IRC log for #debian on 20111212

00:00.06simonlnui know what they do... i prefer $()
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00:02.24simonlnuAim_Here: i've been using debian since 2002, and spent a lot of that learning CLI, so thanks for the help but i don't need it ;)
00:02.57Aim_HereWell if you're going to ask, then someone's in danger of just telling you the answer
00:04.11sedulousHow can I install proftpd and pure-ftpd at the same time?
00:04.23simonlnuum, i wasn't. it was rhetorical, i had put in a tongue-in-cheek on top of that >> ":P"
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00:04.35simonlnusedulous: o_O
00:04.46seduloussimonlnu: Is my question confusing?
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00:05.36simonlnuno, just wondering why you'd do that
00:07.15seduloussimonlnu: pure-ftpd is already in place and in use. Now a few user accounts need certain features that are only provided by proftpd. The packages conflict with each other and I wonder why.
00:07.59simonlnuwell, for starters, they use the same ports by default ;).
00:08.07IRConanthat shouldn't cause them to block
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00:08.14simonlnulike trying to have postfix and exim at the same time
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00:08.19IRConanlighttpd and apache use the same ports but they can co-exist
00:08.26sedulous ('#398821 - Pure-ftpd : unnecessary conflict - Debian Bug report logs')
00:08.45simonlnuIRConan: many packages do this. yes granted it's easy to get around it.
00:08.58seduloussimonlnu: How, without rebuilding a package?
00:09.05simonlnuif you know how to do that, you can get around the conflicts too
00:09.56simonlnui'm playing devil's advocate here. not my own personal opinion.
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00:10.14sedulousHow do you get around it?
00:11.02simonlnua number of ways, yes it involved rebuilding. or, install from source (rebuild in easier to manage in the long term)
00:11.12born2trollwhen i play urban terror or red eclipse the sound suddenly stops, alsa is giveing an error and pulseaudio dies at all. is there a patch for that on backports?
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00:12.04seduloussimonlnu: Then you'd have to monitor updates and automatically rebuild it regularly. That's an excessive amount of work for a conflict that should not exist in the first place.
00:12.22sedulousMaybe there's a good reason for the conflict. I don't see it.
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00:13.09eni23mabye ask here again, the kernel-devs are REALLY uncool. does linux have something like the windows driver kit (wdk) ? because i dont want to understand every bit of the kernel and spend years, i just want to make some hardware working (my touchscreen-pc and some prototypes ive developes)
00:13.11simonlnuthere used to be, mainly because of virtual packages and other reasons. nowadays probably not so wise any more.
00:13.47sedulous(You'd also have to setup a complete backporting environment i you want to use both on a squeeze server.)
00:14.22simonlnusedulous: well, people do that when they have to. a distro isn't supposed to provide for everyone's needs, just the vast majority.
00:14.39simonlnuif you need specific support, you do it yourself.
00:15.01seduloussimonlnu: That's absolutely right, however in this case, the change would not impact anyone else, as far as I know.
00:15.18simonlnuyou can't expect them to take care of every single corner case. yes, removing the silly conflicts would help a lot.
00:16.33simonlnuit's usually newbies (or cluebies) that install ftpds, and they may want to install 2 of them. then when neither starts, they come here or some random web forum or mailing list saying "they don't work".
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00:16.55simonlnu(yeh ok silly example :P)
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00:20.56serega_byI try, I can't install driver =)
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00:22.43serega_byError"Api mismatch the nVIDIA kernel module as version 195.36.91 but this MVIDIA driver component has version 290.10"
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00:24.04serega_byhow installl this stupid driver ?
00:24.08abrotmandid you try to use the .run file from ?
00:24.24serega_byit is not work
00:24.32abrotmannow you've made a mess
00:24.42born2trollwhen i play urban terror or red eclipse the sound suddenly stops, alsa is giveing an error and pulseaudio dies at all. is there a patch for that on backports?
00:24.45serega_byit is simply closing when i try to start it
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00:25.52serega_byhow to installl this driver ?
00:25.57serega_byfor nvidia
00:26.01abrotmanyou've been told five or six times
00:26.14abrotmannot a single time did anyone tell you to go to
00:26.25serega_byis it realy so hard or i so dumb?
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00:28.09born2trollserga_by what driver? 560 ti?
00:28.38serega_byadapter GeForce 6150
00:29.12abrotmangets the popcorn
00:29.14serega_byi download LINUX DISPLAY DRIVER - X86 version 290.10
00:29.30babilenserega_by: Make sure you uninstall *every trace* of the installer/installation. AFAIK there is a script/program/tool in uninstall-nvidia that helps with that.
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00:30.16wobblyonionsanyone here a user of ntop and using it for remote devices?
00:30.20babilenserega_by: #nvidia probably knows best how to remove it
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00:30.55abrotmanwobblyonions: probably someone .. ask your real question
00:31.41born2trollbabilen btw is there something new from my drive? no i guess?
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00:32.30serega_byi can't remove something with gui interface, because i can't start X-server
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00:33.09serega_byalso i don't know which packeges i need to remove
00:33.44jsoft_remove _ALL_ the packages!
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00:35.58acuI want to wget everything in folder from a site -  what wget command I need to do ?
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00:41.00abrotmanacu: man wget .. i believ eit has an example
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00:42.44acuabrotman: I am looking at it now - I have one which gets the whole site :) I do not want that - let me see ...
00:42.50wobblyonionsI have ntop running on a debian server and its working fine for analyzing traffic for the local server but when adding remote sflow and netflow devices I am seeing MAC address and not IP address
00:43.23wobblyonionsntop running on Debian and the remote device is a Extreme L3 switch as well as a Fortigate Firewall
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00:53.08abrotmanwobblyonions: well, it may do that because IPs are dynamic ?
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00:53.37wobblyonionsall IP's are static, I am a newbie to the world of NTOP so very possibly not configured the remote hosts correctly7
00:53.41wobblyonionsall IP's are static, I am a newbie to the world of NTOP so very possibly not configured the remote hosts correctly
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00:58.35eni23does someone knows if this is still actual:
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01:05.10abrotmaneni23: what part of it ?
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01:05.52eni23abrotman: specially 2 and 3?
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01:08.16eni23a kernel dev just wrote me: "Yes :)"
01:08.26abrotmaneni23: how was that confusing?
01:08.38abrotmaneni23: think like the nvidia drivers that are outside the tree and break a lot
01:08.46abrotmanand yeah .. the API can change at will
01:09.19eni23that is really uncool for me. i dont mean big drivers like graphics, i mean smaller ones eg for hid devices
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01:09.38eni23usually only 100-1000 lines of code
01:09.59abrotmaneni23: so get them in the kernel
01:10.49eni23abrotman: yes i try it. but kernel-devs are really uncool and dont like to answer questions ive learned
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01:12.00eni23abrotman: and i came from uc and windows world in hardware. i have some questions but kernel devs are reeeealy quiet
01:12.01abrotmanor perhaps the questions are not phrased poorly?
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01:13.33eni23abrotman: ohno they answer but only "rtfm" or "you can't do that in that way". but for some kernel things are just no 'tmf', so what to do?
01:14.39abrotmanrtfm? or ask which fm
01:14.42eni23abrotman: take bluez for example. alot of things are not really clear and there is no such thing as an dev-manual. just some comments and a 30-line howto
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01:15.25eni23if i ask which fm i normally get no answer
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01:16.28abrotmanwell, complaining in #debian won't get you anywhere
01:16.50eni23userspace-linux devs are cooler eg for debian i everytime get an answer
01:17.01eni23im shuttin up ..
01:17.43abrotmanthere is #kernel here and #kernel-newbies on oftc
01:17.47eni23just thinked that someone here knows something
01:19.49nkuttlereni23: when there are no docs there's always the source which is probably well documented
01:20.06eni23overall i just have to say f** linux and do it for windows it will work too. i dont have the nerves to read million lines of sourcecode and gets me telled that i should ask something else or read the f*** manuan or dont do it that way but telling me no way
01:20.39abrotmanyou have the source code to windows?
01:20.42eni23i just mean for hardware i like linux as desktop and server system
01:21.18eni23abrotman: no but there is a thing called windows driver kit etc ih haves really better developer support
01:21.31abrotmanand again .. whining here does you no good
01:21.49eni23i know. just saying.
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01:22.20eni23thats why alot of devices wont work in linux
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01:22.54eni23just because they think "we are better" and rtfm and things
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01:23.04eni23s*** that good night
01:23.05nkuttleri like my kernel how it is. thanks
01:23.27eni23nkuttler: i wanna port windows drivers to
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01:23.42eni23linux. ive developed the devices on my own
01:23.45pablohi, where can I find the template for the rules file?
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01:25.09nkuttlerpablo: i'd assume that's convered in the new maint guide?
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01:26.14pablonkuttler: I don't want to create a new one, only want to compare with the default one
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01:34.32confus3dhello. For some reason, my NTFS drive will only mount with rw for root. no other user can read or write to it
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01:34.42confus3dI've tried all possible combinations in fstab, but nothing will work
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01:35.30confus3dIt's worked before, though
01:35.52streunerconfus3d: /msg dpkg user accessible ntfs
01:36.07kingsleyHow would you coax a file system on a USB drive to mount after plugging it in?
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01:37.49oldtopmankingsley: mount
01:37.55nsadminwellyou could just run mount /file/system /mount/point
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01:38.14kj4anyone have a good link to install of a LAMP env on squeeze?
01:38.26nsadminwellyou could just run mount -t filesystemtype /file/system /mount/point
01:38.48kingsleyoldtopman & nsadmin: Yes, I agree. Do you happen to know a better way than the "lsusb" command to find out which device the USB drive is on?
01:39.13nsadminnot better, just different: dmesg | head
01:39.18abrotman| tail ?
01:39.26kj4cmon, dont make me run bubuntu server
01:39.26nsadminright sorry
01:39.44abrotmankj4: the command would be the same ... try a better troll
01:39.48oldtopmankingsley: "fdisk -l"
01:39.59kingsleyOops, wrong window!
01:40.11kj4abrotman: really not trolling, what is the command or link pls?
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01:40.47nsadminor better: don't try a better troll, or a worse troll, or an equal value troll...
01:42.25nsadminkj4, are you pretty good with the shell? conventional wisdom suggests that doing normal things in the shell are usually very much the same across all dists
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01:42.34nsadminother than package stuff
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01:43.40confus3dI found my problem.. thanks
01:43.47confus3dI was using ntfs, and should have used ntfs-3g
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01:44.14nsadminohh, good enuf... glad you found it
01:44.14confus3din fstab, I mean
01:44.26oldtopmanAnyone here know how to launch XDM inside of a running x11 env?
01:44.29kj4nsadmin: thanks, i was hoping for some nice tutorial link
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01:45.19boudiccaskj4; google for it
01:45.21nsadminkj4, well lamp, each letter stands for its component
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01:45.28streunerconfus3d: strange, i dont need to make an entry in fstab
01:45.32kingsleyHmmm... The USB drive isn't listed in dmesg, fdisk -l or /var/log/messages.
01:45.51kingsleyI'll try a different USB port.
01:45.56nsadminl=linux, you got that, a=apache, so install that
01:46.03oldtopmankingsley: Then the system doesn't know it exists. Does lsusb turn up anything?
01:46.17streunerconfus3d: well, i use it only as root, so forget my statement before
01:46.38craigevilkingsley, run dmesg it should show the device and mount point for it
01:46.46confus3dI meant for auto mounting
01:46.59confus3dor yours does that too?
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01:47.27cthuluholdtopman: I believe xdm hasn't been designed for such a thing ; though you could try to start it on a different display
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01:47.36nsadminm=mysql (me=yecch!! try postgres! but to each their own) p=php (this one is the most challenging, because apps seem very sensitive to which version)
01:47.51streunerconfus3d: no, i manually mount the ntfs partition(s), the entries in the <factoids> of dpkg's db changed
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01:48.08confus3dahhh, yeah, I want mine auto mounted, so I did the fstab
01:48.41streunerconfus3d: but, basically, you need uid and and gid
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01:49.08nsadminlet's see if I can come up with an acronym for my web stack... Postgres, Linux, Aolserver, Tcl... PLAT!!
01:49.13kingsleyoldtopman: lsusb reports other usb devices, but not the one I want.
01:49.26confus3dok, thnaks streuner
01:49.26oldtopmankingsley: Not recognised, sorry :(
01:49.31kingsleycraigevil: I'd think so too, but no luck.
01:49.33streunerconfus3d: no worries
01:49.43kj4thanks nsadmin
01:49.46oldtopmancthuluh: bah. Thanks anyway :)
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01:50.26nsadminkj4, do you code php yourself? will you for this particular app? and/or use existing stuff?
01:50.27streunerconfus3d: the "id" command gives you the infos about...
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01:51.15kj4nsadmin: this is for a web server running joomla
01:51.34kj4nsadmin: i code nothing yet : (
01:51.37streunerconfus3d: just run "id" as user
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01:52.25nsadmin(also NOTE carefully, if you need a php whose version is not provided, you may need to install apache's and mysql's -dev lib stuff, and build php AND -any- modules that plug into php that you need)
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01:52.48nsadminthe above may or may not be for the faint of heart
01:52.58abrotmanmaybe show him how to find hte packages instead of spoonfeeding
01:53.03kingsleyI'm happy to report that pulling the USB drive out and re-inserting it seems to have caused it to be mounted.
01:53.19kingsleyI suspect I just needed to find a working USB port.
01:53.45nsadminabrotman, is joomla packaged by any chance?
01:53.47yfeldblumfrom `du -k` ... "13164/usr/lib/perl/5.10.1/auto" ... 13MB, what's it for? is it needed?
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01:54.28simonlnuyfeldblum: no doubt it is
01:54.33acuI want to wget everything in folder (there are few files and a subfolder from site)e -  what wget command would fetch the whole content of the folder ?
01:54.42v116vhello, good night
01:54.52kj4nsadmin: thanks.  forewarned is four-armed
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01:55.06v116vi have a problem with the resolution screen
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01:55.10nsadminforewarned is twopeopled?
01:55.13v116vcan help me?
01:55.27simonlnukj4: *groan*
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01:55.36v116vi am spanish, i don't write english very well
01:55.40yfeldblumsimonlnu, trying to build a minimal system ...
01:55.44dpkgEste canal es de soporte tecnico en Ingles para Debian.  Si prefiere que el soporte sea en espanol, por favor ingrese a #debian-es con /join #debian-es tecleado en la linea de chat.
01:55.44streunerv116v: in order to do what?
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01:56.04v116vdpkg: i know, thanks
01:56.04dpkgv116v: i don't know
01:56.10nsadminv116v, would you like to read/write spanish for this help?
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01:56.36v116vstreuner: i using x11vnc
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01:56.43v116vmy monitor is off
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01:57.06v116vand debian don't detect it and don't rule the resolution by defect
01:57.32v116vi need fix the resolution to use vnc
01:58.04v116vyou understand me?
01:58.15streunersure, but i have no idea
01:58.24v116vstreuner: ok
01:58.43nsadminI also have no idea, and I'd like to see if I understand correctly...
01:59.01nsadminyou have a machine whose monitor is off...
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01:59.24nsadminyou want to use vnc for display on remote...
01:59.37v116vand rule
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01:59.44v116vbut the resolution sucks
02:00.00v116vi rule it with ssh tunel
02:00.02nsadminthe x on the "headless" machine doesn't detect the resolution you want
02:00.38nsadminhow close is the headless to the machine you want to display on?
02:01.01nsadmin1 meter? several hundred km?
02:01.02v116vone moment please i translate you in google translate
02:01.28streuneromg, google can be sometimes very bad to translate
02:01.35*** join/#debian claw (~claw@
02:01.59nsadminthat's not surprising... they named themselves google...
02:02.05*** join/#debian claw (~claw@
02:02.30v116vsorry in don't understand you nsadmin
02:02.35*** join/#debian claw (~claw@
02:02.43streunerv116v: forget that, just use your own words
02:03.07nsadminok, what name do you give to the machine that you turn the monitor off?
02:03.23nsadmin(we need machine names for the conversation)
02:03.36*** join/#debian joeyy (joey@
02:03.44joeyyany one using nginx
02:03.52simonlnu!anyone use
02:03.53dpkgNo, no one uses it, not even the people who use it.
02:04.09*** join/#debian apasdnom (
02:04.20streunerjoeyy: nginx isnt in Debian...
02:04.26simonlnuyes it is
02:04.49streunerwell, that was in the past, it surely changed than
02:04.52v116vemmmm i need one script with xrand
02:04.57v116vin the boot
02:05.05simonlnu,versions nginx
02:05.07juddPackage: nginx on i386 -- lenny: 0.6.32-3+lenny3; lenny-security: 0.6.32-3+lenny3; lenny-backports: 0.7.67-3~bpo50+1; squeeze: 0.7.67-3; squeeze-backports: 1.1.0-1~bpo60+1; sid: 1.1.8-2; wheezy: 1.1.8-2
02:05.14*** join/#debian TheDreamer (~Youri@2001:0:5ef5:79fb:14b7:f848:ac5e:f7d7)
02:05.16v116vi don't know the level to run it
02:05.40streunersimonlnu: it seems we are talking about a different thing then :-)
02:05.43v116vand i don't know write it
02:05.46zykotick9Problem with mirror.  squeeze / wheezy / sid all giving "403  Forbidden" for "amd64 Packages".  My aptitude update (from squeeze) at if I change to to the main US mirror (only one I've tried) updates work successfully.  Is there anything I should be trying before emailing regarding the issue?
02:05.59nsadminto give others clue where I'm going... if same room, why not use x server and xdmcp to connect to headless box
02:06.18joeyyi was wounding if any one used it for there site
02:06.37*** join/#debian claw (~claw@
02:06.40simonlnujust ask the real question instead of this meta stuff
02:06.58v116vque raro hablais cabrones
02:07.11v116vno hay Dios que pille una...
02:07.13abrotmanv116v: english here
02:07.17v116vyes yes
02:07.18simonlnuaren't you nice. NOT
02:08.06*** join/#debian claw (~claw@
02:08.18cthuluhgoogle translate doesn't fail at translating 03:06 < v116v> que raro hablais cabrones
02:08.31v116vcan help me with one post in the www?
02:08.44v116vx11vnc with problem resolution...
02:08.55v116vknow one?
02:09.00v116vo algo...
02:09.02nsadminok, what name do you give to the machine that you turn the monitor off?
02:09.41streunernsadmin: he prolly unterstood that question...
02:09.50streunernsadmin: doesnt*
02:10.08nsadminok, is topsecret in the same room with you? or hundreds of miles away?
02:10.23abrotmanv116v: do you need Debian help ?
02:10.34v116vabrotman: yes, of course
02:10.47v116vi have the same problem 3 weeks
02:11.07*** join/#debian claw (~claw@
02:11.14v116vi can't solve it with tightvncserver...
02:11.44v116vi need fix the resolution in the xrand or i don't know
02:12.01coagulawhats default console after fresh non-gui install, VGA?
02:12.06nsadminhe's not responding to me... which isn't a problem since I am quickly running out of time
02:12.31streunerno worries
02:12.32*** join/#debian ajaykools (~ajay@
02:12.32v116vcoagula: i dont have graphis card, i have a AMD APU CPU
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02:13.09nsadminis he talking about a cpu with graphics builtin?
02:13.43coagulav116v: sorry I was asking for myself..
02:13.48v116vthis cpu include the glx
02:14.08*** join/#debian streuner_ (
02:14.15coagulaI think I've got the same setup though, graphics built into intel atom CPU
02:14.16v116vsorry i dont undertand english very well, sorry
02:14.19v116vvery much
02:14.47nsadminkeep pluggin
02:14.57*** part/#debian dsdeiz (
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02:17.13nsadminanyway tho, I've run out of time; gotta accomplish stuff :)
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02:19.20simonlnulater nsadmin
02:20.10nsadminhave a good nite... me gonna play som music!!
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02:39.50pablohi guys, do I need a key to sign packages, or if I have a mentor it is not needed?
02:40.07ShinyDarknessHello. I have installed libboost-all-dev, which currently points to Boost version 1.42.0. However FindBoost.cmake only references Boost versions up to 1.41.0. I have installed all updates on my machine. What could be the problem?
02:40.08*** join/#debian adam8157 (~adam@unaffiliated/adam8157)
02:40.49streuner_pablo: only DD's sign packages...
