IRC log for #debian on 20160304

00:00.52*** join/#debian uglybandersnatch (
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00:14.16muscahallo andril
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00:15.50yareckonhello, I am trying to set a gpg key as MY key on a new computer and am having no luck
00:16.00yareckonanyone know what they are doing?
00:16.15yareckonI have exported, imported private and public
00:16.22yareckonset trust of private key to ultimate
00:16.45yareckonmissing that magic incantation that will make it all work
00:17.11yareckonseahorse uses the term "Personal" key in the interface
00:17.28yareckonand I can't see the imported key when I set that filter
00:19.13jessieyareckon: So, if you have the private key added and have set the trust to ultimate then you should be able to use that key.
00:19.32jessieBut you have to make sure that whatever user ID you're using is added to that key as well, i.e. the email that you're trying to send emails as.
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00:21.55yareckonok, if there is no other step on the gpg side, I may just be missing the link to seahorse / enigmail
00:22.05yareckonwhich don't see the key as my personal one
00:22.22jessieIs the email you have in your email client added to the private key?
00:22.25yareckonwill try direct file encryption / decryption ans see
00:22.37jessiegpg --list-secret-keys
00:22.44jessieSee if your email is listed when you do that.
00:22.52yareckonyeah it is
00:23.12yareckongimme a second to try to test on a text file
00:24.06yareckonok, so the problem is not gpg
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00:29.51yareckonok, will wade through the wizards on enigmail
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00:31.20yareckonwent through 45 minutes of setting up my work keys on my home machine in oder to decrypt email from colleage that consisted of a single smiley
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00:31.42yareckonpretty secret which smiley it was tho
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00:34.39yareckonOK, thanks for the hand holding jessie
00:34.43*** join/#debian ChoppedDill (~choppeddi@2601:2c6:4304:878c:e1bd:df2b:aa40:f89b)
00:34.54yareckonyou don't change your nick every release do ya?
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00:35.54yareckontries nick completion on previous debian_versions
00:36.29yareckonnight everyone
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00:46.24CircuitsoftHello - I have a few lxc VMs running, and running on, Jessie.
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00:46.52CircuitsoftOn one of them, aptitude is reading ~120M/s when "Loading package lists" and takes about 10 seconds to go every percentage point.
00:47.09CircuitsoftI've never seen aptitude take more than a few seconds to load the list before, but this has been going several minutes.
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01:03.19CircuitsoftSo, apt-get is also horrendously slow, and when I strace it, I just see it calling brk() every second or so.
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01:05.34ToBeFreeCircuitsoft, does "apt-get clean" help somehow?
01:06.17CircuitsoftSo, after a reboot (of the container) it's fast again.
01:06.29CircuitsoftI think it was an issue with how libvirt-lxc limits memory usage.
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01:30.49paludoGuys, why is that "xdg-settings set default-web-browser google-chrome.desktop" returns: "xdg-settings: unknown desktop environment"? I'm running Mate
01:32.13somiajpaludo: It really says enviornment? Have you created the google-chrome.desktop file and put it in the proper location?
01:32.36somiajxdg-settings I didn't think was dependent the actual enviorment.
01:33.10somiajpaludo: if the google-chrome.desktop file is created and put in a proper location, maybe paste its contents.
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01:37.17paludosomiaj: here seems fine though
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01:39.27gpartedhey im having a problem. i was playing a game on wine. then i quit. now my pc constantly reads from the hdd like once every other second. it only does this with my user account. i can login as root and it doesnt happen. how can i fix this?
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01:40.17gpartedi checked logs and i cant see anything to indicate what is doing it. nor in top or task manager
01:43.21*** join/#debian bmomjian (
01:43.22gpartedi guess i will just delete the user account and its home dir and make a new user...
01:43.39bmomjianCan someone help me figure out why my local fonts are not being found?  I had a working setup but just upgraded from Debian Squeeze to Jessie and now am getting "font not found" errors.
01:44.06somiajgparted: check ps fax, top, to see what processes are running, is the wine process still running (sometimes it doesn't stop nicely)
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01:45.49somiajpaludo: looks like you stole that .desktop file from ubuntu, I see things like 'TargetEnviorment=Unity' in there
01:46.12somiajpaludo: maybe grab the chromium.desktop file form a debian package and modify it to run google-chrome instead.
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01:46.58paludosomiaj: I did not, executing xdg-settings get default-web-browser gives the same error
01:47.12somiajpaludo: nevermind, that is the .desktop package that comes with the google-chrome package, just checked
01:47.47somiajpaludo: hmm, okay, wonder what is wrong with your xdg setup, as it works fine here and I'm not even running a desktop.
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01:49.19paludosomiaj: take a look at my xdg-settings script, down in the last lines
01:50.34paludosomiaj: doesn't look strange that it only tests for kde, gnome and xfce?
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01:51.26somiajpaludo: what does echo $DE return?
01:52.34somiajpaludo: DE=generic xdg-desktop (then run that command)
01:52.46somiajpaludo: though don't know why it works on my system, I don't have DE defined.
01:53.20*** join/#debian jonbryan (~jgbryan@unaffiliated/jonbryan)
01:54.13somiajpaludo: okay, I see what is happening, it detectes you are running mate, but for some reason doesn't consider that a valid desktop. It might be because gnome2 (which mate was forked) doesn't support xdg-open
01:54.18paludosomiaj: DE is define through that detectDE function, which looks for ${XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP}, which in my case is MATE, but the function doesn't consider that case, look at lines 385
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01:55.04somiajI just read on some form that you could set it that way, but looks like the script will ignore any setting
01:55.11karlpincbmomjian: Errr.  I hate fonts.  How do you know?  Where do the errors show up?  I have these installed  The "A" means auto-installed from requesting other packages.
01:55.55paludosomiaj: shouldn't I be using xdg at all then...
01:56.34somiajpaludo: I'm unsure, I don't know what mate would use for its default browser. Though I thought other applications could be using xdg-open so it seems strange that it is desktop dependent.
01:56.49somiajpaludo: but I'm just a simple window manager user who configures everythign by hand, I don't use any of these tools.
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01:57.26karlpincbmomjian: Without knowing anything at all, I see that "fc-cache" is supposed to rebuild something font-y.
01:57.56bmomjianOh, Karl, I wanted to reply to your email today;  things are much better now.  Thanks so much.
01:58.01*** mode/#debian [+l 1561] by debhelper
01:58.04bmomjianfonts are very confusing
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01:58.30paludosomiaj: ok, but where is the file configuration for default applications? I always used xdg for that kind of stuff
01:58.51karlpincbmomjian: Once upon a time I installed the "libre" fonts in lieu of the MS fonts and stopped thinking about it.  (Gotta go for a bit...)
01:59.13*** join/#debian Avasz (~N900@unaffiliated/avasz)
01:59.18paludosomiaj: what seems odd to me is the fact that the script simple doesn't consider MATE in the case statement
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01:59.29gpartedok that fixed it
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01:59.40gpartedany idea what might have caused that to happen?
01:59.53bmomjianWhat is odd is that it worked in Squeeze, and I have my entire font local directory still unchanged.
02:00.05bmomjiancreating that was a bear, but it is there now
02:00.08somiajpaludo: -- this is about LXDE, but I think the advise of comment 1 is the same
02:00.12bmomjianfor some reason latex isn't seeing it.
02:00.37somiajpaludo: seems that it dosen't know how to properly set the browser for mate and suggests you use mime-types instead.
02:00.40bmomjianso I think my first step is to get a tiny tex file to test.
02:00.45gpartedim just glad i didnt end up having to re-install debian
02:00.50bmomjianI am using Lyx but that is too complex
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02:03.32paludosomiaj: i did export XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=GNOME and after that seems to work fine
02:03.59somiajpaludo: yea, this seems to be a bug. That setting is designed to actually control your desktop more than set a mime type or how it opens browsers.
02:04.23paludosomiaj: any guide on how to use mime types?
02:04.46somiajpaludo: If you look at the xdg-open script it seems to only fall back on that if other things are set. xdg-mime default google-chrome.desktop x-scheme-handler/http
02:06.47paludosomiaj: yeah, that works
02:07.00somiajmight want to set that for x-scheme-handler/https as well
02:07.27somiajpaludo: so it seems the script is erroing out in a non-intuitive way, saying that it cannot set this inside your desktop
02:07.46somiajat least that is what the bugs seem to say, and it is a bug that gets classified as minored and seemed to be mostly ignored by upstream
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02:08.11paludosomiaj: where the default file is locate? I mean with all the mime defaults
02:08.30somiajpaludo: I don't know, I use xdg tools so rarely I have to relearn how to use them each time
02:08.43paludosomiaj: i agree that is minored, but it's a bug anyway
02:08.56somiajI try to avoid all of this integration, as I find it as tools I do not need. (:
02:08.59paludosomiaj: what do you use?
02:09.12paludosomiaj: do write it by hand?
02:09.15somiajpaludo: yea you can find it in the bts around so it seems to be a bug that is known
02:09.28somiajpaludo: I use fvwm, which requires I write all my syntax by hand for my desktop setup
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02:10.30paludosomiaj: I see, what are the benefits?
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02:13.15piotohi. is it possible to bypass adding a non-root user during the debian install process? the goal is for me to basically immediately link things up to LDAP after install, so i'd rather avoid making and then immediatly deleting a "throwaway" user if possible
02:13.39markybobpioto: don't enter a password when it asks for root password
02:13.55piotomarkybob: you've got it backwards from what i want
02:13.57markybobpioto: oh. i misread
02:14.00somiajpaludo: I like how my desktop looks and interacts. I also don't like stuff running in the background like automounters and various integration stuff. Why I switched to linux in the first place, to get a efficent only run what I want machine.
02:14.15markybobpioto: anyway, yes. hit cancel
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02:14.52piotomarkybob: ... i just see "Go Back" (which takes me to the root password question again) or "Continue" (which doesn't work if you just leave the fields blank)
02:15.12piotoso i guess the answer is probably "no", and i'd have to work out a feature request instead
02:15.37piotobut maybe there's some trickery with a preseed file or something?
02:15.51markybobpioto: you can actually go back enough to get to the menu. when you do that you skip to the next step
02:16.17piotomarkybob: ahha! so that does still exist! thanks
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02:16.28paludosomiaj: That's cool, but looks like a lot of work... so I found the file here mimeapps.list
02:18.01somiajpaludo: well I haven't changed my desktop setup drastically since 2006-7, (:
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02:19.12paludosomiaj: that might be wise, considering your setup
02:19.58somiajpaludo: old, dont' like change. Is the mime-info not in xml files. I have always used the xdg-mime tools when I needed to modify it. Mostly for wine apps.
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02:24.52paludosomiaj: wait a second, I don't know what I'm doing
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02:25.38bmomjianSo the error I get is: Font shape `OT1/1145/m/n' undefined.  The latex docs is at
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02:27.37somiajbmomjian: do you have the livetex full or extras packages installed?
02:28.37bmomjianUh, how do I check?
02:28.57somiajbmomjian: dpkg -l | grep texlive
02:29.54bmomjianOutput is here:
02:29.58bmomjianLooks like a lot.
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02:30.55somiajbmomjian: yea looks like you have it. You can try to instal 'texlive-full' to ensure you have everything, if not debian may not provide the font your asking for
02:31.12paludosomiaj: tkx man, great help, apparently I have some setup to do
02:32.03somiajbmomjian: there is a #latex or ##latex channel for more help, but if you have texlive-full installed that should pull in the major packages provided by debian
02:32.16gpartedanyone have an idea of what would cause my user account to make the hdd do a read every other second? it was very annoying and i couldnt find the source of it in top or in task manager. i'm using debian 8 with xfce
02:33.08*** part/#debian js9600 (
02:33.12somiajgparted: there is iotop
02:33.26bmomjianso at least I have a small latex doc that fails.  The output is:
02:33.40gpartedi removed the user and then deleted its home dir and then re-added it and it went away
02:33.57gpartedbut i would like to know why that happened
02:34.04gpartedso i can avoid it in the future
02:34.18bmomjianyes, I tried #latex
02:34.19somiajgparted: probabaly some setting/app automatically running when you login, unless you tracked it down hard to say forsure.
02:35.10somiajbmomjian: that font shape you are requesting is not availbe int he debian packages. I don't know enough about latex fonts to know what the issue could be
02:35.13gpartedim guessing that the game i was using had malware it installed
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02:35.55bmomjianyes, it is a local one.
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02:36.13somiajbmomjian: #latex or ##latex may better assit you, this is beyond my latex knowledge
02:37.25gpartedalso when i suspend my session my bottom taskbar gets a flicker in it when i restore the session. the only thing that makes it go away is a i need a patch or something?
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02:40.38abrotmanHi, when will Stretch release?!?!
02:40.53gpartedwhats stretch?
02:41.02gpartedthe next debian release?
02:41.35markybobabrotman: i assume i just had a stroke
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02:43.03dvsabrotman, when it's ready!
02:43.11jpalmerabrotman: did you take two seconds to look at the site?
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02:44.10markybobjpalmer: he's an op. he knows. probably just drunk and having fun :P
02:45.03bmomjianI will try asking again in the morning, my time.
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02:47.21abrotmanmarkybob: more like I just read my list news :)
02:47.59abrotmanUgh, we need to redo !wwsr
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02:48.03markybobabrotman: oh. well i'm drunk and having fun ;)
02:48.14dvsabrotman, what's wrong with squeeze?
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02:49.38abrotmandvs: the factoid had already been deleted
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02:49.48cafuegoterrible, terrible troll
02:49.56shiblyI ran: update-flashplugin-nonfree --install
02:50.07shiblyBut it seems, it didn't update the flash plugin
02:50.10gpartedthats not a command
02:50.24gpartedits apt update
02:50.28abrotmanshibly: when is the last time you ran that
02:50.33abrotmangparted: it is a command
02:50.44gpartedok i'll shut up
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02:50.51somiajgparted: what video card and drivers are you using? Is it just the taskbar, if you just restart your desktop is it enough, or is the flicker an issue with the graphics drivers?
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02:51.17abrotmanshibly: that plugin isn't updated as often as one would hope
02:51.34somiajshibly: what does --status say? Also somtiems it takes a while for the script to update to the newest version, it checks the matainers webpage first.
02:52.01gpartedGraphics:  Card Advanced Micro Devices [AMD/ATI] RS880M [Mobility Radeon HD 4225/4250]
02:52.02*** kick/#debian [gparted!~debhelper@unaffiliated/debhelper] by debhelper (flood. Please use instead.)
02:52.04somiajshibly: fwiw, pepperflash plugin has a wrapper to install it in iceweasel for a nwer flash.
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02:52.20abrotmanif your IW supports that
02:52.24gpartedits an amd radeon
02:52.42gpartedCard Advanced Micro Devices [AMD/ATI] RS880M [Mobility Radeon HD 4225/4250]
02:52.43somiajgparted: have you installe dthe non-free firmware (linux-firmware-nonfree)?
02:52.55somiajgparted: even though the radeon drivers is free, it works better with non-free firmware.
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02:53.22gpartedthe kernel when i booted up kept saying i needed the driver so i installed it
02:53.40shiblyabrotman: somiaj Oh, it's updated now.
02:53.48gpartedi have the non-free driver
02:54.00gparteder firmware
02:54.16gpartedand the problem is only cosmetic
02:54.16shiblysomiaj: Flash Player version installed on this system  :
02:54.25gpartedbut its seizure inducingly annoying
02:54.41gpartedit only happens when i resume from a suspend
02:54.51gpartedand if i reboot it goes away
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02:55.07somiajshibly: yea, that is old and outdated, but adobe is still providing some security. Use the pepperflash wrapper if you want a newer version
02:55.28markybobshibly: yes, use pepperflash
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02:56.26shiblysomiaj: But here: , it says Version is the latest
02:56.39somiajgparted: some drivers, cards, don't like to be supsended/resumed. You could probabaly reload the driver, but you'd still have to restart x.
