IRC log for #debian on 20120804

00:02.02*** join/#debian Tux_1 (~Tux_1@
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00:25.39sneexwhen is "testing" iso made ?
00:26.33youlyssesWhat do you mean "made"?
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00:27.30sneexbefore they are sent to be downloaded; I want them to test some that has been broke last two spins
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00:29.45sneexoh well, check back sunday cuz monday they will be broken again  lol
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01:01.32mercutio22I had compiled a package by hand and removed its binaries once I found out the package was now available in the debian repo
01:01.50mercutio22Now it wont come back even after I install from apt
01:02.25gnarfacemercutio22: --reinstall
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01:04.09mercutio22gnarface: /usr/sbin/airodump-ng: no such file or directory. *after aptitude --reinstall
01:07.02gnarfacemercutio22: i meant with apt-get, like this: apt-get --reinstall install [package name]
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01:07.48gnarfacemercutio22: either that or remove the old one the right way first
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01:07.55johnfghi folks
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01:08.33Aldebaranrtorrent says : Hashing: Storage error: [Hash checker was unable to map chunk: but i have plenty of ram and hd space. filesystem corruption?
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01:10.12johnfgis this a known problem at present:
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01:11.08Kageejohnfg: Read the news on
01:11.52johnfgKagee, Thanks, I will.
01:12.49johnfgKagee, Yup, that's it.  Will go edit sources.list now.  Thanks again!
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01:19.08johnfgKagee, I already did update and no problem.  Ya think I still need to add deb-multimedia-keyring? i.e., since editing sources.list?
01:19.27johnfgOr is the old one okay (maybe it's current).
01:20.44dvsjohnfg: I'd try and install that package anyways.
01:21.17johnfgdvs, Ya, just did, and it returned that deb-multimedia-keyring is already the newest.  So that's good.
01:21.27johnfgdvs, Thanks for the suggestion.
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01:34.47martin868686According to growisofs manual "appending of data to ISO9660 volumes residing on random-access media such as DVD+RW, DVD-RAM, plain files". How is DVD+RW random-access media?
01:36.34*** join/#debian KeatonT (~KeatonT@unaffiliated/keatont)
01:36.59nsadmin2ohysically it's obviously sequential, not random
01:37.28nsadmin2but it has an infrastructure which lends itself to random access, being it's a block device
01:38.19martin868686nsadmin2, ok, but same is true for data CD's as well?
01:38.25nsadmin2physically, random access is a performance hit
01:39.42nsadmin2hds are examples of a compromise between the two, concentric tracks and stepper motors
01:42.19dutchfishhi, i would like to know if perl supports overloading i.e. instead of using SHA1 from main, i would like to use the module Digest::SHA1, is that possible?
01:42.31nsadmin2different raid levels vary in how well they can do random access... an example of something that needs random access is an sql database system
01:44.36nsadmin2dutchfish, you mean function overloading? I'd say no... functions of the same name in a particular namespace will replace
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01:46.32dutchfishnsadmin2, replace as in the ones from my loaded module will superimposed instead?
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01:47.10nsadmin2dutchfish, first let me just make sure... we're talking about function overloading?
01:47.18dutchfishnsadmin2, yes
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01:47.39dutchfishnsadmin2, from a module to replace something that already in perl
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01:48.23dutchfishnsadmin2, in my case SHA1, wich is in the new perl but was not in the old one
01:48.38nsadmin2ok, looking at function overloading in c++, how does it tell which... it builds a list of the candidates and then looks at the call to determine which function to call
01:49.18dutchfishfrom pascal the latest one wins
01:49.20*** join/#debian Na_Klar (
01:49.26dutchfishno idee about perl
01:49.29Na_Klarwhat does the "(!)" behind the uptime in htop want to say to me? Is it a recommendation to restart the machine (up 126 days)
01:49.40nsadmin2in perl, it's wayy too easy to have a function whose args are too ambigous
01:50.02*** join/#debian bobdobalina (
01:50.04dutchfishNa_Klar, no just informative, as in "nice to be up so long"
01:50.20bobdobalinadear friends, i am about to pull my hair out because of squeeze
01:50.22Na_Klarah I see .. :P
01:50.52dutchfishnsadmin2, explain?
01:51.35bobdobalinawhy don't the checkbox on the "Software Sources" "Debian Software" tab work?
01:51.58nsadmin2in fact, you can define a function that doesn't declare args at all... what happens instead, is inside the function you take the items from the (defaultly-named) @_
01:52.06bobdobalinai'm running amd64 squeeze
01:52.35Rygrassok i just restarted my server currently on a local network but i can't log into web admin ?
01:52.36nsadmin2one way is: my (@hellostring, @worldstring) = @_
01:52.48dutchfishnsadmin2, ah ok. not what i ment. If i want to overload a function with the exact same arguments. Can that be done?
01:52.51Rygrasstrying using page doesn't even load
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01:53.20Rygrasstried  /etc/webmin/stop
01:53.23nsadmin2dutchfish, I don't think you can replace core perl functions
01:53.25Rygrassand  /etc/webmin/start still nothing
01:53.39dutchfishnsadmin2, ok, that is an answer. Thanks.
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01:54.21nsadmin2however, you may be able to replace functions defined in a namespace
01:54.36dutchfishnsadmin2, my problem is lsightly more complex, because the overloading module is needed as a dependcy for a module that is not in debian. hence my question.
01:55.10dutchfishnsadmin2, i just try then
01:55.44nsadmin2dutchfish, there's some combination of talking to cpan and debhelper where a cpan perl module can be pulled from cpan and built into a debian package
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01:55.54nsadmin2you may wish to look into that
01:56.10dutchfishnsadmin2, yes, doing exactly that atm. thanks.
01:56.40nsadmin2the unfortunate part is I don't know how deps among cpan modules are handled
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01:56.58SiDzRygrass /etc/init.d/? not /etc/?/
01:57.08Rygrasswow i got it working now.. sorry
01:57.12Rygrassi tried another browsers
01:57.23Rygrassgoogle chrome didn't want to work today..
01:57.33Rygrasshow odd been using that for year  or two with it
01:57.54dutchfishnsadmin2, me neither ;) the module i am packeging atm is Template::Plugin::Digest::SHA1 wich needed Digest::SHA1, which in itself is already inside perl in its newer version.
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01:58.34nsadmin2Rygrass, be careful with webmin... conventional wisdom suggests you should learn to control a site using command line only, including editing text config files
01:58.38dutchfishnsadmin2, i figure it out. Thanks for the hints.
01:58.48nsadmin2dutchfish, np
01:58.52Rygrassyeah thanks nsadmin2
02:00.01*** mode/#debian [+l 1178] by debhelper
02:00.02nsadmin2Rygrass, the other thing is (webmin has many modules and) some modules don't work properly, and that can cause serious problems
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02:03.23Rygrassyeah i only use it as a guide to my server as make sure process are working
02:03.31Rygrassonly a small game server i am running anyway :P
02:03.33Rygrassnothing mager
02:04.12bobdobalinaguys i need help installing non-free ethernet drivers on squeeze
02:04.19bobdobalinaand i cannot find a good guide on it
02:05.00bobdobalinai did the whole dpkg --install firmware-realtek_028+squeeze1_all.deb
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02:05.19bobdobalinaand it looks like it installs, but my ethernet connection still doesn't work
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02:05.39bobdobalinaand i have been fighting with this for 3 days now
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02:05.59shred805can someone point out what im doint wrong
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02:09.29nsadmin2bobdobalina, does it boot?
02:10.25nsadmin2shred805, looks like a lot of libs it needs are missing or not findable
02:11.09shred805nsadmin: i found some of them
02:11.14shred805they are in /usr/lib
02:11.23shred805and i added that to my path in /etc/profile
02:11.29LtLbobdobalina: try this link, it may apply,
02:11.34nsadmin2is it still not findable?
02:11.46shred805yeah i still cannot find them
02:12.20shred805it still *
02:12.22bobdobalinansadmin2: yes,I just did a fresh install of squeeze
02:12.42nsadmin2shred805, it may be that the dynamic linker cannot link the existing libs, perhaps because your app is not compatible with them
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02:12.54bobdobalinaLtL: that's the package i'm trying to install
02:12.58Na_Klargives "du -s" kb or b?
02:13.42nsadmin2bobdobalina, ok, cool... when you ran the installer (is that what you did?), did it pull pieces of the installer and packages to install from the net?
02:13.59shred805nsadmin: i had this app installed successfully the same way on different squeeze machine. i was trying to replicate it
02:14.11shred805so it does work on squeeze
02:14.25sickgutHow do i remove all the -dev packages installed, using dpkg? dpkg --P *dev    doesnt seem to work, there are lots on this system i dont need and i wanna free up some space
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02:14.33nsadmin2shred805, if you have access to both machines, type "arch" on each
02:14.41bobdobalinansadmin2: It wont allow me to pull anything from the net because I don't have a net connection.
02:14.50shred805yeah they are both amd 64 bit
02:14.57bobdobalinansadmin2: I had to download this package from another machine and copy it over to this machine.
02:15.09bobdobalinansadmin2: When I do
02:15.38nsadmin2bobdobalina, you said earlier you used the debian installer to install debian, just making sure here, is that what you did?
02:16.13bobdobalinansadmin2: sorry, When I do "dpkg --install *the package name*" it says "Preparing to replace... Unpacking... Setting up... then it just stops and leaves me with the terminal windows blinking
02:16.29nsadmin2bobdobalina, (when you do the following you will see paragraphs and labels... show all the labels pls) ifconfig -a
02:17.29bobdobalinansadmin2: Give me a second I will need to type this up, or copy it to a thumb drive
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02:17.48nsadmin2shred805, hmm. type file /path/to/yourapp
02:18.36nsadmin2bobdobalina, there might only be two labels
02:18.37shred805nsadmin, thank you
02:19.02peterrooneysickgut: why use dpkg? apt-get --purge remove $( deborphan -a | awk ' /-dev$/ {print $2;}' ) # the deborphan package was designed for this kind of thing
02:19.25bobdobalinansadmin2: Oh you just want the labels, there are three
02:19.37bobdobalinansadmin2: eth0 lo and pan0
02:20.02nsadmin2hmm, so you have an eth0, that might be your net, and it could need the firmware
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02:20.51nsadmin2bobdobalina, could you do lspci -nn | grep -i net
02:20.59nsadmin2in fact do this first
02:21.08nsadmin2bobdobalina, could you do lspci -nn | grep -i net | wc -l
02:21.18sickguti dont have deborphan im running a raspberry pi with debian armv6 installed and im trying to get all their educational stuff off of it, i thought there was an easy wild card i could use wth dpkg
02:21.45sickgutbut if i have to ill install deborphan so i can remove all the other stuff
02:21.48bobdobalinansadmin2: all I got back was "1"
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02:22.06simonlnuas expected
02:22.59simonlnuwc == word count, -l count lines
02:23.05nsadmin2bobdobalina, take the | wc -l off, run it again, you should see something like [1232:abce]
02:23.11nsadmin2show us just that thing
02:23.18peterrooneysickgut: I came across it when I was dealing with 500 MB hard drives.  it's awesome.
02:23.43nsadmin2simonlnu, he might have had a wired and wireless :)
02:23.59nsadmin2, pciid [10ec:8168]
02:24.00judd[10ec:8168] is 'RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller' from 'Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd.' with kernel module 'r8169' in squeeze. See also
02:24.17peterrooneywonders if raspbian is or should be considered "based on debian" by #debian
02:24.25nsadmin2does that thing need firmware? he's got an eth0 now
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02:25.27bobdobalinansadmin2: and I know the hardware isn't broken because the ethernet works fine with my windows hard drive
02:25.45nsadmin2bobdobalina, lsmod | grep r8169
02:26.24nsadmin2does that show one line or zero lines?
02:26.54nsadmin2also try route -n | grep eth0
02:27.06nsadmin2zero lines? some lines?
02:27.10bobdobalinansadmin2: "r8169 36840 0" and the next line has "mii 3210 1 r8169"
02:27.50nsadmin2ok, so seems the driver mentioned by judd is operational
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02:28.51nsadmin2to make it easier to type, I'm trying to arrange these into yes/no
02:29.14bobdobalinaI appreciate the help nsadmin2
02:29.27bobdobalinabecause this is honestly driving me bananas
02:30.04nsadmin2I think we could try the interface... if it doesn't work, then we should try to find the firmware and get it installed
02:30.25nsadmin2we might be able to pick apart the firmware .deb you downloaded
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02:30.49nsadmin2which direction do you want to go?
02:31.01bobdobalinansadmin2: whichever is easier for you
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02:31.32nsadmin2ok, we'll try the interface... what's on the other end of the ethernet cable?
02:31.32bobdobalinai see a bunch of .fw files in the .deb package
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02:32.04nsadmin2bobdobalina, what dir do they go in?
02:32.20bobdobalinansadmin2: a Linksys E3000 router
02:32.41nsadmin2ok, is that linksys doing dhcp?
02:33.01bobdobalinansadmin2: they are in a /lib/firmware/rtl_nic/ directory
02:33.08bobdobalinansadmin2: yes it is doing DHCP
02:33.19nsadmin2how many iface lines in /etc/network/interfaces?
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02:33.59bobdobalinansadmin2: two
02:34.15nsadmin2one of them iface eth0?
02:34.41nsadmin2oh, and on the ifconfig -a, the paragraph for eth0 have an address?
02:35.48bobdobalinansadmin2: all i see that isn't hashtagged in /etc/network/interfaces is "auto lo" and "iface lo inet loopback"
02:36.19bobdobalinansadmin2: and ifconfig -a shows no IP address with eth0
02:37.37nsadmin2bobdobalina, add a line to that file, iface eth0 inet dhcp
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02:37.52nsadmin2save file, exit editor, try: ifup eth0
02:39.43bobdobalinansadmin2: it keeps doing "DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 67 interval *random intervals*"
02:40.05bobdobalinansadmin2: is definitely not my subnet mask though if that's what it's looking for
02:40.06nsadmin2ok, so it's not getting anything back...
02:40.20nsadmin2mkdir firmware-work
02:40.39nsadmin2what's the filename of that deb with the firmware?
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02:42.08nsadmin2ok, if you did that mkdir, what dir were you in/did the dir appear in?
02:42.36bobdobalinansadmin2: the desktop where the .deb file is located also
02:43.04nsadmin2ok, so it's in ~you/Desktop/
02:43.22bobdobalinansadmin2: yes
02:43.40nsadmin2ok, cd ~/Desktop
02:44.09nsadmin2cp firmware-realtek_0.28+squeeze1_all.deb firmware-work
02:44.15nsadmin2cd firmware-work
02:44.28nsadmin2ar x (hit tab) <enter>
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02:45.00nsadmin2what other stuff is in there besides the .deb?
02:45.50nsadmin2brb, getting stuff
02:46.02bobdobalinansadmin2: wait what is "ar x"?
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02:50.27karlpincbobdobalina: A command.  You  need to add, at least, a filename to the end.
02:50.36karlpincbobdobalina: man ar
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02:51.37bobdobalinakarlpinc: you sure that comes default with squeeze?
02:52.01bobdobalinakarlpinc: because i dont have it
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02:53.47nsadmin2bobdobalina, ar is kinda like tar except different format... x is extract
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02:54.04bintuti just installed pdns-recursor on my debian squeeze box. i'm wondering if this really works properly as my home name caching server. is there any best practice to follow in setting up pdns-recursor?
02:54.10bobdobalinansadmin2: I don't think it comes by default with squeeze though because I don't have the command
02:54.23bintutsome info of my current setup was pasted at
02:54.33nsadmin2doesn't dpkg call ar?
02:54.47nsadmin2, deps ar
02:55.02bobdobalinansadmin2: i'm not sure
02:55.05nsadmin2, file bin/ar
02:55.10juddSearch for bin/ar in squeeze/i386: binutils: usr/bin/ar; binutils-multiarch: usr/bin/ar; binutils-h8300-hms: usr/h8300-hitachi-coff/bin/ar; mingw32-binutils: usr/amd64-mingw32msvc/bin/ar, usr/i586-mingw32msvc/bin/ar; binutils-m68hc1x: usr/m68hc11/bin/ar; binutils-avr: usr/lib/avr/bin/ar
02:55.36nsadmin2hmm. it's in binutils
02:56.37bobdobalinansadmin2: i'm looking through /bin/ and I don't see it
02:56.39bintutfrom the server itself, whenever i use its own resolver from making it as the default nameserver in the /etc/resolv.conf, i cannot resolve names.
02:56.46karlpincnsadmin2: a .deb is an ar file, so dpkg does _something_ ar-ish.
