IRC log for #debian on 20141219

00:00.00aspectand private companies using off the shelf equipment? (via )
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00:01.17merethanI hope you can see that cell towers recording my positions for the government is something else than an app actively sending it over the network to someone in silicon valley.
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00:01.39merethanI'm unhappy with both, but not equally unhappy.
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00:03.34aspectit's a lot simpler to locate a cell phone on a foreign network than you seem to think.  Even absent being the equipment manufacturer and knowing the ussd/simtk codes.  SS7 is a scary place and you have no idea what your baseband firmware is capable of
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00:07.21merethanaspect, you are absolutely right. I also have been at 27C3 and 28C3.
00:07.28merethanSo, I know.
00:07.46merethanBut you describe someone actively going after me.
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00:08.32merethanThat's a long shot from more or less submitting data by ignorance, simply because the phone hands it over.
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00:12.46*** join/#debian ROG3R (~none@
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00:15.38ROG3RHow do I update my pidgin. do I have to remove and install again?
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00:15.47merethanLet's just say I want my cellular device to be free of spyware. Defeating triangulation, baseband firmwares etc. is just out of reach.
00:16.20merethanROG3R, aptitude update, aptitude full-upgrade
00:16.38merethanThis should update pidgin.
00:17.00ROG3Rmerethan: you mean aptitude update, aptitude full-upgrade
00:17.08ROG3Rmerethan: you mean aptitude update; aptitude full-upgrade
00:17.31merethanOn the commandline
00:17.34ROG3Ror justone of the two would sufice ?
00:17.45merethanfirst type aptitude update
00:17.52merethanwhen it's finished
00:18.00merethantype aptitude full-upgrade
00:18.01*** mode/#debian [+l 1565] by debhelper
00:18.16ROG3Rmerethan: ok clear now. thx
00:18.49merethanDebian hhowever does not always have the latest software version from the upstream developers.
00:19.28merethanOnce a release is done, most packages only receive updates when stability or security is at stake.
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00:20.40merethanPidgin however didn't introduce anything spectacular lately so not really an issue here :P
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00:21.05merethan(Except for the security fixes of course)
00:21.55ROG3RI see
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00:32.11Shadow_7merethan: you can always pull the battery or place it in an aluminum case to create gaps in what they record.  But what I was hinting is that there data is stored somewhere, that somewhere on a network, that network accessible by other networks, and on and on...
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00:44.58mnsI added a new printer to my network., netmask:, gateway:  I have a host, same netmask, same gateway.  I shoul dbe able to ping from .1 to .30 once they are plugged into the router, yes ?
00:47.17merethanI'd say so.
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00:48.12merethanDepends on the router though
00:48.35merethanIt has to know the route to the 192.168.90.x network.
00:48.51merethan90=70 sorry
00:49.00merethanIt's 2am here.
00:49.05merethanNeed sleep..
00:49.09mnsI kep getting destination unreachable when I try to ping.  Yes it knows about the network since the router is also on that network.
00:49.57mnsgood night.
00:50.01mnsor good morning.
00:50.24merethanHost needs to have the gateway set in the 24.63.161.x range.
00:50.49merethan(You said printer and host have same gateway)
00:51.27merethanRouter also has an interface (or address) in the 24.63.161.x I suppose.
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00:51.54merethanHowever, don't pin me on this stuff, CCNA is 4 years ago for me :P
00:52.11merethanHaven't really done any networking since.
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00:53.53merethanmns, works?
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00:54.26merethanWanna go sleep, but just gotta know :P
00:54.57mnsthat's the external IP.  This is on the internal LAN with the 192.168.70.x.  you go have some sleep.  ping me tomorrow and I'll let you know.  thanks for the help :)
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00:57.33merethanGood night all.
00:58.00bigterdlong story short, how can i export a nfs share? ha. daisy chain a nfs port. reason i'm doing this is because of subnetting and curious if it's possible without NAT...
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00:58.56bigterdi tried linking the nfs mount on the client, and nfs-kernel-server isn't happy....
01:00.05bigterd/mnt/orginal > as /mnt/orginal <> /mnt/linked > /mnt/linked. if that makes sense. miiddle man has 2 NIC's, 2 different subnets., and i can't access orginal share
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01:00.48bigterdso i tried tricking it with a symbolic link, specifcied it in exports, and nfs server still picked up my work around attempt.
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01:01.47nosleep77hi there, is debian 7 vuln to the grinch bug. just want to confirm. i know there is no wheel group by default
01:01.58xreal(why) can't the mini.iso from netbook work with preseeds ?
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01:04.58aspectbigterd: perhaps a bind mount rather than a symlink? mount --bind /mnt/original /export/linked
01:06.01bigterdaspect: ooo, 1 min
01:06.55SirLagzxreal: what doesn't work about the mini.iso for netbooks and preseeds ?
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01:07.41bigterdaspect: nfskernserver still complains on exports file...
01:07.53xrealSirLagz: too long text for irc...
01:08.44SirLagzxreal: "can't be loaded" doesn't tell us much. Are there any errors ? Does it do anything at all ? Does it show that it tried to load ?
01:09.03xrealSirLagz: The message is: "preseed file can't be loaded" :D
01:09.15xrealSirLagz: let me take a screenshot
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01:09.31SirLagzxreal: fair enough haha. Not sure why it would say can't be loaded then
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01:09.59xrealSirLagz: I think, there's something missing in mini.iso to work with preseed-files.
01:10.56xrealSirLagz: ah damn, need to set the language to english, brb
01:11.04SirLagzlol kk
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01:12.17bigterdi honestly guess you can't export a NFS mount?
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01:12.56SirLagzbigterd: are you exporting a nfs mount via nfs ?
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01:13.39bigterdsorta, i guess it's confusing what i'm tring to do.
01:13.44xrealSirLagz: there you go:
01:14.17SirLagzxreal: well that's a bit different to 'can't be loaded' :P
01:14.19*** part/#debian wheezyPUP (
01:14.21bigterdhostA holds nfs export. hostB has it mounted. now i hostB i want to export the share, so hostC can mount it.
01:14.21*** join/#debian debian32w (63626681@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:14.29xrealSirLagz: I summarized it
01:14.36SirLagzbigterd: why not just get hostC to mount it direct from hostA ?
01:14.46bigterdSirLagz: subnets...
01:14.49bigterdSirLagz: no nat
01:15.01bigterdhostB has 2 nics on different subnets.
01:15.10bigterdwireless and wired is my headache.
01:15.14debian32whello, i need to set a mono application to run at startup for all acounts. can anyone tell me how
01:15.18SirLagzbigterd: tell hostB to route packets from hostA to hostC and vice versa ?
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01:15.38bigterdand the wife will pick-axe my face if i string out more cables. and i was curious if this was possible without a firewall/nat
01:15.52SirLagzbigterd: yes, it's possible, but you will need a router.
01:16.01SirLagzor turn host B into a bridge.
01:16.03bigterdi figured. i decidied to give this a shot first.
01:16.13bigterdcan't bridge. once of the nics is in client mode.
01:16.17bigterdfor wifi
01:16.21SirLagzwifi NIC in client mode ?
01:16.34SirLagzis this 2 wifi NICs ?
01:16.39SirLagzor 1 Wifi 1 ethernet ?
01:16.42bigterdno, 1 wired, one wirelss.
01:16.52SirLagzand hostc is connected to hostb via wired ?
01:17.03bigterdwifi forced into bridged goes ugly. has to do with AP association
01:17.16SirLagzyeah I know. I've tried to do it before lol
01:17.24bigterdso, i guess nat it is...
01:17.33debian32wbigterd, what is it you're trying to do
01:17.40SirLagzbigterd: don't need NAT. you could just route
01:18.06bigterdi figured, but i gave this a quick stab. thanks.
01:18.13bigterdnever know with linux until you try it.
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01:18.28SirLagzbigterd: no problems
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01:31.41pingfloydIf you have multiple subnets, you really should have a router.  Not sure how they can even communicate without one if they truly are on separate subnets.
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01:34.19pingfloydNat is really a concern for having your machines on private ips but want inbound/outbound with with external ips in your case.
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01:35.46pingfloydShouldn't need nat between internal networks under normal circumstances
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01:39.09pingfloydI wouldn't be surprised if your ap has a router built in.  most people buy wireless routers these days since they've been as cheap as waps for a long time.
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01:51.57bigterdpingfloyd: fileserver has no wireless. and wife will not allow it next to roku in living room...otherwise i wouldn't have this headache
01:52.25bigterdif it were my bachleor days, it'd be a spaghetti mess...:)
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01:53.24pingfloydbigterd: is it a wap or wireless router?
01:53.47pingfloydUsually the latter will have ethernet ports
01:54.06bigterdit does have lan ports. but i can't set the machine next to it.
01:54.09pingfloydAt least one wan and one lan
01:55.07*** part/#debian craigsnowden (~quassel@2607:5300:60:39d::1)
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01:56.31pingfloydTrade the wife for a router?  We'll eventually have fembots/replicants and women will be obsolete anyway.
01:56.45bigterdoh man. i should tell her that. awesome.
01:56.49*** join/#debian cr`nge (~cr`
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01:57.10bigterdnaw, i got it figured out. i made a simple router without moving machines/cables/spending$
01:58.01*** mode/#debian [+l 1550] by debhelper
01:58.13pingfloydFeel free to, maybe she'll start thinking moving things how you need wasn't so bad after all.
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01:58.49rryoumaahow do you use the 2csv tool in the xml2 package?  the web and other documentation do not say how to use the field arguments.
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02:01.21pingfloydThink of how awesome a fembot would be:  cook, clean, lift, assist, protect, all without protest.
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02:07.26maxdchmod +s   vs   chmod +t
02:07.29maxdwhat is the difference?
02:07.38maxdBoth seem to set the sticky bit, right?
02:07.50pingfloydOne is,setuid the other is, sticky bit
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02:08.08pingfloydSetuid isn't sticky bit
02:08.25pingfloydCompletely different purposes
02:09.07pingfloydSetuid changes invoking user when you execute the file
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02:10.20bigterdany reason why i get a SIOCADDRT: No such process when i try and add a route? :/
02:10.55bigterdit's got a valid ip of the same mask and works. just won't add the route? does ip forwarding need to be enabled in kernel before it'll accept a route insert?
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02:17.42maxdpingfloyd: sticky bit = t and setuid = s   I assume
02:18.02maxdpingfloyd: so setuid would be used to force files being created in that directory having a specific owner or group assigned?
02:18.06pingfloydYeah or use octal notation
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02:23.40maxdthank you
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02:24.08adrenogood evening, can anyone give me a little advice to get 5.1 sound working over hdmi?
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02:26.55seeker63where are the sound files located in wheezy.  did a google search and all i got was how to load sound juicers
02:28.36Shadow_7in terms of media... probably under /usr/share/ for the app / environment that has them
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02:29.38squisherseeker63, sound files for what?
02:29.53py0 The first notice of dnssec-keygen: is USER supposed to actually be "USER" or replaced with an actual existing user
02:31.04squisherpy0, look at the man page
02:32.23seeker63squisher:i am wanting sound beeps for xchat
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02:33.37py0squisher, there is no mention of it
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02:34.27squisherseeker63, you could download some random sound files on the internet and use those, xchat itself doesn't come with any. Or run: find /usr/share -name "*.wav"
02:34.39squisherpy0, clearly explains it
02:34.41*** join/#debian tekkbuzz (~oijvlj@unaffiliated/tekkbuzz)
02:35.26py0No, it does not clearly explain jack shit when it comes to the specific question I asked
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02:38.26py0overlooking things.. fml
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02:45.49maxdpingflood: thank you
02:47.53squisheradreno, not sure if I can help, but the first question is if you're using just alsa or pulseaudio on top
02:48.39seeker63squisher: thanks I will run the find
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02:49.12squisherseeker63, if you don't find anything there, I'd recommend looking at sound themes for instant messangers
02:53.04adrenosquisher , thanks for trying to help my, but now i got linux mint
02:53.39adrenothis distribution can 5.1 over hdmi out of the box
02:53.56adrenoalso didn't found my hdmi sound output
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02:55.41seeker63squisher: i think i found some i just need to apply it to xchat.  thanks
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03:09.56homecableany one have a 100mbit or better ?
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03:28.07seeker63why doesn't the files in /home/william/desktop show up on my desktop since i am william
03:28.17seeker63using wheezy
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03:37.30ROG3Rmy kernel is 3.2.0-4-686-pae   do i need to upgrade the kernel, is that important ?
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03:51.17ROG3Rmy kernel is 3.2.0-4-686-pae   do i need to upgrade the kernel, is that important ?
03:51.54dvsROG3R: Only if you are having trouble with devices
03:51.57homecableapt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade and hit yes
03:52.20ROG3Rdvs: I have no problems whatsoever
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03:53.02dvsROG3R: Then dont worry about it.  Just make sure you have the security repo enabled to keep up to date with exploits.
03:53.42ROG3Rdvs: how to i make sure
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03:54.38dvsROG3R: Do apt-get update; apt-get upgrade once in a while.
03:55.32ROG3Rdvs: ok thx
03:56.02ROG3Rhow often do you do it?
03:56.22dvstwice a week
03:56.30ROG3Ri see
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03:59.55tm512has anyone had success with replacing systemd with runit in a testing/sid install?
04:00.31tm512interested in knowing whether it's straightforward enough or not
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04:06.02ROG3Ris it possible to remove PCManFM file manager? (I want to keep Nautilius only)
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04:16.11ROG3Ranyone here using lxde??
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04:35.31athene_noctuaHi, I am thinking of having my iptables rules load when my interface comes online instead of putting a script in /etc/rc.local, is this an "okay" thing to do?
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04:36.07athene_noctuaI'd rather have those rules restored as soon as the int comes up as long as there isn't some reason why I shouldn't?
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04:55.20twinkiehi all
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05:04.37twinkiebbl or tomorow
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05:16.09bookmarkhi, i'm currently on windows but i'd like offline documentation for enet lib. is it available as a package for debian?
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05:16.27bookmarkit isn't available for download on their website
05:17.03bookmarki could use black widow on it i guess but it would download too many links probably
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05:17.32suicidebaitcant believe i cant chat in #ubuntu
05:17.38suicidebaitlike im a homosexual or something.
05:17.42suicidebaitpm me.
05:18.42bookmarkat least homos are never unfit mothers like we have making starving children
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05:19.06bookmarkwell not usally at least
05:20.38bookmarki wish people would start making fun of unfit mothers instead of homos
05:24.21Rusty1 bookmark  ?
05:24.57bookmarkwow thanks rusty1
05:25.09bookmarknow i just have to install debian lol
05:25.28bookmarkunless someone wants to be nice and put it someplace for me :)
05:25.51bookmarklike in a tarball or whatever
05:28.09bookmarki mean its not microsofts fault
05:28.14bookmarkor mine
05:28.29bookmarksilly enet
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05:30.17suicidebaitmost homosexual are circumsized.
