IRC log for #debian on 20140531

00:00.00satdavapt-get openfire downloads it
00:00.52themillnot from debian it doesn't
00:00.53*** join/#debian gswain (~gswain@
00:01.14satdavcan we add that as part of a repo
00:01.47themillIt needs someone to volunteer to do the work.
00:02.11satdavI am willing to if you can get me a example of wordpress or that
00:02.19satdavof a repo to copy
00:02.44tethrasatdav: why not prosody?
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00:04.09vooksatdav: and this :
00:05.06ErhardtMundtis there any dpkg-reconfigure command to edit /etc/default/im-config?
00:05.08*** join/#debian th3m1773n (
00:05.35satdavthanks I will read it
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00:12.49themillErhardtMundt: unlikely, but it's only a 6 line text file.
00:13.38*** join/#debian BWMerlin (
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00:15.27zcddoes partman use mbr or gpt?
00:16.01*** mode/#debian [+l 1507] by debhelper
00:19.16*** join/#debian PhoenixSTF (~rudiservo@
00:20.00somiajzcd: I think it can use either
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00:21.40toophow to change dir in terminal
00:21.50somiajtoop: cd dir
00:21.57somiajtoop: cd is short for change directory (:
00:22.12dvschdir is better!
00:22.19toopwhat if you dont wanna type the folder name
00:22.31tooplike what cd.. does
00:22.34toopin windows
00:22.44somiajtoop: you have to tell it where you want to change the directory
00:22.48toopchdir - command not found
00:22.55somiajtoop: cd .. (works)
00:23.05somiajtoop: so does cd ~ (for home)
00:23.18somiajtoop: additionaly you can use tab completion so you only have to type out the first part of the directory nanme
00:23.19dvscd - for previous directory
00:23.28toophow do list the dirs
00:23.43dvstime for a tutoral
00:23.54somiajthough that lists all files, and you may want --color so you can see which are dirs by color
00:25.10*** part/#debian vook (~vook@
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00:26.50toophow do I go to the root of the drive
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00:27.37donofrioanyone here running powerpc?
00:27.54dpkgPlease do not ask if anyone can help you, knows 'something' or uses 'some_program'.  Instead, ask your real question.  (If the real question _was_ "does anyone use 'some_program'?" ask me about <popcon> instead.)  See <ask> <ask to ask> <polls> <search> <sicco> <smart questions>.
00:28.38dpkgmethinks popcon is the Debian Popularity contest, the basis for what packages appear on the first few CDs/DVDs etc (by rank).  Install the popularity-contest package to participate.  See the results at -- See the FAQ at .  Statistics are also available via IRC, /msg judd popcon $package
00:28.55GG111toop:  can you elaborate more ?
00:29.34*** join/#debian sarlalian (~sarlalian@
00:29.45Bryansteindonofrio, I run ppc
00:30.01justanotheruserGG111: gone
00:30.06*** join/#debian hayz (
00:30.15GG111ohhhh, and I was just getting to know him
00:30.29GG111oh, wait, I need to change my nick//
00:30.30*** join/#debian spudwebb (~spuddweb@
00:30.41SameDaybetter now.
00:31.09donofrioBryanstein: on desktop or server?
00:31.23Bryansteindonofrio, Desktop
00:31.44donofrioBryanstein: mac mini?
00:32.01Bryansteindondelelcaro, nope...what is it that you're looking for though?
00:34.42donofrioBryanstein: ati 3d accelerated?
00:36.00*** mode/#debian [+l 1496] by debhelper
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00:37.13donofrioBryanstein: yah like not software rastering
00:37.26donofrioBryanstein: xorg
00:37.41BryansteinHmmm donofrio methinks not...perhaps I crossed that bridge at one point....I'm trying to think if my xorg.conf is on my nfs server
00:37.57*** join/#debian Arahael (
00:38.12donofrioif it is it to me
00:38.31ArahaelI'm struggling with 'nohup', if I understand correctly, it should permit the command to live even though I closed the terminal.
00:38.46ArahaelHowever, it dies as soon as that command appears to write to stdout. What am I doing wrong? My command is:
00:38.49Arahaelflock -n arahael.ghost.lock -c 'cd arahael; /opt/node-v0.10.28-linux-x64/bin/npm start --production' &
00:39.04Arahaelsuddenly realises that there is no nohup there.
00:40.11zykotick9Arahael: YMMV, but i'd suggest screen or tmux over nohup
00:40.42BryansteinI second what zykotick9 says
00:40.42Arahaelzykotick9: Why?
00:41.09SameDayArahael: If you ask why, then , you should try.
00:41.18zykotick9Arahael: it's a bit more powerful/customizable IMO... as i said, YMMV
00:41.27*** join/#debian codesoup (
00:41.37SameDayWell screen (or tmux), stay alive in either way, unless the system is shutdown
00:41.45doublehp_howis called memoserv ?
00:42.04*** join/#debian MrMonkey31 (
00:42.25*** part/#debian doublehp_ (
00:42.25ArahaelSameDay: I've also put it into rc.local, this is just temporary until the next reboot.
00:42.34*** join/#debian doublehp_ (
00:42.38Arahael(No nohup line in the rc.local though)
00:42.44MrMonkey31Uhh, is there a quick command to kill my net connection.  and what's the opposite command plz? ;)
00:43.09Arahaelzykotick9: I'm still failing to understand the reason. btw, I am already using tmux, but I don't intend to keep a tmux window open just for ghost.
00:43.21MrMonkey31or better yet can I get the opposite command and I'll figure out the killing cmd myself? O:-)
00:43.50zykotick9Arahael: use nohup then...  i wish i hadn't said anything
00:43.57SameDayMrMonkey31: you want to kill your Internet connection ?
00:44.03dondelelcaroArahael: only real reason is if you ever want to see the output
00:44.10dondelelcaroArahael: but you don't actually need nohup either.
00:44.15MrMonkey31SameDay: yup, reversibly I mean
00:44.33dondelelcaroArahael: ( foo command blah blah blah >/dev/null 2>&1 & ) &; will do what you want.
00:44.34SameDayMrMonkey31: me no understand
00:45.29dondelelcaroArahael: the actual, complete thing to do is to write your own init script or similar (or use start-stop-daemon, which also does this for you)
00:49.31Arahaeldondelelcaro: Yes, I'll be doing that when I get time. :)
00:49.35Arahaeldondelelcaro: I usually do that.
00:49.56dondelelcaroArahael: it's actually pretty easy; you can just modify /etc/init.d/skeleton
00:50.01dondelelcaroArahael: but whatever works
00:50.08Arahaeldondelelcaro: Yes, but when I set this up last night, it was 11pm. :)
00:50.19Arahaeldondelelcaro: I'll probably do that next.
00:50.20*** join/#debian Walzmyn (~quassel@
00:50.23ArahaelGotta go!
00:50.58Arahaeldondelelcaro: (Also, I see you're using a debian-based distro: Awesome)
00:51.19*** join/#debian Al3xG0 (~ok@unaffiliated/al3xg0)
00:51.30dondelelcaroactually, I'm using Debian...
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00:52.24dondelelcaroI don't actually own any computers which run anything else. (Though I suppose my cell phone and watch are powerful enough that they might qualify... they don't currently run Debian)
00:54.22dondelelcaroArahael: good luck!
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00:58.30doublehp_how to have grub with french layout keyboard ?
00:58.44doublehp_how to have numlock activated in all consoles at boot time ?
01:00.22*** join/#debian mintgreen (~rampageRi@unaffiliated/rampageripper)
01:00.51MrMonkey31I begin to question the wisdom and correctness of prancing about my room like a crazed primate
01:03.36dvsMrMonkey31: so do we Mr. Ballmer
01:05.03SameDayDidn't I read somewhere, a long time ago, that Debian 7 would not offer GNOME as a default Desktop ?
01:05.07donofriohow come this four year old bug is still alive?
01:05.36*** join/#debian nomasteryoda (
01:06.00*** mode/#debian [+l 1490] by debhelper
01:06.37SameDayI installed on my Desktop a few weeks ago, and was shocked to boot into GNOME-3
01:08.10dvsSameDay: So install something else.
01:09.02SameDaydvs: well, yes, one day. I promised my self to stop with the tinkering and actually learn new things. Like finish K&R C.
01:09.18dondelelcarodonofrio: we have lots of old bugs, actually... but it's probably because very few people run powerpc anymore
01:09.30SameDayI switched to LXDE at work, but I don't spend enough time at home to justify the tinkering.
01:09.40*** join/#debian m000gle (
01:09.43donofrioI would think this would error for everyone regardless of arch
01:09.47donofriosomeone tyr this
01:10.00donofrioxorg -configure and let me know if it crashed
01:10.06*** join/#debian nomasteryoda (
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01:10.34donofrioit suppose to write out the correct xorg.conf but all I get is default this and default that....
01:11.38dondelelcarodonofrio: you shouldn't need an xorg.conf for almost all configurations nowadays.
01:11.48*** join/#debian Artpicre (
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01:13.29donofriohow do you get accuration with ati without xorg using real radeo drivers
01:13.44donofriotired don't mind me
01:14.47donofriodid anyone else try it?  you'll need to gdm3 stop or killall -9 lightdm then try it...
01:15.38doublehp_SameDay: put this in rc.local: for tty in /dev/tty{1..6};do /usr/bin/setleds -D +num < "$tty";done
01:15.45doublehp_SameDay: what's on your page is invalid
01:16.20*** join/#debian valeriusL (~valerius@
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01:17.32*** join/#debian Artpicre (~Artpicre@unaffiliated/artpicre)
01:19.59SameDaydoublehp_: as long as it works man..
01:20.36*** join/#debian ]3n19m4[ (~]
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01:23.01doublehp_now, grub fr layout ... ?
01:23.57*** join/#debian GoodGirl2 (b249cf20@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:24.36GoodGirl2"You are encouraged to switch your sources.list entries from testing to wheezy for the time being if you need security support." What does that mean? Can I use testing and still be as safe as stable if I do that? :/
01:26.00*** mode/#debian [+l 1482] by debhelper
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01:27.06*** join/#debian SofS (~chatzilla@
01:29.11*** join/#debian linuxguy101 (~ssvlack@unaffiliated/linuxguy101)
01:29.26SameDayGoodGirl2: What's the source of that quote ?
01:29.29*** join/#debian FungiFox (
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01:47.04dregani want to install Debian jessie, what is the difference between a weekly build and daily build image ?
01:47.38rmooreHello everyone. I'm a current Ubuntu user with a (albeit minimal) background in Debian based distros. I'm interested in learning the pro's of a straight Debian system and what kind of advantages I'll find performancewise.
01:47.46donofriodregan: #debian-next
01:48.23dregandonofrio, that channel is invite only
01:48.53donofrionot on irc server this is freenode
01:49.05*** join/#debian j0hnlam (
01:49.17Artemis3ah ati, ofc, you should just stick to wheezy until more bugs get fixed
01:49.47donofrioArtemis3: yah ati acceurated is what is needed if I'm to get xbmc usable
01:50.58Artemis3try wheezy-backports and with build-essential compile anything else
01:51.00Bryansteindonofrio, I gotta dig out a machine and right now...that's not going to happen at the moment. I've got an older mac laying around that might have it enabled. Maybe I'll brave the attic for you.
01:51.21Artemis3hehe sounds like an adventure
01:51.55BryansteinArtemis3, it of those that you end up getting a gash in your shin for taking :oP
01:51.57Artemis3in the attic dungeon lies the treasure of an ancient forgetten architecture
01:51.59donofrioBryanstein: that would rock I'm here a bunch these days wonderful this debian,
01:53.46*** join/#debian aindilis (
01:53.56Bryansteindonofrio, mind you...might! I seem to recall having some issues...well after I had a ton of yaboot issues, yikes
01:54.49*** join/#debian shibboleth (~user@gateway/tor-sasl/shibboleth)
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01:55.38donofrioI'm just trying to make good use of this donation hardware I boys have powermac's one had cinima display (he's 12 other 14)
01:55.54*** join/#debian ariscop (~Phase4@2001:44b8:4196:e800:762f:68ff:fe3c:f44a)
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01:56.21donofrioso all I need it gnash working like flash13 jre1.8 and javagl with opengl hardware
01:57.09*** join/#debian asakura1 (~asakura@gateway/tor-sasl/asakura)
01:57.31BryansteinHa...I remember trying to run gnash on older ppc what a mistake
01:57.43*** join/#debian smue (~smue@gateway/tor-sasl/smue)
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01:58.05donofrioBryanstein: I'd use pepperflash but no arch love there
01:58.07*** join/#debian Oranabi (
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01:58.35Bryansteindondelelcaro, what radeon does yours have?
01:58.46jmcnaughton amd64 i had even less success with pepperflash than i did with gnash
01:59.02*** join/#debian Lilian (~Lilian@gateway/tor-sasl/lilian)
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01:59.29donofriopepperflash is the only way I could get esx vsphere webclient to load
01:59.59donofriomy setup @ work @
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02:00.33donofriothe four right monitors are (cough mint16) debian soon.....but hopefully you all still feel the love
02:01.11*** join/#debian pupil (~pupil@unaffiliated/pupil)
02:01.29jmcnaughtdonofrio: have you tried this: (i haven't but it looks promising)
02:01.44*** join/#debian pksadiq (~yaaic@
02:01.48Bryansteindonofrio, do you stand up and use it?
