IRC log for #debian on 20150108

00:01.39ZZZZE3what is the app used by gnome-control-center for user admin
00:01.41obsedFamous quotes by Bill Gates: "I watched the piles of feces go up the conveyer belt and drop into a large bin. They made their way through the machine, getting boiled and treated. A few minutes later I took a long taste of the end result"
00:02.12ZZZZE3my gnome-control-center not have this icon
00:02.52abrotmanobsed: wrong channel
00:03.08obsedsorry, that was mean to be in a private social chan
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00:11.51Arcvilewhois havan5
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01:20.38jaggztIridos, save/restore my package selection?
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01:20.50jaggztI have a script which reinstalls existing packages to try to get the perms back
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01:51.04thesebfiles can't never ever have / in their name???
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01:52.31Tramptheseb: that and a NULL.
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01:55.35rryoumaaand it is customary to avoid shell syntax like spaces :)
01:56.14phy1729because removing a file named -rf is hard
01:57.09phy1729(it's rm ./-rf or rm -- -rf)
01:57.11Trampif you don't know, what you're doing
01:57.42phy1729Tramp: or you're tired and not thinking
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01:57.59Trampgiven :)
01:58.03phy1729or it's a poorly written script or any number of other edge cases
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02:19.43srgI have the debian installer running on a laptop right now. I selected the "Guided Partitioning", all files on a single partition with a encrypted LVM.
02:20.04srgIn the progress bar that's going "Erasing data on ...." it says "partition #5". I' mjust wondering why there's 5 partitions....
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02:26.35ArtVandalaesrg, I imagine it's on an extended partition. In my setup (which sounds similar to yours), I have partitions: sda1, sda2, sda5
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02:27.05srgHm, ok
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02:27.41srgI just wanted to make sure it wasn't partitioned wrong before I wait 8 hours for it to erase this data
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02:28.45ArtVandalaeyep, I know the feeling :) The first time I did it, I had to redo it, because my swap partition ended up being being some ridiculous number in size (e.g. 25GB)
02:29.04srgaw man
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02:32.20cafuegoArtVandalae: WHich is reasonable if you have 24GB of ram and insist on doing suspend to disk.
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02:33.51cafuegoJames_T: stalker
02:34.18Kayvlimwhat happens if you try to suspend to disk with not enough free swap? is the suspend attempt refused, or the system boots as if it wasn't suspended at all?
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02:34.47cafuegoKayvlim: No idea, I stopped running Linux on my laptop after the Nth time wifi broke with a kernel update.
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02:36.25Kayvlimyou could always use the previous kernel, right?
02:36.54sydneyJust stop installing new kernels :P
02:37.39cafuegoI *could* have kept using the older vulnerable ekrnels, sure :-)
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02:39.07Kayvlimstill regarding the suspend to disk (I was going to abbreviate it, but it looks like it's a bad idea), if I recall correctly, Windows has a hiberfile.sys to hold the RAM contents; is there anything in Linux close to this behavior? or you always have to ensure that the free swap is enough?
02:39.45sydneyKayvlim: Not as far as i know.
02:40.16c|AFK|uegoKayvlim: I don't know either way, sorry... but google should know for certain.
02:40.19sydneyKayvlim: As long as swap is bigger than ram, you shouldnt have an issue.
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02:40.34sydneyHybernate, correct?
02:40.55c|AFK|uegoKayvlim: Mind you, writing 32GB of swap to a spinning rust disk is going to make suspend and resume be slower than a reboot ;-)
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02:41.14KayvlimI'd guess that the best approach would be to allocate a disk file and swapon it before suspending to disk, if it had to get to this
02:41.40Kayvlimsydney: yes, hibernation, I think it's the equivalent of suspending to disk
02:41.42c|AFK|uegoKayvlim: assuming a swap *file* is supported for that
02:41.52Kayvlimhm, indeed
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02:42.42Kayvlimabout the time it takes to suspend, I don't usually suspend to disk, but I do use more swap space than I should (with a 2 GB RAM eeePC acting as a desktop with a browser full of tabs, it tends to happen)
02:43.36KayvlimI probably won't risk suspending to disk if there's not enough swap space; something I could google, yes, or test myself someday :) thanks!
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02:46.01obsedupgrade ram
02:46.49Kayvlimeh, more like "upgrade laptop"; on wishlist!
02:46.59sydneyDanC: Hows you issues coming?
02:47.03DanChm. I used LVM pvmove to more my data from one disk to another while booted from a rescue CD, but now when I boot from my original system, I can't mount the logical volumes. have I got some goofy lvm metadata somewhere?
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02:47.25sydneyKayvlim: I have a 2gig laptop and it does well with lxde ;)
02:47.39DanC$ sudo mount /media/commons
02:47.39DanCmount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/mapper/pavg-commons
02:47.40sydneyive never used over 3 gigs of ram on linux at one time before.
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02:47.55Kayvlimsydney: it's firefox/chrome that eats up the RAM, mostly; I only use awesomewm, and no desktop environment
02:47.55sydneymy desktio is 3 gig.
02:48.04Kayvlimit's probably as light as I can get
02:48.12sydneyKayvlim: Cool :)
02:48.16sydneyyep :)
02:48.35sydneyI dont do as drastic of multitasking then :P
02:48.55KayvlimDanC, $ file -s /dev/mapper/pavg-commons
02:48.55DanCbetween web browsers and dev tools (sqldeveloper, intellij) I'm more comfortable with 8GB RAM
02:49.02Kayvlim(I'm out of context, but it usually helps me)
02:49.11DanCpavg-commons: symbolic link to `../dm-3'
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02:49.18Kayvlimfile -skL
02:49.33DanCpavg-commons: ReiserFS V3.6
02:49.41sydneyWell, i do get all the "antique equipment also.
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02:49.57DanC$ grep commons /etc/fstab
02:49.58sydneyThis desktop is 8.5 Years old; )
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02:50.25z1hazehello - would anyone be able to help me out with setting up a cron job to remove directories that havent which havent been modified for more than 48hrs?
02:50.33DanCso ReiserFS V3.6 is what I'd expect
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02:50.48Kayvlimhm, "mount -t reiserfs /media/commons" doesn't work?
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02:51.10Kayvlimsydney: undergraduate college students working as sysadmins don't usually get paid up much :)
02:51.42sydneyKayvlim: You? :)
02:51.53DanCnope. "... bad superblock ..."
02:52.12Kayvlimsome servers are 8 years old and tend to die soon; 32 GB servers certainly don't swap (for OOM issues) - if they do; we'd be doing it wrong!
02:52.22Kayvlimyup, me
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02:52.37DanC[ 4612.284797] REISERFS (device dm-3): found reiserfs format "3.6" with standard journal
02:52.39KayvlimDanC: check what dmesg | tail says
02:52.40sydneyKayvlim: Cool :)
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02:52.49DanC[ 4612.299350] REISERFS error (device dm-3): vs-5150 search_by_key: invalid format found in block 196631. Fsck?
02:52.58sydneyIm just a 15 y/o boy that loves to dink with linux :)
02:53.04Kayvlimyou beat me to it! yup, probably fsck
02:53.06DanC[ 4612.299355] REISERFS error (device dm-3): vs-13070 reiserfs_read_locked_inode: i/o failure occurred trying to find stat data of [1 2 0x0 SD]
02:53.19Kayvlimsmartctl -a /dev/dm-3
02:53.27Kayvlimif you don't have smartctl, sudo apt-get install smartmontools
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02:53.54sydneyalso likes it when stuff *just works*.
02:53.55DanCI think I only turned on smartfoo in my bios recently
02:54.02sydneyDont we all? ;)
02:54.21DanCPlease specify device type with the -d option
02:54.27DanCPlease specify device type with the -d option
02:54.31DanCdm-3: Unable to detect device type
02:54.31DanCPlease specify device type with the -d option
02:54.33srgBlah. Is there any way to override Debian Installer's "erase" when using "Guided Paritions with Encrypted LVM" ? It's taking forever to erase the disk and the drive is new.
02:54.43Kayvlimsydney: nice, keep it going! although if stuff just works with linux, I guess you're not abusing it as you should :P
02:54.57sydneyKayvlim: :P
02:55.06sydneyI prefer it not to break :P
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02:55.33Kayvlimof course, but plenty of experience comes from having hard (or just plain stupid) problems
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02:55.59KayvlimI recently bought a USB 3.0 PCI Express controller, and eagerly installed it on my work desktop
02:56.09sydneyKayvlim: Like installing the wrong graphics drivers? :P Had that twice.
02:56.26DanCthat was wierd. I got banned... for accidentally entering lines starting with / , I think
02:56.33KayvlimI read about having to enable xHCI support on BIOS, and the way I understood it, I was supposed to disable the EHCI drivers
02:56.55sydneyYou didnt get banned, freenode thought it was a command.
02:56.57Kayvlimthe moment I disabled the ehci_hcd driver, I remembered (after pressing Return) that my keyboard is USB :)
02:57.05sydneyoh, weird.
02:57.14KayvlimDanC: nope, your messages were seen as flooding the channel
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02:57.38Kayvlimyou wrote three times the same thing; please don't :)
02:57.38sydneyoops, that too.
02:57.59sydneyWe all accedently do it at one time or another ;)
02:58.00z1hazehi, would someone please help me with a cronjob setup?
02:58.07DanCany suggestions on what -d for smartctl?
02:58.26Kayvlimbut about your issue, I'm guessing /dev/dm-3 points to a partition (it was stupid of me to suggest a smartctl on it)
02:58.44DanCit's an lvm volume, I think
02:58.44Kayvlimfind out which disk hold /dev/dm-3 (sda? sdb? ...), and smartctl -a /dev/sd*
02:59.02Kayvlimyou had an I/O error; that's usually bad news
02:59.13DanCespecially since it's a brand new disk
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02:59.23Kayvlimbeing brand new is a good thing - warranty!
02:59.39Kayvlimpaste the output of smartctl (on pastebin or something like that!)
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02:59.50DanCSMART Error Log Version: 1
02:59.50DanCNo Errors Logged
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03:00.06DanClots more output; nothing suspicious
03:00.21Kayvlimpaste that output too
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03:00.43Kayvlimit hold values such as whether the disk is too hot, does it have bad sectors, etc, it's useful
03:00.59Kayvliman example: 198 Offline_Uncorrectable   0x0010   100   100   000    Old_age   Offline      -       0
03:01.23Kayvlimif you don't have anything like that (SCSI disks?), I don't know how to help; if you do, that's what I'm looking for
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03:01.38Kayvlimbtw, since you're at it, smartctl -t short /dev/sdb
03:01.44Kayvlimto make a short test
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03:02.11DanC"Testing has begun."
03:02.20KayvlimPower on hours = 51, that's *really* new
03:02.35sydneyEyah, wow.
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03:03.10Kayvlimeverything looks fine to me; if you care about that, run the smartd daemon to warn you about imminent failures
03:03.15Kayvlim(over time)
03:03.39DanCyeah... seems more likely to me that I've got skewed LVM metadata somehow
03:03.50Kayvlimbut remember, if it warns you that the disk is about to fail, it'll probably be too late to retrieve your stuff. Always have good backups!
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03:04.17DanCwhere does LVM get its metadata from? the /etc on the currently running system wasn't online when I did my pvmove stuff
03:04.18Kayvlimyes, that's probably it, and I can't help you there - I have little experience with LVM, and none whatsoever with reiserfs
03:04.30Kayvlimno idea :/
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03:04.45Kayvlimbut you have lvmdump to show you ... stuff
03:05.00KayvlimI don't know what I can get from it, I know it exists and may be helpful to you
03:05.07DanChow do I look at the results of the smart test?
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03:06.00DanC# 1  Short offline       Completed without error
03:06.03Kayvlimmake sure you don't accidentally test twice simultaneously (repeating a history command, for example); I'm not sure if it does anything harmful, but it certainly isn't useful :)
03:06.31Kayvlimok, you can make a long test later (it usually takes about an hour or two... or three)
03:06.35Kayvlim-t long
03:06.53Kayvlimdon't do it while you're using the computer; it'll be slower
03:06.57Kayvlim* it may be slower
03:06.59DanCI don't really want to think about hardware failure
03:07.12DanC(though surely the data is still on the disk that I copied from)
03:07.19Kayvlimby now, I don't think its that either
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03:08.18Kayvlimbut don't neglect those tests; it's always a good thing to know that you're disk is about to fail before it does
03:08.29Kayvlim* your, omg
03:09.31pingfloodJust keep good backups and then you won't worry when it fails, other than it being unavailable until restore is done.
