IRC log for #debian on 20140222

00:00.03*** join/#debian shengyao (shengyao@2400:8900::f03c:91ff:fedb:b2e4)
00:01.15tremonm09: yes, try again tomorrow. Alternatively, you could try adding unstable to your sources.list, apt-get update and apt-get -s install wine:i386 (note the -s, simulate). At least that should tell you if the problem can be resolved by waiting
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00:01.34m09I'll do that, thanks :)
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00:02.09tremondon't forget to remove unstable before you run apt-get upgrade again. Or, add apt::default-release "jessie" to your apt.conf.d
00:02.24m09I'll remove it just after the test yep
00:03.35Eduard_Munteanujohnfg: apt-cache policy pkg   does it, IIRC
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00:04.40tremonsomewhat. apt-cache policy only shows what's in the local apt cache. If you don't have testing in your sources.list (and you shouldn't, if running stable) it won't show up
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00:05.16johnfgtremon: thanks!
00:05.33mrdebhey guys when is 7.5 point release going to hapen
00:07.53tremonmrdeb: take a look at and make your best guess
00:08.13mrdebwhat guess
00:08.17mrdebit should be set in stone
00:08.22tremonit isn't
00:08.38mrdebso april is that it
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00:08.48tremonprobably. Or May
00:08.59mrdebhow long is debian 6 going to go on
00:09.40tremonprobably until the end of May. I don't know if an EOL date has been set yet
00:09.45klysa better question might be, what percentage of debian 6 has been updated
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00:10.10Nik05klys updated to what?
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00:10.21Arrowmasterwhen debian 7 is one year old then debian 6 is EOL
00:10.24klysnewer than debian lenny
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00:10.46mrdebwhat aobut debian8
00:10.50mrdebwhen will that be out
00:11.00Nik05after the freeze
00:11.14klysall the gtk packages between 7 and 8 are same version
00:11.17centrxIt will become warm, then it will become cold, then it will become warm again
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00:13.11tremonmrdeb: judging from past releases, wheezy will be EOL exactly one year after wheezy's release. So, that would be 2014-05-04 (yyyy-mm-dd)
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00:13.24tremonerr, squeeze will be EOL obviously
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00:14.26mrdebso it is probably not good to install squeeze now
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00:16.10johnfgWhen I get this error msg, when going to backport php5:
00:16.16johnfgE: Build-Depends dependency for php5 cannot be satisfied because the package apache2-dev cannot be found.
00:16.41MACscrhmm, why is my modprobe not working on boot?
00:16.45johnfgDoes that mean I need to backport apache2-dev, or I can just install it from wheezy?
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00:18.05johnfgAnd is it better to do the backport myself vs. installing from sid or jessie (per the DebianUnstable page)?
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00:18.46tremonjohnfg: for wheezy, you need either apache2-prefork-dev or apache2-threaded-dev. Don't know which one though
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00:19.11tremonprobably the one corresponding to the apache mpm style you're running now
00:19.36tremonit's definitely better to do the backport yourself
00:19.38brianjaodanyone here used fbi in a programtic way to send image to the frame buffer?  using system() in my C code, I'm trying to use it but I don't see a way to change the image in code, only through manual keyboard commands.
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00:21.27tremonjohnfg: after installing either of those, you probably need to edit the debian/control file to reflect the changed dependency, or dpkg-buildpackage will keep complaining
00:22.30johnfgtremon: I've done a number of backports before, so that shouldn't be a problem.
00:22.48tremongood. just making sure :)
00:23.12tremongtg now. best of luck
00:23.13johnfgAt present I'm running apache2-2.2.22-13+deb7u1
00:23.30johnfgtremon: ttyl
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00:25.16tremonI remember there used to be mpm-prefork and mpm-worker binary packages, maybe that's changed now. Not a web admin :)
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00:29.15johnfgWell, that's that answer: apache2-dev isn't available for wheezy, so it will need to come from sid or jessie too.
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00:31.35johnfgI'll just wait.  Too many unsatisfied dependencies for me to backport php5.5.9.
00:32.06mrdebwhat is a good font for web browsing
00:32.23johnfgmrdeb: whatever you like
00:32.34mrdebbut too small for some sites
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00:32.49Eduard_MunteanuEr, why would you use a monospaced font for a website?
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00:33.05mrdebbec it is very crisp
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00:33.10mrdebother fonts ar bad
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00:33.29mrdebi replaced all fonts in debian for sans with terminus substitution in /etc/fonts.conf
00:33.48mrdebit works good for gnome. also replaced cantarell
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00:36.39Eduard_Munteanumrdeb: using a bitmap, monospaced font for everything doesn't seem appropriate
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00:37.17mrdebEduard_Munteanu: it looks good
00:37.30mrdebdefaults fonts look awful
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00:38.10mrdebi also like droid sans but in default debian it doesnt look good
00:38.26MouseTheLuckyDogWhat does  -fnoninteractive  as a CLI arg to debconf-communicate?
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00:38.50Eduard_Munteanumrdeb: what if you need other sizes, say in a browser?
00:39.01mrdebit has other size
00:39.09mrdebterminus changes size too
00:39.17Eduard_MunteanuYes, but it's bitmapped.
00:39.25mrdebso what
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00:39.32mrdeball i know is it looks very sharp
00:39.44mrdebmy whole gnome system is al lterminus
00:39.46Eduard_Munteanumrdeb: so it doesn't scale nicely, you don't get antialiasing...
00:39.54mrdebbec default font was ugly and fat
00:40.07mrdebyes antialiasing is blurry and bad
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00:40.40Eduard_Munteanumrdeb: depends how you configure it
00:40.53mrdebwell u cant configure much in gnome
00:41.04Eduard_Munteanumrdeb: if you have an LCD display, try infinality
00:41.16mrdebwhat is that
00:41.50Eduard_MunteanuA bunch of tweaks to font rendering to provide better antialiasing, prevent fringing etc
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00:43.21zinxi use DejaVu Sans with horizontal RGB subpixel antialiasing and full font hinting
00:44.01Eduard_MunteanuWe shouldn't have to use monospaced fonts at all in 2014, but things haven't evolved much unfortunately.
00:44.03zinxthe full font hinting bit gets rid of pretty much all the blurry
00:44.20mrdebwell i like terminus and use it all the time
00:44.24Eduard_Munteanumrdeb: greyscale antialiasing tends to make things blurry, yes
00:44.25zinxthere are a few applications (ok, only Chrome) that don't support it though :P
00:44.28mrdebit works good on all sites, except one where it is very small
00:45.14zinxEduard_Munteanu: subpixel AA is pretty blurry still, without hinting :/
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00:46.05Eduard_Munteanuzinx: are you talking about autohinting, as opposed to the patented TrueType hinting?
00:46.24zinxEduard_Munteanu: whatever gets used in Debian when i turn on full font hinting :P
00:47.11Eduard_MunteanuHm, dunno then. The Freetype autohinter tends to change the look of the font quite a bit.
00:47.23mrdebwhere is hinting setting
00:47.34zinxdunno.  i'd rather have a slightly different looking font than a slightly blurry font.
00:47.42Eduard_Munteanuzinx: for me the biggest issue was preventing fringing with subpixel AA
00:47.56zinxEduard_Munteanu: gamma issue?
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00:48.56Eduard_Munteanuzinx: not really... confusing display settings and somewhat bad hinting in fontconfig without infinality/lcdfilter
00:49.32Eduard_Munteanuzinx: and my eyes getting used to an LCD display, I had been using a CRT till then
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00:50.35zinxEduard_Munteanu: dunno.  worksforme and i have no idea what infinality is.
00:50.59zinxEduard_Munteanu: i had to stop using CRTs because they stared all being shadow invar mask, which is the absolute worst f'n thing they could have possibly done
00:51.25zinxEduard_Munteanu: straight horizontal/vertical lines aren't even straight on shadow invar mask CRTs >_<
00:51.30zinxthey're all jaggedy
00:51.39zinxbecause the pixels are arranged in triangles >_<
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00:52.28Eduard_MunteanuCRT phosphorus tends to emit blurry pixels, not well-defined shapes, though.
00:52.47linguiniWhy does apache run as "www-data" on Debian (and not just "www')?
00:52.55Eduard_MunteanuYou're unlikely to be able to see subpixels on CRTs.