02:02.09donofrioBryanstein: all day standing like rumsfield.....10hrs+
02:02.24Bryansteindonofrio, that's soooo much healthier
02:02.25donofriojmcnaught: wow looks to have promise tab opened
02:02.39donofrioI'm standing at hmoe right now when I'm chatting with you all
02:02.50donofriofinnaly got a standing pad for home office
02:02.52donofriomuch better
02:03.24donofriodoes pandora work in wheezy for anyone didnt work last time I checked
02:03.34Bryansteindonofrio, I want to do the treadmill desk setup. Have you seen it?
02:03.35donofrionot pandora I meant pianobar
02:04.21donofrioBryanstein: nope no mill yet, just grabbed paper stacks and started at 3am one moreing 1.2yrs ago and changed my life
02:04.38donofriomade everyone ask "wht happens if we run outta paper"
02:04.48Bryansteinhahah I was just about to ask that
02:04.48donofriosynergy is my savor!
02:04.59*** join/#debian hitest (~hitest@unaffiliated/hitest)
02:05.12Bryansteindonofrio, do you have a copy of your current xorg?
02:05.29shawnbon206can you feel the love tonight
02:07.51donofriowalk up view of setup
02:08.21donofrioleft two monitors are corp win7 is linux goodness all fronted by synergy - what a great project
02:08.21*** join/#debian yuyu (
02:08.47donofrioBryanstein: no my point when I run xorg --configure it dumps
02:08.53donofriocrashes I mean
02:10.52*** join/#debian anonnumberanon (
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02:12.16ni285533you big black baboon
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02:12.57ni285533let me search my pockets for kfc or a banana
02:13.46ni285533oh wrong channel sorry
02:14.02ni285533im trolling ubuntu
02:14.15*** part/#debian ni285533 (
02:14.24*** join/#debian Pei (
02:14.43donofrio(I'll never understand - the internet)
02:14.48Bryansteindonofrio, maybe give this a spin:
02:14.54*** join/#debian mdorenka (
02:14.59BryansteinGo all the way to the bottom and he has some configs there
02:15.06BryansteinWell xorg at least
02:15.14donofriothats where I got the yaboot stuff from (-:
02:15.43donofrioand I think its the xorg.conf too that I tried but still glxinfo was returning software rastering
02:16.43BryansteinWell I'm pretty good with yaboot...I have osx os9 freebsd and debian installed on the box
02:17.09*** join/#debian phracker (~phracker@unaffiliated/phracker)
02:17.33BryansteinNow I do have this shiny g5 with dual procs sitting behind me lol
02:18.00donofrioyah I got two of them one for each son
02:18.24*** join/#debian SaMOOrai (
02:18.27donofriohence why I'm still even after a year later still trying to get jre 1.7 for them osx only has jre1.6
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02:21.54aidalgolWhere does gitolite log to on Debian?
02:22.01*** join/#debian Azrael_--- (
02:22.07peterrooneydonofrio: I remember the last time I was trying to keep java current on PPC, I used IBM's java kits to keep current.  Don't know what the situation is now. for java on ppc.
02:25.36peterrooneydonofrio: it's definitely a slower-paced channel than #debian is.  I've seen conversations take days.
02:26.07donofriopeterrooney: like chess eh
02:26.38donofrioBryanstein: pm me if you feel like sometime so I can exchange email's and the like
02:28.03*** join/#debian AlvinLorus (
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02:33.01*** join/#debian SlaxXx (~SlaxXx@
02:34.30SlaxXxguys, should I go for ubunto or debian itself ?
02:35.09bazhangthis is #debian SlaxXx
02:35.31bazhangguess what they'll say
02:35.32shawnbon206debian, unless youre a woman
02:36.01*** mode/#debian [+l 1476] by debhelper
02:36.02ectospasmThere are women who use Debian.  I'm sure.
02:36.05SlaxXxjust wanted to cofirm that ubuntu is debian with tons of preinstalled crappy apps that i might never need.
02:36.25shawnbon206man up and use debian
02:36.30shawnbon206or woman up
02:36.41peterrooneyshawnbon206: take it elsewhere.
02:37.04SlaxXxits that I only played around with linux under vmware. so obviously im newbie and inexperienced.
02:37.08Artemis3SlaxXx, and kernel patches
02:37.11SlaxXxI wanna go for full linux
02:37.29Artemis3SlaxXx, go Slackware?
02:38.01*** join/#debian mesamoo (
02:38.20SlaxXxbut I mean , I could simply install the apps I need. right? either apt-get or compile from source(I know how to do it  yeaahhh)
02:38.34Artemis3just do it (tm)
02:38.47SlaxXxso its pointless to go for other distrios. thats what i wated to confirm
02:39.00SlaxXxno advantage other then the preinstalled apps.
02:39.08Artemis3its not pointless to experiment, your path might be different
02:39.48Artemis3SlaxXx, try Arch, Gentoo, and such. Variety in styles and results, then you decide which fits you best.
02:39.58*** join/#debian chreuben (
02:40.18SlaxXxArtemis3: so whats the difference between debian and arch ?
02:40.39*** join/#debian centrx (
02:40.46shawnbon206SlaxXx lets take this into #debian-offtopic
02:40.55Artemis3or ##linux
02:41.31*** join/#debian mr-seif (~mr-seif@
02:42.04SlaxXxor #sleeplessnerds
02:42.13shawnbon206no cliches in the support channel
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02:45.56mr-seifHow To Create a wireless network to share Internet on Ubuntu 14.04
02:46.28aidalgolmr-seif: /join #ubuntu
02:46.55mr-seifThank you
02:47.08*** join/#debian sininen (~sininen@
02:47.24SlaxXxby plugining in the cable. obviously
02:47.42SlaxXxthat;s how one can create a wireless network
02:48.12*** join/#debian zz_sidv (
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02:54.40SlaxXxso you'd rather stay in this cemetery silence then offtopicing???
02:59.12*** join/#debian Exio4 (~nax@gateway/tor-sasl/exio4)
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03:00.16SlaxXxquick question. arch or gentoo ??
03:00.28dpkg"Does anyone have X or use Y?" is taking a poll, not asking a good question that IRC helpers can answer.  Don't do it or sussudio's army of militant badgers will hurt you.  Also see <ask> and <bad polls>.
03:00.33*** join/#debian danecando (
03:01.06terabitpolls are good
03:01.33terabitwhat's wrong with asking someone their professional preference of software and their experience with it
03:01.39SlaxXxI'll give Arch a try.
03:01.57terabitgentoo is for the strongest and most patient users not for everyone
03:01.59centrxArch has the best wiki
03:02.02horses_ftwbut the question had nothing to do with professional exp
03:02.11terabitgentoo has the best forums
03:02.19horses_ftwi dont even use forums
03:02.23terabitand irc channels
03:02.24horses_ftwwhat is irc for?
03:02.43SlaxXxi never use forums only redtube
03:02.50terabitgentoo is the only distro I know whose dev and support main method is irc
03:03.07horses_ftweww redtube
03:03.15horses_ftwat least get pornhumpremium
03:03.27horses_ftwyou like 144p?
03:03.33jmcnaughtcould we keep it family friendly in here please?
03:03.48ctmjrand on topic
03:04.44*** join/#debian iz16 (~intuk@
03:04.51terabitnobody brings their family to irc ! :P j/k ok
03:04.54terabitpipes down
03:05.35SlaxXxsounds like incest to me
03:05.56jmcnaughtSlaxXx: do you need help with Debian or are you just here to bug people?
03:06.43SlaxXxwhat distro are using the linux experts?
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03:07.17SlaxXxi mea ubuntu and such are the low end newbie firendly... what at the opposide pole?
03:07.33SlaxXxhello kingkong
03:07.50kingkonghow can I make it so that when i used tab button, it will auto complete? im on debian 7,5 64
03:08.04horses_ftwlmao SlaxXx
03:08.50jmcnaughtkingkong: the package "bash-completion" might be what you're looking for
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03:10.49kingkongjmcnaught thanks, i installed it now :)
03:11.26SlaxXxkingkong: that'd be $4,99
03:12.36jmcnaughtkingkong: ignore SlaxXx
03:12.49kingkongok SlaxXx :)
03:12.57kingkongjmcnaught hmm :)
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03:14.23SlaxXxkingkong: ignore jmcnaught he lacks humor he's just a bot loaded with data :P
03:15.34ctmjrSlaxXx: why don't you go play some where else
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03:16.25SlaxXxctmjr: here's whete i feel at home
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03:17.44SlaxXxguys, whats the min capacity of a flash memeory stick. i mean to install linux on it permanenly
03:17.53SlaxXxnot only "live cd" mode
03:19.30mcurranmin?  depends on what distro, and some have lite versions (iso's)  but usually at least 1GB, plus you need to partition it and make a swap partition
03:20.02kingkongi got that msg: -bash: aptitude: command not found
03:20.06kingkongwhy so?
03:20.22mcurranyou need to be root
03:20.23SlaxXxwell. I have a spare 1GB flash memory stick. which distro could I permanently install on it?
03:20.28kingkongi run it as root already
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03:20.48mcurranprobably don't have aptitude installed
03:21.00mcurransynaptic and apt-get are two different packages
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03:21.24kingkongwhat should i do now?
03:21.32mcurransudo apt-get install aptitude
03:21.49mcurranor synaptic not sure what the package is called it's one of those two
03:22.55kingkongcan i install aptitude and synaptic together?
03:23.12mcurrandid you issue that command/
03:24.17kingkongi did apt-get install aptitude as root and installed
03:24.27SlaxXxdo u guys know of ANY distro that can be installed on a 1gb stick?
03:26.00*** mode/#debian [+l 1465] by debhelper
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03:30.48kingkongwhere do i get this list?
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03:31.37dpkg'deb-src [wheezy|squeeze|jessie|sid] main contrib non-free' (for example), replace with your own for a local mirror.  Ask me about <source> for some information about how to build stuff, make sure the "build-essential" package is installed.  You might need to have linux-headers-$(uname -r) (if using a Debian kernel) and the libc6-dev packages installed.
03:32.05*** join/#debian johnfg (
03:32.14SlaxXxWLE Austria Logo (no text).svg
03:32.14SlaxXxWiki Loves Earth in focus during May
03:32.14SlaxXxDiscover natural heritage, take photos, help Wikipedia and win!
03:32.15*** kick/#debian [SlaxXx!~debhelper@unaffiliated/debhelper] by debhelper (flood. Please use instead.)
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03:33.10_FBikingkong, why not build it?  the debian version is 0.2 something, the current version is 1.3 or 1.4
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03:34.00kingkong_FBi what i will build? current version of what?
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03:35.10[gnubie]i have a running xen domU inside an lvm logical volume that i "lvcreate -s" to take a snapshot of it. after that, i did a dd of that snapshot volume into an raw image file (dd if=/dev/vg0/snapshot of=/tmp/snapshot.img bs=1024). now, how can i verify the contents of the raw image file (snapshot.img) if the contents are the same as what's inside in the production logical volume of the xen domU?
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03:36.45kingkong_FBi i don't know. im new with it. it says on znc page that command will install the newer version of znc
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03:39.19_FBibut this isn't a ZNC channel :)
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03:39.30_FBiI'm out for the night, good luck
03:39.32jmcnaughtkingkong: installing from a tarball is probably not the best way. Backporting from unstable is probably a better way to go
03:40.29jmcnaughtor you know, see if the version in wheezy does what you need it to do before making things complicated
03:41.15kingkongi wanted to install newest version of znc for debian. which way i should choose then.
03:41.44kingkongif i install it and make update system that will be update as well?
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03:43.33jmcnaughtif you compile from source it won't get updated by apt-get/aptitude.. and if you simply download the tarball and compile that it will spray files all over your filesystem that may be difficult to remove later. If you want to try backporting it yourself you could ask dpkg about it (/msg dpkg backport)
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03:54.33kingkongjmcnaught ok thx, i readed it. i can backport it. what will i write "yourmirror" line for znc at deb wheezy-backports main ?
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03:55.35jmcnaughterrr... don't just put that, check that page for a mirror close to you
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03:56.53kingkongclose to me means close to my server's location, right?
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03:57.26worlonHaving problem partitioning my SSD. 'fdisk -lu' indicates :    Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System
03:57.28worlon/dev/sdb1   *           1     2410495     1205247+  83  Linux
03:57.29worlon/dev/sdb2         2410496   125045424    61317464+  83  Linux
03:57.31worloncfdisk /dev/sdb says : FATAL ERROR: Bad primary partition 2: Partition ends after end-of-disk
03:57.53jmcnaughtworlon: you should so you don't get kicked by the bots
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03:58.27jmcnaughtkingkong: correct.. you could use one far away from your server but it will be slower
03:59.00worlonits only a few lines. be more concerned about helping to solve problem.
