IRC log for #debian on 20151117

00:00.05*** join/#debian Pazician (
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00:05.35beepiejelly, makes no sense.
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00:09.08Jaga-Jagajelly: the autoclean didnt clean much space. here is the new
00:10.12Jaga-Jaga/var/cache/apt/archives still has 1.2 GB in it
00:11.04jellyJaga-Jaga: so it cleaned two thirds of that crap, how's that not much
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00:13.14rawburtI need a medium graphics card for Debian Linux. I'd like to push two 24" wide screen monitors. any suggestions for the best supported?
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00:14.41pialI have a 2TB HDD with ntfs partitions. I want to format them to linux partitions, since permission in ntfs cannot be changed on the fly. What partition would be best? I will use this HDD as Backup and storage.
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00:17.01p8mrawburt: intel and amd have good mainline kernel drivers.  There are many cards that should work for you.
00:17.40rawburtp8m: thank you for the feedback
00:17.41jellyJaga-Jaga: if you go deleting and/or truncating log files, remember to restart rsyslog service to make it close old logs and reopen them
00:18.17*** join/#debian jegc (
00:18.17jellyrawburt: physical size is less important than the number of pixels
00:18.53rawburtI still like my pixels
00:19.31jellyeg. I know my low-end nvidia GT720 can drive 2x20" monitors and 1x32" TV, but that TV could be 55" and still the same 1920x1080 resolution
00:19.36p8mjelly: rawburt: that's true. If it's 2 1080p displays almost anything could drive that.
00:20.26jellyhowever this one is only stable with non-free drivers.
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00:21.17jellyrawburt: we don't know how many pixels you have, and that's important to make a recommendation
00:23.05p8mI drive a 3840x2160 and 1920x1080 with a Radeon 7970 and the free drivers with no problems
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00:23.57jellyp8m: longest X server uptime with that  setup?
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00:24.54jellywas surprised how well a (again, low end) HD 7450 worked with jessie, free drivers, 26 days no X crashing
00:25.14p8mIt's my workstation and I upgrade the kernel a lot so the longest uptime was probably two months.
00:25.55jellygood job amd, I guess
00:26.17*** join/#debian mtn (~mtn@
00:26.26iWaldoi am unable to connect to during install.  several other mirrors seem to have worked.  ipv6 is configured.  any tips?
00:26.39jellyuse a mirror that works
00:26.57iWaldojelly: i used the MIT one but the speed was terrible
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00:27.50iWaldogah i guess i'll just reconfigure after install (reinstalling because the first one won't boot past a nonfree wifi firmware failure for some reason)
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00:35.36Jaga-Jagajelly: its ok i dont really need that 1,2 GB. thanks for clearing things up
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00:53.01capioIs it advisible to have a debian unstable installed as a workstation OS?
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00:53.10capioor something more stable is prefered?
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01:32.04mutantei'd like a sudo config line like: "ALL = NOPASSWD: /bin/journalctl -u someservice *" except that if i do that it's not really limited to "someservice" because the * allows adding another -u or whatever.  how could i _actually_ limit journalctl to one specific service/unit
01:34.12abrotmanmutante: a script that they can't write to?
01:35.55*** join/#debian radikal (~radikal@
01:35.56mutanteabrotman: good point, yes
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02:15.59ichthysfor 802.1x (freerdius)- i have laptops and android phones i want to connect to my 802.1x AP with. what should i use for phase 1(PEAP) and for phase 2
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02:16.21ichthyspeap phase 1 and eap-ttls phase 2?
02:18.14*** join/#debian pbase (~pbase@unaffiliated/pbase)
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02:19.56pbaseHi, I want to change the date formats in icedove inboxes. they are long - eg - Monday 16 November 2015 07.32PM and take up a lot of column space. I want to changethat to a shorter format so that i get to see the mail details more
02:20.01pbasehowdo i do that?
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02:28.48*** join/#debian Hogget (~KVIrc@
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02:29.47abrotmanpbase: it's probably in your about:config
02:30.16HoggetBon jour.  Tous l'monde sommes Francais a l'America.
02:30.34pbaseabrotman: lists the fields there but they donot exist in the current installation
02:30.45*** join/#debian nicdev (user@2600:3c03::f03c:91ff:fedf:4986)
02:31.01Hogget(hope i didn't mangle the French language)  :P
02:31.30mutantetout le monde :)
02:31.52*** join/#debian msb (~msb@unaffiliated/detergnet)
02:32.06mutanteHogget: my favorite word is "telecharger"
02:32.50pbaseabrotman: used an extension instead. works fine. thanks for the suggestion
02:33.04Hoggethm, is that like iPhone wallet?
02:33.13mutanteHogget: it's the French word for "download" :)
02:33.37mutanteHogget: makes sense.. doesn't it .. tele-charge :)
02:33.54*** join/#debian Dullin (~dullin@
02:34.06Hoggetfacepalms . . . really? looks like "tele charge" . . . but what do i know :D
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02:38.49HoggetSo . . . I want to make a Debian installation; along with it, I want to run about a dozen different distros with varios windowing/desktop managers . . . each distro in its own virtual machine.  QUESTION: will the virtualization firmware in the CPU interfere with Debian's virtualization software packages, or will it help?
02:40.51*** join/#debian jeezy (~xz@bitchx/apple/jeezy)
02:41.53LordShadowWingHogget, I have the Perfect OS for you, it is
02:42.12*** join/#debian Cabanossi (
02:42.17HoggetLordShadowWing: cool; thanks
02:43.45LordShadowWingHogget, Remember Qubes is all about "Security by Isolation"
02:44.22Hoggetsounds good
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02:48.31falkHi guys! I have actually installed debian 8.1 on a netbook, but I can't find the firmwares/drivers for network, so I have not internet connection, also I have not wicd or network manager - How can I download from the web a package (i.e. wicd) and installa manually? maybe converting in a .deb?
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03:17.34Moonman420would you teach programming to a subhuman?
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03:24.04HoggetMoonman420: I don't think there is such thing as a "sub-human":  something is, or is not.  Now, reformulating the question: would I teach programming to a cat?  Meh: cat's have no use for it, and are not the least bit interested in it . . . or so they tell me whenever I try to get any cat interested in programming.
03:24.17*** join/#debian necrogami (~necrogami@unaffiliated/necrogami)
03:24.46Moonman420Hogget: there is such a thing as a subhuman
03:24.56Moonman420apes that mimic human bhavior, aka niggers, are subhuman
03:25.01Moonman420look at the dna evidence
03:25.14Moonman420and statistics and lifestyle
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03:25.45LtLMoonman420: idiot remark made by an idiot, do us a favor and leave
03:25.46HoggetMoonman420: apes are not human species.
03:26.10Moonman420Hogget: explain then how horses and donkeys (two different species) are able to reproduce
03:26.24HoggetMoonman420: what's that got to do with programming?
03:26.37Moonman420i just want to know if it's a good idea to teach a nigger programming
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03:27.07HoggetMoonman420: you can't tell one species from another.  Can  you tell a hole on the ground from your ass?
03:27.16Moonman420you can't
03:27.19abrotmanuhm ..
03:27.28*** join/#debian niftylettuce (uid2733@gateway/web/
03:27.42abrotmanI'm pretty sure this conversation isn't related to Debian
03:27.44HoggetMoonman420: you keep using meaningless terms.