02:58.03karlpincbintut: debug nameserver problems with dig.
02:58.06bintutsame thing if i also try to resolve from my laptop or pc as a client device. but if i use my ISP's name server, i can resolve properly though it's slow. please advice. thank you.
02:58.18bintutkarlpinc: no response.
02:58.21nsadmin2karlpinc, yaknow, maybe you can help here... so, when he tries to install the firmware package, it gets stuck... so I thought, let's bruteforce it by not using dpkg and copy the firmwares to the right dir
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02:58.34nsadmin2he doesn't have net yet
02:58.44nsadmin2so maybe he just has base installed
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02:59.18nsadmin2bobdobalina, do you have just a / partition? on how large a drive?
02:59.23karlpincnsadmin2: Lordy.   Just base would be fine....  But I've fuzzyhead.  If he has base he should be able to install with dpkg.
02:59.53bobdobalinayeah just a / on a 80 gig drive
03:00.13nsadmin2ok then we should try to find out why it's getting stuck (and disk full is not the reason)
03:00.17karlpincbintut: Is your isp firewalling out dns traffic to anywhere but their dns servers?  You could configure your nameserver as a forwarding server to your isp's nameserver.  Then at least you'd have a local cache.
03:01.20karlpincbintut: Again.  Use dig.  Try to get it to talk to and see if you can get through or if your isp is blocking the traffic.
03:02.01karlpincbintut: dig @
03:02.12karlpincbintut: (Of course it could be _your_ firewall as well.)
03:03.23bobdobalinansadmin2: and I just kept everything as default during the install
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03:03.58karlpincbobdobalina: Just what happens when you try to do dpkg -i on the firmware?  Is there something in the backstory?
03:04.18nsadmin2bobdobalina, do you still have the .deb on athoer machine when you copied it?
03:06.57bobdobalinansadmin2: it says "Reading database... Preparing to replace firmware... Unpacking... Setting up firmware..." then it just goes back to the bash prompt
03:07.18bobdobalinansadmin2: and no but i can re-download it
03:07.59nsadmin2wait, it worked
03:08.06bobdobalinansadmin2: oh and I notice at the top right the little icon comes up that says "a package manager is working"
03:08.15nsadmin2that's exactly what's supposed to happen
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03:08.30bobdobalinansadmin2: my ethenet still doesn't work though
03:08.58nsadmin2when was the first time that ended in seting up firmware then bash prompt?
03:09.13karlpincbobdobalina: After installing firmware a reboot would not hurt....
03:09.15bobdobalinansadmin2: it did that since the first time I tried
03:09.43bobdobalinakarlpinc: I rebooting last time i tried to install the firmware i still had no ethernet conection though
03:09.53nsadmin2bobdobalina, ok, was that first time before or after you tried to ifup eth0?
03:11.47nsadmin2could you do dmesg | tail and see if you can see where it tried to load firmware
03:12.14nsadmin2if not try dmesg | tail -20 |head
03:13.45nsadmin2if you can see it, what file does it say it tried to load
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03:14.30DiopterFirmware is annoying.
03:14.31bobdobalinansadmin2: i see a part where it says "firmware: requesting rtl_nic/rtl8168d.fw"
03:14.55bobdobalinansadmin2: then it says "eth0: link down", "eth0: link is not ready"
03:15.30bobdobalinansadmin2: i'm sorry it's "rtl_nic/rtl8168d-2.fw"
03:16.22nsadmin2[ -d /lib/firmware/rtl_nic ] && echo yes || echo no
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03:17.33bobdobalinansadmin2: it said "yes"
03:18.21nsadmin2ok, good... now,
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03:18.33nsadmin2you can edit that line so it looks like:
03:19.07nsadmin2[ -e /lib/firmware/rtl_nic/rtl8168d.fw ] && echo yes || echo no
03:19.19nsadmin2(note -d -> -e)
03:20.40bobdobalinayou mean rtl8168d-2 right?
03:21.19nsadmin2(for more info after this, [ -q stuff ] is same as test -q stuff ... and there's lots of stuff in man test) yes, the -2 thing
03:21.39bobdobalinansadmin2: the answer was yes
03:21.49nsadmin2ok, so the file is present
03:22.08nsadmin2edit /etc/network/interfaces
03:22.25nsadmin2add line "auto eth0" above iface eth0 ....
03:22.38nsadmin2save file, exit editor, reboot
03:23.06nsadmin2then watch carefully as it comes back up, you'll see dhcp discovers
03:23.16nsadmin2watch what happens
03:25.32bobdobalinansadmin2: it's still doing the DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 67 stuff
03:25.44bobdobalinaduring this bootup
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03:26.02nsadmin2you mean it's continuing to do that before you rebooted?
03:26.15bobdobalinano i just rebooted and it's doing it
03:26.23nsadmin2ok, and no responses?
03:26.25bobdobalinaduring bootup
03:26.36bobdobalinaand now that i've logged in i still don't have a connection
03:26.58nsadmin2and there is another os on this computer now?
03:27.25bobdobalinai have two hard drives i flip flop with this computer
03:27.29bobdobalinathe other has windows 7 on it
03:27.36nsadmin2I'm pretty sure you said "and it works using XYZ os"
03:28.01bobdobalinayes it does work with windows 7
03:28.28bobdobalinaand it did work with debian before squeeze, but i haven't had it installed for a long time
03:28.39nsadmin2from the last time it worked and now, ever mess with eth cables?
03:28.58bobdobalinanope, i was running the windows hard drive just a few hours ago
03:29.04bobdobalinaand it was working fine
03:29.08nsadmin2ok, hmm.
03:29.29bobdobalinai can swap them again to verify
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03:30.31shred805does anyone know why my sound would work in rythmbox but not in youtube in firefox or chrome
03:31.05nsadmin2bobdobalina, yeah, it's at least worth it to see if the cables work
03:31.22nsadmin2which is 99.9% certainty
03:31.36bobdobalinansadmin2: ok one second
03:33.12shred805nsadmin2: do you have any idea on why sound would work in vlc or rythmbox but not any web browser?
03:33.46nsadmin2shred805, youtube (well flash) tries to be very picky about the audio
03:33.50shred805is it flash maybe
03:34.04bobdobalinansadmin2: i am logged into windows 7 now and am pinging with no lost packets
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03:34.18shred805is there a better flash to install for squeeze
03:34.52nsadmin2bobdobalina, yep... the hardware works...
03:36.02nsadmin2can you boot back, edit /etc/network/interfaces, #-comment out the auto eth0 and boot again?
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03:37.07nsadmin2shred805, not sure... I actually have most stuff originating from alsa going to jack
03:37.37shred805thanks i will try to update flash
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03:40.00Squeigegreetings so I am trying to install gcc, Iam doing aptitude -R gcc but I am getting 0 packages found
03:40.31nsadmin2Squeige, try aptitude install build-essentia.
03:40.40nsadmin2err missed it by THAT much...
03:40.42LtLSqueige: build-essential
03:40.43nsadmin2Squeige, try aptitude install build-essential
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03:40.57bobdobalinansadmin2: ok edited, now rebooting
03:41.00Squeigeok trying that thanks
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03:41.48nsadmin2Squeige, that should give you just enough to compile and link against libc
03:42.13bobdobalinansadmin2: same problem
03:42.29nsadmin2if you want other libs you'll have to make sure they're installed, both halves, including -dev part
03:43.02nsadmin2bobdobalina, did you see DHCP_DISCOVER while booting?
03:43.10bobdobalinansadmin2: not this time
03:43.34nsadmin2ok, that's because "auto eth0" commented. try: ifup eth0
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03:44.16dizzylizzyi love 'lpr'
03:44.44nsadmin2dizzylizzy, why? theres no vowels like dizzy or lizzy
03:45.08bobdobalinansadmin2: it's doing the same thing "No DHCPOFFERS received."
03:45.51nsadmin2bobdobalina, hmm. is this a gigabit eth in the machine?
03:46.02bobdobalinansadmin2: yes
03:46.36bintutkarlpinc: sorry, i went out for sometime. i am able to dig to google dns. but i want to host my own name caching server because there are times that even when using my ISP's or Google's dns servers, the resolution is pretty slow. now, i don't know the best practice in setting up home name caching server and i hope you can share your advice in setting up one..
03:46.41nsadmin2and it's connecting directly into the hub part of the linksys?
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03:46.50bobdobalinansadmin2: the motherboard is an ASUS M4A785T-M
03:46.52bobdobalinansadmin2: yes
03:47.13nsadmin2is the linksys gigabit?
03:47.33bobdobalinansadmin2: yes i believe so, I can double check, it's a newer linksys router
03:47.56nsadmin2so, "could very well be"
03:48.11bobdobalinansadmin2: just double checked it is
03:49.08nsadmin2ok, so they should negotiate a gb link
03:49.14nsadmin2what kind of cable?
03:49.15bobdobalinansadmin2: on the website for the motherboard it says it uses a Realtek® 8112L Gigabit LAN
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03:50.30bobdobalinansadmin2: the cable i'm not too sure on the brand, it was here since i moved in and actually goes through a hole drilled in the wall to another room
03:50.46bobdobalinansadmin2: where the router is located
03:52.55nsadmin2bobdobalina, I don even know why I'm still thinking hardware
03:53.49nsadmin2let me check omsething
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03:54.44nsadmin2looky that I have an r8169
03:56.02Diopternsadmin2, bobdobalina: You can just check with ethtool
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03:56.41bobdobalinaDiopter: what's ethtool
03:57.11nsadmin2, v ethtool
03:57.12juddPackage: ethtool on i386 -- lenny: 6+20080913-1; squeeze: 1:2.6.34-3; sid: 1:3.4.2-1; wheezy: 1:3.4.2-1
03:57.41bobdobalinai tried running the command, i didn't have it
03:57.52DiopterEthtool is a fantastic tool.
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03:59.02nsadmin2Diopter, can you tell if the eth and the linksys have an established link/carrier?
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03:59.28DiopterEthtool will give you that information, but so will just looking at the interface flags
03:59.33Diopterip l
03:59.39DiopterOr ip a shows them too
03:59.56bobdobalinaDiopter: even if there's no firmware installed for the ethernet port?
04:00.05bobdobalinaDiopter: and it wont even pick up an IP?
04:00.43nsadmin2bobdobalina, how new is this mobo?
04:01.03bobdobalinansadmin2: not very new, i'd say at least 3 years old
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04:01.34Diopterbobdobalina: Do you know what the module is that you're loading?
04:01.56nsadmin2I think he has r8169
04:03.00bobdobalinathe motherboard website shows Realtek® 8112L Gigabit LAN, but debian is showing it's trying to install r8169
04:03.32bobdobalinais there a recommended motherboard for squeeze?
04:03.41bobdobalinaat this point i'm willing to buy a whole new motherboard
04:03.48nsadmin2bobdobalina, the one you have should work
04:03.54Diopterlspci -k | grep -A2 -i "network\|ethernet" <- start there
04:04.00DiopterTo find out what module is loaded.
04:04.04nsadmin2do you hav a spare nic laying around?
04:04.30DiopterThen, modinfo <module> | grep -i firmware
04:04.40DiopterTo see what firmware files that module dictates
04:05.14bobdobalinaDiopter: "Kernel driver in use: r8169"
04:05.25bobdobalinansadmin2: unfortunately no
04:05.37nsadmin2Diopter, is it the driver that decides what firmware to load?
04:05.42Diopternsadmin2: Yes.
04:05.47DiopterIt's listed right in the module info
04:06.02DiopterOn sid... the firmware package that contains the files in question here is firmware-realtek
04:06.16Diopterrtl8168d-1.fw, for instance
04:06.32nsadmin2he says it's trying -2
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04:06.53DiopterQuite probably. But there's 7 indicated
04:07.26bobdobalinawhat are you meaning by module
04:07.34nsadmin2you mean 7 different firmwares?
04:07.35bobdobalinaor what should i be looking for
04:07.38Diopternsadmin2: Yes.
04:07.48Dioptermodinfo r8169 | grep -i firmware
04:08.10bobdobalinaoh i got back... give me a second to type this
04:08.15DiopterEr, more like 8. Looks like rtl8105e must be in another package
04:08.38Diopterbobdobalina: Just install "firmware-realtek"
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04:08.58nsadmin2hmm. maybe he should try the backport kernel
04:09.00DiopterThen: rmmod r8168; modprobe r8168
04:09.17Skeeter-resize2fs: New size too large to be expressed in 32 bits
04:09.45bobdobalinaDiopter: and by install you mean dpkg -i
04:09.55Diopterbobdobalina: No, I mean "apt-get install firmware-realtek"
04:10.14nsadmin2he can't without a connection :)
04:10.31DiopterAh, well
04:10.32nsadmin2he does have the .deb
04:10.39DiopterThen yar, dpkg -i
04:10.47nsadmin2what if the backport kernel has the right thing
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04:11.04DiopterIt's not in the kernel, the firmware package is the same for squeeze-backports
04:11.19Skeeter-how can i resize a 15tb ext4 to 18tb -? i get this error -> resize2fs: New size too large to be expressed in 32 bits
04:11.37nsadmin2but the kernel itself might have a different r8169
04:11.39bobdobalinaDiopter: ok did the dpkg -i now you want me to run "rmmod r8168; modprobe r8168" as one line?
04:11.47DiopterSkeeter-: How did you make a 15TB ext4 in the first place?
04:12.03Diopterbobdobalina: Or run two lines, if it makes you more comfortable. rmmod r8168. modprobe r8168.
04:12.06Skeeter-Diopter: that will not help resolve the probmen
04:13.35DiopterSkeeter-: I'm just curious. Was this originally in a 64 bit system and is now 32 bit or something?
04:13.41bobdobalinaDiopter: "Module does not exist" and "module not found"
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04:15.54Skeeter-resize2fs 1.41.14 (22-Dec-2010)
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04:18.02SiDznetwork is getting loaded before selinux
04:18.08SiDzso my policy arent loaded
04:18.14SiDzso it can ifup tun*
04:18.32SiDzhow can i make selinux start before network
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04:51.56gamliel_debianhi, while using lxde i have tried to change the default filemanager from pcmanfm to dolphin but when i reboot the system, at the start session, the keyboard left to work only the touchpad is working. I rebooted and joined in Recovery mode, when I was in type "init 5" the start session was up and running again in this time the keyboard is fine but the touchpad didnt work. Could you give an advice where to look for info about t
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04:52.17melik_hey guys, is there anyway i can set ping6 to automatically use my eth0 interface
04:52.38Dioptermelik_: It will already if your routing table dictates that.
04:52.54Dioptermelik_: Do you mean "As the source interface" or "As the outgoing interface"?
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06:16.23avernosi have problem loading X remotely, it is trying to load nv module.
06:16.33avernosdoes that mean that i am not using noveau? but vesa
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06:18.09DotHackavernos, need some more log for telling that
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06:19.10Diopteravernos: Looks to me like it's loading up nouveau. And vesa. And nv. And fbdev.
06:19.18Diopteravernos: They're all "autoconfigured driver"s
06:19.20avernosthat is the full log
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06:21.10DotHackavernos, yes its trying all drivers but in the end it sticks with nouveau and unloads the otehrs
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06:21.32avernoswhy do i get  (EE) Failed to load module "nv" (module does not exist, 0) when i #startx
06:21.43DiopterBecause the module doesn't exist.
06:22.17avernosbecause it is too old, i guess it is not used anymore, but why is it there? or how can i get rid of that call
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06:24.18Diopteravernos: Pretty sure it's a default these days, builtin.
06:24.25Diopteravernos: You could just explicitly specify a driver.
06:24.39superlinux-hphi . I donno what't going on!!! every time I run skype my disk free space on my /home partition goes from 20GB to ZERO!! without any reason it just turns zero. can someone tell me what should I do? I reboot just to get the free space back.
06:24.43avernosDiopter, how can i do that?
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06:25.21DiopterDrop a file named 20-nouveau.conf into /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d, and put this in it: Section "Device"\nIdentifier "Nouveau"\nDriver "nouveau"\nEndSection
06:25.26DotHacksuperlinux-hp, use lsof while running skype to tell if its using files
06:25.32Diopteravernos: Where \n means newline, of course.
06:25.44superlinux-hpDotHack, ok
06:25.58Dioptersuperlinux-hp: You can use the "du" (disk use) tool to help identify where your disk space is being utilized
06:26.16Diopterdu -hd1 | sort -h, is a good starting point
06:26.40DiopterTo help identify which of the top-level directories in your home directory are using space.
06:26.45superlinux-hpDiopter, it's like a virus on windows 95
06:27.20DiopterHowever, the fact that rebooting solves it makes me confused.
