sar command for stat and can filter for start and end time but can we span the time over dates report stats for week in same file and then open it in ksar ?
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06:40.02nas what file to download from here?
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06:46.42somiajnas: what are you going to install on? Do you have a good network connenction? Do you know what network card you use if so?
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07:06.24nevynveek: oh it's totally not secure from a keylogger...
07:06.26nevynbut what is?
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07:13.22veeknevyn, well what if you could hardcode a path and when you plug in the usb, the firefox plugin decrypts just its db record for the passwd
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07:14.14veekright now, if i lose the master pass - i hand over all my records
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07:15.03nevynthe firefox plugin doesn't decript anything.
07:15.04veekadditionally the auth could be a screen image vs actualy typing
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07:16.25nevynveek: same is true of multipass kinda
07:16.41nevynyou'd need the smartcard, device and the pin
07:16.49nevynwhich is a bit better tho
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07:23.13nassomiaj: I want to install debian on Thinkpad T410
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07:35.54jasabellahello :)
07:36.50jasabellai've blacklisted a package from installing (setting pin priority to -1) and am now trying to install a package which depends on it, how do i force apt to proceed?
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07:40.33jasabellai would like the other dependencies to be installed
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07:42.06babilenYou can't install that package if one of its dependencies is blacklisted. You can, naturally, install the rest of the dependencies explicitly though
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07:46.15tatoDoes anyone know what command will synchronize the time and date with server ?
07:46.52petn-randalltato: You can install one of the many ntp clients available.
07:48.09koollmanapt-get install ntp , usually works :)
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07:49.30tatopetn-randall, my problem is that after upgrade and autoremove when i reboot my time suddenly goes back 2 months and i have no where option to change it  i can not even google anything coz of the certificates . so i must try to do it on console
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07:50.13tatontp is in newest vesion
07:50.22dethatato: sudo ntpdate -u
07:50.36detha(if you have ntpdate at hand)
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07:50.55petn-randalltato: What does 'ntpq -p' give you? Can you paste the output to
07:51.01tatontpdate -u
07:51.01tatobash: ntpdate: command not found
07:51.36tatontpq -p
07:51.36tatontpq: read: Connection refused
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07:51.45petn-randalltato: Are you doing that as root?
07:52.02dethais ntpd running in the first place?
07:52.11tatonot sure
07:52.39detha/etc/init.d/ntp status
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07:53.11tatontp.service - LSB: Start NTP daemon
07:53.12*** kick/#debian [tato!~debhelper@unaffiliated/debhelper] by debhelper (flood. Please use instead.)
07:53.18jasabellathx everyone :)
07:53.26KindOneI /think/ my drive is going bad... It went into full read only mode a few hours ago without telling me. Can't mount flash drives. Can't open browsers, scream about drive being in read only... Any sane way to create a tmpfs so I can point everything to use that while I figure stuff out?
07:53.34x4u3njul 14 09:52:38 WELLNESS-1007 kernel: ERROR @wl_cfg80211_scan : WLC_SCAN error (-22)
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07:54.06petn-randallKindOne: I would waste your time with that. Check 'dmesg | less' why it was mounted read-only.
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07:55.54tatosorry for that
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07:56.06babilenNo problem. Please use a pastebin such as next time :)
07:56.10KindOnepetn-randall: looks like I/O errors...
07:56.24tatoi can not open any web
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07:57.10tatocertificate problem coz of the wrong date and time
07:57.42babilenYou can run "<command> | curl -F 'sprunge=<-'" to paste to
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07:58.17babilenKindOne: It's not restricted to specific users ill try :) i am new user so....
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07:59.34tatoso what command will fix the ntp problem ? please
07:59.38petn-randallKindOne: Can you paste those relevant lines from dmesg? See the message above.
07:59.40bezabanbabilen: | pastebinit :)
08:00.10petn-randallbezaban: KindOne has currently a read-only filesystem, no dice installing it :)
08:00.19bezabanpetn-randall: good point
08:00.39bezabanis smartctl installed?
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08:01.30babilentato: Maybe set the date manually to begin with? Something like "date --set 2016-07-14" and "date --set 09:01:15" (Adjust to your time and date)
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08:02.30babilentato: I'd still like to see the output of "systemctl status ntp" .. You could run "systemctl status ntp|curl -F 'sprunge=<-'" to paste it to sprunge and give us the URL
08:03.52KindOnepetn-randall: The drive is a 4+ years old with 3+ years total uptime. kinda looks like its going bad.
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08:04.12tatowell the date --set works
08:04.38KindOneAll I want to do is create a tmpfs or something in the RAM, so i can point a btsync and a few other things to use that so I can backup my data to another machine on the lan...
08:04.41petn-randallKindOne: Do you have backups?
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08:06.34KindOneOutdated by a month or so
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08:07.04petn-randallKindOne: In that case I'd take the machine offline, boot a live image, check the disk with smartctl, and then salvage what you can from the disk.
08:07.32petn-randallKindOne: No point in running a system from that disk which might crash at any point in time when it fails to read/write from the faulty disk.
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08:10.49babilentato: Try "systemctl enable ntp" and "systemctl start ntp"
08:11.06KindOnepetn-randall: I'm not turning this machine off. Not in the mood for the disk not spinning up then playing a game of frozen harddrive.
08:11.07tatobabilen, ok thx a lot
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08:12.07petn-randallKindOne: In that case your options are very limited. Do you have smartctl available? If yes, can you show us the output of 'smartctl -a /dev/<yourdrive>'?
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08:14.04tatobabilen, many warnings there
08:14.05petn-randallKindOne: You can create a tmpfs with 'mount -t tmpfs -o size=[number here]m tmpfs /your/path'.
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08:15.40petn-randallKindOne: But you'll still be risking of thrashing your HDD while running from it. I wouldn't run off that HDD anymore, but it's your call.
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08:16.45OccireDebian, je t'aime <3
08:16.52babilentato: Did you install "secure_trash" from somewhere?
08:17.59tatobabilen, yes should i remove it ?
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08:18.14babilentato: Where did you install it from?
08:18.40tatobabilen, i am not sure now it was a while ago
08:19.24KindOnepetn-randall: define "/your/path"?
08:19.36babilentato: It looks slightly broken or unmaintained, but ntp is running now, isn't it?
08:19.42petn-randallKindOne: Wherever you want your tmpfs to reside.
08:20.22tatobabilen, yes it does but  i am worry thet will run only till i reboot
08:20.33babilentato: You enabled it
08:21.23tatook i am truing to apt-get purge secure_trash
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08:22.38KindOnepetn-randall: "mount: mount point /foobar does not exist"
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08:24.19petn-randallKindOne: You have to either use a directory that exists, or create one somewhere where you can still write.
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08:33.42tatobabilen, how can i remove the secure trash?
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08:41.24g00seCan someone please confirm that LVM is not something that has to be chosen at install time and that it can be 'activated' later if needed?
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08:42.39qmrg00se:  false
08:43.07g00seqmr: Oh dear - so i DO need to choose it at install?
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08:44.12petn-randallg00se: You can always backup your data, create LVM on the disk, and restore the data again, but that involves many manual steps.
08:44.21petn-randallg00se: Also, correct.
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08:46.05g00seHmm. Then the wiki is rather misleading: sudo apt-get install lvm2. Nowhere prior to that does it mention install time choice
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08:46.53g00seBut thanks folks
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08:47.16petn-randallg00se: Well, you _can_ install it at any time and start using it. But if you want to use a part of your disk for LVM, you need to make it a PV, and that process is destructive for any data on it.
08:48.00*** mode/#debian [+l 1636] by debhelper
08:48.08petn-randallg00se: Same as if you want to use XFS instead of ext4. You can install the packages at any point in time, but if you want your system to have XFS as root partition, you have to move data around, or do it upon installation.
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09:20.14babilentato: That really depends on how you installed it
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09:21.19babilentato: Are you using Kali?
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09:27.36tatobabilen, yes
09:28.00babilendpkg: kali
09:28.01dpkgKali Linux ( is a security and penetration testing distribution from the creators of <backtrack>.  It is based on Debian, but it is not Debian and is not supported in #debian.  Seek help in #kali-linux on or .  Also ask me about <based on debian>, and read
09:28.34babilentato: And, I guess, you followed
09:29.29tatobabilen, yes :)
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09:32.02tatoso i can not get help here how to remove it ?
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09:33.20babilenNope, we only support Debian in here for a number of technical and social reasons
09:33.50babilenYou want #kali-linux for Kali support. You could, naturally, install Debian and would be most welcome here
09:34.20*** join/#debian KindOne (kindone@freenude/topless/kindone)
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09:38.35KindOnepetn-randall: Thanks.
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09:39.41tatobabilen, thank you . i was looking for Debian but i had problem to make it on usb coud you please provide me link for Debian live that i can install later on ? thx in advance
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09:40.26petn-randallKindOne: Could you save your data?
09:40.54KindOnepetn-randall: everything looks fine, and the drive will not spin up
09:41.25petn-randallKindOne: Can you read any SMART data from it?
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09:41.38dkaIs there a way for  a bash script to toggle env var ? for example, I want my user to run a command before another, I do 'export myVar=value' ( I have also tried 'set export myVar'), then in the second fn, I do 'unset myVar' but it is not working at all
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09:44.32babilentato: I wouldn't install from a live image. Will you have network access during the installation? Is it wired or wireless?
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09:45.22tatowireless only
09:45.38tatobabilen, ^^
09:46.49babilendpkg: firmware image
09:46.49dpkgUnofficial <netinst> images - containing non-free Debian <firmware> packages - for installing Debian 8 "Jessie" are available from .  See also <install guide>.
09:46.52*** join/#debian rudar (~rudar@
09:46.58babilendpkg: usb install
09:46.58dpkgYou can install Debian from a USB stick/thumbdrive/pen drive/key on x86 systems, as long as your system's BIOS can boot from USB.  Details are in the Installation Guide, see and ask me about <install debian> for hybrid CD/DVD images.  Use to write images from Windows.  For BIOSes not capable of USB boot, ask me about <plop>.
09:46.59KindOnepetn-randall: "SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: FAILED" and a bunch of other stuff
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09:47.27babilentato: Essentially boils down to "cp /path/to/debian.iso /dev/sdb" (if /dev/sdb is your USB stick)
09:48.52petn-randallKindOne: It might not help in this case, but for the future I recommend to set up smartd to constantly monitor your HDD. That way you'll get a notification when the first problem pop up, which might give you a chance to backup before the drive fails.