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03:59.31jmcnaughtworlon: yes sir!
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04:00.18worloni don't mean to be rude. i just need somehelp.
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04:02.45Rusty1worlon:  does fdisk /dev/sdb say anything will be corrected on a write?
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04:03.34worlondon't quite understand. fdisk does notwrite to disk,
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04:04.06kingkongwhich one is the best? ftp, http or rsync?
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04:06.35Rusty1worlon:  fdisk will occaisonally say that here is a problem, which will be corrected on the next write
04:07.21Rusty1usually with respect to alignment
04:07.31worlonRusty1: sorry, it says nothing on that.
04:09.06worlonfdisk data looks OK. partition2 starts after partition 1. end of partition 2 does notexceed size of drive, which is 64G
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04:11.14Rusty1worlon:  does parted -l look ok?
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04:12.19worlonchecking on that.
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04:14.53worlonRusty1: parted -l /dev/sdb gives this: Error: Can't have a partition outside the disk!
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04:16.53Rusty1if it were me , i would zero the thing and start over, but wait for someone with better ssd smarts than i got
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04:21.23ShariVegashmm, why not erase the partition2, and recreate it, but back it off 64 blocks from the end?
04:23.04ShariVegascould also double-check that it is in fact a 64GB SSD and do a write test from 48GB to 64GB
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04:25.12ShariVegasalso starting from 1 is a bit problematic for the first partition, if i remember the number correctly you want to start from 2048 in so there's enough space for grub to stick its stage 1.5... all if i remember correctly
04:25.30worlonRusty1: thks for the help. surfing web for info.  bye.
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04:38.06oxflouzerSo this should be an easy question
04:38.28oxflouzerI have a grunt task running in the background that is watching for files to change... and when it does it runs some tasks
04:38.46oxflouzerI just used #grunt & to launch it into the background
04:38.56oxflouzerbut the notifications are really annoying... the just pop up in the middle of things
04:39.15oxflouzerSo, tl;dr; how do I get some kind of nicer output from a background task?
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04:48.37kingkongjmcnaught  deb wheezy-backports main
04:48.38kingkong-bash: deb: command not found
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04:48.47kingkongi got that error
04:49.36jmcnaughtkingkong: it's not a command, it's a line that you add to /etc/apt/sources.list (or you could create /etc/apt/sources.list.d/backports.list and put the line in there)
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04:50.16jmcnaughtafter you add that line, you need to run "apt-get update"
04:52.41kingkongjmcnaught how do you know if you have squeeze or wheezy
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04:54.33LtLkingkong: run 'lsb_release -a' in a shell
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04:55.18LtLkingkong: or console whatever
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04:56.46kingkongok thx LtL
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04:56.57kingkongi got error on update
04:57.50mosbeyanyone here doing l3dsr?
04:58.12LtLkingkong: i would use a better mirror and update it
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05:03.57kingkongok i tried 4 different mirror and location, but same error
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05:05.22jmcnaughtkingkong: make a paste of your sources.list file so we can take a look
05:06.00LtLdpkg: tell kingkong about wheezy sources.list
05:06.15LtLkingkong: read the message fom dpkg
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05:09.58kingkongok LtL thx
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05:11.01Th34rchitektkingkong: try 'deb wheezy-backports main contrib non-free'
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05:17.13kingkongok i did it Th34rchitekt
05:17.19kingkongi got again same problem
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05:20.28Th34rchitektkingkong: remove this line 'deb wheezy-backports main' from your /etc/apt/sources.list and update again
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05:24.27kingkongagain error
05:25.26Th34rchitektshow me your sources.list
05:25.51kingkongit's same, i just deleted the line you asked me
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05:27.25Th34rchitektok, now remove 'deb wheezy/updates main' this line
05:27.49Th34rchitektand in 'deb wheezy/updates main contrib non-free' change wheezy/updates to wheezy-updates
05:28.00Th34rchitektand then run apt-get update or aptitude update
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05:34.17kingkongok thanks :)
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05:36.35kingkongso, i can run "apt-get -t squeeze-backports install znc" command now?
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05:39.08Th34rchitekt there's version for wheezy so you can just run aptitude install znc
05:40.08kingkongTh34rchitekt it's the latest version of znc?
05:41.14Th34rchitektlatest stable
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05:41.23Th34rchitektlatest is in jessie's repo
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05:44.42jmcnaughtkingkong: however if this is for a server (which i think you said earlier) you may not want to run jessie on a server.
05:45.16jmcnaughtkingkong: my advice would be to practice adding backports repo and backporting software on a local computer (possibly a VM) to get the hang of it
05:46.16kingkongit's on my vps. i want to run znc service for users accounts.
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05:47.06jmcnaughtkingkong: or just use the version that's available in Wheezy now. Debian Stable isn't about having the latest version, it's about having a fairly recent version that's well tested and bug fixed (with security updates too!)
05:49.08Damioxjmcnaught, hi. do you know how much space will require jessie+gnome3 aprox: 10gb, 15gb, 20gb+? And, does debian keep increasing the OS size as Windows does?
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05:49.14kingkongso, i will just run aptitude install znc -y ?
05:50.13jmcnaughtkingkong: maybe without the -y so you get a chance to say no if it wants to install more than you want it to... also seriously recommend after install that you look in /usr/share/doc/znc and read all the files
05:52.10jmcnaughtDamiox: well I run Wheezy but Jessie will probably be similar. My root volume is 13G (currently 3.2G free) with most of my disk being used for /home. I also have a 228M /boot, if that helps
05:53.14Damioxyes it helps a lot, do you think you are running out of free space in / or is it under common parameters?
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05:53.27DamioxI meant under control
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05:54.52jmcnaughtDamiox: well I use LVM and I've left a bunch of space unallocated so that I can increase the size of whichever volume needs more room later on. In the past I've run out of space with a / that is less than 10G, but it really depends on how much software you install
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05:58.23Damioxjmcnaught: thanks for the info
05:58.30Damioxagain ;p
05:59.43jmcnaughtDamiox: no problem :) A bit of advice, others might ignore your questions if they see them directed at just one person (and I might not see it if I'm distracted) so usually it's better to address the whole channel with questions instead of one person
06:00.35Damioxunderstood, i just saw you actively chatting and i took advantage of it lol
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06:01.52jmcnaughtno worries
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06:03.45kittonianhi all. need some serious help here. just did a dist-upgrade to wheezy from squeeze and it broke a bunch of stuff on my server
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06:04.54kittonianmy /etc/profile seems to be intact but all of a sudden it cannot find from my self-compiled postgres install. this also broke other things, including nsswitch which I had to reinstall libnss-pgsql2 in order to get running
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06:09.49kittonianlooks like my libc.conf file has been overwritten during the upgrade (grrrr)
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06:35.06hatter__I am getting some ATA:02:00 messages appearing on the console, (hard disk errors I assume) , but I can't find these in any logs, where does console output get logged ?
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06:51.56zhangzlhow to use the debian-armhf-dvd.iso? Can I install it on the arm board like i386 on a pc?
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06:58.14kingkongok thanks to all who helped me :)
06:59.00shawnbon206buy me lunch some time
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07:21.08kingkongok :)
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07:41.22vyadhakais there a native adblock plugin for chromium
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07:46.43vyadhakaTh34rchitekt: thats for chrome, I am asking about chromium
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07:51.38Th34rchitektit's the same
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07:52.05vyadhakanot it's not, when I go to the chrome webpage, it's asking me to install chrome
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07:56.44bazhang vyadhaka
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07:56.59freqanyone in here run debian on a radxa?
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08:00.42freqthis room is so busy that i can't see straight
08:01.09bazhangwhy not ask the real question freq
08:03.23*** join/#debian bpu (~bpu@
08:04.13freqbazhang: maybe you can reitterate
08:04.28freqbecause you know of a question that i do not
08:04.35dpkgIf you have a question, just ask! For example: "I have a problem with ___; I'm running Debian version ___. When I try to do ___ I get the following output ___. I expected it to do ___." Don't ask if you can ask, if anyone uses it, or pick one person to ask. We're all volunteers; make it easy for us to help you. If you don't get an answer try a few hours later or on See <smart questions><errors>.
08:04.35bazhang<freq> anyone in here run debian on a radxa?
08:05.03mjt!ops consqui
08:05.03dpkgHydroxide, dondelelcaro, LoRez, RichiH, mentor, abrotman, Maulkin, stew, peterS, Myon, Ganneff, weasel, zobel, themill, babilen, SynrG, jm_, somiaj, jelly: mjt complains about: consqui
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08:05.32freqit looks like there are a ton of abilities that i will never memorize.
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08:05.51mjt!ops consqui auto-msg-spamming new niks
08:05.52dpkgHydroxide, dondelelcaro, LoRez, RichiH, mentor, abrotman, Maulkin, stew, peterS, Myon, Ganneff, weasel, zobel, themill, babilen, SynrG, jm_, somiaj, jelly: mjt complains about: consqui auto-msg-spamming new niks
08:06.06freqhow do i upgrade from ubuntu arm to debian arm
08:06.17freqwithout breaking everything
08:06.43mjtsuch an "upgrade", while might work in some cases, is Not Supported.
08:06.50freqwelp, i'm not entirely confident in the nand dept. so i wont
08:07.06freqi'm upgrading to trusty atm
08:07.17freqmy next move is to learn how to flash images to nand
08:07.26freq...without breaking everything
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08:12.04themillmjt: hi
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08:12.13*** kick/#debian [consqui!~stuart@unaffiliated/themill] by themill (You should know better)
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08:12.54freqwhat is all of that about
08:13.03themillmjt: thanks
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08:14.10mjtthemill: did it spam you too?
08:14.25freqwhat was the link to
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08:15.00themillmjt: yes. It's a repeat offender too.
08:15.12freqwas it a nsfw link
08:15.13mjtthemill: because, as I learned for quite some time, these spambots sometimes don't spam ops :)
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08:36.54averagebazhang: oh hi
08:37.03averagepupil: hello hi
08:37.07averagehello bazhang pupil
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08:37.17herbert1put the older debian on here
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08:38.40herbert1debian with linux 2.4
08:38.48averageherbert1: you mean kernel 2.4 ?
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08:39.24herbert1kern 2.4
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08:41.07herbert1remember that Miss Soldana?
08:41.46themillherbert1: please play elsewhere.
08:42.14herbert1themill: listen
08:42.19averageherbert1: no, you listen
08:42.23averageherbert1: go and play elsewhere
08:42.48herbert1what is meant by play?
08:44.03averageor check a dictionary
08:44.05*** part/#debian diode_logic (~dl-85@
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08:44.12herbert1the keys have to be issued
08:44.15*** mode/#debian [+o themill] by ChanServ
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08:44.19*** kick/#debian [herbert1!~stuart@unaffiliated/themill] by themill (You should know better)
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08:45.18diode_logicis ChanServ a robot?
08:45.28bazhangservices bot
08:46.40*** join/#debian Al3xG0 (~ok@unaffiliated/al3xg0)
08:46.42diode_logicI'm using the empathy client for irc, and want to know where to put the command?
08:47.25justanotheruserwhy did herbert just get kicked?
08:48.38averagejustanotheruser: because this is not kindergarden ? this a support channel
08:48.41diode_logicok, got it
08:49.31justanotheruseraverage: I didn't see anything kindergarten like
08:49.39justanotherusermaybe I missed it
08:49.39diode_logicgimo83: you are gimo83
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08:50.09averagejustanotheruser: sorry, I'm in a meeting, I'll get back to you later(much later)
08:50.37justanotheruseraverage: k thanks
08:52.01diode_logicIt seems people here are busy today
08:52.39*** join/#debian testi (
08:52.46justanotheruserdiode_logic: no, he just doesn't like his confirmation bias to be broken
08:54.50diode_logicI think I have missed something interesting
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08:55.38mjtnothing interesting. another kid has been kicked for thinking this is a kindergarten. Please move on already.
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08:57.49diode_logictoday, in china, people are celebrating their Dragon Boat Festival
08:59.13*** join/#debian Aristide (~quassel@2a01:e35:2eb9:64b0:e975:90d4:33e4:a0f5)
08:59.40diode_logicit seems like fantastic
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09:08.04diode_logicis there any dictionary app that I can use mouse to select words then get the meaning of words in debian
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09:10.55pupildiode_logic: golden dict
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09:13.33diode_logicpupil: trying
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09:52.24jayveeI get this error inside debian-installer when I boot from debian/dists/jessie/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/mini.iso
09:52.27jayveeMay 31 09:32:10 anna[1831]: WARNING **: no packages matching running kernel 3.13-1-amd64 in archive
09:52.43jayveeI'm guessing that mini.iso needs to be rebuilt with a newer kernel?
