IRC log for #debian on 20120323

00:00.03dpkg[thinkpad] one of the best laptops you can buy, or a thing that dies when your car hits it, according to abrotman.  Some models restrict MiniPCI card use, see .  See also <gobi>, <hdapsd>, <martian>, <mwavem>, <slmodem>, <synaptics>, <tpb>, <trackpoint>.  ##ibmthinkpad on
00:00.15jhutchins_ltfredonja: add 1 or single to the boot options.
00:00.52fredonjaonly "1" after ...quiet?
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00:02.19fredonjajhutchins_lt: "starting hotplug..." and the it freezes
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00:05.45fredonjaok, thanks for trying, greetings from croatia :) see you sometimes ;)
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00:09.36squibbyhey guys so noob question;  I'm running 6.0.4 with the default gnome interface and all that.   I've used synaptic package manager to install flow-tools from the repository.   Now, it wasn't the version that I needed but at least it included an init script unlike when I download and compile the correct version from source.   so what I did was I installed the incorrect version, copied the init script from /etc/init.d/ and then subsequ
00:09.37squibbyently removed flow-tools.   I compiled the version I needed from source and placed the init script back in /etc/init.d.   problem is, everything works correctly when I start it manually from the command line, but it doesn't automatically start when I boot the system.
00:10.41squibbyI think it has something to do with the concurrent S run level boot that debian is doing, but I have no idea how to correct it.  all I know for sure is that the filesystem and the network services need to be started before flow-tools attempts to start.
00:10.42Diopterinit.d isn't sufficient by itself. You'll need to use insserv
00:10.54DiopterTo get it added to /etc/rc?.d
00:11.25squibbythe only correction I attempted to make was to enable the service via the Services application in gnome. :/
00:11.46*** join/#debian WormFood (~wormfood@
00:11.49DiopterGotta go. 'man insserv'
00:11.56squibbyDiopter, ok thanks.
00:12.17arietisis there any way to test connection speed via SSH/terminal or web UI? like
00:12.43squibbyarietis, if you have access to both ends of the connection I always prefer to use iperf.
00:13.05squibbyiperf will get you orders of magnitude more accurate testing.
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00:14.12arietissquibby: i just wanna check the speed of my internet connection but i have console only
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00:14.53arietisand i have no idea how to do it with iperf to get proper speed
00:15.14*** join/#debian giocos (4d38799c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
00:15.57giocosHello. i need some help: i need to exec root command from php
00:17.31giocosi already try to sudo www-data user. but the system ask me a password for that
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00:18.49gnarfacegiocos: bad idea, but you can accomplish it if you properly configure your /etc/sudoers
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00:19.05zoologistI'm a zoologist, and I use Perl daily in my work, ask me anything.
00:19.22zoologistPerl and Debian
00:19.56giocoswhat you sugger me?
00:20.18zoologistsugger ?
00:20.39giocossorry, suggest
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00:20.56giocosi try to do something like ispconfig or webmin
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00:25.07nyingennow, if he'd said "I'm a zoologist, and I use Squeak and Debian daily in my work", yeah I'd have been intrigued
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00:25.41gnarfacedpkg, webmin
00:25.42dpkgWebmin is a lame web-based interface for unsafe system administration for Unix.  Check it out at  Remember, dondelelcaro *hates* webmin.  "i'd rather sit on the floor shoving table knives into live electrical outlets than run webmin on an exposed server."  Removed from Debian post-Sarge, see .  The Debian package from is of poor quality.  See <free whcp> for alternatives.
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00:27.58gnarfacegiocos: read what the bot said about webmin
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00:28.51gnarfacegiocos: that said, the only reason you're failing to accomplish this the way you initially planned is because you didn't read the sudoers man page.  for a second time now, i recommend you read it
00:29.34gnarfacegiocos: a properly configured sudoers can mitigate *some* of the risk (only a small amount)
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00:29.39giocosso, every php app that manage server is wrong
00:29.53gnarfacesuch is the way of much php
00:29.55*** join/#debian Woet (~Woet@unaffiliated/woet)
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00:30.13gnarfaceits primary target audience isn't the highly experienced
00:31.22gnarfacei write php myself, so i know
00:31.47gnarfaceits a mess of bad ideas, one after another, and you have to restrain yourself from using it in a dangerous fashion
00:32.04gnarfaceif you don't know the difference, then you're at high risk
00:32.11*** join/#debian alibungker1 (~bunker@
00:32.25giocosso if i want code something like ispconfig
00:32.30giocoshow can i do?
00:32.31gnarfacenever heard of it
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00:33.23kevlarmangnarface: join the dark^Wpython side, we have cookies :P
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00:33.27gnarfaceif i were you i'd see what the bot said about alternatives to webmin.  maybe something is at least less buggy, but what you're trying to do i probably would just do over ssh
00:33.36gnarfacegiocos: ^^
00:34.00gnarfacekevlarman: i think about it regularly but it was probably a mistake for me to ever have moved away from c++
00:34.21kevlarmangnarface: i'd like to get away from web stuff :(
00:35.35kevlarmangnarface: but as far as web backend stuff, python is by far the most tolerable of the dynamically typed languages
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00:36.20gnarfacekevlarman: noted.  i've heard this from other sources as well.
00:37.21Lintis there an app in debian like cakewalk which can add text to midi files?
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00:37.48giocosi need to do some easy create user, manage apache config. all this from web browser. but i want to program myself. What language can I use that guarantee me a little bit of security?
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00:39.04gnarfacegiocos: its not the language that will guarantee that.  exposing such features to the web is implicitly insecure.  that's the point you're failing to get
00:39.54gnarfacegiocos: either way you need to understand how to configure sudo first
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00:40.43squibbydpkg, rhel
00:40.43dpkg[rhel] Red Hat Enterprise Linux is a Linux distribution targeted toward the commercial market.  Red Hat undertakes to support each release of RHEL for 7 years after it first appears.  New releases of RHEL come out every 18 months.  As customers only pay for support, when Red Hat releases a new version of RHEL during the support period, customers may upgrade to it for no additional charge.
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00:53.08foxtrot9hmm i registered to get put on the mailing list for a couple groups in debian mailing list, i don't seem to be getting anything
00:53.35foxtrot9maybe there is no news, i'll just go browse the mailing list
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00:56.44nsadminfoxtrot9, good idea, see f there's stuff goin on
00:57.12foxtrot9nsadmin, oh there is new news, i just didn't get any in my mailbox
00:58.25nsadminhmm. your prefs on spam filter?
00:58.44foxtrot9i don't see any in there
00:59.19foxtrot9maybe i should subscribe again
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00:59.48nsadmindid you make an acct on lists?
01:00.02nsadminas part of subscribing?
01:00.20foxtrot9i'm just using this form
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01:12.06nsadminsaienia, unless the file is unchanged, you will need to bang!
01:12.36nsadminthat's not a vi command...
01:13.14nsadminthe only not 2 letter thing I heard so far is...
01:13.16*** join/#debian noahfx (~noahfx@
01:13.33saieniaI was changing panes in tmux....apparently I got the wrong one..
01:14.07nsadminfoxtrot9, did you not even get the double optin mail?
01:14.32foxtrot9i did now
01:14.56foxtrot9and i had to manually reply to each one with the subscribe subject to confirm
01:15.20nsadminahh, so you should be good now I guess
01:15.27foxtrot9that was quite painful, should've done it on the command line with a for loop
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01:17.00nsadminif you can do that, that kinda... defeats... the purpose...
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01:29.46AmtraskHello all. The Debian mirror I use seems not to have updated their apt repositories. What are my options here. This is the output I get from 'apt-get update': Release file expired, ignoring (invalid since 3d 17h 6min 38s)
01:30.10AmtraskThis was from the list of mirrors on the installer
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01:44.21epicfailguys i would like the perfect operateing system plz
01:44.27jelly!mirror status
01:44.28dpkghmm... mirror status is
01:45.08epicfailu know i was trolling?
01:45.50epicfailwell i better go in the offtopic before i get a ban
01:45.56*** mode/#debian [+o dondelelcaro] by ChanServ
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02:01.28^BARrE|^whats LVM
02:01.46abrotmangoogle couldn't help ?
02:01.57^BARrE|^just tried
02:02.01^BARrE|^cant find
02:02.03*** join/#debian pangolin (~idleone@ubuntu/member/idleone)
02:02.14sheepeven searching for "linux lvm"?
02:02.25abrotmanliar .. the first hit on google for 'lvm' is the wiki page
02:02.29abrotmanhe didn't try
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02:14.25paskyWith upgrade from eagle_5.12.0-1 to eagle_5.12.0-2, the amd64 version of the package mysteriously disappeared, with no mention of any intrusive change in the package changelog
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02:14.48paskyShould I report that as a package bug or is it some issue with Debian's package build system?
02:17.15abrotmanjudd: versions eagle
02:17.16juddPackage: eagle on i386 -- lenny/non-free: 4.16r2-2; squeeze/non-free: 5.10.0-2; sid/non-free: 5.12.0-2; wheezy/non-free: 5.12.0-2
02:17.27abrotmanfrom lenny to squeeze?
02:17.30abrotmanoh .. misread
02:17.38abrotmanpasky: did you check for a FTBFS  report?
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02:20.32paskyabrotman: nothing relevant pops up
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02:21.11paskyi'll report a bug
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02:21.26abrotmanor contact the maintainer?
02:21.31*** join/#debian HardDisk_WP (~marco@wikipedia/harddisk)
02:23.59^BARrE|^i got a xeon 2 x 2.8 server
02:24.01*** join/#debian Mr_Queue (~Mr_Queue@
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02:24.23^BARrE|^does both proccessors work on a program or one at a time
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02:25.50karlpincIs usb3 standard stuff these days?  How long has it been standard?  I'm thinking about putting debian-live on a usb stick and wondering if I'll be able to use usb3.
02:26.15karlpinc^BARrE|^: Depends on whether the single program is written to be threaded or not.
02:26.21*** join/#debian CookieJar (
02:27.04karlpinc^BARrE|^: (Although there's stuff like apache that just runs multiple copies of itself anyway.)
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02:49.24sharpKcan someone show me a samba conf file that would allow sharing of all directories on the samba machine (so that a windows 7 machine on the same LAN could access)...?
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02:49.40sharpKwithout the need for username and pass
02:51.09abrotmanthat seems dangerous
02:52.32sharpKabrotman just want to make sure that it isn't my windows machine causing the issues
02:52.44sharpKcause I've read like 7 samba share conf file guides and none work
02:53.07sharpKit always wants a username/pass, and even the ones I try (system and/or samba users/pass) don't work...
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02:54.17abrotmansharpK: there are a few changes you have to make .. one is in the secpol, two in the registry
02:54.24abrotmansharpK: and some reaqure you to reboot windows
02:55.17sharpKI have to make windows changes to access a computer on the network? the samba file (lost now) I had set up in ubuntu worked without restart...
02:55.21sharpKbut what would I have to change if I did?
02:55.29DulakMS loves to break stuff with every upgrade, I remember something about a registry change to windows 7 to use the old password encryption w/ samba
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02:57.32sharpKI'll read up... thanks abrotman
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02:58.29roastedAnybody have Debian 6 w/ XFCE installed? I'm curious in the overall footprint of the OS when completed. I'm working with a 4 GB flash drive I'd like to put / on.
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02:59.40abrotmansharpK: i used most of that URL
02:59.52n00b_ANy developer here?
02:59.53abrotmanroasted: it depends on helper apps
02:59.58abrotmann00b_: you?
03:00.20roastedabrotman: it's just for a file server. It'll pretty much be base install, samba, and uh.. not sure what else.
03:00.35roastedabrotman: I can fit Ubuntu / on it so I figure debian should be easy to do, but wanted to make sure... cause otherwise I need to order a flash drive.
03:00.41gnarfacen00b_: which lanugage?
03:00.54roastedabrotman: granted with ubuntu / on it I have about ~300 mb free. With enough updates, it's a no go.
03:01.03n00b_I am ubuntu user but I prefer debian
03:01.05gnarfacen00b_: no which programming language
03:01.10abrotmann00b_: do you have a Debian question ?
03:01.39n00b_why free software developers don't care debian and care ubuntu users?
03:01.44n00b_for exemple
03:01.48abrotmanroasted: honestly, oyu'll have to test your install to see how large it is
03:01.53abrotmann00b_: do you have a Debian question?
03:02.00*** join/#debian stefunz (
03:02.08abrotmann00b_: and debian *support* question ... cause that isn't one
03:02.15roastedabrotman: well, yeah, okay. Not that difficult of a question to guestimate, but hey thanks :D
03:02.19n00b_ok bye
03:02.28dpkgAnother happy customer leaves the building.
03:02.48Mephistoso i can type now.
03:02.50abrotmanroasted: I'd guess X plus minimal window manager would be 1.5GB, but that's a guess
03:03.01roastedabrotman: hey, that works. thanks!
03:03.14abrotmanroasted: i think a base CLI only install is about 500MB
03:03.23Mephistoi wonder if the one who did it really thinks it's a good way of dealing with it.
03:03.45roastedabrotman: I considered CLI, but sometimes I let torrents run. Is it possible to run torrents via CLI?
03:03.53abrotmanMephisto: do you have something debian related to discuss, because if you're going to start ranting again, the ban will be reinstated
03:04.06abrotmanroasted: rtorrent is a great torrent program
03:04.10abrotmanIMO anyway
03:04.14roastedabrotman: terminal based?
03:04.18abrotmanroasted: yep
03:04.25roastedabrotman: I'll look into it. thanks.
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03:06.03Lintis there an app in debian like cakewalk which can add text to midi files?
03:06.13Lintabrotman, more like 1.1GB
03:06.23abrotmanLint: CLI only? or with X?
03:06.30Lintabrotman, base-system
03:06.39abrotmani have CLI boxes that are under 600MB
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03:06.58abrotmananyway, he'll still have to try his specific setup
03:07.51Mephistoabrotman, hear me, you donut. Can't you simply understand that attracting aggression upon yourself is not the way of solving anything. In fact, you don't care if it helps, you just DO it because you got the stupid button. But in real life you'd not do it, cause you know one might find ya and rearrange your face a little bit. And shove those threats up your stinky ass you bozo, i've had enough of ya, and what you're reading now is YOUR fault, not mine. La
03:07.52Mephistoy off the fucking button. And you know something? I got the pleasure writing all this. Cause i know i'm right. My regards to The Mill too, and i hope you guys will find girlfriends at last and stop being gays. Cheers, suckers.
03:08.02*** join/#debian BenNZ (
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03:08.18abrotmanMephisto: i wasn' the one that banned you the first time .. wish you the best of luck
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03:08.25*** kick/#debian [Mephisto!~abrotman@pdpc/supporter/active/abrotman] by abrotman (you should know better)
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03:08.58Lintwhat did you to to provoke him such?
03:09.16abrotmanhe's been a constant issue since he started coming around, he thinks he is entitled to be spoonfed
03:09.35Lintroasted, xfce has many, many dependencies
03:09.50Lintroasted, but you should be under 3GB in any case
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03:10.47roastedLint: good deal. Does Debian 6 have an LXDE variant?
03:11.05Lintof course
03:11.28roastedLint: I was just going to do Ubuntu LXDE, but some users on UbuntuForums were talking about how crazy awesome Debian 6 XFCE was so I thought, hmm...
03:11.29roastedmight be good to run on the file server
03:11.34roastedminimal usage but enough to be dangerous
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03:21.01oscurochuI'm trying to remount / to read only, and remount it to /mnt/host. it's not allowing me to do this. i need to copy my operating system to a new hard drive. i did this on another computer, it worked fine. i dont know what im doing wrong this time.
03:21.56Dulakoscurochu: are you in single-user mode?
03:22.45oscurochui dont know, actually... lol
03:23.32DulakTo remount / read-only you need to be in single user mode, so reboot and add a 1 to the end of your boot line from the boot manager
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03:27.49roastedDoes anybody know offhand what file I need to edit to change the default apache directory? I want my box to host out of /media/storage not /var/www
03:28.26oscurochu/etc/apache2 or /etc/httpd ?
03:28.42oscurochuits been a while since i've used apache, sorry if im not much help.
03:28.54roastedoscurochu: all good. I'm going to write those down... thanks!
03:29.44oscurochuis anybody able to help me?
03:30.35oscurochuis rebooting the computer and adding 1 to the boot options the same as booting up and typing, "init 1," because that's what I did.
03:34.06oscurochuWhen I try to remount /dev/sda2 to /mnt/target, it wont allow me to, it says its already mounted.
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03:41.30somiajoscurochu: why do you want it mounted in two places, you can use mount --bind if you need that
03:41.42somiajocyou can type mount or df to see what parttions are mounted where
03:42.13oscurochuhow do i do that? i tried it, i must be doing it wrong...
03:42.33somiajmount --bind /home /mnt/target
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03:42.44somiajthough I'm unsure why you want to mount it in another place? What are you trying to achive?
03:42.46cardamonI wonder if there's way to push a shell into screen if you didn't start it in screen.
03:43.08somiajoscurochu: oh i see, yea mount --bind / /mnt/target
03:43.16oscurochuim installation debian on a new system using the system i have installed on a flash drive.
03:43.40somiajoscurochu: I just missed your original question, I understand now. (:
03:43.44oscurochui tried mount -o bind / /mnt/host and it didnt work though
03:44.03oscurochuit worked when it was rw, but not ro.
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03:44.25nsadminoscurochu, this does seem like the kind of thing you'd want to be careful with... what has you interested in doing this?
03:45.34nsadminyou want to mount / elsewhere?? this really sounds weird. you should be very careful with this, if you have any data at all that has any value to you
03:46.08nsadminoic you want an ro "copy" of /?
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03:47.20nsadminor are you trying to mount something that's mounted elsewhere on /? the problem with this is / should already be mounted
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03:48.39nsadminwell anyway... I put in a little effort writing this... no reply. ok, good luck with that, hope you know what you're doing and back up pretty often.
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04:04.38^BARrE|^is kde written to be threaded?
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04:11.16nsadmin^BARrE|^, that question has about as much to do with debian as a guy who;s been told he's a "nice guy" has anything to do with getting laid... try #kde
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04:19.29squibbyhi so earlier I was trying to supply an init script to /etc/init.d and was told to go over the manual entry for insserv.  I've read insserv(1) and according to everything I've read, I don't see why my script would fail to start with system boot.  it starts and stops fine when run directly after boot.  it has all of the comment headers as far as I can tell.  anywhere else I can check and see what's going on? to my knowledge it's not
04:19.29squibbytrying to call any undefined System Facilities either
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04:38.00somiajsquibby: have you put the links in /etc/rc?.d -- if you have the start/stop levels correct in your LSB headders, update-rc.d script_name defaults should do the trick
04:38.28somiajsquibby: and I'm assuming by run you mean it accepts the 'start', 'stop', 'restart' commands.
04:38.34hc_deelbdoes anyone know how i can prevent the standardly installed ntpd to listen only on localhost?
04:38.58hc_deelbehm.. not prevent. force!
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04:39.43squibbysomiaj, yup that's definitely what I mean.  I can manually run start and stop?   uhm I have not checked /etc/rc?.d for the appropriate references. I did however use the default gnome tool called "Services" to set the enabled run levels to match what was defined in the comment headers of the script.
04:40.03hc_deelbi already configured the -I localhost parameter in /etc/default/ntp but he is still listening on "*"
04:40.36somiajsquibby: I think it is just you are missing your links, and you want to let them be generated so they are put in the correct order. I use update-rc.d for that
04:42.01squibbysomiaj, that's the name of a command?
04:42.19somiajsquibby: update-rc.d service defaults
04:42.29somiajit uses the LSB headers to make all the startup links for you
04:42.36squibbyoh I see.