02:40.50ShinyDarknessI have installed the latest stable version of each package.
02:41.14pablostreuner_: thx
02:41.16*** join/#debian rodrigods (~rodrigods@unaffiliated/rodrigods)
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02:41.30streuner_judd, versions libboost-all-dev
02:41.31juddPackage: libboost-all-dev on i386 -- squeeze:; sid:; wheezy:
02:41.58ShinyDarknessjudd: I am using squeeze.
02:42.00juddNo package named 'am' was found in squeeze/i386.
02:42.07streuner_ShinyDarkness: we know...
02:42.37*** join/#debian claw (~claw@
02:42.37streuner_ShinyDarkness: sorry, but what should be the problem at all?
02:43.17ShinyDarknessstreuner_: When I tried compiling a very simple test program, I got series of "unresolved dependency" errors.
02:44.15JaredKzhey, I'm running Debian with Virtualbox installed on a XDM desktop environment, however on this machine I'm running, it doesn't let me type into it
02:44.37*** join/#debian claw (~claw@
02:44.57JaredKzit used to, but only one letter at a time and each time I had to mouse out of the VM and then mouse back in
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02:45.44pablohow do I generate a tar.gz with the content of the debian folder while packaging instead of a diff.gz?
02:46.06*** join/#debian timahvo1 (~rogue@
02:46.10mentorDo you not want to be using dpkg-buildpackage?
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02:46.48pablomentor: I want to use dpkg-buildpackage
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02:48.34mentorpablo: Look at the dpkg-source options
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02:51.07pablomentor: thx
02:51.39MasterdevHi, I have the following question: libncurses.a the same as
02:51.43streuner_ShinyDarkness: is the app. in Debian at all?
02:52.04mentorMasterdev: no
02:52.30MasterdevI am trying to install mysql and I need libcurses and it says that it is already installed but can't locate it
02:52.33mentorMasterdev: One is a static object/library archive, and the other is a dynamically loadable object/library
02:52.34*** join/#debian ballcutter (
02:52.49mentorMasterdev: Are you compiling mysql?
02:52.50ShinyDarknessstreuner_: What app?
02:53.01Masterdevmentor yes
02:53.10*** join/#debian infernix (nix@unaffiliated/infernix)
02:53.11Masterdevand there's no /opt/ncurses/lib/libncurses.a
02:53.13streuner_ShinyDarkness: i meant a package, otherwise you have to fullfill the depends
02:53.14mentorMasterdev: You need the dev packages
02:53.29mentorMasterdev: However, more importantly, WHY are you compiling it?
02:53.40ShinyDarknessstreuner_: Yes, the only thing I have installed that is not a Debian package is node.js.
02:54.39mentorThat's been packaged now, I believe
02:54.40Masterdevmentor I am following this tutorial for installing MySQL 5.1
02:54.50mentorMasterdev: Yes… Why?
02:55.04Masterdevbecause can't do it other way
02:55.06*** join/#debian claw (~claw@
02:55.10mentorMasterdev: Why not?
02:55.44Masterdevmentor what else?
02:55.57mentorMasterdev: Why don't you jsut install the mysql package?
02:56.03streuner_ShinyDarkness: if you got errors, there should be a log file which should tell you what is missing
02:56.06*** join/#debian claw (~claw@
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02:56.25Masterdevmentor I get the following error E: Unable to locate package mysql
02:56.27gparentHey, I have this weird issue with my debian system where hashing the same file over and over returns different hashes
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02:56.37gparentThis is on a partition that is running over raid
02:56.38mentor!tell Masterdev about search
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02:57.55streuner_ShinyDarkness: if you got errors, there should be a log file which should tell you what is missin
02:58.35mentorMasterdev: Found it?
02:58.40streuner_ShinyDarkness:  build-essential is the basic package you need in order to compile in Debian, and other packages are foo-dev
02:58.53ShinyDarknessstreuner_: Okay, I will install those.
02:58.58ShinyDarknessstreuner_: Thank you.
02:59.02mentorgparent: Which file?
02:59.24mentorgparent: And what kind of RAID?
02:59.36*** join/#debian claw (~claw@
02:59.38gparentmentor: it's a 3GBish .iso file, over RAID 5.
02:59.47gparentHowever I can do the hashing over another file and it works fine
02:59.57Masterdevmentor found only /etc/bash_completion.d/mysqladmin
03:00.00gparentonly certain files seem to get a different hash for every execution
03:00.02streuner_ShinyDarkness: if its not in Debian (package), its a thingie of the README/INSTALL file of that program...
03:00.13mentorgparent: Have you tried verifying your RAID?
03:00.17ShinyDarknessstreuner_: Ah!
03:00.22gparentwith mdadm?
03:00.28gparentright now im installing the smart tools
03:00.33mentorMasterdev: Did you read the info from dpkg?
03:00.35*** join/#debian xiangfu_ (
03:00.48mentorgparent: Is this a software RAID?
03:01.18mentorgparent: Are the logs showing anything?
03:01.29gparentwhich ones in particular?
03:01.39mentorkernel logs for the RAID device
03:01.51Masterdevmentor yes I did no libncurses found
03:01.52mentorI.e., hardware errors or unsync
03:02.03gparentim not seeing anything scary in dmesg
03:02.06*** join/#debian claw (~claw@
03:03.24mentorgparent: I can only think to verify the array, or copy the file (to the same array or different) and cmp the two
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03:03.58mentorMasterdev: Well, what command did you use to find etc/bash_completion.d/mysqladmin?
03:04.09gparentyeah.. Im gonna try copying it twice to my windows machine and see if I get the same file
03:04.18gparentif there's hard drive corruption im screwed, there is over 1 TB of data on tis
03:04.23gparentnot important data though
03:04.28Masterdevmentor locate mysql
03:04.47mentorgparent: You've seen the cmp command
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03:04.53mentorMasterdev: Why that command?
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03:05.17Masterdevmentor everything else returns the same
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03:05.37mentorMasterdev: No it doesn't. Did you see the commands dpkg told you about?
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03:06.08mentorMasterdev: And what happened when you used them?
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03:06.40Masterdevapt-cache search "mysql"
03:06.40Masterdevrsyslog - enhanced multi-threaded syslogd
03:07.17Masterdevdpkg -S /bin/mysql
03:07.18Masterdevdpkg: /bin/mysql not found.
03:07.18mentorWas that the only result?
03:07.18dpkgYou Fool! /bin/mysql is installed!
03:07.50mentorMasterdev: Your apt sources are deficient
03:08.11*** join/#debian Miesco (
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03:08.26mentorMasterdev: What happens when you run apt-get update
03:09.09Masterdevmentor Fetched 496 kB in 13s (35.5 kB/s)
03:09.17MasterdevGet: 8....
03:09.41*** join/#debian ajikeshi__ (~ajikeshi@unaffiliated/ajikeshi)
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03:10.17mentorThat doesn't sound like enough
03:10.22mentorMasterdev: How did you install?
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03:11.14mentorMasterdev: Check your sources.list
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03:11.57Masterdevmentor installed from CD
03:12.22mentorMasterdev: Did you set up network sources?
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03:13.03Masterdevyes I uncomented the 4 tha were there
03:13.05Masterdevdeb squeeze/updates main
03:13.05Masterdevdeb-src squeeze/updates main
03:13.05Masterdevdeb squeeze-updates main
03:13.05Masterdevdeb-src squeeze-updates main
03:13.06*** kick/#debian [Masterdev!~debhelper@unaffiliated/debhelper] by debhelper (use or /msg dpkg paste)
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03:13.25Masterdevsry bout that
03:13.28mentorMasterdev: Don't do that
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03:13.33mentorMasterdev: Those are updates only
03:13.34gparentI'm stumped. I copied the file from my file server to my machine, twice, and both files have different CRCs
03:13.53mentorgparent: Your RAID is wonky
03:14.02abrotmanor network
03:14.13mentorabrotman: It happens locally as well
03:14.19gparentIt doesn't do this with every file, though.
03:14.19*** join/#debian f851a9ad3be1bffd (
03:14.20gparentWhich is weird.
03:14.36Masterdevmentor should I look for squeeze main
03:14.37*** join/#debian claw (~claw@
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03:14.48mentorMasterdev: Something like that
03:15.05*** join/#debian tpocra (
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03:15.50mentorgparent: Run a verify
03:16.30gparentAnd how do I do that
03:16.37*** join/#debian claw (~claw@
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03:18.17mentorI'm not sure
03:20.06*** join/#debian claw (~claw@
03:20.23gparentI wonder if it could be a memory issue
03:20.38gparentif im lucky the files on disk are fine
03:21.00mentorecho check >  /sys/block/md0/md/sync_action
03:21.45gparentroot@silver:~# cat /sys/block/md3/md/sync_action
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03:22.01gparentI see
03:22.11mentorI haven't checked that command against sanity
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03:30.09pmadeI'm installing wheezy on a new computer with a radeon graphics card and right after boot the screen goes to garbange (console, not X).  I found a bug report with instructions to install a package, but how do I install a package with the screen jacked up?
03:31.02confus3dssh to it?
03:31.18confus3dunless ssh not installed
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03:31.30pmadeI've tried, SSH should be running, but I'm not 100% sure what the IP is.
03:31.47confus3dis it on your local network?
03:32.03abrotmanpmade: blindly login as root and install the package?
03:32.08pmadeYes.  I've tried all the Is the router says are connected
03:32.24pmadeabrotman: maybe, might be my only option
03:33.05abrotmanpmade: if i can edit the interfaces file blindly .. you can surely install a package :)
03:33.06*** join/#debian claw (~claw@
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03:34.53LordTrevAnyone know of a tiling wm that can be used as a replacement for another DE's wm(i.e no task bar)?
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03:39.35abrotmanLordTrev: awesome ?
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03:41.29dpkgWebmin is a lame web-based interface for unsafe system administration for Unix.  Check it out at  Remember, dondelelcaro *hates* webmin.  "i'd rather sit on the floor shoving table knives into live electrical outlets than run webmin on an exposed server."  Removed from Debian post-Sarge, see .  The Debian package from is of poor quality.  See <free whcp> for alternatives.
03:42.11ravensshfs/fuse mounted remote ssh folder in /home/user/remote using sudo - "permission denied" now - how to access it
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03:46.29langkid1how do I update a package, without destroying it's configs?
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03:47.11lstarneslangkid1: it will not destroy configuration
03:47.22lstarneslangkid1: the new config will be moved to .pacnew files
03:47.33ravensshfs/fuse mounted remote ssh folder in /home/user/remote using sudo - "permission denied" now - how to access it
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03:47.59langkid1what's the APT command, also it's a package that came in my debian install
03:48.01lstarnesraven: try without sudo
03:48.08lstarnesargh darn it
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03:48.16lstarneslangkid1: sorry, I thought this was #archlinux
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03:48.28ravenlstarnes, then i have no access to /dev/fuse
03:48.32langkid1er k?
03:48.45dark|angelwhat's the safest password encryption method? CRYPT or MD5?
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03:50.08LoRezdark|angel: don't spam
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03:52.23lstarnesraven: there should be a fuse group
03:52.32gnarfacedark|angel: neither, SHA1
03:52.34lstarnesraven: if your users is in it, it should be able to use fuse
03:52.41lstarnesdark|angel: sha512
03:52.59dark|angelI think that the most usable would be MD5 Crypt
03:53.05gnarfacei thought sha512 was still in working draft form?
03:53.15gnarfaceor some shit
03:53.18lstarnesdark|angel: md5 has been proven cryptographically weak
03:53.18ravenlstarnes, solved right now - i simple forgot to relogin sry for that ;)
03:54.11dark|angelIt's an email password... I need it to be usable
03:54.24langkid1Great job APT-GET DIST-UPDATE you updated 0 things!
03:55.20karlpinc!tell langkid1 about stable
03:55.26karlpinc!tell langkid1 about overview
03:55.36lstarneslangkid1: if I read correctly, dpkg should prompt when you have changed config files and new versions of them are installed.  if the package doesn't try to install a newer version and you edited it, then it won't undo your changes
03:55.51langkid1brb, gonna update a package that's probably going to kill my BNC
03:55.53*** part/#debian r3m (~r3m@unaffiliated/r3m)
03:55.56langkid1'cuz that's what the package is :P
03:56.15lstarnesyour bnc should keep running
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03:56.32lstarnesjust as the old version.  the installation script might restart it
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03:59.18confus3dI guess not :P
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04:02.00pmadeIs there a way to install a package while booted off the installer in rescue mode?
04:02.44gnarfacesure, why not?
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04:03.09gnarfacethe rescue mode has a feature that executes a root shell for you in the installed environment
04:03.17gnarfaceyou can do anything you want to it pretty much then
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04:04.30pmadeI've mounted my disk under /mnt, I was thinking I'd run a shell under chroot, then use apt-get, does that make sense?
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04:05.41gnarfacepmade: yes its just that is basically what the rescue disk's 'execute a shell in the installed environment' feature does
04:06.11pmadegnarface: An, okay.  I was on a virutal console, so I guess I did it the hard way, thanks
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04:16.25simonlnuhe's still doing that, that claw person. seriously, hours later.
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04:21.27civillianI need a password manager it seems, can anyone suggest some to try?
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04:22.09gimpy170civillian: KeePassX if you want something portable and not built into your DE or browser.
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04:23.00xwalkEvening all.
04:23.04civilliangimpy170: that sounds good, looking into it now
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04:25.28langkid1:( the application I want is outdated in the debian I have, and the APT remove and APT install commands don't help
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04:25.55civillianlangkid1: oh, which app?
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04:26.18langkid1civillian, ZNC (IRC BNC_
04:26.25sanduz2is using the init skeleton (with stop start etc) the only way to make a startup script?
04:26.52sanduz2(creating an init script)
04:27.16simonlnuno, but it's a standard init script
04:27.41simonlnuyou'd end up making something like it. and you don't have to use all of it.
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04:28.01sanduz2simonlnu, i mean, using initd is the only way to make something run at startup right?
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04:28.13sanduz2theres no directory or something that is automatically read for bash scripts?
04:28.41simonlnuonly the symlinks in rc?.d/ are
04:29.02mentor/etc/rc?.d/ is automatically read for executables
04:29.16langkid1screw APT, I'll just remove the current package and install from tarball
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04:29.29karlpincsanduz2: You can use @reboot in crontab.  (man 5 crontab)
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04:29.41sanduz2karlpinc, ah cool. thanks
04:29.55karlpincsanduz2: There's also inittab, but you probably don't want to go there.
04:31.08*** join/#debian claw (~claw@
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04:31.36somiajlangkid1: what package do you want newer than is in squeeze (Debian)?
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04:32.15langkid1the one that comes built in is, old, very very, very old
04:32.54somiajthere doesn't appear to be any version in backports. Is the version in sid/wheezy to old (0.202)?
04:33.12somiajif so you can make your own backported package, follow the instructions from '/msg dpkg ssbp'
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04:33.19mentor0.202-1+b1 in wheezy
04:34.01langkid1gets tired of all this installing stuff, to install stuff, he's just gonna build from source
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04:34.31langkid1I should've read this warning on the ZNC website when I first got ZNC: 'Warning: Debian Stable has very old version by default.'
04:35.32karlpinclangkid1: Did you read the factoids I had dpkg send you?
04:36.06*** join/#debian Miss_Anthropie (
04:36.15mentorlangkid1: Umm… dependencies should be fulfilled automatically
04:37.30karlpinclangkid1: In particular, if you want to know why you should bother with packages, read footnote 1 of the link in the <overview> factoid.
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04:38.03langkid1karlpinc, no sorry, my IRC client crashed, never mind about this, my server's already building it
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04:40.02karlpinclangkid1: No worries, but there are reasons why people are making these recommendations to you.
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04:40.58mentorIf it's easier compiling from source, you're doing it wrong
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04:42.21dark|angelhow can I change the default password encryption method that Debian 6 uses?
04:42.41dark|angelit seems to be using Encrypt, and only encrypts the first 8 characters
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04:42.49dark|angellike the my root password
04:43.36lstarnesedit /etc/pam.d/passwd
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04:44.06mentorcommon-password, no?
04:44.09karlpincdark|angel: Are you using shadow passwords?
04:44.10lstarnesfind the line then add to the end of it sha256
04:44.53dark|angelhonestly, I've installed my VPS provider's Debian 6 image, and it came as unsecure as possible out of the box
04:45.05dark|angel<lstarnes> which config file?
04:45.14dark|angel<karlpinc> how do I find out?
04:45.15lstarnesdark|angel: /etc/pam.d/passwd (I just said this)
04:45.39*** join/#debian claw (~claw@
04:46.33mentorI think it's common-password
04:47.04dark|angel<karlpinc> @include common-password
04:47.10dark|angelthat's all the file has in it
04:47.18lstarnesthen /etc/pam.d/common-password
04:47.54dark|angelpassword        [success=1 default=ignore] obscure sha512
04:48.00karlpincdark|angel: I don't know.  /usr/share/doc/passwd/README.Debian has info on turning it on and off, perhaps if /etc/shadow exists then it's on.  It's definatly off if /etc/shadow does not exist.
04:48.11dark|angelpassword        requisite             
04:48.33mentorIt's using SHA512 already
04:48.34dark|angelk, thanks
04:48.55*** join/#debian Miesco (
04:49.01dark|angelbtw, in which file is it storing passwords? I want to make sure that it's not storing them as CRYPT
04:49.06dark|angelcause that would suck
04:49.41mentor/etc/shadow almost certainly
04:50.21mentorI think it's most unlikely that it's using crypt
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04:50.54karlpincdark|angel: Based on reading man pwconv I'd say the existance /etc/shadow will tell you whether shadow passwords are on or not.
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04:52.09dark|angelyes, I got shadow passwords enabled
04:53.15lstarnesit appears that at least in wheezy sha512 is default
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04:53.53dark|angelshould be
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04:55.06mentorremembers getting asked if he wanted md5 passwords
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05:06.40dpkgLinux kernel versions, linux-next: next-20110831, linux-next: next-20110831, snapshot 3: 3.1-rc4-git2, mainline 3: 3.1-rc4   , stable 3.0: 3.0.4     , stable 2.6.39:  , stable 2.6.38:  , stable 2.6.37:  , longterm 2.6.35: , longterm 2.6.34: , longterm 2.6.33: , longterm 2.6.32: , longterm 2.6.27:
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05:09.39oldtopmanI keep getting hash mismatch with apt-get.
05:09.48oldtopmanHow do I fix this? (armel32)
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05:10.51Kamping_Kaiseroldtopman: from what site?
05:11.01*** mode/#debian [+l 1122] by debhelper
05:11.08oldtopmanThe oficcial ones.
05:11.28iluminator101Package linux-image-3.2.0-rc4-686-pae is not available, but is referred to by another package.??
05:11.59Kamping_Kaiseroldtopman: please pastebin the output of apt-get update
05:12.28Kamping_Kaiserjudd: versions linux-image-3.2.0-rc4-686-pae
05:12.29juddPackage: linux-image-3.2.0-rc4-686-pae on i386 -- experimental: 3.2~rc4-1~experimental.1
05:12.50Kamping_Kaiseriluminator101: do you have experimental enabled?
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05:13.42iluminator101Kamping_Kaiser, not by default i would have to call it
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05:14.11iluminator101Kamping_Kaiser, got it thanks
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05:15.55oldtopmanKamping_Kaiser: Here's apt-get update.
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05:16.39Kamping_Kaiserbitly doesn't like that url
05:16.46Kamping_KaiserUh oh, bitly couldn't find a link for the bitly URL you clicked.
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05:17.38oldtopmanwishes he could just copy and paste
05:18.26r15i want to check which package a file belongs to? such as /bin/date is from which package?
05:18.33Kamping_Kaisernone of those are errors
05:18.44Kamping_Kaiserwhich packag(s) are you having issues with?
05:18.53Kamping_Kaiserr15: dpkg -S /path/to/file
05:18.54oldtopmanhang on
05:19.05Kamping_Kaiserr15: or apt-file
05:19.08Kamping_Kaiserdpkg apt-file
05:19.09dpkgapt-file is a utility used to find which package owns a given file - or list files in a package - even if it is not installed: "aptitude install apt-file && apt-file update" ; then "apt-file search filename" to see a list of packages containing filename (can also use a regular expression; see man apt-file).  You can also search online, ask me about <pdo>.  See also <auto-apt>, <dlocate>.
