IRC log for #debian on 20141121

00:00.12*** join/#debian Megaf (~Megaf@unaffiliated/megaf)
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00:00.33ElvanoSame, but I just noticed, though, that my eth0 does have a inet 6 addr
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00:01.37Guest94202eth0 != wlan0
00:02.02ElvanoI know, I've been trying both
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00:17.47marioxccWhat can I use as a lightweight (easy to configure and not very resource demanding) VPS server software?
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00:18.43abrotmanmarioxcc: isn't that generally LXC these days?
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00:19.29marioxccabrotman: sorry, I meant VPN
00:19.38marioxccWhat can I use as a lightweight (easy to configure and not very resource demanding) VPN server software?
00:20.30ElvanoI was able to get the eth0 to work, Guest94202
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00:28.40dimitry7Hey guys
00:28.42dimitry7I have this script
00:28.43dimitry7I have this script:
00:28.55dimitry7it does not run... can you see why?
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00:35.31slitt_pcbsddimitry7, define "does not run". If I were in your shoes, I'd start putting diagnostic echos in the script.
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00:35.40marioxcchello, how can I check if a program is running in a chroot environment?
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00:36.43dondelelcaromarioxcc: /proc/self/root will usually give you an idea
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00:41.21marioxccdondelelcaro: I just tested, it points to / in a chroot.
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00:44.46dimitry7slitt_pcbsd, yeah I execute it, and it just hangs, does nothing. I have put echos, before the SALIDA, they show up, after, they don't
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00:47.02slitt_pcbsddimitry7, looks like rsync is either hanging, or it's working but not transferring enough files to show up because of the -v.
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00:47.05dondelelcaromarioxcc: that's from inside the chroot. From outside, it doesn't.
00:47.27marioxccdondelelcaro: I tested it from the inside
00:47.37slitt_pcbsdI'd suggest you run the actual command at a command prompt and see what it does.
00:47.47Time-Warpdoes anyone know what bs=4M; stands for at the end of the command dd
00:47.59dondelelcaromarioxcc: yes, exactly. From inside, /proc/self/root is /, because that's right. From outside, /proc/pid/root is not /
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00:48.08slitt_pcbsdBlock size is 4 megabytes, Time-Warp .
00:48.18Time-Warpslitt_pcbsd: oh cool
00:48.24Time-Warpslitt_pcbsd: thanks
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00:52.55g00seIs it just me or is debfoster -e never as useful as you'd hope it to be? Are there other ways?
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01:17.43Time-Warpdd if=blah.iso of=/dev/sdb
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01:17.48Time-Warpshould work right
01:18.00*** mode/#debian [+l 1572] by debhelper
01:18.02Time-Warpfor a bootable image without the bit size added
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01:21.02Time-Warplol i thought i had a bad drive so i tryed dd count=1 bs=512 if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb
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01:21.50Time-Warpit might actualy be a bad drive now that i think about it
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01:36.10phre4kif I shutdown a KVM host, will the guests automatically shutdown too or do I have to do it manually?
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01:36.53heuristdpkg: tell phre4k -about crosspost
01:37.16phre4kI'm sorry, I didn't mean to post it here
01:37.22marioxccphre4k: you have to do it manually unless you have configured otherwise
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01:37.38marioxccit's a question possibly related to Debian, so I don't see the problem.
01:37.46phre4kI already found the answer though
01:37.53phre4kthe guests are suspended.
01:38.08phre4kI crossposted in ##linux, marioxcc :)
01:38.15heuristphre4k: that depends on how your virtual machine manager is configured.
01:38.21marioxccphre4k: ok
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01:38.48phre4kI'd also like to know how I can add Host partitions (LVM) to a guest.
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01:39.29phre4kI have a block device inside a VG which I'd like to connect but the virt-manager doesn't seem to get what I want :/
01:40.08pingfloydSo an LV?
01:40.09marioxccphre4k: when invoking, use -drive file=BACK_TO_BLOCK_DEVICE,format=raw,[aio=native,if=virtio]
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01:40.27marioxccthe string between [ ] is optional
01:40.35phre4kk ty, will try
01:42.28*** join/#debian dooshtuRabbit1 (~dooshtuRa@2601:c:2f01:d2b7:a812:d94b:dcf2:bb53)
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01:44.16iykwim69Good evening everyone! ^_^
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01:45.24marioxcchi iykwim69
01:46.29iykwim69marioxcc: Will there be Cinnamon desktop available as a default DE in Jessie?
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01:47.45marioxcciykwim69: I don't know
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01:58.22rgb-oneHello, where are application settings stored in gnome 3.14?
01:58.39marioxccrgb-one: I don't know, as I don't use it, but I think that it as a preference for .config
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02:17.15GJdanrandom question... is debian using mysql or mariadb or both in jesse?
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02:23.03heuristGJdan: questions about jessie are better addressed to #debian-next on
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02:38.55Geek_tastichi I am new to linux and I am curious whre I can learn about repositories ?
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02:40.03jancsikaif I have ~ 15gigs "free" but only 800mb "available", what might account for the difference?
02:40.25jancsika(looking at gnome-system-monitor)
02:40.59Kobrajancsika: are you sure it's not the other way?
02:42.00Kobrajancsika: wait, memory or hard disk?
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02:42.24jancsikaKobra: yes... "df -h" shows I have 800mb "Avail", but gnome-system-monitor shows what I wrote above
02:42.37jancsikaKobra: oh sorry-- hard disk space
02:42.45Geek_tasticcan someone help me with how to deal with repositories?
02:43.04Kobrajancsika: it's because memory not allocated is wasted; the "free" ram is usually used for caching
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02:44.38Geek_tasticmust be a slow day
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02:49.34slowmc_Geek_tastic :
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02:58.16jpinxjancsika: did you sort that out?  df -h tells you HDD space, also du -h --max-depth=1 / can tell you more details. for RAM use free, but there is not really any such thing as "free" RAM ;)
02:58.17jancsikaKobra: thanks
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03:00.43jancsikajpinx: thanks I didn't know about that flag
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03:04.17ravigehlotgrub is set to boots with that but switches over to a lower res mid-way through the booting process..any clues?
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03:06.00Kobraravigehlot: reminds me of nvidia's drivers running in a low res until im logged in :V
03:06.10ravigehlotKobra: exactly
03:06.25ravigehlotKobra: I am using a laptop so I got hybrid graphics here
03:06.27Kobrawhy is that anyway, does anyone know why?
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03:06.44ravigehlotKobra: the Nvidia one is always turned off in favor of the GPU one
03:07.29ravigehlotKobra: if you are using a laptop, chances are that you are running Hybrid graphics
03:07.58Kobraravigehlot: nah, my laptop has integrated gfx, but my PC (where it happens) is not
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03:08.14Kobrai have an Nvidia 560 Ti, my CPU has no integrated GPU
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03:10.25jif3hi, im trying to install a package and im getting nonsense.
03:10.42jif3this is on knoppix 7.2 (debian squeeze iirc)
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03:11.44jif3g++-multilib is required for install replicant (or so sayeth the wiki) and i'm getting unresolvable dependencies
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03:14.24Kobrajif3: eh, did you try knoppix channels first?, and maybe if you paste logs someone might be able to help you
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03:15.40Kobracopy paste your errors to, then paste url here; someone might know what's wrong.
03:16.08dpkgKnoppix is _not_ Debian.  Seek Knoppix help in freenode's #knoppix.  Knoppix is a live CD distribution which is <based on Debian>, useful as a rescue CD, to test hardware, and for situations where you have access to a computer but it isn't Debian. unofficial:  <Debian-live> is the Debian equivalent for publishing live systems.
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03:17.34ravigehlotKobra: When I boot and grub kicks in, it is at 1024x768 then half way through booting it drops to 640x480
03:18.22Kobraravigehlot: heh, i just get 800x600 (it could be 640x480,), right up until i log in
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04:09.28un214how do I change the video resolution when the kernel kicks itself into KMS console?
04:09.38un214video=###x### doesn't work
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04:10.33un214just installed kernel from wheezy-backports and it made the console unreadably small
04:13.14un214nvrmind I typo'd it
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05:20.18askingquestionsis there any way to get rid of that cancer systemd from debian installs
05:20.28askingquestionsseriously systemd is cance.r
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05:22.07illyaskingquestions: i dont mind it
05:22.16askingquestionsit's cancer :/
05:22.16illywhy and howcome is it troubling you? :P
05:22.24askingquestionsit's just a piece of shit program
05:22.33illywell everything is a piece of shti program
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05:22.45illythat is a fact, and a seminar aswell
05:22.45askingquestionsThe problem's it's caused in the past and the problems it will cause in the future
05:23.05illywhat kinda problems?
05:23.26askingquestionsIt highjacks the kernel command line
05:23.42askingquestionsthe developers told Linus to change how the kernel interpets it's command line
05:23.58askingquestionsthey said to change debug to kernel_debug
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05:29.33Simotek-Workaskingquestions, go visit #debianfork
05:29.53askingquestionsSimotek-Work: why?
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05:30.33Simotek-Workdebian being a binary distro, basically so that other people can use systemd if they want you will end up with atleast part of it on your system, you just don't ever need to use it
05:31.48TriJetScudI think linus told the systemd group to f-off about changing debug to kernel_debug
05:32.17illyim pretty usre linus say foff to everything/everyone
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05:32.54askingquestionsTriJetScud: they did
05:32.59askingquestionsthats part of why i hate systemd
05:33.13askingquestionsThey told the kernel's creator to fix the kernel instead of them fixing thier code
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05:33.23askingquestionshow the fuck did that get adopted into one of the best distros?!
05:33.33Abhijitcause debian.
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05:40.51BartlebyOh hey, another systemd discussion. I'm sure this one will introduce new and pertinent information which has not yet been considered.
05:40.59Len_anyone lend a hint on this error? mv: cannot stat `*.deb': No such file or directory
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05:41.37Len_i see it says no directory or file but im not sure why
05:41.46BartlebyLen_: Sorry to ask, but is there there such a file?
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05:42.13Len_try'ing to make .debs from source using a script
05:42.19BartlebyWhat does ls *.deb say?
05:42.58Len_ls: cannot access *.deb: No such file or directory
05:43.31illytry ls | grep .deb ?
05:44.21Len_nothing displayed after illy
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05:44.44Len_i have "Creating wheezy dsc..."
05:44.57askingquestionsis there any
05:45.02askingquestionsultra minimalistic debian installer
05:45.14askingquestionsie super minimal
05:45.20Len_ill pastebin more
05:45.23askingquestionsno optional packages
05:45.24BartlebyLen_: I think the reason it's saying there is no such file or directory is because there is no such file or directory.
05:45.28askingquestionsonly the bare system needed to boot
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05:48.11Len_im not sure askingquestions . im very new with trying to create packages
05:49.01BartlebyLen_: Can you post your script?
05:49.32Len_yes 1 moment
05:49.52Len_this is what im compiling on "Linux debian #6 SMP Thu Jun 14 19:49:57 CDT 2012 armv6l GNU/Linux"
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05:54.35Len_sorry for the delay
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05:55.44atomicoreos uses systemd
05:56.53Len_is there a way too see if im missing a package in order to use the script?
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06:01.05Len_what do you think Bartleby?
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06:01.33akaris it possible debootstrap amd64 from debian i386?
06:01.58akartry run debootstrap and got failure when mount proc
06:03.26heuristakar: you can not chroot into a 64bit system from a 32bit kernel
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06:05.20Len_only thing it seems like was made was
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06:06.04Len_it took me a week to figure out -z9 is a bad idea on 128mb of ram XD
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06:06.18cylinderhello all
06:06.40cylinderwe have heard the news and it is... I do not have the words
06:06.46cylinderbut there is hope
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06:07.08Len_the news? are you the father?
06:07.12cylinderfor the 173 of you whom fought the good fight, alongside Ian, there is a path
06:07.21cylinderplease join us
06:07.27Simotek-WorkLen_, thats what i thought
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06:07.40cylinderlet us keep the universal operating system truly universal.