00:53.15zinxEduard_Munteanu: i dunno about subpixels, but i could sure as hell see the jagged straight horizontal/vertical lines
00:53.16linguiniI want to rsync files between a Debian-based machine (uses www-data) and a Mac (uses www).
00:53.24zinxEduard_Munteanu: annoyed the crap out of me
00:54.20Eduard_Munteanuzinx: this seems to talk about infinality and lcdfilter, in case you might want to check it out:
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00:55.00MisterEcould anyone please tell me what went wrong with gcc here?
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00:55.47nellthis is what happens when i try to install x11vnc
00:56.11zinxEduard_Munteanu: lemme guess, you were using the default lcdfilter?  yeah, i'm not.
00:56.48Eduard_Munteanuzinx: I wasn't using 'lcdfilter' at all
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00:59.21conroesome sites suggest that getting XBMC frodo working in wheezy isnt gonna happen. i though id hear you guys out before even attempting it=
01:00.02zinxEduard_Munteanu: infinality looks pretty stupid tbqh
01:00.52centrxconroe, I'm sure it would work. It may be easier to use Ubuntu because that is the development target and all the advice you find online will be applicable to Ubuntu.
01:01.22Eduard_Munteanuzinx: in what way?
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01:02.43zinxEduard_Munteanu: made by people buying in to the typographer BS - fuzzy up the fonts then resharpen them?  WTF.
01:02.44*** join/#debian Wyboth (b8290bd2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:02.54mrdebwill debian 8 use gnome 3.10
01:03.25dvsWho knows what will be released by then.
01:03.31conroemr_red, wheezy is 3.08?
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01:04.02mrdebdeb 7 is 3.4.2
01:04.20Imbuedoes anyone know how I can get wpa_supplicant to be a bit more verbose during ifup/ifdown?
01:04.24Imbueor where I would look at the logs?
01:04.30mrdebi dont see anything good about gnome 3.10
01:04.40mrdebthey took out access menu and options
01:04.53Imbuei have been having a problem with DHCP failing and I now think that actually the AP is not associated so it is simply sending broadcast into the void
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01:05.30Imbuebut it is hard to see because during ifup only dhclient is non-silent
01:05.46WybothHi, everyone! I'm trying to install Debian 7 on an old XP machine with a USB drive. However, I can't get grub or LILO to install correctly. I also don't have internet set up yet. Can anyone help me with GRUB/LILO?
01:05.59Imbuewhat happens Wyboth ?
01:06.09WybothIn the installer?
01:06.39Nik05lilo doesnt work either?
01:06.42Eduard_MunteanuWyboth: "I can't get ... to install" isn't much of a specific symptom
01:06.45WybothIt says grub failed to load, and lilo exits with error 127, I think.
01:07.09WybothWhat should I be more specific about?
01:07.15Nik05oh thats not the failed to write mbr bug
01:07.45WybothNeither LILO nor Grub can install.
01:08.04WybothI used Super GRUB2 to load the OS, but I don't want to keep doing that forever.
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01:08.29Nik05well when booted install grub-pc and install it on mbr
01:08.43WybothWhat's the command for that?
01:08.44Eduard_MunteanuWyboth: any other output? Have you tried installing it manually by booting the rescue environment and chrooting?
01:09.06mrdebhow do u run win 2000 in deb 7
01:09.24WybothI haven't tried that yet. I'll try Nik05's suggestion first, since I already have it booted.
01:09.35Eduard_Munteanumrdeb: you make a VM, say using virt-manager
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01:09.51Nik05Wyboth you have internet right?
01:09.54mrdebwaht do i apt-get install
01:10.09WybothNot on the machine I loaded Debian on.
01:10.10Eduard_MunteanuSearch for 'virt-manager'.
01:10.18WybothThat's a separate issue, Ithink.
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01:10.29Nik05apt-get update && apt-get install grub-pc
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01:10.50WybothOkay, I'll try that. Be right back.
01:10.57Nik05oh no internet?
01:10.58mrdebed it said experimetnal
01:11.04WybothNo internet.
01:11.30Eduard_Munteanumrdeb: what do you mean?
01:11.43Nik05oh uh somehere that know how to get packages from usb/dvd/cd?
01:11.58Nik05but Wyboth is grub installed?
01:11.59mrdebin add/rem software it foudn it, but it said it was experimental
01:12.09WybothNo, that's what I'm trying to do.
01:12.23WybothIt couldn'tinstall from the Wheezy wizard.
01:12.55Eduard_Munteanumrdeb: I don't think so...
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01:13.36mrdebso can i use this to install win 2000 into file/os
01:13.45MisterEcould anyone please tell me what went wrong with gcc here?
01:13.50Eduard_MunteanuWyboth: boot a rescue system or this one if you can, and install it manually (or try to).
01:13.56Nik05Wyboth really strange
01:14.07Eduard_Munteanumrdeb: "into file/os"?
01:14.35mrdebyes to run in window in debian
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01:14.44Eduard_Munteanumrdeb: yeah
01:14.47WybothOkay, I'll try that.
01:15.11Nik05Wyboth dpkg -l | grep grub
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01:15.17Nik05what do you get?
01:15.23Imbueokay, yes.
01:15.44Imbuesometimes during ifup wpa_supplicant silently fails to associate with the AP. what can I do to 'fix' this?
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01:25.07WybothEduard_Munteanu: Okay. I have SuperGRUB2 upnow. How do I boot in rescue mode?
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01:26.37Eduard_MunteanuWyboth: if you boot your installation just boot it normally
01:26.51WybothThen what?
01:27.05Eduard_MunteanuWyboth: then login as root and install GRUB manually
01:27.16WybothIt won't allow root logins.
01:27.27Eduard_MunteanuWyboth: login as the normal user and sudo then
01:27.42WybothWhat's the command to install it?
01:28.09Eduard_MunteanuWyboth: grub-install or grub2-install but read the manpage / help
01:28.16WybothNote that I don't have an internet connection.
01:28.36Eduard_MunteanuWyboth: that's ok as long as the installation finished (aside from the GRUB failure)
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01:28.50WybothAlright. I'll try that.
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01:32.35WybothIt said command not found for both of them.
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01:33.25Eduard_MunteanuWyboth: you were supposed to read about it first :)
01:33.49WybothSorry! Do I type man to read the man pages?
01:33.56Eduard_MunteanuWyboth: actually... try this first...
01:34.07Eduard_MunteanuWyboth: dpkg-reconfigure --force grub-pc
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01:34.19WybothOkay, I'll try that.
01:34.36Eduard_Munteanu(and yes, using 'man' or google for the manpage)
01:36.22WybothError: package 'grub-pc' is not installed.
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01:36.55Eduard_MunteanuHow did you install it without grub?
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01:37.42WybothI loaded the kde iso onto a USB drive, then booted the live version from that and ran Wheezy install.
01:38.24WybothEvery step worked except configuring the network, installing grub, and installing lilo.
01:38.26dvsWyboth: What? No wonder why it didnt work
01:38.42WybothWhat did I do wrong?
01:39.08dvsWyboth: you don't need both the live version and the kde iso.  YOu only need the kde iso
01:39.30WybothI only downloaded 1 iso.
01:39.51WybothAnd wrote it to the USB drive.
01:39.54dvsthen where did you get the live iso?
01:40.09dvsthe live version, excuse me.
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01:40.18WybothLet me check if I got the live version or not.
01:40.36dvsWyboth: you just said "booted the live version"
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01:41.33WybothI see now, it was the live version.
01:41.50dvsYou only need the kde iso.
01:41.50WybothI'll get the non-live iso and try again, I guess?
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01:42.19dvsWyboth: write the kde iso directly to the USB flash drive and boot off of that.
01:42.41WybothOkay, will do.
01:43.49WybothI found this list:
01:44.06WybothI want this one, right? debian-7.4.0-i386-kde-CD-1.iso
01:44.14dvsThat will work.
01:44.25Imbuesorry to keep popping in and out, I am fixing an issue on this machine.
01:44.37Imbuewpa_supplicant: wlan0: SME: Trying to authenticate with..... every 2 seconds, forever. ifdown ifup... same problem. until one ifdown ifup combo, when it magically works first time.
01:44.44*** part/#debian alistairmiller (~alistairm@
01:44.45WybothAlright. Thanks for being patient with me. I'll come back soon with my results.
01:44.49Imbuewhat could be causing this? it seems like a driver issue, so odd
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01:48.10kcodyjris there a way to make wheezy use dhcpcd rather than dhclient?