05:30.40Rusty1!ops suicidebait  is trolling
05:30.40dpkgHydroxide, dondelelcaro, LoRez, RichiH, mentor, abrotman, Maulkin, stew, peterS, Myon, Ganneff, weasel, zobel, themill, babilen, SynrG, jm_, somiaj, jelly: rusty1 complains about: suicidebait  is trolling
05:31.02suicidebaiti answered the dudes question.
05:31.07suicidebaitmaybe you should stfu?
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05:36.40rjsaltsIn preseed file is there any way to tell apt-setup not to add the deb-src lines. I see apt-setup/local0/source boolean false, but is there any equivalent for apt-setup/main/source?
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05:42.36rryoumaaare /etc/magic and /etc/magic.mime hardlinked normally?
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05:43.42rryoumaasame question (i.e. are they supposed to be linked) for /etc/kernel/header_postinst.d/dkms and /etc/kernel/postinst.d/dkms
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05:44.11rryoumaabecause on one installation they are not and on another they are, and i wonder if i mistakenly hardlinked them
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06:24.50chops_How do I tell which window manager gnome is using? Poking around with ps didn't enlighten me.
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06:27.59chops_NM, I remembered google existed
06:28.45wingman2so I'm compiling the kernel does anyone know about the order of preference in Kconfig?
06:28.48wingman2If I had a two values with the same name does it use the last occurring instance?
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07:40.06bookmark_anyone know where to get a virtualbox image of weezy?
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07:40.35bookmark_a minimal install is fine
07:41.10SirLagzbookmark_: why do you want a virtualbox image of it ?
07:41.16bookmark_cuz i use windows
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07:41.24SirLagzbookmark_: why not just install it into a virtualbox vm ?
07:41.28bookmark_and im not fing with my boot record
07:41.42bookmark_hmm ok
07:41.59jantwistedI need a help to setup my wifi. actually it's not even enabled in system
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07:42.02SirLagzbookmark_: what boot record ? Just create a VM, mount the ISO on the VM, and install it ont he VM
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07:43.50bookmark_they used to have a netinstall cd or something like that.. that was smaller
07:43.56bookmark_do they still have that?
07:44.21bookmark_i just want very minmal i just need g++
07:44.46bookmark_n/m i found it
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08:05.28tm512can this debian 7.7 netinst iso be used to install sid?
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08:05.46tm512I'd rather not burn another CD if it's not going to make a difference
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08:07.07imthi everyone, I just upgraded to jessie and I have a minor issue: 'sudo su -' does not work (doesn't even cumplain, just enters and exists the root account); 'sudo bash' or 'sudo whatever' works perfectly, but I cannot find why 'sudo su -' (even while being root) doesn't work
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08:09.30imtI've checked 'pam.d' file (seems OK, not modified) and system logs (no errors, just success sudo/su entries)
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08:10.05laserstm512: Yeah.
08:11.20laserstm512: Also, if you have to ask that question, just stick with stable or testing. (imo)
08:11.50tm512I'm on arch right now
08:11.57tm512and I've done linux from scratch
08:13.39tm512the squeeze installer is just loading installation files from itself
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08:35.01babilentm512: You wouldn't be able to install sid directly anyway. I'd recommend to 1. Install wheezy and then upgrade to jessie (with sid sources already in your sources.list and the default release set to jessie -- /msg dpkg <jsm>). Install apt-listbugs before the upgrade (cf. <sid faq> -- /msg dpkg sid faq) and once complete remove the default release entry and upgrade the few remaining packages to their respective version in sid
08:35.15babilen(alternatively download a jessie beta installer)
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08:37.25tm512what about "During the installation choose "Advanced options" -> "Expert install". In the step "Choose a mirror of the Debian archive" choose version "sid - unstable"."
08:38.06babilenFeel free to go that route, but there is no guarantee that sid is installable at any given time.
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08:38.59babilen(and, if I were in your position, I would prefer to have jessie versions first as to be able to pin packages with grave bugs in sid easily with apt-listbugs)
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08:39.53babilen"I'd recommend to" is certainly not "the only way to", but a reasonably secure way. I'd grab the jessie installer, but you explicitly stated that you don't want to download another installer.
08:40.06tm512I will if I have to
08:40.09babilenYou could also use the wheezy installer to install jessie
08:40.16babilenYou don't *have* to.
08:40.21tm512or I'll do wheezy - jessie - sid
08:40.34tm512is sid that much worse than just running arch?
08:40.59tm512everything makes it sound like it will make the computer literally explode
08:41.04tm512like for real
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08:44.17babilenThe perception of what are acceptable complications might be skewed in Debian users. I've been tracking sid for years and rarely had problems that were hard to fix. Read the <sid faq>, idle in #debian-next on (and ask your testing/unstable related questions there) and make sure that you don't blindly do things because "apt made me do it"
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08:45.40tm512that sounds like running arch
08:45.50tm512updates requiring user intervention
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08:47.13tm512the nastiest I recall was switching to systemd and when they decided to symlink /{bin,sbin,lib} to /usr/{bin,sbin,lib}
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08:50.53tm512now I need a name for this system. bleh. the hardest part.
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08:52.21tm512I usually use astronomical stuff, my home computers have been named from stars from the big dipper, but I'm running out of nice names
08:52.53tm512used alcor, alkaid, mizar, and I can't use alioth since one of debian's servers took it first :|
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08:53.53trem0rstart naming them after he-man characters
08:54.01trem0rskeletor, trapjaw, stratos, etc
08:55.32trem0rmy little ponies?
08:55.40trem0rcare bears
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09:05.41babilentm512: This is getting rather off-topic (and would therefore be better suited for #debian-offtopic), but take a look at: (in the end you either want randomised names or semantic ones (e.g. DATACENTRE-FOO-DB1) or a combination thereof)
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09:09.26tm512I can't find the option for selecting which version to install
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09:25.23Katharsisafter enable integrated graphic card on bios
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09:25.35Katharsisand connected secondary monitor
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09:25.50Katharsisone of them display "Waiting for /dev to be fully populated..."
09:26.07Katharsisbut second display in right way
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09:41.25ntzI have little problem ... I am logged in to the remote debian server with TERM=xterm (not mine server) and in bash doesn't work pgup/down history completition ... is there anything I can do to enable to
09:41.30ntzs/enable to/enable it/
09:41.34ntzcan't find it in the manpage
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09:54.00whirmHi everybody
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10:00.04whirmis it already possible to boot a xen hipervisor on debian SID from UEFI?
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10:07.16ntzcan anybody drop a word about that pgup/down in this weird distro ?
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10:09.52eXistenZNLuse up/down?
10:10.00eXistenZNLor ctrl-r
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10:10.11eXistenZNLntz, KABOOM, word dropped
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10:33.36ChrisHntz: what is the local X-Server? export TERM=vt100 did fix a lof of issues for me.
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10:37.42premobossjust got a old iBook G4 PowerPC @1.2Ghz 512Mram, 40G HDD. (Model: PowerBook6,5). Of course i wanto to purge apple OS and replace with debian. Im downoladin the 1st CD od Debian of PowerPC, in the menatime im here to ask some nice howto to install (i.e. there is no Bios on iBook G4, i duno how to force boot from CD)
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10:38.38ntzChrisH: thanks but not this
10:38.55ntzit must be some inane debian default because there are no changes from defaults in this
10:39.23ntzpremoboss: omg, first hit in ggl
10:39.46premobossmmm... shame on me u are right.
10:39.54B[]rGpremoboss: insert dvd, reboot and press C
10:40.05premobossok thanks.
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10:43.21Sendoushihey guys. i've installed debian without DE in virtualbox. is there a way to set a bigger resolution? at least 1024x768?
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10:55.37raSter^is there an ARM support for debian? Or is it still in development?
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10:57.15somiajit is an offical port now
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11:05.17Megaf_Hi all, is this fixable?
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11:13.11SynrGMegaf_: did you blow away /var/cache or something?
11:13.26SynrGor /var/cache/apt?
11:13.36Megaf_yes, but not on that server
11:13.37SynrGyou should use apt-get clean to clean that up, not manual removal
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11:14.10SynrGit looks like your /var/cache/debconf is toast
11:14.26SynrGtry recreating it?
11:14.59SynrG(sorry, unrelated to /var/cache/apt ... i skimmed ;)
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11:15.58someHumanIs it safe to install add-ons on IceWeasel?
11:16.28SynrGinsofar as you trust the publisher, sure.
11:17.16*** join/#debian bal1 (~Thunderbi@
11:17.21Megaf_SynrG: how do I recreate it?
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11:18.44someHumanDebian also crashes -_-
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11:19.21someHumanShows me this message "Sorry something has really gone wrong...please reboot PC" with a sad computer face.
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11:20.21Megaf_someHuman: that's not Debians fault
11:20.30Megaf_that's GNOME faults, or even the driver you are using
11:20.43Megaf_or you did something nasty
11:21.11Megaf_someHuman: you can just switch to a terminal and restart gdm3
11:21.20*** join/#debian bastidrazor (~bastidraz@unaffiliated/crazychicken)
11:22.05Megaf_gdm3 is the display manager
11:22.18Megaf_that's what starts the X and shows you the login window
11:22.39Megaf_so, you can ctrl alt f1 to switch to a termina, log as root, then do service gdm3 restart
11:23.04someHumanAs in, "sudo gdm3 restart" ?
11:23.24Megaf_sudo service gdm3 restart
11:23.34Megaf_if you log as a normal user and have sudo enabled
11:23.45SynrGMegaf_: uh? just mkdir /var/cache/debconf
11:24.05SynrGsorry. thought that was obvious :)
11:24.40Megaf_SynrG: it would be if there wasnt a folder named the same in somewhere else
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11:25.11SynrGok. i'm confused by that statement. but whatever. just try the mkdir and report if that fixes the issue
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11:26.21Megaf_SynrG: sorry, I miss(insert word here) that, got confused by /etc/debconf.conf
11:26.50Megaf_recreating the folder did the trick indeed, thanks
11:27.13*** part/#debian bastidrazor (~bastidraz@unaffiliated/crazychicken)
11:27.41SynrGMegaf_: great. and that answer was courtesy of the hundreds of posts about it you can find with google on the error message ;)
11:28.04SynrGthis one: debconf: DbDriver "config": mkdir :No such file or directory
11:28.37SynrGso it seems you're not alone in shooting yourself in the foot in this particular way.
11:29.12SynrGMegaf_: if you understand how/why /var/cache/debconf went away, the long term solution is "don't do that"
11:29.23SynrGif you don't understand how it went away, that may bear some additional investigation.
11:29.50*** join/#debian micechal (
11:30.06Megaf_wow, Im not the only stupid on Earth, lol
11:30.23SynrGwe all have our moments
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11:31.38Megaf_I will never forger, long ago when I was still learning English and have messed up with some privs on some folders, a guy told be to do a wipe -rfs /
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11:31.50Megaf_(to whoever is reading that, dont do that!)
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11:31.59someHumanHow do I end a task with a PID?
11:32.10someHumanThere's this process still running that I can see via top
11:32.15Megaf_and I did such command and lost all content of all partitions
11:32.19someHumanI want to kill it by it's PID.
11:32.32someHumanIs it kill -pid *id* ?
11:32.35Megaf_someHuman: kill -TERM PID
11:32.51someHumanWhat's -TERM for?
11:32.51SynrGalso, man pages help here
11:32.54*** join/#debian Hunterkll (
11:32.57SynrGit is also the default
11:33.04SynrGit is the "polite" way to request termination
11:33.15SynrGsometimes processes are so thoroughly hung they will not respond
11:33.18Megaf_yep, very polite
11:33.19someHumanSo, kill -term 12312
11:33.24Megaf_the impolite and hardcore way is -9
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11:33.34Megaf_someHuman: NO, -TERM it is
11:33.35someHumanMegaf_: What does that do?
11:33.45someHumanHaha, yeah ok.
11:33.46jaggzedis it weird that I can nmap my local system's primary IP, but while I can access another IP it has (telnet port 25, for instance), nmap thinks it's down?
11:33.51SynrGit impolitely makes the process vanish, leaving unfinished business undone
11:34.00SynrGit is "uncatchable"
11:34.09SynrGso it cannot release any resources, clean up lock files, etc.
11:34.26jaggzed(one ip on one interface.. another on another)..
11:34.27SynrGgenerally avoid this. there could be data loss
11:34.37someHumanThe polite way cleans stuff then?
11:34.42Megaf_yep, so -TERM asks the program to get stuff done and quit, and -9 just finishs it
11:34.45*** join/#debian hewge (
11:34.48someHumanAh ok
11:34.52someHumanThanks guys!
11:34.57SynrG-9 is also known as -KILL
11:35.10someHumanSee you later guys!
11:35.34Megaf_-TERM = Please put the glass on that table and die, -KILL = shot in the head and drop the glass to the ground, making a mess
11:35.51Megaf_why did he left?
11:35.59SynrGask and run :)
11:37.04Megaf_If my internet were more stable I would be online here for about 5 months now, no stop
11:39.05Megaf_SynrG: any idea why I'm getting broken pipe if I leave ssh connection idle? If there is something like top running or watch it won't disconnect, but it there is nothin I will get a broken pipe, and it happens only when I'm using my home internet, it doesn't happen at my workplace.
11:39.38SynrGdunno. some servers have idle timeouts
11:39.56SynrGis the connection from home proxied somehow?
11:40.05*** join/#debian panarama (~panarama@
11:40.06Megaf_It's 3G
11:40.16SynrGah. then isn't that proxied by default?
11:40.49Megaf_I have no idea, I use the built in theter from Android
11:40.57SynrGmaybe the proxy has an idle timeout. or maybe there's just something in the cell mgmt that triggers it
11:41.05trewasMegaf_: if there is some form of NAT involved then it probably forgets idle connections
11:41.07SynrGeither way, you're not alone
11:41.14WalexMegaf_: usually it is some intermediate firewall having a timeout on starte
11:41.18SynrGi get 3G ssh connections dropped
11:41.24SynrGhave never really investigated why
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11:41.52SynrGwhen i use it, it is very transient anyway (and sometimes in motion: on bus or so)
11:41.52WalexMegaf_: look at 'SeverAliveInterval' parameter of SSH
11:42.03SynrGso i expect to not have 100% reliabilitiy
11:42.44WalexMegaf_: SynrG: as a rule 3G connections are firewalled...
11:42.49SynrGmy non-3G home -> work connections get dropped
11:43.01SynrGthe reverse is not true, however
11:43.18SynrGor is it the other way around. i forget :)
11:43.34SynrGanyway, in one direction they're dropped when idle. again, never really cared to investigate.
11:43.42SynrGno pressing business reason to fix it.
11:43.44Megaf_Walex: that on the host or client?