06:07.54Len_what the fork you talking about cylinder ?
06:08.08cylinderThank you Ian Jackson for fighting against systemd.
06:08.16Len_oh ic
06:08.26cylinderWe are sorry that your effort failed.
06:08.34cylinderIt was the last hope.
06:08.34akarheurist: thanks
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06:08.47akartry to download grml 64bit then
06:08.47Len_just make it Xdebian
06:08.48cylinderplease join.
06:09.03cylinderLen_, good name actually
06:09.32Len_that can be its first distro name
06:09.49Len_or LenX after me XD
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06:10.01cylinderLen_, and when everyone does a change to wayland and debianfork stays on X it will go well.
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06:10.26cylinderLen_, lol
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06:11.04Simotek-Workwell knowone has written anything other then logind that can launch a wayland session yet so they probably don't need to worry about it
06:11.20_00debianfork00_yeah, top of the heap now
06:11.30_00debianfork00_all it took was a name change
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06:15.41IlGnomeSo, I am bad at linux and can't seem to figure out how to upgrade libnss3 to 3.17. Using wheezy. Anyone have some pointers?
06:15.41LinuxGuy2020I have some folders on a system that I am working on. Each folder is labeled the same name as a package name to be installed on the offline machine. Im trying to write a custom bash install script for each package that will be installed with aptitude. Instead of having to manualy edit each script I would like to know if its possible to have a line in the script that says "aptitude install <name of the folder the script is inside of>". Th
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06:18.26heuristLinuxGuy2020: echo $0 in a script will tell you the name of the script with the path. dirname will give you the full path, you can cut that up and get what you want.
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06:22.25LinuxGuy2020heurist: say I have a folder on the desktop called package-abc. In that folder is a bash script and a folder that contains a package with the same name package-abc.deb. The script copies the debs to the /var/cache/apt/archives. Then aptitude install package-abc. I want to change aptitude install package-abc.deb to say aptitude install <name-of-folder-the-script was-inside-of-when-executed>. If I copied the script to another folder called
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06:24.17heuristLinuxGuy2020: you got cut off at "another folder called"  dirname $0 | awk -F"/" '{print $NF}'  in a bash script in the /something/package-abc/ directory will say package-abc
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06:25.52LinuxGuy2020heurist: What is the $0 called? Is that a global variable or bash variable? Thats what I want to read more about.
06:26.01LinuxGuy2020I think
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06:28.16heuristLinuxGuy2020: $1, $2 and such represent the positional parameters of the command run, so they are the command line arguments. $0 is the name of the command. this is bash syntax for, what I think is, a C convention for argv
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06:29.05LinuxGuy2020heurist: oh ok I guess I should have ran it in the term and I would have seen that. Thanks.
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06:34.53heuristLinuxGuy2020: if you add a PLACEHOLDER to your install script you can have the script that moves it out run:   sed -i "s/PLACEHOLDER/$(dirname $0 | awk -F"/" '{print $NF}')/"  to replace PLACEHOLDER with the name of the folder.
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06:36.02LinuxGuy2020heurist: Yikes. Thats over my head right now. I need to get a book on bash scripting I think.
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06:41.02IlGnomeoh netflix, why do you elude me
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06:56.21donttrustemhow do I set the open file limit permanatly?
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06:57.23donttrustemeverytime I reboot my system I have issue with mysql  ERROR 23 (HY000) at line 1: Out of resources when opening file './translat_or/default_zipdist.MYD' (Er
06:57.24donttrustemrcode: 24 - Too many open files)
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07:00.16somiajdonttrustem: -- suggest looking at /etc/security/limits.conf or /etc/pam.d/* stuff
07:00.34donttrustemthanks …
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07:07.47donttrustemsomiaj: so this should work on a rebot * hard  nofile 200000
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07:08.09somiajdonttrustem: I haven't ever done it, but those look to be the files that are used to set the limits on boot
07:08.52donttrustemI get the problem on reboot :)
07:08.58donttrustemor boot …
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07:10.11donttrustemI am trying to also find out what the implictions are by setting it at tht level … need to understand whta is actually happenng
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07:10.42ScramblejamsWhy when I upgrade fontconfig do all my fonts get jacked (pushed up a few point sizes) when the upgrade happens, and they don't return to their normal selves until I log out and back in?
07:10.54ScramblejamsBeen happening for years, it's finally gotten sufficiently on the nerves.
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07:20.48vipzrxhi ,how can i change the timezone in debian ?
07:21.15heuristvipzrx: dpkg-reconfigure tzdata
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07:22.27vipzrxheurist: thx
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07:29.36vipzrxheurist:  i am new xfce , i meet the same problem as , what should i do ?
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07:30.44heuristvipzrx: questions about jessie are better addressed to #debian-next on
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07:34.11mayasarahow to join  debian irc server?
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07:41.18rommel092079good pm.  does debian can support HP Proliant DL380p Gen8 server?
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07:43.33somiajrommel092079: you'll have to look at the hardware, but for the most part debian supports any hardware that runs on the linux kernel. Sometimes you'll need the newer linux kernel from wheezy-backports
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07:52.16AquaL1tedoes anyone run debian gnome with selinux?
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07:55.42rommel092079somiaj: what hardware should I look upon?  they said it supports redhat.  but i would be using redhat. my choice is debian or centos
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08:03.06Guest75139Hi. How can I check is shm is mounted correctly and able to proces data?
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08:11.24AquaL1terommel: i missed your question, but you can find hardware support here:
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08:15.06IlGnomeSo, I installed libnss3 3.17 via dpkg with the hope I could then use apt-get or aptitude to update the dependancies as installing the backport wasn't working for me
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08:15.43IlGnomeunfortunately I've hit a brick wall and can't figure out how to update the dependencies and either need help doing that, or need help reverting back to 3.14
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08:28.48fnoyanisiHi, I am getting this error whenever I run apt-get dist-upgrade
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08:28.55fnoyanisihow can I get it fixed
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08:30.43heuristdpkg: tell fnoyanisi -about bat
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09:12.28Eryn_1983_FLhey peeps can u help me please
09:12.34Eryn_1983_FLweird apt error
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09:14.49heuristEryn_1983_FL: paste the output of  head -v -n -0 /etc/apt/sources.list{,.d/*}
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09:19.08Eryn_1983_FLok hang on on phone pol
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09:24.47heuristEryn_1983_FL: I do not see anything obviously wrong there. has this problem been going on for a while? maybe try again tomorrow and see if it is a mirror error, or try a different mirror.
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09:25.57Eryn_1983_FLwell i noticed my usual weekly package update was not needed for a few weeks and i found this error
09:26.27Eryn_1983_FLwhy is it giving the error though somethimg has to be wrong
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09:30.11heuristEryn_1983_FL: "Wrong sources.list entry or malformed file" suggest where the problem might be, but I do not see it in what you pasted. you did give the full output of the command I asked for right? that command shows more then just /etc/apt/sources.list if there are other files.
09:30.18S4nD3rHi. I have a problem, every boot, my debian wheezy system stops and informs its going to single-user mode. Then, I type Ctrl+D and it runs normally in graphical mode. How can I change it?
09:30.48heuristdpkg: tell S4nD3r -about crosspost
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09:31.20S4nD3rSorry, I didn't know about it!
09:31.37heuristS4nD3r: no worries. now you know.
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09:32.35S4nD3rgrep "^id:" /etc/inittab it's id:5:initdefault like I'd like
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09:34.24heuristS4nD3r: did you fiddle with that setting? debian usually uses 2 for multiuser and X runlevels are an old idea that is not used much.
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09:36.54S4nD3rEverytime I need to type Ctrl+D
09:37.05S4nD3rIt's in virtual terminal 7
09:38.24heuristS4nD3r: is there a message "explaining" why it went to single user? is not not maintenance mode due to some error. maybe set inittab back to the default and see if that helps.
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09:39.19S4nD3rI didn't find explaining message
09:39.33S4nD3rNow I'm trying to find something informing error in syslog
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09:42.09S4nD3rI'll reboot and look for something in maintenance mode
09:42.11S4nD3rback soon
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09:45.07yesii'd like to know why i can't find "/usr/bin/usewithtor" from the torsocks v2.0.0-3 on Debian. The old version, it does existe.
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09:46.30heuristyesi: what does  dpkg -L torsocks  say? use a pastebin
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09:48.17heuristyesi: questions about jessie are better addressed to #debian-next on
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09:54.05heuristyesi: that version is not in stable, but 2.0.0-1~bpo70+1 from wheezy-backports is also missing that file. maybe it does not exist in version 2 only in version 1 which is in wheezy proper. I do not have answers, just more questions. sorry
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09:56.16yesiheurist: thank you for your feeback
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10:05.59subzero_0I installed jessie-xfce on qemu, some element are not showed correctly ... I use kvm -hda disk -m 1024
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10:07.24tasseHi, I just installed debian (without any wm) - how do I get aninternet connection? (tried wifi but it seems there is no wpasupplicant, tried wired but 'ip link set eth0 up' doesnt work)
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10:09.02tasse(i had a connection when I installed it, the installer somehow connected to the wifi but i dunno how)
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10:09.39babilenAnd yes, you will have to install wpasupplicant if you want to use that.
10:10.16tasseyeh but therefore i need internet :> so i think i have to use the cable
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10:10.27tasse_but thanks :)
10:10.30tasse_checking it out
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10:11.47babilenDepending on the image you use wpasupplicant should be on the CD so you could add that with apt-cdrom and take it from there. (I guess it is available on most if not all, but haven't checked)
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10:12.47tasse_ <- my installation says "auto: command not found" :O
10:13.07tasse_ah sorry
10:13.09tasse_i am stupid
10:13.10tasse_forget it
10:13.29babilenforgot it already
10:15.13tasse_reading is hard :P works now, thank ou
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10:21.04g00seI have some acpi errors with a Jessie laptop. Am i right in thinking these might indicate a buggy bios?
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10:46.30petn-randallg00se: Yes, likely. Do you see any symptoms from that? Like problems hibernating or suspending, etc.?
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10:52.56osfejessie is frozen ??
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10:53.08subzero_0what ?
10:53.17subzero_0how ?
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10:54.03heuristosfe: yes, jessie is in freeze.
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10:54.09petn-randallosfe: That's what the news says, yes.
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10:54.35subzero_0free == development stopped ?
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10:55.30heuristdpkg: tell subzero_0 -about freeze
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10:56.41osfethat's good news
10:57.03osfeI guess it should be good to use it in, say few month ?
10:57.07subzero_0heurist: thank you
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10:57.58heuristosfe: it will be ready when it is ready.
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10:58.57osfeheurist: yeees, I know... that's not what I said
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10:59.13osfeI said it should be ok to move to jessie quite safely in a few month
10:59.39heuristosfe: once it is stable, sure.
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11:13.05iulhkcan anybody guide about this issue ""?
11:13.47heuristdpkg: tell iulhk -about crosspost
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11:18.56baelsomeone awake
11:19.07dpkgIf you have a question, just ask! For example: "I have a problem with ___; I'm running Debian version ___. When I try to do ___ I get the following output ___. I expected it to do ___." Don't ask if you can ask, if anyone uses it, or pick one person to ask. We're all volunteers; make it easy for us to help you. If you don't get an answer try a few hours later or on See <smart questions><errors>.
11:19.10baelI have slow samba, slow ftp speed etc.
11:19.27baelbut iperf is performing very good. had 80mbit wlan and 1gbit lan.
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11:20.36baelI have a debian server and I am communicating with it from my laptop. mounted samba shares on the laptop and I get 1mb/s speed on wlan and 6mb/s on lan
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11:20.40baelits terrible
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11:26.08heuristbael: 6MBps is about all you can get out of samba on a 100mb LAN.
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11:26.49baelheurist, its a gbit lan :/
11:27.15heuristbael: you sure *everything* between you can the server is GBE?
