IRC log for #debian on 20101012

00:00.13JackWinterthemill:  thanks
00:00.15croutonexcellent. thanks themill.
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00:00.34jpinx-eeepcfismoll8: look in dmm
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00:00.50jpinx-eeepc!tell fismoll8 about dmm
00:00.50fismoll8JackWinter:  wow kxstudio looks nice
00:01.17arif_aliMy preseed file is listed here
00:01.20JackWinterfismoll8: ever try reaper in wine?
00:01.39fismoll8JackWinter:  if I have to use wine, it defeats the purpose of switching over from macosx
00:02.16TheOnlyJoeyfismoll8: what do you need? i am a professional studio owner and use a lot of OSS
00:02.42JackWinterfismoll8: that's true :)  just that you mentioned running vsts, is all.  i am happy as a pig with reaper and my vsts
00:03.08fismoll8TheOnlyJoey:  excellent! I currently use Logic Pro as my DAW, with the Omnisphere and Native Instruments samplers as plugins
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00:03.20fismoll8JackWinter:  very interesting---and things work fine in wine?
00:03.31fismoll8JackWinter: no latency dropoff?
00:03.47TheOnlyJoeyfismoll8: i am a Logic Pro user myself :D the only reason for me to still use propritary software
00:04.09fismoll8TheOnlyJoey:  sigh...I agree
00:04.27fismoll8TheOnlyJoey:  so I take it you dual boot then
00:04.28TheOnlyJoeyfismoll8: if you want to do audio recording, use Ardour, for midi i suggest Rosegarden
00:04.45fismoll8TheOnlyJoey:  and you're using debian to run ARdour and Rosegarden?
00:05.06TheOnlyJoeyfismoll8: My mac pro is a pure Logic Studio system, i have a serperate system for my OSS work
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00:05.28TheOnlyJoeyfismoll8: Jups Debian Sid, although i also quite like Ubuntu Studio
00:05.32JackWinteri have some patches.  wine-rt, kernel-bfs and wineasio.  at the moment i'm running 8 tracks or so, and one record enabled and monitoring at 64 samples latency, with an ampegsvx ampsim and some reverbs/eq/compressors.  can run for hours without an xrun
00:05.46fismoll8TheOnlyJoey:  and how do you backup both systems? Rsync scripts?
00:06.12fismoll8TheOnlyJoey:  my concern with a dual boot or two separate systems is the extra work it will take to maintain and backup both systems
00:06.24TheOnlyJoeyfismoll8: i backup manual, but you could use rsync indeed
00:06.45TheOnlyJoeyfismoll8: there are a lot of gui tools that use rsync that might be interesting
00:06.55TheOnlyJoeyfismoll8: a webdav is also a option
00:07.23JackWinterfismoll8: but you  need a quad core or so to be happy
00:07.46TheOnlyJoeyJackWinter: i find that reaper is not that stable on wine when using a lot of vst's
00:07.59TheOnlyJoeyJackWinter: lot of graphical issues with plugins and such
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00:09.02TheOnlyJoeyfismoll8: to be honest, for me personally there is no reason to get away from macosx, since it just works and is unix based, the only problem is price
00:09.10JackWinterTheOnlyJoey: hmm, i don't use all that many, mainly superior drummer and ampeg/amplitube, and some schwa/sstillwell plugins.  they all seem to work as advertised
00:09.27JackWinterhave tried cracked NI too and they all worked
00:09.59TheOnlyJoeyJackWinter: i had a lot of problems with NI personaly
00:10.18fismoll8JackWinter:  I require stability as well: can't have my rig crashing on me at a gig
00:10.21JackWinterwell, those i only tried briefly
00:10.41fismoll8I'm at the university, so updates of macosx and software cost me nada
00:10.54fismoll8only money I spent was on omnisphere and logic
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00:11.13fismoll8omnisphere is completely worth it...blows Native Instruments out of the water
00:11.16JackWinterfismoll8: my system doesn't crash or blow up, at least for what i do with the plugs i use.  but probably better to use osx in that case
00:11.48fismoll8TheOnlyJoey:  what samplers do you use
00:11.49TheOnlyJoeyfismoll8: hmm i am not a fan of omnisphere myself, sound to... digital
00:12.12TheOnlyJoeyfismoll8: EWQL is my preferred library's :)
00:12.22fismoll8TheOnlyJoey:  I use east west symphonic sounds myself
00:12.34TheOnlyJoeyfismoll8: yeah works great :)
00:12.35fismoll8TheOnlyJoey:  more for classical work
00:12.57fismoll8TheOnlyJoey:  omnisphere's choral patches are amazing though
00:13.10TheOnlyJoeyfismoll8: i do a lot of classical, metal, dnb and hip hop in producing (and record and write about everything)
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00:13.25TheOnlyJoeyfismoll8: hmm i love voices of passion for choir :)
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00:14.29fismoll8TheOnlyJoey:  i've heard good things about that
00:14.51fismoll8the word builder is also quite convenient
00:15.14TheOnlyJoeyyeah indeed :)
00:15.39TheOnlyJoeydo you do proffesional work or just as a hobby?
00:16.28fismoll8TheOnlyJoey:  I like to think of myself as a professional--don't make any money off it though. Currently a grad student in math, but try to find the time for music
00:16.42fismoll8TheOnlyJoey:  you do music full time?
00:17.36TheOnlyJoeyfismoll8: i try to, am a owner of a studio in the netherlands for over a year, but hard competition and such
00:18.06TheOnlyJoeyfismoll8: hmm mabe better to talk further in private instead of flooding the debian channel? :P
00:18.28JackWinterif you guys use samples, you should check out:  he runs an entire symphonic orchestra in the box with linux sampler
00:19.21TheOnlyJoeywill look into it, sounds interesting
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00:21.56JackWinterok, bye for now
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00:26.13enyawixwhat happen to the command line tools to configure xorg? the debian tool never ask any resalution question?
00:26.21enyawixwhat happen to the command line tools to configure xorg? the debian tool never ask any resolution question?
00:27.17karlpincenyawix: I think it moved into "X --configure".
00:27.33karlpincenyawix: In most cases X autoconfigures now.
00:28.37enyawixmy screen can not be auto detected
00:30.24enyawixso i must more to a old version of linux?
00:30.44enyawixi know the mode i need
00:31.37TheOnlyJoeyenyawix: you can create a manual xorg and use it, there is documentation about that on the wiki
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00:32.57karlpincthemill: /msg dpkg when will squeeze release =~ s/about <squeeze bet>./about <squeeze bet>, <guess the release date>./
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00:35.40enyawixTheOnlyJoey /etc/X11 xorg.conf is missing from the system it must be all auto
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00:36.05TheOnlyJoeyenyawix: there is a new way of creating a manual one
00:36.09enyawixis missing
00:36.51enyawixi would like to read about this
00:37.24TheOnlyJoeyi think it is in the manpage of xorg.conf
00:38.07karlpincenyawix: I thought it was "X --configure" that made them.  Could be entirely wrong, I've never done it the new way.
00:40.42enyawixi will build a vm and test
00:41.04enyawixdo not want to damage real hardware
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00:45.19jaggz-my kde input action uses this as the keyboard input setting, but both slashes are output before the ctrl-v goes through:  Ctrl+L:w:w:w:.:m:y:s:i:t:e:.:c:o:m:/:Ctrl+V:/
00:45.57jaggz-it's as if the insert (^V) is too slow, so the / goes through and THEN the inserted text from the clipboard is .. transferred
00:47.08karlpincenyawix: It's not as if you can't delete an xorg.conf without X.
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00:48.45enyawixthanks off to test
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00:52.36roeI am trying to use the spell command but I keep getting: spell: blah: stat error: No such file or directory
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01:02.11*** join/#debian lenswipe (~lenswipe@unaffiliated/lenswipe)
01:02.12lenswipehey guys
01:02.19lenswipeim looking to impose home directory quotas
01:02.23lenswipehow do i go about it>
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01:03.42lenswipesimonrvn, ive been fing ging i for the past 15 mins
01:03.44lenswipeno results :p
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01:04.43simonrvni bet i could find something in under that
01:05.11lenswipei think i found somethuing
01:05.17lenswipeill get back to you if i have any drama with it
01:05.21lenswipeno doubt i will do :p
01:06.21simonrvnjust to prove the point. now start reading you
01:06.30simonrvn!lart lenswipe
01:06.30dpkggives lenswipe a good seeing to
01:08.37lenswipesimonrvn, are you anything to do with BOFH?
01:08.54lenswipesimonrvn, i find someone named simon thats into "lart" interesting
01:09.20lenswipewhat does it stand for again?
01:09.28lenswipeluser administration ...............................................
01:09.53simonrvnluser attitude readjustment tool. no i don't.
01:11.39lenswipethats it :p
01:11.52lenswipeaka electric cattle prod
01:12.00lenswipeme and my friend love BOFH
01:13.23vsmatckhzmzmz. What's a good twitter client for debian? I don't want to send messages only receive them and have something interrupt me. I don't want to have to poll anything.
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01:13.55simonrvnthere's a few cli ones
01:14.10jpinx-eeepcvsmatck: for reading I use screen-irssi-bitlbee
01:15.48vsmatckjpinx-eeepc: ooh! intersting. I'm doing screen-finch right now. That may work for me. Thanks man.
01:16.53crazygirsuggests you both take a look at tmux
01:17.03crazygirscreen is a waste of time
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01:18.15vsmatckI'd never heard of tmux before. I'll google for a comparison between it, and screen.
01:18.51jordanmcrazygir: just because one particular application might have a better feature set than another, doesn't make it a "waste of time"
01:18.55crazygirall you need to do, is compare their configurations
01:19.06crazygirjordanm: oh no, that is not a feature set thing
01:19.34stewyeah, i had a huge tmux configuation and still wasn't has happy as with screen with a couple of lines of configuration
01:19.54crazygirthat statement was shared purely out of the care for your time
01:20.08crazygirif you want to change something in screen, good luck to you
01:20.09jordanmI have used screen for a couple years now, never configured anything
01:20.25vsmatckI always just turn off the help message. heh.
01:20.31crazygirthen you aren't leveraging much of it's power :)
01:20.48simonrvnbeen using screen for i don't know how long, and have several configs i use for different purposes
01:20.49crazygircheck out tmux, I imagine you'll never look back
01:20.52stewi did
01:20.56stewi'm happy to be back
01:21.14crazygirto each an d to his own
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01:21.26crazygiranyway.. any splunk userss here?
01:21.27stewif it could do vertical splits, and let me rotate through windows on ONE side of the split, i'd happy spend the time to lear it
01:21.35jordanmcrazygir: if I don't know what this "power" is, nor have I ever needed it, why should I care now?
