IRC log for #debian on 20151231

00:00.16wewladShadow_7: I prefer cli too :)
00:00.21bennypr0fanewewlad, apt-get install --reinstall
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00:01.02wewladsorry, I didn't mean I don't know if there's reinstall, I meant to ask mtn to give details what he wants me to do
00:01.31mtnwewlad: yes, I want you to reinstall network-manager after wicd is gone
00:01.32wewladShadow_7: SIOCSIFFLAGS: Operation not possible due to RF-kill
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00:02.23Shadow_7wewlad: does whatever this thing is have a radio tower like button?  or an Fn + ((o)) combo?
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00:02.49wewladShadow_7: a physical slider button
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00:02.58wewladthat slides back
00:03.08wewladso it always remains in the same spot
00:03.22wewladmtn: done
00:03.25wewladmtn: rebooted
00:03.27bennypr0fanewewlad well you could turn in back on with rfkill
00:03.41bennypr0fane*turn it
00:03.41mtnwewlad: now what does sudo rfkill list wifi say?
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00:04.03wewladmtn: still hard blocked: yes
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00:04.16wewladbennypr0fane: ^
00:04.37mtnwewlad: ok, so it is a hardware problem, not wicd or network manager. are you dual booting with windows?
00:04.49wewladno, I used windows before
00:04.57bennypr0fanewewlad: sudo rfkill unblock <number of yr wif here>
00:05.00mtnwewlad: have you made any changes in the bios?
00:05.10wewladmtn: no
00:05.19mtntry this: sudo rfkill unblock all
00:05.35wewladdidn't help
00:05.36mtnwewlad: then run the first rfkill command again
00:05.38wewladstill hard blocked
00:05.51bennypr0fanewewlad: sudo rfkill unblock 0
00:06.00mtnwewlad: it might be hardware failure. to be sure, test with a live disk. if it still does not work, it looks bad
00:06.17wewladbennypr0fane: still
00:06.30bennypr0faneunblock all has never worked for me, I always need to use the number of the specific device
00:06.33mtnwewlad: the live disk is the best test, now
00:06.34wewladmtn: it's probably a driver issue
00:06.46bennypr0fanewewlad, most certainly
00:06.53mtnwewlad: no, it is not likely a driver problem, unless you removed the module
00:06.56wewladI mean, it might be on some level hardware issue, but fact is - wifi worked before I went to friend's place
00:06.57fl4shbennypr0fane: what is the best way to share screenshot? ;p
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00:07.12wewladfl4sh: upload it to imgur
00:07.16mtnwewlad: you can try this. install inxi, then run inxi -Nn
00:07.26bennypr0fanefl4sh, post e.g. on imgur, you don't need an account there
00:07.29mtnwewlad: we can see more info that way
00:07.47fl4shwewlad: bennypr0fane hope it is better way
00:07.57Shadow_7wewlad: could be a wonky driver or firmware issue.  dmesg... and probably modprobe -r and modprobe the driver for the wifi
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00:08.17bennypr0faneCAn nobody help me with that dependencies problem?
00:09.43wewladmtn: Card-1 - ethernet one, Card-2: Qualcomm Atheros AR242x / AR542x Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express) driver: ath5k IF: wlan0 state: down mac: mymac
00:09.44bennypr0fanefl4sh, maybe this is a root terminal application?
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00:10.11bennypr0fanewewlad, is this an apple thingy?
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00:10.17Shadow_7bennypr0fane: apt-get install lib32ncurses5
00:10.20wewladan ancient Acer
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00:10.46bennypr0fanewewlad, ok, your chance lives :-D
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00:11.26wewladafaik tech specs of my note said the module was AR5007EG
00:11.42wewladnot sure why debian says it's AR242x / AR542x and if it is correct
00:12.04bennypr0faneShadow_7, can you figure out what it means? Otherwise I can translate
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00:12.16mtnwewlad: ok, so it does have the driver. test with a live disk. can you do that?
00:12.40wewladmtn: oh, damn, that's a huge pita to do, please, trust me, the module works
00:12.50Shadow_7bennypr0fane: apt-get -f install
00:13.01Shadow_7seems your packaging system is a little out of whack
00:13.03mtnwewlad: no, it is not working and you need to test if hardware or software problem
00:13.07wewladI mean I installed debian not so long ago, and it asked what wifi to connect to on the OS setup step
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00:13.25wewladthat's why I didn't notice the problem until I moved my notebook outside of my home place
00:14.02mtnwewlad: a similar problem happened to a friend of mine recently, and it was a hardware failure
00:14.03bennypr0faneShadow_7, already done that, it just removes the game I'm trying to install and gets me back to square one
00:14.21Shadow_7bennypr0fane: what game and from what source?
00:14.40bennypr0faneBotanicula, downloaded from Humble Bundle
00:14.50bennypr0fane.deb package
00:14.52wewladmtn: what would you suggest to do if wifi worked from a livecd?
00:15.07mtnwewlad: hard to say. reinstall?
00:15.17Shadow_7wewlad: check the lsmod output of the liveCD and compare to your other install
00:15.41mtnShadow_7: I think it has the right module loaded now
00:15.47wewladmtn: then I'd end up where I were before moving to a friend: I'd have a notebook with wifi working only with 1 network, that was selected on the os setup step
00:16.05Shadow_7it's not just the module these days... it's firmware and firmware versions
00:16.18mtnwewlad: sorry, that makes no sense. it either works or it doesn't
00:16.25bennypr0faneShadow_7, maybe the /etc/apt/sources.list is bad? a deb-src line is just for sourve code, right? You can see it at the bottom of my first paste
00:16.49wewladmtn: it worked a week ago. on debian. at my home. I've been using wifi for months since I installed debian
00:17.05Shadow_7bennypr0fane: if it's only the game that gives you issues, then it's the game
00:17.10wewladI didn't notice the problem because at home I don't need to pick wifi networks from a list, 1 net is enough
00:17.20mtnwewlad: which is besides the point. you will have to test to see if it is really a hardware problem or not
00:17.21Shadow_7bennypr0fane: probably works fine on wheezy... but needs to be updated to work on jessie
00:17.36bennypr0faneShadow_7, nah, it's not *that* old
00:17.37wewladmtn: and if it's not?
00:17.40wewladthen what?
00:17.45mtnwewlad: I already answered you
00:17.52wewladthat's a loop
00:17.58Shadow_7bennypr0fane: more a matter of dependencies then age
00:18.02mtnwewlad: no reason to keep talking about it. just go find out
00:18.06bennypr0faneHowever the problem certainly IS the game
00:18.10wewladoh god
00:18.19bennypr0faneso only game publishers can help me?
00:18.25mtnwewlad: it is not a loop. you know how to fix it one way or the other
00:18.42Shadow_7bennypr0fane: that or run the game in a vm that matches it's versioning (or chroot)
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00:19.02wewladit is a loop, because after the OS install the OS lacks tools to get a list of available wifi networks, yet it can connect to the initially selected one
00:19.16wewladf--k debian for that approach
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00:19.19mtnwewlad: nonsense. not true at all. prove it
00:19.25bennypr0faneShadow_7, they don't say anything about its versioning (it's means it is :-) )
00:19.27Shadow_7bennypr0fane: I used to chroot to a 32 bit install back when java lacked a 64 bit browser plugin (5+ years after 64 bit was a thing)
00:19.28wewladwell, you are simply wrong
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00:19.49mtnwewlad: I have used debian for about 20 years and what you said is just flat not true.
00:19.56wewladactually, no, you are right, there's wpasupplicant way
00:20.08bennypr0faneShadow_7, they have a 32-bit and a 64-bit ver for download
00:20.13wewladI meant no gui util to get a list, by that moment I didn't know about wpasupplicant way
00:20.25Shadow_7wewlad: some wifi chipsets only work with OLDER firmware.  Like my dell inspiron 1150
00:20.46Shadow_7bennypr0fane: might try the 64 bit one if you're on 64 bit install / hardware
00:21.00mtnwewlad: there is a gui way and has been for many many years. it is called network manager.
00:21.02wewladit's just ridiculous that debian wants me to reinstall it in order to get wifi back working again
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00:21.10bennypr0faneShadow_7, that's the one I'm already trying
00:21.17wewladmtn: NetworkManager (installed by default on Gnome-Desktop & Laptop installation)
00:21.27mtnwewlad: you don't know it is a software problem. most likely is not
00:21.58bennypr0fanewewlad, fwiw, I don't think it's software related either...
00:22.30Shadow_7wewlad: you don't need wpasupplicant either if the network isn't encrypted
00:22.58bennypr0faneif at all, it's a driver or firmware issue- otherwise hardware failure. You could verify that if you have a USB wlan dongle maybe...
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00:24.13vassagoim sorry to hear about ian guys... will be missed
00:24.20Shadow_7sounds more likee quirky driver / firmware... my hp stream 11 wifi was whacky until July of last year... 8 months after I bought it
00:25.02Shadow_7or a hardware button that toggles it on/off
00:25.12wewladdamn, I forgot how to make a bootable usb flash with linux from windows...
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00:25.45cra1g321wewlad check out win32diskimager
00:25.53wewladit's for *.img files
00:25.56wewladand I have *.iso
00:26.00cra1g321it works fine with iso
00:26.04cra1g321just set it to show all files
00:26.14wewladoh, right, I had probably done so last time :)
00:26.53wewladthx cra1g321
00:26.59cra1g321np :)
00:27.45wewladmtn: what should I better do with debian-live-8.2.0-i386-xfce-desktop.iso written on a usb? just boot from it and try wifi?
00:27.59wewladI never used live boot of linux
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00:28.07wewladI always used it to install the OS
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00:30.04dvswewlad: better to use the firmwre version for wifi
00:30.20wewladdvs: what?
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00:31.58wewladdvs: I already had a downloaded distro, didn't want to re-download anything
00:32.28beingbrownhello. I'm currently trying to set up my wifi through the terminal. I've got my wireless device working because iwlist wlan0 scan prints the networks in the area. however, the /etc/network/interfaces contains my local network setup, but it is not connecting. when i run ifup wlan0 i get no dhcp offers were received
00:32.29wewladalso, that list is amd64, my notebook has x32 cpu
00:32.41beingbrowni followed to do the /etc/network/interfaces configuration
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00:34.51wewladmtn: lol, first thing I see after booting livecd is a popup saying Wi-Fi networks available
00:34.58wewladSUCK IT xD
00:36.06wewladdamn debian, so should I freaking reinstall the whole OS because of wi-fi is not working in the installed instance??
00:36.30wewladif so - I'd better use something more stable
00:37.17Shadow_7wewlad: with quirky wifi drivers a reboot resets the chipset and it works again... might not be broke per say on your installed version
00:37.55wewladShadow_7: following mtn's directions I rebooted after I removed wicd and reinstalled network-manager
00:39.04wewladbtw, sliding the physical button while booted to livecd - doesn't turn wifi off
00:39.16wewladit's still on and I see the list of available networks
00:39.23Shadow_7wewlad: you can use kernel-package to install a new kernel (or backports) and you can get the latest firmware from github or which tends to solve most wifi issues that are driver related
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00:40.11wewladShadow_7: I have enabled backports, isn't 'apt-get upgrade' enough?
00:40.26Shadow_7wewlad: uname -a
00:40.33wewladfrom livecd?
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00:40.43Shadow_7you might need to actually apt-get the new-er kernel
00:41.17Shadow_7livecd sure... if it's not 3.16 like the install, could explain some of the difference
00:41.17dvswewlad: No, you need an option to get stuff from backports specifically.
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00:42.00Shadow_7wewlad: so 32 bit kernel
00:43.04wewladthing is, I remember I updated something related to kernel/firmware/drivers after someone advised me to do so when I was trying to configure wine to work and that required to install a more recent version and thus I had to enable backports
00:43.16wewladhonestly, as a newb I am - I totally forgot about that part
00:43.30wewladso yeah, I might have broken something manually with that update
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00:44.57wewladlol, my non-live install's 'uname -a' says 4.2.0-0-bpo-1-686-pae
00:45.26Shadow_7also 32 bit
00:45.40wewladbut not 3.16
00:45.49wewladso it's probably the kernel update that broke wifi
00:45.57wewladwell, semi-broke
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00:46.12wewladbecause wifi worked, I just didn't know I can't use wicd/n-m
00:46.13dvswewlad: Or you didn't get the firmware that goes with that kernel.
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00:46.24wewladdvs: may be. what do I do now?
00:47.01dvswewlad: apt-get -t jessie-backports install firmware-linux-nonfree firmware-linux-free
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00:50.14fender0107401I got a message that say Ian is gone.
00:50.22fender0107401It is real?
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00:51.07Loggfender0107401: looks that way #debian-offtopic
00:51.49wewladdvs: should I use 'main' or something like 'main contrib non-free' after jessie-backports in sources.list?
00:52.01dvswewlad: yes
00:52.09wewladdvs: yes what? just main?
00:52.18dvswewlad: all of them
00:52.26dvsmain contrib non-free
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00:54.37mipdoes anyone know if the late rant on @imurdock is made by ian himself, or was the account hacked instead?
00:54.51cra1g321mip Please take discussion of Ian Murdock to #debian-offtopic , Thanks.
00:54.54dvsmip: #debian-offtopic
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01:00.32AleksaI cannot install nginx on Jessie.
01:00.47AleksaIt has some problems with nginx-full and -light
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01:04.44wewladyay!!! 'rfkill list wifi' no longer says hard blocked!
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01:05.26amcorreiaAleksa, what is output from "journalctl -xn"?
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01:06.34wewladweird, 'iwlist wlan0 scan' says no scan results :(
01:07.03wewlad'ifconfig' says wlan0 is up :(
01:07.50Shadow_7wewlad: iwlist wlan0 scanning
01:07.57wewladsame result
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01:08.36wewladmaybe I should reboot...
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01:09.04Shadow_7wewlad: perhaps... could be signal strength... could be wlan0 isn't up, although probably wouldn't get that far if it was
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01:09.13Shadow_7wewlad: check dmesg for firmware mentions
01:09.28wewladno, not signal strength, I'm sitting at the very same place where I booted it to livecd and it saw lots of nets
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01:09.41wewladifconfig said wlan0 is up, so
01:10.13wewladrebooted, wlan0 is down
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01:11.05wewladShadow_7: should I just 'ifup wlan0 && iwlist wlan0 scanning'?
01:11.28Shadow_7wewlad: that or ifconfig wlan0 up
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01:11.55Shadow_7check dmesg after up
01:12.17wewladI did the above and it says: 'ignoring unknown interface wlan0=wlan0       wlan0    interface doesn't support scanning : Network is down'
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01:13.08wewlad'ifconfig wlan0 up' results into: SIOCSIFFLAGS operation not permitted because of RF-kill
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01:17.18wewladShadow_7:  'dmesg' says:
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01:18.47wewladhm, I also see ACPI Warnings: SystemIO range 0x000...428-0x00...42F conflicts with OpRegion 0x000...400-0x000...47F (\PMBA) (20150619/utaddress-256)
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01:19.02Shadow_7wewlad: AR2425  might google on that for folks with related issues (and solutions)
01:19.05wewladand 2 similar ones about (\GPIO)
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01:24.24popnflossjust read ian murdocks final tweets
01:24.25popnflossjesus christ
01:24.41quuxit's fucked up
01:24.43cra1g321popnfloss Please take discussion of Ian Murdock to #debian-offtopic , Thanks.
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01:25.21popnflosshe rm -rf'd himself
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01:30.33beepiepopnfloss, trolling?
01:30.39beepiepopnfloss, maybe a little too far
01:30.40beepie!ops popnfloss
01:30.41dpkgHydroxide, dondelelcaro, LoRez, RichiH, mentor, abrotman, Maulkin, stew, peterS, Myon, Ganneff, weasel, zobel, themill, babilen, SynrG, jm_, somiaj, jelly: beepie complains about: popnfloss
01:30.52*** part/#debian popnfloss (~user@unaffiliated/popnfloss)
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01:31.52jellycomes, !ops, leaves
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01:33.09wewladlol, now the hardware slider button changes 'soft blocked'
01:33.19wewladbut 'hard blocked' is still 'yes'
01:33.40*** join/#debian juliano (~juliano@
01:34.17wewladI've found someone having wifi problem with kali on the very same netbook as I have
01:34.22wewladthe issue is unresolved :(
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01:35.03wewladI don't want to reinstall debian, but if wifi works fine in livecd of debian, is there a way to downgrade kernel or something?
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01:36.26wewladwell, that guy's wifi actually sees networks but fails to connect
01:36.48Strife89Quick question: how safe/advisable is it to run update-grub from inside an OS that's on the target HDD?
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01:37.57Strife89I just need to change the UUIDs grub is pointing to (right now, the one to boot my distro is pointing to a partition that no longer exists).
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01:38.25JohnnyLwhat exactly are these huge files for?
01:38.29bazhangsudo blkid Strife89
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01:39.31Strife89bazhang: Right. I could manually edit /boot/grub/grub.cfg with the new UUIDs it lists but I'm lazy. :P
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01:40.05wewladJohnnyL: those are devices, shm is shared memory
01:40.09Strife89I've double-checked, though; all my current UUIDs are definitely different from what that config file lists.
