IRC log for #debian on 20160409

00:00.06*** join/#debian fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
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00:01.59travis_I'm trying to install debian squeeze netinst when it gets to select and install software it comes up with error "an installation step failed...." is there a fix for this or should i just try a cd image
00:02.15markybobtravis_: squeeze is no longer in the repos
00:02.26markybobtravis_: have a problem
00:02.37markybobtravis_: it's been archived. it's that old
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00:02.49travis_wait whats the current then lmao
00:03.01travis_wait wait
00:03.02markybobtravis_: jessie
00:03.03dpkgJessie is the codename for the current <stable> release, Debian 8, released on 2015-04-25: .  Jessie is the cowgirl in Toy Story 2.  See and ask me about <install jessie> <release notes> <wheezy->jessie>.  Currently <8.4>.
00:03.06travis_i mean stretch
00:03.11travis_im doing stretch netinst my bad
00:03.20markybobtravis_: stretch's installer is known to be broken
00:03.35markybobtravis_: you don't use testing installer to install testing. you install stable then dist-upgrade
00:03.43markybobtravis_: but if you don't know that you probably shouldn't do it
00:04.15travis_ahh the issue with me is that my wifi adapter isnt supported in stables kernel ... i guess icould just load and install a kernel on a usb stick after tho
00:04.19dvs's favorite factoid
00:04.42dvstravis_, which adapter is that?
00:04.45markybobtravis_: jessie-backports has 4.4 kernel. same as testing
00:04.56travis_dlink dwa-130 not sure which version
00:05.13dvstravis_, get the unofficial firmware one
00:05.21markybob!firmware installer
00:05.21dpkgDebian-Installer is able to load  additional <firmware>, by including it within installation media  or supplying on removable media (e.g. USB stick, floppy).  See .  To include firmware within Debian <netboot> images, see .  See also <firmware images>.
00:05.55markybob!tell travis_ about firmware images
00:06.04travis_right I got the firmware for it to install stretch ... I can use that same firmware while installing jessie right?
00:06.27dvstravis_, The firmware installer comes with the firmware
00:06.30markybobtravis_: jessie has it's own firmware installer. use that
00:06.48travis_kk will see what I can do and come back if I have issues, thanks guys
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00:07.44travis_downloading now thx bro
00:10.13travis_unrelated question but I use dd a lot ... do you guys know any flags I can use to show % moved when using dd.. for example if im moving that debian netinst image to a usb and do dd if=/home/../diskimage of=/dev/sdb
00:10.16*** join/#debian solrize (~solrize@unaffiliated/solrize) recommends downloading iso by jigdo, but there's no apt package for it?
00:10.33markybobtravis_: the install guide tells you to cp image.iso /dev/sdb
00:10.58solrizeit's on a non-debian site belonging to some guy, and it says it's now unmaintained
00:11.05travis_oh okk
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00:33.56travis_If I have 250 Gb how much should I make for / and how much for /home?
00:34.08travis_and why not put it all on /
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00:35.39jonathan_zzPersonally I make very small root but maybe that would not be helpful for you.
00:35.59TiCPUI usually have 20GB for / on servers but on personal, I have most of the time 60GB and above since I don't care as much about separating the OS from data
00:36.04nevyndepends on usage
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00:36.27nevyninstalls more stuff on desktops so /usr can get kinda chunky
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00:36.44jonathan_zzmyself i create volume for data, currently I have my data encrypted but not system.
00:36.49TiCPUthat may explain my 60GB too, nevyn ;)
00:37.29travis_ahh. I keep a lot of movies and music so I guess I'll stick with small /
00:38.01TiCPUright now on this personnal PC I have root at 30GB / 40GB and the bulk of my data is in /mnt/btrfs in that case which has some subvolumes mapped to /home and /srv
00:38.49jonathan_zzmy (kubuntu) root is 10GB of 16GB now
00:39.09jonathan_zzbut I install games etc. on my data
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00:39.57travis_yuck kubuntu xD ... you got any suggestions for free games though ? :D
00:40.06TiCPU/srv containing shared movies and music, also torrents and /home having random stuff, sources, compiled binaries and documents so it amounts to some GB too, but BTRFS snapshots are really handy in this subvolume
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00:40.59jonathan_zzno and actually the only game I open atm doesn't run fast enough on linux.
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00:41.26travis_ahh what game is that? I play MC and CS:GO and Dota 2
00:41.36jonathan_zzguildwars 2
00:41.44isuldorI can't seem to turn off rpcbind. Nothing I plan to use requires it. what's up with that?
00:41.51travis_I find dota 2 is great on linux but I always have latency issues on linux gaming
00:42.10jonathan_zzmy mouse disappears in dota 2 after I view a match, so I haven't even tried playing it yet.
00:42.46AoriousWorks great for me, CS:GO too, after enabling the US locale.
00:43.18TiCPUisuldor, you can simply purge the package since it is mostly used by NFS
00:43.26jonathan_zzgw2 I just get very low framerate on this system, some 12fps, was better on Windows.
00:43.45isuldorTiCPU: roger that
00:44.00travis_idk in windows I always get an average 25-100ms ping on games but linux its always 800+ms... I know its probably not linux specifically but my network adapters and the drivers
00:44.24jonathan_zzand it crashes after a while due to an m_ioCount assertion or something like that.
00:44.53jonathan_zzthat's odd.
00:45.17travis_Damn it I need a LoL linux port. TFW it'll never happen #feelsbadman :(
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00:45.48AoriousI try to avoid supporting games that do not support my platform.
00:46.25jonathan_zzit seems you can use kvm to push your discrete gpu to the guest os so you can just game on Windows with 100% performance :p.
00:46.51travis_damn daniel
00:46.52AoriousYes, however there are issue switching your gpu from host to guest on the fly, apparently.
00:47.35jonathan_zzthe one that I saw do it used onboard for linux and discrete for guest.
00:47.37AoriousSo if you want to play a game native on linux, than switch to something on windows virtualise, there is room to improve.
00:47.45jonathan_zzand then dual-connected his monitor.
00:47.48travis_but what if you were to have ... 2 gpu's
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00:47.55AoriousWaste of gpus.
00:47.56travis_could I give 1 to linux and 1 to windows VM
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00:48.25jonathan_zzyeah if you have onboard and discrete you can do that apparently.
00:48.51jonathan_zzbut then you cannot game on Linux perhaps.
00:49.14AoriousWithout restarting, unless you want instability.
00:49.32AoriousMight as well dual boot.
00:49.39jonathan_zzI hate that.
00:49.43jonathan_zzI hate rebooting to begin with :p.
00:49.57AoriousAs do I... as do I.
00:50.06travis_lmao my desktop stays on for weeks at a time no joke
00:50.15travis_I just like the LED's to light up my room
00:51.06travis_in netinst Debian desktop evironment is literally the same as GNOME right? why is there 2 options
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00:51.19esotericnonsenseuses pci vga passthrough
00:51.29jonathan_zzyou'll be like, I want to rip my audio cds in linux, but I want to play a game in Windows.... and now I have to choose which one to do..... but ripping audio cds without the game to play is boring, and playing the game without ripping the cds is unproductive :p.
00:51.51TiCPUesotericnonsense, using libvirt??
00:52.05TiCPUor should I say, Qemu
00:52.11AoriousWINE is bareable.
00:52.11esotericnonsensehost gets a less powerful GPU, if I want to play linux games, I can boot a linux vga passthrough VM :P
00:52.26esotericnonsenseTiCPU: yes, qemu/kvm/libvirt
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00:52.27jonathan_zzI couldn't get Diablo 2 to play full screen
00:52.28jonathan_zzback then
00:52.53TiCPUI'll have to give it a try now that I know
00:53.08Aoriousesotericnonsense, OHHHHH, I never thought of that.
00:53.15travis_I played a pretty old Windows game a couple months ago through wine ... its gotta be like 10 years old and it couldnt for some reason get text right.. it appeared as just random symbols that werent even letters
00:53.19esotericnonsensethe main problems really just surround pci reset which is a card-by-card thing
00:53.30TiCPUhowever, since I switched to Core i7 6700K I have problem with the Skylake video so I have to use an NVidia card I had laying around. :(
00:53.40esotericnonsensemy gtx960 is flawless, my cheapo geforce 210 often requires a reboot
00:54.17markybobTiCPU: which kernel?
00:54.36esotericnonsenseafter a fresh reboot, i can get a W7 guest on both cards and play lan on the same machine with 2xKB/mouse/monitor
00:54.36TiCPUI tried 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4
00:54.39markybobTiCPU: yeah you have to use 4.5 for skylake.
00:54.55dvsTiCPU, you just have to backport the intel X driver
00:54.55TiCPU... damn, let me reboot :)
00:55.10esotericnonsenseso for about 100-150GBP you have lan against your friends
00:55.19esotericnonsenseless if you already have dual monitor
00:55.40jonathan_zzfunky, like a game console
00:55.48TiCPUdvs, I'm currently on ubuntu 16.04, not debian on this computer, which version of the xorg driver?
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00:56.22travis_how do I get nvidia binary driver for my 750ti in debian? never done it in debian before but installing the .run driver from nvidias website broke x on my LM machine so im worried lol
00:56.31jonathan_zzthis pc has GT 640, I have another one in the home not connected with R9 380
00:56.37dvsTiCPU, dunno about the ubuntu version.  I just used the one in jessie-backports and it worked.
00:56.38TiCPUapt cache says Candidate: 2:2.99.917+git20160325-1ubuntu1
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00:56.51TiCPUI'll go check what version they are on stretch
00:56.58jonathan_zzooh I never use the .run, way too complicated.
00:57.07travis_no its easy xD
00:57.11jonathan_zzon ubuntu there's just packages
00:57.12esotericnonsensei'd like to get another card that behaves a bit more than the gf210, but without having concrete evidence it seems like i'd have to overpay
00:57.13AoriousIts wayyy easier.
00:57.20travis_I mean it broke my LM system but I think its just because I was using mdm
00:57.28markybobtravis_: yeah it's easy and it breaks shit. don't suggest it
00:57.39esotericnonsensegtx960 is too expensive to justify, there's probably something for 50 quid that would work but if it doesn't, waste of time/money
00:57.48dpkgWhere possible, Nvidia graphic processing units are supported using the open source <nouveau> driver on Debian systems by default.  To install the proprietary "nvidia" driver, see or ask me about <nvidia dkms>, <nvidia legacy>; installing this directly from (i.e. with <nvidia-installer>) is _not_ supported in #debian, please go to #nvidia on
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00:57.48jonathan_zzwhen I tried I couldn't even get the 32-bit drivers running.
00:57.52travis_markybob how can i get it on debian then lol
00:57.55markybobsee. not supported if you do that
00:58.05TiCPUdvs: Stretch seems to be on 2:2.99.917+git20160307-2 so I'm good :)  I'll install kernel 4.5 and reboot on my Intel card, it has been 2 months since I last tried
00:58.05markybobtravis_: you read the wiki and follow the guide
00:58.31markybob!tell travis_ about dontbreakdebian
00:58.56travis_damn it wiki's are my greatest enemy
00:59.06travis_lolol jk ill read it
00:59.18markybobtravis_: well just don't give bad info
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00:59.27TiCPUthose damn .run files yea
00:59.37markybobTiCPU: btw, testin support is on #debian-next on per /topic
00:59.45travis_"NVIDIA, FUCK YOU!"
01:00.10themillwonders where the signal:noise knob is
01:00.11TiCPUmarkybob, you're right
01:00.34jonathan_zznewest nvidia driver gives a lot of issues though, needs workaround in many games.
01:01.29travis_^ think thats the one that broke my whole lm machine lmao
01:01.43jonathan_zzwhat is lm? btw
01:01.44TiCPUmarkybob, did debian decided to switch to oftc recently? (since freenode changed some rules I think?)
01:01.48travis_linux mint
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01:02.09travis_aka ubuntu
01:02.17themillTiCPU: if 10 years ago is recent
01:02.19markybobTiCPU: no. a few years ago
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01:02.39jonathan_zzborderlands2 needs a workaround (extra parameter/shell variable).
01:03.21TiCPUwell, I did not know and was mislead by some recent spam in #freenode
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01:04.30skytrashnetstat -tulpn
01:04.39skytrashdamn it
01:06.27jonathan_zzborderlands2 needs this as launch command: __GLVND_DISALLOW_PATCHING=1 %command%
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01:08.26jonathan_zzI believe Dota 2 required this commented in the .sh: export __GL_THREADED_OPTIMIZATIONS=1
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01:25.29boserhello, i have a litle question regard the X11-Server in debian(Jessie). Where find i the konfiguration files? (zb.) for the monitor, to set a resolution?
01:26.20dpkgFrom Debian 5.0 "Lenny" onwards, xorg mostly configures itself.  Resolution is set by your monitor/graphics card (unless they're broken), by your desktop environment or <xrandr>.  From Debian 6.0 "Squeeze", input hotplugging saves duplicating settings and restarting X after changes.  The /etc/X11/xorg.conf file is usually no longer needed and is often blank.  Manual configuration is still possible, see <xorg manual config>.
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01:29.21boserdpkg: for your, as information. I have two pc on one monitor and if i switch between the two pc, the resolution is gone, so that i get only the default resoulution. taht's my problem.
01:29.22dpkgboser: I think you lost me on that one
01:29.39dvsdpkg: what are you
01:29.39dpkgI am an infobot.  For more information, ask me about <infobot>.
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01:30.37boserdpkg: xorg manual config
01:30.37dpkgFrom Debian 5.0 "Lenny" onwards, you can often use an <empty xorg.conf>.  To configure your keyboard layout for both X and console, run «dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration».  If you have further things you wish to configure, use "X -configure" ("X -configure :1" if server is already active) to produce a xorg.conf template.  See also <xorg hal>.
01:32.23themillboser: it's most likely you need to fiddle with the xrandr command
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01:38.00boserthx to all and bot. :-) i have now my xorg.conf file. :-) after 8 hours of searching. ;-)
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01:44.44TiCPUmarkybob, dvs: currently on latest xorg driver and kernel 4.6-rc2 on the intel card, now let's have youtube running 30 minutes to see if I get a total lockup
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02:07.58tacoinanusThe last time I did a debian install on my laptop, I had it install all the recommended packages, so I had all these other applications, but with this most recent install, I've had to manually install things like iceweasel, and pretty much everything else. I didn't have a gui when it was installed. How do I get it to have all of the normal packages?
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02:09.00markybobtacoinanus: so it sounds like you used netinst. it gave you an option of what to install. apparently you selected nothing
02:09.06markybobtacoinanus: so what do you want? gnome?
