IRC log for #debian on 20140502

00:00.06RobertoB_and skype too don't have a repository, so if I install it from packages it would soon gets outdated
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00:08.08RobertoB_btw the behaviour I'd like to assume is more or less this: default: install from stable repo. Backports and PPA: upgrade only package needed as dependency from the package I installed from repository itself. // Backports: If a package has higher version in backports than in stable and is needed from a package installed from backports -> update it // PPA: if a package has an higher version then in stable ---> keep stable UNLESS
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00:08.54RobertoB_is needed (dependency) a version higher then the one in stable ---> in this case search and maybe install backports
00:09.20RobertoB_if it is not nor in stable nor in backports: go for it
00:09.38RobertoB_what priority should I give, given this, to Stable, Backports and PPA?
00:10.15abrotmandpkg: tell RobertoB_ about pinning
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00:11.18RobertoB_I've tried reading the docs
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00:12.01RobertoB_but I came to nothing, but an huge headache
00:12.35RobertoB_one thing maybe could solve the problem
00:12.41RobertoB_the fact of being a dependency
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00:16.03RobertoB_count towards the installation of packages with priority lower than 0?
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00:18.15RobertoB_the PPA should have a pinning value of 10 or 50, the Backports between 100 and 499 and the stable higher then 500, right?
00:18.44themillRobertoB_: you don't need to do anything with backports and stable.
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00:19.31RobertoB_so I should only set the pinning value of 10 (or 50) to PPA, right?
00:19.48RobertoB_does it change something the fact that I don't have an apt.conf file?
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00:31.15somiajRobertoB_: you should not add a ppa for any reason to a debian install.
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00:33.26RobertoB_Well, I've read this many times, and I thank you for reminding me this once more, but I've not asked if I should install them, I've asked how could I achieve a given result with pinning
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00:33.26abrotmansomiaj: unless you wnat to practice breaking it?
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00:35.38somiajabrotman: I guess that is a good reason. Lets just see how badly we can break this.
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00:40.52abrotmanRobertoB_: eh .. what packages are in the PPA?
00:43.11abrotmanjust gets worse and worse ..
00:43.59abrotmanRobertoB_: are any of those packages in Debian?  Do you even need pinning?
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00:44.40RobertoB_some package needed for those, library mostly
00:45.09RobertoB_give me one second and I'll tell you how many are in debian that I don't want to upgrade due to PPA
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00:48.19RobertoB_abrotman: 16 packages would be updated from stable to PPAs if I don't pin
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00:48.30RobertoB_between those I have installed
00:48.36RobertoB_dunno if others would be
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00:50.13RobertoB_girl.2-atk girl2.clutter girl.2-cogl firl.2-coglpango libatk1 libvlutter libclutter-gst libclutter-gtk libcogl-common libcogl-pango libcogl0 lib gee libopus libvpxi
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00:54.04RobertoB_(question: creating your own backport of a package it is "freezed" or after creation it continue updating?)
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00:57.38ryonalolihow do i set up mail on a server so i can send to any address and receive from any address?
00:57.49nellflash has a 0 day
00:57.53nellhow do I harden my distro
00:58.14ryonalolie.g. so i can have mail like without needing to create a seperate account for an "abuse" user
00:58.18ryonalolinell: uninstall flash
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00:58.37nellidk if i even have it
00:58.49ryonalolithen you probably don't have to worry
00:59.06somiajryonaloli: you need some psudoe users set up and to define them a mailbox
00:59.15abrotmanryonaloli: what MTA are you using?
00:59.20somiajryonaloli: I don't know how to do this in exim, but I belive you can do this with postfix + dovecot
00:59.30abrotmansomiaj: he doesn't actually need users to do that
00:59.43ryonaloliabrotman: if devcot is an mta, then that's probably what i'll use
00:59.45civilliansomiaj: or dovecot necessarily
00:59.54ryonalolias long as it's compatible with squirrelmail for webmail
00:59.56abrotmanryonaloli: it's not
01:00.13ryonaloliwhat is an mta then?
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01:00.31ryonalolii know mail transport agent, but i don't know what i'm using
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01:00.53abrotmanryonaloli: Which distro are you using?
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01:01.00ryonalolidebian stable
01:01.02nellwait... ryonaloli sound familiar
01:01.05somiajabrotman: the mta doesn't need some sense of put this mail in this mailbox, which is what I meant by psudo-users?
01:01.06nellare you from G?
01:01.18ryonaloliG? if that's a channel, then no i'm not
01:01.33nellits the technology board on 4chan..
01:01.37ryonalolioh, /g/
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01:01.56ryonalolii go on /g/ yes, but i always post as anonymous
01:02.08somiajcivillian: yea I didn't think dovecot was necessarily, it is just the piece of software I have used to achive this.
01:02.19abrotmansomiaj: some MTAs can allow relaying for a host, regardless of actual address
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01:03.02civillianryonaloli: so you want email for abuse@ to go to a specific user account on your local machine?
01:03.22abrotmanno ...
01:03.27ryonalolii want email going to anything@ to be saved
01:03.49ryonaloliso someone could send to and it'd be saved
01:03.53abrotmanryonaloli: you want to put this on the internet?
01:04.23ryonaloliwhat do you mean?
01:04.29ryonalolithis is for a website that is on the internet
01:04.55abrotmanryonaloli: first of all, you will only receive messages for MX or maybe A records pointed at your host .. not "any mail"
01:05.08abrotmanunless you're going to spam yourself
01:05.21ryonalolii'm not sure what that means
01:05.28ryonaloliany mail that goes to
01:05.38abrotmanryonaloli: figure out what MTA you have first
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01:05.57ryonalolipostfix, i believe
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01:06.23abrotmanso google "postfix wildcard delivery" or ask #postfix
01:06.33somiajryonaloli: double check, 'dpkg -l | grep postfix' -- that will tell you if it is installed, you can look at running procces to see if it is running
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01:06.41ryonalolithank you abrotman
01:06.59nellI want to connect my server to the internet
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01:07.31somiajnell: well now that we got that out of the way, what os does your server run, and how do you want to connect it to the internet?
01:07.54nellIt runs debian wheezy and I wanna use it for project management platforms
01:07.59nelllike owncloud
01:08.52somiajsounds like we need to define what 'connect to the internet' means here, I thought you ment get your network card up and running? Or do you mean get other machiens to be able to find you by a domain name or the likes?
01:09.14nellGet other machines to be able to find me
01:09.36nellshould I setup dyndns / register a domain?
01:09.45somiajnell: well this is usually done via a dns, do you have a domain name? Do you have a static ip, or are you interested in a dyndns name?
01:10.12somiajnell: choice is really up to you, personal preference. Though if you don't have a static ip dyndns would work far better
01:10.26nellI can register a domain name [are there free ones or ones that don't require personal identifiable information?] I don't have a static IP but I'm intereted in having one
01:11.10somiajnell: you will have to pay a small yearly fee to own a domain name, though there are some services that give dns for free subdomains, most dyndns sights are doing this
01:11.59nellI wanna put less trust on 3rd parties but still have stability & security for the platform
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01:12.22brontosaurusrexnell, subdomains like are free at
01:13.01somiajnell: then you'll have to pay the yearly registration fee on a domain name if you don't want to let some other third party give you free subdomain name pointing to your ip.
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01:14.20nellI wanna put something in between as a firewall or a bouncer and tunnel connection through ssh
01:14.25abrotmannell: what ISP do you have?
01:14.32nellI have verizon
01:14.53somiajnell: running this server on your home network, or using some hosting company with a vps?
01:15.02nellit's a home network
01:15.07abrotmanI doubt their residential service would allow you to run a mail server at home and get messages on port 25
01:15.29nell...I'm limited by my ISP of what I can do?
01:15.40abrotmanseriously? this is news to you?
01:16.25nellYeah.. I'm involved with startup so I'm learning as I go >_>
01:17.10abrotmannell: FIOS or DSL ?
01:18.11abrotmannell: .. Good luck
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01:18.25abrotman(old info, I'd email them and ask)
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01:19.00nellmy router comes with a free backdoor
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01:19.08nellfrom fios
01:19.21nellI guess i should get a business ready solution..
01:19.26k-mankdog, cool, thats good to know they worked :)
01:19.39nellbut idk what to trust when the playing field is slanted
01:20.55nellare there other free services like freedns out there?
01:21.05abrotmanask google
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01:21.27nellgoogle tells me no-ip
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01:22.30brontosaurusrexbeen using that for years now.
01:22.56nellThanks brontosaurusrex
01:23.02nellI just wanna connect cameras to the internet
01:23.08nellas well as project management solutions
01:23.18nellso i wanna build a really tight infrastructure
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01:23.33nellif there's recommended readings on that [I've gone through debian administrators handbook]
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01:25.06nelllike benchmarks / audit checklist
01:25.20nelleverything available on the web is atleast 7 years old >_>
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01:47.58mnshow do I do a video screen capture on debian ?  what can I use for that ?   I want to then show the video to the folks at duckduckgo so that they can see what I'm seeing and maybe help resolve my issue or fix things on their end.
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01:48.38peterrooneymns: package "istanbul" may help you.
01:49.20mnspeterrooney: ok will look at that, thanks.
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01:51.28noalternativeI am trying to build a package from an upstream deb using the instructions here
01:52.19noalternativeit is under building from non debianized source with dhmake
01:52.29noalternativeI am having trouble with dhmake
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01:53.34somiajnoalternative: depends on the source how complicated of a debian/rules you need to create
01:53.37noalternativeIt keeps telling me I don
01:54.09noalternativet have teh package name and version even though I do.  Here is the error
01:54.13noalternativenoalternative@390e:~/midori_0.5.8$ dh_make For dh_make to find the package name and version, the current directory  needs to be in the format of <package>-<version>.  Alternatively use the -p flag using the format <name>_<version> to override it. I cannot understand the directory name or you have an invalid directory name!  Your current directory is /home/noalternative/midori_0.5.8, perhaps you could try going to directory whe
01:54.31noalternativeWhat am I doing wrong?
01:54.41somiajnoalternative: not reading the error
01:55.16somiajnoalternative: it says it has to be of the form midori-0.5.8 but yours is not of that form, it then says you can use the -p flag to override this default and use midori_0.5.8 form you have
01:55.22mnspeterrooney: seems like I needed to search for screencast and get what I wanted.
01:56.43noalternativeOk but the directions on the forum say the opposite
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01:57.01noalternativeit specificallyt tells you to change names from - to _
01:58.24noalternativebut what you said was helpful
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01:58.57somiajnoalternative: those instructions are a few years old, maybe then dh_make used ither options or it is something the forum writer overlooked
01:59.36somiajnoalternative: anyways it just seems it would prefer you changed the name of the directory (note deb-buildpackge will create multiple things some of which will have a foo-bar.ext others will be foo_bar.ext
01:59.44somiajI do not know the convention as to what the difference is
02:00.03ag4ve_i'm trying to install a dl380 g5 and i've installed firmware-bnx2 deb. however it can't find the /lib/firmware binary
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02:00.11ag4ve_any suggestions?
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02:00.39noalternativethanks somia
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02:01.50somiajag4ve_: so you are trying to install debian on this server and need firmware for the network card but are having trouble getting the installer to detect it?
