IRC log for #debian on 20110129

00:01.08*** join/#debian [Sanyi] (
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00:24.18dinexiHello all. I'm in stuck. Where can I find mysql-server 5.5 packages for debian squeeze?
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00:25.26Arrowmasteryou cant
00:26.16*** join/#debian theprep (3209d9d1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
00:26.35dinexiArrowmaster: why? There is 5.5.8 already.
00:26.44Arrowmasternot in debian
00:26.52dinexiI see, but why?
00:28.35metalfan_ive mounted cgroups via:   mount -t cgroup cpuset -ocpuset /dev/cgroup              but i cant modify the default cpus for all processes in /dev/cgroup,  running "cd /dev/cgroup && echo 0 >cpusets.cpus" results in permission denied.        is this the wrong approach to assign all new started processes to cpu core 0?
00:30.11*** join/#debian c0urier (~c0urier@
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00:32.12Arrowmasterdinexi: looks like mysql changed their build process and its slowing down the effort to update the debian package, plus debian is about to do a new stable release really soon so most effort is on preping for that and not on packages that wont make it into the new stable
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00:33.58Arrowmastertheprep: read the topic
00:34.02boxbeatsyhi, i'm trying to use pssh to execute simple commands across a bunch of servers, but i'm getting "[FAILURE} <ip> Received error code of 255".  The command i'm using is "pssh -h hosts.txt ls" where hosts.txt is a file containing 2 IP's that i can ssh into
00:34.14boxbeatsydoes anyone know what i might be doing wrong?
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00:45.05Jimmy89does rsync only update a file if it has a newer time stamp?
00:45.59jelly-hmeJimmy89: not by default.  It also checks the file sizes.  There's an explanation in the manual.
00:46.07*** join/#debian gbear14275 (adaec04a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
00:46.24Jimmy89but if a newer timestamp version exists, it should be replaced with that correct?
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00:53.31jelly-hmeif a newer timestamp version exists on the source, the version on the destination will get replaced by default, yes
00:55.30tharkunGentlemen when i type on the cli editor it invokes the editor i previously setted up using ??????. How do i reconfigure it? it is dpkg-reconfigure ??????
00:55.47stewtharkun: update-alternatives --config editor
00:56.22tharkunstew: thx i completely forgot the name
00:56.53tharkunstew: as root :)
00:57.22*** join/#debian Switch (~gt@
00:57.46tharkunman awesome
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00:58.35stewi actually don't have it installed on this machine
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01:01.16maheri'm having problems booting an intel mac mini
01:01.47tharkunstew: sorry i got lost among keybindings (switching de)
01:01.48maherit has a squeeze install but somehow grub has become confused and the installer cd won't reinstall grub
01:02.33itchiHi, what do i need to have to play a Windows game? There is wine i know about. Is there somethings better or new?
01:03.26rubin110dpkg stopped working today...
01:03.27dpkgrubin110: no idea
01:03.33rubin110dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/sl_3.03-16_amd64.deb (--unpack): unable to create `/usr/share/man/man6/LS.6.gz.dpkg-new' (while processing `./usr/share/man/man6/LS.6.gz'): Invalid argument
01:03.33dpkgrubin110: That isn't an error, post the whole output to a pastebin (/msg dpkg pastebin).
01:03.55*** part/#debian ventsislav (~ventsisla@
01:03.56rubin110It was working just fine last night.
01:04.57sandungood morning here.
01:08.33*** join/#debian brandFU (
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01:18.35lcbis it possible to force compile something with gcc 4.6 (experimental) when there are other gcc versions installed (running debian squeeze)?
01:18.57*** join/#debian Ahadiel (
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01:19.45stewlcb: sane makefiles would check the CC environment variable for which cc to use
01:20.52*** join/#debian laurus (
01:21.14laurusDoes anyone here have experience with KVM? I'm having trouble sharing folders between Debian and my guest OS (Windows 7).
01:21.19lcbstew: i saw somewhere on the net that one error i'm getting is solved on this gcc release...
01:21.40*** join/#debian Butt3rfly (~Butt3rfly@unaffiliated/ametrine)
01:22.17laurusIs there a GNU/Linux equivalent of a .dmg on Mac?
01:22.23lcbstew: i'm trying to install easycap (ID 05e1:0408 Syntek Semiconductor Co., Ltd)
01:22.39laurusOr is there a way to mount a .iso file so that files can be copied onto it?
01:22.41stewlcb: what is a .dmg?
01:23.23lcb<dpkg>I don't know, could you explain it?
01:23.28laurusstew, when I used to use Mac OS X years ago, there was something called a .dmg, which was a "drive" that you could copy files to.
01:23.38laurusBut it was basically a single file, in reality, I think.
01:23.44lcbstew :)
01:24.24laurusstew, how do I add files to an ISO image?
01:24.45lcbdmg: Disk Copy Disk Image File (mac)
01:25.14laurusI answered my own question: isomaster
01:25.38stewlaurus: i don't know of a way. iso filesystems are typically readonly.  you can make a new one?
01:25.50laurusstew, look at
01:26.32lcbany iso 'editor' could do it. most burning utilities came with that capability.
01:26.43lauruslcb, oh, cool.
01:27.32laurusI just spent a few hours messing around with networking, Samba, etc.
01:27.43laurusAnd then it just hit me: why not just mount an ISO that is easily modified? ;)
01:28.06lcblooks good tough... networking at least is working :p
01:28.19lauruslcb, well, it completely failed
01:28.32laurusI couldn't get the stupid VM to connect to my Debian host
01:29.22*** join/#debian Tramp (
01:29.35lcblaurus, i don't know nothing compared with most of people here who knows 'something'. but there are plenty of guides on how easily install those 3 on debian.
01:29.50lauruslcb, what, samba and kvm?
01:29.56lcbi'll give a couple links in a min
01:30.08laurusI've been through a lot of links... I think there is some weird issue with Windows 7 and Samba.
01:30.15lcbi, myself (ond irene) used one of them
01:30.42lauruslcb, really, did it work with Windows 7?
01:30.50lcbohh. you are talking about installing it on windows?
01:31.18lauruslcb, I have a Debian host and a Windows guest.
01:31.26laurusWindows is installed into a KVM virtual machine.
01:31.37laurusAnd I am trying to access the Debian host from inside the Windows 7 virtual machine.
01:31.41laurusUsing Samba, it completely fails.
01:32.03*** join/#debian adrianoc (~adrianoc@
01:32.24laurusI think this ISO approach will work though.
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01:33.10laurusYep, it works!
01:33.32lcblaurus, i think you need to configure the network well, before anything else
01:34.14lcblaurus, after all machines, virtual or not, see each other, then, everything might work
01:35.46*** join/#debian MadViking (
01:36.00laurusWell, thanks.
01:36.12lcbno. wait. i need help too :O
01:36.54laurusWhat is your issue?
01:37.01lcblaurus, btw, windows and samba work good
01:37.38lauruslcb, well I'm tired of messing around with them, something is weird and I'd rather just use this ISO approach
01:38.59lauruslcb, what did you need help with?
01:39.32lcblaurus«you need samba to exchange files to the other machines?
01:39.54lauruslcb, I actually don't want to bother with Samba right now, I'm kind of sick of it
01:40.00laurusI appreciate your offer of help though
01:40.16lcblaurus, is too complicated, it is for the guys behind the scenes and they are sleeping now. compiling something.
01:40.24lauruslcb, oh ok :)
01:41.34lauruslcb, well I'll try the Samba thing then.
01:41.39*** join/#debian goose (
01:41.41laurusI just realized I can't save files onto the ISO from Windows.
01:41.50laurusCould you post that link?
01:41.57lcbyes you can! (obama)
01:42.06laurusHah. :)
01:42.22lcbwait. i have one i like on my bookmarks
01:42.30laurusOk, that would be great.
01:42.47*** join/#debian Neo (~Neo@unaffiliated/alpsinc)
01:42.52*** join/#debian starlin (5d82a7a4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:43.24lcbat least for people like me who only understand by pictures (and i'm not blound :)
01:44.53lcbi'm using squeeze right now, so i looked at this one too... wait.. that's for server, what i'm using.
01:45.00lauruslcb, I am on Squeeze too.
01:45.37lcbohh. ok. hold on
01:46.00*** join/#debian fnordperfect (
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01:46.56lcbi saw this one last night and i liked (the suggestins of packages etc)
01:47.11lcbsuggestions too
01:47.13lauruslcb, wait
01:47.16laurusI don't need to install Debian
01:47.39laurusI need to get Samba working.
01:47.49lcbon debian...?!
01:47.57laurusMaybe you misunderstood me?
01:48.08lcbuse the first link i gave you
01:48.23lcbcheck samba parts, using webmin
01:49.00stewthis is all dangerous advice
01:49.03lcbbut setting up the network is important though
01:49.17laurusstew, yeah
01:49.30laurusArgh, this is all so frustrating.
01:49.39lcbya i know, if he does like me who reaDS EVERYTHING AND THEN INSTALL ONLY WHAT'S NECESSARY..
01:49.49laurusMaybe I should just use some kind of online file storage to transfer files between the VM and the Debian host.
01:49.55lcbopps, sorry about the yelling part
01:50.00dpkgWebmin is a lame web-based interface for unsafe system administration for Unix.  Check it out at  Remember, dondelelcaro *hates* webmin.  "i'd rather sit on the floor shoving table knives into live electrical outlets than run webmin on an exposed server."  See about the removal from Debian.  Don't use their .debs, they are of extremely poor quality.  See <free whcp> for alternatives.
01:50.30*** join/#debian Pumba (
01:50.35stewthe other link has you mixing squeeze and unstable which is a bad idea
01:50.49laurusstew, how would you recommend I do this?
01:51.14lcbdoes that virtual system you are using have sharing folders?
01:51.27lauruslcb, um, the VM is a Windows 7 VM.
01:51.29lcbthat's all you need, as i understand
01:51.37laurusRight, but it doesn't work.
01:52.00*** part/#debian laurus (
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01:52.16lcbvirtualbox and vmware works great with no glitches...
01:53.16lcbvirtualbox is 'free'. easy install and understand further steps
01:53.27laurusWell lcb KVM was very easy to install
01:53.31*** join/#debian Niglop (
01:53.35laurusIt's just the file sharing that is the issue
01:53.58lcbi don't  know that one but i'm pretty sure host can see guest and share folders
01:54.13*** part/#debian jasono (~jasono@unaffiliated/jasono)
01:54.18laurusI was trying to avoid it since it's non-free
01:54.21lcbwithout samba
01:54.54stewheh.  you want to avoid non-free software for running windows 7?
01:55.00lcbin my opinion, samba is too much for one machine and several hosts..
01:55.14laurusstew, um, yeah... :P
01:55.21laurusI just wanted to support KVM rather than VirtualBox
01:55.36laurusBasically I only need Windows 7 to deal with some .doc files
01:55.47laurusSo I only need to use it once in a while
01:55.51stewlaurus: you can't use
01:55.57laurusstew, no, not for these darned files
01:56.14laurusAnd I take it back, I also have to run a couple of Windows-only programs
01:56.16laurusOnce in a while
01:56.23*** join/#debian tucs (
01:56.52lcblaurus, check teamviewer 6. it's free and paid, depends what you want from it
01:57.49*** join/#debian thepro4ever (
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01:58.43laurusstew, by the way have you tried LibreOffice?
02:00.11stewlaurus: not yet.  i rarely need that kind of stuff
02:00.32laurusstew, yeah me either actually, ironically
02:00.38laurusBut it's quite nice.
02:01.03lcblet me correct something i wrote back and is a huge error. 'in my opinion, samba is too much for one machine and several hosts..' i mean guests.
02:01.09lauruslcb, np
02:05.09lcbhave to go.. laurus, about your iso editing utility, google  "gizmos freeware reviews", under burning utilities
02:05.26laurusOk thanks lcb!
02:05.27laurusTake care.
02:05.34karlpincWill the squeeze-updates suite be in sources.list in the default install?  (See:
02:05.36lcbyou too. thanks
02:05.50*** join/#debian chipotle (
02:06.00lcbkarlpinc«  yes. use netinstall, it's strate forward
02:06.22karlpinclcb: You've tried it?
02:06.29lcbi'm running it
02:06.52karlpinclcb: And you have squeeze-updates as well as main/etc. in your sources.list?
02:08.06karlpinclcb: You know it's a "suite", like main, or non-free, or contrib, right?
02:08.38lcbdeb squeeze-updates main
02:08.51lcbinsert that
02:09.00*** mode/#debian [+l 965] by debhelper
02:10.01karlpinclcb: I don't want to insert it, I want to know how the installer works.  Whether it's put in by default, if there's a question that determins if it appears, and so forth.  I assume that it must be manually put in after the fact, but that's a guess.  So I'm asking.  What is your experience of the install?
02:10.45*** join/#debian luminoso (
02:10.51lauruslcb, I got it working by the way.
02:10.54laurusThanks for the encouragement!
02:12.20Arrowmasterkarlpinc: last time i used the installer im certain it asked about enabling volatile during the installation, since squeeze-updates is going to replace volatile then it should ask about enabling it
02:14.17*** join/#debian jimerickson (
02:15.39karlpincArrowmaster: Thanks.  (That question must be new-ish because I don't recall it.)
02:15.59Arrowmasteri havent done an install in over a year
02:16.29*** join/#debian HardDisk_WP (~marco@wikipedia/harddisk)
02:20.08stewkarlpinc: "main" "non-free" aren't suites though (from a Release perspective)
02:20.19stewkarlpinc: squeeze-updates is a suite like 'testing' is
02:21.13stewkarlpinc: i would guess that the squeeze installer will add it, since, iirc the lenny installer included volatile
02:23.52*** join/#debian FilipeMaia (
02:26.01*** join/#debian aminpy (~aminpy@
02:27.01aminpyis there a command for remove all files in a folder which names ends with ~?
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02:32.43nevynaminpy: ls *\~\?
02:32.56Bushmillsaminpy:   put htis in a shell script:   ls *~ 2> /dev/null && rm *~
02:33.47nevynyou'll need to escape the ~ cause the shell with expand it to $HOME
02:34.09nevynso it needs to be *\~
02:34.45*** join/#debian bocaneri (~sauvin@about/linux/staff/sauvin)
02:34.52Bushmillsnevyn:  try   echo *~
02:36.02nevynok you're right. I'm wrong.
02:36.04Bushmillsi think expansion to $HOME is done with isolated ~ only
02:36.43nevynBushmills: it can be postfixed but not prefixed I think
02:36.51nevynie ~/download/blah will be expanded
02:36.55nevynbut blah~ won't
02:37.19Bushmillsecho ~foo doesn't, but  ~/foo does
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02:38.32Bushmillsmakes sense because for full blown - consistent - expansion, there is after all $HOME
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02:40.12Bushmillsehm, better use double quotes in my line for script
02:41.37Bushmillsactually, don't :)
02:46.32*** join/#debian ceduardo (~ceduard0@
02:46.58Jimmy89hey guys, question with rsync
02:47.33Jimmy89the directory on my local computer has 13339 files, the remote directory has 13266, yet it dosn't copy any files across..
02:48.24DelfJimmy89: Does it copy hidden and system files?
02:48.47Jimmy89is there a flag i need to set for that?
02:48.47aminpynevyn, i have folder which in there is a lot of files with names something like name.html~, I want to delete they
02:49.06aminpyBushmills, ^
02:49.20Bushmillscan't say because we don't know what flags you *are* using
02:49.30*** join/#debian apollo1 (
02:50.03Jimmy89just seems strange the file count is different on either end
02:50.43aminpyBushmills, cant I do this?