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09:51.24babilentato: Could you run "lspci -nn|grep -i network" and show me the output? Are you planning to install a desktop environment or window manager?
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09:52.51tato02:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 4965 AG or AGN [Kedron] Network Connection [8086:4229] (rev 61)
09:53.21tatoi am not sure what would better
09:53.27tatoon old laptop
09:53.31tatobabilen, ^^
09:54.27babilentato: That's okay, but you'll need firmware to use that wifi card. That is why I suggested to use the firmware installer image, but that requires you to download packages during the installation
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09:54.40babilenjudd: pciid 8086:4229
09:54.41judd[8086:4229] is 'PRO/Wireless 4965 AG or AGN [Kedron] Network Connection' from 'Intel Corporation' with kernel modules 'iwl4965', 'snd-hda-intel', 'ata_generic' in jessie. See also
09:55.12tatobabilen, i dont think that would be a problem  do you ?
09:55.25babilenNo, it shouldn't be
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09:55.53babilenIt's just a little easier to install Debian when you are on ethernet
09:56.12tatobut anyway i am not using that wifi card anyway i am using dungle usb atheros ath9k_htc driver
09:56.20tatobabilen, ^^
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09:56.54tatothat is the one that supply my network
09:57.27babilenEither way, it would hopefully work
09:57.44babilenWould you have ethernet access just in case it doesn't?
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09:58.54tatoit didnt last time :) thats why i am usink kali even i dont need all that tools :) byt with suse and mint i had problems and kali so far goes ok  but yes if some how i could manage the debian install i would go for it :)
09:59.34babilenAnd you don't know which desktop environment you'd like to use?
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10:00.18babilenDebian also provides images with more packages on them, but they don't come with firmware. That means that you would have to download the firmware independently and setup networking after the installation.
10:00.32babilenI'd try the firmware image and ask in here if that doesn't work for you
10:01.19tatowell the problem is that i am very new linux user  and i dont understand yet much
10:01.57dkaIs there a way to tell rsync to copy the content of the source directory instead of the source directory itself? I use the command `rsync -vau ${MOUNT[$IND_A]} ${MOUNT[$IND_B]}`
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10:02.07tako why i have these packages ? synaptic shows that they are installed locally but i didnt installed these packages
10:02.26dkaI found
10:03.36tatobut yes i would like to install debian since Kali works fine and is based on debian then i assume  Debian will be ok for me . a m i right with that statement ?
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10:16.18babilentato: I'm sure that Debian will be fine
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10:18.48tatobabilen, ok then :) thanks for your time :) ill try it
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10:20.50babilentato: You might just want to install the default desktop environment (gnome) to begin with. Feel free to drop in here when you install it. Would you have a second computer that is online while you install Debian on your machine?
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10:24.15dkaI am checking with -nt operator (newer than) two files. The drive B has copied his file other rsync.  but it keep telling me file from B is newer than file from A, They are equal, is there a way to check if they are equal first or can I have the A (latest copied has newest) ?
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10:27.23tatobabilen, no unfortunately :(
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10:28.29babilentato: That's tricky
10:29.59unborndka: whats the origin? A or B?
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10:33.06DotHackanyone knows how to map a file with a certain extension to a binary to run it woith?
10:33.34DotHackfor example i have these .acu files that i always want to run with the runcbl binary
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11:23.27manisHi. I'm running Debian on an Acer Chromebook 13, trying to het suspend on lid close to work. In the chrubuntu script ( there is a part about it (99-tegra-lid-switch.rules). Is there a way to find out which gpio is triggered on lid close?
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11:25.38HD|LaptopHi all, is it possible to integrate a script as user/group source for PAM?
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11:26.39HD|LaptopI have to migrate Jenkins users into accounts that can log in via shell. The problem is that I don't have cleartext passwords, only jbcrypt hashes
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11:27.30HD|Laptopso I'd simply write a little java program that gets the username and the password via commandline, verifies the username and the password with the hash in the jenkins db, and returns OK or ERROR to PAM
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11:40.01[1]wastedHi guys, quick question. If the kernel I am using (4.4.13) was not compiled with the conntrack modules, is it possible to add them in run time? I don't have .ko files so modprobe or insmod do not work because the files for those modules are not present
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11:44.31teraflops[1]wasted: are you sure conntack isnt built in? (zcat /proc/config.gz | grep -i connt), also if you installed a new kernel you need to reboot yes or yes
11:45.13[1]wastedThe build is for an embedded PC
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11:45.24[1]wastedSo they thought they won't need to add conntrack..
11:45.43teraflopsoh, so you already checked /proc/config.gz ?
11:45.53[1]wasteddoing it right now
11:46.20teraflopsalso reboot if you installed a new kernel
11:46.28[1]wastedzcat /proc/config.gz | grep -i connt
11:46.28[1]wasted# CONFIG_NF_CONNTRACK is not set
11:46.43[1]wastedIt is not a new one.. is the only one I have :|
11:47.00[1]wastedI would love to add to this one the conntrack modules so I can use iptables in a smarter way
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11:47.38[1]wastedI can ask my supplier to include those modules on their build on next deliveries..
11:48.26teraflopsyes, or just build you own one if you are hurry/bored
11:48.46teraflopss/hurry/in hurry
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11:50.49unbornis there anyone I can ask - about using debian in corporation? (not mine, its workplace)
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11:53.25ransur0tunborn: see here, for examples:
11:53.35unbornbasically ransomware creep it out for them, since I am just the only one using linux (debian) and had no issues, they are asking those idiotic questions - despite me telling them that if they contribute something back to it - its free to use - they remind confused somehow..
11:53.51unbornransur0t: thanks.
11:54.28unbornI perhaps point them there.. issue solved. thank you.
11:54.38ransur0tyw, best of luck :)
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11:58.25saunameesMy pc has turned slow in a week (fresh install couple of weeks ago). bash auto-complete for example is 10 times slower. Ideas ?
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12:01.34ransur0tsaunamees: have you taken a look at system monitor -- resources (cpu, ram, network , disk i/o) to see if you can spot any limitations, and associated services/processes?
12:01.52ransur0tor cli - top, htop, glances, ...
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12:05.07takosomething showing FAILED on boot
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12:05.23takohow can i find it
12:05.46leontI'm building a custom debian package for a librarythat's using autotools to build itself, and I want to force it to build a static library, how can I do this?
12:06.56ransur0ttako: can you reach tty?
12:07.04ransur0tor boot to desktop login?
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12:07.22takoeverythings work fine ransur0t
12:07.35takobut at the boot screen i see red text FAILED
12:07.49takobut its just show 0,1 second
12:07.55takoand i cant read what is failed
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12:09.07Iridostako, well, why do you care?
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12:09.54takoIridos, i care because something failed :D
12:10.07Iridoswell, so what?
12:10.16takoits can be dangerous for my system
12:10.31Iridosyou can run simply "systemctl" and it shows you the status of all services
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12:11.13tako● apache2.service                                                        loaded failed failed    LSB: Apache2 web server
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12:11.30takowhy i have apache2 i'm going to remove it
12:11.40unborntako - you can always read the logs..
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12:12.30zoomgry(asked in ##linux, no response so far) so it's 84 degree cpu, obviously too hot, fan does not switch on, I do not understand what to do, is some debug info, and I find it suspicious that 'high' temperature is set to 100 degrees, in my opinion should be more like 70 degrees
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12:12.44zoomgryor 56
12:13.20unbornzoomgry: degree of what? cpu about 90 celsius degree is - assuming normal..
12:14.28zoomgrythe laptop just dies randomly and I can't think what else it can be if not the fan. The battery is OK. It is plugged into power supply. What it does is work, work, work, then suddenly goes completely black in one moment
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12:14.42unbornah I can see
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12:15.18zoomgryit is an acer travelmate 4230
12:15.21cruncherzoomgry, with "dies randomly", i suppose you mean the computer turns off
12:15.25Iridossimilar with my laptop e.g. when watching a video... but it dies with a flickering screen
12:15.43unbornthere could be numerous issues.. failing battery.. dust carpet sitting on your ribs or old heating paste on your cpu.. check that - those are manual shit
12:15.47cruncherthen you have hit the 100/105 mark,. Thats a feature, when overheated, it turns off
12:15.48Iridosoh, does yours switch off in a controlled fashion?
12:15.49zoomgrynothing, it just turns off in a milisecond, no shutdown signal sent
12:16.14cruncherand 90 is surely not "normal", except you have a heavy stress situation
12:16.50Iridosand I feel you're lucky seeing gpu core values... that laptop has an intel on-board graphics and I assume it's the one that overheats and makes it die
12:16.51zoomgryoh I would like to log cpu temperature every minute, and I tried something, but I already forgot what I tried
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12:17.00Iridoszoomgry, are you using "fanctontrol" for it?
12:17.01unbornthen bios settings.. lower the heat level to turn fun on.. if nothing else will work, I am sure you can do see logs from your system and google it whats perhaps wrong..
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12:18.37zoomgryIridos: yes... I am missing some modules for it...
12:19.01unbornmissing modules.. here it go again...
12:19.13cruncherzoomgry, did it work before? did it suddenly stop? or never worked on this laptop?
12:19.55zoomgrycruncher: do not know, this laptop has linux on it for a few months, didn't switch off before. I must say its fan was working yesterday when I ran 'stress -c 4', it was heard
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12:20.20zoomgryI can try this again now, but I'd rather configure the fan to keep it cool below 60C instead
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12:23.01zoomgryI'm going to run 'stress -c 4' out of interest just to get it to switch the fan on, now, so if I quit, expect me back a few minutes later at best
12:23.52zoomgry96, I'll die soon
12:25.58unbornzoomgry: you are dead :D
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12:27.16cruncherzoomgry still here :)
12:27.27unbornzoomgry: nope - you are a live - even you said you would be dead.. how come..
12:27.33cruncherzoomgry, stop it, if it didnt start until now it wont anymore
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12:28.07unborncruncher: the reason of the test it self is - the true shit comes out..
12:28.30cruncheryes, but on 99 the test failed anyway
12:29.12unbornhis system should have died long time ago.. few minutes away and he will be cooled down.. so whats the point of stopping the test?
