IRC log for #debian on 20120123

00:01.10*** join/#debian merovingio (~usuario@unaffiliated/merivingio)
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00:05.33julia_roberti have some problems, systeme freeze, kernel.log says :    NVRM: Xid (xxx:xx:xx): 8, channel 00000001
00:05.47onryoWould a tmpfs ~/.mozilla/firefox/xyzblah.default    tmpfs rw,noexec,nodev,nosuid,noatime,mode=1777 0 0 be a way of doing this?
00:06.03onryoin fstab
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00:18.43sosofeskarlpinc: X freezes," dmesg|tail" says "[   14.108629] render error detected, EIR: 0x00000010
00:18.43sosofes[   14.108638] [drm:i915_handle_error] *ERROR* EIR stuck: 0x00000010, masking
00:18.44sosofes[   14.108655] render error detected, EIR: 0x00000010
00:19.43tux0onryo hello
00:19.54onryohi tux0
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00:21.22tux0onryo do you know about:cache and about:config ?
00:22.06onryoyeah I know it quite a bit about it. Are you thinking about browser.cache.disk.parent_directory?
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00:23.06onryoah please enlighten me.
00:23.29epicfailguys how can i check if i have a x486 or a 686 cpu?
00:24.30sosofesepicfail: uname -a
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00:25.25epicfailsosofes, it tells me what version is installed not what cpu do i have...
00:25.36tux0epicfail cat /proc/cpuinfo
00:25.43epicfailsosofes, is it even possible to install the wrong one?
00:26.35tux0you could install a 32bit kernel on a 64bit machine
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00:26.39sosofesepicfail:the installer installas the right kernel for you
00:26.50tux0which may be "wrong" depending on what you want
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00:27.46epicfailim going to install gentoo on my laptop (unity ubntu sux so hard)
00:28.21onryotux0 I am seeing tons of junk in about:cache that I do not want to see that are days old. Was hopping that would all be in RAM and gone the next time I start iceweasel
00:28.50tux0yeh, you probably don't like all those writes to your ssd XD
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00:28.59LordDeathdo I need to restart apache2 to apply the phpmyadmin security fix?
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00:31.24onryotux0 so true. Using a a Vertex 3 that I partitioned with gdisk. Perfectly aligned. I shit you know I am getting 561 MiB/ on reads. noatime, noops etc
00:31.46onryolol, shit you not*
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00:33.11onryowell GPT
00:33.11trist4nLordDeath: i dont think so.
00:33.15trist4nunless its cached
00:33.45onryotrist4n Ill past the results.
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00:35.18tux0onryo wow
00:35.24tux0onryo what about writes?
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00:35.46onryothere are the results of what you can get.
00:35.53brahCan I install Debian on an ext3 drive without formatting it_
00:36.29tux0onryo have you tried disabling "disk" cache?
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00:36.53unomystEzcan someone recommend any good tool(s) for anti-root kit, malware, virii, etc.. mainly for Debian desktops?
00:36.55tux0onryo browser.cache.disk.enable
00:37.05tux0onryo browser.cache.check_doc_frequency;3
00:37.22overcluckeryou could mount tmpfs over cache folders
00:37.27tux0would assume disabling cache would cause everything to stay in memory
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00:39.20onryoShould I do that set up something like this in fstab too tmpfs the/cache/path           tmpfs rw,noexec,nodev,nosuid,noatime,mode=1777 0 0
00:39.26LordDeathcan someone help me with the apache2 configuration for phpmyadmin please?
00:39.58LordDeathI can access my server over
00:40.01*** mode/#debian [+l 1169] by debhelper for the mailserver is also working with https
00:40.50LordDeathbut works only with http
00:41.24LordDeathwhen I try to access it with https I see only the default "it works!" page
00:41.47tux0LordDeath there is also a #debian on and and also have you check the debian wiki?
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00:41.52overcluckeronryo: if you want to limit it's size dont forget the size= option
00:41.54onryotux0 or just pass it to /tmp (that is in tmpfs) but what I wrote above
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00:42.41onryooverclucker was thinking about that too. I guess a few GB would be a good idea
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00:44.51tux0onryo you could symlink to /tmp
00:45.00tux0and leave fstab alone
00:45.14overcluckernot a bad idea
00:45.41tux0if you are concerned about security though you might want to pay attention to file permissions in /tmp
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00:46.55onryotux0 hmm yeah have a link with my profile name in /tmp/xyz.profile with a link down to it.
00:47.49tux0maybe just the cache directories and cookie files and whatever else
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00:47.53onryowell from ./mozilla/firefox/xyz.default to /tmp
00:48.11tux0you may not want your bookmarks in /tmp if you want them to be persistent
00:48.40onryotux0 I don't want any cookies or anything. I am a bit paranoid...with pride =)
00:49.00tux0you should be using openbsd then :)
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00:50.32Charbelhi, i'm trying to install debian on 2 laptops but both of them need 2 different non-free firmwares to operate their wireless network hardware, the firmwares are (b43 & iwlwifi) but i don't know where to get those firmwares and how to load them, anyone can help me plz ?
00:50.34*** join/#debian jigaboot (4086e21d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
00:50.56jigabootI just installed debian on my tandy
00:51.04jigabootand I am trying to get AOL browser to run on it
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00:51.36unomystEzhow can
00:51.43tux0aol has a browser?
00:51.46unomystEzI automount mounts at startup?
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00:52.02tux0unomystEz man 5 fstab
00:52.36onryotux0 lol funny you said that. I was just doing my normal cd /usr; cvs checkout -P -rOPENBSD_5_0 src =P
00:52.47unomystEztux0: OK, I'm using fusefs or some newfangled utility that automounts mounts if I click on them via Thunar, I take it doing it via fstab won't interfere?
00:52.59onryotux0 but I only use that on high target servers
00:53.08unomystEztux0: I'm running Xfce 4
00:53.28tux0unomystEz fstab you can use to mouse at boot/startup
00:53.44unomystEztux0: thanks
00:53.55tux0if it interferes i do not know sorry never used thunar
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00:54.35tux0but, what's the point if you are going to use thunar and it automount when clicking :)
00:54.43unomystEztux0: I use /etc/fstab on my servers but this is a desktop and there's all these newfangled daemons managing everything now....
00:54.58unomystEztux0: I want to save a mouse click =)
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00:55.30unomystEzplus other programs need to access those volumes independently of me navigating to them via thunar
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00:56.54tux0unomystEz also you may just be able to setup the mounts when xfce starts up...
00:57.05tux0and not mess with fstab
00:57.05unomystEzhmm, yeah it's fusefs that's mount it.. mount(1) shows type fuseblk
00:57.24unomystEzI prefer fstab since I'm familiar with it and trust it =)
00:57.36tux0also ~/.xinitrc
00:57.52tux0but if you like the console they will not be automounted at first :)
00:57.53unomystEzjust have to make sure it mounts properly and in the same way
00:58.21unomystEzi tend to like to boot to console with in 2048x1536 res on my 30", vim looks like nice =)
00:58.37tux0unomystEz would assume if you setup fstab to allow any user or particular user to mount/umount thunar would be fine? *shrugs*
00:58.48unomystEzyeah if it's already mounted it'll be fine
00:59.08unomystEzjust never seen a fs of type fuseblk before
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00:59.19unomystEzconsidering it's an ext4 partition
00:59.29tux0what were you doing? opening thunar to mount your filesystem and then opening a program e.g. the gimp to modify a file? XD
00:59.57unomystEzno, actually for mythtv, it records to those non-autmounted volumes
01:00.00*** mode/#debian [+l 1163] by debhelper
01:00.44tux0oh, mythtv directly accesses the disks?
01:00.46askhl_Hi.  Movies (e.g. in mplayer) play very slowly on my system in squeeze.  Maybe the driver should be changed.  I have an ATI Radeon Mobility 9700 (very old but quite capable of playing movies - in ubuntu).  Can anyone point me in the right direction?
01:00.56*** part/#debian tapoxi (~tapoxi@
01:01.10tux0askhl_ mplayer -vo help
01:01.27askhl_tux0, so far I tried the different -vo options (mplayer advises me to do so), but none runs any faster (some run slower)
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01:01.50tux0askhl_ xorg driver issue?
01:02.03tux0have you tried playing in vlc?
01:02.15askhl_tux0, vlc is also very slow
01:02.39askhl_tux0, mplayer loses audio/video synch while vlc simply becomes very sluggish (buttons take a long time)
01:02.42tux0maybe you need to adjust your xorg conf and choose the "proper/correct" display driver
01:03.25askhl_xorg.conf used to be in /etc/X11/xorg.conf , but these days it's not there.  Should I create one?
01:04.04tux0if it's not there then it's auto detecting everything when you startup x each time and it probably is choosing the incorrect driver
01:05.08tux0you can try Xorg -configure which should autogenerate one for you, however i think there is a specific debian way to do it using dpkg-reconfigure
01:05.45*** join/#debian Flynn (ad627351@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:06.01tux0hello Flynn
01:06.16askhl_tux0, should I expect more than one driver to be installed and possible to use?
01:07.00FlynnI've been trying to upgrade from squeeze to testing. I've changed my sources.list file and proceeded to upgrade on my desktop the same why I upgrade on my netbook (which was successful). However, every time I try to upgrade on the desktop, I get a black screen.
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01:07.28FlynnSince it is black and I can only see the cursor whenever I do something with the mouse or keyboard, I can't tell what is going on.
01:07.36FlynnI've tried several time to install and upgrade.
01:07.51askhl_I can see there are a few different drivers in the standard repository.  I guess I'll try those.  Thank you very much for the help, tux0
01:08.01FlynnI'm using GNOME 3 and have tried the same process I did on my netbook with the same steps.
01:08.20tux0askhl_ fglrc radeonhd
01:08.28tux0rather fglrx i think and or radeonhd
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01:10.06FlynnAny ideas? It makes upgrading impossible for me.
01:10.13onryotux0 your browser.cache.disk.enable disable seems to really have dropped the IOs (lots) I can still see them in about:cache until I reboot (nice). I take it this is dumping cache in RAM? Do you know where?
01:10.19FlynnI can start in recovery mode without a gui, but I'm mostly a beginner and am not sure what to do from there.
01:10.23onryotux0 btw THX
01:10.43tux0Flynn you can try upgrading using the console and not Xorg
01:10.52askhl_tux0, thank you very much
01:11.25*** join/#debian JwbF75ug (~JwbF75ug@gateway/tor-sasl/jwbf75ug)
01:11.27FlynnI have to use a usb modem on the desktop and am not sure how to connect to the internet if I was to do that
01:11.35FlynnTypically I click once or twice with NetworkManager
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01:11.40tux0Flynn Ctrl+Alt+F1 ... F7
01:12.05Flynntux0: and that works in terminal?
01:12.16someguy123hey guys, I was running squeeze earlier, then I upgraded to testing
01:12.22someguy123how would i go back to stable/squeeze?
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01:13.00tux0Ctrl+Alt+F1 through F7 will well F1 through F6 will take you to the console and Ctrl+Alt+F7 will bring you back to Xorg/GNOME or whatever you are running
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01:13.14onryosomeguy123 I did that once and had huge problems. I use testing an ever once had a problem.
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01:13.32someguy123onryo I'm already enjoying hell with testing
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01:13.43someguy123took me a lot of work just to get to testing
01:13.50someguy123and now I need to go back =_=
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01:14.39tux0onryo if you disable cache it's not creating a cache i would assume anywhere
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01:15.36tux0someguy123 why do you need to go back?
01:15.55someguy123screw it, just going to ask the VPS admin to reformat my box
01:16.05someguy123too much work, and i've probably broke way too much so far =_=
01:16.13onryosomeguy123 I would assume that too but when I do a about:cache it is logging where I have been??? All the same a iotop -oPa show a HUGE difference in IOs etc.
01:16.45onryoabove to tux0
01:16.52tux0yes i read
01:20.34Flynntux0: I restarted the desktop in regular mode and it loads like normal. At the time that it normally goes to the login screen, I get a black screen with a blinking underscore. I can't type anything. When I cycle through ctrl+alt+(F1,F2,...) I can briefly see text that asks for my login. Have you heard of an upgrade breaking like this?
01:20.46onryoIs it safe to link my profile to tmpfs with lets say  tmpfs rw,noexec,nodev,nosuid,noatime,mode=1777 0 0. Don't want other junk reading whats in my memory.
01:20.58tux0onryo about:cache?device=disk and about:cache?device=memory
01:21.23onryotux0 your a god. Thx
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01:23.01tux0Flynn well, you can login on the console and try to repair the failed upgrade
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01:23.25onryotux0 not a think on my disk =D just in memory. Coolio !
01:24.32tux0onryo you can also use tools like `lsof' to explore what processes are doing and /proc/<PID>/ PID = process id e.g. `pgrep firefox'
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01:25.00tux0or rather `pgrep iceweasel' :)
01:25.09onryotux0 on it right now =)
01:28.17tux0onryo `lsof -p $(pgrep xulrunner)'
01:29.49onryopgrep iceweasel
01:30.00*** mode/#debian [+l 1156] by debhelper
01:30.01onryopgrep iceweasel
01:30.10tux0wrong window? :)
01:30.11onryopgrep firefox
01:30.21onryolol sry got my shells mixed up
01:30.25tux0well you could type
01:30.46tux0that should work in your irc client
01:31.08onryowut? got to give that a try
01:32.12onryofunny I use iw but its only returning a pid for firefox...oh well details.
01:35.21felkorhello, does anybody uses mini-buildd-bld for building debian packages?  Im getting this error when trying to build hello debian package. TYA
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01:39.37tux0wb askhl_
01:40.13askhl_tux0, thanks.  I have tried with the driver 'ati' and with 'radeon'.  Unfortunately the same problem appears.  (radeonhd does not work)
01:41.14askhl_So to recap: with 'ati' or 'radeon', mplayer says that my system is too slow (and the movie plays slowly)
01:41.26gnarfaceaskhl_: you could try the commercial drivers provided by ati.  they *might* work better
01:41.27tux0felkor make can't find the Makefile?
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01:42.02askhl_gnarface, I'll consider it.  That's the one called fglrx, is not not?
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01:42.12tux0askhl_ are ati and radeon real drivers or did make those names up?
01:42.14askhl_is *it not
01:42.16gnarfaceaskhl_: i believe that is what is called currently, yes
01:42.38askhl_tux0, the 'Xorg -configure' command listed the valid driver names
01:42.44tux0oh ok
01:42.56tux0well you may be missing one and can install it
01:42.57gnarfacetux0: they're valid drivers they just don't support more recent cards very well
01:43.47gnarfacei think at least...
01:44.18gnarfaceaskhl_: have you looked at your /var/log/Xorg.0.log to see the errors it gives when you load them?
01:45.06tux0askhl_ apt-cache search xorg | grep -i ati
01:45.14felkortux0, i dont know, but i dont think so, ./configure is executed until "checking whether the C compiler works... no". then all sbuild env variables seem unset. build-essential fakeroot and ccache are installed in all chroots.
01:45.53felkori dont know mini-buildd, it must be some configuration prob
01:46.34tux0oh, well configure builds the Makefile
01:46.42askhl_gnarface, I cannot see any "fatal"-lookalike errors in the logfile
01:46.47tux0hrm let me check your post again sorry I'm not familiar with this
01:48.32askhl_I'll try a few more drivers
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01:48.44felkortux0, there is a in the package
01:49.12felkorits the hello package, kindof hello world. it shoud build
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01:54.07tux0felkor permissions issue? ccache: failed to create /sbuild-nonexistent/.ccache (No such file or directory)
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01:57.41felkortux0, I've seen that too, I've found, which says it shouldnt be a problem
01:58.17LordTrevI have a wacom tablet (ID 056a:0015 Wacom Co., Ltd Graphire 4 4x5) and it was working but no longer is...
01:58.24LordTrevI don't know what messed up at all
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01:59.26tux0felkor have you tried manually installwing `aptitude install build-essential' or `apt-get install build-essential' ?
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02:00.06tux0LordTrev what did you do?
02:00.15tux0LordTrev update/upgrade debian?
02:00.30askhlUnfortunately it seems as if all the other drivers refuse to start x.  Only 'ati' and 'radeon' will run
02:00.33LordTrevtux0, yeah, but only dist-upgrade
02:00.58tux0well LordTrev but only dist-upgrade upgrades the entire install :)
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02:01.19felkortux0, the builds are in chroots. mini-buildd default configuration installs those packages by default. the log says both build-essential and ccache are installed
02:01.21LordTrevtux0, ok look, I know I upgraded, I upgrade frequently
02:01.40gnarfaceaskhl: well, you can probably get the 'vga' and 'vesa' drivers to work with some tweaking, but if the ati and radeon drivers aren't fast enough none of the others will be either.
02:01.44askhlI wonder what Ubuntu does which makes it work there.  I think Ubuntu doesn't have a proprietary driver for my card
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02:01.57LordTrevIt's not helping me. I've got xserver-xorg-input-wacom installed
02:02.08gnarfaceaskhl: i'm almost certain Ubuntu in fact DOES distribute the proprietary driver by default for your card
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02:03.19tux0askhl have you tried the fglrc-driver package?
02:03.20askhlgnarface: I don't think so.  They stopped doing that for mobility9700 a number of years back, and since then I haven't been able to use the fancy graphics
02:03.37askhltux0: that's not in the standard repositories, is it?
02:04.04askhlgnarface: in any case it's been years since I had any proprietary graphics driver enabled
02:05.05tux0askhl it's in the non-free repository
02:05.19askhltux0: ah, thanks
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02:05.48askhlWell, I guess I'll bite the sour apple (as we say in my language) and install that one
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02:06.50tux0askhl you could also try running mplayer in framebuffer console with `mplayer -vo fbdev -zoom -xy 1024' etc.
02:07.58tux0LordTrev have you check your xorg.conf?
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02:08.32LordTrevtux0, rebooting, something probably didn't get probed properly when hibernating
02:08.55askhltux0: not sure how to run something in 'framebuffer console'
02:09.23tux0Ctrl+Alt+F1 ... F6 and Ctrl+Alt+F7 to switch back to Xorg
02:10.04tux0well, actually once you are at the console you can just use Alt+F1 ... F7 to switch
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02:10.38tux0and Alt+-> (right arrow) and <-
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02:11.45askhlOh, they're just the non-X-consoles.  Thanks
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02:13.00askhltux0: it runs, but is in black/white...
02:13.52askhlOh well, I'm trying the fglrx next.
02:14.10tux0hrm i think there are some specific ati framebuffer drivers
02:14.15tux0for the console
02:14.22wolfrichow do i see what the latest updates did?
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02:17.33tux0felkor there is also #debian on
02:18.09felkortux0, ty, i'll try there too. thanks for your help.
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02:20.16tux0wolfric /var/log/dpkg.log
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02:24.12askhlHmmm.  Unfortunately still no luck.  It's getting a bit late here, so I'll have to get some sleep.  Thank you very much for the help though
02:24.15wolfrictux0: i'm just trying to find out if the latest kernel update was for this
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02:28.01gnarfaceaskhl: regardless of which driver you choose you very possibly will have to make a custom xorg.conf just to get it to work.
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02:45.03web4freehi ,everyone
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02:48.50tux0hello web4free
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02:57.28tux0wolfric /usr/share/linux-image-*/changelog.Debian.gz
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02:58.48wolfrictux0: sure that's the right location? don't see linux-image in /usr/share
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03:11.32edjulost wireless after sleep.   after a connection attempt, /var/log/daemon.log has a couple of entries that don't look good.  like "Registering new address record for on wlan0.IPv4."  where's that ip coming from, and is it related to no wifi?
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03:16.00tux0edju ifconfig -a ?
03:16.36z28edju: thats automatic private ip addressing which can happen when you fail to get a dhcp address, something is wrong but i don't know exactly what.
03:16.43kl4m169.254 are private automatic IPs
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03:17.06kl4medju, ^
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03:17.49DasEiedju: nothing to worry, if wlan is configured try ifudon/up on that wlan
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03:18.31DasEiifdown wlan0 &&  ifup wlan0   as root
03:18.43edjukl4m, yes, but it's not my private ip - is the router, e.g.
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03:19.24DasEiedju: it'slike a dummy address when something went wrong
03:19.35z28edju: I would give your router a reboot, maybe the dhcp server got whacked somehow.
03:19.43edjuDasEi, it says wlan0 not configured.
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03:20.25edjuz28, other machines have access so . . .
03:20.51DasEiedju: your router provides dhcp I guess, so quick shot dhclient as root, else 3 lines in /etc/network/interfaces
03:21.26z28edju: hrm, /etc/hosts file looks ok? If the other boxes didnt release or request a new ip, it could still cause it.
03:21.29edjuI've tried all sorts of things - rkill, iwconfig, ifup, etc etc etc . I have no idea ofn the state of things now.
03:22.09DasEi... and when up again, arpwatch and loong passwords ;)
03:23.21DasEiedju: try to set it up in interfaces, restart service;; as someone mentioned above, ifconfig tells the wlan0 we assume here ?
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03:24.38edjuDasEi, I read somewhere that interfaces should be left alone.
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03:25.44edjuBut, I'll try to edit it.
03:26.03DasEiedju: your choice, it overides mw-manager and autoconfig, if a reboot won't fix it , so nics up, then move up to dns, hosts, fw, router ..
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03:26.51edjuDasEi, mw-manager?
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03:27.30DasEiedju: networkmanager, shi.. tablet and 4:27 morning here,sorry
03:27.44edjuI use wicd.
03:28.41edjuI'll edit interfaces and be back.
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03:41.02DasEiedju: success?
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03:45.41edjuDasEi, Nope.
03:47.24CrypticfortuneI'm using mediawiki out of squeeze for some reason most of my <math> does not seems nothing is getting written to images/math/* why might this be? (for sanity sake I granted world writable permission to images)
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03:47.47Crypticfortunetexvc does work (testing it manually gives me correct images), but no errors going to apache/error.log or anywhere else I can find....what's going on here?