02:02.02somiajag4ve_: what install medium are you using and how did you create it?
02:02.25ag4ve_well, i installed it without network support
02:02.52ag4ve_i've got a running system and it complains when i try to bring the if up
02:03.10somiajag4ve_: so you copied the firmware deb to the machine and tried to dpkg -i it?
02:03.35somiajag4ve_: and it gave an error? Could you give the exact error?
02:03.54ag4ve_and i see it is listed under /lib/firmware
02:04.23ag4ve_sec on the message
02:04.37somiajag4ve_: okay trying to catch up to where you are, then you modprobe -r modulename and modprobe modulename to reload it, and it still doesn't see the firmware
02:04.51somiajag4ve_: I'm trying to figure out where the error is, if the package installed just fine, lets focus on loading the module
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02:05.53ag4ve_bnx2 0000:03:00.0: firmware: failed to load bnx2/bnx2-mips- (-2)
02:06.32ag4ve_RTNETLINK answers: No such file or directory
02:06.55somiajag4ve_: this is after you have either rebooted or reloaded the module?
02:07.24ag4ve_i rebooted, yes
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02:07.51somiajag4ve_: and this is on wheezy? What is the exact network card you have?
02:08.06somiajag4ve_: and is the error really have a .fs in it, (not .fw)?
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02:09.12ag4ve_Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme II BCM5706 Gigabit Ethernet
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02:09.35ag4ve_doh, yeah, the error is fw
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02:09.52nezZarioWhat's the easiest way to install frm USB?  I have the ISO's downloaded .. the DVD ISO's .. any way I can use/convert them?
02:09.57nezZarioI just don't have a lot of bandwidth here
02:09.58ag4ve_i'm copying from a screen (obviously no ssh :))
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02:10.34somiajnezZario: all the debian iso's are hybrid, so you can jsut do a direct write of the .iso to the usb drive and it will work
02:10.41ag4ve_nezZario: dd of=/dev/usbthing if=debian.iso
02:10.44somiajnezZario: what os will you be creating the usb from?
02:11.01nezZarioi have ubuntu and win boxes in the house, so dd wiill work
02:11.03ag4ve_(or anything created with isolinux)
02:11.08somiajag4ve_: cp actually works faster (need to set the bock write size with dd)
02:11.29somiajnezZario: cp filename.iso /dev/sdc (assuming that /dev/sdc is your usb drive, double check as all info on the usb will be lost)
02:11.40nezZarioi am 110% done with ubuntu's shit, quite honestly
02:11.42ag4ve_you generally don't need to set bs - iirc it assumes 4M
02:11.48somiajag4ve_: can you get me the pciid of that card? I just want to make sure that it is supported in wheezy and you don't need a backported kernel.
02:11.55nezZarioi thought it was like 4K?
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02:12.40nezZarioanyone know the approx. d/l size for going from stable to testing currently?
02:13.00somiajnezZario: depends totally on how many packages you have installed
02:13.13somiajnezZario: so assume about the size of your current install pluss a little bit more for new libs that will get pulled in
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02:14.19nezZarioreally?  i wouldn't think every single lib/pkg would get replaced
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02:14.34abrotmannezZario: yes, plus more
02:14.37dvsnezZario: oh yeah, that'll probably happen
02:14.49zykotick9nezZario: it won't, but it's a "safe" assumption...
02:14.57somiajnezZario: only if you have dead (i.e. no longer updated probabaly not much matiance) software will it not be a newer vetrsion.
02:15.16nezZarioah, well hell, i'll just wait tomorrow and grab a new ISO
02:15.31nezZarioI have data caps at home :(
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02:15.31somiajnezZario: so there are some packages the version dosen't upgrade, but these are rare
02:15.40abrotmanbut .. the ISO would be out of date?
02:15.43zykotick9somiaj: there as quite a lot of packages with the same version in oldstable/stable/testing/sid...
02:16.13nezZarioI thought there were testing iso's ?
02:16.15somiajnezZario: you won't get decent iso's or an installer for testing
02:16.16zykotick9was suprised by this...
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02:16.44nezZariowell what the shit.  i guess I can grab the .debs and put them into the cache dir ?
02:16.55nezZarioor just run stable, i guess it wouldn't be that bad
02:16.59somiajzykotick9: I am too, I know I've seen various old projects just stay around because they work fine, but I woudln't think it would be that high among common stuff people use.
02:17.11somiajnezZario: stable + backports should suit ya fine
02:17.35zykotick9somiaj: stable + backports FTW ;)
02:17.38somiaj,pciid 14e4:164a
02:17.39judd[14e4:164a] is 'NetXtreme II BCM5706 Gigabit Ethernet' from 'Broadcom Corporation' with kernel module 'bnx2' in wheezy. See also
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02:18.34somiajag4ve_: It seems like it should be support, so run 'modprobe -r bnx2 && modprobe bnx2' -- then look at demsg | tail -- still the error about missing firmware, and as you said you looked and the file is in the right spot?
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02:20.17ag4ve_there are other versions of the file under /lib/firmware/bnx2 but not the version it wants
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02:20.49ag4ve_not sure how to tell it to look for a different file...?
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02:21.10somiajag4ve_: what version of debain are you on? And what version of the firmware package did you install
02:21.45somiajag4ve_: -- I thought I saw the one it was complaining about in the wheezy list, 06-6.2.3.fw correct?
02:21.58abrotmanag4ve_: is this a new install?
02:22.12abrotmanmaybe just use the firmware images?
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02:22.30ag4ve_yeah, i installed testing 7.something...
02:22.32dvstoo easy
02:22.43abrotman7.x isn't testing
02:22.54dvshow long ago?
02:22.58weakteais there a simple way to run commands through an SSH session as the same user but as if it were the tty session?
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02:23.15somiajweaktea: what do you mean by that?
02:23.40somiajweaktea: you have ssh'd into a machine and run to run a command so it stays running but you can logout?
02:23.56ag4ve_/etc/debian_version says jessie/sid
02:24.02zykotick9weaktea: fyi, a TTY session is _ANY_ terminal session, xorg OR console...
02:24.06weakteasomiaj, for example, wmctrl is failing to execute a command, likely because of some xauthority issue or something (xeyes executes fine but wmctrl isn't doing what its told through SSH)
02:24.17weakteabut, if I run the same wmctrl command on the machine itself it works fine
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02:24.28weakteaI'm wondering if there is a way to "pretend" the machine is running that command locally
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02:24.53somiajweaktea: you might just have to tell it what DISPLAY to run on, 'DISPLAY=":0.0" command'
02:25.06weakteazykotick9: my bad, I was referring to the output of "w" being that one of the sessions has TTY listed as tty 7 and FRO  :0
02:25.17weakteasomiaj: I have exported display on the SSH session, still no go
02:25.20weakteaxeyes works fine
02:25.22*** join/#debian noalternative (617d82cf@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
02:25.26weakteaand it loads on the remote machine ( i can see it in VNC)
02:25.32weakteabut wmctrl is not
02:25.41heedlyI just installed debian, and it boots up fine. But it just hangs with the console when loading X windows
02:25.44weakteaerror: No protocol specified. cannot open display.
02:25.47heedlyhow do I debug?
02:25.57heedlyAlt+F2 and so on doesn't work
02:26.00*** mode/#debian [+l 1536] by debhelper
02:26.03ag4ve_22:21 < somiaj> ag4ve_: -- I thought I saw the one it was complaining about in the wheezy list, 06-6.2.3.fw correct?
02:26.05ag4ve_ah yeah
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02:26.48somiajag4ve_: so again what version of the firmware package did you isntall and what version of debian are you running?
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02:27.08zykotick9heedly: if you have nivida/ati you might want to play with nomodeset?  but that doesn't _really_ sound like your issue...  good luck.
02:27.22*** part/#debian shg35 (~x@2602:306:cd7f:1130:76e5:bff:fe0c:5506)
02:28.29somiajweaktea: sounds like wmctrl might need more than the $DISPLAY set, I am unsure what else will be needed
02:28.57heedlyzykotick9: How would I get to set that?
02:29.05heedlyright now I can't access anything
02:29.09weakteasomiaj: Turns out I was accidently running the wmctrl command with sudo in the beginning, that's what was messing it up. Overlooked it, but thanks
02:29.16zykotick9heedly: it's a kernel option, e at grub menu.
02:29.45somiajweaktea: looks like you may also need to set the Xautority info as well for this. I found via google
02:30.15ag4ve_oh, that might be an issue....
02:30.32weakteasomiaj: seems I didn't even have to do that (perhapos because I am SSHd as the same user that's running x?) but good reference, either way. Thanks
02:30.34somiajheedly: booting into single user recovery mode or using a live image and disabling your display manager might be a start, this way you can at least get into your system and then debug what is wrong with x
02:31.09somiajweaktea: yea the same user should have the .Xauthority info in the same place, it was sudo, so that should be fine
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02:31.20noalternativegetting more errors trying to use dh_make on nondebianized source.
02:31.24noalternativeCould not find midori_0.5.8.orig.tar.gz Either specify an alternate file to use with -f, or add --createorig to create one.
02:31.32noalternativewhat is it asking for
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02:31.52somiajag4ve_: so you downloaded a squeeze deb, I think we should figure out what version of debian you are running (I hope it is wheezy) so we can tell you now, only download and isntall stuff for wheezy on it, (do not mix releases/versions)
02:32.08somiajag4ve_: but yea, go grab the wheezy package if you have wheezy, if you really have squeeze, well I'd just reinstall wheezy
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02:32.43noalternativeThere is no file of this name.   What I tried to create with --createorig it told me command not found.  Even when I pasted it in to make sure there were no spelling errors
02:32.58ag4ve_yeah, that would seem to be the issue (haven't installed it yet, but...)
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02:33.22abrotmanag4ve_: dpkg -l libc6  .. what is the libc6 version string?
02:33.33ag4ve_actually, just symlinked the closest version with what it was looking for and am online, so now i'll do this with apt
02:33.53noalternativeI pasted in midori_0.5.8.orig.tar.gz --createorig
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02:34.45dvsat least testing
02:35.34abrotmanjudd: versions libc6
02:35.35juddPackage: libc6 on i386 -- squeeze: 2.11.3-4; wheezy: 2.13-38+deb7u1; jessie: 2.18-4; sid: 2.18-5
02:35.40noalternativethe response was command not found, so now I don't know what it is asking for
02:35.40abrotmanit's some half version
02:35.49abrotmanor not Debian at all
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02:36.27somiajand this is running on a server
02:37.40somiajnoalternative: try adding the --native option, so dh_make --native
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02:38.04noalternativeas a command or to a file?
02:38.37somiajnoalternative: as in when you run dh_make add the --native flag to tell it not to care about the original source in a tar.gz (which I found by reading hte man page for dh_make)
02:38.54noalternativeok I did it as a command and it helped
02:39.05noalternativewe'll see if I can get this
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02:40.20somiajnoalternative: the defaults are mose set for building a package for debian (not just a local .deb for your own use). So you have to give dh_make some additional flags to say I'm building this for local use, I use 'dh_make -s -n' (the -s is single package so it wont' get split into libs and such)
02:40.31somiajnoalternative: again I assume you are just wanting to build a .deb for your own personal use
02:40.48ag4ve_any place i can download a decently complete sources.list?
