IRC log for #debian on 20160609

00:01.52*** join/#debian newbie|2 (~kvirc@
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00:28.16Nevillenewbie question: how to do you update debian 8.4 to 8.5?
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00:31.35jordanmNeville: apt-get upgrade
00:31.42jordanmNeville: apt-get update; apt-get upgrade
00:32.08jordanmpoint releases are installed the same way as security upgrades
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01:03.21asterismocan i update openssl 1.0.1k to 1.0.2 in debian 8 jessie?
01:03.27asterismohow do i do this?
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01:04.06mutanteasterismo: apt-get install openssl
01:05.12markybobmutante: asterismo no
01:05.24fender0107401some part of dpkg -s openssl: Version: 1.0.1t-1+deb8u2
01:05.39mutanteasterismo: oh, apologies, i did not notice we have a custom 1.0.2 package
01:06.05fender0107401What is the reason to update?
01:06.17mutantethat would confirm though that is how you get the SSLOpenSSLConfCmd
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01:06.31mutantefender0107401: DHE params in Apache
01:06.51mutantelike this  SSLOpenSSLConfCmd DHParameters "/etc/ssl/dhparam.pem
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01:07.03mutanteonly works with 1.0.2 apparently
01:07.12fender0107401Mayby you can delete openssl and compile it yourself.
01:07.51markybobyou can do ssb for it but that'd be stupid. you need automated security updates for something that important. dont play with that yourself
01:07.58awwalHow can I make the second monitor (detected as vga1 , here) always visible even if I switch workspace in my main machine?
01:08.12mutantethats an 1.0.2 package for jessie
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01:08.19mutanteused by Wikipedia
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01:09.31fender0107401If there is a deb package, you can download it and dpgk -i it.
01:09.50awwali meant have workspace 2 always visible in my extra monitor even if I switch workspace in my main machine
01:10.08markyboband still have to keep on top of security like a hawk. dont fuck with openssl
01:10.59asterismoyeah i know how to handle debs, but is there a repo or something?
01:11.01*** join/#debian McAndrew_ (
01:11.25asterismoand that is fot 64 bit systems, mine is 32
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01:12.41Akuwin this expresion   find /home/x/dir1 -type f -name '*.txt' -exec rm {} \;    what means  {} \;   ?
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01:13.33tripkinHello, can anyone help me get Remmina 1.2 installed on my Debian 8.5 installation?
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01:15.09markybobAkuw: it was the command rm on the files found by find. basically "insert filename here"
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01:27.20jmcnaughtasterismo: why do you need the newer openssl? it's best, if you can, to stick to the library versions available in jessie. don't add some repo to get that library
01:27.47asterismojmcnaught: yes i know, i wont upgrade
01:28.00*** mode/#debian [+l 1675] by debhelper
01:28.05asterismoi just wanted to enable DH parameters to my apache
01:28.38jmcnaughtasterismo: oh, that cannot be done in jessie. i thought that even got backported to one of the wheezy point releases
01:28.39asterismoin #httpd channel they said to me that only 1.0.2 version of openssl would support that
01:29.05asterismobut i'm almost sure that i read somewhere that ypu can cat the cert and dhparams and apache will use it alike
01:29.43asterismolike cat server.crt dhparams.pem > newcert.crt
01:31.40asterismois this possible?
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01:32.45jmcnaughtasterismo: there's a note about openssl < 1.0.2 here:
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01:34.47asterismoit is recommended to either use custom DH parameters (preferably) by adding them to the first certificate file (as described above
01:35.07asterismowhich id the first certificate file?
01:35.32asterismoor to order the SSLCertificateFile directives such that RSA/DSA certificates are placed after the ECC one
01:35.57asterismowhat order does this mean?
01:36.14asterismocat cert dhparam > newcert ?
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01:39.16jmcnaughtasterismo: yes i think that's what they're saying
01:40.32asterismoRSA/DSA is the cert, ECC is the DHparam? if it is, then RSA/DSA goes after ECC keys... or does RSA/DSA means the dhparams and ECC means the cert?
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01:41.56jmcnaughtasterismo: it's saying to put the dhparams at the end of the certificate file specified with SSLCertificateFile
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01:43.11awwalHow to install the virtualbox guest additions?
01:43.35awwalinstalled virtualbox-guest-additions-iso but  next ? :P
01:44.41jmcnaughtawwal: in a guest? it looks like there are virtualbox-guest-utils and virtualbox-guest-x11 packages
01:45.01awwaljmcnaught, in the guest yes
01:45.31awwalso I need guest-utils and guest-x11 not guest-additions-iso ?
01:45.51awwalthats for have real for screen and some stuff more
01:46.05awwaldont really know which pkg is needed
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01:46.29jmcnaughtawwal: i don't use virtualbox. from what i understand the iso package makes it so you can have guest add-ons available on a virtual CDROM. For Debian guests, there are packages that install the addons
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01:46.52jmcnaughtawwal: "aptitude search ~nvirtualbox" and then read the descriptions for the relevant packages
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01:47.23awwaljmcnaught, did that yet , but got confused, lets do more search :P
01:47.41jmcnaughtawwal: there's an alternative to virtuabox, libvirt with KVM, and the virt-manager GUI. I find it just as easy as virtualbox, no need for custom kernel modules and DKMS
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01:49.34awwaljmcnaught, yeah , I have libvirt-kvm installed and virtmanager and i use it , but I have problems with full screen mode; once in full screenmode impossible to  get it off without killing the whole process. so tryig vbox. :)
01:50.23jmcnaughtawwal: oh. for me at least in fullscreen mode i can mouse to the top-centre and there's a little tab with a button to exit fullscreen mode
01:50.58jmcnaughtmost of my VMs don't have a graphics card though, only serial consoles
01:51.33awwaljmcnaught, right, but wont work here. I remember we discussed this a few weeks ago. I'll purge libvirt/kvm and reinstall ; it may solve the problem :P
01:52.36jmcnaughtawwal: maybe you need to press ctrl+alt ? i don't have any windows guests, only linux (using virtio graphics). i think there are virtio drivers for windows too
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01:54.14awwaljmcnaught, tried that yeah, no luck. both host and guest are debian here. later I purge libvirt&kvm. now trying to get vbox working :P
01:54.25jmcnaughtawwal: good luck with that :)
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01:54.35awwaljmcnaught, thanks :)
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02:07.31copecDid the default gnome fonts change in between 3.14 and 3.20?
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02:17.08calebwillcopec: maybe?
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02:17.33calebwill!tell copec about debian-next
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02:39.54Jaga-Jagahow do I update my flash ?
02:40.57lordarkmemoevery time i try to watch videos on youtube my system crash, and the session restart.  Im using lenovo e450, iceweasel, debian 8
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02:42.23Jaga-Jagalordarkmemo: try google chrome
02:42.56lordarkmemoJaga-Jaga: ok, let me try
02:44.35Jaga-Jagahow do I update my flash ?
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02:47.46Jaga-Jagauser@x:~$ sudo update-flashplugin-nonfree --install
02:47.46Jaga-Jagaalready exists: /usr/share/pixmaps/flash-player-properties.png
02:48.12markybobJaga-Jaga: on stable?
02:48.28markybobJaga-Jaga: i don't know. i dont use flash. try just uninstalling it then and reinstall
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02:50.58Jaga-Jagamarkybob: that worked thx
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03:01.24n_blownaparthi sorry I'm having a hell of a time removing all of the sbt scala/java package. I am manually removing files like this: 'sudo rm -rf /usr/share/sbt-launcher-packaging' and they are still listed with 'locate sbt'  .what is going on?
03:01.44n_blownapartI installed with dpkg ^
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03:14.45zykotick9n_blownapart: 1) you shouldn't be manually deleting packages files like that and 2) locate uses a database, did you update the database before you tried running locate again?
03:17.11xar-hi #debian
03:17.23xar-can someone point me to a 7.11 mirror please, thanks
03:19.18markybobxar-: all of them should have it. just use 'oldstable' instead of 'stable' in the deb lines in sources.list
03:19.39xar-sry i wasn't specific enough, i mean a download mirror that has the .isos
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03:20.08xar-for instance, debian-7.11-amd64-netinst.iso
03:20.16xar-takes guess at the actual name
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03:20.54xar-thank you very much :)
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03:21.42xar-I wonder if it's purposefully difficult to locate to encourage people to use jessie, or just bad UI, or I'm blind...
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03:26.26n_blownapartzykotick9, thanks for responding, no I will check out how to update the locate database
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03:27.08markybobn_blownapart: sudo updatedb. and you know how to remove packages properly, right? deleting random files will break things
03:30.00n_blownapartmarkybob thanks a lot,this package was installed with dpkg. is the equivalent of apt-get purge or similar?
03:30.12n_blownapartwhat is*
03:30.38markybobn_blownapart: dpkg --purge packagename
03:31.17zykotick9n_blownapart: note apt/aptitude/apt-get all use dpkg to install as well... so you can probably just you "apt-get purge YOURPACKAGE" as well
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03:33.29n_blownapartmarkybob, zykotick9 thanks kindly got it settled.
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04:11.16err403I can't seem to get the Debian 8.4 Live CD to boot.  Has anyone else experienced this problem?
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04:47.04lordarkmemoJust installed debian 8 mate.  How i change the login theme?
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05:51.21hexnewbieIs wheezy getting security updates before jessie, or I'm wondering why firefox/iceweasel 45 reached wheezy before jessie?
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05:55.22awwaldmenu_run -m 0 works but if I log out and re login (xfce) it doesn't do the trick anymore
05:55.58jellyhexnewbie: different teams, wheezy is now under LTS while jessie is taken care of by the normal security team
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05:56.21wintersshow are you?
05:56.24awwalI have to remove the keyboard shortcut and add it again for get it working. :(
05:56.31winterssah ok
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05:56.56hexnewbiejelly: I see, thanks.
05:57.41awwalno problems with 'shellex'
05:57.42jellywinterss: hi.  This is a tech support channel.  You can use the network-wide ##chat or our own #debian-offtopic if you want to chat
05:58.18awwaldmenu only sucks when an extra monitor is connected&running
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06:25.22jozesince recently there is a huge delay after entering a correct user password. what can that be?
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07:01.37jimis there a way to find out if I have any bluetooth hardware on my mobo?
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07:07.07somiajjim: lspci, lsusb or lshw may tell you
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07:10.07jimoh, ok... what's lshw in?
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07:11.01jimI don't have any bluetooth dongles...
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07:12.31somiajjim: the package 'lshw'
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07:22.36darxmurfanybody is using bareos here to backup windows clients ?
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07:23.05darxmurfI can't do that in my config ? : File = "C:/Users/*/Desktop"
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07:38.58superrorchi there!
07:39.25superrorcwhy iptables -L doesn't show any rules ?
07:39.37superrorcbut rules exists and works
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07:42.33somiajsuperrorc: there are different tables, man iptables and look at -t option
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07:47.33superrorcow! -t nat shows my rules ) thanks a lot
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07:51.52Hypn0Question: i created 2 groups and put a user in it. Both groups define policys for one folder. it seems like the group which was created first defines the permission of that folder. how can i redefine the policy weight order of the groups? << someone knows something maybe?
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07:52.49somiajHypn0: what do you mean by weight order? A file/folder can only have a single group own it
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07:53.37somiajthere are extended attributes, but I'm unsure what you can do with those.
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07:54.55babilenHypn0: Look into ACL which allows for fine-grained permission specification
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08:06.32bytecounterHi @all. What is rpc.statd on Jessie? How I can disable? I disabled rpcbind, but the rpc.statd still listen on some ports
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08:14.43jellybytecounter: stop the nfs-common service, uninstall if you don't need it
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08:15.51jellybytecounter: use dpkg -S /path/to/file to find out which package a file path (like your rpc.statd) belongs go
08:17.15bytecounterah..ok. Great, thank you! Did you know if this is needed by Docker?
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08:24.52tobiasBoraI did a "apt full-upgrade", and I put my computer in stand-by during the update. When I awake it, I can see that the process is stoped, but I'm not sure the installation came to its end
08:24.54bytecounterIt seems not. How can I disable the service permanently (disable onle, not remove the packages)?