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03:11.32DanCreiserfsck suggests --rebuild-sb. hm.
03:11.56DanCthe fact that `file` and company see ReiserFS makes me think this might be worthwhile.
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03:13.09DanCLast fsck run: Fri Jan  2 15:35:05 1970 <- unlikely.
03:13.37Kayvlimwait, you're not sure it has ReiserFS in it?
03:13.48DanCI'm sure it *had* a ReiserFS on it.
03:13.59DanCi.e. it's *supposed* to have one
03:14.20Kayvlimah, ok
03:15.11KayvlimI'm not sure how reiser works (I do have an idea that it may take hours to rebuild from journal), so I'd rather not recommend anything other than google or someone more experienced to help you
03:16.06DanCI've done this (rebuild the superblock) before.
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03:16.44DanCplus, my commons volume is stuff I downloaded from the commons. nothing precious nor irreplaceable
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03:17.45DanCnow it suggests --rebuild-tree :-/
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03:25.57DanClvm metadata on /dev/sdb5 seems to match /etc
03:26.40DanCuses clue from
03:28.12DanCproceeds with --rebuild-tree
03:30.15DanCI do have one hypothesis: I have a USB to SATA adapter, and I had the old disk connected by that for a bit. I got lots of errors via that setup (including a failure of the adapter to supply enough power to spin up the disk).
03:30.35DanCI presumed the errors were not actually on the disk but only adapter artifacts, but maybe not.
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03:31.27DanCPass 3 in progress... no scary screenfuls of diagnostics so far.
03:32.09KayvlimI'd guess that problems with the adapter would have stopped the copy
03:32.38DanCI didn't even try to copy via the adapter, given the errors
03:33.12DanCfsck seems to have completely worked. nothing in lost+found
03:33.58DanCstuff like /media/commons/Cory_Doctorow_-_For_the_Win.pdf looks just fine!
03:34.33DanCfor all the bad-mouthing ReiserFS gets, my experience with it has been entirely positive
03:34.48DanCfor a dozen years or so, at least
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03:35.54JollyRoger12hi #debian
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03:36.12DanCon to an ext4 fs... screenfuls of scary stuff from fsck :-/
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03:37.13DanChm... that fs seems to be empty. I guess that's right.
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03:38.13JollyRoger12is linux torvalds still using Gnome? I want to use what he is using since he is in the know.
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03:40.15abrotmanJollyRoger12: ask him, why would you ask us?
03:40.32DanCfinds some supposed answers in
03:40.56JollyRoger12but i dont' think someone as high as him woudl respond to a random person as me.
03:41.09abrotmanthen ask google, seems easy enough
03:41.21rryoumaait isn't whether he would respond; it's whether it's polite to ask
03:41.30abrotmanJollyRoger12: Do you need help with Debian?
03:42.07rryoumaaand it's more that a zillion people would ask such questions and not that he is king
03:42.17OSVGYou'd have a hard time asking Linux Torvalds.
03:42.37OSVGBut, yes, he is using gnome, and Fedora. As expressed by his recent blog post on updating to F21
03:43.56JollyRoger12i'm using Debian
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03:55.31maheri'm having problems building evince on jessie - the build depends point to  gir-repository-dev gir1.0-glib-2.0 gir1.0-gtk-2.0 but these don't seem to exist any more - any advice?
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04:27.06ArtVandalaemaher, what about gir1.2-* e.g. gir-1.2-glib-2.0 ?
04:28.16maherArtVandalae: I found the build logs - I'm installing the stuff they used there...
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04:38.27al_nz1I am stuck at grub rescue after removing a hdd
04:38.42al_nz1I still have a hdd (hd0,1) with a OS that I want to boot
04:38.45al_nz1pls help
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05:00.02ArtVandalaeal_nz1, what is hd0,1 ? Is that the /boot partition?
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05:10.17al_nz1its the partition with ubuntu on it
05:10.32al_nz1i am asking in debian because it was debian that installed the grub
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05:28.36rjsaltswth, foo_script: line 15: analog: command not found, yet it's in my $PATH, put an echo $PATH the line before it and it works
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05:36.45notmarc(08.01 7:21am) (Iridos): notmarc / Mysterytrain you may want to switch that off on !moo for this channel :) -sorry, didnt pay enough attention to it to realise it actually did that. done.
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05:46.00radd__hi is there any one how has experience about FreeRadius ?
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05:46.33DrakkenWarrradd__ for integrating a radius server?
05:46.36DanCugh... my most valuable filesystem ended up with 32K+ items in lost+found after reiserfsck --rebuild-tree
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05:46.54DanCI have mediocre backups
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05:47.45radd_DrakkenWarr, no for AAA radius server
05:48.11DanClooks like a whole iPhoto archive got lost+found
05:48.18radd_DrakkenWarr, i want  to setup it, an i need hel could you help me ?
05:48.46DrakkenWarrfor an AAA not at this moment.. dealing with some other shiz atm
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05:51.48radd_who can help e about FreeRadius server ?
05:53.49DanCI take that back... my backups SUCK
05:54.10DanCthat is: I didn't back up some of the most important stuff. sigh.
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05:59.53DanCah... but I do have another copy of these files. in fact, I might have deleted this copy of these files. hm.
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06:06.55DanCfinds another copy on usb-enclosure-life-support
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07:30.20DeaDSouL__hi... is there anyway to install debian to usb... not from usb.. and not burning live-image to usb.. but actually install it on usb as if it is a physical hard-drive ?
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07:33.37ArtVandalaeYes, this should work: install to your USB stick, as you would install to a regular hard drive
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07:34.14ArtVandalaei.e. boot the installer (from another USB stick, or CD/DVD), and then *install* Debian onto your USB stick, treating it as a regular hard drive
07:34.23DeaDSouL__ArtVandalae: I tried that.. but it doesn't want to boot
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07:34.49ArtVandalaeA couple of things. 1. Do you have grub installed to the USB's MBR? 2. Do you have a boot partition (/boot) on your USB stick?
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07:36.55DeaDSouL__ArtVandalae: I tried to install grub to main MBR... didn't work... also tried to install it on usb (/dev/sdb) ... same thing didn't work
07:37.22ArtVandalaewhy didn't it work? Did you get an error?
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07:38.58DeaDSouL__no.. in fact it's freezing after : grub loading
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07:43.33ArtVandalaehm... I'm going to guess that's the MBR, correctly trying to boot from /boot, but not finding it for some reason
07:44.06ArtVandalaeif you run: fdisk -l /dev/<yourusbstick> <--- is there a /dev/sd*1, which has a bootable flag?
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07:50.33jsinWhat might go wrong with Universal USB Installer that would make the debian live image say no bootable partitions when attempting to boot to the USB?
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07:53.15SirLagzjsin: why do you want to run debian live ?
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07:55.34jsinI have a gpg key on a usb drive that I want to move to a smartcard without the risk of a compromised system
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07:57.24jsinI tried tails, but the version of gpg on tails is too old and doesn't support 4096 bit keys on smart cards (max 2048)
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07:58.47jsinI'm running universal usb installer again... maybe something went wrong last time
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08:00.32DeaDSouL__ArtVandalae: here
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08:02.10FreezingColdOkay, so I switched my hard drive into a new computer and it won't boot anymore
08:02.14FreezingColdsays my passphrase is wrong
08:02.26FreezingColdthe UUID is in grub
08:02.39FreezingColdhowever, root='(hd0,msdoes1)'
08:02.45FreezingColdthat could be wrong
08:03.07ArtVandalaeDeaDSouL__, where's your root partition? All I see is a boot partition, and a swap partition (living as an extended partition)?
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08:05.37FreezingColdcryptsetup unknown fstype
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08:05.42jsinwell, I'm trying again, bbiab
08:06.19DeaDSouL__ArtVandalae: it's on /dev/sdd1
08:07.43DeaDSouL__ArtVandalae: /dev/sdd: sticky x86 boot sector; partition 1: ID=0x83, active, starthead 32, startsector 2048, 15294464 sectors; partition 2: ID=0x5, starthead 74, startsector 15298558, 755714 sectors, code offset 0x63
08:08.02*** mode/#debian [+l 1498] by debhelper
08:08.19ArtVandalaeDeaDSouL__, what is sdd? I thought you wanted to install Debian to a USB stick?
08:08.42FreezingColdokay so it's just booting the wrong hard drive
08:09.00FreezingColdunplugged the other one and now it boots fine
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08:09.09FreezingColdbut ideally I'd like to use both hard drives I paid for
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08:10.52DeaDSouL__ArtVandalae: it is usb
08:11.36ArtVandalaeso, why don't you install grub to MBR, /boot and /swap to your USB stick? Why only the root partition?
08:12.40smartasshi, is there some way to specify a fallback networkign setup in interfaces?
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08:13.44smartassI have a server about to be moved to a different subnet, but I don't know when and I'm looking for a way to make ifup use the right configuration
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08:14.22smartassI've been thinking about assigning eth0:1 the second subnet, but is there a nicer solution?
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08:15.14DeaDSouL__ArtVandalae: /dev/sdd1 has the root, and /dev/sdd5 has the swap
08:15.23ArtVandalaesmartass, that's a good solution. You could create 1. A config for a static network 2. A config for a DHCP network, etc. Just make sure your firewall isn't too aggressive.
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08:16.18ArtVandalaeDeaDSouL__, but your MBR and /boot are on another disk ??? Why don't you just install it all onto /dev/sdd ? Anyway, I'll try get it working for you, using your solution
08:16.35smartassArtVandalae: the thing is that I don'ŧ want ti to use DHCP on the new subnet, should be static
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08:17.24ArtVandalae' <DeaDSouL__> ArtVandalae: I tried to install grub to main MBR... didn't work... also tried to install it on usb (/dev/sdb) ... same thing didn't work' <--- it's not enough to install MBR. You need a /boot partition too
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08:18.38smartassI'd like it to do something like: try the new subnet, if can't ping gateway, maybe not there yet, fallback to dhcp
08:18.59DeaDSouL__ArtVandalae: the first time i installed it, it said that it's safer to install it on main MBR on /dev/sda.. but it ruined everything.. so, the second time I didn't install to main MBR.. but instead to /dev/sdb .. which at time of the installation the usb stick assigned to sdb
08:20.27ArtVandalaeDeaDSouL__, if you have time: reinstall Debian. Assuming /dev/sdb is your USB stick: 1. Install MBR to /dev/sdb 2. Make sure /boot exists on /dev/sdb (i.e. /dev/sdb1), and finally make sure a root partition exists (e.g. /dev/sdb5)
08:20.34smartasshmm, maybe mapping stanza is what I want
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08:23.30DeaDSouL__ArtVandalae: it has /boot .. please check
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08:29.15ArtVandalaesorry DeaDSouL__ I'm out of ideas.
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08:35.19DeaDSouL__ArtVandalae: it's ok man.. thanks... do you know how to check if the bootloader or grub is installed on sdd or not ?
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08:46.28SPFDeaDSouL__: you could try less -f /dev/sda, if you see the string GRUB, then grub is installed
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09:10.10abcd593Hi, (1) is it possible to implement High Availability for two servers that are located on different subnets? If yes with which software? (keepalived seems to work only on the same subnet). (2) Is it theoretically possible to have 2 servers in different geographical locations but in the same subnet?
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09:11.25Stummiwhat are you actually trying to do?
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09:13.17abcd593Stummi: HA on 2 servers that are located in two different cities
09:13.43abcd593I would use keepalived if they were on the same subnet...
09:13.47StummiHA on which levels? DNS? IP?
09:14.01Stummiyou can set up an VPN to have them in the same network
09:14.03TyrfingMjolnirabcd593: I'd use project-fifo( SmartOS ) for different geo locations
09:14.23TyrfingMjolnirwith VPN
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09:15.10abcd593DNS? IP? hmm... on which level keepalived works? probably IP...
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09:16.18abcd593VPN + keepalived could work?
09:16.24abcd593I'll check project-fifo...
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09:17.02TyrfingMjolnirabcd593: Which applications are you running?
09:17.48abcd593nginx with static content right now... could be LAMP stack in the future
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09:19.17TyrfingMjolnirI moved from LAMP to SmartOS w/NginX, postgreSQL, NodeJS and AngularJS haven't looked back.
09:20.53abcd593is this project-fifo something like OpenStack?
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09:21.44Kingsyhey, I have some .ttf files. How can I install these on my system?
09:21.48Kingsyfont files
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09:25.52abcd593TyrfingMjolnir: I actually prefer to work with dedicated servers...