01:22.00jordanmtested splunk once for a previous job
01:22.00stewbut the fact that it can't even do the thing that I do now, which is do the same with a horizontal split, means it is missing at least one feature I use from screen
01:22.15crazygirstew: tmux is much younger, make a feature request or share some code
01:22.27*** join/#debian iluminator101 (~iluminato@unaffiliated/iluminator101)
01:22.28crazygirbut yea, that makes sense
01:22.32crazygirgive it time :)
01:22.35jordanmcrazygir: back to "why", when there is perfercty working how he wants it screen
01:22.48crazygirjordanm: nvm
01:22.50jordanmperhaps not "perfectly"... but you get the point :)
01:22.57iluminator101how do i add .rar to bunch of files that have r1 r2 r3 and so on
01:23.01stewand now I should write code in order to not waste time by continueing to use screen :)
01:23.05crazygiragin, you haven't tried to configure anything in screen
01:23.12crazygirthat much is clear :)
01:23.26crazygirstew: that was not directed to youse
01:23.32jordanmiluminator101: you just want to add the ".rar" to the names of the files?
01:23.35crazygiranyway.. splunk?
01:23.36vsmatckI'm considering a bitlbee+irssi setup. I'm not totally happy with finch.
01:23.38iluminator101jordanm, yea
01:23.48stewiluminator101: have you used rar before?
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01:24.04stewjust rename?
01:24.10vsmatckI'll prolly put tmux on the backburner until I figure this stuff out.
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01:24.11simonrvni do screen, bitlbee, irssi/weechat (currently irssi), znc
01:24.18iluminator101stew its already rar files
01:24.21crazygirvmwhy wait?
01:24.30crazygirvsmatck: ^
01:24.51stewiluminator101: "rename -n 's/$/.rar/' listoffiles"  the -n does a dry run, remove it if its going to do what you want
01:24.51iluminator101stew i wanna do it in one single command thats the trick ?
01:24.55jordanmiluminator101: for i in <pattern>; do mv "$i" "$i".rar; done
01:25.39jordanmnote rename stew suggested is perfectly fine in debian, but will differ amongst other OS's
01:26.01simonrvndebian's packaged rename is _nice_
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01:26.26jordanmI am told its not so nice elsewhere though :)
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01:26.51vsmatckhm. I generally do SSH with screen + my IRC. ZNC has a web interface? I'm trying to figure out what ZNC does exactly.
01:27.26crazygirI'm trying to setup splunk, all of which goes fine until its web interface tries to bind to port 80000, any reason why this would not work (the port is open, and I've tried other ports, nothing else is holding the port)
01:27.51crazygirthe port is 8000
01:27.51crazygirno 80k :)
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01:28.03jordanmcrazygir: you get an address in use error?
01:28.08simonrvnvsmatck: znc is an irc proxy
01:28.27vsmatckOh, I think I understand what ZNC does. It's neat but I think similar to what I'm already doing.
01:28.36crazygirjordanm: python errors out in  a fuction wait_for_occupied_port
01:28.45crazygirtimes out rather
01:29.02crazygirbut this system is not doing anything else, there is nothing on 8000, and again, I've tried other ports
01:29.13jordanmthe other ports work?
01:29.36crazygirnetstat -an looks ok too
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01:33.03jordanmcrazygir: do you get a full traceback?
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01:34.27jordanmcrazygir: what version of debian?
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01:35.32jordanmcrazygir: and there was no error prior to that?
01:35.39crazygirAMD64 (Debian 2.6.26-25lenny1
01:36.00jordanmcrazygir: lenny uses python 2.5, but those appear to be 2.6 modules
01:36.34*** part/#debian lenswipe (~lenswipe@unaffiliated/lenswipe)
01:36.45crazygirI'll try apt-get'ing 2.6
01:36.58jordanmthat will trash your system
01:37.21jordanm,versions python2.6
01:37.22juddPackage python2.6 on i386 -- squeeze: 2.6.6-3; sid: 2.6.6-6
01:38.09crazygirso no 2.6 on lenny?
01:38.45jordanmno.. and that is not common even of proprietary applications, as they typically target RHEL, which latest version is running python 2.4
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01:40.13jordanmhowever, I am sure someone out there has figured out how to co-install 2.5 and 2.6 in lenny without trashing the system, as it was once done in testing
01:41.05crazygirjordanm: it appears that splunk just ships with (and probably uses) its own
01:41.33crazygirso I am guessing this is not the issue
01:41.34iluminator101jordannm mv *.r$ *.r$.rar got an error
01:41.59crazygirwhat was the error?
01:42.03crazygirthat might help a little :)
01:42.03jordanmiluminator101: bash globbing does not use regular expression
01:42.46jordanm"$" would be a literal "$" in that case likely match nothing
01:43.28jordanmalso, it sounds like you replace the variable with the pattern... what exactly did you type and what was the error?
01:43.41crazygirnot to get off topic, but why can you not run two versions of python side-by-side?
01:43.53crazygirthat is part of the point.. is it not?
01:44.26jordanmcrazygir: from what I understood, issues with the modules and the way they are byte compiled using debhelper at install time
01:44.46jordanmI imagine the python packaging policy document has some hints
01:44.55crazygirseems nutso to me
01:45.01jordanmit can be done, just not in lenny AFAIK
01:45.16crazygirany other reasons why splunk would not be able to bind to port 8000 on debian?
01:45.23jordanmnot root?
01:45.33crazygiryep, running as root
01:45.42crazygir <--- others seem to have had the issue
01:45.46iluminator101its on my laptop i will be brb
01:46.01crazygirthough the same steps don't change anything
01:46.17jordanmcrazygir: I would seek upstream support
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01:46.47crazygirtrying to, but this is so basic (and I've had splunk running in xubuntu before, for testing) I thought to at least double check here
01:47.11crazygirin case there was an issue with the system specifically, like you described with python
01:47.57jordanmif splunk was in debian, I would probably bug report that
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01:53.16lenswipehey guys
01:53.22lenswipehow do i change the motd for all users?
01:53.25lenswipethe shell motd
01:53.33lenswipewithout editing everyone's .bash_login
01:54.16dpkgi heard motd is the Message Of The Day, or /etc/motd.  /etc/motd is a symbolic link to /var/run/motd on Debian systems, see motd(5) and motd.tail(5) for further information.  Squeeze users, see also Debian bug #541455.
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02:08.41*** join/#debian Rug (
02:08.44RugHowdy all
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02:14.56RugI have a wierd problem with my firewall (running Lenny).  From within the network I can ping world+dog (DNS is resolving everything I throw at it).  I cannot hit most web-pages, BUT google works 100%.  (gmail, reader, etc..)  from within the network I can telnet (80) to any site I want, (get * gives me a 501 error and disconnected).  Any suggestions?
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02:15.17KB1JWQ501's a remote server error.
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02:16.00jordanmdoes this firewall also include a squid proxy?
02:16.23RugKB1JWQ: yes I know, I don't know the telnet commands so i guessed at get *, to see what would happen.    Ping + Telnet prove that packets are leaving the firewall, but http clients don't work.
02:16.28Rugjordanm: no
02:16.40RugKB1JWQ: You a ham?
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02:17.15abrotmanfirst time i've seen that insult
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02:17.25Rugabrotman: not an insult
02:17.30RugHAM operator
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02:17.36abrotmanoh .. canned ham! :)
02:17.49KB1JWQImagine that.
02:18.06RugHis nick is in the form of most HAM callsigns
02:18.08jpinx-eeepclooks like a truckers nick
02:18.29RugRug = VE3RUG
02:21.00RugAny suggestions about the firewall?  I am fresh out of ideas.
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02:25.28KB1JWQRug: Describe your failure mode pleaes.
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02:31.13RugFailure modes?   I don't know what you mean.   http clients are not working on almost every website I try *except google*
02:33.09RugI just checked; RDP is working through the firewall too.
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02:55.46danolsam I missing something here? I have adduser but no deluser ?
02:56.29jhutchinsdanols: I suspect you have userdel.
02:56.38jhutchinsThese things always confuse me.
02:56.58danolsthat was in there either what?
02:57.01danolsthis is odd
02:57.17jhutchinsOne is the tool, one is the wrapper, the syntax are slightly different, the only way t o know is to run one,  see what happens, then try the other.
02:57.32danolssorry I tried deluser and userdel
02:57.35danolsboth not found
02:57.37jhutchinsdanols: You are root?
02:58.16danolsnot mind you I'm using the 'basic' debian provided by vps
02:58.23danolsmaybe I need to apt-get something ?
02:58.43danolssorry guys it's been since like 2002 since I used linux
02:58.52jhutchinspkg passwd
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02:59.11jhutchins"provided by vps".  Oy,
02:59.32jhutchinsdanols: K, basic textbook
02:59.43danolssorry me stupid
02:59.51jhutchinsUnix hard.
02:59.52danolsi was su under a different user lol
02:59.54jhutchinsUnix foamy.
03:00.22*** join/#debian juju2143 (Sonikku@unaffiliated/juju2143)
03:00.32danolsjhutchins: I know it's hard and FOAMY I gave up after it started taking me more time tweaking gentoo(s?) than being productive
03:00.34jordanmnot "stupid", just a KCI issue
03:00.47danolsanywho thanks all you awesome
03:00.48danolsKCI ?
03:00.53dpkgkci is probably Keyboard-Chair Interface
03:01.03danolslol or lack of coffee
03:01.05danolsthanks all
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03:09.34danolswhat's the diff between deb and deb-src in apt sources.conf ?
03:09.43danolsi need to get java so I need to enable non-free
03:09.50danolsdo I need deb-src ?
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03:10.35k-fwiw, has a nice installer...
03:11.07danolsor should I use open-jdk :O
03:11.10stewdanols: deb-src is for fetching the source used to build the packages you'd install (from the deb lines)
03:11.35danolsstew: not understanding - you mean a package fro deb might need something deb-src ?
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03:11.58stewdanols: no.  if you wanted to rebuild a package yourself you'd need deb-src
03:12.08stewdanols: typically you wouldn't need it unless you want to fetch source code
03:12.35k-iirc, .deb's are prepackages binaries, etc.. whereas src is the actual source+debian patches..... idk..
03:13.11stewthe installer woldn't do things like setup your browser plugin and let you switch between multiple java implementations like you'd be able to do if you stick to debian packages
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03:13.36danolsstew: thanks
03:13.42k-then use update-alternatives <type>... (usually located in /etc/alternatives/)
03:14.02stewk-: which doesn't work with the installer
03:14.13danolsstew: not understanding the bit - are you suggesting debian 'preffered' way is the open java ?