06:27.31DiopterUnless perhaps the issue is an .xsession-errors file
06:27.34DotHacksuperlinux-hp, i have seen situation where files get deleted by an application but somehow the filesystem doesnt clean up because the file is still in use...
06:27.52avernosthanks Diopter, will try :)
06:27.56DiopterAnyhow, bedtimes.
06:27.58Diopteravernos: np
06:28.03DotHacknight night
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06:29.04superlinux-hpAh ok
06:29.23superlinux-hpDiopter, it's using the xsession-errors
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06:51.02LittleCreaturewhy is there no linux-image-xen on debian testing? (3.2 kernel)
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07:18.33cardamonQuery regarding apt-pinning: do I need a default entry in my /etc/apt/preferences? I'm running wheezy, and wanted something from sid, but I want to manually approve each such pinning, so I was going to only put on entry and make its Pin-Priority: -10.  But do I need another entry with a postive pin priority for Wheezy, or will that be done by default?
07:21.10*** join/#debian hoettr (~pk@unaffiliated/hoettr)
07:21.32streunercardamon: /msg dpkg bobbitt ; /msg dpkg ssb
07:23.33cardamonstreuner: Irrelevant and there are no backports, respectively.  Neither answers my question.
07:23.42cardamonBut I thank you for your time.
07:23.56cardamonNot for what I want.
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07:31.05krababbelIs there a way to put my PC automatically to sleep with xscreensaver or something? I don't want gnome power manager.
07:31.43cardamonkrababbel: yes.
07:32.12krababbelxset it was, thanks cardamon  :)
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07:34.37Calinouwhoever uses screensavers
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07:35.40krababbelCalinou: I don't need a screensaver, I just want my PC to sleep when idle for some time.
07:35.59Calinouwhoever uses powersaving on linux, shutdown is literally the same thing
07:36.06Calinouit's borked as hell :P
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07:36.54krababbelCalinou: works for me, and I don't have to do anything to continue where I left. Whoever uses shutdown these days ... :P
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07:38.55krababbelso xset seems to be only for the display?
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07:41.05krababbellaptop-mode-tools seems more like it
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07:43.51cardamonSame question about apt-pinning.
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07:56.32Hanmachay can someone help me i have a licence question about librsvg ... the package i have installed says about lgpl but the site says about gpl ... or i am wrong?¿
07:57.39KageeHanmac: See COPYING.LIB ?
07:59.55HanmacoO i think that solv everything
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08:07.17abec0Regarding «sleeping», I use sudo acpitool -s to «suspend to ram» and sudo acpitool -S to «suspendtodisk». Don't know how generic this is, but it works for me. Bound to a nice fluxbox keyboard shortcut too.
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08:08.51HanmacKagee thanks for pointing me to the currect file
08:09.09cardamonDo I need to set APT::Default-Release to use apt-pinning or not...I'm getting conflicting information here.
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08:11.17nsadmin2abec0, how would you bind suspend-to-ram to laptop lid close?
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08:12.32abec0Ah, afraid I don't. Laptop open, connected to an external screen. But I remember reading about the subject a while ago.
08:12.34nsadmin2cardamon, probably people have differing opinions on what the best practice is
08:13.07nsadmin2abec0, no problem; thanks for responding
08:14.03cardamonnsadmin2: What would you recommend for pinning only as exceptions to the rule of not mixing two releases?
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08:15.51abec0I used [ linux lid event acpi ] as keywords in $SEARCHENGINE.
08:16.38nsadmin2cardamon, I don't understand pinning well enough to say... but I will say that I think you're on the right track when you say "exceptional only"
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08:16.47cardamonI don't have APT::Default-Release set...or really know where to set it.  Currently searching the various apt man pages for it.  I know it gets set in /etc/apt.conf which I don't have.  I do have entries in /etc/apt.conf.d/ but nothing scresp "Release set here"
08:17.03*** join/#debian Seneca (
08:17.55cardamonHow about this then...I've set up my pinning the way I think they should go and added a sid to my sources.list
08:18.05krababbelnsadmin2: seems laptop-mode-tools would be the way to go
08:18.24nsadmin2ok, thanks, I'll look into that
08:18.25krababbelI use pm-utils
08:18.46cardamonCan I look at what this would/update and if I discover everything's gone pear shaped switch it back afterwards before any packages get changed?
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08:20.10krababbelcardamon: why not look at what aptitude says, apt has a -simulate switch too, I believe
08:20.24r15hi, whenever NetworkManager activates eth0 it changes my default route, however no default route is defined in /etc/network/interfaces file.
08:20.40krababbelboth show you what they want to do before doing it card
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08:21.22r15change in gateway causes internet unreachable.
08:21.44krababbelr15: so? NM does stuff, define a route if you don't want it to change. Not sure if it helps with NM though.
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08:22.10krababbelput gateway in interfaces file
08:22.28krababbelbut maybe NM overrides it anyway
08:22.39nsadmin2or put gateway in dhcp server response
08:24.45nsadmin2!ops tlaloc could you please get that idiot off
08:24.45dpkgHydroxide, dondelelcaro, ):, helix, LoRez, RichiH, mentor, xk, abrotman, gravity, azeem, Maulkin, stew, peterS, Myon, Ganneff, weasel, zobel, themill, babilen: nsadmin2 complains about: tlaloc could you please get that idiot off
08:25.03krababbelthanks nsadmin2
08:25.57cardamonkrababbel: because I have no idea how to use that to confirm my /etc/apt/preferences is set correctly.
08:26.38krababbelcardamon: well you get a preview always before downloading the packages, so maybe that helps
08:27.02nsadmin2krababbel, here's what I thought NM does... at first when NM wasn't aware of interfaces file, they fought and probably did conflicting things... I thought the current behavior is nm will ignore an interface that has an uncommented iface line in interfaces
08:27.29r15^routing table.
08:27.42krababbelnsadmin2: I see, thanks
08:28.55nsadmin2r15, what's different from first route -n and second?
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08:30.58nsadmin2krababbel, I would think you'd have to restart nm to have it re-read its config and interfaces
08:31.07r15nsadmin2:first route -n had eth0 disabled.
08:31.32cardamonkrababbel: Yes, but that requires I update first.
08:31.43cardamonI'm worried that I may break something in process.
08:32.29r15/etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/01ifupdown change required?
08:32.31nsadmin2r15, I see, then the two routes added were a host route to the gw, and a default route thru that gw
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08:32.59krababbelcardamon: no, it will show you what it will do before doing anything
08:33.17nsadmin2then you removed the default route and added a different one
08:33.19cardamonUpdate? no.  It just goes.
08:34.14krababbelcardamon: I see, I hoped just updating the package info wouldn't break anything. When you remove the sid source, it shouldn't use it anymore.
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08:35.24cardamonBut, I'm trying to verify my pinning. which means sometimes it should use sid, other times wheezy...but I can't figure out how to get it to tell me which it's getting packages from.
08:36.06r15/etc/resolv.conf is also becoming blank.
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08:36.58cardamonHell, my pin for sid is set to -10.  Nothing sid should ever come up unless I specify -t sid
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08:37.17krababbelcardamon: in aptitude you could look through the packages, when a package comes in two versions, you can see it there. But I haven't done this recently. If you revert your changes to the config, it should work like before, unless it is buggy.
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08:38.45nsadmin2r15, one thing that writes resolv.conf is a dhcp client
08:38.50krababbelcardamon: also aptitude just does the package info without preview, nothing will be changed before you see what will be happening, no?
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08:39.22r15 (modified /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/01ifupdown) which works fine.
08:39.38krababbelr15: you don't use resolvconf package maybe?
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08:40.01r15nsadmin2:yes I saw some logs stating dhcpclient releasing ip on eth0 when i was rebooting.
08:40.37cardamonkrababbel: I have no idea what you mean by does, info, preview, ecetera.  These are all very vague terms, doubly compounded by the fact that aptitude has two modes of operation: command line and menu driven.
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08:41.19r15kranannel:yes dpkg -l| grep -i resolv giving me no resolvconf package installed.
08:41.32cardamonMy patiences for the issue has worn thin, and while I appreciate your time, I'm going to log off before I use any more of either of ours.
08:42.06krababbelcardamon: I mainly mean the menu, not CLI. By info, I mean when you press 'u', to download package info.
08:42.55r15nsadmin2: om resolv.conf I see one message, updated by NetworkManager.
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08:43.50r15# Generated by NetworkManager
08:44.02krababbelr15: resolvconf lists nm as being enhanced, maybe it would help
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08:45.21_droidhi people, i have a question about dd, is there some way in order to show the progress of dd? some kind of verbose mode?
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08:45.41ansgar_droid: kill -USR1?
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08:46.31_droidansgar: the kill command?
08:46.34Hanmachm can i ask there when i have problems with the gnome-panel?
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08:48.19_droidHanmac: i would prefer to ask in the gnome channel
08:48.27r15  < Networkmanager logs.
08:49.35Hanmaci asked there but i get no respond (yesterday)
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08:50.50_droidHanmac: not getting an answer straight away is normal and even happens to me in various channels. But try your luck here
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08:51.25r15appears to be some bug
08:51.33cardamonkrababbel: u doesn't provide package info in aptitude.  it updates you lists.  If that's what you think info is, you haven't even grasped what my question in is regarding.
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09:02.27r15customized /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/01ifupdown
09:03.35r15working for my requirement, however if I change network, i will need to manually change OR disable NetworkManager.
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09:08.46deadalnixis chromium still unable to run NaCl ? Does a solution exists for that ?
09:14.45nsadmin2chromium and table salt?
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09:15.45simonlnudeadalnix: ask the maintainers
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09:17.27engladeadalnix, where is NaCl even used?
09:18.57deadalnixengla, it isn't mainstream no
09:19.13deadalnixsimonlnu, I have no clue how to join them
09:19.35deadalnixengla, you may want to try naclbox (a port of dowbox in nacl)
09:20.07simonlnujoin? just have to email them
09:21.06OutOfLinesomehow i managed to get strange keyboard configuration (text modus) in wheezy. to get chars like ' or ~ i have to press ' <SPACE>. especially annoying in emacs, btw. how do i get rid of that?
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09:41.59englaOutOfLine: reconfigure keyboard(5) I guess, like nodeadkeys
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09:49.18OutOfLineafter doing man keyboard(5) i still cant't see what's the problem: /etc/default/keyboard already had XKBVARIANT="nodeadkeys" in it, but i *do* have these dead keys
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10:01.51plueschopathHi, how can I install
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10:02.02plueschopathwithout ? in the link ^^
10:03.09nsadmin2plueschopath, what debian release do you run? which one is that asterix for
10:03.21plueschopathnsadmin2: squeeze
10:03.32plueschopathand there is a squeeze-backport at this page
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10:04.13nsadmin2that should work
10:04.31plueschopathnsadmin2: but how can I install this squeeze-backport?
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10:08.00nsadmin2it looks like the deb url is
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10:10.10nsadmin2extracted so far: deb squeeze main
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10:10.19nsadmin2put that in your sources.list...
10:10.29nsadmin2...and smoke it!
10:11.14plueschopathnsadmin2: I'll try ... one moment pls ^^
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10:12.03nsadmin2plueschopath, btw you can learn to extract sources.list lines from looking at the mirror
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10:12.20plueschopathnsadmin2: W: Failed to fetch  404  Not Found
10:12.20nsadmin2just read man 5 sources.list
10:13.21plueschopathah ... there are only source packages
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10:13.49nsadmin2there is source, and there's binary-i386
10:14.31plueschopathand they are empthy... ^^
10:15.08nsadmin2hmm. true
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10:15.54nsadmin2and true again... source and binary-i386 is empty
10:16.53plueschopathnsadmin2: anyways ... what if i get the source from the wheezy-repository, execute "./debian/backports/squeeze" and run debuild -d?
10:16.56nsadmin2, versions asterisk
10:16.58juddPackage: asterisk on i386 -- lenny: 1:; lenny-security: 1:; lenny-backports: 1:; squeeze: 1:; squeeze-proposed-updates: 1:; squeeze-security: 1:; sid: 1:; wheezy: 1:
10:17.52nsadmin2, versions asterisk --arch=amd64
10:17.53juddPackage: asterisk on amd64 -- lenny: 1:; lenny-security: 1:; lenny-backports: 1:; squeeze: 1:; squeeze-proposed-updates: 1:; squeeze-security: 1:; sid: 1:; wheezy: 1:
10:18.14nsadmin2so, you could get it from the normal repo
10:18.38plueschopathfrom wheezy you mean?
10:18.55plueschopathbecause i need 1.8.13 or higher
10:19.51nsadmin2isn't there a lot of asterisk packages, like the core and the modules?
10:20.14plueschopathuhm ... idk? :D
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10:20.57nsadmin2so you have two choices... you sure you gotta have that version?
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10:21.17plueschopathnsadmin2: yeah
10:21.36themillplueschopath: mentors.d.n is not designed to be used as a repository
10:22.27plueschopathI think I should try to use the source-package from wheezy
10:22.36plueschopaththemill: okay ...
10:22.48nsadmin2ok, got a spare machine? the easier approach is to install wheezy and then install the asterisk that's there, which shouold be the version you want
10:23.33nsadmin2themill, any idea how hard backporting would be?
10:24.04OutOfLineengla: you *where* right.  stupid me was forgetting that i was ssh'ing into my raspberry pi, who should do the logging without burning to much energy... so i was looking at the wrong /etc/default/keyboard file ;)  thanks a lot for your help
10:24.09plueschopathnsadmin2: there is a backport-script in the source-package @ wheezy
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10:24.25superlinux-hphi. my xsession-errors is flooded with this message whenever i run skype : "snd_pcm_avail_update() returned a value that is exceptionally large" . so what should I do?
10:24.27plueschopathbut I think something is wrong with it ^^
10:26.13plueschopathnsadmin2: if I get the source from the wheezy-repository, execute "./debian/backports/squeeze" and run debuild -d i've got at the end ... i think about give up this and switch to wheezy ^^
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10:30.00nsadmin2plueschopath, it's up to you; either is worth a try... if you would go to wheezy, I'd strongly recommend a separate machine
10:30.20nsadmin2main reason for my recommendation, you can keep your squeeze
10:30.39plueschopathyeah ... should be no problem :D
10:30.57plueschopathwhen will wheezy be stable?
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10:31.18nsadmin2I dunno, maybe 9-12 monthw
10:31.49plueschopathnsadmin2: anyways ... thank you for your help :)
10:32.07nsadmin2welcome. good luck playin around with that stuf
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10:34.04superlinux-hpplease guys my problem is serious
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10:34.50nkuttlersuperlinux-hp: well skype isn't in debian, so not supported here. try googling your error
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11:12.13nachosuh, this is strange, after a fresh install, my /usr partiton is empty ( in rescue shell, cant boot debian )
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11:14.54dutchfishnachos, is /usr a separate partition and mounted? or is it inside / ?
11:15.04k-manwhen i run alsamixer, i get ALSA lib pulse.c:243:(pulse_connect) PulseAudio: Unable to connect: Connection refused
11:15.14k-manbut i'm not using pulseaudio
11:15.27k-manhow do i tell alsamixer to just use the default audio device?
11:15.53krababbelwhat do you mean, not using? do you have pa installed?
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11:19.16k-mankrababbel, i do have it installed, but had issues some time ago with it (and mythtv) so now mythtv uses /dev/audio (iirc) directly
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11:21.59nachosif i have sda1 as efi, sda2 as boot and sda3 as lvm, what partition do i execute update grub on?
11:23.47nachosman, this thing wont even boot
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11:33.03dutchfishnachos, a paste of your setup would be helpfull. `fdisk -l` `vgdisplay`
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11:37.30dutchfishnachos, for a grub2 recovery, you might want to read
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11:39.10dutchfishnachos, you can use the debian installer cd and boot into rescure mode for that.
11:40.42dutchfishnachos, if this is a multiboot install, be carefull not to mix up partitions
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11:42.22dutchfishnachos, by default grub2 would be installed in /boot
11:42.42dutchfishnachos, boot partition
11:43.23nachosits funny, it boots to a black screen
11:43.25nachosthen says NO OS
11:44.10dutchfishnachos, either you have mountpoints in lvm that does not resolve, or some quircky setup. again paste what i have asked for further help.
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11:44.33nachosdutchfish: root in lvm?
11:44.47dutchfishnachos, you should know ;)
11:45.11nachossda1 = efi, sda2 = /boot, sda3 = lvm { /usr/, /var/, /tmp/, /opt/, / }
11:45.25nachosim writing zeros to my drives and trying again
11:45.55dutchfishnachos, then prolly lvm does not mount the PV's.
