IRC log for #debian on 20160624

00:00.01*** part/#debian qwertypoi (
00:00.09unbornbeen trying to deal with this tree search function but there is no go.. as developer I have tons of files.. if I have backup in folder A and in folder B it displays them all without location..  which is night mare
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00:00.32unborn*been trying 3 weeks..
00:01.13unbornjmcnaught: interactive-search is what was in older nautilus and that was working perfect
00:02.28sm00thwhen I try to search i get invalid protocol
00:02.34unbornctrl+f was for tree search.. jmcnaught i7, 12gigs ram, ssd - very fast system but searching for one file within folder be it css or php - I can go and make coffee.. thats terrible..
00:03.39babilenunborn: It's almost instantaneous here
00:03.43sm00thanyone know why it says invalid protocol when i try to search in nautlius?
00:03.49babilen(similar system specs)
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00:04.58unbornI can imagine pain on normal hdd.. thats why I would like to install older version of nautilus or I shall accept that it becomes just unproductive and install some nemo or thunar.. I mean why it was changed.. it was working perfect is there any way to re-do interactive-search?
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00:05.49unbornbabilen: you could see it on that video.. as soon I type backup - many files and folders came up.. I am getting each time I search actually lost
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00:07.18jmcnaughtunborn: search is pretty quick for me too, everything is indexed by tracker. Also it shows locations in list view (ctrl+1)
00:08.00sm00thwait I think its dolphin not nautilus,  whatever the KDE one is
00:08.05sm00thinvalid protocol when using find
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00:08.39jmcnaughtunborn: if you didn
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00:09.04jmcnaughtsm00th: if you didn't install KDE using a task or metapackage, maybe there's a missing recommend
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00:10.40sm00thjmcnaught, i installed the kde iso
00:10.44sm00thdidn't remove nothing
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00:11.08sm00thonly things I did was install nvidia driver from jessie backports,  and apparmor from stretch
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00:12.11unbornjmcnaught: okay ctrl+1?
00:12.26unborn can you tell me what I am doing wrong here?
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00:12.50unbornalso note the cpu load in top right corner - the blue graph
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00:22.17sm00thso if I search from the root folder it works
00:22.27sm00thbut if selecting the shortcut home folder under places I get missing protocol
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00:25.39unbornturns out that caja does better job then crappy latest nautilus. I dont really get this.. debian perfect operating system and experience ruined by basic most need it tool like file manager..
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00:28.16babilencaja is packaged in Debian
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00:28.51sm00thbabilen,  apparenlty he's installed it
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00:29.35sm00ththe other thing I don't like about dolphin how it default to single click to launch files and open folders, thats pretty dangerous.
00:29.47unbornsm00th: I was trying to get around that nautilus for about 2 - 3 hours..
00:29.58sm00thunborn, man..
00:30.13unbornsimply put it, install better file manager which actually works..
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00:41.50unbornjust found this and even that is bit older its explains it very well
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00:42.57sm00thunborn,  if you think gome is bad,  don't even bother with
00:43.30sm00thit has become alot worse in kde.  at least the older version in debian jessie is not as bad yet.
00:43.36unbornman and I just thought finally got liked gnome 3 heh last time I switched form debian 6 as I did not like debian7 due to gnome3 which was that time pretty bad when it came out first time.. enough of moaning.. I see xcfe or mate.. possibly openbox
00:44.05sm00thxfce has been really great past few years.
00:44.32unbornsm00th: file manager is primary for me, if that suxs then other things would do too ;)
00:45.00sm00thhmm not sure if it suit your needs.  but i never had an error like i have in the kde dolphin manager lol
00:45.07markybobthunar even has more features. like bulk rename.
00:45.58sm00thunborn,  well that article is probably right about why mint is so popular.  cinnamon is just great.
00:46.05*** join/#debian Se-bash (~seba@unaffiliated/se-bash)
00:46.06sm00thI just don't trust it.
00:46.43sm00thnemo in mint is amazing
00:46.46unbornoh clems mint? I rather not comment that..been there already.
00:46.49sm00ththe compositor is great.
00:46.56sm00thunborn,  you didn't like nemo?
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00:47.28sm00thi remember an earlier nemo raping my pc if I left it open and idle.
00:48.00sm00thdon't think it does that anymore but i always found that suspect,  plus alot of other thigns I won't go into.  but as far as usuability and compatilibty it just shines.
00:48.03unbornlast time I used mint it was mint 9, then I saw what clem done with lmde and that was signal for me to leave that os.
00:48.21sm00thi never tried lmde
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00:54.14zykotick9still likes find and grep... no indexing, but they are steady and reliable IMO...
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01:06.25sm00thhow can I install 340 video driver in debian jessie?
01:07.43markybobnvidia? hell jessie-backports has 352.79-8~bpo8+1. proper jessie has 340.96-1
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01:09.48sm00thmarkybob, what is proper jessie i'm on 8.5
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01:10.56sm00thmarkybob, ok so I just have to do apt-get install nvidia-legacy-340xx-driver  right?
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01:11.57markybobsm00th: follow this. it tells you about what's included in jessie and about backports if you need it.
01:12.18sm00thmarkybob, ya i installed the one for jessie-backports but want to go with the 340
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01:12.59markybobso remove the package, remove backports, install what's in jessie. not saying that'll work because downgrading sucks...
01:13.18sm00thya i know hopefully i don't bork my the whole install haha
01:13.40sm00thi removed the nvidia-driver package.  then all the nvidia stuff in modprobe.d
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01:13.49sm00thnow i'm doing dpkg -l | grep nvidia and gonna remove all that stuff too
01:13.57sm00ththen reboot in noueveau hopefully
01:17.51*** join/#debian sm00th (~sm00th@unaffiliated/sm00th)
01:17.56sm00thok i'm on nouveau now here goes nothing
01:18.52sm00thstill alot of nvidia stuff installed though think I should clean it all out
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01:25.45sm00thmarkybob, hmm  apt-get install nvidia-legacy-340xx-driver isn't working
01:25.59sm00thsays unmet dependencies but doesn't make sense.
01:27.25markybobsm00th: legacy is 304 not 340
01:27.43sm00thi found that in apt-cache search nvidia
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01:28.04sm00thmabey i have to install the headers first?
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01:28.16sm00thaptitude -r install linux-headers-$(uname -r|sed 's,[^-]*-[^-]*-,,') nvidia-legacy-340xx-kernel-dkms  ?
01:28.17markybobwiki says aptitude -r install linux-headers-$(uname -r|sed 's,[^-]*-[^-]*-,,') nvidia-kernel-dkms
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01:29.16markybobagain, legacy is 304, not 340. in proper jessie (which is what we were talking about. it is in backports which you said you didn't want)
01:30.06sm00thmarkybob, i did an apt-cache.  but i'm following what you said
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01:30.22sm00thaptitude -r install linux-headers-$(uname -r|sed 's,[^-]*-[^-]*-,,') nvidia-kernel-dkms
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01:31.29sm00thmarkybob, lol this is a weird date  /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia-kernel-common.conf   1969-12-31 19:00:00.000000000 -0500
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01:31.57dvshails the epoch
01:32.23modwizcodeI'd be worried if it was earlier...
01:32.30sm00thoh jesus its telling me I have to manually enable it in xorg.conf
01:33.07sm00thok following instructions here
01:33.53sm00thPackage xorg-server was not found in the pkg-config search path
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01:35.57sm00thcrosses fingers
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01:38.30sm00thok tk goodness it worked
01:38.35sm00thmarkybob, tks alot
01:39.04sm00thBenderRodriguez, we are family?
01:40.16BenderRodriguezsm00th: what now
01:40.24BenderRodriguezwho u?
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01:41.31sm00thBenderRodriguez, I got same last name
01:41.45BenderRodriguezI am a mexican built robot
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01:43.37sm00thBenderRodriguez, my apologies
01:44.02sm00thmarkybob, so this 340 driver is the default in jessie? didn't realize that.  the newer driver give me problems
01:44.12BenderRodriguezhotswaps sm00th's RAM
01:44.13sm00thstuttering in cs:go for example.  340 driver is much more smoother for my system.
01:44.20sm00thBenderRodriguez, hey come on man :(
01:44.35sm00thmarkybob, i got 650 ti
01:46.27sm00thmarkybob, oh hell ya much better
01:46.38sm00thman jessie keep all the best stuff, least buggiest kde, least buggiest drivers
01:46.49sm00thits like the newer stuff dont' get tested as good no more
01:48.04sm00thor maybe my pc is just too old now
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01:54.27sm00thmarkybob, ah dam there is a tradeoff though
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01:54.38sm00thalt tab to desktop doesn't always work and sometimes crash the game.
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02:10.25sm00thmarkybob, i don't think only updated driver fix that issue I think updated kde does too.  but then the problem is I can't use opengl without getting random flickering lol
02:10.35sm00ththere is always some tradeoff
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02:12.01mimtfi know  why . and source is required. lol
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02:21.58Freedom2000so this guy i met says that i make him feel like shit. what does it mean? i'm new to relationships. i sent him a message and he replies like that.
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02:22.46rgwuI have some troll food left over from yesterday. Anyone want to feed it?
02:23.02Freedom2000i'm not a troll. i don't know who else to ask
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02:23.32Freedom2000have you said that to a woman before?
02:23.37mimtfecho $?   <— what is $?
02:23.51rgwureturn code of previously run process
02:24.05Freedom2000no one replies on debian-offtopic. and they're really cool over there
02:24.40mimtfrgwu: what you mean?
02:24.59rgwuEvery process generates an exit code when it dies.
02:25.04rgwuecho $? shows it
02:25.16rgwu0 means proper exit, generally
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02:25.39mimtftest 10 -gt 55 ; echo $?
02:26.17Freedom2000What other channel is good for chit-chat?
02:26.57rgwumimtf: that returns 1, because 0 would mean true, confusingly.
02:27.18mimtf0 is true
02:27.32mimtfthanks rgwu
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02:28.55mimtftest 56 -gt 55 && echo true || echo false    <—— rgwu why this show me ‘true’?  i don’t know
02:30.03themillbecause it is?
02:30.04rgwuecho will always return 0, unless it crashes. I've never seen echo crash.
02:30.39mimtfrgwu: what you mean?
02:30.59zykotick9mimtf: the "echo false" or "echo foo" works fine
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02:31.16rgwuecho false simply prints 'false'. The exit code is still 0.
02:32.34mimtftest 56 -gt 55 && echo true || echo false   —> true && echo true || echo true —>  echo true
02:33.22mimtfrgwu: thanks :)
02:36.51sm00thFreedom2000,  do you put him down alot?
02:37.12sm00thmimtf, you said you know why talking to me?
02:37.25sm00thmimtf, csgo_linux64[3107]: segfault at 30 ip 00007fef78504882 sp 00007feef40a8d00 error 4 in[7fef784ab000+c7000]
02:38.27sm00thi either have to update kde, or update video driver.
02:38.32mimtfsm00th: you hack me?  :x
02:38.52sm00thbut I can live without alt tab,  cause otherwise i get crap perforamnce.  or desktop flickers lol
02:39.04sm00thmimtf, i get hacked I don't hack other people.
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02:40.20mimtfcsgo_linux64[3107]: segfault at 30 ip 00007fef78504882 sp 00007feef40a8d00 error 4 in[7fef784ab000+c7000]   <— what is it? sm00th ?
02:40.39sm00tha video game on steam
02:40.43*** part/#debian Freedom2000 (c8532cfc@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
02:40.58sm00ththat means it crashed on me
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02:44.25mimtfok sm00th
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02:53.20mimtf[ 66 -gt 55 -a 66 -lt 500 ] && echo true || echo false   <— what is ‘-a’?
02:54.14mimtfrgwu: ?
02:55.01themill"help [" (or more likely, "help test")
02:57.35mimtfexpr1 -a expr2
02:57.36mimtfTrue if both expr1 and expr2 are true.
02:57.41mimtfthanks rgwu :)
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03:09.05Nikti_sudo tar -cvpzf backup.tar.gz --exclude=home '/media/ubuntu/dc75abd1-796b-49ec-9062-53618c4c0fdc'
03:09.37Nikti_Created media folder in archive and fstab no rok if recover
03:09.56Nikti_no work
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03:20.22shanemikel1debian 8 + gnome is looking very good guys
03:20.47shanemikel1I also like that it's shipping with a gnome-friendly irc client
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03:21.35shanemikel1I didn't know about polari.  nice, clean, and stupid simple.. but it's a little stupid that you can't resize the chanell sidebar
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03:22.17tomattoplease i have problem with systemctl and starting services, when i run systemctl i get Failed to get D-Bus connection: Unknown error -1
03:22.29tomattodbus is up and running
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03:29.42shanemikel1you running as root?
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03:31.08tomattoyes i am running as root
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03:34.18mimtfEngland leave EU?
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03:39.17tomattodbus running only like this /usr/bin/dbus-daemon --system
03:39.35tomattono other parameters like on other server
03:40.24sm00thmimtf, ya
03:40.28sm00ththey crazy
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03:40.56mimtfsm00th: you live in Europe?
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03:41.11sm00thmimtf, no
03:41.25sm00ththen what?
03:41.43mimtfwhere are you live?
03:41.52mimtfwhere you live?
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03:43.48tomattoTrying to run as user instance, but the system has not been booted with systemd.
03:44.04mimtfsm00th: Russia
03:44.12tomattowhy is not system not run with systemd?
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03:47.53somiajtomatto: care to clarify what you mean? What version of debian are yo using? Note that debian jessie supports both sysvinit and systemd
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03:48.56fishcookeri want to know comparison in byte size pureftpd between vsftp and all dependencies packages before installation... is it possible to know the both total size required with apt/dpkg without install first?
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03:49.22tomattosomiaj: i am using debian jessie, last update. before server was shutdown upexpectedly it works with systemd ok
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03:51.01somiajtomatto: so after you brought it back up systemd is falling back to the old init system and not actually running? systemctl status returns what?