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03:51.42somiajCrypticfortune: have you read any additional docs in /usr/share/doc/pkgname -- that main contain useful info.
03:52.14Crypticfortunemediawiki-math has absolutely nothing on the subject =/
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03:54.15Crypticfortuneand mediawiki/README.Debian says setting "$wgUseTex = true" should be enough... *sigh*
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03:56.39AlgoErik___: Hey
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03:57.01Erik___I asked about this earlier, but I still haven't found a solution
03:57.28Erik___I am trying to upgrade from squeeze to testing on my desktop
03:57.39Erik___I get a black screen when upgrading (I'm doing the same method that worked on my netbook)
03:57.54Erik___I've tried the method several times on several squeeze installs
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03:59.04Erik___But it still hasn't worked on the desktop and I'm unsure of what the problem is
04:01.18CrypticfortuneGah! It's been writing all of its images to /var/lib/mediawiki instead of my own wiki elsewhere...grrrr =/
04:01.23Algoz28: nice
04:01.46z28Algo: no frills, no eye candy but stable as a rock.
04:03.23z28Algo: umm, thanks :)
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04:12.52DasEiedju: sorry, was away for a minute, so ifconfig -a now tells about wlan?
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04:53.38Future28Hey guys, can anyone help me with my startup scripts? They wont work, I'm using LXDE and can't get my conky to run on startup.
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04:54.38Future28I created a .xinitrc in my home directory and added 'conky &' to it, yet it still isn't working.
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04:55.30civillianFuture28: have you checked .xsession-errors
04:56.09Future28I will do that now
04:56.28somiajFuture28: how are you logging into your desktop? If you are using slim for some reason (despite the documenatation) it only reads the .xsession file, so put that in .xsession (instead of .xinitrc)
04:56.53somiajalso make sure you contain the binary to launch the lxde wm/desktop in your .xsession file
04:58.20Future28Well I just got debian squeeze the other day so I am using the gui to log in, and default is set to lxde. I will put that into the .xsession file now, what else do I need to do?
04:59.26Future28Also, where is .xsession, or do I need to create it?
04:59.29somiajI don't know the name of the binary that launches the lxde desktop
04:59.32somiajyou need to create it
05:00.20somiaj(there also may be other ways to set up startup problems in the lxde desktop)
05:00.32Future28Yep so I have created the .xsession in my home directory, now I will search for the lxde binary
05:01.01somiajseems there is a more lxde paticular way to do it
05:01.10somiajFuture28: this method will work, but there are lxde paticular methods
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05:01.15civillianFuture28: you might try just putting conky & in your .xsession file
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05:01.23civillianif everything else is working OK
05:01.47civillianAlthough I've never used lxde
05:01.55civillianso your mileage may vary
05:02.05somiajI would follow that and put a conky.desktop file in ~/.config/autostart
05:02.18somiaji.e. best to use the methods on the desktop of choice.
05:02.26civilliansomiaj: that seems cleaner :)
05:03.10somiajseems it will also be honored by any desktop that honorse standards
05:03.23somiajso if he used xface, or gnome the startup programs will still be there
05:03.43loop-start $DE
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05:04.08loop-that will set your default DE on a user basis
05:04.17somiajloop-: unforntally due to the /etc/X11/Xsession file in debian, .xinitrc is ingored by some dm's and .xsession is the default to use.
05:04.29somiajthere is a .xsessionrc too
05:04.33Future28I'll try that autostart way first
05:04.37Future28I'm making the file now
05:04.56loop-xinitrc works for kde and gnome
05:05.20somiajloop-: its the display manager more than the desktop. .xinitrc is the default read by 'startx' too
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05:06.09Future28I'll be back, testing now.
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05:12.55loop-yea i startx through root a lot
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05:15.08Future28That worked, thanks for the help everyone.
05:15.19loop-update-alternatives --config x-window-manager
05:15.27loop-to set your default wm
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05:35.01skilzWhats the best way to steam all my mp3s on my server to listen to them on my other pcs?
05:35.02jasonsmrhi debian channel
05:35.23jasonsmrIm loking at a big install, I need help simply on this command> chroot DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive DEBCONF_NONINTERACTIVE_SEEN=true \
05:35.23jasonsmrLC_ALL=C LANGUAGE=C LANG=C dpkg --configure -a
05:36.10jasonsmri get errors with the attempted ^^ this error says >>chroot: cannot change root directory to DEBIAN_FRONTEND=./debian_amd64_wheezy: No such file or directory
05:36.32jasonsmrnote im on a non debian system
05:36.40jasonsmrdebian based
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05:37.12jasonsmrwhatever that means apparently the debootstrap cross-prep isnt working??
05:37.17civillianskilz: I've used apache's mod-musicindex
05:37.25jasonsmrthe debootstrap did finish
05:37.27civillianskilz: there are others too, ProMP3
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05:38.58skilzWhats the easyest to configure
05:39.03jasonsmrRather How can I trigger post install scripts from a different arch on non debian system
05:39.16civillianskilz: mod music index was easy, from memory
05:39.47skilzHow do I install that?
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05:41.35civillianskilz: there is a package
05:41.40civillianskilz: libapache2-mod-musicindex
05:41.48civilliangoogle how to install that
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05:50.59skilzhow to fix this?
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05:52.00civillianskilz: have you googled the error?
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06:11.16gary_goldenany way to force make to run against /bin/bash instead of /bin/sh ?
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06:15.54dies_iraewhat's the russian channel?
06:16.36dies_irae#debian-ru is emtpy
06:16.53scientes#debian-ru on
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06:18.25dies_iraelol why there??
06:18.34dies_iraethat crazy
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06:24.25somiajdies_irae: is the offical debian irc network, that is why you should look there.
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06:32.33dies_iraehowever, that message unlikely to go away and the 'ata6: hard resetting link' is a portentous message.
06:32.40dies_iraeoops wrong chan
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06:38.43dies_iraesomiaj: interesting, why not freenode??
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06:39.17somiajdies_irae: I forget (or never knew) the reason behind debian leaving freenode years ago. I think it is partly they wanted a network ran on debian machines.
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06:39.43somiajdies_irae: I had a mobo that shouted out that error to me a lot, never saw it as an issue and system ran fine
06:39.49skilzPlease help,  I done apt-get install mysql and this is what I got
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06:41.42dies_iraeha ha, actually that's an excellent reason!!
06:42.20somiajskilz: well here is my suggestion. 1) you can modify the postinst script and comment out the invoke-rc.d line (so it never actually tries to start the server)
06:42.35somiajskilz: this will make it so the package will configure correctly and finish installing (Fixing dpkg/apt)
06:42.43somiajskilz: after that you can try to track down why the server won't start.
06:43.19somiajafter you fix the post install script just run 'dpkg --configure -a' (since if you tried to reinstall it with apt-get it would extract the postinst script again causing the same issue)
06:43.20skilzWHere is the script?
06:43.23samba35how do i get full desktop with ssh +xming ,i am able to get firefox and other gui but how to get full desktop
06:45.05dies_iraesomiaj: what freenode running on?? don't tell me m$$ I$$
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06:45.48somiajdies_irae: I don't know, nor do I know why debian moved the offical irc network, though many have been here in #debian since before that and have stayed and still help. (:
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06:47.07somiaj -- not sure if that tells much about the underlining OS
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06:53.19somiajsamba35: have you tried to run the desktop launcher for your desktop?
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06:53.37samba35yes i got it from free nx
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07:04.29somiajdies_irae: (dosen't really give a reason but there is the post about the change)
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08:00.48MarkG123Can someone help me out with this error: "gpg: WARNING: unsafe ownership on homedir `/etc/spamassassin/sa-update-keys'"
08:01.31MarkG123I have played with ownership and permissions recursively on /etc/spamassassin/ and it's made no difference
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08:07.59gnarfaceMarkG123: you probably want to set it to 750 or 550 and make sure its owned by the same group as the spamassassin user
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08:12.43MarkG123It's currently: drwxr-xr-x 4 spamd root                  816 Jan 13 11:22 spamassassin
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08:14.10MarkG123changed it to: dr-xr-x---  spamd spamd
08:14.21MarkG123i'll see what happens.
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08:21.30skilzWhat lines do I have to add to sources.list to use these sources?
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08:22.28skilzPlease help!! I cant get the volatile squeeze-updates and security squeeze-updates lines to work.. what should they be?
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08:28.07jelly-homeskilz: for the replacement for volatile
08:28.23jelly-home!tell skilz about squeeze security
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08:33.26skilzjelly, I already have the security lines in there, but I want to use the aarnet mirror for security updates, I tryied the lines deb squeeze/update main but didnt work
08:34.34Kamping_Kaiserskilz: pastebin errors
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08:34.53jelly-homeskilz: security.d.o does not have official mirrors.
08:35.20jelly-homeall the servers hide behind the same DNS round-robin name
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08:37.00s70rmhello *
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08:41.51Kamping_Kaiseraccording to there is no squeeze-updates in debian-volatile
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08:41.54Kamping_Kaiseron that mirror
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08:43.46brown_sugarhey guys, come check this out
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08:45.19skilzWhat about for Would that be deb squeeze-update main or????
08:46.05DelTreevolatile is old name...
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08:46.21Kamping_Kaiserskilz: no
08:46.31Kamping_Kaiserskilz: are you attached to the aarnet network?
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08:47.19skilzI have unlimited downloads from the network
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08:47.39Kamping_Kaisermust be nice (:
08:48.22skilzExpensive though. I'm using pre-paid mobile broadband
08:48.54Kamping_Kaiserum, how can you be on mobile broadband and attached to aarnet?
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08:49.40Kamping_Kaiserlooks like is the root of aarnets debian mirror. after that it should be laid out like any other debian sources.list
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08:50.17xinguunlimited... infinite bandwidth, infinitesimal delay?
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08:53.25afidegnumhello, pls using apt-get, where do programs get installed by default?
08:53.41afidegnumI have installed a flight simulation game
08:53.53afidegnumand I want to add extra propoerties to its folder
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08:56.24skilzKamping_Kaiser, my ISP is connected to aarnet
08:57.00Kamping_Kaiserafidegnum: to the filesystem
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08:57.27Kamping_Kaiserskilz: you sure aarnet is unmetered over mobile? i'm surprised that it would be
08:57.40skilzYep it is, It has a green light
08:57.52DelTreevolatile should be: squeeze-update main
08:57.55Kamping_Kaisertbh, i didn't realise aarnet was unmetered to most telstra users, so i guess i'm learning somethere there too
08:58.05Kamping_Kaiserskilz: handy.
09:00.12jelly-homeskilz: first you need to stop confusing the security repo and squeeze-updates.
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09:01.17jelly-homeskilz: then find the root directory for the repo (hint: it's the one that has a dists/ subdir), and use that as the repo URI
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09:02.45jelly-homeskilz: that means: replace "" in your config with "", and keep the rest of the line intact
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09:14.24skilzIs there some command that I can run to update my computer and my server at the same time like 'sudo apt-get update && ssh user@host:password && sudo apt-get update' something along those lines???
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09:17.01babilenskilz: You might want to look into distributed shells such as dsh, dish or dancershell.
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09:17.33bs0dHello guys
09:18.11v2Hi, how can i update gcc on ubuntu? aptitude update gcc didn't work
09:18.31bs0dI have just installed a fresh copy of Debian, Im bothered getting a driver for my NVidia card, is there any proposed NVidia drivers in repo or I should download and install it from the offsite?
09:19.06bs0dv2, install it manually?
09:19.22v2bs0d: Shit ... dont like that
09:19.44babilenskilz: You can, however, also follow your initial intuition to use SSH for things like this. (ssh 'cmd1 ; cmd2 ; cmd3')
09:20.14bs0dv2 Im not the best to suggest, Im only a newbie, but I think that if there is no deb package in repository, than only manually you can install more recent version of it
09:20.52babilenv2: Please ask in #ubuntu (this is #debian) -- You can join their channel with "/join #ubuntu" -- Have fun!
09:21.36bs0dguys, can you tell me something interesting about Nvidia drivers? Are there any proposed drivers in paclages db I should use?
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09:22.37babilenbs0d: I would recommend to go the DKMS way as detailed in "/msg dpkg nvidia dkms" -- Please also see "/msg dpkg nvidia" and check which driver supports your card with the nvidia-detect tool.
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09:23.49rlyMy thrashcan doesn't work anymore. How can I restart just the trashcan service?
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09:24.34rlyI get some dbus error and it is whining about remote connections (it is a phracking local directory!).
09:25.21rlyAlso, how on Earth they managed to make 'display local directory' and add a nice icon somewhere not work remains a mystery.
09:25.36rlyLikewise for the fact that this has been an issue since 2009.
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09:26.58rlyMake that 2006.
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09:30.53babilenbs0d: Oh, nvidia-detect is in backports (/msg dpkg bdo) along with version 275.36 of the nvidia driver.
09:31.30rlyIs the nvidia driver already bugfree?
09:31.46rlyOr does it suck as much as fglrx?
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09:37.00babilenrly: It is most certainly not bug-free and I have yet to find a reliable metric to measure "suckiness" in order to answer your second question. It seems to work reliable for a large number of users though and also seems to be the driver of choice for nvidia cards. Nouveau is *always* worth a try though, in particular if use newer versions (such as those in backports)
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09:42.40bs0dIm reading manual on how to use DKMS, it sais to install kernel keaders and dkms itself, and "DKMS will take care of everything" but I still do not understand should I run some programm or command for it to run?
09:42.55petern_it really means it
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09:43.14petern_"DKMS enables kernel device drivers to be automatically rebuilt when a new kernel is installed."
09:43.38babilen!tell bs0d -about nvidia dkms
09:43.40DelTreelinux-image post-install scripts will run it...
09:43.45aguitelhow remove gnome 3.x ?
09:43.59bs0dI just installed a fresh copy of Debian , I do not think I will install a new kernel .. but I would like to get an nvidia driver
09:44.09babilenbs0d: That is all you need -- You can and should ask dpkg about the other factoids I mentioned as well.
09:44.15bs0dDelTree hope so
09:44.29babilenaguitel: What constitutes gnome3 and what is the desired outcome of said removal?
09:44.47*** join/#debian apt-get99 (
09:44.58rlyDoes anyone know how I can 'repair' my trash?
09:45.07rlyI tried logging back in, but that didn't help.
09:45.11aguitelbabilen, i want to install kde and only remain this
09:46.06*** join/#debian ryannathans (~ryannatha@unaffiliated/ryannathans)
09:46.34ryannathansI can't find a good wpa_supplicant guide, I can't get it working, can someone guide me through?
09:46.57ryannathansCRTL-EVENT-DISCONNECTED - Disconnect event - remove keys -- what does this mean?
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09:47.40babilenaguitel: Ok, what constitutes gnome3? Do you merely don't want to be aware of its existence anymore (as in: not being offered the session)? Or would you rather want to remove *all* gnome related programs? (see for a list) Or do you want to remove every single piece of software that uses the GTK widget toolkit? (only gtk3?..)
09:49.36babilenaguitel: All that being said/asked: How did you install gnome? You could simply reverse that action and be done with it. If you installed the "gnome-desktop-environment" package for example you could simply remove/purge that (and so on)
09:50.21aguitelbabilen, want to remove all programs and libreries
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09:50.30babilenryannathans: /usr/share/doc/wpasupplicant/README.Debian.gz is a good read
09:50.41ryannathansbabilen: thankyou
09:51.23babilenaguitel: Are you sure?
09:51.36aguitelbabilen, yes
09:52.01babilenaguitel: Ok, how did you install gnome?
09:52.15aguitelbabilen, with cd
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09:52.59bs0dhmm I've installed kernel headers and dkms and nothing happened .. post-install scripts didn't run anything :(
09:53.20bs0das I understood, dkms should build a kernel module, should I run it some how ?
09:53.27ryannathansbabilen: how do i ungzip this? I'm getting stupid errors
09:54.03ryannathansgot it
09:54.34aguitelbabilen, when i type /msg dpkg remove gnome this is only for gnome 2.x ,and for gnome 3.x ?
09:54.39bs0d"DKMS will take care of the build and install process automatically. "  this is according to manual, but I did not get any install process :( Please help
09:54.45babilenaguitel: The following command should get rid of most/all of it though: "aptitude purge '~i~R^gnome$' '~i~RRecommends:^gnome$' '~i~n^libgtk'" -- If not: Adjust the initial two search terms for smaller gnome-related metapackages.
09:55.32babilenaguitel: I have to warn you that this *will* remove a large number of programs and I can assure you that you almost certainly *don't* want to remove all programs that use the GTK widget toolkit. But as you said that this is what you are after ...
09:56.35babilenaguitel: You should be familiar with aptitude's search syntax and you can see a short overview of gnome related metapackages in the <install gnome> factoid.
09:56.37DelTreewow... those ~i ~R ~n ... just wow...
09:56.40bs0dah, I think better just compile the official driver from the nvidia offsite
09:56.50babilen!tell DelTree -about aptitude search
09:56.53*** join/#debian myself (
09:57.30babilenDelTree: Aptitude provides quite advanced search functionality and it is worth to learn at least the basics.
09:58.23DelTreebabilen: well... I'm really using *basics*... i.e. aptitude search foo... if that doesn't find what I want, I go to p.d.o...
09:58.40babilenYeah :)
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10:01.14babilenaguitel: I would personally recommend by removing/purging whatever packages are matched by the first two search terms. Adjust that for smaller metapackages too -- the libgtk one is, well, most likely too broad to your liking. Why did you install gnome in the first place? It should also be noted that you can use "tasksel remove desktop" -- It is also a good idea to *not* do this within Gnome/X ;)
10:02.09*** join/#debian haxi__ (
10:02.14bs0dcan anybody tell me exactly what should happen after I installed dkms?
10:02.17bs0dIm a bit stuck
10:02.22babilenDelTree: See for some real brainfuck :)
10:02.39aguitelbabilen, ok
10:03.03DelTreeah tiens... ça me fait penser que j'en ai un bugreport en souffrance depuis un bail...
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10:03.25babilenbs0d: The module should have been compiled for your card and you can now create a suitable Xorg configuration snippet for nvidia as detailed in "/msg dpkg nvidia dkms" -- Did you run all those commands and did you verify with nvidia-detect that your card is supported?
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10:04.25bs0dI did not find nvidia-detect tool unfortunately from aptitude :(
10:04.35bs0dthere is no such package
10:04.40babilenbs0d: It is in backports (/msg dpkg bdo) as I mentioned earlier
10:04.44babilen,v nvidia-detect
10:04.46juddPackage: nvidia-detect on i386 -- squeeze-backports/non-free: 280.13.really.275.36-1~bpo60+1; sid/non-free: 290.10-1; wheezy/non-free: 290.10-1; experimental/non-free: 295.09-1
10:05.18MoggetIs it possible for me to make the kernel do a "setxkbmap us" whenever i press F12
10:05.37MoggetOr is this something i has to do in the windows manager / lxde
10:06.42MoggetThank you.
10:07.15*** join/#debian afuentes (~afuentes@
10:07.43skilzJust wondering with squid when I point my browser to my squid server I get access denied something to do with access control, what do I have to edit to allow all sites to my network?
10:08.03bs0dbabilen still dont find it .. I make a search on "nvidia-detect" maybe it is under another name in there?
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10:08.55babilenMogget: What are you trying to do? -- Most desktop environments have some functionality to switch between/define different keyboard layouts with a key-combo -- X can do this as well, but you have to define multiple configurations in /etc/default/keyboard, which allows you to switch with ALT-SHIFT -- Unfortunately I have to run now, but we can continue this later.
10:09.03babilen!tell Mogget about keymap
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10:09.44bs0dI use aptitude -t squeeze-backports search "nvidia-detect"  and no results
10:10.00*** mode/#debian [+l 1180] by debhelper
10:10.18babilenbs0d: Did you enable/configure backports repositories already? Did you run "aptitude update" or "apt-get update" afterwards? Which card do you have? (lspci -nn|grep -i vga)
10:11.04bs0dyes, I've added backports to sources list and run apt-get update, as per instructions on the backports website.
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10:11.14bs0dI have NVidia 8800 GT card
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10:12.04babilenbs0d: I'll check which driver version you need and you can paste the output of "apt-cache policy ; apt-cache policy nvidia-detect" along with your sources.list in the meanwhile? Deal?
10:12.06bs0dlspci outout looks like this: nVidia Corporation G92 [GeForce 8800 GT] [10de:0611] (rev a2)
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10:12.37bs0dbabylen ok
10:13.17*** join/#debian HardFu (~tomaz@unaffiliated/hardfu)
10:13.47ryannathansbabilen: i still can't get it working
10:14.14aguitelbabilen, another question ,i am in squeeze right now with this video card:Geoforce FX 5500 using nvidia-173xx driver ,what will happen when wheezy become stable about this driver (now is not supported)
10:14.45babilenbs0d: Ok, well -- There is no real need to do that, because the driver version in squeeze supports your card (cf. -- All you have to do to get it running is executing the commands in "/msg dpkg nvidia dkms"
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10:16.52babilenaguitel: It might not be supported (that is if nvidia does not provide a -173 version of the driver that is compatible with Xorg 1.11) -- I am, however, quite sure that nouveau will be in a usable state. I am really not involved in nvidia driver development and/or NVIDIA's strategic decisions, so I can't give you a definite answer.
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10:18.42bs0dbabilen the main difference between my actions and the proposed ones is that I installed not linux-headers-2.6-amd64, but 2.6.32-5-amd64 is there a big difference? I have 2.6.32-5 kenel and thats why choosed appropriate version
10:18.50ryannathansbabilen: i still can't get it working
10:18.55babilenryannathans: "zless /usr/share/doc/wpasupplicant/README.Debian.gz" should do the trick -- I really have to run now. If you find wpa-supplicant in managed/roaming mode is too complicated to setup you might want to look into frontends such as network-manager or wicd. It might also be that your assumptions that your wireless adaptor has been configured correctly is wrong and that you need, for example, some firmware to get it running.