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01:48.59sabotenderi need help updating a couple of dependencies. I need libc6 >= 2.15 and libgcrypt11 >= 1.5.1
01:49.20dvs,v libc6
01:49.22juddPackage: libc6 on i386 -- squeeze: 2.11.3-4; wheezy: 2.13-38+deb7u1; jessie: 2.17-97; experimental: 2.18-0experimental1; sid: 2.18-1
01:50.03sabotenderI am not sure what any of that means
01:50.23dvsIt means youre not using Debian wheezy.
01:50.47sabotenderhmm...I might be?
01:50.50centrxWhy do you need those?
01:50.58sabotenderall I know is basic apt-get install stuff
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01:52.50sabotenderdeb is missing too :-(
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01:57.33themillsabotender: what are you really trying to do?
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02:00.12sabotenderI found 2.18 version. for some reason deb (address) does not work so I have to download and install them manually via dpkg -i
02:00.32dvstthat's a sure why to screw up a system.
02:00.44themillsabotender: wait. What are actually trying to achieve here
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02:01.26sabotenderthemill: I need to update some versions because the current versions are old, dependency problem
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02:01.55sabotenderbash: deb: command not found
02:02.46themillsabotender: that's not an answer to my question
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02:03.55sabotenderwhy not? the current version of libc6 is too old and it is causing a dependency issue, so I have to update it to a version higher than 2.15
02:04.14dvsdependency on what?
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02:04.44sabotenderI'm not sure why that matters, but steam
02:04.59themillbecause we could tell you how to actually do that...
02:05.03themill!xy problem
02:05.04dpkgPeople often falsely diagnose problems because they are looking too closely at a problem: they have got stuck at a particular point (Y) doing something (X) and so ask about step Y, not realising that there is an easier or better way to do X in the first place.  See
02:05.19themillsabotender: if you're trying to install packages where dependencies are not met, you're doing it all wrong
02:06.12sabotenderI am trying to resolve the dependency problem so I can install the packages that I want...
02:06.25themillgives up
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02:08.29sabotenderI am fairly certain that is how it works, if there is a dependency issue, resolve the issue and you will be able to install the software
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02:11.06sabotender...i dislike asking questions in *nix channels. too many l337ist ppl in here expect you to know everything, but that is cool
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02:14.09centrxsabotender, I really looks like you are the elitest one who won't tell us what you are doing because you know best.
02:14.21Imbuewhat tricks can I do to make debian run faster from a USB drive (it has slow access speed)
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02:14.37sabotendercentrx I just said that I am trying to install STEAM
02:14.46sabotenderSTEAM STEAM STEAM STEAM O_o
02:15.06themillImbue: popping various bits into tmpfs can help (/tmp as well as places in $HOME that have cached stuff)
02:15.08Imbuethings such as apt-get install take a long time presumably due to slow disc access, can I somehow cache everything more? I don't really worry about power outage
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02:15.35Imbuethemill: let's say that I want the whole system in RAM and only commit every minute or so, is this possible?
02:15.45themillImbue: is apt faster on the second invocation?
02:15.48Imbuethemill: my SD card is 2GB and my ram is 3GB, i think i can manage it, lol
02:16.00sabotendersteam requires libc6 version 2.15 or higher. I currently have 2.13 installed
02:16.04Imbuethemill: well this is not possible to say, because the application is already installed then :P
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02:16.41themillImbue: you can just run "apt-get upgrade" and then say n.
02:16.55Imbuethemill: the installation stages are the slow ones
02:17.12Imbuethemill: it seems to be stalling to ensure a write or something
02:17.27Imbuebasically I want disk caching to be very aggressive, since the entire FS can fit into ram without issue
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02:18.10Imbueperhaps there are some mount options I can use? I would make it all a ramdisk and load it in on boot if I had some way of committing to disk regularly
02:18.12themillImbue: yes, dpkg is very picky about writing to disk. You can disable that with eatmydata (the name is significant) but I'd not really worry too much about this since you won't be installing stuff very often
02:18.29themillImbue: the kernel will already cache stuff in memory
02:18.39Imbuethemill: my worry is that $some_program will be picky about writing too
02:18.54Imbueor that if I move files around using mv, cp and so on the same will happen
02:20.16Imbuewell, can I get it to cache more? i mean, it can prefetch while it is not doing anything
02:20.31Imbueto read the entire drive would take something like 1 minute
02:21.46Imbuemy live system seems to be failing to cache even, unless I am missing something
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02:23.26sabotenderI get 'installing libc6 would break locales, and deconfiguration is not permitted' :-(
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02:27.09Imbuethemill: oh, I see now. /tmp is not in tmpfs. why would this be the case? seems odd
02:27.12themillImbue: there are prefetching tools already in debian. The crudest would just be a find + cat from /etc/rc.local that walks the filesystem and loads stuff
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02:28.00themillImbue: tmp on tmpfs can speed up many tasks but also risks data loss. Have a look in /etc/default/tmpfs
02:28.43Imbuedata loss of what, though? what uses /tmp?
02:29.17Imbueand is this in the powerdown scenario only?
02:29.54Imbuei am using a laptop with fully charged battery 99% of the time, so that would only be vulnerable to some sort of hard hang
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02:43.41jvelasquez_hey. you know when you apt-get upgrade,  how you sometimes see a | less, with a list of the changes,  I can I save that list to read in detail over the next week?
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02:48.34thimsjvelasquez_: "apt-get upgrade > upgrade.log"?
02:49.31thimsThat or write a script to give you a list of the changes based off of /var/log/apt/history.log?
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02:51.32jvelasquez_ahh!!   pressing:   v     will start an editor!
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02:51.54jvelasquez_thims,  thanks, it was your tip that led me to the answer.
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03:07.02\shawnhi people.
03:07.36\shawnjust want to say thank you for helping people :)
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03:20.30thimsjvelasquez_: I did not completely understand the question, but wung it. You are welcome. I guess Jesus is always looking out. ;)
03:20.49thims\shawn: It is what the Open Source community does. ;)
03:20.50ectospasmthims: whether you like it or not (-;
03:21.31thimsectospasm: I don't have enough time in this lifetime to express to you how much I like it. ;)
03:21.56ectospasmlike, what, Debian?  Debian pwns
03:21.56*** join/#debian pbn (
03:22.12dpkg#debian is primarily a support channel for Debian users.  Please keep the discussions in #debian on-topic and take longer discussions and non-support questions to #debian-offtopic.  Imagine the chaos if each of the hundreds of people in the channel felt the need to wander off topic for a few minutes every day.
03:22.29*** join/#debian Yeka (~quassel@unaffiliated/yeka)
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03:24.50ectospasmI'm looking for a good CLI CD ripper.  abcde is close, but the manual is piss poor, and the tagging/file naming options are underwhelming.  Anybody got any other suggestions?
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03:29.12just_onehello to all debian users
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03:30.32therealGentHello all. I am trying to get an init script to work. I noticed it uses start-stop-daemon to run the daemon, but for some reason it doesn't end up running despite a return code of 0.
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03:31.03therealGentI tried running it manually and noticed it works fine, except for when i add the --chuid and --user options to switch the execution to another user. Does anyone have an idea why this happens?
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03:33.17centrxtherealGent,  How are you running it manually?
03:33.27therealGentcentrx, in a shell as root.
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03:33.44centrxtherealGent, With what command?
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03:34.18therealGentstart-stop-daemon --start --background --quiet --exec /usr/bin/mydaemon
03:34.25centrxUsually init scripts are run with /etc/init.d/<script> ?
03:34.41therealGentthat works fine. But adding --chuid myuser --user myuser breaks it
03:34.48therealGentcentrx, this is what the init script itself uses.
03:34.56therealGentThat is where i suspect it is failing, and im right.
03:34.57therealGentAt that line.
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03:43.11nellI partitioned swap space on my harddrive, how do I update my system to use it now?
03:43.48anonnumberanonYour system is probably using it right now.
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03:44.07nellhtop says otherwise
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03:56.14larksin my .wine file, system32 is empty...
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03:56.45larkswell directory, it's not a file lol
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04:01.41larksseems that /usr/share/wine/wine.inf is missing
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04:31.01dreweryI am debating between ubuntu and debian now...
04:31.57dreweryor not
04:33.46centrxWhat kind of debate is that?