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08:25.49ksktobiasBora: I did not know there was an "full-upgrade" switch, but in general just fire the command again
08:26.02kskapt will do its think and tell you if something broke during the sleep
08:26.03tobiasBoraIndeed, when I run again "apt full-upgrade", it gives me a list of "useless packages which has been automatiquely installed"
08:26.14tobiasBoraHere is the list :
08:26.23ksktobiasBora: issue an apt-get autoremove
08:26.24jellybytecounter: probably systemctl disable some.service
08:26.43kskit will remove the packages not needed anymore (aptitude does this on any package removel by default)
08:26.47jellybytecounter: or the older update-rc.d
08:27.15tobiasBoraAnd since I can see in it "bluedevil" (my bluetooth), "plasma-desktop-data"... I'm a bit affraid that the main kde/plasma package has been deleted
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08:27.39tobiasBoraSo is it normal that these packages are deleted ? Did bluedevil change it's name recently ?
08:28.26tobiasBoraksk: I don't want to delete packages that could be usefull... And since some of them sounds important I'm affraid to have a deeper problem.
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08:28.41tobiasBora(but maybe they just change their name...)
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08:30.22MaBunnyhey guys is there a program for debian tht parses the data of an ISO into a pendrive or dvd???
08:30.35MaBunnyi dont want to do this in the terminal btw
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08:40.32tobiasBoraMaBunny: In terminal just use lsblk/dd, and if you want to use a graphical interface to make a bootable key, you may want to try unetbooting
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08:41.33MaBunnybut unetbootin is for Wingdos
08:42.55tinyhippoit works on linux/mac too
08:43.09tinyhippo <-- three big buttons at the top
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08:43.43dpkgUNetbootin (Universal Netboot Installer) allows creation of bootable USB drives for a variety of Linux distributions.  Not recommended for use with Debian CD/DVD images, as it mangles the installer in cruel and unusual ways, resulting in hard to debug problems.  Ask me about <hybrid images>, <usb install>, <win32diskimager>.
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08:44.25jelly(avoid it)
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08:44.35superrorcdd if=image.iso of=/dev/sd[x]
08:45.01superrorcdd if=image.iso | pv | of=/dev/sd[x] with progress bar
08:45.06jellysuperrorc: on a linux system cp will be just fine, and is what the install guide says to use
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08:48.51FinalXsuperrorc: more recent versions just have status=progress
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08:49.56FinalX(like jessie's version)
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08:52.40superrorc there is no option progress
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08:54.30superrorchow can i install local server to paste ? ) is there any packages?
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08:57.18darxmurfCould somebody explin me why I have to add some WildDir and Wild definitions after a Regex declaration in BareOS/Bacula configuration ?
08:58.15FinalXsuperrorc: you're right, sorry. i'm running 8.25, jessie has 8.23
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08:58.33darxmurfThe: RegEx = "^C:/Users/[^/]+/Desktop/.+$" should be enough to backup all Desktop user folders on the windows client isn't it ?
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09:00.55ksktobiasBora these packages can be remove without any probles, as they are not needed anymore by other packages ( but they were installed as dependencies of other packeges)
09:01.09ksktobiasBora: on the other hand, disk space is not often an issue these days..
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09:03.28tobiasBoraksk: I know, I just wonder if they are in this list because an important parent has been removed, or just because they aren't usefull anymore (the bluetooth isn't configured by bluedevil anymore ?)
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09:13.29jubo2hmm.. documenation says that Friendica and Hubzilla need "some form of email server or email gateway such that PHP mail() works."
09:13.56jubo2uhhh.. I need a nullmailer there ?
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09:14.24jubo2I just finally managed to get the diaspora* to connect to external SMTP server over TLS and send messages
09:14.41jubo2now gotta get the mails flying from the other free social media instances
09:15.00MaBunnyhey guys im back
09:15.15MaBunnywas off for a smoke
09:15.47MaBunnyok actually i want to install Wing 7 in a pendrive....
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09:16.50uni_toschWing 7?
09:17.12MaBunnyand tht too for my lil bro
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09:27.19peterrooney,v wdm
09:27.20juddPackage: wdm on amd64 -- wheezy: 1.28-13+deb7u1; jessie: 1.28-17; stretch: 1.28-19; sid: 1.28-19
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09:27.42peterrooneyDebian stable so far behind, Wing Display Manager is only 1.28
09:28.14MaBunnynope....not tht
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09:29.04uni_toschwdm latest stable is 1.28... from 2005
09:31.09MaBunnytheir project has is their GUI system
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09:32.00uni_toschMaBunny what is Wing 7?  Windows 7?
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09:32.32MaBunnyyes brother needs it for school assignments
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09:33.01uni_toschAh... well... you are in #notwindows :P
09:33.23MaBunnyyeah baby....thts why i didnt tell tht b4 :P
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09:36.44MaBunny,v mtools
09:36.45juddPackage: mtools on amd64 -- squeeze: 4.0.12-1; wheezy: 4.0.17-1; stretch: 4.0.18-2; sid: 4.0.18-2; jessie: 4.0.18-2
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09:40.00MaBunnyanyways i am not changing  lil bro needs a computer and I need to hav a Wingdos for some games....and all of my lil bros school assignments are done in Wingdos so he may more need it thn I
09:40.11MaBunny*need it more
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09:44.02unbornguys how to install all mutlimedia codecs into debian?
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09:44.07unbornnonfree I mean
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09:44.15lancelot_ofhello there
09:44.49MaBunnyand my dads laptop has tons of i need a computer free of viruses i guess i wanted to ask you guys for help
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09:45.26lancelot_ofany power manager and display properties manager apart from mate/gnome/kde/xfce etc. but with same charachteristics? Something not bounded to a complete DE I mean...
09:45.31uni_toschunborn which one exactly?
09:45.40MaBunnyill use win32diskimager and go too my big sis' home to get help installing it
09:45.48unbornuni_tosch: all of them if possible
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09:47.29uni_toschunborn, what exactly isn't working?
09:47.53unbornuni_tosch: ??? I just want to install them
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09:52.30MaBunnyunborn read here about repos:-
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09:53.14MaBunnyargh.... here:-
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09:53.37MaBunnyyou will find what you want here
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09:59.01MaBunnyanyways brb got to install a system
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10:00.13Alex993ccHi all
10:00.29Alex993ccgot a weird problem with debian mirror on our local network, can anyone help ?
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10:01.28kskAlex993cc: dont ask to ask..
10:01.35uniToschAlex993cc need the error msg and cat /etc/apt/sources.list to
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10:03.35binarypleaseHi, what do I need to install on a debain system, to be able to ssh into it using termite as terminal emulator and use tmux properly?
10:03.40Alex993ccits not an apt problem, debmirror doesnt seem to include a file that is needed
10:03.44binarypleaseI need some kind of terminfo
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10:04.07lancelot_ofno suggestion for me?
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10:05.19Alex993ccif i try to fetch this package from the local mirror it says it doesnt exist, but it also does not appear in the directory listing on iinet's http/ftp server either
10:05.34Alex993cc*Packages file
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10:47.35dagerikjessie boots into grub rescue after an upgrade to jessie. I cant seem to remember getting an grub install dialog box during the upgrade
10:48.26Brigodagerik, some kind of problem happens, try finding some error message.
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10:48.43dagerikgrub rescue says error: file not found
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10:49.55Brigothen there is some configuration problem. I would use the install disk/usb and boot in rescue mode and install grub again
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10:50.07Brigoi think there is an option just for that.
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10:51.26rootkeaHello! How do I save command output as image? I tried `convert` as mentioned on but it creates an image containing `@-`
10:52.01rootkeaBTW $ convert --version
10:52.03rootkeaVersion: ImageMagick 6.8.9-9 Q16 x86_64 2016-06-01
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10:56.02dagerikhow can I do a grub install on a vm with broken grub
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11:02.43rootkeaHello! How do I save command output as image? I tried `convert` as mentioned on but it creates an image containing `@-`
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11:11.11Brigorootkea, a screenshot ?
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11:13.50rootkeaBrigo: a screenshot of the image generated?
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11:16.25rootkeaBrigo: screenshot of ip.png generated
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11:19.05rootkeaBrigo: Oh I think you were suggesting me to take a screenshot I guess. Unfortunately it's not possible as the output generated is more than screenfull and I'm unaware of any open source tool which takes the screenshot of scrolled window
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11:28.51teraflopsrootkea: idk about imagemagik but `ip a > /tmp/deleteme && pango-view /tmp/deleteme -o ip.png` works
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11:31.25Iridosis there something simple that would allow someone to upload some biggish files via http to my machin?
11:32.01IridosI tried just making a short form + a php script for upload, but that failed for bigger files
11:32.09Iridosand seems ftp is not an option
11:32.24teraflopsrootkea: also pango-view -t "$(ip a)" -o ip.png ^
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11:33.47Thraulany sendmail guru's around?
11:34.42dagerikim getting X11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication. after sudoing
11:34.50dagerikxeyes works as normal user though
11:35.24teraflopsyou meant you need root through ssh -X?
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11:36.13rootkeateraflops: Thanks! It works! But doesn't preserve the terminal colors generated. (e.g. ls colors) I thought convert from imagemagic could create an image with colors.
11:36.15dagerikteraflops: eyah
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11:36.33teraflopsdagerik: try `xhost +`
11:36.50rootkeateraflops: Any idea how do I preserve the terminal colors in the image generated?
11:36.55teraflopsrootkea: "$(comand)" is clever because shell expansion
11:38.10teraflopsrootkea: no idea about that
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11:42.32teraflopsrootkea: give a try to asciinema or showterm?
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11:49.26rootkeateraflops: Both asciinema and showterm don't create the image. Image which I can easily share, mail etc. Have a look at It's a screenshot. But what do I do for the command output which is more than a screenful?
11:49.49teraflopsrootkea: asciinema saves it to a gif iirc
11:50.03teraflopsrootkea: but yeah it's not the same
11:50.32Iridoswhy do you want to save the text of a terminal as an image anyway
11:51.14teraflopsrootkea: you mean ?
11:51.50teraflopsah nope
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11:52.21rootkeateraflops: Exactly! But for a command with more than a screenful output
11:52.23teraflopsi guess asciinema to a gif is not bad idea
11:52.52Iridosis this all about putting the output  of a terminal into a png that you can than include into an excel sheet table that you can integrate into a word file?
11:52.57Iridosbecause that's more user friendly?
11:52.58teraflopsbut it does not preserver _your_ lscolor it picks its own ones
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11:56.33rootkeaIridos: Very funny! No. It's NOT about all of the ... stuff you said. Actually I  am organizing an GNU/Linux  intro event at my college for which we are going to use social media so we need to create an image of terminal output with it's colors so that we can use that image as cover photo, on website frontpage, as profile pics etc.
11:56.36teraflopsalso gifs are easy to share since every web browser is able to open gifs
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11:57.25teraflopsrootkea: but you want a 200 lines png output for a profile photo? really?
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11:57.43rootkeateraflops: Ok. Not profile pic really!
11:58.47rootkeaOne way to tackle this problem is to use screenshot tool which can take screenshot of scrolled window.
11:59.08rootkeaBut to my surprise I couldn't find a single open source alternative. Sigh!
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12:00.16rootkeaAnother way is to use imagemagic convert as suggested on commandlinefoo here
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12:00.55unbornrootkea: for website? that is easy
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12:01.29unbornregard img to binary code, thats also easy.. one command and you are done..
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12:02.01rootkeaunborn: I know right! I can even embed the screencast from showterm. But I am really focussing on cover photo and shared photos on social sites as the use case
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12:02.55unbornrootkea: sure.. what this does have to-do with debian or terminal perhaps?
12:03.16unbornrootkea: I think it all depends from social network you are on
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12:04.04unbornrootkea: speaking about social networks - I have one which I really dont use that much.. linkedin.. and second best social network ever on a world - this: IRC
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12:04.32rootkeaunborn: Did I mention "college" event? :P
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12:05.16unbornrootkea: sorry I am old git its been more than decade since college
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12:06.18linux-foxhi, all
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12:06.49rootkeaunborn: My real problem which made me come here is why the commad mentioned at is not working as expected even when nearly 79 people have upvoted the same
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12:07.04unbornrootkea: let me see
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12:07.34unbornrootkea: can you be more simple? what you trying to do?
12:07.56dagerikconsole login says "web login: "  what does this mean
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12:08.35linux-foxweb is hostname?
12:08.58unbornrootkea: save command output to image? meh I would say to txt file.. if you need image then print screen.. easy, no complications
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12:10.16rootkeaunborn: What if the command output is colored and more than screenful?
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12:10.55rootkeaunborn: I am simply trying to run the command `ifconfig | convert label:@- ip.png` on my terminal which should create an image ip.png with the contents of ifconfig but instead it's creating ip.png with characters `@-` as it's content
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12:15.06unbornrootkea: try convert label:"whatever text you want to be print" result.png
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12:16.51rootkeaunborn: what about `command| convert label:"foo" result.png` ?