09:53.12abrotmanor you sohuld install with wheezy and dist-upgrade
09:53.18abrotmanor use the netinst
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09:53.53jayveeI'm installing wheezy now and going to dist-upgrade, but it's a significant pain when all I wanted was to test a jessie system for 5 minutes
09:54.24jayveeI couldn't figure out how to tell the netinst iso to install a different distro
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09:54.30jayveethe same option from netboot doesn't appear in netinst
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09:55.39jercI install wheezy using net install and then change to jessie in sources.list haven't seen any other option so far
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09:56.23jayveejerc: the best way is actually the way I was doing originally, but unfortunately looks like it's broken
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10:00.31jercmaybe if you use expert mode you could modify sources.list before the taskel stuff?
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10:05.39abrotmanjayvee: there's a jessie netinst
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10:08.15jercyeah i found it thanks abrotman
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10:10.44abrotmanoh, sorry, mistab
10:11.13jayveeabrotman: ah okay, doesn't look like it's on my local mirror,
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10:15.45tasabhi all , tried to install some program , but unfortunately  failed , can you pls have a look to the FF link and give a hlp if possible pls . tks
10:15.49doevIn many howtos for wheezy I read to edit "/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/..." but the correct path is "/usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/..." on my laptop. Is something wrong?
10:17.01*** join/#debian n-st (
10:17.07abrotmandoev: no, the correct path is /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/
10:17.20abrotmanjayvee: yeah, they don't all mirror everything
10:18.30doevabrotman, I check two installations, both put it in "/usr/share"
10:18.43abrotmantwo what installations?
10:19.01doevmy desktop and the notebook
10:19.10abrotmandoev: if you're trying to configure Xorg, it goes in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/
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10:20.09jayveewhereas a package is likely to auto-install stuff to /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/
10:20.11doevabrotman, ah, reading helps. in /usr/share/ are only example files
10:20.12jayveeapples and oranges
10:20.27abrotmandoev: Good luck
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10:31.52Starf0xHello! I just installed Debian 7 on my Asus laptop with an Elantech touchpad.
10:32.22Starf0xI noticed from my Xorg log that it sees it as a PS/2 device instead of using the synaptics driver, which doesn't allow me to use the Wikia's instructions on allowing vertical scrolling
10:32.27Starf0xIs there some sort of work around for this?
10:32.43abrotmanyou probably need to configure Xorg to use the synaptics driver instead
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10:33.38Starf0xHow would I do something like that?
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10:42.20lucidoI'm looking for a solution for making a "sound server" where osx,ubuntu,windxp and win8 clints could seamlessly stream all their audio to a debian server connected to an amp where it would be mixed together and output to the amp. Is this feasible or is it a "world piece" kind of initiative?
10:43.18*** part/#debian flukiluke (flukiluke@gateway/shell/
10:44.06doevafter adding "acpi_backlight=vendor" to drub cmd, finally backlight keys are working, badly a get a complete freeze on my laptop after playing around. Any ideas?
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10:47.42CutMeOwnThroatdoev, look at logs as you are able? you  can possibly get more logs if you /msg dpkg netconsole
10:48.42doevCutMeOwnThroat, I try ... what I know so far, it crash when I use volume/brightnes keys at the same time.
10:48.50CutMeOwnThroatlucido, what software would do that even among linux machines?
10:49.16doevno ping is able after the crash
10:49.20lucidoCutMeOwnThroat, pulseaudio and jack comes to mind
10:49.23abrotmanCutMeOwnThroat: mpd perhaps
10:49.41CutMeOwnThroatdoev, or possibly going to the text console that logs kernel messages is enough
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10:51.14CutMeOwnThroatyeah, mpd possibly, but I have my doubt about a windows client
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10:52.55CutMeOwnThroatoh, and rplay
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10:59.41ectospasmI'm having trouble setting up a serial console on my wheezy router.  On my workstation, I see the pl2303 converter now attached to ttyUSB0, but minicom just says Offline.  I followed this guide:
11:01.54ectospasmI'm suspecting the cable.  I have a male USB to male DB9 RS232 cable, with a DB9 gender changer so it will fit into the male DB9 port on my router.
11:02.32doevCutMeOwnThroat, I keep an eye on syslog and doing stress the volume/brightnes-keys. There was no special error at the time of crach, but from time to time I saw: samsung_laptop: SABI get command 0x10 failed with completion flag 0x00 and data 0x01
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11:03.37doublehp_ectospasm: minicom is complicated; as long as it says offline, you can't do anything with it; but the fact it says online does not mean your line is broken ...
11:03.50doublehp_ectospasm: and very often, other ways may work
11:03.57ectospasmIt doesn't say online
11:04.34ectospasmminicom is what I'm used to, though I haven't used it in probably over a year (left that job at the end of June last year)
11:04.41doublehp_ectospasm: misstype: the fact it says offline does not mean the cable is bad => chat may work with other tools
11:04.54doublehp_ectospasm: in most cases,  baudrate is bad
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11:05.18doublehp_ectospasm: or minicom did not send the correct chat init (usually a break)
11:05.21ectospasmYeah, I found another guide that suggested 115200, which was fine at said job.
11:05.32googololhow to copy a file in terminal
11:05.39ectospasmgoogolol: man cp
11:05.42googolollearning bash here
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11:05.54googololthrowd windows away
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11:06.15ectospasmthat may have been premature, better have a safe haven for research.
11:06.19doublehp_googolol: you need to read a tuto for linux beginners
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11:08.00doublehp_googolol: never install one system on a machine; always have 2, or 3. I always put at least 2 linux; and this is not new; Windows includes an internal disaster recovery tool (F8 and so). if you have only one linux, and it breaks, you can't fix it. You need two.
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11:08.39ectospasmor at least know how to boot your existing system into single user mode
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11:08.47r0xis there another channel for debian-developers or is discussed all there?
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11:09.06doublehp_r0x: yes
11:09.08ectospasmr0x: are you packaging something for Debian?
11:09.27ectospasmmay try #debian-mentors@oftc
11:09.28abrotmanr0x: "there" ?
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11:09.46abrotmanr0x: there are numerous developer channels, depends what you're looking for
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11:11.11doublehp_I have two disks with GPT, and one grub each; first grub must chainload the second; it used to work yesterday; after messing the second /boot, the second grub does not work; BIOS maye have changed disk order (there are other disks). Any one can help reinstalling grub on second disk ?
11:11.31doublehp_from boot to boot, debian detects it randomly as sdb, or sde, or sdi ...
11:11.38CutMeOwnThroatdoev, what kernel is that?
11:12.21CutMeOwnThroatdoev, there's a buntu bug on it from 2011
11:12.29ectospasmdoublehp_: can't you use UUIDs, and not have to worry about what is /dev/sda, etc.?
11:12.45CutMeOwnThroatdoev, should also check debian kernel bugs if something turned up there (this was from gockel)
11:13.57doublehp_ectospasm: first grub finds the second disk using uuid of some partition; issue is that the second grub does not start as it should (nothing at all, or immediate reboot, or "grub" on screen", or other issues)
11:14.19doublehp_ectospasm: i tried to chainload; maybe i should try an other approach
11:14.44doublehp_ectospasm: can reload the second menu without chainloading the boot block ?
11:14.55ectospasmI dunno, I'm not a grub guru
11:15.07doevCutMeOwnThroat, sounds like my problem. 3.2.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.2.57-3+deb7u1 x86_64 GNU/Linux
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11:16.43CutMeOwnThroatdoev, only the bug claims it has been fixed in 3.0.x kernels... you could try older 3.0 kernels to see if it's a regression
11:16.48CutMeOwnThroatjudd, kernels
11:16.49juddAvailable kernel versions are: experimental: 3.15-rc7-686-pae (3.15~rc7-1~exp1); sid: 3.14-1-686-pae (3.14.4-1); jessie: 3.14-1-686-pae (3.14.4-1); wheezy-backports: 3.14-0.bpo.1-686-pae (3.14.4-1~bpo70+1); wheezy: 3.2.0-4-686-pae (3.2.57-3+deb7u1); squeeze-backports: 3.2.0-0.bpo.4-686-pae (3.2.54-2~bpo60+1); squeeze: 2.6.32-5-686 (2.6.32-48squeeze6)
11:17.30CutMeOwnThroatdpkg, tell doev about snapshots
11:17.33Yoshi1how do i get this digital clock widget to set the date and time automatically
11:17.53abrotmanit probably already does?
11:18.03Yoshi1because i am tired of having to manually set it
11:18.10doevCutMeOwnThroat, thx. I have to watch the problem. I can't reproduce the crash for 5 minutes now.
11:18.16Yoshi1it keeps jumping forward 4 hours
11:18.20Yoshi1the tyime zones are set properly
11:18.30Yoshi1but it still keeps jumping ahead 4 hours
11:18.35abrotmanYoshi1: you dual boot with Windows?
11:19.00abrotmanYoshi1: sounds like something is off between your timezone and your clock sync
11:19.04abrotmandpkg: tell Yoshi1 about set the time
11:19.15ectospasmI wouldn't set the clock from a widget, I'd use ntp and let the system set itself.
11:19.37Yoshi1what the hell is <stp>
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11:19.50CutMeOwnThroatyeah, you want the system time to be correct and all widgets show system time
11:20.07CutMeOwnThroatand not something else...
11:20.13Yoshi1sorry <ntp>
11:20.23CutMeOwnThroatdpkg, ntp
11:20.23dpkgThe Network Time Protocol (NTP) is used to synchronize the clocks of computer systems over a network.  "aptitude install ntp" is enough to get going and synchronise your clock using the default ntp pool.  See also <set time>, <pool.ntp>.
11:20.35Yoshi1abrotman: i have ntp installed
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11:21.05abrotmanYoshi1: and what? did you read the rest?
11:21.17jelly-homeYoshi1: what does "TZ=UTC date" say?
11:21.19abrotmandid you set your timezone correctly? are you set for UTC? what is the hwclock ?
11:21.38Yoshi1jelly-home: i have no idea what command to run to check that
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11:21.52jelly-homeYoshi1: that's the command.
11:22.04CutMeOwnThroatYoshi1, the words in <> parantheses are other factoids that you can get from dpkg in the query window (or from here doing e.g. /msg dpkg ntp
11:22.07Yoshi1yoshi@psilokahn:~/Downloads/ATLauncher$ TZ=UTC date
11:22.07Yoshi1Sat May 31 07:21:56 UTC 2014
11:22.20jelly-homeYoshi1: your clock is 4 hours late
11:22.20abrotmanYoshi1: you're in US Eastern ?
11:22.22googololhow come you cant see .zip files in terminal
11:22.28abrotmancan't see?
11:22.37Yoshi1yes i am in eastern
11:22.38CutMeOwnThroat"best seen with open eyes"?
11:22.40googololviewed as text
11:22.44ectospasmaha!  I don't think this cable is a null modem cable
11:22.47abrotmangoogolol: it's compressed?
11:22.57ectospasmI will need to find a gender changer which is also null modem
11:22.58Yoshi1abrotman: yes est
11:23.11ectospasm(both sides are DCE)
11:23.12abrotmanYoshi1: Sounds like either your hwclock is wrong or your timezone is wrong
11:23.59CutMeOwnThroatgoogolol, what do you mean "viewed as text" it's an archive of all kinds of files
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11:25.08Yoshi1abrotman: how do i check the timezone i am certain my hardware clock is right
11:25.11ectospasmer, both sides are DTE
11:25.18abrotmanYoshi1: why are you certain?
11:25.28Yoshi1cause i looked on reboot
11:26.08abrotmanYoshi1: cat /etc/timezone
11:26.14abrotmanis pretty sure this is all in the factoid ?
11:26.43Yoshi1what factoid?
11:27.05abrotmandpkg tell Yoshi1 about set the time
11:27.08abrotmandpkg tell Yoshi1 about timezone
11:27.11abrotmandpkg tell Yoshi1 about utc
11:27.27*** mode/#debian [+o abrotman] by ChanServ
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11:27.28*** kick/#debian [consqui!~abrotman@pdpc/supporter/active/abrotman] by abrotman (you should know better)
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11:27.30Yoshi1the cat says america/toronto
11:27.36Yoshi1which it should
11:27.46abrotmanYoshi1: what does "hwclock" return ?
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11:28.40Yoshi1hwclock not a command
11:29.08abrotmanit is if you're root
11:29.39abrotmanYoshi1: is your time wrong at the moment?
11:29.42Yoshi1ok that command is off by 4 hours
11:29.47Yoshi1but my bios clock shouldnt be
11:29.53abrotmando you wan tto double check?
11:29.54Yoshi1and yes my time is now wrong
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11:30.09googololhow come mv can rename files or folders
11:30.37jelly-homeYoshi1: if your timezone is incorrect, the clock may be right but you might be _reading_ it incorrectly
11:30.56googololsays here that mv can rename or move files/folders
11:31.01abrotmanyes, so what?
11:31.06abrotmanwhy is that confusing?
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11:31.47googololthought there would be a seperate command to rename
11:32.01abrotmanthere is also a rename command, but it works differently
11:33.09Yoshi1i ran hwclock -u i hope that fixes it
11:33.23abrotmanprobably not ..
11:33.26Yoshi1yeap looks likke hwclock now reads correct time
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11:44.22ectospasmgoogolol: in UNIX-land, moving and renaming are the same thing.
11:44.33lanodanI got some problems with permissions
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11:51.32abrotmanlanodan: chmod u+x .