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01:41.59Strife89Welp, steeled myself, ran sudo update-grub, checked config file. Everything looks golden.
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01:44.57JohnnyLhow can disk storage be effecient at speeding up things in ram?
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01:46.43JohnnyLwhat's up with pulse? is it recording my audio mic?
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01:47.50groceryheistheading to bed soon.  See ya in a couple day
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01:53.13linux_dreamso i've heard the father of debian died :/
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01:54.31JohnnyLIan, RIP.
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02:07.00lotsoftunaHi, how can I update Debian 8's linux kernel to 4.0+\
02:07.10lotsoftunathe version available is 3.1.something
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02:19.06thiehlotsoftuna: perhaps dist-upgrade to testing/stretch?  testing/stretch uses 4.3.3 IIRC
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02:20.23Shadow_7lotsoftuna: kernel-package and make-kpkg... or backports
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02:21.12Shadow_7running 4.1.6 on my jessie atm
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02:23.09EvilPenguinRIP Ian Murdock.
02:23.11EvilPenguinsad day
02:23.37lotsoftunaah yes
02:23.39lotsoftunabackports sorry
02:24.06lotsoftunait's more cause Something in the kernel fixes laptop function keys
02:24.10lotsoftunabut only after 4.1+
02:24.28lotsoftunaarch is built on debian...?
02:24.45Shadow_73.19 for me for the touchpad... plus the wifi driver works more stably with newer kernels
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02:25.17linux_dreamarch isn't built on debian lotsoftuna
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02:25.21lotsoftunaThe default LXDE is so kinda... ugly
02:25.31lotsoftunathe one that comes with stock Debian Live CD
02:25.34awal1How I can use 'apt-listchanges' for show changes made in X pack after that pack is upgraded? I know it shows changes durring upgrades but I want call it after, as user :)
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02:26.39lotsoftunaBut how can I check if it's included in the kernel
02:26.42lotsoftunaI mena, it's on the site
02:26.50lotsoftunabut does that mean it's included in the kernel?
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02:32.33lotsoftunawait WHAT
02:32.36lotsoftunathe Ian thing was real?
02:32.39lotsoftunaholy shit
02:32.47Loggyes, use #debian-offtopic to discuss it.
02:32.51lotsoftunathat's really dark... ok
02:33.02Shadow_7awal1: apt-listchanges --all /var/cache/apt/archives/<package>.deb
02:34.02rsyncoh shit...
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02:34.22rsyncRIP IAN, Thx for Debian!
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02:35.08rsynchow is he died?
02:35.22cra1g321rsync , Please take discussion of Ian Murdock to #debian-offtopic , Thanks.
02:36.25lotsoftunaSo, there's some sort of config for Sony Laptops in Kernel 3+, but how come my Fn keys don't work in Debian 8 then
02:36.45lotsoftunaAnd I'm just talking about from the Live CD, I wanna make sure I can configure the Fn Keys to work before installin gDEbian
02:39.05*** join/#debian Ododo (
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02:39.37awal1Shadow_7: ok, thanks :) I'll check what I can find there
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02:55.18jpinxlooking for a solution - possibly a headless browser - to get a highly scripted webpage into a html file, but I can not find any soltions within stable.  Any clues/pointers please?
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02:57.40Shadow_7jpinx: when I was coding there was code with a link you could insert into the page to view the html generated by the javascript
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03:01.47Shadow_7jpinx: I would imagine a browser plugin or other thing these days.
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03:06.33jpinxShadow_7: thanks -- I was hoping for something that would do "wget" and pass it through a java engine to create the DOM as if by a "real" browser
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03:07.01Shadow_7jpinx: not sure what node.js and friends does.  perhaps?
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03:07.59jpinxShadow_7: nice pointer -- thanks :)
03:08.00Shadow_7might be hard to come by since the content sent can be  dependent on the browser version string sent the server
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03:20.16italksWhy nobody knows Ian Murdock's death
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03:20.55Devastatoritalks I advise you to discuss this in #debian-offtopic
03:21.14thiehBecause... privacy rights?
03:21.30malco_2001italks it's in the channel topic to join #debian-offtopic
03:22.33no-seitalks: good question
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03:24.42no-seand i wish people here should honor him
03:24.57no-seor at least be informed what happened
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03:26.19Uranioreally Ian is dead?
03:26.46DevastatorUranio could you please talk about this in #debian-offtopic ?
03:26.47Resiliencehello my /home partititon disk has remounted to ro, how Can I remount it with rw state without restarting the system?
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03:27.01UranioDevastator: shure, sorry
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03:27.56no-seUranio: its on the news... monday night, apparently.
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03:28.23thiehResilience:  Is something stopping you from unmounting it and remounting it with rw?
03:28.55Resiliencethieh, uh... never have donde that, Can I do it with all th eprogramas running?
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03:29.53thiehResilience: I'd suppose if something is using resources in it umount will complain, then close those progs accordingly
03:30.59kisistenhi, anyone here has amavis working in jessie or wheezy, I can't get the injection of spam tags to appear in the headers
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03:37.49roylaprattepSomeone have experience with Logwatch ? I have a question, is it possible to have bigger font in HTML email view ?
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03:39.59allorder_roylaprattep: ctrl +  ?
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03:40.26roylaprattepallorder_: That will make everything bigger, it's ugly...
03:40.53roylaprattepI only want to touch the email itself, not all my Chrome broswer view.
03:41.38A|anhow do you "deinstall" a dpkg installtion?
03:42.18roylaprattepapt-get remove
03:42.29A|antried that
03:42.32roylaprattepapt-get --pyrge remove (to delete all config files)
03:42.53A|anlet me see if that'll work
03:42.54roylaprattepdpkg -r is the same.
03:42.55dpkgremoves is the same. along with a pound of flesh from roylaprattep's body, then staples roylaprattep back up with a staple gun.
03:43.02zykotick9"apt-get purge foo" will also work = less typing
03:43.26zykotick9"apt purge foo" is even more new-school ;)
03:43.35A|anfor example...
03:43.37roylaprattepI am oldschool. ;)
03:43.38A|anThe following packages have unmet dependencies:
03:43.57A|anand i've changed my mind about i nstalling that broken crap
03:44.00roylaprattepapt-get -t install
03:44.02roylapratteptry this
03:44.11roylaprattepno worry
03:44.34Shadow_7more like... apt-get remove --purge <package>
03:44.52A|an(i've been throughh this before, in the dim past, and forgot the solution)
03:44.54Shadow_7but probably need... apt-get -f install
03:45.02Shadow_7to fix the system to a stable state first
03:45.03roylaprattepapt-get -f install
03:45.05roylapratteptry this
03:45.19roylapratteplike Shadow_7 said too
03:45.23A|anyeah, i really hesitated to do that, but...
03:45.38A|anlet me see
03:45.41roylaprattepDon't hesitate. It tells you, do it.
03:46.09Shadow_7I tend towards older ways... dpkg --purge --force-all <package>
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03:46.28roylaprattepapt-get --purge is the same. well.
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03:46.41Shadow_7But that's normally the clear up the non-ii's from $ dpkg -l | grep -v ^ii
03:47.07A|anThe following packages will be REMOVED:
03:47.07A|anThe following NEW packages will be installed:
03:47.08*** kick/#debian [A|an!~debhelper@unaffiliated/debhelper] by debhelper (flood. Please use instead.)
03:47.35*** join/#debian A|an (~Alan@
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03:47.43A|ani knew that would happen...
03:47.56A|ananyway...that worked...and I demurred from continuing installing
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03:48.00*** mode/#debian [+l 1646] by debhelper
03:48.21Shadow_7The dpkg route doesn't grab any of the deps, but tells you about them.  And mildly more useful if you don't want to purge the extras and otherwinse intend a reinstall of said package.
03:49.02*** join/#debian vados (~vados@
03:49.05roylaprattepA|an: Now you can try "apt-get --purge remove package"
03:49.32A|anyes, just to be thorough
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03:50.48A|anyes, thanks for the suggest, didn't to be down
03:51.13A|anpity about was a hellava thang back when it worked
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03:51.21A|ananyway, thanks again
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03:51.42Shadow_7A|an: you  could just ar -x it and try to run the binary without actually installing it
03:51.58A|an(let me fix that: it needed to be done <jesus>)
03:52.34A|anNo, they've evidently had a rogue element screw up their project
03:52.45A|anI guess it's toast for the time being
03:53.01roylaprattepSo, for my questiom, no way to enlarge HTML font in Logwatch config ?
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04:05.25incalI did aptitude dist-upgrade and the Unicode chars in the ttys broke. ideas?
04:05.46incalperhaps some pack fell off
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04:07.50Shadow_7incal: or LANG or LC_TYPE changed
04:08.37*** join/#debian asarch (~asarch@
04:09.23asarchI start the new cluster with: pg_createcluster --locale en_US.UTF-8 --start 9.4 main and then I change its access methods at postgresql.conf and pg_hba.conf and then I restart it with: service postgresql restart
04:09.25incalShadow_7: LC_TYPE isn't set, LANG is en_US.UTF-8
04:09.39asarchBut pg_lscluster now shows that the main cluster is down, why?
04:10.09incalShadow_7: I'm fine with it being the old anglo-american, just want the chars to work - doesn't UTF-8 include the Latin-1 set?
04:10.10asarchIn spite of that ps ax | grep postgres shows all the running processes
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04:10.46asarchI can't even access from LAN
04:11.59asarchIf I do: service postgresql stop it doesn't stops the cluster
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04:16.55asarchservice postgresql restart puts down the main cluster
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04:20.23Shadow_7incal: depends on the font in use
04:21.36asarch"service postgresql restart" seems to be now deprecated, right?
04:21.37blindincal: ohhhh that's what did it! I have the same issue, I forgot I did a dist-upgrade
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04:25.58venkat_330root@vortex:~# debootstrap --arch i386 squeeze /debian6 file:/mnt/deb6cd1
04:25.58venkat_330I: Retrieving Release
04:25.58venkat_330I: Retrieving Release.gpg
04:25.58venkat_330E: Failed getting release signature file file:/mnt/deb6cd1/dists/squeeze/Release.gpg
04:25.59*** kick/#debian [venkat_330!~debhelper@unaffiliated/debhelper] by debhelper (flood. Please use instead.)
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04:28.52venkat_330debbootstrap is failing: root@vortex:~# debootstrap --arch i386 squeeze /debian6 file:/mnt/deb6cd1
04:29.02venkat_330I: Retrieving Release :: I: Retrieving Release.gpg :: E: Failed getting release signature file file:/mnt/deb6cd1/dists/squeeze/Release.gpg
04:29.20blindvenkat_330: well, is that file there?
04:29.44venkat_330Nope i mounted the ISO and lcated the path but hte file is not there..
04:30.08venkat_330blind: I am trying to install from iso image
04:30.27venkat_330mount /opt/debian-6.0.1a-i386-DVD-1.iso /mnt/deb6cd1 -o loop
04:32.44blindAre you following a guide that says to do that? I'm not sure if you can debootstrap off the install iso.
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04:33.44Shadow_7you can install... then copy all the .deb's in the /pool/ paths to /var/cache/apt/archives and mostly discard the discs
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04:34.59coquelardshi all I just installed debian on encrypted /, i made a /boot partition and converted an ntfs partition to EFI partition, it installed but now I can't boot on linux, my motherboard boot list put a mirrored "N" sign like the russian letter and when I try to boot on it nothing happens, any idea ?
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04:36.56venkat_330Shadow_7: ???
04:37.11venkat_330blind: I am following ""
04:38.01*** mode/#debian [+l 1652] by debhelper
04:38.23Shadow_7venkat_330: you might need an extra mount.  The actual disc files might be in a squashfs under the -o loop -ageness
04:39.05Shadow_7although I've only every done debootstrap over a network
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04:39.53Shadow_7venkat_330: at a min you might need to use debootstrap version-age from the .iso image
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04:43.58shingouzvenkat_330: /msg dpkg debootstrap . the links there might help you, it is possible that the instructions for ubuntu are completely different from what debian actually needs
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04:45.21thieh7.04?  That's ancient....
04:46.21incalblind: isn't stuff supposed to get better when you upgrade?
04:47.11Shadow_7depends... security holes get fixed.  But sometimes you lose a lot of apps.  gftp, pornview, ... ... ...
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04:48.56Legi0nD: D: Ian Murdoch :( :(
04:49.15blindincal: heh. well.. let me know if you fix it lol.
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04:55.28synthecho -e "Package: imurdock\nPin: version 20**\nPin-Priority: 1001" | sudo tee /etc/apt/preferences.d/imurdock.pinned #IanMurdockRIPecho -e "Package: imurdock\nPin: version 20**\nPin-Priority: 1001" | sudo tee /etc/apt/preferences.d/imurdock.pinned #IanMurdockRIP
04:55.47synthooops, pasted twice. a bit of a memorial.
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04:57.46AlwaysHi-killall -u "$username" is this a reliable way to kill all users processes?
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05:03.10reevRIP Ian Sir
05:04.01reevBig loss to whole linux community
05:06.29CeBeAlwaysHi-: as long as you have permission to do so, yes
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05:19.02TMitBeeI wanted to express my deep condolences to the Debian community, on the passing away of Ian Murdock, founder of the Debian distro.  It is a grievous loss when a major contributor to world technology and/or culture departs.
05:19.27*** part/#debian vassago (~Fallen@unaffiliated/mythomaniac)
05:21.35swift110-phoneYes i second that
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05:26.41venkat_330shingouz: Yeah will try that..
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05:27.48TMitBeeWe shall honor Ian Murdock's loving memory if we keep the technology in freedom of use, free from the shackles of proprietary schemes, and we keep it open source, as the essence of free technology is.  Then the avenues of local and world commerce may grow lined with the strong oaks of Freedom.
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05:38.18venkat_330Yeah. +1
05:39.42macslayer+1, too
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05:39.55macslayerYour quote inspired me to unintall Google Chrome.
05:40.09macslayerMy wife might be upset, since that means that she'll no longer be able to watch Netflix on my desktop.
05:40.21macslayerThat's the ONE reason that I would ever not use Iceweasel.
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05:42.00macslayerSo, I've had an issue recently. For some reason, Polari has been having connection issues.
05:42.15macslayerFor example, right now I can't connect to (any channels), but can connect to this channel on Freenode.
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05:51.47sean1hello all. I have an OS image that's .img.xz and I'm trying to write it to a USB drive. Do I use xzcat -d OS.img.xz | sudo dd of=/dev/sdb bs=1M or something more? What I'm trying doesn't actually seem to be working on the other machine.
05:53.51sean1maybe I need to use unxz
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06:43.22Spotify$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure popcorn
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06:43.43SpotifyParticipate in Package Popular Corntest?
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07:15.28wizbitR.I.P. Ian Murdock
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07:44.50pagioshello, how did ian die?
07:45.18rwwnon-support stuff to #debian-offtopic please
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07:56.09tumbleri am very sorry for the passing of Ian Murdok
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08:00.26SpotifyHow can I let GRUB retain it's menu's background image along with the framebuffer it has set to the linux console?
08:00.46DrakkenWarrare you talking about during boot?
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08:02.01SpotifyLike, I set the GRUB_BACKGROUND and I want that background image to retain after the menu and into the linux's console
08:02.06SpotifySo, in ttys
08:02.10Spotifyand during boot, yes
08:02.17DrakkenWarrwhat distro?
08:02.24SpotifyDebian, obviously
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08:02.46DrakkenWarrhad to ask.. I am on a mint box and an LFS box atm
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08:03.24HydroxideSpotify: you'd be surprised, people do seek support here for other distros (and we redirect them to appropriate places - here is appropriate only for Debian)
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08:03.49DrakkenWarraye have been here for over 9 years now and that has never changed Hydroxide
08:04.08DrakkenWarraye still have the #! hoody y'all cannot get anymore :D
08:04.44HydroxideSpotify: yeah. my theory is they're usually running a debian derivative that didn't change the IRC clients' defaults so it joins #debian somewhere :) though that's more common on aka OFTC than here. anyway... I'll shut up now with the off-topic chatter, back to your question
08:04.45DrakkenWarrwas diehard for #! before chrome jumped ship. I stay here for the peeps
08:05.17*** join/#debian CursedKnave (~dffsda124@
08:05.19DrakkenWarrnaw, you are find Hydroxide, this tis the off-topic channel
08:05.29DrakkenWarrfine.. damned auto correct
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08:07.27jiggawattzwhy'd you do it man??!!?!
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08:07.38DrakkenWarrwhat mod's did you make to grub.d in the /etc folder?
08:07.40ryonaloli_jiggawattz: he actually did it, the absolute madman!
08:07.59rwwnon-support chat to #debian-offtopic, please
08:08.24DrakkenWarrah no, this channel is the all things debian-esk channel
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08:08.32DrakkenWarrda fuck are you rww?