03:14.15stewand you probably want update-java-alternatives for java instead of update-alternatives
03:14.29stewdanols: i'm saying don't use the installer as k- is suggesting
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03:14.38danolsstew: no prob 10-4
03:14.49danolsstew: which java do you run ?
03:14.58stewdanols: if you need the sun java then yes, its in non-free.  openjdk does pretty well
03:15.13stewdanols: sun java5, java6, and openjdk-6
03:15.22k-scary, then manually config the environment( if you feel like it), or just use debian's sun/gcj +jre.. whatever...
03:15.25danolsit's a server setup need an up setup says works with openjdk
03:15.35danolsk in nut shell it don't matter just pick one :)
03:15.52k-seems like stew can handle this for yo ;-)       ←is outta here
03:15.56stewi write java code I have to test in the three
03:16.02stewotherwise I'd stick to openjdk
03:16.08stewi wish I didn't have to use the non-free stuff
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03:16.31danolsstew: good point but sun did pump a lot into it
03:16.39danolsok i'll flip a coin for it
03:16.46danolsthanks for the helps stew
03:16.49danolslater k-
03:16.54danolsthanks for trying too
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03:17.05k-l8r, =)
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03:17.40jordanmI guess we won't be installing oracle-java6-jre until wheezy
03:18.19k-danols: goodluck →  ~\o
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03:20.38danolsk-: thanks man!
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03:21.08danolswell thank you wikipedia looks like sun eventually = openjdk
03:21.28Fleg_Hi All! How can I add only one package from sid on lenny not upgrading the whole system to unstable?
03:21.36stewFleg_: /msg dpkg ssb
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03:22.48Fleg_stew: thanks a lot.
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03:25.48danolsanyone know how I can 'unhold' a package in aptitude ? trying to wean through the man but it's long
03:26.09danolsfound it :P\
03:28.13k-did you use aptitude or dpkg?
03:31.14dpkgrumour has it, unhold is echo packagename install | dpkg --set-selections, or "aptitude unhold packagename" if the package is held in aptitude
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03:44.21triplcPlease recommend a compression filesystem/folder application? I am using a webserver on debian lenny to share documents amoung people in the company. After more a years i think that those DOC files should be compressed *transparently*. Please recommend a way to do it. I search Google but do not see much info.
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03:47.05triplci see fusecompress in sid, but do not see it in lenny
03:47.19triplcsomeone please provide me some advice
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03:50.22croutonso is there any repository that is well-updated?
03:50.52croutonat least relative to this one.. gparted is at version 0.3.8 when the latest release is 0.6.4
03:51.30peterrooneytriplc: i seem to recall apache has ability to uncompress gzip'd documents  on the fly.
03:51.51jordanmcrouton: you mean you are looking for a bleeding-edge distro? unstable and testing is similar to a rolling bleeding-edge distro, except for during testing
03:52.24jordanmand its goal is not to provide a bleeding-edge version of debian for use.. but for testing
03:52.27triplcpeterrooney: oh, it's nice, let me see :-)
03:52.39jordanm,versions gparted
03:52.41juddPackage gparted on i386 -- etch: 0.2.5-2; lenny: 0.3.8-1+b1; sid: 0.6.2-1; squeeze: 0.6.2-1
03:52.59jordanmcrouton: in the case of gparted, is there some missing feature or bug that is giving you trouble?
03:53.45croutonnot particularly, i suppose.
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03:54.37jordanm"stable" stays stable.. it doesn't change, unless nescessary. eg. if that version of gparted turned out to be totally broken, fixes would backported and added to lenny via a point release, but the upstream version would remain the same
03:55.19croutonso i would still see 0.3.8 after bug fixes were done?
03:55.21jordanmbackports are provided for most packages you need newer packages for
03:55.49jordanmcrouton: yes, with a new debian version (-1+b1) in the lenny example
03:56.14jordanmI think the b1 indicated a sponsered upload or something like that
03:56.26croutoni see
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03:56.45Soul_Eaterhow can I change the default umask for X application?
03:57.33jordanmSoul_Eater: does changing umask in the same shell as launching the X application not work?
03:57.37croutonwell, thanks jordanm.
03:57.44jordanmcrouton: anytime
03:58.14Soul_Eaterjordanm, no
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03:58.35jordanmSoul_Eater: what is the application in question?
03:58.58Soul_Eaterjordanm, thunar
04:00.30jordanmthunar may ignore umask and create with its own permissions... I would check with #xfce
04:00.37jordanmthought it might be a file manager
04:02.17jordanmSoul_Eater: there is also #debian-xfce but its mostly packaging related. the guys there are still helpful (but often away)
04:02.54Soul_Eaterjordanm, oks. thanks
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04:13.52Smirnovis there some environment variable i can set for the default architecture option to dpkg-buildpackage ?
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04:15.54jordanmSmirnov: it will always be the current running system arch AFAIK
04:18.22jordanmSmirnov: for cross-compiling I believe you can use something like qemubuilder, but it will only support archs that qemu supports
04:18.37jordanm,versions qemubuilder
04:18.40juddPackage qemubuilder on i386 -- etch-backports: 0.47~bpo40+1; lenny: 0.47; squeeze: 0.61; sid: 0.62
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04:33.27Smirnovwell i got my stuff working but i have to do dpkg-buildpackage -amyarch every time its just kind of annoying
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04:41.08frewsxcvhow do you get around: Since release 150, udev requires that support for the CONFIG_SYSFS_DEPRECATED error
04:41.29jordanm!udev squeeze
04:41.29dpkgAs of <udev> 150 in squeeze, Linux kernel 2.6.27 or later is required (i.e. upgrade kernel and udev at the same time).  If udev installation fails and you already have a squeeze kernel installed, then reboot into the new kernel and "aptitude -f install ; aptitude safe-upgrade" to continue.  See also <squeeze udev fix>, <squeeze kernel>, <kernel abi>,
04:41.48jordanmor recompile your kernel with the appropriate support, if using a custom kernel
04:42.04frewsxcvjordanm, the first one sounds more simple
04:42.13jordanmfrewsxcv: and I believe thats actaully CONFIG_SYSFS_DEPRECATED=n
04:42.17frewsxcvjordanm, should iupdate grub first? or does it do it automatically?
04:42.58jordanmupdate-grub is ran when the new kernel is installed
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05:07.19frewsxcvjordanm, so i've tried rebooting, but it boots back into the same kernel
05:07.34frewsxcvhow could i gell if 2.6.27 is installed?
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05:10.16frewsxcvis trying aptitude install linux-image-2.6-686
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05:16.39frewsxcvhmm that worked fine
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05:19.34jpinx-eeepcfrewsxcv: now reboot into it
05:20.08jpinx-eeepcdid you run grub to make it see the new kernal and add it?
05:20.09frewsxcvjpinx-eeepc, i mean it all worked out fine
05:21.04somiajfrewsxcv: dpkg -l | grep linux-image will tell you which debian packaged kernels youhave installed. (kernel-image-2.6-686 is just a meta package that pulls in the current kernel from your debian version)
05:22.22frewsxcvsomiaj, 2.6-686, 2.6.26-2-686, 2.6.32-5-686
05:23.22somiajfrewsxcv: the two kernel versions you have are then 2.6.26 and 2.6.32 (the -2-686 and -5-686 are just subversions)
05:23.46frewsxcvsomiaj, it would be acceptable to keep both? keep one as a backup?
05:24.06somiajfrewsxcv: you can relaly have as many as you want (provided you don't have /boot limitations)
05:24.30somiajfrewsxcv: usually I keep one backup -- espically when you first install a kernel, want something to fall back onto if the new kernel doesn't boot)
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05:25.39frewsxcvsomiaj, sounds appropriate
05:27.21somiajfrewsxcv: just note the package kernel-image-2.6-686 will always install the newest 2.6 kernel in debian if you do an 'upgrade' -- I personally don't like kernels being updated like that so I don't install that meta package, you should make your own decision about that.
05:27.40somiajfrewsxcv: well newest in your version of debian -- this shouldn't change if your running stable.
05:28.12jpinx-eeepcgood reason to keep a dependable kernel as backup -- new != best
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05:49.37Alagarany one can help me.   All my emails, and all my clients emails that have been sent are going  straight to junk in (as far as I'm aware) most people's inbox's. I have  hotmail, yahoo and googlemail accounts and so do my clients and I have  tested (and they have too) several different email addresses and they're  all going straight to JUNK!
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05:51.17KB1JWQAlagar: You send HTML mail, don't you...
05:51.41KB1JWQGiven your unnecessary use of caps in your problem description, you likely do this as well when you're sending email.
05:51.55peterrooneyAlagar: what KB1JWQ  said; also, try accessing mails from an acutal email client, not web, with filter logging turned on.
05:52.47KB1JWQAlagar: If that still doesn't explain it, please send a test message to
05:53.20peterrooneyKB1JWQ: I have only one exception to HTML --> Trash, and that's because I don't feel like telling my mother what she can and can't do to me.
05:54.02KB1JWQpeterrooney: Likewise.
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06:02.36nobarkingis it possible to add ubuntu's font rendering to my debian box?
06:02.45nobarkinghas anyone done this?
06:03.42somiajdepends, you can install ubuntu'
06:04.02somiajs debs in debian, but you really need to pay attention to versions -- most ubuntu's debs won't be complied against stables libs
06:04.33somiajwhat font rendering are you wanting?
06:05.09vsmatckubuntu has new font rendering or new fonts? I'm trying to figure it out.
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06:05.38nobarkingvsmatck: no same old
06:05.54vsmatcksame old what? same font rendering or same fonts?
06:05.55nobarkingthey added a support for how older types of fonts get rendered
06:06.09nobarkingthat's not in debian
06:06.32nobarkingit might be licensing issues or debian just wants to move to the future
06:06.45nobarkingbut i just want to know how i can enable that in debian
06:06.52somiajso what are you wanting, the unbuntu version of fontconfig -- figure out what package does this, compare the versions, or grab the source and see if it will complie against the libs on your machine and make a custom deb (second is preferable)
06:07.30nobarkingsomiaj: that seems like a good direction
06:07.44nobarkingi was wondering if anyone had done it before and documented it
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06:42.26kingsleyHow would you reconcile /etc/environment saying "LANG=en_US" with locale -a reporting that en_US is unavailable, and "dpkg-reconfigure locales" having no option to create en_US?
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06:44.28somiajuse an editor, set it to the correct value, en_US.UTF-8 or what ever locales you have
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06:45.27kingsleysomiaj: That seems reasonable, and I'm open to trying it.