12:29.36crunchernot to have the noteobok turned off
12:30.22unborn...those options are automatic right?
12:30.26cruncherthe point was to see if the fan starts, which didnt and surely wont after 99
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12:30.46Iridoscruncher, if the client doesn't explicitely quit, it takes some time until a nick times out on the network
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12:31.08cruncherIridos, yes, i imagined as she didnt respond
12:31.21unbornah time outs :) I forgot those - things - out..
12:31.53cruncherunborn, yes, it turns off automatically on 100 or 105 depending on the cpu
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12:32.22zoomgry_'modprobe coretemp' doesn't get it to switch on either, what a shame... I can not possibly explain this, it worked yesterday and I did not change anything, unless the fan decided to break completely for some reason.
12:32.59cruncherzoomgry, you could still remove fancontrol, and leave it originally
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12:33.49unbornthe big difference I saw is I could respond with something useful out there then stop or do not do it.. crap.. laptop should never turn off till minus 10 degrees Celsius above melting point of your stuff
12:33.59zoomgry_cruncher: what would it do originally? fancontrol config doesn't exist, I think it is not doing anything when it's unconfigured
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12:37.37ransur0tahh, most likely then it is a general boot check process, the particular service that failed is necessaryfor your system config.  look in /var/log for any relevant info
12:38.03zoomgryI don't care about why coretemp isn't loaded. Even when loaded, it does not help.
12:38.21unbornzoomgry: would you kindly let us know what laptop you are using?
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12:38.38cruncheracer travelmate 4230
12:39.05zoomgryunborn: thank you. what cruncher said is the laptop model.
12:39.20unbornacer? fuck that shit much away - sorry for my reaction but acers laptops goes well down last 7 years.. they are simply crap
12:39.28cruncherhonestly, i wouldnt even use fancontrol for that one, its a plastic one, so i would leave it on original
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12:39.53zoomgrywhat do you mean by 'original' ?
12:40.03unbornI have one right on my desk.. I can donate that reap away right away.. aspire 5552
12:40.05cruncherfancontrol is liked to be used on laptops that have the fan turning too fast when not needed, so you can fine tune it
12:40.07zoomgryunborn: it is from maybe 2011, I do not remember.
12:40.12unbornanyone wants it - ask
12:40.19cruncherbut i doubt that yours will be turning too fast anyway as it probably gets quite hot anyway
12:41.06zoomgrycruncher: I remove fancontrol and reboot and see if it is any better ?
12:41.15cruncherzoomgry, yes, i would say thats a good start
12:41.24cruncheryou can still install it later again
12:41.28Iridosunborn, yeah... because generalizations like that are sooo useful. I had an acer tm that worked very well for... dunno 8 years or so
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12:41.40unbornzoomgry: I had laptop from acer/packardbell (acer it is) in 2001 - was worked 7 years for me - it still does as an srv for files.. after 2011 acer went very down..
12:42.20zoomgryheh :) this one was used by Australian national bank, then sold second hand and I'm on it now. It looks ok. If I look for a new one, I'd probably go with lenovo
12:42.31cruncheri like acer, price/specs relation is quite good, but still i buy only thinkpads ^^
12:42.34unbornhigher models are same as very low craps
12:42.51cruncherbut if i needed a really cheap laptop i would buy an acer
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12:43.14unborncruncher: dell
12:43.33cruncheron the other hand, lenovos are the same cheap nowadays :D
12:44.09cruncheryes, i had also dells, like them... they had just a problem, when i was typing (too fast), they "beeped" when hitting 2 keys nearly simulatenously
12:44.26unborncruncher: lenovo - anything under i5 is crap.. even i5 and intel graphics - its crap.. lenovo is not what it used to be..
12:44.34Iridosdunno. I got the one I have  used because it would have been far too expensive new... and it's got temperature problems from the beginning
12:45.34unbornmeans dell of e - series - not cheap shit
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12:47.13unbornif you after cheap shit - try asus.. :)
12:47.24cruncherunborn, you are right, its not what it used to be, but i would definetely not describe it as crap
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12:50.13unborncruncher: I am most srv guy but I use linux debian and used to be ubuntu for most from 2008 year - lenovo did some tweaks and they did best - one time I saw their laptops as a top once again - but it was gone in 2009 - since then - win 10 or useless machines.. unless you know what you are doing - since we are speaking to linux newbie - dell can put you to sleep with those crappy machines.. dont you think so?
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12:50.59raboofI'm an 'upstream' maintainer and "make install" currently installs in /usr/local. The Debian maintainer needs to apply a patch to make my app install in /usr instead.
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12:51.10raboofcould I somehow set it up so this patch is no longer needed?
12:51.42unborndebian is rock solid on dells..acer works too but be prepared to having issues once your warranty goes out..hp - overheating rubbish - toshiba good but asap your warranty will finish - please expect some issues with your hardware
12:52.14cruncherunborn, you may even be right, but we cannot generalize all brands so easily
12:52.18unbornotherwise - do your research or fuck off.. simple is that (freely speaking by open source)
12:52.53babilenraboof: You should install to /usr by default and let user define their own prefix if they want to install it to /usr/local
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12:53.08unborncruncher: you missed my msg.. I was not generalised any brand
12:53.18unbornI did said as it is
12:53.41raboofbabilen: shouldn't we discourage users from manually installing stuff in /usr? I thought that was the distro packages' realm, and manually-installed stuff should go into either /opt or /usr/local
12:53.48unbornrunning 7k desks and 3k of srvs give me some know-how
12:53.48cruncherunborn, no, your opinion, your observation, your experience.. not "as it is"
12:54.18cruncheryou generalized many brands ;-) -> "debian is rock solid on dells..acer works too but be prepared to having issues once your warranty goes out..hp - overheating rubbish - toshiba good but asap your warranty will finish - please expect some issues with your hardware"
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12:54.39cruncherunborn, and why getting hostile if someone doesnt agree?
12:54.52babilenraboof: Yeah, but you could simply document a "manual installation" procedure that uses /usr/local
12:54.53unborncruncher: I see...its all based on your end see - you know what - I do not care.. numbers for me are something no one can beat
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12:55.01babilendpkg: usrlocal
12:55.01dpkgWhen hand-compiling software, *always* create a new directory under /usr/local, then install into it.  For example: mkdir -p /usr/local/mypackage; ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/mypackage.  Otherwise, it can overwrite files which should be protected by apt, which can break apt, or apt can break this application's files because it doesn't know about them.  See also: <equivs>, <FHS>, </opt>, <checkinstall>, <stow>, <make your own .deb>
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12:55.25unborncruncher: its not about someone disagree.. I mentioned this earlier
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12:55.36unbornits just fact..
12:55.37babilenraboof: Essentially ask them to pass ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/ (or use stow or similar tools)
12:55.52babilenraboof: But you might want to discuss this in #debian-mentors as I'm afk now
12:56.07raboofthanks for the help so far!
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12:57.26unborncruncher: - simply put this isseu away mate - ldv is not ferrari... I would say ubuntu is not debian ;)
12:58.09unbornnumbers are numbers.. 2+2 is 4. simple is that
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12:58.59abrotmanUnless it's a Pentium
12:59.10cruncherunborn, yes, but you aply them on the wrong place, not EVERY toshiba has issue with hardware when warranty finishes, not every hp overheats, etc.. i guess you know what i mean.
12:59.16unborn100+ to abrotman
12:59.36abrotmanis pretty sure there's a better channel to discuss this
12:59.49cruncherand in my experience hps dont overheat, toshibas are not broken after warranty. I can only agree on that cheap laptops get hot/overheat
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13:00.04cruncheranyway, you are right, it doesnt matter what we think, and its off-topic anyway
13:01.09cruncherand i take back the overheat on cheap laptops, but they get hot, yes
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13:01.26cruncherok, lets be friendly again and help people :)
13:01.32unborncruncher: are you referring to not every toshiba .. etc rubbish? I am ICT pro.. how many of us or you (I am assuming you are the pro) have no issues with it? - do you support just normal users of toshiba? I do - unless you want to rip them off from normal money they pay for win services - you do know what I am talking about..
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13:03.33unborncruncher: do give your self favour - have look at the toshiba things - hardware is bad same as the acer.. have look on charges on toshiba - anyway let me to go back to the original question here - this is debian linux support irc channel right? what it was????
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13:04.49dpkgAnother happy customer leaves the building.
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13:06.05rambler44Okay so I'm new to GPT/UEFI, which is already on my drive 100MB EFI partition, 122 MB "unallocated" (Microsoft extras?) It might be messy as I manually converted over MBR install to GPT later on and replaced the regular bootloader using a recovery USB. But my problem is, if I install a Debian to dual-boot with Windows - encrypted, do I need a /boot partition to have GRUB on which can fallback to Windows etc. I heard these can be encrypted too, but since I
13:06.05rambler44have no way of turning back once I start installing I wanted to know what steps I should take on EFI? Since MBR usex ext2, and there is partitions present - format a fat32 for GRUB2? Also I assume no secure boot, but that's not needed.
13:06.25unborncruncher: as we was asses - thanks for sharing our debian love.. sorry for fall out.. im just idiotic regards the hardware support - ive been in linux too long.. are we all good?
13:06.41cruncherunborn, yes, we are mate
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13:06.53rambler44Well, my first idea was just to override what Windows had, but that worn't be a good idea.
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13:08.16unborncruncher: :) glad to hear it.. I am sorry. sometimes I can be ass hole.. I know that. anyway lets help those folks do ; wow - what a dream ; ;) ps if you ever need help with virtualmin and hosting pm me right a way
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13:08.57cruncherunborn, dont worry, we are only humans :) and thanks for the offer, i will remember it
13:09.40unbornexactly - humans - turns my attitude sometimes less then piggy meh
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13:10.27cruncherrambler44, for starters it would help if we saw a fdisk -l output
13:10.35unbornrambler44: hi, I did not catch you initial question - so its hard to response to your second one.. can you repeat it please?
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13:11.29rambler44Yeah I am trying to dual-boot Debian, and the Windows installation already have a 100 MB EFI partition + 122MB windows bootloader? I think, so to install Debian, encrypted, I'd have to place GRUB2 either on that EFI parition, or make a new one for GRUB? I'm not quite sure how this works yet
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13:12.18rambler44Assuming I just have to format the GRUB2 bootloader, unencrypted, I'd make a FAT32 or is that incorrect? Shoudl it stil lbe ext2
13:13.10unbornrambler44: yeah - to short the story out  is.. install windows first and then linux.. more than 10 years old advice.. once you installed linux on its no longer mbr grub..