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11:46.23nachosthe bootloader doesnt even appear
11:46.40dutchfishnachos, then reinstall grub2 in /boot
11:47.00dutchfishnachos, and make sure that partition is marked bootable
11:48.23dutchfishnachos, you are running Debian squeeze (aka stable)?
11:49.46nachosyeah installed squeeze
11:49.52nachosso what's the exact procedure?
11:49.59nachosdo i pick to install grub from the menu
11:50.06nachosor skip that, drop to shell
11:50.09nachosapt get grub
11:50.09aptACTION fetches grub
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11:50.15dutchfishnachos, read th elink i gave, boot from the installer cd into rescure mode.
11:50.33nachosrun dpkg-reconfigure grub?
11:50.40nachosis that debian or ubuntu
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11:51.00dutchfishnachos, again read carefully the links i gave.
11:51.19dutchfishnachos, same drill, except use the debian installer cd for booting into rescue mode.
11:51.20nachosyup, but is dpkg-reconfigure a ubuntu specific command or is it in debian
11:51.47xandit is from debian.
11:51.49dutchfishnachos, both
11:52.10nachosalso, the grub in debian will install to the EFI directory right?
11:52.31dutchfishnachos, in /boot
11:53.17Calinougood luck, I heard UEFI
11:53.24nachoswhat about the BOOTX64.efi
11:53.27nachosthe efi image
11:54.31KsMwhat's the command that usually runs on install that asks you if you want the machine to be an http/ssh/ftp/etc server, desktop, laptop?
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11:55.09xandKsM: tasksel
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11:55.26dutchfishKsM, that is a routine inside a .udeb, if you want to install ssh for remote access, aptitude install openssh-server
11:55.57dutchfishKsM, if you mean ssh during install time
11:56.13KsMyeah, I was thinking tasksel
11:57.20nachosone final question for the night
11:57.31nachosdoes grub2 drop a EFI boot image into the EFI partition?
11:57.33nachosthe debian grub2
11:58.10dutchfishnachos, no, the machine boots like this: uedi -> marked boot partition -> grub2
11:59.08nachosyou sure, there is no BOOTX64.efi created?
11:59.20dutchfishnachos, the same as a third party boot manager would do
11:59.22nachosthat's a problem, im on a crackbook
11:59.33nachosMacBook =\
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11:59.55dutchfishnachos, no idee, about that, maybe others can help with that.
12:01.08dutchfishnachos, also read this
12:01.25nachosthe instructions are terrible
12:01.28nachosi tried reading that
12:01.37nachosi dont know what 'system' partition is
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12:02.59nachoshm im thinking ill go back to gentoo
12:03.39dutchfishnachos, within system partition means, the partition which is bootable for /boot or / (if /boot is within /), ie the bootable partition a primary one.
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12:04.36dpkg[debianlove] the more I gain knowledge about Linux, the more I like Debian.  Ask me about <why debian> too.  For more information, see
12:04.47nachos!why debian
12:04.48dpkgDebian strives to maintain your freedom whilst also paying close attention to the technical aspects of making a great OS.  Debian is stable, upgradable and well tested.  See also (archived at .  As an added bonus, you get to ask questions in #debian.
12:05.07nachosi still like debian
12:05.09nachosdon't get me wrong
12:05.14nachosbut i think it doesnt suit my mac
12:05.22nachosi think i need 3.x series kernels to make it work properly
12:05.56dutchfishnachos, well, alot of others have done is all i can say, since i do not own a macbook myself, i can not judge.
12:06.44nachosthanks dutchfish
12:06.45dutchfishnachos, if, only if you have the expertise to pull it off, wheezy ight be a candidate for that ....
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12:07.05nachosi used to run debian ages ago, it was rad
12:07.12nachosback in the 2.2.x kernel days
12:07.51dutchfishnachos, well then, things got a bit easier, but reading the manuals carefully is not a bad thing.
12:08.08*** join/#debian namoamitabuddha (~namoamita@unaffiliated/namoamitabuddha)
12:08.21namoamitabuddhaWhy is libc6 so old in Debian?
12:08.32namoamitabuddhaIn sid, it's 2.6.13, very obsolete.
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12:10.56namoamitabuddhaIs there any serious problem?
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12:17.22dutchfishnamoamitabuddha, it was released sept 2011, i don't think that newer versions are a good idee when we look at debian's release cycle. But please do report any problems you find.
12:18.07dutchfishnamoamitabuddha, also take a look at the BTS
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12:18.33namoamitabuddhadutchfish: I don't think it helps.
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12:18.46namoamitabuddhadutchfish: Wait a moment, and I'll show you a URI.
12:19.51themillnamoamitabuddha: libc6 in sid is 2.13 not 2.6
12:20.27namoamitabuddhathemill: 13 is too old.
12:20.35themillit's much better than 14...
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12:21.16dutchfishnamoamitabuddha, here is a link of th ebug fixes, note: some of them have be ported to 2.13.34..35 see the changelog on the BTS
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12:21.28namoamitabuddhadutchfish: For example
12:21.34namoamitabuddhadutchfish: this patch
12:21.50namoamitabuddhadutchfish: And the latest one
12:22.44*** join/#debian bst_ (
12:22.53themillnamoamitabuddha: these aren't important things to have in debian. The important thing is to have a stable libc6 on which a release can be built. There is no way that libc6 is going to change in debian in the next 6 or so months
12:23.19namoamitabuddhathemill: I know, because it's FROZEN.
12:23.50*** part/#debian Hanmac (
12:24.10themilland there's no problem with this... if you have specific patches from newer libc6 that you think are really really important to have in wheezy, then send them to the bts. Otherwise, go fix some release critical bugs
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12:43.37nachosi got the feeling this isnt true EFI
12:43.48nachosdebian installer wont auto create me a efi partition
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12:52.44PachecoJ1what is the *right* way to install a package newer than one in the repo?  In particular I want to install unison2.32 but squeeze has unison2.27 in the repo
12:52.56PachecoJ1I could just find a .deb and install it, but I'm not sure that's the ideal thing to do
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12:53.22zelrikwhy is the deb package installer asking for the root password
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12:53.56PachecoJ1zelrik: generally you need to have root privelages to install packages
12:53.58metaphysicianzelrik: probably to install package?
12:54.05zelrikwhy root
12:54.12themillPachecoJ1: take a look at the unison package in squeeze
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12:54.19zelrikwhy not sudo
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12:54.33themillzelrik: did you install and configure sudo and gksudo?
12:55.27PachecoJ1themill: as I stated in my question, the version in squeeze is 2.27
12:55.28zelrikI have sudo
12:55.31PachecoJ1I need to install 2.32
12:55.33zelriknot sure about gksudo
12:55.46themillPachecoJ1: it is not... that's why I said you should look at the unison package
12:55.54themill,v unison --release squeeze
12:55.55juddPackage: unison on i386 -- squeeze: 2.32.52-1
12:56.00themillPachecoJ1: ^^
12:56.10zelrikis there a package called gksudo
12:56.11PachecoJ1my mistake
12:56.16PachecoJ1sweet, that solves my problem
12:56.28PachecoJ1hypothetically, though, if I needed a diff. version, how would I do it?
12:56.39zelrik,v gksudo --release wheezy
12:56.40juddNo package named 'gksudo' was found in wheezy/i386.
12:56.46themillPachecoJ1: you'd try to make a backport if one doesn't already exist. /msg dpkg ssb
12:57.07themillzelrik: gksu
12:57.26zelrikok I already have that one
12:57.31zelrikare they misconfigured
12:58.01themillzelrik: you've not configured gksu to use gksudo yet, I guess
12:58.05themilldpkg: tell zelrik about gksu
12:59.35zelrikok configuring it works
13:01.17Skeeter-resize2fs: New size too large to be expressed in 32 bits """" 2.6.32-5-amd64 """""" resize2fs 1.41.14 (22-Dec-2010)
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13:05.21sneex64 bits is good for sumtin
13:05.41Skeeter-are you talking bo me?
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13:06.26jelly-homedoes that mean you'll have to recreate the filesystem?  Maybe, dunno\
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13:07.46Skeeter-jelly-home: i tried that
13:07.52Skeeter-do i need reboot?
13:08.13jelly-hometried what, exactly?
13:08.39Skeeter-add the line, then run resize2fs
13:08.41jelly-homeJust adding the config line? Using mke2fs -O 64bit ...?
13:08.46Skeeter-no no no
13:08.55Skeeter-resize, i dont want ot lose 16tb
13:09.13jelly-homewell, how is resize2fs going to change already present structures on the fs?
13:09.27Skeeter-i dont know
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13:09.40jelly-homeme neither.
13:09.41Skeeter-i remember it was not even suppose to support 16tb and i made it work
13:10.01sneexgood fix it more
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13:11.38Skeeter-sad the e3progs on squeeze is so old
13:12.23jelly-homesqueeze had been frozen at the time the changes you want happened
13:12.49Skeeter-I guess i need to upgrade to weezy
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13:13.01jelly-homee2fsprogs are not too hard to build and backport, even with their library splitup
13:13.03TomyLobodoes squeeze have syn cookies? (by default?)
13:13.10jelly-homeTomyLobo: yes. no.
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13:13.44jelly-homethat kernel feature is very, very old, maybe a decade, maybe more
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13:16.19Skeeter-so basicly, im fked?
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13:18.06jelly-homeSkeeter-: best ask on the ext3-users mailing list
13:18.26Skeeter-its ext4
13:18.28jelly-homemy gut feeling is you're going to need to recreate the filesystem
13:18.41jelly-homeSkeeter-: and yet the list is called ext3-users.
13:20.14nachosgrub is not making a EFI image
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13:21.34namoamitabuddhaWhat's critical difference in code between firefox and iceweasel?
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13:22.30sneexolder ff release
13:22.58sneexff at 14
13:23.21sneexiw says 3.6 so
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13:23.46namoamitabuddhaYou can fetch newer from backports
13:23.49sneexiw sooprt html5?
13:24.46namoamitabuddhain debian-backports, it's 10
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13:25.24namoamitabuddhain, it's 14
13:25.47namoamitabuddha15 beta 3 is available
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13:25.53yeatsnamoamitabuddha: what's your actual question?
13:26.18namoamitabuddhayeats: I know that the iceweasel use a different logo.
13:26.48namoamitabuddhayeats: I heard that Iceweasel differed the code from Firefox, but I don't know where.
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13:29.12yeatsnamoamitabuddha: see here: - the files with "orig" in the file name are original, the file(s) with "debian" in the file name should show the changes
13:30.19jelly-homenamoamitabuddha: there are no "critical" differences really
13:30.50nachoswoot i can get it to boot
13:31.00nanderssonHi, I am developing a software and I would like the user to set some variables during install time that I put in my .conf-file. (I.e during the dpkg -i phase) Where can I find more information on doing that? Later I am going to automate this in preseed, but I guess I have to start somewhere. What can I google for?
13:31.08namoamitabuddhajelly-home: wait a moment. somebody said that they used different libs, therefore I'll verify.
13:31.09nachosproblem, i have a error saying 'unable to mount root fs on unknown block(0,0)"
13:31.16nachoskernel panics
13:31.50namoamitabuddhanachos: wrong root fs configuration.
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13:32.10namoamitabuddhanachos: Are you compling the custom kernel?
13:32.21yeatsnandersson: search for "debconf" (if I'm understanding your question correctly)
13:32.25themillnandersson: debian packages use debconf for this interaction (and preseeding is just feeding answers to debconf beforehand). debconf(7) and debconf-devel(7) cover this
13:32.35nachosno no custom kernel
13:33.20namoamitabuddhaPlease show your /boot/grub/grub.cfg and /etc/fstab
13:33.33nanderssonyeats, themill Thanks a lot! You got it right. I'll start with debconf and then feed with preseed. Thanks again!
13:34.41namoamitabuddhayeats: seems a lot of files in debian/patches/
13:34.55jelly-homenamoamitabuddha: it's the same software, just split up a bit
13:35.22yeatsnamoamitabuddha: I have no idea what differences there are - if there's an issue you're having related to the differences in code, someone might be able to help
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13:35.45jelly-homenamoamitabuddha: that way eg. the same "xulrunner" packages can be used for multiple apps, like iceweasel and icedove and icewhatever
13:36.00namoamitabuddhajelly-home: what about gecko?
13:36.08nachosi have my root on a LVM
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13:36.47namoamitabuddhanachos: Sorry, I have no idea on LVM. Ask for others.
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13:38.39nachoscould i be using the wrong initramfs
13:39.15namoamitabuddhaIt could lead to a kernel panic, but I do not know whether yours is wrong.
13:39.26namoamitabuddhajelly-home: But different libjpeg
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13:39.31namoamitabuddhajelly-home: Now I got it.
13:39.50jelly-homenamoamitabuddha: yeah, debian tries hard to ship a single version of each lbirary
13:40.20namoamitabuddhajelly-home: But somebody told me that libjpeg or libpng in Debian is ubly.
13:40.23nachoswhat's the name of the kernel package
13:40.31namoamitabuddhanachos: linux-image-*
13:40.33nachosim going to try generate another initramfs
13:40.38jelly-homenamoamitabuddha: define ugly?
13:41.07namoamitabuddhajelly-home: the code
13:41.21namoamitabuddhajelly-home: I don't know the real disadvantage because I'm not developer.
13:41.25jelly-homenamoamitabuddha: apparently xulrunner embeds gecko?
13:41.49namoamitabuddhajelly-home: Not gecko
13:41.52namoamitabuddhajelly-home: libjpeg
13:42.35namoamitabuddhajelly-home: I heard that it is with low performance.
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13:42.49jelly-homethat certainly might be possible
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13:43.10jelly-homenamoamitabuddha: best you benchmark it, then
13:43.14nachoshow can i make sure my initramfs has LVM
13:44.10bill_how to link needed -- ati graphics on whezzy
13:44.21namoamitabuddhajelly-home: You mentioned xulrunner.
13:44.27namoamitabuddhajelly-home: Yeah, it's one more difference.
13:44.29jelly-homenachos: which debian release?
13:44.36namoamitabuddhajelly-home: Firefox embeds xulrunner
13:44.53namoamitabuddhajelly-home: but debian obtains it in the system
13:45.03namoamitabuddhajelly-home: s/obtain/provides
13:45.06namoamitabuddhajelly-home: s/obtain/provide
13:45.10jelly-homenamoamitabuddha: it's just split out.  The package versions match exactly.
13:45.44namoamitabuddhajelly-home: Well, I'll check not only the version but also the patches
13:45.55jelly-homeii  iceweasel                              14.0.1-2                               Web browser based on Firefox
13:45.57jelly-homeii  xulrunner-14.0                         14.0.1-2                               XUL + XPCOM application runner
13:46.06jelly-homenamoamitabuddha: I bet they're built from the same source.
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13:46.41nachosall i want is for initramfs to have lvm so this thing will boot
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13:46.59namoamitabuddhajelly-home: You can download the debian.tar.gz to check. I have downloaded and now intend to check.
13:47.10jelly-homenamoamitabuddha: I don't care really.
13:47.48namoamitabuddhajelly-home: Now I find that debian has done a lot of hacks in that package.
13:48.01jelly-homenachos: an easy workaround can be to use this syntax for root device:  root=/dev/mapper/vgname-lvname
13:48.47nachosbut i dont know if LVM is loaded in initramfs
13:48.49jelly-homenachos: the lvm code in initramfs forces bringing up volume groups if it detects root=/dev/mapper/*-*
13:48.58nachoswell, this is strange
13:49.10jelly-homenachos: it ought to be, if you updated your initramfs after installing lvm2 package
13:49.11nachosbut my volume groups ended up with the name giggles--deb-PARTITION
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13:49.24jelly-homenachos: that's all right
13:50.37nachosnup, kernel panic
13:51.08namoamitabuddhanachos: LVM is better?
13:51.12jelly-homenamoamitabuddha: debian often does some really ugly stuff when upstream source has lots of embedded copies of libraries
13:51.27nachosall these scripts are confusing
13:51.35jelly-homedpkg, tell nachos about debug initramfs
13:51.53namoamitabuddhaWhole, the AI of dpkg seems good.
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13:52.04nachosi have no idea, it says 'kernel panic - not synching VFS unable to mount root fs on unknown block(0,0)
13:52.30nachosi cant debug initramfs because the console terminal is ass
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13:52.42namoamitabuddhajelly-home: maybe
13:52.56nachosits as if this kernel doesnt find my partitions
13:53.17nachosthis is whack
13:54.40nachosi got no idea
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13:55.01nachosit doesnt find any partitions
13:55.10nachos'list of known partitions: ... ' ( nothing there )
13:55.32y_nkhello, i'm in trouble with some kind of networking and i think it may be related to the debian my device is running
13:55.49jelly-homenachos: did you read what dpkg told you about debugging initramfs issues?