02:51.04*** join/#debian unop (~unop@
02:51.18Bushmillsr and t are implied by a already.  -H isn't but that's not the cause of your problem
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02:52.01Bushmillsany files rsync can't read because of insufficient permissions?
02:52.29Jimmy89I think your correct
02:52.37Jimmy89the files seem to be different owner
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03:01.37Jimmy89ok it is an ownership issue
03:02.04Jimmy89I did a chown / chmod on the files and they can be read succesfully on the remote end now
03:02.20Jimmy89How can I acheive this in the rsync command? or should I just chown / chmod afterwards?
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03:16.15tlchack5okay, this is going to sound REALLY stupid.. but what does "squeeze" mean? Because a package I am using requires it
03:16.22tlchack5err trying to use*
03:16.25*** join/#debian unkmar (
03:16.36dpkgSqueeze is the codename for the next release, Debian GNU/Linux 6.0.  It is the three-eyed space alien.  Ask me about <wwsr> for recent updates and see also <testing> <squeeze udev> <squeeze kernel> <lenny->squeeze> .  The Debian release is not to be confused with the <Xfce> archive manager.
03:16.51unkmarMy plans for world domination require too much effort on my part.
03:17.03unkmarI have enough trouble keeping my PC's reasonably functional.
03:17.32Arrowmastertlchack5: if its requiring a package/application named squeeze then i guess its referring to the Xfce archieve manager
03:18.09tlchack5arrowmaster: No, its asking for Debian Squeeze.... Thanks. I trying to install Xen
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04:24.48JyZyXELwhats the debian command to enable apache2 mods?
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04:26.58karlpincJyZyXEL: Check README.Debian
04:27.01dpkgREADME.Debian (or README.Debian.gz) is a document found in the /usr/share/doc/$packagename/ which explains any Debian specific details in the package's operation or configuration.
04:27.14JyZyXELits a2enmod
04:27.34JyZyXELi hate how you cannot tab shit from /sbin/
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04:28.09JyZyXELor /usr/sbin
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04:33.56DanDareHello. I was trying this at #httpd but still no fix. Here is Debian Lenny. I must maintain 2 sites upon same system and IP. If i create only the first site but try remotely opening on the browser the second site (not configured yet), it redirects to the working site. Like if I type it redirects to How to avoid this?
04:34.45*** part/#debian protie (~protie@unaffiliated/protie)
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04:35.25DanDareWhat i need in this case is some error message like "site not available"
04:35.35DanDareBushmills, yeah virtualhosts
04:36.28DanDareI created only the first defaulthost and getting this redirection when trying to open the not yet configured virtualhost
04:36.39*** join/#debian bixgomez (
04:36.43DanDare*err created only the first virtualhost
04:36.49Bushmillslet the site for which no virtualhost exists fall through to default, deal with it there
04:37.00*** join/#debian afxx (afx@
04:37.48Bushmillsor create name server record only after you have set up virtualhost for site2
04:38.42DanDareBushmills, if i create all the virtualhosts it works at first. But im getting strange stuff like when downloading a file from site 2, client browse say file is coming from the site 1 (that IE window, you really want to download the file from but file is stored into site2 structure !
04:39.10DanDareso im trying to spot how this is working actually, thus just the first site for now
04:39.20Bushmillswell, you can avoid that strange stuff with the solutions i gave you
04:39.56Bushmillscall them "approaches", not "solutions" :)
04:40.30DanDareBushmills, it no applies because all the sites must be working. So i cant shutoff DNS or seomething
04:40.55DanDareI mean, all virtualhosts must exist
04:41.17Bushmills"all must be working" and "need in this case is some error message like "site not available"" are a bit contradictory
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04:42.12DanDareBushmills, agree. Im just trying to spot the problem from its root... but considering all sites together.. well... apreciate any clue ...
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04:42.27Bushmillstranslates to "must work otherwise one wouldn't see the error message"
04:42.55Bushmillsno, "see a different error message"
04:44.00DanDareI reformulate: I have 3 virtualhosts but when downloading a file from site2, client browser can eventually indicates that file is comming from site1. Where should I start looking for a solution ?
04:44.01Bushmillsthe root of your problem is your configuraton.  with properly set up virtualhost for site1, site2 wouldn't use the same entry
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04:44.31Bushmillsif site2 shows site1 without virtualhost for site2 defined, your setup is wrong
04:44.51DanDareAll pages working fine.. this happens when downloading some file
04:45.32Bushmillseven then, you would start looking at your configuration
04:46.05DanDarethis is site1 and this is site2
04:46.13DanDareIm trying
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04:47.55JyZyXELnone of the hotlinking .htaccess tutorials covers what to do if you already have a rewrite rule
04:48.06DanDareeach site have its own document root; error logs; customlog; servername; serveralias
04:48.43Bushmillslet your default host display a page, showing "this is default", so you know when and what a request falls through to default
04:48.52JyZyXEL how do i merge those rules?
04:48.54JyZyXELis it even possible?
04:49.38DanDareBushmills, ok thanks. Will try that
04:49.43Bushmillsthen confirm proper operaton of default host by requesting, using server ip address
04:50.42Bushmillseliminates the case that one of your sites operates unintentionally as default
04:51.22Bushmills(or confirms it, in which case you know what cause the problem)
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05:08.56DanDareI have now just the default server, pointing requets to /var/www, theres a index.html file in there. From remote browser any of my domains are pointing to same index.html, any clue in how to block this? I want my domains responding only when I set virtualhosts for them.
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05:10.05Bushmillslet default server display a page "site not available"
05:10.50DanDareits already, its "Its really working?" in this case :)
05:11.14Bushmillschange it to "site is not available" as that complies more with your requirements
05:11.19DanDareI supose these are unhandled requests, now i must discover where on config file i can set behaviour
05:12.00DanDarewell, its done
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05:12.45Bushmillsnow all your requests are "blocked"
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05:13.57DanDareyeah, by default server index.html
05:14.20ZitZhello, does someone know how to connect to a bluetooth headset through only the command line?
05:14.34DanDaresounds good as resolvers can reach some data
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05:19.36DanDareNow that. I added the first virtualhost, i can load the page from a browser. But if i type in the browser the second domain (not yet configured), browser is redirected to the other site virtualhost.
05:20.02DanDarestill stucked with same situation ...
05:22.44Bushmillstry ip address now, what that shows
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05:23.40DanDareBushmills, its redirected to the virtualhost.. not the default server
05:23.53Bushmillsthere's your problem
05:24.08DanDarei see
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05:24.37xerophyteanyone help me with mercurial question : in the .hgignore i put public_html/foo/var/* .. but it also ignore the foo too .. how can i avoid that
05:27.04DanDarewell, any clue on where should I look so
05:27.30DanDareyeah I know the configuration files ...
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06:07.47RemmyHi all, any ideas on a calendar hosted on my debian server which I can access both from work (windows), my home linux box, and my iphone?
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06:15.27cantidoRemmy: look up imap + ical
06:16.05manhunterhi , it's not booting other linux distro from grub selection , i installed grub in /dev/sdb
06:16.40manhunterfor example can't boot mandriva , it says "can't file file" load the kernel first ,
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06:22.07Remmycantido, a bit surprised that kontact doesn't seem to support ical yet?
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06:23.21cantidoRemmy: I haven't used it for ages.. but I think it did support ical.. or something similar
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06:23.38RemmyOk, I'll have a further look... thanks :)
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06:32.23phizzi'm running openbox and tint2, is there a simple way to add some system monitors like memory usage, cpu usage, etc.?
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06:45.17Tauhi. i have a problem. how can i make a file be downloaded by other uses ?
06:45.21Taufrom my machine.
06:45.28Tauwhat program should i use for
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06:48.33nevynTau: other users on your machine or other random people
06:48.43nevynor other authenticated but not local users?
06:48.44Taunevyn, ṕeople from the internet.
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06:48.50Taunot local user.
06:49.01Taunevyn, well i have a shell then i want to upload my files there.
06:49.08Taua kind of beckaup.
06:49.16cantidoTau: http..
06:49.18nevynTau: does it provide http access?
06:49.20Taui don't know what i use to download it.
06:49.30Taunevyn, i think yes.
06:49.36nevyncreate a directory called public_html on your shell and put some files there.
06:50.01Tauwell. the files are on my machine i want to transfer them to the shell.
06:50.05Taushell account.
06:50.07Tauin other pc.
06:50.15Taui have an account on that pc.
06:50.26nevyntransfering the files to the shell I'd use scp...
06:50.40nevynto allow others to download them I'd use http
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06:51.22Taunevyn, hm, alright.
06:51.24Taui will try scp.
06:51.29Taudo u know some nice tutorial ?
06:51.29manhunterwhat is the command to install grub ?
06:51.33manhunterit's debian squeeze
06:51.46manhunteraptitude install grub2 or aptitude install grub ?
06:52.13nevynummm.. there should be heaps of tutorials on this stuff.
06:52.31Tauif i have a file K and i want other to download it from my machine
06:52.34Tauhow could i call scp ?
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06:55.12nevynTau: so you have three systems right.
06:55.26Taunevyn, i have two systems.
06:55.31nevynyour system that currently has the file you want to publish.
06:55.39Taui want to get from system 1 a file named k to the system 2.
06:55.45Taunevyn, yes.
06:55.45manhunteraptitude install grub2 or aptitude install grub ?
06:55.46nevynyour shell on system 2
06:55.48manhunterwhat is the command to install grub ?
06:55.50manhunterit's debian squeeze
06:56.08nevynand the public internet user who you want to be able to download K
06:56.27cantidomanhunter: IIRC grub with install grub2-pc on i386/amd64
06:56.54manhunteri did , aptitude install grub2
06:57.11cantidos/with/it will/
06:57.14nevynTau: while the third system is not under your control it helps to acknowledge it's existance from a data flow point of view.
06:57.19cantidohas lost the plot
06:57.32Taunevyn, hum.
06:57.40Taunevyn, how so third system ?
06:57.45cantidomanhunter: eh, keep in in the channel
06:57.54cantidomanhunter: s/in in/it in/
06:58.09manhuntercantido, aptitude install grub2
06:58.13nevynTau: The public internet users computer you want to be able to download K.
06:58.16manhuntercantido, is that ok?
06:58.27cantidomanhunter: what machine is it?
06:58.34Taunevyn, i want to transfer a file from a compuer A to the computer B.
06:58.50Tauthe computer B wants a file that is in A.
06:59.04manhuntercantido, intel
06:59.07nevynTau: you want to publish file K to public internet user
06:59.14manhuntercantido, intel pentium D
06:59.21Taunevyn, yes.
06:59.23manhuntercantido, i386
06:59.25Tauhow can i do that using scp ?
06:59.27nevynTau: true transfering file K from system A to system B is a requisite step.
06:59.29cantidomanhunter: grub-pc.. install that
06:59.41Taunevyn, what is it ?
06:59.43cantidomanhunter: then you need to use grub-setup to actually install it
06:59.51nevynTau: scp K user@systemb:
07:00.00manhuntercantido, grub-pc  is installed with grub2
07:00.03Taulets try nevyn .
07:00.04Tauhold on
07:00.37cantidomanhunter: yeah, well you need to exactly install grub to the mbr of the disk and generate a config file.. grub-setup will do that
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07:01.25Taunevyn, sure. i have done that in my machine.
07:01.25nevynTau: to achieve your goal you'll need to transfer the file to the right place on system B (either in one stepor multiple steps) ensure permissions on everything are correct etc.
07:01.30Tauhow how can i download that from the computer B ?
07:01.42Tauusing scp
07:01.46manhuntercantido, this is what i got ,
07:02.16nevynTau: you mean http?
07:02.39Tautau@freeshell:~$ scp tau@
07:02.39Taucp: cannot stat `': No such file or directory
07:02.45Taunevyn, is that ?
07:02.54nevynthat's failure.
07:03.09Taunevyn, i have done scp in my machine.
07:03.20cantidomanhunter: it seems to have installed the package and generated a config. I dont think it will install the mbr automagically though
07:03.27cantidomanhunter: use grub-setup to do that
07:03.43cantidomanhunter: if you already had grub2 you don't need to do that
07:04.19nevynTau: ok so freeshell needs a couple of odd things
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07:04.50Taui think i will give up.
07:04.57nevynTau: you need to follow their faq for the setup of your public_html directory it doesn't get served from your home directory.
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07:05.02cantidoTau: the freeshell docs show how to publish your own stuff via http
07:05.11TauCanar, no
07:05.13Taucantido, no
07:05.15Taui will give up.
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07:05.28cantidoTau: they do, plently of people have stuff hosted there
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07:05.34nevyncantido: sigh.
07:06.00cantidothere is a help system and a message board that the admins read..
07:06.19cantidosome people just cant help themselves
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07:06.34nevynyeah I've just wasted like 5 mins of my life on someone who just gave up at a slight hiccup.
07:06.48nevynnope more like 15.
07:07.11cantidois pretty sure its ~/public_html
07:07.26cantidonot that you would want to serve much from freeshell, its slow as hell
07:07.32nevynnah you have to simlink ~/html to /www/blahsomewhere
07:07.48bonjoyeei have .deb packages from various repos for squeeze in a folder. Is there a way to assort them according to the repos?
07:07.58nevynbonjoyee: nope.
07:08.08*** part/#debian A_J (~AH@
07:08.10cantidonevyn: ah, I ain't used it in ages.. but it's not like it isn't written down somewhere
07:08.53nevynbonjoyee: not without parsing the packages lists from each repo and then matching that to the local files
07:09.07nevynit's probably doable with 5 lines of clever python or something
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07:09.46Taui got.
07:09.49Tauusing that.
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07:11.16bonjoyeenevyn: i know of a way to backup them in a folder...scan only the latest..and delete the older ones..but now i wish to have some packages sorted by sources..
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07:12.02manhuntercantido, is it ok ? grub-install /dev/sdb
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07:12.10bonjoyeenevyn: can apt-move work on a local folder..without using /var/lib/apt/lists?
07:12.13manhuntercantido, or , grub-install /dev/sda
07:12.59cantidomanhunter: have a look in /usr/share/doc ..
07:13.20cantidothere is going to be a directory called grub2-pc or something a readme that explains everything
07:14.00nevynbonjoyee: *shrug*
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07:21.39LewocoHow exactly do nvidia-glx/nvidia-kernel-dkms work? I have a GT 220 but when I tried installing them and it prevented opengl stuff like glxgears from working at all...
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07:40.42nevynso having apt-get source and build-dep for a package how do I build the deb?
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07:41.11Dewinevyn: well apt-get -b source
07:41.17Jimmy89rsync with flags -rtv should only replace a file if the source file is newer?
07:41.23Dewinevyn: I forget the command if you already downloaded source
07:42.10Dewinevyn: I think -b just starts dpkg-buildpackage
07:42.14nevynthat works..
07:42.24nevyndpkg-buildpackage is what I needed
07:44.22Jimmy89ah i needed the -u flag too
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07:53.58Jimmy89is it possible in samba to let users read and write files, but not delete?
07:54.55DewiJimmy89: delete & file creation are actions on the dir rather than the file, so maybe
07:56.04Jimmy89but that would mean you couldn't write then?
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07:56.16DewiJimmy89: you can still write them
07:56.29Jimmy89oh really, what permissions are need to do that?