11:43.52WalexMegaf_: client
11:43.59Megaf_I have TCPKeepAlive yes on client
11:44.13Megaf_and there is not SeverAliveInterval
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11:44.30WalexMegaf_: you are not a computer..
11:44.38trewasMegaf_: that should be ServerAliveInterval, if the typo was not obvious :)
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11:45.09Megaf_Walex: how do you know? I have passed several turing tests already, lol
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11:46.07Megaf_well, I couldn't find any SeverAliveInterval on /etc/ssh/ssh_config
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11:47.50Megaf_anyway, I search for Alive and it only could find TCPKeepAlive
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11:49.17jaggzedhow do I get pulseaudio to give me all my mixers (front, rear, mic, line in, etc...)?  All it gives me is a single Master channel.
11:49.20adh0ccan anyone tell me if there's a way to disallow users from accessing the ssh client, not daemon?
11:49.33jaggzedI think the problem is it's not defaulting to my actual NDA Intel device
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11:49.45adh0chave a machine that's attempting to brute force other servers so I want to only allow two users access to the ssh client
11:51.06bezabanadh0c: you can change the group ownership and permissions of /usr/bin/ssh
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11:51.18bezabanand add the users to said group
11:51.37adh0cHeard - thanks bezaban
11:51.52bezabanadh0c: also remove the execute flag for others
11:52.32Megaf_Linux is stupid!
11:52.35Megaf_rsync: write failed on "/home/minetest/Server/worlds/world/map.sqlite.tar.bz2": No space left on device (28)
11:52.54jaggzedin alsamixer if I hit F6 it'll let me select NDA Intel and I get my mixers.. I used aplay -l and saw the intel device is card0 device0, but I can't seem to get PA to default to it
11:52.58Megaf_I removed a 2.5 GB file, having 4 GB free before that
11:53.12Megaf_and now it fails to get a 1.2 GB file habing 4 GB + 2.5 GB free
11:53.17bezabanadh0c: you'd likely want 750 permissions
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12:00.12adh0cbezaban : yeah I just chmod o-x'd it.
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12:00.30adh0cThanks for your help!
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12:01.04ecstoianToday, a dist-upgrade upgraded my bsd-mailx from version 8.1.2-0.20111106cvs-1 to version 8.1.2-0.20111106cvs-1+deb7u1. How can I revert this and reinstall the old package ?
12:01.10Megaf_$ mkdir a
12:01.10Megaf_mkdir: cannot create directory `a': No space left on device
12:01.11jamescTrying to fix "start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --oknodo --pidfile $PIDFILE --exec /usr/sbin/vrrpd -- -i eth0.152 -v 1 -p 150"  Produces "start-stop-daemon: --start needs --exec or --startas" anyone can help?
12:01.24Megaf_Filesystem         Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
12:01.24Megaf_/dev/ploop11248p1  9.7G  2.2G  7.1G  24% /
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12:04.42superrorc_hi there! how can i check version of exsist package and verion for updatin via aptitute ?
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12:05.21xiqysuperrorc_: apt-cache policy <package>
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12:05.33superrorc_+ ty! that is it!
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12:05.57superrorc_after upgrading with aptitude some services dont works.. on wheezy
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12:06.30superrorc_xiqy: can i specify a raw of packeg in 1 command?
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12:08.15xiqysuperrorc_: apt-cache policy {<package 1>,<package 2>}
12:09.01superrorc_it works with spase to
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12:09.53superrorc_ yes
12:10.36xiqyHuh, I didn't even consider that -_-
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12:23.33superrorc_how can i check dependensis of installed package?
12:24.30superrorc_apt-cache showpkg like this?
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12:27.09SynrGysuperrorc_: apt-cache is a tool for examining packages that are available, but not necessarily installed. "check dependencies of" is poorly defined in your question. do you mean "what are the packages that i have installed that satisfy the dependencies of"?
12:28.42SynrGyin general, "apt-cache show <packagename>" will show what a package depends on. but that might contain alternatives and could accept a wide range of different versions. so this doesn't give you an accurate picture of "what packages currently satisfy the dependencies of <packagename>"
12:28.57SynrGysuperrorc_: can you clarify, please, what you're trying to find out?
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12:29.50superrorc_i have openswan packeg. after aptitute upgrade it dont autostart on boot. its doesnt upgraded. thats why need to know dependensis on openswan
12:30.19SynrGypackages that depend *on* openswan itself?
12:30.40superrorc_yep, like openssl
12:30.45SynrGyi.e. "reverse depends"
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12:31.04superrorc_stop. not reverse
12:31.14superrorc_sec pls
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12:31.47superrorc_this Dependencies
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12:32.43superrorc_and aptitude want to upgrade this
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12:33.30SynrGysuperrorc_: are you on testing?
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12:34.24ntzI need a little help with this sick distro .. I put on the debian server my (our) script what we use a years on rhel servers with no issue ..
12:34.36ntzin this sick distro it just doesn't work as expected ..
12:35.04SynrGysuperrorc_: do you always safe-upgrade? if you're on testing, you'll end up with things broken if you don't do full-upgrade. aptitude needs to be able to remove packages that are superceded by newer ones, and full-upgrade does that. safe-upgrade will not.
12:35.12ntzwe're doing from there a `postfix -v reload' but from cron it completely surpress the output .. if I run the same cron script from cli the output is there
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12:35.30ntzit must be related to that cron doesn't export (all) env vars ..
12:35.38ntzon rhel it works 1:1 out of the box
12:35.52ntzI really don't know what to do more here on debian
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12:36.20superrorc_SynrGy: befor i must remove old packages than run safe-upgrade ?
12:36.35superrorc_SynrGy: i am on wheezy 7.7
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12:36.54SynrGysuperrorc_: i don't understand why the long list of upgrades. what are you upgrading from/to?
12:37.13superrorc_SynrGy: sec pls, provide some info
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12:38.59SynrGyah, so 7.6 -> 7.7
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12:41.00superrorc_SynrGy: its is a testing?
12:41.05SynrGyso why aren't you doing full-upgrade for this case? and if you do, does it produce a different set of packages it says it will upgrade?
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12:41.08SynrGyno, it is stable.
12:41.30SynrGybut part of your complaint is, if i understand correctly, that something is not getting upgraded that you think should be?
12:41.50SynrGywhich sounds like a case of you not using full-upgrade when you ought to.
12:42.07SynrGyntz: unsure. do you get other cron emails?
12:42.19superrorc_SynrGy: execut apt-get upgrade to show u what pakaget want to update?
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12:42.31SynrGyapt-get dist-upgrade
12:42.39SynrGy(or aptitude full-upgrade ... same thing)
12:42.49SynrGywell, fsvo "same". they use different resolvers ;)
12:42.52ntzSynrGy: it all works
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12:42.56SynrGybut it is roughly equivalent.
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12:43.54ntzthere is only problem that in debian (not anywhere else) does `postfix -v reload' give no output at all but it reloads postfix
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12:44.09superrorc_SynrGy: dist-upgrade
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12:44.16ntzif you run that command from cli (or even the script for cron from cli) the output is there
12:44.31ntzSynrGy: so it must be somewhat related to that cron doesn't export fully the @env
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12:47.09SynrGyntz: hmm. experimenting
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12:47.49SynrGyntz: echo postfix -v reload | at now
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12:47.53SynrGyntz: this reproduces your issue?
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12:48.03ntzSynrGy: sorry
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12:48.11ntzwhat am I supposed to do ?
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12:48.37SynrGyjust confirm i've found a reproducible failing test case i can iterate on until i understand what's going on :)
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12:48.55SynrGysince i don't want to actually create cron jobs. that's a hassle. 'at' is much easier
12:49.38SynrGyi believe it uses the same method to execute. it's just different from a scheduling perspective.
12:49.40ntzecho postfix -v reload | at now
12:49.46ntzdoesn't give the output also
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12:49.56ntzpostfix -v reload ## does
12:49.59SynrGyright. so that's my test case. now i try to understand why not :)
12:50.03ntzbut lemme check if atd really restarts it
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12:51.29ntzSynrGy: yeah, so it really reloads the postfix but without the output indeed
12:51.36SynrGysuperrorc_: sorry, i can really only do one thing at a time. looking at your output
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12:51.43ntzSynrGy: not NOT 100% sure if at will tell the output on stdout
12:51.58superrorc_SynrGy: its ok , thanks !
12:52.09ntzSynrGy: that was just an information, not next Q: or something like that
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12:53.18SynrGysuperrorc_: i think this is the same as but can't tell for certain because the package count is omitted from that paste.
12:54.48SynrGysuperrorc_: just, oddly ... wrapped differently
12:54.49superrorc_SynrGy: check what diff in this 2 outputs?
12:55.06SynrGysuperrorc_: i.e. i don't think the two upgrades are any different.
12:55.10SynrGyso my theory is wrong
12:55.27superrorc_i think to..
12:55.31SynrGyntz: hmm. thinking.
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12:56.34ntzSynrGy: good luck, i was 'thinking" two hours but with no results :P
12:57.26SynrGysuperrorc_: so i'm not sure where that leaves us. you started by asking about checking dependencies. you said openswan is not starting on boot and what ... you're worried that some of these un-upgraded things may be its dependencies and that's why it fails?
12:57.33SynrGyntz: heh.
12:57.50ntzSynrGy: JFYI, set -x debug says
12:57.51ntz+ /usr/sbin/postfix -v reload
12:57.52ntz+ _pfix=0
12:58.01ntz^^ in the script is _pfix=$?
12:58.16ntzand it really reloads the postfix but what it does with the damned output ??????
12:58.32SynrGyntz: i could understand cron sanitizing the environment *before* starting the command. but i don't understand why it would interfere with postfix setting the flag in the environment and passing to postfix-script
12:58.45SynrGythat part has me stumped
12:58.53ntzSynrGy: yes, only with postfix .. other commands there gives output as expected
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12:59.04SynrGyset -x "in the script". which one? the cron script?
12:59.05ntzhere is the script
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12:59.27superrorc_SynrGy: yep... problem is that after upgrade openswan daemon pluto dont up on boot...
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12:59.33ntzit's there from the beginning ... it's script I use on tens of servers .. but now in debian it doesn't work
12:59.34SynrGyhmm. postfix itself is a binary. we can't set -x in that :p
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12:59.54SynrGysuperrorc_: but your pastes indicate you haven't finished upgrading ...
12:59.57ntzset -x is in the script !!!
12:59.58SynrGysuperrorc_: why not?
13:00.35SynrGyntz: i understood that part. i meant only that it would be nice to see what's going on when postfix calls postfix-script, but that's opaque to us because it's in a binary
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13:00.46superrorc_SynrGy: coz i do it a lot of times. i have snaphot of working server now. and dont want break it with upgradeing
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13:01.28superrorc_SynrGy: i restored from backup a lot of times after upgrrade this packages
13:01.28SynrGysuperrorc_: so you want to only selectively upgrade dependencies of openswan? is that your goal?
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13:01.36ntzSynrGy: yeah
13:01.45ntzexacttly .. sorry, I badly understood
13:01.57superrorc_SynrGy: withot opens swan deps
13:02.10superrorc_SynrGy: and after  update openswan
13:02.18SynrGyntz: i'm only just now getting to your paste :)
13:02.23SynrGysorry about the slowness
13:03.24ntzno prob
13:03.57ntzSynrGy: my current script is a little bit updated already .. on line #105 is now `/usr/sbin/postfix -v reload'
13:03.58SynrGysuperrorc_: upgrading openswan may not upgrade all of its dependencies. and if some dependencies are not versioned tightly enough it might cause it to break. is that your reasoning?
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13:05.04SynrGysuperrorc_: i guess if i were you i would look at openswan's dependencies, recursively, and see if any of the un-upgraded things are in the list of dependencies, and try upgrading them as well.
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13:06.01SynrGysuperrorc_: but 'openswan' is a virtual package. so what i really mean is the package providing it on your system.
13:06.40superrorc_SynrGy: i just want exlude from updates this Dependencies
13:07.07SynrGyhuh ... nothing provides openswan?
13:07.25SynrGylook, i see openswan was at one time in debian. maybe it is removed now?
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13:07.30SynrGy,v openswan
13:07.31juddPackage: openswan on i386 -- squeeze-security: 1:2.6.28+dfsg-5+squeeze2; wheezy: 1:2.6.37-3; wheezy-security: 1:2.6.37-3+deb7u1
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13:07.46SynrGyyes. not in jessie. this doesn't help me, as i don't have a wheezy system for reference.
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13:08.07superrorc_ii  openswan                             1:2.6.37-3+deb7u1             i386         Internet Key Exchange daemon
13:08.17superrorc_dpkg -l
13:08.30superrorc_have this now
13:08.33SynrGyntz: ok. and why the -v anyway? is checking $? insufficient?
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13:09.11SynrGyntz: i mean yes, it's irritating there is this difference that we don't yet understand, but i'm trying to understand what the -v accomplishes for you
13:09.15ntzSynrGy: we have a nagios parser parsing thios output
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13:09.28ntzalready written and used in 100 (rhel) boxes
13:09.39ntznot working in this one (debian) server
13:10.00dokmaI'm looking for a tool to remove duplicate blocks of text (NOT LINES!) from a file. Any hints?
13:10.41abrotmanand leave only one?
13:10.53SynrGyntz: i'm looking at the cron man page in debian. in the section labeled DEBIAN SPECIFIC ...
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13:11.00SynrGyhaven't fully caught up yet. :)
13:11.25SynrGyntz: but following your "something not passed in the environment" theory. it sounds reasonable to me. :)
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13:11.40ntzit is..
13:11.57ntzI had to put there LANG=en_US to get sort -u working same as from cli JFYI
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13:12.26SynrGysuperrorc_: sure. nothing wrong with that. i just find it difficult to help when i don't have a wheezy box handy
13:12.29ntzin this script was sort -u producing different output than when run from terminal (same script just btw)
13:13.06SynrGysuperrorc_: so maybe we can start with some error output? if you /etc/init.d/openswan start ... any errors?
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13:13.47superrorc_SynrGy: no.. just no message with Openswan started..
13:13.53SynrGyntz: i see. yeah, it's going to start with C or something
13:14.13SynrGysuperrorc_: so then check logs
13:14.24superrorc_SynrGy: need to go, thanks 4 u time!
13:14.28SynrGysuperrorc_: if you can find errors from the logs for why it didn't start, maybe this will help
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13:14.31superrorc_SynrGy: already checked
13:14.43SynrGymaybe looking at wrong logs?
13:14.45superrorc_SynrGy: NOTHING... =(
13:15.09SynrGymaybe the init script is a bit broken?
13:15.39SynrGywell, it's possible to divert output to /dev/null or so ...