04:43.20squibbyI got the impression from reading the insserv manual was that it would decide on its own how to reorder the runlevels if a new script was placed in /etc/init.d/  However I have no idea if the -d option is being used with insserv or not.
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04:43.30squibbyI'm going to try that right now, thanks for your suggestion.
04:46.05somiajsquidly: ls /etc/rc?.d/*service* is a good way to see if the links were made
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04:49.33squibbysomiaj, you sir are a gentleman and a scholar.  much obliged. :)
04:50.38squibbysomiaj, is there a debian linux reference manual tree that you recommend that I could read from top to bottom, to help fill in some of these gaps in my knowledge? I wouldn't have had the foggiest clue to check update-rc.d
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04:52.12somiajthere are various documentation on, though my experience is just running into tools. You can use other tools for the links, update-rc.d is just the one I ran into when I first delt with modifing startup scripts.
04:53.20somiajusing insserv directally is just fine. I just dont know the syntax. (:
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04:56.08somethinginteresRunning Debian Testing. I am getting updates for software I don't think I even have installed as well as software I've explicitly removed. For e.g. XBMC RC2 (which -was once- installed) keeps trying to "update" when it is now not installed. XBMC from git is, compiled from source. Is this normal?
04:56.14squibbysomiaj, hmm well the insserv manual only seemed to include the default files, paths, options and System Facilities defined.  nothing about any extra update commands.  and it certainly didn't reference anything similar to update-rc.d.  just init(7) :/
04:57.15squibbyoh it modified it to run at level 18.  how strange.
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04:59.15somiajsquibby: update-rc.d is just a script that ends up calling insserv in the long run anyways...insserv is the upstream package and is on other systems so it won't mention the debian tool update-rc.d
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04:59.52Lintis there a command in debian to type letters from text file by a regular expression?
05:01.35somiajLint: what do you mean by typing letters? You can use things like awk, sed to parse text files and print a modified output to stdout
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05:02.29Lintwhat is awk?
05:02.33somiajman awk
05:02.58somiajit actually uses its own syntax, not fully regex
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05:11.17Mr_Queueanyone know where I can include scripts to be run when I open the lid on the laptop? I currently have a cron controlling fan speed on reboots, but if shut/open the lid the dam fan starts again.
05:12.21somiajMr_Queue: you can look into pm-utils if that is what is suspnding/resuming the laptop when you close/open the lid
05:12.22Linti cannot see how awk can do what I want
05:12.29somiajLint: what do you want to do?
05:12.34somiajLint: you didn't explain it fully
05:12.46Linti need to filter a text file by a regular expression
05:13.02somiajMr_Queue: if your system isn't supsending when you close the lid but you want to run an action to run when the lid button is pressed/released, look into acpi events.
05:13.22Mr_Queuesomiaj: alright, thanks for the ideas.
05:13.29somiajLint: what kinda of regex? grep, sed can do things too.
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05:14.36somiajif you just want to match bassed on a regexp, grep has --extended-regexp, --basic-regexp and --perl-regexp options for the matching pattern
05:15.16Lintgrep just pring entire lines
05:15.30Linti need all parts matching
05:16.36*** join/#debian Joey64 (7ca0d904@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
05:17.15somiajthere are multiple tools out there, if you descibe in better detail what it is you want you'll proabaly get better help
05:18.48Lintin each text line there are parts which satisfy an expression. need to print them out, every of them
05:19.01Lint(these parts)
05:19.12ectospasmLint: grep can report only the parts that match
05:20.21Lintthen I need to pipe it to sed?
05:20.31somiajit should print them to the screen
05:20.41Joey64How to mark a USB boot installer ,my usbdisk is 4g ,when I mark it ,only 256mb can use ,so how to let the other space used
05:20.59ectospasmJoey64: fdisk
05:21.28somiajJoey64: what do you mean mark it? Are you using cat/dd to copy the netinstaller to a usb drive?
05:21.28FunGoatAnybody have any luck installing on a MacBook Pro 5,1? Having some trouble with EFI…
05:21.36Lintit print an antire expression, and I need only \1 part of it
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05:24.04Joey64First  i use dd copy usbhdd.img to USB, and then copy business.iso to USB
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05:25.13Joey64And that time The USB space only 256mb can be used
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05:50.21kandinskihi, where does sshd log its activity?
05:51.03somiajkandinski: if you are looking for authentication attempts via ssh /var/log/auth.log
05:52.37kandinskiI am looking for errors
05:53.06kandinskiI tried to open a different port, I get a connection reset by peer even from localhost
05:53.10kandinskinsadmin: ta
05:53.53nsadminwell it's a guess, cause it's a daemon and lotsa daemons log there
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05:54.06nsadminthere could be /var/log/ssh(
05:54.12nsadminthere could be /var/log/ssh*
05:54.46nsadminor /var/log/openssh*
05:56.06kandinskineither exists
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06:00.30nsadminit's probably logging via syslogd (yet another daemon) and check its config and see what sshd does to set up its logging
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06:03.51Free_BulletsI'm trying to get syslinux to boot an LVM volume. In syslinux.cfg, I set the root to /dev/mapper/vg0-root. When I try booting, it flashes then goes back to the boot menu. Am I doing something wrong?
06:04.16Free_Bulletssays it can't find the kernel
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06:05.41kandinskithanks, nsadmin
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06:06.38kandinskinsadmin: syslogfacility AUTH, LogLevel INFO
06:06.50kandinskiI want to raise that to something more, isn't it?
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06:14.55Free_BulletsAs a follow-up to my problem, it turns out I was actually missing my kernel. Fail.
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06:19.15nsadminmusta popped...
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06:20.48os_how to change locale of gnome shell !
06:21.15os_and how to install some locales for it
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06:33.38rwpos_, As root run: dpkg-reconfigure locales
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06:36.24antiisolois there any known issues for debian to be killing my battery fast? even with dim monitor and nothing but a browser running
06:36.49rozieantiisolo: what hardware?
06:37.25rozietake a look at powertop - it may give you a clue what's using power, as well as some sugestions
06:37.52NoGoodNicksLeftHow long does clementine usually take to create a library? My music library is about 6TB
06:38.10antiisoloaspire 4830tg-6450 4gb of ram, i5 quad core.. its suppose to have 8+ hours of life.. which i dont espect.. somehow my windows gets 4(at the most) just installed debian and i get 2hrs tops
06:38.19NoGoodNicksLeftit's stuck at 0%
06:40.28NoGoodNicksLeftI'm accessing the library over nfs, and I usually get about 1mBps connection to the server
06:40.41rozieantiisolo: take a look on
06:41.13rozienot sure if this is similar chipset, but author also had problem with battery usage
06:41.24rozieand this is kernel issue
06:41.43antiisolook ill give it a look, thanks rozie
06:41.57rozielater there was solution to improve battery life, but introduced unstability
06:42.08rozieand this is final(?) solution
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06:46.31NoGoodNicksLeftI can't get chromium to work with socks5 proxying over a ssh tunnel. The proxy works for iceweasel. I went to under the hood>proxy settings, but it just takes me to the network control panel. Does anyone know what I do from there to get it to work?
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06:47.19NoGoodNicksLeftI've also tried ProxySwitchy, putting in for socks, selecting socksv5, and my port
06:47.32NoGoodNicksLeftchromium just ignores the proxy and goes around it
06:48.00NoGoodNicksLeftand I really don't want to use iceweasel
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06:49.24NoGoodNicksLeftdoes clementine work for large music libraries, or does it just crash?
06:49.27antiisolorozie, sry i am completely new to this but i dont understand how to apply this
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06:49.43antiisolotheres nothing to dl, do i jst edit a file?
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07:26.40VanDerSparIs there a way to make sure that every file associated to a package is removed?
07:27.39os_VanDerSpar: did you use purge or delete?
07:27.51VanDerSparapt-get remove
07:28.20os_use apt-get purge to remove it completly
07:28.49aBoundThere's also: sudo apt-get autoremove && sudo apt-get autoclean.
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07:29.51os_aBound: i was planning to make him excute : dpkg -L pakage | ls
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07:30.11VanDerSparMight be that I need to use some of those. Still having problems with that mysql
07:30.49aBoundos_, Whatever works heh.
07:30.55os_did you excute autoclean and purge
07:31.05os_aBound: hhhhe
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07:32.26VanDerSparI did
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07:33.09vitorlobohi, how to disable keyboard alt + lmb on lxde with debian?
07:33.10VanDerSparSame error message. Give me a minute and I'll pastebin it
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07:33.43os_vitorlobo: lmb?
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07:33.55vitorloboos_,  mouse button lmb
07:34.11vitorloboos_,  ops, rmb
07:34.34vitorloboos_,  no...this's lmb same
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07:34.40vitorloboalt + lmb button
07:34.47VanDerSparMight need to revert it to the latest backup :/
07:35.00os_VanDerSpar:     dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of mysql-server!
07:35.02vitorlobohi, how to disable keyboard (alt + mouse right button "lmb") on lxde with debian?
07:35.09os_run apt-get update
07:35.24vitorlobohi, how to disable keyboard (alt + mouse left button "lmb") on lxde with debian?
07:35.38os_vitorlobo: moment i have debian lxde on virtual box
07:35.55os_cause i don't have lXDE  installes
07:35.58os_cause i don't have lXDE  installed
07:36.03vitorloboos_,  alt + lmb = drag move window's
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07:36.10vitorlobobut, i have disabled this
07:36.18os_vitorlobo: AH!
07:36.34os_vitorlobo: just a while
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07:40.03os_vitorlobo: moment
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07:40.07vitorlobook :)
07:41.47os_i think that is from openbox
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07:42.10VanDerSparos_: mysql-server is dependent on the config of mysql-server-5.1, so that makes sense. But I don't get why it won't start after the configuration of mysql-server-5.1
07:42.44vitorloboI looked in lxde-rc.xml but could not find the disable option.
07:43.13os_vitorlobo: it is not from LXDE
07:43.31*** join/#debian bwana147 (~cbouvi@
07:43.34os_but it is from Windowmanager (openbox)
07:43.55os_VanDerSpar: can you pastebin again
07:44.17VanDerSparI'll pastebin the error I get when trying to configure mysql-server-5.1
07:45.08VanDerSparNah. You'll get it all, sorry.
07:45.49VanDerSparAlso, I should register at nickserv so that I could ask in the sql or mysql channel, instead of bothering you.
07:46.32*** join/#debian dnai23 (
07:46.59os_VanDerSpar: try
07:47.06os_# fuser -k /tmp/ibzF9159
07:47.14os_and try angain
07:47.18vitorloboos_,  then  openbox rc.xml i'm not find this option
07:47.18os_and try again
07:47.39VanDerSpartells it doesn't exist
07:47.44os_vitorlobo: search in openbox configure file
07:47.52os_not in lxde
07:48.04*** join/#debian milosn (
07:48.10os_vitorlobo: ask in  #lxde
07:48.19os_VanDerSpar: HMM
07:48.24vitorlobook i go search this
07:48.25VanDerSparSo it can't create it, sure
07:49.23os_hmm i think that it can't stop sql demaond
07:49.52os_Stopping MySQL database server: mysqld.
07:49.53os_120323  8:32:10 [Note] Plugin 'FEDERATED' is disabled.
07:50.09os_from here there is failed!
07:50.14os_from here there is fail!
07:50.51VanDerSparSeems like it, os_
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07:51.19os_VanDerSpar: i have no idea
07:51.33VanDerSparI'm sorry to ask these ignorant questions, but how do I kill it then?
07:51.34os_try reboot then purge
07:51.53os_it ? = ?
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07:52.32os_by kill (pid of process)
07:52.43os_pkill (process name)
07:53.02os_you can use gnome-system-monitor
07:53.06os_but as root
07:53.29os_you have htop as process monitor from terminal
07:54.09VanDerSparYeah. Thanks
07:54.32os_VanDerSpar: maybe anthor user can help you in sql because i am not expert in debian
07:54.34*** join/#debian digdilem_ (
07:54.37os_VanDerSpar: NP
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07:55.20VanDerSparHmm. I don't see any process called sql or mysql
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07:56.25os_it is my-sqld
07:56.29os_it is mysqld
07:56.39VanDerSparYeah, it's not on the lsit
07:56.51os_NO idea
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07:58.11VanDerSparAnyways. I will go to get some breakfast.
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08:08.38CookieJarI just had a weird thought
08:08.58CookieJarif it was possible, how long would it take to install Debian from vinyl records?
08:09.46VanDerSpar|AwayThat was a nice thought
08:10.12vltwonders what CookieJar is preparing for.
08:10.33bananasdoomhow do you shutdown your pc to s5, I had someone inthe ubuntu irc tell me to use sudo init5  but it returened sudo: init5: command not found
08:10.46CookieJaridk, I was just looking at my messy work table that currently has my record player on it
08:11.02CookieJarand thinking of my plan to try debian on a pentium 1
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08:20.48bananasdoomhow do you shutdown your pc to s5, I had someone inthe ubuntu irc tell me to use sudo init5  but it returened sudo: init5: command not found
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08:23.35VanDerSparLinux is a little too confusing for me. All of a sudden, my database could be started. Anyways. Much rejoice
08:23.47*** join/#debian SlayerXP (~martin@2001:ba8:1f1:f12c::2)
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08:24.58SlayerXPgood morning.  i have a machine which has mixed architecture packages installed, i386 and amd64.  how can I determined which i386 packages there are?  (bearing in mind I have b oth the 32 bit and 64 bit versions of some packages).
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08:26.31homesSlayerXP: scary :\
08:26.38homesSlayerXP: didn't know you could mix ports
08:27.05SlayerXPhomes: sure, you can run 32 stuff on a 64 bit platform
08:27.27SlayerXPhomes: google something like "debian multiarch"
08:28.28CookieJarI wonder if Debian could run on a commodore 64
08:28.31CookieJar( ¬‿¬)
08:30.02bananasdoomanyone know how to shutdown to s5, need to for wake on lan
08:30.40CookieJarwouldn't a simple pkill command work? never done it often so not sure how it would go
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08:33.06cardieli have asked my vsp provider to setup reverse dns to a specific host and i have added the fqdn4 line into maradns db. but i wont get the host when connecting to irc anyway. i use irssi -h , what can be wrong?
08:33.51SlayerXPboringly, my answer is "dpkg -l | grep ii | grep :386"
08:34.01CookieJarthe planets aren't aligned cardiel
08:34.22cardielCookieJar: what do you mean?
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08:34.30CookieJarits a joke
08:34.51CookieJarand a fancy way of saying I don't know
08:35.17CookieJarmy best advice is, does it work with other irc clients?
08:35.20CookieJarsuch as weechat
08:35.35cardielis it anyway to check if the domain is registred in reverse?
08:35.40cardielhavent tried weechat
08:36.31cardielhowto set a host in weechat? ive never used weechat before, just irssi
08:36.46CookieJarI haven't used weechat or irssi much
08:36.51CookieJarbeen an xchat guy
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08:37.59CookieJarhold on a tic
08:38.33CookieJarby host you mean like how I am
08:39.06*** join/#debian CVirus (52c9b312@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
08:39.11CookieJarwhelp, the most I do know of that is how to set a vhost in Rizon
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08:40.18cardielok. i have too gooogle then ;p
08:40.45CookieJarin my opinion this channel has too many idlers
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08:42.46vitorloboos_ exit?
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08:56.18linuxhello plz
08:56.31linuxgive me help
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09:02.00CVirus_After an aptitude full-upgrade .. X won't start .. help ?
09:02.16cardielhowto setup reverse dns in maradns? , is this enough "    PTR"?
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09:15.40CVirus_After an aptitude full-upgrade .. X won't start .. help ?
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09:35.16mallxshi; is there somewhere a log of the updates done on a system ?
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09:35.55mallxsafter a update of chrome and sna?? my flash doesnt work anymore
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09:41.28mallxsfirst it only didnt work only in chrome, after a reboot it also stopped in iceweasel
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09:42.14mallxsafter a apt-get remove gnash it worked again in chome
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09:54.49mallxsand also in icewasel
09:55.57bunny69can someone please tell me what on earth is: "GET /" in http logs?
09:56.34bunny69it's quite popular, is that a security scanner?
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09:57.02colo-workbunny69, it's a vulnerability scanner
09:57.27themillyou can train fail2ban to drop packets from people who send such requests
09:57.32colo-workyou'll inevitably have it showing up in your access logs if you operate an HTTP server anywhere in the internet, sooner or later.
09:57.58colo-workI'd just ignore it if it doesn't amount to at least 1% of your total incoming traffic.
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10:02.05judgensqueeze=testing ?
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10:03.57sephiijudgen: squeeze = stable
10:04.04judgenoh ok
10:04.24Woetwheezy = testing, sid = unstable
10:04.35Woethamm = awesome
10:05.10judgencan i add sid repos to wheezy to get the newest kernel that has better power management for adm apu's
10:05.15judgenor will that break the system
10:05.53colo-workI'd probably rather compile and install my own kernel image
10:06.05colo-workthat's not hard to do (even properly :)) in Debian
10:06.16judgenhmmm i do prefer to not do that
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10:06.31judgeni did before when i was not a lazy slob
10:06.53judgenbut when using vmware it was a pain since i did not know the requirements
10:07.00colo-workyou can always try to fetch the .deb containing the kernel image from the sid repo without enabling it as a whole, and try to install it using `dpkg -i`, too.
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10:07.10colo-workusing VMware is always a pain.
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10:07.24judgeni know, but virtualbox is hardly an alternative
10:08.09englajudgen: backports kernel?
10:08.14judgenso if i add sid a a whole, will it break my system?
10:08.29judgenengla: how do i add that?
10:08.31englajudgen: backports has linux 3.2
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10:08.45judgenmain contrib non-free backports ?
10:09.10engladpkg: squeeze-backports (formerly is an official repository of <backports> for the current stable distribution, prepared by Debian developers.  Ask me about <backport caveat> and read to enable and use.  See also <bdo kernel> <bdo mirrors> <bdo contents> <bdo list> <bdo bugs> <backports-sloppy> <bdo xorg>.
10:09.38babilenjudgen: Which Debian release are you tracking right now?
10:10.03englajudgen: wait, are you on wheezy?
10:10.31englathen why do you need to get the sid kernel at all, they have the same version at the moment
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10:12.41judgenengla: 2.* is installed at the moment with wheezy
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10:13.11judgeni want atleast 3.1
10:13.22englathen dist-upgrade
10:13.33judgento get the power management of amd apu's proper
10:13.38woshtyis there documentation on bluetooth in debian somewhere? where to save the pairing information etc.
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10:15.27babilenjudgen: Which Debian release are you tracking right now? Can you paste your sources.list and the output of "apt-cache policy ; aptitude search '~i~n^linux-image'" to please?
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10:16.02xwalkHas anyone had problems with xfce4 running two sessions at the same time?
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10:17.31dhbikerpreload is working in debian ?
10:18.30babilendhbiker: What exactly do you mean by "preload" ? You can certainly preload libraries by setting LD_PRELOAD accordingly, but I am not sure if you are talking about that.
10:18.47dhbikerpreload daemon
10:19.38judgenhehe i see that gnome is still god awful
10:19.56judgengtk is still nice though
10:20.01*** mode/#debian [+l 1208] by debhelper
10:20.10dhbikermate here... instead of gnome 3 -.-
10:20.12babilendhbiker: Check for applicable bugs -- Did you try it? Have you read applicable documentation in /usr/share/doc/preload?
10:20.24babilenjudgen: Which Debian release are you tracking right now? Can you paste your sources.list and the output of "apt-cache policy ; aptitude search '~i~n^linux-image'" to please?
10:20.44dhbikerbabilen: i have it installed... but it seems that its not working
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10:21.26judgenseems i am wrong, i used netbootin to get the system up, and i picked testing... the sources.list says squeeze
10:21.32babilendhbiker: What did you do? What did you expect to happen? What happened instead?