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11:27.57baelheurist, I tried iperf. on WLAN I got 80mbit/s ... on Lan I got 1000mbit/s
11:28.08baeliperf between debian server and my laptop
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11:29.08baelheurist, is this a yes to your question? can I relay on iperf?
11:29.48heuristbael: maybe samba is being CPU bound? watch top on the server and client to make sure. I have little confidence in iperf, check all the hardware.
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11:30.53Szwagiertooorbieollllllll hahahahah
11:31.34Szwagierej torba
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11:31.57erqrtetorba anal
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11:32.30baelheurist, I transfered a file now and checked top. cpu was around 6% and no threads where at the top
11:32.45bael*no samba threads
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11:33.45heuristbael: strange, it does not look like CPU then. your figure is so close to what you would get from 100mb LAN that I still think something is going on there.
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11:37.12baelheurist, my cables are cat6. my network card is gbit, my router is gbit. I don't know what else I could look at
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11:39.09anao3@bael check the the kernel uses the correct driver with lspci lsmod
11:39.35anao3often realtek is wrong seen and install all firmwares
11:40.20baelhow do I check that? :>
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11:44.45hojgaardHello folks.. Im having trouble setting up static ip configuration in preseed... Can anyone help me here. It seems that "d-i netcfg/disable_dhcp boolean true" does not work...
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11:52.04hojgaardanyone online?
11:52.09kevcif I'm using xen on Debian, should I be able to boot a domU from the grub menu?
11:52.22kevcAs in boot it without using Xen
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12:57.56g00seut i have Jessie and the bios update is a P32 executable
12:58.22g00seI have a bios update problem. I have Jessie and the bios update is a P32 executable
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13:09.03dorkusmaximushow do i get an asus n10 to work in debian?
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13:27.58baelhey folks
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13:28.44baelhow do I see if I am using the right drivers for my network card?
13:29.15vltbael: Does it work? ;-)
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13:32.56daniel-s_Does somebody mind playing that .gif in Iceweasel.
13:33.00daniel-s_It doesn't work for me.
13:33.22baelvlt, yes but I get very poor speeds
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13:34.09petn-randalldaniel-s_: hahaha
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13:34.51mnw94Could someone help me get started with internationalization
13:34.57baelvlt, 2mb/s with samba using Wlan and 6mb/s when using LAN... iperf I got 8mb/s WLANand 100mb/s using LAN
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13:40.40DelphiWorldwhere's grub.conf in wheezy 7.7?
13:41.46heuristDelphiWorld: /etc/default/grub  or /boot/grub/grub.cfg  depends which one your want.
13:42.11DelphiWorldheurist: i have a problem with a hp server
13:42.20DelphiWorldthe grub dont setup properly...
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13:44.09baelvlt, u here?
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13:44.28heuristbael: to check that it is not samba that is slow, you can use netcat (the bsd one, not the traditional one) and run:  nc -l 4444 > /dev/null  on the machine with the slower hard drive, and then  time nc thatmachine 4444 < large.file  on the other one with a largish file, see how long it takes to copy and then compare that to how long it took to copy using samba. do both at least twice to account for error.
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13:47.10Mahjongghi, what is software update tool called? I'd like to run it from shell
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13:47.26baelheurist, so nc -l 4444 > /dev/null on the debian server? where the samba is installed
13:48.31heuristbael: do the -l on the one with the slowest drive, so that you can ignore drive speed in the equations as much as possible. samba is not involved in this.
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13:48.55jelly-homeDelphiWorld: DL380 which generation?  the first one, no "G3" or "G5" or "G8p"?
13:49.05heuristMahjongg: apt-get or aptitude
13:49.24DelphiWorldjelly-home jelly G6
13:49.34Mahjonggheurist, sorry I meant the Gnome UI that spawns when there is an update
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13:50.16jelly-homeDelphiWorld: how does install-grub /dev/sda fail?  Is it /dev/sda or /dev/cciss/c0d0?
13:50.20somiajMahjongg: apt-get update (updates the packges form your sources) then apt-get upgrade
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13:50.59ChrisHWhat is the postfix equivalent to exim -bt user@domain.tld ?? From my searching around there is none.
13:51.15dawibaMahjongg: gpk-update-viewer
13:51.29petemcChrisH: there wasnt last time i checked either
13:51.34Mahjonggdawiba, thank you
13:51.51somiajMahjongg: on stable there are some various packges that do this, update-notifier, but they all do it using apt, so the commands we gave you will update and the upgrade your packages.
13:52.25Mahjonggsomiaj, heurist thank you. gpk-update-viewer was what I meant
13:52.33duckduckBamtest test test
13:52.35jelly-homeDelphiWorld: I think DL380 G6 uses the new drivers for SmartArray controller, so the first array ought to be /dev/sda, but I'm not really sure
13:52.37DelphiWorldjelly-home:  /dev/cciss/c0d0
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13:56.28astrIlGnome, I'd like to here your desires for a dream VOD service?
13:57.43vltbael: 100 Mbit/s looks fine to me (assuming it's not a Gigabit NIC).
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14:02.07baelvlt, its a gbit network :>
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14:02.28baelheurist, I send you some results
14:02.34heuristdpkg: tell bael -about msg
14:03.22baelsorry :>
14:03.29baelI didnt want to flood here
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14:05.05heuristbael: you did not, there is no reference to the size of the file transferred and it was too small to be of use, find something that is large enough to take some many seconds.
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14:05.58baelheurist, It's 3 gb big.
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14:06.32baelheurist, 2956066816 Oct 19 15:59 Mario MULTi ROM.iso
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14:07.07ChrisHpetemc: another reason not to use postfix
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14:07.50heuristbael: and it tool 0.006 seconds? for 3Gb, something is not right.
14:07.58tytanDo I have to configure Cron-Daemon?
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14:09.19IlGnomeastr: I think I'm just going to wipe the netbook of debian wheezy and move to debian jessie. libnss3 has beaten me.
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14:10.18BrigoIlGnome, you better upgrade to jessie, the jessie installer is testing and can fail.
14:10.29baelheurist, I did nc -l 4444 > /dev/null on the debian server where I have samba and the slowest harddrive. Then I did "time nc 4444 < bigfile " on my laptop where I have ssd disk.
14:10.50IlGnomeBrigo: I didn't realize I could upgrade to jessie, thought it had to be a fresh install
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14:11.58heuristbael: and is the server? you can not be sending 3Gig over the network on 6 miliseconds and be complaining about speed. something is not right with your measurements.
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14:13.40baelheurist, yes is the server where I did "nc -l 4444 > /dev/null "
14:13.56BrigoIlGnome, it had not to be a fresh install, but a fresh install is better as far as there are less chances of fail.
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14:18.46baelheurist, I tried to pipe to a file and see if there is any size on it but its 0 bytes
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14:19.45heuristbael: 0 bytes in 6 miliseconds makes sense, use a bigger file. 3Gb should take a bit less than 30 seconds on GBE
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14:20.16vltbael: Could you please remove hard drives, file systems and caches from the equation by just nc'ing /dev/zero on machine A to /dev/null on machine B?
14:21.11vltbael: What did iperf say (and why do you have no confidence in it)?
14:21.13baelheurist, no I mean the pipe on the server > dev/null.. changed that to > myfile.file .. and myfile.file is 0 byte. means nothing was transfered from my laptop to my debian server.
14:22.09heuristbael: what does  nc -v  say on both sides? make sure you are not using a strange nc
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14:23.20baelheurist, nc -v on laptop
14:23.44baeland on the server: bael@debian:~$ nc -v
14:23.44baelno destination
14:24.43baelvlt, iperf said it was very good.. got 80mbit/s with WLAN and 1000mbit/s with LAN
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14:25.34raymondooostats p
14:25.37heuristbael: netcat-openbsd is good, "no destination" is worrying, especially since you are getting different results on the two machines. I give up.
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14:31.28alpha12Hello, I recently installed debian on my laptop and I'm experiencing some problems like mouse pointer inconsistency and gnome failed to load errors
14:31.42baelheurist, I did "nc 60000 < qux.txt" on server and "time nc 60000 < blabla" on the laptop. And it works.. coping data now
14:31.47alpha12More information with .xession-error:
14:31.56alpha12Can somebody help?
14:33.06alpha12I have a nividia graphics card.
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14:36.58heuristbael: a 3gig file at 100mbps should be done about nowish. 1gbps should have been done a while ago.
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14:41.46baelheurist, are u there?
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14:42.12baelthis is what it took to transfer a 3gb file
14:42.15heuristbael: that is 100mbps
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14:42.37heuristbael: which lines up with your samba speeds.
14:42.46baelheurist, I am using my WLAN now maybe I should try LAN
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14:43.50baelheurist, here is LAN
14:43.52*** kick/#debian [bael!~debhelper@unaffiliated/debhelper] by debhelper (flood. Please use instead.)
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14:44.27baeland sys0m10.417s
14:44.29baelbit faster
14:44.36baelis this more like gbit?
14:44.52heuristbael: there is only one time. 6m13 (no need to paste the rest), which is still 100mbps.
14:45.16baelreal 0m25.360s
14:45.17heuristbael: ah, 25s yes, that is gbe
14:45.18alpha12Hello anybody
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14:45.51heuristbael: samba is slow, try nfs instead and see how it goes.
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14:47.10Shadow_7depends what is on the other end.  The write speed of the media might be a limiting factor
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14:47.50factorDoes anyone use the cisco vpn client in here? I have it patched and compiled trying to run it but says it cant read my profile pcf.
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14:48.49baelheurist, what about ftp?
14:48.58heuristbael: ew!
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14:50.01baelheurist, I am just interested to find where the problem is so I can e.g buy a new router, network card etc. So if netcat is performing nice then the router is good?
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14:51.07Shadow_7if you can send it to a ramdisk you could probably rule out storage i/o
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14:51.15heuristbael: yeah, router and cables look ok, from that nc test and your iperf test before. samba is slow though. look at nfs and see if it helps. nfs without kerberos is simple to set up.
14:51.31heuristShadow_7: we have done that.
14:51.55woshtyfactor: run with debug options? what mode bits are set on the file? (I faintly remember something about that ..)
14:51.59baelheurist, I tried nfs a couple of months ago and it was pritty much the same.
14:52.03adamkcan test
14:52.05Shadow_7does the mii-tools stuff work on gbe?
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14:52.34Sia-is the lghttpd on debian broken?
14:52.42jelly-homeShadow_7: ethtool probably works better
14:52.43heuristbael: ignore that then. try  time cat fileoneserver > /dev/null
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14:53.26factorwoshty, let me see.
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14:53.53adamkyounow  been act up texting  message  failed says null block
14:54.00factorwoshty, its read across the board 644 for my user but Im running as root
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14:54.19Sia-debian 64bit
14:54.37woshtyfactor: try setting it read only for just root or something like that ..
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14:54.56factorwoshty, iok also saw where I may have to change auth to 3 from 1
14:55.15baelheurist, Can I paste result in pm?
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14:55.32heuristbael: no, just tell us the real number
14:55.52woshtyfactor: Has been some time since I used it, not sure ..
14:56.02baelheurist, real0m18.690s
14:57.16baelsorry 1.7gb!
14:57.29adamkbeen fixing message  failed.
14:58.01*** mode/#debian [+l 1648] by debhelper
14:58.32heuristbael: ah, I was dubious about that speed, but that is still gbe. that is over samba? then you have no problem with the network. try  time cp fileoneserver locationonclien  to see if your drive is the issue.
14:59.41baelheurist, I did that on that server drive which I share ẃith samba
15:00.26heuristbael: huh?
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15:02.16heuristbael: now copy a file from the server to the drive on your laptop. see how long that takes. see if your laptop's drive is the problem. if it takes the same sort of time then you are getting gbe speeds and we can call this game "over".
15:02.18baelheurist, I did cp ... > /dev/null on that drive where I have all my content. That drive is used by samba .. I share that drive :>
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15:02.51baelheurist, Did that now, sec :>
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15:03.22adamkwhen  message  says  errors code 133 (2). don't  know  how  to fix errors.
