IRC log for #debian on 20150419

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00:03.03deepbluehow can i install  PHP curl extension?
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00:03.57jellowdeepblue: package php5-curl?
00:04.45deepbluejellow: ok,thanx a lot
00:04.49ws2k3how can i check if my disk contains a zfs partition?
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00:05.47jellowws2k3: sudo fdisk -l
00:06.06ws2k3jellow i tryed but it says no valid disk partition
00:06.29ws2k3but i think debian does default not support zfs so maby thats why its does not show up in fdisk -l?
00:06.34jellowws2k3: I'm sorry I'm not sure then sure someone here will know
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00:06.37ws2k3caus ei am sure there is data on the disks
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00:12.24jellowws2k3: is zfs listed in lsmod?
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00:13.24thabomdoes anyone use 'TLSCRLCheck' in slapd?
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00:13.45thabombecuase my revoked certificates can still connect
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00:14.17thabom(using gnutls)
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00:14.30Taui need to get bluetooth working.
00:14.34Taui tried bluetooth-wizard.
00:14.49Taubut it seems it doesnt detect my smartphone nor my smartphone detects my laptop.
00:14.49thabomuse bluetoothctl
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00:15.19thabomsee the help section there
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00:15.27thabomand start your troubleshooting journey
00:15.55Tauit seems i dont have a command named bluetoothctl.
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00:17.35thabominstall bluez
00:17.47thabomi have it in my fedora desktop
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00:17.56thabomnot sure if it's in debian
00:18.03thabomsince i use debian only for servers
00:18.11Tauill try
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00:18.33Tauit says bluez is already installed.
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00:19.57jellowIf I remove package grub-efi-amd64 will this cause issues on my system?
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00:20.39Tauhow could i know whether my laptop gives support to bluetooth?
00:20.43Tauis there some way?
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00:21.01thabomdid you manage to install bluez?
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00:22.00thabomor just die in vain
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00:28.55somiajjellow: grub-efi-amd64 is the package you need to boot in efi with grub. If this is your method of booting you don't want to remove the package but fix the issue.
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00:32.01Blackholdfinally get working: installing debian jessie from serial console
00:32.03Blackholdthanks you much
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00:32.21thabomyou are welcome
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00:32.50Blackholddocumented here
00:32.58Blackholdsee you
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00:40.45bambamsI'm trying to figure out what is causing a "static" / "echo" sound in my audio.
00:41.08bambamsIt usually clears up after a few seconds of playing, but if I pause and restart audio (e.g., <space> <space>) it comes back.
00:41.57thabomtake a weaker LSD stamp
00:42.19blackflowbadum tss!
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00:44.36bambamsIt seems to be related to running VLC. If I kill VLC then cmus seems to play fine.
00:44.43MiescoHi, how do I get exim to put all my mail in 1 file?
00:44.57MiescoFor backup purposes
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00:47.23bambamsNevermind. I think the problem is multiple applications trying to use sound at once.
00:47.27bambamsCause if I kill cmus and start VLC then VLC plays fine.
00:47.45jellowbambams: are you using pulseaudio ?
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00:49.17pfred1you're only coming through in waves your lips move but I can't hear what you're saying
00:49.36blackflowMiesco: I suppose you could configure it to bcc all mail to a mbox account (and not a maildir account), not sure how to force Exim to do that (I'm a Postfix user).
00:49.59deepbluecan a bash script which invokes a php script be started at boot time? and how?
00:50.00Miescoblackflow: Should I just use postfix?
00:50.12pfred1I use Yahoo!
00:50.20bambamspfred1: I'm not familiar with the original, but I believe Stand did a cover of that. Love it.
00:50.34valdyndeepblue: yea, the 'how' depends on what it is supposed to do
00:50.38bambamsjellow: Pulse is installed, but I'm not 100% sure what's using what.
00:50.44pfred1bambams Pink Floyd was the original
00:50.47blackflowMiesco: I don't know :)
00:51.09bambamsCorrection: I think the problem is VLC related. If VLC is running I have issues. When it's not I don't seem to, even if I play both YouTube videos and cmus music.
00:51.34somiajdeepblue: if you have php-cgi (I think that is it), and you could just use cron to run it at boot.
00:51.44pfred1I've had issues with sound and Wine
00:51.48jellowbambams: when ever something goes wrong I usually remove and re-install pulseaudio, I do not pretend to know high working of sounds
00:52.06pfred1jellow you and me both
00:52.33pfred1fuser /dev/dsp  &etc. can help
00:52.55pfred1see what is sitting on devices
00:53.02valdynbambams: see what vlc uses for sound. If multiple programs can output sound at a time theres still 3 options at least.
00:53.15somiajdeepblue: sorry, php5-cli (this is needed to run php scripts from the command line)
00:53.21bambams/dev/dsp does not appear to exist.
00:53.35pfred1it doesn't have to that is OSS compat
00:53.37valdynbambams: of course vlc cannot be using /dev/dsp
00:53.55valdynbambams: not even if it existed
00:53.56pfred1ALSA uses different devices
00:54.03bambamsI believe that VLC is configured to use "Default". I have no idea what that is. I've tried switching it to ALSA and Pulse explicitly, but the problem persists.
00:54.18valdynbambams: that makes no sense then
00:54.19deepbluevaldyn: it is supposed to loh in web page
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00:54.28valdyndeepblue: loh?
00:54.30pfred1just determining what your sound devices are is an issue
00:55.14pfred1bambams I put a new sound card in this system the other day and I've been screwing around with it some since then
00:55.47valdyndeepblue: so basically, when you boot up you want to log in a webpage? i dont get how that makes sense, but
00:56.00bambamsI have no explicit sound card. Just onboard sound and the sound support from my video card (HD 6850). But I'm not using sound from the video card so only the onboard is useful.
00:56.03pfred1just got a shiny old Creative Labs Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS 7.1 PCI Sound Card
00:56.14pfred1it's a hot rod in Linux
00:56.30pfred1pretty well supported
00:57.06pfred1bambams sometimes programs may try to use audio devices that you're not using
00:57.19aceofdatabaseMy experience with the Audigy line was with Windows Vista, so, I'm sour on it.
00:57.26pfred1I had that issue when I put this cound card in
00:57.27valdyndeepblue: see @reboot in a crontab, put the crontab file in /etc/cron.d/
00:57.31pfred1sound card even
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00:57.48pfred1I ended up blacklisting the driver for the other hardware
00:58.01pfred1that fixed that
00:58.06bambamspfred1: But I can hear the audio. It's just staticy and echoy. :-/
00:58.18bambamsAnd it clears up after a few seconds normally.
00:58.19pfred1you might need the real time kernel module
00:58.24deepbluevaldyn: thanx
00:58.26bambamsI suspect it's a buffering issue..
00:58.28valdynbambams: maybe vlc needs to be restarted after switching sound output method
00:58.32pfred1that might be overruns
00:58.38bambamsvaldyn: Tried that too.
00:58.54pfred1just use mplayer vlc sucks anyways
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00:59.28MiescoWhats a good MTA?
00:59.40valdynMiesco: exim is fine
00:59.45valdynMiesco: postfix is fine
00:59.55Miescovaldyn: I am looking for simple
01:00.11valdynMiesco: if its simple, then its not really an mta
01:00.17blackflowpostfix config is a bit less verbose than exim
01:00.22pfred1throws a 50 pound sendmail manual at Miesco
01:00.24valdynMiesco: but may be ok for you. I dont know what you need to do
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01:00.33themillMiesco: what are you wanting it to do for you?
01:00.49Miescothemill: Just get my mail and put it in /var/mail
01:01.02valdynMiesco: exim does that
01:01.23themillMiesco: get your mail or receive your mail?
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01:02.43valdynMiesco: if you want exim to handle your mail then it cannot do the "getting"
01:03.10Miescowhat is a smarthost?
01:03.38valdynMiesco: mta is hard, you probably should not use one like that at all
01:04.01valdynMiesco: its a remote "mta" that does the delivery for you
01:04.20valdynMiesco: instead of your mta doing it by itself
01:04.51pfred1I never set that stuff up in Linux that's what I have an ISP for
01:05.47valdynMiesco: if you are configuring a desktop system, then set your mailer for local delivery only. (dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config) and do your own mail on the web or in icedove or whatever you prefer
01:05.53Miescovaldyn: Right now I am using fetchmail, it is giving all the email to exim4?
01:06.15Miescovaldyn: Well I want to use mutt
01:06.15valdynMiesco: it could, but i dont think that makes sense for you
01:06.53Miescovaldyn: But right now I just want to backup all my email on my hard drive
01:06.57valdynMiesco: mutt can use the local mta, but mutt can also directly talk to the "smarthost", like etc.
01:07.37Miescovaldyn: I am setting up postfix, and it is asking for either Internet with Smarthost  or  local delivery
01:07.59valdynMiesco: local delivery is good, as i said
01:08.12Miescovaldyn: Even to backup email?
01:08.17Miescovaldyn: with fetchmail?
01:08.27valdynMiesco: backing up mail has got nothing to do with exim
01:08.40themillMiesco: I'd suggest that you take a step back and work out what it is you're actually trying to achieve here. You're misusing jargon to the point where noone actually knows what it is you're wanting to do.
01:09.10valdynMiesco: you can use fetchmail as a user and retrieve mail with that into some local mailbox (file(s)) and back that up
01:09.22Miescovaldyn: Well fetchmail put all my email I downloaded into /var/spool/exim4/input/, so exim4 has something to do with backing up my email
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01:09.53valdynMiesco: thats only because you made fetchmail do that, its entirely optional where it puts mail
01:10.10Miescothemill: I am going to read the mutt manual on all this stuff later, but right now I need to just backup an email asap
01:10.59Miescovaldyn: I just told fetchmail to poll
01:11.21valdynMiesco: yes, of course, the default destination of fetchmail may not be what you need
01:11.36*** join/#debian nitenq (627751c2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:11.46valdynMiesco: it has an "mda" option
01:11.51nitenqhey I have a problem installing JDK7 on debian
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01:13.03valdynMiesco: as a local user running fetchmail you would set that mda to something like procmail and procmail would filter that mail into your own private mailboxes
01:13.57themillnitenq: «aptitude install openjdk-7-jdk» would be considerably easier
01:14.22Miescovaldyn: So what is the difference between "Internet with smarthost" and local?
01:14.26valdynMiesco: but this *whole* stack of programs fetchmail, some mda, mutt can also but done by mutt alone
01:15.01valdynMiesco: local means that exim will only do mail to local users
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01:15.25nitenqthemill: thanks !
01:15.26valdynMiesco: smarthost means that all mail that is not for local users will be sent via some smarthost (a remote mta)
01:16.34valdynMiesco: some daemons send error messages via mail only - if it was not for that you would not need an mta (like exim) at all
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01:20.06Miescovaldyn: I want to back up my email with fetchmail and I don't want it to mix any email with any other mail so in fetchmail I put ' as "somerandomename" here' and fetchmail is saying that 'somerandomname' doesn't exist here
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01:22.00valdynMiesco: i dont know that option
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01:22.33Miescovaldyn: Sorry, s/as/is/
01:22.47Miescovaldyn: I just want to save all my gmail as an mbox file
01:23.04valdynMiesco: you are accessing it via pop3?
01:23.23Miescovaldyn: Yes
01:23.24*** join/#debian Se-bash^2 (~seba@unaffiliated/se-bash)
01:23.40valdynMiesco: you are running fetchmail as a user?
01:23.45Miescovaldyn: Yes
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01:23.58valdynMiesco: ok, hold on
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01:31.20valdynMiesco: and dont specify a "here" user, makes no sense
01:32.10valdynMiesco: this can make sense it a multi-user scenario where fetchmail gets mail for various users.
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01:34.03Miescovaldyn: thanks!
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04:34.01svetlanawhat package do i need for converting avi to ogv
04:34.56JoLeenHow do I make a Live-USB, or Live-CD, load up the existing /etc/fstab that I have in my hard disk?
04:35.28svetlanabuu, Package ffmpeg is not available, but is referred to by another package.
04:35.40svetlananot sure what to do with that
04:35.47JoLeenI want a Live-USB/CD load up my partitions and filesystems that are on my hard disk now. (formerly is a repository of unofficial packages maintained by Christian Marillat, not in Debian for legal reasons or because the packages are too poor in quality.  See or ask me about <dmm wheezy>, <dmm squeeze>.  Remember to include a "non-free" component in your sources.list lines.  See also <dmm list>, <dmm mirrors>, <dmm pinning>, <why not dmm>, <dmm remove>.
04:35.58themillsvetlana: you want avconv from the libav-tools package
04:36.00buusvetlana: There's some kind of drama with ffmpeg and the actual ffmpeg isn't available in debian any more =[
04:36.08buuBut you can use avconv as mentioned.
04:36.42themillbuu: s/the actual/one package calling itself/ ← the story is much more complicated than that
04:36.58buuI was trying not to get into it
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05:42.17dfzxhdoes it make a difference if i switch from wheezy to jessie right now, compared to waiting until the 25th for jessie to become the new stable?
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05:52.58themilldfzxh: there should be essentially no changes to jessie between now and next weekend anyway (that has been true for a number of weeks, in fact)
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06:01.08svetlanaI'm trying to figure out how to 'uninstall everything I installed through the package manager today' but apart from parsing /etc/apt/history.log by hand I don't see how to do it
06:05.18somiajsvetlana: apt/dpkg doesn't have an 'undo' feature. Logs and manually removing things is about the best you can do
06:05.37somiajnote if you only actually manually installed a few packages, all the auto installed depends should also be removed if you remove the manual ones
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06:09.16klystried: apt-get install konsole.  got: QIconvCodec::convertToUnicode: using Latin-1 for conversion, iconv_open failed ... QDBusConnection: session D-Bus connection created before QCoreApplication. Application may misbehave.
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06:09.25klysalso, I got this: KCrash: Application 'konsole' crashing...
06:09.45somiajklys: what version of debian are you running?
06:09.51daloI smell dependency problems here.
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06:10.16klyslatest live cd, issue says 7
06:10.19somiajeither that or a frakendebian, but maybe it is just a missconfigured debus
06:10.35somiajklys: are you running from the live cd or an install from the live cd?
06:10.43klysrunning from
06:11.05somiajklys: which paticular live image are you using?
06:11.12klysthe rescue iso
06:11.37klysbarely fit onto my cdrw
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06:11.59svetlanathank you somiaj
06:12.05somiajklys: afik the rescue iso dosn't have a graphical enviroment. Are you chrooted into your system or trying to install kde in the live session?
06:12.34klysI installed konsole without kde, and xorg with only xterm as window manager
06:14.03klystrying to install konsole in a live session to check out the transparency featue
06:15.15klysudev and dbus are running, and I have xtightvncviewer open
06:15.36somiajyea looking at the rescue image package list. I didn't think it had xorg, but I guess it has some things.
06:15.39dalorealizes how happy he is with his Xfce in Debian stable...
06:15.57klysI gave it xserver-xorg
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06:16.01somiajklys: not sure if you found an issue with that live image, but if you want to check out console you should grab the kde live image and I would just put it on a usb stick over a cd
06:16.41somiajklys: since you are running in memory, install lots of packages may have undesired effects. But I don't reconize your error and know a way to fix it
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06:27.04deepfreezHi, where can I find the definition of > and < exemple : mysqldump -u root -p webmail > webmail.sql ... I need a definition but not find on google :) Thanks
06:27.19dfzxhis there a netinst installer i can grab for jessie?
06:28.32somiajdeepfreez: look at the man page for bash or your shell
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06:30.02tsunAnyone have an idea why hexchat won't compile on debian?
06:30.28tsunAfter installing libgtk-3-dev with aptitude, it even deleted my kde stuff lol
06:30.42tsunI'm on a Xfce4 interface btw
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06:31.28iflemadfzxh probably. Also you could use an older netinstall and change sources.list to use jessie once installed - not the  most efficient way...
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06:41.08tsunAny tips on getting hexchat to compile on debian with xfce4?
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06:45.29somiajtsun: ask smart questions. What are the actual errors you are getting, they should give you clues what you need.
06:45.40somiaj,v hexchat
06:45.41juddPackage: hexchat on i386 -- wheezy-backports: 2.10.0-1~bpo70+1; jessie: 2.10.1-1; sid: 2.10.2-1
06:45.50somiajtsun: but why not install the version from wheezy-backports?