10:21.50babilenjudgen: netbootin?
10:21.53dhbikersudo tail -f /var/log/preload.log
10:21.53dhbiker[Fri Mar 23 11:06:03 2012] loading conf from /etc/preload.conf
10:21.53dhbiker[Fri Mar 23 11:06:03 2012] loading state from /var/lib/preload/preload.state
10:21.53dhbiker[Fri Mar 23 11:06:03 2012] cannot open /var/lib/preload/preload.state for reading, ignoring: No such file or directory
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10:22.04dhbikerwell this happened
10:22.15dhbikerand this state file is not showing
10:22.35judgenbabilen: unetbootin
10:22.47judgenbabilen: it is for booting off usb
10:23.03judgenfor us that has quit optical media
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10:24.54dhbikerbabilen: guess i'll have to do a research then
10:24.57babilenjudgen: unetbootin is known to produce faulty installers -- We ship <hybrid images> for amd64 and i386, which means that you can just cat(1) it to the USB block device (e.g.: cat debian.iso > /dev/sdb)
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10:25.13babilen!tell judgen -about usb install
10:25.15dhbikerall of that bugs are fixed more or less... or at least it seems so
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10:25.57babilenjudgen: But given that you have squeeze installed already, you do not have to reinstall at all. Quite to the contrary actually, as the recommended way (if at all!!) to install wheezy is to install squeeze first.
10:26.07judgenbabilen: can i make a wheezy or sid image from windows in another manner easily?
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10:27.48babilenjudgen: There is no wheezy or sid image -- There are daily builds which will install a wheezy system, but those images contain development versions of the installer and are only meant for testing the installer. You can, however, use the stable installer to install testing (selection somewhere in the boot menu or during expert), but that is also not recommended.
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10:29.57bunny69what is the default kernel on sq?
10:29.57kladzeHello, im having a issue with crontab... Currently if i have a script on the last line of /etc/crontab - it wont be executed, while if i put it a few lines up higher.. it gets executed... and can't seem to find the problem with my cron... Im running 64bit, lenny... - crontab line: */15 * * * * root /home/scripts/kunde_shaping/
10:30.23bunny69shaping customers is evil ;)
10:30.57bunny69so... i smell some whitechars in there
10:31.31bunny69did you actually paste that line or typed it in?
10:31.47bunny69that's what i thought
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10:32.04kladzei C/P from crontab to irc
10:32.23bunny69no, i mean did you paste into crontab -e or typed it in?
10:32.31bunny69when editing
10:32.55bunny69anyway i would just ctrl+k that line in pico and re-type it manually
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10:33.32Gediminaskladze: set * * * * * .., then look syslog or crontab'e log
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10:33.34babilenbunny69: 2.6.32
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10:36.07jellykladze: which editor are you using?  Make sure that last line is properly terminated (cron _requires_ a newline character there)
10:36.37jellykladze: if you don't understand the above, just add an empty line at the end of the file
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10:37.00kladzejelly atm im editing with mc
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10:37.58kladzebut its orginally insterted from a script.. so that in fact might be the problem.. but atm i dont have access to that script.. so can't tell if thats the problem
10:39.06jellyvim takes care of proper line termination automatically
10:39.20jelly(in fact I think any vi does)
10:40.24kladzejust did with pico like bunny69 said.. and it worked :)
10:40.41kladzegotta find that install script that put the line into cron and fix that problem!
10:40.49kladzethanks for the help!
10:41.19jellyafter 25 years, one would think cron would be fixed to warn the user about that rather typical error
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10:43.50bunny69kladze white chars are even more evil than shaping customers ;)
10:44.46bunny69yes jelly
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10:44.57bunny69that's kind of ridiculous, isn't it :)
10:45.28Gediminasgre tunnel and ipsec tunnel are both L2?
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10:47.21Biganonhi, Looking for that sim city-like simulator
10:47.25Biganonopensource thing, any idea ?
10:47.37Coornailwell there is openttd
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10:48.42BiganonI think you found it
10:49.25Coornailawesome game
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10:56.43Turuxhi, does any of you guys know how to runs a UPnP server that works with my XBox360 on debian server (no X)?
10:57.39judgenwow! i love that in wheezy the win key is not dead, but acts as an alt key
10:57.47judgeneffing awesome
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11:04.27judgenhow do i alter the colours in ncurses programs?
11:04.28englayou can map the keys like you want
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11:05.48judgeni am colour blind, and i prefer yellow and blue as colours
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11:08.23judgencan i replace the red in ncurses programs to yellow somehow¨
11:08.39Turuxhi, does any of you guys know how to runs a UPnP server that works with my XBox360 on debian server (no X)?
11:08.42p0g0judgen: you need to set the attributes of the character with an 'escape code'
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11:08.55p0g0judgen: look at ncurses.h
11:09.13judgenp0g0: thankyou
11:09.17frostschutzjudgen: in xterm / rxvt etc., you can set custom color schemes
11:09.30p0g0judgen: or search the web, there are tables of the colors vs codes.
11:09.37judgenubuntu did purple and slightly less purple it seems, and i can not use that at all
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11:10.11FunkadelicAnyone know of a way to make all new files in a folder be marked executable? I'm making a bunch of test scripts and I'm tired of chmod +x * over and over
11:10.17frostschutzjudgen: color0 - color15 property as Xresource (see manpage of your terminal emulator)
11:10.18p0g0judgen: frostschutz is also right, you may be able to simply click a menu in the konsole profile (etc)
11:10.20judgenmonochrome would also be fine for me
11:10.35judgenfrostschutz: i do not use X
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11:11.27p0g0judgen: if you are in a true cli console, then you'll want to look at ncurses, you may find the CDK also of interest.
11:11.48frostschutzjudgen: dunno if one can set a color scheme in regular console... screen has something, attrcolor, but not sure if it will do what you want
11:11.49p0g0judgen: it's a ucrses development and widget kit.
11:11.58p0g0it will
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11:12.49p0g0frostschutz: one can set colors in the 'regular' console, it's pretty straightforward.
11:13.31Funkadelicif someone knows of a way to make new files in a folder automatically executable, i will be the happiest person ever
11:13.36frostschutzp0g0: I know how to make something show up in color, I don't know if there's a generic "display all green as blue instead" switch.
11:13.37judgenp0g0: i have to recompile ncurses to get red to black? correct?
11:13.46judgenor yellow
11:14.17p0g0judgen: no, you may need to recompile your program to use a new color, or it may have a configuration...
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11:14.43p0g0judgen: but you shouldn't need to rebuild the libcurses
11:14.46judgenouch, all of them?
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11:15.04p0g0judgen: it depends, but possibly yes.
11:15.54judgenaaargh, just reinstalled and now all i get is distortion
11:16.26p0g0judgen: curses and the ascii character attributes are Old Stuff, for ancient terminals like the VT100, it's implemented in many ways.
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11:16.45dokmahow do I return iptables to a state it's in after a boot?
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11:16.53dokmaor how do I reset all changes done after reboot?
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11:21.02jubo2I installed synaptiks ( touchpad driver ) on my Debian GNU/Linux with KDE and on startup the system says "Synaptiks driver not loaded or too old." the synaptiks process is running. I think I need to add a source for installing newer ( working ) synaptiks. How? Where? What?
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11:22.30FunkadelicHow can I find out what arguments are possible when building a program from source? Where is this information usually?
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11:25.52somiajFunkadelic: ./configure --help is a standard way
11:26.05somiajif it uses a configure script
11:26.32FunkadelicOoh, thanks!
11:27.56somiajjubo2: do you have the package xserver-xorg-input-synaptics installed?
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11:29.14somiajjubo2: squeeze-backports has a newer xorg version if the version in squeeze isn't new enough for your hardware
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11:32.27cdownHi, I'm trying to set up fetchmail to retrieve undownloaded mails from the server (note: "undownloaded" meaning they are not available locally, not that they are marked as "read"). Is this actually possible? I thought UIDLs would work, but apparently not. I'm using POP3 (SSL). All I have been able to do is either download everything (bad, because it creates new files in my inbox even for already existing mails) or downloading "read" files which is not feasible f
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11:36.43mparodihow do I force a screen to close?
11:37.07Coornailwhat screen?
11:37.12cdown"a screen"?
11:37.23mparodiI have a program running in a screen but every time I close it, it is launched again u.u
11:37.26mparodi$ screen
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11:37.39cdownthat's what screen does...
11:37.46Coornailhow do you close it?
11:37.50Coornailctrl+a d ?
11:38.01kladzectrl-a k
11:39.03jubo2I need to find a way to install a newer version of synaptiks but I dunno where I find a repository with a new version. help would be appreciated.
11:39.08mparodi<Coornail> ctrl+a d ? <-- it detach the screen but it keeps running
11:39.39mparodi<kladze> ctrl-a k <-- great!
11:39.42mparodithank you :)
11:39.48kladzenp :)!
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11:40.18mparodiby the way, where is it documented?
11:41.07Coornailmparodi: yes it does, because I suspected that's how you close it
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11:41.22kladzeif you do a man screen
11:41.33mparodiC-a C-k     (kill)        Destroy current window.
11:41.35kladzego to the section named DEFAULT KEY BINDINGS
11:41.37mparodifound it in the man page
11:41.48kladzeyou see all the diffent bindings
11:41.49mparodiyep, I found it
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11:52.01kate123whats teh best wifi stick for debian ?
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12:00.20judgenkate123: anything with a ralink chipset
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12:01.12judgenmanufacturers i prefer is EdiMAX as they have drivers for osx, linux and windows
12:01.23judgensome adapters even work on haiku and amiga
12:01.46judgenbut the ralink driver in debian supports it out of the box
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12:02.54mparodipython nfoopy 2>&1 >> output.log
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12:03.19mparodiisn't it supposed to log everything (stdout and stderr) in output.log? it somehow doesn't log anything
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12:04.55kate123judgen: thanks are you using such a stick
12:05.35kate123judgen: at the moment i'm using a tp-link stick with the atheros chipset and i've got a lot trouble
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12:07.23sephiiwhat's the best way to start a daemon that's inside a chroot at boot? I'm using my machine (based on testing) for web development but I'd like to use a stable environment for development (but just for apache, php, etc). So I thought about having a stable chroot and having all my tools like Apache, php etc inside of it. Is there a better way to do that?
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12:32.08LordShivaWhy the #debian-next is invite only ? I run Wheezy ?
12:33.25abrotmanLordShiva: on
12:34.01Lintis there an app in debian like cakewalk which can add text to midi files?
12:34.30LordShivaaha but when I try to join here on freenode to #debian-next I get : * Cannot join #debian-next (Channel is invite only).
12:34.46abrotmanLint: you mean a text to speech app ?
12:35.08abrotmanLordShiva: because it's not to be used here .. only on OFTC
12:35.14Lintno, I mean adding lyric events
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12:35.51Lintbasically MIDI editing + sheet music
12:35.55Argafali understand users can not set nice level <0. Now I want all user processes to be a certain nice level at default, but the user to be able to prioritize in addition. e.g. everything by default having 5 and the user being able to renice up to 0, root up to -19. or everything being zero by default, the user able to renice up to -5, root up to -19. how could i achieve this?
12:36.38LordShivaYou can try with some of software like ardour or lmms ?
12:36.48cdownArgafal: be careful about the word "users", you're misusing it
12:36.52cdownyou will confuse someone someday.
12:36.52LordShivaI dont know did they have that function Lint
12:37.08LordShivaThat are DAW's in debian
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12:37.09Argafalcdown: please feel free to elaborate on that
12:37.11abrotmanLint: apt-cache search midi lyrics ?
12:37.20cdownArgafal: "users" includes root, toor, etc.
12:37.33LordShivaThere is a nedit also but that is a music score software like a muse
12:37.41cdownYou probably mean "unprivileged users" or "lusers"
12:37.43abrotmanArgafal: sudo
12:38.26Argafalcdown: right, i see what you are saying
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12:38.58Argafalor asked differently can i assign a lower priority (higher nice level) to a certain program by default?
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12:39.19Argafale.g. every java process that's started runs as nice 5, everything else by default (where is this default configured) as 0?
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12:44.30brokenjamesMorning *
12:45.03brokenjamesCan you guys check out this question for me. I won`t get real work done until the curiosity calms down.
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12:46.19abrotmanArgafal: started with an init script ?
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12:47.00Argafalabrotman: nope, java -xmx230g .... on the console. now I could trust the users to nice it themselves, but I don't.
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12:47.37abrotmanthen you're kind of stuck i guess?
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12:47.53abrotmanArgafal: alternately, re nice the rest of the system ?
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12:48.48Argafalabrotman: mh, i guess I'm stuck.
12:49.02Argafalcronjob every five minutes to renice? :-D
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12:49.15abrotmansure .. you could
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12:55.34chronos-dmthi guys
12:56.03chronos-dmthow can I find source code of bluetooth manager running in debian 6?
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12:56.24chronos-dmtbecause I want to see source code responsible to send files using bluetooth
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12:56.47chronos-dmtand I noted that debian is stable to do this task
12:57.02chronos-dmtso I would like to see that source code
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12:59.13dokmaIf I redirect port 80 like this:  I cannot reach the the machine to which the port is redirected by loading
12:59.18dokmadid I miss anything?
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13:00.12dokmaabrotman: got any idea? ^^^^
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13:01.11gabedainchronos-dmt: apt-get source <package>
13:01.58chronos-dmtgabedain : ok, but which is correct package?
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13:03.37chronos-dmtbecause I just press buttons of UI, but I dont know which function are being used to UI
13:03.59gabedainchronos-dmt: actually, this page has more information on what you want:
13:04.41gabedainchronos-dmt: you can get the source with subversion (svn checkout svn://
13:05.02abrotmandokma: no, but i'd probably ask #netfilter
13:05.52dokmaabrotman: thanks man!
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13:07.34chronos-dmtgadedain: ok, thank you
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13:20.26boston8372what is the kosher version of php now
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13:22.55Argafalok, one more wicked question. I got three non-privileged users. one of the accounts holds a svn checkout of a piece of software, has a cronjob to test and update this. say this is /home/common of the user common. then there are users a and b who will use /home/common/software. they should be able to read and write all files in there. specifically they should be able to add files and those files should be readable/writeable by the other user as well. ...
13:23.01Argafal... solution: common group, setgid bit for the folder so the group is inherited and g+w for all files. how do i make sure they are all created with g+w, can I "inherit" that as well, just as the gid in that folder?\
13:23.03Eduard_MunteanuHi. Could anyone recommend a torrent tracker in stable repos?
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13:24.19Eduard_MunteanuSome of the stuff I looked at seems old.
13:24.23kaneda^hey all, since is down does anyone have a legit mirrors list for a minimal net install iso of squeeze?
13:24.34vdonnefdoes anyone know a good tuto to create a pyth source package ? I tried 3 different and they all failed with my source files .... :(
13:25.22abrotmankaneda^: it's not down
13:25.41abrotmankaneda^: works fine here
13:26.13abrotmankaneda^: anyway .. check
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13:27.14kaneda^abrotman, i don see the net inst here
13:27.56abrotmankaneda^: for i386? amd64?
13:28.00boston8372do you have internet access ?
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13:28.20kaneda^i see the i386 installs, but all of them are huge
13:28.25kaneda^the net inst for debian is like 110mb
13:28.36boston8372that is huge ?
13:28.42abrotmankaneda^: .. scroll to the bottom
13:28.46kbaruse the tiny cd one
13:28.50kaneda^ah, ty
13:28.59abrotmankaneda^: the netinst is 191MB
13:29.05kaneda^perfect, ty
13:29.08kaneda^just didnt scroll down enough
13:29.32abrotmanthey're in alphabetical order
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13:52.54woshtyis there documentation on bluetooth in debian? like what the config files are for?
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14:05.53Guest7164@woshty: no idea but the Arch documentation is very good on the whole.
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14:18.00JordiGHDoes lenny still get security updates?
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14:18.44frostschutzJordiGH: yes but only from warez sites
14:18.54abrotmanJordiGH: see /topic
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14:19.28JordiGHabrotman: "yes" or "no" would be better than "rtfm". It's also less at least one character less.
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14:20.07JordiGHAh, 2012-02-06.
14:20.50abrotmanJordiGH: the topic is displayed to you when you join, and contains pertinent information .. don't blame me because you are too lazy to read the topic
14:21.11JordiGHabrotman: I'm glad you're industrious enough to type all that instead of "no", but I recommend laziness next time.
14:21.12abrotmanAnd it was emailed to various lists, and discussed in multiple places
14:21.28abrotmanJordiGH: next time i'll let the warez guy answer you .. have fun
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14:21.45JordiGHHey, man, I'm just trying to make it less work for you, less work for me.
14:21.53JordiGHThree keystrokes.
14:22.00ed8hi guys, I need to set up a debian server (squeese 6.0.3)
14:22.07kaneda^squeeze is on 6.0.4
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14:22.26abrotmanforgot that JordiGH doesn't like helpful people
14:22.30ed8First I would like to be sure the system is in UTF-8.
14:22.39abrotmaned8: dpkg-reconfigure locales
14:22.40ed8locale return value such as : fr_FR
14:22.45kaneda^ed8, do expert install
14:22.50*** part/#debian digitteknohippie (~jt_kirk@
14:22.52kaneda^then you can choose the encodings and the defautl
14:22.56abrotmanhe doesn't have to do an expert install
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14:23.03kaneda^i always do an expert install
14:23.03sephiied8: dpkg-reconfigure locales
14:23.07kaneda^i'm doing one right now in fact
14:23.12ed8kaneda^: it's a 3rd party server, the OS is already isntalled
14:23.18kaneda^yah, dpkg-reconfigure then
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14:27.03ed8got plenty of fail~
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14:29.30JordiGHabrotman: Thanks for the pointer. I gotta tell Dreamhost to update their installation...
14:29.44abrotmanJordiGH: good luck with that .. i've heard they're a bit slow
14:30.01ed8can I set the locale manually ?
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14:31.34joltcaned8: dpkg-reconfigure locales? or do you wanna set it to something in your bash file?
14:32.11ed8joltcan: I need to set the whole systen to UTF-8 as I work with languages
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14:32.17joltcaned8: like export LANG=en_US.UTF-8?
14:32.46joltcaned8: I just have that in my .bash_profile which I copy to the systems I use
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14:33.21val__is there samba 4 in Wheezy ?
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14:33.45somiaj,versions samba
14:33.46juddPackage: samba on i386 -- lenny: 2:3.2.5-4lenny15; lenny-security: 2:3.2.5-4lenny15; lenny-backports: 2:3.5.6~dfsg-3~bpo50+1; squeeze-security: 2:3.5.6~dfsg-3squeeze5; squeeze: 2:3.5.6~dfsg-3squeeze6; squeeze-backports: 2:3.6.3-1~bpo60+2; wheezy: 2:3.6.3-1; sid: 2:3.6.3-2
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14:37.13val__somiaj and judd: I t am still confused by versioning - I though version 4 alpha is in Sid - and I also I see
14:37.36somiaj,versions samba4
14:37.37juddPackage: samba4 on i386 -- sid: 4.0.0~alpha18.dfsg1-3
14:38.11somiajval__: ahh, you can check the qa page to see if anything is keeping it from droping into wheezy
14:38.39ed8is there a language packge to install prior to run 'dpkg-reconfigure locales' ? kaneda^ abrotman
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14:39.11somiajval__: I guess there is enough change in samba4 that instead of having the package just replace the samba version, it is an additional package which I didn't realize until you pointed it out
14:39.29kaneda^locales is the package ed8
14:39.34kaneda^hence dpkg-reconfigure locales
14:39.37abrotmaned8: uh .. locales ?
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14:39.51somiajed8: what do you mean? You need to generate you locales for the langagues. by default none are generated so you have to choose which ones you want to generate. If you choose all it will take a bit of time to generate the locales.