09:26.17TyrfingMjolnirabcd593: What do you mean by dedicated servers?
09:26.27TyrfingMjolnirI have 2 SuperMicro machines
09:26.33TyrfingMjolnirIn which runs 10 VMs
09:26.53TyrfingMjolnirSmartOS actually loaded balances which VM is available on which node
09:27.04TyrfingMjolnir*load balances
09:27.19TyrfingMjolnirAnd there are no partition sizes in smartOS
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09:34.18bookmarkif i have 32 bit debian installed will binaries that i compile work on a 64 bit shell(other computer that is 64bit)?
09:35.19bookmarklike because i don't know if the shell will be 32 bit or 64 bit
09:35.33Vroomfon1leyes, but you may need to add some 32-bit libraries to the other computer, depending on what you're doing
09:35.45Vroomfon1lebut basically, yes, it will work.
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09:38.57abcd593TyrfingMjolnir:  are VMs the service you provide, or are they needed for functioning? I'm asking, because I seemingly do not need any virtualization. All I want is to have 2-servers-setup (no single point of failure) that run nginx and deliver static content. Maybe I'm wrong, but a specialized OS sounds like an overkill. (it might have useful facilities for content synchronization between servers, and/or uniting of discs of different serv
09:38.59abcd593ers into one though).
09:39.50TyrfingMjolnirThe only benefit of SmartOS over linux is ZFS
09:40.08TyrfingMjolnirIf you only want to server static content why are you not using lighttpd?
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09:43.13TyrfingMjolnirVMs are just for separating the different services.
09:43.16IridosKingsy, if it's just for your own user, you can dump them into ~/.fonts
09:43.19TyrfingMjolnirand to load balance them
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09:45.32Iridosbookmark, if the amd64 computers have the same versions of 32bit libraries, they can. but switching from one system to another often fails because different versions of the same library often aren't compatible (even though they're mostly suppoesed to backward-compatible)
09:46.05abcd593TyrfingMjolnir: I have load balancing in place right now, but the LB itself is a single point of failure. I want to eliminate this, so if LB is down - the second server should take over the whole traffic. Thats it...
09:46.11Kingsygot ya
09:46.17KingsyIridos: thanks
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09:46.20Guest84342good morning free friends :) may i ask you, how i can move the displayed area of the x-server (right now i am using openbox as wm)? i am using only an hdmi-projector and the screen is split in half: first half (normally the left side) is on the right side of the projector, and vice versa.... may somebody give me a tip for a handy gui-tool rather trying xrandr offsets (i suppose this may work?)?
09:46.45TyrfingMjolnirabcd593: You would avoid all that "manual labour" by using project-fifo
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09:47.10GPenguinhello, what is the prefered tool for reporting a bug? still bugreport?
09:47.39Iridosit's called "reportbug", but yes :)
09:47.50GPenguinthanks :)
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09:49.24Guest84342ah - thanks, i will try this :) - i think i will have to try login in a plain user first, to see if its really a bug. if so, i will do a report! have a nice day so long =)
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09:51.49Guest84342hmmm, hmmm - i am starting to think i overreacted by thinking the answers were related to my topic xD FiFo doesnt seem to be related to projectors..
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09:52.35IridosGuest84342, gnome has a tool for it, I guess most other DEs have... not sure what one could use under openbox
09:52.52abcd593TyrfingMjolnir: I'm afraid that learning a new OS is more complicated than implement this last step (HA)... I might be wrong though...
09:53.16TyrfingMjolnirDepends on if you only look at the time spent now
09:53.16*** join/#debian DaniGemini (~DaniGemin@
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09:53.28IridosGuest84342, possibly arandr?
09:53.29TyrfingMjolnirOr if you look at how your workflow will be in the future
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09:55.01yourbeauI miss Debian
09:55.05yourbeauI want to switch back
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09:55.38TyrfingMjolnirI still have debian in some of my VMs
09:55.42TyrfingMjolnirI really do like apt
09:55.50petn-randallyourbeau: Then go ahead. Do you need anything from us?
09:55.53TyrfingMjolniryourbeau: What did you switch to?
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09:57.14yourbeauTyrfingMjolnir, Trisquel 7
09:57.34TyrfingMjolnirNever heard about.
09:57.37TyrfingMjolnirapt based?
09:57.47yourbeauUbuntu 14.04 deblobed
09:57.48yourbeaufully free
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09:58.47Junkai get auth failed when i try to connect to irc with a vpn on
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09:58.58Junkawith empathy*
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10:00.04yourbeaupetn-randall, waiting for Debian 8
10:00.13yourbeauI need updated hplip drivers and all out of the box
10:00.23yourbeaukernel is going to be 3.16 or something right ?
10:00.32yourbeaubut that is not even mentioned in
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10:01.27Devastator,v kernels
10:01.28juddNo package named 'kernels' was found in i386.
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10:01.33tschundeee"mysql-community-server : Depends: mysql-common (= 5.6.22-1debian7) but 5.5.40-0+wheezy1 is to be installed" WHat to do?
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10:06.34yourbeauWhen would Debian 8 ship ?
10:06.36yourbeauIn a week ?
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10:07.21hypermistI need to install iptables
10:07.29hypermistoh woops my english failed
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10:08.01Junkayourbeau: no, in a few months
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10:09.42tschundeeeyourbeau: Q1 2015, right?
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10:10.28hypermisti need to install iptables:i386
10:10.33hypermistbut idk how
10:12.12Junkahypermist: are you on 64 bit system
10:12.30hypermistI think im on x32
10:12.57tschundeeeuname -m
10:13.06yourbeauJunka, oh sucks
10:13.07tschundeeehypermist: what does this print?
10:13.11yourbeautschundeee, aaaaaah
10:13.19tschundeeehypermist: you're on 64bit
10:14.16Junkayou need multiarch
10:14.27tschundeeeanyone using repositories under wheezy?
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10:15.19hypermistmultiarch Junaos is that pointed at me ?
10:16.22hypermistJunka *
10:16.28Junkahypermist: yeah but why do you need a 32bit iptables?
10:16.52hypermistCause apprently thats what openvpn-as wants
10:16.52GPenguinwhere is the file with the back report after reportbug failed to delivef? i have no MTA
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10:17.34hypermistactually don't worry Junka
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10:19.26hypermistI cannot seem to install openvpn-as
10:21.13TyrfingMjolniryourbeau: Looks much better than Ubuntu
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10:21.41TyrfingMjolnirGNOME instead of unity
10:21.44yourbeauTyrfingMjolnir, it is sure the best option out there but the problem is when you seek fully free system
10:21.47TyrfingMjolnirI miss enlightenment
10:21.52yourbeauyou may be some issues
10:22.03TyrfingMjolnirI prefer to do debian base install
10:22.07TyrfingMjolnirand apt-get from there
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10:22.13TyrfingMjolnirusually vim and curl only
10:22.20TyrfingMjolnirBut xfce might do as well
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10:23.02TyrfingMjolnirlinux is still my favorite tool; even though I use Mac for laptop, iOS on phone, I still can not live without nmap, vim, xxd and so on
10:23.25TyrfingMjolnirNot to mention apt-get
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10:25.42Vroomfon1leto be fair, mac also has sed/awk/nmap/vim ;)
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10:26.08TyrfingMjolnirVroomfon1le: :-)
10:26.14TyrfingMjolnirBut even ls is fcuked up on mac
10:26.41TyrfingMjolnirThe gnu ports are more agnostic when it comes to parameter sequence amongst other things
10:27.29tschundeeeTrafficMan: get homebrew for mac
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10:28.07tschundeeeyou get the latest and greatest wget, vim etc by "brew install vim"
10:28.16tschundeeebrew update && brew upgrade
10:28.21tschundeeeto keep you packages fresh
10:28.39tschundeeebasically a really nice apt-like package manager for macos
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10:30.37jellyhypermist, tschundeee: what does "dpkg --print-architecture" say? uname -m is not definitive, that's just the kernel
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10:34.20dpkgsabbia: vedi
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10:51.33tschundeeejelly: I was dropped out IRC. My dog was demanding a gassi-round :D Wanted to let you know that I solved my MySQL update by adding packages to my /etc/apt/sources.list - not very elegant but at least it did the job
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10:51.58tschundeeejelly: thx for your help yesterday
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10:57.12jellytschundeee: dotdeb packaging is often shoddy, IMHO
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10:57.51tschundeeejelly: okay so what would you recommend? their package is 5.6.21 and current is 5.6.22
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10:59.49tschundeeejelly: you also said that about the offical mysql apt-repo by oracle :D
10:59.59jellytschundeee: I'd go with percona.  Version numbering doesn't match the features and fixes anyway since percona has their own extra featureset
11:01.09jellytschundeee: yeah, but I haven't _tried_ the oracle repo yet, that was just a guess
11:01.47tschundeeejelly: when I wanted to install the oracle version I got this: "mysql-community-server : Depends: mysql-common (= 5.6.22-1debian7) but 5.5.40-0+wheezy1 is to be installed" WHat to do?
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11:02.55tschundeeeso somehow it got confused which version I wanted to take. it created a mysql.list file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
11:03.36tschundeeedidn't know how to convince apt to use the mysql.list file for all mysql-server-5.6 dependencies
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11:06.40Iridosgenerally, if you stick to debian packages and backports, Stuff  Works™. If you do not... well, you see it yourself
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11:08.36tschundeeeIridos: needed the current mysql version...
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11:41.15JonuzWas CD-1 only must-have .iso for installing debian?
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11:47.41ghormoonhi, is it possible when using mate and connecting to the machine through vnc to make it autolock on inactivity? it autolocks locally, but not on vnc session. I can lock manually though
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12:02.00ebliphow to see all applications installed on my debian
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12:02.17tuxx-eblip: dpkg -l
12:02.25eblipthanks tuxx-
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12:03.01tuxx-that is ofourse, if you installed it via apt-get/aptitude.. things compiled by hand wont show up in that list.
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12:33.36fraffanyone got an idee why pgrep "test-process" doesn't find exec -a test-process sleep 5m ?
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12:33.53fraffbut pgrep -f does
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12:36.43jellyfraff: and pgrep -x test-process ?
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12:41.10fraffjelly: nope
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12:51.35DimonaxCan I use fbset to adjust my console resolution manually after system startup? Using KMS.
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12:51.55DimonaxOr is there another utility I should be using?
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12:54.21dokmaIs this enough to verify that there is a website on a given domain? wget domain.tld 2>&1 | grep '200 OK' ??
12:55.01wgetdokma: Personally I prefer to get that information reading the HTTP header properly with curl -I
12:55.43wgetdokma: What about others codes? Like 3xx for the redirection?
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12:58.35_abc_Can someone please point me at a howto which explains how to set reset and configure laptop mode etc using pm-utils ?
12:59.17fraffwget: wget -S :)
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13:00.07dokmawget, bot?
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13:00.11suggestorhm when I do #su it tried to connect to an network ldap server, why? and where do I find configs for that?
13:00.32wgetfraff: Thanks indeed. Despite my name, I know more about curl than wget :-/
13:00.40wgetdokma: Not yet :D
13:00.45dokmaohh, so still evolving
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13:01.09dokmayeah, so I have a list of some 700 email,url combinations
13:01.21wgetdokma: Well actually I know more about curl, because curl has a dedicated lib I use for several projects, which isn't the case of wget.
13:01.24dokmaso I guess filtering out those that do not return 200OK would give a rather small list
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13:02.00dokmabut thanks for reminding me of other codes that do indicate a valid web site
13:02.15wgetdokma: He. Don't rely on the HTTP presence to check if a mail actually exists! For example some friends of mine and myself included only have a DNS domain without having an HTTP server running on it.
13:02.38dokmawget, that's not my use case
13:02.53dokmaI've already got valid emails. I'm just checking if there is a website on a given domain
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13:02.59wgetdokma: Personally I would check about the presence of a DNS MX record first, then check for a valid IMAP/POP server on some common port 993,547,etc;
13:03.19dokmawget, emails are not the issue
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13:03.27dokmawget, presence of a web site is
13:03.33wgetdokma: Ah ok. In that case, checking the HTTP headers are enough then.
13:03.44dokmawget, thanks a bunch for your time
13:03.59dokmayou've got a ćevapi when you come to Zagreb
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13:05.46DimonaxAlright. There any utilities to have KMS adjust the console res manually after bootup?
13:06.11babilenDimonax: info -f grub -n 'Simple configuration'
13:06.21babilen(and adjust in /etc/default/grub)
13:06.33wgetdokma: :D No problem. Btw, don't forget that HTTP server might be missing and only checking for 2xx and 3xx values, are not enough since you won't be able to get headers at all without http server obviously.
