IRC log for #debian on 20130506

00:00.19sam101jelly-home: i don't have a clue how to do that unfortunatelly
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00:00.25themillOwner: the package in sid might work right now but mixing stable and sid is not a sustainable path. A better option might be a sid chroot with that tool installed in it -- schroot makes making and going into/out of those chroots very easy
00:00.33jelly-homepenguin42: upgrades always go one release at a time
00:00.35dvspenguin42: only the previous version is guaranteed
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00:01.29penguin42ok, fair enough
00:01.30Ownerthemill, can i try to build it from the dsc and .debian.tar.gz files ?
00:01.35jelly-homesam101: and you don't show enough ability to listen, or avoid doing destructive things in fragile environments
00:02.02sam101i understand, but i tried to follow you
00:02.04sam101and the rest
00:02.20jebbI am trying to replace a hard drive, remove /dev/sdb and install /dev/sda, copied sdb1 to sda1 and did >grub --root-directory=/mnt/sda1 /dev/sda, it doesn't work when I reboot, how should I be doing it?
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00:02.49jelly-homesam101: oh... well, I don't think anyone mentioned using aptitude, esp. not aptitude dist-upgrade
00:02.50themillOwner: yes that would work fine too. I don't know how hard that thing is to build though.
00:03.01Ownerthemill, ok
00:03.30themillOwner: if you've not built a backport before, «/msg dpkg ssb» for a quick overview of how to do it
00:03.31asterismohi, i need help with something
00:03.43asterismonow that wheezy has been released
00:03.53asterismoi was running wheezy testing
00:04.14jelly-homesam101: next time someone comes in with a sarge system, I'll make sure to tell them they have a really fragile OS and not to tocuh anything
00:04.37asterismoif i change repos to stable rather than testing, will i be sticking with wheezy?
00:04.51jelly-homeasterismo: don't change to stable.  Change to wheezy.
00:04.52sam101jelly-home: ok
00:04.57dvsasterismo: you should change the repos to wheezy
00:04.58mtnasterismo: leave it at wheezy and things will work fine
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00:06.49asterismothanks guys
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00:08.29sam101jelly-home: thanks for your help
00:08.38sam101and the rest thanks for helping
00:09.38smev9did any of you have problems setting up printing. When i click on the model (canon mp500) i am returned to the former window and nothing else happens. Am i missing packages?
00:10.01jelly-homesam101: yeah, sorry for not solving anything
00:10.09sam101no worries, thanks
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00:11.12Ownerthemill, wow thanks!
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00:11.40Ownerbuilding now
00:11.56usrnixHi, how do I get these deps for Steam for Linux that aren't in the official repo?
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00:13.01mtnsmev9: you might try the cups web interface: http://localhost:631
00:13.34mtnsmev9: if that doesn't work, search on your model and debian
00:13.51smev9@mtn you might be right.
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00:16.27smev9@mtn That did it, okay. I really wanted the new user face to do the job... But well as long as it works.
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00:21.11SchijnnWhenever I log in, I get a message saying I have mail.  I have read the mail, but I still keep getting the message.  How can I inform the system I've read the mail?
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00:22.05huglesterSchijnn: type mail
00:25.40ctmjrSchijnn: "man mail" might help you
00:27.54rotiferi know this isnt really a debian specific question but i gotta ask how do you get tar to read an lto-1 tape that was written on an lto-2 drive?
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00:28.36penguin42rotifer: I'd expect you not to have to do anything special
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00:29.08penguin42rotifer: what type of drive is it in
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00:50.13ranticHow could I get the newer 310, 313 or 319 nvidia drivers on debian? :O Even wheezy only comes with 304.88
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00:51.18Arrowmaster,versions nvidia-dkms
00:51.19juddNo package named 'nvidia-dkms' was found in i386.
00:51.20epsilonget binary from nvidia
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00:51.44Arrowmaster,versions nvidia-kernel-dkms
00:51.45juddPackage: nvidia-kernel-dkms on i386 -- squeeze-proposed-updates/non-free: 195.36.31-6squeeze1; squeeze/non-free: 195.36.31-6squeeze2; squeeze-backports/non-free: 295.59-1~bpo60+1; squeeze-backports/non-free: 295.59-1~bpo60+2; jessie/non-free: 304.88-1; wheezy/non-free: 304.88-1; sid/non-free: 304.88-2; experimental/non-free: 313.30-1
00:51.58Arrowmasterexperimental has 313
00:52.18Arrowmasterand getting the binary from nvidia is never really an option since the installer is so terrible
00:52.44epsilonit works *shrugs*
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00:53.31epsilononly tricky thing is you need to manually install gcc 4.3 and link to it
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00:54.01Arrowmasteryeah walking a newbie through using experimental is probably easier than that
00:55.17ranticArrowmaster: Hm ... I'm assuming experimental would be under software sources or something?
00:55.18epsilonmore important quastion is what is rantic missing in 304.88 what is available in 319
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00:55.52xmxI have installed wheezy (with lvm encryption).. and when I reboot, after typing in the encryption passphrase, it says successful, then it just goes to a black screen
00:55.54ranticepsilon: It's the performance boost from 304 to 310, which was staggeringly higher on my gtx 460
00:56.06ranticso I technically don't need 319, 310 would be perfectly fine
00:56.10xmxI have to go through this 4-5 times, then it'll finally work
00:56.12xmxany ideas?
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00:57.11n-iCewhat's the tool to configurate the mouse?
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00:57.18epsilonxmx: black screen, so nothing displayed at all?
00:57.34mmnicolasn-iCe: what do you want to configurate
00:57.43n-iCemoude pad tap
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00:58.01xmxwell it says sda5-crypt successful, starts to load something else, but then goes to a black screen real fast
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00:58.27epsilonxmx: sounds grafic issue for me. ca you ping/ssh to the host?
00:58.29xmxand stays at a black screen, then i have to hold the power button, and go through the same process a couple of times, before i get past it
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00:59.25xmxepsilon: yeah I am currently on it right now
00:59.33epsilonif luks/lvm is unhappy with something, it will tell you on screen instead going black
00:59.50n-iCeGConf Error: No D-BUS daemon running
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01:00.10n-iCehow do I solve that
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01:01.25mmnicolasn-iCe: how did it came to this ? this is a freshly installed wheezy with gnome 3 ?
01:01.37n-iCemmnicolas: I removed gnome3
01:01.40n-iCeinstalled openbox
01:02.27Arrowmasterdid you just install openbox or did you install LXDE which comes with openbox?
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01:02.42Arrowmasteryou might have removed too much if you didnt install a DE
01:03.01n-iCeNo D-BUS daemon running how do I run that daemon or install it?
01:03.16Arrowmasteryou could try installing LXDE with aptitude install task-lxde-desktop
01:03.24n-iCeI don't want a DE
01:03.31ranticArrowmaster: I found this page ... I've added experimental to my sources.list and run apt-get update, now could I just do  apt-get -t experimental install <nvidia-stuff> ? :o
01:03.37Arrowmasterok then youll need to find the package for d-bus and install it
01:03.43Arrowmasterrantic: yes
01:03.48ranticArrowmaster: This page (
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01:04.26n-iCeArrowmaster: can't find it, that's why I ask, you have any idea?
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01:05.02Arrowmastern-iCe: aptitude install dbus
01:05.17n-iCeof course it is installed
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01:05.24n-iCedbus is already the newest version.
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01:06.18Arrowmasteroh, then i think you need to do something to run it when openbox starts
01:06.34Arrowmasterbut i thought the xorg scripts did that automatically
01:06.34n-iCethat could be
01:06.36n-iCehow do I run it?
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01:07.09ranticArrowmaster: erg I really hate to pester you .. but I'm not entirely sure what nvidia packages I actually need .. I found this ( but there are loads of them :(
01:07.20n-iCeArrowmaster: same error
01:07.27Arrowmasterdpkg: tell rantic about nvidia dkms
01:08.45rotiferrantic,  i know this isnt really the best advice probably but to get all the packages that nvidias driver complained about i ended up installing virtualbox-ose
01:08.48themilln-iCe: how are you starting openbox?
01:09.31Arrowmasterrotifer: sounds like you had an issue with the dkms package and kernel header package
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01:09.55n-iCethemill: slim
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01:10.33themilluse a decent display manager
01:10.51n-iCeyou think that is?
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01:11.34ranticArrowmaster: I barely understand that command but I'm confused how it uses the 313 drivers from experimental .. or at the very least where I can substitute some of it to point to them :o
01:11.55n-iCeroot@debian:/home# service dbus start
01:11.55n-iCe[ ok ] system message bus already started; not starting..
01:12.53Arrowmasterrantic: youve got the kernel headers already right, then just doing apt-get -t experimental install nvidia-kernel-dkms should work
01:13.01*** join/#debian Trel (
01:13.12TrelDoes Debian use UFW or is that something specific to ubuntu?
01:13.35Arrowmasternot by default but i believe you can install it
01:14.02themillTrel: ufw is in the debian archive as are a number of other firewall builders. (Also, U is for "Uncomplicated" not "Ubuntu")
01:14.22n-iCethemill: installed dwm, same
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01:14.53themilln-iCe: dwm is not a display manager.
01:15.03themilln-iCe: did you read the release notes btw?
01:15.13n-iCeno, what
01:15.22n-iCegdm !
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01:15.43themillgdm isn't in wheezy. gdm3 perhaps?
01:16.07themilland you logged out and then logged back in?
01:16.09Arrowmasteror lightdm but that has its own issues too
01:16.21n-iCethemill: yes
01:16.31themillArrowmaster: some of which are the same as this issue -- not starting dbus and ck on login
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01:19.44ChibaPetrantic: You might want to use the dkms package. Things in Experimental won't necessarily be built for what's currently the Wheezy kernel.
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01:20.30n-iCethemill: out of ideas?
01:20.45ChibaPetranix: However, it's worth questioning what you want from that driver from Experimental. If it's, for example, threaded OpenGL, you might want to verify that someone's gotten it to work with your particular application.
01:20.48themilln-iCe: rebooting would be sensible to make sure all the services you need to be running are actually running
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01:21.08n-iCethemill: do you recommend gdm3 for openbox?
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01:21.29themillI would recommend gdm3 over slim.
01:21.41jelly-homen-iCe: lightdm seems to work well for ubuntu peoples
01:21.56themilllightdm doesn't do consolekit or dbus properly in wheezy
01:21.58mmnicolasif you don't want a a desktop environment chances are the reasons you have also applies to a display manager
01:22.13themillmmnicolas: sure, that doesn't make slim functional.
01:22.19jelly-homethemill: who broke it!
01:22.52themilljelly-home: nfc. it's been like that for ages. It's to l33t to properly implement various necessary features.
01:23.01ChibaPetn-iCe: I use LightDM with OpenBox here. Wheezy packages it.
01:23.02mmnicolasI meant, just don't use it, launch your session with startx and .Xsession
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01:23.16jelly-homethemill: and yet it works over there, apparently
01:23.23*** join/#debian rantic (c00097ee@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:23.32themilljelly-home: perhaps they're patching it heavily. Or using a different version.
01:23.51ChibaPetn-iCe: Oh, try this, incidentally, from your .xsession:   exec ck-launch-session /usr/bin/openbox
01:24.00themillChibaPet: does that actually work in wheezy?
01:24.09n-iCethat's for my message error?
01:24.14themillallegedly, unprivileged users can't start ck sessions any more?
01:24.36ChibaPetthemill: I think I needed it to to get, for instance, Network Manager to run on my netbook.
01:24.47ChibaPetAnd I definitely use it now, so at the least it's not erroring out.
01:24.48jelly-homeuses kdm mostly because he thinks frivolous changing of $XAUTHORITY is uncouth
01:24.49themillChibaPet: with wheezy? or with squeeze.
01:25.01ChibaPetWheezy. Haven't used Squeeze for a while.
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01:25.27ranticArrowmaster: I entered the command from dpkg, restarted and tried to install the nvidia-kernel-dkms package from experimental, however it has already been installed (by the previous command I assume) and is the older version 304.88
01:25.40ChibaPetI can test this against my netbook to see if nm-applet chokes without it. Half a second and I will.
01:25.44ranticArrowmaster: I'm not sure how to force an upgrade, i ran apt-get update before hand too
01:25.59Arrowmasterthat command should install it from experimental
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01:26.23themillthere was quite a long discussion on debian-doc and in a bug against the release notes about how to deal with ck and dbus, which ended up with
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01:26.34n-iCeChibaPet: so, exec ck-launch-session /usr/bin/openbox in that .xsession?
01:27.10ChibaPetn-iCe: That's what I do. Testing to see if that's cargo-cult behaviour on my aprt.
01:27.19mmnicolasim launching with .xsession on wheezy, dbus and ck are starting without me doing anything
01:27.32n-iCehow do I launch
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01:27.35n-iCeI don't get it
01:27.38n-iCejust startx ?
01:28.20ChibaPetn-iCe: I use LightDM.
01:28.26ChibaPetn-iCe: You can also use XDM.
01:28.38themill(xdm has the same problems)
01:28.40MrFroodor lightdm
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01:28.55themillperhaps we should stop suggesting *dm that are known to have this problem?
01:29.05Arrowmasterwhy do they all have this problem?
01:29.22themillArrowmaster: because they're being to l33t to bother implementing things like dbus and ck support
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01:29.39jelly-home... or they don't care about debian
01:29.48Arrowmasterrelease notes seem to indicate that lightdm supports ck
01:29.48ChibaPetWell, I don't think it's 1337 so much as "dead".
01:29.50themill(or more precisely, Xsession.d)
01:29.51n-iCeso let me delete gdm3 then
01:30.09n-iCelog out and just use startx
01:30.09truko22salai pagui o/
01:30.13ranticArrowmaster: It just tells me it's already installed ... I also ran aptitude search ~S~i~Aexperimental and nothing is listed
01:30.17rantichm ..
01:30.23n-iCewjere is that .xsessions file
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01:30.31themillArrowmaster: true -- maybe that was fixed in the end.
01:30.34ranticArrowmaster: I notice I don't see the 313 packages in synaptic either
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01:31.11MrFroodn-iCe: from my xinitrc "exec ck-launch-session dbus-launch openbox-session"
01:31.56n-iCewhere is that xinitrc
01:31.58n-iCecan't find it
01:32.20ChibaPetn-iCe: ~/.xinitrc or ~/.xsession
01:32.20MrFroodsame as xsession
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01:32.36MrFroodgn all
01:32.51ChibaPetNight, MrFrood .
01:32.53n-iCeChibaPet: MrFrood I don't have any of those
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01:32.54n-iCe: o
01:33.06ChibaPetn-iCe: You create them.
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01:33.21n-iCe~/.xinitrc or ~/.xsession
01:33.26ChibaPetn-iCe: Most folks are using desktop environments and don't use them. You want to use OpenBox directly, so you want to create one.
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01:33.43n-iCebut which one
01:33.54ChibaPetn-iCe: Someone will correct me if I'm wrong, but as I remember, .xinitrc is what startx uses, and .xsession is what a *DM will use.
01:33.58MrFroodxinitrc is for startx, xsession for dm's  /me gone
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01:34.19n-iCeI created it and added: exec ck-launch-session dbus-launch openbox-session
01:34.30ranticIf I have added the experimental repositories to my sources.list, run apt-get update and seen it in the list getting updated, however I can't seem to get packages, where would I begin to troubleshoot this?
01:34.32n-iCeshould I mark it as executable?
01:34.54n-iCeok dine
01:34.57n-iCeI'm goign to reboot
01:34.59ChibaPetALSO... Evidently including ck-launch-session is no longer needed in my environment. Either that or LightDM is doing the right thing for me and I needed it when I was still running XDM.
01:34.59n-iCebrb thanks
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01:35.30ChibaPetrantic: You use -t repo to specify that repo for a particular operation.
01:35.46ChibaPetrantic: -t experimental in this case, but I'd still recommend that you question why you want it. :)
01:35.56ranticChibaPet: I've tried but it's not reflected
01:36.42ChibaPetrantic: Perhaps you can pastebin a sample attempt to install. But, first please say what you want out of 313.30 :)
01:36.44ranticChibaPet: I'm trying to get the 310 nvidia drivers (or in this case 313 as it stored in the repositories, my card performance is/was disgusting with the 304 drivers). However I'm simply told I'm up to date at 304.88
01:37.00ranticChibaPet: I only needed a release after 310.44, anything after ward
01:37.48ChibaPetrantic: What application?
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01:39.00ranticChibaPet: This was after the  official steam release and Linus' comments about Nvidia that they finally made the massive updates to general performance.
01:39.07ChibaPetrantic: So, something I've noted here, running World of Warcraft under Wine, is that for some reason having my CPU governor set to "ondemand" absolutely fails to note the increased demand.
01:39.12ranticChibaPet: Uhm it's mostly just for video play back ... some selfish gaming
01:39.32ChibaPetrantic: So what I do is wrap games in a script that sets each core to "performance" for the duration of the game.
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01:40.13ChibaPetrantic: For single-threaded apps under Wine, this will be a HUGE boost for you even under 304. All Experimental should give you is the possibility of threaded OpenGL, which is also supposed to be a big win, but which I've failed to get running so far.
01:40.32*** part/#debian tjiggi_fo (
01:40.45ranticChibaPet: I wasn't planning on running anything under wine : o
01:40.48ChibaPetrantic: Moving away from the default "ondemand" doubles my framerate, by way of example, either either driver.
01:40.57ChibaPetrantic: Isn't that was Steam does?
01:41.20Arrowmastersteam is native
01:41.25ranticChibaPet: Steam released an official linux client a few months ago
01:41.27ranticwith native linux games
01:41.29*** join/#debian CESSMASTER (~CESSMASTE@unaffiliated/joelywoely)
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01:41.45ChibaPetOh, I thought they were just supporting Lignux, but running the games under Wine. Interesting.
01:42.03CESSMASTERhi i saw a car parked today with a new hampshire vanity plate that said DEBIAN
01:42.09Arrowmasternope, wines not supported at all
01:42.13CESSMASTERis the owner in here
01:42.17CESSMASTERdo any of you know him
01:42.29ChibaPetrantic: It *still* might hold true, though - worth checking your CPU governor, for kicks. Way easier than building a Frankdebian if it helps.
01:42.31ranticChibaPet: Unfortunately a bunch of the games I want to play won't launch unless you're at version 310 or later, I'm just annoying I'm so close
01:42.45ranticChibaPet: I didn't think it was so franken lol
01:43.03ChibaPetrantic: Alright, well, please paste your result when you try to install, into, say,
01:43.09ChibaPetAnd please post your sources.list
01:43.13CESSMASTERi figure anybody with a debian license plate spends a lot of time on irc
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01:45.37ranticChibaPet: My sources.list,
01:45.39penguin42CESSMASTER: Hopefully not while driving
01:45.52*** join/#debian n-iCe (~nice@Aircrack-NG/User/n-iCe)
01:45.57n-iCedone, is working fine with lightdm
01:46.09ChibaPetn-iCe: Good, good. Congrats.
01:46.40ChibaPetrantic: One thing I note is that you're only pulling main from experimental, and that's not where the nVidia stuff lives.
01:46.52ranticChibaPet: oh :(
01:47.38ChibaPetrantic: It happens.
01:48.14ranticChibaPet: I literally installed Debian as my first Linux distribution a few hours ago ... threw the installation stuff on my tablet and went through. I saw that line on and rolled with it
01:48.48ranticChibaPet: I'm assuming it's from the non-free section since it's nvidias own driver though
01:48.49*** join/#debian burace17 (~blair@
01:49.03ChibaPetrantic: You're awfully close to what you want. And I think it's... Is it contrib? It's either contrib or non-free or both.
01:49.46*** part/#debian CESSMASTER (~CESSMASTE@unaffiliated/joelywoely)
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01:50.15ChibaPetrantic: If you get this working and you manage to get threaded OpenGL going, I'd love to know how, incidentally.
01:50.22n-iCeSystem:    Host debian Kernel 3.2.0-4-amd64 x86_64 (64 bit) Desktop Openbox 3.5.0 Distro Debian GNU/Linux 7.0
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01:51.25ChibaPetn-iCe: Now, it's not horrible to add a panel to that. xfce4-panel and lxpanel both have their merits. And I think they committed a patch I sent so the latest xmobar will work with OpenBox now.
01:51.53ChibaPet(They meaning the xmobar people - the xmobar in Wheezy won't quite work with OpenBox.)
01:52.04*** join/#debian codepal_ (~codepal@
01:52.06n-iCeChibaPet: tint2 is installed :)
01:52.28*** join/#debian lduros (~user@fsf/member/lduros)
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01:52.43ChibaPetHaven't tried that one. I'll look.
01:52.47n-iCeI love it
01:53.04*** join/#debian codepal_ (~codepal@
01:54.36n-iCeAll I need now is to enable the moude pad tap
01:54.38n-iCeany idea ChibaPet ?
01:54.59ranticChibaPet: If I can help in any way I'd be glad to, time to test on the reboot
01:55.08ChibaPetrantic: Tell us how it goes.
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01:55.45ChibaPetn-iCe: That might not be possible with bare OpenBox. Looking. Not sure where that functionality lives.
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01:59.11ChibaPetn-iCe: Maybe look here?
02:00.01*** mode/#debian [+l 1329] by debhelper
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02:06.26ChibaPetn-iCe: Looks good.
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02:08.20n-iCeChibaPet: :)
02:08.28n-iCeHow do I install a .deb package with all the dependencies?
02:08.32n-iCeI can't install skype
02:08.44gryisnt it in the unfree repos ?
02:09.09ChibaPetn-iCe: Skype is a mess. If your box is amd64, welcome to multi-arch, for example.
02:09.25n-iCeIm am amd64
02:09.28themillgry: "non-free" and no.
02:09.54ChibaPetn-iCe: check here:
02:10.06*** join/#debian codepal (~codepal@
02:10.10themillgry: you can't even stick it in non-free when you're not permitted to redistribute the download.
02:10.32ChibaPetn-iCe: Check the "On Debian 7.0" section for instructions.
02:10.34*** join/#debian codepal (~codepal@
02:10.50n-iCeapt-get install ia32-libs ia32-libs-gtk, brings me a lot of errors
02:11.00n-iCeia32-libs : Depends: ia32-libs-i386 but it is not installable ia32-libs-gtk : Depends: ia32-libs-i386 but it is not installable
02:11.28ChibaPetn-iCe: Yeah, you want the multi-arch approach.
02:11.45ChibaPetn-iCe: ia32-libs went away, if I remember correctly.
02:11.53n-iCethen I don't get it
02:11.58n-iCethat's what it says for amd64
02:12.06themilln-iCe: did you "dpkg --add-architecture i386" ?
02:12.09ChibaPetn-iCe: Oh, wait, it's still there. Hm.
02:12.30n-iCeyes themill and a lot of errors
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02:12.35n-iCeliek  skype depends on libasound2 (>= 1.0.16).
02:12.42themilln-iCe: perhaps you should pastebin the entire thing?
02:12.59themilland "dpkg --add-architecture i386" should not produce errors.
02:13.34ChibaPetn-iCe: Note that the ia32-libs instruction is from the Debian 6.0 section - that's not the part you want to follow.
02:13.44themilln-iCe: umm... where does it say to do that?
02:14.05*** join/#debian codepal (~codepal@
02:14.10n-iCeoh, did not see the wheezy 7 sections
02:14.14n-iCelet me try
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02:14.49ChibaPetn-iCe: Note that the first section in "Debian 7.0" is for folks running i386 - you want the next bit, and the first part of that where it talks about multi-arch.
02:15.24*** join/#debian Terminus (~null@
02:15.25n-iCeyup, doing it, thanks!
02:15.58ChibaPetn-iCe: Let me take this opportunity to stress the importance of making back-ups of your system.
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02:19.21fekmistI have been trying to install debian 7.0, but i keep getting this after i select install:
02:19.29fekmistanyone have any idea what's going on?
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02:20.58ChibaPetfekmist: Someone might have a better answer, but what I've noted is that you can get odd failures sometimes when your BIOS presents your disks as Legacy when they want to be SATA... or something similar... I forget the naming options. But perhaps check that and see how your disks are being listed.
02:22.07ChibaPetfekmist: If it were my box, I'd think about setting BIOS options to defaults after noting how it's got your disks listed, and then iterating through disk interface options.
02:22.36ChibaPetfekmist: Building my wife's machine not horribly long ago I had to do that or the disks would randomly become unresponsive.
02:23.29ChibaPetfekmist: If by some chance that's actually referring to your install media, you might check that as well, and possibly try USB if you're installing via CD, or vice versa.
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02:25.07jgiorgihow (where?) does chromium/google-chrome store saved passwords and form data? using deb-stable and xfce if it matters
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02:25.25n-iCeworks, thanks themill ChibaPet  :)
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02:25.53fekmistI have yet to set my board's settings to default so I'll give that a shot. Important for me to mention too that I've tried USB which gives me the same result and also this happens with any GNU + Linux distro I try to install.
02:26.04ChibaPetn-iCe: Good, good. Enjoy.
02:26.34*** join/#debian codepal_ (~codepal@
02:26.38ChibaPetfekmist: Could be BIOS settings for your drives. This is just a guess.
02:27.04fekmistChibaPet: Thanks for the advice.
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02:32.01seeker61i have loaded samba, i can see my network printer, i have a domain but do not see any shares -- other computers on the network what am i missing
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02:34.20jgiorgiis it possible to force an unmount? ie to ignore that the volume is in use and just dump it (understanding possible filesystem damage)
02:34.29seeker61other computers on network are windows
02:34.36ChibaPetjgiorgi: If you must, you can say umount -f
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02:35.10ChibaPetseeker61: If no one chimes in tonight, might be worth asking again tomorrow during busier hours.
02:35.35seeker61chibaPet: ok thanks
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02:36.24jgiorgiChibaPet, device or resource busy, note this is a truecrypt volume
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02:36.57ChibaPetjgiorgi: Ah, sorry, unfamiliar with truecrypt and what that might add to the situation.
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02:40.02jgiorgiChibaPet, well, i think the -l flag did it with umount, truecrypt is unhappy but the volume is no longer accessible which was the goal
02:40.14jgiorgiin a roundabout way you got me on the right path, ty
02:41.05ChibaPetjgornick: Interesting - I'd never seen -l before.
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02:41.52ChibaPetjgornick: If this is a security concern, note that it's quite possible data can still be accessed by examining active inodes and so forth.
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02:45.38w0rm-_xHi, I am using this command < /dev/urandom tr -dc _A-Z | head -c1  to generate a random uppercase letter, I understand what is going on, only I don't get it why "<" is at the beginning rather than after /dev/urandom  (i.e. /dev/urandom >)
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02:47.12ChibaPetw0rm-_x: Positioning is flexible. tr is the command, and the redirection applies to it whether it's in front or back of the command.
02:47.57mahermysql doesn't seem to want to start itself after my wheezy upgrade - how do I get it do show some useful debug info about why it won't start?
02:48.25ChibaPetw0rm-_x: Positioning matters more if you have things that impact each other - like, > /dev/null 2>&1, which does two different things depending on the order.
02:48.38themillmaher: what does /var/log/daemon.log show?
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02:49.23ChibaPetAnd with that, g'night, all.
02:50.00*** join/#debian msx (~msx@
02:50.10maherthemill: oops - syslog went missing somehow...
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02:52.29w0rm-_xChibaPet, thanks :)
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02:54.56ChibaPetw0rm-_x: Also, just noticed another thing you wrote... "/dev/urandom >" wouldn't work because that's saying /dev/urandom is a command that should send its STDOUT somewhere unspecified, but it's not a command.
02:55.49ChibaPet"cat /dev/urandom | something" is closer to that, but the for of "command < /dev/urandom" or your slightly less using "< /dev/urandom command" is better.
02:56.09ChibaPetAlright, really gone now. =disappears in a puff of greasy black smoke=
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03:00.25Towzzerchi chi chi chia
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03:02.13maherthemill: ok - now is says  [ERROR] Unknown/unsupported storage engine: InnoDB
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03:06.57themillmaher: you don't have innodb disabled in /etc/mysql/my.cnf or /etc/mysql/conf.d/ do you?