05:20.21*** join/#debian twocarlo (~twocarlo@
05:20.52r15Kamping_Kaiser: Thanks
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05:23.34oldtopmanKamping_Kaiser: Sory that this is taking me so long :S
05:24.05Valtamis away: I'm busy
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05:24.40belakAre there any easy-to-setup web-guis for making a debian box into a firewall?
05:25.20confus3dshould just get smoothwall for that
05:25.40Kamping_KaiserValtam: please turn that off
05:25.57Kamping_Kaiserebox might, not tried though
05:26.00belakconfus3d: is it debian based, out of curiosity?
05:26.08confus3dit's linux based, but not debian based
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05:26.41confus3dwill probably be a lot quicker and easier than turning debian into a firewall
05:27.03Kamping_Kaiseroldtopman: looks like is feeling unhealthy. try again in 6 hours, or try a different mirror
05:27.09*** join/#debian claw (~claw@
05:27.17xwalkJust out of curiosity, is there an alternative to the gnome-power-manager as far as battery monitoring?
05:27.18Kamping_Kaiseroldtopman: i can't retrieve the file with wget or in a web browser
05:27.18confus3dbelak: if you're insterested
05:27.34oldtopmanKamping_Kaiser: Thanks!
05:27.39Kamping_Kaiseroldtopman: np :)
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05:38.34Valtamis back (gone 00:14:29)
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05:42.17MasterdevI get infinite loop after using apt-get update or upgrade why is that?
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06:50.12iluminator101On my workstation i have to always do  udisks --mount /dev/sdb1 it does not auto mount why is this?
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06:56.43savrmy memory is forgetful today
06:56.51savrhow do I check cpu load
06:56.55savrfrom cli
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06:58.35kingsleyThe "top" command.
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07:05.46savrI am on a little too much cold pills
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07:06.18savrthe cheap stuff screws with my mind
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07:13.01I386Русские научите в привате как ставить гребаные пакеты на дебиан 4 часа уже трахаюсь сижу :(
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07:23.23dpkgeto anglijsko govorjashhij kanal, pozhalujsta govorite po anglijski ili posetite #debian-russian (Russian speakers please go to #debian-russian)
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07:24.03DelayaDoes anyone know why when I reverse search in the terminal, sometimes a command just dissapears from the search and its entry in <history> just becomes a wildcard?
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07:31.22rlyWhat is a good tool to do merges besides kdiff3 and meld?
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07:32.51I386Explain how to establish packages
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07:33.31ompaulI386: do you mean make packages or find them?
07:33.34mah454Please view this :
07:33.58mah454view last post !
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07:48.09nickaugustmy entire ISPs block is on a spam block list so i need to proxy my outgoing mail through my linode slice.  whats the simpliest way to do this?  most SMTP specific packages I've found are spam filters and seem to be focused on incomming mail.  any ideas?
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07:49.32nickaugustum postfix btw
07:51.01*** mode/#debian [+l 1124] by debhelper
07:51.21ompaulnickaugust: you set up your linode to be a (which is how you should be anyway cos it is way cooler) then you tell it that your home computer (which connects over openvpn) is allowed to talk to the outside world and away you go, then you put your existing name in the from and reply to fields and send out over a box and you need to say hosts allowed there though "my networks" and there are many good references to setting up email on
07:51.23ompaulpostfix that are way more detailed by
07:51.28ompauls/by/thank irc
07:51.40ompauls/thank irc/than irc/
07:51.58ompaulstops typing before the typo police see I'm not coffeed yet
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07:55.37nickaugustompaul: hm interesting idea.  a couple things though my 'home computer' (acutally office server) is acting as the gateway for the rest of the network already is that going to affect the ability to do openvpn to the linode slice?  im trying to imagine how to direct just the mail server traffice over the vpn
07:55.51dokmaI've just installed 2.6.38-bpo.2-686 kernel on a production server. Is there a way to tell grub to try to boot it just once? So that if that boot fails, on the next reboot it would just boo the current workin kernel and I could minimize the downtime damage.
07:56.00dokmaabrotman: ??? ^^^^
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07:56.40dokmafound it in the grub manual
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08:10.09dokmais grub still configured in /boot/grub/menu.lst ??
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08:11.48gnarfacedokma: current version - no
08:12.06gnarfacedokma: if you upgraded from lenny though you might not be using it yet
08:12.06dokmagnarface: darn, what do I need to read?
08:12.15dokmayeah, I upgraded
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08:12.32dokmaand it's a production server so I can't afford mistakes or downtime
08:12.39gnarfacedokma: sorry i don't know the new system yet but the configs are i /etc/grub.d/
08:12.51dokmagnarface: thanks man
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08:13.33gnarfacedokma: no problem.  also see /etc/default/grub
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08:18.57valdyndokma: we dont know if youre using "current" (grub2) or grub
08:19.09dokmaI just updated to grub2
08:19.26valdyndokma: ok, thats probably more dangerous than a kernel upgrade
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08:19.46dokmaany hints what to do if the machine does not boot?
08:19.55dokmait's a dedicated box sitting in a data center
08:20.01dokmaaccess is only via ssh
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08:24.26savr!tell kitten about moo
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08:34.21aidalgolSince I upgraded my squeeze system to wheezy, libnotify notifications no longer appear.  I'm using the Stump window manager.
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08:34.44aidalgolI have no idea where to begin troubleshooting this.
08:35.26cthuluh~/.xsession-errors, perhaps
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08:45.13aidalgolcthuluh: Nothing new there after running notify-send.
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08:50.57DelayaDoes anyone know why when I reverse search in the terminal, sometimes a  command just dissapears from the search and its entry in <history> just  becomes a wildcard?
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09:01.03Eryn_1983_FLhey peeps
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09:01.18Eryn_1983_FLhow do i get the coloring of my programming language back in emacs?
09:01.25Eryn_1983_FLit went all  black and white on me..
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09:05.31gentzIs it possible to link memcache to a mysql server. Or do you have to manually write a script to query the memcache then the database?
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09:06.22rlyHow do I add a language to KDE?
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09:06.43rlyThat is, not implement a language, but just such that I can use that to configure KDE applications.
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09:11.48DelayaDoes anyone know why when I reverse search in the shell, sometimes a command just dissapears from the search <history> and is replaced by a wildcard?
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09:16.35clawexim4 keeps sending mails to root@mydomain but that address does not exist
09:16.43clawhow to stop exim4 doing this ?
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09:19.11kskexim4 supports rewriting
09:19.22mah454How can install gnome-2.32 in Debian Stable ? (Squeeze)
09:19.42kskclaw: would be cleaner to edit it by application (where do mails come from?)
09:19.57kskyou can write an alias like "root:" into /etc/aliases anyway
09:20.15clawi did that already
09:20.23clawbut it keeps sending
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09:20.36clawi just flushed the spooler of exim and hope this stop now
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09:26.02eadricAnyone here have experience with installing LibreOffice from Debian Backports under Squeeze
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09:26.17JohnnyCachehello, where can i find the apache crontab in debian?
09:27.55cthuluhlook for /etc/cron*/apache2
09:28.58JohnnyCachethere is nothing with apache2
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09:30.10JohnnyCachewould a line like '*/5 * * * * www-data /usr/bin/php5 /var/www/glpi/front/cron.php &>/dev/null' work too?
09:30.19JohnnyCachein /etc/crontab
09:31.00*** mode/#debian [+l 1146] by debhelper
09:31.16nkuttlerJohnnyCache: man 5 crontab
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09:31.58nkuttlerJohnnyCache: actually, man 1 crontab
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09:32.53stackhello, can someone tell me why wine is not on wheezy?
09:32.59simonlnuJohnnyCache: you can also put that (sans the user) in www-data's crontab. crontab -e -u www-data
09:33.30nkuttler!dpkg why is wine not in testing
09:33.31dpkgwine is not in testing for the reasons listed in
09:33.55stacknkuttler: i'll take a look, thanks.
09:34.13simonlnubecause it's not in sid either, at least not a recent version ;)
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09:35.14stacktoo bad
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09:48.34somiajstack: it isn't difficult to compile wine from source on debian. If you install it in /usr/local just keep a copy of the source around os you can 'make uninstall'
09:49.36stacksomiaj: it's easier to do a pinning, anyway I was just wondering about the approval process
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09:52.20nkuttlerpinning? easy? yeah.. easy way to break a system
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09:54.24stacknkuttler: I've always used that and I have no problem :) , I also use backports when avaiable
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09:54.44DelayaDoes anyone know why when I reverse search in the shell, sometimes a command just dissapears from the search <history> and is replaced by a wildcard?
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09:54.52somiajusing wheezy is already broken, though if you want bleeding edge debian might as well just run sid.
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09:55.23nkuttleroh well if you're on testing anyway... yeah
09:56.14stackI use squeeze
09:59.01mah454i have this error : No package 'dbus-sharp-glib-1.0' found
09:59.08mah454debian have not this package
09:59.12mah454how can fix this ?
10:00.33nkuttlermah454: what did you do to get that error?
10:00.54mah454nkuttler, compile banshee
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10:02.47nkuttlermah454: please, exact command you used + error
10:02.48dpkgDo not paste more than 2 lines to this channel.  Instead, use: or for pics.  Use for large files (think tar.gz) up to 100MB.  Remember to tell us the URL of your paste!  Cannot cut and paste?  Ask me about <pastebinit>, <nopaste>, <wgetpaste>, <>.
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10:08.55dpkgdpkg is, like, the program used by Debian to install and remove packages, "man dpkg".  Also ask me about <reference>.  The main info bot in #debian is also called dpkg; ask me about <dpkgbot>.
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10:13.23lapsusbrutusis there any reason that when I update from squeeze to wheezy im getting pae kernel?  It doesnt have enough ram to actually benefit from it.  I believe pae makes system a little bit slower unless you run processes that needs lots of ram (am I correct?)
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10:15.05TimmoooHey guys, i'm getting a Hash Sum mismatch error when trying to install a couple of packages? Any ideas why, this is my sources.list ->
10:15.25kskyou did an aptitude update recently Timmooo?
10:15.58lapsusbrutustry from another countrys server? maybe?
10:16.15TimmoooJust did it again and some of them have Ign by them instead of Hit, which I didn't notice before
10:16.18TimmoooDoes that mean anything?
10:16.47lapsusbrutushas happened to me too,  fixed it to use en.servers instead of my own countrys
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10:17.11TimmoooSo i might just try changing them all them and see if it fixes it
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10:17.30TimmoooTrying to install php-mdb2-driver-mysql so wouldn't think it would be a problem with the package
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10:18.08lapsusbrutushmm yeah, that would be strange i think
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10:19.18TimmoooI might actually change it to my local countries one then lol
10:19.51TimmoooMy current one i think is .us lol
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10:20.50TimmoooInteresting, its now said i have 2 updates whereas before i had none
10:20.55TimmoooOh well, hopefully this fixes it :)
10:20.59lapsusbrutus:p   gl
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10:21.57TimmoooAwesome, thanks lapsusbrutus :D
10:22.02lapsusbrutusnp :)
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10:43.00freekahi there. is anyone here who made some experiences installing the last packages for gnome 3.2 from experimental, especially gnome-shell? or someone who made extensions run with gnome-shell 3.0.2?
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10:45.21threadlocksome lenny->squeeze upgrades leave alot of old lenny packages, how do i find lenny packages that are not named something +lenny1 or +lenny2?
10:45.37JaredKzhey I'm having problems installing debian on a virtualbox within a debian OS... is this the right place?
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10:46.59lapsusbrutusJaredKz: yeah, probably :)
10:47.33babilen!tell threadlock -about not available
10:48.30babilenthreadlock: "aptitude search ~o" will probably get them all though
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10:50.03JaredKzWell, I'm trying to install debian within virtualbox, but whenever I have to enter a keyboard command such as enter or ANY letter, I have to move my mouse out of the VM and then back into the VM before I can type 1 more letter or one more command...
10:51.34technologovJaredKz, then something strange going in your system...
10:51.41technologovVBox works here like a charm
10:51.46babilenJaredKz: That sounds like a vbox problem rather than a Debian one -- Does it happen with other operating systems/distributions as well?
10:52.04JaredKzbabilen, never had a problems on Windows 7, but it just seems a little strange
10:52.19technologovDebian 6 - host + guest + 32+64 bit on both Debian's VBox 3.2.10 and latest VBox 4.1.6
10:52.25babilenJaredKz: You mean with Windows7 running in virtualbox?
10:52.26technologovAll work great
10:52.34DelTreesounds like a windows manager problem...
10:52.47technologovor X11 key map is wrong
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10:53.06JaredKzhmmm.... cos it lets me type 1 letter in at a time before it alt-tabs me
10:53.11JaredKzwhich is kinda strange
10:53.13babilenJaredKz: What is the host and which guests did you try?
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10:54.17JaredKzthe host is Debian 6 and I am having problems with IPCop as well as Debian 6 that I'm installing at the moment
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10:54.30technologovGuest is also Debian 6 ?
10:54.32JaredKzI have xdm installed...
10:54.37JaredKzyes at the moment
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10:55.13technologovDefinitely no problems here. Do you have default X11 keyboard settings (en-us) ?
10:55.16technologovKDE ?
10:55.30technologov(I test with en-us + KDE)
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10:55.42technologovAnd this is known to work
10:55.44babilenobviously the default ;)
10:56.00JaredKzI might install KDE just to see whether or not that solves the problem
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10:56.18JaredKzI'm trying to keep it as light as possible though... hence using XDM at the moment
10:56.30technologovJaredKz, plus test your physical keyboard -- make sure that 'alt' key is not pressed, etc...
10:57.06JaredKzwell, it says mouse integration is supported
10:57.11JaredKzand I can't disable that for some reason
10:57.56technologovI can (with KDE).
10:58.10JaredKzmust be something limiting it with XDM
10:58.27technologovtry with KDE.
10:58.27JaredKzI'll just install KDE then, might solve my problem
10:58.50technologovSo we compare.
11:00.40technologovI happen to test Debian 6 and VirtualBox a lot.
11:00.56JaredKzyou prefer KDE as a light solution?
11:01.00*** mode/#debian [+l 1162] by debhelper
11:01.05technologovI always prefer KDE :)
11:01.29technologovInstead of 'light solution' - I just upg. hardware to match KDE.
11:02.11JaredKzfair enough
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11:19.25technologovJaredKz, u installing KDE now ?
11:20.03JaredKztechnologov, just finished my vbox debian install, installing kde now
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11:20.36technologovI speak about host, not guest :)
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11:21.09technologovproblem may be in both host and guest - both should run KDE for us to compare
11:22.25JaredKzI'm highly doubtful it's the virtual machine just because it shouldn't have a problem in just straight command prompt
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11:22.57JaredKzI meant to say installing kde-core kdm on host machinenow
11:23.24JaredKzI'd be surprised if this didn't solve the problem
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11:24.08technologovagain - there are 2 more places to check - physical keyboard (maybe some key stuck?) - and X11 keymap settings (I use en_us here).
11:24.48technologovX11 keymap - on both host and guest.
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11:26.20eni23hey. does someone can help me with my touchscreen. i dont really know which model i have but seems like it does not require any special driver (in virtualbox and windows xp the device works perfectly whith the ms-hid-driver) but in debian it only touches at position 0,0 and clicks (=opens the debian application menu). please i mean it cant be that had seems like an default usb-hid-device
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11:27.27technologovDebian 6 supports USB tablet device
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11:27.42dpkgDebian .deb packages are a special form of <ar> archive which can be unpacked with "ar x pkg.deb".  Inside the file control.tar.gz are conffiles, installation scripts, and a file "control" which contains the information shown with "apt-cache show pkg".  Dependencies can be changed by editing this file.  Install the dpkg-dev package and read "man 5 deb" for more details.  A better plan is to see <package recompile> <source package>.
11:27.51mah454!deb vnc
11:27.56technologovyour touchscreen is prolly compatible with standard USB tablet specifications
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11:28.15eni23technologov: that does not really helps me. i have de device and it wont work correct
11:28.51eni23technologov: its an all in one pos (cassier system) computer not a common crab tablet thing
11:29.43eni23i googled and tried a lot i dont really found something. which xorg xdrver etc should i try?
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11:32.20mah454what package install vncviewer in Debian ?
11:32.39streuner_mah454: /msg dpkg search
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11:34.08cesuraseanCan someone tell me why I can't phpmyadmin to work on this new squeeze updates??!!! It was working before!
11:34.14clawi added "root:" to my /etc/aliases but exim4 keeps sending mails to
11:34.23clawanybody can help me with that ?
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11:34.53cesuraseanclaw, are you trying to setup a catchall?
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11:35.25cesuraseanclaw, paste your /etc/aliases
11:35.25petemcclaw: did you configure exim to deliver locally? if not, it wont look in /etc/aliases
11:35.33eni23here is my lsusb -v:
11:35.33eni23here my hwlist:
11:35.33eni23here mx Xorg.log:
11:35.33eni23the system is an tysso pos 5712 here is the manufacter link:
11:35.33*** kick/#debian [eni23!~debhelper@unaffiliated/debhelper] by debhelper (use or /msg dpkg paste)
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11:36.07kskpetemc: you say exim wont look into /etc/aliases if it sends/recieves emails from the net? that would not be true
11:36.21clawpetemc, it uses smtp
11:36.32ksks/would not be /is not
11:36.34petemcksk: some of the debconf configurations the debian offers do not have a router to look in /etc/aliases
11:36.34eni23dam the bot kicked me. ok here is the manufacter link:
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11:37.05eni23here is my lsusb -v:
11:37.14petemcclaw: when you configured exim, which configuration did you choose?
11:37.17kskmhm, okay. i just use "internet" option from debconf, and it does take a look
11:37.25cesuraseanwhat do i set as mysql $basepath=''; in the new squeeze for phpmyadmin? /usr/share/phpmyadmin/  ??
11:37.38eni23here my hwinfo:
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11:37.59clawpetemc, Internetserver
11:38.06eni23and last but not least the xorg log:
11:38.15petemcclaw: more specifically?
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11:38.54clawpetemc, german debian here... it's the first option on dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config
11:39.08petemcclaw: exim -d -bt root
11:39.19petemcpastebin the output of that
11:40.50JaredKztechnologov, no problems after I installed KDE... I guessed it was some sort of corrupt or missing display driver or some sort
11:41.06technologovgood :)
11:41.32technologovIf you find the real problem - open bug vs. Debian's Xorg or vs. VirtualBox.
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11:41.54yfeldblumso ... apt-cacher-ng is finicky
11:42.05JaredKzthanks for your help btw =)
11:42.24technologovJaredKz, Just I'm very long time VBox user, and try to ensure it works best with Debian :)
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11:45.06cesuraseancan someone tell me why the new phpmyadmin in squeeze is doing this; You don't have permission to access /phpmyadmin/index.php on this server.
11:45.06eni23none with my usb-touchscreen problem
11:45.40petemcclaw: it is not looking in /etc/aliases as the domain matches the relay_to_domains route
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11:46.03clawso how to solve my problem ?
11:46.19cesuraseanpetemc, do you mind helping me old friend? :)
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11:48.00petemcclaw: you could run dpkg-reconfiure exim4-config again and when it asks for a list of domains to relay for, do not enter
11:48.17petemccesurasean: i dont use phpmyadmin, sorry
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11:49.30zealiodwhats the channel for debian server admins?
11:49.44petemczealiod: if they want support, this one
11:50.01clawpetemc, now its sends mails to root@empty
11:50.25petemcclaw: you must have changed more than the one setting i suggested
11:50.40zealiodWhat tool can I use, to reveal a MACs VLAN Id - "arp" has the ip/mac/Iface - but I need the 802.11q ID
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11:57.11afidegnumhello good morning all, pls can you give me the correct link where i can download debian installation? I am confused here, I don't knwo which of the installations to choose since they all have 4.4 Gb
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11:59.55digdilem_afidegnum, what's your hardware and is it connected to the internet?
12:00.36afidegnumwell I currently have ubuntu, with i386 and willing to install debian on a virtualbox
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12:00.44afidegnumand currently connected to the internet
12:01.41eni23hey noone with my touchscreen problem? i mean cmon!! (i allredy tried the elotouch and does not work)
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12:01.50adbcd-1 is enough
12:02.46afidegnumthere is 2 type of cd1, which one should i choose?