02:10.03tacoinanusI've already got the gui set up, I'm really just looking for system setting type stuff
02:10.26markybobtacoinanus: yes, but which? i'm trying to pick which task package to tell you to use
02:10.43tacoinanusOh, well gnome will work fine then.
02:10.48tacoinanusThank you
02:11.03markybobtacoinanus: install task-gnome-desktop
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02:23.23Xtopheruscan someone explain to me what exactly the different is between selecting built-in or modularized when compiling custom kernel ?
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02:40.30isuldorI think (and I could be wrong) it is whether the package is installed in the base image, or on the overlay
02:41.16isuldoractually nvm, I was thinking of a different kernel config
02:42.25tacoinanusI seem to be having a difficult time getting my sound to work. I just build this pc today. I've made sure nothing is muted with alsa mixer, and my guess now is that I need a driver or something.
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02:55.50Exagone313Hi, just installed stretch and my second screen is not detected. Also, os-prober doe snot detect my windows 10 partition (on another drive, not EFI) so I can't add it on the grub. What can I do for both? Thanks for your help.
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02:58.06Xtopherusthanks isuldor
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03:02.41travis_exagone313 why isnt windows efi and debian is? I think you could reinstall the windows bootloader in efi and that might fix it
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03:07.28Exagone313travis_: I won't touch windows
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03:07.58Exagone313debian isn't installed in EFI
03:08.07jimsome people won't do windows either
03:09.08Exagone313I'm moving to debian, but if I can't use a dual boot, I am gonna replace it by ubuntu :(
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03:09.41jimwhat does the jessie netinstall image do when uefi (and the appropriate partition, and bios settings) are all present?
03:10.03travis_YOu might still be able to boot windows without grub you know
03:10.17Exagone313yes with bios menu
03:10.18travis_go to your boot priority and see if windows boot mgr still shows up
03:10.28Exagone313but I want to add it to grub
03:10.30travis_did you update-grub
03:10.46Exagone313os-prober prints nothing, and update-grub finds only linux
03:10.51travis_su update-grub or sudo update-grub ... there is also ways of doing it manually
03:10.56jimExagone313, do whichever you want... but... if you go with ubuntu, you'll have to continue this part in #ubuntu
03:11.08Exagone313I tried to mount windows partition, the same
03:11.19travis_is secure boot disabled inside windows
03:11.38Exagone313I didn't disabled it, so I think it's on
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03:11.52Exagone313ok I'm gonna try to disable it
03:12.04poliHow does initramfs decides which device is root?
03:13.13travis_yeah disable that bs
03:13.21travis_also make sure its disabled in bios
03:13.50jimif you succeed in disabling uefi, you'd be able to boot the netinstall, or ubuntu or debian or windows... turning it on means the firmware and/or boot loaders would be signed and that signature would get checked before that boot loader is allowed to run'
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03:14.36jimpoli, the grub kernel line has a setting for the root filesystem
03:15.24Exagone313darn, can't boot into windows
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03:15.50Exagone313so I think it was installed in EFI, using former EFI partition on the drive I just erased, strange thing, fuck you windows
03:16.07Exagone313or something like that
03:16.42travis_just install syslinux with debian then
03:16.48travis_you can boot legacy windows and debian
03:16.48jimmaybe the windows media you originally installed from can repair that
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03:17.23travis_and yeah you can use the windows installation media to fix windows bootloader and I think change it from BIOS to efi
03:17.37jimdo you need windows this second?
03:18.59travis_^nobody needs windows lulz
03:19.15crayoncan someone help me out with my VM and VLC? whenever i play video lit ooks like this
03:19.19crayonit looks*
03:19.49travis_Why you play videos in a vm lol
03:20.44aediniusI know some people that only use VMs
03:21.07travis_idek how to fix that dude how did you install VLC? is it up to date
03:23.08crayonall up to date
03:23.19crayoni tried changing all the encoders as well in vlc
03:23.20crayonno dice
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03:23.39jimless enterkey, more content
03:23.46travis_how much vram did you give your vm... enabled acceleration? give it more than 1 core?
03:24.04crayon2gb, yes/yes
03:24.44travis_whats the format you're watching mp4?
03:25.03crayonmkv, x264. do you think it has to do with the codec?
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03:26.20travis_idk honestly do you have proper video drivers
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03:26.51travis_looking on ubuntuforums some guy with the same issue said "I found the solution. Go to vlc then on tools choose preferences and on the video section change the output option to opengl"
03:27.01crayoni think so.. everything else works great.
03:27.15crayoni tried cycling through all the various outputs
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03:32.18travis_welp i just spent forever doing jessie netinst and broke it immediately gg
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03:33.23Exagone313travis_: windows miss a system partition
03:33.34Exagone313so I can't repair, have to reinstall
03:33.45Exagone313and I installed only 2 months ago
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03:37.02Exagone313travis_: what was your idea about syslinux?
03:37.13Exagone313or not for me?
03:37.34travis_install syslinux as your bootloader for debian its a legacy (not efi) bootloader
03:37.42travis_and you can add your legacy windows partition to it
03:38.03Exagone313but I'm sure debian isn't installed via EFI, so it wasn't that problem
03:38.15travis_guys how do I connect to wifi in debian recovery mode?
03:38.18Exagone313I don't have /boot/efi direcoty or EFI partition
03:38.32Exagone313travis_: to make it simple, you don't
03:38.38Exagone313it's a pain
03:38.43travis_I need to
03:38.52Exagone313I never succeeded
03:39.01Exagone313is your wi-fi wep?
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03:49.33travis_guys i really need help with this
03:49.40travis_I dont want to install again -_-
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03:57.23simonlnutravis_: using nmcli or iw
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03:58.16simonlnuin network-manager or wireless-tools packages, respectively
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03:59.40travis_i ran this line "/etc/init.d/network-manager restart" and its at blinking cursor
04:00.15travis_I mean it says wlan0 authenticated and etc but now its just cursor
04:00.33simonlnuok, you got a prompt?
04:00.35f-aI want to install a piece of software from contrib, but I run main. What's the safest way to do it?
04:00.47travis_wait I got it
04:00.52travis_I hit enter and now its working
04:00.55simonlnuadd contrib after main
04:01.05travis_wait shit i broke it
04:01.16travis_I did ping to test it and now its non stop pinging
04:01.23travis_how do i kill that
04:01.46simonlnuyou can pass  -c [a number] to limit that
04:01.52simonlnuno, [ ]
04:02.30travis_i know I forgot :P
04:02.33travis_thanks though
04:03.58travis_and f-a: debian wiki says if you do that you make a "FrankenDebian" and thats bad
04:04.36simonlnuno, franken debian is when you mix ubuntu and debian, for example, or stable with testing/unstable
04:04.59simonlnushe/he is just adding contrib
04:05.01f-athe software I am looking to install is virtualbox
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04:05.34simonlnuadd contribto the relevant sources.list, then run apt-get/aptitude update
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04:05.41simonlnucontrib to*
04:05.42travis_simonlnu can you help me out with something else
04:05.57simonlnudepends if i can ;)
04:05.57f-asimonlnu: can I then switch back to main if I feel to?
04:06.19simonlnuf-a: you can keep it it won't matter much
04:06.56simonlnutravis_: "state the nature of your issue"
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04:07.18travis_the reason im in recovery mode is i fuked up nvidia-driver so I didnt read the wiki fully and ended up running only apt-get install nvidia-driver without getting jessie-backports (I got it now) but on the wiki it only says after downloading backports and driver "DKMS will build the nvidia module for your system." "restart your system to enable the nouveau blacklist"
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04:07.26travis_theres a novel for ya
04:08.21simonlnuok, so you got screwed up graphics, right? i'm guessing that nvidia is your boot screen video device?
04:08.22travis_sooo what does that mean do I just run DKMS in terminal?
04:08.48simonlnuyou've installed the needed bits?
04:08.48travis_well it was screwed up im still in recovery after running
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04:09.20simonlnuwell, dkms is 'smart' it'll detect if it needs to run while you're installing stuff
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04:09.40simonlnu(sorry for the lack of punctuation)
04:09.41travis_ohhh i see dkms in terminal so i think you're right lol
04:09.49travis_illtry reboot now
04:10.39travis_ouu its werking
04:10.55travis_fancy hd debian :D was like 240p before
04:11.22travis_god I'm glad I learned arch linux cause now I can do most of this fixing on my own :D
04:11.53simonlnuarch is good for that. debian is too.
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04:12.24travis_shit now my second monitor isnt on
04:12.33travis_wait nvm
04:12.36simonlnuubuntu is good for handholding and people who aren't technically minded
04:13.13simonlnuthinks they all have their merits
04:13.16aediniusdebian enables my laziness
04:13.20travis_we've all been there
04:15.10travis_welp I'm off thx for the help all
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04:15.58awal1f-a, if you install X pkg from contrib, you shouldn't remove 'contrib' component from your sources file; that X pack will get updates from that component
04:16.11f-aawal1: thanks
04:18.01awal1f-a, qemu kvm is more stable, faster and better integrated with linux kernel and debian system then virtualbox
04:18.37awal1if you care about using only main , so you may want run qemu-kvm instead of vbox
04:18.59aediniusqemu-kvm+spicy is pretty good for a basic windows vm
04:19.18f-avery good
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04:20.52awal1and qemu-kvm dont need extra drivers/modules for its execution, linux already includes all the necessary
04:21.54aediniusSince I'm dumb and am trying to run testing as a daily OS, things like vmware have broken, so I had to rebuild a work VM (for email/etc) for qemu-kvm, and its fantastic
04:23.42wsirccc__can anybody help with preseed scenarios are possible. Managed install with local preseed.cfg and remote networking stall. Do not know if preseeding is possible with local iso and in front of a physical computer.
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04:24.54f-avery nice awal1 , thanks
04:25.07f-aI was stupidly scared by kvm/quemu
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04:26.34awal1install virt-manager if ou want to avoid cli stuff
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04:28.37Rusty1aqemu is ok? seems to work
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04:29.20Al3xG0nvidia suspend suport drivers oficially debian?
04:29.33Al3xG0nvidia suspend support drivers oficially debian/unix?
04:29.51aediniusAl3xG0: Do the nvidia drivers support suspend officially in debian?
04:29.57aediniusAl3xG0: Is that what you are asking?
04:30.26aediniusAl3xG0: I believe so.
04:30.32aediniusAl3xG0: And it works well in my experience.
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04:31.15Al3xG0new nvidia gpu will not have more official drivers?
04:32.09awal1i think he is asking if nvidia will no longuer provide support/drivers for linux kernel
04:32.27Al3xG0awal1 sure
04:32.33Al3xG0awal1 yes
04:33.02awal1Al3xGO, google that
04:33.17awal1I dont have nvidia
04:33.21Al3xG0I heard something about it
04:33.32Al3xG0i use radeon
04:33.40Al3xG0i buy new gpu
04:34.10Al3xG0so I asked about
04:35.51awal1Al3xG0, intel/amd have less problems with linux/gnu in general
04:35.51aediniusthat question... i don't know
04:36.17Al3xG0aedinius :) ok
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04:37.54aediniusI don't see (and haven't seen comment regarding it) debian dropping their packaging of the nvidia binary drivers. i also don't see nvidia dropping support for new chips with their binary driver.
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04:48.23wsirccc__awal1: install virt-manager if ou want to avoid cli stuff
04:49.03wsirccc__virt-manager does preseeding?
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04:57.53awal1wsirccc__, what happens?
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05:02.35MaBunnyHey guys
05:02.46awal1virt-manager (virtual machine manager) is for manage (create, configure...)the VMs via GUI (graphical user interface)
05:03.07MaBunnySo ive downloaded n installed debian 8.4 on a usb stick
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05:03.41MaBunnyAnd when i try to login into my newly installed system
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05:05.02MaBunnyIt says "debian gnu/linux 8 thedrunkenone tty1" n "thedrunkenone login: "
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05:05.27wsirccc__awal1:asked for preseeding
05:05.49henrykMaBunny: so you didn't install a desktop environment.
05:05.55MaBunnySo its basically there for a long time,just at tht position for too much time
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05:06.34MaBunnyNo at the last screen i installed the desktop envirn n other tools
05:07.19MaBunnyIt didnt used to be like this in the prev installations
05:09.03MaBunnySo my problem is tht i havent installed the gnome envirn???
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05:10.01TomTomTosch'dpkg -l gnome' will show you
05:13.11MaBunnyWhatever password i give,it says login incorrect
05:13.37TomTomToschyou give a username, then a password.
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05:13.46TomTomToschcan't help you with a login.
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05:14.22MaBunnyI will just reinstall the system then
05:15.22nevynMaBunny: during the installation you setup a user
05:15.26MaBunnyAnd why does it ask to hav or not the base packages n the desktop environ???  In the installer
05:15.46MaBunnyI seted up a user,it was mabunny
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05:16.46MaBunnythedrunkenone  is my root user
05:16.56shibly"A start job is runnin ..." How can i stop it during boot time?
05:17.06MaBunnyWhat do i do???
05:17.27TomTomToschno, root is your root user.
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05:20.39shiblyCan anyone answer?
05:20.45shiblyIt takes time
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05:22.23MaBunnyOk guys
05:22.37MaBunnyIm reinstalling
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05:25.34MaBunnyIs it possible to make to nonroot users in the installer???
05:25.55TomTomToschthe installer does that, yes.
05:26.23TomTomToschit asks you for a username and password for a normal user.
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05:27.32MaBunnyYeah,ive set one
05:27.50MaBunnyBut i wanted to set up another
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05:28.35TomTomToschthat's what the adduser tool is for.
05:28.43TomTomToschbut you do that after the installation.
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05:37.31magyarhi, I have debian jessie with backports, is ther a way to disable hdmi audio permanently, I keep loosing my soundblaster audio card, which is a pisser :(
05:39.05jmcnaughtmagyar: hello. which desktop environment or window manager do you use? are you using pulseaudio?
05:39.46magyarjmcnaught: i use kde and I do use pulse
05:40.44jmcnaughtmagyar: i think that kde's settings/config manager configure pulse, but have you tried using pavucontrol?
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05:42.50r0ck_why is screensaver in xfce 4 so god damn old?
05:42.55magyarjmcnaught: i do use pavucontrol, but after the latest patching, my soundblaster disappeared from pulse all together :(
05:43.42magyarjmcnaught: all I have is my video card hdmi sound card
05:43.53TomTomToschdoes it apper in aplay -l but not with the index 0 ?