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14:41.40ed8abrotman: still the error :S
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14:42.05ed8somiaj: I run the dpkg-reconfigure command on 'locales' package
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14:42.17ed8choose fr_FR.UTF-8 as default
14:42.22somiajed8: did it give you a list of locales to choose to generate and set a default?
14:42.29burhanI have a situation where I need to remote-write files between various linux servers (not all are debian). I am trying to decide which method (nfs/samba, scp, ftp) would be the best - by best I mean with the least amount of lag.
14:42.32ed8somiaj: yep
14:42.49burhanunfortunately I don't have shared storage available (like a SAN) :/
14:42.57somiajed8: type 'locale' or export LC_ALL=fr_FR.UTF-8 -- it may not reset them until you relogin on your user.
14:43.29val__somiaj and judd thanks a bunch - it seem that some crumbs from samba4 are actually in wheezy - going to try them
14:43.43jhutchins_wkburhan: rsync
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14:44.04burhanjhutchins_wk: would that allow applications to 'write' to the remote servers?
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14:44.48burhanfor example - a web app running on serverA - a user uploads a file, the file needs to be saved on serverB
14:45.23somiajval__: is there any paticular feature you need from samba4 that isn't in samba 3.6?
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14:45.36abrotmaned8: what's the pastebin URL ?
14:46.34ed8somiaj: are you sure exporting LC_ALL will work after reboot ?
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14:48.18somiajed8: line 10, it is acting like you either have the name of the locale wrong or didn't generate it.
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14:49.05somiajed8: what does cat /etc/default/locale give you?
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14:50.17abrotmaned8: logout,login
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14:51.34jhutchins_wkburhan: There are ways to set up sshfs, but I'm not sure they're current or work outside a GUI.
14:51.36ed8abrotman: locale is correct except error on LC_TYPE and LC_ALL
14:52.15jhutchins_wkburhan: samba/cifs is probably the easiest to deal with.  NFS still has some quirks.
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15:01.02val__somiaj: I thought tha samba4 allows active directory specific features -
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15:01.18val__thanks for your help - i have to go - bye
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15:02.28NoReflexhello! Does anyone know how I can extract the useful part from a p7s file? I received one via e-mail and I was only able to find information about extracting the certificate part of the file using openssl
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15:07.37swebwhat is my get way ?
15:08.38drwahlsweb: 'gateway' is just a term for the next hop in a route
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15:09.17drwahlit's *usually* the first IP of a subnet, so it is most likely, if your subnet mask is correct
15:09.35NoReflexsweb, your default gateway is probably:
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15:19.59JJCalehi all
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15:22.08ed8is it save to an apt-get update; apt-get upgrade on prod server when it's freshly install ?
15:22.15ed8or you recommend not to ?
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15:24.04WordpressNoobare there any good guides for someone new to Linux on moving a site (files+mysql db) off a machine
15:24.05gotmynickit's safe as soon as your apt sources are configured for the version you want... also you may want to add dist-upgrade in such case
15:24.12gotmynick^^ ed8
15:24.20adimitsorry, wrong window
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15:24.25gotmynickapt-get upgrade may lack some security patches
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15:24.56ed8gotmynick: I prefer not to do a dist-upgrade
15:25.19gotmynickwhy ?
15:25.19ed8gotmynick: I'm running a squeeze server
15:25.37ed8tried dist-upgrade on ubuntu it fail every time
15:26.00gotmynickif your sources.list is targetd for squeeze, you should do it
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15:27.55ed8got I got : deb squeeze main
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15:28.00ed8and deb squeeze/updates main
15:28.22gotmynickthen dist-upgrade does not hurt (at least in debian)
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15:28.29ed8plus deb-src in /etc/apt/sources.list
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15:29.02gotmynickhave you rebuild any package "from sources" ? else the deb-src lines are not important for patches
15:29.17swebi have this inteface
15:30.28ed8gotmynick: i'm up to date (6.0.4.) while I was in 6.0.3 and didn't run apt-get dist-upgrade o_O
15:31.51swebhow can i configure as manual
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15:32.13sephiisweb: man interfaces
15:32.14gotmynicked8, upgrade and dist-upgrade only differ in dependency changes
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15:32.43sephiisweb: look at the eth0-home example
15:32.43gotmynickas manual or as static? (different think in debian interfaces)
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15:34.36burhanis there a more ... umm .. friendly version of update-rc.d that works from the console (so not bum).
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15:35.03swebsephii: i must clear entire file and add this lines ?
15:35.12gotmynickburhan, maybe rcconf (?)
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15:35.37gotmynicksweb, you don't want to change your loopback interface, only the eth0 related lines
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15:35.52burhangotmynick: perfect! thanks.
15:36.41gotmynickthinks that update-rc.d or ln -s are friendly enough :)
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15:36.48swebgotmynick: how about line `allow-hotplug eth0` ?
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15:37.36burhanhow can I configure putty so that console applications (like dpkg-reconfigure and rcconf) are drawn correctly. They work, but the border is made up of a bunch of a with a caret (^) on top.
15:37.56petemcburhan: what does echo $TERM say ?
15:37.59burhanI'm sure its some character encoding / terminal emulation thing.
15:38.11gotmynicksweb, that does not affect to the address method of the interface (static or dhcp)
15:38.13burhanpetemc: screen
15:38.26petemcthat works fine for me
15:38.30JJCaleI have apt.conf configured in a way that recommended packages are automatically installed. And I want to keep this general configuration. But there is a particular package that I want installed without its "recommends". I know I could do this simply entering "aptitude install --without-recommends <foo>". But then when "foo" will be upgraded (for instance on a "aptitude full-upgrade) its recommended packages will be there to be installed, and I do
15:38.30JJCalen't want that. So how can I prevent for all cases the automatically instalattion of the dependencies of that particulary package (package foo) ?
15:39.39swebgotmynick: is it required getway ?
15:40.00gotmynicksweb, yes, or "auto eth0", one of both
15:40.34gotmynickauto eth0 will fire it up at boot time, allow-hotplug may handle a cord removal/replug
15:40.45burhanpetemc: it was a character set issue. Change it to UTF8 on putty, now works great.
15:41.04petemcgood shit
15:41.22ed8gotmynick: what do you mean 'dependency changes' ?
15:42.16gotmynicked8, upgrade never changes your packages. If say debian 6.0.5 changes "depends" in any package, dist-upgrade will make changes, "upgrade" doesn't
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15:42.28nezzarioso I managed to break apt somehow on wheezy
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15:43.46guest100000JJCale: i have rebuilded nvclock package....   echo nvclock hold | dpkg --set-selections
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15:43.53ed8gotmynick: ok
15:44.12guest100000this preventing from upgrade nvclock
15:45.25gotmynicked8, in resume: a dist-upgrade in "squeeze" is mostly not to break nothing, but in any case fix/upgrade it. I can't say the same will happen in "testing" or "sid"
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15:47.38nezzarioanyone have any idea on that?
15:47.41JJCaleguest100000: I don't want to prevent foo to be upgraded... I just want to prevent foo recommends to be installed on a future aptitude safe-upgrade or aptitude full-upgrade...
15:47.42nezzarioi've tried 101 things from google
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15:49.41ed8is there an official repo to download Java VM ?
15:51.54syslqed8: openJDK there is
15:52.03syslqed8: it works fine more or less
15:52.37guest100000JJCale: pin them(the recommends) with negative priority ??
15:53.15nezzariogot it wortked through
15:53.24nezzariohad to manually edit the .postrm file
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15:57.22WormDrinkWhen building a package how do I control permissions etc of installed files ?
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16:00.07swebhow can i completely remove package and all decencies during installation
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16:01.35boudiccassweb; decencies? do you mean 'dependencies'?
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16:03.29boudiccassweb; sudo apt-get remove foo .............. sudo apt-get autoremove
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16:05.36ed8syslq: some feature of our apps aren't compatible (understand doesn't work) with OpenJDK
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16:06.58TheWardenis there a way to init without rebooting or is there a log some place I can read to figure out why one of my init.d scripts is not working at boot time only?
16:07.44dondelelcaroTheWarden: if you have a serial terminal, look at its output.
16:07.51dondelelcaroTheWarden: otherwise, not really.
16:07.58syslqed8: heh :), there is a way you can install oracle java on linux, they offer deb
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16:10.08JJCaleguest100000: Thank you! I feel you are pointing me in the right direction. It seems the solution is pin the recommends with priority -1, in /etc/apt/preferences !
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16:10.33TheWardendondelelcaro: oh well that makes it hard to figure out the issue. the script works fine when ran manually but not at boot time. I did do update-rc.d minecraft defaults to register it.
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16:15.04dondelelcaroTheWarden: well, without seeing your init script, it's hard to say. you should see the output as you boot though, and assuming you have the level it's being started at right, it should just work
16:15.30dondelelcaroTheWarden: what does ls -l /etc/rc*.d/*minecraft; say?
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16:19.08TheWardendondelelcaro: yes I all I see is the scripting stating it is start and then it is stopping. nothing more unless its going by to fast for me to see.
16:19.17TheWardendondelelcaro: here is the results of the command
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16:20.06dondelelcaroTheWarden: ok, first off, you're starting it way early
16:20.16TheWardendondelelcaro: I'm actually running this script if that helps any, It doesn't start at init and doesn't stop running when ran manually via script to stop.
16:21.13dondelelcarodear lord
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16:21.37dondelelcaroinit scripts are meant to start things and stop them, not execute arbitrary commands for daemons
16:21.38TheWardendondelelcaro: oh crap, I am? I'll be honest this is my first init.d script so I may have done it wrong. all I did was place it in /etc/init.d/ and then did update-rc.d minecraft defaults
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16:22.18TheWardendondelelcaro: oh crap really? I was instructed to use this as a init script. What do you suggest?
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16:22.38dondelelcaroTheWarden: well, it might be the best thing out there, but it's kind of horribly over engineered
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16:23.01TheWardendondelelcaro: oh really? well I'm all for doing things right and keeping things simple.
16:23.54dondelelcaroTheWarden: anyway, first; are you using dependency based booting?
16:24.01TheWardendondelelcaro: well being this is my first time doing a init script I'm not sure where to begin to be honest. I know the commands the current script issues work manually with the exception of stopping the process.
16:24.19TheWardendondelelcaro: oh boy lol I don't know what that is. that can't be good.
16:25.07dondelelcaroTheWarden: nah, that's ok; it's kind of new. Do you have insserv installed?
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16:25.28TheWardendondelelcaro: unless it comes with by default then no.
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16:25.44dondelelcaroTheWarden: I can't remember; dpkg -l insserv;
16:25.46ed8how can I add JAVA_HOME to the PATH variable ? I add: PATH=$PATH:/opt/java/jdk1.6.0_31/bin but still out of luck
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16:27.27dondelelcaroed8: that's how you add it; then export PATH.
16:27.39TheWardendondelelcaro: I get back  insserv                   1.14.0-2                  Tool to organize boot sequence using LSB init.d script dependencie
16:28.03dondelelcaroTheWarden: yeah, ok; so run insserv minecraft;
16:28.15TheWardenI thought there is no need for JAVA_HOME if set properly with update-alternatives
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16:28.32dondelelcaroTheWarden: yeah, if you're actually using the Debian packages of java.
16:28.46dondelelcaroed8: though you really should be using Debian's java packages unless you have a specific reason not to
16:29.04ed8dondelelcaro: isn't this suppose to happend when I logout and in again
16:29.08TheWardendondelelcaro: oh odd I'm not using debian package of JRE 1.7 and it works fine. mmm anyways
16:29.13dondelelcaroed8: no
16:29.28dondelelcaroed8: unless you've stuck it into your /etc/profile or .bashrc or similar
16:29.40ed8dondelelcaro: export $PATH should be in /etc/environnement ?
16:29.44TheWardendondelelcaro: I did insserv minecraft, ahh what did that do? I didn't get a message back.
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16:30.11dondelelcaroTheWarden: ok; then see where it decided it should be loaded at. If it still is at S01, then that's ok
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16:30.58TheWardendondelelcaro: oh it enables the script mmm I thought the update-rc.d minecraft defaults did that. Ahh how do I find out where it should be loaded?
16:31.02ed8dondelelcaro: by Debian Java Package, you mean OpenJDK or a packaging of the oracle files ?
16:31.16dondelelcaroed8: openjdk or the old sun-java... yes.
16:31.50ed8I don't have package named : sun-java
16:32.32*** join/#debian zendeavor (
16:32.42dondelelcaroed8: it's in non-free.
16:32.56dondelelcaro,versions: sun-java6-jre
16:33.01dondelelcaro,versions sun-java6-jre
16:33.02juddPackage: sun-java6-jre on i386 -- lenny/non-free: 6-26-0lenny1; squeeze/non-free: 6.26-0squeeze1
16:33.19*** join/#debian Soham (schakrab@nat/redhat/x-hqdmvyuamsiutnuk)
16:33.32dondelelcarowe're not distributing it in newer versions than squeeze, but openjdk pretty much has replaced it anyway
16:34.27ed8dondelelcaro: where can I find the correct repo ?
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16:34.35dondelelcaro!tell ed8 -about non-free
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16:40.09ed8dondelelcaro: the bot is insulting me (asking if I'm on windows !)
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16:43.05dondelelcaroed8: it'll do that if you ask it a question it can't figure out (or one that has an insulting response already)
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16:44.44ElwonHi, I'm running debian squeeze an was unable to get my realtek 8101e device to connect (dhcp or static). I tried installing the r8168 driver (it was using r8169) and the eth0 has now gone completely from ifconfig -a. I've since installed realteks 8101 driver, to no avail. Any help would be appreciated.
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16:46.43dpkgRealtek is a developer of semiconductors.  Realtek Ethernet controllers are supported by the 8139too, 8139cp and <r8169> drivers in the mainline Linux kernel.  For support of Realtek-based wireless LAN devices, ask me about <rtl818x> (802.11b/g) or <rtl819x> (802.11n).
16:47.06TheWardendondelelcaro: ?
16:47.26jhutchins_wkElwon: can you get the numeric pciid from lspci -nn?
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16:47.53Elwon02:00.0 Ethernet controller [0200]: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8101E/RTL8102E PCI Express Fast Ethernet controller [10ec:8136] (rev 02)
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16:48.23jhutchins_wk,pciid 10ec:8136
16:48.24judd[10ec:8136] is 'RTL8101E/RTL8102E PCI Express Fast Ethernet controller' from 'Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd.' with kernel module 'r8169' in squeeze. See also
16:48.45*** part/#debian mayak (~mayak@
16:49.12jhutchins_wkElwon: I don't think it requires firmware, but look at dmesg and see what if it complains when loading.
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16:51.24sliktsI like debian
16:52.32Elwonjhutchins, I can't see anything in dmesg with any relevance. If I could at least get the eth0 showing up in ifconfig again I could perhaps work from there, but I seem to have only made things worse so far :/
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16:55.55somiajElwon: I belive you need non-free firmware for that card
16:56.06somiajElwon: dmesg | grep firmware
16:56.37Elwon[   16.311357] rt73usb 2-2:1.0: firmware: requesting rt73.bin
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16:56.52ElwonAnother issue clearly... lol
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17:00.26sliktshow do I solve this kind of problem with apt-get? tmux : Depends: libevent-1.4-2 (>= 1.4.13-stable) but it is not installable
17:00.45sliktsgoogling doesn't give very direct answers
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17:01.17tremonslikts: pastebin the output of apt-cache policy tmux libevent-1.4-2
17:01.24TheWardenhow do I make an init script load last? change the position of loading and how do I find out what position the script is at for loading?
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17:02.30tremon,versions libevent-1.4-2
17:02.31juddPackage: libevent-1.4-2 on i386 -- lenny-backports: 1.4.13-stable-1~bpo50+1; squeeze: 1.4.13-stable-1
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17:02.46tremonslikts: it seems you'
17:02.56sliktstremon: does that mean I need to add something to sources.list?
17:03.03jellyyes. missing the squeeze main repository?
17:03.13jelly!squeeze sources.list
17:03.13dpkgThe list of repositories for installing packages is /etc/apt/sources.list and has lines like "deb squeeze main" and "deb squeeze/updates main".  Be sure to run "aptitude update" after editing sources.list.  Also see <mirrors> <apt-spy> <squeeze updates> <squeeze security> and "man sources.list".
17:03.14sliktsI'll pastebin my sources.list
17:03.48sliktsI added my local mirror manually but it seems to be correct
17:03.49ironmHello. Please allow me one question. How can I find wrong dependencies? I am getting an error message on wheezy when trying to install MariaDB 5.3:
17:03.52ironmThe following packages have unmet dependencies:
17:03.52ironmE: Broken packages
17:03.59jellyslikts: add the cdn line as above, redo an aptitude update again, then check what the policy says
17:04.05ironmthank you in advance for any hints
17:04.07tremonslikts: you also need squeeze, not just squeeze-updates
17:04.08sliktsjelly: ok, thanks
17:04.13sliktsmakes sense
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17:04.22jelly,versions mariadb-server
17:04.23juddNo package named 'mariadb-server' was found in i386.
17:04.41jellyironm: where are you getting the packages from?   Which release of Debian are you using?
17:04.45ironmhi jelly .. I try to instal it on amd64
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17:05.20ironmdeb wheezy main
17:05.21ironmdeb-src wheezy main
17:06.37sliktsjelly, tremon: I can now install tmux fine, thanks
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17:06.52jellyironm: pastebin the output of "apt-cache policy libc6 mariadb-server mariadb-server-5.3"
17:07.14elwonsomiaj, any other ideas?
17:08.00*** part/#debian linux_probe (
17:08.34ironmthanks a lot jelly : root@wheezy:/home/live/tmp/mariadb-server-5.3-5.3.4/debian# apt-cache policy libc6 mariadb-server mariadb-server-5.3 |
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17:09.23elwonI have eth0 showing up in ifconfig now, but it stil won't connect....
17:09.42sliktswhy does visudo open nano by default >>
17:10.00jellyironm: the versions of those packages suggest they're not actually built for wheezy, but for squeeze, regardless of the repository
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17:10.43breardocan anyone provide me with a mirror of for a copy of wheezy netinst iso?   That host has constantly given me problems.. takes hours to pull down 200MB.
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17:10.51breardocant seem to find any 'testing' cdimage mirrors on the list :/
17:11.04ironmjelly, is it not possible to use squeeze .deb packages on wheezy?
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17:11.22petn-randallHi, does anyone have an idea where I can get a debian squeeze i386 *non-free* on dvd?
17:11.57guest100000slikts: change this with update-alternatives....
17:11.58somiajelwon: why won't it connenct?
17:12.05Na_Klardoes this iptable look sane to you?
17:12.20sliktsguest100000: thanks
17:12.27ironmanway jelly .. thank you very much for your hints :)
17:12.32sliktsguest100000: also, your name is very hard to autocomplete
17:12.33breardoguh.. xfers from always start out at like 1MB/sec and then secodns later im at 20kb/sec -- doesnt happen with other hosts...
17:12.45breardoanyone have a copy of the current wheezy netinst iso that I can grab?
17:13.19foxtrot9breardo, um.. its on the debian website
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17:13.23elwonsomiaj, that's what i'd like to know! It connects fine using my other laptop so it isn't the cable or router. DHCP it sits at obtaining ip address, static ip it comes up disconnected instantly...
17:13.40jhutchins_wkbreardo: It has to do with how the transfers are measured, they're never really that fast to begin with.
17:13.42petn-randallI'm installing an application on a very remote location, and it depends on a few non-free packages, so I need the non-free section offline, too.
17:14.02breardoit should not be taking me 2+ hours to get the wheezy iso :/
17:14.05jhutchins_wkbreardo: Preferred method to istall testing is to use the stable installer, then upgrade.