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03:27.53Moonman420just because facts don't align with your opinion doesn't mean that you need to get upset
03:27.58Moonman420just learn from your mistakes and move on
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03:28.01Hoggetabrotman: i'm done.
03:28.02abrotmanPlease keep it on topic ..
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04:24.11iWaldowhen installing, what exactly does choosing a domain name do?  for exmaple if i later choose to use my debian install as a DNS server and point my IP addresses to the right top level domians, how does the domain i chosse play in?
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04:29.56civillianiWaldo: it doesn't.  That setting only applies to requests originating from your box, and it can be easily changed after installation.
04:30.29iWaldocivillian, what does it do?
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04:32.41civillianiWaldo: all that does is setup /etc/resolv.conf with the domain you chose
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05:15.19SemiNusa short question from my side:
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05:15.26SemiNusin the past, I always used Debian
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05:15.44SemiNusonce upon a time, I totally failed installing Debian on a Notebook,  so I used Ubuntu for this
05:15.53SemiNushowever, I would like to switch back to Debian again
05:15.56SemiNusmy question is:
05:16.22SemiNusthe stuff that Linux Mint Debian Edition offers - could I also achieve this with a *real* Debian 8.0 installation + adding some packages?
05:16.43SemiNusbecause as far as I can see,  Linux Mint Debian Edition is nothing but a pure Debian + some more packages?
05:16.45SemiNusor am I wrong?
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05:17.25chiefaholLMDE has a nicer initial setup
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05:17.44chiefaholand no distinction between login/sudo password and root password
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05:18.06SemiNuschiefahol, well I have always liked the Debian installer
05:18.07chiefaholit also has forfox in the default repository, which is kinda nice
05:18.20SemiNusgoogles "forfox"
05:18.31chiefaholgood old forefox
05:18.36chiefaholnah firefox woops
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05:18.58SemiNusheh, I just wanted to say: "google suggest firefox only" ;)
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05:19.41SemiNuschiefahol, anything else?  Because this is not too much reason yet
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05:19.58chiefaholmy secret to having a debian laptop was to only purchase hardware that other people said was 100% linux compatible
05:20.11SemiNusI stopped using firefox because the scrolling was not fast enough,  so I use chromium nowadays
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05:20.14chiefaholthat made setup like a hundred times easier haha
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05:20.34chiefaholdebian has chromium in the repos
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05:20.49SemiNuschiefahol, good point, but it can always go wrong when it comes to pre-configured notebooks
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05:21.17chiefaholi got a B5070 laptop from lenovo, a specific model has 100% open  source compatible hardware
05:21.28chiefaholso you ccan run like every linux distro on it
05:21.30chiefaholwhich is neat
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05:21.58chiefaholstick an ssd in it and you're a king!
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05:23.30SemiNusso Lenovo sells laptops with the information that they would be compatible to linux?!
05:24.16SemiNushuh, interesting,  toshiba also has a page about linux
05:24.52somaijSo does dell. I think dell will even ship you a machine with linux on it, or maybe they just send freedoss to get around their liecense with microsfot. But In either case this isn't specifically debian support.
05:25.16chiefaholhere's the cheat sheet
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05:25.42SemiNusthank you for the information somaij and chiefahol !
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05:26.13chiefaholthat link has a good list for shopping, just get the model numbers and purchase the exact model from wherever
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05:26.54SemiNusthey seem to list the priciest models ever there
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05:27.11SemiNusI looked for a Toshiba satellite  quad core and found an offer for 3000+ $
05:27.12chiefaholtheres a range for each manufacturer
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05:27.26chiefaholthe cheapest lenovos are 500-700 bucks
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05:27.43chiefaholdepending where you buy from
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05:28.56SemiNusI have to leave now
05:29.00SemiNusThank you very much!
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05:56.05Agiofwsi build some package to install via backport
05:56.33Agiofwsbut i don;t know where the system wrote them for me to install can anyone help me with this ?
05:56.44Agiofwsdpkg-deb: building package `libdrm-dev' in `../libdrm-dev_2.4.65-3_i386.deb'.  how do i install that ?
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06:00.16SKYRANHello All. I have problem for understanding the basic of running environment. I mean I don't understand what system (Debian) do when we called some binary piece of software and I don't understand (again) between portable software and standalone binary software (like firefox). can some one help me please! :)
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06:01.57Agiofwsdpkg -i ../libdrm-dev_2.4.65-3_i386.deb
06:01.57Agiofwsdpkg: error processing archive ../libdrm-dev_2.4.65-3_i386.deb (--install):
06:01.58dpkginstalls ../libdrm-dev_2.4.65-3_i386.deb into agiofws's head with a bone saw and a few screws
06:02.10foul_owlSKYRAN: If you are looking for technical information about how a binary is executed on a linux system, here's a great article:
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06:02.51foul_owlSKYRAN: Generally _code_ is considered portable or not, which means it can compile and run on multiple systems without having to change or fix the code
06:03.27foul_owlSo the code for firefox is generally considered to be portable, meaning it will compile and run on Windows, OSX, Linux, and probably other operating systems as well
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06:04.17SKYRANfoul_owl, thanks for link. think i want compile software and port it (mean copy by some cool disk stuff) and run another machine with same arch
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06:05.17foul_owlOk, so you have some software that you would like to run on Debian?
06:05.22SKYRANfoul_owl, but because of some absolute address we cant do that. i mean this by portability
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06:05.39foul_owlYou have the source code?
06:05.46foul_owlOr just the binary?
06:05.56SKYRANfoul_owl, no source
06:06.04Agiofwsdpkg-deb: building package `libdrm-dev' in `../libdrm-dev_2.4.65-3_i386.deb'.  how do i install that ?
06:06.09Agiofwsi build some package to install via backport
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06:06.17SKYRANfoul_owl, but it compile for amd64 already
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06:08.21foul_owlGenerally a compiler generates a binary format that is designed to run on certain operating systems, but there are exceptions
06:08.26SKYRANfoul_owl, firefox have package for GNU/LINUX that run complete and without problem. how they do that?
06:08.41foul_owlWell, mozilla compiles their code once for each platform
06:09.09kravso. how do packages move from testing to stable? I really wanna use opensmptd on my jessie system :(
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06:09.23SKYRANbut we must run make install and it install with some absolute address of share library
06:09.49SKYRANfoul_owl, but we must run make install and it install with some absolute address of share library
06:10.16foul_owlAre you talking about firefox still?
06:10.22foul_owlOr your other software?
06:10.43SKYRANfoul_owl, other like GCC
06:10.58SKYRANfoul_owl, when build from scratch
06:11.23foul_owlAhhh I gotcha
06:11.40SKYRANhow to have some firefox style GCC stuff?
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06:12.48SKYRANfoul_owl, how to have some firefox-style GCC?
06:13.06SKYRANfoul_owl, I mean portable in this way!
06:13.36foul_owlWell, here's some information about libraries on a Linux system:
06:13.57foul_owlIf you don't have the source code you won't be able to make your binary portable, unless you use something like wine
06:14.04foul_owlBut wine is a special case
06:14.19foul_owlIt basically just lets windows binaries run on a Linux system, but it's not ideal
06:14.55*** join/#debian js9600 (
06:16.19foul_owlAre you saying you have a Linux elf binary already, but it won't run because it can't find certain libraries?
06:17.24flip214julius: you asked for one without root permissions on the receiving side; I told you one. Did you look at my suggestion?
06:17.28foul_owlIf that's the case, you can list the libraries needed with the "ldd" command, then install them.