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15:08.59heuristbael: it has been long enough to copy a 3gig file at 6MBps, so if it was not done a few minutes ago your drive is the culprit.
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15:11.50baelheurist, 1.7GB from my samba share to my pc: real8m32.419s
15:12.26heuristbael: so share to /dev/null is fast, share to drive is slow. there is your answer.
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15:13.36baelheurist, u mean my laptop hd is bad?
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15:14.00baelheurist, real0m5.125s
15:14.05ravigehlotI am completely puzzled. I own a DELL VOSTRO 3400 that has Hybrid Graphics. The GPU is Intel and the discreet video is NVIDIA 310M. Grub is set to nouveau.modeset=0 with res at 1024x768. Grub was updated, I reboot...the booting process starts off at 1028x768. Then, midway through the booting process it drops down to 640x480. I checked /sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo/switch and I noticed that the discreet (NVIDIA) was power
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15:14.48baelheurist, my hd on debian share is fine.. my hd on my laptop is fine.. my router is fine, my cables are fine. I don't know where else to look :)
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15:15.30heuristbael: is that not obvious? when you copy to the drive it takes a very long time. 1.7Gb in 8.5mins is not good. when you exclude the drive it is fast, 18seconds.
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15:16.59baelheurist, no I dont understand. Both drives are fine?
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15:17.10waqstarso via apt-get i can downloaded openssh server. but i want to check the integrity of my /usr/sbin/sshd binary. how can i get the original binary which is downloaded via apt?
15:17.46heuristbael: that is not what you are telling me. if you copy to the drive it takes minutes. if you do not use the drive it takes seconds.
15:18.19ChrisHwaqstar: all debian packages are signed and integrity check is done during installation.
15:18.25KaaKare there any docs on how debian's ARM ports deal with arm specific runtime files like device tree blobs?
15:18.34baelheurist, I copied from mysambashare to my drive and it took ages yes.
15:19.04baelheurist, I just tried time cp mariorom.iso marior2.iso on my laptop drive. real0m14.056s
15:19.07heuristbael: yes, and when you copy from the share to /dev/null it is fast, that is a clear answer.
15:19.11baelthat is 3gb file
15:19.56ChrisHbael: writing _TO_ a disk has a different performance over reading _FROM_ a disk... and reading and writing to the same disk spindle makes it worse.
15:20.12heuristbael: your numbers keep changing. also remember to include sync in your timings on local copies.
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15:21.04cacaphonyWhat does Debian (Jessie, to be specific) use to automount a usb stick when it's inserted?
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15:21.52baelheurist, I think there is some missunderstanding :)
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15:22.13waqstarChrisH: but what if it was modified/replaced after the install. i installed a few weeks ago. what happeneed was that i tried to connect - the prompt connects then disapears. so i checked via console and there was a segfault error 5. so i had to reboot
15:22.22baelheurist, I copied to dev/null and I copied from to same hd.. the speeds on both drives are fast. more the gbit ..
15:22.48baelheurist, When I copy from my share to my drive then the speeds are slow. and that is the inital problem
15:23.04heuristbael: try  sync ; echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches ; time (time cp mariorom.iso marior2.iso ; sync)
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15:24.03ChrisHwaqstar: you should be able to download the deb from  manually and unpack it eg. via one of the filemanager tools.
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15:24.53cacaphonyWhen I insert my usb stick, it gets mounted but I don't have write permission unless I'm root. How can I fix this?
15:24.57cacaphonyI don't use any Desktop Environment.
15:25.05waqstarChrisH: thanks :)
15:25.19baelheurist, on both disks?
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15:25.41heuristbael: just on the client (laptop) for now.
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15:27.20baelheurist, sudo sync ; echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches ; time (time cp mariorom.iso marior2.iso ; sync)
15:27.20baelbash: /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches: Permission denied
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15:27.53heuristbael: try  sync ; echo 3 | sudo tee /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches ; time (time cp mariorom.iso marior2.iso ; sync)
15:28.26baelheurist, No command 'try' found, did you mean:
15:30.52baelheurist, real0m17.856s
15:31.04waqstarChrisH: checked it. md5 is same as in source. PHEW. so it was just a crash not a comprise
15:31.50heuristbael: I have no idea then. drives are fast, network is fast, share is fast, share to drive is slow. I give up.
15:32.32baelthank you very much for your help
15:32.40baelI was about to order a new router
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15:32.44baelthen I dont need that
15:32.51baelIt will most likley be the same
15:32.59baelmaybe I should order a new server :p
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15:46.06sambagirlgood morning. i was curious whether there is a debian desktop tablet version? the reason i am asking is because microsoft store is opening here a nd they are selling toshiba envoy 2 tablets for 99$ and i would replace widows 8.1 with something i like.
15:47.17g00seYes, you don't want 'widows' ;) You want to use touch?
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15:48.28g00seIs it possible to work around a buggy laptop bios that won't charge the battery or is that just a dream?
15:49.49ChrisHwaqstar: good to know
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15:50.05sambagirlyes i would want to use touch g00se
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15:50.35sambagirlno i dont want windows i only use windows for games and i've gotten away from that via steam and wine
15:51.03g00seI'm guessing that's not highly developed (or 'ready') yet, but i could be wrong
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15:52.56sambagirlyou mean the tablet?
15:53.09g00seI mean touch support
15:53.54g00sePresumably you want Debian?
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15:53.58markotitelg00se, don't you think maybe battery itself is a problem?
15:54.33g00semarkotitel: Actually no. I just took it out and recharged it nicely in another laptop
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15:55.08sambagirlwell its mostly experimentation
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15:56.03g00seI don't know how far Gnome has got into touch, as i don't use it. There could be other desktops maybe
15:56.08sambagirlthis is the special
15:56.34cmhobbsi'm running stable with xfce 4.8, i've added backports to my sources (which apparently has 4.10).  how can i upgrade from 4.8 to 4.10 using backports?
15:56.49cmhobbsapt-cache yields lots of packages with xfce in their name but none of them specify versions
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15:57.58g00seIf you've got your eye on some hardware you really need to check out basic driver support first
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15:58.14gernotcmhobbs, as far as I can see, Xfce 4.10 is not in backports.
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15:59.21Llama052anyone know what the acvd process does?
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15:59.33cmhobbsgernot, i think you're right.  i was looking at the wrong package info
15:59.44cmhobbsi saw the appfinder for jessie and noticed 4.10
15:59.49cmhobbsi guess i'll build it from source, then
16:00.29g00secmhobbs: What's the big advantage?
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16:01.38cmhobbsg00gz, i like the new application finder, also the "tiling" options (drag a window to the side of the screen and it snaps to half the size of the screen)
16:01.48cmhobbsg00se, ^^
16:02.09g00seSounds a bit like TIFKAM ;)
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16:03.01cmhobbsg00se, the expanded application finder is the third image here:
16:03.38g00seWindows 8 'Metro'
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16:04.25g00seYou might find your system is better integrated and stabler by going to Jessie rather than compiling xfce4
16:04.53cmhobbsg00se, all the packages have been fine so far
16:05.00g00sehas never understood why it's necessary to _find_ applications
16:05.03cmhobbsxfce is the only one that i wasn't happy with
16:05.11cmhobbsi don't mind older versions of things
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16:05.34cmhobbswell, xfce4 and emacs, but i always build emacs from source
16:05.37g00seI think you might have missed my point
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16:06.00cmhobbsand i believe that the snap tiling has existed in other wm's before metro
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16:06.59cmhobbsanyway, everything works great so far
16:07.06cmhobbswhat could break by building xfce from source?
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16:07.38g00seShell integration?
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16:08.07sandman13g00se: you remind me of an incident where I left my laptop open and no one could access it as they couldn't find an icon to click or search box
16:08.45cmhobbsg00se, i don't think i follow
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16:09.48g00sesandman13: That wouldn't surprise me
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16:12.26g00seThe same thing happens with browsers. The address bar is actually redundant for a lot of users. If there's no search window, they can't get to a site
16:12.57g00seis not suggesting that applies to anyone here ;)
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16:14.21the8thbit|workHello, I am trying to compile apt from source and I am getting this error when I run make:
16:14.23the8thbit|workchecking for curl_easy_init in -lcurl... no
16:14.23the8thbit|workconfigure: error: failed: I need CURL due https support
16:14.23the8thbit|workmake: *** [build/config.status] Error 1
16:14.23*** kick/#debian [the8thbit|work!~debhelper@unaffiliated/debhelper] by debhelper (flood. Please use instead.)
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16:14.38the8thbit|workI'm sorry for the flood :(
16:14.45abrotmanwhy are you compiling it?
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16:15.21the8thbit|workabrotman: I work at a company that develops mostly ARM-based single board computers running a custom rolled minimalist gnu/linux distribution and a custom linux kernel. These devices do not have a package management system on them yet, so they are fairly limited. While right now I am compiling apt for x86_64, my goal is to eventually cross compile for arm and scp the binaries to the board I'm playing with
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16:15.57abrotmanthe8thbit|work: apt-cache -- search curl -dev
16:16.56the8thbit|workabrotman: that gave me this:
16:17.12the8thbit|workwhich curl gives me /usr/bin/curl btw
16:17.42abrotmanit's not asking you for a binary, it's asking you for development headers
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16:17.51the8thbit|workAh ha
16:17.55abrotmanso you probably want the first result
16:18.05the8thbit|workso I need to install what, curl-dev?
16:18.27the8thbit|workthats not I real thing I realize
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16:19.46abrotmandoes that look like the package name for the first result?
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16:20.03tytando I have to configure the cron-deamon?
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16:20.48abrotmantytan: configure it to do what?
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16:21.13the8thbit|workabrotman: I installed the openSSL flavor... does it matter which I choose? I assume its a choice between OpenSSL and GNUtls... theres also NSS but I've never heard of that
16:21.15tytanabrotman: I wrote an update script and want it to be done weekly
16:21.34abrotmanthe8thbit|work: that's a legal question, ask your lawyer
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16:21.41abrotmantytan: to update packages?
16:21.56the8thbit|workabrotman: in other words, openssl is permissive?
16:22.09tytanabrotman: apt-get update, dist-upgrade and autoclean
16:22.18abrotmandpkg: tell the8thbit|work about why gnutls
16:22.29abrotmantytan: look at cron-apt or apticron, see if they do what you need
16:22.36abrotman(instead of rolling your own)
16:23.15tytanabrotman:  thank you
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16:24.00the8thbit|workI ran out of alloted pastebin pastes... but I'm getting this error now:
16:24.07daavviiiheyo, my server crashed, what log should I look?
16:24.38daavviiiand I suspect it's because of the memory consumption, in my kern.log there is something about it. (the server actually froze, not crashed)
16:24.47petn-randallthe8thbit|work: We have a perfectly fine paste service at :)
16:24.53daavviiihow can I understand the many things that are in "top" and "ps aux" oO
16:25.12abrotman!b-e the8thbit|work
16:25.13dpkgthe8thbit|work: Sounds like you need to aptitude install build-essential.
16:25.18the8thbit|workpetn-randall: Thanks! I tried using that and it gave me an error, but I'll give it another go later
16:25.36abrotmandaavviii: start with Essential System Administration from Oreilly
16:26.29daavviiiI don't want to buy a book
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16:26.43daavviiiand this is not my job, I want the fast answer :)
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16:27.00petn-randalldaavviii: Install atop and check if you see something red.
16:27.13the8thbit|workabrotman: thanks, I installed g++ and installed build-essential and now I'm getting this error:
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16:27.37the8thbit|workit doesn't look like gtest is the name of a package
16:27.44petn-randalldaavviii: Showing us the entries in kern.log would also help us.
16:27.52daavviiiwell my terminal is not in color so how can i see something red : D
16:27.57abrotmanthe8thbit|work: Have you read any docs about compiling packages from source?