10:19.08aguitelbabilen, ok
10:19.14Moggetbabilen: I work in Switzerland and use Norwegian setup, so i want to be able to switch to us setup in one button press whenever colleagues use my computer
10:19.32babilenryannathans: I have to run now -- See you later!
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10:20.39babilenMogget: That should™ be supported by LXDE -- I don't use it and can't walk you through the steps, but it shouldn't be that hard. If you can't figure out how to configure this within LXDE and if nobody here knows you can ask #lxde -- Good luck!
10:20.51*** join/#debian Tom01 (
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10:21.52bs0dhmm so all that I need is to add apropriate section to X config ..  why create /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-nvidia.conf and not edit ordinary xorg.conf config?
10:23.54babilenbs0d: Yes - A complete xorg.conf is rarely needed nowadays. (/msg dpkg empty xorg.conf) -- I would strongly recommend to let Xorg configure automatically what it gets right and only override certain things with device specific sections/stanzas in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/NN-????.conf (/msg dpkg xorg.conf.d)
10:24.14Moggetbabilen: i edited the xml file for mapping keys in ~/.config/openbox/lxde-rc.xml and logged out/in and i have a working temporary solution.
10:24.42babilenMogget: There needs to be a better solutions :)
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10:26.27ryannathansI can't get wicd working
10:27.02bs0dI go for restart .. hope I have made everything correctly
10:27.11bs0dSee you guys
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10:27.20ryannathansi go - sudo modprobe ath9k && sudo wicd && sudo wicd-client
10:27.29ryannathanswicd says bad password but i know it's correct
10:27.45ryannathansin ifconfig TX bytes is 0
10:27.54ryannathansRX is 1000+
10:28.08babilenMogget: Ah, according to LXDE lets Xorg manage it. I would go the "dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration" route and configure *multiple* keymaps in /etc/default/keyboard -- You can, for example, use 'XKBLAYOUT="no,de"\nXKBVARIANT="norwegian-standard,switzerduitsch"' (with correct values for the layouts/variants in question) in /etc/default/keyboard and use Xorg's switch functionality (IIRC ...
10:28.14babilen... ALT-SHIFT by default)
10:28.33babilenMogget: I should stress that that example is only an example and will *not* work
10:29.00freddddWhen I have installed a package through dpkg -i, how can I remove it afterwards from my system?
10:29.14Moggetbabilen: thanks. I'll have a look at it.
10:29.48*** join/#debian zeref-lappy (
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10:31.11babilenfredddd: As you would remove every other package too (apt-get remove/purge, aptitude remove/purge, dpkg --remove/--purge, ...)
10:32.01bs0dHello again guys. Seems that everything is working fine .. and glxinfo | grep render tells me OpenGL renderer string GeForce 8800 GT/PCI/SSE2 .. does it tell me that driver has correctly installed? How can I check that everything is gone correctly and 3D acceleration is available as well?
10:32.07ryannathanscan someone help me get wifi working?
10:32.16babilenbs0d: Looks fine
10:32.23babilenOk, see you all later
10:32.45loop-what youre referring to ryannathans is a known bug in wicd
10:33.07loop-is your eth0 timing out as well?
10:33.19*** join/#debian grinsekatze (
10:34.32ryannathansloop-: no
10:34.42TJunctionbs0d, did you play game?  glx_gears is it that should run accelerated
10:34.44*** join/#debian v116v (
10:34.47loop-in your logs i mean
10:34.48ryannathansloop-: i tried getting wifi working manually, i can't
10:34.56ryannathansloop-: which logs?
10:35.07loop-what is dmesg saying
10:35.33loop-i would think youre getting something like 1,2,3 attempt - timeout
10:35.38loop-wlan not ready etc
10:35.46ryannathansno timeouts at all
10:35.53loop-no attempts?
10:36.18ryannathanswlan0, deauthing from my router - reason 3\
10:36.26loop-yup thats the one
10:36.57ryannathansthe reason i am trying debian and trying to get network working is because of this -
10:37.02ryannathansdo you think it's the same bug?
10:37.12loop-is networkmanager still installed
10:37.28ryannathansyes, not running though
10:37.34ryannathanswell, i never installed it
10:37.34*** join/#debian lokikp (
10:37.41ryannathansno wait
10:37.41*** join/#debian tremon (
10:37.44ryannathansit's installed, not running
10:37.50loop-is nm-applet running
10:38.06loop-and which encryption are you using
10:38.14*** join/#debian mark_u (
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10:38.44ryannathansloop-: i am sure all my settings are correct
10:38.54ryannathansi'm using wpa2
10:38.56loop-that wasnt what i was asking
10:39.07lokikpsensord and i2c-tools are needed for lm-sensors??
10:39.10ryannathansnm-applet is not running
10:39.11loop-debian works fine out of the box with wireless via standard commands
10:39.18ryannathanswhich commands?
10:39.28*** join/#debian hivemind (~hivemind@
10:39.29loop-ifconfig, iwconfig
10:39.37loop-dhclient, pump etc
10:39.39ryannathansi can't work out what commands
10:39.47ryannathansi tried manually for days
10:40.00ryannathansfor wpa2?
10:40.04loop-its a little bumpy but it definitely works
10:40.17ryannathansis there a guide?
10:40.25ryannathansI've been through 12 guides in the last day
10:40.26ryannathansnone work
10:40.29loop-do you have wpa_supplicant installed
10:40.35ryannathansi can't get it to work though
10:40.41loop-yea its definitely a bug
10:40.49loop-youre stuck in the same spot i am lol
10:41.05loop-because simply removing the packages doesnt resolve the issue
10:41.17loop-theres no goin home
10:41.18ryannathansnote the second last comment on that   related?
10:42.02loop-someone was saying if they added mode=1 to the wicd templates it would resolve the issue
10:42.12loop-but i didnt see any resolution there
10:42.25ryannathansAll I want is working wifi
10:42.29ryannathanshow can i do this manually
10:42.55loop-golf club and some tinfoil. what kind of answer are you looking for exactly
10:43.17loop-networkmanager and wicd are both buggy at best
10:43.20ryannathansI want to use terminal, no network manager or wicd,  to get my wifi to work, wpa2 style
10:43.42ryannathansalso, why aren't we on kernel 3.x
10:43.44loop-try uninstalling all of the packages and use shell then
10:43.54loop-oh i wouldnt ask these guys that...
10:44.17loop-i was about to update the kernel to see if that resolves it
10:44.30loop-i have a strong inclination it will
10:44.47loop-are you getting kernel header errors as well
10:45.26ryannathansI can't work out how, I put all the details in /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf but I can't get it to work sudo sudo wpa_supplicant -iwlan0 -Dwext -c/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf
10:45.31bs0dloop sorry for askinig .. I have just installed a fresh copy of Debian ( 6.0.3 I believe, stable one ) and kernel 2.6.32-5 .. is it out of date and needs upgrading as well or not?
10:45.33ryannathansheader errors?
10:45.46ryannathansi can't get it working on ubuntu 11.10 either
10:46.04loop-its definitely the software
10:46.16loop-i mean wicd and network manager
10:46.47loop-did you try running ubuntu off of a live cd
10:46.48*** join/#debian jargon- (~dayo@unaffiliated/jargon-)
10:46.50ryannathansi can't get past my bug in fedora either
10:47.00ryannathansmy 11.10 is local install too
10:47.05loop-and wicd still doesnt work
10:47.15ryannathanshaven't tried wicd there
10:47.16loop-did you install the correct drivers for your card
10:47.21loop-try that
10:47.24ryannathansath9k comes by default
10:47.48loop-even when i can get a signal with wicd now it limits my connection speeds to almost nil
10:47.55loop-20Kbs max
10:48.22loop-its not applying proper power settings
10:49.14*** join/#debian Sevet (
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10:49.31loop-go into preferences in wicd
10:49.33*** join/#debian Apeiron` (
10:49.45loop-and then external programs
10:49.56loop-what are you choices
10:50.21bs0dGuys, I have a .deb package that I need to install, how can I get to know whether it needs some dependencies to be installed beforehand or not?
10:50.27ryannathansdchclient only there
10:50.34loop-and below that
10:50.34ryannathansonly mii
10:50.49loop-what about ip and route
10:50.55loop-is that on auto
10:51.02*** join/#debian timahvo1 (~rogue@
10:51.04loop-is ip and route on auto
10:51.09loop-try using route
10:51.23*** join/#debian AbsintheSyringe (
10:51.56loop-go to your wireless connection and select properties
10:52.04*** join/#debian r4co0n (
10:52.13loop-is the box labeled hostname checked?
10:52.32*** join/#debian HexaByte (~X@
10:52.40ryannathansshould it be
10:52.41loop-check that
10:52.53loop-now try grabbing
10:53.03ryannathansbad password
10:53.10ryannathansit's not wrong i swear.
10:53.14*** join/#debian Milos (~Milos@pdpc/supporter/student/milos)
10:53.15loop-try restarting X
10:54.24loop-no need to swear this isnt confession lol
10:54.55r4co0nI just wanted to install iceweasel from I first installed the pkg-mozilla-archive-keyring that is supplied there, but I get 2 wrong signatures, though says it should only be one. And apt is still complaining about untrusted packages. Am I doing it wrong or is this a bug?
10:54.56*** join/#debian Slydder (
10:55.05r4co0nrunning squeeze
10:55.24ryannathansloop-: still not working
10:55.31ryannathansnm-applet doens't work either
10:55.39loop-is nm-applet running
10:55.45ryannathanswicd isn't
10:55.48ryannathansnm is now
10:55.52ryannathansi'm trying nm
10:55.56ryannathansit's not working
10:55.57loop-thats your first problem
10:56.05loop-you need to remove network  manager
10:56.31hivemindHow to install Epson TX219 MFP on debian? I'm downloaded ppd's and installed via cupsserver on browser. But i don't see a tx219 driver and using a tx210 driver. now printer is printing only white spaces. and only root can print.
10:57.07*** join/#debian caedespeur (
10:57.36ryannathanslolwtf it connected
10:57.40bs0dis anyone using Skype on a 64-bit system???
10:57.47ryannathansnow to see if the mac address bug exists
10:58.05loop-you are welcome
10:58.11genius`Hello everybody
10:58.18bs0dHello genius
10:58.40loop-could you test your download speed for me ryannathans
10:59.04loop-youre using an atheros wifi card you said correct
10:59.59*** join/#debian davidisko (
11:00.24ryannathansloop-: sure
11:00.33ryannathansloop-: doesn't exist in wicd
11:00.47ryannathansnow to try 3.x
11:00.51loop-thats amazing
11:01.05*** join/#debian EduardeCalibal (
11:01.10loop-feel free to send me a million dollars
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11:01.33bs0dCan anybody explain me this: You will have to re-download the package, each time there's a security update? Is there any go-around way? Is will be a pain in ass if to follow this
11:02.01ryannathansloop-: 500kb/s my normal download speed
11:02.11loop-download something
11:02.15ryannathansi did
11:02.18ryannathans100mb of it
11:02.18loop-whats your rate
11:02.27loop-ok thank you
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11:05.32ryannathansbrb, food
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11:07.12richardcavellHow many ARM ports of Debian are there?
11:07.26richardcavellI'm aware that there was an ABI change.  How many versions are left?
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11:07.53jelly-homerichardcavell: two-ish: armel the only supported one at present, armhf up and coming
11:08.25richardcavellhow is armhf different?
11:08.38richardcavelland is armel official and fully functioning, or more experimental?
11:08.52jelly-homearmel is the supported one.
11:09.45jelly-home"arm" is no more
11:10.00*** mode/#debian [+l 1187] by debhelper
11:10.45richardcavellok I see
11:10.54richardcavellthe problem is I think that there's no standard ARM platform
11:11.00richardcavellwith x86, you're pretty much looking at a PC
11:11.01*** join/#debian arjun_ (~asdf@
11:11.07richardcavellwith ARM, it could be all kinds of things
11:12.22tremondoes anyone know how to enable selinux on wheezy kernels? the standard selinux=1 doesn't work...
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11:13.04jelly-home!tell richardcavell -about arm
11:14.01jelly-homethat channel might be more appropriate for your query, richardcavell
11:14.25richardcavellyou mean #arm?
11:14.36*** join/#debian babilen (~babilen@unaffiliated/babilen)
11:16.18richardcavellno one in that channel
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11:20.51jelly-homerichardcavell: dpkg, the bot, should have sent you a private message.
11:21.28richardcavellyes it did
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11:21.36richardcavellbut it didn't mention a channel
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11:23.39myselfhow is it possible? /dev/sdb7 last line
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11:25.58nkuttler!tell myself about localized errors
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11:26.06nkuttlermyself: also please define "it"
11:26.17overcluckermyself: %100, eh?
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11:27.41myselfnkuttler: simple i have free disk space and it say me i've used 100%
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11:28.36myself235-226 = 9
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11:29.03nkuttlermyself: reserved space for root, make mkfs.ext3
11:29.36myselfno i don't
11:29.50nkuttleryou don't what?
11:29.58babilenmyself: You "don't" what exactly? It is most likely
11:30.19babilenmyself: ... reserved space for root. Look into tune2fs if you want to change that.
11:30.37nkuttlermaybe he means he doesn't use ext3..
11:30.39dpkgCiao, vai su #debian-it per ricevere aiuto in italiano.  Italian Speakers: Please use #debian-it, there you will get much more help.
11:31.04myself:-) language isn't the problem
11:31.19nkuttlermyself: yeah, the problem is you don't give us enough useful info
11:31.23myselfJUst, it is ext4
11:31.26babilenI guess that myself (what a nick!) doesn't want to create a new filesystem because that would mean losing data, but wants to change the filesystem options.
11:31.39ryannathansbabilen: fixed!
11:31.42nkuttlermyself: same thing
11:31.44skilzWhy does debian install squid and squid3?
11:31.44myselfbabilen: you're right
11:31.49*** join/#debian nazgjunk (nazgjunk@pdpc/supporter/active/nazgjunk)
11:31.52babilenryannathans: Ah, good to hear! What was needed?
11:32.01ryannathansbabilen: wicd
11:32.13*** join/#debian sisinda (~sisindadi@
11:32.20babilenmyself: Great, please look into tune2fs
11:32.38babilenryannathans: Didn't you have problems with wicd shortly before I left?
11:32.52myselfi suppose ext3 don't have root reserved space
11:32.57babilenSo, how did you fix it?
11:32.59ryannathansi removed nm-applet and rebooted
11:33.13*** part/#debian nazgjunk (nazgjunk@pdpc/supporter/active/nazgjunk)
11:33.26babilenAh -- Yeah, wicd and network-manager don't play nice together. (and why would they?)
11:34.27*** join/#debian ayambit (
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11:34.37ryannathansnetwork manager wasn't even running
11:34.52ryannathansanyways, i have gone back to ubuntu lxde desktop
11:35.00*** join/#debian Shrawn (
11:35.02ryannathansused same wicd and settings
11:35.03llutzmyself: "dumpe2fs -h /dev/sdb7|grep Reserved"  man mke2fs (about -m and the default-value)
11:35.04ryannathansand it works!
11:35.10ryannathansno mac changing bug either
11:35.13babilenryannathans: Oh, what was wrong with your Debian installation?
11:35.32ryannathansno wifi
11:35.44ryannathansand affects all network managers
11:35.47*** join/#debian Worf (
11:35.49ryannathansit needs confirming though
11:35.53ryannathanscare to help?
11:36.03babilenryannathans: So you installed Ubuntu instead of Debian and that fixed it?
11:36.14ryannathansno, i fixed it on debian
11:36.28ryannathansi had no network when i booted with debian
11:36.33ryannathansmy ubuntu problem was that bug report
11:36.39ryannathansso i want trying debian to see if it had same issue
11:36.40babilenryannathans: You confuse me -- What exactly did you mean by "I have gone back to ubuntu lxde desktop" ?
11:37.03*** join/#debian cornelinux (
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11:37.56ryannathans1. my mac spoofing did not work in ubuntu due to what i found out was network manager not connecting after mac change.  2. I tried debian to see if issue still existed, it did. After fixing my no network problem, I found a fix to original problem (no network after mac change)   3. went back to ubuntu and my fix was to use wicd
11:39.33babilenryannathans: Ok, so you are using Ubuntu now? If that is indeed the case you should ask in #ubuntu for help and not here.
11:39.45ryannathansi have no need for help
11:39.58myselfllutz: thanks I was reading man pages :-)
11:40.01*** mode/#debian [+l 1177] by debhelper
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11:40.18ryannathansthe problem was   It affects all network managers, i needed to find a way to use wifi and mac spoofing, i did, that fix worked in ubuntu, i'm happy now
11:40.24ryannathansthe fix was wicd
11:40.41*** join/#debian faber (
11:40.57ryannathansit's all loop-'s fault that i fixed it
11:41.13loop-i dont consider it fixed
11:43.07*** join/#debian derchris^ (
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11:43.33r4co0nCan someone please verify if the keys provided at validate (gpg --check-sigs...) as described there, because for me, running squeeze, they dont, I cant check 2 signatures.
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11:44.18ryannathansloop-: what's not fixed?
11:44.29loop-everything basically
11:44.50ryannathansmy problem was no network after mac spoofing, my secondry problem was no network in debian
11:45.00*** join/#debian endomafrendo (
11:45.07loop-how are you spoofing via -hw?
11:45.40*** join/#debian sosofes (~abdelkhal@
11:45.54loop-or are you just clicking something in ubuntu
11:46.03babilenBe that as it may -- I would suggest to discuss this further in #ubuntu (or not as ryannathans seems to be happy now)
11:46.34ryannathansloop-: wut? I can spoof with macchanger -A wlan0 or ifconfig wlan0 hw ether 00:11:22:33:44:aa
11:46.42ryannathanseither works fine
11:46.43*** join/#debian xdr (
11:47.01loop-the matrix has you dawg
11:47.09ryannathanswhachu talkin bout
11:47.19ryannathansi checked dhcp server logs, it's working fine
11:47.48loop-where would i look in debian to see where desktop errors are occurring
11:48.00ryannathansbabilen: this applies to debian
11:48.00myselfline 17,41,42 no root reserved blocks, just Reserved Block Count is this the case?
11:48.01babilenloop-: ~/.xsession-errors
11:48.56*** join/#debian SLot (~SLot@unaffiliated/slot)
11:49.20sosofesloop: have u experienced desktop problems?
11:49.27loop-hell yes
11:49.33*** join/#debian pfsmorigo (pfsmorigo@nat/ibm/x-xtecivctqyxvgyki)
11:49.41loop-i broke this mofo good and proper
11:49.44sosofesloop: does it freeze?
11:49.52loop-nope X just keeps restarting
11:50.01*** mode/#debian [+l 1183] by debhelper
11:50.21sosofeswhat does "dmesg|tail" say?
11:50.28babilenloop-: You want to take a look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log in that case -- Which GPU/driver do you use?
11:50.45sosofesloop: what does "dmesg|tail" say?
11:51.35*** join/#debian zeref-lappy (
11:51.54loop-theyre b43legacy debug errors
11:52.21loop-NETDEV_UP eth- link not ready
11:52.27sosofesloop:  type "dmesg|tail" in your konsole
11:52.42sosofesloop: we might be abl eto help
11:52.43loop-the desktop erros appear to be linked to HAL
11:52.55loop-in .xsession-errors
11:54.09loop-ive got const errors and stream errors
11:54.22loop-im running gnome and kde side by side
11:54.44sosofesloop: quite often the issue is with bugs in gpu drivers
11:55.06sosofesloop: what does "dmesg|tail" say?
11:55.20babilenloop-: You might want to re-read what I've said earlier and give a more detailed description of your problem. (e.g. Answer questions such as "Does X start at all?") -- Support experience also seems to suggest that pasting relevant logfiles such as the aforementioned /var/log/Xorg.0.log to provides helpers with indispensible data about your problem.
11:55.53babilenfetches himself some cappuccino
11:56.19*** join/#debian pfsmorigo1 (pfsmorigo@nat/ibm/x-vciweedppyecpdvt)
11:57.08loop-im pretty sure the problems im experiencing are more kde related than debian so i dont ask
11:57.31sosofesloop: are u using squeeze?
11:58.30myselfllutz: well done, nice trick, I'm amazed how parameters I'll do next time I'll make a fs :-) thanks alot guys
11:59.02sosofesloop:i've experinced desktop errors on tow pcs: hp and ibm plus my del latitude D600 laptop, on all these the desktop gets frozen, i've tried kde, gnome,xfce4,and lxde, only fluxbox is stable
11:59.20sosofesloop: if u try fluxbox, it doesnt get frozen at all
11:59.26loop-that makes me feel better
11:59.57*** join/#debian grapsus (
12:00.04loop-yea xsessions for kde is reporting org.freedesktop.Hal$ errors
12:00.10sosofesloop: one must file a bug report about this
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12:03.09babilensosofes: HAL has essentially been deprecated and I wouldn't expect many people to have an interest to invest much time into it.
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12:03.46babilenThat being said filing bugs still makes sense and KDE still depends on HAL IIRC
12:04.04sosofes1babilen: the issue is very annoying, i never experienced such problems with lenny
12:04.19babilen"such problems" ?
12:04.43*** join/#debian _apostate_ (
12:04.47sosofes1babilen: gnome,kde,xfce4,lxde  freeze
12:05.03sosofes1babilen: except fluxbox
12:05.13*** join/#debian Westie (~westie@unaffiliated/westie)
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12:06.01sosofes1babilen: the problem is probably with windwo managers
12:06.29babilenI am not aware that we have been discussing this issue, but well. That very much sounds like a Xorg related issue and is often related to the GPU driver used on the system.
12:06.56sosofes1babilen: but the n fluxbox doesnt get frozen
12:07.25sosofes1babilen: there might be issues with xorg
12:08.31babilenI would doubt that if all window managers show this behaviour -- I would start to investigate this issue by reading the Xorg log, which might very well contain a stacktrace at the end. A way to consitently reproduce the freeze along with debugging output as detailed on (+ maybe some valgrind runs) eases triaging the problem/bug as well.