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02:56.52somiajshibly: for linux, go look at the version for say windows.
02:56.59gpartedok. well i'll just deal with it for now then
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02:57.16somiajshibly: That version will work. It just hasn't had anything expect security fixes from adobe for many years.
02:57.22gpartedit doesnt do that on my other pc but that one has an nvidia card so that makes sense
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02:58.13gpartedthx for the input somiaj
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02:58.39somiajgparted: you can try to track it down, and there are ways to modify what happens during the supsend/resume. But graphics driver modules can't be reloaded without stoping xorg.
02:58.44somiaj(at least as far as I know)
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02:59.06shiblysomiaj: What's the command to install pepperflash? What's the version of pepperflash? I'm using firefox.
02:59.09gpartedyea i kinda figured that this would be the case. i had similar issues when i was running linux mint
02:59.32gpartedyou can always hope though...
03:00.15somiajshibly: install this package from conrtib: browser-plugin-freshplayer-pepperflash
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03:00.31shibly , "apt install browser-plugin-freshplayer-pepperflash" will it be aptitude ?
03:00.47shiblyapt install or aptitude install?
03:01.04shiblyIs that a mistake in documentation?
03:01.12gpartedthats a matter of preference
03:01.18gpartedaptitude has a gui
03:01.43gpartedboth install packages with dpkg
03:02.10shiblygparted: Is apt the gui for aptitude ?
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03:02.32gpartedthe other way around
03:02.39gpartedaptitude is the gui for apt
03:02.46somiajshibly: there is now a command called apt which is taking apt-get, apt-cache and stiking it under a single binary. So it is not a typo, just not many have started using apt as their default tool
03:02.48gpartedapt is the cli interface
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03:02.54somiajaptitude can also be used on the command line
03:03.28somiajapt and aptitude have a fair difference of logic, than can be noticable under more complex package situations
03:03.54shiblyI don't use chromium, so why would i install pepperflash?
03:03.57somiajapt traditional was a set of multiple tools, but now has a single binary (which I'm unsure on how much is a rewrite an dhow much is just merging the tools into a single binary)
03:03.57aptI think you lost me on that one, somiaj
03:03.57shiblysomiaj: ^
03:04.02gpartedi use synaptic usually but if im feeling lazy i just use apt-get
03:04.07somiajshibly: the package I gave you is a wrapper so it will work in iceweasel
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03:04.32shiblysomiaj: I use firefox, not iceweasel
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03:04.56somiajshibly: or firefox, same difference. It is an NAPI wrapper so will work with any NAPI browser (which is most browsers except chormium)
03:05.07gpartedhow can i switch to firefox from iceweasel. when i try apt-get install firefox it says its already installed
03:05.10somiajshibly: firefox/icewasel are the same thing.
03:05.22somiajgparted: there is very little reason to switch as the branding is the only difference.
03:05.36gpartedok. it was just confusing
03:05.46gpartedim used to having firefox on linux
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03:05.51somiajgparted: though it may be of note that debian provides the ESR release of firefox, not the rolling release. use to get a backport of the rolling releates built for debian.
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03:06.02gpartedoh thx
03:06.19gpartedif its the same thing i guess there is no reason to switch
03:06.26somiajgparted: iceweasel = firefox minus copyrighted logos. Though the difference some see is the ESR version gets longer support and updates less often.
03:06.46somiajbut provides newer versions of icewealse backported for jessie
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03:07.58gpartedso when i run upgrade it will get the latest version?
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03:08.33gpartedor do i need to add as a provider?
03:09.10somiajgparted: go to and read teh isntructions to add the repo.
03:09.29somiajgparted: since it is jessie-backports I think you have to manually install it, but once installed it should stay upgraded when you run apt-get ugprade
03:09.42gpartedok no problem
03:09.43somiaj[i.e. jessie-backports will not be installed unless you explicity tell apt to install them]
03:10.27gpartedhow do i get iceweasel to play videos?
03:10.35gpartedyoutube doesnt work
03:10.44gpartedit says it needs a plugin
03:11.02gpartedbut it doesnt tell me which one it wants
03:11.29somiajgparted: youtube should do html5 for most videos and work. But many palces use flash and you will have to get a flash plugin
03:11.55somiajgparted: there is gnash as a free alternative to the adobe flash (though I suggest using pepper-flash (its googles version of adboes flash), but this is non-free.
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03:12.39gpartedim installing the "youtube flashplayer plugin"
03:13.04somiajwhat does that mean? I do not recogize what package would be called that.
03:13.23somiajmight just be downloading it locally.
03:13.24gpartedits under 'addons" in iceweasel
03:13.35gpartedits an iceweasel addon
03:13.49somiajyea just downgloading it to $HOME. I install it on my system with packages from contrib
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03:14.36gpartedyea i had videos working before by installing some binary codec package, but i wanted to avoid that this time around
03:15.16gpartedok that worked
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03:17.57gpartedone last question. is there a workaround for the error where my ps/2 touchpad keeps going out? currently i am having to run sudo modprobe -r psmouse && sudo modprobe psmouse
03:18.13|Grommet|hello everyone, I just upgraded my machine from squeeze to wheezy which went relatively well. Some packages, however, have been "held back". When trying to install them I seem to be missing librtmp0 which has "no installable candidate"
03:19.22|Grommet|the "held back" packages are; ap,t apt-utils, curl, iproute, libcurl3, libxapian22, rsyslog, and udev
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03:26.27somiaj,v librtmp0
03:26.28juddPackage: librtmp0 on amd64 -- squeeze: 2.3-2; wheezy: 2.4+20111222.git4e06e21-1
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03:27.14CuteMeOwnThroatyou're pretty late to go from sqzeeze->wheezy... regular wheezy security support ends in 2 months :P (but there seems to be again an lts)
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03:27.59CuteMeOwnThroatGrommet, and this is after you ran apt-get dist-upgrade?
03:28.44GrommetI was hoping to jump up once more but I guess I'm kinda stuck hehe
03:29.06CuteMeOwnThroatwhat is librtmp0 anyway
03:29.12GrommetI don't even know
03:29.34Grommetthis whole thing started when I wanted to install Node.js
03:30.12Grommetnow there are a lot of things that I can't install
03:30.24GrommetI don't know if I am missing sources or what
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03:30.48CuteMeOwnThroatmost likely too many sources
03:30.58Grommettoo many?
03:31.00dvsGrommet, pastebin it and someone might know
03:31.01Grommetthat may be!
03:31.24CuteMeOwnThroatdammit, I hate the output of apt-cache policy
03:31.42somiajGrommet: did you read the release guide before upgrading. Why do you have to many sources, you should remove all except offial debian sources for upgrades
03:32.18CuteMeOwnThroatGrommet, well, can you pastebin the output of apt-cache policy?
03:32.24Grommetwell at first I had siz but I kept getting 404s so I added some more
03:33.15CuteMeOwnThroatand apt never ever depended on a toolkit for rtmp streams... and udev did so even less
03:33.43CuteMeOwnThroatsame goes for rsyslog
03:34.22CuteMeOwnThroatdpkg, squeeze->wheezy
03:34.22dpkgRead chapter 4 ("Upgrades from Debian 6.0") of the <release notes>.  In /etc/apt/sources.list, change "squeeze" to "wheezy" (noting that <wheezy-backports> have changed on the mirrors).  apt-get update && apt-get upgrade && apt-get dist-upgrade.  See also <squeeze->wheezy failures>.
03:34.56CuteMeOwnThroatdpkg, squeeze->wheezy failures
03:34.57dpkgTry: (a) upgrade in 2 steps: apt-get upgrade; apt-get dist-upgrade (b) apt-get dist-upgrade -o APT::Immediate-Configure=0 (c) add squeeze back into sources.list; apt-get update; try again. (d) apt-get install apt; try again (e) apt-get install badpackage; try again (f) apt-get remove badpackage; apt-get install badpackage; try again (g) dpkg -r --force-depends badpackage; apt-get -f install; try again.
03:36.30GrommetI didn't get anyerrors when I did the dist upgrade
03:36.48Grommetit was afterwards when I wanted to install weechat that I had a lot of 404s
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03:37.07dvsGrommet, uk and us and none?!?
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03:38.56gpartedi just found out what was causing the problem with my hard disk reading every other second. i had the applet in xfce for sensors set to refresh every second 0.o
03:38.59Grommetok taking off the UK ones
03:39.10dvsGrommet, you only need one of those
03:39.34CuteMeOwnThroatseems you forgot to add some japanese and indian servers there
03:39.50dvsprefers sweden
03:40.16CuteMeOwnThroatbah, just because you like it when the servers are blond and have blue eyes :P
03:40.19Grommetwhere do I find the javpanese ones
03:40.30Grommetoh jp instead of uk?
03:40.45CuteMeOwnThroatjudd, versions badpackage
03:40.46juddNo package named 'badpackage' was found in amd64.
03:40.50CuteMeOwnThroatGrommet, I was kidding
03:41.08Grommetok good, I didn't do it yet :)
03:41.17dvsGrommet, according to the release notes, you use only use the official debian repos when upgrading.
03:41.21CuteMeOwnThroatthey should all be the same, but might be a bit de-synchronized
03:41.37Grommetthere were only 6 when I upgraded. I think I got them from the site you quoted
03:41.41dvsdvs, and only one of them at any one time.
03:41.54GrommetI added a bunch afterwards because a lot of packages have "no installable source"
03:42.02Grommetwhich was including gcc
03:42.11Grommetbut instead there was a gcc-doc
03:42.23Grommetwhich I thought was documents but then, after installing it I had make
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03:43.07markybobGrommet: that's easy. you only have wheezy don't have the main one
03:43.24markybobGrommet: deb wheezy non-free add main to that
03:43.34Grommetok, thank you
03:43.57GrommetI did have that one, second from last
03:44.00dvsyet another line to add....
03:44.11CuteMeOwnThroatnot true... the .uk one has wheezy main
03:44.15markybobGrommet: no, second from last is non-free. not main.
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03:44.29Grommetohhh I got ya
03:44.32CuteMeOwnThroatbut that one lacs contrib non-free
03:44.37markybobCuteMeOwnThroat: that's deb-src
03:44.41dvsGrommet, clean up that file before upgrading.
03:44.52CuteMeOwnThroatoh, you are right
03:45.08markybobi try
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03:45.49CuteMeOwnThroatit's 4:45 in the morning and I have to work at 9, what am I doing here anyway with eyes that don't stay open...
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03:46.36Grommetyou guys are cool
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03:46.41Grommetmy stuff is back!
03:46.45GrommetI can weechat!
03:47.42markybobGrommet: you sources are very worng, though. you also don't have security for main
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03:47.56markybobGrommet: just updates
03:48.47Grommetis there a list?
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03:49.05GrommetI found this site that generated sources for me
03:49.07CuteMeOwnThroatdpkg, wheezy sources.list
03:49.07dpkgA suitable /etc/apt/sources.list for Debian 7 "Wheezy" has three lines: "deb wheezy main" "deb wheezy/updates main" "deb wheezy-updates main".  Be sure to run «aptitude update» after editing sources.list.  Also see <deb-src> <contrib> <non-free> <wheezy/updates> <wheezy-updates> <mirrors> <apt-spy> and "man sources.list".
03:49.09dvs!tell Grommet about wheezy sources.list
03:49.11Grommetbut yeah some 404
03:49.17markybobGrommet: that ^
03:49.24Grommetthanks again!
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03:49.49CuteMeOwnThroatI heard some people have problems with httpredir, though
03:50.11markybobi've heard. haven't seen it myself
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03:50.26markybobi trust greycat though and he's had problems
03:50.30CuteMeOwnThroatyou also already have contrib non-free as well, so that should stay in
03:50.54CuteMeOwnThroathavent seen it myself either... but then, I never tried to use it :)
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03:52.08CuteMeOwnThroatare you in the uk? or in the us?
03:52.21dvsor both? ;-)
03:52.27CuteMeOwnThroator japan!
03:52.38GrommetI dunno where the server actually is
03:52.47GrommetI have always assumed it was in the us
03:53.03GrommetI won it in a pkemon game like 3 yrs ago :)
03:53.06somiajit really depends on the mirror, it isn't as relable in my experience to the old round robbin addresses, but works fairly well, but I have had it give me a bad mirror (with a really terrible host name at that, wish I rember the host name)
03:54.01GrommetI wish I never upgraded it, the irc server never crashes
03:54.04Grommetah well
03:54.24dvsGrommet, If you didnt, you wouldnt get any security updates.
03:54.27CuteMeOwnThroatwell, run traceroute servername ... or geoip servername from your home system...
03:54.39Grommetk hold up I will let ya know
03:55.16markybobGrommet: and techincally your system isn't even supported here
03:56.05Grommetit isn't?
03:56.24Grommetit is in new yourk I think
03:56.37markybobGrommet: not with your mate sources in there
03:56.42dvsGrommet, he means where abouts are you?
03:56.51GrommetI am in the us :)
03:56.56markybob!tell Grommet about dontbreakdebian
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03:57.54Grommetwell now it has 3 lines and a lot of stuff is happening
03:57.59Grommetthat is probably good haha
03:58.16CuteMeOwnThroatdidn't you check what it says it will do?
03:58.40Grommetuh oh
03:58.50markybobGrommet: with a third party mate thing in there it could really break a lot of things
03:59.03CuteMeOwnThroatok for me: sleep now. byebye
04:00.40dvsGrommet, "a lot of stuff" after running what?
04:00.51Grommetjust update
04:01.01Grommeteverything is fine I rebooted and all my stuff is ok
04:01.26dvsGrommet, update doesn't change packages.  upgrade starts to.
04:01.45Grommetyeah I am making a snapshot before that
04:01.55GrommetI have a snapshot from yesterday too just in case
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04:04.21Grommetthings are much better, I am installing apt-transport-https which was not available before
04:04.48dvsGrommet, Why are you installing new packages in the middle of an upgrade?
04:05.12Grommetbecause they got broken
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04:05.24Grommetand I have to make everything right first
04:05.27Grommetor nope?
04:05.39dvsafter the upgrade is complete.
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04:09.50Grommetah nopw much unpacking
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04:12.06Grommetthat was fast
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04:12.12Grommetone package has been kept back
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04:12.27dvsGrommet, Thats when you do dist-upgrade
04:12.43GrommetI did, at first there were 8 held back
04:12.50Grommetlike mount and such
04:12.56Grommetthen I dist-upgrade
04:13.00Grommetand one is left
04:13.12dvs,v db4.8-util
04:13.13juddPackage: db4.8-util on amd64 -- squeeze: 4.8.30-2; wheezy: 4.8.30-12
04:14.43GrommetI fixed it with just regular apt-get install
04:14.47Grommetand then it did it
04:15.04dvsWelcome to wheezy!
04:15.24Grommetwell assuming survive reboot :)
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04:15.52markybobGrommet: just remember you're no longer supported here
04:16.03dvsuntil squeeze
04:16.03GrommetI feel supported a lot
04:16.05markybobGrommet: third party mate. really.
04:16.15dvsoh yea,, that
04:16.19GrommetI'm a third party?
04:16.23dvsmate is
04:16.28markybobGrommet: your sources.list said so
04:16.43Grommetoh but I took that list and only put in the 3
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04:16.58markybobGrommet: damage done.
04:17.02dpkgWhen you get random packages from random repositories, mix multiple releases of Debian, or mix Debian and derived distributions, you have a mess.  There's no way anyone can support this "distribution of Frankenstein" and #debian certainly doesn't want to even try.  See if you can convince ##linux to help.
04:17.23Grommetwell thank you for where I am now :)
04:17.28markybobi didn't think i was being funny
04:17.48dvs!pal markybob
04:17.49dpkgpoints at markybob and laughs hysterically
04:18.18Grommetit lives :)
04:19.29Grommetroot@redfang:~# cat /etc/debian_version
04:19.50dvsThat sounds right
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04:26.55Grommetomg the script working
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04:28.23Grommetthanks guys :)
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04:58.47austeregrimanyone up that can help me think of things to check on an old server now running debian to make it run better?