07:56.42Dewi$ echo blah > foo
07:56.42Dewi$ rm foo
07:56.42Dewirm: cannot remove `foo': Permission denied
07:56.42*** kick/#debian [Dewi!~debhelper@unaffiliated/debhelper] by debhelper (use or /msg dpkg paste)
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07:57.20mrkotfwHello everyone.
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07:58.01DewiJimmy89: you probably need +x on the dir and +rw on the files
07:58.44DewiJimmy89: (for 'group' or 'other')
07:59.01*** mode/#debian [+l 936] by debhelper
07:59.41DewiJimmy89: so chmod a+w (or o+w) on the file grants write but not delete
07:59.55mrkotfwI can't get any DHCP offers
07:59.59Dewioops I meant to say g+w or o+w
08:00.08Dewimrkotfw: firewall?
08:00.37Dewimrkotfw: then it could be crypto too. Tried setting IP manually for now?
08:01.02Dewimrkotfw: well you won't get offers if your WEP or WPA password is wrong
08:01.10mrkotfwIt's unsecured
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08:01.54mrkotfwThere's no error anywhere
08:02.00Dewimrkotfw: check for firewalls on both client & server, then check if DHCP is configured on both
08:02.16Dewimrkotfw: test with a known-good machine, etc
08:02.39mrkotfwYeah, I'd do the second suggestion, but I don't have another good machine.
08:02.57mrkotfwI have a feeling DHCP is running fine considering I can get an IP through a wired connection
08:03.24mrkotfwAlso, I did go to a public area (school) with an unsecured network and all the people around me were able to connect
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08:05.36mrkotfwHrm... it was working under stable
08:05.52mrkotfwI installed from scratch stable, then upgraded to testing
08:06.04mrkotfwBut I didn't set up wireless (drivers) while I was under stable
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08:13.31tuvwhat is a data storage format that is easy to access (both read and write) programatically, and to browse through visually?
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08:13.56tuv(tcl accessibility is preferrable)
08:15.12Hydroxidetuv: yaml, to name one. there are many other valid answers.
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08:18.06tuvHydroxide: i'd appreciate a list of options, just to get a feel of the bunch (looking into yaml)
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08:19.27Dewituv: json & xml dominate
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08:19.58Dewituv: json being a little more human, and with a beautifully short spec so there are implementations everywhere
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08:21.13Dewituv: most of my work has been web-centric though
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08:21.49doublehp_audacious sux; which alternative for an easy XMMS like MP3 player ?
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08:22.17Dewidoublehp_: you don't want a client-server one?
08:23.00doublehp_that's why i said XMMS like ...
08:23.31LewocoUhm, I just installed nvidia-glx and rebooted yet nouveau is loaded. WTF is up with that?
08:23.37tuvit's a shame the old xmms went a way
08:23.46doublehp_( not to mention a more used one on some alternate OS ... )
08:23.53tuvLewoco: load the nvidia module on boot?
08:24.10Lewocotuv, What do you mean?
08:24.23doublehp_Lewoco: installed firmware ?
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08:24.42Lewocodoublehp_, Uhm...
08:24.43doublehp_tuv: check in dmesg that it is loaded by kernel
08:24.56doublehp_you want DRM/DRI lines
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08:25.35doublehp_Lewoco: he meant, you need to load the module
08:25.53tuvLewoco: there are two components to nvidia: the kernel module and the x driver. nvidia-glx is the x driver only, and it needs the kernel module
08:26.14Lewocotuv, Yeah but nvidia-glx depends on the kernel module package afaik.
08:26.35tuvLewoco: is the stable or testing?
08:26.47Lewocotuv, Moreover loading the nvidia is a secondary concern right now. What I *really* want to know is why nouveau is still being loaded.
08:26.54Lewocotuv, testing
08:27.20LewocoAccording to good old grep: modprobe.d/nvidia-kernel-common.conf:blacklist nouveau
08:27.25tuvLewoco: if the nvidia kernel module isn't insalled, nvidia-glx won't find and so won't work. so x defaults to the free driver
08:27.51Lewocotuv, But how can it use the free driver if it's blacklisted?
08:28.07tuvLewoco: also, even if everything is properly installed, you need at least a minimal /etc/X11/xorg.conf file that specifies the nvidia driver
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08:31.10doublehp_Lewoco: you blacklisted from / ... not from initrd !!!
08:31.33Lewocodoublehp_, Ok, how do I rebuild initrd?
08:31.53doublehp_and befer initrd there is grub left
08:32.22doublehp_tuv: X conf is optionnal: if only one driver is installed, it can use only ... the only one :)
08:33.04doublehp_Lewoco: dmesg !!!
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08:33.46Lewocodoublehp_, I just check /boot/grub/grub.conf. No mention of nouveau in it, so I think it must be getting it from an old initrd.
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08:34.04Lewocodoublehp_, No mention of nouveau in dmesg either.
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08:36.28rue_housewhy might the linux machines using the default dhcp config not be registering their machine names with my bind service while ones using pump work fine?
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08:37.47Lewocorue_house, Maybe you need to manually enable it for dhclient.
08:38.00Lewocorue_house, try man dhclient.conf and check out the DYNAMIC DNS section.
08:38.12Lewocodoublehp_, Ok, rebuilt initrd, rebooting!
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08:39.51doublehp_rue_house: because DHCP is not pump
08:39.59rue_househmm thats not supposed to be done by the dhcp server?
08:40.22rue_houseI thought that  was all about getting the dhcp server to update bind
08:40.53doublehp_rue_house: did you set it to do it ?
08:41.11rue_houseI dont know if I did it right, I dont see any errors
08:41.27rue_housewould you like me to post a config?
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08:41.58Lewocodoublehp_, omfg, nouveau is still loaded
08:42.13doublehp_Lewoco: updatedb ; locate nouveau
08:42.30doublehp_Lewoco: and apstebin dmesg !!!
08:43.05rue_houseok I'm confused
08:43.42rue_houseI take it the default dhcp client config will not send the dhcp server the machine name?
08:44.34rue_housethe dynamic dns stuff just dosn't quite look right
08:45.29rue_housewhat is pump doing that dhclient isn't?
08:45.36rue_housedo I need to iftraf this?
08:45.50Lewocodoublehp_, I don't have locate installed, but I used find /lib -name '*nouveau*'.... Only result was modules/2.6.32-5-amd64/kernel/drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nouveau.ko
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08:48.02doublehp_rue_house: exlpain me why my PXE Server accepts Intel cards, but not 3COM PXE 2
08:48.12doublehp_rue_house: exlpain me why my PXE Server accepts Intel PXE 2.0 cards, but not 3COM PXE 1.2
08:48.52rue_housefirmware ****up?
08:49.17rue_housereflash the newcode
08:49.32doublehp_Lewoco: i asked locate for some reasons ... and the reason is, the thing may be at *an* place, and especially, where you would not think it is. So, any place you can think about, it's not there.
08:49.37rue_housedont mix vendors tho :)
08:49.39doublehp_Lewoco: thus locate
08:50.09doublehp_rue_house: i used to only use 3COM , until that day
08:50.23rue_housedid they release a new version?
08:50.50rue_houseI dont understand this
08:51.44rue_housedoes pump update bind? or is dhcpd doing it?
08:52.09doublehp_Leonidas: i dont see nouveau there; i don't understand what is your drm
08:52.29doublehp_rue_house: according to tuto, the server should do it
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08:54.52doublehp_rue_house: stupid tuto any way: no date, no exact version of software used ... unreliable tuto
08:55.05rue_houseand I dont know if it should show up in a release after I get the config right
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09:11.05EmleyMoorI have some code I obtained from using subversion. There have been 16 revisions, but I can't browse them on the web because something is broken on their site. Is there any other easy way to see what has changed?
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09:20.08simonrvnsvn log, svn diff ?
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09:31.31yangI am getting error at boot "mount: according to mtab sysfs is allready mounted on /sys" - failed" my /etc/fstab entry is visible at
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09:33.45thewanderer1yang: do you have /etc/mtab as a symlink to /proc/mounts ?
09:34.13yang-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 496 Jan 29 10:28 /etc/mtab
09:35.00yanglrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 11 Jan 29 10:34 /proc/mounts -> self/mounts
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09:47.07rue_houseby default will dhclient send the machine name to the dhcp server?
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09:48.49thewanderer1suppose I made a tap device like this: tunctl -u thewanderer -g users -t tap0;  how to use it now? well, what tools do I have to make it tick?
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09:51.14dutchfishrue_house: /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf -> #send host-name "";
09:52.09dutchfishrue_house: but it can be superseeded by dns from the dhcp-server and wins is another option
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09:55.11dutchfishthewanderer1: in short brctl
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09:55.35thewanderer1dutchfish: yes, this part I know... I'm trying to attach my program to the "guest" end of the tap
09:55.43thewanderer1as in 'no qemu"
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09:56.15thewanderer1this is basically to create an ultra-lightweight process that will route packets...
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09:57.08thewanderer1I see that qemu makes a host iface and a "guest" iface, and they differ in MAC addresses
09:57.16dutchfishthewanderer1: yes
09:57.34thewanderer1so how do I set the guest MAC... where is it set?
09:57.56thewanderer1the TUN/TAP documentation tells me that the packet format is "header" (4b) plus IP data, but not a word of Ethernet data
09:58.04dutchfishthewanderer1: you 3 things phys, transport layer and ipv4/ipv6 stack, it depends on what you want to do
09:58.20thewanderer1I basically want to tap into the data link layer
09:58.33dutchfishthewanderer1: maybe netfilter?
09:58.52thewanderer1hm no, this has to be performed by a userspace program attached to a virtual interface
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09:58.56thewanderer1to simulate routers
09:59.10dutchfishthewanderer1: but i use for that a bridge setup with iptables, arptables and ebtables
09:59.30thewanderer1yes, sure I could do that, but I need to simulate routers
09:59.36thewanderer1and QEMU/KVM is too heavy here
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09:59.52dutchfishthewanderer1: then kernelrouting, thats it
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10:00.09thewanderer1then the kernel would have to be present on many bridges...
10:00.21thewanderer1i.e. have IP addresses configured
10:00.35dutchfishthewanderer1: but that leaves you out in the cold when you want maximum control, you can simulate a router with a bridge setup, did you know?
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10:00.57dutchfishthewanderer1: iptables works as well nice for bridge setups
10:00.58thewanderer1well, sure I can use the host system
10:01.23dutchfishtheandbut you want max separation?
10:01.40thewanderer1I'd like maximum separation for per-interface routing
10:01.49thewanderer1I'll have to simulate complex topologies
10:02.07dutchfishthewanderer1: netfilter and friends then
10:02.09thewanderer1I'll have multiple internets...
10:02.19thewanderer1that is, might occur many times on the network
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10:02.40dutchfishthewanderer1: maybe even L7 filtering but thats higher proto filtering ....
10:02.53thewanderer1well, I don't care about L7 here...
10:03.10thewanderer1but when I have multiple separate internets, destination-based routing stops making sense
10:03.18dutchfishthewanderer1: maybe delve into nfsfilter
10:03.31dutchfishtheandthat would should all your needs
10:03.56dutchfishthewanderer1: that would fill all your needs
10:04.06thewanderer1hmm, never heard of nfsfilter
10:04.06dutchfish(sorry for my typos)
10:04.41thewanderer1I'll basically be virtualizing internets
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10:05.29thewanderer1so... IP addresses will be arbitrary, they will collide very often... I expect to have on many bridges
10:05.32dutchfishthewanderer1: correction, nftables was what i meant:
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10:06.39dutchfishthewanderer1: that would give you max flexibility
10:06.40thewanderer1yes, I could use it... however I can't set IP addresses on the bridges
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10:06.51dutchfishthewanderer1: sure you can
10:07.02thewanderer1unless I find a way to have 20 same subnets on many interfaces
10:07.22dutchfishthewanderer1: no problem as long as you bind to the correct phys devs
10:07.36dutchfishthewanderer1: and use i nifty filter setup
10:07.42thewanderer1won't the routing tables get terribly confused?
10:08.03dutchfishthewanderer1: thats to find out, with modern kernels i see not so much problems
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10:08.28dutchfishthewanderer1: i did that ones in a split dhcp server setup
10:08.29thewanderer1the setup I'm aiming at is: I build a complex network, with virtual routers, bridges and so on, and try ping on that
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10:08.56dutchfishthewanderer1: well, try it
10:09.24thewanderer1well the problem is that I don't have a means to issue this ping command
10:09.24tlchack5This is probably something simple I am overlooking but I am running apache and I changed the index.html file from "it works" to a greeting. When I link directly to index.html it shows the new content however when I type the ip of the server it still reads "It Works".
10:09.42dutchfishthewanderer1: very intresting stuff btw, i am testing with double natting for bridgefirewalling btw
10:09.46thewanderer1tlchack5: remove browser cache?
10:10.09tlchack5thewanderer1: *facepalm*
10:10.13thewanderer1dutchfish: actually the problem looks like this: when I type ping, there are multiple hosts...
10:10.49dutchfishthewanderer1: you could just make rules for if [some params] route to phys dev x
10:11.10thewanderer1sure, but I still need some virtual clients to connect to my imaginary infrastructure
10:11.16thewanderer1hence the TUN/TAP thing...
10:11.16dutchfishthewanderer1: thats a breeze in nftables
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10:11.50dutchfishthewanderer1: you can extend that analogue to that too, np
10:12.13dutchfishthewanderer1: as loong as your rules are unambigious, np
10:12.25thewanderer11.2.3.4 destination address is ambigious...
10:12.48dutchfishthewanderer1: not when destination address phys dev x
10:13.03thewanderer1yes, but how would I test connectivity then? :P
10:13.03dutchfishthewanderer1: as in bridge setup
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10:13.18dutchfishthewanderer1: well, the same as your rules alow
10:14.00thewanderer1this gets non-obvious when I have multiple and I need to ping them simultanously but via different paths
10:14.05dutchfishthewanderer1: the only wall you hit is kernel cycles needed for doing this all (filtering) but thats not your main concern i gues
10:14.33dutchfishthewanderer1: not at all
10:14.49thewanderer1sorry but I seem to miss a solution
10:15.13dutchfishthewanderer1: phys device binding and filtering on phys routes
10:15.23thewanderer1source-based routing and some parameters for the ping command?
10:15.46dutchfishthink again, we are talking l2 here
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10:16.14thewanderer1yes, so source device based
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10:17.34thewanderer1this sounds quite workable, actually
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10:18.26thewanderer1is binding client programs to a particular interface difficult?
10:18.41dutchfishrem l3 doesnt have no idee about phys dev l2 rules, so i see no problems
10:19.38thewanderer1oh, one more thing hit me
10:19.40dutchfishit get only hairy when you want firewall rules for double natting ;)
10:20.14thewanderer1how do I simulate client PCs connected to bridges?
10:21.03dutchfishthewanderer1: you want to delve either in honeypot solution packages OR do it with small vm's or even a jail setup might work
10:21.08EmleyMoorkvm can use tap/tun to achieve that effect
10:21.13thewanderer1KVM is too heavy
10:21.19thewanderer1I expect to have hundreds of "hosts"
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10:21.43dutchfishthewanderer1: not if you use mem sharing and use latest io hw access
10:21.56ali3n0EmleyMoor, this is why source browsing on isn't available at the moment:
10:22.11thewanderer1well, I doubt mem sharing would help me with those numbers of machines
10:22.17thewanderer1there's no CPU sharing :)
10:22.43tlchack5thewanderer1: Xen?
