IRC log for #debian on 20141011

00:00.23*** join/#debian fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
00:01.36monkwitdafunkWheezy 7.6.0 uses kernel 3.2 if i can remember. I just have to get my firmware before i begin as the gnu unix hobbyist
00:02.18monkwitdafunkI hate the fact that self monitoring and reporting technology is not supported on raid0
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00:19.04zh1even on chromium in a fresh install with pepperflashplugin-nonfree get this error
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00:29.45incalis there a another way to suspend a process than '/bin/kill -s stop PID'?
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00:32.23rudi_sincal: Ctrl-Z if it's currently in the foreground.
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00:34.54incalruis_s: yeah, hard to do on specific PIDs tho :)
00:34.55sheapI have an init script that provides a dialog menu before login, and when the machine starts up it shows for like a second, and then X/login plows over it I there a way to make the DM/X wait until this script finishes?
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00:36.35rudi_sincal: Yes. What other way are you looking for? kill(2) sends a signal to a process.
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00:40.50incalrudi_s: I have tried kill from C++ (kill(2)) and /bin/kill (kill(1)) and they are about 4 ms each, my boss says that is too slow and I should change the scheduler (in the kernel) to temporarily not execute certain processes, and I don't want to do that
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00:41.10rudi_sincal: What?
00:41.20incalrudi_s: what what?
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00:41.49rudi_sThat sounds a little weird. Why is it performance relevant how long it takes to deliver a signal to a process?
00:41.58benzrfmy wifi works really well on wheezy, but if i upgrade to jessie it acts oddly
00:42.14benzrfit still works often but on some networks, in some locations, it'll list a network as available but will refuse to connect
00:42.20Eduard_Munteanuincal, what is the intended application?
00:42.32benzrfor will connect but stop working after 3 minutes
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00:43.34rudi_sincal: Without messing with the Kernel it won't get faster than kill(2) (well you could perform the system call by hand ..), kill(1) is just a prgram using kill(2) - the system call kill.
00:43.46incalrudi_s: there are two cores, one with critical software and one with best-effort software, there is a counter that counts the memory accesses from the BE-core, when it reaches a limit they can influence the deadlines of the critical-core tasks so the BE-core software should all be suspended temporarily to give the critical core all access to the memory
00:44.01incalrudi_s: yeah, I thought so
00:44.28valdynincal: your offtopic, wrong channel
00:44.41benzrfwhat the heck is going on?!
00:45.30Eduard_Munteanuincal, sounds like you should be running your critical processes with realtime priority... unless there's more to your memory management.
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00:49.46incalEduard_Munteanu: actually no, the problem remaining is just cutting of one core from accessing the memory, I thought just signalling all the processes there to stop made the most sense, changing the kernel is overkill... this is a student project by the way so I can't change the general architecture at this point :) rudi_s, how do you perform a syscall by hand? can I try that from the shell somehow?
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00:52.11Eduard_Munteanuincal, all that is unlikely to be fast enough if plain C kill wasn't.
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00:53.47incalEduard_Munteanu: OK, I'll just tell them kill is the correct way to do it and it doesn't get any faster, maybe they'll back off. thank you guys
00:54.24Eduard_Munteanuincal, I doubt kill is the correct way to do anything realtime there.
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00:56.06Eduard_Munteanuincal, perhaps you can serialize memory access through a semaphore, then all you have to do is lock it.
00:56.37Eduard_MunteanuOr let it reach the limit if that's convenient as a limitation.
00:57.20incalEduard_Munteanu: you mean you can lock the memory for a list of specific processes?
00:58.46Eduard_Munteanuincal, in effect, yes, at least if they're well-behaved and take the lock/semaphore and don't hold it for too long.
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01:00.36incalEduard_Munteanu: well, I already know what PIDs to exclude - I need to be able to say, "now access is OK", and "now access isn't OK (for those PIDs)" - is there a specific tool or method to do this that you know of?
01:01.38Eduard_Munteanuincal, er, no, your processes are going to have to be written specifically for this. But how are they getting at that piece of memory to begin with anyway? Is it ordinary memory?
01:02.38Eduard_Munteanu(to answer the question, whoever tries to take that lock, it's not on a per-PID basis)
01:03.16incalEduard_Munteanu: yeah, didn't do anything to setup memory, dualcore with some processes put on the best-effort core with taskset
01:04.10Eduard_Munteanuincal, there isn't a best-effort core and a realtime core in that sense
01:04.27Eduard_MunteanuThey're just scheduling classes.
01:05.14incalEduard_Munteanu: yeah, it is just how they are used in this project
01:05.46incalEduard_Munteanu: well, think about it, I'm taking a break, thanks for your effort, write if you think of something :)
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01:09.29Eduard_Munteanuincal, one possible avenue would be making a realtime process / thread bound to the designated best-effort core and eating up all CPU time to block the others from running.
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01:11.01Eduard_Munteanuincal, or perhaps using cgroups to allocate specific bandwidths for said processes would be nicer
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01:18.18Eduard_Munteanuhas to go too
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01:26.55hypermistMay i have a little help how do i get a gui working on my debian
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01:33.06hypermistdw i figured it
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01:43.42Alroy_Good morning.
01:44.01Alroy_Why is Audacious broken for Debian since one week?
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01:45.01Alroy_The package itself is 3.5-2 but the audacious-plugins is still 3.5-1.
01:45.11Alroy_It’s jessi, testing.
01:45.40dvsAlroy_: because it's testing.  Things break in testing.
01:46.05Alroy_*** ERROR: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/audacious/Output/ is not compatible with this version of Audacious.
01:46.26Alroy_So, how can I get the new version ready?
01:47.02Alroy_Is Chris Taylor here?
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01:47.29benzrfwh  o is chris taylor?
01:47.36asarchAnyone haven issues (Segfault) with Google Chrome Stable?
01:47.40Alroy_It’s the package maintainer.
01:47.47asarchI have Debian Stable for x86
01:48.07Alroy_"Debian Multimedia Maintainers"
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01:49.10Alroy_All I need is audacious-plugins 3.5.2 for jessi.
01:50.00Alroy_Usually testing is pretty stable for an unstable release.
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01:55.37Alroy_It was already a year ago broken, as it seems.
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01:58.53rwpasarch, There are lots of bugs filed against chromium segfaulting in recent versions due to SSE2.  Check the BTS for the reports.
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02:03.44Alroy_How can I help to make it work again?
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02:06.04RayzrShrpanbody know if synaptic is broken in jessie?
02:06.10RayzrShrpwhen i open it it just hangs
02:06.28Alroy_All I know is, that it hangs when I try to upgrade.
02:06.52RayzrShrphmmm ok so your's hangs as well
02:07.04RayzrShrpi wonder if my sources.list is messed up
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02:08.08Alroy_I’m using apt-get upgrade instead.
02:08.34RayzrShrpit seems to be real buggy
02:08.47RayzrShrpgnome just seems to stop responding to the mouse
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02:09.20RayzrShrpbut that might be cause im running it under vmware
02:09.31RayzrShrponly seems to happen when i switch back and forth too much
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02:11.03RayzrShrpi think it's an issue with the vmware tools not working with jessie correctly
02:11.22RayzrShrpi wonder if virtualbox would work better
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02:12.59RayzrShrpso is jessie fully using systemd then?
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02:13.11RayzrShrpits weird it still has the rc.x dirs in /etc
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02:13.49Alroy_It’s hard to get rid of systemd.
02:14.16RayzrShrpsystemd is the new one, debian has been using systemv i thought
02:14.38Alroy_The other day I’ve read
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02:16.44RayzrShrpi dont get it, whats the point of systemd, didnt the old system work just fine?
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02:19.31iio7RayzrShrp: You can find lots of pros and cons everywhere on the net. The old system needed to be changed, however many feels systemd is crap mainly due to the way it is implemented. We have just switched all our main boxes from Debian to FreeBSD due to systemd, but it's not all bad, we just don't want it on our important boxes.
02:20.12RayzrShrpiio7: what do you do for work?
02:20.26iio7RayzrShrp: admin
02:20.51RayzrShrpiio7: cool so what do these boxes do? webservers?
02:20.53Alroy_It’s not like they’re keeping it simple.
02:21.04iio7Alroy_: exactly
02:21.17iio7RayzrShrp: we have all kinds of boxes
02:21.30RayzrShrpiio7: what kind of company are you an admin for?
02:21.41iio7RayzrShrp: why?
02:22.09RayzrShrpiio7: just curious and making conversation. I like to hear how companies and people are using linux in their lives and work
02:22.24Alroy_It’s not a good question to start with.
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02:22.45iio7RayzrShrp: Don't think it's the right channel.
02:22.48Alroy_Very personal and indiscreet.
02:23.14Alroy_Guess Debian will kill systemd one day.
02:23.34RayzrShrpso what exactly does systemd do
02:23.36iio7I will have to
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02:23.40RayzrShrpis it everything?
02:23.41iio7I -> It
02:23.47Alroy_At least they will offer an option, so you don’t need to install it, if Gnome will depend on it.
02:23.49RayzrShrpit doesn't replace init does it
02:23.54iio7RayzrShrp: Go google
02:24.14iio7Alroy_: The installer will do that?
02:24.26Alroy_Would be a good thing.
02:24.51Alroy_Since it’s an essential question.
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02:25.18RayzrShrpso it does replace init.d
02:25.19iio7Alroy_: It's a must, but I think it's impossible, to many packages depend on a specific statup system, if they offer it, all those packages needs changing.
02:25.35iio7statup -> startup
02:26.24RayzrShrpso iio7 why did you not want it on important boxes, is it still unstable and unproven?
02:27.12RayzrShrpwe use suse for a custom solution at my company
02:27.21RayzrShrpis suse going the way of systemd as well?
02:27.23iio7RayzrShrp: Phew, so many issues, no I believe it is stable etc. that's not the problem, the problem is the implementation, how it wants to control everything, how it is extremely easy to implement all kinds of insecure crap into it. etc etc
02:27.33iio7RayzrShrp: yes
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02:27.56phy1729RayzrShrp: pretty much every dist except gentoo and slackware
02:28.07RayzrShrpthe next ebola
02:28.11iio7RayzrShrp: BDS is the way to go in important solutions, no doubt about it.
02:28.29iio7RayzrShrp: We still use Debian, but only on the less important stuff.
02:28.41RayzrShrpprob is freebsd makes a pretty unfriendly desktop
02:28.44phy1729s/BDS/BSD/  ?
02:28.49RayzrShrpgreat for servers i understand
02:28.51iio7RayzrShrp: no way :)
02:29.10*** join/#debian Artemis3v (~artemis3@
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02:29.13iio7I am running FreeBSD on desktops too. It's very much like Debian with its new pkg.
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02:29.30RayzrShrpits not using the port system anymore?
02:29.43iio7BDS? lol, sorry
02:29.59phy1729ports make packages
02:30.09iio7RayzrShrp: You can run using only pkg if you want, and its a new system, more or less exactly like apt-get
02:30.10RayzrShrpso does all the latest and greatest stuff run under BSD
02:30.29iio7RayzrShrp: packages yes, kernel and userland are different
02:30.31Alroy_Not systemd.
02:30.37RayzrShrpso question and don't take this the wrong way, why in #debian instead of #freebsd or #bsd?
02:30.41iio7Lol, and clearly not systemd
02:30.45phy1729also there is more than one bsd
02:30.49iio7RayzrShrp: I am in both
02:31.05RayzrShrpi expected that answer as soon as i finished my question ;)
02:31.12iio7yup, we use OpenBSD too, great system too, also both on users desktops and on servers.
02:31.27RayzrShrpso openBSD, netBSD and freeBSD
02:31.29phy1729\o/ OBSD excellent gateway
02:31.42iio7I love Debian, have been a user for about 14-16 years, or maybe more, can't remember
02:31.44RayzrShrplike gateway drug lol
02:31.53RayzrShrpyeah i like debian a lot
02:31.58iio7Debian is the best freaking Linux distro in the world IMHO.
02:32.02RayzrShrpi learned on slack but it was way to steep
02:32.09Alroy_Yes, it is.