13:15.41SynrGyconcealing problems
13:15.41superrorc_i tryed with this issue with 2-3 weaks
13:15.46SynrGythis would be "broken", imho
13:15.53SynrGybut i don't know what's in the init script
13:16.05superrorc_its works now
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13:16.15superrorc_befor i intall upgrades
13:16.22superrorc_all forks perfect
13:16.31superrorc_without updates
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13:18.05superrorc_ -this log with works service
13:18.17SynrGysuperrorc_: so just to make it clear, you're going from 7.6's openswan -> 7.7's and it breaks. and if you downgrade back to the 7.6 version, it works again?
13:18.28superrorc_and no in logs just no string with
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13:19.00superrorc_SynrGy: i restor withvm snapshot
13:19.01SynrGysuperrorc_: i want to say "the un-upgraded things are causing this" but i have no proof :)
13:19.13SynrGysuperrorc_: it's strange to not fully upgrade
13:19.54SynrGyif you have a snapshot anyway, why are you not fully upgrading? if it doesn't go well, you can fall back
13:20.03superrorc_SynrGy: restore vm - apt-get upgrade - reboot - stop working - restore again
13:20.11SynrGyoh, ok
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13:20.25SynrGyso it's not actually openswan itself being upgraded, but you suspect one of its dependencies that breaks it?
13:20.28SynrGybut you can't tell which one.
13:20.36abrotmandokma: sort of depends on how the file is formatted .. but it's a CS101 programming project also
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13:20.59superrorc_SynrGy: yep!
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13:21.24SynrGysuperrorc_: that would have made a better opening problem statement, then. :) sorry this took so long to figure out
13:21.34fiveghzhow long does it typically take to have a mirror approved once submitted?
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13:22.00superrorc_SynrGy: sry for my bas eng..
13:22.18dokmaabrotman, need if for plain text
13:22.19abrotmanfiveghz: I'd guess more than a couple of days
13:22.20SynrGysuperrorc_: apt-rdepends shows deps recursively
13:22.27abrotmandokma: That's not what I meant by format
13:22.38SynrGysuperrorc_: maybe this helps
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13:22.49abrotmanfiveghz: you can try to ask #debian-mirrors on
13:23.11fiveghzabrotman: ok thanks, its been a few weeks since I submitted it, I'll ask there thanks
13:23.12dokmaabrotman, do you know of any utils that could do this? I found this:
13:23.17SynrGysuperrorc_: or apt-cache depends --recurse
13:23.27abrotmandokma: again, CS101 project, fairly trivial
13:23.28superrorc_SynrGy: ill trying now
13:23.33SynrGysuperrorc_: warning. produces tons of output
13:23.53dokmaabrotman, what do you mean by CS101 project
13:24.07abrotmandokma: Introduction to Programming homework
13:24.13SynrGysuperrorc_: i think apt-rdepends may have saner default for which branches it follows
13:24.27superrorc_SynrGy: will go away now. thanks a lot
13:24.28SynrGysuperrorc_: the man pages for apt-rdepends and apt-cache explain how these commands work
13:24.32SynrGysuperrorc_: ok. good luck!
13:24.33dokmaabrotman, I can program it my self but I think there is a ready made solution for such a common problem
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13:24.40superrorc_SynrGy: good luck!
13:25.49sandman13where is dpkg?
13:25.56sandman13the bot
13:26.58abrotmandokma: yes
13:27.02abrotmansandman13: napping
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13:27.23sandman13abrotman: thanks for the info
13:27.33dokmaabrotman, well that's what I asked in the first question. Are you intentionally dancing around the issue?
13:27.56SynrGyntz: still baffled. but with the at command, maybe this gives you something you could debug further. we need to see inside somehow.
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13:28.12SynrGyntz: the cron man page was no help :/
13:28.14abrotmansandman13: Which factoid were you looking for?
13:28.23ntzSynrGy: thanks much for help
13:28.28ntzdrop it .. it works ..
13:28.32ntzI leave it as open issue
13:28.33sandman13abrotman: sid
13:28.39SynrGyntz: yep. very screwy
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13:28.47ntzhowever yes, it would be nice to know why :)
13:28.55SynrGyntz: i'm sure given enough time and debug print stmts (or strace ... or ...)
13:28.59SynrGyntz: we could eventually solve it
13:29.04SynrGybut i'm drawing blanks
13:29.22ntzif you want the strace, I can give you the strace, do you ?
13:29.23abrotmansandman13: what about it?
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13:29.55ntznext run is scheduled at 2:34 (5 minutes left) .. no prob to put there: strace -fo /tmp/foo
13:29.55SynrGyntz: you could give the *channel* the strace, but frankly, i'm tired of the issue now :)
13:30.05ntzsure, drop it :)
13:30.05SynrGyi have some things to do
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13:30.20ntzI'm also not attempting to solve that .. it works .. i leave it like that
13:30.21sandman13abrotman: nothing serious just wanted to see what info dpkg has on it :)
13:30.40SynrGyntz: so if you ever solve it, you can PM me and tell me the answer :)
13:30.52SynrGyntz: i care enough to know why, just not enough to debug further :p
13:30.55SynrGyhate being stumped
13:30.57abrotmansandman13: probably something to the effect of "Sid is the unstable branch of Debian, it is not meant for production systems, it can break, and sometimes badly.  Please don't use unless you know what your'e doing"
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13:32.35sandman13abrotman jelly thanks
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13:38.14sandman13I was suggested that I should run Sid if I want Debian on desktop. When asked about bugs, the reply was: "Solving bugs helps you to know more about the package and system. Plus you are contributing to Debian."
13:38.27abrotmansandman13: No
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13:38.47sandman13abrotman: more explanation please
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13:39.17abrotmansandman13: if you can't fix a broken bootloader, or work without X (and that's just the beginning of possible problems), Sid isn't for you
13:43.20SirLagzbootloaders don't break all that often on Sid at least. X ? hah.
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13:44.14sandman13the only thing I have solved regarding bootloader is reinstalling/updating grub after I deleted the old kernel entry while I was using it
13:44.31jellySirLagz: extlinux was broken recently
13:44.42SirLagzjelly: good thing I missed that one then
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13:45.00jelly(it's still broken, I have to migrate back to grub2 :-()
13:45.10SirLagzmy sid box has barely been on at all in the last couple of months though. Haven't been gaming much
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13:51.07abrotmanSirLagz: That's not what I said, you just need to know how to resolve it
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13:52.48sandman13abrotman: so if you don't have idea to resolve the issues don't switch?
13:53.03WalexSirLagz: you don't need to 'unstable' to run Steam games, just some chosen packages from SteamOS Alchemist infecting 7/Wheezy.
13:53.09SirLagzabrotman: what's not what you said ?
13:53.42SirLagzWalex: Yes, I'm aware of that, but Steam's not the only game I run and when I built the machine, it was easier to run Sid than Jessie
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13:54.06SirLagzabrotman: wait never mind. I just re-read stuff.
13:54.22abrotmansandman13: you can try jessie if you want something a little newer
13:54.52sandman13abrotman: I am running Jessie right now
13:55.06abrotmansandman13: and right now, jessie and sid are fairly identical
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13:55.53Walexsandman13: the 'testing' and 'unstable' archives are both for people who can investigate and solve packaging and other bugs, as the names indicate
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13:56.21Walexsandman13: as always, the backports archive is a very useful resource.
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13:57.45sandman13Walex: I know :)
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13:58.00Walexsandman13: preaching to to choir here :-)
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14:00.49sandman13I wouldn't be asking these questions here if I hadn't read something like this: "After a Stable release, the packages are picked in willy-nilly order for Unstable that might lead to major breakage."
14:01.45SirLagzalways fun when perl breaks on sid
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14:29.12hspcdHi all, we're recently new Puppet customers.  We're looking for a solution for managing patches on our Debian servers.  Anybody have any Puppet + Debian patching tips?
14:30.49SirLagzhspcd: nope, but when you find some, please do share. I want to get started on Puppet too lol
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14:39.19hspcdDuly noted SirLagz
14:40.09SirLagzhspcd: thanks :)
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14:50.12CountryfiedLinuxIs there an official Mate edition of Debian?
14:50.47mtnCountryfiedLinux: there is only one official version of debian, you can install whatever you like, though. mate is in testing.
14:51.40phre4kCountryfiedLinux: I'd recommend Ubuntu or Mint with MATE
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14:53.17abrotmaneh ..
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14:54.37abrotmanwould just recommend not using MATE
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14:56.54abrotmanCountryfiedLinux: at any rate, MATE should be part of the Jessie release, you can try that now if you want to.
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14:58.11sandman13is amazed by the desktop-base for Jessie
14:58.27sandman13it's really beautiful
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15:03.46sandman13tomodachi: this is the wallpaper:
15:05.46tomodachisandman13: looks quite nice indeed
15:05.55tomodachiwhats does the scissor symbol do?
15:06.28sandman13tomodachi: icon for clipboard called Klipper
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15:16.02solvikhi, i'm trying to disable USB on my preseed setup. On the APPEND line of my netboot configuration file, i added "nousb" at the end. It works well with my preseed setup of Ubuntu, but not with Debian
15:16.05solvikany ideas ?
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15:42.25CountryfiedLinuxOh ok cool. thanks mtn phre4k abrotman. Just checking. Was gonna review Point Linux since it's basically just Debian with Mate but wanted to check if it's officially supported. If it is then what's the Point? :P
15:43.39abrotmanCountryfiedLinux: Sure, so can try the Jessie installer (beta) or install wheezy, and then upgrade
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15:46.21CountryfiedLinuxI'm more of an Arch/Manjaro guy abrotman but I'll be sure to review Debian with Mate when it's official :)
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15:47.19paskoehello how can I make gnome or kde default x manager?
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15:48.04abrotmanpaskoe: the DM or the DE?
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15:52.00sandman13paskoe: if it's DM then install gdm or kdm
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15:53.22superrorcHi guys!! Have trouble with autorun openswan (pluto daemon) . Its stop start on boot after upgrade from 7.6 to 7.7 32 bit.
15:53.22superrorchere is upgrade log =
15:53.22superrorcdaemon log with working service on 7.6
15:53.23superrorcdaemon log AFTER upgrade , just dont up, no errors.
15:53.23superrorcpls any ideas?
15:53.23*** kick/#debian [superrorc!~debhelper@unaffiliated/debhelper] by debhelper (flood. Please use instead.)
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15:55.14superrorchi guys! trouble after upgrade from 7.6 to 7.7
15:55.17trem0rWow, touchy spambot thing
15:55.20superrorcpls any ideas?
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15:56.48superrorcopenswan stoped run un boot..
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15:58.24py0 I tried checking out the Human Readable Form (that's the one I seem to understand better) and I'd like to know if -rw------- means only the file owner can read or write it, nobody else can
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15:59.56shibbolethWho is maintaining the git packages?
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16:00.11sgfltwhat's the recommended way to create new debian packages these days?
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16:00.43sgfltis there a definitive HOWTO?
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16:02.57superrorcsgflt: u may use fpm to build packages
16:03.17sgfltis that recommended for debian? i understand it won't give me source packages?
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16:11.44sgflthmm, should i ask in a debian dev channel?
16:11.58superrorcits right place
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16:13.02superrorccheck this and
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16:13.48sgflti've checked out both of them
16:14.16sgfltit seems to me there's a lot of assumptions that makes about my package
16:14.32sgfltlike, i have a tarfile with the source that has a specific name that extracts to a specific dir
16:14.46sgfltthat i'm using make to build and automake to configure
16:15.01sgfltthat make install calls specific stuff
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16:15.28sgfltthe hard part is writing the debian/rules file and the example usually consts of two lines %: dh $@
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16:17.27sgfltit seems that all the packaging stuff is still kept together by random shell scripts,  perl and duct tape for some reason. =/
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16:17.44arahaelwhy are statically linked apps not used in linux but are on windows?
16:17.55superrorcfpm is designed to build deb easly
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16:18.18sgfltsuperrorc, and source packages?
16:18.36arahaelsgflt: take advantage of that. Nothing wrog with shell scripts. At a pinch just make them call your preferred, weird, build system instead.
16:18.42superrorcsgflt: from source to deb
16:19.17sgfltarahael, regarding shared libs: if you compile everything from source, it's fairly easy to compile/link against the correct versions. i imagine on windows you don't have that luxury
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16:19.42sgfltarahael, closed source apps on linux, in my experience, often ship statically linked stuff, especially if they're multi-distro
16:19.54sgfltsuperrorc, that won't work on launchpad, will it?
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16:20.26sgfltarahael, have you ever built a debian package that used cmake?
16:20.29superrorcsgflt: ubuntu's packages hosted on them..
16:20.47arahaelsgflt: they aren't fully static though. Glibc for instance does not support static linking.
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16:21.29arahaelsgflt: as for cmake, I don't see why cmake would be a problem.
16:21.32sgfltarahael, i don't think there's much of a difference between shipping a statically linked lib or just including a specific lib version just for your program, from a pragmatic point of view
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16:22.09sgfltarahael, i see. have about non-cmake packages?
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16:22.47arahaelsgflt: the pragmatic difference is that you can have a single-file executable that only has a kernel depemdency.
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16:24.34arahaelsgflt: if I was using cmake, I would probably either make aa dummy ./configure script that does nothing, and a makefile that calls cmake. or find an sdeb that uses cmake - I am sure that there are heaps.
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16:25.07sgfltarahael, alright, thanks
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16:25.49arahaelsgflt: I assume that most kde apps use cmake.
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16:27.08phre4kmy boss just reprimanded me because the Debian screensavers are too flashy and "intense and retro" and "unsuited for a professional environment"
16:27.21phre4kI have to "uninstall the games immediately!"
16:28.00jelly"only blank and marquee are allowed"
16:28.40jellybouncing cows are absolutely verbotten
16:28.44superrorchave hentay wallpaper on ,y workstation in office )
16:29.01arahaelThe standard windows screensavers are very fashy hese days.
16:29.03phre4kafter he left I hurried to my Arch laptop and closed Steam which was downloading Civ: Beyond Earth :D
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16:30.16phre4kmind that that same boss once popped up in our AV dashboard because he had a russian porn virus. I'm glad this I work for other companies, too
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16:30.33arahaelphre4k: the PHB probably just wants to be able to tel;, at a glance, that you are 'working', where 'working' in this case seems to be 'not playing games'
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16:30.51superrorctroubles with ipsec after upgrade from 7.6 to 7.7
16:31.02superrorcpls any ideas
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16:31.39phre4karahael: I think he doesn't grasp the concept of the different machines under and at my desk(s).
16:32.49arahaelphre4k: it's possible. My dad used to get annoyed at me for using alt-tab. Switchig applications like that meant that I was probably trying to hide something.
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16:33.31arahaelphre4k: but is it their job to understand? No, their job is to manage. Unfortunately, they choose to micromanage.
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16:34.04SzymonHello, Im installed ubuntu on virtual box, the installation was successful but i have problem with run; see only wallpaper
16:34.08SzymonHello, Im installed ubuntu on virtual box, the installation was successful but i have problem with run; see only wallpaper
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16:34.31SirLagzarahael: what you said about alt-tab reminded me of this
16:34.47phre4karahael: yeah, micromanagement is exactly my problem. Because "my nephew says he can install Windows in 20 minutes, why can't you set up the new AD server in less than 3 days?"