06:46.01tsunoh? Is there a package?
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06:46.36tsunI just couldn't find a repository, I cloned from git, then tried to compile it, it said it woulnd't build GTK and I installed libgtk-3-dev and still didn't work
06:47.03tsunSorry, didn't know about backports. I'll check it out.
06:47.21somiajtsun: seems it uses gtk2 so libgtk-3-dev woudln't work
06:47.29somiajbut yes install the version from wheezy-backports
06:47.31tsunoh lol
06:47.34somiaj!tell tsun about wheezy-backports
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06:48.15tsunhmm nice
06:48.20tsunty I'll add it in and try
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06:53.12tsunwow nice thanks a lot somiaj!
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06:53.26tsunAll this suffering for hours ;_;
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06:54.08somiajtsun: in the future ask better questions. Your question was vague and not going to get much reponse the way you phrased it.
06:54.13somiaj!tell tsun about smart questions
06:54.32SharminatorHello, can anyone help me get my audio working?
06:54.52somiaj!tell Sharminator about alsa check-list
06:55.10somiaj!tell Sharminator about alsa checklist
06:55.46somiajSharminator: that is a generic here are a list of things to check with alsa. If you are using pulseaudio (I think this is the default with gnome and maybe other ds) you'll need to look at pulse controls
06:57.15SharminatorThanks, I will consult the list. :)
06:57.47SharminatorI'm running a net installation with only the base system and didn't install pulse.
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07:04.53somiajSharminator: seems that list doens't mention check different sound cards. two things 'cat /proc/asound/cards' or 'aply -l'
07:05.05somiajcould be the default card 0 is not the one you ahve your speakers pluged into
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07:12.54deepfreezHi, how find if I have rootkit installed on my linux?
07:13.31deepfreezwith chkrootkit ?
07:14.24rabbitear_sdftype chkrootkit?
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07:20.55deepbluehow cab i unlock /var/lib/dpkg/lock without rebooting?
07:21.45somiajdeepblue: why is it locked?
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07:22.04deepfreezdeepblue: sudo lsof /var/lib/dpkg/lock
07:22.16deepfreezdebhelper: sudo kill -9 <PID>
07:22.36somiajrabbitear_sdf: chkrootkit is a package, and will detect some (not all) rootkits
07:22.40deepbluei ran 'apt-get upgrade' then pressed ^z
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07:23.39rabbitear_sdfsomiaj: I know, not much will find any rootkits
07:23.48deepblueapt-get 32518 root    4uW  REG   8,49        0 1481794 /var/lib/dpkg/lock
07:23.49nkuttlerdeepblue: fg
07:24.26rabbitear_sdfsomiaj: it might find some public, ya, lots of people on the server, so this is pretty common stuff
07:24.29deepfreezsomiaj, what is the best?
07:24.40deepbluenkuttler: thanx
07:24.53rabbitear_sdfdeepblue: full disclosure mailing list
07:24.55somiajdeepblue: you shouldn't be having to kill apt processes as often as you are doing so.
07:25.09rabbitear_sdfsorry deepfreez ..
07:25.24somiajdeepblue: type 'fg' in the console your hit ^z on, it will bring the process back to the 'fore ground'
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07:26.12deepbluesomiaj: already done as constructed by nkuttler
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07:26.28somiajkilling apt processes is not standard, you should avoid this if you can.
07:26.39deepblueyes it workes fine now
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07:27.28deepbluei thought ot will enhance the process
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07:33.29deepfreezFailed to fetch  500  Internal Server Error
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07:33.47somiajdeepfreez: sounds like a bad mirror
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07:34.01somiajdeepfreez: try the mirror over
07:34.08dpkgTo have <APT> automatically select a mirror geographically close to you, you can use a Geo-IP service from  An example line for your sources.list is "deb wheezy main".  See for more information.  Unlike <>, it is safe to use with Google DNS etc because it uses HTTP 302 redirects.  See also <which>.
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07:34.59somiajdeepfreez: I think that is a better mirror over the country code, they do try to give you a local mirror, but the has some communcation with mirrors and shoudln't send you to one that is experiencing troubles.
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08:14.36hiexposvetlana, did you get your issue fixed
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08:20.47svetlanahiexpo: Yes thanks... removed by hand, it autoremoved the rest
08:21.04hiexposvetlana, kool
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08:44.28LopeI'm trying to start a VM using a disk image that's inside an encfs volume. What user needs to mount the encfs volume so that KVM/QEMU etc can read it?
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08:54.12cranehey, is it since wheezy still not possible to preseed localizations without building an own initrd iso?
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08:54.42a9__is anyobdy experienced with bind?
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08:57.16micalma9__: You'll probably get better answers if you just ask your question.
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09:05.09a9__does anybody know how to remove ptr records or temporarily disabled them with bind. I have a /24 subnet which I need to remove all PTR records
09:05.26a9__thing is I'm the network admin, DNS servers aren't my area!
09:05.32uxbalHi guys, a couple of questions: to describe my usage - casual laptop / office user, like gnu/linux for it's philosophy, and debian for its ethics and stability. What i need is a stable, pretty much plug&play system which will get out of my way to do other things. Now, is debian more developer oriented, or is it, in the spirit of universal OS, a system for everyone. What i know how to do is edit the sources list, some config files in /etc etc. As for needing newe
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09:06.50cybrNautuxbal: there are debian-based distros that target everyone including the average joe (namely ubuntu)
09:07.33a9___uxbal: editing the /etc/apt/sources.list should be done with caution, by default non-free drivers will not install which can affect some "plug and play", even ethernet cards
09:07.37svetlanauxbal: welcome! debian is a system for everyone from what i could see. easy for users to get involved too without messy rules about upstreams.
09:08.08cybrNautuxbal: do you need netflix or a bitcoin app?  if so, avoid debian.  Otherwise debian might be your answer (for its stability)
09:08.15svetlanauxbal: fyi your message got but off after 'As for needing newe'; re-paste the rest maybe.
09:08.41uxbalAs for needing newer programs, the only thing i once needed newer were libreoffice (i can see stable has it in backports), firefox and soundconverter. Is Debian right for me? + i'd like to use gnome...
09:08.49a9___uxbal: i started using debian as my first distro, it's incredibly easy to install especially now the installer is GUI
09:09.12uxbal:) thanks ceco :)
09:09.24svetlanauxbal: sounds fair enough, debian will support your hardware too (hopefully without the non-free stuff, but that's easy to enable). i would check with a live cd first and go from there.
09:10.02uxbalcybrNaut: I currently don't use netflix, nor bitcoin (but wasn't bitcoin wallet available in squeeze days?)
09:10.03cybrNautuxbal: for gnome, you should favor Mint over Ubuntu.  also, debian reject proprietary drivers (and rightly so), but if you need a proprietary wifi driver beware
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09:10.24uxbalI need ath5k for my atheros wifi card
09:10.29a9___uxbal: just remember debian is split into stable, testing and unstable, you can upgrade but not downgrade between the distros!! doing this can potentially cause you having to reinstall your system, im sure many of these guys have done this unless im the only dumbass here
09:10.32uxbali think that's opensourced?
09:10.40cybrNautuxbal: no, bitcoin wallet had to be hacked on squeeze as well as wheezy
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09:12.02a9___uxbal: here is a 64 bit image for debian with the "non-free" closed source drivers in case your ethernet card happens to be propretiary, this will make sure it's picked up
09:12.19cybrNautalso, the btc wallet hacking is quite messy - the ubuntu package won't even compile on debian
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09:12.57jellyuxbal: no idea about soundconverter, but there are reasonably well maintained repos for up-to-date iceweasel (firefox, renamed)
09:13.46cybrNautfirefox has issues, just different ones now
09:14.09jellycybrNaut: no need to hack anything wrt bitcoin, just compile and use the thing
09:14.14uxbalwell, the thing is, ubuntu does seem [i]convenient[/i], but it also seems to be 'closing off', and i wouldn't really like to be shutout of a proprietary system down the road. So i was looking at upstream...
09:14.20jelly,checkbackport bitcoin-qt
09:14.21juddBackporting package bitcoin-qt in sid→wheezy/i386: all build-dependencies satisfied using wheezy.
09:14.23cybrNautfirefox no longer suffers from obsolescense, but now it crashes randomly (the price we pay for version chasing)
09:14.33svetlanaer no
09:14.46a9___uxbal: ubuntu is based on debian packages anyway and is packaged with spyware *cough* amazon software
09:15.01svetlanacybrNaut: test it in safe mode, close it first then run ``firefox --safe-mode', see if the issue remains
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09:15.51jasabellehi :)
09:16.30cybrNautsvetlana: it crashes about once a week.. almost infrequent enough to make safe-mode testing unappealling.  Maybe i'll try that anyway
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09:16.51GunnerWolf-PhoneA9___: and Google is a botnet
09:17.15jasabellehas anyone installed armhf version of debian on r-pi? do you have a list of hardware features that are missing?
09:17.17jellyGunnerWolf-Phone, a9___: can we all stick to tech support of software in debian
09:17.18uxbal+ both channels seem populated in the same amount...
09:17.24uxbalirc channels, that is
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09:17.38cybrNautjelly: bitcoin compilation gives => Libtool library used but `LIBTOOL' is undefined
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09:18.17cybrNautjelly: then it says "The usual way to define `LIBTOOL' is to add `LT_INIT' to `' and run `aclocal' and `autoconf' again."
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09:18.28jellycybrNaut: did you install the build-deps?
09:18.52cybrNautjelly: i installed dpkg-dev qt4-qmake libdb5.1++-dev libqt4-dev libqrencode-dev libminiupnpc-dev libboost-test1.49-dev zlib1g lib32z1 libc6-i386 debhelper devscripts bash-completion libboost-system-dev libssl-dev pkg-config libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-thread-dev libboost-test-dev
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09:19.29jellycybrNaut: libc6-i386??
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09:19.49cybrNautseems i need to get dirty.. hack the
09:20.06cybrNautjelly: not sure why that's in there.. that was in a guide from
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09:20.39jellycybrNaut: avoid random guides.  Just do the usual sid backport.
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09:21.03jelly!tell cybrNaut about ssb
09:22.30cybrNautjelly: thanks, i'll reverse what I did and try that
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09:22.37jellyjasabelle: not yet, still have to get hands on an r.pi 2
09:22.44a9___does anybody know how to make PTR records blank / delete them with BIND?
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09:22.55svetlanacybrNaut: also type about:crashes in URL bar, this might have some info.
09:23.15jellya9___: just delete them, what's the problem?
09:23.38cybrNautsvetlana: it says the url isn't valid
09:23.54jellya9___: don't forget to change the serial for that zone if you're doing things manually
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09:24.19a9___jelly: in production environment just want to make sure i do it right!
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09:24.29a9___jelly: so the db zone file,do I just cancel out the url?
09:24.39a9___jelly: it has a done at the end, do i also take that out?
09:24.42jellya9___: url???
09:24.54a9___jelly: ie, 242   IN   PTR
09:24.55jellythere are no URLs in a zone file
09:25.19cybrNautuxbal: i suggest trying the wheezy netinst first, and then if you get into any messy problems give Mint a try
09:25.26a9___jelly: I'm a network admin damnit been tasked with a DNS job
09:25.29jellya9___: delete or comment out that line
09:25.30a9___jelly: XD
09:25.41a9___jelly: ok cool, increment then rdnc restart ?
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09:25.53jellya9___: a network admin should know how dns works :-)
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09:26.06a9___jelly: i do, just not how bind works :P
09:26.08jellya9___: no need for restart, rndc reload will do
09:26.14cybrNautuxbal: (but note that Mint does not have a netinst option)
09:26.35a9___jelly: thanks much appreciated
09:26.51svetlanacybrNaut: ah okay, carry on.. time flies, the software changes, i fail to keep up
09:27.27cybrNautsvetlana: that's the problem with browsers!
09:27.38a9___jelly: commenting out a /24 is making my hand hurt xD
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09:27.48cybrNautidiot web admins force users on the path of compulsive browser upgrades
09:28.04jellya9___: you also need some editor skills, then
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09:28.29jelly256dd is not hard to type in vim
09:29.04cybrNautsvetlana: would be nice if users would just stay on firefox of 2 years ago, and push back, and pressure websites not to get crazy on the features
09:29.24valdyna9___: make sure you get the dnssec stuff too
09:29.24jellycybrNaut: Firefox ESR has a 12 months lifetime, which is acceptable for me
09:29.43valdyna9___: that means just changing the zone file may not suffice
09:29.50a9___jelly: hashing out, im sure theres a way to append that in vim
09:30.05jellycybrNaut: incidentally that is what debian uses for "iceweasel" in their release
09:30.07a9___valdyn: got a ripe course booked soon for that
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09:30.31p0g0__cybrNaut: uhm, leaving old insecure browsers in situ is an invitation to security breaches.
09:30.32a9___jelly: so you suggest deleting the zone file instead of hasing out the entries?
09:30.40cybrNautjelly: ah, well maybe i should have said of 4 years ago
09:31.00svetlanacybrNaut: One thing.. websites are so messy because they are desktop agnostic. The world would have been much easier to use if everyone made their website an app for your DE -- this way it would be more intuitive for you to use, study, modify, and it would not look ugly. Firefox does it a bit wrong - it is an app written in a DE-agnostic way, so its behaviour on your system is not tested well because they are trying to shoot all
09:31.00svetlanae of code.
09:31.06cybrNautp0g0__: actually security-wise, it's a bad idea to chase the shiny
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09:31.38svetlanacybrNaut: So I recommend looking for a web browser for Gnome, for Xfce, for Lxde, for Kde, or for whatever you're using, and using the web browser which is well tested on the system.
09:31.41valdyna9___: so there's no point in editing the raw zone file now if you cant sign the zonefile(s)
09:31.59jellya9___: I'll assume you meant semicoloning out... hashes are not valid comments in zone files
09:32.18p0g0__cybrNaut: over time, the vulns of any one browser become better understood and disseminated.  There is trouble at either end of the issue.
09:32.28cybrNautsvetlana> cybrNaut: One thing.. websites are so messy because they are desktop agnostic. <= most sites cater for IE (not vary agnostic).
09:32.46a9___jelly: ok semi colons should all suffice? my preference would be to keep the zone file in case this clients moves onto another IP range
09:33.24jellya9___: if it moves to a different IP range you'll want to generate an appropriate set up PTR values for that new IP range.
09:33.34jellyset of* PTR values
09:33.48cybrNautp0g0__: but in HTTP-land, new features are 90% of each release.  that 90% introduces copious more bugs than the other 10% resolves
09:34.14a9___jelly: I figured  would it suffice to comment out all the PTR records for the current range, increas the increment and rndc reload?
09:34.26cybrNautlynx is a secure browswer.. has aes-256 iirc, and no bug-infested feature richness
09:34.36jellywell, unless DNSSEC :-)
09:36.21a9___jelly: thanks I'll be going a DNSSEC course soon with RIPE :)
09:36.21cybrNaut(90% is my SWAG btw.. not sure what the actual figure is)
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09:48.41Bartoasteris it alright to put the xrandr command in the Default gdm3 script? gdm gets my resolution wrong on startup.
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10:01.17uehg I do not find if foremost is a freeware
10:01.48uehgDo not worry I amusinganother computer
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10:03.34uehgHow have you found that ?
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10:05.18uehg"This work is in the public domain "What this meanes exactly" ?
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10:05.49babilenuehg: → search for 'foremost' → Git (browse) → debian → copyright → raw. You'd also find it in /usr/share/doc/foremost/copyright* if the package is installed. You might also be interested in "debcheckout foremost" (which is in devscripts)
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10:07.51uehgfreesoftware is different than a freeware ?
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10:11.11babilenuehg: Sure, you might want to read to learn about additional aspects we deem important
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10:12.21anddam suggests to use names from /usr/share/X11/XKeysymDB that doesn't exist on my system or in PDO, did the name of the file change?
10:12.55polyphagiauehg: ^
10:13.19anddamalso how can I remap ctrl-up and ctrl-down in order for them to behave like ctrl-A and ctrl-E ?
10:13.45anddamI mean mostly in lxterminal, but if it were system-wide it'd be even nicer
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10:18.44iseonDoes anyone have a good guide for building Ubuntu kernels on Debian? I have googled but it is hard to find... should doing it the "ubuntu way" just work? Have tried once but couldn't build successfully.