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06:46.43mryanbrownim google failing, can someone link me to something about adding sid repos as a backup to lenny/backports?
06:46.51kingsleysomiaj: My concern is that I find myself wondering which program wrote it, and whether it may rewrite it, or whether some misguided application needs en_US.
06:48.04somiajI'm surprised en_US isn't there, but its the old standard, pre utf-8. It could have been written that way durning the original install
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06:49.41kingsleysomiaj: That seems plausible. It's happening on a new installation of lenny.
06:50.10somiajI prefer en_US myself, and I'm surprised you cannot generate that local with dpkg-reconfigure locales
06:50.16somiajsince I can still create it on sid
06:50.42kingsleyI was surprised too.
06:51.11somiajbut most prefer utf-8 so I would suggest using that and then maybe figure out why you can't generate it if you really need it later
06:52.18kingsleyI see there is a slightly more recent version of the locales package available. Maybe it has en_US.
06:53.03kingsleyBut even if it does, I'm worried that it's hard to know which application wrote /etc/environment, and whether it will again.
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07:07.33lunksI have a Cisco VPN which, as soon as I connect, routes all my network connection to it. Given I know its IP address range, submask, etc. how can I change the routes on Network Manager so it routes only what I want?
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07:20.03ShexNivishello, I'm getting some warnings while booting and it's too fast to read, it's something from udev. I tried to look for it on dmesg but can't find it. Any other place where I could find  a log of it?
07:20.51cahootenable bootlgd
07:21.11ShexNivisWhen I do it where is the log gonna be saved at?
07:21.29dpkgit has been said that bootlogd is disabled by default.  Change /etc/default/bootlogd to "Yes" to populate /var/log/boot .  For the reason behind the default, see (fixed since sysvinit 2.86.ds1-11).  Not a command (as opposed to dmesg).
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07:21.52ShexNiviscahoot: Thank you a lot
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07:24.38jasper1hej guys, how can I extract a tar while not using the directory structure in the tar?
07:24.43jasper1so I want to extract it to curent directory
07:24.54jasper1instead of . root directory where it was tarred from
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07:26.02jwwjasper1: what about -C ?
07:26.50jasper1is that the right cmmand?
07:26.57jasper1i don't wanna be overriding exisitng files
07:26.59jasper1during extract
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07:27.01jasper1by mistake
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07:27.50SlayerXPjasper1: had you considered trying it elsewhere to see what would happen?
07:27.58jasper1I don't have another box
07:27.58jasper1so no
07:28.02antivigilantehow do I output hex to nonprintable ascii > file
07:28.17jwwjasper1: should be fine, be sure to use a path with -C.
07:28.28jwwtar xvf something.tar -C /some/path
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07:29.52antivigilantelike hex2ascii 0x55AA > dd of=bootsector bs=1 skip=510
07:29.56karlpincjasper1: All -C does is change the current working directory when untarring.  If you like you could simply cd into the directory into which you wish to untar.
07:30.29antivigilantehow do I do that
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07:30.51karlpincjasper1: (But -C is nice.)  The trick to using tar is to enable the non-free repos and install the tar-doc package and read the info pages.
07:31.14jasper1karlpinc , but if I hav ea tar which was tarred at the root
07:31.17jasper1with absolute directorys
07:31.19jasper1that won't work
07:32.02karlpincjasper1: As far as I know all tar implimentations remove absolute paths when the tarball is created.
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07:32.34ShexNiviscahoot: I can't find it on the log. The first line from log Setting parameters of disc: (none). The udev error message gets printed before that line. It's a warning telling that something will be change on the next version of udev. Sadly it's too fast to read.
07:32.34jwwkarme: -P prevent that.
07:32.35karlpincjasper1: You could do a -t to list the content (tar -tzf foo.tgz)
07:33.09jasper1karlpinc all files in there are stored like ./var/cache/apt/srcpkgcache.bin
07:33.13karlpincjasper1: I bet all the paths begin with '.', the current directory.
07:33.53cahootShexNivis: not found in dmesg or syslog either? My guess is you are seeing some warning about conf file naming - nothing really harmful
07:34.19jasper1never mind it's extracting
07:34.32karlpincantivigilante: What you wrote looks right.  (Although I'm not sure I understand you.)  What are you really trying to do?
07:34.40jasper1any way to only to the /data/ dir for example?
07:35.16antivigilanteis there a hex2ascii program?
07:35.25ShexNiviscahoot: aight I will check the conf file from udev and see if I can find anything thanks though
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07:36.01karlpincjasper1: Sure.  tar -xzf foo.tgz ./data/   Should do it.  (But better test.)
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07:39.01angel-tsankovwhen two network interfaces are bridged together, does any of them have an IP address
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07:39.54karlpincantivigilante: xxd does it (in the vim package).  But it expects a human readable hexdump, I think.  You probably want to script it with your favorite language, or install and use the debtags package to find something.
07:41.31karlpincantivigilante: A sample script (in bash) would be "printf '\x05\x10'"  if it's a constant you're trying to print.
07:41.44karlpincangel-tsankov: They could if you want them to.
07:42.38angel-tsankovkarlpinc: I guess I have to edit /etc/network/interfaces to assign ip addresses to the bridged interfaces and to the bridge, right?
07:43.12karlpincangel-tsankov: Sounds right to me.  I've not setup a bridge in Linux myself so ....
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07:46.45somiajangel-tsankov: setting up a linux box to connect two different networks together?
07:47.18angel-tsankovsomiaj: setting up debian to connect a physical and a virtual network interface
07:47.28angel-tsankovthe virtual interface is vbox0
07:48.25somiajangel-tsankov: ahh, well they should still both be seen as net devices, so just configure each to have the appropriate settings/ip and then use iptables to configure the routing/bridge
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07:49.17angel-tsankovsomiaj: are you sure, I dont need a br0 device ?
07:50.12karlpincantivigilante: Perhaps the ascii2binary package.
07:51.01karlpincsomiaj: Any clue if the iptables part is something that ferm can do?
07:51.52somiajangel-tsankov: not positive what you mean by bridge, but if you just want to route packets from the physical device to the virtual device and visa, versa iptables is what I'd use
07:51.58somiajkarlpinc: not sure what ferm is.
07:52.34karlpincsomiaj: Takes a sane syntax and produces iptables rules.
07:53.04somiajkarlpinc: then yes, the method you configure iptables shouldn't be an issue.
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07:54.18[gnubie]anyone familiar here with cpio?
07:54.23karlpincsomiaj: Yeah.  I've not used ferm but don't like writing iptables and, while shorewall is nice it's more of a modeling language than something declarative.  One of these days I'm going to use vbox and want to get off on the right foot.
07:54.31karlpinc!tell [gnubie] about anyone
07:54.56[gnubie]i tried to extract an archived file using the command: cpio -idmv archived.cpio
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07:57.37[gnubie]but the problem is, after i press the enter/return key, it was extracted with a full path (meaning, with a / on every first directories it extracted) which resulted to overwrite the system's filesystem. i just want to extract everything from the present working directory
07:57.38[gnubie]sorry, the correct command was:  cpio -idmv < archived.cpio
07:57.47[gnubie]my pwd is /mnt and i want to extract everything inside the /mnt/ directory
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07:58.27karlpinc[gnubie]: And?
07:58.28karlpinc[gnubie]: cpio does not take a filename.  It wants stuff on standard input.  cat archived.cpio | cpio -idmv   (or better, cpio -idmv < archived.cpio)
07:58.56[gnubie]karlpinc: that's what i did: cpio -idmv < archived.cpio
07:59.21[gnubie]the problem is, it extracted in my filesystem's / recursively
08:00.07karlpinc[gnubie]: That's because your current directory was /.  (I bet.)  Try using cd to go into /mnt.
08:00.24[gnubie]karlpinc: as i've said, my pwd is at /mnt
08:00.30__cool__[gnubie]: you need kinda glob pattern. append '/mnt/*' ... but check first, if it should be 'mnt/*'  (check with  'cpio itv' ...
08:01.04__cool__[gnubie]: and if the files have '/mnt/' in the beginning, you have to go to / for extraction
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08:01.53[gnubie]__cool__: the contents of the archived.cpio was a full filesystem archive starting from / from another system.
08:01.55__cool__karlpinc: cpio *does* take filenames when 'copying in'
08:02.17karlpinc__cool__: Agh.  I've always found cpio a struggle.
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08:03.11__cool__[gnubie]: oh btw, put '/mnt/*' in ticks ' <- like here
08:03.32__cool__[gnubie]: else you only get the file already existing on your system
08:03.43karlpinc[gnubie]: The trick is to read the directions.  They can be found by "info cpio".
08:03.46[gnubie]__cool__: i'm sorry, what do you mean?
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08:03.50[gnubie]the procedure i did were:
08:04.04[gnubie][1] cp -a archived.cpio /mnt/.
08:04.08[gnubie][2] cd /mnt
08:04.18[gnubie][3] cpio -idmv < archived.cpio
08:04.39__cool__karlpinc: the trick is, to read the instructions *once* and then use one memorized invocation 1000 times. *then* you don't struggle anymore
08:05.00__cool__[gnubie]:  do
08:05.21[gnubie]after i press the enter/return key on the 3rd command, the extraction started from / onwards which writes from my filesystem's /
08:05.36__cool__[3] cd / ; cpio -idmv < archived.cpio '/mnt/*'
08:06.25karlpinc__cool__: The procedure I used to use was: read the instructions, get drunk, get sober, read the instructions again, try to make it work, read the instructions again, make it work, wait a week, read the instructions again, do something complicated -- repeatedly, read the instructions again, redo the complicated work the right way.
08:06.27__cool__[gnubie]: i don't think it starts from / in your case though... instead you should get another mnt in /mnt
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08:07.44__cool__karlpinc: well, the real trick is to write a backup utility for ~50 servers that uses cpio, doing 1st and 2nd level support for those some years and so on :)
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08:08.09[gnubie]snippet at
08:08.21karlpinc[gnubie]: It's a little late now, but imo tar is a whole lot easier.  (The only slightly tricky part is --one-file-system to avoid stuff like /proc and possibly --numeric-owner on restore.
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08:08.52[gnubie]kindly check
08:08.55__cool__karlpinc: yeah, well, another problem is you cannot easily select files by date or size and so on, can you?
08:09.21__cool__[gnubie]: yeah. look right. do what i wrote as [3]
08:09.24[gnubie]as you will see, the extracted files/directories starts at / instead of extracting it in the present working directory which is the /mnt
08:10.11[gnubie]__cool__: this one? => cd / ; cpio -idmv < archived.cpio '/mnt/*'
08:10.13pisiafter updating to sid, cdrom-s and usb keys don't auto mount any more. what should be re-installed or done to fix this?