12:03.50eni23um better use net-cd if you have fast interenet
12:03.59afidegnumI have fast internet
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12:04.12eni23then use netinstall.iso
12:04.18afidegnumI am trying to download the dvd version
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12:04.40afidegnumI wanted to have the neccesary packages to start with
12:04.52afidegnumor is cd version enough?
12:05.22eni23you will need to update a lob bettere use netinstall whic is actual packages everytime :)
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12:06.34afidegnumno, I just want to download it over time and later download the needed package I wanted to use
12:06.41digdilem_afidegnum, even with slow internet, netinst is the better choice as you will only download what you need. Only exception is if you have many machines to install in a narrow timeframe
12:06.41afidegnumin fact just wanted debian server
12:07.03eni23then netinstall is perfect for you.
12:07.04afidegnumoh, ok, give me the url for that
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12:07.27digdilem_180mb vs 4.4gb. win
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12:08.44eni23digdilem_: damn lost and not that good url than yours ;)
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12:09.36eni23digdilem_: he could use netboot pxe-image. under 10mb really wins!
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12:12.10eni23but you will need an running server and tftboot is not easy to set up
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12:15.03eni23does netinst have an graphical installer?
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12:16.36digdilem_don't think so
12:16.41digdilem_but icbw, never used one
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12:18.40digdilem_i was wrong :)
12:19.02acemii never used too
12:19.13serega_byHi all
12:19.26serega_byhow to install capt driver in debian ?
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12:21.56serega_byI follow this
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12:22.21serega_byBut it isn't working
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12:25.17serega_byi have canon printer LBP6000
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12:35.23eni23acemi: digdilem_: never use it too and the pxeboot doesent even have this
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12:55.20impaktorIs it possible to do: dd if=debian_DVD.iso of=/dev/sdb where sdb is a FAT32 USB. What I'm thinking of is that a FAT system can't support file sizes > 4 GiB.
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12:56.25kskif you do stuff like /dev/sdb it just overwrites the filesystem
12:56.34ksk(this is what you want, if you want to create a deiban install usbstick)
12:56.52kskyou dont specify a partition.
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12:58.53impaktorksk: You mean I should do as I did above (i.e of=/dev/sdb)
12:58.53DelTreewispers "syslinux"...
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13:11.01aurelienhi ... i have an error on aptitude update -> GPG error: squeeze-updates Release: The following signatures ware invalid: BADSIG .. but i have don't touch anything and all works before correctly. Any idea?
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13:13.37kskaurelien: there was someone here some hours ago having the same problem with us.
13:13.40kskyou may use another mirror
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13:14.00aurelienok thanks for the confirmation ksk
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13:16.52abrotmanaurelien: you can always try another mirror or wait til tomorrow and try again
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13:17.18xpalways curious to know, why nginx is not included in to the official repository
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13:18.30abrotmanit is
13:18.38abrotmanjudd: info nginx
13:18.40juddPackage nginx (httpd, optional) in squeeze/i386: small, but very powerful and efficient web server and mail proxy. Version: 0.7.67-3; Size: 330.5k; Installed: 780k; Homepage:
13:18.46abrotmanhavea  nice day!
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13:19.46xpabrotman, then why many people use
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13:22.09nkuttlerxp: says who?
13:22.37nkuttlerxp: and nginx is in the repos...
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13:22.57xpallow me to clarify: I use some scripts to install LEMP, and they all use repository
13:23.03xpmaybe it is newer?
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13:23.27nkuttlerwtf is lemp?
13:23.35abrotmanxp: okay .. anyone using dotdeb is going to have massive problems .. those packages are *awful*
13:23.51nkuttlerxp: if you oneed something more recent check out backports
13:24.03nkuttleri have like 1.1 nginx or something
13:24.04abrotmandotdeb usually result in a broken machine
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13:24.50xpabrotman, nkuttler: lighttpd or nginx, which one shall I choose?
13:25.00nkuttlerxp: that's user-contributed content. they could write anything..#
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13:25.36abrotmanxp: for what?!  I have zero idea what you're doing .. i generally use apache
13:25.38nkuttleris lighty still maintained? anyway, nginx was far more active last time i checked
13:25.55nkuttlerxp: yeah, if you want to do php just use apache
13:26.01kskxp: if theres no need for you to have an package/software newer than the ones shipped with stable why take the risk of this 3rd party repo??
13:26.36xpksk, I want to save the hassle to install and configure manually. so I use these auto scripts
13:26.44kskand yes, if you want to run a "webserver" or a "website" just take apache
13:27.00kskxp: you may buy an webhosting product :>
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13:28.27nsadminand then pay major bucks every time you want it altered... and, if you're making money on the site,it might be worth it to do just that
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13:30.41xpjust a wordpress blog.
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13:31.23xpon a related issue: I pointed A record to both  www and @ in the domain control panel.
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13:31.37nsadminyou're going to want to at least customize its look
13:31.40xpwhen I visite, the site is forbidden. but is fine
13:32.03kskxp:  there is no "domain control panel" in debian. ask your hoster :P
13:32.13nsadminyou should make it so that www. does everythiung and forwards to www.
13:32.23xpnsadmin, still A record?
13:32.36nkuttlerxp: also check your apache error log. sounds like a misconfigured vhost
13:32.51nsadminyou would make the web server do that
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13:33.35nsadminthat is, make the web server forward and maybe all * except www. to www.
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13:33.50nsadminthink about cookies
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13:34.22xpok. I think manual configuration is better.
13:35.09roeDoes anyone know why mdadm --monitor would be using ram as if it were firefox?
13:35.13nsadmina lot of this web stuff are solved problems
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13:36.04nsadminand BELIEVE ME you want solved problems, NOT to reinvent yourself... unless you're trying to really get in there and figure everything out
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13:36.44nsadminwhich is not a bad endeavor, but it's as much of a job as doing all this active web stuff itself, incl learning curve
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13:42.26tmartirohi folks
13:43.12tmartirocould anybody help me . i need calculate current bandwitdth on eth0 using ansi c
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13:43.40tmartirois there any link where i can read
13:43.48babilentmartiro: ##c might be more appropriate
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13:44.02benjamindeesI'm looking for an easy way to create a simple presentation from a multi-layer image
13:44.16tmartirobabilen: i can't enter to that channel
13:44.31abrotmanbenjamindees: what?
13:44.46abrotmantmartiro: /msg nickserv help
13:44.51babilentmartiro: You have to register your nickname -- /msg nickserv help register
13:45.22tmartirobabilen: 10x
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13:46.18benjamindeesabrotman, looking for a simple presentation software, that I can input a multi-layer image and click through different combinations of layers
13:47.15abrotmanbenjamindees: hrm .. wouldn't you do that with like PNGs and some transparency using something like OO Impress ?
13:47.20abrotmanreally doesn't know
13:47.53benjamindeesI didn't know PNG supported layers
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13:48.26abrotmanbenjamindees: that's not what i said :)
13:48.46benjamindeeswell, then no I wouldn't do it that way :p
13:48.55abrotmanbenjamindees: create an image from each layer .. use transparency on each image .. stack them in Impress
13:49.15nkuttlerbenjamindees: html5slides is nice.. but no idea about layered images
13:49.16benjamindeesyeah that's what I'm trying to avoid
13:50.04abrotmanah okay
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13:50.31abrotmanbenjamindees: well .. you might do better to ask the channels for those presentation apps if they'd support that
13:52.10jsoft_Any alternatives to firefox (and still have the youtube powers)
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13:52.25jsoft_Im finding after like 40 tabs or so it starts being rather slow
13:52.45benjamindeesI've tried chrome a few times but I simply hate it
13:52.58abrotmanjsoft_: you mean alternatives to gecko ?
13:53.16jsoft_if gecko means whatever firefox is based on, yes
13:53.28abrotmanwhat is your WM ?
13:53.36jsoft_abrotman: erm... xfce
13:53.48abrotmanyou can try epiphany .. it's webkit based
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13:54.15benjamindeesjsoft_, use windows instead of tabs... Linux is better at handling multiple instances than FF is at handling multiple tabs
13:54.38jsoft_benjamindees: I end up with like 5-10 windows with 5-10 tabs in each
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14:00.11benjamindeespowerpoint is probably the last useful program MS still produces
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14:17.55benjamindeesmagicpoint / pinpoint look promising
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14:23.44Arrickhey all, I am trying to find which ports have been opened up on my external IP address (not the one I am logged in from) and I need to use my offsite debain box to check it, but I cant remember what to use to hit it... can anyone remind me?
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14:24.07kskArrick: nmap
14:24.34ArrickI there isnt any kind of telnet to check for individual port connections?
14:24.48technologovThe best Linux distro of 2011! - Debian got a Gold Medal:
14:24.58CissWitArrick: telnet or nc is fine
14:25.08kskyou want to check open ports of a host? use nmap (or any other portscanner)
14:25.14abrotmanArrick: roughly nmap does that .. but netstat is probably a better way to check
14:25.40abrotmannmap from a remote system (which is how you'd want to check) can be blocked by any number of things in between
14:25.43Arrickthats what i needed abrotman thanks
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14:29.46ShuroHi there, hope someone can help me, iam searching a Network-Simulator for Linux. Wanted to test Network-Konfiguration with special VLAN-Support (GVRP, for example), i only know Cisco Packet Tracer, but that is no very good software
14:31.56*** join/#debian bmomjian (
14:32.19bmomjianHow do I know which SATA drives are hot-swapable by Debian?
14:32.58abrotmanisn't that a controller question ?
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14:33.10bmomjianI actually don't know.
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14:33.37colo-workit is both a controller and a driver question.
14:33.43bmomjianthe server I have says "6 SATA hot-swap drive bays".  Is that all Debian needs?
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14:34.08colo-workbmomjian, nopaste the output of `lspci -nnk` somewhere
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14:35.54bmomjianhere is the output:
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14:36.38roeif I wanted to submit a feature request for aptitude should I use reportbug?
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14:37.20nvzroe: you could, file as priority wishlist
14:37.49roeah, good call
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14:39.05abrotmanroe: exactly, wishlist bug .. patches welcome :)
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14:40.31roenot sure about the patch, but the bug I can file
14:41.00babilenroe: What are you missing?
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14:42.13roebabilen, an option to attach pre-install and/or post-install notes to packages
14:42.45roeit becomes especially handy when more than one person is sys-admining the box
14:42.46babilenroe: What are these "notes" ?
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14:43.50roethere are numerous packages that through either a quirky configuration or broad dependencies it is helpful to remind the updater of something before or after they update a specific package
14:44.30benjamindeesI'm guessing these are not custom packages
14:44.34babilenroe: Ah, something like custom apt-listchanges?
14:44.46roebenjamindees, correct, not custom packages
14:44.59roecall it a lazy man's wiki for updating
14:45.16roeI don't want notes from the packager, I want to add notes for myself
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14:45.50benjamindeesI guess you could modify the package though
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14:46.32benjamindeeswhere do you envision these 'notes' living?
14:46.46roeI don't know
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14:47.04roeI don't know enough about the aptitude/apt framework to answer that intelligently
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14:54.56bmomjianIs this lspci output sufficient for hot-swapping?
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14:58.36qmrHey, any recommendations for a CLI torrent client?  rtorrent goes zombie and 100% CPU too often,... think it is because of my encrypted /home   .. any other suggestinos ?
14:59.11ajikeshi__qmr, never happened for rtorrent at my machine
14:59.11micolsor because it hash to check hashes of all your torrents
14:59.25petemcqmr: btlaunchmanycurses
14:59.29micolsit happens for me when it is checking hashes only
14:59.51ajikeshi__qmr, maybe torrentflux
15:00.05ajikeshi__not exactly cli... it uses a web interface
15:00.10micolsencrypted home can make your cpu be used 100% if you write/read a lot at a time
15:00.16babilenqmr: transmission
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15:00.26micolsespecially xts encryption or such .. blowfish is the fastest
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15:00.48micolsif I write 70MB/s my 3ghz uses 100% cpu with xts-aes encryption
15:00.59ajikeshi__qmr, but.. i think almost every open source torrent cli client uses libtorrent.. so it wouldnt be different from rtorrent
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15:01.25micolsyou should be able to tell if kcryptd uses the cpu i.e.
15:01.33vttsajikeshi__, LibTorrent != libtorrent
15:01.56ajikeshi__vtts, there is more than one project with that name?
15:02.07DammitJimwhat do you guys recommend for video editing software?
15:02.08ajikeshi__didnt know that... thx
15:02.14ajikeshi__DammitJim, openshot
15:02.24DammitJimon linux? I have a 30 minute video I need to cut into 4 pieces
15:02.30ajikeshi__DammitJim, avidemux :D
15:02.37DammitJimajikeshi__, is there a GUI for it?
15:02.50ajikeshi__DammitJim, for what?
15:03.02DammitJimfor the video editing
15:03.24ajikeshi__yes... avidemux is used to recode and change the video... and with openshot you edit it
15:03.33ajikeshi__openshot looks kinda like adobe premiere
15:04.05DammitJimso, I don't need avidemux if I'm just cutting pieces of a video, right?
15:04.23ajikeshi__probably not
15:04.31ajikeshi__but avidemux is more lightweight imo
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15:04.48ajikeshi__just take a look at both.. and choose whatever fits your purpose better :D
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15:06.50benjamindeesroe, mkdir /tmp/foo; cd /tmp/foo; ar x package.deb; tar -xzf control.tar.gz; nano postinst
15:06.53mlmilliondoes anyone know that status of, in regards to running apt-get update?
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15:07.00benjamindeesroe, substitute your package for 'package.deb'
15:07.03mlmillionits failing
15:07.16benjamindeesroe, put your notes in postinst with 'echo'
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15:07.33benjamindeesroe, package it back up using these instructions:
15:07.51roebenjamindees, sure, and I have to maintain a list of packages with the notes I have added so that when there is a new version I can repackage it
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15:08.17roewe seem to have lost the forest for the trees
15:08.28mlmillionthis is from a brand-new install, here is the msg that's returned: Err squeeze-updates Release: W: A error occurred during the signature verification.
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15:08.45nkuttlerroe: that sounds like a very cumbersome way of documenting things
15:09.06CaptainKnotshow do I install the latest transmission (2.42) on testing?
15:09.07bmomjianwhat type of filesystem is /sys?  sysfs?
15:09.11roenkuttler, I agree
15:09.25mlmilliongeeze i can't type. the URL is
15:09.27nkuttlerbmomjian: use mount
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15:09.46bmomjianI want so exclude it from /find
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15:09.59nollidjbmomjian: that's what mount says for right now
15:09.59nkuttlerroe: can't you use a wiki, public documents or anything? repackaging to add notes sounds wrong
15:10.31bmomjianah, I see it via mount -v now, thanks;  mount alone does not show it;  thanks
15:10.40roenkuttler, it was not my suggest to repackage
15:10.46roeI think it is a kludge
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15:11.04benjamindeesyeah well good luck getting that feature added to aptitude
15:11.08yeledanyone know if reprepro can keep old version of packages without deleting?
15:11.22nkuttlerroe: like babilen said.. check out apt-listchanges. you can probably hook into the install process, get a list of packages and check against your doc database, wherever that is
15:11.23roenkuttler, this conversation started because I am submitting a wishlist bug to allow aptitude to handle pre/post install notes
15:11.25nollidjroe: is it worth wrapping something around aptitude locally, so that you are automatically asked to make messages?
15:11.36nollidjlike a script called annotated-apt or something
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15:11.46roenollidj, that is more realistic
15:11.56nollidjthen you can throw your messages into whatever store you want, make it queryable, etc.
15:12.02benjamindeesyou're seriously wanting this for a single system?
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15:12.12roeno I want it for the 20 systems
15:12.21johndoeim using squeeze (stable). how can i pull just one package from wheezy (testing), namely iceweasel?
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15:12.32roebut the notes are system specific
15:12.42nollidjroe: it might be something you've looked at, but have you considered configuration and deployment managers like puppet, chef, and capistrano?
15:12.47yeledjohndoe, google apt-pinning
15:12.53nollidjjust taking a stab at what you're trying to deal with
15:13.05roenollidj, yes, we have and are.
15:13.18nollidjif you have 20 machines, all different, the overhead of managing that stuff for each one would be a pita
15:13.25nollidji can see the utility of what you're suggesting
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15:13.34nkuttlerroe: btw, yeah, you can write a simply python script to do that. /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/20listchanges:DPkg::Pre-Install-Pkgs etc
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15:13.54roenollidj, thank you, you're the first to say so
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15:16.20qmrmicols: no, it's rtorrent using 100% cpu, and can't be killed.  the FS encryption isn't really an issue
15:16.56petemci used to get that using fuse to write to ntfs
15:16.59nkuttlerqmr: what do you mean it can't be killed?
15:17.06qmrDammitJim: kdenlive is absolutely AMAZING
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15:17.23qmrDammitJim: if you just need to cut into 4 pieces you could ues mplayer or mencoder
15:17.26DammitJimthanks qmr
15:17.37DammitJimwait, one can use mplayer????
15:18.03ajikeshi__DammitJim, you could even use vlc :D
15:18.04qmrDammitJim: yes.  Just mplayer -ss and -es or whatever teh switches are
15:18.05benjamindeesmeh, I would maintain a repo for 20 systems anyways, so repackaging doesn't seem like a big deal to me
15:18.18qmrnkuttler: exactly what part of "can't be killed" is confusing you?
15:19.00qmryea vlc has encoding stuff as well.  though I find it faster and 'cleaner' to just use mencoder rather than click all the buttons to make vlc do something
15:19.30nollidjqmr: ugh. you're giving me flashbacks to doing dvd authoring with mplayer, transcode, and i don't remember what else on the command line in 2006.
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15:20.00qmrnollidj:  hah.  horrible memories surely
15:20.01nollidji love mencoder when i know what i'm doing
15:20.36qmrpretty much every other time I use mencoder I have to spend 2-5 mins reading the manpage.. or I ask #mplayerhq (or whatever their channel is) how to do it
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15:21.48micolsqmr: kill its parent then it can be killed
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15:21.55dark-sunhi people
15:21.59micolselse just kill init lol
15:22.04micols(was a joke)
15:22.12qmrmicols: yea, killing parent doesn't do it either
15:23.01dark-sunI'm facing a "missing plugin" issue while trying to convert my mpg file.. any idea?
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15:23.35dpkgA zombie process is one which has issued an exit(), but whose parent has not yet issued wait() (or one of its variants) to retrieve the exit code.  This usually means the parent process is buggy.  You can't kill a zombie, because it's already dead; you have to kill the parent, or just ignore the zombie.
15:23.43dark-sunit says " - MPEG-4 AAC encoder - H.264 encoder"
15:24.10mlmillioni'm having issues with the squeeze-updates repository from a brand-new install. apt-get fails to retrieve the package list, then when apt-get finishes downloading it fails the signature verification, with this error: W: A error occurred during the signature verification.
15:24.50mlmillionwould anyone know how to resolve this? it seems like is down but it isn't, i can navigate to it using a web browser fine, although it takes a while to load...
15:24.53johndoeok i just installed a package from backports. found out its the same version :S what did go wrong?
15:25.08johndoeim trying to get a newer version of iceweasel
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15:26.31mlmillionhere is the full error: W: A error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used. GPG error: squeeze-updates Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG AED4B06F473041FA Debian Archive Automatic Signing Key (6.0/squeeze) <>
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15:27.38mlmillionwould an admin of some sort know whats going on?
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15:28.31abrotmanmlmillion: try another mirror ..
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15:28.49abrotmanmlmillion: .. choose one near you
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15:28.57jaggzHow can I stop this spam??
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15:29.23mlmillionthanks i'll try that
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15:30.27petemcjaggz: there is no silver bullet to stop spam, but what you can do depends on your set up
15:30.34jaggzusing postfix
15:30.49jaggzand I finally figured out how to get spamassassin in
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15:35.36johndoeim on squeeze. how do i install iceweasel version 8 instead of the version 3 which is the available one on squeeze?
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15:36.25CissWitjohndoe: have a look at
15:36.31dpkgVATTENE VIA!