12:17.07teraflopsrootkea: btw `convert label:"$(ls)" result.png` works now go figure the colors :P
12:17.13rootkeaIt just produces an image result.png with "foo" as the text in it.
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12:17.40c0mradeAnyone interested on working on a small little project of setting up XenServer with OpenStack on my HP Server and put it online and just make it work?
12:17.43unbornrootkea: I dont think that imagemagic can do that
12:18.33rootkeateraflops: Thanks but I already know that as someone mentioned it on #ubuntu
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12:19.46jellyc0mrade: for free?
12:19.51rootkeaunborn: Ok. So am I doing something wrong or the folks at commandlinefu are off the track (+ 79 other people)?
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12:22.27unbornrootkea: that could be right.. you did not found the answer yet not even 79+ other people was able to help you heh what I mean I tried various ways to get the output to image but what I end up is issuing my command and then to the above command with output in "..." to print it - that was only way to make it work.. fairly simple would be put output as a text.. not as an image.. that also makes more sence
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12:23.57rootkeaunborn: Not if you want a coloured terminal output (which is the requirement of event photo) :P
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12:24.47rootkeaunborn: Heck the more I search I come across the same solution on blogs, forums. I don't know what's going on? May be syntax of `convert` got changed?
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12:25.43unbornah rootkea
12:25.45unbornhold on
12:25.55jellyrootkea: use script(1) to capture output, reproduce in a fixed terminal size, one screenful at a time, capture the terminal, concatenate the resulting images
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12:26.52Brigoor convert to a pdf and then to an image.
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12:27.14unbornrootkea: try to see this terminal output (much greater then terminal it self.. its just text copied out.. please do copy text
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12:28.22unbornrootkea: then come here and delete all text.. then just do ``` paste ``` and click preview
12:28.31unbornmuch better then image
12:28.43SillyTalkeris tehre any install guide for UEFI? (for my surface pro 2)
12:29.11SillyTalkeri read a lot of nasty stuff liek the installer overwriting the bootloader, even if you tell it to write to another disk and whatnot
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12:30.04rootkeaunborn: Very well formatted! Thank you for taking the pains. But I am really interested in preserving the colors. (You know being a "college" event for freshers and all) :)
12:30.53unbornrootkea: another very simple solution is your command - then higlight all in terminal press ctrl+shift+c and open gimp - create new image - click text and paste it there.. change fonts to fit your image size and save it as jpg or png
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12:31.35rootkeajelly: For that we don't need `script`. Just take the multiple screenshots by scrolling the terminal and then stitch them together. I am trying to avoid the 2-action game you see! :)
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12:31.58unbornrootkea: once again.. imagemagic have its own limitations simple is that. you will be better of on imagemagic irc channel... as I do not think its anyway os related
12:32.01hypOShey guys, I have an install of debian jessie on one of my laptops. the device comes with a 32 BIT UEFI, which is supported in debian, so everything works.
12:32.19hypOShowever, Ubuntu and its derivates do not boot and/or install on that UEFI
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12:32.26unbornbtw rootkea preserving colors you can do editing css..
12:32.42unbornanything else seems to be faster solution then wasting the time actually
12:33.04hypOSso what I now wish to do, is dual boot debian and linux mint, by installing mint on another partition on the drive, but I wish to keep the bootloader (GRUB) of debian
12:33.23rootkeaunborn: Thanks for the suggestion. I should indeed asked on imagemagic irc. Anyways thanks for all the help! :)
12:33.49hypOSwhat commands do I need at the grub prompt? I tried set=root(cd0), then I loaded up the kernel and then the initrd image
12:34.16hypOShowever, the bootprocess is being stuck and the DVD doesn't spin anymore, what tells me that nothing happens any further
12:34.34unbornrootkea: it was not mean to agonising anything but - sometimes asking devs directly is best way ;)
12:34.55rootkeaunborn: I undesrand. :)
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12:34.56hypOSdid I miss some command? is it even possible to boot a system up using a GRUB bootloader that is located on an entirely different device?
12:35.01hypOSany input is greatly appreciated
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12:36.18hypOSI tried 'linux /casper/linuzvm'
12:36.54hypOSand 'initrd /casper/initimagethingy'
12:37.22jellyrootkea: you can automate slicing output collected with script easily.  You can't automate "scrolling a window" as easily
12:38.00*** mode/#debian [+l 1710] by debhelper
12:38.14hypOSand 'boot', of course
12:39.01rootkeajelly: Why are we avoiding the major issue which is "why the highly upvoted simple solution to this excat problem is not working" instead of searching for workarounds?
12:39.16rootkeajelly: BTW I am talking about
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12:40.32teraflopsrootkea: no the problem here is that you are stuck in a non working oneliner that you dont even know the output it generates
12:41.04jellyrootkea: it's working, just does not do exactly what you want it to
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12:41.55dbristowIs there a separate schedule for the releases of debian live images?  8.5.0 is out but there is only 8.4.0-live currently.
12:41.56teraflopsconvert label:"$(ifconfig)" result.png does nor escape color sequences also does not capture the terminal image it converts it the same as pango-view does
12:42.18rootkeateraflops: well put! And I am feeling really curious as to know why it's not working as advertised? i.e. "save command output to image " In case you missed that
12:42.28teraflopsrootkea: go ask them :P
12:42.51teraflopsit saves output to an image ....
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12:43.05teraflopsit's just not the way you want
12:43.08rootkeaDoes it? Did you run the same command?
12:43.10hypOSdbristow it's ready when it's ready
12:43.34teraflopsrootkea: convert label:"$(ifconfig)" result.png ?
12:43.35hypOSdon't push them around
12:43.39dbristowhypOS: That's what I thought.
12:43.58rootkeateraflops: I see "ifconfig | convert label:@- ip.png"
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12:44.14jellyrootkea: it works as advertised,
12:44.40jellyrootkea: note the complete lack of "interpreting xterm control codes" in the manual
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12:45.54unbornteraflops: convert label:"$(ifconfig)" result.png worked !
12:46.11teraflopsyeah but not the way he wants…
12:46.33rootkeajelly: OMG! Thanks a ton! I guess that's what I was looking for. My takeaway "don't believe on websites with n number of upvotes" :)
12:46.43teraflopsbecause _convert_ implies converting things in other things
12:47.20jellyrootkea: reading the actual manual sometimes helps, yes
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12:48.18unbornteraflops: he would have to specify the color output by him self.. however here is what I got from your command:
12:48.46rootkeajelly: But then after reading the manual I think `ifconfig | convert - result.png` should work as here `-` signifies stdin as input file
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12:49.17rootkeajelly: But it throws erros as "convert: no decode delegate for this image format `' @ error/constitute.c/ReadImage/501. convert: no images defined `ip.png' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/3210."
12:49.34rootkeajelly: can you please shed a light on this?
12:50.05jellyrootkea: your stdin did not look like an image format known to imagemagick
12:50.19teraflopsunborn: you can get weird results :P
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12:51.55unbornteraflops: yeah I noticed that when I did dig a bit dipper  lol but your one is really funny ;)
12:52.22rootkeajelly: Oh! Noe I got it! I did `cat foo.png | convert - bar.png` and it worked!
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12:53.03rootkeajelly: output of ifconfig is not an image format!
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12:53.58[Brain]will there ever be a debian codenamed babyface?
12:54.12jellyrootkea: right.  I'd be most grateful of you would you stop highlighting me with stuff you just figured out but which is kind of obvious in hindsight.
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12:55.41rootkeaOops! Sorry!
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13:22.33DrzacekAny reason why I have only old gcc available on jessie?
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13:24.00jellyDrzacek: that's what "stable" means, no newer upstream versions after the version freeze happens
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13:24.58jellyDrzacek: 4.8 and 4.9 were available at the time jessie was frozen
13:25.07Drzacekjelly, how do I fix that?
13:25.36Drzacekwait, so Jessie is old? what is current version?
13:25.45jellyjessie is the current release
13:26.23jellyyou want gcc 5.x or 6.x, set up an enviroment with debian testing or debian unstable
13:26.34babilenThere has not been a newer stable release, but there are development branches in which you'd also find new gcc versions. The 'testing' branch is what will become the next stable release, stretch.
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13:26.46babilenjudd: v gcc-6
13:26.47juddPackage: gcc-6 on amd64 -- stretch: 6.1.1-4; sid: 6.1.1-5
13:26.51babilen^ for example
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13:27.32jellynot sure what's the easiest debootstrap+chroot wrapper thingy kids use these days
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13:28.10jellyschroot? sbuild? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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13:31.06themillof course you won't be able to run the binary it makes on a jessie install either
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13:33.59DrzacekGot problem during upgrade
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13:34.38themillDrzacek: upgrading from what to what?
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13:36.28Drzacekjessie to testing?
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13:46.58esethey, I did dist-upgrade from 7 to 8. After Reboot system goes to emergency mode sugesting go to systemctal default again and it fails with hangup
13:48.45jellyeset: did you follow the upgrade procedure from jessie (debian 8) release notes?  Weird stuff can happen if you omit some of the steps.
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13:49.49esetjelly: Could you paste the link? I'm ready to do if again. I've got snapshoot before I made upgrade
13:49.56jelly!jessie release notes
13:49.57dpkgRelease notes for Debian 8 "Jessie" are at .  See also <wheezy->jessie>, <install guide>.
13:50.08jellydpkg, tell eset about wheezy->jessie
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13:51.52esetjelly: I did from that site exatcly
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13:59.24TehRabbittso I'm thinking of setting up an internal debian repo for patch management... anyone ever done this before?
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14:06.35TehRabbittI want to set up the server internally and then have it sync on a bi-weekly basis so that I can QA the patches prior to pushing them to production etc.
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14:11.40g105bPlease could someone help me upgrade git to version > 2.3 on my Debian wheezy server? I have downloaded the deb file, tried `dpkg -i git-2.3.deb` and git --version still shows 1.7. I have also tried following this guide (, but `apt-get install -t jessie-backports git-core` says nothing to upgrade.
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14:12.02dpkghmm... dont break debian is
14:12.22g105bit wasn't random, I picked the latest release on
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14:12.30greycatBut you are not RUNNING the latest release.
14:12.36greycatSo that file won't work for you.
14:12.43unborng105b: it should be straight forward - upgrade your server to latest..
14:12.53greycat,v git
14:12.54juddPackage: git on amd64 -- squeeze: 1:; squeeze-backports: 1:; wheezy: 1:; wheezy-security: 1:; wheezy-backports: 1:1.9.1-1~bpo70+2; jessie: 1:2.1.4-2.1+deb8u2; jessie-security: 1:2.1.4-2.1+deb8u2; stretch: 1:2.8.1-1; sid: 1:2.8.1-1; experimental: 1:2.8.1+next.20160414-1
14:13.16greycatIt's not even IN the latest release.  You are lying.
14:13.31greycatLatest release (jessie) has version 1:2.1.4-2.1+deb8u2
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14:14.29greycatdoes NOT understand why people want post-stable software on OLDstable servers
14:14.40greycatYou'd think they would at least upgrade to current stable.
14:14.48unbornI agree whit greycat !
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14:15.19unbornin fact I do not support outdated stuff..
14:15.27g105bgreycat: excuse me for my lack of understanding of debian compared to yours
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14:15.59unborng105b: try to update your srv to latest and then it will work
14:16.11g105bSo in summary, it is generally a bad idea to work outside of the official package releases of the distribution?
14:16.18greycatIf you want post-stable software on a pre-stable server, you have to NOT USE packages.  Just delete the git package completely and COMPILE git from upstream source code.  Do not use a .deb file.
14:16.33jellyjudd: checkbackport git
14:16.39juddBackporting package git in sid→jessie/amd64: all build-dependencies satisfied using jessie, virtual.
14:16.49jellydpkg, tell g105b about simple sid backport
14:16.59greycatIf you want to work outside of the distribution's packages, that's fine, but you do it by ACTUALLY being outside of the package manager.  By using source code and installing in /opt or /usr/local or /home.
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14:17.18jellyor make a local .deb
14:17.28greycatjelly: can it check for building sid packages on his WHEEZY server?
14:17.40jellyoh, wheezy?
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14:18.16jellyjudd: checkbackport git --torelease wheezy
14:18.17themill,checkbackport git --torelease wheezy
14:18.18juddBackporting package git in sid→wheezy/amd64: all build-dependencies satisfied using virtual, wheezy.
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14:19.19jellythemill: make it accept --to-release and --option=value so I don't have to think!
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14:19.47emma|offlineGreetings. If I were to use the netinstall of the latest Debian and install MATE on top, what version would I get? 1.8 or 1.12?