02:41.13wols_!tell ag4ve_ about wheezy sources.list
02:41.37dvschaging distros by changes the sources list?
02:41.43somiajag4ve_: until we know exactaly what version you are running and what you ahve installed our advise won't be good.
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02:42.07somiajag4ve_: last we checked you are either running some outdated version of testing or some other os that isn't debian.
02:42.57themillnotes that "2.17" isn't the output that dpkg -l libc6 gives
02:43.08heedlysomiaj: thanks
02:43.11*** join/#debian Gallomimia (
02:43.26heedlyso how do I configure X automagically?
02:43.55somiajheedly: just use a blank xorg.conf file, shoudl be sufficent. If it doesn't detect somethign then we can add small snippits to help
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02:49.16ag4ve_i'm running jessie and with wols_ 's comment, i'm good. thanks
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02:50.02abrotmanYou're not good
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03:02.18zykotick9is running stable with ?'s comment, i'm (really) good. thanks Debian!
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03:51.58heedlyWhat packages do I need to package a kernel?
03:52.08heedlyI get dpkg-gencontrol not found
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04:19.28heedlyIs there a tool I can run that will repeat the network setup in the installer?
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04:32.30btarantohi... why mysq-server is not installing?
04:32.34btaranto[warn] /etc/init.d/mysql: WARNING: /etc/mysql/my.cnf cannot be read. See README.Debian.gz ... (warning).
04:32.41btarantohow do i fix?
04:32.58btarantodebian 7.4
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04:38.28rahul_Hii all
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04:40.01rahul_I am usinf debian 7 weezy  as i am reconnectting my usb i am getting bable intrupt occured
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05:18.46jamillersitting here waiting for the next evolution, anyone awake that wants to chitchat....
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05:37.16cnzhow can I remove all packages that start with gnome
05:37.28cnzfor example aptitude purge gnome
05:37.45themillcnz: ~n^gnome~i
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05:40.58cnzi 1thanks
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06:03.42heedlyIs there a tool I can run that will repeat the network setup in the installer?
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06:15.27SirLagzheedly: what do you need to do ?
06:15.43SirLagzheedly: IIRC the installer only sets Static or DHCP configuration...
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06:17.38heedlySirLagz: well, I  had to stop configuration of the network, cause my network card wasn't supported. Now I've built a new kernel with support
06:18.08heedlyNow I've already edited /etc/network/interfaces, but I get an error, when I run ifup
06:18.15SirLagzheedly: what's the error ?
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06:19.03heedlySirLagz: wpa_supplicant: /sbin/wpa_supplicant failed to start
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06:19.41SirLagzheedly: what happens if you try and start wpa_supplicant manually ?
06:20.15heedlyI get the usage message
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06:20.50SirLagzheedly: you need to set the driver and stuff when you start it manually
06:21.41heedlyhmm, no config file
06:22.20SirLagzheedly: create one with wpa-passphrase - i think it was
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06:24.49frameBufferErrorI'm trying to install testing after burning dvd 1 of the installer on a blank HDD. Problem: after booting to dvd and selecting either install option (install or graphical install) the screen goes black aside from a colored pixel garbage at the top of the screen.
06:24.58frameBufferErrorI found in the docs that if I get "colored pixel garbage" I should passing fg=false as a boot parameter. How do I do this? 5.3 in the docs is opaque to me.
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06:27.33somiajframeBufferError: what dvd1 are you talking about? I would trust any dvd1 that is labeled testing
06:27.52somiajoh you have the wheezy dvd, that makes more sense. (:
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06:28.49frameBufferErrorI am using amd64:
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06:29.38somiajyea I wouldn't trust that alpha installer, go grab a wheezy net install, install a stable base system then upgrade to testing frameBufferError
06:29.41somiaj!testing installer
06:29.43dpkgRepeat after me: the testing installer is for testing the <installer>, not for installing <testing>.  To install testing, do a minimal installation using the <stable> installer and ask me about <stable->testing>.  Installer bugs should be filed against the debian-installer pseudopackage.
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06:31.18frameBufferErrorYes, I know this. But can you tell me how to pass these boot parameters for now? I'll burn another disc.
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06:37.14MrNazok soi've used tzselect and have set up ntp...but when i type uptime i'm still getting a time that's in the wrong timezone
06:37.30MrNazwhat do i need to do to get my server to use a specirfic timezone as the system time?
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06:47.23frameBufferErrorOk i have same problem with stable, how to "can use the boot parameter fb=false to disable the framebuffer."?
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06:48.40gregor2can annyone help me
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06:49.04gregor2if i close the lid of my laptop my pc gos in suspend mode
06:49.13gregor2but i want that nothin happens
06:49.19gregor2i have gnome!
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06:56.33shevek_What happens if I have the same file (identical binary) in two .debs? Can they both be installed together? If I remove the second one, is dpkg intelligent enough to leave one copy of the file there?
06:57.05shevek_Background: I'm trying to package a product which has plugins, and some of the plugins have common dependency libraries, and I don't want to make one .deb per library.
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07:09.16themillshevek_: 2 packages can't have the same file path in them at all with one exception: packages for two different architectures that are marked as "multi-arch: same" can have the same identical files in them and dpkg will do refcounting for those files
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07:10.14shevek_themill, is multi-arch: same going to help me? These are JAR files, so they are architecture independent.
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07:11.12shevek_doesn't look like it. :-(
07:11.27gregor2how do i get to gnome tweak tool?
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07:12.44shevek_I'm using gradle to spit out a set of plugins, so each one gets built into a deb as the plugin plus all direct deps, but every plugin has guava as a dep, for example.
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07:15.07edrahnI just install debian, and gnome looks totally different from a different install
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07:15.19edrahnHow do I get them to act the same?
07:16.05edrahnLike in on the upper left corner in a menu, and in the other it's Activities
07:16.17themillshevek_: no, multiarch does not help you here. One package per library is pretty standard unless you can group a pile of them together into a "common" package.
07:16.18edrahnI checked that they are running the same version
07:17.29gelliothmaybe the computer doesn't support the configuration of gnome3 and uses fallback version edrahn:
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07:18.04edrahngellioth: how would I check that?
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07:19.22gelliothif you are in fallback desktop you will see in upright corner 3 menus
07:20.06gellioththat's all, what kind of video card has that computer (with fallback)
07:20.35gelliothleft left sorry
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07:22.50edrahngellioth: both are using built in intel video
07:23.13edrahnI only see 2 menus in the corner
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07:24.04gelliothyes yes, that's ok, in one computer you have a better video than in the other one
07:24.35gelliothmi laptop doesn't support gnome3, I use xfce instead
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07:26.16gelliothIf you dont care, I recommend you to use xfce in the computer with the problem, it will be fast
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07:27.30paul_andrewHello what does it means when a service starts with star instead of OK
07:27.39shevek_perhaps today isn't my day for irc :(
07:28.02gelliothif you are curious, you can have a very customized desktop, edrahn:
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07:33.36gelliothI don't know, I don't have that task manager, paul_andrew
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07:34.37welpShitsBrokeSo, I'm installing wheezy 7.5 from dvd (amd64) and after booting into the disc I get "error prefix not set"
07:34.49welpShitsBrokethen it goes black, never shows a menu
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07:35.22YellowRiveru suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuk
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07:36.05paul_andrewgellioth: its debian 7.4, issues with omsa service for a dell server.
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07:38.44gelliothsorry I was thinking that you have a graphical desktop
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07:39.51paul_andrewactually i do, but the server has not.
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07:42.21gelliothtime to sleep
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07:47.39alkisgI'm trying to register for debconf14, but, on, my Alioth login says "Invalid authentication information", even though I can login in Where I can get help about that?
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08:00.37babilenalkisg: Try #debconf on (aka
08:00.44alkisgThank you babilen
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08:15.54petern_gnome-shell... 6.3GB memory used :s
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08:19.37ebfullwhat tool should i use to find actively growing log files
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08:52.56k-manhow do i compleetly remove gnome and switch to xfce? i tried task-xfce-desktop but when i startx, x still loads gnome
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08:53.43txomon|fonk-man, use the DE selector
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08:53.51txomon|fonyou can choose what to boot with
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08:54.12k-mantxomon|fon, what is the DE selector?
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08:54.38txomon|fonin the login menu
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08:55.00k-manfrom gdm?
08:55.04babilenk-man: I wouldn't necessarily recommend to use startx, but look into configuring x-session-manager in the alternative system or write your own ~/.xsession file (take care to initialise dbus, consolekit, logind, ... correctly there)
08:55.40txomon|fonwhen you are about to put the password, you can choose another desktop environment
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09:13.55__julienHi, where should I put host-specific private key and public certificate in debian/ubuntu ? ( for RedHat there's e/etc/pki but debian seems to use /etc/ssl only for trusted CAs)
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09:15.45tremon__julien: there's /etc/ssl/private
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09:16.46__julientremon, thanks
09:18.27tremonI'm not sure if there's a canonical location for the public part. I guess it can be either in /etc/ssl/certs or a program-specific confdir
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09:21.21jmdI want to arrange for /etc/network/interfaces to connect to alternative neworks depending on runlevel.  How can I achieve that?
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09:25.00__julienfor apache ssl private key and cert, should they be under /etc/apache2/ssl or under /etc/ssl ?
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09:27.15tremonif they're only for apache, I'd put them in /etc/apache2/ssl
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09:30.51tremonjmd: maybe through interface mappings? e.g. mapping eth0 ; script /sbin/runlevel ? see man interfaces
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09:31.58jmdObviously I have looked at the man page.
09:32.13jmdI don't see where it says how to solve that problem.
09:32.21tremonthat was not obvious from your question :)
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09:33.23jmdI used to append all my questions with "yes, I have read the documentation" but that also annoyed people.
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09:33.55jmdSo I don't anymore, and now I'm back to getting told "RTFM".
09:34.11tremonthe way I read the man page, you need a script that outputs a single word that's used as a key in the "map" statements
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09:34.26_FBiI'm trying to add ipv6 to my server, dmesg is saying no ipv6 routers present :(
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09:34.47tremonevery map defines a separate interface stanza that can be brought up instead of the physical interface definition
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09:36.33tremonto check the runlevel, you might simply use script /sbin/runlevel | cut -c3
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09:37.59jmdok I will try something like that.
09:38.48tremon_FBi: that's the kernel notifying you that autoconfig of ipv6 failed. It doesn't mean you cannot use ipv6 with a static route
09:39.21_FBiI believe my static route is setup correctly, but I don't see them when I ifconfig
09:39.28tremonbut non-autoconfig setups are very rare, and it's likely that if your router doesn't advertise ipv6, it doesn't support it at all
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09:40.57tremon_FBi: are you using a tunnel? Please paste the output of ip link and ip addr?
09:41.27tremonadd ip -6 addr for good measure, too
09:41.30_FBi2: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP mode DEFAULT qlen 1000
09:41.35_FBibah, sorry
09:41.38_FBiI'll past bin
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09:47.38_FBiwgetpaste is failing me haha :(
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09:51.23tremonyep. No routable ipv6 addresses there. How did you try to setup your static route?