13:06.33wgeteg.: Resolving ( failed: Name or service not known.
13:07.08BotaniCardokma: aren't you in UK by now ( if you're the Dokma i think you are ) ? :)
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13:12.32ByT3b0N3hi there
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13:15.05_abc_Is there a one stop tutorial for systemd based debian? Debian howto based on systemd, iow?
13:15.35SPF!tell _abc_ about systemd
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13:34.50RC123how does wheezy get affected because of leap second ?
13:35.06RC123any  impact and  plans to mitigate ?
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13:37.13BrigoRC123, are you kidding? :)
13:39.24_abc_fwiw this is a good intro
13:39.34_abc_Hire Carla for the Debian project ;)
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13:43.07Brigo_abc_, it is not a bad advice :)
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13:44.21Ormuhey, what is that "standard" live CD here? ->
13:44.50Ormudoes it have a graphical desktop at all?
13:45.32Stummistandard comes without desktop iirc
13:45.32petn-randallRC123: No, there's nothing we can do, we're doomed. Start building your nuclear shelter and stack it up with rations.
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13:46.43Stummiactually the last leap second brought some issues, but I think this bugs should be fixed by now
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13:48.04petn-randallStummi: Yeah, but it didn't "wreak havoc on the infrastructure powering the internet."
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13:48.39RC123as per this, kernel < 3.3 is vulnerable
13:48.40petn-randallStummi: It caused high CPU load on MySQL until it was restarted, that was the gravest problem I remember. And that bug was fixed.
13:48.59petn-randallRC123: I'm pretty sure the fix was backported to 3.2.
13:50.36Stummipetn-randall, didn't it also caused high CPU load on the kernel itself?
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13:51.18_abc_In lxde, right clicking on desktop shows no menus. What setting fixes this please?
13:51.44RC123petn-randall: yes in 2012 we faced cpu issues on squeeze and had to reboot
13:51.55RC123petn-randall: might be its fixed in wheezy
13:52.24RC123though, wheezy backports had 3.16  kernel
13:52.30petn-randallRC123: It was also fixed in squeeze.
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13:55.47_abc_Hmm I also have no startup notifications from apps on lxde. This is all in openbox/LXDE/menu.xml right? Do I have to do something for it to be read on startup, as it seems to be ignored?
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13:59.37_abc_hmm it is loaded and parts of it run. But not the root menu entry. Any ideas where to look? Any button click on desktop causes no action and no message, buttons work fine inside apps and on window decorations.
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14:00.11marolocciowhy do i see this?? dpkg-query --show --showformat '${Description}\n' bsdiff -> dpkg-query: no packages found matching bsdiff ?!? apt-cache show bsdiff is fine!
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14:04.53petn-randallmaroloccio: apt-cache acts on the repository list, dpkg-query on the locally installed packages.
14:05.21marolocciopetn-randall: of course!! i haven't installed it yet, thanks!
14:05.33petn-randallmaroloccio: You're welcome!
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14:07.00RC123petn-randall: do u have reference to bug  fix for leap second ?
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14:51.59sabbia! list
14:52.00dpkgsabbia: Debian è un sistema operativo composto da software libero (un concetto distinto da quello di gratis): vedi per saperne di più.
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14:57.15marolocciohow can i get absolutely NO output from apt-get --quiet --quiet intall skynet?
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14:58.21KidCartouchemaroloccio, how about apt-get --force --yes --quiet install whatever 2>&1 >/dev/null
14:58.48maroloccioKidCartouche: no.
14:59.06maroloccioKidCartouche: it's talking like skynet.. too much. i don't wanna see all that output.. :(
15:00.19petn-randallmaroloccio: Show us the output on Adding '2>&1 >/dev/null' should redirect *any* output to /dev/null, I'm not sure about any child processes, though.
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15:04.19maroloccioSelecting previously unselected package... i don't wanna see this type of crap
15:04.36maroloccioUnpacking blah <-- why do i need to know it's unpacking?!
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15:05.24maroloccioupdate-alternatives: <-- don't wanna see either. etc. etc. etc. etc...
15:05.27_abc_ ... debianists?1
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15:13.01maroloccioand what makes me mad most of all is this message after i put --quiet --quiet and >/dev/null that appears on stderr (!?!?!?!!?!?!?!) -> Extracting templates from packages: 100% (which... is... just... a DEBUG level severity, not even INFO??) why!!!
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15:14.23jellymaroloccio: file a bug report and propose levels of dpkg and apt output you'd like to be able to hide
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15:15.36marolocciojelly: there is NO doubt that it is a BUG to have such stuff on stderr, yes... try it yourself: "Extracting templates from packages: 100%"
15:17.05jellymaroloccio: Sure, but if you want it fixed or discussed, please check existing bugs at and, and file one using reportbug tool.
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15:21.15[exa]Hi everyone
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15:21.25[exa]What's the easiest method to "clone" a debian system?
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15:21.54[exa]like, if I have gentoo, I just copy the whole root to the other machine and run grub-install there, and it works.
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15:22.48tomodachi[exa]: thats not entierly true, not even for gentoo
15:22.55tomodachiyour cloning method works
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15:23.00tomodachibut your boot would still fail
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15:23.13tomodachisince your fstab would have the wrong uuid for the disk on the remote machine
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15:23.42[exa]tomodachi: that's right, but I'm not using UUIDs here, roughly for that reason..
15:23.54tomodachiso you need to do some finishing touches, but nothing stops you from rsyncing all filesystems onto a new disk installing grub and doing it that way
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15:24.29[exa]tomodachi: is there some official docs on reinstalling the grub from a cloned disk image?
15:24.30tomodachiwho uses physical systems now anyway :) i use xen , since its not using grub i can actually rsync one machine into a new lvm to create a "copy"
15:25.00tomodachihmm not really anything conclusive that i could find when I did it the last time
15:25.03tomodachii have my own notes
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15:25.05[exa]oh, I do. It's for heavy networking (traffic shaping routers)
15:25.13tomodachiif you want them ill translate them for you
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15:25.45dimitry7Hello guys, I see this in my authlog: Disconnecting: Too many authentication failures for erick [preauth]
15:25.59dimitry7but the thing is that this user has NOT been trying to authenticate
15:26.03tomodachi[exa]:  hmm my notes are in english so its zero effort actually
15:26.16dimitry7what do you think might be happening? something from his machine is trying to SSH ?
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15:27.19[exa]dimitry7: if the machine is connected to the internet it's pretty usual that it is a subject of password bruteforcing.
15:27.45[exa]dimitry7: you might want to look at the IPs
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15:29.22[exa]tomodachi: seems reasonable, thanks a lot
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15:30.06tomodachi[exa]: youre welcome i might set it up on askubuntu once i polish it i ripped out of our company wiki where made the notest last time i had to do this
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15:30.21tomodachisome hours of try and fail behind that success story i can tell you  :)
15:30.24dimitry7[exa], bruteforcing? wow, but this machine is inside my LAN
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15:30.43dimitry7[exa], it has ubuntu 11.04
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15:31.40[exa]dimitry7: you might want to try to see where it comes from. Also, it's possible that it's a software error of some kind.
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15:32.51[exa]tomodachi: on the second thought, I've used cloning just for the purpose I had gentoo that took some time to install right. I guess I can clone such debian machines by full install + several copypasted commands that setup the environment
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15:32.58dimitry7[exa], ok ok, I got it now... thank you man!!
15:33.09[exa]tomodachi: but the howto is super useful, thanks a lot :]
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15:34.35Tekkkzmy sound doesnt work a blank new installation
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15:34.57Tekkkzi tested something around with alsa mixer, but i didnt get it out/dont work
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15:35.03dpkgsabbia: vedi
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15:35.12Tekkkzcan somebody teach me the steps i need to do/help me?
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15:40.41jaggztcan someone send me their output of ls -l /dev/ ?
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15:41.01jaggztI accidentally did chown -R /
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15:41.22jaggztI'm trying to fix this without doing a full reinstall
15:41.31abrotmanjaggzt: reboot, /dev/ will be recreated at boot time
15:41.33abrotmanor should be anyway
15:41.34tuxx-/dev is populated by the kernel jaggzt, so that should be fixed with a reboot
15:42.02tuxx-i know, it sounds so un-linux-like... a reboot.
15:42.05abrotmanUnless you've done a lot of work to make it not work that way
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15:43.04wildhostileabrotman Hi ...
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15:43.58jaggztokay.. so I used a script that re-downloaded all my packages, and then got the ownership from dpkg-deb -c output and set all the files
15:44.04wildhostileis it you who helpep me yesterday with my laptop problem?
15:44.06jaggztchowned everything it could back
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15:44.39jaggztso now I just have all the files it didn't get.  it only lists 434 files
15:44.47jaggzt(that includes the parent folders)
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15:45.12wildhostileabrotman I found a solution for the suspend problem on lid closure
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15:45.23abrotmandon't close the lid?
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15:46.17wildhostileNo. I downgraded the linux kernel to the previous version
15:46.39abrotmanwas it self-compiled?
15:47.26wildhostileI don't know ... I think I had bad repositories in my sources.list
15:48.02wildhostilevoila ... it works now.
15:48.21abrotmanokay then
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15:48.33abrotmanoh, right, you're the fellow mixing in Mint .. poor decision
15:48.54wildhostileyes ... it's me :)
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15:49.27wildhostileok thanks
15:49.59wildhostileDo you know L0ad1ng?
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15:50.20dimitry7[exa], man, the first time it tries to authenticate, those logs appears
15:50.24wildhostilehe was there yesterday and had the same problem
15:52.14wildhostileanyway I will see him another time
15:52.34wildhostilethanks and bye
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15:59.05bootstrappmHello all. Installing Debian via usb (prepared w Jessie ISO using UNetBoot program).  Gets stuck at installing base system, Configuring APT sources... Anybody seen this before? FYI no Internet connection as installer doesn't ask me to setup wifi
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16:00.40petn-randall!tell bootstrappm -about unetbootin
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16:02.00bootstrappmThanks petn-randall! Any recommended way to prepare Debian on USB ?
16:02.46bootstrappmI used USB because no stores were open last night when I was finally ready to install Debian. I could go get a CD now though
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16:04.56bootstrappmNevermind petn-randall, asking dpkg
16:05.09petn-randallbootstrappm: If you already have a Linux system, simply use 'cp debian.iso /dev/sdx', with sdx being the block device of the USB disk (don't use sdx1, that's the first partition). If you have Windows/Mac OS, I believe the release notes have instructions on how to do it there.
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16:05.54HTH^bootstrappm, unetbootin is my preferred way on windows
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16:06.16petn-randallHTH^: unetbootin is the prefered way to create broken installation images.
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16:06.25petn-randallHTH^: Read the backlog.
16:06.26HTH^petn-randall, never broken one of mine
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16:07.56srgGrub or Lilo?
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16:08.05HTH^weird then, but yes bootstrappm use either cp or dd on an UNMOUNTED drive if under linux, under windows i guess i cant help you lol
16:08.23HTH^if you use cp dont forget to sync after :p
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16:13.50zwHi. I need a VPN client for a L2TP ipsec tunnel in debian, what is the best package to do this ? Openswan/x12tpd ?
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16:15.55dpkgsabbia: Debian è un sistema operativo composto da software libero (un concetto distinto da quello di gratis): vedi per saperne di più.
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16:31.05sabbia! list
16:31.05dpkgsabbia: Debian è un sistema operativo composto da software libero (un concetto distinto da quello di gratis): vedi per saperne di più.
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16:32.06jhutchinssabbia: Ciao.  Do you speak English?
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16:35.04abrotmanjhutchins: seriously?  leave it be, it's clearly another person looking for warez
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16:43.59yourbeaum back
16:44.16yourbeaueagerly waiting for 8
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16:57.00srgI don't even know what version this installed
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16:58.19srgIs there a way to use https with sources.list?
16:58.26srgor any type of secure connection?
16:58.49yourbeausrg, it is useless
16:58.57yourbeauuse http or ftp
16:58.59yourbeauits fine
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17:02.27srgWhy do you say it's useless? It is incredibly easy to MITM at a Starbucks if I happen to update my apt repo then. Provide a mirror of packages with a replacement for the `ping` package that has a botnet or something.
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17:02.45srgI don't mean to argue, but there *IS* a use.
17:03.24srgObviously one guy complaining on IRC wont change anything. So it's alright if we drop it.