10:23.06AstromanIs there somewhere I can read the docs that are put in /usr/share/docs before installing a package?
10:23.06thewanderer1tlchack5: anything but Xen... it's doubly as heavy as KVM..
10:23.11EmleyMoorali3n0: Ah, thanks... I wondered if the attack, which also forced password changes, was involved
10:23.17thewanderer1I suppose I could use OpenVZ, but it has limitations of its own
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10:23.48ali3n0EmleyMoor, yep I just got the reset-pwd email than seen the blog post
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10:24.13EmleyMoorcan be patient now he knows
10:24.17thewanderer1dutchfish: yes, I'm using VirtIO nics on a daily basis, but the solution is still to heavy...
10:24.34thewanderer1dutchfish: I'd ideally like to do what KVM does with the TUN/TAP but without the full KVM...
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10:24.58dutchfishthewanderer1: you are driving a hard bargen, but it can be done.
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10:25.13thewanderer1well, not in KVM I suppose...
10:25.29thewanderer1guess I'll need to see its source
10:25.59EmleyMoorMeanwhile, I've got a program I use that has a "full screen" mode. I have managed to set my desktop machine to centre rather than stretch the picture to fit, but I can't find a setting for this on my laptop (which has Intel graphics)
10:26.16dutchfishthewanderer1: to my own tests, you can cram as much as 200 vm's in 4G, but thats where it ends
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10:26.43dutchfishthewanderer1: and you indeed need some ferm cpu's
10:27.09thewanderer1dutchfish: yes... I was implementing this on OpenVZ till now but found myself limited by it
10:27.30thewanderer1(Debian takes about 8MB run in a VE...)
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10:28.16EmleyMoor(my desktop has NVidia, which provides the program to make the setting)
10:28.59thewanderer1EmleyMoor: you should set this in the application itself, or run it windowed
10:29.26thewanderer1for me, it was the display which handled proportions settings, not the GPU...
10:29.49EmleyMoorthewanderer1: No way to set it in the application - at least yet! As for running it windowed, fine when that's what I want
10:30.20thewanderer1EmleyMoor: run it windowed but with the maximum size that you can :P
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10:31.23EmleyMoorthewanderer1: It's a display related setting but I've only found it through the NVidia tool. I need, obviously, to find the generic
10:31.51thewanderer1perhaps it's a driver thing?
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10:32.32EmleyMoorthewanderer1: Is there an "outside" driver for Intel?
10:32.34zaarganyone having a problem with the 2.6.32-5 in squeeze stuttering hard drive writes?
10:32.40thewanderer1EmleyMoor: I have no idea
10:32.46zaargit's make lots of writes...then wait for ages..before making another
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10:33.00zaargfor no apparent reason
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10:34.04EmleyMooris wondering if the setting might be in the BIOS on the laptop (!)
10:34.17jelly-hmezaarg: is it on a laptop with laptop-mode-tools installed?
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10:38.38LewocoI have two, dual output video adaptors, but KDE is only detecting one monitor on each adaptor. Why?
10:38.43g105bHi, what are the best options for a very low memory footprint mail server?
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10:39.18thewanderer1g105b: hmm... very frugal :)
10:39.34jelly-hmeg105b: exim run from inetd / cron jobs?
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10:40.23ali3n0how do you associate an UUID to a block device?
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10:40.58jelly-hmeali3n0: you don't.  The _filesystem_ on that block device will have an UUID.
10:41.14jelly-hmeit's a property of the filesystem
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10:47.06g0rd0ndebian 6.0 and virtualization on a server: XEN or KVM? i am so confused...
10:48.27thewanderer1g0rd0n: KVM, less complex and just as fast (faster?)
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11:25.07funyunhi. noob here. i'm trying to follow this tutorial to install vmware . but when i type "apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r` build-essential xinetd gcc-4.1", i get "E: Couldn't find package linux-headers-". can anyone help me out please?
11:26.30lapfroghey i'm trying to encode an mp3 and i can't find lame, even though i have contrib and non-free in sources.lst
11:26.37dpkg[lame] Lame Ain't an MP3 Encoder.  Debian does not distribute LAME due to patent and infrastructure issues, see and .  Binary packages are available from <debian-multimedia> and <rarewares>.  Applications using <GStreamer> for MP3 output require the LAME plugin (gstreamer0.10-lame package in <dmm>).
11:26.53lapfrogah debian multimedia ty
11:28.31dpkg[dmm] Debian Multimedia is a repository of unofficial packages maintained by Christian Marillat, not in Debian for patent-related reasons.  For information on how to access, see or ask me about <dmm lenny> <dmm squeeze>.  During 2010, this repository grew a non-free part, with all binary-only packages moved there; you may need to add " non-free" to your sources lines.  See also <dmm mirrors>, <dmm list>.
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11:31.55zaargjelly-hme: nope
11:33.10funyunhi. noob here. i'm trying to follow this tutorial to install vmware . but when i type "apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r` build-essential xinetd gcc-4.1", i get "E: Couldn't find package linux-headers-". can anyone help me out please?
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11:44.06funyunhi. noob here. i'm trying to follow this tutorial to install vmware . but when i type "apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r` build-essential xinetd gcc-4.1", i get "E: Couldn't find package linux-headers-". can anyone help me out please?
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11:46.23lapfrogfunfun, you have a custom kernel/
11:46.30Cain!tell funyun grsecurity
11:46.44Cain!tell funyun about grsecurity
11:46.49lapfrog!grsecurity @funyun
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11:49.12funyuni'm not sure
11:49.22Cainfunyun : check
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11:50.40yangI am getting error at boot "mount: according to mtab sysfs is allready mounted on /sys" - failed" my /etc/fstab entry is visible at
11:52.33funyunCain: sorry for being such a noob. but what exactly do i check with this site?
11:54.10Cainfunyun : check how to get your 'grs' kernel headers from it's repository
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12:01.44jelly-hmefunyun: that's not a Debian kernel and its headers won't be available in repos.
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12:02.43jelly-hmefunyun: either contact whoever provided you with that kernel, or use one from the distro (install linux-image-amd64 and linux-headers-amd64 and boot that kernel)
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12:03.04funyunjelly-hme: will that delete everything i have?
12:04.01funyunjelly-hme: do you know of a tutorial that will walk me through it? i don't wanna screw anything up
12:04.06funyuni'm pretty new to linux
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12:04.33jelly-hmeI don't, sorry, and tutorials are known for not letting you know what to do if things go wrong.
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12:05.04funyunjelly-hme: can you help me install it?
12:05.25jelly-hmeanyone in this channel can.
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12:07.34KilgoreHi guys. Does anyone know in which debian package i can find the old style unix "mail" command? "more /var/mail/username" gets tiresome after a while. TIA :)
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12:08.19funyuncan anyone help me install linux-image-amd64 and linux-headers-amd64 and boot that kernel?
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12:08.44jelly-hmeKilgore: /msg judd file bin/mail
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12:09.14Kilgorethx a lot
12:09.48Kilgoreinteresting trick there. i'll keep it in mind
12:09.49Kilgorethx again
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12:10.45phoggfunyun: I suggest you ask google how to install Debian packages via apt. This information will stand you in good stead in the future.
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12:11.19dpkgThe Debian Reference will answer most of your questions about Debian.  The latest version (v2) is at .  Read it after installing Debian and before asking for support, as it is the closest thing Debian has to a manual.  You can install this too, the package name is debian-reference: 'aptitude install debian-reference'
12:11.24stewfunyun: you are not running a debian kernel which is why you don't have kernel headers available via apt.  you'll need to ask whomever you got that kernel from
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12:12.10jelly-hmefunyun: if you're not familiar with standard debian installation tools like apt-get or aptitude, it might be a good time to hit the documentation
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12:12.39funyunjust to be clear. should i install what jelly-hme told me to, or should i email ovh? and what exactly should i ask them?
12:13.32phoggfunyun: you should definitely install what jelly-hme told you to, regardless. Whether you contact your service provider depends on whether you want to continue with their kernel (then contact them) or use your own (probably don't need to contact them).
12:13.35jelly-hmefunyun: it's an alternative.  To get vmware kernel support, you need kernel headers.  You can either try to get headers for your current kernel from ovh, or you can use Debian's kernel and headers.
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12:14.50jelly-hmefunyun: also note it's quite possible the reason they're providing a custom kernel is because the Debian one doesn't suit the hardware well, in which case the Debian kernel might fail to boot.
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12:15.37jelly-hmewhile Debian tries to make distro kernels as generic as possible, it can sometimes lag behind and not be able to support latest hardware
12:16.29funyunjelly-hme: that might be the reason. because i think my hardware is the latest
12:16.49thewanderer1jelly-hme: OVH are providing grsec kernels, too, it might be one of them - their RPS are netbooting anyway, so the kernels are on the NFS/iSCSI host and not on the server itself (only assuming it's an "RPS")
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12:17.45stewinstalling gcc-4.1 is an odd instruction.  if you are going to be compiling stuff against the kernel headers, you need the gcc which compiled the kernel (from cat /proc/versions) not necessarily 4.1
12:18.35stewunless vmware requires 4.1, in which case you'd possibly have to compile your own kernel anyway
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12:19.33phoggIt's sounding more and more like contacting OVH is a good idea. They may not like their boxes running without grsec, for one thing.
12:20.21thewanderer1heh, grsec in this case is only a bunch of kernel patches
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12:21.31funyunalright. i'll try contacting them. thanks to everyone for trying to help :)
12:23.12jelly-hmefunyun: you've been a noob since June last year, when do you plan to upgrade!
12:23.45jelly-hmeFreeNode-#debian.log:Jun 13 20:44:08 <funyun>     noob here, trying to configure [...]
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12:25.18funyunjelly-hme: well i'm a noob in this department. in others, i've made quite a few breakthroughs
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12:39.34HackeMatehello, what is wrong here iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp -dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 8080
12:39.40HackeMateit returns Bad argument `80'
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12:40.26phoggHackeMate: --dport
12:40.51HackeMateoh, thanks
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12:44.35HackeMateand executing this sudo echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward returns permission denied
12:45.16jelly-hmeHackeMate: the redirection is done in your shell, by your own user (not root), before the command is executed
12:45.42JarvisHackeMate: run sudo -i
12:45.46Jarvisthen echo > ... etc
12:46.21jelly-hmeHackeMate: if you want to use sudo, you can either sudo sh -c 'echo 1 > /path/to/stuff', or get creative with tee command
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12:46.27Jarvisor sudo -s
12:46.33jelly-hmeHackeMate: echo 1 | sudo tee /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
12:47.41jelly-hmewhat's wrong with su anyway
12:47.49HackeMatethe sudo -i was perfect
12:48.08Jarvissome machines have the root account disabled jelly-hme :)
12:48.15HackeMateno idea whats wrong with su, all sudo command has been executed except this iptables rule
12:48.26Jarvisso you have to use sudo unless you set a root password
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12:48.54jelly-hmeJarvis: I've never seen a Debian machine with a root account disabled.
12:49.10HackeMatewell this is a tiny installation
12:49.13Arrowmasterjelly-hme: its been an option in the installer for a while
12:49.16Jarvisyou can do it during install . just hit enter when it asks you for the root pass :)
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12:49.25jelly-hmeArrowmaster: expert mode?
12:49.42Arrowmasterbut as Jarvis said you can do it in any mode
12:49.49Jarvisiirc you can
12:49.51jelly-hmeit sounds silly
12:49.54Jarvisallthough it doesn't tell you this
12:50.05Jarvisi found out purely by accident
12:50.10Arrowmasterbut in expert it explicitly asks you and wont even prompt for a root password depending on your answer
12:50.24jelly-hmewhat do you do when boot-time fsck or mount fails and the system asks you for the root password to fix things
12:50.32EduardeCalibalSomeone know a generic module do access SATA disk?
12:50.39Jarvisjelly-hme: it drops straight to a prompt
12:50.47Jarvisit doesn't ask you for the maintanence pass
12:50.48EduardeCalibalThe sata_sis is making trouble here.
12:50.50Arrowmasterin expert if you say you want to set a root password, the set root password prompt reminds you that you can leave it blank to disable root access
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12:51.08jelly-hmemind boggling
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13:07.14thewanderer1I have 2 bridges (`brctl addbr`) on 2 hosts. how to connect them so that they work like one?
13:08.57jelly-hmethewanderer1: a cable?
13:10.04thewanderer1yeah... now, the situation looks like this: host1 has 20 bridges, host2 has 20 bridges... one cable between them
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13:10.43thewanderer1besides, a cable would only work in a LAN...
13:10.51jelly-hmegives thewanderer1 802.1q capable cards, and a copy of vlan.deb
13:10.53dutchfishthewanderer1: maybe brctl addif br1 dummy0 & brctl addif br2 dummy0
13:11.03thewanderer1dummy0 being what?
13:11.12dutchfishthewanderer1: a dummy interface
13:11.20thewanderer1err, what's it do?
13:11.51thewanderer1VLAN is okay, but it's not guaranteed that I won't have VLAN collisions...
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13:12.59dutchfishthewanderer1: or you could use ip aliases
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13:13.57thewanderer1hmmm... found sth called "vtun", doesn't sound bad
13:14.03thewanderer1(besides the overhead...)
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13:16.08thewanderer1or... establish some VLAN mappings
13:16.33thewanderer1however I'd need a switch which supports some kind of remote VLAN configuration without human interaction
13:17.11dutchfishthewanderer1: snmp over vlan
13:17.40thewanderer1it could work. now what kind of device supports this?
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13:18.01dutchfishthewanderer1: google?
13:18.25thewanderer1thanks, I'll buy their switches with embedded search button straight away
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13:18.57dutchfishthewanderer1: i meant google search ;)
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13:20.11jelly-hmethewanderer1: most manageable switches that have .1q support have a have to configure them over serial, telnet or ssh
13:20.19jelly-hmehave a way*
13:20.28thewanderer1yes, scriptically
13:20.47jelly-hmeI use Net::Appliance::Session
13:20.50thewanderer1(is it scriptacularly? dunno...)
13:21.00jelly-hmeused to use Net::Telnet::Cisco, but it didn't support ssh
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13:39.22EduardeCalibalI have many erros with a SATA DVD driver, many messages like and "ata6.00: exception Emask 0x100 SAct 0x0 SErr 0x0 action 0x6".  Someone?
13:39.55EduardeCalibalAfter each message I have a reset of the device.
13:40.11EduardeCalibal"ata6: hard resetting link"
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13:41.43StyXmanEduardeCalibal: is it a notebook?
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13:42.28Mirrakorcan someone help me to set up NFS - when I install it dpkg tries to configure nfs-commons and nfs-kernel-server but it fails and I've no idea why
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13:43.22EduardeCalibalI have 2 hard disks in the PATA and 1 DVD driver in this SATA.
13:43.25StyXmanEduardeCalibal: this might be related: sata connectors in sata cables tend to be really crappy. try opening the computer, disconnecting and reconnecting the cable, in both ends
13:43.42Mirrakoror try a different cable if you have one at hand
13:44.08EduardeCalibalI checked all cables and changed the DVD driver.
13:44.23EduardeCalibalMaybe is a mother board fail...
13:44.26StyXmanI have a friend sysadmin that sugets to use those plastic/silicone pistols to add a point of plastic/silicone to fix the connectors
13:44.47StyXmanEduardeCalibal: or the dvd drive...
13:45.01StyXmanah, you said you changed it
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13:46.17EduardeCalibalSame error.