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05:03.55TomTomToschausteregrim, upgrade it, check what services you don't need, check if any large files have piled up. find / -type f -size +500M 2> /dev/null
05:04.14austeregrimTomTomTosch, brand new install
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05:04.43TomTomToschah, got it. thought it was an old install.
05:04.54austeregrimput virtualbox on to load a vm... it's running like crap. Xeon Dual Core, 3ghz, 16gb ram
05:05.03austeregrimwith hyper threading
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05:05.16austeregrimand virtualization in cpu
05:06.07austeregrimI'm going to reboot it tomorrow and get in the bios and see if theres something I need to change... but didn't know if anyone here might have a suggestion, bios or os wise to make it run better.
05:06.15j4sonhyper threading is probably a performance hit, but not by much.  although "running like crap" is subjective
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05:07.23TomTomToschyou should also check if acceleration in enabled in vbox.
05:07.27austeregrimthe vm I was running on my laptop first, has a debian install using observium to monitor hardwares, %10 cpu on the laptop i7 2 core ht...
05:08.03austeregrimput it on the server and the cpu utilization (in the vm) went from 10% to 60% on snmp runs
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05:08.55austeregrimsimilar speed processors, same number of available cores to the vm... huge hit on performance.
05:08.58somiajausteregrim: you can check dmesg and it might tell you when the virtualbox module is loaded that you have hardware virtualiztuion turned off, which is ddefault in lots of bios.
05:09.50austeregrimI believe virtualization support is on, there's some options that wouldn't be availble in virtualbox if it wasnt.
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05:11.46austeregrimI tried watching htop, but I couldn't see anything really sticking out at me... I'm considering the disk i/o may be slow.
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05:12.19somiajwell check dmesg if you want to make sure. Are you ruinging a desktop in the vm, I missed the guest os
05:12.22austeregrimit's a raid backplane, but just in a single disk setup, for testing.
05:12.37austeregrimguest os is a debian non-desktop
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05:12.56austeregrimhost os is debian with a xfce desktop
05:13.40austeregrimlatest updates as of tuesday(?)
05:14.29j4son`vmstat 5` and identify the bottleneck
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05:16.41austeregrimI don't think anything ever goes to swap. is there anything in particular in vmstat to look at to identify bottlenecks?
05:16.41j4sonnot clear what you are running in the VM either, 'snmp runs' is that polling or?
05:16.57austeregrimyes polling like 7 devices.
05:17.16austeregrimrunning observium, which includes apache, and mysql, and rrdtools
05:17.19j4sonvmstat will give you things like swap in/out, i/o wait, context switching, sys vs. user cpu load, etc
05:17.23j4sonvaluable data
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05:17.47j4sonahh so the VM is the polling host, got it
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05:18.04austeregrimyes the vm is polling the host, and other devices too
05:18.35austeregrimand itself
05:18.46j4sonmakes sense
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05:19.11austeregrimjust looking for ideas, nothing I can confirm right this minute either
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05:19.59j4sonhard to tell without more data... is it a issue of things being slow or a concern over CPU load numbers?
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05:20.48austeregrimslow response tends to happen when the cpu load hits high, but also the cpu load is higher than when it was on the laptop with a better cpu, but similar specs (speed and core count)
05:21.04austeregrimof course, the laptop had better cpu cache
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05:21.46austeregrimand probably faster disk access?
05:22.24j4sonwould be surprised if observium would max out i/o, but i have never actually run it before heh
05:22.24austeregrimdebating building a raid and seeing if disk i/o is increased with that, and if it resolves the issues.
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05:23.36austeregrimthey recommend using a ramdisk for caching rrd graphs, which I've tried, didn't help "much"
05:24.34austeregrimmuch being a 5-10% increase in my subjective usability performance.
05:26.02austeregrimoh well, I'll see if vmstat points out anything
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05:28.35austeregrimi'll probably be putting the guest os on a better vm host in a few weeks anyway... but I wanted to see if I could put this old hardware to use
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05:33.10Gr1Hi everyone
05:33.25Gr1I am seeing an error in apt/aptitude when trying to install puppet.
05:33.46Gr1The error is the same as this one in the bug (I am not the one who filed the bug)
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05:38.00austeregrimGr1, ^
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05:38.22austeregrimjust a cursory glance of the issue though.
05:38.26Gr1Let me check that austeregrim
05:43.08Gr1Looks like it is not the same error austeregrim. It is a gpg bypass in the askubuntu site, whereas mine is W: Failed to fetch, No Hash entry in Release file  error.
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05:44.16Gr1Couldn't bypass that error with that :-(
05:44.17austeregrimGr1, understood, but it may bypass the hash check... it might not... like i said, just a cursory glance
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05:48.55TomTomToschGr1, post your /etc/apt/sources.list to please.
05:49.21Gr1Sure TomTomTosch.
05:49.29TomTomToschGr1, did you try to install it from the debian repo?
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05:49.50Gr1Puppet gives their own repo.
05:50.34TomTomToschGr1, ah, then i can not help you. they will have to fix that. puppet is in the official debian repo. you sould use that.
05:51.08enoch85hey guys, anyone that are good with ngs shares? It seems like my share is gone even if it's setup to be shared in /etc/exports
05:51.09Gr1TomTomTosch: Oh I see. So it is an issue at puppet repo side, and not with my server
05:51.21enoch85this is the line: /var/log/nfs-share,async,no_root_squash,no_wdelay,no_subtree_check)
05:51.33TomTomToschGr1, i think so, yes.
05:51.39enoch85but nothing shows up on the client machine
05:51.41Gr1I was going for their repo, because I was looking to install version 4.x, which is not yet available on debian official repo yet
05:51.48Gr1Thanks a lot TomTomTosch
05:52.01cafuegoGr1: You can grab the .deb manually though and instal it, to bypass this issue.
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05:52.26cafuegoGr1: Not that that's something you'd want to do for all puppet-managed machines ;-)
05:52.36austeregrimcan't apt ignore the release file issue though?
05:52.37Gr1cafuego: Ah for now, I will have to do it like that then :D
05:53.25austeregrimit's just checking for signatures.
05:53.51cafuegoit's just checking that IF there's malware, the malware got signed too ;-)
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05:54.57austeregrimthe second answer may help on it too
05:55.16austeregrimbut I don't think it will
05:55.52Gr1I am not sure, but I will give it a try by moving it to a diff location
05:56.14cafuegoausteregrim: The error isn't a hash mismatch, I think the problem is the hash algorithm isn't strong enough for the newer apt in jessie.
05:56.53austeregrimso why can't gr1 force apt to ignore the hash and continue on
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05:57.43austeregrimor force apt to accept the "insecure" hash
05:57.59cafuego--allow-unauthenticated ?
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05:58.11austeregrimthat was the first suggestion
05:58.12Gr1I was wondering the same. --allow-unauthenticated didn't work for this error
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05:58.46TomTomToschthis is about the md5 hash not the gpg key.
05:59.00cafuegoIt expect apt really wants sha hashes.
05:59.10TomTomToschdon't think you can bypass that. would be stupid if you could.
05:59.12austeregrimof the release file
05:59.29austeregrimthe hash of the gpg key file
05:59.33cafuegoTomTomTosch: I think the idea is to tell apt that an md5 hash is fine IF it matches.
05:59.48cafuegohash of the package,a s listed in the release file.
06:00.04TomTomToschbut if the repo is not for your debian version you should not try to install it anyway.
06:00.22cafuegoIt is
06:00.33cafuegoThe problem is that the puppetlabs repo only uses md5 hashes
06:01.24cafuegoNo idea how to override that; a simple download && dpkg -i will work around it though.
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06:03.27Gr1cafuego: You said puppetlabs repo only uses md5 hashes. What are the other ones used?
06:03.34Gr1out of curiosity
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06:06.22austeregrimgr1, sha1 and sha256
06:06.40austeregrimmd5, sha1, and sha256 are in debian's stable release file
06:06.54cafuegomd5 is pretty much considered broken
06:07.21austeregrimmd5 alone
06:07.31Gr1That's a new knowledge to me, Thanks :)
06:07.48cafuegoI don't know anyone at puppetlabs anymore, so I think maybe you should file an issue on their bugtracker, so they can fix their repo.
06:08.03Gr1I will do that.
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06:10.01Gr1cafuego: austeregrim: TomTomTosch: Thanks a lot friends :)
06:10.16austeregrimwould a --force do the update?
06:10.22austeregrimjust out of curiosity
06:10.38Gr1Nope. That's the first thing I did :D
06:10.41austeregrimjust reading the man
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06:11.05Gr1apt-get --force-yes update
06:11.10Gr1didn't work
06:11.22austeregrimseems like it would accept "potentially dangerous" options like a insecure release file
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06:12.12Gr1It allows downgrades of packages, and hence considered dangerous, as per their man.
06:14.46austeregrimf  funny, they have sha1 and sha256
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06:16.59austeregrimgr1, what are you on? jessie?
06:17.42Gr1I have both jessie and stretch.
06:18.12austeregrimstretch is "testing" right?
06:18.24Gr1stretch is testing
06:18.26TomTomToschGr1, i hope not on the same machine.
06:18.33Gr1Nope :D
06:19.07austeregrimare you using their as the source?
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06:24.31austeregrimcheck the last line of that
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06:26.52austeregrimoh well, I'm going to bed.
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06:29.34Gr1Checking austeregrim.
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09:26.20Iridosjok.... guess he was lost in translation
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09:33.01scatterp-hi can someone give me some advice I have a server thats not physically under my control and I need to run some sensitive stuff on it I want to do something like turn off logging create an encrypted volume (file in /home) chroot to the encrypted volume do everything there .. unmount is this possible/safe ?
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09:35.39l3archoshey all. I am running Debian Jessie up-to-date and my issue is that the SPEAKER slider in ALSA MIXER is set to minimum (=OFF). Every time I reboot I have to start ALSA MIXER and raise this slider else I do not have sound. How can I save this setting? The issue occured after I upgraded to latest Debian Jessie
09:36.10l3archosit's HDA INTEL PCH
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09:40.07kais58I'm seeing this when I try to run apt-get update looks like it doesn't like the gziped files, anyone nknow how I can fix it?
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09:42.06poffsit takes about 30 seconds for the route command to display the routes. is something broken?
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09:42.41koollmanpoffs: probably dns
09:42.44poffsi'm having issues getting dnscrypt to work... it appears to have connected to the server, and I have no firewall events, yet I can't resolve anything
09:43.01koollmanpoffs: is 'route -n' fast ?
09:43.02poffskoollman, ah, that makes sense, since i can't resolve anything
09:43.15poffskoollman, yeah. alright. dns
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09:46.26afx237i just started getting warnings on one of my servers that the SSH known_hosts key has changed.  anyone know if any recent debian updates could have done that?
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09:57.40Cloudwalker42Hello :)
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09:59.14Cloudwalker42someone here ? :)
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10:03.55dpkgIf you have a question, just ask! For example: "I have a problem with ___; I'm running Debian version ___. When I try to do ___ I get the following output ___. I expected it to do ___." Don't ask if you can ask, if anyone uses it, or pick one person to ask. We're all volunteers; make it easy for us to help you. If you don't get an answer try a few hours later or on See <smart questions><errors>.
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10:05.27dpkgIf you have a question, just ask! For example: "I have a problem with ___; I'm running Debian version ___. When I try to do ___ I get the following output ___. I expected it to do ___." Don't ask if you can ask, if anyone uses it, or pick one person to ask. We're all volunteers; make it easy for us to help you. If you don't get an answer try a few hours later or on See <smart questions><errors>.
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10:06.18l3archoshey all. I am running Debian Jessie up-to-date and my issue is that the SPEAKER slider in ALSA MIXER is set to minimum (=OFF). Every time I reboot I have to start ALSA MIXER and raise this slider else I do not have sound. How can I save this setting? The issue occured after I upgraded to latest Debian Jessie
10:07.54l3archosI want to add that "ps aux |grep -i alsa" does not return output. It seems I am running pulse because I get output with "ps aux |grep -i pulse"
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10:11.38Cloudwalker42Hey @all, can someone please post a current sources.list of a debian 6 server. After the EOL of it I got errors during runinng and apt-get update. Im not sure how to modifiy the sources.list that the 404 error disappear
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10:13.56Cloudwalker42Do someone else has the problems updatting a debian 6 server ?
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10:18.10humbothave you seen this:
10:19.12humbotif you still have difficulties post your sources.list and your sources.list.d/*.list to a pastebin and hopefully someone will look
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10:22.20humboti believe you need to change those files and do a dist-upgrade, the debian6 repositories have been moved Cloudwalker42 ^^^
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10:23.01Cloudwalker42Thx Humbot
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10:23.27Cloudwalker42im a bit confused how many users are in this channel and how many of themr really chat
10:23.36Cloudwalker42im new in thr irc/linux world ^^
10:24.07humbotsome are bots and some are asleep, connected through vps or such
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10:24.30Cloudwalker42A dist-upgrade is a big think for me because i administrate several systems with an huge software enviroment
10:24.45roryCloudwalker42: Most of them are disconnected, idle or whaever
10:24.52Cloudwalker42This isnt that easy for me.
10:24.59roryCloudwalker42: A lot of people don't join channels as-and-when, they just stay in them 24/7
10:25.18Cloudwalker42damn they are like zombies :D
10:25.39humbotthere is another #debian on the oftc irc network too,
10:26.07Cloudwalker42and this #debian is more visited by active users @humbot ?
10:26.27humboti assume it depends on time zone
10:26.39r6kuit does
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10:26.51Cloudwalker42CET btw :/
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10:28.04dcpc007Hi, i migrate a subversion + apache + web_dav from old Centos to Debian 7 but a big problem with external access (502 bad gateway)
10:28.43dcpc007i already find a solution like RequestHeader edit Destination ^https: http early but always same error from external link
10:28.48dcpc007internal is all OK
10:29.45dcpc007does anyone know that configs ? (and apache config different in Debian when we come from Centos :-( )
10:29.50Cloudwalker42Can someone please check my sources.list and sources.list.d on pastebin.
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10:30.32rozieCloudwalker42: squeeze may not be supported yet.
10:30.50rozieso it can not be on mirrors. at least not on all
10:31.18r6kusqueeze got EOL'd just recently
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10:31.45rozieCloudwalker42: upgrade at least to wheezy ASAP
10:31.46Cloudwalker42thx ... yeah i know .. but i dont figured out what must be changed on the sources list or the sources.list.d
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10:32.23Cloudwalker42a dist-upgrade isnt that easy on the regarding system
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10:40.22Cloudwalker42@rozie i replaced '' with 'http://archive.debian...' it seems to work
10:41.09Cloudwalker42@rozie thank you very much :) !!! You're the best!
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10:48.11meldronhey guys, anybody knows the best way to install intel-linux-graphics-installer on debian jessie so I can use the xeon on dice gpu?
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10:50.20rozieCloudwalker42: it's not a solution. it's just workaround. squeeze is NOT updated. not even most critical security bugs
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10:55.11r6kumeldron: so your igpu wasn't supported out of the box? did you try using the intel driver in debian backports?
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10:59.22meldronr6ku: no i did not, can you give me some details on how to get it?
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11:05.23r6kumeldron: iirc you might need a newer kernel from backports too, not sure though
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11:06.00bumbar_is there a way to rotate uploaded files (using scp for example); suppose there's file.txt on target machine, and i'd upload another file with same name, then i want the original file to be moved to something like file.txt.1
11:06.24meldronr6ku: thanks, so just to make myself clear i'm looking for lspci output something lik this : 'Intel Corporation Xeon E3-1200 v2/3rd Gen Core processor Graphics Controller'
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11:06.38Cloudwalker42@rozie yeah .. I will send a mail to our customers to inform that ... i also think that a dist-upgrade will be necessary
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11:09.45utrackHi! Is there any way to pass through the RAID controller?