02:32.15RayzrShrpi needed a little hand holding
02:32.27Alroy_I mean, Debian is the best distro.
02:32.39iio7RayzrShrp: But I love FreeBSD and OpenBSD as well, just another way to do things, more UNIX like, especially these days with systemd and stuff.
02:32.40RayzrShrpyeah debian is pretty flipping sweet
02:33.00RayzrShrpi tried freebsd but couldnt get x to work
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02:33.58Alroy_It’s #debian here.
02:34.06jpleauabout systemd it's quite subjective. You could take two people, with the same servers and services requirements. One likes systemd, everything will work the way he wants. The other doesn't like it, nothing will appear to work. Good thing Debian lets us choose which to use :)
02:34.16iio7It's easy, just like in Debian, only you install it manually. "pkg install xorg" and it's there. Install dbus and hald too, then you're pretty good to go. Like on Debian there might be a problem with some specific hardware, then you research a bit, maybe you need a manual setting in xorg.conf.
02:34.36karlpincWhat's the right way to list a packages configuration files?
02:34.45iio7jpleau: Where did you get that Debian will let us choose from?
02:34.58jpleauiio7: systemd is the default, but you can still use sysv
02:35.10Alroy_cat /etc/apt/sources.list
02:35.20jpleauafaik, people upgrading wheezy -> jessie will keep sysv as their pid 1
02:35.24phy1729I don't think packages are required to support sysv with jessie
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02:35.46iio7That's not how I understand it, but I may be wrong.
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02:38.01Alroy_At the moment it’s a very emotional discussion.
02:38.09RayzrShrpso iio7 are you running jessie or wheezy
02:38.29iio7RayzrShrp: Both. Jessie on some desktop boxes and wheezy on some servers.
02:38.43RayzrShrpiio7: gnome or xfce?
02:38.55iio7iio7: xfce
02:39.00RayzrShrpi feel like gnome is getting too simplfied lately
02:39.43iio7We love xfce, so lightweight, so easy to customize into a really cool and slick desktop
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02:41.42linux_dreamscreenshots please?
02:41.49linux_dreamI use xfce but didn't customize it at all
02:42.02RayzrShrpxfce is pretty damn awesome
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02:42.21RayzrShrpits amazing how it used to be kinda weak sauce compared to kde and gnome and now its the favorite
02:42.23linux_dreamI use it but I'm not a fan of it
02:42.40linux_dreamI guess I must be missing many things
02:42.51RayzrShrpive gotten more into linux since starting my new job
02:43.09RayzrShrpmy company uses linux in a pretty cool way
02:43.17linux_dreamI also use lxde and I don't see much difference between xfce and lxde
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02:43.32linux_dreamlxde eats less ram...
02:43.41linux_dreamalmost same look to me
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02:44.57smonchilxde is bugged
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02:45.49smonchixfce is better than lxde... not for use ram but for its bugs ;P
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02:48.22smonchiit's true that lxde is lighter than xfce
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02:48.36smonchibut it's any problem with two or more screen
02:48.45linux_dreamI see
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02:50.19smonchiwell.. if u have a pentiumIII, u must use lxde
02:50.51phy1729no tiling wm people awake?
02:50.55iio7linux_dream: A shot, this is from a multiple monitor setup I am running on FreeBSD 10.1, you're only getting the left monitor cause I have private stuff on the other, but this is Xfce4 custom:
02:51.13smonchixfce rulez :P
02:51.34iio7yup :)
02:52.00RayzrShrpno top bar at all
02:52.02RayzrShrpwhat dock is that
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02:52.23iio7It's the standard, with transparent background and some other icons
02:52.48iio7That's the great part about xfce, so easy to custom, no need for other packages
02:53.16linux_dreamI have the default manjaro xfce DE.  it's nothing like the one you have
02:53.29iio7If I right click on the background I get the menu and stuff, but rarely needs too as it has great customization for shortcuts too.
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02:53.48phy1729RayzrShrp: if you're shopping around for a new de/wm take a look at at least one tiling wm like awesome or xmonad. I personally like i3.
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02:55.55iio7Both monitors without anything else:
02:56.26RayzrShrpthat's player, is that conky on the right?
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02:56.49RayzrShrpwhat theme is that
02:57.07iio7I have an identical setup on a jessie box and OpenBSD too. Very easy to setup on all systems.
02:57.36iio7hmm, it was one I found online, but then changed it a bit.
02:57.40karlpinciio7: How do you make the window borders >1 pixel?
02:58.15iio7karlpinc: The one with the browser?
02:58.40karlpinciio7: All of them.  I want to be able to grab all the edges to resize.
02:58.56iio7Haven't touched that part.
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02:59.19iio7Oh, wait, except..
02:59.31karlpinciio7: 1 pixel left and right edges make me cranky.  I find all the wms I try make me cranky, for some reason or another.  (Who's stupid idea was it anyway....)
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03:00.03iio7Haven't ever noticed :)
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03:01.03iio7All I have done is change the bar with another set of icons, added conky, removed the top bar and then chosen Xfce-4.6 as style.
03:01.29iio7That's it. Oh, and then made the bottom bar higher so the icons becomes larger.
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03:10.56RayzrShrpwtf just installed freebsd 10 and pkg_add is not found
03:11.25phy1729RayzrShrp: you really should ask freebsd support questions in #freebsd
03:11.34iio7RayzrShrp: no, that's the old, you need just "pkg"
03:11.46iio7RayzrShrp: but phy1729 is right.
03:12.11RayzrShrpyeah going there now
03:12.11iio7RayzrShrp: go to #freebsd
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03:25.54zh1how can i remove gnome3 completelly on debian? will this be enought sudo apt-get autoremove gdm3 && sudo apt-get autoremove --purge gnome*
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04:51.28deadalnixhey guys, gnome-shell is dumping novels in syslog
04:51.35deadalnixis there a way to get that fixed ?
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04:59.18deadalnixWHAT, it is dumping content of pdf file I have on my disk !
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05:04.57deadalnixok now I have to configure 25 different thing to be able to send a mail from command line to report a bug because we live in the 90s
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05:06.35deadalnix$ reportbug
05:06.36deadalnixAttempt to unlock mutex that was not locked
05:06.42deadalnixthat is more and more wonderful
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05:26.39rgr|androidthat's Linux for you.  Enjoy :)
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05:34.38akarsingel user boot then passwd root. got error passwd: Module is unknown. how to fix it
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05:40.37Cloudk68I'm new to linux and am currently hosting openvpn on a vps I purchased. It was running fine until I restarted it, now i receive an server error: failed whenever issuing /etc/init.d/openvpn start. Where should I start?
05:40.46Cloudk68Logs perhaps?
05:40.57Cloudk68Would I need to 'grep' them?
05:41.18Cloudk68What's the best way to find service logs ;O
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06:06.05NiLonthere might be something in /var/log/openvpn
06:06.12NiLonhaven't used openvpn so that is just a guess
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06:10.50Froolapdo you mean to tell me that debian requires 3 dvd disc in order to install???
06:11.11phy1729!tell Froolap about netinst
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06:12.23FroolapI'll take that as a yes.
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06:18.10FroolapI have no great desire to spend 3 days installing while I wait for downloads to be completed.
06:19.15themillFroolap: that's the opposite of what dpkg just told you
06:21.26Froolapdoesn't see, like it to me, dpkg is telling me it will download the install
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06:22.51themillFroolap: you can complete an entire installation using just the packages on the netinst. If you want to install more packages, you'll have to download more packages (either after install using apt or prior by downloading a DVD image). Unless you're planning on going offline to the middle of nowhere, you really don't want 3 DVD images.
06:23.06*** join/#debian richac (~Rich_Stan@unaffiliated/richac)
06:23.46Froolapyeah, great, I'll have a minimal install. booting from a floppy is a minimum install, and wait a day while x windows gets downloaded.
06:24.57themillwell you've got to download it at some stage, it's not going to magically appear
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06:27.35richacso I finally got grsecurity working, found out paxctl was so easy a child could do it.....and now i think it got chacked and can't boot
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06:28.01richacsomething about fails to load consolekit  and some other errors   check installation
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06:28.32richacI should of wrote it down
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06:29.38richacand my mint too lol only took them a couple weeks
06:30.26richacmy mint is saying something about home directory is screwed and won't let me log in to x on that either
06:30.29jrgillI'm running a live CD in memory and seems all SysRq events besides sync are disabled.  Any way I can recover or at least write out my unsaved data?
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06:38.29cynthia__i'm having some trouble with my nvidia kernel, it keeps complaining about a mismatch between the x and glx api.
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06:39.30cynthia__how can i fix this? i'm using 3.2.0-4 amd wheezy 7.6, and nvidia 304.117
06:40.00cynthia__if i do a modprobe -r nvidia i can boot into x, but it's not the correct dm and not everything shows up.
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06:43.33mcfriskhow to recompile packages using debhelper? I'm adding and fixing scripts but after one compile with 'fakeroot debian/rules binary' dh packages no longer recompile.
06:43.47richacis there a debian install that doestn' require me to download anything off the net during installation
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06:44.44themillrichac: all the ISO images are self-contained
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06:45.56richacthemill: what do you mean?
06:46.12richacI downloaded a debiankde install it required me to download alot of stuff off the net
06:46.26themillno, it did not require you to do so at all. You asked it to.
06:47.04richacI guess i'll give it another shot
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06:47.36themillIf you want to install kde from an ISO then you'd need an ISO that contained all of it. If you don't install KDE then you don't need that.
06:47.39richaci'm getting errors about loading consolekit?
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06:47.51themillI don't know, are you?
06:47.53richacand then another error after that telling me to check my installation
06:48.24richacwhat is the fix for not loading consolekit?
06:50.12Froolaprichac: I just got done asking that....  I couldn't believe that 3 dvd were required to be able to do an install without network connection.....  didn't really get an answer though.
06:50.35richacFroolap: hmm
06:50.51richacwell I think my both my linux partitions got raped today
06:51.19richacand i was noticiing alot of strange anomalies,  the first was having to download stuff off the internet to install debian
06:51.20themillrichac: they did not.
06:51.33themillFroolap: I'm not sure how else to answer your question.
06:51.35richacwhich is what I wanted to make my hardened install
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06:51.56richacdebian was actually the longest install out of all the distros i've tried
06:52.28themillFroolap: you seem to be complaining that you'll have to download stuff no matter whether you do so prior to the installation or after the installation. What do you really want to know?
06:52.56richacthemill: well i guess I have to ttake your word of it,  I didn't realize it was optional
06:53.29macrobatfor a minimal install, you don't need 3 dvds. a modern debian won't fit on a floppy, however
06:53.31richacmy mint got destroyed too which I don't unsterdan lol
06:53.48richaci downloaded the debian KDI iso,  it was like 1.5gb or something like that I think
06:54.01richacor 900mb i can't remember
06:54.30FroolapMaybe if there was a description of what's on each of those 3 dvd would be helpful.  and I am NOT wanting to have to download from the net during the installation or as a requirement to have an installation.  and a minimal install.  I've seen linux boot off of a floppy, it wasn't real useful other than as a router though.
06:55.26themillFroolap: as I said earlier, you never need DVDs beyond DVD 1.
06:55.34richacI think all the distro pakacage servers were getting ddos'd a couple days ago
06:55.35macrobatFroolap: so, read the list of content?
06:56.31Froolapwhat are the other two dvd's for?    I looked, I don't see any list content. it certainly isn't in the faq, or the install guide.
06:56.59richacI can't believe i didn't see the option lol
06:57.12richacI guess i never expected there to be one for that
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07:00.06macrobatwhat you expect influence what you see
07:00.35themillFroolap: for offline use as I said.
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07:01.09mcfriskHi, why doesn't vimeo video playback no longer work with chromium? browser ident string bugs??
07:01.26themillmcfrisk: flash is currently broken in chrome and chromium on wheezy
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07:01.49mcfriskI don't use flash, I use html5 video
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07:02.08themillI didn't know vimeo did html5 video
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07:03.02mcfriskthey have since many, many years ago..