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05:45.01magyarTomTomTosch: unfortunately it does not appear any longer
05:45.12jmcnaughtr0ck_: it's the same age as everything else in jessie. the upstream author put a message there, it's getting dealt with:
05:45.13juddBug in xscreensaver (closed, patch): «xscreensaver: please disable "This version of XScreenSaver is very old! Please upgrade!" message»; severity: important; opened: 2016-04-01; last modified: 2016-04-07.
05:45.26magyaronly the hdmi soundcard appears
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05:47.08jmcnaughtmagyar: does the soundblaster get listed by "lspci -nn | grep -i audio"? what is the pciid (looks like [1234:abcd])?
05:48.38jmcnaughtmagyar: also are you using the oss4 drivers instead of alsa (not recommending them, just asking)
05:49.01magyarjmcnaught: yes it does, please see the paste url:
05:49.47jmcnaughtjudd: pciid 1102:0004
05:49.48judd[1102:0004] is 'SB Audigy' from 'Creative Labs' with kernel module 'snd-emu10k1' in jessie. See also and the out-of-tree 'snd-emu10k1' module.
05:49.55magyarjmcnaught: how can I check the drivers that you've mentioned ?
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05:50.33jmcnaughtmagyar: do you have the package oss4-dkms installed? (don't install it if not)
05:50.51nevynmagyar: what's lspci say?
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05:51.12magyarjmcnaught: i don't have it installed
05:52.04jmcnaughtmagyar: does "lsmod | grep snd-emu10k1" give a result?
05:52.53magyarjmcnaught: not any longer, but it used to
05:53.18jmcnaughtmagyar: try to modprobe that module, and check for errors in dmesg output
05:55.29magyarjmcnaught:     << this is as root user
05:59.29jmcnaughtmagyar: the message from judd above says the snd-emu10k1 module is out-of-tree, but the wiki link says there is a module in the mainline 2.6 kernel. what does "find /lib/modules -name emu10k1" say?
06:00.39babilenmagyar: Which kernel is installed and which one is running? (compare "uname -a" and "COLUMNS=200 dpkg -l 'linux-image*'")
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06:07.06magyarjmcnaught: find /lib/modules -name emu10k1   << command says nothing
06:08.24babilenjmcnaught: -name "*emu10k1*"
06:08.34babilenerr .. magyar ^
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06:10.03jmcnaughtbabilen: oh, thanks. at least for my 3.16 that command found the directory that the modules are in. not sure which kernel magyar is using
06:10.13magyarbabilen: /lib/modules/4.4.0-0.bpo.1-amd64/kernel/drivers/input/gameport/emu10k1-gp.ko
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06:10.43magyar4.3 kernel was fine
06:11.16babilenmagyar: What does "modprobe emu10k1-gp ; dmesg|tail -n23" give you?
06:12.36jmcnaughtmagyar:  <--- also did you need the backports kernel for something in particular, was the stock jessie kernel not working in some way?
06:12.38juddBug in src:linux (pending): «linux-image-4.4.0-trunk-amd64: Please restore snd-emu10k1 module»; severity: normal; opened: 2016-02-16; last modified: 2016-04-01.
06:13.23magyarbabilen: <<
06:14.06babilen1102:0004 is also not listed in "modinfo emu10k1-gp"
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06:15.03jmcnaughtbabilen: i think that module is just for the gameport, not the soundcard itself
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06:15.10magyarjmcnaught: no reason, 4.3 worked fine, silly me did an update :(
06:16.20magyarthank you gents/ladies, I'll roll back to 4.3 for now
06:16.38babilenjmcnaught: Indeed :)
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06:17.15jmcnaughtmagyar: if 3.16 from jessie worked fine it might be best to simply use that
06:17.42magyarjmcnaught: point taken, thank you !!!
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06:18.07jmcnaughtmagyar: you're welcome
06:18.18magyargoing for a reboot!
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06:21.27babilenSounds as if a new soundcard is needed though
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06:23.36jmcnaughtgameport, that takes me back
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06:44.02magyarsound is back with 3.16.0-4-amd64
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06:51.47luxiosound was broken?
06:51.51luxioi haven't any issues as of yet
06:53.07babilenluxio: Well, do you have a SB Audigy and are you using a backported kernel?
06:53.47*** join/#debian MaBunny (~androirc@
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07:29.36factor1Where is the libqt5quick5-dev package for debian?
07:31.02*** join/#debian aaro (~aaro@unaffiliated/xyox/x-040147)
07:31.02musca,v libqt5quick5-dev
07:31.03juddNo package named 'libqt5quick5-dev' was found in amd64.
07:31.31factor1Trying to compile dRonin quad copter application.
07:31.47factor1I need quick and QML for qt5 dev
07:32.39muscarefer to the build instructions
07:33.04*** join/#debian soee (
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07:33.55jellyfactor1: possibly qtdeclarative5-dev
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07:37.15jelly(judging by "apt-cache show libqt5quick5", its Source:, "apt-cache search qt declarative dev", and "apt-cache show qtdeclarative5-dev")
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07:38.05jmdWhich is the most useless package in stable?
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07:41.36arahaelThere are a lot of packages.  We should define what we mean by "useless" in order to be able to reduce the list.
07:42.00DC-1jmd: sl
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07:43.43arahaelDC-1: I'd suggest sl-dbgsym.
07:43.52arahaelThough, sl seems funny, at least.
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07:45.59arahaelDamn it.
07:46.04arahaelI typed "ls" by mistake.
07:46.14arahaelAnd it showed me a list of directory entries.
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07:51.50jmdI think there should be a bot which displays a list of directory entries when I inadvertently type "ls" in an irc channel.
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07:55.48MaBunnyHey guys
07:56.24MaBunnySo ive installed the system or in the process to do so
07:57.02jmdMaBunny: Congratulations.
07:57.14MaBunnyIts in a step called "select n install software"
07:57.50MaBunnyBfore tht i had successfully installed the base system n all
07:58.09MaBunnyBut in the step tht i meantioned
07:58.38*** join/#debian W-Ram (
07:59.02MaBunnyIt firstly goes on well,thn asks for installing desktop environ n stuff but
07:59.53MaBunnyAfter tht it shows it installing 331 softwares n thn in the end it says "failed"
08:00.11MaBunnyI did the steps correctly,though
08:00.47MaBunnyAnd i had selected the additional softwares n the desktop environ
08:01.47MaBunnyThis thing happened to me last night too,and i remember now tht i had skipped this step and installed the grub bootloader
08:01.56jmd"apt-get -f install" normally fixes failed installs.
08:02.03MaBunnyThe next step
08:02.14*** join/#debian pbn (pbn@2a02:578:4601:0:2::22)
08:02.21MaBunnyNo im in graphical install mode jmd
08:02.33jmdI dunno.  I've never used that.
08:02.52MaBunnyHow do i put the command in graphical install mode???
08:03.18*** join/#debian Quatroking (
08:03.23MaBunnyWait there is an option: "execute a shell"
08:03.25jmdI think Ctrl-Alt-F1 or something normally gets you a shell.
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08:03.46MaBunnyYeah ok ill try tht
08:04.45MaBunnySo apt-get -f install doesnt work
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08:05.07MaBunnyApparently apt is installed yet maybe
08:05.27MaBunnyHow do i get out of this shell???
08:09.00MaBunnyIt doesnt help
08:09.15jmdA shell where "exit" doesn't work?
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08:10.49Sir_DesignerMaBunny control-D?
08:11.28MaBunnyIt says its the xorg server
08:11.54MaBunnyI typed in by pressing ctrl-alt-F1
08:12.05jmdActually I did once work on a system where the sysadmin had aliased "sh1t" and a few other expletives to "exit".
08:12.22MaBunnyCtrl-D doesnt work
08:12.37factorCool  qtdeclarative5-dev was the package I needed. thanks all
08:12.47TomTomToschMaBunny alt f1
08:13.02factorNow on to other errors. smaller at least , but will have to wait until I finish eating.
08:13.22MaBunnyIt doesnt work,alt f1
08:15.05*** join/#debian Levure (~quassel@2a02:a03f:1e13:6f00:30ed:72b7:6582:b51b)
08:15.27TomTomToschor alt f5
08:15.42MaBunnyYeah tht worked
08:15.54*** join/#debian ryckman (~ryckman@unaffiliated/ryckman)
08:15.58TomTomToschwhat exactly failed?
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08:16.02MaBunnyHey TomTomTosch
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08:16.29MaBunnyThe step called "select n install software"
08:16.34TomTomToschwhat exactly did it say when it failed?
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08:17.08MaBunnyIt said it failed,i dont remember exactly what it said
08:17.23TomTomToschthey do it again and tell me ;D
08:17.33MaBunnyOk im running tht step again ....yeah
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08:18.01*** mode/#debian [+l 1632] by debhelper
08:18.08MaBunnyOk,my family's calling,need to go
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08:19.40sadmagicHi guys
08:20.31sadmagicAnyone care to talk about samba ? :)
08:21.05*** part/#debian ryckman (~ryckman@unaffiliated/ryckman)
08:21.05sadmagicI care to talk about samba, and perhaps go into a rage about it.
08:21.27MaBunnyIs it technical???
08:21.36sadmagicNamely not being about to mount a share.... and I'm pretty sure that is one of it's main use cases.
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08:36.37gustavohmsilvahi guys
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08:37.56gustavohmsilvastupid question! I'm trying to add the username frankie to the same permissions of the username james, so I'm doing it like this: $sudo usermod -aG frankie | groups james
08:38.08gustavohmsilvabut I think the command is not ok
08:38.34gustavohmsilvacould someone help-me with that? is there something thats misplaced?
08:39.06gustavohmsilvaI'm getting a list of the groups in which james is included, then a Usage usermod [options] LOGIN message
08:39.16gustavohmsilvakind of noob here, sorry
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08:41.55gustavohmsilvaI mean, normally I would just re-type all the groups but I'm trying to get rid of bad habits
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08:43.23oleremhallo all, are there any automatic debian installer for armhf? For example for bananapi? I can du it manually, but just curious if there are ither way to do that?
08:45.24MaBunnyOk guys
08:45.39MaBunnyI was  eating lunch by the way
08:45.47oleremgustavohmsilva: try this instead: sudo usermod -aG frankie $(groups james | cut -d " " -f 4-)
08:46.12*** join/#debian k_j (~no@
08:46.46MaBunnySo....its in tht window where i choose to install the debian desktop environ n standard system softwares
08:47.24MaBunnyIm clicking both to enabled(the tick  mark) n proceeding
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08:48.53MaBunnyAgain it says failed
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08:51.03MaBunnyIt says: " An installation step failed. You can try to run the failing item again from the menu,or skip it and choose something else. The failing step is: Select and install software."
08:51.05vltHello. I have a server running Debian that lost its network connection. I can connect to a serial console and see that everything is running fine, even networking between the vitual machines running inside via a bridge device works fine. Any idea how a) to troubleshoot this, and b) how to get something like the ethtool deb on that machine (via serial console) to check the actual device?
08:51.11vltThere’s nothing ethX related in syslog around the time the connection got lost.
08:51.56MaBunnyI put it literally down as it is shown in the window in my screen now
08:52.19MaBunnyTomTomTosch,what do you think about it???
08:53.32*** join/#debian dionysus69 (~Icedove@unaffiliated/dionysus69)
08:54.48vltThe network device is active, that is I can ping my self (and all the virtual machines via their vif devices connected to the bridge). But any ping to the server’s outside world connected to physical eth0 doesn’t get answer.
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08:56.16TomTomToschMaBunny: maybe the mirror you selected is bad. try a different one.
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08:57.47MaBunnyWell,how can i mirror the official debian mirror in the setup
08:57.59MaBunnyI mean
08:59.00*** join/#debian klow (
08:59.13TomTomToschthe installer asks you which mirror you want to use at some point.
08:59.54MaBunnyBut i cant find the official mirror in those lists
09:01.07TomTomToschhere is a list. pick one near you.
09:01.50MaBunnyNo no,i dont want one near me
09:02.03TomTomToschare you kidding?
09:02.14MaBunnyI want the official mirror
09:02.21*** join/#debian Basilic (~Basilic@
09:02.24Basilichello all
09:02.25TomTomToschthat is a list of official mirrors
09:02.55TomTomToschit does not matter which you pick, apt checks signatures anyway.
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09:03.01BasilicI have a problem with certificate on icesealsel anybody can help me?
09:03.04MaBunnyI mean
09:03.19MaBunnyI want tht one
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09:04.35MaBunnyAny help??
09:04.52TomTomTosch  is the one you want.
09:04.56slax0rhi, I have x-www-browser and gnome-www-browser set to link to chromium, but xdg-open is still opening links in iceweasol, how come?
09:05.22*** join/#debian Muhannad (~Muhannad@
09:05.25MaBunnyThere was also an option to input wht i want manually
09:05.50MaBunnyBut i cant understand the one about proxy
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09:08.35TomTomToschMaBunny: you don't need a proxy.
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09:16.49MaBunnyHey guys i choosed australia mirror
09:17.19MaBunnySo it asks for a ftp proxy
09:17.32MaBunnyWhat should i do
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09:18.54MaBunnyShould i leave it blank??
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09:22.19MaBunnyYoohoo!!! Guys???
09:22.36MaBunnyShould i leave it blank???
09:22.45TomTomToschyes. no need to yoohoo and repeat.
09:23.05MaBunnyOk srry for tht guys :)
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09:41.13DANtheBEASTmanMo0O: hi
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10:03.28DANtheBEASTmanpingfloyd: hi
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10:25.42Exagone313Hi, what is the best way to create a bootable usb from iso? I tried with dd but I can't boot on the usb after that, but if I mount the usb drive it seems it's copied successfully... Thanks for your help.
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10:28.40Exagone313dagerik: with what parameters?
10:29.09dagerikman fdisk
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10:29.21Exagone313maybe I'm gonna try to boot iso via grub
10:29.28Exagone313I don't know if it works
10:29.57Exagone313hmm seems bad idea
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10:30.26Exagone313what is the good tool to copy iso on usb, maybe with syslinux of fat32?
10:30.57grawityis it an isohybrid iso, or a cd-only iso?
10:32.11Exagone313I think it's hybrid
10:32.52grawitythen you really should be able to just `dd`/`cp`/`pv` it straight to the USB
10:33.50Exagone313cp /path/foo.iso /dev/sdX ?
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10:40.05Exagone313grawity: hmm it didn't seem to work, the iso sizes 2GB and finally my USB has two partition 247M and 416K
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10:40.47Exagone313I'm gonna try
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11:12.35benjrhow come when i check top i sometimes see programs using more then 100% cpu?