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06:18.31foul_owlThis might be relevant:
06:19.05SKYRANfoul_owl, Lets make it better and excuse for verbose. we have firefox or gcc source code. when I want install from scratch I need to run make install. If I change --prefix for custom dir and copy all file to another machine, it's not run! why this happen
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06:19.50SKYRANfoul_owl, I mean copy all file under --prefix dir
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06:21.00foul_owlAhhhh ok I see
06:21.31foul_owlCan you do "make", then run the binary without doing make install?
06:21.53foul_owlMy guess is that the new system doesn't have all the libraries you need
06:22.48foul_owlIf you write a game using SDL2, compile it and move the binary to another machine, it won't run unless the destination has the SDL2 libraries installed, for example
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06:24.46Ori_BHey, I'm trying to figure out how to get a working source package for libclang so I can debug a segfault.
06:25.12Ori_BI've got libclang-3.6-dbg installed, and I ran apt-get source for it
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06:25.28Ori_BI've also set up the appropriate path remappings so gdb can find the source
06:25.46SKYRANfoul_owl, okey lets assume that second machine have glibc and another important stuff. somthing like GCC even don't have gcc-name when we don't run make install. it use xgcc and other foo. another problem is gcc reference to it's file NOT relational! it use absolute path!
06:25.50Ori_Bbut it still complains '/tmp/buildd/llvm-toolchain-3.6-3.6.2/tools/clang/tools/libclang/CIndex.cpp' does not exist
06:26.07Ori_Band in fact, '~/src/dbg/etc, etc' isn't there
06:26.38Ori_Blooking at the output from apt-get source seems to indicate that it only grabbed the source for llvm, and didn't grab tools/clang, which (as far as I can tell) is a separate download.
06:26.43flip214Ori_B: gdb has "set directories -- Set the search path for finding source files
06:26.49Ori_Bflip214: yes, I've done that.
06:26.53flip214oh, sorry.
06:27.03Ori_Bthe problem is that the file itself doesn't seem to exist.
06:27.19SKYRANfoul_owl, so this mean if you install it in foo dir (because copy that) you can install it in second machine in /usr dir
06:27.36Ori_Bas far as I can tell, the libclang source package didn't fetch everything; am I missing something? (is there something I need to do to convince it to grab everything?)
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06:27.50foul_owlWhat files exactly is it looking for?
06:28.17foul_owlAre you saying that if you move the binary around, it won't find the libraries? Or it won't find program specific files that it needs to run?
06:28.58Ori_B...actually, poking around a bit more
06:28.59SKYRANfoul_owl, I's not only the problem of lib. we have include, share and other stuff
06:29.29Ori_Bit seems the file exists, but is in a different place in the heirarchy relative to where the debug info thinks it is.
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06:30.09Ori_B(debuginfo says llvm-toolchain-3.6-3.6.2/tools/clang/tools/, but it's in llvm-toolchain-3.6-3.6.2/clang/tools/)
06:31.10flip214just wanted to tell you to look in clang/tools/libclang ;/
06:31.23Ori_Byeah; it might be something funky with libclang's build process; I can work around that.
06:31.37Ori_Bllvm has a lot of oddities :(
06:31.49flip214nothing that some amount of symlinks won't fix ....
06:32.03*** part/#debian aau|2 (~S@
06:33.05Ori_BI haven't looked at GCC's source, but from the bits of clang source I've peeked at, it's a bit scary that it's considered better than GCC :/
06:33.09foul_owlinclude files only matter when you compile the binary
06:33.17Ori_B*haven't looked much at
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06:33.54SKYRANfoul_owl, of course so it don't work for compile and make crazy error
06:33.54foul_owlAre you running into problems compiling on a new system or running on a new system?
06:34.10SKYRANfoul_owl, yeh exacly
06:34.23SKYRANfoul_owl, so I need firefox-style GCC
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06:34.34foul_owlIf you want to recompile on a new system, you have to run "make clean" first
06:34.43foul_owlIt depends on what build system is being used
06:34.50foul_owlDo you have to run ./configure ?
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06:35.13SKYRANfoul_owl, yeh and with some specific conf
06:35.31foul_owlIf you move your source folder to another system and want to compile it there, you'll have to run configure again
06:35.57SKYRANfoul_owl, No, but I needto build and packed so give another one!
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06:36.09SKYRANfoul_owl, no source.
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06:36.19SKYRANfor same arch
06:36.25foul_owlIf the program itself is complaining that data is missing (not libraries) then that is an issue with the program itself
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06:36.40foul_owlFor example, I can write a program to load /opt/my/program/test.jpg
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06:36.56foul_owlBut that is bad design, because the path is hard coded into the binary
06:37.19Ori_Bbleh, definitely a clang bug, rather than my issue.
06:37.23foul_owlSo the issue might be with the code itself. It might be badly written.
06:37.52SKYRANfoul_owl, yeh exaclty, when it make install it's hard code and can't be ported
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06:38.16foul_owlOk, so it can't find data files, things like foo.txt and bar.jpg
06:38.28foul_owlFiles that the program needs to run that aren't libraries
06:38.44SKYRANfoul_owl, instead sstream and other :)
06:39.07foul_owlOk, if it's complaining about sstream that means you are compiling it :)
06:39.36foul_owlSo run ./configure and let it do its thing
06:39.49foul_owlmake clean; ./configure; make; make install
06:40.08SKYRANno, compile another gcc on machine that copy my custum build of first! so how people build package with this problem!
06:40.27foul_owlOk I'm sorry
06:40.31foul_owlI'm not understanding
06:40.37SKYRANfoul_owl, compile GCC by first custom GCC
06:40.56SKYRANfoul_owl, I know thats crazy but I work around
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06:41.35foul_owlWell your application is your own business :) crazy or not. It's beyond my understanding though
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06:42.07foul_owlSorry :(
06:42.22SKYRANfoul_owl, packaging make me crazy because I don't understand how that build.
06:42.57SKYRANfoul_owl, Thanks for warm help
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06:47.30darxmurfhi all
06:47.47SKYRANdarxmurf, HI
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06:50.56Doxinis it possible to fake a package being installed? I've got my video drivers from outside the repos but everything and their grandmother depends on libdrm-nouveau2, which when installed breaks my video driver.
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06:52.53Saturn812i assume other packages actually want to use that lib, not just to check if it's installed
06:53.03flip214"You can use the equivs Install equivs package to create a dummy package to fake a given package being installed"
06:53.31flip214Doxin: ^^ eg.
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06:54.05DoxinSaturn812: other packages are wrong.
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06:54.55DoxinSaturn812: I can very well install openGL headers without using the opensource driver.
06:55.42Saturn812well, you can, but those packages probably don't care. They are coded to use that other lib. So unless you recode and recompile them yourself...
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06:56.02DoxinSaturn812: the openGL headers are universal. they work with either driver.
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06:59.31themillDoxin: what packages depend on libdrm-nouveau2?
07:00.09Doxinthemill: does indirectly
07:01.13Doxinthemill: I'm not on jessie btw. I's on testing. same holds true though
07:01.18themillwhy do you want that package installed?
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07:01.34Doxinthemill: I need glu.h
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07:02.26themillSomething to be said for compiling in clean environments
07:02.58Doxinsomething can sod off. I'm compiling for the current system I am running. I shouldn't need to use a chroot
07:05.38Doxinthemill: honestly that dependency is just a bug.