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08:08.56rwwDrakkenWarr: someone who can read the first four words in the /topic, apparently
08:09.15DrakkenWarryeah.. that means fuck all for years man
08:09.37DrakkenWarrwe have always helped those with debian issues, distro or not
08:09.47*** join/#debian ordinal (
08:10.04DrakkenWarrgo to fuckin bunsen labs if you want to be an upstart fucktard
08:10.14Loggo dang
08:10.14HydroxideDrakkenWarr: he's right - non-support chatter goes elsewhere when the conversation goes on more than briefly or keeps recurring with different people, so as to keep this channel free for support
08:10.20*** mode/#debian [+o Hydroxide] by ChanServ
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08:10.41ordinalis there a good reference for removing (proprietary or otherwise) nvidia drivers, such as apt-get remove --purge nvidia-*, if i want to install the latest driver directly from nvidia for my 960?
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08:10.50Hydroxideand don't insult people here. (only did +q temporarily, it will expire later)
08:10.54ordinali'm afraid that just purging everything that matches nvidia- might be the wrong thing to do there.
08:11.00RudyValenciahey sorry to hear about Ian Murdock :(
08:11.48*** part/#debian sonntex (~sonntex@
08:12.13LucaTMHello everyone! :)
08:12.36HydroxideRudyValencia: we are too, if you want to discuss further, please go to #debian-offtopic as per /topic
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08:19.03BlenderProI have a question, I know is safe to eject flash drives with my current settings in windows 7 but is it safe to just remove the usb drive in debian with its default cache settings?
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08:48.32Jaga-JagaIm having trouble with GnuPG , it doesnt see the keys but the keys are there
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08:57.38morfoh nos...
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09:18.52danielimay ian rest in peace.. my condolences.
09:19.42ChrisHDid I understand logrotate man page correct, it is not possible to handle app-log.2015-12-29, app-log.2015-12-30 files?
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09:31.26jellyChrisH: those look already rotated
09:32.17Jaga-JagaIm having trouble with GnuPG , it doesnt see the keys but the keys are there
09:34.20ChrisHjelly: the application does create them. There is a way to prevent that.  Looks like my understanding is correct.
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09:37.55testpil0tJaga-Jaga, does --list-secret-keys give any results?
09:38.03testpil0tor are you talking about pub-keys?
09:38.11testpil0tcan you specifiy your problem a bit more?
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09:47.14intheworldhi everyone
09:47.18intheworldplease help me
09:48.05bazhangwith what
09:48.07intheworldi installed debian 8  but it's wifi does not work even network card did not find in that
09:48.29bazhangusb or pci
09:48.30*** join/#debian electro33 (uid613@gateway/web/
09:48.35intheworldi have searched in google but i could not solve my problem
09:49.04intheworldbazhang : wifi on laptop with rtl8723be
09:50.57bazhangis there a 8 character code for it
09:51.12*** join/#debian davcri (~davide@
09:51.56eclectichedgehogintheworld: firmware-realtek package (non-free)
09:52.36bazhang,v firmware-realtek
09:52.37juddPackage: firmware-realtek on amd64 -- squeeze/non-free: 0.28+squeeze1; squeeze-backports/non-free: 0.36+wheezy.1~bpo60+1; wheezy/non-free: 0.36+wheezy.1; wheezy-backports/non-free: 0.43~bpo70+1; jessie/non-free: 0.43; jessie-backports/non-free: 20151207-1~bpo8+1; sid/non-free: 20151207-1; stretch/non-free: 20151207-1
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09:53.07intheworldeclectichedgehog : i dont have net on debian how do i download them ?
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09:53.37bazhangthis bot has some id checker for such, I forgot the syntax
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09:54.41intheworldeclectichedgehog :   ?
09:54.51eclectichedgehogdownload from there and transfer to your system
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09:55.07eclectichedgehoggo to the site provided and search for package
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09:55.30intheworldeclectichedgehog : after downloading them how do i install them ?
09:56.13eclectichedgehogjust do a dpkg -i <package name> from the command line
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09:56.32intheworldthats right
09:57.52CabanossiOhhh RIP :/
09:57.52intheworldgraphic driver is important for debian or not ?
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09:58.26eclectichedgehogintheworld: only if you need graphics :)
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09:59.25intheworldeclectichedgehog : i work with android-studio and emulator on linux   does it need to graphic driver ?
09:59.43eclectichedgehogintheworld: no idea
10:00.24jellyChrisH: yeah.  What would you want logrotate to do?  We usually deal with such apps using two cron jobs, one for compression, one for deletion of old files
10:00.47eclectichedgehogintheworld: if you have a non working network card the try the firmware-linux package too
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10:07.23muggedmelonAnyone here?
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10:07.52muggedmelonok then haha
10:09.27muggedmelonDoes anybody here know how to get GQRX to work properly under Debian Jessie?
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10:10.07ChrisHjelly: I would have logrotate delete the old files. I will modify the application to write into a file without date extenstion and have logrotate make the rest.
10:10.11testpil0tmuggedmelon, what doesnt work properly?
10:10.43muggedmelonGQRX, a software defined radio package.
10:11.01muggedmelongqrx-sdr is the package name i think
10:11.14testpil0tyes. What does not work on jessie?
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10:11.36muggedmelonThe actual program. It does not launch
10:11.55testpil0tdid you compile it yourself?
10:12.06testpil0tis there anything in the logs?
10:12.21muggedmelonno, i just installed the .deb package
10:13.13testpil0tMaybe try compiling it yourself
10:13.20testpil0tthe .deb packages are for ubuntu, right?
10:13.24muggedmelonOk, will do. Thank you
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10:14.16testpil0tMaybe this will help. Other than that: Maybe start it with strace to see where it crashes
10:14.21testpil0tif there are really no logs
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10:25.56intheworldhi again
10:26.56intheworldi installe firmware-realtek non-free  but my problem did not solved
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10:27.30eclectichedgehogintheworld: if you have a non working network card the try the firmware-linux package too
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10:30.55eclectichedgehogintheworld: is your wifi card usb or internal?
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10:32.18intheworldeclectichedgehog : internal
10:33.48ChrisHintheworld: Did you do some config work on the installed box? If not I would consinder reinstalling using the firmware-non-offical netinst images
10:33.58eclectichedgehogtry a   lspci | grep net
10:34.12eclectichedgehogtry a   lspci | grep Net
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10:34.20FuraiIs it possible to reload kernel on the go? Without rebooting?
10:34.40eclectichedgehogintheworld: it should show something hopefully
10:35.01intheworldthats right
10:35.19intheworldi am goint to debian and test
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10:37.54umask7771Farewell ian!
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10:42.54gr8when I play a youtube video, it always sets my system volume to max. Browser is QupZilla, desktop is XFCE. any ideas what I can do about this?
10:43.35testpil0tDo you play using Flash or HTML5?
10:43.48testpil0tdoes it happen with other browsers too?
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10:48.19gr8doesn't happen with firefox/iceweasel. I don't have flash, just HTML5
10:50.02eclectichedgehoggr8: maybe something to do with webkit
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10:51.07gr8the problem is that iceweasel crashes sometimes without any obvious reason on my system
10:51.14gr8that's why I use an alternative browser
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10:52.04eclectichedgehoggr8: always pays to have two browsers with different rendering engines i think
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10:52.36gr8except when both don't work correctly ;)
10:52.47eclectichedgehogyeah thats a bummer
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10:53.45intheworldeclectichedgehog : i runed lspci | grep Net and then it shows me : 06:00.0 Network controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8723BE PCIe Wireless Network Adapter
10:54.15eclectichedgehogintheworld: thats good
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10:54.47morfgr8: isn't it something around pulseaudio?
10:54.48intheworldeclectichedgehog : do you think it will work ?
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10:55.01morfgr8: there are some issue around setting the audio to the full
10:55.12eclectichedgehogmorf: pulseaudio grrrrr
10:55.12morfwell it's just misconfiguration really
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10:55.23morfdon't kill the messenger
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10:55.57eclectichedgehogintheworld: it will probably work but you will need other packages
10:56.21eclectichedgehogintheworld: to get wireless working
10:56.35jellygr8: open pavucontrol, Playback tab.  Then open a html5 video and let it start playing.  Do you see the browser process appear in pavucontrol?
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10:57.23intheworldeclectichedgehog : i wanted install firmware-linux but it throws an error  : dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of firmware-linux:
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10:58.04gr8jelly: I see "CubebUtils: Audiostream" with the iceweasel icon. It's set to 20%
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10:58.34eclectichedgehogintheworld: apt-get -f install usually sorts that out but without a network connection that could be difficult...
10:58.39jellygr8: move the slides a bit and see if that's your QupZilla
10:58.49gr8yeah, it is the right one
10:58.54gr8ehm, firefox
10:59.04gr8you mean I should do that for QupZilla?
10:59.15eclectichedgehogintheworld: see what it complains about and search for it at debian packages
10:59.21jellygr8: the one that brings the volume way up
10:59.23eclectichedgehogintheworld: ah hold on
10:59.31intheworldeclectichedgehog : i go to debian now and test with firmware-linux-nonfree
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11:00.38gr8jelly: uhm it didn't bring up the volume this time ?!
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11:00.58gr8now I have QupZilla: Playback Stream in pavucontrol
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11:01.31jellygr8: right.  If you set the volume in pavucontrol, pulseaudio _should_ remember it for the next time the same app plays some sound
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11:02.09gr8ok, we'll see thanks
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11:15.11tatcherhi all i installed debian but after the installation finished it won't boot to debian or grub, in the boot menu the only new entry added after the installation is a japanese character, but when i try to boot on it Nothing happens
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11:17.29evilman_worktatcher: you can enter to grub shell, and create the boot entry in the runtime, and boot it.
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11:19.03tatcherevilman_work: how to create the boot entry in the runtime, and boot it once in grub line command ?
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11:20.40well_laid_lawntatcher:  do you still have the live cd in the tray ?
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11:22.56tatcherwell_laid_lawn: i installed from usb yes it's still in but i should at least be able to boot from uefi boot menu no ?
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11:24.02well_laid_lawntatcher:  if you pick the right device and grun installed ok it should boot
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11:26.07tatcherthe only boot entry i got from installing debian is a japanese character, when i try to boot on it it does noithing
11:27.06tatchervisualBCD says this entry is named debian tho but at uefi it's a japanese character
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11:27.15well_laid_lawnI take it you're not japanese
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11:29.06eclectichedgehogtatcher: you could try downloading rescatux super grub disk and using that
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11:31.10m1nty:< hi
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11:36.37tatchera book or a website to understand how this whole thing work, i've been strggling with this for 2days now why is it so hard to setup a dual boot with new technology new gpt new efi new everything and can't install debian, maybe i should try another distrib
11:37.18inthei could not connect to network on debian  after this comman : nano /etc/network/interfaces i only see  "iface lo inet loopback "
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11:38.26eclectichedgehoginthe: did you install firmware-linux-nonfree?
11:39.00intheeclectichedgehog : yes i did
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11:39.12Pymoustatcher : What is the issue ? How is it related to Debian ? Some infos would be nice :D
11:39.22eclectichedgehogwhat does lspci | grep Net  show now?
11:39.25SynrGinthe: that file doesn't need anything for your interface if network-manager (installed by default with desktop) is handling it
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11:40.44intheSynrG : my desktop is mate and it does not network-manager because i copied all package of mate installed on virtualbox
11:41.36SynrGSeveral things about that statement are unsettling
11:42.01SynrG!install mate
11:42.01dpkgTo install <MATE> on established systems, ask me about <install x>, then: «apt-get install mate-desktop-environment» (for more things, also install mate-desktop-environment-extras).  To install using Debian-Installer: from the 'Software selection' dialog, choose "MATE" (use space bar to toggle selections), then "Continue".
11:42.08intheSynrG : i mean , i have installed debian on virtualbox then i installed mate dekstop on it then  then i copied files of mate from virtualbox and then install on debian on rally device
11:42.22SynrGinthe: wtf?
11:42.48eclectichedgehoginthe:  so you are running it under virtualbox?
11:43.03SynrG"copied the files of" how?
11:43.09intheno it is running on real device
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11:44.16SynrGThis is not a supported install method. I don't think we can support this system if you're just copying individual files from one Debian system to another instead of installing it properly with packages
11:44.30tatcherPymous : just trying to setup a dual boot on a SSD, I have windows 10 installed on it, 2 days ago the SSD was non-GPT partitioned, installing debian in a non UEFI mode would set grub as default boot but windows 10 wasn't listed in grub boot choices, then I formated the SSD to make it GPT partitioned reinstalled windows and now when I install debian
11:44.32inthewhen you install mate desktop on debian on virtualbox their packages is located in /var/cache/apt/archive
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11:45.16eclectichedgehogSynrG: he has no network connectivity it seems
11:45.24tatcherdon't know what to do anymore, what is to be done if you can't boot on debian after installing it lol
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11:45.50SynrGCopying *packages* is fine
11:45.57eclectichedgehoginthe: what does lspci | grep Net  show now?
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11:46.03SynrGBut not "files of mate"
11:46.26SynrGWhich is what was said
11:46.30inthesame befor you saw
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11:46.39SynrGSo, sorry i misunderstood
11:46.52eclectichedgehoginthe: so just the wifi card
11:47.00intheeclectichedgehog : 06:00.0 Network controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8723BE PCIe Wireless Network Adapter
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11:47.10eclectichedgehoginthe: ok
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11:47.15tatchervisualBCD tells me debian is in the loaders but at boot time the UEFI doesn't list "debian" but a japanese character instead
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11:48.01eclectichedgehogyou might need to try install firmware-linux-free too - that might pick up the lan adapter
11:48.09well_laid_lawntatcher:  did you make a partition for the uefi boot ?
11:48.33intheeclectichedgehog : i also installed frimware-linux-free
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11:49.17eclectichedgehoginthe: so you install both free and nonfree linux firmware correct?
11:49.29SynrGinthe: pretty sure mate installs network-manager by default too, so if you install that plus network-manager-gnome it will make Wi-Fi setup easier.
11:49.39tatcherwell_laid_lawn:  yes there is EFI USP partition, it was pre-existing debian installation (it was made by the windows 10 installer) but debian seemed ok with that
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11:50.12inthei thinks it did not install
11:50.13eclectichedgehoginthe: your lan adapter should be showing up by now
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11:50.36tatcheri have a an ssd and an hdd for data, maybe the hdd is messing things up
11:50.50well_laid_lawntatcher:  I'd just do the install again
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11:51.23eclectichedgehoginthe: do a   dkpg -l | grep linux-firmware
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11:51.47eclectichedgehogthat should confirm install of free and nonfree packages
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11:58.13intheeclectichedgehog : i should go to debian and test them
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12:01.26achyllescould I have some help to set up this wireless card > 02:00.0 Network controller: Qualcomm Atheros Device 0042 (rev 30) -> ath10k? I have tried backports, searched a lot in google, installed the newest kernel on debian testing, but not works. 4 days researching on the subject.
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12:01.50gr8jelly: and... it did NOT remember the sound settings. The volume has been set to about 80% again when starting a video, pavucontrol showed 50% for QupZilla
12:01.53Shadow_7achylles: apt-get install firmware-linux-nonfree
12:02.36eclectichedgehoginthe: why dont you reinstall using a debian mate live iso?
12:02.55Shadow_7achylles: and... apt-get install firmware-atheros
12:02.58jellygr8: huh, that means the app explicitely ramps it up for some reason
12:03.06achyllesI do not have this in my list
12:03.28achyllesI do have firmware-atheros which is installed
12:03.38intheeclectichedgehog : i dont have mate live iso because internet speed is very low
12:03.43Shadow_7achylles: you need the non-free repos for the firmware-linux-nonfree
12:04.00achyllesI have that in my sources.list
12:04.22achyllesbut, does not show firmware-linux-nonfree
12:04.34Shadow_7achylles: did you apt-get update ?
12:04.37Devastator,v firmware-linux-nonfree
12:04.38juddPackage: firmware-linux-nonfree on amd64 -- squeeze/non-free: 0.28+squeeze1; squeeze-backports/non-free: 0.36+wheezy.1~bpo60+1; wheezy/non-free: 0.36+wheezy.1; wheezy-backports/non-free: 0.43~bpo70+1; jessie/non-free: 0.43; jessie-backports/non-free: 20151207-1~bpo8+1; sid/non-free: 20151207-1; stretch/non-free: 20151207-1
12:04.38eclectichedgehoginthe: what did you use to install mate on virtualbox?
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12:05.12intheeclectichedgehog : and internet is very expensive in my country for my case one Gig is 3-4$
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12:06.04achyllesShadow_7, I am using Stretch...
12:07.14intheeclectichedgehog : i used debian iso but it does not support live
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12:07.55eclectichedgehoginthe: do you mean the debian netinstall iso
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12:08.28Shadow_7achylles: check dmesg for firmware and other atheros mentions
12:09.02achyllesok. I found and it is installed
12:09.29achyllesand also firmware atheros
12:09.35SirBogdangood day :)
12:09.36Shadow_7achylles: nmtui ?  network-managers terminal interface
12:13.25achyllesdmesg does not show ath10k
12:13.37achyllesit only shows ath9k
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12:14.23achyllesAnd I am using an usb net card, because mine does not work
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12:15.37achyllesbut, when it gets hot the connection stops and I have to reboot the machine...
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12:16.10achyllesShadow_7, nm > ceni, wickd-gtk
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12:18.11Shadow_7achylles: I just use wpa_passphrase and wpa_supplicant myself.
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12:19.56achyllesOk. But, they are working...