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03:07.09n-iCehow do I launch nautilus?
03:07.20n-iCecan't find it
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03:09.09Towzzermaher, in mysql "SHOW ENGINES;"
03:09.13maherthemill: yes i do
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03:14.50themillmaher: mysql conveniently changed the default storage engine from myisam to innodb for version 5.5. Fun ensues.
03:15.11sacredchaoI  am trying to run Gimp 2.8 on Debian sid amd64, but it won't show up in the GUI
03:15.15maherthemill: can i still you myisam?
03:15.16Towzzerbut wasn't that a long time coming?
03:15.25sacredchaoSo I try to run it on the CLI but as soon as I type gimp + enter it returns me to a new prompt
03:15.26Towzzerwhy use myisam, it's slower
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03:15.29maherthemill: s/you/use/
03:15.34sacredchaono error... 2.4.8-1 is installed
03:15.38themillmaher: yes
03:15.43maherTowzzer: i don't care i want mysql to start
03:15.49maherthemill: how do i do that?
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03:16.09themillmaher: just get rid of the skip-innodb from your config
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03:18.30maherthemill: i can a bunch of errors like: InnoDB: Error: trying to access tablespace
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03:28.46GinTonicoolwhere can i paste my questions to?
03:29.08GinTonicoolwhat is the paste link ?
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03:29.34themillYou ask questions in this channel. If you need to show commands and output, you put them in
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03:33.27cryosphereinstalled deb7 with xfce - acpi can't figure if I'm plugged in or not - any ideas?
03:34.30GinTonicool            help me please ,thank a lot
03:34.37apm1cryosphere, lack of acpi support in 3.2for your laptop i think
03:35.05cryospherei upgraded to precompiled 3.7
03:35.19apm1cryosphere, what laptop is it ?
03:35.23themillGinTonicool: what are you actually trying to do here?
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03:35.25cryospheretried to compile 3.9, failed, too many options to figur eout
03:35.29cryospheresamsung series 9
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03:36.09apm1cryosphere, no idea pal sorry :(
03:36.34GinTonicoolthemill ,i 'm installing a software ,but it shows errors ,can you help me ?
03:36.52cryospherewhere is the president of debian? I want to mail this laptop to him to fix
03:37.10apm1cryosphere, we don't have a president
03:37.18themillGinTonicool: it might help to know what it is you're compiling.
03:37.19cryospheresorry, old trolling habits
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03:37.54cryosphereseems like this is  know bug:
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03:38.51GinTonicoolthemill , i'm compiling and installing a DNS client
03:39.45themillGinTonicool: if you don't want to provide any more information than what is in that pastebin, then all I can tell you is that it looks like there is an error in their C code and you should talk to the people who wrote it.
03:39.46GinTonicooli use this client ,so that i can get a net address so others can find my sites,,it's free
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03:41.45apm1oh shit leak
03:41.56GinTonicoolthemill ,look at this
03:42.03maherapm1: old school
03:42.09apm1maher, yeah
03:42.29themillGinTonicool: yes, that just tells me that there's a problem in that C code that you need to fix.
03:42.32cryosphereis there chartroom or some other resourse that can help me figure out the various kernel compilation settings or provide machine,kernel version specific .config files?
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03:42.50apm1cryosphere, #kernel
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03:44.26GinTonicoolthemill ,do you know how to fix it ?
03:45.22themillGinTonicool: not without seeing the C code... Perhaps you should ask ##C what's wrong with the code, but you'll need to actually show it to them
03:45.30themillGinTonicool: mind reading over IRC is pretty hard
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03:50.04themillGinTonicool: Perhaps you could also decide if this is a Debian question or an Ubuntu one and ask only in the correct channel.
03:50.43themillGinTonicool: (and seriously, until you actually provide useful information, you're not going to get a better answer than "your C code is wrong")
03:50.50*** join/#debian hesco (
03:51.23hescoI've never seen this message before:
03:51.46hescoapt-get install says it wants to remove apt.  what's up with that?
03:52.08themillapt-get install what? and what's in your sources.list? /msg dpkg bat
03:52.23hescoinstall perl-doc
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03:53.23themillhesco: and the output of "apt-cache policy perl-doc apt perl; apt-cache policy" is …
03:53.54themillThe fact that you have "631 not upgraded" should raise a flag for you
03:55.11hescothemill: has been updated to respond to your questions
03:55.32themillahh... you should never use "stable" in your sources.list
03:55.49themillthough that was likely to be the answer today
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03:56.52sacredchaothemill: What's wrong with 'stable' if you only want to run stable releases?
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03:57.13hescothemill: you mean 'stable' instead of 'squeeze-updates' ???
03:57.24themillsacredchao: on Saturday, stable was squeeze; today, stable is wheezy. See the results in hesco's paste.
03:57.35themillhesco: no, you should use "squeeze" not "stable".
03:57.49hescoah, ok, updating that now
03:58.07hescoso wheezy got rolled out recently?  is that what I am seeing here?
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03:58.09themillhesco: when you are ready to upgrade to wheezy, you should read the release notes and follow the instructions on how to upgrade to wheezy safely.
03:58.21themillhesco: /topic
03:58.32hescothanks, got it.  that won't be tonight though
03:58.52mniipnm-applet shows 'device not managed', i've tried googling this, all results say to edit  /etc/NetworkManager/nm-system-settings.conf but i don't have such a file
03:58.53themillhesco: indeed. And that's why you never use "stable" in your sources.list
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03:59.38sacredchaothemill: I see, well, it shouldn't work if it's not recommended
03:59.53sacredchaotesting and unstable make sense to define using those words as they are rolling releases
04:00.12sacredchaobut I can see 'stable' in sources.list causing unsuspecting shock to systems at release time
04:00.23themillsacredchao: there are lots of things you can do with your debian box that aren't recommended but they are still possible to do
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04:00.37hescothanks, themill.  a one package install is far closer to what I expected here
04:00.56themillindeed :)
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04:04.28hescodo I read that correctly?  Will Wheezy upgrade my perl to 5.14?
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04:04.40themillhesco: yes
04:04.53hescosweet, that's been a long time coming
04:05.19hescowonder if it will fix the perl debugger as well
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04:05.59hescoat the office where we are still using perl 5.6 the perl-d works fine.  at home on 5.10, its completely unusable
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04:08.01cryosphereany thought/warnings on using a precompiled ubuntu kernel on debian
04:08.24cryosphereI've done it before, but I wanted to know if that was something idiotic
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04:08.56hescocryosphere: I have not done it before, but would want to start on a VM, not any machine I depended on
04:09.10themillmniip: squeeze? wheezy? What's in /etc/network/interfaces?
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04:09.15apm1cryosphere, nothing wrong wrong with it
04:09.30somiajcryosphere: provided the kernel has all the features required by debian it should be fine, but it isn't recomended. Why do you want to use a ubuntu kernel on debian?
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04:09.44cryospherehesco: acpi issues
04:09.52cryospherethat are machine specific
04:10.00*** mode/#debian [+l 1326] by debhelper
04:10.46cryospherecan't detect if the powerline is plugged in
04:11.11cryosphereand  certain sequence of pm-suspend pluging/unplugin the power supply
04:11.17cryospherewill actually cause it to crash
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04:11.39themillmniip: you should be able to comment out every line from line 8 onwards in that file and then restart. Then n-m will manage your devices quite happily.
04:11.42somiajcryosphere: and why does the ubuntu kernel work? Is it a version thing, or do you need to change some compile time config options?
04:11.57cryospheresomaij - no idea that it will
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04:12.11somiajcyberspace-: what version of debian and kernel are you running on?
04:12.12cryosphereand I don't wnat to compile one
04:12.28cryospherewheezy, 3.2
04:12.35mniipthemill, ok, restarting
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04:13.38cryospherealso, no lid closure detection, again this seems to be a common bug, and from from past exprience I drawn to upgrading the kernel as the first step in dealing with laptop hw recogniztion issues
04:14.03cryospherewell I tried to compile 3.9 and failed
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04:14.49somiajcryosphere: I'm trying to see what version of the upstream kernel it says that was fixed, I see someone said 3.5 fixed it
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04:15.14cryospheredebian kernel?
04:15.16somiajcryosphere: you can most likely (I haven't tested this but I belive it will work) grab the 3.8 kernel from experimeintial while you wait for an offically backported kernel for wheezy
04:15.18cryospherein sid?
04:15.26themill3.8 from experimental works with wheezy if you want
04:15.36cryosphereok that makes sense, thanks
04:15.40somiajcryosphere: no I was reading that bugreport you linked, trying to see in the upstream linux kernel if it was fixed (Because that is where it needs to be fixed)
04:16.47cryosphereok, I'll the 3.8 from experimental
04:17.23somiajcryosphere: the bug reports seem to be inconculsive to me if they have a fix in the newer kernel version
04:17.34somiajcryosphere: I did read that you should make sure your bios is upto date
04:17.54mniipthemill, now it says 'wireless is disabled by hardware switch'
04:18.02mniipalso dns is not owrking for whatever reason
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04:18.12somiajmniip: do you have a hardware swtich, many laptops do
04:18.29mniipi don't think so
04:18.38themillmniip: do you have a little hardware switch on the laptop of a key combination like Fn+F5 to toggle the wireless on/off?
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04:20.40themillmniip: is this a laptop or a netbook or something?
04:21.03themillthen it will have a wireless switch *somewhere*
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04:21.56wushuhey guys, does anyone have time to help me with some iptables rules. I am kinda stuck
04:22.02cryospheresomiaj: it comes back with a bios update
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04:23.40mniipi can't connect to anything outside my lan
04:23.45Rusty1mniip:  has : rfkill unblock all, as root , been tried?
04:24.01mniipbash: rfkill: command not found
04:24.07cryospherehow do I keep xfdesktop from startin up
04:24.55mniipwell damnit
04:25.06*** part/#debian wushu (
04:25.06mniipThe following NEW packages will be installed:  rfkill
04:25.08mniipCould not resolve ''
04:25.31truexfan81channel change shortcut for irssi is the same as changing to the next tty, so i can't use the shortcut when not in x
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04:25.52truexfan81alt+left or alt+right
04:26.06truexfan81any way to change this shortcut in debian?
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04:26.46somiajtruexfan81: ctrl-n and ctrl-p (next and privious) work for you?
04:26.59truexfan81that works
04:27.04xmxHi, I installed wheezy, and sometimes when it boots up, it goes to a black screen, and doesn't do anything til I power it off. It'll do this anywhere from 2-5 times before it will finally boot up normal. Any ideas? it seems to happen at different times during the boot up
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04:27.57somiajxmx: so xorg isn't loading correctly? check /var/log/Xorg.0.log and see what is happening, or disable your display manager until you debug this.
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04:29.51mniipok, i've installed rfkill via .deb
04:29.53truexfan81somiaj on my netbook alt+p is working, alt+n is not
04:30.01themillmniip: are you ircing from that machine?
04:30.01mniiprfkill unblock all prints nothing
04:30.13mniipthemill, i have a bouncer in my local network
04:30.36xmxsomiaj: can I pastebin the results for you? I am not to sure if there are errors or not.
04:30.55somiajxmx: well I need to see one from a time it didn't work
04:30.58mniipand yes
04:31.02mniipatm i'm on this machine
04:32.20truexfan81somiaj: actually alt+n doesn't work on my pc either, so i think that is not a valid shortcut
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04:33.50mniipthemill, also
04:34.42xmxsomiaj: there is only two logs there, i could paste them both
04:34.48xmxits a fresh install
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04:35.52themillmniip: so there's a hardware switch on that thing somewhere you need to flip
04:36.04mniipbut how could it turn on
04:36.13mniipit worked fine before
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04:37.40xmxsomiaj: this one is Xorg.0.log.old .. and this one is just Xorg.0.log
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04:44.50cryosphereok just booted into ubuntu's 3.9 kernel
04:44.59cryosphereeverything is the same
04:45.20cryosphereat least nothing else broke
04:45.27surfn_lightweight, commandline based webcam program - any suggestions?
04:45.30cryosphereshould have bought a lenovo
04:45.35surfn_fswebcam isn't working really well for me
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04:47.41mniipok some googling and another attempt
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04:49.19cryosphereso I have wheezy now, I added the sid repo line in my sources.list to get compiz
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04:49.54cryosphereshould comment it out or leave it now, I concerned that it might confuse apt-get in the long run
04:51.35mniipresetting bios to default, then removing the battery worked
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04:51.53mniipthanks for trying to help anyway
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04:58.35debian_IThow can i check my network interfaces?\
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05:00.03diozcheck them for what?
05:00.06diozip ad sh
05:00.08diozifconfig -a
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05:01.05debian_ITok thanks
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05:05.11surfn_sorry to ask again:  what webcam viewer should I use?  LXDE - thinking lightweight
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05:23.54jgiorgiattempting to change ownership of some files in /opt (due to a mistake made when moving them to a new partition) as root i still get operation not permitted
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05:26.01boudiccasjgiorgi:  chown:chown $USER /filed/in/poohbar
05:26.45jgiorgiboudiccas, chown:chown? command not found
05:27.28jgiorgidoes the file system matter? type is fat32
05:30.00*** mode/#debian [+l 1317] by debhelper
05:30.01boudiccasjgiorgi:  run it as root, who said anything about the file system?
05:32.01themillfat32 doesn't support ownership -- ownership is faked in through a mount-time option
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05:32.43jgiorgiboudiccas, i am running as root
05:33.08jgiorgithemill, that makes sense, i didnt unmount, just assigned another point
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06:00.26Xxaxxhello. Is it possible to run many windows in screen at run time with different ssh connection in each with title ?
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06:05.15cryospherehow can see the keyboard vendor product name
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06:09.17peterrooneyXxaxx: ^aA (control A, shift A) allows you to edit screen session names
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06:21.38paranoidphreakhi everybody, i installed wheezy on a flash drive and tried it on two different computers. on computer A gnome works fine but on computer B, i get the following error: "a problem has occurred and the system cannot recover".....i'm in Ubuntu and i ran lspci and i got this: "VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI Device 9903" how do i fix it?
06:22.36themillparanoidphreak: jm_ asked you for further details earler -- perhaps you could answer him
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06:28.26nohitalloh man I dreamed about wheezy tonight
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06:29.20themillnohitall: did the nasty little penguin chase after you?
06:29.48nohitallno it was about my problem yesterday lol
06:29.54nohitallbut cant rly remember
06:29.59nohitallas always, very mixed dreams
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06:34.30paranoidphreakthemill: thanks
06:34.54paranoidphreakfor referring me to the right person
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06:45.31mikunosHi guys after the upgrade of the system I get this error: E: Conf Broken libgcc1:i386
06:45.38mikunoswhat have I to do?
06:47.33nkuttlermikunos: after which command do you get that error?
06:47.53mikunosnkuttler apt-get upgrade
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06:50.41oneand0mikunos, if memory serves me right, dpkg -i --force depends, or --force-configure-any libgcc1:i386 might be useful to get things moving along
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06:51.55oneand0mikunos, suggest you first try and determine what dependency is triggering this, before using --force though
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06:52.53mikunoshow can I discover them?
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06:54.30oneand0mikunos,  apt-get install libgcc1:i386 should give some error messages to lead things off
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06:55.34mikunosapt-get install libgcc1:i386 shows me 15 upgraded, 3 newly installed, 0 to remove and 267 not upgraded.
06:56.24oneand0mikunos, and apt-get upgrade  gives the error you mentioned ?
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06:57.30mikunosnow the apt-get upgrade shows me
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06:58.33oneand0mikunos, do you have held packages? I suspect something is broken as a dependency somewhere
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06:59.26mikunosI suspect that the last upgrade doesn't upgrade the system
06:59.28oneand0mikunos, maybe try aptitude and see it it prompts any solution for the broken packages?
06:59.45mikunosI am using a shell window
06:59.49oneand0mikunos, also, maybe consider apt-get dist-upgrade ?
07:00.06oneand0aptitude is curses bases, will work on a shell
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07:01.54mikunosthe apt-get dist-upgrade shows me all packages that I thought already installed as to be installed
07:02.06mikunossorry for my bad english
07:02.47oneand0mikunos, does apt-get check say anything interesting ?
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07:03.24mikunosyes it says that there are new packages to be install and upgrade
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07:03.28nohitallso I try a dist-upgrade in VM now, wonder what will happen
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07:03.46mikunosbut yesterday I have already done it
07:03.50mikunosreally odd
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07:04.33oneand0mikunos, possibly a bad download of a file, caused it to be in a broken state, it should reset once you complete it
07:04.52themillmikunos: are you currently trying to do squeeze->wheezy there? How far into the upgrade have you got?
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07:06.04nohitallI am confused, shouldnt I just do dist-upgrade?
07:06.18nohitallor aint it ready yet?
07:06.26themillnohitall: from what to what?
07:06.32nohitallsqueeze to wheezy
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07:07.04nohitallah nvm
07:07.07nohitallmy fault
07:07.17mikunosthemill I don't know the name of the release
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07:08.37themillmikunos: can you show us the output of "apt-cache policy apt dpkg perl libc6; apt-cache policy" in a pastebin, please?
07:08.48apm1where did the buiness card iso for wheezy go ?
07:08.56themillapm1: they are no longer.
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07:09.25themilldpkg: tell apm1 about bc dropped
07:09.37mikunosby the way
07:09.59mikunosthemill ^^^
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07:10.51themillmikunos: for future reference, *never* use "stable" in your sources.list. If you want to run 6.0 (squeeze), use "squeeze". If you want 7.0 (wheezy) use "wheezy" and read the release notes about how to upgrade between the two releases.
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07:11.22mikunosthemill thanks
07:11.44mikunosthemill I thought that stable means stable relase
07:11.59themillsure, but which release is the stable release changes
07:12.09mikunosthe latest
07:12.38themillyeah, but just leaving "stable" there is not going to magically land you in the new stable. It's going to magically land you in a mess.
07:12.40themilllike this.
07:12.51themillmikunos: at this stage, you need to complete the upgrade to wheezy. Start by changing all mentions of "stable" and "squeeze" to "wheezy" in /etc/apt/sources.list. Then run "apt-get update".
07:13.35mikunosthemill ok
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07:14.32themillmikunos: one that completes without error, run "apt-get dist-upgrade" and then we hope that apt manages to calculate a suitable upgrade path from here
07:15.36mikunoslook my source list
07:16.21mikunosis it correct ?
07:16.47themillmikunos: get rid of line 18. You might want to add "contrib non-free" to all the other lines if you're using packages from those repositories.
07:17.36mikunosdoes the 18 line override the other?
07:18.15themillno, it's just redundant at the moment and could lead to you having exactly the same problem again in 2 years time
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07:18.57mikunosapt-get update statrs
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07:19.24mikunosok done
07:19.27mikunosno errors
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07:20.22mikunos^^^ themill
07:20.57m0rph3usis best to put in /etc/apt/sources.list the 'stable' repository or 'squeezy' or is the same (now in debian 7.0 wheezy)
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07:21.47TriJetScudI'm looking for the git repo for the kernel used in Debian
07:22.02TriJetScudcan someone please give me a hint where I can find it? ;)
07:22.09mikunos#Git updated resource TriJetScud
07:22.10mikunos#deb sid main
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07:22.48TriJetScudactually I'm looking for the git tree itself
07:22.51TriJetScudnot a mirror
07:23.36themillTriJetScud: the debian kernel packages are in svn not git. apt-cache showsrc linux
07:23.50TriJetScudoh great
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07:24.11themillmikunos: can you pastebin the entire output of "apt-get update; apt-get dist-upgrade" for me?
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07:26.10mikunosthemill yes
07:26.58themillI don't understand -- that output is completely inconsistent with your first paste you showed me
07:27.21themillmikunos: what does "apt-cache policy apt dpkg perl libc6; apt-cache policy" say now?
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07:28.14TriJetScudmeh I'm probably better off introducing my existing custom kernel anyways for wheezy on hyper-v
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07:28.48themillmikunos: hmm... so you did a dist-upgrade somewhere in the middle of all that, I guess. All good. That looks fine now.
07:29.06mikunosyes I have told you before
07:29.16mikunosI have executed in the meanwhile the upgrade
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07:29.31themilloh ok.
07:29.35mikunosafter the suggestion of the source file
07:29.46mikunosthanks themill
07:30.16themillno worries. Enjoy
07:30.38mikunoslast question: have I to reboot the pc?
07:31.04mikunosIt has upgraded many packages
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07:32.56themillmikunos: what does "aptitude versions ~nlinux-image~i" say?
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07:35.00themillmikunos: so you've got a new kernel installed there -- you would want to reboot into it, yes.
07:35.22mikunosthanks themill
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07:52.14kleindHi there. I am in the middle of migrating a machine from squeeze to wheezy. There are some squeeze packages that are marked as automatically installed but nothing depends on it, so aptitude tries to remove them. If I decline this, the package still changes state into "automatically installed: no" and aptitude does not try to remove it afterwards. I'm unsure whether to consider this a bug.
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07:52.46kleindThis happens while still on squeeze.
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07:54.44themillkleind: you're better of using apt-get for squeeze->wheezy rather than aptitude btw. You can always go back over them with deborphan afterwards to clean it up
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07:55.48kleindthemill: I'll look into that. Thanks.
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07:57.13jelly-homeTriJetScud: did you find anything wrong with the default 3.2 one?
07:57.14ompaulkleind: did you apt-get dist-upgrade  or did you upgrade?
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07:57.30ompaulkleind: what themill said
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08:03.46h00kedits weird... chmod -R 7777 /var/www/ will not change anything... using it under root...
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08:07.21anddamwhen going from squeeze to wheezy the squeeze-backports entries just become wheezy-backports, right?
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08:07.53themilldpkg: tell anddam about wheezy-backports
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08:08.58Tsuki_Hi All: I have deb6 running with ISPconfig3 on it. Anyone experience with upgrading that to deb7?
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08:13.26anddamthemill: I also had squeeze-updates and squeeze/updates (and found those names very confusing) the <security> factoid hasn't changed yes, what should I do with them?
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08:14.58themillanddam: s/squeeze/wheezy/ is enough for them (will update that factoid now, thanks)
08:15.01anddamalso isn't aptitude the preferred interface nowadays? why does the factoid suggests apt-get
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08:18.59themillanddam: no, aptitude is not the best way to update between releases (and it wasn't for lenny->squeeze either)
08:20.37Sevetthemill: wheezy->jessie also mentions squeeze
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08:22.13Ephexeve_laptopHey guys, since debian 7 there is no Compiz in the repo, is there a way I can install it?
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08:24.05themillSevet: thanks, fixed.
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08:25.09colo-workwe're using apt-cacher-ng, and it happens to segfault/crash once every few weeks. the hardware/host it runs on is considered stable - is there a viable alternative for it available?
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08:25.43Ephexeve_laptopTsuki_: Hmm so I guess that's the only way
08:26.25Tsuki_Ephexeve_laptop: it's a way ;0)
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08:26.55themillSevet: we updated close to 100 factoids for the release -- I'm sure we missed more.
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08:27.05Ephexeve_laptopTsuki_: Yea, just sometimes I dislike the source, due when uninstalling and etc :(
08:27.08Ephexeve_laptopoh welll
08:27.30themillcolo-work: acng is the best one I've found :( If you just restart it weekly from cron does it behave better?
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08:27.48themillcolo-work: also, disabling pdiffs on the apt clients is rumoured to help it
08:28.01Tsuki_Ephexeve_laptop: I don't mind working with the source, it gives you an opportunity to config it the way you want it
08:28.04colo-workthemill, haven't tried yet, but I was planning to resort to this (restarting via cron)
08:28.28themillcolo-work: ugly but perhaps effective.
08:28.30Ephexeve_laptopTsuki_: Well, perhaps I just just too pissed due Gentoo :p
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08:28.49Tsuki_Ephexeve_laptop: Huh?
08:28.50MmikeI have a box where I pull some stuff from squeeze-backports. The other day (maybe a week ago) I added 'wheezy' to sources.list, but I put in apt.conf this: 'APT::Default-Release "squeeze";'  But now apt-get upgrade wants to upgrade packages from squeeze-backports to the wheezy version. What did I do wrong?
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08:29.06Tsuki_Ephexeve_laptop: Gentoo rocks!
08:29.14Ephexeve_laptopTsuki_: Perhaps I dislike source because I am a gentoo users, yes I know, it kicks ass
08:29.36Ephexeve_laptopbut at somepoint, when it takes ~2 days to compile stuff, and then FAIL, you are just too pissed about it :p
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08:30.10Tsuki_Ephexeve_laptop: lol, but when you get it done it runs as smooth as a baby's skin
08:30.26Ephexeve_laptopI am not sure weather I should move from Gentoo t oDebian
08:30.39Ephexeve_laptopSince I dislike that debian just takes stuff from the repo :(
08:30.44Ephexeve_laptoplike compiz
08:30.58Ephexeve_laptopI mean, I understand it's "stable", but a bit too "stable"
08:31.03jelly-homeEphexeve_laptop: debian puts stuff in the repo, debian takes it away
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08:32.36jelly-homeEphexeve_laptop: as for compiz, it seems noone really cared about the package, and uncared packages often get removed for being too buggy or too old
08:32.53Tsuki_Ephexeve_laptop: I loved Gentoo (and still do) i went with debian for the quick installs
08:33.39Ephexeve_laptopExactly, yes, but other than compiz, what would be a nice alternative?
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08:34.24Tsuki_Ephexeve_laptop: to what?
08:34.36truexfan81Ephexeve_laptop: if you install kwin it has about 90% of the features compiz has and is more stable
08:34.51truexfan81Ephexeve_laptop: its in the repos as kde-window-manager
08:35.01Ephexeve_laptopkwin? Uh! never heard about it, I would like to use it with XFCE, would that work
08:35.05Ephexeve_laptopSince its a KDE thing
08:35.11truexfan81Ephexeve_laptop: i use it with kde
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08:35.39truexfan81Ephexeve_laptop: after you install it, open the run prompt and type kwin --replace
08:35.55Ephexeve_laptopK, let me try (virtualbox...)
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08:36.27Tsuki_doesn't like to run a desktop on debian, the prompt rulez
08:36.58truexfan81Ephexeve_laptop: i also suggest installing the package systemsettings this will let you adjust your kwin settings
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08:37.09Ephexeve_laptopSweet, thanks
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08:37.37Ephexeve_laptopTsuki_: One think I like about gentoo is the power of emerging many packages with different processes at the same time
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08:39.12\\Mr_C\\quick question, if i did a dvd#1 install, how do i make it so if i want to install a package it goes to the internet instead of asking to put the dvd in?
08:39.31lekuhey if i'm running 'aptosid', how do I add non-free and contrib sources to my /etc/apt/sources.list stuff?
08:39.44Sevet!tell \\Mr_C\\ about sources.list
08:39.54h00kedheh... funky error. phpmyadmin works well, version 4.0.0-beta2, but, now i need to export one db and it says phpmyadmin/export.php not found. Yesterday it works well, I exported db with no problem. Nothing has changed on server. Any idea?
08:40.05themillleku: you'd ask the aptosid people. /msg dpkg aptosid
08:40.12Sevet\\Mr_C\\: remove the cdrom line so you only have the http ones in the factoid dpkg sent you
08:40.16Sevetthen apt-get update
08:40.16leku#aptosid is empty
08:40.20h00kedor maybe its beta2 version? probably upgrade to stable 4.0.0 version will help?
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08:40.31themillleku: it's not on this network
08:40.36lekurgr that
08:40.38ompaulleku: that is because it is on
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08:41.51Tsuki_Ephexeve_laptop: Yeah emerge is a strong and versatile tool
08:42.34Ephexeve_laptoptruexfan81: Well ->
08:42.47Tsuki_Ephexeve_laptop: but this topic is sacrilege in here ;)
08:42.50\\Mr_C\\hehe, sorry, i must be really blind and tired, i looked in sources before i came and asked the question, and i totally didnt see that line, thank you, it works!!!