13:55.53y_nkdoes anyone have skills in network to figure this out ?
13:56.03jelly-homenachos: get a better console
13:56.10namoamitabuddhanachos: By the way, is there any benefits to use lvm?
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13:56.31jelly-homenamoamitabuddha: yes.
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13:57.07namoamitabuddhajelly-home: I do not know.
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13:57.30_DomY-DomHi, I have a Debian server that I run with a friend. A series of users without homes have been created lately. I would like to see the list of users; what is the command ?
13:58.14nachosnamoamitabuddha: seperate partitions, and i can choose later on to add space remove space
13:58.33themill_DomY-Dom: getent passwd
13:59.36_DomY-Domthemill: thanks :)
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14:02.41LordShivaHi I see you are speaking of firefox and iceweasel ... I have a problem with iceweasel 15 and firefox 15 beta
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14:02.55LordShivaProblem is that it doesnt recognise session manager plugin
14:03.39LordShivaand doesnt recognize its own internal recover session when I turn off the session manager plugin
14:04.03nachossorry guys i think ill go gentoo for the time being
14:04.05nachosthanks for the help
14:04.09LordShivaEvery ff version higher than 14 I mean 15 and higher fails on my machine
14:04.12nachosill setup another debian box sometime :)
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14:04.22LordShivaI run amd 64 versions
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14:04.33_DomY-Domthemill: what about to list groups ?
14:05.41themill_DomY-Dom: I'll let you take a wild guess first ;)
14:06.35_DomY-Domthemill: getent group... right ok. So getent is the thing to list stuff.
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14:07.22themill_DomY-Dom: "getent" command line is a wrapper over the C functions of the same name that are the canonical ways of getting information about users, groups, hostnames (IP addresses) etc
14:07.39_DomY-Domthemill: Great, thanks a lot for that. Cheers.
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14:20.17krababbelWhen copying to an external usb card reader, and I unmount, does it continue to write until it is finished and then unmount?
14:20.46krababbelor do I need to sync?
14:21.25krababbellooks like it does, took a long time :)
14:23.04format_cmounting with the sync option directly copies
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14:33.14Skeeter-fml, i cant backup 16tb
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14:35.24jordanmyou only need 11 LTO5 tapes
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14:38.32krababbelformat_c: that's good too, thanks
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14:44.11krababbelHow come it didn't copy what I wanted (without sync option)? I unmounted, waited for it to finish, and on remount the files seem to have ended up in LOST.DIR
14:45.48carandraughi! I was trying to create a debian startup disk but used my external HD instead. Only the first 208 MB of the HD were removed, the rest shows up as free space. But the data is still there, rhythmbox could still play the songs I had there. How can I recover from this? I have pretty much all of my PhD there
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14:46.44nvzcarandraug: gpart might do the trick
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14:47.17carandraugnvz, I have used it before. WHat should I do with it?
14:47.37nvzcarandraug: you realize gpart != gparted right?
14:47.39carandraugnvz, oh! gpart? I thought you were saying gparted
14:47.54carandraugnvz, I see now that I was searching on the repositories
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14:48.07carandraugnvz, will read the docs. Thanks
14:48.11nvzcarandraug: gpart will scan the disk looking for what seem to be partition boundaries then it will if told to do so, write the partition table it guessed
14:48.25nvzcarandraug: gpart -W /dev/sda1 /dev/sda1 for example
14:48.55carandraugnvz, ok. It a simple 320GB hard drive formatted with ext4 from one side to the other
14:49.42nvzcarandraug: well obviously if you dont see your data anymore the partition table is not agreeing with you
14:50.17nvzcarandraug: it'll ask you to confirm before it writes, and show you what it found
14:50.59ksuhkucould be worth making a bit by bit image before editing
14:51.25nvzgpart will only touch the partition table
14:52.03ksuhkuso worst case is back to square 1
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14:53.31nvzI'm more worried about the fact that he likely wrote a filesystem over his filesystem
14:53.52nvzbut if gpart makes the whole partition visible again, an fsck might mostly fix that
14:54.06carandraugnvz, ksuhku thanks guys. I'm reading the man page very carefully to make sure I don't mess up at all using it
14:54.42carandraugmy last 3.5 years are there :(
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14:55.17carandraugnvz, yes, I did. But seems it only took the first 260MB of the hard drive. The rest shows up as free space
14:55.24nvzcarandraug: it never hurts to read the manpage, but gpart is a fairly unobtrusive utility, only with the -W param does it write anything, and only after its guessed a partition table and shows you what it's found. I've had good luck with it many times in the past with similar goof ups
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14:56.13nvzcarandraug: well I'm thinking gpart would be able to see that there is what looks to be a partition with data on it under that, and could restore the old partition table allowing you to attempt fsck or recovery on the old fs
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14:57.00valerie_I just installed Linux and wanted to play some DVDs on VLC or movie player, but get a message 'Could not read DVD. This may be because the DVD is encrypted and a DVD decryption library is not installed.'  I tried to install livdvdcss or css2 through text interface, but got 0 packages available.
14:57.06nvzcarandraug: wouldn't hurt to know what method you used to do this injustice to your drive though
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14:57.36carandraugnvz, dd :(
14:57.45nvzvalerie_: you will need to enable non-free in your source
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14:57.58carandraugI was distracted, wanted to dd to dev/sdd but entered /dev/sdc instead
14:58.00nvzcarandraug: ah well then you certainly didn't make a new partition table meaning gpart will only see the old one
14:58.16nvzcarandraug: thats actually likely to help you in this case that you didnt partition
14:58.19valerie_nvz, I did enable contrib and non-free
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14:58.33nvzvalerie_: did you apt-get update afterwards?
14:59.01valerie_nvz, yes
15:00.05nvzvalerie_: libdvdread4 is in squeeze, for libdvdcss2 you'd need a d-m source.. but libdvdread4 should do the trick
15:00.26nvzvalerie_: if not, /msg dpkg d-m
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15:04.24wkhan113Hi. How do I unload kernel modules which are not being used?
15:05.10valerie_nvz, I don't quite understand the command /msg dpkg d-m , do I just type it in terminal?
15:05.19nkuttlerwkhan113: man modprobe
15:05.28nvzvalerie_: its an irc command to message the info bot dpkg in this channel
15:05.40nvzvalerie_: libdvdread4 should do what you need though
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15:05.57drigollierhi all
15:06.16nvzvalerie_: its recommended that you try that as its an official package, use the libdvdcss2 as a last resort from debian-multimedia
15:06.18wkhan113But how do I know which modules are being used?
15:06.20valerie_nvz, I do have livdvdread4 installed
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15:06.47nkuttlerwkhan113: lsmod.. why do you even worry about this?
15:07.04nvzvalerie_: is your vlc the official squeeze package?
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15:07.56valerie_nvz, I installed wheezy, and then VLC through Synaptic package manager
15:08.01nkuttleris dvdcss even in debian? i thought dmm?
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15:08.11nvzyes its on dmm
15:08.19wkhan113My Ethernet card is not working. The correct module is atl1c but there are several modules loaded with similar names. Like atll1e. Surely two modules with the same purpose cannot run together
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15:08.41nvzI never owned or used a DVD so I'm no expert on the matter of playing dvds
15:09.19nkuttleri bought one encrypted dvd and it forced me to watch subtitles while watching the original language... was my last
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15:10.02nkuttlerwkhan113: you want to look at /var/log/messages
15:10.12nvzwkhan113: sometimes that does in fact happen, and one is typically to be blacklisted, but there is also the case where more than one module is needed.. there are things like generic media interface drivers, and such mii, mac80211..etc which are used in addition to the main hardware driver
15:10.39nkuttlerwkhan113: btw, which kernel? atl1c only works nicely on recent ones
15:11.25wkhan113Its the 2.6 kernel. How do I know which modules are actually in use and which ones are just loaded.
15:11.43nkuttlerwkhan113: what kind of computer are you using?
15:11.53nkuttlerwkhan113: the log file
15:13.03carandraugnvz, how long does it gpart usually takes? It hasn't moved from "Begin scan..."
15:13.29wkhan113It's a gigabyte motherboard with atheros 1083 Ethernet card. The messages file makes no sence to me. Shall I paste it in pastebin
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15:13.46nkuttlerwkhan113: yes
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15:13.57wkhan1132 minutes
15:14.29nvzcarandraug: depends on how big the drive is.. its literally going to scan the entire thing looking for partition boundaries.. and since you used dd the beginning of the partition is likely hosed.. so I'm hoping it'll be smart enough to see there is an end of a partition and assume it begins at the beginning of the disk
15:14.47nkuttlerwkhan113: also /msg dpkg atheros, afaik you'll need additional firmware
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15:15.26carandraugnvz, it's a 320GB HD and I'm running on an old netbook, not the fastest thing on earth at all
15:15.51carandraugnvz, better go for a run, staying here looking at the terminal waiting will just freak me out
15:16.01carandraugnvz, thank you very much for you help
15:16.06nvzcarandraug: I'm just thinking that since ext filesystems store inodes across the filesystem that if your partition table is corrected that fsck might be able to fix this and at least get the data back that was not overwritten
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15:17.05nvzcarandraug: I'd say you need to learn to do backups or have your dd privlages revoked.. heh
15:17.24carandraugnvz, I don't understand what you mean by using fsck
15:17.45nvzcarandraug: after the parition table is corrected you'd want to run fsck on the filesystem
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15:17.56nvzcarandraug: as you've done considerable damage to it
15:18.08carandraugnvz, I know how to use it. I was just in a hurry to go for lunch, and forgot to double check it. Done it many times before, guess I just got too confident
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15:18.29mrksprvnHi, I'm installing Debian from a USB drivem but it asks me for a CD driver during install. What do?
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15:18.54nvzcarandraug: hey, you don't have to splain it to me, I'm not the one who dd'd over the first 200mb of my disk :-P
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15:20.10carandraugnvz, yeah. I finally got a desktop, with 2 HD. Was creating the usb to install Debian on it, and the second HD was going for the backup. How ironic
15:20.28nvzidk why he told you /var/log/messages when /var/log/dmesg is easier to read on these pastebins cause it doesnt contain real-world-timestamps
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15:22.21nvzaside from that i'm seeing nothing about network drivers in this log
15:22.43nvzclosest thing I can see is TCP subsystem and cfg80211 initializing
15:23.07wkhan113When I do ifconfig. Eth0 does not even appear.
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15:23.28nvzwkhan113: what gave you the idea modules were loaded at all?
15:23.31wkhan113There must be a way to see which modules are just loaded and not being used
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15:24.02nvzwkhan113: as far as the kernel is concerned use means another driver is using it.. doesnt mean it is or is not using hardware
15:24.16nvzwkhan113: i.e. my network driver is not in use, yet my ethernet works
15:24.27nvzif a driver doesnt claim hardware it doesnt load
15:25.01wkhan113So how to I make the module use my Ethernet card?
15:25.19nvzyou can't it either has an alias for that hardwares ids or it doesnt
15:25.21pparadiswkhan113: please pastebin the output of "lspci -nn"
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15:25.53pparadiswkhan113: if a piece of hardware works, some driver is in use for it.
15:26.33pparadiswkhan113: also, what problem are you trying to solve here?
15:26.37nvzthis is what I meant to say (don't think I did) earlier.. why come in assuming you know the answer for your question than just tell us what the hardware is so we can tell you how to do it
15:26.48pparadisnvz: indeed
15:27.41nvzthe whole "in use" thing is just improper use of terminology
15:27.56wkhan1131 minute
15:27.58nvzin use means the module is in use by another module, what you're asking is about the driver CLAIMING the hardware
15:28.08nvzall of which is rather irrelevant to the issue at hand
15:29.25pparadislooking through scrollback, it appears that wkhan113 (1) has an operational network connection, but (2) doesn't see eth0 in ifconfig output. is that an accurate statement?
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15:29.50cardamonwkhan113: Do the lspci -nn thing pparadis told you.  In fact, lspci -nn | grep [Nn]etwork and paste the line.  Specifically we're looking for the stuff in the brackets.
15:29.58nvzpparadis: also mentioned he sees two different atheros ethernet modules in lsmod
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15:30.18nvzpparadis: though I missed where he may have indicated its actually working
15:30.31cardamonHe probably did that himself, and some modules have child modules.
15:30.43cardamoner...that's a horrible way to put that...
15:30.49pparadisnvz: although he really still hasn't told us what problem he's trying solve (at least i can't discern it), the "issue" may be that he needs to blacklist one or more modules, as there are sometimes conflicts.
15:30.50wkhan113ill paste the output of lspci -nn. I don't have internet connection on that so I have to use USB
15:30.51nvzcarandraug: grep -i btw
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15:31.01nvzcardamon: grep -i rather ;)
15:31.04nkuttlerwkhan113: you said the atl1c module is loaded? as in appears in lsmod?
15:31.10nkuttlerdoesn't see it in the log
15:31.12cardamonnvz: egrep even.
15:31.27nvzcardamon: no need to specify case when it could be any manner of capitalized and -i will ignore case
15:31.32pparadisthis is what confused me earlier: 11:24 < nvz> wkhan113: i.e. my network driver is not in use, yet my ethernet works
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15:32.08nvzpparadis: yes my ethernet driver is not in use by any other modules.. in use doesn't mean what people are using it as
15:32.16nvzclaimed and in use are two totally different things
15:32.21pparadisnvz: nod, i get the mixup now :)
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15:32.30cardamonwkhan113: If you'd go ahead and do it the way I told you to, you won't have to muck with a USB.  You can just type it.  It's one line and at most 11 characters of that line that we care about.
15:32.33nvzin use is a kernel term..can't just freely use it to mean other things
15:32.42cardamonAnd yes, grep -i.
15:33.08pparadiscardamon: well, it may be more than one line, depending on what hardware he actually has, but sure it's likely to be one line ;)
15:33.13pparadisat the most a couple.
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15:34.00cardamonHe'd have to have more than one nic.  Some might have two, in the case of wireless PCI card and a onboard ethernet nic.  I'm actually one of those people.
15:34.31pparadiswkhan113: in the future, please use (no ads, etc)
15:35.19wkhan113I have one Ethernet card. It does not work. That's the issue. I think modules are conflicting
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15:35.32cardamon,,pciid [1969:1083]
15:35.45cardamon...I never remember the syntax on that.
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15:36.01nvz,pciid 1969:1083
15:36.02cardamonAnd I have to run to the post office.  Someone else mind?
15:36.02judd[1969:1083] is 'AR8151 v2.0 Gigabit Ethernet' from 'Atheros Communications Inc.' with no known kernel module in squeeze but has kernel module 'atl1c' in sid. See also
15:36.11cardamonThankyou, nvx.
15:36.14cardamoner nvz.
15:36.19wkhan113Lspci also does not show module in use for the Ethernet card
15:36.20nkuttleroh right, not in stable..
15:36.22nvzwkhan113: you'll need a backported kernel
15:36.47nvz!bpo kernel
15:36.48dpkgNewer kernels for Debian stable releases are distributed via  Ask me about <bdo> to add backports to your sources.list correctly, then run "aptitude update".  To list available backported kernel image packages: aptitude search '?narrow(~nlinux-image,?origin(Debian Backports))'.  To install a package (e.g.): aptitude -t squeeze-backports install linux-image-`uname -r|sed 's,[^-]*-[^-]*-,,'`
15:37.04pparadisyeah buddy, get some backportage goin' on
15:37.24wkhan113Damn I was hoping its not installing a new kernel.
15:37.36pparadisit's really not a big deal.
15:38.03nkuttlergo for >= 3.1
15:38.08wkhan113I obviously cannot use apt so I have to manually download the packages and install using dpkg -I?
15:38.22pparadiswkhan113: does that thing have a USB port on it?
15:38.24nvzwkhan113: lowercase -i
15:38.36wkhan113Yes it does
15:38.48xshadhello everyone; is it possible to disable network hardware detection right at the installer? I'm trying to install wheezy but it gets frozen detecting my network cards
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15:38.54wkhan113Which packages will I need?
15:38.57nvzwkhan113: uppercase -I just shows package info, -i installs
15:38.57pparadishaha, of course it does, you talked about a thumbdrive earlier and that's where the lspci paste came from.
15:39.02cardamonFor the record, a lot of recent network devices have issues with squeeze's kernel.  Of that "Using Wheezy's or Sid's just makes all your problem go away" variety.  In particular, I have a wifi nic in a netbook 2 years older than Squeeze that while it worked would not respond to WEAP networks.