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12:24.52MrDetoniaAn fglrx kernel module is failing to compile for me when installing the 4.3 kernel (on testing). Where is the best place to report this? Log:
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12:29.49Filystynim gona install printer on debian today
12:29.58Filystynthis is my 4rth atempt
12:30.01Filystynbut i have mor etime today
12:30.11Filystynmaaybe i will manage to do it today
12:30.42eclectichedgehogor maybe not...
12:30.50SirBogdangood luck
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12:33.35guardianWRIP ian
12:33.35Jaga-JagaIm having trouble with GnuPG , it doesnt see the keys but the keys are there
12:33.51Jaga-JagaguardianW: who's ian?
12:34.09testpil0tJaga-Jaga, i asked you yesterday already
12:34.11*** join/#debian intheworld (~intheworl@
12:34.11StantoRIP ian.
12:34.14testpil0tcan you specifiy your problem?
12:34.20intheworldhi again
12:34.30intheworldthank u from everyone that help me
12:34.40intheworldmy network works
12:34.53testpil0thooray :)
12:34.53eclectichedgehogintheworld: good news
12:35.06Filystynbtw i hope debian will exist further more yes?
12:35.07Jaga-Jagatestpil0t: my gpg doesnt see the keys
12:35.10intheworldbut i have a new question
12:35.29testpil0twhat commands do you execute, and what are the results?
12:35.34intheworldeclectichedgehog : thank you   my network work
12:35.47eclectichedgehogintheworld: no problem
12:35.59intheworldeclectichedgehog : can i use kerio control client in debian 64bit ?
12:36.14Jaga-Jagatestpil0t: i mean i try to encrypt , the key , to my own key for example. and i get this error:
12:36.17Jaga-Jagagpg: A81421F3A5A962F5: skipped: public key not found
12:36.19Jaga-Jagagpg: x.txt: encryption failed: public key not found
12:36.27testpil0tdid you retrieve the key?
12:36.33Jaga-JagaStanto: thx for clarifying
12:36.44intheworldeclectichedgehog : or do you have standard sources.list   i dont have sources on debian
12:36.46Jaga-Jagatestpil0t: its my own key
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12:37.55testpil0tJaga-Jaga, what does gpg --list-keys do?
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12:39.26Jaga-Jagatestpil0t: at this moment, i removed all keys. i only have my own key listed there
12:39.36intheworldeclectichedgehog : thank u
12:39.44testpil0tand you are trying to encrypt for your own key, right?
12:40.00testpil0twhich is listed when running gpg --list-keys
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12:40.05Jaga-Jagatestpil0t: right
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12:43.03Filystynoke people
12:43.11FilystynMy first question is
12:43.35*** join/#debian Carno (~carno@unaffiliated/carnophage)
12:43.36Filystynwhat is differance between Recommended Driver:  and  Driver packages: All architectures:
12:44.46Filystyni do not see the diferance here
12:44.50morfFilystyn: well it's architecture independent package, e.g. it's not i386 or amd64 or whatever, it's architecture = all
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12:45.16morfor it's not architecture specific package
12:45.17*** join/#debian Colti (Miramar-FL@unaffiliated/miramar-fl)
12:45.30Filystynso the first one is architecture specific package
12:45.38Filystynwhy would it matter on linux anyway... but ok
12:45.56morfconfusing page
12:45.58Shadow_7heh... PJL... sounds like a rebadged hp
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12:46.18Filystynops sorry it looks like first is just text
12:46.23morfi don't see any difference
12:46.26morfit's the same
12:46.37Filystynok the drives are simply the other one
12:46.40Skwallilinuxjoin #puppet
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12:46.44Shadow_7Filystyn: the main thing is the ppd so cups knows it's quirks
12:46.47Skwallilinuxoups ^^
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12:47.52Filystynok i downloaded ppd
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12:48.13Fatarhow do I know which ftp server is the fastest for me?
12:49.07Shadow_7Fatar: trial and error / ping / geography
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12:49.30Filystynyou could check MTU path fatar for example etc or just speed
12:49.31Filystynbla bla
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12:50.08Fatarokay thanks
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12:50.50Filystynso basiclay i need to install driver and than install the pdd file for cups y?
12:51.24eclectichedgehogFatar: by fastest server do you mean for update?
12:51.52Shadow_7Filystyn: the .deb package probably has and installs the ppd
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12:52.15FatarI mean by kb/mb per second
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12:52.48AliShguy how do you think about sid?
12:53.09Filystynshadow_7 thank you
12:53.13eclectichedgehogAliSh: i use sid, no problems... usually
12:53.40AliShi'm developer and i'm not linux end-user
12:54.02AliShbut in other hand i wanna new software
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12:54.46AliShkde-framework 5 is really beautiful and i don't wanna to check it without debian
12:54.54eclectichedgehogAliSh: if youre a dev then the lastest packages are useful for you i guess so sid is the way possibly
12:54.58AliShthen i wanna to know about sid
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12:56.05AliSheclectichedgehog: then i should check it. I hope that be good :D
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12:56.29Filystynok i use dpkg for deb y ?
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12:57.47eclectichedgehogAliSh: kubuntu has a pretty good version of plasma, if you just want to get to grips with it
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12:58.46roenieso is opensuse
12:59.05roenieI'm personally running it on debian
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12:59.14AliShno it isn't just about plasma and i don't really like child distros
12:59.16roenietakes a bit more time to set up
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12:59.58eclectichedgehogroenie: i've tried it with all the above but ended up with good old home built debian sid with plasma
13:00.03AliShi've tried ubuntu and others and some unix-like systems. i'm only happy with debian and freebsd among theme
13:00.39Filystynok i got the package isntalled
13:00.46Filystynalso ppd file  2
13:00.46*** join/#debian FirePowi (~powi@2a01:e35:2f06:89b0:7218:8bff:fe38:ea45)
13:00.51Filystynnow.. what now...
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13:05.27Filystynwhy cups runs on port 631?
13:05.52FirePowiBecause Http already use 80 one.
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13:06.50Filystynwell OK
13:07.36FirePowiTo give you a good response : Why cups would use an other port ?
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13:08.28Skwallilinuxgood response
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13:15.28Filystynok problem
13:15.34Filystyncups doe snot accept any passwords
13:15.45Filystynno one can add a printer demit~
13:15.55Filystynim ROOT HERE WHAT IS WRONG?!
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13:17.48superstrawFilystyn: use the root user & password?
13:17.55Filystyni did
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13:17.56eclectichedgehogFilystyn: have you added yourself to the lpadmin group?
13:18.00*** mode/#debian [+l 1692] by debhelper
13:18.03Filystynno i did not
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13:18.07FirePowiSorry, I can't help you. But please, put your CAPS unlock. And maybe ask also to #cups
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13:19.38Deep6hey guys, is it safe to ask about imurdock here?
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13:19.53Deep6news is so scarce...
13:20.08superstrawprobably #debian-offtopic would be better.
13:20.16eclectichedgehogDeep6: we all know as much as you do
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13:20.28superstrawyeah, what eclectichedgehog said.
13:20.41Deep6eclectichedgehog: hrmmm.... anyone know about his wife?
13:20.50Deep6I'm fearing a murder suicide... :|
13:20.56FirePowi#debian-offtopic <-
13:21.21Deep6FirePowi: quasi on topic no? :|
13:21.50FirePowiIan Murdock -> #debian-offtopic ; Debian 8 Jessie released! /msg dpkg jessie ; /msg dpkg wheezy->jessie ; /msg dpkg install jessie | current point releases: /msg dpkg 8.2; /msg dpkg 7.9 | NO FLOOD: /msg dpkg paste | /msg bots NOT people | offtopic: #debian-offtopic | testing/unstable: #debian-next ( | chanlogs: /msg dpkg irclog
13:22.00FirePowiThat's the "topic" ;-)
13:22.16Deep6well...... it doe say debIAN
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13:30.19xxaviwhy don't remove these packages ?:
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13:30.59testpil0txxavi, they are not installed
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13:31.34xxavitestpil0t: then, why dpkg-query show it ?
13:31.47testpil0tthey'd be prefixed with ii
13:31.49testpil0tif installed
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13:32.12testpil0trc means
13:32.17testpil0tremoved but config files are present
13:32.31xxavitestpil0t: ohhhh, ok, thanks
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13:33.26Aebianmy debian never connects to my WiFi when I remome my cat7 cable, why?
13:35.13testpil0tremome -> remove?
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13:39.00gr8how do I restart pulseaudio with systemd?
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13:40.31gr8why don't we simply use alsa btw? Pulse seems to be overkill for most scenarios
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13:43.11dvsI don't use pulseaudio
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13:47.09Shadow_7I use pulse over jackd... but I have autospawn=no so I can stop using pulse at any time
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13:47.18eclectichedgehoggr8: overkill is the way these days
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13:48.23gr8I mean why is it the default? Also it seems you can't restart pulseaudio with systemd because it is somehow running on its own -,- awesome design
13:48.45naduis there a meta packages that automatically installs all linux-headers for all kernels installed on the system?
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13:48.53Shadow_7by design pulse audio auto restarts if autospawn = yes (default)
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13:50.27Shadow_7nadu: like apt-get install linux-headers-*
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13:51.30naduShadow_7: I'm looking for a packages that installs new headers after a kernel update
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13:51.59Shadow_7nadu: assuming the headers changed.  it's a package, if it's installed and changed it'll update
13:52.00naduor whatever which other mechanism exists on debian :)
13:52.01*** join/#debian Tom01 (~tom@
13:52.14Shadow_7at least on stable since the version doesn't really change
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13:52.54naduah ok. so the new headers package will install as well after an update? fine. thanks!
13:53.32paul_grozavany idea how I can set cgrulesengd to start at boot ?
13:53.34wewladhello everyone again.
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13:54.02testpil0they wewlad
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13:54.15wewladyesterday (or actually today in the night) the problem investigation led to conclusion that wifi hardware works on my netbook
13:54.25wewladbut doesn't work with my current debian install
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13:54.33wewladbut works with debian livecd
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13:54.39paul_grozavis cgrulesengd even stable in debian ?
13:54.43wewladso debian can work with my wifi
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13:54.46dvswewlad: and the new firmware didn't work?
13:54.52wewladyeah, it didn't
13:55.20wewladso I guess to make things work again I need to downgrade something, at least kernel
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13:55.36wewlad8.2.0's kernel is 3.16, while my current kernel is >4
13:55.58Shadow_7wewlad: or upgrade the firmware
13:56.10wewladShadow_7: I believe I tried that yesterday
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13:56.24sarvuciao a tutti
13:56.28dpkgsarvu: È possibile scaricare un sacco di software libero puntando il tuo browser a !
13:56.33Shadow_7wewlad: git clone  git:// linux-firmware
13:56.33*** join/#debian MaxPower9 (~MaxPower9@2602:306:bd0d:8aa0::16)
13:56.44xandsarvu: get lost
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13:57.08naduhow can I automatically trigger rebuilding custom modules after a kernel update?
13:57.26freezersarvu, type join #warez,0
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13:57.52Filystyni want to ad user to grupe and
13:57.55Filystynthis is nto working
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13:58.07wewladShadow_7: do I need to compile stuff?
13:58.16taylando the regulars here intersect with the debian-devel and debian-project MLs?
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13:58.29nadutestpil0t: thanks!
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13:58.44Shadow_7wewlad: it's firmware ... lot's of .fw files... you will need to manually move / copy the one(s) you need.  /lib/firmware/...
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13:58.51dvsFilystyn: adduser <user> <group>
13:58.59wewladShadow_7: no git installed, apt-get install git?
13:59.03Filystyndid the jopb
13:59.05Filystynthx anyway
13:59.19Shadow_7wewlad: pretty much
13:59.35wewladwait, wha
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13:59.44wewladI forgot that internet was not working
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13:59.54wewladand apt-get succeeded
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14:00.11wewladI got internetz!!!
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14:00.23wewladover wifi!
14:00.50Shadow_7wewlad: when the guys in the van across the street aren't jamming you
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14:00.56wewladbut how does it know which AP to use? afaik I removed the notes about the old one
14:01.08dvswewlad: Did you reboot after installing the firmware?
14:01.13wewladdvs: once
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14:01.33wewladI didn't check the internet connection after that, instead I tried all that iwlist stuff
14:01.39wewladand it was still hard locked
14:02.08BlenderProhi all
14:02.27wewladiwlist wlan0 scanning now works!
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14:02.42wewladbut yesterday I failed to up the interface
14:02.52Shadow_7wewlad: sometimes you have to do things twice with wifi... first attempt powers it on I guess
14:02.54wewladit was saying that RF-kill doesn't let me up it
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14:04.07wewladthen I googled this topic and all I did was executed those modprobe commands
14:04.14wewladbut it still was not working
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14:04.42wewladI was even going to try the pcie_aspm=force, because dmesg log says it's off
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14:09.01wewlad'NetworkManager' does nothing
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14:09.08wewladI guess it's not compatible with xfce
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14:09.21Shadow_7wewlad: default behavior is that if it's in /etc/network/interfaces, then it's ignored
14:09.24wewladshould I install back the deinstalled wicd?
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14:09.54testpil0twewlad, isnt wicd discontinued?
14:09.54wewladShadow_7: I haven't touched that file
14:10.05wewladtestpil0t: at least it opens
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14:14.02wewladyay, wicd now works
14:14.16wewladuninstalling network-manager as non-working stuff
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14:17.49wewladson of a... internet stopped working after I removed n-m
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14:18.34Filystyni have succesfully installed a printer
14:18.37Filystynprinted a page
14:18.40Filystynon my Debian
14:18.45eclectichedgehogFilystyn: good
14:19.06wewladFilystyn: that's impossible
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14:19.30eclectichedgehogI just buy a network enabled printer, saves using a cups server.
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14:19.37dvswewlad: I think you need wicd-client
14:19.44wewladdvs I have it
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14:19.52Filystyni have my aficio SP 4100 N for free
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14:19.58wewladit worked, i was connected already
14:20.00Filystynso i think it's ok to have cups
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14:20.14wewladremoved n-m and ta-dam, my netbook forgot my network's password
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14:20.19Filystynfree printer so problems might occure
14:20.22Filystynim so happy
14:20.25eclectichedgehogwewlad: there is a wicd-curses client for terminal use too
14:20.44wewladeclectichedgehog: I'm not a fan of terminal for everything
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14:21.04wewladI use terminal when CLI way is easier and faster than GUI way
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14:24.02wewladthanks everyone who helped, especially Shadow_7 and mtn
14:24.08wewladwell, and jelly
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14:47.26LjL-Alpswhy is iceweasel part of gnome-core? i wasn't aware of it being a GNOME application...
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14:50.34dontknowLjL-Alps, if you want minimal install go with "gnome-shell" package
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14:51.15LjL-Alpsi don't want minimal, i want GNOME. but real GNOME, not things that aren't part of GNOME. GNOME has its own browser, Epiphany, which does actually *not* get installed, somehow
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14:51.53LjL-Alpswhen i installed Debian, i picked the "GNOME" option instead of the "Debian desktop" option thinking i'd get actual GNOME
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14:53.37jhutchinsLjL-Alps: Gosh, what a terrible burden!
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14:53.47Pegasus_RPGHello. Is it possible to install a package when running from a live USB/CD image?
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14:54.12dontknowPegasus_RPG, i think so
14:54.47LjL-Alpsjhutchins, yes, it's a burden to only install "minimal" packages without the ability of being sure that, as i keep my distro up to date, newer packages that are meant to be part of GNOME will automatically get installed.
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14:55.19LjL-Alpsand it's also a burden to install programs that i have no reason to have installed, like Iceweasel, which without annoying configuration tend to steal web links from other programs
14:55.43Pegasus_RPGdontknow: how does that work? installing into RAM disk?
14:56.02LjL-Alpsand it's also upsetting when a distribution that is known for shipping things like upstream intended seemingly decides that GNOME's browser is something else than GNOME's browser
14:56.02dontknowPegasus_RPG, yes everything on ram i believe
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14:57.02jhutchinsPegasus_RPG: Essentially.  The installation will not survive a reboot.
14:58.24jhutchinsLjL-Alps: I think you should boycott Debian in protest.
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14:58.41dontknowLjL-Alps, there must be reasons for that
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14:59.23Pegasus_RPGjhutchins: of course. I'm just guiding a Mixxx user through testing on true Debian. (We are seeing another problem with the Intel i915 graphics driver bailing out on an ASSERT on Ubuntu and Mint which are both based on Debian.)
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14:59.54LjL-Alpsdontknow, well, i'd like to know them, but i guess it's easier to be sarcastic about my concerns instead. when i google "iceweasel gnome-core", there is a bug report, to which someone replies that Iceweasel is just part of the "GNOME experience" and one should take it up with the GNOME developers themselves, as if it's not a Debian issue... except that Iceweasel doesn't even exist outside of Debian, and given GNOME has its own Epiphany browser, i somehow
14:59.54LjL-Alpsdoubt they consider Iceweasel part of GNOME
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15:00.49jhutchinsLjL-Alps: Iceweasel is Firefox, which is not part of Debian.
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15:01.16tme5i found why epiphany was not the default
15:01.24LjL-Alpsi know
15:01.34tme5apparently it was for security reasons
15:01.35juddBug in gnome-core (open): «gnome-core: epiphany should be the default browser again»; severity: wishlist; opened: 2014-12-11; last modified: 2014-12-11.