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07:07.36Doxinthemill: faking the installation for the nouveau driver fixes the problem.
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07:40.09Agiofwsi've built some packages from sid to install in stable but i don;t know how to install them i don;t know where they were built to install them with dpkg can anyone help me please?
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07:40.51nkuttlerAgiofws: how did you build them?
07:40.58Agiofwsdpkg-deb: building package `libdrm-dev' in `../libdrm-dev_2.4.65-3_i386.deb'.  where is that package in my system
07:41.26Agiofwsi built them with ...   apt-get -b source packagename  nkuttler
07:41.33dpkgFirst, check for a backport on <debian-backports>.  If unavailable: 1) Add a deb-src line for sid (not a deb line!); ask me about <deb-src sid> 2) enable debian-backports (see <bdo>) 3) aptitude update; aptitude install build-essential; aptitude build-dep packagename; apt-get -b source packagename; 4) install the resultant debs.  To change compilation options, see <package recompile>; for versions newer than sid see <uupdate>.
07:41.51nkuttlerAgiofws: packages are in your current dir iirc, or the source dir
07:42.04Agiofwscurrent ?
07:42.20Agiofwsthe one i executed the command in ? nkuttler ?
07:42.26nkuttlerAgiofws: yes
07:42.30themillhave you looked?
07:43.09Agiofwscanot find them i have even used the command locate
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07:43.21nkuttlerAgiofws: pastebin the build output
07:43.38themillAgiofws: locate is not the way to find files in the current directory
07:43.59nkuttlerAgiofws: that should actually tell you where they are build. or find (1)
07:44.24Agiofwsnkuttler,  themill  i built yesterday and i don't have the output in a terminal
07:44.37themillAgiofws: maybe you could look where you built them
07:45.32Agiofwsimage  link:
07:45.50Agiofwsi'm trying but i can't find them
07:45.58themillAgiofws: where did you build them?
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07:46.17nkuttlerAgiofws: sudo find / -mtime -2 -name *deb
07:46.17Agiofwson this machine though
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07:46.40themillAgiofws: in what directory?
07:47.08Agiofwslol found them they are in etc/apt...
07:47.27themillwhy are you building as root?
07:47.34nkuttler/etc/apt? yeah, that's not good
07:47.45nkuttlerAgiofws: you should build packages as normal user
07:48.05Agiofwswell when i install or use apt-get or aptitude i go into su
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07:48.14Agiofwsbut point is taken into consideration
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07:48.25Agiofwsimage  link:
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07:48.29nkuttlerAgiofws: apt-get -b doesn't need root rights
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07:49.02jellynkuttler: there isn't enough place in ssb factoid to denote that fact ;-)
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07:51.57Agiofwsdpkg -i *.deb will install all debs in pwd ?
07:51.57dpkgpackage *.deb will install all debs in pwd is already installed
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07:52.50jellyAgiofws: yes, if their dependencies are satisfied already
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07:53.31Agiofwsthemill, nkuttler  i'm trying to install latest bleeding edge nouveau driver on stable
07:53.46Agiofwsjelly,  ok now to buid mesa
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07:54.36Agiofwsaptitude build-dep mesa
07:54.36AgiofwsE: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13: Permission denied)
07:54.36AgiofwsE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?
07:55.26Agiofwsjelly,  ok now we have a problem     aptitude build-dep mesa
07:55.26AgiofwsUnable to satisfy the build-depends: Build-Depends: llvm-3.7-dev ( 1:3.7~+rc2).
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07:56.07Agiofwscan you take a look   aptitude build-dep mesa | pastebinit
07:56.07Agiofws  jelly  or themill ?
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07:56.22jellyAgiofws: that's going to be a non-trivial backport.  you will have to disable llvm build options, and remove llvm from debian/control
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07:56.38jellylibdrm was easy.
07:56.48Agiofwshow do i disable it ?
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07:57.09Agiofwsis it logical volume manager  ?
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07:57.58jellyAgiofws: by finding build options inside wherever-you-have-mesa-source/debian/rules and editing them carefully
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07:58.25Agiofwsllvm-3.7-dev ( 1:3.7~+rc2). libclang-3.7-dev ( 1:3.7~+rc2). libclc-dev ( 0.2.0+git20150813). llvm-3.7-dev ( 1:3.7~+rc2).  libclang-3.7-dev ( 1:3.7~+rc2).  libclc-dev ( 0.2.0+git20150813).
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08:00.12Agiofwswhere  can i find the source for mesa 11.0 ?
08:00.37Aliekezhihi, I've red in security guides/checklist it can be good to mount /var with noexec option, however, it seems to block the execution of scripts started by apt-get/dpkg...Is there any way to change the path of script executed by apt-get ? wouls that be a good idea to do it ?
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08:04.46Agiofwsjelly,  have any ideas how to do that?
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08:05.43jellyAgiofws: I've already outlined the rough path to getting it built
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08:06.10jellyfigure out how to avoid llvm options, and build without them
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08:06.35dpkgFirst, check for a backport on <debian-backports>.  If unavailable: 1) Add a deb-src line for sid (not a deb line!); ask me about <deb-src sid> 2) enable debian-backports (see <bdo>) 3) aptitude update; aptitude install build-essential; aptitude build-dep packagename; apt-get -b source packagename; 4) install the resultant debs.  To change compilation options, see <package recompile>; for versions newer than sid see <uupdate>.
08:06.53AgiofwsTo change compilation options, see <package recompile>;  <--- jelly?
08:07.30Agiofwsdo i add any special agrs to aptitude build-dep packagename ?
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08:08.37Agiofwsi don't think i have the source for mesa 11 i think i have it for mesa  10.3.2  can i use that?
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08:11.52Agiofwsjelly,  can you tell me if debians has mesas 11 source on my machine ?
08:12.11Agiofwswhere does debian keeps its source ?
08:12.32Agiofwsdo i have to download mesas source from nouveaus site?
08:12.32SirLagzAgiofws: not on your machine.
08:12.38jellyAgiofws: you literally just downloaded it
08:12.59jellywell, you didn't.  apt-get source ... is the source download part.
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08:13.44Agiofwsso how do i aptitude build-dep packagename before getting the source ?
08:13.58Agiofwsand how do i configure build options?
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08:14.31FlawlesSDepends: libwxbase2.8-0 (>= but it is not installable
08:14.43FlawlesSi cant fix this
08:15.01FlawlesSI`ve tried install -f
08:15.37FlawlesShelp me please
08:16.18Agiofwsjelly,  should i try this procedure ? ?
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08:20.13wabuhsince I upgraded to Jessie, my boot is very slow
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08:20.37wabuhfrom what I've seen, it seem to be loosing time in the kernel boot
08:20.50at0mwabuh: see if it hangs on any particular item?
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08:21.06wabuh[    4.686227] input: Logitech Logitech USB Headset as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:14.0/usb3/3-1/3-1.4/3-1.4:1.3/0003:046D:0A44.0004/input/input5
08:21.06wabuh[    4.686433] hid-generic 0003:046D:0A44.0004: input,hidraw3: USB HID v1.00 Device [Logitech Logitech USB Headset] on usb-0000:00:14.0-1.4/input3
08:21.06wabuh[   22.521660] uvesafb: failed to execute /sbin/v86d
08:21.06wabuh[   22.521727] uvesafb: make sure that the v86d helper is installed and executable
08:21.06*** kick/#debian [wabuh!~debhelper@unaffiliated/debhelper] by debhelper (flood. Please use instead.)