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09:52.28_FBicopied it from my other server :/  nano /etc/network/interface
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09:53.11tremoncan you paste that file?
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09:56.53jmdtremon: What exactly should that script return?
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09:57.12toukiHi guys.
09:57.25toukiMy gnome-wheezy is freezing more or less randomly.
09:57.33tremonjmd: one single letter indicating the current runlevel. Try running it (or plain /sbin/runlevel) in the terminal
09:57.41toukiI would say that flash or video are increasing the freezing risk.
09:57.54toukiI'm on a quite recent asus (one year).
09:58.10toukiI have the impression that CPU is heating when it happens.
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09:58.19toukiAny idea? How to check that?
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10:00.03_FBisorry to bother you tremon , any thoughts?
10:00.21tremon_FBi: and this config is working on the other machine? It's not what I would have expected, you are a) setting a default gateway that is not reachable by the default address b) manually setting a link-local address that looks suspiciously like the autoconfig address
10:00.44tremon_FBi: what happens if you manually run one of the up-lines from that script?
10:00.58_FBiI can try
10:01.08jmdWell when I do that, I get "Ignoring unknown interface wlan0=2"
10:01.09_FBibut if the gateway isn't working :/
10:01.41jmdwhich is what I understand from the man page is supposed to happen if I do that.
10:01.45tremonit's not working because it's unreachable. Your interface only knows how to reach fe80::/64, and 2a00:: isn't on that subnet
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10:02.50tremonjmd: do you have a "map 2 wlan-runlevel2" line in the mappings wlan section, and a corresponding interface wlan-runlevel2 defined?
10:02.50_FBiyes I thought that was odd
10:03.07_FBiip -6 added it
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10:04.17tremongood. now check with ip -6 ro if the default route already exists, or add it with ip -6 route add default via 2a00:d880:3:1::1 -- alternatively, try to ping the gateway first
10:05.03jmdtremon: I do now (and no difference)
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10:06.09_FBinetwork unreachable
10:06.59_FBiRTNETLINK answers: No route to host
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10:07.25tremon_FBi: can you paste ip -6 ad and ip -6 ro again?
10:08.04_FBi(rebooting)  if RTNETLINK means RealTek, that's not setup right
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10:09.14tremonit doesn't, rtnetlink is the kernel's routing table iirc
10:09.31tremonjmd: sadly, that's about all I can help you with. It's not something I have used before, maybe someone else can help you further
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10:11.05tremon_FBi: btw the /proc/ settings are better configured through /etc/sysctl.d
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10:14.55S4nD3rHi guys, I have a problem when try to use graphical login in wheezy+nvidia driver. There's a black screen. In a google search, there's something wrong with glx library. I'd like some help. The informations are in
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10:17.06tremonS4nD3r: how did you install the nvidia driver?
10:18.08SynrGthat chipset supports optimus. does it have it?
10:18.16S4nD3rI have a fresh debian install
10:18.37S4nD3rjust installed the need to put the driver
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10:18.54S4nD3rthe driver is loaded
10:19.02SynrGS4nD3r: uh. you didn't answer tremon's question at all.
10:19.04S4nD3rI get to put cuda to running on it
10:19.11S4nD3roh sorry
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10:19.40S4nD3rI used the script sgfxi
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10:20.24tremonS4nD3r: see on how to do it properly ;)
10:20.29S4nD3rI didn't get success following the nvidiagraphics page in debian wik
10:20.36tremonah ok ;)
10:20.39tremonnvm then
10:20.40SynrGyour chipset supports optimus.
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10:20.45SynrGdoes your system have optimus?
10:21.11S4nD3rin nvidia video card
10:21.15S4nD3ri guess
10:21.31SynrGi guess? no, this is something you need to be sure about. optimus is supported by bumblebee-nvidia
10:21.38S4nD3rbut I dont't have option to turn it on or off in BIOS
10:21.51SynrGlspci | grep -i vga
10:22.01SynrGtwo graphics cards matched, nvidia and intel?
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10:22.15SynrGthen you have optimus
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10:22.18dpkgThe Bumblebee project aims to provide support for the Nvidia Optimus GPU switching technology on Linux systems.  GeForce 400M (4xxM) and later mobile GPU series are Optimus-enabled; if «lspci -nn | grep '\''[030[02]\]'» returns two lines, the laptop likely uses Optimus.  Packaged for Debian in <testing> and <wheezy-backports>.  #bumblebee on
10:22.27tremon_FBi: you might want to ip addr flush eth0 and configure it by hand, see if you can get it to work that way
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10:22.45_FBiwill do
10:22.50S4nD3rI don't need bumblebee
10:22.54S4nD3rDo I?
10:22.57SynrGS4nD3r: if you need the proprietary driver, just follow the Bumblebee wiki instructions and install bumblebee-nvidia, not bumblebee.
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10:23.13SynrGS4nD3r: you tell me. are you happy looking at a black screen?
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10:23.29SynrGif the video is switched off, bumblebee allows switching ...
10:23.41SynrGseems like a good idea to me.
10:23.48S4nD3rwhen I get rid of xorg.conf file
10:23.54S4nD3rgraphical login comes back
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10:24.05SynrGprobably autodetecting intel and using that
10:24.17SynrGi think that's normal for optimus systems ...
10:24.35babilendpkg: tell S4nD3r about empty xorg.conf
10:24.40babilendpkg: tell S4nD3r about xorg.conf.d
10:25.11SynrGS4nD3r: i have no idea what your script did. figure out what the script did to your system and undo it
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10:25.17SynrGdoes the script support uninstall?
10:25.28SynrGthen install bumblebee-nvidia as per the wiki instructions.
10:25.37S4nD3rI'll try it!
10:25.40S4nD3rthank you
10:25.43tremon_FBi: btw, all your "ip /sbin/ip" lines are missing subnet masks. They all need /64 (or /48) after the ipv6 address
10:25.45SynrGgood luck
10:25.53S4nD3rI'll come back to tell you about this try
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10:28.48S4nD3rJessie is the last stable debian?
10:29.16SynrGS4nD3r: jessie is the *next* stable debian. wheezy is current stable.
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10:29.34SynrG(channel topic)
10:29.37wshVwhere could i find help (regarding, related to) installing Jessie?
10:29.58S4nD3rI'm asking because in the bumblebee wiki tells to "upgrade to jessie or sid"
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10:30.10SynrGS4nD3r: then you're looking at the wrong section ...
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10:30.16S4nD3rNo no
10:30.25S4nD3rI'm just reading the informations
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10:30.39wshVwhat bumblebee do you have?
10:30.55SynrGS4nD3r: that page says "if"
10:31.07SynrGS4nD3r: i'm betting the "if" doesn't apply to you
10:31.24_FBitremon, manually works :/
10:31.25S4nD3rthe problem is not the IF
10:31.28S4nD3rbut the upgrade
10:31.42S4nD3rin sid case, should be downgrade
10:31.47SynrGthe upgrade is not a problem if the "if" doesn't apply to you ...
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10:31.59SynrG"Note wheezy-backports does not contain the newer xserver-xorg-video-intel package that is needed by newer intel cards. If you find yourself stuck with the fbdev or vesa driver then you'll need to upgrade to jessie or sid."
10:32.14wshVif i repeat my question will it be regarded as spam?
10:32.34SynrGwshV: where to find help about installing jessie? see #debian-next @
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10:32.49S4nD3rOk SynrG. When go to next version, it's a upgrade, in opposite is a downgrade
10:32.52SynrGsorry. multitasking about four things. you just exceeded my threshold ... :)
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10:32.56S4nD3rthat's the point
10:33.07SynrGS4nD3r: um?
10:33.21S4nD3rthis is not so important
10:33.29SynrGS4nD3r: you do not need to upgrade. so ignore that point. :)
10:33.32tremon_FBi: good, then paste your ip -6 addr and ip -6 ro, and we can build a minimal interfaces stanza from that. Then you can start adding stuff back from the old and see when it breaks
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10:34.10_FBiI don't need the old if it breaks haha, one sec
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10:34.45S4nD3rOk SynrG
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10:39.09tremon_FBi: try instead. If that works, you can add back all the "up" lines
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10:41.22tremonbtw, maybe interfaces is smart. Try and see what happens if you add multiple "address" lines instead of adding those addresses in separate "up" lines
10:42.20_FBithat would be nice
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10:43.18tremonifdown eth0 ; ifup eth0
10:43.37tremoncrosses fingers
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10:43.49_FBisame same
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10:44.53aguitel_what about squeeze security support after may 2014 ?
10:46.01tremonthere must be a proper way to deconfigure an interface other than ip addr flush && ip set link down
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10:47.14_FBihold your horses
10:47.27grache28I've installed debian base, and I'm able to use apt-cache to search for things, but when I try to ping the local network or outside it rejects it
10:47.49grache28I have my /etc/network/interfaces setup like on
10:47.56grache28and yes dhcp is installed
10:48.53aguitel_tremon, thanks
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10:51.13tremongrache28: do you also have a dhcp server on your network and a working (connected and driver installed) network connection?
10:52.05grache28i think the issue might be with the NIC
10:52.11grache28i changed motherboards
10:52.22grache28im fairly certain it worked with the old motherboard
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10:54.04tremongrache28: you can run dhclient manually, just "dhclient eth0" as root. See what it says. Also, lspci -nn | grep Ethernet will list your hardware ethernet devices
10:55.44grache28tremon: ! tks but too late
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10:56.12grache28I'm gonna do a LFS on this box, so just gonna write over it anyways, installing ubuntu
10:57.08voxadamDoes anyone know if video from Linuxfest Northwest 2014 is available anywhere? 2013 is on Bryan Lunduke's "Linux Sucks 2014" is on YouTube. But I'm having a hard time finding much else from 2014.
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11:11.10aguitel_where to find sources.list from squeeze ?
11:11.40tremon!tell aguitel_ -about squeeze sources.list
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11:14.41aguitel_tremon, thanks
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11:18.20dimaursu16guys, it is possible to chroot into a ARM system from a x64 one?
11:18.48petern_No, but you might be able to do something with qemu.
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11:19.04dimaursu16I have debian installed on a i.MX53 (freescale), and archlinux 64 bits on my laptop, and I want to get openssh server on the small thing
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11:20.00dimaursu16petern_: would qemu do that? I know that there's a difference in the instruction set, but can I install packages?
11:20.38dimaursu16I was thinking about unpacking debs manually...
11:20.48frostschutzdimaursu16, i had something like that in an ereader, luckily it came with busybox telnetd, ...
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11:21.30dimaursu16frostschutz: I'm not sure it the armhf image comes with telnet installed
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11:23.07dimaursu16oh, but it has sshd installed
11:23.10dimaursu16I'm stupid
11:23.22dimaursu16thanks guys, it has all the stuff I need :)
11:23.49dimaursu16just a quick run of "find" and the mystery was revealed :)
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11:24.19*** part/#debian berceanu ( I just have to make some symlinks, as I want to use systemd on this one...
11:24.42petern_Good luck.
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11:58.26RobertoB_hello there
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11:58.49RobertoB_someone knows where default home directories icons are set?
