IRC log for #debian on 20101110

00:00.03atanBushmills, some days I should be shot.
00:00.07*** join/#debian Cr1kk4 (
00:00.23themilldpkg, shoot atan
00:00.23dpkgblows atan away with a double-barreled shotgun
00:00.31dpkgAnother happy customer leaves the building.
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00:01.15atanNow just to figure out if there is a way to make atftpd bind to one ip address, not
00:01.36atanI think the conclusion that was reached was that it would require the use of iptables/router to do such a task
00:01.37silverballzis there not an entry for kernel module? or do i just not have access to the bot?
00:02.34*** join/#debian Evixion (
00:02.57tpocraI am trying to install lenny 5.0.6 from netinst CD and it fails at installing the kernel...
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00:03.09tpocra"mkinitramfs-kpkg failed to create initrd image"
00:03.13tpocrasubprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 9
00:03.18tpocraerrors were encountered while processing linux-image-2.6.25-2-amd64
00:03.27tpocrabase-installer: error: exiting on error base-installer/kernel/failed-install
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00:10.47tpocraWeird, I just chose generic instead of targeted for my initrd
00:11.17TrueDDHi all
00:11.39*** join/#debian k[t (~]r@2001:5c0:1400:a::b9)
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00:14.53Bushmillstpocra: seperate /boot partition?
00:15.16tpocraBushmills: Yes
00:15.39tpocraI have a 256MiB ext2 /boot and the rest is a Serpent 256-bit encrypted volume group with a couple LVs
00:15.43Bushmillsmake sure a file system has been created, and the partition is mounted
00:16.15tpocraBushmills: I am just going to go with generic for the time being because setting up this system has taken a couple days
00:16.19tpocraAnd it appears to be working.
00:16.26*** join/#debian ron_o (
00:16.34tpocraI doubt I'll see appreciable slowdowns, it's a fast machine.
00:17.32tpocraAll I have left is to install GRUB to a RAID-0 array instead of an MBR of a disk like I am used to.
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00:33.58deepdoodis there python-2.7 available in lenny or experimental/backends
00:34.14deepdoodI'm trying to make pygtk latest, but it says pygobject-2.0 not found
00:34.19deepdoodwhat is pygobject 2.0
00:35.06*** join/#debian blackshirt (~najwa@
00:35.25themillno, yes, and are you suddenly running debian now not ubuntu?
00:35.45deepdoodshitting on penis
00:35.57deepdoodoh yeah, I like how these shittie turds don't answer my question
00:35.59*** mode/#debian [+o themill] by ChanServ
00:36.01*** mode/#debian [+b *!*@*] by themill
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00:38.07fishcookermy left alt-gr not responded
00:38.18fishcookersorry right side
00:38.22fishcookerhow to config it
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00:41.50nsadminfishcooker: I don't know, and there is a tool xev
00:42.13nsadminat least it might be able to see it
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00:53.41fignewbanning the entire mindspring DSL network... well done #debian ops
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01:03.41*** join/#debian Frantic (~Frantic@unaffiliated/frantic225)
01:04.22Franticis mhash included in php-common in php53?
01:04.48Franticfor some reason I get a startup error saying PHP cannot load after I updated to php53 from dotdeb
01:05.54dpkgmethinks dotdeb is for the latest PHP and MySQL releases, packaged up and backported for your pleasure, go to, but realize that we cannot support dotdeb packages here, so you will be ON YOUR OWN.  There is little reason to use now that backported versions of PHP and MySQL are available from  Ask me about <backports> and <debian-backports>.  "aptitude purge ~Vdotdeb"
01:06.21dpkgA backport is a package from a newer Debian branch, compiled from source for an older branch to avoid dependency and <ABI> complications. (2.7.4 and 2.7.10), .  Ask me about <debian-backports> and <backport caveat>.  See also <simple sid backport>.
01:07.41*** join/#debian afurlan (~afurlan@
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01:08.03Franticqq-: PHP53 doesn't seem to be in lenny-backports, or am I wrong?
01:08.04*** part/#debian thepro4ever (
01:09.26Franticfrom what I see here:  Ask me about <backports> and <debian-backports>.  "aptitude purge ~Vdotdeb"
01:11.02themillFrantic: no, there's no php5.3 backport available. And a good portion of people running squeeze (which has 5.3) seem to be trying to work out how to run php 5.2 instead. *shrug*
01:11.52Franticthemill: in my case I _really_ do need PHP53
01:12.10Franticand the dotdeb version doesn't seem to have mhash :(
01:12.48*** join/#debian ferret_ (ferret@gentoo/user/ferret)
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01:20.11itchi_Hi, i'm writting a little report about a laptop where i installed Debian on. What hardware informations (which commands output) would it be good to add in my article?
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01:21.22itchi_The thing is that it's about a Compaq CQ71 and there are many sub models about this one which have different hardware (nvidia vs ati)
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01:24.49itchi_The thing i mind on right now is lspci, lsusb and cat /proc/cpuinfo and that's it
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01:27.40nsadminFrantic/other-php-coders: I want for you that php becomes so stable that little tiny changes in php don't affect you so much
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01:58.40flyeng4any nfs gurus on?
01:59.00*** mode/#debian [+l 792] by debhelper
02:00.28mudddso uh, what was the reason given by server?
02:01.08*** join/#debian adrianoc (~adrianoc@
02:01.10flyeng4sorry:  No such file or directory
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02:01.47flyeng4I corrected the paste
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02:03.32flyeng4muddd: any idea?
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02:03.52mudddI've only used nfs not nfs4 so I may be a little outdated
02:03.58mudddhave you tried nfs?
02:04.01muddd-t nfs
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02:04.51flyeng4mount.nfs: mount to NFS server '' failed: timed out, retrying
02:05.19flyeng4I have read that this error comes when the server expects a higher version of nfs
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02:07.13mudddsorry I don't know enough about the new stuff but I've used nfs3 before
02:08.26mudddgotta give up my power cord to fix another computer, be back in a few
02:08.43flyeng4I would rather keep it simple and use nfs3 ... but it doesn't seem to work
02:08.49flyeng4I'll try some stuff on that blog
02:09.32*** join/#debian muddd (
02:09.36mudddha found another cord
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02:16.09flyeng4I don't understand why nfs has to be this hard
02:17.08*** join/#debian pippijn (~pippijn@unixcorps/staff/pippijn)
02:17.10pippijnhi all
02:17.27pippijnI'm trying to set up a debbugs service
02:18.07pippijnthe process script wants db-h/$number to exist so it can write the files there, but fails because it doesn't
02:18.13pippijn$number is the next bug number
02:18.30pippijnhas anybody here set up a debbugs, before?
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02:20.50pippijn[1] B.128935554927001 process ...*** db-h/15/ create: No such file or directory
02:21.47pippijnI need to create them
02:22.01pippijnI found this:
02:22.22dondelelcaropippijn: there is a setup program, but it you kind of need to know how debbugs works before setting it up
02:22.34*** join/#debian Mordbrann (~Mordbrann@
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02:23.45pippijndondelelcaro: what's the setup program called?
02:24.22tollandhi, when does squeeze get upgraded to stable?
02:26.14dondelelcaropippijn: heh; I wouldn't use it, actually. You can just mkdir -p /path/to/db-h/{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};
02:26.20dondelelcarotolland: when it's ready
02:26.45yagootolland, whenever squeeze ever decides to squeeze out
02:26.53pippijndondelelcaro: I did that
02:27.09pippijnit works now
02:27.32dondelelcaropippijn: then assuming you've edited /etc/debbugs/config, things should be working
02:29.08yagoolikes the new debian release name "Wheezy"
02:29.17*** join/#debian Gottaname|Mobili (~Gottaname@
02:29.24yagoonot out yet of course...
02:29.32yagoountil wayy after squeeze
02:29.53yagoojust the name sounds cool in itself..
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02:40.08normmandhaving problem getting my camera to work in squeeze. was working fine in lenny. notice the driver spca5xx is meant for kernel 2.6.18. but this seems to be the latest version for squeeze too. any suggestion?
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02:41.24chicognuhow I set up sound in lenny ?
02:41.50chicognuthere is no /dev/snd
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02:54.57techzhousorry for my bad english.   i have a problem.   why gdm use xdmcp bind ipv6 only?
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02:56.22LinuxGuy2009If I decide to use the testing branch for desktop use and have the newer packages, when do I know when its ok to start using it as far as knowing if its stable enough or does that not matter at all?
02:57.36*** part/#debian totem (~brasero@unaffiliated/totem)
02:58.01fryguyLinuxGuy2009: testing is just like stable, except the packages are newer and not tested as much, and there's no security backports
02:59.43dvsfryguy: yes, squeeze has security patches
02:59.48yagooLinuxGuy2009, that's why backports came out.. safer to use..
03:01.03*** join/#debian graphlite (
03:01.04yagooLinuxGuy2009, imho i believe it's like this   'unstable branch' < testing branch < backports in term of stability.. anyone can correct me if i'm wrong.. if u know the insides and outs.. you could probably get away with testing but expect bugs and to use reportbug
03:01.09pippijndondelelcaro: apparently, debbugs accepts bugreports for any package, by default
03:01.19graphlitedebian testing = squeeze or sid ?
03:01.32fryguygraphlite: not sid
03:01.40pippijncan I restrict it to only accept those that are listed somewhere?
03:01.43graphliteetch sid squeeze ?
03:01.57graphlitethis is the order ?
03:01.57yagoosid is the unstable branch..
03:01.58dpkgsid is the <unstable> version of Debian.  Sid is the destructive kid in Toy Story.  It is NOT an acronym, but is sometimes backronymed Still In Development anyway.  Do not use sid unless you have the skill to find your way out of the mess that broken packages may put you in; sid is not supported in #debian because sid users should be able to solve their own problems.  Sid will never be released.  See also <sid faq> <unstable>.
03:02.25graphlitewhats the difference between testing and unstable ?
03:02.41fryguygraphlite: unstable breaks a bunch
03:02.49yagootesting means packages have been uploaded from developers that checked them out in unstable
03:03.06*** join/#debian ftzdomino_ (
03:03.39LinuxGuy2009I mean the reason I ask is Im trying to find a middle ground so to speak. Newer packaghes in Ubuntu based on Debian sid, vs the older rock solid stable stuff in Debian stable. I mean is testing a good middle ground thats sorta what Im after.
03:03.46graphlitefryguy: so there is release version followed by testing version that being followed by unstable version ?
03:03.53graphlitethats the stability order ? :)
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03:04.02abrotmandvs: not really
03:04.07yagooLinuxGuy2009, sid is dangerous.
03:04.10yagooLinuxGuy2009, lol
03:04.15yagooLinuxGuy2009, use testing...
03:04.17fryguyLinuxGuy2009: just use testing
03:04.23abrotmanjust use squeeze
03:04.30yagooLinuxGuy2009, and backports too is good
03:04.33graphlitesid will never be released ? :) hehe
03:04.35LinuxGuy2009ok thats what I figured.
03:04.45fryguyif you aren't running a production server, and you don't know how to use sid, then testing is almost always the right answer
03:05.04yagooLinuxGuy2009, actually i souhldn't have said "too is good"... I'd prefer just to use backports and no testing for my stable debian systems
03:05.44yagooLinuxGuy2009, backports is branch too.. it's safe to use..
03:05.56abrotmanit's not really a branch
03:05.57LinuxGuy2009yagoo: I have a copy of lenny backports on DVD-R that I made. Dont think it has KDE4 though.
03:06.02abrotmanit's not a full versoin of Debian
03:06.23yagooabrotman, yep.. i think he's not sure of the difference between backports and testing..
03:06.36*** join/#debian dansushi (~dan@
03:06.51LinuxGuy2009Backports are newer packages built for older libs. I know.
03:06.55techzhouwhy gdm use xdmcp bind ipv6 only?
03:07.06abrotmantechzhou: can't you configure that?
03:07.17dvsabrotman: hmmm. Then why have a squeeze/security repo?
03:07.26yagooabrotman, isn't backports now come in sources.list by default?
03:07.59abrotmandvs: i'm just saying it's empty .. look at the Packages file
03:08.08abrotmanyagoo: by default in whta? not lenny
03:08.13techzhouabrotman,  how? not found
03:08.36yagooabrotman, LinuxGuy2009 doesn't trust backports... dunno why hehhee
03:08.56abrotmandvs: oh, looks like they started adding stuff
03:09.02yagooabrotman, well backports is officially supported so i was merely wondering about it
03:09.02*** join/#debian redbullfx (
03:09.20redbullfxhey guys....
03:10.00yagooabrotman, that true? backports are newer packages built for older libs?
03:10.06redbullfxive Installed Debian Lenny. But my wireless card and ethernet were not detected.  I boot up lenny. But no network drivers. Im on live cd right now. Anyone help me please???
03:10.07yagooLinuxGuy2009, hey u..
03:10.31yagooredbullfx, lspci .. find chipset.. and google it
03:10.32*** join/#debian Utopos (
03:10.33LinuxGuy2009Now after testing becomes the new stable, then they cut and paste sid into testing folder correct? Is the testing branch pretty buggy/unstable right after that? Or can I get comfortable with just using the testing branch for my main distro from now on and not have to worry if it will get as bad as ubuntu is?
03:10.41abrotmanLinuxGuy2009: wrong
03:10.41LinuxGuy2009yagoo: What?
03:11.05Utoposecho "root@" >> .host_conf
03:11.11stewLinuxGuy2009: no, testing is duplicated, not sid.  then the new testing gets a flood of updates from sid that have been held back by the freeze, making the new testing a mess
03:11.14Utoposfuck wrong tty
03:11.21yagooLinuxGuy2009, you make too many assumptions..
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03:12.13yagooLinuxGuy2009, i think this will be the third time I'll be telling you not to use testing but backports for your case.
03:12.23LinuxGuy2009Im not making any assumptions. Im just trying to get an understanding of how it all works and the expected stability of the different branches.
03:12.51LinuxGuy2009yagoo: I have already told you I have a copy of the entire backports repo for lenny on DVD.
03:13.27normmandis it true that the webcam modules gspca comes with kernel-2.6.32 i.e. it does not have to compile from source?
03:13.52abrotmanCibort: do you have a Debian related question?
03:13.52yagoonormmand, if your webcam is already supported it's probably on the drive
03:14.18normmandyagoo: how to know if my webcam is supported?
03:14.23CibortSorry LinuxGuy2009 :D :*
03:14.32*** join/#debian redbullfx (
03:14.47redbullfxsorry..lost connection.. anyone help me out???
03:14.59yagoonormmand, look for the lspci -v (the vendor id) and try to match it against the linux hw database if its supported by the kernel --
03:15.04redbullfxive Installed Debian Lenny. But my wireless card and ethernet were not detected.  I boot up lenny. But no network drivers. Im on live cd right now. Anyone help me please???
03:15.07fryguyredbullfx: sounds like you need to install the necessary drivers
03:15.22abrotmanredbullfx: lspci -nn .. what are the devices?
03:15.23yagoonormmand, it might be two vs for the vendor id (lspci -vv )
03:15.34yagooor maybe -nn heheh
03:15.35redbullfxI do..but i cant when i cant get internet access
03:15.49yagooabrotman, i hate arguments -nn -vv so dam confusing
03:16.12redbullfxim only here through ubuntu live cd.  I cant get online through debian...
03:16.21abrotmanlspci -nn is still the same
03:16.21stewredbullfx: you can run lspci -nn in ubuntu
03:16.25redbullfxIs there a way to install the drivers through the live cd. Lenny is installed
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03:16.32redbullfxok... one sec
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03:17.04LinuxGuy2009Ok I think I see. So after all the bugs are gone and its time for a new stable release, they *copy* testing to stable. Then when packages have been in sid for so long then they are gradually copied to testing. So its like testing is always evolving and changing, but over time, and not everything all at once?
03:17.30*** join/#debian ffreire (~Adium@
03:17.47stewLinuxGuy2009: except when the new testing is created, it will get a ton of packages that were waiting in unstable for the release
03:18.06stewLinuxGuy2009: last time over a thousand packages were copied into testing from unstable right after the release
03:18.53yagooLinuxGuy2009, these guys know what they're talking about some of them maintain packages and live off pizza all night..
03:19.06redbullfx03:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Atheros Communications Inc. AR9285 Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express) [168c:002b] (rev 01)       AND       08:00.0 Ethernet controller [0200]: Atheros Communications AR8131 Gigabit Ethernet [1969:1063] (rev c0)
03:19.21abrotmanredbullfx: is this a laptop ?
03:19.28yagooorders pizza for the crew
03:19.41abrotmanyou can either a) install squeeze b) use the kernel
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03:23.35dondelelcarothough it really doesn't involve much copying; you just update the symlinks, and fork testing
03:23.44dondelelcaropippijn: yes, it does.
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03:24.42pippijndondelelcaro: is there a way to restrict it?
03:25.03dondelelcaropippijn: yes, by modifying process
03:25.18dondelelcaropippijn: but normally you'd just accept the report, and reassign the bug
03:26.51katsrcwhen i hold a package with aptitude does that also reflect apt-get?
03:26.51*** part/#debian beakman (
03:27.00katsrcis there also a way to hold a package with apt-get?
03:28.07joepaanyone know how to make a disk image bootable?
03:30.19yagoojoepa, place the disk in a boot ? :p
03:30.22*** join/#debian eledesmar (~eledesmar@
03:31.01joepawow, the quality of this channel has really gone down since the last time I asked a question here :)
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03:31.20redbullfxi keep losing internet...strange...
03:31.21yagoojoepa, disk image can be anything.
03:31.29redbullfxsorry about that..anyone say something?
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03:31.41redbullfxi left off at.. Yes its a laptop
03:31.50abrotmanredbullfx: you can either a) install squeeze b) use the kernel
03:32.40redbullfxI'll go with B.   use backports.   how do i do that?
03:32.59joepayagoo: disk image == dump of hdd partition created using dd
03:33.07abrotmanredbullfx: you'll need a USB stick or something like that ... grab the kernel image and the deps from
03:33.22*** join/#debian NginUS (
03:36.10yagoojoepa, that's very intrusive. That will take an hour for someone here to walk you through that. Fortunately alot of the folks in #linux have done it.. it's very very tedious it'll take someone with patience to help you out on that..
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03:37.24DeathWolfmmmm, 2.6.36, USB2 device@usb speeds(ehci port), used to read@30MB/s and write to it at 15MB/s sustained. Somehow write speed dropped though... to around 4-5MB/s constant, any suggestions?(not fs dependent, am testing directly on the device)
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03:38.20ftzdomino_is it a disk?
03:38.24ftzdomino_might be failing
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03:39.12DeathWolfI guess it could, I don't have access to the smart.
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03:40.10abrotmanwtf .. how is it 'intrusive' ?
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03:44.09rachelderpWhat's a handy way of keeping track of how much memory/CPU each of my users is eating up?
03:44.33rachelderpI've tried top and ps -u, but it's never quite what I want
03:45.26abrotmandoes the 'acct' package report those stats ?
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03:47.23DeathWolfokay, I do actually have smart access... and there's nothing odd, smart passes. Also notable is that the exact same model of disk&enclosure on another port is giving full 20MB/s write perfs... so it's either particular to this disk/enclosure or this port. Definitely odd
03:48.38DeathWolfexact same settings for the port according to lsusb... the mystery thickens
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03:49.09dark3lfHello there, is that possible to lock my usb stick with a password from the terminal ?
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03:51.36DeathWolfsame schedulers, exact same device info(set aside the serial...)
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03:52.23blocktreebasic package question: in my DEBIAN/control file I have specified Depends: less . I build the package and when I try to install it it fails because less is not installed ( dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration ) . I was expecting the system to install all prerequisites automaticaly.
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03:52.48blocktreewhat am i missing?
03:53.24blocktreedark3lf: what do you mean by lock my usb?
03:54.52fishcookersir... how to clone all installed package on the.pc to another
03:54.59terangdark3lf: use ACL's instead
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03:55.09terangor GPG to encryp all data on the devic.e,
03:55.35dark3lfblocktree: I want to lock my usb stick with a passwd, so if I loose it I will be a little secure
03:55.42abrotman!tell fishcooker about aptitude clone
03:55.42dark3lfsry for bad english
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03:56.09f8lChange in plans. I'm going to sleep now. Good night.
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03:57.36blocktreefishcooker: dpkg --get-selections to deploy dpkg --set-selections
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04:01.50terangblocktree: I didn't think packages would install dependencies in that manner; at least not without a package management system
04:03.06blocktreeterang: what is your suggestion? what else can I do apart of dpkg -i mypackage.deb
04:04.10teranguse apt-get :)
04:04.12terangor aptitude
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04:17.30fishcookerthats work abrotman blocktree
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04:21.47Guest73627hi, running lenny, when i do ifconfig -a  i see the interfaces but no ip - how do I fix ?
04:22.01Guest73627i did /etc/init.d/networking restart - did not help
04:23.08Guest73627hello ?
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04:24.03BlaizeGuest73627, have you tried ifup <<interface>> ?
04:24.55dubclGuest73627: ifconfig -a only show the IP when the interface is conected
04:25.02BopGuest73627, for fast ip assignment , ifconfig eth0 netmask up
04:25.09terangifconfig ip/network eth$var up
04:25.14terangBop >.<
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04:47.32rafuch0anyone knows a guide that teach howto make a raid 10
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04:48.07rafuch0in debian off course if it possible if not ... well is ok too X )
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04:51.44nsadminwhen you searched google, what did you find
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04:53.02nsadmin(you may be thinking: "but I didn't search google so you can't be talking to me"... if this is the case, you have work to do)
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05:09.16ash317hi there... i am doing an etch to lenny upgrade today and have googled for possible risks etc
05:09.22ash317just wondering if anyone else has any other tips
05:09.35ash317anything to look out for
05:10.06dpkgEtch is the codename for Debian GNU/Linux 4.0, released on April 8th, 2007.  Etch security support ended on 2010-02-15, this release is no longer supported.  Etch users should upgrade to Lenny, ask me about <etch->lenny>.  Removed from the mirrors (2010-06-20); ask me about <etch sources.list>.  For old Etch ISOs, ask me about <etch iso>.
05:10.20fishcookeris there any apps for torrent downloads
05:10.27qq-dpkg, etch->lenny
05:10.27dpkgRead the release notes, ask me about <lenny release notes>.  Ensure your Etch installation is up to date, ask me about <etch sources.list> (aptitude update; aptitude dist-upgrade).  Then ask me about <lenny sources.list>.  aptitude update; aptitude install aptitude; aptitude safe-upgrade; aptitude full-upgrade.  Also ask me about <apt-listbugs>, <etch->lenny key>.
05:11.09ash317<etch->lenny key>
05:12.13qq-ash317, just read above ..
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05:13.05qq-dpkg,  tell ash317 -about selftell
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05:15.06tharkunGood evening i get this lousy message when trying to purge postfix-policyd on squeeze. anyone has a quick fix?
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05:20.58chicognuwhere is the grub config file in lenny ?
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05:22.24Jorichi guys, how may i hardcode a certain host to a certain address in the /etc/bind/named.conf ?
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05:23.03tharkunterang: thx I'll look into it and see if i can purge it properly
05:23.15terangLooks like a PITA error :)
05:23.32BryansteinJoric, hardcode? You mean make an A name in a zone file?
05:23.41dondelelcaroJoric: you do it in /etc/hosts, or you add an A record.
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05:24.18Bryansteinsorry I meant A record... dondelelcaro is right or you can do something with your dhcpd if your running it
05:24.45Joricwith dhcpd? how?