12:09.16sosofes1babilen: it's disappointing to find squeeze in this state
12:09.35*** join/#debian Kakadu (~kakadu@
12:10.08babilensosofes1: I can assure you that not many people experience behaviour like that. Which GPU/driver do you use?
12:10.29babilenAh well, then leave :)
12:12.15*** join/#debian jasox (~jasox@
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12:12.34sosofesbabilen: dmesg|tail says  14.108629] render error detected, EIR: 0x00000010
12:12.35sosofes[   14.108638] [drm:i915_handle_error] *ERROR* EIR stuck: 0x00000010, masking
12:12.35sosofes[   14.108655] render error detected, EIR: 0x00000010
12:12.41*** join/#debian gnugr (
12:13.36sosofesbabilen: there was never a problem with Debian lenny
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12:19.42loop-anyone have any suggestions for ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP) errors?
12:19.52loop-both interfaces are experiencing them
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12:23.51bs0dHello again guys. I've got a little problem with my USB connectable headset .. seems like some drivers are missing. Can anybody suggest me where can I look for them?
12:24.24petemcbs0d: run lsusb when they're plugged in
12:24.24bs0din Windows when I plug that in, drivers were automatically searched and installed ... but here not
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12:25.16bs0dpetemc this gives me some kind of list of buses and devices attached to them
12:25.25petemcyes it does
12:25.55petemcyou can use the information that program provides to narrow down your search
12:26.28bs0dOh, I see. Thank you, that will be helpful
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12:29.00bs0dOffsite sais device does not require additional drivers, as it uses drivers already built in into operating system ... that's Windows related stuff, I think
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12:31.01tremonbs0d, if the device presents itself as a generic usb audio device, it should work under Linux too:
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12:34.52babilenIt might merely not be used as default output device (usb is typically not the default - see /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf) -- I would investigate which index was assigned to the headset (cat /proc/asound/cards) and use aplay/speaker-test to check output for the actual device (if it is *not* default). See "man speaker-test" for details. Pasting the output of "lsusb" certainly makes sense as well.
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12:35.56bs0dI think it does, as I can see it in the sound manager ... a separate equalizer for the headset .. but no music goes through it for some reason ....
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12:36.37OldMonkhi, can you tell me where to find the debian testing i386 torrent?
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12:41.33bs0dthe headset seems to be detected by system, but no sound from it
12:41.38bs0dwhat could be the case?
12:42.08bluesky\msg nickserv idenity bluesky_ Albany
12:42.15skilzHey I installed squid but now I can't access apache anyone it just times out now?????
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12:42.28OldMonkthanks for the password, bluesky
12:42.34OldMonkbluesky: better change that immediately
12:42.47bs0dhmm Im not sure ,, I get a mixer from the System -> Preferences -> Sound menu, the headset is detected there, and volume level is at max, but no sound
12:42.48blueskyHow do I change it?
12:42.56OldMonkbluesky: /msg nickserv help
12:43.24OldMonkbs0d: try alsamixer in a console and see if any channels need to be unmuted
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12:43.49OldMonkalsamixer typically shows more channels than the gui mixer
12:44.17babilenbluesky: I would also recommend to use more secure passwords and to *never* do this within a channel. If you used this password *anywhere* else change your passwords there too.
12:44.23bs0dOldMonk I get a strange picture
12:45.00blueskyOk Thanks
12:45.03OldMonkbs0d: we all do.  use <left>, <right> to select channels, M to toggle mute, <up>, <down> to change volume
12:45.38bs0dOldMonk I mean those vertical bars ... no bar at all in the headset column ... only 00 below and no bar above it
12:45.50OldMonkbs0d: so use Up arrow to increase it
12:46.20OldMonkbs0d: unless it shows "MM" at the bottom.  if it does, unmute it first (M)
12:46.37bs0dOldMonk I've tried, no result. No bar at all for some reason :\  I can make a screenshot
12:46.37tremonbs0d: if there is no bar, that means it's a toggle. OO means active (unmuted)
12:46.47babilenbs0d: Which index has been assigned? Do you hear something with speaker-test if you configure it to use the headset (as detailed in the manpage)? (also try "-t wav")
12:47.28OldMonkbs0d: also, try a wav file with alsaplayer for testing, not some fancy media player
12:48.31blueskyThanks Folks: Can I install Debian on Play Station Portable and use it like a computer?
12:48.49OldMonknow someone tell me where to fine a wheezy i386 torrent?
12:49.23babilenOldMonk: What are you trying to do?
12:49.27bs0dhmm volume control works for the speaker, a popup window appears .. but still no sound :(
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12:50.21bs0dI have run speaker-test, it seems still work .. prints some data out
12:50.36blueskyHi Can you read what I type now?
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12:50.53babilenDo you *hear* something? Which index has been assigned and do you select the correct device with "-d" ?
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12:51.05babilenbluesky: no
12:51.08skilzHey I installed squid but now I can't access apache anyone it just times out now?????
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12:51.52bs0dhmm and alsa-mixer volume for the headset it set to maxium .. :( Something strange
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12:52.52OldMonkbabilen: er, use bittorrent to download wheezy
12:52.54blueskyThanks: Is there a way for me to install Debian on Play Station Portable for my neighbor?
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12:55.04babilenOldMonk: Do you want to install wheezy or do you want to test the upcoming installer version? Ok, I guess I just continue to give you all information regardless of your answer. The recommended way (if at all) to install testing it to install a minimal stable system *with the stable installer*. Minimal here means that you install nothing except the standard and, if applicable, the laptop task. Once that has been done you can dist-upgrade to ...
12:55.10babilen... testing/wheezy as detailed in "/msg dpkg squeeze->wheezy"
12:55.28bs0dI think I dont have ALSA drivers.. alsaconf is not working .. doesn't Debian include ALSA by default?
12:55.37OldMonkbabilen: i want to cut a wheezy cd/dvd
12:55.51OldMonkbs0d: your speakers don't work either?
12:56.06OldMonkbabilen: i need an image
12:56.29babilenOldMonk: You can also use the stable installer to install testing, but I wouldn't recommend that. We also make installation images with the development version of the Debian installer available at but these are meant for testing the installer and not for installing testing/sid.
12:56.50bs0dOldMonk speakers work fine, problem is only with the headset. And btw speakers are also connected via USB
12:57.01OldMonkbs0d: then your also is working
12:57.09OldMonker, your alsa is working
12:57.20babilenOldMonk: I like to add that we had numerous reports of problems when people use the devel version of the installer (most were related to grub, but also some package installation problems)
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12:57.42OldMonkbabilen: still doesn't answer my question about getting a cd/dvd image of squeeze
12:57.44babilenbs0d: See my question above
12:57.50bs0dmaybe I should configure somewhere sound options, that when the headset is plugged in, let the stream through it
12:57.56tremonOldMonk: there is none
12:58.42babilenOldMonk: You said wheezy - Squeeze bittorrent images can be found at
12:59.07OldMonker fsck, i meant wheezy.  names are confusing
12:59.31tremonoldmonk: glad you meant wheezy :)
12:59.34*** part/#debian ryannathans (~ryannatha@unaffiliated/ryannathans)
12:59.36babilenOldMonk: There are no torrents, but *please* note my comments earlier.
12:59.50bs0dbabilen I didn't quite understand your question.. what index are you talking about?
13:00.09OldMonkwhat happens if i use jigdo to make an image, will that bring in the stable or the testing installer?
13:00.24bs0dbabilen .. got it .. 0 MB sound card and 1 USB Audio
13:00.39babilenbs0d: I referred to that earlier when I mentioned the "cat /proc/asound/cards" command. Please also read "man speaker-test" and ensure that it uses the correct device.
13:00.45thewanderer1anyone else seeing IPv6 problems with repository?
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13:01.48babilenOldMonk: You can get .jigdo files for both -- You might be interested in "/msg dpkg custom cd". I am not very well versed in the creation of custom images and I would refer you to more appropriate channels.
13:02.02Dagger3thewanderer1: seems to be functioning for me
13:02.15OldMonkbabilen: more appropriate channels being?
13:02.27thewanderer1Dagger3, 2001:4070:1::fafb  ?
13:02.41Dagger3thewanderer1: indeed
13:03.09thewanderer1hmm, now that's interesting, it stops at some ATMAN node...
13:03.22thewanderer1I'm connected via a tunnel
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13:03.29babilenOldMonk: Search in progress (I *always* forget that one) -- If you want to help, see -- I seem to remember something like -simple-cd or so ..
13:03.37bs0dbabilen I read debianhelp, USB-audio should have index 1, so this is correct. But still, when the headset is plugged in, audio stream is sent to device 0 for some reason
13:03.45bs0dcan it be changed?
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13:04.12trist4ndo you guys follow any linux/debian related twitter feeds
13:04.39tremonbs0d: /etc/asound.conf or .asoundrc
13:04.53babilenbs0d: That is normal behaviour for a couple of programs -- What I am trying to do right now is to check if the device works at all. Running speaker-test and telling it which device to use (-d option) will achieve that. Configuration of other programs is the next step, so lets not rush this.
13:05.07thewanderer1Dagger3, are you on too?
13:05.46babilenOldMonk: Ah, it is #debian-custom on (aka
13:07.06OldMonkthanks babilen
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13:07.44babilenbs0d: tremon is indeed correct in that a suitable /etc/asound.conf or ~/.asoundrc is appropriate if you use ALSA -- A few systems use Pulseaudio on top of ALSA however and you can select the output device in pavucontrol (install that) if you, indeed, use PA
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13:09.02bs0dbabilen sorry for stupid questions, I am not a very experienced linux user .. how can I specify the device for speaker test?  dmesg returned a long string in form of /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:ld.1/  and so on .. I have tried it, but I got Unknown PCM Device error
13:10.31tremonbs0d: aplay -L will give you the currently known PCM outputs, aplay -l will list your hardware
13:10.37Dagger3thewanderer1: no, I'm using 6to4. it doesn't go via for me
13:10.53thewanderer1Dagger3, ok, thanks
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13:11.29Dagger3thewanderer1: traceroutes from agree with you though; they die at ATMAN
13:11.32babilenbs0d: Ah, if you read "man speaker-test" it explains in the second paragraph that you can use "aplay -L" to list recognised devices. What you are after in that list are the actual names listed last. And I erroneusly referred to "-d" wheares the option to configure the device is actually "-D". Sorry about that. You could paste the "aplay -L" output to if you are unsure how to proceed.
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13:12.12thewanderer1Dagger3, oh well, IPv6 is going to be a bumpy ride it seems :P
13:13.09babilenbs0d: I'll have lunch now. Good luck and see you later!
13:13.10bs0dbabilen there are several entries for the headset and it confuses me. Which one to choose?
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13:13.49Dagger3thewanderer1: these sorts of bumps are hardly unique to v6 :p
13:14.14helldoes somebody has debian over nfs with aufs setup?
13:14.37helli try to do it with with no success(
13:14.38babilenbs0d: "-Dfront:CARD=Headset"
13:15.03*** join/#debian debsan (~debsan@
13:15.13hellgot an nuking initramfs contents error on boot
13:15.34babilenbs0d: Or just try them all ;) Have to run, see you!
13:15.41bs0dbabilen yes, I can hear some noise coming from there. Have a good lunch. I'll try to compose the asound config and read manpages by now .. no asound config by default :)
13:16.16babilenbs0d: Ok, if you also give the "-t wav" option you should hear something like "Speaker left" or so ..
13:17.17babilenbs0d: Please check if you use pulseaudio first -- If you do play with pavucontrol. I am by no means a pulseaudio wizard, but the approach is a bit different than the one for pure ALSA. Yeah, I'll enjoy it and bye bye :)
13:17.30*** join/#debian Agiofws (
13:17.51radio23babilen: I'm not sure if you remember had I the strangest issue where my Japanese true type font was wiped out from the directory the other day?  I understand if you don't remember, you help a lot of folks.
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13:18.18radio23Oh you have to go, bugger, sorry :D
13:18.33babilenradio23: I do recall your issue, but you have to wait a little ;)
13:18.37radio23babilen: Catch you later, I found out something interesting wanted to share with you.
13:18.53babilenradio23: Please share (/msg me if appropriate)
13:19.00radio23babilen: Thank you.  Will do, mate.
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13:32.24skilzHey I installed squid but now I can't access apache anyone it just times out now?????
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13:33.16skilzy server is running apache and squid, I just installed squid now I can't access it just times out unless I disable the proxy in my browser, do I have to edit something?
13:33.49petemcsounds like you need to configure squid
13:34.00skilzYeah but what part?
13:34.04skilzAll other sites work
13:34.11skilzjust not the server
13:34.20skilzwhich is running squid and apache
13:35.07innocivErm. How come if I nano /etc/php5/cli/php.ini it's empty?  I have a default /etc/php5/cgi/php.ini but none for php cli.
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13:38.25OldMonkhow would one run dpkg-reconfigure in a script, non-interactively?
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13:39.06serega_byWhat i should change in /etc/fuse.conf if i want to mount disks from usual user not root ?
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13:39.31skilzpetemc, It's got me stuck! I don't know what to edit!!
13:39.32drith/usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree/ wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32 Is there someone who can tell me how to insall flash debug player 32 bit with firefox 64 bit nightly?
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13:45.20jelly-homeobvious question, would it not be easier to use matching architectures, eg. a 32bit nightly firefox build
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13:49.46feanor_hi, there, any idead of how can I use apt-cross in Sqeeze?
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13:53.31bs0dhow to tell audio players to send audio stream to another (plug and play) device when it is plugged in?
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13:54.56dsdeizheh, how do i make dpkg answer which repo a package would belong to again? ,versions ranger?
13:56.29jelly-homebs0d: if pulseaudio is active, use pavucontrol tool
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13:58.16project2501ahmmm. so sqlite produces sql98 compliant statements. which means, that in theory,  you should be able to move the entire database into a postgresql one.
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13:58.57serega_byhow i can mount ftp as folder in FileSystem ?
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14:05.39bs0djetty-home is it possible to make using ALSA only? pulseaudio is too complicated software for beginner
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14:07.04skilzHow do I configure mailserver?
14:07.16babilenbs0d: I'd like to note that if you use PA you should create /etc/asound.conf with content like (which sets PA as default device) -- That should enable you to configure the real device within pavucontrol and should also take care of sound problems with flash.
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14:07.47babilenskilz: Debian comes with exim4 by default and you can configure it (for simple configurations) by running "dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config"
14:08.05afidegnumhello, pls how do I use ssh to connect to a remote server ?
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14:08.13bs0dbabilen is it possible to achieve same result just using ALSA or pulseaudio is needed?
14:08.22babilenskilz: Please also read /usr/share/doc/exim4/README.Debian.gz for further details on exim4 in Debian.
14:08.31skilzbabilen, what happens if I diable exim4 on system boot?
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14:08.53skilzafidegnum, man ssh
14:09.08bs0dafigegnum ssh login@[server IP or domain name], it will ask for password
14:09.09skilzssh user@host
14:09.12uplipskilz: why are  asking in at least 2 channels the same question? you are creating traffic without reason
14:10.03babilenbs0d: I do not own a USB headset, so I would have to research the actual configuration needed (how to write a suitable asound.conf) -- The problem is that you just don't want to set the headset as default device as this will cause problems as soon as you don't want to use it. I would try PA and investigate the plain ALSA route if it turns out that PA is not working.
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14:10.13skilzuplip, Maximum effect!
14:10.29skilzbabilen, what happens if I diable exim4 on system boot?
14:10.47babilenskilz: Why do you want to disable it? You obviously can't use it if it is disabled, so I don't quite see the point of your question. What are you trying to achieve?
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14:11.06skilzfaster system boot
14:11.19skilzI dont really use mail
14:11.19babilen!tell skilz -about cross post
14:11.21skilzsystem mail
14:11.27babilen!tell skilz -about why a mta
14:11.41skilzIs my system gonna panic without a mta?
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14:12.50babilenskilz: And starting exim4 will not really not significantly speed up the boot time. How often do you reboot and what constraints do you have for the boot time? (e.g. Do your box needs to boot within ? s in order to meet certain requirements? ...)
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14:14.09skilzNo, it's just really slow booting
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14:16.29unopIs there a way to get apps display on a particular head in a Xorg dual-head setup?  In particular, things like osd_cat and notification daemon .. both these seem to display notices on a different head to everything else -- and I often miss them.
14:16.52babilenskilz: Ok, are you using parallel boot/inssrv already (check /etc/init.d/rc for CONCURRENCY) ? Ah well, just read -- But how much of a problem does this really pose? How often do you reboot? Which version of Debian do you use? Would it be possible to suspend the system rather than rebooting it be acceptable? ... ... ...
14:16.55tatahome@debian:~$......what now? how to run this???
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14:18.38ksuhkutata, what did you install my dear?
14:18.54babilenskilz: If you are using squeeze you do not have to worry about inssrv and concurrent booting as this is the default anyway btw
14:19.08tataolder debian on old pc
14:19.49ksuhkutata, is it some minimal install?
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14:21.06ksuhkutata, please cat /etc/issue
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14:21.09tataabout 500Mb
14:21.20babilentata: Run what exactly?
14:22.15tataos, this 1. run and nothing
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14:23.07ksuhkutata, that's exactly how minimal install is supposed to look
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14:25.00tr|nn|hi -- is the apache2 package for squeeze compiled with –enable-pcntl ?
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14:31.18thewanderer1tr|nn|, are you sure this is about Apache, not about PHP?
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14:38.50FlynnI am having trouble with an issue for upgrading from squeeze to testing.
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14:39.23FlynnI get a black screen when upgrading on my desktop, using the same process I used on my netbook.
14:39.36FlynnI'm upgrading from gnome 2 to gnome 3 in the process, so I think that might be part of the problem.
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14:45.17Delfsomething very strange is going on. The clients behind the machine are able to use DNS but not the server itself. I've tried restarting bind9 and the whole machine. No luck.
14:46.20*** join/#debian EmoSpice (~bryan@
14:46.20Delfbind0 doesn't show a error during /etc/init.d/bind9 restart
14:46.27skilzRestarting Squid HTTP proxy: squid2012/01/24 01:44:41| aclParseIpData: WARNING: Netmask masks away part of the specified IP in ''
14:48.36babilentr|nn|: Moin -- Hang on
14:49.02EmoSpiceI'm attempting to get xdm working well with my current setup. I've gotten it installed and it's starting on boot, but my zprofile is (obviously) not being called. I've made changes to /etc/profile (which I've read should be the file sourced/read by xdm), but nothing seems to be changing.
14:50.15EmoSpiceIs there a different file I should be editing? Or would it just be easier to try and get .zshrc to make the changes conditionally?
14:50.17horzuhI'm running into a problem with OracleDB/Debian, and I think it's a debian issue: Oracle is insisting my total available shared memory is 1984, and I've tried changing my shmall, but it stays at that value. Any thoughts?
14:50.53EmoSpicehorzuh: how much memory do you have installed?
14:51.06horzuhEmo: 4GB
14:51.47horzuhat the moment, according to top, I have 3175064k free
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14:52.31erninianyone here in control of ?
14:52.39EmoSpiceRight. I seem to remember some issues with programs accessing more than 2GB of memory on the stack at any point - which may be the root of the problem. (I could just as well be wrong :P)
14:52.50erniniit seems that the kernel change to 3.2 didn't make it to the build scripts
14:52.59erninifor 3 days there is no daily image created
14:53.15erninianyone who i could contact? to fix it
14:53.22EmoSpicebe right back. Rebooting.
14:53.24horzuhEmoSpice: I'm using 64 bit, so I would hope I'm around that.
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14:53.50babilentr|nn|: I assume that you are referring to PHP and you can find details in -- This bug has been fixed in php5/5.3.6-12 which is *not* in squeeze, but in the wheezy/sid versions of PHP.
14:54.11*** join/#debian dtcrshr (~datacrush@unaffiliated/datacrusher)
14:54.27DelfAnyone, please. Home come the host machine cannot resolve dns to ip but the machines beind it can?
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14:55.07babilentr|nn|: You might recall that I am not particularly fond of PHP and I therefore can't tell you how easy it is to backport PHP from sid to squeeze. If this feature is important for you it might be worth a try, but note that you also have to recompile all reverse dependencies against the backported PHP.
14:55.14tremonDelf: compare /etc/resolv.conf between the machines
14:55.28Delftremon: Will do, thanks!
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14:56.16Delftremon: They are correct.
14:56.22babilentr|nn|: Instructions for simple backports from sid can be found in "/msg dpkg ssb" and all build-dependencies for php5 are satisfied in squeeze/squeeze-backports (/msg dpkg bdo)
14:56.24Delfgoes nuts
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14:57.10DelfThe "host machine" is the NAT yet it cannot resolve dns to ip but the clients behind it can..?
14:57.13xinguhorzuh: have you also set shmmax?
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14:58.03tremonDelf: does nslookup work on the NAT machine? also, check the hosts line in /etc/nsswitch.conf
15:00.04horzuhxingu: Yes
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15:00.59xinguhorzuh: how about the SGA_MAX_SIZE in the init.ora file?
15:01.01Delftremon: I'm not familiar with "nslookup".
15:01.11thewanderer1babilen, actually, pcntl works for me on Squeeze in PHP, this is somewhat strange O.o
15:01.19horzuhNot yet
15:01.44horzuhxingu: I don't have that file in my installation directory
15:02.12tremonDelf: nslookup <hostname>
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15:02.43Delftremon: Doesn't work.
15:02.50babilenthewanderer1: Well, I am merely aware of the aforementioned bug report and do not have any PHP knowledge. I trust you on this, but am not sure what the bug (and tr|nn|'s question) is about.
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15:03.25bs0dAfter I have uninstalled PulseAudio, no sound at all, even from speakers :(
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15:03.41marceloahow to see from what repository a package was installed ?
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15:03.54tremonDelf: well, do you get an error message?
15:04.05Delftremon: Yes, 1 second.
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15:04.19babilenmarceloa: You can't (at least not for everything) -- What are you really trying to do?