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04:36.14dreweryI have a new server
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04:36.59dreweryI am going to install a new OS and boiled it down to debian 7.0 and ubuntu ...however I think I am going with debian
04:37.27dreweryI can't make a decision since I don't have any variables for either system for me to compare anything so I am just reading articles so far
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04:39.59centrxdrewery, What are the main considerations for your server?
04:40.36dreweryit will be basic web server initially
04:41.29drewerywill be hosting a blog and experiments on server administration
04:42.58dreweryI will be going with good olde debian... I actually was wondering what attracted this many people to ubuntu in the short amount of time... but whatever
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04:43.50centrxUbuntu has marketing and is marketed as "user-friendly"
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04:46.01dreweryahhh, then let me go and pop in this 7.0 and reboot very quick
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04:51.41rryoumaathe selling point of ubuntu was originally debian on a release schedule
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05:09.31mongaj_a friend of mine is having a problem with wheezy.  When he is installing mysqlclient 5.5 and apt says it is unpacking, it immediately goes into reboot
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05:10.53centrxmongaj_, Sounds like a hardware failure to be honest
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05:11.57arnabhello all
05:12.03mongaj_centrx: would i use dmesg to diagnose that?
05:12.47centrxmongaj_, /var/log/dmesg.0 would have last boot's dmesg
05:12.58mongaj_floby: ok thanks
05:13.00centrxMight be something in /var/log/syslog, messages, etc.
05:13.03mongaj_ok thanks
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05:22.49leoleo11how can i upgrade to the latest kernel? it seems that in the latest kernel theres no need to apply a patch for acer c720
05:23.33beadleleo, What release are you running?
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05:27.35beadleleoleo11, what release of debian are you running? If you are running wheezy, I suggest googling "Debian backports".
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05:42.05jairexcuse me guys, I cannot remember the name we use in Linux to map the ip addresses to hosts mac addresses in dhcp
05:42.11jairfixed address?
05:42.15*** join/#debian leoleo11 (41ad3c0d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
05:42.37jaircould be but it has its own name well know technically
05:42.53jairreserved addresses
05:43.28leoleo11is anyone using a chromebook here?
05:43.46leoleo11im trying to get the brightness and touchpad working
05:44.02centrxjair, It is done using the ARP protocol if that is what you mean
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05:47.23jaircentrx: hmm alright that is the protocol, but normally dhcp language kind of talk the concept is reserved addresses? mapped addresses? they are still assigned via dhcp but they will always go to the specific host
05:47.40jaircentrx: specially if I am doing some network install using pxe as well
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05:50.25nelli messed up my compose key
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05:50.32nelland now xev wont even recognize my super button
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05:51.05centrxjair, The DHCP server remembers the mapping for past clients and gives them the same address when they ask for a DHCP-assigned address
05:51.45beadleleoleo11, I asked what release you are trying to use. I know very little about chromebooks, but like I said, if you are running wheezy and want a newer kernel, do a web search for "debian backports".
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05:52.42jaircentrx: Thank you
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05:57.24leoleo11how do i update to the latest stable kernel? i already added backportts
05:57.40leoleo11running wheezy
05:59.12LtLleoleo11: if you've run apt-get update, do a apt-cache search linux-image
05:59.21beadlewell, let's start with running "uname -r" in the terminal to see what you're at right now.
05:59.21leoleo11it says i need to download 700 mb
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05:59.44leoleo11beadle: i have this right now
05:59.46leoleo11root@debian:/home/debian# uname -r 3.2.0-4-amd64
06:00.21beadleOk, that's stock for wheezy.
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06:00.49leoleo11beadle: yeah, how do i update it? i installes the OS today
06:01.31LtLleoleo11: apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
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06:02.49beadleYeah, do what LTL said to get any possible updates first.
06:02.51leoleo11LtL: did it already, didnt work
06:03.21leoleo11beadle: what else could i do?
06:03.28LtLleoleo11: what is telling you that you need 700MB?
06:03.32leoleo11how do i chose only one kernel so i dont download 700 mb?
06:03.51beadleOk, now do "aptitude -t wheezy-backports install xxxxxxxx" replacing xxxxxx with a kernel. Let me google for a moment.
06:03.57leoleo11The following extra packages will be installed:   cryptsetup dmraid dracut firmware-linux-free kpartx libdmraid1.0.0.rc16 lvm2 mdadm Suggested packages:   dracut-network linux-doc-3.12 debian-kernel-handbook The following packages will be REMOVED:   initramfs-tools The following NEW packages will be installed:   cryptsetup dmraid dracut firmware-linux-free kpartx libdmraid1.0.0.rc16 linux-image-3.12-0.bpo.1-amd64   linux-image-3.12-0
06:04.07leoleo11beadle: ok ill wait
06:04.36*** join/#debian bocaneri (~bocaneri_@about/linux/staff/sauvin)
06:04.39beadleare you familliar with using the tab key for command autocomplete?
06:04.46LtLleoleo11: paste your sources.list please
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06:05.22leoleo11LtL: didnt see any errors
06:05.29leoleo11will show you though...
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06:06.17tx0h_these dependencies really suck.
06:06.28leoleo11LtL: here they are
06:06.47leoleo11beadle: did you find anything?
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06:07.35beadle$ sudo apt-get -t wheezy-backports install linux-image-amd64 linux-headers-3.12-1.bpo.3-amd64
06:07.42beadlesee if that works
06:07.57LtLleoleo11: did you do an upgrade before you tried to install a new kernel?
06:08.01beadleI run testing so I don't know if thats exactly right.
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06:08.37LtLbeadle: he shouldn't need the headers
06:08.55leoleo11beadle: i didnt
06:09.06leoleo11beadle: E: Unable to locate package linux-headers-3.12-1.bpo.3-amd64 E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'linux-headers-3.12-1.bpo.3-amd64'
06:09.19leoleo11whats wrong?
06:09.33leoleo11its really annoying not being able to use the touchpad
06:10.05LtLleoleo11: according to your sources.list i doubt youre running testing. what does cat /etc/debian_version say
06:10.34LtLuyyyy: dont message me please
06:10.41beadleYeah, try "sudo apt-get -t wheezy-backports install linux-image-" and try using tab autocomplete.
06:10.57beadleLtL: He didn't say he was running testing, I did.
06:11.11*** join/#debian GJdan (~dan@
06:11.13LtLbeadle: sorry.
06:11.31leoleo11beadle: tab is not working
06:11.48LtLleoleo11: tab wont work in this case
06:12.29leoleo11what should i do?
06:12.46beadle""sudo apt-get -t wheezy-backports install kernel-image-3.12-0.bpo.1-686-pae" maybe?
06:13.05beadleIf 32 bit, that is.
06:13.26*** join/#debian pr0xie_ (
06:13.33leoleo11beadle: its 64 bit
06:13.35leoleo11: Unable to locate package kernel-image-3.12-0.bpo.1-686-pae E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'kernel-image-3.12-0.bpo.1-686-pae'
06:13.36LtLleoleo11: do a apt-cache search linux-image then pick the kernel you want and using -t wheezy-backports type it out
06:14.38*** join/#debian drvy (~drvy@unaffiliated/drvy)
06:14.42LtLleoleo11: it should be an amd64 image provided you want the 64bit kernel
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06:15.09leoleo11LtL: it worked
06:15.12leoleo11got this oot@debian:/home/debian# apt-get -t wheezy-backports install linux-image-3.12-0.bpo.1-amd64 Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree        Reading state information... Done The following extra packages will be installed:   firmware-linux-free initramfs-tools Suggested packages:   linux-doc-3.12 debian-kernel-handbook The following NEW packages will be installed:   firmware-linux-free linux-image-3.12-0.bpo.1-a
06:15.45LtLleoleo11: looks good, say yes
06:15.57leoleo11LtL: haha alreaady did
06:16.01leoleo11thank you
06:16.31LtLleoleo11: you'll need to reboot afterwards. the new kernel will be the grub default
06:16.32leoleo11i hope this kernel gives me support for my touchpad, brightness and video drivers
06:17.05leoleo11LtL: do you know if this kernel helps with intel gpus?
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06:17.36LtLleoleo11: i doubt it will make any difference regarding the cpu
06:17.51LtLleoleo11: or gpu but maybe
06:18.10LtLleoleo11: the firmware might though
06:18.36leoleo11LtL: what do you mean by firmware?