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05:25.49tharkunJoric: research a little on dynamic dns. And man dhcpd should give you a hint or two
05:25.56Bryansteinit's fairly simple but you might just try the /etc/hosts route as it's much easier
05:27.09Joricthe situation is i have a router with bind + dhcpd and want him to resolve some (existing) host to my own value
05:27.34Joricif i change /etc/hosts on the server it works only for the serve
05:27.51dondelelcaroJoric: yes, because generally speaking, changing it for every connected host is insane
05:28.37dondelelcaroJoric: however, if you want to do that, you add a zone file to bind, then delegate that zone to your nameserver, perhaps with a wildcard to do delegation back to the real nameserver for other addresses
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05:28.55dondelelcaroor you can use something like dnsmasq which does this kind of thing automatically
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05:31.00tharkunterang: I stopped rsyslog and still it fails
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05:31.30tharkunJoric: if you have the bind key you can allways use nsupdate
05:32.48terangtharkun: It's an error in the config
05:32.58terangIt's a clerical error, chane it to LOG_INFO
05:33.20tharkundoes as told
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05:33.35terangor LOG_ERR whatever policyd has it set these days
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05:38.03Joricnsupdate rulz
05:38.20tharkunJoric: yes
05:38.26Jorici'm the root on that server
05:40.20Bryansteinnsupdate doesn't like it when you edit zones by hand though
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05:40.27tharkunterang: i forgot to restart rsyslog. Since it was not working dpkg refused to purge policyd. Thx for the insight
05:42.14tharkunJoric: what Bryanstein said is very true. If you happen to edit your zone file by hand you might end up loosing some info. It is still possible to freeze the zone and thaw it. But that is deprecated. Also once you get used to nsupdate is one heck of a nice tool to use
05:42.16Xinuxmy debian install is not loading because the root device is not being found or some sort.. it defaults to using busybox, is there a command to find what hard drives there are?
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05:43.12Jorici don't really have any zones, it just forwards everything
05:43.35terangWhen you boot up is there a root argument in your grubs kernel selection Xinux?
05:44.00terangAnd Xinux: ? or help shows the commands in busybox
05:44.20Xinuxterang, yes ;p I know what to edit, just dont know what to edit it to
05:44.42ColdFyreLinux step-wise 2.6.18-5-686 #1 SMP Tue Dec 18 21:24:20 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux
05:44.48ColdFyreweee old debian box
05:44.51tharkunXinux: You have half the solution ;P
05:45.06terangXinux: Well sir, I did not know if you knew that :P
05:45.06tharkunColdFyre: that is sarge?
05:45.15ColdFyreit's 5.0.. i think
05:45.23XinuxHehe sorry guys, gave you half the story ;p
05:45.32ColdFyreit's my NIS asmter in my closet i forgot about
05:45.39tharkuncat /etc/debian_version
05:45.39ColdFyreit just sits there nothing
05:47.17ColdFyreit's a pII 256 megs of ram in a 4U box..ha
05:47.17terangAnyway, Xinux, fdisk is enabled in BB
05:47.40Xinuxterang, It is? ;\ First thing I tried said it was not found
05:48.06tharkunis puzzled on why ColdFyre has a Lenny box running with an etch kernel
05:48.21terangReally? That's odd, outdated BB maybe?
05:48.29ColdFyrehmm.. wierd apt-get update?
05:48.44Xinuxterang, Shouldn't be, its a brand new installation ;P
05:49.03XinuxAnyways i'm in the grub command prompt now ;
05:49.37terangWhat are the commands that it says are enabled on BB?
05:50.37XinuxHeh, i've already exitted. And something else is wierd, no ls on grub prompt ;\
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05:53.08XinuxFigured it out :)
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05:53.59nsadminwhen you're in grub prompt it's not BB
05:54.29Xinuxnsadmin, I was in BB, but i switched to grub prompt
05:55.04nsadminanyway, I am curious but at the same time glad it worked out
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05:58.16adrian_kxwhy init 3 command aint working anymore?
05:58.30adrian_kxi am used to debian sorry
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06:00.47Xinuxnsadmin, Any advice on how to edit the /boot/grub/menu.lst file?? ;O
06:01.03Xinuxnsadmin, It keeps reverting to previous
06:01.49nsadminwhy are you editing?
06:02.16Xinuxits the wrong device location
06:02.20Xinuxhda1 --> sda1
06:02.31nsadminlook at
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06:04.30Xinuxnsadmin, alright I got it :P ty, I'm installing debian on an embedded device
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06:16.08karterhi, my debian has no ip addresses,
06:16.16karterthe /interfaces file is right..
06:16.25karterbut not entries show up when I try route
06:16.35karterand all the interfaces have no ip addresses
06:16.38karterhow do I fix ?
06:16.40karterany ideas ?
06:17.00nsadminI guess you have to configure your networking
06:17.57karterhow do I do that?
06:18.19karteretc/init.d/networking <anything> just silently exits
06:18.43nsadminwell let's see... when you look at output of ifconfig
06:18.51nsadminhow many interfaces do you see
06:18.55nsadminwhat are their names
06:19.04kartereth0, eth1, loopback
06:19.16karterifb1, ifb0, lo
06:19.18nsadmindo they all have addresses?
06:19.34nsadminwait, six interfaces?
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06:19.45XinuxHehe, my internet isnt working either ;D
06:19.59nsadminnotes in passing you're both here...
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06:24.58saju_min centos we can open iptables ruleset file vim /etc/sysconfig/iptables,  In debian which file it is defined??
06:25.22tpocraWhen I boot up into kdm and KDE. the resolution of my LCD and projector (DVI and HDMI respectively) are 640x480 When they should be 1920x1200 and 1920x1080 respectively
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06:25.42tpocrain KDE's system settings, the correct resolutions have (Auto) next to them  So why aren't they automatically used upon boot?
06:25.57nsadminkarter, ifconfig | grep ^[^[:space:]] | cut -f1 -d' ' | xargs echo
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06:27.11nsadminshould be one line, show the exact line
06:29.05XinuxHow to make an auto login? With a password? I know how to do it without a pass in /etc/inittab
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06:31.49saju_miptables -L, i got
06:31.56saju_mACCEPT     tcp  --  anywhere             anywhere            tcp dpt:domain
06:32.06saju_mi want to change it to REJECT
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06:38.52vttssaju_m, try: grep -ir iptables /etc
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06:46.48nsadmindid that guy ever reply with the line I requested?
06:47.25karteri fixed it
06:47.30karterit was a problem with the route
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06:47.56nsadminoh ok, glad it worked out
06:49.25XinuxBlarg! Embedded devices can be a pain sometimes ;P
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06:58.54Xinuxcan't mount a usb drive? it shows up in fdisk -l
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07:05.32cryptr_what script actually creates the /etc/hosts file in debian? debian-installer?
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07:24.58XinuxHow do I mount a fat32 usb drive??
07:25.28XinuxKeeps saying wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock
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07:25.34XinuxUsed different flash drives? ;O
07:26.03_tnullwhat are you typing?
07:26.27Xinuxmount -t vfat /dev/sdb /mnt/usb
07:26.44_tnullyou're not selecting a partition
07:26.52_tnulltry mount -t vfat /dev/sdb1 /mnt/usb
07:26.59Xinuxohhhh i see
07:27.06Xinuxthanks :)
07:27.19Xinuxworks like a charm!
07:27.34*** join/#debian f13o__ (
07:27.37_tnullawesome :)
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07:29.53nsadminevidently your sdb is partitioned
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07:30.53Xinuxnsadmin, yeah its probably because I partitioned them to put linux distros on them for installs ;P
07:31.28nsadminwell I haven't seen a flash drive that didn't have a single partition on it
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07:31.51_tnullmine came with 2
07:32.02nsadminI guess you don't have to use the partition; you could format sdb rather than sdb1
07:32.06_tnullsome recovery software or something
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07:48.54XinuxFor some reason, either i'm tripping, but dhclient worked just now, but it didnt 50 minutes ago... what a waste of 50 minutes ;P
07:50.42_tnullit happens
07:51.49*** join/#debian rimmele_mnm (~rimmele_m@
07:51.57Xinuxbut in any case even with all this configuration.. its still faster than figuring out windows embedded studio and flashing an image >....< that stuff takes....... 8 hours at least
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07:55.11rahsputinwhen a library package recommends for instance: libdbus-1-3  must i necessarily also get dbus etc...
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08:01.36ultra420anybody could told me a soft that i could member sth... daily...
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08:01.59ultra420i have lots of missions per day,i want to record them.. .and lots of scripts..
08:02.08ultra420i need a nice soft to record them
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08:03.04iajlo there :)
08:03.22iajhow could I find out about system specs when Im only logged in via ssh to a debian machine?
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08:04.41rahsputinsystem specs are ?
08:04.49Xinuxiaj, "lspci -vv" and "cat /proc/cpuinfo"
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08:08.01iajthanks dudes.. specially need to find out about processor and memory.
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08:09.33chicognuThose packages are automated installed and are not more need. run apt-get autoremove to remove they ... apt-get autoremove Where is my gnome now ?
08:10.09chicognuIt happens with anyone here ?
08:11.33*** part/#debian rahsputin (~rahsputin@
08:12.37XinuxAnyone have any ideas how to autologin? I don't have any sort of gui ;P
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08:14.14chicognuXinux, autologin in console ?
08:14.28Xinuxchicognu, correct
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08:17.41chicognuXinux, do you already try it ?
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08:21.59cryptrXinux: quite easy, replace the login in /etc/inittab for that tty
08:22.27cryptr1:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty1
08:22.30cryptrthat line
08:22.59cryptrcould ne /bin/bash whatever or a script that su's a user, i've done several different ones
08:23.17Xinuxaye i have another question, i got it to autologin
08:23.23Xinuxbut where is the bash profile?
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08:23.31Xinuxis it included in a command line install?
08:23.37cryptrbash -s
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08:23.52cryptrthen it reads /etc/profile
08:24.01cryptrorr bash.bashrc
08:24.08cryptrwhatever it is called nowdays :)
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08:24.22Xinuxi got nothing
08:24.41cryptrbash uses .profile to load .bashrc and also reads /etc/bash.bashrc
08:24.46cryptrupon login
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08:27.06linisin vim how can i search a pattern and then save all the returned pattern's line into a different file ??
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08:27.59cryptrdont use vim
08:28.02cryptruse grep? or sed?
08:28.17cryptrcat file | grep pattern > search_findings
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08:28.54jelly-hme!uuoc cryptr
08:28.54dpkghands cryptr the "useless use of cat" award
08:29.12cryptrgrep pattern file > search_findings
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08:29.38jelly-hmethose awards are handy as doorstops, I have a couple
08:29.49cryptruseless no, uberobvious yes.
08:30.14cryptror over simplified as hell :)
08:30.18cryptryeah i agree useless.
08:30.42jelly-hmeneedless might be a more pedantic term but "UUOC" is customary
08:31.16cryptri bow to thee :)
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08:31.39liniscryptr: awesome! thanks dude ;)
08:32.51iajhmmm.. how an I find out about how much memory is installed on a debian machine??
08:33.27cryptrdmesg | grep Mem
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08:34.16cryptrcat /proc/meminfo
08:34.22cryptranother UUOC!
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08:35.00cryptrThis is good
08:35.00cryptr$ grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo
08:35.00cryptrMemTotal:        3890636 kB
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08:35.24iajMemTotal:      2075080 kB   - so theres only 2 gig installed here?
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08:35.43cryptrif there was more the system would report more even if not a amd64 kernel
08:35.54iajthanks a lot cryptr
08:35.56cryptrfor 32bit 3.8 gb or so is max
08:36.32cryptrfree is a very good linux command if you have not tested it before.
08:36.49cryptrshows you a little bit less info the /proc/meminfo but it is more readable
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08:36.58cryptralso less confusing compared to top
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08:41.27CutMeOwnThroatno, it's not, that's what the -bigmem kernels are for
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08:42.02cryptrCutMeOwnThroat: true
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08:42.44cryptrapologizes for the missleading information
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09:00.42chicognuhow do i
09:01.00chicognuconfigure X to use a specific driver ?
09:01.34d5eedit /etc/X11/xporg.conf
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09:07.30cryptrif you have no /etc/X11/xorg.conf (autodetect in xorg nowdays) do Xorg -configure and then copy the file created into /etc/X11/
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09:19.24haroldWhy does my screen go blank every 15-30mins? According to xset q, DPSM is disabled and timeout=0...
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09:20.40CutMeOwnThroatI think it might be, what we geeks technically call a "screensaver"
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09:21.26haroldCutMeOwnThroat: Why? timeout is already 0. Shouldn't that disabled it?
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09:22.07chicognuI`am trying to configure 3d support in lenny, withou sucess. i have a core i3 processor, any one can help me please
09:22.10CutMeOwnThroatoh, didn't see the 2nd line :) but might be some separate program?
09:23.07CutMeOwnThroatharold, gnome has its own screen saver ...
09:23.40haroldHmm, pretty sure I'm using XFCE
09:23.50CutMeOwnThroat"ps aux |grep scree" might provide a clue
09:24.03haroldOh, no I'm using gnome atm.
09:24.09paradigmchicognu: is the Core i3 one of intel's processors with the built-in graphics?  Or is it Intel graphics on the motherboard?  Or do you have separate graphics from AMD or nVidia?
09:24.35CutMeOwnThroatxfce probably also has a screensaver... most DE will have it
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09:24.57iajhi there- currenlty got etch running - is there a safe and easy way to upgrade to latest?
09:25.14cryptrapt-get update
09:25.17cryptrapt-get dist-ugprade
09:25.20CutMeOwnThroatiaj, /msg dpkg etch->lenny
09:25.33cryptrafter changing etch -> lenny in /etc/apt/sources.list
09:25.45cryptrthen hope all works :)
09:25.52CutMeOwnThroatiaj, or just read the topic, which says the same
09:25.53iajcryptr: how long might that ake?
09:25.53chicognuparadigm, builtin grafics
09:25.55iajtake... ?
09:26.11ethanolmornin' all!
09:26.12cryptriaj: depends on your machine and your internet
09:26.20cryptrmorning eth
09:26.37paradigmchicognu: I suspect the problem is your computer is newer then Lenny, and so Lenny doesn't come with the drivers for it (yet).  You can try getting a newer kernel from Debian backports, which will likely have the drivers necessary.
09:26.40*** join/#debian brotakku (~brotakku@
09:27.38chicognuparadigm, I compiled the new stable kernel already, the 2.6.36...
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09:28.00paradigmyeah then I've got no idea
09:28.07cryptriaj: i would guess 15-20min on a server that is intel p3 or p4 if it is a desktop then loads more depending on how much you have installed
09:28.10chicognuparadigm,  :(
09:28.27CutMeOwnThroatiaj, hard to say, with an ok connection, perhaps 2-3h + problems? Also depends on the amount of packages you have installed, no? big spread there - amount of problems can also vary widely and will be able to take up a lot of time if it happens....
09:28.30paradigmchicognu: maybe you need a newer X as well?  Have you tried squeeze or another distro?
09:28.32cryptriaj: there might be some things you have to consider though so check the tipuc /msg dpkg etch->lenny
09:28.43cryptriaj: been a while since I moved on from etch
09:28.53cryptriaj: but I did just that on a server and it went fine
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09:29.15CutMeOwnThroatbut I always leave it running in the background and only check back occasionally for questions, that tends to delay the process :)
09:29.16iajcryptr: thanks a lot... :-)
09:29.31chicognuparadigm,  I think it is some configuration in xorg.conf, the corg.conf is using vesa, I don`t know what drive to put there. I use ubuntu 10.4 LTS Desktop, and 3d works fine on it
09:29.34cryptrCutMeOwnThroat: true, same here, like days :)
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09:30.30gusnanchicognu, I thought you said Lenny?
09:30.52chicognugusnan, yes
09:31.05paradigmchicognu: in my experiences, with Lenny and onwards, you don't really need to mess with the xorg.conf.  So long as the kernel has the drivers and the xorg is new enough it ``just works''.
09:31.06chicognugusnan, I`m using Debian Lenny
09:31.22gusnanah, I misread.
09:31.23cryptrparadigm: agreeed on that
09:31.23haroldCutMeOwnThroat: So yeah, apparently the gnome screen saver and power down settings are enabled.
09:31.38haroldCutMeOwnThroat: But why oh why does gnome not respect the xset values?
09:31.53cryptrbecause it is gnome :)
09:31.55chicognugusnan, or I misstype, english is not my native language :)
09:31.58cryptrgnomes do not trust others
09:32.16iajcryptr: all the cron jobs and stuff should still be there... if everything goes smoothly - correct?
09:32.19cryptrchicognu: you did state you use ubuntu 10.4
09:32.35cryptriaj: _IF_ everything goes smooth..
09:32.56cryptriaj: double check double check backup /etc first
09:33.01chicognui used, I tested... In the past  :)
09:33.23cryptriaj: I know there is an issue with named going ethc - > lenny
09:33.26iajcryptr: mhhh alright - thanks :-)
09:33.44cryptriaj: if it is a DNS server you have to read up on that
09:33.59cryptriaj: because clients wont be able to query it without conf modifications
09:34.04cryptriaj:  I ran into that myself
09:34.08gusnanchicognu, your goal should be newer versions of xserver-xorg-video-intel - I don't know how easy that is to do on Lenny though...
09:34.20chicognuparadigm, it is hard to compile xorg ? do you think I need to install some package ?
09:34.37cryptrchicognu: go squeeze instead and check that first
09:34.43nsadminthe real deal is this... if you get an answer that's supposed to be for lenny, you apply it to anything at your own risk :) as long as you're ok with that, go ahead on
09:35.04iajcryptr: hm we just got a mysql db running on that server... performing php scripts and so on - that shouldn't be a problem at all, correct?
09:35.05chicognugusnan, humm... it is a question about install a package or I need compile ?
09:35.22chicognucryptr, you mean, a distro upgrade ?
09:35.22cryptriaj: you will go from php4 to php5 i think
09:35.34chicognuor just add some reposytores ?
09:35.38cryptriaj: as long as that works for your scripts i think you will be ok, I do not remember any mysql problems
09:35.43paradigmchicognu: I don't remember ever trying to compile xorg, but I dno't think it'd be to terribly hard if you're used to compiling other things.  Grab build-essential and whatever libraries it asks for.  Although I feel you should first try Debian Squeeze - it's almost released.  Good chance it'll work there.
09:35.44cryptrchicognu: switch disto
09:35.48iajcryptr: can there be some trouble?
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09:36.16cryptriaj: depends on how you coded things, globals enabled?
09:36.36cryptriaj: pretty sure many global things are deprecated in php5 and might be disabled
09:36.52nsadminchicognu: what's the problem with xorg in lenny?
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09:37.15cryptriaj: I would do this, install lenny in a qemu/virtualbox or something, test your php and mysql there first
09:37.19cryptriaj: before upgrading
09:37.33paradigmiaj: i concure with cryptr
09:37.34cryptriaj: that way you are atleast prepared for any php/mysql errors
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09:38.17chicognunsadmin, I don`t think there is any problem with xorg in lenny. I`m trying to install 3D suport for a I3 core with integrated graphics card, with out success
09:38.21iajhmmm... yeah.. but that's a large step to take
09:38.24iajparadigm: huh?
09:38.27nsadminif php-5.x is totally incompatible with php-5.(x+1), that makes php fairly unstable overall
09:38.56cryptriaj: concure = agrees :)
09:38.58paradigmiaj: I'd also recommend, as cryptr did, that you try it out in a VM b efore doing so on your actual box
09:39.01*** part/#debian mayanks431 (~Marcus@
09:39.11nsadminchicognu: this video is now in the computer with the lenny?
09:39.16iajoops... sorry... :-)
09:39.26paradigmnot a problem
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09:39.44cryptrnot that I remember 100% correct but etch was php4 right?
09:39.44paradigmRooms like this are international, I need to be careful about my word choice
09:40.05chicognunsadmin, you mean, if the video card is right now with the computer with lenny ? if so, yes, it is!
09:40.16nsadminok, lspci -nn
09:40.19iaji more or less found a - opposite - translation based on my german knowledge :)
09:40.29nsadminand look for the text line that describes this video
09:40.35nsadminshow just that one line here
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09:41.02chicognuparadigm, the xorg --configure in general way should genarate a file with the correct drive, if it is avible, right
09:41.20chicognu00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Device 0046 (rev 12) nsadmin
09:41.29nsadminlspci -nn
09:41.37nsadmindon't forget the -nn :)
09:41.48paradigmchicognu: yes, I believe so
09:42.13nsadmintry again :)
09:42.16*** join/#debian Trollindor (debian-tor@gateway/tor-sasl/trollindor)
09:42.24nsadminwith -nn that is
09:42.35chicognu00:02.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Intel Corporation Device [8086:0046] (rev 12)
09:42.58nsadminjudd, pciid 8086:0046
09:43.01judd[8086:0046] is 'Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller' from 'Intel Corporation' with no known kernel module in lenny but has kernel module 'i915' in sid. See also
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09:44.13chicognujudd, pciid 197b:2383
09:44.15judd[197b:2383] is 'MS Host Controller' from 'JMicron Technology Corp.' with kernel modules 'jmb38x_ms', 'jmicron', 'ahci' in lenny. See also
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09:44.45Steppenwolfanyone awake?
09:44.58chicognujudd, pciid 197b:0250
09:44.59nsadminit's all part of the dream, dream, dream...
09:44.59judd[197b:0250] is 'JMC250 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet Controller' from 'JMicron Technology Corp.' with kernel modules 'jmicron', 'ahci' in lenny. See also
09:45.19chicognuwow, judd lie hard
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09:45.44chicognuthis module if is in lenny, the system don`t reconize, or install it
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09:46.04nsadminwhat's your uname -r?
09:46.31Steppenwolfwhich of the rc?.d scripts dictate the startup on standard debian, anyone know?
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09:46.35chicognuknow is 2.6.36, I upgrade the kernel most because that module nsadmin
09:47.07cryptrSteppenwolf: rc2.d is default runlevel
09:47.28nsadminSteppenwolf: see /etc/inittab
09:47.31cryptrSteppenwolf: but depending on lenny or squeeze it is different on how things in /etc/init.d are loaded
09:48.05nsadmindoes squeeze have upstart well integrated now?
09:48.05chicognunsadmin, any ideia about how to setup the 3D support here with out change the version of my distro ?
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09:48.29nsadminthat kernel you have, you built it yourself?
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09:48.54paradigmchicognu: you sure you got the proper stuff in the driver?
09:48.57paradigmfor the new card?
09:49.00nsadminyou might have to either rebuild or build the i915 module
09:49.08vttsSteppenwolf, rcS.d, then rc2.d
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09:49.27CutMeOwnThroatthis sounds a bit like a stupid question.. but for two separate problems preventing the same program from starting, I would file two separate bugs, right?
09:49.38panosruHello, could anyone provide me any guide on how to setup an external mail server ?
09:50.12nsadminexternal to what?
09:50.19chicognuparadigm, in kernel config ? sure,  sure, I don`t have ... I look the device support, the video card, and select all intel* as module...
09:50.33chicognunsadmin, in kernel ?
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09:50.46nsadminchicognu, did you use make-kpkg?
09:50.46cryptrpanosru: I believe it is far easier for you to google that
09:50.59chicognunsadmin, no
09:50.59cryptrpanosru: and try some first
09:51.14cryptrpanosru: then come back if you have questions, I would suggest postfix though
09:51.40paradigmCutMeOwnThroat: I don't know for sure, but that's what I would expect
09:51.45cryptrpanosru: I find that the easiest and most stable way (my own opinion though)
09:52.00petanis it possible to upgrade some packages from sid and keep them?