11:12.45benjrhow can anything use more than 100%?
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11:14.39TomTomToschit's just an approximation.
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11:15.29benjri just caught something that said it was using 279%, seems to be pretty far off for an approximation
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11:22.16azswahi, anyone familiar with debugfs? everytime I try to list deleted inodes with lsdel, I get 0 inodes found. The filesystem is ext4. I am on deb 8.3
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11:23.45hexnewbiebenjr: Programs can use more than 100% CPU if they have multiple threads and they are using more than one CPU. Also, it depends on the tool you're using. Linux doesn't expose percentages, but CPU time, so if the the tool is miscalculating the time during polling, it can be way off.
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11:37.12aaronmeharHey Debian.. is there no EOL set for 7?
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12:16.44ewewHi. Did someone try to change sysrq parameter via ?
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12:18.21dpkgIf you have a question, just ask! For example: "I have a problem with ___; I'm running Debian version ___. When I try to do ___ I get the following output ___. I expected it to do ___." Don't ask if you can ask, if anyone uses it, or pick one person to ask. We're all volunteers; make it easy for us to help you. If you don't get an answer try a few hours later or on See <smart questions><errors>.
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12:22.09tjcarterCan I ask if I can ask if I can ask if I can ask a ... oh nevermind.  :D
12:22.35ewewok. I trying to change the sysrq parameter via The problem is that it passes but the value does not change. I haved tried it with seteuid but no luck. The command is /bin/echo 1 > /proc/sys/kernel/sysrq.
12:24.31Ghostbird(I can't access #debian-next, but this applies to testing): After an apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade, my Iceweasel seems to have been replaced by Firefox, but this was not shown in the list-changes. Is this expected?
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12:26.03ewewGhostbird #debian-next is on oftc network.
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12:27.53M4GNV5so i just bought my new pc and plugged my raspi usb wlan stick in (RTL8188CUS) i followed the (one) instruction on the debian wiki and installed firmware-realtek and the wlan generally works. However my router ( 7272) says its bitrate is 1-3MBit/s and download speeds vary from 400byte/s to 80kByte/s i tried different approaches from google (mainly
12:27.53M4GNV5ae-realtek-wireless-driver) however as a comment suggest thats not working anymore for newer kernel versions and the github user he provided has no repo for my wlan stick (8188cuus). Can someone tell me how to fix the slow speed so i can carry on installing drivers for my graphics card etc.?
12:28.32Ghostbirdewew: I feel dumb. Thanks!
12:28.47ewewGhostbird np. we are here to help.
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12:31.33p0g0M4GNV5: Try different channels, or move the two devices closer- those may help (or not).
12:31.36teraflopsM4GNV5: apart from the fact that those devices sucks. Did you try just switching the channel in the ap/router till you find the one that suits better
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12:33.54M4GNV5well my laptop is right next to the pc and has isp max speed (350kb/s) so i thought its an issue with the driver not the connection?
12:34.03M4GNV5also a screenshot from my
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12:34.47p0g0M4GNV5: oddly, one can be too close too, for some devices-the ACKs happen too fast for the media.  Not likely tho.
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12:37.11gr8look what xscreensaver is telling me :-/ "This version of xscreensaver is VERY OLD! Please upgrade! (If this is the latest version that your distro ships, then your distro is doing you a disservice. Build from source.)
12:37.25gr8should I feel offended by that?
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12:41.17jonathan_zzwhy would you
12:41.19avis-i'm running debian jessie.   i've googled and could not find a thorough and exact answer on whats needed to play blueray on debian jessie.  can anyone help ?
12:42.04jonathan_zzprobably upgrade to ubuntu LOL
12:42.08jonathan_zzsorry haha
12:42.11gr8avis-: forget it. I'm a noob but I think it's not really possible
12:42.15avis-debians much lighter
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12:42.49jonathan_zzblueray might not be possible in linux in any case. I'm not sure.
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12:43.07jonathan_zzmostly concerning hdcp probably.
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12:43.37jonathan_zzI guess his house was on fire and he needed leave :-/.
12:43.44jonathan_zzto leave.
12:43.54gr8who knows
12:44.01gr8his problem
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12:45.13wsirccc__can anybody help with discussing preseed scenarios?
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12:48.15xorondavis do you mean a bluray video downloaded from torrent?
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12:49.37gr8yeah you can watch the illegal video material but not the legal one. Linux is an OS for criminals
12:49.52xorondgr8 you can watch blueray on linux
12:50.02xorondim talking about the disk
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12:50.19xorondi just asked to clarify
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12:50.37gr8then tell us how
12:50.42r6kugr8: google it
12:50.43xorondavis-, is it a blueray disk or a torrented file?
12:50.49xorondr6ku +1
12:51.25xorondoh he's gone nvm
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12:52.56DelfHow does the "defauts" go on about to get "decided(agreed)?" upon? For example the default cursor :P
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12:53.45xorondDelf, default cursor on what?
12:54.10DelfI don't mind adwaita cursor.
12:54.15Delfxorond: Gnome
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12:55.06tjcartergr8: Simply put, the MPAA and other industry types intentionally want to make it difficult and illegal even to watch legal videos on legally purchased disks without their permission.  As such, it's much easier to watch the files after their BS garbage that is actually ILLEGAL TO TAMPER WITH in many countries is removed.
12:55.24tjcartergr8: It's actually illegal for ME to tell YOU how to do it.
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12:55.51tjcarterBut as has been noted, the information for how it's done is out there.
12:55.54gr8is it legal for me to do it then?
12:56.03tjcarterActually, no.
12:56.19gr8watchin illegal stuff is legal. logic reversed
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12:56.32tjcarterNot so.
12:56.55gr8however xD Bluray sucks
12:56.59tjcarterWatching stuff that is not encumbered by DRM is legal.  Watching stuff that was illegally made unencumbered is still illegal.
12:57.04DelfNot sure if the cursor size is relative to the resolution. Meaning it grows as the resolution grows, that way it's easier to maintain a desired "size" across multiple resolutions, for clarity of course.
12:57.30xorondDelf, I have different cursor sizes on different screens
12:57.37tjcarterHowever, I don't have to ask you if your unencumbered videos are legal to tell you how to play them.  If you tell me they are, I can't help you.
12:57.46tjcarter(because that's contributory infringement)
12:57.48xorondtjcarter, dont feed the trolls please
12:58.12Delfxorond: Different speeds/acceleration settings too?
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12:58.39xorondDelf, nope.
12:58.50xorondDelf, speed and acc stays the same for me
12:59.19r6kuDelf: the defaults for gnome are decided by the gnome devs
12:59.40tjcarterDelf: Imagining that X11 could ever be so logical or sensical is probably a foolish dream.  ;)
12:59.44DelfDebian doesn't get to make modifications?
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13:00.14tjcarterBranden often used to say X11 was only the second worst windowing system ever invented.  :)
13:00.15Delftjcarter: Foolish dreams… is what I'm programmed to have :)
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13:00.30DelfWhat would be the first?
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13:00.44r6kuDelf: nothing stopping distributions from making changes if they want to
13:01.40DelfSee there's this thing called "looking good" and it's sometimes preferred above "clarity".
13:02.28r6kuDelf: if you're looking for saner defaults, then maybe gnome isn't what you're looking for
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13:02.43tjcarteris a fan of XFCE :)
13:02.45Delfr6ku: Any suggestions? :)
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13:02.50r6kuDelf: although you can tweak the settings in gnome to some extent
13:03.24tjcarterIt generally behaves more like you expect.
13:03.25DelfI'm a fan of "configurable" stuff… and stuff that doesn't take an expert just to make small yet very magnified and overrated changes :D
13:04.16arminx is awesome. it worked for me for such a long time and i had so much fun using it.
13:04.32xorondis a fan of i3
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13:04.35Delfr6ku: Of course, I've changed the gtk theme and the cursor :)
13:05.02tjcarterarmin: there's always one...
13:05.26arminactually wrote a script that shows a set of color schemes for Xresources (xrdb) via an ncurses like dialog interface so you can just select a color scheme for your terminal emulator.
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13:05.41arminworks quite well
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13:05.54tjcarterlooks like one of those minimalist tiling WMs
13:05.58xorondtjcarter, it is
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13:06.07armintjcarter: it is. and it's great fun to use.
13:06.20tjcarterDoesn't suit me well
13:06.26arminwhy so?
13:06.27xorondtjcarter, everyone has their needs
13:06.45arminthat's an i3 screenshot of mine.
13:06.48armini love to use it.
13:06.50tjcarterarmin: legally blind.  I tend to use lots of full-screen windows with big contents
13:07.08tjcarterarmin: namely, two shells with tmux's and a web browser most of the time.
13:07.11armintjcarter: especially then you should consider something like that.
13:07.31avis-i have one other question on debian jessie.  i have some icons from elementary linux, but my previous distro allowed me to mark them as different colored.  now with debian jessie and some old config file and caja in my file manager i see black sheet like documents instead of colored icons.  in fact, there is only one colored icon that matches my icon set i think is Templates.
13:07.51armintjcarter: you can easily change all fonts, and you could use rxvt-unicode with a font-size perl script so you can just increase/decrease the fonts all the time while you work via ctrl-- / ctrl-+
13:08.00tjcarterarmin: I'm using a 91x37 terminal window right now.  It's full screen.
13:08.15armintjcarter: i work with huge fonts in terminals all the time.
13:08.16tjcarterCould be 91x39 if not for window deorations and a taskbar
13:08.34Delfhas gnome with "drop-down-terminal" and tmux
13:08.52armintjcarter: well you can very easily change the font of i3.
13:09.00tjcarterThere's another great reason for me to go nowhere near Gnome 3.
13:09.06tjcarterI'm typing on a RPi.
13:09.26tjcarter1GB RAM and by default no real swap running from a microSD
13:09.37xorondtjcarter, i3 would work beautifully on an RPi as its runs very light
13:09.38armini3 is one of the most lightweight WMs you could use.
13:09.44xorondarmin, jinx
13:10.00tjcarteri3 is very small, it's truee
13:10.09r6kuDelf: there's xfce and kde, i3 is arguably better for your workflow but takes a bit more effort to setup
13:10.12armintjcarter: i guess it will be a bit hard to set up initially if you're visually impaired, but i'm very happy to help you if you pm me.
13:10.28armintjcarter: also if you need to weak something or so.
13:10.32tjcarterarmin: I've been doing this a few decades.
13:11.08Delfr6ku: My work flow. I wish. I don't have any work and theres sure as hell no flow either :P Not a programmer of any sort. I like computers a lot but I'm not good with them and they're not my primary interest.
13:11.11tjcarterback when Slashdot not only wasn't total crap, but before it had accounts.
13:11.21armintjcarter: i just try to offer you some help with that, if there's something you want to try out, but run into limitations because you just can't read anything, i'm interested in what the inital things are you run into.
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13:11.53tjcarterarmin: The issue is that tiling is not an ideal way for me to do much of anything.
13:12.07armintjcarter: okay.
13:12.28tjcarterI'm a one-window fullscreen sort of person unless I'm doing something with, say, graphics tools
13:12.40xorondarmin, do you also run archlinux?
13:12.44tjcarterGIMP kinda can't do one window, etc.
13:13.12tjcarterThe other thing is that for GUI things I tend to zoom in the screen
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13:13.20r6kuDelf: xfce is more modular and lightweight, kde is a fullblown DE like gnome, both are very configurable
13:13.29tjcarterxfwm4, Gnome 3, and Compiz are pretty much my only choices for that really
13:13.35tjcarter(maybe kwm can do it?)
13:13.40arminxorond: i did for years, but somewhen i noticed it was a bit too unstable for my needs.
13:13.42xorondtjcarter, kwm is deprecated
13:14.00r6kuDelf: me neither, the nice thing about tiling window managers like i3 is that you don't have the problem of moving around multiple windows with your mouse
13:14.00tjcarterWhat does KDE use now?
13:14.03xorondarmin, ah I see
13:14.08arminxorond: i run fedora with kde on an x220 right now.
13:14.16xorondtjcarter, kwin
13:14.17arminxorond: which is also not stable enough for my needs.
13:14.22Delfr6ku: If memory serves, kde is more configurable than gnome. I've used xfce before, I like it a lot because it's lightweight and modular of course :D
13:14.31tjcarterxorond: ah, it was kwin that does compositing.
13:14.45arminxorond: i'm eventually going to replace this with a kali linux installation soon, since i love to build customized kali iso images just for fun.
13:15.03tjcarterX11 doesn't really allow smooth scaling of the whole screen unless the WM is a compositing type.
13:15.15xorondarmin, I did install kali on my laptop, but it didn't suit my needs well
13:15.28xorondnow instead i use arch with a custom repo for security stuff
13:15.32arminxorond: i've been running debian lately for almost 10 years now, but i wasn't all too satisfied with some hopelessly outdated packages.
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13:15.46xorondarmin, I get that feeling :)
13:16.00arminxorond: what annoyed you? the additional entries in the menus?
13:16.25arminwell systemd and kde are the biggest show stoppers for me right now.
13:16.31xorondarmin, mostly the NVIDIA drivers and all the bloatware
13:16.37armini get hanging reboots on ALL of my systems, no matter the distribution, with systemd.
13:16.45xorondarmin, even with kali light it still has the nvidia issues
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13:17.14arminxorond: ah, see, i moved to x220's exclusively many many years ago because i couldn't stand the nvidia/ati fubar anymore.
13:17.26xorondhaha :)
13:17.41arminxorond: i think i only used x220's for 5 years now.
13:17.49xorondarmin, it was much easier to install the drivers on arch because I knew what was on my system
13:17.53r6kuDelf: same here, xfce is my goto DE, my computer is too slow for kde :/
13:18.05xorondbut on kali you don't exactly know what's on it all the time
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13:18.16arminxorond: this machine here is actually built from spare parts i had lying around. i5, 16gb ram, 1tb ssd, 256 additional ssd, new keyboard, new battery, works absolutely fine.
13:18.25tjcartersystemd could be so cool.  It winds up not being, but it could be.
13:18.38xorondarmin, that's some nice ram ^^
13:18.39Delfr6ku: Do you take donations? :)
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13:19.04arminxorond: the machines case is almost falling apart
13:19.09xorondarmin, are you a kali dev?
13:19.10arminxorond: but works 100% fine
13:19.17arminxorond: no, i just use it.
13:19.32r6kuDelf: nah, I just like to help :)
13:19.34xorondah, i thought that because of the custom iso thing armin
13:19.53arminxorond: ah, well, they have this here: git://
13:20.13Delfr6ku: Well, you could help me "get rid" of a few computer parts, if you don't mind :P Do you use stationary or laptop?