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10:20.32anddamdutchfish: what for? That's the page that led me to the multimedia keys' one
10:20.49anddammy layout and physical model are correct
10:21.04anddamit's a generic pc 105 keys (ISO) with multimedia keys
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10:21.30Krakakanoki use xbindkeys
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10:22.08anddamthe example lines at are quite enough for my task
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10:22.31anddamexcept the "sleep key" I have a key with a dark half moon that I guess is supposed to put the computer in suspend
10:22.45anddamwithout that symbold db file I don't know what names to use
10:23.22anddamKrakakanok: I don't know it, also it's not mentioned there, I'm trying to follow the wiki for now
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10:24.18Krakakanokyou can see the key code with it anddam
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10:24.44Krakakanokhello Roland-
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10:28.54Roland-pv yes
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10:30.02dutchfishphysical volume
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10:30.35tremonRoland-: did you have any snapshot or mirror volumes? maybe one of the other PVs has a reference to it
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10:32.48dutchfishRoland-, or there has been an aliasname attached to it, and changed later, removing the uuid doesnt remove the alias neccesarely
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10:37.42dutchfishRoland-, but pvdisplay -m should reveal that quickly
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10:42.44XIaahhi just a quick question which is probably easy to fix, ive added a password with sudo htpasswd -c /etc/apache2/.phpmyadmin.htpasswd username, how do i remove this password? i dont actually need it anymore :(
10:43.24jellyXIaah: man htpasswd will probably have an answer for you
10:43.53XIaah^^ thnx
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10:47.14XIaah-D got it thanks jelly :)
10:47.14anddamKrakakanok: I can see the code with xev as well
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10:49.29Krakakanokok anddam
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10:51.37jk_when I try to print my cups shows that the page is printed, but my printer isn't doing anything. Does anyone know what the problem there could be?
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10:55.01blackflowjk_: put cups in debug logging mode and see what's up?
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10:59.52WaxheadHi, I reported bug 777440 (that I think is release critical , prevents hibernation) and that bug was reassigned according to the maintainer. Will this bug have a new number or will it all continue on the existing bugnumber ?
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11:00.48jk_backflow: well I dont see any errors in the log, It says the the job was writing and that it has been done
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11:01.56jk_backflow: the only thing that looks weird for me is that it's quite often saying: cupsd is not idle any more, canceling shutdown.
11:03.58blackflowjk_: that would imply that the problem is beyond cups, or the driver is acknowledging the transaction but breaking somewhere later in the chain.
11:04.03SynrGWaxhead: reassigning a bug to another package (if that's what you mean) does not change the bug#. it just means the bug, in the maintainer's estimation, does not belong to the package  you filed it on, but another.
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11:04.43SynrGWaxhead: in this case, it is now on the kernel instead of systemd
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11:05.01SynrGany additional info should be attached to the original bug#
11:05.07jk_blackflow: I had an old debian where it worked and both say that they're using gutenprint v5.2.10
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11:05.27jk_btw, it's a parallel epson stylus color 660
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11:05.31lxsameer_what is the group name that allow network connection ?
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11:05.50blackflowjk_: anything in dmesg or /var/log/messages suggesting a hardware issue?
11:05.51WaxheadSynrG: Ok, thanks, then it basically mean that the ones having taken over this bug have not done anything about it (at least not that shows in the bugreport).
11:06.01SynrGWaxhead: furthermore, no, it is not release critical.
11:06.12blackflowjk_: btw, parallel? LPT and not USB?
11:06.20SynrGWaxhead: it is priority "important", only
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11:06.24jk_blackflow: yes
11:06.42SynrG!tell Waxhead about release critical
11:06.43blackflowjk_: uh that's old then :)
11:06.49WaxheadSynrG: How can I change that then? It prevents functionallity.
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11:07.13SynrGWaxhead: that's not what release critical means.
11:07.32SynrGWaxhead: if we prevented Debian from ever releasing until all 'prevented functionality' were fixed, it would never release.
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11:08.01svetlanaWaxhead: after release poke people to get the new program into packages, then you'll get it
11:08.03WaxheadSynrG: Perhaps not for servers that much , but as far as I understand (from other sources) this is a kernel bug , that prevents the kernel from doing that it is designed for. Sleeping or hibernating.
11:08.14SynrG!tell Waxhead about severity
11:08.24zapotahhi, to output the grub and kernel boot messages to both the vga output and serial i added GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200n8" and GRUB_TERMINAL="console serial" to /etc/default/grub but it only outputs to serial
11:08.24jk_blackflow: thats my problem, if it was younger i would just buy a new, but now it's much over 10 years old and still working
11:08.29WaxheadAfter release the problem will probably be resolved so it really does not matter much for me. Just trying to learn.
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11:08.50SynrGWaxhead: have a look at the meaning of 'important', "a bug which has a major effect on the usability of a package, without rendering it completely unusable to everyone."
11:08.56SynrGWaxhead: your bug qualifies.
11:08.57zapotahis vga not on tty0 or am i missing something stupidly simple here?
11:09.02svetlanaWaxhead: I am in the same shoes, a program does not send mail, it's not release critical so I am waiting for the release and then I'll start screaming and kicking (genrly, of course; there is a ton of security problems and broken things for them to get in, too)
11:09.21SynrGWaxhead: Debian is allowed to release with packages having bugs in this category
11:09.22blackflowjk_: I wouldn't know what else to suggest other than checking the relevant logs: cupsd, dmesg/messages
11:09.52blackflowjk_: it could also be that the content is beyond what the printer can understand, eg. a more modern postscript version or something. does the test page work?
11:10.20svetlanaWaxhead: for about 5 months before this release everything is frozen and only 'very important' = 'release critical' bugs are being fixed - this is to ensure that debian doesn't break when upgrading, and packages don't break the system
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11:10.32jk_blackflow, no, the test page isn't working
11:11.06jk_blackflow: and I know that that guteprint driver is the riggt one because i have an old testpage with that driver
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11:11.10svetlanaWaxhead: they can still be functionally deficient, and that will be addressed after the release (important bugs will be fixed first. so hopefully rather soon). the release is due this or next month iirc.
11:11.23jellyWaxhead: hm, your bug does not mention sleeping, only hibernation.  I can confirm sleep and resume from sleep works on my hardware.
11:11.24Waxheadsvetlana: yeah , I know the release cycles - I have been using debian for almost 10 years , however I have not payed much attention to bugreports (trying to improve myself) :)
11:11.39svetlanai only started this year; glad to hear that
11:11.43Waxheadjelly: yeah, hibernate and sleep works fine on my other hardware too. :)
11:12.04jellyWaxhead: that fact alone makes it not RC :-)
11:12.12SynrGWaxhead: i think you can appreciate, then, why Debian would still release even if this were broken at time of release.
11:12.26blackflowjk_: sorry, don't know how else to help, other than googling for various ways to try echoing to lpt and tricks like that to see if anything passes through (which would suggest content incompatibility).
11:13.36WaxheadSynrG: Sure, again this is not (for me) a problem. As soon as a newer kernel is pumped into testing I am happy again. So I guess in a few months from now I will hibernate happily again.
11:13.41jk_blackflow: np, thanks for the help, I found a page that says that the printer might have to be in interrupt mode
11:14.06SynrGWaxhead: with luck, yes. meanwhile, you might see if there is a patch upstream for it.
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11:14.36SynrGWaxhead: if so, the kernel releasing with jessie could later be patched with it. you would save the Debian kernel maintainers time by helping in this way
11:14.37WaxheadSynrG: If my memory serves me correctly this was fixed in 3.17+. So all I have to do is wait.
11:14.55SynrGWaxhead: 3.17 will never go into jessie
11:15.16WaxheadSynrG: yes, i only said that it was fixed in 3.17 and above.
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11:15.49SynrGWaxhead: the fix *could* go into a future 3.16 release in jessie.
11:16.05SynrGthen you wouldn't need to resort to a backports kernel (with all the normal problems of backports)
11:16.51WaxheadSynrG: Yup, but again not critical for me. For my "desktop" where this is mainly a concern I stay with testing. My biggest concern is that I want to hibernate a larger machine at work (to move it) so when I upgrade that to jessie I hope it will hibernate.
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11:17.14SynrGi see. well, in that case, you might try the kernel from experimental
11:17.20juddAvailable kernel versions are: experimental: 3.19.0-trunk-686-pae (3.19.3-1~exp1); sid: 3.16.0-4-686-pae (3.16.7-ckt9-2); jessie: 3.16.0-4-686-pae (3.16.7-ckt9-2); wheezy-backports: 3.16.0-0.bpo.4-686-pae (3.16.7-ckt7-1~bpo70+1); wheezy: 3.2.0-4-686-pae (3.2.65-1+deb7u2); squeeze-backports: 3.2.0-0.bpo.4-686-pae (3.2.65-1+deb7u2~bpo60+1); squeeze: 2.6.32-5-686 (2.6.32-48squeeze6)
11:17.31SynrGthe only reason it's there is due to the freeze.
11:17.49WaxheadSynrG: Sure .... I actually realy hope hibernation works on the machine at work , after all it has 2.5 years uptime :)
11:17.55SynrGlater, after the release, 3.19 will go to unstable, migrate to testing, and become a candidate for backport
11:18.09jellyor 4.0
11:18.13blackflowWaxhead: 2.5 years? that thing will never reboot :D
11:18.14SynrGor 4.0, yes
11:18.19SynrGdepends on timing
11:18.31Waxheadbackflow: that will be fun when that happens yes.... :P
11:18.44SynrGlong uptimes? pft. a sign of sloppy system maintenance
11:19.06WaxheadSynrG: who cares, it's fun.
11:19.10blackflowbug-ridden, security swiss cheese systems :)
11:19.14SynrGsure. whatever floats your boat :)
11:19.29SynrGfor me it became boring in the early 200s
11:20.04SynrGround about the same time i stopped building my own kernels
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11:20.23WaxheadSynrG: it does what it is supposed to do and it is not open to the rest of the world either so according to the famous "if it ain't broke don't fix it" it will work a bit more.
11:20.26blackflowOn the other hand, I've got wheezy boxes with 60 days uptime and growing. Meaning wheezy haven't had a reboot-worthy update in that time (kernel/glibc/init)
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11:21.05blackflowWaxhead: the only problem with that is you don't know if it's broken if you don't test full reboot cycle ;)
11:21.13jellywith a 1000 days uptime, you can't even be sure the thing will boot properly at all
11:22.07SynrGasking it to hibernate *and* reboot properly is double jeopardy
11:22.17SynrGsings the tune ...
11:22.29Waxheadsings along....
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11:23.53svetlanai contemplated using kplice or some other spelling thing for upgrading without reboot but i was told it's not good for desktop
11:24.04svetlanasome years ago
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11:24.56blackflowwith the introduction of systemd, the patch in 4.0 will become worthless since pid 1 now has massive codebase that will often require restarts on updates.
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11:25.04SynrGthe kernel isn't even the biggest reason to reboot. it's simply a matter of knowing everything starts properly on a reboot in a controlled situation, rather than having it suddenly sprung on you after a power event
11:25.19blackflowSynrG: +1
11:26.39blackfloweven restarting daemons on update is not a 100% proof they'll restart properly on reboot, as the environment/deps might be different then.
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11:33.26juddI'm going away for maintenance for a while... be good kiddies while I'm gone!
11:34.39blackflowThe bot's gone! The bot's gone!
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11:37.54zapotahso order matters with userland console output
11:38.26zapotahand apparently it can _only_ output to one device
11:38.29zapotahhow nice...
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11:40.27valdynzapotah: no, it prints to all, something may be wrong with your config
11:41.19zapotahvaldyn: it reads that /dev/console is where init dumps init messages
11:41.48zapotahvaldyn: and im having a bloody difficult time finding a way to change that to output to multiple
11:42.10zapotahsince /dev/console is bound to the _last_ specified console tty
11:42.14valdynzapotah: what does init have to do with this? you are specifying *kernel* output devices, not init
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11:42.37zapotahbut i would want init messages to output on both as well
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11:43.29zapotahim trying to output shit to serial console for remote logging of console messages because ive this server that keeps crashing and ive zero clues why
11:43.43zapotahand when it crashes one cannot connect to the console anymore
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11:47.47valdynzapotah: i think you want your syslog daemon to log to serial
11:47.49blackflowzapotah: serial console? no regular network?
11:48.12blackflowvaldyn: yeah, I was aiming at that, syslog sending console stuff to remote
11:48.23valdynzapotah: see /etc/rsyslogd.conf (if you are using the default syslog daemon)
11:49.06zapotahis it the syslog daemon that sends the (starting httpd) etc messages?
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11:49.36valdynzapotah: no, it recieves them and sends them wherever, to a remote host, to a console, to a file, whatever
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11:50.14blackflowzapotah: I guess you mean if httpd (apache?) can log via syslog, then yes, it can, and you can then configure syslog to remote that elsewhere
11:50.15zapotahi need it on a lower level, thus to send it directly to the serial
11:50.33zapotahblackflow: ive a server that crashes for lord knows why
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11:50.38valdynzapotah: you have the lowest level already (kernel  log)
11:50.56zapotahand i need to send every message from both kernel and init system to both vga and serial
11:50.56jk_blackflow: I made it :D debian doesn't load the lp module by default which is neede for parallel connections. and since /dev/lp isn't available cups is using the wrong connection to access the printer
11:51.02zapotahkernel works
11:51.02valdynzapotah: theres not much point in having init log somewhere directly I think
11:51.08zapotahbut init doesnt
11:51.09p0g0__zapotah: I think you need what they are telling you- 'at a lower level' would require you to catch the lag strings before the kernel.
11:51.17p0g0__*log strings
11:51.19valdynzapotah: init doesnt do much at all
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11:51.34valdynzapotah: so, the *init* logs are the last place
11:51.35zapotahp0g0__: and im pretty sure inittab is my answer to all this
11:51.35blackflowjk_: awesome!
11:51.49zapotahtrying to figure out the syntax
11:52.12jk_blackflow: so up to the next 15 years of printing :D
11:52.13blackflowzapotah: how about you start at the beginning. what do you have, an apache server crashing often and you want to capture its logs remotely?
11:52.18zapotahblackflow: no
11:52.24zapotahblackflow: the hardware crashes
11:52.29p0g0__zapotah: on Openwrt, not a good example, I know, yes, it is an inittab setting iirc.
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11:52.38blackflowzapotah: okay, so you want to capture the kernel logs remotely?
11:52.48valdynzapotah: you are working under the assumption that a) the kernel crashes and b) the kernel does not know about it (logs nothing)
11:52.52damo22what is the command to update initrd in debian?
11:53.01valdynzapotah: thats exotic to say the least
11:53.13blackflowjk_: lol, I'll drink to that. :)
11:53.15zapotahblackflow: i need it to be output on as low a level as possible to both vga and serial
11:53.35zapotahvaldyn: it responds to no input whatsoever when it crashes
11:53.40blackflowzapotah: define "it"?
11:53.46valdynzapotah: well of course not
11:53.56valdynzapotah: but what does it print on your serial console?
11:53.59zapotahblackflow: it as in the physical machine
11:54.07zapotahvaldyn: currently everything
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11:54.29valdynzapotah: when it crashes? an error message?
11:54.36blackflowzapotah: no, I mean what is the "it" you want to be output? you can't output a machine, so what exactly is it?
11:54.37zapotahvaldyn: the init ties to /dev/console which is tied to the last defined console= line in the kernel boot parameters
11:54.49valdynzapotah: on a crash i really dont care about init
11:54.49zapotahblackflow: all kernel and init system output
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11:55.07zapotahvaldyn: i want it to have all possible output to debug this further
11:55.27blackflowzapotah: okay, so why do you need serial console for? you can have the syslog daemon collect all kernel messages (The "stuff" from dmesg, eg.) and send that off to a remote syslog.
11:55.37zapotahvaldyn: the init system does tell me if some process sends some funky outputs before it crashes
11:55.50valdynzapotah: no it does not
11:56.58valdynzapotah: when a process crashes, a process crashes, thats not unusual. Init does not care about it.
11:57.13blackflowsystemd does now :)
11:57.29valdynbut i think we are talking about sysvinit
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11:57.30damo22how do i update initrd in debian?