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07:03.50Froolapwhere is this list of content? I don't see anything that tells me what is on debian-7.6.0-i386-DVD-1.iso
07:03.52themillshows how often I look at vimeo then
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07:04.18AnuskaHi, i want to personalize my .bashrc ... what i need to read? thanks
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07:04.24themillFroolap: please actually read the information provided... this is the 4th time now in the last 15min I've had to answer exactly the same question twice for you.
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07:06.49FroolapMaybe that's because the information I am seeking isn't in the information that you are providing,..
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07:07.25themillright. Because the FAQ doesn't explicitly answer your question...
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07:08.20FroolapHaving a tool to see which disc a package is on does not equal having a listing of what packages are on each disc.
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07:08.21themillAnd I didn't say answer what the other DVDs were for twice either.
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07:08.33themillFroolap: seriously. read the faq.
07:08.36rozieFroolap: you can use jigdo and create your own dvds
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07:08.52themillFroolap: Do you need someone to come and read to you yourself?
07:08.59FroolapI did read the FAQ, 3 times.  it didn't tell me what I want to know,.
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07:10.03themill«Can I have a list of all the packages contained in an image?» «Yes ....» With a link.
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07:13.07mirdahi, do you remember I had a problem with dnsmasq? I uninstalled apt-cacher, after few hours dnsmasq started working properly but today it doesn't works as should work
07:13.40macrobatAnuska: here is a long guide. it isn't limited to the conf file
07:13.45mirdai think something was broken after apt-get upgrade since then dnsmasq started to behave strange
07:13.56FroolapYes. Look on for the corresponding .list.gz   I don't see a list.gz file. someone stole it
07:14.18Anuskathanks macrobat :*
07:14.27mirdai did upgrade at 2014-09-27  13:45:32
07:14.58mirdamaybe libdns88 or someting related brought some new bug
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07:19.57themillFroolap: good luck I didn't provide you with the exact link (which is in a pretty logical place...)
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07:21.42mcfriskcan anyone else see htlm5 videos with chromium on latest unstable/sid?
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07:24.35macrobatmcfrisk: for sid stuff, try #debian-next on oftc
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07:24.51macrobatthe oftc network
07:25.28richacso why am i failing to load consolekit when i log in,   then getting another error after that telling to check my installation.
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07:28.25AnuskaI add this in my .bashrc : export PS1="\[\e[31m\]\u\[\e[m\]\[\e[33m\]@\[\e[m\]\[\e[33m\]\h\[\e[m\]\[\e[34m\][\[\e[m\]\[\e[34m\]\w\[\e[m\]\[\e[34m\]]\[\e[m\] # "
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07:28.37Anuskaand the yellow [ host ] ... not show as yellow
07:28.40Anuskamore like orange
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08:13.13eliasrushi there
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08:13.33eliasrusCan you help with KVM setup ?
08:15.49eliasrusI have a single NIC with External IP so I need setup internal networks for guests and forward 80 port to a guest
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08:18.14macrobatAnuska: terminal colors can be set in ~/.Xresources
08:18.35Anuskai need to personalize my .bashrc
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08:20.51macrobatAnuska: here are some colours
08:21.07Anuskanice , thanks
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08:26.19macrobatby the way, Xresources themes will affect everything with colour in the terminal
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08:37.58NiLonooh color pron
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08:48.31blackjackguys can you help me regarding rsync command
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08:48.49matokingHey, I've had this problem of every apt-get mirror returning a Hash Sum mismatch error when I run apt-get update
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08:48.55matokingThis issue has been going on for two days
08:49.16blackjackthe file i want to resume downloading is now different, it has . and its extension is now different, its been appended by some weird characters, how do i continue to download it
08:49.30matokingIt seems to affect all * mirrors as well, which are the only sources I have configured
08:50.05matokingI have tried apt-get clean, apt-get check, wiping /var/lib/apt/lists/*, rebooting, changing the sources to use different mirros
08:50.18matokingNothing seems to work
08:51.24matokingThis is what it prints when I run apt-get update
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08:56.53matokingDoes anyone have any ideas how I could fix this issue? apt-get is pretty much unusable because of this issue
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09:00.07internatmatoking: any chance your going through a proxy
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09:01.21internatalso, apparently if you move /var/lib/apt/lists out of the way, and do apt-get update it may fix it
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09:04.19matokinginternat: No, as far as I know
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09:06.01internati found a few posts on google about the issue.. someting to do with one of the local copies of the list getting fubred.. if you move all the files in ^^ that directory out, and do an update you should be ok
09:06.12matokinginternat: Moving lists out of the way didn't fix that
09:06.20matokingI even tried wiping out the entire apt directory at one point
09:07.50internatcan you /var/lib/apt, or /var/cache/apt?
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09:09.55matokinginternat: Tried both
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09:22.56OldDogHi !
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09:24.03mwarghmatoking: /var/lib/apt/lists?
09:24.31OldDogI'm experiencing something weird with ttyUSB and USB peripherals.  When I'm leaving picocom or minicom, all the USB peripherals are disabled.  Including keyboard and mouse ... which is not really useful
09:24.44OldDogDoes someone have ever meet a such an issue?
09:24.46matokingmwargh: I've renamed that directory multiple times with the same results :/
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09:24.55matokingor outright removed it
09:25.18matokingAs well as running apt-key update
09:25.40mwarghmatoking: and apt-get update still fails?
09:25.46matokingmwargh: Yes
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09:26.19matokingIt should probably be noted that I'm running the ARM version of Linux, not x86 or x86_64
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09:26.51matokingor i386, whatever :P
09:28.21matokingmwargh: is what I get when I run apt-get update
09:28.51mwarghmatoking: so you now have empty dir /var/lib/apt/lists?
09:29.09matokingmwargh: I have now
09:30.32matokingAlthough I've lost count with how many times I've ran "rm -rf lists/*; apt-get update"
09:30.43mwarghmatoking: i think you should run fsck on your /var just to be sure
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09:32.35matokingmwargh: How do I do that? As far as I know I would have to do a full filesystem check and that doesn't sound like it'd be possible while I have it mounted
09:33.12mwarghmatoking: that's true. is your /var separate?
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09:34.22matokingmwargh: No, I have the entire root filesystem on a single external USB hard drive
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09:35.31mwarghmatoking: simplest would be to disconnect this usb hdd and check it, but yeah your system would be shut down
09:35.38mwarghwould you be able to do this?
09:35.55matokingmwargh: Yeah, that'd be possible
09:36.10matokingI'll do that later, I have to go now
09:36.32mwarghmatoking: ok, check it before trying something else, should rule this out
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10:04.24[E]sci plugged in a new hard drive and i'm getting an buffer i/o error on device logic block 0.  is this a hardware or software problem?
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10:09.45lopetabi've just connected a diff router, and reset it to default settings. it connects to the internet, I can ping IP's but for some reason it's not forwardinng any of my devices' DNSrequests to the dns servers provided by the ISP. for example if I dig @ I get a response. but if I just dig, I get nothing. if I check my computer's DNS setting with "nm-tool | grep DNS" it's (my router)
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10:10.47lopetabthe router is SMC7904WBRA. Any ideas>
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10:11.25lopetabthe router has worked in the past...
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10:18.49rozielopetab: cat /etc/resolv.conf
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10:29.38cloudowindhello everyone
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10:32.47gospimy kde network manager on debian sid does not save the wifi passwords (i disabled kwallet); is there a way to fix that? I have to retype the wifi password everytime
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10:36.35ectospasmgospi: since the KDE network manager relies on kwallet to keep track of passwords, you'll need to reenable kwallet, or find an alternative to the KDE version of nm
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10:37.18gospiectospasm: i thought they would just store the password in plain text somewhere if kwallet is disabled
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10:37.35ectospasmthat would be insecure
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10:38.48Blokkergreat, it starts raining and my sat dish drops out ...
10:38.51Blokkerthat's a first
10:38.52ectospasmAnything that uses the GNOME-ish nm has a similar thing.
10:38.58Blokkerdamn, wrong channel
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10:40.01ectospasmI just realized, I'm not even using nm on this system (but it's using wired Ethernet)
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10:52.18AquaL1teanyone noticed the new search highlighting in man pages in jessie? it's not italic in stead of clearly highligted in a white box. does anyone know to revert this?
10:52.48AquaL1tei mean it's italic now and not highlighted in a white box like in vim searching
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10:58.37gospiectospasm: it's for the wifi password, it doesn't really matter (at least to me)
10:58.57foo__hi, I’m trying to install wheezy on my laptop, but it sets wrong screen resolution, cannot read
10:59.10foo__any workaround?
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11:00.01Happzzim totally new to debian, coming from the fbsd world. ive just installed debian 7.0. how do i update openssl (or update anything that needs updating for that matter)?
11:00.09Happzzi've tried apt-get update and upgrade, but it didnt update anything.
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11:01.50ectospasmHappzz: they're probably at the latest available version in your distribution of Debian.  Are you running Wheezy, or something else?
11:01.51teraflopsHappzz: it updates to the latest version may be youre already on the latest debian version of the package
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11:02.17HappzzWheezy, i believe. but openssl is 1.0.1e from feb 2013
11:02.50teraflopsHappzz: ask to the package manager
11:03.02Happzzthis doesn't help me.
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11:03.08teraflopsapt-cache search, apt-cache plicy ...
11:03.19teraflopsHappzz: i dont get yout point
11:03.33ectospasmHappzz: yes, but the debian stable distribution (currently wheezy) will settle on a major version for the life of the distribution.  Security fixes are backported to the current version
11:04.30Happzzso my 1.0.1e from feb 2013 has all of the security fixes?
11:05.05ectospasmHappzz: On my system I see version 1.0.1e-2+deb7u12, the "-2+deb7u12" version indicates there are A LOT of backported changes
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11:05.30ectospasmHappzz: in general, yes.
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11:05.45ectospasmYou can check the Debian CVEs on openssl to be sure.
11:06.10ectospasmor look at the bug tracker
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11:06.19teraflopsHappzz: paste your sources.list may be you missed the security-updates line
11:06.33babilendpkg: tell Happzz -about security backports
11:06.39babilendpkg: tell Happzz -about tracker of doom
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11:07.28Happzzthanks for the info.
11:07.52Happzzwhere's sources.list?
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11:08.37teraflopsHappzz: the less you can do when switchin from distro is getting isnofrmed about the package manager at least a bit ;p
11:09.03babilenHappzz: /etc/apt/sources.list
11:09.14teraflopsnot hard if you came from freebsd imo
11:10.03babilenHappzz: -- I'd typically recommend a metamirror such as as that will automagically chose the "best" actual mirror for you.
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11:12.21Happzzlooks like digitalocean (yes, i know) has their own mirror. i believe debian has signatures so they cant mess with stuff too much, but it does enable me to get stuff faster
11:12.22ectospasmfwiw, there are no mirrors for the security fixes
11:12.24Happzzdeb wheezy main
11:12.24Happzzdeb wheezy/updates main
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11:15.32teraflopsyeah i mean the security/updates one
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11:17.23teraflopsHappzz: then you have openssl 1.0.1e-2+deb7u12, isnt it?
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11:39.05deitario1When I'm not in the process of upgrading, how do I ask apt/dpkg for a diff between the current form of a file in /etc and the version provided by the package?
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11:41.14deitario1Also, you'll probably want to ban c0mrade_. He just sent me an unsolicited 11 line PM that seems to be trying to entice me to log into a VM which I assume to be rootkitted.
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11:45.54deitario1deitario1: Never mind on c0mrade_. Case of "wrong channel"
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12:03.29topi`does anyone know what tar's --same-order option is supposed to do?
12:03.41topi`I get an error message while trying to build Yocto project:
12:03.41topi`tar: --same-order option cannot be used with -c
12:03.59topi`sucks to have broken scripts...
12:04.42deitario1Wow. That's one worthlessly typo'd man page entry if I ever saw it.
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12:07.27deitario1topi`: Turns out the manpage had to be written by non-GNU people because the info page has a license that forbids the usual approach.
12:07.56deitario1topi`: According to the HTML rendering of the info page on the GNU tar homepage, here's what it does...
12:08.12deitario1topi`: "This option is an optimization for tar when running on machines with small amounts of memory.  It informs tar that the list of file arguments has already been sorted to match the order of files in the archive. See section Options to Help Read Archives."