13:20.19arminxorond: and there's a script and you can easily modify some files to include/exclude packages or even files you want to be present in the file system.
13:20.29arminxorond: it's quite useful.
13:20.33tjcarterI may have to get a new key in a Debian keyring.  netatalk in Debian is _sad_.
13:20.34xorondarmin,TIL kali has a build script
13:20.41tjcarterIt needs someone to make it happy  :)
13:21.09r6kuDelf: I'm not a recycling center :p
13:21.23tjcarterpoked at policy, fair bit's changed in a dozen or so years, but meh.
13:21.30wewladhello debs, how do I put ssh_agent to get executed at the start of the system so that I would need to write-in passphrase only once per whole PC session?
13:21.30Delfr6ku: No strings and/or subtle obligations attached :)
13:21.40arminxorond: i just use that A LOT, for almost anything, bootstrapping systems, debugging, admin work, hacking, live environments, but of course also for initial installation of systems.
13:22.09xorondarmin, why kali? i get the hacking bit but for what else?
13:22.19r6kuDelf: give them to your relatives or friends, that's how I've dealt with old unused hardware
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13:22.40xorondBecause in my opinion it's not a distro you install on your machine unless you are a pentester and its your work machine
13:22.52xorondIt's something to run off of a liveusb imo
13:23.09arminxorond: it's a pretty decent distro, that's it. i love to use it because i get a recent kernel, rolling release, it's based on debian, the maintainers do a very good job and produce sane code, and services are never started just because i install a package.
13:23.20Delfr6ku: I donated a computer to mom when I got multi-seat working on my other computer :) And all of my friends have far better hardware than I have :) Most of the hardware I have is donated to me :P
13:23.36arminxorond: i can easily remove the hacking tools if i would actually want.
13:23.41xorondarmin, I see
13:23.57tjcarter'course the problem with netatalk is that I need the features of netatalk 2, and I don't really need the features of netatalk 3.  But I can at least make netatalk 2 work, netatalk 3 work, and make them conflict/replace each other so you can pick one.  :P
13:24.28Delfr6ku: I've ordered an socket 771 motherboard. When I get it to work, I have no more need for my current motherboard (asus commando with xeon bios mod).
13:24.40tjcarterEventually if I can get their databases to work together, I'll pull the non-DDP ethernet out of netatalk 2 and make the two install in parallel.
13:24.45arminxorond: i would not use gnome it ships with anyways and just go with something lightweight i throw together, so while i'm at customizing my environments, why not also build cool live iso images i can easily put on a usb stick with that while i'm at it?
13:25.08xorondarmin, thats really cool
13:25.19xorondmaybe you would want to look into archstrike as well
13:25.33arminxorond: it's easy to do and great fun. eventually i'd just include an encrypted ssh private key i can ssh into some of my boxes into.
13:25.45arminxorond: never heard of it, i'll check it out. thank you!
13:25.55xorondarmin, np ^^
13:26.35xorondarmin, yeah i was gonna do that ^^
13:26.47r6kuDelf: thanks, but no thanks :)
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13:28.23xorondugh, dpkg taking so long
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13:29.35Delfr6ku: You're welcome! :D
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13:33.09saunameesHi I am trying to build a small private cloud ( up to 24 nodes) . What cloud software alternatives I should consider ? Everywhere I look I just see - Use openstack.
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13:33.57xorondsaunamees, owncloud?
13:34.44saunameesOwncloud is just for filesystem, no ?
13:35.07xorond saunamees
13:35.17saunameesI mostly need computing instances
13:35.24arminsince someone asked me for this some time ago: this is the xtheme script i wrote, to choose xresources terminal color schemes on the fly: - if someone is interested:
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13:35.51themillmaybe describe what you need without buzzwords but in terms of things that are implementable
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13:36.58saunameesYeah, owncloud does not work for me. I need to build a small private cloud, where I mostly give out vm-s for others to use.
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13:37.19saunameeslike a class where each student gets their own virtual machine.
13:37.20teraflopssaunamees: proxmoxVE
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13:38.32Mathisensaunamees, maybe
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13:40.23saunameesOh yes, these are good.
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13:52.22bumbarwith static ip i can just change address (and mask, gateway) in interfaces, reload networking and new ip address should be in effect?
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14:10.15Walakeawhat can cause my HDD to go 8 °C hotter that usual while doing the same things i always do?
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14:16.30ciscA day 8 °C hotter than usual
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14:18.29Walakeait started some time after i installed gnome-power-manager but remains even after uninstall and reboot
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14:20.56teraflopsWalakea: unless you live inside a bunker or under a mountain I guess cisc had a point :P
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14:22.44ciscWalakea: maybe faulty temp sensor inside the HDD
14:23.00Walakeai have a laptop and i can feel it is hotter
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14:23.42Walakeathis happeden few times in the past but i still dont know what causes it
14:24.05teraflopsWalakea: hmm, some update of related packages as in linux-image or similar?
14:24.34ciscWalakea: you can always run another distro off a live USB key and see if you get he sam behaviour
14:24.35saunameesMaybe looking at what exactly uses a lot of cpu might give a clue ?
14:24.45saunameesuse a command like top or something.
14:24.57saunameesWould be nice to see what you had before and what you have now.
14:25.30Walakeai am running debian stable only, for about half a year
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14:26.16saunameesI am not sure what gnome-power-manager does, but what if it changed the fan speed to save power -> cpu is less cooled -> it get hotter ?
14:26.59teraflopsWalakea: yeah take a look at hdparm
14:27.09Walakeathat tool is for monitoring battery
14:27.19Walakeaalso i should mention i am using hdparm
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14:28.08Walakeai always set -B 200 on startup, because the laptop uses to park / unpark the heads very frequently with default settings
14:29.12teraflopsWalakea: yeah and it's annoying
14:29.13saunameescisc suggested a good idea, have you tried that ?
14:29.32Walakeai dont have time for a live distro
14:29.45Walakeapart of the reason i chose debian stable
14:30.05saunameesare you 100 % certain it is software issue ?
14:31.27Walakeai know external temperature will influence HDD temp. but currently there is really no reson for it to be that high
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14:32.34TomTomToschhow high is high? and what's your room temp?
14:32.52Walakeabut i really dont know what can influence the temp. i mean the HDD is running at full speed all the time
14:33.44Walakeausually the temp is 30 - 32
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14:33.58Walakeanow it is 38 - 39
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14:34.14NYTimesi just took a debian server but what is the root password ?
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14:55.07MathisenNYTimes, ?
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14:56.47NYTimesMathisen: yes
14:57.15NYTimesMathisen: its allright the root has no password
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14:59.01transhumanhi is cp -R dumb enough to recursively copy into its own directory over and over again ?
14:59.32neutersh\away almoçando
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15:00.26transhumanseems like its taking a long time to do a large copy so I am worried
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15:04.26Sir_Designertranshuman what exact syntax did you issue
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15:05.25jellytranshuman: cp: cannot copy a directory, ‘a’, into itself, ‘a/e/a’
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15:07.26TxGVNNhi everyone, What does priority mean in update-alternatives?
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15:09.35transhumanok thanks jelly Sir_Designer
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15:09.44transhumanjust checking getting nervous
15:10.06transhumancp -R /path when path contains a sub path with current directory
15:10.40transhumantrying to move files up one level basically
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15:16.27jellyTxGVNN: highest priority gets chosen in auto mode
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15:17.27TxGVNNjelly: Oh, Yep, how to change priority of it?
15:17.37transhumancan anyone tell me why the guests networking would have such poor packet delay and loss when using virtualbricks? If I can't resolve it it will be  a show stopper using it on my xen/kvm live cd I am designing. Thanks in advance
15:18.02jellyTxGVNN: you'd have to remove the alternative and add it again with a different priority
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15:19.09jellyTxGVNN: this is only relevant from a package developer point, since as user you'll probably just pick your favorite with manual mode
15:19.28TxGVNNjelly: Ok ok. Thank you very much!
15:19.44transhumanoh crap have to run out for 10 minutes be back in a few to see responses... thanks in advance
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16:01.19rakmaqHi. I face a problem with a deb package. If I install the deb package foo with dpkg it works fine, but the next time I try to install an application using "apt-get install" it complains that I have to run "apt-get install -f". If I do this it will get the latest version of foo from debian's repositories. I tried pinning the version of foo by using "apt-mark hold foo", but that didn't seem to fix the problem. Does anyone have an idea how I might fix this?
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16:08.08awal1rakmaq, which debian branch?
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16:08.40rakmaqI am using Debian Jessie. Raspbian Jessie to be precise.
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16:10.18awal1dpkg: Raspbian
16:10.19dpkgRaspbian is a distribution <based on Debian> made specifically for the <Raspberry Pi>.  Raspbian is not Debian and it is not supported in #debian.  Please use #raspbian on for support.
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16:10.48rakmaqHmmm... ok. Fair enough.
16:11.21awal1rakmaq, seems that there is a channel for raspbian , check it
16:11.25transhumanhi disregarding my last question for a few moments a more pressing question, scripting an install right now, its a long series of apt-get commands and others a few of the packages produce text outputs that require a (q ) to be entered in order to continue with install and others require a menu selection of options (is there a way to preselect one of these options so that one isn't prompted during install? one is for wire
16:11.25transhumanshark the other not sure but its just a text file prompt of package info
16:11.45rakmaqawal1: will do. thanks.
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16:12.35rakmaqtranshuman: which commands specifically require user input?
16:13.30transhumanapt-get install wireshark i think and the other not sure at this point but it has a text file notificiation of information that you enter a q for continued apt-get install execution
16:13.54transhumannot sure what the second package is though
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16:15.14rakmaqyou might want to try "apt-get install -y wireshark"
16:15.52transhumantried that still prompts
16:16.00transhumangives a menu
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16:16.26transhumanhave to look at it again for more specifics will come back when I have more details
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16:54.53travis_yo I downloaded this program from github called cool-retro-term and its sweet... how can I create a launcher for it in gnome so I dont have to open it in terminal with ./
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16:56.53teraflopstravis_: ?
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16:58.43travis_i cant get that page to load -_-
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17:00.54travis_do i cp /home/xxxxxx.desktop /usr/share/applications
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17:01.23g105bIs there some way I can remove/toggle the File,Edit,View menu from all applications?
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17:04.00travis_I did sudo cp /home/travis/cool-retro-term/cool-retro-term.desktop /usr/share/applications but I still can't open it from gnome app menu
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17:11.15BinBasheris anyone using metasploit? How do I get the module database cache to build automatically?
17:11.33vltHello. A server running Debian had lost its network connection. I could connect to a serial console and see that everything was running fine, even networking between virtual machines running inside via a bridge device worked fine. There was nothing ethX related in any logfile. Neither re-plugging the network cable nor power-cycling the network switch helped.
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17:11.39vltI had to reboot the machine.
17:11.54vltAny idea what could have caused and and how to prevent this?
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17:37.35jonathan_zzvlt: personally I have only had it happen to due a bad route due to a VPN that pushed its route (redirect-gateway def1) to it.
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17:40.40monhi. i want to run this command: apt-get install libhtml-scrubber-perl libjson-rpc-perl libdaemon-generic-perl but i got error msg like this: E: Unable to locate package libdaemon-generic-perl
17:40.50monhow to fix this?
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17:41.33teraflops,v libdaemon-generic-perl
17:41.34juddPackage: libdaemon-generic-perl on amd64 -- sid: 0.84-1; stretch: 0.84-1
17:41.59monteraflops : err ... what about that?
17:42.00teraflopsmon: are you on jessie?
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17:42.42monyes. Jessie
17:42.52teraflopsthen re-read it again :P
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17:43.34monerrrr ...
17:44.10monsorry. not an expert . can u guide me?
17:44.18teraflopsmon: sorry I don't get you. for the sake of clarity: there's no libdaemon-generic-perl in jessie
17:44.38monah. so i can't install bugzilla on Jessie?
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17:44.48monone of the bugzilla requirement is that thing.
17:44.51monsigh :(
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17:46.03donnocHello my friends :) ... is it really a bad idea to change the hostname on a running server?
17:46.51ZorroTdonnoc: generally it's fine.
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17:47.08ZorroTdonnoc: you may have to restart things like avahi to get the changes to stick.
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17:47.24ZorroTer to take
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17:47.55donnocZerant: thanks. just to be shure. I only have to chage /etc/hostname and /etc/hosty, right?
17:47.57monany advice?
17:47.58teraflopsdonnoc: not really but you can get annoying warnings like cannot resolve whatever (host), it will resolve though
17:48.07teraflopsmon: sorry not here
17:48.14monok thanks teraflops
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17:48.49teraflopsdonnoc: you mean /etc/hosts right?
17:49.05donnocteraflops: sorry, yes that's what I ment
17:49.18ZorroTanyone know anything about setting isolating features on different network interfaces?
17:49.35ZorroTeg, being able to run hostapd on one side, and connect to a router on the other?
17:49.41ZorroTer router/modem
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17:50.56donnocmarkybob: I would change hostname and hosty and restart the server afterwords. so I don't have to restart every prozess. Isn't that enought?
17:51.15teraflopshmm that wiki entry does not mention hostnamectl
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17:52.39donnocok, I think i will not change the hostname xD
17:52.53donnocseemt like too many things can go wrong
17:52.56KaffeeJunky123MTP is giving me trouble on Debian stable, trying to transfer files with special characters through nautilus breaks the connection. I'll have to replug the device to be able to access it again.
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17:53.39KaffeeJunky123From rhythmbox however I can transfer these files, but the connection dies after some time
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17:55.42teraflopsdonnoc: `sudo hostnamectl set-hostname new-hostname` logout and login again worked fine _here_.
17:56.14markyboband restart all services or reboot
17:56.32markybobjust my opinion
17:56.35teraflopsmarkybob: ah
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18:00.32teraflopshmm I've tried several times to get a working account for editing debian wiki with no success :S
18:00.33donnocteraflops: hmm ... I worry after the stuff I read before xD maybe I will try it tomorrow
18:00.50teraflopsdonnoc: fair enough, just saying
18:01.34markybobteraflops: hrm. i didn't have any problem. maybe #debian-www?
18:01.56teraflopsmarkybob: lucky you, when did you setup your account?
18:02.14markybobteraflops: long time ago :P don't even remember
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18:03.35donnocteraflops: thank you :)
18:03.39teraflopsdonnoc: np
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18:46.15Walakeais it possible to fully automate package creating proccess?
