IRC log for #debian on 20160314

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00:01.26cesoTomTomTosch: If i run dmesg, there is some errores about suspend
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00:02.02ceso[  634.259465] PM: Device 0000:00:14.0 failed to suspend async: error -16
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00:02.46jelly-homeceso: try the stupid thing and upgrade the kernel to whatever's available in jessie-backports
00:03.06jelly-home!bpo kernel
00:03.06dpkgNewer kernels for Debian stable releases are available from the "jessie-backports" repository.  Ask me about <jessie backports> to modify your sources.list, then run «aptitude update».  To install the current backported kernel: «aptitude -t jessie-backports install linux-image-`uname -r|sed 's,[^-]*-[^-]*-,,'`».  To list available backported kernel image packages: «aptitude search '?narrow(~nlinux-image,?origin(Debian Backports))'».
00:03.26jelly-home!jessie backports
00:03.26dpkgSelected packages intended for the Debian 9 "Stretch" release but recompiled for use with "Jessie" (8.x) can be found in the "jessie-backports" repository.  Note that jessie-backports are on the regular mirror network, not on  A suitable line for your sources.list is «deb jessie-backports main».  Also ask me about <bdo>.
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00:03.56cesojelly-home: mmm, maybe a bug? the mac is running sid
00:04.54jelly-homeceso: sid always has bugs, you're supposed to deal with them.
00:05.06cesoyes, i know
00:05.10dpkg#debian-next is the channel for testing/unstable support on the OFTC network (, *not* on Freenode.  If you get "Cannot join #debian-next (Channel is invite only)." it means you did not read it's on
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00:06.27cesobut, even is stable
00:06.29cesoagainst other distros
00:07.17cesooh, something is i runing i3
00:07.21cesodebian sid + i3
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00:08.49darklingI'm trying to set up a service. This service has what looks like a perfectly good ordinary initscript. However, when I try to start it with that initscript, all I get is "[....] Starting fuseki (via systemctl): fuseki.serviceFailed to start fuseki.service: Unit fuseki.service failed to load: No such file or directory."
00:09.22TomTomToschhmm, the wiki doesn't even have a profile for the macbook air 7. but i guess status for sleep/suspend gets a sad face x)
00:09.23darklingHow do I get this thing simply to run the initscript properly?
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00:11.50cesoTomTomTosch: the last mba in the wiki, is 2014, and there suspend and hibernate is ok
00:12.32cesobut, wifi has a x) face, however in mba 2015 works without issues
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00:12.54cesoplease, if i wrote something strange, tall me
00:13.06cesoim still learning english
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00:13.30TomTomToschwe all are.
00:13.39dvsI ain't
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00:21.18cesosuspend works out of the box even in lenny (kernel 2.6.26), haha I upgrade some package, because an acpi package was in the list, im going to reboot and test again
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00:26.43phorce1_homethemill: wins half a cookie. I had indeed accidentally used the wrong install image (i386) while trying to take my machine from wheezy-i386 to jessie-amd64. But, 2 reinstalls later it is still too many steps for using the dselect --set-selections method. I'd probably have to go wheezyi386 --> wheezy-amd64 then upgrade wheezy-->jessie. So, clean install and a slow, MANUAL, reinstall of packeges turns o
00:26.49phorce1_homeut to be the way to go.
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00:29.48phorce1_homewill probably have to reinstall again because he stupidly copied /usr/local over from the old install --- with all of the i386 stuff that no longer works
00:30.57themill!win me
00:30.57dpkgCongratulations, themill!  You have won a lifetime supply of spam!
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00:31.35themillphorce1_home: you can filter the selections output to remove the i386-specific packages. You can probably filter all lib* packages too
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00:36.12phorce1_homethemill: I just got my nvidia dual screen back where I want it though. LOL! (Plus I discovered the reason I had this motherboard in the "backup" pile. No sound. I wondered why there was a Soundblaster lying in the same box. I really need to label used stuff better.
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00:39.29phorce1_homeTomTomTosch: y'all'd've learned English quicker if it weren't such an ... interesting ... language.
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00:41.58cesolast try, not works haha
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00:58.58cesoTomTomTosch: maybe this helps
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01:23.04N3X15_Okay, continuation of last night:  SATA hard drives, motherboard, and RAID card moved to new server chassis.  OS and files are all present and /boot part has boot flag and grub2 installed, yet despite the OS recognizing the disk and it being in the boot list, it fails to find the OS.
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01:24.14N3X15I also did a fresh reinstall of grub2 using the liveCD about an hour ago, still no dice
01:24.55N3X15This is an older motherboard, so EFI/UEFI is not the problem.
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01:39.47zacwallsHey I am trying to install debian 8 jessie from a USB device. I am using the netinstall iso. And when I get to the config for internet hardware, I get an error saying the installer cant find some firmware package. I wrote down the name. It was, iwlwifi-3160-9 and iwlwifi-3160-8
01:39.58zacwallsWhat can I do to fix this?
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01:40.38markybobzacwalls: use the firmare iso that has it included.
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01:41.52zacwallsmarkybob, Thanks. I'll give it a shot...
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01:57.13fuanstarting debian in Virtualbox, during boot i get this message: A start job is running for LSB ; raise network interface
01:57.19fuanand it hangs for a while
01:57.46fuanafter boot finished, i run ifconfig and got no connection. I do "ifdown eth0" and "ifup eth0" and the connection is up
01:58.30somiajfuan: static ip or dhcp?
01:59.10fuanthe first boot after installation.
01:59.23fuanwell: the first few boots ...
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02:01.52awal1fuan, no network manager/wicd installed there?
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02:03.09awal1I get that message if I connect manually via interfaces
02:03.56awal1installing wicd, networkmanager... should solve that
02:04.15fuanuh, well, i don't need a network manager
02:04.29fuanthis should work.
02:05.25somiajfuan: are you using a virtual network or a bridge. It could be that the dhcp server is not correctly responding during the bootup phase and dhclient just times out. You can swithc to dhcpcd for something that will keep trying or try to track down why the dhcp response isn't getting back in time during the boot
02:06.04fuani use the "bridged" interface
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02:06.18awal1fuan, oh, excuses. I have missed your first post; I thought you were running debian in real hardware.
02:06.55fuansomiaj: to use dhcpd i replace dhcp with dhcpd in the file interaces?
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02:07.18somiajfuan: no you install the package dhcpcd (and maybe remove dhclient)
02:07.26somiajfuan: it is an alternative dhcp client
02:07.28fuanah. ok
02:07.47fuanso it is rather a problem of Virtualbox?
02:07.51somiajbut it runs as a daemon so it will keep trying in the background as opposed to dhclient will time out
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02:08.16somiajsomething with the network being ready when dhclient requests an ip
02:08.21somiaja static ip may be worth it too
02:08.54fuanYeah, i could try that.
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02:09.44kingkonghi. i received email on root like this. what should i do ? W: Failed to fetch ­­zy/Release.gpg Something wicked happened resolving '­­' (-5 - No address associated with hostn­ame) E: Some index files failed to download.­ They have been ignored, or old ones use­d instead.
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02:10.35dvsask Christian?
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02:12.53somiajkingkong: we don't support deb-multimedia here so you will have to see why their wheezy sources no longer work.
02:13.06somiajsome here even suggest not using deb-multimedia sources
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02:14.21kingkongtheir wheezy source not works anymore? all users getting same error or only me?
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02:14.41somiajkingkong: ask them, we don't support deb-multimedia here
02:15.22kingkongdo you know whats their irc channel if exists?
02:15.30*** join/#debian DammitJim (
02:15.35dpkgWe recommend against using; these unofficial packages are known to cause many hard to debug problems.  They are not in Debian either because the they are poor in quality or for legal reasons.  See or ask me about <dmm wheezy>, <dmm jessie>.  See also <dmm list>, <dmm mirrors>, <dmm pinning>, <why not dmm>, <dmm remove>.
02:15.56somiajkingkong: I'd start at their webpage for info
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02:19.41cmdbbqI can't figure out how to make permanent the change enacted by "synclient TapButton1=1" in Debian 8
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02:21.27kingkongand another email comes on root everyday as like this
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02:21.49kingkonginitctl: Unable to connect to Upstart: ­Failed to connect to socket /com/ubuntu/­upstart: Connection refused
02:22.00somiajkingkong: you must have unattened-upgrades installed. You can go remove the sources to fix it.
02:22.12kingkongim on debian wheezy. why i get this
02:22.17somiajkingkong: oh that? Are you running debian why do you have ubuntu/upstart
02:22.31somiajwell if you are mixing repos, have you added any repos for ubuntu, if so you may be building a frakendebian
02:22.56kingkongi dont know. last month it started to email me this. before i hadnt such email on root
02:23.52dvscalls franken
02:24.16somiajwell Im' unsure what sort of stuff you have installed on your machine. But it is hard for us to support installs once one starts mixing repos.
02:24.35somiajlook at 'apt-cache policy' if you have ubuntu, or other strange tird-party soruces there you could have a mess
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02:29.16kingkongi dont see ubuntu in it
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02:30.40dvskingkong, but there's several duplicate sources.
02:30.48kingkongand i received same error on dist-upgrade
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02:32.51kingkongthats my sources list
02:33.38dvsyup, frankendebian
02:33.42kingkongwhich one is dublicate?
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02:34.09dvs1 and 2 are "the same"
02:34.36dvsand 8 makes it a frankendebian
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02:35.05kingkongi created my sources list by help of this channel. maybe 2 years ago :)
02:35.11jmcnaughtline 8 is a deb-src, it's fine
02:35.15dvsoh wait, my bad, it's a deb-src
02:35.48jmcnaughtusing all those third party repos though, that can break upgrades on a system
02:35.56kingkongif i removed 1st line the problem will be solved?
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02:36.19dvskingkong, the release notes says to disable 3rd party repos on upgrades.
02:36.40jmcnaughtkingkong: the original problem you have is with deb-multimedia, so remove that at least.
02:37.09jmcnaughtkingkong: also i noticed you have pinned sysinit in your apt-cache policy output
02:37.11kingkongwhich lines are 3rd party repos? multimedia line?
02:37.44jmcnaughtkingkong: lines 5, 6, 7, are not Debian repos
02:37.45kingkongi dont even remember why i added it. maybe it was for radio server
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02:38.23jmcnaughtyou *can* use third party repos in Debian, it's just that they have the potential to break your system. sometimes the break happens later during an upgrade, not right away.
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02:39.32jmcnaughtso it's always better to try and do what you need with the 40000+ packages that Debian provides
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02:39.48dvsnot enough!
02:40.36kingkonghow can i know which source list line effects which things on my system ?
02:41.40kingkongto remove deb-multimedia will cause any error or problem on my webserver, mail or radio server?
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02:43.09kingkongjmcnaught: whats sysinit doing exactly ? its not related to debian ?
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02:43.44kingkongi hadnt such emails before a month ago
02:44.29jmcnaughtkingkong: i meant lines 264-265 in  sysvinit is the init system in wheezy, it starts all the services on your system. do you remember pinning it for some reason?
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02:46.21jmcnaughtkingkong: i don't know of a whay to ask apt to show all of the packages that come from a specific repo. some commands that might help are "apt-cache policy $package". Also if you remove a repo, you can search for obsolete packages (that cannot be downloaded anymore) with "aptitude search ~o"
02:46.23kingkongno i dont remember it. i installed pip, clamav, spamassassin on last month. maybe they did it?
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02:46.46jmcnaughtkingkong: do you mean the emails you get about deb-multimedia?
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02:49.50kingkongyes. i meant generally. i hadnt any error or warning email on root mail before a month ago. it started to send me daily on each cron
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02:50.37kingkongi installed pip, amavis, clamav, spamassasin a month ago
02:50.42awal1Usually I check apt changelogs/news durring upgrades but sometimes i have no time. How to make apt skip showing changelogs/news temporally without editing apt files? An apt argument/option , I mean; I dont find it in man
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02:51.31kingkongmy system is frankendebian now?
02:51.33jmcnaughtkingkong: the email you quotes about 40 minutes ago was saying that it could not resolve, did you get pip, clamav etc from there?
02:51.54jmcnaughtkingkong: make a paste of any emails you're having trouble understanding i guess
02:54.36kingkongi dont think so. where can i learn it to be sure how i got them? i was following a step by step guide.
02:54.42kingkongCron  test -x /usr/sbin/anacron || ( cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.daily )
02:54.50kingkongits email title
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02:56.54kingkongi dont use ubuntu. but it gives error so. :)
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02:57.06jmcnaughtkingkong: check /etc/cron.daily/logrotate to see what it's doing. i don't know why it would be trying to talk to upstart.. maybe you tried using upstart at one point, and when you switched back to sysvinit you also pinned it?
02:57.12somiajkingkong: dpkg -l | grep upstart (do you have upstart installed)?
02:57.22somiajnote upstart is in debian, but is ubuntus creation
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02:59.21kingkongif i did it, i didnt do it on purpose. so i dont know if i did or not.
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03:00.24kingkongii  upstart                           1.6.1-1                            amd64        event-based init daemon
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03:01.37awal1kingkong,  the output of "ps --pid 1 -f" ?
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03:03.05kingkongits crondaily file content
03:03.57kingkongroot         1     0  0  2015 ?        00:00:02 init
03:04.20MikazeHello.  How do you find the program name to run when you install a package like gnupg-agent, and you run `man gnupg-agent` thinking something will be there, but nothing is?
03:04.28kingkongits ps --pid 1 -f output ^
03:04.49jmcnaughtkingkong: that looks pretty normal. maybe you have a file like /etc/logrotate.d/upstart ?
03:05.23jmcnaughtMikaze: "dpkg -L gnupg-agent | grep bin"
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03:06.22awal1seems that something is missing in your init, kingkong, output of "stat /sbin/init" ?
03:06.40Mikazejmcnaught: Didn't think dpkg -l gave that much info.
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03:06.55Mikazetries it...
03:06.56jmcnaughtMikaze: -L not -l
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03:07.35Mikazejmcnaught: Sorry.  Blind and can't hear caps. <laughs>  Oops.
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03:11.54kingkongjmcnaught: yes i have that upstart file
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03:13.09kingkongits output of ls for daily cron dir and logrotate. and stat /sbin/init
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03:14.33jmcnaughtkingkong: so /sbin/init is not a symlink, so you can see which package provides this file with "dpkg -S /sbin/init"
03:16.06jmcnaughtkingkong: then i guess you need to figure out why/how upstart got installed. you could run "apt-get --simulate remove upstart" to see a simulation of what would happen if it gets removed (which other packages get removed)
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03:16.53kingkongthats /etc/logrotate.d/upstart  containing
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03:19.15kingkongdpkg -S /sbin/init
03:19.15kingkongupstart: /sbin/init
03:19.16dpkgYou Fool! /sbin/init is installed!
03:19.28kingkongits output
03:19.53jmcnaughtkingkong: so you're using upstart instead of the default (for wheezy) sysvinit
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03:24.31jmcnaughtkingkong: hmm.. i bet libclamav6 is listed because some other package that depended on it is no longer installed
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03:25.21kingkonghow can i find it
03:25.51jmcnaughtkingkong: i would be careful about removing upstart without knowing how to make sure that sysvinit replaces it. i'm willing to bet that sysvinit being pinned on your system is related to upstart, perhaps you followed some instructions without fully understanding them, and now don't remember?
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03:26.04dpkgpastebinit is a command-line tool to send data to a <pastebin>.  NOTE: Debian 6.0 "Squeeze" users, you must "pastebinit -b" or configure pastebinit to use something other than  To paste e.g. your sources.list do "aptitude install pastebinit; pastebinit /etc/apt/sources.list"; to paste the output of a program do e.g. "dmesg | pastebinit".  See also <pastebinit config>, <nopaste>.
03:26.11kingkongso, clamav installed upstart on my system ?