08:21.15at0m(i used to loose a lot of time waiting for nfs mounts for example)
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08:21.25Agiofwsok how can i install  that package on debian stable please any help?
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08:21.54at0mAgiofws: download the .deb then dpkg -i that.deb and sort the depends
08:22.06jellyat0m: that won't work
08:22.21at0moh, source
08:22.24jellyhe needs to backport, and the backport is not simple
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08:23.10wabuhok that was unexpected
08:23.18wabuhsee then
08:23.35Agiofwsjelly,  can i try  these instructions ?
08:23.40wabuhit seems to complain about v86d missing
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08:23.53wabuhhowever when I install the package, my screen is pitch black
08:24.10wabuhI don't know how to troubleshoot further
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08:26.28jellyAgiofws: sorry, busy
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08:28.58Agiofwsanyone know how to fix this
08:29.00Agiofwsgpg: Signature made Thu 12 Nov 2015 01:13:11 PM EET using RSA key ID 8A3A9C67
08:29.00Agiofwsgpg: Can't check signature: public key not found
08:29.00AgiofwsValidation FAILED!!
08:29.00*** kick/#debian [Agiofws!~debhelper@unaffiliated/debhelper] by debhelper (flood. Please use instead.)
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08:34.40Agiofwsgpg: Signature made Thu 12 Nov 2015 01:13:11 PM EET using RSA key ID 8A3A9C67
08:34.40Agiofwsgpg: Can't check signature: public key not found
08:34.40AgiofwsValidation FAILED!!
08:35.00pcercueiI did 'apt-get update' yesterday
08:35.05pcercueinow my work PC is locked
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08:35.09pcercueigdm3 won't start
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08:35.32Agiofwssomething to do with gfx i think
08:35.44Agiofwspcercuei,  try to install lightdm
08:35.46pcercuei... on debian testing, let me switch to #debian-next
08:35.47Agiofwsand try again
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08:37.48pcercueiAgiofws: I can't switch to a kernel console, I can't even 'reisub'
08:38.04pcercueibut the kernel is still live, the HDD led is blinking from time to time
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08:40.48Savemechguys i got strange thing; laptop-mode-tools requires mysql server; whoaaa; but here mysql isnt required
08:41.15Agiofwsboot in recovery moe
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08:41.38Agiofwscan anyone help me  i'm stuck in
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08:49.08dpkgIf you have a question, just ask! For example: "I have a problem with ___; I'm running Debian version ___. When I try to do ___ I get the following output ___. I expected it to do ___." Don't ask if you can ask, if anyone uses it, or pick one person to ask. We're all volunteers; make it easy for us to help you. If you don't get an answer try a few hours later or on See <smart questions><errors>.
08:49.14*** part/#debian Slydder (~chuck@2a02:8108:2bbf:f80c:9d89:84c:f9cb:8e2d)
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08:50.39IotaHowdy folks!
08:50.41Agiofwssdfgdgd,  i'm trying to install apackage from backports from sid to stable...
08:50.43IotaGood morning Europe.
08:51.35*** join/#debian ongolaBoy (~ongolaBoy@unaffiliated/ongolaboy)
08:51.40IotaQuick question (I'm too lazy to Google and already have irc open). Why is the default DIR_MODE=0755 and not 0750 in /etc/adduser.conf ? It's one of the first things I change on a new install but never thought to look why.
08:52.09sdfgdgdAgiofws explain what you made and where fails
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09:01.07Agiofwssdfgdgd, sorry have to leave maybe later
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09:04.14juliusflip214, not yet to be honest, but now
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09:05.32no_gravityHello! Often when I use a dropdown box in chromium, my whole computer freezes and I have to use the reset switch to reboot it. Do you guys thats a chromium bug or a graphics driver bug?
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09:26.55juliusflip214, looks like your software uses subversion, im sorry. but i dont like that one
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09:34.27flip214julius: no problem.
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09:37.43nils17where can I disable the warning "Granted permissions without asking for password" ?
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09:48.41Aronewith methode i can use for move my ispconfig to new server
09:48.46Aronecreat a cluster ?
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09:51.35bytemonkeywhich* what type of server?
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17:24.44*** topic/#debian is Debian 8 Jessie released! /msg dpkg jessie ; /msg dpkg wheezy->jessie ; /msg dpkg install jessie | current point releases: /msg dpkg 8.2; /msg dpkg 7.9 | NO FLOOD: /msg dpkg paste | /msg bots NOT people | offtopic: #debian-offtopic | testing/unstable: #debian-next ( | chanlogs: /msg dpkg irclog
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20:37.37*** topic/#debian is Debian 8 Jessie released! /msg dpkg jessie ; /msg dpkg wheezy->jessie ; /msg dpkg install jessie | current point releases: /msg dpkg 8.2; /msg dpkg 7.9 | NO FLOOD: /msg dpkg paste | /msg bots NOT people | offtopic: #debian-offtopic | testing/unstable: #debian-next ( | chanlogs: /msg dpkg irclog
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20:38.45tlolczykSame  page you got aptitude from. Search for each package then download the right architecture.
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20:39.50amdptlolczyk: thanks
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20:40.44RipmindHow can i make that debian reacts to tapping on the touchpad?
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20:42.43RayzrShrpI use remote desktop from my work computer to get into my home computer and it works flawlessly but I've found the remote desktop server/clients to be lacking for linux, does anybody know of something thats as stable and usable as MS RDP under linux?
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20:42.51maziarin networking , what is diffrent betweem "auto hotplug eth0" and "auto eth0"
20:43.11blindRayzrShrp: I use rdesktop for an RDP client.. never had any issues with it.
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20:43.37RayzrShrpblind: and then what is your linux box running for the server?
20:43.55blindI don't have a Linux RDP Server....
20:44.11blindI use RDP for connecting to Windows machines. Linux machines I'm generally fine with SSH access.
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20:44.29RayzrShrpyeah thats my issue, i want a nice gui to my remove xwindows box
20:44.38blindSometimes Teamviewer if I *really* need to access the desktop
20:45.06RayzrShrpso X just isn't as mature as Windows and remote gui access it sounds likde
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20:45.57blindRayzrShrp: it's not a matter of maturity, it's a matter of necessity.
20:46.04RayzrShrpi know the majority of people and stuff can be done under cli on linux but it would be nice to have remote access to an X machine and have it work as nice as the MS world
20:46.10greycatX is much older than Microsoft Windows.
20:46.11RayzrShrpyeah i can see that
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20:50.41Guest21517hey guys anyone?
20:51.09Guest21517i got an error during installation that tells me to insert a disc which i do not have
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20:51.55greycat*during* install?  Not immediately afterward, after rebooting and removing the installation medium?
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20:52.10jpalmerGuest21517: either download the disk,  or do a minimal install that doesn't reuire additional disks,  or..  do a network/web/ftp based install so it can go fetch the other packages as needed
20:52.55mo1991regRayzrShrp - VNC works great.   Best to pipe it thought ssh though so it's encrypted.   I find it certainly as reliable as RDP.
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20:55.40squibby0thx for your help guys. sorry for the dipshit questions.
20:55.41RayzrShrpmo1991reg: does it do full screen i feel like that was my hangup with it last time
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21:22.04mo1991regRayzrShrp - yes it does full screen.
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21:33.10Zitterwhy: ?