17:14.20breardooh really?  im not familar with doing that...
17:14.22foxtrot9breardo, you can try the torrent
17:14.29breardotorrent is banned at my peering point :/
17:14.30elwonsomiaj, using wicd that is, ifconfig eth0 up does nothing...
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17:14.53somiajbreardo: you probabaly shouldn't be using the wheezy iso's in the first place, as wheezy is a moving target the isos are probabaly outdated as soon as they are made
17:15.03jhutchins_wkbreardo: The testing installer exists so too can be tested.  Results not guaranteed (not that anything's guaranteed in testing).
17:15.04breardoi appreciate that but I know what I want, thanks
17:15.16breardoso you're saying I should install squeeze and upgrade to wheezy?
17:15.26seeker61i know i have asked this many times but keep running out of time before a solution occurs.  at boot after waiting for /dev to fully load my monitor blanks out and then comes back on and the word done and the rest of lines to follow are in smaller font.  what needs changed so this does not happen
17:15.35jhutchins_wkbreardo: Tyat's a more reliable method, yes.
17:15.42breardoi want to run xen 4.2 and it doesnt work so well in squeeze but works great in wheezy.. thats all
17:15.57somiajbreardo: have you looked into backports?
17:16.05elwonsomiaj, dmesg is now showing ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth0: link is not ready
17:16.08breardoi go from source, no packages for xen
17:16.17breardoi'll look into that jhutchins_wk .. thanks :)
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17:16.50jhutchins_wkseeker61: What you're seeing is the framebuffer being loaded by the kernel.  You can set the font size/video mode in the bootloader.  (I'm not sure of the syntax.)
17:17.19breardonevertheless, sucks :)
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17:17.28breardothanks again
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17:17.51jhutchins_wkbreardo: So noted.  I always had good luck with the swiss mirrors on other distros, even from the US.
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17:18.07seeker61jhutchins_wk: thanks bootloader found in grub directory i assume and if so what directory in grub directory
17:18.22jhutchins_wkI don't have any complaints about the US Debian mirrors.  Mandriva's US mirrors were always very slow.
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17:18.54jhutchins_wkseeker61: Make your changes (assuming squeeze +) in /etc/defaults/grub, then update-grub
17:19.38seeker61jhutchins_wk: thanks and that is done by apt-get update grub?
17:20.43jhutchins_wkseeker61: No, update-grub is a script that re-generates the grub.conf file.  It does things like scan for other OS installations and such.
17:20.52Dulakseeker61: add 'video=vga16:off' to the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT variable in /etc/default/grub, then run 'update-grub' as root to remake the grub.cfg file
17:21.21jhutchins_wkDulak: Do you know how to set various video modes or fonts?
17:21.44Dulakjhutchins_wk: yes, I just told him how to disable the console framebuffer
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17:22.27seeker61dulak: thanks very strange thing i have no defaults directory in /etc
17:22.42Dulakseeker61: /etc/default
17:22.56Dulakseeker61: /etc/default/grub  is the file you want
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17:23.57withheldmpd is failing to start at boot, what can I do to see why?
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17:24.08withheld(it says failed at boot)
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17:25.38seeker61dulak: thanks i found it should the video=vga16:off be in quotes or not
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17:25.49Dulakseeker61: everything after the equals sign should be in quotes
17:25.52dark-sunhi everyone
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17:26.37dark-suni need a remote desktop server for my debian testing. x11vnc
17:26.39Dulakseeker61: example: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="video=vga16:off quiet"
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17:26.50dark-sunis not in repository
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17:27.26dark-sunit's there
17:27.50withheldHow would I see logs of something that failed to start at boot? That's all I want to know right now...
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17:28.19dark-sundmesg ?
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17:28.50withheldI checked that, not showing up there....
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17:29.50Dulakwithheld: /var/log/messages  or /var/log/syslog or /var/log/daemon.log
17:29.53seeker61dulak: thanks i am going to reboot now to see if i did it right
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17:30.08withheldI honestly wish Debian wouldn't do stuff like trying to set stuff to work at boot by default -.-
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17:30.43jhutchins_wkwithheld: You can try grep <service name> /var/log/*
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17:30.58foxtrot9how can i list current active services? like the chkconfig command in rhel?
17:31.10jhutchins_wkwithheld: Unfortunately it has to get started far enough to log for it to show up.
17:31.21jhutchins_wkwithheld: What service are you looking for?
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17:31.35Dulakwithheld: service --status-all
17:31.45withheldThank you all, one moment
17:31.47jhutchins_wkfoxtrot9: There are several options.  rcconf is good, and you can also install chkconfig
17:32.06Dulakwithheld: that was a mistell
17:32.15Dulakfoxtrot9: service --status-all
17:32.25foxtrot9ah thanks thats what i was looking for
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17:32.33withheldjhutchins_wk, mpd
17:32.38withheldthe service is called mpd
17:33.02jhutchins_wkwithheld: Is it configured to autostart in init?  Does it start if you run the init script manually?
17:33.07withheldDulak, would you believe that your mistell was the command I needed?
17:33.22jhutchins_wkwithheld: Is there a configuration file for it in /etc/defaults?
17:33.52withheldjhutchins_wk, I don't know because Debian thinks it's a good idea to try to set this stuff itself, one memnt
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17:34.56withheldHm, I'll just disable it at boot for now, as there is no reason for it to be running at boot currently
17:35.10withheldOr on this system, ever
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17:39.11foxtrot9in service --status-all, minus means its not running, plus is running, what is question mark?
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17:41.23DulakHmmm, the man page for service kinda sucks
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17:41.46foxtrot9yea i looked at it first, then googled it, then i'm asking here :D
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17:42.22DulakI'm guessing it means service name status returned something it didn't understand
17:42.49DulakBecause that's all it is, a wrapper around running 'service name status' for every service
17:43.26foxtrot9hmm its not very descriptive, may just use sysv-rc.conf
17:43.37seeker61it now changes font size a later.  looks like it is loading noveau stuff.  How can I stop the screen to be able to determine what line it is changing on?
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17:44.15jhutchins_wkseeker61: If the Pause key works that's you're only real hope.
17:44.25jhutchins_wkAmazingly it does sometimes.
17:44.30guest100000interesting  i'm reading this answer now
17:44.36Dulakseeker61: the Pause/Break key on the keyboard works on many bioses
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17:45.16seeker61jhutchins_wk: does it have to be in combination with alt or ctrl?  I tried that and it did not stop or pause screen
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17:45.53foxtrot9guest100000, seems i'm not the only one that doesn't understand the output of service --status-all
17:46.07seeker61Dulak: just a guess but how do I make sure it only loads vesa drivers and not the nouveau because i think that might be my problem
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17:47.34Dulakseeker61: That would be your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file that specifies the X drivers
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17:47.59Dulakseeker61: those shouldn't affect the console though, just your X
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17:48.56seeker61Dulak: any specific line in xorg.conf or just comment out anything to do with nouveau.  I am having problems with x loading with correct resolution also
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17:49.28foxtrot9seeker61, it should be the driver line, nvidia, or nv
17:50.00Dulakseeker61: change the Driver "nv" line to be Driver "vesa"
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17:50.07Dulakseeker61: under the Device section
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17:51.10seeker61Dulak: well this is getting interesting i type nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf and i open a file that has nothing in it
17:51.45Dulakseeker61: Yeah by default that file doesn't exist,  it autodetects everything by default.
17:51.56jhutchins_wkseeker61: That's correct, since squeeze the default is to autodetect and not use xorg.conf
17:52.23DulakIt's been so long since I wrote my xorg.conf I don't even remember how to generate one to start with
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17:52.27foxtrot9seeker61, use this manual to configure your card:
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17:52.31seeker61Dulak: so now what should I do?  You guys are being very helpful
17:52.52foxtrot9i find the debian wiki to be an invaluable resource
17:53.41seeker61foxtrot9: ok i will study that.  i will return with great results.
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18:02.38pielgrzymafter disabling ipv6 in debian squeeze nginx won't start: [emerg]: socket() [::]:80 failed (97: Address family not supported by protocol). Please tell me I don't need to recompile nginx by hand to fix this bullshit :((((
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18:03.41valdynpielgrzym: the listen address is usually configurable
18:03.43daemonkeeperYou could fix your attitude.
18:03.44MestreLionabout debian repositories... are testing and unstable copies copies of stable with updated packages, or they contain only the updated packages?
18:03.54pielgrzymdaemonkeeper: sorry
18:04.10pielgrzymvaldyn: I use plain localhost. but! maybe it's something inside /etc/hosts
18:04.22blapielgrzym, disable listening address.
18:04.35valdynpielgrzym: [::]:80 is not plain localhost, its not ip6-localhost either
18:04.45valdynpielgrzym: this is a global, listen everwhere
18:04.51daemonkeeperSo well, it binds to IPv6 despite of you having it disabled. Fix the listening interface and you're done-.
18:05.21pielgrzymthanks guys! and sorry for my initiall irritating approach
18:05.22MestreLionin other words: are unstable and/or testing distribuitions own their own, or just supplements to the stable repository?
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18:05.27blapielgrzym, do you use vhosts? Have you got 'listen' directive in a vhost?
18:05.47daemonkeeperMestreLion: They are independent of each other.
18:05.58valdynMestreLion: sid aka unstable is always "complete", testing only usually
18:06.04sliktsapt-get gets frozen for me all the time, could it be because I'm copying a lot of files over scp?
18:06.17valdynslikts: yes
18:06.29MestreLiondaemonkeeper: thank you
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18:06.50sliktsvaldyn: I don't see that it would be taking a lot of cpu in top, though
18:06.51MestreLionvaldyn: now I am confused... so testing depends on stable?
18:07.07pielgrzymfixed :) there was one listen [::]80 in default config. thanks again!
18:07.07valdynMestreLion: no, i said "usually"
18:07.28valdynMestreLion: neither sid nor testing are designed for users
18:07.56MestreLionvaldyn: "usually" in what sense, care to elaborate?
18:07.57sliktsthe system is also responsive otherwise, just apt-get and apt-cache get stuck
18:08.05valdynMestreLion: usually means that its usually complete
18:08.13sliktsi'd check io stats but I can't install the tools for that
18:08.18valdynMestreLion: i dont know whats hard to understand about that
18:08.36valdynslikts: cpu usage has nothing to do with this
18:08.55MestreLionvaldyn: yes, i know.. I'm doing a script that calculates the installed size of each repo... but I wasnt sure if stable and testing contained all the packages fro mstable
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18:09.27MestreLion(in updated versions, of course)
18:09.31blaHow can I get esddsp in Debian Wheezy? (There was in squeeze, and I've just upgraded to get never iceweasel...)
18:09.37valdynslikts: when one up or download breaks network traffic you are trying to do simultaniously, then that is because your usual home internet access is built in a way that is exactly prone to such behaviour
18:09.57MestreLionvaldyn: I want to understand under which conditions testing is not complete
18:10.01TheWardenhow do I make an init script load last? change the position of loading and how do I find out what position the script is at for loading?
18:10.03sliktsvaldyn: I'm actually copying files from one vps to another :)
18:10.07sliktswith about 2 MB/s
18:10.40slikts1-2 MB/s seems to little to drastically affect apt-get
18:10.41valdynslikts:  same thing , except that I obviously cannot know much about your vps
18:10.51MestreLionTheWarden: bootchart can help you map your init scripts sequence
18:10.53valdynslikts: google buffer bloat
18:10.56sliktsvaldyn: for instance, now apt-get install is stuck at "unpacking"
18:11.06sliktsvaldyn: I know buffer bloat
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18:11.08valdynslikts: so its not stuck at downloading
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18:11.33valdynslikts: ok, so this isnt about network traffic at all
18:11.53valdynslikts: this is your "broken" vps only then
18:11.55sliktsvaldyn:  no, I'm just guessing that it's related to the scp copying I'm doing
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18:12.27sliktsthe broken VPS is copying with 6 MB/s now, not too shabby
18:12.47LordDeathafter installing the new libpng update do I have to restart something?
18:12.55valdynslikts: thats less than a cheap atom cpu
18:12.59LordDeathlike apache or anything else?
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18:13.16sliktsvaldyn: it's over network, though
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18:13.52sliktsi.e., wan
18:14.24blaCan  I get output from iceweasel to a running esd somehow?
18:14.25valdynslikts: we cant really help you, youre getting some behaviour that can easily happen in a vps, but we cant fix it
18:14.38sliktsyes, sry for taking time
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18:14.54valdynslikts: welcome
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18:15.46valdynLordDeath: what does apache have to do with libpng?
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18:17.28TheWardenMestreLion: Ahh okay, thanks. There must be a way to tell the order though without such an app no?
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18:19.32MestreLionTheWarden: sure, since bootchart is not for changing order. But it is a vital tool if you want to know what is going on in your booot sequence, find bottlenecks, etc
18:20.31TheWardenMestreLion: oh okay... how does one choose the order in which a script runs? I have one I want to load last.
18:21.07MestreLionTheWarden: that depends on how the script is triggered. SysV ? Upstart?
18:21.23trystendoes anyone know about ftp not working if there is a dash in the URL? i can't seem to ftp to anything with a dash in it :(
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18:21.56TheWardenMestreLion: Well I'm knew to all this... I placed my script in /etc/init.d and did update-rc.d script-name defaults
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18:23.12MestreLionTheWarden: /etc/init.d is the SysV system... you should google about that
18:23.46pznI need to create an "special mailbox"... all mails arriving to this account must be read by 3 people, and this account should have mails in read-only, users won't have how to erase or move e-mails. any hints about how to reach this behaviour?
18:23.58MestreLionthe order is chosen by filename, they usually have a numeric part
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18:24.37TheWardenMestreLion: I have been and thus far it appears I've done it correctly but thus far have not found anything on ordering the script or even how to find out the order its in.
18:24.41MestreLionTheWarden: but, if you want is for your script to load right before the login screen, and not mess with system boot, you could use /etc/gdm/Init/Default
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18:25.38MestreLionassuming you're using the default Gnome install
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18:26.27TheWardenmm yes I am... but I should keep it in how I'm doing it now so that I can learn how this works. mmmm where to figure this out.
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18:28.11MestreLionTheWarden: take a look at wikipedia's articles on Init, Runlevel, Upstart
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18:29.02MestreLionTheWarden: also take a look at sysv-rc-conf package
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18:29.52TheWardenokay thanks
18:30.32MestreLionTheWarden: last but not least:
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18:33.40__zerodoes anyone know why this might be happening? I've never seen this error before when installing a package
18:33.49TheWardenthanks so much I'll go off now and read all this. thanks.
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18:37.40MestreLion__zero: are you using a locally-compiled perl?
18:37.47__zeroMestreLion: no
18:37.58__zeroMestreLion: from repos
18:39.20MestreLiondid you try to look for ?
18:39.59__zeroMestreLion: I'll do it once the computer finishes restarting
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18:40.45MestreLion__zero: instal the perl packages first, since it looks like the one triggering the errors
18:41.02karlpincMestreLion: FWIW, the <readme.debian> for insserv explains everything.
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18:41.49MestreLionkarlpinc: about what?
18:41.57aixenvhey - im trying to determine the earliest debian squeeze kernel that has support for VMXNET3 (a vmware nic driver)
18:42.03jmdMy  key is broken.  Is there a way I can emulate it in software?
18:42.25karlpincMestreLion: boot ordering
18:42.30jelly-homejmd: which key again?  Heheh.
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18:43.30jmdThe  key.
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18:45.53burhanany recommended solutions for synchronizing packages across multiple debian systems - kind of like system profiles that's applied across a set of server groups.
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18:46.37__zeroi tried to install the perl package but this is what i get:
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18:47.05Big_Brotherhow does git work?
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18:47.40karlpincburhan: puppet does that, iirc.  Or you could see the <aptitude clone> factoid.
18:47.46jmdBig_Brother, #git
18:48.05aixenvuse puppet for sure
18:48.14os___zero: try to remove perl-models
18:48.17aixenvthat or build your own software standard
18:48.26burhanwhat's the difference between puppet and chef?
18:48.27drwahlburhan: setup a cron job to update packages every X minutes and point it at a repo that you control
18:48.41os_then try to install perl-base
18:48.53burhandrwahl: well I'm already doing apt-mirror
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18:49.37drwahlburhan: imho, puppet is superior to chef. chef sticks the entire manifest on every server whereas puppet caches the catalog for just the relative stuff on each server. puppet is written in ruby though, so that kinda sucks
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18:50.04karlpincburhan: puppet seems to be the "standard".
18:50.32drwahlburhan: so if you have a mirror of package that is authoritative for your servers, just have them ensure the latest package is installed by running a cron job every so often that pulls down the latest packages
18:50.33burhanI hope it doesn't mean I need to know lots of ruby to make it work.
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18:50.54burhandrwahl: that's okay, but the problem comes when provisioning new machines.
18:51.06drwahlhow so? they should be pulling from the same repo
18:51.10__zeroos_: I fixed it by doing --force-overwrite..
18:51.24drwahlyou shouldn't be pulling from public repos upon each new install. point to your local copy of the mirror
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18:52.31karlpincburhan: For provisioning new machines see the install guide vis automated installs.
18:53.14burhankarlpinc: thanks, I'll look into that.
18:54.07karlpincburhan: But I don't think you need to worry about that if you use puppet, although it might be the way to get puppet onto the new machines. :)
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18:54.43burhanto be honest I was already looking at puppet, but I wanted to see if there was something else more suited for debian, like satellite for rh systems.
18:56.21Hydroxidesatellite is basically just a package cache for RHN, right?
18:56.29Hydroxideyou can use approx or apt-cacher-ng for a local package cache
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19:00.29burhanits a server that helps you provision systems and push updates to them.
19:00.35burhanlike a local version of red hat network
19:00.48karlpincburhan: If you've your own software you want to develop/test/deploy/archive you can create your own repos (one each for develop/test/deploy/old) and either add the relevant one to sources.list or use pinning to force particular versions on particular hosts.
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19:02.38karlpincburhan: (Bascially, exactly what debian does with experimental/sid/testing/stable/oldstable.)
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19:03.12burhanif I do that, I'd have to then somehow tell apt to install everything from that repo.
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19:03.51karlpincburhan: Yes.  Package installation, either at install or ongoing, is a different issue.
19:03.56burhankarlpinc: I think I'll try with puppet for now, and if it doesn't do what we need then I can look into other things.
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19:04.35karlpincburhan: puppet solves the install/mainatain package set problem.  The different repos is just for adding your own software into the mix.
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19:06.20jelly-homeFAI for initial deployment
19:06.28dpkgFully Automatic Installation (FAI) is an automated tool to install or deploy Debian (and other distributions) on a bunch of different hosts or a cluster.  It is more flexible than tools like <kickstart> (Red Hat), autoyast and alice (SuSE) or jumpstart (Oracle Solaris).  FAI can also be used for configuration management of a running system.  #fai on
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19:08.21burhannever heard of fai.
19:08.25pdtpatr1ckQuestion - does anyone know of a similar service like Moonwalk ( for Ubuntu/Debian  ?
19:10.02trystenpdtpatr1ck: bash.
19:10.13os_how do i install a language to display in gnome
19:10.35burhanpdtpatr1ck: if you have tons of money, tsm does this.
19:10.41os_to make  it as a locale for gnome
19:10.48pdtpatr1ckburhan: link please
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19:11.24trystenpdtpatr1ck: ...
19:12.02burhanits actually very good, but its not cheap.
19:12.13jelly-homeisn't HSM a different product?
19:12.41Lintos_, just compile the locale
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19:13.14jelly-homethe concept explained:
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19:13.40os_Lint: no package to install ?
19:13.50Lintos_, no
19:13.53burhanjelly-home: its a component of tsm.
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19:14.11burhanyou can't get HSM without TSM
19:14.14os_Lint: thanks!