03:26.20jmcnaughtkingkong: ^ this is easier for everyone than screenshots
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03:28.08jmcnaughtkingkong: no, i think something else installed libclamav6, and it's no longer installed so libclamav6 isn't needed anymore. probably the newer clamav that came through wheezy-updates
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03:28.32jmcnaughtkingkong: upstart and clamav are probably not related
03:28.48kingkongi was following that guide
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03:30.43opdopdoes someone know why libapache2-mod-spamhaus is not available in Debian Jessie or testing?
03:30.48Yukiterui have a problem with usb mount, in gui mode using thunar i can't copy files or folders from other ubication
03:31.00jmcnaughtkingkong: you could try something like "zgrep upstart /var/log/apt" to try and find which log file mentions installing upstart, and use zless to read the file and check the date it was installed for some clues
03:31.11Yukiterubut i can create files or folder directly over usb
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03:31.38opdopYukiteru: try as root
03:31.40Yukiterusound crazy yeahh, but it's true and the issues repeat over jessie and stretch
03:32.07Yukiteruopdop, thanks but copy files EVER using root isn't a solution
03:32.29jmcnaughtopdop: usually because there are unfixed bugs in the package. You could look at for some leads
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03:34.44jmcnaughtkingkong: i'm not sure how to replace upstart with sysvinit, if that's what you want to do. it might be as simple as removing the upstart package if sysvinit is also installed, but you need to make sure that /sbin/init still exists before you reboot. Not knowing why you installed upstart in the first place isn't very helpful. I didn't read the ispmail guide you linked to, but you gotta be careful following tutorials
03:34.52opdopjmcnaught: do you mean just bugs in the .deb pkg, not in mod-spamhaus itself, right?
03:34.59awal1I would like try 'qingy' but a systemd unit is missing (qingy.service). Anyone has been able to run 'qingy' instead of 'getty'  successfully with systemd?
03:35.19kingkongjmcnaught: i did zgrep upstart /var/log/apt  but there's no any output.
03:35.38jmcnaughtkingkong: tutorials are good for getting an overview of stuff that's involved, but it's still important to be familiar with each piece of software you're using
03:35.55jmcnaughtkingkong: maybe you installed upstart so long ago that the logs are gone now
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03:36.36jmcnaughtopdop: i didn't check the bugs, but i noticed there was one RC bug (box in top-right). RC bugs can get stuff blocked/removed from testing
03:36.41awal1ubuntu follows debian, so upstart will became obsolete soon...
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03:37.07opdopjmcnaught: but what about the stable Jessie?
03:37.41jmcnaughtopdop: check the bug?
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03:37.48opdopit's a little crazy don't have it available and be stuck with Debian 7 and Apache 2.2.x
03:38.06opdopwell, unless you compile everything...
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03:38.13jmcnaughtopdop: testing at some point gets frozen, becomes stable. if something is blocked/removed from testing because of unfixed bugs it doesn't make it into stable
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03:39.26jmcnaughtopdop: is that module compatible with apache 2.4? if it is you might be able to backport it
03:39.48jmcnaughtjudd: checkbackport libapache2-mod-spamhaus
03:39.50juddBackporting package libapache2-mod-spamhaus in sid→jessie/amd64: all build-dependencies satisfied using jessie, virtual.
03:40.16kingkongjmcnaught: if i reinstall clamav it will remove libclamav6 ?
03:40.18jmcnaughtdpkg: tell opdop about ssb
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03:41.10awal1every time I run "find . | grep something (no matters what)" I get in the output "find: «./.config/gsmartcontrol»: access denied". Any clue?
03:41.45jmcnaughtkingkong: if you run "apt-get autoremove" it will remove libclamav6. That message means it got installed as a dependency by some other package. That some other package is no longer installed, so libclamav6 isn't needed anymore.
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03:42.09opdopIf I have to play around with backports, src, etc, I prefer to compile it then...
03:42.23opdopIt's like less operations to do
03:42.53opdopbtw thanks to link me that bug page
03:43.43jmcnaughtopdop: it's your call. ssb is a pretty easy process to follow and you get an easily removable .deb file out of the deal. You can compile it on another jessie system or a chroot, then copy the .deb to install
03:44.01jmcnaughtopdop: it could be that the module simply is too old to work with apache 2.4
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03:44.52opdopjmcnaught: do you have some alternative module to suggest (for the same purpose)?
03:45.55kingkongjmcnaught: so  "apt-get autoremove clamav" will remove libclamav6 and my all clamav conf too ?
03:46.34jmcnaughtopdop: i don't, but sometimes i'll check for the "similar packages" on the right side-bar
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03:47.28jmcnaughtkingkong: in your screenshot it tells you the command is "apt-get autoremove". Check "man apt-get" if you want more details :)
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03:48.12opdopI took a look right now at Ubuntu...apache 2.4.x and mod-spamhaus 0.7.x available
03:48.43pugfantuskingkong: it won't get rid of your configs unless you purge as well
03:48.46opdopso it seems the module is not too old to work with apache 2.4.x
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03:49.09jmcnaughtopdop: well i didn't read the bug that was mentioned on the package tracker, but it probably has some reasons. it could simply be that the Debian maintainer for that package simply hasn't been working on it
03:49.58jmcnaughtkingkong: why are you trying to remove clamav by the way?
03:50.02kingkongi dont understand. shouldnt i give name what to remove. i will autoremove upstart? or clamav ? btw i will install clamav back if i uninstall it.
03:50.23jmcnaughtkingkong: read the apt-get man page section on autoremove
03:53.04pugfantuskingkong: autoremove is a catch all, anything it deems not needed any more by other packages, will be removed, and it will only remove what it says it'll remove
03:53.40pugfantusopdop: I read it, they dropped it on the floor
03:54.29opdoppugfantus: ouch, help it to get up :D
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03:55.20kingkongok. if it doesnt remove my config, i can auto remove clam av to get rid of unused things as libclamav6
03:56.05pugfantuskingkong: from the screen shot posted above, it will only uninstall libclamav6, not clamav
03:56.17jmcnaughtkingkong: you don't need to remove clamav. Try "apt-get --simulate autoremove" to see what would happen
03:56.27pugfantusthat too =)
03:56.30jmcnaught^ you do't need to be root to run apt-get --simulate by the way
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03:59.11cwoodGood evening. Is there already a library or application in Debian which already calculates solar time for a location? My google-fu is failing me.
03:59.46kingkongyes it shows only libclamav6
04:01.55jmcnaughtcwood: i did 'apt-cache search "solar time"' and it listed "sunclock - fancy clock showing time and geographical data", not sure if it's what you want
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04:03.01kingkongok i did autoremove and libclamav6 gone.
04:04.26kingkongi dont need upstart anymore ? can i remove it safely ?
04:04.45cwoodI'm not sure, it shows a picture so far. I will have to see if I can get it to give me text. So far I can get a map showing daylight.
04:05.41jmcnaughtkingkong: i don't know how safe it is. after removing it you'll definitely want to make sure sysvinit is installed, /sbin/init exists at a minimum. Without an init your system cannot boot
04:06.30kingkongi dont have sysvinit installed right now already ?
04:06.35jmcnaughtkingkong: definitely worth doing a little research on. the upstart and sysvinit directories in /usr/share/doc would be one place to check
04:06.56jmcnaughtkingkong: you can check if it is installed
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04:08.23kingkongapt-get check sysvinit ?
04:08.26pugfantuscwood: hmmm...
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04:08.51jmcnaughtkingkong: does anyone else admin this system with you? If you don't remember how/why upstart got installed and sysvinit got pinned, i strongly recommend you start making notes when you change things on the server, or use an issue tracking system or wiki
04:09.00cwoodThat looks promising.
04:09.13pugfantusYeah, looks like CRAN is like CPAN for R
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04:09.27jmcnaughtkingkong: "apt-cache policy sysvinit" or "dpkg -l | grep sysvinit"
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04:10.53cwoodOkay, I'm going to read up on this. Thank you for the pointer!
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04:12.41kingkongjmcnaught: nobody else than me. i didnt install upstart myself. can you give me a guide for making issue tracking system and wiki please. it will not my all changes ?
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04:15.05jmcnaughtkingkong: there are a lot of options and it will depend on what you prefer. for issue tracking i use redmine. my favourite wiki is moinmoin. neither will automatically track changes you make, they're systems you can use to document your infrastructure and/or keep track of things
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04:15.45jmcnaughtkingkong: one thing that does sort of keep track automatically is etckeeper which keeps /etc in a git or hg repo, but only keeps track of /etc
04:16.03buuWhy would dd if=/dev/ssd1 of=/dev/ssd2; go at only 22MB/s ?!
04:18.49kingkongi will try redmine and moinmoin then later.
04:18.58jmcnaughtbuu: Big SSD wants you to buy a second ssd. Ever since their lobby gained power in Congress the SSD manufacturers have been acting with impunity.
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04:19.56jmcnaughtkingkong: those are just two examples there are plenty others, lots of them in Debian. If it's just use, a notebook or directory of text files would be better than nothing
04:20.37jmcnaughtbuu: maybe it's because it's reading and writing to the same device simulteaneously?
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04:23.10buujmcnaught: Two different ssds
04:23.17buuactually once is a nvme
04:23.26buudoes linux just not utilize nvme?
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04:23.50kingkongi do not have sysvinit ?
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04:24.45buuhope not
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04:27.24jmcnaughtkingkong: it seems you do not, but you have it pinned which is why you cannot install it. check in /etc/apt/preferences and preferences.d and remove the pin
04:28.52okeeCan someone remind me how to change the real time in xfce?  I am now on daylight savings time, and my computer doesn't automatically update.  I am running Debian Wheezy.
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04:30.49jmcnaughtokee: what do you have in /etc/timezone? is it correct?
04:31.03buuokee: ntpdate and friends usually manages it
04:32.31okeejmcnaught>  Los Angeles
04:32.42jmcnaughtokee: if your timezone is set correctly your system should handle DST automatically
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04:33.15okeejmcnaught>  Apparently it isn't set correctly, since it isn't updating automatically.  What should I do?  Also, It has been awhile, so please refresh me about ntpdate.
04:33.40theamdman_hwclock --set
04:33.43jmcnaughtokee: "dpkg-reconfigure tzdata"
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04:35.46kingkongjmcnaught: i dont have /etc/apt/preferences  but i have /etc/apt/preferences.d/parallels including this in file
04:35.50okeejmcnaught>  Is that command correct?  Is there a space between dpkg and -reconfigure?
04:36.04svetlanaNo space.
04:36.05okeejmcnaught>  I am getting a conflict error.
04:36.19jmcnaughtokee: make a paste of it on please
04:36.51jmcnaughtkingkong: what is parallels? did you install virtuozzo or something?
04:37.23kingkongi dont know. :)
04:37.25jmcnaughtkingkong: from the evidence it seems that someone was pretty serious about having upstart on this system
04:37.58jmcnaughtkingkong: exhibit 1) upstart is installed. exhibit 2) sysvinit is pinned -1 (never install)
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04:39.04kingkonghi svetlana :)
04:39.27svetlanaHi kingkong :)
04:39.35kingkongjmcnaught: its done by me? or its someone else?
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04:39.46jmcnaughtkingkong: so.. there was probably a reason. we don't know what the reason is.
04:40.06jmcnaughtkingkong: it was somebody with root access to the server. maybe a script you ran?
04:40.34jmcnaughtokee: run it as root
04:40.53kingkongprobably i did it while doing somethings with tutorials
04:41.16kingkongbut indirectly
04:42.19jmcnaughtkingkong: see maybe you have some daemon that is configured to be supervised in some special way by upstart, if you remove upstart then maybe that stops working. "parallels" makes me thing virtuozzo, but i don't know what you did
04:42.22okeejmcnaught>  It ran as root, but didn't update Los Angeles.  Interestingly Universal Time is showing correction as an option, but Los Angeles is not updating.  How do I manually override this?  And why is LA behind?
04:42.50jmcnaughtokee: can you show the output in a paste, i don't follow your summary.
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04:43.05kingkongjmcnaught: we can remove pin and install sysvinit, remove upstart and see which things will send me errors?
04:43.12jmcnaughtokee: is UTC incorrect? does this computer dual-boot with Windows?
04:43.27kingkongor we cant have boths? sysvinit and upstart together?
04:43.33jmcnaughtkingkong: it's your server. are you taking notes? ;)
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04:43.54okeejmcnaught>  It does dual boot with windows.
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04:44.00jmcnaughtkingkong: you can only have one /sbin/init, but maybe upstart and sysvinit can coexist
04:44.11jmcnaught!windows utc
04:44.11dpkgSetting the BIOS clock to <UTC> is a little more difficult if you dual-boot with legacy operating systems that think that local time is a good choice.  Windows can be instructed to handle a BIOS clock in UTC too:
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04:44.37jmcnaughtokee: ^^ (with linux the BIOS/hardware clock should be set to UTC)
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04:45.42okeejmcnaught>  How do i change the clock to UTC?
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04:48.29kingkongjmcnaught: i dont take notes. i didnt use virtuozzo. maybe my vps provider using it
04:49.41jmcnaughtokee: with hwclock i guess, you'll have to read the man page. Also that link ^^ for the changes you need to make in Windows
04:50.20okeejmcnaught>  Hmm.  Can't do it in ntp.conf  ??
04:50.55jmcnaughtkingkong: if you don't take notes how are you going to remember what you did during this session? If you're using some "debian" template provided by your ISP and they put that file there, you should open a ticket with them
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04:52.33lichenx1Does anyone know the correct way to solve this error?
04:52.41lichenx1libGL error: No matching fbConfigs or visuals foundlibGL error: failed to load driver: swrast
04:52.55lichenx1I'm on x64 using nvidia drivers
04:53.27jmcnaughtokee: actually i just install ntp and forget about it
04:53.57kingkongjmcnaught: yes its vps and debian templete provided by my vps provider. i will ask my vps provider to find it then
04:54.11okeejmcnaught>  ntp is already installed, and not picking up the changes for daylight savings time.
04:54.45kingkongbut i hadnt that error mails on root till last month
04:54.48somiajlichenx1: how did you install the nvidia drivers and what program is giving you that error?
04:55.13lichenx1installed via synaptic not by .run
04:55.22lichenx1secondlife game
04:56.33somiajlichenx1: could it be you need the 32bit libs installed for this game?
04:57.10lichenx1yes but I've tried everything that i've found
04:57.16lichenx1nothing seems to be working
04:57.41lichenx1sudo apt-get install ia32-libs ia32-libs-gtk ia32-libs-kde ia32-libs-sdl
04:57.51lichenx1says run this but doesn't work in jessie
04:58.48kingkongjmcnaught: my system frankendebian now?
04:58.57dpkgMultiarch allows you to install foreign architecture packages.  For example, to allow i386 packages to be installed on an amd64 system: «dpkg --add-architecture i386 && apt-get update».  See and <multiarch howto>, <multiarch failures>.  For the unrelated installer that can install i386 or amd64, see <multi-arch installer>.
04:59.19somiajlichenx1: that is out dated info, in debian use multiarch, follow the instructionst he bot sent, then install the libfoo:i386 for the libaries you need
04:59.54somiajlichenx1: again I'm unsure if this is the issue or not, just checking if it is a 32bit game or not
04:59.59jmcnaughtokee: does it say LOCAL or UTC in /etc/adjtime ?
05:00.37okeejmcnaught>  it says LOCAL
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05:01.23jmcnaughtkingkong: if your ISP put that file there, it might have started out kinda broken. don't try to upgrade this VPS to jessie without checking with the ISP if it is possible
05:03.39lichenx1somiaj, thanks I'll keep trying
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05:04.42jmcnaughtokee: to set your hardware clock to UTC you'd need to change LOCAL to UTC, then probably do something like "hwclock --systohc --utc" (but you should definitely read the hwclock man page about those options)
05:05.13jmcnaughtokee: you'll also need to configure Windows to use UTC, do "/msg dpkg windows utc" if you need the link again
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05:05.31kingkongi was thinking to upgrade to jessie from wheezy. :)
05:05.35okeejmcnaught>  I never use windows anymore.