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12:09.15deitario1In other words, if you say "tar xvzf foo.tar file1.txt file2.txt file3.txt", adding --same-order means that it'll save memory by assuming that the files you want to extract are stored in the archive in the same order you listed on the command line.
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12:09.46topi`deitario1: funnily enough, using that arg in conjunction with -c is something tar doesn't like
12:10.01topi`I think I need to visit #yocto channel for further questions
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12:10.22deitario1topi`: I think it's unnecessary for creating.
12:10.47deitario1topi`: (eg. I think tar already creates an archive with the files stored in the order you listed in your arguments.)
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12:12.54deitario1The fact that it doesn't silently ignore --same-order when creating seems to be just the typical GNU "only accept no-op arguments when necessary for POSIX compatibility" tendencies.
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12:14.29topi`deitario1: maybe my best bet is to write a wrapper script for tar that would remove the unnecessary --same-order ):
12:14.56topi`because I cannot find the string "same-order" from the damn project files, at all, which is kind of odd. Where does it get it? embedded into some binary?
12:15.26deitario1topi`: I'd first ask how it got into a state where you need to. Did they only ever test it for extracting rather than creating? Did tar change its behaviour to be more strict?
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12:16.51topi`deitario1: good questions, but I just want to build the damn image and the config system is just dazzlingly complex
12:17.48deitario1topi`: My point is that, for all we know, the fact that it's generating it with --same-order indicates that you misconfigured it and wrapping it away will just result in a broken build.
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12:27.42lopetabrozie: sorry for the delay. my resolv.conf is
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12:35.25beepiei have an eth0 interface on a test system, it never goes online after boot, but I can do "ifup eth0" and it's inet static rule gets applied
12:35.32beepie(I have set it to auto in interfaces)
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12:36.54Brigobeepie, are you using wheezy?
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12:39.59beepiewheezy was working perfect
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12:40.43beepiejust a sec..
12:40.57beepiei added the allow-hotplug along with the auto line.. i'm getting eth0 set
12:41.01beepiewhich is better..
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12:43.15beepieso I guess this is for systemctl to work properly with ifupdown
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12:43.58heuristbeepie: questions about jessie are better addressed to #debian-next on
12:44.37beepiehey i've been using non-systemctl for 10 years on debian.. relax..
12:44.40dpkgI'm not your csh prompt!
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12:45.44heuristbeepie: it is just that they know more about jessie than we do in a stable support channel. you will get better results there.
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12:51.29cloudowindstrange when i build tuxguitar via apt-get the apt get also downloaded and builded dependencies but while i was removing tux guitar apt-get didnt remove the dependencies:d
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12:52.40heuristcloudowind: apt-get autoremove
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12:54.09cloudowinddone..thank you
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13:02.35lopetabrozie: it was an issue of the SMC router not forwarding the dns requests to the DNS server. even though the router was showinng the pri/sec DNSservers provided by the ISP. after I manually specified DNS servers in the router's config... now it forwards the requests. weird, but now its working.
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13:23.40AlexPortableWhat is the interface called on debian that has applications, places in the left top corner?
13:23.50AlexPortabletime in the top menu bar, username and wifi in the top right
13:24.57valdynAlexPortable: youre probably talking about gnome-shell extensions
13:25.02AlexPortablecan be
13:25.07AlexPortableit looks like gnome 2 a bit
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13:26.40valdynAlexPortable: oh, the gnome-panel
13:27.05level7hello all....can you tell me an application that is similar to filezilla, for debian ?
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13:27.35valdynlevel7: "apt-cache search download manager"
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13:27.59level7any that you advice ?
13:28.04AlexPortablevaldyn: thanks
13:28.08heuristlevel7: why not use filezilla?
13:28.35valdynlevel7: none, download managers are useless to me
13:28.43level7I like filezilla.. but when I downloaded from sourceforge (on windows) it installed some malware/spyware
13:28.57valdynlevel7: run "apt-get install filezilla"
13:29.08AlexPortableWhat is the default interface in debian?
13:29.11AlexPortablegnome 3
13:29.21valdynlevel7: thats not going to get you any malware, thats a debian package
13:29.21level7yes AlexPortable
13:29.35level7ok then let's trust the filezilla guys :)
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13:29.58valdynAlexPortable: theres not really a hard default, all packaged interfaces are pretty much on equal terms
13:29.58level7what about the text editor.. something like crimson ?
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13:30.36valdynlevel7: why dont you just use crimson?
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13:31.02valdynlevel7: what do you want to do with that text editor?
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13:31.55level7mostly edit files in a decent and comfortable way... I use vi/vim/nano for small files but when it comes to edit huge configuration files, it would be nice to have something better
13:32.12level7gedit does not fit my needs (syntax hightlight for example)
13:32.15level7I like crimson
13:32.27level7not suire there is a crimson clone on debian :)
13:32.29somiajif you like vim, why not use gvim?
13:32.31valdynlevel7: vim is for power users
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13:32.45level7I prefer vi than vim :)
13:32.56valdynlevel7: vi does not exist in debian
13:33.06valdynlevel7: ( no one uses actual vi )
13:33.07somiajvi is either vim or nvi on debian
13:33.17valdynlevel7: maybe you want "kate"
13:33.19level7well... I use vi under freebsd I guess
13:33.19seclevel7: you are the only person then
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13:55.56[E]sci plugged in a new hard drive and i'm getting an buffer i/o error on device logic block 0.  is this a hardware or software problem?
13:56.12Agiofwswhere can i add  add $XDG_CONFIG_HOME=/home/agiofws/fitFiles/ in debian wheezy? is it safe?
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13:56.38AgiofwsThe XDG specification talks about the XDG_CONFIG_HOME variable, but does not specify where it should be defined.
13:56.39heurist[E]sc: that sounds like hardware.
13:57.08heuristAgiofws: it is $HOME/.config by default.
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13:58.37Agiofwswell when i echo the vars value it does not return that dir.
13:58.47heuristAgiofws: default means "if not set" to something specific.
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14:00.21Agiofwsheurist,  i have a python script that is storing files in $HOME/.config/foo/ and i would like to change that dir to a visable one but i don't  know enough about python to do it
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14:03.20heuristAgiofws: your script may not be following the XDG standard, it may be just be using ~/.config. you can try setting XDG_CONFIG_HOME=/home/agiofws/fitFiles/ and see if it works, but you will need to set it for that app only else other things may also use that dir.
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14:04.45Agiofwsheurist,  as i figured so it would not be wise to change the value of XDG_CONFIG_HOME
14:04.54Agiofwsso i would need to edit the python code
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14:06.02heuristAgiofws: you can change it for that app only.  XDG_CONFIG_HOME=/home/agiofws/fitFiles/ appname  might work.
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14:06.07calistohi, any probe: glsuterfs+[kvm|lxc]+heartbeat to create hi ability nodes?
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14:06.29Agiofwsin which file would i issue that command .bashrc ?
14:06.36Agiofwsor somewhere in etc?
14:06.52heuristAgiofws: at the bash prompt
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14:07.38heuristAgiofws: you could also make a wrapper that exports XDG_CONFIG_HOME and runs your script.
14:07.41Agiofws heurist
14:08.47Agiofwswould that change $XDG_CONFIG_HOME permanently ? or ONLY for that terminal session?
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14:09.36calistoany solution heurist  in not touch the code of the scrpt and create a symbolik link of the folder where ever you want
14:10.15heuristAgiofws: neither, running that at the prompt will only change it for that program, when that program exits the setting is gone. exporting it in a wrapper will only change it in the wrapper script and what the wrapper runs.
14:10.44Agiofwslet me try
14:11.03L0aD1nGAgiofws: to make it permanent you have to edit your .bashrc file, and edit that line "export $XDG_CONFIG_HOME=...".
14:11.50heuristAgiofws: editing .bashrc will make permanent for *all* programs run from a bash shell.
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14:12.15[E]scthanks heurist ...stupid thing is brand new too...just opened it
14:12.39L0aD1nGheurist you are right.
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14:17.32L0aD1nGheurist: what if he edits the /etc/enviroment file and "XDG_CONFIG_HOME=..."??
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14:18.49heuristL0aD1nG: that still changes to all apps. the op only wants to change the variable for this one app.
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14:19.29L0aD1nGheurist: for which app?
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14:19.48heuristL0aD1nG: the one the user wants to change the variable for (:
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14:21.06Agiofwsok heurist  and L0aD1nG  seems to be working thanks
14:21.19heuristAgiofws: which solution did you use?
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14:21.42L0aD1nGheurist: I read backwards. Didn't know some info.
14:21.53L0aD1nGabout the problem I mean.
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14:22.35Agiofws this one ?
14:23.12heuristAgiofws: wrapper script. nice.
14:23.33Agiofwssorry this one cut the last line of code
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14:23.43nkirstenHi guys. after executing "cat /proc/net/arp" or "arp -a" (on Debian Wheezy) I can see a long list (about 1024) of entries. What I don't understand is that there are IPs located in the other end of the world. I though that in the ARP table there should be only IP/MAC pairs in my local network. How is that possible?
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14:24.55nkirstenNote: I executed these commands on a web server with 3 interfaces (two internet connections and the local storage network)
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14:25.10meaneyeHuh, nice. Didn't know Gnome on Wayland landed in testing.
14:26.37heuristnkirsten: do these IPs have MAC addresses? can you ping them? why do you say they are "other end of the world"?
14:27.35L0aD1nGits probably, IPs connected on the web server?
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14:28.31nkirstenheurist: Yes, all of these IP addresses have the same MAC address which is the one associated with my gateway. I can ping some of the from the machine itself as well as from other machines. And after doing "whois  <IPv4>" I see AFRINIC, etc, etc.
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14:29.24nkirstenL0aD1nG: no, netstat -anp | grep EST | wc -l gives me far less than 1024 lines and I get 1024 lines from cat /proc/net/arp | wc -l
14:30.23nkirstenI did a quick test on completely different machine in completely different network (with the same operating system) and arp -a reports only the IP/MAC pair of my router
14:30.45L0aD1nGsame here.
14:31.03L0aD1nGbut I am not on a webserver..
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14:31.10L0aD1nGso its logical
14:31.15L0aD1nGit actually gives me
14:31.35L0aD1nGthis : IP address       HW type     Flags       HW address            Mask     Device
14:31.43heuristnkirsten: sounds like your gateway might be done proxy arp or something.
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14:32.28nkirstenheurist: I was thinking about it because I am not aware of any other way to propagate MAC addresses through networks, but why then the same MAC address associated with all the IP addresses in the arp table
14:32.30heuristnkirsten: and by "done" I mean "doing" but I can not type today.
14:33.01heuristnkirsten: because any traffic to that IP must go to the gateway to get out.
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14:33.57nkirstenheurist: on my personal computer I visit many sites per day. And I have only 1 ARP entry (the IP/MAC pair of my linksys router)
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14:34.25nkirstenheurist: would it be fatal if I increate the ARP table size?
14:34.30nkirstenincrease *
14:34.35heuristnkirsten: that is normal. but your gateway is not normal. see
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14:34.59nkirstenheurist: thanks a lot, I will do the research
14:35.28cloudowindi dont have pnpdump on my system whats the name of the package it belongs to?
14:35.37cloudowindapt-get install pnp doesnt works
14:35.43cloudowindapt-get install pnpdump doesnt works
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14:36.16heuristnkirsten: there is a way to get the arp table out of the kernel if you need to increase the size beyond what the kernel likes. I think it is called arpd, or something.
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14:36.59nkirstenheurist: didn't know that too! thanks ;)
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14:37.40heuristcloudowind: apt-file search pnpdump  returns no results. looks like it does not exist.
14:38.03heuristnkirsten: I am pretty sure I have that name wrong though. (:
14:38.30cloudowindweired..thanks heurist
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14:39.12heuristnkirsten: man arpd  says I might have gotten it right after all.