15:39.09graham1 im trying to follow this guide. but "sudo sh autodl-setup" isn't working?
15:39.16nvzwkhan113: technically you may need more than one package
15:39.17brontosaurusrexwhen compiling and the app is expecting older libs of things, what is the way to solve that?
15:39.19nkuttlerxshad: i think you can skip it in expert mode
15:39.22graham1it says it should work with all ubuntu and ubuntu clones (debian?)
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15:39.41nvzwkhan113: what does uname -r say?
15:39.43brontosaurusrexgraham1, debian is not ubuntu clone
15:39.48xshadnkuttler, ty :) gotta give it a try
15:39.52webad_13ok, once again I cannot remembeer what sort of configurations I make -- looking at, my ssh_config should allow password auth. But it doesn't, where else can I set this ssh -v shows pubkey as the only method allowed
15:39.56nkuttlerwkhan113: if you have access to another debian box apt-offline could help
15:40.00pparadiswkhan113: you have a couple of choices. you can either download the packages you need on another system, or you could use a cheap USB NIC that is supported to get the machine online and then revert to the atheros device.
15:40.04cardamonAnd my own wireless nic requires use of the old staging driver for my wireless pci device.
15:40.06Nach0zLOL graham1 .... ubuntu is a DEBIAN derivative, not the other way around
15:40.15wkhan113Uname -r says 2.6.32-5-686
15:40.19cardamonNach0z: It's not that funny.
15:40.27Nach0zit's fairly funny to me
15:40.35cardamonwkhan113: Quit capitalizing things.  You'll get yourself in trouble.
15:40.41pparadisnkuttler: indeed, i think the easiest route would be to use another debian box and apt-offline
15:41.03pparadiswkhan113: you can just install debian in a VM on another computer and get the packages that way.
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15:41.10cardamonWe're very sensentive about our case around here.
15:41.13wkhan113My phone does it automatically. I don't mean to do it. I know its uname
15:41.21nvzwkhan113: linux-image-3.2.0-0.bpo.2-686-pae
15:41.34pparadis!tell graham1 about based on debian
15:41.43cardamonWoo! pae!
15:41.51nvzanyone know for certain if installing a bpo kernel will need additional packages in squeeze?
15:42.01nvzI'm thinking it'll need a new init tools as well
15:42.18pparadisnvz: i can find out.
15:42.25wkhan113I think ill need Linux base as well?
15:42.51nvzpparadis: just ref'd p.d.o it will in fact need backport of that as well
15:43.01pparadiswkhan113: you know, i could just grab the necessary debs for you.
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15:43.11themillnvz: it needs a linux-base and initramfs stuff yes
15:43.18wkhan113Ppardis. That would be a great help
15:43.27nvzwkhan113: you'll need the initramfs-tools_0.99~bpo60+1_all.deb as well
15:43.28pparadiswhy the caps again?
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15:43.42nkuttlerwkhan113: if this is a new system it might be faster to just reinstall with a kmuto image or something
15:43.45nkuttlerpparadis: it's his phone
15:43.48wkhan113Auto correct. I'm on my phone man
15:43.57nvzwkhan113: and linux-base_3.4~bpo60+1_all.deb
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15:44.38nvzwkhan113: and that should do the trick.. would need to install the other two packages before the kernel in any order
15:44.41pparadiswkhan113: do you have an iphone?
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15:44.57wkhan113It's HTC android.
15:45.09pparadisnever mind then, i have no idea how to turn off auto-caps.
15:45.23wkhan113Same I tried to turn it off. Sorry
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15:45.34wkhan113Nvs thanks
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15:46.13pparadiswkhan113: well, i just realized the debian VMs i have here are all 64-bit
15:46.35nvzwould be cool if someone setup a server that does something similar to apt-get from the web and makes you a zipfile.. I know they have utilities for that if you have another debian system to do it from.. but thats rarely the case in here
15:46.57pparadisnvz: that's exactly what i was just thinking.
15:47.10pparadisnvz: i may in fact do that next week. it would be a neat little service.
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15:48.38pparadisnvz: i'll just use the "download only" flag and distribute the requests to a handful of VMs, where each VM's requests get serialized and returned back to the front end.
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15:49.08pparadisand of course it'll use caching.
15:49.28nkkarthiki am on squeeze and want to install smlnj which is only on wheezy, how do I do that?
15:49.41nvzpparadis: yeah def would want to use a caching proxy like apt-cacher
15:49.47cardamonnkkarthik: check if there's a backport.
15:49.49wkhan113Good idea. I've downloaded the packages. Which shall I install.first
15:49.54pparadisnkuttler: check backports for it, and possibly backport it yourself if it doesn't already exist in backports.
15:50.11nkkarthikcardamon: no... smlnj is not in backports
15:50.14pparadisnkkarthik: see above ^^^
15:50.22pparadisnkkarthik: you can backport it yourself.
15:50.51pparadisnkkarthik: or you can compile it from source, but i'd recommend creating a backported deb instead.
15:50.53nkkarthikpparadis: ok... some pointer on how to backport it?
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15:51.36wkhan113Pparadis: which package shall I install first
15:51.39nkkarthikpparadis: so I can't use wheezy deb?... I either have to backport or install from source, right?
15:51.43pparadisnkkarthik: specifically, you may want this from that last link -->
15:51.53cardamonYup.  They're just the same package compiled from source using older libs and crammed in a deb for the pupose of being used on Squeeze.
15:52.04pparadiswkhan113: once you have the packages you need, you install them at the same time.
15:52.30cardamonnkkarthik: Because the Wheezy deb will be looking for wheezy libs and other dependencies...which your squeeze box won't have.
15:52.33pparadisnkkarthik: correct.
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15:53.24cardamonMama's got a squeeze box she wears on her chest and when daddy comes home he never gets no rest.
15:54.02nvzwkhan113: as I said earlier you can install the initramfs-tools and linux-base in any order as long as its before linux-image..
15:54.05pparadiscardamon: it's true, daddy never sleeps at night.
15:54.15sneyin and out and in and out all night long... somehow I never bought that song being about an accordion. /offtopc
15:54.24nkkarthikok, I will check the simple backport creation... thank you cardamon, pparadis
15:54.40pparadisnvz: hence the "put the debs you need in a directory and do "dpkg -i *deb" :)
15:54.51pparadisand if it blows up, it will tell ya what ya need.
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15:59.30protistanyone know why chromium browser might not run facebook on my computer?
16:00.08jelly-homehow does it fail
16:00.40wkhan113Ok. I have installed the 3 packages. What's next?
16:01.42wkhan113How do I remove the old kernel?
16:02.05protistjelly-home: it shows the blue bar part of facebook after i sign in but nothing functions and no newsfeed or sidebars are displayed
16:02.12SiDzaptitude purge ?obsolete
16:02.21SiDzif the kernel is not needed anymore it will remove it
16:03.07jelly-homeprotist: huh, which extensions do you have installed?  (Tools -> Extensions)
16:03.09SiDzselinux maintainer need to tweak it
16:03.15SiDzlots of thing to fix
16:03.23nvzpparadis: well if you have it ignore depends it'll resolve itself leaving linux-image unconfigured then configure it when the others are installed
16:03.57protistjelly-home: apparently i have none
16:04.10nvzpparadis: but doing dpkg -i *.deb on those won't work it'll fail because it'll install linux-image before initramfs-tools
16:04.48jelly-homeprotist: good.  Version of chromium-browser / chromium package?
16:04.49wkhan113It said install initram first. Thanks nvs
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16:05.22nvzem no wait, that would probably work
16:05.25protistjelly-home: not sure...just apt-get installed it so latest i assume
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16:05.42nvzcause linux-base is before linux-image alphabetically too
16:06.41wkhan113Nvs. Shall I remove the old kernel
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16:07.19jelly-homedpkg, tell protist about version
16:07.21nvzwkhan113: highly advise against that especially before you boot the new one and assure it works
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16:07.47graham1can somebody help me with setting up rtorrent please. i followed the guide at :  ... i can connect to the rutorrent webUI fine. but it says Torrent list not yet available, connection to rTorrent not established
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16:08.12graham1in the webUI logger it says: No connection to rTorrent. Check if it is really running. Check $scgi_port and $scgi_host settings in config.php and scgi_port in rTorrent configuration file.
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16:08.32graham1i have no idea where config.php or scgi_port in rtorrent config file is, or even how to get to it
16:08.35wkhan113nvs: I have booted into the new kernel. The Ethernet card is working. Is there a way to configure the grub menu as it has too many enteries.
16:08.51wonderworldcheck if rtorrent is running first
16:09.28graham1how do i do that?
16:09.45nvzwkhan113: best option is to remove old kernels as the new grub is all automagic.. or install grub-legacy which will let you manually do it. grub2 is a roya pita in that regard, you can add to it, but not subtract from it very easily
16:09.51wonderworldps aux | grep rtorrent
16:10.00wonderworldif it shows up, it's running
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16:10.11graham1yes, it shows up
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16:10.26wonderworldtype rtorrent on the console. see if you can reach the console interface
16:10.36graham1im there
16:10.52wonderworldok, so the problem must be in the configuration of the web-ui
16:11.00graham1(18:10:32) Could not read resource file: ~/.rtorrent.rc .. says that though. not sure what that means :/
16:11.05wonderworldsearch the config file and see, what you can configure there
16:11.16SiDzit mean that u need a ~/.rtorrent.rc
16:11.22wkhan113nvs: how do I remove the old kernel. Aptitude purge obsolete does not work. It tries to remove the new kernel
16:11.26SiDzread rtorrent faq
16:11.45graham1where can i fidn the config file? ive never used debian command line before..
16:12.03SiDzgoogle rtorrent.rc
16:12.14nvzwkhan113: just set it to remove
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16:12.18wonderworldgraham1 --> updatedb; locate config.php
16:12.39nvzwkhan113: also stop fat fingering nvs who is idle.. heh
16:12.47SiDzconfig of rutorrent of config of rtorrent
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16:13.07wkhan113nvz. Sorry
16:13.13graham1i dunno. whatever i need. i dont care if i dont ned rtorrent.rc. if i need to fix that i will
16:13.18graham1i just wanna be able to use this in a simple way
16:13.24SiDzyou sure need rtorrent.rc
16:13.32SiDzrtorrent need it to run/start
16:13.49nvzwkhan113: happens all the time, I'm just glad it happens to nvs and not me.. hah..
16:14.05SiDzgoogle for rtorrent.rc graham1, made your own
16:14.20wkhan113nvz: same thing. It says remove following packages: linux image 3...
16:14.23SiDznext step will be rutorrent/apache2 conf
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16:14.43nvzwkhan113: because you already told it to do something that has that package marked for removal
16:15.00wonderworldis the rtorrent web-ui any good? i never saw it but am using rtorrent for 5 years now ;)#
16:15.08nvzwkhan113: this is why I hate aptitude, it tries to do shit automatically. I can't stand automagic stuff
16:15.25SiDznot bad wonderworld
16:15.34SiDzdeluge-web is better
16:15.36youlysseswonderworld: Why use a web-ui when you could always ssh into that box? :-P
16:15.38SiDzmore option
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16:16.00nvzwkhan113: at this point you'll need to quit using aptitude and/or start it interactively and set the new image to install
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16:16.19wonderworldnew torrents are copied to my server with rtorrent by a little script. i can klick the torrent in browser and it's added to rtorrent
16:16.30graham1i cant really judge the UI so far coz there is no option to download torrents etc
16:16.39SiDzive switched from deluge to rtorrent/ruttorent, and i can tell that deluge-web have some interesting options that rutorrent dont have
16:16.41wonderworldi ownly need the console interface to check downloads
16:16.49SiDzlike setting max upload/download speed by torrent
16:16.52nvzwkhan113: and if need be ask the channel, not me. .cause I'm just gonna ignore you and tell you not to use aptitude cause I hate it
16:16.56SiDzrutorrent can't do that
16:17.09wkhan113nvz. Haha. Same with grub there was a manual config file before. What does non-free mean? Do I have to pay for those software.
16:17.48nvzwkhan113: contrib means the package requires non-free components but itself is free, non-free means not compliant with the dfsg (debian free software guidelines)
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16:18.11ksuhkufree as in freedom, not price
16:18.18wonderworldare you guys using UPnP for media playback as well? i used to use mediatomb but it sucked. now switched to minidlna.
16:18.22graham1looks like i need to get into ~/.rtorrent.rc
16:18.36nvzwkhan113: debian doesn't have software that costs money, just means it doesnt comply with the DFSG which requires total freedom, source code, rights to modify..etc
16:18.38SiDzyou also need to set it graham1
16:18.39graham1what does ~/ mean? root directory of the drive?
16:18.42wonderworldgraham1: yes and you should look into the file and configure it
16:18.45SiDz~ = home
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16:18.57SiDzcd ~ ; bring you to your $home directory
16:19.11graham1how do i download that file to that location?
16:19.13wkhan113nvs: kewl. Thanks
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16:19.36SiDzcd ~ ; wget
16:19.37wonderworldgraham1 -->   cd; wget URL
16:19.39nvzwkhan113: you need a better irc client, try irssi and tmux or screen
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16:19.51SiDzmv rtorrent.rc .rtorrent.rc
16:20.02nvzwkhan113: in irssi it doesnt just foolishly tab complete alphabetically.. it'll tab complete nvz before nvs if you've been talking to nvz
16:20.07SiDzpico .rtorrent.rc , read, config, have fun!
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16:20.53nvzwkhan113: not to mention its a strickly console irc client and when used with tmux or screen its pure bliss
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16:21.17protisti use irssi
16:21.25ksuhkuSiDz, nano > pico
16:21.41graham1cd ~ ; wget   <--- i did that, and then typed rtorrent in console. it still says it cant read the rtorrent.rc file??
16:21.46SiDzdebian now ln -s nano pico
16:21.49SiDzso pico is nano:P
16:22.18SiDzbut i tough that was the same, whats better in nano?
16:22.46wonderworldjoe! joe! joe!
16:22.53wkhan113nvz: now that I got internet connectivity on debian. I'll download a client. Irssi is good.
16:22.58ksuhkuSiDz, was non-free
16:23.17ksuhkupart of pine
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16:23.55SiDzlrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 22 Jul 17 23:34 /usr/bin/pico -> /etc/alternatives/picolrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 22 Jul 17 23:34 /usr/bin/pico -> /etc/alternatives/pico
16:23.57SiDzlrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 9 Jul 17 23:34 pico -> /bin/nano
16:24.00SiDzpico is nano!
16:24.05lasersSiDz: You can do 'cd' without the '~' part.
16:24.07nvzwkhan113: irssi is the best IMHO, leaves nothing to be desired.. even has an apt like plugin called scriptassist for fetching new scripts
16:24.13SiDzlasers ok:)
16:24.14ksuhkutry to explain that to a physicist!
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16:25.57graham1ok i think i found out. rtorrent.c isn't .rtorrent.c
16:26.00graham1now how do i rename it/
16:26.25ksuhkugraham1, was told to you before...
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16:26.57wonderworldgraham1: try if "mc" works
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16:27.03wonderworldwill make things more simple for you
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16:27.59wkhan113nvz: irssi is great!
16:28.05LordShivagraham1, what do you need ?
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16:28.35LordShivartorrent.rc is configuration file and rtorrent.c is source code file
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16:29.01LordShivasource code of programms written in c ends up with .c
16:29.22LordShivaAnd configuration files are often .rc or .conf
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16:29.59ksuhkugood point LordShiva!
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16:30.29LordShivagraham1, try using other torrent client like Flush Transmission or my favorite qbittorrent
16:30.47graham1ok well now i can load rtorrent from command line without an error message.
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16:31.38graham1but when i go to the rutorrent from my browser, it still says [04.08.2012 17:29:54] No connection to rTorrent. Check if it is really running. Check $scgi_port and $scgi_host settings in config.php and scgi_port in rTorrent configuration file.
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16:31.58graham1will try checking if scgi_port is right first
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16:32.30wkhan113LordShiva: or .ini
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16:33.08graham1everything in my .rtorrent.rc file has a # infront of it. that could be screwing things up right?
16:33.19graham1that means commented?
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16:33.29LordShivagraham1, why you dont try dissent torrent client like flush or qbittorrent
16:33.52graham1coz what im trying to do seems nearly finished
16:33.55graham1and i heard rutorrent was good
16:33.57LordShivaRtorrent is console based
16:34.58graham1i got rutorrent
16:35.04ksuhkugraham1, yeah # means commented out
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16:37.09LordShivarutorrent and rtorrent are not the same
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16:37.49LordShivaYou as beginner in debian I mean you say you didnt used command line in debian should use gui torrent client ...