15:04.38marceloababilen: what I just said
15:05.05babilenmarceloa: What will you use this information for?
15:05.23Delftremon: ;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached
15:05.50tremonok, can you ping the servers in /etc/resolv.conf?
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15:07.55xinguhorzuh: from memory (it's been a while) it's $ORACLE_HOME/dbs and called init<SID>.ora
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15:08.45horzuhxingu: It's not installed yet, I have no $ORACLE_HOME
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15:09.48xinguhorzuh: aah, this is an installer error; can you pastebin "sysctl -a | grep kernel.shm" for me?
15:09.54babilenmarceloa: Hmm?
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15:10.12dpiwowarskiI'm using Debian 6.0.3. I want to disable root login to ssh. I have added 'PermitRootLogin no' to /etc/ssh/ssh_config but doesn't work. I still can login as root.
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15:10.30erninidpiwowarski: restart sshd
15:10.33koeiendpiwowarski: did you restart sshd?
15:10.35erninisshd_config yeh
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15:10.41horzuhxingu: yes, hold on
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15:11.08erniniwho is in charge of the daily mirror @ ?
15:11.16DelTreedpiwowarski: PAM is guilty for that...
15:11.27innociv... wtf "/etc/sudoers: syntax error near line 19" when I try to sudo nano /etc/sudoers
15:11.34innocivHwo do I fix the parse error when I can't open it?!
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15:11.41simonlnudon't edit sudoers with nano
15:11.48dpiwowarskiI restarted sshd
15:11.48innocivWhat do I do?
15:11.52koeieninnociv: use visudo.
15:12.04DelTreeEDITOR=nano visudo
15:12.08llutzdpiwowarski: sshd_config  is the file to change, not ssh_config
15:12.08babilenernini: Why?
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15:12.14Delftremon: Yes, I can ping any ip#.
15:12.18erninibabilen: its not building for the last 3 days
15:12.19horzuhI edit sudoers with nano LIKE A BAUS.
15:12.21innocivSame error
15:12.22dpiwowarskillutz: thank you...
15:12.32erninibabilen: cant netinstall testing/unstable anymore..
15:12.39simonlnuduh, same error. you gotta fix it now
15:13.01erninibabilen: prolly because of the change to 3.2 kernel since i see alot of errors about the 3.1* modules it cannot add
15:13.08tremoninnociv: you can't. You need to login as root or boot to single-user to fix /etc/sudoers. Use visudo, sudoedit or sudo -e the next time...
15:13.15innociv"sudo visudo /etc/sudoers" ">>> /etc/sudoers: syntax error near line 19 <<<"
15:13.43babilenernini: The devel d-i is not meant for installing testing/unstable anyway -- You can probably grab a weekly, but the recommended way is to install a minimal (well with standard task) squeeze system using the *stable* installer and take it from there. You can also try to install testing/unstable using the stable installer, but I would recommend the former approach.
15:13.49innocivHow do I log in as root again? :\
15:13.50dhunterinnociv: use visudo, that will use the default editor, use update-alternatives to set your favorite
15:13.53koeieninnociv: su -
15:14.08babilenernini: The devel d-i is meant for testing the installer not for installing testing.
15:14.13dhunterinnociv: not sudo visudo /etc/sudoers, just sudo visudo
15:14.16erninibabilen: i know
15:14.25innocivSame error
15:14.36tr|nn|babilen, thewanderer1, excuse me, had a phone call and been afk. Let me read your responses.
15:14.38tremondelf: sorry, out of options then... network appears functional, and if nslookup doesn't work then something might be blocking port 53
15:14.48horzuhI always end up installing debian with debootstrap (or whatever it's called)
15:14.48erninibabilen: but i want to report it, so it gets fixed early, we are always installing testing for production
15:14.58horzuhxingu: thoughts?
15:15.02koeieninnociv: right. log in as root instead
15:15.05koeieninnociv: su -
15:15.10tr|nn|babilen -- i am sending greets from old home to the uk
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15:15.15koeieninnociv: use your root password
15:15.24innocivUse it how?
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15:15.30innocivI did su - and entered the root password
15:15.42koeieninnociv: ok. then you can edit /etc/sudoers
15:15.44erninibabilen: but are you in any use for reporting it to? or are you just gonna mention its testing blabla
15:15.46babilentr|nn|: Thanks (hope you are fine!) -- See also thewanderer1's remark about pcntl on squeeze. I really can't help you further ;)
15:15.46Delftremon: No sorries, thank you for trying.
15:15.49innocivIt gives me that error.
15:15.52xinguhorzuh: googling. :)
15:16.10koeieninnociv: don't use sudo in a root shell
15:16.22innocivdhunter said sudo visudo
15:16.29horzuhinnociv: HAHAHA
15:16.39horzuhI just realized your problem
15:16.45koeienif your /etc/sudoers is broken, sudo will refuse to work for security reasons
15:16.51horzuhyour sudoers file is broken, you can't use sudo
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15:17.39babilenernini: I see dailies from 20-Jan-2012 - So no new dailies for the last 3 days. You can pop into #debian-boot on, but I strongly recommend to *not* use the installer and in particular *not* to run testing on production boxes.
15:17.40innocivYeah I get that
15:17.43dhunterhorzuh: damn that's right
15:18.04dhunterinnociv: have root? no pun intended :)
15:18.14horzuhI know, I'm just laughing at everyone telling you to sudo visudo
15:18.18erninibabilen: thnx for the pointing to debian-boot, we use testing basicly because we like more recent packages, installing minimal anyways
15:18.25horzuh(no offense, just very funny)
15:18.27innocivHow do I put multiple commands under NOPASSWD?
15:18.31erninibabilen: yeh after 20 januari the kernel changed to 3.2 :)
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15:18.41tremoninnociv: separate them with , (comma)
15:18.45xinguhorzuh: ok that (sysctl output) is saying your shmmax is still set to 32MB; raise it to 4GB
15:18.52horzuhsorry, don't mean to laugh at you dhunter, it's just funny
15:18.56innocivAdding "php-cli ALL=NOPASSWD: useradd, chown, usermod" does that look right?
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15:19.05horzuhxingu: ok
15:19.26_ramohow do i add an existing user to a group? useradd -G www-data <username> ?
15:19.27babilenernini: testing should not be run on anything that remotely resembles a production system. There are so many reasons not to do this that I don't even know where to start, but security fixes are a major point.
15:19.36koeien_ramo: adduser name group
15:19.43llutz_ramo: useradd -aG
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15:19.44erninibabilen: lol i dont care, just want this fixed
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15:19.59babilenernini: Anyway, you probably don't need me to give you that lecture as you are most likely well aware that what you are doing is wrong.
15:20.09erninibabilen: yup :), but thnx tought
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15:20.21dhunterhorzuh: don't mention it, Its funny to me too
15:20.23webad_13anyone using seamlessrdp: if the connection breaks would I loose the work (say if I was typing something in notepad), or could I restore it like with normal rdp
15:20.29_ramokoeien: okay, why am i not possible to cp a file in a directoy when i'm in the group ?
15:20.33_ramoi always get permission denied
15:20.56tremoninnociv: you may be missing the target user. Try php-cli ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: useradd, chown, usermod
15:20.58koeien_ramo: that depends on the permissions ont he directory
15:21.00llutz_ramo: dir not group writable or you did relogin aafter being added to the group
15:21.11llutzdid not*
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15:22.01horzuhinnociv: 'su - root X' is very close to 'sudo X', except that you need the root password instead of your own.
15:22.06innociv"php-cli ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: useradd, chown, usermod" still gives an error.
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15:22.10horzuhwhere X is whatever you need
15:23.18horzuhxingu: attempting installation again.
15:23.47dhunteranyone knows when kde 4.7 will enter wheezy?
15:24.25_ramokoeien: the directory has 770 and it's owend by www-data:web1
15:24.39_ramomy user (ramo) is already in the gropu www-data and web1
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15:25.02innocivSo erm... Why am I getting a parse error there?
15:25.11horzuhxingu: same thing :-(
15:25.13babilendhunter: It's not even in unstable yet. I'd recommend to read the debian-kde mailing list archives for related discussions.
15:25.14tremoninnociv: try with absolute paths?
15:25.17themilldhunter: last I looked, there were some qt bits that weren't compiling on IA64 so it's waiting for that to be fixed
15:25.25koeien_ramo: did you try to log in and log out?
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15:25.26tr|nn|babilen -- its the last two weeks for my thesis. you can say I'll be fine after that deadline :) Any plans for visiting good old germany?
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15:25.35xinguhorzuh: there's a few google insta-guides/ walk throughs on the installation process; I turned up this one which looks ok to a quick skim
15:25.36_ramokoeien: i was already in the groups
15:25.37koeien_ramo: maybe a parent directory has the wrong permissions.
15:25.45koeienmaybe it's marked as immutable.
15:25.56_ramokoeien: is it the + at the end?
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15:26.00dhunterthanks!! babilen themill
15:26.09tr|nn|have thought of implementing a heiner approach as an extension for mediawiki... if i get too bored.. but not in the near future. would you be available for questions?
15:26.13xinguhorzuh: you can ignore anything to do with hugetlb if you're using an x86_64/amd64 kernel
15:26.16innocivThat worked, tremon
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15:27.21horzuhxingu: Ok
15:27.32babilentr|nn|: See private message(s)
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15:28.45babilendhunter: +
15:28.53ksuhkuHow can I openvt as a user? I get Couldn't get a file descriptor referring to the console
15:29.11Raymond_where would i find debian build scripts
15:29.12llutz_ramo: + means "ACLs active"
15:29.25horzuhxingu: is it possible that shm is limited to half of the available system memory?
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15:30.49_ramoi'm confused... i can't execute any command there... it's always permission denied llutz
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15:31.30llutz_ramo: getfacl /the/dir   (man getfacl, man setfacl)
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15:35.45xinguhorzuh: I don't think so; but what does "grep shm /proc/mounts" report
15:35.47xinguhorzuh: ?
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15:36.22horzuhtmpfs /dev/shm tmpfs rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime 0 0
15:36.55xinguhorzuh: fair enough, that's fine
15:37.05xinguhorzuh: was checking for size=somethingtiny
15:37.39horzuhHmm. I doubt it'll be tiny, it's giving me 1/2 or my system memory.
15:38.16tremonisn't 50% of system memory the default for tmpfs?
15:38.35horzuhtremon: maybe, can I increase that?
15:38.53tremonmount -o remount,size=80% /dev/shm ?
15:39.03karlpinchorzuh: There are some limits that can be frobbed.  See /usr/share/doc/linux-doc-2.6.32/Documentation/sysctl/kernel.txt.gz and perhaps vm.txt.gz in the kernel doc package (or whatever kernel version you're using.)
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15:39.35horzuh!define frob
15:39.36karlpinchorzuh: (oops, the linux-doc package.)
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15:40.06karlpinchorzuh: To make large adujstments to.  As in frob, twiddle, tweak.  See wikipedia.
15:40.18horzuhAhh, thx
15:40.21xinguhorzuh: concur with the size=80% suggestion
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15:40.45horzuhran the command, going to throw that in my fstab
15:40.48xinguhorzuh: although I usually use size=nnnn syntax instead
15:41.14tremonhorzuh: if you'
15:41.18xinguhorzuh: you may have /etc/default/tmpfs to set the default at-boot size (rather than fstab)
15:41.30karlpinchorzuh: I've not been following the conversation, but why such a large tempfs?  The kernel uses unused ram for disk buffers anyway....
15:41.40tremon... are running squeeze [then listen to xingu] :)
15:41.44horzuhkarlpinc: oracleDB
15:42.15tremonbtw I'm not convinced that Oracle's use of "shared memory" corresponds to /dev/shm size
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15:42.39horzuhtremon: agreed, it seems to ignore all kernel.shm twidles
15:42.51xingutremon: me neither, but the oracle installer is erroring out even though shmmax/shmall are set to reasonable values.
15:42.54zxdhow do I configure dpkg to not prompt me for any question
15:43.07zxddo not prompt dialog
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15:43.12themillzxd: what are you really trying to do?
15:43.17tremonzxd dpkg-reconfigure debconf
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15:43.26zxdtremon: thanks
15:43.34themill(that won't really do what you want though)
15:43.45horzuhGlad I opened up fstab, fd0 goes in /dev/null
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15:44.06horzuhhow do I check the mounted size of tmpfs?
15:44.06tremonthemill is right, you can set priority high or critical and that will avoid most questions, but not all
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15:45.12zxdthemill: why, it says non interfactive will not ask anything
15:45.49xinguhorzuh: df -k /dev/shm
15:45.50tremonah yes, changing frontend... that's quite evil though :)
15:46.07themillzxd: that means *debconf* will not ask anything. UCF and dpkg may still do so. You will also end up with packages incorrectly configured.
15:46.08valerie_Hi guys, where is wlan0 ( WiFi ) configuration file located? I know eth0 is configured in /etc/network/interfaces , but where is WLAN0?
15:46.34horzuhAhh, didn't thingk df would show tmpfs
15:46.36zxdthemill: don't care about the last
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15:47.16zxdthemill: dpkg will still do it? it does not use debconf?
15:47.40themillif it has to ask about conffile updating it will.
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15:47.58themill(hint: if you told us what you were really trying to achieve, you'd get better answers)
15:48.32zxdthemill: I don't want postinst script to ask me any questions
15:48.37zxdthemill: nada
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15:48.49zxdthemill: I will worry about package configurations
15:48.52*** part/#debian dhunter (c8378cb5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:48.53bs0dGuys, my sound card is no longer detected, how to fix this?
15:48.59horzuhxingu: that seems to have gotten me there, testing now
15:49.06themillzxd: answering the configuration questions in advance is a better option
15:49.21zxdthemill: don't worry
15:49.25bs0dalsactl init tells me Unknown hardware: HDA-Intel Realtek ALC883
15:49.30zxdthemill: I just want to know how to avoid the prompts
15:49.43horzuhis `init 0` the preferred way to kill the machine?
15:49.46themillzxd: the best way of avoiding them is to answer the questions in advance.
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15:50.03themilldpkg: tell zxd about preseed
15:50.15tremonhorzuh: "kill" in what way? I prefer alt-sysrq-b myself...
15:50.33valerie_Anyone knows where is wlan0 configured ?
15:50.46horzuhtremon: kill, like shutdown happily
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15:50.56dpkgSupport for your wireless LAN device is dependent on the chipset within.  Don't know what you have?  Ask me about <what's my wireless>.  Atheros: <atheros>; Atmel: <atmel>; Broadcom: <broadcom>; Intel: <intel>; Intersil: <prism>; Marvell: <marvell>; Ralink: <ralink>; Realtek: <realtek>; TI: <acx>; VIA: <vt665x>; ZyDAS: <zydas>.  See also <killswitch>, <wpa>, <wlan howto>.
15:51.07gelevalerie_: configured how?
15:51.24valerie_gele: if you want a static IP address for example ?
15:51.30valerie_gele: for WLAN0
15:51.34tremonhorzuh, usually "poweroff" is what you want
15:51.44zxdthemill: what packages use debconf
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15:51.53gelevalerie_: either in /etc/network/interfaces or by NetworkManager if you're using that.
15:51.55zxdthemill: you said dpkg might still prompt for questions
15:52.04horzuhAhh, is that significantly different from init 0?
15:52.13tremonhorzuh: nope
15:52.16valerie_for eth0 you go in /etc/network/interfaces - why wlan0 is not seen in network interfaces ?
15:52.34tremonzxd: dpkg will still ask questions if a conffile is to be replaced
15:52.53tremonyou can avoid those with --force-conf{old,def,new} options
15:52.54themillzxd: that happens when you modify config files in ways that it does not understand; answering the questions via debconf (e.g. through preseeding) will (almost always) avoid this.
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15:53.11gelevalerie_: you can configure your wireless interfaces in /etc/network/interfaces too if you want. on a desktop system it's typically handled by NetworkManager though.
15:54.04horzuhxingu & company: thank you very much, it accepted 3072 that time. (doesn't accept 3073, so we got it spot on) Thank you very much
15:54.15themillzxd: you have two options here -- you can work with the packaging system or against it. If you work with it, it will cooperate with you and your life will be easy. If you work against it, you will have to continue to work against it forever more, you will be unhappy and you will go around complaining that you don't like the debian way of doing things.
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15:54.35valerie_gele: thanks, it is kind of confusing, why not one place for everything ? - NetworkManager has only GUI - is there a file you can modify through CLI ?
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15:54.43themillzxd: using the tools that are available in the way that they were designed to be used is probably a better option than fighting them.
15:55.10tremonvalerie_: there is supposed to be a nm_cli command, but I've never used NM
15:55.15xinguhorzuh: great, happy to help.
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15:57.21valerie_gele: I want to create a bridge for kvm - virtual machines - usually I do it through /etc/network/interfaces - since I used eth0 it was straight forward - so you suggest to add wlan0 as an entry in /etc/network/interfaces ?
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15:58.06gelevalerie_: if you want to. you may need to tell networkmanager to stay away from it.
15:58.19valerie_gele: how would I do that ?
15:59.09gelevalerie_: edit /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf and set managed=false in the [ifupdown] section. Then it will not touch any interfaces that are mentioned in /etc/network/interfaces.
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16:04.48horzuhIs there an easy way to install make 3.80 instead of 3.81-8?
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16:05.29technologovI have changed my wallpaper in KDE, but no way to revert it to Debian one... any ideas ?
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16:05.54technologovhorzuh, look for "Debian-Snapshots" repo
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16:09.51p3rrorany one experienced with ssh tunneling
16:10.00p3rrori have a server behind a firewall
16:10.03p3rrorthat filter all ports
16:10.14p3rrorand i have a public server somewhere in internet
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16:10.34p3rrorand i need to access to the private server behind the firewall via ssh
16:11.21tremonp3rror: use -R to create a remote port (for returning traffic), -L for a local port (man ssh)
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16:11.59kmmndrhi all :-)
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16:12.34kmmndrI'm search the squeeze equivalent of lenny's linux-modules
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16:13.26kmmndrp3rror: what are you searching to do ?
16:13.42p3rroraccess via ssh to a server behind a firewall
16:13.43babilenp3rror: You might also like "-W" for newer SSHs for multi-hop -- but ^^^^
16:14.12p3rroractually i can not add rule to firewall
16:14.30p3rrorso i think to bounce my ssh connection via a ssh public server
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16:14.50p3rrorin private server i may tape
16:14.54colo-workhow the flying fuck does one configure slapd's braindead cn=config mess into providing ldaps?
16:15.07p3rrorin private server i may run
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16:15.31p3rrorssh -v -f -R 3000:public:22 private -N ?
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16:15.34tremoncolo-work: via the equally brain-dead slaptest -f -F construct :)
16:15.49kmmndrp3rror: in your .ssh/config file it is :
16:16.33colo-worktremo_, I don't even get where to put the paths to my key, cert and ca-cert
16:17.14p3rrorkmmndr, ?
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16:17.40babilenp3rror: I guess that you are trying to configure multi-hop ssh. There are essentially two approaches: One uses netcat and the other ssh's "-W" command that was introduced in version $STILL_NEED_TO_FIGURE_THIS_OUT -- You essentially ssh into the first box (i.e. the firewall) and from there to the internal box. Your client configures the ProxyCommand
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16:19.01p3rrorkmmndr, babilen let see this coorectly
16:19.02babilenp3rror: See, for example, for the former approach. The latter is almost identical, but you would use something like "ssh -W%h:%p GATEWAY" (replace GATEWAY) ...
16:19.19tremoncolo-work: they are attributes to cn=config, olcTLSCACertificateFile olcTLSCertificateFile and olcTLSCertificateKeyFile
16:19.44babilenp3rror: The -W was "recently" introduced ... lets figure out what version you need for that.
16:20.23p3rrorbabilen, GATEWAY must be replace by the public server ?
16:20.37tremon(in general, the attributes are the same as the statements in the original config file, but prefixed with olc)
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16:21.24colo-worktremo_, thank you so much!
16:21.43colo-workyou saved my life. or at least that of the machine that hosts this fucking POS that is slapd.
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16:22.09tremo_colo-work: could you please stop highlighting on me?
16:22.28colo-workI'm sorry. I did not even notice that until now.
16:22.35tremo_i did :)
16:22.44colo-worktremon, thank YOU so much then ;)
16:23.16tremonlol... openldap isn't that bad, but it lacks a configuration interface. There are various good ldap browsers out there...
16:24.11colo-workthe last time I configured slapd was before they had the "great" idea of storing it as LDIF files in files with absolutely batshit insane names.
16:24.21colo-workit was quite messy back then, but I think it's much worse by now.
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16:24.43colo-workand of course, the debugging output is useless garbage.
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16:25.43Sc0rianhow do i get export nfs and allow version 3 too
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16:51.10dtcrshrI have a debian machine installed inside a virtualbox server. I dunno about the installation but i need more disk space. on virtualbox iv managed to increase the disk size, and with fdisk -l the new size iv choosed is displayed on disk /dev/sca
16:51.38dtcrshrconsidering its a text only machine, is there something as gparted or even fdisk itself that i can increase the partition?
16:51.50babilenp3rror: GATEWAY would be the name for the "middle-man" -- (ruapehu in the example)
16:52.56tremondtcrshr you can resize partitions with fdisk as long as you do not modify the starting sector. Start with -u and disable DOS-compatible mode
16:52.56koeiendtcrshr: what is your file system
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16:57.03lancelot_ofhi there
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16:57.51lancelot_ofi'm using kernel 3.2 from sid distro for amd64. Why does it make my system staying at more less 10°C more then kernel 2.6.39?
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16:59.25lancelot_ofthe system is identical, no other changes done, just loaded the new kernel and the CPU temp is up to 54°C without using anithing else than xchat, now, instead of the 39-40 °C of kernel 2.6.39 using mail client,terminal,web browser
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16:59.43lancelot_ofany suggestion?please help me understanding what's going wrong
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17:00.08tremonlancelot_of: well, the simplest explanation is a faulty/rewritten sensor driver...