16:34.49SirLagzSzymon: better to ask in #ubuntu
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16:35.04Szymoni asked on ubuntu but nothing
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16:35.28phre4kSzymon: I bet Unity just chose not to show up or take 2 hours to start.
16:35.37arahaelDoes ubuntu and debian even use the same init systems yet?
16:35.48phre4kSzymon: since Unity isn't available for Debian I believe we can't help you here.
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16:36.55arahaelSirLagz: haha, that's an old one. :)
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16:39.30arahaelphre4k: it's resorts like that that tempt me to say: "how long does it take for your nephew to setup ad?"
16:39.59sandman13SirLagz: JavaScrip huh xD
16:40.02arahael*retorts. Damn touch screen keyboards.
16:40.14SirLagzsandman13: eh ?
16:40.42arahaelSirLagz: for the record, I never did... javascript... while I was living there :)
16:40.52SirLagzoh haha
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16:45.04py0I wish this was updated
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16:48.41psquiddyHe folks.  Long time since I've visited, but I recall that here be the finest minds in computing... anyone familiar with Zenoss, and ZenDMD in particular, on a Debian system?
16:49.25SirLagzpsquiddy: guess what I'm playing with *right now* lol
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16:49.42psquiddyNethack?  :)
16:49.42SirLagzthough I've only just started playing with zenoss
16:50.23psquiddyAh, cool.  Perhaps I can help you, then.  I've been playing a while -- stuck on some query stuff, but always happy to try help!
16:51.01SirLagzi use CA spectrum at work, but the contract with CA is going to be expiring soon so I'm trying out a whole bunch of other toolsets to see what I like
16:51.16SirLagztraceroute -m 100
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16:52.12psquiddyOkay.  I've found Zenoss to be pretty good, but the reporting can be a PITA.  I'm also playing with Cacti a bit -- extensible, and nice graphing capabilities but no inventory-type interfaces
16:52.31SirLagzare you using the full Zenoss ? I'm just playing around with Zenoss Core at the moment
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16:53.10ghormoonAny ideas what may be wrong when on startx i get no screens found (or screens foud but no usable) when running as nonroot but got it ok as root?
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16:53.38SirLagzghormoon: paste the contents of /var/log/xorg.0.log when you try and start it as a normal user
16:53.42SirLagzXorg ? xorg ? i forget
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16:56.09psquiddySirLagz: yes, just Core.  Free is good.  :)
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16:56.17SirLagzpsquiddy: cool
16:56.31SirLagzpsquiddy: first question then...can I schedule autodiscoverys ?
16:56.31ghormoonScped it to (easier than pasting in links :))
16:57.05*** join/#debian someHuman (~pogiako12@
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16:57.29someHumanIs the owncloud in Synaptic as legit as the one here:
16:57.43psquiddySirLagz: Yes and no.  From what I've seen, you can schedule a zendmd job to run.  I believe there is a ZenPack for it, as well, but since I scripted my entire discovery before finding it....
16:58.05SirLagzpsquiddy: hmm ok
16:58.16SirLagzpity Zenoss is so bulky. 3GB of ram is too much for my homelab lol
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16:59.30psquiddySirLagz: I had that issue, too.  but once we moved it to production on heavier hardware it does work fairly nicely.
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17:00.10SirLagzpsquiddy: might have to try it on one of my very noisy servers sometime then lol
17:00.35psquiddyJust realized the time here -- I have to run off to a meeting, but I'll drop back and visit again sometime soon!
17:00.40*** part/#debian psquiddy (c01e6135@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:01.50someHumanHello! I'm trying to get owncloud for my Debian. I'm simply just copy-pasting the code for owncloud to be able to be installed but it shows me this error in terminal:
17:01.56someHumanWhat should I do?
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17:02.43SirLagzsomeHuman: why not use the owncloud that's already in the Debian repos ?
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17:04.21rgr|androidis there something I can do to get Firefox or chrome to correctly goto a web portal for WiFi  Hotspot  login?  wicd has connected but browsers don't navigate to the login portal.
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17:04.28SirLagzghormoon: are you using the ATI Catalyst drivers ?
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17:05.01ghormoonHope so :) Ive got them installed
17:05.08SirLagzghormoon: hm ok
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17:05.28SirLagzghormoon: looks like a permissions issue - xf86EnableIOPorts: failed to set IOPL for I/O (Operation not permitted)
17:05.33SirLagzghormoon: I'd start googling that
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17:15.24petn-randallrgr|android: AFAIK most hotspot portals redirect you HTTP traffic to their portal, until you log in. If you have something like the plugin "https everywhere", this will fail.
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17:18.48someHumanIs the owncloud in Synaptic the same as with this one:
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17:19.30SirLagzsomeHuman: it might be a few versions behind
17:19.32someHumanI get this error when I try to do the first step:
17:19.47someHumanThen I'm better off getting it from the site.
17:20.45SirLagzsomeHuman: since you're running into issues, I'd recommend getting the one via synaptic. but it's up to you.
17:20.47BrigosomeHuman, what is the problem with debian owncloud?
17:21.09someHumanBrigo: I feel comfortable when my software is up to date.
17:21.45someHumanBrigo: SirLagz said the one in Synaptic might be few versions behind.
17:22.07ghormoonis it corrct to have /usr/bin/Xorg suid? I've found that on the net it worked, but I don't know if it's ok or not (security reasons, i.e. if it's meant to be suid)
17:22.08SirLagzsomeHuman: so it's just an arbitrary decision. Unless there's a feature you absolutely need in the newest version, I'd recommend sticking with whatever is in the repos to avoid any dependency issues you might end up with
17:22.11BrigosomeHuman, what version is the new one?
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17:22.47Brigoand there is a lot of dependencies issues, trust me :)
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17:23.01superrorc1.5k people here and no one have openswan?
17:23.28DammitJimI need to look into that
17:23.29DammitJimwhat is it?
17:23.33Walexsuperrorc: most people are are rather passive lurkers
17:23.57someHumanWalex: Seems like it
17:23.58*** join/#debian crayon (null@unaffiliated/button)
17:24.06Walexsuperrorc: also 'openswan' is basically no longer maintained and no longer part of Debian. Soon.
17:24.12ghormoonor just idle :) I'm here 24/7 too and chat like 2h/week :)
17:24.15ghormoonor less
17:24.50superrorcWalex: i dont want to switching on ubuntu, but debian is not good
17:25.12Walexsuperrorc: if you want IPsec currently look at strongSwan, there is a very good recent package in 'wheezy-backports' with strongSwan 5.2.1 which is latest and greatest.
17:25.35*** join/#debian Corey (~Corey@freenode/staff-emeritus/Corey)
17:25.41superrorcWalex: i must remove openswan befor?
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17:25.51someHumanI already get broken packages when I'm just trying to install owncloud via Synaptic.
17:25.59Walexsuperrorc: Ubuntu LTS and Debian are basically equivalent, Debian just doesn't do 6-monthly "rolling" releases.
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17:26.33superrorcWalex: no no) when i upgrade ubuntu - all works
17:26.45superrorcWalex: but on debian it doesnt
17:26.51Walexsuperrorc: remove openswan, add the 'wheezy-backports' repos to the APT sources if not already, 'apt-get -t wheezy-backports strongswan-5.2.1' or equivalent
17:27.01Walexsuperrorc: that's very unlikely
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17:27.29Walexsuperrorc: Debian packages are carefully designed and tested for smooth upgrade transitions, and Ubuntu benefits from that too.
17:27.54superrorcWalex: yep yep) to solve the problem - just reintal\change package. like reintall windows ;)
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17:28.34Walexsuperrorc: nah, you are doing it wrong then. I have both Ubuntu LTS and Debian systems for different reasons and they behave much the same to me.
17:28.43pingfloydWindows isn't a package
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17:29.02everbilldpkg backup packages
17:29.03dpkgeverbill: I don't know, could you explain it?
17:29.09superrorcpingfloyd: i mean than if u problem in win - just reintall it ;)
17:29.17everbilldpkg backup
17:29.17dpkgA backup is something you should do *ALWAYS*... if you value your sh*t in the least.  Otherwise eons of built-up data can go BYE BYE FOREVER one day if you do not; either by HD malfunction, intentional evil by crackers, mischievous glak elves invading your system, or large magnets getting out of hand.  Pay the dollars for a tape system or CDR and use <tar> (optionally with bzip2 at lowest compression).  See <things to backup>.
17:29.34pingfloydThere is quite a difference between reinstalling a package and reinstalling a whole os
17:30.13Walex"optionally with bzip2 at lowest compression" can be replaced with "optionally with lzop"
17:30.22SirLagzsomeHuman: if you've already got broken packages, then you should probably fix that first before installing anything else
17:30.23iateadonutis there a way to use root to copy an ssh id to a user into his authorized keys without having to manually add .ssh/authorized keys and change the permissions, etc?
17:30.26Walexor "optionally with pbzip2"
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17:30.52Walexiateadonut: what does that mean?
17:30.53everbill!tell everbill about reinstall
17:31.07superrorcTrouble after upgrade from 7.6 to 7.7
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17:32.05iateadonutssh-copy-id installs a key onto a user.  i'm wondering how to do this from root to a user on the same server.
17:32.54superrorcWalex: and today i 've checked debian developers list. and there is a naintainer of openswan
17:33.35Walexsuperrorc: there is a maintainer of 'openswan', but 7/'wheezy' is the last release it will appear in.
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17:34.25superrorcWalex: 7.0?
17:34.40someHumanUgh what the heck?
17:35.05superrorcWalex: successfull intaled openswan on 7.6
17:36.09Walexsuperrorc: your pastes don't show any issue other than some misconfiguration in other packages. It could be that you fixed something "online" without changing the config files, and then rebooted...
17:36.44SirLagzsomeHuman: did you try and install that from that opensuse repo or from the Debian repos ?
17:36.48rgr|androidPete : no such plugins
17:37.22WalexsomeHuman: it looks like you are mixing packages in some unholy way, as "SirLagz" suspects too
17:38.10superrorcWalex: thats is a trick - no one errors on logs
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17:38.50_spm_dragetDoes it make sense to set 'php_admin_value open_basedir <mypath>' in vhosts to secure php?
17:39.06_spm_dragetAnd if yes, why have I not seen it in any example configs I came across so far?
17:39.13superrorcWalex: i dont fixed and changed anything. just execut aptitute update...
17:39.26*** part/#debian jsantamart (
17:39.29someHumanI have repos that aren't initially there such as the repo for me to use the non-free driver for wifi and TOX repo.
17:39.32superrorcWalex: and apt-get dist-update
17:39.37superrorcWalex: than reboot
17:39.45superrorcWalex: and have trouble
17:39.55someHumanThat's the only thing I can think of that might be screwing things up.
17:39.55SirLagzsomeHuman: paste the contents of your sources.list and any other files under sources.list.d
17:40.26bookmarkhow do i disable auto screen locking in gnome?
17:41.03someHumanThere aren't any files under sources.list.d
17:41.13Walexsuperrorc: what could have also happened that your configs relied on some bugs in some package like PPP and then the bug was fixed.
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17:41.39bookmarknevermind i found it
17:41.42SirLagzsomeHuman: did you ever add the repo for that opensuse version of owncloud and try and install it ?
17:42.16superrorcWalex: pluto dont depend on ppp
17:42.17someHumanI copy-pasted the first line as a whole.
17:42.18Walexsuperrorc: anyhow strongSwan has the delightful feature that it can use SSH RSA keys...
17:42.52*** join/#debian anonnumberanon (~anonnumbe@unaffiliated/anonnumberanon)
17:43.14someHumanIt requires me to do it with root.
17:43.17Walexsuperrorc: but your networking may well do so. And the IKE daemon tries to connect to partners via whatever networking it finds, so perhaps it got stuck trying to setup a connection to one of them.
17:43.21someHumanI don't have a root password though.
17:43.25superrorcWalex: should i reconfigured ppp and xl2tpd? or just replace openswan with strong swan?
17:43.27someHumanI did not set it up.
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17:43.45SirLagzsomeHuman: right, ok then.
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17:44.23someHumanAlso, I'd like to change my DE to KDE.
17:44.41someHumanWill I run into problems such as redundant packages and icons?
17:44.47someHumanI've experienced that before.
17:44.54someHumanIt's freaking annoying.
17:45.09someHumanI did that in Trisquel 6.
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17:45.53SirLagzsomeHuman: what command did you use to try and install owncloud ?
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17:46.24someHumansudo apt-get install
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17:47.18SirLagzsomeHuman: right.
17:47.34SirLagzsomeHuman: have you pinned packages at all ?
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17:50.23SirLagzsomeHuman: or held packages. Anything you've deliberately stopped from upgrading/installing ?
17:54.12SirLagzsomeHuman: what's the output of `dpkg --get-selections | grep hold`
17:54.37WalexI would be asking him to 'apt-cache policy' some of those packages...
17:54.46SirLagzthat too
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18:09.28xk05ponder: as this cyber-struggle starts coming up to the surface, is it going to be wiser to update more often, less often, or what?
18:09.46SirLagzxk05: just stay off the grid.
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18:10.25xk05SirLagz, impractical
18:10.35SirLagzxk05: </s>
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18:14.09dpkgbambi: È possibile scaricare un sacco di software libero puntando il tuo browser a !
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18:15.27xk05i suppose the easy way is just run stable releases of everything, but at this point, the regressions will create more problems than they solve
18:15.55maxdWho loves systemd, hands up please
18:17.23petn-randallmaxd: No surveys please, everyone hates them.
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18:18.24petn-randallmaxd: Do you really expect all ~1600 people in this channel to respond? If you have a proper question, though, feel free to ask.
18:18.29centrxWho like short shorts
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18:18.38xk05i suppose the question might be better asked, 'will debian succumb to the temptation of see-sawing under and over reactions to news, speculation and mass movement?' and, sigh, i suspect the answer is going to be 'wait and see'
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18:19.05dondelelcaroxk05: what exactly are you asking about?
18:20.05xk05dondelelcaro, nothing important, im giving myself a worry moment, time to quit it
18:20.08maxdpetn-randall: hi randall
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18:24.31someHumanHave you guys seen this?
18:24.45someHumanI think it should be included in main repos.
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18:25.28sobkashi, does anyone know how to stop udev from creating device node?
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18:26.24centrxsomeHuman, It doesn't seem to have a license
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18:31.43*** topic/#debian is bash: /msg dpkg dsa3035 | openssl: /msg dpkg dsa2896 | wheezy released: /msg dpkg squeeze->wheezy | current point release: /msg dpkg 7.7 | NO FLOOD: /msg dpkg paste | /msg bots NOT people | offtopic: #debian-offtopic | testing/unstable: #debian-next (
18:31.49hassoonwhy not KDE?