14:20.15themilljelly: I'm sure upstream will be happy to accept the patches ;)
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14:21.16greycat.v mate-utils
14:21.22greycat,v mate-utils
14:21.23juddPackage: mate-utils on amd64 -- wheezy-backports: 1.8.0+dfsg1-4~bpo70+1; jessie: 1.8.1+dfsg1-2+deb8u1; stretch: 1.14.0-1; sid: 1.14.0-1
14:21.32greycatYou'd have MATE 1.8 in jessie.
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14:37.25DrzacekI was doing dist-upgrade (jessie to testing), and he asked me to end kdm. I agreed and landed in console @ login
14:37.58DrzacekWhile I expected for GUI to end, but I don't see it doing anything (upgrading), yet he forbids me to start dist-upgrade again
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14:38.32DrzacekI'm afraid it runs in background, and if I restart/shutdown now, my system become corrupted
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14:39.23greycatDrzacek: testing support is on the OFTC network (not this network) in channel #debian-next
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14:40.29Drzacekgreycat, ok, thanks invite only
14:40.54greycatNot.  On.  This.  Network.
14:40.59dpkg#debian-next is the channel for testing/unstable support on the OFTC network (, *not* on Freenode.  If you get "Cannot join #debian-next (Channel is invite only)." it means you did not read it's on
14:41.02Drzacekgreycat, yeah, realized that when I send
14:41.09*** join/#debian Rust3dCor3 (~Rust3dCor@unaffiliated/rust3dcor3)
14:42.16DrzacekI'm not sure how IRC networks work in that matter - is my nickname globaly registered on all irc networks, or do they keep separate records?
14:42.31greycatEach network has separate user names.
14:42.32tinyhippoDrzacek: separate
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14:45.02TehRabbittanyone here ever set up an in-house repo for debian?
14:47.44dpkgreprepro (formerly mirrorer) is a tool to produce, manage and sync a local repository of Debian packages.  See /usr/share/doc/reprepro/short-howto.gz after package installation to set up a repository.  Alternatively, ask me about <dpkg-scanpackages>.
14:47.46jellyTehRabbitt: ^^
14:47.55TehRabbittah cool
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14:48.15TehRabbittjelly, is it possible to schedule how often it updates?
14:48.16jellyassuming you want a half-decent repo with signatures and stuff
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14:48.33TehRabbittjelly, well yes.
14:48.58TehRabbittjelly, looking to keep several dozen servers up to date, and on the same patch level on a rolling basis.
14:49.02TehRabbittQA and Prod. etc.
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14:49.31jellyI have to confess I haven't used it myself.  The few packages we make aren't even pgp signed.
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14:50.25emma|offlineany good way to get a newer version of MATE in jessie-stable?
14:50.34emma|offline1.8 is kind of non-ideal
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14:58.19Iridosjudd, versions mate-core
14:58.20juddPackage: mate-core on amd64 -- wheezy-backports: 1.8.0+7~bpo70+1; jessie: 1.8.0+9; stretch: 1.14.0+2; sid: 1.14.0+2
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14:58.47Iridosseems only if you want to backport it yourself
14:59.08Iridoswhich I guess falls into the category "fun is being had"
14:59.11jellyit's probably next to impossible to backport a DE
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14:59.32jellyeven if someone's done it
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15:00.21IridosI think anyone with two to three weeks of time dedicated to nothing else and some good knowledge about libraries can do it
15:01.28greycatDepends on where you draw the line about what you're allowed to backport.  I stopped cold when I got to the point where I had to install a post-release version of dpkg (!!) for compiling (!!) stuff.  Because of some stupid tool that is included in the dpkg package instead of a development package.
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15:02.24Iridosok... someone with 2-3 weeks time, good knowledge of libraries and good nerves
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15:05.11themillgreycat: would I guess right at dpkg-maintscript-helper?
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15:06.05HD|LaptopHi, since updating my Debian testing system, my network interfaces have been renamed by udev crap despite net.ifnames=0 in kernel commandline
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15:06.19HD|Laptopthe net.ifnames=0 is correctly passed from bootloader, as shown by /proc/cmdline
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15:08.31greycatthemill: It's been a while.  Might have been.
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15:09.24jo34how do i stop dmesg from posting all over my screen while I am in single user mode?
15:09.50jo34dunno if it is actually dmesg... something similar
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15:11.15themillgreycat: that's about the only tool in dpkg that leads to versioned dependencies and it certainly belongs in dpkg not dpkg-dev
15:11.54greycatthemill: I don't understand, but if you say so....
15:12.17themillit's used by the maintainer scripts so it has to be on the system
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15:21.39greycatjo34: If it begins with a number in square brackets like [  60.345678] then it's coming from the kernel.
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15:22.21jo34greycat, is there anything i can do about it?
15:22.32greycatDepends on what "it" is.
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15:23.16greycatNormally the best advice would be "finish up your single user mode task and get out".
15:25.51rattkingjo34: you can turn the kernel loglevel down, but its usually best to figure out why the kernel is printing so many messages and what they mean
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15:26.19greycatWe're still assuming an answer to my comment that wasn't actually explicitly given.
15:27.03jo34it's mostly iptables logs, actually
15:27.19greycatWhy is iptables running in single-user mode...?  Or is that normal?
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15:27.43jo34seems normal. i do need network access.
15:27.46greycatDoes single-user mode even bring up the network, these days?  I haven't used it in a while.
15:28.58jo34maybe i'm not using the proper term. single user mode must not be the right term here.
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15:30.08simonlnuit might, i don't recall if it does. last time i used it was 3 weeks ago, and i wasn't paying attention to that.
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15:30.31greycatI don't think I've used it since systemd/jessie, so it might be dramatically different now.
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15:31.50jo34no i'm actually talking about the "virtual consoles provided by agetty"
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15:34.15greycatIf you switch to Ctrl-Alt-F2 (tty2) do you get the same level of iptables/kernel spam?
15:35.22jo34yeah that's where i'm getting the spam... tty, not single user
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15:36.04greycatI can't even find where the logging gets directed to the console(s).  I figured it would be in rsyslog.conf but apparently not.  If it's buried in systemd, then... ugh.
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15:36.38greycatSo, either try tty2 instead of tty1, or figure out how the hell logging works now.
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15:37.57jhutchinsjo34: you usually tell iptables where to write log info when you set it up.
15:38.57jhutchinsjo34: /etc/*syslog.conf also directs kernel messages to the consoles.
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15:40.12greycatjhutchins: where?  All I see is a |/dev/xconsole at the end.
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15:44.41jo34greycat, that's the line
15:45.01greycatThat writes to a named pipe that you read from with xconsole, in X.
15:45.11jo34replace |/dev/xconsole with /dev/tty8
15:45.16jo34that fixes my problem
15:45.20greycatShould not have any relevance to tty...
15:45.24greycatHuh?  Really?
15:45.29jo34yeah really
15:45.51jhutchinsgreycat: Yeah, looking for something that defines the default for kernel messages...
15:46.10jo34can finally use tty in peace
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15:46.13greycatDoes systemd run something on the standard virtual consoles that reads /dev/xconsole?
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15:57.59jo34i was wrong
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16:00.29jo34i thought i was in peace :(
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16:00.52jhutchinsjo34: If it's iptables check your rules.
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16:01.48jo34jhutchins, it's not JUST iptables... it's a bunch of kernel messages, but iptables makes up the majority
16:02.02plasmoduck01:51 (*) towo` [~towo@unaffiliated/towo/x-4064351] has joined #debian
16:02.15jo34my iptables rules have --log-level 1
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16:02.31greycatjo34: maybe??
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16:04.31jo34i think that worked
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16:13.37meh__how could i change some flags of chromium?   or update this rules to the quilt api
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16:17.45nkuttlermeh__: yeah, debian/rules
16:19.36meh__nkuttler  how could i update this rules file  to the quilt api?, therefore i gonna   make this work with patches
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16:23.21teraflopsmeh__: quilt cares about applying patches not about dpkg-buildpackage
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16:24.06tharkunIs the vanilla Kernel on Debian capable of performing ipsec tunnels?
16:24.28tharkunWhat does this line mean on the kernel configuration file CONFIG_INET_AH=m ?
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16:25.38Wulftharkun: yes
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16:25.52Wulftharkun: it means that the AH module (which you don't need) is built as a module
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16:26.43tharkunWulf: Thanks
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16:27.13tharkunWhat would be a sign if I do need the module?
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16:28.22meh__nkuttler   but if the rules has an ancient api
16:28.25meh__it gonna fail
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16:54.25keith4since the 8.5 point release, which included updates to lvm2 and liblvm2cmd2.02, lvmetad is running even though it's disabled in lvm.conf. this causes a warning every time an LVM command is run
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16:54.51keith4has anyone else seen this? WARNING: lvmetad is running but disabled. Restart lvmetad before enabling it!
16:55.43pflanzeHow can I change the search engines in firefox-esr ? The functionality in the preferences for this seems to have been removed.
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16:56.16greycatI usually add a search engine by right-clicking in the entry field on the search engine's actual web page, and then selecting... something... I forget what.
16:56.34pflanzehm checking
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17:00.26pflanzeWell can't seem to make a search engine entry that way, just a bookmark.
17:00.53pflanzeBrowsers are so frustrating.</rant>
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17:01.41greycatI just went to in Iceweasel and right-clicked the big entry field, and one of the options is "Add a Keyword for this Search..."
17:01.53pflanzeYep, found this
17:01.59pflanzebut it adds a bookmark, not search engine entry.
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17:02.48greycatI put "b" in the keyword entry field (the last one) and saved it, cleared the URL bar, typed "b free software" in the URL bar, pressed Enter.  It worked.
17:02.57greycatThis is how I've always added new search-engine-keywords in the past.
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17:03.23pflanzeThat's what the keyword thing is for. Get it now.
17:03.44pflanzeSadly I wanted to change the default search engine (to DDG in html mode)
17:04.15greycatGoogle randomly until you find instructions that say how to do that.  That's how I do everything with browsers.  They don't have documentation any more.
17:04.33pflanzeAlready did that, perhaps not enough.
17:04.38mnsI am using aptitude and doing aptitude safe-upgrade and it is sitting with the following output since about 9am EST or so:   open: 441728; closed: 565455; defer: 44; conflict: 58     The numbers keep incrementing, but at some point it just runs out of memory or such and errors out.  Anyone know why this happens ?
17:04.57pflanzeI guess I'll have to write my own browser. With blackjack, and hookers.
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17:06.35greycatmns: if this is wheezy->jessie, the release notes say to use apt-get, not aptitude.
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17:07.01mnsgreycat: this is debian/testing
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17:07.11dpkg#debian-next is the channel for testing/unstable support on the OFTC network (, *not* on Freenode.  If you get "Cannot join #debian-next (Channel is invite only)." it means you did not read it's on
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17:07.49mnshow long has debian-next existed for ?
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17:08.20greycatProbably about as long as the OFTC/Freenode split.  Dunno for sure.  I never go on OFTC.
17:08.22mnsgreycat: thanks.  will ask there.
17:08.51mnsnever even knew there had been a split from freenode.
17:08.53darksbane3kkeith4: i haven't played with lvm lately, but it looks like lvm2-lvmetad.service is socket activated. i wonder if it's started by that even though it's disabled.
17:09.07darksbane3kkeith4: have you tried systemctl stop lvm2-lvmetad.service ?
17:09.09mnsanyway, thanks for the input.
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17:15.06keith4darksbane3k: good idea
17:15.26keith4I was more interested in figuring out why it got started everywhere, I guess
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17:16.35keith4darksbane3k: heh, it even tells you that when you stop it: Warning: Stopping lvm2-lvmetad.service, but it can still be activated by: lvm2-lvmetad.socket
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17:22.33marcelfoxhello Debians! how are we today? I've got a question for ya, for anyone, what are the disadvantages of using ssmtp ust to configure a outgoing mail, if there's any.
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17:23.20greycatssmtp is only for when you have some full-featured mail server you want to route outgoing messages through
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17:24.47greycatPackage description says there's not even a spool, so your mail server (smarthost) would have to be up 24/7....
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17:26.05marcelfoxgreycat: for sure, like said, it's just for outgoing mail, so it's ok to proceed using it with gmail I guess
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17:26.36__infinityneed help with google-chrome on debian linux. No sound ... I have created a new user "chromeuser" and launching it from gksu. Googling like crazy, maybe I should add the user into pulseaudio group or something like it?
17:27.23marcelfoxYou don't think so?
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17:27.32jhutchins__infinity: Usually only the current X user has access to the audio output.