15:01.50LjL-Alpstme5, i can understand Epiphany not being "the default" because Iceweasel is more full-featured... what i don't understand is Iceweasel being an actual dependency of gnome-core's
15:02.03LjL-Alpstme5, it doesn't technically need to be a gnome-core dependency to be the default
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15:05.03dontknowLjL-Alps, there is 3 layer of installation. 1) default debian gnome desktop, 2) gnome-core 3) gnome-shell. i think it is fair enough
15:05.07jhutchinsPegasus_RPG: One of the core differences between Debian and Debian-derived distros is that they usually have distinctly different kernel suites.  Ubuntu is really very much it's own distribution these days.
15:05.26LjL-Alpsdontknow, "gnome-shell" isn't really a layer of installation of GNOME, that's just one program
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15:05.44LjL-Alpsand no matter how you turn it, Iceweasel is not part of GNOME at all
15:06.05LjL-Alpsit can be installed as part of the Debian Desktop task or whatnot
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15:06.41LjL-Alpsor gnome (ideally not gnome-core) could depend on gnome-www-browser instead of directly on one browser
15:06.43LjL-Alpsthat's a virtual package
15:07.02LjL-Alpsthat would still allow for iceweasel to be the one that gets pulled in by default
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15:07.08LjL-Alpsand at the same time, to be able to remove it without removing gnome-core
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15:08.33tme5why not open a ticket on the package, and suggest these things
15:08.42jhutchinsLjL-Alps: If you really want to persue this, you should do so on one of the mailing lists.  You're really not going to reach anybody through this channel; this is supposed to be for technical support, not policy discussions.
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15:09.17LjL-Alpstme5, well, as i mentioned, tickets were already opened, and dismissed with reasonings such as that it's the "GNOME experience" and what the GNOME developers want, which is simply incorrect
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15:25.05Pegasus_RPGjhutchins: Oh I didn't realize that. I figured most packages were just copies of Debian's.
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15:28.02vlmxsanybody here? some question I haz
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15:28.11dpkgIf you have a question, just ask! For example: "I have a problem with ___; I'm running Debian version ___. When I try to do ___ I get the following output ___. I expected it to do ___." Don't ask if you can ask, if anyone uses it, or pick one person to ask. We're all volunteers; make it easy for us to help you. If you don't get an answer try a few hours later or on See <smart questions><errors>.
15:28.11Pegasus_RPGvlmxs: sure, just ask
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15:28.22vlmxsok, thank you!
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15:29.43vlmxsI remember older irc days, with mIRC client in Win 95, you could /whois somebody... Now I got a bit older, and was thinking, that after I do so - anyone could see that I run Raspbian on Raspberry pi. Does it make for somebody possible to SSH into my IPand use defdault login/pass?
15:29.56greycat/whois will not show your OS
15:30.10greycatBut /ctcp version might.  That's up to your IRC client.
15:30.13LjL-Alpsvlmxs, why could they see that?
15:30.31greycatNothing in IRC will reveal your password.
15:30.32LjL-Alpsyes you can change the VERSION reply in most clients, but that has nothing to do with WHOIS
15:30.56LjL-Alpswell, if vlmxs has a "default" login/pass...
15:31.08LjL-Alpsi'm sure that seems like a good idea
15:31.09vlmxsok, they do not see this
15:31.12LjL-Alpsuser: default, pass: default
15:31.16vlmxsbut one can assume this
15:31.19greycatIf you have a guessable password, *change it*.
15:31.38reiffertto "password".
15:31.39LjL-Alpsassume what and how
15:31.48vlmxswell, I was thinking if it was that easy as I imagined this? I have never tried this, andIjust play with Raspbian
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15:32.09greycatAre you saying that this "Raspbian" thing sets up an account with a known password?
15:32.17LjL-Alpsvlmxs, i can guess that you might be using a Pi because your username is "pi" and your realname is "pi". surely you can change that.
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15:32.52vlmxsOk, @LjL-Alps for you knowing this - is it possible to use SSH and login into my raspberry? Is it that easy?
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15:33.10vlmxsI am actually behind a wifi router here
15:33.28LjL-Alpsvlmxs, that depends on whether you are behind a firewall, whether you are running SSH, and whether your password is too easy
15:33.28Shadow_7vlmxs: raspbian by default has the pi user with password raspberry
15:33.29greycatThe person doing so would have to know your login account name and password, *and* you would have to be running a publically reachable sshd.
15:33.45Shadow_7unless you debootstrap install raspbian, then you get to choose your first user
15:33.48LjL-Alpsvlmxs, if you don't change the default password, you are asking to be hacked
15:33.57vlmxspass - default, SSH - on by default on raspbian, firewall - do not know
15:33.59LjL-Alpsbut that has nothing to do with IRC
15:34.06vlmxsI know
15:34.14vlmxsI was not asking about IRC
15:34.21dpkgRaspbian is a distribution <based on Debian> made specifically for the <Raspberry Pi>.  Raspbian is not Debian and it is not supported in #debian.  Please use #raspbian on for support.
15:34.31vlmxsI was asking about the principle
15:34.36LjL-Alpsvlmxs, well, you can go to any postscan site on the web and ask for it to test your IP's SSH port and see if it's open
15:34.50vlmxsYou go into IRC - someone looks you up, thantries to track youdown and hack ;)
15:35.09greycatFor what it's worth, vlmxs's port 22 is not responding to me.
15:35.11LjL-Alpsvlmxs, yes, maybe, but you should NOT assume that just because you do NOT go on IRC, someone won't do the same
15:35.12LjL-Alpspeople scan IPs
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15:35.22vlmxsSSH is open by default onraspberry but donot know about router
15:35.42vlmxs@LjL-Alps thank you, I know I know
15:35.46greycatIn any case, Raspbian is off topic in #debian.  Go to #raspbian.
15:35.48LjL-Alpsthe thing that you should do *right now* is change the default password.
15:35.54Shadow_7if you debootstrap install raspbian a lot of that stuff isn't on be default
15:35.58vlmxsI am newto Debian andplaying with it kind of  a hobby
15:36.12Shadow_7but nfs is in the kernel not a module... so annoying that raspbain
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15:36.42vlmxs@greycat no one at raspbian answers me
15:36.55greycatThat's not our fault.
15:37.10vlmxs@greycat :D good ol pal from IRC :D
15:37.30vlmxsI remember that tone :D
15:37.36vlmxsand I respect that
15:38.01*** mode/#debian [+l 1701] by debhelper
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15:38.19Shadow_7You can debootstrap install debian armel from raspbian for the B... or armhf for the 2
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15:39.42vlmxsok guys, let me ask you another question. I am onDebian Jessie. Have installed it onto Raspberry Pi tplay with it. My machineis connectedvia lan to a router. I have installed irssi client for irc. I am on irc server asking some questions. Someonemakes a /whois on me andknows my IP and would guess thatI am on Debianwith default pass and username. And now the question - do you think it is possible to login to
15:39.48vlmxsmy machine via SSH (with SSH port open) and default credentials (those were not changed) the only trouble is that I am behind the router?
15:40.02dpkgdebootstrap can create a basic Debian system from scratch, without apt/dpkg.  Useful for installing in a <chroot>.  It is key to installing Debian GNU/Linux from a Unix/Linux system, ask me about <install guide>.
15:40.15greycatHow fucking STUPID do you think we are?
15:40.17_ezhikYou guys heard the news about Ian?
15:40.42dvs_ezhik: #debian-offtopic
15:40.45greycat2) GO TO #RASPBIAN.
15:41.23vlmxs@greycat it is not an answer. I know about the changing the default password. The question wasif one can get tomevia a router?
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15:41.37m1ntyyou are now logged in as pi
15:41.46m1ntyhax the internets
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15:43.16iresfhi again everyone
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15:44.00Shadow_7vlmxs: probably why they didn't put gigabit ethernet on the newest model
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15:44.19iresfi confused to install manually JDK on debian because i have to install JDK correct  anyone here to hlep me ?
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15:44.41Shadow_7iresf: which jdk?  oracles?
15:44.47greycatIf you install it manually, just make symlinks to the binaries from /usr/local/bin/
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15:45.17iresfShadow_7 : jdk-8u66-linux-x64
15:45.43Shadow_7,v java-package
15:45.44juddPackage: java-package on amd64 -- wheezy/contrib: 0.50+nmu2; wheezy-backports/contrib: 0.53~bpo70+1; jessie/contrib: 0.56; stretch/contrib: 0.60; sid/contrib: 0.60
15:46.03Shadow_7one way to bundle oracles java to .deb packaging.  not sure if it works for the jdk
15:46.18*** join/#debian edog (
15:46.19greycatOh, if you're not installing manually then never mind.
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15:47.22iresfgreycat : i can install it then i set JAVA_HOME   but selendroid said java_home did not set
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15:48.24greycatYou should never have to set those stupid JAVA* variables.
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15:48.31greycatJust symlink it to a place that's in your PATH.
15:48.43greycatOr if you are using a .deb you shouldn't even have to mess with symlinks.
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15:50.38iresfi have another problem
15:50.46vlmxsthank you guys. Happy New Year! :)
15:50.55*** part/#debian protocol (
15:51.06vlmxsI know my questions were lame, but stil you helped me ;) Wish you patience in the new 2016!
15:51.48iresfafter installing debian and then installing whole Mate desktop  , then font of desktop is very very bad and ugly   i have installed ARIAL but it can not solve my problem
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15:52.11greycatDid you install the msttcorefonts package?
15:52.41iresfgreycat : yes
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15:52.51greycatOh sorry, it's ttf-mscorefonts-installer now.
15:53.12greycatAnyway, if you installed ttf-mscorefonts-installer and logged out and back in, then I don't know what else you need.  I don't know mate.
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15:53.49Shadow_7fontconfig probs... and mkfontscale / mkfontdir where it got put... if the packaging system didn't handle that
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15:54.16Shadow_7and fc-cache -f -v
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15:55.39vlmxsmaybe another question, not about hacking or raspbian
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15:55.53vlmxswhat is the practical use of Debian?
15:55.57vlmxsExcept for work?
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15:56.12morfvlmxs: it's universal operating system, so ...
15:56.17vlmxsE.g. I need something like, spotify, World of Tanks
15:56.37morfvlmxs: yeah sure why not
15:56.46Shadow_7debian, because binary packaging is 1/3rd or less the size of sources on the download
15:56.47vlmxsvia a virtual machine?
15:56.52*** join/#debian asterismo_m (
15:56.59morfi don't think games will run good in virtual
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15:57.02vlmxsso I need a programme thatwill run WOT?
15:57.03morfbut otherwise yes
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15:57.40vlmxsis it possible toplay tanks on Debian?
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15:58.02vlmxscanitutilize all the graphical and processing power to run it in a good quality?
15:58.14vlmxsor can I install steam so I can play all kinds of games?
15:58.32vlmxsor Ubuntu would be better in that regard?
15:58.45vlmxsbut worse in terms of security?
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16:01.18vlmxsTe kads latviski saprot?
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16:01.47dontknowvlmxs, debian stable is great desktop
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16:02.22dontknowno headache once set up
16:02.46vlmxsthank you!
16:03.01ewewvlmxs ?
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16:03.23vlmxsmy space button sometimes does not work, so no spaces between words
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16:04.25ewewvlmxs Why did you highlite me ?
16:05.21vlmxsI do not know how to highlite
16:05.37vlmxsin case I write your name it is highlited? How does it work in DEBIAN? :D
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16:06.11iflemaenable non-free and add i386 arch then install steam
16:06.18ewewvlmxs Im not allowed to help you. because ops do not want me.
16:06.48vlmxsiflema, what is"non-free" ?
16:06.48*** join/#debian Vlad__ (
16:06.59dpkg[non-free] a component which contains software that does not comply with the <DFSG>.  To add non-free packages to your packages index, ask me about <non-free sources>.  To see which non-free packages are installed ask me about <non-free list>.  For the non-free tracking system, see
16:07.40vlmxsiflema, so if I got You right,someone is already playing steam on Debian and they did a non-free pkg and it is available for use?
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16:08.23dontknowdon't lose debian purity by adding non-free
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16:08.44iflemavlmxs: see dontknow
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16:09.44iflemathe bot should say say that at the end
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16:10.58vlmxswell, how can I preserve debian purity if I need it as a regular PC or Mac? Not just for work/dev?
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16:12.18vlmxscan you suggest some online courses for Debian beginners? WHo was that dude who lived in poverty but thanks toDebian he became a developer andhe is now running a bigcompany that was initially a startup?
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16:12.27vlmxsI guess how did he use that...
16:13.42dontknowvlmxs, by not adding non-free repos in /etc/apt/sources.list
16:14.19vlmxswhy it isso important to preserve purityofdebian?
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16:14.32vlmxsso it is safe and no hack possible?
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16:15.57dontknowand listen a couple of stallman speech
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16:16.26iflemabest practice... best if the base is "correct" that way you can say come get it and not have to worry too much anout shit fight
16:16.35heapall0cRIP Ian Murdock
16:17.59vlmxsdontknow so GNU is not the same as Debian?
16:18.01*** mode/#debian [+l 1703] by debhelper
16:18.20dontknowvlmxs, debian is gnu/linux
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16:18.44dontknowvlmxs, it consists of gnu software and linux kernel
16:18.58greycatAnd other software as well, but GNU is a huge part.
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16:19.28vlmxsthank you! I have to still learn a lot
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16:23.30iflema/biffer 3
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16:24.29Devastatorthis is latest stable, right?
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16:24.46dontknowDevastator, right
16:25.25SpotifySomeone needed me
16:25.30SpotifyWho? :3
16:26.08freezermy cat
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16:35.06CihanKaygusuzRIP Ian Murdock :(
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16:35.17CihanKaygusuzI'm so sorry who ever use Debian
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16:36.53protocolSad, sad stuff...
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16:44.18skokkkhello. I'm having problems with iptables:
16:44.23skokkklibkmod: ERROR ../libkmod/libkmod.c:505 kmod_lookup_alias_from_builtin_file: could not open builtin file '/lib/modules/2.6.32-042stab112.15/modules.builtin.bin'
16:44.23skokkkFATAL: Module ip_tables not found.
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16:45.05greycatThat doesn't sound like a Debian kernel version.
16:45.29jordanmit's an openvz kernel
16:45.41skokkkjordanm, openvz?
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16:45.50dpkgderivatives is probably <Knoppix>, <Ubuntu>, <Libranet>, <Corel>/<Xandros>, <Stormix>, <Progeny>, <Linspire>, <DamnSmallLinux>, <Kurumin>, <Agnula>, <Xebian> and many others, or see, or ask me about <dfd>, <cdd>
16:46.32jordanmskokkk: openvz is container software, still popular for cheap hosted VPS systems
16:46.59greycatYeah, my VPS is the same way.
16:47.08greycatgreg@remote:~$ /sbin/modinfo ip_tables
16:47.08greycatlibkmod: ERROR ../libkmod/libkmod.c:505 kmod_lookup_alias_from_builtin_file: could not open builtin file '/lib/modules/2.6.32-042stab090.5/modules.builtin.bin'
16:47.10jordanmskokkk: your system is not a VM, so some kernel features will not be available to you. only your userspace is debian
16:47.11greycatERROR: Module ip_tables not found.
16:47.12skokkkjordanm, so how would I fix that?
16:47.47*** join/#debian Viper168 (~Viper@unaffiliated/viper168)
16:47.47jordanmskokkk: buy a different VPS
16:48.09skokkkfrom a different host, or just a different OS?
16:48.31greycatIf the hosting company has other options, you can pursue one of those options.
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16:50.11Ditakbuy a kvm vps
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16:50.46jordanmor xen, doesn't really matter as long as it's not a container
16:51.20protocolhave any details been released per Ian's death?
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16:52.15greycatNot necessarily saying that's the best company to choose, but that's the first explanation page I found.
16:52.38jordanmhaven't clicked the article, but "vs cloud' is a bit weird since AWS ec2 instances are xen AFAIK
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16:53.20greycatI don't know what they mean by cloud.
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16:53.54greycatIt appears to be one their own offerings, not Amazon or Google.
16:54.06jordanm"And in our opinion the term "cloud" that applies to VPS hosting is no different then a VPS that has failover, redundancy or backup"
16:54.35*** join/#debian Andy80 (~andy80@ubuntu/member/andy80)
16:54.36jordanmso they don't actually understand what cloud providers offer and what the benefits are
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16:55.00jordanmI guess in the context of this acticle, comparing the compute layer of cloud services this is true though
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17:08.44macslayerOne Java repo and a Javascript one... I thought he was a hardcore hacker!
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17:12.44klysmacslayer, seems he added debian patches to some new projects
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17:15.16choc0does debian lock out non-root users when your hd space fills up
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17:15.47greycatNot as a matter of policy, no... but maybe some desktop environments crash and burn?
17:15.47markybobchoc0, yes. 5% is reserved for root only
17:16.07greycatmarkybob: I interpreted "lock out" as "can't login" not "can't write data"
17:16.43choc0i can't get past the lightdm login screen except with root
17:16.56markybobchoc0, that's expected. it needs to write temp data
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17:17.03greycatWell, if you suspect disk full is causing it, free some space.