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08:43.56truexfan81Ephexeve_laptop: which version of debian?
08:44.10Ephexeve_laptoptruexfan81: debian 7, 32 bit
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08:44.37truexfan81Ephexeve_laptop: to get your xfce titlebars and stuff back do xfwm4 --replace &
08:45.04Ephexeve_laptopah wait
08:45.11Ephexeve_laptopfixed it, I did a export dbus
08:45.20truexfan81oh good job
08:45.39truexfan81odd you had that problem, i didn't get any of that when i ran it on mine
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08:46.04Ephexeve_laptopyeah, perhaps because I am testing it first on a VM
08:46.46Ephexeve_laptopWell, I now have the bars of KDE and etc, I assume I can change this, correct?
08:46.59Ephexeve_laptopsince with compiz, I change it with emerald
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08:47.32truexfan81i never experimented to see if emerald would work with it
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08:48.02Ephexeve_laptopHmmm I see
08:48.15truexfan81but if you installed that systemsettings package you should be able to find the kde settings manager in your menu, you can adjust it from there
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08:52.38somethingintereshow do I move from testing to stable. apt-get update && apt-get dist-update?
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08:53.04etsomethinginteres: that won't really work
08:53.10truexfan81somethinginteres: you are wanting to move backwards?
08:53.21et(as packages in testing are newer than packages in stable)
08:53.44h00kedanyone can say one reason why upgrade server to wheezy?
08:54.07somethingintereset, truexfan81: right. I was advised yesterday to move back to stable due to testing users being in for a "rough ride" for a month or so
08:54.08jelly-homeh00ked: in 12 months, squeeze loses security updates
08:54.12Terminush00ked: when you need newer stuff from wheezy. normally, i don't do major upgrades on servers.
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08:54.14eth00ked: one year from now, squeeze won't get security updates anymore
08:54.18truexfan81h00ked: not really a reason i guess but my server is running happy with wheezy
08:54.28somethinginteresso just trying to work out how to go ahead and do that
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08:55.03etsomethinginteres: use distribtution names, not "stable" or "testing" in your sources.list to prevent stuff like that
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08:55.14jelly-homeh00ked: of course, it's highly advised to do the upgrade on a test copy of the machine first
08:55.15truexfan81somethinginteres: just edit your /etc/apt/sources.list change testing to wheezy, save and then apt-get update
08:55.19Guest33975somethinginteres: Which "testing" are you using right now and when did you last upgrade your packages? Would you mind pasting your /etc/apt/sources.list to ?
08:55.31h00kedjelly-i im planning to buy new server in 3 month, so, it will be better wait, and install wheezy on, right? :)
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08:56.03etsomethinginteres: if you did not to any package upgrades since wheezy was released, just change "testing" to "wheezy" in sources.list as truexfan81 said
08:56.04jelly-homeh00ked: for a fresh installation?  Go with wheezy.
08:56.21_jordan_hello everyone, i just add a snapshot archive and i try to update but aptitude indicate that there is a GPG error. How can i avoid that and be certified ?
08:56.36h00kedjelly-home: fresh will be wheezy, of course. But now, old server have squeeze, but for a few month.
08:56.43jelly-homeh00ked: nothing bad will hapen to squeeze in the next three months, you can safely keep using it
08:57.01Guest33975h00ked: There are also a couple of bugs that are fixed in wheezy while not being fixed in squeeze -- See also for CVE status information
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08:57.50h00kedjelly-home: i think so, but my friend today started upgrade all of his server to wheezy, so i ask for the reasons :)
08:57.58Guest33975h00ked: I would plan the update, but there really isn't a need to do it right away. You might even want to wait for 7.0.1 and until more people upgraded and reported their experience with it.
08:57.59jelly-homeGuest33975: huh, that page has no direct links for oldstable
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08:58.16jelly-homeh00ked: he's nuts
08:58.33h00kedGuest33975: i will wait for new server, and put on him fresh wheezy :)
08:58.51jelly-homeor possibly has nothing better to do, or has been waiting for some specific piece of software
08:59.02jelly-homeh00ked: ask _him_ for his reason
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08:59.27h00kedjelly-home: he said, there is newer version. This is his reason :D
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08:59.39Guest33975h00ked: Fair enough - Don't rush it if you don't have a reason, but plan for the upgrade and do it as soon as you feel comfortable doing it. Your plan sounds good and I would just do it (in particular if this is sensible infrastructure)
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09:01.12_jordan_hello everyone, i just add a snapshot archive and i try to update but aptitude indicate that there is a GPG error. How can i avoid that and be certified ?
09:01.38h00kedGuest33975: sure sure. im not planning upgrade, but migrate. same hw, only newer revision
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09:04.21h00kedhm... but problemm with export db is still here. weird :/
09:06.17somethingintereset: I haven't no. So I'll just do that. I'd paste my sources.list but it's all changed now so it doesn't match what I had before.
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09:07.15h00kedmaybe, phpmyadmin need chown to www-data right? :D
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09:10.46LeLutinhi there
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09:11.23LeLutinI'm trying to upgrade from squeeze to wheezy and I get "E: Could not perform immediate configuration on 'mysql-client-5.5'. Please see man 5 apt.conf under APT::Immediate-Configure for details. (2)"
09:11.49babilenLeLutin: Have you tried the fix in the release notes already? Could you paste the output of that?
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09:12.30LeLutinnow according to this, I should run apt-get dist-upgrade -o APT::Immediate-Configure=0, but it doesn't get through with the upgrade (I get the same error)
09:12.43colo-workrunning Xen on Squeeze/amd64 for the dom0 and domUs, what is the resulting maximum memory limits for domUs? 32GB?
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09:13.46LeLutinbabilen: here's the output:
09:14.07stojicHi, is it normal for a reply to bug not to show up immediately on the bug report page? (I sent the mail to address <bug#> ). I don't want to spam the devs by resending it ;-).
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09:16.04bikeshedderHow can I get a list of packages which have a newer version than currently available via the apt sources?
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09:16.55bikeshedderToo bad, aptitude does not list them under "Obsolete and Locally Created Packages"
09:17.48truexfan81what would i have to do to make wheezy not put my screen to sleep while in tty?
09:17.48babilenLeLutin: You could remove that package with dpkg and continue with "apt-get -f install" -- Install it again after the upgrade.
09:18.05babilendpkg: tell bikeshedder -about not available
09:18.28LeLutinbabilen: ok will try
09:18.31babilenbikeshedder: Not necessarily newer though
09:20.12bikesheddertruexfan81, I guess you are looking for a feature called "screen blanking". For ttys this can be done using the command "setterm"
09:20.26babilenLeLutin: You could also try to install mysql 5.5 explicitly beforehand (and remove the 5.1 ones) ... (all related/installed packages)
09:20.29bikesheddertruexfan81, setterm -blank 0 -powersave off -powerdown 0
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09:21.46LeLutinbabilen: hmm I could have done the 2nd option (sounds better -- e.g. less downtime). however this server I'm working on is not critical.
09:21.57Ephexeve_laptoptruexfan81: Man, I am in love with Kwin
09:22.06Ephexeve_laptoptruexfan81: kwin + xfce = awesome <3
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09:22.18LeLutinbabilen: I did apt-get remove mysql-client-5.1 and now the dist upgrade seems to be going on
09:22.42h00kedarrrrrrrrrgh stupid phpmyadmin
09:22.57edecaThe "stupid" in that sentence is redundant
09:22.59babilenLeLutin: Good, thanks -- Should have mentioned the second option earlier I guess, but then I am not entirely sure if that would have worked.
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09:23.36h00kededeca: i know
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09:28.02h00kedouch 375,5 MiB DB o.O
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09:30.51Ephexeve_laptopHey guys does this also count for debian 7?
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09:31.42babilendpkg: tell Ephexeve_laptop -about fglrx dkms
09:32.04babilendpkg: tell Ephexeve_laptop -about radeon
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09:32.37babilenEphexeve_laptop: Not entirely sure what exactly you refer to on the wiki, but the bot sent you instructions on how to get both the radeon and the fglrx driver working on Debian.
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09:33.34Ephexeve_laptopbabilen: Cheers man! fglrx is the one I am looking for (this is the proprietary driver, correct?)
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09:34.25fenris_kcfyes, but it is not for all cards
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09:34.49babilenEphexeve_laptop: Yes, fglrx is indeed the proprietary driver.
09:35.04Ephexeve_laptopbabilen: Cool, thanks buddy.
09:35.07oskudehi, how do i debug apt-get? its downloading the same file over and over
09:35.25babilenEphexeve_laptop: There is also a fglrx-legacy-driver package in case you need that
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09:35.46Ephexeve_laptopCool, thanks!
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09:39.22oskudei wonder if thats just me, or... changing mirror doesnt seem to help neither
09:39.40LeLutinbabilen: upgrade went through mostly ok.. although for an odd reason I seem to not have a syslog package anymore :\ I've installed rsyslog manually to regain this
09:40.01*** mode/#debian [+l 1378] by debhelper
09:40.07babilenThat's weird as rsyslog should not have been removed
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09:41.09babilenoskude: I'd recommend to use "wheezy" and not stable in your sources.list -- Mind changing that and then please paste your sources.list along with the output of "apt-get update ; apt-get install mysql-server" and "apt-cache policy ; apt-cache policy mysql-server-5.5 mysql-server" to ?
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09:41.39oskudebabilen: will do
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09:43.35oskudeis there a tool for
09:43.46oskude+to paste from cli
09:44.10fenris_kcfjust copy?
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09:46.22phoggoskude: will pastebinit not work?
09:46.40oskudephogg: dunno, does it paste to
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09:47.02phoggoskude: why don't you look at its man page and answer that question?
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09:47.26oskudecause im busy copy and pasting
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09:47.45Ephexeve_laptophey guys, I am using xfce, and I install kde-style-qtcurve and kde-window-manager, it works fine, but it also installed the nepomuk? if I try to apt-get remove kde-nepomuk or nepomuk doesn't seem to find it
09:48.45fenris_kcfEphexeve_laptop: do you mean the package "libnepomuk4"?
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09:49.30truexfan81Ephexeve_laptop: i found aptitude search to be quite handy for situations like that
09:49.47Ephexeve_laptopfenris_kcf: yes, but apparently it will then delete the kde-window manager and style..
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09:50.18truexfan81so that means it is a dependency, and would be a bad idea to remove it :)
09:50.22fenris_kcfah, so your issue is that you don't understand why kwm needs nepomuk?
09:50.53fenris_kcfwell, you should ask that to the KDE-team :)
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09:51.13truexfan81fenris_kcf: ^
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09:53.03babilenoskude: What does "apt-get -d install mysql-server-5.5" give you?
09:53.43oskudebabilen: also keeps downloading mysql-server-core-5.5 over and over
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09:54.54oskude`apt-get -d install mysql-server-core-5.5` too
09:56.08babilenoskude: Sorry, unfortunately I don't have the time to walk you through this right now, but I would recommend the following: 1. Try a different mirror 2. Take a look at "man 5 apt.conf" and in particular at the DEBUG OPTIONS in there -- You can then run "apt-get install mysql-server -o APT::Debug::Acquire::http" to debug the http acquire method.
09:56.30oskudebabilen: roger. thanks for the pointers!
09:57.41babilenoskude: I would consider this behaviour a bug, but I haven't seen it before and it might just be some idiosyncrasy of your setup. You might want to give different acquisition methods (e.g. https) a try -- For the latter you have to install the apt-transport-https package (if you can). Alternatively try ftp (with and without debug)
09:58.03oskudebabilen: will do, thanks
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09:59.11babilenoskude: Lastly you could try to download that package manually and place it in /var/cache/apt/archives/ and try the installation again. In either case: Unless you figure out that something is fishy with, e.g., your network setup/proxy (if used)/apt cacher/whatever I would encourage you to file a bug
09:59.44oskudeyeah, wanted to find some debug output on what its actually doing, before filing a bug
09:59.47babilenoskude: Good luck -- I will idle here now, so feel free to ping me with new information
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09:59.56babilenoskude: yeah sure, the debug options should work
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10:05.46aplavinhi! after my upgrading to the next testing (jessie) less package was surprizingly removed, and I can't install it back: ' man-db : Breaks: less (< 456) but 444-4 is to be installed.
10:05.52aplavinhow to solve this?
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10:09.27etaplavin: pull less from sid?
10:09.51kskhey. is there some instructions how to move from wheezy to jessie? just replace wheezy with jessie in sources.list and perform an safe-upgrade && full-upgrade?
10:10.09Sevet!tell ksk about wheezy->jessie
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10:10.32fenris_kcf!tell fenris_kcf about wheezy->jessie
10:10.34Nik05not much changed from wheezy to jessie :P
10:10.58aplavinet: I have only testing repos enabled, and several ppas for specific packages - so nothing from sid
10:11.06SevetNik05: no, not yet... but the freeze is over so stuff'll start to migrate from unstable soon
10:11.10babilenaplavin: First and foremost: testing is supported in #debian-next over at -- Secondly: Welcome to jessie and the rough ride after the release. Try pulling it from unstable (in a "/msg dpkg tum" system), but it might not necessarily be installable at this point.
10:11.12etaplavin: that was a suggestion
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10:11.25babilenaplavin: I also would strongly recommend to not use PPAs with Debian.
10:11.36Nik05sevet yes sid is getting busy :) new kernel soon
10:12.12aplavinbabilen: why so with ppas?
10:12.40aplavinbabilen: they seem to be a convenient way to install e.g. nodejs (i have it enabled)
10:13.05Sevet!tell aplavin about why not use a ppa
10:13.09babilenaplavin: They target Ubuntu, packages in there are not supported by us and can essentially contain random code that you'll run as root. I simply wouldn't use them on Debian nor trust the majority ..
10:13.24Sevet!tell aplavin about ppa
10:13.29Sevetnot the root maintainer comment
10:14.03aplavinok, got it :) and is the whole list of 'tell ...' stories somewhere?
10:14.20babilendpkg: tell aplavin -about dpkgbot
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10:14.53babilenaplavin: Feel free to search it -- and keep in mind that testing/unstable is supported in #debian-next on and that the #debian channel(s) are for stable/wheezy
10:14.55etaplavin: sorry
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10:15.07etaplavin: meant to tell the bot :(
10:15.54h00kedfuuu hate big DB
10:16.08aplavinbabilen: thanks
10:16.25truexfan81dpkg: tell dpkg -about dpkgbot
10:16.45oskudebabilen: heh, worked with ftp:// but fwiw, heres http debug log was just odd that it was only this one package. did even dist-upgrade over http today. ill dig further if i encounter it again. thanks for the support!
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10:18.28babilenoskude: Looks as if the download was incomplete :-/ (hence the Range: bytes=3637759-)
10:18.41babilenoskude: But glad that you could fix it
10:19.24oskudeah, didnt even notice that >.<
10:19.43fenris_kcfin my sources.list i don't use a specific release-codename, but just "testing". i ran dist-upgrade and it updated lots of packages. anything else to do in order to "switch" to jessie?
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10:20.07fenris_kcf(don't got an /etc/apt/apt.conf)
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10:20.20Sevetfenris_kcf: nope, that should be it :)
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10:21.05fenris_kcfok, thx. then maybe they forgot to update /etc/issue
10:21.49fenris_kcf(i think it was updated at the last shift)
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10:22.59oskudeok, can reproduce with wget too, i wonder if someone else can wget
10:23.05Sevetfenris_kcf: what does /etc/debian_version say?
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10:23.24fenris_kcfSevet: 7.0
10:24.07bikeshedderoskude, works for me using GNU Wget 1.12
10:24.10Sevetjessie is only just branching from wheezy, maybe it's not updated yet
10:24.22oskudebikeshedder: ok, so must be in our network. thanks
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10:29.35p3rrorI run fdisk and I get "value out of range"
10:29.40p3rrorwhy I get this
10:31.22bikeshedderp3rror, there is probably something wrong with your partition table and fdisk has a bug so it crashes instead of reporting the wrong value.
10:32.09p3rrorbikeshedder, I create three partitions on a disk of 500G
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10:32.47p3rrorbikeshedder, the first partition is a boot -> 800M
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10:32.58p3rrorbikeshedder, the second is a swap 8G
10:33.23bikeshedderp3rror, are you doing this on the console? Please post the complete console log leading to the error somewhere like
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10:36.42bikeshedderp3rror, you are simply trying to create a partition bigger than the available space. If you want to use all the remaining space simply use the default (just press enter instead of entering a size)
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10:39.24bikeshedderp3rror, disk manufacturers use GB instead of GiB: a 500 GB disk has "500 Gigabytes" = 500 * 10^9 bytes. Not to be confused with "500 Gibibytes" = 500 * 2**30. That's why 500 GB != 500 GiB. See
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10:39.37anddamany help with ?
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10:40.47anddamit's an openvz vm, I cannot upgrade kernel
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10:41.08bikeshedderp3rror, and also you always get some rounding when specifying partition sizes because partitions are always sized to the nearest cylinder. Most the time it is a good idea to use a fixed size for boot  and swap and simply use the rest for root.
10:41.47p3rrorbikeshedder, srv591 ~ # partprobe
10:41.47p3rrorError: Error informing the kernel about modifications to partition /dev/sda3 -- Device or resource busy.  This means Linux won't know about any changes you made to /dev/sda3 until you reboot -- so you shouldn't mount it or use it in any way before rebooting.
10:41.47p3rrorError: Failed to add partition 3 (Device or resource busy)
10:42.37bikeshedderp3rror, if you are doing this to a partition table with mounted partitions you need to reboot for changes to take effect.
10:43.11bikeshedderp3rror, nothing critical - simply reboot - next time the system boots it will read the correct partition table.
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10:46.11oskudebabilen: turns out it was something in our network that scans for i-dunno-what and thought that file is malicous >.<
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10:47.00babilenoskude: Then aborted the download (presumably at 3637759 bytes) which then triggered the redownload …
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10:47.22oskudenow our IT at least knows that fpt is not in their watch list ;P
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10:47.36babilenoskude: Okay, at least we/you understand the problem now :)
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10:47.53bikeshedderoskude, use https if possible and forget about all those stupid content filters. :)
10:48.12oskudeyeah, i probably should
10:48.48bikesheddermmmh, are there even some https mirrors available? I just checked the list of mirrors and it seams there are none. :-/
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10:49.23oskudehmm, E: The method driver /usr/lib/apt/methods/https could not be found
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10:49.45portonHow long Debian 7 squeeze will be yet supported?
10:49.52babilenoskude: As I mentioned earlier: you have to install tghe https transport for that to work
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10:49.56Sevetoskude: you'd need to install apt-transport-https first
10:49.59babilenoskude: It's in the ^^^
10:50.06portonMy server is on Debian 6 and I doubt whether to upgrade to 7
10:50.08Sevetbut i don't know if the debian mirrors support https
10:50.15oskudeah. thanks for the spoon! :P
10:50.28petn-randallporton: Usually one year from the release of the newer version.
10:50.39babilenporton: squeeze will be support for one more year -- I would plan the upgrade and perform it as soon as you feel comfortable doing so.
10:50.47petn-randallporton: So you'll have roughly a year to upgrade. Check the release notes for the exact date.
10:51.02babilenporton: Or less than a year if we release jessie before (which will not happen, I can assure you of that)
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10:56.08andreas_hi everyone, im trying to backup a windows client with backuppc ... so as it seems it cant handle very long directory names as for example /Application Data/   ...   how can i exclude those directories ? i already looked up the web but the solutions i found dont really work for me
10:56.10*** join/#debian Ephexeve (
10:56.17EphexeveHey guys, how stable is unstable?
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10:56.57IridosEphexeve, is that a trick question?
10:57.28Iridoshow hot is ice, how cool is fire?
10:57.30petn-randallbabilen: The day Debian releases a new release less than a year after the last one is when Christmas, Easter and my birthday happen all on the same day.
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10:58.14Iridospetn-randall, in 10 years from now, you'll say the same, but with s/the last one/testing was frozen/
10:58.37kskandreas_: boot debian, mount it using the supernice ntfs support in it. use rsync to do the backup. reckognize: debians ntfs implementation is cooler then the one from M$
10:58.40babilenEphexeve: "stable" in the context of Debian simply means "unchanging" -- unstable is therefore, by definition, not stable. You might even call it, well, unstable
10:58.44EphexeveIridos: Well, could be, though I personally would like to know, I am about to install Debian, though Stable seems to stable for me, very old packages and others, but unstable seems very breakble, by the fact that tomorrow might break, and testing, well, it's testing.
10:58.56EphexeveSo I was wondering, is there anyone using unstable? If so, how stable is it?
10:59.05kskEphexeve: its unstable
10:59.14Iridosksk, \o/
10:59.35kski use it as a shell server, no real dowtimes so far. but you have to expect that things brake. and you should now how to fix that
10:59.45*** part/#debian kleind (
10:59.50babilenEphexeve: We've just released wheezy -- Feel free to run unstable if you want to, but you are in for a little bit of a bumpy ride. testing/unstable is also not support in here, but in #debian-next on If you consider this you might want to consider reading
11:00.05\mEphexeve, that highlighted me...
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11:00.35Ephexeve\m: crap, didn't know there was such a nick possibility, my bad.
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11:00.46Ephexevebabilen: Hmmm
11:00.53\mwell, it's my away nick though
11:01.06babilenEphexeve: My recommendation would be to use wheezy sprinkled with wheezy-backports, but then I am using unstable myself. Expect breakage and make sure you are subscribed to relevant mailing lists (debian-devel{,-announce}, …)
11:01.35etEphexeve: you can just use stable and backport stuff you want to be current yourself. usually that's not much
11:01.54etfor me it's a compiler and a few libs
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11:02.53andreas_ksk: sry for bothering u  but u mean installing debian with ntfs is the way to go for that job ?
11:02.59etdpkg: tell Ephexeve -about ssb
11:04.18babilendpkg: tell Ephexeve about backports
11:04.23etsome stuff i just compile myself with a prefix of $HOME, that doesn't scale to multiple users though obviously
11:04.40kskandreas_: imho there is now way to copy that files using windows (maybe you can if you just cd into that dir and just copy that file - its the paths name that is too long, not the filesn name ) and yes, booting debian, mounting the windows-partition, using rsync should get the job done
11:04.44Terminusi'm a fan of --prefix $HOME/local
11:05.11kskandreas_: you could use a livecd, no need to install
11:05.12babilenet: You can always install it to /usr/local and manage those installations with stow (/msg dpkg stow usage) -- The latter is also nice if you install stuff to $HOME
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11:06.16babilenet: That way you can have, for example, a $HOME/stow/$SOFTWARE-$VERSION/ scheme and then use stow to set appropriate symlinks. (just like in /usr/local)
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11:08.03EphexeveSweet, thanks babilen and et
11:08.05eta misbehaved install script at some time put (some of its, not all) stuff in /usr/ when i wanted /usr/local/, that's why i'm cautios of running install scripts as root now ;)
11:08.33andreas_ksk: oh sry i did not explain myself probably ... i want one pc to be the permanent backup server and for that job i need a good solution ... well i could handle that via rsnapshot but id need a ssh listening on windows and rsync on win too .
11:08.49babilenet: Nothing can beat </offtopic>
11:08.52andreas_backuppc is doing just fine if there would be any exclude function ...
11:09.26Iridosandreas_, for the backuppc question you had, I would try #backuppc ... there's probably not so many people here using it
11:10.11andreas_thx Iridos , i already did but that channel is like dead :D  ... and as far as i know most of the pros are around that channel ;)
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11:10.29andreas_if no one knows about it or a solution that works equal thats no problem
11:10.31andreas_im just asking :)
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11:14.46kskandreas_: okay. but i guess you are just fucked because M$ its ntfs-implementation has a limit of the path+filename of x - where x is so small that is breaks from time to time
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11:18.09andreas_ok thank u ksk :)
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11:26.07Vilinywhat do you mean ksk? ntfs has a limit for paths thats too short?
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11:27.23RagBalWhy is apt still showing me package upgrades from jessie/sid while I have them pinned with a priority of -10?
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11:29.32kskViliny: the ntfs implementation by microsoft is not able to "select" (like in cp $foo $bar) files which pathnames are too long. using debians ntfs drivers (using debian) this does work.
11:30.13jelly-homeRagBal: well, either your pinning setup does not do what you want it to (I find it arcane, personally), or you're misinterpreting the output
11:30.17Vilinyso microsofts own ntfs drivers are inferior to debians?
11:30.45RagBalI just changed the pinning in preferences from jessie/sid to testing/unstable and then it works as planned...
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11:33.16jelly-homeRagBal: next time, you can look at "apt-cache policy packagename" see what the possible versions are and what the Candidate: version priority is
11:33.16pacopHello, I have upgraded to debian wheezy and now postfix only listens to I have inet_interfaces = all in Any idea?
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11:35.58kskpacop: are there any interfaces? ;)
11:36.02Vilinyno idea, but what if you define an interface instead of all?
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11:36.18Vilinyafaik all would include the loopback
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11:38.00chrisircHello. dist-upgrade wants to install tons of additional stuff (almost 1G of additional disk space used); including e.g. pulseaudio. Can I trim this down somehow, discourage it from installing so much?
11:38.16chrisircI don't even *have* enough space left for that.
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11:38.48chrisircAnd I've been a happy non-pulseaudio user so far.
11:39.12RagBaljelly-home, can you please havea look at this:
11:40.17pacopksk, eth0 is the internet, I can't telnet to port 25 to hostname, but I can telnet port 25 to localhost :S
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11:40.45RagBalWhen I change jessie/sid to testing/unstable in the preferences it works perfectly. Otherwise it chooses the jessie/sid package to be installed
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11:41.09jelly-homeRagBal: then keep the preferences the way they actually work
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11:42.24RagBalBleh, not the solution I wanted, but ok
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11:48.38petn-randallchrisirc: Use aptitude to hand-pick what you want to install.
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11:51.35andreas_ok guys im back ... so backing up windows clients with linux backuppc server  works like a charm  as long as there are no strange folder trees like Application Data\Application Data\...\...\...\  and so on because there is as mentioned before a limit to that
11:52.03sparseHello, I have a strange problem with grub on my Debian installation. I had to install it by moving its harddrive to another machine and run debootstrap since kernel on my install server refused to boot (probably due to new hardware). I succeeded with deboostrap and configurtion by hand. I installed the linux-kernel and grub too but I am unable to get behind grub-rescue shell. I read few pages about this situation and how to get out o
11:52.04andreas_its kinda fucked that the exclude option does not work for me (gues im to stupid)
11:52.15sparseCould anyone help here? I am totally out of ideas.
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11:52.43c4709I had installed mysql 5.5.30-1~dotdeb.0 on debian squeezy through dotdeb repo but today when I upgraded debian squeezy to wheezy it shows conflicting error :- " mysql-server-5.5 : Depends: mysql-client-5.5 (>= 5.5.30+dfsg-1.1) but 5.5.30-1~dotdeb.0 is installed"
11:52.51c4709how can I solve this conflict without reinstalling mysql
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11:55.33etc4709: what's your issue with reinstalling mysql?
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11:55.52etit'll be less pain than anything else you'll come up with
11:56.04c4709hrm , okay
11:56.44et(just remove the dotdeb packages and install again ... config files and data will not be touched unless you purge instead of remove)
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12:00.19pacopfinally I got it working, the problem was that exim4 was installed and running and postfix not. Now my server works with wheezy and it has stopped using the swap, great work!! Debian rocks :)
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12:09.54UukGoblinHello everyone, I'm having trouble connecting my Bluetooth speaker via a USB bluetooth dongle
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12:10.20UukGoblintried 2 different USB dongles and about 3 different debian installations and all have pretty much the same result: I can pair with the speaker, but it never connects
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12:10.49UukGoblinthe bluetooth-wizard is stuck at step 3 "Finishing new device setup" / "Please wait while finishing setup on device 'Bose SoundLink Mobile speaker II'
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12:11.26UukGoblinbluetooth settings show 'paired' (and the speaker did emit a paired sound once), but whenever I click 'connect' it just sits there doing nothing and never connects
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12:11.59UukGoblinI tried putting a 'type bluetooth' audio device in my ~/.asoundrc but trying to play to it always results in connection refused
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12:12.10UukGoblinfinally syslog shows things like
12:12.17UukGoblinbluetoothd[17875]: Unable to select SEP
12:12.25UukGoblinkernel: [2314322.478868] Bluetooth: Wrong link type (-14)
12:12.39Zitterhi, is it possible to protect a directory with a password?