18:31.57bsdbeardbecause KDE is not a twm
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18:32.10MiescoI am trying to add my music library to mpd.  I did ln -s /home/shawn/Dropbox/Music /var/lib/mpd/music/ but there is no music listed with mpc listall.  I tried making a real directory /var/lib/mpd/music/shawn/ and adding a song from 'Music' to it and it listed with mpc listall.  I checked all the permissions and they are 'r' for world.  What steps could I take to further troubleshoot this problem?
18:32.20petn-randall!tell cerbero -about ask
18:32.31DammitJimwhen I disconnect my laptop from external monitors, my machine locks up and I have to go to tty1
18:32.40DammitJimwhat should I look for to determine the problem?
18:32.40MiescoThe problem is the symbolic link
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18:32.50bsdbeardDammitJim, are you sure it locks up?
18:32.53petn-randallsobkas: Just stop the daemon. But what are you trying to achieve?
18:33.14DammitJimit locks up in terms of the window manager
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18:33.32DammitJimI can move the mouse but keyboard doesn't respond to shortcuts nor mouse clicks
18:33.32bsdbeardDammitJim, I have similair problems but they are fixed if I run xrandr after detaching the external monitor
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18:33.52DammitJimxrandr from the console?
18:34.13bsdbeardYes, I made a script one-screen, that I run when I detach the external monitor
18:34.26DammitJimdammit jim... this sucks
18:34.27bsdbeardSeems to fix the problems
18:34.30DammitJimthat's not the way it should work
18:34.45DammitJimI wonder if I need to be looking for a signal in a log or something... I don't know
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18:40.57xrealCan I turn off ipv6 detection in preseeds?
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18:46.56otyughhey. I've some knowledge missing ; I have an addition memory card I want to add to my system. I'm mounting it on my system, and I can see what's in. Problem is, the owner of the mountpoint is root:root ; and I can't change that !
18:47.44*** part/#debian blackyboy (~Babin@
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18:50.01otyugh1) plug the storage 2) use blkid to identify what /dev/sdX it is 3) mount 4) can't change the permission on the folder, locked on root:root (rwx,r_x,__x)
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18:52.17MiescoAnyone use symlinks with mpd?
18:53.16someHumancentrx: I don't know about that.
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18:56.10yeehiIs there an RSS feed for the images by which we may automatically download and seed new torrents? What is its URL?
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18:57.24bsdbeardyeehi, wrong channel?
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19:00.00sortawheezy doesn't have an updated git package yet?
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19:03.16centrxsorta, wheezy only updates packages for security and other critical issues
19:03.21centrxsorta, wheezy-backports has git 1.9.1
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19:05.30MiescoThrough further troubleshooting I realized that the problem with 'mpc listall' showing nothing is that I have a symlink going to ~/Dropbox/Music.  mpd will accept a symlink to a folder not in dropbox...  Why do you think this is?
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19:06.00MiescoIsn't ~/Dropbox just a regular directory?
19:07.27RayzrShrpif i'm only running debian in a command line mode without any de or wm installed would upgrading to jessie really gain me anything?
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19:07.40twinkiei dont usr dropbox
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19:07.51RayzrShrpi mean it gets me systemd but im not sure if thats a good thing or not
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19:08.27MiescoMaybe I can symlink to a symlink outside of Dropbox/ into a directory in Dropbox
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19:12.07_spm_dragetCan anyone point me to a tutorial explaing how to propperly harden PHP? Like 'open_basedir'… if it should be used, and how etc.
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19:13.01centrx_spm_draget, Try ##php
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19:14.00someHumanWhat RSS software comes with Debian by default?
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19:15.21MiescoMan, mpd doesn't want to play music in Dropbox...
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19:16.30centrxsomeHuman, probably several, also you can do it through the browser
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19:17.36centrxsomeHuman, This page lists some,
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19:17.55centrxsomeHuman, but it's a wiki page that looks pretty unmaintained/unupdated
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19:19.15MiescoOkay I fixed it.  I guess mpc needs permissions to ~/Dropbox, not just ~/Dropbox/Music
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19:19.40RayzrShrpanybody here running debian on linode?
19:20.18RayzrShrpim wondering how i would go about going from wheezy to jessie. Linode has their own mirrors setup in apt sources so not sure if i can just change them or if that will break stuff
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19:20.52LirionMiesco I do.
19:21.07dondelelcaroRayzrShrp: you can just change them.
19:21.10MiescoIridos: Too late, I fixed it myself.
19:21.25dondelelcaroRayzrShrp: and you don't have to use linode's mirrors if you don't want to.
19:22.14RayzrShrpdondelelcaro: i wonder if using their mirrors doesnt count against my bandwidth
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19:25.56twinkieis 7
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19:26.12twinkieis 7
19:26.52twinkieis 7.7 jessie ?
19:28.09centrxtwinkie, jessie will be 8.x
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19:28.13yesikaalguien quiere hablar con migo
19:28.21dpkgEste canal es de soporte técnico en Inglés para Debian. Si prefiere que el soporte sea en Español, puede ingresar en #debian-es tecleando /join #debian-es en la línea de chat.
19:28.33teraflopsyesika: si es relativo a debian /join #debian-es
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19:28.50yeehi_bsdbeard, some torrent clients support RSS checking of torrents on a webpage and automatically download new torrents. Does Debian have this RSS facility?
19:28.56twinkiewheezy then names then
19:29.08teraflopsyeehi_: i dont think so
19:29.19centrxwheezy is 7.x
19:29.34twinkieconfuse me m.s.
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19:29.49centrxtwinkie, The names come from characters in the movie Toy Story
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19:32.20yeehi_teraflops, if you are familiar with the process, could you please put in a feature request for RSS of torrents? I don't think it would be hard to implement.
19:32.29petn-randallRayzrShrp: Except for loosing security support, you'll get updated packages and a pre-release version of Debian. Is the machine you want to upgrade facing the internet?
19:32.52teraflopsyeehi_: lol Im not going to do that
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19:34.03twinkieim happy whith wheezzy
19:34.43twinkiejust asking
19:35.17twinkiei have ms and foget alot
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19:41.39benzrfquick q
19:42.02benzrfis there any kind of system or program for local .deb installation
19:42.27benzrflike taking .deb files that dont require updating specific systemwide stuff and installing them into a tree in a home dir
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19:43.16benzrfim looking into putting debian (or a fork/derivative or some sort) on the computers at my school and was wondering if there was a way to let users install software without needing to get a teacher to sudo for them
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19:46.02Antares_Таурус! Ты где пизда? Вылезай
19:46.40jhutchinsyeehi_: It would depend on which client you used.  Some have that feature, some don't.  You can use any linux torrent client you want on debian.
19:47.12tm512benzrf: use visudo, edit the sudoers file, there should be some instructions on how to allow a user to use sudo on a command without needing a password
19:47.14Lirionif yeehi_ just aims at a torrent client with RSS feature, there's at least deluge and qbitorrent.
19:47.28tm512though, *bad* idea if you ask me
19:47.50Lirionbenzrf if you really want users to be able to permanently install software at their wishes, try a look at /etc/sudoers.d or pakacgekit
19:47.50benzrftm512: that's not what i'm asking for -_-
19:47.59benzrf02:42 < benzrf> is there any kind of system or program for local .deb installation
19:48.00*** mode/#debian [+l 1575] by debhelper
19:48.02benzrf02:42 < benzrf> like taking .deb files that dont require updating specific systemwide stuff and installing them into a  tree in a home dir
19:48.10yeehi_Thanks, Lirion. The torrent client is not the issue at this end. What is needed is an RSS feed on the Debian images page
19:48.35jhutchinsbenzrf: There are a couple of ways to do that.
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19:48.55tm512lol ./configure --prefix=blah && make && make install
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19:49.29jhutchinsbenzrf: Both dpkg and yum allow you to specify an alternative system path to install software.
19:49.33Liriontm512 compiling yourself is different from installing packages. and not the best approach with school children.
19:49.42benzrfLirion: high school but yes
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19:49.51benzrfjhutchins: hmm
19:49.53Lirionhehe yes, same issue there :)
19:49.55benzrfjhutchins: is that at all practical?
19:50.01jhutchinsbenzrf: The original unix packaging scheme did allow users to build their own software tree, and you can still do that by compiling the packages yourself.
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19:50.30benzrfjhutchins: yes but it will be enough trouble to get my classmates sold on gnu/linux even without forcing them to learn to use the cli
19:50.37jhutchinsbenzrf: It certainly requires additional work.  It's assumed that the user will know how to compile and install the software in his tree himself.
19:50.43benzrfjhutchins: :\
19:51.15jhutchinsbenzrf: Better alternatives are probably dual-boot, live systems, and VMs.
19:51.29tm512if you need people to install their own software the easiest way is to give them sudo access
19:51.42benzrftm512: i don't /need/ it but i feel like it'd be a nice thing to be able to have
19:52.01jhutchinsbenzrf: Linux User Groups used to pass out free Live CDs to get people interested.  (Worked a little better than AOL CDs.)
19:52.14benzrfmaybe i should get us on nixos instead ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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19:52.57tm512alternatively you chroot
19:53.05tm512give them full root access in that chroot
19:53.12tm512if they break something it won't touch the main system
19:53.37tm512you can remount filesystems from outside inside of the chroot
19:54.01benzrfper-user chroot?
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19:54.06benzrfis that at all practical?
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19:55.19someHumanHow do I change my DE to KDE?
19:55.23Lirionwell you could also, whatever approach you try, assemble an image you can easily reinstall the system with. "break the system at your will, but be aware that if you do, I can only nuke it back to default". maybe you can even try puppets.
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19:55.42someHumanOr how do I add KDE to my list of sessions? You know, like in log in?
19:55.46benzrfLirion: it's really more of a matter of malicious intent
19:56.01benzrfLirion: we recently had an incident with keyloggers and all the computers are getting reimaged anyway
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19:56.19tm512benzrf: I think it's practical enough. it is basically giving them their own isolated environment
19:56.24benzrfLirion: i think the IT guy is looking into getting deep freeze on them so gnu/linux with full disk encryption and ephemeral windows VMs is a welcome alternative
19:56.25tm512could chroot on login
19:56.32tm512but I have to head out
19:56.33benzrftm512: couldnt problems arise?
19:56.33tm512good luck
19:56.36benzrfok :|
19:57.30Lirionwell you can limit maliciousness to only certain apt(itutde) commands, but if they are allowed to install (and even configure?) things, this could still lead to rather unfunny results.
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19:58.47benzrfhence the quandary
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20:01.49someHumanIs installing the package kde-plasma-desktop a way to add KDE to my list of DE's? Like will it be added to one of my sessions in log in?
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20:04.10twinkiei think its just kde
20:04.36twinkieapt will get rest
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20:06.33Lirionanyhow... enabling them to execute specific commands via sudo is an approach, packagekit is an approach, both basically fit in that "user can install .deb packages" thought. this or have them deployed on-demand, which would require admin intervention :)
20:06.52benzrfwhat does packagekit do?
20:07.11benzrfthis is why we need nix
20:07.14LirionI stumbled over "Allowing unprivileged users to install software in a corporate build"
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20:07.26Lirionbut I don't have specific experience myself :/
20:07.43Lirionthere are debian packagekit packages, however.
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20:10.55RayzrShrppetn-randall: yes its facing the internet
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20:13.11RayzrShrppetn-randall: does jessie not have security updates at this time?
20:13.37itt788what's the binary file /etc/X11/X in debian wheezy?
20:14.03itt788also is there an equivalent program to 'tree'?
20:14.19itt788installed by default in wheezy?
20:14.23greycatitt788: /etc/X11/X is just a symlink for me
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20:14.34Lirion/etc/X11/X -> /usr/bin/Xorg
20:14.35Lirionman Xorg
20:15.09Lirionthere is a package called tree
20:15.10atrapadoitt788, yes, look at the 'tree' package.
20:15.31greycattree is priority optional, so it's not installed by default
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20:16.22itt788is there any command to get optional programs list?
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20:16.38greycatapt-cache search ...something...
20:16.49greycatthere are thousands, so you want to filter it down
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20:17.29benzrfquestion: how much damage can package installation actually do
20:17.58itt788yeah /etc/X11/X is a symlink, but I still do not understand why there's a symlink to a binary in /etc
20:17.58greycatThere is no limit.  A package has a post-install script that is executed as root.  It can do anything.
20:18.17benzrfgreycat: er, i meant apt-get install
20:18.24greycatThat's also what I mean.
20:18.36greycatA broken or malicious package can do *anything*.
20:18.56benzrfgreycat: i'm talking about malicious intent from the user of apt-get install, though
20:19.39greycatIf they're allowed to specify a repository then they have no restrictions on what damage they can do.
20:19.50benzrfcan you do that from apt-get?
20:20.06Liriondeny them access to repository specifications and don't allow them to install .deb packages, and the risk shrinks significally.
20:20.23Lirionyou can install packages however, which alter those files...
20:20.57Lirione.g. puppetlabs use that (non-maliciously, but still)
20:21.13Lirionthese debs just install a file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d
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20:21.22Lirionand bam, there you go, additional packages sources.
20:21.42benzrfis there a way to safely and nonhackishly enable package installation from the debian (or ubuntu, etc) repos but not arbitrary package capabilies?
20:21.55benzrfand if so, do you think that's a reasonable thing to do in my scenario?
20:22.05greycatapt-get(8) says there is a "configuration item" Dir::Etc::SourceList which might be able to override sources.list
20:22.13erg0dicI recently dist-upgraded from wheezy to sid and now I have this locale issue every time I start a shell
20:22.16erg0dicbash: warning: setlocale: LC_ALL: cannot change locale (en_US.UTF-8)
20:22.39erg0diccan anyone help me debug this?
20:23.08greycaterg0dic: I'd start with dpkg-reconfigure locales
20:23.32erg0dicI have tried that, but I will try again
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20:23.46erg0dicI select en_US.UTF-8 for installation and as system default
20:24.29greycatAlso make sure locales is actually *installed* (all the way, not half-configured or something) and that its version matches that of libc6
20:26.26ctmjrerg0dic: #debian-next on the  oftc network might be of some help, and sid is called unstable for a reason
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20:27.05Quatrokinghow can i start debian without it initializing network?
20:27.15QuatrokingI accidentally the network config file and now it won't boot
20:27.38Quatrokingit hangs on initializing network interfaces
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20:27.58Quatrokingi'd use a live cd but the machine doesn't have an optical drive, it doesn't boot from usb either
20:28.14greycatQuatroking: try booting in "rescue mode" aka single user mode
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20:28.21greycatShould be selectable from the GRUB menu.