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17:28.10greycatmarcelfox: relying on a mail server that's not only NOT on your LAN, but is under the control of a slightly questionable mega corporation....
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17:29.06greycatIf I had to rely on a mail server that's across the cloud, I would sure as hell want a *spooling* local MTA to queue up outgoing messages when there's turbulence.
17:29.11jhutchinsmarcelfox: Any reason not to just use the Debian default (Postfix?)?
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17:29.21greycatPostfix is the default now?  Since when?
17:29.37marcelfoxgreycat: good point!
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17:29.44jhutchinsgreycat: I don't know if it's Postfix or exim4, legacy systems.
17:29.52greycatexim4 last time I checked
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17:30.09jhutchinsgreycat: Same here, but that was etch/lenny.
17:30.19swebhow can i temporary disable network and reenable it ... ?
17:30.26swebany script or trick
17:30.27greycatifdown eth0; ifup eth0
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17:30.38greycatassuming eth0 is your active interface
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17:30.49jhutchinssweb: Or Network Manager if GUI.
17:30.51swebifdown eth0; sleep 15; ifup eth0 /// it's safe over ssh ?
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17:31.04swebfor 15 seconds disable network
17:31.06greycatIf you do it inside screen or tmux.
17:31.22marcelfoxjhutchins: the thing is that I need to configure an my server for sending outgoing mails, for user confirmation etc, but I guess that I'll need to configure a whole mail server too
17:31.24greycatOtherwise the shell might get killed while you're sleeping....
17:31.46marcelfoxthe issue is, the named server which I'm not familiar yet
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17:32.08greycatYou don't need to run named.
17:32.11afernandez_inside screen or tmux how do i do that?
17:32.14jhutchinsmarcelfox: That's the correct way to do it reliably.  dpkg-configure makes it pretty easy to set up, expecially for outbound only.
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17:32.38greycatRun screen.  Run the command you want to run.  Detach with Ctrl-A d unless you are already kicked off.  Reattach with screen -x.
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17:33.44afernandez_Thanks greycat
17:33.49marcelfoxgreycat: but, I have a domain and a vhost for it,  I'll need to configure a nameserver and dns entries for, as MX and stuff
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17:34.02greycatmarcelfox: that is all completely separate from a spooling outgoing MTA.
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17:34.25greycatA spooling outgoing MTA doesn't even need a domain name, since it doesn't need to receive mail.
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17:34.54marcelfoxgreycat: didn't imagine that, as you can notice my relation with named service
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17:35.39greycatAnd even if you run a full bidirectional MTA, the domain name services can be on a completely different host.
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17:36.59marcelfoxgreycat: I'll figure out, you're right, it is better to use postfix and configure it correctly
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17:37.49marcelfoxgreycat: thans a lot
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17:44.51simonlnu!ops bxobx spamming in /notice
17:44.51dpkgHydroxide, dondelelcaro, LoRez, RichiH, mentor, abrotman, Maulkin, stew, peterS, Myon, Ganneff, weasel, zobel, themill, babilen, SynrG, jm_, somiaj, jelly: simonlnu complains about: bxobx spamming in /notice
17:45.13greycatWhat do you expect us to do about it?
17:45.16abrotmanalready parted
17:45.36abrotmanit was in the channel when it did that, and has now gone
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17:46.00greycatAh, it came back.
17:46.14greycatgo for it, abrotman
17:46.15xaiWhy people do that?
17:46.25sypherPain train's coming!
17:46.27*** mode/#debian [+b *!*@] by abrotman
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17:46.40simonlnulack of sexual satisfaction i suppose.
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17:48.08abrotmanseriously ..
17:48.32greycatWhat does "the main channel" mean?
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17:48.50abrotmanit's spam ...
17:48.55xaigreycat: Seems to be an auto-join channel
17:49.47simonlnumy channel filtering is too aggressive, i miss some stuff.
17:49.47simonlnugoes to fix it
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17:51.51GooseYArdif I'm using reprepro to manage a repo that includes several dists, what is the correct way to add a noarch deb to all the dists?
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17:53.20abrotmanhopes he did that right ..
17:53.40greycatDoes that block /notice spam, or only public msg?
17:53.51dax+r redirects unregistered users to #debian-overflow
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17:54.34greycatOh dear gods, someone fucking MOBILE-ified the freenode web page.
17:54.39hesperauxHello. I am trying to figure out how to mount an NBD as my rootfs. I have searched the internet for hours looking for documentation on what arguments should be provided to the kernel. The most I could find were some distro-specific notes that don't seem to work. Can anyone help me with NBD?
17:54.47abrotmangreycat: right, I can't find a damn thing
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17:54.50greycatGod damn it, I want the old web back.
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17:55.22CutMeOwnThroatmosaic as browser and static menu structures?
17:56.07greycatFAQs and actual helpful information instead of VAST SEAS OF WHITE BACKGROUND WITH THREE OVERSIZED BUTTONS that do nothing you want to do.
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17:56.57CutMeOwnThroatjajja... like the good old geocities... so informative :P
17:57.30simonlnuhas a kernel update
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17:58.41greycat13:58 #freenode Cannot send to channel
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18:00.15abrotmangreycat: it will voice you in a bit
18:00.32CutMeOwnThroator christ will turn up as the savior
18:00.33greycat14:00 +Fuchs> greycat: I wrote it, but the article got removed, so for now you need  /quote help cmode
18:01.01CutMeOwnThroathesperaux, probably with good reason... I guess you mean nbd as in nbd-client
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18:01.30hesperauxCutMeOwnThroat, no, I mean kernel support for booting from NBD
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18:01.59hesperauxnbd-client works - I've tested that. I have seen evidence that linux supports networked root filesystems on an nbd server
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18:03.18xaicannot get what is "kernel support of booting from NBD". To boot from NBD, system may mount it (while running initrd) to somewhere and make pivot_root() to it.
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18:03.48hesperauxhmm, so you're saying I have to install nbd-client into an initrd?
18:03.57CutMeOwnThroatthat's what I thought
18:04.08hesperauxI see. That wasn't clear to me, but I guess it makes sense
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18:04.15hesperauxI have no idea how to accomplish that...sigh
18:04.15xaihesperaux: I didn't solve you task ever. But, yes
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18:04.28xaiAlso you can load initrd via PXE if you don't want to have local HDD
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18:04.41CutMeOwnThroatyeah, that is pretty common
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18:05.04CutMeOwnThroatand as there are nfs root filesystems, too, there's probably a way
18:05.07hesperauxxai, the host that's booting is a raspberry pi. At the moment, the kernel and DTB are pushed from TFTP through DHCP. I don't have PXE capability, I'm using u-boot
18:05.11xaihesperaux: And, also, you can talk with "lupine" (in this IRC network), he even developed own implementation of NBD
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18:05.29hesperauxxai, thanks for the tip
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18:06.03xaihesperaux: BTW, sorry for question, by why NBD?
18:06.10xaiWhat is the initial task?
18:06.19xai* but why
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18:06.53xaiYou can do not answer)
18:07.08hesperauxxai, the reason for NBD is that NFS can't work from a windows host. There is a windows host running tftp, dhcpd, and nbd server right now. If I host the root fs on a windows filesystem, I expect there will be issues with symlinks and stuff (I actually tried it but it couldn't run init)
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18:07.33hesperauxI looked into possible ways to boot from NFS from windows and came up with nothing helpful for this use case...
18:07.34CutMeOwnThroatso... ndb is something like srp, but using tcp with all its shortcomings?
18:07.47hesperauxCutMeOwnThroat, I don't know. Haven't heard of srp
18:08.09hesperauxI was aiming for something like dm-nfs, but that's oracle specific
18:08.22xaiCutMeOwnThroat: SRP is over RDMA
18:08.32hesperauxthe goal is not to boot the raspberry pi off of the SD card because it can become corrupted. I haven't determined if NBD even solves that problem...
18:08.41CutMeOwnThroatwell, to be fair, you could have said what ndp is, I hadn't heard of that... and srp at least has a wiki page at
18:08.50CutMeOwnThroatxai, indeed
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18:09.43hesperauxDon't think the Raspi has a NIC capable of SRP, by the looks of the wiki
18:09.47xaihesperaux: I use iSCSI for block device export if over IP.
18:10.08hesperauxxai, can I do that from windows 7 pro?
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18:10.57CutMeOwnThroatno... rdma pretty much has to has infiniband, which means srp pretty much has to have it
18:10.57xaihesperaux: I don't know. Don't use windows since ~2003 =\
18:11.14hesperauxheh, understood
18:11.25hesperauxI don't have a choice in this case - the host machine must be windows
18:11.26CutMeOwnThroatI find the plethora of protocols around infiniband confusing...
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18:12.07xaiCutMeOwnThroat: BTW, we failed to setup NFS over RDMA. Did you try it?
18:12.17hesperauxThe underlyiing problem I'm trying to solve is: the raspbery pi SD card can become corrupted with sudden power loss. Want to avoid that possibility because sudden power loss is almost guaranteed.
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18:13.29xaihesperaux: SD card is corrupted or just FS?
18:13.43CutMeOwnThroatxai, that bit was already set up, we didn't do anything... but I'm not sure which protocol layers are between the nfs and the ib fabric... but seems it goes over  TCPoIB, not rdma
18:14.10hesperauxxai, I'm not sure which - from the sound of it online, the SD card, due to the SDIO interface losing power suddenly. But it might just be the FS.
18:14.29xaiCutMeOwnThroat: I see.
18:14.45xaihesperaux: May be you just need to mount it read-only?
18:15.12hesperauxCan I do that with a typical raspbian installation? Mount root as ro?
18:15.21dpkgRaspbian is a distribution <based on Debian> made specifically for the <Raspberry Pi>.  Raspbian is not Debian and it is not supported in #debian.  Please use #raspbian on for support.
18:15.26CutMeOwnThroatyou should ask #raspian  that...
18:15.36hesperauxoff I go
18:16.29xaihesperaux: Well, why not? But /me also thinks that the question is for #raspian
18:16.57CutMeOwnThroatwell, logs wouldn't get written...
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18:17.24xaihesperaux: Also if the problem is with SD-card (not FS), then some Pi's like BananaPi has integrated MMC. They may have another behaviour. But it's a wild guess, of course.
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18:18.33hesperauxxai, i'll consider that too
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18:43.16ewewHi. Does strace alter the enviroment for command su ? The problem is if i use strace su and have /etc/pam.d wit permisions 750. If using only su this problem does not arise and logs do not contain error messages.
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18:43.44greycatAnd the errors say...?
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18:44.44Wulfewew: strace with su means that su does not run as root
18:45.02ewewwith strace pam_start error 26. other lines say something abou cannot open certain file.
18:45.18greycatBecause "permission denied"?
18:45.55ewewbut if i run it without strace then it works without a error.
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18:46.05monodHi. I think I did break NetworkManager while trying to configure wpa_supplicant to connect to a WPA2 PEAP MSCHAPV2 server. (fyi: EduRoam...) I'm not a linux newbie, I know about managed mode and /etc/network/interfaces. Can you help me undo the configs that I've set up and make NetworkManager work again?
18:46.50ewewok. then the statement is true about altering the enviroment for su by strace.
18:47.13greycatif what Wulf says is correct, then it's not so much "the environment" as suppressing the setuid bit
18:47.39greycatIn which case you should use su first, THEN strace.
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18:48.57abrotmanwonders if it's gone yet ..
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18:49.39ewewmy reason using strace on su is to get data if the setup of permisions for /etc/pam.d/ can be used.
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18:54.40CutMeOwnThroatewew, you can only use strace on su if you call su as root
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18:55.44CutMeOwnThroator any setuid program
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18:56.21ewewOne more question. Is pam running as root every time it get invoked ?
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18:57.31greycatIt's not a program.  It's a library.  So its code is executed by whatever program is performing PAM-stuff at the moment, which will usually be something running as root so that it can read /etc/shadow and so on.
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18:57.55greycatI suppose some things may merely be setgid shadow
18:57.57CutMeOwnThroatit could drop privileges
18:58.33vltHello. Any idea why a Debian 8 machine’s clock with running ntp would slow down several minutes a day?
18:58.36greycatIt would have to drop privileges after doing the authentication, or split itself into multiple tasks of varying privileges, at least one of which can still read the shadow file or whatever is needed.
18:59.11greycatvlt: If the clock is that broken, even NTP won't be able to tame it.
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19:00.07vltgreycat: What part of the system would have to be broken to slow down the system time?
19:00.19vltgreycat: The kernel?
19:00.48greycatThe motherboard.