11:10.54utrackI've got Adaptec 6405 controller; there are /dev/sgX devices, however I want to use soft RAID of btrfs instead
11:11.35epsilonusually you define single disks in the controller, and you you mdadm on tehse
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11:16.08utrackepsilon: via JBOD, right? It won't add any overhead?
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11:25.24sly01hi guys
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11:25.49sly01Anyone tried to install teamviewer 11 64bit on debian jessie 8
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11:28.59epsilonutrack: depends on your controller, but usually there is always an option to run single disk, like physical disk -> logical disk -> JBOD/RAID...
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11:31.53sly01anyone ?
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11:42.23rorysly01: Why not ask your next question (your real question) and find out?
11:43.13aborrerois there any way to configure a workstation to query different DNS servers depending on the domain of the query?
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11:44.57moushello i have question about systemd in the current debian before systemd when i restarted a service it reported status if it restarted or failed but for some reason its not doing it now is there some config i need to change or i should make alias to handle this?
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11:51.25Iridosaborrero, it's the job of the dns server to forward these, right?
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11:52.17aborreroIridos: you would address the issue in a DNS server using some forwarding policy, right?
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11:53.02Iridosyes, guess so. I luckily didn't have much to do with bind9
11:53.37Iridosbut as far as I know there's no easy configuration way to do it on a machine, except setting up a dns server that does it...
11:53.50Iridosof course everything could be done with LD_PRELOAD or other hacks
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11:54.45Iridosmous, it prints an error for me: systemctl start xxx --> Job for xxx failed. See 'systemctl status xxx' and 'journalctl -xn' for details.
11:54.46aborreroI see, thanks Iridos
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11:55.48Iridosaborrero, but have a look at man nsswitch.conf - if there's a place to do it, then probably there
11:56.20aborrerook thanks
11:56.35Iridos(but I doubt it, because dns server are configured in resolv.conf, not there, so I don't see how that could work)
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11:58.29maladementalHi everybody, I compiled debian's kernel with make deb-pkg but did it on a folder that had the wrong permissions (due to a lack of space I had to do it on an NTFS filesystem - shame on me)
11:58.38Iridosaborrero, well, also a bit man resolv.conf ... there are options one can set, but none do anything the like.
11:59.10maladementalmy question is : how to make then command "make deb-pkg" resume after the error and not begin by cleaning and re-compiling everything that was already compiled (error happens in "INSTALL" step)
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12:00.28mousIridos, even when its OK?
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12:04.02mousbecause when i start a service and it fails it does not print anything
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12:04.18aborrerothanks Iridos
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12:20.49poffsssh tcp forwarding issue..... "bind: Cannot assign requested address"
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12:23.47fnstudiohi, do you happen to have a `CryptoToken Component Extension` installed in your Chromium?
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12:32.56plasmoduckHey guys I setup my VPN using network-manager, when I connect to it and go to '' in my web browser it isn't going through the VPN, shows me normal IP?
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12:34.25grawityit depends on the VPN
12:34.35grawitycorporate VPNs often only push routes for their own network, not for everything
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12:35.36plasmoduckIt's one called VyprVPN
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12:36.37plasmoduckI was using it in Windows with it's proprietary app and it worked fine system wide, then I just configured it in Debian using this guide
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12:50.39DebbyTest4Hello :)
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12:51.51DebbyTest4I want to setup a local dns in this way: by default it don't resolve and block all domains, but i have a big list of exception that are resolved by an external dns
12:52.09DebbyTest4Is something i can achieve with bind or i have to look for other piece of software ?
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12:54.56teraflopsbumbar_: you can do that e.g with unbound
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12:56.18teraflopsDebbyTest4: also with a custom host file as you pointed above, kinda handcrafted ab-block site
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12:56.56DebbyTest4teraflops: yeah, is something that i want to achieve, an hardware adblock/tracking/stuff :p
12:57.12DebbyTest4teraflops: there are some guides already created out of there? :)
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12:58.59teraflopsDebbyTest4: hmm i guess so, lemme check
12:59.14teraflopsI did time ago
12:59.50DebbyTest4teraflops: i would like an approach like, block all, keep only the main trusted websites i need and also ipblock all the countries i don't need, basically for my daily work i need just few european servers, i can block the rest of the internet.
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13:00.36p0g0DebbyTest4: look for a "whitelist" add-on.
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13:00.46teraflopsDebbyTest4: you want to block by countries, you better do that via iptables
13:00.53DebbyTest4teraflops: i would like do it both
13:01.01DebbyTest4teraflops: first a layer of iptables for country block
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13:01.51DebbyTest4teraflops: then also put in nullroute the domains outside a certain list, because dns is effective only if i connect from my side, the ip block is useful for incoming connections also
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13:02.23teraflopsDebbyTest4: with unbound:
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13:02.57teraflopsDebbyTest4: search there for "Blocking" youll see the example
13:03.22DebbyTest4teraflops: thank you very much man :)
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13:03.33teraflopsDebbyTest4: np
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13:03.49DebbyTest4p0g0: whitelist addon for what? pi hole ?
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13:05.29Iridoshow do you export variables you set in crontab properly? Is that supposed to happen automatically just by setting them?
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13:07.01Iridosoh, it's the ssh failing, not the internal auth
13:07.21teraflopshmm, * * * * VAR=whatever /usr/bin/foo whatever?
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13:07.45Iridosnono, you can just do VAR=whatever in the preamble of crontab
13:08.03Iridosbut it's all a bit weird, because crontab does it and not a shell
13:08.33Iridosso var=xyz works, but var=$HOME/bla sets var to be $HOME/bla and doesn't substitute
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13:09.13Iridosbut on the other hand var=~/bla works, apparently because the whole thing is sent through a shell later where ~ is expande (but $HOME is not)
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13:10.18teraflopsbash/ash related? idk
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13:11.51plasmoduckHey guys I how do I fix this? I get it everytime I try and install something
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13:15.57dagbWhat is the appropriate way to determine the current kernel version of Debian 7? Prior to installation...
13:16.53dagbI see wheezy-backports has a 3.16 version, while plain wheezy has 3.2+46
13:18.00*** mode/#debian [+l 1621] by debhelper
13:18.17TomTomToschdagb, if you have a clean install you will have the 3.2 kernel.
13:18.36dagbAre there any catches to installing from -backports?
13:18.41dagbTomTomTosch: thanks
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13:19.26TomTomToschboth kernels will probably work just fine.
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13:21.28TomTomToschdagb, it's just that debian gets no new features after release, so newer kernels don't get forced through updates but are optional with backports.
13:21.50dagbTomTomTosch: Is there a straightforward method to find out what version of a specific driver is present in a given kernel image? Download the source tarball and browse the source?
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13:23.53plasmoduckHey guys I how do I fix this? I get it everytime I try and install something
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13:25.46themillplasmoduck: whatever vyprvpn is (it is not in debian), it ships a broken maintainer script. It looks like a package designed for ubuntu not debian.
13:27.21plasmoduckHow do I remove it?
13:27.24plasmoduckand fix apt
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13:28.29bex3727dagb: you could use
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13:30.51dagbbex3727: thank you. that was a useful suggestion.
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13:31.39dagbto what extent will the debian kernel maintainers backport drivers from later kernels?
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13:32.36themillplasmoduck: well if you think the package is likely to work, try editing the postinst; otherwise, remove the package.
13:33.57humbotit's only available for amd64 :(
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13:34.08humbot,v xsnow
13:34.09juddPackage: xsnow on amd64 -- jessie/non-free: 1:1.42-9; sid/non-free: 1:1.42-9; wheezy/non-free: 1:1.42-9; stretch/non-free: 1:1.42-9
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13:37.39themillhumbot: non-free software is often only available for a limited set of architectures
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13:39.42TomTomToschdagb, i don't think firmware is being backported, only security patches. you will have all the details in the package docs though. there is a changelog.Debian.gz file i every /usr/share/doc/<package> where you can see what has been done.
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13:41.11dagbnot firmware. kernel driver version
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13:41.42dagbTomTomTosch: but thanks. I'll see if I can download the source with git
13:45.12TomTomToschyes, you will be able to see that in /usr/share/doc/linux-image-x/changelog.Debian.gz  but as i said, i doubt they added anything since release.
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13:49.01Iridosdagb, only security/bugfixes are backported into the kernel in stable, no features. You can use a newer kernel from the backports archive if you need them.
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13:52.52antena-cliWhere can I find those options or equivalent in Debian 8.3.0?
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13:53.10antena-cliI'm using Cinnamon.
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13:58.02Iridosantena-cli, gnu/linux isn't windows. if you  have an actual problem, please describe the problem.
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14:02.27Iridosto give a literal answer, which you will not find useful: -a
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14:03.55dpkgAnother happy customer leaves the building.
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14:08.58maxoratorokay, so got a black screen in a virtual machine, shut it down, now all I have is tty1-tty6, ctrl+alt+f7 does absolutely nothing, "ps aux | grep x" indicates no x server is running
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14:12.19jdavilahow i know i a user have the permission to log in?
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14:12.23maxoratorall I had done earlier was apt-get upgrade, on testing release channel
14:12.28jdavilahow i know if* a user have the permission to log in?
14:13.37dpkg#debian-next is the channel for testing/unstable support on the OFTC network (, *not* on Freenode.  If you get "Cannot join #debian-next (Channel is invite only)." it means you did not read it's on
14:13.44*** join/#debian BalTun (~BalTun@
14:13.49TomTomToschmaxorator you will get better help there ^
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14:14.32markybobdamn. i missed my main job :(
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14:17.09TomTomToschtehehe replaced ya, old man :P
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14:20.56TomTomToschjdavila, you want to know if a user account is locked? passwd -S <user>
14:21.15jdavilaYes TomTomTosch
14:21.26jdavilalent me see
14:22.04jdavilaHow i undo passwd -l <userr>?
14:22.06parHi.  is there a way to reinstall machine remotely without using any of typical ipmi tools to mount remote images? Some kind of net installer which would activate on reboot automatically.
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14:22.36TomTomToschjdavila -u to unlock. just read man passwd.
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14:22.55jdavilathank you TomTomTosch
14:23.17TomTomToschjdavila, no problemo.
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14:35.34Ange7hey all
14:36.01Ange7i have inverted my trackpad, need to click to right to make a left click, click to the left to make right a click and need to click to move cursor
14:36.14Ange7Someone know to set by default ?
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14:37.23blindAnge7: What graphical environment are you using?
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14:38.20hazzhello debian, i would like to contribute, how do i go about doing so??
14:38.33hazzi have subscribed to news and devel-announce, what's the next step?
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14:39.59Ange7blind: gnoem
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14:40.27nkuttlerhazz: read the bug reports for packages you use and see if you can send patches?
14:41.00markybobhazz: you can do a lot of things. edit the wiki. become a developer and make packages. donate money
14:42.07*** join/#debian karimb (karimb@nat/redhat/x-jzwwdrlzbnjqdzle)
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14:42.55Ange7Ok found: FN + F7 disabled trackpad
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14:43.26markybobhazz: basically read
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14:46.02hazzmarkybob: yes i've read /devel/join and /devel
14:47.23TomTomToschyour best bet is probably to do some work and find a sponsor.
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14:48.28hazzmarkybob: i'm just left confused is all.  i'm not a maintainer or developer (for debian).
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14:49.25hazzconsider me absolutely new here (but not to programming or software development)
14:49.39hazzand i'm looking for where to start today
14:49.47jelly-home,v initramfs-tools
14:49.48juddPackage: initramfs-tools on amd64 -- squeeze: 0.98.8; squeeze-backports: 0.109.1~bpo60+1; wheezy: 0.109.1; wheezy-backports: 0.115~bpo70+1; jessie: 0.120; jessie-proposed-updates: 0.120+deb8u1; sid: 0.123; stretch: 0.123
14:50.03markybob!tell hazz about mentors
14:50.33hazzwhat about mentors?
14:50.40hazzshould i ask on debian-mentors?
14:50.46markybobhazz: the bot should've /msg'd you something
14:51.02*** join/#debian AnD[a]LeS (~andales@
14:51.02markybobhazz: note it's not on freenode
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14:51.52hazzthere is a debian-mentors on freenode, i'm on it now
14:52.26TomTomToschhazz, go one line back :P
14:52.38TomTomToschhazz, the debian administrator's handbook has a nice bit about this in their first or second chapter.
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14:55.48hazztomtom: well how do i do some work and find a sponsor?
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14:56.19hazzsay i wanted to work on bugfixes?
14:56.38markybobhazz: then you don't need one. just file bug reports with patches
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14:56.58hazzmarkybob: how do i do that?
14:57.12dpkgreportbug is used to submit bugs to the Debian <BTS>.  Install reportbug, then run reportbug.  Or on the web,, or see for some general information about using reportbug and/or for <debian-installer> bug reporting.  Also ask me about <report-bugs>.
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14:57.32hazzgood place to start?
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14:57.42markybobhazz: yes
14:57.42twotenI'm installing webmin on Jessie and it's stuck with a catch 22 dependency circle with apt-show-versions. How can I get these 2 to install?
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15:00.43hazzmarkybob: ok i will check that out
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15:04.08bumbar_how can i make ssh-agent "persistent" (every time i login i have to start it manually)?
15:05.45markybobbumbar_: i suppose you could add it to ~/.bashrc
15:05.59TomTomToschbut... why...
15:06.05markybobi have no idea
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15:07.33bumbar_i've set up a user, using ssh keys, for backup automation, and since key has a passphrase, it asks for it everytime
15:08.27markybobno that makes no sense
15:08.37bumbar_let me try again: i have a user, which will connect to a remote machine (using ssh key, and this key has a passphrase), to send backups
15:08.43babilenWho will enter the passphrase?
15:09.00TomTomToschbumbar_, you can put your ssh key in authorized_keys so you don't need to enter the passphrase on connect.
15:09.11bumbar_i did, but it keeps asking
15:09.20babilenTomTomTosch: Sure you do, you have to unlock the key
15:09.29markybobwhy are you using a password with a key?
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15:09.44babilenchanges that to "a key with a passphrase"
15:09.45blindThe key has its passphrase
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15:09.48bumbar_no, the key is passphrase locked
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15:10.10babilenbumbar_: So, you login .. add the key to your ssh-agent and you are done
15:10.16babilenYou have to enter the passphrase
15:10.27babilenIf you don't want that then don't use a passphrase
15:10.37bumbar_and how will i automate this? wake up at 3 in the night to enter the passphrase?
15:10.54markybobbumbar_: you fail to answer why
15:11.10TomTomToschbabilen, you are right, i meant a password :3
15:11.35babilenbumbar_: No, you unlock the key *once*, add it to ssh-agent with "ssh-add" and then you don't have to enter the passphrase when you connect
15:11.36bumbar_markybob, so i can run it as cron job
15:11.42markybobthis is a silly endeavor
15:11.49markybobbumbar_: just use a key. no password
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15:12.27babilenIt's not about the password, but the passphrase of the key
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15:13.10babilenbumbar_: Are you using "ssh-add" ?
15:13.13TomTomToschgenerate one without a passphrase like markybob said.
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15:14.32bumbar_babilen, i did, but i have to do it every time i login as that user
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15:15.42bumbar_i ran ssh-add, says it couldn't connect to agent, then i do "eval $(ssh-agent); ssh-add" enter passphrase, ssh to remote machine, close connection, exit user, su user and when i try to ssh it asks for passphrase again
15:15.53babilenbumbar_: Yes, that is the nature of it. You have to enter that passphrase before you can use the key. If you don't want that then, as noted earlier, use a key without a passphrase.
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15:18.05babilenbumbar_: You can use the key as long as ssh-agent keeps on running. If you logout and ssh-agent is being stopped by that then ssh-agent can no longer work.