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14:44.26ozeri've installed pepperflashplugin-nonfree, but now how can i activate it? i'm on debian
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14:45.24cloudowindi dont have a apt-file heurist
14:45.34cloudowinddo i get it with apt-get install apt-file
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14:46.13heuristcloudowind: if you want apt-file then yes.  apt-get install apt-file
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14:46.15mtncloudowind: you can also use to find packages or files
14:46.41cloudowindthank yous
14:46.52pav5088Hi...  I'm using Jessie and have removed systemd.  Is there an alternative to udisks so I can automount volumes without a systemd dep?
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14:47.16heuristpav5088: questions about jessie are better addressed to #debian-next on
14:47.39pav5088heurist, thanks
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14:49.05Lope2I've installed pppoeconf, ppp and pppoe. I have interface called dsl-provider in /etc/network/interfaces. If I type pon dsl-provider, nothing happens, and there doesn't seem to be any log file in /var/log. Any ideas?
14:49.37*** part/#debian shempel (~shempel@2a01:1e8:e100:848f:3e97:eff:fe82:4995)
14:49.39cloudowinddoesnt lets me install apt-file
14:50.16cloudowindThe following packages have unmet dependencies:
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14:52.50Lope2ok, plog shows me that my connection was established successfully.
14:53.28nkirstenguys, is it possible to get "connect: no buffer space available" after executing "ping host.tld" because of my full arp table?
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14:56.42valdynnkirsten: why do you think this has anything to do with an arp table?
14:57.20valdynnkirsten: what "tweaks" did you apply to network settings in /proc or /sys ?
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14:58.21AR45Why should I use debian over ubuntu?
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14:58.31valdyn!why debian
14:58.31dpkgDebian strives to maintain your freedom whilst also paying close attention to the technical aspects of making a great OS.  Debian is stable, upgradable and well tested.  See also .  As an added bonus, you get to ask questions in #debian.
14:58.35valdynAR45: ^^
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14:59.52WilliamDotAThm i have a SW RAID1, whats the easiest way to get a mountable encrypted container as file on them and supporting keyfiles?
15:00.03AR45valdyn, yes but ubuntu is based on debian and also many others so wouldn't the problems some face on ubuntu (like really poor drivers) be also a problem on debian?
15:00.30valdynAR45: yes
15:00.46AR45valdyn, so o_o wtf
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15:01.04AR45How's it better.
15:01.18valdynAR45: the linux kernel contains drivers, its part of any distro
15:01.41nkirstenvaldyn: I have no idea, just guessing, I did not change anything under /proc/ until the no buffer space problem appeared. But after increasing the arp table (and the table is not fully loaded yet) I still get the same no buffer space problem
15:02.26nkirstenvaldyn: so I guess these two things are not related. They just started to appear almost on the same date
15:02.59shellclearhi, does someone know when libnss3 3.17 will arrive at debian wheezy?
15:03.09valdynnkirsten: what are you running on that system?
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15:03.36valdynshellclear: not
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15:03.58nkirstenDebian Wheezy x64, 16 gigs of ram, 2 SSDS in raid (for the mysql) and apache2 with few vhosts doing about 1.2m pageviews a month
15:04.17shellclearvaldyn: do you know why?
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15:04.37dpkg[stable] The status of a Debian release when no packages will be added, new versions introduced and changes will only fix security issues and critical bugs.  Packages can be removed in rare circumstances.  The current stable version of Debian is Wheezy (7.6); ask me about <releases>.  Security bugs are fixed in stable by backporting the fix to the stable version (ask me about <security backports>).
15:05.06*** join/#debian infinitum (
15:05.23heuristshellclear: no new versions come into stable, you will have to wait for jessie to become stable to get new versions.
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15:05.29katr0Hi, in 'Jessie Beta 2' can I use ´dist-upgrade´ to upgrade the (non beta) release 'Debian Jessie' after it's released?
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15:05.47heuristkatr0: questions about jessie are better addressed to #debian-next on
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15:08.33katr0heurist: #debian-next on doesn't like tor or cloacked users (Cannot join channel (+b))
15:09.31nkirstenheurist: I forgot to mention that I've blocked about 35 abusers with iptables (iptables -A INPUT -s x.x.x.x -j DROP). I don't know if this can cause such 'no buffer space' problems
15:09.45heuristkatr0: they do not like tor, too much annon abuse.
15:09.49valdynnkirsten: maybe you have to many open sockets
15:10.04valdynnkirsten: that firewall rules does not matter
15:10.24heuristnkirsten: 35 blocks it no problem for iptables, but look at ipset if you need large block lists.
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15:10.54nkirstenvaldyn: is it possible to increase the available sockets? Or this is the 65535 limit?
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15:11.26katr0heurist: what about the #debian-next in freenode (needs invitation)
15:11.52heuristkatr0: there is no #debian-next on freenode it is only on oftc
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15:17.08katr0is a debian testing install going to stable with a ´dist-upgrade´?
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15:18.20jhutchinskatr0: No, testing is testing the next release that will become stablre when the bugs are gone.
15:19.22Guest90658I want to limit internet speed for all programm (particularly iceweasel) , i try to use trickle but it's not work , anyone know a command or a soft who can do it ?
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15:19.38ghoulsbladehi all, i'm trying to make a bridge between eth0 and wlan0, but  brctl says can't add wlan0 to bridge br0: Operation not supported  .   nothing in syslog, any other place to look or does it mean the hardware cannot bridge ?  should i try setting up router instead or is there a better way ?
15:19.52nkirstenghoulsblade: wondershaper maybe?
15:20.27heuristGuest90658: squid with delay_pools
15:20.37katr0jhutchins: so the jessie (current testing) is going to sid (current unstable) without doing a ´dist-upgrade´?
15:21.17jhutchinskatr0: No, it goes the other way.
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15:21.58jhutchinssid is the repository of candidates to be included in testing.  When enough release critical bugs are closed in testing, testing is released as stable.
15:22.08heuristkatr0: sid will always be sid, jessie will be frozen, fixed, and become stable. your testing install might not "fix" properly, so you may have to do a lot of work to get it into shape for being stable.
15:22.13*** join/#debian l9root (b4b1a8ec@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:22.19jhutchinskatr0: You can "upgrade" from stable to testing, because testing will be the next stable release.
15:22.40jhutchinskatr0: Theoretically you can "upgrade" from testing to sid, but sid is not intended to be a working release.
15:23.33ghoulsbladenkirsten: hama wlan stick
15:23.55nkirstenghoulsblade: what?
15:24.12ghoulsbladeno idea what you mean by wondershaper
15:24.22ghoulsbladei thought some kind of wlan card
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15:24.44nkirstenghoulsblade: apt-cache show wondershaper
15:25.11heuristghoulsblade: "wondershaper" was the answer to someone else's question, you just got in the way. (:
15:25.39Lope2how can I make pppd messages in /var/log/messages appear in /var/log/ppp.log ?
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15:26.09nkirstenghoulsblade: my mistake. It was for Guest90658
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15:26.34nkirstenGuest90658: check wondershaper by doing: apt-cache show wondershaper
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15:27.23katr0in other words debian testing is never going to be debian stable
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15:27.38Guest90658what i'm supposed to do with apt-cache show wondershaper?
15:28.32katr0so the  Debian 8 Jessie release has nothing to do with Debian wheezy testing..
15:29.32katr0hm.. it just doesn't make sense..
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15:30.01centrxRelease code names track specific releases
15:30.02jhutchinskatr0: Nope, still don't get it.
15:31.08jhutchinskatr0: When testing (jessie) has enough bugs resolved, it will be released as stable.  Wheezy (currently stable) will become "oldstable" and receive limited support for a year (depending on what they do with LTS).
15:31.15centrxSuite names track the process and persist across releases
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15:31.37Guest90658where i can know my network-interface-id
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15:32.29jhutchinskatr0: A new version of testing will be created, and newer packages will be moved into it as they pass the QC of sid.
15:33.01centrxGuest90658, You mean MAC address or...?
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15:33.40Guest90658centrx : no , it's look like wlan0 eth0 , where i can see it ?
15:34.10centrxRun that command
15:34.25Guest90658it's work , thanks
15:34.34jhutchinsGuest90658: ifconfig -a will show interfaces that aren't up.
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15:34.54jhutchinsGuest90658 The Linux System Administrator's Guide is an excellent general resource:
15:35.21*** join/#debian LinuxGuy91 (
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15:36.27Guest90658i will write it thanks
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15:38.03katr0in case that I would like to use debian jessie now what would be the safest choice in terms of stable release, use debian wheezy testing or the jessie beta release ?
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15:44.14jhutchinskatr0: No no no.
15:45.03jhutchinskatr0: Wheezy is stable now.  Jessie is testing, and is not ready for release yet.  It does not get priority security updates, and it may break and stay broken for days or weeks.
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15:45.30jhutchinskatr0: Many people use testing, but they are familiar with how debian works and know how to deal with problems when they happen.
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15:46.19jhutchinskatr0: If you do not know Debian fairly well, we recommend that you install the current stable release, wheezy, and learn about it while jessie works toward release.  We anticipate that it will release early in 2015, and you can upgrade then.
15:46.50jhutchinskatr0: The reason to run testing (jessie) is to test it in your environment and find out where the problems are.
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15:47.36jhutchinskatr0: There is only one stable release (wheezy), only one testing release (wheezy).
15:48.06heuristnow you have even gotten jhutchins confused about the names ):
15:49.33jhutchinsYep.  testing is jessie, sorry.
15:50.28teraflopsdejavu: every freeze brings a lot of confused users about what to put on the sources.list
15:50.53jhutchinsDid they freeze jessie?
15:51.17heuristyeah, just use numbers like real software, people understand numbers, not codenames. ):
15:51.34*** join/#debian TDog (
15:51.36heurist!jessie freeze
15:51.41dpkgRemember, remember, the fifth of November, gunpowder treason and plot!  Debian 8.0 "Jessie" will be frozen on 2014-11-05 after which no new versions of packages will enter the release and a period of intense bug fixing begins.  See or ask me about <slushy>.
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15:52.15teraflopsI mean the upcoming
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15:56.13nkirstengood night, good luck guys
15:56.22nkirstenall gamers might wanna check dying light ;P
15:56.24teraflopswell it feels so annoying when someone undestands what  you say  but insists on clarifying to exhaustion
15:57.52pfred1teraflops I don't understand what you say. Could you please clarify?
15:58.34teraflopspfred1: nop
15:59.00*** join/#debian Abd_Allatif (~abd@unaffiliated/abd-allatif/x-6736565)
16:00.16Froolapyeah but what do I need to install debian on a machine with no network?
16:00.29pfred1Froolap the full disc set
16:00.53Froolap3 dvd for one rpm?
16:00.58jhutchinsFroolap: No.
16:01.19jhutchinsFroolap: Chances are everything you need is on the first DVD.
16:01.31*** join/#debian r420r (isaacbsd@unaffiliated/r420r)
16:01.49Froolapwhat are the other two for (in general)?
16:01.51teraflopsrpm? also I think the dvd-1 is enough the get a functional system
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16:02.10pfred1Froolap can't you temporarily establish a network connection?
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16:02.40jhutchinsFroolap: There are over 30,000 packages in debian, including internationalization and multiple architectures.
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16:02.49mtnFroolap: the other two disks have extra packages
16:03.02FroolapI don't like network installs as the connection fails too frequently resulting in having to start from the beginning.
16:03.15*** join/#debian Megaf_ (~Megaf@unaffiliated/megaf)
16:03.46heuristFroolap: even the first CD will work to get a system up and running/
16:04.04pfred1Debian has a live image now don't they?
16:04.42teraflopspfred1: i think it has
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16:04.52pfred1yeah I kind of remember seeing something about it
16:04.57dpkgThe Debian Live project provides pre-built Debian live system images and allows creation of your own.  These can be used to install a Debian system.  Live images are available from .  #debian-live on
16:05.04pfred1there you go one and done
16:06.32benzrfif i tried to upgrade libc6 to 2.14 on wheezy it would break my system r i g h t
16:07.26pfred1benzrf once upon a time I got libc5 and glibc2 to work at the same time but it wasn't easy
16:07.52pfred1I broke a few systems before i managed to get it to work
16:08.03benzrfalso: my wifi is semibroken on jessie but works great on wheezy
16:08.22dpkgThe GNU C Library (glibc) also known as libc6 in the Linux universe.  glibc is the most fundamental piece of software on your machine, basically every piece of software you have installed other than your kernel depends on it, so upgrading it is essentially upgrading your entire system/debian release/version. .  See also <eglibc>.