06:18.46neantpastelhello , is there something similar to final cut pro for linux?
06:19.34LtLleoleo11: firmware is necessary for certain devices to work properly
06:20.46leoleo11be right back
06:20.57*** join/#debian ex-parrot (~ex-parrot@2401:f000:20:0:76d4:35ff:fe1c:6027)
06:20.59leoleo11LtL: but where do i find those firmwares?
06:21.07\shawnanyone here have a beaglebone?
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06:23.07LtLleoleo11: the firmware package contains various support for many devices, theres also firmware-linux-nonfree
06:23.53LtLlexibq: if the system can use them, if installed.. it will use them.
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06:24.06LtLlexibq: sorry
06:24.20LtLleoleo11: that was meant for you
06:24.36leoleo11im sorry
06:24.39leoleo11didnt read ir
06:24.50leoleo11LtL: can you send it back again please'
06:24.58beadleneantpastel, look at this:
06:25.25LtLleoleo11: if the system can use them, if installed.. it will use them.
06:25.43LtLleoleo11: the firmware that is
06:27.02LtLleoleo11: you'll need to enable non-free to sources.list for firmware-linux-nonfree i would enable contrib also
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06:33.28LtLleoleo11: advise you use an IRC client also :) not a web browser
06:34.07leoleo11LtL: why not a web browser?
06:34.28*** join/#debian contempt (contempt@unaffiliated/contempt)
06:34.34LtLleoleo11: it doesnt have features a real irc client has
06:34.46LtLleoleo11: try xchat
06:34.53leoleo11LtL: do you know how to add ppas in debian? i cant do it to get the touchpad working inmy laptop
06:34.57leoleo11i will try xcha
06:35.28LtLleoleo11: arent ppa's for ubuntu? dont use those if so
06:36.01*** mode/#debian [+l 1393] by debhelper
06:36.18leoleo11LtL: then how can i get them working in debian for my touchpad?
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06:37.23LtLleoleo11: apt-cache search touchpad  .. you may find packages just for that
06:37.51LtLin fact im sure you will
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06:40.16LtLleoleo11: adding ppa's is asking for trouble, debian has a synaptics package
06:41.23leoleo11LtL: so do you think i can get these files without adding the ppa? sudo apt-get install libevdevc libgestures xf86-input-cmt
06:42.30LtLleoleo11: i don't know, those are ubuntu binaries and you dont want to mix them.
06:42.40*** part/#debian AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@unaffiliated/alexlikerock)
06:43.05LtLleoleo11: im sure your touchpad will work with debian firmware and a package or two
06:43.57LtLleoleo11: get those ppa's out of your sources.list
06:44.10LtLyou will regret it
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06:44.23leoleo11LtL: hahaha ok
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06:45.05leoleo11LtL: great news! since the kernel upgrade brightness now works perfectly and now i only need to fix the touchpad
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06:45.52leoleo11LtL: however i would like to keep this as free as in freedom as possible. do you know if i could make this completely free?
06:46.31LtLleoleo11: dont add non-free to sources.list then
06:47.04t3400At libudev1 is dep of libudev-dev, but it seems like libudev1 doesn't even exist. Is my reps borked or is there something funky happening
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06:47.42leoleo11LtL: but i see that theres need for some patching to be done in the kernel, how do i know these arent propietary?
06:48.18LtLleoleo11: i couldnt say
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06:49.11LtLleoleo11: is it a synaptics touchpad
06:49.24leoleo11LtL:  ok thank you for your help. Now i know that one of the most important things to do after installing a distro is upgrading the kernel
06:49.36leoleo11LtL: yes, i believe so
06:49.59leoleo11LtL: why?
06:50.04LtLleoleo11: its not usually necessary to do that, newer hardware often needs it though.
06:50.12ceptorHello, i would like to contribute to debian by becoming a package maintainer. Is that possible?
06:50.25leoleo11ceptor: thats amazing
06:50.28LtLleoleo11: xserver-xorg-input-synaptics - Synaptics TouchPad driver for X.Org server
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06:50.50leoleo11LtL: should i install that?
06:50.59LtLleoleo11: i would
06:51.07centrxdpkg: tell ceptor about nmg
06:51.10leoleo11ceptor: i believe you need to send an email to the development team
06:51.18LtLceptor: you would need a mentor iirc
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06:51.48ceptorOkay, i got the guide. Will look into it :)
06:52.23leoleo11LtL: i dont think its that easy since i saw many people having problems getting the touchpad working.
06:53.01t3400does package libudev1 exist in defaults for anyone
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06:54.57leoleo11LtL: why does debian come with outdated packages?
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06:57.51LtLleoleo11: debian's first goal is stability
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06:58.59t3400i want to use my package manager to install libudev1 but it can't find even though sources.list ok
06:59.01leoleo11LtL: ok thank you
06:59.04leoleo11i get it know
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07:04.15t3400ok looked closer this is silly
07:04.39t3400libc6.1 is a dep of it but literally does not exist
07:04.57centrxlibc0.6.1 is only for like kfreebsd
07:05.04t3400so cannot install libudev1 :(
07:05.05centrxor s390 architecture something like that
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07:05.49MisterEhi, how do I bring my network connections (I have dozens) over from another install?
07:06.21MisterEI see /etc/NetworkConnections/system-connection/
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07:07.29ex-parrothey all. I accidentally installed grub-pc on an EFI box, and it installed with blocklist mechanism
07:07.39ex-parrothow can I now remove it? my EFI BIOS keeps loading grub-pc instead of the grub-efi binary it should be loading...
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07:10.10ex-parrotI've zeroed various bits of various disks and I cannot find where it's comming from
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07:34.12grepidemichi there. i'm trying to figure out what package contains the "file" command, which gives info about a specific file. anyone know what package has this?
07:34.38grepidemicnvm i found it
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07:39.49MACscrok, im getting an error on boot that modprobe is not found and thus my modules listed in /etc/modules arent loaded
07:39.57MACscrkind of odd dont you think?
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07:55.53Ericx2xhey guys I'm in a vagrant vm and when I do "sudo apt-get update" it disconnects me:
07:55.57Ericx2xanyone know why?
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07:59.12zmwlooks like it's connecting to itself...
07:59.22zmw"connection to closed by remote host"
07:59.29zmw127.0.0.1 is your localhost loopback
07:59.34zmwaka yourself!
07:59.41Ericx2xwhat should i do then?
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07:59.45zmwso that's weird, is my point :)
07:59.58zmwprobably need to remove that repository and add a valid one
08:00.08zmwit's debian 3.2?
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08:00.55*** topic/#debian is wheezy released: /msg dpkg squeeze->wheezy | current point release: /msg dpkg 7.4 | NO FLOOD: /msg dpkg paste | /msg bots NOT people | offtopic: #debian-offtopic | testing/unstable: #debian-next (
08:01.30zmwtry that
08:01.36zmwsomeone else with the same problem
08:01.45tapoutif I do a 'grep' vs running a wildcard like '%same%'  in either postgresql/mysql... it takes 30~ seconds in innodb.. 28 seconds in postgresql and 1-2 seconds with grep.  What I want to do is create a database type return but just as fast as grep.  Anyone know of something?  I was thinking redis perhaps, ... thus the question here ;)
08:02.12rl0Ericx2x, check your dns settings in /etc/resolv.conf
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08:03.03zmwrl0: good call
08:03.09zmwit's either dns or a proxy
08:03.17rl0yeah it looks like their dns is messed up lol
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08:05.19rl0zmw, wait a second, look closely, it's the ssh client that says "connection to is lost"
08:05.46isaiasTrying to mount an ntfs usb and it gives me an error (primary boot  sector is invalid)
08:05.54isaiasHow do I fix this?
08:06.12zmwyeah, rl0 you're right
08:06.13*** part/#debian WiXZlo1 (~WiXZlo@
08:06.50zmwthat page i linked to seemed to be someone with the same issue
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08:06.56zmw3.2 is super old too
08:07.09zmwwho knows -- maybe the repo is closed down or has been moved
08:07.12zmwso that's just it failing
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08:07.51rl0darwin@fileserver:~$ uptime
08:07.52rl0darwin@fileserver:~$ uname -r
08:07.52*** kick/#debian [rl0!~debhelper@unaffiliated/debhelper] by debhelper (flood. Please use instead.)