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15:39.09cesuraseananyone use the new phpmyadmin in squeeze? newest version in there? my config seems to have broke, and not so sure how to debug this.  all im getting is this; #1040 Cannot log in to the MySQL server
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15:43.31johndoeCissWit: thanks man! :)
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15:45.02dimaursu16can someone please help me with configuring git and gitorious? I rant in such trouble, that I cant use git anymore :(
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15:48.35talexbdimaursu16, I'm not sure that git needs much configuration; I might be able to help with that.
15:49.05dimaursu16oh, thanks god
15:49.06talexbdimaursu16, For gitorious, you could check out #gitorious ..
15:49.20talexbAnd there's also #git, as you probably know.
15:50.01dimaursu16talexb, on #gitorious everyone is silent...don't know why
15:50.27talexbdimaursu16, It's not used much .. I think the tool that's used more often is gitolite.
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15:51.08AprendizI have a samba server in a debian squeeze
15:51.24dimaursu16talexb, I followed what was written in FAQ at gitorious, I made my ssh key, I uploaded it on gitorious
15:51.38dimaursu16and here is what I get when trying to use git
15:51.42Aprendizwith getent passwd I can see all my users but with getent passwd user a couple of them are failing
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15:52.15Aprendizsame id user, but othe are working ¿is something of cache or what happen with nsswitch?
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15:54.28talexbdimaursu16, Check that you've uploaded the right key .. check that you're logging in as the correct user .. those are the things that come to mind.
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15:54.58talexbAnd by "logging in as the right user", I mean, typing in the passphrase that's appropriate for the user that's expected to be logging in.
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15:57.56pmadeLast night I installed wheezy on a new workstation.  Had to install 'firmware-linux-nonfree' to get it to boot due to this damn radeon 6870.  Had a workign base system until I installed X.  Now I get a black screen right after grub, monitors shut off, can't SSH into the box.
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15:58.32abrotmandid you install fglrx ?
15:58.37pmadeIf I set radeon.modeset=0 and i915.modeset=0 I can at least get it to sshd
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15:59.14pmadeabrotman: no, I haven't.  Is that what most people recommend?  The wiki said that the default drivers should work.
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16:04.29pmadeAt this point I'm more concerned with not having a framebuffer console at all.  Then I can work on getting X going.  Does fglrx also provide a framebuffer driver?
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16:07.56nkuttlerpmade: hm, if the box freezes after grub it sounds like a kernel problem... i'd probably try to boot an older/different kernel first
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16:09.14pmadenkuttler: I think it's a module issue, or KMS.  If I turn off modeset=1 then the kernel boots all the way, but I don't have a console (I can however ssh into the workstation)
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16:10.32pmadeI suppose the next step is to install fglrx and see if that works.
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16:11.16benjamindeesfglrx won't help your lack of console
16:11.26benjamindeesonly X
16:12.18EmoSpiceAnyone using an Asus 1101HA? I'm seeing very strange ACPI issues, wherein ACPI will work for about an hour but will instantly freeze after that time and give me fake/stock information thereafter. I may have found a solution, but I'd like to see if anyone wlse has luck with it before I commit it online somewhere.
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16:16.50pmadeHere's the kicker though, the console was workign untill I started installing packages to use X.  Then after a reboot no more console.  I have no idea how to figure out what's going on.
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16:18.47dpkgDo not paste more than 2 lines to this channel.  Instead, use: or for pics.  Use for large files (think tar.gz) up to 100MB.  Remember to tell us the URL of your paste!  Cannot cut and paste?  Ask me about <pastebinit>, <nopaste>, <wgetpaste>, <>.
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16:18.53nkuttlerpmade: are you sure you can't boot into single user mode?
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16:20.32pmadenkuttler: I'll have to try again, maybe I was doing it wrong.  I added "1" to the end of the "linux" line in Grub, is that correct?
16:21.36nkuttlerpmade: iirc debian kernels add a grub entry for single user mode
16:21.52Amarandepmade: are you quite sure it's not just that X is attempting to start up, fails, and causes the console to disappear and hang?
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16:21.57nkuttlerdunno, i always added init=/bin/sh
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16:22.36AmarandeI know the other day when I updated to 2.6.39 bpo and forgot to remove the nvidia X driver, the system would boot, then try to start X, and all I'd see then was a black screen with a blinking cursor and nonresponsive (didn't try to ssh in, hadn't installed sshd by that point anyway)
16:22.47Amarandepmade: try this: boot "recovery mode" from grub
16:23.04Amarandethen, if that boots, go to /etc/init.d and do "chmod 644 gdm3" (presuming you're using gdm, which is normal for Debian)
16:23.11Amarandethen reboot, and see if it boots all the way and you get TTYs
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16:23.25pmadeAmarande: I've tried the "recover mode" from grub and it does the same thing.
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16:23.46sinosoidalhi. I want to make a simple debian package to install a simple tool that depends on Qt4 libs. In control file I have defined that it depends on Qt4 libs however, by the time i'm testing the package it says that the dependency could not be met. Question: How can I make the debian trigger apt to install the dependencies as well? Can't find that the documentation however I know that apt-get does that. If someone could enlight me.
16:23.54Amarandeyeah, that sounds like a more serious kernel issue, then
16:24.03pmadeI didn't install the "Desktop" option so unless one of the packages installed when I installed X set that up, it shouldn't be going right into X right?
16:24.18acuI have installed Debian Squeeze and Scientific Linux Ver 6.1 as dual boot - even I do a update-grub2 the Scientific Linux is seen on /dev/sda2  when I reboot the GRUB does not show it as option ? Does anyone have an ideea why ?  Where should I look to solve this ? - If I look through GPARTED I can see the /dev/sda2 (where Scientific Linux is) with a lock - it means read only - how do I change its status ? Here is the paste from grub-2
16:26.01pmadeAmarande: well crap then, I guess I'll try install squeeze instead of wheezy.
16:26.17acuI looked again /dev/sda2 is accessible - is just not mounted
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16:26.44RyccardoWhat is the practical difference between [/usr]/[s]bin, apart from the search order?
16:27.04Amarandepmade: yeah, could be that wheezy is broken right now (it sometimes is, such is the nature of testing)
16:27.20pmadeAmarande: I do have the black screen with a blinking cursor that is unresponsive, but I can SSH into the box and X isn't running.
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16:29.09AmarandeYeah, not sure what to do about that.
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16:29.18AmarandeExcept ...
16:29.19AmarandeDid it TRY to start X?
16:29.37AmarandeThat's what I'm wondering ... I know with me, that was caused when it tried to start X and failed
16:29.41osi have installed xen
16:29.50Amarandesee if doing a chmod 644 on /etc/init.d/gdm3 lets you do anything
16:30.03osbut i didn't find xend
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16:30.18Amarandethat will very definitely prevent the machine from attempting to start X at boot (although it really shouldn't do that in recovery mode either ...)
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16:31.46pmadeAmarande: the Xorg log file hasn't changed for several hours, so I don't think it's trying to start
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16:32.26pmadeAmarande: and I don't have a /etc/init.d/gdb3, so that's not it.
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16:32.38pmadeI guess I'm just going to have to install squeeze
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16:33.01pmadekicks himself for trying to use a Radeon 6870
16:33.12zealiodhow do I make sure arp -v yields the most current mac/ip pairings?
16:33.17martianlobsterI just rented this server. I ordered a debian server. apt-cache isn't installed. yum is present. Is there a command that I can run, that will tell me that is debian server, for sure?
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16:34.13nollidjmartianlobster: lsb_release -a may be informative
16:34.59Amarandepmade: if it's not even trying to start X it might even be your motherboard chipset support. what's your mobo?
16:35.23Trewasmartianlobster: if dpkg is not present then it surely isn't debian, lsb_release (or /etc/debian_release) might tell something but they are trivial to fake
16:35.46Amarandeunless ATI is starting to release video cards that don't even have text mode support at all and rely on always having a GUI OS ... that would be major ouch though and I haven't heard of any such yet
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16:36.03Amarande(besides, BIOS/UEFI configuration screens need text mode anyway ...)
16:36.20martianlobsterno dpkg is there
16:36.24martianlobsterI have the wrong box or somehting
16:36.30zealiodI want to find out which network device a max is currently connected to… arp holds multiple entries if a device as moved… how do I refresh?
16:36.39lstarnesmartianlobster: and lsb_release -a says that it is debian>?
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16:38.36osbut i didn't find xend in /etc/init.d
16:38.40pmadeAmarande: right, that all works, grub works, the debian installer works, using the debian installer to go into recovery mode works.
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16:39.09pmadeExcept, now when I go into the recovery mode from the installer the blue background has black lines running through it, which also worries me that something got damanged.
16:39.29pmadeBut, maybe not, like you said, the BIOS screens all work.
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16:43.45pmadeThanks everyone for all the suggestions.  I'll stop being a tard now and use squeeze.
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16:44.59os_but i didn't find xend in /etc/init.d
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16:48.53raz0is it possible to boot without a vmlinuz file (from grub?)
16:49.07raz0or do I need a rescue disk now? :s
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16:49.29nkuttlerraz0: if you mean booting without kernel... that's kinda tricky
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16:50.03nkuttlerraz0: yeah, rescue disk, install a kernel
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16:50.41Amarandeindeed - if you're missing the kernel ... what exactly did you plan to boot?
16:51.52Sm0ke0utthat's like driving without wheels
16:52.36nkuttlerlike... in a boat?
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16:53.57AmarandeSm0ke0ut, no, more like driving without an engine
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16:54.35Dev0nhey, is there a xmms-dev for squeeze ?
16:55.19Sm0ke0utthere is a xmms2-dev
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16:58.07abrotmanDev0n: xmms is dead upstream, abandoned AFAIK
16:58.11abrotmanxmms2 is not ...
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16:59.31Dev0nahh too bad this thing I'm trying to install asks for
16:59.31Dev0nxmms-config :(
16:59.37afidegnumhello, I have isntalled debian minimal on my virtual box, but when I run it using startx, it's only a black screen with a mouse pointer that displays, nothing else appears, what is the cause and how do i fix it pls ?
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17:00.08lstarnesafidegnum: did you actually install a window manager or desktop environment then add it to your ~/.xinitrc?
17:00.29lstarnesafidegnum: or are you using a display manager like gdm?
17:00.32afidegnumhmm, I don't get that one, I just ran the installation from netinstall
17:00.46afidegnumafter that a terminal is launched.
17:00.50afidegnumso I ran startx
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17:05.10afidegnumhello my pc got frozen i had to restart it, I couldn't get your last message
17:05.12afidegnumcan you please repeat it ?
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17:05.43abrotmanno one said anything
17:05.58abrotmandid you install a WM?
17:06.08afidegnumno, I installed virtualbux
17:06.23afidegnumI am currently using ubuntu and I installed virtualbux into ti
17:06.29afidegnumin order to run debian
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17:07.44gob_bluthhas anybody reported acpid breaking xen's startu pscripts?
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17:07.58gob_bluthinsserv xend doesn't work for me, it spits out warnings, this is debian 6
17:08.31afidegnumanyone has an answer to the issue pls ?
17:08.42gob_bluthman ins:q!
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17:10.23lstarnesafidegnum: what DE did you install?
17:10.45lstarnesafidegnum: netinstall isn't a desktop environment
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17:11.19afidegnumI am told it has the minimal installation before I can upgrade it via online installation
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17:12.57afidegnumwhat else do I have to install for the desktop to display ?
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17:13.14lstarnesafidegnum: a window manager or desktop environment of your choosing
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17:13.40born2trollguys can anyone tell me wtf is going wrong? i wanna start red eclipse, sound is dieing and i get ALSA lib pcm.c:7223:(snd_pcm_recover) underrun occured
17:13.54afidegnumcan you pls give an installation link pls ?
17:14.12lstarnesafidegnum: it depend son what dekstop environment or windoe manager you want
17:14.16lstarnes*depends on
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17:15.37afidegnumok, suggest one which can eaily be used on virtualbox
17:15.50born2trollguys can anyone tell me wtf is going wrong? i wanna start red eclipse, sound is dieing and i get ALSA lib pcm.c:7223:(snd_pcm_recover) underrun occured
17:16.58lstarnesafidegnum: kde or gnome if you want a full desktop environment and aren't worried about the amount of disk space or ram needed
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17:17.16lstarnesafidegnum: xfce and lxde are smaller and don't have as many features but also work well
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17:18.11lstarnesafidegnum: you may want to check out
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17:18.56zach23how can i get apt-get to auto remove packages no longer needed (from a lenny -> squeeze update)?
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17:20.58born2trollguys can anyone tell me wtf is going wrong? i wanna start red eclipse, sound is dieing and i get ALSA lib pcm.c:7223:(snd_pcm_recover) underrun occured
17:21.32lstarnesborn2troll: you don't need to repeat so often.  I have read your problem but I am absolutely not sure what the cause is or how to fix it
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17:22.50jhutchins_ltborn2troll: Is this some game you're running in wine?
17:23.30born2trollno its redeclipse. running native on linux. i downloaded from sourceforge the linux version
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17:25.05jhutchins_ltborn2troll: You might be surprised to learn how many people have no idea what "redeclipse" is.  An astronomy program perhaps?
17:26.07born2trolljhutchins_lt its a FPS based on the cube2 engine
17:26.36jhutchins_ltSo what about other applications with sound?
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17:27.26born2trolleverything else seems to work. well everything else is installed per apt-get and redeclipse is just downloaded extracted in ~ and started
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17:34.17kurkale6kaHi, is there a way when I su or sudo su to keep my config files (meaning have the same environement as defined by my .bashrc)?
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17:35.52abrotmanyou mean your user's env ?
17:36.02abrotmaninstead of the user you su to ?
17:36.04Ryccardokurkale6ka: `sudo -s` doesn't reset the environment, unlike `sudo -i`, `sudo -` or su
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17:36.26kurkale6kaRyccardo: thx
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17:39.07kurkale6kaRyccardo: doesn't work. I tried sudo -s su
17:39.20Ryccardojust use `sudo -s`
17:39.21abrotmanwow ..
17:39.26Ryccardoit implies shell
17:39.37abrotmanor have him read the man page ?
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17:40.56kurkale6kaRyccardo: hmm, pretty cool, I wonder then in what case would I need sudo su -???
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17:42.05blubberdiblubin no case?
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17:42.47AmarandeI've practically never even used sudo, and I've used linux off and on for a decade +
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17:43.10kurkale6kaCan this be useful (sudo su -)?
17:43.16lstarneskurkale6ka: probably never
17:43.22lstarnesusually sudo is all you need
17:43.27lstarnesor sudo -i or sudo -s
17:43.27abrotmanblubberdiblub: not entirely true .. you may not have the root password but you may have the ability to su .. `sudo su - otheruser'
17:43.41lstarnesyou can also use sudo -u otheruser -i
17:44.00abrotmanblubberdiblub: not that i approve of such abuse! :)
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17:44.23kurkale6kacheers guys
17:44.30blubberdiblubabrotman, good point. didn't think about that, since i've set up sudo here to require the root password
17:44.39Amarandeapparently Ubuntu makes greater use of sudo than Debian ... I've not used Ubuntu myself, but have heard that it by default doesn't give you the root password
17:44.45lstarnesblubberdiblub: why would you do that?
17:44.51Amarande(which, really, to me is just something else to file under the "reasons never to use ubuntu" list)
17:44.54abrotmanAmarande: Debian can be installed that way also
17:45.04hpaAmarande: that sounds like a good idea
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17:45.14hpaA single shared root password sucks
17:45.24Amarandehow is not knowing the root password for your *own* box a good thing, though
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17:45.34blubberdiblublstarnes, because it's more logical in my opinion. the password that corresponds to the correct authority
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17:45.55abrotmanAmarande: you'd just set the root password with sudo .. not a brain killer
17:46.23Amarandeabrotman: however, how is this better than setting it at install time - i.e., I don't see the purpose of the paradigm
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17:47.03abrotmanAmarande: technically it means no one can login as root at all .. even at console ..
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17:47.27lstarnesblubberdiblub: but then what do you do when you need to revoke root access from someone?
17:47.42valdynlstarnes: you cant safely revoke root access
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17:47.46valdynlstarnes: thats a fucked up idea
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17:47.58lstarnesvaldyn: you can revoke sudo access
17:48.03abrotmanhe said from someone
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17:48.06valdynlstarnes: thats also a fucked up idea
17:48.12blubberdiblublstarnes, i don't need to revoke my own root access. i'm the only person using my box
17:48.17Amarandelstarnes, once someone has had root access you must always assume they have it
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17:48.56lstarnesAmarande: I know that
17:49.01valdynthinking of root as something thats revokable is broken
17:49.03pablohi guys, what do yuo recommend me to use to solve non-empty-dependency_libs-in-la-file I am using but it is not working
17:49.09lstarnesAmarande: but you can still restrict known ways of gaining root access
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17:49.13dpkgwell, mentors is the system the Debian project uses to train new people to become Debian Developers or Debian Maintainers and get their packages into the Debian archive.  Ask me about <nmg>.  #debian-mentors on
17:49.25abrotmanlstarnes: security by obscurity ? :)
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17:49.35abrotmanin this case .. insecurity
17:49.36lstarnesvaldyn: I'm not talking about revoking root.  I'm talking about revoking specific vectors to gaining access to the root account
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17:49.50pabloabrotman: was the mentors link for me?
17:50.02abrotmanpablo: yes
17:50.07lstarnesI may have not been as clear as I should have at first and I apologize for that
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17:50.56abrotmansuspects that will fail ..
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17:51.43*** mode/#debian [+b tblamer!*@*] by abrotman
17:51.51Amarandehmm, can you just ban or does that absolute-IP-ban trick not work on freenode ircd?
17:51.52*** mode/#debian [-o abrotman] by abrotman
17:52.03abrotmanAmarande: he's beenb using more than one ip
17:52.12lstarnesAmarande: it works
17:52.16abrotmanand now the ibm hostmask
17:52.34Amarandeabrotman, that's what I meant, the feature that an IP ban works regardless of DNS or hostmasking
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17:52.47AmarandeI know ircu2.10 has it but I wasn't sure about freenode
17:52.51abrotmanbut he changed IPs ...
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17:53.03abrotmanthe way I did it is the way to ban for any ip or hostmask
17:53.13lstarnesbut what if he changes his nick?
17:53.23Amarandelstarnes, then I guess we'd just have to ban *!*@*
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17:54.22kurkale6kaOk, question. If I use su, then htt<tab> will try to complete but if I log with sudo -s it won't. Why?
17:54.22abrotmanor in this case, go +r
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17:54.36abrotmankurkale6ka: no in your path ?
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17:54.57lstarnesor use sudo -i
17:55.11kurkale6kaabrotman: oh tight, it is not the root PATH...
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17:55.55kurkale6kalstarnes: yes but the whole point is to have my environement
17:56.16lstarneskurkale6ka: copy your .bashrc to /root?
17:56.22Amarandebtw, does anyone here happen to know if there is a channel that might provide better support for abcde and friends?
17:56.31kurkale6kalstarnes: not an option
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17:57.01kurkale6kamore than 500 servers and I already copy my config to my accounts lstarnes
17:57.34KhmarThanks to some DNS resolution problems, when I did an apt-get update, the files in /var/lib/apt/lists/partial/ are messed up when I did an apt-get update. The update keeps failing saying " doesn't start with a clearsigned message". How do I fix this?
17:58.04lstarnesusually there isn't a good reason to have root use a regular user's environment unless you're runing graphical applications. in whichc ase there are tools like gksudo and kdesu
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17:58.26AmarandeSpecifically: if a CD is not in freedb (or only provides artist and title info but not track titles), what format am I supposed to enter the track names etc. in in the text editor box that comes up when I say yes I want to edit the info?
17:58.44AmarandeIt just pops up a blank text editor, and there's nothing in either the abcde or cd-discid man pages about what format is wanted
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17:59.16babilenKhmar: You can move/remove /var/lib/apt/lists/ftp* and run "apt-get update" again
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17:59.58Khmarbabilen: Looks like it has fetched the right files now that the DNS is cleaned up. Thanks.
18:00.07kurkale6kathere is a perfectly good reason be it to have my aliases amongs other things
18:00.22Amarandeand sadly, this is a common occurrence in freedb. I think right now something about 30% of the discs I've tried to put through abcde have not had suitable data in freedb.
18:00.53abrotmanAmarande: FWIW, i've been using jack
18:01.19Amarandeabrotman: are you finding the freedb failure rate for your CD collection to be about as large, btw?