03:51.32somiajfishcooker: you can do a --dry-run with apt-get install and it should list the amount it ahs to download and the amount of space it will take when isntalled
03:51.39tomattoFailed to get D-Bus connection: Unknown error -1
03:52.12somiajtomatto: ps fax, can you tell me the process that is pid #1?
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03:53.31somiajtomatto: ls -l /sbin/init (does this still point at systemd) -- my guess is systemd is running, just dbus is not
03:53.31fishcookerunfortunately it wouldn't show the size, somiaj
03:53.53somiajfishcooker: are you sure? Can you give me all the output of apt-get --dry-run install vsftp
03:53.58somiajfishcooker: put it at
03:54.38somiajfishcooker: nevermind, I just tested it here...hmm
03:55.01tomattosomiaj: /sbin/init is not symlink to systemd, it is regular executable file itself
03:55.54somiajfishcooker: hmm, because if I don't include the --dry-run it tells me somethig like this. "Need to get 2,574 kB of archives. After this operation, 4,798 kB of additional disk space will be used."
03:56.13somiajfishcooker: I was hoping it would give that info in a --dry-run
03:56.26somiajtomatto: that is strange, afiak it should be a link, /sbin/init -> /lib/systemd/systemd
03:56.34somiajtomatto: dpkg -S /sbin/init (what does that return)
03:56.36tomattosomiaj: dbus is running, but systemd not initialized all, what it should
03:56.58tomattosomiaj: upstart: /sbin/init
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03:57.31fishcookerahhh got it i've listed the packages will be installed then i calculate manually with apt-cache show [packages]... nice switch for the dry run somiaj
03:57.37tomattoi don't understand why it run /sbin/init instead of systemd after "restart"
03:58.28somiajfishcooker: no problem, but apt-get does give you that calculation, I'm surprised it desont' give it to you in a --dry-run
03:58.49somiajtomatto: why do you ahve upstart isntalled on your system? That is what you are using for init?
03:59.06somiajfishcooker: but in the case it is more than one package, just apt-get install foo, and then hit 'n'
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04:00.13tomattosomiaj: not at all
04:00.58somiajtomatto: dpkg -S /sbin/init returned systemd, that binary you see /sbin/init that is being run is from the 'upstart' package, so some how  you are using upstart (not systemd)
04:01.49tomattosomiaj: now i remember, when i was trying to run node.js app as a service, i installed upstart, but never actualy use it
04:02.14*** join/#debian Jerm1 (~Jerm1@2605:e000:4ddb:bf00:8534:4ad1:4b64:4f9a)
04:02.35tomattosomiaj: so that upstart take place over the systemd? :/
04:02.54tomattoand that is what causing the problem after restart
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04:03.30tomattosilly me :(
04:03.50somiajtomatto: upstart is another init system. Debian provides it but doesn't use it by default and ones mialage may varry because most matainers dont' write init scripts for upstart (upstart is ubuntu's init system)
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04:04.13somiajtomatto: but upstart will replace systemd if installed. So if you are on a debian system you some how installed upstart and removed parts of systemd. I'm unsure how this happened
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04:04.30somiajtomatto: what is the output of 'apt-cache policy' and 'aptitude why upstart' (put at
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04:06.36tomattosomiaj: i installed manually upstart, when i was trying to get node.js app run as system service, i didn't know that it take place over systemd
04:06.53tomattoaptitude why upstart: i   init PreDepends systemd-sysv | sysvinit-core | upstart
04:06.57somiajtomatto: oh, well now you know why it is. Yes upstart is another init system.
04:07.20somiajtomatto: not really supported in debian, but it is provided for those who want to use it and deal with all the issues of writing init scripts for their services with it
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04:08.40tomattosomiaj: i uninstalled upstart, and now systemd-sysv is not installed again...i didn't notice that while installing upstart, that it removed systemd-sysv
04:09.31tomattosomiaj: so now when i reboot, it will run systemd correctly now right?
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04:11.05somiajtomatto: you can double check that /sbin/init is a link to systemd, but yes I belive so
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04:11.37tomattodpkg -S /sbin/init
04:11.37dpkgPackage: /sbin/init: Status: install ok installed
04:11.38tomattosystemd-sysv: /sbin/init
04:11.55somiajtomatto: ls -l /sbin/init (but it should be right)
04:11.57mimtfwhat is ‘let i—;’?
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04:12.23tomattosomiaj: yes, it is symlink to systemd now.
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04:12.42somiajtomatto: okay you shoudl be back on systemd after a reboot. Do you haev recovery media ready?
04:12.56somiajtomatto: you shouldn't need it, but always best to be safe when doing something like changing the init system
04:13.58tomattosomiaj: you scared me a little now...i will backup my db just to be sure before restart
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04:14.53somiajtomatto: haha, you should be fine, but who knows what else you changed when isntalling upstart so I'm just being extra cautious because I would hate for you to get into a state it can't boot and you aren't prepared (I highly doubt this will be an issue)
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04:17.39tomattosomiaj: :), is there some recovery "procedure" or whatever i should do on livecd, when system doesn't boot up correctly, just want to know for being prepared in the future?
04:18.54somiajtomatto: doy ou know how to mount your root file system and then chroot into it?
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04:19.17tomattosomiaj: yes, i do
04:19.40somiajtomatto: form the live system mount your rootfs, mount --bind /proc /rootfsloc/proc, do that for /sys and /dev
04:19.52somiajtomatto: chroot into yoru system, now you are in yoru system, and you can try to fix whatever the issue was
04:20.26droidsecthey guys, I've hosted couple of websites on a box with Debian Jessie, I am using Let-encrypt for the ssl for these sites , yesterday I noticed that when I ran the ssl server test, I noticed a warning that said "OpenSSL Padding Oracle vulnerability (CVE-2016-2107) "
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04:21.01somiajdroidsect: have you completely updated to the current packages from
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04:21.11tomattosomiaj: ok, thank you for your help :)
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04:22.00somiajdroidsect: provided you are running the curret packages from security and the versions are newer than what is listed there, that exploit should be patched.
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04:25.23Zlibai've got xfce and my time settings / calender local is in spanish. what do?
04:25.24droidsectsomiaj, the openssl version I'm using is this
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04:26.14droidsectshould I do an apt-get upgrade ?
04:26.17nokTwhat command showed hard disk usage and its partitions? I can't remember
04:26.36somiajdroidsect: you are outdated, run apt-get update, then give me the output (or just look at the output of) apt-cache policy again
04:26.40ZlibanokT, df?
04:26.44somiajdroidsect: you need to run apt-get update first
04:27.09nokTZliba: it had a tree like output
04:27.38somiajdroidsect: actually wait, you should run an apt-get upgrade, but I'm trying to figure out what the difference between 1.0.1k-3+deb8u5 and 1.0.1t-1+deb8u2 is
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04:28.24somiajdroidsect: yea, you jsut need to upgrade your package is all. I just got confused by the newer package released with 8.5 recentally, that is the one you want (the 1.0.1t-1+deb8u2) which iwill be installed when you aptitude upgrade
04:28.30somiaj!unattended upgrades
04:28.48droidsectthis is the output for apt-get update
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04:29.03dpkgsomebody said unattended-upgrades was a package for installing security upgrades automatically, unattended. See
04:29.18somiajdroidsect: that might be a package you want to install if you don't want to manually upgrade your system regurally
04:29.43somiajdroidsect: another option (what I do) is subscribe to the DSA mailing list, and you will get emails about security fixes and if you get one about a package you use, then maunally upgrade your system
04:30.13droidsectcool, I also came a across an article about the use of aptcron package
04:30.20droidsectto alert for any upgrades
04:30.20somiajthat is another possibility
04:30.27nokTZliba: I mean, df won't recognize a drive without a partition table
04:30.55Zlibafdisk -l ?
04:31.10somiajZliba: (something like this?)
04:31.18nokTyeah, but I remember there was an easier way with a better output :P
04:31.24nokTit's fine tho
04:31.25ZlibanokT, dunno
04:33.01somiajnokT: what are you looking for again? something like 'blkid'
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04:33.45nokTsomiaj: yeah, not as verbose as "fdisk -l", but blkid won't show as well a drive without a valid part. table
04:33.56mimtfwhat is ‘let i—;’?
04:34.10mimtfinstead of i—?
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04:35.02somiajmimtf: in bash (again I suggest you ask question in #bash for better answers if using bash) they should do the same thing, one just has a line end
04:35.18somiajmimtf: so i--; foo (you can then run the next command foo in the same line if you ahve a ;
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04:36.04somiajmimtf: -- there is what let does
04:36.23mimtfthanks somiaj :)
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04:37.14somiajmimtf: getting use to the syntax so you can just look up the command you don't understand is a very useful skill
04:38.20nokTthere it is, lsblk was the command
04:38.33somiajahh, (:'
04:40.13shadowwhoa, lsblk is useful
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04:40.58shadowlsblk does get confused by my btrfs system though
04:41.26somiajbtrfs confuses lots of things
04:42.07nokTdunno, lsblk seem more nice to my eyes than 'fdisk -l'
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04:42.19somiajmimtf: are you trying to learn to program in #bash? Why are you not asking these question in bash. I also linke dyou a page that described what the let command did.
04:42.46mimtfok thanks somiaj
04:44.03streulmaqemu just boot to black screen with Windows 7 guest (qemu-arm)
04:44.38shadowarm? and Windows7?
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04:52.05qiyonganyone could do me a favor to download this for me?
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05:01.37brimonkHey all. I was wondering if anyone had any specific resources about setting up an ethernet passthrough on debian. I came on and asked about it earlier, but I couldn't really get it to work.
05:02.07brimonkqiyong: I downloaded it.
05:02.17rangitapassthrough how? as in make two ports be logically connected? you can do that with bridging
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05:02.44qiyongbrimonk: how can i get it from you
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05:03.42brimonkqiyong: You could just open it up in a browser.
05:03.49brimonkqiyong: and hit the download button.
05:04.04qiyongblocked here
05:04.17rangitaqiyong: was your goal just to have someone download it for you? are you behind a firewall or something? if so, you could say sound like you're trying to infect people with malware
05:04.40qiyongrangita: it's pdf, yes i mean that
05:04.44rangitaif you're blocked, use SSH to create a proxy (google it), or get a commercial proxy service
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05:05.09qiyonggoogle is blocked
05:05.18brimonkqiyong: Where the hell are you?
05:05.23rangitai just mean search it by whatever engine you have
05:06.04rangita << how to use SSH to proxy any browser
05:06.23qiyongi don't have ssh account
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05:06.43rangitaas for the SSH target, you can get an Amazon EC2 instance for near-zero money -- just make it a "spot instance" of their lowest tier linux VM
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05:07.04brimonkqiyong: You can get an amazon ec2 micro instance for literally nothing.
05:07.49qiyongit need my credit card?
05:08.03brimonkqiyong: And I'm sure that there are free vpn services you can use. I used to use in school to get around the fire wall.
05:08.32rangitaamazon will, yes, but like brimonk just said, there's tons of free alternatives. if all you need is a proxy to get around a firewall, there's tons of options
05:08.35brimonkqiyong: I'm not sure. But, you could just go out and get a prepaid card with like, the minimum purchase on it, and use that to register.
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05:09.08brimonkqiyong: You aren't from NORTH korea, are you?
05:10.28rangitawait, aren't you in Changchun China?
05:13.18rangitain any case, there are many ways to bypass a basic firewall like China's -- they all center on getting a secure, encrypted connection to a VPN or SSH service and tunneling your traffic through that.
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05:37.23qiyongcould any just download a network spec pdf for me? thanks
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05:43.04mimtfwhat is pid?
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05:43.44qiyonghow anyone could provide me some ssh account?
05:44.23mimtfmimgoogle@debian   qiyong
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05:48.02rmzelnickGood evening to all
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05:48.24rmzelnickI'd like to know if there's a server admin guide for debian
05:49.31rmzelnickShould I use Debian Squeeze? That's the 6.0 version correct?
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05:52.03mirazi_hekethello, in what way debian lvm/encrypted partitions are mounted (if installed from cli installer)? is it only /etc/crypttab and /etc/fstab? i created encrypted partition (without lvm; luks) and want to mount it in same manner (password on bootup)
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05:56.44rmzelnickmirazi_heket: afaik, I suppose you'd need an initramfs, dunno if apt installs it for you
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05:57.45rmzelnickare you just asking what options to use for mounting?
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05:58.56mirazi_heketrmzelnick: so far, i have no idea how to mount it in default way
05:59.06mirazi_heketwhich files i need to config
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05:59.38rmzelnickis there not a luks config file?
05:59.39darxmurfhi all
05:59.48rmzelnicklook into /etc/default/
06:00.08rmzelnickhi darxmurf
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06:04.41mirazi_heketrmzelnick: nothing revelant in /etc/default
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06:14.21Muvlonwhat is the suggested course of action if dpkg hangs indefinitely?
06:15.23somiajMuvlon: where is it hanging at?
06:15.39somiajMuvlon: during the unpacking, configuration, postinstall script, etc?
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06:16.20Muvlonfirst happened while trying to install connman
06:16.28somiajhmm, well you could paste the output of where it is hanging at and maybe someone can chime in
06:16.39somiajMuvlon: were you installing connman with dpkg? Where did you get this .deb?
06:16.51Muvlonno, i was installing it using apt
06:16.55somiajI don't have any suggestions at this time, it seems strange that it is hanging
06:17.02Muvlonbut the part that hangs is definitely dpkg
06:17.02somiaj,v connman
06:17.04juddPackage: connman on amd64 -- squeeze: 0.48+dfsg-2; wheezy: 1.0-1.1+wheezy1+b1; jessie: 1.21-1.2; jessie-backports: 1.32-0.1~bpo8+1; stretch: 1.32-0.1; sid: 1.32-0.1
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06:17.22somiajMuvlon: it seems strange, is this in jessie using the jessie or jessie-backports packages?