09:52.05panosrucryptr: I tried to google "debian use osx mailserver", or "debian setup external mail server" and things like that I jus though that if I asked here maybe someone already done it before and could provide me guide :)
09:52.19petanlike to upgrade something and switch back to stable lenny
09:52.20nsadminchicognu: you -might- try building again using it; it's in the package kernel-package
09:52.26panosruI use debian as a virtual machine for my development environment (as a web server) in my OSX machine
09:52.33cryptrpetan: that would be unwise Id say
09:52.50petancryptr: what would happen? why do you think that
09:52.52panosruand I have setup a mail server in my osx which works great for local testings and things like that
09:52.54CutMeOwnThroatparadigm, right...
09:52.55cryptrpanosru: aha you mean external smtp or so?
09:53.17chicognunsadmin, paradigm wow, one seond pleas .. I just run modprob i915, and there is a module with that name
09:53.19nsadminpetan: sid is based on newer libs, which could damage something earlier (like lenny or squeeze)
09:53.19cryptrpetan: most likely you would have a broken system, first it would most likely upgrade all base to sid
09:53.22panosrucryptr: yeah
09:53.48iajwhats the apt- command for showing package information? like which php version is currently installed?
09:53.58paradigmiaj: apt-cache show $packagename
09:54.05cryptrpanosru: you want your vbox to send emails via the host OSC?
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09:54.09nsadminchicognu, ok, suggest you restart x and then try glxgears
09:54.13petanwhy newer libs does not work with older software? that does not make sense.
09:54.20panosrucryptr: yes exactly
09:54.47cryptrpanosru: and you know that the OSX mailserver works as a relay? smtp?
09:55.12chicognunsadmin, my xorg.conf still with vesa in drive section, I need to change it before
09:55.14nsadminit's not just the libs, it's that the packaging of the newer libs will cause some of your installed packages to be removed and/or replaced by newer
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09:56.09chicognu4701 frames in 5.0 seconds = 938.435 FPS nsadmin it looks like 3d acelaration is actived ?
09:56.23nsadminhmm, that looks good
09:56.25panosrucryptr: I think it works as smtp
09:56.42nsadminlook over output of glxinfo
09:57.12nsadmin(so now you should arrange for module i915 to be loaded at boot)
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09:57.45iajparadigm: thanks so if do a apt-cache show php5  and get information - theres php5 installed here?
09:57.47nsadmintry something 3d :)
09:57.53nsadmingot doom4?
09:58.03chicognudirect rendering: No (If you want to find out why, try setting LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose) nsadmin
09:58.31panosrucryptr: ok I got it working :P
09:58.41chicognunsadmin, planet penguin race ... too slow
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09:58.48cryptrpanosru: install exim4 then confgiureit as a smarthost and point it to the IP of your host OSX, you might have to setup a host-only network in virtualbox for the guest to be able to speak to the host directly
09:58.58nsadminhmm. that's not so good, but it does look like you're on your way
10:00.21chicognunsadmin, wait, I will close xorg
10:00.42cryptriaj: nope, you use dpkg -l | grep php5 to see local stuff
10:00.57cryptriaj: apt-cache show checks the apt-database you update with apt-get update
10:01.11tarzeau~/KDE/Share/Apps/Clipper what's that good for?
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10:03.33chicognuin the xorg configuration file I change the vesa driver for i915, but there is no such module
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10:04.47nsadmincould you repost that pciid
10:04.57nsadminwait, hold that thought
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10:06.44my007msapt-cache search eclipse-cdt  <--- can not find it i use lenny
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10:07.57nsadminok what was the video card's pciid again?
10:08.05cryptrchicognu: it is called "intel"
10:08.11chicognu[8086:0046 nsadmin
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10:08.21cryptrchicognu: apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-intel
10:08.48cryptrchicognu: I use that for my laptop
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10:09.12my007mswhat new line i need to add in my sources.list so i can install eclipse using normal apt-get ?
10:09.23nsadminis this a laptop?
10:09.45chicognunsadmin, yes
10:09.54nsadmintoshiba tecra a11?
10:10.12themillmy007ms: it's not in lenny at all and it's also not in squeeze. This isn't a good prospect.
10:10.17chicognunsadmin, no, from a brazilian manufacture, called cce
10:10.23nsadminoh ok
10:10.46chicognucryptr, it is already installed, should I change the vesa driver for intel in xorg configuration
10:10.51my007msthemill :( i have source code that only can be compile with eclipse i don't no how it work inside
10:12.03chicognunsadmin, I will restart X
10:12.31CutMeOwnThroatwondering about bug-severity... how would I know it's a hardware-specific bug? I would say severety is "grave", but of course it might be hardware-specific and I would not be able to know
10:12.44cryptrdam di dam
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10:12.57cryptrsomone should tell cicognu about screen and irc :)
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10:13.23chicognuthere is no intel driver :(
10:13.29cryptrchicognu: aye the intel driver is called "intel"
10:13.42CutMeOwnThroatfeel free to do so
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10:13.54nsadminwhat package for the intel xorg driver?
10:14.02cryptrchicognu: ls /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/
10:14.38chicognunsadmin, I think it is  xserver-xorg-video-intel
10:14.40cryptrchicognu: what do you have there
10:14.56nsadminchicognu, try installing that :)
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10:15.50cryptrchicognu: did you check what files you have in /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/
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10:15.58chicognu cryptr
10:16.13chicognunsadmin, it is already installed
10:16.20cryptri see intel
10:16.29cryptrso you have it
10:16.40cryptrxorg conf should say Driver "intel"
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10:16.57nsadmintry this...
10:17.11chicognuand why when I change the vesa for intel in xorg.conf it says there is no such module ?
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10:18.01nsadminrestart x with that, then copy /var/log/Xorg.0.log to somewhere and then pastebin it
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10:18.13chicognunsadmin, with my atual configuration ?
10:18.27cryptrwith "vesa" replaced by "intel"
10:18.28nsadminyes, including Driver "intel"
10:19.10chicognushould I use the full name ? in the place of intel, I useu intel_drv ?
10:19.25nsadminpastebinit used to be a good idea... then all the pastebin sites went away... is that fixed in lenny?
10:19.37nsadminno, just intel
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10:20.36nsadminchicognu, notice that you have
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10:21.46chicognunow it is: Identifier  "Card0"Driver      "intel"VendorName  "Intel Corporation"
10:21.49chicognuclosing X
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10:22.12djszapiis there way to tell to dpkg to not install documentations, /usr/share/{doc,man} ?
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10:24.12jellydjszapi: no, but you can set up a post-install hook to wipe all the files
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10:24.39CutMeOwnThroatthemill, feel like doing "apt-get install mgltools-pmv idle-python2.6 python-imaging-tk" on squeeze and telling me if it works for them?
10:24.43chicognunsadmin, here it is
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10:25.07nsadminhow's glxgears running now? is it still not working?
10:25.21djszapijelly: I mean in a ready-made package...
10:25.35djszapiwhen I would like to install it.
10:25.43jellydjszapi: that applies to all the packages
10:25.53djszapiexactly, dpkg feature...
10:25.56nsadminyour post install hook could archive the docs
10:26.10jellydjszapi: not a dpkg feature, an apt feature
10:26.17djszapidoes not really matter.
10:26.38djszapican I install a debian package with dpkg without the documentation in the data.tar.gz ?
10:27.02chicognunsadmin, glxgears ways work 4580 frames in 5.0 seconds = 914.356 FPS ...
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10:27.28nsadminthat's similar to the performance before, right?
10:27.29jellydjszapi: this is what eg. debsums package does, you can put something similar in /etc/apt/apt.conf or a file in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/: DPkg::Post-Invoke { "if [ -x /usr/bin/debsums ]; then /usr/bin/debsums --generate=nocheck -sp /var/cache/apt/archives; fi"; };
10:27.34chicognunsadmin, but no dri, and no true 3d suport
10:27.36chicognunsadmin, yes
10:27.49chicognunsadmin, and the driver ~intel~ dont work
10:27.58nsadminok, look over that log
10:28.14jellydjszapi: you could enumerate and wipe all the files under those directories
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10:28.46nsadminI wonder if it's an issue about compatibility between the version of and the kernel version (and version of the i915 module)
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10:29.10iajcryptr: so if it says php5-common in my dpkg -l - do I have php5 installed :)?  I can't run php -version because I don't have the root pass yet.
10:29.15iajsorry got a disc :\
10:29.52nsadminchicognu, look at the Xorg log you pastebinned earlier, see if that's informative
10:30.23cryptriaj: just php5-common? thats not enough
10:30.30nsadminnotice that the kernel is somehow involved here... so incompatibility could exist
10:30.35chicognunsadmin, that log to me is more like read Cirillo
10:30.38jellydjszapi: man apt.conf has some details about Post-Invoke (not much though, you'll have to read apt docs)
10:30.39iajcryptr: theres nothing else about php :\
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10:30.47cryptriaj: should have some apache module ex: libapache2-mod-php5
10:31.02nsadminwell you've done good up to this point...
10:31.05cryptriaj: are you on the etch box now? or in a lenny?
10:31.14nsadmingrep -n for EE
10:32.02iajcryptr: I'm on the etch box
10:32.18iajcryptr: libapache2-mod-php5 is installed as well..sorry
10:32.39cryptriaj: then you ahave php5 atleast
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10:32.49cryptriaj: could you do a cat /etc/debian_version
10:32.52cryptriaj: and post that
10:32.59iajso I shouldn't be frightened about the GLOBALS problem?
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10:33.20nsadminthere are no errors (EE) and 12 warnings
10:33.30cryptriaj: you could still have register_globals on in your /etc/php5/apache configs
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10:33.53iajcryptr: 4.0 it gives.
10:34.05chicognunsadmin, but that log is the last created log, right ?
10:34.40nsadminthat log is written again every time you start x
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10:34.54cryptriaj: i think that register_globals has been default off ofr a while so you might be safe
10:34.56iajcryptr: register_globals=off it tells
10:35.07cryptriaj: then you do not have to worry about that atleast
10:35.08chicognunsadmin, iam not with intel driver in xorg, i put intel drive in xorg, and close X, but it don`t start again, saying there is no intel driver, so I change intel to VESA and restart X
10:35.16iajcryptr: hehe :) alright, thanks a lot mate
10:35.21cryptriaj: and if you use nothing else then mysql and php you should be ok do upgrade
10:35.27chicognunsadmin, With intel in driver section X dont start
10:35.29nsadminoh, so intel still doesn't work?
10:35.36cryptriaj: but do it during non office hourse :)
10:35.36chicognuno, it never work
10:35.52iajcryptr: one other thing, where is php usually located?
10:36.04nsadminok, then do this... (wait till I'm done tho)
10:36.05cryptriaj: cli or the module?
10:36.17iajcli... and the module as well, heh:)
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10:36.47cryptrcli in /usr/bin
10:36.56cryptrmodule in usr/lib/apache2/modules/
10:36.58nsadminstop X, replace config so it's intel, start x again (use just X) and let it die
10:37.13nsadminthen copy the log file so it doesn't overwrite it
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10:37.36nsadminthen reset the config so X will start so you can come here
10:37.45cryptriaj: for binaries you can always do which <binary> to see where it exists
10:37.47nsadminthen pastebin the copy
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10:38.05nsadminchicognu: got all that?
10:38.13chicognunsadmin,  and how I will put the log in past bin if the X will not start
10:38.39nsadmincopy the log file before starting x with working config
10:39.03chicognunsadmin, where is the log ?
10:39.09chicognuagain, please
10:39.15djszapijelly: mmh
10:39.29nsadminit's /var/log/Xorg.0.log
10:39.58nsadminso copy that file to (hmm, where... hmm...) your home dir
10:40.39nsadminafter you try to do X with the currently bad config
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10:40.49djszapijelly: how can I enumerate and wipe ?
10:40.51chicognuclosing X again
10:41.05jellydjszapi: dunno, using find and rm?
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10:41.23jellyor whatever you like
10:42.13cryptrmkfs.ext3 /dev/hd && directories
10:42.33cryptrbut that's just evil
10:42.43djszapijelly: I think I misses the basic knowledge about that.
10:42.59djszapican you give me a package and example where it works, even a simple package ?
10:43.09cryptrdjszapi: you do not want any docs or mans?
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10:43.22nsadminthe docs are not divided into a separate package
10:43.32cryptrdjszapi: rm -fr /usr/share/doc/packagename
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10:43.49cryptrmanfiles, a bit harder
10:43.49jellydjszapi: sorry, that would require me to do all the footwork instead of you, and I'm not doing that for free
10:44.11nsadminchicognu, maybe now we can tell what's going on
10:44.19cryptrdjszapi: curious, why do you not want the docs and mans?
10:44.35themillCutMeOwnThroat: no problems doing that at all
10:44.41jellycryptr: well, the policy only says you're safe to delete files in doc/packagename/, not the directories.
10:44.44djszapicryptr: because that is sometimes very large on embedded systems, just check Nokia phones out.
10:44.47nsadminhe's got one of those really old drives that only store two bytes
10:45.11cryptrdjszapi: ahh not man though? docs yeah
10:45.18chicognu nsadmin  cryptr
10:45.23djszapiboth I would like to avoid.
10:45.25cryptrdjszapi: then as jelly say delete /usr/share/doc/<packaname>/*
10:46.00jellycryptr: I didn't say that.  I said "remove files only", and that command might not.
10:46.15nsadminline 297
10:46.19cryptrchicognu: sadly that driver most likely dont support your new i3 chip
10:47.03nsadminso it looks like you were right in the first place, that you needed a newer intel driver
10:47.15djszapicryptr: DPkg::Post-Invoke { "if [ -x /usr/bin/debsums ]; then /usr/bin/debsums --generate=nocheck -sp /var/cache/apt/archives; fi"; rm -rf /usr/share/doc/<packaname>/*} ?
10:47.20cryptrsqueeze supports a few more
10:47.30jellycryptr, djszapi: that bit would be more like find /usr/share/doc/packagename -type f -delete.   But you still have to figure out which package got installed, and for that you need to use the "version 2 protocol" between apt and dpkg that man apt.conf writes about
10:47.31djszapiin a /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99test file ?
10:47.54chicognucryptr, nsadmin so, compiling new xorg
10:48.07cryptrchicognu: or try new x driver
10:48.09djszapijelly: would not it be a better design to implement a dpkg feature for this purpose ?
10:48.16chicognucryptr, how
10:48.17jellydjszapi: no
10:48.20djszapianother option, for example.
10:48.28cryptrchicognu: demands a few compiles anyway
10:48.33jellydjszapi: I mean, sure, go ahead and implement it
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10:48.53djszapijelly: I can give it a try, but is there any chance it will be accepted ?
10:49.05chicognucryptr,  it is a trusted source of files ?
10:49.06themilldjszapi: feel free to send patches -- the embedded people might be interested in them, but I doubt it. They've gone down the path or reworking the debs themselves to remove the documentation.
10:49.23cryptrdjszapi: I do not think the general debian distribution is ment for nokia phones or anything similar.
10:49.25jellydjszapi: but frankly you seem a bit wobbly even with basic shell syntax and reading docs... are you sure C coding is what you want to do?
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10:49.34djszapithemill: do not be silly, just check Nokia phone out pls as I mentioned ;)
10:49.48themilldjszapi: sure, send me one and I'll look over it.
10:49.50jellydjszapi: I'd suggest using emdebian
10:50.04djszapijelly: I have been doing C coding for 5-6 ages in teh industry.
10:50.06cryptrchicognu: I do believe it is that source you already have in your xorg
10:50.13cryptrchicognu: just older.
10:50.14djszapiI do not know how it is related to bash knowledge...
10:50.21djszapior dpkg internal...
10:50.23themilldjszapi: you might like to look at emdebian where they have done precisely what I just mentioned.
10:50.37cryptrchicognu: i use 2.13.0 from them, works for my laptop
10:50.39djszapior whatever, but a good way to insist me unneccesarily when I would like to help.
10:50.39nsadminif you want to build a package, you will need more than just C
10:51.26cryptrchicognu: but as we said before, squeeze has 2.12.0 i believe. which will most likely be far better then the lenny version, squeeze is better for laptops anyway then lenny is
10:51.32nsadminbut you could send diffs that are applyable against existing debian sources
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10:51.46nsadminthen you don't need to know the packaging system
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10:52.32nsadminbut yes, it's misterobvious again... if you don't know the packaging system, you won't be able to build a package yourself
10:52.34chicognucryptr, I just download the six pack dvd rom :( it is sad need to download anything again :(
10:53.18nsadminhow much download is it?
10:53.43cryptrdjszapi: nokia already ditched naemo right? for the redhat thing they have going on with intel
10:53.48chicognuabout 25gb nsadmin
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10:54.03nsadmin25 gigs?? just for the driver??
10:54.04cryptrchicognu: ouch, why not just netinstall :)
10:54.11nsadminnono, not the dvds
10:54.44djszapijelly: will this version 2 protocol way be global instead of doing separately when I would like to do ?
10:54.45TwoTwentyI luv debian
10:54.50nsadminhow much to download the driver
10:54.55TwoTwentywhy is GNU goodness
10:54.57chicognunsadmin, no .. cryptr  sugest me to install squeezee and I told him that is too sad need to download anyother distro after download the six pack dvds
10:55.19nsadminyou can upgrade your lenny in place
10:55.26djszapithemill: nothing related to embdebian on Nokia phones...
10:55.37djszapithey provide another distribution for sure.
10:55.56djszapiand there are many other cases, rly.
10:55.57chicognucryptr, I`m a little bit paranoic about go off-line for long periods, so I like to have all softwares in hand if I need
10:56.05themilldjszapi: why do you keep going on about nokia? We're talking about debian here.
10:56.05nsadminjust so you know for next time... you don't need to download the dvd or cd images if the machine has a reasonable net connection
10:56.19djszapiis not dpkg debian related stuff ?
10:56.31nsadminnot necessarily
10:56.34cryptrchicognu: ah well to just test you can try netinstall 256mb download or something then just apt-get isntall everything
10:56.39djszapiI wonder again why you insult me instead of apologizing if you say something being incorrect.
10:56.41themilldjszapi: no.
10:57.15cryptrchicognu: as nsadmin said, you can also upgrade it
10:57.45chicognuI will try first build the new drivers, to see if it work
10:58.00cryptrchicognu: can be a bit tricky for lenny but do try, I have only done it on squeeze
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10:58.12nsadmindjszapi, I would invite you to consider a thought: the only way for someone to insult you is if you give your permission, if you become open to it
10:58.27jellydjszapi: dpkg and apt are used in many distros; this channel only deals with issues in Debian
10:58.40themilldjszapi: I'm working very hard here to figure out what your use case is and to point you in the right direction to implement the features you seem to want. You're making it very hard to do so by being very vague and making strange references to some phone company that I know nothing about. Debian is just *one* user of dpkg -- #debian is for debian support.
10:58.58nsadminchicognu: you may need some or all of the xorg src
10:59.00themill(hence my assumption that you're talking about debian here... and yet you keep refering to nokia as if I know what that means)
10:59.33nsadmindebian was the only user of dpkg for a long time... then others started using it too
11:00.13djszapithemill: I do not know what that vague is in that if one would not like to install documentation, what is vague in this ?
11:00.23nsadminand for awhile it was ok to talk about that here, but it became too much to remember
11:00.30djszapihe would like to spare space, whatever, what is vague in it, why cannot one have that requirement ?
11:00.35themilldjszapi: well you've been given three different answers to that already that you seem to have rejected.
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11:00.55nsadminyou can have that requirement if you want
11:01.08themilldjszapi: so that leaves me to conclude that there is some further requirement that you're not telling us.
11:01.10nsadminbut it'
11:01.16cryptrdjszapi: maybe because the main usage of debian is not for <insert name> phones, but more like todays > 1gigabyte disks
11:01.18nsadminis a customized situation
11:01.38djszapithemill: Nokia phones was a good example, but please tell me whether there is a dpkg development channel, maybe that would be the next step.
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11:01.53djszapicryptr: does not matter, rly.
11:02.03djszapiyou can spare space anytime, independently from the technology.
11:02.04nsadmindo you really want to go there? :)
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11:02.41themilldjszapi: the emdebian people are probably the people you want to be looking at; the dpkg maintainers have a mailing list.
11:02.58djszapifair enough, ty.
11:03.07cryptrdjszapi: oh does it not? i have 1177 packages installed a total of 3.8g of which 159m are docs..
11:03.11nsadminhere's what that's going to require... installed documentation will have to be marked as such, which means you would have to convince more than a thousand people they should change how they do things
11:03.19derryhi. i've setup debian to log me in and start screen automatically on tty1. however, if i close screen and attempt to logout of tty1 (Ctrl-D), screen just restarts. can i prevent this from happening?
11:03.27djszapicryptr: you keep being silly, your business.
11:03.31cryptrdjszapi: if I wanted to save space I do not think 159M would do any difference
11:03.52djszapiwhich is better - 0 MB or -159MB if you do not need those spaces ?
11:03.53nsadmindjszapi, and some of those people are going to be VERY hard to convince
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11:04.01cryptrdjszapi: no but you seem to no understand that the debian dist is not focused on saving space on documents that take no space in our eyes
11:04.13djszapiwhy not with separate operation ??
11:04.25XinuxWhat is a console editor with c++ syntax highlighting?
11:04.32cryptrXinux: vim
11:04.33djszapiyou are not obligated to use that, but please do not force others to not use, if it perfectly makes sense.
11:04.44themilldjszapi: a good portion of these files are things that debian has a legal requirement to distribute. A postinstall hook is probably your best bet and you were told how to do that 40 minutes ago.
11:05.05nsadmindjszapi, in case you missed this part... here's what that's going to require... installed documentation will have to be marked as such, which means you would have to convince more than a thousand people they should change how they do things
11:05.34themillnsadmin: you're already free to blow away files in /usr/share/doc. No packaging changes required
11:05.40cryptrmount usr/share/doc as tmpfs :)
11:05.42djszapinsadmin: you are really silly, check Nokia phones, Fremantle out...was told x minutes ago.
11:05.48djszapithey deleted the docs files....
11:06.02themilldjszapi: did you send me one of these phones yet so that I *can* check it out?
11:06.15themillsuspects this has gone well beyond "debian support" now
11:06.18cryptrstill on n900 using that dist anyway
11:06.23nsadmindjszapi, I thought you were talking about debian; I guess you're talking about a different os now?
11:06.29cryptronly n900
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11:07.03nsadminthemill, yep, now it's different os, and how debian could be like it, and how to change dpkg
11:07.25cryptrand saving 200mb of space :)
11:07.26nsadminI suspect not enough dds are here to hear it
11:07.49themill"patches > rants" every time.
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11:08.04djszapithemill: you do not need phone, just a scratchbox...
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11:08.24djszapithat is about your knowledge, but extremely clarified super god behaviour of you.
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11:08.52nsadminHEY!! I'm the only super god around here!
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11:09.10themilldjszapi: I give up trying to get you to help yourself. Please submit patches for this to the debian-dpkg mailing list. Have fun with it.
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11:09.51cryptrnsadmin: what is your religion called?
11:09.53djszapithemill: please give it up until you make sense.
11:10.05themilldjszapi: likewise.
11:10.12nsadminfun and stuff!
11:10.19cryptri think we do not need scratchbox, we need a sandbox!
11:10.23cryptrso we can all fight in it!
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11:10.34babilenwonders what he stumbled into :-
11:10.35cryptri mean play.. in it.
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11:10.38stewis this all about getting rid of docs post install?
11:10.48cryptrstew: yes :)
11:10.59nsadminit turns out that it's how to do that for a nokia phone
11:10.59stewthen there is no need for a patch, there are already post::invoke hooks
11:11.12djszapithemill: are you a dpkg developer ?