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19:02.17crunchervlt, most probably you didnt set the hardware clock correctly
19:02.22jgornickHey folks, is it true that ifup will always return an exit code of 0 even if a if-pre-up.d script returns with a non-zero exit code?
19:02.42monodOK I uninstalled NetworkManager. But I was going to "redownload it". Yet I don't have a working ocnnection now
19:03.06CutMeOwnThroatseems we have a pam_exe script and that does indeed run as root, because it has to chown the directory to the user
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19:04.31vltcruncher: `hwclock` clock is only off a few seconds, while `date` several minutes.
19:04.37crunchermonod, you probably still have the deb files in your cache directory, so you dont need to redownload it, just reinstall then
19:04.50CutMeOwnThroatvlt, adjtimex?
19:05.12vltCutMeOwnThroat: no such command
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19:05.47CutMeOwnThroatnot every package is installed
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19:05.58ewewwill hel hwclock -s ?
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19:07.04crunchervlt, then it seems that ntp is setting the time wrong?
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19:07.21CutMeOwnThroatthis sounds like a job for adjtimex... a big systematic drift, that is....
19:07.30CutMeOwnThroatcruncher, how can that even be
19:07.40cruncherindeed, it is strange
19:07.45cruncherbut if the hardware clock time is correct, then you shouldnt worry about your motherboard
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19:08.12vltcruncher: Everytime I restart ntpd the time is set perfectly correct but then slowly looses minutes.
19:08.29cruncherhow slowly?
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19:08.47vltcruncher: Like 3 minutes a day
19:08.52CutMeOwnThroatwell, still sounds like you just want to set ADJ_FREQUENCY
19:09.46cruncheradjtimex sounds like a reasonable way to adjust the problem
19:09.52cruncherlike CutMeOwnThroat said
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19:10.37crunchervlt, and when it looses those 3 minutes, does the hwclock stil lshow the correct time?
19:11.02vltOk, I’ll try this. The problem is I still don’t understand the reason. I have had a lot of Debian systems and never exoerienced something liek this.
19:11.28vltcruncher: Yes, hwclock is quite correct.
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19:11.58CutMeOwnThroatwell, how does the linux system keep the time?
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19:12.49greycatcan't even figure out where ntpd is logging :(
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19:13.36vltCutMeOwnThroat: Using ntp?
19:13.53CutMeOwnThroatno, the normal system clock
19:14.27ironpillowhi all, when I do `ping` it shows `64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=53 time=4.08 ms` what is the `` ?
19:14.27vltI thought is was ntpd’s responsibility to keep the system time.
19:14.52NoImNotNineVoltit's a hostname.
19:14.55greycatNo, it's ntpd's responsibilty to monitor the system time and compare it against its known servers and advise the kernel "Hey, you need to speed up a bit" or "... slow down a bit"
19:14.59CutMeOwnThroatgreycat, maybe because it isn't in the default config?
19:15.04vltironpillow: It’s the reverse resolved hostname of that IP.
19:15.43ironpillowvlt: did not know that. thanks!
19:15.45CutMeOwnThroathmm, you are right... ntp actually does do the job of adjtimex, but automated by comparing with remote hosts
19:15.56NoImNotNineVolt1e100 = 1 googol
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19:16.43NoImNotNineVolt1e(1e100) = 1 googolplex
19:17.22NoImNotNineVoltand now you understand the math joke behind the company name as well as their corporate headquarters' name.
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19:17.48ironpillowyeah :)
19:17.55CutMeOwnThroatvlt, no, first, there is a kernel clock, which just counts something... basically uses a multiplier to the system frequency to measure time... that has an error that ntp then corrects... and greycat guessed the drift is just too big to correct for
19:18.06Slimmyheya guys. I am trying to capture packets using wireshark. However whenever I open it, it displays no interfaces. Why is that? Thanks in advance :)
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19:18.21crunchervlt, see into man page of hwlock, as it has a --update-drift option. But maybe you want to set first the correct time with the --hctosys parameter
19:18.40CutMeOwnThroatand I'd also say it's either that or you cannot reach the ntp servers... but as you say the time is set perfectly when you restart ntpd...
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19:19.04SlimmyRunning as root I will see the interfaces forgot to mention
19:19.11CutMeOwnThroatSlimmy, you're not root?
19:19.24CutMeOwnThroatyeah... well... what did you expect?
19:20.01SlimmyCutMeOwnThroat: There is no way to capture without being root?
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19:20.44vlt70 seconds ago I restarted ntpd, ran `hwclock --systohc` and then `hwclock; date`. The result: Thu Jun  9 21:19:34 2016  -0.981941 seconds \n Thu Jun  9 21:19:34 CEST 2016
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19:21.52CutMeOwnThroatSlimmy, you could give the process CAP_NET_RAW (and possibly CAP_NET_ADMIN) read man 7 capabilities
19:22.15SlimmyCutMeOwnThroat: Ok bud. ty
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19:23.12jellySlimmy: read /usr/share/doc/wireshark/README.Debian
19:23.26greycatSo, uh, ntpd(8) says "The default is the system log file".  Does that mean it calls syslog(3)?  Which facility/level?  Where's the info going?  Or isn't there any?
19:23.57Slimmyjelly: Reading the man page CutMeOwnThroat suggested and I will do as you suggested right after. Thanks
19:24.24*** join/#debian bgyl (~bgyl@
19:24.42greycatAh, this other machine has some ntpd lines in daemon.log.1.  Maybe the home box has simply been up so long that the ntpd lines have rotated out of the /var/log directory completely?
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19:25.11xroldxHello Wordk
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19:27.25Slimmyxrolfx: printf("Hey")
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19:29.33cyphixwhen I run apt-get ugprade, I get the list of the packages available for upgrade. Is is possible to present them with the old/new version number?
19:30.32cyphixnevermind, found it :)
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19:30.50CutMeOwnThroatcyphix, apt-get upgrade --dry-run?
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19:31.02greycatcyphix: that, or --print-uris
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19:31.36CutMeOwnThroathm, but that doesn't actually show the old version of the removed packages
19:31.39H4ndyapt list --upgradable --all-versions
19:31.47xroldxcan samebody help ?
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19:32.11cyphixapt-get -V upgrade just did what I wanted
19:32.11xroldxI have a trouble with my wifi adapter on my notebook
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19:32.51CutMeOwnThroathaha... using the ncurses interface of aptitude, it actually shows you both versions
19:33.12CutMeOwnThroatonly mine were truncated for the package I'd need to upgrade, so they looked the same
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19:34.29CutMeOwnThroatH4ndy, that's a good one... but I find it hard to believe only the new apt command can do that
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19:36.20awwalHow to drag the mouse pointer from monitor 1 to monitor 2 and vece-versa using keyboard bcoz of focusing reason?
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19:36.55awwalvice versa ^
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19:37.20xroldxhi anyone can help me ?
19:37.23calebwillxroldx: i'm sure someone can help you, but you'll need to provide mode details about the problem, what you've tried etc.
19:37.27CutMeOwnThroatxroldx, only if you describe the problem
19:37.41dpkgIf you have a question, just ask! For example: "I have a problem with ___; I'm running Debian version ___. When I try to do ___ I get the following output ___. I expected it to do ___." Don't ask if you can ask, if anyone uses it, or pick one person to ask. We're all volunteers; make it easy for us to help you. If you don't get an answer try a few hours later or on See <smart questions><errors>.
19:37.47CutMeOwnThroatso far it sounds like you tell your wifi to cook coffee, but it refuses to do so
19:38.03CutMeOwnThroatxroldx, have you installed the non-free firmware for it?
19:38.18cruncherawwal, do you want a command line solution?
19:38.24xroldxookk sorry, i'am new in this world
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19:38.35xroldxi follow this steps
19:38.39H4ndyCutMeOwnThroat: not sure, I am only using apt by now. apt upgrade -V seems close to it
19:39.41monodHello. No NetworkManager present in the system. How do I connect to internet now?
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19:39.56monodifup eht0 says "unknown interface" o.O
19:40.22monodah sure, because it's not in interfaces files
19:40.50rnd_monod: eht0 indeed does not exist, try eth0
19:41.03xroldxwhen I use the ping command, google site it returns me the normal command, but when I access a web page, it stops pinging
19:41.20H4ndyCutMeOwnThroat: * apt-get upgrade -V
19:41.30monodrnd_ ifup eth0 => same message
19:41.43H4ndyCutMeOwnThroat: but I don't see a reason not to use the new "apt" command, it's nice
19:42.01awwalcruncher, no clue, but anything is welcome. alt+tab does the trick but wondering if the is something more efficient
19:42.13awwalif there is ^
19:42.20xroldxCutMeOwnThroat, yes
19:42.52cruncherawwal, well, you can use xdotool mousemove x y, just make the x long enough for the pointer to show up on the 2nd monitor
19:43.01rnd_monod: try iwconfig
19:43.11cruncherif i understood you correctly and that is a solution
19:43.38monodrnd_ ok
19:43.47calebwillxroldx: i don't understand. you are able to ping, but you cannot load websites?
19:43.56monodrnd_ ifconfig *, :)
19:44.33cruncherawwal, but i doubt that would be more efficient than alt+tab, unless you bind it to some key maybe
19:44.49greycatcalebwill: sounded to me like any serious data transfers (web pages) cause the interface to stop working completely
19:45.01rnd_monod: iwconfig is there an eth0 interface? anyway how are you connected to the net? and whats the exact problem?
19:45.05greycatgranted, we could use a little more clarity in his description
19:45.17CutMeOwnThroatH4ndy, well... I see one... habit!
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19:45.23xroldxcalebwill, yes
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19:45.40l0xasI s debian 9 ready?
19:45.45xroldxi'm not home right now
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19:46.00calebwillxroldx: not home means you cannot troubleshoot it?
19:46.02H4ndyah well, I migrated quickly to it :D But I guess the -V switch is the best option you got for apt-get
19:46.09xroldxcalebwill, i'm not home right now
19:46.25monodrnd_ I uninstalled NetworkManager :( I'm from another computer right now, the other one being right next to me
19:46.34awwalcruncher, I heard about xdotool but never used it.  ok, i will look at that utility and check how i can make it do what I want to do. Of course I'll have to makve xdotool do that via keyboard shortcut, not opening a terminal and run X command just bcoz of mouse pointer, hehehe.
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19:47.01rnd_monod: service networking status
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19:47.34xroldxbut, i was use linux mint and the wifi working normal
19:47.41calebwillxroldx: perhaps you should come back when you're ready to work on it
19:47.46xroldxsorry for my poor English
19:48.06xroldxcalebwill, ok
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19:49.22xroldxwhen i get home, collect the maximum information that can
19:50.41monodrnd_ what should I look for?
19:50.43greycatIf it worked under mint, then you probably just need to install nonfree firmware, or *maybe* upgrade kernel, but that's more of a last restort unless you know your particular hardware requires it.
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19:51.21rnd_what does it says when you do status of networking?
19:51.27rnd_are you using gnome?
19:51.47rnd_apt-get install network-manager network-manager-gnome
19:52.05rnd_*if you unistalled netoworkmanager*
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19:52.40xroldxrnd_, gnome 3, it connects to the network
19:53.25rnd_xroldx: cat /etc/resolv.conf
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19:53.54monodrnd_ 'service networking status' shows a screenful of things :/ 'apt-get install network-manager ' results in "E: Unable to fetch from archives"
19:54.01xroldxbut when i try open a, ex: it stops ping and not open google
19:54.28xroldxrnd_, sorry man, i'm at home right now
19:54.58rnd_monod: go into your /etc/apt/sources.list
19:55.07monodrnd_ Ok sir
19:55.09rnd_and remove or comment E;
19:55.16rnd_it is trying to download from your CD-ROM
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19:55.37greycatwouldn't it have prompted for the CD to be inserted?
19:56.04greycatusually it's pretty obvious
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19:56.09monodnow that I look, there are some 'deb cdrom: ' lines, but they already are commented
19:56.10calebwillrnd_: monod: if the computer is not currently connected to any network, apt won't be able to install packages from network mirrors. is plugging the computer into an ethernet cable an option?
19:56.36monodcalebwill, plugged the cable, but don't know how to use it, NetworkManager is not present in the system :(
19:56.45monodI recall it being possible to use ifconfig
19:57.00monodmaybe I could find the syntax on internet and try
19:57.22rnd_have you tried to reboot the system
19:57.49monodrnd_, yeah, many times
19:57.58monodneedless to say, didn't solve
19:58.03monodwas it a joke? :)
19:58.05rnd_dpkg -l | grep network
19:58.06dpkgii  | grep network                 1.9-1.3           rnd_'s private gamp collection
19:58.08calebwillmonod: but you may want to remove the stanzas from /etc/network/interfaces after you get NetworkManager installed if that's what you want to use
19:58.09greycatAm I the only one who thinks this whole situation where "Network is configured in /etc/network/interfaces, unless you installed network-manager, then it's ..., or unless you did some crap in systemd, then it's ...." is a fucking disaster?