17:17.06choc0i will delete some stuff
17:17.10choc0just wondering
17:17.25greycatonce again congratulates himself on not using a desktop environment thingy
17:17.50SynrGSave the environment
17:18.01*** mode/#debian [+l 1712] by debhelper
17:18.19greycatI'm pretty sure regular console logins work just fine in the absence of writable disk sectors.
17:18.56BlenderProhi greycat !
17:19.25BlenderProyou must be pro wow
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17:20.51BlenderProgreycat: by the way I linked /tmp to a separate usb drive but performance was the same so I removed the fstab line to use it from 1 drive
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17:21.20greycatActual writes to /tmp should not be extremely common.
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17:21.28BlenderProwhat was the best site again where they did modifications to debian to resude io requests?
17:21.40greycatUsually you create a tempfile there, and it's gone within milliseconds, so there's no need to actually write it to the hardware.
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17:29.14BlenderProgreycat: I still don't know what cause the lag when I close an audio file in audacity it gets stuck, it does uncompressing and encoding faster
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17:34.16choc0is there a reason for mate-menu to still be in unstable
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17:34.54choc0the linux mint debian edition's mint-menu is the same thing, and is fully tested for their main release
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17:42.51mztubbz_greycat: hello
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17:46.02iresfhi hi
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17:46.45iresfdebian is the best distro in the world i am joining
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17:46.52iresfis the best is the best
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17:48.45macslayerI agree! Any particular reason why?
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17:50.26iresfmacslayer : i have used ubuntu  and windows and mackintash and most os but debian is very easy and very very fast  and compatible with everything
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17:52.09boodieHi (debian jessie) I am trying to connect to a SAMSUNG phone using "wammu". When I ask "dmesg | less" it seems to put the phone in /dev/ttyACM1 - when the program tries to connect, it says that I don't have permissions to access /dev/ttyACM1 and I might have to be a member of the group "dialout", but there doesn't seem to be such a group ... any hints?
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17:52.16greycatBlenderPro: if you haven't figured it out yet, look at tools like strace to find out what is happening.
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17:53.30dvsboodie: Of course there's a dialout group
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17:54.10greycatBlenderPro: Or, see what kind of files audacity maintains.  Maybe it has some giant database file that it writes to every time you do something.
17:54.16greycatI don't know that application.
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17:55.05boodieso, in principle, "adduser boodie dialout" (as root) ...
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17:55.22RedFox1010why is the website logo black?
17:55.26RedFox1010it was green, no?
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17:56.00greycatIt's not black for me.
17:56.13greycatOh.  Now it is, after ctrl-R.
17:56.46RedFox1010and a black line on the left top logo
17:56.49greycatI would assume it's in honor of Ian Murdock, but it's not clickable so who knows.
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17:57.11markybobchoc0, please go to #debian-offtopic
17:57.23choc0he asked why it was black
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17:57.35markybobmy bad
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17:57.41RedFox1010oh, he left the world yesterday?
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17:57.54dvsRedFox1010: #debian-offtopic
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17:58.34RedFox1010ok then, sorry to read that.  i wish you a new year, and good bye :)
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18:11.18Fatarwhere can I get the list of debian's ftp servers§
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18:11.28dpkgDebian mirror sites are listed at and and ; ask me about <apt-spy>, <netselect-apt>, <>, <debian mirror checker>.  To make a mirror, see ; see also <debmirror>, <apt-mirror>, <ftpsync>, <mirror size>.  #debian-mirrors on
18:11.44FatarThanks a ton
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18:14.35iresfanyone use android-studio on debian ?
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18:15.43dvsiresf: ask your real question
18:16.30iresfandroid-studio does not work correctly on debian i asked in android-dev but they told me this issue related to debian
18:17.05greycatIs it a package?  Judd doesn't know it.
18:18.01*** mode/#debian [+l 1699] by debhelper
18:18.39iresfgreycat : gradle does not finish
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18:19.10greycatI'm going to take that as a "Nobody knows whether it's packaged or not, and you aren't willing to tell us."
18:19.14iresfgreycat : i mean gradle's work does not finish after click on gradle button
18:20.07greycatNo match on packages.d.o either.
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18:21.02greycatSo, let's assume it is unpacakged, and you got it from a web site or whatever.  What did the people who maintain it SAY was the reason they blame Debian for the issue?
18:21.15*** part/#debian azgil (~yueyrue@
18:21.24greycatIs it some missing kernel feature, or what?
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18:22.59iresfgreycat :  i dont know
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18:27.16iresfgreycat : my android-studio files i think do not have permission to run this
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18:27.54greycatI know absolutely nothing about it.  That was a page I found by googling "debian android studio gradle finish", and that all came from your description.
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18:30.23pewpausudo kill -9 murdock
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18:35.40iresfpewpau : what is that : "sudo kill -9 murdock"
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18:35.55greycatA twisted joke.
18:36.21zykotick9greycat: and not a funny one, IMO
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18:36.30greycatBest to ignore it and move on.
18:37.12pewpauI feel really bad now, it's not a fun matter.
18:37.22pewpaubut couldn't resist
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18:37.50Shadow_7plus missed op for -5 -0
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18:42.08pewpauThose must have been some really bad cops. On the other hand, USA is more like the third world not least when it comes to the police.
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18:42.28greycatPlease take discussion of Ian Murdock to #debian-offtopic.  Thank you.
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18:44.14vlmxshey there
18:44.56vlmxsfor example, Ihave installed "irssi" irc client, but then I forgot how to startit (command) how can I list all possible commands in debian?
18:45.24vlmxsor I press "ir" and then "Tab" totoggle possible commands like in COunter Strike 1.6 console?
18:45.43stewvlmxs: ls /usr/bin ; but you probably want something like "dpkg -L irssi | grep bin"
18:45.53Aebianthats the command you type in in the terminal
18:46.05Aebianthen you "start" irssi
18:46.07vlmxsyes, Iforgot command "irssi"and want to list all possible commands
18:46.23vlmxsAebian i know know
18:46.26*** part/#debian hansenerd (
18:46.27vlmxsok, will try now
18:46.30dvsvlmxs: all possible command in irssi?
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18:46.55vlmxsno in command line
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18:47.02greycatCommands *within* irssi?  You can press / then tab, and keep pressing tab.
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18:47.32Aebianor type /help in irssi
18:47.35vlmxsIn debian
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18:47.39vlmxsI installed irsi
18:47.50vlmxsbut tomorrow I will forget the command to run it in debian
18:47.53vlmxsHow to rememberit?
18:48.05petemcif you remember the name, you're good to go
18:48.11dvsvlmxs: From the command line, type ir<tab><tab> and see what comes up.
18:48.17SynrGAlso when learning, take notes
18:48.26Shadow_7vlmxs: man irssi... irssi -n Bubba -c
18:48.30SynrGThat goes for everything, not just Debian
18:48.50vlmxsthank you!
18:48.58Aebianin debian you just type "irssi" to start it. Whats so hard to remember the tool you just installed? ^^
18:49.07vlmxshow to take notes ifIhaveone terminal window andthere areno multiplewindowstorun notepad?
18:49.27dvsvlmxs: install a window manager
18:49.41vlmxswindow manager is forpussies
18:49.43SynrGOr use screen. Or tmux
18:49.44dvsor desktop environment
18:49.45Shadow_7vlmxs: have a 2nd machine
18:49.54dvsShadow_7: heh
18:50.01SynrGOr pencil and paper ...
18:50.01greycatI always run irssi inside screen.
18:50.06vlmxsis there something like Alt + 1orCtrl + 1to havemultiple terminals?
18:50.27dvsvlmxs: screen
18:50.31dvsor tmux
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18:50.38vlmxswill try tmux
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18:50.52Aebiangreycat: I run it in tmux hehe :D
18:50.56dvsgoes back to his window manager.
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18:51.20klysmostly curious if debian had compensated for any of that person's responsibility/projects.  if someone quit doing ftp updates, for example, better find someone i want to ask, has debian found someone else or are there stale projects left for dead
18:51.26*** part/#debian phale (~synt@unaffiliated/phale)
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18:51.44vlmxsdo you know if tmux will work via SSH?
18:51.53vlmxsif I connect to themachine remotely?
18:52.05petemcthats its primary usage case
18:52.30vlmxssudo apt-get tmux?
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18:52.38vlmxssudo apt-get install tmux?
18:52.41klysyes i am using tmux/irssi
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18:52.43Aebianvlmxs: it will work and yes the 2ns
18:52.50vlmxsthank you!
18:52.53vlmxsDebian isawesome!
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18:53.30AebianI have irssi on a remote server so I don't need a bouncer. Running irssi via tmux completly fine
18:54.10jhutchinsvlmxs: You have the history command, and grep, and Ctrl-R to find previous commands.
18:54.10AvatarAcopy/paste since I'm too lazy to reformulate: so I'm using a shortcut key to open lxterminal in LXDE but if I background the first window I open and then use the shortcut key again, the second window will open in the background too. any way to always open in foreground?
18:54.48vlmxsjhutchins: so will allofit work if I switch on machinetomorrow?
18:54.57vlmxswill itremember my commandsfrom today?
18:55.11Shadow_7vlmxs: it archives them when you type exit
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18:55.23vlmxsI just write grep in console?
18:55.35vlmxsNO :(
18:55.38Shadow_7but if you shutdown before exit under systemd, those latest entries never stood a chance
18:55.46AvatarAany way to specify in lxde-rc.xml that I want to always open in foreground? this issue is annoying, I'm thinking it's because lxterminal uses a single process for multiple windows
18:55.59greycatShadow_7: does systemd kill bash with -9 or something?  If it uses regular kill, bash should still save history.
18:56.16greycatIt's still best to close your shell yourself, though.
18:56.22petemci thought histort was written on logout?
18:56.36Shadow_7idk... always having to scroll further and further back for latest shutdown command on my youtube box
18:56.45greycatBash writes history any time it exits, or when you run something like "history -a".
18:56.53*** join/#debian Se-bash (~seba@unaffiliated/se-bash)
18:56.58greycatIf you kill it with -9 (SIGKILL) it never gets to exit.
18:57.09Shadow_7IF i shutdown from an xterm.  probably kill -9 xterm before bash gets the hit
18:57.26greycatYou're guessing.  I hope your guesses are wrong.
18:57.58klysyou know if bash saves history on sigterm?
18:58.01*** mode/#debian [+l 1692] by debhelper
18:58.01Shadow_7true... but behaviour between issueing a shutdown while root in an xterm differs from root on the non-X console
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18:58.36greycatklys: I just tested.  Yes, it does.
18:58.55vlmxsdid you guys already celebrated the new year?
18:59.02klyscool, that might be new behavior
18:59.08greycatI doubt it...
18:59.47petemcusing on mac, history not written if i close terminal without ^d
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19:00.47Aebianis there any log to check why debian is not using any WiFi Connection?
19:00.54klyspetemc, sigchld?
19:01.08jhutchinspetemc: You can also exit/logout.
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19:01.39petemcjhutchins: ^d is same, no?
19:02.11klys^D is 0x1A or EOF
19:02.46greycatErr, ctrl-D, D is the fourth letter, so it's 0x04.
19:02.47petemcit outputs "logout" when i press it here
19:02.56klysi think, could also be 0x04
19:03.02greycatYes, pressing Ctrl-D in Bash or almost any other shell is a synonym for logout or exit.
19:03.46greycatIt is also the EOF trigger when reading from a terminal in canonical mode, as indicated in stty.
19:04.16greycat(But bash does not read commands in canonical mode.  The implemention is similar on purpose, but it's not the same under the hood.)
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19:08.17jeezygiving debian/powerpc a whirl
19:08.24durantpeople still use powerpc
19:08.49jeezyhopefully all goes well, had issues with netbsd/openbsd only supporting 32bit kernel, gentoo's installer is broken and freebsd doesnt detect the k2 sata controller
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19:09.03jeezydurant: i dont care if they do, im using it (with debian)
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19:09.38jeezygarland, tx warehouse had a massive sale on powerpc hardware
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19:10.54durantI live in fort worth
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19:12.10jeezyim from new orleans, but i've been in west louisiana the last couple of months
19:12.20jeezyclose enough to drive to dallas area and be back in the same day
19:12.28piercedwaterbooty call!
19:13.11vlmxsjeezy: what is the application of the PowerPC hardware?
19:13.17durantdallas is way better than Austin or Houston
19:13.26piercedwaterare you high
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19:13.47jeezyvlmxs: powermac7,3 (G5 dual 2.0)
19:14.21jeezyI used to live in Houston for a while back a few years ago
19:14.25jeezyit was "ok"
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19:14.42piercedwaterit's great if you like deodorant
19:15.22jeezyjust enough to take the edge off
19:15.24vlmxsso what do you use that for jeezy ?
19:15.48vlmxsI think there are not so much PowerPC's left out there
19:15.58vlmxssince Apple moved to x86 arch
19:16.18vlmxsis it for the museum?
19:16.19durantARM will beat x86 one day
19:16.48vlmxsQuantum will beat oneday :D
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19:17.45durantYou can crack aes in a few seconds with quantum
19:17.54vlmxsyeah right
19:18.22vlmxsI mean nothing like privacy will ever exist then :D
19:18.46vlmxsI think we would be asked to #debian-offtopic if we continue like we are high :D
19:19.05morfencrypt everything
19:19.16vlmxsEncrypt with what?
19:19.24vlmxsif encryption would not work?
19:19.26morfwith your friends
19:19.36BlenderProgreycat: ! thanks for strace
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19:20.09jeezyvlmxs: i havent been using it at all, trying to resurrect it
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19:20.42jeezyvlmxs: this is why i've chosen debian, everything (hardware) seems to be detect (unlike freebsd) and 64bit kernel support (unlike openbsd/netbsd) and the installer isnt broken (like gentoo)
19:20.59jeezysince ppcmacs are limited to OS X 10.5, no reason to run it anymore
19:21.10jeezyeverything i have now is on 10.6~10.10
19:21.18vlmxsjeezy: thanks
19:21.20Shadow_7durant: mips will beat arm oneday
19:21.36durantmips is faster than a 8080
19:21.53jeezyvlmxs: you're welcome
19:21.56jeezyLinux G5 3.16.0-4-powerpc64 #1 SMP Debian 3.16.7-ckt20-1+deb8u1 (2015-12-14) ppc64 GNU/Linux
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19:22.46dvsThere are still some PowerPCs running?
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19:23.18jeezyim running one right now
19:23.43jeezyi just pasted my uname output
19:24.03jeezythis system is up and running, i need to compile a kernel though for some other things i have (MPT SAS card)
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19:24.21jeezyuse this 16gb ssd for ccache_dir
19:24.33jeezya few little things to setup, but then it will be a well oiled machine
19:25.12dvsAre you trying to compile a kernel module?
19:25.23Shadow_7I was doing Y2K work on a 386 with win 3.11 in 1999, so I'd imagine a few power pc's still out there
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19:27.22jeezydvs: im going to compile a new kernel altogether
19:27.45jeezytake out what i dont need, add in what i do need
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19:28.18dvsjeezy: Ok. Cool. The kernel-package package helps in this regard.
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19:28.36blubeehey guys i have a question about the linux-images available through the repo
19:28.40vlmxsis it hard tocompile a kernel?
19:28.46blubeehow do I know which one is safe to update a new one?
19:28.46xinguShadow_7: not too many arm based network processors out there ;)
19:28.50vlmxsyou build itfromtheblocks or youhave to programme something?
19:28.51dvsvlmxs: not to me.
19:28.56jeezyi usually use gentoo when using linux, so no big deal
19:29.02jeezycompile netbsd kernel too when using
19:29.15jeezybut i would like to see this kernel-package package dvs is speaking of
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19:29.40dvsblubee: The easiest way to do it would be to install the linux-image-amd64 (or whatever arch you have).
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19:30.26blubeedvs: i am on debian with the 3.16 amd64 currently installed
19:30.31jeezyjust kidding
19:30.50blubeebut i'll see some like ...+bp0 or some strange extensions, I was just trying to figure out what all those mean
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19:31.31Shadow_7the special bi-polar branch designed for women... j/k
19:31.37dvsblubee: That is a kernel that comes from the backports repo which is a safe place to get more up-to-date kernels
19:32.07blubeedvs i see
19:32.21jeezyoh wait, dvs: i can use backports with powerpc?
19:32.25blubeethanks for the additional info
19:32.44dvsjeezy: I can't see why not.  I don't have a PPC to try it on.
19:32.44jeezyi didnt know if it were maintained, or what the situation was
19:32.54jeezydvs: true, ill test it out and let you know
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19:33.37dvsjeezy: They aren't regularly maintained but they are available when "someone feels like making a package"
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19:35.13jeezydvs: understood
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19:35.33jeezymay have to do some compiling on my end for things i cannot find
19:35.48jeezythat's why ive already added this ssd for ccache
19:36.06jeezyand whatever else should be in /var/tmp
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19:37.34jeezydvs: oh the built in wireless card on the g5 (broadcom) seems to need firmware to be operational, ill let you know how that comes along too
19:37.53jeezydvs: backports seem good to go
19:38.00dvsjeezy: You'll need the firmware from backports if you get the kernel
19:38.16jeezyi see the 4.3.0 kernel for ppc64 in backports repo
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19:39.25jeezydvs: giving it a go to see what happens
19:39.49FuraiIs there any way to edit yaffs images?