11:11.15themillstew: apparently none of the three presented options are acceptable. (post-install hooks was mentioned 45minutes ago)
11:11.20nsadminthat point was made an hour ago
11:11.52cryptrI think
11:11.53nsadmininstead of learning about it, he wants to rant n whine
11:11.54cryptrwe all need a beer
11:11.57cryptror several
11:12.02stewand when the docs are too big they should be split into a separate package anyway
11:12.14stewwe CANNOT provide a way to get rid of all the docs, since some are required, like copyright
11:12.21themillstew: yeah, that point was made too. And that one.
11:12.41nsadminstew: that good point wasn't brought up yet...
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11:12.54nsadminoh it was? I musta missed it
11:12.56djszapistew: ofc, neccesary documentations are not stripped...
11:13.07djszapistrange suggestion they are stripped though...
11:13.31cryptrnsadmin: you were deep in xorg then i think
11:13.39nsadminoh ok
11:13.51stewdjszapi: if there is any package which you think installs too much docs and should have its docs split into a separate package (so you could skip this package), file a wishlist bug
11:14.20themillstew: it would seem this isn't even about debian packages anyway.
11:14.27cryptrstew: I think it is all about him producing own packages for the naemo os (nokia n900 platform)
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11:14.59nsadminthemill well to his credit he wants to have debian do it because apparantly he likes debian
11:15.09cryptrdjszapi: I am correct in that assumption right? You are doing your own debs for the N900?
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11:15.25nsadminhe's frustrated because he didn't know how debian is produced
11:15.39dondelelcaroif this is all about naemo os, just modify dpkg-deb to eliminate everything in /usr/share/doc but the copyright file, ditch all of the man pages, and anything else you don't like, then rebuild the archive.
11:15.54dondelelcaroit's not like it's that hard
11:15.57babilens/naemo/*m*aemo/ :)
11:16.09cryptrnokia mokia
11:16.15cryptrsorry if i named it wrong
11:16.16djszapicryptr: no, you have been silly for 1 hour
11:16.33cryptrthen I apologize
11:16.45stewdjszapi: there is no reason to degrade the discussion further by attacking individuals
11:16.53nsadminI don't think he knows how to build .debs yet; earlier he was wondering why he needed to understand the shell
11:17.13djszapinsadmin: copy the line for me, pls.
11:17.18djszapibecause you lie.
11:17.39cryptrI actually think it was just a missunderstanding
11:17.42stewunless he has other questions, perhaps we can move on...
11:17.48cryptrwhere one of us thought djszapi was a bit new to shell and commands
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11:18.00nsadmindrops it like the two ton rock that it is
11:18.04cryptrand might have asked him if it was wise to go for C coding
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11:18.14cryptrI do think djszapi took that as a very insulting comment
11:18.22cryptrhonest mistake I would say
11:18.23themillblows full time
11:18.25dondelelcarocryptr: who cares?
11:18.32cryptrdondelelcaro: he does
11:18.38dondelelcarolets move on
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11:20.27cryptrcase closed
11:20.42chicognucryptr, what protocol are that ? git:// ?
11:20.50chicognuhow I get somethink from it ?
11:21.00cryptrchicognu: where what? inteldriver?
11:21.10cryptrapt-cache show git
11:21.15cryptris like subversion or cvs
11:21.35themillcryptr: git-core not git if you're talking about lenny, btw.
11:21.51cryptrchicognu: as we said before also i think, there is a bit more then just doing "make" when you wanna compile new xorg drivers in lenny
11:22.01cryptrchicognu: i still suggest trying to upgrade to squeeze via apt-get
11:22.07babilenchicognu: It refers to the git version control system. Do "git clone git://" after you've installed git/git-core
11:22.16chicognuReading state information... Done
11:22.16chicognuE: Couldn't find package git_4.9.4-1_all.deb
11:22.26babilenchicognu: But honestly: What are you trying to achieve?
11:22.46cryptrbabilen: install latest xorg intel driver in lenny
11:22.57nsadminyou probably want git-core, but maybe you want to compile the latest git
11:23.20cryptrchicognu: i would change stable/lenny to testing/squeeze in apt/sources.list and dist-upgrade to squeeze
11:23.21babilencryptr: Not in backports? Is it *really* necessary to install the development version?
11:23.36babilen... or upgrade to Squeeze?
11:24.03cryptrbabilen: could be in backports, I have not checked he has issues with latest i3 cpu and internal video
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11:24.11nsadminbabilen, he can't get intel driver to work... the one in lenny doesnt' support his newer hw
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11:25.11chicognuwhat are backports ? ?
11:25.50nsadminpackages from newer debians compiled for older ones, so they (forexample) use the libs of the old debian
11:26.04djszapipost hook: The files are first written to disk and only then removed.  It is better to
11:26.07djszapiavoid writing them to disk at all.
11:26.12nsadminthat's what's meant by backports here
11:26.31stewdjszapi: then you have to alter the packages, by splitting the packages into separate doc packages
11:26.37nsadmindjszapi: if they're in the tarball, you may not have that choice
11:26.42babilen,versions xserver-xorg-video-intel
11:26.45juddPackage xserver-xorg-video-intel on i386 -- etch: 2:2.2.1-1~etchnhalf2; lenny: 2:2.3.2-2+lenny8; squeeze: 2:2.12.0+shadow-2; sid: 2:2.13.0-2; experimental: 2:2.13.901-2
11:26.48chicognunsadmin, and how I configure apt-get to use backports ?
11:27.03djszapinsadmin: with that patch I linked above you have ....
11:27.10nsadmindjszapi, unless you try to do as stew suggests
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11:28.10babilenchicognu: The package you need is not in backports and you would most certainly need a newer Xorg version as well. I would suggest to upgrade to Squeeze if that is an option. What kind of machine are we talking about here? (e.g. Laptop for personal use vs. mail server for large company)
11:28.27nsadminhmm, or try to feed tar with extra args that exclude dirs... if you want to go down that road, that's fine... but I'll have to tell you that the road apples will not only cover the road entirely, the horses will be throwing them at you constantly
11:28.37nsadmindon't say you weren't warned :)
11:29.05chicognubabilen, I download the 6 dvds from lenny, I really don`t want to download a new version :)
11:29.29cryptrchicognu: you can upgrade withouth actually downloading them by hand, just let apt-get upgrade you.
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11:29.43cryptroff for lunch.
11:29.55chicognucryptr, we are talking about how  many gb ?
11:29.56babilenchicognu: Well, that wasn't a very bright idea in the first place. But you can upgrade from Lenny to Squeeze by downloading *only* those packages you need/have installed already in a newer version.
11:31.07nsadminchicognu, since you have copies of lenny on dvd, you can copy them to others who might want it (so the download of the images was not a waste)
11:31.48babilenchicognu: Keep in mind that Debian also provides "netinstall" installation images that contain everything you need to setup a (very) basic system. Everything else will be downloaded from the internet during the installation (or afterwards)
11:31.57nsadminchicognu: it'll tell you the size of the download when you try to do it
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11:33.05chicognunsadmin, I know debian don`t have a regular releases date, but in u experience, what did you think is the expiration date for lenny ?
11:33.33nsadminoh, actually that's a good point... is squeeze presently able to be upgraded to?
11:33.39babilenchicognu: Soonish (i.e. 2-8 months) ...
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11:34.06Silexto cross-compile from debian to windows using mingw32... should I install mingw32 or gcc-mingw32?
11:34.20paradigmchicognu: Debian usually has a release every year and a half to two years, and the old stable is usually spported for about as long
11:34.24djszapinsadmin: stew suggests ?
11:34.33babilennsadmin: Well, I am running it at the moment and it works fine. I haven't upgraded Lenny to Squeeze recently though.
11:34.35Silexalso is there anything to set beside --target=i386-mingw32 ?
11:34.42nsadminoh what was he suggesting...
11:34.49djszapinsadmin:: I am still not a packager, I do not decide what is inside the debian file.
11:35.05djszapibut I would like to decide (as a normal user) what I should install.
11:35.07nsadminright but you do have the ability to communicate
11:35.55nsadminbtw stew was commenting on the possibility of altering the packages so they're split and this is something you could potentially do on a private mirror
11:36.04babilenchicognu: How old is your Lenny install and how much have you tinkered with it?
11:36.18djszapinsadmin: it is an overhead to that patch I linked.
11:36.30chicognubabilen, 3 days long :(
11:36.43nsadminsuper new
11:36.46babilenchicognu: An infant :)
11:36.48chicognubabilen, and I just install the recent kernel
11:36.55CutMeOwnThroatmgltools seems to sees a bug on my sqeeze in mgltools-pmv's "runPmv" - it seems to be this bug and indeed be caused by a problem with the ati drivers - should I still file against mgltools-dejavu for a workaround?
11:37.01golfdrinkHello im trying to install a dist on a mac G5, i have tryed the ubuntu powerpc but with not much luck.. can anyone help me ?
11:37.08chicognurecent stable*
11:37.13f8lchicognu: Read about jigdo.
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11:37.30chicognuf8l, that is other doubt I have
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11:37.45dougmenckengolfdrink: try
11:37.46nsadmingolfdrink: if you want to install debian, that's handled here; ubuntu is not
11:37.53babilenchicognu: Ok, you basically have two options: 1. Upgrade Lenny to Squeeze ("/msg dpkg lenny->squeeze") or 2. Download the Squeeze netinstall image and install Squeeze
11:38.03chicognubetween releases many packages can be used with jigdo ?
11:38.11nsadmingolfdrink, just so you know right away...
11:38.51dougmenckengolfdrink: also, here's #debianppc channel :)
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11:39.15chicognubabilen, there is two hides options in door 3 an 4, compiling the package, or back to ubuntu lts :D
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11:39.42golfdrinki know.. i was telling you what i have tryed.. just as the dpkg guidelines sayd
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11:40.07f8lchicognu: Quite... Around 70% I'd guess, but I think I can check it. Lenny to squeeze, right?
11:40.18nsadmingolfdrink, ok, so it's debian you want?
11:40.21chicognuf8l,  yes
11:40.34f8lchicognu: It'll take a while.
11:40.52chicognuf8l, if it is too works, there is no need
11:41.12chicognuf8l, I just want to know a estimated number
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11:41.28babilenchicognu: I don't think that the new "xserver-xorg-video-intel" package is compatible with the Xorg version in Lenny. (You might need 1.7+)
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11:42.40nsadminchicognu: but honestly, 3d is just one of many things that can be done... debian's basically working on your box; unfortunately 3d is not... what's your take on how important that is for you personally?
11:42.42babilenchicognu: If that is indeed possible, you can easily backport the xserver-xorg-video-intel package from squeeze or sid -- "/msg dpkg ssb"
11:42.45chicognuI`m living a personal dilema right now
11:43.09babilenIt is only 3D? *sigh*
11:43.13nsadminwhich is solved by playing penguin race? :)
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11:43.30nsadminjust kidding
11:43.42babilenchicognu: Well, you know your options. I would suggest installing using the Squeeze netinstall images. But you might prefer something else.
11:43.49chicognunsadmin, all psx games ... life without street fighter alpha 3 is like a life without woman to a regular guy
11:43.57babilenis out for a fag
11:43.59golfdrinknsadmin: i want a working dist for G5 and what ive read debian seems to be the one of the few acutally working dists...
11:44.56nsadminchicognu: you -could- approach more women :)
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11:45.25nsadminI mean, you're in -brasil-... dude that's so cool it's not funny
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11:46.33nsadminif you approach about 3000 women in the next year, you'll probably forget what the words "street figher" mean :)
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11:46.47JyZyXELcan a udev exec rule be made for a USB hub?
11:46.51chicognunsadmin, also linux
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11:47.49stephan49is thre a way to mount a part of a ext3 filesystem case insentitive?  like "/home/user/test/" is case insentitive and the rest not?
11:48.22nsadminnot that I know of
11:48.23blast_hardcheeseoh wow. I just rebooted my machine; The clock was wrong on my BIOS, so it thought the disk had been mounted in the future; I hit Ctrl+C, it dropped me into the management shell... but continued to run the rc init scripts. I ended up in X, WHILE logged into the admin shell. I switched back to VT1, and while I was typing into the admin console, it gave me a login prompt
11:48.51osfdHi there. Anyone using clementine music player ??
11:49.13nsadminknows this one!
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11:49.59nsadminblast_hardcheese: are you running ntpd
11:50.00stephan49nsadmin: k, bad
11:50.11blast_hardcheesensadmin: Yes
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11:50.29stephan49that you cant mount a fs partly case insensitive
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11:50.59nsadminand so it doesnt' adjust the clock until a not good time
11:51.10chicognu3000 women in a year, are more or less 31 womans by weekend ... no way I can do that ... If I aproch only 10 womens by weekend, after some field experience for sure I will have at least 3 girls falling in love... But Iam a little bit like Rajesh Koothrappali
11:51.26blast_hardcheesensadmin: No, because the filesystem check is done before that
11:51.31chicognureplace by > per
11:51.41blast_hardcheeseI forced ntpd to run, then rebooted; It checked the disk and now all is well
11:52.17nsadminchicognu: you can become an approach monster... but it starts by commiting to 1 per some amount of time
11:53.05nsadminremember that you deliver gifts by only approaching.
11:53.38icebrainstephan49: there is a ext3ci driver which you can use to mount a case insensitive fs
11:53.49nsadminwho is Rajesh Koothrappali?
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11:54.03chicognunsadmin, OMFG, u don`t know ?
11:54.08chicognunsadmin,  where u live ?
11:54.15icebrainstephan49: but you probably need to create a partition or similar to hold the mountpoint's contents
11:54.33chicognunsadmin, u are not a citcom fan right ?
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11:54.46chicognuthe guy from tbbt
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11:54.50nsadmincitcom, dunno what that is
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11:55.16xteejxHi all, I'm creating my first Debian package, and I think it's done, what do I need to do next? Can I get it reveiwed and checked or something?
11:55.26chicognusitcom sorry
11:57.24icebrainstephan49: you can also use ciopfs ( to mount an existing directory as case insensitive
11:58.00nsadmingot it
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11:58.22gusnanxteejx, Do you want it to get into Debian? in that case see
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11:58.43xteejxgusnan: I do, and I'll take a look, thank you :)
11:58.50nsadminso the wikipedia refers to the selective thing as a recognized medical condition...
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11:59.23nsadminxteejx run lintian on it
11:59.49icebrainxteejx: also, see #debian-mentors on
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12:08.04chicognuok, I will peform dist upgrade
12:08.16chicognubut how ?
12:08.46babilendpkg: lenny->squeeze
12:08.46dpkgIn /etc/apt/sources.list, remove stable-specific lines volatile, backports, then change lenny to squeeze.  Use apt-get for the upgrade: "apt-get update && apt-get install linux-image-`uname -r|sed 's,[^-]*-[^-]*-,,` && apt-get dist-upgrade".  Make sure you have a 2.6.32 kernel installed prior to rebooting check: aptitude versions '~nlinux-image~i'.  See also <testing> <testing security> <squeeze release notes>.
12:08.50nsadminfirst aptitude update; aptitude safe-upgrade
12:09.21nsadminoh 3 days old... so lenny is already up to date
12:09.59chicognuok, I need to install the kernel ?
12:09.59babilenchicognu: You said that you are running a new kernel. Which version? (uname -r)
12:10.02nsadminchicognu: just so you know I have approach anxiety so bad I hang in the corner
12:10.10chicognubabilen, 2.6.26
12:10.12chicognubabilen, 2.6.36
12:10.38nsadminbabilen: selfcompiled, not make-kpkg
12:10.55babilenchicognu: Ok, that is fine. You don't necessarily need to install a Squeeze kernel then (2.6.32)
12:10.58nsadminwhat happens when you run the supplied kernel?
12:11.12babilennsadmin: Which kernel are you referring to?
12:11.15tollandwhats the fastest way to get 5TB from one box to another?
12:11.29cryptrmove the drives?
12:11.33chicognunsadmin, the jme drive is not installed (ethernet driver)
12:11.36nsadminlenny kernel, 2.6.26-686
12:11.37babilentolland: Remove harddrive from one computer and put it in the other
12:11.40tolland(can't mount the physical disks its a hardware raid thingamajog)
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12:12.01cryptrtolland: ftp i guess would be fastest less overhead
12:12.04robokoptolland: dd + netcat
12:12.21nsadminok, so you could hold onto the existing kernel
12:12.44nsadminbut imo the first thing you want to do is upgrade dpkg, apt-get and aptitude
12:12.46babilen!tell nsadmin -about udev squeeze
12:12.54abrotmannsadmin: the bot already told him above ...
12:14.03nsadminabrotman, there are a coupla special things going on
12:14.09abrotmannot really
12:14.24nsadminbabilen: how will the udev and his current kernel fly?
12:14.26chicognunsadmin, did you ready mystery method ? it is great book, with techniques of approch
12:14.31abrotmanhe has a newer kernel .. that's about it .. and as long as he's done his newer kernel correctly, it won't be an issue
12:14.40babilennsadmin: ^^^
12:14.41nsadminyeah, I have a copy
12:14.45f8lchicognu: Well, I was wrong. These two differ in 95%, so there's almost no gain from using jigdo, unless you have debdelta.
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12:15.05nsadminthat's outer game tho... it looks like your sticking point might be more inner
12:15.15chicognufbh, omg :S
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12:16.02nsadmindid you see the vh1 show with mystery?
12:16.02chicognuf8l, omg
12:16.51f8lchicognu: I've checked debian-squeeze-di-beta1-i386-DVD-1.jigdo against debian-506-i386-DVD-1.jigdo.
12:16.52nsadminchicognu, outer game is a -lot- of work
12:16.55chicognunsadmin, no, and i hope most girls here also don`t see ... otherwise the chicks will see if I`m following a manual
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12:18.01nsadminit's not that outer is bad... it's more about what you're internally conveying
12:18.08xenolhello, i am trying to run ipset on debian server. However, i am getting ipset v2.3.3: Error from kernel: Protocol not available. i tried to google, but found nothing helpful. any ideas?
12:18.22xenoli cannot find the ip_set module via modprobe -l ...
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12:18.48nsadminuname -r
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12:19.18nsadminok, so you're running lenny?
12:19.28chicognunsadmin, to begin it is hard to me even find a wingmen
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12:20.01chicognunsadmin, I read a portugueses version of the book, I don`t know if the technical terms are the same
12:20.17abrotmanchicognu: try #debian-offtopic, thank you
12:20.39chicognuabrotman, sorry
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12:24.16xenolnsadmin: any ideas?
12:24.37nsadminwhat package is it in?
12:24.51nsadmin, versions ipset
12:24.53juddPackage ipset on i386 -- etch: 2.2.9a-1; lenny: 2.3.3-1; sid: 2.5.0-1; squeeze: 2.5.0-1
12:25.05xenolou, bot :>
12:25.06roziexenol: have you patched kernel?
12:25.11nsadminso 2.3.3-1
12:25.19roziecan't work, then
12:25.30nsadminhe has to rebuild?
12:25.44xenolrozie: i thought so. is there any easy way? ( i can compile from vanilla, but i guess that's not the best idea =))
12:25.48abrotmanhe might want to install the ipset package and look at /usr/share/doc/ipset/ ?
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12:26.41rozieit's easy
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12:27.20MikeHHi guys, is it possible to establish when a user was created?
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12:28.03xenolrozie: i know, though i would like to stick to things in repo :>
12:28.18abrotmanxenol: have you installed the ipset package and looked in the doc directory?
12:28.27xenolyes, right now =)
12:28.57roziexenol: and try to look for ipset
12:29.01abrotmanxenol: or `aptitude show ipset` tells you about patch-o-matic
12:29.03roziethere are some repos
12:29.28rozie(unofficial, no guarantee, can kill your dog and burn your house)
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12:30.14xenolabrotman: netfilter-something-source
12:30.31abrotmanxenol: or `aptitude show ipset` tells you about patch-o-matic-ng .. it tells you at the bottom of the description
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12:33.28dpkgTest failed.
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12:33.51nsadminno one here but us chickens...
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12:37.55nsadminMikeH, if you put the date somewhere, like insert it into postgres, or put it in the full name field of the passwd file
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12:38.29nsadminif not, it's not going to be easy or maybe even possible
12:38.41MikeHnsadmin, I'm guessing last modified date of /etc/passwd is a pretty good guess
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12:38.45MikeHas its the last user added
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12:39.21nsadmincould be
12:39.26abrotmanMikeH: ls -al $HOME .. look at the timestamps on some of the files?
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12:39.32nsadminor last user modified, or deleted
12:39.53MikeHgood plan
12:39.57nsadminlast time the primary group was changed
12:39.58MikeHmatches /etc/passwrd last modified
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12:40.06hamid_rostamiHi all, I can't connect to via Direct connection to internet, How can I set a http_proxy for apt-get ?
12:40.29abrotmanhamid_rostami: man apt.conf
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12:41.27hamid_rostamiabrotman: ty, goin to RTFM
12:41.31sander^workWhat is the best way of monitoring stuff in a cloud based enviroment with many machines?
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12:41.36JyZyXELwhy doesn't this rule run the command when device is removed: ACTION=="*", SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="05e3", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0608", RUN="/usr/share/foo/bar"
12:41.44sander^workwith reports, and alerts.
12:41.49JyZyXELit only runs the command when device is added
12:41.50abrotmansander^work: you might get a better answer if you define "stuff"
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12:42.10ashis there anyway to update samba to 3.4+ on lenny server using apt-get or aptitude?
12:42.20abrotmanjudd: versions samba
12:42.22juddPackage samba on i386 -- etch: 3.0.24-6etch10; etch-security: 3.0.24-6etch10; etch-backports: 2:3.2.5-4~bpo41+1; lenny: 2:3.2.5-4lenny11; lenny-security: 2:3.2.5-4lenny13; sid: 2:3.5.6~dfsg-1; squeeze: 2:3.5.6~dfsg-1; lenny-backports: 2:3.5.6~dfsg-1+bpo50+2
12:42.23Rienzillasander^work: I like munin for most of that stuff (i.e. trend analysis)
12:42.24sander^workabrotman, if an haddrive fails, disk goes full, too much cpu usage, out of memory..
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12:42.28abrotman!tell ash about bpo
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12:43.16ashok.. so i add backports to my sources list?
12:43.18sander^workRienzilla, abrotman: whould like a doc with the advantages of using the diffrent tools.
12:43.24Rienzillathen google it
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12:43.40Rienzillathere's several on the market, each with it pro's and con's
12:43.48abrotmanash: the website has instructions
12:43.51nsadminchicognu so you can put a -d like this aptitude -d safe-upgrade to only download the package files without installing them until you get back to your computer
12:44.00Rienzillanagios is larger, but more of a pain in the ass to set up imo
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12:44.06Rienzillathere's cacti, no experience with it
12:44.10babilensander^work: ganglia, munin, nagios, cacti …
12:44.23abrotmancacti does some stuff, probably not as much info as nagios, but simpler to setup IIRC
12:44.36abrotmanor just set them all up and use them all! :)
12:44.40babilensander^work: I like nagios FWIW
12:45.10babilensander^work: A lot of those tools provide a sandbox environment for you to play around with the tools.
12:45.14chicognunsadmin, I think now if I install a newer version i will download again the dvds
12:45.37babilensander^work: we've used ganglia on one of our clusters @uni ...
12:45.59chicognunsadmin, but it is more like, if I fail to install the new driver I back to ubuntu LTS
12:46.16babilenchicognu: Please don't download the DVDs
12:46.22babilen!tell chicognu about netinstall
12:46.23sander^workDoes all of them use snmp?