12:12.40tuxcrafter < how can i fix this xinetd upgrade problem?
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12:13.09UukGoblinZitter, you'd need some kind of disk encryption, or encrypt the files manually with something like mcrypt
12:13.51Zitterok, so no easy solution just like right button on the dir -> protect this dir... ?
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12:14.37UukGoblinZitter, well, depends whether you want encryption or just taking away permissions from other users I guess
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12:14.59ZitterI intend: same user but it need a password to open that dir.
12:15.01UukGoblinwith some filesystems, it could be possible... not 100% sure, there might be a ready solution for you
12:15.21UukGoblinyeah that sounds like a case for encryption
12:15.43Zitterok, I will look mcrypt then
12:15.46debianN00bmy problem gone!!!
12:16.00UukGoblinZitter, something like perhaps
12:16.11UukGoblinthat's for home directories, but should be adaptable
12:16.26Zitterthanks a lot :)
12:17.15debianN00bI want to change my ./home folder... Is there any guide to do this please?
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12:19.10ChrisHdebianN00b: depends on your definition of "change"
12:19.26debianN00bI want to use different partition for ./home
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12:20.10ChrisHdebianN00b: you want to move the existing data from current home to another partion without dataloss. correct?
12:21.18UukGoblindid anyone succeed at getting any audio over bluetooth to work? :-/
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12:23.31debianN00bChrisH, It was fresh installation of debian 7. I forgot to make partition for home directory. So debian just created the required folder for the installation.
12:23.59debianN00bFor example now i want the ./dev/sda11 as my ./home folder
12:24.17mumpitzeldebianN00b: log in as root only. move stuff over from /home/ to the new partition. edit your fstab. reboot
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12:25.36survietaminehello, I want to know how Debian changed the named.conf directory to /etc/bind/ please. I cannot find how this was done
12:25.37zykotick9debianN00b: using a period at the beginning of a path, means "from this location" (which isn't what you mean).  so it's /dev/sda11 and /home.
12:25.40fish2197someone help me here the nvidia drivers i need won't install!!!!!
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12:26.21mumpitzelsurvietamine: after an upgrade to wheezy?
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12:26.32debianN00bmumpitzel, i currently have this  , Perhaps i need to put another partition address for the home folder?
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12:26.58MrFroodfish2197: from upstreram or thenon-free  repos?
12:26.58mumpitzeldebianN00b: obviously yes
12:26.58fish2197first its complaining bout gcc fixed that issue with apt-get now its just  erroring out
12:27.01survietaminemumpitzel: I just read that from /usr/share/doc/bind9/README.Debian.gz but I would like to know how they changed that
12:27.22mumpitzelsurvietamine: a config script which is run when you install a .deb
12:27.37ChrisHdebianN00b:  is a good explanation on what to do. I would do the final step as rmdir /mnt/newhome
12:28.14survietaminemumpitzel: ok, but I thought that this must be given to the bind binary as an option, am I wrong ?
12:28.14ChrisHdebianN00b: run blkid and paste it
12:29.05mumpitzelsurvietamine: could be compiled in into the debian bind binary. otherwise: check /etc/init.d/
12:29.07survietaminemumpitzel: so I searched at /etc/default/bind9 and files in /etc/init.d etc... and even with pgrep -fl bind.... but cannot see where this is set
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12:29.33survietaminemumpitzel: hmmm, ok, directly at compile time then, thank you
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12:30.29captainfreekyHI can any one help me i am stuck since a weak on my debain with some gtk error
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12:31.07movlcaptainfreeky:  what error is that?
12:31.42ChrisHdebianN00b: is there any space left you can use for home? looks filled to me.
12:31.59captainfreekygtk-warning cannot open display 0.0
12:32.04debianN00byes , the ./dev/sda11
12:32.24Stereohi everyone
12:32.27captainfreekythis one i searched in google since weak but i dint came up with anything
12:32.35ulmerhi Stereo
12:32.42debianN00bChrisH, yes ./dev/sda11
12:33.11*** part/#debian survietamine (
12:33.17StereoI'm going through the release notes and seeing something about OpenStack and the Xen Cloud Platform being included. I'm not sure I understand what those are - a system for managing VMs and the infrastructure around them?
12:33.31ChrisHdebianN00b: then you should be able to follow the ideas in the Link I gave you. its a bit older  when Disks were named hda :)
12:33.43captainfreeky@movl can you plz guide me on my error
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12:34.04movlcaptainfreeky:  did you migrate your /home from a previous installation?
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12:34.51debianN00bChrisH, Let me paste the custom configuration or fstab
12:34.54captainfreeky@movl nope
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12:35.48ulmerWhat i have to do by the error: "N: Ignoring file '' in directory '/etc/apt/sources.list.d/' as it has an invalid filename extension" ?
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12:36.14mumpitzelremove the .save
12:36.51movlcaptainfreeky:  what DE are you using? when do you see the error?
12:37.01debianN00bChrisH,   , Line 11 and 12
12:37.21debianN00bIs that okay?
12:37.29ulmer(me) xfce
12:37.44captainfreeky@movl when i try to run any gui application using debain 6
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12:39.01babilendebianN00b: You shouldn't have those entries for the USB stick in there. How did you create the stick? (line 17 and 18) -- These entries will complicate things if you want to automount your usb stick from a filemanager …
12:39.05mumpitzeldebianN00b: it's not. <type>  <options>       <dump>  <pass> are not there for show only
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12:40.19debianN00boh yep,
12:41.06debianN00bbabilen, Sorry did not get your question , Anyway i used "win32 usb imager"
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12:41.46babilendebianN00b: Hmm, okay. Good to know -- I would comment/remove line 17 and 18 in addition to fixing your line 11/12 as hinted at by mumpitzel
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12:42.05FeigrimHow come the package youtube-dl is not available in Wheezy? It's available in squeeze-backports, jessie and sid, but not Wheezy?
12:42.26ChrisHdebianN00b: no ok. use
12:42.35captainfreeky@movl anything where you can guide me
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12:43.16movlcaptainfreeky:  what desktop environment? e.g. gnome, kde, ...
12:43.32debianN00bdone! Let's reboot
12:43.43etFeigrim: i don't know about the why, but since it's just a python script you should be safe to just fetch it from sid
12:43.45captainfreeky@movl gnome env
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12:45.16Feigrimet: yeah I pulled it down from testing, it's the same version as sid
12:45.20movlcaptainfreeky:  so gnome 3 runs well, but any app you try to run gets you that error?
12:45.53captainfreekyits not gnome 3 the default system what comes with debain i think it is gnome but not gnome 3
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12:46.14captainfreeky@movl any app which i try gives me error
12:46.18babilenFeigrim: +
12:46.28babilenFeigrim: Are you using wheezy?
12:47.05babilendpkg: tell Feigrim -about ssb
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12:48.06babilenFeigrim: I'd backport it from sid and install it manually on wheezy. I also wouldn't recommend to mix wheezy with jessie or sid, but only with wheezy-backports
12:48.15hyppiasI would like people to be able to dump files in a direcectory on my server, for other people to retrieve. People would have to be granted access by me to use this facility. Is there some package to set up such a thing?
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12:48.57Feigrimbabilen: I just did sudo apt-get install -t testing youtube-dl, then recommented the testing line in sources.list and did apt-get update
12:49.00mafioswhen can we expert live images of 7.0 please?
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12:49.52mafiosthese won't work for me, waiting for'
12:50.00babilenFeigrim: I wouldn't do that, but backport packages from testing explicitly. Mixing wheezy with jessie might be okay right now (we just released, so they are reasonably close), but this setup will cause problems rather sooner than later.
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12:50.10themillmafios: can you explain "won't work"?
12:50.18mafiosyes , I get blank screen
12:50.23Feigrimbabilen: ok I see
12:50.26mafioswhen selecting to boot
12:50.34mafiosfirst, default option
12:50.38mafiosI tried:
12:50.46themilltakes away mafios' enter ke
12:50.52mafiosgnome 64bit, lxde32bit and lxde64bit
12:51.04themillmafios: you might like to ask in #debian-live on
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12:51.38babilenFeigrim: Hence the general recommendation not to mix stable with anything but backports. If there is no official backport you can typically create one yourself by following "/msg dpkg ssb" -- You could check if you have to backport any build dependencies first by asking our nice judd bot in here with, for example, "/msg judd checkbackport youtube-dl"
12:52.08captainfreeky@movl I have this error as well with any application No protocol specified
12:52.20babilenthemill, mafios: The website works fine here (chromium) - I don't think that #debian-live can do anything special about this problem.
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12:53.28themillbabilen: ?
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12:54.11themillFeigrim: youtube-dl is considered "unsupportable" -- try a quvi based downloader (see
12:54.30babilencaptainfreeky: It looks as if you are new to IRC -- IRC is different from twitter and using the "@" character in front of nicknames is neither necessary nor prevalent. Just type the nickname (or use tab-completion) and seperate it from your message with a ':' or ','
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12:55.25captainfreekyohh yea I am new to this irc got stuck since a weak and not able to find and some devloper suggested me to hang in irc
12:55.59chrisircI've got an SSD, and the dist-upgrade is still totally IO bound (cpu usage at around 15-25%). Then I wonder, why is it so slow still, and notice that it seems that dpkg or whoever runs sync calls.
12:55.59captainfreekymovl: can you plz guide or help me on this
12:56.08chrisircNow how does that make sense.
12:56.12babilencaptainfreeky: Yeah, I had that impression. Hence my (short) explanation. You might want to read the IRC FAQ linked in our /topic
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12:57.14captainfreekybabilen: it says insuffiecnt arguments for the command
12:57.22UukGoblinI've got blueman now, it says "Connection Failed: Stream setup failed" when I try to connect to my bluetooth speaker. /var/log/syslog only lists bluetoothd[25380]: Host is down (112)
12:58.13babilencaptainfreeky: What says that? I am referring to "FAQ:" -- your IRC client might be different in that it does not show you the topic again if you run /topic though
12:58.21themillchrisirc: data safety in the filesystem makes that a sad fact. dpkg is hitting against limits in the ext filesystems.
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12:59.16babilencaptainfreeky: Okay, so to clarify: you installed Debian squeeze about a week ago and you encounter that error when you do what?
12:59.29captainfreekybabilen: its giving me 404 error on the link
12:59.39captainfreekyno it was like 2 weaks back
12:59.45captainfreekyand since 1 weak i am having this problem
13:00.30babilendpkg: tell captainfreeky about irc tutorial
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13:00.49babilencaptainfreeky: Ok, so which version of Debian did you install and what did you do in the interim? Did you install any software?
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13:01.18captainfreekyWell i installed KDE
13:01.25pratzHello guys
13:01.36pratzJust installed debian 7 on virtualbox
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13:02.09pratzfirst it automatically fall backed to gnome classic
13:02.31pratzand now I can not install any package on the system
13:02.36pratzplease help on this
13:03.02starbuckplease excuse my ignorance, but is it possible now to watch youtube videos and flash, shockwave etc... within the browser of choice (ff and/or chrome) in debian squeeze?
13:03.07petn-randallpratz: The first problem is likely because your system doesn't have hardware 3D acceleration yet.
13:03.18pratzpetn-randall: ok, that is fine
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13:03.29petn-randallstarbuck: Yes, install flashplugin-nonfree.
13:03.29pratzbut why I can not install any thing
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13:03.43petn-randallpratz: What are you exactly doing? What's the output?
13:03.46chrisircthemill, I see
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13:04.17ulmercan you login by ctrl+Alt+F2 ?
13:04.17starbuckpetn-randall: i remember i had no luck to make it work in previous version of debian
13:04.24pratzas root 'apt-get install tmux' , output package not found
13:04.33themillchrisirc: I mean, dpkg could not bother syncing, but then you could end up with an utterly hosed system if it were interrupted at an inopportune moment.
13:04.42pratzpetn-randall: above
13:04.55petn-randallpratz: What does 'apt-get update' give you?
13:05.12themillchrisirc: there's a long discussion about this on the debian-devel mailing list about 30 months ago, I think.
13:05.14petn-randallpratz: Also, paste the contents of /etc/apt/sources.list to
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13:05.27pratzpetn-randall: ok
13:05.37chrisircYes I get that; I was just in a state of belief that using rename(2) and correct ordering in the app would avoid this. Maybe it's not.
13:05.55chrisircthemill, thanks, interesting.
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13:06.04petn-randallchrisirc: If you've got backups and don't care about potentially hosing your system, try the package 'eatmydata' to upgrade.
13:06.25chrisircah heh. Thanks.
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13:06.33captainfreekybabilen: any suggestion
13:06.42themillchrisirc: it's not if you want to avoid zero length files on ext4 in particular. And yes, eatmydata or the dpkg unsafeio options are useful especially for disposable VMs and chroots
13:06.58petn-randallchrisirc: It replaces every call to fsync by a no op.
13:07.13pratzpetn-randall: here
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13:07.28chrisircgood; might also use this with emacs (my safety is git not emacs sync).
13:07.53themillchrisirc: you might be interested to find that heavy compilation tasks are also faster under eatmydata
13:07.55babilencaptainfreeky: I am waiting for your answer to the question: "Which version of Debian did you install? (squeeze, wheezy)" and "What did you do in the interim?" (in the week before the system broke)
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13:08.04petn-randallpratz: Also paste your sources.list
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13:08.33chrisircAh gosh, builds calling sync.
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13:09.07petn-randallchrisirc: Chances are you're not using the SSD with trim, which'll hurt it's performance.
13:09.08themillchrisirc: well, if the output is important, then it should call fsync (not sync)
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13:09.41chrisircthemill, yes I've verified with strace that apt calls fsync.
13:09.45captainfreekybabilen: I have debain 6 nothing just installed lamp server and 2 of my dc++ server
13:10.00*** mode/#debian [+l 1411] by debhelper
13:10.03pratzpetn-randall: here
13:10.08themillchrisirc: dpkg, not apt
13:10.12chrisirc(That will still slow it down as much as sync if nothing else is running on the system.)
13:10.18pratzpetn-randall: yes, I had not selected an network mirror
13:10.20chrisircYes, strace -fF -p $pidofapt
13:10.27pratzpetn-randall: how do I add one now ?
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13:10.47chrisircBTW fun fact, ctl-c on strace hung apt. Had to kill it.
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13:11.08petn-randallpratz: That's an incomplete sources.list. Did you change it after installation? You're missing the main repository.
13:11.19babilencaptainfreeky: Okay, well .. we could spend some time debugging your problem, but given that you run an outdated version anyway, I would be tempted to suggest that you simply install wheezy from scratch. See "/msg dpkg install debian" for information. Download images from if you have a working internet connection and take it from there.
13:11.33themillchrisirc: fortunately with dpkg's careful use of fsync and atomic operations, you won't have broken your system ;)
13:11.40pratzpetn-randall: as i said, I did not select a network mirror during installation
13:11.40chrisircI've got an SSD that supports trim; I was expecting that the kernel takes advantage of that automatically, that's not the case?
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13:11.53chrisircthemill, heh :-D
13:11.54pratzpetn-randall: my mistake, how do i add one now ?
13:12.00babilencaptainfreeky: It would still be interesting to figure out how you broke your system, but i'd recommend to simply install wheezy and take it from there. That will save you some work .
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13:13.06captainfreekywell i could have done that but i dont want to run again installing and configuring things what i made changes
13:14.02pratzpetn-randall: can not find wheezy stable here
13:14.36themillpratz: that's a good thing. Don't use that hideous site
13:14.44petn-randallpratz: I can find it there.
13:14.44captainfreekybabilen i dont mind if you take longer as if i have wated since 4 days figuring out searching it
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13:15.18petn-randallpratz: Generate a sources.list from that site, then replace the one instance of 'testing' with 'wheezy'.
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13:16.10themillpetn-randall: please don't recommend that site
13:16.28babilencaptainfreeky: Well, but I do :)
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13:17.09captainfreekybabilen so what all information you need to get me sought out just let me know
13:17.16petn-randallthemill: Sorry. Do you have an alternative?
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13:17.39Sevetpratz: one very good reason to avoid that site, it mixes 'stable' and 'squeeze'... especially right now that's a very good way to break your system
13:17.45themill!wheezy sources.list
13:17.46dpkgA suitable /etc/apt/sources.list for Debian 7.0 "Wheezy" has 3 lines: "deb wheezy main" "deb wheezy/updates main" "deb wheezy-updates main".  Be sure to run «aptitude update» after editing sources.list.  Also see <deb-src> <contrib> <non-free> <wheezy/updates> <wheezy-updates> <mirrors> <apt-spy> and "man sources.list"
13:18.10pratzSevet: so, from where should i get one ?
13:18.17petn-randallnotes the alternative.
13:18.19Sevetfrom dpkg above
13:18.21themillpetn-randall: ^^ sure. copy and paste isn't hard and doesn't leave the user with a broken and unsupportable system later
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13:19.36Sevetpratz: just make sure all your lines are either oldstable/stable/testing/squeeze/wheezy/jessie consistently and understand what each one means
13:19.56ulmer!squeeze sources.list
13:19.56dpkgA suitable /etc/apt/sources.list for Debian 6.0 "Squeeze" has 3 lines: "deb squeeze main" "deb squeeze/updates main" "deb squeeze-updates main".  Be sure to run «aptitude update» after editing sources.list.  Also see <deb-src> <contrib> <non-free> <squeeze/updates> <squeeze-updates> <mirrors> <apt-spy> and "man sources.list"
13:20.08ulmercool it works :D
13:20.23petn-randall!jessie sources.list
13:20.24dpkgA suitable /etc/apt/sources.list for you to help with preparing the Jessie release is: "deb jessie main", but you knew that already, didn't you?  Ask me about <testing> <moving target> <testing security> and make sure you understand the implications of running Jessie.  Also see <deb-src> <contrib> <non-free><mirrors> <apt-spy> and "man sources.list"
13:20.25pratzSevet: In my case it should be wheezy I guess, as I have just installed debian 7
13:20.39babilenulmer: "/msg dpkg squeeze sources.list" would work too -- that sends a private message to the bot and does not spam the channel.
13:21.11petn-randallGood to see that bot is up-to-date on the release info :)
13:21.18ulmeroh sorry and thx!
13:21.29babilenulmer: no problem :D
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13:21.33Sevetpratz: correct. you could also use stable, but when jessie is released that'd upgrade you to that possibly earlier than wanted. using 'wheezy' you'll stay on wheezy until you intend to upgrade
13:21.40themillpetn-randall: we updated about 100 factoids over the weekend for that...
13:21.51captainfreekybabilen : anything where you can suggest rather upgrading it
13:22.13themillpratz, Sevet: don't use "stable" in your sources.list. We've had a steady stream of people with half-broken boxes today because they did that.
13:22.33Sevetthemill: i don't. :)
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13:22.48themillgood plan
13:22.52babilenDoes anybody know if the hybrid images create a second partition that is large enough to unpack the firmware.{zip,tar.gz} there and if the firmware is detected by the installer? Background is: Is it possible to create an installer with firmware from our various CD1/DVD1/BD1 images as well?
13:23.21babilenI guess I could also just test it, but i am reluctant to recommend that method unless I tested it or know that it works.
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13:24.23chrisircthemill, actually it would have just fine without fsync, as my system didn't crash; I just had to re-run apt (more precisely, dpkg --configure -a then apt-get -f install then dist-upgrade).
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13:24.43pratzSevet: I am added these three line to sources.list
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13:25.06Ephexeve_laptopHey guys, question, I put debian with unetbooting, but I don't see the option to boot using xfce, since I want to install xfce
13:25.16Ephexeve_laptopany idea? booting Debian 7, 64 bits
13:25.18themillchrisirc: in that particular case. Imagine it was between unpacking the files and marking the package as being installed
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13:25.27Sevetpratz: looks good :)
13:25.29ksku need an alternate install cd to install xfce from the installer itself
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13:25.37debianN00bI want to login in text mode . The command "update-rc.d -f kdm remove" will do the job, Do i need to edit grub too?
13:25.38captainfreekyany one here who can help me out with my error plz
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13:25.50ksk!tell Ephexeve_laptop about xfce
13:26.00chrisircthemill, as long as there's no system crash between chaning files and reading them, (f)sync is irrelevant.
13:26.01Sevetthemill: i wonder if there's any way we could have apt show a warning/confirmation message when the dist stable points to changes? sure it wouldn't be possible from anything pre-wheezy, but perhaps from anything installed after whenever such a feature was added. might cut down on the upgrade problems in future?
13:26.26Ephexeve_laptopksk: Yes, but when I tested 32 bits on a VM, there was the other options in the boot
13:26.34Ephexeve_laptopso I was able to choose kde, gnome or xfce
13:26.37ksksee what dpkg told you.
13:26.54ksk(the install xfce one)
13:26.56Sevetthemill: store a canonical name in the repo, fetch in apt-get update, compare it to the last known value?
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13:27.10Ephexeve_laptopksk: Yes, as I said, there is not advanced option
13:27.21Ephexeve_laptopso I wonder if this is unetbootin problem
13:27.34themillSevet: that information is already in the Release file and might well be a good idea. Perhaps file it as a wishlist bug against apt.
13:27.35kskshould not. but unetbootin is known to suck.
13:27.38chrisircthemill, sync is for synching the OS cache to disk; if the OS doesn't crash it will re-read the values from the cache even if the cache isn't flushed to disk.
13:27.48Ephexeve_laptopksk: Any other options I can write on usb?
13:27.49themillchrisirc: "if the os doesn't crash"
13:27.52ulmerdd is super
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13:28.05kskcat is the tool debian tells you to use
13:28.06themillkicks out the power cord on chrisirc's machine
13:28.10captainfreekyI am having this issue gtk-warning cannot open display 0.0 if any one would liek to give me suggestion on this using debain 6 gnome
13:28.11ksk!tell Ephexeve_laptop about usb-install
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13:28.58chrisircthemill, I'm just noting that I actually wouldn't have been hurt in this case (unlike we thought at first).
13:29.33chrisircOf course I still agree with you about kicking the power cord being a nice way to void that fact.
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13:31.02markvandenborreI want to create a script that asks me for how long I want to use the computer on boot
13:31.12captainfreekyI dont think i would be getting any more help on my topic where i am stuck
13:31.24markvandenborrethen powers the computer down after this time is up
13:31.43kskmarkvandenborre: there are easier way to do that
13:32.36kskput a scipt that ask that (either via X or VT, depending on your needs) at startup. can be your DEs autostart-mechanism if you use one
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13:34.08captainfreekyAny one woulr like to give me help on debain 6 with error gtk-warning cannot open display 0.0?
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13:35.04markvandenborreksk: I would like to put it as early as possible into the boot process
13:35.13EmleyMoorcaptainfreeky: Under what circumstances is it happening?
13:35.18markvandenborrewhich probably means an early init script I guess
13:35.24Sevetcaptainfreeky: in what environment? is xorg server running, are you connected via ssh? as root?
13:35.48markvandenborrethe triggering atd
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13:36.15captainfreekySevet: i am on xorg server via teamviewer not using ssh
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13:36.22markvandenborreI wonder if that isn't a bit abusive of the initscripts system, since that is more appropriate for starting/stopping daemons
13:36.27pratzguys can not I add to the panel now ?
13:36.36pratzwhen I right click now thing happens
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13:36.47EmleyMoor!tell haziqwebs about ask
13:37.04haziqwebsabout ask?
13:37.11dpkgIf you have a question, just ask! For example: "I have a problem with ___; I'm running Debian version ___. When I try to do ___ I get the following output ___. I expected it to do ___." Don't ask if you can ask, if anyone uses it, or pick one person to ask. We're all volunteers; make it easy for us to help you. If you don't get an answer try a few hours later or on See <smart questions><errors>.
13:37.12pratzdebian 7 - where is the drop down to add to panel ?
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13:37.20captainfreekyEmleyMoor: Whenever i exucute any of gui application
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13:38.24haziqwebs!ask is there any others apps others than ptppd in debian to create a vpn?
13:38.26dpkg...but ask is already something else...
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13:38.50EmleyMoorcaptainfreeky: That's not the whole story is it? Exactly what are you running, desktop-wise? Is it on the same machine? Answering questions like that will likely speed up yoer chances of getting an answer.
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13:39.14markvandenborreksk: where would you put this interactive question in the boot procedure?
13:39.25themillhaziqwebs: there are quite a few ways of creating a vpn -- openvpn would be one of the more popular ways
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13:39.35tuxcrafterwhy arent there any backports for weezy yet>?
13:39.39Sevethaziqwebs: yes. openvpn, (open/strong)swan, tinc, +others
13:39.48themilltuxcrafter: there are
13:39.49markvandenborreI could also dump it into /etc/inittab somewhere I suppose...
13:39.57captainfreekyEmleyMoor: I am using gnome no this is not the same machine whcih i am answering from
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13:40.05EmleyMoortuxcrafter: Because they are drawn from jessie which is as yet identical
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13:40.31themillEmleyMoor: actually, jessie is already about 15% different
13:40.33EmleyMoorcaptainfreeky: So, you are trying to run GUI apps on a remote machine and display them locally, yes?
13:40.34tuxcrafterthemill: EmleyMoor how di i configure them?
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13:40.46tuxcrafterdeb wheezy-backports main contrib non-free < doesnt work
13:40.47themilltuxcrafter: did you read the backports instructions? Or the release notes for wheezy?
13:41.35Sevettuxcrafter: wheezy-backports was moved away from to the main repositories, hence why you don't see them at that url
13:41.46captainfreekyEmleyMoor:Nope i want to run the gui application on the machine it self i am using teamviewer on the server and trying to up some of teh application and edit with gedit
13:41.48tuxcrafterah yes that is correct
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13:45.56captainfreekyEmleyMoor:sorry i am little new i know i can use other liek nano vim etc but i am not able to run any application it says protocol unknown if i run any app
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13:48.34markvandenborrecaptainfreeky: do you have any prompt on that machine?
13:48.39pacopplease, can you help me? I can't continue upgrading my server, I get E: The value 'squeeze' is invalid for APT::Default-Release as such a release is not available in the sources . /etc/apt/sources.list:
13:48.54markvandenborrethen what does pgrep Xorg say?
13:49.03markvandenborreor ps aux|grep Xorg ?
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13:49.38captainfreekymarkvandenborre: well i dont use ssh now but later i would be using once my machine is stable with issues what i have right now
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13:50.29markvandenborrecaptainfreeky: then use another way of finding out if you have an actual xorg server running on that machine first
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13:50.59markvandenborreand if you ask "how do I do that", I just gave you a possible answer
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13:51.22themillpacop: you're wanting to upgrade from squeeze to wheezy?
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13:52.06markvandenborrewhere would I put a script that asks the user for how long he wants to use the computer right after boot?
13:52.37pacopthemill, sure, I already made the dist-upgrade like in another server, but now I edited the sources.list and changed squeeze to wheezy
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13:52.46pacopI rebooted, all is fine except mail
13:52.54pacopI know how to solve it but I can't use apt :S
13:53.05themillpacop: replace "stable" with "wheezy" in your sources.list and remove the Default-Release line from your /etc/apt/preferences or preferences.d/*
13:53.34markvandenborrecustom initscript looks like the cleanest way, since sometimes the text-only vt's will be used, and sometimes vt7/xorg...
13:53.46pacopI made that but I get: E: The value 'squeeze' is invalid for APT::Default-Release as such a release is not available in the sources
13:53.47markvandenborredoes that sound like a good idea?