11:58.58RobertoB_*in LXDE
11:59.08RobertoB_I'm on Wheezy+lxde-core
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11:59.49RobertoB_but I can't find where default "Documents" "Download" "Pictures" etc icons are set
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12:06.23frafra_emergencyhi; I've an answer related to an SSD that doesn't boot anymore... I get some COMRESET errors when booting from another medium ( ); is it possible to access to my data? I was thinking if the Linux kernel could send some raw commands over ata1 channel in order to see if my ssd is still working or if it's dead
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12:07.40wols_linux is trying to send commands. and this is the answer it gets. it needs to start the protocol first, and your SSD has none of it
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12:08.39frafra_emergencywols_: thanks; so basically linux sees that there's something connected but there's no reply? only power line is working?
12:09.05abrotmanthe OS doesn't know about power
12:09.53frafra_emergencycould I try something?
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12:11.08jmdok so I have my target firmware in /tmp
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12:12.31jmdAnd I would appear to have 6796KiB of memory left.  Is this "enough"?
12:13.40nevynenough for what?
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12:14.19jmdNo idea.  The wiki says I must make sure I have enough.  It doesn't say enough for what.
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12:14.41jmdOh sorry.  Wrong Channel/
12:14.45jmdmy bad.
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12:42.32biglamahi guys, apparently the latest update/upgrade overwrote my /etc/network/interfacs
12:42.41biglamahow is that possible and can it be avoided ?
12:43.46jellybiglama: which debian release, and do you have logs of the upgrade?
12:43.47d3syncu can always keep a backup of ur configuration files at least the essential ones
12:44.08d3syncusually you are prompted when new confs are about to be deployed
12:44.09jellyd3sync: this should never happen.
12:44.23d3syncand asked if you want to overwrite em or not
12:45.24jellyd3sync: interfaces is not a conffile nor managed by ucf, so there's no prompt like that
12:45.54d3syncin that case it could be a 3rd party software
12:45.55biglamajelly: I'm on wheezy, with kernel 3.2.57-3
12:46.19biglamajelly: i did an apt-get update && apt-get upgrade by hand, is the output stored somewhere ?
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12:46.45jellybiglama: it's not stored anywhere by default.  I run mine inside screen, then inside script
12:47.20jellybiglama: you do however have /var/log/dpkg.log and /var/log/apt/*
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12:50.00biglamajelly: right, it is not the update actually
12:50.16biglamajelly: I installed some packages, so it must have been that
12:50.30biglamado you want /var/log/apt/history.log ?
12:50.42babilenThat would probably come in handy, yes
12:51.08jellybiglama: did you have any third party packages or repositories enabled?
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12:51.43biglamajelly: is zfs third party ?
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12:52.18jellybiglama: if it does not come from, yes
12:52.25babilenbiglama: Please paste your sources.list and /var/log/apt/history.log to -- that would come in handy
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12:53.55S4nD3rSynrG, are you there?
12:54.15S4nD3rcan you help me to solve a problem?
12:54.48biglamababilen: history.log :
12:55.55biglamajelly: sources.list
12:56.20babilenS4nD3r: You've just made sure that nobody else will take a look -- please don't single out helpers
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13:04.54babilenbiglama: I don't see any upgrades in your history
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13:05.37jellylogs got rotated?
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13:05.55jellybiglama: what's the timestamp on current /etc/network/interfaces ?
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13:07.31biglamababilen: the upgrade was the day before yesterday, and i installed some packages yesterday (in the log i sent you)
13:07.50biglamaas i could connect fine yesterday but not today, i guess it's the install from yesterday
13:08.00babilenbiglama: Could you paste the relevant log entries for the time period when /e/n/i got changed?
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13:08.08biglamajelly: i edited this morning, before going to work :/
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13:09.00biglamababilen: for me, it's the log i sent you, from yesterday
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13:10.06edrahnHello. I have haswell CPU, and onboard graphics. However my X windows is still using software for graphics
13:10.21edrahnHow can I get it to use the onboard graphics?
13:10.36xanddisconnect the other video card
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13:11.47jellybiglama: could have been something from before yesterday and the log is rotated monthly
13:12.19jelly/var/log/apt/history.log.1.gz might be interesting as well
13:12.27biglamajelly: i boot the machine each morning, so it would have appeared yesterday i think
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13:14.56edrahnxand: there's only one video card.
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13:15.58biglamajelly: history.log.1 is here
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13:16.31biglamai cannot paste dpkg.log.1, it's too big for
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13:17.48jellybiglama: what did you do "apt-get -f install" for on 2014-04-30?  CONFESS!!
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13:18.18jellythreatens biglama with a cozy pillow
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13:20.21biglamait was for solving a dependancy issue !
13:20.34biglamai just don't remember which one :(
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13:21.10biglamafeels like he's being interrogated
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13:26.12babilentightens the thumbscrews
13:27.08biglamaasks to his lawyer
13:27.12babilenbiglama: Your /var/log/auth.log and root's .bash_history (or history file of your shell) might help you to to determine what you've installed. The output of "aptitude search ~o" might also reveal which package you installed there.
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13:27.35babilenDon't paste those as you might reveal personal information you don't necessarily want to reveal
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13:27.55biglamababilen: unfortunately, i use zsh and history file was not set up
13:28.55biglamaauth.log only tells me i've login as root
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13:30.26babilenbiglama: yay :(
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13:30.42babilenbiglama: What about "aptitude search ~o" ?
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13:31.17biglamababilen: armory, hubic, libmozjs10d, skype:i386
13:31.37biglamai've installed all of them before the 30th, with the possible exception of libmozjs10d
13:31.43babilenbiglama: Or you could grep for "interfaces" and/or "network" in /var/lib/dpkg/info/*
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13:32.55S4nD3rHi. Just a question... is it ok, install bumblebee from backports?
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13:33.34markithi, I want to install apache (for instance) but not have it to start at every reboot. I've used update-rc apache2 remove and is fine, but when the package is update, the rc stuff is there again. Any tip for a definitive solution?
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13:34.47biglamababilen: grepping for "interfaces" yield var/lib/dpkg/info/ifupdown.postinst as an interesting result
13:35.09nkuttlermarkit: hrm... that shouldn't happen. what kind of package update? stable/security?
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13:38.48biglamababilen: thanks for the help anyway, it does not really matter now
13:39.00biglamai was just confused this morning, not having internet
13:39.10babilenbiglama: Well, you should *never* run into this problem
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13:40.19tremonbiglama: did you have an unclean shutdown / had to run fsck? Not that interfaces would be the first file to get corrupted, but hey...
13:40.22markitnkuttler: to be sincere, I did not tried with apache, it happend with postresql that I need only sometime so I removed from autostart, but I noticed it starts again now but too much time and updates have passed
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13:40.37markitnkuttler: so I thought was a rule of the updater
13:40.42biglamababilen: that's why i asked here
13:40.46biglamatremon: not at all
13:41.14biglamababilen: i almost forgot... my grub config file was also rewritten
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13:41.27biglamai had to do an update-grub again
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13:43.22hatchetjackmy net interfaces are not ethX anymore
13:43.28hatchetjackI sad
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13:56.50Twinkletoeshatchetjack: Alias them
13:57.14makubi^hi there, I am building packages again and did set a pre-depends in package B on package A, because in B's debian/config I need to source some scripts from package A. When installing package B, apt-says "Preconfiguring packages ...", "/tmp/B.config.12345: line 123: /usr/share/A/script: No such file or directory". Am I missing something?
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13:57.23hatchetjackTwinkletoes: alias them?
13:57.48themillmakubi^: dependencies aren't unpacked when configure is run
13:57.55makubi^themill: pre-dependency
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13:58.44makubi^themill: sorry, this is why it's a pre-dependency
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13:59.53hatchetjackTwinkletoes: how will that make my nick eth0 instead of em1?
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14:00.39themillmakubi^: I don't believe Pre-Depends gives you any such guarantee. It's pretty unusual to be calling anything of any consequence from the config script though. Are you sure you can't avoid doing so?
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14:01.30somiajthe matainers guide seems to say Pre-Depends shoudl expected to be unpacked, but not configured, so if the package needs to be configured to have the script available....
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14:01.32Twinkletoeshatchetjack: Maybe I've misudnerstood this for years (althugh never needed it) - I thought you could rename network interfaces to anything you liked - or at least give them an arbitrary alias
14:01.58makubi^themill: well, sure I could, but I do specify some methods there that I do use in many other packages
14:02.32themillsomiaj: that's when the postinst is called, not when the config debconf script is run
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14:04.48themillmakubi^: from debconf-devel(7): Note that the config script is run before the package is  unpacked.  It should  only  use  commands  that  are  in essential packages. The only dependency of your package that is guaranteed to be met when its config script is run is a dependency (possibly versioned) on debconf itself.
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14:12.14makubi^themill: well, thank you :\
14:12.19makubi^themill: this is not great news
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14:13.02makubi^themill: I got some methods (or how the term is in bash) that I define there. It would be too much work to maintain them all in every package / script
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14:13.10themillmakubi^: as I said though, the config script should be really really uncomplicated. (So should the other maintainer scripts... the best maintainer scripts are no maintainer scripts)
14:13.26makubi^themill: but I think this is what #DEBHELPER# is for. right?
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14:14.10makubi^themill: well, I have to enter #DEBHELPER# at the end of each maintainer script
14:14.20themillnot in the config script
14:14.21makubi^themill: thought this may be some kind of "marker" to insert code there
14:14.25makubi^themill: yeah right
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14:15.00addaitechany idea what would cause youtube videos to suddenly stop loading?
14:15.02themillyes, it's a marker for additional stuff debhelper can insert for you during the package build. It's even better if you don't have any maintainer script at all though
14:15.10addaitechworked fine until like 3 days ago
14:15.10makubi^themill: well, it's stuff like reading input via debconf and writing it to a config file
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14:16.04makubi^themill: so this script is kind of short
14:16.32themillmakubi^: you wouldn't normally be writing to the configuration file in the config script -- that's normally done in the postinst.
14:16.58makubi^themill: yeah right, in postinst, I can access these scripts
14:17.04makubi^themill: and I do so, no worries :)
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14:17.15makubi^themill: config = reading, postinst = writing in my case
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14:17.28themillyes, that's normal
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14:18.14makubi^themill: yeah, so I could write a script that inserts these  methods in my config script during build... but this does not seem to be nice
14:19.13makubi^themill: or wget that file to a location to source it later, but this seems even more hacky
14:19.17themillwhat are you doing that reading in a couple of variables is complicated?
14:19.45makubi^themill: it's not, but I try to generalize things
14:19.57makubi^themill: and let code being as short as possible
14:20.04themillreading in the variable is normally one line of sed.
14:20.14makubi^themill: you mean db_get
14:20.22makubi^themill: sorry, I am doing two things
14:20.27themillno, loading the existing value
14:20.44makubi^reading (old) values of config files (= loading existing values) and then asking the user for input (for newly ones)
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14:22.10makubi^themill: currently these are two lines: set_all_debconf_from_conf_file $CONF_FILE $DEBCONF_KEYS and read_input_to_debconf $DEBCONF_KEYS $PRIORITY
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14:23.01themilldon't over-engineer these things... no-one will thank you for 37 quick debconf questions prior to installing the package
14:23.34makubi^themill: I know and I don't do this, but I think of re-using these scripts for other packages
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14:24.01themillwhen it's two lines per variable, it's hardly worthwhile
14:24.03makubi^themill: and not having to c&p so much or maintain all scripts when I change the behaviour of it
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14:25.29makubi^themill: if I am adding a new debconf variable, I have to do that in exactly one place (the array)
14:25.38makubi^this is how I like the code to be
14:26.11makubi^themill: I think it would get confusing if I don't
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14:28.07makubi^themill: don't you agree?