06:17.31Muvlonit is stretch
06:17.42Muvloni tried to join debian-next but it's not public
06:18.00*** mode/#debian [+l 1652] by debhelper
06:18.50somiajMuvlon: #debian-next is on
06:19.07somiaj(different network). Though I would have the same responses there. Have you checked the bug reports?
06:19.11Muvlonah I see
06:19.49Muvlonno, hold on
06:20.22Muvloni can't use the affected computer to browse bug report as it has no network now :<
06:20.28Muvlonam confined to my phone
06:22.08somiajno bug reports look relevent from my quick search
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06:36.06darxmurfI did not follow the stuff but is there enough free space on your hdd to unpack ?
06:36.35somiajahh yea, I always forget to check for that
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06:41.46Muvlonthere is
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06:42.34Muvlon100GB+ available
06:42.56Muvlonbut I did get my laptop back on the network by now :>
06:44.01Muvlonafter rebooting, dpkg --configure -a did finish after a while (but connman seemed to not work)
06:44.05somiajMuvlon: usually a error pops up if not enough space. also check df -i (inodes can fill up even if there is enough space) though I think it is somethign else, I'm just not sure what.
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06:44.20Muvlonthere's more than enough space, that's not the issue
06:44.59mirazi_heketregarding my issue, setting it up in /etc/fstab and /etc/crypttab is enough, though prompt mounting through /etc/cryptab looks different (no idea why)
06:45.28Muvlonbut for the record: is there a safe way to clean up the state if dpkg hangs forever?
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06:45.52Muvlonthe only thing resembling errors that I did get were
06:45.55Muvloninsserv: warning: script 'savecache' missing LSB tags and overrides
06:45.55Muvloninsserv: warning: script 'transit' missing LSB tags and overrides
06:46.17Muvlonbut I get those all the time, probably expected behavior since Debian abandoned LSB compliance
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06:47.10somiajMuvlon: nope
06:47.27somiajMuvlon: it is you have scripts in /etc/init.d/ that do not meet LSB compliance and have proper LSB tags
06:47.36somiajMuvlon: systemd fully supports LSB scripts
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06:47.59MuvlonI was using OpenRC at some point in the past, this might be the cause of this
06:48.34Muvloneither way, I'll try installing connman again later when I have the time, to see if I can reproduce this
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06:50.23KenranGood morning! How can I see if a package is installed with a specific option (in my case vim with termguicolors)?
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06:55.00KenranOh nevermind, it's an option I can actually set in vim, but my version is too low
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07:04.16mirazi_heketsumi: !hi
07:05.00sumihi mirazi_heket
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07:07.57dionysus69is jessie ever gonna get newer version of gnome?
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07:08.20dionysus69this version has lots of annoying bugs like not loading extensions after suspend etc etc
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07:12.15darxmurfI found a few machines with mount definitions in the rc.local file, is it something common ?!
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07:13.38jellydionysus69: it won't, in general versions of software are fixed within a release
07:13.59jellydarxmurf: no, it's LOCAL workaround
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07:17.31dionysus69jelly: and its not possible to upgrade without dirty hacking?
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07:18.05dionysus69so far I couldnt find a straighforward way to upgrade gnome version, I have backport repository in sources but I don't think gnome is part of it
07:18.51jellydionysus69: gnome has lots of components and dependencies, and jessie-backports are useful for more isolated bits of software
07:20.08jellyconsider switching to stretch if you really can't live without a newer gnome
07:20.09dionysus69ok I guess I ll have to upgrade to stretch in order to use newer version :s )
07:20.13jellyor pick a different DE
07:20.30towo^workcinnamon has got an update in backports
07:20.45dionysus69dunno I somehow prefer gnome over cinnamon
07:21.03jelly,v task-cinnamon-desktop
07:21.04juddPackage: task-cinnamon-desktop on amd64 -- jessie: 3.31+deb8u1; stretch: 3.35; sid: 3.35
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07:22.40jelly,v cinnamon
07:22.41juddPackage: cinnamon on amd64 -- jessie: 2.2.16-5; sid: 3.0.4-1; stretch: 3.0.4-1; jessie-backports: 3.0.4-2~bpo8+1
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08:56.11mirazi_heketwhats the most reliable way to copy /var to different localisation? cp -prd ?
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08:58.14unbornmirazi_heket: rsync
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08:59.12mirazi_heketunborn: will try, well, read manual first :)
08:59.20mimtfwhile (( $# ))   <— why there is (( )), what is it?
08:59.29mimtf(( ))
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08:59.56unbornits not that complicated mirazi_heket ... just make sure you use -a so you preserve everything
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09:00.23mirazi_heketi think so, will read manual regardless
09:00.24mimtfme unborn ?
09:00.58mirazi_heketmimtf: no
09:01.16unbornmirazi_heket: rsync -a dir1/ dir2
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09:02.14unbornmirazi_heket: one second.. I will give you simple explanation and example how to use it
09:02.34mirazi_heketunborn: no need to, understood all options and usage
09:02.41mirazi_heketreading done
09:02.47mirazi_heketthanks however
09:03.08unbornmirazi_heket: brilliant.. in my view that is the best way to copy files also fastest..
09:03.23mirazi_heketunborn: will check after reboot ;D
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09:07.00tinyhippois there a way jsut to install one package from Sid?
09:07.36nkuttler!tell tinyhippo about backports
09:07.40nkuttler!tell tinyhippo about ssbp
09:07.41jellytinyhippo: short answer no
09:08.15tinyhippothanks nkuttler
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09:08.37tinyhippojelly: I really dont want to do it but I have a dependency on something that was added after jessie was released
09:08.42mirazi_hekettinyhippo: if there are no additional dependencies get it with wget
09:09.17jellytinyhippo: which package?
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09:09.39tinyhippojelly: I need php5-memcached with igbinary support (sid has it, jessie doesn't)
09:09.51jelly,backbackport php5-memcached
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09:10.05jelly,checkbackport php5-memcached --fromrelease sid
09:10.06juddNo package named 'php5-memcached' was found in sid/amd64.
09:10.20tinyhippo,checkbackport php-memcached --fomrelease sid
09:10.21judd(checkbackport <packagename> [--fromrelease <sid>] [--torelease <stable>] [--arch <amd64>] [--verbose]) -- Check that the build-dependencies listed by a package in the release specified as "fromrelease" are satisfiable for in "torelease" for the given host architecture. By default, a backport from unstable to the current stable release and amd64 are used.
09:10.27tinyhippo,checkbackport php-memcached --fromrelease sid
09:10.37juddBackporting package php-memcached in sid→jessie/amd64: unsatisfiable build dependencies: Build-Depends: dh-php (>= 0.17~), php-all-dev (>= 28~), php-igbinary, php-json, php-msgpack.
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09:11.04jellyunless php-igbinary comes from its own source, that looks... problematic
09:12.17tinyhippoprobably better to remove it as a dependency
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09:12.39jellyyou'd have to figure out whether it builds and works with php 5.6 from jessie at all
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09:19.55RoyKMessage from syslogd@black-mamba at Jun 24 11:18:09 ...
09:20.09RoyKany idea what may cause these messages?
09:20.22RoyKmemtest has been run
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09:21.12RoyKthese appeared just after adding more memory
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09:36.28mimtfanswer=42 ; eval x=\$$answer ; echo $x   <—— why result is 2? i think that result is 42?
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09:39.13CHCl3I've got a laptod whith a config problem at the hdmi, the hdmi of the laptop works fine with the hdmi, but I've got an hdmi to vga adapter that is not detected by the laptop, the adapter works fine on a raspberry pi, but I need to force it to run the hdmi because the pi does neither detect it. So my question is which config file do I need to touch at Debian to force the hdmi with the needed resolution?
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10:21.17unbornmirazi_heket: did you had any luck?
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10:26.04mirazi_heketunborn: sure, just had to copy files second time, after reboot, since not everything was copied (files gone missing after reboot?!)
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10:37.46jellymimtf: run the command line for your last question again, then run "set -x" in the same shell, then run the command line again, and pastebin the whole output including all the commands
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10:39.26google77is it possible that my testing has updated its sources.list and downgraded to stable?
10:41.50jellygoogle77: no
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10:42.10jellyno packages in debian will mess with your sources.list on their own
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10:46.22google77jelly ok then, I am investigating my install media then.
10:48.01*** mode/#debian [+l 1703] by debhelper
10:49.43jellygoogle77: if you want to actually install testing, install a minimal jessie system then do
10:49.48jellydpkg, jessie->stretch
10:49.48dpkgFirst, understand that testing is a pre-release distribution without timely security support and that you will have a bumpy ride; ask me about <moving target> <testing> <testing security>.  From /etc/apt/sources.list, remove stable-specific lines like jessie-updates and backports, and change jessie to stretch.  apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade.  If you feel you need more instructions, perhaps you should wait a while.
10:50.57jellygoogle77: devel and testing d-i images are not made to install testing; they're made to test the new installer code
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10:51.28google77jelly I noticed what happened
10:52.26google77I downloaded debian-live-testing-amd64-lxde-desktop+nonfree.iso, but actually this was a Debian 8 image while it was still in testing.
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10:53.22jellyverify the timestamp and url before download? :-)
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10:54.05google77Are there any live testing images out there? I can't find them ATM.
10:55.17jellyask in #debian-live over on (= maybe
10:56.04google77ok thx anyways
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10:58.51blutwhere can I tell the debian installer to never touch any of my network settings?
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11:00.14google77ah fuck it, I think I am going to use the non-free netinstall.
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11:01.16google77all I really want it to do is to offer me guided encryption and to start x on bootup.
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11:01.27google77so I will experiment with it in virtualbox
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11:14.24kirilguys who's responsible for ii  tcl-tls                        1.6+dfsg-3                  amd64        TLS OpenSSL extension to Tcl
11:14.52kirilfor the reason package is older than required it's not working
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11:29.13mimtfsu vs su - , which is difference?
11:29.21mimtfwhat is difference?
11:30.43mimtfwhat you mean?
11:30.47mimtfp0g0: ?
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11:31.27p0g0su -l, for example, (iirc the l is optional) makes the su a session, not a one off.
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11:32.35mimtfi don’t know what you mean?
11:34.29kirilanyone about the issue with this outdated package?
11:34.32p0g0You can escalate your privilege to superuser (root) levels using su, The invocation with "-" makes the escalation persist in the console session, so all commands issued in that escalated console have super user privilege, until you close that session.
11:35.06p0g0Hence, the "-" makes the su command persist for the duration of the console session.
11:35.58mimtfthen i must use - ? p0g0
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11:36.09mimtfit is good idea?
11:36.13p0g0mimtf: this is all well documented in the man page.
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11:37.27mimtf-, -l, --login                make the shell a login shell
11:37.32p0g0If you want  a console with root prvilege, yes it is a good tool, however, most folks agree that it is a risky thing to do, and that one should only escalate privilege when you need that privilege.
11:37.41mimtf- mak log in shell
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11:39.20mimtfthanks i understand it.
11:39.29mimtfp0g0: :)
11:39.49mimtfjackbrown: how about your android phone?
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11:40.16jackbrownmimtf: hi I reinstalled anothe CUSTOM ROM and suddenly and magically both the IMEI were fixed !
11:40.38mimtfbut what is ppi?
11:40.48jackbrownmimtf: after that I used TWRP and I did a backup of the NVRAM partition  (5mb almost)
11:40.51jackbrownmimtf: ppi ?
11:41.01mimtfscreen ppi
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11:42.08kltrg_I’m running jessie and I can’t get networking to work. It worked plug and play with ethernet in the beginning but then I installed wicd to manage a wireless connection. And now, even the wired connection doesn’t work any more. I also tried Network Manager, but it can’t manage my networking devices (that’s what the applet says). How can I reset everything and get a good start?
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11:43.03jackbrownmimtf: what do you mean ? if it changed ?
11:43.11jackbrownmimtf: I never asked about screen ppi
11:43.16mimtfpixel per inch
11:43.26mimtfwhat is your model?
11:43.36mimtfi will scan it on google.
11:44.58jellyjackbrown, mimtf: take this to #debian-offtopic or a channel relevant for phone mods, please
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11:45.33mimtfjelly: i know jackbrown, so i talk with guy. ok
11:45.45jellymimtf: ok, just do it elsewhere
11:46.28jackbrownsorry jelly.  mimtf do you want to continue on another channel ?
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11:46.39mimtfok where?
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11:47.34jackbrownmimtf: ok
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12:17.06fornaxHi I try to run a backuppc docker image and have problems making a rsync based backup on the remote system. I now debugged the connection to the remote ssh server and see a "Fatal error (bad version): tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified". I googled and binged but there is noone having the same problem in this context. Anyone an idea what could cause the problem?
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12:18.29fornaxThe command backuppc executes is : /usr/bin/ssh -q -x -l root myhost.tld /usr/bin/rsync --server --sender --numeric-ids --perms --owner --group -D --links --hard-links --times --block-size=2048 --recursive --ignore-times . /
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12:33.22deuteriumhia, how does debian jessie/8.x handle init scripts now that it uses systemd? is there some mechanism that considers legacy system-v scripts as well? is there any defined prioritization, e.g. first check if there's a systemd script, then check if there's a system v script?
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12:38.58venkat_330I all i have  i have N200 atom processor  with DEB 8 and using lightdm.. After boot process my screen goes kernel i see gma500 is loaded as driver..i want to try fbdev or vesa ... i tried changing Xorg.conf still :: lspci -k is shows gma500.. Need guidnace
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12:45.11towo^workvenkat_330, if you want vesa, you have to blacklist gma500_gfx
12:45.28towo^workas long as gma500_gfx is loaded, vesa can't work
12:45.56towo^workyou can even try xorg's modesetting driver, then you need gma500_gfx loaded
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13:02.03venkat_330towo^work: Yes blacklisting worked.. Is there any other mechanism available??