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11:52.33lanodanabrotman: Oh yes, I always forget the execution permissions on directories xD
11:52.54abrotmanwe can see that
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11:56.22googololwhat is the rename command
11:56.29Nik05googolol mv
11:56.57sandman13ren is for windows I guess
11:57.35CutMeOwnThroatas already said... there is a "rename", too, but it's for mass-renaming according to some scheme expressed by an substitution pattern
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11:58.51CutMeOwnThroatthat's what you answered to the nearly same reply about 10 minutes ago...
11:59.06abrotmanI said that!
11:59.36googololI didnt know it was for mass renaming
11:59.40CutMeOwnThroatno, you answered it, he said "oh"
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12:12.33googololhow to do rm but only move it to the trash
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12:13.05abrotmanno such thing
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12:13.50sandman13googolol: if you use DE then you can just delete it, rm means shift+delete
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12:15.13googololis there a command to move to the trash
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12:16.57liske1i don't know but when you can't rm then you can create new folder in name trash and move in this folder
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12:18.45sandman13googolol: google it
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12:20.07liske1googolol install trash-cli
12:20.33*** join/#debian Leoneof` (~Leoneof@unaffiliated/leoneof)
12:20.36liske1and then you have trash-put command...
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12:22.04googololdoes ubuntu get bugs
12:22.55googolollike all the time I mean
12:23.14googololwhen I try to do stuff in windows I always get errors
12:25.22abrotmangoogolol: This is not #ubuntu, ask them
12:25.36googololoh I mean debian
12:26.06abrotmanAll software has bugs
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12:26.20googololyeah but is is as buggy as windows
12:26.38sandman13that was for abrotman
12:27.02sandman13googolol: Debian Stable is more stable than anything you can find
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12:27.37sandman13but it has old packages unless you use backports
12:27.44sandman13*has got
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12:31.37zykotick9checks calandar, nope it's saturday ;)
12:32.58Bubuahey, got question you got gnome 3.* on debian ?
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12:34.43sandman13I have installed it once soon figured out that I could do any customization, since then using KDE
12:34.44dvsI dont
12:35.02djohngoBubua: Yep. Among other things.
12:35.13Bubuaand you dont have system with this gnome ?
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12:35.30Bubuahow you did that :) i dont like systemd but want to use gnome 3.*
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12:36.08zykotick9Bubua: wheezy sounds like it's for you then.  gnome3 is "default" using cd1/dvd1
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12:36.56Bubuawell i wondering from theenical side, im using gentoo but i want to have gnome with openrc =] i have to check how its work
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12:40.59orenHi! libkeyutils1 has different versions on amd64 & i386 (1.5.6, 1.5.9 respectively), and that seems to caused some conflicts on multiarch
12:41.37oren(sid). Do you think I should report a bug? Why would such a different-version on different-archs case happen anyway?
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12:47.20abrotmanoren: build failure .. check the logs
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12:48.21orenabrotman: where can I see the build logs?
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12:49.05kingkonghow do i set permission to 777 to a dir and all its subdirs? also set limit write access to user only?
12:49.24digdilemchmod 777 * -R
12:49.26abrotmanthat's not what 777 means
12:49.41abrotmanoren: maybe
12:49.54abrotmandpkg: tell kingkong about permissions
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12:50.56John322I get this error. I have a HD 4000 card Check if system has the tools required for installation. fglrx installation requires that the system have kernel headers.  /lib/modules/3.13.0-27-generic/build/include/linux/version.h cannot be found on this system.
12:51.33kingkongthanks digdilem and abrotman
12:52.06kingkongnow it's set limit write access to user only?
12:52.19Extensa5630GJohn322: get rid of that fglrx thingy and stick with the linux's opensource driver for amd ati gpu please, ati's proprietary fglrx thingy mess things up in linux always
12:52.51John322Extensa5630G then tell me how to get rid of screen tearing, low performance in flash/videos and use of two monitors on the card?
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12:53.05John322please? because right now, the open-source one is horrible
12:53.24superbiaevening... im wondering if its possible to install a linux on a tablet
12:53.29digdilemkingkong, 777 means give everyone read and write perms
12:53.39Extensa5630GJohn322: the proprietary ati driver has many issues, the open-source driver is enough, just remove that fglrx driver you just intalled and fallback to the open-source driver
12:53.50sandman13kingkong: what? you first set the rwx persmission to eveybody now you want to set write access to user only? what are you trying to do?
12:53.55John322i cant install the propietary driver I get that error
12:54.10Extensa5630GJohn322: in my ati 3470HD, the opensource driver renders things good enough
12:54.10John322extensa5630G im having issues with the open source drivers as i mentioned
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12:54.32John322well it doesn't on my system and it's unstable. I can't even use two monitors with these drivers
12:55.01Extensa5630GJohn322: didn't you install fglrx?or at least tried to installl it?
12:55.04John322I get artifacting if I plug in another monitor to the graphics card and black screening then finally system crash
12:55.36John322yes I tried to when I couldn't use two monitors, and when my system hangs whenever i pull up two videos at a time
12:55.42John322the open-source drivers are horrifying
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12:56.09Extensa5630GJohn322: no, they are fine, you have got debian kde?
12:56.10wols_John322: you do not run debian. please ask in the channel of your distro
12:56.21wols_most likely #ubuntu
12:56.32orenabortman: will chk out - thanks!
12:57.01Extensa5630Gwols_: ah you CTCP'ed him, nice one.
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12:57.18abrotmanExtensa5630G: no, his kernel version isn't a Debian kernel
12:57.23Extensa5630Gwols_: how did you know that he has ubuntu :p
12:57.30sandman13good guess i think
12:57.36oobarf.msg nickserv help
12:57.39abrotmanSeriously ...
12:58.01sandman13Extensa5630G: those problems occur in ubuntu only I guess
12:58.01Extensa5630Gabrotman: ah the kernel version my denote to the distro's name/type
12:58.28dpkgAll days in #debian will remain Sunday until further notice.  Unfortunately, outside #debian the world keeps turning, so you still have to get up and go to work.  Welcome to PermaTardsday!
12:58.34Extensa5630Gsandman13: that fglrx thingy messed my debian before :)
12:58.38Extensa5630Gabrotman: what?
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12:59.05Extensa5630Gswitches to wlan0 interface
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13:00.24kingkongdigdilem hmm i see thx :)
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13:00.41kingkongsandman13 some sentence mixed my mind :)
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13:01.16kingkongWhen in doubt, you can always set the storage folder's (and its subfolder's) permissions to 777, however it is recommended to limit the write access to apache's user only.
13:01.39kingkongit's written as like that, mixed me :)
13:01.50abrotmankingkong: you hsuld *never* do that
13:01.55sandman13kingkong: ah
13:02.00abrotmankingkong: that's almost always the wrong solution
13:02.38sandman13setting 777 means full access to everyone kingkong
13:03.49kingkongbut it's coder wrote this on installation page
13:04.09kingkongi'm trying to follow these steps at
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13:07.40sandman13kingkong: that means "give full permission temporarily just for testing. Once you have verified give write access to apache's user only"
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13:10.02kingkongok sandman13 thx, i didnt know this
13:10.14kingkongalready its not worked :)
13:10.34kingkongi should find its help channel or author
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13:12.29horsiki get xsession errors but they show in tty and aren't logged in .xsession-errors
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13:12.56horsikhow can i fix it? i start x using startx
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13:14.08sandman13horsik: what DE?
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13:16.08digdilemkingkong, you can change a single dir to be owned by apache on debian by: chown www-data.www-data directory -R
13:16.43digdilemchange that dir to mode 755 (write for the user, read for the group and others)
13:17.33digdilemas others have pointed out, using 777 is not secure. It's lazy thinking, too.
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13:17.57digdilemthat means any user, or any php script, or any process with potential local access can write to that directory
13:18.05horsiksandman13: i'm using qtile launched by .xinitrc, no display manager
13:18.18John322can i ask about open source driver issues here?
13:18.25abrotmanJohn322: please ask #ubuntu
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13:18.36John322abrotman I have but no one helps
13:18.39sandman13John322: not here I think ask in #ubuntu or #linux
13:18.44John322ok ill try ty
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13:19.09abrotmanJohn322: We already told you, we don't support Ubuntu here, goo dluck
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13:19.56horsikthat was kinda bitchy of you
13:20.04abrotmanno, he's offtopic and he knows it
13:20.47horsikhe asked about xf86 as far as i'm concerned
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13:20.55kingkongdigdilem i will run that chown command in the same dir which it's considered as 777 before?
13:21.07abrotmanhorsik: Please don't argue, it's not up for debate, we don't support things other than Debian here.
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13:21.34horsiksure, i don't know why you send him to ubuntu though
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13:21.38digdilemkingkong, run it in the dir above the one you want to change to apache's ownership, and change 'directory' to the name of that dir
13:22.11abrotmanhorsik: Because he's using ubuntu .. wtf
13:22.51horsikwhere did he say that
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13:24.54Bubuayou have to be lazy if youre using shitbuntu
13:24.57Bubuai mean ubuntu*
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13:27.20kingkongdigdilem i did 777 permission for /var/www/paste/sticky-notes-1.7/app/storage dir. and did you mean, i will run that chown command as "chown www-data.www-data /var/www/paste/sticky-notes-1.7/app/ -R" ?
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13:28.32digdilemkingkong, yes, then chmod 755 -R the same directory to undo the 777 change
13:28.42digdilemand sry, afk now
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13:30.41vertebratekingkong: don't get into the habit of using options after arguments, though.  Not all versions of getopt support that.
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13:34.03dvskeeps quiet
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13:37.59kingkongvertebrate ok :)
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13:39.12kingkongdigdilem it's given me error as that
13:39.59kopiloanyone know of an alternative to truecypt since it has been shutdown now?
13:40.22themillkingkong: you haven't told chmod what to change
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13:40.42themillkopilo: linux has had native disk encryption for many years
13:41.24kingkongthemill i dont understand... what do you mean?
13:41.29kopiloyeah looking for something for a usbdrive and possible crossplatform
13:41.42kopilothinking maybe usb -> vm could do that
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13:42.03themillkingkong: what do you want chmod to change permissions of? You didn't tell it.
13:42.33kopiloas in putting a linux vm on a non linux host to support drive encryption
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13:43.40kopilokingkong, should be like so: chmod 755 -R <path>
13:43.57kingkongchmod 755 *-R ?
13:44.06kopiloor chmod 755 -R /var/www/paste/sticky-notes-1.7/app/
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13:44.39vertebratekopilo: don't ever use a naked * anyway.   If you mean everything in the current iorectory, say ./*
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13:45.16kopiloI was also going to say that be careful with changing permissions/ownership as root
13:45.30kopiloit is one way you can break your system easily
13:45.40vertebrateI got asked to fix one of those once.
13:45.52kingkongok thats why i'm asking here to not make mistake
13:45.55kingkongthanks all :)
13:46.06vertebrateSadly, init was no longer able to launch getty as root, which seems crazy
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13:46.31vertebrateStill it was a Dynix system, so "crazy" was quite normal.
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13:49.47rmooredoes anyone have any experience utilizing a Debian stable system for audio recording/production?
13:50.05rmooreI don't have any specific questions regarding the procedure. Just curious as to whether anyone's had any luck.
13:50.15abrotmanI have .. but not for anything professional
13:50.34rmooreI'm a hobbyist.
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13:50.56vertebrateA long time ago I converted some LPs to FLAC, but I guess you are actually asking about recording of live sound.
13:51.03rmooreI'm looking to program a beat in Hydrogen and then be able to overdub vocals+guitar. Nothing fancy.
13:51.16abrotmanrmoore: audacity perhaps
13:51.27vertebrateDoes Jack work on stable?
13:51.34rmoorethat was my next question
13:51.48rmoorebecause I currently use Jack in Ubuntu 14.04 and it works quite well.
13:52.15kopiloI have used jack with idjc on debian wheezy
13:52.25rmooreBut I'm looking to switch to using stable packages exclusively. And I also want to "cut the umbilical" cord as it were that connects me to Ubuntu.
13:52.29duryrmoore: better if you use the distribution ArtistX
13:53.25vertebrateIt's great that there are niche distributions trying to serve specific needs well.  But I always wonder about the quality and timeliness of security updates.
13:53.38rmooreI think I've heard of ArtistX. I was hoping to do a straight netinstall of Debian though
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13:53.51rmooreI want to "custom build" my system, as it were.
13:54.03duryrmoore: or ubuntu Studio
13:54.23kopilocustom build? arch? :p
13:54.33rmooreI have kind of an older dual core laptop and I don't want any packages there that I'm not actually using.
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13:54.49kopilobut yeah I know what you mean, I use the netinstall myself and then just drop xorg, slim, and openbox ontop
13:54.57abrotmanrmoore: you can use Debian, jack works
13:55.08vertebratermoore: most of them won't make the system slow, since most of them won't run anything byu default.   It's mainly daemons that you would worry about (using up RAM, if nothing else)
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13:55.39rmooreOpenbox yeah. I've played with Openbox in a Crunchbang live cd.