11:57.39zapotahyes, that much is true
11:57.53zapotahbut it is besides the point that i want it to output to both
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11:58.14zapotahi will setup the syslog daemon to output to a remote socket as well
11:58.25zapotahbut i want the init and kernel to output to serial and vga
11:58.39damo22zapotah: console=ttyS0,115200
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11:59.56valdyn!xy problem
11:59.57dpkgSlow down for a bit! Are you sure that you need to jump through that particular hoop to achieve your goal? We suspect you don't, so why don't you back up a bit and tell us about the overall objective... We know that people often falsely diagnose problems because they are too close to them -- it's easy to miss that there is a better way to do proceed.  See
12:00.22blackflow... which is what I've been trying from the beginning :)
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12:01.21valdyndamo22: dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-$(uname -r)
12:01.49damo22sudo update-initramfs -u -k all
12:01.59valdyndamo22: yes, that works aswell
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12:04.07zapotahill test some inittab magic and get back to you
12:04.30damo22zapotah: i just configured mine
12:04.52damo22zapotah:  T0:23:respawn:/sbin/getty -L ttyS0 115200 vt100
12:05.35alfatauhello all. I need help for solving a quite annoying problem: I'm running gnome3 (debian jessie) with a multiple screen setup. even if i setup my screens using xrandr and saving the configuration to xorg.conf, gnome overrides my configuration using ~/.config/monitors.xml, which is in turn generated by display settings choosed from inside my gnome account. instead, i need a persistent "system-wide" setup. can you help me?
12:05.58dpkgThe release following Debian 7 "Wheezy" is codenamed "Jessie" (the cowgirl in Toy Story 2) and will be Debian 8.  It is the current <testing> distribution.  Use the #debian-next channel on the OFTC network ( for support. .  See also <jessie alpha>, <jessie freeze>, <jessie kernel>.
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12:06.34valdynalfatau: have you tried putting that file into /etc/gnome/config ?
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12:08.43blackflowSirLagz: and in six days this channel will automagickally become capable of answering Jessie questions? ;)
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12:09.00SirLagzblackflow: probably
12:09.10valdynalfatau: or probably (google hit): To apply the settings as a system-wide default, copy ~/.config/monitors.xml to /etc/gnome-settings-daemon/xrandr/monitors.xml.
12:09.11alfatauvaldyn: no, I didn't because I'm trying to config a dynamic screen setup: when my laptop has no external monitors attached, the bundled screen must be the only and primary screen. otherwise when I connect an external monitor, that should became the new primary monitor and the other should be set as "left-of" the primary one.
12:09.13SirLagzblackflow: in reality, all support was meant to go over to OFTC
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12:09.59blackflowSirLagz: I'm not sure I know what you mean.
12:10.07valdynalfatau: thats 2 seperate problems
12:10.29valdynalfatau: does gnome not allow you to set the stuff as you want it to be?
12:10.41SirLagzblackflow: Debian's Official IRC network is OFTC. That's where support is meant to be done, on OFTC, not on Freenode
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12:11.10blackflowSirLagz: Oh, I didn't know what. So what is this chan for?
12:11.52SirLagzblackflow: from what I've been told / what I've read, this channel existed before Debian moved the official channel to OFTC, and this channel just keeps living on
12:12.22blackflowSirLagz: I see, thanks.
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12:13.30alfatauvaldyn: yes it does. However it seems to override the xorg settings after gnome starts. My point of view is displays settings should be independent from gnome, because if I want to switch from gnome to xfce (for example) I should keep my monitor settings. am I wrong?
12:13.41valdynalfatau: it sounds like whichever setting you chose (no matter xrandr or gnome), that setting does not do what you want and you need to apply a new setting as soon as a monitor is plugged in or out
12:14.10valdynalfatau: ok, I see
12:14.12alfatauvaldyn: yes.
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12:15.25valdynalfatau: try this ^^
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12:15.33valdynalfatau: it may be outdated
12:15.43valdynalfatau: see "Stopping gnome from overriding..."
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12:16.33alfatauvaldyn: wow! it seems exactly what I'm looking for! I'm going to try. thank you in advance!
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12:18.50carphello, i am installing debian at the moment on a different machine. hit a problem. i cant connect to a mirror in the 'configure the package manager' stage.
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12:20.17carpearlier, it did not dhcp automatically. i had to choose the 'manual' option. i then had to enter my ip address and it continued from there. it successfully installed the base system.
12:20.46valdyncapri: the base system needs no network i think
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12:21.20valdyncapri: did you set the nameserver at some point? did you set it correctly?
12:21.49carpvaldyn: i did set the name server, i left all the options on default
12:22.11valdyncapri: either ip or nameserver are wrong or both
12:22.22valdyncarp: ^^
12:22.35valdyncarp: alt-f2, there you can inspect things
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12:23.10carpvaldyn: to find my ip address i used this machine, which is using the same router.
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12:23.55alfatauvaldyn: ok going to restart X!
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12:24.48tremoncarp: if your network normally uses dhcp but the installer can't get a dhcp address, there's a connectivity problem. Missing cable, missing driver or missing firmware, likely
12:26.18carptremon the machine has xp installed and working internet on a different harddrive.
12:27.30carphow would i check if i normally use dhcp or not?
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12:30.41carpthe installer says 'your network is probably not using dhcp protocol'
12:30.47zapotahokay, so the init scripts output is dumped to the default console output which is /dev/console which is the last console device defined in the kernel boot parameters
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12:32.13tremoncarp: check /etc/network/interfaces on your current machine. It should say "iface [..] inet dhcp" if you're using dhcp
12:32.53zapotahis there any way whatsoever to tee that to another tty on system level without modifying every script to output it to whereever
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12:34.04zapotahvaldyn: blackflow: i know its most certainly faulty hardware, but since the crash is so infrequent its very difficult to try to start shooting in the dark to find out what the source of the crash is
12:34.17zapotahas to what to replace
12:34.47zapotahif this were at work, id dump the entire server and be done with it, but alas its my home lab
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12:35.34tremonzapotah: why not set console to serial only?
12:35.51zapotahyes, im starting to lean to that direction as the only option as well
12:36.17zapotahnow this is starting to be just of academic interest
12:36.47zapotahas in, is it even possible to output the default console output to two different outputs
12:37.29blackflowzapotah: if I understand your problem correctly, hardware faults will have kernel logs, and if not, it means they're in the layer that prevented logging to happen, which could start with psu and abrupt power loss to cpu.
12:37.33tremonI'd guess not, as /dev/console isn't just an output device. It's input as well
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12:38.10valdynzapotah: theres 2 components that write to your console. 1 is getty. I doubt and getty would do such a weird thing by itself, but maybe it does, see manpage, 2 is the kernel, we already know it can do that.
12:38.31zapotahyeah, the kernel outputs correctly to both
12:38.36zapotahso that works as intended
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12:39.07valdynzapotah: of course syslog can do the same
12:39.21tremonblackflow: or an interrupt storm caused by any device on the pci bus, or memory corruption in the irq table, but yes, flaky psu is my most likely suspect as well
12:40.02blackflowtremon: yup.
12:40.24zapotahyeah, could very well be the psu
12:40.43valdynzapotah: you can compile a kernel to see some hint as to what it is
12:40.48carptremon: this machine is running windows 8 i think. i am googling trying to find how to check. I know that my ip address is not static already if that helps rule out.
12:40.49zapotahill find out if it outputs anything sane when the next crash happens
12:41.07valdynzapotah: (or any other process that does verify itself)
12:41.14zapotahif not, i guess ill just swap the psu first since thats the cheapest part
12:41.24blackflowthen again an interesting anecdote, I had such hard crashes with no logs on a machine running FreeBSD. I thougth PSU or memory chips would be the cause (after all the machine was 5 years old at the time the problems started). turns out, switching to Linux "fixed" the crashes :)
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12:41.37zapotahblackflow: hehe
12:41.42tremoncarp: ##windows will probably tell you to run ipconfig /all and scan for a line saying "dhcp server:" or the like
12:42.08carptremon: i ran that and the window auto shut after a split second lol
12:42.12blackflowzapotah: which would imply a faulty driver or something similar in the kernel.
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12:42.41zapotahyeah, this kind of crashes are the most irritating to debug
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12:43.27zapotahtbh ill probly just sell the hw to some youngster and get some more decent hw
12:43.36zapotahthese are _old_
12:43.46zapotahi5 but meh
12:43.53zapotah1st gen
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12:44.23blackflowzapotah: running memtest for a while could rule out (or in) faulty memory sticks
12:44.42zapotahran it for a week, nothing
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12:50.30carptremon: alright i got it. dhcp is enabled
12:51.53tremoncarp: ok, great. That means either the cable spontaneously broke, or the installer is missing a driver or firmware. Do you know what network card is in that machine?
12:54.19carptremon: i can read it without taking it out, which means i have to cancel the install
12:55.10carptremon: i can read the label without taking it out, which would mean turning off the pc and cancelling the install.
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12:58.39carpam i going to have to have to download a driver and put it on a usb stick or something?
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13:00.07tremoncarp: I'm not sure. Since you say the machine used to run windows xp, it's not a new machine. That means it's unlikely you'll be able to find a driver that's not already in the installer
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13:01.01tremoncarp: I know that some wired chipsets (most notably broadcom) require firmware that's not on the installer cd. But if that were the case, the installer should have notified you
13:01.05carptremon: i am using a cd to install from. only 260 mb. i have a debian dvd from last year that is much larger.
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13:02.20tgado you know of any decent web interface to luks/cryptmount?
13:02.22carptremon: ah ok, this is confusing then ha
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13:02.42tgaI have a few encrypted volumes that I want to enable by typing the password in a web interface instead of ssh
13:02.47carptremon: in the ipcong /all it says my ip address begins with 192.
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13:03.10carpbut if i google 'what is my ip' it gives a number that begins with 78.
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13:03.49carpis my ip adddress going to be the same on this machine that i am talking to you with, as the one i am trying to install debian on?
13:03.55carpthey use the same router
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13:04.16tgacarp: 192.168.something.something is your actual address on your network behind the router
13:04.28tgacarp: 78.something is the router's address on the internet
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13:05.24carptga so i need to enter 192.something into the debian install? and it will not be the same as this machine?
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13:07.27tremoncarp: it won't matter. even if you do provide the correct settings manually, you still have a connectivity problem. And when you've solved that connectivity problem, you won't need to enter those settings manually as dhcp will then work
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13:08.11tgacarp: sorry, I just joined, what are you trying to do again?
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13:08.58carptremon: ah ok.
13:09.13carptga hi, i am installing debian and it wont dhcp connect
13:09.33tremoncarp: you could try to identify which network card is in that machine, either via the existing windows install or by removing the card and inspecting it. But I wouldn't know how to continue with that information anyway, you'll need to wait for someone else to respond I'm afraid
13:09.45tgacarp: what are you installing debian on?
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13:10.13tgathe problem is most likely not dhcp, my first guess would be your network card isn't working
13:10.18carptremon: ok thankyou very much for the help. i am learning stuff atleast ha
13:10.19tgadrivers, settings, etc
13:10.34tgaalso, wifi or cable?
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13:11.29carptga wifi, installing on a new harddrive. the old hd has working xp and working internet on it.
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13:12.03tgaright, what machine is this? laptop I imagine?
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13:12.44carpno its not a lpatop its a tower
13:13.06carpmost parts are from 2007.
13:13.23anddamI followed , I assigned symbolic codes to key codes and loaded that with "xmodmap .xmodmaprc"
13:13.43anddamI checked xmodmap's output before and after loading those codes and it didn't change, is this normal?
13:13.58tgacarp: then what are you using for wifi? usb stick?
13:14.14anddamI cannot see any effect using the multimedia key, how does Xorg know what action to perform on XF86Audio* codes?
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13:14.34carptga its a card with an antenna
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13:15.40anddamcarp: word of advice use ethernet for installing and setup, it will save you some head-scratcher
13:15.49tgaand do you see any wifi networks?
13:16.16tgayou don't really need network connectivity when installing, if you're really lucky it will just work afterwards
13:16.40tgaif your wifi card isn't recognized, then do a lspci and try to figure out what it is
13:16.50tgayou could also boot XP and look in the device manager what kind of card it is
13:17.09carpanddam: that seems wise, this card doesnt have any ports, only an antenna unfortunately. i may resort to trying to find a friend with an old card if needs be.
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13:17.42tgaunless this is a really old machine you probably have an ethernet port on the motherboard
13:17.44anddamdoesn't the mobo have a builtin eth? that was pretty common even in '07
13:17.49carptga i am installing debian, how would i identify if i can see any networks?
13:17.57tgajust skip the network part
13:18.00tgaget debian installed first
13:18.13anddamassuming he got a full installer disc
13:18.31tgacarp: what are you installing debian from?
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13:19.14tgacarp: generally speaking you should just describe what you're doing in more detail, we shouldn't have to grill you on all the details
13:19.16carpanddam: i dont know if i have an ethernet port on the mobo, i will look that up in a sec.
13:20.02tgaif you have trouble with your wifi card it will be simpler if you can get it online on eth first, then you can install whatever packages you need for wifi
13:20.17tgafirst figure out whether you indeed have trouble or not
13:20.29carpi am currently installing from a cd. 260mb. i have a debian dvd from last year though. could use that and then upgrade if needs be.
13:20.50tgaI'd say go with the dvd, get the system up and running, then figure out wifi
13:21.02tgaunless it's easy to just get the system online on eth
13:21.02carpwell like you say you only just joined half way through ;)
13:21.38carpi am a major beginner to this kind of thing though,sorry if i am frustrating
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13:22.18tgathat's ok, we all started somewhere
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13:22.56carpcool, i will look up ethernet port now. mobo is nforce 650i be right back
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13:23.42iorfuiHello please I was moving files from my externhard disk to my hard disk when all my persoanles datas lost mysteriously. How to take them? That may be a bug.
13:24.37thabomHi anyone around who could advise me about a gnutls crl issue?
13:24.44iorfuiCan I find their again on the archiveor i do nott know where ?
13:24.51iorfuiPlease itis urgent.
13:25.21thabomi'm fighting with this for a while but can't sleep before i've a proper understanding of this matter
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13:28.39carpok great i do have ethernet, i have to unplug the router and move it closer so i leave channel temporarily. brb
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13:31.00SynrGthabom: if you've failed to get help on irc in a reasonable amount of time, you should consider posting to the debian-user mailing list instead.
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13:31.40SynrGiorfui: are you looking for the bug tracker? it's unclear what you want us to do.
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13:32.05iorfuiyes or any solution
13:32.12tgaiorfui: what were you doing and what happened?
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13:33.17iorfuiJust cut and past datas from extern hard disk and the personnals datas have been lost, I donotsee their anymore.
13:33.22SynrGiorfui: using debian stable (7.8) or something else?
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13:34.16SynrGiorfui: using which file manager? (or if you don't know the name of that, which desktop or window manager? gnome? something else?)
13:34.23*** join/#debian carp (5c1e4cfc@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
13:34.35tgaiorfui: do you mean file ownership or did you actually lose your files?
13:34.49thabomSynrG: i'll do that, but first i wait for the response from the gnutls-help maillist
13:34.50iorfuidebian 7.5
13:35.01carpok back in the game. going to plug in the ethernet and re do the configure network stage.
13:35.04iorfuiYesI loose the files
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13:35.36SynrGiorfui: which file manager?
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13:36.14SynrGiorfui: no. i need the name of the software.
13:36.19SynrGiorfui: are you using gnome?
13:36.37SynrGiorfui: your file manager is nautilus
13:36.44SynrGiorfui: did you check the Trash?
13:37.05iorfuiit is clean
13:37.18SynrGwhat filesystem is on the external drive?
13:37.31carptga tremon anddam and it worked! ethernet for the win thankyou very much guys
13:37.44iorfuiand I have got empted the trash after see I have got this bug
13:38.09SynrGwhy? i'm sure this didn't help.
13:38.11iorfuiI do not know what is the file system.
13:38.18tgacarp: yeah well eth works without any configuration, you'll still have some fun getting wifi to work probably
13:38.54carpthat or convince the housemates that having wires trailing through the middle is fine!
13:39.01SynrGiorfui: is the drive currently mounted? if so, please put the output of the 'mount' command at for us to see
13:39.29iorfuiIt is already mounted
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13:42.50SynrGiorfui: are you getting 'mount' for us?