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05:06.01jmcnaughtkingkong: on a VPS like that ask the ISP if it is supported first
05:06.55jmcnaughtkingkong: if they say no, prepare for the migration
05:06.55kingkongvps debian wheezy templetes can not be upgraded?
05:07.14jmcnaughtkingkong: not if they're broken by the ISP with junk like pinning sysvinit to -1
05:07.34jmcnaught*maybe not
05:08.58jmcnaughtsometimes an openvz/virtuozzo VPS will be using a kernel too old for newer glibc too
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05:10.06kingkongi have openvz which i rarely use. maybe 2-3 times used in last 2-3 years. :)
05:10.26kingkongbut i dont know that virtuozzo
05:10.36kingkongi never used it
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05:12.04kingkongmy system not frankendebian now?
05:12.47kingkongi must remove 1st and 7th lines from source list?
05:14.16jmcnaughtkingkong: line 1 duplicates line 2. lines 6,7 are third-party repos you would need to research whether you need them, whether they're safe to use
05:15.08*** join/#debian ChoppedDill (~choppeddi@2601:2c6:4304:878c:b048:1a2e:c4f0:e84c)
05:16.11MurcieLeeI've read the document about 'CreatePackageFromPPA(' but I'm wondering is this possible to upgrade the created package by apt-get upgrade? or if there's a way to upgrade, how?
05:16.59kingkonghow can i find if i have airtime installed right now? i remember before i installed it but maybe uninstalled later. dont remember
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05:17.42kingkongi remember that sourcefabric repo came from airtime installation
05:17.43somiajkingkong: dpkg -l will list all installed packages so will aptitiude ~i
05:17.56somiajremoving the repos won't remove the packages you may have installed from them
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05:18.19jmcnaughtMurcieLee: packages installed with "dpkg -i" that also do not exist in APT repos will not get updated by apt-get. If the package does exist in APT, it will get upgraded if the version in APT ever has a higher version than the one manually installed
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05:18.52jmcnaughtMurcieLee: so most likely if you want to update the package you follow those steps in your link again to redo the process
05:19.45jmcnaughtkingkong: this is the third time tonight you've been told how to check if something is installed, take some notes :P
05:21.07MurcieLeejmcnaught: Then what 'deb-src [URL]' makes difference? does it only provide source code for packages and not about upgrade?
05:21.29jmcnaughtMurcieLee: deb-src lines only provide source packages
05:21.51jmcnaughtMurcieLee: and you definitely don't want to add a "deb" line for a Ubuntu PPA
05:22.05jmcnaughtUbuntu and Debian are not binary compatible
05:24.26MurcieLeejmcnaught: Thank a lot. One mor question. I've read about what you told not to add 'deb' for Ubuntu PPA and I understand it. How do you install packages which not in debian repo but in ubuntu ppa? I'm currently using Debian Sid for 2years now, but sometimes I find packages such as 'moka' themes, icons...
05:26.33jmcnaughtMurcieLee: that link you used is one of the better ways. you can also install stuff manually on Debian to /usr/local or just to one user's ~, but that also involves manual maintenance and stuff in /usr/local can interfere with upgrades
05:26.53kingkongi did aptitude -i and a window appeared which i dont understand. how to quit from it?
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05:28.18jmcnaughtkingkong: Ctrl+T to get the menu, then Q
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05:28.43kingkongjmcnaught: ok i will use dpkg -l after now. :)
05:28.55jmcnaughtkingkong: the command recommended to you was "aptitude ~i" not -i. It will be a long list, you can pipe it to grep
05:30.12kingkongi dont use znc 0.206-2 but using znc 1.7.x now. i dont know why it shows me znc 0.206-2 on the list
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05:31.39jmcnaughtkingkong: paste "apt-cache policy znc"
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05:33.41kingkongi did aptitude ~i first but it said me unknown command ~i
05:33.55kingkongand gave me aptitude help
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05:34.16jmcnaughtkingkong: heh sorry "aptitude search ~i"
05:34.44jmcnaughtkingkong:  list of other search patterns, quite handy
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05:35.35dpkgKernel: uname -r, or cat /proc/version.  Package: dpkg -l _pkgname_ , or run apt-cache policy <packagename>.  Miscellaneous commands: try --version on the command.  For the version of Debian, ask me about <debian suite>.
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05:36.22jmcnaughtjml2: the topic has examples of how to query the bot privately
05:36.25MarvelDigitalinstalled the most recent version of Debian...Thank you all those involved...i really like it...
05:37.18kingkongabout znc
05:38.17jmcnaughtkingkong: that means znc was not installed with a package, but some other way instead. commands which, whereis, locate will help you find znc
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05:39.26jmcnaughtkingkong: fairly recently jugding from znc --version
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05:40.49Hermaeus-moraalot of people in here
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05:44.57kingkongbut why i have znc 0.206-2 on this screenshot ? i installed latest nightly of znc. i have still old version files?
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05:46.02kingkongi dont have airtime. i see that sourcefabric repo not needed too
05:46.30jmcnaughtkingkong: apt only manages and knows stuff from apt repos. if you install something from source, apt doesn't know about it
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05:48.15Hermaeus-morapencilandpaper: there you are hiding
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05:50.05MurcieLeejmcnaught: Are you using debian wheezy?
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05:50.33jmcnaughtMurcieLee: no, why?
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05:50.42kingkongi should manually remove znc 0.206-2 from my system?
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05:51.03MurcieLeejmcnaught: Oh Sorry. msg was for kingkong
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05:51.25jmcnaughtMurcieLee: where do you see that znc 0.206-2 is installed?
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05:51.53MurcieLeekingkong: On debian wheezy repos, znc's version is 0.206-2 on
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05:53.37MurcieLeeI think it is possible be installed znc-extra, znc-python 0.206-2 from debian wheezy repos
05:53.58jmcnaughtheh sorry i did it too. kingkong: where do you see that znc 0.206-2 is installed?
05:55.35MurcieLeekingkong: check and paste 'apt-cache policy znc' as jmcnaught said.
05:56.45kingkongi pasted it
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05:57.10MurcieLeekingkong: what version does it shows your?
05:57.40kingkongabout znc
05:57.56jmcnaughtkingkong: the apt-cache output shows "Installed: (none)" which means apt thinks it is not installed
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05:58.13jmcnaughtthe Candidate is the version that would get installed if you install it
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05:58.39kingkongso i dont have old version
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05:59.01kingkongmy new source list
05:59.04jmcnaughtkingkong: you would really benefit from reading and probably also the Debian Reference and Debian Handbook (both available as packages or free online)
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05:59.51kingkongi readed that page before. :)
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06:02.55kingkongdont forget to take notes. :)
06:03.10jmcnaughtkingkong: that's the spirit!
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06:05.27kingkongMurcieLee: yes im on debian wheezy
06:05.32jmcnaughtkingkong: what i do is sorta like this. i don't log into my servers directly, everything is installed/configured by ansible-playbook. I keep my playbook in a Git repository, it contains something like scripts that install and set up all my server software. I test my Ansible playbooks extensively before I deploy them to production, and can easily review history by reviewing the git log and previous commits
06:06.07jmcnaughtkingkong: it might sound like a lot, but it's way less work and stress in the long run than doing everything by hand.
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06:06.41kingkongafter edited sorces list, immediately takes effect or i should reload somethings ?
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06:07.36jmcnaughtkingkong: since you're running a mail server on the internet, it's also important that you learn the basics of operating your server. it would be a really good idea to read the debian reference, and the documentation for all the server software you're using
06:07.48jmcnaughtkingkong: after change sources.list you need to run "apt-get update"
06:07.52MurcieLeekingkong: you should 'apt-get update' and 'apt-get dist-upgrade'
06:08.12MurcieLeebut I think your source.list is bit broken.
06:08.46MurcieLeenot sure. why did you set sid to your deb-src?
06:08.59jmcnaughtdist-upgrade is usually not necessary. on a server it's better to do "apt-get upgrade" because that will never remove any packages. if it says that packages were held back, you can investigate using dist-upgrade
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06:10.08MurcieLeejmcnaught: Does 'dist-upgrade' removes packages?
06:10.32zykotick9notes "apt upgrade" won't remove anything, and should upgrade almost everything
06:10.45somiajMurcieLee: dist-upgrade will add/remove packages inorder to solve dependencies. Upgrade will not install any packages in which adding/removing packages is needed to meet the dependencies
06:10.49awal1Murciele, under testing/unstable yes
06:11.30awal1but under s'stable' upgrade or dist-upgrade/full-upgrade does same thing
06:11.36MurcieLeeoh, didn't know that.
06:12.14awal1no new packages are introduced into stable , usually security/stability fixes
06:12.16themillwell, there are updates in stable that will require the installation of new packages too -- either via "apt ugprade", "apt-get dist-upgrade" or "aptitude full-upgrade"
06:12.26kingkongjmcnaught: i first time heard ansible playbook.  its hard to learn and use?
06:13.01awal1I forgot to say 'almost' :P
06:13.12themill(They are incredibly rare, but they do happen; we'll probably have one in the next few weeks with iceweasel→firefox)
06:14.06somiajalso running the backports kernel will need dist-upgrade when the next kernel drops into backports
06:14.08jmcnaughtkingkong: pretty easy to get started with, there are other options too like puppet, chef, saltstack. worth checking out.
06:15.52kingkongjmcnaught: but on internet i readed before that its better to use dist-upgrade instead of upgrade. i dont see any difference yet while using both
06:16.23awal1kingkong, so you have sid packages in your old stable?
06:17.18jmcnaughtkingkong: there was just a discussion about it in here over the last 10 minutes
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06:17.31themill('oldstable' also in the sense that "it used to be stable")
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06:20.42kingkongjmcnaught: ok i will try to learn playbook and similar. can i use connect it from android device?
06:21.10jmcnaughtkingkong: i doubt it
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06:21.28kingkongMurcieLee: before i needed that sid for something which i dont remember now why. :)
06:22.45kingkongawal1: it was stable when i added sid source for something
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06:23.52somiajkingkong: you could have artifcats floating around from all this stuff you have done. Id suggest thinking about maybe moving to a jessie vps to start with a clean base.
06:26.02kingkongsorry my irc app frozen and had to restart. can you repeat your last message which you sent after my latest one please
06:26.13somiajkingkong: you could have artifcats floating around from all this stuff you have done. Id suggest thinking about maybe moving to a jessie vps to start with a clean base.
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06:28.22jmcnaughtkingkong: ^ is a very good suggestion. maybe also test your setup on a spare computer or virtual machine first too, so you don't have to experiment on the VPS
06:28.30kingkongi will upgrade to jessie but not with clean base. i will not have time to do everything again from zero
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06:30.05kingkongi dont have computer. using tablet pc
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06:31.11kingkongjmcnaught: my current setup ? or next system setup ?
06:32.05kingkongjessie is much different than wheezy ?
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06:40.33kingkongcan i simulate my current wheezy upgrade to jessie or above ?
06:41.03LopeOn Raspbian Jessie the way to define a static IP is no longer inside /etc/network/interfaces. Now you define a DHCP static IP (seems like an oxymoron to me) inside dhcpcd.conf. Seems absolutely insane. Is this a Debian change, or Raspbian specific?
06:41.38LopeIt's like defining your dog inside cat.conf.
06:41.49jmcnaughtkingkong: by duplicating your system on a test/staging server, and testing it
06:42.21themillLope: /e/n/interfaces is still the way to define static IPs in jessie and I doubt raspbian changes that. You could as #raspbian about that.
06:43.01LopeWorse. It's like defining weekend-activities inside weekends.conf.
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06:43.27Lopei mean weekday-activities inside weekends.conf.
06:43.42kingkongjmcnaught: but the test server shouldnt have the same specs like my current one ?
06:44.29LopeThere's a lot of info about it online now.
06:45.37themillThere's a lot of crap on the internet, yes.
06:49.26kingkongwhere can i find this channel's logs?
06:49.45themillkingkong: /topic
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06:52.26OsakaFooWhat's the deal with the Debian wiki, seems to have old info and part made, covering all versions of Debian, is there some method to the madness?
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06:52.56Lopethemill: Many people saying it. Not just one. Gentoo also describes how to set a static IP with dhcpcd: .Archlinux mentions how to define a static IP inside dhcpcd.conf also. But the standard way to it in arch is still /etc/netctl/my_static_profile
06:53.02themillOsakaFoo: it's a wiki; it relies on volunteers like you to update it.
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06:53.45themillLope: I'm not saying that you can't make dhcp leases permanent allocations if you wanted.
06:53.52OsakaFoothemill: how do you gain access, is there an overlord who decides the rules?
06:54.03themillOsakaFoo: create an account
06:56.57Lopethemill: This problem I had with dhcpcd interfering with my static IP assignment... would it also happen on debian?
06:56.57OsakaFooWas worried you'd say that.. There goes the rest of my day :)
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06:58.09themillLope: why are you using dhcp if you want a static IP? Anyway #raspbian is the place to ask about configuring raspbian. #debian doesn't have a clue what you're talking about...
06:58.17jmcnaughtLope: when in doubt about stuff you read on the internet, you can consult your local documentatio. "man interfaces" if you don't believe that /e/n/i is no longer how to configure static IP. If Raspbian is different, it's because derivatives are not the same as Debian. For Raspbian support go to #raspbian
06:58.43Lopethemill: I'm not using DHCP. DHCP imposed itself on me when I asked for a static IP inside /e/n/interfaces
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07:20.41MurcieLeethis link says that I should edit debian/control but I'm not sure which file it is talking about. Any ideas?
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07:21.23themillMurcieLee: quite literally 'debian/control'
07:21.41themillMurcieLee: what are you trying to achieve?
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07:22.12MurcieLeethemill: I'm following on to install 'Numix' themes and icons by deb package
07:22.56MurcieLeebut when I 'apt-get source --build' error occurs and it says I should use dh_python2 instead
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07:23.44themillah... you probably want to work with the PPA maintainer to fix up the packages then.
07:23.45MurcieLeeWhere does 'debian/control' exists?
07:24.10themillYou'll need to download the source package to edit it and then build it.
07:24.33themill!package recompile
07:24.33dpkg1) Add a <deb-src> line for your current release to your sources.list 2) aptitude update; aptitude install build-essential devscripts fakeroot; aptitude -R build-dep packagename 3) as any user, apt-get source packagename 4) cd packagename-version/; ask me about <debian/rules>; 5) dpkg-buildpackage -uc -us 6) as root, dpkg -i ../packagename-version.deb.  Ask me about <debian/rules>, <nocheck>, <nostrip>, <apt-get source>.
07:24.55themillYou'll probably need to learn some more about packaging though. /msg dpkg nmg
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07:26.25MurcieLeeare 'debian/control', 'debian/rules' file?
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07:27.00MurcieLeewhere are those file extsts? path...
07:27.06themillin the source package
07:27.10themillthat *is* the path
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07:28.06MurcieLeeOK. I found it!
07:28.08MurcieLeeThank you
07:28.47MurcieLeeI thought it is located on something like /etc/apt/blah...
07:29.37themillno, a source package can be located anywhere on your filesystem where you want to work
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07:50.37hfzehg,v gnome-shell-extensions-openweather
07:50.38juddNo package named 'gnome-shell-extensions-openweather' was found in amd64.
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07:55.11hfzehgany idea when gnome-shell-extension-weather will be updated in stable? gnome depends on it so wouldn't I have to backport gnome entirely in order to upgrade it?
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07:59.01N3X15Just found a rogue program running on my dedi after receiving a bandwidth overload warning from my host
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07:59.22N3X15Anyone familiar with anything that runs as /tmp/is that infects Jenkins instances?
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08:06.57simonlnusounds like a rootkit... :/
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08:07.20N3X15Well, it's a pretty crappy one, since it only had privileges to get to Jenkins
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08:08.28nkuttlerN3X15: try askin in #jenkins?