19:40.12jeezywhat's the reason for this?
19:40.32dvsjeezy: code updates for intel and AMD CPUs.
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19:41.00jeezydvs: ah, ill just ignore it then
19:44.33*** join/#debian Rueda (
19:44.36Ruedamy pc crashed!
19:44.42Ruedafor an sd card
19:44.50Shadow_7Furai: depends on if you want yaffs output.  a2ps might handle them.  If I knew what yaffs were
19:45.06dvslooks at Shadow_7
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19:45.35jeezydvs: tried installing 4.3.0 from backports
19:45.37jeezyLinux G5 4.3.0-0.bpo.1-powerpc64 #1 SMP Debian 4.3.3-2~bpo8+1 (2015-12-23) ppc64 GNU/Linux
19:45.41jeezyboots ok and all
19:45.42Shadow_7readies trout
19:45.58dvsjeezy: Did you get the firmware too?
19:45.59Ruedais there an app to read info of a video file in debian
19:46.13Shadow_7Rueda: avprobe / ffprobe
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19:46.26axc1298anyone know why i can't copy files to debian from a mounted windows hard drive? i did some searching and it said to install the ntfs-3g package, which i already had. i get permission denied whenever i try to copy the files, even though i can access them on the drive itself
19:47.01Shadow_7axc1298: is the / read-only?
19:47.38axc1298Shadow_7: no. i can create files on it
19:48.01*** mode/#debian [+l 1687] by debhelper
19:48.04axc1298could it be that i need usbfs group access? i just read that online and when i typed 'id' i don't see any usb one listed
19:48.21netgodaxc1298: it usually mounts it so only root can access the files; I had to put this in my /etc/fstab
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19:48.31jeezydvs: yes, but it doesnt seem to work with the broadcom wireless nic
19:48.36jeezyi may have to compile a kernel anyways
19:48.41dvsoh broadcom....
19:48.41axc1298netgod: i tried using rsync as root to copy the files and still got permission denied
19:48.45jeezyis finding any excuse to compile a kernel
19:48.52dvsjeezy: What chip?
19:48.55netgodaxc1298: ah, that's a different problem then
19:50.04jeezydvs: let me check
19:50.29jeezydvs: b43
19:50.41jeezydvs: Broadcom 4306
19:50.44jeezyya, i know it lol
19:51.18jeezydvs: nice
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19:52.51jeezygive me a few to get this untangled
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19:53.41dvsbackports too?
19:53.49Shadow_7jeezy: I have a few 4306 type wifi chipsets.  One requires the 4.150... firmware (not what comes with debian)...
19:54.03jeezyShadow_7: will try it
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19:54.47Shadow_7That one is the dell inspiron 1150 that needs the broadcom-wl- firmware
19:55.04Shadow_7The 5.100.138 that comes with debian doesn't work on it
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19:56.21RuedaShadow_7: what happens when you don't install a firmware for a nic I notice it still works
19:56.52jeezyi see here there is a package in apt repo, b43-installer
19:56.58Shadow_7Rueda: for wifi ones they tend to not work at all, or have firmware you're not noticing.
19:57.09Shadow_7For others they just don't work at full spec
19:57.10jeezyit downloads that tar.bz2 that Shadow_7 showed tome
19:57.33Shadow_7jeezy: it does the 5.100.138
19:57.44jeezyShadow_7: yes
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19:58.14Shadow_7jeezy: via b43-fwcutter... but 4.150.... is the one that works with my particular hardware.
19:58.30Shadow_7and b43-fwcutter needs the --unsupported flag
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19:58.41RuedaShadow_7: debian was asking me to install firmware during installation I think I never did it until recently it was easy
19:58.50RuedaShadow_7: but I haven't notice anything special
19:59.04jeezyShadow_7: ah, thanks for this info
19:59.11Sauloaway: HAPPY NEW YEAR! [Log: pvt on - canal on]
19:59.36Ruedanew year is not until 12 more hours
19:59.37Ruedais eve
19:59.47jeezyhey Shadow_7
19:59.49jeezyroot@G5:~# ifconfig -a|grep wlan0
19:59.51jeezywlan0     Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr
19:59.51Shadow_7Furai: so by "image" you mean filesystem
19:59.51greycatDepends on where yoiu are.
19:59.56SynrGSaulo: Please turn that thing off.
19:59.58greycatIt's 2016 in some places.
20:00.01jeezyworking well, dvs: it was that package from apt repo
20:00.18Ruedagreycat: wow some places are more advanced?
20:00.43jeezybefore this i was using a wireless AP with cat6 cable from the NIC
20:00.56SynrG!tell Saulo about away
20:01.13greycat$ TZ='Australia/Sydney' date
20:01.13greycatFri Jan  1 07:01:07 AEDT 2016
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20:02.14jeezyshowing local ip as 198.x.x.x; Shadow_7
20:02.18jeezyhehe, we know that isnt correct
20:02.23jeezywill have a few kinks to work out
20:02.24Shadow_7jeezy: if it gets wonky on you, try the other firmwares for that chipset.  I think the dell works (for a short bit) on the 5. firmware.  But needs to be randomly ifconfig wlan0 down && modprobe -r b43 && modprobe b43 && ifconfig wlan0 up .....
20:02.33Shadow_7jeezy: or a reboot does the trick too
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20:02.39Ruedagreycat: I don't care if australia set their clocks soon is still 12 hours to midnight
20:02.40jeezyShadow_7: nice, will try it
20:02.57Shadow_7jeezy: I made a youtube video on my i1150 lappy
20:03.05greycatIt's 9 hours to midnight where I am.  See, the earth is round....
20:03.05jeezylet's see it
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20:04.02RuedaShadow_7: what's the video url
20:04.03Shadow_7jeezy: aka self postit note...  getting old, it's my artificial irl ram...
20:04.43Ruedagreycat: well half the earth gets day time
20:04.52jeezyShadow_7: nice! watching now
20:04.55Shadow_7heh... haven't made a video in 8 months... I should buy some 5 hour energy
20:05.02FuraiShadow_7, yes.
20:05.19FuraiShadow_7, i called it image because of .img extension. Sorry for confusion.
20:05.39jeezyShadow_7: i like this 280bitmap fonts video o nthe right , ill watch it next
20:05.43RuedaShadow_7: I recommend eating maca is good for vitality and libido
20:05.56Shadow_7Furai: so is package unyaffs related to the yaff
20:05.59Ruedais a root from my country
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20:06.25Shadow_7jeezy: there's one after it which has the bash I used to create the fonts.
20:06.47Shadow_7jeezy: well.. convert the fonts... the fonts were created in the 70s / 80s
20:06.52FuraiShadow_7, I've seen this package but I see no way to create yaffs again from it.
20:07.12Shadow_7Furai: dd from the partition?
20:07.52jeezyShadow_7: here is the hardware device im dealing with here
20:07.54jeezy0001:05:01.0 Network controller [0280]: Broadcom Corporation BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Controller [14e4:4320] (rev 03)
20:08.23Shadow_7Furai: I should probably check it out, I run full fledge distros from SDHC cards all the time.  Normally ext2 is the goto because of wear leveling.  Through on a journal and lifespan drops by a lot
20:08.29FuraiShadow_7, unfortunately I have no idea how dd works. Used it once in some tutorial.
20:08.38jeezyill get it eventually though, about to head to grocery store for NYE foods to cook
20:08.40markybob, pciid 106b:004e
20:08.41judd[106b:004e] is 'Unknown device' from 'Apple Inc.' with no known kernel module in jessie or in sid. See also
20:08.56Shadow_7pushes power button on that old dell
20:09.02markybob, pciid 14e4:4320
20:09.03judd[14e4:4320] is 'BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Controller' from 'Broadcom Corporation' with kernel module 'ssb' in jessie. See also
20:09.38jeezymarkybob: nice
20:09.48jeezyi didnt realize there was a bot in here for that
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20:10.14jeezy, pciid 1002:4150
20:10.15judd[1002:4150] is 'RV350 [Radeon 9550/9600/X1050 Series]' from 'Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI]' with kernel modules 'snd-hda-intel', 'radeonfb', 'radeon' in jessie. See also and the out-of-tree 'snd-hda-intel' module.
20:10.33Shadow_7jeezy: same specs... except on 02:02.0 on my lappy
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20:11.26FuraiShadow_7, unyaffs gives me error that it's probably not yaffs2 file format. Great.
20:11.49RuedaShadow_7: Im watching your video
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20:11.51Ruedais cool
20:11.54Shadow_7Furai: it's a byte by byte copy of the partition.
20:12.29Shadow_7I have a 2nd channel on origami.  It had more views than that almost 10yo channel in it's first week
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20:13.28Shadow_7although it's been like 4 years since I uploaded to it.  The old camcorder doesn't like to be pointing at the ground now.
20:13.52FuraiShadow_7, ok, anyway, you're busy and I have no patience right now to learn all of required information to be able to do that. I simply have no idea what I'm doing at the moment.
20:14.13Shadow_7Furai: filesystems normally have a kernel portion
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20:14.44Shadow_7Furai: so probably not for the meek... but if you want to clone a storage device to a  device exactly like it, then dd is a good option
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20:15.31greycatdd_rescue is also good
20:15.44Shadow_7dcfldd is nice too for it's progress output
20:16.15FuraiShadow_7, thanks for help. I don't really want to copy it to physical device. This file is used by android VM.
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20:17.06FuraiChanges I do to the vm in runtime are not saved.
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20:17.18Shadow_7Rueda: all the videos there that weren't directly from the camcorder were edited or created under linux
20:17.49RuedaShadow_7: you used a camcorder to record the screen?
20:18.07Ruedaon this last video? because you run a screen recorder from a terminal
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20:21.50tosmarcelHi! I'm trying to tweak my sound controls and I was wondering if someone knows how I can detect if my headphones are connected, to make amixer adjust the "Headphone" volume if they're indeed plugged in and adjust "Speaker" if they're not.
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20:48.49iresfanyone know why gradle of android studio does not finish and says : Information:Gradle tasks [:app:generateDebugSources, :app:generateDebugAndroidTestSources]
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20:50.27ScriptonautHey guys, I'd like to start rtorrent whenever I login to debian, how would I achieve this. Note, I don't want it to start when I startx, I want it to start whenever I login, even if I'm only logging into the terminal
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20:50.31dpkgAndroid is a Linux-based operating system for mobile devices.  #android on  For the related font family, ask me about <droid>.  See also <adb> <lildebi> <mobile>.
20:52.04SonyyLove you IAN Murdock
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20:53.04greycatScriptonaut: "even if"?  Does that mean you sometimes log in through a *dm GUI thing?
20:53.17Scriptonautgreycat: yes
20:53.24greycatWhich one?
20:53.49ScriptonautI usually login with lightdm
20:53.51Scriptonautinto dwm
20:53.54Scriptonautor openbox
20:54.18Scriptonautwhat exactly is systemd for, I'm reading that I could use that to start it
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20:55.05DevastatorI need to git bisect a driver from latest kernel to find the offending patch, what is the best way to do this in Debian?
20:55.31petemci would have thought, not something ive done
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20:56.19Devastatorpetemc was that for me?
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20:56.58Devastatorpetemc actually I really have to git bisect in order to test each commit
20:57.13petemci missed you mentioning git, sorry
20:57.18petemcim no help
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20:57.32greycatonce again plays the "let's see if we can find documentation on how to configure lightdm" game, and once again loses
20:58.06Scriptonautis there really not just a place in debian that runs whenever a user logs in?
20:58.07Devastatorso many dms now
20:58.14Shadow_7greycat: the documentation is in the source
20:58.15Scriptonauthow are the daemons started?
20:58.16Scriptonautsshd, etc
20:58.22SpecShadow_7: oh? python? self documenting? :D
20:58.30ScriptonautI want it to start like that
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20:59.14greycatScriptonaut: DAEMONS are started as root at boot time.  Not even remotely similar to what happens when a user logs in.
20:59.31Shadow_7Scriptonaut: on newer things that's handled via init system, aka systemd ... formerly sysv / bsd / ...
20:59.40greycatScriptonaut: but if you're ACTUALLY SAYING that you want rtorrent to start at BOOT TIME, that's a hugely different problem!
20:59.48ScriptonautI think I can put it in systemd
20:59.57Scriptonautand then everytime I start my torrent will start in the background
21:00.02*** join/#debian feedz (
21:00.28awal1Why all apps are centered in my Openbox and there exact position in the desktop are remembered except Chromium? That exception occurs under all DE and WM I run, so it's a Chromium related not DE or WM. Any clue?
21:00.37Shadow_7when you login .bashrc executes (if bash is your default shell) (and executes everytime your open an xterm...)
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21:01.09Shadow_7awal1: chromium does it's own thing and remembers where it was last... wmctrl can help nudge it.
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21:02.24ScriptonautShadow_7: ya that's the problem
21:02.29ScriptonautI don't want to start it eveyrtime I open a shell
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21:02.37ScriptonautI usually have anywhere from 6-12 shells open at a time
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21:02.44greycatShadow_7: no, at login, .bash_login or .bash_profile is executed, not necessarily .bashrc
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21:03.00greycatThe problem is, that is only when you login in a SHELL context (console, ssh), not a GUI context.
21:03.08Shadow_7Scriptonaut: you could do something like.... if [ ! $(pgrep rtorrent) ]; then rtorrent; fi
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21:03.25greycatShadow_7: NO, STOP.  The PROBLEM IS none of this applies to lightdm.  At all.
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21:03.44greycatLightdm does not read ANY of bash's startup files.
21:03.57Shadow_7true.  you would have to open an xterm to start it
21:04.02ScriptonautI want this to start independent of lighdm
21:04.10greycatScriptonaut: Do you just want it to run AT BOOT TIME?
21:04.15greycatbecause that's MUCH easier
21:04.24greycatYes, you can write a systemd unit file for this.
21:04.25Scriptonautsorry, should have clarified
21:04.29Scriptonautah, cool
21:04.33Shadow_7at boot time is easier, but at boot time and as a specific user?
21:04.41Scriptonautya, as a specific user
21:04.46Scriptonautit needs to read my .rtorrent.rc
21:05.09Shadow_7I just have a or that I run when I login normally
21:05.22Shadow_7It's manual, but does the job
21:05.23Scriptonautwhere do you execute it from
21:05.26Scriptonautthat's a nice idea
21:05.36greycatSystemd should run it.  You'll need to read up on how to write systemd unit files.
21:05.39greycatIt's not trivial.
21:05.46wyresomeone knows why when I use netcat with termbin and long files i get "use netcat" message?
21:05.54Scriptonautso, make a systemd entry to execute
21:06.02greycatBut it's a fuckload easier than trying to find ANY WEB PAGE IN THE UNIVERSE that documents how to configure lightdm AS A USER.
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21:06.16greycatThey all say shit like "LightDM configuration file is found at /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf." (
21:06.17*** join/#debian Azus (Azus@2a01:e35:8ac7:7580:495:91fd:e78c:7a65)
21:06.22Scriptonautthanks for the help guys
21:06.29ScriptonautI'm thinking of moving away from lightdm
21:06.31Scriptonautand just startx
21:06.36Scriptonautit's kind of a pain
21:06.37Scriptonautand not pretty
21:06.41Shadow_7meh.  can't be bothered to change system confs.  Less likely to back those up or set them up on a fresh install
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21:07.24awal1Shadow_7: The problem is that I move chromium somewhere and it doesnt remember its position at all when launched again.; sometimes it starts with a portion of it hidden in the desktop. Ok, I'll check wmctrl . Thanks
21:07.57Shadow_7awal1: if you use it's file -> exit / quit way to exit it, not the X of the wm or other things it recalls iirc
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21:08.16Shadow_7awal1: otherwise wmctrl will move / resize it after the fact
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21:10.01Shadow_7awal1: the -r :SELECT: option is nice
21:10.31Shadow_7since name matching is insinsitive and tends to do the lowest PID only
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21:12.40awal1Shadow_7: ok, ok, got you, thanks. i'll learn/and check what I can do here :)
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21:13.39Shadow_7awal1: wmctrl -r :SELECT: -e 0,x,y,width,height (which includes the window decorations for width/height iirc
21:13.54greycatScriptonaut: A lot of what you'll need is documented in "man systemd.exec", including options like "User="
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21:14.06Shadow_7the first number is gravity, 0 inherits current setting
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21:16.24Shadow_7awal1: wmctrl -lpG to show current values...  although offset numbers are whacked on cwm.  need the -1 and /2 to get real numbers
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21:18.33awal1Shadow_7: ok, I'm with man wmctrl now, I have it installed time ago and forgot it. I'll check/learn it quietly and practice with it. Thanks for your time
21:19.22Shadow_7awal1: one trick of sorts is to scale windowed games that scale to multiples of 16 and to an offset that lines up with multiples of 16 and that tends to favor your GPUs abilities
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21:21.35Shadow_7not going to double performance, but could get you as much as +5%.  And some gamers pay $K's for +5%
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21:22.15awal1Shadow_7: I'm a bit newbie to all what you are talking about, never played with this kind of "stuffs". I can't follow you :D I need time for discover and learn about all that :)
21:22.47Shadow_7it's more of a video codec thing.  It tends to compress in 16x16 pixel blocks
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21:23.31Shadow_7plus CPU thing with RAM alignment and other quirks
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21:24.59ScriptonautShadow_7: I'm setting up a file: /lib/systemd/system/after_login.service. I have to give it a PIDFile, did you just add a file like /run/
21:25.12Scriptonautby the way, I'm trying to setup an afterlogin script like you said you did
21:25.21Shadow_7Scriptonaut: not the one to ask on that stuff
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21:26.01Shadow_7I'm still learned on the old way... /etc/init.d/... and /etc/rc?.d/S99_.....