19:58.41rnd_he did some deep sh*t or something obvious like unplugged the cable...
19:59.16rnd_or maybe he deleted the realtek firmware for the ethernet
19:59.27rnd_god knows...
19:59.43monodgreycat :D calebwill: I wanted to configure wpa2 for use with eduroam (PEAP TTLS MSCHAPV2), but could only do with wpa_supplicant --parameters
19:59.57xroldxbye guys
20:00.03xroldxthks for the help
20:00.08monodwanted to do it with networkmanager, but I used a couple ifup/ifdown and NetworkManager stopped working
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20:00.35xroldxI apologize for anything
20:00.38monodgoing to try that link you wrote
20:00.47monodhave a good day xroldx
20:00.49rnd_ifconfic eth0 up?
20:01.01monodworks, in that it doesn't return strange messages
20:01.07xroldxlater I return with the problems at hand
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20:01.27monodbut can I ping some website? No, I can't
20:01.33rnd_and what about the dpkg -l | grep network output, do you have netowk manager?
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20:01.39xroldxthks monod you too
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20:02.12monodrnd_, rc  network-manager
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20:04.20monodcalebwill, I ended up writing 'auto eht0' and 'iface eth0 inet dhcp' in interfaces file
20:04.42monoddoing now a 'service networking restart'
20:04.51monodit's taking ages o.o
20:05.04calebwillmonod: "service networking restart" is deprecated, use "ifup eth0"
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20:05.17monodoh ok
20:05.31monod'ifup: interface eth0 already configured'
20:05.48calebwillmonod: "ifdown eth0 && ifup eth0"
20:05.55rnd_dhclient eth0
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20:06.12monodheh, which one? :D calebwill's or rnd_ first?
20:06.26rnd_it is logical
20:06.34monodooh ok
20:06.38rnd_your eth0 must be up
20:06.39monodifup first
20:06.54monod<3 <3 <3
20:06.56monodseems to work
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20:07.33monoddhclient eth0 => 'RTNETLINK answers: File exists'
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20:07.53greycatdon't run dhclient by hand if you've got dhcp in /etc/network/interfaces
20:08.06monodùah ok
20:08.15monodby the way, cannot ping anyone yet
20:08.26greycatThen why did you say "seems to work"?
20:08.26rnd_is eth0 up?
20:08.54monodbecause of 'renewal in 10247 seconds'
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20:09.02monodfrom last ifup eth0
20:09.12monodoh wow
20:09.14monodinternet works
20:09.16monodon eth0
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20:09.22monodping doesn't, >D
20:09.31rnd_change dns
20:09.48greycatWhat is "internet", then?  And what ping command are you doing?  What's working?  What's not?  On what's not working, what is the error?
20:10.13rnd_I think the box is up, just dis-configured. ;p
20:10.16monod'apt-get install network-manager network-manager-gnome' first guys :)
20:10.35monodthis is strange.
20:10.56monod"Available: ifupdown (eth0)"
20:11.09monodfrom NetworkManager's gnome menu
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20:11.34rnd_lol man... now Iam confused...
20:11.45rnd_i just thought we had a grip on that
20:11.45greycatI guess he means the apt-get worked.
20:12.03rnd_hope so
20:12.06monodthe only thing I don't understand is why it calls it "ifupdown"
20:12.13monodfor the rest, all worked fine
20:12.20monodI just have to try Wi-Fi now
20:12.22rnd_it hates how you treat him
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20:12.58monoddo you think Fedora is easier or harder to use in respect to Debian?
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20:13.04monodwhat do you think guys?
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20:13.19greycatIt's more a question of what you're used to.
20:13.47monodNow I unplugged the eth cable and wifi is not working :/
20:14.04monodis there a way to do a fresh reconfiguration of wifi?
20:14.13calebwillmonod: now that you have network-manager installed you'll probably want to "ifdown eth0" and remove the stanza from /etc/network/interfaces
20:14.30monodahhh right calebwill, thanks for reminding me
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20:14.47calebwillmonod: does network-manager give you an error? errors are how we know what went wrong.
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20:16.10monoduhm, I did smoething wrong now
20:16.51monodI removed the stanza before 'ifdown eth0'. => 'unknown interface eth0=eth0'
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20:17.23monodthen I put the stanza back in and did 'ifdown eth0' => 'eth0 not configured'
20:18.05monodand now 'ifup eth0' took a long time before completing
20:18.17monodif I give again 'ifup eth0', it says "already configured" now
20:18.40monodso I *now* do 'ifdown' and *then* remove the stanza
20:18.50monodis going to
20:18.54calebwillmonod: can you show us what your /etc/network/interfaces file looks like on ?
20:19.08greycatI think he has changed it at least 3 times in the last 30 seconds.
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20:19.37monodconnection does not work again, calebwill :/
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20:20.10monodokokok, 'ifdown eth0' did not complain about anything
20:20.19monodtime to remove the stanza, ok? :D
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20:21.51monodproblems with rfkill now!
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20:22.03monodthe hardware switch doesn't give any sign of life
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20:22.26monodcould 'systemd-rfkill' be of any help?
20:22.53AlexLikeRocksystemd = garbage
20:23.07monodnice to know :(
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20:23.43monod'rfkill: command not found' :(
20:23.54greycatI do my very best to avoid using any part of systemd other than the part that launches and monitors daemons.
20:24.22calebwillAlexLikeRock: it's not garbage, it's just new and people get emotional about change. it's also not relevant to the situation
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20:24.43calebwillmonod: you need to slow down and talk through what you're going to do, then do it. nobody here knows what is going on
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20:25.41AlexLikeRocksystemd are NOT   FREE SOFTWARE, calebwill
20:25.41monod'/etc/init.d/networking restart' and '/etc/init.d/network-manager restart' made my cable connection work again! :D
20:25.48teraflopsAlexLikeRock: lol
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20:26.02AlexLikeRockof course  teraflops  ;-)
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20:26.31teraflopsAlexLikeRock: yeah stop downloading torrents then we can talk about free sw
20:26.46monodOk, now I'm installing rfkill
20:26.51monodto unlock the hw switch
20:26.54monodgood/bad idea?
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20:27.38calebwillmonod: we don't know what prompted your need to install rfkill, all you said is "problems with rfkill now!"
20:28.04monodah right
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20:28.46monodnow that I installed rfkill, anyway... I notice that either the sw block or the hw one is always 'yes'
20:28.50AlexLikeRockteraflops,  -.-,  shut up !
20:28.56AlexLikeRockits  different
20:29.21monodI suppose that: hw block is the keyboard shortcut Fn + F3; and sw block is something like 'ifup wlan0' ?
20:29.39monod(which of course couldn't work because no wlan0 config in interfaces file)
20:29.45monodare you with me calebwill ?
20:30.10calebwillmonod: rfkill has nothing to do with ifupdown and the /e/n/interfaces file
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20:30.34monodah ok
20:30.59monodcan we start back from "how to make wlan0 work" now then? :)
20:31.09monodeth0 works, managed by NM now
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20:32.05mutantesometimes it sounds like all those manager tools start out to make stuff easier and later they cause new trouble
20:32.06calebwillmonod: do you have a WPS2-Personal network you can connect to? I bet that works
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20:32.25monodI do have one available, yea
20:32.32monodso, I unplug the cable and...
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20:32.55monodin NetworkManager's gnome applet, it says "Wi-Fi is disabled"
20:33.00monodas if it was not being managed
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20:34.17calebwillmonod: NetworkManager on Debian by default ignores interfaces defined in /e/n/interfaces (and it would way unmanaged). Wifi is disabled is a different thing, either it is disabled with a switch/key combo, or rfkill. NetworkManager can probably enable wifi by itself
20:34.22zykotick9monod: note, i know N-M will give a message like "not managed" when /etc/network/interfaces is being used...
20:35.06monodyou're both right
20:35.18monodI recall the "not managed" too
20:35.46monodI managed to get rfkill unblocked now, so I'm going to /etc/init.d/{networking,network-manager} restart now
20:36.30calebwillmonod: why do you keep restarting the networking script? since Debian 6 you're not really supposed to do this, and it really only has any effect on stuff defined in /e/n/interfaces
20:36.56monodbecause I didn't really know :/ and of course WiFi is still disabled according to N-M
20:37.03monodI'm all ears :)
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20:37.39calebwillmonod: basically the only thing /etc/init.d/networking is there to do is bring up interfaces at boot, just leave it alone now :)
20:37.58monodOk, will do!
20:38.06NoImNotNineVoltis there documentation for dh-systemd?
20:38.16calebwillmonod: the N-M gui doesn't have an option to enable the wifi? you have no hardware switch or keyboard shortcut on the computer to enable/disable wifi?
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20:39.08monodoh jesus, forgot to check "Enable WiFi"
20:39.16monodsorry for my distraction
20:39.28monodmaaaany kudos
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20:40.13calebwillmonod: so at this point you should 1) test if N-M can connect to a more common WPA2-Personal network. 2) tell us the exact error you get when you connect to the eduroam PEAP/MSCHAPv2 network
20:40.35monodyou read my mind calebwill, I was going to say: Ok, can I now ask how can I configure a special WiFi connection that uses WPA2-Enterprise PEAP TTLS MSCHAPV2?
20:40.45monodWPA2 connects just fine now
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20:41.07calebwillmonod: also next time you're having a problem with a service like N-M, stop/disable it for troubleshooting before you uninstall it :)
20:41.16NoImNotNineVoltanyone? is there any documentation for dh-systemd? there's no man page, and there's nothing in the repo...
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20:41.40monodcalebwill, the prob with eduroam was that when I try and load a ca-cert, the OK button keeps being grey
20:41.45NoImNotNineVoltdo i need to harass people on oftc to get information, or is there a document somewhere that i can refer to?
20:41.56ryoumais there a log, or a signal sent on say on the ddc/ci (i2c bus), when the monitor is turned off?  i'd like to detect monitor on/off without polling.  i'm aware that i can poll every 5m using xset -q, and that is my fallback if i don't get an answer.
20:42.10NoImNotNineVoltor should i just do everything explicitly in postinst, etc
20:42.19NoImNotNineVoltand disregard the debhelper.
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20:42.39ryoumamy other fallback is an idle timer -- recommendations for debian idle timers?
20:42.40c0mradeI am thinking of starting my own hosting business. What should I take into consideration and how should this happen if someone has experience?
20:44.56calebwillNoImNotNineVolt: "dpkg -L dh-systemd" lists a couple of man pages. If you're working on a package to include in Debian you could ask on #debian-mentors on OFTC
20:46.28calebwillmonod: you could try editing the file for the connection in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections.
20:46.34NoImNotNineVoltcalebwill: better than what i had, thanks.
20:46.44monodahhh ok
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20:46.58monodso I should research what the correct parameters are to be put in that cfg file
20:47.07monodfor WPA2 TTLS PEAP MSCHAPV2
20:47.09monodby hand
20:47.12NoImNotNineVoltthough i was hoping for documentation that's a bit more... holistic...
20:47.15monodinstead of using the gui for N-M
20:47.28calebwillmonod: i don't know what eduroam is but it might be common enough to use as a search term
20:47.48monoddidn't find anything unfortunately -_-
20:47.51monodworst day ever
20:48.00monod8h wasted kind of
20:48.32calebwillmonod: if it's a custom CA certificate you need to add, you could consider adding it system-wide with the instructions in /usr/share/doc/ca-certificates/README.Debian
20:49.04monodI did add it to /usr/share/ca-certificates/extra/foo.cer
20:49.13monodand dpkg-reconfigure
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20:49.27monodcalled with "ca-certificate" as parameter iirc
20:49.30monodbut whatever
20:49.49calebwillmonod: don't put local/manually install stuff in /usr/share/... use /usr/local. See the instructions again
20:49.59monodah ok
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20:52.02calebwillmonod:   <--- see what it says about system-ca-certs=true. (Not a big fan of "sudo gedit", use vim or nano or something non-X11 when root)
20:52.03monodmany thanks again to everyone, I can finally get back to work!!
20:52.15calebwillmonod: did you get it working?
20:52.38monodI'll bookmark that link for later, I'm not in range for eduroam at the moment
20:53.02calebwillmonod: oh, well good luck
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20:56.03monodI'll quit IRC to cut down on distractions! See you next time!