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08:08.50N3X15I'll give that a shot, thanks
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08:19.37vasundharHi Any way to make changes to resolv.conf persistant ? or which other file I should edit in order for resolv.conf to have the nameserver I want to use ? I am not sure where it is currentlypicking but seems like it belongs to OVH
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08:22.03suexecI have a server application (java based) that's running on a server at home. Unfortunately, the server has a GUI. I only have SSH access to the server as of now - is there any way I can restart the application over SSH and have the GUI open on the active display?
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08:25.09poizenI'm trying to implement filesystem operations using FUSE, can someone here help me where I can get some tutorial ?
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08:36.36timotheusboothhey everyone im new to debian, and the package management is kind of confusing.. where is the package for NFS? theres nfs-common which says it comes from nfs-utils but no nfs-utils?
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08:38.20XeonSquaredtimotheusbooth: nfs-common is the one you want to mount NFS
08:38.51timotheusboothso does nfs-common have a nfs server and client?
08:39.38XeonSquarednfs server is nfs-kernel-server I do believe
08:40.47timotheusboothno nfs-kernel-server here. i searched nfs too but couldnt find anything.. will have a look on the web now that my browsers downloaded
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08:41.49XeonSquaredsitting in front of an arch box rn so lemme ssh in
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08:42.18XeonSquared$ apt-cache search nfs server
08:42.22XeonSquarednfs-kernel-server - support for NFS kernel server
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08:48.52timotheusboothnope nothing here.. maybe i need some different repos? idk debian is confusing lol
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08:53.36tobiasBoraIs it normal if since a recent update iceweasel doesn't have a "small" icon ? In KDE/Cinnamon/... it hasn't any icon set, and one is used it is really too big, I can only see the upper left part of the picture
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09:02.38ghostinzshellHow should I go about installing grsec for Debian Jessie (stable)?
09:02.46ghostinzshellWould I have to build it manually?
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09:05.49mika--1i use now peppermintos it is ubuntu base with lxde, before i use ubuntu and before that redhat and suse. i use linux now for 15 years
09:06.12mika--1what i hate the most is reinstall everytime when there is a new version
09:06.27mika--1now i am looking for a rolling distro
09:06.31mika--1anyone a idea
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09:07.12mika--1debian sid is rolling?
09:07.26TheQuestionmarkPretty much.
09:08.04TheQuestionmarkTesting's semi rolling too.
09:08.05mika--1ok i go look for that.. so it can be installed for years,
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09:08.32mika--1i was look for arch but i can not use with it
09:08.52jonbryanuse what with it?
09:08.54mika--1but sid is the same idea as arch ?
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09:09.47mika--1jonbryan: i can not get use with it, it feels strange when you use ubuntu base for 10 years
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09:10.25TheQuestionmarkIt's still Debian so it is sort of different but if you mean teh packages... yup
09:10.26mika--1arch is to much diff with ubuntu/debian
09:11.04mika--1i give debian a look, with lxde,
09:11.22mika--1arch is bedian ?
09:11.36mika--1i was think ubuntu was close to debian
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09:12.25jonbryanarch is not debian
09:12.35jonbryanif you're used to ubuntu, you will have no problems with debian
09:14.12mika--1jonbryan: thx then i go  look at debian sid
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09:16.41Iridosmika--1, what is the idea with arch?
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09:17.44ghostinzshellAre there any Linux images with grsec enabled for Debian Jessie (stable)?
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09:19.33Iridosno. There is a linux-patch-grsecurity2 package with instructions on how to apply, though
09:19.45ghostinzshellOh, okay.
09:19.47Iridosdpkg, grsec
09:19.48dpkggrsecurity is a patch set to enhance Linux kernel security: provides an ACL system, auditing capabilities and institutes measures to prevent common system exploits.  Packaged for Debian as linux-patch-grsecurity2, read /usr/share/doc/linux-patch-grsecurity2/README.Debian to apply.  #grsecurity on, ##grsecurity on
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09:20.31ghostinzshellIridos: Would you happen to know the future status of Grsec for Debian? They've discontinued supplying stable builds to the public iirc.
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09:21.01Iridosjudd, versions linux-patch-grsecurity2
09:21.03juddPackage: linux-patch-grsecurity2 on amd64 -- squeeze: 2.1.14+; wheezy: 2.9.1+3.2.21-201206221855-1; jessie: 3.0+3.14.22-201410250026-1; sid: 3.0+3.14.22-201410250026-1; stretch: 3.0+3.14.22-201410250026-1
09:21.24ghostinzshellHuh, they're all from 2014.
09:22.57Iridoswell, jessie is from begin of 2015... half a year of freeze.. sounds about right
09:22.57themill,v linux-image-4.3.0-1-grsec-amd64
09:22.58juddPackage: linux-image-4.3.0-1-grsec-amd64 on amd64 -- sid: 4.3.5-1+grsec201602070910+1
09:23.03Iridosoh, there is?
09:23.12Iridosbut only in sid
09:23.24themill(not in jessie, but you should be able to drag a kernel around)
09:24.01themillIf you're happy enough to try breaking things with grsec, you should be happy enough breaking things by trying a kernel from sid
09:24.36rozienon-grsec kernel version from sid installs clearly on jessie and works OK (at least for me)
09:24.40Iridosyeah, sorry. I'm on jessie myself, so I don't see stuff in sid
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09:26.39chele,v apt
09:26.40juddPackage: apt on amd64 -- squeeze:; squeeze-security-lts:; wheezy-security:; wheezy:; jessie:; jessie-proposed-updates:; sid: 1.2.6; stretch: 1.2.6
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09:36.57jelly-home,v publicsuffix
09:36.58juddPackage: publicsuffix on amd64 -- jessie: 20140902-1; sid: 20160130-1; stretch: 20160130-1
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09:38.19jelly-homethat... probably ought to be in volatile.
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09:38.56themillmake it so!
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09:40.44themillRaise it with the RT and if they ack it, you'll get a sponsor PDQ
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09:43.51Iridosyou're speaking in acronyms, not to say riddles
09:44.14Iridosdpkg, pdq
09:44.14dpkgwell, pdq is an AWESOME printing system for unixlike operating systems, see
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09:44.31Iridosyeah, makes sense
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09:45.23dpkgThe PREEMPT_RT (linux-rt) realtime patch set allows for nearly all of the Linux kernel to be preempted, which may help achieve better low-latency behavior in some environments.  Since August 2011, the Debian Kernel Team produce binary packages including this patch set, for the amd64 (linux-image-rt-amd64 metapackage) and i386 (linux-image-rt-686-pae metapackage) architectures.
09:45.35lestalike they say in negeria......They come they go
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09:45.47lestasorry, wrong channel
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09:46.54brunusHi all
09:47.33jonbryanlmao where is negeria
09:47.36jonbryanbrunus: good morning
09:47.50plasmoduckHey guys whats wrong with the shadows on everything and how do I fix it please?
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09:48.13brunussince this morning my mouse's cursor disappear when hovering Gnome dash, top bar or tray. Debian Testing. Anyone had this prob also ?
09:48.36jonbryanplasmoduck: looks normal to me, what's wrong with them?
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09:48.55plasmoduckbrunus, Debian Testing isn't supported here, #debian-next
09:49.09brunusho thanks plasmoduck and sorry
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09:49.34plasmoduckjonbryan, the shadows are squared and not smoothed and blended.
09:51.11jelly-homenotes plasmoduck's own kernel is from testing
09:51.17jonbryanthey used to be normal?
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09:57.25afx237Does anyone know where the Debian policy is written that determines which scenarios stable packages get upgrades?  I'm having trouble finding it.  I'm talking about the upgrades that happen during the lifetime of a single stable major release. (i.e. nothing to do with testing etc)  e.g. This is Ubuntu's version of what I'm looking for:
09:57.36plasmoduckjelly-home, oops forgot I was on testing on this box.
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10:23.55joffhow can I calculate a product in bash?
10:24.11roziewhat is a product?
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10:24.20rozie(example pls)
10:24.24jofflike say I want to calculate a product of k/2 from k=0,...,73
10:25.21rozieecho $[2*3]
10:25.30rozieor bc
10:25.54joffthe point is that I dont want to type in by hand
10:26.13rozieboth can be used in scripts
10:26.17joff1/2 * 2/2 * 3/2 * ... * 73/2
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10:28.01jelly-homejoff: product of 0/2 * 1/2 * ... 73/2 is 0, don't have to calculate it!
10:28.14joff... *WITHOUT* the zero
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10:28.59jelly-homejoff: also, bash doesn't deal with large numbers well
10:29.00MrHyde_joff: for i in {0..73}; do echo "$i*2" |bc ; done
10:29.42joffwtf I have python here
10:29.51joffwhat am I doing
10:30.11pfoteipython ftw!
10:30.23jelly-homeat least that one has bignum.
10:30.37joffI_DONT_CARE about bignums
10:30.49joffI am happy with double precision
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10:36.51deepyIs there any application that returns the specified exit code?
10:37.00Iridosjoff, bash isn't really much suitable for calculations. This is really a question for #bash. And what they would answer is with bashfaq 022:
10:37.02mika--1is there no 686 architectuur for debian sid ?
10:37.52Iridosjoff, so the bash answer is: bash doesn't do that, use a program. The debian answer is to install apcalc
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10:39.00mika--1hmm sid dont have security updates ?
10:39.04mika--1Please note that security updates for unstable distribution are not managed by the security team. Hence, unstable does not get security updates in a timely manner. For more information please see the
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10:40.24Iridosit does get security updates via the normal mechanism of new versions in... there is just no dedicated security team/effort
10:41.06mika--1ok so no worry about that ?
10:41.47Iridoswell... it depends on the maintainer, if he uploads a new version with fixes?
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10:42.41Iridosand so you cannot really rely on it for every package?
10:43.16Iridosdeepy, every program?
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10:43.47deepyIridos: more like, I want to give it a specific code to return
10:44.32Iridos/bin/true and //bin/false?
10:44.42mika--1Iridos: but use stable gives me reinstall every 6 months ?
10:44.47mika--1like ubuntu
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10:45.02Iridosmika--1, no
10:45.35mika--1rename sourcelist and dist-upgrade works ?
10:45.40Iridosthere are no reinstalls needed whatsoever if one doesn't want to... and new stable releases come out every 2-3 years
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10:45.55mika--1becasue in ubuntu it give problems a few years back
10:46.39mika--1i go read more and look what i gona do
10:46.47Iridosusually a little more than that... but upgrades can be pretty smoothly, supposing one doesn't mix non-debian packages in and maybe waits a little until the new stable is released
10:47.26Iridosat least my last wheezy->jessie was decidedly unexciting
10:48.00*** mode/#debian [+l 1636] by debhelper
10:50.03mika--1So what is smart, i use links now for 15 years, start with suse and redhat to test, the come to ubuntu and stay for 5 years i think. nog i user peppermintos for a few years and love it but hate the install every time
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10:50.44mika--1when i look around i still like lxde and cinnamon
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10:51.04mika--1so debian stable fits me also then ?
10:51.17Iridosdunno... I used redheat like... 1998... then suse until maybe 2000/2001... then switched to debian and saw no reason to change since then
10:51.44mika--1and you use stable ?
10:51.57Iridosdebian stable is perfect to get work done on a system without having to fix any new-software bugs in between releases
10:52.12mika--1with what desktop ? gnome kde ?
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10:52.23Iridosif you think you need the very newest version of every software, debian stable is not for you
10:52.45Iridosright now? lxde... that seems to work reasonably ok
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10:56.05Iridosbetween releases, no new versions of packages go into debian-stable, only bugfixes
10:56.22Iridosand of those mostly security bugfixes
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10:59.17Iridosnewer versions of *some* packages is provided via volatile (now debian-updates, I think) or backports... or one can (sometimes pretty easily) backport from testing or unstable
10:59.29vasundhar_Hi All, What modifies resolv.conf ? it seems to refresh everytime I restart , and it has ovh specific DNS in the nameserver directive
10:59.49vasundhar_I don’t see any mention of ifcfg-eth0 or likes in network scripts
11:00.07Brigovasundhar_, are you using dynamic ip?
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11:00.22Iridosvasundhar_, unfortunately... possibly all kinds of things. dh_client would be one
11:00.32dpkgAnother happy customer leaves the building.
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11:03.18evil_shibei installed debian testing - why it's slower than stable?
11:04.09DrOwlHi All, im running xfce on 8.3, on a laptop And i keep getting notifications from the power manager saying  "your battey is fully charged", like every 30 seconds, how do i stop that?
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11:05.10plasmoduckHey guys whats wrong with the shadows on everything and how do I fix it please?
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11:07.15evil_shibeplasmoduck: try rm -rf /
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11:08.33plasmoduckevil_shibe, um, no.
11:09.19plasmoduckI won't fall for your trollish trickery.
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11:10.01evil_shibewhat is big differences between debian testing and ubuntu?
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11:13.07ewewplasmoduck Which distribution are you using ? debian or ubuntu ?
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11:18.45evil_shibei have question to all users: you like cannonical?
11:19.02evil_shibei think it's a company for earn cash from free debian project
11:19.08evil_shibe*who want earn
11:19.10karlpincevil_shibe: That's for  #debian-offtopic
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11:19.38evil_shibei need all #debian-NAMES channel list
11:19.41mika--1Iridos: ok understand, i wil a steble system what i can use for everyday and i hate to reinstall because linux keep working
11:19.41evil_shibewhere i can find it?
11:20.05karlpincevil_shibe: At
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11:23.21evil_shibehenryk1: you here?
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11:26.44mika--1Iridos: use lvm partitions ?
11:27.03mika--1or is that only for raid
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11:28.32mika--1normal i use lvm not
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11:37.40vasundhar@Brigo No It is static IP from OVH part of the plan
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11:38.19vasundharBrigo: ^
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11:42.25Brigovasundhar, OVH?
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11:43.32vasundharOVH is the cloud provider
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11:44.23arminhi. is there a usable jabber client for KDE? could be gtk2/gtk3 too as long as it isn't pidgin, but qt would be prefered. OTR support is a must, desktop notifications too. any recommendation would be welcome.
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11:45.01vasundhararmin: any reason why not pidgin ?
11:45.04Brigovasundhar, are you using any kind of dns helper like dnsmasq? It should be a service.
11:45.07jelly-homearmin: I'm running pidgin in kde, what functionality are you missing
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11:45.31vasundharBrigo: I am not using DNSMasq ,
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11:45.59vasundharbut what I feel is as long as the dnsresolution can be handled by external DNS provider like OpenDNS we don’t need caching
11:46.35Brigoi just trying to guess what is writing that file.
11:46.48vasundharThat is what making me ultra curious
11:47.00paolo4303/10/16 Microsoft has just blackmailed linux twice in a single week
11:47.07vasundharBecause I give OpenVPN directives in /etc/openvpn/server.conf
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11:47.30vasundharand this rogue IP is coming from I Dont know where in Name Server
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11:49.39vasundharwhen I did whois it ended up
11:50.33avisdoes anyone know if the font in elementary os stable (not sure which one it is) is installable on debian jessie ?
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11:50.58jelly-homeavis: ask them which one it is
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11:52.36arminjelly-home: i just don't like it much.
11:53.01arminjelly-home: i always end up migrating all my accounts to bitlbee because pidgin annoys me, but i would love to find a decent graphical client.
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11:54.51TomTomToscharmin, telepathy does that.
11:56.02TomTomToschah, otr might be a problem with the one in jessie. let me check.
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11:59.50TomTomToschnvm. needs 0.9 for that and it's not in jessie.
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12:00.36jelly-homeTomTomTosch: telepathy in kde4 on jessie works like shit for me, completely unusable even for basic functionality
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12:02.59TomTomToschjelly-home, really? i have only seen coworker use it, i've always liked pidgin.
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12:04.32jelly-homeI couldn't get it to connect to 2-3 accounts that used to Just Work in pidgin
12:06.00themilluses it with no issues
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12:06.55jelly-homeit failed with all of: lync (pidgin-sipe); xmpp while google supported it; skype (pidgin-skype)
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12:07.01juliuswhere do i get the .deb for this: ?