08:10.17karlpinc__cool__: No.  OTOH, you can't do rsync like hardlinking with either one.  Mostly I want either a copy of everything, or I want rsync's tricks.
08:10.21__cool__[gnubie]: yes
08:10.43pisithe same problem is with ubuntu 10.04->10.10 so I suspect it is something common.
08:10.50[gnubie]__cool__: so, i have to go to my filesystem's / first..
08:11.08pisiIron key used to auto-mount itself to /media/IronKey but that does not happen any more.
08:11.29arif-aliHi, I have been using preseed to provision machine in ubuntu, and this has worked without any hiccups, I have now a similar preseed for lenny, but for some reason, it is not working. I keep getting "!! ERROR: Bad archive mirror"
08:12.27karlpincarif-ali: Is the name of the mirror right?
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08:12.52__cool__[gnubie]: yeah. almost allway, except you want to put stuff somewhere else than where it came from
08:13.05__cool__*always* that it
08:13.41arif-alikarlpinc: I am using the 1st CD, and extracting that, and creating a local repository, and installng from that, and then using the initrd and kernel from the from the website wrt to netboot
08:13.47__cool__arx. *is*... and when rebasing, you need relative paths in the archive (but that doesn;t matter for you now)
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08:14.49__cool__[gnubie]: and *please* be sure you make no typos
08:15.22arif-alikarlpinc: My preseed file
08:15.36__cool__[gnubie]: and check before with cpio itv <... '/mnt/*' lest you overwrite your whole system
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08:16.12__cool__[gnubie]: (this could take some time though as it reads the whole archive file)
08:16.37[gnubie]__cool__: ok. thanks. i will try now..
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08:36.43karlpincarif-ali: So, if you go to  you see the same directory structure as, e.g.,  ?
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08:39.23Mixxithey in my public_html directory a symbol link ~ has appeared
08:39.27Mixxithow can i trace it?
08:39.32Mixxitwhat's happening!
08:39.50Mixxitim scared to rm it incase it wipes my ~ dir
08:40.31nsadmincd public_html ; ls -l ./~
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08:41.23arif-alikarpinc: I have dists, docs and pool, which are similar, I don't have any others. I have tried the same thing with ubuntu 9.10, 10.04 and 10.10, and I have that working already
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08:43.13karlpincarif-ali: Did you actually try this in a browser?  Good to check just in case.
08:43.53karlpincMixxit: readlink or "ls -l".
08:44.09Mixxitreadlink takes me back to a prompt
08:44.18Mixxitls -l ~ lists my ~ dir
08:44.23karlpincMixxit: You need to tell it what link to read.
08:44.27nsadmincd public_html ; ls -l ./~
08:44.48Mixxitaha so rm -Rf ./~
08:45.08nsadmindo not do that
08:45.09karlpincMixxit: "cd public_html ; ls -l './~'"  The ' is important!
08:45.22Mixxiti see what has happened
08:45.27Mixxitthis isnt a symlink
08:45.46karlpincMixxit: surround it with '' or else the shell will expand it.
08:46.02nsadminso far you haven't showed us the line resulting
08:46.03Mixxitrm -Rf './~' ?
08:46.13arif-alikarlpinc: yes, I did check in browser
08:46.21Mixxitls -l ./~
08:46.21Mixxittotal 4
08:46.21Mixxitdrwx------ 3 solinia solinia 4096 Oct 11 00:26 server
08:46.45nsadminso its name is not ~
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08:47.11Mixxitdrwx------ 3 solinia solinia 4096 Oct 11 00:26 ~
08:48.01nsadminI'd suggest first doing this:
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08:48.30nsadminmv './~' anothername
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08:50.22[gnubie]__cool__: done already. this is what i just did:
08:50.35[gnubie]root@host:/mnt# cpio -idmv --no-absolute-filenames < archived.cpio
08:50.49[gnubie]__cool__: thank you once again.. ;)
08:51.35nsadminthen you can deal with it without worrying about your ~
08:52.05karlpincarif-ali: Are there logs?   (I'm just wandering around here.)
08:55.19Mixxitthanks nsadmin that fixed m y problem
08:55.42nsadminlike, you can look at it, you can move it out of your public_html, you can see if it has your stuff... could it be you made a typing mistake yesterday that produced the ~?
08:56.55arif-alikarlpinc: I have httpd logs, but that's about it
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08:58.40arif-alikarlpinc: I get [client] File does not exist: /install/debian5.0.6/x86_64/dists/oldstable
08:59.14arif-alikarlpinc, but when I link oldstable to lenny, I get no errors at all in the error logs in httpd
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09:01.31arif-alikarlpinc: I have tried BOOT_DEBUG=3, with no avail, is there any other way to debug what is happening with preseed?
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09:07.58[gnubie]gtg now.. ;)
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09:09.25arif-alikarlpinc: is it worth me posting my problem on the mailing list?
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09:13.57angel-tsankovI want to bridge two network interfaces and preserve their ip addresses
09:14.25nsadminare they in the same subnet?
09:14.26angel-tsankovbut when I 'ifup br0' they seem to be reconfigured with no ip address
09:14.50angel-tsankovnsadmin: in fact, only one of them has an ip address
09:14.59angel-tsankovthe other one is a virtual on (vbox0)
09:15.08angel-tsankovthe real interface is eth0
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09:15.24angel-tsankovthe real interface is connected to a local net
09:15.24nsadminwhich two interfaces do you want to bridge?
09:15.35angel-tsankovI want to bridge eth0 and vbox0
09:15.52angel-tsankova dhcp server runs on eth0, that's why I need it to have an ip address
09:15.59nsadminand what subnets are they on?
09:16.10angel-tsankoveth0 is on
09:16.22angel-tsankovI meant 192.168.1.x
09:16.33nsadminright, the former is the net address
09:16.34angel-tsankovvbox0 is a tap interface
09:16.41nsadminwhat subnet?
09:17.28angel-tsankovnsadmin: are you asking about interace 'vbox0'?
09:17.46angel-tsankovit is not yet on any subnet
09:18.01nsadminso it has no address at all?
09:18.18nsadminand you want to preserve that?
09:18.41angel-tsankovnsadmin: yes, I think so
09:19.24angel-tsankovI want eth0 to have IP address and I don't care if vbox0 has an IP address
09:19.25nsadminok, (just making sure) you want eth0 to have its address, and vbox0 to not have an address?
09:19.42nsadminok. what's happening instead?
09:20.00angel-tsankovwhen I run 'ifup br0' eth0 loses its ip address
09:20.07angel-tsankovbr0 is the bridge interface
09:20.38angel-tsankovit looks like its configuration is lost
09:20.40nsadminwhy not give the 1.1 ip to br0?
09:20.42binarymangel-tsankov: it's normal
09:20.47binarymthe bridge take the ip
09:21.00binarymcomponent of bridge musn't have their own ip, imo
09:21.15binarymbut what is the problem ?
09:21.36angel-tsankovbinarym: the problem is that if eth0 does not have an ip address, it cannot serve as a gateway
09:21.48binarymdon't use eth0 anymore
09:21.48angel-tsankovI mean the host machine cannot serve as a gateway
09:21.52binarymuse br0 instead
09:22.11binarymyou mean gateway for the vbox ?
09:22.20binarymsince vbox0 and br0 are bridged
09:22.20angel-tsankovboth for vbox and for the LAN
09:22.27binarymno problem
09:22.32angel-tsankovso I need to reconfigure iptables?
09:22.37angel-tsankovand use br0 instead of eth0?
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09:22.49angel-tsankovlet me try this
09:23.05binarymangel-tsankov: tell me if it's ok
09:23.10binarymbut i'm pretty sure it is :)
09:23.12angel-tsankovbinarym: ok
09:23.53angel-tsankovbinarym: here's how I configure masq'ing: 'iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth1 -j MASQUERADE'
09:24.04angel-tsankovnote that nowhere is eth0 mentioned
09:24.08binarymeth1 is wan link, and eth0 lan link ?
09:24.19angel-tsankovboth are lan links
09:24.30angel-tsankovyes, you are right
09:24.45angel-tsankoveth1 it connected to the Internet, eth0 -- to a local net
09:24.57binarymeth0 is the gateway for other lans box ?
09:25.08binarymadress is ? ?
09:25.20angel-tsankov192.168.1.1 is the address of eth0
09:25.23binarymbr0 now has this adress ?
09:25.32binarymand it doesn't work  ?
09:25.43angel-tsankovthe address of br0 is
09:25.51binarymthis is the probelm :)
09:25.57nsadminit's not even on the right subnet :)
09:26.01binarymconsider eth0 doesn't exist anymore
09:26.13binarymattribute the eth0's old adress to br0
09:26.28binarymand your lan must take the internet back
09:26.51angel-tsankovin progress...
09:27.20nsadminyou probably want to configure br0 static in /etc/network/interfaces
09:27.34angel-tsankovyes, I want this; give me a minute
09:27.56nsadminyou may have done that already for eth0; just change the name
09:28.25angel-tsankovnoe br0 has address, eth0 does not have any address, and dhcp server says there is no subnetdeclaration for eth0
09:29.05angel-tsankovso, how can I have dhcp on eth0 without eth0 having an ip address
09:30.30nsadminmaybe you just want it on br0
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09:31.55binarymangel-tsankov: yeah fist, verify it's ok
09:32.02binarymverify if lan box have net, etc...
09:32.09binarymgrep -ri 'eth0' /etc
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09:32.18binarymand update your config :)
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09:34.54angel-tsankovnsadmin, binarym: now dhcp server runs on br0 (, eth0 has no ip address, and lan hosts cannot get an ip address from the dhcp server
09:35.39nsadminif you configure a lan host statically as a test, can it ping
09:35.41frikinzIs there any alternative to webmin? A web based interface for sysadmin?
09:36.10nsadminfrikinz: of course. a text editor.
09:36.17binarymhaha :)
09:36.25binarymangel-tsankov: yeah, try this
09:36.42binarymangel-tsankov: moreover, is there any message in the log from dhcp server ?
09:36.54frikinznsadmin: not sure my users know how to use vi over ssh
09:37.18angel-tsankovnsadmin, binarym: I think lan hosts got ip addresses after a short while
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09:37.40binarymangel-tsankov: yeah, br0 may take a bit time to "setup" correctly
09:37.46angel-tsankovlet me see if virtual machine will get address, too
09:38.02binarymangel-tsankov: this point is fail i think
09:38.10nsadminfrikinz: nano might be more understandable
09:38.17binarymvbox0 == eth0 == br0
09:38.37binarymfrikinz: plesk exist. It's proprietary
09:39.13nsadminif your users are paying you, you might as well get them something that works
09:39.28frikinzbinarym: thanks. No I want something free (as in beer)
09:39.34binarymfrikinz: have a look to ISPConfig, Raven, AlternC, ...