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16:08.46benzrfon jessie, on some networks in some locations it'll list the strength as fine but refuses to connect, or it'll connect but stop working after 2 minutes
16:08.51benzrfit works fine in other places
16:08.59benzrfon wheezy, it works perfectly fine in general
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16:10.15centrxbenzrf, is this on two different machines/installations?
16:10.17heuristbenzrf: yes, jessie is not stable. stable works
16:10.38centrxjessie works too
16:10.40pfred1I need to upgrade this system to Wheezy
16:11.06*** join/#debian Amandil (
16:11.15heuristjessie works *sometimes*
16:11.30centrxbenzrf, It could be a driver issue or possibly an issue with a program like NetworkManager/wpasupplicant
16:11.53jhutchinsbenzrf: There may be information in dmesg that will tell you what's happening.
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16:12.02benzrfi had similar issues on ubuntu when i had it installed
16:12.20benzrfso whatever it is, im afraid it'll still be in jessie when jessie becomes stable
16:12.31benzrf[im on wheezy rn]
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16:12.49metallicbenzrf, lack of some driver?
16:13.25heuristbenzrf: stable is tested very carefully, which is why things work there. hopefully your issue will be resolved before jessie goes stable. report bugs!
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16:14.14pfred1only you can stamp out bugs!
16:14.22benzrfubuntu is loosely based on testing, right?
16:14.27alphanethello, is there a way to retrieve an old binary package or its source code for an old wheezy-backport package which is no longer available on the mirrors?
16:14.32jhutchinsbenzrf: Not any more.
16:14.36benzrfjhutchins: how so
16:14.40heuristbenzrf: no, not even slightly.
16:14.50benzrfhas it completely forked by now?
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16:15.17jhutchinsbenzrf: They do their own thing.  Usually newer packages (with more bugs), different choices for default packages.
16:15.25benzrfso it's as separate as RH, just using the same pkg format?
16:15.45shingouz!tell alphanet about archive
16:15.50jhutchinsbenzrf: Uses a lot of the same structure, same configuration systems.
16:15.54shingouzalphanet: maybe that helps?
16:16.12jhutchinsbenzrf: It was originally based on Debian, with newer packages from testing, but their own patches and modifications.
16:16.41benzrfhow close is jessie to stable?
16:17.04centrxbenzrf, how close to release, or how close to the current wheezy stable?
16:17.29alphanetshingouz: thank you :)  I knew about but not this one
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16:18.10shingouzalphanet: /msg dpkg snapshot which seems to have a bit more on the subject
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16:18.50benzrfcentrx: to release
16:18.55benzrfalso hi :-)
16:19.16centrxcurrently rewriting Debian in Ruby
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16:19.29jhutchinsbenzrf: It doesn't have a release date, but we expect early 2015.
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16:20.23centrxbenzrf, the freeze date is Nov 5, and then release probably 5-9 months after
16:20.35shingouzalphanet: there is also something called dpkg-repack which helps if you already have the stuff installed somewhere. works for some values of work, ymmv
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16:22.47benzrfoh geez thats a pretty long time
16:23.05alphanetshingouz: ok, thank you.
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16:24.14centrxbenzrf, testing is generally pretty reliable, you've run into an issue of course, but it sounds like a hardware compatibility issue
16:24.19centrxa bug surely
16:24.30centrx*to be sure
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16:29.24jhutchinsbenzrf: Sounds like it might be a regression in the driver, probably something that can get fixed before the release.
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16:29.56jhutchinsbenzrf: It'd be helpful if you could get more information about what's actually happening when it drops.
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16:36.03centrxJessie Release: 59-408 days from now
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16:52.39klinehi guys. i ran dist-upgrade on jessie a few days ago and since then ive had really slow startups on my laptop ( see )
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16:52.47klinewhats the best way of debugging this further?
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16:53.37klineon startup i see [***   ] running task for LSB: Upping interfaces (5s/no timeout) (or works to that
16:53.39heuristkline: questions about jessie are better addressed to #debian-next on
16:53.48klineheurist, thanks
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17:03.36eth2hi peeps
17:03.59peepshi eth2
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17:05.16eth2i'm having quite an uncommon issue that i've been trying to solve for days
17:05.28eth2not finding much relevant information online due to the nature of the attempts
17:06.21eth2trying to pre-seed debian 7 on our pxe with a dual disk partitionning scheme. However I always end up getting stuck at "/dev/mapper/vgmain-root does not exist, Dropping to a shell"
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17:12.48jhutchinseth2: You're trying to do lvm, and it's not creating the volume group you're assigning.
17:13.14jhutchinseth2: Possibly a typo at one of the points where you specify it.
17:13.21eth2ok, i'll review it once again
17:13.33eth2I tried a couple receipes, whenever I setup 2 drives I always end up that way, I thought it could be pxe-related
17:13.50eth2if I do lvm on 1 drive, then it works great, that's my main puzzle
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17:14.35jhutchinseth2: Try it without lvm at all.
17:14.44jhutchinseth2: Do you actually do stuff with lvm?
17:14.48eth2not at all
17:15.00eth2from what I understood, to partition two disks in a non-raid format you have to have lvm
17:15.04eth2in a pre-seed ofc
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17:16.17jhutchinseth2: ?
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17:16.31jhutchinseth2: Are you spanning a volume across the disks?
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17:16.49jhutchinseth2: So they're seperate partitions?  No need for lvm in that at all.
17:16.52eth2my original intent is to lets say partition /boot, swap, /home and / on sda
17:16.56eth2and /backup and /tmp on sdb
17:17.01eth2using pre-seed in a PXE
17:17.24eth2to use the device {} partman flag it allegedly needs lvm
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17:18.15jhutchinseth2: I use kickstart, not preseed, but I don't think you need it.
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17:30.16eth2jhutchins, I do use kickstart aswell
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17:35.35eth2if there a preseed wizzard somewhere? would definately  be handy
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17:50.31t4nk773hi/ I created a new username and password but find whenever I use su or sudo I get message not on list of sudoers this will be reported. What can I do ?
17:51.03joeytwiddlesell your house, change your name, move country
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17:52.00phy1729t4nk773: you should be able to su
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17:53.28joeytwiddlet4nk773, as root (via your old login?), you could visudo and add your new user there.  or perhaps just add the user to the 'sudoers' group in /etc/groups
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17:55.17phy1729you shouldn't directly edit /etc/groups
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17:56.46revolveAnyone know a simmple way of preventing users binding to a certain address on multihommed hosts?
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17:57.15t4nk773The old login debian /debian wont let me su either !! I am locked out of su !
17:57.58phy1729login to any user, su, use the password you typed in during installation
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17:58.12frenghi I installed debian wheezy with gnome 7.6
17:58.12frengThat and I noticed the flash player in the browser does not work with an External iceweasel , I CAN be solved?
17:58.14richacdoes anyone know how to install dragonfly mail agent,  or something else besides exim4 that doesnn't listn on ports
17:58.22Agent_bobman my memory is really slipping... what is the command to see the running kernel version ?     something -a
17:58.41richacAgent_bob: uname -r
17:58.52revolveanyone know how to prevent users using one of the network interfaces?
17:59.06Agent_bobresolve thank you
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18:01.14Agent_bobhmmm maybe i should think about updating this box   it's still running a 2.6 kernel ...  eeek cat /etc/debian_version >>> 5.0.10   ;/
18:01.20richacI can't fly dragon fly mail agent in my repos
18:01.49revolvefound something about selinux policies on stackoverflow, re: users and NICs
18:02.36rhaguhi I used mkfs.xfs to put xfs onto /dev/vdb, when I try to mount it I get this error: "mount: Die angeforderte Funktion ist nicht implementiert" which translates to: "mount: the requested function is not implemented" what can I do? / is already xfs and mounted at boot
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18:04.13rhaguok it seems debian can only handle block sizes of 4096
18:04.39richacdoes anyone know of another mail agent i can install that doesn't listn on any ports....
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18:04.50richacI don't see DMA in the repos?
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18:06.23Agent_bob<rhagu> ok it seems debian can only handle block sizes of 4096  < would more likely be a "linux" limitation, or even a limitation in a specific app.    but that's semantic and i probably sould leave it alone....
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18:07.59rhaguAgent_bob it seems to work so I am fine with it :-)
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18:13.44ReelaxHi, when i run a program that's accessing a file in the same directory through a shortcut on the gnome-panel , it cannot find that file. I need help about this.
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18:26.43jelly-homerichac: what do you mean by mail agent?  Something that provides /usr/sbin/sendmail?
18:27.36richacjelly-home: i mean instead of emix
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18:27.40richaci wanted to use dma
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18:27.44richacbut i don't find it in the repos
18:27.49jelly-home,v dma
18:27.50juddPackage: dma on i386 -- squeeze: 0.0.2010.06.17-6; jessie: 0.9-1; sid: 0.9-1
18:27.55jelly-homerichac: what's emix?
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18:28.06richacjelly-home: the default mail agent on deiban
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18:28.15richacjudd: what repo do I need for that?
18:28.21jelly-homerichac: oh, exim?
18:28.32richacjelly-home: oh i'm sorry ya i keep saying emix lol
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18:28.55jelly-homeso yes, exim is a MTA and a provider of /usr/sbin/sendmail
18:28.57richaci like dragonfly because it doesn't listen on any ports
18:29.07richacbut I don't see it in my repos
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18:29.25jelly-homerichac: if you don't need local delivery, there's mstmp-mta, or nullmailer, or ssmtp
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18:29.44jelly-homeerm, smtp-mta
18:29.47richacjelly-home: what do you mean by local deliver?
18:29.52jelly-homedammit.  msmtp-mta
18:29.52heuristrichac: you could probably configure exim to not listen on ports too. either via binding to or via lmtp.
18:30.09richacheurist: its already binded to
18:30.13richaci don't want it even listening to that
18:30.19jelly-homerichac: none of those can deliver mail to local accounts, only send them on further to the next mail server
18:30.20heuristrichac: why not?
18:30.28heurist,checkbackport dma
18:30.29juddBackporting package dma in sid→wheezy/i386: all build-dependencies satisfied using wheezy.
18:30.47richacjudd: tks ok so i need the backport repo
18:30.50heuristdpkg: tell richac -about ssb
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18:30.54jelly-homerichac: so where do you send your mails?
18:31.34heuristrichac: judd is a bot, do not talk to him in that tone of voice. (:
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18:31.38richacjelly-home: nowhere,  just system alerts to root account
18:31.51richacheurist: oh lol
18:31.57jelly-homethat means you do want local delivery.
18:32.08richacjelly-home: that means i want dma
18:32.16jelly-homerichac: what's wrong with exim listening on localhost?
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18:32.24heuristrichac: did you see the ssb message the dpkg bot sent you? you can maybe do that.
18:32.37richacjelly-home: I don't want it to
18:32.52jelly-homerichac: what are you trying to solve by not allowing that?
18:34.44richacjelly-home: the same thing dragonfly does but not listening on any ports
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18:35.17t4nk207"vi username" did it !! and i can now "su usename" and get prompt !! Thanks
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18:35.36jelly-homerichac: that's not a technical reason, I'm trying to understand what's going wrong with a local listener in your case
18:36.08richacjelly-home: google why anyone would make a mail agent that doesn't listen on any ports including loopback
18:36.27richaci told you want i want to do,  i'm not gonna debate if its nescessary for me or not
18:36.32richacgo google
18:36.40jelly-homerichac: I'm asking _your_ reasons, not google's.