21:33.28someonethereis there a good tutorial on installing along side windows 8 in uefi?
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21:34.40PadawanLearnersomeonethere: have you disabled secure boot?
21:34.44greycatMake sure the CDROM boots in UEFI mode, not legacy mode.  Make sure you don't nuke the EFI partition.  Make sure grub-efi gets installed, not grub-pc.
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21:36.02someonetheregreycat: thanks, and do I need to create a second EFI partition? or a /boot partition?
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21:36.12greycatThere should only be one EFI partition.
21:36.28someonethereokay, I read some stuff about chain loading, and this was quite confusing
21:36.47greycatThe installer is supposed to do the right thing.  Hopefully.
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21:55.23Circuitsoftsomeonethere: What you found was probably about trying to keep secureboot enabled.
21:55.55CircuitsoftThere are signed stubs for chainloadnig registered open-source loaders.
21:56.05CircuitsoftIf you disable secure boot, then none of that is necessary.
21:56.13MACscrIm having a major issue with my mellanox 10gb drivers stopping networking from working on boot. Seems if i restart the networking service after boot, things are fine though. Here is a screenshot from console and here is a snippet of dmesg where you can see some of the failures:
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21:57.12livingroomhello! are there any samba experts here? i am having a severe problem and i cant get any support anywhere :(
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21:57.23CircuitsoftMACscr: Run "ifconfig -a"
21:57.34Circuitsoft"ifconfig" by itself doesn't show adapters that are down.
21:57.52MACscrCircuitsoft: yes, i understand that, but the networking service isnt starting at boot
21:57.54MACscrsystemd[1]: Breaking ordering cycle by deleting job networking.service/start
21:57.54Circuitsoftlivingroom: Have you tried #samba?
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21:58.06livingroomcircuitsoft: everybody is asleep over there
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21:58.08CircuitsoftAh, there's your issue.
21:59.03CircuitsoftMACscr: So, you have a dependency loop. I haven't hit one yet, so I don't know how to track that down, but that's where you need to start your research.
21:59.10Circuitsoftlivingroom: What's your issue?
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21:59.31livingroomcircuitsoft: trying to set samba up as a primary domain controller. i can "join" the domain but i cannot login with any users and i dont know why
22:00.06Circuitsoftlivingroom: Ah. I just did that here at work.
22:00.25livingroomthank heaven! can you help?
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22:00.39livingroommy frustration levels are very high and i'm about to abandon the project
22:00.59NydjerI semi-configured samba
22:01.00CircuitsoftSo: First question, are you on the computer that's the DC, or a member?
22:01.03Nydjerit now works on debian
22:01.06centrxFrustation Level: High
22:01.18Nydjerbut now netbios names do not work on some win pcs
22:01.18CircuitsoftAnd to be clear, you're running Debian Jessie?
22:01.19livingroomboth. the DC is on a XEN VM that i'm remnoted in to from the client
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22:01.58centrxlivingroom, FYI You can also try the samba mailing list -
22:02.59Circuitsoftlivingroom: How did you start setting up The DC?
22:03.12SomelauwWhy am I getting "vboxclient the virtualbox kernel service is not running exiting" on a fresh debian installation? I installed it on a harddrive not in a virtual box.
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22:03.25livingroomcircuitsoft: i followed this guide:
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22:03.42livingroomyes i know centos isnt #debian but everyone else is asleep and you guys are brilliant over here
22:04.00CircuitsoftI set up mine, by installing Debian, then installing Samba. I deleted /etc/samba/smb.conf, then did a "samba-tool domain provision"
22:04.34rovarHey all.. I was wondering if there was a way to find all of the Sections in a task (tasksel) style task?  I want to make a very selective mirror, that only includes specific tasks.
22:04.53rovarI can't find where the tasksel tasks are defined..
22:04.58Circuitsoftlivingroom: Try to stick to guides on Samba Wiki.
22:05.43livingroomcircuitsoft: well, the thing is it's all set up - i can join the domain - but i cannot log in with any of the users!
22:05.53CircuitsoftHow do you join it?
22:06.15CircuitsoftOn my machines, I edit /etc/nsswitch.conf to make sure winbind is on passwd and group.
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22:06.43CircuitsoftThen edit /etc/krb5.conf to know where the domain is.
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22:07.07CircuitsoftThen I run "kinit adminuser@MYDOMAIN", then "net ads join -U adminuser", then "kdestroy"
22:07.16*** part/#debian dcvdr (
22:07.32livingroomwell, i'm joining the domain from a windows client, so i dont do any of those things
22:07.39CircuitsoftSo, I've done everything up to, but not including the kinit, and saved it as an image to image new machines from.
22:07.52CircuitsoftFrom windows, make sure you're typing the username as MYDOMAIN\username
22:07.59CircuitsoftAnd that the Windows box is joined to the domain.
22:08.00*** mode/#debian [+l 1626] by debhelper
22:08.37livingroomit's joined, but when i attempt to log in i get "there are currently no logon servers available to process the request"
22:08.50CircuitsoftLogin as a local user, then run "ipconfig /all"
22:08.54CircuitsoftSee if it can see the domain server.
22:08.57CircuitsoftTry to ping it.
22:09.03CircuitsoftOften, DNS is the biggest problem.
22:09.06CircuitsoftHow is your DNS config working?
22:09.22CircuitsoftWhat DNS servers does your DHCP server serve up to clients?
22:09.26CircuitsoftAnd how are they configured?
22:10.28livingroomdns is def not issue, i can ping it etc - used host and lmhost to ensure its pointed correctly to it
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22:11.20CircuitsoftI wouldn't be so sure.
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22:11.37CircuitsoftADS requires DNS _srv records to be properly implemented.
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22:14.26CircuitsoftRun, from a linux box, "dig -t SRV"
22:15.17*** join/#debian MadHatter42 (~MadHatter@unaffiliated/madhatter42)
22:15.39PadawanLearneractually i recently had an issue with an AD integrated dns zone and worked around the issue through lmhosts
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22:15.54PadawanLearnerlet me see if i can get you on that track
22:16.39PadawanLearnerhere you go
22:17.08PadawanLearnerlater i solved the issue and got rid of the workaround
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22:17.36PadawanLearnerso if dns is the issue, tha should cover it
22:17.54PadawanLearneri would also check your clock sync
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22:18.07PadawanLearneron the dc and clients
22:18.22PadawanLearnerbetter to set up propper ntp support
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22:34.53amdptlolczyk: I'm back trying to fix. I am missing the multiarch and the libc6 base packages
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22:39.15amdphi is there anybody who can help me in restore my jessie system?
22:39.51PadawanLearnerdefine restore?
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22:40.48freakyyhi all. how do i change the default version of python on my system#
22:41.14PadawanLearnerupdate-alternatives i guess
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22:42.41sdfagdsaso..can multiple installs use the same EFI partition?
22:43.01CircuitsoftAll OSs installed (including Windows) should share the same EFI partition.
22:43.03sdfagdsais there an option to not format that partition on boot?
22:43.11sdfagdsawhile intalling*
22:43.19CircuitsoftInstaller shouldn't format it at all.
22:43.23*** join/#debian msb (~msb@unaffiliated/detergnet)
22:43.30sdfagdsaI've done this once before, and it wiped the partiion and killed windows
22:44.02*** join/#debian Caplain (
22:44.05CircuitsoftFor the last several years, I've done all my installs via debootstrap and another Linux live environment.