09:40.21binarymCPanel too
09:40.33angel-tsankovbinarym, nsadmin: how can I have VMs get ip addresses from the dhcp server, too
09:40.39nsadminwell you could try webmin yourself (which means you go get it, configure it, and as necessary, fix it)
09:41.08binarymangel-tsankov: i think this isn't a good idea :(
09:41.17nsadminhow are they getting them now?
09:41.24angel-tsankovbinarym: why
09:41.35angel-tsankovnsadmin: I've just installed them
09:41.38nsadminI was using xen before, and the bridge made using its tools just worked
09:41.41binarymi think you should better remove some ip address from dhcp pool and assign it to VMs
09:41.49frikinznsadmin: yes, I think that's what I'm going to do (now checking the others but "buy now"..). Although if webmin has been removed from debian, there might be a reason..
09:42.13binarymfrikinz: webmin was really piece of shit :) that's a good reason :)
09:42.19nsadmina coupla reasons that I can sus out...
09:42.29frikinzfull of security holes iir
09:42.55nsadminthe sysadmins among the developers don't want it to be easy for just anyone to do sysadmin; it affects their economy
09:43.13binarymangel-tsankov: i think it may be problematic since DHCP server will see dhcp request as if they were coming from its own interface
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09:43.32nsadmin(the way they say it is people should learn how it's really done)
09:43.38binarymsince, don't forget, br0 = (eth0 + vbox0)
09:43.58angel-tsankovbinarym: why should this be a problem
09:44.14angel-tsankovafter all, lan hosts send requests via eth0, which now is br0
09:44.18nsadmintail the dhcp server logs
09:44.22angel-tsankovso the case is the same for lan hosts
09:44.26binarymbut think about mac adress
09:44.27nsadminand then start a vm
09:44.33dutchfishnsadmin: the sysadmins among the developers don't want another layer that can mess up there economics of good practises ;)
09:44.34binarymlan host has their own mac adress
09:44.41angel-tsankovyes, they do
09:44.42binarymbut you should try
09:44.44binarymyou'll see
09:45.09angel-tsankovbinarym: what should I try
09:45.09binarymtry, and tell us: 1/ if it works 2/ if no, what is on dhcpd logs
09:45.15nsadmindutchfish: they act too hostile for it to not be about the money.
09:45.16binarymdhclient eth0 on VM
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09:46.19angel-tsankovbinarym: it the output looks like dhcliend send dhcpdiscover requests on eth0 and not receiving any reply
09:46.23nsadminother than that however, webmin is pretty seriously flawed and broken in some of its modules
09:46.29binarymand on dhcp server logs ?
09:46.49angel-tsankovbonarym: nothing
09:47.00frikinza product sometimes needs to be configured (example if it is put into a wireless network) and having the developpers configure every systems is not possible.
09:47.02angel-tsankovbinarym: looks like dhcp server does not get the requests
09:47.32binarymtry a tcpdump -i br0 port 67
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09:48.17NET||abusehey guys, i've been setup with a server, but the hosting company threw CentOs on it, is there a way to re-install Debian over that without being physically at the server?
09:48.29NET||abusethe hosting company charge $50 to re-install Debian
09:48.29industrialHow do I use apt to list and search for installed packages?
09:48.41NET||abuseindustrial, use dpkg -l instead
09:48.50robokopmy dmesg is full of lines like these :, any idea what my cause this?
09:49.01NET||abuse:/ dpkg -l | grep <search term>
09:49.04petemcNET||abuse: the install guide covers installing via a chroot on another OS
09:49.13angel-tsankovbinarym: tcpdump does not output anything interesting
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09:49.31angel-tsankovbinarym: says it listens on br0, link-type is EN10MB
09:49.42industrialNET||abuse: k
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09:50.15angel-tsankovbinarym: each VM has its own mac address, by the way
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09:50.57EnverexI have a USB Wireless device and I'm trying to find the chipset it uses but I'm having no luck at all, it identifies itself as "0411:00cb MelCo., Inc. WLI-U2-G300N 802.11n Adapter" and is apparently Marvell based, but I can't find any more than that. Any ideas what I could check?
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09:55.29[gnubie]i'm running xen 4.0.1 and related packages on a debian squeeze amd64 system all comes from it's repository. now i'm planning to make use of the pv-grub but all i can find is /usr/share/doc/xen-utils-common/examples/xmexample.pv-grub.gz. any idea?
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09:56.48nsadminhave you read that file?
09:57.43robokopmy dmesg is full of lines like these :, any idea what may cause this?
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10:00.52[gnubie]anybody knows where i can find the pv-grub ?
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10:14.52willembGreetings.  Can someone reccommend anything other than phplogcon for use with rsyslog?
10:15.22willembor is it better than the demo site makes it look?
10:16.08poisonbitwillemb, do you need a web interface to view/search rsyslog logs  ?
10:16.41poisonbitI don't know how many there are for rsyslog, but the default syslog format is compatible with syslog, so all syslog frontends should work too
10:17.00willembpoinsonbit:  at the moment, I don't even have centralized logging yet, and we use syslog-ng.  It looks like rsyslog is where Debian is going.
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10:17.29poisonbityes, as daemon, but the log format remains the same
10:17.30willembpoisonbit:  in that case, can you reccommend any other web interfaces to view/search logging details after centralization?
10:18.09poisonbitI can't, I use to use logwatch, cron reports, etc, no web interface
10:19.03willembpoinsonbit:  Thanks, not really an option for 1000+ machines
10:19.14poisonbitwhy ?
10:19.23poisonbitdoes human eye is n option fotr that ?
10:19.53poisonbittranslated:  is the human eye an option for that ?
10:21.53willembclickety-clickety "only show me authlogs, and only successful logins is pretty attractive.
10:23.02poisonbitsure  :)
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10:23.20poisonbitwillemb, I could love to see a modern and nice web interface for that
10:23.40poisonbitbut i don't know of anithing that does not look like a old CGI
10:24.53poisonbitthe more famous needs to have a LAMP in the log server  (phplogcon, php-syslog-ng, usermin/webmin, etc...)
10:25.21willembthat looks a little promising, built on ruby
10:25.44poisonbitlooks nice yes
10:25.52icebrainscp the files, use editor of choice?
10:29.26poisonbitwillemb, it requires java for the "graylog server" and ruby for the web interface
10:29.49willembpoinsonbit:  Yeah, that is a downside.  Closest we could get to splunk so far
10:29.50poisonbitanyway it looks better than the alternatives
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10:49.06pozicCan I save the terminal state such that a program that might disrupt it has its effects undone when it is done executing?
10:49.41pozicSo something like save_terminal_state ; broken_program ; restore_terminal_state
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10:50.15pozicSpecifically where I do C-c while this script is running.
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10:53.43nsadminfire up xterm (or your fav term)
10:53.53nsadminexit xterm
10:55.12nsadminso in broken_program SIGINT is not caught and handled
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11:06.04Mixxithow do i stop this wu-ftpd message?
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11:07.48CutMeOwnThroatif you just enter "apt-cache dotty", does it print all relationships in the database?
11:08.29loxley_Hi, is there a way to feed answeres to dist-upgrade when querying me for Y or N answers?
11:08.34CutMeOwnThroatwhat's the differece to "apt-cache dotty somepackage", when you don't set APT::Cache::GivenOnly
11:09.44nsadminyou would feed it the answers by pushing keys on your keyboard
11:10.14loxley_nsadmin: funny, but just shit for brains. i read something about preseeding, wondering if that is correct
11:10.42nsadminyou can try preseeding or there's something called fai
11:11.01nsadminyou didn'
11:11.10nsadmint say anything about your application tho
11:11.32nsadminand so my response was a direct answer to your question as you posed it
11:12.01loxley_nsadmin: i'm doing a etch->lenny upgrade and it queries me for some conf files, for example /etc/modprobe.d/aliases etc
11:12.22nsadminare you doing multiple machines?
11:12.29loxley_nsadmin: yeps
11:12.39nsadminand you want them all to have the same config?
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11:13.19CutMeOwnThroatand they already have all the same configuration?
11:13.21loxley_nsadmin: no, that i take care of with cfagent. but the thing is that there are some questions that i want to answer yes to and some to answer no to
11:13.45nsadminthis is starting to sound like a custom app
11:14.20*** join/#debian abrotman (~abrotman@pdpc/supporter/active/abrotman)
11:15.48CutMeOwnThroatpreseeding is only for the initial installation with the installer
11:16.29nsadminI suppose you could somehow preload the debconf db with answers to the questions
11:16.36poisonbitpreseeding has a late_command that can work into /target
11:17.08loxley_nsadmin: yes i thought of that, would that be with debconf set selections?
11:17.17poisonbitand hook a init script that autoremoves himself, if needed to make actions after first reboot
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11:17.33nsadminnever done it, so for specifics I defer to the docs
11:17.58loxley_nsadmin: ok, but thanks for the help
11:18.18nsadmineven if it was shit fer brains, huh? :P
11:18.26loxley_nsadmin: sorry :)
11:18.52nsadminnext time be a sicco in the first place :)
11:19.33nsadminone of thoes Cs is supposed to be "complete"...
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11:19.47loxley_nsadmin: ill try to ask in a sarcastic way next time
11:19.51angel-tsankovwhat is /etc/group- for?
11:20.02dpkgPlease ask sicco questions, questions that are Specific, Informative, Concise, Complete, and On-topic.  Ask me about <research> and <cooperation in asking for help>.
11:20.17nsadminangel-tsankov, probably a backup or other temp copy
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11:22.23CutMeOwnThroatit's really difficult to ask these type of questions, though :)
11:22.29poisonbitIt's from the package base-passwd, but does not out in dpkg -S
11:22.42nsadminit is?
11:22.43poisonbitit's referneced in man update-passwd
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11:23.05CutMeOwnThroatloxley_, look at fai and tell us if it can do what you want and with what efort
11:23.27CutMeOwnThroatnsadmin, sure, much easier to say "my debian don't works, halp!"
11:24.07nsadmin"Can haz uh debi an pleez?"
11:24.20CutMeOwnThroathalp! kthux
11:24.51CutMeOwnThroatso I guess you dont know what I asked about dotty...
11:25.33predsI'm having trouble with a Debian machine running mdadm, it doesn't appear to make the device node during bootup. If I manually create the node the raid assembles just fine. Where in the boot process is the device node meant to be created?