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13:54.00pacopI don't have any reference to squeeze in sources.list
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13:54.10themillpacop: your sources.list is currently wrong as is your apt preferences
13:55.14pacop*thanks! themill, I removed a line from apt.conf :)
13:55.27ompaulpacop: is this line in your sources.list  deb stable main
13:55.30markvandenborrecaptainfreeky: good luck!
13:55.53pacopompaul, I have that line but with stable instead of wheezy, it seems to work
13:56.01themillpacop: did you also fix your sources.list, changing "stable" to "wheezy"? Please go back and fix your other machines too
13:56.05themilldpkg: tell pacop about stable sources.list
13:56.07ompaulpacop: clue, change that
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14:01.10pacopthemill, ompaul , thank you
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14:04.38errabytecongrats on new release
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14:06.07Towzzerwhy does debian hide what kernel version it uses on wheezy
14:06.21Towzzerthere is a news page about the release that lists packages and such but not what kernel version
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14:06.37Towzzerand it seems in general always annoying to find out what kernel version is being used
14:06.44thunder1212Towzzer, it uses 3.2
14:07.12pratzdebian 7 - how can I add to panel ?
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14:08.49crazydipupgrading squeeze (fresh install 3 weeks ago) -> wheezy, getting "grub was previously installed to a disk that is no longer present" and then an option to install grub on a /dev/ device... options are /dev/vda /dev/dm-0 (root) and /dev/vda1 weirdly... I'm using lvm... where should I "install" grub?
14:09.02navekohello everybody! Is it possible to host a website on a Debian with Apache that is accessible from external IPs?
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14:09.58xandnaveko: of course it is
14:09.59p3rrorHow to verify if my card is supported by Linux kernel
14:10.00crazydipnaveko: yes it is... a huge percentage of the internet is doing just that :)
14:10.52navekocrazydip: xand  I am using apache on my mac as a localhost, but I would like to host development sites on my debian machine
14:11.10navekoIs there a good tutorial for that?
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14:11.51navekothe idea is that customers can view the development site hosted on my debian
14:11.59crazydipnaveko: i'm sure there a plenty... it's pretty much the same thing as on your mac except instead of localhost you will use a public ip
14:12.05mumpitzelp3rror: "linux <your card>" in google or better: "linux <pci id of your card>"
14:13.06mumpitzelcrazydip: is this a VM?
14:13.18crazydipmumpitzel: yes it's a VM using KVM
14:13.33Terminusnaveko: it's more of a networking question since a simple apache configuration will accept connections from everywhere. it depends on factors like are you behind a NAT.
14:13.36mumpitzelcrazydip: /dev/vda I'd say
14:14.07navekoTerminus: I don't know what a NAT is, I am sorry
14:14.24mumpitzelnaveko: you will also want virtual hosts for your different clients and probably basic auth so not just everyone can look at your client's sites
14:14.35mumpitzelnaveko: but you are a web developer, right?
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14:14.43navekoright now the machine is accessible from an external IP for GitLab
14:14.44Terminusnaveko: if you're behind a NAT, you will have to refer to your router manufacturer's documentation on how to forward the relevant ports.
14:14.47p3rrormumpitzel, pci id of card what is it ?
14:15.02pratzdebian 7 - how can I add to panel ?
14:15.04mumpitzelp3rror: how would I know what kind of hardware you have? man lspci
14:15.11navekomumpitzel: yes I am, but I don't know much about Debian.. I am very exited about it though
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14:15.14mumpitzelpratz: add what to panel?
14:15.25Terminusnaveko: if the machine has a public ip address, it can most likely just be accessed using that assuming it's not firewalled.
14:15.52pratzmumpitzel: need to add some applets to panel, but can not find the drop down to add them
14:16.28Terminusnaveko: if you're doing virtual hosts as mumpitzel mentioned, then you will have to use externally resolvable hostnames to direct connections to the proper site. this can complicate things.
14:16.33mumpitzelpratz: so you have a gnome3 question. state stuff like this directly. always remember we can't see your PC and what you mean by magic
14:16.37navekoTerminus: so if I add a virtual server by editing the hosts and http config files, the site should be accessible?
14:17.16Terminusnaveko: what virtual server?
14:17.29navekomumpitzel: I was planning to use htpasswords
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14:17.50Terminusnaveko: i recommend starting simple. install apache, confirm that you can see the default page via localhost, then test if you can access the same page externally using the public ip address.
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14:18.03navekoTerminus: well locally I just add virtual servers to my httpd-vhosts file
14:18.08mumpitzelp3rror: lspci -nn to get the pci id, but intel ethernet is supported
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14:18.23navekoTerminus: I have already got GitLab running on that IP
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14:18.35Terminusnaveko: you probably mean virtual hosts, not virtual servers in the context of apache.
14:18.49Terminusnaveko: what is gitlab running on? apache?
14:18.52navekoTerminus: sorry, you're right
14:18.56Terminusnaveko: how do you access it externally? as an example.
14:19.06crazydipwhat's the difference between grub2 and grub-pc? is grub-pc grub1?
14:19.31navekoTerminus: I didn't install it myself, but I guess it's very likely Apache
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14:19.55navekoTerminus: It's accessible like this:
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14:21.27navekoTerminus: so I figured we should be able to add a virtual host like ''
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14:22.06Terminusnaveko: in that case, port 80 is already in use. if it's running on apache and assuming you want to be accessible, you will need to add to your virtual hosts then add an A record for on your authoritative dns server.
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14:22.27aguitelhow improve boot process in wheezy ?
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14:22.56waynraguitel: what do you want to improve?
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14:23.15aguitelwaynr, time
14:23.17navekoTerminus: I think I can manage finding the virtual host file, but I am not sure about the dns server part
14:23.25aguitelfaster boot process
14:23.34themilluninstall crap. Don't reboot.
14:23.39waynraguitel: how long does it currently take?
14:23.59aguitelwaynr, 60 sec
14:24.02ws2k3how can i find out which debian version i am running?
14:24.14ws2k3uname -a/r only shows me kernel and stuff
14:24.17Terminusnaveko: you will have to talk to whoever configured your domain regarding where dns is hosted and how to modify it.
14:24.22themillws2k3: hopefully you already know, given you look after the box.
14:24.24waynrws2k3: cat /etc/debian_version
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14:24.38ws2k3yes i do know
14:24.40navekoTerminus: okay
14:24.44ws2k3but i wanne know for sure
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14:25.11ws2k3okay thx
14:25.18waynraguitel: one thing you could do is remove unnecessary services from the boot process
14:25.20ws2k3if i wanne upgrade 6 to 7 is that easly be done?
14:25.38ws2k3can i just run dist-upgrade or os there more i should look at
14:25.44waynraguitel: another thing you could do is to get a solid state drive and install your main system (rootfs) on that
14:25.54crnany big issues with upgrading from debian 6 to debian 7 via apt-get dist-upgrade?
14:25.56Terminusnaveko: if it's configured to direct * to the same ip address, you won't have to make any modifications with your dns entries.
14:26.00themillws2k3: as usual, you should read through the release notes
14:26.11themillcrn: read the release notes
14:26.14waynraguitel: this is what i do on my laptop, i have a 128GB SSD for main OSes and a standard HDD for data storage
14:26.19mtnws2k3: or read the topic:  /msg dpkg squeeze->wheezy
14:26.23navekoTerminus: I think that would good enough for me
14:26.28crnthemill, thanks.
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14:26.55aguitelwaynr, how the system show me all process ?
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14:28.20waynraguitel: here is a wiki page that might help
14:28.44aguitelwaynr, ok
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14:33.47navekoTerminus: I found this:
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14:34.25navekoTerminus: looks quite straightforward
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14:35.31Terminusnaveko: it's not really complex once you've don it.
14:35.52navekoTerminus: sounds good :)
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14:36.22anddamI need to reinstall my system, I saved contents of /etc /home /var/www /usr/local, anyting obvious I should be saving?
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14:37.29Terminusanddam: that's about it although i tend to be safe and backup all of /var
14:37.49anddamTerminus: I only have a couple static sites
14:37.58anddamthat is only lighttpd
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14:38.23Terminuswell, if you're sure that /var/www is the only thing you need, go ahead.
14:38.45Terminusi tend to grab all of it just in case i forget there's a DB there, or git repos, etc.
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14:40.55anddamabout installed packages, is   dpkg -l | grep \^i   a good shot at it?
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14:41.02anddamis there a debian tool to handle this?
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14:43.00johnfghi folks
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14:43.42johnfgI've read the /msg dpkg squeeze->wheezy.  Any special caveats concerning this?
14:44.27johnfgIn the past, with new debian versions, I've had trouble, and ended up doing a fresh install of the new version, then restoring what programs and files I wanted.
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14:44.51pacopI have problems upgrading from dovecot 1.x to dovecot 2.1 (squeeze -> wheezy). I already ugpraded one server successfully, I'm using same config and I get this problem: Initialization failed: Initializing mail storage from mail_location setting failed: Home directory not set for user. Can't expand ~/ for mail root dir in: ~/Maildir my postfix conf:   any idea? thank you in advance
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14:45.19pacopI mean: my dovecot conf
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14:47.47crazydipmumpitzel: I used "grub-probe -t device /boot/grub" to see where grub was installed and it told me grub was previously installed on vga1 which sounded fishy/stupid but I selected vga1 anyway in grub install menu - grub said "hell no!" - then I chose vga (which made sense to me) and all is well... rebooted in vnc to see bootup: no errors yay :D
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14:48.48crazydipweird that during dist-upgrade from a pretty minimal/fresh squeeze I got this "grub no longer installed" crazyness :(
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14:51.23navekoTerminus: thank you for your help
14:51.50Terminusnaveko: good luck. =)
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14:52.17navekoTerminus: thanks :)
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15:01.25SudoAptitudeHi. I need to get a MySQL-Server 4.1.22 running. However after downloading the rpm, "alien"ing it to deb and installing, it wont start successfully via /etc/init.d/mysql start . Is there a better approach? can I apt-get it somehow?
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15:02.00dpkgalien is, like, a program which allows one to convert from one package format to another: slackware to redhat, redhat to Debian, Debian to slackware, redhat to slackware, etc.
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15:02.17ompauland rather nasty when it doesn't work
15:02.35ompaul,version mysql
15:02.36juddNo package named 'mysql' was found in i386.
15:02.39SudoAptitudeyes i did it. i downloaded the rpm, used alien to create the deb. installed it via dpkg -i file.deb . but then /etc/init.d/mysql start throws errors, like the following:
15:02.40ompaul,version mysql5
15:02.41juddNo package named 'mysql5' was found in i386.
15:02.50SudoAptitude/etc/init.d/mysql start
15:02.51SudoAptitude/etc/init.d/mysql: 63: /etc/init.d/mysql: source: not found
15:02.51SudoAptitudeStarting MySQL
15:02.51SudoAptitude.................................../etc/init.d/mysql: 119: /etc/init.d/mysql: log_failure_msg: not found
15:02.52*** kick/#debian [SudoAptitude!~debhelper@unaffiliated/debhelper] by debhelper (flood)
15:02.53ompaul,version mysql-5
15:02.53juddNo package named 'mysql-5' was found in i386.
15:03.01ompaul,version mysql-server
15:03.03juddPackage: mysql-server on i386 -- squeeze: 5.1.49-3; squeeze-security: 5.1.63-0+squeeze1; squeeze-security: 5.1.66-0+squeeze1; jessie: 5.5.30+dfsg-1.1; sid: 5.5.30+dfsg-1.1; wheezy: 5.5.30+dfsg-1.1
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15:03.53ompaul,version mysql-server
15:03.54juddPackage: mysql-server on i386 -- squeeze: 5.1.49-3; squeeze-security: 5.1.63-0+squeeze1; squeeze-security: 5.1.66-0+squeeze1; jessie: 5.5.30+dfsg-1.1; sid: 5.5.30+dfsg-1.1; wheezy: 5.5.30+dfsg-1.1
15:04.07SudoAptitudere. sr5y i was thrown out of here because of flooding Oo (4 lines...)
15:04.22ompaulSudoAptitude: ^^ there has been no support for version 4 for several years
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15:04.43ompaulSudoAptitude: security or otherwise, what version of debian are you trying to run this on
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15:04.51SudoAptitudeThe legacy application that I need to install runs with mysql 4.1.22 only, I'm afrain :/
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15:05.05ompaulbe very afraid and answer the question
15:05.13ompaulwhat version of debian are you trying to run this on?
15:05.14SudoAptitudethe latest stable debian, but I can install any OS I want.
15:05.19TheWardenI recently created a preseed file to automate system installs for Debian Squeeze. Has the Wheezy installer changed that I need to alter my preseed file? Is so what do I need to alter and where can I find out about this for Wheezy?
15:05.41ompaulSudoAptitude: is this application facing the internet?
15:05.59petn-randallSudoAptitude: So you've got wheezy? That's been released a day ago.
15:06.03AsenarHi,  I m actually on debian 6, how can I upgrade to 7 ? if I change /etc/apt/sources.list, is that enough ?
15:06.22petn-randallAsenar: You have to change the sources.list, and actually upgrade the packages.
15:06.30SudoAptitudeno. it will be running on PCs in the local network. it will connect to mysql via this local network.
15:06.35Asenarthanks you petn
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15:07.00Asenarif that's works so easily that rocks !
15:07.11caravelAsenar: wait just a sec
15:07.14petn-randallAsenar: Check out the release notes on how to do it, and possible problems you might run into:
15:07.30runixoheyas. is it possible to make dnsmasq resolve Avahi/Zeroconf name queries?
15:07.54ompaulSudoAptitude: so then go look at the old editions of debian, check out archives and install one of those with your old mysql in a virtual machine if you want it to work - alien is nothing to be using if you want to remain anywhere close to sane
15:08.02caravelAsenar: even better, start with petn-randall link indeed :)
15:08.03dpkgit has been said that archive is a collection of files.  'tar', 'ar', 'cpio' are all archiving tools.  This is *not* the same as compression, which is a separate operation.  Debian Archives is the repository for old Debian releases, see .  For the package archive, ask me about <snapshot>.  Old Debian <ISO> files are archived at
15:08.08Asenarthanks you for the 2nd link carandraug yeah :)
15:08.08*** join/#debian testabc (5770f5f1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:08.23Asenaroh, really ? the first link ?
15:08.35SudoAptitudeompaul: if it is an rpm, do you reckon using Suse would be easier? I mean suse uses rpm by default
15:08.36caravelAsenar: 1st link will lead you to 2nd
15:08.46Asenaryes, I saw
15:08.48caravelAsenar: but you'd better read 1st first :)
15:08.53ompaulSudoAptitude: if you have to use an RPM you are in the wrong place ;-)
15:09.00petn-randallAsenar: Depending on which architecture you're on, caravel's link might be the right one or not.
15:09.02Asenarthe first seems really long
15:09.04ompaulSudoAptitude: whatever it came with back then is what you want
15:09.15Asenar32 bits
15:09.24caravelwas too fast, too bad
15:09.24SudoAptitudeDidnt find any deb of this old mysql version ^^
15:09.25Asenar(I m almost sure !)
15:09.37TerminusSudoAptitude: the route i'd probably try to take is to roll my own deb using the newest 4.x sources.
15:09.50caravelAsenar: I was lucky then, I should start playing loto :)
15:10.15SudoAptitudeTeminus: That sounds painfully complicated :D
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15:10.31Asenaranyway, if that was the wrong link I can change 32 to 64, but direct to chapter 4 is good :)
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15:10.59Terminusor build 4.x for squeeze or wheezy in an isolated place like /opt/mysql-4.x/ then tar the thing for deployment.
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15:11.28TerminusSudoAptitude: you need 4.x. that makes things more complicated than aptitude install mysql. =P
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15:12.23SudoAptitudeI am wating for the day that allows apritude install --force mysql-4-1-22
15:13.31ompaulSudoAptitude: it is some time in the past
15:14.00themillwonders if mysql 4 even compiles still
15:14.08ompaulthemill: I doubt it
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15:14.16ompaultoo many libcs
15:14.27themillpickier gcc
15:14.40timmmaaaayyydoes debian still have "universe" repos?  i'm trying to install webmin but it keeps complaining about missing dependencies, but i can't install those either.  the webmin docs say i might need to enable the universe repo
15:14.56ompaulSudoAptitude: I solved this problem for you, go research the archive, find the one that has the version you want, install that in a virtual machine and get on with your life anything else is a waste of time
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15:15.21ompaultimmmaaaayyy: that's ubuntu docs debian never had universe
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15:15.23id10ttimmmaaaayyy: "universe" is a ubuntu thing
15:15.25themilltimmmaaaayyy: Debian never had "universe" and webmin is not in debian
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15:15.49timmmaaaayyyahhh ok.  webmin has it's own .deb installer
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15:16.03timmmaaaayyyi know it's not in the repos...but the dependencies should be
15:16.15ompaultimmmaaaayyy: for what you read you are in the wrong channel, if you really ran debian we'd quickly tell you webmin is a bad idea implemented in a way that is insane if you are on public facing machine
15:16.23SudoAptitude*afk* trying to get this old thing working :D thx everyone
15:16.38id10ttimmmaaaayyy: not necissarily... if it is an ubuntu package, there may be different library versions, etc. that aren't in the deb repos
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15:16.46ompaulSudoAptitude: read the archives link, do the VM, and you are done
15:16.53themilltimmmaaaayyy: also, webmin is pretty speshul. I wouldn't let it near any machine I was looking after
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15:18.04timmmaaaayyyok i definitely understand that you all hate it....however there are little thing i like to be able to use it for becuase i'm not a linux genius
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15:18.33themillyou'll need to be to clean up after the mess it makes
15:19.12timmmaaaayyyhowever, i've used it on every debian machine i've ever created (home LAN only) and it normally installs the dependencies just fine.  the depenencies it wants are here: -- did those change in debian 7 or something like that?
15:19.36ompaulthemill: not a genius - just read a few more docs than some and a lot less than others
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15:20.15ompaultimmmaaaayyy:  not a genius - just read a few more docs than some and a lot less than others  - see themill's comment on cleaning up after it - it is not good for your sanity or upgrades later
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15:21.51timmmaaaayyycan we ignore the fact that i ever said 'webmin' and just focus on the missing dependencies problem?  :) any ideas how i'd fix that?
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15:22.19timmmaaaayyyi run into this more often than i'd like and i've never really successfully found out how to fix it
15:22.26Terminusjust for fun, i did aptitude search webmin. no results. XD
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15:23.09Ephexeve_laptopHey guys, I getting this when installing catalyst.. ->
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15:24.05TerminusEphexeve_laptop: sed 's, not sed's
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15:24.28Terminusassuming that regex is correct.
15:24.59pacopsolved my dovecot problem! all I needed to do was to add an user to users.conf file before the last part of each line :)
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15:25.13timmmaaaayyyahhh i got it.  i just kept repeating the command adding more and more dependencies until it was happy.  :)  thanks
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15:26.27Ephexeve_laptopTerminus: Ok, fixed it, but apparently it does nto install anything O_o
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15:27.10yangAfter running aptitude safe-upgrade, the aptitide dist-upgrade only leaves 2 dependancies left, so is it required at all to be run after upgrading between releases ?
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15:27.45TerminusEphexeve_laptop: you just want headers for your arch right?
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15:28.00Ephexeve_laptopTerminus: Well, I just wanna install catalyst
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15:28.05Ephexeve_laptopdriver for my card, that's all
15:28.42jdolesWhen I upgrade to Wheezy from Squeeze, it doesn't boot because it is waiting for a tap device to come up (which never happens). This also happens when starting in recovery mode.
15:28.42TerminusEphexeve_laptop: aptitude install "linux-headers$(uname -r | sed 's,.*\(-.*\)$,\1,')"
15:29.05Ephexeve_laptopTerminus: Same
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15:29.13KidBetai keep getting a error i cannot fix whenever i try and do apt-get upgrade
15:29.22TerminusEphexeve_laptop: beats me then. i don't have nonfree enabled so i have no idea if fgrlx exists.
15:29.28KidBetadkpg has quit unexpectly or something along those lines
15:29.48Ephexeve_laptopAnyone knows how to install catalyst on debian 7?!
15:30.08TerminusEphexeve_laptop: if the package does exist, i expect it to just pull in the relevant dependencies so there should be no reason to specify linux headers to install.
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15:30.44Ephexeve_laptopwell, following what the debian wiki says
15:30.47mtnKidBeta: please paste the exact command and errors to
15:30.55jdolesMy Debian system is thus completely dead. Can anyone please help me?
15:32.05Sevet_jdoles: try using the rescue mode from the debian installer cd to get to a terminal on your install and correct the issue from there
15:32.06TerminusEphexeve_laptop: i suspect you don't have non-free repos enabled because
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15:32.31KidBetasure one second
15:32.33markvandenborrejdoles: some basic info might make it easier for people to help
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15:32.53Ephexeve_laptopTerminus: Well, I enabled what the wiki said: deb squeeze main contrib non-free
15:33.18Sevet_jdoles: if the tap device is configured in /etc/network/interfaces perhaps commenting that out would be sufficient to get the system to boot
15:33.18TerminusEphexeve_laptop: are you on squeeze or wheezy?
15:33.20markvandenborrehow do I make sure the rest of the (dependency based, wheezy) initscripts wait for my initscript to finish?
15:33.28Ephexeve_laptopTerminus: wheezy
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15:33.44Sevet_Ephexeve_laptop: you want to replace squeeze with wheezy in that line then
15:33.50markvandenborrejdoles: do you want to try and do data recovery on a dead disk?
15:33.56markvandenborredo you want to diagnose your problem?
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15:34.43TerminusEphexeve_laptop: from a quick inspection of the packages, i expect that adding the non-free repo and installing fglrx-control will give you what you want.
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15:34.50KidBetahuh seems to work now
15:34.54KidBetaill copy it if it breaks again
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15:35.34AiwassHi, anyone here had problems reading packages changelog with aptitude
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15:35.52AiwassI get a 404 error
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15:36.23ctmjrjdoles: what happens when you press ctrl+c when it hangs
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15:36.43Terminuswhoa... i had no idea aptitude can display changelogs. neat.
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15:37.29TerminusAiwass: works here. at least for packages already installed. maybe it's a problem with your repo?
15:37.30AiwassYes, it can, with "C" key
15:37.50Terminusi don't actually use the aptitude gui. =)
15:38.01Terminuserrr, tui in this case.
15:38.45Towzzerwhereis returns 0 even if the program does not exist?
15:38.53AiwassI'll change repo to US ftp
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15:39.23id10tanyone run their own local mirror of debian?  i've been halfway doign it with apt-mirror for a while, but i've noticed i'm getting 404 errors on translations package indexes, and the release vs release-updates vs release-proposed-updates vs release-backports is causign me some errors too that i have to keep fixing in my mirrors.list file
15:39.45Towzzerid10t, the apt cacher is sometimes better
15:40.00*** mode/#debian [+l 1433] by debhelper
15:40.05Terminusid10t: i use debmirror. i haven't touched the config in two years though.
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15:40.08id10tTowzzer: i actually want a full mirror for i386 and amd64
15:40.46id10tTowzzer: started this a few years ago, apt-mirror seemed the easiest choice then, but now i'm wondering... but then, i don't want to scrub it all and re-download gigs and gigs of stuff i already have
15:40.48Terminusid10t: i recommend debmirror for what you want then. =)
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15:48.05phacele55is there another redirect to a complete aircrack-ng package?
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15:57.59pacopDebian Wheezy rooocksss!! it's making a much better use of my servers memory and they work faster!
15:58.05pacop:D thank you!
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15:58.12pacopI'm going to donate
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15:59.27jdolesAre tap devices not supported anymore/is this a known issue?
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16:00.00kskwhat is a known issue?
16:00.16kskprobably you have to create a tap device by yourself
16:00.22jdolesksk: tap devices holding back boot.
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16:00.41jdolesEspecially in single user mode.
16:01.07jdolesSingle user mode is supposed to be rock solid.
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16:06.09kskguess its not if you fucked it up :)
16:06.27kskhow about describing what you did, what the error is, and what you want to archive? ( )
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16:06.51jdolesI removed the tap device now. It now hangs at starting NFS utilities.
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16:08.38kskwhich tap device? which nfs utilities?
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16:15.47jdolesksk: the start of the bug is the same as
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16:18.29leowti got a mdadm raid 10 with 4 500gb disks. One of them have failed, and the system booted up with ~500gb partition instead of 1TB and mdadm is recovering. Do this means that ive lost data on half of the partition?
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16:19.11yoggi have just installed debian7 and use the gnome fallback mode. Is there any way I can scroll trough my 4 desktops? I think compiz made this possible in the last version
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16:20.19fosstuxHi! I've installed a SATA RAID Controller in my server. How do I need to configure the raid?
16:20.23fosstuxWith mdadm?
16:21.00cerettala_laptopSo I used efibootmgr to remove the entries for two previously installed operating systems, and it looks like it went and nixed everything. When I boot from a livecd, what do I need to do to get the EFI entry in the BIOS back back?
16:21.13EmleyMoorfosstux: That would be my recommendation - though if it's proper RAID, it may be worth setting it up "hardware-side"
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16:22.08fosstuxEmleyMoor: I did set up the LD on the promise controller.
16:22.23fosstuxShould the raid then be a normal hdd?
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16:22.45EmleyMoorfosstux: I would have thought so... but I wouldn't know for sure
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16:23.30KidBetafor anyone interested im having a issue trying to install the metasploit package
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16:25.25Sevet_fosstux: have you already created the raid arrays in the promise controller's bios?
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16:25.53fosstuxyes - I've added the 2 hdds to LD 1 using raid 1
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16:26.14Sevet_fosstux: if you have an you only see the virtual drive then just install on it as normal. if you see the physical individual drives you have a fakeraid card which implements the raid in software drivers. that's the same as using mdadm.
16:26.56yoggok it woks if I move the mouse over the desktop-plugin on the lower rigt side. But would be nicer if i can mode the mouse to an free place on the desktop and scroll then :/
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16:27.05fosstuxSevet_: What should te virtual device be called?
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16:27.48Sevet_fosstux: do you see 1 HDD or 2 HDDs in the debian installer?
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16:28.17fosstuxI did not reinstall debian as the 2 hdds are only /data
16:28.18EmleyMoorKidBeta: That's not a package in Debian...
16:29.20Sevet_ah ok. they'll only have generic names (/dev/sd* probably), not any description you set in the raid bios
16:29.52KidBetaEmleyMoor its based on debian so i figured this was the best channel
16:29.54somiajKidBeta: #debian does not support packages built by other people. Ask the builders of their package why their install scripts are broken. Are you sure you are installing it for the right version of debian (and it isn't really a ubuntu or other package)
16:30.27KidBetaim pretty sure what happened was that i was doing a apt-get update and upgrade and the internet crapped it pants a couple times
16:30.36KidBetagoing in and out
16:30.40KidBetacorrupting the package
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16:31.53EmleyMoorWhat operating system are you actually running?
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16:32.33EmleyMoorNot one I've even heard of before
16:32.47KidBetai get a dpkg was interrupted you must manually run `dpkg --configure -a` to correct the problem
16:32.51KidBetai do, it doesnt fix it :|
16:32.58apm1its a security penetration testing focused debian derivative EmleyMoor
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16:33.11EmleyMoorKidBeta: /join #kali-linux
16:33.19Sevet_!tell KidBeta about kali
16:33.29fosstuxSevet_: I'm using a Promise FastTrak TX2300
16:33.38KidBetai tried kali but it didnt seem rlevant thanks guys
16:33.52KidBetadidnt find that channel
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16:34.00EmleyMoor"that channel"?
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16:34.30Sevet_fosstux: afaik that's a fakeraid controller... so use mdadm
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16:34.38EmleyMoor#kali-linux certainly exists and looks full of people.
16:34.39raccoon_fosstux: hey! i'm still using my trusty Ultra133TX :-)
16:34.47raccoon_good ol pata
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16:35.24fosstuxAre there real haedware raid sata controllers around?