18:02.28abrotmanAmarande: i had pretty darn good luck FWIW .. not sure what you listen to .. but even freedb had CDs by a friend of mine not really known more than a few hundred miles from where he lives now
18:02.45abrotmannot all of his CDs .. but a fair number
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18:03.56jhutchins_ltAmarande: I would suggest trying some better known discs that have info in the database to get a template.
18:04.17AmarandeYeah, I haven't actually tried saying yes to editing one that's actually got info, maybe I should try that :)
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18:04.36abrotmanAmarande: but i really liked using jack .. i was able to automate a fair portion of it, and it goes to many formats
18:05.07abrotmanand ithelped that the DD used to be in this channel a lot (still idles)
18:05.21Amarandeah, it appears that jack is similar to abcde
18:05.31Amarandeit's a pity I can't automate the "insert CDs into the drive" process. :)
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18:06.03kurkale6kaSo abrotman, do you use sudo -s or do you copy your config files to your remote root accounts?
18:06.26blubberdiblubAmarande, build a robot out of lego or so ;)
18:06.39jhutchins_ltkurkale6ka: I mostly learn to work with the default configurations so I don't have to mess with stuff like that.
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18:07.14kurkale6kajhutchins_lt: I can too but it is way more efficient to have my config
18:07.22abrotmanAmarande: i did exactly that ...
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18:07.32jhutchins_ltkurkale6ka: It depends on what you think efficiency is.
18:07.50abrotmanAmarande: i think the 'cdinfo' can tell you if there's a CD in the drive, then you kick off your bit
18:08.17jhutchins_ltkurkale6ka: Being able to work with any default linux installation gives me a lot more flexibility.
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18:08.26Amarandejhutchins: probably a good thing. particularly with the things on linux that don't work well when you try to override the defaults (alsa with wine applications comes to mind ...)
18:08.35abrotmanAmarande: i don't have the script here, it's at home .. but if you're around next time i'm home, i'll get it for you
18:08.57cwebberwhat us the "right" way to setup iptables on debian?
18:09.03AmarandeI ended up finally retiring my old Audigy SE card and switching to onboard audio this weekend due to the alsa/wine bit.
18:09.06cwebberie were do I put my rules?
18:09.16abrotmanwhrever you like
18:09.16kurkale6kajhutchins_lt: ex: lu -> ls -FB --color=auto -tu, which is faster to use?
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18:10.06jhutchins_ltkurkale6ka: To be honest some of the aliases I used to set up routinely are now part of  most Linux Distributions' defaults.
18:10.22*** mode/#debian [-b *!*@nat/ibm/x-lhgpjnufyfkmbelk] by abrotman
18:10.29jhutchins_ltkurkale6ka: I'd make a macro for my console program.
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18:11.20jhutchins_ltkurkale6ka: Actually, I would learn to use the default output of ls instead.
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18:11.32wildc4rdgood evening all!
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18:11.54kurkale6kajhutchins_lt: I think costomizations are there for a reason
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18:14.46jhutchins_ltFunny thing is that the aliases that got adopted are things I don't use any more.
18:15.31jhutchins_ltkurkale6ka: This means I can start being productive immediately while you're still messing with your configuration.
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18:22.25jamie920341Anyone having trouble with the debian mirror?
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18:26.02jhutchins_ltjamie920341: What kind of trouble?
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18:26.18jamie920341Ill put it on pastebin, 2s
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18:26.30jamie920341 'W: Failed to fetch'
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18:27.28ShinyDarknessHello. I want to migrate from squeeze to wheezy, what would be a better idea, to perform an upgrade or a clean reinstall?
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18:27.45jamie920341jhutchins_lt I also can't download packages, or naviate the ftp at all
18:27.46nkuttlerShinyDarkness: upgrade
18:27.59nkuttlerjamie920341: use a different mirror
18:28.26jamie920341But this one is really fast!
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18:28.33nkuttlerapparently not
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18:28.58nkuttler!tell jamie920341 about apt-spy
18:29.06ShinyDarknessnkuttler: Is there any way to replace every instance of "squeeze" with "wheezy" in my /etc/apt/sources.list without opening the file in a text editor?
18:29.14jamie920341Now thats clever, thx nkuttler
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18:29.35nkuttlerShinyDarkness: sed.. though technically that's an editor
18:29.53ShinyDarknessnkuttler: Okay, thanks.
18:30.08PosterdatiI installed an embedded arm system with lenny, but I cannot mount swap at boot... please help!
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18:31.23ShinyDarknessWhat is the file /etc/apt/sources.list~ (note the tilde character) for?
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18:32.00nkuttlerShinyDarkness: looks like a backup file.. iirc emacs adds a tilde
18:32.14ShinyDarknessnkuttler: Ah!
18:33.22jhutchins_ltjamie920341: Looks like it's requesting log-in.  That happens sometimes when the load is too high, or it could be a configuration error.  Somebody's having a bad Monday.
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18:40.12DSpairHello all... Need some help with SNMP/Disk usage stats. Anyone here got experience?
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18:43.30pmadeSo, just installed squeeze, base packages only + ssh, first boot is a blank screen with a flashing cursor.  I can ssh into the box, now what?
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18:44.38somiajpmade: when does the screen go blank, you see grub and the boot start then the screen 'changes resolutions' and goes blank?
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18:45.11pmadesomiaj: as soon as grub goes away it goes blank, I see no boot messages.
18:45.28pmadeI susspect my Radeon 6870 graphics card.
18:45.55somiajpmade: I'd say look though /var/log/ and check the logs, tough you usually see a flash before the framebuffer takes over.
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18:46.46pmadesomiaj: now that you mention it, I do see a flash, I get a sort of pop out of the connected speakers, then blank screen with no boot messages
18:46.50LtLpmade: try appending 'nomodeset' at the end of the boot line from the grub menu, hit 'e' to edit
18:47.11somiajpmade: to me it sounds like a framebuffer issue. You could also modify /etc/default/grub and disable the graphical terminal.
18:47.13LtLpmade: that might get you a screen
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18:48.07pmadesomiaj: I only have the base system installed, no X, will it still try to use a graphical terminal?
18:48.13pmadeLtL: thanks, I'll try that.
18:48.18jhutchinsI seem to recall having an issue where the consoles weren't starting (although X was), but in rebooting to figure out why it fixed itself.
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18:49.12jhutchinspmade: The framebuffer enables some graphical capabilities in console mode, things like font settings.
18:49.17pmadeI was playing with wheezy last night and had to install firmware-linux-nonfree to get the framebuffer to work, but then after I installed X nothing worked, X or framebuffer
18:49.20somiajwell if its really a squeeze base system + ssh there should be no reason X is trying to start.
18:50.08somiajpmade: framebuffers can conflict with the X drivers. So if you aren't using the radeon free drivers for X in that cad you'll want to disable the framebuffer anyways.
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18:51.19jhutchinssomiaj: So the free radeon drivers don't use kms like the intel drivers do?
18:51.49somiajjhutchins: they do. I'm saying if he doens't want to use the radeon free drivers (fglrx) he'll want to disable the kms
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18:53.54GetsEclectic_so i got the nvidia binary driver working on this macbook pro, but it doesn't seem to have a VGA output for the mini dvi
18:54.00GetsEclectic_it seems like the driver is working fine
18:54.08GetsEclectic_direct rendering enabled and everything
18:54.23pmadeLtL: no luck with "nomodeset", goes directly to a blank screen.
18:54.31GetsEclectic_but when i try to put something on it with xrandr it says there's no vga output
18:54.39pmadeIs there anything I should be looking for in the log files?
18:55.09GetsEclectic_is there somewhere i can see the outputs that are working?
18:55.15pmadesomiaj: How do I disable the graphical console?
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18:55.27somiajpmade: have you tried to modify /etc/defult/grub and uncommon the thing it says to disable graphical terminal.
18:55.38GetsEclectic_the wiki seems to think there should be an lvds output for the laptop lcd and a vga output for the mini dvi
18:55.42GetsEclectic_but i don't see either
18:55.44pmadesomiaj: no, sorry, doing tha tnow.
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18:56.32somiajGetsEclectic_: what do you see, xrandr -q should show all possible devices (even if they aren't connencted)
18:56.39GetsEclectic_ah thanks
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18:57.14GetsEclectic_i see screen 0 which is my laptop lcd
18:57.17GetsEclectic_but that's it
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18:58.44GetsEclectic_i used the regular nvidiagraphicsdriver tutorial for setting it up
18:58.46somiajGetsEclectic_: well you should see all of them, LVDS connencted, VGA-0 disconnencted and HDMI-0 disconnencted is what I have.
18:59.09GetsEclectic_used that
18:59.12GetsEclectic_seemed to work fine
18:59.46GetsEclectic_used the simple xorg.conf that's like 3/4 of the way down that page
19:00.11GetsEclectic_is there a better way to set it up?
19:01.03somiajNo, I just don't see why xrandr isn't seeing all the devices.
19:01.15sickgutapt-get install grandr
19:01.23sickgutit will setup multimonitor
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19:01.35sickgutapt-get install nvidia-settings
19:01.37somiajcould be the driver isn't seeing them or the driver is disabling them
19:01.48GetsEclectic_i was thinking of trying nvidia-xconfig
19:02.01GetsEclectic_but the tutorial suggested against it
19:02.04somiajsickgut: grandr I don't see doing much good since xrandr isn't seeing them and it is just a front end. (:
19:02.29somiajGetsEclectic_: the nvidia-settings tool for the non-free drivers is probabaly a good bet. See if it can see the other connenctions and just isn't enabling xrandr support for them.
19:02.30GetsEclectic_i don't know a ton about how xrandr works, could it be an xorg.conf problem?
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19:04.03GetsEclectic_yeah i see both monitors in nvidia-settings
19:04.12pmadesomiaj: I disabled the grapical console via grub, ran update-grub and rebooted.  Now I see some random characters, "Loading Linux", more random characters, and a blinking cursor, no boot messages, no login prompt
19:04.15somiajhmm, guess my nvidia gpu doesn't show the other connenctions with xrandr -q either, it might just be the non-free drivers don't have actual xrandr support
19:04.19GetsEclectic_should work pretty easily then
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19:05.59GetsEclectic_twinview or separate x screen?
19:06.41somiajhmm, found a few articles in google dated last year saying the non-free nvidia drivers just don't have xrandr support. Guess that is still the case as even with the 290.10 version from squeeze there is still no full xrandr support
19:07.17somiajtwinview is nvidias prioporatary tool, seperate x-screen will use xineimera
19:07.28somiajdepending on your use you may find one more to your liking than the other.
19:08.22somiajarg 290.10 version from sid (not thinking before I typed above) (:
19:08.25GetsEclectic_twinview isn't actually working
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19:08.45GetsEclectic_i'll try xinerama
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19:09.10GetsEclectic_which means i am restarting x
19:09.12GetsEclectic_thanks for the help
19:10.17kfogel_Anyone know off hand if non-free drivers (e.g., Realtek wifi firmware) are "quarantined" in the kernel in such a way that they couldn't possibly access memory outside of data the kernel hands them to do their job?  I'm trying to figure out how "trustworthy" a kernel is when non-free drivers are loaded, realizing the question is not completely well-formed.
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19:10.41acuHey guys - I have what is supposed to be a dual booting testing machine - with Debian AMD 6.1 and RHEL6.1 - and since I installed Debian the GRUB does not show RHEL anymore - I know Debian installed GRUB2 and if i do update-grub2 it goes to an autoreconfiguration - and sees the RHEL but when I reboot  the GRUB does not show RHEL - are there any writing issues - I should change ? _ I tried this with SL 6.1 and got the same results - any
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19:10.59Zeranoedoes anyone know how to paste in xterm?
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19:11.20somiajpmade: hmm I don't have any more sugestions, seems strange that it won't even deal with the basic console correctly. You are using ths stock 2.6.32 kernel from squeeze?
19:11.34somiajZeranoe: middle mouse button is default (just select something to copy it)
19:12.02blubberdiblubacu: install the package os-prober
19:12.13ksx4systemanybody knows a good tutorial how to set up secure mail server with exim4, dovecot and as much data as possible kept in mysql database?
19:12.21ksx4systemunder Debian squeeze of course
19:12.40Zeranoesomiaj: If I'm on a laptop and don't have a middle mouse, is there any other way?
19:12.43kfogel_Zeranoe: middle mouse button?
19:12.52kfogel_Zeranoe: press right+left together
19:12.58kfogel_Zeranoe: that often fakes middle
19:13.20kfogel_Zeranoe: (actually, it has always done that for me -- seems to be pretty reliable)
19:13.21acublubberdiblub, os-prober is installed and actually when I do update-grub2 - it recognizes the Scientific linux - or RHEL - but when I reboot - they do not show in grub
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19:13.45Zeranoekfogel_: hmm, doesn't seem to be working
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19:13.52pmadesomiaj: Yes, I haven't changed anything at all yet, just the base install.
19:14.05blubberdiblubacu, does the rhel entry show up in /boot/grub/grub.cfg ?
19:14.05kfogel_Zeranoe: ah, durn, sorry.
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19:14.55somiajpmade: you could try to install the 2.6.39 kernel from -- though wonder if its a locales problem or something as to why you are getting garbeled text.
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19:15.04kfogel_Zeranoe: I have found this document helpful, in figuring out cut/paste under X Windows:
19:15.20acublubberdiblub, no it does not show there - what should I do ?
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19:16.26somiajacu: did you get any other comments/errors when you ran update-grub that says it found it but ignores it or something?
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19:17.04pmadesomiaj: I restarted an noticed that grub has some garbage characters also.  I added fb=false to the boot line and still getting garbage and blinking cursor.
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19:17.24pmadeI think I'm going to just buy another graphics card.
19:17.30somiajpmade: the last time I saw garbaged characters it was a bad video card.
19:17.46pmadesomiaj: That's what I'm susspecting too.
19:17.49somiajpmade: but I don't go though that many video cards.
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19:18.15pmadeDoes anyone know of a good resource that recommends which graphics cards to buy for Debian and X?
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19:19.43somiajpmade: depends on what you want. I would just avoid bleeding edge (linux support usually lags just a little)
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19:20.18somiajpmade: I like my ati/amd radeon 4200 for a work desktop/laptop (Cause of the the good free drivers), but prefer nvidia for a gaming/3d orinated computer
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19:21.13blubberdiblubacu, run update-grub again and observe what somiaj suggested
19:21.17pmadesomiaj: Thank you.
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19:21.54acuMSG acu !paste
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19:22.53Amarandethere is, however, one gotcha that you have to be careful of with ATI cards in particular.
19:23.18pmadeAmarande: what's that?
19:23.20AmarandeI am not sure if it yet applies, or will apply to nVidia cards (as of the last time I bought a video card, ATI cards had HDMI support but nVidia ones appeared not to)
19:23.31acublubberdiblub,  and somiaj here is the result of my update-grub2 (actually I did update-grub with same result)
19:23.32AmarandeATI cards have an HDMI port, which means they are also technically audio devices
19:23.54AmarandeALSA can become a pain to configure if you have multiple audio devices, because the system has a bad habit of not being constant about what card should be default
19:24.04Amarande(it's consistent within a boot, but if you reboot, it sometimes swaps them up)
19:24.15Amarandeand overriding the default can cause undesirable consequences, most particularly with Wine
19:24.43pmadeWell, the only feature I need on a video card is dual-head, otherwise I don't care, I'm only going to run a window manager, and I never play games
19:24.45*** part/#debian kfogel (Karl@gateway/
19:24.49somiajAmarande: using hdmi audio on my ati card, though alsa has seen my hdmi devices on my desktop for nvidia for a few years now, I just don't use it. my sblive from 1998 works better than most modern sound cards.
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19:24.57Amarandesomiaj: the specific issue I ran into was this
19:25.25AmarandeI decided NOT to disable the onboard audio on my DZ68DB mobo, since I wanted to have the possibility to use the front headphone port on the case, particularly
19:25.27somiajpmade: I'd suggest ati then, they have better free 3d support than nvidia at the moment. Nouveau is still fairly new.
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19:25.44Amarandehowever, to mostly use my old SB Audigy card, as I was used to using a sound card
19:25.46pmadesomiaj: okay, thank you.
19:25.59AmarandeI ended up retiring the Audigy though, because I found that ALSA would not consistently retain it as the default sound card
19:26.18Amarandeand discovered that, if you try to play a game in Wine using an overridden sound card default, the sound comes out, to put it bluntly, BAD.
19:26.35somiajAmarande: let me guess, when you set up a default the dmix settings enabled by default were overwritten and you didn't get software mixing on the card?
19:26.42blubberdiblubacu, in that case, it should usually have updated /boot/grub/grub.cfg correctly. does that partition happen to be mounted ro or does the file happen to be set immutable? although it would probably throw an error in both of those cases
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19:26.45AmarandeIt apparently has to do with the mixer system not doing things the same when the default is overridden vs. using ALSA's decision about the card
19:26.52Amarandeyeah, it was something to do with dmix
19:27.02Amarandeand apparently, there's no real way to override the default *without* getting that issue
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19:27.07somiajAmarande: there are ways to control how sound cards are detected to limit the randomness of reodering. Though these days I just suspend my desktop and don't actually power it down.
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19:27.22GetsEclectic_got both monitors working now
19:27.59GetsEclectic_is there an easy way to switch modes depending on whether a mini dvi is plugged in or not? i had been using a script with disper in ubuntu but it doesn't work
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19:28.13GetsEclectic_metamodes are screwed up or something
19:28.24somiajAmarande: yea I run into that a bit, unforntally there isn't any clear documentation on how to enable dmix. But for my desktop I just use my sblive and hdmi video -- they work fine (I just had to modify a custom edid for my monintor to disable the hdmi audio feed so it would use the old soud card)
19:28.35Amarandein any case, the Z68 chipset onboard sound is at least as good as the Audigy, and the main reason I used to have a sound card all the time is gone anyway
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19:28.56karstenGetsEclectic_: video modes?  Does xrandr see the display correctly?
19:28.57somiajGetsEclectic_: if the nvdia-settings tool dosen't do it you'll have to have seperate seetings in your xorg.conf
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19:29.04Amarandemainly, it was paranoia, since my mic used to be a studio model that needed a 1/4" plug, the adapter was bulky and right up against the sound card jack
19:29.29Amarandeon the card I had prior to the Audigy, that adapter got wrenched to the side somehow and broke the jack, so I was always leery of using onboard sound after that in case something like that would ruin the mobo
19:29.58GetsEclectic_no karsten xrandr doesn't work
19:29.59AmarandeI have a USB mic now though so that no longer is an issue
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19:30.31Amarande(Also, I wasn't quite sure if there was any support in squeeze for the Z68 audio, even with bpo kernel, so I couldn't really be sure to be able to ditch the Audigy till AFTER I found out the Z68 was supported)
19:30.32karstenDumb question: I'm looking for a small ascii-art Debian logo -- something that would fit into a dozen vertical lines or less.  I thought I'd seen one but can't turn anything up Googling.
19:30.40karstenMostly looking for something cute for /etc/
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19:31.07somiajpmade: I would double check which versions the free radeon driver support before picking witch ati card. Though as long as its not the top of the line card I think you'll be just fine.
19:31.08karstenAnd I've already found the large ascii-art Debian logo (and package). Not that one.
19:31.30Amarandeand yeah, on the flip side ati does tend to have better linux driver support on the opensource front
19:31.34xingukarsten: how about linuxlogo's output?
19:31.39pmadesomiaj: Do I do that on the Xorg site, or somewhere else?
19:31.52AmarandeI'm using nVidia, a GeForce 250 GTS, and still must use the proprietary driver for 3D DRI even though this card is somewhere around 4-5 generations old
19:32.06somiajpmade: /msg dpkg radeon
19:32.12mr_jrtHey. Quite a while back I came on here asking for help installing Debian onto a MDADM/RAID5 setup with LVM on top of that. I was assured it should work, but had to leave before I could complete the testing for why it didn't. Has anyone here got the time to help me out with this now?
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19:32.43acuhere is my grub.cfg - it does not take the scientific linux ->
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19:32.51karstenxingu: Got that, and I'm using it for /etc/issue, but it's too big IMO.
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19:33.37blubberdiblubacu, does the modification time of the grub.cfg file correspond to when you ran update-grub?
19:33.59karstensomiaj: Smaller
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19:34.18karstensomiaj: I thought I'd seen one as an email sig.  Can't for the life of me find it now.