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14:22.23kirilis there any tool or whatever you can see the current power consumation in wats?
14:24.37petn-randallkiril: 'powertop' does that, if there are the sensors for it in your device.
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14:36.14VlijmenFileerI have two like entries in my sources.list: stretch-updates and stretch/updates.  Are they the same?
14:37.07wrksxis there better than cat ./toconcat_* > concatenated
14:37.39greycatWhat improvement do you think that needs?
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14:40.13petn-randall!tell VlijmenFileer -about sources.list
14:40.38petn-randallVlijmenFileer: Check the info from dpkg, and just replace 'jessie' with 'stretch' while reading.
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14:45.49VlijmenFileerpetn-randall Thanks, so different.
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14:48.39guampashould I expect problems if I choose sysv for the init in Debian servers?
14:49.00guampa(ie no X)
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14:49.35greycatIt's supposed to work.  Some people are doing it.  I don't happen to be one of them.
14:50.25guampathanks for the input greycat. I'll give it a shot then
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15:05.05wrksxgreycat, last time I used cat I've been told it's a bad practice (cat | grep) so I thought there maybe a more 'respectful' way of doin it
15:05.35wrksxgreycat, apart from that it just do what I want
15:05.37greycat"useless use of cat" is a thing, but cat *manyfiles* is not useless.
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15:05.47hassoonshould i download the package that i need from the backport repository, from the web interface ? or should I ann the whole backport repository in my /etc/apt/sources.list~and do apt-get update? i read here that i should get a single package that just need (which is the openjdk/jre 8) in
15:05.58greycatcat *is* the best choice for concatenating multiple files
15:06.02wrksxglad to hear that, thanks for your input greycat
15:06.05hassoonto avoid incompatibility iththe other components of debian stable
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15:06.32greycatThe useless part is where you do cat onefile | grep blah instead of grep blah onefile
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15:13.15mimtfhow can i install mysql?
15:14.45hassoonmimtf: sudo apt-get install mysql-client-5.5 mysql-server-5.5
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15:15.10mimtfwhy there is a server and client?
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15:16.19hassoonmimtf: because mysql is basically a language for managing mysql databases, so you need a server for building your mysql server, and yet a client for accessing the said server
15:17.01mimtfsudo apt-get install mysql-server
15:17.17mimtfinstead of sudo apt-get install mysql-server-5.5
15:17.25mimtfwhat is right? hassoon ?
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15:18.11mimtfdebian use sudo?
15:18.18jak2000hi all
15:18.30jak2000how to change the time of ask a password when use sudo command?
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15:19.54greycatpasswd_timeout option
15:20.01jak2000in wich file?
15:20.31greycaterr... damn it, this man page is horrible.  Looks like it's actually the timestamp_timeout option.
15:21.29rlangemimtf: by default debian does not use sudo, but you can (and should) install it and configure your user account to use it
15:21.52hassoonmimtf: debian has already official wiki pages for how to install mysql* packages, read them instead
15:22.30mimtfthanks rlange and hassoon
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15:24.15rlangehassoon: re backports, you can add the repo to apt. the backport repo is configured by default to only upgrade packages you have manually chosen, so a regular `apt-get upgrade` won't bring in every backport
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15:25.04hassoonrlange: ah alright, hence the openjdk/jre 8
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15:26.10rlangeyou can use `apt-get -t jessie-backports dist-upgrade` to see all of the backports for packages you currently have installed, but I would strongly recommend saying "N" to that upgrade and manually installing specific needed packages
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15:27.43mimtfhimtf is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.  <——sudo apt-get install mysql-server
15:27.47mimtfwhat’s wrong?
15:27.49hassoonrlange: i see.
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15:28.31rlangemimtf: you need to add yourseld to the sudoers file before you can sudo. try `su visudo` to add yourself, but read the man page first so you use the right format.
15:28.47greycat`su visudo` is not a valid command
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15:29.13mimtfrlange: then i can install it with root?
15:29.21mimtfsu -
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15:29.34greycat"su" and then "visudo", yes.  Or "su -c visudo".
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15:29.37rlangedoop, yeah, it's `su - -c visudo`
15:29.40mimtfmember:apt-get install mysql-server
15:29.53rlangeor if you're already root, just visudo
15:31.01*** part/#debian shibly (~shibly@unaffiliated/shibly)
15:31.10greycatI *strongly* discourage this "use backticks as IRC markup" trend but I'm afraid I'm not going to be able to stop it.  It conflicts with the literal use of `...` as shell syntax.
15:31.37greycatThere are also literal backticks in MySQL.  Which are totally different in meaning from sh's.
15:31.38rlangegreycat: true. any suggestion for delimiting commands from speech?
15:32.39greycat«foo bar» works in some cases, but then you get into Latin-1 vs. UTF-8 vs. everything else
15:32.49hassoonwhat are you guys discussing
15:32.52rlangehaha, yeah
15:32.57hassoonthe use backticks thing
15:33.25rlangehow to delimit unix commands from speech in such a way that we aren't conflicting with legal command syntax
15:33.33rlangewhen discussing on irc
15:35.34mimtfrlange: i just can install mysql with root instead of sudo?
15:36.07rlangemimtf: yeah, once you're root sudo is not needed. it's just recommended that you don't regularly run a shell as root
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15:36.47mimtfok thanks
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15:37.17hassoonrlange: okey
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15:39.40hassoonthere was this colleague who just switches to su (root), does his whole admin work keeping the su root connected for the whole time until he finishes, i told him to use just sudo and minimize the time of using su, but he kept denying my advices ahah
15:39.47hassoonback in unviversity
15:40.07greycatDifferent styles, different upbringings.
15:40.16hassoonbut wasn't I wright back then ?
15:40.23hassoon* right *
15:40.57greycatI use su whenever there's a directory that only root (or a specific role-user) can see the contents of.  Because sudo on files I can't see or tab complete it abominable.
15:41.28babilenI often just "sudo -i" and do whatever I have to do on the box. Having to prefix everything you do with "sudo" is annoying.
15:41.36plasmoduckwhats a good console based stock market monitoring tool?
15:41.53plasmoduckI found this, anything else?
15:42.11rlangeyeah, if you're going to do a bunch of commands in a row as root, you might as well just «sudo -i» to save yourself some typing
15:42.57jak2000greycat is passwd_timeout or: timestamp_timeout   in wich file change this?
15:43.02greycatjak2000: man sudoers
15:43.13greycatThere's only one config file for sudo, so it didn't have to be said.
15:43.48greycatAnd remember to use the "visudo" command to alter it, NOT a direct text editor.  It's like passwd, has its own lock-and-edit-and-verify command.
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15:45.00rlangeespecially if you don't have a root password set, you don't want to bork your sudoers file by editing it outside visudo
15:46.24greycatUnfortunately the sudoers syntax is atrociously bad and the documentation is *worse*.
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15:46.43greycatI don't know how this thing caught on.
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15:47.07babilenLike flu?
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15:47.49rlangesomeone w/ a lot of money said "paeons, this is the way you will do things from now on" and people obeyed him?
15:47.51hassoondoesnt visudo modify the same /etc/sudoers file anyway ?
15:48.14greycatYes, but it does sanity checks, like using vipw instead of vi /etc/passwd.
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15:57.34err403Would someone mind walking me through a recovery?  I installed a new SSD, but now it won’t boot.  It did show up under the old failing drive, after I tarred over the contents.  I have a live CD installed, and currently at the ALT Linux  (regular-rescue) menu, with the options Rescue LiveCD
15:58.05err403Rescue with sessions support, etc.  My main SSD is sdb.  I started working on this yesterday, but got interrupted at work.
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16:17.21spectiehey all!
16:17.29spectiedoes anyone here run debian on a macbook air ?
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16:17.44spectiei'm having some problems with doing netinst because of the wireless driver
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16:48.31debis there a way i can install freebsd in a debian bootstrap?
16:49.07greycatI think you would need a virtual machine for that.  It can't be done in a chroot because the kernels are not the same.
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16:50.09debi dont think so too,  perhaps in a vm?
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16:51.28debgreycat, cat i pm you?
16:51.39debgreycat, *
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16:52.11mdimhi all
16:52.15greycatIt would be a waste of time because I don't know anything about virtual machines or freebsd installation.
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16:52.59debgreycat, is not about bsd, its about your bot
16:53.12mdimI've been having high CPU loads due to cgmanager occupying it when I start doing something with LXC containers, e.g. creating one. It's cgmanager 0.33-2+deb8u2 from Debian Jessie. Has anyone had issues like that?
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16:53.34greycatMy bot isn't even in this channel, but... ok...
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16:55.15mdimcgmanager occupies one of my CPU cores at 100% and stays like that until I restart the service
16:56.12fishcookerhow to automatically reconnect using pptp after disconecting?
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16:58.12sobersabrehi. when would apt-get update require "-y" option?
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16:58.33sobersabreI don't remember apt-get update requiring interaction.. is it interactive?
16:58.37greycatWhen you REALLY trust that it won't do the wrong thing, and you REALLY need to walk away from the keyboard.
16:58.41H4ndysobersabre: if you want to skip the "yes/no" confirmation
16:59.00sobersabreH4ndy: when does apt-get update EVER ASK for any confirmation?
16:59.08H4ndyevery time for me
16:59.09sobersabreapt-get update, not apt-get upgrade.
16:59.14H4ndyoh update
16:59.22doublehp_replacing libc6 2.11 by 2.22 fails with something about unknown directive 'activate-nowait' . any chance to fix this ?
16:59.23H4ndythat shouldnt haven any confirmation
16:59.23sobersabrePlease explain, H4ndy
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17:00.13sobersabreI have ansible automation and somebody wrote 'apt-get update -y', and I'm f***ing puzzled what da hell did he mean by '-y' :-\
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17:01.52H4ndythe option is pretty much useless for update
17:02.25greycatright, agreed
17:03.19afernandez_y, --yes, --assume-yes
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17:03.42jhutchinsWow, how'd he sneak that past the flood bot?
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17:03.50afernandez_But ike the above people said , useless in apt-get uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuupdate
17:03.54H4ndydelayed pasted
17:04.14greycatLike knife fights in Dune.
17:04.23afernandez_whats up with that "u"
17:04.38jhutchinsafernandez_: Useless in update, yes, but perhaps mis-typed for an upgrade.
17:04.43jhutchinsOr just brainfart.
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17:05.52doublehp_which search engine is compatible with lynx ? google is not
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17:08.11doublehp_why does stretch network installer try to install squeeze ?
17:08.32mtntrick questions?
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17:09.06doublehp_mtn: nope ... 36h i am trying to install debian on my disk; running out of hope
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17:09.59mtndoublehp_: you do know the stretch installer is basically for testing the installer, right? stretch is the testing version
17:10.02jhutchinsdoublehp_: Given that thousands of people have successfully installed Debian, we must seriously question your methods.
17:10.15jhutchinsdoublehp_: GOogle is usable in lynx with some work.
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17:11.08doublehp_jhutchins: boot the netinst CD, press 5 times ENTER, and "squeeze not available on this mirror"
17:11.09jhutchinsdoublehp_: Useful enough that I have't tracked down anything more text-friendly.
17:11.32croddystartpage looks horrible but works fine
17:11.57jhutchinsdoublehp_: Maybe you could try installing current stable.  It's more likely to be available acrosss the mirrors than an archiveal release.
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17:12.24jhutchinsdoublehp_: If it's defaulting to squeeze then you probably have the wrong image for Jessie.
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17:12.42doublehp_jhutchins: 6 wrong different ISOs ?
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17:16.04jhutchinsdoublehp_: Reptition does not influence correctness.
17:16.22jhutchinsdoublehp_: Why would you have six different isos uness you knew what each one was?
17:16.49jhutchinsdoublehp_: Again, THOUSANDS of people got this right without struggling.
17:18.29jhutchinsdoublehp_: Have you read the install instructions?  Have you read the release notes?
17:18.45doublehp_jhutchins: i have 2 old ones from archives, and downloaded 4 new ones just today from mirrors (from jessie and stretch folders); all 6 complain that my mirrors can't provide squeeze. So, if those 4 iso i took today had any trouble, I also believe some people would have complained; and it does not explain how an ISO downloaded from stretch folder would try to install squeeze
17:19.21jhutchinsdoublehp_: No, it doesn't explain it, unless you downloaded an old image.
17:19.52jhutchinsdoublehp_: I wish I were more familiar with the installer, I only run it once every several years.
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17:20.15jhutchins!install guide
17:20.16dpkgThe Installation Guide for Debian 8 "Jessie" can be found at .  See also <errata>, <jessie release notes>.
17:20.16doublehp_jhutchins: 2 files i downloaded today are tagged 2016 in the filename
17:20.29dpkgwell, netinst is a small CD image with which you can install Debian.  If, during the installation process you have a working Internet connection, you can install more packages straight away, otherwise, you will have a base install and more packages later.  See  See also <various cd1>, <check iso image>, <dialup install>, <usb install>, <installer>.
17:20.37doublehp_jhutchins: had not run it since 2008
17:21.17mtndoublehp_: I used the stable installer and upgraded to sid a couple of days ago. no mention of squeeze anywhwere to be seen ;)
17:22.11doublehp_jhutchins: why don't they give this URL in the debian installer page ? debian install  page has a text about netinst, but does not give any download link !!!
17:22.39jhutchinsdoublehp_: It's the internet.  Links age out, and somebody has to maintain them.
17:23.08doublehp_jhutchins: 10y they are NOT providing the netinst cd links on the debian install page
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17:24.10dpkgnetinst is probably a small CD image with which you can install Debian.  If, during the installation process you have a working Internet connection, you can install more packages straight away, otherwise, you will have a base install and more packages later.  See  See also <various cd1>, <check iso image>, <dialup install>, <usb install>, <installer>.
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17:25.00teraflopsdpkg: are you trying to do a clean install of squeeze?