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15:18.48babilenIt's like closing a bar, throwing out all customers and the baarkeeper and then asking them why he doesn't serve you another G&T
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15:20.24Cloudwalker42I need some help regarding the EOL of the LTS from Debian Squeeze. In my company is a server which serves as our internal debian repository. This server mirror the whole Debian-Archive incl. unstable releases and and and. .. I need to confugre that machine that it maps to insteed of but i don't know where to do this?! Can someone help me please.. its also possible if n
15:20.30Cloudwalker42eeded that I provide an xport out of the installed packages or someting like that. I don't have a idea how this server works.
15:20.34Cloudwalker42thanks very much
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15:20.49Cloudwalker42in advance
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15:21.47babilenCloudwalker42: You do have debmirror running?
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15:22.42karlpincThe good news is I figured out an easier way to get the system to fsck at boot.  Use tune2fs -C to set the mount count > the maximimal mount count (which is visible by "tune2fs -l".  This is much easier (and safer if you need a fsck) than, say, frobbing /etc/default/grub and adding fsck.mode=force.
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15:23.06T4ng10rdebian, testing with iceweasel v. 44.0.2
15:23.13babilenkarlpinc: You can "touch /forcefsck"
15:23.23T4ng10rhow can I downgrade iceweasel to ie. 43.0.0?
15:23.40babilenkarlpinc: Or run "shutdown -F ...."
15:23.43markybobT4ng10r: testing support is in #debian-next on, not here
15:23.44T4ng10rwhen apt-cache showpkg iceweasel shows only 44.0.2 version available?
15:24.00markybobTomTomTosch: got it this time :P
15:24.04karlpincThe bad news is that I couldn't get fsck.mode=force to check my root fs!  I edited the kernel command line at boot in grub.  Added "fsck.mode=force".  the only thing that got fscked is /boot.  not /.  Is there anything I did wrong here?
15:24.18karlpincbabilen: Those methods don't work with systemd, AFIK.
15:24.18dontknowT4ng10r, look at /var/cache/apt/archives and install it from there
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15:24.33babilenkarlpinc: Oh noooo!
15:24.49karlpincbabilen: Oh yes.  (!)
15:25.02babilenWhat was it replaced with?
15:25.09karlpincbabilen: Unstoppable fuckers, it seems.
15:25.19babilenBut doesn't systemd still run /etc/init.d/ ?
15:25.22Cloudwalker42babilen: im not shure how can i figure it out
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15:25.40babilenCloudwalker42: That's okay .. Do you have access to the server in question?
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15:25.56Sickanyone know how I can install Teamspeak 3 client in Debian stretch?  Tried to google.... but came up empty.
15:26.02karlpincbabilen: "man systemd-fsck-root.service".  You have to frob the kernel command line.  In other words, there is no replacment.
15:26.08T4ng10rI cleared cached some time ago - find . -name '*iceweasel*' shows nothing
15:26.26karlpincbabilen: fsck.mode=force
15:26.26Cloudwalker42babilen: yes yes i have access via ssh
15:26.26babilenkarlpinc: That's quite sad .. sorry for leading you astray
15:26.26markybobT4ng10r: already told you it's not supported here per /topic
15:26.51karlpincbabilen: Who'd have thought?
15:27.12jelly-homekarlpinc: except #811425
15:27.13juddBug in (pending, confirmed, jessie, patch): «jessie-pu: package initramfs-tools/0.120+deb8u1»; severity: normal; opened: 2016-01-18; last modified: 2016-02-20.
15:27.23karlpinc!tell Sick about debian-next
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15:28.27jelly-homethe fixed package is in jessie-proposed-updates now
15:28.54karlpincjelly-home: Thanks.  It's good to know it's on somebody's radar.
15:29.27babilenCloudwalker42: Okay, could you check all users crontabs for mentions of "mirror"? A way to do that would be to run "grep -r mirror /var/spool/cron/crontabs/" and "grep -r mirror /etc/cron*"
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15:30.13karlpincjelly-home: (I still like the tune2fs -C approach better than frobbing the kernel command line.  Although I suppose it's not so bad if done from the grub prompt.  Even so, messing with the kernel command line is harder to tell somebody how to do here.)
15:30.19jelly-homeI wish there was backwards compatibility for FSCKFIX=yes in /etc/default/rcS but a boot param is good enough
15:30.29babilenCloudwalker42: You should also check the physical location of the mirror on disk. Maybe there is some indication as to which tool is being used to set it up.
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15:30.45jelly-homeFSCKFIX has been there for more than a decade
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15:32.30karlpincjelly-home: SYSV has been there longer than that!  ;-)   (I don't mind change, but all the regressions suck.)
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15:33.16Cloudwalker42babilen: hmm nothing found ... maybe i can show you a list of all applications which are installed ?
15:33.29ledoktre2greetings y'all.  A quick question.  I have a few systems where I'm using bind9 packages and doing local resolution, with dns forwarders setup for other resoultion.  If someone has a DSL conection and it goes out for a little bit, forwarding requests obviously wont work when down, but when it comes back on, it still doesnt work.  Anyone heard of this before
15:33.30karlpinc(Somebody here the other day wanted to run something at rcS time.  I couldn't answer....)
15:33.45babilenCloudwalker42: Check for anything with "mirror" in its name
15:33.56jelly-homekarlpinc: it's only after 8.2 that I consider jessie w/ systemd good enough to be installed even on servers
15:34.01karlpincledoktre2: Probably negative ttl.
15:35.09karlpincledoktre2: There's a knob you can turn.
15:35.23ledoktre2karlpinc: local resolution works fine regardless - are you talking some default setting etc?  Obviously cant control the TTL for domains not authorative for
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15:35.28ledoktre2A knob eh?
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15:35.38karlpincjelly-home: Which is so odd, considering how long systemd's been around.
15:35.53Cloudwalker42babilen: there is a package called "mini-dinstall" not found under the grepping of "mirror" but under the grepping of "repo.."
15:36.14babilenCloudwalker42: That would be it
15:36.16karlpincledoktre2: Negative ttl is a ttl on negative lookups.  In other words, it remembers it can't find it and does not try again for a while.
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15:36.46jelly-homekarlpinc: it's probably not been around debian nearly as long as it should have been
15:37.10ledoktre2karlpinc: would what your suggesting be for individual domains or all?  What Im talking about is all
15:37.12Cloudwalker42babilen: thx very much i just search the config files and i am going to inform u if there are further problems.
15:37.23karlpincjelly-home: It's been in fedora and RH forever.  Why haven't they solved these issues?
15:37.25jelly-homeeach shiny new component still needs integration and bugs for dozens-hundreds of corner cases
15:37.34karlpincledoktre2: All.
15:38.07karlpincjelly-home: Surely RH people want to fsck on reboot occasionally.
15:38.10jelly-homekarlpinc: they probably have, but they're not debian and have different infrastructure and workflow and best practices
15:38.35ledoktre2karlpinc: sounds like its worth checking out ;-)  googling (feel free to chime in with a bone)
15:38.57karlpincledoktre2: Or are you saying that it simply does not do any dns, at all, after dsl comes back up?
15:39.15babilenCloudwalker42: + the manpage of mini-dinstall will probably help.
15:39.16karlpincledoktre2: Read the bind9 manual.  That'd be my apparoch.
15:39.20ledoktre2karlpinc: it does local, just wont forward any more requests until you powercycle bind9
15:40.05babilenCloudwalker42: You can't however use that for mirroring .. you might want to go through the list here: and check for those tools
15:40.34karlpincledoktre2: Not even something that nobody looks at? How long was the dsl down?
15:40.54ledoktre2karlpinc: maybe an hour
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15:41.10ledoktre2karlpinc: whatever they try to bring up, wont resolve.
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15:41.41ledoktre2karlpinc: dealing with one this morning. I could have sworn I found a resolution before but its been a w hile and I cant find my notes on it
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15:42.00karlpincledoktre2: Relying on "them" for accuracy is not always called for.  If they try to call up some domain they've never heard of, does it come up?
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15:42.02Cloudwalker42babilen: thx thx :) very helpfull
15:42.22ledoktre2I am ssh'd into the server.  I can try one myself.
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15:43.06babilenCloudwalker42: We use debmirror here, but there are obviously other approaches. You'd basically have to remove squeeze from the "normal" configuration and add another, comparable, one for it with -- I'd also host it at a different location (say "archive" rather than "debian" or "mirror" ..)
15:43.39karlpincledoktre2: Have a result?
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15:43.53ledoktre2karlpinc:  It seems to have come back on its own.
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15:44.32karlpincledoktre2: Consistent with negative ttl.
15:44.37ledoktre2karlpinc: I know that sounds odd.  before I jumped on here and googled etc it would not resolve (my first one I try usually).  Now when testing what you said, it and the others I tried work
15:44.38karlpincledoktre2: After how long?
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15:45.26ledoktre2karlpinc: Ive been on it for about 30 min or so.  I dont know how long its been out.  I got on it when they called.
15:45.30karlpincledoktre2: If somebody else tried while it was down, it'll remember and not try again.  Until the negative ttl runs out.  See about reducing the negative ttl time.
15:45.45ledoktre2karlpinc: I will.  thanks.
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15:49.45khanley6Hi there, I have a quick question regarding the broadcom wl driver. I currently have the driver installed (v248) through apt but it's filling my syslog with errors. The new version (v271) is supposed to fix that but I'm unsure about installing it. Is it possible to build the .ko, rmmod the old driver, drop the new .ko in /lib/modules/3.13.0-67-generic/updates/dkms/ where the current module is located and then insmod..?
15:50.09Naaabhi, when i try to apt-get install, process get stuck at Processing triggers for man-db (, and as result , /usr/bin/mandb: zcat < /usr/share/man/man1/zgrep.1.gz: Killed . the zgrep.1.gz is 8gb . is this normal size? any ideas how can i solve this? tks
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15:51.05noid-khanley6: is there a package version for v271? if not you will need to remove/purge the v248 driver and compile the v271 one.
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15:52.02ledoktre2karlpinc: I was actually incorrect. :-/.  I had a second server open (one I thought I had implemented the "fix", trying to find it in config).  I was pinging on the wrong box.  This one still is down.  Tried half dozen domains, no go.
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15:54.19khanley6noid: I have come across but I don't think there's an official package. I've compiled the new module, no problem there. It's just the matter of installing it now. Can I just drop it in to the dkms folder above in place of the old module or do I need to remove the old one completely and cp the new .ko into /lib/modules/3.13.0-67-generic/kernel/net/wireless/ ? Will that require me to rebuild the module for each kernel
15:54.29ledoktre2karlpinc:  a few lines whne trying to ping from /var/log/syslog :  server named[7260]: error (network unreachable) resolving './NS/IN': 2001:503:c27::2:30#53
15:54.31khanley6noid: Thanks for the reply by the way
15:54.35karlpincledoktre2: It's got a forwarder, right?  Does dig say the forwarder is responding?
15:54.41twotenHi, I'm installing webmin and it failed - apt-show-versions is required but is not being installed. Okay so I install apt-show-versions and it fails because of webmin. How can I get these 2 jokers out of my apt-get queue so I can start again?
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15:55.11ledoktre2karlpinc: forwarders yes.
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15:55.39karlpincledoktre2: ("ping -n" is your friend in these cases, with an IP.  In case the network is broken.)
15:55.39Pwnnaif a debian package's postinst script exit 1, what will be the state of the package after that?
15:55.41ambs_how can i install sdl on debian?
15:55.41ledoktre2karlpinc:  It seems this box does not have dig on it.
15:55.43Pwnnawill it still be installed?
15:55.54karlpincledoktre2: Try "getent hosts"
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15:56.27karlpincledoktre2: Er, that won't work.
15:56.32karlpincledoktre2: nslookup?
15:56.50ambs_and how can i tell whether it is installed?
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15:57.24ledoktre2karlpinc: `ping -n` works fine
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15:57.34ledoktre2karlpinc: dont have nslookup on there either it seems
15:57.43karlpincambs_: What is sdl?  Try looking at
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15:58.05ambs_karlpinc: its a graphics library needed to run QEMU
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15:58.08karlpincledoktre2: A little hard to diagnose then.  I guess you can assume that is responding....
15:58.09ledoktre2karlpinc: I will just mod the nameserver quick to outside, install it, and be back. brb
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15:58.38karlpincambs_: Use apt-file to find then package and then "aptitude show foo" to see if it's installed?
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15:58.44karlpinc!tell ambs_ about search
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15:59.14karlpincledoktre2: You could alter /etc/resolv.conf to use directly.
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15:59.39ledoktre2karlpinc:  thats what I did.  Crap.  It just updated bind, so it cycled.  My guess is it'll be working now
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16:00.26johnfghi guys
16:00.39ledoktre2karlpinc: yup - its working now.    so what do you think might cause bind to quit trying to forward until you restart bind9?
16:01.01ledoktre2karlpinc: only happens or triggered when internet goes down (maintenance or whatever)
16:01.10crystalravenhello everybody,  if i install chromium browser from the repo in debian does it upgrade with the sysem upgrader when a new chromium browser version is released?
16:01.12karlpincledoktre2: I was hoping to find out.  ;-)
16:01.25karlpinc!tell crystalraven about stable
16:01.28johnfgI did a dist-upgrade to get the latest kernel.  But it has a repeated error of: Error! Could not locate dkms.conf file.  File: does not exist.
16:01.32mtncrystalraven: yes
16:01.56karlpinccrystalraven: Or no, depending on what you mean.
16:02.03johnfgI don't remember needing to create that before.
16:02.14mtnchromium stays up to date in stable
16:02.22ledoktre2karlpinc: yea just talked to customer.  just started working.  :-(    think the logs could indicate anything ?
16:02.49karlpinc!tell crystalraven about new code
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16:02.59karlpincledoktre2: Always a good idea to check.
16:03.14johnfgIt's probably used for openafs, and I do have: /usr/src/openafs-1.6.9/dkms.conf.
16:03.18johnfgAny thoughts?
16:03.19karlpincmtn: Oh ok.   Thanks.
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16:03.59karlpincledoktre2: I'm curious, the dsl modem lock up and need power cycling, or was the network just down?
16:04.39ledoktre2just down.  Ive seen this happen at different locations.  some of them cable even.
16:05.38karlpincledoktre2: I get a lot of dsl modem lockups that are fixed by powercycle. You too or are the problems different where you are?
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16:06.02crystalravenmtn thanks good.  i better run chromium than chrome, even tho its the same browser...
16:06.38karlpincledoktre2: Maybe bind has some resource limit that's stressed by the forwaer going down?
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16:07.09ledoktre2karlpinc: Yeah sometimes they need a power cycle.  But typically not that often.    Here is one line that started around 6am in the logs : validating @0x7fa5703bcbe0: com SOA: got insecure response; parent indicates it should be se cure
16:07.40ledoktre2karlpinc: I can see lots of lines like this for different domains.
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16:08.48karlpincledoktre2: Interesting.   Could plausably be related.  Especially if the ntework outage was partial and it can lookup but then can't verify the result. (I forget how that works.)
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16:10.36ledoktre2karlpinc: also seeing `No valid RSIG` and `No valid DS` lines
16:11.08ledoktre2karlpinc: I am seeing lines for ipv6 too, almost like it switched over to ipv6 (which we dont have setup at all)
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16:13.19karlpincledoktre2: One thing to try is setting it so it never does AAAA lookups then.  Although that probably won't matter, it does follow the principle of "fix the problems you know you can first and then deal with the rest".
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16:14.01karlpincledoktre2: I'm thinking you could simulate the problem in the "off hours" with a temporary firewall rule that blocks outbound.
16:14.23karlpincledoktre2: outbound dns.
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16:14.51ledoktre2karlpinc: You are probably quite right...   I should do that.    As for today, I assume if I just do -4 in the /etc/default/bind file it should limit to ipv4 correct?
16:15.11karlpincledoktre2: Sounds plausable.  :-)  It's not in my brain.
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16:15.43karlpincledoktre2: That might just limit it to listening on ipv4, but it could still respond to ipv6 lookup requests, or make them.