19:14.28jelly-homeright, TSM as a framework
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19:15.38burhanwell TSM as a overall systems management ... err ... system.
19:15.48burhanstorage management is just one part of it.
19:16.10burhanthere is the whole systems management, troubleshooting, provisioning, etc. etc.
19:16.14jelly-homeTSM, however, isn't fully supported on Debian.
19:16.25Ramielwhat character to use for a patched version of a package? '~' is not suitable as I want the patched version to supersede current one
19:16.35jelly-home"best effort" support says IBM
19:17.05burhanjelly-home: usually the partner does some work.
19:17.06jelly-homewhich is probably what one can make that Moonwalk thing do as well
19:18.18jelly-homeburhan: our partner knew zip-all about Debian.  We had to repackage the clients, deal with amd64 issues, figure out matching versions ourselves.  And that's just basic backup/archive functionality, no HSM.
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19:19.29burhangeez :/ I guess we lucked out with our partner.
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19:19.42burhanactually we went with premier partner in the country.
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19:22.15burhanwe were old customers of theirs - but thankfully we were very ... VERY ... upfront with them on what we needed.
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19:22.37blaI like it how apt-get install gnome kills network connection to remote. ;s
19:23.01jhutchins_wkbla: That's just you.
19:23.03burhanbla: I think NetworkManager would be to blame for that.
19:23.09burhanif I were to guess.
19:23.12blaYeah, it started dhcp.
19:23.16Woetbla: I hope you're not installing gnome on a server?
19:23.28blaWoet, remote desktop.
19:23.43blaAnd a public dev-machine.
19:24.59mashedbla: how do you configure your network connection i the first place?
19:25.03FDFlockHello everyone! Quick question about SSH: Is "PermitRootLogin yes" the default on Debian?
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19:25.11blamashed, /etc/network/interfaces entries.
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19:25.19mashedFDFlock: yes
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19:25.33blaDoesn't installator ask about it? At least in expert mode?
19:25.38bla(root login that is)
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19:25.51mashedbla: odd, i've never had that problem before. then again i've never installed it remotely.
19:25.57FDFlockmashed: WOW! That's crazy! A friend of mine actually thought he had been hacked when he saw it!
19:26.27FDFlockmashed: Thank you for the answer
19:26.29mashedFDFlock: rule #1 never assume defaults to be secure
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19:26.33roasted_I'm used to using system-config-samba on my machines for quick GUI based samba edits. I'm not finding it in Debian 6. Ehh???
19:26.33blaFDFlock, I usually change it to 'without-password'. Which looks even more hacky.
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19:27.11blamashed, I'll have something push it overthere. Next time I'll use virtual containers for this. ;)
19:27.22FDFlockmashed: I know, it's off on my machine since I-don't-remember-when, that's why I had to ask
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19:28.45guest100000FDFlock: base debian system haven't ssh server installed   as ubuntu...
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19:29.35guest100000it needs config also... when installing ssh server
19:30.00guest100000if you fear
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19:31.00FDFlockguest100000: ...which is not a reason to have insecure defaults! (As for Ubuntu, PermitRootLogin is almost secure there, since the root account is passwordless)
19:31.24FDFlock(...still horrible though)
19:32.26FDFlockbla: Thx for without-password, I didn't know about that. (I don't allow password login anyway, but it sounds usefull)
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19:33.09blaIf you use keys to login to root accounts remotely it's pretty nice while being pretty secure.
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19:33.34jelly-homeFDFlock: there's nothing inherently insecure about PermitRootLogin, it comes down to policy choice
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19:35.10FDFlockOf course, it just is a strange choice. As I said before, mine is off, but a friend thought that his box had been hacked when he saw his turned on.
19:35.36FDFlockHe couldn't even imagine it was the default!
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19:38.12FDFlockAlo, I find not-so-secure defaults a bit worrying, for the following reason: SSH might be very easy to configure (it really is), but there are dozens of more obscure services where the user has to rely on the defaults.
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19:38.54FDFlockeg. mailservers
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19:41.42jhutchins_wkFDFlock: The user doesn't have to rely on the defaults, the user has to educate himself.
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19:42.50roasted_I'm used to using system-config-samba on my machines for quick GUI based samba edits. I'm not finding it in Debian 6. Ehh???
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19:44.30jmdWhen wi wheezy be reased?
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19:45.24kevlarmanjmd: freeze is in june iirc
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19:45.30kevlarmanrelease ~a month after
19:45.42jmdoh good.
19:47.42dvskevlarman: a month? Good luck with that!
19:47.52kevlarmandvs: ok longer than a month
19:48.05kevlarmanit's been a while since i ran debian, i thought i remembered it being a month
19:48.16jhutchins_wkMore like six.
19:48.33dvskevlarman: September would be a Godsent!
19:48.38kevlarmani stay away from stable :P
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19:55.43roasted_I'm used to using system-config-samba on my machines for quick GUI based samba edits. I'm not finding it in Debian 6. Ehh???
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19:56.32jelly-homejudd: file system-config-samba
19:56.36juddNo packages in squeeze/i386 were found with that file.
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19:57.00azmim so disappoint by ubuntu
19:57.06azmthe new gnome thing
19:57.15azmdoes debian has this too ?
19:57.27roasted_azm: it's not my top DE, but it's definitely gotten a lot better.
19:57.31roasted_azm: it's very young yet. it'll take time.
19:57.44azmwell i dont like the idea of sidebar
19:57.48*** join/#debian Rosha (~rosha@
19:57.58azmlike it appears when you flash ver the edge
19:58.04roasted_azm: nobody said you had to. ;)
19:58.22azmso i have two choices
19:58.26azmkde or xfce
19:58.28Lintazm, gnome 2 is dead and gone
19:58.28roasted_azm: I use Ubuntu with Gnome Shell. I don't use Unity as my primary desktop, even though I applaud their efforts on how far they've gotten.
19:58.43roasted_azm: Gnome Shell (3), XFCE, KDE, LXFE, many options bro.
19:59.00Lintazm, xfce will soon migrate to GTK 3 too
19:59.02*** join/#debian kim__ (
19:59.09azmok, i like you being friendly even after i mentioned ubuntu.
19:59.16roasted_azm: this aint no Windows/Apple world here. We have choice bro!
19:59.21*** join/#debian free__ (~free@
19:59.31dpkgUbuntu is based on Debian, but it is not Debian.  Only Debian is supported on #debian.  Use #ubuntu ( instead.  Even if the channel happens to be less helpful, support for distributions other than Debian is offtopic on #debian.  See also <based on debian>.
19:59.33roasted_azm: Of course. Ubuntu is a fellow Linux brethren. No reason to talk against our own kind.
19:59.52azmyea, well i guess will give a try to gnome shell
20:00.00roasted_azm: anybody who badmouths another Linux distro is as bad as those Apple fanboys that everybody seems to passionately dislike. :P
20:00.11roasted_azm: I love gnome shell. It took me a while to get used to it, though.
20:00.27azmwell i like all three  OSes tbh
20:00.31roasted_azm: for a long time I was that dude on the mailing list complaining about this or that. But after a while, they updated it, fixed some bugs, and really polished it.
20:00.46roasted_azm: there's things I like/dislike about all OSs. I mean, geez, I'm on a Mac as I type this.
20:00.58roasted_azm: ask me if I'm happy about it though and I'll have a different answer. :D
20:01.06guest100000i think that we have enough choises     i use fluxbox and i'm happy
20:01.10azmyea, same here.
20:01.17roasted_guest100000: nothing wrong with that!
20:01.19azmor awesome
20:01.21roasted_guest100000: it gets the job done, right?
20:01.32kim__roasted_, $distro is horrible HORRIBLE I tell you! It can't even $ecclectic_capability! I mean, who wants to use a  linux that can't even $ecclectic_capability? $distro is dying, netcraft confirms it!
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20:01.38guest100000roasted_: yep
20:01.59roasted_kim__: haha, I hear ya.
20:02.16roasted_Linux distros can be best compared to beer, in my opinion. Doesn't matter what you're having; we're all here having a good time. :D
20:02.38kim__Wait until you visit belgium!
20:02.45roasted_har har :P
20:02.47kim__(I have from good sources, I don't actually drink beer ^^;; )
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20:03.43bitHipyor to prove roasted_ wrong, visit some begian bars, then go to the U.S. and drink beer
20:04.17roasted_bitHipy: pfft, burstin my bubble here brah :P
20:04.34dondelelcarobitHipy: the US actually has some pretty amazing beers, but this is way, way, OT.
20:04.35bitHipyreturning to the US in this case would be like returning to MS Windows
20:05.07roasted_haha, very OT indeed. My apologies!
20:05.08*** join/#debian otibom (~otibom@2a01:e35:2423:5af0:cabc:c8ff:fe9a:8e9)
20:05.17roasted_(though it's not like any other conversation was going on to interrupt). sigh.
20:05.42bitHipysteps aside for the more interesting Debian chatter
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20:06.14roasted_Here's a Debian question (don't stab me) where's my samba GUI at?
20:06.20roasted_I can't find system-config-samba in the repos.
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20:08.08Diopterroasted_: Use the SWAT web interface! ;P
20:08.20roasted_I want my little simple GUI.
20:09.12roasted_Ubuntu has it in their repos. (oh yes, I went there). :D
20:09.12FDFlock"< jhutchins_wk> FDFlock: The user doesn't have to rely on the defaults, the user has to educate himself." --> A late reply, but I have to say that while I agree completely, this is not a reason not to provide sane/secure defaults. Also, to educate yourself you need time and documentation. Both are scarce.
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20:09.48FDFlockjhutchins_wk: Again, I don't speak about SSH; this is very easy to use and secure.
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20:10.11roasted_<3 me some SSH
20:10.23roasted_I just discovered how braindead easy it is to set up the other day. I had been avoiding it for so long :(
20:10.51FDFlockroasted_: see? Unlike lots of othe protocols!
20:11.15roasted_FDFlock: seriously, it's what, 2 flippin commands and you're done. ssh-copy-id takes out the work.
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20:11.37guest100000FDFlock: if your root pass is strong, maybe you are safe...openssh-server is heavy for brute forcing.... but who knows
20:11.39FDFlockroasted_: a VERY good security advice: do not use the deault port (22).
20:11.56roasted_FDFlock: definitely. I also disable password auth once I have the keys set up and they've been tested.
20:12.11WoetFDFlock: although that only helps against random brute forces, not targeted ones.
20:12.18Woetso don't rely on it as security
20:12.21FDFlockroasted_: great! same here
20:12.29FDFlockWoet: yeah, of course
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20:12.46roasted_it's a shame windows doesn't support SSH :/
20:12.53Woetroasted_: it supports it just fine
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20:13.00ycat22 is ok w/ pubkey^^
20:13.14roasted_Woet: my apologies. I meant rsync. I set up rsync/ssh recently and it was a total headache.
20:13.18FDFlockroasted_: PuTTY is by far the best client for SSH on Windows
20:13.32roasted_rsync was the dead end, unless I went with cygmod or whatever it is
20:13.33FDFlockroasted_: For a server, there is the Cygwin port of OpenSSH
20:13.45roasted_this was for a client
20:13.52Woetroasted_: cygwin
20:13.54roasted_I just wanted the client to rsync its data to a linux server using SSH authentication
20:14.31dondelelcaroroasted_: there is a windows rsync client which works just fine; it'll even do key-based ssh authentication with putty, iirc.
20:14.35FDFlockBTW, PuTTY is also a great terminal emulator, once set up correctly (I don't like its defaults)
20:14.50roasted_dondelelcaro: deltacopy?
20:14.53dondelelcarobut this conversation belongs in #windows, not #debian.
20:15.01roasted_oh gosh, there we go again
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20:15.56roasted_It was just easier since this was LAN based to run the windows boxes through Samba and set up the software (syncback freeware) to save the share username/pw.
20:16.04roasted_then I stuck with rsync/ssh for the linux boxes.
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20:16.12Woetroasted_: it would be even easier if you don't use windows in the first place.
20:16.17roasted_Woet: I don't.
20:16.29roasted_Woet: My mother dual boots. I set up a backup server @ their place.
20:17.10*** part/#debian cell42 (
20:17.23roasted_Woet: plus my brothers are gamers, so I set it up so both OS's sync to their shares on the server. rsync and ssh made it a walk in the park, but like I said, the windows side was a bit different.
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20:18.35Diopterroasted_: rsync + ssh was a "total headache"? lolwat?
20:18.42roasted_Diopter: on windows.
20:18.45*** part/#debian chronos-dmt (~y@
20:18.47roasted_Diopter: <3'd it on Linux
20:19.17DiopterOh. Well, yes. Keyword there is "windows"
20:19.34roasted_Diopter: you're preachin to the choir my friend. Believe me, I know it. :D
20:19.41FDFlockroasted_: There is also SSHFS (SSH filesystem driver!), if you're interested. There's even an experimental Windows version (but it's quite immature and unrelated to the Linux SSHFS).
20:19.46*** join/#debian geenna (
20:20.06roasted_Diopter: but I'm not going to criticize family members for needing Windows around for certain things, whcih is why instead of arguing with it, I just found an alternative solution to do the same job. In this case, Samba + SyncBack Freeware was the winning ticket.
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20:20.42roasted_Diopter: mostly though for gaming. The only erason my mother has Windows is because her laptop is brand new and I was too busy moving out to install Ubuntu just yet. :P
20:20.53roasted_er, I mean, Debian. (sees that I'm still in the debian IRC) :D
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20:21.10DiopterSeems like it'd be easier to mount the Windows share over Samba and rsync the contents.
20:21.34project2501ahey guys, is the makejail package the way to make an apache chrooted environment?
20:21.50roasted_Diopter: rsync in Windows is where I kept hitting a brick wall. I don't know what protocol SyncBack Freeware uses, but its features seemed similar to what rsync did anyway, so it was hard to argue when it did what I needed.
20:22.23Diopterroasted_: No, I mean, mount the filesystem on the linux box, using cifs/smbfs. Then use rsync on the local mountpoint
20:22.25roasted_Diopter: it had features which mimic'd "--delete", etc. Couldn't really argue it so I hooked it up and it's been running perfectly at 7 PM Ever since. :D
20:22.36roasted_Diopter: you mean, from the server, "draw" the data OFF the client?
20:22.49DiopterSince your server has the better tooling by far
20:23.00roasted_Diopter: that was presented to me, but I had already set everything up by the time someone told me that.
20:23.11FDFlocknot an unreasonable idea
20:23.12roasted_Diopter: I had never thought of drawing data off a client. That just sounds backwards to me. :P
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20:23.30roasted_Diopter: their backups run quietly with no user interaction. The worst they get is an icon in the taskbar by the clock in Windows.
20:23.37roasted_Diopter: rsync of course works in the background entirely too.
20:23.44DiopterIt's only backward to the way you started forward first :)
20:24.02roasted_Diopter: my goal was to have the systems, windows and linux alike, synchronize their data to their specified share on the linux server. I have that, so, I'm happy :D
20:24.18roasted_Diopter: I am however insanely curious about that idea you brought up...
20:24.26DiopterThe benefit of clients contacting server(s) comes into play with larger scaling with lots of clients
20:24.33roasted_Diopter: is there anything specific to setting it up? I'm almost drawing a blank as to how I'd do it.
20:24.38DiopterParticularly when you make it so the server doesn't have to know about all the clients ahead of time
20:24.50DiopterFor the server to initiate connections to clients, it has to know about all the clients
20:24.56DiopterAnd that sucks to maintain at larger scales
20:24.59roasted_Diopter: SSH keys?
20:25.00DiopterOtherwise, they're equivalent
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20:25.15FDFlockroasted_: I just hope your server also has a good backup policy. RAID1 or 5 would also be a good idea.  :)
20:25.22DiopterThat's not the crux of the "knowing about" I'm meaning :)
20:25.27DiopterMore like IPs/hostnames
20:25.36FDFlockdoesn't have a good backup policy yet.
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20:25.56roasted_FDFlock: nah, not yet. I'm not entirely unpacked yet, so I don't know where all of my computer gear is. For now I set the backup server to run on a single drive. My goal is to run raid 1 on it if I find my box of spare drives...
20:26.08bitHipyif an app does not have SOCKS proxy ability, how can it route through tor?
20:26.22bitHipyoops.. wrong channel.. sory
20:26.45roasted_FDFlock: I look at it like this, even though the backup server has a single drive, it's still a backup. If the backup drive dies, fine, I'll get a new one, but the likelihood of a client system AND backup drive failing in the temporary time frame that it'll be set up is slim.
20:26.53roasted_FDFlock: but like I said, 1 backup drive is better than no backup drives.
20:27.03DiopterbitHipy: proxychains
20:27.12Diopterproxychains is the win
20:27.14FDFlockroasted_: yes, true
20:27.18bitHipyty Diopter.. i'll check it out
20:27.22roasted_Diopter: yeah, I'm still not piecing it together. I mean, how would the server and client know they both exist?
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20:28.06Diopterroasted_: Fairly simply. Let's say that we're talking all linux boxes, and we're using ssh with some common credentials, so we can scp files.
20:28.21Diopterroasted_: Keeps the scenario as simple as "connect to this IP, transfer file"
20:28.21*** join/#debian willmore (
20:28.32roasted_FDFlock: the end goal will likely be putting a PCI card in the server with an internal USB port, then running / off of the flash drive in thte USB port and using the 2 SATA ports I have in RAID1.
20:28.43Diopterroasted_: So, if you want the server to initiate connections, it has to know ahead of time the list of client IPs.
20:28.50guardiandoes logrotate mail logs before deleting them by default on debian?
20:28.51Diopterroasted_: If you have 4 clients and 1 server, not a big deal.
20:28.58roasted_Diopter: gotcha.
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20:29.05Diopterroasted_: If you want the clients to initiate connections, they only need to know the server IP(s).
20:29.17Diopterroasted_: 1 server, easy. 4 vs 1 is not a big deal.
20:29.23roasted_Diopter: does it just reference a config file that you have to populate with the IPs?
20:29.36Diopterroasted_: But if you have 5000 clients connecting to 20 servers to upload logs or monitoring stats..
20:29.44DiopterNow you've got a significant advantage to clients initiating :P
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20:30.14FDFlockroasted_: I've done something similar in the past, but USB is unreliable. Use it ONLY for booting i you can, eg. you can choose a distro that runs entirely from RAM once boot'ed.
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20:30.33roasted_FDFlock: I've been using it for years... never had a single failure...
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20:31.18roasted_FDFlock: my file server right now is running Ubuntu / on a 4gb flash drive, with a RAID'd mirror for /media/storage that I sink torrents into around the clock
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20:31.22FDFlockroasted_: A few years ago USb drives were actually more reliable than the new ones, I think  :)
20:31.38roasted_FDFlock: not to mention it runs video surveillance too, so it's saving video feed around the clock
20:32.25*** join/#debian philipballew_ (~philipbal@ubuntu/member/philipballew)
20:32.46roasted_Hey, I don't know brah. My 10 dollar Kingston flash drive has been running nonstop for years, no issues. :D
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20:33.23DiopterSo long as you don't do a lot of writes to the same spots...
20:33.39roasted_Diopter: all of that is really done on the array I have in there.
20:33.54roasted_Diopter: all of my samba shares, zoneminder writes for video surveillance, torrents, etc go to the array
20:34.07roasted_Diopter: the flash drive is really just for the OS. I don't even think I have swap on there.
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20:36.04roasted_anyway, I'm out of here. Take it easy fellas.
20:36.09FDFlockDiopter: I guess most (all?) flash drives implement wear-leveling techniques. The problem is not that; it's that memory cells are getting smaller and smaller, holding less and less charge and having decreased life cycles. Also, a few years ago you could find SLC USB flash drives.
20:36.14FDFlockNowadays you cannot.