17:03.57jellysrg: MITM won't let you download potentically malign packages
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17:05.06jellysrg: apt has a list of repository pgp signatures it allows.  Any repo that's unsigned, or signed with a key not in the apt key store, brings up a fat warning at installation time
17:05.42srgOh, I wasn't aware that it was signed. It's been a while since I've used debian. I apologize yourbeau/jelly
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17:06.49jellyyourbeau: instead of "eagerly waiting," sign up for the debian-announce mailing list.  That way you'll be the first to know when jessie is out
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17:07.12yourbeausrg, np probem; now write an apology letter ; sign it scan it publish it and never do it again
17:07.31tomodachijelly:  only if your email adress starts with aaaaa
17:07.32yourbeaujelly, ah I know but I would be actually checking the site literally everyday
17:07.35yourbeauI am using Trisquel
17:07.36yourbeauas of now
17:07.53jellyyourbeau: and keep the smartassery to a minimum, please
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17:09.25yourbeaujelly, :p its my style ; I told ya ; but fine I would not do it here then
17:10.25yourbeaubye for now
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17:10.54jellyyourbeau: what site? It's email. Read it when you want, set up push notifications on a smartphone or tablet if you want. No need to check anything.
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17:34.40anybroadPinning packages? Isn't that really bad?:
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17:34.52anybroadgot doubts now about this new shiny thing stuff
17:35.14dpkgPinning is a method to choose which version of a package to install when multiple versions are available from <sources.list>.  Bugs are explained at .  If you use stable, pinning won't help you from messing up the system, ask me about <backports> instead.
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17:40.05dpkgA backport is a package from a newer Debian branch, compiled from source for an older branch to avoid dependency and <ABI> complications. (2.7.4 and 2.7.10), .  Ask me about <debian-backports> and <backport caveat>.  See also <simple sid backport>.
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17:40.48auzerusirc botnet alert (08/jan/2015):    check your systems. thank you
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17:41.26roku_Anyone having trouble connecting to security.debian?
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17:48.48innerandHi, who can tell what I did wrong with my openvpn-tap-bridge confiurateion?
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17:49.47innerandI can connect to the server, I get an IP and everything looks good but I cant reach anything with the vpn
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17:50.57Brigoinnerand, may be the routing table or the firewall
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17:54.07innerandThe firewall should accept everything, route:
17:54.09tremoninnerand: why do you set an ip address on a bridge member?
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17:54.45roku_For some reason I can't get to it via apt.
17:55.06innerandtremon: what to you mean with bridge member? e.g. tap0?
17:55.44tremonyes. I don't know much about configuring vpn, but setting two default gateways on two different interfaces, or setting a default gateway that is the host itself is unlikely to work
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17:57.28innerandokay, I'm quite a noob at network configuration. I thought every interface needs a gateway "pointing" to the router.
17:57.30StevkoHello. I read at that postinst can be called as “postinst configure most-recently-configured-version”. What is most-recently-configured-version if it is first time installed package?
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17:59.25tremonmost systems only have 1 default gateway i.e. wildcard route. You only configure two wildcard routes if you (and your peer) want to load-balance traffic over multiple links
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18:00.43Walextremon: it can be done for a few other legitimate reasons, like different metrics, or temporary connections.
18:00.59innerandOk, so I dont have to set, gateway, network, etc vor tap0?
18:01.09innerandso basyicly just the ip?
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18:01.10DeaDSouLhi, how to get the manually installed package in this week
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18:01.15tremonnot even an ip
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18:01.50innerandtap0 is used for the host, not for the vpn
18:01.59innerandI think I need the ip.
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18:02.38tremoninnerand: when you use a bridge, you're effectively tying multiple network interfaces together. That bundle of interfaces gets an ip (or multiple), not the individual strands
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18:03.00tremoninnerand: similarly, you should not have an ip configured for eth0
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18:04.02innerandI thouhgt the bridge acts like a switch?
18:04.14innerand(wrong window)
18:04.31phy1729bridges are just 2 port switches
18:05.04tremoninnerand: how much ip addresses does your average switch have?
18:05.35innerandI think one - and then of corse at least one for every client connected
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18:07.41innerandhm... if it doesnt work with the bridge, is there something like a virtual switch?
18:07.42tremonA managed switch has one ip, but only so that you can configure it. A switch in normal operation does not use any ip
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18:08.26tremonas soon as your "switch" has multiple ip's/subnets and redirects traffic from one subnet to another, it's a router
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18:09.02innerandrouting is what I tried to avoid
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18:10.40felix__how can I setup openvpn cient from cli?
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18:11.13innerandso i've one physikal port eth0 and I'd like to have each virtual port for every openvpn client and one for the host it self. How to do that then?
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18:11.49tremoninnerand: I'm not sure what kind of configuration openvpn requires. If it just redirects traffic between its clients and the tap device, it could work
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18:12.24tremona network bridge is more or less identical to a virtual switch btw
18:12.55tremonthe difference is in vlan routing/tagging I think
18:13.33bootstrappmHey all.  I just finished installing Debian from cd,  netinst.  On restart it boots into a terminal,  did I do it wrong?
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18:14.13tremonbootstrappm: did you select any packages/desktop evironments to install?
18:14.24bootstrappmHad no Internet connection during install due to no ethernet.  Need to use wifi and it didn't ask me to set it up
18:14.55tremonah, then no you didn't do it wrong. The netinstall doesn't include a graphical environment other than the installer
18:14.57bootstrappmtremon I just used the default install on the netinst CD
18:15.12bootstrappmOh ok
18:15.29DeaDSouLhi, how to view the manually installed packages in the last week
18:16.13DeaDSouLor how to view all the manually installed packages ?
18:16.30bootstrappmIs there any shortcut to automatically install the graphical system or do I have to apt-get my way into making this look pretty
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18:17.19tremonyou can run tasksel and select a desktop environment, but you probably need to configure a network connection and your apt sources before you can install anything
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18:18.07innerandthese eth0.1 thingys are just on the ip level, rigeht?
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18:19.38tremonthey're on the ethernet level, osi layer 1
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18:19.40jellyinnerand: that looks like 802.1q VLAN, which is done at layer 2, below IP
18:20.12tremonyeah probably layer 2 on the OS side :)
18:20.23tremonbootstrappm: I'm not sure what the exact package selection on the netinstall disc is, but you usually need some kind of firmware and wpa_supplicant to configure a wireless connection
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18:21.02innerandok, so I should take these to "clone" my ethernet port and then bridge one of those to the vpn tap?
18:21.12bootstrappmThanks tremon... Its telling me ifconfig doesn't exist :(
18:21.18tremonuse ip
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18:21.56clearleapmatt@bootstrappm it's not in your path
18:21.58clearleapmatttry /sbin/ifconfig
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18:22.32shingouzbootstrappm: before you can configure the network, you need to be root. ifconfig and other tools will be in your path when you are root
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18:23.29jellybootstrappm: you probably would have fared better with "unofficial" images with firmware (that enable wifi drivers to work in the installer)
18:23.35jelly!firmware images
18:23.36dpkgUnofficial <netinst> images - containing non-free Debian <firmware> packages - for installing Debian 7 "Wheezy" are available from .  See also <install guide>.
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18:24.44bootstrappmTrue jelly. I'm assuming those are available for Jessie too?
18:25.15jellyI don't know, presumably they will be once jessie is released
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18:27.33DeaDSouLany help guys ?
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18:28.38dpkgIf you have a question, just ask! For example: "I have a problem with ___; I'm running Debian version ___. When I try to do ___ I get the following output ___. I expected it to do ___." Don't ask if you can ask, if anyone uses it, or pick one person to ask. We're all volunteers; make it easy for us to help you. If you don't get an answer try a few hours later or on See <smart questions><errors>.
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18:34.55jonathanpoonhey guys, I just installed Debian Jessie with Gnome.  For some reason, all of the icons in the Applications menu for Utilities are gone.  When I edit the icons using the "Main Menu" tool, it all of the icons under the utilities menu are checked, which means it should be showing up!  any ideas on what is causing this issue?
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18:42.07DeaDSouLshingouz: how to view the manually installed packages in the last week or all the manually installed packages ?
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18:42.37shingouzDeaDSouL: ask the channel
18:42.38belugaVALS Semester of Code 2nd round is open for new organizations until Jan 13th. If Debian wants to join, you can follow these instructions, only using where appropriate:
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18:47.29DeaDSouLhow to view all the manually installed packages ?
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18:49.12Nik05DeaDSouL aptitude search '~i !~M'
18:49.15tremonDeaDSouL: for last week, you need to parse /var/log/dpkg.log* (or same in /var/log/apt)
18:52.14DeaDSouLNiamkik: it shows all the installed packages..
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18:52.24DeaDSouLNik05: *
18:52.55Nik05yes DeaDSouL ?
18:53.03DeaDSouLNik05: what i want is to view the packages that I have manually installed (by me, using apt-get or aptitude)
18:53.18Nik05DeaDSouL yes thats what i gave you
18:53.48Nik05those are the packages that have been manually installed
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18:54.12Nik05also contains packages already installed during installation, let me give you a better one
18:54.53DeaDSouLNik05: but it shows (acpi, acpid, adduser.... etc) ... and I didn't install them manually... they came with the distro
18:55.18Nik05yes well the installed gives them the manually installed flag, but read my other message
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18:55.39Nik05DeaDSouL aptitude search '~i !~M !~E !~prequired !~pimportant !~pstandard'
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18:57.24critrDeaDSouL: or you can just run Synaptic and look at the Status > Installed (manual) tab.
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18:57.59DeaDSouLNik05: this is better... but it also shows some other packages I haven't manually installed... may be they are dependencies ?
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18:58.11guardianhello, just found out about is this already patched in debian?
18:58.15DeaDSouLNik05: it's a server with no gui on it
18:58.25Nik05DeaDSouL yeah aptitude/apt-get is a little bugged sometimes
18:58.32DeaDSouLcritr: ^^
18:59.05DeaDSouLNik05: oh, i c.... thanks man :)
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18:59.27Nik05DeaDSouL what is showing up that is not manually installed?
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19:01.08DeaDSouLNik05: acpi, acpi-support-base, acpid, busybox, console-setup, busybox, discover, eject, lib*, .....etc
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19:01.30welshadshaving some major issues trying to install GNURADIO in debian running on a virtual machine...the make will run for around 6-7 hours and fail.... i havent yet managed to decipher any error messages or scripts.... any solutoins?
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19:06.13Nik05DeaDSouL sorry no idea
19:06.44Nik05DeaDSouL but well you also get the ones you installed, just filter the few false positives
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19:07.23DeaDSouLNik05: it's ok bro... i'm searching online now... :)
19:07.29Nik05for what?
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19:11.20Nik05DeaDSouL you will not find somethign else, unless looking in the logs
19:11.52DeaDSouLNik05: wish me luck :p
19:12.17Nik05why cant you use what i gave you?
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19:23.23simpHi, it's the second time i've ran into this issue so looking for a few pointers. my /root partition has filled up and it looks like something keeps writing to it. I used bleachbit to free up ~1gb and then emptied out /var/log/user.log that was also another GB so everything should be fine... but no, the partition is just filled up again. any pointers?
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19:23.48simpmight have something to do with virtualbox, i used it today and I remember using it before last time
19:24.00simpand last time i actually resorted to just reinstalling
19:24.32simpmy root partition is 14GB
19:24.43simpand i usually have about 4-5gb free
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19:26.04simpwould like to clean it up but i don't really have an idea where to start from
19:26.22simpexcept apt-get autoclean & clean(done) and bleachbit
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19:27.15Brigosimp, what is the output of du -h /var/log ?
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19:28.57Brigo3.0G/var/log ? i think that could be the problem
19:29.19Brigocheck the log files for big ones
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19:32.07simpBrigo, i've deleted /var/log/messages (about 1gb) and the user.log files(about another gig) and df -k still shows root as being full
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19:32.11Nik05simp use du to check where your data is going
19:33.23Nik05simp before deleting them, it was better to check the information in it. Maybe some program is spamming your logs
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19:33.44Brigosimp, and may be they are growing again.
19:34.10simpmessages and var.log have stayed at 0 bytes
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19:34.21Nik05simp check with du again
19:34.39Nik05simp is it / thats the problem or only /var ?
19:34.50simpit's /
19:35.00simp/var/log has stayed at 1,5gb
19:35.24simpi've still got syslog to clean up
19:36.37Nik05simp you got a seperate /home ? try du -sh /home
19:36.59simptop shows that systemd-journal is taking up 99% of cpu...