19:36.09karstenHrm ... how do you get into draw/paint mode in emacs?
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19:37.44acublubberdiblub, the modification time of grub.cfg coresponds with the time of grub-upgrade - just did not update - perhaps the SL6.1
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19:39.13blubberdiblubacu, with when you upgraded grub or with when you ran "update-grub"?
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19:41.01nikolaj_basherHi is there anyone how knows where I can find FcgidMaxRequestLen value (apache mod)? looked everywhere
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19:41.42acublubberdiblub, the time is when I upgrade the grub
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19:44.49abrotmannikolaj_basher: perhaps it's not set explicitly .. it might just have a resaonable default
19:45.30nikolaj_basherabrotman, do you know how to change it?
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19:46.02blubberdiblubacu, but the time of the file should correspond with when you run "update-grub". if it doesn't, there's something wrong. the file doesn't get written. that's why the entry doesn't show up
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19:48.07pmadesomiaj: I think I'm going to order a Radeon 4670 (RV730).  X wiki says it's supported, and Debian wiki says it's supported after installing firmware-linux-nonfree.  Does anything jump out at you about that card?
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19:49.49nikolaj_basherabrotman, thanks for the tip
19:50.03nikolaj_basherabrotman, made google reasearch
19:50.17jhutchins_ltacu: Line 122 looks like it finds SL.
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19:51.10jhutchins_ltgrub2 needs a parser that will show what the actual menu will look like without having to boot.
19:51.46blubberdiblubjhutchins_lt, yeah, that mismatch is what we're wondering about
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19:55.05jhutchins_ltUnfortunately my multi-distro box blew it's hard drive, so i don't know what it's supposed to look like.  Is there anything unusual about the SL /boot?
19:55.40jhutchins_ltacu: Have you manually altered any of the grub files?
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19:58.00somiajpmade: for a 2D desktop it should be fine.
19:58.22blubberdiblubjhutchins_lt, /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober indicates that if it is printing that found line, it should either output the entry or throw an error, nothing of which happened
19:58.55blubberdiblubjhutchins_lt, the original 30_os-prober, obviously
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19:59.01pmadesomiaj: If I wanted to use compvizmgr solely for fading unfoced windows, do you think it would work with this card?
19:59.19acujhutchins_lt, no I did not make any manual modifications - first I installed SL then debian - I think at the beginning I could see both - then perhaps a kernel update - or something - made it disapear -
19:59.26jhutchins_ltAre all the partitions ok according to fsck?
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20:00.16jhutchins_ltacu: There's a known phenomenon where squeeze doesn't appear to run os_prober on initial install and grub needs to be updated on reboot, but I doubt that's related...
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20:01.13jhutchins_ltTrying to remember any details from a situation where menu.cfg wasn't being re-written.
20:01.37jhutchins_ltacu: How about if you add something, an option or a comment or something to /etc/default/grub - maybe that'll knock it loose.
20:02.13acujhutchins_lt: yes, is first time I have this issues - befer the update-grub fixed everything - I have some data in SL I need to pull out - this is a test system - but I really did not want to reinstall everything
20:02.32blubberdiblubjhutchins_lt, the 30_os-prober comments in grub.cfg indicate that os_prober was called at some point (when the file was written). and the output of the found distro line indicates that it actually runs
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20:02.51pmadesomiaj: well, just found something on google that says the 4670 works with compviz just fien
20:02.53somiajpmade: yea it should have decent 3D support.
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20:03.03pmadesomiaj: Thanks for all the help!
20:03.25blubberdiblubjhutchins_lt, but i agree that acu should probably run fsck on the partition
20:04.06TACPILOTI am working with dpkg trying to install packages into a tree. that tree will be encapsulated for provisioning other systems and may not be the same version as the dev box. Running commands with 'dpkg --root='  not successful in setting up environment. any suggestions ?
20:04.36valdynTACPILOT: use chroot
20:05.17TACPILOTchroot tree is not a system tree
20:05.32valdynTACPILOT: so?
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20:06.53dondelelcaroTACPILOT: the general method of doing that is to use debootstrap, apt-get, and a chroot
20:07.12dondelelcaroTACPILOT: but unless you have specific requirements, you're generally better off just using a real debian setup for provisioning
20:07.16valdynTACPILOT: even if dpkg supports -root, packages do not. Packages run things, have postinst and preinst scripts. use chroot or a virtual machine
20:07.32TACPILOTbeen a while since worked with chroot but I thought systems calls must exist in the chroot tree for they will no longer be accesable from inside chroot ??
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20:08.48valdynTACPILOT: what youre saying makes no sense
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20:09.10dondelelcaroTACPILOT: you need to a have kernel which is compatible with the libc that you're using, but that's almost always the case in Linux.
20:09.11valdynTACPILOT: maybe you have a wrong idea about what a chroot is
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20:10.42TACPILOTmy focus has been in diff directions for a while .. perhaps a bit confused ... off to read chroot cliff notes ... TNX for the info that should get me in the right direction :)
20:11.07l1t_I want to use the proprietary version of flash (adobe). Could somebody point me in the right direction for doing that. Maybe a guide that is up to date?
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20:11.34valdynl1t_: install flashplugin-nonfree from non-free
20:11.42dondelelcaro!tell l1t_ -about flashplugin-nonfree
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20:13.54l1t_Its saying This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or
20:13.55l1t_is only available from another source
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20:14.36l1t_I added non-free to my sources.list too
20:16.16dondelelcarol1t_: did you run apt-get update? what does apt-cache policy; apt-cache policy flashplugin-nonfree; say?
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20:16.59noturno99Hi, i'd like to know what minipci is better to use with debian squeeze?
20:17.05noturno99native support on linux..
20:17.18noturno99wifi board
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20:18.13jhutchins_ltfpnf is in contrib, isn't it?
20:18.17somiajnoturno99: pick a card, then check for both linux support in the kernel and debian support on the debian wiki. If you don't find anything good, choose another.
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20:18.55jhutchins_ltnoturno99: There are a bunch that work pretty well, although the drivers for N band are a bit behind.
20:18.56somiajjhutchins_lt: I think so as well.
20:18.59noturno99i saw realtek and atheros.. but looks like that both needs ndiswrapper to work
20:19.01jhutchins_lt!tell noturno99 about wifi
20:19.02noturno99am I correct?
20:19.08jhutchins_ltnoturno99: No.
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20:19.22somiajnoturno99: nehter should need ndiswrapper these days, you were looking at old info.
20:19.24jhutchins_ltndiswrapper is like 2008.
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20:19.31noturno99what do you think about RTL8187L?
20:19.58jsoft_what is that
20:20.20nkuttler!tell noturno99 about RTL8187L
20:20.46jhutchins_ltnoturno99: RealTeks are notoriously cheap
20:21.00*** mode/#debian [+l 1224] by debhelper
20:21.02somiajnoturno99: I personally have a bad opinion of RTL drivers, though mostly because the one in my laptop crashes with suspends. But check the debian wiki for specfics on a paticular card
20:21.29noturno99i found at debian wiki: RTL8187L.
20:21.49nkuttlermy rtl works just fine.. with firmware of course
20:21.50noturno99and I wanna make sure that i'ts good
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20:22.09tensorpuddingrealtek has linux drivers iirc
20:22.14tensorpuddingfor their wifi that is
20:22.15noturno99and it's easy to install, but, what abou the signal?
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20:22.37tensorpuddingtheir ethernet nic's have been supported under linux forever
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20:24.01somiajthe RTL8188CE just gave me a bad taste for realtek, but I think its more this paticular card than verall realtek linux support.
20:25.07dondelelcarol1t_: it's in contrib, not non-free
20:25.30dondelelcarol1t_: so your sources.list should say main contrib non-free, not just main non-free
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20:26.08nkuttlersomiaj: that's the one i have. works fine when i suspend to ram
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20:26.57somiajnkuttler: maybe its my card then. network-manager/wicd both cause my whole kernel to pause and sometimes crash with just using it automatically
20:27.06somiajnkuttler: suspend works but resume usually fails
20:27.18noturno99and, What model do you prefer?
20:27.21l1t_dondelelcaro: Thankyou very much. I forgot I removed the contrib a while ago. By the way will this now take over the free flash? Or do I have to manually remove the free flash version?
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20:28.06somiajl1t_: you can check about:plugins in your browser to see which one it loads
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20:30.18noturno99what model off minipci board do you have in yours notebooks?
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20:30.52MortvertHow can one make a script run at startup?
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20:31.41Sprengelhello :)
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20:32.22Sprengelkennt sich hier jemand besonders gut mit XEN aus?
20:32.26somiajMortvert: what kinda of script/what do you want it to do?
20:32.38Mortvertsomiaj - one that starts a service
20:32.38ice799Hi. Is there a way to do preseeding without having to set a boot parameter? For example, I have a bunch of debian systems already up and running. I want to install a packge on them but I know the package will prompt for user input
20:32.50Mortvertsomiaj - at startup, with specified .cfg file
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20:33.59somiajMortvert: what service? You will have to write your own script, check /etc/init.d/README /etc/init.d/skeleton and
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20:34.31jhutchins_ltMortvert: You can either start it in rc.local or you can build your own initscript using the template in /etc/init.d/skeleton and enable it with something like rcconf
20:34.50Mortvertsomiaj - the service IS installed but it needs to be called out with a specified config
20:35.00*** join/#debian StephenS (~freenode@xshellz/founder/StephenS)
20:35.01Mortvertso yeah, it just needs poking at startup
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20:35.15somiajMortvert: you could modify the script that was provided with the package then
20:35.26Mortvertsomiaj - eh, no-can-do
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20:35.33jhutchins_ltMortvert: If there's already an initscript look to see if you can make settings somewhere or modify the script (last resort).
20:35.56jhutchins_ltMortvert: ?
20:36.02jhutchins_ltloves the lag here...
20:36.18Mortvertjhutchins_lt - dynamic DNS client
20:36.32l1t_somiaj: It's saying I'm using both shockwave and "furutesplash" player. When I play youtube vids I still get 100% CPU utilization so it's for sure still defaulting to free flash. How do I disable the free one?
20:36.55jhutchins_ltMortvert: Is that the one that dyndns used to distribute when they were free?
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20:37.06Mortvertjhutchins_lt - nope.
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20:37.51StephenSI have urgency question
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20:38.26StephenSI am on my old pc monitor with dual windows and linux debian x64 bit. I have 17 inches monito and my resolution is 1024x768 but screen is looking very big
20:38.29StephenSlike Im using 800x600
20:38.30jhutchins_ltMortvert: have a look in /usr/share/doc/inadyn and see if there's a way to specify the config file.
20:38.41StephenSbut on windows resolution is fine.
20:38.48Mortvertjhutchins_lt - i need a simple script that will call out inadyn --input_file /etc/inadyn.cfg at startup
20:39.11jhutchins_ltMortvert: What does it use by default?
20:39.15somiajStephenS: xrandr -q [what resolution does it say the other monintor is at]?
20:39.34Mortvertjhutchins_lt - start up with config that updates my dynamic DNS entry
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20:40.04StephenSsomiaj, here what it say:
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20:40.53jhutchins_ltMortvert: So you want it to start up with a config that does not do that?  I really don't understand why you can't just work with it the way it's already set up.
20:40.53somiajStephenS: so you have a single monintor at 1024x768 resolution -- resolution is fine. Is the fonts just very large?
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20:41.19StephenSi think so..
20:41.20Mortvertjhutchins_lt - the config contains DNS server address and other stuff
20:41.23StephenShow can i reset all fonts
20:41.28StephenSmy font size at this resolution is 11
20:41.36StephenSis that too big? Since I had an old monitor with 22 inches
20:41.44StephenSand font size was too small sO i higher it up
20:42.05jhutchins_ltMortvert: I guess I really don't understand the question, I'll have to let someone else answer you.
20:42.25somiajStephenS: its a dpi setting,
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20:43.15StephenSoh no
20:43.19StephenSwhatever I do it feels stupid
20:43.25StephenSis there a way to reset all to default?
20:44.00twobitspritefor some reason my squeeze system isn't seeing bind9 version 1:9.7.3.dfsg-1~squeeze4, only showing ~squeeze3... I have squeeze-security in my sources.list
20:44.45l1t_Does anyone else get really high CPU usage when they use a flash plugin?
20:45.19LightKnightl1t_: if you mean gnash, yes, I do. It's one of its most unnoying bugs (togheter with not supporting AVM2).
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20:45.52twobitspritenevermind, got it
20:46.31l1t_LightKnight: I'm actually using the proprietary adobe flash now. It uses less CPU but still wayy more than it should.
20:46.40LightKnightI see.
20:46.48jhutchins_ltMortvert: It looks like you can just copy/link your config file to /etc/inadynl.conf and it'll work.  See man inadyn, man inadyn.conf
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20:52.16zWI have debian squeeze and I have a problem with apache ssl on it. It works perfectly, out of the blue it stops working and I get a bunch of connect(1663, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(443), sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, 16) = -1 EINPROGRESS (Operation now in progress) lines when I strace my apache proc
20:52.23zWnothing to see in logfiles
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20:55.15PhilI've just done an installation using software RAID 0
20:55.28PhilI have 2 partitions, md0 and md1 mounted to / and /home respectively
20:55.32Philhowever... I can't install Grub
20:55.42Philgrub-install just kicks back 'Unknown filesystem'
20:56.06hpahas a question about the DFSG... in particular which Creative Commons licenses are considered acceptable
20:57.03JustinPhil: what command are you running?
20:57.05lstarneshpa: CC BY-SA v3.0
20:57.15PhilJustin, grub-install /dev/md0
20:57.28hpalstarnes: is that the *only* one?
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20:57.39lstarneshpa: from what I can see, yes
20:57.57lstarnesI defintitely know that any ND and NC variants would be incompatible
20:58.04lstarnesI assume CC BY 3.0 would be acceptable
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21:10.19steampunkeywhat's the common way of storing data for most utilities on Debian? suggest a store or a database.
21:10.37Amarandesteampunkey, linux utilities notoriously do not have a unified data storage method
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21:10.54lstarnessome often store data under /var/lib
21:11.07lstarnesif it's not user-specific
21:11.07Amarandethere is not normally anything so much as resembling the windows registry (the closest that you get is the hodgepodge of various files in /etc)
21:11.15lstarnesbut the actual format is up to the application
21:11.25steampunkeyAmarande: what does gconf edit?
21:11.28StephenScan someone tell me does someone use 17 inches monitor and 1024x resolution in here?
21:11.41StephenSI need to know default font size and dots
21:12.59Some_Personsteampunkey: gconf is gconf. it's basically a database of various settings. kinda like the windows registry, but more organized and less random
21:13.18Amarandesteampunkey: even that, though, is mostly/entirely specific to GNOME and its components
21:13.41steampunkeyAmarande: Some_Person: what does dpkg reconfigure?
21:13.44Amarandethere is nothing as unified as the Windows registry that virtually all programs use. it's up to the designer of each program to decide how configgles are handled
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21:13.56Amarandedpkg has its own installed-packages database
21:13.56dpkgi haven't a clue, Amarande
21:13.59StephenSsomiaj ?
21:15.13keith4StephenS: and this has what to do with debian?
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21:15.28steampunkeyAmarande: i meant packages' configurations that it offers to edit via its TUI.
21:15.48apollo13hi, is there some kind of wayback archive for debian repos? I need an older version from an unstable package
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21:16.08StephenSmy resolution is 1024 but my font is stuck for the old monitor from 22 inches and I have 17 inches monitor righthere
21:16.10nkuttler!tell apollo13 about snapshot
21:16.18StephenSshouldnt debian set auto font for every resolution ?
21:16.27apollo13nkuttler: you rock sir, and I promise I'll bookmark it this time
21:16.33Amarandesteampunkey: ah, you mean like when you install a debian package and you get configgle options
21:16.39nkuttlerapollo13: np :)
21:16.42lstarnesStephenS: usually assuming 96dpi is safe
21:16.44StephenSnow i cant get it right whenevr i change dots or font my browser is messed up and gmail is not like he looked or sites are big and everything is screwed
21:16.51Amarandesuch configuration scripts have to be tweaked individually for each such package
21:17.00steampunkeyAmarande: maybe. i know that keyboard layout can be changed like that
21:17.06StephenSok 96 it is
21:17.11steampunkeyand shell font face
21:17.19StephenSnow is too big i think
21:17.25StephenSshell font face?
21:18.03steampunkeyStephenS: typeface? anyway, ommit "face" and you'll survive
21:18.30StephenSi have only dots per inch
21:18.33StephenSwhere is type face
21:18.35StephenSwhats omit face
21:18.49StephenSis there a command to reset all to the default?
21:18.49lstarnesomit = don't include
21:19.03apollo13nkuttler: now I just need to figure out how to find bugs in the bugtracker ;)
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21:19.13lstarnesStephenS: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, but that's systemwide, not pwe-user
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21:19.19steampunkeyStephenS: as in "shell font". I'd say "sans face", but that'd confuse you so very much
21:19.40lstarnesdepending on the DE you use, you may need to remove a certain directory under ~/.config
21:19.48StephenSfixed width is monospace?
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21:19.54steampunkeyAmarande: what lstarnes said
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21:20.12lstarnesmonospace is fixed width
21:20.22StephenSmy fucking browsers are still too big and dont have an efect on my changings
21:20.31StephenSno matter if i set font to 1
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21:20.35StephenSbrowser is big font
21:20.42StephenSi cant set font on browser on each one
21:20.45lstarnesthe browser uses its own font
21:20.57StephenScan u epxlain me
21:21.07StephenShow come I used this monitor for a one week with no font change
21:21.15StephenSand now suddenly system changed it in all screwed up way
21:21.20lstarnesbrowsers usually have their own font setting sentirely independent of other applications' settings
21:21.23StephenSmy system needs 1 week t orefresh?
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21:21.41lstarnessomething may have been updated that changed the configuration somewhere
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21:21.55lstarnesor drivers or other software were changed
21:22.21steampunkeyAmarande: debconf seems to be perl... ungh
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21:22.36lstarnessteampunkey: what's wrong with perl?
21:22.53steampunkeylstarnes: for starters i don't know it. secondly, i don't think i want to know it.
21:22.56Amarandeok, this is odd
21:23.06AmarandeI have this huge stack of discs that I was ripping with abcde and the freedb info failed to come up
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21:23.23Amarandeso, finally found the file format, and then I go back to do the ones that weren't loading and now they're pretty much all coming up
21:23.31Amarandewhat's with freedb?
21:23.40steampunkeyi reckon it's a frankenstein, just like C++ is, but in a syntactically even more unfamiliar way (while somewhat more elegant otherwise perhaps)
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21:24.04StephenSmy preferences on browser does nothave effect
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21:24.08StephenSthis linux is screwed
21:24.28StephenSnothing is working like its supposed to and my 22 inches monitor is away for 1 more week
21:24.35StephenSI thinK ill stick with 7
21:24.39steampunkeyheh. that should become a meme "this linux is screwed"
21:25.02steampunkeyall your linux is belong to screwdriver
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21:25.18StephenSi cant take this any longer
21:25.45steampunkeyStephenS: yeah. you have to be kinda crazy to continue. wellcome to #looneyville. i mean #debian
21:25.58thewanderer1guys, I'm seeing a strange problem which involves KVM, bridged networking with virtio, IPv6 in a LAN, and very slow HTTP transfers over the said link (from a physical machine on the bridge to the guest VM on the bridge). I'm in the range of 20KB/s... any hints?
21:26.21thewanderer1that's downloading from Lighttpd a few megabyte file
21:26.35steampunkeysounds thwarted
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21:26.48MasterSlave_Hey in USA which ISP you can use for home Internet for  web hosting + static IP?
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21:26.57steampunkeybut i wouldn't know the second thing about virtualization, so ignore me
21:27.11thewanderer1MasterSlave_, ##networking - or they'll redirect you to a more suitable channel
21:27.20MasterSlave_thewanderer1:  thanks
21:27.21steampunkeythewanderer1: good call
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21:27.45steampunkeyAmarande: freedb is a site afaics
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21:27.57thewanderer1I've tried in ##networking with my speed problem, but they seemed... absorbed discussing other matters of IPv6 - plus it seems like a software issue at a higher layer
21:27.57steampunkeylike metadata
21:28.29steampunkeythewanderer1: if it seems so, maybe #kvm
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21:30.14thewanderer1in fact, let's see how transfers over IPv4 go...