13:46.31EduardeCalibalIf I unload the module sata_sis all is ok.
13:46.40EduardeCalibalAfter load, the problem came back.
13:46.51EduardeCalibalThe problem is in this SATA but is in the module?
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13:48.37StyXmanEduardeCalibal: sis? that used to be a crappy chipset manufacturer. I still recommend to stay off it
13:49.15EduardeCalibalI have a generic alternative for this module?
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13:50.30StyXmanEduardeCalibal: I not sure there's a sata_generic, as there is an ide_generic
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13:51.18Mirrakorin your face debian
13:51.52MirrakorOk, is there a place where I can/should stick notes about certain packages? like /etc/network/interfaces need to include lo as loopback device in order to get nfs-common to work?
13:52.07StyXmanEduardeCalibal: have you tried another/newer kernel version?
13:53.17EduardeCalibalThis problem is a old problem...  Now I have 2.6.32-5-686 here.
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13:55.13StyXmanMirrakor: at minimum there should be a note in the package's README.Debian or similar. at best it should check that in the install scripts. maybe you can file a bug about it
13:55.15EduardeCalibalI need know if this is a hardware problem before change this mother board...  :-/
13:55.45jelly-hmeMirrakor: lo device is needed for lots of things.
13:55.48MirrakorStyXman: I'm new to debian, using squeeze on an arm processor can you give me a pointer where to adress issues about squeeze?
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13:56.09Mirrakorjelly-hme: true but it doesn't seem to be configured on a minimal installation
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13:56.31jelly-hmeMirrakor: it should be present and configured even on a base system.
13:56.33StyXmanMirrakor: it should be, otherwise it's a but in the installer
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13:57.53StyXmanEduardeCalibal: the alst resort could be to try the mobo with another OS
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13:59.23EduardeCalibalWork with the MSWindows...  But unstable sometimes.
13:59.52StyXmanEduardeCalibal: same reasons or different ones?
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14:03.45cfchris6how can I list which packages I have currently installed from non-free / contrib ?
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14:05.16EduardeCalibalWindows dont is good with logs...
14:05.42EduardeCalibal...or messages.
14:05.43StyXmanEduardeCalibal: maybe you should change it, then
14:05.56EduardeCalibalTo bad.
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14:06.11RichiHmy disk has been active for the last ten or 15 minutes and iotop comes up empty -- what could be the cause and how do i pinpoint it?
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14:06.24StyXmanEduardeCalibal: maybe finding an ide dvd driver?
14:06.45StyXmanRichiH: swaping a lot?
14:07.01EduardeCalibalI have some, but is a old hardware...  I need solve this.
14:07.15RichiHStyXman: nope, none. and kswapd would need to have I/O if i was swapping
14:07.16StyXmanRichiH: vmstat 1, swap collumns
14:07.35StyXmanEduardeCalibal: just old or broken?
14:07.51StyXmanRichiH: dmesg says nothong relevant?
14:08.21EduardeCalibalOnly old, but devices have a life time.
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14:11.15StyXmanEduardeCalibal: if you want it fixed for good, my advise is, again, change the mobo. if you can fix it temp, use the old dvd drive. but it's up to you
14:11.21StyXmanRichiH: beats me
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14:12.02babilencfchris6: Use something like this (bash) function/one-liner and grep for "non-free"
14:12.11StyXmanRichiH: maybe you can ask in #debian in the network
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14:13.38djura-sanhai o/
14:14.50thewanderer1!tell cfchris6 about vrms
14:15.11babilencfchris6: *sigh* -- sorry, but something like "aptitude search ~i~snon-free" is much better (adjust to your needs)
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14:16.12babilenthewanderer1: will that really list Debian packages by their respective section? Isn't that some kind of "non-free identification tool" ?
14:16.33CyberDomovoyany idea how i can get a list of the paths (/dev) to every block device that is a micro-sd card?
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14:16.58thewanderer1babilen: it lists non-free and contrib separately
14:17.20babilenthewanderer1: Ah, I misunderstood the description then. I'll check that tool as well.
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14:20.46cfchris6babilen: thanks
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14:21.26babilencfchris6: as noted, have a look at vrms too, but i found aptitude's search patterns to be sufficient if not superior :)
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14:35.03smacnayIs there a preferred removable media catalogue program.  So far I have found disksearch (which is apparently obsolete), Gnome Catalogue, and GWhere.  Are there others?
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14:48.16hyper_chhi there, can anyone explain the difference between tmpfs and a ramdisk like this "mkfs -t ext3 -q /dev/ram1 65536"? And how to set the size of tmpfs - actually, I'm rather a bit confused of what tmpfs is
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14:49.32thewanderer1smacnay: if I were you I'd write something in PHP and integrate it with UUID subsystem via some agent in C/C++... add MySQL/SQLite and you're set
14:49.59thewanderer1hyper_ch: tmpfs is a file system, ramdisk that you mentioned is ext3 on top of a block device that points to a RAM region
14:50.36hyper_chbut tmpfs also uses ram and is some kind of ramdisk?
14:50.37thewanderer1so they have different storage formats, as tmpfs is optimised for memory storage, while ext* family is made specially for hard disks
14:50.48Arrowmastertmpfs uses ram and swap
14:50.54thewanderer1oh, that too
14:51.28hyper_chso, what would you suggest then for better use: I have a minecraft server and I thought storing the game data into ram would make it faster
14:51.35thewanderer1hyper_ch: tmpfs
14:51.48hyper_chthe current world is about 3GB in size and has a gazillion small files
14:52.02hyper_chhow can I control the size of tmpfs?
14:52.02thewanderer1tmpfs can dynamically grow...
14:52.25thewanderer1-o size=128m    or     -o size=50%    (of the RAM)  will set the max size
14:52.30hyper_chah good :)
14:52.44thewanderer1I recommend trimming it down to 90% to avoid strange situations
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14:53.05hyper_chserver has 12gb ram
14:53.21hyper_chand I thought for the 3GB world (now) I'd reserver about 6gb ram
14:53.30thewanderer1so... do that :)
14:53.57hyper_chthx :)
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14:55.45thewanderer1what the penguin is minecraft anyway? O.o
14:55.51hyper_ch(in addition, the real file system is fully encrypted)
14:56.01hyper_chminecraft is a java-based sandbox game
14:56.03hyper_chit's fun though
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14:56.08hyper_chthewanderer1: wanna see the world?
14:56.14thewanderer1so where do you get the server? :P
14:56.32hyper_chwhat do you mean where I get the server?
14:57.02thewanderer1ah, Java. that's why it needs 3GB!
14:57.11hyper_chno no, the map is 3gb
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14:58.40copperminemy cron job works every minute but if i put a specific time it wont run, what can I check?
14:59.09hyper_chcoppermine: how did you set it to run at a specific time?
14:59.26copperminehyper_ch: like the examples show
14:59.37copperminei.e 05 10 * * * command
14:59.39copperminefor 10:05am
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14:59.51hyper_chtry just 5 10 * * * command
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15:00.12copperminei tried that
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15:02.02coppermineand cron is running if i do ps -eaf | grep cron
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15:03.46AimHereShouldn't cron mail root with what happened when a job tried to run?
15:03.51AimHereYou can check that
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15:04.28coppermineno mail for root
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15:04.47hyper_chhave cron log to a file?
15:04.56copperminedoesnt output anything
15:05.27hyper_chis it actually correctly loaded?   crontab -l
15:05.37coppermine5 10 * * * touch /
15:05.44eptalonis there a "screensaver" in debian that becomes active by switching off the display (after a certain amount of inactivity)? - I have the problem that when I watch a movie (eg. with vlc) this triggers after like 10-20mins.
15:05.46hyper_chis that a root cron?
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15:06.34hyper_chso it should have permissions to touch a file in the root folder....
15:06.44coppermineand it does when i run it every minute
15:06.49copperminebut not specific times as I said
15:07.04yangI am getting error at boot "mount: according to mtab sysfs is allready mounted on /sys" - failed" my /etc/fstab entry is visible at
15:07.13hyper_chcoppermine: maybe the touch isn't in the include path...   try   /usr/bin/touch /
15:07.24coppermineso why would it work every minute ?
15:07.40hyper_chcoppermine: maybe you're mistaken with the "works every minute" part
15:08.00coppermineno, it does work every minute
15:08.05yangIs there a way for a package to be filed for "adoption" ?
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15:08.27hyper_chcoppermine: just humour me and put full path to the binary
15:08.34coppermineallready done
15:08.39coppermineim waiting for the 10:10am time to come along
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15:10.07copperminedidnt work
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15:10.35hyper_chcoppermine: I don't know then... someone more knowledgable has to help
15:10.37ElDiaboloHi. Do asymetric raid1 configurations (only 1 fast drive) with --write-mostly + --write-behind make sense? Has anybody tested this?
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15:11.18hyper_chand is it true that Squeeze becomes stable in a week?
15:11.35jelly-hme!rc bugs
15:11.35dpkgRelease-Critical bugs are Debian bugs with critical, grave or serious severities, preventing the next release of Debian.  See the graph at or the lists at .  See also <rc-alert>.
15:11.38eptalonElDiabolo: afaik raid1 will put half on each drive.
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15:11.58jelly-hmeeptalon: half of what?
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15:12.29eptalonjelly-hme: A raid1 setup, with two (same capacity) drives, half the data on each drive.
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15:13.16jelly-hmeeptalon: oh.  Nope, raid 1 is mirroring.
15:13.17ElDiaboloeptalon, no thats raid0
15:13.50eptalonjelly-hme: 2x 500GB, for a capacity of 500G.
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15:14.46eptalonso "write mostly on one drive, and rarely use the other", do not really make sense, do they?
15:15.15eptalonas every write on one drive will need ot be mirrored to the other.
15:15.30ElDiaboloeptalon, This means: Avoid reading the slow drive.
15:15.53cantidowrites should be buffered by the kernels disk cache
15:16.12ElDiaboloeptalon, And write behind means queue writes to the slow drive.
15:17.01cantidoElDiabolo: you probably don't want one really really slow disk in there
15:17.18eptalonElDiabolo: as for reads, for most cases the faster drive will deliver the data before the slower one, without much config
15:17.30cantidoElDiabolo: I'm not sure .. but I think when the kernel pushes the data to disk it will want to have the data on all drives
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15:18.01eptalonSame goes for buffering the writes...
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15:18.28cantidoElDiabolo: are you doing raid with a sata drive and a floppy drive?
15:19.05ElDiabolocantido, Actually I am thinking about a raid1 of a hdd and 2 raid0 ssds?
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15:19.09yangIs squeeze going to be released anytime soon now - only 28 bugs concerning the next release...
15:19.43ElDiabolofor a system disk of a desktop.
15:19.44cantidoElDiabolo: raid0 on the SSDs because flash is magically error free?
15:20.06ElDiabolocantido, No, to get one really fast drive.
15:20.19cantidoElDiabolo: raid1 would be faster
15:20.40cantidojust have enough memory that your writes don't need to get flushed straight to disk
15:21.01jelly-hmecantido: that theory doesn't ride out well in practice.
15:21.01eptalonElDiabolo: Raid10, with 1 fast hdd,and ssd (x2) as raid0
15:21.27cantidojelly-hme: what theory?
15:21.40jelly-hmecantido: "have enough memory that your writes don't need to get flushed straight to disk"
15:21.51jelly-hmetry it some time.
15:22.03cantidojelly-hme: why not? you can configure the kernels tendency to write to disk
15:22.11cantidoI have tried it on really slow SSDs
15:22.15jelly-hmetry it, I won't say anything more
15:22.22cantidohas tried it
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15:22.39eptalonI do have a box here (using regular harddrives, and 8 gb ram); and I don't wait much..
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15:22.48jelly-hmehow did you like your system responsivity when the flush eventually started?
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15:23.30cantidoperformance is going to suck either way
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15:24.11jelly-hmeit sucks in different ways.  There's a tradeoff between throughput and latency.
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15:24.41ElDiaboloCan grub2 boot from raid0?
15:25.11eptalonElDiabolo: I believe so; but its a bad idea.
15:25.31eptalonone drive failure will leave your system unbootable
15:25.48jelly-hmeeptalon: that's why he's doing the mirror thing.
15:26.14eptalonrad0 = stripe, raid1= mirror, iirc.
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15:26.39jelly-hmeeptalon: <ElDiabolo> cantido, Actually I am thinking about a raid1 of a hdd and 2 raid0 ssds?
15:27.07cantidojelly-hme: on the desktop at least some applications write when they dont actually need to
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15:28.26ElDiabolojelly-hme, Yeah, I think I'll try and fall back to a solution that mirrors the system partition with a script from
15:28.32ElDiabolotime to time.
15:28.34jelly-hmeElDiabolo: the question is, can it boot from your raid1(hdd, raid0(sdd, sdd)) setup <g>
15:29.00jelly-hmeElDiabolo: the answer to that is: make a separate raid1-only /boot
15:29.08eptalonquesion is also how likely is an ssd to failß
15:29.11ElDiabolojelly-hme, should be able to boot from the hdd I think.
15:29.39cantidoeptalon: look up the mean to between failures for the drive
15:30.23jelly-hmeElDiabolo: what parameters are you trying to satisfy with this setup?
15:31.01ElDiabolojelly-hme, Playing around to get a fast desktop. Especially quicker boot.
15:31.19jelly-hme10 second boot?  5 second boot?
15:31.49eptalonElDiabolo: my system (hdds, raid1, lots of ram), boots in like 1min
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15:32.05ElDiabolojelly-hme, 15 seconds would be cool.
15:32.07jelly-hmeI don't boot my home machine often, just suspend and resume it.
15:32.15eptalonElDiabolo: and the hdds aren't even fast
15:32.45eptalonjelly-hme: speaking of that, has the usb3-suspend problem been fixed yet?
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15:33.16jelly-hmeeptalon: dunno, give me an usb3 host and some devices and I'l look it up
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15:35.02xusertalking about raid, if I do software raid1 in debian, is there way around the OS not booting the boot hdd fails?
15:35.13eptalonjelly-hme: xhci_hcd, kernel 2.6.37 (-trunk)
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15:35.46xusereptalon: you use the kernel from experimental?
15:35.49jelly-hmeeptalon: that's software, I asked for hardware!
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15:37.05hyper_chxuser: you just have to install grub on all of them and make them bootable
15:37.21eptalonjelly-hme: how would I find that?
15:37.25hyper_cheach grub entry showing to it's own disk so it won't matter if another failed I think
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15:39.23hyper_chxuser: something like step 5 here
15:39.47jelly-homeeptalon: I meant, tongue in cheekily, if you want me to investigate some hardware issue, I'd like to be able to get my hands on that hardware first.
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15:40.33eptalonjelly-home: Oh. :)
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15:42.30wildc4rdafternoon all
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15:45.38oOarthurOoHi... when I turned my computer on this morning, my mouse cursor is jammed hard and fast into the top right corner of the screen. There were no problems last night. I tried disabling the trackpoint and touchpad and just using the mouse, and it's still just stuck up there in the top right. I've tried removing the mouse and just using the trackpoint. Same result.
15:45.54oOarthurOoHoping someone can help me determine if this is a hardware or software problem
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15:47.27oOarthurOoWhen I say jammed in the top right, I mean when I move the mouse I can see the cursor struggling to do as I want, but resisting. And when I stop trying to move it out of that corner, it zips back up in the top right snuggly.