18:46.40grawityas in, creating .deb out of the debian/* files?
18:46.45markybobnot properly
18:46.57markybobyou can use something like alien to convert rpms for example
18:46.59grawityor as in creating the debian/* files out of something else
18:47.01Walakeafrom source
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18:47.39Walakeacreating .deb from makefiles
18:47.45Walakeafor example
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18:47.58TomTomToschfor convenience? there is checkinstall.
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18:49.16TomTomToschbut that's to be able to easily remove it, if that is what you are after.
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19:03.44sine0is arping a common tool found on alot of boxes ?
19:04.25diozore common would be pinging the broadcast
19:05.08diozIE.  assuming my lan is
19:05.16diozi'd ping
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19:06.03diozthat's assuming the machines you're network discoverying don't block icmp
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19:06.43sine0yea im trying to think non ping ways
19:08.32diozi'd say arping would be as common to find on a system as nmap
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19:09.32markybobdioz: how is arp not common? it's default on debian
19:09.56diozi believe the specific binary he's asking about is _arping_
19:10.23markybobi see
19:10.24sine0im wondering about host discovery without nmap on hosts that refuse to respond ping
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19:10.40diozmarkybob: stop talking out your ass you're just confusing things
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19:11.47diozOpenBSD eve1.localdomain 5.9 GENERIC#1761 amd64
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19:12.00markybobdioz: no, arping is default too
19:12.33markybobanother /ignore
19:12.34diozdoesn't seem to be default install on openbsd
19:12.36diozlets check fbsd
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19:12.58diozlets check cent and suse after
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19:13.46diozoh look it's common on 1 of the 5 virtual machines i have up
19:13.49diozso VERY common
19:13.54dioz^5 markybob
19:14.22TomTomToschchecks which channel he is in
19:14.44diozTomTomTosch: regardless the channel that wasn't his question
19:14.54diozlets break down the line of text for a second
19:15.10dioz13:03 < sine0> is arping a common tool found on alot of boxes ?
19:16.16*** join/#debian redguy (
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19:16.20diozminus the fact "a lot" is spelled incorrect
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19:17.00diozseems pretty straight forward to me
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19:40.51sine0lets break down this line of text
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19:40.54lux7676hello everyone, im having a weird issue with newest debian version
19:41.05sine0dont mention is lux7676 you might start a nerd fight
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19:41.36lux7676when i type the login info it says
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19:41.52lux7676the last login date
19:42.24lux7676the programs included with the debian gnu/linux system are free software.....
19:42.26sine0last long from
19:42.39lux7676everything shows in the terminal
19:42.44lux7676and the last thin what says
19:43.20lux7676i cant not login
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19:43.22lux7676why ?
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19:44.01jmcnaughtlux7676: you get a bash prompt, doesn't that mean you're logged in?
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19:44.35lux7676well ok bash prompt but where is the system
19:44.47lux7676like i dont know how to exit it
19:45.07jmcnaughtlux7676: you can exit bash with "exit". are you expecting a graphical login?
19:45.07lux7676like i remember after installing older version it went right to the system after typing pw
19:45.39lux7676yes i was expecting graphical login but it does not matter
19:45.43lux7676i did type the user name and pw
19:45.53lux7676why is they system in bash prompt
19:46.20lux7676this is literally the newest version...
19:46.26markybobbecause that's what normally happens. you have to install a graphical interface if you want one. i'm assuming you used netinst and didn't select it
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19:46.50jmcnaughtlux7676: is this the first time booting into a fresh install? did you install a graphical desktop? also please try not to hit <enter> so much, you'll be difficult to follow when more people are talking
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19:47.55lux7676yes this is the first time, i did create the iso file with some iso image program
19:48.03lux7676should i start over again ?
19:48.15lux7676or should i make a new iso again ?
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19:48.26babilenSounds as if you didn't install Gnome (desktop environment)
19:48.30babilendpkg: install gnome
19:48.30dpkgTo install GNOME: «apt-get install …» 1. 'task-gnome-desktop' (Debian installer default) 2. 'gnome' (recommended) 3. 'gnome-desktop-environment' (upstream GNOME) 4. 'gnome-core' (like 3, minus end-user applications) 5. 'gnome-session gdm3 network-manager-gnome' (minimalist, not recommended).  You will need Xorg installed as well, ask me about <install x>.
19:48.34babilenlux7676: Do ^
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19:49.30babilenMy personaly preference is "5. 'gnome-session gdm3 network-manager-gnome' (minimalist, not recommended)." but you might deem that too minimal. On the other hand you can always install other software later.
19:50.03TomTomToschusing some iso image program could be the reason things didn't install correctly. usually gnome is selected as default, you would have to unselect it manually.
19:50.30markybobTomTomTosch: i dont remember netinst doing that.
19:50.56TomTomToschhmm, let me check.
19:51.36lux7676this is the iso that i downloaded
19:51.53lux7676maybe the file is corrupt or something because its like 260mb
19:52.00babilenlux7676: Yeah, did you tick the "Desktop enviroment" checkbox in the "Install software" dialogue ?
19:52.01markyboblux7676: yeah. so just install task-gnome-desktop if you want the full gnome experience
19:52.26r6kuwhat markybob said
19:52.29lux7676let me start over again....
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19:52.40markybobyou really don't have to...
19:52.51babilenThat pulls in everything and the kitchen sink though
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19:53.14markyboblux7676: apt-get install task-gnome-desktop as root will do the same thing as reinstalling and picking gnome
19:53.26babilenlux7676: The only thing that is missing is the installation of Gnome. You could just enter "apt-get install gnome-desktop-environment" and you would be done.
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19:54.30lux7676could not open file (13 permission denied)
19:54.30babilenThere are different packages and task-desktop-gnome is that largest that pulls in everything and the kitchen sink. I personally like to start with something smaller and simply install what I want later on.
19:54.33lux7676are you a root ?
19:54.40babilenWell, are you?
19:54.42lux7676yes because i already typed the pw
19:54.48markybobthe answer is you're not
19:54.51lux7676but why is aksing me this questions ?
19:54.53babilenYou are logged in as root?
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19:55.05r6kulux7676: you need super user(root) to install packages
19:55.24lux7676what should i do now ?
19:55.27babilenSo, run "su", enter your root password and try again
19:55.28lux7676sorry im bad with the terminal
19:55.47markyboblux7676: apt-get install task-gnome-desktop
19:55.52lux7676authentication failure
19:56.09lux7676now it work
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19:56.18lux7676one moment
19:56.24markyboblux7676: then reboot
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19:58.42lux7676building dependency tree
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19:58.52lux7676reading state information... done
19:59.07lux7676E unable to locate package gnome-desktop-environment
19:59.19lux7676should i restart anyway?
19:59.22markyboblux7676: that's not what i told you to do was it?
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19:59.59lux7676pt-get install task-gnome-desktop
20:00.00lux7676this ?
20:00.09*** join/#debian ChoppedDill_ (~choppeddi@2601:2c6:4304:878c:cd10:c1e9:bd7e:9d5e)
20:00.28babilendpkg: jessie sources.list
20:00.29dpkgA suitable /etc/apt/sources.list for Debian 8 "Jessie" has three lines: "deb jessie main" "deb jessie/updates main" "deb jessie-updates main".  Be sure to run «aptitude update» after editing sources.list.  Also see <deb-src> <contrib> <non-free> <jessie/updates> <jessie-updates> <mirrors> and "man sources.list".
20:00.32markyboblux7676: right. gnome-desktop-environmen is only in oldstable. not jessie
20:00.36r6kulux7676: yes, that one
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20:00.48lux7676same thing but now it says
20:00.59lux7676unable to locate package gnome-desktop
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20:01.21babilenmarkybob: Time to edit that factoid :)
20:01.50TomTomToschlux7676: read again.
20:02.47awal1lux7676, try updating first. run:    apt-get update && apt-get install task-gnome-desktop
20:03.01lux7676ok one moment
20:03.19TomTomToschit's a fresh install. all you have to do is type it correctly.
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20:04.35babilenGreat, I broke dpkg
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20:05.16awal1lux7676, maybe you're not typing correctly , so copy/paste
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20:05.26awal1apt-get update && apt-get install task-gnome-desktop
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20:05.40lux7676do i have to be connected to the internet ?
20:05.45lux7676cuz its same message
20:05.47markybobyou used netinst
20:06.19markybobthat means "network installation"
20:06.24lux7676well anyway i can do this offline
20:06.36lux7676sorry i misundestanded
20:06.39markybobyou download the gnome iso if that's what you want
20:06.43lux7676i think this is what i downloaded wrong
20:06.53lux7676i did create iso file
20:06.59awal1lux7676,  your apt sources file is ok?
20:07.02lux7676but maybe i picked the wrong version
20:07.14markybobyes you certainly did if you want gnome offline
20:07.14lux7676how can i check this awal1
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20:07.25lux7676i need to be able to install this offline
20:07.33TomTomToschdon't bother. you can't.
20:07.33lux7676i cant connect to the internet
20:07.44lux7676this is on another computer...
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20:08.07awal1lux7676, run in terminal:  cat /etc/apt/sources.list    copy and paste it in
20:08.23lux7676one moment
20:08.24TomTomToschhe still has no internet connection.
20:09.04TomTomToschhis sources.list is fine, it's a fresh install...
20:09.15lux7676no such file or directory
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20:09.48awal1he may have skipped sources config during install
20:09.55markybobhow does it matter?
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20:10.00markybobit's netinst with no net
20:10.11lux7676im worry that this is not full vesion yeah markybob
20:10.17lux7676i need like the 650 mb version
20:10.21markyboblux7676: yeah, you're right
20:10.27lux7676so im able to do it without the internet
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20:10.51lux7676i will make a new iso file with the right version
20:11.02TomTomToschdownload the dvd then.
20:11.04awal1without internet you will need dvd image , 1 gb +
20:11.16markyboblux7676: TomTomTosch is right. you probably should do dvd
20:11.28lux7676i undesrstand
20:11.33lux7676yeah i will make iso file
20:11.49jmcnaughtor you know, get the installer to connect to the internet
20:11.49babilenlux7676: You cannot connect the computer to the internet while you are installing or you can't connect to the internet now? (or both)
20:12.23markybobi think we're all assuming he just doesn't it have it since he didn't mention it "couldn't"
20:12.27lux7676i cant connect to the internet
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20:12.44lux7676im using two different computers
20:12.44babilenAt all?
20:13.00lux7676yes at all because the wifi card is not confgured..
20:13.08markyboboh lord
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20:13.24markybobnap time
20:13.39babilenlux7676: The installer should be able to connect to your wifi just fine. Did you configure it during the installation?
20:13.43awal1lux7676, if amd64 (64 bit) go to
20:13.47lux7676could somone give me the full offline version to the debain 64 bit iso
20:13.50awal13,7 gb
20:13.56b0s3dhello, i want to change the behavior of "Files" browser, i want to find something instead of searching for it
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20:15.03lux7676oh wow
20:15.11babilenb0s3d: You find things by searching for them
20:15.13lux7676awal1 thanks
20:15.21lux7676babilen yes
20:15.25lux7676but it did not detect it
20:15.32awal1I have used dvd1 when jessie release and that iso image dont include any DE, internet is needed for downlad the choosen DE in tasksel step. I dont know if things have changed since then...
20:16.00lux7676i remember downloading debain 7.9 it was like 650mb for the full iso
20:16.07lux7676this is debian-8.4.0-amd64-DVD-1.iso        2016-04-02 17:59  3.7G
20:16.10b0s3dbabilen: lets use the internet browser for an example, by search i refer to google, by find i refer to ctrl+f
20:16.16lux7676more than 4 times
20:16.32lux7676what are the differences
20:16.36lux7676between those two
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20:18.06babilenb0s3d: You mean that you want to restrict the search to the current directory?
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20:18.19TomTomToschmarkybob, as a side note: desktop environment is selected. it pulls gnome. so selecting gnome does exactly nothing :D
20:18.20awal1lux7676, please go to  and learn there
20:18.33b0s3dbabilen, have you had ubuntu before?
20:18.56babilenI have been using Debian since 2001, never saw the need to switch
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20:19.08jmcnaughtlux7676: it sounds like you might have a wifi adapter that needs a special firmware. We can help you determine that if you tell us the pciid (looks like [1234:abcd]) for your card from the output of this command: "lspci -nn | grep -i net".
20:19.52b0s3dalright, ehm.. instead of searching the dir i am in (this will make me find sub dirs too, which i don't want to) i would like to just scan the dir for the word i am searching for
20:19.52jmcnaughtlux7676: otherwise it might be easiest to simply connect this computer with an ethernet cable during the install (and use the netinst image you already have), then figure out the wifi drivers after the first boot
20:19.53Atm0spher1cI'm trying to add shutdown and restart options to xfce. Seems I need to add my user to the power group. There is no power group though, do I just make one?
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20:20.00b0s3dbabilen ^
20:20.13r6kunice timing there :p
20:20.22babilenb0s3d: Yeah, so restrict it to the current directory and not search recursively?
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20:20.44b0s3dbabilen: yeah i guess :)
20:21.18babilenNot sure that's possible, but lets see ..
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20:22.02Atm0spher1cAnd is there a list of groups and the meaning of each? Couldn't find any info on it.
20:22.07b0s3dbabilen: i am using gnome 3 btw
20:22.17babilendpkg: tell Atm0spher1c -about groups
20:22.54babilenb0s3d: Yeah, I think that the recursive search is normal in nautilus (what they now call "files", but nautilis is a lot easier to google for)
20:23.20b0s3dalright, thanks for the hit
20:23.24awal1Atm0spher1c, why you haven't those features under xfce DE? have you did a custom debian/xfce installation?
20:24.42lux7676any better explanations why is newest version of debian 6 times more than 7.9 version ?
20:25.22awal1Atm0spher1c,  on a standard debian install all those stuff (group permissions, shutdown feature...) are auto configured
20:25.38r6kulux7676: it isn't, there are 700mb cd images of debian 8 if you want them
20:25.44jmcnaughtlux7676: okay, not the pciid but the firmware installer doesn't include broadcom firmwares. The easiest thing to do is connect ethernet cable during the install. Or use one of the larger installer discs that includes more packages, but you will still need a network connection to get your wifi working (or manually copy some files)
20:25.51Atm0spher1cawal1: Yes I did. Maybe I should have just selected xfce at install. Can't remember exactly, but I think I did that for lxde and there were no shutdown, supend either. I should double check but I reinstalled several times already.