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21:30.26steampunkeyAmarande: ok, so i'll have a config file at $HOME. however, i want things to run fast, so i'd want to have a deamon that reads it only when it changes, and keeps it all in memory for fast access. lib suggestion?
21:30.35bmoloneyis there some way to regenerate manpath.config? I tried "apt-get install --reinstall man-db manpages"
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21:31.25thewanderer1alright, this *is* an IPv6 issue, or a Lighttpd issue with IPv6
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21:32.02thewanderer1steampunkey, no idea what you're up to but incron might be of interest
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21:33.08ShinyDarknessHello. How do I upgrade from squeeze to wheezy without reinstalling from scratch?
21:33.20steampunkeythewanderer1: thanks for the suggestion, very nice.
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21:34.51twobitsprite!tell ShinyDarkness about squeeze->wheezy
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21:41.59testswapIs there Debian website to search for packages? For example I would like to know which package contains *dig*?
21:43.12bmoloneytestswap you can use apt-file for that
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21:43.28ShinyDarknesstestswap: Maybe "apt-cache search | grep dig"?
21:44.51testswapOk, thanks for both answers
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21:45.29lstarnesapt-file search /usr/bin/dig
21:46.05testswap-su: apt-file: command not found
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21:46.38testswapI'm probably missing additional tools?
21:46.47ShinyDarknessOne question: I want to use g++ 4.6. Is this a good enough reason to upgrade to wheezy or is there a way to install g++ 4.6 *using apt-get* that does not involve upgrading to wheezy?
21:46.48testswapThis was minimal Debian install
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21:47.16anoNxeRotestswap♪ i think you are
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21:47.37keith4testswap: you'd have to install apt-file to use it, of course
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21:47.57lstarnesand then run apt-file update
21:48.06testswapkeith4: So the package is apt-file :)
21:48.25keith4!tell testswap about search
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21:49.18testswapI'm trying to get the hange of it .. Once I'm pretty good with it .. I'll be fine on my own, but thanks anyway :)
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21:50.12keith4testswap: read what the bot wrote at you. it has more info on apt-file, if you're interested
21:50.42testswapkeith4: I did :)
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21:54.31ShinyDarknessHello. I would rather not have to edit my sources.list file manually. Does anybody know of a sample sources.list file for wheezy?
21:55.24rudi_sShinyDarkness: If you have to ask, better stick with squeeze - a stable release.
21:55.39ShinyDarknessrudi_s: I very much need g++ 4.6 right now.
21:55.57rudi_sShinyDarkness: Compile it in your home or create a backport.
21:56.15dpkgA backport is a package from a newer Debian branch, compiled from source for an older branch to avoid dependency and <ABI> complications. (2.7.4 and 2.7.10), .  Ask me about <debian-backports> and <backport caveat>.  See also <simple sid backport>.
21:56.23rudi_sShinyDarkness: ^
21:56.28ShinyDarknessOkay! Thanks!
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22:00.24gimpy941With virt-install what permissions does it need on the directory a VM will be stored in and who needs to be the group owner?  The user I am running it owns the directory but it complains it doesn't have read access.
22:01.32acugimpy941, you need to adduser youruser libivirt
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22:02.17acugimpy941, did you install virt-manager ?
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22:03.10acuqemu-kvm and virt-manager - then you have to adduser to libvirt - logout - login and you can see the virtual machines if you go to Applications System Tools Virt Manager
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22:08.07gimpy941acu: "adduser: The group `libivirt' does not exist."  I do have libvirt and I am a member of it and I did log out and back in.  virt-manager has limitations and I was told to check out virt-install instead.  I also have no GUI, this is a headless system.
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22:11.47hellekingimpy941: libvirt != libvirt
22:11.53hellekingimpy941: libivirt != libvirt
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22:12.36superosHow can I check if my system is using LVM?
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22:13.27civilliansuperos: lvdisplay
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22:13.47gimpy941hellekin: Well I'm confused then.  You said I needed to add myself to the libivirt group, but there is no libivirt group!
22:14.21hellekingimpy941: no I just pointed to the fact that you mention 'libivirt', then 'libvirt'
22:14.22gimpy941hellekin: s/you/acu
22:14.39hellekinusually that sort of details count
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22:15.26gimpy941hellekin: I know....that is what I am confused about....acu said the group libivirt but i have the group libvirt.
22:15.26superoscivillian: lvdisplay  That means I got lvm on my system?
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22:15.42hellekingimpy941: sounds like a typo in acu's code
22:16.11gimpy941superos: Most likely yes, if 'mount' or 'df' show the LVs mounted.
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22:16.40civilliansuperos: looks like it, but check if they're in use.  mount will tell you.
22:16.52superoscivillian: gimpy941: thanks
22:17.36hellekingimpy941: I didn't read the backlog and am pretty busy.  Just bumped into you line.  So I miss a lot of context.  If you're installing a package, try "grep -r libivirt /var/lib/dpkg/info/acu*"
22:18.20gimpy941hellekin: ...acu is the person who posted the group thing, not a package name.
22:18.32hellekingimpy941: see what I mean :)
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22:18.52hellekinacu: got that?
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22:21.49AthomIki can t install debian squeeze or wheezy at this time, why ?
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22:22.03AthomIkwhit netinstall
22:22.15AthomIkall mirors is broken ?
22:22.21gimpy941AthomIk: I think the Us mirror is having problems, use a different one.
22:22.41AthomIkgimpy941: i try france, espagne, suede.....
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22:23.22gimpy941AthomIk: Do you have a network connection and working DNS?  What error do you get?  Has it ever worked?  Details man, details....
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22:24.01AthomIkWarning* *server not support this release
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22:24.02AthomIkwith squeeze or wheezy
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22:24.45AthomIkgimpy941: yes mÃy internet is fine
22:24.49Sm0ke0utpastebin your sources.lst please
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22:25.00AthomIkis a netinstall
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22:25.13AthomIkthe last squeeze netinstall
22:25.29AthomIkbefore try with the last testing netinstall
22:25.37AthomIkbefore with lenny netinstall
22:25.42AthomIkagain and again
22:26.06AthomIkbut i thin all server are crashed or other bad state
22:26.52AthomIkbut i can run aptitude on other pc, wheezy and work fine, only netinstall cannot find source
22:26.52Sm0ke0utworks fine here (nl mirror)
22:27.17AthomIkok i try install nl and be back
22:27.35AthomIkonly on screen and 2 pc  :(
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22:29.48AthomIkno 2 first nl mirror no good
22:30.27AthomIkis a netinstall problem, in iso ?
22:31.16civillianAthomIk: stop spamming and paste your sources.list
22:31.45AthomIkcivillian: is a netinstall iso source list
22:31.58AthomIkis not a spam
22:32.41AthomIknot a problem of my lan
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22:34.34burnthi, im curently using ubuntu but want to migrate to debian, if I install it, will it auto config my gfx card and sound etc
22:34.59burntI dont mind messing with settings etc just dont want to be at it for days to get wifi working etc
22:35.05burntmany thanks :)
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22:35.27gimpy941burnt: It depends on the exact hardware you have, figure out what chips you have and so some research.
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22:37.07babilenburnt: Which graphic/wifi cards do you have? (lspci -nn|grep -iE '(vga|network)'" ? You might need firmware, which you can install afterwards or provide during the installation. (/msg dpkg firmware image - /msg dpkg installer firmware)
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22:38.00ChelseaHi all, Is there such a thing as "the perfect marriage" between the file managers Thunar (Xfce's fm) and Ranger (a curses based vim-like fm)?
22:38.23karstenChelsea: yes: bash
22:38.51karstenChelsea: though some might way emacs's dired mode comes close.
22:38.56Chelseakarsten, ;) ... but even then I'd prefer Zsh;)
22:39.16karstenChelsea: I'll grant you zsh.
22:39.34ChelseaI'd prefer something with vim-like keybindings and navigation.
22:39.43karstenChelsea: I prefer shells to file manglers myself.  There's mc, dired, and a few other oddments.
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22:40.18karstenI think there's something resembling Mac's pop-up search utility as well, name's slipping my tongue / typing fingers at the moment.
22:40.21burnterm I duno to be honest, its an advent 8117 laptop, all auto installs with ubuntu
22:40.45burntgimpy941, babilen thanks for the response
22:40.52AthomIksorry all, i am very stupid.....
22:40.57babilenburnt: You should be able to run the command I gave you on Ubuntu -- Just paste the result to
22:41.00*** mode/#debian [+l 1204] by debhelper
22:41.10babilenAthomIk: That's OK, but what was it?
22:41.32gimpy941$1 says it was a local network/DNS problem
22:41.42karstenChelsea: What exactly are you looking for WRT "marriage"?
22:41.45civillian$1 on engrish
22:42.02babilenbets on browser-based authentication
22:42.13karstenChelsea: ... and I don't see ranger listed in my repos.
22:42.16civillian*final bets*
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22:42.21Chelseakarsten, not exactly an eastern european dark-haired beauty.
22:42.47civillian*spins wheel of noobness*
22:43.17karstenChelsea: Well, we might want to start by either specifying gender or specifically noting that it's immaterial, if you're going to go that route.
22:43.34Chelseakarsten, I was thinking more in the lines of the best qualities of both programs. Thunar is leight weight and looks very nice.
22:43.38karstencivillian: Wait, last bets!  Giraffes in the bathtub.
22:43.51babilenkarsten, Chelsea: This is also not the right channel for *that* discussion.
22:44.17babilenburnt: Thanks, one second please.
22:44.19civillian*no more bets*
22:44.21karstenChelsea: Yeah, thunar annoys be relatively little for a file mangler.
22:44.22ChelseaRanger is very user friendly with navigation and is cli.
22:44.38Chelseababilen, just kidding:)
22:45.06ChelseaRanger also has multiple tabs, and preview capabilities.
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22:45.11AthomIkbabilen: 2 network card in my laptop.......
22:45.27burntbabilen full hw spec
22:45.36babilenburnt: Ok, what kind of wifi card/stick/network cards do you have? Could you paste the complete output of "lspci -nn" and "lsusb" ?
22:45.45karstenChelsea: Where's ranger -- packaged for debian?
22:45.48civillian*gimpy941 wins*
22:46.20gimpy941collects a few dollars
22:46.29burntbeat you to that
22:46.31burntbabilen full hw spec
22:46.40ChelseaI don't think there is. There's the code on their website offcourse.
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22:46.58babilenburnt: Yeah, I've seen it.
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22:47.53babilenburnt: You shouldn't run into problems (apart from the fact that you have a horrible NIC -- See "/msg dpkg rtl81x9.c")
22:48.08gimpy941Though I'd give up those dollars to anyone who can tell me why "virt-install" gives "No read access to directory" even when ran as root and I am a member of libvirt.
22:49.01burntcan I get a new driver for it?
22:49.18civilliangimpy941: strace?
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22:49.26civilliangimpy941: bbiaf, coffee time
22:49.54babilenburnt: That NIC has been supported for quite some time (since 2.6.25 --
22:49.56burntah its the controler itself
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22:50.41burntwow, other than soldering a new on one my mb, im stuffed right?
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22:51.44burntmsg dpkg firmware image
22:53.03burntwow debian really is advanced
22:53.10burnti am impressed :)
22:54.14babilenburnt: Just let us know if you run into problems and neither your GPU nor your NIC needs firmware.
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22:55.19burntsuperb :)
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22:56.40babilenburnt: Do you have further questions regarding the installation? I would recommend to take a look at the installation guide (/msg dpkg ig) and to use the netinstall images for the installation. (/msg dpkg netinstall) -- Which Desktop Environment do you prefer? (Gnome, KDE, XFCE, LXDE, window manager of your choice, ...)
22:56.46*** join/#debian Hasegeli (~emre_hase@
22:56.51burntthanks babilen, im a .net developer but I just hate windows, have for some time, most of the boxes we host on are *nix based so am familiar with basic terminal commands, thought im just going to migrate so started with ubuntu and love it, going to get debain going and virtualbox win 7 for specific ms based development to make my life easier
22:57.31burntonly known and used gnome
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22:57.43burntnever tried kde, frend uses xfce
22:57.57babilenburnt: Sure, even though I personally prefer kvm (quemu-kvm) with virt-manager on my box ... (doesn't run on MS Windows AFAIK)
22:58.02burntare applications cross compatible?
22:58.06*** join/#debian inside0ut (add45994@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
22:58.39nkuttlerburnt: do you mean gnome/kde?
22:59.08babilenburnt: Yes they are -- You sometimes have to make sure that applications developed with different widget toolkits use "identical" themes, but that is about it. You can easily run all application in whatever desktop environment or window manager you prefer.
23:00.29gimpy941I was able to create a VM but now some tools say it exists, others don't, and I can't view the console.  What did I do wrong?
23:01.01*** mode/#debian [+l 1197] by debhelper
23:01.06gnarfacegimpy941: forgot to start the VM after you created it maybe?
23:01.07burntyeah meant gnome... wow so just a different way of managing my apps thats amazing, I thought they where all separate and required specifically written or builds apps
23:01.17burntmanaging windows sorry
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23:01.24burntlike an x-windows wrapper?
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23:01.50gnarfacegimpy941: that paste clearly states your problem.  you failed to install virt-viewer
23:01.50gimpy941gnarface: 'virsh list --all' doesn't even show any offline ones.
23:02.29burntmeant built / compiled apps ... this is exciting, time for a cig! and a coffee! read up a bit about kvm sounds very hardcore!!
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23:02.38gimpy941gnarface: Which I have now installed, but then what do I do?
23:02.45babilenburnt: enjoy :)
23:02.57gimpy941libvir: QEMU error : Domain not found: no domain with matching name 'urobilin2'
23:03.16gnarfacegimpy941: i dunno... try running it? i've never worked with whatever software this is sorry.  i was just giving you what i hoped would be lucky guesses
23:05.04gimpy941gnarface: It's KVM and I can't do *antyhing* with the VM as the tools say it doesn't exist but says the name is already in use.
23:05.17burntim in awe about QEMU-kvm, thats amazing, makes virtual box look like the ie as a browser
23:05.58gnarfacegimpy941: from my experience with vservers i'd expect that means its installed just not running.  don't you have a command for starting+stopping VMs
23:06.32gimpy941gnarface: virsh list --all should show even the offline ones
23:06.36gimpy941It shows none.
23:06.38gimpy941that is the problem.
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23:07.07gnarfaceso the vm whose name it says is in use that you can't start - can you remove it ?
23:07.45Posterdatiplease I've got problem with /dev on lenny: tmpfs                   3615    3615       0  100% /dev
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23:08.04PosterdatiI cannot create device nodes: mknod -m 640 /dev/xconsole p
23:08.04Posterdatimknod: `/dev/xconsole': No space left on device
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23:08.29gimpy941gnarface:  No I can't do *anything* to it.  Nothing, not one single thing.
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23:09.08JaredKzhey, I just added 2 harddrives to my debian box, what is the command to list the SDA and SDB partitions?
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23:09.59gnarfacegimpy941: i think you need to talk to someone who is a pro with these types of VMs.  all i can do is speculate that maybe not having virt-viewer installed at the time of creation interrupted the creation process mid-way and now you have to remove the leftovers by hand to get it working again.  out of curiosity, did you try making a second VM of a different name to see if it works normally now?
23:10.10babilenJaredKz: fdisk -l /dev/sda
23:10.17gimpy941JaredKz: 'fdisk -l /dev/whatever' 'parted /dev/whatever print' or many many others.
23:10.51JaredKzthanks =)
23:10.52nodisccJared: since UUIDS are preferred way to mount partitions, you can try with blkid too
23:11.24gimpy941gnarface: That's why I'm posting here and in #kvm.
23:11.25gnarfaceJaredKz: you can also just use ls  (ls -l /dev/sda*)
23:12.01gnarfacegimpy941: aah.  i got you.  sorry i couldn't help with that.
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23:13.43gnarfacegimpy941 so you're saying you can't create a second fresh VM of a new name? or you haven't tried?
23:14.04gnarfacegimpy941: i only ask because its possible the problem is you're still missing components
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23:14.44gimpy941gnarface: If I try to create another with the same name it says the name is already in use.
23:15.05gimpy941gnarface: I could care less about a different name.
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23:19.07Posterdatiseems that udev it is not mounted on /dev
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23:22.31zerobytesomeone knows how to create a GROUP directives for my NFS shares?
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23:37.18toehio2I'm trying to reduce the size of a live usb image of debian. I mounted the squashfs and chrooted to it. Aptitude doesn't work though because it's working on the chrooted fs. Is there a way to remove packages in a chroot?
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23:39.00dwfreedtoehio2: if you chrooted properly, aptitude should work just fine
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23:40.38jhutchins_lttoehio2: I believe you have to bind mount /proc and /dev
23:40.41toehio2dwfreed: there was a complaint about tho lock
23:40.58jsoft_ok, even.
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23:41.04jhutchins_lttoehio2: possibly /sys, but I seem to remember only two are required.
23:41.07Amarandealso /sys
23:41.14Amarandeno, you need all three
23:41.27AmarandeI had issues in a chroot when I was migrating debian over to the new hard drive initially because I didn't bind mount /sys
23:41.27jsoft_Need ALL the mountpoints!
23:41.36toehio2how do i do this binding? with ln?
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23:42.01steampunkeyi need to check: is there some way to run a different application than that from /usr/bin without actually modifying files in the said directory? that is, can a user specify somehow that running "chromium" actually runs something else instead? no malicious intentions
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23:42.38dwfreedsteampunkey: modify PATH to put the directory for the chromium you want to use ahead of /usr/bin
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23:43.17steampunkeydwfreed: that easy? ouch.
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23:43.34steampunkeydwfreed: isn't that kind of a security risk?
23:44.07dwfreedsteampunkey: Well, yes, which is why you should ensure that what gets put in that directory is something you know is there
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23:44.39PhilI was trying to install some packages from Wheezy but have settled to actually just upgrade to Wheezy... however apt is still whining about dependancies on the packages I previously tried to install
23:44.45Philis it possible to make it forget about these?
23:45.03steampunkeydwfreed: thanks. one more thing (in case you're familiar): does inotify monitor directories (guess why)?
23:45.14dwfreedsteampunkey: yes, it does
23:45.29steampunkeygreat, thanks.
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23:45.43steampunkeydpkg dwfreed++
23:45.58steampunkeysomeone give this man a virtual beer :-D
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23:47.20dondelelcaro!beer dwfreed
23:47.20dpkgdeftly decants a fine Gulden Drak for dwfreed
23:47.40dwfreedturns it away
23:47.45dwfreedSorry, I'm underage
23:47.50dwfreedThanks anyway :)
23:48.31JaredKzhey, how can I check my IP address on a debian computer? ipconfig doesn't seem to be working.. or I guess, how do I get ipconfig working?
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23:49.27dwfreedJaredKz: on linux it's 'ifconfig' or 'ip addr list'
23:49.33JaredKzoh right
23:49.52JaredKzthanks =)
23:49.54AmarandeJaredKz, generally you need to type /sbin/ifconfig if you are not root, btw
23:50.00ksx4systemany help with dovecot config? I found a tutorial but it's probably for 1.x and I'm going to run 2.0
23:50.17ksx4system this is the error I get
23:50.43JaredKzsweet, thansk
23:50.50dondelelcaroksx4system: is there any reason why you aren't starting with the Debian default configuration?
23:51.08dondelelcaroksx4system: all you need is it, and then configure the authentication, and possibly make sure the pop3 and imap submodules are enabled
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23:51.34ksx4systemdondelelcaro: yes there is. I'm not using ancient 1.2 release provided with Debian, there's fresh 2.0 release in repository dedicated for squeeze
23:51.47ksx4systemit's mentioned on Dovecot
23:51.54ksx4systemDovecot's website*
23:52.15dondelelcaroksx4system: so backport the version we distribute in wheezy or sid to squeeze.
23:52.37dondelelcaroksx4system: and there's no real reason not to use 1.2.15-7.
23:52.52ksx4systemwell, it's not going to make my syntax correct probably...
23:52.58ksx4systemthe reason is security
23:53.00dondelelcaro(since presumably this is a production machine, and you want it to work and have security updates)
23:53.20dondelelcaroksx4system: yes... which is why you'd use the version we distribute in stable. We do backport security fixes to it
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