19:37.06simphome is on a separate partition
19:37.14simpplenty of room there
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19:37.27Nik05oke so its some program spamming your logs
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19:38.35simpok, i killed evolution-calen(was taking 25% of cpu) could have been that
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19:38.51Nik05simp can you do journalctl -n 10
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19:39.13simp"no journal files were found"
19:39.26Nik05oh right you deleted them...
19:39.32Nik05did you delete /var/log/journal ?
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19:39.58simpdeleted messages and user.log
19:40.04simpand then recreated them as empty files
19:40.14simpin /var/log
19:40.24Nik05well do you got empty space now?
19:41.07simpnope, it's all filled up again
19:41.15Nik05well check with du where it is going
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19:42.47kalehi, i have created an encrypted root, and now i want my system to boot by reading a key from an inserted usb-storage device. so how would i go about that?
19:42.52Brigosimp, if you have iotop installed you can use it for some clues.
19:42.57simpwould this work? du -a / | sort -n -r | head -n 10
19:43.06simpjust found it somewhere, not familiar with du
19:43.20simpBrigo, nope, no iotop i'm afraid
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19:44.30Brigosimp, i guess top could help too. Run it and check for high cpu use process.
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19:45.26jhutchinssimp: du -sh /var/*, pick the biggest one, du -sh foo/* until you find what's using up the space.
19:45.40jhutchinssimp: That ant/or watch file sizes with ls -l
19:46.00simpthere were two, evolution-calen and systemd-journal, killed evolution and systemd calmed down as well
19:46.01jhutchinssimp: You might try booting into single user mode, cleaning up, then seeing if you can catch what's doing it.
19:46.25jhutchinssimp: If you can create a larger partition somewhere that you can mount as /var/log, you might have enough time to track it down before it filled the logs.
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19:46.47jhutchinssimp: It's also a good idea to use logrotate to clean up the logs.  Deleting them manually should be a last ditch method.
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19:47.11simpok, thanks, i'll look into them
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19:49.25bootstrappmThanks for recommending the unofficial images w firmware... Ended up being exactly what I needed
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19:53.03abrotmanAhem .. the netinst I tried to recommend yesterday :)
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20:00.03critrthose unofficial live+non-free isos are the shizz. esp the "standard" one. then install mate or whatever.
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20:06.47simpok, so i've gone through all the folders/files in /root with "du -h /folder" the biggest one(/usr) is 8.1gb all the other ones are all below 500mb
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20:07.31simpchecked if there's any hidden folder, none
20:08.11simpbut that should still leave atleast 4gb free
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20:10.58bootstrappmThanks abrotman. I wanted it on physical media because I was afraid of the wifi issue...  But it's easier than I thought :)
20:11.18abrotmanIt certainly is
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20:14.43Darkclaw66hi, I am trying to install openvpn 2.3.6_1 and I am getting the following error: Cannot resolve host address: fe80::1: ai_family not supported
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20:15.01simpok, looks like the free space wasn't updated by df, or something like that
20:15.22simprestarted and now it's better, will surely look into logrotate, thank you :)
20:16.28illysimp: any ideas how to refres df output?
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20:16.35illywithout a reboot :)
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20:17.16simpif i can find the stackoverflow post i found, then i do :)
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20:17.36simpbut a reboot looked easier
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20:20.45simpalso, this was the culprit probably, given that evolution was giving the cpu a nice time...
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20:24.26srgI installed a system using guided partitioned with an encrypted LVM. When I boot it, prior to asking for my password, it prints some errors: "Volume group "xxx" not found"
20:24.54kalesrg: perfectly normal
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20:25.00srgIt prints this a few times before it asks for my password. Is this beacuse of some order of the partitions or something? It's trying to mount the volumes before decrypting?
20:25.27srgCan I change the order in fstab or something to prevent it? Or just forget about it?
20:25.27kalesrg: yes, it tris to mount, decrypt, mount
20:25.49kalesrg: man crypttab gives you some insights
20:26.12srgThanks, this ist he first time I've used encryption on debian
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20:27.35kalesrg: i'm working on getting it to read the encryption key from usb ... i had my own initrd on gentoo, but now switched to debian, so now i gotta find out how the debian initrd quircks
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20:28.22tremonkale: have you read the passdev section in /usr/share/doc/cryptsetup/README.initramfs.gz ?
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20:29.06srgkale: Ah, that was my next step. I wanted to put /boot and the grub on a USB drive
20:29.17kaletremon: thanks, i'm writing myscript right now. my idead is to dd the first 32 bytes out of everything in /proc/partitions and try that as the key
20:29.45tremonin that case, make sure the order is predictable
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20:30.08kaletremon: thats the point, i do not need the order to be predictable
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20:31.55tremonDarkclaw66: host addresses starting with fe80: are link-local, they are not routable nor necessarily unique. I'm not sure you can use them as listen_on addresses
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20:32.59tremonkale: huh? you are going to xor them or something?
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20:35.25kaletremon: gonna try them all
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20:36.26sIRwa2hello, i try to ad non free firmware to the installation procces, but it doesnt want to find/add/load it. i put the raw.fw in the root of the second partition of the install usb, any tips ideas?
20:36.59kaletremon: only question is if awk is on the initrd
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20:37.31CluelessPersonHey guys, I was told to ask in here about a "grub problem"  specifically, I'm getting a black screen at bootup, nothing else.
20:37.49tremonkale:  lsinitramfs /boot/initrd.img-`uname -r` |grep awk
20:38.59srgdpkg: e19
20:39.00dpkgparse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about, srg
20:39.04srgdpkg: e18
20:39.05dpkgsrg: are you using Windows?
20:39.12srgtakes it to PM
20:39.30CluelessPersonand I'm panicking right now because I have several production employees waiting on me and none of this is working
20:39.54tremonkale: otherwise it's while read a b c DEVICE [..] < /proc/partitions
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20:40.13srgCluelessPerson: Hm, can you boot a livecd?
20:40.22Specdpkg: fixmbr
20:40.23dpkgTo reinstall <GRUB> boot to your Debian install disk/live CD, switch to the other console (Alt-F2), then mount your root filesystem (mount -t ext2 /dev/whatever /target ; mount --bind /dev /target/dev ; mount -t proc none /target/proc ; mount -t sysfs none /target/sys), then chroot into it (chroot /target) and run "update-grub && grub-install /dev/whatever".  See also <rescue mode>, <dual boot guide>, <supergrub>.  Also works for EFI!
20:40.25srgyou can probably reinstall grub through al ivecd
20:40.26kaletremon: ahh bash style
20:40.45tremonit's still sh, nothing bash-specific there
20:40.46CluelessPersonsrg: the only thing I have is the server install usb I have.
20:41.18srgWell is it a live USB?
20:41.23srgthat lets you boot into a debian system?
20:41.28CluelessPersonsrg:   Yes, I think
20:41.36CluelessPersonsrg: I don't think it's a LIVE usb
20:41.41srgOk, boot it, and follow the instructions above ^
20:41.51srgit should fix grub
20:42.02srgthe installer might work if you switch to another console, as it says above
20:42.33tremonCluelessPerson: we can't help you without some more information. Why do you think it's a grub problem? If you're getting a black screen, the first question is "is it turned on"?
20:42.46srgAnyone know what's up with e19 not being in debian? Or e18?
20:42.59CluelessPersonsrg:   tremon   to be clear, what occurs is this.   Boot -> Grub Menu ->Black Screen with backlight.
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20:43.11tremonsrg: what's e19? enlightenment?
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20:43.40CluelessPersontremon: srg  I'm at an ubuntu installer menu.  (14.10)
20:43.52srgtremon: yeah
20:44.04srgUbuntu? This is #Debian
20:44.18srgSo you get to the grub menu, then blank.
20:44.29srgThat makes me think grub is ok, but it's not detecting/configured to see your OS
20:44.36srgOr, the kernel itself is borked somehow
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20:45.18CluelessPersonsrg: I dunno, it should be a simple server installation.   This always happens to me with ubuntu
20:45.20syadnom_mtspacehi all.  I need an option for a unioning filesystem on wheezy.  aufs looks to be depreciated..
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20:45.43CluelessPersonsrg: can you help me get this back up?
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20:46.13CluelessPersontremon:   I get a grub boot menu, I select boot ubuntu, I immediately get a black screen with a backlight.  Nothing else seems to occur.
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20:46.52srgCluelessPerson: Try doing what we already suggestedtoo reinstall/reconfigure grub.
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20:47.21srgdpkg: tell CluelessPerson about fixmbr
20:47.23CluelessPersonsrg:   okay, using USB boot disk 14.10 installer to install grub, skipping ahead to that option in the menu,.
20:47.35tremonsrg: the simple answer is that nobody has packaged it, although there is a (2-person) team maintaining e17. The efl and e17 are in debian jessie
20:48.04CluelessPersonsrg: here are the options I have. Execute a shell?
20:48.05srgtremon: Hm, ok. Thanks! I've been trying to google aroudn to find it
20:48.53devPunkI'm trying to install debian on a netbook (asus eeepc) next to windows 8. I already booted up the live debian, but the debian installer doesn't find the available windows partition. You have any advice?
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20:49.10tremonsyadnom_mtspace: there is unionfs-fuse
20:49.25srgCluelessPerson: Yeah. Then you haev to mount your filesystem and run `update-grub` and whatnot. Other than that, it's beyond me. I'm newish to debian, I'm coming from from FreeBSD.
20:49.32tremondevPunk: what does "doesn't find" mean here?
20:49.35syadnom_mtspacetremon, yeah, but this is on a 1Ghz ARM (BeagleBone Black) and fuse is very low perfomance on this thing.
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20:50.38CluelessPersonsrg:    I'm perfectly fine running some script kiddy commands to get a server up, but when this shit just doesn't work for no reason as far as I can tell, I get extremely frustrated.
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20:50.51CluelessPersonand people wonder why this doesn't catch on more, I'm in the dark .
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20:51.22tremonsyadnom_mtspace: looks like overlayfs is the new thing. Might even be merged in mainline now, although I can't find a definitive reference on that
20:51.50gavenkoatelnet 443
20:51.51gavenkoatelnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused
20:51.54CluelessPersonsrg: So I ACTUALLY did get a console here in the installer with Alt+F2
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20:52.02CluelessPersonsrg   but what is this?    mount -t ext2 /dev/whatever /target ;
20:52.04CluelessPersonfrom dpkg
20:52.16gavenkoa isn't working
20:52.25srgIt mounts /dev/whatever using the ext2 filesystem to /target
20:52.35tremongavenkoa: it is for me
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20:53.04CluelessPersonsrg: I don't know how the filesystem is setup exactly.
20:53.21CluelessPersonthis is not friendly to newbies.
20:53.31CluelessPersonI mean you guys are, this isn't lol
20:53.57CluelessPersonsrg: what would target be?
20:54.01srgCan you reinstall? Dealing with broken systems can be frustrating
20:54.02syadnom_mtspacetremon, doesn't appear to be in wheezy, unless I'm looking wrong
20:54.05srgif it's the root filesystem, just /
20:54.08srgif it's usr, then /usr
20:54.11srgvar, then /var
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20:54.25CluelessPersonsrg: I don't understand what I'm doing.
20:54.37tremonactually, /target is the actual path where the installer mounts the installed system. It's not a variable
20:54.44CluelessPersonI'm just going to have to completely reinstall the server. >>  it's all completely borked.
20:54.50srgYou're manually mounting a partition from your hard drive
20:55.03CluelessPersonsrg: I have no information to work with
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20:55.13CluelessPersonwhat is /whatever  ? a dnw aht is /target?
20:55.16devPunkah sorry, in more detail: I'm at the point where I have to create the partition for linux, and I chose to install all files on one partition. But in the partitions disk window the suggestion how the installer will partition the hd doesn't contain the already available windows partition. Does that make sense?
20:55.19srgI'm sure there's a command line partitioner you can view your disk partitions with
20:55.56srgdevPunk: You might have to manually partition it, the guided partition mode is likely to destory the windows partition
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20:56.16srgcame here for help and feels like he got stuck
20:56.21tremonsyadnom_mtspace: true, I don't think wheezy itself has alternatives apart from the fuse one. You may need to get it from outside debian
20:57.03tremondevPunk: no, that doesn't make sense. Which installer are you using? wheezy or older?
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20:58.27devPunkI just downloaded the brand new debian live 7.7.0 amd64
20:58.28smwHi all, in the package "google-cloud-sdk-0.9.37-20141125060859+dsf1", want does +dsf1 mean?