13:13.51unbornyou should use only and exclusively use ext4 format.
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13:14.21rambler44Uhm as I recall the bootloader is exclsuively ext2?
13:14.35sypherrambler44: what???
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13:15.12rambler44Maybe its just outdated
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13:15.29rambler44I dont know, I was told to format bootloaders way back as ext2 and main system ext4
13:15.33unbornrambler44: what distro are you using?
13:15.48unborntold by who?
13:15.59unborn..get answers rambler44 ;)
13:16.03rambler44A guy which helped me installing Linux the first time, back when I used MBR haha.
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13:16.16rambler44Now, its all GPT, UEFI. Confusing me again
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13:16.23unborn-ha-ha - when that was?
13:16.28rambler44I guess some years back?
13:16.30unbornanyway - we told you already...
13:16.36sypherOkay, okay, stop.
13:16.53sypherFirst: You don't 'format' a bootloader. It gets installed in the first portion of the disk.
13:17.01sypherIf you're talking about /boot, that can be almost anything you want.
13:17.03rambler44So ext2 is just aplaceholder
13:17.10sypherYou're just throwing words around.
13:17.55sypherext2, like ext3, ext4, xfs, jfs, etc, are filesystems. Filesystems store files and directories.
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13:18.22unbornrambler44: with all respect - some stuff are changing every day - some dont - perhaps you have outdated info.. perhaps we are all wrong.. till you not tell us, we would be as blind child going for a cake.
13:18.27sypherA bootloader is a bundle of code that gets written to disk that the system can read when the system starts. It is not a filesystem, it doesn't use a filesystem, etc. It might load an OS off of a filesystem (such as /boot).
13:18.36[1]wastedTalking about throwing words around... on the /proc/config.gz file if I have 'CONFIG_IP_NF_IPTABLES=m' what does the m stand for?
13:18.49sypher[1]wasted: Module, rather than built-in to the kernel.
13:19.02[1]wastedThanks :D
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13:19.17[1]wastedso 'y' would be built in
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13:22.32rafalcpphow to tell debian to open .ogv with mplayer, not with damn Audacity?
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13:22.35rambler44Maybe its just Windows then that erequeires FAT32 for EFI boot
13:22.43rafalcppe.g. web browser does it, also krusader dos
13:22.47rafalcppe.g. web browser does it, also krusader does
13:23.39sypherrambler44: No, that's correct for EFI. But you weren't talking about EFI, you were talking about GRUB.
13:23.59unbornrafael: just right mouse button click.. select vlc as default and you are done. :)
13:24.03rambler44Well, there comes my inexperience up. I think I might be talking about GRUB2
13:25.16unborn..there is nothing else then grub 2 right? :)
13:25.23rambler44The 100MB parition should store .efi files for Linux as well as Windows, then the other partition has a windows bootloader - and I format another ext4 for GRUB2 as /boot under a fourth partition and locate Debian under a fifth. Or am I being crazy now
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13:26.41sypherYou keep saying GRUB. Stop it.
13:27.03sypherthwacks rambler44 with a rolled up newspaper.
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13:27.39rambler44yes, so I would need it if Debian is encrypted. But GRUB2 is not located there is it right now?
13:27.45sypherGRUB2-EFI is read from the EFI partition, which then lists available kernels stored in /boot. It loads and launches the kernel.
13:27.50rambler44I always thought it was so big, that it needed an aditional parition to store its bloat on
13:28.21sypherWithout EFI, GRUB is stored in the master boot record of the drive, which is read by the BIOS, which then loads and launches a kernel and initrd from /boot.
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13:28.53sypher(Please note that everywhere I say GRUB, I mean GRUB2.)
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13:32.02philipp__Do someone know an irc channel for mail server setups.. got some problems with one
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13:38.11rambler44So, yeah, I'll try. Thanks sypher.
13:38.32rambler44I guess I should get rid of that habit to format /boot as ext2
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13:39.59sypherrambler44: Formatting /boot as ext2 isn't invalid, it's also not required. You can use any filesystem that GRUB2 can read, which is most anything you'd normally use. ext*, xfs, etc.
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13:40.43rambler44Well, with the fact that its newer I feel ext4 would give a quicker boot. But might not have that much to say
13:41.06rambler44I mean does the reason for people using ext2 as boot by habit have something to do with it not supporting ext4 in the past - legacy maybe?
13:42.00jhutchinsrambler44: I don't think it was ever a real problem.  People just hesitated to upgrade it.
13:42.29rambler44Yeah, it's not like we can't upgarde to kernel 4.*
13:42.38jhutchinsrambler44: When they built new systems, they figured there was a good reason /boot had stayed ext2, so...
13:43.03jhutchinsrambler44: 2.6 has full support of ext 3 & 4
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13:43.48jhutchinsI think maybe someone thought that the overhead of journaling wasn't worth it for what's usually a read-only partition.
13:44.31rambler44this really  seems quite old doesn't it
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13:45.10rambler44Yeah, I wondered - maybe it was faster to use
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14:02.24sly01hi guys I have dell laptop 5470 and wifi card intel wifi 8260
14:02.44sly01It doesnt work I install firmware-iwlwifi from debian official page but no luck
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14:06.37mtnsly01: what is the wifi line from lspci -nn?  only the one line, please
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14:07.59mtnsly01: which version of debian is this?
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14:08.05MOZGIIIHi, I'm trting to figure out how can I format and repartition my hard drive without external mediums, given my hard drive has a single rootfs partition
14:08.27MOZGIIII'm currently struggling with pivot_root to unmount /
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14:09.51MOZGIIICan anyone help? I made a tmpfs, debootstraped my new tmp rootfs on it, and then I pivot_root but it fails
14:10.08sly01mtn: 02:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Intel Corporation Wireless 8260 [8086:24f3] (rev 3a)
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14:10.29sly01mtn: and the kernel is  Debian 3.16.7-ckt25-2+deb8u3 (2016-07-02) x86_64 GNU/Linux
14:10.53mtnsly01: install inxi and then Please type "inxi -Nnz" (without the " marks) in a terminal and paste the results to and give us the link.
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14:37.18jhutchinsMOZGIII: From the man page: "new_root and put_old must not be on the same file system as the current
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14:45.22ghormoonhi, does exist something to check X server? something even more lightweight than Xyeys that would just say if it wilud be possible to create a window without having to create and kill one?
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14:47.08greycatghormoon: in scripts, you usually just check for the existence of a DISPLAY variable.
14:47.28greycatIf the variable exists, you assume it's a valid reference and don't try to check it by actually launching a client until it's time to actually launch a client.
14:47.32ghormoonthe problem is that it exists sooner than the remote X server :)
14:47.44greycatThat is unpossible.
14:47.57polyzen> unpossible
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14:48.11greycatThe DISPLAY variable doesn't get set until you launch an X session or launch an ssh -X or something equivalent.
14:48.20greycatUnless you're doing something utterly STUPID like manually setting it.
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14:48.36ghormoonit's just statically set in the profile on machine 1. Xserver is on machine 2. machine 1 boots way sooner usually
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14:49.12ghormoonthe point it, I want to detect that machine 2 properly booted and launched the X server
14:49.12greycatManually setting it is the root cause of your problems.  Just use ssh -X
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14:49.21ghormoonand I want to start an app from machine 1 automatically at that point
14:49.34ghormoonbut machine 2 doesn't need ssh access to machine 1
14:49.44greycat... I give up.  Have fun breaking your shit.
14:49.44ghormoonit will mean I'll have to do passwordless key
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14:50.47ghormoonhow would you do that without giving passwordless key?
14:52.46FinalXssh-agent running as the sending user
14:53.13ghormoonbut how is that gonna start up wuthout someone typing passowrd for the key anyway? :)
14:53.37FinalXit's not, you'll have to start it once when the machine boots or when it is killed
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14:53.48ghormoonthat's still the same
14:53.56ghormoonthe app will be started once on boot of machine 2
14:54.16han-solothere's a python module to automate that, i guess
14:54.23FinalXyou can also limit the commands the key can do on the other system to just 1 thing, for example
14:54.38ghormoonhm, maybe i'll end up on that
14:54.40FinalXso yes make it passwordless, but then limit it to X, Y and/or Z
14:55.10FinalXwe do that for some machines for rsync backups, for example
14:55.31han-soloparamiko is the module, btw
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14:56.17ghormoonhan-solo: just googled ity up and it seems to be ssh, how is that relevant?
14:56.26ghormoonI'm using direct conenctino to the Xserver, not over ssh
14:56.52ghormoonjust DISPLAY=IP:0 (it's on virtual network anyway, no encryption needed)
14:56.52han-solosorry then
14:57.25greycatThis is some seriously broken 1985 "lol what is security" private network bullshit .
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14:58.09ghormoongreycat: is there any particular reason to waste computing time for communicatino that is between two VMs on the same host connected by a bridge?
14:58.17greycatYou forgot to tell us how you use xhost to allow the raping of the X server.
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14:59.53ghormoonwell, technically the hypervisor would be able to break in, but that is trivial anyway as one of those machines as a container so you can just enter it :P
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15:07.22__marcoI cannot disable it.
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15:08.49__marcothe HA is so unstable that I cannot even open the main menu
15:09.16__marcobut I cannot get it disabled
15:09.21__marcoWebGL: Hardware accelerated
15:09.26__marcoFlash: Hardware accelerated
15:09.41__marco"Override software rendering list" in about:flags is disabled
15:11.05__marcothis is really annoying because I can use chrome but I won't
15:11.15MOZGIIIjhutchins: yes, but isn't another tmpfs a separate file system?
15:12.35MOZGIIIwell, guess I'll switch to building custom initramfs for that. I'll be able to just kexec it
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15:57.24hotwingsi see dmesg is getting spammed like crazy with lines like "[176577.104535] systemd[1]: apt-daily.timer: Adding 2h 54min 10.568131s random time.".. anyone know what thats supposed to be? afaik apt-get/aptitude shouldnt be doing any automated anything
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16:03.03jhutchinshotwings: dpkg -l "apt-daily"
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16:03.38hotwingsno packages found matching that
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16:14.51andhoyI have a ugly suse install that I would like to convert to a systemd container. is this trivial? :)
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16:36.48mamadghi , is there any way to find out which file a package need to run as root ?