15:47.50yangI am getting error at boot "mount: according to mtab sysfs is allready mounted on /sys" - failed" my /etc/fstab entry is visible at
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15:52.10xuserhyper_ch: thanks
15:52.39hyper_chxuser: my little howto... but as it uses also raid1 it should help you with that :)
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16:03.26jelly-homeoOarthurOo: if you restart X do you still have the same symptom?
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16:09.34laurusI am encountering a bug with qemu-kvm. I am unable to resume from suspending without running "sudo rmmod kvm_intel" before suspend. How can I find what the problem is to document it?
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16:18.10oOarthurOoHi again... just booted into a knoppix live cd and everything works fine, so it's definitely a software problem with my debian install
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16:30.18oOarthurOoMy mouse is stuck in the top-right corner of the screen... I could use some help figuring out why and how to make it stop doing that.
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16:51.57tuvwhat is the best language for json manipulation?
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16:52.27ElDiabolotuv, javascript?
16:52.48jelly-hometuv: is json basically text?
16:53.05tuvjelly-home: yes. structured text
16:53.58tuvjelly-home: it's a standard, so there should be libraries that hide the details
16:53.59hyper_chJSON -> JavaScript Object Notation... so my guess would also be JS for best manipulation
16:54.40tuvhyper_ch, ElDiabolo: i don't want to learn JS for json. second recommendation?
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16:55.27ElDiabolotuv, maybe perl
16:55.36tuvbasically i have a make-run tcl script that generates the data across multiple runs. i want a way to aggregate all the data in one structure
16:56.02alexblighif debuild runs with a normal Makefile, and does "make install", does it run with fakeroot and in a chroot environment? I am getting "mkdir -p /tftpboot" .. "mkdir: cannot create directory `/tftpboot': Permission denied"
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16:56.34tuvso i thought i'd pipe the tcl script output to a json-capable script that consolidates the data in one json file
16:56.52tuvdoes that make sense?
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17:00.12ElDiabolotuv, most languages should have some json library. Seems tcl has one too.
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17:04.32tuvElDiabolo: tcl's is very limited. just a parser, unless you know something i don't
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17:08.09rue_housewhy might debians default dhcp client config not be giving the dhcp server sname data?
17:09.01rue_housedo I have to have a wins server record for it to work?
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17:19.07rue_houseOK I JUST installed this machine, it comes with 'rsyslogd' the manual is syslog-ng
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17:19.29rue_houseshould I be using a different package to set up a central logging server?
17:19.44tuvwhat's wrong with rsyslogd
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17:20.07rue_houseit has no -r flag from what I can tell
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17:20.45rue_housethe manual dosn't seem to be for it either
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17:20.54rue_houseunelss rsyslog = syslog-ng
17:21.41rue_houseI want to set up central logging I need it working by tommorow evening
17:21.46rue_housethis isn't helping
17:21.47jelly-homersyslog is not syslog-ng, but they are similarly capable
17:22.02jelly-homeuse whichever you're more comfortable with
17:22.12rue_houseok why is the supplied manual for syslog-ng when syslog-ng isn't what was installed?
17:22.29jelly-homerue_house: what "supplied manual"?
17:22.31rue_houseI dont care what I use, I want to know how to set it up :)
17:23.07rue_housethe manual for rsyslog WAS NOT INSTALLED with the package, instead only syslog-ng man pages exist,
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17:23.15rue_houseI think this is a package bug
17:23.19stewrue_house: install the rsyslog-doc package
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17:24.09rue_houseits installed, man rsyslog still says there isn't a manual
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17:24.21rue_houseSetting up rsyslog-doc (3.18.6-4) ...
17:24.21rue_housewoodfall:/etc# man rsyslog
17:24.21rue_houseNo manual entry for rsyslog
17:24.33jelly-homerue_house: inspect the contents of rsyslog-doc package. dpkg -L packagename
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17:24.44llutzman rsyslogd
17:24.54llutzman rsyslog.conf
17:25.07rue_houseyup, hmm
17:25.47rue_housewonder if I can find a howto on setting it up for central logging....
17:26.32jelly-homevisit the upstream web site, it's not that bad
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17:29.50rue_househmm I cant find what turns reception of logs from other machines on and off
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17:31.48rue_househmm, can you help me find the switch for listening for inbound connections?
17:32.09rue_houseI'm all over the page but getting nowhere fast
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17:32.42thewanderer1rue_house: see the rsyslog home page, it has lots of tutorials
17:32.45rue_houseI see a lot about sending logs, I want to recieve them
17:33.07rue_houseyea I'm looking all over that site, I see nothing about configuring an inbound log server
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17:34.31jelly-homerue_house: look at the /etc/rsyslog.conf file contents.  See if you can find the commented-out configuration bits which enable a listening UDP socket
17:35.43jelly-homeit really does not seem like rocket science
17:35.54rue_houseI just couldn't find it
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17:37.53jelly-homeyeah, the site seems a bit of a mess
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17:46.23bit0hello, has epiphany-browser a javascript console?, thanks in advance
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18:04.21fbsim doing a fsck on a unmouted lvm
18:04.41fbsbut it shows no progress after 20mins
18:04.46fbsstill at pass1
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18:05.05fbsits a 700G partition, the 150G was instant
18:08.42thewanderer1depends on the filesystem, LVM is almost irrelevant
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18:09.30fbsboth ext4
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18:10.13thewanderer1guys, how can I access /usr which was mounted before I mounted something over it?
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18:10.27thewanderer1that is, look "under" the mount point
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18:11.26wald0can i see the MAC of somebody that is connected using netstat ?
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18:12.12thewanderer1wald0: no, netstat operates in layer 3
18:12.25wald0thewanderer1: what i can use for that ?
18:12.50thewanderer1wald0: call `arp` without arguments to see what MAC is assigned to what IPv4 address in the ARP cache
18:13.10thewanderer1is the MAC address in the same subnet (on the same switch) as you?
18:13.39wald0thewanderer1: actually yes, but i want to do tests outside too
18:13.57thewanderer1wald0: you know, MAC addresses are not preserved in routing
18:14.13thewanderer1that is, frames from outside will always have the MAC address of the router as the source
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18:14.25thewanderer1(that's how routing works...)
18:15.08wald0i see, thx
18:16.56fbsoh, it looks like a forced fsck at boot works
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19:00.01jhutchins_ltWhat reasons do people have for using ext4 instead of ext3?
19:00.57jhutchins_ltthewanderer1: You can access the original /usr by unmounting what's mounted there.
19:01.14jelly-homejhutchins_lt: 4 > 3
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19:01.40jelly-homeit's better suited for huge filesystems
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19:02.05thewanderer1jhutchins_lt: yes... the system was running live :P
19:02.10jhutchins_ltjelly-home: I'd pretty much expected that to be the primary reason (4>3).
19:02.11thewanderer1I solved that by running `umount -l` ...
19:02.50jelly-homedunno, ext4 might be reasonably stable by now
19:02.56jhutchins_ltjelly-home: I do understand it's advantages, but I wonder who uses it for them, and how many because 4>3.
19:03.13jelly-homejhutchins_lt: if RHEL is shipping and supporting it, it must be good enough
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19:04.01jelly-homeI said that without irony.
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19:17.55jhutchins_ltjelly-home: I've learned to be highly suspicious of 4>3.  Sure, it's probably good and stable enough to be worth the risks of running it if you need it's abilities.  What I don't see are any good reasons to run it for the average desktop.
19:18.43jhutchins_ltIn that context, where none of the new features are relevant, I know of no good reason to run it and a few reasons not to.
19:18.44jelly-homefaster fsck
19:19.00jordanmjhutchins_lt: desktop users can produce bug reports that can be useful for the server usage?
19:19.01jhutchins_ltOn a 40G disk who's largest file is under 3G?
19:19.15jordanmI have personally seen ext3 subdirectory limitations hit, among other things
19:19.40jelly-homejhutchins_lt: yes, it's still nicer to only wait 30 seconds instead of waiting 5 minutes for the fsck to finish
19:19.43jordanm40G... is it 2003?
19:19.54jelly-homemy / is 20G
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19:20.10jelly-home(so is /var and /home ;-)
19:20.14jhutchins_ltI've seen subtree limits hit, though it may have actually been on NT, but it's an indication that the filesystem is deeper and more complex than it should be.  The structure needs to be rethought rather than just upping the limit.
19:20.44jordanmjhutchins_lt: its tough telling a customer that
19:20.48jelly-homeI'll up my limit if I can.  Up yours!
19:20.56jordanm(which I have had to do)
19:21.22jordanmthe limit is 31998 sub directories in a single directory
19:21.30jelly-homenot 32767?
19:21.41jordanmnot according to wikipedia
19:21.58jelly-homecan't be bothered to test
19:22.04jhutchins_ltHow in the world do you realistically need 30k deep directories?
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19:22.14jhutchins_ltCertainly not on a civil desktop.
19:22.15jeeves_mosshow do I enable CONFIG_TASK_DELAY_ACCT in IOTOP?
19:22.24jelly-homejhutchins_lt: it's not the depth, it's the breadth limit
19:22.25jhutchins_ltHow can a human manage a system that complex?
19:22.37jhutchins_ltOh, right.
19:22.44jhutchins_ltStill, same point.
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19:23.17jhutchins_ltYes, there are situations where that breadth of data is conceivable - but it should probably be subdivided among different servers anyway.
19:23.20jelly-homejeeves_moss: that looks like a kernel configuration option?
19:23.45jhutchins_ltPossibly a compilation option?
19:24.03jeeves_mossjelly-home, it looks like it.  I'm assuming that I need to recompile the kernel to make it work
19:24.21jelly-homejudd: kconfig TASK_DELAY_ACCT
19:24.23juddSearching for 'TASK_DELAY_ACCT' in lenny kernel config gives TASK_DELAY_ACCT=y.
19:24.32jelly-homejeeves_moss: it's already there.
19:24.48jeeves_mossjelly-home, ok, how do I enable it then?
19:24.49jhutchins_ltIn any case, that was really my question: are you using ext4 because you need greater directory limits, for large volumes, for large files, or because 4>3?
19:24.50jelly-home... that is, IF you're using the distro kernel
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19:25.29jelly-homejeeves_moss: let's step back for a second.  What are you trying to make work / what is currently failing?
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19:26.12jelly-homejhutchins_lt: I'm using it for fsck times and 4>3 and some performance improvements.
19:26.30jelly-homethat's on a desktop.  On a server, I'm not using it.
19:26.45jeeves_mossjelly-home, I'm trying to get IOTOP to show each process hitting the disk (it's on the server), and currently, it's only showing the totals for read/write.  and accross the bottom, it says "CONFIG_TASK_DELAY_ACCT not enabled in kernel, cannot determine SWAPIN and IO %"
19:27.03jelly-homejeeves_moss: uname -r?
19:28.21jelly-homeprefers atop
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19:28.53jordanmdondelelcaro: someone break the "kernels" command?
19:28.54jelly-homejeeves_moss: that's not a Debian kernel.  Where did you get it from?
19:29.10jeeves_moss<hangs head in shame>  it's a Ubuntu box
19:29.41jelly-homejeeves_moss: if you can reproduce the issue in Debian, feel free to come back and ask about it again
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19:29.55jeeves_mossjelly-home, thanks again?
19:30.07jelly-homenot much help, eh
19:30.15jeeves_mosscan't say so.
19:30.31jeeves_mossI'm killin' time 'till I have to go to T.
19:31.07jelly-homekill it in #ubuntu or ##linux or get a kernel with CONFIG_TASK_DELAY_ACCT=y
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19:32.03jelly-homeif it's a server, there's an #ubuntu-server as well I think
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19:33.55thewanderer1omg, how to stop PulseAudio?
19:34.06thewanderer1I have it installed and it keeps respawning in KDE endlessly...
19:34.18jordanmaptitude remove pulseaudio
19:34.25jhutchins_ltthewanderer1: aptitide purge pulseaudio
19:34.42thewanderer1jhutchins_lt: no, not from the system... I just want to turn it off on my user's account
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19:35.12thewanderer1just because some apps in chroot can't connect to sockets outside the chroot, so I have to use ALSA for the time being
19:35.16hyper_chthewanderer1: killall pulseaudio =
19:35.33jordanmthewanderer1: invoke-rc.d pulseaudio stop
19:35.38jordanmhyper_ch: use pkill instead
19:35.58thewanderer1jordanm: it's not a system-wide instance, but a user instance - default Debian config
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19:36.13thewanderer1no matter how much I kill it, it always respawns... :(
19:36.29jordanmthewanderer1: I am not sure that you can stop it on a per user basis. is there a pulseaudio proc specifically for that user?
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19:36.58thewanderer1jordanm: I have a few pulseaudio processes owned by my UID, yes
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19:37.24stu_hm, sorry i'm not sure if the message got through, something to do with registering nicks.
19:37.39thewanderer1I don't know what launches PulseAudio, though...
19:37.52stu_but does anybody have problems with blogspots editor in firefox in debian? like the cursor isn't "accurate", if i wanna delete a few characters, it deletes the ones next to it, etc.
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19:40.39hyper_chthewanderer1: for your help, something to lighten up your day
19:40.48jhutchins_ltstu_: What version of firefox?
19:41.07thewanderer1hyper_ch: it's friggin broken, I burnt the display :(
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19:41.19hyper_choh noes :(
19:41.23hyper_chyou get an ipad now?
19:41.33stu_jhutchins_lt: 3.6.13
19:41.41jhutchins_lt,versions iceweasel
19:41.43juddPackage iceweasel on i386 -- etch:; etch-security:; lenny: 3.0.6-3; lenny-security: 3.0.6-3; lenny-backports: 3.5.16-4~bpo50+1; sid: 3.5.16-4; squeeze: 3.5.16-4; experimental: 3.6.13-2
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19:42.37stu_does that mean i'll need to downgrade
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19:43.37jhutchins_ltDunno.  That kind of thing tends to be java-ish anyway, so browser might be irrelevant.
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19:44.28stu_hm. maybe it's just blogspot
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19:46.28simonrvnit's javascript there, no java involved there
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19:51.13mr_chrisI just installed squeeze with the rc2 installer. I want to run the testing branch. I know that squeeze is currently the testing branch but is there something I need to add to my sources.list file ( so I'm always on testing after squeeze is released?
19:52.07jordanmmr_chris: its generally not a good idea because of the time right after the squeeze release. it is recommended to change squeeze to wheezy sometime after the squeeze release
19:52.43jordanmotherwise... sed -i 's/squeeze/testing/g' /etc/apt/sources.list
19:53.12jelly-home!spank jordanm
19:53.13dpkgbends jordanm over its knee and delivers a mighty *THWACK*
19:53.49jelly-homegeneral principles... I'm aware that's exactly what the mr_chris wanted
19:53.59mr_chrisjordanm: Thanks. Could you please explain a bit more why it's not a good idea? Will I also receive a mighty spanking if I were to rely your reasoning?
19:54.49jordanmmr_chris: after the freeze all the blocked packages from sid will migrate, which has some potential for system breakage
19:54.52jelly-hometesting will become a rather hectic place after the release
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19:55.18jordanmmore potential than the other sid -> testing migrations
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19:55.39jordanmI think that I was being spanked for using sed -i
19:56.05mr_chrisUnderstood. So I'm clear, wait a bit (a few weeks/months?) until after the release then change it to wheezy?