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12:07.39jelly-homedpkg, tell julius about non-free sources
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12:08.07juliusits a network cable here
12:08.16juliuswasnt it possible to download those?
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12:08.32juliusi mean with another pc from that page
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12:09.22TomTomToschjulius, you have the download links on the right.
12:09.40jelly-homejulius: sure, click on "all" link near the botton
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12:10.20jelly-homeTomTomTosch: is there a download link for the binary .deb on the right now?  I don't see it
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12:12.12TomTomToschoops. listen to jelly. i'm telling lies.
12:12.25juliusyeah i already downloaded a .tar.gz by accident...but there should be a .deb?
12:12.38TomTomToschjulius, what jelly-home said.
12:13.11juliusyeah, thats a good webpage desin
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12:18.31TomTomToschi think it's pretty clear, i'm just a derp.
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12:29.30MrDetoniaHi, what package provides ffmpeg in Jessie?
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12:30.17TomTomToschMrDetonia, ffmpeg in jessie-backports
12:30.21themillMrDetonia: what are you actually looking for?
12:30.33MrDetoniaTomTomTosch: Thanks will try
12:30.41MrDetoniathemill: looking for the ffmpeg binary to stream with
12:30.46themill(ffmpeg means different things to different people)
12:31.23themillavconv or avplay are in libav-tools or there are ffmpeg packages as TomTomTosch said
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12:41.38TomTomToschyep, avconv is recommended, but there are often people here who insist on ffmpeg.
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12:42.13ychaouchehello #debian
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12:42.58ychaoucheI would like to disable two sites in httpd, one is served on port 80 and the other on port 8081. Here's what I tried and got errors :
12:43.03ychaouchethe errors are mentioned in the pastebin.
12:43.10*** join/#debian HansE (
12:43.41ychaouchea2dissite is debian-specific so no support on #httpd
12:43.45l3archoshey all. I have downloaded a file "foo" from the internet with iceweasel. "foo" is a bash/init.d script and when I open this file within Iceweasel from the "Downloaded" section it is opened with GEDIT and I see syntax highlighting. I can also open my Nemo filebrowser and browse to the temporary folder where this file resides. When I double-click on it I get syntax highlighting, too. But --> when I copy this file to another location /some/where ther
12:44.31l3archosI'm puzzled because in both instances I am using GEDIT and open the file. I have ensured with "xprop" when I click onto the window. It's GEDIT running. Why don't I have syntax highlighting ?
12:45.04ychaoucheextension ?
12:45.05*** join/#debian Guest367 (~Thunderbi@
12:45.22ychaouchesyntax highliting relies on file extensions most of the times.
12:45.30themillychaouche: can you pastebin the output of "find /etc/apache2/sites-* -ls" for us?
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12:46.02l3archosychaouche: it's the same file name.
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12:46.55ychaoucheSorry I might have missed something from you earelir message, it gets truncated at "when I copy this file to another location /some/where ther"
12:47.00l3archosychaouche: I have moved the file from iceweasel download directory to ~/mydir
12:47.02ychaoucheand then I didn't get the rest
12:47.16l3archos...when I copy this file to another location /some/where there is no syntax highlighting
12:48.00*** mode/#debian [+l 1659] by debhelper
12:48.03themillychaouche: a2*site works on files in sites-available and works on filenames. You don't have to use a2ensite (you clearly didn't), but if you don't use a2ensite, don't try to use a2dissite.
12:48.19maddawg2yay for internets
12:48.26l3archosychaouche: oh I have found out something --> the location is a smb:// where I copied/moved to. I gues THAT IS the reason why syntax highlighting is not displayed on smb locations?? Is that something I can enable though ?
12:48.48maddawg2without the internet none of us would be here right now... YIP YIP HURRAY!!
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12:51.36l3archosthe smb share is mounted throuhg gvfs to be more precise with "gigolo"
12:52.27scardinalTrying to install Jessie on a blade I get "The attempt to mount a file system with type ext4 in SCSI1 partition #1 (sda) at / failed". I can see it partitions and formats the drive but the mount fails. Using xfs / btrfs it works. Why can it be that ext4 fails ?
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12:54.28arminTomTomTosch: awesome. thank you.
12:58.17Iridosscardinal, maybe there are any messages in dmesg-output... maybe you can switch to a virtual console with a shell ...
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13:03.08scardinalIridos: Okay in dmesg I get sda: unknown partition table and ext4 unknown symbols. Does that help? I cannot understand why the partition table should be unknown. Haven't it just created it ?
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13:07.35CustosL1menis there something like scl (from rhel) for debian (and possibly friends) ?
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13:12.16DHexDebian linux is just like OS setup but no packages?
13:12.27DHexHellol!! 1647 people
13:12.48hiyaDHex, it has got all the packages
13:12.53hiyawhat are you looking for?
13:13.00DHexI think I want to install arch lol
13:13.07DHexBut why debian?
13:13.12B[]rGdebian master race :P
13:13.13DHexI mean I want to try deep in linux
13:13.17*** join/#debian mtn (~mtn@
13:13.19DHexDon't hate e
13:13.22DHexFor asking it here
13:13.36B[]rGtry gentoo :D
13:13.56bogus-linux from scratch still is a thing right?
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13:13.58DHexWhat's gentoo?
13:14.03DHexWhy not?
13:14.09themillwrong channel?
13:14.09DHexI don't want something fancy
13:14.19DHexMy bad (?)
13:14.38jonbryando a debian netinst, go deep
13:15.01evolinuxDHex.. You're a bit everywhere and not specific. Can you be more specific "deep in linux".
13:15.02B[]rGnetinsta debian + xfce
13:15.15DHexI want to learn about linux
13:15.34themill!debian handbook
13:15.35dpkgThe Debian Administrator's Handbook is at and can be browsed, bought and downloaded.  From Debian 7 "Wheezy" onwards, it can also can be installed from the debian-handbook package.  Also ask me about <books> <docs>.
13:15.42DHexWhat do you like in debian that's not in other stuff?
13:15.49B[]rGyou can go "deep linux" with ubuntu
13:15.56evolinuxDHex.. Do you know the difference between linux and a linux distro?
13:15.59DHexUbuntu is like all ready
13:16.05DHexlinux is a kernel
13:16.11jonbryan^, you don't need to use lfs or gentoo to learn linux, or "go deep"
13:16.52evolinuxjonbryan.. that's what I thought as well. Don't know what results he's expecting.
13:16.58bogus-lfs forces you to learn stuff ;)
13:17.09bogus-a standard debian/ubuntu install not so much
13:17.25DHexMe neither
13:17.27DHexI don't know
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13:17.31themillmaybe this should relocate to ##linux?
13:17.43DHexcome to linux?
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13:19.26evolinuxDHex.. What is it that you want to do with Debian Linux? If you want more information regarding linux, then probably it's better to join the channel #linux.
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13:26.15ychaouchel3archos: seems unlikely
13:26.36ychaouchethemill: yep, I think they used ispconfig to create the websites and to manage them.
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13:27.15ychaouchethemill: I think i'll just comment out the sections then as I don't want to mess with the filenames, othewiste other sysadmins can't get anything done.
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13:35.27livcdwhy the heck is mdadm masked on my jessie ?
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13:36.05thomaxhi, i have a problem with nvidia-legacy-340xx with 4.40-1 amd64 kernel. the nvidia kernel module didn't seem to get build/installed.
13:36.37thomaxi can't find any good relevant hint
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13:36.52towo^workthomax, and which version of nvidia-legacy-340xx you use?
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13:38.48thomaxtowo^work: hi, thanks for asking. here is my dpkg | grep:
13:39.12towo^workthomax, use
13:39.25towo^worki can't use
13:39.25ychaouchethemill: do you think it's safe to just unlink the symbolic links, manually ?
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13:40.14themillychaouche: sure. apache will be happy with that
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13:42.21thomaxtowo^work: thats what i got installed when i install the suggested package (nvidia-detect) nvidia-legacy-340xx-driver
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13:42.59towo^workthomax, dkms status (as root) is saying what?
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13:43.43thomaxtowo^work: dkms.conf not found
13:44.37KakuradyHow do I get in touch with the zh-cn l10n group? There's a mistake in translation in Ubuntu's libapt-pkg that came from Debian.
13:44.55towo^workthomax, apt-get --reinstall install nvidia-legacy-340xx-kernel-dkms
13:45.28bahubaliI can't find znc.conf, where will be normally?
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13:46.51thomaxtowo^work: Module build for the currently running kernel was skipped since the
13:46.53thomaxkernel source for this kernel does not seem to be installed.
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13:47.34towo^workapt-get install linux-headers-($uname -r)
13:48.00towo^workbut better you install the metapackage for the headers
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13:50.51thomaxtowo^work: thank you so much. shouldn't it be a dependency??
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13:58.18karlpincKakurady: I'd file a bug report against the package.
13:58.36karlpinc!tell Kakurady about reportbug
13:59.17karlpincKakurady: Alternately, should have a contact address.
13:59.32Kakuradykarlpinc:  report-bug isn't going to be useful because I'm running Ubuntu, not debian.
13:59.36*** join/#debian medeirosthiiago (
14:00.16KakuradySource package apt is maintained by APT development team.
14:01.05karlpincKakurady: You don't have to file a bug report with reportbug.  You can also use email.
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14:01.58KakuradyShould I report the bug to Ubuntu instead?
14:03.18karlpincKakurady: I'd guess that since you want the language people, a bug report against that specific package would be best.  I can't say about reporting to Ubuntu, just what's best.  If it's coming from debian I suppose reporting upstream to us is the absolute best approach.  But that's my thought.
14:03.49*** join/#debian jushur (~jushur@unaffiliated/jushur)
14:04.02KakuradyIt's coming from Debian, so... thanks.
14:04.05karlpincKakurady: I don't know you want the source package, you really want the specific language package.
14:04.20karlpincThat will be sure to reach the right people.
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14:05.04karlpincKakurady: There's probably a "best way" that I'm not sending you to.  But the package people will know who to send the report on to.
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14:09.41leprdahh it's a wonderful day
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14:12.13jonbryanit's rainy here
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14:13.15Walakeahow can i massively convert svg files to svgz at best through commang line?
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14:16.07towo^workWalakea, with the cli interface of inkscape
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14:16.45Walakeai looked at the man page but did not find a mention about svgz
14:16.58Walakeamany others but not svgz
14:17.37towo^workbtw, svgz is only a zipped svg afaik
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14:18.01Walakeai know
14:18.50Walakeaso i just need to gzip them and rename them to svgz
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14:19.27colo-workis there a web-based URL shortener service available in Debian?
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14:30.33Cloudwalker42Do someone know how I can register an user account on Its only possible for me to write in some channels of this server. I want to chat on the topic httpd but can't regarding this
14:31.43jonbryanyou need to register your nick with nickserv
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14:32.11jonbryanCloudwalker42: ./msg nickserv help
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14:33.56karlpincCloudwalker42: If you need more help ask on #freenode.  If nothing else they will know _exactly_ where to send you.
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14:44.29necronianDoes anyone know why lxc-dev is available in every version of debian except jessie?
14:45.10necronianIt's just really odd.
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14:46.24necronianmtn: and what does that tell me exactly?
14:46.44mtnnecronian: exactly what you asked. why it is not in jessie
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14:48.21necronianmtn: maybe you want to get a bit more specific? because I'm not obviously not seeing what you are.
14:48.46mtnnecronian: open the site. put the package name in the search field. click. read.
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14:49.10necronianmtn: I did so and see nothing relevant
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14:53.25mtnnecronian: you are right. I don't see it either, unless the problems section is relevant
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14:58.07necronianmtn: Well thanks for all the unhelpful hostility anyway.
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15:01.25mi11k1anybody use vnstat? Im having trouble with it not updating.
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15:02.38mika--1netinsall from debian8 done .. now see if i like it
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15:17.30Iridosnecronian, well, to be fair, this *is* the page (or one of them) that leads to the information ... or should do so.
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15:17.58dionysus69please I am hit this error while trying to install passenger and nginx-extras. here is the jourtnalctl -xn output
15:18.41Iridosjudd, versions lxc
15:18.42juddPackage: lxc on amd64 -- squeeze: 0.7.2-1; squeeze-security-lts: 0.7.2-1+deb6u1; squeeze-backports: 0.8.0~rc1-4~bpo60+1; wheezy: 0.8.0~rc1-8+deb7u2; wheezy-backports: 1:1.0.6-6+deb8u2~bpo70+1; jessie-security: 1:1.0.6-6+deb8u2; jessie: 1:1.0.6-6+deb8u2; stretch: 1:1.1.5-1; sid: 1:1.1.5-1
15:18.52Iridosjudd, versions lxc-dev
15:18.53juddPackage: lxc-dev on amd64 -- squeeze-backports: 0.8.0~rc1-4~bpo60+1; wheezy: 0.8.0~rc1-8+deb7u2; sid: 1:1.1.5-1; stretch: 1:1.1.5-1
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15:19.50dionysus69nginx: [emerg] open() "/etc/nginx/nginx.conf" failed (2: No such file or directory)
15:19.50dionysus69nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test failed
15:19.55Iridosnecronian, hmm. look at and search for lxc-dev
15:20.02necronianIridos: To be fair, I already looked before I asked. If you don't have anything helpful to contribute you could just say nothing at all or maybe politely say have you tried checking X
15:20.16r0ck_hello ppl! lots of love
15:20.20thurstylarkdionysus69: does that file indeed not exist?
15:20.40r0ck_is there a way to make debian connect to the internet earlier that anyone logons, but also have on logon wireless connection?
15:20.45Iridosnecronian, apparently the lxc-dev was removed and re-added for purely packaging-techincal reasons of splitting out libraries
15:20.45dionysus69nope I deleted etc/nginx dir hoped it would get recreated once I would reinstall
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15:21.07thurstylarkdionysus69: then there's your problem
15:21.16Iridosnecronian, no doubt, saying nothing is one of the many options available to anyone
15:21.32dionysus69so ? :D how do I deal with it ? :S but I hit the problem before that too but I guess different one
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15:22.31Iridosthere seems to be no bug report associated with the dropping of lxc-dev, though
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15:22.49Iridosso it really *is* hard to find
15:22.55dionysus69thurstylark: ok I found my error. I apt-get removed with purge flag and now it worked :) thanks for hints!
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15:25.05Iridosso seems it was dropped Aug 2014  and added back in Aug 2015
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15:26.51Iridosand Jessie was released Apr 2015... and frozen since Nov 2014
15:26.54necronianIridos: It's not a huge deal but it was just odd. I have no idea what: Dropping lxc-dev, according to ftp-master this is not acceptable anymore without having split out library package. actually means though.
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15:28.18mika--1Iridos: you use also Lxde
15:28.50mika--1why do i have a menu normal from lxde and 1 from debian
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15:29.48Iridosseems there is a policy that you have to put libraries into a separate package libXXX if you want to offer a development package XXX-dev as you can see, this happened:  vs.
15:30.17Iridosmika--1, I pretty much don't use menus
15:30.36mika--1i see also games are installed..
15:30.43mika--1i wish have it minimal ..
15:30.50mika--1that is why i did a netinstall
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15:32.09mika--1Iridos: ok understand, but you have that also ?
15:32.28Iridosmika--1, netinstall just means you start out installing a minimal system until reboot. After that everything you selected is installed from mirrors
15:33.06Iridosmika--1, not sure what you mean... I have a "debian" section in the menu  created by the lower-left button
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15:33.50mika--1yes i mean that
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15:34.31Iridosnecronian, so basically it was about the interpretation of ... removing the -dev package completely for that reason seems a bit of a dubious solution, but *shrug*
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15:36.30necronianIridos: Yea, it seems like I got caught up in a little bit of bookkeeping. Still seems odd to not just leave it as is and fix it for the next release cycle. Thanks for the help.