20:28.39Quatrokinggreycat, I tried that, it also hangs on initializing network interfaces
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20:29.36erg0dicgreycat: dpkg tells me they are both installed & at 2.19-13
20:29.38greycatI'm out of date on the lower-level rescue techniques.  Many years ago we would've suggested something like "boot with parameter init=/bin/sh"
20:29.40Quatrokinghey, I wonder if I could edit the file using puppylinux
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20:29.59ctmjrQuatroking: try ctrl+c sometimes it works
20:30.00Quatrokinggot that installed on a 256mb ssd on IDE 2
20:30.03wytrzeszczi using pulseaudio on arch and i have problem : my 5.1 spekers sytems play to much bass how to config that (any easy eqalizer?)
20:30.04Quatrokingctmjr, nope
20:30.19greycatQuatroking: if puppylinux can mount the Debian root file system read-write then possibly, yes.
20:30.28Lirionphysical access to machine --> don't boot it at all. boot something else and edit the file.
20:30.57Quatrokinglets try booting puppy then
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20:31.12Quatrokingsee if I can access and write to the file from there
20:32.03*** join/#debian A1Aiden (
20:33.11petn-randallQuatroking: Assuming you're running wheezy, it will time out after a while, and you can then log in and fix it.
20:33.41Quatrokingdefine "a while"
20:33.50Quatrokingbecause it hasn't timed out after 5 mins
20:34.05petn-randallQuatroking: Should be like 2 mins or so. If that fails:
20:34.12petn-randall!tell Quatroking -about forgot password
20:34.40QuatrokingI didn't forget the password..
20:34.47*** join/#debian A90 (~A90@unaffiliated/rmaker)
20:34.50greycat!tell petn-randall about I forgot root's password
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20:35.19petn-randallgreycat: Ah, that was the one, was looking for it while going through /q dpkg
20:35.20Quatrokinganyways, booting puppy now, lets see if I can get write access
20:35.22greycatSo I guess I wasn't *completely* out of date, unless dpkg is also.
20:35.31petn-randall!tell Quatroking -about I forgot root's password
20:35.42greycatYeah, go ahead with the puppy thing first.
20:35.53petn-randallQuatroking: You can follow the procedure that dpkg sent you, except you edit /etc/network/interfaces instead of changing the root password.
20:36.10Quatrokinggot it, will try that if puppy fails
20:37.46Quatrokingno idea if puppy can mount ext4 actually
20:38.00*** mode/#debian [+l 1569] by debhelper
20:38.12greycatyou're about to find out
20:38.26Lirionif it doesn't try knoppix
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20:38.47petn-randallThere's 1000 ways to skin a cat.
20:38.57petn-randalllooks at greycat. ;)
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20:39.07greycatSomehow I think that's not true.
20:39.28greycatThere's only 50 ways to leave your lover, and cats aren't very big.
20:39.35Quatrokingyay it can
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20:41.14Quatrokingstraight off the bat write access
20:41.14Quatrokinggot rid of the faulty line in the interfaces file, lets hope debian works now
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20:42.57petn-randallQuatroking: I recommend testing the interface config with ifup/ifdown before rebooting, that's good practice.
20:43.25greycatpuppy may not have that.  I don't know how puppy works.
20:43.45*** join/#debian shinnya (
20:44.01greycat(If you meant "next time you change it in Debian", that's different.  And sensible.)
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20:47.34Quatrokingbooting debian..
20:48.01Quatrokingwoo, it configured the network interfaces
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20:48.12QuatrokingI knew it was a good idea to put puppy on that little 256mb ssd
20:48.43cerberoI need a small help
20:48.46dpkgIf you have a question, just ask! For example: "I have a problem with ___; I'm running Debian version ___. When I try to do ___ I get the following output ___. I expected it to do ___." Don't ask if you can ask, if anyone uses it, or pick one person to ask. We're all volunteers; make it easy for us to help you. If you don't get an answer try a few hours later or on See <smart questions><errors>.
20:49.02cerberoi don't read nick name of this client just a moment
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20:51.01cerberook so
20:51.11cerberoi'm not connected in wifi connection
20:51.22cerberobut i want connect my netbook with Eth
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20:52.30dpkgDo not paste more than 2 lines to this channel.  Instead, use: or for pics.  Use for large files (think tar.gz) up to 100MB.  Remember to tell us the URL of your paste!  Cannot cut and paste?  Ask me about <pastebinit>, <nopaste>, <wgetpaste>.
20:53.01*** join/#debian Kitt3n (
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20:53.49cerberocerbero@cerbero-address-cristina:~$ sudo lspci -nn|grep -i net
20:53.50cerbero01:00.0 Ethernet controller [0200]: Qualcomm Atheros AR8152 v1.1 Fast Ethernet [1969:2060] (rev c1)
20:53.50cerbero02:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Qualcomm Atheros AR9285 Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express) [168c:002b] (rev 01)
20:53.50*** kick/#debian [cerbero!~debhelper@unaffiliated/debhelper] by debhelper (flood. Please use instead.)
20:54.05*** join/#debian Jikan (~Jikan@2001:41d0:8:7844::1)
20:54.10Quatrokinghey do any of you guys know how i could add puppylinux to my grub?
20:54.25Quatrokingjust now I just booted off the second drive directly, but it'd be nice to have a grub entry instead
20:54.25itt788is there a way to add a mirror repo address which will be considered as an alternative if the first does not respond?
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20:56.43greycatQuatroking: I don't know if this is the *best* way, but the most obvious way seems to be creating a new file in /etc/grub.d/ for each OS
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20:56.55Lirioncerbero you had the right answer when typing !pastebin.
20:56.59benzrfsorry, reposting because i had to go:
20:56.59benzrf03:54 < benzrf> is there a way to safely and nonhackishly enable package installation from the debian (or ubuntu, etc)  repos but not arbitrary package capabilies?
20:57.02benzrf03:54 < benzrf> and if so, do you think that's a reasonable thing to do in my scenario?
20:57.19benzrf*my scenario is: high school computer lab
20:57.21hassoonwhat are the opengl 32/64 bits libraries? playonlinux is telling me that i do need them, but after googling and searching around , i couldn't know what i need exactly
20:57.27Quatrokinggreycat, will look into that, thanks
20:57.30benzrffor arbitrary users, not just root
20:57.38Quatrokingthe last time I edited grub was when I was using ubuntu 8.04
20:57.40hassooni use debian wheezy/ati hd 3470
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20:59.23Lirionbenzrf 21:22:05 <greycat> apt-get(8) says there is a "configuration item" Dir::Etc::SourceList which might be able to override sources.list
20:59.36Liriondidn't do this before but sounds promising.
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21:02.13raymondeWhat to do when apt-get refuses to upgrade packages. I have about 400 packages not upgraded...
21:02.26centrxraymonde, You are upgrading across releases?
21:02.42raymondecentrx: I'm just doing apt-get update; apt-get upgrade.
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21:02.58centrxraymonde, What version of Debian are you using?
21:03.00greycatDid you mix stable and non-stable sources?
21:03.14centrxraymonde, There shouldn't be 400 packages upgraded in the stable release, even if you haven't upgraded for a year even
21:03.30raymondeI have this Linux pc-raymonde 3.2.0-4-686-pae #1 SMP Debian 3.2.51-1 i686 GNU/Linux
21:03.32centrx*held back
21:03.44ctmjrhassoon: do you have multi-arch support enabled
21:03.51*** join/#debian _Paul (
21:04.38mwarninghi, I am looking for the nf_nat_ipv6 kernel module on my debian 7.7 system. But it does not seem to be installed. Is there a package for it?
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21:05.08Lirionhassoon if you are using debian wheezy, I gave up trying to do playonlinux. the 32bit gl libraries for 64bit systems seem to be broken beyond repair, for me it works since upgrading to jessie. which is not(!) stable.
21:05.17raymondecentrx: I may have unstable and wheezy in the same sources.lst... I guess it isn,t good, is it ?
21:05.23*** join/#debian mateNz (~terencio@unaffiliated/matenz)
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21:05.25Quatrokingoh deeeaaaar this grub stuff is really hard
21:05.28hassoonLirion: :(
21:05.33hassoonctmjr: i do
21:05.36Quatrokingdoes a terminal-based grub editor exist?
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21:05.52greycatraymonde: your kernel is older than wheezy's... did you start from an older version and upgrade incompletely?
21:05.58LirionQuatroking did you check /etc/grub.d?
21:06.04hassoonLirion: the playonlinux found in the repositories didn't require that, while the one i downloaded from the POL site did required that opengl thing
21:06.10QuatrokingLirion, yeah, it has a bunch of complex looking files
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21:06.35itt788so? how can I add an alternative mirror site for package installation?
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21:06.53raymondegreycat: If I have, I didn't mean to upgrade from stable.. I think I may wanted some packages from unstable but not go from wheezy to unstable and that may have broken the system..
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21:07.16greycatYeah, you can't do that cleanly.
21:07.26greycat!tell raymonde about backports
21:07.37LirionQuatroking 40_custom is for, well, custom stuff you want to add yourself. I ASSUME this would then be the syntax of the final /boot/grub/grub.cfg
21:07.45raymondegreycat: can I go back to wheezy ?
21:08.08greycatraymonde: it depends on how many post-wheezy packages you have, and more importantly, which ones.  In general there's no going backward without a full reinstall.
21:08.24Lirionfirst step for a try for me would be to add whatever I'd expect the puppy entry to look like, maybe by copying things a bit from my debian entries, and boot and see
21:08.34Lirions/a try/an attempt
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21:08.40raymondegreycat: the other solution would be to upgrade to unstable ?
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21:09.01greycatraymonde: well, depending on how long ago, which packages, etc. you might be able to upgrade cleanly to jessie.  *Might*.
21:09.03*** join/#debian Pegasus_RPG1 (
21:09.21raymondegreycat: so, this is worth to try ?
21:09.29greycatI'd try it.
21:09.40ctmjrhassoon: you need libgl1-fglrx-glx:i386 but Lirion say's it is broken in wheezy so do not know if it will work
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21:10.22hassoonLirion: sorry what you mean by broken? corrupted or miswritten?
21:10.28raymondegreycat: I'm not sure what to type. Should I replace every wheezy and unstable by jessie and do `apt-get dist-upgrade`?
21:10.29centrxraymonde, jessie will be released in a couple months, so you can track jessie and then end up with the regular released version (assuming your partial upgrade is okay)
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21:10.40Lirionhassoon that's the way. (what ctmjr wrote.) but: you'll find that even through multiarching (i386 on 64bit, yes that works without problems), playonlinux won't launch complaining about missing 32bit gl libraries
21:10.53centrx!jessie sources.list
21:10.54dpkgA suitable /etc/apt/sources.list for you to help with preparing the Jessie release is: "deb jessie main", but you knew that already, didn't you?  Ask me about <testing> <moving target> <testing security> and make sure you understand the implications of running Jessie.  Also see <deb-src> <contrib> <non-free> <mirrors> <apt-spy> and "man sources.list"
21:11.01Pegasus_RPG1Hello. I have a longstanding problem in that printed page images are not rotated despite my selecting the Landscape orientation in the printer driver. The printer acts like the pages are loaded in that orientation (by cutting off printing beyond where the edge is) but the image itself is not rotated to match.
21:11.02LirionI tried different packages, even symlinking in /lib and /usr/lib*, but well.
21:11.03*** join/#debian ConqueredWarrior (~Pusher@unaffiliated/conqueredwarrior)
21:11.05Pegasus_RPG1How might I correct this?
21:11.06greycatraymonde: remove ALL the sources in /etc/apt/sources.list and only put in the basic jessie ones.  Then apt-get update, then apt-get.... well, what the bot said.
21:11.20ConqueredWarriorI have noticed that I have exim running on a default install, from a user called Debian-exim I think or similar
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21:11.23ConqueredWarrioris this normal?
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21:11.43ctmjritt788: just use it will allways find the fastest mirror
21:11.43hassoonLirion: what about installing the opengl libraries from ..their main site?
21:11.47centrxConqueredWarrior, You may have selected the "Server" option for example during installation
21:11.52centrxwhatever it's called
21:12.01ConqueredWarriorcentrx: it was an image provided by my vps host
21:12.12centrxok yeah
21:12.16Lirionif there's a way to compile and run 32 bit gl libraries, I don't know it. but it may exist.
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21:12.26ConqueredWarriorthe argument to it are  -bd -q30m
21:12.33ConqueredWarriorI never saw it in the top 10 of htop before today
21:12.37centrxConqueredWarrior, You can uninstall exim, as long as nothing else depends on it
21:12.49ConqueredWarriorwhat exactly does it to? it's a mail server?
21:12.51hassoon'key will mess wit hthat later, but thanks gentlemen.
21:12.57greycatConqueredWarrior: yeah, sendmail alternative
21:12.57LirionI for myself have upgraded to jessie. systemd and I are still arguing about things, but well... for the time we peacefully coexist.
21:13.03Lirionyou're welcome
21:13.04Quatrokingmy nas failed entirely now
21:13.09centrxConqueredWarrior, yes, mail servers are called "MTA" (Mail Transfer Agent)
21:13.14ConqueredWarriorI noticed it take top 10 today, and was thinking hopefully my machine didn't het hacked
21:13.39ConqueredWarriordoes it have logs to see what it does? if it send email?
21:13.55Lirion/var/log/mail.log, supposedly.
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21:14.10Lirion(then again, I use postfix, dunno if exim uses the same.)
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21:14.33jelly-homeConqueredWarrior: logs for exim are in /var/log/exim4/ directory
21:14.33greycatI like to use "cd /var/log; ls -lart" to see what the most recent files are.  If it's not obvious, then look for subdirectories.
21:15.06centrxgood old ls lart -
21:15.08jelly-homeyou just like to lart
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21:15.28greycatthat too
21:15.39LirionI didn't know that... brilliant :D
21:15.42ConqueredWarriormy logs say that starting today it's full of message is frozen logs
21:15.43cerberohello :) sorry
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21:15.53ConqueredWarriorit started suddenly today, no idea what caused it?
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21:16.29linuxdzcat /home/linuxator/work/data.tar.xz | tar xv
21:16.30linuxdgzip: /home/linuxator/work/data.tar.xz: not in gzip format
21:16.32linuxdtar: This does not look like a tar archive
21:16.33linuxdtar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors
21:16.35linuxdhow to fix this?
21:16.35ConqueredWarriorwhat does it mean message is frozen?
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21:17.12Lirionlinuxd a .xz file is probably in xz format
21:17.27greycatlinuxd: .xz is not zcat compatible.  It's a different compression format.  apt-get install xz-utils and read "man xz"
21:17.32erg0dicdoes anyone know where on the filesystem generated locales are supposed to go?
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21:17.54petn-randalllinuxd: FYI, don't paste in the channel, as said in /topic
21:18.24Quatrokingpastebin is love pastebin is life
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21:19.12cerberopetn-randall: so i make this command for give you an idea of my problem:
21:19.12greycaterg0dic: looks like /usr/share/locale/
21:19.27hassoonpaste.debian FTW
21:20.12cerberohassoon: me?