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19:56.17Bushmillsprobably because that's a GNU sed extension, and not POSIX
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19:56.39jordanmBushmills: yes, but its being called on /etc/apt/sources.list is this case
19:56.58Bushmillsso if it works for you, don't care what others say
19:57.07jordanmI have a feeling that file will not-exist, or not serve the same purpose on a non-GNU system
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19:57.52Bushmillsbut some would still suggest to preferable redirect sed output to a second file, and mv that one after completion
19:57.53jordanmI like my GNU-only extensions... especially for find :)
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19:58.22jelly-homenah, it was for testing
19:58.35jelly-homesed -i is a-ok
19:58.37Bushmillsi too think that's a good thing to do, only replace file after successful completion of creation
19:58.47jelly-homebut perl -pi -e is da best
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19:59.00mr_chrisI'd have backed the file up anyways.
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20:14.16courpse!repos etch
20:14.26courpseWas hoping there was a rtigger for that.
20:14.37courpseAnyone got a list of repos for etch?
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20:16.37Arrowmasteretch was moved to the archives
20:16.43dpkgit has been said that archive is a collection of files.  'tar', 'ar', 'cpio' are all archiving tools.  This is *not* the same as compression, which is a separate operation.  Debian Archives is the repository for old Debian releases, see .  For the package archive, ask me about <snapshot>.  Old Debian <ISO> files are archived at
20:18.08Arrowmaster for more specific info on how to use
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20:19.50courpsethanks Arrowmaster.
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20:42.48TordekI want to migrate  system to LVM. besides /home, what should be my main backup concern?
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20:45.13DanDareDocs says that we should use a2ensite and a2dissite do add or remove virtualhosts in apache2 for Debian. Can I simply add virtualhosts in the main apache2.conf file ?
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20:45.56stu_hm not sure if my previous msg got through again. but how'd i change my default windows manager without having to click fluxbox everytime i login
20:46.00jhutchins_ltDanDare: Sure, but that kinda breaks the system.
20:46.35DanDarejhutchins_lt, ok.
20:46.42jhutchins_ltAll the current setup does is include files in that directory
20:46.43Tordekstu_: kdm, gdm? I have kdm and it remembers the last WM I used
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20:47.15mr_chrisI understand that increasing my VM dirty writeback time could cause my disk to wake up less frequently for background VM activity. What is VM activity? What is dirty writeback time? Will this matter with a solid state disk?
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20:52.30saivertDanDare: just create a file with your virtual host config directives in /etc/apache2/sites-available/  preferrably named after the domain name ( then activate the config with a2ensite
20:53.49saivertI'm sitting through the Exim4 debian documentation now..
20:54.04DanDaresaivert, allright. Im just attempting some tests... Testing if the order of vhosts sections on conf file alter some behaviour
20:54.39saivertI want to use a smarthost but still retain local mail functionality like mailing stuff to "root" or any other local user without it getting sendt via the smarthost. just local delivery to their mboxes for local users
20:55.07jhutchins_ltDanDare: a2ensite just symlinks available to enabled, which I did manually ('cause I didn't know there was a tool).
20:55.16saivertcurrently if using mail to send mail to "root" (no domain name) I get a mail transfer error sendt to my real email account
20:55.22saivertwhich is not what I want
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20:55.55jhutchins_ltsaivert: What mailer?  What release?
20:56.12saivertExim4 in Debian lenny.  "mail" program as mailer
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20:56.30DanDarejhutchins_lt, its ok... Im just bit confused about virtualhosts after reading this
20:56.42delbyhi. i have a usb stick with a live system on it. it was created as a read only file system. does that protect it from malware?
20:56.42DanDarethe "Main host goes away" section
20:58.05saivertjust that you don't setup any stuff in the main httpd.conf file for your website (like documentroot etc)
20:58.05DanDarejhutchins_lt, it says there "List this virtual host first in the configuration file so that it will act as the default host." but how i put it first on config file if vhosts are just symlinks ?
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20:58.39DanDarehttpd.conf in here is a empty file
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20:58.58saivertso you need one inital "default" virtual host config that can be a catch-all (anything not matched by the other virtual host configs)
20:59.04saivertyes because Debian uses apache2.conf
20:59.29saiverthttpd.conf is then included by apache2.conf
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20:59.43jhutchins_ltDanDare: Yeah, it's confusing, some of the docs assume a single file.  Just remember that essentially all of the enabled conf files are concatenated.
20:59.46DanDaresaivert, so the best is have the first vhost in apache2.conf than on /etc/apache2/sites-enabled ? Is this the correct interpretation ?
21:00.07jhutchins_ltDanDare: I don't know why httpd.conf isn't a symlink, possibly that would cause it to be read twice.
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21:00.23saivertnope.. just leave apache2.conf be. don't edit it directly unless you really have to.   debian's apache2 package should already setup a default virtual-host for you
21:00.28DanDarejhutchins_lt, true.. its because Debian "way" is different than the oficial apache2 docs
21:00.38saivert$nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/default
21:00.45jhutchins_ltDanDare: I think you want the default host configured in apache2.conf and then repeated in a vhost conf.
21:00.49saivertat least that is how it is on my Debian Lenny box
21:01.02DanDaresaivert, allright.. Im ust check this from some fresh install so... this paache in here is already too messed
21:01.32DanDareso better is leave default vhost untouch, just editing something you like in the conf file
21:01.56saivertIMO if a webserver provides virtual-host support it should not have any non-virtual-host based configuration for websites
21:02.11saivertseems like Debian tries to make it that way by default in their package of Apache2
21:02.46DiyttoCan someone tell me how to mount a drive on the host disk
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21:02.54saivertdefine host disk
21:03.01DiyttoDoes that make sense? Lol
21:03.24DanDareDiytto, using 'mount' command ?
21:03.25saivertby default you have some volume mounted to /
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21:03.29DiyttoOkay i have a install on a windows machine and need to mount the disk
21:03.30saivertwhich you can mount any other volume under
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21:03.45DiyttoWell how do i use mount?
21:03.56saivertunless you run a virtual machine here
21:04.03DanDareDiytto, are you on linux prompt ?
21:04.03saivertand mean host as in the host OS
21:04.30Diytto1 sec
21:05.12jhutchins_ltDiytto: Are you trying to make the windows partition accessible from Linux?
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21:05.24saivertanyways  for mounting ext2, ext3 filesystems on Windows
21:05.37saivertI'm just shotgunning here
21:05.41saivertsee if I hit something
21:06.04saivertAnd I'm supposed to take tech support calls at work now
21:06.05saivertoh boy
21:07.09DanDareDiytto, this is some interesting stuff about mouting drives on linux: &
21:07.25DiyttoAha i got it
21:07.41DanDareDiytto, i asked if you in the prompt as you can take a look how /etc/fstab looks like
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21:08.22DanDareDiytto, you will must learn some text editing software, for a painless start you can use 'joe', do the command: 'apt-get install joe'
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21:08.48DiyttoI know nano
21:08.50DiyttoAnd some vi
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21:09.56DanDareDiytto, so no need to joe
21:10.02MasseRI'm trying to use a huawei e220 (or similar) on lenny. The wiki says ttyUSB{0,1,2,3} should appear after inserting the device. No such tty's appear
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21:10.20DanDareDiytto, read that links about mount and fstab, ask in here something you want
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21:10.57DanDareDiytto, are you willing about mounting NTFS drives ?
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21:11.56jhutchins_ltMasseR: What do you see in dmesg?
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21:12.03jhutchins_ltMasseR: Which release & kernel?
21:12.35MasseRNot sure about the release (my first debian install)
21:12.52jhutchins_ltThat would be the stock lenny (5.0.x) kernel.
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21:13.18jhutchins_ltMasseR: dmesg | tail -10 and see if it noticed that you plugged it in.
21:13.22MasseRdmesg doesn't mention a thing about gsm (unlike my ubuntu box)
21:13.34MasseRIt mounts the sd-drive
21:13.43jhutchins_ltOh, that's one of those euro-cell modems isn't it?
21:13.55dpkg[3g] -- the third generation of mobile phone standards and technology.  If you have a 3G modem, you may wish to see to get it working on Linux. .  See also <usb_modeswitch>.
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21:17.15saivertyou need zerocd blocker in case it mounts as a virtual CDROM device (with windows drivers)
21:17.33andyccGood evening, I've got a problem with apt-get: whenever I try to use it, it reads package lists up to 95% and then displays the message "Killed" and quits. I'm actually running Knoppix off a live USB, on a 500Mhz/64MB system (but with 128MB of swap), in text mode. I only have the stable/main and stable/updates repositories active, and yes, I can update. But I can't install anything because of this...
21:17.41MasseRsaivert: For me?
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21:18.39DanDareandycc, maybe theres no free space left on the USB key ?
21:19.07andyccDanDare: df -h shows 1.8GB available
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21:19.38andyccDanDare: and 348MB of the persistent save available.
21:20.01DanDareandycc, it does even on small packages you try to install alone ?
21:20.01saivertback to my Exim4 config.. I'm currently using "mail sent by smarthost; received via SMTP or fetchmail"
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21:20.53andyccDanDare: I tried installing just twm. Anyway, I get this even when updating, when it reaches the "reading package lists" stage.
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21:21.34nadarhow can i disable alt+shift toggling the keyboard language?
21:21.48nadari am running a debian sid, LXDE
21:22.02saivertthere is also "mail sent by smarthost; no local mail". it says root will still receive mail (sent by system f.ex) so I guess I can just go with that
21:22.11DanDareandycc, it ends up with "segmentation fault" error message prior to "killed" ?
21:22.18*** join/#debian Hazuki (
21:22.28andyccDanDare: nope, just "killed".
21:22.29HazukiIs it common for SSH to be stupid slow?
21:22.47ArrowmasterMasseR: yeah there are a few different packages i think that will correct those usb devices that show as either a cdrom or removable storage with windows drivers on them
21:23.04HazukiI set UseDNS no and GSSAPIAuthentication to no in ssh_config. My nameservers are correct.
21:23.06DanDareHazuki, no... unless youre accessin some host trough some stupid slow internet connection or something
21:23.16MasseRArrowmaster: Really? It works fine on my other computer and also as a usb mass storage device
21:23.21Hazukihome cable to business cable
21:23.22andyccnadar: should be "keyboard layouts" somewhere in the preferences menus. Then you go to the "layouts" tab, advanced options (I think) and "key sequence to change layout".
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21:23.49Hazukiis at the end of her rope and seems to hav exhausted Google
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21:23.56DanDareHazuki, maybe host there under heavy load.. SSH links are OK if netwrok is OK
21:24.16Hazukiload is very light. and I have iptables rules blocking almost all traffic
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21:24.29Hazukithis same setup under Arch was very quick
21:24.55ArrowmasterMasseR: ah finally found one of them, usb-modeswitch
21:25.02DanDareHazuki, im sure problem isnt distro in this case
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21:25.18HazukiYeah, the issue must be with my installation
21:25.52saivertokay.. just ran dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config.. lets try to send mail to root now
21:26.21nadarandycc, there is no menu alike. i use lxde, which is very simple. if there is a config file to edit, i would dislike to install a complete gnome or even kde to do that ;)
21:26.38DanDareHazuki, you have apache or any internet service there? try testing other stuff than not SSH to spot if problem is really just with SSH
21:26.49Hazukii do have apache going'
21:26.55Hazukihow do I test if that's "slow" too?
21:27.25DanDareHazuki, set some apache server, put some huge file and try to download from there e.g.
21:27.36Hazukihm, okay
21:27.45Hazukiif I use dd to make a blank 100 MB image file maybe
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21:27.50DanDareif you got stupid slow speed.. so problem may be not ssh itself
21:27.51Hazukiharmless, and I can download
21:28.04DanDareHazuki, yeah, anything
21:28.25Hazukieach keystroke takes seconds to register :D
21:28.31Hazukibangs head on desk
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21:29.07DanDareHazuki, tried closing the actual session and opening other fresh one? (i suggest you do your work using 'screen' there !)
21:29.19Hazukiyes, I'
21:29.23Hazuki've rebooted a lot
21:29.41HazukiI put UseDNS no in sshd_config, GSSAPIAuthentication no in ssh_config...
21:29.44MasseRArrowmaster: Lenny doesn't have modeswitch
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21:29.57Arrowmasterive had that happen connecting to home system over cable, ssh laggy but using it to tunnel network traffic worked fine
21:29.58andyccnadar: take a look at
21:29.59jargon-what do i install in order to be able to code with pyqt?
21:30.16andyccnadar: (second post)
21:30.19ArrowmasterMasseR: well squeeze is coming out soon
21:30.40HazukiI get ~100Kib/s download from the server
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21:31.38DanDareHazuki, weird... im not expert in sshd_conf maybe you setup something there? have no clue ....
21:31.50Hazukihates this ;-;
21:31.58HazukiI was in that damn office until 12:30 AM last night
21:32.17MasseRArrowmaster: So I should upgrade?
21:32.21DanDareHazuki, do you edited sshd conf file right? try starting over a sample, default conf file
21:32.39Hazuki(I had this problem WITH the defaults)
21:33.04andyccHazuki: take a look at (you said it worked in Arch, right?)
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21:33.58Hazukii tried the ssh with -v and it wasn't using GSS...just rsa and password
21:34.03nadarandycc, thanks, seems to be a closeguess. i have been googling for debian only :) (though i had a look at HAL, but at the wrong place)
21:34.11DanDareHazuki, im not sure. This is pretty default for Debian:
21:35.00nadargrr, the file mentioned there doesnt exist here
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21:39.54Hazukithis is what I get using -vv
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21:40.16arosenHello what do i need to install to get /lib/modules/<kernel>/build?
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21:41.28HazukiI notice it tries publickey and that doesn't work, so it goes into password...
21:41.38Hazukibut would that explain the slowness even after connection?
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21:42.15DanDarearosen, take a look what is the current kernel & architecture your OS is using doing: 'uname -a'
21:42.16arosennvm got it
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21:47.25nadarandycc, solved the problem. it was dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration. after installing linux the default was a quite crude one...
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21:48.42andyccnadar: glad you found it out, I might need that later.
21:49.34nadarandycc, if dpkg-reconfigure --all wouldn't crash at cron i am sure i had found it quite earlier
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21:50.43robokophmm, my entropy_avail seems to be always under 200, would that be a problem?
21:50.50nadar(but you wouldn't have seen the problem and it's solution :) )
21:52.13HazukiAaaaaaaagh! It's still so slow! I only have password authentication enabled
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21:52.27Hazukisomething must be wrong with the install
21:52.54DanDareHazuki, well... try dpkg-reconfigure
21:53.32Hazukifair enough
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21:53.37DanDareHazuki, sure isnt some "client side" problem ?
21:53.46Hazukii can't imagine what
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21:54.27Hazukidpkg-reconfigure what, openssl-server?
21:54.29Arrowmasterhow fast are the client and server cpus? ssh can be a little bursty on cpu usage
21:54.52Hazuki2.2 GHz Celeron E1500 here. 2.93 GHz Core i3 530 on the server
21:55.19Hazukiall that dpkg-reconfigure openssh-server did was restart sshd
21:56.56Hazukiis it because there's no /etc/default/locale? I did a debootstrap install and aptitude moaned about no set locale
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21:57.50DanDareHazuki, setup locale there besides anything... who knows ?
21:58.06Hazukiokay, how? I'm new to debian
21:58.10Hazukidpkg-reconfigure glibc?