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18:36.48richacmy reasons are googles
18:37.07richacmy reasons are the same reasons they guy who made dma in the first place
18:37.28jelly-homealright, then try backporting dma
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18:37.54richacjelly-home: for security purposes
18:38.08richacbut i already know your going to tell me it won't make me any more secure lol
18:38.19jelly-homecorrect, I don't buy "security purposes" that are unexplainable in own words
18:38.20richacblah blah
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18:38.29richacgoogle it yourself
18:39.06richaci don't want it listening on port 25 for incoming connections... I don't know why thats so hard to understand
18:39.20richaci don't care if its only either
18:39.24richactheres no reason for it
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18:40.25jelly-homelistening on localhost makes the sources for "incoming" connections limited to your own system
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18:40.44richacjelly-home: i bet you don't tink its nescessary to filter outgoing on your router either
18:40.48richacyou can stop talking to me now
18:40.53richac* i mean pc
18:41.06eth2deb7 + lvm = not fun
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18:43.47richacteraflops: IRC makes people evil
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18:44.45dpkgYou can get apt to download source packages with a <deb-src> line in your <sources.list>.  A suitable entry for the sid release is: "deb-src sid main contrib non-free".  Remember to "apt-get update" after changing your sources.list.
18:45.40heuristdpkg: tell richac -about msg the bot
18:45.55jelly-homerichac: I'm just wary of people using "security" as a reason without being able to show an attack surface they're trying to protect.  I'll let you be on your merry way.
18:46.01*** part/#debian Reelax (~debbix@
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18:46.39richacjelly-home: don't worry your safe your on linux,  you don't even need a firewalll.....lmao
18:46.56richacthey just destroyed both my linux installs in only 3 weeks
18:47.10richacor less then that really
18:47.22richacbetter safe then sorry
18:47.30richacyou explain to me first,  why i need it to listen on port 25?
18:47.43richacthen I will tell you I don't need that
18:47.56richacill get my root mail just fine without it
18:48.59richaci'm probably compromised already,  but hey why make it easy for everyone else lol
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18:52.45richacwhy do linux people talk everyone out of security
18:52.59richacin a day and age,  when more people are getting hacked in history
18:53.10jelly-homerichac: that was written for Sendmail, which 15 years ago had horrible security history, and _remote_ connections
18:53.32richacyou can follow the trend of cybercrime,   and the deprecation of linux security tools over the years match
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18:53.41richacjelly-home: bash was written longer ago
18:53.54richacjelly-home: nohting has changed with security about listening over port 25/tcp
18:53.58richacyour suspcious
18:54.01teraflopsrichac: sure youll end up talking on pfnonsense ;P
18:54.12richacteraflops: thats a well thought out argument
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18:54.20richaclistening on port 25 when I don't need to is bad,  period
18:54.26richacto argue against that  makes you suspect
18:54.36richacthen again what part of this linux community isn't lol
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18:55.30teraflopsrichac: listen on [::1]?
18:56.00*** mode/#debian [+l 1579] by debhelper
18:56.13richacI dn't even want the process running
18:56.17jelly-homerichac: a local listener only allows for user->other-user escalation.  A remote listener allows for a remote user exploit.   Sendmail was notorious for running the tcp remote listener from a monolithic binary.
18:56.19richaci don't trust it
18:56.29richacI don't want the process running,  I don't trust it
18:56.46jelly-homerichac: just be aware _what_ is it you're protecting from before disabling something
18:56.50richacwhats so hard to understanda bout that
18:57.11jelly-homeotherwise it's just cargo cult, not security consciousness
18:57.15richacjelly-home: oh i see like the typical fake nerd in these help rooms,  your just trying to feel very hard to prove your superior knowledge
18:57.15teraflopsbullshit meter is in red
18:57.30richaci don't want a fucking mail client that listens on port 25 when i have no need for it
18:57.39richaceven if its listening on localhost,   why the fuck is that needed
18:57.42richacthats what you have to tell me
18:57.54richacdon't argue why I shouldn't,   start telling me why I should
18:57.55jelly-homerichac: fine.  Did the ssb recipe work for you?
18:58.05richacbecause its starting to sound like your the one who doesn't know what the fuck hes talking about
18:58.20jelly-homerichac: stop that then, focus on building dma instead.
18:58.22richacjelly-home: ecnourages everyone to have their mail clients listen on local port 25 for some reason
18:58.25bazhang!ops | richac
18:58.25dpkgHydroxide, dondelelcaro, LoRez, RichiH, mentor, abrotman, Maulkin, stew, peterS, Myon, Ganneff, weasel, zobel, themill, babilen, SynrG, jm_, somiaj, jelly: bazhang complains about: | richac
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18:58.31richache doesn't know why that must be,     but thats what he suggests
18:58.33jelly-homebazhang: I'm right here.
18:58.40heuristrichac: we have a clean language policy here, please tone it down.
18:58.42richache has no clue why its listenong on port 25,  but its ok cause its no a security risk
18:58.43bazhangsorry jelly-home
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18:58.59richaciots ok guys,   localhost listening on port 15 is ncescessary for your local mail
18:59.03richacfor some mysterious unknown reason
18:59.07richacits ok don't worry its safe
18:59.20jelly-homerichac: ok, look, just stop ranting now and let's focus on your dma build
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18:59.44richacjelly-home: i want to know why these linux guys,  tryi their hardest to talk people out of makin a more secure machine
18:59.48richacwhy is that jelly?
18:59.49teraflopsjelly-home: sure you are liking that discussion but it is becoming annoying
19:00.01jelly-homerichac: last warning -- stop the rant now.
19:00.04richacand you want us to worry abou the NSA?  when pretty soon selinux will be the only non deprecated security tool that exists for linux??
19:00.11richacpeople like jelly are who we have to worry about
19:00.16richacpeople who want to keep us all vulnerable
19:00.27richacthe people who want us to believe we have no security are the real threats to society
19:00.34richac*no need for security
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19:02.11teraflopsrichac: I kindly suggest you to write a blog
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19:18.54cuscohey folks
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19:19.44cusconever used carddav/webdav/caldav before  ... I'm looking to set one up in our web-mail server to allow MUA's save contacts in the `cloud`
19:20.01cuscowhat would be the light server software to set up?
19:20.11cuscoor.. any thoughts regarding this?
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19:23.09t4nk925How to install pepper flash on debian
19:23.35t4nk925Pepper flash
19:24.18t4nk925pepper flah
19:24.26t4nk925pepper flash
19:24.42t4nk925How to install pepperflash on debian
19:25.28heuristt4nk925: pepperflashplugin-nonfree  is in contrib  apt-get install pepperflashplugin-nonfree
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19:26.47t4nk925pc:~$ sudo apt-get install pepperflashplugin-nonfree E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?
19:27.13heuristt4nk925: you probably have aptitude or something open.
19:27.47t4nk925sudo apt-get install pepperflashplugin-nonfree Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree        Reading state information... Done E: Unable to locate package pepperflashplugin-nonfree
19:27.52t4nk925Now i got this
19:28.05*** join/#debian brianblaze420 (~brianblaz@unaffiliated/brianblaze)
19:28.27t4nk925Unable to locate the package file
19:28.48heuristt4nk925: do you have contrib enabled? pastebin /etc/apt/sources.list
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19:29.04t4nk925How do i know it?
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19:29.54heuristt4nk925: cat /etc/apt/sources.list | curl -F 'sprunge=<-'
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19:32.23t4nk925i don't get it .
19:33.14heuristt4nk925: go to  and copy paste your /etc/apt/sources.list
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19:36.16t4nk925ok here is it .
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19:37.45t4nk925What should i do next.
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19:37.52heuristt4nk925: wow lenny-backports and everything. I am out. at least you do have contrib in there. but I can not help you with that frankendebian.
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19:38.41dpkgWhen you get random packages from random repositories, mix multiple releases of Debian, or mix Debian and derived distributions, you have a mess.  There's no way anyone can support this "distribution of Frankenstein" and #debian certainly doesn't want to even try.  See if you can convince ##linux to help.
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19:41.46t4nk925does that means helping me would be more complex???
19:42.12heuristt4nk925: yes, too complex to me to fix over irc. sorry.
19:42.28Brigot4nk925, imposible even.
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19:43.16craigevildepends if he is running wheezy nothing from lenny is installed
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19:51.41qman__yeah, lenny-backports should be overridden by wheezy versions, so I doubt he's got a frankendebian
19:51.52qman__that should be removed, but I don't think it would have broken anything
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19:52.32teraflopsuhm he loged out
19:52.57teraflopsi only get pepperflashplugin-nonfree from wheezy-backports/contrib amd64 Packages
19:52.59Brigonot all package ins wheezy are in lenny too. Then you can install package from lenny and get a mess.
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19:53.48qman__you potentially could but none of his output suggested that was the case
19:54.15craigevil,versions pepperflashplugin-nonfree
19:54.16juddPackage: pepperflashplugin-nonfree on i386 -- wheezy-backports/contrib: 1.4~bpo60+1; sid/contrib: 1.7
19:54.35_panoramix_t4nk925 add the following to your sources.list deb wheezy-backports main contrib and then apt-get update&&apt-get install pepperflashplugin-nonfree
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19:55.34thagenesiscan anybody give me a hint why sudo does not set up the env (especially  $PATH)
19:56.49heuristthagenesis: see  Defaults env_keep  in  man sudoers
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19:57.48thagenesisthx I'll have a look once the system is up again :)
19:58.32heuristthagenesis: also maybe try sudo -s shutdown ... or sudo -i shutdown ...
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20:02.21sysvalvethagenesis: maggie?
20:02.29sysvalvesimpsons fan? or just coincidence?
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20:02.48thagenesisall my systems have simpson character names
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20:03.18sysvalvethagenesis: me too :D
20:03.29thagenesisthis one is a microserver :-)
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20:03.46sysvalvemy maggie is an eeepc
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20:05.39Windyhey all, trying to install a netinst image on USB.  it says i need brcm/bcm43xx-0.fw but i've put that package on the usb already. is there some way i can make it find the file that is already there?
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20:10.26dvsWindy: Create another partition and put the file on there.
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20:10.46Windyon the usb?
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20:11.24Windyit seems like that shouldn't be necessary
20:12.02dvsWindy: The nonfree ISO is the other way of doing it.
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20:16.24Froolap. If found, the firmware will be copied to the correct location (/lib/firmware) and the driver module will be reloaded.
20:17.00Windyyeah, it seems like it's not being found for whatever reason
20:17.34Windyit's possible that they weren't in the right place on the usb
20:17.52Windyalthough it says " the firmware files or packages must be placed in either the root directory or a directory named /firmware of the file system on the medium."  i had them in the root
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20:19.10Eduard_MunteanuWhat does it mean exactly that whitespace is or isn't significant in folded/multiline fields in control files?
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20:19.51Eduard_MunteanuIs there a formal grammar for these fields?
20:19.56eth2anybody in here has had problems preseeding LVM on debian 7 ?
20:20.01eth2i actually can't make it work at all
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20:21.33Windyyeah, i dunno.  the firmware file "firmware-bcrm802.11_0.36+wheezy.1_all.db" is in the right location.  this is silly
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20:24.44Windyi'll give the nonfree iso a try
20:25.07dvsit's much easier that way.
20:25.28Windyit's more than twice the size, but i suppose i'll be pulling all that data at some point anyway
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20:34.27jelly-homeEduard_Munteanu: I haven't seen a grammar specification for control files.  You may assume the folded/multiline lines behave like RFC5322 mail headers
20:34.52lennycz_hi guys, can anyone help me with analyzing core dump? after last upgrade, lightdm keeps crashing :/  I do have core dump but afaik that's not very useful as of itself
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20:35.43lennycz_so I'm trying to get the symbols but there's no lightdm-devel or lightdm-dbg afaics
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20:36.24tharkunWhat caveats should I be aware if I installed debian on a 64 GB SDHC card?
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20:37.12Eduard_Munteanutharkun, possibly flash wear?
20:37.54tharkunEduard_Munteanu: No /var and no /home that would go to hdd. That should minimize the isue.
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20:38.41tharkunThere is allways the risk of losing it but then that is part of the interesting stuff if /home and /var are encrypted.
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20:39.29kwameHi guys, I have a couple of issues with the new intalled Debian jessie installed on my laptop
20:39.44kwamefirst, I installed awesome and it doens't show up in the gdm3 menu
20:39.59heuristkwame: questions about jessie are better addressed to #debian-next on
20:40.01tharkunkwame: #debian-next in can give you a better perspective
20:40.08kwametharkun: thanks
20:40.27kwameah, oftc
20:40.30Eduard_Munteanukwame, have you restarted the gdm service?