13:43.08SynrGiorfui: this will show what filesystem it is
13:43.19iorfuino I can do that with the disk utility
13:43.25SynrGalso size of drive and percentage used
13:43.31SynrGyes, but that won't be easy to paste
13:43.37dpkgnopaste is a command-line tool to send data to a <pastebin>.  To paste e.g. your sources.list do "aptitude install libapp-nopaste-perl; nopaste /etc/apt/sources.list"; to paste the output of a program do e.g. "dmesg | nopaste".
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13:43.53SynrGiorfui: install libapp-nopaste-perl
13:44.01SynrGiorfui: then: 'mount | nopaste'
13:44.07SynrGthen give us the URL
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13:46.17iorfui5 minutes please
13:47.02SynrGiorfui: you said debian 7.5. have you upgraded regularly? if so, you should now be on 7.8.
13:47.12SynrGit is important to know if you are up to date with patches
13:47.41SynrG,v nautilus
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13:47.55SynrGoops, judd bot is still on holiday ;)
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13:50.06iorfuiI know I have to upgrade but I have not done ityetbecause I have just reinstall
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13:50.40SynrGiorfui: when was the last time you upgraded?
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13:51.13SynrGit is dangerous to run a system without keeping it upgraded regularly.
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13:52.08SynrGhowever, it looks like nautilus has not been updated in debian stable since 3.4.2-1+build1 (06 Aug 2012).
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13:52.27SynrGiorfui: please report, also (along with the output of 'mount') what nautilus version you are on. use 'dpkg -l nautilus'
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13:53.14SynrGthat being said, it could be some issue at a lower level (a dependency of nautilus) and not nautilus itself.
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13:54.05SynrGiorfui: why 5 minutes. is installing nopaste causing a lot of things to be downloaded and upgraded?
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13:59.37carpi am installing debian on a new hd. my old hd has xp on it. i want to be able to boot from both. i have unplugged the old hd while i am installing debian. i am about to install grub. should i install grub to the master boot record? and then configure grub later so i can boot from the old drive? will i be able to dual boot without grub as the master?
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14:01.07SynrGcarp: let me address the last question first. if your BIOS has a boot device manager, and most do, then you don't need grub to be involved at all, provided there's a boot record on the external drive.
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14:02.16SynrGthat being said, if-and-when you do upgrades on debian, and the external drive is plugged in, i believe update-grub may run os-prober and add an entry for Windows XP. this should be entirely harmless. however, of course, that entry would not work at all any time the external drive is not plugged in.
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14:02.37yjyjfhIhavenautilus 3.4.2-1
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14:03.00SynrGyjyjfh: with no '+build1' suffix?
14:03.14carpSynrG: ill just keep grub confined to the new hd then. cool thankyou
14:03.27SynrGyjyjfh: /nick iorfui, or whatever your preferred nickname is
14:03.42yjyjfhI have not written '+build2'. I need ?
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14:04.14SynrGyjyjfh: i don't know. at this point i'm just collecting information that may or may not help.
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14:04.49carpSynrG: it isnt external drive, its internal, once debian is installed and working, i will plug in my old hd and it will stay plugged in.
14:04.56SynrGyjyjfh: it looks like that rebuild was *only* to add xz compression. i don't think it is relevant.
14:05.02SynrGcarp: i see.
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14:05.14SynrGcarp: in that case, you just plug it in and let grub do its job.
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14:05.36SynrGcarp: i.e. run 'update-grub' which adds an entry automatically to grub for the OS that it detects there
14:05.45SynrGcarp: that is, assuming you have os-prober.
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14:06.23SynrGiorfui: i see. so the encryption may have something to do with the data loss.
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14:06.47SynrGiorfui: how is it encrypted? with dm-crypt?
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14:07.11carpSynrG: can you clarify, do you mean i should let grub be the master boot record?
14:07.16Akuwhow can i manage my wifi conection using terminal
14:07.17Akuwactually when i am in lxde and after some time wifi lost connection
14:07.30SynrGcarp: that is usually best with dual-boot Debian systems, yes.
14:07.41deepblueokular will not open djvu could i fix it?
14:07.53SynrGcarp: is the Win XP drive the boot drive?
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14:08.36SynrGAkuw: using network-manager?
14:08.41carpSynrG: i am a novice, but i presume yes becuase its the only drive the computer has ever had. xp came pre installed.
14:08.52iorfuiWith vgm encrypted. I encrypt my os during setup.
14:10.05carpSynrG: ok so once debin is up and working, i will have to go into grub and just configure it so that the xp drive is now secondary and stuff.
14:10.12SynrGiorfui: vgm? i don't recognize this.
14:10.58iorfuiI have choosen  the one encryption I can choose during the installation.
14:11.29SynrGi believe this is dm-crypt
14:11.37SynrGunfortunately i don't know much about it
14:11.39iorfuiItis possible
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14:12.34awalAkuw: if you are using network-manager you can do that via network-manager-gnome that lxde uses. if you use wicd, so via wicd-gtk. If you really want command line check this
14:13.03SynrGto summarize for other helpers here, iorfui was using nautilus to cut-and-paste files from a non-encrypted external hard drive to internal encrypted drive and lost all the data. the Trash was empty (and unfortunately, after checking this, iorfui also emptied the trash). the system looks like it's wheezy but not upgraded in a while. i have searched bts for relevant bugs but can't see anything useful there.
14:13.33SynrGi'd be happy if any other helper could make suggestions.
14:14.22SynrGawal: too bad Akuw quit, but i was going to (if he confirmed it is network-manager) suggest nmcli
14:15.02SynrGthe wiki page would probably take Akuw off on a tangent
14:15.14tremonis the data really gone? I don't use nautilus, but I've seen my share of fat fingers or drag-doubleclick-drop on windows as well
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14:15.34awalSynrG: oh, ok. I must enable 'show users leaving/entring'.
14:15.34tremonmaybe the data simply got moved to an unexpected location?
14:15.56SynrGawal: back now. but Akuw didn't quit until after your suggestion. you didn't miss anything
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14:16.16SynrGAkuw: if you're using network-manager, there is nmcli
14:16.44iorfuiI have reinstall my debian just before cut and past. Itis almost empty
14:16.51tremoniorfui: well if the external disk is formatted as fat32, you should be able to undelete quite easily
14:17.10SynrGiorfui: yes. that is why i wanted to know the filesystem. still waiting for you to do 'mount | nopaste'
14:17.27SynrGtremon: i asked this earlier, and iorfui does not know the filesystem
14:18.29SynrGi have to step out for a while. later.
14:18.44tremonin any case, mount -o remount,ro the source disk and don't modify it until you've exhausted all recovery options
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14:19.29carpoh, the installation has completed, it seems gnome wasnt installed. when i installed debian before it asked me if i wanted gnome during the install.
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14:20.38iorfuiiorfui: well if the external disk is formatted as fat32, you should be able to undelete quite easily                             how
14:21.30LinuxGuy_just use ubuntu lol
14:21.37LinuxGuy_does anyone wanna watch my latest vlog
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14:22.03dpkgIf you want to laugh, use heh or hah or bwahahaha. lol doesn't sound like laughter at all and makes you look like an AOL user.
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14:23.30tremoniorfui: there are many undelete tools for fat. Some free, some paid. The only tool I have used is testdisk
14:23.32ctmjrcarp: what did it install if not gnome
14:23.48iorfuiI know whatis my filesystem
14:24.10iorfuithe extern hard disk fileststem is ATA
14:24.12carpctmjr: i dunno, nothing? its just a black screen. i pressed alt f2 f3 etc
14:24.36iorfuiand my debia filessystem is gnome.
14:24.38LinuxGuy_plz watch mates
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14:25.06*** kick/#debian [LinuxGuy_!~stuart@unaffiliated/themill] by themill (On the Internet nobody can hear you being subtle.)
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14:26.23awaliorfui: tesdisk includes photorec,  and it's a powerful utility for recover files. easy to use. there another app called 'scalpel' (not sure) but never tried it
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14:26.41ctmjrcarp: try ctrl+alt+f1
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14:28.02carpctmjr: hmm it seems that it takes me to the same place as alt f1. just the standard black screen command line
14:29.02awalcarp: even without a DE, you should reach tty1 asking user name and password.
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14:29.31carpawal: yes i have tty1,
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14:29.45carpi can log in
14:30.00awalcarp: ok, so. where is the problem?
14:30.39iorfuitesdisk is with the default disk utility ?
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14:30.57ctmjrcarp: black screen and black screen with command prompt are 2 different things
14:31.05carplast time i installed debian it asked me if i wanted gnome and stuff. oh well, seems to have skipped that part. unless i messed up big time haha
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14:31.23awaliorfui: default, no
14:31.33carpctmjr:  ah yes sorry i described that really poorly
14:31.52iorfuiI find on the hard disk a geditfile called autorun.inf and it iswritten OPEN = SAMSUMG drivemanager.exe
14:31.52ctmjrcarp: what happens when you run startx
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14:32.15iorfuiaction = run samsumg drive manager
14:32.22carpctmjr: command not found
14:32.42awalcarp: now you just have to install a desktop environment or a window manager. startx x will do nothing if you have no X...
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14:34.35awalcarp: if you are connected to internet via cable (wired) just install a DE or WM: gnome, kde, xfce...openbox, fluxbox, i3, fvwm....If you are using wifi, you will have to set up wifi manually
14:34.42carpawal ok cool. i was gunna go with the newest gnome or whatever the basic default is
14:34.45mjkrhow do I have a system A connect to system B in L2TP with BOTH A and B being IPv6-only?
14:35.12mjkrxl2tpd's lns only accepts IPv4 address by the way
14:35.19mjkrsame for lac
14:35.29carpok off to google thankyou.
14:35.56awalcarp: have you installed something called "system utilities" during install?
14:36.08anddamthemill: well you have to consider he's the "LinuxGuy" after all, maybe we *should* actuall watch that video
14:36.18anddammakes some tea
14:36.42carpawal erm, i dont know, but i didnt specifically see that or choose it i dont think
14:37.18mtncarp: just run tasksel again:
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14:38.28carpmtn ideal thanks
14:38.39mtncarp: welcome
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14:39.31awalanddam: themill did good. one can't come here and paste youtube videos just like that. If I want to paste  X video, I should comment the content and ask before...
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14:42.02anddamawal: I was being sarcastic
14:44.15anddamI'd like systemd to conditionally start a service at boot depending on an USB disk being present or not, is there a proper way to approach this?
14:44.16carpim logged in as root. apt-get install aptitude tasksel  [this says tasksel and aptitude are latest version]
14:44.45carptasksel install gnome-desktop --new-install [this doesnt do anthing] just gives me a new command line
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14:44.58anddamalso who's responsible for automounting and can the daemon invocation be piggybacked on that?
14:45.31Mithrandir__hi, I've installed wheezy on a Compaq Presario 2700, the system sound is detected because pavucontrol detect it on the volume bar, but the sound doesn't exit from speakers
14:45.41carpdo i need to put the cd back in maybe?
14:45.44blackflowanddam: afaik systemd broadcasts dbus messages, check the docs perhaps you can listen on those and react somehow
14:45.54Mithrandir__this is the device
14:46.01Mithrandir__hi to all
14:46.56mtncarp: as root: tasksel
14:47.06ctmjrcarp just run tasksel as root
14:47.10carpthat does the same mtn, just returns blank line
14:47.40anddamblackflow: do you know who's responsible for automounting removable media?
14:47.42mtncarp: paste the command and results to
14:47.47carpjust type in 'tasksel' and hit enter right? i logged in as root
14:47.58tremonanddam: man systemd.unit, conditionpathexists
14:47.59blackflowanddam: not really, systemd is new to me to too
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14:48.32awalcarp: an easy way: if you want gnome just run "apt-get udate && apt-get install gnome". or run "tasksel" as root and a blue window will pop up and select 'debian desktop ...' and what ever you want
14:48.36anddamjee systemd confuses me
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14:48.39anddamtremon: thanks
14:48.39mtncarp: yes, that should work. of course, reinstalling and doing it correctly might be easier ;)
14:49.21HansPHi guys , anybody that can help me with auto-start a service as ROOT ? i just followed a guide but when i Python ( after shutting the autostarted version down ) i get more acces to my folders ?
14:49.25HansPi followed this guide
14:49.56HansPif i reboot my server now it works but it has no acces to all folders . when i shut that down and in SSH do python it works perfect with the same folder
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14:50.33carpit just pauses for a second or two then gives me a new line root@debian:~#
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14:51.06awalcarp: are you connected to internet?
14:51.16anddamapropos multimedia keys on keyboard, I have assigned the correct symcodes via xmodmap, but how can I actually make the system do something when e.g. XF86AudioRaiseVolume is pressed?
14:51.21carpawal ye plugged in ethernet
14:51.21anddamI'm using lxde as DE
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14:51.55ctmjrif tasksel does not run you have other issue's since this is a new install would consider what mtn suggested and reinstall
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14:52.53carpctmjr:  mtn haha ok well thats weird.
14:52.53awalcarp: type " apt-get update && apt-get install gnome" or install task-gnome-desktop
14:53.34awalcarp: I think that your problem is: you have not installed the standard utilities durring install
14:53.41g00seCan someone remind me - is it a Debian thing or an xfce thing to delete the contents of /tmp on boot?
14:53.47mtncarp: what is weird about that? you mess it up, try it again. that is how we all learn
14:54.00anddamg00se: that's common on most (all?) *NIXes
14:54.19SynrGg00se: so yes, debian does this across the board
14:54.19carpawal i think i did not install standard utilities either
14:54.19anddamg00se: but most assuredly not XFCE's
14:54.55awalcarp: is that a laptop?
14:55.07carpnah its a tower
14:55.20carpmtn ok cool
14:55.25SynrGg00se: see /etc/init.d/
14:55.51lramHello, just compiled a software and got a "O_NOFOLLOW undeclared", although fcntl.h is included. There is a file fcntl.h in /usr/include/ . After some research I found out, there should be a fcntl.h in /usr/include/bits . I don't have that. Only fcntl.h in /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/ . And in this fcntl.h O_NOFOLLOW is declared. Why O_NOFOLLOW is not declared if fcintl.h is "normally" included?
14:56.38carpawal, i just typed your first suggestion, the apt-get update && apt-get install gnome
14:56.42HansPanybody got a bit of help for me ? :)
14:56.48g00seThanks folks. It would be quite useful to have a boot param to override that. Is there one?
14:57.02carpits working, i will need to install standard utilities after this then i think
14:57.04mtnHansP: just ask
14:57.12HansPi did a bit higher :P
14:57.18HansP10min ago :D
14:57.40HansPHi guys , anybody that can help me with auto-start a service as ROOT ? i just followed a guide but when i Python ( after shutting the autostarted version down ) i get more acces to my folders ?  i followed this guide  if i reboot my server now it works but it has no acces to all folders . when i shut that down and in SSH do p
14:57.43mtnHansP: best to repeat it again for newcomers
14:57.52HansPbeat ya to it ;)
14:58.49HansPbasicly if i now reboot my server i only got 1 folder in my Series folder , if i shut it down and restart it with python AutoSub,py i get all folders
14:58.53HansPso no clue why that is ?
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15:00.34awalcarp: standard stuffs (pstandard prequired pimportant) will be installed by the meta pack gnome. Gnome in your case mean: "This is the GNOME Desktop environment, an intuitive and attractive desktop, with extra components. This metapackage depends on the standard distribution of the GNOME desktop environment, plus a complete range of plugins and other applications integrating with GNOME and Debian, providing the best possible environment to date."
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15:01.32carpawal ah great
15:02.19awalcarp: thats the official description. one can agree or not with some ideas there...
15:02.46carpso just out of curiosity, do u reckon i could have instead, installed system utilities and then tasksel would have run?
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15:03.14carpawal is gnome not universally loved then? ha
15:05.13awalcarp: check the mtn tasksel link and you will get more info about what tasksel does durring or after install. system utilities aren't mandatory but they can facilitate the process
15:05.41awalalmost if no DE installed
15:06.34carpis it strange that tasksel didnt do anything, even though i confirmed it was installed?
15:07.19mtncarp: sounds like you really messed things up, why not install again and do it right this time?