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21:07.38de_putaI can't play any movies via VLC or Totem.
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21:08.43de_putaHere's the output running VLC via terminal:
21:09.26NoImNotNineVoltso dh-systemd takes debian/*.service and installs them in the proper location?
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21:09.32NoImNotNineVoltis that actually documented somewhere?
21:09.50de_putaHere's for Totem:
21:09.59NoImNotNineVoltthe man pages included with the dh-systemd package are specific to functions provided by dh-systemd.
21:10.01markybob,v vlc
21:10.02juddPackage: vlc on amd64 -- squeeze-security: 1.1.3-1squeeze6; squeeze: 1.1.3-1squeeze6; squeeze-backports: 2.0.3-5~bpo60+2; wheezy-security: 2.0.3-5+deb7u2+b1; wheezy: 2.0.3-5+deb7u2+b1; squeeze-backports-sloppy: 2.0.5-1~bpo60+1; wheezy-backports: 2.1.5-1~bpo70+1; jessie: 2.2.1-1~deb8u1; stretch: 2.2.3-2; jessie-security: 2.2.4-1~deb8u1; sid: 2.2.4-1; wheezy-multimedia:
21:10.03judd1:2.0.6-dmo3+deb7u1; jessie-multimedia: 1:2.2.1-dmo3+deb8u1; sid-multimedia: 1:2.2.4-dmo1
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21:10.09NoImNotNineVoltbut i can't find any holistic documentation about dh-systemd overall.
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21:10.33de_putaI'm am using a Debian 8.5 XFCE.
21:10.41de_putaNonfree version
21:10.56de_putaIt has nonfree firmware support.
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21:11.14greycatWait... the jessie-security version of vlc is HIGHER than the stretch version?
21:11.27naptasticI'm on sid, and xz is version 5.1.0 beta. Version 5.2.2 has been out since September. Is there a reason there's no update? (I want threads support...)
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21:11.37markyboband wtf did you get this "non-free" vlc?
21:11.42greycatnaptastic: file a wishlist bug report
21:11.56de_putaVLC came with XFCE.
21:12.20NoImNotNineVolt< de_puta> It has nonfree firmware support.
21:12.31calebwillNoImNotNineVolt: did you find ? (i'm still amateur at packaging)
21:12.39de_putaNah I was saying that I'm using Debian Stable that has nonfree firmware support.
21:12.48markybobdebian doesn't have non-free vlc. it's in main
21:12.49de_putaDidn't use the netinst on Debian front page.
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21:13.03NoImNotNineVolti did, but perhaps i should reread it at this point :P
21:13.26de_putaHave you seen the Debian Paste links?
21:13.27greycatmarkybob: judd just said jessie-security has version 2.2.4
21:13.29NoImNotNineVolti've successfully packaged a bunch of things with systemd support...
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21:13.44markybobgreycat: i saw that. that's why i asked if he was on stretch
21:13.59naptasticgreycat, thanks. I'll try to find if one is already open.
21:14.02de_putaI'm using Stable.
21:14.04NoImNotNineVoltbut i'm trying to do something a little more interesting with this package, and for that i need to have a better understanding of what exactly dh --with systemd is doing
21:14.10haltHi all, I have a generic enough question that I'm not even sure it's relevant here, but as I'm seeking for debian standard solutions I hope it is,so I have a debian server which once a day need to run some BI things, which do a big fat diff, I'm moving the current big fat server to a new small vm as that's enough for the normal usage, BUT the diff run into the "diff: memory exhausted" issue, what is the alternative to diff available in debian ?
21:14.28NoImNotNineVoltthat link says it runs dh_systemd_enable and dh_systemd_start at the correct time during build, which makes sense..
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21:14.39NoImNotNineVoltbut it doesn't say that it does anything with debian/*.service files
21:14.58NoImNotNineVoltbut _something_ is installing those files, and according to the documentation of those two helpers, it's not the helpers :P
21:15.18calebwillde_puta: does VLC work for a different user or if you move "~/.config/vlc" some place else? What is the story with the nvidia drivers on your systemd, did you switch from proprietary back to nouveau?
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21:16.50de_putaI haven't tweaked any graphics setting, which reminds me. I should probably switch to a nonfree graphics mode?
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21:17.20calebwillhalt: BI? also is diff running on one big file, or several files? maybe rsync or git would work better for you depending on what you're doing
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21:18.22calebwillde_puta: in your paste, lines 5 and 6 complain about missing Perhaps you configured VLC to use it? Or maybe this library used to be there? This is why I suggested running VLC as different user or with config dir moved (to test with default settings)
21:19.29haltcalebwill: BI in this case Business intelligence, few big files ( ascii dump ) and from the diff we generate SQL not sure how git or rsync whould help
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21:21.20awwalnew ---» firefox-esr
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21:22.36de_putaSorry got disconnected.
21:22.44de_putaSo yeah, can't play videos with VLC or Totem.
21:23.14de_putaHow do I go about this?
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21:23.44calebwillde_puta: in your paste, lines 5 and 6 complain about missing Perhaps you configured VLC to use it? Or maybe this library used to be there? This is why I suggested running VLC as different user or with config dir moved (to test with default settings)
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21:24.28de_putaWould running it as root be ok?
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21:24.36de_putaDon't feel like creating a user?
21:25.01naptasticdon't run it as root. That won't help, and it's dangerous.
21:25.02calebwillde_puta: no, don't run GUI stuff as root
21:25.42calebwillde_puta: if you don't want to create a new user for troubleshooting, move the ~/.config/vlc directory somewhere else
21:25.46naptastic(I saw this a while ago... I think the solution was to install something from experimental... but I don't remember)
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21:26.38de_putaMoving didn't work.
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21:27.02naptasticI think there's a package missing. Hang on, I'm trying to find what I found last time...
21:27.22de_putaOk, thanks a lot!
21:27.22calebwillinstalling something from experimental is NEVER the solution for debian stable
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21:27.33naptasticoh you're on stable?
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21:28.41naptasticde_puta, does exist anywhere on your system?
21:28.56naptastic(I'm guessing there's a symlink missing.)
21:29.08calebwillde_puta: perhaps you could put "apt-cache policy" in a paste?
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21:30.19de_putaHold on...
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21:36.10menacewill icedove rebranded to thunderbird too until stretch is coming out?
21:36.11calebwillde_puta: okay i suspected third-party software. maybe you did something like run an nvidia installer?
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21:37.04DelfAny reason sources.list doesn't do https?
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21:37.10DelfBy default…
21:37.19rudi_sDelf: Because the packages are all digitally signed.
21:37.22de_putaBecause it's not a website?
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21:37.26de_putaI don't know lol.
21:38.03DelfDigitally signed so there's no need to encrypt the transfer, I see. Because third party cannot modify and sign them
21:38.14Delfthirt party… middle man
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21:38.52de_putaMakes sense I guess?
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21:39.21rudi_sDelf: Well, there's (normally) no need to encrypt because the content is public anyway. And the signature ensures the authenticity of the data.
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21:39.26calebwillDelf: the public keys used to verify the signed packages are included on the installation media. The installation media have hashsum files, which are available by https
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21:39.43babilendpkg: secure apt
21:39.44dpkg[apt-secure] Starting with version 0.6, <APT> performs signature checking of the Release file for all archives.  See , "man apt-secure" and chapter 7 of the Securing Debian Manual (ask me about <securing debian>) for more information.  The archive signing key can be found at .  See also <key>, <no public key>.
21:40.07DelfThank you :D
21:40.17babilenRead up on secure apt ..
21:40.38Delfwill do this
21:41.15de_putacalebwill: You still there?
21:41.20babilenThere might be *other* reasons for using https, but you should be safe without it. I guess that you know about apt-transports-https already, but I mention it just in case you don't.
21:42.03calebwillde_puta: yes. i don't really know what your issue is. perhaps you could tell us about the graphics drivers you are using.
21:42.23de_putaWhat command should I use for that?
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21:43.42jhutchinshttps doesn't really provide any advantage in the kinds of transactions apt does.  It would probably be a (minor) performance hit as well.  Better suited by static verification.
21:44.30babilenjhutchins: There might still be good reasons why you would want your traffic between your box and the Debian archive to not be too easily observed
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21:45.07calebwillde_puta: a paste of your /var/log/Xorg.0.log could help. You say you did not install nvidia drivers, but I don't know why VLC is trying to use this nvidia vdpau library
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21:46.12jhutchinsbabilen: I think anybody with concerns like that would be obfuscation their traffic anyway.
21:47.27babilenOne doesn't rule out the other. As I said: There might be *other* reasons [apart from making apt secure] to use https and that is one example
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21:49.07jhutchinsI would think that on the scale that the mirrors operate, the overhead of encryption would not be insignificant.
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21:50.16menacecould i do apt with x509 client certificates? so only clients with certain certificates have access if i have my own mirror?
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21:55.04[Saint]Does anyone have any experience with, or know of suitable documentation for, making a secure (or in fact any) wireless connection in an early-boot initramfs load?
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21:55.54[Saint]Idea being to not be tied to eth for remote unlocking of a system with full disk encryption.
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21:58.42[Saint]At the moment for the few server/service type boxes we have that are connected using wireless we're using a USB key to automagically unlock the system at boot time if the USB key is present.
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21:59.29[Saint]But the idea of leaving the keys in there isn't one that I particularly admire, and even though the boxes get restarted very infrequently it is still a pain in the tits to go around and plug the boot key in and then boot and decrypt, etc.
22:00.00[Saint]So being able to do it wirelessly from early boot would be ideal, but I can only find solutions to handle doing so on a wired network.
22:00.31menaceand how would you avoid replay attacks? O_o
22:01.00menacean usb stick is not an active component. or do you want to install a little AP which authenticates?
22:01.08menaceinstead of the usb stick?
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22:01.49[Saint]ie. early boot brings up an AP that would allow for ecryptfs details to be passed.
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22:02.20[Saint]handling trusted clients on the wireless isn't problematic.
22:02.29menacehow does the AP know the machine is the right machine and not an impersonator?
22:03.17menaceperhaps additional x509 certificates in early boot stage? :D
22:04.19[Saint]it doesn't need to, really. even if by some miracle anyone managed to unlock the full disk encryption they would then be faced with only being able to log in under ssh with a metric fucktonne of prerequisites - key, passphrase, 2fa, user, hostname, MAC, and port-knock-code auth before anything gets through on ssh.
22:04.46ironpillowhi I am installing debian jessie as domU via debootstrap on Xen 4.6. If I have `size=700M` I am getting an error: `[Errno 2] No such file or directory. Error opening /boot/initrd.img- in guest` But when I set size=1G, it starts fine but out of 976M only 59% is used. any ideas?
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22:06.06[Saint]ideally, once I know _how_ to spin up a wireless AP in initramfs early boot, then I can implement server and clients agreeing on a random seed for AP credential generation as well.
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22:06.25[Saint]but I can't for the life of me manage to spin up even a basic wireless connection in early boot.
22:06.42[Saint]does anyone know of any documentation for this? my google-fu fails me.
22:06.49menaceperhaps you could use dracut instead of initramfs-tools?
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22:07.13menacesome drivers are missing in initramfs-tools as far as i know...
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22:20.47aserwwHey! Is debian Jessie's iceweasel/firefox-esr browser supposed to be now "firefox" (it is in my debian jessie at least)? I thought that it was only rebranded back to firefox in the next version of debian.
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22:24.57awwalaserww, all fine
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22:25.36juddBug in iceweasel (open): «Renaming Iceweasel to Firefox»; severity: normal; opened: 2016-02-17; last modified: 2016-06-01.
22:26.03aserwwawwal, okay. The package page in seems to be then out of date or is it?
22:26.38[Saint]out of date, no, deprecated, yes.
22:26.57awwalaserww, check the bug ^  all is discussed there
22:27.11awwalalso check the changelogs :P
22:27.21aserwwI will, thank you! :)
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22:55.19aaron83hi there, my openvpn server assign same ip to all client..any help please?
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23:46.49_|x|_hello. I recently tried to build mesa on my own, and ended up being unable to start x. I then manually reinstalled everything, but now my gl string is only 3.0 and i cant rotate with xrandr. I've done some searching but havent come up with anything helpful
23:46.57_|x|_does anyone offhand understand this?
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23:48.43petn-randall_|x|_: If you at some point did a 'make install' as root I recommend reinstalling your system.
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23:49.15_|x|_really? i tracked the installed files and removed them. is that not enough?
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23:50.27petn-randall_|x|_: Obviously you didn't fully succeed.
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23:53.44MrBarhello dudes
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