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16:39.07mamadghi , is there any way to find out which file a package need to run as root ?
16:39.29han-soloyou only need to ask once
16:40.10greycatI don't understand the question.  Are you asking HOW to run something as root that normally does not run as root?  Or are you asking "Parts of this package run as root and part as non-root; how do I see which parts are which?"
16:41.31mamadgthe question is "Parts of this package run as root and part as non-root; how do I see which parts are which?"
16:41.54greycatWhich package is it?  That's a very odd situation.
16:42.14mamadga lot's of package's
16:42.22mamadglike apache
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16:43.09greycatOh, right, things that launch as root initially so that they can bind to a sub-1024 port, then drop privilegs to a sane user.
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16:44.49mamadgthe thing is that is have customise sudo for a system but , it user's are tech guys and they need work with some service's and edit config file's
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16:46.13mamadgbut not all config's and file's so i need to limit the access
16:46.29greycatYou're asking "what should I put in sudoers so my ape-admins can stop and start apache"?
16:46.57mamadgpartly yes
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16:47.26mamadgi need to find out which part of a package need root access
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16:47.45mamadgand i have a lot of package list
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16:48.13greycatThis is a matter of local policy.  Local meaning *you*.  You decide who can do what to which file or which command.
16:49.33Gabs5807mamadg: you should sudoer man page there are some examples for this. edit configuration file and restart service. if i remember right there is an example for apache ..
16:49.49`Kevinmamadg: there isnt a `list` of packages `X Y` which need root for Z function
16:50.25`Kevintechnically you can run apache on a tcp socket higher than 1024 as a non-root user for example
16:50.29greycatHonestly I would chgrp the config files to some web-admin group (and g+w) and put the apes in that group.
16:51.16`KevinI think you need to look into greycat's suggestion and take it a step further understanding exactly what each person needs access to, you cannot do it for the entire system(package list)
16:51.26`Kevinnot selectively in a sane way
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16:54.43mamadgactually we want to limit user's to access common service's like httpd ,  ftpd , ... not entire system at first level
16:54.57greycatSo configure sudoers accordingly.
16:55.07`Kevinso thats different, yea ^
16:55.40`Kevinchrp for config files like greycat said and give access to invoke-rc.d as needed to restart processes
16:55.46greycatUnless you meant "end users", in which case this entire line of questioning is bogus.
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16:56.31Gabs5807you also can use accls ;-) ..
16:56.38mamadgthe problem is there is too much package's steel and configuration file's and i should test them all
16:57.00greycatThe problem is you're too damned paranoid and ignorant. :-/
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16:57.38mamadgso i am looking for a way for write some script that find some of them for me
16:57.51greycatThe defaults should be sane for end users in almost any setup.  If you're trying to empower a tier of ape-admins to do task A but not task B then you will have to fine-tune your sudoers for that.
16:58.05greycatNO FUCKING SCRIPT
16:58.14greycatThere is no fucking magic wand.
16:58.19greycatYou have to DO THE FUCKING WORK.
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16:59.18mamadgso scripting and programming does not count as work ?
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17:00.00`Kevinmamadg: you are likely over complicating it creating extra work/troubles
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17:01.33`Kevinthe majority of the work has already been done, you have you use what exists currently in the right way rather than re-implementing something that to an extent already exists
17:01.43bezabancan manage /etc/sudoers remotely by using some config management tool (like saltstack), that grants different access depending on packages that are installed on whatever server, but getting it up and running with correct state files is a lot more work (but pays off in the long run with multiple servers)
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17:02.03bezabanyou still have to figure it all out :)
17:02.06Gabs5807for editing configuration files - most demon config could use incude statement. so you can include a directory an allow the user to put configuration files in that directory ..
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17:06.04Gabs5807by the way ftpd is not a very good solution ..
17:06.19mamadgthank you Gabs5807 , but we prefer to use sudo for now ...
17:06.35mamadgsolution ?
17:06.35greycatThe only reason anyone should run an ftpd in 2016 is if they have clients who demand it for legacy reasons.
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17:09.14Gabs5807greycat: you are right. so may be they cannot use http, sftp, rsync, .. :-(
17:09.46mamadgthanks everybody for helping ...
17:09.59greycatOr they *think* they can't.
17:10.37dreamerhmmm. on stretch, since today's updates, my screen now goes 'black' after some time (~10 mins or so?) and I don't have xscreensaver or any other screensaver installed ..
17:10.58greycatOFTC #debian-next
17:11.00dreameranyone an idea what the hell could be caising this?
17:11.13dreamergreycat: ah, derp. indeed
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17:14.02prussiandreamer: one sec
17:14.11prussianI know what it is I just forgot how to turn it off
17:14.25prussiano right
17:14.34prussianxset s off -dpms
17:14.40prussiandreamer: ^
17:14.56greycatThat shouldn't be new in stretch, though.
17:15.04prussianya idk
17:15.16dreamerweird that I never had it though
17:15.22greycathas this in .xsession on this machine in jessie: xset s off; xset dpms 0 1800 0
17:15.36prussianmaybe the maintainer for some x package had it run or something before
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17:15.58prussianI don't make these things up
17:16.09prussianthat's the only thing I can think off that would cause it though.
17:16.11awal1I just removed my i386 partition and keeping the amd64 ones (/ & swap) and all went fine. But when I executed grub-install /dev/sda I have seen grub output "Installing for i386 pc platform. Installation terminated successfully. No errors reported". Why i386 platform if my current arch is amd64?
17:16.33dreamerprussian: thnx. I did that command. will see if it stays on this time ..
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17:16.36dreamer(trying to watch a movie hehe)
17:16.38prussianyou know those maintainers... always changing things.
17:16.49prussianit should work?
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17:17.22prussianI didn't know there was a #debian-next
17:17.28greycatIt's on OFTC.
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17:18.20prussiangood to know
17:18.34prussianI'll add that network to my znc when I get home
17:19.17jhutchins_wkSeem to have lost my connection, sorry.
17:19.25greycatI think you found it.
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17:20.08greycatI appear to have an oftc port-forward set up in .irssi/config but I don't think I've ever actually used it.  And not entirely sure I've got the analogous ssh -L tunnel up.
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17:23.13prussianoftc is owned by SPI
17:23.18prussianit all makes sense now
17:23.44jhutchins_wkAh, there's my other terminal.
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18:13.47leba2Is it that Debian 8 is designed to go the most automatic possible during installation? Why else wouldn't Debian allow to manually configure network unless I unplug network cable?
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18:14.36leba2I know I can configure network after install, but it'd be good to be able since install, since Debian *is used for servers as well*.
18:14.45leba2Not just desktops
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18:15.11petemcleba2: it attempts to use dhcp but you can cancel it
18:15.12TomTomToschare you using expert install?
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18:16.09leba2Er, no... when I boot the DVD I just select "Install" to enter text installation. But graphic and text installations are just the same (just saw it).
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18:16.37teraflopsleba2: go use expert install then
18:17.14leba2Can't remember if there's "expert" option in menu when booting Debian DVD...
18:17.31somiajI think they are all hidden under an additional options menu
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18:18.32leba2^ "wait until dhcp detection fails" which means unplug the freaking cable indeed. "Or cancel it" <-- never tried this....
18:19.36leba2How do I cancel dhcp detection?
18:19.57petemchighlight cancel button, press enter
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18:20.32leba2(Aaahhhh, so installer does have a name... If Centos's installer is Anaconda, Debian's is DebianInstaller!)
18:20.45greycatAlso known as d-i.
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18:20.53leba2^ Really?
18:21.06dpkgDebian 8 "Jessie" is now the "stable" Debian release.  See for images.  Developers page is .  If you want to make custom install CDs, start with d-i.  IRC: #debian-boot on  See also <errata>, <g-i>.
18:21.40leba2^ wow
18:22.26TomTomToschmildly interesting at most...
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18:22.41leba2So aside of here in the channel, I could just show up in the forums, say "eeehhh, d-i, d-i, d-i" and everyone would indeed ask me "yes, what's wrong with the Debian installer"?
18:22.57greycatwhat is a forum?
18:23.04greycatDo you mean the mailing lists?
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18:24.45leba2greycat: er..... I realyl think that was not exactly the correct question... Did you mean just "what forums"? I could not digest a pc guy not knowing what a forum is nowadays...
18:24.51leba2And yes, I meant the mailing lists.
18:25.51greycatI meant "Debian does not have web forums".  So yes.  If you mention d-i on, say, the debian-user mailing list, most people will know what you mean, as long as you use it in some reasonable context.
18:26.57babilen fwiw
18:27.16greycatAre these considered part of Debian?
18:27.38leba2Probably unofficial....
18:27.57leba2What does that mean?
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18:28.55babilenIt means that is related to Debian and the forums are somewhat official. I have never had contact with them before nor do I use it nor can I comment on their "official part" of Debian
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18:29.00leba2Neither ##windows guys know how the heck their OS keeps track of time...
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18:29.37TomTomToschwhat do you mean? they have a hardware clock and a system clock like any other os.
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18:30.13leba2I meant the ##windows guys seemingly don't know how Windows keeps track of time.
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18:30.30leba2Ouch, re-read your message.
18:30.42leba2I thought it said "we" instead of "they"
18:30.45greycatthese forums have 4 threads with today's date in "general questions" so I guess they have what I would call a low-to-medium user base
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18:31.48leba2Wait, does virtually every OS indeed have the very same "time" structure, a RTC and a system clock?
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18:32.38leba2greycat: er... did I just say something wrong?
18:32.49greycatAre you *!* ?
18:33.25leba2If that's aimed for me, no, I'm not.
18:33.29leba2You can whois me.
18:33.50TomTomToschit was greycat speak for "No"
18:34.24leba2Sorry, I thought something bad had happened to force greycat wear Op.
18:34.35greycatyes, it did, but it was not related to you.
18:35.00leba2Anyway, does virtually every OS indeed have the very same "time" structure, a RTC and a system clock?
18:35.02greycatis your client somehow not showing you the ban I created?
18:35.19TomTomToschleba2: yes. the hardware clock is optional, though.