20:25.58babilenb0s3d: You can open dconf-editor and then take a look at org>gnome>nautlis>preferences -- I have a "enable recursive search" checkbox there. I have absolutely no idea if you could trigger that kind of search with different key combinations
20:26.20babilenb0s3d: nautilus naturally (not nautlis)
20:26.27awal1Atm0spher1c, are you with Jessie?
20:26.32lux7676hmm jmcnaught
20:26.46Atm0spher1cawal1: I had a debian wheezy lxde that I installed manually and had those shutdown and suspend options. Then when I did a fresh jessie install, those options werent available. So I'm now trying xfce
20:27.30lux7676r6ku but will they include all the packages like for the wifi to work?
20:27.39jmcnaughtlux7676: this problem is caused because broadcom forbids redistribution of the firmware files required to use their wifi adapter.
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20:28.17lux7676jmcnaught but for some reason with ubuntu it did work
20:28.22lux7676any reason why ?
20:28.26Atm0spher1canother interesting note, on the wheezy install the initial user I created at setup has all the normal groups. Then I created another user which I just realized isn't assigned to any groups. But audio, video, and everything works.
20:28.37awal1Atm0spher1c, all what you said is "weird" for me. as I said your issue shouldn't exist in a normal debian installation
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20:28.54genoobieHey all
20:29.03Atm0spher1cit is weird
20:29.32Atm0spher1cHow about the user that's in no groups, yet audio, video and everything works fine in lxde on wheezy
20:29.34b0s3dbabilen: awesome 'trick' mate, but i don't see no "enable recursive search" in there
20:29.35r6kulux7676: debian doesn't come with non-free firmware by default, there is a firmware netinst image though
20:29.48grawityAtm0spher1c: udev sets device ACLs for you
20:30.27Atm0spher1cgrawity: what does that exactly mean?
20:30.33grawityit's somewhat related to the ability to suspend
20:30.44r6kulux7676: oops, wrong link, here:
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20:31.03grawityAtm0spher1c: try `getfacl /dev/snd/pcm*` and see
20:31.09jmcnaughtlux7676: it's either because canonical gets permission to redistribute the firmwares, or they simply don't care and break the rules. Debian doesn't break rules like that
20:31.33jmcnaughtr6ku: that installer is helpful, but it doesn't include all firmwares (notably the broadcom ones)
20:31.42r6kuoh :(
20:32.18lux7676r6ku thanks
20:32.29lux7676jmcnaught wonder why they dont ///
20:33.21babilenb0s3d: I guess that we are using different versions (I'm on unstable) -- Pity!
20:33.24jmcnaughtlux7676: anyways.. if you can plug your computer into an ethernet cable during the install and the first few minutes after, that will be the easiest.
20:33.29lux7676r6ku but
20:33.42lux7676i wont be able to use it because no internet ..
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20:34.32awal1lux7676, how are you connected to this channel if no internet?
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20:34.58algunWhat do I do when I can see my phone in lsusb, but there is not a corresponding virtual file in /dev/, and conversely, it doesn't automount despite USB devices being set up to automount?
20:35.06lux7676awal1 public wifi
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20:35.20babilenb0s3d: This is nautilus 3.18.5 -- No idea when they introduced that option. You might want to investigate along those lines and maybe ask some Gnome people. Judging from experience: Gnome applications are rather hard to tinker with. I had hoped that that option would be available in your version also.
20:35.20awal1you 're having internet now, so go download the full dvd one and go on with your installation....
20:35.46awal1or buy a debian cd/dvd
20:36.07lux7676awal1 i would have to stay there for like whole night ...
20:36.08lux7676i need to find a place with fast internet
20:36.11awal1symbolic price, as explained in the debian link I gave you
20:36.12Atm0spher1cgrawity: interesting. Basically says that user is in the audio group, even though they're not
20:36.40Atm0spher1cSo is there a "power" group in debian?
20:36.56grawityno it doesn't say that
20:37.42awal1Atm0spher1c, just trying to undestand. what happens if you open a terminal and run  systemctl suspend, reboot or poweroff  ?
20:37.48awal1that have any effect?
20:38.12lux7676awal1 i will donate to debian community
20:38.12lux7676i want to say that i appreciate all the help from people here
20:38.12lux7676its hard to see this in real life
20:38.16Atm0spher1cawal1: yes that works of course, but for other users, they need to be able to click suspend
20:39.04Atm0spher1cgrawity: says # owner: root, # group: audio, and the user listed under that. I don't really understand it
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20:39.34Atm0spher1cawal1: I'm basically going by this
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20:41.39grawityit still talks about hal, so it's ... not exactly up-to-date
20:41.47grawityunless I guess that's still used on freebsd?
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20:45.30Atm0spher1cShould we not be using pm-suspend anymore? I always used that and now there's systemd and systemctl.
20:46.23bhurstpdxanyone tried Debian kfreeBSD?
20:47.00Guest47882xfce or lxde for gaming ?
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20:48.54r6kuGuest47882: either one is fine
20:49.18Paiannixfce is a bit rough with steam
20:49.45jml2bhurstpdx, y did awhile back in vbox.. though i don't know about its current status -- i think the project was suspended for awhile
20:49.48Paianniinfact steam's custom ui is buggy on any de
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20:50.17Paianniexcept unity, probably
20:50.22algunWhat do I do when I can see my device in lsusb, but there is not a corresponding virtual file in /dev/, and conversely, it doesn't automount despite USB devices being set up to automount?
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20:50.35ariczno problems with steam here.. using xfce
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20:55.57bob1hi all - somehow a zip archive wont open 'an error occured while loading the archive' any suggestions of debian tools to extract good files and deal with corrupt files later?
20:55.59genoobiearicz, what is steam
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20:57.15genoobiePaianni, how do you run steam on xfce?
20:57.17ariczI take it they were talking about Valve's Steam
20:57.36bob1and any suggestions on a format similar to osx disk images which rarely failed me, auto checksums - whatnot
20:57.52Paianniaptitude install steam
20:58.04genoobiearicz, would AMDTurion 2GHz with 3gb ram be enough..
20:58.07genoobiePaianni, thanks
20:58.24Paiannienable non-free first
20:58.31ariczhehe, don't think the specs are high for running Steam.. :)
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21:00.48genoobiePaianni, I enabled non-free, it says couldn't find steam
21:00.49jmcnaught  <--- there are more details here, including enabling multi-arch
21:02.12genoobiejmcnaught, thanks!
21:02.31genoobiejmcnaught, still having a bit of a sound issue
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21:03.36travis_Hey, while installing debian jessie through netinst I accidentally clicked no to installing 32bit libraries.... is there a way I can install them after installing debian
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21:04.10markybob!tell travis_ about multiarch
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21:04.44travis_thanks markybob always helpful :D
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21:06.29drocsidI installed Stretch wihtout network access. Now I'm trying to generate a sources list, but get a bunch of Ign lines. is a line like stretch/updates main not valid?
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21:08.44l0ll1p0pdrocsid: stretch is testing right?
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21:09.53jmcnaughtdpkg: tell drocsid about stretch sources.list
21:09.59travis_Random question, gnome 3 is super annoying with not having minimize/maximize buttons for windows how can i enable that
21:10.17markybobalso ign is perfectly okay and normal
21:10.31markybobmeans nothing changed so no need to download
21:10.51drocsidjmcnaught: if dpkg isn't around, can you just tell me
21:10.57jmcnaughtdrocsid: the dpkg bot just messaged you with an answer. also there is a #debian-next channel on that is specifically for testing/unstable, probably get better support there
21:11.03r6kutravis_: you can enable the buttons in the tweak tool, open the application menu and search for it
21:11.23grawitytravis_: gnome-tweak-tool; gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences button-layout appmenu:minimize,maximize,close
21:11.37jmcnaughtdrocsid: check your other tabs/windows in your irc client, see the channel topic for examples of how to interact with the bot
21:11.57genoobiehere's a stupid question
21:12.20genoobieWhen I plug my headphones in there is sound
21:12.29grawityalso, use Super+Up to maximize, Super+H to hide (minimize)
21:12.38genoobieunplug them, sometimes sound comes out of the speakers and sometimes no..
21:12.40genoobieany fix?
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21:14.28travis_got it thx
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21:16.56algunI have to try one last time: I have an android phone listed in lsusb, but not /dev/s*. What do I do?
21:17.02travis_So I ran "dpkg --add-architecture i386 && apt-get update" but opening steam still says missing 32 libraries steam may not run
21:17.11grawityausbin: recent Android devices only speak MTP, not Mass Storage
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21:20.36Eduard_Munteanualgun, what grawity said
21:22.03Atm0spher1ctravis_: fix your broken depend - apt-get install -f
21:22.18markybobtravis_: well i know you didn't follow the wiki
21:22.32travis_I did apt-get install -f
21:22.38markybobtravis_: it tells you to install 32-bilt opengl libraries and tells you exactly how to do it
21:22.40travis_no I didnt lmao I just put the command it told me to
21:22.53markybobtravis_: read.
21:23.11travis_damn it I told you reading is my greatest enemy .-.
21:24.00travis_32 bit is called i386 right
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21:24.48travis_wait i have to edit my sources?
21:25.13markybobtravis_: just assume the wiki is 100% correct
21:25.22markybobtravis_: and i have to go. good luck :)
21:25.56travis_im confused half way through reading should i APT::Architectures=<x86_64> <i386>
21:26.38dpkgMultiarch allows you to install foreign architecture packages.  For example, to allow i386 packages to be installed on an amd64 system: «dpkg --add-architecture i386 && apt-get update».  See and <multiarch howto>, <multiarch failures>.  For the unrelated installer that can install i386 or amd64, see <multi-arch installer>.
21:26.53bob1wow 'zip -FF indamagedarchive --out outfixedarchive' completely fixed all zipped archive! - thx all!
21:27.38travis_jml2 im reading the wiki i said lol
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21:28.30travis_I typed the command and changed sources to add i386 i still cant open steam
21:29.18jml2oh steam..
21:29.25jml2yeah there are instructions i recall somewhere
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21:29.51jml2steam should/would be supported well since SteamOS bases itself off debian
21:30.18travis_Right the issue is when I did netinst of jessie I accidentally said no to installing 32 bit libs
21:30.49Atm0spher1cdoesnt matter, you can change it after as you did
21:31.09Atm0spher1cyou're doing something wrong, and not explaining what you're doing
21:31.22travis_I did the following >>
21:31.26*** join/#debian vivid (~vivid@unaffiliated/vivid)
21:31.37Atm0spher1cbasically that wiki should work out just fine
21:31.43Atm0spher1cuninstall steam and try again
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21:32.25travis_downloaded and installed steam .deb file , found it didnt work and followed the wiki ... pkg --add-architecture i386 && apt-get update.... still didnt work.... then I followed the wiki further and added this line to my sources.list deb [arch=amd64,i386] quantal main universe ... still dont work
21:32.49Atm0spher1cthis is debian not ubuntu
21:33.20Atm0spher1cdeb jessie main contrib non-free - that's all you need per debian steam wiki
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21:33.26l0ll1p0ptravis_: did you updated after you add the line to your repos
21:33.29Atm0spher1cyou're not following the wiki
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21:34.18travis_Atm0spheric I installed the non-free netinst do i still need to add that?
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21:34.51markybobtravis_: honestly you may have broken things too far already by adding ubuntu
21:34.57markybob!tell travis_ about dontbreakdebian
21:35.15travis_what I didnt add ubuntu stuff
21:35.20*** join/#debian GeHa (
21:35.24markybobtravis_: we can't support you if you don't follow clear instructions and do things on your own (like adding ubuntu)
21:35.40travis_wtf are you talking about ubuntu
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21:35.51Atm0spher1ctravis_:  you said - "deb [arch=amd64,i386] quantal main universe ... still dont work"
21:36.03travis_oh but thats what the wiki says
21:36.13Atm0spher1ctravis_: no -
21:36.13markybobtravis_: no
21:36.21markybobtravis_: that's not the wiki i linked you to
21:36.37markybobtravis_: it's probably broken. reinstall and start over. then follow instructions
21:36.42travis_markybob wants you to know: Multiarch allows you to install foreign architecture packages.  For example, to allow i386 packages to be installed on an amd64 system: «dpkg --add-architecture i386 && apt-get update».  See
21:36.47travis_i followed that wiki
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21:37.09markybobtravis_: nowhere there will you find ubuntu. i don't know what's wrong with your reading ability
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21:43.58awal1Atm0spher1c, I find  pm-suspend...  insecure because it needs root access and if any someone can press power button for resume and he gets X terminal with root privileges...
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21:51.50Atm0spher1cawal1: sudo
21:52.12Atm0spher1cdidn't know systemctl suspend doesnt need root
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22:05.28algungrawity: It's not recent
22:08.15transhumancould not configure /dev/net/tun: Operation not permitted qemu-system-x86_64 ...looks like a bug in libvirt, aqemu, or tun/tap, anyone able to confirm? Work around?
22:10.16*** join/#debian TheSin (
22:10.50TheSinhey anyone here know apt-file? I just updated and none -N and -s are gone, so how can I set non-interactive and set a specific sources.list now?
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22:21.23jml2TheSin, for jessie?
22:21.34jml2TheSin, here i use apt-file sometimes, i still see these options available
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22:24.09TheSinjml2, for testing, they are gone :( and I use it on a web site for file searches so I ened to be able to do both those things
22:24.52markybobTheSin: well for testing try #debian-next on per /topic for better help
22:25.06TheSinmarkybob, k thanks
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22:49.05transhumandoes debian use cgroups?
22:49.57transhumanthis doesnt work but I am wondering if some variation of this would
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23:06.48MaBunnyHey guys
23:07.08MaBunnyIn 30mins it will be morning here so
23:07.24MaBunnyIll keep it simple as possible
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23:07.59MaBunnySo ive done the steps TomTomTosch told me too
23:08.42MaBunnyI hav redone the apt mirror,and for some 7-8 hours it went downloading
23:09.32MaBunnyAnd after tht it showed me a window to select which software to include
23:10.17MaBunnyI clicked yes on Debian window manager,gnome , ssh server n system utilities
23:10.53MaBunnyIt went on downloading for those 7-8 hrs around 1450 packages
23:10.59MaBunnyOr something
23:11.13MaBunnyAnd then it said "failed"
23:11.23*** join/#debian socomm (~socomm@
23:12.04MaBunnySo wht steps should i follow now,if you guys can tell me
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23:12.32MaBunnyI hav an exam today and will leave for the exam centre
23:12.58jmcnaughtMaBunny: check tty4 (by pressing ctrl+alt+f4) for details of the failure
23:13.03MaBunnyWhich is some 70 kms away for something like 2 hrs later
23:13.25MaBunnyIn the shell window???