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12:46.41Rienzillamost can
12:46.48nsadminchicognu: that's up to you but you don't have to at all, you can just upgrade in place, and only the packages you request and those depended on will ever be transferred
12:46.56chicognubabilen, if i do so, I will download trough the torrent
12:46.58babilenchicognu: That assumes that you have a working (wired) internet connection during the installation though. (Or *not* WPA)
12:47.24nsadminyou don't even need to reinstall
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12:48.09babilenchicognu: Why? You can download the netinstall and just those packages you actually need. If you want to download CDs/DVDs you might opt for DVD1 or one of the CD1 flavours (Gnome, KDE, XFCE, ...) which contain almost everything you need.
12:48.10chicognuI know, but like to have a set of cds / dvds, just in case to I go offline
12:48.11Andy1978Hi at all. Is there a special "debain live" cahnnel?
12:48.20abrotmanAndy1978: #debian-live on
12:48.35Andy1978abrotman: okay, I'll have a look
12:48.43nsadminbabilen: and he's got debian installed now... he can also upgrade
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12:49.31babilenchicognu: OK, I can understand that. Just wanted to point out that downloading a full set is typically not necessary. Note that packages are placed on CDs/DVDs in decreasing order of popularity (i.e. most popular packages on CD1, ...)
12:49.37JyZyXELwhy does the USB device number increment every time i replug my USB hub?
12:49.39babilennsadmin: Yes, absolutely
12:49.56babilennsadmin: But we've pointed that out an hour ago :)
12:50.11nsadmintrue enough
12:51.41JyZyXELudev doesn't seem to get a remove action when you can a USB cord out
12:51.46JyZyXELthe device remains somewhere
12:52.03nsadminso that would be why :)
12:52.46nsadminwhat do you really want to know?
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12:53.03JyZyXELhow to detect the removal of a USB device
12:53.08JyZyXELwith udev
12:53.10chicognunsadmin, it is weird enough to make some one curious about
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12:54.09epsilonJyZyXEL: syslog?
12:54.10nsadminit's different to not have cds of all the software you could want... it's weird... but then you realize everything's free
12:54.33JyZyXELepsilon: you can read syslog with udev?
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12:54.49nsadminhere's the problem, here's why people are saying "please don't download all the dvds"
12:55.20nsadminso debian is free... you can get it, download it, install it, all free
12:55.29abrotmanthat's not why
12:55.36nsadminbut the bandwidth is anything but free
12:55.40abrotmanit's a HUGE waste of bandwidth and donated money/resources
12:55.40nsadminit's donated
12:55.57chicognunsadmin, even the .torrent ?
12:56.15abrotmanchicognu: yes, then you're wasting your bandwidth and joe-blow, instead of the infrastructure
12:56.16nsadminwell yes. each connection, costs
12:56.30Andy1978abrotman: hm, is it possible to ast here if I don't get an answer in #debian-live? Perhaps there is a really simple answer
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12:56.40abrotmanyou can try
12:56.53chicognuabrotman, since I share what i get it is pretty much fair
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12:57.33nsadminyour cost to the internet is one thing but there are also mirrors, and each one has available bandwidth donated, and that costs serious money
12:57.33abrotmanchicognu: not really .. you might not share the same amount, etc .. it's really far better to use the netinst for a single machine and an apt proxy if you're doing a network full of machines
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12:58.00Andy1978I tried to set up a debian-live on a USB-Stick with persistent /. The debian-live manual lacks description of the persistent feature. What I did:
12:58.11abrotmanchicognu: you're highly unlikely to use all of the packages on the DVD
12:58.22nsadmineven most of them
12:58.45JyZyXELi wonder if its an actual bug
12:59.00*** mode/#debian [+l 817] by debhelper
12:59.04chicognuok, know I`am angry ... I will mont all my dvds and run apt-get intall *
12:59.20JyZyXELseems to me that the act of removing USB cord would be enough to spawn a udev remove event
12:59.29nsadminimagine yourself sending one email... now imagine a very busy mail hub that handles half of brasil
12:59.56abrotmanchicognu: that will fail
12:59.59nsadminperhaps your email goes thru that, very small part of the total of what it does
13:00.05babilenchicognu: *phew* -- that will just result in a syntax error.
13:00.35JyZyXELThis bug makes an application that reports on USB status to fail and causes HAL to endlessly increment the identifier for the same physical device.
13:00.41nsadminchicognu, you'll probably need a tb or two to install everything
13:00.42JyZyXELthat is what totally happens on lenny
13:00.55JyZyXELthe device identifier is incremented forever
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13:01.29chicognusince I WILL share what I GET I don`t see a problem with that, None did told anything about that argument
13:01.36pottyAdriaan, hola compañero
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13:02.00abrotmanbabilen: aptitude install '!~i' ?
13:02.16chicognuJyZyXEL, even after a reboot ?
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13:02.29JyZyXELprobably not after that
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13:02.57babilenabrotman: hehe :-D
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13:07.55JyZyXELi wonder if there are any workaround other than installing squeeze
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13:12.05JyZyXELoh apparently the reasoning is that when udev gets the remove event the device directory is already gone and sysfs values aren't readable anymore
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13:17.05silverballzim having issues mounting hardware (cdrom, SD card, Etc.). Also this is the first time i've install debian with LVM2 kernel module. SD card says "wrong file system, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb1... try 'dmesg | tail or so'" dmesg returns "can not open `or' `so' for reading: no such file directory. Is it possible that my issues are because of LVM encryption. I've been a bit unorganized so the frustration is setting in...
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13:19.09nsadminsilverballz I'll suggest you take one thing at a time, and get into it specifically
13:19.55nsadminif you explore one of them and it turns out to contribute to the solution of all the others, so much the better
13:20.58nsadminoh, and you should try dmesg | tail
13:21.05silverballzindeed, thank you nsadmin for the encouragement and advice.
13:21.13nsadminthe "or so" is like "approximately"
13:23.17nsadminfeel free to ask about those things here; if you're going to do that, pick one problem, and tell the specifics
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13:26.00silverballzwell like you said 'i'm searching for the root of the problem'. Sometimes is good for me to have a visual of what i'm thinking & oh and others input as well ;)
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13:27.26chicognulocate search in all mounted partitions ?
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13:29.17Rienzillahmm, does anyone know how iscsiadm -m node --loginall determines what targets it will login to?
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13:35.02Guest65652I have two version of gcc, 4.1 and 4.2, but by default uses 4.1, how can I chante that only for a compilation? I want to use 4.2 in that case
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13:35.28stewruben_g: "CC=/usr/bin/gcc-4.2 make"
13:35.45stewruben_g: (assuming the makefile is sane.  if it isn't it should be fixed so this works)
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13:38.06CutMeOwnThroatI have APT::Install-Recommends "no"; in apt.conf - overriding this from the commandline doesn't seem to work, neither  apt-get install --install-recommends debichem-visualisation, nor aptitude -r install debichem-visualisation install the recommended packages
13:38.54CutMeOwnThroatis this a bug or am I just overseeing something?
13:40.15abrotmancan you use -o to override the conf fie?
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13:42.45CutMeOwnThroatI just commented the line in the configuration file with the same result... aptitude why v-sim prints i   debichem-visualisation Recommends v-sim, but dpkg -l whos "un v-sim..."
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13:43.16jellyCutMeOwnThroat: is v-sim installable at all?
13:44.05CutMeOwnThroatdon't see why not... I can do apt-get install vsim and it says it'll install it
13:44.48CutMeOwnThroatI think I'm just not seeing something obvious
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13:45.15abrotmanCutMeOwnThroat: aptitude whynot ?
13:45.41CutMeOwnThroatno reason to remove
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13:47.35djszapiDo I need to subscribe for to be able to send a mail ? Because I can read this at the top of the page: This list is not moderated; posting is allowed by anyone.
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13:49.40ZenoxHow can I install a slightly older kernel (linux-image) when using Debian Squeeze?
13:50.05babilendjszapi: AFAIK you don't need to be subscribed. It makes sense to ask to be CCed in that case.
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13:50.55abrotmanZenox: why would you want to? and which one?
13:51.29fishcookerhow to config the keyboard stuff?
13:53.19Zenoxabrotman: I have this one right now (on hold) = linux-image-2.6.32-5-amd64, but it has problems with specific usb-serial devices (from version -25 and up)
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13:54.02CutMeOwnThroatwhat's also disturbing is, that apt-get -f install finds not problems, while aptitude -f install wants to do all kinds of things
13:54.20abrotmanZenox: you should probably work with the kernel team to resolve those issues, putting your kernel on hold leaves you at risk for security issues fixed in later kernels
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13:57.18Zenoxabrotman: Yes, but it's pretty recent (version 25, and now 27 is released). My device isn't working and I rely on it. The kernel team is aware of the situation, but it takes time to investigate how to fix it as well
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13:57.33abrotman!tell Zenox about hold
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13:58.26CutMeOwnThroatactually aptitude why v-sim says it has to be installed because of the dependency, but that's of course not useful if that doesn't happen... it also says so when I have recommends switched off...
13:58.39vttsZenox, have you tried something like: aptitude install <linux-image-new>_ <linux-image-older>
13:58.56Zenoxabrotman: Yes I know about hold. I know about bad responses from usb-serial devices too. I want to use an slightly older kernel until the kernel team has fixed the current bug
13:58.59vttsthis would purge current(new) image and install older version
13:59.19vttsbut check if it is available in deb repository
13:59.29vttsi.e. if older one is available
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14:00.05abrotmanZenox: so get it from .. force the install/downgrade, then place it on hold
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14:00.54Zenoxvtts: Hmm, haven't tried that. Will check if I find one.
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14:01.58themilldjszapi: btw, it would pay to look at the thing that dpkg already supports before starting on your quest. The patch you posted earlier was a poor hack and there is already something that is much better than that in dpkg. See the --patch-exclude option in man dpkg on squeeze.
14:02.26themilldjszapi: so yes, there is something wrong with that patch you posted earlier -- there's something better there already.
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14:02.36Zenoxabrotman: Ah okay, will browse that site. Hopefully I'll se that 24 version. Just download the deb file and execute "dpkg -i"?
14:02.46abrotmanand force the install/downgrade
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14:04.08Zenoxabrotman: Or. The site has info on how it's done (add correct date to sources.list etc). Thanks for all your help :)
14:04.23abrotmanthat's another option, yes
14:04.24eshatwhat was the package name, that helped recompiling a newer upstream version ?
14:04.45steweshat: uupdate? (which is in the devscripts package)
14:04.58eshatstew: exactly, thank you
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14:05.33djszapithemill: thank you for your feedback
14:05.48lnghi! remind me please what does D mean in ps output?
14:06.03lngcol #8
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14:07.38CutMeOwnThroathow very strange, now it works, after I brought gcc-4.4-base to the latest version in squeeze... I think aptitude should at least have printed some error instead of just not doing the recommends
14:08.04vttslng, D    Uninterruptible sleep (usually IO)
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14:08.43vttslng, you can check "man ps" for more
14:08.47lngI did
14:09.19lngfound it now
14:09.47CutMeOwnThroatabrotman, is that something I should write a bug-report about? I fear will be difficult to reproduce... and I haven't really worked out what caused this
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14:10.07CutMeOwnThroatright now looks as if aptitude saw a problem with the recommends and so just silently dropped them
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14:15.22HackeMatehello, I want keep my logs for 6 months and split them per day or if not possible, per size
14:15.30HackeMateis it possible?
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14:15.43HackeMateat the moment is keeping for 6 months but I get a huge log file
14:15.53gnublinwhat log ?
14:16.04HackeMatethe dhcpd log from dhcp3-server
14:16.16HackeMateI already save it in /var/log/dhcpd/dhcpd.log
14:16.18stewHackeMate: man logrotate, you'd want something like 'rotate 183' and daily
14:16.40HackeMateok, there I go to see
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14:21.00HackeMaterestarting the logrotate service: sudo service syslog restart?
14:21.16stewHackeMate: its not a service, it is run by cron
14:21.29HackeMateaah, better even
14:21.59wolfric_i've just installed debian 5.3 from cd. i don't have the cd any more so i've commented out the cdrom in sources list... what other sources should i have or is there a page to compare against? I've tried apt-get update.
14:22.13stewwolfric_: /msg dpkg lenny sources.list
14:22.21HackeMatethanks, I added size 4096, i hope it works now, surely it will
14:22.24stewwolfric_: assuming you mean 5.0.3 or something, as 5.3 doesn't exist
14:22.26unomiHi, I am trying to get started with kvm on lenny, using virt-manager I get: Cannot determine QEMU argv syntax /usr/bin/kvm
14:22.38wolfric_sorry 5.6
14:22.44unomithis seems to have been a 'done' bug
14:22.45stewwolfric_: doesn't exist
14:23.03ttiiccI installed debian as a desktop so I got the whole X with it. I have configured the system as I want and would like it to start without X. I was thinking just changing the S30gdm to K30gdm. Is this the right thing to do? Any thing else which should be done?
14:23.07wolfric_someone named the disk wrong...
14:23.29stewwolfric_: probably 5.0.6 which is the current release
14:23.40stewttiicc: which directory are you doing the renaming in?
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14:23.51CutMeOwnThroat!tell ttiicc -about nox
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14:24.33CutMeOwnThroatttiicc, yes, or uninstall gdm if you don't want to use it anyway...
14:24.41stewI love how that factoid tells you to do the thing that update-rc.d tells you is a mistake, and acknowleges why
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14:24.51wolfric_stew: ok it's 5.0.6
14:24.57stewinstead he is doing the thing that update-rc.d recommendss (although without update-rc.d)
14:25.05wolfric_stew: is that still lenny?
14:25.08stewwolfric_: yes
14:25.14ttiiccI would like to have gdm, just not starting with it
14:25.26sander^workWhat should I do when creating a .deb package.. then the installation writes to a file owned by another package?..
14:25.36stewttiicc: which directory were you renaming S30gdm to K30gdm?
14:25.48stewsander^work: file a bug
14:25.59stewsander^work: assuming both packages are from the same release
14:26.01ttiiccrc2.d I haven't done it yet
14:26.09CutMeOwnThroathaven't seen that factoid in a while - doesn't look like I remember it
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14:26.13stewttiicc: that would work (for runlevel 2, which is the default)
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14:26.45CutMeOwnThroatthis "NEWSFLASH" thing is also weird
14:27.04sander^workstew, Well.. I'm trying to create a .deb package for libapache2-mod-fcgid from svn
14:27.22ttiiccyes I rename it to K30gdm in rc2.d and that's about all I need to do?
14:27.36sander^workstew, apt-get install subversion; svn checkout mod_fcgid; cd mod_fcgid/; APXS=/usr/bin/apxs2 ./configure.apxs; make; checkinstall
14:27.45ttiiccand If I would like to get X I just rename it back and reboot my system?
14:27.54stewsander^work: if your package is going to provide a file also provided by another package, you should conflict with it, and perhaps declare that yours Replaces: the other
14:28.00CutMeOwnThroatwhy does update-rc.d tell you this is a mistake?
14:28.20stewttiicc: yes.  and no need to reboot just /etc/init.d/gdm restart
14:28.29dpkg[update-rc.d] used to manipulate System V style init script links, which are used to stop/start system services.  Read the update-rc.d man page for a good introduction to Debian's boot process.  For front-ends, ask me about <rcconf>, <sysv-rc-conf>, <bum>.
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14:28.54stewCutMeOwnThroat: the update-rc.d manpage calls this a "common administrative error" or some such.  for the reason listed in the factoid you gave
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14:29.27wolfric___stew: Does this look ok?
14:29.32sander^workstew, Well.. I think it just adds a line to /etc/apache2/apache2.conf but in reality.. it should be added to /etc/apache2/modules-avaible/mod_fcgid.load or something.
14:30.00stewwolfric___: what you have is ok, but you also need a main mirror (the two you have listed so far are just updates, not a full distribution)
14:30.15noir_lordI installed Stable (ubuntu refugee it blew up one time too many) but needed a newer release of Gimp, modified sources.list to point to testing set default release to avoid accidental conflicts then using apt-get -t to attempt to install gimp, it says it can't resolve package dependencies
14:30.19CutMeOwnThroatstew, right, seeing that... the factoid also tells you it'll break instead of giving you a solution that won't :) ... so fairysnuff
14:30.28stewwolfric___: what country are you in?
14:30.36noir_lordis it a good idea to use Testing as a general use desktop, I'm a developer (application and web)
14:31.07stewsander^work: debian policy forbids you from altering the conffile of another package, yes, adding a file to modules-available is the better solution
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14:31.29wolfric___stew: not a bit strange it didn't add one in automatically on install?
14:31.39stewwolfric___: "deb lenny main"
14:31.57sander^workstew, someone else did this in the current mod_fcgid package..
14:32.30wolfric___stew: cheers
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14:33.36sander^workstew, I whould like the current mod_fcgid package to be updated, because of a bug (fixed in latest svn):
14:33.54sander^workmakes the package unusable performance wise.
14:34.18stewsander^work: someone did which? modified apache2.conf?
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14:34.45sander^workstew, made the mod_fcgid package compatible with debian.
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14:35.39stewiirc this was a package we had a long time ago and it was removed/
14:35.43stewis this the non-free one?
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14:36.55stewoh, no we still have this one, so yeah, i'd assume its not making huge mistakes like modifying apache.conf
14:36.56sander^workstew, Oh sorry.. I retrived it at first from ubuntu..
14:37.52sander^workIts a really useless package with this bug.
14:38.16stewsander^work: is this bug reported to the debian bts?
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14:38.28sander^workpitty mod_fcgid isn't even relased as stable without this bug.
14:38.33sander^workstew, I have no clue.
14:38.45CutMeOwnThroatstew, check if you still see problems with the nodm factoid?
14:38.46stewsander^work: can you please check?
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14:39.39stewsander^work: if the package we are about to release in squeeze is not useful, the RMs should know about it
14:39.44stewCutMeOwnThroat: thanks!
14:39.54sander^workstew, where do I search?.. Im not that familar with where.
14:40.49sander^workstew, I have only tested it with ubuntu 10.04.. I suspect they took the package from debian.
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14:41.08stewsander^work: oh, you aren't a debian user at all?
14:41.15sander^workstew, I am.
14:41.24sander^workstew, but not for this server.
14:41.49ttiiccI have installed debian stable + myswl server and Im now running the system without X, could it be true that my system is running on only 119MB RAM?
14:41.50CutMeOwnThroatstew, still don't like that "and friends" expression, but the shortest do disable all I can think of is a for-loop and that might be too long...
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14:42.44stewttiicc: sure, if you've not yet gotten around to tuning mysql
14:43.10sander^workstew, I think its better to go to the source of the problem.. instead of reporting it to ubuntu. :-)
14:43.18ttiiccstew: hehehehe
14:43.43CutMeOwnThroatmh, and I see something else that's wrong, it's not "gdm" anymore in squeeze, but gdm3
14:43.53stewsander^work: yeah, that's why we'd be pointing you to #ubuntu
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14:45.23sander^workOutstanding bugs -- Grave functionality bugs; Patch Available (1 bug)
14:45.41sander^worklibapache2-mod-fcgid: Spawns a new PHP interpreter for each request
14:45.56sander^workIts reported.. But after what I see.. not fixed.
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14:47.20sander^workWhat does "Grave functionality bugs" mean?
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14:47.52sander^workstew, isn't ubuntu taking packages from debian?.. if its fixed in debian, then it will sooner fixed in ubuntu also?.
14:47.59stewsander^work: ask #ubuntu
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14:48.28golfdrinkdougmencken: did you get my last message.. had to reboot
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14:49.25sander^workstew, Okay.. but why isn't the bug fixed in debian yet.. its been several months.
14:49.35dwahlstromare there any tools (i assume similar to lspci) that will tell me the make/model of my dvd drive?
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14:51.13sander^workdwahlstrom, cdrado -scanbus or something (after what I remember).. But it only lists the dvd drive.
14:51.32sander^workdwahlstrom, the name is wrong I guess.
14:52.09dwahlstromsander^work: i got it to work. thanks!
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14:52.12eshathow can I install package dependecies, that should be read from debian/control ?
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14:52.47stewsander^work: i don't know.  feel free to ping the bug asking
14:53.10steweshat: Depends: or Build-Depends:?
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14:53.37eshatstew: buidl-depends ;)
14:54.11eshatthe thing is, I patched a debian/control file and want to intall the build dependecies according to this file
14:54.12steweshat: although it won't actually be reading debian/control, but the cached version from apt, "apt-get build-dep packagename" should work
14:54.27eshatstew: see my previous post
14:54.31steweshat: afaik you'd have to do it by hand unless you were using something like pbuilder/cowbuilder
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14:55.01eshatstew: hmm, ok it isn't to much work, but I though there is an automated way
14:55.38sander^workstew, how do I do that?
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14:56.07stewsander^work: by emailing
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14:57.45ScottO_any idea why my cd tray keep ejecting?
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14:58.09ScottO_one of my servers has the cd tray open every day i come in
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14:58.28CutMeOwnThroatthe cleaning lady presses the eject button?
14:58.32ScottO_maybe its a coworkeer trying to make me go nuts
14:58.41ScottO_cleaning people have no access to the server room
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14:58.58chicognua compromised server, maby ?
14:59.00ScottO_i checked the logs even
14:59.00CutMeOwnThroatmust be extremely dirty in there, then
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14:59.12ScottO_chicognu: possible, but no access from outside
14:59.19ScottO_the firewall does not permit it
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14:59.36ScottO_plus wouldnt i see anything in the logs?
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15:00.04chicognuScottO_, it is a old hardware ?
15:00.06mtnmanScottO_ i recommend a hidden camera
15:00.33chicognuI recommend format :D
15:00.37ScottO_mtnman: i do have a zoneminder box next to it, so i could hook up a webcam and do some motion detection
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15:00.49CutMeOwnThroatScottO_, mount a cdrom :)
15:00.59ScottO_ah to prevent the eject?
15:01.09CutMeOwnThroatpressing the button won't open then at least
15:01.10ScottO_good one
15:01.12mtnmanScottO_ seems ideal
15:01.20ScottO_CutMeOwnThroat: perfect way to test this out
15:01.21CutMeOwnThroatand you might get messages
15:01.22redguydoes anyone have an idea why apt does not want to download source the ourdelta source of mysql? Relevant info:
15:01.25eshatstew: Oh I just found dpkg-checkbuilddeps which seems to be the solution
15:01.45redguys/ourdelta source/ourdelta build/
15:01.48steweshat: that won't install anything though.  just check
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15:01.58chicognuScottO_, it can be only a hardware defect, I never see that specific defect but happens
15:02.10JanniI've got a system here running on a live CD. What I'm doing is something quick and dirty so I'd appreciate a quick & dirty solution to this problem: After upgrading the system (which is running on a RAMdisk, hence I can't reboot with a newer kernel version) I wanted to mount a usb memory stick. However despite udev being installed and running no device like hdb or sda shows up in /dev. MAKEDEV all has no effect. Can anybody tell me how I can get the device file
15:02.29eshatstew: yes but it also gives a list of missing deps, which makes it easy to intall by a one-liner
15:02.58eshatstew: and it also ignores deps which are not for my architecture
15:03.03themilleshat: mk-builddeps from equivs might be what you're looking for
15:03.33CutMeOwnThroatJanni, watch dmesg
15:03.38chicognuI in the ubuntu-offtopic said `god forgive me but is a pain help ubuntu users` but I think i was on debian-offtopic :(
15:03.48eshatthemill: great thanks
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15:03.53ScottO_chicognu: didnt start heppening till i upgradeda few drives to higher capactiy
15:04.03ScottO_maybe i loosened something
15:04.06JanniCutMeOwnThroat: It tells me that a new USB device has been connected (also which one). But how does that give me a device file in /dev?