16:38.16LordShivaI recommend flush transmission and qbittorrent
16:38.32SiDzhey, with bootlogd im able to log all boot msg in /var/log/boot
16:38.39SiDzcan it also be done with shutdown msg?
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16:41.30graham1im in pico .rtorrent.rc
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16:41.35graham1how do i highlight all text and delete? lol
16:41.56Mohsen_HassaniI have flash file (.swf) I don't know how to open it in Linux!
16:41.56LordShivaSiDz, I cant find shutdownlogd package there is bootlogd package
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16:46.54ksuhkuMohsen_Hassani, the usual video players might work depending on the codec
16:47.26Mohsen_Hassaniksuhku, Neither VLC nor Smplayer opened it!
16:47.37graham1how do i highlight all text in pico and delete?
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16:48.47youlyssesMohsen_Hassani: Is the file corrupt?
16:49.02youlysseshas always opened .flv and .swf in mplayer.
16:49.10Mohsen_Hassaniyoulysses, No; My friend emailed it to me.
16:49.20jelly-home<jelly-home> Mohsen_Hassani: it's not a video, it's a Flash container, so you need a browser with a flash plugin, or a standalone flash player
16:49.25Mohsen_Hassaniyoulysses, mplayer or Smplayer?
16:49.34SmashingXhey guys how can I set up my debian that gets the swapon at booting, because right now I have to set it up every time I boot
16:49.53ksuhkuSmashingX, put it into /etc/fstab
16:49.57Mohsen_Hassanijelly-home, I tried Firefox and Chormium; both would download the file instead of playing it.
16:50.00youlyssesjelly-home: Or something that can deal with. :-P
16:50.04jelly-homeSmashingX: /dev/swapdevicenoneswapsw                        00
16:50.23youlyssesMohsen_Hassani: Mplayer, but isn't SMplayer just a front-end to it?
16:50.33jelly-homeMohsen_Hassani: is the adobe flash plugin installed?  Debian does not have it preinstalled.
16:51.03jelly-homeyoulysses: yes, that something is called "adobe flash"
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16:51.06SmashingXksuhku: I see the swap space in that file
16:51.06youlyssesjelly-home: *cough* GNASH *cough* :-)
16:51.13Mohsen_Hassanijelly-home, I have installed flashplugin-nonfree
16:51.16SmashingXjelly-home: what's that?
16:51.20jelly-homeyoulysses: try gnash sometime.
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16:51.31ksuhkuSmashingX, how does your line read?
16:51.39jelly-homeSmashingX: a fstab line
16:51.47SmashingXUUID=4dfa5d09-e559-4cab-b7ad-03a2a6dba9bf    swap    swap    sw    0    0
16:51.50youlyssesI have. :-U
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16:52.19jelly-homeSmashingX: does your created swap, in fact, have that UUID?
16:52.32SmashingXI created the swap yes
16:52.40SmashingXhow can I see the UUID?
16:52.41ksuhkuSmashingX, isn't there one too many "swap"s there?
16:52.44tomreynSmashingX: you shouldn't post your license key here!!11
16:52.50tomreynjust kidding
16:52.56ksuhkugood one!
16:53.03SmashingXlicence key?
16:53.11SmashingXdebian license key?
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16:53.16KageeIs there a .. generic tool for listing window info and moring / rearranging them? Generic so that i works in more than pne desktop envirionment
16:53.22jelly-homeSmashingX: blkid /dev/yourswapdevice is one way
16:53.43ksuhkuSmashingX, isn't there one too many "swap"s there?
16:54.19ksuhkuKagee, there's xwininfo FWIW
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16:56.27SmashingXoh I see that I have a different UUID in the fstab
16:56.32SmashingXthan the actual swap
16:56.40SmashingXwould that solve the problem then?
16:56.52tomreynyes it would
16:57.00tomreynunless you put a wrong one again ;)
16:57.13SmashingXyeah I want to have mor eproblems
16:57.16SmashingXmore problems
16:57.21SmashingXso I will put a wrong one
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16:57.56SmashingXif I change the size of my swap it will change the UUID?
16:58.12SmashingXbecause I think that's what I did before I got this problem
16:58.14tomreynhow do you change its size?
16:58.32SmashingXwith Gparted
16:58.43xshadath9k driver is so sweet ;)
16:58.48SmashingXI had a not allocated partition
16:58.59dvssure is
16:59.01SmashingXso I increased the size of swap
16:59.09protistjelly-home: wow the bot did as told
16:59.12protistjelly-home: i got ur msg haha
16:59.17ksuhkuSmashingX, you can have a regular file these days instead of a partition
16:59.27protistjelly-home: but i have iceweasel running flash perfect for me now
16:59.40tomreynSmashingX: if it deletes the swap and creates a new one then the blkid will change
16:59.41SmashingXksuhku: didn't get what you meant
16:59.44jelly-homeprotist: so open the swf in that
16:59.55jelly-homeoh sorry
16:59.57SmashingXtomreyn: but if I change the size?
17:00.20tomreynSmashingX: i'm not even sure that's supported, after all it's jut swap
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17:00.46protistjelly-home: hehe
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17:00.53SmashingXI wonder why the heck the system doesn't warn you that the swap with th UUID on it couldn't be loaded
17:01.03SmashingXbecause I didn't know that I didn't had swap
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17:01.27ksuhkuSmashingX, it probably said so... in dmesg :)
17:01.36jelly-homeSmashingX: mkswap either generates a random UUID, or uses the one you provide on the command line
17:02.11jelly-homebe careful not to mkswap the wrong partition
17:02.12protistim off to bed guys cya
17:03.36ksuhkuprotist, watch out for bed bugs!
17:04.26protistksuhku: will do :p
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17:05.51tomreynand if you find any, make sure to file them
17:06.48SmashingXjelly-home: what do you mean? like swap a partition that is not swap?
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17:07.42SmashingXHow can I see the users connected to my lan netwod?
17:08.24graham1ive added scgi_port = to my .rtorrent.rc file    where is the config.php file for rutorrent?  i need to check if it matches i think
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17:19.31nkuttlerSmashingX: how do they connect?
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17:20.09nkuttlerSmashingX: dhcp?
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17:21.05nkuttlerSmashingX: check your logs i guess, or see if the dhcpd comes with some status commands
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17:23.05graham1ok well i found the config.php file and made the cgiport = 5000 there, and stuck a scgi_port = 5000 in the .rctorrent.rc file
17:23.07graham1still says same error message
17:23.07graham1am i supposed to restart the rutorrent server maybe? im just reloading the webpage..
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17:26.37graham1ok how do i restart rtor and rutor please
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17:27.53nkuttlergraham1: do they come with init scripts? /etc/init.d/foo restart
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17:32.31graham1how do i check if rtorrent and rutorrent are running or not?
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17:33.39dclarkeQUESTION : please, which is the bleeding edge distribution ? wheezy or sid ?
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17:35.13dclarkelooks at topic in this chan .. sees with #debian-next
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17:36.28thewanderer1hi. I think mount is having problems with resolving AAAA records... I mount by name, but it only seems to be asking for A. what am I doing wrong? (Squeeze)
17:36.58thewanderer1my command is: mount -t nfs4 -o sec=krb5p,hard,intr /mnt/sun
17:37.19thewanderer1getent hosts returns the IPv6 address - mount says: no address associated with hostname
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17:38.14dclarkethewanderer1, just a guess here .. what is in your resolve.conf and if you do a dig +qr do you get AAAA address results ?
17:38.32dclarkeoh .. nm
17:38.41dclarkeI see in your next line that getent acts correctly
17:39.01dclarkewonders if mount is IPv6 smart
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17:39.22dclarkethewanderer1, sorry .. I'm not very helpful
17:39.32dclarkeenters lurk mode &
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17:40.29thewanderer1oh well, guess I should read the mount source...
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17:41.33Dagger2thewanderer1: entirely possible Squeeze's NFS doesn't do IPv6. it may work on Wheezy though
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17:42.07Dagger2(by which I mean my test mount to a non-existant server hangs rather than complaining about a resolve failure, so it at least gets further)
17:42.20thewanderer1hm, I'll try by raw IPv6 address
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17:42.30thewanderer1I think it worked for me last time over IPv6
17:42.40thewanderer1(could be Wheezy, though)
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17:43.14Dagger2I see exactly the same behaviour with a v6 literal as I do with a hostname
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17:45.34thewanderer1installing Wheezy krb5 on Squeeze... we all know how it's going to end
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17:52.28thewanderer1yeah, Wheezy's mount.nfs4 supports AAAA
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17:59.46thewanderer1now I'm getting: ERROR: No credentials found for connection to server  (in daemon.log, comes from rpc.gssd)
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18:00.48thewanderer1surely enough, allow_weak_crypto=true
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18:03.10FearOfMusicis there an inittab in initramfs? i have vps... im trying to change /etc/inittab so mingetty uses the correct terminal device (hvc0) so that a remote console can be used... everytime i reboot it reverts to tty1... and /etc/inittab is modified to show this... even though i am changing the value to hvc0 and saving the file
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18:05.35FearOfMusic <- this is my /etc/initramfs (after reboot)... i have replaced tty1 with hvc0 on line 26 but everytime i reboot it goes back to tty1
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18:17.51karlpincFearOfMusic: Is there really an inittab in an intramfs?  That sounds odd.  What is it's purpose?
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18:18.02thewanderer1re NFS4 problems: my bad, I had krb5 listening only on INET, not INET6
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18:18.32thewanderer1FearOfMusic: define "vps". what technology? KVM? Xen? OpenVZ?
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18:19.22thewanderer1could be an init script that resets inittab, VPS providers will often drop in custom snippets (why, who knows?)
18:19.34FearOfMusichmm... well
18:19.43FearOfMusici changed mingetty to getty
18:19.47FearOfMusicthat part worked
18:19.56FearOfMusicbut hvc0 still gets changed to tty1 in the file
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18:20.22FearOfMusicim botting with pv-grub if that makes a difference
18:20.27thewanderer1I'd grep /etc recursively for tty1 string, or inittab string
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18:20.53thewanderer1unlikely that an initramfs would interfere with your target root fs, although it's technically possible
18:21.09FearOfMusichmm... good iddea
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18:22.51FearOfMusic/etc/init/tty1.conf is the only thing that really sticks out
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18:23.33thewanderer1err... is that Debian?
18:23.48thewanderer1it doesn't look like one
18:24.12albechis it not possible to use quotas on xen virtualized guests??
18:24.30mykhalhi, i'm installing from 6.0.4 netinst - it cant' find install media (it was boot from grub4dos, iso mapped ffrom disk) .. how do i mount the iso for the installer? mounting it in another console, to e.g. newly created /media/cdrom, with -o loop, the mount command does not finish
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18:25.03thewanderer1albech: AFAIK, Xen guests are just normal VMs, so everything that works on a physical system should work in there, except for raw device access
18:25.19karlpincFearOfMusic: If you want a real console you do that with a kernel parameter.  See the <kernel parameters> factoid.  I don't know how that would work with a vps though....
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18:25.42thewanderer1karlpinc: he still needs a getty, tho...
18:25.44FearOfMusickarlpinc: yes i have console=hvc0 in /boot/grub/menu.1st
18:26.03FearOfMusicso i see kernel boot messages and such
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18:26.13mykhal.. well, it finally finishes: can't setup loop device: No space left on device (??)
18:26.22FearOfMusicbut it is just getty isnt working
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18:26.33thewanderer1FearOfMusic: are you running Debian, or some Ubuntu? cause /etc/init/ is not part of Debian by default
18:27.14karlpincmykhal: Why are you not just booting from cd, or usb stick, or whatever?
18:28.16mykhalkarlpinc: it's an unusual device. and i can't find a stick )
18:28.24karlpincmykhal: Or, if you're already running linux and want to install debian see the "hard disk install" method in the <install buide>.
18:28.30dpkgThe Installation Guide for Debian Squeeze (6.0) can be found at .  See also <errata> <firmware images> <installer firmware> <release notes>.
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18:28.57tharkunWhat is the factoid that states how to clone a debian machine?
18:29.03SiDzselinux on debian = pain in the ass
18:29.06karlpinc!aptitude clone
18:29.08dpkgTo clone a Debian machine using aptitude (or install your favourite packages) use aptitude search -F '%100p' '~i!~M' > package_list; on the reference machine; xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < package_list; aptitude install; on the other machine.  This preserves information about "automatically installed" packages that other methods do not.  See also <reinstall>, <things to backup>, <debian clone>, <apt-clone>.
18:29.09FearOfMusicthewanderer1: it is debian wheezy
18:29.11Calinouselinux = pain in the ass
18:29.12CalinouSiDz, FTFY
18:29.21mykhalhow can mounting lopp iso image run out of space? can it be busybox bug?
18:29.38tharkunkarlpinc: thanks the order of the factor does change the product :)
18:29.41thewanderer1FearOfMusic: using what init system? and what does that tty1 file say?
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18:30.07thewanderer1FearOfMusic: because it does sound like your inittab is automatically generated somehow, which doesn't fit the traditional sysvinit O.o
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18:31.08thewanderer1mykhal: not sure, have you loaded all the necessary modules in the installer? try the expert mode, review the list of installed modules, and find the loop option (if it's there)
18:31.32tharkunkarlpinc: there is also debian clone which is a bit different using apt :-)
18:33.05FearOfMusicsysvinit is installed
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18:33.58walkerneohello, anyone here?
18:33.59FearOfMusicthewanderer1: it appears that only the value of the terminal is changing... i can uses inittab to change mingetty to getty...i just can seem to get hvc0 to stick
18:34.48thewanderer1FearOfMusic: well, it's a solution which doesn't explain the problem, but try chattr +i /etc/inittab ...
18:35.39nvzwalkerneo: out to lunch, back in 20min
18:36.10FearOfMusichmm... i might do that as last resort
18:36.22FearOfMusici dont like not knowing why this is occuring
18:36.48nvzthats a silly question to ask a channel with like 1100 people in it.
18:37.06thewanderer1FearOfMusic: you could employ syscall tracing or audit from something like grsecurity (although it's a major overkill)
18:37.39thewanderer1inspect that /etc/init/* file... I don't know what degree of control you have over the kernel / initramfs, so can't really advise on that
18:38.09FearOfMusicwell... what i am trying now
18:38.35FearOfMusicchanged tty1.conf to hvc0.conf and s/tty1/hvc0/g in vim
18:38.40FearOfMusicrebooting to see what happens
18:39.09FearOfMusicto me it looks lit /etc/init/tty1.conf would have been generated from inittab
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18:40.38FearOfMusicno... that just deleted /etc/init/hvc0.conf and made a new /etc/init/tty1.conf
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18:42.19thewanderer1huh! something weird is going on there
18:42.42thewanderer1how did /etc/init even end up on the system? I don't think I've seen it on Wheezy... could verify, sec, I'll boot a laptop with it
18:43.26FearOfMusici was using a different kernel (the one that the vps provider boots to by default)
18:43.33FearOfMusicthis is all very odd to me
18:43.46peterrooneythewanderer1: it's part of upstart
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18:45.13FearOfMusicmy desktop is wheezy and it does not have /etc/init/
18:45.35FearOfMusicthis vps has definatley never had upstart installed on it... upstart requires dbus and i have never installed dbus on this server
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18:46.01FearOfMusicif i apt-get isntall upstart on the vps it wants to remove sysvinit
18:46.11FreejackAnyone having a problem getting updates?
18:46.22thewanderer1peterrooney: thanks, I've just looked and I thought I'd seen the format somewhere
18:47.03thewanderer1FearOfMusic: ok, so 2 basic observations: 1: something assumes you're using upstart 2: something replaces inittab
18:47.33thewanderer1if you chattr +i /etc/inittab, you should at least see error messages from the process that's trying to replace it on boot
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18:51.37cardamonIsn't upstart Ubuntu's thing?
18:52.14FearOfMusicthewanderer1: alright... i will try that at least
18:52.24cardamonAnd the rest of the sane world uses System V?
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18:52.49thewanderer1cardamon: it is, but, surprisingly enough, things like anacron in Wheezy also *do* install upstart scripts (and create the dir)
18:53.46cardamonthewanderer1: Weird.  Why would they do that? Something swim upstream from Ubuntu like a salmon?