21:20.23raymondecentrx: I have cleaned sources.list and now apt-get update and apt-get dist-upgrade. If it says that only 2 packages won,t be upgraded, I guess it isn,t that bad, right ?
21:20.24hassooncerbero: could be.
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21:21.08petn-randalllinuxd: Are you still running etch? That's not supported anymore for quite a while now.
21:21.16cerberobut wifi is ok - i'm connected
21:21.24cerberobut WLAN no -_-"
21:21.26cerberoWhy ghghgh
21:21.30Lirioncerbero try to fit eth0 to the switch you're connected to in /etc/network/interfaces
21:21.32erg0dicvery curious, I see en_US in there
21:21.52cerberoLirion: or better?
21:22.20erg0dicbut no UTF-8 locales
21:22.29erg0dicand find can't find them anywhere on my system
21:22.41erg0dicwhich suggests that they are never being generated
21:22.59Liriondo you have them enabled in dpkg-reconfigure -plow locales?
21:23.05Liriondo you have localepurge installed?
21:23.21petn-randallcerbero: wifi is ok, but WLAN isn't? That doesn't make much sense ...
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21:23.50cerberopetn-randall: wifi is ok
21:24.01cerberobut i want connection with LAN :)
21:24.11petn-randallcerbero: Do you have network-manager installed?
21:24.17erg0dicLirion: yes, they are selected and set as system default
21:24.28erg0dicLirion: I do not have localepurge installed
21:24.43greycaterg0dic: on wheezy, "strace locale -a" suggests that it's reading "/usr/lib/locale/locale-archive" among other things
21:24.58petn-randallcerbero: Is this a server or desktop?
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21:25.36cerberopetn-randall: netbook - but i want to make it server :) and i need to use LAN connection not Wifi
21:25.53cerberopetn-randall: yes i go network-manager
21:26.05erg0dicgreycat: on my system, the only thing in /usr/lib/locale is a folder "C.UTF-8"
21:26.06petn-randallcerbero: If the LAN connection stays the same, configure it in /etc/network/interfaces. If it changes, use network-manager.
21:26.07linuxdpetn-randall: no,i don't
21:26.15Pegasus_RPGAny pointers on how I can get CUPS to rotate printed images to match the page orientation?
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21:26.31petn-randalllinuxd: That documentation is for etch.
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21:26.44greycaterg0dic: I don't know whether that's a jessie thing, or an actual problem.  Sorry.
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21:27.28linuxdpetn-randall: so where is the onr foe suse?
21:27.37Lirionwell, on jessie here I'm running en_IE.UTF-8 fine among others
21:27.38cerberopetn-randall: in .../interfaces i got: auto lo // iface lo inet loopback
21:27.54petn-randalllinuxd: No idea, this is a Debian channel. Ask the Suse folks. :)
21:28.00*** mode/#debian [+l 1561] by debhelper
21:28.01petn-randall!tell linuxd about suse
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21:31.04erg0dicinstalling the package "locales-all" solved the problem
21:31.17erg0dicbut there is definitely something broken about locale generation..
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21:31.59Lirioncerbero man 5 interfaces
21:33.18Lirionunless you frequently change your network/switch, as petn-randall pointed out.
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21:42.57Quatrokingif I could I'd burn seagate to the ground
21:44.26Quatrokingthe seagate nas I got refuses to work because it caused logical sector errors
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21:44.35Quatrokingthe drive is still fine but the unit won't budge
21:44.40PerfDaveI'm running Debian Wheezy; when I run "SET GLOBAL general_log = 'ON'" in mysql, where should the query logs go? Nothing's appearing in /var/log/mysql*
21:44.45Quatrokingto make matters worse, it has 4 partitions with raid flags
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21:47.12nodatai get new vps
21:47.22nodatawith ipv6 block
21:47.23LirionIn German we have a proverb: Seagate oder seagate nicht. Which translates as "Sea works or sea doesn't work", as "geht" and "gate" sound similar and "geht" is "works"... so it's already pretty famous for being rather fickle.
21:47.34nodatahow to use ipv6 block ?
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21:48.01petn-randall!tell nodata -about ipv6
21:48.10QuatrokingLirion, no kidding
21:48.28QuatrokingI'm Dutch, the sea is supposed to obey me, damnit!
21:49.08petn-randallQuatroking: This might be more suitable for #debian-offtopic.
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21:49.22QuatrokingYeah probably
21:49.32Lirionwell... I had a guy at home. his pc broke down, hard disk crash. I managed to backup some of his data to his newly acquired seagate external space ship design drive, hours later said external drive died. seriously. I'm half east frisian, so heritage doesn't count much...
21:50.03Quatrokingwhat hdd recovery programs exist for debian?
21:50.04petn-randallSame goes to you, Lirion :)
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21:50.21Lirionok :)
21:50.31Quatrokingparted can't even read out the drive
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21:51.15Quatrokingfdisk does read it but tells me it detected GPT and tells me to use parted
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21:52.18Quatrokingreally hoping to get the data off, got a whole bunch of animes there
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21:56.21nodatai get new vps with ipv6 block
21:56.26nodatabut how to use ipv6 block ?
21:56.36nodatai get this >> Your IPv6 block:2001:470:1c:bc4::45:1/111
21:56.47nodatawhat i do with this ?
21:57.06nodatahow i can make multiple ipv6 ip's ?
21:57.20Lirionthe same that you do with for example
21:58.12WangDangI'm trying to upgrade a lenny machine to sqz-lts.  I get an error about an unfound Packages file.  I checked the mirror, and true enough there  is no Packages file. But there is a Packages.gz and *.bz2.  Can't lenny apt-get use compressed Packages files?
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21:58.22nodatais any online tool to generate multiple ipv6 ips with above block ?
21:58.32Liriontry what was suggested to you by dpkg
21:59.01Lirionthere are irc channels as well.
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22:00.32nodatais any online tool to generate multiple ipv6 ips with this block-> 2001:470:1c:bc4::45:1/111 ?
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22:00.43Lirion!tell nodata about ipv6
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22:03.44nodatai try this command
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22:03.48nodataip -6 addr add 2001:470:1c:bc4::45:1/111 dev eth0
22:03.58nodataCannot find device "eth0"
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22:15.38maxdHow can I find out where my PATH has been set for the user?
22:15.47maxdBecause one user got a different path than the other users.
22:15.52maxdI want to find out where this has been set.
22:16.16*** join/#debian iflema (
22:16.32jhutchinsmaxd: Check ~/.profile .bashrc
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22:17.30jhutchinsnodedfree: Maybe you don't haev eth0.
22:17.38jhutchinsnodedfree: ifconfig -a
22:17.48jhutchinsnodedfree: Sorry.
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22:19.08maxdjhutchins: hm, in ~/.bash_profile isn't there yet and ~/.profile and ~/.bashrc doesn't contain something with PATH
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22:20.09GNU\colossusmaxd, maybe something in the system's PAM config, specific to a particular user? (that should be possible and would probably involve pam's "env" module)
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22:20.30jhutchinsmaxd: A shell script could be changing it.
22:20.41GNU\colossusonly if it's being sourced though
22:20.48jhutchinsmaxd: Are you running a GUI?
22:20.54maxdplain bash
22:21.25jhutchinsmaxd: What's different about the path?
22:22.02maxdfound it
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22:24.47maxdSo that script is in /etc/profile.d/
22:24.53maxdIt works with my current user
22:25.02WangDang"apt-get update" on squeeze-lts ( squeeze and squeeze-lts) redirects to a bad mirror.  Should this be reported to someone or is it likely just a transitory error?
22:25.04maxdBut when I switch to root (e.g. sudo), the script is apparently not run as the PATH is not updated.
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22:27.09maxdSo why is /etc/profile.d/ not executed when being root?
22:27.13maxdI use an interactive, normal bash shell and sudo to switch to root.
22:27.23jhutchinsmaxd: root has a differnt path - it includes access to /sbin and /usr/local/sbin
22:27.38maxdjhutchins: but the path which would add is missing
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22:28.05jhutchinsmaxd: 'cause it's not processed by root, and maybe it shouldn't be.
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22:28.35jhutchinsmaxd: In pure unix su is not the same as su -
22:28.51maxdhow can I make it executed when I use sudo?
22:28.55maxdBecause I want to run this command as sudo.
22:29.02maxdThe command is installed to be used globally by all users.
22:29.16maxdBut when this shell script is not executed, the path and other env variables not adjusted, the command will not be found or fail.
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22:32.19jhutchinsmaxd: Why is it configured to run as a user not as root?
22:33.30maxdjhutchins: Each user can invoke that command but with his limited permissions.
22:33.51maxdjhutchins: right, when I use sudo su instead just sudo <command>, it works
22:34.11maxdsudo -E command also doesn't work, I hoped this will pass the env variables all over to root for this command
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22:34.20jhutchinsmaxd: Most popular distros have been hacked so we don't have to keep explaining that to people.
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22:34.46jhutchinsmaxd: There are commands that should never be run as root.
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22:40.19maxdjhutchins: hm, right
22:40.35maxdjhutchins: ok, then I will sudo su instead and exit after usage
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22:41.02PerfDaveI'm using MySQL 5.5.40 on Debian Stable; is SET GLOBAL general_log = 'ON'; enough to log every query, and where should I look for those logs?
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22:41.34maxdjhutchins: yes, this I can do. Thank you!
22:41.46maxdand also thanks to GNU\colossus
22:41.54maxdimpressive nick :D was this an OS?
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22:42.27CQhello, I am getting this error WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!  virtualbox-guest-x11 virtualbox-guest-utils virtualbox-guest-dkms ... any ideas?
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22:42.55CQthis is for unstable
22:43.02dondelelcaroCQ: you're probably installing packages from a non-debian source if you're getting that error
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22:43.16dondelelcaro,versions virtualbox-guest-x11
22:43.18juddPackage: virtualbox-guest-x11 on i386 -- squeeze-backports: 4.0.10-dfsg-1~bpo60+2; wheezy: 4.1.18-dfsg-2+deb7u3; wheezy-security: 4.1.18-dfsg-2+deb7u3; wheezy-backports/contrib: 4.3.14-dfsg-1~bpo70+1; jessie/contrib: 4.3.18-dfsg-1; sid/contrib: 4.3.18-dfsg-1; experimental/contrib: 4.3.20-dfsg-1
22:43.26PerfDaveCQ: Please paste the output of "apt-cache policy virtualbox-guest-x11" and /etc/apt/sources.list to
22:43.27CQhm, vbox could be, but I'm also getting it fpr flashplugin-nonfree
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22:43.35GNU\colossusmaxd, you're welcomse. as to your question: no, none that I'd know of ;) I used to be active in online gaming clans some 15-7 years ago, and my nick always carried some kind of prefix. these days, I use my fav. OS's name instead of a clantag ;)
22:43.57*** join/#debian Se7lnx (
22:44.18maxdcolossus sounds very mainframe
22:44.43GNU\colossusone of the first computers (the last one which used base-10 arithmetic, iirc) had that name
22:45.04ScottEmaxd: why not just write a front-end shell script that sets up the environment and exec's the thing - then have everyone run that via sudo?
22:45.20*** join/#debian andril (
22:45.25GNU\colossusbut there's several things with that name - the inspiration for my nickname was the best "herc" (a huge, human-like fighting robot) in Sierra's "Earthsiege" combat simulation games
22:45.28GNU\colossusin the early 90s
22:45.35iflemaCQ apt-get update (again) - maybe stale mirror. Or wait a while...
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22:48.46PerfDaveCQ: Except you're not running unstable, you're running a mixture of testing and experimental
22:49.05CQyeah, I just saw that too, that was in a separat sources.list.d file
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22:50.15maxdScottE: hm, right. But where to put that shell script (as profile.d is not executed when using sudo) so it is executed each time I use sudo command?
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22:52.42CQOK, works now... I dumped that one line. I'm stillp ulling Mozilla stuff from the mozilla repository, but the rest is testing
22:52.49ScottEmaxd: /usr/local/bin - and make sure that's in secure_path in the sudoers file is one way I think
22:53.03maxdah, ok
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22:58.24brnsisNow, my investigation led me to try and turn off the wireless router in our kitchen.  She didn't know what I was doing at the time.  We were watching a movie, and she started just feeling horribly from dizziness and nausea.  I left her alone in the bedroom to finish wiring up the computer.
22:59.26*** join/#debian teraflops (~teraflop@
22:59.33brnsisI removed my wireless card, and brought up the router on a webpage to turn off the wireless access point inside the router.  My router was doing something strange where I couldn't get access to it (page resetting), so I went over to reboot it.  As soon as I turned off the router, she yelled out behind the closed door for me.
22:59.49brnsisI ignored her a few times, while I finished turning the wireless off right after boot up.  I went into see her to see what she wanted, and she asked me, "What did you do? All of a sudden I feel perfectly fine! Like a weight has been lifted from me." So, a router reset and a wireless turned off, she was fine in a split second.
22:59.56brnsiswhat do you think is going on in a case like this?
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23:04.27ctmjrbrnsis: maybe they know in #thetwilightzone
23:04.53iflemabrnsis: I have seen this.. i had arouter i was very aware of once... what region of the world are you in and what channel is the wireless using.
23:05.32brnsisnorth america
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23:05.57brnsisyou think it's unrelated to the speed of the ineternet service such that downgrading to a lower service level won't make a difference?
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23:07.33brnsisifelma, what about you? where are you and what did yoou find was the reason for the irritation?
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23:11.58iflemasounds dangerous
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23:13.07brnsiswhat's dangerous?
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23:20.46someHumanI don't think Iceweasel is as secure as IceCat.
23:20.52someHumanIt was said that they are one.
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23:29.16dpkgmooooooo! I am cow, hear me moo, I weigh twice as much as you. I'm a cow, eating grass, methane gas comes out my ass. I'm a cow, you could be too; join us all! type apt-get moo; aplay /usr/lib/libreoffice/share/gallery/sounds/cow.wav
23:29.51atari314Hello, lets say I have a private repository with some deb packages I tailored for my needs (e.g.: my gimp version). Can I make that private repository be prefered over other repositories (e.g.: standard gimp package)?
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23:34.37atari314nvm, found it:
23:35.07atari314 example 3 :)
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23:35.44GeraldusHi pals! Does anybody uses linux and os x dual boot on theier macs?
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23:38.59someHumanGeraldus: Probably a lot does here.
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23:40.13Melissa_How can I get write permission to a USB device mounted with fstab?
23:40.35Melissa_I have this line in /etc/fstab :
23:40.44Melissa_/dev/sdc1       /media/usb1     auto    user,rw,noauto  0       0
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23:41.51atari314Melissa_, udi=user,gif=users,dmask=022,fmask=133 at least that´s how I mount it
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23:42.13atari314correction: uid=user,gid=users,dmask=022,fmask=133
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23:43.53Melissa_Let me try
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23:50.18GeraldussomeHuman: and what about you?
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