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16:36.19Sevet_yes, but they're much rarer. it's cheaper to put the raid logic in a driver than to build a more complex chip to do it independantly of the os
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16:36.33fosstuxok thanks
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16:38.43FeigrI am trying to get ProFont to be recognized by Debian. I have put the .pcf files in /usr/share/fonts/X11/misc/ and done mkfontdir and xset fp rehash. But putting -*-profont-*-*-*-*-11-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1 in .Xresources does not work
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16:38.50FeigrI am using rxvt-unicode
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16:40.33Feigrthe error I get is: urxvt: unable to load base fontset, please specify a valid one using fn, aborting.
16:40.45faceless_cc -pipe -Wall -DOPENSSL -O3   -c -o cowpatty.o cowpatty.c
16:40.46faceless_cowpatty.c:38:18: fatal error: pcap.h: No such file or directory
16:40.46faceless_compilation terminated.
16:40.46faceless_make: *** [cowpatty.o] Error 1
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16:41.13Feigrxlsfonts -fn *prof* does list profont
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16:42.01raccoon_Feigr: then you should be able to use it with an XLS preix in the font string
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16:42.14raccoon_that is, xls:<font family>, if im not mistaken
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16:42.41raccoon_there are at least two currently existing font subsystems that is in use on linux
16:42.56raccoon_font-cache is one of them, might need an "fc-cache" to re-read the lists
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16:43.21FeigrI have done fc-cache -fv
16:43.22jpeachI was using AC_CHECK_LIB([pthread_exit], [pthread]) but this was getting tripped up by symbol stubs in libc ; switching to pthread_create gives the expected result … can anyone advise on how reliable this should be?
16:43.37jpeachpointers to docs or things I should read would be welcome too :)
16:43.52Feigrdo you mean that I should use Urxvt.font: xls:profont:pixelsize=11?
16:43.58Feigrin .Xresources
16:44.15raccoon_Feigr: yeah. you could try "fc-list" and see if fc have found it a tal
16:44.16raccoon_*at all
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16:44.28raccoon_some times the fonts have weird font family names that you have to provide
16:44.33Feigron Arch I have URxvt.font: xft:profont:size=11, that's what I was used to, but it does not work at present on Debian
16:45.28raccoon_i guess that could depend on how your particular environment is set up.
16:45.45Feigrfc-list does not have profont at all, interesting
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16:46.30raccoon_Feigr: hmmmm, if im not entirely mistaken fc only looks in your ~/.fonts dir for new fonts, when you run fc-cache
16:46.58raccoon_drop em in there and see if fc likes it better
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16:47.48d_arcyis it possible to change the order the services are stopped during shutdown ?
16:48.15raccoon_d_arcy: yeah, patch the initscripts
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16:48.26raccoon_they have dependency chains in there so you could manipulate the order
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16:49.56Feigrraccoon_: it does not seem to have done any difference, still no profont in fc-list
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16:52.44yoggis there any way how I can change the border thikness to 2 pixel (gnome classic)? Its sometimes hard to hit the corner for resizing windows
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16:56.28d_arcyraccoon_: i modified the Required-stop and it seems OK now. Thanks
16:57.30Feigrraccoon_: ok I got it to work with the .ttf version of the font in ~/.fonts/
16:57.34Feigrbut not the .pcf
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16:57.59raccoon_.pcf is a bitmap font, apart from the truetype vector one
16:58.18raccoon_so that might explain why behavior differs
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16:58.43raccoon_check ~/.fontconfig or any of the other related files, should be a default config to check
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16:58.59bebojdoes anynone know what could be the reason of black screen after stright after grub loading?
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17:00.44debianN00bHello i am trying to install teamviewr after adding foreign architecture i386 (Command: dpkg --add-architecture i386) and Teamviewer getting removed  if i run "apt-get -f install"
17:01.03ksk!tell debianN00b about teamviewer
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17:01.11kskhum, nevermind :D
17:01.41debianN00bksk, ?
17:01.46kskdebianN00b: there is a 64bit version of it, use it?
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17:02.08me-1hi...could somebody please pastebin his/her wheezy source list so that I could copy and paste into mine
17:02.22kskif that does not work either contact the teamviewer support, its not supported in #debian
17:02.23jdolesCan one not use Gnome3 with Intel graphics hardware?
17:02.35apm1jdoles, yes they can
17:02.37debianN00bksk, yes i have downloaded the 64bit version but it still require 32bit dependency ... not?
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17:02.57jdolesI cannot read the message it displays saying that it doesn't work for some reason while apparently it does appear to work.
17:02.58apm1Jdbye, rather depends on exactly which intel GPU it is
17:03.12mumpitzeljdoles: unless it's an atom cpu. what intel videochip is it you use?
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17:03.41apm1if you can't read the error , how od you expect us to know abt it ?
17:04.02mumpitzeljdoles: use lspci -nn instead. but it should work fine
17:04.26jdolesmumpitzel: how do I eliminate the error message then?
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17:04.48jdolesOr make the error completely readable, since it is too far displayed to the right.
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17:04.59apm1jdoles, first tell us what it is
17:05.08raccoon_jdoles: i would begin by looking in ~/.xsession-errors and /var/log/X11.log
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17:05.14me-1could somebody please pastebin his/her wheezy source list so that I could copy and paste into mine
17:05.15truko22selamat pagi 0/
17:05.15raccoon_to see if theres anything reported from the driver
17:05.16mumpitzeljdoles: check your Xorg.0.log
17:05.37mumpitzel!tell me-1 about sources.list
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17:05.53mumpitzelraccoon_: 2nd one is Xorg.0.log
17:06.02raccoon_mumpitzel: correct! my bad
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17:06.14babilendpkg: tell me-1 about wheeze sources.list
17:06.22babilendpkg: tell me-1 about wheezy sources.list
17:06.32babilenah, too late :)
17:06.36me-1mumpitzel,  what if I want french mirrors
17:06.49mumpitzelbabilen: was already fixed in the normal sources.list factoid even
17:07.05babilenme-1: Then you use french mirrors in lieu of -- does, however, select the "best" mirror automagically for you.
17:07.07mumpitzeltho the mirrors should give you a near one to you
17:07.56raccoon_mumpitzel: theres debpartial-mirror and netselect for that :)
17:08.28babilenme-1: I would't be too surprised if and gets you the same mirror -- but check "host" and the method in "/msg dpkg which" to debug. typically selects a good mirror and I'd recommend to use this service.
17:08.52raccoon_yeah i think there are some round robin hosts
17:09.07raccoon_the main ones that are not location specific
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17:09.11jdolesAnother message: Failed to execute program /usr/lib/dbus-1.0/dbus-daemon-launch-helper: Success
17:09.37raccoon_jdoles: you might be missing some packages that belong to gnome3 / gnome-shell
17:09.38jdolesGoogle suggests it is a permission problem: root:messagebus is the owner on my system.
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17:10.18jdolesraccoon_: this happens when running xfce4.
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17:10.31babilenjdoles: How do you start xfce4?
17:10.40raccoon_jdoles: try wiping the XFCE session cache dir
17:10.42jdolesbabilen: via kdm
17:11.25raccoon_jdoles: try moving or removing ~/.config/xfce4
17:11.30raccoon_and restart kdm
17:11.33babilenjdoles: kdm should work -- this is wheezy, isn't it?
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17:12.28jdolesPlease execute this command and put output here: ls -lah /usr/lib/dbus-1.0/dbus-daemon-launch-helper
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17:12.47jdolesThe permissions are the interesting bit.
17:12.52levi501dssh question: i want to do a socks proxy tunnel through two servers,  serverA and serverB, serverB can access the network but serverA cannot, i can ssh -D 8080 serverA but cant access the network. Is it possible to socks tunnel through Both servers so I am socks tunneled onto serverB
17:13.03levi501di've been looking this up
17:13.07levi501dbut i can only find 1 hop explanations
17:13.13levi501dand all my attempts so far have failed
17:13.25icariousanyone knows if this guide is still valid for wheezy?
17:13.28raccoon_levi501d: ive been looking for a solution for that aswell
17:13.34icariousi want to install debian from scratch using chroot that is
17:13.41raccoon_levi501d: but there doesnt seem to be any more than hacky scirpts
17:13.41levi501draccoon_: what if anything have you come up with?
17:13.55levi501dwell any place to start from would be great
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17:13.57raccoon_im in the middle of recovering my old file server so i have to get back on that...
17:14.02jdolesCan I download default permissions for every file in Debian somewhere?
17:14.04levi501di've tried tunneling and then proxying but that didnt work
17:14.09raccoon_but i did find a small shellscript that worked fine
17:14.12raccoon_arbitrary number of hosts
17:14.14levi501doh link?
17:14.25raccoon_on the offline NAS... :D
17:14.27levi501ddoes it do web proxy?
17:14.41raccoon_well it did ssh tunneling through simple configuration
17:14.43levi501dohh so its just a tunnel to a tunneel but not a socks proxy
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17:14.46raccoon_one line per host and port
17:14.55raccoon_well the endpoint is your proxy
17:14.57somiajjdoles: what is it you are really trying to do?
17:15.02raccoon_the last node of your hops :)
17:15.15debianN00bAnyone can help me please? I can't install teamviewer on current debian... This is how i am installing :
17:15.16levi501dlink to script?
17:15.20benji_is there a way to create a primary partition with a one line command? (fdisk non interactive?)
17:15.23somiajjdoles: note the default permisions will be stored in the .deb that created the package. Though I think some rare post/pre isntall scripts may change them too
17:15.37pacopI had some problems with OSS4 and pulseaudio in gnome that broke my sound. I solved it with a minimal install of squeeze from 0 and upgrading to wheezy, then install OSS4
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17:15.50pacopOSS4 sounds much better than ALSA and it allow to play 24bit96khz
17:15.51jdolessomiaj: eliminate the error message regarding /usr/lib/dbus-1.0/dbus-daemon-launch-helper
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17:16.19babilenjdoles: Would *you* mind showing those permissions? What does "getent {passwd,group} messagebus" give you? Is this wheezy?
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17:16.32levi501draccoon_: if you dont mind sharing that is
17:16.43jdolesbabilen: -rwsr-xr--
17:17.05jdolesbabilen: I have seen websites suggesting that it needs chmod o+x
17:17.06raccoon_levi501d: ill keep that in mind when i get the machine up and running again, the NAS is broken and of course complex partitioning that i have to look through...
17:17.24babilenjdoles: Err, make that "getent passwd messagebus" and "getent group messagebus" and please show me the *entire* output of "ls -l /usr/lib/dbus-1.0/dbus-daemon-launch-helper"
17:18.01raccoon_levi501d: this seems simple and straightforward enough though:
17:18.05jdolesbabilen: I already know everything which is relevant to this problem. Why can't *you* simply answer me?
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17:18.44babilenjdoles: No, those permissions are fine. You might have found outdated documentation regarding … Ok, well. Those are the same permissions. Good luck with fixing it.
17:18.59babilenfinds something else to do then
17:19.32levi501dahh yeah raccoon_ Yeah i can do that no problem,  I do ssh tunnels all day, but i've never done a socks proxy forward through an existing tunnel which is what i'd have to do
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17:19.50levi501dif i find it i'll paste a gist for you raccoon_
17:20.05jdolesThe same problem, but then in Ubuntu
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17:22.05jdolesbabilen: messagebus:x:101:103::/var/run/dbus:/bin/false
17:22.40raccoon_levi501d: this seems to work aswell. by the look of it :)
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17:22.50raccoon_(sorry for the spam, people. last one)
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17:23.27jdolesbabilen: messagebus:x:105:
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17:24.34babilenjdoles: There you go, you want the latter to match the group of the former. what is group 103 on your system?
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17:25.06babilenjdoles: You essentially have the same problem as
17:25.13jdolesbabilen: lpadmin
17:25.44babilenjdoles: So, messabus has a primary group of lpadmin not messagebus -- Please fix that. Any idea how that might have happened?
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17:27.02jdolesbabilen: a bug in Debian. I don't know where.
17:27.16jdolesbabilen: I never fiddle around in those files manually.
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17:27.41raccoon_babilen: it's not unusual to let (system/daemon) users that work in simlar context share account and ACL
17:28.20jelly-homeraccoon_: yeah, but these aren't remotely similar, and managing that kind of setup in debian installation scripts is rather tricky
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17:28.35jdolesbabilen: but non-manually, yes. Perhaps copying it off a different system at some point.
17:28.56desghey guys after i install debian i get a "grub loading" what could cause this?
17:29.01desgand it just hangs
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17:29.23jdolesbabilen: even so, the system shouldn't be making assumptions that are not universally true.
17:29.25babilenjdoles: perhaps? If you've done that it would explain this problem, if not there is a bug lurking somewhere.
17:29.31jelly-homejdoles: cloning a system with rsync and forgetting --numeric-ids can do that
17:29.53n-iCedesg: I would just reinstall and check the .iso mD5
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17:30.10jdolesjelly-home: wouldn't that only apply to the installed file below /usr?
17:30.11babilenjdoles: either way, make sure that the messagebus user has a primary group of "messagebus" (or 105 on your system)
17:30.26raccoon_desg: try loading optimal/default settings in BIOS. sometimes there are legacy causing this, stemming from AHCI/ACPI/IRQ emulation et al
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17:30.50desgi see thanks raccoon_ will try that
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17:30.56raccoon_i would also try to install without usb keyboard. have had that crashing the install for me a couple of times
17:31.00raccoon_seems to be an old bug
17:31.15raccoon_shouldnt be any problem after the install is done .
17:31.22babilenjdoles: And some maintainer scripts create users and groups ... If you alter the files afterwards and /do not/ take care to alter them consistently you will end up with broken user/group configurations.
17:31.37levi501draccoon_: Dude! I figured it out whoot!
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17:31.44levi501draccoon_: dont even need a gist
17:32.03raccoon_spill the beans!
17:32.16jelly-homejdoles: no, if you're cloning the whole filesystem, you're cloning the whole filesystem; if the destination passwd and group files do not match, rsync will try to keep symbolic names correct by default
17:32.19levi501draccoon_: ssh -L 2222:localhost:8501
17:32.45levi501draccoon_: now from that server do: ssh -D 8501
17:33.00levi501draccoon_:  now in firefox or whatever browser set your socks proxy to 2222
17:33.10raccoon_ah, sweet. reverse forwarding to allow connectback
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17:34.57desgraccoon_: the default tip did it
17:35.58geggamnetwork guys hate it when you start ssh tunneling inside ssh tunnels levi501d
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17:36.31levi501d:) i bet they do, but hey I gotta verify system status and their firewall locks out vpn
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17:36.57levi501dnetsec always hatin' on the vpn workers
17:37.04n-iCeis there any openbox channel?
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17:37.12geggamtsocks is also handy combinned with ssh tunnels levi501d
17:37.20levi501dohh i'll check that out
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17:39.13unr3al011hey i am looking for a caching system like memcache but with "backupping" to disk, so that when a machine reboots it automatically can rebuild the cache.
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17:39.54raccoon_proxychains is also an interesting project to look up
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17:40.06raccoon_easy chaining of any type of proxy
17:40.26raccoon_desg: awesome, enjoy the installation :)
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17:40.55raccoon_unr3al011: heard bout redis?
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17:41.14raccoon_they have some kind of intermittent disk storage
17:41.20unr3al011yes :P just got it through googling :P
17:41.34unr3al011but what is it? is it just a disk based key valu storage or does it act with ram?
17:42.12raccoon_well its "just" a dict storage system (key-val)  but with high concurrency and -availability in mind
17:42.22raccoon_i love memcached but its a bit dated.
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17:42.53unr3al011yeah its really nice, but i have to store alot of data (history) and have to do alot of checks against this history, and loosing my data after a reboot is not nice
17:43.09raccoon_(that being said, there's absolutely possible to store anything in those databases=
17:43.22raccoon_just be clever enough with the packaging and storing :D
17:43.33unr3al011i was using mysql for my "history cache" but i think its not fast enough
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17:44.11raccoon_at work we actually use  a memcached instance for caching base64:d images.
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17:44.38unr3al011mhkay :P
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17:44.46unr3al011just compiling redis now and will give it a try
17:44.57unr3al011by the way: do you know any simple and good java api?
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17:45.17raccoon_java api? please elaborate
17:45.50raccoon_you want a good framework for coding java_
17:46.06unr3al011no i meant a redis java client
17:46.11unr3al011for persistent storage
17:46.24unr3al011or is it stored automagically in a persistent way?
17:46.43raccoon_should be plenty, redis gotta be one of the more popular storage backends today
17:46.51raccoon_java aint my cup o... tea though
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17:47.06unr3al011okay :P
17:47.13unr3al011thanks anyway will do some testing now
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17:49.48babilenjdoles: so, did that fix it?
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17:57.34vespakoenHey guys, I was installing debian, formatted my partitions, it installed, and then when GRUB didn't work for the moment, I tried to install Lilo, then I found the partitionname so I thought I'd give GRUB a second chance, when going back in the installer it installed LILO for the second time and hang in the middle of it (BUG!) I had to shut my computer down, is there a way I can "complete my installation" from another partition on which I am
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17:58.14vespakoenlike, mount the partition and install grub on it? Is this the right way to go?
17:58.28raccoon_vespakoen: yeah
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17:58.42raccoon_shouldnt be any worries
17:58.44vespakoencool, do you know if there is some guide on this?
17:58.55vespakoenor can you assist me along the way? =P haha
17:59.04raccoon_vespakoen: well, booting the installer again but choose rescue mode
17:59.10raccoon_and then pick your boot manager again :)
17:59.23vespakoenah, interesting approach
17:59.32vespakoenI'll try that and report back in a bit
17:59.42vespakoenbtw, is resque mode in the menu?
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18:00.02raccoon_yeah, but i think under a submenu in the first boot menu
18:00.06raccoon_alternative modes or something
18:00.10dpkgTo reinstall <GRUB> boot to your Debian install disk/live CD, switch to the other console (Alt-F2), then mount your root filesystem (mount -t ext2 /dev/whatever /target ; mount --bind /dev /target/dev ; mount -t proc none /target/proc ; mount -t sysfs none /target/sys), then chroot into it (chroot /target) and run "update-grub && grub-install /dev/whatever".  See also <rescue mode>, <dual boot guide>, <supergrub>.
18:00.54vespakoen!rescue mode
18:00.55dpkgDebian-Installer has a recovery ('rescue') mode, which can be used to reinstall the GRUB or LILO boot loaders.  See section 8.7 of the Installation Guide ("Recovering a Broken System") for more details; ask me about <install guide>.
18:01.26*** join/#debian claw_ (
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18:02.32vespakoendoes anyone recommend anything different than grub? what's this supergrub about?
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18:02.40debianN00bI understand teamviewer is not supported here but Frankly i want to know what is the problem installing 32bit apps on 64bit debian
18:03.10funnybunnythe fact that by default there are no 64bit libraries on a 32bit system
18:03.11raccoon_debianN00b: is the package available as amd64? have you added i386 but not amd64?
18:05.03debianN00braccoon_, i added i386 as foreign and amd64 is default. And yes they say it is 64bit(Multi arth) which depend on 32bit dependency
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18:05.51BJfreemandoing a apt-get update   got this error
18:05.52BJfreemanW: Failed to fetch  404  Not Found [IP: 80]
18:06.23funnybunnyBJfreeman: you misspelled wheezy
18:06.38raccoon_debianN00b: weird... i have had very few problems with the multiarch thingie actually
18:06.49BJfreemanLOL I copied and pasted
18:07.02pan__so is it generally accepted that you dont update after a release? I am running sid, updated without thinking, and broke everything. Is there any way I can try and fix it with chroot or something?
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18:07.41dondelelcaropan__: if you're running sid, you should be able to see what is broken, and fix it.
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18:08.02raccoon_that's kinda the point in using bleeding edge code :)
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18:08.20dondelelcaropan__: but that said, you can always downgrade a package to a specific earlier version which doesn't have whatever breakage you are seeing
18:08.49pan__dondelelcaro: thanks, ill look up how to downgrade packages.
18:09.19raccoon_pan__: if you want to mix releases like that i would recommend to look in to "apt pinning"
18:09.32truexfan81still getting 404 errors from the testing repos
18:09.33debianN00braccoon_, fixed... now i am feeling myself an stupid!
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18:10.06raccoon_as well all do when the light arrives :-P
18:10.07geggamif you feel stupid you are learning ;)
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18:11.09debianN00bdebian force me to learn ,... I love it !
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18:13.18paxcoderI'm using netboot, and I'd like to make an ntfs home partition, but ntfs isn't offered (just exts, FATs etc). Is it possible to somehow load up ntfs drivers or something to be able to format ntfs from the "manual" partition manager there?
18:14.01*** join/#debian claw_ (
18:15.08mumpitzelpaxcoder: not really possible. ntfs doesn't support Unix permissions
18:15.13mumpitzelnot advisable either
18:15.17paxcodermumpitzel, and FATs do?
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18:15.28mumpitzelno they don't
18:15.36paxcoderwell, they're listed there
18:15.39abrotmanpaxcoder: do it after the fact .. easy enough
18:15.55mumpitzelpaxcoder: and keep good backups when it breaks
18:15.58paxcoderabrotman, elaborate please
18:16.10paxcodermumpitzel, why would it break?
18:16.13abrotmanpaxcoder: leave an empty partition, create teh tnfs later
18:16.16abrotmanthe ntfs
18:16.27mumpitzelcause ntfs is not a stable filesystem for linux
18:16.30abrotmanpaxcoder: ntfs-rw requires FUSE, not sure that's in the installler
18:16.46abrotmansuch as no ZFS either, right ?
18:17.10paxcoderabrotman, could i preformat using eg gparted, then reuse the partition for /home?
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18:17.18raccoon_ZFS did not make it for quality control in time for wheezy freeze
18:17.20paxcoderabrotman, there's btrfs
18:17.22jelly-homemumpitzel: ntfs-3g is pretty stable, it's just there's no fsck
18:17.24abrotmannot FUSE
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18:17.43abrotmanpaxcoder: i told you how i'd do it .. up to you now
18:18.02paxcoderabrotman, yeah, but i don't know how i'd migrate /home to it?
18:18.13raccoon_heh, i installed zfs and spl-dkms this morning and probably have had less problem with it than using windows
18:18.25paxcoderit'll probably be created at / if i do that.
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18:18.32abrotmanpaxcoder: migrate what? you'll only have one user ...
18:18.34paxcoderand symlinks seem messy
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18:18.35raccoon_have to see what it handles some load though
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18:19.01paxcoderabrotman, migrate home folder from the primary (ext) partition to the ntfs partition
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18:19.04abrotmanpaxcoder: mount /mnt /dev/newhome ; cp /home /newhome ; umount newhome ; edit fstab ; mount home
18:19.12abrotmanobviously, edit to your needs
18:19.30raccoon_pan__: just copy it to an usb drive. windows will fuck your extensions and permissions anyway
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18:19.49jelly-homeabrotman: forgot mv /home /home.old && mkdir /home after umount
18:20.00*** mode/#debian [+l 1452] by debhelper
18:20.09abrotmanjelly-home: it's mostly empty i would think ...
18:20.29abrotmansort of why i'm confused about "migrating" anything
18:20.29jelly-homeabrotman: if there's anything to cp...
18:20.38abrotmanright, that's my point ..
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18:20.58biaxim doing a pxe install, does debian actually install things we may not need? i saw it downloading iptables, and a couple of things that i dont think ill be needing
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18:21.25raccoon_biax: iptables does nothing if you dont configure it. but there are some varying sizes on netinstallers
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18:21.54biaxthere no minimal installation where we can after that choose what we need?
18:22.11biaxi saw isc dhcpd, wont be needing that either
18:22.15mtnbiax: the installer can't know exactly what you want or don't want instaled.
18:22.30biaxok its fixed
18:22.35mtninstalled, that is
18:22.39abrotmanbiax: that's pretty minimal .. remove it when you're done
18:22.56biaxyes im using net inst
18:23.02biaxpxe install like mentioned
18:23.17raccoon_biax: just skip the "select packages to install" part
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18:23.37biaxthere isnt such a part
18:23.43biaxit went on to install immediately
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18:24.05biaxcould i have missed it?
18:24.13raccoon_biax: maybe booting the disk/cd but never actually installing from that source
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18:24.45raccoon_just bootstrap from their loader and get an internet connection so you can let debootstrap do the rest :-)
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18:24.55raccoon_or just debootstrap in an empty chroot on your current box.
18:25.34biaxinstalled "popularity contest" ... faints*
18:25.55paxcoderbiax, surely you've selected popcon
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18:26.17paxcoderabrotman, wait, you suggested copying home. But you said something about permissions, what about htem?
18:26.53abrotmanpaxcoder: NTFS and Unix don't use the same permissions mechanisms by default
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18:27.13paxcoderabrotman, i understand, but you still suggested i cp
18:27.16abrotmanNTFS uses more like the equivalent of Linux ACLs
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18:27.23paxcoderwouldn't know about ACL
18:27.37abrotmanpaxcoder: you can still cp a file that doesn't have the same permission style ... like FAT?
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18:28.04paxcoderabrotman, so you've assumed i'd be fine with 777?
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18:28.19abrotmanblinks ...
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18:28.48abrotmanpaxcoder: good luck, it's not something i recommend or that i'd try .. i'm sure you'll figure it out
18:29.00paxcoderabrotman, you told me about lack of permissions, and still suggested i copy /home to ntfs. Why?
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18:29.14abrotmanyou wanted to migrate data ...
18:29.17abrotmanyou asked how ..
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18:29.29paxcoderabrotman, so blinks means yes?
18:29.57abrotmanhave you considered the implications of what you're trying to do ?
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18:30.17paxcoderabrotman, i'm trying to.
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18:30.38abrotmanpaxcoder: maybe you should try this with something other than /home/ first ..
18:30.46raccoon_havent samba/libcifs some code for translating permission during transfers?
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18:30.55raccoon_maybe it's just the readonly flag etc but
18:31.01abrotmanor in a VM
18:31.02raccoon_might be worth a shot :)
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18:32.24peterrooneyIsn't this why tarballs were invented?
18:33.09pan__where else can I find sources besides sources.list? when I try to upgrade it is telling me some sources can not connect, but I can not find them in my /etc/apt/sources.list
18:33.27awc737is it bad with linux to leave a SSD on suspend for many days?
18:33.29abrotmanpan__: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
18:33.42pan__abrotman: ty
18:33.53biaxim tempted to switch to archlinux. somebody convince me why i shouldnt
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18:35.21jelly-homeraccoon_: there are unix extensions, but both sides have to support them and have them enabled
18:35.57n-iCewhat's the name of the file manager?
18:36.13n-iCeWhen you open a tar.gz etc, and it allows you to uncompress it, how is it called? the manager
18:36.47mtnn-iCe: there are file managers and there are archive managers
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18:37.02n-iCethe one I want is?
18:37.06n-iCearchive manager I think, right?
18:37.14mtnn-iCe: depends. what desktop?
18:37.24n-iCeno desktop at all
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18:37.46mtnn-iCe: archive manager if you don't use nautilus
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18:38.04raccoon_n-iCe: file-roller, nautilus, ..
18:38.06paxcoderabrotman, thanks
18:38.12raccoon_there's quite lots of them.
18:38.15paxcodernot quite sure what i'll do
18:38.34raccoon_jelly-home: ah, i see
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18:41.24twHow do I continue booting after unlocking luks over preboot ssh?
18:41.59raccoon_tw: it should be done already if the one you unlocked was the real root device
18:42.25twWell, apparently I didn't do it correctly.
18:42.38paxcoderabrotman, wait, why is ACL not sufficient?
18:43.05twI just did cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/md1 root, typed in my password...
18:43.29raccoon_tw: yeah, so you made a key. but you didnt tell debian what to do with it :)
18:43.34twAdvice on how to fix?
18:43.41raccoon_theres actually a really good article on this from the arch wiki
18:43.43raccoon_speaking of the devil
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18:45.05raccoon_i'd prefer debian any given day, but man do they have some cool wikis on the other side!