21:26.04greycatScriptonaut: DO NOT use pid files.  That's the whole point of systemd vs. sysvinit.  You don't use PID files.  You don't launch things in the background without a parent.
21:26.24*** join/#debian Vainglory (~Vainglory@unaffiliated/vainglory)
21:27.19Scriptonautgreycat: this tutorial tells you to have a pid file:
21:27.23Scriptonautam I missing something major here/
21:27.46greycatThen stop reading it.
21:28.42greycatThe whole point of managed services (systemd, runit, daemontools) is you tell it "run this, in the foreground".  And it runs it, in the foreground.  And then if it ever dies, it can run it again.
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21:31.08wulllsthey there. how could i possibly get a list of all file managers available in debian stable?
21:31.32somiajwulllst: apt-cache search file manager
21:31.39somiajnot sure if you want to put file manager in quotes or not though
21:31.57Shadow_7wulllst: dselect update && less /var/lib/dpkg/available
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21:36.06wulllstShadow_7: i apparently do not have dselect installed
21:36.32Shadow_7wulllst: there's probably an apt-cache way to find the information
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21:38.15Shadow_7but I kind of like the WORD::WORD classes of available since it's near a description
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21:39.08donofrio1680 in the room whoa
21:39.21vlmxsdonofrio: Happy New Year :D
21:39.28donofrioHappy New Year too all!
21:39.57Shadow_7donofrio: 300 nsa spies, 300 gchq, 300 russia, 300 china, .... not that many people really
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21:41.34wulllstShadow_7: i think /var/lib/dpkg/available isn't really the right file to look into
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21:41.55wulllstShadow_7: but may it is if you perform dselect update before
21:42.01Shadow_7wulllst: look at the tags for fileroller (or whatever it's modern name is)
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21:42.33Shadow_7nautilus and others
21:42.36wulllstShadow_7: i'll simply write all package descriptions from apt-cache into a file.
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21:43.11Devastator,v kernels
21:43.12juddNo package named 'kernels' was found in amd64.
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21:43.27Devastatordamn, I always forget the keyword for kernel versions
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21:43.54Shadow_7,v linux-image-amd64
21:43.55juddPackage: linux-image-amd64 on amd64 -- squeeze: 2.6.32+29; squeeze-backports: 3.2+46~bpo60+1; wheezy: 3.2+46; wheezy-backports: 3.16+63~bpo70+1; jessie: 3.16+63; jessie-backports: 4.2+68~bpo8+2; stretch: 4.3+70; sid: 4.3+70
21:44.01vlmxsdoes anybody know what is the utilities used on this screen here:
21:44.01wulllstShadow_7: i actually thought that packages would be tagged.
21:44.15juddAvailable kernel versions are: experimental: 4.4.0-rc6-686-pae (4.4~rc6-1~exp1); sid: 4.3.0-1-686 (4.3.3-2); stretch: 4.3.0-1-686 (4.3.3-2); jessie-backports: 4.3.0-0.bpo.1-686 (4.3.3-2~bpo8+1); jessie: 3.16.0-4-686-pae (3.16.7-ckt20-1+deb8u1); wheezy-backports: 3.16.0-0.bpo.4-686-pae (3.16.7-ckt11-1+deb8u6~bpo70+1); wheezy: 3.2.0-4-686-pae (3.2.73-2+deb7u1)
21:44.35vlmxsin the right top corner is kind of "top"
21:44.38Devastatorthank you greycat!
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21:45.09vlmxsand there is a status line down below
21:45.16vlmxsI do not see it :/
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21:48.14vlmxsoh there is a channel for that :)
21:49.12Shadow_7vlmxs: usa interwebs... doesn't even resolve
21:50.34Devastatorgreycat isn't the kernel package name linux-image-<version>?
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21:51.53greycat",kernels" is the bot trigger
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21:52.52Devastatorgreycat this is what I tried to install a new kernel: apt-get -t jessie-backports install linux-image-4.3.0-0.bpo.1-686
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21:53.03Devastatorbut it can't find the package with this name
21:53.34greycatDo an apt-cache search and see what packages are actually available.
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21:54.01Shadow_7Devastator: apt-cache search --names-only linux-image
21:54.30Devastatorah, missed the amd64 tag :P
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21:55.50Devastatorgreycat as a suggestion, shouldn't ",kernels" bring amd64 kernels as well?
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21:58.58greycatI don't know how long ago that bot was written.  Nor by whom.  It may date back to when i386 was the primary arch.
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22:02.15bryanpJust found that `/etc/init.d/celeryd start` works, while `service celeryd start` fails right away. Never hit this one before. Whats the diff?
22:02.42zykotick9Devastator: it's weird, when you call judd for a version of something '/msg judd version vim' you get amd64 be default?
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22:08.14Horsehello! i am having a problem when trying to use "dovecot -n" where it is only showing 1 configuration files contents (custom one) but its not going to the ones after that. any ideas?
22:08.31Devastatorzykotick9 yeah, I guess it makes sense
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22:09.07drpresidenthey guys im having some trouble with my nvidia driver, it wont let me install the nvidia-driver because of unmet depenencies and ive installed them all, but then it says that nvidia-driver-bin replaces it, but startx tells me there are no screens found. I think its because i blacklisted nouveau so i have no actual driver installed
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22:09.43dpkgWhere possible, Nvidia graphic processing units are supported using the open source <nouveau> driver on Debian systems by default.  To install the proprietary "nvidia" driver, see or ask me about <nvidia dkms>, <nvidia legacy>; installing this directly from (i.e. with <nvidia-installer>) is _not_ supported in #debian, please go to #nvidia on
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22:10.08drpresidentok thank you ill go to nviida
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22:11.32Horsedoies anybody know??
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22:18.12bazhang#dovecot horse
22:18.20bazhangask n quit
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22:19.53hoppitsI am new here
22:20.02holycowhi.  i want update from d7 to d8.  is systemd a requirement?  I want to keep sysv if possible.
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22:21.14hoppitsThat and I have a nexus 7 original dual booted with Debian testing
22:21.33somiaj!remove systemd
22:21.33dpkgTo use an init system other than systemd in jessie, install the systemd-shim package (for logind) and remove the systemd-sysv package: aptitude install systemd-shim sysvinit-core systemd-sysv-.  To stick with sysvinit for wheezy->jessie upgrades, follow the pinning advice in the release notes: - See also <upstart> and <openrc>
22:21.53somiajhoppits: that link has instructions for upgrading from 7->8 and not switch to systemd
22:22.03somiajhoppits: you have to have some bits of systemd installed, but you can remove it as init.
22:22.06*** part/#debian pezos (~pezos@unaffiliated/pezos)
22:22.12somiajholycow: sorry that was for you
22:22.17somiajholycow: bad tab completion.
22:22.26hoppitsWow that makes things a lot easier.
22:23.01hoppitsI feel like a idiot.
22:24.08hoppitsIf only I could update my tablet all the way...
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22:25.23vlmxshey Debians!
22:25.41vlmxsI have found a file in Github
22:25.54vlmxsHowcan I copy to my machine? What would be the command?
22:25.55ScriptonautI am trying to run a script after booting with systemd, I am getting such contradictory instructions on how to do this. Where do I put my systemd unit file? /lib/systemd/system? /lib/systemd/system/ /etc/systemd/system/ ? I've been told to put the file in all of those different places. Where do I put it?
22:26.01Scriptonautvlmxs: git clone
22:26.17ScriptonautFor example, here is one of the explanations I got:
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22:26.33Scriptonautthen the other one I read said to NEVER put your unit file manually into /etc/systemd/system/
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22:26.48holycowsomiaj: thank you
22:27.23vlmxswell I have found a conf file for tmux
22:27.35vlmxsand I wanted to copy it from github :)
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22:29.37hoppitsBeen on the fritz lately with my mind so I can't really think right now.
22:29.50hoppitsLike typing werid stuff in the terminal
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22:30.12wewladhoppits: hey
22:30.22xanddrugs are bad mmkay
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22:30.56hoppitsI haven't been on drugs just been up for along time
22:31.00wewladhoppits: how does debian perform on your nexus7 (is it 2012 or 2013?)?
22:31.34wewladwhat works and what doesn't? what's your 2nd OS on that tablet?
22:31.52hoppitswewlad it performs quite well though ice weasel glitches to death on it
22:32.05hoppitsAlso it's the nexus 7 2012
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22:32.30hoppitsOh yeah and my second os is paranoid android.
22:32.33wewladd'u have a 3g module?
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22:32.53hoppitsI have a grouper nexus 7
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22:33.01wewlada grouper?
22:33.12wewladwhat does that mean?
22:33.37hoppitsBasically it's the model name of the tablet
22:33.55hoppitsThe one with a 3g radio in it has a different model name
22:34.04wewladyeah, I got what you mean
22:34.22wewladi have nexus7 2012 with 3g and nexus 7 2013 wi-fi only
22:34.30*** part/#debian ewew (~none@unaffiliated/ewew)
22:34.45linuxrhi all. I'm trying to install the mate desktop on the latest raspbian (debian jessie)...I ran sudo apt-get install mate-core mate-desktop-environment , but when rebooting it's still LXDE, not mate, coming up...any help?
22:34.53wewladboth are running cyanogenmod, but after the update I got into lots of troubles
22:35.14wewladapps crash upon start :-/
22:35.18wewladall apps
22:35.27hoppitsThat's just the rom itself
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22:35.55hoppitsI was able to run some pretty resource intensive games on my tablet with paranoid android.
22:36.07wewladI needed some minimal gapps since I needed play market to work
22:36.31wewladwell, I don't care much about games performance, all I need is stable work
22:36.38hoppitsI had the problem with Cynaogen mod.
22:36.40wewladI probably shouldn't have updated the os...
22:36.53hoppitsSo I installed paranoid android instead.
22:36.53JT|worklinuxr: you need to change your default DE somehow
22:37.09JT|workusually there's an option to pick which in the desktop manager
22:37.19linuxrJT|work, yes, any idea how I would do that? :)
22:37.22JT|workbut if I remember correctly, pi's just log you in automatically and boot straight to the desktop
22:37.40JT|workcheck for an ~/.xinitrc
22:37.56hoppitsGoogle play services don't crash all the time in paranoid android at least with the gapps that you can download for it
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22:38.26jordanmupdate-alternatives --set x-session-manager
22:38.38JT|worklinuxr: ^^
22:39.08hoppitsI'm assuming you probably used open gapps. Wewlad.
22:39.15linuxrJT|work, I tried to create a .xinitrc file and try some stuff, but with no effect
22:39.35hoppitsI wonder if there are any gapps specifically for cynaogen mod...
22:40.15JT|workI don't think so hoppits
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22:40.46hoppitsI have dinner brb
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22:42.11beepieJT|work, you mean "hobbits"
22:42.23beepieJT|work, gosh your litterature sux
22:42.48bazhang* [hoppits] (~hoppits@2600:1003:b10d:1d47:b1a0:1f56:1ab5:db59): hoppits beepie
22:42.51JT|workbut but but
22:43.17beepiehoppits, hobbit.
22:43.25JT|workwhose dick to I have to suck around here to get kdeconnect backported to stable? :D
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22:43.50JT|workI want that remote keyboard plugin so bad
22:43.52bazhangJT|work, thats not welcome here
22:43.58beepieyeah that's not welcome
22:44.04JT|workok, sorry, won't happen again
22:44.06linuxrjordanm, what would be the argument to this?
22:44.07beepiehobbit is not that much of a satire
22:44.29drpresidentwhen i look at an xorg log file, it says the modules are compiled for 4.0.2, is that the kernel version?
22:44.35hoppitsThe problem stems from Cynaogen mod not letting the setup manager lock the ui.
22:44.43hoppitsBrb dinner
22:44.48drpresidentbecaue im running version 3 and startx fials
22:45.05beepielots of crazy news around ian murdock, not going to elaborate, but i'm curious to really know wtf happened there
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22:45.18beepieawaits for news
22:45.51beepiei mean "online" news sites, this isn't the channel for this, but i share my condolences
22:45.59beepiesad story
22:46.20dvsbeepie: #debian-offtopic
22:46.50beepiedvs, y respects
22:47.02beepiehat tip
22:47.07awal1A bit lost with youtube-dl here. How to choose a specific folder where to download a full playlist (youtube)?
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22:47.29JT|workawal1: why not cd to the dir beforehand?
22:47.49bazhangawall the browser plugin does that easily
22:47.54JT|workyou can move it with the exec option, I don't know about saving it's output somewhere
22:48.09zykotick9awal1: just curious, are you using the youtube-dl packaged in debian?  I wasn't able to get it working the other day...
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22:48.20JT|workyoutube-dl http://video.mp4 -exec mv {} ~/coolvids \;
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22:48.54awal1Jt|work: you mean cd to 'videos' dir for example and then run youtube-dl?
22:49.13awal1bazhang: which plugin you mean?
22:49.42bazhangawall the youtube download helper plugin
22:49.46JT|workawal1: yes exactly
22:50.31awal1zykotick9: I use debian packaged youtube-dl ofcourse, only debian packs here all the time. But using sid right now, so jessie pack may be broken or something, no idea, sorry
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22:51.24JT|workawal1: I'd recommend installing youtube-dl from the project's page
22:51.30JT|workit's updated nearly daily
22:51.38JT|workand it's simple to keep up to date on your system
22:51.44zykotick9awal1: ahh sid... you might as well be using a different distro to me ;)  i'm using stable.  i actually downloaded the script from outside of debian repos, and it was the same result...  i was just curious.
22:51.47JT|workthe debian version disables it's built-in update feature
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22:52.15linuxrjordanm, thanks, update-alternatives did the trick!
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22:52.55JT|workhey I told you to read his comment, I deserve some of the credit
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22:55.17awal1JT|work: cd to the specific dir then  run y-dl works like a charm. thanks.
22:55.33awal1I never use app outside of debian repos. :P
22:56.24awal1'cclive' is another powerful and nice video downloader, similar to youtube-dl, it works well but seems not supporting playlist download for now :(
22:56.36zykotick9awal1: "I never use app outside of debian repos." <- i hear that!
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22:57.42awal1zykotick9: it's a choice :)
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22:58.13awal1zykotick9: try 'cclive' app if youtube-dl doesn't work for you. I use it and it's nice
22:58.18zykotick9awal1: i also don't have contrib or non-free enabled.  that's also a choice ;)
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22:58.36zykotick9mpv could play the video :)
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22:58.51awal1cclive -s best "url"  and done
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22:59.37awal1url always between quotes. cclive -s best "youtube-url"
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23:02.00simonlnudonofrio: take that to #debian-offtopic please
23:02.11donofriooh my bad
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23:03.45Scriptonautdoes anyone know how I can execute a systemd unit file by whichever user is logged in?
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23:04.03ScriptonautI imagine that doesn't make sense because it's executed before a user is logged in?
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23:05.04Devastatorwhat's the rule of thumb here? I'm following this: and it's now asking if I want to update /etc/kernel-img.conf to a newer version or keep current installed
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23:06.10Aebianis it possible to decrypt a LUKS partition with a external usb flash drive instead of a password? So to say the usb drive needs to be inserted that the system will decrypt
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23:07.27madmattcoi use a yubikey for that
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23:07.41DJ_Bitconyes, but you need to manually edit initrd configs
23:09.08Aebianmadmattco: hmm tought I could use an already present formatted usb flash drive :D
23:09.36madmattcofor storing a key?
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23:10.26DJ_Bitconarch linux has some automatization scripts for initrd to load LUKS keys from some custom location (possible to identify your USB drive by UUID)
23:10.37DJ_Bitconyou can look up into them and implement to your debian installation
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23:10.55Aebianmadmattco: yes e.g. I mean I just want to configure debian that my SSD which is encrypted with LUKS only encrypts when I insert the USB drive
23:10.59AebianDJ_Bitcon: thanks
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23:11.58madmattcoi dont think its a good idea to store an encryption key on an unsecured device tbh
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23:12.17DJ_Bitconit's possible to make key+password
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23:54.37heretogoHaving trouble with jessie install.
23:54.43heretogoWon't load gnome on boot.
23:54.48heretogoHaving trouble debugging.
23:56.13JeDaheretogo: then you didn't install it correctly
23:56.15JeDafor me works
23:56.22*** join/#debian philipballew (~philip@ubuntu/member/philipballew)
23:56.34heretogoIt worked before. System crashed. Upon reboot doesn't start.
23:56.39heretogostartx doesn't start gnome.
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23:57.48simonlnucheck the ~/.xsession-errors file
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