16:28.24the8thbit|workabrotman: I read the docs for apt. They said that they use an autoconf, so all you need to do is run make
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16:28.38abrotmandpkg: tell the8thbit|work about package recompile
16:28.41daavviiiright before the crash I got those two lines in kern.log :
16:28.41the8thbit|workbut normally I would just run ./configure make and make install
16:28.41daavviiiNov 21 13:25:33 ks358882 kernel: Out of memory: Kill process 2255 (lwresd) score 3 or sacrifice child Nov 21 13:25:33 ks358882 kernel: Killed process 2255 (lwresd) total-vm:107296kB, anon-rss:6808kB, file-rss:0kB
16:28.47abrotmanthe8thbit|work: that's not how it works
16:28.53abrotmandaavviii: so your system didn't crash
16:29.00daavviiiit froze actually
16:29.02daavviiihad to hard reboot
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16:29.21g00seIs it conceivable that there's a live distro that's very generous about working around bios bugs (some kind of 'generous kernel'?) that will allow a laptop battery to be charged
16:29.31the8thbit|workabrotman: dpkg didn't talk to me, so I dont know what info you're trying to direct me to
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16:29.41abrotmanthe8thbit|work: dpkg did talk to you, you have to find it
16:29.49the8thbit|workoh shit thanks
16:29.52abrotman(unless you've put the bot on /ignore)
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16:34.34cmhobbsi don't see any pulseaudio processes.  what does wheezy use to control audio and is there a preferred gui application for managing it?
16:34.43cmhobbssorry for all the questions today, i'm just getting myself oriented
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16:36.11the8thbit|workabrotman: okay, I'm not sure what I'm supposed to put for the address and arguments in the deb-src line
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16:36.20cra1g321cmhobbs , i dont think wheezy comes with pulseaudio installed
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16:36.22the8thbit|workabrotman: would the address just be the git repo or...?
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16:36.55abrotmanthe8thbit|work: no, no thte git repo
16:37.11abrotmandpkg: tell the8thbit|work about deb-src
16:37.16the8thbit|workyeah, I didn't think so
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16:38.41cmhobbscra1g321, it doesn't but something is making my sound work
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16:38.57cmhobbsi haven't used anything other than pulse in years, so i'm trying to figure out the best way to control it with a gui
16:38.58the8thbit|workabrotman: So I'd want to add something like deb-src wheezy to my sources list? I understand that that will add debian repos to my repo list for apt, but I don't understand how that affects my build process. Could you explain what this is doing?
16:39.06cmhobbsmy volume keys on my keyboard work but i'd like to see the setup
16:39.08cra1g321cmhobbs it will be ALSA
16:39.12abrotmanthe8thbit|work: that will add debina *source* repos
16:39.22waynrthe8thbit|work: howdy stranger
16:39.30cmhobbsi don't see jack, alsa, or pulseaudio running
16:39.34the8thbit|workwaynr: hey there person I've never met before
16:39.48the8thbit|workwaynr: I'm trying to get apt-get on the boards :)
16:39.58the8thbit|workor rather, all of apt, I guess
16:40.33cmhobbsalsamixer appears to work though
16:40.33waynranyone know if it's possible within a rules file to determine which distro or release a package is being installed on?
16:40.59abrotmanwaynr: which rules?
16:41.06the8thbit|workabrotman: I see... so does the autoconfiguration need to pull code from there at some point? Is that where the test code is?
16:41.12abrotmanwaynr: debian/rules when building a package?
16:41.18waynrabrotman: yeah
16:41.25abrotmandpkg: tell waynr about mentors
16:41.33abrotmanthe8thbit|work: the test code?
16:41.51the8thbit|workabrotman: The error I was getting was that gtest wasn't around or something
16:41.58the8thbit|workwhich I assume are unit tests or something
16:42.09abrotmanthe8thbit|work: did you read what the bot sent you about compiling a source package?
16:43.01the8thbit|workabrotman: oh, I see.. you're trying to get me to build through aptitude rather than from the git repo?
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16:43.24abrotmanyes, why would you biuld from git?
16:43.45the8thbit|workabrotman: Am I going to be able to cross compile if I build from aptitude?
16:44.04the8thbit|workalso, can I use aptitude to do a local install?
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16:44.28waynrthe8thbit|work: you want to be able to install arbitrary debian packages on an OE distro on the boards?
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16:44.56the8thbit|workwaynr: Yeah, I don't know how feasible that is, but it would be really cool
16:45.11the8thbit|workwaynr: and someone said something about that being something they want to do at some point
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16:45.39lf94Hey, how do I completely reinstall the font system in debian?
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16:46.14waynrdebian does have have some limited support for arm but those builds definitely aren't going to install on at least some of the boards you are dealing with
16:46.15lf94I upgraded from debian stable to testing (went extremely well!), but I had infinality installed manually, and that has messed some things up.
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16:46.39waynrspecifically, i don't know if the debian packages support armv5te
16:46.57the8thbit|workwaynr: the one I'm on right now is ipac9x25
16:47.09abrotmanthe8thbit|work: there is a #debian-arm on also
16:47.25the8thbit|workabrotman: thanks, I'll check it out
16:48.00*** mode/#debian [+l 1634] by debhelper
16:48.06the8thbit|workwaynr: Is there a better package management solution for the boards, do you think? I'm more familiar with apt than pacman yum and the others, but something is better than nothing
16:48.40the8thbit|workwaynr: my end goal really is a python 2.x.x interpreter on the board itself
16:49.16the8thbit|workbut even gcc would be nice
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16:49.24waynrthe8thbit|work: i had python 2.6.? building with relatively few problems
16:49.37the8thbit|workwrite now I'm just writing shell scripts which sucks
16:49.41kleanchapI am standing a KVM hypervisor for a lab setup.  This machine is not connected to the network.  For this I plan to use Debian distro.  However, I want to very basic Debian + KVM and related files.  How can I customize this type of install?
16:50.22the8thbit|workwaynr: Hmm, I tried cross compiling python 2.6.3, but I ran into some issue that escapes me at the moment. Did you document your process?
16:51.10the8thbit|workwaynr: or it would be cool to get build-essentials and whatever else I need onto the board itself so I don't have to cross compile anymore
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17:00.42hazardOnce I've decided to add non-free repositories, is there a way to rebuild everything to take it into account?
17:01.31Brigohazard, rebuild what?
17:01.47Brigonew repository, new packages, not more.
17:02.04Brigomay be apt-get update
17:02.09hazardBrigo: I was hoping for a system wide check of the installed softwares, but a specific one I was concerned with was the Calibre package.
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17:02.11Brigoto rebuild the database.
17:02.29hazardI did do that, and then followed it with an apt-get upgrade.
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17:03.07hazardI also tried apt-get install calibre, which told me it was the most current version, but I suspect it didn't check on dependencies.
17:03.08Brigodo you think adding non-free repos you will get a new version of calibre package?
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17:03.24hazardBrigo: More "suspect" so.
17:03.46hazardI've had no trouble with Calibre under Raspbian or Ubuntu, so I suspect there is a non-free dependency or something like that.
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17:04.40hazardI had a similar issue with one of my two Alfa wireless devices, because of the firmware-ralink package.
17:04.41Brigohazard, i have never had a problem with calibre in debian. What is your problem?
17:05.17hazardBrigo: It only "half sees" my Nook. I can see books in the library and such, but can't actually take any off or add any.
17:05.52hazardThe Nook being a proprietary device is one of the things that made me suspect I'd need something from non-free.
17:06.12Brigoi see, i cannot help you , i must go just now, but i think this is not a debian related problem, but calibre version.
17:06.19hazardThanks anyway.
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17:06.32Brigohazard, good luck.
17:06.39hazardI appreciate it.
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17:08.54abrotmanhazard: Have you checked the BTS?
17:08.59abrotmanwhoa, sorry
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17:09.25abrotmanhazard: apt-cache show <foopkg>, you can manually inspect
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17:15.03hazardabrotman: I'll look into that now. Thanks.
17:15.15hazardI've only used apt-cache to search before.
17:15.23hazardDidn't realize I could also inspect things.
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17:25.53lf94Again, anyone familiar with reinstalling the font packages in debain?
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17:32.28Iridosdpkg, anyone using font packages in debian
17:32.28dpkgNo, no one uses font packages in debian, not even the people who use it.
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17:57.58jmdI did sudo apt-get install guile-2.0 guile-2.0-libs ; pkg-config --list-all | grep guile
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17:58.16jmdIt seems that guile never got installed.  How so?
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18:09.49Iridosjmd, guile-2.0-dev
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18:10.20Iridospkgconfig is for compiling, not for use, so its stuff belongs into -dev
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18:10.50GlanzmannHello; I'm updating from wheezy to jessie and during the dist-upgrade the following process hangs: root     12665 99.7  0.1  10016  6484 pts/1    Rs+  19:08   2:07 /usr/bin/dpkg --status-fd 23 --unpack --auto-deconfigure /var/cache/apt/archives/init_1.21_i386.deb
18:11.06GlanzmannFor one hour. I killed it and run it again. But now it hangs again, suggestions?
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18:11.39woffsI would try "strace -fp 12665" at first.
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18:11.53DeaDSouLHi, if a directory's name starts with '-' (dash)... how can I rename it from terminal.. I tried mv.. but it doesn't work... it thinks the dash is a part of the command option
18:12.10Glanzmannwoffs: No output.
18:12.12jmdDeaDSouL: mv ./-xxx yyyy
18:12.22woffsDeaDSouL: mv -- src dest
18:12.23GlanzmannShould I kill it and strace it from the beginning?
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18:12.53DeaDSouLjmd: thx
18:13.11woffsGlanzmann: gdb? if you have that kind of energy
18:13.23lf94I should be taught to never use `rm /my/path/`
18:13.47woffsmaybe "lsof -p 12665" says something interesting. maybe not.
18:13.49lf94in fact it should be invalid syntax
18:14.04Glanzmannwoffs: I do. Because I want to get to the bottom of this and upgrade my system.
18:14.06lf94imagine how many root filesystems would be saved per year
18:14.23jmdlf94: rm should not work if the subject is a directory.
18:14.24DeaDSouLwoffs: your way works too, thanks
18:14.27Glanzmannwoffs: Here is the strace:
18:14.31jmdunless you give the -r flag
18:14.34GlanzmannIt hangs there.
18:14.51lf94jmd: yea, with -r of course
18:14.59lf94i thought that was implicit given the context
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18:15.18jhutchins_wklf94: You could always use find ... -delete
18:15.51lf94not too many linux newbies use find at all
18:16.04lf94let alone a bunch of find's arguments
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18:16.18jmdlf94: I think that is not true.
18:16.36jmdIn fact it was very usefull to me when I started using linux.
18:16.47lf94jmd: how often did you use it to remove files
18:16.50jmdI don't know how I would have found anything wirhtout it.
18:16.53lf94when you first started using linux
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18:17.25woffsGlanzmann: seems to be something inside dpkg. a bug. I have not upgraded to jessie yet.
18:17.30mofinofind is too difficult to use, systemd better replace it
18:17.33jmdOccasionally I would use it to clear up unwnated files.  In those days disk space was still expensive.
18:17.43Glanzmannwoffs: Yes it does because no system calls that means it is computing.
18:17.46Iridoslf94, rm doesn't delete / anymore ... and I don't see too big problems with rm -rf /some/path/to/somewhere...more with stuff like rm -rf * ... which you might feel the urge to do occasionally but which is not a good thing to have in your .bash_history
18:18.00woffsGlanzmann: yes. maybe a endless loop.
18:18.07jmdmofino: perhaps but find is ubiquitous.  Changing it would confuse a lot of people.
18:18.14lf94Iridos: rm -rf / does mess systems up
18:18.27mofinojmd, was a joke, changing find would be backward
18:18.46Iridoslf94, "man rm"   search for root
18:18.49woffsGlanzmann: you could attach gdb and get a stacktrace
18:18.49lf94I can see it now, someone wanting to clear out some directory with no write permissions or whatever: rm -rf /home/user/myshit /
18:18.52Glanzmannwoffs: I attached with gdb but not much to see there:
18:19.08mofinolf94, good call
18:19.24jmdlf94: At one time, I put a file called "-i" in / and in $HOME in case that happened.