18:45.09DexterFhow is a daemon different from other programs? what makes it a daemon?
18:45.39abrotmanpaxcoder: do a bit of reading please
18:45.50debdebwhat is the best place to check for hardware-compatibility of a new laptop with debian or plain linux-kernel?
18:46.01raccoon_DexterF: usually what you mean with a daemon is an application made for running in the background.
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18:46.12mtnDexterF: wikipedia and google should have lots of info for you on that topic
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18:47.00paxcoderabrotman, nah. windows...
18:47.10paxcoderabrotman, i think i'll do ext, then install a windows driver
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18:47.39sacredchaoI upgraded a couple of xserver packages, and now I cannot use my HDMI port after rebooting
18:47.53debdebfor example: Atheros AR8151, Atheros AR5BWB222, NVIDIA-GeForce GT 650M
18:47.59mtndebdeb: intel is usually very safe, otherwise do a search on the specific chip and debian
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18:49.53awc737is it bad with linux to leave a SSD on suspend for many days?
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18:50.38debdebthey all say one should first check for compatibility... but those linux-hardware-check-sites i found are... suboptimal
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18:54.08mtndebdeb: that is why you should do your own search
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18:56.22seganHello, guys: how can I install Debian 7.0.0 with support no-multilib¿?
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18:58.38abrotmansegan: huh? just don't enable another architecture
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18:59.05JonuzI installed debian wheezy, should I install some codec pack? Youtube videos feels laggys in firefox
18:59.05sacredchaosegan: multi-arch is opt-in
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18:59.35sacredchaoJonuz: Sign it to a YouTube account and configure the account to use HTML5 video
18:59.41seganI need to know how to install pure 64-bit Debian.
18:59.46sacredchaoFlash is always terrible performance on any OS
18:59.56Sevetsegan: if you install amd64 then by default only amd64 is enabled, and you have to explicitly run a command to allow i386 packages to also be installed
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19:00.04sacredchaosegan: Just install Debian compiled for amd64 and do not enable multi-arch
19:00.07JonuzOkay :p
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19:00.17segansacredchao, sevet: aaaaa ok
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19:00.36seganby default is a pure amd64?
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19:00.51seganthx :)
19:00.53Sevet(if installing amd64)
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19:04.39OwnixI have a tough one for you guys... I am running Debain 7.0 and trying to install Windows Server 2012 in a KVM. Windows says "A media driver for your computer needs is missing. This could be a DBD, USB or Hard Disk driver. if you have a CD, DVD, or USB flash drive with a driver on it, please insert it now."
19:04.43*** join/#debian p0g0 (~pogo@unaffiliated/p0g0)
19:04.45OwnixHow do I know what driver this thing wants?
19:05.57sacredchaoOwnix: I'm not going to speak for everyone here, but I sure as shit am not going to spend time helping you set up Windows.
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19:06.23Ownixsacredchao:  shit this is a windows issue isnt it.. lol
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19:06.35OwnixI just thought maybe someone else using Debain+KVM had this issue
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19:13.42twthat article was wholely unhelpful. I have a luks volume, my initrd has sufficient utilities to get md/dm-crypt rolling, but once dm-crypt is unlocked it doesn't do anything. Somehow I have to mount it and pivot_root then continue init... or maybe just have init continue somehow.
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19:14.08Posterdatiplease help: I cannot install less on wheezy (amd64) or it deinstall man
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19:14.34MrFroodPosterdati: wheezy or testing?
19:15.13MrFroodjust this isue has been reported with testing?
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19:15.55Posterdatidon't know
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19:16.25MrFroodwhat does it say in your source.list
19:17.20Posterdatithere testing repos there!!!!!
19:17.29Posterdatibut why?
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19:19.23kristijonashello, is there an easy way to run Windows on Debian?
19:19.43mtnkristijonas: virtual box or similar
19:19.47twk, the answer was unlock luks, then log tf out.
19:19.48MrFroodI'm not sure what would happen if you changed them to wheezy perhaps someone who knows more can advise, in the meantime iirc they were talking about this issue with less etc over #debian-next on the oftc server
19:19.54twseems to have booted into something or other.
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19:21.01kristijonasmtn, yea, something I like. There is some program which doesn't run successfully through Wine.
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19:22.59MrFroodPosterdati: did you just post in #debian-next with another name?
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19:23.23Posterdatiah debian 7 is out
19:23.27MrFroodPosterdati: just someone just asked about there again
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19:26.40rryoumaai subscribed to all the major debian mailing lists, but i have not gotten a single announcement yet
19:26.48PosterdatiMrFrood: I changed source.list to point to correct wheezy repo
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19:26.56jhutchins_wkkristijonas: You can try looking at Crossover Office, which can run some things that Wine cant, or various virtualization solutions to run an actual copy of Windows, but the best long-term solution is to learn how to do the task with native Linux tools.
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19:27.34MrFroodPosterdati: at this point I don't know what that will do, can somebody advise
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19:27.59PosterdatiMrFrood: you didn't read my first phrase then
19:28.01silidan1help, i cant install flashplugin-nonfre on debian wheezy error: link to flash contains invalid characters
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19:28.07Posterdatiplease help: I cannot install less on wheezy (amd64) or it deinstall man
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19:28.33rryoumaawas wheezy announced on debian announce etc?
19:28.39PosterdatiI'm on wheezy! But my sources.list was pointing to the new testing
19:28.50jhutchins_wkIf you were using "testing" in your sources.list and you did an apt upgrade, you are now running jessie.
19:29.06kristijonasjhutchins_wk, yea, this is just a small program Azuon - a cheap fights search tool, i installed  "winetricks dotnet20 && winetricks gdiplus && winetricks vcrun2008" as they said, but the program seems to crash every ten seconds.
19:29.07Posterdatijhutchins_wk: no
19:29.13jhutchins_wkPosterdati: Yes.
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19:29.17Posterdatijhutchins_wk: I do not know whi changed
19:29.18MrFroodPosterdati: what jhutchins_wk said hence my caution
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19:29.41Posterdatino I have got wheezy in sources.list
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19:29.51jhutchins_wkPosterdati: Because you had "testing" instead of "wheezy" in your sources list.
19:30.07Posterdatijhutchins_wk: again, no
19:30.10jhutchins_wkPosterdati: In that case, it did not change, and less is installable.
19:30.12*** join/#debian geekbri_ (~geekbri@
19:30.35Posterdatijhutchins_wk: in fact new lines where added just over the wheezy repositories
19:30.39Posterdatiin sources.list
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19:30.46jhutchins_wkPosterdati: How about you pastebin your sources list?  We might be able to spot the problem.  Also, you might pastebin the command you ran to install less and the full output.
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19:31.19Posterdatijhutchins_wk: I fixed the problem, removed the wrong lines in sources.list
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19:32.32jhutchins_wkPosterdati: You might want to /msg dpkg partial downgrade if you think anything else might have beein installed.
19:32.43jhutchins_wkPosterdati: How do you suppose the "testing" lines got there?
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19:33.31pestilencein gnome shell in wheezy, how do you connect to a hidden wireless network?
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19:33.55pestilencethere is no option to manually enter in the SSID
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19:34.35jhutchins_wkkristijonas: That sounds like the kind of thing that would be easier to do with OS software than Windows.
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19:36.25jhutchins_wkkristijonas: and can be very useful.
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19:37.26kristijonasjhutchins_wk, I already bought a subscription for that program, but I can't install Windows directly on my pc.:)
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19:38.27jhutchins_wkkristijonas: Ah.
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19:38.59jhutchins_wkVM it is then.
19:39.45jhutchins_wkTHat's a thing I really appreciate about OS software.  I don't end up buying or subscribing to something and then finding out it doesn't work or there's something better for half the price.
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19:41.45dpkgIt was the one armed man, I tell you !
19:41.58paxcoder!debian unstable
19:42.05dpkgUnstable is the status of a Debian release when packages can be added at any time, that can disrupt the integrity of the whole system!  Ask me about <break>.  If you have to ask whether you should use it or how, you shouldn't.  See also <testing>, <sid>, <sid faq>, <apt-listbugs>, <apt-listchanges>, <bts>.
19:42.30paxcoderwhere's the channel for unstable? i thought it was #debian-new but it isn't
19:42.48jhutchins_wkpaxcoder: No?
19:43.07jhutchins_wkpaxcoder: Did they tell you they didn't support it?
19:43.13*** join/#debian Red_M (~potato@unaffiliated/red-m/x-93568202)
19:43.17paxcoderthere's no such channel here.
19:43.23jhutchins_wkpaxcoder: Correct.
19:43.37jhutchins_wkpaxcoder: It's on or
19:43.49paxcoderjhelsing, oh you mean #debian ? yeah, I think jelly or abrotman are very fond of pointing out how they won't support sid here
19:44.11jhutchins_wkpaxcoder: Really, though, if you need IRC support you shouldn't be running sid.
19:44.22jhutchins_wkpaxcoder: Me too.
19:44.27abrotmanpaxcoder: do you need help?
19:44.32paxcoderi'm running sid for years
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19:44.56jhutchins_wkpaxcoder: Then you shouldn't need IRC support.
19:45.00abrotmanhas no problems with testing/unstable support in #debian, and rather dislikes the notion of -next altogether
19:45.15paxcoderabrotman, netboot installer is failing to install a kernel. Provided it's not an arch thing, what else can it be? I've tried i686-pe (or something) and i484, but both failed
19:45.21abrotmanpaxcoder: also .. /topic .. seriously
19:45.31abrotmanpaxcoder: use the wheezy installer?
19:45.46*** join/#debian picca (~picca@
19:45.55paxcoderumm chanserv just auto-banned me from #debian-next here O.O
19:46.08jhutchins_wkwonders if some clients don't display the topic on join...
19:46.15paxcoderabrotman, i've used the unstable installer i think, lemme check
19:46.24jhutchins_wkpaxcoder: No, #debian-next does not exist here.
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19:46.59paxcoderabrotman, yes, unstable
19:47.14abrotmanpaxcoder: okay, good luck
19:47.29paxcoderaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalrighty then
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19:51.17zykotick9there is an sid installer?
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19:51.47ctx144khi all
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19:54.36mase76hi all! thank you very much for the wheezy release! great job!
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19:56.21n-iCenow remove gnome3
19:56.36jhutchins_wkn-iCe: Nothing says you have to install Gnome at all.
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19:57.08n-iCeI bet he did
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19:58.40lord_robmase76: you're welcome     (/me runs away and hide :))
19:59.29ctx144kthx for great debian7 release !!
19:59.51ctx144ki have one special question - how to use viadlia/torbrowser
19:59.59paxcoderzykotick9, yes, netboot installer: <mirror>/debian/dists/unstable/main/instaler_<arch>/current/images/netboot/mini.iso
20:00.35ctx144ki used package from webside before, and it worked fine...  (
20:00.51ctx144kbut i want use debian7 build in packages
20:01.13ctx144ki instalöled vidalia, and its starting and its running ...
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20:01.31ctx144kbut i dont know how to connect over my browser to the service
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20:03.12id10tctx144k: do you know what port it listens on?  netstat -l4 or netstat -l4n will show what ports are listening for connections
20:03.31id10tctx144k: then use a browser http://localhost:port
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20:04.43ctmjrctx144k: this off topic but you should use the tor browser it is already setup to use tor
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20:08.02StameniI have a problem mounting a usb drive: no caching mode present. What should i do ?
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20:10.24ctx144kid10t, thx... not working yet, but have one information more :)
20:10.42ghostlineshey peeps, anyone upgrade to Wheezy stable? when you run uname -r which kernel do you have?
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20:10.52juddAvailable kernel versions are: experimental: 3.8-trunk-686-pae (3.8.5-1~experimental.1); sid: 3.2.0-4-686-pae (3.2.41-2); wheezy: 3.2.0-4-686-pae (3.2.41-2); squeeze-backports: 3.2.0-0.bpo.4-686-pae (3.2.41-2~bpo60+1); squeeze: 2.6.32-5-686 (2.6.32-48squeeze1); jessie: 3.2.0-4-686-pae (3.2.41-2)
20:11.04ctx144kctmjr - why i should use torbrwoser from webside, instead of from distribution?
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20:13.08ghostlinesjudd, thanks I guess I have nothing to worry about I have 3.2.0-4. However my login banner states Linux dove 3.2.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.2.35-2 x86_64
20:13.19ghostlinesmaking me think I had to have a 3.2.35… kernel
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20:15.59jdolesbabilen: yes, that fixed it.
20:16.02mase76i have a samba problem on one of my wheezy machines. samba starts after nm-manager and fails to run. i have to restart it manually. i purged the packages and reinstalled with no success. i see samba as S01 and nm-manager as S03. on the machines where it is working correctly, i see samba as S06. the network connections are set as system connections. i want to avoid a fresh wheezy installation, as this is the only issue i have on this machine.
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20:16.30mase76i tried to set samba manually to S06, but this did not help.
20:18.15pan__so after updating my sid install, i am getting an error saying it can't connect to anything in my sources.list
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20:20.55seganI need help with Gparted.... I need align the two partitions of my SSD. :(
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20:23.33sphericSup y'all, is it possible to see a diff of all conffiles installed on my system against how they would by default be if I installed all packages anew?
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20:24.45jhutchins_wkmase76: You need to set up the init script - /etc/init.d/samba - so that it requires network to be up.  I'm not sure what the details are, but since squeeze debian doesn't use a strictly sequential startup.
20:24.55*** join/#debian b4dave_ (
20:25.46twSo I think my luks setup is actually working, but for some reason, once I'm logged into dropbear, it doesn't askpass me, it just drops me to shell.  Which I guess is ok, but I'd prefer a password prompt, or for cryptsetup to read the password from a FIFO.
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20:26.35jhutchins_wkmase76: You can add a manual "wait" to samba, or do your own "while" test for networking.
20:26.53petn-randallspheric: Simply reinstall the package. If there's a difference, it'll (depending on your debconf level) either ask you which to install, or put the conffile next to the original one with an extra suffix to the name.
20:27.12jhutchins_wkmase76: You also might want to put your connections in an interfaces file rather than run network manager.
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20:27.59ChibaPettw: Context? I don't tend to think of LUKS and dropbear as bearing much relation.
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20:28.16twpreboot remote luks unlock
20:28.32twI'm trying to do /usr/share/doc/cryptsetup/README.remote.gz
20:28.38twBut it doesn't work for me for some reason.
20:29.01ChibaPetAh, alright. Note that if you're doing this remotely, the bit that needs to exist to unlock LUKS for you is vulnerable to abuse.
20:29.06mase76jhutchins_wk: but why do some installations add samba to S03 and others to S06, even after purging?
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20:29.33twChibaPet: I'm aware of the security concerns, but it's a matter of making things more difficult.
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20:29.38twNothing is perfect.
20:29.46ChibaPettw: Reading that. I didn't realize we shipped a doc like that in-tree.
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20:30.56pan__so after updating my sid install, i am getting an error saying it can't connect to anything in my sources.list. Does this mean apt is broken?
20:31.25Nik05whats in your sources.list?
20:31.41Nik05or it means your internet connection is just down...
20:31.44Sevetdepends, could be your network or dns, or bad sources.list entries
20:32.05zykotick9don't forget bad proxy in apt.conf either ;)
20:32.36moof2I'm running squeeze and gnome... how do I find the pdf reader I have installed, and/or what pdf reader am I likely to have?
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20:33.11zykotick9moof2: i believe gnome2 comes with evince
20:33.12mase76moof2: okular is fine.
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20:33.26mase76evince, too.
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20:33.38moof2ok, thanks, appreciate.
20:34.07SadtacoInstead of "chmod -R 777 /path/to/" how can I just give www-data user write access to that folder?
20:34.28moof2I do have evince, I don't think I have okular... maybe I shoudl install it so I can remember the name
20:34.30pan__Nik05: Sevet: im going to take some screen shots to show you.
20:34.48twSadtaco: if you have facl turned on, you can give access to www-data user/group
20:35.03moof2Sadtaco, glad you;re asking... chmod -R is a command that could change a lot of files
20:35.05Nik05pan__ we have invented something new, its called text....
20:35.22SadtacoYEah -R will change it deep down into that folder. I know that much.
20:35.56mase76if you use gnome or any other gtk based desktop, i suggest evince. okular depends on some kde stuff.
20:36.03moof2Sadtaco, for any such command, check it completely then count to 10
20:36.20SadtacoWell, tw, should I set www-data user to have the same group as the user that owns this web folder?
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20:36.40moof2Sadtaco, no; hold on...
20:36.45cuscoSadtaco: chown folder to www-data
20:36.46SadtacoAnd give group write access to that folder?  Then then it'll have good write access to all those folders.
20:36.52moof2there is a group I think it's also called www-data
20:37.01twSadtaco: or the other way around and add www-data to the group that owns the folder
20:37.12ChibaPettw: Alright, having read that, I'm looking some more, as I'm not familiar with /lib/cryptsetup/passfifo.
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20:37.48SadtacoWell the group owns many other folders.
20:37.53SadtacoSo I think what cusco sounds best.
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20:37.59Sadtacosaid sounds best*
20:38.21cuscoSadtaco: actual owner is root?
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20:38.30cuscoSadtaco: chown root.www-data folder
20:38.33moof2the main thing is, you can set the user it runs as, and the group it runs as... if your web server is running now, some form of ps can show you what it's running as and probably therefore the default
20:38.35twchgrp -R www-data folder?
20:38.35cuscothen replace root for current user
20:38.36twthat'd work.
20:38.41cuscoor what tw said
20:38.43Sadtacoyeah.  Then set it to 775?
20:38.55twSadtaco: would be reasonable.
20:39.00cuscothen chmod g+wrx folder
20:39.00moof2anyway, done my good deed for the decade...
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20:40.30mase76anybody knows a graphical rss reader, which supports ttrss? liferea has an "update forever" bug.
20:41.00Vicissitudemase76, not sure what ttrss is but RSSOwl is pretty okay
20:41.09mase76tiny tiny rss.
20:41.11pan__Nik05:  deb unstable main contrib non-free
20:41.19pan__Nik05:  deb sid main non-free ?
20:41.59Nik05its probably
20:42.28pan__Nik05: ill try that. I got it off of
20:42.33twChibaPet: What I expect to happen is when the $(initrd)/scripts/local-top/cryptroot script fires, it does a KF=/lib/cryptsetup/passfifo ; mkpipe $(KF); cryptsetup --key-file $(KF) <other args> but it doesn't look like the scripts are set up to be capable of that, regardless of what I pass as cryptopts unless I write a custom script.
20:42.41twWhich is why I find the whole thing a little odd.
20:42.52pan__Nik05: those sources were also working before I updated today.
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20:43.36Nik05pan__ can you give us a paste of all the things you have in your sources.list...?
20:43.36Nik05and not the onces that are commented out
20:43.47twmkfifo, rather, not mkpipe.
20:43.49Nik05cause if you have all those, its not supported here
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20:44.00ksuhkurandom sources ftw...
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20:44.44mase76rssowl looks nice (like liferea), but seems not to support ttrss yet. only google reader.
20:44.55Nik05and pan__ dont do stupid things like that link you just gave...
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20:45.09ChibaPettw: You're ahead of me so far, but what you're saying looks reasonable. Might be necessary to write such a script or lift it from somewhere where it already exists.
20:45.17ChibaPettw: Looking.
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20:45.45Nik05oh and pan__ ;)
20:46.32twWhat gets me is that the doco says "this is possible" and yet the scripts the cryptsetup deb offers seems to say "well... we're half way to where our docs say"
20:47.27ChibaPettw: I see Ubuntu docs suggesting that this exists. Might be worth a bug against cryptsetup and/or initramfs-tools. I'm just looking to see what I/we/it/they are missing.
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20:49.36twAight, that file needs some clarifications too, like "you can optionally pass these arguments! Here's how!" I'll see if I can make a patch or something once I'm satisfied with it working effectively. Once I figure out who owns what, that is.
20:49.49ChibaPettw: So, this is from an Ubuntu page talking about it, but from a fresh boot, do you see that passfifo actually exists?
20:49.57twIt does not exist.
20:50.32ChibaPettw: Ah, that matches a bug I see filed against Ubuntu. It should exist. But what I'm interested in is finding out what mechanism actually uses that. It'd have to be more or less what you speculated, but I'd assume it exists... somewhere.
20:50.51ChibaPetSo, the method described ends up with you creating a regular file.
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20:51.20CFO600Just upgraded my squeeze to wheezy today (by accident) , it was a bit of a bumpy ride , could anyone point me to a "stock" /etc/apt/sources.list , the one i still have has several references to squeeze in it
20:51.36twyes. Which would be fine, if cryptsetup would pull that in.
20:51.36dizzylizzyGreat, so not only does the debian installer recommend non-free firmware unneeded for full functionality, but so does a kernel upgrade
20:52.05id10tCFO600: one line -  deb  <release name> main contrib non-free
20:52.27id10tCFO600: replace <release name> with wheezy, jessie, stable, testing etc
20:52.36ksuhkuand contrib and nonfree "are not debian"
20:52.54zykotick9id10t: contrib and non-free is for ....  ksuhku +1
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20:53.33pan__is there a log for apt-get update errors?
20:53.50ChibaPettw: Have you looked at /usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/local-top/cryptroot yet?
20:53.53Nik05pan__ show us your sources.list first :)
20:53.54twChibaPet: what I'm thinking should happen is cryptsetup's scripts/local-top/cryptroot should mkfifo IF the keyfile script is set to askpass (or nothing, so it defaults to askpass).
20:53.57ChibaPettw: Looking now, in case it sheds some clues.
20:54.10ChibaPetAh, you found it.
20:54.24debdebfor what is a cpu with "Intel VT-d" needed, if i want to use KVM or XEN?
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20:55.01twChibaPet: it doesn't do that though. any time --key-file is called it's with - (read from stdin) which doesn't appear to do what I want.
20:55.09CFO600so is stable in sources.list referring to wheezy now ?
20:55.17ksuhkuCFO600, correct
20:55.38twMaybe I'm missing some timing window and it's getting killed off (but I hsouldn't be, since my ssh is in a 1 second loop following a ping)
20:55.55ksuhkudebdeb, yes AMD has a similar solution
20:56.04Nik05pan__ you changed it...
20:56.16id10tCFO600: yes.  not an issue now, but last week if you wanted to be sure you didn't upgrade from squeeze to wheezy then you needed to have squeeze in there instead of stable... of course, now, you won't have that issue for about 2 years
20:56.18ChibaPettw: /lib/cryptsetup/askpass exists in your initramfs?
20:56.19debdebksuhku: yes iommu... but... for what?
20:56.23vailloranyone of you can make me an ip scan please?
20:56.41ksuhkudebdeb, those are for hardware accelerated virtual machines
20:56.53debdebksuhku: which?
20:57.05dondelelcarovaillor: you can do so yourself. And that's not really on topic here.
20:57.05ksuhkudebdeb, intel vt-d and amd whatever
20:57.07zykotick9CFO600: i'd recommend only using codenames in sources and not stable/testing/unstable, easier to manage
20:57.09*** join/#debian pythonirc101 (
20:57.18CFO600Oki - so i just remove all lines with squeeze in souces.list , and i'm good to go ?
20:57.23debdebksuhku: for which functions?
20:57.30pythonirc101Where is the x configuration file on debian? There is no /etc/X11/xorg.conf on my debian guest (VBox).
20:57.37twChibaPet: it does. And I think when called it might mkfifo (just strings'd it)
20:57.42ksuhkudebdeb, don't know so granularly
20:57.43Nik05pan__ did you just remove a lot of stuff from it?
20:57.44dondelelcaropythonirc101: you don't need an X configuration file by default.
20:57.45vaillordondelelcaro, i need it from wan interface, not from a lan. i know it's off topic
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20:57.57zykotick9pythonirc101: xorg.conf can be created, but isn't "generally" needed
20:58.00debdebksuhku: thanks. but this i want to know
20:58.03dondelelcarovaillor: so get yourself a vhost; they're cheap.
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20:58.22pan__Nik05: no I just changed the http to ftp, im getting the link to what it used to be right now.
20:58.27pythonirc101the problem is, I installed vbox guest additions for the latest vbox, but my resolution is stuck to 1024x768
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20:58.47debdebksuhku: for example: is vt-d needed to use a graphiccard in KVM?
20:58.51ctmjranother sid victim
20:59.10debdebksuhku: i mean: directly... without any emulation-layer
20:59.13twdebdeb: vt-d is needed for hardware passthrough of pci[-e] devices.
20:59.16Nik05well and does it work with
20:59.20twso yes.
20:59.24pan__same error
20:59.27Trae32566-NEugh >.>
20:59.38vaillorid10t, thank you
20:59.39Nik05can you give us a paste of what you get with apt-get update
20:59.43pan__i can ping google fine also, so i am assuming its not my internet
20:59.52pan__is that kept in a log somewhere?
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21:00.01debdebtw: so without vt-d... no 3d-accelleration for example?
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21:00.17ksuhkudebdeb, I just know KVM requires the hw support to run at all
21:00.30debdebksuhku: thats vt-x
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21:00.43ChibaPettw: I'm going to build a quick install on a local test box to try this, but while I do that, there might be something to glean from this:
21:00.43ksuhkuah right
21:00.50Nik05pan__ not the update i think
21:00.50twdebdeb: No 3d. iirc, there's been some toying around with a gallium driver for kvm, but I don't think anyone has done that yet.
21:00.51debdebksuhku: not vt-d
21:00.53zykotick9debdeb: the vt does NOT affect 3d acceleration, but CPU support only.
21:00.55twChibaPet: thanks for your help so far.
21:00.58twI'll read that.
21:01.01Nik05only when you change packages
21:01.04pythonirc101can I change screen resolution from system settings or gui somewhere?
21:01.11ksuhkudebdeb, sorry, I managed to confuse the two...
21:01.45debdebzykotick9: ok. thx. but what is affected then without vt-d?
21:01.50debdebok, i try an example
21:01.57zykotick9pythonirc101: consider installing "arandr - Simple visual front end for XRandR" for a gui method
21:02.09id10tpan__: apt-get update 2> apt-error-log
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21:02.15Trae32566-NEIIRC you can pass through a video card if you have VT-D, and [obviously] if you pass it through to the VM, you can get 3D support (with the appropriate drivers)
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21:02.16zykotick9debdeb: without vt-d you'll get slower performance...
21:02.17pythonirc101zykotick9: max I can get to is 1600x1200 using system display settings.
21:02.18id10tpan__: the 2> redirects stderr
21:02.33zykotick9debdeb: you also can't emulate 64bit on 32bit systems
21:02.54debdebi want to build a fully virtualized laptop. the main (used) system should work under KVM or xen...
21:03.14pan__id10t: thanks
21:03.20zykotick9debdeb: KVM requires cpu virt support!
21:03.23twzykotick9: You might be hard pressed to find a vt-d capable system that isn't amd64 isa or some extension thereof. ;)
21:03.33twSorry, vt-x
21:03.39debdebzykotick9: which is vt-x, right?
21:03.49Trae32566-NEVT-X != VT-D
21:04.14debdebzykotick9: vt-x is present. i just wonder, if i really _need_ a cpu with vt-d
21:04.18twvt-x is hypervisor instruction support, vt-d is IOMMU/directed io.
21:04.34Trae32566-NEI was typing it, damn you!
21:04.52twdebdeb: If you don't need 3d accel or device passthrough, you do not need vt-d.
21:04.59twIf you do, you REALLY want vt-d.
21:05.09zykotick9debdeb: does this return anything: cat /proc/cpuinfo | egrep '(vmx|svm)'
21:05.10twalso, some usb passthrough does not work properly without vt-d.
21:05.20gnat_xhi folks. is there an easy way to get the MAC address of a device that i connect to with my wired interface.
21:05.23tuvwxhmm.. follow testing, or stick with wheezy?!
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21:05.29Trae32566-NEVT-D is not easy to find
21:05.32debdebzykotick9: emulating 64bit systems on 32bit system is not needed. the whole system is 64bit then
21:05.34Walexdebdeb: there various online discussions I recently read about IOMMU support, it is not indeed a clear advantage in many situations
21:06.11Walexgnat_x: if you connect to i, the MAC address must be known to your system. In some table or another.