15:36.34mika--1Iridos: i wish only firefox and codecs to internet, and the rest is easy to install after
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15:36.54Iridosnecronian, you can just get the one from backports, though?
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15:39.23necronianIridos: I just need python2-lxc for ansible so I'm probably just going to make a quick package for it.
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15:46.44Nettuno81hellp shinnya
15:47.41ghormoonis there anything in apt to rollback operation? I've purged package with way too much packages depending on it ... :)
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15:49.19somiajghormoon: not really, but apt does keep logs. Just reinstall the packages again
15:49.34somiajghormoon: note with purges you will have lost all the config files and may have to recreate them
15:49.49ghormoonI've reinstalled some, but now it says it wants to autoremove like 100 packages and I don't know what it misses :(
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15:50.48ghormoonlog says apt-get purge package1 package2\nInstall: a lot of packages. that's strange
15:51.23somiajghormoon: if you have a large meta package (like say gnome) and then remove one of the things inside that large metapackage that you don't need problem is it must remove the metapackage
15:51.50ghormoonI need to track down which metapackages got removed
15:52.00ghormoonbut maybe I'll manage to parse out the logs
15:52.03somiajghormoon: since the meta package is what was holding everything in, things are no longer being held in due to automatic installs. If they are still int he state that apt says it wants to autoremove them. Just pick the ones you think are the most important and change the flag from auto to manual
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15:52.29somiajghormoon: lots of times they get revmoved when  you remove one of their depends. Problem is not the package you removed, but the fact there is no manual package holding the other packges in anymore
15:52.42somiajjust change the flags of the main ones to manual and they won't want to be autoremoved anymore
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15:53.54ghormoondunno which are the main, there are too many :) I've xargs'd them to install
15:54.03mika--1Iridos: i see i can also do a expert install, maybe then is it porsble to make a choice
15:54.19Pseudoi just want to ask abt a terminal can i only install yakuake terminal without using konsole
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15:54.28ghormoonI'll have to reinstall sometime anyway :)
15:54.50somiajghormoon: look at the actual packages. usually libs should be auto, the rest should be manual if you want them
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15:55.07somiajsometimes there are various level of meta packages, in the gnome instance, if the large gnomepackage is to much for you, the gnome-core metapackage should be better
15:55.09Pseudoam using xfce DE..i have got to apt-get remove --purge konsole but it do remove both yakuake and konsole
15:55.10Iridosmika--1, there is no need for that. just don't choose the desktop task while installing... mind that that means you will not have any graphical interface after install
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15:55.33ghormooni was trying to replace gnutls for new. that was ad idea :)
15:55.53Pseudomy question is how can i use only yakuake termianl while discard the konsole terminal?
15:56.28mika--1Iridos: and then install lxde  with apt-get ?
15:56.38mika--1after a reboot i mean
15:56.41Pseudoam i be able in anyway to install yakuake with apt-get
15:56.50Iridosghormoon, show some command and its output...  you may also try using aptitude instead of apt-get... aptitude will show a solution to a certain problem and then you have the possibility to refuse that solution and it will search for another one
15:56.54Pseudowithout konsole
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15:57.39Iridosmika--1, for example... there are some factoids on that in our bot... e.g. /msg dpkg install lxde  and /msg dpkg install x
15:58.03ghormoonIridos: those were 414 packages of what 212 were libs
15:58.25ghormoonjust xargs apt-get install -y for quick fix, at least I have a reason to reinstall :)
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16:02.36nickgawHi, On the debian developer pages it says they use something called porterbox for developing for more then one type of machine type but I can not find any information on this type of cross machine setup does anyone know anything about this?
16:02.52mika--1thx Iridosgona try
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16:06.43sharp15how do i change to/from a UTC hardware clock?  it is currently set with local and i would like to set it to UTC.
16:07.11somiajnickgaw: maybe #debian-mentors on can point you to some good docs. I haven't heard of porterbox myself
16:07.20dpkgCoordinated Universal Time (UTC) is the standard by which the world regulates clocks and time (  For Debian 7 "Wheezy" and later, set "UTC" or "LOCAL" in /etc/adjtime (man 8 hwclock).  For Debian 6.0 "Squeeze", set the UTC option in /etc/default/rcS appropriately (man rcs).  For all systems, run «service restart» to apply changes.  See also <windows utc>.
16:07.34somiajsharp15: just modify /etc/adjtime (either UTC or LOCAL)
16:07.42sharp15somiaj: thank you.
16:07.44somiajsharp15: after that you'll have to run ntp or manually change your clock
16:07.57somiajor if you have ntpd running just let it slowly adjust the time
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16:23.52ghormoonwhat is correct way to replace two packages with one (conflic, likely it was merged into one) without having to uninstall the previous two first?
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16:26.47rabid_kujoHello, i need some help about internals of apt. When i installed package from .deb file, #dpkg -i collectd.deb, it's installed to /opt/collectd, when i do #apt-get remove collectd it's removes /opt fully, nothong interesting in strace what'si need to do?
16:27.58nkuttlerrabid_kujo: that's not a debian package
16:28.16nkuttleranyway, not sure what you want to know either..
16:28.20grawitywhat exactly is the problem here
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16:36.17rabid_kujonkuttler, grawity problem is: root@ymir:~# dpkg -c collectd-0.5.5-monserver-mccme.deb
16:36.18rabid_kujodrwxr-xr-x root/root         0 2015-10-16 14:07 ./
16:36.18rabid_kujodrwxr-xr-x root/root         0 2015-10-16 14:08 ./opt/
16:36.18rabid_kujodrwxr-xr-x root/root         0 2015-10-16 14:18 ./opt/collectd/
16:36.18*** kick/#debian [rabid_kujo!~debhelper@unaffiliated/debhelper] by debhelper (flood. Please use instead.)
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16:36.54rabid_kujoand when do: apt-get remove collectd, /opt removes from rootfs
16:37.20nkuttlerrabid_kujo: like i said, not a debian package. talk to the people who distribute it
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16:39.21rabid_kujonkuttler, sorry, i'm destributor, what's wrong with it,it's haves ls /opt/collectd/DEBIAN/control
16:39.38nkuttler!tell rabid_kujo about mentors
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16:44.22rabid_kujonkuttler, thank you)
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16:45.18AlexLikeRockhi guys
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16:47.35Iridosrabid_kujo, mind that that's on, not here on freenode... and mainly concerns packaging for the debian repos
16:48.05rabid_kujoIridos, thank you
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16:55.34EphexeveHi all, I have created my first .deb package for diff-so-fancy (a better git diff), I wonder what are the steps I should take so Debian could accept my package and add to their repository. I am not yet a Debian developer, and I 've been reading the docs, but I am a bit lost of what action should I take first.
16:55.44crayonmy date and time keep changing
16:55.51crayonautomatically by itself
16:56.12crayonthe hours change in a matter of minutes
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17:00.07teaearlgraycoldHey I'm getting an error from apt-get update for a URL, but the URL giving me an error isn't in /etc/apt/sources.list
17:00.38teaearlgraycoldIt's upset that there's no i386 binary (I'm on amd64)
17:00.47teaearlgraycoldSo I'd like to tell it to forget about i386
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17:03.35teaearlgraycoldnvm I found it in sources.list.d
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17:47.20markybobbansky: what?
17:50.37markybobTomTomTosch: that's better :P
17:50.39TomTomToschmarkybob, nvm. had to make a bad joke.
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18:06.10crayonmy time keeps updating by +1 hr every few minutes, why?
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18:06.45dedgecumbecrayon: did you read the news ?
18:06.52dedgecumbecrayon: time has sped up
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18:07.40crayonanyone else?
18:09.30thurstylarkcrayon: What's the output of `sudo timedatectl` ?
18:10.12crayonlocal, incorrect, systime
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18:10.35thurstylarkcrayon: paste the full output please.
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18:11.16thurstylarkcrayon: a past service preferably.
18:11.23crayonmy fault
18:11.48TomTomToschis that one of those dev boards?
18:12.25thurstylarkcrayon: is UTC the correct timezone for you?
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18:14.17crayonie. we started this convo @ 11:09, now it is 14:12
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18:16.33thurstylarkcrayon: try systemctl restart systemd-timesyncd
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18:17.07crayondone, no dice
18:17.12crayonjust updated to 19:16
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18:19.24thurstylarksomething else must be changing the hw clock.
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18:19.38AlexLikeRocktry by bios
18:19.52AlexLikeRockor    sync  by terminal
18:19.55crayonits a vm
18:20.22thurstylarkcrayon: What's the time situation on the host, then?
18:20.29jmcnaughtcrayon: does it say UTC or LOCAL in /etc/adjtime ?
18:20.33crayonproper UTC time
18:21.01thurstylarkWhich hypervisor?
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18:21.08crayonjust a parallels VM
18:22.23thurstylarkcrayon: Have you tried this suggestion:
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18:23.17crayonyup. interestingly, when i set it to sync its just fine but ive had it set indepedently of the host in the past and it was fine then too
18:23.34thurstylarkalso, this states your exact symptoms, but with a windows guest...
18:23.43crayonsaw this too
18:23.56crayontried this but no dice
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18:26.24buuOk seriously
18:26.29thurstylarkcrayon: Looks like an upstream issue, unfortunately:
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18:26.37buuWhat is this bug with copying from ssd to nvme?
18:26.45buuThis is insane
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18:27.12crayonthats from 2015
18:27.26crayonit seemed to be working fine ~3 days ago
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18:27.39crayonnothing has changed apart from a apt-get upgrade in those 3 days
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18:29.26buu272810624000 bytes (273 GB) copied, 35487.9 s, 7.7 MB/s
18:29.32buuWhat on earth could cause this bug?
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18:33.24buuThe individual drives seem to be working reasonably well
18:33.40buuBut copying between them kills performance completely?
18:33.47buuIs this a bug with writing directly to a block device?
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18:36.24AlexLikeRockhow  can i control this , by terminal
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18:37.50socommWhat is this?
18:38.17thurstylarkAlexLikeRock: see man amixer
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18:41.13AlexLikeRockbuu,    alsa mixer only control  GENERAL VOLUME
18:41.17AlexLikeRocktanks thunderrd
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18:43.39grawitypress f6
18:43.41Iridosbuu, maybe you get lots of dmesg errors when copying that could shed a light on it?
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18:48.27AlexLikeRockyes , you are  rigth  grawity
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18:48.49AlexLikeRockalsamixer, work  fine  too
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18:50.20RippyDippyhey guys. Im used to arch. Is there a comperable makepkg command?
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18:53.05buuIridos: Nope, dmesg is completely clean
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18:53.17buuIt starts off at a reasonable speed then over time drops down to freaking 7mbs
18:53.46buuThat's so far below anything but like maybe sd flash drives it has to be some kind of bug
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18:54.21buuThe two disks aren't mounted, one is on a pci-e card the other is a sata cable
18:54.54Iridosso no file systems in between
18:56.08buuJust straight dd if=dev/sda of=dev/sdb
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18:56.18buuOr in this case, dev/nvme0n1
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18:59.24Iridoswell, happy kernel hacking
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19:02.46seprobHi. I'm trying to make a cluster with other node with Proxmox. I added another alias to "/etc/hosts" but when I'm doing ping it doesn't resolve the name. I got few lines like "Internal_network_IP Subdomain Alias". Internal network is some bridge. I added exatcly the same name but it doesn't work. Any ideas?
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19:04.40Iridosas proxmox isn't something in debian... I don't see why you think asking this here is a good idea
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19:15.43tmp1how do you deal with 'Oh no! something has gone wrong, system can't recover...", I just installed debian 8.3 gnome image and i can't get to the log in screen,
19:16.18teraflopstmp1: what gpu?
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19:18.55teraflopstmp1: fresh install? also, what session manager are you using?
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19:21.27tmp1yes fresh install, i took it out.. currently on ubuntu 14.04, gdm
19:21.29karlpincIridos, seprob: We do help people to run "stuff" on debian.  Not _just_ "stuff in the debian repos".  Debian is supposed to be all-purpose.
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19:22.18teraflopstmp1: you said youre using ubuntu?
19:22.38tmp1yes right now
19:22.41awal1tmp1, that error message you get with gnome is very known but to find out why/for which reason that error is displayed
19:22.57awal1google it and you get hundreds of topics about it
19:23.13teraflopstmp1: but your issue is with debian or with ubuntu?
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19:24.27glaucomhi all
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19:24.30glaucomi need information
19:24.51Iridoskarlpinc, I know that... but that's a complex software that has, as far as I can tell, nothing whatsoever to do with debian... you may also note that I didn't say it's offtopic here, but that it's a bit of a weird idea to ask here
19:25.06seprobIridos, I'm not asking about Proxmox. I'm asking about resolving names in Debian.
19:25.09glaucomhow to look for something on.
19:25.12tmp1with debian, i only installed ubuntu because i couldnt do anything else after seeing dmesg then the error...the only thing i could do was press the power button...
19:25.33glaucomI need to configure a server with more than one internet entry. when a falling, it uses the other.
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19:27.13teraflopsglaucom: what's an *internet entry* for you?
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19:27.17AmonXIs there a way to prevent a user with sudo from accessing another users home directory or prevent access to a specific file?
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19:28.12glaucomI will have two modem router. entering the server. When missing it takes the Internet another.
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19:29.32awal1tmp1, hard reset pressing power button isn't recommended, next time try with reisub (if it works)
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19:30.52nkuttlerAmonX: well, see man 5 sudoers.. and only allow safe commands..
19:31.09nkuttlerAmonX: also acl i guess
19:32.01Iridoswell, I doubt it's a simple resolve-hostname question. but as to what there is no doubt is that it's time to go home. so.. good luck
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19:32.53jmcnaughtIridos: seprob: karlpinc: proxmox is a derivative distro that isn't supported here. dpkg has a proxmox factoid about it
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19:35.19tmp1do i just type reisub on the keyboard?
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19:36.39frostschutztmp1, while holding alt-sysrq
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19:38.38tmp1frostschutz: which button is sysrq?
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19:39.41babilenTypically PrtScr
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19:40.32tmp1babilen: lol :) thank you ...haven't noticed it until now :)
19:40.59Iridosjmcnaught, interesting. I somehow failed to read that out of their webpage. It seemed like a kvm/lxc frontend/glue
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19:45.00frostschutztmp1, F13
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19:45.07awal1tmp1, you will need two hands for ejecute that
19:45.25jmcnaughtIridos: they get derivative bonus points for using in their sources.list instead of a mirror
19:45.36tmp1:) hehe
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19:47.24Iridosjmcnaught, I'm getting my doubts at what really is a derivative and what's really a stock-debian with a layer of paint... seems a lot of rapbian people use stock debian repos + raspian kernel as well, if I heard that correctly
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19:51.29jmcnaughtIridos: if you look at the Packages file in their repo they have quite a few of their own versions of things like grub, kernel, devmapper etc that I think it's safe to say #debian isn't going to know all the differences and refer folks to Proxmox support.
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19:54.53jhutchinsThat's the real problem, unless we know the derivitive system ourselves we don't know what's been changed, and whether changes might be related to a problem.
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19:55.39zinxand more often than not, the problem is in the changes.
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19:58.59K0D3RI changed my ip address (fixed ip address) but some programs keep trying to bind to the old ip address, anyone has any idea about this problem?
19:59.02TomTomToschi think he was doing those steps in debian though. their install on debian guide does the entries in /etc/hosts first and adds the proxmox repo after. he said he was on debian.
19:59.32antena-cliI installed baobab and now, when I connect an USB stick, it opens baobab instead of Nautilus. xdg-open /directory opens baobab too. Why this is happening and how to fix that?
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20:03.08crayonlooks like i was able to fix the time issue by setting parallels to sync and then using dpkg-reconfigure tzdata to set to universal
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20:12.18okeeWould someone be able to help me set up my clock?  I have modified /etc/adjtime, and changed it from LOCAL to UTC, but I am still an hour behind. Dual boot is setup on this computer, even though I don't use windows.