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20:43.35Slamd64Hello. I have question about lxde: is there any theme for lxde that looks like lubuntu's ozone? This default is too basic.
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20:44.49kevlarmanSlamd64: you could just download that theme if you want
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20:57.54kski use an "ErrorDocument 403 /www/404.html" in vhost config. but an request which triggers "file name too long: access to $long_url failed" servers the global 403 document. any idea?
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21:02.33bunny69how do you screen -r after su-ing to a user? it doesn't work then...
21:04.06WinstonSmithbunny69: just do a "script /dev/null"
21:04.14WinstonSmithafter su'ing
21:04.23WinstonSmiththen screen will work
21:04.45nkuttlerbunny69: i only su inside screen sessions
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21:10.29bunny69WinstonSmith many thanks but will it really work?
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21:10.50bunny69that /dev/null makes mi think of some kind of annihilation...
21:10.52WinstonSmithbunny69: well it works for me on 2 different boxes
21:11.12bunny69nkuttler i can't because i'm root and going down to some user to correct his process on screen
21:11.26bunny69thank you, i will test it
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21:11.33bunny69sounds like a really nice trick
21:12.52VasisthaAny icedove users? My mail host changed their authentication requirements, and I'm not sure how to change the settings. Tried something in prefs.js but ... well, I still can't send messages. This is a problem.
21:13.49nkuttlerbunny69: interesting... can't you just pass the correct pid to connect to whatever session you want?
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21:15.13bunny69nkuttler in such case you can't even see a list of screens running on user...
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21:15.32bunny69i'm kind of wondering why on earth isn't this corrected since years
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21:15.37nkuttlerbunny69: i see. never tried this..
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21:15.54nkuttlermaybe another reason why tmux is gaining traction
21:16.17bunny69WinstonSmith just one last question... is that script stuff going back to normal after relog? i mean i don't want to null the output forever on that account..
21:16.35bunny69thank you, reading up
21:17.13Vasisthaoy, interwebz are having trouble this morning
21:17.29nkuttlerVasistha: only for yous
21:17.43Vasisthagood to know, good to know
21:17.59bunny69a morning?
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21:18.06bunny69are you down there? :)
21:18.16bunny69down uder even ;)
21:18.20bunny69under* (lol)
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21:26.16bunny69WinstonSmith i return with yet another solution :)
21:26.30bunny69just chmod 666 /dev/pts/x :)
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21:27.08WinstonSmithwell that's linux for you. always more than one way to do it
21:27.17WinstonSmithremember to change the perms back
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21:28.25bunny69basically i still can't understand why script /dev/null works
21:28.37bunny69it doesn't have much to do with permissions.. does it?
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21:32.24WinstonSmithit opens a new pts with the correct perms
21:32.46ironcamelthe first comment in that article has a nice solution :acladd root
21:33.03ironcamelor addacl
21:33.12WinstonSmithjust do a su user -; ls -al /dev/pts*; script /dev/null; ls -al /dev/pts*; and compare
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21:34.28kd123I have multiply wired network pci cards... How do I tell which pci slot is assigned to which eth interface?
21:34.34bunny69WinstonSmith yup will do that in a sec
21:34.37kd123edit: multiple
21:34.39bunny69i just want to know how that works :)
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21:34.53WinstonSmithman script ;)
21:35.07bunny69never heard of it before thus very confused :)
21:35.22WinstonSmithheh all i ever used it for was this problem
21:36.29bunny69WinstonSmith i just compared... see no difference in permissions
21:36.43bunny69or hm
21:36.52bunny69oh i get it
21:36.58bunny69it's about the user
21:37.08bunny69it added a new pts with that sued user
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21:37.18bunny69which makes it legit for me to access its screens...
21:37.20bunny69sneaky :)
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21:37.41bunny69do i need to stop script somehow once i'm done with screen session?
21:38.08WinstonSmithbetter than messing with the perms of an existing pts IMHO. plus when you exit that screen it disappears, no need to change perms back
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21:38.41bunny69and it just nicely terminated once i typed exit...
21:38.44bunny69very sweet
21:38.46WinstonSmithbunny69: you have to "exit" twice
21:38.56WinstonSmithonce for script & once for screen
21:39.00bunny69yes indeed
21:39.48bunny69so damn nice, thanks a million again
21:40.05WinstonSmithyw :)
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21:40.50WinstonSmithkd123: lspci maybe, although i have to admit i have no idea how you translate the output to slot number/location
21:42.03gray--kd123: all the same make?
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21:42.53guest100000lspci and udev rules
21:43.21guest100000# PCI device 0x8086:/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1c.0/0000:02:00.0 (e1000e)
21:43.23guest100000SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*", ATTR{address}=="00:15:58:c8:da:4e", ATTR{dev_id}=="0x0", ATTR{type}=="1", KERNEL=="eth*", NAME="eth0"
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21:43.39guest100000# cat /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules
21:43.41kd123WinstonSmith, ok thanks for the tip
21:44.04kd123gray--, well one is integrated into the mobo and the other two are the same make... all three are intel nics
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21:45.44gray--without removing one, seeing which mac remains, for example, i'm probably not qualified enough to help
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21:54.38kd123guest100000 and gray--, thanks for the help
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21:56.23kd123guest100000, cat /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules doesn't tell me the pci slot... it says:
21:56.45kd123# PCI device 0x8086:0x100e (e1000)
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21:57.14kd123well it just lists that twice
21:57.49gray--sure the mac address doesn't change?
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21:58.24kd123gray--, oh good idea... look at the macs that are listed and compare them to the cards
21:58.36kd123ok thank you
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21:59.34guest100000kd123: this is in relation with ethX   you have to find real utp :)))
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22:00.53kd123guest100000, utp?  utp cable?
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22:02.18guest100000your question: which pci slot is assigned to which eth interface?
22:04.15valdynunplug , watch dmesg, repeat
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22:05.12kd123valdyn, unplug my cable and watch dmesg?
22:05.31valdynkd123: yes
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22:06.06kd123valdyn, ok thank you
22:06.33kd123ok so I have all of these eths statically set to ips
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22:07.29kd123I want to temporarily connect one static eth to another static eth (on a separate computer), so the first eth can share the internet of the second computer
22:08.03gray--aren't these wireless? or did i imagine that?
22:08.05kd123I know the command 'sudo iptables --table net --append POSTROUTING --out-interface wlan0 -j MASQUERADE'
22:08.15kd123gray--, no wired
22:08.25gray--oh, that's fairly easy then
22:08.33gray--remove all cabls
22:09.01gray--run tcpdump on an interface, plug the cable into a physical interface, see which interface comes up and sees traffic
22:09.04gray--rinse and repear
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22:09.19kd123so I run that command on the computer that's sharing it's connection... and I also change '/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward' to '1' on the computer with internet
22:09.20valdynjust unplugging is a little easier..
22:09.53valdynkd123: "the computer with internet" = "the computer that's sharing it's connction"
22:09.56kd123gray-- ok that's good to know thanks... so tcpdump and dmesg
22:10.03kd123valdyn, yes
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22:10.24valdynkd123: why --table net?
22:10.37kd123but... both eths on each computer are statically set
22:10.37gray--tcpdump'll be the one, i use that on solaris fairly regularly to identify which eth id which
22:11.03kd123valdyn, umm.... I'm not sure why '--table net'... but I've used the command before and its worked
22:11.12kd123gray--, ok
22:12.02dpkgNetwork Address Translation (NAT) modifies IP address information in packet headers during transit across a router.  IP masquerading is a form of NAT.  Install the <iptables> package, then read and for more information.  Related Debian packages include <arno-iptables-firewall>, <ferm>, iptables-persistent.
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22:12.43kd123I guess since the eths are statically set on both computers... they don't automatically connect via DHCP right?
22:13.00valdynkd123: the table is "nat", not "net"
22:13.24kd123valdyn, oh right... sorry typo
22:13.42kd123but I do need the '--table nat' option right?
22:13.45valdynkd123: iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -j MASQUERADE, but thats a security liability
22:13.54valdynkd123: yea
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22:14.01kd123valdyn, ok
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22:14.41mashedvaldyn: how is it a liability - just interested as i use that config.
22:14.53kd123valdyn, i didn't think that command exposed the computers attached to it?  what's the security liability?
22:15.27mashedkd123: it shouldn't that's the point of nat.
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22:15.50valdynkd123: it makes your lan accessible from outside
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22:15.57kd123mashed, yeah that's what I thought
22:16.28kd123hmm.... is there a way to prevent that?
22:16.33valdynkd123: since neither source nor dest are limited it masks internet -> lan just the same as lan->internet
22:16.59kd123ah I see
22:17.08mashedoh i see, you need so specify an in and out interface
22:17.20mashedvaldyn: is correct
22:17.27kd123so --out-interface wlan0 would work
22:17.28valdynmashed: or a source
22:18.06valdynkd123: -s obviously cannot originate from the internet
22:19.29kd123valdyn, ah ok and the source '-s' would be the local ip of the computer not giving the internet connection, but receiving it, right?
22:19.35valdynkd123: when you specify only --out-interface, then the internet can use you as anonymizer
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22:20.33valdynkd123: -s specifies the subnet that is  allowed to share your connection
22:20.56kd123valdyn, ok... how's it use you as an anonymizer?
22:21.27mashedvaldyn: not quite, it's in the postrouting chain. the packets have to be routable to be anonymised.
22:21.38valdynkd123: I add you as a router
22:21.43valdynkd123: as a gateway
22:21.54valdynmashed: they are routable?
22:22.02kd123ah i see
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22:22.48mashedfor example in my chains I specify prerouting rules. if they do not match then it will never get to the postrouting chain.
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22:23.12valdynmashed: ok, sure you can have additional rules preventing that
22:23.46mashedvaldyn: but it is a valid point, i should make the rule more specific
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22:24.17valdyni just assume shorewall does this correctly for me
22:24.27kd123so, I have these two statically set eth devices on two separate computers... I connect them with a cable... how do I get them to connect to each other without changing one to use dhcp?
22:24.59valdynkd123: set a matching static ip and netmask and gateway
22:25.34kd123valdyn, so they'd both have to have the exact same ip, netmask and gateway?
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22:25.47valdynkd123: no, matching, not same
22:25.54mashedkd123: if your using iptables ensure you have this rule:
22:26.05valdynkd123: both ips have to be in the same subnet
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22:26.30valdynkd123: ( actually theres other ways, but same subnet is probably the easiest solution )
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22:26.31mashed-A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp ! --tcp-flags FIN,SYN,RST,ACK SYN -m state --state NEW -m comment --comment "Its a hack, drop it" -j DROP
22:26.52jhutchins_wkkd123: you need a crossover cable if there's no switch involved.
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22:26.56kd123valdyn, could you please give me an example of matching ip, netmask and gateway?  I'm confused
22:27.11valdynjhutchins_wk: i think his nics will do that for him
22:27.28kd123there's no switch
22:27.30guest100000mashed: valdyn:  where i can read about this topic of networking - routable IPs...i can't understand this for а long time ago...
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22:27.59valdynkd123:  netmask is in the same subnet as netmask
22:27.59kd123mashed, ok thanks for the command
22:28.22kd123valdyn: ok I see
22:28.26FDFlockjhutchins_wk, kd123 : Well, modern equipment usually supports "auto-sensing" so crossover or not shouldn't matter...
22:28.30mashedguest100000: in all honesty just do it. its not particularly hard.
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22:28.36guest100000it is complicated  i know
22:28.37kd123and the gateway for both would be right?
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22:28.40valdynkd123: or everything that is masked needs to be identical
22:28.47Big_Brotherwho manages the terminator terminal program?
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22:29.14FDFlockHmm, regarding [open]SSH: I've enabled it for a new account and while testing the key I'm getting the following (with -v) as an error message: "Roaming not allowed by server"
22:29.22FDFlockThen the SSH client attempts to use another key (which of course fails) - I suspect it would also try other auth method had they not been disabled.
22:29.26valdynkd123: no, the gateway is in my example or, depending on which one has internet access
22:29.42valdynkd123: the default gateway, to be precise
22:29.43FDFlockFile permissions are OK. Any ideas?
22:29.45valdynguest100000: i dont really know
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22:30.08valdynguest100000: its not insanely complicated really
22:30.26guest100000mashed: valdyn: 10x :)
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22:30.39kd123valdyn, ok thanks
22:30.39jhutchins_ltkd123: gateway would not matter for the two talking to each other on the same subnet.
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22:31.50jhutchins_ltguest100000: Check out the networking howto at
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22:35.31FDFlockAny ideas regarding my question? (...And here I was saying that setting up SSH is so very easy!)
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22:35.53iwantseehi to all!
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22:37.21valdynFDFlock: i dont know that error message, but i assume that your trying to connect from a different ip with the same host key
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22:39.52kd123valdyn, ok so I set my one eth to address, netmask, gateway and my other eth to address, netmask, gateway
22:40.06kd123edit last gateway to
22:40.13valdynkd123: no
22:40.24valdynkd123: somehow i really confused you
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22:40.38kd123valdyn... lol ok
22:40.55valdynkd123: that computer that is sharing the internet connection is the acting gateway for the other
22:40.58DiopterComing in late to this conversation, but are we talking about having two default gateways? Like, policy routing or load-balancing to multiple ISPs?
22:41.03FDFlockvaldyn: Thx! I assume that's the most relevant message, because it's amongst lots of other "debug1" output (that seems normal). What do you mean exactly "the same host key"? I'm using machine A to connect to SSH server B and I've never had problems logging-in as many different users of B at the same time.
22:41.11valdynDiopter: no, were at the most simple case
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22:41.34kd123valdyn, ok
22:41.35DiopterDarn. I was getting excited at the chance to bust out the iproute2 funtimes
22:41.35valdynkd123: you dont change the gateway settings on the acting gateway
22:41.49Vasisthaany recommendations as to where to ask an icedove question? having trouble changing settings after my mail host changed their smtp login authentication requirements
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22:42.25masheddpes anyone else use tmux?
22:42.36mashedit beats the crap out of screen
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22:42.54FDFlockshamelessly uses byobu!
22:43.08kd123valdyn, ok so for the computer with the internet connection what would the proper gateway be?
22:43.15FDFlockVasistha: hi, my Icedove seems also buggy but my problems are unrelated.
22:43.31valdynkd123: you dont need to worry about that. It already has internet access, so it already must have the gateway configured properly
22:43.36kd123valdyn... I'm simply trying to link to statically set eths together
22:43.36FDFlockVasistha: Did you try the different settings in preferences?
22:44.02NeonLevelis there any way to install the original firefox and thunderbird, in debian testing ?
22:44.08kd123right ok
22:44.15FDFlockNeonLevel: Not using the PMS
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22:44.27FDFlockNeonLevel: So, no
22:44.31valdynkd123: the internet-less box needs a gateway, the gateway ip is simply the ip of the computer that has internet access
22:44.47kd123valdyn, so I thought that since and are on the same subnet it would work
22:44.49FDFlockNeonLevel: I'd lve the "original" Fx And Tbird as well
22:45.01VasisthaFDFlock: I don't see any place to change e.g. smtp port and authentication method. If I create a new account it autodetects it, but I can't change the settings for an existing account
22:45.17kd123ah ok
22:45.21valdynkd123: when you set those 2 ips and assuming theres no conflict with preexisting subnets, then those 2 ips can reach each other
22:45.24kd123so the gateway would be (the address of the other computers eth)
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22:45.27Diopterkd123: The machine you're trying to route through (with the two interfaces) is acting as a router. The two interfaces are not bridged together, so being on the same subnet is irrelevant.
22:45.33FDFlockVasistha: but I seem to recall these options, give me a minute...
22:45.38kd123the gateway for
22:45.43valdynkd123: if "other" = the one with internet, yes
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22:45.47VasisthaFDFlock: I'm using 3.1.16 from backports
22:46.23NeonLevelFDFlock: what does pms mean ?
22:46.28FDFlockVasistha: same here
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22:46.47FDFlockNeonLevel: Package Management System, apt-get for Debian
22:47.04NeonLevelFDFlock: got it
22:47.12russel-athletichiho, where can i find info if a specific package updates will be in backports "soon"?
22:47.13kd123valdyn, right ok thanks again
22:47.13kd123let me try that
22:47.26Diopterkd123: Unless the internal machine (without internet)'s gateway is the inbetween machine (the one with two interfaces), when you try to route traffic it's going to to ARP for the upstream gateway (the .1), and the inbetween machine won't respond on its behalf
22:47.31Diopter(unless you have proxy-arp enabled)
22:47.35NeonLevelso there's no easy way to install firefox and thunderbird...!!, i wish someone made a deb
22:47.55Diopterkd123: So you need to hop through the inbetween machine, by using it's IP as the gateway for the internal machine.
22:47.56guest100000jhutchins_lt: 10x
22:48.01valdynDiopter: if kd123 could parse that, he wouldnt need to talk to me
22:48.39kd123diopter and valdyn... I'm trying to grasp what he's saying :)
22:48.42FDFlockVasistha: Go to "Account Settings..." -> outgoing (SMTP) --> choose the default one (or the 1 you are using) and select "Edit..."
22:48.45Dioptervaldyn: I figured I'd start at the top and work down :P
22:48.48DiopterBut fair enough
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22:50.09FDFlockVasistha: for me it has the options "None" "STARTTLS" "SSL/TLS" for security and a few other s for authentication
22:50.21FDFlocks/other s/others/
22:50.49kd123valdyn, when I try to ping from the computer without internet... it responds network unreachable
22:51.15Diopterkd123: Are you familiar with pastebin, or similar sites?
22:51.27valdynkd123: paste us the output of "route -n" and "ifconfig -a"
22:51.38valdynkd123: on both systems
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22:51.44DiopterI'd prefer "ip r" and "ip a"
22:51.57DiopterBut in this case the more detailed information isn't relevant :P
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22:53.38valdynthats indeed nicer
22:54.07valdynkd123: i have to bail..
22:54.14FDFlockNeonLevel: There is a way though to install a much newer version of Iceweasel/Icedove...
22:54.22kd123thanks for all the help valdyn
22:54.46DiopterI can help you more kd123
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22:55.07kd123ok thanks Diopter
22:55.10VasisthaFDFlock: well that sure did it, thank you! I hadn't managed to find that "outgoing (smtp)" section at the end of the very long list of accounts
22:55.20kd123I'm working on pastebin
22:56.08FDFlockVasistha: You're welcome! Yes, it was also confusing for me at first, but I'm been using it for years... thunderbird is a great email client.
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22:57.01VasisthaFDFlock: it is, it is. What really sold me on it is that cached imap that actually works. I just wish they would get maildirs working already. There's been a request for it since like 2003
22:58.02zawapetehi, i'm trying to find the gettext files used for openssl_0.9.8o-4squeeze7_amd64.deb from stable squeeze apt source
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22:58.25zawapeteor also know if i've to worry for this:
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23:00.10FDFlockstill didn't solve his small SSH problem.
23:00.23zawapetethe strings i want to check (CheeseHouse and SomeWhereOverTheRaimbow) being from gettext is a guess. i can't find them in the openssl sources, anyway
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23:00.54zawapeteFDFlock: which problem?
23:01.19^BARrE|^is there a user admin program for gnome?
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23:01.34^BARrE|^to administer my ssh clients
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23:02.19aguitelanywat to run gnome 2.x in wheezy ?
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23:02.39FDFlockOh, I posted it perhaps 30 min ago... i created a new account, and while testing the brand-new RSA key, I'm getting "Roaming not allowed by server" and the client automatically switches to another key (that it doesn't work, of course)
23:03.01FDFlocks/that it/that/
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23:03.33Diopterkd123: I'm not sure how this is that difficult. Type the commands, copy the output, paste into your browser at
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23:04.24FDFlockzawapete: that's of course with -v (debug1)
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23:06.51kd123Diopter,  I have to type it in from the computer without internet :)
23:07.00kd123I'm almost done
23:07.01WinstonSmithFDFlock: what does -vvv report?