17:25.01dpkgteraflops: i don't know
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17:25.57doublehpteraflops: I am trying to perform a NEW install of any recent distro
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17:26.29jhutchinsdoublehp: We suggest jessie/8.5
17:26.30jellydoublehp: there's a link on the main page of, to the right
17:26.52doublehpi am fine: found a new ISO to test; if it fails again about squeeze, i ll come back
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17:27.33teraflopsdoublehp: try debian jessie, if you get errors installing it please share with us or google them
17:28.32jellydoublehp: what kind of hardware are you targeting?
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17:29.40doublehpjelly: Intel brand of AMD64; but first step of installation is done via VirtualBox on a 486 kernel to raw disk: korked fine 3 times already
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17:31.35spectieare there any versions of debian with 4.x kernels?
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17:32.09mtnspectie: sure
17:32.25TomTomToschspectie: jessie-backports has 4.6 right now.
17:32.34babilenspectie: You can install it from backports on jessie and it already is in testing and unstable
17:32.41afernandez_cmd: Linux kanotixbox 3.16.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.16.7-ckt25-2 (2016-04-08) x86_64 GNU/Linux
17:32.42babilenjudd: kernels
17:32.43juddAvailable kernel versions are: experimental: 4.7.0-rc4-686-pae (4.7~rc4-1~exp1); sid: 4.6.0-1-686 (4.6.2-1); stretch: 4.6.0-1-686 (4.6.1-1); jessie-backports: 4.6.0-0.bpo.1-686-pae (4.6.1-1~bpo8+1); jessie: 3.16.0-4-686-pae (3.16.7-ckt25-2); wheezy-backports: 3.16.0-0.bpo.4-686-pae (3.16.7-ckt25-2~bpo70+1); wheezy: 3.2.0-4-686-pae (3.2.81-1)
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17:33.39spectiei'm trying to install debian on a macbook air
17:33.43spectieand i can't see the ssd
17:34.00spectiethe kernel in the 'daily' installer i downloaded seems to be 3.x series
17:34.07spectieso i figured i'd try with a 4.x series kernel
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17:34.56spectieam i looking in the wrong place ?
17:35.05babilenWhere did you look?
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17:36.54babilenThere is no stable installer with a newer kernel, but you could use -- which is, however, *not* a stable installer and it also won't install stable by default, but testing (i.e. stretch)
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17:40.51spectieyes that's what i've been trying
17:41.10spectieone sec
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17:47.03jil365Hi all
17:47.38jil365I've had an issue with one M-SATA drive and I'm trying to recover data on it
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17:47.56jil365I made a ddrescu that told me only 30M were in error
17:48.32jil365The ddrescu was made on all the partitions of the drive
17:48.52jil365Now I'm not able to access my data because this drive was using LVM
17:49.19jil365and I think LVM data were in the 30M in error
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17:50.02jil365So vgscan shows me nothing
17:50.06doublehpteraflops: does not boot; no error message
17:50.12jil365And I don't know were to go
17:50.17spectiethis is where i downloaded it
17:50.19spectieis there a better place ?
17:50.54*** join/#debian kpease (~kpease@
17:50.55doublehpteraflops: can I put the ISO on a USB stick ?
17:51.14babilenspectie: It is one of the choices and should come with a 4.* kernel
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17:51.47someotherguyis this an appropriate place to ask questions?
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17:51.51someotherguyoh, seems it is
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17:52.15someotherguyI have a network drive mounted via FUSE that has spaces in the name
17:52.34someotherguyi'm trying to make an alias for it that has no spaces in the name
17:52.41someotherguyor remount it somewhere else
17:52.49someotherguydoes anyone know how to do this?
17:53.10someotherguyi need to basically manually mount a FUSE network drive to some subfolder name in /mnt that I specify
17:53.23someotherguylike /mnt/anamewithnospaces
17:54.02doublehpsomeotherguy: why not do a symlink to the content ?
17:54.17doublehpsomeotherguy: also, can use "mount -o bind"
17:54.25jil365Here is some commands output:
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17:54.51someotherguysorry doublehp, i'm very new to linux
17:54.55someotherguyhow would i make a symlink?
17:55.14greycatman ln
17:55.15someotherguyi guess i can use man symlink to find that out actually
17:55.19doublehpsomeotherguy: ln -s target source
17:55.22someotherguyoh right ln
17:55.24someotherguyok thanks
17:55.36doublehpsomeotherguy: mount -o bind target source
17:56.09someotherguyi'll try that out
17:56.18teraflopsdoublehp: yes you can. how are you trying to boot the iso?
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17:57.26doublehpteraflops: since the ISO does not work in virtualbox, my last chance is to boot a USB flash on physical machine
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17:58.16google77hi anyone here?
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17:58.28teraflopsdoublehp: I don't know about vbox, but im pretty sure people uses debian isos all the time in virtualbox
17:58.34google77just wanted to report that my upgrade from stable to testing went well
17:58.42google77even X did not break :D
17:58.51doublehpteraflops: bah, in VB, the same way other ISO worked ... booted perfectly ; but in the end, I have a real squeeze, and I could not even install vim, or peform dist-upgrade
17:59.04babilengoogle77: "yet" ;)
17:59.15spectiebabilen, hmm
17:59.30spectiebabilen, maybe the installer boots with an old kernel ?
17:59.35google77seriously, why is X so breakable?
17:59.36somiajdoublehp: you know squeeze is now longer supported and you have to get packages from (offical mirrors won't have any squeeze sources)
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17:59.48teraflopsdoublehp: you still say squeeze and I don't know why
17:59.57babilengoogle77: Install apt-listbugs and read -- a lot of tips in there apply to testing as well. I would also recommend to mix in unstable as that allows the package manager to solve tricky situation and you to pull in security updates from there.
18:00.03babilendpkg: tell google77 -about tum
18:00.04google77Isn't squeeze in old old stable?
18:00.32doublehpteraflops: squeeze is what was written in the sourcelist i got ... after running debian-6.0.10-amd64-netinst.iso
18:00.46babilenspectie: I have no idea what that installer is like or what it does. You might want to try the alpha maybe?
18:00.47somiajgoogle77: squeeze stopped being supported earlier this year, as such the packages are still avaialbe in an archive, but they don't recieve any security support anymore.
18:01.03babilengoogle77: "stretch" != "squeeze" :)
18:01.10teraflopsdoublehp: again, use a current debian iso (jessie)
18:01.20modwizcodeBeen having issues botting debian images on my physical desktop. Somehow just having the debian USB plugged in freezes after part of POST test.
18:01.27spectiebabilen, where is that ?
18:01.29babilengoogle77: Ah, sorry .. you are absolutely right
18:01.33somiajdoublehp: correct, but that will not write correct sources, because squeeze is not on the mirrors any more, you'll have to change the sources to and also have a unsecure os. Listen to teraflops and use a supported release.
18:01.40babilenspectie: Right at the top on
18:01.58babilenspectie: Please note that I also haven't used that installer either :)
18:02.03google77I have lots to autoremove now, should I do it?
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18:02.18somiajgoogle77: look though the list and make sure it is nothing youw ant.
18:02.46someotherguydoublehp you're the best! it works perfectly :D
18:02.51teraflopsdoublehp: if your vbox fails to boot a debian jessie iso idk why
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18:03.02spectiebabilen, ok! thanks
18:03.03google77somiaj looks like mostly libs
18:03.25spectiebabilen, actually that's the one i'm using
18:04.08somiajgoogle77: that is usuallyt he case, just alwasy best to double check before doing anything in testing. If you feel there is no program you'll be missing then autoremove the packages.
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18:05.09google77somiaj it seems it wants to uninstall calligra
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18:05.51babilenspectie: Didn't you say that you were using the daily?
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18:06.04somiajgoogle77: if there are packages in that list you don't want to be uninstalled, you'll have to change their flag from 'auto' to 'manual' and they wont' uninstalled by autoremove
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18:06.45somiajgoogle77: man apt-mark, you can use that to change the flag to manual. You can also run 'apt-get install foo' and the side effect is it will mark it as manual
18:07.18google77somiaj what I usually did with Ubuntu is just apt the package and it changed the flags by itself.
18:07.33somiajgoogle77: that works, just saying you can use apt-mark if needed as well
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18:13.31google77dolphin however seems to be broken...
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18:14.32babilengoogle77: fwiw, we have #debian-next on for testing/unstable support
18:15.09jelly"if it's broken, you get to keep all the pieces"
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18:15.39google77oh jelly, you are still here...good news... now I actually am on Testing
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18:16.04jellyso am I!  WHAT COINCIDENCE
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18:16.30greycats/if it's broken/when it breaks/
18:16.36google77I guess I will add apt-listbugs to my
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18:17.56jellyI'd suggest apt-listchanges as well but when you're on testing and sid it lists so much stuff you won't read it anyway.  Still, configure it to show you NEWS.Debian at least
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18:22.43ryoumamy understanding is that those are not for stable though
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18:22.58ryoumaat least, i was told so here
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18:23.58google77noob question, how do I use apt-listbugs when I want to use it for all packages in apt upgrade?
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18:24.04DragginGood evening, everyone. I'm stuck with my hands in my hair... Out of the blue, my wi-fi card on my Debian Jessie system stopped connecting to my router. Gives a "bad password" message every time. Odd thing is - it's not the router, NOR the wi-fi card. The router works fine with other devices and operating systems. The wi-fi card works fine from the same machine when using it from a live CD. I've just set up an entirely different router, and I STILL have
18:24.05Dragginthe same issue. The articles are all going on about removing Network manager and only using WICD with wpasupplicant. That's the setup I've always had. I don't know for the life of me what could have changed - was definitely nothing manual. Any advice as to where to begin looking? I've reinstalled wicd and wpasupplicant.
18:24.40Lady_AleenaHello. Does anyone here know how to use LibreOffice Base? Is there a Debian-LibreOffice channel?
18:25.28jellyLady_Aleena: one would think "how to use product" wouldn't be a debian specific question
18:25.29Lady_AleenaI can't get a MS Access database to open in LibreOffice Base. I am getting very very agitated.
18:25.34google77Draggin I had a similar issue. It got fixed after I used network manager once. Are you sure you don't have NM or some parts of it installed?
18:25.43jellyso maybe find a libreoffice channel
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18:26.01google77#libreoffice probably exists.
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18:27.00Lady_Aleenagoogle77, no Debian users there, so they use versions of LibreOffice which are far ahead of what Debian supports at the moment.
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18:27.43Lady_AleenaI was hoping to find a Debian based LibreOffice channel for those of us who have a version which nearly is 10 points behind.
18:27.49google77Lady_Aleena it is still worth a try, just tell them which LO version you use.
18:27.50Draggingoogle77, Can't do /etc/init.d/network-manager restart or anything (doesn't exist there). Network Manager itself is definitely not installed according to Synaptic. Not sure what other "parts" I might be looking for though...?
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18:28.19google77Draggin does your router support WPS?
18:28.35jelly,v libreoffice
18:28.36juddPackage: libreoffice on amd64 -- squeeze-backports: 1:3.5.4+dfsg2-0+deb7u4~bpo60+1; wheezy: 1:3.5.4+dfsg2-0+deb7u6; wheezy-security: 1:3.5.4+dfsg2-0+deb7u6; wheezy-backports: 1:4.3.3-2+deb8u3~bpo70+1; jessie-security: 1:4.3.3-2+deb8u3; jessie: 1:4.3.3-2+deb8u4; jessie-backports: 1:5.1.3-1~bpo8+1; sid: 1:5.1.4~rc2-2; stretch: 1:5.1.4~rc2-2; experimental: 1:5.2.0~rc1-1
18:28.42jhutchinsLady_Aleena: You _might_ find a Libre Office channel.  Once you filter down to Debian Libre Office, you're below the threshold for a viable live irc channel.
18:28.46Draggingoogle77, Ummm... I think so... let me check... I've never used it...
18:28.57greycatThat sounds like a hell of a backport.
18:29.01google77if yes try forgetting your network and reconnecting trough it by pushing the button on your router.
18:29.19jellyLady_Aleena: if the upstream support nags you about the horribly old version you use, you can install 5.1.3 from jessie-backports
18:29.32Draggingoogle77, Yup - it's got a WPS button... I've never used WPS before though...
18:30.18Lady_Aleenajhutchins, the only person I found in #libreoffice is a Windows user who is using LibreOffice 5.1.4 while we're stuck back at
18:30.38google77Draggin easy... just first make wicd forget your network and disconnect, then push the buttton and reconnect over wicd, you have like 1 minute of time.
18:31.15DragginI... uh... How do I make it forget the network? I can't see how to make that happen...
18:31.22Lady_Aleenajelly, I don't know how to use backports. I forgot.
18:31.46modwizcodeAny reason my pulseaudio outputs are all insanely loud?
18:31.47google77yeah I am a noob at wicd... maybe someone else can help you there.
18:32.09*** join/#debian scream (~scream@unaffiliated/scream)
18:32.14google77apparently dolphin with qt4 works wi+hile the qt5 version is broken in testing.
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18:33.05Draggingoogle77, Thanks. Let me see if I can get something right here... Gonna disappear for a second though
18:33.15greycat!tell Lady_Aleena about bdo
18:33.34greycatOr is that outdated now...?
18:33.44jellyit's good enough
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18:35.58DammitJimDo you guys think I need to fully disable ipv6 on my debian systems?
18:36.02DammitJimI don't use ipv6
18:36.07greycatThen why would you care?
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18:36.33DammitJimsome software company that does systems monitoring was saying we had to disable it
18:36.37DammitJimbut I'm not buying it
18:37.18greycatIf you don't use it, then I can't see any benefits to disabling it.
18:37.18jellyDammitJim: did they provide raisins?
18:37.23koollmanDammitJim: fewer active software parts mean less chances for something to go wrong. I can understand their opinion
18:37.23google77DammitJim, whatwas their rationale?
18:37.34greycatWhat "active parts"?