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14:29.13themillno. If you're trying to manage complexity in maintainer scripts, your maintainer scripts are too complex
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14:30.47makubi^themill: what's complex about parsing config files and reading input from user? I don't think it is, but scalability is very important imo
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14:31.27themillno, scalability is not a good thing here
14:31.57themilland as you say, it's not complex... it doesn't need script libraries to do it. It's only one line to begin with
14:33.18makubi^themill: well, but I think this is the reason for debconf/confmodule, to not write that much code to read user input.
14:33.53makubi^themill: yeah, I think this would be ok, but I really don't know how to maintain the config-scripts on multiple packages
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14:34.07themillthere should be nothing to maintain
14:34.17makubi^themill: well isn't it? I thought that are helper scripts from debconf
14:34.35themillI have no idea what you mean
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14:35.16makubi^themill: nvm :) well, so I rly may have overengineered it
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14:36.41makubi^themill: but I still think these are reusable things and this is the reason why I extracted it (= read config values / input, etc.)
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14:36.43themillbugs in maintainer scripts are really hard to deal with. They're difficult for the user to work around and they're difficult to fix in the next upload. Keep it simple
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14:38.29KZKG^GaaraHey guys, greetings
14:38.30makubi^themill: alright. It may also be a problem for me because I just started building packages and was kind of confused with all the scripts --> thought I just generalize as much as possible
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14:38.45KZKG^GaaraI need to install php5-json and give PHP5 support for JSON, but the package php5-json is virtual. What should I do?
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14:40.20KZKG^GaaraSorry for my english, its not my primary language
14:42.04themillKZKG^Gaara: which release of debian is this?
14:42.07makubi^themill: well, gonna have to think about it if it really won't increase the maintainance here. I really do believe you that it won't and is best practice, just have to have some thoughts about it. thank you very much, again :)
14:42.38themillno worries, have fun
14:42.40KZKG^Gaarathemill: Im using Debian Wheezy, Stable
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14:43.28themillKZKG^Gaara: php5-json is part of php itself in wheezy
14:44.02KZKG^Gaarafind /etc/apache2/ -iname *json* .... empty, nothing
14:44.33KZKG^GaaraOf course, I cant find the .load file of json in /etc/apache2/mods-available/
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14:44.57_bootif it's a php module wouldn't it just be loaded somewhere in php.ini or something?
14:45.47KZKG^Gaara_boot:  find /etc/ -iname *json* ... empty again
14:46.08_bootwell yeah if it's something in php.ini find isn't going to find it
14:46.21themillor if it's compiled in
14:47.00Touhou11Use grep instead
14:47.08KZKG^GaaraThere is nothing declared in /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini related to json
14:47.32petn-randallKZKG^Gaara: If mod_php is activated, it should work out of the box, as themill said.
14:47.35_boothave you tried just using json stuff in php anyway?
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14:47.57petn-randallKZKG^Gaara: If "it doesn't work", you should describe how you come to that conclusion.
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14:48.49KZKG^Gaara_boot: Yes, Im trying to use this:
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14:49.19KZKG^Gaara_boot: The IP info and speed works fine, but the other info dont
14:49.26_bootany error messages?
14:49.57ChrisHKZKG^Gaara: How many servers do you want to monitor?
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14:51.23KZKG^GaaraChrisH: Just one
14:51.37KZKG^Gaara_boot: In the HTML none, let me check the logs
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14:53.40KZKG^Gaara_boot: Nothing 0_oU
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14:59.09cnzI just ran aptitude update and it says 785 new [+479] but when I run aptitude upgrade/dist-upgrade it says there's nothing to be upgraded
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15:01.15KZKG^Gaaracnz: aptitude safe-upgrade AND ... OR ... aptitude full-upgrade
15:01.27KZKG^Gaaracnz: man aptitude
15:01.28cnzaahh ok
15:01.39petn-randallupdate != upgrade
15:01.57themillcnz: new packages ≠ packages that need upgrading
15:02.04KZKG^Gaaracnz: Este es el canal en inglés, el de español es #debian-es ;)
15:02.13cnzKZKG^Gaara: huh?
15:02.26KZKG^Gaaracnz: My mistake :)
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15:02.36cnzI don't speak that dirty language
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15:02.50cnzpetn-randall: I know update != upgrade re-read what I said
15:02.52KZKG^Gaaracnz: HAHAHAHAHA
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15:05.28roeljIs gnupg in debian compiled with smartcard support?
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15:07.38hunternet93How could I install a reasonably-modern Debian on a very old laptop with no CD or USB but only floppy?
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15:12.46frostschutzhunternet93, how much ram does it have?
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15:13.56hunternet93frostschutz: it'll have 32mb when i get the new DIMM
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15:14.13hunternet93maybe i could boot from DSL and debootstrap?
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15:16.26frostschutzhunternet93, you could donate it to a museum and get a used netbook instead ;) debootstrap will probably run out of memory; it failed on a 64MB VPS I used a few years back (while generating locale)
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15:17.03nonconvergentHuh, trying to mount a NFS, and it's just hanging.
15:17.06frostschutzhunternet93, if it can't boot network, your remaining option is to take out the disk, hook it up to another machine...
15:17.20nonconvergent'sudo mount 192.168.33:167:/working workingTest'
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15:17.30nonconvergentJust hangs there after the password prompt
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15:18.10hunternet93frostschutz: i have an EEE already, i was thinking about installing just for kicks
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15:20.19nonconvergentIs there any kind of verbosity for mount?
15:20.43frostschutznonconvergent, well... kind of... there is strace
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15:20.59frostschutzand dmesg if it hangs in the kernel world
15:21.11frostschutzand tcpdump for the network
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15:30.56timo1teoI have a question about NTP. Why does it have a min/max polling rate? Why isn't it a static rate? When I type ntpq -p and I see a pollling rate of 1024 does that indicate the current polling rate or just the max?
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15:32.27arminhi, i'm trying to automount usb stick drives writable for a user when plugging in under debian testing. i'm using xfce and thunar. right now i see the usb stick along with the correct device identifier string in thunar, but i cannot write to it as a normal user. any hint why so? when trying to eject the drive i get a message ""polkit authority not available and caller is not uid 0" -- thanks.
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15:33.41oozboozhi, looking for documents on how to join debian 6.09 or 7.2 to freeIPA domain, or at least make ssh works with LDAP and KRB
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15:40.24kisakhello, is there an easy way to get a newer patch version of samba 3.6 (3.6.7 or newer?) on wheezy
15:41.23kisakI have a server box which appears to be affected by
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15:48.35jelly-home,v samba
15:48.36juddPackage: samba on i386 -- squeeze: 2:3.5.6~dfsg-3squeeze11; squeeze-security: 2:3.5.6~dfsg-3squeeze11; squeeze-backports: 2:3.6.6-6+deb7u2~bpo60+1; wheezy-security: 2:3.6.6-6+deb7u2; wheezy: 2:3.6.6-6+deb7u3; wheezy-backports: 2:4.1.6+dfsg-1~bpo70+1; jessie: 2:4.1.7+dfsg-2; sid: 2:4.1.7+dfsg-2
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15:50.19jelly-homekisak: unless you're willing to try samba4 from wheezy-backports, it probably makes sense to create a bug report and ask for a fix for next wheezy point release
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15:52.49dpkgreportbug is used to submit bugs to the Debian <BTS>.  Install reportbug, then run reportbug.  Or on the web,, or see for some general information about using reportbug and/or for <debian-installer> bug reporting.  Also ask me about <report-bugs>.
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15:53.02kisakjelly-home: I wanted to stay on the 3.6 branch
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16:05.10kisakI'm not particularly experienced with apt, is there a per-package change log or list of patches so I can check and try to avoid posting an issue report if there's a fix alreay applied related to this case?
16:05.37kisakI suppose I'm supposed to grab the .deb and start disecting
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16:05.53ChrisHtimo1teo: both. 1024 is the longestest poll rate possible. It simply says NTPd knows enough about your HWclock to predict it for a long time.
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16:08.49yangI am wondering how to setup /etc/network/interfaces entry with the Wi-Fi setting of "iwconfig <interface> enc off" ?
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16:11.45jelly-homekisak: "aptitude changelog samba" or browse or
16:12.25jelly-homekisak: if it's already installed, there will always be a changelog.Debian.gz inside /usr/share/doc/packagename/
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16:21.57wafthreI am looking for an option in aptitude to remove all packages which are not installed, like autoclean, but which removes all older versions of packages in the cache
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16:26.32ctmjrdpkg: tell wafthre about  deborphan
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16:30.24kisakjelly-home: and there's debian's bug report:
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16:31.21jelly-homekisak: might be worth pinging it again to ask for a point release inclusion
16:32.03kisakthat's firing an email at bugnumber@b.d.o?
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16:37.27wafthrectmjr: no, I want to remove old versions of packages; not orphaned packages
16:37.43AnimalFarmPigI should probably upgrade my Sid install a bit more frequently. "1222 packages upgraded, 127 newly installed, 46 to remove and 155 not upgraded. Need to get 1,177 MB of archives. After unpacking 331 MB will be used."
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16:40.24peterrooneywafthre: and how is autoclean not satisfying that?
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16:41.12babilenAnimalFarmPig: *much* more frequently
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16:42.13AnimalFarmPigbabilen, wanted to install a package earlier (mutter) and aptitude decided best way to install it would be to uninstall the rest of the system. Figured it was time to get more recent packages.
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16:45.15wafthrewhy doesn't "aptitude autoclean" remove xul-ext-noscript , although is present?
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16:46.30kisakjelly-home: email sent, I should expect a 30 day timeout before doing any other unsolicitated action?
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16:47.08peterrooneywafthre: I could not say, but I would also try apt-get --recon autoclean # | grep xul-ext-noscript
16:48.07jelly-homekisak: something like that, yes.  If you're able to cherry pick the exact patch and apply it to 3.6.6, you can try a local rebuild yourself: /msg dpkg package rebuild
16:48.12peterrooneywafthre: apt-get and aptitude sometimes have different behaviours in dependancy resolution, so why not removal resolution?
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16:48.38jelly-homekisak: confirming that works would make maintainer's part easier
16:49.02peterrooneys/dependancy/dependency/ # ouch
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16:49.52wafthrepeterrooney: "apt-get --recon autoclean # | grep xul-ext-noscript" removes nothing (did aptitude autoclean before). What is the purpose of the hash sign `#'?
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16:50.36kisakjelly-home: yes, the patches are accessible and I would like to try to put it on the server
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16:57.27peterrooneywafthre: in a shell, it's a comment - everything after it is not executed.  if apt-get had had a lot of output, removing the hash mark would have limited it to only showing you actions on that particular package.