18:19.32chbmmh zsh has some protections against rm -rf /,* - just something I thought about
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18:19.40lf94jmd: clever :)
18:19.49lf94Iridos: Yep my distro says nothing about that
18:20.00mofinojmd, heh nice trick
18:20.03Iridoslf94, then you're in the wrong channel :)
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18:20.28lf94Could've just said debian does that instead :)
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18:20.42jmdBut I think you are not a profi, until you have inadvertently done rm -rf / at least once.
18:20.54IridosGlanzmann, if it's a fixed bug, you could try upgrading dpkg first, then the rest of the system... if it fails you'll end up with a mix between stable and testing (well, you probably  have a mix anyway)
18:21.00Glanzmannwoffs: I killed the process, removed the deb and did a update dpkg first.
18:21.04mofinojmd, never done that
18:21.05GlanzmannIridos: That is what I just did. :-)
18:21.21lf94jmd: one time, stupidly, I wanted to remove / for some reason, but, I had mounted a hard drive
18:21.35GlanzmannLets see how it goes.
18:21.37lf94Goodbye external hard drive files
18:21.47woffsGlanzmann, Iridos: ok. good to know.
18:21.58Glanzmanngetting better and better: dpkg: ../../src/packages.c:236: process_queue: Assertion `dependtry <= 4' failed.
18:22.04jmdActually,  only this week I blindly untarred something as root.  It promptly overwrote /lib/
18:22.10lf94Oh no I wanted to completely clear out my home directory
18:22.16woffsyeah, upgrading is an adventue
18:22.17lf94and I mount drives in there
18:22.36GlanzmannMost of the time it is easy peasy.
18:22.57GlanzmannWith the updated dpkg it moved past init. :-)
18:23.28woffslf94: find -xdev
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18:25.02IridosGlanzmann, of course, an error message is better...
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18:28.18GlanzmannI see
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18:33.03GlanzmannIt worked, thanks a lot.
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18:33.21jmdlf94: many years ago before there was diff, there was a command called cmp.  I was doing backups and in the habit of comparing last months backup with the current unbacked up system before I started.  So I would do "cmp /dev/old /dev/existing" .
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18:33.40jmdAnd one day, my finger missed the m key....
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18:43.09lf94jmd: oh shit! hahaha
18:43.27lf94yeah programs should be not named only to make sense, but so mistakes like that cant happen
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18:52.05Timmywhy would ever someone install xampp on linux?
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19:00.53dorkusmaximushow do i make my asus n10 work in debian?
19:01.49Timmydorkusmaximus: what's you problem?
19:01.50dpkgIf you have a question, just ask! For example: "I have a problem with ___; I'm running Debian version ___. When I try to do ___ I get the following output ___. I expected it to do ___." Don't ask if you can ask, if anyone uses it, or pick one person to ask. We're all volunteers; make it easy for us to help you. If you don't get an answer try a few hours later or on See <smart questions><errors>.
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19:02.00mtndorkusmaximus: follow that
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19:04.16dorkusmaximusI have a problem with asus n10. I'm running Debian latest version. When I try to do anything that requires a network connection I get the following output: nothing. I expected it to do stuff that would normally happen with a working network connection.
19:06.07mtndorkusmaximus: see and/or
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19:07.21dorkusmaximusok, so basically im on my own.
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19:07.54mtndorkusmaximus: no. but did you do any of those things? what did you do? what happened, etc. etc.?
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19:08.46mtndorkusmaximus: also, what network card/chip? did you check cables? is it a known good working network connection, etc.etc.?
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19:10.23galex-713Hello, how can I make my laptop not suspend when closing the lid? I don’t use a DE fyi btw
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19:11.34Iridosdorkusmaximus, basically we can't magically do all the debugging with you ... and that without any information. "nothing" is not very specific, nor very helpful... the specifity of the answer usually matches that of the question :)  (this is what the "ask" factoid tries to tell you)
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19:12.13dorkusmaximus:| Asus N10 is a wireless network adapter. There are no cables. This is a driver problem with my hardware.
19:12.36Iridosdorkusmaximus, common problem is the missing firmware, which is not in stock-debian because it is not free software
19:12.56mtndorkusmaximus: ok, so first thing: identify card/chip.
19:13.24Iridosspecially with wireless chips
19:13.41mtndorkusmaximus: for wifi see:
19:14.34Iridosdpkg, wifi
19:14.35dpkgSupport for your wireless LAN device is dependent on the chipset within.  Don't know what you have?  Ask me about <what's my wireless>.  Atheros: <atheros>; Atmel: <atmel>; Broadcom: <broadcom>; Intel: <intel>; Intersil: <prism>; Marvell: <marvell>; Ralink: <ralink>; Realtek: <realtek>; TI: <acx-mac80211>; VIA: <vt665x>; ZyDAS: <zydas>.  See also <crda>, <killswitch>, <wpa>.
19:15.06Iridosdpkg, what's my wireless
19:15.06dpkgInstall the hwinfo package and execute "/usr/sbin/hwinfo --wlan", or , or ask me about <whats my hardware>.  See also <wireless>.
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19:15.49Iridosdorkusmaximus, ^^^  see what class of wifi yours fits in
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19:16.35dorkusmaximusok, ill see if i can find the hwinfo package on the web
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19:17.04Iridosthis should be the one
19:17.28Iridosjudd, pciid 0b05:1786
19:17.29judd[0b05:1786] is 'Unknown device' from 'Unknown vendor' with no known kernel module in wheezy or in sid. See also
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19:17.53Iridosoh... usbid
19:18.09Iridoswonder if we have that, too
19:18.10Iridosjudd, usbid 0b05:1786
19:18.16Iridosguess not
19:18.27Iridosdpkg, realtek
19:18.27dpkgRealtek is a developer of semiconductors.  Realtek Ethernet controllers are supported by the 8139too, 8139cp and <r8169> drivers in the mainline Linux kernel.  For support of Realtek-based wireless LAN devices, ask me about <rtl819x> (802.11n) or <rtl818x> (802.11b/g).
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19:19.01Iridosdpkg, rtl819x
19:19.01dpkgFor support of Realtek 802.11n PCIe devices, ask me about <rtl8192ce>, <rtl8192de>, <rtl8192e>, <rtl8192se>, <rtl8723ae>, <rtl8188ee>.  For support of Realtek 802.11n USB devices, ask me about <rtl8192cu>, <r8712u>, <rtl8192u>, <rtl8723au>, <rtl8188eu>.  See also <what's my wireless>.
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19:19.44Iridosoh, only need to read the webpage, it also mentions the firmware usb 2-1.1: r8712u: Loading firmware from "rtlwifi/rtl8712u.bin"
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19:20.32Iridosdorkusmaximus, if it's exactly the one from the webpage, the firmware is in the package firmware-realtek
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19:21.05dorkusmaximusawesome. thanks. ill see if i can get the package onto my box with a usb drive.
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19:21.31ompauldpkg -i packagename when you do
19:21.31dpkgremoves a kidney from ompaul and replaces it with packagename when you do
19:21.43ompauldpkg: shutup
19:21.43dpkgNo! You can STFU yourself! The voice of truth cannot be silenced! Oh, except perhaps in China...
19:21.47Iridos!pal ompaul
19:21.47dpkgpoints at ompaul and laughs uproariously
19:22.06ompaulIridos: always with the happy stuff ;-)
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19:22.34dorkusmaximusso tired. have to go work now. computers keep me awake all night.
19:23.18Iridosdpkg, shuddup
19:23.18dpkgFine, I'll be quiet.
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19:23.21Iridosompaul, :P
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19:23.30ompaulIridos: always with the happy stuff ;-)
19:23.37ompaulwhere did I read that before
19:23.46DanielHolthWhere do I put an epoch in the control file (mine has no Version?) so the standard package won't overwrite my customized one?
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19:32.26ompaulDanielHolth: read section 5.6.12
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19:35.51DanielHolthompaul it looks like I may have to put the Version field in each package section rather than at the top of the control file?
19:36.04wjtayloris it possible to shrink a filesystem?
19:36.06DanielHolthHowever, there is no Version at all in the control file
19:36.09DanielHolthand that documentation is not great
19:36.38mtnwjtaylor: do you mean partition?
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19:37.25DanielHolthIs there a place where it says "the version defaults to ${source:version} if not present in the control file?
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19:39.46wjtaylormtn: the file system within the parition. To my understanding, I cannot shrink the partition if the filesystem takes up the entire partition.
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19:39.54ompaulDanielHolth: what is the package and what version of debian
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19:40.44mtnwjtaylor: in that case, you would need to delete some files to make it smaller.
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19:41.35DanielHolthit's couchdb
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19:42.30DanielHolthi've tried putting version elsewhere in the control file, we'll see how that goes
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19:42.42ompaul,v couchdb
19:42.43juddPackage: couchdb on i386 -- wheezy: 1.2.0-5; sid: 1.4.0-3+b1
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19:43.08ompaulDanielHolth: it won't matter if you are doing it on stable unless you look for a backport
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19:43.14wjtaylormtn: understood, there must be enough free space to allow partition reduction, but there could be data at the end of the fileystem. To my understanding I need 1) sufficient free space 2) defrag - to move data to beginning of filesystem 3) possibly shrink fs to keep fs metadata in tact (superblocks, etc). 4) reduce partition.
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19:43.19dpkgA backport is a package from a newer Debian branch, compiled from source for an older branch to avoid dependency and <ABI> complications. (2.7.4 and 2.7.10), .  Ask me about <debian-backports> and <backport caveat>.  See also <simple sid backport>.
19:43.38ghohi, when I boot the debian ISO in a virtualbox, whilst linux is booting the VM abruptly terminates - can anyone help
19:44.59jhutchins_wkgho: Have you checeked the md5sum of the iso?
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19:47.24ghojhutchins_wk, yes it's fine
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19:48.34DanielHolthompaul it doesn't actually use Version in control at all, does it
19:48.52DanielHolthIIRC it devines it from the source directory name instead?
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19:52.29ompaul 5.3 it's been around a long time - and what I said stands if you are using stable you don't have to do anything
19:52.40ompaulI'll have to leave it there
19:53.20DanielHolthso your suggestion is just that my modified version is not in danger of being overwritten by debian's version, without mucking about with the epoch field?
19:53.39ompaulDanielHolth: are you using sid / testing
19:53.59ompaulso moot point
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19:54.17ompauldebian won't be pushing couchdb into that you manage your own security
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19:55.44xcxpI just noticed I got exim4 installed, even though I tried to turn off MTA/mail service stuff from my install menu.  I just did this install this morning, PST.
19:56.05ompaulxcxp: do you use crontab for anything?
19:56.17PryMar56is bash OK to use in /etc/network/interfaces ?
19:56.19ompaulyou might just want that :)
19:56.39ompaulPryMar56: can you explain your question and or assumptions please
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19:57.26PryMar56ompaul, I want to branch around an interface definition in */interfaces instead of commenting it out
19:57.29xcxpNot intentionally, but yes I presume that to be a standard facility, so I will hope to.  I don't believe I specified it.
19:57.41xcxpI have not used crontab yet.
19:57.50ompaulxcxp: you will want an mta if you do
19:58.16xcxpOk.  It is a little confusing.  Would it have installed the MTA differently if I had said no in the menu?
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19:58.41xcxpIf not, it may be best to take out the option, since it is not therefore functional.
19:58.59ompaulPryMar56:  you really want to write some tool to write your interfaces file and then commit it - it is not a bash script it is a very specific interfaces control file you can then use bash to control what gets put in the place
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19:59.29ompaulxcxp: it is not functional except for cron unless you enable it, it is not a threat
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20:00.58cmhobbswhen i wake my netbook (asus x101ch) from suspend or hibernate, the display doesn't seem to want to come on.  it lights up but doesn't display anything.  what's the best place to look to start ferreting that issue out?