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15:10.20carpmtn you are definitely scaring me ha. just the fact that you keep saying that makes me want to restart now. i will give it a chance and see if gnome works after it finishes installing
15:10.36mtncarp: sure, either way, good luck
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15:11.03carpthankyou for the elp everyone.
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15:21.57awalcarp: why you unselected desktop environment (gnome) durring install if now you install gnome?
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15:22.44awalpeople unselect that usually if they want a minimal, a customized system...
15:23.23carpawal im trying to work this out myself. after grub installed, the installer didnt ask me to install a DE it just finished up and ejected the cd
15:23.59dvscarp: The installer automatically selects "Desktop Environment" near the end of the install
15:24.08dvsThat's GNOME
15:24.43awalcarp: taksel ask's you for install desktop env before installing grub, not grub
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15:27.08awalanyway, you should be fine with apt-get install gnome. if you have problems reinstall using the cd image and select desktop env  and standard system utilities, that's the most easy way. good luck
15:27.33carphmm, well to be safe it would be wise to assume the mistake was done by me. i didnt see an option for a DE or anything though. but i must have chosen a wrong option i guess.
15:28.09awalare you using an official debian cd image?
15:28.38carpawal thankyou
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15:29.11carpawal yes i am using cd1 of i386 from debian website, is around 260mb
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15:29.48awalnetinst one, ok. fine
15:30.36somiajcarp: the net install has the option for the DE at the very end of the install. (with other package groups you can choose).
15:30.39carpawal yea that one
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15:30.52somiajcarp: It will default to gnome, unless you select a different option at boot time.
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15:33.00awalsomiaj: not very sure but recent debian installers, also the wheezy ones, the choice of X DE is presented durring tasksel step
15:33.33dvscarp: The screen is at step 31:
15:34.29awalsomiaj: I mean not before selecting language for the system as in previous wheezy installers
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15:35.52awalat least that's what I have experienced with jessie installers and the latest unofficial wheezy one 7.8
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15:46.22awalI don't know if pressing 'tab' for edit command line and add/choose X DE still supported in jessie installers...
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15:49.48somiajawal: in the wheezy installer the tasksel option is 'desktop enviroment'. If you use the kde cd, it defaults to kde, if you use the xfce4 cd it defaults to xfce4. During the boot where you select various options (graphical, text, expert install) there is additional options, then choose desktop enviorment. You make the choice there, not during tasksel.
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15:50.19somiajawal: thought I haven't tested the jessie installer yet
15:50.22julius_cron tried to send email to root@bohlsen.lan        but since bohlsen.lan is my internal domain this cant should be root@yellowstone.bohlsen.lan           where does cron get the information from?
15:52.12julius_ah, thats what /etc/mailname is for
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15:53.10awalsomiaj: what you said is true. jessie installer is different now.  also I used the unofficial wheezy 7.8 (witth non-free firmwares) and it's like the jessie ones. choice of DE is in tasksel step not at boot prompt, not sure about the recent wheezy offcial ones.
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15:54.51lramMay I paste my question here again?
15:54.55awalIn jessie choice now is: gnome, kde, xfce, lxde, mate and cinnamon, I think so
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15:55.11awalnot sure about e17
15:55.45awallram: sure
15:55.48mtnlram: sure, just ask, don't ask to ask
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15:56.52lramI already asked. I asked to paste again: Hello, just compiled a software and got a "O_NOFOLLOW undeclared", although fcntl.h is included. There is a file fcntl.h in /usr/include/ . After some research I found out, there should be a fcntl.h in /usr/include/bits . I don't have that. Only fcntl.h in /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/ . And in this fcntl.h O_NOFOLLOW is declared. Why O_NOFOLLOW is not declared if fcintl.h is "normally" included?
15:57.32mtnlram: you can repost your question every 10 or 15 minutes. that way newcomers to the channel can see your question
15:58.00jellylram: I wouldn't do it more than once an hour
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15:59.26tremonlram: /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/
15:59.46tremonhmm, also no O_NOFOLLOW there...
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16:01.36jellylram: if you just do the preprocessor part, do you see that file included at all?
16:01.38tremonlram: the one in /usr/include/asm-generic/fcntl.h defines it, which is included by /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/asm/fcntl.h
16:02.21jellylram: pastebin the complete output of your build command
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16:13.39carpmy friend was using his computer (this one) and i didnt realise he quit this chat by mistake. so i havent seen any messages for the last 43 minutes.
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16:20.27lramjelly, tremon: I found the definitions in /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/fcntl.h
16:20.27lramline 51:
16:20.27lram# define O_NOFOLLOW 0400000 /* Do not follow links.  */
16:20.27lramline 53:
16:20.27lram# define MAP_FILE 0
16:20.28*** kick/#debian [lram!~debhelper@unaffiliated/debhelper] by debhelper (flood. Please use instead.)
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16:22.10jellylram: now instead of -o output.o, do a -E
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16:22.56yagotis it possible to scroll smoothly (like when browsing web pages) without special equipment?
16:23.27valdynyagot: scroll what?
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16:23.39jellylram: sorry, instead of gcc [...] -c -o blah.o [...] use -E, and inspect the preprocessor output to see if the header file you're hoping for is included at all
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16:29.16lramjelly: Shall I replace -c -o blah.o with -E?
16:29.56tremonlram: only change -c in -E
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16:30.47jelly-o doesn't matter with -E, far as I remember
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16:31.16jellyit's been years since I had to debug build issues.  Thanks, Debian.
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16:34.11Mithrandir__hi, I've installed wheezy on a Compaq Presario 2700, the system sound is detected because pavucontrol detect it on the volume bar, but the sound doesn't exit from speakers
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16:35.15lramHow can I check if the right files are included. I can't publish the source. There are lines, which are showing this:
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16:36.28Mithrandir__this is the device
16:37.48jellylram: do you see the definition of your desired flag in the output or not?
16:38.28jellyif not, then it's hidden by some other #ifdef pragma or something similar
16:40.26lramjelly: No, it's not in the output. And yeah it's in a ifdef:
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16:42.41jellylram: you might make a simple small .c file that can reproduce the issue
16:44.06jellylram: googles suggests -D_GNU_SOURCE might enable that.
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16:45.20jellylram: -std=c99 apparently does not have those GNU features
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16:46.39lramThank you!
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16:47.50atannusIs it safe to grow the system partition (ssd) using gparted while online?
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16:49.41mtnatannus: online=on the net?
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16:51.39jellyatannus: if it's a partition and not LVM, you won't be able to do it without a reboot
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16:52.36jellyatannus: grab the gparted live image, boot that off a usb stick
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16:53.02jellymtn: online = while things are running
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16:53.20mtnjelly: ok, if you say so :P  I forgot my crystal again
16:53.35jellyit's kind of obvious from the context
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16:55.12noescI have a legal win7.iso that I want to copy to usb so that I can install it but can't figure out how to do it. "dd" doesn't seem to work and I can't find unetbootin for jessie (saw a bug about unetbootin on jessie so I guess it's removed). Anyone that has done it before?
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16:56.10tremonnoesc: to install windows 7 that way, first: install windows
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16:56.48noesctremon: That's kind of hard :)
16:56.56noescCatch 22 someone?
16:56.57tremonnoesc: all kidding aside, you just need to format your disk and install a windows-style bootloader. Then just copy the contents of the iso to the first partition
16:56.59somiajnoesc: go talk to ##windows on how to correctly write their iso file to a usb drive.
16:57.25tremonnoesc: whether such a windows-style bootloader can still be installed from linux, I don't know
16:58.00noesctremon: I don't believe it's possible sadly.
16:58.25noescsomiaj: Yeah, that was my second bet. But win dudes usually have no idea about how to do stuff on linux.
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16:58.42noescif there's no GUI, you're out of luck :)
16:58.56noescAnyway, thanks. I'll see what they say
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16:59.57somiajnoesc: either way we don't support windows here. Maybe ##linux would help, but I bet windows knows what sort of things need to be done with their iso's on usb.
17:00.03jellynoesc: cp blah.iso /dev/sdx or dd directly to /dev/sdx ought to work.  Ask ##windows
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17:00.30jellysomiaj: we do support people that try to write iso images to their usb stick on Debian.
17:00.45jelly##windows people might not know how to do that
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17:01.02noescjelly: I haven't tried cp blah.iso... might do that
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17:01.29jellynoesc: just make sure the stick is unmounted before writing to it
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17:01.40somiajjelly: unforntally windows iso's aren't made bootable on usb by default, something else needs to be done. My last experience was using a dvd to write it to was easier.
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17:01.51somiajat least the win7 iso I had didn't work like that.
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17:02.09noescI've tried: dd if=blah.iso of=/dev/usbdevice    and   dd if=blah.iso of=/dev/usbdeviceX
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17:02.35jellyoh dear, I did not know that.  (don't BIOSes recognize such a usb stick and pretend they're CD)
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17:03.01somiajjelly: that might depend on the bios, maybe it was the fact I was trying this on an older vista era machine.
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17:03.39pingfloydjelly: I think some of them do.
17:03.48somiajnoesc: long way around. You can install windows in a vm with that iso, then use window tools inside the vm to write the iso to the usb the right way.
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17:04.14pingfloydsome of the bios I've seen give an option about how to treat booting usb also
17:04.32somiajnoesc: I also recall getting lots of google hits on how to make a bootable usb from a windows iso in linux, but i forget what they were doing.
17:04.35noescsomiaj: I'm already on my way to do that.. I just hate that solution to something this simple :p
17:04.56noescsomiaj: all refer to unetbootin, but unetbootin doesn't seem to work post vista
17:05.21pingfloydsomiaj: easiest way is to xcopy the contents and then use bootsect.exe on it
17:05.46somiajnoesc: yea, the one I rember was what tremon mentioned. Create a bootable usb with an ntfs partition, then copy the contents of the iso onto that partition.
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17:06.25pingfloydyou also have to set the active flag
17:06.31jellygood grief
17:07.09pingfloydeveryone should just distribute hybrid isos instead
17:07.40somiajjelly: hence why I would hope ##windows has a bit more experience with these iso's and can give some better advise.
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17:08.23pingfloydyou can use their dvd/usb download tool I as well I believe
17:08.49pingfloydinstead of some third-party usb creator app
17:08.50jelly"to boot windows, you first need to boot windows"
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17:09.02noescpingfloyd: hmmmm. I actually haven't tried the NTFS part. I made a fat16 and fat32. I'll try that first!
17:09.16pingfloydjelly: yeah, that often is the conundrum about it
17:09.29noescThen I'll hit the route with win-vm and the proper win tools
17:09.38noescthanks everyone
17:09.43pingfloydwin vm is probably to best option for linux users
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17:09.55pingfloydthen you have all their crummy tools availables
17:10.00somiajnoesc: I think the windows 7 require an ntfs filesystem, but once I figured out my liecense didn't work on my wifes old vista machien I didn't install win7. But my solution was to run to the store and buy a dvd rw
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17:10.04somiajarg dvd-r
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17:10.35pingfloydand then have it go bad in 6 months
17:11.18pingfloydI'm so glad optical media is getting more and more phased out
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17:12.35sydney_untangleHeh, it has its up and downs.
17:12.48sydney_untangleIm not really glad that its geting phased out.
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17:13.15somiajands pingfloyd a floppy disc
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17:13.35sydney_untangleIts cheap.
17:13.39noescsomiaj: I don't even own a optical burner :p
17:13.43sydney_untangleIt can hold quite a bit.
17:13.51sydney_untangleIt can last a long time.
17:14.06sydney_untanglebut it does degrade...
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17:25.34socommsydney_untangle: It can hold quite a gigabit. :^)
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17:41.28atannusmtn, jelly: yes, online means while it (the partition) is running the system. gparted seems o be ok with it but warns of potential data loss. I assume that is in the case of shrinking. The machine is remote so booting off a usb stick is out of question...
17:42.55SynrGfeeds judd a botsnack
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17:47.15jellyatannus: you won't be able to make it online with gparted.  Find some way to boot a rescue image that does not read anything else off the OS disk.
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17:47.43atannusjelly: crap... thanks.
17:48.12atannusWhy is Jessie taking up 27GB anyways?
17:48.25jellyyou _might_ be able to do it manually with 1-2 reboots if you know what you're doing
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17:48.36atannusjelly: I don't.
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17:57.43jellyatannus: then... proceed carefully.  Also 27GB sounds as if you installed lots of desktop-related stuff onto a remote (server?) machine
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17:58.45jelly!tell atannus about sort by size
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18:21.34goikenTrying to install Debian for a friend on an asus eeepc. I’m using a stick that i prepared with unetbootin and debian-testing-i386-CD-1.iso. I verified the md5sum and I run into the error "There was a problem reading data from the CD-ROM. Please make sure it is in the drive."
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18:22.29jellygoiken: avoid unetbootin with debian images.  Write them directly onto usb media
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18:23.09goikenhow? `dd if='image' of=/dev/sdd` ?
18:23.36jellygoiken: cp image /dev/sdd will work without having to worry about block size with dd
18:24.00goikenok, thx. is the format important?
18:24.59SynrGgoiken: it completely overwrites the whole contents of the USB, so no, it doesn't matter
18:25.14SynrGgoiken: the image contains a boot sector and filesystem, so nothing needs to be created on the USB first
18:25.17jellygoiken: the .iso image already has its own format
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18:26.46goikenshould I cp as root or as user?
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18:42.06phyzlocAnyone seen "tasksel" just give back the prompt?
18:42.18phyzlocit's not starting
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18:50.18phyzlocWhere can I find default sources.list for debian 7?
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18:51.14somiaj!tell phyzloc about wheezy sources.list
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18:51.59somiajphyzloc: I would consider default any mirror + security sources (two lines). Others are option, is a good mirror redirector to use
18:52.58phyzlocsomiaj: private msg has weird formating
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18:53.29phyzlocsomiaj: I can't install tasksel nor gnome.. it can not locate these packages
18:53.35somiajits one line auto wrapped by your client. Just parse out the part you need.
18:53.51somiajphyzloc: well then why not share your sources.list and we can see what you are missing.
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18:54.11somiajphyzloc: but the bot listed the three lines for a default which should be enough. Again it is a single line of text, so you have to parse the correct line wrapping.
18:55.05tr0n1cHello, do you have some pointers to debug the high-cpu temperatures in my laptop? I've enabled cpufreq, but with <5% cpu load, I have >65 degrees, which is unjustified. I'm trying to figure out what makes the fan constantly working. Thanks.
18:56.25somiajtr0n1c: could it just be bad ventulation in the laptop? Also if you have something constantally spiking your cpu it may have a low average but never actually cool down. keep an eye on what processes are running.
18:56.53somiajtr0n1c: you can also look at cat /proc/cpuinfo (ideally most your cores have had their speed scaled down to 800mgz or something like that to save on power and heat.
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18:57.27somiajif your cores aren't scaling down their speed when inactive that may cause more heat (not sure how much, or if it is more a power issue)
18:58.05somiajtr0n1c: install the non-free microcode for your processor (will be either intel or amd for x64 systems)
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18:58.10somiajarg x86
18:58.27tr0n1csomiaj, no cpu spikes. This laptop is known to have inadequate cooling, but still this high temperature on 1% cpu is not justified.
18:58.45tr0n1cCool, I'm trying cpuinfo and microcode now..
18:59.50phyzlocsomiaj: Thanks! It's working now! :-)
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19:00.26tr0n1csomiaj, the cpu's are scaled down to 1200 MHz. Is this too high?
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19:02.33somiajtr0n1c: depends on the actual cpu. Mine scale down to 800. Do you know the actual clockspeed of your cpu?
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19:03.52tr0n1cNop :/
19:04.20somiajtr0n1c: well what cpu do you actually ahve. Run a process that uses some cpu, doy ou see your cpu's jump up above 1200
19:04.28somiajbecause if you have 1.2 ghz cpu, your cpu isn't scaling while idel.
19:04.52somiajBut this is all a factor of the actual cpu y ou have and what features it has, all which is in the cpuinfo file
19:05.36tr0n1csomiaj, I'm running a heavy process, which took one of the cpus to 2400 MHz
19:07.00somiajtr0n1c: could be your cpu only drops to 1200 when idel. I think this is more a power thing, but I will go with bad ventulation. The micocode may help optimize the scaling up/down of the cpu. I think there are ways to foce the cpu to stay low. But you shoudln't have to do this I would think.