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16:15.55karlpincledoktre2: You'd have to read the instructions.  :)
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16:17.06karlpincledoktre2: If you're going to debug.  I'd leave everything alone and be sure you can reproduce the problem, then start making changes.
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16:17.28ledoktre2karlpinc:  fair enough.  I'll simulate one of these nights coming up.  Thanks for the ideas.
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16:18.44narhenIs this the right place to ask about debian installation issues? more specifically grub
16:19.02karlpincledoktre2: There have bind bind vulnerabilties, so it's possible that upgrading fixed the problem.  One had to do with remote denial of service.  This really wishful thinking, it's probably some other issue.
16:19.08r6kunarhen: of course
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16:22.58Aquarinaanyone aware of a bug in evolution meking it fail when connecting to gmail?
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16:23.33Aquarinathis happens if I leave it opened for about 5 minutes
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16:24.12AquarinaI frequently have to do: evolution --force-shutdown to close it and reopen it again
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16:25.45narhenOk so, I'm a bit lost. I never had any issues installing debian in the past, but I have this time. I'm trying to install debian in EFI mode, and everything goes like normal until the install grub step. which is where it fails
16:26.25narhenwithout any error messages what so ever. is this a known problem; if so, is there a fix?
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16:27.56narhenI'm installing it on a Dell Precision M5510
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16:29.19karlpincnarhen: No clue.  Try turning off "secure boot" in uefi.  Or turning on "bios emulation".  There's some factoid around here about uefi but I can't find it.  Maybe there's a page?
16:29.31karlpincnarhen: Really, just throwing out ideas here.
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16:31.23karlpincnarhen: Does sound like something somebody here would know the answer to.  If you don't get a response now try here again later.
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16:31.49narhenkarlpinc, I'll try your uefi settings. thanks
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16:32.07narhenI found this; but didn't get much out of it
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16:39.23narhenso, secure boot was already disabled
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16:42.37meltAnyone able to install AMD Proprietary drivers on Jessie or Stretch MSG ME for MONEY
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16:43.30wewlad_hello debs, I've made some routing changes (hairpin nat), but for some reason it also affected ssh
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16:43.43wewlad_I can't connect to my debian server over ssh
16:44.00socommWhat does ssh -vvv give you?
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16:44.32socommAre you forwarding your ssh port through NAT?
16:44.34wewlad_like a quick man page
16:44.44wewlad_ssh is direct connection
16:44.54socommUmmm, okay.
16:45.29*** join/#debian denisk (~denisk@
16:45.32wewlad_is there any access log?
16:45.36wewlad_I get access denied
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16:46.54wewlad_ah, nvm
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16:47.03socommwewlad_: /var/log/auth.log
16:47.11wewlad_I forgot I enabled firewall on client machine:/
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16:53.50LordShadowWingWhat's the Best virtualization platform for virtualizing a Windows 7 System? I do not have the Contrib/non-free repos enabled.
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16:56.38jelly-homeLordShadowWing: can you enable them?
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16:57.42LordShadowWingjelly-home, I would rather not, out of principle
16:57.57jelly-homebut you don't mind running windows.
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17:03.17jelly-homeLordShadowWing: I guess you'll be looking at a kvm wrapper, then, so virt-manager and virt-viewer
17:04.12LordShadowWingjelly-home, Thanks, I couldn't remember what it was called
17:04.59jelly-homefrom a friendliness PoV I'd rather still use virtualbox even if it Suggests: non-free iso additions, which you don't have to use or install
17:05.11*** join/#debian Flynnn (~textual@unaffiliated/flynnn)
17:05.20jelly-homeso, pick your meaning of "best"
17:06.12jelly-homesoftware in contrib is still DFSG-compliant
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17:12.04poffshow do I use the "ssh -o Tunnel yes"
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17:12.54poffsgot it; use ""
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17:17.21poffscan someone give me a quick breakdown on how to use the ssh tunnel option?
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17:17.28poffsi don't have control of the remote server
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17:17.52poffsi also need to figure out how to create a tun device that is suitable
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17:18.33rastapopoulishey ppl
17:18.34socommpoffs: There is an #openssh channel on this network, m8.
17:18.42poffssocomm, ok
17:20.13rastapopoulisI'm trying to flash the bios by following this article , However when as per one of the steps I try to copy the flash program i keep getting error that says cp: failed to preserve ownership for ‘freedos-new/5005.BIN’: Operation not permitted
17:21.10zykotick9rastapopoulis: ahhh, are you copying to a fat filesystem?  that might explain the ownership error...
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17:21.41markybobrastapopoulis: he's right. fat doesn't do linux permissions
17:22.09LordShadowWingjelly-home, Just enabled the Contrib and nonfree repos
17:22.29LordShadowWingVirtualbox is so much easier to deal with
17:22.34rastapopoulisshould i ignore the error coz when i go to the freedos-new dir i see the file is already copies
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17:22.55karlpincrastapopoulis: yes
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17:26.09LordShadowWingrastapopoulis, Why are you running freedos?
17:26.34rastapopoulisI installed debian on my old machine which was not used for past three years
17:26.40markybobLordShadowWing: he has to
17:26.54rastapopoulisand it seems that there was a bios update in that period when the machine was in an un-used state
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17:39.12jelly-homeLordShadowWing: technically you don't need non-free, unless you really want the guest extensions
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17:43.37zykotick9jelly-home: virtualbox isn't in main anymore, it was moved to non-free...
17:44.38c0fe_machinedoes debian support ZFS filesystem yet?
17:44.42blindvirtualbox looks to be in contrib
17:44.55zykotick9blind: ahh, thanks for the correction
17:45.20socommc0fe_machine: Why wouldn't it?
17:45.41c0fe_machinesocomm: no idea
17:45.46zykotick9doesn't have either contrib/non-free enabled, so "apt-cache search virtualbox" doesn't show anything relevant...
17:45.55jelly-homec0fe_machine: if you want zfsonlinux  you still need to get it from ZoL people
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17:46.17jelly-homeand zykotick9 also doesn't read backlog?
17:46.26hiyahow to check in terminal if correct keyboard is set?
17:46.29hiyahow to change it?
17:46.31zykotick9jelly-home: also true :(
17:46.35jhghey does tor encrypt your data at all end points?
17:46.39jhgtor browser
17:46.47socommjhg: #tor?
17:46.55jhgthere is no tor channel
17:46.55jelly-homehiya: changing it, read /msg dpkg keymap
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17:47.15socommjhg: I was just there, it redirects you to diff network.
17:47.30dpkgThe Onion Router (Tor) is a low-latency anonymous communication system.  Packaged for Debian, only enables the onion proxy by default.  For use on OFTC, ask me about <oftc tor>.  Tor is not allowed on freenode's #debian (, ask me about <tor-sasl>.  #tor on
17:47.36*** join/#debian pvoigt (~Linux@unaffiliated/pvoigt)
17:47.38jelly-home^^ the channel is on OFTC
17:47.55socommI'm guessing #debian is catch-all channel.
17:48.15socomm"There is no channel for $x_technology?! I'll just join #debian!!!"
17:48.16sheppyhHi, sorry for asking such a noob question, but I have Debian 8 Jessie fresh install, I'd like to backport the 4.3 kernel onto my jessie installation and also QEMU 2.5. I understand this is possible, but I don't understand how you can just apt-get a whole kernel
17:48.20jelly-homesomething like that, but only for people running debian
17:48.21blind"I'm running a variant of debian so #debian will answer my questions" >_>
17:48.46jelly-homesheppyh: read /msg dpkg bdo kernel
17:49.03sheppyhI assume apt-get linux-image-4.3 or something similar would install the kernel but I thouhgt kernels needed compiling and stuff
17:49.18sheppyhokay thanks I was looking for some material, I couldn't find specific though, ta
17:49.19jelly-homesheppyh: they do.  Someone's already done it.
17:49.36jelly-homethat's what binary-based distros are for!
17:49.37sheppyhah right so when I install any package from apt it's pre-compiled i guess?!
17:49.59blindwell.. except -dkms packages (right?)
17:50.05sheppyhokay i see.. so it just replaces the kernel binaries with the 4.3 versions when I install a backpport kernel
17:50.09jelly-home!confuse blind
17:50.09dpkgNo, who was my gouda today, blind?  Pants of the Democracy of Tibet with extra crabpaste.
17:50.22blind's head explodes
17:50.23jelly-homesheppyh: it doesn't replace.  You get an additional kernel.
17:50.24markybobsheppyh: no. it adds on. you keep your old one.
17:50.28sheppyhhow does it do that whilst the OS is in use though, it seems mad in my head, almost like upgrading from Windows 7 to 8 but without even reboot
17:50.30socommsheppyh: Kernels do need compiling. The beauty of Debian is that someone else will compile it for you.
17:50.34_0x5eb_hi, I installed a Debian 8 via debootstrap and I find that I can't ping (icmp open socket: Operation not permitted) which I would expect since /bin/ping is not setuid root but then I notice that on a native Debian 8 install, it is not setuid root as well but works, how is it working?
17:50.53jelly-homesheppyh: the kernel component is actually pretty isolated from everything else (the "userspace")
17:51.02sheppyhso with two kernels, how do I switch to the right one (or should I start reading now :P)
17:51.23markybobsheppyh: yeah you should read. grub on boot will ask which one you want to boot
17:51.24jelly-homethere's a menu at boot time to choose the kernel
17:51.40socommsheppyh: When you boot Grub will let you choose the kernel.
17:51.44sheppyhokay, I just wanted to understand those bits before I started, will read and give it a go :)
17:51.53sheppyhthanks all
17:51.57markybobsheppyh: why?
17:52.11sheppyhwhy what?
17:52.12markybobsheppyh: why do you want to do this?
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17:52.20jelly-homemarkybob: because understanding is important!
17:52.49sheppyhMy home PC is a hypervisor with 2 x GPU - one for Linux VM and one for Windows VM
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17:53.00sheppyhI was running VMware because I am VCP and the lab was good to learn
17:53.16sheppyhnow I'm fed up with propietry software so I am trying KVM/QEMU
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17:53.38jelly-home,v qemu
17:53.39juddPackage: qemu on amd64 -- squeeze: 0.12.5+dfsg-3squeeze4; squeeze-security: 0.12.5+dfsg-3squeeze4; squeeze-security-lts: 0.12.5+dfsg-3squeeze5; squeeze-backports: 1.1.2+dfsg-6a+deb7u7~bpo60+1; wheezy: 1.1.2+dfsg-6a+deb7u8; wheezy-proposed-updates: 1.1.2+dfsg-6a+deb7u12; wheezy-security: 1.1.2+dfsg-6a+deb7u12; jessie: 1:2.1+dfsg-12+deb8u4; wheezy-backports:
17:53.40judd1:2.1+dfsg-12+deb8u5a~bpo70+1; jessie-proposed-updates: 1:2.1+dfsg-12+deb8u5a; jessie-security: 1:2.1+dfsg-12+deb8u5a; jessie-backports: 1:2.5+dfsg-4~bpo8+1; stretch: 1:2.5+dfsg-5; sid: 1:2.5+dfsg-5
17:53.43sheppyhi want 4.3 kernel for better ACS support
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17:53.55Iridossheppyh, you have to reboot after you install the kernel to actually run it.
17:54.01sheppyhI understand 4.2 and greater has the quirks for the intel 9 series chipset
17:54.11jelly-homewell there's kernel 4.3 AND qemu 2.5 in jessie-backports
17:54.33sheppyhrather than install Arch linux I'd rather have stable debian with selected backports as needed
17:54.42sheppyhkeeps the rest of the OS nice
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18:00.26plasmoduckHow do I make my internet traffic go over tun0
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18:00.41plasmoduckWant to make it go through VPN
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18:14.28sypherplasmoduck: That doesn't give a lot of information. We don't know how your VPN is configured, or network topology on either end.
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18:16.22hiyajelly-home, / is 7 and z is y and y is z ?? what is going on
18:17.32TomTomToschhiya, change your keyboard layout or buy a keyboard that fits that layout :P
18:17.37LordShadowWinghiya, Odd Algebra?
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18:20.09sheppyhone question - surely installing the 4.3 backport kernel on jessie would cause incompatability between other jessie packages?
18:20.42markybobsheppyh: no
18:20.56sheppyhoh I can see now jessie-backports, squeeze-backports and wheezy-backports, does this ensure compatability?
18:21.06markybobsheppyh: correct
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18:23.51sheppyhso for example, someone has an app, when they release each version they test it on jessie, squeeze and wheezy, and upload to the backports the version for each release?
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18:24.00sheppyhsorry I find the backports stuff really confusing
18:24.50TomTomToschsheppyh, debian devs upload there, not just anybody. and it gets tested.
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18:25.58TomTomToschsheppyh, debian has their own maintainers for packages.
18:26.13sheppyhso the version of qemu on jessie-backports will be the latest version which is tested to work on jessie
18:26.22sheppyhlikewise for wheezy and squeeze
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18:26.56sheppyhi.e. the version of qemu on jessie-bakports will be a higher version than on wheezy-backports
18:27.07TomTomToschit will prob be the version from testing. or a version that was on testing at some point.
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18:27.49sheppyhokay thanks
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18:30.27TomTomToschsheppyh, you should probably read the debian faq. it has lots of valuable info if you are new to debian.
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18:32.39sheppyhits being new to open source software, release cycles, development phases, not neccesarily debian
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18:33.03sheppyhI've had it with propietry software, big change for me :)
18:33.20TomTomToschstill applies.
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18:33.33sheppyhnot really
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18:33.51sheppyhWith propietry - I install what is released and nothing more
18:34.13TomTomToschmy advice i mean.
18:34.15sheppyhmostly because I/the organisation have paid to use it, and therefor need it working
18:34.23sheppyhohh sorry
18:34.35sheppyhI will do then, I read dont't break debian, that was really useful
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18:35.04TomTomToschah yes, that's a good thing ;D
18:35.47sheppyhwow great FAQ too, some other questions I wanted answering are in there
18:35.50sypherI wish more people read that.
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18:36.32sheppyhmy hypervisor setup has been offline for 4 days now, I keep finding new things to read and it stops me actually doing ;)
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18:36.52sheppyhbut its good reading so, saves me time doing, failing and not understanding why
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18:38.37mdasilva_i <3 debian
18:39.17sypherI use both Debian and RHEL/CentOS. The former for personal systems, the latter at work.
18:39.24sypherI enjoy both. They certainly have their strengths.
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18:42.01NoImNotNineVoltwhat happened to cifs-utils in squeeze?
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18:46.05markybob, cifs-utils
18:46.08markybob,v cifs-utils
18:46.09juddPackage: cifs-utils on amd64 -- squeeze: 2:4.5-2+squeeze1; squeeze-backports: 2:5.2-1~bpo60+1; wheezy: 2:5.5-1; stretch: 2:6.4-1; jessie: 2:6.4-1; sid: 2:6.4-1
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18:48.05NoImNotNineVolti sure would love that squeeze package.
18:48.09TomTomToschit's in the archive. squeeze support ended a few days ago.
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18:48.32NoImNotNineVolti'm googling and googling and can't find 'the archive' :P
18:48.55NoImNotNineVoltreally hoping to not have to build from src.
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18:51.18NoImNotNineVolt,v libtalloc2
18:51.19juddPackage: libtalloc2 on amd64 -- squeeze: 2.0.1-1; wheezy: 2.0.7+git20120207-1; wheezy-backports: 2.1.1-1~bpo70+1; jessie: 2.1.1-2; stretch: 2.1.5-1; sid: 2.1.5-2
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18:51.54sheppyhmdasilva_, me too, "The entire system, or any individual component of it, can be upgraded in place without reformatting, without losing custom configuration files, and (in most cases) without rebooting the system", isn't that just wonderful
18:52.03NoImNotNineVoltsees no libtalloc2 under
18:52.17NoImNotNineVoltany advice?