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13:56.08rmooreIt works really smooth but the editing config files for everything is alittle taxing. But you take the good with the bad I suppose.
13:56.45kopiloI haven't used jack2/net jack yet though
13:57.33rmooreKind of a weird question. But does DE affect system temp at all? I run Ubuntu 14.04 Unity right now and it seems like no matter what my computers cooking.
13:57.42rmooreBut I tried Xubuntu and it was, surprisingly, worse.
13:58.25abrotmanrmoore: any running software can affect CPU usage
13:58.26kopiloiirc there is something in xfce which causes a lot of ram usage overtime
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13:58.47kopilo^ and that
13:59.11rmoorewell it seems like unity and xfce are big CPU taxers then
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14:06.11Stroggyarg... I messed up my box trying to install the arm-none-eabi toolchain
14:06.13Stroggis sad
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14:08.54euvn_when running wine it asks for mono for .NET, etc.... what's the name of the package in the archive?
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14:13.11vertebratermoore: you can always try to discover it directly with something like
14:13.34vertebrateThough that might not account for power usage in the graphics chipset, I don't know.
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14:18.29CutMeOwnThroateuvn_, "mono" perhaps?
14:18.35doublehpzfs over luks. 2 pools created with ; after luks open, get only Home, not Gentoo_2014 ; Gentoo_2014 will be my / later (next month). What's wrong ?
14:18.47CutMeOwnThroateuvn_, also... apt-cache search ^mono --names-only
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14:19.38thingamabobhi, 8 bugs in chromium browser, debian should kick chromium :)
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14:20.44CutMeOwnThroateuvn_, or more exhaustively (you probably don't want/need unreleased preview packages, though, so better ignore that bit)
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14:21.31Stroggwell crap.  lol no wonder everything is busted.
14:21.54StroggSqueeze is old stable.. jessie is testing.
14:22.31Stroggswitches everything to wheezy and dist-upgrades
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14:24.32CutMeOwnThroatStrogg, might be too late...  (well, everything can be pulled back with enough effort... with "too late" I mean a reinstall may be less effort than fixing stuff)
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14:25.02CutMeOwnThroatone problem is...
14:25.04CutMeOwnThroatdpkg, downgrade
14:25.06dpkgDowngrading is not, nor will ever be supported by apt.  Programs change their data in a way that can't be rolled back, and package maintainer scripts support upgrades to new config file formats but not downgrades.  Try: "dpkg -i olderversion.deb" or "aptitude install package=version" using "apt-cache policy package" to get the old version number.  See also <partial downgrade>, <unstable->testing>, <sdo>.
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14:25.54StroggCutMeOwnThroat: nahh it's ok.. I think I can figure out the deps.  I was just stuck for a bit trying to figure out why everything was busted.
14:26.45StroggIt amazes me how hard it is to get the arm-none-eabi toolchain installed on a debian box
14:27.04StroggI guess after a while, you just take for granted how awesome debian is and everything can be installed with apt-get
14:29.09vertebrateStrogg: are you using crosstool?
14:29.22Strogggoogles crosstool
14:29.31Stroggvertebrate: I was trying to use the apt sources from emdebian
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14:29.51vertebrateok, crosstool-ng
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14:30.56Stroggvertebrate: looks promising, Thanks
14:30.58Stroggwill try
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14:39.39CutMeOwnThroatStrogg, I last tried that for maemo... and yeah, was a bit painful then as well
14:40.25Strogghrmmm is arm-unknown-eabi another way of saying arm-none-eabi?
14:40.38Stroggargh.. forget that.  didn't read enough. my bad
14:41.20CutMeOwnThroatemdebian has its own channel, by the way
14:41.22CutMeOwnThroatdpkg, emdebian
14:41.22dpkgEmdebian is a binary distribution for embedded devices.  It is created by the Embedded Debian project, an official Debian sub-project, which aims to make Debian GNU/Linux a mainstream choice for embedded projects.  #emdebian on
14:41.28CutMeOwnThroatnot sure how frequented that is
14:41.40StroggCutMeOwnThroat: yeah.. I tried that and they told me to just use the emdebian sources
14:41.57Stroggbut they seem really busted.. so.. I dunno.  trying to build from source instead now
14:43.09CutMeOwnThroatwell, I'd stick with that they say and try to fix it together with them
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14:43.26CutMeOwnThroatif there's a problem with emdebian sources, would be good to get fixed?
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14:44.09StroggI dunno.. I mentioned all the install conflicts, but didn't get much of a response
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14:45.44Stroggthis was a couple days ago when I was at work.  a bit later, someone pointed me to the archive at launchpad, so I used that.  but my machine at home is amd64, not 86, so... that archive wasn't working for me
14:45.53Stroggso.. I'm here. :)
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14:46.14Stroggcrosstool looks like it's making progress though, so I'm gonna let this run a bit and see what happenes
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14:50.07CutMeOwnThroata nuclear explosion, most likely
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15:03.18euvn_CutMeOwnThroat: it's all too complicated. Hoped to have just standard precompiled packages in the official repo. In this case, I let it just be downloaded by wine itself
15:03.44StroggCortex-M3 is bi-endian?  wtf?
15:03.49Strogg's mind is blown
15:03.56CutMeOwnThroateuvn_, it does  have just standard precompiled packages in the official repo
15:04.12euvn_what's the name of the packages?
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15:04.34euvn_CutMeOwnThroat: does not exist
15:04.48euvn_CutMeOwnThroat: I thought it's mono-runtime , but it's also not it
15:05.07CutMeOwnThroatdoes... well, as a virtual package
15:05.20gdm85hi guys. is it possible to use debconf-set-selections to rollback a system to a previous set of packages?
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15:05.49CutMeOwnThroateuvn_, and what about mono-complete - complete Mono runtime, development tools and all libraries
15:06.12abrotmangdm85: What do you think that will do for you?
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15:06.50krptgdm85: nope, previous versions no longer exists on the repo anyway
15:06.59gdm85abrotman: I am wondering if it will leave some files behind of the more recent packages
15:07.09gdm85krpt: not even in archives?
15:07.17abrotmangdm85: I'm asking you what you think that program will do to help rollback packages
15:07.24abrotmangdm85: yes, you can get older packages .. but why?
15:08.17euvn_CutMeOwnThroat: heh, 261MB of pkgs to download :-)  but this might be it, will try in the future. Thanks.
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15:14.13CutMeOwnThroateuvn_, well "complete" and "small" are somewhat contrary concepts
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15:15.34euvn_CutMeOwnThroat: depends on whether the object where "complete" refers to is abundant :-)
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15:16.13gdm85what I am looking for is reinstalling packages at a specific version. debconf-get-selections does not specify versions..
15:16.23gdm85I'll use apt-get
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15:18.46euvn_CutMeOwnThroat: but it doesn't matter. At the moment, I need my small bandwidth for other stuff, but later I will download this 1/4GB of data and be happy with it for the rest of my life, not having wine download .NET again for every WINEPREFIX
15:18.46CutMeOwnThroatthere's just that one li'll problem
15:18.52CutMeOwnThroatdpkg, tell gdm85 -about downgrade
15:19.01abrotmangdm85: again, you're not using the right program
15:20.36*** mode/#debian [+o eir] by ChanServ
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15:21.09gdm85CutMeOwnThroat: my case is downgrades of freshly installed systems, plus only a few packages need to be downgraded
15:21.13gdm85I could use snapshots
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15:24.34Stroggso far so good on crosstools
15:24.41Stroggrefills his coffee
15:24.58linuxthefishit's down?
15:25.14abrotmanresolving, DNS?
15:25.14addaitechworks for me
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15:25.54addaitechtry using the ip
15:26.11addaitechor the ipv6 2001:470:1f08:80b::2
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15:27.28abrotmanor fix your DNS
15:27.42linuxthefishhow to i get apt-get install to use that ip?
15:27.58linuxthefishhow? :/
15:28.01linuxthefishi can't ping or anything
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15:29.37CutMeOwnThroatlinuxthefish, /etc/resolv.conf  ... e.g. echo nameserver > /resolv.conf # mind that resolv.conf is overwritten frequently by any programs thinking they're responsible for your network
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15:30.01CutMeOwnThroaterr... of course   echo nameserver > /etc/resolv.conf
15:30.02linuxthefishyeah it has nameserver and nameserver
15:30.08linuxthefishi can ping all ip's
15:30.18CutMeOwnThroat8.8.8.8 is google
15:30.29wols_linuxthefish: dig   what is the result?
15:30.43linuxthefishwols_ i was trying to install dig!
15:30.57linuxthefishbut it can't resolve the DNS for apt-get install
15:30.59CutMeOwnThroatopen the crate with the crowbar that you'll find inside the crate
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15:31.06wols_then use nslookup instead
15:31.22linuxthefish-bash: nslookup: command not found
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15:33.00linuxthefishi added dns manually and is good :D
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15:33.33linuxthefish;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached
15:33.50wols_then ping ?
15:34.01linuxthefish64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=56 time=1.42 ms
15:34.16wols_my guess is your resolv.conf is not used or is overwritten by something else
15:34.42wols_so how do you configure your network?
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15:39.37Stroggecho "nameserver" > /etc/resolv.conf
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15:42.54jaan0isn't it a matter of configuring dhclient.conf?
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15:46.10jhutchinsAnybody know how to connect to google fiber storage?
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15:46.29abrotmanjhutchins: there is a #google, not sure if they'd know more
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15:50.08kopiloopps nvm sorry
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15:53.59DirkosI got a huge load on my VPS but cant find what is causing it.
15:53.59Dirkostop - 17:52:35 up  2:26,  1 user,  load average: 79.59, 76.89, 86.80
15:54.26abrotmanwhat's line with the breakdown?
15:56.00*** mode/#debian [+l 1525] by debhelper
15:57.09Dirkossudo: unable to open /var/lib/sudo/24admin/2: Read-only file system
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15:59.13abrotmanDirkos: you don't need sudo to run top
15:59.28Stroggjust do a "ps axu" and look for the top cpu consumer
15:59.33Dirkosabrotman: well there is nothing special when i run top
15:59.40Dirkosthe max CPU at top is 0.1% or something
15:59.41abrotmanDirkos: mpstat
15:59.50abrotmansince you don't know what I meant by the breakdown
16:00.00Dirkosabrotman: i will try wait a sec
16:00.11Dirkosthink it is crashing completely now
16:00.21abrotmanDid you check logs either?
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16:00.33Dirkoscant open them cause everything is that slow
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16:01.39Dirkosgonna power cycle it now though since it is not reachable anymore
16:02.46Stroggit's probably not dead.. you'd be amazed what linux can survive. hehe
16:02.55Strogghas recovered from loads 80+ before
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16:03.11Stroggit's just... slow
16:03.19Dirkosit wasnt reachable anymore
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16:04.32skaWhat software is recommended to rip audio cd's in stable? Sound juicer is lacking support for MP3 and mp4 too.
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16:05.24CutMeOwnThroatdpkg, audio rip
16:05.24dpkgAudio extraction/ripping applications packaged for Debian include <abcde>, <asunder>, goobox, <grip>, <jack>, <k3b>, kaudiocreator, <konqueror>, <ogmrip>, ripperx, <sound-juicer>, yaret.
16:06.29abrotmandpkg: tell ska about lame
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16:07.34CutMeOwnThroatyeah, lack of encoding support will probably not be the problem of whatever script pulls stuff together
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16:11.21Dirkosok after the power cycle it seems to be ok again
16:11.25Dirkosanyone an idea where to look?
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16:14.27StroggDirkos: what was your vps doing?   webserver?
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16:14.42DirkosStrogg: yeah simple webserver (php/mysql/apache)
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16:15.06StroggDirkos: crappy sql queries + load spike is the usual culprit
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16:15.16Stroggcheck your mysql log for warnings about slow queries
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16:15.22Dirkoswell its only running 1 website without even any traffic
16:15.33Dirkosand yeah we build the website ourselfs so there are no real bad queries
16:15.59Dirkosstrange thing is that my Azure portal (where it is running) also says that the CPU was on 2% all the time
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16:16.16Dirkoscould it be like an IO thing?
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16:18.49doublehp_how to have more than 8 loops ? adding "loop.max_part=250 max_part=250 max_loop=250" to kernel prompt did not help (works for other machines)
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16:20.26frostschutzdoublehp_, loop devices are usually created on demand (via /dev/loop-control)
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16:21.20doublehp_frostschutz: how to querry more ?
16:21.55doublehp_frostschutz: arguments to add on loop line in /etc/modules ?
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16:22.43frostschutzbut if you need that many you should seriously rethink your setup :P
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16:24.18shawnbon206now that mate 1.8 is completed in jessie, is there any way to install it from netinstall?
16:24.37shawnbon206or with tasksel
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16:34.01skaasunder rips only to ogg, lame doesn't support ogg..