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19:07.48somiajtr0n1c: sorry scaling the cpu when idel is for power, since as soon as the cpu is used it jumps up to speed. Overall I can't think of anything more you could check for why your cpu seems to be generating to much heat.
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19:11.14Lady_AleenaHello. Why is it some programs will use the system settings to menu fonts and sizes and others ignore the system settings to menu fonts and sizes? So far I have found four programs which ignore my system settings: IceWeasel, XChat, FileZilla, and GIMP.
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19:12.17jellyLady_Aleena: your "system settings" are actually "gnome settings" or "kde settings"
19:13.09jellyLady_Aleena: those Desktop Enviroments make some effort to set old gtk+2 apps, like XChat, but not too much
19:13.14trampeloften the philosophy is:  *my* application is too refined in its menu design to tolerate messing with issues like fonts, styles, themes  (egads, just think of blender)
19:14.02Lady_Aleenajelly, yes, I am talking about the display preferences in KDE I guess. So basically there is nothing I can do to get then to look the way I want?
19:14.03jellyLady_Aleena: as for Iceweasel, it's always has its own widget set and layout settings.
19:14.30jellyLady_Aleena: kde systemsettings panel has _some_ options for gtk2 apps.
19:14.59jellyLady_Aleena: you may have better luck combining it with gtk-chtheme
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19:15.46julius_why does this: chmod u=rwx .fetchmailrc       result in: -rwxr--r--         shouldnt it be: -rwx------ ?
19:16.23CutMeOwnThroatjulius_, you're only setting u (user) and leave the others as they were before
19:16.48Lady_Aleenajelly, you lost me. gtk-chtheme?
19:17.17jellyLady_Aleena: is a separate tool for switching gtk 2 themes
19:17.43Lady_Aleenajelly, Googling.
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19:18.01jellyLady_Aleena: apt-cache search stuff, install and try
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19:18.47jellyLady_Aleena: xchat may crash when you change the theme first time.  hexchat seems to crash less.
19:19.30CutMeOwnThroatjelly, been there, done that?
19:19.54jellyCutMeOwnThroat: I try not to give advice on things I haven't used.
19:20.04julius_CutMeOwnThroat, ah ok. i was thinking that the = is like setting a variable in python
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19:21.13CutMeOwnThroatjelly, .... got the scars to prove it?
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19:22.11julius_CutMeOwnThroat, welll....yeah. it can be scaaary for the first few times ;) then you just accept that apt search is just counterintuitive
19:22.22Lady_Aleenajelly, no crash for XChat.
19:22.39jellyCutMeOwnThroat: kde3 used to _almost_ set gtk to look like kde.  They got the colors right, and there used to be this gtk-qt-engine thing.
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19:23.18jellywhich never worked right because gtk and qt were(are?) sworn enemies
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19:25.51CutMeOwnThroatjelly, ah, desktop wars
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19:26.15jellythe tablets and phones won.
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19:27.38pingfloydtoys only win for a short while
19:28.29Lady_AleenaOh how I LOVE screanshots which show so many options and what I install has none and the website gives NO information about how to get the options.
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19:29.14Lady_AleenaThe gtk-chtheme I installed had just 1 theme, yet the website for it shows gads of themes! I feel robbed.
19:29.30pingfloydLady_Aleena: you probably need to install some theme packages
19:30.08pingfloydapt-cache search gtk themes
19:30.20Lady_Aleenapingfloyd, the website lacks instructions.
19:30.52pingfloydyou should see more themes to choose from as you install more
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19:32.24pingfloydapt-cache search -n gtk2-engine
19:32.27Lady_AleenaEEK! I just realized the font (arial 10) is even in the box I am typing in. I just wanted arial 10 for menus.
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19:33.19Lady_Aleenapingfloyd, is there a way to see the config file for the 1 theme I have so I could possibly write my own?
19:33.49pingfloydyou should be able to see it
19:34.07pingfloydopen it with vim, view, or something
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19:34.55trampelLady_Aleena: you have the package msttcorefonts  installed?
19:35.04Lady_Aleenapingfloyd, I have to find the blasted thing first. I don't have a directory called .gtk-chtheme or something similar.
19:35.19Lady_Aleenatrampel, of course.
19:35.40Lady_Aleenatrampel, if that is the way I got arial and such.
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19:35.53trampelor even if it isn't
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19:37.42Lady_AleenaWhy isn't there a directory called "configs" where all the config files are kept? I can't find where gtk-chtheme keeps its themes.
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19:39.29trampelwhat does "dpkg -L gtk-chtheme" reveal (if anything)?
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19:41.12Lady_AleenaA list of directories and files, none of which match the name of the theme I saw on the list in the program.
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19:42.39eith1Baetrying to override default settings in dconf using gschema overrides file but it doesn't appear to be working for me. any ideas how to troubleshoot?
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19:44.02atannusjelly: it is a desktop machine I'm accessing remotely... I'll be at it soon, but not soon enough.
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19:44.21dailysrlHi there. II'
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19:44.25atannusjelly: sort by size is beautiful. It should be easier to run!
19:44.58dailysrlI'm using a gv-usb2 capture card under Debian 7. The system recognizes it (dmesg and lsusb allow me to know this) but neither VLC or OBS can pick it up. Any suggestions?
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19:45.19jellyatannus: you haven't seen the previous version
19:45.26jelly!sort by size sarge
19:45.26dpkgwell, sort by size sarge is see man grep-dctrl (package dctrl-tools), or perl -e 'while (<>) { chomp; if (/^Package: /) { s/^.* //; $pkg = $_; } if (/^Installed-Size: /) { s/^.* //; $package{$_} = $pkg; } } foreach $key (sort {$b <=> $a} keys %package) { printf "%s: %sn", $package{$key}, $key; }' < /var/lib/dpkg/available
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19:46.14trampelLady_Aleena: in anycase under /usr/share/themes ... one could, for example, try installing: gtk-smooth-themes
19:46.25dailysrlAny help is greatly appreciated; I've been at this all day.
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19:48.49Lady_Aleenatrampel, E: Unable to locate package gtk-smooth-thmemes
19:49.27somiaj,v gtk-smooth-themes
19:49.28juddPackage: gtk-smooth-themes on i386 -- squeeze: 0.5.8-2.3; wheezy: 0.5.8-2.3; sid: 0.5.8-2.3; jessie: 0.5.8-2.3
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19:49.43dailysrlHeres a copy of my lsusb and dmesg output if anyone has any clue.
19:50.03Lady_AleenaI'll try with aptitude.
19:50.06somiajLady_Aleena: I find that odd. It is in debian main.
19:50.17pingfloydLady_Aleena: you misspelled the package name
19:50.43Lady_Aleenapingfloyd, just saw that.
19:51.26trampeldailysrl: i'd try monitoring dmesg when one plugs in one's gv-usb2 capture card and see what your system recognizes as.   but i'm a silly ol git
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19:51.54Lady_Aleenasomiaj, as pingfloyd said, I typoed.
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19:52.56dailysrltrampel: the link I provided before has that exact thing in it.. :l
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19:54.49Lady_Aleenajelly, trampel, pingfloyd, somiaj: thank you.
19:55.29trampelyou're quite welcome
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20:04.45Mithrandir__hi, I have installed Debian Wheezy with Lxde, and I have problems with the sound device, only the headphone output works, but the external output doesn't work. The laptop is a Compaq Presario 2700, with a Pentium III and the device is this Someone can help me?
20:05.29trampelMithrandir__: are you running pulseaudio?
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20:05.47pingfloydMithrandir__: did you check all the levels in alsamixer?
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20:05.57carphi guys. i am installing debian. for simplicity i will assume that i made a mistake and didnt tell the installer to install gnome and the standard utilities. a few hours ago i was at tty1 and could not use tasksel. it was installed but it wouldnt run. then i used apt-get to install gnome. it worked. the download has finished. i am now trying to test if gnome is owrking.
20:06.01pingfloydand whether any are muted
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20:06.17Mithrandir__hi trampel, i don't know what i'm running, how can I check it?
20:06.27vandoxtried setting another output in alsamixer?
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20:06.39Mithrandir__pingfloyd, alsamixer has only  2 channels, master and microphone
20:06.40carptasksel now works! so something has gone right. should i reboot to see if gnome is working too?
20:06.49trampelthere's probably a more direct way, but i'd just:   ps -ef | grep pulse
20:06.59pingfloydMithrandir__: try hitting F5
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20:07.19trampel(anyway, pingfloyd has you covered, gawdbless 'em)
20:07.34jellycarp: did you install xorg as well?
20:07.42Mithrandir__trampel, user      2362     1  0 10:25 ?        00:01:10 /usr/bin/pulseaudio --start
20:07.52jellycarp: or did you use tasksel to install gnome desktop?
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20:08.28carpjelly: i used apt get to install gnome. i havent installed xorg or anything else.
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20:08.32trampelwell then i'd fire up pavucontrol and start changing output devices, but then i'm overly empirical
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20:08.35Mithrandir__pingfloyd, with F5 alsamixer shows only two channels, master and  microphone
20:08.45pingfloydMithrandir__: sounds like you are running pulse
20:08.55pingfloydtry what trampel mentioned
20:09.09jellycarp: you'll need to install X in addition to gnome, then
20:09.13jelly!install x
20:09.13dpkgTo install X in Debian: "aptitude update && aptitude install xorg".  You may also want to install a desktop environment - ask me about <install gnome>, <install kde>, <install xfce>, <install lxde> - or a window manager, ask me about <window manager>.  To configure your X server, ask me about <xorg config>.
20:09.22pingfloydalso sounds like you're good on your alsa levels
20:09.22Mithrandir__trampel, i have already tried with pavucontrol, there is no options that solve the situation
20:09.40trampel"no options"?  then i'd do what pingfloyd mentioned
20:10.11piercedw1ternice haircut lbj
20:10.14carpjelly: should i run tasksel and choose gnome. will it see that gnome is already installed and just do the other bits and pieces such as xorg ?
20:10.21trampelbut still, try every pull down menu and clicking every thing clickable and thensome
20:10.31somiajcarp: just install the gnome meta package (called gnome)
20:10.43somiajcarp: I think there is tasksel-gnome or task-gnome as well something like that)
20:10.45Mithrandir__pingfloyd, trampel, i have already tried all options available with pavucontrol
20:10.47jellycarp: that might work as well.
20:11.21carpsomiaj jelly ah in that case i think i have installed the whole gnome meta package already
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20:11.49jellycarp: that's different from the task- one I think
20:11.53Mithrandir__pingfloyd, so my system is running pulse, is it?
20:11.55carpi logged off this irc chat so i cant check the log
20:11.57pingfloydseems like you should have more devices showing in alsamixer
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20:12.29Mithrandir__pingfloyd, how can I verify?ù
20:12.34trampelyou tried *every* output device, and unclicking every mute, and slided every slider? *while* something loud was playing?
20:12.35pingfloydI'm surprised there is only 2 when you show all
20:12.35carpwell i guess i will just type that in and if i alredy have it, then it will say
20:12.37carpok brb
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20:13.58Mithrandir__ok pingfloyd and trampel, thinkin in your tips, I will try again, after I will tell you how will go the test
20:13.59somiajcarp: yea looks like taks-gnome-desktop also pulls in gimp and libreoffice, iceweasel.
20:14.32Mithrandir__pingfloyd, how can I verify the devices available?
20:14.40carpsomiaj: i saw libreoffice and iceweasel during the download
20:14.49pingfloydF5 should show all devices
20:14.52trampelwrite it down ("large upon the brow of the salamander") if you get the noise ye seek
20:15.05pingfloydbut maybe play around with it some
20:15.11Mithrandir__pingfloyd, i have already tried, but I will verify again, ok
20:15.30carpsomiaj: i will try tasksel then choose gnome now
20:15.30Mithrandir__yes I have tried watching a video
20:16.22trampeloh, one more thing Mithrandir__ don't forget that pavucontrol has a main menu slider on the right so there are often more options than one supposes
20:16.24Mithrandir__pingfloyd, F6 seems show more channels
20:16.44pingfloydMithrandir__: that sounds more promising
20:16.50trampel(seen more than one pilgrim wander away thinking that there was only two options [spittoo])
20:16.51Mithrandir__it's true trampel I geti it
20:17.23pingfloydyeah, sometimes the channels are kind of "hidden away" in so of the mixers
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20:17.39Mithrandir__only the F6 option shows them
20:17.57pingfloydalso make sure they're not muted
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20:18.02Mithrandir__I try now, i hope to solve it
20:18.08Mithrandir__ok pingfloyd
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20:18.23carpok ive chosen 'debian desktop environment' as there wasnt a specific gnome task in the tasksel list. its giving me a 10 minute download estimate. 40 files
20:18.30Mithrandir__how can I know what device the system is using pingfloyd ?
20:19.10Mithrandir__pingfloyd, and I can I set it?
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20:19.50Mithrandir__trampel, what does it mean "(seen more than one pilgrim wander away thinking that there was only two options [spittoo]"?
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20:23.28MrDetoniaHey everyone. While using apt to install a package, a dependency taken from another repo is trying to overwrite a binary provided another package. Is there a way I can cancel the install? apt-get doesn't want to run until this is fixed.
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20:24.09Lady_AleenaMay I ask a general computing question in here, or should I take it to #debian-offtopic?
20:24.16jellyMrDetonia: show the actual output, also the output of "apt-cache policy" and "apt-cache policy each affected package name here"
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20:24.18dpkgDo not paste more than 2 lines to this channel.  Instead, use: or for pics.  Use for large files (think tar.gz) up to 100MB.  Remember to tell us the URL of your paste!  Cannot cut and paste?  Ask me about <pastebinit>, <nopaste>, <wgetpaste>.
20:24.24WalexMrDetonia: APT does not install packages, just selects them, DPKG handles that.
20:24.28Mithrandir__ok Walex, thx
20:24.48Mithrandir__pingfloyd, trampel, thanks you too
20:24.51WalexLady_Aleena: ##Linux
20:24.52MrDetoniajelly, dpkg error is dpkg: error processing archive /var/cache/apt/archives/wine-rt-amd64_1%3a1.7.34-1~kxstudio1_amd64.deb (--unpack):
20:25.02MrDetoniaI will pastebin the others
20:25.17jellyMrDetonia: please pastebin everything into a single paste.
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20:25.38Lady_AleenaWalex, it is even more general than just ##linux.
20:25.52jellyMrDetonia: complete output of your installation command, including the command itself
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20:29.05MrDetoniapackage I was trying to install originally was wine-gecko
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20:29.53jellyMrDetonia: you have lots of third party repos and even some PPA in the mix.
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20:30.37MrDetoniaindeed I do :/
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20:30.58carpok the debian desktop environment download has finished (using tasksel). i now typed in 'aptitude update && aptitude install xorg' expecting it to say already installed.
20:31.01MrDetoniakxstudio is for Cadence, a JACK manager
20:31.10jellyMrDetonia: wine-rt-amd64 is buggy and needs to declare Conflicts: wine64
20:31.21carphowever, it wasnt, and is now downloading.
20:31.28nkuttlercarp: what's a debian desktop environment?
20:31.33jellyMrDetonia: either remove it, or remove wine64.  You can't have both.
20:31.35nkuttlercarp: there is a desktop task
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20:32.02carpnkuttler: it was an option in tasksel
20:32.04MrDetoniajelly, can I cancel the install of the original package that caused this?
20:32.08nkuttlercarp: xorg is just a metapackage anyway
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20:32.42MrDetoniai.e. before I ran 'apt-get install wine-gecko' and it depends on that rt wine apparently
20:32.43jellyMrDetonia: no.  do "dpkg --remove whatever" first, then apt-get -f install
20:32.50carpnkuttler: ok cool. so now i want to see if gnome is working. shall i reboot?
20:33.11MrDetoniacan I check dependencies before I remove one? or does dpkg do that for me?
20:33.32jellyMrDetonia: the dependencies in wine-rt-amd64 are _broken_, that's a bug
20:34.09MrDetoniaah okay, so I remove that and let apt fix the mess
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20:34.39MrDetoniaI probably shouldn't be allowed near package managers :P
20:35.13nkuttlercarp: you could try /etc/init.d/gdm3 start
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20:35.54MrDetoniajelly, apt is still trying to install both wine-rt-amd64 and wine-rt-i386
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20:36.13MrDetoniawould it work to remove the initial package I started to install?