18:37.49koollmanalso there are classics, with ipv6. you may have no ipv6 but "just enough" that some softwares will change behaviour
18:37.51greycatOther than ::1
18:38.12jellyDammitJim: when I disable it, I disable it to make the resolver library be less chatty and less dumb
18:38.20DammitJimthey didn't prove the disgusting raisings
18:38.21google77So how does apt-listbugs get used?
18:38.22koollmantypical : localhost on ::1, or trying to use an ipv6 address when it is provided if there's a bit of autoconf on the network
18:38.29screamalso, you can think that you have a firewall set up with iptable, but v6 link-local address is still open ;)
18:38.40jellyDammitJim: what about reasons then
18:39.08Draggingoogle77, Nope... No luck. I think this wi-fi card might be too old for WPS. But - interestingly, even if I switch off all encryption on the router, the card STILL fails to obtain an IP address
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18:39.17DammitJimtheir reason was that the monitoring system does autodiscovery and servers that have ipv6, but don't use it, confuse their system and they don't report info about those machines
18:39.20koollmanfor example, I've disabled ipv6 on many systems because some debian mirrors have ipv6, the networks the systems were in had no ipv6 officially, but it was enough for the ipv6 address for the mirror to be tried first
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18:39.36jellyDammitJim: tell them to fix their own software
18:39.43DammitJimthe other reason why I bring it up is because sometimes I see stuff when doing lsof -p <pid> where it prints ipv6 stuff
18:40.00google77Draggin well, continue trying, have luck with it.
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18:40.04jellydual stack is the norm for linux
18:40.08koollmanor, funnier reasons, you lock down ipv6 by dropping everything in ip6tables rules, and suddenly local software crashes. because localhost is ipv6
18:40.33Draggingoogle77, Haha, what do you mean...?
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18:40.53koollman(or worse, some softwaer get an ipv6 address as an answer and have no idea what to do with it. although it's rare)
18:41.06DammitJimor it drives me nuts when someone asks me why a netstat shows tcp6 for port 22
18:41.13google77Draggin, I mean I am out of advice for now :(
18:41.24jellyDammitJim: what happens when you add a system to monitoring, then start using 'v6 at some point?
18:41.49DammitJimjelly, you know how it is... at that time, all hell will break loose
18:42.26DragginAh, google77. Darn :/ Thanks though :)
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18:42.49jellyDammitJim: point out that fact
18:42.57dpkgFrom Debian 6.0 "Squeeze" onwards, <IPv6> is built into the Linux kernel (excluding the loongson-2f flavour).  To disable IPv6, add the kernel command line option ipv6.disable=1 to your bootloader.
18:43.02*** join/#debian fredolinhares (~fredolinh@2804:14c:5ba9:915e:fec:fd2c:1ad9:481b)
18:43.15screamor use sysctl ;)
18:43.26DammitJimscream, that's what I found... edit my sysctl.conf
18:43.30greycat... and this is why we will never have full IPv6 adoption.
18:43.36*** part/#debian fredolinhares (~fredolinh@2804:14c:5ba9:915e:fec:fd2c:1ad9:481b)
18:43.58DammitJimbut man, I don't want to start that... I'll have to submit a change request for management to know I'm doing this since I'll affect prod servers
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18:44.09spectiethis suggests that linux just doesn't support the ssd
18:44.16greycatDammitJim: they want you to change things, but then they won't let you change the things they want you to change?
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18:44.27screami speak as an ipv6 user - disable it if you don't know/need to deal with it
18:44.39screamespecially disable it in production if you do not need it
18:44.55jellyDammitJim: software _will_ act subtly different (eg. you won't see :ffff:ipv4 addresses in netstat any more)
18:45.20jellyDammitJim: and it requires a reboot to be safe
18:45.41teraflopsscream: disabling ipv6 might break things
18:45.57DammitJimgreycat, no, I felt like I needed to make the change, but then I have to go through this long drawn process of getting approval to do it since it is a change to so many systems
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18:46.03jelly(if you do it the sysctl way, that is... if you do it with kernel parameter, then it requires a reboot for obvious reason)
18:46.18teraflopsso if you dont need it dont use it, just dont blindly disable it
18:46.32jellyDammitJim: that's a very good reason to make them fix their thing, too
18:46.32greycatvotes "leave it the hell alone"
18:46.41DammitJimI'm with jelly and teraflops ... I'll keep it to myself and just make a note
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18:47.02screamthen set up ip6tables ;)
18:47.03jelly"introduces changes and downtime to prod systems"
18:47.05DammitJimbut I wanted to at least talk to knowledgeable people about this before making that decision
18:47.12DammitJim(not that you guys are knowledgeable)
18:47.15DammitJimif that's a word...
18:47.30greycatIt's a word because people use it as one.
18:48.34DammitJimI think knowledgeable resolves to fe80::250:56ff:fead:a71
18:48.59jellylink local knowledge doesn't get you far
18:49.11greycatKnow thyself?
18:49.57jellyhas NAT66 at work and loves mentioning it to make the 'v6 purists squirm
18:50.06doublehpteraflops: FYI, I have already found a bug in the installer. once more. And once again, it's around mkfs. Last time, it was mkfs default behaviour changed by author, but not notified to the Hurd team, so, my disk ended up with features that could not be handlede bu the Hurd kernel. Today, it's about how partman launches mkfs, when partition already contains stuff. And I tend to think I also hold a bug either around the whole debian installaiton p
18:50.18doublehpteraflops: not staying here; gotta go back to my machine
18:50.47jellydoublehp: what does Hurd have to do with anything?
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18:51.15doublehpjelly: fact I find bugs in debian installer each time i use it; second mkfs bug i find
18:51.21jellyoh, it's an unrelated issue
18:51.35jellydoublehp: I hope you report them!
18:51.55doublehpjelly: will depends if they have fixed the bugs I previously reported ...
18:52.08teraflopsdoublehp: every time you talk to me my confusion arises. no offense it's just i really have no idea what are you doing
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18:52.37DammitJimman, so I installed debian on a machine for my 9 y/o
18:52.58DammitJimhe was confused about why he needs to use a terminal to run the python console
18:53.07google77apparently otter-browser has unsatisfied dependencies on testing
18:53.13doublehpterr1: jelly I have taken pictures ... i will proove it in a few days, when machine boots correctly.
18:53.20DammitJimthere is no python console I can have him run directly on the desktop, right?
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18:53.39DammitJimLOL... he also freaked out because typing Python on the terminal said command not found
18:53.39jhutchinsDammitJim: You can make a shortcut that launches it.
18:53.40teraflopsdoublehp: hurd? you didn't mention it till now
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18:55.30jellyDammitJim: time for a "case is important" lesson
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18:56.03DammitJimyeah, and I learned that I have to do that in the morning
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18:56.43DammitJimit was 9pm and my wife pointed out that my son was too tired at that time of the day to learn something like that (I think I give him too much of a hard time for not being a good speller)
18:57.09jhutchinsDammitJim: Spell check has taught me more spelling than school ever did.
18:57.45DammitJimthat's probably because you want to avoid having to press Fix so many times next time
18:57.59jhutchinsDammitJim: Yep.
18:58.01DammitJimsome people grow to just take the little bit of pain (i.e. my wife)
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18:58.10DammitJimok, I should stop talking bad about my family
18:58.26DammitJimGod knows I am horrible at many more important things
18:58.28jhutchinsDammitJim: Learned my multiplication tables by getting tired of entering dimensions for sheet metal.  Got easier to enter the answer than the question.
18:58.52modwizcodeLol I never bothered to learn multiplication tables. Was really happy to finish that part of school
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18:59.15DammitJimoh... one thing you guys might enjoy
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18:59.38DammitJimmy son loved typing on the python console: 'Mickey Mouse' * 1000000000
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18:59.52DammitJimand see how long it took his Intel i3 machine to print all that
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19:00.45jhutchinsI remember doing stuff like that.
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19:01.09greycatof course when I was that age it was done in BASIC
19:01.18greycat10 PRINT whatever  20 GOTO 10
19:01.54DammitJimactually BASIC seemed more like a scavenger hunt for me
19:02.03jhutchinsGiant ASCII art of Spock...
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19:02.19modwizcodeBASIC alwas makes me mad, because doing anything always seemed like so much work
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19:03.13jhutchinsmodwizcode: Like C was any better.
19:04.11modwizcodeWell I started with c++ and intel 8080 assembly. So...
19:04.24modwizcodeC is better in that you can manipulate a string in a sane waty
19:04.49sypherwrote a rudimentary stream cipher in BASIC. On a TI-83. Loved that.
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19:09.51google77what's the channel for testing?
19:10.09greycatOFTC network, #debian-next
19:11.46google77why not on freenode?
19:11.51*** join/#debian nathanleclaire (~nathanlec@
19:12.06greycat!oftc move moved to OFTC on June 4th 2006, see  Operators and bots (see <fact sharing>) will remain on both networks for the foreseeable future; you're welcome to either move to OFTC with i.d.o or stay on Freenode.  Questions?  Ask in #debian on one or other network.  See also
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19:13.10debno more freenode in the near future?
19:13.47greycatThey moved in 2006 and we're still here in 2016.
19:14.11debno worries
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19:15.04google77ok, the only question I have is, does apt-listbugs work automatically with apt?
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19:16.54notthistimedebian stable. package ufw not found
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19:16.59notthistimeany ideas?
19:17.03greycat,v ufw
19:17.04juddPackage: ufw on amd64 -- squeeze: 0.29.3-1; wheezy: 0.31.1-2; jessie: 0.33-2; stretch: 0.35-2; sid: 0.35-2
19:17.11greycatSays it's there.
19:17.14*** join/#debian KindOne_ (kindone@freenude/topless/kindone)
19:17.27notthistimenot on mine
19:17.31notthistimei do an apt-get
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19:17.39notthistimenot listed in synaptic
19:17.41google77,v qtbase-abi
19:17.42juddNo package named 'qtbase-abi' was found in amd64.
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19:17.53sm00thhey guys ,  the installer doesn't have a reinstall grub option anymore?
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19:18.04google77,v libhunspell
19:18.06juddNo package named 'libhunspell' was found in amd64.
19:18.20sm00thI guess my best bet is to download a live cd?
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19:18.42mtnsm00th: yes it does
19:18.56sm00thmtn,  I didn't see the option.  I have the kde iso
19:18.57mtnsm00th: under Advanced Options, I believe
19:19.11sm00thI went to advanced but i only see expert mode and recovery mode
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19:19.25sm00thlet me double check
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19:20.11doublehpteraflops: system booted.
19:20.38fdizileAnyone know how I can request a hostmask?
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19:20.50jhutchinssm00th: recovery woul dbe useful.
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19:21.13jhutchinsfdizile: Not something you can usually request, what are you actually trying to do?
19:21.15sm00thjhutchins, i'll try that never used that mode before
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19:21.23Deep_ThoughtHi, how can I log the messages that are printed when shuting down my pc?
19:21.24jhutchinsfdizile: Oh, you mean like a freenode cloak?
19:21.25sm00thit says rescue mode
19:21.29screamfdizile, ask one of the sysops
19:21.39Deep_ThoughtI've googled my question but I didn't find a relevant answer
19:21.40notthistimegonna have to stick with ubuntu then
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19:22.01fdizilejhutchins: yes
19:22.15jhutchinsDeep_Thought: There is <bootlog>, but I'm not sure it covers shutdown.
19:22.20jhutchinsfdizile: /j freenode
19:22.32fdizilejhutchins: Thanks!
19:22.44jhutchinsfdizile: I thought you were asking about a netmask...
19:23.02Deep_Thoughtjhutchins: I've checked it only logs booting
19:23.11fdizilejhutchins: Haha, my bad. Should've been clearer.
19:23.52Deep_ThoughtMy root problem is that when shutdown I have weird message like 'failed to desactivate swap' but I don't have the time to read
19:24.09Deep_ThoughtThis message aperas since yersteday, did'nt see it before
19:24.36sm00thmtn,  oh ya if you go into rescure mode then hit escape or go back to its main menu there is the option there to install grub
19:24.56sm00thI think my problem might be worse though cause actually on boot grub just says there is no os installed lmao
19:24.57mtnsm00th: glad you found it
19:25.03sm00thwonder if my boot partition is gone now
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19:25.42sm00thdam and when I go to rescue mode,  i'm typing in the passphrase for the root volume,  but its not continuing or accepting it
19:26.16sm00thit keeps telling me to enter it :(
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19:28.20MiescoHi.  I installed 'nvidia-driver' and it installed a bunch of packages with an 'A' flag.  How come when I remove nvidia-driver it doesn't remove all those other packages?
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19:30.33doublehpis this safe ? This installation run will require temporarily removing the essential package sysvinit-utils:amd64 due to a Conflicts/Pre-Depends loop. This is often bad, but if you really want to do it, activate the APT::Force-LoopBreak option.
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19:32.00doublehpwill it reinstall it later ?
19:32.26google77it did for me today
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19:35.29sm00thdoes debian have something similar to ubuntu boot-repair?
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19:36.46doublehphow do I allow root ssh login ? "PermitRootLogin yes" does not work anymore
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19:37.00greycatDid you remember to restart sshd after editing?
19:37.19jellydpkg, tell doublehp about basic apt troubleshooting
19:37.45jellydoublehp: if you want help with apt, show _all_ the information dpkg tells you about
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19:38.13jellynot just E: lines
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19:38.38sm00thlol my whole system is borked
19:39.49doublehpwhere is now defined the runlevel, and CtrlAltSup action ?
19:40.23greycatsystemd doesn't have runlevels.  It has "targets", which are sets of services that should be started en masse.
19:40.23jhutchinsdoublehp: runlevels weren't really meaningful in Debian, now even less meaningful with systemd.
19:40.45greycatspectie: /msg judd kernels
19:40.46spectiebabilen, could you paste that thing about what kernel versions there are again ?
19:40.51spectieaha thanks :)
19:41.12jhutchinsdoublehp: PermitRootLogin works fine here on <=jessie.