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16:34.16abrotmanshawnbon206: I don't believe yet
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16:39.48Strogghas a toolchain
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16:40.44Stroggvertebrate: Thanks a million!  crosstools worked great :)
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16:43.47shawnbon206gonna install with xfce and then remove xfce afterwarsa
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17:01.16pieeeerrehi. i've got a problem with my touchpad laptop. it doesn't work. I don't know how to get what's wrong (driver; physical touchpad...) i guess the system recognize it since "xinput list" list the touchpad... but i don't how to know more what's wrong. any idea please?
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17:04.52pieeeerrebut xkbevd doesn't list the mouse event when i try to click/move the mouse... if anyone has a clue please
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17:09.24somiajpieeeerre: do you see the events in 'xev' when you click on that window? I am not that familar with xkb, but to me that sounds like keyboard (not pointer)
17:11.31pieeeerresomiaj: yes... but i still can't move my mouse (quite a bit hard to use my laptop right now... erm.)
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17:13.09somiajpieeeerre: have you looked at /var/log/Xorg.0.log or dmesg to see if your mouse is detected or if there are any errors?
17:13.30somiajalso by laptop mouse, do you have some hardware switch that turns it on/off (my touchpad has one)
17:13.56Stroggcrosstools arm recipe doesn't support the M4. lol
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17:14.34pieeeerresomiaj: i don't think i have such a switch (if it was the case mouse click wouldn't work, right?)
17:14.39pieeeerreok checking
17:15.16somiajpieeeerre: its a touchpad? By mouse click do you have additional butons next to the touchpad taht work, but the touch pad isn't working?
17:15.47pieeeerresomiaj: actually i think (not sure) that the button are working, but the mouse can not move
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17:16.42somiajpieeeerre: well I wouldn't be surprised if there was a hardware/software button that would turn off just the touch pad but not the buttons.
17:17.18somiajpieeeerre: if it is hardware, I'd double check any buttons/switches that would disable it, if it is software I am unsure how to configure touchpads. I know there are some synamptic tools but I haven't used them.
17:17.51somiajif it is an xorg issue, you will see what mouse was detected in Xorg.0.conf file and maybe any warngings/errors assoicated with it
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17:18.37Stroggselects a 4.4 gcc, crosses fingers and tries again
17:18.43pieeeerresomiaj: there seems to be no error in the log file. and for the switch... i don't really see how to check (no switch apparent maybe inside the computer but i don't see how i could have switched it then)
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17:19.37somiajpieeeerre: no it would be near the mouse or maybe along the side of the laptop, it woudln't be hiding. Sometimes they are mixed with function (fn) key and you would have a blue (usually) icon on the key you have to hit in combination with the fn key
17:19.59somiajpieeeerre: again it could be you need the synamptic configuration tools to get it to work. Do you have a usb mouse you could use for the time?
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17:23.32pieeeerresomiaj: no usb mouse... :/ and it doesn't look there is a switch...
17:23.43pieeeerrei think it's hardware problem pfff
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17:24.50abrotmanchecked dmesg yet?
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17:42.08see1jo ..i try to install nodejs from this but it says E: Unable to locate package nodejs
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17:43.33somiaj,v nodejs
17:43.34juddPackage: nodejs on i386 -- wheezy-backports: 0.10.26~dfsg1-1~bpo70+1; jessie: 0.10.26~dfsg1-1; sid: 0.10.28~dfsg-1
17:43.58sandman13,v python3
17:43.59juddPackage: python3 on i386 -- squeeze: 3.1.3-12+squeeze1; wheezy: 3.2.3-6; jessie: 3.3.4-1; sid: 3.4.1~rc1-1
17:44.03somiajsee1: so you ran all three of those commands as root?
17:44.15SameDaysee1: You are doing it as root or with sudo, right ?
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17:44.19sandman13,v python2
17:44.20juddNo package named 'python2' was found in i386.
17:44.24sandman13,v python
17:44.25juddPackage: python on i386 -- squeeze: 2.6.6-3+squeeze7; wheezy: 2.7.3-4+deb7u1; jessie: 2.7.6-2; sid: 2.7.6-2
17:44.38somiajsandman13: /msg judd v python
17:44.57see1root@j94296:~# apt-get install nodejs-legacy
17:44.57see1Reading package lists... Done
17:44.57see1Building dependency tree
17:44.57see1Reading state information... Done
17:44.57see1Package nodejs-legacy is not available, but is referred to by another package.
17:44.57*** kick/#debian [see1!~debhelper@unaffiliated/debhelper] by debhelper (flood. Please use instead.)
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17:45.07somiajsandman13: note python is just a meta package that points at the default python version, I think you can get both 2.7 and 3.2 in squeeze
17:45.12see1sry :)
17:46.07sandman13somiaj: does that mean I can't run python3 codes in wheezy?
17:46.12see1what i have to do? try again?
17:46.13somiajsee1: put the output of 'apt-cache policy' at please
17:46.30somiajsandman13: no it means you can have both installed at the same time, and 2.7 is just the default that gets pulled in
17:46.39somiajsandman13: you can also configure which version typing 'python' runs
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17:47.22sandman13somiaj: i prefer using 'python' for python 2.x and 'python3' for python 3.x
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17:49.16somiajsandman13: that would be the default, I was just saying that you can configure that. the versions in wheezy again are 2.7 adn 3.2 you can get them both
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17:50.01somiajsee1: did you not follow the top instructions to first add wheezy-backport sources to your sources.list and then run apt-get update?
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17:50.10somiajsee1: you do nothave wheezy-backport sources so it can't find the packages
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17:50.40see1i do the steps...dunno i add it
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17:51.13somiajsee1: what you pasted said you didn't do the steps as root
17:51.26somiajsee1: did you run the echo foo >> /etc/apt/sources.list using 'sudo' and not as root?
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17:52.01see1as root
17:52.02ompaulapt-get update after that
17:52.16somiajsee1: can you put a copy of your /etc/apt/sources.list at
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17:53.47see1deb wheezy main
17:53.49see1deb wheezy/updates main
17:53.54see1i miss it
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17:55.34somiajsee1: well was hoping you put the whole output, but you must have not run those exact commands as root, because there is no evidence you did
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17:56.27see1anyway i am new to that stuff
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17:56.54see1cool chan ..btw is not logged to the damn www or?
17:57.12jhutchins,v handbrake
17:57.13juddPackage: handbrake on i386 -- wheezy-multimedia: 0.9.8+git20121007-dmo7; wheezy-backports: 0.9.9+dfsg-2~2.gbpa4c3e9~bpo70+1; jessie: 0.9.9+svn6032+dfsg1-2; sid: 0.9.9+svn6032+dfsg1-2; jessie-multimedia: 1:0.9.9-dmo9; sid-multimedia: 1:0.9.9-dmo9
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17:59.29loner269has anyone installed a debian with out usb cd/dvd i got a link but it seems confusing to me basicly it says i can install it with out anything other than a few files i can give the link if it helps just want to know if i can install it this way an if so can someone help me with it
18:00.07CutMeOwnThroatsee1, there's 1500 nicks in here... of course someone will log it and put the logs on www...
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18:00.40SameDayloner269: are you using a URL to install (HTTP://)
18:00.46abrotmanit is logged
18:01.09somiajloner269: there are various ways to achive what you want. What method are you tryign to use to install, boot from a flopy drive? You could also just remove the harddrive put it into another machine and use debootstrap to install it on the drive
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18:03.30see1CutMeOwnThroat but not official :)
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18:04.26abrotmandpkg: tell see1 about irclog
18:05.26see1abrotman thx :/
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18:08.06abrotmanwhy the silly face?
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18:10.53see1abrotman i do not like logging irc chans to the puplic www
18:11.51abrotmansee1: then you sohuld probably not use the internet at all.
18:11.56*** mode/#debian [+o abrotman] by ChanServ
18:11.58*** kick/#debian [Emilie18!~abrotman@pdpc/supporter/active/abrotman] by abrotman (you should know better)
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18:12.15cra1g321good job abrotman
18:12.30cra1g321the kick
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18:17.33see1abrotman naa the internet is not the web only
18:18.01abrotmanUhm, I didn't say it was .. My statement still stands
18:18.32see1np :) and i stay here ..logged
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18:26.00*** mode/#debian [+l 1512] by debhelper
18:26.52*** join/#debian AndChat|624225 (~AndChat62@
18:27.33AndChat|624225I just got a Debian USB stick in the mail from Prizix/Unix Academy
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18:28.21AndChat|624225It comes with dvds but the USB itself won't install anything. It's just live Debian. Apparently.
18:29.04AndChat|624225The dvds are useless to me on an eeepc, unless I go out and buy a USB DVD drive too.
18:29.13*** join/#debian jimishol (
18:29.43SameDayAndChat|624225: But you can still use the USB to install the OS
18:30.15AndChat|624225SameDay: it doesn't seem to do so.
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18:31.28nurupoAndChat|624225: you could always just download the Debian image and make some magic so that you could boot it from the usb stick
18:31.30SameDayAndChat|624225: even you have an Internet connection ?
18:31.33*** join/#debian loner269 (
18:32.13AndChat|624225SameDay: It's on wifi, yes
18:32.17loner269sorry im back my xchat keeps dien on me
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18:33.05AndChat|624225nurupo: From here, I know can install grub2 and memdisk to get something going.
18:33.25SameDayAndChat|624225: So boot from USB, you get a menu, before boot, "install,,, " You don't get a menu at all ?
18:33.28tethraanyone know of a nice pre-existing vimrc with nerdtree arranged nicely on the left of the screen on start, a la gedit?
18:34.00*** join/#debian Left_Turn (~Left_Turn@unaffiliated/turn-left/x-3739067)
18:34.22AndChat|624225SameDay: that "Install" menu item goes to Debian-installer, which then looks for a DVD.
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18:35.29ompaultry a different usb port
18:35.55SameDayAndChat|624225: You don't have an option to install from URL ?
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18:37.31jhutchinsHow can I identify details of a video - encoding, etc?
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18:39.45AndChat|624225SameDay: No
18:40.25SameDayAndChat|624225: do you have the URL where you bought this USB drive ?
18:42.04*** join/#debian dreamon_ (~dreamon@unaffiliated/dreamon)
18:42.21loner269somiaj you know alot on this if so can you or someone pm me im wantin to install debian but dont have any blank cd/dvd an i cant boot from usb
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18:43.21AndChat|624225ompaul: Trying that now
18:43.35SameDayAndChat|624225: Did you also get the DVD's in that package ?
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18:43.54AndChat|624225As I said, yes.
18:44.08SameDaySo.. you can't install from DVD either ?
18:44.12AndChat|624225But, this is an eeepc. I don't have a DVD drive.
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18:45.46AndChat|624225At this point, unless the "Install Debian wheezy" thing in Debian live decides to work, my options are: buy a USB DVD drive, or install grub2 and memdisk then boot from an iso.
18:45.56AndChat|624225And install that way.
18:45.58SameDayAndChat|624225: From the URL: "Install, or run your favorite Linux directly from USB flash, without touching anything on your Windows! If you require DVD installation the media is included too!", Are you sure you're not missing anything ?
18:46.00*** mode/#debian [+l 1518] by debhelper
18:46.26SameDayAnd how does that "install deb... " fail on you ?
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18:47.19AndChat|624225Well, it gives me a pinwheel...
18:47.23AndChat|624225And then that's it.
18:48.05AndChat|624225Is there some way to run it from a root terminal?
18:48.48SameDaycat you paste tail -f /var/log/syslog , while you are clicking on the "install deb" ?
18:49.58justanotheruseraverage: back from your meeting yet?
18:49.59SameDayinto here:
18:51.57*** join/#debian skulltower (~skulltowe@gateway/tor-sasl/skulltower)
18:52.15AndChat|624225SameDay: it says "Sense Key : Hardware error [current]"
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18:52.58AndChat|624225Then "Add. Sense: No additional sense information"
18:53.30SameDayAndChat|624225: Does the EEE have a Ethernet Jack ? or, do you have a USB Ethernet device ?
18:54.11AndChat|624225It has one, but I'm on wifi. No ether net cables for me.
18:55.16*** join/#debian supersonic (
18:55.18SameDayhow about the output of "dmesg |tail -20"
18:56.12AndChat|624225All the same. The ioctl_internal_command return code = 8070000
18:56.33*** join/#debian el-cuco (~elcuco@
18:56.43SameDayAndChat|624225: also, are you chatting from the EEE right now ? by that I mean, does the debian live boot with networking ?
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18:57.14CutMeOwnThroatjhutchins, "mediainfo"
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18:57.28AndChat|624225I'm chatting from my tablet, SameDay
18:57.55SameDayAndChat|624225: does the EEE have Internet access ?, with the Wifi ?
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19:03.06[TheFlash]will SysV init be available in debian 8 (jessie)?
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19:05.16SameDayAndChat|624225: Is the paste right after / during the click on "install .. ", or is it just recent ? , also, if you want to try as root, as you asked, open a terminal, issue "sudo su" and navigate to where the install file is, and execute it.
19:05.46*** part/#debian eahm (
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19:07.10[TheFlash]if not, is there any way to completely disable PolicyKit?