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20:59.16devPunkwell…brand new…it's from the last year right ;)
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20:59.36tremondevPunk: that should see the windows partition regardless of how the disk is set up. I wouldn't continue if you wish to keep your windows install
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21:00.08tremondevPunk: are you sure it's seeing the internal disk, not the usb disk you're (maybe) installing from?
21:00.16GJdanJust set up a new gpt uefi install.  "Waiting for /dev to be fully populated..." Is taking forever..
21:00.19devPunkyeah I would wish to ;) so - no debian on my shiny netbook?
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21:00.51GJdanA few minutes so far, this can't be normal :(
21:00.54tremonsmw: +$version is the debian patchlevel
21:00.57devPunkTremon: yeah I'm sure, the usb drive is listed below
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21:01.27smwtremon, does that reset to 1 each time an upstream update happens?
21:01.44smwtremon, does it disappear until a patch only update occurs?
21:02.08tremonsmw: no, in general it doesn't disappear. But that's up to the individual maintainer
21:03.19smwtremon, thanks for the help. I am trying to create a new deb with the latest version :-)
21:03.22kaletremon: so how do i get my keyscript onto the initrd?
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21:03.29tremonsyadnom_mtspace: overlayfs has been merged in the 3.18 kernel. So it's not in wheezy and won't be in jessie either
21:03.51syadnom_mtspaceyeah, that sucks.
21:04.03syadnom_mtspaceaufs is already non-functional in wheezy
21:04.15tremonkale: cryptsetup should put it there automatically, assuming your crypttab line mentions the keyscript
21:04.16syadnom_mtspaceunionfs-fuse looks to be my only choice w/ debian
21:04.17devPunkah I forgot to mention something: before it comes to partition the installer also misses a non-free firmware file. Do I have to also put that on the usb stick?
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21:04.56kaletremon: but where would it search for the script while i run update-initramfs -u?
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21:05.51kaletremon: ahh, my bad, got it, lets see if this works
21:07.07tremondevPunk: you can, but you can also just download the (non-official, although debian-provided) installer with firmware
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21:07.42devPunkthat sounds good - where can I get that?
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21:08.34tremondevPunk: ,  the yellow note halfway down the page
21:08.39GJdanNvm found a solution
21:08.56GJdanAdding nomodeset to grub parameters
21:09.00tremonGJdan: how did you solve it?
21:09.35devPunkfantastic - thank you!
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21:10.00tremonthat's an unsual solution, and quite destructive depending on your video card. Latest intel cards will refuse to start X without modesetting
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21:10.25tremonGJdan: although I don't have any better suggestions for you, sadly
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21:10.31GJdanI'm still looking for other solutions
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21:11.56tremonGJdan: according to , it may be a problem with missing firmware files. maybe check dmesg?
21:12.10naptasticWhat happened to Libreoffice? I'm on Debian Jessie and there are no longer any installation candidates.
21:12.26GJdanGood call
21:12.56srgnaptastic: It shows up on for Jessie
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21:16.14GJdanhmm dmesg is full of a bunch of memory errors actually
21:16.49GJdanstarting with "Kernel-defined memdesc doesn't match the one from EFI!"
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21:17.19RebelyouthI set in 000default.conf (Apache2) /var/www/html/cgi-bin/ for the script but there are ignored ...if the script is on /var/www/html/ the working fine..why?
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21:17.51tremonGJdan: can you paste the output to
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21:18.36GJdanhm I'll try, I'm running headless atm
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21:18.55tremon!tell GJdan about nopaste
21:18.57kaletremon: could you give me a hint on how to get my keyscript running: crypttab "sdb1_crypt /dev/sdb1 none keyscript=/root/keyscript", script
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21:19.21kaletremon: i'm having trouble interpreting how i should use the keyscript= option
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21:20.32tremonkale: have you read the few lines about it in man crypttab?
21:20.41kaletremon: yes
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21:21.19kaleis it "sdb1_crypt /dev/sdb1 keyscript keyscript=/root" ?
21:21.24tremonkale: if it's a luks partition, you may still need the luks option as well. So luks,keyscript=
21:21.47GJdanhey lol thanks, those tools are always handy, I'm already in the middle of grabbing one
21:22.02tremonkale: only thing different to my setup is that my keyscript is in /lib/cryptsetup/scripts, so my keyscript= argument doesn't contain an absolute path. But I don't think that should matter
21:22.05kaletremon: but my script opens the partition
21:22.05Rebelyouthhhehe I figure out
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21:23.06kaletremon: from the manpage it seems lige the script should output the key, i have no way of doing that before i actually now its the key, and at that point the partition is unlocked anyways
21:23.11tremonkale: ah, good call. Hadn't realized that. I'm not sure how to work that in
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21:23.23smwI have a debian package with a "get-orig-source" target, how can I run it?
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21:24.05tremonkale: presumably, the partition itself is locked while cryptsetup is trying to unlock it. So trying to unlock it from inside the keyscript may not work
21:24.35Rebelyouthmmm but they still working on root
21:24.51tremonkale: if you really need to do it that way, writing your own rc script and including it in the initramfs yourself may be your only option
21:24.56kaletremon: ok, so i'll unlock it, then its found, then i'll lock it, and echo the key i found?
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21:25.27kaletremon: seems crazy, but hey if it works ... :-)
21:25.41tremonkale: try it and see. I don't think it will work, but haven't tried it
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21:26.01kaletremon: how are you going about it?
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21:26.46tremonkale: my keyscript just echoes the unlock phrase to stdout
21:27.01RebelyouthHow to restrict script in only one directory? (like in cgi-bin)
21:27.06kaletremon: where do you get the phrase from?
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21:28.35tremonGJdan: I don't see any obvious errors, apart from acpi errors. But they're almost to be expected, no bios vendor cares about providing correct acpi tables
21:28.50tremonkale: from the network, my script uses scp
21:29.00GJdando note that I couldn't even boot until I added the nomodeset thing
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21:29.51tremonGJdan: can you try it with the kernel from -backports?
21:30.11kaletremon: yeah, i thought of that too, would be better than what i'm doing. guess if the system gets stolen, the usb is stolen as well.
21:30.48GJdanhm sure
21:30.53tremonkale: really depends. My "keyserver" does get its key from usb (using the standard passdev script), but I remove the usb key once it's booted
21:31.20tremonthat does mean I cannot reboot that machine remotely though
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21:32.32kaletremon: here remotely means going behind the couch. i do not want to plug/unplug a usb to boot the system, also after a power outage i want the system to come back online
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21:35.35tremonI guess you could do something similar to what passdev is doing though, wait for a disk with a known uuid to come online (e.g. the uuid of the usb stick's first partition) and then read a raw sector from that disk
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21:37.56kaletremon: for now, i'm unable to get my script running ... guess that crypttab iludes me
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21:39.06DeaDSouLArtVandalae: this my solution to get installed packages by aptitude : while read f; do f="${f##* }"; echo "${f%%:*}"; done < <(cat /var/log/aptitude | grep -i '\[install\]')
21:39.19DeaDSouLArtVandalae: and this for apt-get : cat /var/log/apt/history.log | grep 'apt-get *install'
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21:40.25DeaDSouLArtVandalae: i mean to get manually installed packages :)
21:41.02Kobrahmm, is there a chance debian can provide a list of publication slugs (like /etc/mime.types)?
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21:41.35Kobraslugs are the erm, "This: abc does blah" -> "this-abc-does-blah"
21:41.46Kobraor does any kind of dictionary for this already exist?
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21:44.05tremonKobra: that explanation helps very little. What kind of publications?
21:44.14srgI'm following the Wifi/HowToUse wiki article. I ran `wpa_passphrase` to get the PSK. however my password has $ in it. Do I need to excape this in the shell?
21:45.04furrywolf_I'm setting up a new (to me...  aka well-used) laptop, with my first SSD.  I've heard btrfs is better for SSDs, as well as being all around better in general.  is it ready for use?  will I regret storing all my data with it?  should I stick with ext4?
21:45.24Kobrait's just kind of like a dictionary, where you have readable chars just [A-z0-9\-], then there is a dictionary of aliases, so "&" may be translated into " and "
21:45.32tremonsrg: you do, but wpa_passphrase reads the password from stdin, not from the shell. Unless you used echo ".." | wpa_passphrase
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21:45.56srgoh, I gave it an argument on the command line `wpa_passphrase ssid pass`
21:46.17tremonyes, then you'd best surround the password with single quotes
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21:46.30Kobratremon: so for example: " would be translated into "abc-at-def-com", with the translations "@" -> " at ", and "." -> "-"
21:46.50srgthanks tremon
21:46.54greycatKobra: that sounds like an algorithm, not a thing that would be installed in a file
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21:47.05tremonKobra: so, are you looking for a list of such translations to be applied to any kind of text?
21:47.22Kobrabut those translations should turn say, an accented e into e, it's a dictionary of translations
21:47.30Kobraor aliases
21:47.33DeaDSouLArtVandalae: ops,.. this is for apt-get : while read f; do echo "${f##*install }"; done < <(cat /var/log/apt/history.log | grep -i 'apt-get *install')
21:47.40Kobrajust like /etc/mime.types is a dictionary of mimetypes
21:47.49tremonKobra: or do you need a file that contains source and result of such a translation for a defined number of sources?
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21:48.15GJdantremon: it's been awhile since I installed a new kernel in debian.. do I need both linux-image... and linux-headers?
21:48.33Kobratremon: i was just wondering if anything already existed, such as "@\t at \n&\t and \n"
21:48.35greycatGJdan: you only need the -headers if you plan to build a kernel module from source
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21:48.50GJdanah okay thanks
21:48.59tremonGJdan: you only need the linux-headers if some package (say, out-of-tree or binary kernel modules) require it
21:49.02GJdanhm missing a bunch of realtek nic firmware
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21:49.30tremonmost of realtek is in firmware-linux-nonfree (enable non-free repo)
21:49.43tremon(or is it in firmware-linux-free?)
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21:51.34tremonoh, it's firmware-realtek
21:52.32CluelessPersonSo I reinstalled ubuntu-server, now I'm getting   "error: unknown filesystem. Entering rescue mode...  grub rescue> _"
21:52.41CluelessPersonI'm panicking.
21:53.04torpetwhat is the recommended way to install jessie? beta2 image or the daily image?
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21:53.21mtntorpet: recommended is to install stable and dist-upgrade
21:53.48torpetok and if i dont want to do that?
21:54.03torpetwhat is the next-best method?
21:54.11tremontorpet: then it matters little which one you pick. Either one can be broken or work for you
21:54.17GJdanstill stalls on populating /dev with the backports kernel
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21:54.18greycatThen you're testing the jessie installer, so your bug reports will be welcomed.
21:54.18mtntorpet: whatever you want, I suppose, though asked for recommended ;)
21:54.19torpetso if they work there is nothing wrong with them?
21:54.37GJdaneven with the realtek firmware
21:54.37torpetor does the stable-installer do something differently?
21:54.42tremontorpet: that's kind of a truism, but yes indeed
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21:55.52torpetthanks, cant wait to get my hands on debian again
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21:55.58tremonGJdan: can you boot without "quiet" and give some more context from where it's failing?
21:56.15mtntorpet: might find this good reading:
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21:57.06GJdantremon: "fb: switching to neouveaufv from simple"
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21:57.09GJdanit sits there
21:57.12abrotmanCluelessPerson: You're in the wrong channel, use #ubuntu
21:57.24tremonhmm... is this a laptop?
21:57.29GJdanno it is not
21:58.03GJdanit's a new build.  The GPU is a gtx970... setting it up for a friend for now until they decide to get windows or just keep it
21:58.10tremonok, so no bumblebee or dual graphics, so it's not switching over to another display
21:58.35torpetmtn: thanks
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21:59.17tremoniirc someone with the exact same problem (and processor generation, I think) was here a few days ago, but I don't recall if or how it was resolved
21:59.24kaletremon: finally got it right. when i finally open the partition i just close and cat the proposed keyfile. seems this would easily adjusted to using a network device too, thanks for the help
21:59.28W3png0nghello all! Im new to opensource and would like to the debian project. Anyone with heads up?
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21:59.55srgW3png0ng: My head is up. Debian is a great place to start with linux!
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22:00.11srgAlthuogh, it will be frustrating for you at some point. Possibly many points. But it's awesome.
22:00.22GJdanapparently blacklisting neoveau will work
22:00.39GJdanI wonder if this will still happen after switching to nvidia proprietary
22:01.06tremonah, well that's at least something. Maybe I should have guessed that from the fact that nomodeset would work
22:01.56W3png0ngI see! So how do I manage the frustration?