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17:00.36dtcrshrkoeien: ext4
17:01.58lancelot_oftremon, thanks for your answer, so how to fix?
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17:02.34p3rrorbabilen, and h is the server behind firewall
17:03.07babilenp3rror: You leave %h and %p as they are (they will be replaced with the correct host/port as detailed in the SSH docs)
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17:03.49p3rrorbabilen, there are a ssh service runining on the gateway
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17:04.08dtcrshrhmm. iv already exported the vm do vmdk, i can mess arround the partition table
17:04.12dtcrshrill give parted a try
17:04.16ilikenwfany of you ran into the issue with randomly encrypted swap and tmp partitions with luks that for some reason luks detects the old formatting/header and won't reformat? is there a trick to get around this?
17:04.26tremonlancelot_of: that really depends on the exact cause. I'd send a mail to debian-kernel or debian-user, maybe someone has the same experience
17:04.27ilikenwfon reboots, that is
17:04.30babilenp3rror: Sure, that is why you can ssh into the gateway and connect to the internal host from there. You are merely automating the proxying.
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17:06.34lancelot_oftremon ok, thanks
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17:07.01lancelot_oftremon and now how to know if the problem is going to be solved?
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17:09.03tremonlancelot_of: that really depends. Maybe it can be fixed with a setting somewhere, maybe it's in sensors, maybe it's in the kernel. I'd ask around before filing a kernel bug
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17:10.23lancelot_oftremon, so i'll periodically take a look at changelog in image changelog
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17:12.09tremonlancelot_of: if it's really a bug, then you should report it. You'll get notified via the bugreport
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17:22.07digitalicehi, got a problem over here, i deleted /var/log/auth.log ... what should i do now?
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17:24.32ksuhkudigitalice: hope your boss don't understand what that means
17:24.32jelly-homedigitalice: restart rsyslog, live life
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17:24.38I_am_NOT_roothow do I instruct cut to yield the last field? I need it to get a filename's extension (need an appropriate substitution for <last> "cut -d. -f<last>"
17:24.43tremondon't restart syslog
17:24.44jelly-homedigitalice: er, wait
17:25.00tremonsyslog still has the file open
17:25.03jelly-homedigitalice: do you want to restore that data
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17:25.18tremonso via /proc/<pid>/fd you might be able to retrieve the file
17:25.28diozanyone know if a 700mhz p3 w/ 128 mb of ram would play divx?
17:26.09jelly-homedioz: not all of today's media
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17:26.54digitalicejelly-home: how do i restart syslog?
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17:27.19tremonI_am_NOT_root: sed s/^.*\.// ?
17:27.26MadRushim looking to put a debian live .img onto usb ... i was thinking dd if=/path/to/my.img of=/dev/sd[x] ... no bueno, any suggestions?
17:27.33jelly-homedigitalice: there ought to be an init script for it. /etc/init.d/rsyslog
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17:29.42digitalicejelly-home: /etc/init.d/rsyslog restart ?
17:29.51jelly-homedigitalice: a rotate or restart action ought to do the trick
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17:30.24digitalicejelly-home: cool, it worked ;) thanks
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17:33.31Ownermempodipper works on debian because /bin/su is not ASLR protected...but it doesnt work on CentOS
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17:34.22jelly-homefuck is mempodipper
17:34.47jelly-home... yet another local priv. escalation
17:34.59Ownerworks great on debian
17:35.19jelly-homegood thing Debian has a 2.6.32 kernel, eh!
17:35.41jelly-home!cve lookup CVE-2012-0056
17:35.41dpkgInformation about the security advisory CVE-2012-0056 may be found at
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17:35.53themill[squeeze] - linux-2.6 <not-affected> (introduced in 2.6.39)
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17:37.17Ownerok well specifically i gues si meant
17:37.23Ownerexcluding kernel version
17:37.30Owner/bin/su on debian is not ASLR protected
17:37.39Ownerreadelf -h /bin/su |grep Type
17:37.43Ownervs on centos its Dynamic
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17:38.12diozslowpaste is slow
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17:38.18Ownermight be somethign to think about
17:38.31paskyI have a distro package and my package and I'd like my package to provide some files that the distro package provides, but of course only if the distro package is not installed; is there an easy way to achieve that without modfiying both packages to use alternatives?
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17:39.51themillOwner: "reportbug login" would be the best way of making your suggestion.
17:39.52valdynOwner: are you sure? a shared object file is a .so file
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17:40.28gelevaldyn: an executable can be dynamically loadable as well.
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17:41.11valdyngele: yes, like libc6
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17:41.33jelly-homethemill: also /bin/mount, /usr/bin/chfn, and probably other suids
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17:41.57Owneri dont think im going to report it
17:42.06Ownerjust wanted to put it out there
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17:42.35Owneryeah im lazy
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17:42.40themillOwner: debian does not hide its security bugs
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17:43.39paskyalternatively, is there an _opposite_ of dpkg --force-overwrite?
17:43.39Ownerthemill| well someone should make the suggestion i guess, but i dont care that much to do it
17:44.04*** join/#debian AimHere (
17:44.10tremonowner: then get off the soapbox?
17:44.26Ownertremon| lurk more?
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17:47.35EdePopedehello. question on java: what should be used on debian6?
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17:50.08tremonEdePopede: openjdk, or I don't understand your question
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17:52.23EdePopedeah, openjdk-6-jre et al are installed. i only am not sure where the actual problems come from. if it is xfce (kde before) or openjdk (sun java before)
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17:52.48EdePopedeand i have no vms and the like to test it out
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17:55.38tremonI know there are some interoperability problems between openjdk and sun java; you can always download java from oracle's site and see if that solves anything for you
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17:57.18somiajEdePopede: sun-java is in the non-free debian repos for debian6 and can be installed that way, some applications just like sun-java over openjdk, so you can install either. Now since orcal took away the ability for third party to distribute java, sun-java has since been removed from non-free and will not be in future releases of debian.
17:58.10jelly-homesomiaj: sun-java from the repos is out of date, and may be removed soonish
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17:59.10somiajjelly-home: they are going to take it out of debian-stable, I figured it would just stay there unless orcale is forcing us to not distribute it. To bad things are just programed for sun java and don't always work as expected with openjdk (I'm still using the outdated sun-java package on my sid install)
17:59.38jelly-homeI've just repacked 1.6_30
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17:59.54somiajjelly-home: wonder if orcal will allow us to go back to the old java-package so we can have a script download/package sun java to install it that way.
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18:00.40somiajsimilar to flashplugin-nonfree in contrib
18:00.44jelly-homesomiaj: providing a helper tool is up to Debian, not Oracle
18:01.58somiajwell wasn't sure if they had some strange agreement where you can't use a script to download it from their servers. But yes, I hope debian puts in some helper tool, or better yet openjdk just becomes more compadable with apps written for sun's java
18:03.05zykotick9wondering if anyone has a suggestion/explanation of the difference in line drawing between xterm and aterm. xterm is on top and appears correctly.  Both terminals are using the same terminus font.
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18:03.54jelly-homezykotick9: use a UTF-8 compliant terminal emulator like rxvt-unicode-lite, for a start
18:04.16zykotick9jelly-home: thanks, I'll look into it.
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18:05.51jelly-homezykotick9: the settings are a bit different, but most of the functionality that aterm had (= tinted, transparent background :) is there
18:05.55EdePopedeis there a tric to get rid of the whole java stuff? or must i deinstall each of the packages by itself (and therefore first search for jre, jdk, java, tea, cacao.........)?
18:06.25Caelumhow do I post a message to a bug?
18:06.36zykotick9jelly-home: off to a good start anyways, it renders alsamixer correctly.  Off to research configuration.  Thanks!
18:07.05tremonCaelum: there is al mailto link at the top of each bug (if we're talking about Debian BTS)
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18:07.46Caelumtremon: found it thanks!
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18:09.13zykotick9jelly-home: thanks again! :)
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18:09.38jelly-homezykotick9: depends on whether you use a compositing wm or not
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18:11.03zykotick9jelly-home: i'm not using compositing currently.  trying out awesome for the last week or so, I'm really liking it (though it's still over my head still in many areas).
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18:11.48_ramohow can i see in what group a  user is?
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18:12.22llutz_ramo: "id user"
18:12.26zykotick9_ramo: "grep USERNAME /etc/group" is one method
18:12.46ilikenwfany of you good with LUKs?
18:12.46ilikenwfi have my root, tmp, and swap encrypted
18:12.53ilikenwftmp and swap are randomly encrypted/created ach boot
18:13.18ilikenwfexcept each reboot the old luks header is seen and it won't reencrypt/reformat the partitions for those now
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18:14.02melikhas anyone here played with Dell OMSA?
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18:15.11Harzileinare there installer packages that make use of bittorrent? (only works if stuff is redistributable of course, so the cases where it cannot go into non-free but be shared with bittorrent might not be so many)
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18:15.51daemonkeeperThere are bittorrent seeds for Debian installer images.
18:16.11themill,i apt-transport-debtorrent
18:16.12juddPackage apt-transport-debtorrent (admin, optional) in squeeze/i386: an APT transport for communicating with DebTorrent. Version: 0.2.2; Size: 26.4k; Installed: 124k; Homepage:
18:16.12Harzileindaemonkeeper: i was referring to installer packages though
18:16.29Harzileinthemill: i know. i was not referring to that
18:16.50Caelumapparently still no fix for the disappearing cursor issue in rxvt-unicode
18:16.50Harzileindaemonkeeper: i know. please read what i wrote. i mean stuff like the msttcorefonts etc.
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18:17.45Harzileinin fact, just any list of currently existing "downloader"/"installer" packages would help
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18:18.24twobitspriteanyone know why debian doesn't have majordomo? I'm actually really surprised it doesn't... or am I just not finding it for some reason?
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18:18.50Harzileintwobitsprite: majordomo is nonfree afaik
18:19.01MadRushhow do you change your sources.list so you can go from squeeze -> sid
18:19.08Harzileintwobitsprite: maybe there are licensing details that make it even unfit for non-free
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18:21.14twobitspriteHarzilein: I suppose... it's license is a bit odd, but it does seem freely redistributable
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18:21.53twobitspritenot a big deal, I can just use mailman... I was just surprised
18:22.15themillHarzilein: oh... that's what you mean by "installer package". There aren't many of them in the archive and most people would like them to go away not do more work on helping them work with torrents rather than just wget.
18:23.06Harzileinthemill: heh :)
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18:23.56Harzileintwobitsprite: i think the license disallows charging for distribution or something
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18:26.34jhutchins_ltMadRush: That's the kind of question where if you have to ask how, you really shouldn't be doing it.
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18:27.38dpkgVATTENE VIA!
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18:29.18forfoliashi, i just installed phpmyadmin and when i try to reload lighttpd i get a "Duplicate config variable in conditional 0 global: alias.url" and i get a 404 trying to reach phpmyadmin. I think it's because of /etc/lighttpd/conf-enabled/50-phpmyadmin.conf. Any ideas ?
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18:29.45jhutchins_ltforfolias: This is why you stick to apache.
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18:33.25EdePopedefor instance, %20V generates the candidate version of the package, 20 characters wide <<< that's what the manual for aptituzde says, but the actual width still depends on the width of xterm :(
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18:34.06EdePopedehow can i say eg: 20 chars package name. 50 chars (or maybe as needed) description?
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18:35.44jhutchins_ltHow would that be useful?
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18:37.42EdePopedepassing output to less without truncating descriptions and/or having an empty area betweeen both
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18:40.35zykotick9jelly-home: it seems rxvt-unicode-lite addresses a number of my "issues".  thanks for the pointer.
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18:42.58forfoliasok, i fixed the phpmyadmin-lighttpd problem. The /etc/lighttpd/conf-enabled/50-phpmyadmin.conf file was included after some $HTTP["host"] and it for some reason it didn't like it/ so I took the alias.url from the file and put it inside lighttpd.conf and everething is ok now
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18:44.22wilfredorGreetings. I am trying to create a PDF document. In the document, all pages containing images and text similar, my question is. Me I can reuse it?, I'm looking for ways to decrease the size of the pdf. Thank you very much for your cooperation
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18:49.47drawkshey all
18:49.52tdnOk. so here's the problem. I accidentially deleted my /etc/fstab. How do I recreate it?
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18:50.09daemonkeepercat /proc/mounts is a start
18:50.37drawks/etc/mtab is probably approximately correct
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18:50.50karlpinctdn: You could read "man fstab"
18:50.54drawks^ that
18:51.22karlpinctdn: Here's mine, but your's will surely be different.
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18:52.04drawksanyone else besides me having problems gettings the debian installer to do md raid on big disks? my preseeds fail with 2TB disks, I suspect maybe some gpt/raid interraction isn't going well in d-i
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18:52.59drawksI found which seems to describe a similar behavior but is also marked as fixed.
18:53.28karlpincdrawks: You could check the bug tracking system.  If you can't get help here you could ask on #debian-boot on
18:53.52drawkskarlpinc, thanks
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18:56.47karlpincdrawks: The bug tracking system has a bug, #630440.  You can't easily tell what release the bug was fixed in.  It's unclear to me how this relates to the installer, but perhaps the bug was fixed for the next release of debian but not stable.
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18:57.24simonlnuthere's a new point release coming out (or is), might be fixed there
18:58.02tdnkarlpinc, thanks.
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18:58.48karlpinctdn: In particular, noatime is usually not needed any more.
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18:59.41karlpinccerise4096: You should not run irc as root.
19:01.12tdnkarlpinc, oh, why not?
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19:01.39tdnMy rootfs is a USB stick. Is there any ext4 mount options I should put in fstab to optimize for this?
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19:02.46karlpinctdn: I forget, exactly.  It's because the kernel does not update atime unless it "needs to".  Maybe I'll go google....
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19:04.01tdnkarlpinc, ok.
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19:11.09karlpinctdn: I'm guessing that the default is now relatime instead of atime, so there's no need for noatime.  See:  Apparently this is as of 2.6.30.
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19:13.12drawksyeah that whole bit of kernel defaultiness is, imho, poorly done
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19:13.52drawksit defaults to relatime, but a statvfs call doesn't reveal that in every case
19:14.07drawksthere are some other weirdnesses around that
19:14.20drawksmagic happens... it shouldn't be magic
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19:14.27drawksbut that is perhaps a linux kernel discussion
19:14.49tdnkarlpinc, ok. Thanks.
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19:16.25karlpincdrawks: I also see no obvious place where this is revealed in /sys.  But then I don't know what I'm doing in /sys anyway so I can't complain.
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19:18.47druonysusI am looking to find out the speed of the drive I have installed on a machine in the data center... is there something in proc that I can cat out to tell me that info
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19:20.43valdyndruonysus: no
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19:22.25druonysusvaldyn: okay, is there a tool I can use then?
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19:24.11aarkeriohi! what is    "2048/tcp open dls-monitor"  ??
19:24.27aarkeriowhat program is this?
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19:25.10jhutchinsaarkerio: This is IRC.
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19:25.52tremonaarkerio: lsof -i
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19:28.46loop-druonysus lshw
19:29.12karlpincdruonysus: bonnie++
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19:29.19slaeshja1Hi, I need some help with mdadm (forgotten how it works...) I have a RAID1 setup on two disks, but mdadm doesn't autodetect it. What may I need to do to make it workey?
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19:29.54slaeshja1assemble just spits out that they doesn't have a superblock
19:29.59valdynslaeshja1: it needs to be in /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf
19:30.01*** mode/#debian [+l 1221] by debhelper
19:30.29valdynslaeshja1: oh, i guess in that case theres no superblock then
19:30.51slaeshja1valdyn: There is, it works fine in another box
19:30.59EdePopedeaptitude: iirc, when i search a package, after each keypress it brings me to the next matchiong package name (aka google instant search). can i turn this off?
19:31.20slaeshja1valdyn: Looking in man-page for a conversion flag, since I am migrating from a different endianess.
19:31.42slaeshja1valdyn: (I can't remember if it was cryptsetup or mdadm I converted the superblock for)
19:31.52druonysuslshw is not available
19:32.04loop-install it
19:32.14valdynlshw isnt useful to get the speed of a harddisk anyway
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19:32.36karlpincEdePopede: You can install aptitude-doc-yourlanguagehere and look in file://usr/share/doc/  so forth.  (I always use aptitude from the command line: aptitude search foo)
19:32.43loop-get the drive and google it
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19:33.35EdePopedekarlpinc: so i do normally. but uninstalling java one by one needs half a day. and it doesnt tell me "wait, there's more left"
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19:35.16karlpincEdePopede: Dunno.  Perhaps: aptitude remove $(deborphan | grep java)     But that sounds dangerous so don't just try it.
19:35.35tremonEdePopede: why does that need half a day? It's only a few packages, what am I missing?
19:35.40ElDiaboloWhy might dpkg-buildpackage delete the Makefile, or is this sth. the Makefile might do?
19:35.53EdePopedeproblem: java, jdk, jre, tea, cacao.... i see no system in it
19:36.07tremonElDiabolo: maybe because it's supposed to be generated from
19:36.09karlpincEdePopede: debtags might help.
19:36.17valdynEdePopede: theres various virtual machines to run java
19:36.18slaeshja1mdadm -a /dev/md127 /dev/sdb1
19:36.52tremonEdePopede aptitude remove ~sjava?
19:36.53ElDiabolotremon, Is dpkg-buildpackage assuming this ?
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19:37.15tremonElDiabolo: no, it should be codified in debian/rules
19:37.29slaeshja1Oh, I need to update the byte order, my mdadm problem is probably solved
19:38.03EdePopedesimulate? i dont see how this may help
19:39.32ElDiabolotremon, Ah, I did not modify that yet, hoped the defaulds would do. Seems they don't.
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19:41.18EdePopedegreat.... using search opend a couple of trees in aptitude and most of the entries had green background. so: quit without save and restart -.-
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19:44.40EdePopedeand after restart a collision that i dodnt have before
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19:47.53chymistOH GOD GNOME 3.
19:47.56chymistWhat in actual fuck?!
19:48.34chymistI'm trapped in this.. this thing.
19:48.43chymistI don't know what to do.
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19:50.04loop-install kde. its what all the winners do
19:50.23willwhlxde ftw :P
19:50.33Moebiusi'd rather install lxde than kde.
19:50.43Moebiusalthough i can't stand both of them
19:50.44willwhyah I do not like kde :]
19:50.45loop-we all want your soul.
19:50.50Moebiuskde is good, but not 4.
19:50.53willwhhey guys - so I am fairly new to debian
19:50.56willwhand I need some help :p
19:51.09karlpincwillwh: Just ask.
19:51.11willwhrunning a debian lenny deploy on my VPS
19:51.13EdePopedeMoebius: install 3.x and then ask for help when you have a problem
19:51.15willwhI am getting there.... :]
19:51.25MoebiusEdePopede, haha.. well, i can't install that.
19:51.30MoebiusEdePopede, i mean i can, but only from Trinity.
19:51.35willwh^ there is no package for that for lenny
19:51.49Moebiuswillwh, better get Squeeze.
19:52.03Moebiuswillwh, there's no reason today to run Lenny. Technically you can, but.. why bother?..
19:52.05karlpincwillwh: Since you're new, you may want to see the <introduction> and <overview> factoids.  (Type in irc "/msg dpkg overview".)
19:52.20willwhthx karlpinc
19:52.32karlpincwillwh: Thing is, lenny's going out of security support in a few weeks.
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19:52.42willwhMoebius: well - this thing is already running mailserver / nginx proxying etc etc etc
19:52.45willwhit is?!
19:52.48willwhoh :[
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19:52.55Moebiuswillwh, i see. Well.. better rush and upgrade.
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19:53.21karlpincwillwh: Debian will upgrade.  Be sure to read the release notes for upgrade instructions.
19:53.24willwhwell - thx for the info lads, I'd better go and get started :)
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19:53.46karlpincwillwh: Mostly, you only need chapter 4, but the rest of it can be _very_ useful to keep things from going badly or recovering when they do.
19:53.53karlpinc!tell willwh about release notes
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19:55.17karlpincwillwh: You get a year of security support after the next debian release.  So you can run any given debian stable release for 2-3 years + 1 year, depending on how often new releases come out.
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19:55.39chymistCould someone please offer a real solution to the problem of what the hell to do with this thing? I don't like it.
19:55.42chymistI liked Gnome 2.
19:55.46chymistThis is horrible.
19:55.56chymistDowngrade to stable?
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19:56.22karlpincchymist: That will only work for a while.  Instaed, switch to another desktop.
19:56.28abrotmanchymist: sure .. your choices are a) get used to gnome3 b) use another WM .. gnome2 is dead upstream ..
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19:57.00abrotmanchymist: squeeze will be supported for awhile if you really want to cling to gnome2
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19:58.09chymistI need something with which I can be productive. Gnome 3 does not offer that.
19:58.13chymistAny suggestions?
19:58.16abrotmanchymist: gnome 3 is nice once you play with it a bit
19:58.44abrotmanchymist: for those people taht can't accept teh cahnge, many have been going to XFCE
19:58.49abrotmanpfft .. i can't type
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20:00.07karlpincI'm (again) trying to get a 80x24 system console.  This time on a box running squeeze with the 2.6.39 kernel from bdo.  It's got intel graphics, pciid [8086:a011].  (Cute vendor id, that.)  I tried using nomodeset on the kernel command line. does not, AFICT, otherwise say how to disable kms.    I tried vga=VGA_NORMAL and the kernel flashed a message (or something did) complaining that this was depreciated, or something.  
20:00.44abrotmanyou think that VID was an acident? :)
20:01.12abrotmankarlpinc: google "grub gfxmode" for that vga= bit
20:01.23karlpincabrotman: Thanks.
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20:03.07EdePopedeoutput of aptitude: 1st column is state, right? so i means installed, p means not installed. so if busybox is installed, busybox-static NOT... why does aptitude shows that B collides with B-S? (red background on both lines)
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20:04.24willwhas a side note - terminator is the best thing since sliced bread
20:04.27willwhI love it
20:04.52abrotmanand skynet?