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18:54.27NoImNotNineVolt(libtalloc2 is a dependency of cifs-utils)
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18:55.50TomTomToschNoImNotNineVolt, you should probably just point your sources.list to the archive and let apt do the searching.
18:57.16TomTomToschNoImNotNineVolt, also, is there a reason you want to keep using squeeze?
18:57.36NoImNotNineVolti don't. at all. but it's not my server.
18:57.44jhutchinsTomTomTosch: systemd is a pretty good reason.
18:58.20NoImNotNineVolti <3 systemd, so, i disagree with that opinion :P
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18:58.54markybobit's not even a valid opinion. wheezy isn't default systemd
18:58.56jhutchinsNoImNotNineVolt: It's nice when it works.
18:59.21NoImNotNineVoltas a developer, i have no insight into when it does or doesn't work.
18:59.33NoImNotNineVolti only have insight into the sysvinit scripts that i no longer have to write.
18:59.45NoImNotNineVoltand for that, i almost hate pulseaudio less.
19:00.04TomTomToschNoImNotNineVolt, tell the people who own the server that it's stupid to run squeeze.
19:00.10NoImNotNineVoltoh they know that.
19:00.16NoImNotNineVoltit's not on the internet.
19:00.26sypherjhutchins: I manage about 800 servers, half of which run RHEL7 - a systemd-based distro. I have yet to encounter a systemd-related issue.
19:00.35sypherjhutchins: So, no. systemd is not a good reason
19:00.51NoImNotNineVoltsypher: anecdotal.
19:01.05NoImNotNineVoltyou both have differing opinions. neither one is objectively "correct".
19:01.24TomTomToschand neither of them are on topic :3
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19:01.38mdasilva_systemd is great, too bad the wheezy->jessie upgrade requires a reboot
19:02.04markybobno jhutchins was objectively wrong. you don't even have to have it in jessie. so no reason not to upgrade
19:02.17sypherNoImNotNineVolt: Everyone's experiences are anecdotal. Writing them off by calling them anecdotal doesn't make sense.
19:02.17Amun_Rareboot is a small price
19:02.31mdasilva_itd be nice not to reboot :P
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19:02.53TomTomToschyou have to restart all the services anyway...
19:02.59NoImNotNineVoltsypher: it makes sense if you're the kind of person that dismisses subjectivity.
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19:03.14mdasilva_i should stick to immutable server priciniples and just terminate the thing
19:03.35NoImNotNineVoltbut, thanks for the tip about archive!
19:03.45DrJosephGoebbelsAnyone know why a filesystem that "df" reports as having 4+ gb of space available would be reporting "out of space"?  See
19:03.51sypherNoImNotNineVolt: Dismissing subjectivity wholesale doesn't make sense, either. So, have fun with that theory. Too bad it's a bad theory.
19:04.26zykotick9DrJosephGoebbels: check "df -i" output
19:04.28Amun_Rathis is a matter of trust (and possibility of cherry picking)
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19:05.17DrJosephGoebbelsyes all inodes in use.
19:05.33happygilmoregenthow do I update lxde menus?
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19:07.18NoImNotNineVoltthanks again.
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19:08.32happygilmoregentanyone short of a google search
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19:14.10sheppyhOkay another question. Jessie is the current version, packages are tested in stretch and then moved to stable - correct? In that case, what defines the time for a new release of debian, if all the packages within it are constantly updated. Is it a kernel update?
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19:14.53zykotick9happygilmoregent: lxde seems to have an irc channel on oftc good luck.
19:14.58happygilmoregentok thanks
19:14.59jhutchinssypher: you not having encountered errors doesn't mean they're not out there.
19:15.00towo`jessie does not get any package from testing
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19:15.50jhutchinssypher: I've seen problems with legacy services (that still install to init) not being able to restart, with the time service, and with systems that hang on shutdown.
19:16.30sheppyhso Jessie is frozen. I.e. running apt-get update and apt-get upgrade will NEVER give me a new version of a package - correct?
19:16.42jmcnaughtsheppyh: the term "stable" for Debian releases means that the versions don't change, only bug and security fixes are backported. This is the reason for the backports repo, so you can selectively install newer versions of some packages
19:16.43markybobsheppyh: it'll give you security updates
19:16.44sheppyhapart from security updates
19:16.47sheppyhok :)
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19:17.23jmcnaughtthe idea is that "apt-get upgrade" will not change the behaviour of the system
19:17.51sheppyhjust make it more secure
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19:18.18markybobsheppyh: sheppyh as far as stretch becoming stable you're probably looking at mid next year
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19:18.51sheppyhgotya. all this stuff makes so much sense now
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19:20.28sypherjhutchins: I never said they aren't. I am saying that systemd is not this crazyhorrible thing that people subjectively/emotionally make it out to be.
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19:22.44SirCmpwndebian/changelog is the source for the package version?
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19:23.56Xc3ls10rMode Xc3ls10r +Q
19:24.15Xc3ls10rups, sorry
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19:32.48jcowgillSirCmpwm: it's the source of the _source_ package version
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19:33.23DebianTest4dhcp3-server is gone ?
19:33.34DebianTest4i have to use isc one now?
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19:34.39markybobDebianTest4: it's gone in jessie. that was ISC actually :P
19:34.47mentorDebianTest4, I thought dhcp3-server was the ISC version
19:34.50DebianTest4markybob: ah is the same config ?
19:34.59DebianTest4markybob: thanks man ;)
19:35.14DebianTest4mentor: thanks u too
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19:40.36SirCmpwnjcowgill: so that's distinct from the upstream version?
19:40.42hotwingshi. how do you clean, recompile, and install only the kernel media drivers (/usr/src/linux/drivers/media dir)?
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19:46.37jcowgillyes the upstream version is the part of the version before the -
19:46.49SirCmpwnand what's the source of that number?
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19:47.49jcowgillit doesn't come from anywhere automatically, the maintainer writes it in
19:48.00SirCmpwnwrites it into what place, the changelog file?
19:48.12sheppyhI added the non-free/contrib repos to my sources.list to get the radeon firmware, would it be best practice to remove that source now I have done so, or would that cause me any issues? Same question for backport sources - what repository does apt-get default to if I don't specify with -t and I have both main/backports added?
19:48.19SirCmpwnand then the debian packaging tools read it from the changelog file and that goes into the package metadata
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19:48.56jcowgillyes the version gets extracted from the changelog when the package is built
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19:49.14markybobsheppyh: you should probably keep it if case they get security updates
19:49.18SirCmpwncan the tooling be instructed to use another source for that number?
19:49.26sheppyhgood point
19:49.53SirCmpwnI want to get a version number with code rather than humans writing it into the changelog file. Would I have to just generate a changelog file?
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19:50.37jcowgillgenerating a changelog entry is probably the best way
19:50.54SirCmpwnthanks for the info
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19:58.25sheppyhaptitude -t jessie-backports install linux-image-amd64 < answer to my question 2 hours ago. Can't believe it's that simple to install a whole kernel
19:58.32mentorSirCmpwn, Use dch
19:59.51Roland-anyone ever used infiniband? :P
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20:09.05cybrNautIf i boot linux Mint, no problems with the command "gst-launch-1.0 videotestsrc ! v4l2sink device=/dev/video0".  But if I boot debian and do the same, problems
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20:09.14cybrNauton debian, I had to "modprobe v4l2loopback" (fair enough)
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20:09.24cybrNautbut when I run the same pipeline, it breaks with "ERROR: from element /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstVideoTestSrc:videotestsrc0: Internal data flow error."
20:09.35cybrNautis anything special needed to make v4l2loopback work on debian?
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20:19.31c0fe_machineis openvpn client available for debian jessie?
20:20.56Tom01Why not?
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20:21.43jercosc0fe_machine: the access client, or the openvpn software in general?
20:21.44greycat,v openvpn
20:21.46juddPackage: openvpn on amd64 -- squeeze: 2.1.3-2+squeeze2; squeeze-security-lts: 2.1.3-2+squeeze3; squeeze-backports: 2.2.1-3~bpo60+1; wheezy-security: 2.2.1-8+deb7u3; wheezy: 2.2.1-8+deb7u3; wheezy-backports: 2.3.2-7~bpo70+2; jessie: 2.3.4-5+deb8u1; stretch: 2.3.10-1; sid: 2.3.10-1
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20:22.30jercosc0fe_machine: for the former
20:23.27c0fe_machinejercos: openvpn client
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20:25.46ku678jhi. it seems that firefox 38.6.1 will be the last esr version of the 38 series. What happens to iceweasel if firefox esr moves to version 45?
20:26.48sheppyhsomeone said earlier I wouldn't be upgrading my kernel, I'd be installing it alongside and would have to choose which kernel to load at GRUB on boot - I don't have this choice and uname gives 4.3.0-0.bpo.1-amd64. Also when I ran aptitude -t jessie-backports install linux-image-amd64 it said that that package would be upgraded, not installed. Did I do something wrong?
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20:27.39ku678jsheppyh, jessie keeps afaik only one kernel version
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20:28.04sheppyhokay makes sense thanks
20:28.25greycatsheppyh: what files do you have in /boot?
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20:29.17c0fe_machinei keep getting an error saying lzo isn't found
20:29.25jercosc0fe_machine: that doesn't clarify my question at all. are you connecting to an openvpn access server?
20:29.28greycatWell, the ones beginning with vmlinuz are kernels.
20:29.42sheppyhvmlinuz-4.3.0-0.bpo.1-amd64 and vmlinuz-3.16.0-4-amd64
20:29.51greycatSo, you have those two kernels avaiable.
20:30.20sheppyhthat vmlinuz file IS the compiled kernel?
20:30.38sheppyhI guess the aptitude must have reconfigured GRUB to default boot to 4.3
20:31.11greycatGrub always updates to the "largest" kernel version you have installed, unless you go out of your way to default it to a smaller/older/different version.
20:31.20c0fe_machinejercos: i solved it. nevermind. this is why i hate compiling on linux. there are almost always issues cause someone who developed the program was being lazy
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20:32.19sheppyhi see thx
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20:36.08jhutchinsc0fe_machine: Which, really, is no different on any platform.
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20:36.46c0fe_machinejhutchins: well i have never had to compile a program on windows that wasn't mine
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20:37.48jhutchinssheppyh: IIRC vmlinuz is the compressed kernel (pretty standard these days).
20:38.06greycatCompiling on linux is usually an order of magnitude easier than on any other platform, because most software gets the most testing on Linux.
20:38.38greycatAlthough in a few cases, Mac OS X may give it a good run.
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20:39.35c0fe_machinegreycat: depends in which language actually. but the point is, openvpn has a .exe for windows where as for Linux well you have to compile
20:39.39c0fe_machinethat's annoying
20:39.58greycatWhy can't you just install the openvpn package?
20:40.54jcowgillku678j: this situation has already happened, jessie was released with firefox 31 and 38 was pushed as a security update
20:41.09jcowgilli imagine the same will happen when 45 is released
20:41.50sheppyhc0fe_machine, I felt like you, for years, until I read "Don't break Debian", now I love Debian
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20:42.11ku678jjcowgill, good to know. Thanks for the info.
20:42.24c0fe_machinesheppyh: but this isn't just with debian
20:42.27c0fe_machineit is with linux in general
20:42.36greycatThere isn't a "linux in general".
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20:42.55sheppyhit is just with debian because of it's package management/repository and stability
20:43.15sheppyhalthough other distributions use the repositories like ubuntu
20:43.45sheppyhI haven't run make for a long time now, and everything is much better :)
20:44.01c0fe_machinegreycat: openvpn has precompiled for windows and source for linux
20:44.02c0fe_machinenow what
20:44.18greycatc0fe_machine: CLOSE their web site, and apt-get install openvpn
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20:45.30sheppyhc0fe_machine, this is my point, you write apt-get install openvpn ... everything is done and the service is started
20:45.37sheppyhyou need to read: :)
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20:46.45greycatCompiling upstream software has its time and place, but you've not demonstrated that this is either.
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20:48.45phre4kcan I upgrade Debian 7 to 8 or will that fuck my system up completely due to the change to systemd? I have no custom init.d scripts but two and I already have service files ready for them.
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20:48.53phre4koh wait, it's Debian 6 lol :D
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20:49.03phre4kso 6 → 7 → 8 possible?
20:49.05greycatYou have to do it in two steps: 6->7 and then 7->8
20:49.12phre4k^ yeah, ty :)
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20:49.35phre4k7 → 8 really concerns me though. Does it work in more than 80% of test cases?
20:49.51lichenx1so glad I finally settled on debian
20:49.53phre4k80% is enough for me, it's the weekend and I can drive into the office if needed
20:49.55greycatThe biggest mess with 7->8 is apache 2.2 -> 2.4.
20:50.04phre4klichenx1: congratulations and welcome :)
20:50.13phre4kgreycat: I use nginx, so yay? :D
20:50.19greycatyay indeed
20:50.36phre4kI honestly don't know why people are using Apache, it's just so damn hard to configure
20:50.47lichenx1phre4k, what's your set up like?
20:50.53greycatMostly it's market inertia.
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20:51.08phre4kah wait, I use Sernet's Samba repositories. Since Debian 8 has the "current" Samba anyway, can I just remove the sources.list entry and all will be fine?
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20:52.02jmcnaughtphre4k: you might want to read which has detailed steps to follow (more than just replace release name and dist-upgrade) and a section on issues to be aware of in jessie
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20:52.35phre4klichenx1: at home I use Arch Linux on my Desktop and Alpine Linux on the server, the latter of which runs a few Debian LXC containers and the former running Debian as VM for test purposes. At work I usually use Debian as server and Xubuntu as desktop, however I recently started switching my clients from Xubuntu to Debian because Ubuntu has some really weird flaws by design...
20:52.43phre4kjmcnaught: thank you :)
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20:54.15lichenx1I like arch but the install messes me up
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20:54.29phre4klichenx1: it's pretty easy if you've done it 1 or 2 times
20:54.36phre4kand you learn a lot
20:54.39lichenx1debian i'm most familiar with, been using linux on / off for awhile but I'm not as afraid anymore
20:54.55phre4kthat sounds great :)
20:55.22lichenx1win10 was nice at first but the forced upgrades / reboots ...forced me to switch
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20:55.50lichenx1and I went deb because stable, now I just need to stop tweaking / installing so I don't break it
20:55.55phre4kbtw, I'm really in love with a Linux game lately: (I am in no way affiliated with the developers). It costs $15 and is about building a theme park like in Roller Coaster Tycoon 2. I loved RCT2 and Parkitect is even better :)
20:56.19lichenx1def checking that out, I used to play rct all the time!
20:56.34phre4kit's in Alpha, but the developers listen to feedback and incorporate it in only a few weeks after you voiced your desire if possible.
20:57.09lichenx1where's the dl
20:57.16lichenx1I have to buy the alpha?
20:57.38lichenx1ahh yea I see that
20:57.46phre4klichenx1: although many people seem to think Btrfs isn't stable yet, the 4.0 Kernel brought it a huge step forward and I'd definitely recommend using it. You can then make snapshots of the root file system with Snapper and tinker all you like. If something breaks, you can roll back to a previous snapshot, even from within a Live CD when the main system should stop working.
20:57.46lichenx1i'm that broke at the moment :(
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20:58.14phre4klichenx1: PM me your eMail, I'll upload a ZIP onto my server and give it to you. It doesn't have DRM ;)
20:58.30phre4kbut only if you promise to buy it if you enjoy it some day.
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20:59.06greycatOffering to pirate warez for other people should be in /msg or ... in any case, not in #debian.
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21:00.16phre4kgreycat: it's not Warez, it doesn't have DRM and it's semi-ok to share it. At least in my country it's perfectly fine.
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21:02.20sypherphre4k: Welcome to Not Your Country. It's not fine here.
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21:03.58jimphre4k, there's probably 2 sides to this... one, if you can make a fan of the person who then buys it, you've then created a customer for them... on the other hand, it's here and now circumventing payment, so that's what the problem is
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21:05.50jimI personally don't have a problem with your intent, since you're not trying to rip off artists
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21:07.22lichenx1is there a ubuntu software center equivalent on debian?