18:35.24N3X15So uh
18:35.51N3X15Just a hot tip:  Downgrading from Sid to Jessie is not a smart idea. Sincerely, guy who spent 3 days reinstalling.
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18:36.25leba2greycat: did you create a ban for me?
18:36.57petemcif he did you wouldnt be here
18:36.57leba2Wait, no, sorry...
18:37.04leba2Yes, sorry.
18:37.20leba2greycat: no, I could not see your actions.
18:37.33leba2Guess webchat does not show that stuff...
18:37.43N3X15He banned someone with a broken connection who was joining and leaving on a loop
18:38.05leba2Aaahhh, asterismo. Yes, that was getting a bit tiring.
18:38.07N3X15Well, no, looks like they were actually sending /quit
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18:38.28leba2But perhaps the guy was having serious connection issues.
18:38.40N3X15Not if it says "Client quit"
18:38.50greycatIt was most likely a technical problem, yes, but the ban is how we stop it for 2 hours.
18:39.04N3X15That means they were forcing the connection closed by exiting their client
18:39.11greycatOr the client crashed.
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18:39.38N3X15Usually, if the client crashes, it times out or shows connection closed.  Who knows.
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18:42.30leba2I'm installing yet another Debian 8, but have never figured out (even after searching already) what those "standard system utilities" are.
18:42.49leba2What are those?
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18:44.35greycatpackages with priority "standard" or higher
18:45.11TomTomToschaptitude search ~pstandard
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18:45.36TomTomToschit's the first thing that somes up if you type "debian standard system utilities" into google.
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18:46.59hillarytrump2k16can someone explain to me the meaning of jessie/updates when viewinw repository in /etc/apt/sources
18:47.18greycatdpkg jessie-updates
18:47.18dpkgjessie-updates is a suite providing updates to some packages (from <proposed-updates>) prior to a <point release>.  All packages from jessie-updates will be included in point releases. .  Not to be confused with <jessie/updates> which is for <security> updates.
18:47.42babilendpkg: jessie/updates
18:47.42dpkgOn Debian 8 "Jessie" systems, there are two repositories that you should have in your sources.list aside from your main mirror.  You should have an entry for "jessie/updates" which is security updates (ask me about <security>) and also an entry for "jessie-updates" which is other updated packages (see <jessie-updates>).  See also <sources.list>.
18:48.37greycatbut, like, the one with a / in it is from instead of the regular mirror... seems that would be the part you'd mention first...
18:49.36hillarytrump2k16sorry i'm having some trouble reading your response; using weechat (having never used cli irc before and i accidently split the window too many times..)
18:50.29hillarytrump2k16@greycat you're right it's the value from the entry; but what is the difference between that and jessie-updates?
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18:51.44leba2TomTomTosch: do you tell me to try "aptitudem search ~pstandard" once I log into just installed Debian?
18:51.44greycathillarytrump2k16: when you get your client back in working order, /msg dpkg jessie-updates and /msg dpkg jessie/updates
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18:52.55TomTomToschleba2: into any debian installation that has the standard system utilities, not the installer.
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18:54.25leba2Ah, so first I finish installing Debian, with the standard system utilities included, then I try that...
18:54.48greycatWe generally assume that people in #debian have Debian.  Funny how that works.
18:55.20leba2My bad, sorry.
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18:57.27TomTomToschoh, s/aptitudem/aptitude    not even sure how i got that typo in...
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19:04.07W3s6iUSuLV6nGV4ii am trying to mount a pendrive, but it says is readonly. wtf? i googled it tried some hdparm commands and nothing.
19:05.27greycatWhat file system is on it?
19:05.34W3s6iUSuLV6nGV4iext4 and luks
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19:05.46W3s6iUSuLV6nGV4ithere are two partitions in that drive
19:05.58W3s6iUSuLV6nGV4ione is ext4 over luks, the other ext4
19:06.17greycatWhen you mount it, what is the exact output you get?
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19:06.49klowi hate centos.
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19:08.39greycatIt says the device is write-protected.  If this were back in the days of floppy disks it would mean the tab is slid to the read-only position.  If this is a USB thingy it is probably something else....
19:09.05W3s6iUSuLV6nGV4iyou mean its a physical thing. its not an old drive. i bought it a year ago
19:09.14greycatWell, that's what the FIRST line says.
19:09.29greycatThe second line, I have no idea.  Does it even mount read-only?  Are you able to read the files from it?
19:09.41towo`the stick is damged, forget him
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19:10.20W3s6iUSuLV6nGV4ithere is data
19:11.03W3s6iUSuLV6nGV4ibut i cannot mount it. would it work making an image and mounting "mount -o loop ..."?
19:11.18greycatSo the mount actually *fails*.  You can't even read the files.
19:11.25W3s6iUSuLV6nGV4imount fails yes
19:11.36`Kevinyou could do that W3s6iUSuLV6nGV4i (dd -> image -> loop mount)
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19:12.19`Kevini would monitor iostat to see if it gets stuck at 100%io with <20 IOPs
19:12.50`Kevinthat would suggest it cannot read the data
19:13.40W3s6iUSuLV6nGV4ii tried doing "dd if=..." and it shows data
19:15.25`KevinW3s6iUSuLV6nGV4i: just a suggestion... im not suggesting hw is bad just something to keep an eye on as it goes through all the sectors
19:15.55greycatIt could also be massive data corruption, or it could be that you are trying to mount the encrypted (?) file system instead of the unencrypted one.
19:16.06greycatYou never said which was sdc1.
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19:16.39`Kevingood point
19:16.40W3s6iUSuLV6nGV4ii used cryptsetup and put the password. apparently there is no problem with that. when i try to mount the /dev/mapper/... it says the same thing
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19:16.54greycatYou still haven't said.
19:17.22W3s6iUSuLV6nGV4isdc1=ext4, sdc2=ext4+luks
19:17.28Thinker_Hello all
19:17.38greycatDid you try fsck /dev/sdc1 yet?
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19:18.03W3s6iUSuLV6nGV4ifsck /dev/sdc1 says something about readonly
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19:19.57W3s6iUSuLV6nGV4ithe only way it works is with "fsck -n /dev/sdc1". it says "skipping journal recovery cause its readonly etc clean"
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19:21.58Thinker_What did ian murdock exactly in debian project ? Did he develope dpkg ?
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19:23.34W3s6iUSuLV6nGV4ithere is some fsck option to force rw check?
19:24.19greycatW3s6iUSuLV6nGV4i: every google result I find for write-protected USB thumb drives says "it's toast, get a new one"
19:24.34greycatexcept for some that try to get you to run some lame-ass Windows too
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19:27.22Lihow to download a apt package to be able to install it while offline?
19:27.44greycatapt-get --download-only install whatever
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19:36.20W3s6iUSuLV6nGV4ithe thing is i was using that pendrive as root filesystem. even i configured it to be "flash friendly", i am wondering if that was a good idea.
19:37.28greycatI've only seen a "write-protected" USB thumb drive once before, and I was not able to get it to become writable no matter how many bizarre hdparm commands I tried from googled web forums.
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19:38.48W3s6iUSuLV6nGV4ido you think there is hope with dd -> image -> loop mount ?
19:38.59greycatMaybe, yes.
19:39.51greycatIf the write-protection is preventing fsck from fixing the file system, but it is otherwise fixable once you copy it to a writable device, then it's possible.
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19:40.42Ligreycat: do you know how to install it later on another machine?
19:41.01greycatcopy the debs out of /var/cache/apt/archives
19:41.02LiI noticed downloading only one package resulted mutliple files
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19:41.13W3s6iUSuLV6nGV4ideps files
19:41.23greycatMost packages have dependencies.
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19:42.23Ligreycat: is it possible to specify the download location in order to obatain an installable package with all its deps?
19:42.43greycatWhat is wrong with the /var/cache/apt/archives location?
19:43.30Ligreycat: it has loads of unwanted packages and deps
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19:43.47greycatThey were all wanted.  That's why they were downloaded there.
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19:44.08W3s6iUSuLV6nGV4iLi: the stupid option is to clean your pkg cache
19:44.38greycatJust copy the ones you want on machine B from machine A onto machine B.
19:44.41greycatIgnore the others.
19:45.07Ligreycat: yes but what's wanted for one package is most likely unneeded for another
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19:45.59greycatWhat's your point?  Did the list of packages that you downloaded RIGHT NOW THIS FUCKING MINUTE scroll off the screen so you aren't sure which ones to copy?
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19:47.08greycatOf course the BIGGER issue is when machines A and B are NOT in the same initial state, so you don't GET all of the dependencies on A that you will need on B.
19:47.16greycatBut you didn't even think that far ahead.
19:47.46greycatAn offline unix machine is like a fucking brick.  Why do you even have one.  What is the point.
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19:51.14`Kevinsounds like a cold archive backup :P
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19:53.36greycatIf the copying of files from A to B is an Ordeal, then I would copy the ENTIRE contents of vcaa because you never know what B is going to ask for next.  Better to fill it up with crap you MIGHT not need than to have to go back to A and undergo another Ordeal just for one stupid dependency.
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19:58.25CutMeOwnThroatLi... oh
19:58.46CutMeOwnThroatactually there's stuff like apt-zip and apt-offline and we have factoids for them
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20:02.46tripkinHello, I would like to get my Canon Lide-220 working with my Deb8 install. I have sane 1.0.24, but research says I need 1.0.25. It is not in the current package list, so I downloaded the source from the sid repository and installed that. Xsane and scanimage could not find the scanner. I eventually uninstalled 1.0.25. What do I need to do to get this installed and running properly? Can anyone help?
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20:05.22sm00thtripkin,  what command did you use to try and find the scanner?
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20:05.45sm00thand do you see it with lsusb?
20:06.05sm00thor is it network device?
20:06.27tripkinI see it fine with lsusb, and sane-find-scanner will see it if I run it as root
20:06.39sm00thoh so maybe a permission issue
20:07.11sm00this there a scanner group?
20:07.13tripkinMy bad! sane-find-scanner: found USB scanner (vendor=0x04a9 [Canon], product=0x190f [CanoScan], chip=GL848+) at libusb:001:002
20:07.19sm00thmaybe you gotta add your username to it
20:07.25tripkinSees it fine as a user. I am part of the scanner group.