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21:07.06gnat_xWalex: yes. but will ip route or some such actually tell me what?
21:07.08Nik05pan__ you should probably use wheezy
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21:07.33CFO600Ohh btw it seems like gnome 3 is crashing , and starting a recovery desktop or so ... My icons on the desktop are gone
21:07.34Trae32566-NEstick with Testing. keep life exciting! Lol
21:07.34debdebzykotick9> debdeb: does this return anything: cat /proc/cpuinfo | egrep '(vmx|svm)' <- i dont have it... i am buying in the future. and want to know, which i have to buy
21:07.40twgnat_x: as root, arp
21:07.48Walexgnat_x: if the device is accessed over Ethernet the ARP table will have its MAC address
21:08.06twif your linux has seen the device mac, it will show up in the arp table.
21:08.18zykotick9debdeb: i see.  well, without that - no KVM...
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21:08.37debdebWalex: thx.
21:08.39gnat_xcool. that's the info i was looking for! its late in the day, and the brain is moving slowly.
21:09.10beebee890Hi everyone, I am a newbie to Linux but I downloaded the latest debian ISO from the website and created a bootable USB stick. I am part way through the install and understand what a hostname is .. but this next screen about the domain name is confusing me. I don't have a domain for home use .. would it be harmful to just leave that field blank?
21:09.13debdebzykotick9: sorry... again... vt-x is present in every cpu i would buy... so KVM works
21:09.27debdebzykotick9: i just want to know if i really need vt-d
21:09.33twWalex: could you link one of those articles in PM to me? imo, vt-d/IOMMU is pretty much always advantageous in terms of performance.
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21:09.42Nik05right you said that was evrything in your sources.list -_-
21:09.43debdebzykotick9: and KVM works without vt-d, too
21:09.47zykotick9debdeb: isn't vt-x and vt-d just intel/amd difference?
21:09.54twzykotick9: no.
21:09.55debdebzykotick9: no.
21:09.57pythonirc101zykotick9: arandr doesn't help. It seems that the vbox guest additions don't work well on the current VBox + Debian 7
21:10.09Trae32566-NEVT-X is virtualization support
21:10.19Nik05pan__ if you dont tell use what you have in your sources.list we arent going to help you
21:10.22id10tpan__: all 3 of those domains work for me, you have DNS issues on your end
21:10.25mtnbeebee890: blank is fine
21:10.34id10tpan__: what are you using for your nameserver?  look in /etc/resolv.conf
21:10.34Trae32566-NEVT-D is IOMMU
21:11.00zykotick9pythonirc101: sorry, i consider vbox to be = oracle fail.  best of luck.  (it is probably best virt solution for 3d type GUIs though).  i just use kvm myself.
21:11.18Walextw: sorry, I can't remember, I just did a web search and read a few pages. IOMMU is not always advnatageous, and in many cases give not much, but in a few cases it helps significantly.
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21:11.44twWalex: do you happen to remember an example of a negative indicator?
21:11.45pan__Nik05:  I gave you the output of my sources.list for some reason dropbox didnt put its source in there.
21:11.47zykotick9Trae32566-NE: thanks.  debdeb sorry, my bad - listen to Trae32566-NE, ignore me.
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21:12.00Walextw: however there is an ubuntu page about it:
21:12.00Walex[22:10]  Trae32566-NE | VT-X is virtualization support
21:12.00Walex[22:10]         Nik05 | pan__ if you dont tell use what you have in your
21:12.00Walex[22:10]         id10t | pan__: all 3 of those domains work for me, you have DNS
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21:12.32Walexooops sorry paste mishape
21:12.33twI suspect that is not what you wanted to paste.
21:12.37id10tpan__: sometimes there will be entries in /etc/apt/sources.list.d
21:12.44Nik05oh right there too
21:12.47beebee890mtn: Ok thanks
21:13.08Nik05pan__ whats in your /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ ?
21:13.13Walextw: there is an Ubuntu page on IOMMU performance comes right up top with the obvious keywords
21:13.14debdebi ask, bacause those vt-d-cpus are very seldom for laptops
21:13.26pan__id10t: my name server is    I already checked sources.list.d and it is empty
21:13.47Nik05right pan__ -_-
21:13.59twdebdeb: pretty much all non-K i7s since sandy bridge support it.
21:14.01Nik05the paste you gave us didnt contain
21:14.04id10tpan__: try changing nameserver to and re-running hte update
21:14.08ctmjrpan__: any special reason you need to run experimental
21:14.09Nik05so no idea what you are not telling us
21:14.28id10tpan__: and, if you run said nameserver, make sure it is working (cache only i assume?)
21:14.40debdebtw: hmm no.. not that one: i7-3630QM
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21:14.59pan__ctmjr: not really, i just decided to try it and I didnt have any errors until now. Is it bad mannered to come in here asking people for help solving issues like this?
21:15.01debdebtw: said here:
21:15.12id10tNik05: he posted his errors, and it shows a "Could not resolve ''"
21:15.31Nik05id10t yeah and he posted his sources.list without ;)
21:15.32debdeband this one i am really interested at the moment
21:15.34twLots do.
21:15.47twWouldn't worry about it, you probably don't need it if you don't need 3d support.
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21:16.31debdebtw: some lines above one said, 3d-acceleration isnt usefull with vt-d, too
21:16.33pan__is there no other place dropbox could of put the source?  its not in sources.list or sources.list.d
21:16.51twUh? They would be wrong.
21:17.12twpci-e passthrough with drivers native to guest OS is plenty fast.
21:17.23debdebtw: it isnt so, that i dont want 3d-accelleration... its just not _very_ needed
21:17.41pan__id10t:  changing my nameserver to worked. thank you.
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21:18.01twWalex: thanks. That makes sense. I've never tried to live-migrate a kvm but that sounds pretty bada**
21:18.03ChibaPettw: Can I message you privately?
21:18.13id10tpan__: no problem.  now you just need to get your internal nameserver fixed :)
21:18.22debdebmeeeeh. that would break my whole plan of a fully virtualized system
21:18.51pythonirc101zykotick9: was my mistake. dkms missing.
21:18.54Walextw: some of the "cloud" providers do VM migrations behind the scenes, so it matters to them
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21:20.11debdebbecause nearly every WM wants 3d-acceleration newadays... gnome, kde... argh
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21:21.25debdebok... new aproach maybe... how is it with some kind of a chroot
21:21.47debdebi remember something like linux-containers, right?
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21:21.56debdebits not fully virtualized
21:22.30debdebbut i cant remember the name
21:22.43debdeb4 letters
21:22.51debdebor 3
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21:24.09debdebthe process runs natively on the cpu... but cant see the prozesses of the hist
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21:24.47debdebahhh LXC... linux containers
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21:25.46debdebsorry, arch:
21:26.13debdebok. for that i dont need KVM, vt-x or even vt-d
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21:27.09pythonirc101how do I find the equivalent package for libxslt1-dev and libjpeg8-dev?
21:27.13debdebis it then be possibel to use 3d-acceleration inside a LXC?
21:27.28zykotick9debdeb: just a heads up, but trying to get 3d in KVM is something i've never managed.  hope you have better success.
21:27.31debdebis it possible to use a GUI at all?
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21:27.49funnybunnypythonirc101: apt-file maybe?
21:28.00debdebzykotick9: thx
21:28.26pythonirc101funnybunny: I'm new. apt-file libxslt? apt-file not found
21:28.36debdebwhat would be the plus in using KVM against LXC?
21:28.40id10tdebdeb: XDMCP or X forwarded via ssh tunnel ?
21:28.55debdebid10t: 3d-accelerated?
21:29.12zykotick9debdeb: gnome3-fallback works for sure.
21:29.12id10tdebdeb: 3d acceleration will depend on your local X server, not what is installed on the "remote" box
21:29.13Walexpythonirc101: those are package names, not file names...
21:29.28Walexpythonirc101: 'apt-cache search ....'
21:29.34debdebi would think... first: it doesnt work... 2nd: if it works... gigabit-network would not be enough
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21:30.06pythonirc101Walex: Thanks
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21:30.25id10tdebdeb: i know compiz worked via XDMCP a few years ago. super slow, but i was on a 10mb hub network...
21:30.28debdebid10t: hm.... ok... that would break a fully-virtualized plan, too... but ok
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21:30.58id10tdebdeb: no matter how virtual you get, you will eventually need some sort of local display
21:31.40id10tdebdeb: unless you do it via browser like quake4
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21:31.50debdebid10t: you mean on the same system the kvm-host is running... running a simple X-server... 3d-accelerated... from this system ssh -X to a machin inside KVM... and starting a 3d-accelerated game there... would work?
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21:32.22id10tdebdeb: well, it worked for 3d effects in a desktop environment
21:32.38debdebok... sounds nice
21:32.41Walexdebdeb: GLX acceleration works only same-host. GLX can work over network connections, but without acceleration
21:32.51debdeband for that... i dont need vt-d ;-)
21:33.01id10tdebdeb: don't think xdmcp cares about whether it is via a internal-only net or across a switch/hub/carrier pigeon as long as it has enough communication handwidth
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21:33.41id10tright  beer light is on
21:33.45id10thave fun y'all!
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21:35.14debdebok. that may be two workarounds to get 3d-acceleration from a virtualiced system... without vt-d... enough arguments to not to buy it
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21:35.52debdebor search any longer for a laptop with vt-d... for a prize-break on about 800 eur
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21:37.08debdeboh.. btw... xdmcp... i remember an old problem i had with it
21:37.17debdebthe session is gone after logging out
21:37.47debdebis it possible to use it lilke vnc?
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21:38.08Trae32566-NEdebdeb, what exactly do you need 3D support in a virtual for?
21:38.21debdebTrae32566-NE: for example gnome4
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21:39.07debdebok.. for gnome3 there is fallback wothout 3d-support... but how will it be in gnome 4? ;-)
21:39.30debdeband a few other things, too
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21:39.39debdebfor example viewing a movie
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21:40.04mentorIs there a version of imp in wheezy?
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21:40.24jhutchins_wkdebdeb: Why would you do something like that from a VM?  Doesn't make sense.
21:40.46jhutchins_wkOr via a remote.
21:40.52debdebTrae32566-NE: jhutchins_wk virtualize everything local
21:41.45debdebfor example... two running local machines with 3d-support
21:41.54debdebat the same time
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21:42.44debdebjhutchins_wk: does that make sense?
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21:43.38jhutchins_wkdebdeb: No.
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21:43.50debdebin my opinion: yes
21:44.24jhutchins_wkI think you misunderstand how the systems are intended to be used.
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21:44.45jhutchins_wkVideo is still a high load operation, and gaming more so.
21:45.04debdebbut as said... maybe it isnt needed to use KVM/XEN for that LXC maybe enough
21:45.49jhutchins_wkdebdeb: Those aren't intended for that kind of load either.
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21:46.06jhutchins_wkdebdeb: They recommend that you simplify your video settings as much as possible.
21:47.23jhutchins_wkdebdeb: I'm not trying to discourage you from experimenting, I just don't think you should expect satisfactory or even functional performance.
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21:47.24debdebjhutchins_wk: imagine... i want the host to do nothing else than running KVM/XEN/LXC +firewall... everything else should be virtualized
21:47.56jhutchins_wkdebdeb: I can imagine, and I think it's a bad idea.
21:48.23jhutchins_wkso many reasons...
21:48.28debdebjust because of the performance
21:48.37jhutchins_wkLike I said, those systems are not designed to handle that kind of use.
21:48.58debdeband that was, why i asked if i really need vt-d for that
21:49.31jhutchins_wkThat's not a solution.
21:49.34debdebjhutchins_wk: and how should i do it then?
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21:50.17Trae32566-NEso basically you want a server that virtualizes everything you use.
21:50.19jhutchins_wkdebdeb: Rather, that's a solution to a different set of problems.
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21:50.32jhutchins_wkdebdeb: Reconsider your overall concept and what end result you actually want.
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21:51.29debdebok... i want more than one system run on the same host at the same time
21:51.36jhutchins_wkdebdeb: What those tools are intended for is things like virtualizing terrabyte databases with thousands of concurrent users.
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21:52.08debdebjhutchins_wk: yes, i know... but i want it to virtualize a desktop-system
21:52.17jhutchins_wkdebdeb: Virtualizing data and data processing is different from virtualizing video and display.
21:52.32jhutchins_wkdebdeb: It's like trying to run multiple music players through one set of speakers.
21:52.51debdeb*g* right... _sounds_ ugly... but i want it
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21:53.37jhutchins_wkdebdeb: I suppose if you wanted to use multiple video cards you might get something to work, but not well - you're still trying to drive it through a single bus, and it sounds like you have some silly notion of displaying it remotely.
21:53.58debdeba compromise... as said... would be to start a 3d-accelerated x-server on the host for the display
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21:54.38jhutchins_wkGo ahead and experiment - it's your time and money.  Just don't expect to find people who've made it work, because they're not out there.
21:54.58debdebhmmm... bad
21:55.33shreddhi, how outdated is ? It's the first result in google but it is from 2006...
21:55.35debdebisnt it a use-concept, which seems logical?
21:55.55jhutchins_wkdebdeb: You're asking "how do I fine tune my tube amplifier with this hammer?"
21:56.28debdebok... maybe i am on the wrong way
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21:56.57debdebjhutchins_wk: but how would you do it?
21:57.07abrotmanshredd: shuld still be reasonable
21:57.27abrotmanshredd: note the 1000 comments appended at the bottom :)
21:57.35jelly-homeshredd: it's alright, far as I can see; nothing changed much except for the default place that NameVirtualHost gets put
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21:58.00shreddok, thanks :P
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21:58.14jhutchins_wkdebdeb: I would acknowledge that 3D, gaming, and video are meant to be done on dedicated hardware and run a normal single-layer, single-user system.
21:58.41debdebok... another approach would be, to put all in a chroot
21:59.02ardtushey guys. installing wheezy on a macbook pro - needs a broadcom driver during the install for wlan. if I copy the .bin file to a usb, it's not working. any suggestions?
21:59.04jhutchins_wkdebdeb: BTW one of my systems is a LTSP box remoted off of a server which handles all the CPU and I/O chores.  Video is it's worst limitation.
21:59.05jelly-homeshredd: look at /etc/apache2/ports.conf for that now, I think
21:59.15divbelldebdeb, it's not debian, but vmware does virtualized desktops.. i think wyse even sells a thin client for it
21:59.19jhutchins_wkdebdeb: It uses local hardware.
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22:00.29shreddjelly-home: you mean at the time to create the virtual.conf or?
22:00.33debdebjhutchins_wk: yea, i know... some things work... xawtv for example work through a ssh -X
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22:01.07debdebjhutchins_wk: but ugly and only in a little window... not fullscreen
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22:01.39debdebdivbell: thx... i will look
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22:02.47debdeboh... and the host dont _need_ to be a linux system... just minimal one running guest is linux... and there it would be nice with 3d-accelleration
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22:04.09debdebbut back to chroot... in a chroot it isnt to start a prozess with 3d-acceleration, right?
22:04.17debdeb+ a problem
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22:05.21debdebor back one step... in a chroot it is possible to start a X-server, right?
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22:06.28Carlinhoschrome opens image files with gimp instead of viewnior --- how to change this?
22:07.04awktionopen file manager, right click and do properties on file, go to open-with tab (or so) and select
22:07.23awktionmay need to 'add'
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22:08.02debdebor another question ehich comes with it: if i go to another console with CTRL-ALT-2... for example... there i could start a nother X-server on :1... is that second x-server 3d-accelerated, too?
22:08.45awktionyou can start more than one x server
22:08.50awktion:7 :8 are common
22:08.59awktionmultiple logins tend to spawn em
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22:09.00Carlinhosawktion: viewnor is already selected in thunar
22:09.20awktionCarlinhos, yet a double click doesnt open it with viewnor?
22:09.28awktionoh chrome
22:09.33debdebso that one video-file plays on the first x-server and another video on the second x-server?
22:09.41Carlinhosjust chrome apparently
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22:09.58awktionCarlinhos, you need this:
22:10.09Carlinhosiceweasek does open images with viewnor
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22:12.00Carlinhosawktion: which option?
22:12.17awktionnot sure
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22:12.25awktionmight need to edit a file in ur profile
22:12.43debdebok, ant the next questin is: when i chroot in another "system"... can i start for example vlc there 3d-accelerated and send it to xserver on :0? unfortunately... in a chroot... there is no :0?
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22:13.06awktionmy serarches are ineffective Carlinhos
22:13.13awktioni'd recommend going to the chrome channel on freenode
22:13.28awktiondebdeb, remote or local system
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22:13.57awktionnot 100%
22:15.12debdebmy next t-thirt: "i see dead prozesses"
22:15.13Stamenii cant get debian console to display my language special characters
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22:16.21dpkgA locale is a set of rules for presenting information to humans according to local conventions (date format, thousands separators, language, etc.).  Ask me about <locales> to establish on a Debian system.
22:16.29awktionthat second one
22:16.37awktion!locales | Stameni
22:16.44abrotmanahem ..
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22:16.59abrotmanwonders which bot uses a | to redirect things
22:17.12awktionprobably somewhere i'm _not_
22:17.25awktionmind correcting my syntax? :/
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22:17.48Stameniawktion: i have tried to reconfigure locales, keyboard-configuration and console-data and console-setup and nothing helps ..
22:17.50jelly-homeshredd: there's no need to create it at all, the relevant line is already present in ports.conf
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22:18.32awktionyou ran locale-gen Stameni ?
22:18.34shreddjelly-home: ok thanks I'm still struggling hehe
22:18.51Stameniawktion: no. ?
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22:19.16jelly-homeStameni: which language?
22:19.24Stamenijelly-home: serbian-latin
22:19.35jelly-homehm, that ought to be simple
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22:20.02Stamenijelly-home: i don't need to type special latin charachters, just want to be able to reed them
22:20.15jelly-homeany font containing latin2 subset and more should work
22:20.52Stamenijelly-home: i have to mention that i have no x
22:21.15Stamenii need console itself and software running from console to display those characters
22:21.22jelly-homeyou said you wanted console, yes
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22:21.38Stamenijelly-home: so how to add fonts ?
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22:22.19jelly-homeStameni: what answers did you give to console-setup?
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22:22.29Stamenijelly-home: just a sec
22:22.41jelly-homeStameni: please pastebin the contents of /etc/default/console-setup
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22:23.59jelly-homechecks for "completely different" Croatian specific glyphs on his console... they work
22:25.31Stamenijelly-home: i now have messed up my font size, what is default for debian, please ?
22:25.42jelly-homeI'd assume 8x16
22:26.13awktionive not changed anything, if you can tell me where to look i'll do that
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22:26.40Stamenijelly-home: tnx, yes
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22:27.31zykotick9awktion: as root, "dpkg-reconfigure console-setup" might help?
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22:29.29jelly-homeStameni: alternatively, "debconf-show console-setup"
22:30.01Stamenijelly-home: i have managed to set it up, thank you
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22:30.25Stamenijelly-home: can i somehow "on the fly" change the keyboard layout in cli ?
22:30.46jelly-homelast time I tried that, the command was loadkeys
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22:31.38mniipjelly-home, can you type that with a, say, russian layout
22:31.51mniipi doubt
22:31.57Stamenijelly-home: and can i set somehow that i can see cyrilic alphabet ?
22:32.14Stamenijelly-home:  i don't see those characters nw
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22:32.37mniipwell, i've had some problems with russian in tty as well
22:32.39jelly-homeStameni: that's a good question, I'm not sure whether there's a font that supports latin2 and cyrillic at the same time
22:32.51mniiponly like lower half of the lowercase characters showed up correctly
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22:33.17Stamenijelly-home: serbian have to alphabets, latin and cyrillic
22:33.28jelly-homethinks console is a lost cause -- a sole maximized xterm in X will work faster and is easier to configure
22:33.38jelly-homeStameni: I know
22:33.51mniip>easier to configure
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22:34.41jelly-homemniip: you don't have to repeat everything in lots of lines to express surprise, it fills up the log and is kind of rude
22:35.11Stamenimniip, if u want to say that i should install x
22:35.12mniipdon't see in which way is it rude though
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22:35.48Stamenimniip, on this machine i want cli only so i could learn shell properly
22:36.11Stamenior at least try to
22:36.12mniipit was sarcasm
22:36.51jelly-homeStameni: I'm saying it's less trouble.  Just get X working, use any old window manager or light desktop enviroment, open a terminal emulator and start CLIing
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22:37.51jelly-homeyou'll be in actual console when things go seriously wrong, and at that point you're trying to recover a system, not write about ćevapčići
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22:38.34Stameni:) jelly-home: i have another computer just next to this one, that one has gui
22:38.53mniipjust ssh in this one from that one, then?
22:38.56jelly-homeStameni: Real Admins use X ;-)
22:39.09Stamenijelly-home: i`m not real admin :P
22:39.16jelly-homeon their console.  they use ssh for remote access
22:39.47mniipwell yes
22:40.00*** mode/#debian [+l 1389] by debhelper
22:40.10mniipbut i've never seen an admin using vnc to do stuff
22:40.40ChibaPetmniip: You've never worked in a VMware shop? :P
22:40.59EmleyMoormniip: I've used it - and not just to work on Windows boxes
22:41.14mniipew winblows servers
22:41.15*** join/#debian carif (~mcarifio@
22:42.06jelly-homemniip: you should have seen one using magical propriteary java applets to get access to the console, at least
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22:44.22jelly-homewould use an animated dead crow to get console access if that meant not having to go to the datacenter... vnc is sweet, comparatively speaking
22:44.51*** join/#debian Wharncliffe (~gm@unaffiliated/ridout)
22:47.54ChibaPetAnimated dead crows can be rough as interfaces. Too often you resort to hunt and peck.
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22:54.22shreddhi i have installed vsftpd and changed this in the conf: anonymous_enable=NO , local_enable=YES , write_enable=YES and uncommented the local_umask=022 and restarted vsftpd but i cant upload files, any ideas?
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23:02.56pythonirc101is there a ppa for sublime text 2 for debian?
23:03.00pythonirc101or perhaps a package name?
23:03.10abrotmanpythonirc101: PPAs aren't for Debian
23:03.24pythonirc101abrotman: any easy way to install sublimetext?
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23:03.45cra1g321pythonirc101 -
23:04.17abrotmanpythonirc101: you realize it's not free to use, right ?
23:04.29cra1g321i think it is abrotman
23:04.33abrotmanno, it's not
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23:04.42cra1g321here is currently no enforced time limit for the evaluation.
23:04.48pythonirc101abrotman: indeed. Which sucks of course :)
23:04.49abrotmanit's not free to use
23:04.56abrotmanyou're violating the terms if you do not buy a license
23:05.08pythonirc101abrotman: by installing? Really?
23:05.18abrotmanread the license
23:05.36cra1g321pythonirc101 if you're looking for a python IDE check out ninja-ide
23:05.44pythonirc101abrotman: not sure what constitutes "continued"-use.
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23:05.51lenswipehey guys
23:05.54abrotmanpythonirc101: ask the author, see how they feel about it
23:05.56lenswipei can't start hostapd
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23:06.08lenswipeit says it failed to start but i can't find a logfile anywhere
23:07.56shreddhi i have installed vsftpd and changed this in the conf: anonymous_enable=NO , local_enable=YES , write_enable=YES and uncommented the local_umask=022 and restarted vsftpd but i cant upload files, any ideas?
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23:16.12socommshredd: there is a vsftpd channel
23:16.19socommshredd: /j #vsftpd
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23:19.26shreddsocomm: yeah but it is very dead
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23:20.29funnybunnytime to start reading code
23:20.33truexfan81its sad how many freenode channels are like that
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23:20.48funnybunnyif you can't find someone with a clue, get one by reading the actual code
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23:21.53funnybunnyever noticed that real code is written in C? :P
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23:28.24jelly-homethe other code is unreal?
23:28.43abrotmanthat's an engine!
23:29.13jelly-homefunnybunny: which browser do you use?
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23:30.47shreddnoone uses vsftpd here? :/
23:31.17jelly-homes/vsftpd/ftp/ hopefully
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23:33.16funnybunnyjelly-home: mostly firefox, why?
23:33.17funnybunnyjelly-home: if you feel better do s/real/often used/
23:33.17funnybunnyand keep your java/microsoft java (.net/#c and the like) rumblings to yuorself if you're about to go off on those
23:33.21*** join/#debian themill (~stuart@unaffiliated/themill)
23:33.25funnybunnyare you using sshfs?
23:33.36jelly-homefunnybunny: that one's C++, not real code
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23:34.02funnybunnyjelly-home: i only know you for 4 lines and you are already boring
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23:34.27abrotmanwonders how this is related
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23:35.26funnybunnyc++ is mostly useless imo
23:35.36abrotmanfunnybunny: do you need help with Debian?
23:35.50jelly-homefunnybunny: I'm not here to be amusing, but to help with tech issues and get help with tech issues
23:36.13funnybunnywhat are you implying?
23:36.25abrotmanfunnybunny: do you need help with Debian? perhaps you want #debian-offtopic
23:36.39funnybunnyi told shred to start reading the code of his ftpd.. then went on a tangent..
23:36.56funnybunnyit was your choice to choose what to reply to
23:37.03abrotmanfunnybunny: do you need help with Debian? perhaps you want #debian-offtopic
23:37.44funnybunnydoes "get a life" answer your question? :)
23:37.48*** mode/#debian [+q *!*@unaffiliated/funnybunny] by ChanServ
23:38.03abrotmanboiled bunny ..
23:38.17STMelonwaves 2 abrotman
23:38.22abrotmantried to have it be helpful ...
23:38.25abrotmanor useful
23:38.48shreddjust realized he was actually flaming me
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23:40.09jelly-homeshredd: just be patient, vsftpd is likely the most used ftpd in debian, sooner or later someone clueful might appear in their channel or here
23:41.05shreddyep, i am just doing something very basic that i had done in other servers before :|
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23:48.11mmnicolasshredd: there is a wiki page, only in french, I'm sure it'll be useful even through a translator
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23:49.14Towzzervsftpd is good
23:49.17Towzzernice ssl support
23:49.38shreddi appreciate the comment but i dont really think i should lose so much time to do something as simple as being able to upload files :P
23:50.01shreddnot trying to do anything advanced here!
23:50.02ChibaPetshredd: Without having followed the saga - would scp work for you?
23:50.04Towzzerit's not that simple
23:50.21Towzzerthe server is always more complex than the client
23:50.22mmnicolaswell, it's the "very secure ftpd", sure you have to take some measures
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23:51.00lenswipefunnybunny, C - Not even once.
23:51.11shreddChibaPet:  might be but i need a windows client such as filezilla to work with the server
23:51.12mmnicolaswe're talking about uploading files, major potential breach
23:51.13themillshredd: why not use the sftp server that you already have installed and working instead of faffing about with a different daemon?
23:51.24themillshredd: filezilla does sftp.
23:51.27ChibaPetshredd: You can get Windows SSH.
23:51.33*** part/#debian slooth (~slooth@unaffiliated/slooth)
23:51.37ChibaPetshredd: What themill said.
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23:52.38shreddthemill: hmm
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23:53.21shreddwell im quite lost, i just installed vsftpd so that i could acess via filezilla, otherwise it wouldnt work
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23:53.45shreddi am not expliciting in filezilla what sftp server to use nor anything besides the credential
23:54.45themillshredd: just tell filezilla to go to s and stick your username and password in the relevant boxes. Job done.
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23:56.59shreddthemill: where were you when i first needed this?
23:57.20shreddso it seems that the problem is that the user i want to use doesnt have permissions
23:57.32shreddto write in that folder
23:57.44themillshredd: was the question you asked "how do I configure vsftp" or was it "how do I copy files onto my server"?
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23:58.54shreddthemill: i was joking with the question :P been using vsftpd for years and now i find out i didnt need it :P

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