15:04.23ScottO_Janni: Udev!
15:04.46JanniAs I described above, udev does not seem to do anything...
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15:05.10ScottO_what device is it again?
15:05.22Janniusb 1-3
15:05.29ScottO_no i mean what is it
15:05.32CutMeOwnThroatanyway, as this isn't debian, but debian-live, you might want #debian-live at
15:05.37JanniA USB memory "stick".
15:05.53redguyJanni: paste the relevant dmesg messages to pastebin
15:05.56CutMeOwnThroatand you might pastebin the relevant lines from demesg
15:06.09JanniOK, just a moment.
15:06.10CutMeOwnThroatyou were only faster because I made a typo
15:06.16stewJanni: is usb-storage loaded?
15:06.24ScottO_CutMeOwnThroat: no i think you were only slower because of the typo
15:06.32redguyCutMeOwnThroat: I made two ;P
15:06.38Jannistew: *checking* .oO(What is usb-storage?)
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15:06.51ScottO_Janni: lsusb
15:07.00stewJanni: a kernel module
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15:07.38JanniThanks, that might be it. Give me some time to check this out.
15:08.21CutMeOwnThroatScottO_, point
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15:09.35dan2abrotman, you here?
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15:09.56dan2abrotman, what's up man?
15:10.32fulat2khi folks, is there a way to find out what PHP patches are in the 5.2.6-1+lenny9 php package in debian?
15:11.21CutMeOwnThroatredguy, but mine was more complicated :-P
15:11.22abrotmandan2: not much ..
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15:11.59dan2abrotman, well, life is interesting here
15:12.05dan2abrotman, I now live in Denver
15:12.10abrotmandan2: either msg or #debian-offtopic please :)
15:12.16stewfulat2k: do you mean 5.2.6.dfsg.1-1+lenny9 ?
15:12.36abrotmandan2: i wouldn't want the ops to ban me for being offtopic you know ...
15:12.46CutMeOwnThroatfulat2k, aptitude changelog <package> might help, or apt-get source <package> and check what changes are applied to the tarball
15:13.06stewfulat2k: you can go to click on a version, then download the .diff.gz which is the patch against the (modified) upstream tarball
15:14.00fulat2kstew: i'm basing it on the web server headers.  not sure if that's the one you quoted
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15:14.16fulat2kCutMeOwnThroat: i'll try that along with stew's recommendation
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15:15.04CutMeOwnThroat(the 2nd was the same as stews suggestion, but letting apt-get do the downloading)
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15:15.12d0uglashi folks. so let's say I want to grep my access log to scoop out something like (Linux; U; Android 2.0; en-us; .. how could I do that? -e? quotes? for multiple words and symbols
15:15.19d0uglasmade an effort manning grep..
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15:16.43yangI am having some sort of a "iceweasel" bug, it keeps starting always after reboot, even that I haved closed all previous windows before, and when exiting from it, it gives me some crashing error code...
15:17.38CutMeOwnThroatd0uglas, you need quotes, (take ') but that belongs more to #bash... you want "man 7 regex" for the "something like"-part
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15:18.26stewd0uglas: fgrep 'Linux; ; Android 2.0; en-us' ? or is some of the stuff variable?
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15:21.56d0uglasthanks guys
15:21.59d0uglasappreciate that
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15:22.58d0uglasstew the Linux; ; Android 2.0; en-us was just part of a user agent string, not broken up
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15:28.42d0uglasAny way I can grep an access.log for a certain string, like 'Windows Phone OS 7.0', and not only dump that output into a separate file but also to have that always running?
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15:29.32abrotmandidn't we just cover that ?
15:29.36d0uglasmaybe with tail?
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15:29.58d0uglaswe covered how to get multiple words and symbols and it works great, moved on to asking if i can have that run all the time
15:30.18d0uglasas with tail -f
15:30.38wolfric__I'm having a problem mounting my hard drive? I've got a external usb hdd named "my passport" which may or may not have something to do with it. when i plug it in it says invalid mount option
15:30.44abrotmantail -f access.log | grep foo > yourfile
15:31.03d0uglasah. nice.
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15:31.18d0uglasyou guys are #1 when it comes to debian and non-debian-specific questions :)
15:31.34wolfric__if i go to gparted and right click and go to partition information it says unable to read the contents of this filesystem. (it's ntfs)
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15:34.55AmberJHello, I recently installed debian from xfce+lxde ISO. When I booted into debian, I did "dpkg -R" to install all packages on installation media (i.e. my pendrive). Now when I try to boot into debian I get this error:
15:35.04AmberJWhat could be causing this problem>?
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15:36.18danciosis arm hard fp arm port avaliable for downlad & test ?
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15:36.44AmberJI remember some prompt when I did "dpkg -R" which said that it could cause no partition to be mounted as root if I proceed with that particular package install (or something like that)
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15:40.42AmberJAlso, it drops me to a (initramfs) prompt
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15:43.47AmberJIs this problem related with updating to grub 2? (I'm starting to get some installation memories back)
15:43.48CutMeOwnThroatAmberJ, how should anyone be able to say with this information... obviously it doesn't find the disk/partition combination specified to mount root on. Nothing else you say gives further clues as to why. You might see what update-grub tells you
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15:45.00CutMeOwnThroatfirst thing to do would be to figure out where the root filesystem is...
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15:46.11dpkgextra, extra, read all about it, rescue is at ("Can I use d-i as a rescue system?").  Ask me about <rescue mode>.  See also <fixmbr> and <i forgot root's password>.
15:46.27AmberJCutMeOwnThroat: you mean the partition where root fs is located? like /dev/sdc1?
15:46.59CutMeOwnThroatyes...  or like /dev/[hs]da1, what it seems to be trying right now
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15:49.29AmberJCutMeOwnThroat: Ok. I found out the partition. Now?
15:49.30blue_annaubuntu's 10.10 is broken out of the box for gnome on the ppc system, I was thinking about trying out debian. is there a guide on how to temporarily switch back and forth between ubuntu and debian on the disk ?
15:49.45AmberJchroot into existing system?
15:50.00AmberJand then edit some file?  (that's what I am guessing)
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15:51.01omeshome sweet home...
15:51.38omesi've been squatting #centos for the last couple of days, due to that distro being developed on mescaline...
15:51.42abrotmanblue_anna: is /home/ a separate partition ?
15:51.45omesI'm ready to confess my sins.. ;)
15:52.16blue_annaabrotman, yes, I did a custom partitioning
15:52.19CutMeOwnThroatblue_anna, probably... but all you do is to install on a separate partition and configure grub of one of them to be able to boot all... sharing /home and swap partitions if possible
15:52.34blue_annaCutMeOwnThroat, I'm on a powerpc .. there is no grub
15:52.38abrotmanblue_anna: you could just install/reinstall each one .. it's not hard to get Debian up and running in a short time
15:53.20blue_annaabrotman, you mean like, directly with apt ?
15:53.43abrotmanno .. i mean, an actual system install
15:53.53abrotmanif you want to evaluate debian first, you could use virtualbox etc
15:54.01abrotmanwait .. does vbox run on ppc ?
15:54.04CutMeOwnThroatblue_anna, oh, right, you said... which reminds me... there's also #debianppc on
15:54.26blue_annaCutMeOwnThroat, thanks :) I'll ask there aobut the glib issue
15:54.44abrotmanblue_anna: you're asking #debianppc about Ubuntu ?
15:55.06blue_annaabrotman, no .. I'm just thinking to verify that debian doesn't in fact have the same problem
15:55.20abrotmanblue_anna: probably easier to just try it :)
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15:55.58abrotmanif you have fast internet, it won't take you long
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15:57.37blue_annaabrotman, okay .. does it have a live cd or .. how do I specifically go about doing this?  tell you the truth, I have a spare harddrive, if it gets too complicated I can just swap out and install on taht one
15:57.54abrotmanblue_anna: i dont' believe that the debian-live project has a PPC version
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15:58.28stewabrotman: iirc it supports ppc but doesn't seem distribute one.  so perhaps one can build their own with live-helper or whatever it is
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16:05.25Dewihaving a bit of trouble with unionfs-fuse
16:05.41Dewiit will pass writes to a read-only branch, and then refuse to delete the file it just created
16:06.17Dewiwhat I really want is for it to just never hit a "disk full" condition unnecessarily
16:06.30DewiI don't mind which underlying FSes it writes
16:06.43blue_annais there an easy way to build the iso's directly from the jigdo urls ?
16:06.49Dewimaybe I should be using aufs or something?
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16:09.11blue_annabecause the torrent is giving me an error
16:09.20abrotmanblue_anna: it's really easier to download the netinst ISO
16:09.31stewblue_anna: why not just download an iso with a web browser?
16:09.47blue_annait said the preferred way was to use jigdo :)
16:10.02blue_annaso I downlaoded jigdo and .. the cli is a little lackluster
16:10.06Dewiblue_anna: use a mirror near to you if you're worried. It will also be nice and fast
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16:10.57abrotmanblue_anna: really, get the netinst ISO .. it's only 160MB or so ..
16:10.58tgywacan Nagios anticipate disk failur?
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16:11.31robokoptgywa: sometimes SMART can, and you can write a nagios plugin to monitor smart results
16:11.35Dewitgywa: smartmontools sometimes can
16:12.01Dewiyeah what robokop said. Although I think smartd will already email root if things look bad....
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16:12.16tgywarobokop, my disk doesn't support smartmontools... tried but can't enable it
16:12.20robokopDewi: indeed, but he asked if nagios could do it
16:12.44tgywarobokop, it is she ... not he
16:12.47tgywathank u
16:12.50robokoptgywa: sorry i don't know another way then smart
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16:13.00robokoptgywa: sorry my fair lady
16:13.09blue_annathat doesnt appear to be available in powerpc
16:13.16robokophard to see from a nick tbh
16:13.33stewblue_anna: what is "that"?
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16:14.12blue_annaa netinstall- .. oo I see its just a CD? :)
16:14.26stewblue_anna: it is available for "ppc", and its just a cd
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16:24.56lloowenHi all!! Can anyone recommend a good groupware suite that is easy to insall on Debian? I failed miserably at getting kolab and citadel to work on Debian. Any recommendations on a good groupware server would be much appreciated.
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16:25.25abrotmanegroupware and phpgroupware are both packaged i believe
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16:26.37lloowenOK. I thought egroupware was not free, but thanks anyway, I'll check them out.
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16:27.47abrotmansure seems to be packaged
16:27.57abrotmanjudd: versions egroupware-core
16:28.00juddPackage egroupware-core on i386 -- etch-backports: 1.4.004-2.dfsg-4.1~bpo40+1; lenny: 1.4.004-2.dfsg-4.2; lenny-security: 1.4.004-2.dfsg-4.2; lenny-backports: 1.6.002+dfsg-1~bpo50+1
16:28.30diagolloowen: we use Open Xchange here
16:29.07diagoit's not as easy an install as the above but it's great software
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16:34.25imanhow can i found gnome version?
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16:36.56Boohemianjesus, why is mailman version 1.2.1 in debian lenny, with the current version being 2.1.14? why is it so behind?
16:38.03eshatBoohemian: in squeeze it will be 2.1.13
16:38.08*** part/#debian ScottO_ (~scott@
16:38.10Boohemian2.0.1 was released 10/23/2006!
16:38.28Boohemianeshat: 4 years for lenny to catch up!?!!?
16:38.32eshatwell, I am sure there a good reasons for the old version beeing in lennt
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16:41.46stewBoohemian: the version in lenny is version 2.1.11 not 1.2.1
16:41.48atulagreetings. I know that you should not serve your (source codes) along with the static files in the same directory.  But to what extent? If I were to put my codes in /src/myproject  and symlink my media directory into /static/myproject_media and serve them via apache that way... is that safe?  I guess what's confusing to me is, if they can mess around with directory, wouldn't they be able to get to the other directory? Could someone offer some thoughts?  thank
16:41.58atula(web site)
16:42.07Boohemianaha, stew lol
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16:42.53stewBoohemian: 2.1.11 was released in June 2008, 2.1.12 was released in Feb 2009.  since lenny was frozen in 2008, it looks like it had the most recent version at the time it was frozen
16:43.25Boohemianstew: what does "frozen" mean? no more packages are added to lenny after that date in 2008?
16:43.37stewBoohemian: yes
16:43.50Boohemianstew: why?
16:43.52stewBoohemian: well, not after it was released in 2009
16:43.56stewBoohemian: because it is stable now
16:44.10Boohemianoh, which means you can't add any new packages to it, else you could break it?
16:44.12stewBoohemian: so it should only get security fixes (with some rare exceptions)
16:44.14Boohemianso, you have to use backports, right?
16:44.17stewBoohemian: yes
16:44.23Boohemiani've had to install code the old fashioned way once: tomcat6
16:44.31gandhijeehey guys, how can i change the order my modules are loaded in?
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16:45.53antivirtelhello all!
16:46.54antivirtelI want to ask, that what does rpc do? <-- I found this, but I think thats not enough info about RPC, it is required for a single lenny webserver?! :D
16:48.19stewBoohemian: so you were confused by the 1: at the beginning of the version number, which is the "epoch" which is added by debian, you can ignore that part to get the upstream version.  more about it here:
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16:49.01Boohemianstew: thank you!
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16:50.51pfarrellHi; I wanted to play around with kFreeBSD-gnu so downloaded a virtualbox image from the internet
16:50.58pfarrellbut want to set the keyboard on the console from US to UK
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16:51.10pfarrellhow do I change the keyboard settings in debian/freebsd?
16:51.27pfarrellgoogling for freebsd says to use sysconfig, which doesn't appear to exist
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16:53.46antivirtelpfarrell <-- something about debian keyboard conf
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16:54.40pfarrellthat appears to have done the trick
16:54.50wolfric__how can i stop debian from opening a new window every time i change dir
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16:55.24tharkunWhat is the preffered format to submit patches for a package on Debian?
16:55.48xyana unified diff should be fine
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16:56.26cahootwolfric__: you mean nautilus?
16:56.43tharkunxyan: thx
16:56.45antivirtelpfarrell you are welcome! :)
16:56.52wolfric__cahoot: i don't know what that is
16:57.11wolfric__cahoot: i know that ubuntu uses gnome and it doesn't behave like that
16:57.24cahootwolfric__: the 'file browser' i gnome
16:57.29antivirtelwolfric__ Help>About and see it's name plz
16:57.39d0uglasHi again. So one of my servers, though it opens the incoming connections to the various daemons and it responds to pings fast, doesn't do anything other than that and it's been like that for a good while.. could that be just some sort of looping runaway process or a kernel panic? No way out but to reboot?
16:58.42stewd0uglas: could be out of memory.  no way to know really if you cannot get a shell on that box
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16:59.17d0uglasdamn.. should have gotten watchdog
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16:59.47d0uglasother side of town and i was just about to hit a 500 day uptime :'(
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17:02.08stewd0uglas: so you are due for a kernel upgrade anwyay
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17:06.55imani only can listen from one side of headphone, what's the problem?
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17:07.48xyaniman: you muted the other channel
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17:08.04defacerwhen the 6.0 will be stable, plz?
17:08.12imanxyan, no , every thing is ok
17:08.21xyaniman: your speaker a borked
17:08.36xyaniman: your speakers are broken!*
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17:08.56imanxyan, i can listen from fedora, but with debian i cant listen
17:09.00*** mode/#debian [+l 832] by debhelper
17:09.07CutMeOwnThroat!tell defacer -about
17:09.12CutMeOwnThroat!tell defacer -about wir
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17:10.23tharkuniman: check that your headphones are correctly pluged and look for hw trouble
17:11.17imantharkun, in visual window it doesn't any problem, how can i access to terminal config
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17:11.44xyaniman: theres alsamixer to see the levels
17:11.49CutMeOwnThroat!tell defacer -about release critical bugs
17:12.27xyaniman: and aplay -l or aplay -L to list the available playback devices
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17:19.22ekontsev1yHow can I debug DHCP negotiation? I.e. see how many DHCP servers reply to client broadcasts?
17:20.10omesmight also be in the logs of the dhcp client you're using :)
17:20.14omesask for verbose output
17:20.17ekontsev1yCutMeOwnThroat: hm... was hoping for an easier way, like super-verbose mode for dhcpcd
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17:21.36omesekontsev1y: dhclient like defacer pointed out might be able to help you...
17:21.45omeswhy exactly are you using dhcpcd?
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17:24.13ekontsev1yomes: I'm not, I have a machine on the network here which uses it and it won't grab an IP if we turn one of 2 DHCP servers off. Everyone else grabs IPs from the remaining server.
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17:25.35defacerhi D:
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17:26.05jhutchins2ekontsev1y: Systems normally cache the previous DHCP info and attempt to recover the same lease from the same server.  You need to force that client to release it's current address and ask for a new server.
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17:27.40crissii'm looking for an easy way to do bandwidth throttling with iptables... tc is not that i want, i'm looking for a why where i can say something like 'iptables -s --max-up=5k/s --max-down=20k/s'
17:27.57crissiis there a iptables module with can do that?
17:28.35crissithe ratelimit modules seems a litte bit match but it cant do the trick fully
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17:30.00ekontsev1yjhutchins2: thanks, will try to do that
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17:38.12diagoAnyone know of anyother Active Directory helpers other than sadms.
17:38.16diagoThe project looks dead
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17:40.04meeSo, the ssh_config manpage (under ProxyCommand) has an example command for sshing through a proxy. However, the example used requires the nc(1) provided by the netcat-openbsd package instead of the traditional package. Would you guys consider that a bug in the (Debian) manpage?
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17:41.54GuySoftdammit dammit dammit
17:41.57GuySoftim running kde3 here, and i my mistake selected to install kde4 when installing openshot
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17:43.06babilenqhtc desire hd review
17:43.33babilendisregard that :)
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17:44.32jordanmmee: what is wrong about it?
17:44.55jordanmmee: its a "transitional", not traditional
17:45.35nitrogoldfishso if i needed to install something from sarge repos, any recommendations on how to find that? (more specifically, looking for git-core)
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17:46.17babilen!debian archive
17:46.17dpkgDebian has archives of no-longer-supported releases at .  To use with <APT>, see .  For old versions of specific packages, ask me about <snapshot>.  Old Debian <ISO> files are archived at
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17:56.16meejordanm: If what's wrong isn't obvious, I guess it's not a bug.
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18:00.44remur_030Hello, I want to interrupt start till ntpd set a useful time
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18:01.20remur_030the process runs fine but it hasn't set the time yet, so everytime half my stuff fails on start because of bogus system time
18:01.48kencauseyThe nouveau driver is failing badly on my just installed 6.1beta1, what is the proper way to remove/disable it and allow it to fall back to nv or vesa?
18:02.00CutMeOwnThroatdo I see that correctly, that the crash happens in python-visual itself and not somewhere in libboost in this traceback?
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18:04.47kencauseyI found a page describing adding a blacklist entry to modprobe.d/blacklist.conf and am trying that now.
18:05.16kencauseyappears to be working
18:05.47jordanmkencausey: you need to create your own file. the system may overwrite your changes to that file without wanring
18:06.02jordanmmake a new file called local-changes.conf or something and add the blacklist to that
18:06.56kencauseyjordanm: ok, thanks
18:07.53amee2kwhere can i get install CDs for debian legacy versions? like 3.1 or so
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18:08.32CutMeOwnThroatremur_030, start ntpd earlier?
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18:09.08nitrogoldfishamee2k: ooh, i know this one, i just asked a few minutes ago
18:09.09nitrogoldfish!debian archive
18:09.09dpkgDebian has archives of no-longer-supported releases at .  To use with <APT>, see .  For old versions of specific packages, ask me about <snapshot>.  Old Debian <ISO> files are archived at
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18:09.37amee2khaha cool
18:09.42amee2knitrogoldfish: thanks :)
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18:26.30EvaLuaTeI have submitted a package for "RFP", by sending an e-mail to and I have a couple of questions. Firstly, will I get an answer, even if it's a negative one? or will I only get an answer if there's someone that wants to maintain the package?
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18:28.19abrotmanEvaLuaTe: which package was it?
18:28.31EvaLuaTeabrotman, it's name is clipit
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18:29.51abrotmanEvaLuaTe: you are not guaranteed an answer.  Someone may ask you about licensing or something like that, or someone may offer to package it
18:30.05abrotmanEvaLuaTe: you can also package it yourself and ask for a sponsor and become the maintainer for that pacakge
18:30.14EvaLuaTeabrotman, also, the package was forked from parcellite (which, as far as I have seen, was being maintained in debian) and because parcellite isn't being maintained anymore and because in clipit I have managed to fix a bunch of bugs and will still continue to improve it, I wouldn't see any reason why it shouldn't be maintained
18:30.53abrotmanjudd: versions parcellite
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18:30.54juddPackage parcellite on i386 -- lenny: 0.7-1; sid: 0.9.2-1; squeeze: 0.9.2-1
18:31.12EvaLuaTeabrotman, well, I thought about packaging it myself, but I couldn't see a comprehensive guide (like step-for-step) on how I could do this.
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18:31.28abrotmanEvaLuaTe: you may want to contact the parcellite maintainer and see if they would be interested in maintaining that also
18:31.31EvaLuaTeand I'm saying step-for-step beacuse I wouldn't want to do anything wrong...
18:31.34dpkgThe New Maintainer's Guide (, Developer's Reference and Policy document how packages should be made and how they should interact with each other.  Ask me about <package basics>, <mentors>, <policy>, <best practices> or see ,
18:32.13*** join/#debian bombadil_ (
18:32.53abrotmanEvaLuaTe: the maintainer for parcellite might be the most interested .. perhaps also file a 'wishlist' bug against parcellite that points the maintainer at ClipIt
18:33.10abrotmaneh .. well .. maybe not .. that doesn't make much sense
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18:33.35EvaLuaTeabrotman, hmm, that looks pretty complete. One more question then, if I would package it myself, would it then surely be included in debian?
18:34.01abrotmanEvaLuaTe: it would not be included in squeeze, but if you could find a sponsor, you could get it into wheezy i would imagine
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18:34.38abrotman(and you could get it into squeeze via the backports system if you really wanted)
18:35.35EvaLuaTeabrotman, yeah, I guessed that, I seen that the inclusion of new packages in squeeze ended in July or something like that. Anyway, how would I go about finding a sponsor (or is that also described in the New Maintainer's guide)?
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18:37.16he2is it possible to add a swap-partition after installing?
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18:38.06EvaLuaTehe2, you could format a partition as swap and as far as I can remember use it with 'swapon /dev/sdax'
18:38.06abrotman!tell EvaLuaTe about mentors
18:38.22abrotmanhe2: you can use a swapfile .. it will work the same as a partitiion
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18:39.32EvaLuaTeabrotman, ok, thank you very much
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18:40.05d0uglaswhy might a command like this be eating up all my memory, causing a crash? tail -f /var/log/apache/mobility-access.log|fgrep 'Windows Phone OS 7.0' > mobilitywp7-access.logtail -f /var/log/apache/mobility-access.log
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18:40.34d0uglasthat came out wrong..
18:40.43he2i have a swap partition already
18:40.55abrotmanhe2: man mkswap .. man swapon
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18:44.04EvaLuaTed0uglas, try escaping the dot in the string you pass to fgrep...
18:44.39nitrogoldfishso i have a debian sarge box. i need to install git. git-core doesn't exist in archived sarge repos, and if i try apt-get -t stable install git-core, it lists dpkg as a dependency. upon attempting to update dpkg, i get errors like "chown: changing ownership of `\301\253\006': No such file or directory". any ideas on where to go from here?