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20:01.12cmhobbsas far as i know the machine is still functional.  hard drive light blinks, capslock turns on and off
20:01.19cmhobbsi haven't tried ssh'ing in but i bet it'd be up
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20:02.26ompaulcmhobbs: suspend is an art of magical incantations :-(
20:02.36cmhobbsompaul, thank you!
20:02.42cmhobbsi imagine it's got some oddities
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20:02.53cmhobbsi've had it successfully suspend/hibernate and wake up in trisquel
20:02.56ompaulcmhobbs: some is a very conservative word
20:03.00PryMar56ompaul, ty - checking the page
20:03.01cmhobbsbut i had to tinker with parabola
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20:09.07forcerHello! Are there any known problems using systemd in wheezy on a VPS? My hoster uses upstart for some reason (yes, it's wheezy, not some ubuntu), and I'd like to switch to systemd. But I'm not sure how systemd-read wheezy is?
20:09.45petemcforcer: do you have access to the machine if it cant boot?
20:09.57petemcout of band access, as its sometimes known
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20:10.43forcerpetemc: It's a VPS, no physical access, only a reboot button. I guess that means "no".
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20:13.57petemcforcer: risky undertaking then, and not something ive done myself so cant advise further, sorry
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20:14.40forcerpetemc: Yeah, that's partly why I'm asking. It feels rather ... problematic. :-) Thank you for looking at it anyhow!
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20:24.00pecgHello, how do I identify packages installed from a specific repository, in apt-get
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20:26.40dondelelcaropecg: you can only identify which repositories they could potentially have come from
20:26.45dondelelcaropecg: see apt-cache policy
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20:28.27pecgdondelelcaro: How do I list installed packages?
20:28.39pecgdondelelcaro: Maybe with their licenses?
20:29.29dutchfishforcer, while systemd can work hen done carefully, without adapting userland it is pointless
20:29.54pecgdondelelcaro: I found the place, thank you.
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20:30.07somiajpecg: dpkg -l lists install packages so does aptitude search ~i
20:30.33somiajpecg: licenses are in /usr/share/doc/package_name -- with aptitude search you can say search packages for installed packges from main, contrib or non-free seperateally
20:30.38pecgsomiaj: Yes, thanks.
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20:32.25forcerdutchfish: Yes, I would like to migrate the processes in supervisor to systemd. :-)
20:32.31pecgsomiaj: That is what I was looking for.
20:33.56dutchfishforcer, it can be done, even when userland is done partially, one of the nice goodies of systemd is that it plays along with sysV quiet well, but i also believe that is easier to adapt to jessie as it stands now then 'upgrading' wheezy, for the sake of time involved.
20:34.38forcerdutchfish: Hm. Ok. I can't upgrade the VPS to jessie, so I guess I'll just have to continue to deal with supervisor. Thank you!
20:34.52dutchfishforcer, yw
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20:36.37jhutchins_wkforcer: There's considerable question about how systemd ready jessie is.
20:37.16forcerjhutchins_wk: I run jessie with systemd quite fine on another host. :-)
20:37.51teeteewhystill alive cunts
20:37.57dutchfishjhutchins_wk, to my humble opinion, not release ready by far, but there is slow progress, and as i said, it plays along nicely with sysV for the older userland parts
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20:38.33phaHi, I am having a bit of trouble and would appreciate some input... been contacted by my host telling me my IP is unnecessarily sending a large number of requests over the network via its IP failover 178.32.153.xx - This is due to a misconfiguration.
20:38.49phaI don't see anything wrong?
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20:39.11mimooany idea how to install the new "lets-encrypt" on Debian Squeeze ?
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20:48.45jhutchins_wkmimoo: Wait for it to come out next Summer?
20:49.01jhutchins_wkmimoo: iirc they're shooting for August.
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20:50.05sobkashow too stop gnome-shell/wayland from using some input devices?
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20:50.54phanew URL, set the old one to wipe after 10m ->
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20:51.33shaun414how can I disable swap
20:51.37shaun414on debian for using ssd?
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20:53.02mtnshaun414: man swapoff and/or edit your fstab
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20:53.26dutchfishpha, there are errors in there, not so much for the virtual stanzas, but i dont see anything about natting and firewalling (i presume you need that) see:
20:53.56shaun414idk what any of that means
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20:54.42dutchfishpha, preventing leakage in routable networks is done with firewalling
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20:55.09mtn!tell shaun414 about fstab
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20:56.09shaun414how do I get to it
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20:57.58shaun414does debian not have swap?
20:58.01shaun414by default
20:58.14mtnshaun414: it does by default
20:58.22shaun414so how do i disable it
20:58.51mtnshaun414: put a # sign in front of the swap line. reboot.
20:59.06phathank you very much dutchfish
20:59.12dutchfishpha, yw
20:59.13mtnshaun414: read the link I sent you.
20:59.20shaun414i did
20:59.29mtnshaun414: then you know it is /etc/fstab
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21:00.03Quantum`I want to show a '<' on a web page.  Anyone know how to escape this?
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21:00.26jhutchins_wkQuantum`: I usually refer to
21:00.27shaun414the fstab is empty
21:00.34mtnshaun414: no it isn't
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21:00.42shaun414i just opened it
21:00.52mtnshaun414: which version of debian?
21:00.58shaun414the newest
21:01.03mtnshaun414: which is?
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21:01.26jhutchins_wkshaun414: There are three possible meanings to "the newest".
21:01.33mtnshaun414: in a terminal: less /etc/fstab. paste the results to
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21:02.46mtnshaun414: doesn't look empty to me ;)
21:02.56shaun414well how do i disable thswap
21:03.22mtnshaun414: I don't see any swap setup.
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21:03.32shaun414ok so its not eneabled...
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21:03.46jhutchins_wkshaun414: At this point it's probably better to be learning to work with Debian and Linux than to be messing with OS basics.  The system won't use swap gratuitously just because it's there.  If you have 4G or more of RAM it might shove a few buffers in there and then just leave it alone unless you have some sort of memory crisis, in which case swap on ssd is better than a crash.
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21:04.00shaun414i have 8gb
21:04.06shaun414I just dont want to ruin the ssd
21:04.40jhutchins_wkshaun414: Modern ssds are not that fragile.  Unless you're realy hammering the RAM it shouldn't swap at all with 8G.
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21:13.18abrotmanshaun414: you don't have to run with swap if you don't want, just beware the implications (and "8GB" as a limit is absurd, not sure why he said that)
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21:30.44deb-llqhello how can i create a qos solution with dscp flags on a debian router?
21:31.38deb-llqi have seen dsmark but i dont know how to create a queue with dsmark
21:32.04trem0rI'm guessing you're using iptables?
21:32.45deb-llqi can mark the packets like this: iptables -t mangle -A FORWARD -p tcp --dport 80 -j DSCP --set-dscp-class EF
21:32.53deb-llqwith wireshark i can see the dscp flag on the other side
21:33.53notdave1hi. anyone know if I can download packages through apt using something othr than http? ftp maybe?
21:34.07deb-llqbut there is no queue where the bandwidth is specified
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21:35.42trem0rdeb-llq, look into the tc util
21:35.56galex-713Hello, how can I make my laptop not suspend when closing the lid? I don’t use a DE fyi btw
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21:40.44abrotmannotdave1: you can use FTP, usually more flaky.  There is also https and bittorrent
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21:41.23guy312Hi, can someone tell me please which are the default groups from frist created user?
21:42.37mtnguy312: mine says: mtn cdrom floppy audio dip video plugdev
21:42.54guy312mtn: great, thanks!
21:43.33notdave1thanks abrotman, got it working with ftp, just changed it in sources.list
21:43.56abrotmanguy312: this is configurable IIRC
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21:45.21guy312abrotman: just didnt use append at usermod so I lost groups
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21:47.28notdave1Not really debian related, but could do with a way of routing http through something else, to get to websites. ISP is blocking http at moment, so cant get to web pages to try to look it up for myself.
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21:47.58shaun414where can I learn bout linux
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21:48.22joncrunchbangshaun414: google?
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21:48.31joncrunchbangwhat do you mean?
21:49.43joncrunchbangshaun414: honest advice though. i started out with crunchbang. it's an excellent community and a brilliant way to learn.
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21:50.48mtnshaun414: debian has a good wiki and you can find lots of basic linux info online.
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21:55.08sheaphow would I make a package that starts tasksel after a user logs in on a cli environment?
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21:55.41valdynsheap: why must it be a package?
21:56.20sheapvaldyn: has custom menu's and has to come up on first boot after install
21:57.22valdynsheap: makes no sense
21:57.30valdynsheap: debian runs tasksel like that on install
21:59.04*** mode/#debian [+o eir] by ChanServ
21:59.06sheapvaldyn: why can't I make my own custom ".desc" and want them shown on tasksel?
21:59.07*** mode/#debian [-qo *!* eir] by eir
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21:59.27valdynsheap: thats an entirely new issue
21:59.37sheapI know it works
22:00.08valdynsheap: im not sure what you are trying to do makes sense at all, nor if a package is a reasonable way to do it
22:00.31sheapall I want is tasksel to come up after a user logs in, and have it display my custom desc files
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22:00.40valdynsheap: obviously packages can do all kinds of (stupid) things in the postinst / preinst scripts
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22:01.01valdynsheap: so all your users get root permissions?
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22:02.36valdynsheap: you set their shell to run tasksel and bash I guess
22:02.51valdynsheap: thats awful i know, but you want something awful
22:03.16sheapwhat would you do then, if this is equivalent to running over children
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22:03.45valdynsheap: first you would define what you mean exactly with "log in"
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22:04.19valdynsheap: some user logging into a shell environment and using that would be expected to also be able to run tasksel himself
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22:04.41valdynsheap: but maybe you really meant a specific login: "Log into Gnome" or somesuch
22:04.55sheapnope login just to the cli
22:05.02sheapand yea I'd assume they could run tasksel
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22:05.22sheapbut the cards ive been dealt say that it has to come up on its own and the use shouldnt have to do anything prior to that
22:05.41valdynsheap: create a shell script that does exactly what you want
22:05.53valdynsheap: set the users login to be that
22:05.59valdynsheap: set the users login *shell* to be that
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22:06.27valdynsheap: of course you will need to contain the cleanup code in that script too
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22:08.10valdynsheap: see your "echo $SHELL" and /etc/passwd, where that $SHELL value originates from
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22:14.30jhutchins_wkHow do I find the block size on a device?  I'm getting wierd translations between blocks and bytes.
22:14.43valdynjhutchins_wk: show us
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22:15.23jhutchins_wkAh, 512
22:17.02woshtymost 4k still report as 512
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22:25.01jhutchins_wkwoshty: I guess divid size by blocks...
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22:28.01jhutchins_wkThis makes no sense.  I divide the size shown by df by the blocks shown by fdisk -l and I get 193......
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22:30.44albru123Hi, I'm installing Debian and wanna use two partitions. One for system and one for my files (the computer will work like a LAN file-server). Which mount point I should choose? /usr/local or /home and save files under user home folder?
22:31.04heuristalbru123: home
22:31.45albru123heurist: thanks :)
22:32.41valdynalbru123: /srv
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22:32.57albru123valdyn: Late :P
22:33.14valdynalbru123: see the FHS
22:33.31albru123valdyn: Ok
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22:35.46albru123valdyn: Yeah, but I'm not sure if it can be changed after system is installed
22:36.33heuristalbru123: you can bind mount the parts of home that you want share into /srv.
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22:37.37heuristalbru123: but /home is fine and is the default for samba shares, so it is least work. but never is /usr/local the place for this.
22:37.39valdynalbru123: it can be changed
22:38.03mofinonobody uses /mnt/?
22:38.17heuristmofino: not for this purpose.
22:38.22valdynmofino: my /mnt is older than /srv
22:38.28mofinooh no!