20:07.50tripkinIt just couldn't open the non-scanner usb devices...
20:08.05jimHi, I'm looking to get in touch with a dd named Daniel Baumann,,, is he still a dd?
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20:08.28sm00thtripkind what do you mean non-scanner?  you mean to print?
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20:09.26tripkinsm00th, non-scanner = drives, mouse, keyboard, etc.
20:09.37iLogichey guys, i’m getting that LC_ALL=(unset) problem and most solutions of dpkg reconfigure etc dont work.. is there a problem to setting it on /etc/enviroment? or should I just export it on .bashrc ?
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20:10.11sm00thtripkin, i'm sorry man i'm confused I thought you were trying to scan and print.
20:10.19jimanyone who would like to respond, please highlight me so I can notice... thanks
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20:10.55tripkinsm00th, my currently installed sane-utils is version 1.0.24-8+deb8u1, which does not recognize the 220, but the 1.0.25 driver does. It is just not available in the repos for Debian Jessie.
20:11.28tripkinI would like to scan, my printer is already set up and working.
20:11.37tripkinDifferent devices.
20:12.01sm00thI see,  so you already installed the 1.0.25, or is that what you trying to figure out how to do?
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20:12.43iLogicgreycat: so I shouldnt set it?
20:12.44sm00thor did you install that and now find the scanner,  but cannot scan yet?
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20:13.37greycatiLogic: What is your desired locale, and how did you GET TO the places where you are now?  Are you logged into a single Debian system directly from a console?  Are you ssh'ed in?  Are you in a VM?  A chroot?  Did you login by gdm3?  lightdm?
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20:13.55greycatiLogic: Why is your locale not set?
20:14.16greycatiLogic: why are you messing with LC_ALL?
20:15.03sm00thtripkin, also add saned to scanner group,  and add saned and user to lp group too just in case.
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20:15.28tripkinsm00th, already done!
20:15.39sm00thtripkin,  so what exactly is the issue you are having.
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20:17.35iLogicgreycat: sorry about that, only happens when I ssh from a mac
20:17.36tripkinWhen I run a scanning app, the scanner is not detected. This is because it is not supported under sane-utils 1.0.24. Support was added in 1.0.25, so I am looking for help to upgrade to that.
20:17.53greycatIs your MAC client setting LC_ALL=""?
20:18.01sm00thtripkin, ahh ok so you didn't install that yet.   greycat can probably help you with that.
20:18.08sm00thgreycat, ^
20:18.25greycat,v sane-utils
20:18.26juddPackage: sane-utils on amd64 -- squeeze: 1.0.21-9; squeeze-backports: 1.0.22-3~bpo60+1; wheezy: 1.0.22-7.4; jessie: 1.0.24-8+deb8u1; stretch: 1.0.25-2+b1; sid: 1.0.25-2+b1; experimental: 1.0.26~git20151121-1
20:18.36greycat,checkbackport sane-utils
20:18.46juddBackporting package sane-utils in sid→jessie/amd64: all build-dependencies satisfied using jessie, archignore, virtual.
20:18.54sm00thtripkin, so the install from sid source file didn't work?
20:18.59greycatYou should be able to build your own backport of stretch's sane-utils according to judd.
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20:19.12greycatOr of sid's; they're the same.
20:19.52tripkinThe sid source file installed it, and when I did a version check using sane-config after the install, it showed. But the utils still didn't see it, even after a reboot.
20:20.09sm00thtripkin, you said the see it only under sudo though correct?
20:20.10ahcihddHi, everyone.  I have a SATA disk which was connected in AHCI mode to a workstation running Jessie.  Workstation motherboard just died and I need to retrieve data from the hard drive.  I currently have the disk connected to a USB HDD docking station, but it seems that the docking station is operating in IDE mode.  Is there a way I could possibly mount that hard drive to retrieve the important data/files?
20:20.23sm00thtripkin, so is it just a permission issue then?
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20:20.56tripkinsm00th, I can see it without being root/sudo.
20:21.06sm00thtripkin,  i'm confused again man.
20:21.10greycattripkin: you BUILT a BACKPORT from the sid SOURCE, right?  And then you installed the deb file(s) that were created by the backport procedure?  You would know.  This is not a trivial thing.
20:21.37ahcihddI downloaded Jessie/Live and have it on a flash drive, but attempts to mount the HDD from the docking station result in wrong FS type message, due to HDD access mode being different from AHCI.
20:21.57tripkingreycat, I did not build a backport, I just did the ./configure, make, sudo make install route as described in INSTALL.
20:22.15greycatYou build UPSTREAM source code and installed it in /usr/local?
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20:22.33greycatIf so then you probably need to remove the Debian package.
20:22.36tripkingreycat, that was what I did, and where it installed.
20:23.17tripkinIf I remove the debian package, it wants to take out a lot of stuff including libsane and a pile of packages. Is this normal?
20:23.32greycatThis is why I would have built a backport instead.
20:24.03tripkinGotcha. Where can I find the backport instructions, or will google pop them up if I search for debian backport?
20:24.11greycat!simple sid backport
20:24.11dpkgFirst, check for a backport on <debian-backports>.  If unavailable: 1) Add a deb-src line for sid (not a deb line!); ask me about <deb-src sid> 2) enable debian-backports (see <bdo>) 3) aptitude update; aptitude install build-essential; aptitude build-dep packagename; apt-get -b source packagename; 4) install the resultant debs.  To change compilation options, see <package recompile>; for versions newer than sid see <uupdate>.
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20:24.40greycatI think "simple" was meant to be ironic or something....
20:25.03tripkinI will give the dpkg instructions a run...
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20:35.04leba2TomTomTosch: what was the package I was to search for the standard system utilities issue?
20:35.33greycat14:45  TomTomTosch> aptitude search ~pstandard
20:36.03leba2Thanks sir.
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20:39.01leba2Er... what's "apt" and what's "aptitude"? Or what's the difference?
20:39.13greycataptitude is some crazy complicated package that some people use
20:39.30leba2Ah, the "interface" one
20:39.33greycatapt-get is much older and more widespread
20:39.41leba2And perhaps more direct to use.
20:39.48sm00thgreycat, lol
20:39.51greycat"apt" is a newer thing, attempting to reconcile the two interfaces of apt-get and apt-cache... not quite successfully yet....
20:39.55leba2(I was biasing for it anyways)
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20:40.20TomTomToschi like the search syntax of aptitude, it's rather powerful.
20:40.29leba2Wait, so for searching I use aptitude or apt?
20:40.36blawizhow can i exclude file foo.otl in 'grep --exclude-from=/BACKUP/sys/wgrep-symlinks --exclude=foo.otl "$@" /BACKUP/wiki/*' ?
20:40.57greycatIf you want a complete answer, read "man apt" and "man apt-get" and "man apt-cache" and "man aptitude" (after installing it) and see what they all do.
20:42.32greycatblawiz: if I'm reading this man page right, you would include foo.otl in your list of globs in the /BACKUP/sys/wgrep-symlinks file.  Or in another --exclude-from file.  Or in an --exclude argument.
20:42.39tripkingreycat, there is a libsane 1.0.25 in backports, but with backports in my sources list, "aptitude -t jessie-backports install libsane" did not install anything.
20:42.52leba2Oooohhhh, so dbus is included in pstandard. I remember with an absolute minimal Debian core install dbus was missing therefore systemd commands (-ctl ones) didn't work
20:43.04greycattripkin: judd does not believe you
20:43.12tripkinI have done an aptitude show libsane, which definitely shows libsane 1.0.24 as being installed.
20:43.26tripkingreycat, I get it.  <grin>
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20:44.05blawizgreycat: ye i was trying the --exclude=foo.otl but doesnt seem to work
20:44.29sm00thtripkin,  so you didn't do that dpkg method from sid sources?
20:44.52tripkinNo, I am doing it now since backports didn't work.
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20:45.47leba2So, even if I want to start from a minimal Debian installation, is it still convenient to at least install this "standard system utilities"?
20:45.53leba2Not just the pure core?
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20:47.30leba2Then, if I may ask without being scolded, why is it that there's the checkable/uncheckable option for "standard system utilities" in d-i?
20:47.38leba2As if telling "this is still optional dude"
20:47.46greycatbecause some people don't even want the standard utilities.  they want the ABSOLUTE bare mininum.
20:47.58greycatYou asked "is it convenient" and I said "sure".
20:48.29leba2So unlike Centos and other distros, Debian guys do consider this (rather rare?) scenario...
20:49.36croddy"the universal operating system"
20:50.25leba2It sure is difficult to adapt to such flexibility level
20:50.36greycatJust do what you want.
20:51.02leba2^ Yes, yes, but I have always known freedom comes with a price.
20:51.11leba2In this case, *knowledge*.
20:51.28croddyif you don't know/care, leave the defaults set. when the time comes to change things, you will know which things and why.
20:52.11leba2Thanks again.
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21:15.28Egyptian[Web]hi - i am trying to install a very specific version of the kernel. and i got the apt-cache output -> and then i tried to install it and got this error -> pls advise what the version should be .. or the command syntax if i got it wrong
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21:16.57Egyptian[Web] <- with different syntax for version string
21:17.26jhutchinsEgyptian[Web]: Have you done an aptitude update?
21:17.39juddAvailable kernel versions are: experimental: 4.7.0-rc4-686-pae (4.7~rc4-1~exp1); sid: 4.6.0-1-686 (4.6.3-1); stretch: 4.6.0-1-686 (4.6.3-1); jessie-backports: 4.6.0-0.bpo.1-686-pae (4.6.1-1~bpo8+1); jessie: 3.16.0-4-686-pae (3.16.7-ckt25-2+deb8u3); wheezy-backports: 3.16.0-0.bpo.4-686-pae (3.16.7-ckt25-2+deb8u3~bpo70+1); wheezy: 3.2.0-4-686-pae (3.2.81-1)
21:17.55leba2A "normal" Debian installation (i.e., selecting just Install or Graphical install) does enable shadow passwords by default, doesn't it?
21:18.00*** mode/#debian [+l 1664] by debhelper
21:18.16jhutchinsleba2: True of all major distributions these days.
21:18.52jhutchinsleba2: The defaults are pretty sane and will give you a system that will allow you to learn what you might want to change and how.