20:36.14jellyMrDetonia: apt-get remove those two, then
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20:36.33carpnkuttler: i typed that command, and it worked!
20:36.42carpyay thankyou very much for the help guys.
20:37.01nkuttlercarp: cheers
20:37.05githogoriI am getting a seg fault building R-3.2.0 on stable. It builds ok on testing and unstable. Before I burn cycles looking into this, anybody run into this with R-3.2.0? Architecture - amd64.
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20:37.18trampel(didn't know we were _allowed_ to start things via /etc/init.d  no mo' ... [shrug])
20:38.04nkuttlertrampel: this channel is for wheezy support
20:38.22trampelgood point.  sorry.  shape of things to come.
20:38.48carpi know i will be back here soon for help to get my wireless internet card working haha.i have done this whole install on ethernet. but this is great progress. hmm, 10 hours to install debian. that is alot quicker than the first time i did it (last year). this is the 2nd time i installed debian, getting faster haha
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20:40.04carptrampel: is the command i used not going to be the preferred method in the future?
20:40.16MrDetoniajelly, okay packages are sorted now, thanks. Is there a way I can see what packages are coming from where, to avoid getting broken packages that aren't from the debian repos?
20:40.21trampeli'm pretty sure that's indeed the case
20:40.21anddamis there some particular reason why this page specifically suggests using chroot in Debian in order to build what appear a perfectly common cmake project?
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20:41.17carptrampel: just out of curiosity, what might be the better way of doing the same task in the fuure?
20:41.54trampeli'm not sure i'm allowed to discuss that in this channel.  might have to sail over to jessie.  but the secret woid is:  systemd
20:42.37carptrampel: righto, i am complete novice so maybe another time.
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20:43.00trampelyou'll do fine.   (...i however...)
20:43.13mactimesHey there.  How to I set a default text editor for the GUI?  Installing a link to /usr/bin/emacs23 for gnome-text-editor and setting it as default doesn't seem to work.  Any ideas?
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20:43.37valdynanddam: he is using that method. Multiarch and just installing the required :i386 packages is the other.
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20:44.10trampelmactimes: i'd consider setting one's EDITOR but for the "gui" that might be specific "gui" dependent
20:44.19carpoh yeah, i will also need your help guys to configure grub a little bit probably. i have debian installed on my new HD now. and grub is the master boot record. my machine also has an old HD with xp on it. i am about to plug it back in. then i will need to configure grub to recognise it.
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20:45.16valdyncarp: dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc
20:45.34carpvaldyn thanks
20:46.00anddamvaldyn: oh I missed that, but I were just going to build amd64 on amd64 I wouldn't need such, right?
20:46.02mactimestrampel Yeah, emacs is already set as editor, using update-alternatives --conf editor.  For the GUI, I found gnome-text-editor.  I installed emacs23 for that and changed it to default, but it doesn't seem to work.  Running Wheezy here with default gnome installed.
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20:46.20anddamvaldyn: the point there is the debootstrap -arch=i386, right?
20:46.34jellyMrDetonia: apt-cache policy packagename
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20:47.53trampelmactimes: "doesn't seem to work"?  does "emacs" not open its own X frame/window/whatever?
20:48.01carpi just logged on to gnome for the first time. there was a message that displayed briefly saying gnome failed to initialize, probably due to gpu (i think it said). however it seems to be working just fine
20:48.02jellyMrDetonia: see also /msg dpkg obsolete, /msg dpkg not available, esp. if you remove third party repos from the configuration
20:48.27mactimestrampel What happens is double-clicking a text file opens gedit instead of emacs.
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20:48.35MrDetoniajelly, okay. Thanks very much
20:48.40carpvaldyn: are you saying i can configure grub from gnome? i was expecting i would have to do it pre boot up
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20:50.57trampelmactimes: you mean like in ... nautilus?  anyway, you might skim this (i ain't no gnome expert):
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20:51.46mactimestrampel Yeah, in nautilus or anywhere else, except if I run $editor filename.
20:52.13mactimestrampel I'll take a look at that URL.  Nothing Google returns seems to fix it.
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20:54.31carpok so debian is working yay. im going to turn off the machine now, and plug the old HD back in which has windows xp on it.
20:54.47mactimestrampel Nope.  gedit is still behaving as default text editor.
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20:57.08trampelmactimes: (hmm) is there any happiness associated with this command?:  sudo update-alternatives --config gnome-text-editor
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20:57.38mactimestrampel There was gedit.  I installed emacs23 manually and set it as default.
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20:58.36trampel(then logged out/in and ran three times widdershins around the house) and... ?
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21:00.30mactimestrampel Sure.  Did all that.  Naked too.
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21:01.55trampelmactimes: yet another grasp at gnome straws, looky here under "Right click on text file...":
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21:02.41mactimestrampel I saw that too.  But that "remember" option is never there.
21:02.44trampel((damn gnome.  why oh why is it the kingdom o' default?))
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21:03.43trampelmactimes: how about the bit that says:  "Nautlius preferences (Edit > Preferences), select the "Behavior" tab and under the "Executable Text Files"   ?
21:04.07mactimestrampel I think I have just found it.
21:04.41mactimestrampel Right-click on file... "Open With" tab, select application and set as default.
21:05.03trampeland let that be a lesson unto you all, selah  [eyeskyward]
21:05.30mactimestrampel I just don't understand why having so many configuration places if none of them work properly, expect for one.
21:05.49mactimestrampel Anyways, thank you for your effort and time.
21:05.54trampelyep.  i concur
21:06.02trampelyou're most welcome
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21:10.33carpok i plugged in the old drive. i turned on and pressed del to enter set up but then debian automatically chose itself and booted up. now im in gnome. i click 'Places' then 'computer' and it shows my 250gb HD and recognizes it is Windows.
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21:11.06carpso i think i am now to sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc
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21:16.16un214so debian jessie still has wesnoth 1.10
21:16.45un214wesnoth posted a security notice in the last few days advising upgrading to 1.12 due to security vulnerability
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21:17.05abrotmanun214: file a bug agains the package with the appropriate tag (it may already exist)(
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21:18.05un214oh boo they released a local fixed version
21:18.16un214complete waste -- they will be shutting down the 1.10 server soon
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21:21.47carpok ive done the grub reconfigure. it says 'Found Microsoft Windows XP on /dev/sda2   I presume now I want to reboot and see if i can boot into windows?
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21:26.02carpahh yeah! its working baby. wow i am one happy geek right now.
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21:27.26carpi should really get get some food now hehe thankyou all for the help. see you soon!
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21:38.24anddamcan I run 32bit binaries on a 64bit system?
21:40.03qmranddam:  Assuming you have the 32 bit libs
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21:40.26anddaminstalled with the :i386 appended to the package?
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21:42.24dpkgMultiarch allows you to install foreign architecture packages.  For example, to allow i386 packages to be installed on an amd64 system: «dpkg --add-architecture i386 && apt-get update».  See and <multiarch howto>, <multiarch failures>.  For the unrelated installer that can install i386 or amd64, see <multi-arch installer>.
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21:45.36BusserlHi, are laptops using Nvidia/Intel Optimus still a pain, or do current kernels support them?
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21:46.16BusserlIs Jessie OK in that regard?
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21:50.16teraflopBusserl: they support them time ago
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21:58.04Busserlteraflop: Thanks
21:58.22teraflopBusserl: yw
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22:04.12nurupoi have x server running on a remote machine configured to allow x11 fowarding through ssh
22:04.38nurupobut when i ssh to it with -X option i login into the regular terminal
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22:07.07otircnurupo using the -X option allows you to run gui applictions on the remote host
22:08.20nurupohow do i get applications running on the remote host to use my local x server?
22:08.47nurupoi.e. forward x11 to the local machine
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22:10.24otircnurupo once you have ssh to the remote host just type in the appliction cmd and it will open as a window on your local machine
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22:12.05nurupothere is a DE running on the remote machine, i kind of expected to get a window with DE displayed in it
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22:13.38otircnurupo you might be better setting up a vnc its far easier
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22:18.55nuruporight, running windows works fine. that's actually all i needed
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22:20.55fred1807I am Trying to install a dependencie but I am stuck at:  0% [Connecting to (2001:470:1d:34b
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22:25.17teraflopnurupo: you can also use ssh -c -X to request compression
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22:27.10Resiliencehello to everyone, is there any channel for asking about IP protocol development? thanks
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22:30.27petemcResilience: probably more mailing list focused, google for ietf
22:30.50fred1807Resilience:  #ipv6
22:31.01abrotmanwould have said to start in #networking
22:31.40Resiliencemmmmm petemc fred1807  thabks, but it not about core protocols, but about developing an application protocol
22:32.25fred1807Resilience: maybe they at #ipv6 can lead you the way
22:32.53fred1807Resilience: Maybe others here at Debian too. Keep searching
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22:33.11fred1807Resilience: And good luck in your journey for the unknown
22:33.14Resiliencefred1807, thanks I don0t aks the question here becuase it is no debian-centric, atm ost UNIX centric
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22:52.09Hanson22Hey guys... So i just installed Debian 7.8 on my new box, but I'm unable to get my nic to recognize. I'm currently using a fast ethernet to usb adapter as a temp fix, however i'd much prefer to use my onboard gigabit ethernet ;)
22:52.21Hanson22I don't really know much about drivers/modules from within linux or how to search for them
22:52.26Hanson22here is what lspci -v gives me
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22:57.14Hanson22hiexpo: Yep..
22:57.27hiexpoHanson22, 1 sec
22:57.34Hanson22hiexpo: Weird part is, eth0 shows up under ifconfig
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22:58.52hiexpoHanson22, sudo apt-get install firmware-realtek
22:59.01Hanson22kk 1 sec
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22:59.29Hanson22unable to locate package
22:59.39Hanson22hiexpo: specific repo maybe ;o
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23:00.02abrotmandpkg: tell Hanson22 about non-free
23:00.41Hanson22abrotman: Add non-free to the end of each line in sources.list, is that how that works? :O
23:00.43Hanson22I really am a newb
23:00.53abrotmanHanson22: the http sources, yes
23:00.54hiexpoHanson22, Hanson22 enabe non free repos
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23:02.43Hanson22hiexpo: moment of truth, 1 sec
23:03.18hiexpoafter enableing do sudo apt-get update and upgrade
23:03.37abrotmaneh ..
23:03.54Hanson22Here goes nothing
23:04.04hiexpoit will work
23:04.34Hanson22it's just spinning
23:04.42abrotmanHanson22: give it a minute
23:04.50Hanson22Do i need to do anything fancy within /networking/interfaces
23:04.58abrotmanHanson22: also, put your current /etc/apt/sources.list in
23:04.59Hanson22abrotman: disconnected, more spinning
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23:07.35abrotmanHanson22: and 'apt-get update' does nothing?
23:08.13Hanson22abrotman: no it did, i added non-free, updated, upgraded, and then installed realtek-firmware just fine
23:08.23abrotmanokay .. so what's wrong?
23:08.24Hanson22abrotman: It's just that it still isn't working :O
23:08.32abrotmanHanson22: rebooted?
23:08.41Hanson22abrotman: I guess a reboot would help, eh?
23:08.45Hanson221 sec
23:08.53abrotmanHanson22: it's either that, or we explain how to unload/reload the driver
23:09.27Hanson22abrotman: hehe, i'm rebooting now
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23:10.45Hanson22abrotman: k.. i rebooted, now it's just spinning and then disconnected
23:10.51Hanson22abrotman: now spinning again
23:10.58abrotmanwhta is spinning?
23:11.02abrotmanDid you remove the USB thing?
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23:11.26Hanson22abrotman: nope, i'll remove it now. And the ethernet symbol in the upper righthand corner
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23:13.06Hanson22abrotman: k.. i removed it, rebooted. Same issue
23:14.18abrotmanHanson22: How old is your MB?
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23:14.52thomassgnHi anyone know how I can continue troubleshooting the following message from dpkg: 'dpkg: error processing 389-ds-base (--configure): subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1 Errors were encountered while processing: 389-ds-base'
23:15.12phixnot enough information
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23:15.32Hanson22abrotman: it's a mini-ITX am1 by asus
23:15.51abrotmanHanson22: I asked how old ..
23:16.27Hanson22abrotman: sorry, it's roughly 1 year old
23:16.50abrotmanHanson22: does "dmesg | grep eth" return anything ?
23:17.41Hanson22abrotman: sec
23:17.51thomassgnphix: allright, so I cannot have dpkg give me more output, or have it return a log, or somehow check what commands it tries to run? I mean I can go by a strace, but that is a lot of work I think...
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23:19.35Hanson22abrotman: Yes, however I am able to see eth0 by just issuing ifconfig
23:19.55abrotmanHanson22: Are you using Gnome?
23:19.56Hanson22abrotman: also, i just fixed the issue slightly. If i tell you what it was, i'm afraid you'll be angry with me ;3
23:20.00Hanson22abrotman: yes
23:20.18abrotmanHanson22: oh okay, so it's all good?
23:20.35Hanson22abrotman: no, it still isn't working. Now it's getting an ip
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23:20.49Hanson22abrotman: I'm unable to surf or apt-get
23:20.55Hanson22abrotman: but I do have an ip address
23:20.58abrotmanHanson22: ping
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23:21.37abrotmanHanson22: can you ping your router? what's in /etc/resolv.conf ?
23:22.12Hanson22abrotman: I only had 1 address lease on the network the machine is on (it was a /30) and that lease was assigned to the fast ethernet to usb. so i change the network to a /28 and was able to get an ip address *facepalm
23:22.29Hanson22abrotman: I'll pastebin 1 sec
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23:24.49Hanson22abrotman: no i'm unable to ping my gateway, but then again, i have icmp disabled on this network so idk
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23:25.05Hanson22abrotman: My resolv.conf has my gateway for the nameserver which is correct
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23:25.25abrotmanHanson22: so you can resolve names, like 'host' ?
23:25.38Hanson22abrotman: nope.. can't resolve
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23:26.08Hanson22abrotman: let me open up the network and enable icmp just to be sure, 1 sec
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23:29.38Hanson22abrotman: k.. i enabled icmp and I am able to ping my gateway
23:29.56Hanson22abrotman: I am also able to ping
23:30.15Hanson22abrotman: but I can't resolve... I guess it's a dns issue?
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23:34.06thomassgnFound it, the postinstall scripts are in '/var/lib/dpkg/info/<package-name>.postinst'; the relevant script where throwing all errors and so on to /dev/null, changing it to /dev/stderr gave me an error I can work with.
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23:37.05abrotmanHanson22: I can't imagine so ..
23:37.24Hanson22abrotman: Lol :> Now i'm really confused
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23:37.39Hanson22abrotman: I'll try to flush my dns
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23:40.18Hanson22abrotman: Apparently i'm not using named, nscd, or dnsmasq O_o
23:40.28Hanson22abrotman: sigh
23:42.45Hanson22Anyone know how to flush the dns on debian? I've tried /etc/init.d/nscd restart | service nscd restart | service nscd reload | /etc/init.d/dnsmasq restart | service dnsmasq restart
23:42.49Hanson22nothing >.<
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23:43.50blackflowHanson22: there is no dns to flush unless you run a caching/resolver daemon
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23:44.13Hanson22blackflow: :O any recommendations?
23:44.39blackflowHanson22: what's the problem, again?
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23:45.22Hanson22blackflow: My onboard nic wasn't working, installed the realtek-firmware, finally was able to get a lease and now i can't resolve anything
23:45.31Hanson22blackflow: but i can ping externally and internally
23:45.54blackflowHanson22: are the nameserver entries in /etc/resolv.conf correct?
23:46.53Hanson22blackflow: I believe so.. it's my gateway IP which I have running a forwarder
23:47.27blackflowHanson22: and if you change that to, say, can you resolve?
23:48.01*** mode/#debian [+l 1615] by debhelper
23:48.07Hanson22blackflow: nope
23:49.35Hanson22blackflow: since my onboard wasn't working at the time, i was using a fast ethernet to usb converter. would that have anything to do with it? Like, could the dns possibly be looking towards the old mac addr or something?
23:49.43Hanson22blackflow: trying to think of anything at this point
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23:59.17civillianHanson22: sounds like you are doing something oddball if you're using a /30
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23:59.39abrotmancommervcial customer
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