19:41.25spectieok, so i need a stretch installer
19:41.34jhutchinsspectie: No such thing.
19:41.49spectieis there a way to get an installer with a 4.x series kernel ?
19:42.19jhutchinsspectie: Why not start with that and upgrade?
19:42.22*** join/#debian Draggin (~Draggin@
19:42.36spectiejhutchins, it doesn't recognise my sdd
19:42.39spectieso i can't install
19:43.16jellyspectie: does any other linux see it?
19:43.37spectiei haven't tried, i'm only interested in installing debian :)
19:43.45spectiei've seen reports that it works with kernel 4.x
19:44.26greycatI've never used a solid state drive yet... are they somehow *different* from regular SATA hard drives?
19:44.36greycatDo they not simply plug into an SATA controller with a standard cable?
19:44.42spectieno cable
19:44.46spectieit's like a ram connector
19:45.00spectieand it's not a SATA controller, it's a 'NVMe' controller
19:45.01doublehpjhutchins: my bad, put it at the wrong place
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19:45.20spectie(i don't know what that means really, but the upshot is that linux 3.x doesn't support it)
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19:48.41Serialboxspectie: yeah I'm on a newer kernel to support my pcie nvme
19:48.51Serialbox4.6.1 right now
19:49.01greycatSerialbox: but you installed on a regular hard drive...?
19:49.19Serialboxwell it shows up as a different device /dev/nvme0n1p2 on /boot
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19:49.34spectieSerialbox, which installer did you use ?
19:49.37Serialboxit's just sickeningly fast
19:49.42Serialboxspectie: stretch
19:49.57SerialboxMy windows 10 VM in virtualbox boots up in under 2seconds
19:50.23spectie<spectie> ok, so i need a stretch installer
19:50.23spectie<jhutchins> spectie: No such thing.
19:50.31Serialboxerr :)
19:50.35SerialboxI dunno how I got this installed then
19:50.51greycatThere is such a thing of course, but it's in alpha status and not supported here.
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19:51.12Serialboxstretch has been perfectly stable for my desktop workload, so... I dunno
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19:51.27spectiegreycat, ooh
19:51.31spectiegreycat, where can i find it ?
19:51.48greycat/msg dpkg d-i
19:52.06greycat/msg dpkg g-i
19:52.19greycatoops, that was supposed to be without the other /
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19:53.43spectieah, custom cd
19:53.48spectiethat's unlikely to work on mac :(
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19:54.57CarlFKhow do I tell where this installed to?  (guesses welcome...)  odroid@odroid64:~$ sudo apt install linux-headers-3.14.65-70
19:55.13greycatCarlFK: dpkg -L pkgname | less
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19:57.25CarlFKgreycat: /usr/src/linux-headers-3.14.65-70  thanks!
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20:07.46sm00thso windows 10 destroyed my encrypted debian partition.
20:07.54sm00thupgrading from win 7.  wow.... thats like criminal
20:08.01*** mode/#debian [+l 1713] by debhelper
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20:08.25jhutchinssm00th: Did anyone ever mention backups?
20:08.26doublehpsm00th: that's frequent
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20:08.49sm00thI had nothing worth backing up in debian.
20:08.53jhutchinssm00th: THat's a pretty basic violation though.  How did it destroy the partition?
20:08.56*** join/#debian murfjr (~douseiais@
20:09.04sm00thits just amazing what MS is getting away with these days.
20:09.20greycatAs opposed to all the other days in the past?
20:09.23sm00thi really hope the mobile market is a complete flop for them, and more business start using linux solutions.
20:09.26jhutchinssm00th: They haven't gotten away with anything on my systems since 2004.
20:09.32doublehpsm00th: whenever Windows installer sees unknown (non Microsoft) partitions, it will often break them, even if they are partitions above #4; and even more frequently if they are primary
20:09.45sm00thjhutchins, well every since 3 months before they stopped selling win 7 retail.
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20:10.01sm00ththe latest was purposely destroying secure boot for win 7 users on asus mobos.
20:10.10sm00thbut ya the partitionjust says free space.
20:10.15sm00thi'm in shock.
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20:10.16jhutchinsdoublehp, sm00th Please define "break", "destroy".
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20:10.40sm00thjhutchins, grub said it didn't exist no more.  so i thought maybe it was reordered by windows.
20:10.47doublehpjhutchins: usually, just removes the partition from the table, or change the type; rarely overwrite content
20:10.51sm00thbut now looking in partition manager on install disk.  it jus says its free space.
20:10.53greycat"just says free space" sounds like it removed the partition without actually clobbering the data
20:11.03sm00thmy other partitions are there though from another os.
20:11.08jhutchinsIf it just re-wrote the partition table, you should be able to restore the entry and recover it.
20:11.09sm00thit only destroyed the debian root partition.
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20:11.23sm00thjhutchins, how do I do that?
20:11.29greycatIf that guess is correct, then you should be able to recreate the partition using the exact same size/start/end and it should be there.   Maybe.  If you're lucky.
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20:11.35jhutchinssm00th: Again, "destroyed" is not technically specific.
20:11.57jhutchinssm00th: Yep, just "create" a partition with the same boundaries.
20:12.15doublehpjhutchins: often, it may just write a few bytes at the beginning of the partition; so, the FS is corrupted, but fixable in many cases (if the file system has a copy of table at end of part)
20:12.34greycatGotta second the recommendation that you back up everything before doing a Windows "upgrade".
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20:12.58doublehpjhutchins: i had various cases; just saying sometimes it's fixable
20:13.04sm00thI guess it only destroyed that debian partition and not the others,  cause it needed that space for its upgrade.
20:13.10jhutchinsGiven that there is ample evidence of involuntary 10 upgrades breaking rather badly...
20:13.31sm00thjhutchins, ya i only did it cause i needed to run this software that only works with win 10
20:13.36sm00thbut man,  wish i hadn't bothered.
20:13.52sm00thMS has been so criminal past 2 years.
20:14.01greycatType.  You meant 32 years, right?
20:14.09greycatDamn it :(
20:14.14simonlnupartition*. but i know windows enough to fool it
20:14.27jhutchinssm00th: I haven't actually needed to run any windows software since I converted.  I've been able to find Linux programs that did the job, often better.
20:14.42sm00thjhtuchins this is a program for a piece of hardware
20:14.45*** join/#debian awwal (~awwal@
20:14.55sm00thit only works on android, ios, or windows 10.
20:15.00sm00ththis is life now,  pisses me off.
20:15.48*** join/#debian HeOS (
20:16.21simonlnumy real work is in linux. windows i just use it to play certain games :P
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20:17.18sm00thsimonlnu, welli'm fine just plaing some steam games like cs:go or dota 2.
20:17.27doublehpwindows shall be installed only in emulators (xen or virtualbox) (any way, it runs faster in an emu than in physical machine)
20:17.42simonlnuif you have the ram, sure
20:17.44sm00thyes i have win 7 on a hypervisor in another machine.
20:18.00*** mode/#debian [+l 1719] by debhelper
20:18.02sm00thI still needed win 10 though,  didn't foresee this happening at all.
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20:18.04sm00thI should of known better.
20:18.16sm00thI mean what company purposely breaks the secure boot on users machines.  simply because they have not upgraded lol
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20:23.49sm00thsimonlnu, no they came out and said they did it on purpose.  cause they said they don't support win 7 anymore
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20:23.58sm00thasus should be ashamed of themselves too
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20:24.45brimonksm00th: I think literally all problems would be moot if m$soft would actually support file systems that the rest of the world uses. If they did that, their OS probably wouldn't go out destroying ext4 partitions and whatnot.
20:24.55brimonksm00th: What did Asus do?
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20:25.56sm00thbrimonk, well I'm not sure really,  but Microsoft said they broke secure boot on win 7 users.  cause they don't support win 7 anymore.
20:26.05sm00thimo,  there was no reason to do that.  it affected nothing. and neededno support.
20:26.13brimonksm00th: But they have to support it until 2019...
20:26.22sm00thya ain that interesting?
20:26.27sm00thand why only asus boards?
20:26.39sm00thwell maybe only asus boards had the keys for win 7.  not sure...
20:26.54*** join/#debian sebastianlutter (~sebastian@
20:26.54brimonksm00th: Interesting... Probably because asus is still technically a small player in the giant scope of the public buying computers.
20:27.14sm00thbrimonk, I didn't even know win 7 had secure boot.  so maybe they were one of the first to support it for ms.
20:27.17brimonksm00th: My mother had never heard of asus, but when she bought me my first own computer, I got a shit-tastic HP thing.
20:27.30brimonksm00th: I don't think it's an operating system feature.
20:27.37Lady_Aleena!tell Lady_Aleena sources
20:27.41brimonksm00th: Like, I'm pretty sure that the mobo does all of the work.
20:27.47greycatLady_Aleena: /msg dpkg sources.list
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20:28.44jhutchinsbrimonk: Wouldn't it be surprizing to discover that Asus actually made components for HP and Dell.
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20:29.01brimonkjhutchins: It would. And I wouldn't doubt it either.
20:29.17brimonkjhutchins: Their motherboards blow literally all of the competition out of the water.
20:29.43sm00thbrimonk, they are popular.  They have alot of big brother stuff in them it always seems like.
20:29.54jhutchinssm00th: As far as fixing the partition table: parted or fdisk or whatever you use, define a new partition in the same space.
20:30.11sm00thjhutchins, oh ok so  then i will lose data on it.
20:30.12jhutchinssm00th: You'll probably need to reboot.
20:30.15sm00thso I can't just do a reinstall to it?
20:30.27brimonksm00th: Yeah, but as a consumer, if you were presented with buying an HP board, or an ASUS board, which would you choose?
20:30.36sm00thbrimonk, ya good point lol
20:30.54jhutchinssm00th: IF you get the partition boundaries right (the starting point is the most critical), the data should all be there and you might just be able to mount it.
20:30.59sm00thI built a pc recently a few months ago for my family.
20:31.09jhutchinssm00th: It depends on what the MS upgrade actually did to the sytem.
20:31.17sm00thI went all out on the powersupply haha
20:32.00jhutchinsbrimonk: You'll notice that you don't see HP/Dell components much. RAID controllers occasionally, but not MBs or video or such.
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20:32.13sm00thits always the psu imo that is the worst in them.
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20:32.39brimonksm00th: But, they're like $60. Only recently my $50 psu died after 2 years.
20:32.41sm00thI got my mother a 80 plus gold certified one lol
20:32.44sm00thfrom evga
20:32.49brimonksm00th: Not worth it IMO.
20:32.50sm00thi paid 100 for it.
20:32.58brimonksm00th: That's a little steep for me.
20:33.01sm00thwell imo, its very worth it haha
20:33.04sm00thwell i got it on sale
20:33.06jhutchinsThere really aren't any desktop components that are unique to HP or Dell.
20:33.12sm00ththat was retail price but I only paid like 70 I think.
20:33.12jhutchinsServers, yes.
20:33.21sm00ththats what guy at the store thought I wanted it for lmao
20:33.29sm00thbut we have all gone through psu's like water.
20:33.39brimonksm00th: Tru dat
20:33.40sm00thno matter which one i fkn buy.  so i said screw it gonna get a nice one this time.
20:33.43jhutchinsWe are straying off topic here though, if we wish to discuss hardware we should go to #debian-offtopic.
20:33.53sm00thi want to build her a nice one to last a while.
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20:33.59sm00thgot her a samsung ssd
20:34.04jhutchinssm00th: Please.
20:34.06sm00thi'm jealous of her pc much better then mine
20:34.07brimonkWhat even is the question here? I actually missed it.
20:34.21sm00thbrimonk,  i need to recover a debian partition
20:34.51sm00thjhutchins, so I use a live cd?
20:34.54*** join/#debian alexandros_c (~alexandro@unaffiliated/alexandros-c/x-1684531)
20:35.04brimonksm00th: Is the hardware failing, or did windows fuck it up?
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20:35.11simonlnusm00th: (replying to what you said to me earlier) yeah, but deleting partitions they don't (want to) recognise is irresponsible and potentially criminal.
20:35.25jhutchinssm00th: THat should work.
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20:35.45simonlnucausing data loss and willfully ignoring it is typical of them, but very wrong IMO.
20:35.48sm00thsimonlnu, i thik what happens is when they need extra space for their upgarde,   they take it fromthe next available partition.
20:35.53sm00thit also created an extra partition.
20:36.00sm00thstill is criminal imo.
20:36.16sm00thsimonlnu, well can you imagine having win 7 with secure boot. and then one day it don't boot.
20:36.26brimonksm00th: What do you/your mother need to use windows for?
20:36.37sm00thbecause MS broke it for no reason at all.  i meanthey had to make an effort,  and only cause people still using win 7.
20:36.46sm00thbrimonk, my mother doesn't use windows
20:36.47simonlnusm00th: well, see that's why i re-did the partitions myself. even created that useless "system partition" they're so in love with (waste of 250 MB).
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20:37.02sm00thbrimonk, she uses fedora and debian.  i forcedher haha
20:37.10Lady_AleenaOkay, I added "deb jessie-backports main" to my sources.list as per dpkg jessie backports. I thought I would get LibreOffice 5.1.3, but I still have after running an update with the added line in my sources.list. Here is my entire sources.list: . Did I do something wrong?
20:37.37sm00thsimonlnu, she uses qubes-os with all her important stuff in debian vms.
20:37.49jhutchinsLady_Aleena: Did you ... install -t jessie-backports ...  ?
20:38.00towo`Lady_Aleena, nothing will updated automagic from backports
20:38.05simonlnusm00th: i had to create an ESP (for UEFI) so i was already in there moving stuff around
20:38.17simonlnusm00th: ok
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20:38.25sm00thsimonlnu, thismachine i was trying to upgrade,  is mine.   only has legacy boot no efi.
20:38.48sm00ththats what happened i think it stoll about 500mb from the debian partition.