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21:10.47phre4kjim: I'll ask the devs then.
21:11.06jhutchinslichenx1: I don't think synaptic is installed by default, but afik that's what ubuntu uses for it's "Software Center".
21:11.14phre4klichenx1: yeah, synaptic seems fine. There's a Gnome software center too
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21:11.29phre4kI'd use the CLI tools honestly... apt and aptitude are both gread
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21:12.43jorbi am just wanting to gripe about PXE booting stuff.. where can i spew out text to see if anyone else has an opinion
21:13.08jhutchinsjorb: This wouldn't be the right place.
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21:13.26jhutchinsjorb: If you have a specific question about it we might be able to help, but general rants go elsewhere.
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21:14.01jorbjhutchins: good point, not debian related questions though, more general network troubleshooting
21:14.47MRmeAfter today's 4.3 Kernel update via Jessie Backports my ethernet connection is having problems connecting.... Any idea on how to fix it?
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21:41.30mutantejust reinstalled a server, i want to tell the users the new host key fingerprint, so they can trust it when connecting the first time. i use ssh-keygen -l -f on the server, and say, for my ECDSA key the fingerprint has this format: 256 92:23:e4:23:19.. as i'm used to it. but when i connect the client gets it in this format: ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:Fpre6wuDIcRq0..  that used to be different. How do i compare them the right way
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21:42.56syphermutante: That's a client-side matter, really. Their SSH client is rendering key fingerprints in a new base64 format.
21:43.33sheppyhanyone got experience with this:
21:43.41syphermutante: Either you'll have to convert your fingerprint to that format and present both, or they'll have to convert that to a hex format.
21:44.10mutantesuperkulak: oh, thank you. i knew it was something new at least :)
21:44.20mutantesypher: eh, sorry, that was for you &
21:44.22greycatOn jessie, ssh-keygen -l -F hostname appears to show both formats, one after the other.
21:44.24syphersypher: No big. :)
21:44.36sheppyhand is it possible to edit the debian wiki?
21:44.38syphergreycat: sweet, thank you.
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21:45.02syphergreycat: Just tested that, and it doesn't seem to do that.
21:45.21greycatReally?  I see:
21:45.22greycat256 4c:8a:29:9b:7b:63:32:6f:64:e5:f9:58:89:02:36:ac |1|BhVZzDgCPrlito7hY7IJa2bFerk=|DLBzfAPonni88oMZm+OeeA1F23Y= (ECDSA)
21:45.34syphergreycat: Actually, you're right. But it doesn't seem to do that for all hosts.
21:46.03mutantehmm, i dont see that yet and it's jessie
21:46.31greycatmutante: the *client* is jessie, right?
21:47.39sheppyh" We need to use the VFIO driver for all pass-through devices so that the guest can manage them completely. At this point you should make sure the driver for the guest card is not loaded (eg: radeon, nouveau, …), you should blacklist them and reboot if necessary" - does anyone know how I blacklist these cards in debian, theres very little about this on the net for debian specifically :(
21:47.41mutanteoh, you are right, the client is stretch
21:47.50mutantewell, one of them
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21:52.33karlpincsheppyh: Sure, it's a wiki.  But you need a login.
21:53.02karlpinc!tell sheppyh about blacklist
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22:01.05mutantei'm telling the clients to do ssh -o FingerprintHash=md5 hostname for now
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22:01.39mutantei also found this monster to do the new format on older server, but meh " awk '{print $2}' | base64 -d | sha256sum -b | awk '{print $1}' | xxd -r -p | base64 "
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22:06.06karlpincgreycat: You seem to be interested in factoid tweaking.  FYI  Just made <bad advice>.
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22:08.19markybobthat's silly. "don't follow advice from strangers but my advice telling you not to is sound"
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22:10.17markybob"in an open irc channel made up of complete strangers"
22:10.29jhutchinsmarkybob: The point is not to follow it blindly.  If you don't understand how a command is supposed to accomplish your goal, you should probably check the manpage and see what it's doing.
22:10.35karlpincmarkybob: Ok then make a better sentence.
22:11.06karlpincmarkybob: Adding "blindly" might be good....
22:11.20markybob"don't be stupid" sums it up. we have enough things. dontbreakdebian, etc. no need for this.
22:11.34jhutchinsmarkybob: Hopfully if someone posts bad advice here someone else will spot it and speak up - but we're not all watching 100% of the posts.
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22:12.15jhutchinsmarkybob: We get plenty of conversations here with people blindly following commands with no idea where they're going.
22:12.55markybobjhutchins: and if you're not around to show them that factoid they'll do it. pointless
22:13.17karlpincOk. added "blindly".
22:13.35karlpincmarkybob: We don't want them to do it _again_.
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22:22.16sheppyhthx karlpinc, I didn't read it as blacklist the DRIVER as other blogs talk about blacklisting/blocking actual GPUs, makes sense now
22:22.32sheppyhso blacklist xorg-driver-radeon or whatever it's called
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22:22.54karlpincsheppyh: Wasn't me.  The factoid knows all.  I just know the factoid exists.  :-)
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22:23.37sheppyhah, yes that's the useful thing about this channel though is you guys know what topics the factoid has ;)
22:24.16sheppyhis there a way I can ask it for a list of factoids?
22:24.21sheppyhor facts
22:25.33dpkgWe have lots of bots around to help out with different things.  dpkg (<dpkgbot>) and <judd> are the main two for factoids and package information; dselect (<dselectbot>) fills in for dpkg.  There's also debhelper (flooding, moderating), apt,  ...  Most bots are also in #debian-bots if you can't use /msg to talk to them.  Be nice to the bots though; they have feelings, bleed oil and let out the <magic smoke> when angry.
22:26.22jhutchinssheppyh: I believe there's a web page where you can brows the databases, but I'm not sure where.
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22:27.36sheppyh<sheppyh> what can you tell me ...  <dpkg> This!
22:27.43markybobsheppyh: there are many thousands on'd be insane to try to read it. but here
22:27.48sheppyhthat's all he says haha
22:28.20sheppyhthanks marky at least I can ctrl + f before I ask in here ;)
22:30.52jhutchins!search dpkg
22:30.52dpkgYou can search my database on the web at or on IRC by asking me about <help listkeys> and <help-listvals>.  My factoids are available at in archives that are updated nightly and the previous 18 days are there.  See also <search>.
22:31.09markybobyeah i just linked him to that
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22:37.24ZTmanHow can I detect if a display is connected to the HDMI port during boot.  /dev ???
22:39.19sheppyhgot the blacklist sorted, any ideas on the best time to load vfio-pci module or is initramfs the place to do it? I've heard reports of "it not being loaded in time" although I wonder if blacklisting the whole radeon driver removes that requirement
22:39.39jhutchinsZTman: The easiest way is to look at the plug.  WHat are you really trying to do?
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22:40.25ZTmanBoot the computer.  if HDMI connected, Then use change xorg.conf.  If not, then remove it.  That simple.
22:41.14ZTmanlook at the plug?
22:41.28sheppyhsarcasm but I lol'd :(
22:42.05ZTmanHotswap won't work.  So, need it at boot.  At best, hotswap would cause a reboot of the desktop manager.   Nope, not gonna do it.
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22:44.40teraflopsZTman: may I ask why do you need a xorg.conf when using hdmi?
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22:45.10ZTmanteraflops: yes.  have the xorg.conf.  No xorg.conf when without.
22:45.29teraflopsZTman: no, that's not the answer
22:45.37ZTmanForce the user to reboot computer to swap the settings.
22:45.44teraflopsZTman: you already said that
22:45.56teraflopsZTman: the real reason behind that
22:46.05ZTmanwithout xorg.conf HDMI does not work!
22:46.41teraflopsZTman: use xrandr in .xprofile or .xinitrc, isn't that enough
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22:47.20ZTmanHonestly, it doesn't matter how it is working.  I just need to be able to detect if HDMI is connected during boot.
22:47.38teraflopsif [[]]; then else fi
22:47.50axc1298can anyone point me to a good resource on how to get debian configured to use a vpn service
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22:48.23ZTmanteraflops: and just HOW is that supposer to work? Because xorg.conf has ...  xrandr doesn't work unless x is already load.  if x is loaded, then xorg.conf either was or was NOT there.  FAIL!
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22:48.36teraflopsZTman: ^
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22:49.24markybobaxc1298: they vary so wildy that no. you'll have to read their docs
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22:50.43ZTmanOkay, I guess I'll look at WHAT xinitrc is.
22:52.29ZTmanI still have extreme doubts.  xrandr doesn't work unless X is loaded.  If X is loaded, the xorg.conf has already been loaded, Then I can't choose to either include or exclude it.
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22:59.54ZTmanI'm still here.  If you come up with anything.
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23:01.37teraflopsZTman: and?
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23:01.56ZTmanI don't see how to switch to the laptop screen when THAT xorg.conf is loaded.
23:02.33ZTmandoesn't look like xrandr will let me switch.  I don't see how .xprofile and/or .xinitrc will *detect* or help.
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23:04.17teraflopsZTman: something like this works either in .xprofile or .xinitrc
23:05.23teraflopsZTman: just change the xrandr commands inside
23:05.36ZTmanYeah, I can't switch modes with xrandar commands.  that does NOT work!
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23:05.51teraflopsdid you tried?
23:06.23ZTmanxrandr --output LVDS-0 --auto   <-- That did nothing.  Yes, I tried.
23:07.02ZTmansame with DP-O through DP-3  Nothing.
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23:08.16ZTmanOkay, look.  The laptop has 2 video cards.  Intel and nVidia.  The Intel drives the Laptop screen.  The nVidia drives the HDMI.  I have never had them work at the same time.
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23:08.52ZTmanMaybe, just maybe, if I spent another day on it, I could get them both to work via multiple X-Servers.
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23:08.59teraflopsZTman: yo never said that youre using bumblebee aaand the crapy one with the nvidia hardwired to the hdmi ...
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23:10.04ZTmanHonestly, I want mirroring.  I don't want 2 X-servers.  I know that mirroring is NOT going to work.  So, I need to be able to reasonably switch between the 2.  Rebooting is what I call reasonable.
23:10.18teraflopsthat's why I get pissed because people omit the information and wastes our time
23:10.38teraflopsZTman: so bumblebee or not?
23:10.39ZTmanYeah, I didn't mention bumblbee because I set this mess up a year or two ago.  so I forgot.  My bad.
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23:11.04ZTmanEh, yeah, I think I am using bumblbee.
23:11.05teraflopsZTman: look at here
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23:13.28ZTmanSo, the answer to my question.  Is you don't know how to detect if HDMI is currently connected without using xrandr... Which only works if X succeeded in loading.  "You don't know"  I'll keep guessing!
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23:13.53ZTmanteraflops: thanks for attempting.  I really do appreciate your assistance.
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23:14.22teraflopsZTman: np and excuse me for my bad mood
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23:16.41mentorI would look in /sys/class/drm/
23:17.46sheppyhls /sys/bus/pci/drivers/vfio-pci
23:18.27mentorsysfs is a pesudo filesystem
23:18.38mentorILike procfs
23:18.48sheppyhi tried to cat one of them but got: cat: /sys/bus/pci/drivers/vfio-pci/new_id: Permission denied
23:18.53sheppyhas root..
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23:19.41sheppyhi see
23:19.41mentorsheppyh, Yes
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23:20.08mentorsheppyh, There is nothing to read, I expect
23:20.16sheppyhmentor, yes I've seen procfs too and wondered what's going on but too ignorant to understand it at the time
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23:20.50sheppyhyour right, but these files are still magic to me ;) I'll read up on how virtual files work
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23:23.42veverakhi folks, anybody able to install zfs lately?
23:24.01veverakThe following packages have unmet dependencies: not being able to install dependencies :/
23:24.08veverak(on debian-zfs)
23:24.20*** join/#debian BlackPanx (~black@
23:24.35veveraktried to install it manually but stopped on: cpp-4.8 : Depends: gcc-4.8-base (= 4.8.4-1) but 4.8.4-2 is to be installed
23:24.46*** join/#debian evade (~evade@
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23:25.20markybob,v gcc-4.8-base
23:25.21juddPackage: gcc-4.8-base on amd64 -- jessie: 4.8.4-1; sid: 4.8.5-4; stretch: 4.8.5-4
23:25.38markybobveverak: so you're not using debian
23:26.34veverakI am
23:27.10*** join/#debian Mokuba_K (Hunterkll@2001:470:8b06:200:7927:c8fa:b6fe:42e)
23:27.14veverakyeah, well, than it's in zfs repo
23:27.24markybobveverak: then ask them
23:27.30dpkgWhen you get random packages from random repositories, mix multiple releases of Debian, or mix Debian and derived distributions, you have a mess.  There's no way anyone can support this "distribution of Frankenstein" and #debian certainly doesn't want to even try.  See if you can convince ##linux to help.
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23:28.10moyixanyone have advice on getting debian installed with an NVMe boot drive? jessie's grub-installer fails due to bug #785149, and the current stretch Alpha 5 fails because ifupdown and systemd conflict, breaking apt during the install
23:28.11juddBug in grub-installer (open, d-i, patch): «grub-installer: NVMe boot drives not supported»; severity: important; opened: 2015-05-12; last modified: 2016-02-05.
23:28.51Roland-I have a quad nic, I would like to group them as 2x2 where each 2 would be lacp and then that lacp itself bonded as failover, is that a possible thing
23:30.30*** join/#debian Mokuba_K (Hunterkll@2001:470:8b06:200:7927:c8fa:b6fe:42e)
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23:35.21sypher... Why.
23:35.35sypherRoland-: I doubt your switch would allow that, let alone the OS.
23:35.47sypherRoland-: Just do a 4-port LAG and call it a day.
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23:39.12Roland-these are two switches, and swhich should not care about me doing the active-backup
23:39.46*** part/#debian Delf (~Delf@unaffiliated/delf)
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23:41.59sypherRoland-: So a 2-port LAG to each switch, and then an active-backup bond might work. But that's not what you asked.
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23:42.18sypherRoland-: The active-backup bond will not use LACP. But that's fine, for your purposes.
23:42.56*** part/#debian veverak (
23:45.08Roland-yes I better try it myself
23:45.18n4diri use pidgin. How can i get rid of the messages enter and leave the room?
23:46.02sheppyh2try /part #debian then try /join #pidgin
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23:46.42sypherRoland-: In short, no, you cannot create a LAG across switches unless the switches support it, and those are some expensive switches. Also, you cannot create a LAG of LAGs.
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23:46.53n4dirI guess i wouldn't need to /part debian for that ...
23:46.55sypherRoland-: You can create an active-backup bond from the host across switches.
23:47.10sheppyh2that bit was me being mean ;)
23:47.34*** part/#debian _0bitcount (~Big_Byte@
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23:47.58n4diror clueless ... depends how you look at it.
23:48.54Roland-the switches support lag, these are 10g M8428-K switches, pair. Stacking power is not enough to lacp on all 4 ports , so I need to make lacp -> switch1 + lacp - switch2, but only do lacp in case sw1 fails
23:49.34n4dirthanks, humbot
23:49.39sheppyh2Roland-, I'm not an expert, but what about making two LAGs exactly the same and then using STP to block one LAG path?
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23:50.30Roland-even better
23:50.50Roland-good idea, w lags, stp for redundancy
23:51.51sheppyh2not sure how STP deals with LAGs/LACP anyone else know?
23:53.16Roland-it deals with whatever interface is activated on
23:53.19Roland-or vlan, mst etc
23:53.35Roland-for stp makes no difference if is ge or po
23:53.56Roland-it will block the second link
23:54.51sheppyh2nice :)
23:55.26Roland-it's going to be like an inception of network stuff
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23:59.50Azrael_-is there a known issue which kills the network permanently when updating from squeeze to wheezy? (eth0 couldn't be brought up)

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