18:54.09peterrooneycardamon: sns syndrome
18:54.40thewanderer1cardamon: seeing how it's only 1 package, probably upstream leftovers
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18:55.12Dan39anyone need help with something easy? :D
18:55.56FearOfMusicchattr +i does fix the problem
18:56.01FearOfMusicbut it doesnt answer the question really
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19:00.50thewanderer1FearOfMusic: observing your system would surely help... read about auditctl (especially RedHat's documentation is clear and up-to-date)
19:00.50FearOfMusicthere is no indication of an error with chattr +i /etc/inittab
19:03.02thewanderer1guys, nfs-common in wheezy (and sid, same version) writes to /var/lib/nfs at runtime... is this a bug? it's causing problems with my netboot system. why isn't it using /run, or /var/tmp?
19:03.07FearOfMusicinstead of writing to /etc/inittab
19:03.09thewanderer1(/var/run, for that matter)
19:03.13FearOfMusicit made a new file /etc/
19:03.17FearOfMusicwith tty1
19:03.48thewanderer1FearOfMusic: so it's simple now: fgrep -d recurse "/etc/" /etc
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19:05.34FearOfMusiccomes up empty >.>
19:05.51FearOfMusicill just do it for the whole drive... not much on here
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19:09.04FearOfMusicnothing... exception entries in /root/.viminfo from opening the file
19:09.19FearOfMusicit almost has to be in initrd then?
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19:14.03thewanderer1FearOfMusic: it could... verify your /etc/initramfs* and /usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/* files
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19:14.40thewanderer1could be a tedious process, but I've never seen a problem like yours, so I can't really come up with an automated solution... perhaps check `apt-cache policy` and look for foreign repos
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19:15.26FearOfMusicthewanderer1: could this prehaps be a udev thing?
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19:16.33thewanderer1FearOfMusic: I've never seen udev interfere with tty's... however, try a grep for only, as paths could be skipped (after a cd or so)
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19:19.10FearOfMusicif i recursively search the initrd (cpio unpacked) for 'inittab' only busybox comes up
19:19.17FearOfMusicbut that is a binary
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19:25.24melik_hey guys how can i set up a default ipv6 route in linux?
19:25.59melik_when i try to ping6 it forces me to specify an interface
19:27.52amee2ki have an SSH p/key on a USB stick with LUKS and vfat. when i connect the flash drive and mount it (double click in nautilus, enter password), then it ends up mounted with everything world-readable, and SSH will reject the key file. where can i change the default permissions for vfat mounted this way??
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19:38.36thewanderer1any idea why NFSv4 over IPv6 is much slower than over IPv4?
19:39.20bzedobviously due to the longer ip adress *g*  /me hides
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19:40.09woshtyi am with bzed on this one ;)
19:41.41woshtyamee2k: via udev maybe?
19:41.43thewanderer1I have no idea what it's doing, but it peaks at 3Kb/s O.o
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19:43.42thewanderer1I/O gets stuck in really long D+ states
19:43.49thewanderer1it really looks bad...
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19:46.26thewanderer1could be FreeBSD's server implementation, not sure
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19:47.15Benkinoobyhi, can someone give me a hint what to check, if my system clock goes wrong all the time (my various margins) but my hardware clock is alright? I confess that i have this problem on a ubuntu system but i have asked in ubunut now three days in a row, read man pages, forum threads and mail list logs but nothing helped so far. i'd appreciate any keyword you could drop me - i'm not asking for support
19:47.37Benkinoobymy various... -> by various...
19:48.49woshtyBenkinooby: how various?
19:49.18Benkinoobywoshty, seconds, minutes, hours but the date is correct
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19:49.49asarchWhat is the name of the java plugin for Iceweasel in Testing?
19:49.52Benkinoobywoshty, the margins are not exacts hours in case you suspect my time zone to be misconfigured
19:50.43Benkinoobywoshty, the problem appears even without rebooting
19:50.48cardamonasarch: icedtea
19:51.09woshtyBenkinooby: do you have ntp stuff installed?
19:51.24asarchThank you!
19:51.34Benkinoobywoshty, i had it installed, i removed it again since it didn't seem to help
19:52.00cardamonasarch: icedtea-6-plugin or icedtea-7-plugin specifically.
19:52.07amee2kwoshty: well, how ;)
19:52.10Benkinoobywoshty, if you take interest in this topic may i suggest we have this discussion in a differenct channel since this is not really about debian?
19:52.25cardamonDepends on whether you want Java 6 or Java 7 support.
19:52.38amee2ki have no idea how the auto mounting thing on gnome works. otherwise i wouldn't be asking ;)
19:52.51asarchThank you cardamon
19:52.55asarchThank you very much :-)
19:53.07cardamonGo with 6 if you have jdk6, otherwise go with 7.
19:53.34asarch6 is the default version for Testing, isn't it?
19:53.53cardamonFor the most part.
19:54.16cardamonSeven's got more features, but in terms of running things, you won't notice much if any difference.
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19:54.26woshtyamee2k: i dont have any clue either ..  udev might work if nautilus uses system defaults, but do not know if udev will work with luks /dev/mapper stuff
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19:55.09cardamonIcedtea is the binaries of the stuff that Oracle won't release the source for from Java, then OpenJDK is built from everything they will release the source on.
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19:56.55UukGoblinhi... I logged in via gdm as a user, it started an xfce session, then I ssh'd into a box from a different machine, hoping to be able to control it... Set DISPLAY=:0, but I can't start any X clients cause it tells me: unable to open display ":0"
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19:57.09woshtyamee2k: easiest workaround might be to use a small skript to do the decrypt and mount with options you provide using fstab
19:57.14UukGoblinany idea how to... er... do it?
19:57.24UukGoblinI mean, run some apps locally but via ssh?
19:57.29UukGoblinor perhaps remotely, too?
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19:57.39UukGoblinI guess this -nolisten tcp has to go either way...
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20:01.17UukGoblinthis whole new xauth system is beyond me
20:01.23UukGoblinxhost was nice and simple
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20:05.25graham1what is an easy way for me to install a way of downloading/deleting files on my vps from my windows computer?
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20:19.13tharkunIf some dpkg bot editor is around take a look at  #debian logs factoid, it is at best outdated
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20:21.07jhutchinsgraham1: Probably winscp
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20:23.50thewanderer1guys, is there a way to push an update to Squeeze which, only thing it does, is place a BUGS file in a package, to inform users of a Squeeze-only bug? or is that better put on it doesn't affect Wheezy...
20:24.16thewanderer1I just think informing users of a bug in mount.nfs4 would be beneficial, but I see no clear way to do it, and it's not a security bug
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20:26.05peterrooneytharkun: where are they now?
20:26.11woshtyUukGoblin: what exactly are you trying to do? log in using gdm on box a to start a session, then ssh from box b into a and control the session on box a?
20:26.44graham1what lets me serve files, and lets the user delete files that he has finished downloading? something that is easy to setup?
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20:27.22tharkunpeterrooney: I don't know how to edit them or erase them. Once I tried several times and the bot ignored me for about a week IIRC
20:27.29woshtygraham1: scp
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20:27.46nkuttlergraham1: that's really non-trivial. not very hard but you'll need some admin/coding knowledge
20:27.54nkuttlergraham1: have you given up on torrent + httpd?
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20:29.11nkuttlergraham1: samba could also interest you. again, not very hard but not trivial
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20:31.14peterrooneycan't see smv (as compared to scp) being widely used
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20:32.23xshadsomeone familiar with atheros ath9k + ath3k drivers? After read a lot on the internet I could not get bluetooth working :-/
20:32.43ircnode0I failed to install nvidia driver, how I can roll back to nouveau?
20:32.57ircnode0tried on debian squeeze
20:32.59tharkungraham1: If it is for personal use you can set up sftp with filezilla and you are done
20:33.29aguitelhow install skype ?
20:33.48tomreynircnode0: apt-get purge <packagename>
20:34.01tomreynthat's assuming you were wise and used the packaged one
20:34.16abec0graham1: If you user is OK to use winscp, and you are root on the server, you could just ssh and cp the file in her home directory, and let her do with it what she sees fit.
20:34.48tomreynircnode0: also make sure that related entries are fully removed off xorg.conf
20:35.00nkuttlerit something for his students iirc..
20:36.10ircnode0tomreyn: yes, I installed packages only: module-assistant, nvidia-kernel-common. Basically I followed this guide ""
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20:38.00abec0nkuttler: Is it graham1 you are talking about ? Because as I see it, if more than one person is to DL something, it might not be wise to let them remove the file... (maybe someone hasn't done the DL yet).
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20:38.35ircnode0tomreyn: I used aptitude, so I think I have to execute this : aptitude purge module-assistant nvivida-kernel-common
20:38.54nkuttlerabec0: indeed
20:38.57ircnode0tomreyn: and then remove xorg.conf file
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20:39.30nkuttlergraham1: if i remember right and this is for a university setup with students etc... can't you spare a small budget on an intern? some starving CS student maybe :p
20:39.49tomreynircnode0: start by: m-a purge nvidia
20:40.18tomreynircnode0: if this doesn't work, use: m-a purge nvidia-kernel-common
20:40.27tomreynthen do what you said
20:41.38tomreynactually it's m-a purge nvidia-kernel
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20:43.07tomreynircnode0: and finally: apt-get purge nvidia-glx\*
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20:46.55ircnode0tomreyn: the last command result in "No will be installed, upgraded, or removed. I think it is okay to reboot now
20:47.24ircnode0*No packages will be installed...
20:47.44tomreynircnode0: does this list anything? dpkg -l nvidia-\* | grep ^ii
20:48.03tomreynif it does, then apt-get purge those packages, too
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20:55.58ircnode0tomreyn: thanks. Done and works fine. I will try to install nvidia again someday.
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20:56.32tomreyni hope i didn't make you do that ;-)
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21:01.52ircnode0what "ii" means in package information?
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21:04.57graham1what port is sftp?
21:05.01nkuttlerircnode0: installed ?
21:05.11nkuttlergraham1: grep -i sftp /etc/services
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21:05.40Colin2graham1: 22
21:06.31aidalgolircnode0: It means it's installed.  I don't know why there are two 'i's.
21:06.36graham122 worked. why does the output of what nkuttler said display 115?!
21:07.36nkuttlergraham1: 22 is normal ftp, not sftp
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21:07.51nkuttlerbut then, the protocol doesn't care which port is used
21:07.52tomreynthe meaning of the two characters is somewhat explain in the entire "dpkg -i <packagename>" output
21:08.02tomreynircnode0: ^
21:08.35tomreyni.e. if you run, e.g. "dpkg -l dpkg" you will get an explanation on top of the table
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21:10.15tomreynthe first 'i' indicates what is going supposed to happen next with this package (it will remain _i_nstalled), the second indicates its current status (it is currently _i_nstalled).
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21:10.51thewanderer1excuse me, what host did I just appear to be connected from when /join'ing?
21:11.16Colin2thewanderer1: 2001:470:71:193:5054:ff:feb4:aa4d
21:11.17tomreynthe same as now
21:11.25thewanderer1Colin2: thanks
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21:13.21ircnode0tomreyn: understood. \o/
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21:19.59nickoeHello. can it be that libchamplain python bindings it not on testing?
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21:21.24tomreynnickoe:  libchamplain | 0.12.2-1 | wheezy  | source
21:21.35tomreynit's there. and it's a source (only) package
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21:21.58nickoehmm, okay
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21:30.42TakamachiFeitois there a metapackage that includes all the X libraries headers? (like libxv-dev, libxfixes-dev, etc) ?
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21:35.12aidalgolTakamachiFeito: xorg-dev
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21:47.21tiduxwhy is it so hard to install the mit-scheme package on amd64?
21:47.39tiduxI thought multiarch was supposed to stop these package conflicts
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21:53.41zophjyi sort of like gnome3 desktop
21:56.20KsMzophjy: you are what is wrong in this world
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21:58.02tiduxhow do I install mit-scheme:i386 on amd64?
21:58.17tiduxusing apt-get and aptitude give me a bunch of package conflict errors
21:58.29tiduxI thought multiarch fixed that
21:58.35SiDzyou remove the :i386
21:59.03tiduxSiDz: what the hell is multiarch for, then
21:59.11tiduxI swear I added it as an architecture
21:59.30SiDzi dont have that package in amd64
22:00.00*** mode/#debian [+l 1200] by debhelper
22:00.22nkuttlertidux: check the bts
22:00.23tiduxmit-scheme isn't even available for amd64 in squeeze
22:01.06SiDzI've been able to install mit-scheme on amd64 by dowloading the i386 package
22:01.06SiDzand installing with dpkg --force-architecture -i, though this is not ideal.
22:01.08SiDztry that
22:01.31themilltidux: multiarch doesn't let you do just anything; it's also still a work in progress
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22:01.40tiduxI saw that
22:01.44SiDzlink down
22:01.55tiduxit's disheartening though - no visible progress in six years
22:02.19tiduxI got a copy of SICP and figured it'd be easy to use a Debian system to follow along :/
22:02.41tiduxyeah that's not working is a 404
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22:03.56themilltidux: umm.... "no visible progress" is another way of saying "I haven't looked" in this case.
22:04.31tiduxno I've looked at the BTS, tried building it from source
22:04.35tiduxand it exploded on me
22:09.02tiduxlet's try the "portable C" version
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22:34.30agikeHi, I found that my /boot is renamed 'lost+found', and denis me perms to cd in as root/sudo. Is this recoverable, or should I reinstall .. as I am ready to do .. ?
22:35.37tiduxagike: that
22:35.41tiduxthat's not your /boot
22:35.52tiduxthat's just the place unclaimed inodes go
22:36.07tiduxif it's populated that means you had a filesystem failure and it tried to repair itself
22:37.06agiketidux: Thanks, that clarifies it. It seems I have to renstall ..
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22:37.31englaIf it' sjust /boot you should be able to recover
22:38.44agikeengla: Unfortunately, there is no /boot .. its a long story.
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22:39.52tiduxok, so it looks like the "portable C" version of MIT Scheme is compiling from source
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22:45.51vampi-the-frogguise I'm getting a compromised page when accessing
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22:46.21nsadmin2tidux are you building edwin too?
22:47.12tiduxwhat's edwin?
22:47.51tiduxI'm just following these instructions
22:48.13nsadmin2it's like emacs (which uses lisp as scription language) only it uses scheme
22:48.58tiduxI figure I'll just use emacs for my scheme editing
22:50.12vampi-the-froggod what a bunch of nerds
22:50.21tiduxoh and I'm attempting to build the portable C version on my Sheevaplug running squeeze armel
22:50.36tiduxthat will probably take a few hours, but it'll be worth it if it works
22:50.40tiduxand yes, vampi-the-frog
22:50.44tiduxwe are nerds
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22:51.04vampi-the-frogI'll contact cause their site is compromised
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22:51.21tiduxthat's a 404
22:51.39tiduxnmap and ping can't resolve it
22:51.53vampi-the-frogoh and their top search terms are viagra and cialis
22:52.00tiduxyou said .net
22:52.00nsadmin2vampi-the-frog, what do you expect out of a channel like this... does it bother you that much that there exist nerds?
22:52.01tiduxnot .com
22:52.29vampi-the-frogoh sorry, i meant .com
22:52.49tiduxalright, so it failed to build on squeeze armel
22:52.55tiduxbut squeeze armel is a wonky release
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22:53.07tiduxfirst ARM EABI version of Debian, and its gcc still has weird bugs
22:53.15tiduxI'm totally dist-upgrading that thing to wheezy when it releases
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22:54.39nsadmin2tidux, can you back the whole thing up?
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22:55.55dwarderCouldn't parse the keyboard mapping file (null). Exiting"
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22:56.02dwarderwhile using directvnc
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22:59.26dwarderwebad_13: you were asking the same question
22:59.37dwarderwebad_13: did you get the answer?
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23:13.07cipherzhello, anyone have any experience with dell disk encryption and debian?
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23:25.14tiduxwoot woot scheme built on wheezy amd64!
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23:46.08ZenWalkerhow can I list my packages installed from "debian multimedia"?
23:46.33mmnicolasaha! I've run onto that, hold on
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23:47.04mmnicolasaptitude search '~i ?origin(Unofficial Multimedia Packages)'
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23:49.47W4spHi. This refers to the current debian release. I would like to run 6.0.5 with the xdm DM and fvwm without any other DM nor any GNOME2 or GNOME3 or KDE. Please can you let me know if I can just install xdm and fvwm packages, then getting rid entirely of other DM and DE, yet the system will be fine and no GNOME/KDE helper processes will be required?
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23:52.08mmnicolasW4sp: you should be fine
23:52.52W4spmmnicolas: Great, many thanks.
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23:58.17EphexeveHey, I am using Debian squeeze, but I want to install Caffeine (because my screen shuts everytime I am watching a video or whatever)
23:58.25Ephexeveso it's not in the sources, any clue how can I make this?

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