11:25.55nsadminI think I had graphviz once, and I ran into apt-something dotty
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11:26.13CutMeOwnThroatapt-cache dotty
11:26.32nsadmintried it by itself, after graphviz did something to it, it looked like a mess, maybe everything was ther
11:26.44poisonbitpreds, devices...   /etc/udev/* ?
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11:26.59CutMeOwnThroatit's kinda ugly
11:27.23CutMeOwnThroatI wondered if I could make something the like
11:27.27nsadminyeah, it was definitely not a pretty graph like for a single package
11:27.56CutMeOwnThroatno, you have to run something like apt-cache -o 'APT::Cache::GivenOnly=1' dotty inkscape
11:28.10CutMeOwnThroatbut that doesn't seem too useful either... goes one level of dependencies
11:28.48nsadminI think I built a later inkscape, maybe backported it
11:29.01CutMeOwnThroatpoisonbit, thanks!
11:29.07poisonbitalso there is that web thing...
11:29.19poisonbittry filling the input box with the package name
11:31.10CutMeOwnThroatI wondered if it's possible to display the full dependency tree in a way... but there's lots of packages, so it would need to be thought out well
11:31.29CutMeOwnThroaton the other hand, google earth can display the whole globe... so it's somewhat possible
11:32.40tholl583xxI need to login to hpsim using the system root passwd, but I only have sudo privileges, would it work to make a copy of the /etc/shadow file, change the passwd to something else, login and do my business and copy /etc/shadowow back?
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11:33.40poisonbittry  sudo passwd to put a pass to root, then simply su with that passwd
11:33.55CutMeOwnThroatPosterdati, hehe... tried it with inkscape again...
11:34.12CutMeOwnThroaterr poisonbit
11:34.28tholl583xxyeah, but I need the root password to go back to what it was, so the server can be admined with the password if necessary
11:34.35poisonbitCutMeOwnThroat, can dependencies be readed from UDD ?
11:34.48poisonbitthen somthing like SQL::Translator::Producer::GraphViz shold do the job
11:35.39poisonbitUltimate Debian Database, I don't know it exactly, and i don't know if it has dependency info
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11:36.29poisonbitelse...  any high level language that has a class to work on .dot files, and try to glue the output of debtree
11:38.14poisonbitlol inkskape dep. grap. doesn't feet in 1920x1200
11:38.21nsadminjudd is udd
11:39.19beardyFudd it.
11:39.31dpkg<Zap-W> what is DD   <greycat> ~DD   <dpkg> it has been said that dd is a Debian Developer   <Zap-W> KK   <Zap-W> why the abriviation   <lazarus> Zap-W: why any abbreviation? to shorten!   <Zap-W> lazarus: it  alienates ppl   <greycat> Zap-W: you can't complain about abbreviations AND THEN USE THEM in the same sentence.   <Zap-W> suck bananas   <asg> ~fruitsmite Zap-W   * dpkg smites Zap-W with a dozen pineapples
11:39.31themillCutMeOwnThroat: there's a debtree utility for this
11:39.52themill,info debtree sid
11:39.53juddPackage debtree (utils, optional) in sid/i386: package dependency graphs on steroids. Version: 1.0.6; Size: 20.6k; Installed: 116k; Homepage:
11:40.30CutMeOwnThroatthemill, yes, poisonbit already said, thanks... looking at it... I always wondered about a graphical representation a bit
11:40.36beardyLong time since one saw a proper fruitsmite.
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11:56.19MuisjeWhat's the most easiest way, to make a backup of a (remote) system, reinstall the system and place back everything you had installed including all data.
11:56.49orschirohi guys, I wanted to install debian testing using the daily snapshot from here: . but the problem is how can I configure a wpa2 connection during installation?
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11:57.45llutzMuisje: rsync  + dpkg --get-selections
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12:03.17basslinerhello, can i somehow clean the apt cache so i don't get any "Ign:" when doin aptitude update? thanks.
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12:04.30dokmaguys... can anyone tell me how can I find out the gateway of a running and connected machine? I'm trying to recreate interfaces from a machine running a rescue image. I got into this situation after transfering system to the bare metal.
12:04.44CutMeOwnThroat/sbin/route -n
12:04.50poisonbitbassliner, are the Ign: lines in /var/lib/apt/lists/  ?  try rm
12:04.58dokmaCutMeOwnThroat: tx
12:05.39poisonbitif the machine has multiple touting tables (i.e. a firewall)  use ip route show table all
12:06.04dokmaCutMeOwnThroat: do you know the same trick for nameservers?
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12:06.17themillbassliner: Ign means missing but ignored. It doesn't mean that the data was cached. (that would be Hit)
12:06.32CutMeOwnThroatdokma, look in /etc/resolv.conf
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12:07.35CutMeOwnThroatpoisonbit/themill heh... debtree was what I was looking for... looks absolutely horrible, though :)
12:09.25basslinerthemill: what you mean by "missing but ignored"?
12:10.25themillbassliner: the file doesn't exist on the mirror but it's an optional file so it's not a problem that it's missing. There's no error (that would be labelled Err).
12:11.30notKlaatuwhat's the appropriate way to boot into text mode?  i have renamed rc3.d/S22kdm to K01kdm, and set default runlevel to 3 in inittab.  still booting to X though.
12:11.55abrotman!tell notKlaatu about nodm
12:12.05abrotmanand in debian, runlevels 2-5 are the same .. and 2 is the default
12:12.20basslinerthemill: so what's causing a file missing on the mirror that is listed in a sources.lst file?
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12:12.47basslinerthemill: sorry if my questions seem stupid to someone being much into apt.
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12:13.04notKlaatuthanks abrotman very helpful
12:13.13abrotmanwas that sarcasm?
12:13.22abrotmanis losing touch with today's youth
12:14.04XanbreonDam wippersnappers
12:14.30notKlaatuabrotman: no, io
12:14.37notKlaatuabrotman: no, i'm removing it now
12:14.42notKlaatui anticipate great results.
12:16.11CutMeOwnThroatgreat things are afoot!
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12:17.20babilenXanbreon: :-D
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12:31.53*** topic/#debian is lenny (5.0.6) /msg dpkg 5.0.6 | etch no longer on mirrors: /msg dpkg etch->lenny | NO FLOOD: /msg dpkg pastebin | /msg bots NOT people | offtopic: #debian-offtopic | FAQ: | channel logs: | Squeeze has been frozen:
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12:32.16lenswipehey guys
12:32.31lenswipeapt-get and aptitude is trying to remove gnome when i use them, can someone help?
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12:33.27binarymlenswipe: no problem in what i can read ...
12:33.42binarym"The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required" doesn't mean "i will remove this packages"
12:34.20binarymsuggestion : put your system in your mother language ...
12:34.46babilenlenswipe: You might want to tell us what you did and what you are trying to achieve. I would say that you somehow caused the removal of the "gnome" metapackage and complain about the proposed removal of other packages you actually want to keep.
12:34.50*** join/#debian MartyD (~MartyD@unaffiliated/martyd)
12:35.34lenswipebabilen, lots of people have told me that ive somehow removed the gnome meta package, im not sure how and im not sure how to put it back and nobody will tell me
12:35.37themilllenswipe: just do exactly the same as you were told on Sept 24. You may like to enable logging in your client.
12:35.55lenswipethemill, see above
12:36.00*** mode/#debian [+l 757] by debhelper
12:36.18SaRyJust want to say ..
12:36.19lenswipethe last time someone tried to help me fix it, it resulted in the complete removal of gnome
12:36.31SaRyThank you , Debian developer !
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12:37.15babilenlenswipe: I guess that you were given all the necessary information already. But you might want to ask dpkg about "install gnome" and "unmarkauto". I would suggest installing one of the lighter gnome metapackages and unmarkautoing the rest.
12:37.49lenswipebabilen, thanks, but i have no idea how to do that
12:37.56SaRyJust installed D squeeze , and now working on wifi confg .. hope things go well.
12:38.05ondrejkhello, i'm using mc in urxvt, when i press shift+f6, it doesnt work, instead of dialog for renaming file i see prompt similiar to that one which will appear after pressing meta-!
12:39.45dokmacan anyone tell me what these two lines do?
12:39.48*** part/#debian danols (
12:39.51dokmaup route add -host dev eth0
12:39.51dokmaup route add default gw
12:40.08binarymdokma: when the interface come up
12:40.11lenswipebabilen, its a very special distribution that randomly decides to remove stuff :p
12:40.12binarym2 routes are added
12:40.33binarymthe first force access to host specified by eth0
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12:40.38abrotmandokma: man route ?
12:40.47binarymthe second one setup the default gateway
12:40.52dokmaabrotman: it's too complex for me to get it all now
12:40.52themilllenswipe: it's doing exactly what you ask it to do.
12:40.59binarymbut abrotman is right: read the manpage :)
12:40.59babilenlenswipe: For example: "aptitude keep-all" "aptitude install gnome-core" and "aptitude unmarkauto pkg1 pkg2 ... pkgN" where pkg1 - pkgN are packages you want to keep.
12:41.00abrotmanright .. reading docs is hard
12:41.14lenswipethemill, i did *NOT* ask it to try and remove all the gnome components, i got 2 machines doing this
12:41.23binarymabrotman: everything is hard in life ...
12:41.32abrotmanno, that's not true
12:41.39binarymyou want to do sysadmin task, you have to read doc
12:41.40themilllenswipe: you asked it to remove something that the gnome package Depends on. That means you asked it to remove gnome.
12:41.41dokmabinarym: this is the situation... I've transfered my system to bare metal and booted rescue mode. Do you know how can I verify that I entered correct addresses in interfaces?
12:41.41babilenlenswipe: And no, aptitude will not randomly remove packages, but does exactly what you asks it do to. The problem might be that you fail to communicate your wishes correctly.
12:42.08binarymifconfig ?
12:42.12lenswipebabilen, as i said before 2 machines are trying to remove gnome, i have never removed the gnome meta package on any of them
12:42.17lenswipebabilen, i mean, why would i?
12:42.21dokmayes... that's where I pulled the basic info
12:42.26themilllenswipe: what's the output of "apt-cache policy gnome" then?
12:42.31dokmaand the gateway from 'route -n'
12:42.37dokmaso that should be correct I guess...
12:42.52dokmaI'll try to reboot the machine and see if I can connect
12:43.06babilenlenswipe: Read what themill just said. You most certainly removed a dependency of the gnome metapackage (probably installed by the Desktop task during installation)
12:43.21themilllenswipe: I know what it says already. I want *you* to read it and think about it.