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08:08.02rl0THIS is old! :D
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08:08.34zmwi've got a couple of old sparc boxes running a super old version of openbsd
08:08.45zmwbut, in the grand scheme of things deb3.2 is pretty old
08:09.02zmwin that it's totally possible the repo has been archived
08:09.03rl0yeah well you're right
08:10.22zmwaccording to this chart, which only shows 3.1, not 3.2 -- sarge support ended almost 6 years ago!
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08:17.08werdnaHi, is there a general Debian procedure for switching architectures? I have a Raspberry Pi with Raspbian Wheezy armel installed and I'd like to convert it to armhf.
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08:22.40werdnaI was just spammed by uyyyy
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08:29.18isaias(isaias) NTFS or exFAT. Which do I chose when formatting my usb on windows to use on linux?
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08:30.21zmwexfat will work
08:30.26zmwfat32 will DEFINITEY work
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08:32.51jaggz|3how do I reduce ssh typing lag?
08:33.58jaggz|3client is windows over wifi.. and it's faster going to a remote server than over my lan to my linux box
08:34.07Mikaelajaggz|3: You probably can't, but you might want to check mosh.
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08:36.40ompaulthe problem is most likely the windows box for $pick_a_reason
08:37.13zmwjaggz|3: what ssh client are you using on windows?
08:37.19Mikaelamosh should be available in Debian repositories and there is cygwin client and Chrome client.
08:37.21zmwis it slow if you plug in with a cable too?
08:37.37ompaul!ops can someone please kill that uyyyy for pms :)
08:37.37dpkgHydroxide, dondelelcaro, ):, helix, LoRez, RichiH, mentor, xk, abrotman, gravity, azeem, Maulkin, stew, peterS, Myon, Ganneff, weasel, zobel, themill, babilen: ompaul complains about: can someone please kill that uyyyy for pms :)
08:37.48ompaulit's a on talk bot fool device
08:38.29Mikaelasuggests mode nick +R to not receive PMs from unidentified users.
08:39.11jaggz|3zmw, I haven't tested with a cable (too far away in this house)..
08:39.15jaggz|3desktop on wifi :)
08:39.41jaggz|3this is in vim, by the way, so I'm not sure if Mosh's local stuff will help.. the lag isn't THAT bad so I won't worry about it for now..
08:39.53jaggz|3Mosh is interesting.. I might use it though :)   Right now I'm in putty
08:40.23jaggz|3unfortunately, putty doesn't handle Arabic properly either (on any system I've tried it on).. it puts circles around the letters..  I haven't tested hebrew..  this is a completely separate issue though
08:40.59zmwhow far are you from the wireless access point?
08:41.08zmwit just sounds like a network issue to me
08:41.29jaggz|3yeah.. might be.. going both ways wifi .. both computers are in the same room and the wifi hotspot is in another room about 20 feet away..
08:41.39jaggz|3I had to relocate it to the other side of the fireplace so it wouldn't go through the brick :)
08:42.01jaggz|3I won't worry about it or trouble you about it any more.. we're going to be moving within the week so...
08:42.17jaggz|3it was more like, "yeah, change the ssh packet size to... "
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08:42.27ompaulmtu is your issue?
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08:43.37jaggz|3might be, but I haven't had any luck changing it in my router.. google wouldn't work with the different MTU settings I tried.. other sites would though
08:43.50jaggz|3I didn't pursue that all that long though...
08:44.13jaggz|3(as I didn't find any clear docs explaining what setting would work)
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08:45.49jaggz|3odd.. I don't see a mosh for windows, except cygwin.. .
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08:46.56OpenTokixWhat is windows?
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08:48.51werdnahey folks, uyyyy is spamming everyone
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08:49.20jaggz|3did anyone visit it?  I was curious what it was but didn't want to click
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08:50.35werdnaokay, so if I'm using raspbian, and I want to convert architectures, how crazy would it be to back up, take the current release of Raspbian armhf, mount both and copy over the binaries?
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08:54.15werdnacheers babilen
08:55.58babilenwerdna: No problem - Unfortunately we don't really support raspbian in here and they have their own channel over at #raspbian - That being said: A cross-grade like that will almost certainly fail as you miss metadata. But please discuss it in #raspbian. Thank you
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09:00.19werdnababilen: cheers, thanks
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09:44.12reederdogehello, I have a server that only have port 22 open, is there a way to tunnel all traffic trough port 22? It's behind a router and it's the only port that's forwarded
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09:46.26wolsreederdoge: yes. ssh portforwarding.
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09:47.40reederdogewols: can I run, for instance, links and apt-get trough port 22 for update and links browking?
09:48.29reederdogewtf fingers...
09:48.31digdilemreederdoge, um, is there NAT involved? normally having a port open is considered to be an incoming port, all outgoing being natted
09:48.33reederdogelinks browsing
09:48.39wolsyou can, but what is exactly your problem? first you seem to write about inbound ssh (forwarded port from router) and now you write about outbound. those are different things
09:49.46reederdogeI'm behind a router. The admin guy have no idea how to configure it. I have 22 forwarded, so at least I can connect trough ssh, but I can't use apt-get or any other software that requires outside connections
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09:51.12wolsyou can use ssh as a SOCKS proxy, so yes you can
09:51.42wolshow does your "22 forwarded" work exactly?
09:52.11wolsexplain the setup from the POV of the system behind that router
09:52.17reederdogeI can connect trough 22 from outside the newtork
09:52.48wolsso you have a ssh server on the system behind this router?
09:53.05wolsand how is this pertinent to runnint apt-get from behind this router?
09:53.17reederdogeI'm sorry?
09:53.34wolson this system behind the router, run "ping;wget"
09:53.35reederdogeapt-get can't connect to any server, nor can links, for instance
09:53.42wolsshow us the output
09:53.49reederdogeping and wget doesn't work
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09:53.55wols!doesn't work
09:53.55dpkg"Doesn't work" is a vague statement.  Does it sit on the couch all day long?  Does it procrastinate doing the dishes?  Does it beg on the street for change?  Please be specific!  Define 'it' and what it isn't doing.  Give us more details so we can help you without needing to ask basic questions like "what's the error message?".  Ask me about <smart questions>, <sicco> and <errors>.
09:54.12wolsand I told you to pastebin the output for a reason
09:54.29reederdogesure, in a sec
09:54.59reederdoge(it hangs for a few seconds before the output)
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09:55.25reederdogeping: unknown host
09:56.02reederdogeResolving ( failed: Name or service not known.
09:56.02reederdogewget: unable to resolve host address `'
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09:57.32reederdogeDNS are configured correctly, I get the same behaviour for
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10:04.58wolsreederdoge: I think your routing might be broken, not necessarily the router. after all, incoming ssh workds
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10:06.10reederdogewols: that's my thoughts as well. the admin have no idea how to properly configure it, so he just created all sorts of routing rules.
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10:06.18reederdogefortunatelly, ssh works
10:06.33reederdogecan I use that to have outside connections for apt-get and other stuff?
10:06.45reederdogeuntil he fixes the routing problem
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10:14.16wolsyes, with ssh port forwarding
10:14.44wolsand I didn't mean your router that is the problem but YOUR routing. your debian configuration that you made
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10:15.16wolsand as I wrote before: ssh port forwarding
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10:20.24reederdogewols: care to quickly explain how I could use apt-get with ssh port forwarding?
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10:22.19DelphiWorldHi Guys;)
10:22.29DelphiWorldstupid but good question:-P
10:22.34DelphiWorldi have 2 debians at home
10:22.41DelphiWorldall in same gigabit switch
10:23.02DelphiWorldbut when i downloaded bethwan them using wget i get slow 11mb download
10:23.07DelphiWorldany idea how to make it higher?
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10:25.31WilliamDotSIif i want to filter DHCP with ebtables do i do this on the bridge interface or on the eths?
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10:25.51pietro_Hello to everyone, someone could help me with installation from USB?
10:25.52WilliamDotSIusage case is a DHCP server on a Wifi router behind it that should not do NAT but bridge, but i have to avoid DHCP to my VPN network
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10:26.37Imbuehello. is it possible to reduce/change the font and size in console?