22:44.25CircuitsoftAnd, mounting the EFI partition is the last thing I do before installing GRUB.
22:46.28PadawanLearnernow that you mention, i have to debootstrap my test box into a shiny jessie
22:46.46PadawanLearnerno efi though, it's an old machine
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22:47.02sdfagdsawhats the benefit of debootstrap
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22:47.54PadawanLearnergonna use the swap partition for it
22:49.05PadawanLearnerget rid of the swap, set up lvm and debootstrap into it, reboot to the new OS
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22:49.40cheateri installed debian using firmware-8.2.0-i386-netinst.iso onto an usb stick and now it won't boot. I don't even get to grub, i just get a black screen with a blinking cursor in the upper left corner. I told the (graphical) installer to install grub on that usb stick, and there were no errors.
22:49.46bytemonkeyPadawanLearner: you'll have to --force-foo --configure
22:50.13PadawanLearnerbytemonkey: ?
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22:50.25Circuitsoftsdfagdsa: I just got so used to manually installing Gentoo, that debootstrap was a lot more comfortable than installer.
22:50.33CircuitsoftWith debootstrap, you install only exactly what you want.
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22:52.03cheateri'm not sure how to debug this - would someone mind lending me a hand?
22:52.11bytemonkeyPadawanLearner: not sure myself.
22:52.38Circuitsoftcheater: My best guess would be that the computer isn't booting from USB by default.
22:52.40CircuitsoftIs it EFI?
22:53.14*** join/#debian T0rch (~T0rch@
22:53.19cheaterit's an intel laptop using BIOS and i tell it explicitly to boot from the usb stick by using the bios boot selection dialog.
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22:54.02cheaterthe exact same procedure works for booting another usb stick that holds firmware-8.2.0-i386-netinst.iso so that's not an issue
22:54.13Dev0nhey, looking to get this to run debian jessie , manufac doesn't mention its support for linux but various threads online says it works fine. However, I came across this thread regarding some UEFI issues it might have with debian?
22:54.32Dev0nit's an year old so maybe UEFI stuff has improved on debian since then?
22:54.55CircuitsoftDevOn: I've been using only UEFI for about a year and a half.
22:55.16CircuitsoftIt's very different from BIOS, but once you're used to it, it's really nice.
22:55.27Dev0nahh cool
22:55.51Dev0nCircuitsoft, just came across this in "This means that current support for UEFI in Debian Jessie is limited to amd64, i386 and arm64."
22:56.10CircuitsoftDevOn: That is amd64.
22:56.11Dev0nseems like it should all work on that machine
22:56.17Dev0nyea, I intend to run amd64
22:56.18CircuitsoftThe bigger issue is other BayTrail problems.
22:56.38Dev0noh, such as?
22:56.47CircuitsoftI've only seen BayTrail on Laptops, but...
22:57.03bytemonkeywhat does this do? dpkg --status-fd 8 --force-confold --skip-same-version --configure
22:57.06Dev0nultimately this will only run a few services so don't care for the video/audio
22:57.09CircuitsoftA lot of BayTrail platforms use HID over I2C, IMC camera, and the GPU might be a PowerVR.
22:57.35CircuitsoftIf that's the case, then it's probably fine.
22:57.42CircuitsoftYou may not get any video output at all, though.
22:57.53CircuitsoftBut, you can always boot to a USB serial console.
22:58.00*** mode/#debian [+l 1609] by debhelper
22:58.26CircuitsoftDevOn: If you want a /really/ nice server board, look at the SuperMicro MiniITX board with the Atom C2758.
22:58.28*** join/#debian level7 (~quassel@
22:58.45CircuitsoftHardware-accelerated SSL, Hardware-accelerated KVM-over-IP.
22:58.49Circuitsoft4x Gigabit ethernet.
22:58.58Dev0nCircuitsoft, that sounds pretty good
22:59.10CircuitsoftAnd, you can mount a disk image of a CD off of a SAmba server to boot from.
22:59.16Dev0ntrying to setup a dev env at work and looking for something small to run
22:59.23apti guess $300 is fine
22:59.23Dev0nso something like that sounds good
22:59.29CircuitsoftBut, it does suppport up to 64GB of ECC ram.
22:59.41Circuitsoft8 core, 2.4 GHz Intel Atom.
22:59.48Dev0nCircuitsoft, take it you've ran debian on these without any issues?
22:59.51PadawanLearnernice for a nas
23:00.09sdfagdsais it maybe a better idea, to just nuke windows, and scrap uefi?
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23:00.32CircuitsoftIf you're not using it for NAS, it only requries 12V (not a full PSU), so you can get a board from and run it off of an SLA battery.
23:00.41Circuitsoftsdfagdsa: Keep UEFI.
23:00.55CircuitsoftOnce Linux is installed, put a Windows boot disk in, and do a boot repair.
23:01.06Dev0nCircuitsoft, it will pretty much run a few docker containers that will run an nginx frontend, a nodejs backend, a postgres server and redis.
23:01.12Dev0nThat's all I really need on it.
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23:01.55Dev0ntrying to avoid a big machine with fans which is why I've been looking at the mini ones
23:01.59Dev0nsmall and easy to tuck away in the office
23:02.09Dev0nno noise low wattage :D
23:02.15CircuitsoftC2758 is fanless
23:02.23PadawanLearnerDev0n: I have read a lot of commotion about docker, what do you think of it?
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23:02.54Dev0nPadawanLearner, honestly, it has improved our deployments a lot.
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23:03.32PadawanLearnerwhat do you mean by improvement?
23:04.01Dev0nhah Circuitsoft, wow, that's pretty small :P
23:04.32CircuitsoftHook it up to a 12V SLA battery, and almost any voltage of DC power supply, and you have a computer with a built-in UPS, good for several hours.
23:04.45*** join/#debian JethroTux (~arch@unaffiliated/jethrotux)
23:05.07CircuitsoftConnect the SMBus connection to the SMBus header on the motherboard, and it will appear like the built-in power supply in a laptop.
23:05.20CircuitsoftGiving you real-time power draw, and estimated time-to-empty for the battery, when AC goes off.
23:05.39Dev0nPadawanLearner, it all depends on how your current stack. We've moved from a few hosts and have needed to spawn a few instances at times. Having the Docker flow nailed meant we were able to get things deployed out pretty fast.
23:06.10livingroomcircuitsoft: ok abandoning my CentOS. it wont work with Samba AD - any recommended debian/ubuntu releases? what did you set it up on?
23:06.20CircuitsoftDebian Jessie.
23:06.23Circuitsoft(latest stable)
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23:06.49CircuitsoftSkip the installation part, go straight to Provisioning.
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23:07.38livingroomquestion about jessie - does it come with a GUI environment
23:08.03CircuitsoftIf you want.
23:08.09livingroomi want
23:08.13CircuitsoftIf you do a desktop install, then yes.
23:08.22CircuitsoftJust tell it that it's a desktop, and you'll get Gnome.
23:08.24PadawanLearnerthere used to be a web gui called swat
23:08.29*** join/#debian JethroTux (~arch@unaffiliated/jethrotux)
23:08.29CircuitsoftYou can also select KDE, or XFCE.
23:08.31CircuitsoftOh, that.
23:08.34livingroomno not a gui for samba
23:08.38livingroomjust Gnome
23:08.38Circuitsoftswat is still around, but very minimal.
23:08.54CircuitsoftIt's not really very useful anymore.