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18:44.55nitrogoldfishi'm fortunate in that i'm able to revert the machine back to an original state in case i screw anything up too badly
18:45.08nitrogoldfishalso, it's an ARM processor
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18:45.14stewEvaLuaTe: it wouldnt' make sense to escape a string to fgrep
18:45.39stewnitrogoldfish: sarge isn't stable
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18:45.49he2'swapon /dev/sda5'is all?
18:45.53c4pthi i seem to be having a problem with nvidia-settings it refuses to start as root
18:45.57abrotmansarge is very much not stable .. it's old old stable!
18:45.57stewnitrogoldfish: lenny is stable.  you should consider upgrading to lenny (support for sarge was ended a long time ago)
18:45.59EvaLuaTestew, ohh, yeah, thought about egrep there... :p
18:46.02c4pti have two video cards in my computer at the moment
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18:46.07c4ptthe nvidia module loads ok though
18:46.20stewhe2: did you run mkswap?
18:46.28he2does /dev/sda5 now automount as swap
18:46.38stewhe2: you'd also want to edit /etc/fstab to add the new swap partition so that it is automatically restart
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18:46.56nitrogoldfishi know, it's an old install. considering everythign else on the box though i can't just upgrade to lenny, as much as i'd like to
18:47.05nitrogoldfishstew ^^
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18:47.57foetusis learning php ...
18:48.01stewnitrogoldfish: you should not try to install packages from stable onto sarge
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18:48.53stewnitrogoldfish: note that the reason that sarge doesn't contain git is that sarge is older than git
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18:49.14EvaLuaTeabrotman, btw, dpkg pointed me to the channel #debian-mentors in his message, but that channel seems to be inactive...
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18:49.46stewnitrogoldfish: BUT.  if you've already installed packages from stable.  i'd recommend upgrading from sarge to etch, then from etch to lenny
18:49.59stewEvaLuaTe: its on, not here
18:50.45EvaLuaTestew, ohh, aight, missed that part. it's late here, so I'm a bit tired, sorry
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18:52.13abrotmanEvaLuaTe: also take a peek at the website the bot mentioned
18:52.16nitrogoldfishstew: the developer that's been working on this box primarily said "we tried to upgrade to lenny (and etch). tried about 19 different upgrade paths, and in the end it still didn't work. eventually the client decided it wasn't worth the cost and we've been running sarge since" i don't know what the problems were, all i know is that the developers and client both shudder in fear when i mention upgrading
18:52.44stewnitrogoldfish: then i guess I'd recommend reinstalling
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18:53.18EvaLuaTeabrotman, yeah, I was going through it right now, thanks :-)
18:53.26abrotmannitrogoldfish: FWIW, you cannot go straight from sarge to lenny, that will break
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18:53.39eptalonheyas guys
18:54.19eptalonwhat am I doing wrong if my 16x capable DVD writer  writes a 16x capable DVD-R at a speed of 4x?
18:54.22abrotmanholy crap .. someone is looking for a mentor for isdnutils .. does anyone still use that?
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18:55.07eptalonabrotman: wasn't ISDN the overpriced crap where you could get twice the data rate, at twice the price?
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18:55.28abrotmanwell, at the time it wasn't overpriced
18:55.45abrotmanwonders why the mentors page doesn't have an option to exclude packages that already have sponsors ...
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18:55.56eptalonand I think if you have a BRI-type ISDN, it even got the speed
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18:56.23skaAre there any hardening scripts that work with debian? Bastille doesn't run on 5.0X...
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18:57.31nitrogoldfishabrotman & stew asked the dev to elaborate on some of his problems with seems that there are enough custom kernel modules to make the pain of upgrading is greater than the pain of not having git
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18:57.44abrotmanwhy is the kernel custom at all ?
18:57.57nehalem_00Hi, how can it be, that apache stays with system/localtime although i changed the php.ini and restarted apache2?
18:58.19nitrogoldfishabrotman: custom modules, not custom kernel. it's an embedded gizmo
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18:59.01eptalonrejoices over being able to burn a 16x dvd at a speed of 4x...
18:59.18nitrogoldfishif git can work in sarge, that'd be awesome. if it can't, then we'll just have to deal with it
18:59.20abrotmannitrogoldfish: so can lenny even be installed on the system ?
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18:59.30nitrogoldfishabrotman: nope
18:59.38abrotmannitrogoldfish: the best bet you'll have to is to add deb-src lines for whatever you want and try to backport it .. best of luck!
19:00.24*** join/#debian Chell (
19:00.43cmyershey all - I am using the "zip" package (which provides InfoZIP implementation).  The zip files I am creating seem to be corrupt, when I try to extract them on windows they ask for a password for certain files.  I can extract them fine under linux though.  ANyone seen this before?  Googling hasn't yielded any results yet.
19:01.02cmyers(using squeeze/sid)
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19:01.33abrotmannitrogoldfish: and you may end up with a lot of pain doing that .. i cannot strongly recommend a backup of the system before you do any of this ..
19:01.37abrotmanerm ...
19:01.43abrotmani cannot strongly enough recommend :)
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19:02.11nitrogoldfishabrotman: already done : )
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19:02.19abrotmannitrogoldfish: and check that backup!
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19:03.11remur_030_v2heya, I want to host /var on a windows host, is it possible to do that and use the usual posix rights?
19:03.39dkr"Only wimps use tape backup: real men just upload their important stuff on ftp, and let the rest of the world mirror it ;)" -- Linus Torvalds
19:03.54remur_030_v2abrotman: i don't like it either =(
19:04.13remur_030_v2it's the only other 24/7 system here and my usb hard drive keeps failing on my sheeva plug
19:04.14dkrremur_030_v2: win32 nfs server?
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19:05.59remur_030_v2dkr: ah, googling for nfs windows only turned up clients which themself also looked shoddy so I gave up on nfs
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19:06.14remur_030_v2but that indeed looks promising
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19:10.46Tekk_I'm in squeeze amd64, and when I run 32 bit applications sometimes they say that libraries are missing
19:10.54eptalonremur_030_v2: there was an "Unix client programs for Windows" or similar
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19:14.09psycodadhi - are there any upgrade guides for lenny -> squeeze ?
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19:17.18dpkgIn /etc/apt/sources.list, remove stable-specific lines volatile, backports, then change lenny to squeeze.  Use apt-get for the upgrade: "apt-get update && apt-get install linux-image-`uname -r|sed 's,[^-]*-[^-]*-,,` && apt-get dist-upgrade".  Make sure you have a 2.6.32 kernel installed prior to rebooting check: aptitude versions '~nlinux-image~i'.  See also <testing> <testing security> <squeeze release notes>.
19:17.46eptalonhow do I get rid of a stale (disconnected) nfs mount?
19:17.51psycodadty CutMeOwnThroat
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19:18.58guysoft42hi all, is there a way to install kde3 on squeeze?
19:18.59CutMeOwnThroatwhat happened to rebooting before you do the dist-upgrade?
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19:20.58psycodadis there way to find out if my system has packages from repository x or y installed ? I just wonder if I loose anything if I remove volatile and backports
19:21.19anonobombereptalon: umount -f.  Use lsof to see if anything is locking it if that doesn't work and kill those processes that are
19:21.38CutMeOwnThroatpsycodad,  apt-show-versions
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19:21.49eptalonanonobomber: the problem is that the "nfs" on the other side is no longer available
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19:22.40fauxallianceeptalon, man kill... time to go hunt zombies
19:22.41anonobombereptalon: if no processes are trying to access it even though it is unavailable you should be able to force unmount it
19:22.45Carlitos__hi  all
19:22.53Carlitos__to put in  the  layout link ?
19:23.01Carlitos__how  could be ?
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19:23.50breardoI was looking at running OpenFiler for a SAN im building;  but I was informed that Debian alone could perform the job, and become a standard iSCSI target.   Can anyone shed light on this?
19:23.59breardoIdeally I'd much rather just run a standard debian box and have this work
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19:25.01breardoI did dig up the 'iScsiTarget' page on the Debian WIKI..  looks promising.. anyone here ever run this?
19:25.22fauxalliance @ breardo
19:26.06fauxalliancebreardo, simply 'sudo apt-get install tgt'
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19:27.45abrotmansudo ?
19:28.11nathwillor su -c
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19:29.36peterrooney,versions tgt
19:29.37juddPackage tgt on i386 -- sid: 1:1.0.4-2; squeeze: 1:1.0.4-2
19:31.16breardothanks fauxalliance..
19:31.24breardodo you have any experience with this?
19:31.31breardoim just wondering about how well it works
19:32.10fauxalliancebreardo, I imagine better than it's most expensive comparable option
19:32.30fauxallianceas the old adage goes, Linux, nothing better, just more expensive.
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19:32.45fauxalliances/Linux/ GNU/Linux
19:32.51breardowell the openfiler is free as well, and includes a nice web gui.. but im having driver issues and its based on rPath linux which im unsure of.
19:33.19fauxalliancebreardo, skip the gui layer of abstraction....
19:33.26breardothere is a xen domU version available, which im going to try out as well, but im thinking just doing this as simple as possible
19:33.28breardoi dont need any GUI
19:33.33breardoagreed fauxalliance
19:34.01breardoits just that I have to 'sell' (convince) others of this systems merit.. and these guys are all GUI afficionados (aka: unskilled administrators)
19:34.45fauxalliancebreardo, I have a GUI box, not even connected to the network for the likes of those... they just need some 'pretty
19:35.13fauxallianceinterface to look at... i call it the "Management Console".... only for upper management ;-)
19:35.15breardoI guess I'll 'sell it' based on its speed and stability
19:35.23breardogood call :)
19:36.20breardonot to mention another web gui == potential compromise
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19:36.25breardoand another thing to break
19:36.34fauxalliance^^most likely
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19:36.59breardoi'll be sure to give it a shot
19:37.20breardoon a somewhat related note.. im trying to install squeeze on a box, and I have a 3ware 3750 controller.. it keeps saying no drives are found..
19:37.39breardohowever, I know there is a driver for it.. lsi megaraid_sas can do it, but I dont know how to get the newer driver into the installer
19:37.41breardoknow what I mean?
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19:37.56breardooh shit.. im trying to install lenny..
19:38.15breardobetter reburn the disc and try because I thought squeeze was updated to support this card
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19:39.14stewbreardo: does the 3ware see drives in the bios?
19:39.35stew"lsi megaraid_sas can do it"  <- does this have anything to do with 3ware?
19:39.49breardolsi owns 3ware
19:40.03breardoand yes the drives are all visible in the 3ware manager
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19:40.20breardoand it worked in FreeBSD
19:40.23breardoso I know its "working"
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19:40.45stew"it keeps saying no drives are found"  <- where? when? does it say this
19:40.59breardoduring the install process
19:41.24breardoi presume just prior to where you can setup the partitions
19:41.36breardoim trying squeeze now.. was installing lenny by mistake on my part
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19:45.36cRATall....have any of you tried setting up a custom web form that will send to a google mailbox upon hitting the submit button?  I'd also have to use google's smtp as the relay.  Any thoughts on this??
19:46.17cRATwill be using sendmail or exim to accomplish this
19:46.47dkrI don't understand why you'd have to use google smpt, sounds like sending a normal mail
19:47.09cRATtrue, I suppose I could just simply use my isp's
19:47.11breardoyeah.. squeeze has the right drivers.. its installing fine.. sorry!
19:47.23dkrthat's how it's supposed to work
19:47.46cRATok...i think i was making it hard than needed to be
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19:57.58bolthow do I invert an agrument to find? say I do "find -name 'foo'", and then I want to find the files NOT named 'foo'
19:59.12Kamping_Kaiserbolt: with !, man pag eexplains :)
19:59.12boltoh. nevermind. exclamation mark :)
19:59.26boltKamping_Kaiser: just found it. thanks for helping though :)
19:59.42boltKamping_Kaiser: didn't see that on my first skimming of the manual
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20:03.31robokopi first read revert instead of invert, find -name `echo foo | rev`
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20:04.04skaIs fam/famd important?
20:04.09e7th04shHello #debian, i am going through the processes on my machine trying to figure out what i dont need and should disable
20:04.21skaI see it installed on some systems, but don't know why.
20:04.32e7th04shso the very first alphabetically is afpd, ApplTalk Filing daemon - what do i need this protocol for?
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20:07.09peterrooneye7th04sh: you might want to start with installing apt-file (aptitude install apt-file; apt-file), use it to search for which package owns the startup script.  then apt-cache show <package>
20:07.32Dekkzteris there any way to start the debian installer inside an functioning debian install?
20:07.37peterrooneye7th04sh: eg: apt-file search /etc/init.d/afpd ; apt-cache show <whatever package it is>
20:08.07e7th04shpeterronney in most cases a google search reveals what it is
20:08.28e7th04shby a process name
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20:08.31peterrooneye7th04sh: oh, and earlier, i should have said "aptitude install apt-file; apt-file update"
20:08.49e7th04shthanks, tough i already know how to install stuff on debian
20:09.08e7th04shanyways, finding out which package it comes from is often not helpful at all
20:09.39e7th04shfor example afpd - i know what it is, however i don;t know wether it is really used at all and thus can i disable it without any harm
20:10.11Dekkzteris there any way to start the debian installer from shell inside an functioning debian install?
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20:10.57e7th04shbtw would you happen to know how to get statistics on resource use of different processes?
20:10.58peterrooneye7th04sh: well, aptitude has the -s (simulate) option.  if another package actually needs it, you shall be informed without any actual changes made.
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20:11.20e7th04shpeterrooney it's not only the packages that might need it, it can just be me
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20:12.10e7th04shi just might be unaware that certain daemon or other process provides some option i use
20:12.16Dekkzteris there any way to start the debian installer from shell inside an functioning debian install?
20:12.20e7th04shok i need to reset this box, see you sson
20:12.34arykoHello, I'd like to know if there's still a way to have something similar to stable,testing,unstable specified in my /etc/apt/sources.list with a /etc/apt/preferences file? I'd like to be able to use some unstable packages on a stable system.
20:12.35e7th04shDekkzter, you won;t get an answer earlier if you keep on posting the same question over and over again
20:13.11Dekkztere7th04sh maybe if people didnt see it the first time? :) well. i wont spam it anymore
20:13.16Kamping_Kaiserbolt: ah, no worries :)
20:13.45Kamping_KaiserDekkzter: after say 4 hours try again. 4 minutes is a bit daft
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20:14.08Dekkzteras i said.. i wont spam it anymore
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20:14.58Kamping_KaiserDekkzter: to answer the question - no, i don't think d-i will run from a term. you can try bootstrap+manual grub setup (or similarly manual way)
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20:15.28badzohi. i've just installed sid and i have one problem. iin lenny i could easily adjust pcspkr volume with xset command. now i cant do it, xset just doesnt work and adjusting volume in alsamixer neither. what could I do?
20:15.36Dekkzterok... thing is... im running it on my nas instead of the firmware
20:16.14Dekkzterand cant boot a cd or anything on it
20:18.30Kamping_KaiserDekkzter: no idea
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20:19.13gemishi, is there an easy way to install mpd 0.15 on lenny?
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20:22.58TrueDDHi all
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20:26.44KurinWhat's the best way to get python 2.6 or later in lenny?
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20:28.25boltbackports, if availale
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20:28.46Kurinit's not in backports
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20:28.53breardook.. sorry for being stupid here.. but im new to debian.. what are backports?  they are somehow newer versions of software in the apt repos? or something like that?
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20:30.09Kamping_Kaiserbreardo: yes
20:30.18jhutchins2beardy: Backports are more recent versions of packages typically from the testing or unstable branches that are built against the stable environment.  Typically they offer new features and functionality, but do not require an extensive replacement of system components.
20:30.25Kamping_Kaiserbreardo: has more details
20:30.34breardook.. cool.. thanks :)
20:30.52breardoi've been frustrated at the lack of newer software in the apt repos.. so this is what i need to add to my sources..
20:30.54jhutchins2breardo: Tough nick....
20:30.56breardoi'll read that, thanks
20:30.59breardohaha yeah sorry :)
20:31.39jhutchins2breardo: It's recommended that you only use backports you specifically need, as the stable system has not been tested for all possible interactions with all possible backports.
20:32.15breardothat makes sense
20:32.23jhutchins2breardo: It's important to remember that while the base versions of packages in stable may not be very recent, the packages are patched for security and bug fixes.
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20:39.03finetichow do I install a .deb package again? sudo dpkg --install package.deb returns error
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20:46.45foetuswith pride : setting and reading arrays with cookies and php is working..
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20:49.15foetusphp rocks..
20:49.28breardophp is just a fad
20:50.55breardofor the record, debian squeeze supports my 3ware 9750-series cards with no issue whatsoever
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20:55.23stewphp is awesome when judged solely on the number of things they decided to put into the default namespace
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21:07.18JGuzmanhi everybody
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21:08.53JGuzmanis the Lenny now without Xorg?
21:09.01*** mode/#debian [+l 841] by debhelper
21:09.10abrotmanjudd: versions xorg
21:09.12juddPackage xorg on i386 -- etch: 1:7.1.0-19; lenny: 1:7.3+20; squeeze: 1:7.5+7; sid: 1:7.5+8; experimental: 1:7.6~2
21:09.14abrotmansee .. it has xorg!
21:09.22JGuzmanI do not have my xorg.conf anymore
21:09.25JGuzmanI mean... by default
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21:12.00JGuzmanthe question is...I am trying to install xserver-xorg-video-intel
21:12.16JGuzmanbut If I do not have xorg in my system...
21:12.21JGuzmanshould I simply install it_
21:12.44*** part/#debian chmig (
21:13.04stewJGuzman: if you don't have xorg and want it, we'd recommend "aptitude install xorg"
21:13.20JGuzmanok stew
21:13.25JGuzmanI was not sure If I should install it
21:13.34JGuzmanbut I guess this is the only way to get the driver of the graphic card
21:13.36stewJGuzman: and that would include the intel driver
21:13.45JGuzmanthats great!
21:13.54stewJGuzman: its not the only way, no, its the easiest way
21:14.00*** join/#debian karsten-nr (
21:14.02JGuzmanseems like it is alreay installed
21:14.03karsten-nrquery dpkg test
21:14.09JGuzmanxorg is already the newest version.
21:14.11foetusok..must go to sleep bye
21:14.14*** part/#debian foetus (
21:14.18JGuzmanhow is it possible that I have xorg
21:14.23stewJGuzman: then xserver-xorg-video-intel is probably already installed
21:14.23JGuzmanbut no xorg.conf?
21:14.30stewJGuzman: xorg.conf isn't generally needed
21:14.42stewJGuzman: things are detected at runtime now.
21:14.48JGuzmanI see
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21:15.31JGuzmanlast time I installed a Debian was 2 years ago... :P
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21:16.02JGuzmanshould I simply create a xorg.conf file?
21:16.17stewJGuzman: do you need one?
21:16.17karsten-nrWhat's the source for info on removed packages? Specifically dillo.  I'm on squeeze/sid pinned (mostly squeeze), and find dillo in sid, but it's not in my repos listings w/ aptitude search.
21:16.41karsten-nrstew: tx
21:16.57JGuzmanstew, I guess so, because I have still some problems with the resolution of my images with evince
21:16.58stewkarsten-nr: in the news section there will be removed links, the emails it links to should list bug numbers
21:17.10marcello_what tools are available to parse the machine-readable copyright files ?
21:17.18stewJGuzman: what problem?
21:17.31karsten-nrstew: Deps on obsolete libs.  OK.
21:17.39stewmarcello_: i don't beleve there are any
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21:17.59JGuzmanresolution is too poor
21:18.08stewJGuzman: what resolution is X running at?
21:18.09JGuzmanwhen puting the images in a pdf file with LaTeX
21:18.10karsten-nrAny other suggestions for a lightning-fast, lightweight browser, not necessarilly good for Web 2.0 stuff, but general quick checks?
21:18.12marcello_so what the use of writing machine readable copyright files ?
21:18.15JGuzmannow I have
21:18.33robokopkarsten-nr: elinks
21:18.33karsten-nrmarcello_: It makes the machines happy.
21:18.33stewmarcello_: to make our job of verifying copyright files for accuuracy much more difficult, afaict
21:18.39JGuzmandpi is 96
21:18.53JGuzmanhowever the screenshots are awfull
21:18.55marcello_this sucks
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21:19.08karsten-nrrobokop: tx
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21:19.16stewJGuzman: what is the native resolution of your display?
21:19.21marcello_I guess awk would be the right to parse it though
21:19.25karsten-nrrobokop: Fan of w3m myself, but I'd like images.  I think there's a w3m-img browser as well....
21:19.41karsten-nrrobokop: Yep.
21:19.47JGuzmanand unfortunately I cannot have it in the options
21:19.53JGuzmanof the xfce
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21:19.54stewmarcello_: check the wiki for for the page with the DEP, if there was a tool, I'd hope it was listed there
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21:20.31stewJGuzman: try "xrandr --mode 1280x800"
21:20.42JGuzmanstew: ok
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21:20.53stewJGuzman: "xrandr" by itself should list your known outputs and available modes
21:21.11stewJGuzman: you might need something like "xrandr --output VGA --mode 1280x800"
21:21.46marcello_stew: there is no such a tool
21:21.59JGuzmanI see
21:22.03JGuzmanI am trying
21:22.07marcello_it's in "Things that might be good to have at some point"
21:22.23JGuzmanthis is the default of monitor 1
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21:25.17JGuzmanstew: it says: xrandr: cannot find mode 1280x800
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21:26.17stewhmm i don't have a lenny copy of xrandr.  was that option called --set instead of --mode?
21:26.47JGuzmanprobably --newmode
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21:28.24JGuzmanthis is what my xrandr command outputs ->
21:29.00stewnot --newmode
21:29.00*** mode/#debian [+l 847] by debhelper
21:29.22stewJGuzman: you have two monitors?
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21:29.35stewJGuzman: which one has the problem?
21:29.40JGuzmanbut I tried when I disconnected one and the problem with the resolution is the same
21:30.13*** join/#debian Joint (
21:30.14JGuzmanIf i make a screenshot with scrot, I can see the image very well w
21:30.31JGuzmanbut if I inserted in pdf, i get a aliasing effect
21:30.38stewJGuzman: what command did you run to change the resolution?
21:30.43Jointhey there i have a question how come my laptop is getting very hot, and is turning off on me. can someone help me out with this error I been looking around google but still can't find the right answer.
21:31.08JGuzmanstew: I change the resolution in the xfce panel
21:31.17stewoh, i don't know about that
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21:31.36stewi thought you were running the commands I was suggesting
21:31.49JGuzmanbut it does not work
21:31.54Jointi guess the cpu gets very hot and shutdowns to avoid overheating
21:31.55stewJGuzman: what exact command doesn't work?
21:32.06JGuzmanxrandr, sorry
21:32.18stewJGuzman: you showed me the output of that command, and it worked
21:32.24JGuzmanah yes
21:32.26stewbut it wouldn't have changed the resolution
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21:32.30JGuzmanbut it does not change the resolution
21:32.31amphiJoint: are you using the ondemand cpufreq governor?
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21:32.39Jointamphi, yeah,
21:32.50sigtauRunning the latest debian server distro, which seems to have come without a copy of ifconfig
21:32.51stewJGuzman: you'd have to tell it which output and what resolution you want to run
21:32.56sigtauHow do I check the local IP address of the server?
21:33.05stewsigtau: try "/sbin/ifconfig"
21:33.21*** part/#debian mazeman (~maze@
21:33.31Jointamphi, any ideas, on how to fix this error, well not error, but from keeping my laptop to overhead.