20:38.50Lady_Aleenajhutchins, no. dpkg didn't say anything like that. Let me check the other messages again.
20:39.11jhutchinssm00th: If it actually used the space and overwrote data, you've lost it.
20:39.28jhutchinsLady_Aleena: You will find those directions on the backports web page.
20:39.37sm00thjhutchins, ya 471.9mb to be exact.
20:39.44brimonksm00th: If you have the disk space, it would be pretty handy to have just a dd image of the disk that you can play with.
20:39.45sm00thIthink.  i could be wrong gonna boot up this live usb
20:39.56jhutchinsLady_Aleena: You have to specify backports as the source for a specific package, only that package and dependencies will be pulled from backports.
20:40.14sm00thor maybe that was the boot partition i was using for debian. b ut it says ntfs now.
20:40.44jhutchinsYou really would expect it to ask you before reallocating storage, but a lot of people don't read the actual messages before they click Next/OK.
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20:41.03sm00thjhutchins, it doesn't ask anything.
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20:41.17sm00thMS has become very criminal lately.
20:41.25Lady_AleenaSo, I would do "sudo apt-get -t jessie-backports install libreoffice" or do I need more than that?
20:41.38brimonksm00th: It sounds like you're SOL...
20:41.49sm00thand whats crazy is they will publicly acknowledge these things as if nothing is wrong with their actions.
20:42.27brimonksm00th: What else are you gonna go to the store and buy? A mac? They still own the public market.
20:42.38brimonksm00th: And no purchasable alternative is much better.
20:42.45sm00thbrimonk, no way man. i'd rather build my own pc and put debian on it.
20:43.12doublehpafter submitting a bug, shouldn't I receive a confirmation ? how long does it take ?
20:43.49sm00thbrimonk, after buying he first ipod for like 400 dollars i vowed never to buy anoher apple product in my life.  I makin this vow now today about never supporting MS again.
20:44.04sm00thbrimonk, apple is a jailed pc.
20:44.45brimonksm00th: Cool. But you only came about that conclusion by being ripped off as a consumer, and you only know about where else to turn for your computing because you're (probably) interested at least a little bit about computers.
20:45.06sm00thbrimonk,  true.
20:45.07brimonksm00th: My mother could care less. She literally just wants her computer to work, but she still needs an iPod for work.
20:45.09somiajLady_Aleena: that will install the newer libreoffice from jessie-backports. And is all you will need to do
20:45.10doublehpnever bought any Apple of product; only one Microsoft keyboard, and a forced sell of XP with a laptop ...
20:45.15jellyLady_Aleena: you can add -s (--dry-run) option to any apt command and see what it would do
20:45.17brimonksm00th: So, because I'm the computer person, I make it work.
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20:45.22sm00thbrimonk, ya my other was pissed I woudln't give her windows at first. lol
20:45.25Lady_Aleenasomiaj, thanks.
20:45.35Lady_Aleenajelly, I already began running it.
20:45.43sm00thbrimonk,  but she has an offline win in a vm for her greeting card program and adobe photoshop.
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20:46.08sm00thotherthen that she don't even need windows.  she know how to do her own maintenance on qubes now.
20:46.18somiajdoublehp: I'm unsure on how long it will take. I would check the BTS in a few hours if you didn't get a conformation. How did you submit the bug? With report bug? What did you use as your MTA?
20:46.28jellyLady_Aleena: and I'm sure you can make note of this factoid for future use
20:46.38doublehpsomiaj: thunderbird
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20:47.45somiajdoublehp: okay, just wanted to double check you were using a valid SMTP client as some isp's don't allow people to send mail from their own computer. But I'm assuming you have thunderbird configured just fine so I would just check the BTS if you don't hear anything.
20:48.22doublehpsomiaj: ok
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20:57.14Lady_AleenaI'm sorry for wasting your time, it looks like even the newer LibreOffice Base is incapable of opening a MS Access database without voodoo.
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20:58.46brimonkLady_Aleena: I would start googling around for tools to convert it into something that libreoffice base can use. (That's what I would do anyways)
20:59.05greycator convert it to a mysqlite file, or something...
20:59.12greycaterr, s/my//
21:00.05Lady_Aleenagreycat, I don't have the fu.
21:00.05somiaj,v mdbtools
21:00.06juddPackage: mdbtools on amd64 -- squeeze:; wheezy: 0.7-1+deb7u2; jessie: 0.7.1-2; stretch: 0.7.1-4; sid: 0.7.1-4
21:00.43somiajLady_Aleena: I found a link that suggest that package contains command line tools to convert the database to something readable in linux.
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21:01.15SerialboxLady_Aleena: Have you tried the libreoffice out of jessie-backports?
21:01.25Lady_Aleenasomiaj, greycat, brimonk: right now I am too upset to think straight.
21:01.58somiajLady_Aleena: there is also Kexi that seem to be able to read it, but these are tools that will convert the database to something you can use. They may not be the best for editing the database without changing its format.
21:01.59Lady_AleenaSerialbox, I just updated using the jessie-backports from to and still no opening the MS Access file.
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21:02.17somiaj,v kexi
21:02.18juddPackage: kexi on amd64 -- squeeze: 1:2.2.1-4; wheezy: 1:2.4.4-3; jessie: 1:2.8.5+dfsg-1+b2
21:02.22SerialboxLady_Aleena: I guess so much for my advice :(
21:02.35Lady_AleenaSerialbox, don't worry about it.
21:02.35somiajhmm kexi is in jessie, wonder why they stoped supporting it though.
21:02.56Lady_AleenaI will just have to tell the guy who sent me the MS Access file I can't read it without voodoo.
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21:03.17somiajLady_Aleena: I would give Kexi a try before you give up
21:03.37Lady_AleenaHold please, kitten on desk alert
21:03.39somiajIt is supose to be an opensource alternative to ms access, and might be able to read it
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21:22.21jhutchinsLady_Aleena: THere are probably different versions of Access, earlier versions might work (and you can usually save to earlier versions in MS).
21:22.54jhutchinsLady_Aleena: it might be worthwhile consulting the LO docs for what versions and what options it can handle.
21:23.48Lady_Aleenajhutchins, this was buried deep within the Google results "The answer is that opening MDB files from LO on Linux isn't currently possible." So I wasted your (plural) time.
21:24.49jhutchinsLady_Aleena: One of the dark secrets of MS is that even different versions of Access sometimes can't open each other's files.
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21:25.20jhutchinsKindof like how no two installations of Word will render the same document exactly the same.
21:27.19Lady_Aleenasomiaj, I just tried Kexi, no luck.
21:27.38Lady_Aleenajhutchins, I just feel bad for wasting your valuable time.
21:27.45jhutchinsLady_Aleena: Access has ways to export to various formats, find one you can agree on.
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21:29.05Lady_Aleenajhutchins, I'm wishing for csv.
21:29.19Lady_AleenaAnd the dryer is beeping at me.
21:29.20jhutchins,v libreoffice
21:29.21juddPackage: libreoffice on amd64 -- squeeze-backports: 1:3.5.4+dfsg2-0+deb7u4~bpo60+1; wheezy: 1:3.5.4+dfsg2-0+deb7u6; wheezy-security: 1:3.5.4+dfsg2-0+deb7u6; wheezy-backports: 1:4.3.3-2+deb8u3~bpo70+1; jessie-security: 1:4.3.3-2+deb8u3; jessie: 1:4.3.3-2+deb8u4; jessie-backports: 1:5.1.3-1~bpo8+1; sid: 1:5.1.4~rc2-2; stretch: 1:5.1.4~rc2-2; experimental: 1:5.2.0~rc1-1
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21:29.49jhutchinsLady_Aleena: csv is probably not capable of a full database.  THere are access formats that LO base can import.
21:29.51Lady_Aleenajhutchins, I just updated to the jessie-backports 5.1.3
21:30.08jhutchinsLady_Aleena: I take it you have 5.x installed?
21:30.20Lady_Aleenajhutchins, I'm not thinking for LO, I'm thinking for writing perl scripts to deal with the data.
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21:30.27Lady_Aleenajhutchins, yes.
21:30.43SerialboxLady_Aleena: I was recently shamed into using python instead of perl by my coworkers :)
21:31.00Lady_AleenaSerialbox, I don't have that pressure at home.
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21:31.10Lady_AleenaSerialbox, and why did you cave?
21:31.23jhutchinsLady_Aleena: Connecting to an MDB Database:
21:31.26Lady_Aleenaloves perl.
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21:31.37SerialboxI dunno, honestly it doesn't really make that big of a difference to me.  I think mostly because I wanted them to be able to maintain/understand/alter rather than bothering me
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21:31.47danxorHow can I install skype on debian jessie?
21:31.50SerialboxI use to be a perl die hard though, and the performance argument people make is bullshit
21:32.00Lady_Aleenajhutchins, those instructions are specific to WINDOWS.
21:32.02danxorI tried but it's not working well
21:32.05Serialboxalgorithms are what make things fast, not constant time language choices
21:32.33Lady_AleenaAnd guys, I will be back in about 10 minutes. I need to fold the sheets before they wrinkle.
21:32.34Guest53755Serialbox: Compiling down to a binary is what makes things fast, Kappa
21:32.44jhutchinsLady_Aleena: Don't fold the kitten in.
21:33.04Lady_Aleenajhutchins, tempting.
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21:40.03danxorI installed it but I get a "failed to execute child process: no such file or directory" when I try to open it
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21:40.44Guest53755danxor: You're trying to use skype on NOT windows?
21:41.02brimonkdanxor: It's not worth it.
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21:43.05danxorYeah some of my family members use it, so I'd like to get it on debian
21:43.53brimonkdanxor: I was under the impression that microsoft wasn't keen on making it work anymore.
21:44.12danxorI doubt I can get my mom to use debian, she already has enough troubles using windows hahah
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21:45.09brimonkdanxor: I think you misunderstood. There was a bit of a ruffle online, but it basically came down to microsoft not supporting linux anymore. Like, not just not supporting, but they won't fix the current problems that exist.
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21:46.00danxoryou mean microsoft not supporting skype anymore?
21:46.01tristeroHow can I wait for udev rules associated with a device to be finished?  (Other than a hack like sleeping for a few seconds.)
21:46.06brimonkdanxor: Not on linux.
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21:46.15damo22how come /usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.9/libstdc++.a when searching for -lstdc++  when i use -m32
21:46.24brimonkdanxor: But, that's the last thing that I heard. That may have been changed at some point.
21:46.42damo22how do i link to libstdc++ for 32 bit on multiarch?
21:47.16damo22LDFLAGS=-m32 and CXXFLAGS=-m32
21:47.33brimonkdanxor: I don't want to tell you that it's impossible, but I'm telling you that about a month ago, a few people couldn't make it work, and made a petition to get m$soft to fix it.
21:48.59danxorhey I solved it, lucky shot. Woohoo, it's working
21:49.20brimonkdanxor: Nice!
21:49.53brimonkdanxor: If you had to do anything particularly special, I'd document it and stick it up somewhere online simply because apparently skype is a bitch to use.
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21:50.51danxorAlright, will do
21:53.48Lady_Aleenais back.
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21:58.19kirilguys, with who i have to talk for updating a package?
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22:03.27sm00thguys how do I mount an encrypted partition again?
22:03.33sm00thfrom commandline
22:05.04doublehpteraflops: thanks, good night.
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22:18.10koshiiHi folks. So quick question for the filesystem gurus: Is btrfs as safe to use as it as awesome to use? :)
22:18.42koshiiOr is this still quite experimental territory?
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22:20.55xaikoshii: I'm not a guru, but the question is answered in FAQ of BTRFS ;)
22:21.27koshiixai: Heh cheers. Do you use it in "production"?
22:21.53xaikoshii: I used and returned to ext4
22:22.05koshiixai: Why is that?
22:22.26xaikoshii: Well:
22:22.41teraflopskoshii: I do use btrfs in production with backported kernel
22:22.50xai1. I don't like monstrous bundle solution as the BTRFS is.
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22:23.10xai2. IIRC, deleting of huge files on btrfs is slow. It's not just deleting a link.
22:23.57koshiiCan you go into more detail about #1?
22:24.31koshii(And re #2, how huge is "huge"?)
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22:25.06xaikoshii: Let's other way. What is your use case?
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22:25.20xaiInstrument should be choiced for task, but not task for instrument.
22:25.43xaiSorry for my English :)
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22:26.19xais/choiced/chosen/, s/instrument/tool/g
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22:28.17teraflopskoshii: you want snapshots and subvolumes? and sending them via btrfs send/receive over the network?
22:28.51koshiixai: Simple at home NAS
22:29.00koshiixai: media files, backups, etc.
22:29.06xaikoshii: In this case you don't need btrfs, IMO.
22:29.18xaibackups? How do you plan to do them?
22:29.28koshiixai: duplicity
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22:29.44xaikoshii: No snapshots?
22:29.57koshiiteraflops: I didn't even know that was possible. (sending/receiving snapshots over the network)
22:30.42koshiixai: Not necessarily. What attracted me to btrfs was how easy it seems to be to setup, expand, repair a filesystem. Like a better-performing(?) ZFS.
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22:31.09teraflopskoshii: if you dont want those features you better pick ext4 imo
22:31.11koshiiI like how easily I can add to the pool of storage too.
22:31.19xairepair? It's not about btrfs, IMO.
22:31.51xaikoshii: If you used to ZFS then BTRFS may be useful for you. But I suggest to use EXT4 in your case.
22:32.09koshiiOK, fair enough. I appreciate the input.
22:32.20xaiSorry for non-detailed answer
22:32.33koshiiIt's fine. I guess I was just looking for red flags against using it.
22:32.43koshiiIf there aren't any in particular, then maybe I'll just try it to try it.
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22:33.46notthistimeflashplugin-nonfree last updated 2014?
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23:44.41YesManDo we have any insight into ian murdock suicide?
23:45.03bazhangYesMan, thats way offtopic here
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