23:09.04CircuitsoftMost everything is done through either the samba-tool or net command.
23:09.21livingroomthats cool
23:09.24CircuitsoftFor actual management, once it's provisioned, you can use the Windows RSAT tools.
23:09.25livingroomwhere the heck is a download ISO?
23:09.35livingroomdebian website is very confusing :(
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23:09.37Dev0nCircuitsoft, other alternative was:
23:09.52Dev0nwhich does claim manufacture support for debian
23:09.57Dev0nbut ofc more $$
23:10.12CircuitsoftDev0n: It's also an i5, vs (effectively) an Atom.
23:10.45Dev0ncouldn't find anything prebuilt with SuperMicro MiniITX board with the Atom C2758
23:10.59Dev0nlooking to get something in the next few days
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23:12.31CircuitsoftRackmount, or pedastal?
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23:13.57livingroomok circuit i'm downloading debian jessie now
23:14.07livingroomdebian live 8.2 gnome it says
23:14.34Circuitsoftlivingroom: You'll probably be fine with the netinstall disk
23:14.42maneshello everyone, I applied photorec to my drive, which had luks partitions, a lost partition and free space. only 1 mpg file of 180GB size was recovered. I was advised to use mpegdemux to see the contents of this file, but part of its output looks like this:  (the process still continuing) my purpose was to see whether I can find any files hidden in this giant file.
23:15.12Circuitsoftmanes: You can run photorec against the mpeg file.
23:15.13maneswas this command the right one? or can I somehow see what makes this file 180GB?
23:15.22livingroomcircuitsoft: netinstall disk?
23:15.25livingroomdidnt see that
23:15.32manesCircuitsoft, does it re-recover more files?
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23:16.17Circuitsoftmanes: "Small installation image"
23:16.28manesCircuitsoft, what does it mean?
23:16.30PadawanLearneror get this one
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23:17.04Circuitsoftmanes: On the distrib page, under "Download an installation image" is "A small insallation image" and "64-bit PC netinst iso".
23:17.05PadawanLearnerone of those should do it
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23:17.21CircuitsoftThat just means that the disk doesn't have pacakges, and will need an internet connection to download them.
23:17.30livingroomok getting that
23:17.40manesCircuitsoft, sorry, is this a debian distro link?
23:18.02manesor another distro for recovery?
23:18.06CircuitsoftSorry, I meant to respond to livingroom.
23:18.19CircuitsoftFor you, just re-run photorec on the mpeg file it found.
23:18.27CircuitsoftAnd it should, hopefully, find more in there.
23:18.54CircuitsoftUnfortunately, signature-based file detection is sketchy, and you're not likely to actually get anything.
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23:19.09CircuitsoftPlus, if you were using LUKS, then you're not likely to find anything from that.
23:19.27manesCircuitsoft, the problem is that luks was apparently borked, so there is no luks.
23:19.58manescitation above: 'lost partition'
23:20.04CircuitsoftThen anything inside luks is gone.
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23:20.25CircuitsoftSometimes, gpart can recover a partition table, then you might be able to recover something from luks.
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23:21.56manesCircuitsoft, the partition table hasnt changed. just this partition was vapourized while all other partitions retained their places and positions.
23:22.15CircuitsoftDefine vapourized.
23:22.21manesthat's why I thought gparted could not help with it, if I'm not mistaken
23:22.53cblakemy sound card's Mic gain is very very low.. alsamixer showing dB gain max to 6 !!?
23:22.56manesCircuitsoft, after the partition was made, I removed the drive. next time I inserted it, the partition was 'unknown'
23:23.14CircuitsoftSo, re-run cryptsetup.
23:23.23CircuitsoftSounds like it lost a config file, but all the data should still be there.
23:23.41CircuitsoftI don't think LUKS leaves any signature, so you need to manually point to the partition, and there's a config file for it.
23:24.06manesCircuitsoft, that's what I'd hoped, as it was not a data loss. I dont know how to do these, could you maybe help?
23:24.26CircuitsoftNo. I haven't actually used LUKS.
23:24.33CircuitsoftBut, find a guide for getting started with LUKS.
23:24.33manesI used cryptsetup, though.
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23:24.56Dev0nthanks for the links Circuitsoft, I'll check them out
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23:26.29CircuitsoftDev0n: Also, get the model number, and check out other vendors (if you prefer). They're carried pretty widely.
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23:27.14livingroomquestion, do i want LVM?
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23:27.36CircuitsoftI like it.
23:27.52livingroomwhat does it even do
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23:28.03livingroomi have never heard of it before this moment
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23:28.59manesCircuitsoft, I'd applied it all until 6.step on the linked page. haven't used vgchange yet. but I could open the partition via 'cryptsetup luksopen'. but the folder was empty.
23:29.01livingroomi think ill skip it. this is a VM
23:30.46manesbut vgchange was for LVM, as I just saw. I didnt have that
23:30.48livingroomcircuitsoft: using net install disk, it did not ask me what packages i want to install... where or when do i do that?
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23:32.16PadawanLearneryou should at least skim that doc
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23:34.00livingroomoh cool ok thx
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23:43.32Nydjerwhat's the best terminal?
23:43.53Nydjerdo you use anything like guake/yakuake?
23:44.32wskyno, it's stuppid except games
23:44.41wskyunless you really liked the ol quake consoles
23:44.49NydjerI like the quick access
23:45.13Nydjerone hotkey to reach/hide it
23:45.21Nydjerno tabs tho
23:46.04PadawanLearnerwhat about plain keyboard shortcuts?
23:46.08CircuitsoftNydjer: Try rox-filter.
23:46.10*** join/#debian meLon (~meLon@unaffiliated/earthmelon)
23:46.19wskydesktops environments usually provide a default key combination for spawning a new terminal window
23:46.22Circuitsoft` will open your choice of terminal emulator in the current folder.
23:46.31wskyalso there always is alt+f2 for quick command line
23:46.40cheaterand alt-tab.
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23:50.54NydjerCircuitsoft: it's a file manager
23:52.10iWaldoi've got a volume group called xyz-vg, but all of my devices in mapper are things like xyz--vg-<lvname>.  what's with the double dash?  not a big deal but it kind of irks me.
23:54.39CircuitsoftNydjer: It's the fastest file manager I've used. And it has the best terminal/command access of any file manager.
23:54.44NydjerPadawanLearner: >what about plain keyboard shortcuts?
23:54.44Nydjercan 1 hotkey be configure to do both actions: call a program or hide it's window if it's active?
23:55.07CircuitsoftiWaldo: /dev/vgname/lv-name is equivalent to /dev/mapper/vgname-lv--name
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23:57.06iWaldoCircuitsoft, that doesn't seem to follow the pattern i see.  i've got "xyz-vg" for my vgname and i'm seeing "xyz--vg-<lvname>"
23:57.15iWaldoi may misunderstand
23:57.55iWaldothe first hierarchy structure you mentioned exists
23:58.04somiajI have find dir -iname foo -o iname foo2, and I want to imply -delete. If I put -delete in front it takes out the whole directory, so this means I need to put it on every term that i use -iname foo -delete -o -iname foo2 -delete for it to work. I'm guessig in order to not have to add -delete in each part I need to write a better matching pattern?
23:58.11*** join/#debian DBA_1 (
23:58.17iWaldobut i would expect the 'double dash' to be between the vg the lv, not in the middle of the vg name itself
23:58.54*** join/#debian nuno_nunes (

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