22:02.11tremonW3png0ng: we have #debian-offtopic for that :)
22:02.27tremonoh I know, "nomodeset" also works for intel. So I immediately jumped to 4th-generation intel processor as the cause, instead of asking you what your graphics card was
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22:03.04tremonGJdan: if you install the nvidia binary driver, the nouveau driver will no longer be loaded iirc. So that should work fine
22:03.05kaleW3png0ng: just dive in, but i must warn you, debian is too stable to any fun at all :-)
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22:03.30tremonthere's always sid if you're feeling bored
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22:09.49srgHow do I read a README.gz file without ungz'ing? I thuoght vi could handle gzip but apparently not
22:10.52greycatzless README.gz
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22:14.16clifferwhy is ssh-keygen -t ssh-ed25519 generating: unknown key type ssh-ed25519 ?
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22:15.07srgcliffer: The current version doesn't support ed25519
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22:18.43GJdanInstalling nvidia proprietary drivers worked :)
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22:21.07DeepSpaceHello everyone. I'm going to be one of the annoying newcomers with an annoying question as well. I currently have the following error "E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages." ( I have tried "apt-get clean" but that didn't help. Does anyone know have any idea what I can do about this?
22:21.10kalenow how do i get an UUID for a partition?
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22:23.33GJdankale: try lsblk -f
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22:24.37srgHow can I bring up a wireless interface? ifup/ifdown doesn't work because I don't have "auto wlan0" (and i don't want it)
22:24.41mtnDeepSpace: which version of debian?
22:24.48kaleGJdan: thanks
22:24.56DeepSpacemtn, let me check real quick.
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22:25.03DeepSpaceis a Debian and Linux noob
22:25.11greycatYou should still be able to do "ifup wlan0" without auto, as long as it's *defined*.
22:25.29mtnDeepSpace: in a terminal: lsb_release -a
22:25.35srgOh wait, I realized I did wlan0_home and wlan0_work. Sorry!
22:25.44DeepSpaceWheezy 7.7
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22:26.39mtnDeepSpace: please paste your /etc/apt/sources.list to and give us the link.
22:27.18terr1_I was very smart to run an old fucked up script, so accidently moved /bin to /B/bin, only logged in as a user (exited root GAH 2x fail).. I tried export to path and if I try to su to root it cannot find the /bin/bash any method to recover from this heh? some kind of rescue disc or any brilliant command? :)
22:27.28DeepSpacemtn: Here you go:
22:27.48greycatterr1_: you might be able to boot with init=/B/bin/bash
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22:28.17terr1_greycat: As boot parm?
22:28.20greycatterr1_: or, if you are still logged in, try /B/bin/su
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22:28.46terr1_greycat: I tried that but roots path does not include /B/bin, so it cannot execute /bin/bash :)
22:29.23greycatterr1_: do you have sudo installed?
22:29.49terr1_I tried that havent set it up because I always su to root 3x fail :)
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22:30.17greycatif it'll let you, you can try sudo /B/bin/bash
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22:31.50mtnDeepSpace: you have a ppa, which is frowned on in debian, and did you ever have other sources that you took out?
22:32.13terr1_Guess /bin is protected even though it dosent exists
22:32.24DeepSpaceA ppa? I don't even know what that means. And as far as I know I haven't touched that file other than today.
22:33.02DeepSpaceTrying to install bitcoind which required those back-ports. Like I said, complete noob. I know the basic commands, but that's about it.
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22:33.22GJdanis there any idea long until jessie is released?
22:33.37mtnDeepSpace: look at what you sent me. you have a ppa, which you must have added, unless you are not running real debian.
22:34.27mtnDeepSpace: I missed it the first time, you have squeeze backports on a wheezy system. not going to work.
22:34.27DeepSpacemtn: This is a VPS I'm hiring so I suppose it's a non real debian? I really have no idea what a ppa is or what all this means.
22:35.03mtnDeepSpace: I know nothing about vps systems. hopefully someone else will have an idea.
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22:36.04DeepSpacemtn: Alright. Thanks anyway dude!
22:36.48terr1_su -s /fixed/B/bin/bash w0000t :)
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22:40.19karlpincGJdan: When bugs go to 0.  See  Your guess is as good as anyones'.
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22:42.33DeepSpaceWell, I will be trying to figure this out, somehow. Thanks again mtn!
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22:46.06Melissa_Hi. Can anyone tell me how to install Debian on a Reiserfs filesystem? I do not need to build my own installation image, do I?
22:46.18eth0anyone interested in a long term job?
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22:46.39mtneth0: no way
22:47.11Dreamixeth0: how long ? :D
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22:48.29eth0it's not a specific job it's long term work
22:49.08eth0must be ok with adult conent though, we have some high traffic adult sites
22:49.11Dreamixwhat kind of tasks?
22:49.21eth0rather get into it in PM if you don't mind?
22:49.33Dreamixoh... that's creepy
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22:50.37eth0varnish, galera cluster, nginx, linux
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22:53.04Dreamixeth0: sorry then, i am a bit enterprise, not much familiar with these stuff, only linux...
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22:53.27eth0ah ok, thanks anyway
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22:53.43eth0let me know if you know anyone, there are 2 sys admin positions available
22:54.27Dreamixcurrently dealing with Unixes like, Solaris, HP-UX, RHEL and Debian @home :D
22:54.38Dreamixthat's why i am here
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22:56.00DeaDSouLmany aliases functions for what I want :P
22:56.41tworkini'm trying to install from the jessie netinst iso and i'm getting a generic error during "select and install software"
22:57.10tworkinif i skip the install seems fine, but too minimal for me to know how to use. is there a way to run apt to get those packages?
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22:58.19mtntworkin: run tasksel in a terminal after install
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23:02.20rryoumaahow do i change the file browser that is used in deluge?  or can i?
23:02.34rryoumaait is inaccessible, opening larger than the screen
23:03.44Melissa_Hi. Can anyone tell me how to install Debian on a Reiserfs filesystem? I do not need to build my own installation image, do I?
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23:05.27Melissa_rryoumaa exo-preferred-applications
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23:06.35DeaDSouLi've installed debian without any desktop-gui ... and installed on it XBMC ... what else should I install to make it able to launch the XBMC... I don't need any desktops or DMs... any ideas ?
23:07.26rryoumaaMelissa_: great.  that looks like an xfce tool.  do i need to use xfce to amek use of it?  or is deluge an xfce tool?  also, what are some good file managers that don't, for example, require double click to work?
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23:08.08BrigoDeaDSouL, xorg and a display manager like lightdm or xdm.
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23:08.19Melissa_rryoumaa sorry, I did not know it was an xfce tool. I think it will work without xfce, though. It does for me
23:08.26Melissa_Deluge is not an xfce program
23:08.31DeaDSouLBrigo: does it really require a display manager ?
23:08.47DeaDSouLBrigo: I don't have any problem to start it from console
23:08.51Melissa_rryoumaa thunar has the feature you are looking for
23:08.53BrigoDeaDSouL, not required then
23:09.19DeaDSouLBrigo: so i need only the xorg.. right ?
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23:09.30DeaDSouLBrigo: thanks :)
23:09.49BrigoDeaDSouL, as far as i can remember :)
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23:10.04DeaDSouLBrigo: trying it now :)
23:10.10Brigogood luck :)
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23:11.17rryoumaaMelissa_: i till try ti. thanks.  i figtured it would be update-alternatives or something though instead.  i have a lot ot learn about this stuff.
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23:11.52Melissa_rryoumaa I am not the best source; just telling you what worked in my experience
23:14.03rryoumaaMelissa_: thanks.  man page says not to run it directly; will have to find out if it makes sens for non-xfce.
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23:15.14srgI'm running Jessie on a Core i5 with "Intel HD Graphics 3000". I'm wondering what xserver-xorg-video-* package I should use.
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23:18.32DeaDSouLwhat is MTA, that it shows "starting MTA" on booting ?
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23:19.34mtnsrg: debian installs all of them by default, so it should just work on booting
23:19.34srgDeaDSouL: MTA = Mail Transport Agent. it's a mail server daemon.
23:20.21DeaDSouLsrg: do I really need it ? does my system need it ?
23:20.41srgmtn: Yeah, it's booting fine, but I have a minimal install. I'm doing everything by hand. I'm not sure if xserver-xorg-video-intel is for the higher-end Intel video cards or if I should use a dummy
23:22.03DeaDSouLabrotman: ok
23:22.36DeaDSouLsrg: I'm doing the same thing... very minimal system.. only for xbmc and ssh
23:22.44srgDeaDSouL: I just uninstalled my MTA on my laptop, we'll see if it breaks. If you want to do anything with mail (forwarding crontab to your gmail account or whatever) then you need one.
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23:23.36DeaDSouLsrg: not at all.. I won't do anything with mails... at least for the next months i guess
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23:23.57mtnsrg: perhaps the wiki would help
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23:26.45DeaDSouLtmux for the best terminal multiplexer... vim for the best editing... ssh for the full remote controlling... xbmc for the best media center.... debian the simplest definition of stability :P
23:27.10furrywolfhow do I abort the installer after tasksel?  I didn't realize just laptop + standard utils would be an 11-hour download, but I don't see any way to cancel it, and ctrl+c/etc do nothing...  I could just power off and/or switch to another console and start killing processes, but it seems there has to be some form of proper "stop this step" function...
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23:31.00DeaDSouLBrigo: I've installed the xorg... how can I start it ?
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23:32.05BrigoDeaDSouL, did you install xinit?
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23:32.27DeaDSouLBrigo: yes it is there
23:32.47Brigothen you can start x with startx command or init command
23:33.08DeaDSouLBrigo: with root ? or a normal user ?
23:33.18Brigoas normal user
23:33.33episageHi there. How to "overwrite" a package installed via apt-get? I installed 1.2 via apt-get and compiled 1.6 with a mod. I would like to install the 1.6 somehow but dpkg complains
23:33.59episage(without downtime)
23:34.53DeaDSouLBrigo:  great it worked
23:35.06BrigoDeaDSouL, good for you :)
23:35.19DeaDSouLBrigo: thanks man :)
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23:35.27BrigoDeaDSouL, you are wellcome :)
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23:40.59FreezingColdHuh, so does Debian's grub config rely on the hard drive number?
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23:42.23episage@episage. that was so easy. just apt-get remove and dpkg -i .. nginx does not shutdown when removed via apt-get
23:42.39chaospsychexwhat is the cmd to change the terminal font? 'dpkg-reconfigure' something ?
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23:46.16DeaDSouLBrigo: i've created a user 'xbmc' by `adduser` ... and it asked for a password.. now.. how can I remove the password ?
23:46.21chaospsychexcurses configuration program to change terminal font and other options ?
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23:46.58Panikkuhow's the best way to send a file from a debian vm to a windows 8 host?
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23:47.15BrigoDeaDSouL, you have to edit its line in the /etc/passwd file
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23:48.05Brigoremoving the x from the second field: games:x:5:60:games:/usr/games:/usr/sbin/nologin should be games::5:60:games:/usr/games:/usr/sbin/nologin
23:48.31Brigos/games/xbmc/ of course :)
23:48.46DeaDSouLBrigo: ok.. which rc to modify so that once the system boots.. it should automatically login the 'xbmc' user and start the xbmc ?
23:49.28BrigoDeaDSouL, are you using wheezy?
23:49.46DeaDSouLBrigo: yes 7.7
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23:50.30Brigoor add a script in /etc/rc.local directory
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23:52.57deviantis there any way to see what versions of packages are coming in the debian 7.8?
23:53.25DeaDSouLBrigo: ummm.. how can I make it able to logs xbmc in ?
23:53.37DeaDSouLBrigo: automatically
23:53.40abrotmandeviant: wheezy-proposed
23:53.47abrotmandeviant: see the announcement
23:53.55STMelonpokes f0lder
23:54.37BrigoDeaDSouL, use a display manager :D
23:54.40f0lderconsiders highlighting STMelon with a Back Street Boys CD
23:55.03deviantthanks abrotman
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23:56.13DeaDSouLBrigo: looool... the idea is to make my old laptop a media center.. and plugged into livingroom TV :P .. so once they start the laptop... it should automatically runs xbmc... without any interfering from people sitting there :P
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23:57.45DeaDSouLBrigo: even planning to remove the laptop screen if everything works fine :P... LOL... the best idea i came up with that old laptop
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23:58.27BrigoDeaDSouL,  i knew that. A diplay manager launchs x and can login automaticaly if you configure it. I think it is you easy way.
23:58.45dltldon't you have a vga or hdmi plug on the back?

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