23:13.46MaBunnyWhat cmd is tht??? check tty4 ???
23:14.11MaBunnyWait will try
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23:14.34jmcnaughtMaBunny: it's nto a command, it's an action that the user takes. going to tty4 with ctrl+alt+f4, looking for errors on the screen.
23:15.22MaBunnyI pressed check tty4
23:15.43lux7676i think now it would be best for me to use 7.9 debian until i have time upgrading since 7.9 actually works except does not support avi or mp3 files
23:15.49MaBunnyBut it didnt show anything,though i pressed ctrl alt f1
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23:16.11lux7676any way i can downalod some packages for that ?
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23:16.30lux7676but i would have to download it as a file and then transfer it from usb
23:16.36lux7676i cant do it from the terminal
23:16.49MaBunnyIt didnt show anything jmcnaught
23:17.02MaBunnyIn the ctrl atl f4
23:17.45jmcnaughtMaBunny: that's where the debian installer shows details. Are any of these languages easier for you than english? Chinese Czech French German Greek Italian Japanese Korean Portuguese Russian Spanish Swedish Vietnamese
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23:18.14MaBunnyI wish bengali was there too
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23:18.26MaBunnyBut in any case
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23:18.52MaBunnyMy english is *excellent by indian standards ;)
23:18.56MaBunnyMy frnd
23:19.18MaBunnyLeaving tht besides
23:19.48MaBunnyI pressed ctrl alt f4 n it took me to a diff window thn
23:19.56MaBunnyCtrl alt f1
23:19.57jmcnaughtMaBunny: okay, i wasn't trying to judge your language skills or anything. those are the languages that the debian install manual is available in. I recommend you read it, again if you have already, very thoroughly, before trying the install again:
23:20.42MaBunnyWhich portion should i specifically read for my current problem???
23:20.53MaBunnyAny suggestion??
23:21.08MaBunnyI mean sec 7.5/4.3
23:21.16MaBunnyIts huge
23:21.46MaBunnyAnd i am in my mobile now
23:22.09MaBunnySo simuntaneously 2 screens are a darn
23:22.18jmcnaughtMaBunny: I don't know what caused the failure. maybe you didn't have enough space on your root partition? The install manual isn't that long really, and it will take you less time to read than repeatedly reattempting the install. Pretend it's mandatory for school if that helps.
23:22.48MaBunnyWell,ok but
23:23.03MaBunnyI had 12 gb of my 16 gb as root
23:23.11MaBunnyIll check
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23:23.44MaBunnySpell my name if you guys want to catch my interest ;)
23:23.52lux7676jmcaught will this support playing mp3 files ? with debian 7.9
23:24.40transhumanok so getting the following strace note the two lines that say etc/gcrypt/hwf.deny", O_RDONLY)  = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)  open("/etc/qemu/qemu.conf", O_RDONLY)   = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)  ... any idea what is missing?
23:25.06transhumanlooks like a missing config file..ok but whats the other one?
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23:25.38NYTimeshey how do I exit a server without closing programs
23:25.57jml2NYTimes, ??
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23:26.07jml2NYTimes, sounds like catch-22
23:26.08transhumanput the screen saver on maybe?
23:26.17jml2NYTimes, close your eyes?
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23:26.47jmcnaughtMaBunny: try using the guided partitioning option with all-in-one partition next time
23:26.49transhumanrun everything as daemons
23:27.18jmcnaughtlux7676: i dunno.. i think lots of stuff plays mp3 in wheezy. i never had any problem with it.
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23:27.40MaBunnyIn my prev instl in deb 8.3 i had choosen manual option
23:27.45TomTomToschNYTimes, if you mean you want the application running after you have closed the ssh connection you can use something like screen and detach the session.
23:27.57MaBunnyIt didnt wreak my time!!
23:27.58markybob!tell NYTimes about screen
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23:28.05MaBunnySmooth as butter
23:28.07lux7676jmcnaught it says that it is not supported
23:28.09NYTimeswhen I ssh to a vps how do I exit leaving apps running ?
23:28.11MaBunnyBut ill check
23:28.22lux7676maybe im just downaloding something thats not full
23:28.23markybobNYTimes: bot just told you
23:28.25lux7676but it should work
23:28.34lux7676because the system actually works
23:28.40NYTimesTomTomTosch: ok thanks markybob
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23:28.45lux7676i cant play avi or mp3
23:29.01ariczgnu screen <3
23:29.21lux7676i wanted to know if there is special package
23:29.27lux7676because linux is ogg
23:29.34lux7676instead of mp3
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23:29.55jmcnaughtlux7676: what says that what is not supported? rhythmbox played mp3s for me on wheezy. maybe you just need to install some more gstreamer packages?
23:30.09NYTimesmarkybob: TomTomTosch ok I see now is tmux the same ?
23:30.21jml2transhuman, the documentation on centos mentions cgroups, but you should know something more about redhat in general -- and that is if you see something for "Centos" or "Redhat" -- you will see the same kernel support for all linux distros
23:30.39TomTomToschNYTimes: yes.
23:30.43jml2transhuman, ,/documentation was on redhat.. but it can apply in general to more than just centos too
23:30.44jmcnaughtlux7676: vlc is also available for wheezy, it plays everything
23:30.49lux7676jmcnaught will you be here for the next couple hours, i will make the iso again and install it
23:31.13lux7676i replaced the usb with 7.9 to 8.4
23:31.14TomTomToschNYTimes: you can pick any terminal multiplexer.
23:31.15\niu need codecs lux7676
23:31.23lux7676but we all know wat happened
23:31.29jmcnaughtlux7676: if you're doing a fresh install, i recommend Debian 8 (Jessie). I might be around, i'm here a lot lately. There's also 1500+ others that might help you.
23:31.53transhumanok thanks jml2, do you have an answer as to what gcrypt package provides /etc/gcrypt/hwf.deny seems that is the root of my problem according to strace?
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23:32.19NYTimesTomTomTosch: ok but the session will still be open I mean still connected
23:32.23NYTimesright ?
23:32.27transhumanjml2 seems it is missing
23:32.37markybobNYTimes: you'll have to reattach. screen -r after reconnecting
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23:32.48lux7676\ni thanks ! question for you
23:32.53MaBunnySo guys
23:33.04lux7676is there any way to download it instead using the terminal
23:33.23MaBunnySomething caught my attention while i was checking the guide
23:33.32lux7676i need a way to have it downloaded on one computer and then transfer the files from usb to another one where i can install it
23:33.32jml2transhuman, doesn't mean that it needs it -- strace always shows a lot of "mising" no file found
23:33.34\niI duno. I normally use the terminal to install stuff
23:33.39MaBunnyIts in this link:
23:33.41NYTimesyeah I get it I use tmux but I do not understand how to exit properly from ssh
23:33.54lux7676hmm i see
23:33.55jml2transhuman, (especially for osbolete/outdated library files and optional configuration files)
23:34.21MaBunnyIt says tht i need a minimum 10gb of disk space,while mine on the usb is 12gb
23:34.21markybobNYTimes: in screen you do ctrl+a d to detach. then you can exit
23:34.31markybobNYTimes: man screen or google something about it.
23:34.49MaBunnySo is it possible tht it ran out of disk space???
23:34.56transhumanIC jml2 unfortunately strace doesnt provide me any further information on why the operation is not permitted .
23:35.02lux7676anyway i can download codecs for debian as a file instead from the terminal
23:35.14MaBunnyBut ive tht 64gb pendrive,can try on tht one
23:35.15jml2MaBunny, it's common for standard debian to install under 3.5 gigs
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23:35.31jml2MaBunny, so you have more than enough disk space
23:35.36MaBunnyI mean with gnome???
23:35.57MaBunnyOk my dad is calling
23:36.05MaBunnyNeed to ready up
23:36.12MaBunnyFor the trip
23:36.20MaBunnyBye guys
23:36.34MaBunnyAnd ill check after my exam
23:36.47MaBunnyThnx for your time :)
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23:38.25transhumanjml2 any options that you might suggest that might get strace to give me more output on what is causing the failed permit jml2...thanks in advance kind of stuck on this one
23:38.25lux7676\ni is this the right thing
23:39.26jml2transhuman, what application are you trying to fix?
23:39.33jml2transhuman, maybe i can provide a generic route
23:39.37transhumantun/tap on aqemu
23:39.53transhumantrying to build a kvm/xen live cd
23:40.06jml2transhuman, oh well then you're trying to compile things..
23:40.09transhumanso need a gui manager for kvm
23:40.16markyboblux7676: for mp3 to work with totem in wheezy you need gstreamer0.10-fluendo-mp3 as well. best bet is just use vlc as you had been told
23:40.31transhumanaqemu is giving me headackes with networking here is the error hold on
23:40.33jml2transhuman, there's a distro for this already it hink it's called qvwm.. something
23:40.35NYTimesI mean right I ssh then I'm in bash shell lvl1 then zsh lvl2 I start tmux/screen but now that i'm lvl4 how do I exit ssh ? and dont tllme ctrl-c or exit or ctrl-d...
23:41.05markybobNYTimes: i told you. in screen, ctrl+a d then exit
23:41.14markybobNYTimes: when you ssh back in, screen -r
23:41.14\nilux7676, the description says that it reads mp3s. Maybe it's what u need (I'm also a debian noob XD )
23:41.14lux7676markybob vlc player ?
23:41.19markyboblux7676: yes
23:41.26jml2transhuman,  i think it may have heen this one
23:41.35jml2transhuman,  as for building anything that's out of the quetsion for me sry
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23:42.08ninjaaWhat is the purpose of seperating / and /home ?
23:42.14transhumanyeah thats based on redhat trying to do similar with debian
23:42.31transhumanhate redhat and its not for security as much as it is for development.
23:42.33lux7676markybob anyway i can install it as a program ?
23:42.36transhumanits a qemu problme
23:42.43lux7676this only gives me option if i have the internet
23:42.51transhumanor more specifically /tun/tap problem
23:42.59jml2transhuman, fwiw.. i think the old brctl is less favored than "openvswitch" -- you have better performance and flexibility as well as "isolation" from protecting different VM traffic
23:43.27jml2transhuman, (check out adding "macvtaps" directly on "eth0" -- and then use macvtaps with VMS -- it's much efficicent as well as secure -- because you can use "mode private")
23:43.48jml2transhuman, on the "brctl" classic bridge there's no traffic isolation..
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23:44.06markyboblux7676: it's in debian. you can get it from another computer that has internet from and transfer it over with a usb stick
23:44.08transhumando any of the gui's out there use mac taps or am I going to be confined to writting a bunch of scripts?
23:44.10jmcnaughtlux7676: "apt-get install vlc" generally not recommended to install stuff in Debian by downloading from websites.. this is a bad windows habit
23:45.05lux7676oh wow
23:45.20lux7676jmcnaught what is the proper way to download stuff in debian ?
23:46.05markyboblux7676: with internet you use apt-get/aptitude/apt without it you get it from then dpkg -i foo.deb or use apt-zip if it's intense
23:46.30markybob!tell lux7676 about dontbreakdebian
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23:47.57NYTimesmarkybob: i just launch htop via ssh thru tmux then I closed the session the sshed back and htop wasn't running anymore
23:48.02*** join/#debian Garionie (Trofacole@gateway/vpn/mullvad/x-bbjwmfvkvcmloalp)
23:48.11NYTimesI miss smthing here
23:48.27jmcnaughtlux7676: lux7676: heh, to be fair now that I look at they're saying to get it from official repos or backports. what a nice upstream!
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23:48.34TomTomToschNYTimes: did you detach the session before closing?
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23:49.17NYTimesTomTomTosch: u doubtfooled me lol lemme check again
23:49.30lux7676jmcnaught so i understand tat when downloading something its always best from the offical debian site
23:49.57\niif avalible, yes lux7676
23:49.58transhumanjml2 looks like virtual manager supports macvtaps maybe thats the route to go ..thanks
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23:51.02\nilux7676, you'll get auto-magically updates for everything installed that way
23:51.25jmcnaughtlux7676: yes, and Debian has tools like apt-get, aptitude, and (if you must) synaptic for installing software from the official Debian repositories (which have 40,000+ packages in Debian 8)
23:51.31lux7676jmcnaught ok this means
23:51.44lux7676i need to wifi before anything
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23:52.25NYTimesTomTomTosch: yes its ok that way but technically the ssh connection hed never been cut
23:52.40lux7676jmcnaught i have to make new iso with the debian 7.9 and go throught the installation and see the network again
23:52.49lux7676... this might take little bit lol
23:52.57TomTomToschNYTimes: i don't understand what you want to tell me, sry.
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23:53.36lux7676but im glad that i switched to linux and i will never go back
23:53.44pingfloydlux7676: it's also good to check the digest and gpg signature
23:54.00lux7676yeah i always do that
23:54.18lux7676the md5 hash as well
23:54.26lux7676to double check
23:54.26pingfloydlux7676: the fingerprints are listed here to compare against if you don't go to keysigning parties
23:54.37NYTimesTomTomTosch: when you detach your screen/tmux session then the ssh connection is still up
23:54.48markybobNYTimes: yes. then you type exit
23:54.49TomTomToschNYTimes: right..
23:54.53pingfloydlux7676: I recommend sha256 or better for the hash though
23:55.06lux7676pingfloyd oh ok
23:55.18pingfloydlux7676: I usually use sha512 myself
23:55.38markybobi did say that before...
23:55.47pingfloydlux7676: question though, why 7 instead of 8?
23:56.20NYTimesis a vpn usefull for a vps ?
23:56.42TomTomToschdo apples go nice with oranges?
23:56.58lux7676because i downloaded the wrong iso and then new one is 3.7gb
23:57.04lux7676the 7.9 is only 650 mb
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23:57.20lux7676im having problems understanding why is there such a big difference
23:57.32pingfloydlux7676: sounds like the 3.7 is the dvd
23:57.41pingfloydlux7676: netinstall should be smaller
23:57.45TomTomToschNYTimes: both have their uses, both can be useful for you. your question has no answer.
23:57.59lux7676yes but i dont have that much bandwitch to use
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23:58.20lux7676i need to do it somewhere else
23:58.45lux7676i hope debain 8.4 does not come with programs like skype
23:58.53lux7676like ubuntu for example
23:59.00pingfloydlux7676: debian-8.4.0-amd64-netinst.iso      2016-04-02 16:46  247M
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23:59.30markybobwe went through this hours ago. he wants gnome offline installer. not netinst.
23:59.36markybobthis keeps going and going

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