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20:05.23willwhabrotman: heh
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20:10.43chymistlxde is comparatively nice.
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20:13.27bs0dHello guys. I need to add to apt a packages source from ubuntu, but I get an error: "Method driver /usr/lib/apt/methods/https could not be found" ... how to add https functionality to apt?
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20:14.11*** part/#debian HonJanna (
20:14.18gnarfacebs0d: why do you want to do that?
20:14.31tremon,info apt-transport-https
20:14.32juddPackage apt-transport-https (admin, optional) in squeeze/i386: APT https transport. Version:; Size: 81.5k; Installed: 152k
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20:15.12karlpincchymist: e17?
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20:17.28karlpincabrotman: GRUB_GFXMODE=640x480  and GRUB_GFXMODE=648x480x8  don't seem to do anything.  vbeinfo in grub says it's set to 640x480x8 (0x101 iirc), but I still get teeny fonts.
20:18.17gnarfacekarlpinc: if you're aiming for 40x80 mode you're gonna want to shoot for somewhere well below vga
20:18.31EdePopedeOuch!  Got SIGTERM, dying.. <<< aptitude using 101% CPU? sure i kill it -.-
20:19.04gnarfacekarlpinc: er, 80x24
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20:19.36karlpincgnarface: 640x480 is the lowest resolution.  I don't care about the resolution, I want my 80x24 terminal back!  A) the font is too small to read.  B) The eye can't track back to find the next line when lines are long anyway.  There's a reason newspapers are written in columns.
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20:19.59karlpincgnarface: vbeinfo says nothing smaller than 640x480.
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20:21.02karlpinc(It probably wouldn't kill me to get more than 24 lines, but I don't want more than 80 columns.)
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20:23.00karlpincEdePopede: Aptitude does database-y things.  Even when killed it'll try to keep going to prevent db corruption.  Or that's my guess.
20:23.03*** part/#debian freemalloc (
20:23.15Harzileini remember there was a command that helped with splitting debian.diff.gz files to make a pure debian/*-diff and a deb with the debian-modified stuff to go into the quilt dir once the package gets converted
20:23.20Harzileinbut i can't find it...
20:23.27bs0dHow to teach aptitude understand package repositories over https?? ><
20:23.38abrotmankarlpinc: i dont'know much about it .. i don't use it .. i just knew the term
20:24.15*** join/#debian MrMind (
20:24.16gnarfacekarlpinc: there should be away to disable it and get the old VGA=ask functionality so you can give it a integer matching the corresponding native text mode of your video card, one of which i'm sure is what you're looking for.  ever since they went to this new grub syntax i don't know how anymore though
20:24.59EdePopedekarlpinc: must be corrupted anyway. marking collisions of installed with not installed packages does not look sane
20:25.11*** join/#debian perezd (
20:25.12karlpincgnarface: I tried vga= on the kernel command line editing from the grub boot menu.  I get some sort of warning that flashes by too fast to read.  (Probably because this is 2.6.39 from bdo.)
20:25.39EdePopedelast time i used in in interface mode there were no problems and i exited normally
20:25.41MrMindHi! I use Squeeze + backports kernel and today I got some kernel updates... it installed some kernel 3.0 stuff but not the 3.0 image? why is that?
20:25.45simonlnuvga option is deprecated, probably
20:25.51karlpincgnarface: All the same, I want 80x24 even with newer kernels.
20:26.23karlpincsimonlnu: yes.  The message starts by saying that.  I tried using rdev....   ;-)
20:26.44simonlnubecause it *is* deprecated ;)
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20:27.20karlpincMrMind: There will proably never be a backported 3.0 kernel for squeeze because that requires a change to udev as well.
20:27.29abrotmanbs0d: why are you adding ubuntu repositories to Debian ?
20:27.44wald0if i install "upstart", the system will boot faster ? (worth), it is correctly compatible/integrated with debian ?
20:27.55valdynwald0: not really
20:28.12*** part/#debian oCean (~oCean@ubuntu/member/ocean)
20:28.29abrotmanwald0: if you're using squeeze, you already have a parallel boot system right ?
20:28.33karlpincwald0: Debian now uses insserv, which does daemon starting in parallel.
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20:28.57karlpincabrotman: bsd0 does not seem to want to answer that question.
20:29.09abrotmani'll just keep asking
20:29.15MrMindkarlpinc: oh okey. but wierd that it installed linux-headers-3.1 and stuff
20:29.18wald0im in testing
20:29.35abrotmanwald0: you still have insser
20:29.35wald0and.. it is a good future candidate or is not worth for a future migration ?
20:29.54abrotman!tell wald0 about insserv
20:30.00valdynwald0: the future is more likely systemd, but you dont gain anything by using those right now
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20:31.02wald0abrotman: seems like that the end work of insserv is similar to upstart
20:31.29valdynwald0: not really
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20:31.34gnarfacekarlpinc: i'm not saying you're wrong for wanting that, what i am saying is that it seems to be a mystery how to accomplish it properly.  fwiw i can confirm that installing the commercial nvidia driver will forcibly disable that shit right quick for you though
20:31.43GTRsdkHow do I get to the Printing menu?
20:31.47GTRsdkuses LXDE
20:31.52karlpincI am really going to have to get around to filing a giant bug report complaining about the lack of 80x24 console.  I suppose it's the kernel I should be complaining about.  ?
20:32.02abrotmanwald0: that's what we've been trying to tell you ...
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20:33.14karlpincgnarface: This is a stock asus netbook, with just stable + bdo.  I also have problems on all my other boxes.  Most of them have old crts, but there's a laptop with a super-hirez screen that also does not work.  (That one I can, iirc, blacklist the module.)
20:34.00gnarfacekarlpinc: yea my experience matches yours exactly i just actually like the tiny text
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20:34.07karlpincGTRsdk: What are you trying to do?
20:34.10valdynkarlpinc: you cant set it with fbset?
20:34.20GTRsdkkarlpinc: trying to add a printer
20:34.27karlpincvaldyn: Dunno.  I'll rtfm.
20:34.53karlpincGTRsdk: You want the cups web interface: http://localhost:631
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20:35.02karlpincGTRsdk: (And you must have cups installed.)
20:35.28epicfailguys i bought the clockwork man, downloaded it but when i start it i just get a white window
20:35.33valdynkarlpinc: the new graphics subsystem ( I dont know how else to call it ) defaults to the lcd displays native resolution for me, but it should be adjustable freely
20:35.45GTRsdkkarlpinc: no I was wantign the System Settings -> Printing -> Add
20:35.57GTRsdkbut I have no system settings...
20:36.22valdynGTRsdk: install "xfprint4"
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20:37.42karlpincvaldyn: I'll give it a try.  (I'm thinking rc.local, but have not yet rtfm-ed.)
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20:39.17valdynkarlpinc: this is just for play, Im sure theres kernel parameters / module parameters to set this early
20:39.18GTRsdkvaldyn: when I go to system settings, I still see nothing
20:39.35karlpincgnarface: I'd like the teensey fonts a whole lot better if I could get _2_ terminals side by side on one screen.  That way I'd get lots of lines, but not lots of columns.
20:39.58karlpincvaldyn: I can't find the kernel parameters/etc.
20:40.01valdynGTRsdk: "dpkg -L xfprint4 | grep bin" should show the program, run it and see
20:40.10valdynGTRsdk: i dont really know xfce at all
20:40.42karlpincvaldyn: (he's using lxde, iirc.  Not that he couldn't use xfprint4 for that reason.)
20:41.00valdynoh, oops
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20:41.59GTRsdkvaldyn: I'm using LXDE...
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20:43.35tremonkarlpinc: you can get 2 terminals side-by-side if you install screen(1)...
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20:46.24ededdyHi, I am trying to open a file with O_CLOEXEC, O_NOFOLLOW set in my flag, I have included fcntl.h. Do I need to enable some special macro to access these flags ?
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20:46.54valdynkarlpinc: im assuming kms is already enabled by default on your system
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20:48.40bs0dWhat do I need to do, if in apt repository I have libicu44, but need libicu42 and it cannot be found?
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20:57.06abrotmanbs0d: which version of Debian do you have?
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20:57.27bs0d6.0.3 squeeze, stable release
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20:57.51abrotmanbs0d: it comes with libicu44 .. why do you need 42 ?
20:57.52bs0dI've got libicu44 in repo, but libicu42 needed, what should I do?
20:58.08abrotmanneeded WHY?
20:58.37bs0da package depends on libicu42 and installing it I get error about dependency that cannot be found / resolved
20:58.45themilldon't mix debian and ubuntu...
20:58.54gnarfacebroken package?
20:58.57abrotmanwhich package depeneds on libicu42 ?
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20:59.23gnarfaceooh ooh i think i know !
20:59.26gnarfacekeeps silent
20:59.44abrotmanbs0d: which package is it which depends on libicu42 ?
21:00.00bs0dthat's not Debian package, thats kind of drivers to handle smart card reader, proprietary ones, and that package depends on libicu42, not 44 and I can do nothing with this, so I need to get libicu42 somehow
21:00.45abrotmanbs0d: what kind of smart card reader is that? have you tried the .39 kernel in BPO ?
21:01.13abrotmanin short .. trying to force that package to install will break a lot of other things most likely
21:02.06*** join/#debian hdb2 (jhl@fsf/member/hdb2)
21:02.07bs0dthat's Estonian state ID card ( kind of digital passport ), and appropriate software and drivers, produced by state infosystems agency, I need to install that package. ID card is used for identification in many places, and I need to install that package
21:02.21gnarfacei don't get why it needs an outdated version of libicu
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21:02.28karlpincvaldyn: Yes, kms is enabled.  Surely the right way to do it is with a font.  I've tried missing around with console-tools (IIRC, perhaps console-data too) but there's no font that's nearly large enough.
21:02.31gnarfacesounds like a bug in the package to me
21:03.07bs0dgnarface but still, I cant change the package on my own
21:03.10themillgnarface: binary-only package compiled against some oldish ubuntu release
21:03.12abrotmanbs0d: why not unpack the package, change the deps, repack and try to install it
21:03.50bs0dabortman I am not so experienced in Linux unfortunately, Im not sure I will be able to do it correctly, as needed
21:03.58themilldoesn't imagine that the soname is going to work out there
21:04.15karlpincvaldyn: Now the kbd package does have something in it called resizecons, but kbd conflicts with console-tools and I've not tried installing it so as to read the man page.  (I'll go poking about the web.)
21:04.48bs0dthe instructions are here:
21:05.09*** join/#debian patterson (
21:05.18bs0dthere is no package for Debian, only for Ubuntu, but I think, that Ubuntu is very close to Debian and I follow instructions for Ubuntu
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21:07.05bs0dI may try to unpack the invalid package and change the dependencies, but if anyone could guide me through this process
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21:10.44bs0dalso I get another error: qdigidoc depends: libqtcore4 ( >= 4:4.7.0~beta1) but 4:4.6.3-4+squeeze1 is to be installed ... how to tackle this?
21:11.24themillthe icu error we could try to work around; that's just not going to happen
21:11.34themillSure the source code for this package isn't available?
21:12.49bs0dthe repository is here:
21:13.10bs0dthere is Packages.gz file and Packages file with description of packages, it has broken deps :(
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21:14.40bs0dhow to install it?
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21:22.12brixtonasiasWhat's the best way in Debian squeeze to record a screencast - or a video of my screen to show to others?
21:22.27Arthur456hola a tutti
21:22.53dpkgVATTENE VIA!
21:23.08*** part/#debian Arthur456 (
21:23.32abrotmanbrixtonasias: istanbul or recordmydesktop
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21:25.31brixtonasiasabrotman, thanks, will give it a try.
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21:32.45thewanderer1in git, how does one decide which revision to end up with when merging? for example, I want to preserve file1 (despite conflict with file1 from the "foreign" branch) and import file2, completely overwriting the current file2.
21:32.53konradbwhats the difference of compiz and compiz fusion?
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21:33.41thewanderer1(I do not want git to put markers in my text files when they conflict, just choose one or the other revision)
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21:36.40spalIs there any widget application for Debian where I can show clocks, weather, etc.?
21:36.56tremonthewanderer1: look up merge strategy (ours vs theirs iirc)
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21:38.11Dagger3-Xours and -Xtheirs by the looks of things
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21:38.59Dagger3(both of those are options to the recursive strategy, not strategies in their own rights. there's also an "ours" merge strategy, but that just completely ignores the remote tree)
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21:40.45bitcycleHey all.  Can someone point me to a good tutorial on setting up davmail and integrating it with lightning on the client side?
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21:41.58thewanderer1Dagger3, no per-file resolutions possible, though
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21:44.44Dagger3hm, indeed. maybe something like `git checkout :2:filename` (or 3) would work?
21:45.20z28spal: if you run Gnome you can right click on the upper panel and click, 'add to panel.'
21:45.32thewanderer1so I fetch first and then checkout the desired branch?
21:45.55thewanderer1and then commit?
21:45.58*** part/#debian PlayBoy (
21:46.06ompaulbitcycle: eh break your own problem down there a bit, installing lightning on icedove is something you do if it is available as an addon within icedove, then the whole davmail well that is depending on how you want your mail to be looked at apt-get install davmail does not work s0 it is not core to debian you can have fun with that - you could run a distro that supports it
21:46.16ompaulbitcycle: butthen it wouldn't be debian
21:46.28ompauljudd versions davmail
21:46.29juddNo package named 'davmail' was found in i386.
21:46.34spalz28, I mean a widget engine.
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21:46.46Dagger3the idea would be to start the merge as normal, then check out copies of the files from the appropriate branches
21:47.28thewanderer1I know... the thing is, I normally start merges and end them instantly with just one command: pull :P
21:47.33z28spal: I can't help you there, perhap or google
21:47.52*** join/#debian TashBear (~da_tash@unaffiliated/el-tash/x-7763973)
21:47.54Dagger3the "How To Resolve Conflicts" section of the manpage suggests that :2:filename gives you the file from HEAD and :3:filename gives you the file from MERGE_HEAD, which I guess are the two sides of the merge
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21:48.21TashBearis there anyway to use the alt key inside a qemu, is for some keystrokes and  sendkey not seems to work
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21:53.59zykotick9TashBear: if you are using xterm inside your qemu environment, try holding down CTRL and left clicking in xterm, then try checking/unchecking Meta Sends Escape.
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21:55.35TashBearzykotick9: is a tty
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21:56.27zykotick9TashBear: sorry, i have not idea then.  Good luck.
21:56.28bitcycleHey all.  Can someone point me to a good tutorial on setting up davmail and integrating it with lightning on the client side?
21:58.17TashBearzykotick9: Thank you man, have a nice day
21:58.42ompaulI said this but you timed out bitcycle: eh break your own problem down there a bit, installing lightning on icedove is something you do if it is available as an addon within icedove, then the whole davmail well that is depending on how you want your mail to be looked at apt-get install davmail does not work s0 it is not core to debian you can have fun with that - you could run a distro that supports it
22:00.01Hurr|canecan somone help me
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22:00.29Hurr|canelooking for a good apt- installation command for proxy on debian
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22:01.20Hurr|canees1 to xbox one
22:01.38valdynHurr|cane: what proxy do you want?
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22:05.05dpkgInternet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) is the next-generation IP version designed to replace IPv4.  Available in Debian since <potato>, full IPv6 support was a release goal for Squeeze.  #debian-ipv6 on, #ipv6 on  To disable IPv6 on your system, ask me about <noipv6>.
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22:07.45mroeI am running 2.6.32 and it seems like I don't have the ipv6 module loaded and yet I still have an ipv6 address
22:07.58mroeis the ipv6 module built into the kernel now?
22:08.10Dagger3mroe: it's in the kernel in Squeeze
22:08.19Skeeter-mine todesnt work
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22:08.53Skeeter-i must have blacklisted it before
22:09.00Skeeter-dunno how to make it worknow
22:09.05jarray52Does anyone have experience using wide format printers on Debian/linux?
22:09.07Dagger3mroe: so long as you only have addresses beginning with fe80:: (and ::1), you can just ignore it. shouldn't harm anything
22:09.16mroeDagger3, it is harming NFS
22:09.42TashBearjarray52: just ask!
22:10.10jarray52TashBear: Not sure what the best channel to ask the question is.
22:10.16*** join/#debian Speed` (
22:10.40jarray52What wide format printers/scanners are supported by Debian/linux?
22:11.26valdyn!disable ipv6
22:11.27dpkgTo disable use of <IPv6> on Lenny: echo install ipv6 /bin/true >> /etc/modprobe.d/local.conf (and reboot for this change to take effect).  From Squeeze onwards, IPv6 is built into the kernel (excluding loongson-2f flavour), add the kernel command line option ipv6.disable=1 to your bootloader.
22:11.30valdynSkeeter-: ^^
22:12.05Dagger3mroe: what specifically is broken? I suspect I won't know how to fix it, but I'd at least like to know the places where breakage happens
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22:12.46mroeI can't mount an nfs export on a machine with no ipv6 support
22:12.55mroeeven though I am using the ipv4 address
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22:14.11mroevaldyn, to add that to my boot loader I should add that line to /etc/grub/conf.d/40_custom?
22:14.23valdynmroe: no
22:14.35valdynmroe: dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc
22:14.42mroeI don't really know my way around grub2
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22:15.19valdynmroe: that custom script would be for non-debian systems. Debian pretty much autogenerates its own entries
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22:15.47valdynmroe: you just run abovementioned command or edit /etc/default/grub manually followed by update-grub
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22:17.53Dagger3mroe: ok, yeah, I don't have any clue why that is. really doesn't sound like the sort of thing that should happen :/
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22:19.27Skeeter-valdyn, i want it to work, not disable
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22:20.21Dagger3Skeeter-: are you getting fe80:: addresses in `ifconfig`?
22:20.39Skeeter-Dagger3, nope
22:20.51Skeeter-Dagger3, nvm, i do
22:20.58valdynSkeeter-: if you disabled it, then dpkg told you how you might have done that. Now you could reverse that, is that not obvious?
22:21.08Skeeter-but i cant "ping6
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22:21.24valdynSkeeter-: your isp supports ipv6?
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22:21.43valdyn(most isps do not, at least outside asia)
22:21.51Skeeter-yes -> connect: Network is unreachable
22:21.53Dagger3Skeeter-: ah, well, then the modules/code are loaded. but fe80:: (that is, Scope:Link) addresses aren't useful for reaching the global internet; you need proper addresses to do that (i.e. ISP support or a tunnel)
22:22.04*** join/#debian bs0d (
22:22.15valdynSkeeter-: how do you come to the "yes" conclusion from nothing working properly?
22:22.28Skeeter-valdyn, cuz i donty know anything in networking
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22:22.48valdynSkeeter-: that would lead me to the "I don't know" conclusion
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22:23.01Skeeter-my isp supports it
22:23.13robert45hey guys, I need to upgrade my proftpd-basic package to 1.3.3e, does anyone know how to do this?
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22:23.40valdynSkeeter-: they say explicitely that they dont support ipv6
22:23.47thewanderer1robert45, why do you *need* to do that?
22:23.54valdynSkeeter-: you need to setup an ipv6 tunnel first, thats written there
22:23.59Hurr|canecan somone tell me how to find a host on my own home tetwork
22:24.14civillianHurr|cane: walk around?
22:24.16thewanderer1Hurr|cane, have you lost it networkically or physically? :P
22:24.20robert45thewanderer1 I need to make my site PCI compliance and the version I have has vulnerabilities
22:24.28HSorgYvesmorning; it looks like one of my own servers brings the main firewall in a state where it blocks all incoming traffic; i have a guess which server it might be; how can I check what is going wrong there?
22:24.37Hurr|caneit's not connected jet to the router
22:24.39robert45have done this on centos but Im new on debian
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22:24.50thewanderer1robert45, it does not - Debian backports patches without changing version numbers. PCI compliance is bullcrap. change the version number and recompile.
22:24.55littlebithello people, im trying to create a multiboot usb stick which also includes debian isos and i use grub as a boot loader, can someone tell me how to configure grub to use the debian isos for that?
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22:25.39robert45thewanderer1 how can I check the bug changelog report from the backported version?
22:25.58robert45or how do I change the version number, the proftp-basic got installed from apt
22:26.02thewanderer1robert45, /usr/share/doc/$packagename/changelog*
22:26.06robert45its not a source compilation
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22:26.26thewanderer1robert45, to change the version number, you get the source package (apt-get source), alter what you need, and run "debian/rules binary"
22:26.27Hurr|canethewanderer1 can you help by this ?
22:26.50thewanderer1I may, if I don't get distracted by the utterly stupid movie on the TV :)
22:27.15robert45thewanderer1, and thats it?
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22:28.17thewanderer1robert45, yeah... PCI tests are the dumbest thing ever, they only look at versions and assume it's fine or not :P
22:28.41*** join/#debian Erik___ (441fbbed@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
22:28.43thewanderer1robert45, oh, you obviously need to install the resulting recompiled package afterwards
22:29.08thewanderer1robert45, and remember to only ever upgrade it by hand...
22:29.20karlpincrobert45: Best is to disable version number output to remote sites.
22:29.34Erik___I'm trying to copy a couple of log files over to my flash drive. I plug in my flash drive and cd /mount/ and see cdrom, cdrom0, cdrom1, and 2893-21A2
22:29.35karlpincrobert45: Often that's just configuration.
22:29.49Erik___I assume the latter is my flash drive and copy all necessary files there
22:29.54robert45karlpinc aah that would be easier, is it possible in proftp?
22:29.58Erik___It is not my flash drive. Any suggestions?
22:30.14robert45I dont think so
22:30.24Erik___I reformatted it a couple weeks ago and it has worked fine on all other computers.
22:30.29thewanderer1Erik___, check what it is, then :P
22:30.35karlpincrobert45: Dunno.  I prefer vsftp.  But I don't know if it's possible there either.  (Actualy I prefer to avoid ftp.  :-)
22:30.57thewanderer1Hurr|cane, so you don't know the IP address and want to find it, or you don't know *where* a box is?