10:26.52Imbuei would like my 'normal' tty to have the same font as xterm default
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10:27.29DelphiWorldWilliamDotSI, i belieuv that should be in the bridge, cause ETH become passive when bridged
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10:27.36WilliamDotSIyea thats m,y guess also
10:27.51DelphiWorldWilliamDotSI: :)
10:27.51WilliamDotSIi just try it out, even if it leaks DHCP i have no clients on the VPN anyway with a dhcp client and no IP
10:28.01WilliamDotSIjust waste of broadcast packets
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10:28.25DelphiWorldlollol WilliamDotSI is you?
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10:29.38pietro_from terminal somthing as dd if: /.../debian.iso /dev/sdc1 sdc1 is my us but when i restart the pc and i try to do the boot from usb nothing happens and ubuntu(my os now) is started as usually...
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10:29.59Imbuepietro_ should be sdc
10:30.07Imbuepietro_: sdc1 refers to a partition, not a block device
10:30.36Imbuei am not sure what dd will do there but it will probably just push the image onto some later portion of the drive hence not setting MBR and bootable flag etc
10:31.08Imbueof course make sure sdc is your usb drive first! :P
10:31.47pietro_oh... thanks now i try =)
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10:36.12boratynskikamilWould you recommend to include boot partition in different RAID? Is it better to make LVM on RAID or RAID on LVM?
10:36.25OpenTokixboratynskikamil: lvm on raid
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10:36.33boratynskikamilOpenTokix: As I thought.
10:36.41boratynskikamilIt does not make sense the second one.
10:37.00OpenTokixHardware -> Blockdevice -> logical block device -> filesystem
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10:37.06OpenTokixthat is the "normal" chain
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10:37.43boratynskikamilAnd the first question?
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10:38.23OpenTokixI dont understand it
10:38.36jelly-homeDelphiWorld: both endpoints need to support gigabit speeds and the link on each has to actually get established at gigabit speed, look at eg. "ethtool eth0 | grep Speed" or dmesg output
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10:39.07boratynskikamilI mean. Should I keep /boot partition in different RAID, outside LVM on RAID?
10:39.15DelphiWorldjelly-home: they are both GBE
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10:40.34LinnakCan somebody tell me if I can force a resolution with maximum 10 easy steps or I have to spend another 2 hours with it?
10:40.48LinnakI have radeon 9600 card
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10:41.12boratynskikamilLinnak: Yes, you have to.
10:41.26OpenTokixboratynskikamil: Don't really matter since /boot is pretty easy to recreate in case of problem. - Depends on the level of raid you want. - Having multiple raids on multiple block devices, also introduce a level of complexity that might hurt you when something fails. - I would put one raid, with /boot on the raid - and then lvm on the rest of the raid for everything else
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10:41.49boratynskikamilOpenTokix: That was my question. :-)
10:41.52DelphiWorldjelly-home: sory but one of them is 100mb, but why 11mbit/S? :P
10:42.09OpenTokixboratynskikamil: Did you get an answer you are satisfied with?
10:42.19boratynskikamilOpenTokix: Yep. :-) Thank you.
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10:42.36jelly-homeDelphiWorld: 11 mega _bytes_ /s is almost exactly 100 Mbps
10:42.49DelphiWorldjelly-home: hehehe
10:42.53boratynskikamilOpenTokix: RAID-1. :-)
10:43.31OpenTokixboratynskikamil: I have gone from raid 5 to raid 6 and now I prefer raid 1+0 on my setups
10:43.48jelly-homeLinnak: it depends.  While your card is old and ought to be supported with the free drivers, your monitor or TV might give out buggy or incomplete information about available resolutions
10:44.14boratynskikamilOpenTokix: I have only 2 disks, so... :-) I'm forced to use 1+0. :-)
10:44.39OpenTokixno, that is raid1 only
10:44.49OpenTokixraid1+0 is two raid1 that you put a stripe over
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10:45.14OpenTokixSo it requires a minimum of four drives
10:45.35jelly-homeLinnak: look at "xrandr -q" output and see whether the desired resolution is listed as available on the relevant connected output
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10:46.39LinnakI need to force whic i want i saw on a distro it's possible with my card
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10:47.40jelly-homesome hw controllers show 10 or 1+0 level even with 2 members only
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10:48.07OpenTokixjelly-home: yes
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10:51.12boratynskikamilOpenTokix: Ouch, I see.
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11:01.39boratynskikamilOpenTokix: Question.
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11:02.12boratynskikamilRest of system is on second RAID-1.
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11:02.43boratynskikamilDuring boot I got an error GRUB: error: Unknown LVM metadata header
11:03.23HelloShittyi need help
11:03.24glararanHi, I installed debian without GRUB, how can I boot him now? Main OS windows 8 without UEFI
11:04.04HelloShittyi have installed a windws application with wine and now i want to creat a symbolic link to that application... How do i do it?
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11:04.27towo`what should a symlink do?
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11:05.16towo`write a little bash script for the ap, which contets the full command to start the application
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11:08.32HelloShittytowo`, i don't know how to do that
11:08.38HelloShittywon't a symlink work?
11:08.40towo`then learn it
11:08.53mowgli19829hi all! i have wheezy on a sheevaplug. i gave this command as indicated in the OwnCloud website, but then started getting errors on apt-get update: "wget deb | sudo apt-key add -"
11:08.54towo`HelloShitty, learn, what a symlink is
11:09.28OpenTokixboratynskikamil: I have no idea, never seen that error before. - Are you booting with initrd?
11:10.50mowgli19829the error says: "
11:10.51mowgli19829Err wheezy/updates/main armel Packages
11:10.55mowgli19829Err wheezy-updates/main Sources
11:10.57mowgli19829W: Not using locking for read only lock file /var/lib/apt/lists/lock
11:10.59mowgli19829W: Failed to fetch  rename failed, Read-only file system (/var/lib/apt/lists/ -> /var/lib/apt/lists/
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11:11.45jelly-homemowgli19829: your filesystem seems to have been remounted read-only due to fs errors.  Reboot and fsck
11:12.31jelly-homemowgli19829: hm, before that, look at dmesg output to confirm this is really what happened
11:12.35boratynskikamilOpenTokix: Yep.
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11:13.11boratynskikamil"Unknown LVM metadata header"
11:13.17boratynskikamilThis is an error. :-)
11:13.35accuhi all
11:13.44accuI have a question regarding a long delay in bootup when a dmraid device (partition) is being brought up by systemd while it has already been brought up in the initrd as a LUKS container
11:13.53accuI have tried setting up a udev rule for that partition device using TAG:="" and ENV{SYSTEMD_READY}="0" but systemd is still trying to bring it up :(
11:14.04accuthe LUKS container contains the root fs, so the stack is dmraid > LUKS > rootfs
11:14.10accuany ideas?
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11:22.52OpenTokixboratynskikamil: no idea, sorry
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11:33.50frostschutzaccu, is it a custom initramfs, so systemd and initramfs may be having different ideas as to what the name of the luks container should be?
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11:37.13vifonHello. Is there a recommended way to downgrade from Sid to testing or I'm better off just reinstalling the whole thing (it's a relatively fresh installation so it would be *too* troublesome)?
11:37.40nkuttlervifon: reinstall
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11:38.24vifonBTW, why is there no xbindkeys in testing?
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11:40.03nkuttler,v xbindkeys
11:40.04juddPackage: xbindkeys on i386 -- squeeze: 1.8.3-1; wheezy: 1.8.5-1; jessie: 1.8.6-1; sid: 1.8.6-1
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11:41.30f-ahello. I need to execute a closed source binary (a 3d rendering engine test, made by a friend of mine). I forgot how to do that safely (if it is possible): chroot? virtual box?
11:42.05vifonSo I've just chosen a crappy day for an installation. It was not present then. Nevermind then.
11:42.07rl0chroot isn't that safe after all
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11:43.14f-arl0: thanks. Is there a way to sanitise it somehow (i.e. run it without it being able to access my files, modify them, etc.)?
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12:02.23accufrostschutz: no, it's a standard initrd
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12:04.53accuthe issue is not with the luks container though, it's with the underlying device
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12:08.01frankS2Hi, I wonder if its a no-no tho change APT::Periodic::RandomSleep to a large period of time, lets say 7 hours?
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12:21.12accudespite all my googling, none of the suggested ways of telling systemd not to bother with that device work..