22:38.32albru123mofino: mnt is for temporary data AFAIK
22:38.37valdynmofino: i mean ive been sharing files before i knew about /srv
22:38.44heuristalbru123: yes
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22:38.56mofinoalbru123, is it?  sounds wrong
22:39.03heuristvaldyn: /srv is still new enough that almost nothing uses it.
22:39.59wuffi600what is the wheezy way to get a nx-server (like neatx, freenx) running? I've found what is not working anymore.
22:40.00albru123Well, I don't really know if it'll make a huge difference. Maybe there will be some issues with file permissions
22:40.03valdynnothing wrong with using /fileserverstuff either ;)
22:40.17mofinovaldyn, indeed
22:40.58valdynalbru123: some file servers (i mean programs) work nicely with /home if you want multiple users using their own stuff
22:41.21albru123valdyn: That's not really neccessary
22:41.30valdynalbru123: yea i assumed that
22:41.40albru123valdy: I'll only use FTP and maybe DLNA sometimes
22:41.52jhutchins_wk/usr/local is for code, isn't it?  I always just create /share
22:41.56valdynalbru123: so with samba you would probably mostly not use [homes]
22:42.19valdynjhutchins_wk: not just code
22:42.32albru123Give me a sec, I'll go AFK for a while
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22:42.34heuristjhutchins_wk: yes, /usr/local is for the same thing as /usr is just for local stuff.
22:43.21heuristdpkg: tell albru_AFK -about away
22:45.26jhutchins_wkThe /usr/share hierarchy is for all read-only architecture independent data files
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22:45.41valdynjhutchins_wk: not all
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22:45.54valdynjhutchins_wk: only from .deb packages
22:46.07jhutchins_wkvaldyn: Cut and paste from
22:46.08heuristfhs is more, what you would call, guidelines.
22:46.33jonker07Is there some one experienced use who can help me use anacron for a simple bash script?
22:46.39valdynjhutchins_wk: not going to read it... but they probably say something about /usr/local/share too
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22:47.18heuristjonker07: get the script working complete first, then think about making cron run it.
22:47.20jhutchins_wkI think /var/share might be appropriate, in the same sense that /var/www is the web root.
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22:47.34jonker07heurist: I have the bash script
22:47.47valdynjonker07: you dont interact with anacron
22:47.51jhutchins_wkvaldyn: Requirements the same, the only stipulation is that /usr/share/man and /usr/local/share/man be linked.
22:47.55valdynjonker07: when do you want to run this?
22:48.00heuristjhutchins_wk: /var/www should be moved to /srv but is not because there is too much history.
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22:48.29valdynjhutchins_wk: i see, that certainly doesnt work for me. Where would the fhs put 3rd party software?
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22:49.01jonker07valdyn: It's a bash script containing "apt-get update", "apt-get dist-upgrade -y" and "apt-get autoclean". I want it to be run weekly.
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22:49.16valdynjonker07: just put it into /etc/cron.weekly/
22:49.30heuristdpkg: tell jonker07 -about cron-apt
22:49.31valdynjonker07: but this is stupid, really
22:49.40valdynjonker07: use the package called "unattended-upgrades"
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22:50.35jonker07valdyn: I want to learn about cron in general. So I thought starting with this would be a good idea :/
22:51.00twisty-1Hi, is debian a good OS to build a small business PPPoE server?
22:51.09twisty-1Do you recommend it?
22:51.25valdynjonker07: of course you can do this for learning. Im just saying that you can use the competence of more knowledgeable people for managing your upgrades by using that package
22:51.39abrotmantwisty-1: Is linux a good OS to build a small business PPPoE server? :)
22:52.03valdyntwisty-1: yes
22:52.04twisty-1Don't know :D
22:52.21twisty-1Okay, thanks ;)
22:52.50twisty-1Does some pppoe-server packages with configurations exists in the apt?
22:52.53heuristtwisty-1: PPPoE server support in linux is a bit lacking, it is lacking in most OSs.
22:53.16twisty-1heurist: okay, it's only for testing, i'm new to this
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22:54.04valdyntwisty-1: what do you really want to do though? how does a small business need a pppoe server?
22:54.28twisty-1valdyn: We're a small service provider, and want to test something
22:54.30jonker07valdyn: I tried to put a bash script containing "killall vlc" in /etc/cron.hourly. I started VLC and waited over a hour. didn't work :(
22:54.37valdyntwisty-1: oh, a provider, ok then
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22:55.22valdynjonker07: is that file +x ?
22:55.32heuristjonker07: make a simple script that just writes some data to a file, so your can test it without worrying that things may have run but not done what you want.
22:55.34jonker07valdyn: of course it is ^^
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22:56.22valdynjonker07: "#!/bin/sh" may be needed in the first line, i dont really know
22:56.28albru123valdyn: So, I'm back and successfully installed Debian, so should I do something now with the hierarchy or it's ok.
22:56.32jonker07heurist: like "echo "hello world" > /home/user/test.txt"?
22:56.57jonker07valdyn: it is. otherwise it wouldn@t be a bash script ^^
22:57.04valdynalbru123: you can of course create *whatever* you want to share in /home too
22:57.29heuristjonker07: yeah. or  echo $(date) test > /tmp/text.txt  with /tmp/text.txt being writable by everyone
22:57.36valdynalbru123: theres no issue at all if you are the only admin. If there's multiple admins then it is reasonable to use some standardised directories
22:58.05heuristalbru123: the default are probably fine for most people, that is why they are default.
22:58.11valdynalbru123: naturally if you share /home/public_stuff you dont want to create a user named public_stuff
22:58.55heuristalbru123: not all directories in /home/ need to have a user with the same name.
22:59.16albru123valdyn: As only I will use it, there's no need for special structures. Only thing I want is a directory where I can put all of my stuff and share it using vsftpd and samba
22:59.25albru123heurist: Great :)
22:59.33jonker07heurist: so what did I do wrong with my procedure?
22:59.34twisty-1You can create a shared directoriy that is writeable for allowed user (admins, tech, whatever) and readable for every normal user
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23:00.22heuristjonker07: I just added a date to it, so you can see in the file when it ran. and I put the file in a place that is more likely to writable by cron.
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23:01.40heuristjonker07: also maybe turn the > into a >> so it appends to the file instead of overwriting it.
23:01.53twisty-1>> adds a new line :)
23:02.05albru123ok, thank you valdyn and heurist, hope everything will work.
23:02.07jonker07heurist: As far as I know scripts are executed as root by cron. So it should have killed VLC, shouldn't it?
23:02.18jonker07heurist: thx
23:02.41twisty-17msg dpkg dsa2896
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23:02.52heuristjonker07: yes, but "as far as I know" is a risky place to start from. you can add a   echo $(id) >> file too to see who is running it.
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23:04.40valdynjonker07: you probably need to use /usr/bin/killall anyway
23:04.41jonker07heurist: I try echo $(date) and tell you in about two hours if your're still there
23:04.43heuristjonker07: I have no idea why I am using the clumsy  echo $(id) >>  rather then just  id >> file  silly me.
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23:06.00heuristjonker07: and as valdyn says you probably need full paths in a script as cron does not have the same $PATH. this is why we test with something simple first.  why set it to run in 2 hours. make it run in a few minutes for testing.
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23:07.29jonker07heurist: ok
23:07.59twisty-1EH, when i type "5.0.12" to dpkg i get 5 :o
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23:09.10heuristtwisty-1: huh? does not compute. insufficient data.
23:09.44twisty-1seems so :P
23:09.58twisty-1dpkg is my best friend *lol*
23:09.58dpkgtwisty-1: I don't know, could you explain it?
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23:11.54abrotmantwisty-1: someone doesn't know how to use the bot :)
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23:12.07abrotmanor maybe not
23:12.21twisty-1I like dpkg ;)
23:12.39phais it wget -qO or wget -q -O ?
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23:13.44GNU\colossusdoesn't matter
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23:14.04twisty-1You can use both
23:14.17jonker07is afk
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23:16.53twisty-1Seems to be a silent zombie horde here
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23:17.10phathanks GNU\colossus & twisty-1 -- much obliged.
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23:31.32Resilience_I am looking for a long time archival of music cd's on hard-disk, is there some application (cli) that prevents bitrotting of data? something like crc-archiving or "raid-file" or something like that?
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23:32.29woshtypreventing and detecting are two different things.
23:32.52Resilience_woshty, is at me?
23:33.11heuristResilience_: par2 is an interesting option for that.
23:33.16woshtyResilience_: yes..
23:33.42Resilience_heurist, I'm going to check it, any toher by the way?
23:33.46heuristResilience_: though your best bet is, of course, to use more than one disk.
23:33.55Resilience_woshty,  well, preventing AND detecting and correcting
23:34.06mofinobit rot?  is this a real thing?
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23:34.15mofinonever seen in my ... 20+ years
23:34.33heuristmofino: not the thing I would worry about in a backup on hard drive.
23:34.45mofinofigure usually the drives die first
23:34.46Resilience_heurist, that is about the media, but I am asking abot data
23:35.02mofinowe had some old Maxtor 80GB drives run solid for ... 15 years?
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23:35.09mofinomight have been 12
23:35.13heuristResilience_: yes, par2 does parity, checksums, and recover.
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23:35.36systemddi have a maxtor 1.5GB drive from 1995.  it still works.
23:35.42mofinosystemdd, indeed
23:35.58systemddsounds like a box of rocks.
23:36.41Resilience_I have experienced bitrotting
23:36.44pingfloydI have a few western digitals still running fine from that same era
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23:37.03Resilience_when you have a lot of fles of big file you can have data errors very easy, corrupting the file
23:37.45Resilience_sorrym when you have a lot of files of big size you can have data errors very easy, corrupting the file
23:37.46Resilience_O :o)
23:37.55mofinoi understood you
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23:38.27mofinoif that was happening in the real world, we'd have alot of trouble
23:38.34Resilience_I don't worry about the disk, I worry about the infomration on the disk
23:38.35woshtyMost errors just do not make a lot of difference, just a few do.
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23:38.46mofinowoshty, haha what!?!?
23:38.49Resilience_I am archiving music
23:39.03mofinoif you get ONE error, it's serious
23:39.18heuristResilience_: in flack format I hope.
23:39.24mofinoimagine a 90GB database...
23:39.25dondelelcarouncorrected errors happen, but they're fairly unusual
23:39.52mofinoif the hardware fails, yes
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23:39.58dondelelcarothey're more likely if you have non-ecc ram, and other things, for example
23:40.03woshtymofino: why, it one bit in some raw image file changes, you might not even be able to see that change ..
23:40.11mofinodondelelcaro, never once seen an ECC correction
23:40.18dondelelcaromofino: I have
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23:40.36mofinodondelelcaro, actually, once, was heat related
23:40.45pingfloydNo, its that the more sectors involved the worse the adds as in having to role the dice many more times
23:40.56mofinopingfloyd, maybe on your drives...
23:41.08pingfloydSnake eyes eventually will come up
23:41.27mofinoask your bank about that
23:42.01mofinowe're talking about bitrot, not failing hardware
23:42.04pingfloydBank, pft
23:42.09mofinopingfloyd, :)
23:42.14pingfloydBecause bankers understand technology
23:42.23mofinothey have pretty rock solid systems
23:42.31pingfloydAren't they still on os/2
23:42.35mofinohope so
23:43.34dpkg#debian is primarily a support channel for Debian users.  Please keep the discussions in #debian on-topic and take longer discussions and non-support questions to #debian-offtopic.  Imagine the chaos if each of the hundreds of people in the channel felt the need to wander off topic for a few minutes every day.
23:43.50mofinooh crap, it's the cops
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23:44.21mofinoabrotman, sorry, was quiet
23:44.50abrotmanThat doesn't make it okay
23:45.11heuristalso does not make is quiet. looks noisy to me. (:
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23:55.53Resilience_is there some channel this server for asking about data integrity for data archival?
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23:59.10mofinoResilience_, sum all your files, verify the sum
23:59.42Resilience_mofino,  I think this topic is, well offtopic, that's why I am asking for the right chaennl ;D

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