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22:31.40Erik___thewanderer1: What do you mean? The others don't show what should be on the flash drive.
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22:31.54karlpincvaldyn: fbset seems to to bad things.  (I tried fbset -g 640 480 640 480 8, and I know that I can get 640x480 in grub.)
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22:33.11thewanderer1Erik___, wait, so what exactly is the problem? what I understood is that you copied your logs to some device, but the device turned out not to be your flash drive
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22:35.00Erik___thewanderer1: I'm not sure what the problem is. I go to /mount/ to see what my flash drive is. I copied some files and found out that none of them are actually my flash drive.
22:35.14Erik___thewanderer1: I think I might not understand where the flash drive is
22:35.25Erik___thewanderer1: Do you just go to /media/ ?
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22:38.18thewanderer1Erik___, none of what are your flash drive?
22:38.44Erik___thewander1: None of the things that look like directories in /media/ are my flash drive.
22:39.01teratomaso i made a custom nginx package. i built it with dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -k6BE55AA5 .
22:39.26karlpincErik___: Depending on the desktop you use you might need to manually mount the drive.  Or install the usbmount package and re-plug it in.  Does "mount" say it's mounted?
22:39.27teratoma6BE55AA5 is my key id.  i built it with dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -k6BE55AA5 . why cant i sign it?
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22:40.22spalhow can I enable transparency?
22:40.31babilenteratoma: Are you Sergey Budnevitch <> ?
22:40.33karlpincErik___: (dmesg will tell you what device it is when you plug/unplug it.)
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22:40.40teratomababilen: nope!  i want to sign with my key.
22:41.10raven^Hi! I have a /48 IPv6 range that I want added to a VPS. Anyone have a good guide on how to?
22:41.27teratomai thought this would build, and sign with my gpg key: dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -k6BE55 . what do you think ?  6BE55 is my keid
22:41.39babilenteratoma: You have to adjust the changelog then. Go into the top directory and run something like "dch -l+local" or so. Please read "man dch" to learn about that tool. Please note that you don't *have* to sign it. You also don't want to pass -us actually.
22:41.56teratomai want to sign it to put in a local repo
22:42.17Erik___karlpinc: dmesg says it is /dev/sdf1
22:42.25Erik___karlpinc: mount does not show /dev/sdf1
22:42.58Erik___karlpinc: I don't understand how it can work fine on other computers but not be automatically mounted.
22:43.10teratomawhat does the -us do?
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22:43.13babilenteratoma: You need a new entry in debian/changelog with an email addresses that is one of your key's UIDs. dch is a tool to use for that.
22:43.39Dagger3raven^: what are you trying to do -- I guess you've been assigned the range and you want to actually use it?
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22:43.46karlpincErik___: Then (as root) mount /dev/sdf1 /media/usb0  Or where ever you want to mount it.
22:43.46karlpincErik___: Mounting is something that your desktop does (or does not do).  You configure it to happen, or not.
22:43.46karlpincErik___: You could also use the pmount command as a regular user.
22:43.51raven^Dagger3: Exactly!
22:43.55babilenteratoma: "man dpkg-buildpackage" → "-us Do not sign the source package." "-uc  Do not sign the .changes file.
22:44.32teratomaoh.  those are exactly things i want to do!
22:44.40teratomano wonder im not getting anywhere
22:44.55karlpincErik___: If you want to use pmount your user has to be in the plugdev group.
22:45.12rempaxgot a built in wireless card and an external one, the builtin ones scan gets a list of wireless routers but the more powerful external wireless adapter get no results at all , what could be causing this?
22:45.25Dagger3raven^: can you pastebin the details they've given you? if you don't mind people in here knowing what the range is
22:45.44raven^Dagger3: Can I msg you them?
22:45.48karlpincErik___: If you did the default desktop install you should get a desktop that auto-mounts, I'm pretty sure.
22:45.58rempaxhow can i check that the external wireless adapter has a hardware problem and its nothing to do with software configuration ?
22:46.03teratomarempax: there are probably useful error messages in /var/log/daemon.log
22:46.15Erik___karlpinc: Okay, thanks
22:46.26Harzileinraven^: the hoster we use at work needs us to add a new mac for the interfaces that use v6 addresses so it can set up the routing
22:46.33rempaxteratoma : will have a look
22:46.46teratomarempax: i bet you're missing a binary firmware package
22:46.52Dagger3raven^: ok... I'd rather keep the main conversation here, but I'll censor the addresses when I do
22:47.01rempaxteratoma , that was the first problem, solved it
22:47.01Harzileinraven^: apart from that it was basicall ip addr -F inet6 add .../48
22:47.34raven^Harzilein: I used ip -6 addr add dev eth0
22:47.46Dagger3Harzilein: hm, adding an IP with a netmask of something other than /64 is usually a mistake :/
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22:48.15Dagger3Harzilein: even if you've been allocated a /48. that's 65,536 /64 subnets, and you only need one of them per LAN
22:48.49Harzileinsorry, i was adapting this to raven^'s example. yes, we have only a /64, hoster is that frugal ;)
22:48.54karlpincErik___: (FYI, the installer installs "tasks".  You can do this yourself with the tasksel command.  But installing the default desktop gets _lots_ of stuff.)
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22:49.23rempaxteratoma : all i can see in that file is info about wlan0, the external one is wlan1
22:49.33Dagger3Harzilein: bleh. we only have about 5000 /48s per person on the planet, so clearly we need to be stingy with our allocations :/
22:49.37rempaxteratoma: where else would you look ?
22:49.58teratomarempax: unplug the external wireless.  tail your logs.  plug the external wireless in.  does anything happen at all?
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22:50.46kreigncan anyone help me understand why dspam isn't packaged/available for debian (unless I run sid for hurd, that is)?
22:51.08raven^Harzilein: Did I do wrong when I used: ip -6 addr add dev eth0
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22:52.18rempaxteratoma : nothing.
22:52.25Dagger3raven^: strictly it depends on the network setup. is eth0 the interface that connects you to your provider?
22:52.31Harzileini feel it should "work", but Dagger3 might have some more advice on what would be "proper"
22:52.45Harzileinraven^: did your provider tell you a router for your net?
22:52.48teratomarempax: no idea
22:53.02karlpinc!tell kreign about dspam
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22:53.19raven^Harzilein: There are a few IPv4 allready, and they use eth0..would that be the same=
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22:53.36Harzileinraven^: can you tell us the ouput of uname -a?
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22:53.52initselfhow do i make route add -net netmask gw eth0 permenant?
22:54.14raven^Harzilein: Can I msg you a pastebin, don't wanna show all in public
22:54.24raven^root@data:~# uname -a
22:54.24raven^Linux 2.6.32-5-amd64 #1 SMP Thu Nov 3 03:41:26 UTC 2011 x86_64 GNU/Linux
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22:55.06thewanderer1Hurr|cane, sooo broadcast ping?
22:55.18Harzileinraven^: i was hoping for some -vserver or -openvz tag
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22:55.27Harzileinraven^: does eth0 have a hardware address?
22:56.04karlpinc!tell initself about interfaces
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22:56.21initselfi think rc.local is my answer?
22:56.42karlpincinitself: You can put the command right into the interfaces file.  There's hooks.
22:56.50initselfcool, thanks!
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22:57.48karlpincinitself: Something like post-up.
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22:59.24theSlow1Hey everyone, I need to compile some c++  code to run on the mini2440.
23:00.01*** mode/#debian [+l 1189] by debhelper
23:00.18theSlow1My main machine is debian6 AMD64... can someone help me, or give me some links on how to set up toolchain and compiler?
23:00.44GJdanehh, there's an entry in man mkfs, but using the command gets me -bash: mkfs: command not found
23:01.24theSlow1nvm, I found something promising, i'll come back when i get stuck
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23:02.51raven^Harzilein: irssi gives me: -!- Irssi: Unable to connect server port 6667 [Cannot assign requested address: 2a01:7900:3::2]
23:02.59raven^Looks like the range is added, but not working..
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23:03.31EdePopedeGJdan: /sbin/mkfs*
23:03.58Dagger3raven^: has your VPS provider told you the address which the /48 is routed *to*?
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23:04.22Dagger3raven^: or have they instead told you "here's your /48, and here's the default router" (and the default router is inside the /48?)
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23:04.23Harzileinraven^: but the interface's ip is ::1 in your paste
23:04.37setnerhi everyone
23:04.39GJdanEdePopede: ah, sbin isn't in my path
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23:06.35raven^I have no idea how networking works, that's why I ask stupid questions and don't know what you mean sometimes :S
23:06.44gustoi just installed the kernel 3.1 from the backports
23:06.58gustobut that one does not use the intel backlight driver, what is a good thing
23:07.00setnerhaving a hard time installing drivers for broadcom 4313 wireless card on my EeePC 1215N. Followed the instructions at but can't connect to my home wireless network. I can see the SSID but connection fails. Any ideas?
23:07.16gustobut how did they manage to pull that intel backlight driver into the background?
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23:07.50gustosetner: well, did you remove the old driver? what kernel are you using?
23:08.05Dagger3raven^: I have a suspicion you might be in good company... I'm not entirely convinced your VPS provider does either
23:08.45setneri'm using kernel 3.1.0-1-amd64
23:08.50setnerdebian 6 wheezy
23:09.01setnerwith GNOME Classic :D
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23:09.12Dagger3raven^: what's your v4 default router? are all the IPs from to yours?
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23:09.17gustosetner: you mean gnome2?
23:09.52gustosetner: what does lspci -vv say about the device .. which driver is in use?
23:10.16ravenDagger3: So, the line I used to insert the /48 was correct, but I'm missing a router?
23:10.33setnergusto, give me a minute please
23:10.34gustoraven: /48???
23:10.43Dagger3raven: I'm trying to work out what's going on in that paste
23:10.53ravengusto: IPv6 range
23:10.55Dagger3not sure if you got this: [23:09:11] <Dagger3> raven^: what's your v4 default router? are all the IPs from to yours?
23:10.56ravenDagger3: Ah
23:11.03setnerdriver in use is brcmsmac
23:11.09Dagger3or is your VPS provider?
23:11.19gustosetner: so, you have to pull that **** out of there
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23:11.34gustosetner: you have to blacklist that crap
23:11.44setnergusto, can you tell me how? i'm a n00b
23:11.45gustosetner: it has to use the wl driver
23:12.10setneryou mean inserting a line at /etc/modprobe.d/broadcom-sta.conf?
23:12.10gustosetner: hm ... try rmmod brcmsmac
23:12.35ravenDagger3: .. a copy of /etc/networks/interface
23:12.39setnerok, done
23:12.51simonlnu!module blacklist
23:12.53setnernow I can't see any wireless networks
23:12.58gustosetner: yes, ... into that configuration file you put that blacklist brcmsmac .. if it is not already tehre
23:13.00dpkgTo blacklist a Linux kernel module, create/edit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.local.conf and add a line similar to this (without quotes): "blacklist module_name".  If this doesn't work, do 'echo "install modulename /bin/true" >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.local.conf'.  IMPORTANT: ask about <blacklist-initramfs>.  To blacklist a module at installation time, ask me about <installer blacklist>.
23:13.14gustobecause if you did not reboot it can not be in effect
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23:13.22Dagger3raven: ok, I see what's going on. basically your provider doesn't really know what they're doing
23:13.40theSlow1Hey everyone, I am not familiar enough with debian:  where do I add a repo? what file do I add this line?
23:13.40theSlow1deb squeeze main
23:13.53gustotheSlow1: into /etc/apt/sources.list
23:13.59Dagger3raven: your provider hasn't *actually* routed you your range. what they've done is use it on the interface between you and them (so it's really their range, and you're just a guest on it)
23:14.00theSlow1gusto: thank you
23:14.02abrotmantheSlow1: /etc/apt/sources.list .. but why would you add that to a normal system ?
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23:14.06setnerok, done editing /etc/modprobe.d/broadcom-sta.conf
23:14.15setnergusto, now a reboot?
23:14.20gustosetner: no
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23:14.28gustosetner: we do not even know if it works
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23:14.45setnerok, how can I test it then?
23:14.55theSlow1abrotman: I need to compile my c++ code to run on arm9
23:14.56gustosetner: do rmmod brcmsmac and then check lspci -vv again
23:15.19ravenDagger3: So, what do I have to do to be able to use those IP's on my VPS?
23:15.24Dagger3raven: if you do `ip addr add 2a01:7900:3::2/48 dev eth0` you should get connectivity (make sure you remove whatever other address you've added) it possible to make a .deb file from a tar.bz2
23:15.28setnergusto, it doesn't show any driver in use
23:15.32gustosetner: cool
23:15.47gustosetner: now we put that wl in place with - modprobe wl
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23:16.03gustosetner: and check again with lspci -vv
23:16.08simonlnuRaymond_: /msg dpkg nmg (here, not in a terminal)
23:16.27Dagger3raven: you should be able to assign any IPs from 2a01:7900:3::/48 that aren't in use (i.e.  2a01:7900:3::/48 to 2a01:7900:3:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff/48 excluding 2a01:7900:3::1)
23:16.39ravenDagger3: Why look at that, it worked :)
23:16.41gustoi hate this broadcom cards
23:16.44setnergusto, no driver in use again after the # modprobe wl
23:16.48raven00:16 -!- Irssi: Your nick is owned by the quoted one [raven@raven.irc]
23:16.48raven00:16 -!- raven_ [raven@2a01:7900:3::2]
23:16.54gustowell, check if it was already tehre
23:17.03Dagger3raven: what you CANNOT do is e.g. set up a routed VPN with it
23:17.08gustosetner: do lsmod | grep -i wl
23:17.35setnercan I post these 2 lines here?
23:17.44Dagger3raven: because to do that, you need an IP range routed to you, and your provider _hasn't done that_ (and probably don't even realize they haven't :/)
23:17.44ravenDagger3: So I have to do that line with every IP, or are all IP's avaliable on my VPS now?
23:17.54Raymond_simonlnu, what do you mean
23:17.54gustosetner: when it shows that that wl driver was there, we need to unload it with rmmod wl and then load it with modprobe wl again, so that he claims that hardware for itself
23:17.59*** join/#debian Emmanuel_Chanel (
23:18.13setnergusto, ok. let me try that then
23:18.13Dagger3raven: you have a bunch of addresses available to choose from, and can add any of them to eth0
23:18.29gustosetner: is that broadcom card the airforce one?
23:18.33simonlnuRaymond_: when you do that, you msg someone or a bot, in this case, our channel's bot. it'll open a tab or window when you do that
23:18.45ravenDagger3: Stupid questions continues, how do I add them? :S
23:18.58Dagger3raven: it looks like you have 90.205.60.{2..7} too? basically that /48 works the same, except you have 2^80 addresses instead of 2^3 addresses
23:19.01simonlnuRaymond_: the bot will tell you some info about your question
23:19.21Dagger3raven: same way. `ip addr add 2a01:7900:3::42/48 dev eth0` or whatever address
23:19.29*** join/#debian mylogic (~matt@
23:19.32setnergusto, now it shows driver wl in use. But I have no wireless networks listed although I now have a list for the Wired and Wireless network
23:19.46ravenDagger3: So I just change the ::2 to ::3 to add ::3?
23:19.48setnergusto, how can I see if this model is the airforce one?
23:19.59gustosetner: try iwlist scan
23:20.16gustoif it shows any wlan networks
23:20.23Dagger3raven: indeed
23:21.00setnergusto: it shows a bunch of data about one network SSID (which is not the one from my home network)
23:21.13*** join/#debian Fragggy (
23:21.14gustosetner: cool
23:21.42ravenDagger3: Sweet, now to get some vhosts to try it with
23:21.43gustowhat does dmesg say?
23:22.03Dagger3raven: and here's how you do things in /e/n/i:
23:22.12gustosetner: put your dmesg into a pastebin and give me the link, i have to look at it
23:22.23Dagger3so they actually stick around over reboots
23:22.35gustoand then i am going to sleep, i have enough of these broacdom cards, i have two my own
23:22.36setnergusto: ok thank you. give a few seconds
23:23.17*** join/#debian slvmchn (
23:23.36gustobut i think we are on the wrong way because it really looks like the airforce one .. i have that one too in one desktop i manage
23:24.14ravenDagger3: $IFACE should be in caps?
23:24.15setnergusto: thank you very much for your help by the way
23:24.22*** part/#debian Raymond_ (
23:24.26setnerI learned some commands I didn't know
23:24.32setnerbecause of your help
23:24.39Dagger3raven: yeah, that's how I've done it in my /e/n/i... though you could probably just write eth0 and be done with it
23:24.44gustosetner: i ve seen this before
23:24.49*** join/#debian debsucks (b6444ad3@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
23:25.30debsuckshow do i login
23:25.38Dagger3raven: oh, doh, forgot the netmasks:
23:25.44debsucksi installed the cd
23:25.44gustoit seems to me like the airforce one ... we maybe have to remove the wl driver with rmmod wl again and put that old one into place with modprobe brcmsmac and then do iwlist scan and look what dmesg says again
23:25.58debsucksnow when i boot it asks for a password
23:26.09gustosetner: but it would be better to give me the complete output of dmesg, not just the last linest
23:26.09debsucksi dont know the password
23:26.17setnergusto, ok
23:26.17*** join/#debian debsan (~debsan@
23:26.20gustosetner: i would have it figured out by now
23:26.21debsuckshelp please asap
23:26.24setner10 seconds
23:26.33themilldpkg: tell debsucks about patience
23:27.03debsucksthere is another window popping in my client now
23:27.07debsucksis it a virus
23:27.13*** join/#debian aesptux (
23:27.15abrotmantroll much ?
23:27.25gustowell, a virus does not open windows
23:27.27debsuckshalp me
23:27.38*** mode/#debian [+q *!*@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] by ChanServ
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23:27.57themilldebsucks: how about using a few minutes away from #debian to remember the password you typed into the installer.
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23:29.53gustosetner: it looks like we are only missing the firmware
23:30.14setnergusto: here it is
23:30.19setnerups, sorry
23:30.22*** part/#debian drawks (
23:30.24gustosetner: and you need an external antenna with a metre of 50 ohm cable
23:31.10setnergusto: what?!! :|
23:31.13setneran antenna?
23:31.40gusto[ 3294.124059] atl1c 0000:02:00.0: vpd r/w failed.  This is likely a firmware bug on this device.  Contact the card vendor for a firmware update.
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23:32.13gustowhich driver is in use now?
23:32.21*** part/#debian debsucks (b6444ad3@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
23:33.07gustosetner: is it a pci card?
23:33.36*** join/#debian Jguy (
23:33.49setneratl1c is the driver in use for the wired card
23:34.11setnerwl is the driver for the wireless card
23:34.23gustoand what does iwlist scan say?
23:34.36setnerNo scan results
23:35.06gustosetner: is the card on?
23:35.15*** join/#debian e20100633 (~e201@unaffiliated/e20100633)
23:35.18setnerbut now I have 3 wireless networks showing up, although none of them is the one I want to connect to
23:35.24gustosetner: try to set it an ip address with ifconfig wlan0
23:35.29gustosetner: try to set it an ip address with ifconfig wlan0 up
23:36.02gustosetner: ok
23:36.07gustoso you have some
23:36.14gustooh god
23:36.17gustothat can be so much
23:36.18setnergusto: right
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23:36.44setneri've set IP without error
23:37.15gustoto me it seems like the antenna is somehow distorting its own signal
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23:37.39gustois it a pci card with rpsma connector?
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23:38.50setnergusto: sorry for my ignorance but how can I know that? I have a EeePC 1215N
23:39.06setnerI don't even know what a rpsma connector is
23:39.14gustoo kok
23:39.16gustook ok
23:40.14gustoi do not know any more, and with that old brcmsmac driver you did not get any wlan networks right?
23:40.49teratomai cant figure out why dput is hanging here, any ideas?:
23:41.02setnerwell, I got a list and the one from my home network appeared but I couldn't connect to it
23:41.12gustomaybe he did not find the right firmware .. did you install the broadcom firmware packages?
23:41.47gustosetner: do you have the non-free repositories in your /etc/apt/sources.list ?
23:42.06*** mode/#debian [-q *!*@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] by ChanServ
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23:42.25setnergusto: yes to both
23:42.39gustoi do not know
23:42.46setnerI installed everything as is in here:
23:42.53gustoi am sure i would figure it out, but not over the irc
23:43.15setnerthanks anyway
23:43.18*** join/#debian derchris^ (
23:43.26setnerI'll try to see online for more info
23:43.36setnerand tell you if I got lucky
23:43.56setnerif you happen to be on irc
23:44.07gustodid you also do "# modprobe -r b44 b43 b43legacy ssb brcmsmac"?
23:45.09*** join/#debian mosno (~mosno@unaffiliated/mosno)
23:45.28gustoit says that your device is supported by both ... so you are lucky :-D
23:45.32spersaudhow do you configure alsa or oss ?
23:45.45gustoOSS is obsolete
23:45.50gustono one should use it
23:46.05wald0privative applications like to use it
23:46.28gustoi am going to sleep
23:46.29dpkgThe enter key is not a substitute for punctuation.  Hitting enter unnecessarily makes it difficult to follow what you are saying.  Consider using ',', '. ', ';', '...', '---', or ':' instead.  If you hit enter too often, you will be autokicked by debhelper for flooding the channel.
23:46.31gustogood night
23:46.35spersaudhow do I reconfigure alsa ?
23:46.41spersaudsound on my laptop just died
23:48.29setnergood night to all
23:49.05*** join/#debian vigilant (~vigilant@2001:470:4:897::1337)
23:49.33wald0spersaud: good question, i know that there's "alsaconf" in the past but now... i have no idea
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23:57.58blueskyHi: Will Debian 64bit install on Intel Core i3 computer?
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23:58.41spersaudthis is my output from speaker-test
23:59.05abrotmanbluesky: is the CPU 64bit capable ?
23:59.39abrotmanspersaud: maybe unload/reload alsa and sound driver modules ?
23:59.45*** join/#debian miamiseb (

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