20:40.35kwameEduard_Munteanu: I did
20:40.52kwameI even did the windows approach (restarting the laptop) :p
20:41.09tharkunpoints to the next bar
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20:44.15lennycz_kwame, I read that the appearance in that menu depends on the package deploying a .desktop file somewhere (not sure where)
20:44.35dontknowcould someone tell me the default i/o scheduler for debian wheezy? deadline or cfq_
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20:45.39lennycz_kwame, by dpkg -L awesome (or something like that, don't shoot me) you can list all of the package's files so you know if the package even does deploy that file (some don't, not sure for awesome)
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20:47.42lennycz_kwame, and yes it's -L.  I'd do `dpkg -L awesome | sort | grep -ie desktop` ... see if there's file like that.  then I'd do the same for another package that *is* listed
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20:48.16heuristkward: you would need to look for  /usr/share/xsessions/awesom.desktop  in the output of lennycz_'s command.
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20:48.59heuristkward: but when you look spell it right, not like I did. (:
20:49.44Windyhmm, still getting missing firmware with the non-free iso. is there a better way to make a usb from the .iso tha unetbootin under windows?
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20:50.30heuristkward: not for you, go back to sleep. (:
20:50.53lennycz_kward, FYI I checked that on my Jessie and there's awesome 3.4.15-1+b1 which does deploy this file
20:51.05heuristdpkg: tell Windy -about unetbootin
20:51.51heuristWindy: unetbootin is bad, they suggest win32diskimager. maybe try that
20:51.59heuristdpkg: tell Windy -about win32diskimager
20:52.09heuristWindy: see the messages the bot sent you.
20:52.39*** join/#debian RdrOfTheSt0rm (~Rdr@gateway/tor-sasl/rdrofthest0rm)
20:53.26Windygreat thanks.  i've been out of the loop for a while i guess
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20:56.04Windywin32diskimager states " Writing standard ISO images is not supported, however hybrid images created with Syslinux's isohybrid does work."
20:56.33heuristWindy: the debian ISOs are hybrid.
20:56.38Windyoh ok
20:58.07*** join/#debian KBme (~r00t@2a01:e35:2efe:bc30:76e5:bff:fe50:23e2)
20:59.24Windyhey look at that - same image prepared with win32diskimager and i don't get the missing firmware error.  i wonder if the other images with the firmware added woudl have worked too
20:59.51Windythanks heurist et al
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21:02.52costejust out of curiosity, is there a way to boost power to the internal wifi card on a laptop? even right next to my router, the max signal strength i get is 85%
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21:09.29richacits weird without opting in to install other cds from net,  i only got the security repo,  and not even the main one
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21:10.10richacheurist: it was an indeed an option i ignorantly said yes to the first time you werer right
21:10.37richaci couldn't figure out for the life of me though how to make an lvm and encrypted partition at the same time
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21:12.02Lope2if I type "route del default" it deletes my venet0 route. then I connect to pppoe, it creates ppp0 as a default route. then I want to add venet0 as a possible (but not default) route again, how can I do that? "default * U 0 0 0 venet0"
21:12.48valdynLope2: route add default dev venet0
21:13.22valdynLope2: but that is not going to do you any good
21:13.41jelly-homeLope2: in general you can't have two default routes with same metric, which networks do you want to go over to venet0?
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21:21.42CeBehi, is 6.0.10 the latest point release of squeeze?
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21:21.55CeBefollowing the upgrade guide
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21:22.11CeBeand found 6.0.10 in  /etc/debian_version
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21:25.48heuristdpkg: tell CeBe -about squeeze-lts
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21:27.36CeBethanks heurist! I already have the LTS packages in my apt sources I just was not sure whether this fullfills the requirement in the upgrade guide
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21:28.32heuristCeBe: maybe someone else here knows. all I know about squeeze is what the bot says.
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21:28.52CeBejust found this:
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21:28.59CeBelooks like I am save :)
21:29.09CeBethanks again!
21:29.34iio7"somebody" said that on Debian Jessie users will have a choice when installing between the old init and the new. I have just tried installing jessie from the latest snapshot, but I don't see the installer presenting any choices. Is that gonna change or was I misinformed?
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21:30.19valdyniio7: this seems highly unlikely
21:30.19heuristiio7: maybe that is not done yet? maybe ask the #debian-next on they know more about jessie.
21:30.51Lope2valdyn: jelly-home: this was basically what I needed: route del default && ip route add dev venet0 && pon dsl-provider
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21:54.17mike_papaTime for lame question. I just made driver for broadcom wireless. insmod wl works fine, but modprobe doesn't. Actually modprobe -v wl returns nothing. How can I make it work, or more precisely how can I load it on boot?
21:56.09ompaulmike_papa: which broadcom chipset?
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21:57.38mike_papaompaul:  BCM4360 - module works fine if it's loaded with insmod.
21:58.25mike_papa09:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Broadcom Corporation Device [14e4:43a0] (rev 03)
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21:58.32ompaul+see also
21:58.43dpkgSupport for your wireless LAN device is dependent on the chipset within.  Don't know what you have?  Ask me about <what's my wireless>.  Atheros: <atheros>; Atmel: <atmel>; Broadcom: <broadcom>; Intel: <intel>; Intersil: <prism>; Marvell: <marvell>; Ralink: <ralink>; Realtek: <realtek>; TI: <acx-mac80211>; VIA: <vt665x>; ZyDAS: <zydas>.  See also <crda>, <killswitch>, <wpa>.
21:59.12ompaulmike_papa: you don't have to go messing with stuff and then having the manage the delta for the life span of the install
21:59.39ompaulseems like far too much work for too little payoff
22:00.40mike_papaompaul: actually I have followed first, but modprobe didn't work either. Then I tried downloading driver from Broadcom page, and I made it manually. That's how I ended up with it.
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22:01.03heurist,pciid 14e4:43a0
22:01.04judd[14e4:43a0] is 'BCM4360 802.11ac Wireless Network Adapter' from 'Broadcom Corporation' with no known kernel module in wheezy or in sid. See also
22:01.08mike_papaompaul: here is page with driver -
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22:05.32ompaulmike_papa: not had to have to do anything like that in years (I'm very careful about the hardware I buy, but) this seems to be what you need
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22:07.20mike_papaOk. I got it. I had broadcom-sta-dkms still installed (after following and modprobe was loading wrong wl.ko.
22:07.40mike_papaompaul: thanks anyway.
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22:38.32skunky420How do I list all the packages in the non-free repository?
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22:42.35Lope2I'm trying to load kernel module, but it's not found? xt_tcpudp
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22:43.22gotmynickthere are files on: lsof | grep -i del, after an upgrade to systemd
22:43.38gotmynickbut it seems it cannot be restarted (with the service command)
22:43.53gotmynickwhat should I do in such case, reboot ?
22:44.07gotmynickor is there something like 'init q' but for systemd ?
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22:46.17gotmynickLope2, why are you trying to load such module ?
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22:46.35gotmynickit should be autoloaded, when using related rules
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22:49.38gotmynickLope2, on jessie I see it in the usual place: find /lib/modules/$(uname -r) -name 'xt_tcpudp.ko'
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22:54.38pythonsnake# ls -l /var/www/
22:54.40pythonsnaketotal 4
22:54.40Lope2libkmod: ERROR ../libkmod/libkmod.c:505 kmod_lookup_alias_from_builtin_file: could not open builtin file '/lib/modules/2.6.32-openvz-042stab093.5-amd64/modules.builtin.bin'
22:54.42pythonsnakedrwxr-xr-x 13 revolt www-data 4096 Aug 25 22:32 media_entries
22:54.44pythonsnakeand yet
22:54.46pythonsnakei still get 403
22:54.56gotmynickLope2, I don't know what is in that link, but that module should be autoloaded if needed
22:54.56pythonsnakenginx as www-data:www-data
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22:55.13gotmynickLope2, when you use -p tcp or -p udp in iptables rules
22:55.40gotmynickLope2, maybe in older kernels it does not even exists, but you can use -p tcp or -p udp the same
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22:56.43Lope2gotmynick: interesting... thanks. looks like this: iptables -A OUTPUT -o ppp0 -p tcp --dport 80 -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
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22:57.14gotmynickmmm Lope2 I think the error you pasted means other thing
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22:57.21Lope2looks like it is allready using your suggested notation.
22:57.47gotmynickif you can see the rule in the output of "iptables-save", it will be working ok
22:57.55Lope2 says the module must be loaded or that error will be received: iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
22:58.25gotmynicknot sure about openvz sorry
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22:58.38Lope2it does not appear on iptables-save. ok thanks :)
22:58.49gotmynickon debian default kernels, that module gets autoloaded when you use that syntax in a rule
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23:01.45sheaptrying to get a debconf thing going to prompt the user to input a username when the package in installe,d but installing it brings me this error:
23:02.14Lope2gotmynick: thanks :)
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23:05.33catiai have a manually installed debian x86 system. ie debootstrap, initramfs-tools, and manual grub install. thing does not seem to run fsck under any circumstances. i am hacking the kernel so it often crashes. then on reboot it refuses to check so things start getting corrupted. what/how controls this?
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23:06.04catiajessie btw
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23:07.48gotmynickcatia, what filesystem? for ext2,3,4 I think you can forze a fsck on next reboot, using tune2fs
23:08.24catiait's ext4 but i need auto fsck on file system without clean unmount or file system with errors
23:09.16catianeither of those things cause fsck so i assume tune2fs flag won't even work anyways
23:09.33catiait's as if my early boot process is not configured the same
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23:11.05gotmynickcatia, mmm do you have '1' in the last column of fstab for / ?
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23:11.40gotmynickalso, there was some var in /etc/default/rcS related to fsck on boot, but not sure if is used and how
23:12.21catiathere is init.d/ and link rsS.d/S07checkroot
23:12.24heuristcatia: does it fsck if you run  touch /forcefsck  and then reboot?
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23:12.49catiaheurist, literally in / ?
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23:13.52heuristcatia: does not matter where you run that command, but yes, it makes a file called forcefsck on /
23:14.21catiayes it seemed to
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23:14.43catiathe flash is very fast entire boot process takes like 1 second
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23:14.58catiathere are some failed things but i can't read what they are
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23:16.19pythonsnake^this one
23:16.31heuristcatia: what does:  dumpe2fs -h /dev/sda1 | grep -E "Mount count|Maximum mount count|Check interval|Next check after"  say?
23:17.45heuristpythonsnake: ls -ld user_dev/crypto  says what?
23:19.25pythonsnakeheurist: $ ls -ld user_dev/crypto
23:19.27pythonsnakels: cannot access user_dev/crypto: Permission denied
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23:20.26heuristcatia: that says to never check. see  man tune2fs
23:20.48heuristpythonsnake: ls -ld user_dev  and  ls -l user_dev  say what?
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23:21.29eth2Anybody played with Deb 7.6 + Pre-seed diskpartitions + LVM?
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23:21.35eth2Seems like a dangerous cocktail
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23:29.42Lope2gotmynick: thanks for trying to help. I've posted the question at Serverfault:
23:29.48pythonsnakeheurist: fixed thanks :)
23:29.50pythonsnakesudo find -type d -exec chmod 770 {} \; sudo find -type f -exec chmod 660 {} \;
23:29.52pythonsnakechmod ug+x for .sh and shit
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23:31.19Lope2night night
23:31.44*** part/#debian moOnspell (~Moonspell@
23:32.14heuristpythonsnake: you can also use  chmod ug+X *  with a big X to set execute on directories and files that have it, but not files that do not. simpler than your well crafted find -exec.
23:32.45pythonsnakeoh nice
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23:32.47pythonsnakethanks for the tip
23:33.16pythonsnakeso chmod _R ug+X .
23:34.04heuristpythonsnake: -R surely.
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23:49.42Smuckerzhey, getting a not authorized warning when going to update xdg-utils to (1.1.0~rc1+git20111210-6+deb7u1)
23:49.51Smuckerzanyone heard of this before?
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23:53.58Smuckerzso noone...
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