20:12.52jhartHi, I've just installed Debian on a laptop after several years away and can't reliably switch virtual consoles with CTRL+ALT+F#. I'm starting X with startx and it displays on tty1, but switching away sometimes gives me a black screen, but sometimes works. Any idea what's up?
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20:14.48nkuttlerjhart: sounds like buggy graphics drivers.. which ones do you use?
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20:15.27nkuttler!tell okee about set time
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20:16.30okeeAlexLikeRock> I already nave ntpdate installed.  I suspect the dual boot might be causing issues.  It has been awhile since I had to deal with this, and I don't recall what I did last time.
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20:16.50antena-cliThis is how I'm set:
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20:18.51jhartnkuttler: i915 (Intel)
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20:22.07dedgecumbejhart: try 'chvt'
20:22.13dedgecumbesee if the behaviour is identical
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20:23.01okeeAlexLikeRock> Looks like ntpdate wasn't installed, and I did get it installed with aptitude.  However, I am having trouble getting it to synchronize. The commands referenced in the article you posted are showing up as "not found".n awhile since I had to deal with this, and I don't recall what I did last time.
20:23.31fuanis there a similar tool like sysv-rc-conf for systemd?
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20:25.06antena-cliProblem solved. I removed org.gnome.baobab.desktop from the inode/directory= line in /usr/share/applications/mimeinfo.cache
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20:31.44seonerhi apt-listchanges: Mailing root: apt-listchanges: news for <- what is this about?
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20:32.33simonlnuroot is getting email from apt-listchanges, both changelogs and NEWS.Debian files from the about to be installed packages.
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20:33.57seonersimonlnu: why?
20:34.30jhutchinsokee: Make sure your locale is set properly for the right DST config.
20:34.35seonerwhy apt-listchanges? why in this update/upgrade?
20:34.55simonlnuyou installed it/got installed?
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20:35.25seonersimonlnu: i did apt-get update && apt-get upgrade and get this message
20:35.26SomelauwWhere am I supposed to declare environment variables? Some say bashrc but then it only works for shell. .profile is never run for me (I use lightdm). .xsessionrc seems fine, but for me wildcards in .xsessionrc don't expand.
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20:36.14seonersimonlnu: how do i read the message?
20:36.19okeejhutchins>  Local is Los Angeles.  I checked it last night, but i don't recall how I got in there.
20:36.40simonlnucheck your email
20:36.51simonlnui did mention email...
20:37.26seonersimonlnu: is there no other way?
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20:38.20simonlnuit's email... open your client and read your local mail. you can reconfigure it for next time. dpkg-reconfigure apt-listchanges
20:38.41simonlnuonly takes effect next could also remove it....
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20:39.41seonersimonlnu: i am not using any email right now. so what do i do?
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20:40.16simonlnuyes you are.
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20:40.39mrjivehi, I have a hw problem with my notebook and I have the nedd to boot with another notebook using my OS from a usb disk. I've done it several times years ago, but now when i try it, I only get a black screen with blinking cursor.
20:41.10seonersimon: do you know how to open the email from terminal?
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20:41.24simonlnui use mail or mutt
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20:42.02seonersimonlnu: /Mail does not exist. Create it? ([yes]/no):
20:42.22simonlnuup to you
20:42.37seonersimonlnu: i say i dont use it
20:43.15seonersimonlnu: whats up to you?
20:43.43simonlnu*blink* whatdo you mean?
20:44.05seonersimonlnu: you say, its up to you? what do you mean?
20:44.25simonlnuyour choice
20:44.33seonersimonlnu: choice of what?
20:45.07simonlnuare you being obtuse on purpose?
20:45.20Somelauwseoner: what do you want to do?
20:45.55seonersimonlnu: you say, your choice. can you explain what you mean with that? the reason why you say it?
20:46.23jmcnaughtseoner: pasted a prompt that asks a yes/no question, you were told the choice was up to you
20:46.29seonerSomelauw: read some emails
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20:47.03seonerjmcnaught: ok. would it be nessacary to do it?
20:47.05okeeCan someone help me update my time manually with the ntpdate command?  I did sudo ntpdate -k, but receive an error that no servers can be used, exiting.
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20:47.36seonerwhat is exim4?
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20:49.07sefruIf I have undestood correctly, it has something to do with mail servers.
20:49.22jhutchinsokee: Try just
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20:49.29simonlnudon't need the -k arg okee
20:49.38Somelauwtyping 'mail' doesn't prompt me to create /Mail
20:49.44jmcnaughtseoner: it is the default mail transport agent installed by Debian. What I usually do to get root@ emails is make an alias in /etc/aliases to forward emails for root to somewhere else. I use Postfix instead of exim4 though
20:49.58jhutchinsSomelauw: The Linux System Administrator's Guide is an excellent general resource:
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20:50.27jhutchinsjmcnaught: Works for exim as well, but may require a command to load new aliases.
20:50.41jmcnaughtjhutchins: yeah, postfix does too
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20:50.56jhutchinsnewaliases works on most systems.
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20:51.07Somelauwjhutchins: is that about where to declare my environment variables?
20:51.20Somelauwbecause every webpage says something different
20:51.23simonlnumaybe not courier-mta but maybe even that
20:51.24seonerjmcnaught: ok. would it be nesaccary to create if /Mail does not exist? or can you run without it?
20:51.38simonlnuSomelauw: no
20:52.09simonlnuthose are mail aliases, not shell shortcuts called aliases
20:52.36okeesimonlnu>  I get an error message indicating the ntp socket is in use.  How do I get around that?
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20:52.46jhutchinsseoner: Different mail programs use different folders to store mail.  You might figure out what you've got running.
20:52.49simonlnustop ntpd then run it
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20:52.58simonlnuthen start ntpd again
20:53.03jmcnaughtseoner: i suggest you read about mutt if you want to know why it asks whether to make a ~/Mail directory
20:53.21simonlnuman mutt ;) (it's long)
20:53.24Somelauwsimonlnu: wrong nick?
20:53.42simonlnuSomelauw: no
20:53.43jhutchinsseoner: some use ~/mail, ~/.Mail, or ~/Mail
20:54.17jhutchinsTHe program that usually responds to the "mail" command is mailx.
20:54.35jhutchinsThere is also alpine, which I find easier to configure than mutt.
20:54.43okeenkuttler>  What is the argument for date --set?  I should be able to manually set the clock with ntp, without rebooting, but I haven't figured it out.
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20:54.51jhutchinsmailx is a bit old-fashioned unixy.
20:55.00simonlnuheh yeah
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20:55.33jhutchinsokee: Look at the format that date prints out by default, use a similar format.  See also man date (also man <other commands you don't know>.
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20:56.05VladimirskiAny ideas how to show the root device from grub?
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20:57.50fuanis there a similar tool like sysv-rc-conf for systemd?
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21:00.01jhutchinsVladimirski: What do you mean by show the root device?  From the grub prompt?
21:00.21jhutchinsfuan: Yes, there are several tools for configuring it.
21:00.27dpkgsystemd is a system and service manager for Linux, compatible with SysV and LSB init scripts.  It is a replacement for <sysvinit>.  systemd shipped as a technology preview in Debian 7 "Wheezy" and is the default init system in Debian 8 "Jessie".  #debian-systemd on  #systemd on  See also <why systemd>.
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21:02.40Somelauwfor me, mail is bsd-mailx
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21:03.22simonlnuvery similar
21:03.31Vladimirskijhutchins: yes from the grub prompt, for some reason the root device cannot be loaded so I have to indicate it from grub
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21:03.53jhutchinsSomelauw: Yeah, the naming isn't consistent, but it's the same software.
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21:05.00fuanthanks, jhutchins, but what is the tool similar to sysv-rc-conf
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21:05.22SomelauwI don't really use mail
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21:05.36fuanso i can list: which services are running in which runlevel. And even better: enable or disable them via click
21:05.41grawityheirloom-mailx does seem to have a lot of development activity
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21:07.26JorjaDoes anyone know how to use FedEx Airbill? I was told to that I need to send an item back using FedEx(that is what the package they sent is from) but I am not sure if I can just drop it in a FedEx box or if I need to take it to a FedEx Loction
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21:07.33jhutchinsfuan: I don't know off the top of my head, I know the tools exist, I have to look them up when I need them.
21:08.04markybobJorja: i do know that's insanely offtopic
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21:08.35TomTomToschmarkybob, well, to be fair, he was turned down in #d-o first D:
21:08.42jhutchinsJorja: Not a #debian question, but if you have a complete shipping label (like a return label from the people who shipped it) you can use the drop box.
21:08.56Jorjathank you
21:09.09jhutchinsfuan: mint has some good documentation on the tools.
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21:09.55mika--1what is the best way to get firefox and thunderbird ?
21:10.03teraflopsfuan: in systemd there are states and targets vs the runlevels youre talking about.
21:10.10jhutchins... or maybe that's arch...
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21:11.12fuanjhutchins: thanks. But i am looking for something like sysv-rc-conf, not for the commands
21:11.41jhutchinsfuan: You mean a GUI?
21:12.04simonlnuthere's a GUI app for that
21:12.21fuanjhutchins: not really a gui, it is ng
21:12.28markybobmika--1: in jessie?
21:12.33fuangui would be fine too, i guess
21:12.40jhutchinsfuan: I haven't heard of anything so far.
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21:12.55mika--1markybob: yes
21:13.02teraflopsfuan: youre wrong if youre thinking that way
21:13.04markybobmika--1: iceweasel and icedove. sid actually has firefox now.
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21:13.20fuanteraflops: huh?
21:13.33mika--1markybob: but sid is not stable
21:13.47markybobmika--1: that's why i said iceweasel and icedove
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21:14.29mika--1markybob: firefox is the most  want
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21:14.45markybobmika--1: so download the tarball and run it
21:15.10teraflopsfuan: I already told you, your question has no sense since there are no runleves in systemd. there are targets. go read a bit is easy to understand
21:15.17mika--1there is no apt-get ? to keep  update
21:15.24markybobmika--1: no
21:15.42mika--1ok markybob
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21:15.45simonlnulocal install you just check "about firefox"
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21:16.02TomTomToschthe repo does have firefox now, doesn't it?
21:16.05fuanteraflops: looks more as if you wouldn't understand me.
21:16.07jhutchins,v firefox
21:16.08juddPackage: firefox on amd64 -- jessie-backports/firefox-release: 45.0-1~bpo80+1; sid: 45.0-1; experimental: 46.0~b1-1
21:16.10r6kuTomTomTosch: yes, yes it does
21:16.24markybobTomTomTosch: huh. didn't know that
21:16.31simonlnubackport from sid
21:16.33teraflopsfuan: ...or you are not able to explain yourself
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21:16.50jhutchinsmika--1: Not that it matters, iceweasel is firefox.
21:16.57mika--1simonlnu: no idea how to
21:16.58fuanwhat is so hard about: is there a similar tool like sysv-rc-conf ?
21:17.02markybobthis whole firefox thing pisses me off :P
21:17.05teraflopsfuan: no
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21:17.17jhutchinsfuan: Not everybody uses sysv-rc-conf - there are several alternatives.
21:17.26simonlnumika--1: it's called a menu, check the help menu
21:17.35TomTomToschmarkybob, people losing their minds over branding. beats me :D
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21:18.03fuanjhutchins: i know.
21:18.09jhutchinsClearly there is some sort of resolution to the branding issue.
21:18.11KingSUSSup bitches? It's Chad Warden here
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21:18.31teraflopsfuan: what do you want to do? do you want a service being loaded after graphical target? before networking?
21:18.37simonlnuas if we care
21:18.38KingSUSWho wants lick my asshole?
21:18.42jhutchinsfuan: So not everybody knows what "like sysv-rc-conf" means.
21:18.47simonlnu!ops KingSUS
21:18.47dpkgHydroxide, dondelelcaro, LoRez, RichiH, mentor, abrotman, Maulkin, stew, peterS, Myon, Ganneff, weasel, zobel, themill, babilen, SynrG, jm_, somiaj, jelly: simonlnu complains about: KingSUS
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21:19.14*** kick/#debian [KingSUS!~jaimos@unaffiliated/somiaj] by somiaj (you should know better)
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21:19.41fuanteraflops: well, like already said, i would mainly want a a tool which lists all services which are going to get started (and, if possible, enable and disable them via click)
21:19.46simonlnuthank you somiaj
21:20.12simonlnu(it's sunday all over again :P)
21:20.20jhutchinsfuan: Again, I have not heard of anybody making that so far, systemd is new and fluid.  The tools I pointed you to are what I know of.
21:20.30teraflopsfuan: then use systemctl
21:20.35fuangot that. thanks
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21:21.14simonlnusystemd takes some getting used to, but it's comprehensible
21:21.37jhutchinsThe problem with a menu style sytem is that you can only do what's built into the menu, if someone adds new features the menu has to be rebuilt.
21:21.57jhutchinssystemd is still moving too fast for that to be practical.
21:22.05teraflopsfuan: it also has tab-completion so if you do systemctl disable ^tab it will list all the units already enabled.
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21:22.51fuanteraflops: that sound fine for what i need. thanks.
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21:23.09simonlnuthe gui app relies on systemd itself for the info, and just a bunch of checkboxes, etc. so it's flexible.
21:23.49jhutchinssimonlnu: Is there a gui app?
21:23.51fuanlemme quickly run the command, so i can remember it via history ..
21:23.54simonlnusystemadm it's called, IIRC
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21:24.12simonlnuit changed name a while ago
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21:24.28simonlnuworks with polkit
21:24.47jhutchinssimonlnu: Part of gnome?
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21:26.01jhutchins,v systemadm
21:26.02juddNo package named 'systemadm' was found in amd64.
21:26.24jhutchinsThey got that from system.adm in Windows no doubt.
21:27.11jhutchinsDoesn't look particularly stable.
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21:29.26simonlnuiirc just gtk
21:30.05simonlnu,v systemd-gui
21:30.07juddPackage: systemd-gui on amd64 -- wheezy-security: 44-11+deb7u4; wheezy: 44-11+deb7u4; jessie: 1:3-2; stretch: 1:3-4; sid: 1:3-4
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21:30.27simonlnusystemadm is the old name, heh
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21:30.57simonlnujhutchins: what i thought when i first saw it too
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21:31.22simonlnu,v systemd-ui
21:31.23juddPackage: systemd-ui on amd64 -- jessie: 3-2; sid: 3-4; stretch: 3-4
21:31.45simonlnu-gui is transitional
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21:33.24simonlnuthey didn't change the binary's name, it's still systemadm
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21:37.34SomelauwWhere am I supposed to declare environment variables? Some say bashrc but then it only works for shell. .profile is never run for me (I use lightdm). .xsessionrc seems fine, but for me wildcards in .xsessionrc don't expand.
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21:40.43BrigoSomelauw,  /etc/environment ?
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21:42.12BrigoSomelauw, you can check the second answer here:
21:42.46SomelauwBrigo: maybe, but I only want it for local user
21:43.01teraflopsSomelauw: for lightdm use ~/.xprofile
21:43.26teraflopsSomelauw: lightdm soures that file
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21:44.11Somelauwteraflops: I have xsession symlinked xprofile. What does lightdm source it with, under what shell is the file run, because wildcards are not working for me.
21:44.18buu_Anyone know what kind of kernel(?) bug I could be tickling to make transfer from a ssd block device to a nvme block device hilariously super slow?
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21:44.48buu_Is there some kind of random magic that makes reading/writing actual block devices grind to a halt?
21:45.20buu_Or should I have just used windows for better driver support for the clone?
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21:45.36teraflopsHeh that symlink looks gross
21:45.45jhutchinsbuu_: Yeah, you do that.  Better driver support.  Uh-huh.
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21:46.15teraflopsSomelauw: what are you trying to set?
21:46.16jhutchinsbuu_: Check your logs for errors.
21:46.20buu_There are none
21:46.24buu_Cleanest logs in the entire world
21:46.34jhutchinsbuu_: dmesg? syslog?