21:58.18DanDaredpkg-reconfigure locale
21:58.35DanDare*dpkg-reconfigure locales
21:58.58Hazukilocales not installed
21:59.16DanDare'apt-get install locales' then
21:59.31andycc(re-post:) I've got a problem with apt-get (and aptitude, too): whenever I try to use it, it reads package lists up to 95% and then displays the message "Killed" and quits. I'm actually running Knoppix off a live USB, on a 500Mhz/64MB system (but with 128MB of swap), in text mode. I only have the stable/main and stable/updates repositories active, and yes, I can update. But I can't install anything because of this...
22:00.06nadaris there a way to work around this bug
22:00.20nadarsince i'd like to do dpkg-reconfigure --al
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22:01.05DanDareHazuki, you need to logout SSH and log again otherwise locales session is not updated
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22:02.09DanDare*session locale
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22:03.02DanDaresession charset may be the correct term
22:03.08DanDarenot sure :p
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22:03.26HazukiDanDare: I rebooted after configuring locales
22:03.30Hazukiwaiting for it to come up again
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22:03.51Hazukiis under a curse: "hard" distros like Gentoo and Arch are easy for her and Ubuntu and CentOS elave her stumped
22:04.29pipelineHazuki is under a curse, she discusses offtopic subjects in the third person.
22:04.46Hazukieat me with custard =P
22:04.47ArrowmasterHazuki: i had to fight with a fedora13 system on thursday, i didnt find it fun at all
22:05.02HazukiEesh, yeah, that sounds like no fun at all @_@
22:05.06nadardoesn't like fedora, 2
22:05.27Arrowmastercouldnt even get the damn time to sync with ntp
22:05.33Hazukiugh...still as slow as ever
22:05.41robokopi like hats
22:06.10DanDareArrowmaster, are you trying sync ntp on some virtualized system ?
22:07.20DanDareArrowmaster, are you using ntpdate ?
22:07.50Arrowmasterthis is extremely offtopic
22:08.15DanDareah righ, ntp is working on Debian
22:08.52Arrowmasterif you really want to know my troubles with it ill tell you in #debian-offtopic
22:09.48DanDareNo thanks
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22:10.36DanDareYou fooled me with your offtopic action
22:11.19DanDarebut maybe there are other more interesting troubles there
22:11.29t3ahello, i am having a problem with disk management
22:11.32t3ai am looking at gparted and see 3 partitions, boot, unallocated and a third 930gb partiton for everything else
22:11.35t3ai get a message saying im running low on disk space and i check and my home folder is 97% full at around 200gb and / is full at 200gb
22:11.39t3awhere did the other 600gb go?
22:12.30Vasisthat3a: how much space does df report?
22:13.33nadart3a, try xdiskusage
22:13.40Vasisthat3a: and btw I don't recall you mentioning that there were separate root and home partitions
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22:13.58t3asorry, yes, there are
22:14.03robokopt3a: any change you are using lvm?
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22:14.43t3ahere is the df report
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22:15.58Vasisthat3a: uhm, df says that home has 200K not 200M
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22:16.42t3awhen did i say 200m?
22:16.45Vasisthaalthough it is very strange that size=900G and Used=854G and Avail=200K I would think it ought to have Avail=46G
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22:17.15t3aits an encrypted volume if that makes a difference
22:17.18robokophome has used 854G, and perhasp the rest is root reserved
22:17.37Vasisthaah yes, that makes sense, root would reserve 5-10% or something
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22:18.04Vasistha...with drives that big, it doesn't make sense for root to reserve by percentage anymore I guess, but oh well
22:18.13t3athere is no way i am using 850gb
22:18.46Vasisthat3a: hmm, well then your next step... you're not using kde, are you? If not then I guess xdiskusage, but kde has a nicer version
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22:19.02t3aim using the default gname
22:19.02nadarVasistha, one can lower that reserve with tune2fs -m 0.5 /dev/$device
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22:19.21robokopt3a: du -sh /home
22:19.24t3aim in xdiskusage
22:19.31t3aoh ok
22:19.32Bushmillsdu | sort -n
22:19.40robokopand see which user is using your disk
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22:19.56robokopt3a: du -sh /home/*
22:20.06t3ait says 854G/home
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22:21.12Vasisthat3a: what do you see in xdiskusage? it may take some time to calculate and lay itself out, you might have to wait some time for it. But then it should show you where the space is being used, bigger rectangles have bigger files/directories
22:21.14robokopt3a: sorry forgot the *
22:21.50robokopVasistha: if he uses du it is easier pastable
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22:22.25Vasistharobokop: that's true, but if he uses xdiskusage or konqueror's FSView he can probably figure it out himself :)
22:23.01Strife89attempts to install Debian on an old iBook G3 (PPC of course).
22:23.12t3awhen i du -sh /home/* it says . has 894659960 which is weird because that is 850mb not gb isnt it?
22:23.40Vasisthat3a: the number is in kb
22:23.41nadart3a, -h tells a humane readable number
22:24.26t3aits looking like i actually am using that much space
22:24.29Strife89The CD-ROM drive sounds like it's well beyond its years. :/
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22:24.45VasisthaI wish the kde team would release a general-purpose fsview that's not just a konqueror plugin. FSView is so much better than anything else I've seen.
22:24.51lapsusbrutusim # 1000 :D
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22:25.12t3abut in the file browser it says /home is 27gb
22:25.29Bushmillsbaobab, gdmap
22:25.42t3aoh but it also says some contents unreadable
22:25.43Vasisthat3a: that count probably doesn't include files in subdirectories
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22:26.09lapsusbrutusguys, Ive tried to install debian 1386 on 5 different computers.  The ones that seems older than 5 years crash when I press install button.. anyone know how to fix this?
22:26.11nadart3a, xdiskusage did not help you?
22:26.31lapsusbrutusthe squeeze version.  Lenny installs fine
22:26.33Vasisthalapsusbrutus: 1386 do you mean i386?
22:26.37t3a1.0 TB Hard Disk: 1000 GB Unrecognized is what my harddrive is labeled, is that a problem?
22:26.43lapsusbrutustypo sorry :)
22:26.45nadart3a, you should the biggest blocks to see whats in there
22:26.56Bushmillslapsusbrutus: i installed squeeze on my 10 year old box recently without any problems
22:27.14andycclapsusbrutus: so install Lenny, then upgrade to Squeeze. Or is that impossible for some reason?
22:27.17t3aya, its wine
22:27.22Vasisthalapsusbrutus: I recently installed squeeze + xfce on an old laptop from 1997, it's working fine
22:28.25Vasisthalapsusbrutus: btw did you do an md5sum to verify the downloaded cd image, and check the integrity of the data written to the cd as well?
22:28.55lapsusbrutusi tried a xeon(32bit), a old compaq, and a old dell All respond the same.  And with various cds.  and from different downloads
22:29.56Vasisthalapsusbrutus: uhm, I think xeon is a different architecture, I don't think you can install i386 on that ... someone correct me if I'm wrong?
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22:30.48lapsusbrutuslooks like its something with video drivers that cant handle the debian squeeze install cd.. The "Expert install" is the only choice I can go for without crash
22:31.27robokopxeon isn't a dif arch
22:31.35lapsusbrutusVasistha,  well this is a really old xeon and it worked with lenny i386.  amd64 doesnt work at least.. IA64 either
22:31.48Vasisthalapsusbrutus: ah, my mistake
22:32.18lapsusbrutusVasistha: Thought if was different arch my self..  and tried everything but the i386 :p
22:33.15*** join/#debian titacgs (~titacgs@
22:33.23t3aWHAT? .xsession-errors size 802GB
22:33.41nadarcompress them
22:33.51nadarshould be 90% smaller then
22:33.56t3ais that even possible?
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22:34.31tharkuntrips nadar
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22:34.51robokopt3a: .xsession-errors, what a nice place to hide your pr0nstash
22:35.09t3awhy would it be so big though
22:35.09nadart3a, just have a look in some of them
22:35.19tharkunt3a: delete it and monitor your de
22:35.28nvzthis is a silly curiousity, but is there something I could use to display a pty (i.e. xterm) via http for viewing purposes only?
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22:35.57t3abut how in the world could a file that logs my desktop get so big?
22:36.06t3a*desktop environment
22:36.11nadart3a, have a look into it!
22:36.44t3asorry, but what do i use? a plaintext editor?
22:36.49tharkunt3a: tail .xsession-errors
22:36.55nadargrep, sed, awk, less
22:37.07nadaror head ;)
22:37.44*** join/#debian enkrs (~enkrs@
22:37.52tharkunbets tail will give a more relevant hint on who is responsable
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22:38.27nadarsomteimes i use a long tail and | head to see something from in between
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22:40.41t3ait looks like its a bunch of pidgin logs if the tail is supposed to be a hint
22:41.02robokopt3a: <-- perhaps your problem
22:42.13t3ado you think updating pidgin would help
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22:43.26nadarall your system should be up-to-date
22:43.51tharkunt3a: erase the file and be done
22:44.28t3aim gonna erase the file, then purge pidgin and reinstall pidgin
22:44.39t3ajust in case it was some setting in pidgin
22:44.41tharkunupgrade pidgin
22:44.51robokopdon't think you have to purge pidgin
22:45.01Arrowmasterpurging wont effect your settings
22:45.15tharkunor get a real irc ckient
22:45.25robokoplooks like you don't wanna have pidgin running while suspending
22:45.45robokopirsii ftw
22:46.12robokopespecially in combination with bitlbee
22:46.20tharkunand screen
22:46.21t3anevermind, i use xchat though, pidgin is for aim and msn
22:46.26LantherI have one gripe with bitlbee
22:46.44t3aany alternatives for aim/msn guys?
22:46.45Lantheryou can't change your nick
22:46.52Lanthert3a: bitlbee does that
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22:47.09lapsusbrutusthere are some issues with the squeeze install cd i think. Does not work on all computers.   On a handful testmachinest the only choice in install menu that works without crashing is "Expert install".  One of the ones that fails on: Compaq Deskpro EN Pentium III
22:47.51t3awhoa when was there an upgrade update?
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22:48.32robokopLanther: set <account>/<nick>
22:49.48Lantherrobokop: :O
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22:52.58jhutchins_ltt3a: No trouble with pidgin on kde4/squeeze here.
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22:56.00mr_chrisI'm trying to use wpa_supplicant for the first time. My drivers are installed properly, wpa_supplicant and wireless-tools are installed. My wireless network is configured as WPA2 Personal with TKIP/AES encryption. I'm having trouble connecting. Here's /etc/network/interfaces
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23:04.08jhutchins_ltmr_chris: Symptoms?  Logs?
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23:14.02jhutchins_ltOn konversation in squeeze, how do you display the nic count for a channel?
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23:18.36Vasisthajhutchins_lt: #konversation almost definitely knows
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23:21.33jhutchins_ltVasistha: Settings/Show Status Bar
23:22.09jhutchins_ltI have several  configuration windows that are taller than 786 pixels and cut off the bottom.
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23:26.01MakuewWhats the easiest command to run for a screen for a specific user? su -c screen -fa -d -m application ?
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23:30.42VasisthaMakuew: whatever it is, you'll probably need to put everything after su -c in quotes, e.g. I usually use su -c 'screen -D -R'
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23:34.51Vasistha_Makuew: whatever it is, you'll probably need to put everything after su -c in quotes, e.g. I usually use su -c 'screen -D -R'
23:35.29mr_chrisjhutchins_lt: One moment. Trying to gather them.
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23:36.16MakuewI see
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23:37.28VasisthaMakuew: if you don't want root, then I guess su -c 'screen -with -options' username
23:37.39mr_chrisjhutchins_lt: I have "Failed to initiate AP scan." in syslog when trying to bring the interface up.
23:37.59MakuewVasistha: yeah, thanks
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23:39.13Vasisthamr_chris: one of the things you can do is run /sbin/iwconfig to check access point association -- this can really help troubleshooting
23:40.03mr_chrisVasistha: Here's the output of iwconfig for that interface.
23:40.43Vasisthamr_chris: fyi, iirc, AP association does not give any indication as to wpa authentication -- you might be associated with an AP but not yet authenticated.
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23:41.21Vasisthamr_chris: I'm not sure if you're interested in this sort of suggestion, but I ultimately abandoned the CLI setup in favor of wicd, which "just works" a whole lot more of the time
23:42.09Vasisthamr_chris: if you want to stick with CLI then I think iwlist can show a list of APs
23:42.14mr_chrisVasistha: I could go that route. I've used it before and it is very easy. I'm just trying to learn how to go the mostly console route this time around.
23:43.01mr_chrisIwlist does return the networks around me so I know my card is working.
23:43.11mr_chrisWould my ssid being hidden cause problems?
23:43.41Vasisthait really shouldn't, you ought to be able to associate with the network by specifying the ... uh ... address ... what's it called
23:43.44Vasisthamac address
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23:44.18TordekI want to migrate  system to LVM. besides /home, what should be my main backup concern?
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23:44.21mac-Vasistha: for what you need my address ? :P
23:44.38Vasisthamac-: I am going to send you junk mail!
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23:45.17VasisthaTordek: /etc /root and perhaps parts of /var
23:45.33VasisthaTordek: ... /boot ... /usr/local perhaps?
23:45.45mr_chrisVasistha: That was the problem. The ssid was not being broadcasted and wpa_supplicant didn't like it.
23:46.00Vasisthamr_chris: really! how lame :P
23:46.01mr_chrisI turned broadcasting back on and it worked a treat.
23:46.22mr_chrisVasistha: Thanks for the assist.
23:46.53Vasisthamr_chris: I don't suppose you were using the incorrect syntax for instructing it to identify by mac address rather than essid?
23:47.01Vasisthaprobably not, it's probably just lame.
23:47.28mr_chrisI didn't try to get it to connect via mac address. I need to look that up.
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23:48.34TordekVasistha: hmm... anything particular from /var and /usr/local you'd think of?
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23:49.46Tordekalso, is there a way to export/reimport a list of installed packages (or, well, a better option)
23:50.04VasisthaTordek: is there anything at all in /usr/local? find /usr/local ! -type d
23:50.04VasisthaTordek: that space is, like, for you to put whatever you want
23:50.04VasisthaTordek: yeah, dpkg --get-selections
23:50.20mentorHow do I increase the output precision in bc?
23:51.12VasisthaTordek: and then dpkg --set-selections iirc
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23:53.09Tordekthanks, Vasistha :)
23:53.27Vasisthamentor: try scale=3; your+expression
23:54.17Vasisthamr_chris: yeah, if you hide the essid then you can't connect that way, you have to connect to it by mac address
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23:55.23mentorOf course, changing ibase and obase changes the way the how the number you are setting obase and ibase with are interpreted
23:56.16mr_chrisVasistha: I'm guessing I'll need to make a wpa_supplicant.conf file for this.
23:56.45Vasisthawell... yeah...
23:56.45Vasisthait does
23:56.45Vasisthaoh, that's annoying
23:56.45*** kick/#debian [Vasistha!~debhelper@unaffiliated/debhelper] by debhelper (use or /msg dpkg paste)
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23:57.36Vasisthaserious?? debhelper, you are lame on that one.
23:57.38mentorVasistha: obase == ibase == 10 means I'm in hexadecimal :P
23:58.22mentorsubtracts 7 from every byte and has his password back
23:58.36mentorI'm a little unconvinced with this encryption function
23:58.47mentorEven if it is only an obfuscation exercise.
23:59.00*** mode/#debian [+l 1001] by debhelper
23:59.31Vasisthamentor: maybe specify obase before ibase :)
23:59.41mr_chrisVasistha: I think that connecting to a hidden essid via name may be possible. This addresses it. It says to add "scan_ssid=1" to your network block.
23:59.49mentorVasistha: Indeed :)

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