23:07.09zawapetenever got that message.. fdlock do you have sshd log on the server side?
23:07.42dvskd123: or take a picture and post that/
23:09.06kd123dvs... yeah... that's a good idea... I'll have to remember that next time :P
23:09.43kd123diopter, ok here it is
23:09.45kd123thanks again
23:10.30FDFlockWinstonSmith: Here's a paste from -v that might be helpful:
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23:10.59FDFlockWinstonSmith: If -vvv is needed tell me (I need a few minutes to change personal info)
23:11.04Diopterkd123: You don't have any IPs configured on the internal box.
23:11.30Diopterkd123: Which eth? interface is hooked to the same network as the first computer, with internet?
23:11.42kd123diopter I set them in /etc/network/interfaces
23:11.55WinstonSmithFDFlock: yes -vvv would be helpful, also the sshd log
23:11.55kd123eth0 on both computers are linked with a cable
23:12.27FDFlockWinstonSmith: Do you mean /val/log/auth.log?
23:12.29zawapeteFDFlock: is the first rsa key picked by ssh the right one for the host?
23:12.32Diopterkd123: Setting it in the config file doesn't automatically apply it to the live interface
23:12.39FDFlockzawapete: yes!
23:12.42Diopterkd123: Type 'ifup eth0' to apply what's in /etc/network/interfaces for eth0
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23:12.45kd123diopter, I rebooted after I set it
23:12.55zawapetedid you ssh-add'd the key?
23:12.57Diopterkd123: Then perhaps you set it wrong. Let's set it manually
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23:13.23zawapetessh-add /home/my-user/.ssh/id_rsa
23:13.33kd123this is what I put: auto eth0
23:13.35FDFlockzawapete: no, what's this? I appended it to the user's authorized_keys manually
23:13.41guest100000FDFlock: keys permissions?
23:13.41kd123iface eth0 inet static
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23:13.49FDFlockzawapete: but it should work
23:13.53zawapeteyou've to add the key to ssh-agent also
23:13.53FDFlockPermissins are ok
23:14.16Diopterkd123: Type "ip l s dev eth0 up", "ip a a dev eth0", "ip r a default via" on the internal box.
23:14.35Diopterkd123: Then if you type "ip a" and "ip r", you should see the address exists on eth0, and the default route via
23:14.35zawapeteif you have a sort of keychain with ssh-add auto import, you need to add it only once
23:14.48WinstonSmithFDFlock: yes auth.log. also you can set the LogLevel in sshd_config to VERBOSE to get more info
23:14.51zawapeteotherwise every for every ssh-agente session
23:15.09FDFlockWinstonSmith: auth.log does not even contain the attempt!
23:15.24kd123diopter.... something was misspelled in my /etc/network/interfaces file...
23:15.26FDFlockWinstonSmith: I guess I'll have to change the loglevel
23:15.32WinstonSmithalso what zawapete said
23:15.33kd123diopter... ok let me try that
23:16.25WinstonSmithFDFlock: and the ~/.ssh dir must be 700 and the authorized_keys 600
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23:16.53FDFlockWinstonSmith, zawapete: Something like "cd ~/.ssh ; cat >> authorized_keys" should work though. That's what I was doing with the other accounts.
23:17.20Diopterkd123: Once you've verified you have the IP and routes, ping the gateway: "ping". If it succeeds, try to ping the Other gateway: "ping"
23:17.26FDFlock(omg, sorry for all the horriblr typos)
23:17.27WinstonSmithlikes ssh-copy-id evry much
23:17.47WinstonSmithhehe you made me do one too ;)
23:17.49Diopterkd123: If that works, you can probably hit the internet: "ping". And you'll have to setup your DNS on the internal box (/etc/resolv.conf)
23:17.50WinstonSmitherm make
23:18.30kd123diopter... ok well I edited the mistake out of my /etc/network/interface file and ran 'ifup eth0'
23:18.46kd123and now I can ping
23:18.54Diopterkd123: If pinging the second gateway doesn't work, it's because you need IP forwarding on to route packets: "sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1" on the box you're routing through
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23:19.24Diopterkd123: And if pinging doesn't work it's because you need masquerading on the second box's wlan0 interface: "iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o wlan0 -j MASQUERADE"
23:19.28WinstonSmithFDFlock: did you look inside if the file is corrupted maybe? does it look like the from other users (apart from the different key of course)
23:19.35DiopterThat should solve all of your potential problems :)
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23:19.51kd123diopter, yes I changed the /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward file to 1 not 0
23:20.07Diopterkd123: To get it to apply on boot you'll want to edit /etc/sysctl.conf
23:20.35mashedkd123: that setting does not persist over reboots. so are you sure its set properly?
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23:20.49kd123diopter... ah ok
23:20.56kd123mashed... yes I've been having to edit it every reboot
23:21.00zawapetei'm quite worried. do anyone know where openssl get the prompting message for x509 csr?
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23:21.23mashedzawapete: elaborate please
23:21.31FDFlockWinstonSmith: looks ok. Also ssh-copy-id seems interesting, but I have password auth disabled
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23:21.43FDFlockyawns as well
23:21.48kd123I can ping successfully too
23:21.54Diopterkd123: Were you able to ping without setting up the masquerading?
23:22.03mashedFDFlock: check to make sure that there is not a new line after the final '-'
23:22.18zawapetefrom a dedicated server i have. i put a vm locally and set the same apt sources from the server
23:22.25WinstonSmithFDFlock: any news in auth.log? also you could enable pass auth just to copy the key...
23:22.30DiopterCool, then your upstream router apparently knows how to get back to, so you don't need to masquerade. Or it's already setup for some reason :P
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23:22.38fishsponge_hey people - anyone here use BOINC on debian? If so, do you know if it is in its own "sandbox"? i.e. it cannot browse the hard drive, try to SSH into other server on the LAN etc...?
23:22.46mashedzawapete: what's the problem
23:22.53kd123diopter, no I already ran the masquerading command on the computer that's sharing its connection before pinging
23:23.02FDFlockmashed: It's ok.
23:23.09Diopterkd123: Ah. Well you're going to have to save that so it persists on reboots as well.
23:23.17zawapetei did a openssl reinstall and i got the usual prompt message: Locality name etc
23:23.29kd123diopter, where do I save that to? /etc/resolv.conf?
23:23.30Diopterkd123: You can do it in a number of ways, but the very easiest for just a single iptables rule is to throw that whole command into /etc/rc.local
23:23.35kd123or is that only for name servers
23:23.41mashedFDFlock: ensure the permissions are 400
23:23.42Diopterkd123: resolv.conf is for nameservers only
23:24.07zawapetemashed, suspicious one: State or Province Name (full name) [SomeWhereOverTheRaimbow] and CheeseHouse []
23:24.26aguitelanyway to run gnome 2.x in wheezy ?
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23:24.28FDFlockWinstonSmith: Yeah, I'll change the loglevel first, so I need a few minutes (reloading SSH is always scary, when the machine is isolated 1000 miles away)
23:24.30mashedzawapete: oh that's just the defaults in
23:24.44Diopterkd123: If you throw the "iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o wlan0 -j MASQUERADE" into /etc/rc.local, right before the "exit 0", you should be set.
23:24.47FDFlockmashed: Permissions are ok! (1st thing I checked)
23:24.59WinstonSmithFDFlock: may start another sshd on another port to make sure you don't lock yourself out...
23:25.06Diopterkd123: There's a more robust way to save rules but it requires creating files and more work, so until/unless you need a lot more rules, this will suffice
23:25.08zawapetethey should be: State or Province Name (full name) [Some-State]  andLocality Name (eg, city) []
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23:25.20zawapeteok, i'll check that then
23:25.32mashedFDFlock in that case im missing the problem - what are the symptoms?
23:25.35kd123diopter, ah ok
23:25.53kd123diopter and mashed thanks again for your help... it's working great
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23:26.02FDFlockmashed: (refuses to use provided key)
23:26.20WinstonSmithzawapete: /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf <= do you mean this?
23:26.23dvskd123: reboot to make sure
23:26.40masheddebug1: PEM_read_PrivateKey failed
23:26.46DiopterIndeed, reboot both machines
23:26.49masheddebug1: read PEM private key done: type <unknown> these lines strike me
23:26.56FDFlockWinstonSmith: I hadn't even thought of that! But "/etc/init.d/ssh reload" should be safe right?
23:27.16FDFlockis trying it
23:27.16zawapeteWinstonSmith: lol
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23:27.45mick_laptopanyone know how to troubleshoot a broken gnome-terminal? it just sits there (no cursor, no prompt - just a black screen). I moved the .bashrc (so it could generate a new one) and I started it from an xterm (to see if any errors were showing up- nothing)
23:27.47zawapetei totally forgot i indeed put those strings there
23:27.53WinstonSmithFDFlock: well existing connections should not be interrupted but if you happen to close that particular ssh session you're doomed if you misconfigured
23:27.53FDFlockmashed: Good catch! Maybe that's why sshd is not even logging it
23:27.53kd123diopter and dvs.... ok thank... will my /etc/resolv.conf file persist?
23:28.05zawapetei forgot about that conf file at all
23:28.19Diopterkd123: Yes.
23:28.24mick_laptopalso, how can I set my audio to default to mono
23:28.28Diopterkd123: As will /etc/rc.local and /etc/sysctl.conf
23:28.43FDFlockAre there any bugs where ssh-keygen generates invaid keys?
23:28.55mick_laptopFDFlock: not that I've seen
23:29.00mashedFDFlock: not afaik
23:29.14mick_laptopssh-keygen -t rsa ?
23:29.16kd123diopter, ok thanks
23:29.36WinstonSmithFDFlock: do you have id_rsa in .ssh ?
23:29.46mashedFDFlock try ssh-keygen -f .ssh/id_rsa -y
23:29.54masheddo you get a public key output?
23:29.56ixIs there any way to limit IPv6 access on an application basis (for instance via a wrapper application)?
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23:30.19mashedix: not a port by port basis?
23:30.42Diopterix: Ugh. No resurrecting tcp wrappers!
23:31.09WinstonSmithzombie wrappers!!!
23:31.13bla-m owner probably
23:31.31ryanhiebertTo anyone who know tcpdump:
23:31.40mick_laptopFDFlock: when you scp the to you@yourhost:/.ssh/authorized_keys and you chmod the keys to (say, 700 - you can do down to 400 iirc), can you ssh -vvvv you@yourhost and tell us what happens
23:31.49FDFlockmick_laptop, WinstonSmith, mashed : OK, that's totally weird! I changed the loglevel (to DEBUG), reloaded sshd, and retried to connect in order to observe the log file on the server. Well, guess what...
23:31.51*** join/#debian oldtopman (~oldtopman@unaffiliated/oldtopman) worked as expected!
23:31.54Diopterbla: Does ip6tables have an owner module?
23:31.55FDFlockThat's crazy
23:32.00blaDiopter, no idea.
23:32.05zawapeteFDFlock: dummy question, if you just press enter on password prompt?
23:32.22zawapeteit's a passwordless key, isn't it?
23:32.39WinstonSmithpasswordless keys don't have a prompt
23:32.43mick_laptop"it worked as expected"... "that's crazy"... ummm ya :-/
23:32.45FDFlockit had a passphrase bt I changed it to empty
23:32.56mashedryanhiebert: what's the question
23:33.17ryanhiebertI'm trying to get dhcp replies with tcpdump, but I can't get the filter to work correctly. I'm trying to filter src 67 packets only, but its failing. There definitely are dhcp replies, because they show up if i don't have any filter and grep for "Reply"
23:33.26DiopterYep. it does
23:33.43zawapeteWinstonSmith: i saw that happens on some host.
23:33.49ryanhiebertany clue what I'm doing wrong
23:33.52DiopterUnfortunately, it's only valid in output/postrouting
23:34.04Diopterryanhiebert: What's your commandline?
23:34.10FDFlockmick_laptop, WinstonSmith, mashed : I mean, I could log in just fine with the provided key. It seems that sshd needed reloading!
23:34.28ryanhiebert$ tcpdump -r dump.cap -n -e src port 67
23:34.28WinstonSmithzawapete: maybe a case as FDFlock's, where the passwd got removed later?
23:34.43Diopterryanhiebert: Also, you probably want udp ports 67 AND 68.
23:34.49FDFlockWinstonSmith: No, I didn't press enter
23:34.52zawapeteWinstonSmith: idk, but it's quite usual on osx
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23:35.03Diopterryanhiebert: Try "port 67 or port 68"
23:35.05ryanhiebertno, just one way 67>68. I just want the replies
23:35.07FDFlockIt just worked.
23:35.11mick_laptopya, was going to say, 67 or 68
23:35.12WinstonSmithzawapete: ah no idea about OSX here.
23:35.13ixmashed: nope :), Diopter: :(, bla I'll just tell him that, so he'll be distracted until he forgets who he asked. Thanks!
23:35.33ryanhiebertif i do 67 or 68, it gives me the requests, but not the replys
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23:35.43mick_laptopyay, I can answer everyone else's questions
23:35.46Diopterryanhiebert: Did you take off the 'src' part?
23:36.09ryanhiebertif i take off src it gives me requests, but not replys
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23:36.32ryanhieberti tested this on my debian box tcpdump, and my mac
23:36.47ryanhieberti can share the dump
23:37.50guest100000i know man, who had a rear case: two instances of openssh servers v1 and v2...their keys are in different formats...big mess :))
23:38.02mashedryanhiebert: I don't use it in depth but when I do i dont really go more complicated that `tcpdump -i eth1 host w.x.y.z`
23:38.11fishsponge_i'm currently running "debootstrap squeeze /squeeze-chroot" - is there anything else I need to do before I can "go in" to this chroot and just run stuff there?
23:38.20mick_laptopok, screw it I'm using konsole :-/
23:38.36FDFlockThe real question now, even though the problem was solved, is why it happened... Was it a bug?! (this is OpenSSH on Debian Stable, it's crazy.)
23:38.57DiopterI use it in depth, but.. sec
23:39.50mick_laptopFDFlock: try a new key to see if you can reproduce
23:39.50NeonlajtHave anyone been able to use a intel X520 (ixgbe, 82599EB ) with debian squeeze? Can I just compile the newest driver? The ixgbe driver default in squeeze does not support my current card.
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23:40.07mick_laptopFDFlock: I'd say ignore it, probably a non-issue
23:40.25WinstonSmithit's probably a feature ;)
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23:41.25Diopterryanhiebert: Try "tcpdump -r dump.cap -pnev port bootps or port bootpc"
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23:42.00FDFlockWinstonSmith: Yeah, a feature, the OpenSSH devs (or the Debian maintainers) should just market it as an extra flag, like "ssh --start-irc-discussion -2 [...]"
23:42.18WinstonSmithhaha :)
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23:42.57WinstonSmithwell /me is off to bed, got up very early this morning. a nice weekend to everybody!
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23:43.19FDFlocksame here, going to bed, thank you gor helping me!
23:43.29mick_laptopNeonlajt: open bug afaik
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23:43.48WinstonSmithi wasn't the only one, but you're very welcome
23:43.56mick_laptopdpkg: tell Neonlajt about ixgbe
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23:44.05Neonlajtmick_laptop: So it won't be supported until wheezy?
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23:44.33Neonlajtmick_laptop: Must be a patch or something that will enable the nic.
23:44.36mick_laptopNeonlajt: not sure, I think it was fixed upstream though
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23:44.41ryanhiebertDiopter: gives me the Requests, but not the replies (I removed the -v so I could grep it easier)
23:44.51FDFlockyeah, thanks WinstonSmith, mashed, zawapete, mick_laptop for your support!
23:44.59mick_laptopNeonlajt: this for an install, or after the fact?
23:45.10mashedryanhiebert you need to use host not src or dst
23:45.11FDFlockloves this channel
23:45.11FDFlockgoes to bed as well
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23:45.36Neonlajtmick_laptop: after
23:45.41ryanhiebertmashed: i'm using this to find rogue dhcp servers, so I don't know the host
23:45.42mashedFDFlock: you're welcome
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23:46.11mashedryanhiebert: i see
23:46.13mashed1 sec
23:46.17Diopterryanhiebert: Oh. Wait. Are you issuing the requests from the box you're dumping in?
23:46.38ryanhiebertyes, but the its pre-captured
23:46.45ryanhiebertalso tried it on another box too
23:46.45zawapeteguest100000 "know man, who had a rear case: two instances of openssh servers v1 and v2...their keys are in different formats...big mess :))"
23:47.11Diopterryanhiebert: So you're saying you can see the replies in the capture when you replay it, but can't find the right filter for it
23:47.22Diopterryanhiebert: Go ahead and put the dump somewhere I suppose
23:47.27DiopterWould be the easiest to find your problem
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23:47.43mick_laptopNeonlajt: a newer kernel would make it work
23:47.44zawapetethe best thing happened to me two days ago: git client must use its own ssh client, one that can't recognize RequestTTY option on my .ssh/config
23:48.50mashedryanhiebert: tcpdump port 67?
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23:48.59guest100000zawapete: client v1   on server side two instances - v1 and v2...the guy is starting server v2.... half day headackes :D
23:49.01zawapetetough time to solve it
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23:49.23mick_laptopNeonlajt: I'd probably use a backport
23:49.47mick_laptopNeonlajt: linux-base (3.4~bpo60+1) [backports]
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23:50.06ryanhiebertmashed: just requests
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23:50.22mick_laptoperego: hi
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23:50.43mashedryanhiebert:  tcpdump port 67 and port 68
23:51.19eregoHey, does a basic install have the complete Debian docs?
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23:51.28eregoI have scouted through /doc but to no avail
23:51.43mashederego: what are you looking for/
23:52.29ryanhiebertfile is at
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23:52.51DiopterForbidden. Change the perms
23:52.55eregoI'd like info on managing kernel modules... I did a generic install from a netbook, and have since moved the hd to a desktop...
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23:53.11eregoI'd like to load the ethernet drivers as such...
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23:53.35eregoI know about the man pages... However which?
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23:53.52mashedman modprobe?
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23:54.32eregoI know how modprobe works, how about a list of all of the modules i have...
23:54.44ryanhiebertDiopter: its working for me. Can you try it with a wget?
23:54.44mashederego: lsmod
23:54.53eregoHow do I find the right one exactly... You know query the hardware, and figure the module.
23:55.50mick_laptopmashed: I thought modprobe was supposed to now replace lsmod/rmmod
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23:56.28ParkerRThere go them nets
23:56.32mick_laptoperego: ya
23:56.56eregoSo I should be able to go home and figure this from the man pages?
23:56.57mashedmick_laptop: that may be the case. People don't tell me these things :p
23:56.59eregoMerci freinds.
23:57.08eregoWhich is it, mick_laptop
23:57.11mashedI have no other friends in he industry
23:57.19Diopterryanhiebert: I did try it with wget.
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23:57.43eregomodprobe does it all now?
23:57.48ryanhiebertits working from 3 different machines for me
23:57.50eregomodprobe + lspci?
23:58.25eregoLet's say i get '02:04.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82557/8/9/0/1 Ethernet Pro 100 (rev 08)' how do I know which module?
23:58.32boudiccas,versions winff
23:58.34juddPackage: winff on i386 -- squeeze: 1.3.0-1; sid: 1.4.2-2; wheezy: 1.4.2-2
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23:59.03Dioptererego: That's most likely e100
23:59.18mashederego: Diopter: deffo
23:59.20eregoDiopter: not exactly mine, just form wikipedia...
23:59.24guest100000erego: check line Kernel driver in use: iwl3945
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23:59.35guest100000witch lspci -vvv
23:59.59eregoI'm on a computer 2 blocks from the one I want to do this on. As you should know I have no net access :/

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