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12:26.24berceanui am on a multiarch wheezy system and libc6-i386 fails to install. when i do sudo apt-get install libc6:i386 i get:  libc6 : Breaks: libc6:i386 (!= 2.18-0experimental0) but 2.13-38+deb7u1 is to be installed
12:27.09themillberceanu: that's not a wheezy system
12:27.25jelly-homeberceanu: you seem to have installed libc6 from experimental previously, but removed the experimental repo
12:27.47jelly-homesystem previously known as wheezy?
12:28.46berceanuthemill: lsb_release returns Debian GNU/Linux 7.4 (wheezy) ;)
12:29.05themillberceanu: that doesn't make it a wheezy system
12:29.17berceanuthemill: im not sure i follow
12:29.19themill,v libc6 --release wheezy
12:29.21juddPackage: libc6 on i386 -- wheezy: 2.13-38+deb7u1
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12:29.40themillberceanu: what jelly said -- your libc6:amd64 is not from wheezy
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12:30.25berceanuoh, ok, i see. it is possible i might have installed a newer experimental version some time ago and completely forgotten about it
12:33.07berceanuso here is my sources.list:
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12:38.56eptalonI just (re-)installed debian (unstable); and I was wondering where I would get multimedia stuff, but also java stuff from?
12:39.07accuberceanu: apt-get -t experimental install libc6:i386?
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12:42.01themilleptalon: they're already in debian
12:42.39berceanuaccu: libc6 : Breaks: libc6:i386 (!= 2.18-0experimental0) but 2.18-0experimental1 is to be installed
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12:42.51accuberceanu: apt-get -t experimental install libc6:i386 libc6:amd64
12:43.14themillberceanu: you probably don't really want libc6 from experimental.
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12:44.28accuprobably not :)
12:44.54berceanuthemill: i think i needed it to compile a very recent version of some program
12:44.59berceanuthemill: so im stuck with it
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12:45.55accueven experimental packages are packaged against sid dependencies right?
12:46.22berceanuaccu: libc6:i386 : Depends: libgcc1:i386 but it is not going to be installed
12:46.51accuberarma: yeah, you will need to include the whole depchain in this way..
12:46.58eptalonok, seems to work; I only need to add the key, but that seems a minor issuer
12:47.01eptalonok, seems to work; I only need to add the key, but that seems a minor issue
12:47.05berceanuaccu: iirc it was a manual compilation from source
12:47.35accuberarma: like themill said, it's prob not needed, and you should instead downgrade your libc to testing
12:48.03berceanui agree this seems to be creating a mess
12:48.11berceanuso how can i downgrade, guys?
12:48.39accuapt-get install libc6=2.13-38+deb7u1
12:48.41themilleptalon: deb-multimedia is best avoided.
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12:49.05eptalonthemill: do you have alternatives?
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12:49.25themilleptalon: for what?
12:49.42eptalonthemill: common packages, like vlc, perhaps one or two to transcode videos, a flashplugin,...
12:50.06themilleptalon: as I said, they're already all in debian
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12:50.32berceanuaccu: libc-dev-bin : Depends: libc6 (> 2.18) but 2.13-38+deb7u1 is to be installed
12:50.43themilldpkg: tell berceanu about partial downgrade
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12:50.58eptalonthemill: so debian changed its policy as to possibly non-free software?
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12:51.07themilleptalon: no
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12:52.00berceanuaccu: "change sources list" to what? ;_
12:52.07eptalonthemill: so how comes that debian provies vlc (with a few possibly problematic codecs), two or three tools for transcoding,...
12:52.15accuberarma: ?
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12:52.36themilleptalon: vlc and transcoding tools have been in debian for many years.
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12:53.18accuthemill: I think the multimedia situation was only resolved from wheezy/testing onward
12:53.19themillvlc (0.1.99-1) unstable; urgency=low; Mon, 13 Mar 2000 02:21:45 +0100
12:53.37themillaccu: deb-multimedia hasn't been required for several releases
12:53.47berceanuaccu: you mean remove deb experimental main from sources.list?
12:54.56accuberceanu: no, you should downgrade libc6 and its depencies/version locked co-packages to testing (or stable, or unstable)
12:55.55berceanuyes, but you sent me a private message about partial downgrading
12:56.03berceanuand first step says "change sources.list"
12:56.04accuberceanu: no I didn't
12:56.16berceanuwell dpkg did ;)
12:56.41berceanuthemill actually did
12:56.47eptaloncd/dvd burning, any suggestions?
12:56.53accuberceanu: since you don't know what to do in this situation I think it's best for you to remove experimental from your sources.list
12:57.16accuberceanu: prob also unstable
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12:57.28themilleptalon: k3b, brasero, ...; /msg dpkg search; /msg dpkg popcon
12:57.35berceanuaccu: which i just did, followed by apt-get update
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12:58.06accuberceanu: ok. so now issue a apt-cache showpkg libc6 and check the deps
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12:58.11berceanuaccu: i dont have unstable
12:58.14eptalonberceanu: "unstable" will be internally stable, as in if something is broken it is a single package; experimental does not make that guarantee
12:58.40themillneither does unstable.
12:58.50accuberceanu: then install all dependencies which have a specific version with apt-get install pkg=version pkg-version syntax
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12:59.05accuI mean pkg=version pkg=version etc
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13:00.52dvarruiI've heard that Debian is going to change SystemV/Upstar by systemd... What do you thing about it?
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13:02.22nkuttlerdvarrui: it's not decided yet, and not really on-topic for this channel
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13:02.27lord4163Where do I find /lib/security on Debian?
13:02.35jelly-homelord4163: same place
13:02.54lord4163jelly-home: So I'm supposed to create that folder?
13:03.07dvarruinkutler: Sorry! Thanks!
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13:03.20jelly-homelord4163: oh, which debian release are you using?
13:03.32lord4163jelly-home: wheezy
13:03.39jelly-homelord4163: look at ls -ld /lib/*/security
13:04.11berceanuaccu: i did the apt-cahe as you suggested, now im stuck with a lot of output:
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13:04.24lord4163jelly-home: Thanks
13:04.41jelly-homelord4163: or even dpkg -l libpam-modules
13:04.56jelly-homelord4163: sorry, dpkg -L libpam-modules
13:05.46accuberceanu: yes it contains a lot of technical info
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13:06.20accuberceanu: maybe apt-get -t testing libc6 will work for you, although I'm not sure if this will downgrade all deps too
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13:06.24berceanuaccu: so how do i extract what i need to install from this
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13:08.47berceanuaccu: i dont even think i have the testing repo in my sources file
13:08.56accuberceanu: in the top of the output you'll see which version of the package is current for which release. you'll have to explicitly tell apt-get the version for this package. Do the same for the packages it complains about. rinse repeat.
13:10.01accuberceanu: wheezy=testing
13:10.30berceanui thought wheezy was the stable one
13:10.35accuberarma: not yet
13:10.44veryapewheezy = debian stable
13:10.48veryapejessy = testing
13:11.10acculivin in the past :)
13:11.11berceanunp :)
13:11.23veryapeit happens :D
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13:12.52korhojoaguys, #debian has now existed for over 13 years
13:12.57korhojoa15:12:11 -!- Channel #debian created Sat Feb 10 01:16:24 2001
13:13.09berceanuso guys, there really is no automated way to do this downgrade?
13:13.21accuberceanu: yes, see my privmsg
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13:42.54Kirilsomeone could you tell me how to fix that -->
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13:45.48wolsKiril: you start with what program you are running. preferably outside the debugger
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13:47.47Kirilthis is gdb
13:48.09Kirilit's started on this way --> gdb ./eggdrop -p 14684
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13:52.20eptalonhow do I get sound (alsa)? to work; it recognises some ibex-peak sound card, and until I reninstalled sound worked.
13:52.56accueptalon: unmute..
13:53.16eptalonaccu: how?
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13:54.24accuwith the mixer?
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13:55.06eptalonaccu: e.g.
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13:55.24accukmix, pavucontrol
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14:10.03berceanuif i have installed vim from source and now want to switch to the default wheezy package, how can i do it?
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14:11.47flux242berceanu: did you perform - make install   ?
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14:12.18berceanuflux242: yes
14:12.25berceanusudo make install
14:13.08flux242berceanu: never do make install
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14:14.06flux242berceanu: now you can parse the Makefile to find out what and where vim makefile installs and remove everything manually
14:15.10flux242berceanu: that's why package managers exit. They do this work for you
14:15.50berceanucan't i just overwrite it with the wheezy version?
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14:17.32flux242berceanu: you may try. Technically it might work, but I never tried it
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