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16:58.30fishcookerhow to handle frequently segmentation fault on debian box
16:59.10tremonjust a thought: replace the box
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17:01.10pengwynthere we go
17:01.18pengwynmucho better
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17:01.36pengwynservers are hanging or something
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17:04.03fishcookeric tremon, i think it would do the best
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17:04.12fishcookerbut why?
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17:04.19fishcookerthe box is not good enough?
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17:05.57fishcookerthis is my log after #apt-get -f install
17:06.01tremonwell, "frequent segfaults" can be because of software or hardware errors. If it's software, you need to isolate the failing packages, debug the issues and replace the packages
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17:06.36tremonif it's hardware, you need to swap out parts to identify the failing components and replace them
17:06.49fishcooker90% happen when i try doing apt-get thing
17:07.02fishcookerhow to know the failing components
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17:07.39tremoneither way, it's a lot of work
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17:08.12AnimalFarmPigis apt vs aptitude a "vi vs emacs" kind of question?
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17:08.51woshtyMore like vi vs vim imho
17:09.03babilenAnimalFarmPig: Not at all, both are useful and you will need them both (along with additional resolvers for apt-get (cudf, packup))
17:09.24tremonfishcooker: if a process segfaults, it can leave behind a core dump. You can load the core dump with gdb to see where exactly it failed
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17:10.06babilenAnimalFarmPig: I tend to use apt-get (or not apt) for my day to day admin tasks and aptitude if I need some of its special features (search mostly) or want to see how its solution differs from the one apt-get had come up with
17:10.13tremonfishcooker: but judging from your backtrace, you have errors in both libapt and libstdc++. To me that indicates memory or disk corruption
17:10.21babilenfishcooker: Also: Which version of Debian are you tracking?
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17:10.55AnimalFarmPigbabilen, seems like they do dependency resolution differently. Is one generally preferably to the other in terms of not breaking things when installing, upgrading, and removing packages?
17:11.14AnimalFarmPigI normally use aptitude, just from habit I guess
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17:22.17fishcookeri think it is about the memory because this ssd intel
17:22.34fishcookerits wheezy
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17:24.27fishcookeri mean the ssd intel hardisk .. i think its about the memory
17:25.04tremonfishcooker: you could install memtest86 and let it run overnight
17:25.18kisakyay for a clean apply of the patch on the first attempt and compiling on debian for the first time
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17:33.46weakteawhat's the easiest way to have automated, incremental, FULL system backups that save to an external or network drive. Something like an image or series of files I can use to go from a formatted hard drive back to the full OS on the backup image very easily?
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17:35.59frostschutzweaktea, how do you define easy? a one click solution? something you can bash-script yourself and then forget about? DAR is quite nice for the latter...
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17:36.43weakteafrostschutz: I guess a bash script and a cron job is fine, so long as the program sets all that itself.. I'll check it out thank you
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17:37.56weakteafrostschutz: seems like it just creates an archive, say I have that archive somewhere, build a new machine. would I just extract everything from that archive to / ? or is it more involved?
17:39.00frostschutzit has incremental archives and a catalog/manager frontend... oh well, it's complicated after all.
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17:58.58omgwtfcan anyone assist me with an apache issue? I can't log in :p
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17:59.23omgwtfI enabled auth_digest
17:59.29omgwtfscgi, created passwords
17:59.37omgwtfbut it seems it doesn't want to authenticate
17:59.45edrahnHow can I get non-fallback mode in gnome3, with my haswell intel video?
17:59.51happytuxhi again
18:00.00happytuxCan I also specify a target directory for apt-get source?
18:00.17happytuxIt downloads into current directory, I want it to download into another directory.
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18:12.28oozboozwhen installing sssd in the first time, system prompts you for KRB domain and other info... is there a way to restart this process to generate /etc/sssd/sssd.conf ?
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18:14.31ioudasdoes anyone know any < 200 mini itx computers that are well supported on debian?
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18:15.47frostschutzoozbooz, dpkg-reconfigure sssd? apt-get purge, rm, apt-get install sssd?
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18:19.08oozboozdpkg-reconfigure did work for me...
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18:29.43theTroyCould someone suggest a way to run a shell script (I basically just need to move a file) as EARLY as possible on start-up? Essentially as soon as the /boot/ partition is mounted, I need to run the move file command.
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18:30.13ioudasrc.local work for you?
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18:30.46theTroyrc.local works, but I understand there are other processes that run between rl.local and fsmount
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18:31.19ioudasmaybe this may help
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18:41.26edrahnWhat file does X run in the users home directory every time it starts?
18:42.10dondelelcaroedrahn: X doesn't run anything, but normally whatever starts X will also run .Xsession (or .Xinitrc IIRC)
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18:43.01SynrGsee xinit man page.
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18:43.30SynrGand Xsession man page
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18:43.54SynrGit entirely depends, though. you can start X and not run either
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18:56.50hanibanahi, I have run a benchmark app which opened around 40,000 udp connections. Now, I cann't open any UDP connection. For example, DNS does not work (dig works with +tcp option). What's the limit for UDP connections? I'm using Wheezy.
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19:01.37DammitJimI"m trying to mount a windows share (I was connected to it this morning)
19:01.45DammitJimI did an: sudo umount -a
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19:01.52DammitJimdf doesn't show the moujnt
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19:01.55andreipmbcnHello. After installing the most recent updates to Debian, I can't see Windows anymore on Grub, though I can mount the partition that contains Windows.
19:02.01DammitJimwhen I try to mount it, it doesn't return :(
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19:02.10DammitJimwhat tools can I use to figure out what the heck is going on?
19:02.45andreipmbcnI am wondering if the latest updates had something to do with it and whether I can fix the situation. I know next to nothing about grub and dual booting.
19:03.28R3V0LTi know a tad about grub and dual booting, what was the question so i can see if i can help
19:03.49MrFroodandreipmbcn: do you have the "os-prober" package installed?
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19:04.08andreipmbcnR3VOLT "Hello. After installing the most recent updates to Debian, I can't see Windows anymore on Grub, though I can mount the partition that contains Windows."
19:04.14andreipmbcnMrFrood, I'll check right now.
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19:05.09andreipmbcnMrFrood, "aptitude search" states that it's installed.
19:05.16R3V0LTtry this
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19:05.46R3V0LTfirst mount your windows partition in Ubuntu.
19:05.47R3V0LTthen run this in terminal:
19:05.47R3V0LTsudo update-grub
19:05.47R3V0LTnow restart.
19:05.47*** kick/#debian [R3V0LT!~debhelper@unaffiliated/debhelper] by debhelper (flood. Please use instead.)
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19:06.35andreipmbcnR3VOLT, thanks. I'll do that.
19:06.56R3V0LTkicked me for not using the pastebin xD
19:07.23FlowRiserR3V0LT, yeah, you should use less lines for your messages :p
19:07.41R3V0LTi should lol
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19:08.35andreipmbcnWell, update-grub said it found them, so I'll restart and see if it works.
19:08.47andreipmbcn*found the windows partitions, that is.
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19:09.14ScottEhanibana: you may have hit the ephemeral port limit, which by default is just over 28K ports. See the ip_local_port_range sysctl.
19:09.16MrFroodR3V0LT: it kicked you for using the enter key as punctuation
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19:10.36R3V0LTit said i flooded the chat
19:10.46R3V0LTi pasted something  in, ctrl+enter
19:10.50R3V0LTbooom kicked
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19:11.21hanibanaScottE: yes thank you. Does hitting these limits logged somewhere? /var/log/messages or somewhere else?
19:11.34MrFroodR3V0LT: something with lost of enter keys
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19:11.52andreipmbcnR3VOLT, MrFrood, update-grub worked. Thanks again!
19:13.18ScottEhanibana: not logged that I know of, but you can use netstat or ss and count them up. The table is per interface, but I'm not sure if it's also per-protocol. Still, you should be able to see if anything is coming close to the limit.
19:14.14ScottEhanibana: Also, you can modify that sysctl and increase the range (to 10000-65535 or even 1024-65535), but first I'd see if that's the limit you are hitting
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19:19.26theTroyCould someone suggest a way to disable UWF firewall without running uwf disable? I have file level access to the OS, but I can't ssh into it to run terminal commands
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19:22.25babilentheTroy: Create a cron job that runs that command and place it in /etc/cron* (whatever suits your needs)
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19:25.46hanibanaScottE: seems like it's the root of problem. I'll change that ip_local_port_range setting and test again, which takes a couple of hours. I appreciate your help, thank you :)
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19:31.24jpbash23Good afternoon, anybody knows how to execute an order with "at" without create an file
19:31.46jpbash23a file
19:31.52cybrNautjbraeg: you don't need a file
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19:32.21cybrNautjbraeg: for example ==>  at now +30 min <<< xclock
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19:33.35jpbash23cybrNaut: I see, thanks!
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19:36.05klrr_how do i check the heat of my cpu ?
19:36.09jpbash23cybrNaut: it works! thanks man! good bye!
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19:39.49klrr_nvm found it
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19:41.30cybrNautklrr_: was it in /proc/acpi/ibm/thermal?
19:42.26klrr_cybrNaut: no, i used xsensor utility, that file dont exist on my computer
19:43.19cybrNautklrr_: well you probably have a similar file in the /proc filesystem that xsensor is grabbing from
19:43.33klrr_yeah probably
19:43.35cybrNauta lot of utilities get their raw data from /proc
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19:44.02klrr_i tried check there with find but didnt find anything, but somewhere it is (just with a name i dont know)
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19:51.04ixiohiya, how can I see the size of a directory ?
19:51.27nkuttlerixio: du
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19:53.49nfisherhi all! can anyone recommend a good cloud backup service?
19:53.50zykotick9ixio: i'm a fan of using "du -sh /path" or the ncdu program
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19:55.08ixionfisher: for personal / business use ?
19:55.44nfisherixio, personal
19:56.06zykotick9nfisher: ubuntuone... oh wait ;)
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19:56.33ixionot sure about personal, but you could dump stuff into a mounted amazon s3 bucket?
19:56.55nfisherixio, hmm..
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19:57.37ixioyou can mount a s3 bucket using s3fs or something I think its called
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19:58.07mdimhi all! Does the Debian kernel come with qxl enabled?
20:00.26zykotick9mdim: you might want to check /boot/config-foo - but i don't see a qxl?  at least my grep -i doesn't ;)
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20:00.52mingtsayhello, do you think force HTTPS good or bad?
20:01.30BenNZmdim: i get # CONFIG_DRM_QXL is not set for kernel 3.13-1-486
20:01.57zykotick9mingtsay: that's kinda offtopic here, ##networking or is it #networking?  but SSL does prevent man-on-the-side attacks...
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20:03.10mdimBenNZ: I have the default 3.2 kernel (Wheezy) and no mention of qxl in /boot/config-3.2.0-4-amd64
20:03.26mingtsayzykotick9: oh, thanks
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20:03.54mdimzykotick9: does that mean I'd have to compile the kernel myself to have qxl enabled? Where can I find the kernel source code that Debian uses?
20:04.18zykotick9mdim: sorry i have no idea what qxl is... so i have no clue.  best of luck.