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19:08.58AndChat|624225SameDay: Right after
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19:10.13SameDayAndChat|624225: So far, google shows only bug results after that error. mm.. donno what to say. I'm not sure if I got the answer about if you do have Internet connection, currently, on the EEE
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19:13.11AndChat|624225SameDay: Well, if I can mount the hard drive, I can install grub2 and memdisk. Then boot and install from an iso. If not, I'm off to buy a DVD drive.
19:13.47SameDayalright, you should be able to issue: mount /dev/sda1 /mnt
19:13.56AndChat|624225Prizix, however, will be hearing from me.
19:13.58SameDayis that a blank drive ?
19:15.20AndChat|624225SameDay: /dev/sda1 does not exist
19:15.27*** join/#debian metaphysician (~matrix@unaffiliated/meta-coder)
19:15.35SameDaywhat's your 'fdisk -l' result ?
19:16.42AndChat|624225Ah! It's sda4
19:16.56CutMeOwnThroatAndChat|624225, well and you'll need network in any way
19:17.37*** join/#debian evilman_home (
19:17.39SameDaytry mounting it as sda4, you should have more partitions, but I have not a clue as for what is /was installed there before.
19:18.03SameDayBTW  everybody, good show tonight, C2C AM: Art Bell, Somewhere in TIme, and tonight, a show about "how computers how are going to be", words from a computer expert, from 1994.
19:18.35AndChat|624225It was openbsd. Long story. So now I need to mount an ffs...
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19:18.52SameDayA line from the show's presentation: "and how one can get online using "super fast" 14.4 modems! "
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19:19.20googololcan you switch user sessions via command line
19:19.26SameDayAndChat|624225: if the data there is no longer valuable, fdisk it, mkfs it, and mount it.
19:20.09jmcnaughtgoogolol: man su
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19:20.42SameDayget the iso, and follow your plan. I did not get enough lines of output from dmesg and systog to do sufficient research.  I'm off to finish my warm afternoon beer, and a bad egg sandwich.
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19:22.17AndChat|624225SameDay: gross, lol. Thank you buddy. :)
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19:25.34googololunix commands sound jike japanese
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19:29.45jimisholpls help me clarify my problem. on old laptop i had ubuntu+windows and a 16GB usb stick with squeeze. Liked squeeze with gnome2+compiz and decided to repair it, format the disk and install stable debian+gnome on it for my son. So i came with wheezy +gnomeshell that falls to classic.  Now im writing from wheezy and glxinfo doesnt show GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two If i boot with usbstick in squeeze 'non_power_of_two' is there!!! how ca
19:29.48jimisholn it be? have i chances to see gnome-shell standard if i  resolve this? my card is Intel® 852GM/855GM x86/MMX/SSE2
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19:33.56ompaulcompiz is dead - gnome 2 is dead - what was the question
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19:34.49ompauljimishol: ^^ from the compiz site: The latest stable release of Compiz is 0.8.8. A C++ rewrite has been announced on 24th December 2009 and is now released as a beta version (0.9.5.x). This is a major rework of the whole project, aimed at easing future development.
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19:36.15jimisholglxinfo with squeeze shows up GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two but wheezy dont. now i see OpenGL vendor string: Tungsten Graphics, Inc in wheezy and OpenGL vendor string: Mesa Project in squeeze. have i wrong drivers?
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19:37.48jimisholi cant believe that my 3d accelaration is nt enough for gnome3. something i can do :)
19:37.51ompauljimishol: you might want to teleport to the future ;-)
19:40.12jimisholi read that and somewhere that this variable is used by gnome to blaclist my card and fall to classic. but i have it with kernel 2.6.... something with squeeze
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19:41.31ompaulsqueeze isn't supported any more hasn't been for a long time
19:41.35lostNickhow to check if vino is running fine and on what port
19:41.55ompaullostNick: lsof tells you what is attached to what
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19:42.19googololpen is broke
19:42.20lostNickoh ok ompaul  i check it
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19:43.12jimisholif i try to use ppa:glasen/intel-driver is it without risk to broke mesa etc  ...
19:44.33ompauljimishol: that is not something we can talk about that is ubuntu not debian
19:44.33dragostiniHi everyone, I've got a VPS with Wheezy on it, and am trying to set up encfs, however it's giving me an error telling me FUSE doesn't exist. so I check demsg and get the error "fuse: Unknown symbol nosteal_pipe_buf_ops (err 0)" I've been googling, but can't turn up anything definitive...
19:46.00ompauldragostini: that might be that your VPS doesn't support it and you need to talk to your supplier at whatever their support rate is FUSE support requires that the kernel support it
19:46.13jimisholah no p. Any suggestion why GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two  disappeared on wheezy?
19:46.21dragostiniGotcha, thanks ompaul
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19:46.43lostNicklsof shows too much info, and i need too just vino is working or not. and on what port
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19:47.23ompaullostNick: you are lost then | grep vino or whatever also a search engine how to find the default port of vino might tell you
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19:48.27lostNickthe desktop sharing icon was easy way to run vino and from remote it was easy to connect. look like my vino is not running. how to check that
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19:50.09lostNickplease tell me how i can run vino or check vino.
19:50.12teraflopschck from where?
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19:50.30shawnbon206does anyone know how to prevent mate or xfce from switching desktops when trying to scroll (mouse wheel) a focused window??
19:50.53lostNickcheck from client that is my tablet and vino is on
19:51.52teraflopsfrom the client is easy
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19:52.12lostNickteraflops yes it was very easy before
19:52.14likevinyl├────┤Playing...               ├──────────┤       Master 100%  ├───┤>000:01:44├┤
19:52.15likevinyl│ > 3 2 Minutos - !Que Mala Suerte! (Valentín Alsina 1988-1993)
19:52.39teraflopsif you cant connect is not runnig or almost is not functional so iths the same anyway likevinyl
19:52.57teraflopsi meant lostNick
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19:54.14lostNickteraflops when i type vino i  terminal i i get command not found
19:54.25lostNickin terminal ****
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19:56.16lostNickkindly, let me know what to do,to fix vino
19:57.01teraflopslostNick: sorry i think you honour you nick :P
19:57.38lostNickteraflops i do not understand, sorry
19:57.59loner269:)nice tera lol
19:58.33teraflopsyeah lostNick thats what I mean
19:59.21lostNickteraflops , did i miss something ?
19:59.42lostNickteraflops i will fix my English later :p
19:59.49jmcnaughtlostNick: i think teraflops just means that you really do seem lost
20:00.12lostNickyes, i know i am lost along with my nick
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20:00.22lostNickkindly, help me to run vino
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20:00.49lostNicki have to work and i think there is easy thing i miss
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20:01.32lostNickis there any student who like to help grandpa?
20:02.22lostNickbad time, gtg
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20:04.23loner269ok my turn 1 ?? but 2 parts an so ya know im new
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20:05.30loner269can i d/l the iso an open it an hit the installer rite now im on opensuse an i dont like it lol if so how can i if not ty sorry i botherd you all
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20:08.19jmcnaughtloner269: I don't think you you simply open the ISO in another distro. You could probably use debootstrap to install from within another Linux distro, but it would probably be easier to read and follow the instructions here:
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20:08.57loner269ok ty for your time ill go read
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20:15.20loner269its over my head i got no blank cd/dvd my tower wont do usb but i have 1 an the net install sounded perfict till i was readin an started gettin confused  is there an easyer way?
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20:15.36rtzuiHi. Is it possible to split a debian installation into two parts? It should look something like this: A base system is installed on a HDD/SDD, and other, less frequently used packages are stored somewhere, on a cheaper, slower drive, say a network share.
20:16.09rtzuiI guess packages chouldn't handle different prefixes,  but there is a unionmount
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20:21.43rtzuiOr does dpkg --root simply do the job? Do the configuration scripts deal with this`
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20:22.05englais there a way to have checkinstall use gzip when compressing the .deb? The default .xz is very slow
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20:29.35jmcnaughtloner269: keep reading the manual, look stuff up if you don't understand. People here are generally willing to help, but you've got to put some effort in yourself including reading the manuals. You could always give it a shot and if you run into problems and researching the issue yields no results, then ask for help.
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20:32.42loner269i know it jm but i dun redid this thing more times than i care to count is all lol but i do read alot so maybe 1 of these days ill get it figured out like i said b4 sorry to bother you all
20:34.04Squ4lliCan someone help me? I'm on jessie and i can't get my wireless card work on my laptop
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20:35.36trampelSqu4lli: someone smarter than me might eventually suggest you take your jessie questions to "debian-next (" as per this group's topic header
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20:36.06googololdoes debian have any default rcp shares
20:36.34googololmacos and windows shares 3 by default
20:36.42krptanyone when upgrading to sid had " systemd-sysv:amd64 conflicts with sysvinit:amd64" multiple message leading to a segfault of apt-get ?
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20:37.02Squ4lliok thx trampel i'll try
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20:49.04Reelaxhey what was the name of the tool to edit font size of windows , enable gnome fallback etc
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20:49.17Reelaxsomething like that
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20:49.46googololdoes debian share any folder by default?
20:50.30sparky4looks like debian testing dose not work well on a Thinkpad T440p
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20:52.27ompaulsparky4: what now?
20:52.43sparky4ompaul: i ment stable ><
20:52.58sparky4driver issues
20:53.08ompaulsparky4: apt-cache search thinkpad
20:53.39sparky4well i upgraded from squeeze...
20:54.00ompaulthen you are doing it wrong
20:54.08ompaulit should work brilliantly
20:54.29ompaulapt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade and tell me how that goes
20:55.18googololcan you use su if the account has a password
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20:57.45ompaulgoogolol: su - foo
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20:58.08sparky4ompaul: i am upgrading to jessie ^^;
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20:59.17googololdoes debian use an ID for a user logon session too
20:59.26googololwell, the terminal
20:59.43googololeg su - 0
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21:01.07googololis su the equivalent to tscon
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21:02.07googololthat disconnects or connects to another user, local or remote
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21:20.49nabblethi, how can i make german umlaute, like ä,ö and so on available to my system? as you can see i can type them in irssi, but i can not type them xterm. i can use them in libre office and thuar, but sometimes thuna has trouble too (displays a '?' instead and renames the file by appending '(invalid encoding)')
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21:21.22nabbletmy locales are set to 'C'
21:21.37xandchange locale to a utf8 one
21:21.47shawnbon206are those supposed to look like ? in diamonds?
21:22.05rtzuifor example
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21:22.47shawnbon206tell me, what is � even for?
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21:23.00nabbletrtzui: i'd prefer to keep my locales "vanilla" - e.g. i hadly use german markup for numbers
21:23.06xandinvalid character symbol
21:23.08nabbletxand: oh, that sounds promising
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21:23.21nabbletabout the UTF8 idea
21:24.15shawnbon206nabblet: tell me, what is � even for?
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21:24.36Mikaelashawnbon206: Usually char which is in another charset and cannot be read because of it.
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21:25.02shawnbon206oh ok
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21:27.40le_tropicowhat delay should be set in imagemick's "convert - delay" option if I've extracted frames from video with ffmpeg -r 29.97? I want to create gif with proper framerate
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21:29.28nabbletxand: i ran dpkg-reconfigure locales and generated the de_DE UTF8 locale, then i chose 'None' as default locale - i think that should fix it. how can i test? do i have to restart, re login?
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21:30.49nabbletxand: hm, i logged in with ctrl+alt+f2 to terminal. locales are set to POSIX there.
21:31.13JyZyXELhow can i get into the make menuconfig of linux-image-3?
21:31.17dpkgA locale is a set of rules for presenting information to humans according to local conventions (date format, thousands separators, language, etc.).  Ask me about <locales> to establish on a Debian system.
21:31.22dpkgUse 'dpkg-reconfigure locales' to get it up and running.  This generates <locale> definitions and also edits /etc/default/locale which sets the $LANG environment variable at login time.  Use "LANG=C command" to change the output language for a one off command, ask me about <localised errors>.  See also <mac locales>.
21:31.24JyZyXELi wanna see the build options used for the kernel
21:31.41JyZyXELare they available somwhere?
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21:38.30nabbletxand: xand i already know but helped me. I chose C.UTF-8 - now it seems to work :)
21:38.33nabbletxand: thank you
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23:14.44monodHow to change the menus' colors?
23:14.45monodI mean:
23:15.06monodThe main menu (Alt+F1) has borderless white background with black text
23:15.10monodHow do I change those?
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23:18.20centrxmonod, Probably Gnome settings
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23:38.39AndChat|624225Aaaand grub won't install
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23:43.14Artemis3AndChat|624225, what are you doing?
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23:48.25AndChat|624225Artemis3: running live Debian on a USB stick, I'd like to install grub2 onto my hard disk from there
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23:49.24Artemis3AndChat|624225, there is a moment in the installer, that asks if you want to download recent packages, answer yes. That will fix the grub issue
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23:55.31SameDayAndChat|624225: were you able to mount you drive ?
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23:57.54AndChat|624225SameDay: yep. I fdisk'ed it and deleted the ffs partition, then ran mkfs.ext2
23:58.39SameDayAndChat|624225: Good, so, installing grub2 should be pretty straight forward, plenty of manuals for that, haveing any issues with it ?

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