21:33.33amphiJoint: how do you know? ;) cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor to be sure
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21:33.52JGuzmannow it works
21:33.52sigtaustew: worked, thanks.  I wonder why it didn't simply work when I typed 'ifconfig,' rather than having to explicitly declare the path ifconfig was in.
21:34.03JGuzman2 monitos with 2 resolutions
21:34.13*** part/#debian man_in_shack (~shack@unaffiliated/man-in-shack/x-4279753)
21:34.15jonkrimy debian installation seems to have hanged at 5% in "select and install software", but switching terminals work... is there a way to break the operation and go to the installation menu?
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21:34.23amphiJoint: does it overheat when idling also?
21:34.24stewsigtau: becuase normal users don't have /sbin /usr/sbin /usr/local/sbin in their path by default, as those are supposed to contain superuser commands
21:34.29Jointamphi, ondemand
21:34.38sigtaualright, thanks.
21:34.49amphiJoint: good-oh, nice to be sure
21:35.02Jointamphi, yes, and cause of the overheat, my laptop battery dies. with in 20 or 25 min the most
21:35.03stewsigtau: the ip command which should hopefully eventually replace ifconfig is in /bin
21:35.08breardoHey theres some meat on that bone.. add some broth, an onion, and some carrots..and baby, you got yourself a stew goin!
21:35.10amphiJoint: does top show anything using much cpu?
21:35.11stewsigtau: so "ip a" for instance...
21:35.25stewwrong channel carl, you want #debian-offtopic
21:35.32breardodoh :)
21:35.37*** join/#debian EagleScreen (~quassel@
21:35.39Jointamphi, Cpu(s):  7.6%us,  2.6%sy,  0.0%ni, 89.4%id,  0.0%wa,  0.3%hi,  0.0%si,  0.0%st
21:35.46JGuzmanstew: thanks a lot for your help
21:35.55amphiJoint: and it's hot now?
21:35.56JGuzmanI will try to figure out what's wrong
21:35.57stewJGuzman: did you fix it?
21:36.09stewJGuzman: do you want to tell me what xrandr command didn't work?
21:36.17amphiJoint: how hot? acpi -t
21:36.18Jointamphi, it is i can smell the odd smell coming out from the laptop,
21:36.30JointThermal 0: ok, 73.0 degrees C
21:36.30JointThermal 1: ok, 73.0 degrees C
21:36.35JGuzmanstew, xrandr worked perfectly! :P
21:36.59JGuzmannow I will try to get the screenshots in the monitor with lower resolution
21:37.04amphiJoint: that is damn hot for idling; mine will go a bit over that under load
21:37.06JGuzmanand see if LaTeX shows it
21:37.10amphiJoint: is the fan on?
21:37.12*** join/#debian joneal (
21:37.17Jointamphi, yes it is
21:37.36amphiJoint: it's not just full of dust, is it? ;)
21:37.43Jointnope is not
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21:38.35amphiJoint: and the cpu is running at a low freq?
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21:38.43Jointand I'm getting sick every time my computer shutdown cause it get's too hot
21:38.49Jointamphi, how can i check that?
21:39.11Jointlet me paste it on pastebin amphi
21:39.20amphiJoint: cat /proc/cpuinfo here shows the current freq
21:40.55Jointamphi, you saw it?
21:41.14amphiJoint: one moment - some paging occuring here ;)
21:41.26Jointoh ok sorry
21:41.46amphithat's its lowest freq?
21:41.58Jointdon't know.
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21:42.52amphicat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_available_frequencies
21:43.05Joint2100000 1050000
21:43.33amphiso, that's a 'yes'
21:43.43amphiare you running compiz? ;)
21:44.30breardohow exactly are feature requests delivered to the debian team?
21:44.41breardoim just wondering if we can ever get an installer that shows which interfaces are 'up'
21:44.52breardoi get a list of six intel gig interfaces.. it askes "which one?"
21:44.54breardohow should I know :)
21:44.56breardothe one thats plugged in!
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21:46.08Jointamphi, nope only xfce
21:46.59amphiJoint: did it always do this, or is this a new development?
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21:48.51Jointamphi, just after installing debian\brb
21:49.00*** mode/#debian [+l 839] by debhelper
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21:49.55mentorbreardo: You probably want to talk to the debian-installer team
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21:55.15CutMeOwnThroat!tell breardo about install report
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21:56.07hramrach_what is the replacement of python-xml?
21:56.19hramrach_I don't have one for python 2.6
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21:57.02CutMeOwnThroatpython-libxml2 perhaps?
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21:57.30CutMeOwnThroator python-lxml?
21:57.46breardothanks for the info :)
21:57.48breardoi apprecaite it
21:58.32hramrach_I have python-libxml2 installed but it does not work
21:58.35dutchfishhi, how to reinstall grub2 in the 5th partition of an extended volume (not in MBR) in squeeze?
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22:00.26hramrach_python-lxml does not work either
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22:00.42CutMeOwnThroatah, so it's lazing on the sofa, then
22:00.48hramrach_ImportError: No module named xmlproc
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22:04.28acidslepwhen i dd if=/dev/hda1 of=/dev/hdb1 am i copying partition data? or just filesystem data
22:04.41CutMeOwnThroat!why is python-xml not in testing
22:04.42dpkgpython-xml is not in testing for the reasons listed in
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22:06.21CutMeOwnThroathramrach_, it's obsolete and hence not in debian anymore from squeeze on.
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22:07.20hramrach_but packages that use it are :-S
22:07.36hramrach_Thanks for the info
22:07.43CutMeOwnThroatfile a bug against them...
22:08.21hramrach_filed but the other issue is to get stuff working
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22:09.08CutMeOwnThroatlike this, I guess...
22:09.40amee2kwtf. debian 5 doesn't have drivers for etherlink 3 series network cards?!
22:10.00hramrach_fortunately python is dynamic enough to work when a different option to use different file format is used it seems
22:10.11CutMeOwnThroatamee2k, get a newer kernel from backports?
22:10.22amee2kvery funny
22:10.26hramrach_amee2k: you mean the ISA cards? They are no longer autodetected but still sort of work
22:10.35CutMeOwnThroatwell, you're the joker
22:10.36amee2ki'd need it on the netinst, and its the PCMCIA card version of it
22:11.00CutMeOwnThroatoh, it's too old?
22:11.14amee2ki think late 90s or so
22:11.25amee2kthe 3.1 netinst detects it just fine
22:11.35hramrach_amee2k: you may try to configure the card manually if the module is included in the installer
22:11.44amee2kbut apparently 3.1 can't cope with not having USB in the system
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22:12.09amee2k5 doesn't like the network card... now trying my version 4 cd
22:12.17hramrach_yes, the autodetection fails with recent debian, even somewhat dated debian
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22:13.49amee2khm... nope, version 4 doesn't detect it either
22:14.11amee2khow do i do the manual configuration thing?
22:14.21hramrach_I expected it. That's probably where I found the detection broken but I had an ISA card
22:14.45hramrach_amee2k: just try to load the module, it may work
22:15.07amee2khmmm lemme reboot the 3.1 netinst to see which one it uses for the card
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22:15.28hramrach_or load all modules and one may work if you don't know which one
22:16.07amee2kmmmh sure that works?
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22:16.08hramrach_the 3.1 may use the separate pcmcia modules still and those would be different
22:16.12amee2ki've only got 32MB ram
22:16.31hramrach_they aren't that large
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22:16.51hramrach_of course you need only the ones in net/
22:17.03hramrach_probably net/pcmcia
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22:18.57hramrach_amee2k: you can also enable swap from the disk
22:19.35amee2kthe 3.1 wants to load 3C589_cs for it
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22:21.27hramrach_it's still in 2.6.34 so it should work
22:21.45hramrach_also the number should be written on the card
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22:22.11amee2khmmm imma try the debian-installer/probe/usb=flase option with the deb4 netinst again
22:22.15amee2kmaybe it works this time
22:22.48hramrach_any reason not to use debian 5?
22:22.49amee2kthe 3.1 doesn't seem to care about it. debootstrap threw a different error message, but still choked on something in /proc/bus/usb or so
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22:23.28amee2kmild concerns about resources
22:23.39amee2kits a thinkpad 310ED
22:23.40hramrach_I did not try it on a system with 32mb ram yet ;-)
22:23.52amee2kwith the dead HDD replaced by two 128MB CF cards
22:24.23amee2kit boots into low memory mode, but otherwise seems to work fine (unlike hiren's boot cds)
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22:28.48amee2kcool, it works :)
22:28.53amee2khramrach_: thanks :)
22:29.10amee2knot it only needs to be able to cope with not having usb in the system
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22:29.58hramrach_is that that much of a problem? I think I have a few USB-free systems
22:30.19amee2kwell, the 3.1 netinst seems to choke on it
22:30.52hramrach_that's odd. Back then USB was not that widespread
22:31.21amee2kit failed to mount /dev/shm and /dev/pts properly, but continued anyway
22:31.48amee2klater it failed with something like /proc/bus/usb: invalid argument
22:32.17amee2kred-screening the installer with a message that debootstrap failed
22:33.15hramrach_maybe they just removed the 3.1 repos
22:33.41amee2ki don't think so. it happened at the end of the install base system step
22:34.14amee2kother than configuring the NIC it shouldn't be using the network at all yet
22:34.22amee2ki didn't even get to configure the repos
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22:35.00hramrach_why do you bother with the card not being detected then?
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22:35.26hramrach_I had to install from floppies so it was an issue then
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22:35.39amee2ki want to have it in the final system, and its the easiest if i can install it during setup
22:35.50amee2kand maybe i'll need to install some stuff from the net for it
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22:38.38ash130anyone had luck connecting windows 7 to samba domain v3.5.6
22:38.45ash130i have already tried the reg hacks
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22:39.48hramrach_which Win7 variant?
22:40.53ash130just a sec
22:40.55ash130it is a new pc
22:41.37ash130win7 pro
22:42.18hramrach_then it should be possible but I did not really connect any win7 to any domain so far
22:42.54huggy_72/msg dpkg guidelines
22:43.16ash130anyone else had success?
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22:55.02chicognuhow to use git ?
22:55.25robokopalias git=svn
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22:55.36robokopdunno really sorry
22:55.51chicognurobokop, here
22:56.01chicognurobokop, that git, how to download it
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22:56.50robokopgit clone
22:56.53Number6Tried to install gedit.deb from squeeze on lenny via dpkg, and now I can't remove gedit due to python... Any sugestions?
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22:57.48chicognurobokop, like that chicognu@debian:~/xdriver$ git-clone git://
22:58.00robokopchicognu: yes
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22:58.28robokopwill create a subdir xf86-video-intel with the data
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22:58.29chicognurobokop, what is in fact that ~git~ thing ?
22:58.46robokopgit is a version control system
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23:01.54amphichicognu: why are you trying to build the intel driver?
23:02.31chicognuamphi, cuz my driver is not support by lenny
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23:03.14amphichicognu: what makes you think that version of the driver will work with your version of X and so on?
23:03.25chicognuamphi, nothing
23:03.58chicognuamphi, but if needed I compile the entire X
23:04.09amphichicognu: you might be better off to update to squeeze, perhaps, if you have hw that's too new for lenny
23:04.36amphichicognu: have you compiled the entire X before?
23:05.11chicognuamphi, you are the 293849384 person, only today, to tell me that is better install squeeze
23:05.15amee2kmmmh, this sucks. 4.0 netinst freezes :(
23:05.39chicognuamphi, never, no ideia if it is dificult or just some ./configure make make install
23:05.49robokopchicognu: that probably has a reason don't you think
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23:06.04chicognurobokop, no
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23:06.38amphichicognu: it will be an educational experience, in any case
23:06.50amphigood luck
23:06.57robokopeducational and tiresome
23:07.23chicognurobokop, ways has a reason, of course, but not a always a good reason ?
23:07.24amphibut such fun to maintain ;)
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23:07.59neil_don my SBC I have mdadm running... it starts up the daemon at S25.. but it doesn't run the auto-assemble script :( ... when should this be done ?  S26 ?
23:08.01robokopfor me it stops at building my own kernel
23:08.06amphichicognu: are you going to remove the X that is in lenny before doing this?
23:08.22chicognuamphi, do you think that driver will not work with my atual Xorg version ?
23:08.26chicognuamphi, no ideia
23:09.07amphichicognu: does it not say what its requirements are on the intel site?
23:09.38amphichicognu: it should say that it needs xorg version >= foo
23:10.44robokopdpkg: xorg
23:10.44dpkgX.Org X11, the reference implementation of the X Window System, forked from XFree86 4.4RC2.  The current release is X11R7.5.  To install, ask me about <install x>.  Ask me about <drxx> to reconfigure.  To remove, ask about <remove x>.  #xorg on
23:10.44amphichicognu: BTW, why have you rejected the idea of upgrading to squeeze?
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23:10.52robokopjudd: xorg
23:10.52judd(xorg <pciid> [--release <release name>]) -- Output the name of the xorg driver (if any) that would claim the device, optionally restricted to the specified release. The pciid should be of the form 0000:0000. [ and ] are permitted around the pciid, but Supybot will try to act on those as nested commands unless they are enclosed in double quotes, e.g "[0000:0000]".
23:11.22robokopblegh, what was the trigger for seeing versions of packages
23:11.36amphijudd: versions xorg
23:11.37juddPackage xorg on i386 -- etch: 1:7.1.0-19; lenny: 1:7.3+20; squeeze: 1:7.5+7; sid: 1:7.5+8; experimental: 1:7.6~2
23:12.01peterrooney, xorg
23:12.03judd(xorg <pciid> [--release <release name>]) -- Output the name of the xorg driver (if any) that would claim the device, optionally restricted to the specified release. The pciid should be of the form 0000:0000. [ and ] are permitted around the pciid, but Supybot will try to act on those as nested commands unless they are enclosed in double quotes, e.g "[0000:0000]".
23:12.18chicognuamphi, I just download the six packs dvds, if I need to download anyother version of debian, for sure I will use ubuntu, and not debian
23:12.39robokopwhy have you downloaded 6 dvds
23:12.44amphichicognu: why not just use the netinstall iso, which is ~130MB if I recall correctly
23:13.03amphino wonder the damn tubes are clogged
23:13.06chicognuagain, you are the 928392 person today to say that
23:13.09robokopand you can upgrade from lenny to squeeze without reinstalling
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23:13.36chicognuserious ? that is a new to me (no it is not)
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23:13.59amphichicognu: ok, enjoy
23:14.09robokopchicognu: the more i hear you talk the more i am convinced that compiling your own drivers isn't a viable option for you
23:14.24robokopchicognu: i don't say this to be harsh, but to warn you
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23:17.21chicognurobokop, why do you think that compile a driver will be dificult ?
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23:18.41yagoochicognu, because you're already lost before knowing how to compile/debug/install it. Compiling it is not a straightforward process.
23:18.42robokopthe entire X stack is quite complicated and a lot can go wrong along the way, and i get the feeling you aren't very experienced in compiling your own software
23:19.26chicognurobokop, and you think it is not a viable option to me just because I hate net install, and think that apt-get some times sux a lot, and it is not a trusted way to upgrade between versions ?
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23:20.09yagoochicognu, it's not only robokop that thinks compiling is not a viable option for you..  but seeing you say you download 6 debian dvd's tells enough to me.
23:21.00robokopyou show a lot of ignorance, so that leads me to believe that you wouldn't be able to pull the trick without a lot of handholding
23:21.03chicognuyagoo, that opinion makes me laugh
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23:21.08chicognuout load
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23:21.27yagoo<chicognu> amphi, I just download the six packs dvds, if I need to download anyother version of debian, for sure I will use ubuntu, and not debian
23:21.33yagoo" "
23:21.40yagoo-_- doesn't like that
23:22.07robokopand we already told you about a good alternative and we are here doing this for free so perhaps we are not looking forward to hold your hand in the compile progress
23:22.21yagoogood way not to get any help in here. I won't with that kind of rudeness.
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23:22.39amphichicognu: why are you talking in here, instead of building the driver, if you have nothing but contempt for what people here tell you?
23:23.20amphirobokop: such hand-holding would be off-topic, so don't worry ;)
23:25.31*** join/#debian abrotman (~abrotman@pdpc/supporter/active/abrotman)
23:26.32chicognuamphi, Who told you I don`t care for what persons tell to me ? I care, and ALOT, and I`m glad and thak full that some people helps me, in special in this morning, but I think some ideas just not quite smart. Like use apt-get to upgrade a distro, or that some one should only download the first Cd or the first dvd. In my case I strong need at least the first, second, and six (update) dvd
23:26.50chicognuand in time
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23:27.44karsten-nrAnyone else seeing KDE apps not have functioning menu bars?  I'm using kontact in WindowMaker.  Menus periodically refuse to work.
23:28.08amphichicognu: ok, you know best
23:28.19robokop/ignore chicognu
23:28.21yagooamphi, notcha
23:28.38yagooI got get me some donuts and take out the garbage
23:28.39amphiyagoo: eh?
23:28.44karsten-nrAnd that's under testing/squeeze.
23:28.44abrotmanchicognu: you are wrong
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23:29.14chicognurobokop, before use debian, I use gentoo and slackware, and if there is a thing that I don`t know about it is to apt stuff... If i`am not success in compile the module it will because a incompatibility between my atual X version and that special module
23:29.23yagooamphi, Only the best have a best nose into themselves. They care more about what they care-say than care take.
23:29.32yagooamphi, i share your point :)
23:30.36amphichicognu: if you are going to use debian, you should learn to use the package management tools
23:30.48chicognuabrotman, Im not man, you like debian and defend it, and apt-get can be a great in dependence manager, but some times it fail
23:31.30abrotmanchicognu: how long have you been using Linux?
23:31.36Xanbreonif you try and build a brand new intel driver with the old xorg in lenny you will probs fail
23:31.38amphimisses mwilson
23:32.01abrotmanamphi: Shut up, you have no idea what you're talking about, obviously the floppy drive was created to read CD-ROMs
23:32.39karsten-nrabrotman: I thought the floppy was created to read punch tape.
23:32.41amphiwtf does that have to do with it? apart from nothing, of course
23:32.54XanbreonWould help if floppy drives read CD-ROMS, i have tons of working FDD's but only 1 iffy DVDROM drive :(
23:33.09chicognuabrotman, just to show a concret case. yesterday after download some updates, and install some programs apt-get return me `those packages are automated installed, and are no longer required use apt-get autoremove to remove them` ... I did so and gnome goes way ...
23:33.16abrotmankarsten-nr: you moron, go read the docs!
23:33.32abrotmanchicognu: then you did it wrong .. it wasn't the tool that failed, it was the user
23:33.43karsten-nrabrotman: I need to learn braille first.
23:33.43chicognuabrotman, how ??
23:34.11amphigives Xanbreon some vowels
23:34.30Xanbreonlooks at said vowels in puzzlement
23:34.33chicognuIf the tool say to I run apt-get autoremove because there is packages that are not need anymore, and I did it, and It removes gnome ?
23:34.49amphignome is never needed
23:35.03chicognuabrotman, there is at least 6 years I use linux
23:35.16Xanbreonif it says there not needed, it means nothing depends on them..
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23:35.34Xanbreonman apt-get or man aptitude
23:35.59robokopchicognu: what Xanbreon said and you didn't manually installed gnome but something that depends on gnome
23:36.19chicognuXanbreon, yes, is it what it says, but when I execute apt-get autoremove it remove my gnome. WHY ?
23:36.19Xanbreonyou probs broke the bloated (imo, ymmv) gnome meta packages
23:36.26robokopif you removed that then apt doesn't know you wanted gnome
23:36.31Xanbreonchicognu: Cos thats what you asked it todo!!!
23:36.52chicognuXanbreon, sure, and WHY gnome are not more need ?
23:37.17XanbreonNot needed == nothing depends on (and when something is auto installed, when nothing depends on it, it gets removed)
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23:38.26iluminator101hey guys, does debian squeeze support btrfs?
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23:39.10roeI'm trying to configure ldaps using OpenLDAP, I have added the following:
23:39.25roeit seems that debian does things a bit differently than the standard package
23:39.34yagooamphi, oh mwilson.. i remember that guy. hehehee.. I wish someone should just tell someone who never listens: "You are wrong.". hehehe
23:39.48chicognuthere is any atheist here to I talk about Jesus, or so ? It will be more easy to convice they :)
23:40.17Xanbreonapt is doing what its supposed to, your just using it wrong >>
23:40.23abrotmanchicognu: wrong channel, not funny
23:40.30chicognuabrotman, a lot funny
23:40.36abrotmanchicognu: NOT FUNNY
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23:40.44iluminator101hey guys, does debian squeeze support btrfs?
23:40.48abrotmanchicognu: if you don't understand how your tool works, don't blame the tool .. go read the documentation
23:40.59yagooabrotman, i took two breaks and the only thing i see coming from that guy is negativitty
23:41.04abrotmaniluminator101: it seems to
23:41.59iluminator101is it in the installer, i dont have go back in to install a btrfs partition?
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23:42.07Xanbreonsupport should be in the .32 kernel, not sure if everything else would support using it as the root or boot partition
23:42.25abrotmaniluminator101: it's a module ..
23:42.26yagooiluminator101, well btrfs is gpl licensed so likely it's usable
23:42.40roeif you're interested in using btrs I would probably stick with sid
23:42.40abrotmaniluminator101: but the installer may not support it .. yet
23:42.50abrotmanroe: sid has the same kernel .. nice try
23:42.56roefor the moment
23:43.00abrotmanand still doesn't address the installer
23:43.30Xanbreonbtrfs is a fast moving target so you would probs want a newer kernel
23:43.45abrotmanyou're still not addressing his issue ...
23:43.55abrotmanway to go ... you said the same thing as the other guy that wasn't helpful
23:44.20roeoh, he's asking about the installer?
23:44.21karsten-nrSo, sort of sorted my KDE menus issue.
23:44.29karsten-nrDual-head, squeeze/testing.
23:44.33chicognuOk, I`m sorry folks. apt-get  is a fail proof packager manager. I`m sorry to arguing about that, It solves all dependences of packages in official repository :) Amem
23:44.38XanbreonAlso: pretty sure everything else doesnt support using it as / or /boot yet
23:44.39dpkgI'm not your csh prompt!
23:44.44karsten-nrLVDS1 (onboard) and VGA1 displays, configured via xrandr.
23:44.55Xanbreonleast not the versions in squeeze
23:45.19karsten-nrApplication window menus do NOT appear for apps which are displayed on LVDS1 (laptop screen).  They first appear at top fo screen on VGA1, then within the app window.
23:45.28abrotmanllimeht: you left me alone!
23:45.41karsten-nrThis is prety reproduceable.
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23:47.31JyZyXEL why doesn't this work on lenny?
23:47.52JyZyXELthe remove event doesn't trigger
23:47.56amphikarsten-nr: qt menus appear on the wrong monitor initially?
23:48.06JyZyXELis it a known bug?
23:48.07karsten-nramphi: No, not at all.
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23:51.46he2which archive-programm should iuse?
23:51.49yagooJyZyXEL, weren't you jygzy?
23:52.12he2and i'm searchin' a nice lightwight file manager for xfce
23:52.24he2with tab-function
23:52.33JyZyXELi can't find a bug report for it tho
23:53.04Xanbreonhe2: try pcmanfm
23:53.19dsirijusum, setting /etc/default/locale LANG to a locale -a listed locale doesn't do anything even after reboot... all outs of locales still print either "POSIX" or nothing (for LANG and LC_ALL)
23:53.27dsirijussetting it through bashrc does do it, though
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23:57.59abrotmanhe2: which WM/DE do you use?
23:58.30robokopabrotman: he said a file manager for xfce
23:58.43abrotmanoh missed that second line
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