20:05.07mingtsay!tell mdim debian-kernel
20:05.09mdimzykotick9: it's a display driver (-related)
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20:06.09mdimI was just thinking if I could smoothly play 1080p video in a virtual machine based on KVM, and some folks at #kvm have pointed out it works well with qxl
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20:06.53BenNZmdim: sounds like you might need to , but id suggest a later kernel , one that has qxl_drm not set , this maybe useful
20:06.54zykotick9mdim: i've never had accelerated video under KVM, so I hope you get it working!
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20:07.48mdimBenNZ: thanks!
20:09.50mdimI'm gonna install linux-image-amd64 from backports and see if it includes qxl
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20:19.04edrahnHow can I get non-fallback mode in gnome3, with my haswell intel video?
20:19.24edrahnIt works in ubuntu, but not debian :(
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20:22.58mdimzykotick9: neither does the latest linux-image-3.13-0.bpo.1-amd64 version include qxl
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20:23.15EO_How can I request that Debian start packaging a piece of software?
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20:24.33zykotick9!tell EO_ about rfp
20:24.57zykotick9mdim: you may have to compile your own kernel then... best of luck.
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20:53.07Voyagehow to change /etc/resolve.conf
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20:58.06nkuttlerVoyage: edit it? how is your network set up, static ip, dhcp, etc?
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20:58.16frostschutzVoyage, it's resolv.conf without e
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20:58.24nkuttleroh, yeah
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20:59.56Voyagenkuttler,  my ip is static
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21:00.17Voyagefrostschutz,  ya, typo
21:01.10fr33_lasagna2can you use raspberry pi to make an apachge web server?
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21:04.41teraflopsfr33_lasagna: why not?
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21:27.17joelmohi, i am trying to make a init d config for this program: can i see what happens when i try to launch this service, i used a skeleton template but it isnt starting
21:27.32joelmoinit-chkconf says the conf script is ok
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21:40.06AndroUserEst ce qu il y a des français ?
21:40.15qwyethUn peu
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21:40.41SynrGthe language here is English, though
21:40.44dpkgPour l'aide en francais, veuillez rejoindre le canal #debian-fr.  Francophone users: for help in french, please go to #debian-fr.
21:40.49AndroUserJ ai un soucis sur ma debian
21:41.08AndroUserJ ai voulu installer un pilote ati radeon non officiel
21:41.18_2_ElyHGCiao !!!
21:41.24nkuttlerAndroUser: #debian-fr
21:41.26SynrGAndroUser: English only, here, please. see #debian-fr
21:41.30AndroUserEt impossible de retourner en mode grapgique
21:41.56nkuttlerAndroUser: les ops vont t'enlever d'ici si tu ne parles pas anglais..
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21:43.49_2_ElyHGJe ne parle pas bien l`Engais
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21:44.38nkuttler_2_ElyHG: french neither.. do you have a debian question we can help you with?
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21:46.18qwyethwow I feel like an ass.  I respond to one greeting in french, and look what happens.
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21:52.10ebfullupgraded to sid, now some unicode characters (particularly korean characters) show as boxes with their 16bit hex values
21:52.14ebfullis there a package i need
21:53.17SynrGfor testing/unstable support, see #debian-next @
21:54.00SynrGand ... probably, yes.
21:55.27SynrGyebfull: read carefully: #debian-next @
21:55.47SynrGythis is freenode.
21:55.53_2_ElyHGgo to #ELISA and right,please!!;)
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21:56.40ebfulloops, anyway fonts-unfonts-extra helped
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21:57.27SynrGyebfull: great. and for future reference, some of us *are* over there and willing to help. wasn't just trying to get rid of you :)
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22:02.07portonI have replaced /etc directory with /etc directory from an other server. After this ssh root@XXX hangs without any messages. What I've done wrong?
22:02.31portonport 22: Connection timed out
22:03.01*** join/#debian vedranm (~vedranm@
22:03.12SynrGall of the users and groups are replaced with ones that have been assigned in a different order now
22:03.24SynrGso nothing is owned by the users/groups that actually exist on the system
22:03.27vedranmhey guys, anyone using NVIDIA CUDA under jessie?
22:03.28portonSynrG: And what to do?
22:03.39SynrGrestore the original /etc from backup
22:03.55vedranmI'm trying PyCUDA on 331.67 and I get pycuda._driver.Error: cuInit failed: unknown
22:03.56zykotick9porton: allowing root to ssh, is probably a bad idea, gives attackers a known account...
22:04.03vedranmdidn't happen previously
22:04.09SynrGor at least /etc/passwd, group, shadow, gshadow
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22:06.26portonWhat is the easy way to copy all users/groups (with their passwords) from one server to an other?
22:06.34SynrGcertainly not that way
22:06.39*** join/#debian fmost (~daniele@unaffiliated/fmost)
22:06.57SynrGyou need to focus on the subset of those specific files i mentioned that are for users.
22:07.03SynrGthat is, uid & gid 1000 and up
22:07.39fmosti plan to make an install of debian testing with mate, and since there are no cd for it i was thinking of going netinstall+apt-get what i need
22:07.47SynrGporton: maintainer scripts of debian packages automatically allocate new uids and gids as needed ...
22:07.58*** join/#debian sobkas (~sobkas@
22:08.01fmostis there any difference compared to installing a regular cd?
22:08.03SynrGso which numbers are assigned depend on in what order packages were installed/removed/etc.
22:08.07fmosti mean configuration wise
22:08.23fmosti would really like to avoid touching xorg's config for example
22:09.35SynrGif the only reason you're running testing is to use mate, that's probably not a good reason :/
22:09.56fmosti really miss the gnome2 look and feel
22:10.08fmostbut i need a lot of recent libraries
22:10.14SynrGwait until mate support in jessie is finished, and released.
22:10.18fmostfor my experiments
22:10.19SynrGit's nowhere near there yet.
22:10.33SynrGuse an alternative desktop, like xfce4, lxde, kde
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22:10.45fmosti have a vm running it, and it seemed to work well, but i did not test it extensively
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22:11.10SynrGi can't see how. only a tiny fraction of mate is already in jessie.
22:11.29fmostfor the mate installation part i planned to add mate's repos
22:11.38SynrGwell, we don't support that at all.
22:11.41fmosti know
22:11.50fmostmy main question is just if there is any difference
22:12.01SynrGdifference between what and what?
22:12.02fmostbetween a netinstall + getting more packages
22:12.10*** join/#debian Aristide (~quassel@2a01:e35:2eb9:64b0:c105:762b:7ab0:9578)
22:12.10fmostand a full install from a gnome cd
22:12.14fmostexcept for the DE
22:12.54fmostfor example setting up cron, xorg and many other daemons
22:12.58SynrGno. whether you install from CD or netinstall, if you make the same package selection (i.e. deselect the desktop and just install standard), you end up with the same end result
22:13.38fmostok thanks
22:13.45fmosti will try it for a while and see
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22:14.01fmostif it does not work too well i guess i'll have to look into xfce
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22:14.45fmostor gnome3's fallback
22:14.45fhdrinlxde is nice too
22:15.35zykotick9fmost: if gnome2 is your biggest priority, you could install squeeze.  just sayin'.  but IMO, living in the past isn't the greatest idea.
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22:16.25SynrGwhile i support the sentiment behind that, that's terrible advice
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22:16.41fmosti have several squeeze boxes
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22:16.50fhdrinlol, nothing wrong with gnome3, but you really can't blame people for sticking with gtk2
22:16.51fmostbut i'm having more and more problems
22:17.04zykotick9SynrG: is gnome2 included in the LTS version of squeeze?  i'm assuming it is... <- you know what happens when you assume something ;)
22:17.06fmostlibconfig8 broke the camel's back
22:17.19SynrGzykotick9: LTS isn't "magic"
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22:17.37SynrGzykotick9: it doesn't make old, crappy software not-old, and not-crappy :p
22:17.43fhdrinmate desktop is trying to pickup where gtk2 left off
22:17.55zykotick9SynrG: on that, we certainly agree.
22:18.10fhdrinthis isn't the greatest debate, but can suck us all in
22:18.32SynrGyes, #d-ot
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22:19.58SynrGfmost: anyway, don't undervalue stability, and don't undervalue mainstream support.
22:20.14*** join/#debian jaami (~jaami@
22:20.22SynrGfmost: "but i'm having more and more problems". well, with testing, that would certainly not decrease.
22:20.32SynrGfmost: and testing + unsupported software is an even worse idea.
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22:21.49silverf0xhow i can go from stable to testing?
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22:22.26portonI've copied /etc/passwd, group, shadow, gshadow from my backup, but I cannot SSH either. What else is wrong?
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22:22.40stefancthi, i am looking for a new packager for 'flashrom'.
22:22.45stefanctUwe (current maintainer) obviously does not have time to continue maintaining it (we have asked him many times in the last year to fetch the new upstream release).
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22:25.09fmostSynrG, i do value stability, most of my boxes i did not even bother to switch from oldstable to stable
22:25.42fmostbut i wanted to try it out for a bunch of reason
22:25.55fmostrolling release would be nice (no more reinstall every two years)
22:26.01SynrGit's not a rolling release.
22:26.12fmostthen i read wrong maybe
22:26.22fmostit should freeze until release of a new stable
22:26.32fmostand then switch to new packages again
22:26.36dpkgTesting is not a rolling release in the strict sense of the word.  It is a test platform, currently codenamed <jessie>.  It is part of the Debian development process and is gradually being built into the next <stable>.  Please go to #debian-next on for support.  See <moving target>.
22:26.38fmostuntil the next freeze
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22:27.08SynrGso, if you still think you want testing, go to the right channel. but you seem to have misconceptions about what it actually is.
22:27.21fmostyes, the target jessie will freeze, but the target testing should switch to debian 9 right?
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22:28.15fmostoh sorry
22:28.35fmostlast time i read the faq of the channel i was not looking for testing, and this time i did not reread the topic again
22:28.37SynrGi'm there and happy to continue the conversation there ...
22:28.41fmosti'll switch channel
22:28.47fmostthanks for the help here
22:28.56SynrGremember, it's on, not freenode.
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22:32.22portonI have copied passwd, group, shadow, gshadow from my backup, but when I load my server, I can't login to SSH again. What else is done wrong?
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22:34.09portonI remind that I've copied /etc directory from an old server and now can't SSH to the new server
22:34.43Fanthomas90Is there a way to delay an ordinary init script to wait until a nfs mount is available?
22:35.02Fanthomas90would something like autofs help here?
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22:41.46wols_!tell Fanthomas90 about lsb tags
22:41.54wols_Fanthomas90: I dunno if there is a tag for NFS however
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22:43.40Guest96048I'm on a box that loads node.js on startup, but I can't see how it is done.
22:43.54Guest96048I don't know debian well enough to figure it out
22:44.14Guest96048it isn't use a script in /etc/init.d
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22:54.45portonThere were some wrong network configs. I fixed the error using `diff -aut /etc.OLD/ /etc/`
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23:04.08Fanthomas90wols_: Out of curiosity I just tried to setup autofs and it does exactly what I want. It's obviously a bit overkill, but it works just fine...
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23:06.29dreaserHi, i try to "wake on lan " my pc but the led are still off, I switch on the option on my bios, and wake on : g
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23:45.54kingsleyCan anyone do this?
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