21:19.37Egyptian[Web]jhutchins: apt-get update? yes
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21:27.31tripkinsm00th, I see that greycat has logged off, but I wanted to thank you both for your help - that install process from source worked like a charm! Now, to write it all down in case I have to replicate it in the future...
21:28.45sm00thtripkin, lol ya i didn't it once too and couldn't remember it, but tks to greycat I now i can come here and type !sid simple backport lol
21:28.56sm00th!sid simple backport
21:29.38tripkin,sid simple backport
21:29.44tripkinnope, not that either...
21:30.00sm00th!simple sid backport
21:30.00dpkgFirst, check for a backport on <debian-backports>.  If unavailable: 1) Add a deb-src line for sid (not a deb line!); ask me about <deb-src sid> 2) enable debian-backports (see <bdo>) 3) aptitude update; aptitude install build-essential; aptitude build-dep packagename; apt-get -b source packagename; 4) install the resultant debs.  To change compilation options, see <package recompile>; for versions newer than sid see <uupdate>.
21:30.04sm00ththere we go :)
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21:30.25tripkinThat is going in the notes!
21:30.37iLogicwhat? i missed it!
21:30.47iLogicis it going in the tests?
21:31.11iLogicpass it on, bro
21:31.14tripkinSpot quiz in 10 minutes. Good luck!
21:31.15TomTomToschtripkin: /msg dpkg simple sid backport    to do it privately.
21:31.39tripkinPerfect, thanks TomTomTosch !
21:31.46leba2When installing base system, I'm shown "available kernels" to install. 3 options: linux-image-3.16.0-4-amd64 ,   linux-image-amd64    ,   none.   But this is strange. Why am I being given 2 kernel options, one with version and one version-less?
21:32.30TomTomToschleba2: the version less is just a meta-package. it pulls linux-image-3.16.0-4-amd64. so you only have the option of one...
21:34.24leba2Well, now that I think about it, this "meta-package" was the one highlighted by default.
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21:35.34leba2Still, and if I may ask just for curiosity, why this... "mechanism" of kernel selection in expert installation? Why to put kind of a "symlink" to the same one package?
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21:40.58TomTomToschthe meta package just makes it easy to upgrade to a different release.
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21:42.11TomTomToschi might be wrong but i think if you install  linux-image-3.16.0-4-amd64 manually it might not get upgraded to the next kernel version on upgrade to the next stable.
21:42.31TomTomToschso go with the generic meta package.
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21:43.14leba2Yes, I was meditating about  that.
21:43.59TomTomToschthis decision is rather trivial. go with the default..
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21:44.05leba2A normal default installation normally uses a generic initrd (all available drivers), right?
21:44.41klysI downloaded some Xorg sources and patched in my touchscreen /usr/src/xorg-server-1.18.3/hw/dmx/input/etouch  and then built...Xdmx with my new driver sources.  It took a day or so of programming to upgrade and successfully compile the sources.  So now I see that I have "Xdmx" instead of /usr/lib/xorg/modules/input/ and am not sure how to fetch sources to compile into that instead.  also, perhaps Xdmx is broken in debian, it freezes my p
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21:45.54leba2A normal default installation normally uses a generic initrd (all available drivers), right?
21:46.09klysleba2, mkinitrd
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21:49.30klyssry dropped my kbd
21:50.01jhutchinsklys: We usually blame the cat.
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21:50.46leba2Maybe he's sincere.
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21:52.56leba2I know I was already explained about software and external repos in Debian (i.e., *big* set of software included in many disks or default Debian repos in order to not have to add 3rd party repos and make Debian a Frankendebian).
21:53.02leba2Yet, I found this
21:53.36klysthat used to be, iirc.
21:53.40leba2And it has a big point: how would one install all the needed multimedia stuff for a desktop usage if they cannot be shipped due to proprietary?
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21:55.11leba2I remember other distros (e.g., openSUSE) have unofficial repos (though within their opensuse domain) for multimedia, mozilla, wine, nvidia/ati drivers...
21:55.23leba2Does this apply to Debian as well?
21:55.47leba2I'd like to try Debian as normal desktop with games some day...
21:56.17TomTomToschdebian has non-free for stuff like steam.
21:56.25TomTomTosch!tell leba2 about non-free
21:57.11axc1298leba2: mozilla is free/open source
21:57.51axc1298their software is in the main debian repo
21:58.15axc1298same with wine
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22:00.12leba2Can you tell me how to speak to dpkg? I do want to try asking it doubts about non-free and "external project" packages (i.e., precisely what I just mentioned: multimedia codecs and stuff, graphics drivers, recent versions of mozilla and wine, etc).
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22:00.58klyshow would one unpack and compile this file: (with the accompanying diff applied using patch) ?
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22:01.42klysI think it has some relationship to the xserver-xorg sources.  I don't see any source files in the tarbzll.
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22:03.19TomTomToschleba2: dpkg is just a parrot. a dictionary if you will. no talking going on.
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22:04.13TomTomToschand an internet search is probably more reliably in most cases.
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22:09.12leba2    So if I installed say a GNOME desktop, most likely basic multimedia codecs would already be installed? Or better install MPlayer to ensure?
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22:09.53klysleba2, gstreamer
22:11.27zxcvce@leba2 vlc
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22:14.18klysdo I need an upstream Xorg tree or can debian sources do this (compile input drivers) for me?
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22:27.15klysok I found the sources in /usr/src/input/xf86-input-keyboard-1.8.1 so I did ./configure --prefix=/usr and found the result in ./src/.libs/ just that this file is substantially bigger than /usr/lib/xorg/modules/input/
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22:38.44SpikeSpiegelis it a good idea to run debian sid (unstable) in production ?
22:40.08themillSpikeSpiegel: definitely not
22:40.37SpikeSpiegelthemill, ok thanks. btw are you familiar with grsec ?
22:41.06themillonly superficially
22:41.08SpikeSpiegelim trying to use latest grsec with the stable jessie, but there doesnt seem to be any grsec 4.6 kernel for jessie...
22:41.43SpikeSpiegelyes no problem themill i wont ask for specific config issues there anyway. i just want to know where can i get the stable jessie patched with 4.6 kernel grsec version
22:41.55themill,i linux-patch-grsecurity2
22:41.59juddPackage linux-patch-grsecurity2 (kernel, extra) in jessie/amd64: grsecurity kernel patch. Version: 3.0+3.14.22-201410250026-1; Size: 3025.9k; Installed: 3054k; Homepage:
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22:44.00SpikeSpiegelyes themill thats if i have to compile the kernel myself. which is proving to be a challenge because i've had kernel panics three times on a virtual box. but im talking about installing grsec from apt-get if there is a way
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22:44.52leba2I'm reading , but I don't understand one thing: what's the difference between distributions jessie/updates and jessie-updates?
22:44.56klyssee if has a deb repo, if not then you have to go upstream.
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22:46.22SpikeSpiegelok thanks
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22:47.40manjarohi all
22:47.59klyswelcome to...
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22:49.20leba2Nevermind; found it. Thanks.
22:49.29leba2(I HATE the number 9!)
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23:00.18leba2If jessie/updates and jessie-updates are precisely used for that, *package updates*, how is it that I can install software only with jessie/updates enabled? For example, samba. I did a minimal Debian install, and I already disabled the cdrom repo...
23:00.30leba2Heck, I can even apt-cache search wine!
23:01.45themillwhy wouldn't you be able to?
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23:04.05leba2Dunno, perhaps because "updates" should be for packages already installed in system? While jessie distribution should be indeed for newly installed packages?
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23:04.22miesco,v gpg2
23:04.23juddNo package named 'gpg2' was found in amd64.
23:04.26miesco,v gpg
23:04.27juddNo package named 'gpg' was found in amd64.
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23:04.33miescooh I see
23:04.49leba2And if I'm wrong, what's the point in having 3 different distros in sources list?
23:04.53themillleba2: the remote repo doesn't know what packages you have installed on your local machine
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23:05.07leba2No, I'm *heavily* confused.....
23:05.10miesco,v gnupg
23:05.11juddPackage: gnupg on amd64 -- squeeze: 1.4.10-4+squeeze4; squeeze-security: 1.4.10-4+squeeze4; squeeze-security-lts: 1.4.10-4+squeeze7; wheezy-security: 1.4.12-7+deb7u7; wheezy: 1.4.12-7+deb7u7; jessie: 1.4.18-7+deb8u1; stretch: 1.4.20-6; sid: 1.4.20-6; experimental: 2.1.13-5
23:05.33miesco,v gnupg2
23:05.34juddPackage: gnupg2 on amd64 -- squeeze: 2.0.14-2+squeeze2; squeeze-security: 2.0.14-2+squeeze2; squeeze-security-lts: 2.0.14-2+squeeze3; wheezy-security: 2.0.19-2+deb7u2; wheezy: 2.0.19-2+deb7u2; wheezy-backports: 2.0.25-1~bpo70+1; jessie: 2.0.26-6; stretch: 2.1.11-7; sid: 2.1.11-7; experimental: 2.1.12-1; experimental: 2.1.13-5
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23:05.38miescoI need gnupg 2.1
23:06.09miescoI guess thats not possible
23:06.37TomTomToschleba2: why? all those repos have packages. jessie-updates has newer packages. the security repo has newer packages with security fixes. if you disable one repo you don't get packages from _that_ repo.
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23:09.06TomTomTosch,checkbackport gnupg2
23:09.16juddBackporting package gnupg2 in sid→jessie/amd64: unsatisfiable build dependencies: Build-Depends: libassuan-dev (>= 2.4.1);Build-Depends-Indep: libassuan-mingw-w64-dev, libgcrypt-mingw-w64-dev, libgpg-error-mingw-w64-dev, libksba-mingw-w64-dev, libnpth-mingw-w64-dev, libz-mingw-w64-dev, win-iconv-mingw-w64-dev.
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23:39.04awal1Does debian really have around 1000 developers/maintainers?
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23:40.15awal1Thats a f***g gnu/linux army :D
23:40.26themillabout double that
23:40.59awal1that's really a lot ;)
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23:42.20awal1and all of them working for free bcoz of X reason; and some people crying here why I no have x y
23:42.43themillPlus there's lots of other contributors to send in translations, test out things, provide support on mailing lists and irc etc.
23:43.43awal1no easy to supervise/coordinate such big project
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23:47.50awal1i'm bored bcoz of debian system stability, even the sid branch :P
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