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21:46.45Somelauwoh,I don't have xprofile symlinked to xsession
21:46.46buu_Maybe the kernel is confused and thinks its a ACHI device and isn't?
21:46.49jhutchinsbuu_: Do you have smartmond installed and enabled?
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21:46.59buu_jhutchins: I do not
21:47.00jhutchinsbuu_: What hypervisor?
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21:47.51Somelauwteraflops: export PATH=~/bin/*/:$PATH
21:48.21buu_jhutchins: It's not running under a hypervisor
21:48.28Somelauwteraflops: but at least in .xsessionrc it doesn't expand *
21:48.30buu_Just a plain debian jessie install
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21:49.49jaggztwhat's the proper way to get testing/unstable repos added, for jessie, so I can use the later nvidia drivers and cuda dev toolkit?
21:49.54buu_Watching it in iostat was a little weird, it would 'start' at like 1500KB/s then spike up to 10-20k then fall back down over the course of about 3-4 seconds
21:50.17buu_jaggzt: Upgrade to testing?
21:50.31jaggztbuu_, hmmm.. should I?
21:50.40jmcnaughtjaggzt: do not add testing/unstable repos to a stable system, it breaks (or simply upgrades to testing/unstable)
21:50.47jmcnaughtjaggzt: did you check backports?
21:51.08buu_jaggzt: Generally debian stable and 'latest nvidia/cuda' is not the same type of use case
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21:51.42jaggztI have backports in, but there are some dependency issues.. I'm not sure what to do about it:
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21:52.08jaggztI currently am using nvidia's own self-installer, not the debian repo packages
21:52.26jmcnaughtjaggzt: gross
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21:52.37buu_jaggzt: Just upgrade to unstable
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21:52.43buu_There's little reason not to
21:52.43jaggztjmcnaught, well, there were no debian packages for the version I needed at the time
21:52.51jaggzt!dpkg unstable?
21:52.51dpkgUnstable is the status of a Debian release when packages can be added at any time, that can disrupt the integrity of the whole system!  Ask me about <break>.  If you have to ask whether you should use it or how, you shouldn't. .  See also  <testing>, <sid>, <sid faq>, <apt-listbugs>, <apt-listchanges>, <bts>.
21:53.00jaggztshoot.. sorry I should have directed that to myself.  not sure how to do that
21:53.08buu_jaggzt: /msg dpkg unstable
21:53.49jmcnaughtjaggzt: using unstable has its own issues, it frequently breaks or has bugs that you'll need to know how to fix. definitely research it a little more
21:54.18buu_This is true but someone installing the latest nvidia linux drivers is probably not looking for 300day uptimes
21:54.23jmcnaughtjaggzt: the proper way to install nvidia drivers is listed here: note that jessie-backports has the same version available as stretch does
21:55.00jmcnaughtjaggzt: also note that using the nvidia installer from their website can cause problems, and usually needs to be redone every time your kernel is updated
21:55.35TomTomToschbuu_, still wouldn't recommend unstable.
21:55.41jmcnaughtis not a big fan of telling people "just upgrade to unstable, it's simple/easy"
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21:57.34buu_Honestly in like 5+ years of running unstable I've never had it blow up my system, so I might be biased
21:57.38buu_Besides, it's a learning experience.
21:57.48jaggztyeah it's mostly just the nvidia that I need right now.. I'll try backports .. need to get rid of the nvidia installed stuff I think (and my .run seems to be gone)
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21:58.02jaggztI'm actually trying to get OpenCL dev files installed (to do gpu coding)
21:58.20jhutchinsbuu_: Not having had a problem doesn't mean the problem doesn't exist, just that you don't know much about it.
21:58.30jaggztbuu_, indeed, when something breaks, you guys sure end up learning me a lot :)
21:58.39buu_So I let the dd command run overnight and now it's like 50% done and projected time is another 7+ hours
21:58.54jaggztwhat are you dd'ing?
21:58.55buu_But there might be a faster way to do it but that would mean I lose all the time I spent
21:58.56jmcnaughtjaggzt: there is a nvidia-installer-cleanup package that might help you clean up after it
21:59.04buu_jaggzt: two ssds
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21:59.20jaggztahh.. nvidia-uninstall .. nice
21:59.21buu_So if the faster way doesn't work I'm out like 10 hours
21:59.37jaggztyeah, faster would be doing it with the fs instead of dd
21:59.44teraflopsSomelauw: Does that export work if you run directly from the command line?
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21:59.49jhutchinsbuu_: Did you mention how much data is involved?
21:59.51jaggztbecause.. are your sdd's full?
21:59.56buu_jaggzt: 512gb disks
22:00.02buu_er, jhutchins ^
22:00.06jaggztbut how much free space?
22:00.13buu_Dunno, some
22:00.24buu_The sizes involved are so small that it shouldn't make a difference =[
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22:00.36jaggztk.. fs copying would be faster only if there's a significant amount of freespace -- which the dd would all be uselessly copying
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22:00.46jhutchinsbuu_: That's a half-terrabyte, not inconsiderable.
22:00.51jaggztno matter.. I sometimes just use dd for the simplicity
22:00.58Somelauwteraflops: I simplified it before pasting it here, but yes in principle my line works when run in bash or zsh.
22:00.59jhutchinsbuu_: I've seen formatting drives that size take a very long time.
22:01.03buu_jhutchins: Yeah, it's about 20 minutes at real speeds
22:01.08jhutchinsbuu_: Did you specify block sizes?
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22:01.16buu_jhutchins: Yeah, I tried a bunch of different ones
22:01.18jaggztbuu_, you know you can send a signal to dd to get it to output its status?
22:01.22buu_I know
22:01.26buu_That's how I know it's 50% done
22:01.34buu_Well, was 4 hours ago
22:01.48jhutchinsbuu_: I would think smartmond would be a good idea going forward.
22:02.07buu_I'll give it a shot
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22:02.18buu_The thing is though, that invidividually both disks worked as expected
22:02.19jaggztokay.. I wonder if I should nvidia-uninstall before trying to install the packages here
22:02.26buu_It's only when I go from A to B at the same time
22:03.02buu_And I saw the same issue on two different mobos
22:03.15teraflopsSomelauw: well since I do not know what you exactly export i have no idea
22:03.51buu_iostat said I had 25% iowait 75% free
22:04.12buu_Which makes sense since it's only a 4core box I think
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22:05.08jaggztjmcnaught, any ideas on whether I should run the uninstall or just install the nvidia packages?
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22:05.22jaggztjmcnaught, also, should I shut down X before doing any of that?  :)
22:05.45simonlnuuninstall first, i'd say, start with 'clean' system
22:05.56jaggzt<-- always amazed that things keep running in X even after doing a dist-upgrade
22:06.09simonlnuunix, man ;)
22:06.10jaggzt(staying at the current version, but updating everything, that is)
22:06.28jaggztalso, I noticed an "unattended upgrades" thing going on when I rebooted a couple weeks ago..
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22:07.12jaggztokay.. well.. I hope I come back up, and that my cuda works in blender after this
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22:08.10simonlnuthe nvidia stuff works really well
22:08.21buu_We'll miss you
22:08.24jaggztyeah it's been pretty clean for me..
22:08.27simonlnuthe debian stuff
22:08.37jaggztthey put a lot of effort into it.  I feel pretty good about nvidia
22:08.42naduis there a security repo for backports?
22:08.45jaggztokay.. uninstalled.. and I'm still in X :)
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22:09.04simonlnuthe drivers aren't unloaded
22:09.17jaggztI feel like there's one of those whatchamacallit holes under the foundation of my X right now
22:09.31simonlnumissing file, yup
22:09.46simonlnuyou're about to fill it in again
22:09.56jaggztshould I reboot before installing nvidia drivers?  (X will try to come up automatically when I boot)
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22:10.04jaggztor just go right to the packages
22:10.11simonlnuif it's your main video, yes
22:10.16jaggztyeah it's my main
22:10.22simonlnuoh, no, don't bother. only after
22:10.22jaggztbut I don't have a replacement in yet
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22:11.02dpkgA backport is a package from a newer Debian branch, compiled from source for an older branch to avoid dependency and <ABI> complications. (2.7.4 and 2.7.10), .  Ask me about <debian-backports> and <backport caveat>.  See also <simple sid backport>.
22:11.03jaggzt(I *thought* I had the cuda toolkit installed.. and I might have.. but I don't have any CL headers in my system.. so perhaps that's a new feature which I'm hoping to get installed now)
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22:11.12jaggzt(ie. OpenCL support.. not just CUDA dev)
22:11.40jaggztI have a remote server running wheezy .. I've procrastinated on updating that because it's a live system :/
22:12.22dartleaderI want to have all my music stored on one computer, and be able to access and play it with other computers on my network - will pulseaudio work for this? Or what would you guys recommend?
22:12.33jaggztand I have little time to get across town to fix it if I can't access it... (although isp could set me up with the kvm thing or whatever it's called)
22:12.49jaggztdartleader, possibly just file sharing?
22:13.05simonlnui have a remote console to my server. milan is a little far ;)
22:13.08jaggztbut if you need it as a media center thing.. there's stuff for that too.. never dealt with it
22:13.35dartleaderjaggzt, I'd rather just have it all on one comp instead of transferring all the files
22:13.46jaggztthank you guys for holding my hand through the nvidia thing.. being a lone admin can be pretty fatiguing .. with all the other stuff one (me) must actually focus on nowadays
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22:14.29jaggztdartleader, well.. no you just have the filesystem shared.. (samba/cifs or whatever it's called)
22:14.47dartleaderjaggzt, ohhhhh, I'll look into that
22:14.47simonlnudlna stuff
22:14.47jaggztthen they can access the folders of media files and just play them or whatever
22:15.20jaggztyeah.. dlna .. then you can have it as a media center instead of just sharing files
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22:17.47jaggztokay.. reboot
22:18.10nadusorry, I'm just a bit confused. I installed letsencrypt from backports which also installed for example python-bpr in version 1.8.0-4~bpo8+1. However there is pythen-bpr 0.8.2-1 available from jessie main
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22:19.50naduso python-bpr 1.8.0-4~bpo8+1 is newer than 0.8.2-1 from jessie main?
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22:21.33simonlnunadu: yes, it's backported, the bpo says it
22:21.37simonlnuhi jaggzt
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22:23.57jaggztwell.. nothing seems to be wrong :)
22:24.14jaggztblender still has CUDA support.. yay..
22:24.22jaggztand I have my CL header files in..
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22:26.00AntimatterCarp"1.2. Experimental PowerPlay supports brings high performance to the amdgpu driver" Aww yeah
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22:30.06TomTomToschnadu, the packages in backports are newer but less tested. security updates depend on the maintainer.
22:30.56Somelauwteraflops: export PATH=~/bin:~/bin/*/:~/.local/bin:~/.gem/ruby/*/bin:$PATH
22:31.24TomTomToschnadu, debian stable does not get new features after release. that
22:32.05TomTomTosch- that's why new stuff like letsencrypt can only be found in backports.
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22:33.21happygilmoregentcan someone help me find/install libglib2.0:i386
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22:34.20happygilmoregentor find cli-common:i386
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22:35.52happygilmoregentDepends: cli-common:i386 (>= 0.5.6) but it is not installable
22:35.52teraflopsSomelauw: youre using dash right?
22:35.56happygilmoregentE: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.
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22:36.55pugfantushappygilmoregent: did you added the 386 arch to your system?
22:37.37teraflopsSomelauw: tried $HOME instead of ~ and using "" ?
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22:38.19pugfantushappygilmoregent: libglib2.0-0 should be your package
22:38.30happygilmoregent"/var/lib/dpkg/arch has amd64(root) i386"
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22:39.27pugfantushappygilmoregent: did you apt-get update after you --add-arch?
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22:39.56happygilmoregentwhenever I run steam I get missing libraries and searching online for debian it says glib2.0 will fix
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22:40.33teraflopsSomelauw: the issue seems to me related to expanding ~ and not related to the file where you do the export thing. I also believe the right file is ~/.bash_profile
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22:47.57okeeI am attempting to update the sources.list file, but receive an error indicating readonly option is set add to ! override.  Both myself and groups has rwx privileges.
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22:49.10zinxokee: is the filesystem writable?
22:49.26okeezinx>  I don't know.
22:49.55okeezinx>  I checked the file with ls -l and it says it is writable.
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22:50.13jmcnaughtokee: who owns the file? it should be root
22:50.14zinxokee: but you still can't write to it if the filesystem is read-only.
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23:38.53slinkdose debian 8 come w/ systemd as default?
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23:39.08TomTomToschslink, yes.
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23:40.10slinkwould it be ill advised to remove it?
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23:41.23TomTomToschit's up to you. you can use sysvinit if you want. but "why?" is a good question.
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23:41.24slinkcurious. a friend had a problem and i had a problem on another machine where trying to restart a service wouldn't work. and on his it would hang
23:41.41slinki'm thinking about when i upgrade my server
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23:42.07TomTomToschthen you should try to fix the underlying problem.
23:42.20slinkrebooting fixed it in both instances
23:43.19cheapieI'm personally of the opinion that systemd is great for those people that "just want to use their computer". That is, the target audience of, say, GNOME or KDE. I'm a bit more undecided as far as servers and such go.
23:43.49slinki'm going to leave it on there unless it gives me a lot of trouble
23:43.56slinkif it's the way of the future :x
23:44.00cheapieThat's my plan too.
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23:44.25cheapieIt used to break a lot on me, but it has gotten a lot better.
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23:44.56slinkthat's good
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23:45.33slinkmy router is still running debian 6. i've never done a dist-upgrade before
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23:46.44TomTomToschthen it's highes railway
23:46.52cheapieI'm running jessie (8) + backports on my router, and that was a dist-upgrade from wheezy (7, IIRC).
23:46.53TomTomToschnotes idioms don't translate well.
23:47.28Somelauwteraflops: tried $HOME didn't work, will try "" next. It works for dash. But e.g. dmenu can't find it. .xprofile did nothing, .bash_profile did nothing, only .xsession was interpreted.
23:47.29TomTomToschslink, you probably don't want unsupported software running on your router.
23:48.02slinkTomTomTosch: what unsupported software?
23:48.07Somelauwteraflops: should I quote the whole path or per semicolon?
23:48.09slinkrouter = actual computer
23:48.21slinknot one of those small embedded/linksys ones
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23:48.30cheapie6 is "a bit" old.
23:48.30TomTomToschslink, squeeze is no longer supported. it reached EOL.
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23:48.38dvsslink, the software that is not receiving security updates anymore.
23:48.39slinkTomTomTosch: i realize that, last month
23:48.58slinkcan i still upgrade it in place to the next version?
23:49.31cheapieYou should be able to.
23:49.43dvsslink, read the release notes first!!!
23:49.55dvsespecially chapter 4
23:50.09slinkshould i go direct from squeeze to jessie? or squeeze to wheezy?
23:50.21slinkare these labeled after toystory characters? lol
23:50.24cheapieOne at a time is recommended.
23:50.30cheapieAnd yes, they are.
23:50.45dvsslink, do NOT go directly to jessie
23:50.54slinkalright, i thought as much
23:51.34slink"Chapter 4. Upgrades from Debian 6.0 (squeezze)
23:51.38slinkwill have to read it later
23:51.50cheapieAt least you're not still /on/ slink (what was that, 2.something?)
23:52.15slinkmy nick has nothing to do with debian =P
23:52.16teraflopsSomelauw: if im not mistaken $PATH outside double quotes breaks if PATH contains whitespace or \[*?
23:52.36teraflopsSomelauw: for other than bash
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23:56.50Somelauwteraflops: teraflops didn't work. I wonder how xsession is run by lightdm, because it seems to work in every shell. By the way the thing that doesn't work is expanding the *.
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23:57.26teraflopsSomelauw: hmm, i thing i read something
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23:57.39Somelauwas a workaround I can make a script that automatically expands my path in my .zshrc and writes the expanded path to .xsession or something
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