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12:44.03SaRyi installed 'firmware-iwlwifi' and when i load the kernel module with .. modprobe iwl3945 or modprobe iwl4965 .. i get "FATAL: Module iw13945 not found."
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12:44.20lenswipethemill, i read it...
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12:44.25themillSaRy: that should be a lowercase L not a 1
12:44.31lenswipethemill, it tells me that gnome is installed and it gives me the version number
12:44.37themilllenswipe: does it?
12:44.50abrotmanSaRy: that's an L not a one
12:44.53lenswipethemill, doesnt it?
12:44.59stewlenswipe: Installed: (none)
12:45.03abrotmanSaRy: but you probably want iwlagn ?
12:45.03dokmaOne more thing... How can I tell if /dev/sda1 is going to be mapped to hd(0,0) in menu.lst by grub?
12:45.04themilllenswipe: read line 2 of your own paste really really carefully
12:45.14dokmathat is (hd0,0)
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12:45.30lenswipethemill, so maybe apt-get install gnome would be a good start?
12:45.31SaRythemill, thanks .. but witch L-l .
12:45.41SaRyabrotman, probably yes.
12:46.03babilenlenswipe: I already provided the (IMHO) best way to deal with the situation. Take a look at your log files to figure out how you ended up in this situation.
12:47.12dokmalenswipe: doing this in aptitude?
12:47.17lenswipedokma, apt-get
12:47.36dokmatry aptitude and press g to see which modifications will it attempt
12:47.40lenswipebabilen, you said if i recall that i need to installl the meta package, im asking if apt-get install gnome will do that
12:47.43babilenlenswipe: I very much dislike the "gnome" metapackage because it pulls in a plethora of packages which can't be removed individually. I would therefore start with one of the smaller metapackages (gnome-core/gnome-desktop-environment) and install/unmarkauto additional packages. So, nuff said
12:47.47dokmathen you can revert them using a collon on the package
12:47.54lenswipedokma, i already know which modifications it will attempt
12:47.59lenswipebabilen, okay
12:48.04SaRysorry , still lost ..
12:48.04stewlenswipe: yes "apt-get install gnome" will install gnome
12:48.13babilenlenswipe: But yes "aptitude install gnome" is *one* solution
12:48.23stewlenswipe: but its likely removed from your system because it would include some dependency which you have decided to remove in the past
12:48.29dokmalenswipe: so when it tries those simply press colon on the package and it will remove the attempted change
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12:49.17lenswipeas a side note is it possible to log a user in via gdm from command line?
12:49.31dokmaor it might inform you that a particular package must be removed due to a lacking dependency
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12:49.42dokmain which case you need to install the dependency to keep the package
12:49.55lenswipeasin is there a command i can type that will log me in on the box via GDM so i can VNC in and test this out
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12:52.19dokmaAnyone knows how GRUB determines what is (hd0,0) ??
12:52.22lenswipebabilen, the gnome-desktop-environment seemed to fix things up
12:52.50dokmaIs there some way to tell GRUB to print it's mapping...
12:52.51babilenlenswipe: Which is the reason why I suggested it
12:53.15lenswipebabilen, lets see if that works on my other box
12:53.23SPFdokma: first partition on the first disk grub finds
12:53.46dokmaSPF: how do I know what is first disk to GRUB?
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12:57.32SPFdokma: during setup of your OS you should have a list of disks.
12:59.02SPFdokma: otherwise you can use e during grub bootup to try differend configurations
12:59.03dokmaSPF: I might have multiple devices at the same time... my question is how GRUB determines what is FIRST
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12:59.18dokmaSPF: it's a remote machine... a dedicated box
13:02.03SPFyou could use UUID in grub to be sure to boot from the specific device
13:02.19SPFhave to go afk sorry
13:02.23dokmaSPF: I see... tx!
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13:04.05EnverexIs anyone using SGFXI on 64bit? It's working fine for normal use but I'm not sure it's installing the 32bit support libraries (if they have their own channel then please let me know)
13:04.17robokopmy dmesg is full of lines like these :, any idea what may cause this?
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13:06.29binarymrobokop: firt link on google with your first line as search:
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13:07.08binarymthought that googling was easier than connecting irc ...
13:07.31nsadminif you're already connected to irc...
13:07.50nsadminthen it's infinitely easier :)
13:08.23SlayerXPerr robokop even
13:08.29SlayerXPdamn you autocompletion
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13:10.15binarymSlayerXP: this website is just super nice :)
13:10.29binarymbookmark, for co-workers ...
13:10.46nsadminyou have co-ws?
13:11.09SlayerXPbinarym :)
13:11.17binarymif it means "people with whom i work" yeah ... but now i'm not sure :/
13:11.27SlayerXPsee also cow-orkers
13:11.34lenswipeguys is there usually a problem with the debian-multimedia public key?
13:11.37lenswipeW: GPG error: stable Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 07DC563D1F41B907
13:11.38lenswipeW: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems
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13:12.09nsadminfloods red sludge on lenswipe :P
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13:12.15stewlenswipe: that's not a problem with the key, that's a problem that you having verified with apt-key that you truse this key
13:12.48stewlenswipe: i believe there are instructions about this on the debian-multimedia homepage
13:12.51lenswipedodges nsadmin's red sludge
13:12.58lenswipestew, okay cool, thanks ;)
13:13.09nsadminno fair... couldn't dodge ur flood!
13:14.13lenswipensadmin, XD
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13:32.44tapoxiHi all, I'm having time issues and getting "set_rtc_mmss: can't update from 6 to 59" spammed all over my console. While I'd like to fix that, the console spam is actually far more annoying to me. Any way to prevent the kernel from doing that and instead having it just write to syslog?
13:34.27cahoottapoxi: look into /etc/sysctl.conf
13:35.30tapoxicahoot: Thanks!
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13:40.49SaRygot it ,, just had to log out !
13:41.00SaRyWifi working now .
13:45.10rahsputinHi! I have a USB SOUND CARD --->     and a 2.6.32-5-686 Kernel ... using $ alsamixer -c 1   i have sound, but i cannot get the sound to come on using, for example mplayer, or any other player
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13:45.34cahootmake the app use alsas hw:1
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13:46.26v4nelleguys if i want to install debian testing,i must download testing weekly iso,or a stable iso and do expert installation?
13:46.57dokmaI still can't get my dedicated box to go online when booted, can anyone see anything wrong with /etc/network/interfaces here:
13:46.57rahsputincahoot:  TerraTec Electronic GmbH Aureon Dual USB
13:47.07dokmaI attached route -n and ifconfig
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13:47.27SaRyI am also thinking about upgrade to squeeze .. is it okay.
13:47.28dokmawhen running the rescue
13:47.41rahsputincahoot: oops, i meant, isn't there any other way to set the USB-Sound-Card as Default ?
13:47.56cahootrahsputin: like mplaye -ao alsa:hw:1 (IIRC)
13:48.24cahootrahsputin: you can give snd-usb-audio index 0 if you want it as default
13:48.48cahootrahsputin: as a moduleoption
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13:50.20rahsputincahoot: yoo, thanx, i'll try that, i havent any success yet with the mplayer command, but i'll i think i am on the right path ;-)
13:50.40cahootrahsputin: yould do like this: echo 'Options snd-usb-audio index=0' >> /etc/modprobe.d/options
13:50.58cahootthen alsa force-reload
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13:53.22iluminator101i dont have foo file sure it would make foo.r1.rar to foo.r10.rar and it did
13:53.31Sonderbladei have a specific command that needs to be run on startup "nohup python &" how can i make that happen without having to create a full-blown init.d start-stop daemon script?
13:54.12fbscron @ reboot?
13:56.58babilenSonderblade: What is wrong with a start-stop script? Take a look at /etc/rc.local and /etc/init.d/skeleton.
13:57.54babilenSonderblade: It sounds as if you want to use /etc/rc.local, but it might be a good idea to provide the possibility to stop the daemon as well, which, however, depends on your needs.
13:58.43Sonderbladebabilen: thanks rc.local seem to be what i want yes
13:58.56babilenHave fun then :)
14:00.33Sonderbladethere has to be something better than init.d because that is to hard
14:01.36Sonderbladeisn't rc.local run multiple times at upstart?
14:01.55Sonderbladei only want the command run once
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14:04.53babilenSonderblade: "This script is executed at the end of each multiuser runlevel" -- "grep -re "rc.local" /etc/ will show you where it is called.
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14:07.36stewthough I notice that on this machine at least, rc.local got moved to S18
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14:09.46dkris there a decent alternative to minicom for simply connecting to a serial console?  I see lots of unrelated stuff in aptitude search ~dserial  heh
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14:11.54dkrah, cool.  although I'm suspecting something wrong with my cable at this point,  would be nice to verify not software misconfiguration issue
14:12.01Sonderbladebabilen: that implies that the script can be run more than once at startup, or 0 times if there are no multiuser runlevels
14:12.57*** join/#debian CoinOpeBoy (~coin@
14:13.19babilenSonderblade: I concur. You might want to either implement additional logic and/or adapt /etc/init.d/skeleton to your needs. (It's pretty easy to do so)
14:17.37SonderbladeDo NOT "set -e"
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14:22.01ronrhi, I'm planning on building a server cluster with several debian boxes; I'm familair enough with most things involved but I'm looking for some guide / advice on how to achieve shared storage, could anyone point me to some starting point?
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14:23.22babilenronr: AFS/NFS ? Or look into some of the cluster FS like PVFS ...
14:24.01ae86-drifterhi, i am hoping that someone here maybe able to help. My system wont boot, I get this message: according to mtab, none is already mounted on /lib/init/rw ; mountall: mount /lib/init/rw terminated with exit status 1. Thanks
14:24.04ronrbabilen: thx... will start googling now
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14:51.37eshataahhhh I want digikam 1.5.0 :D
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14:57.26babileneshat: You might want to install then. (look at "/msg dpkg uupdate") or compile the source from upstream
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14:58.15eshatbabilen: woow, never heared about uupdate... thanks a lot
14:58.23nickaugusthey how do I create an img file?  googles all cluttered up with boot disk articles... ive mounted an im and made some changes i want but how do i put it back into img format?
14:58.56nickaugusts/mounted an im/mounted an img/
15:00.12nickaugustdoes mkiosfs work for img files?  img=iso ???
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15:01.04fbsdd ?
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15:02.18babilens/mkisofs/genisofs/ -- btw
15:02.32nickaugusti figure its probably with dd but i dont know the switches to use or what
15:04.16nickaugusts/genisofs/genisoimage/ ???
15:04.31babilenah, yes :-\
15:04.37nickaugustbabilen: ^^
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15:05.07babilenyes, it is genisoimage -- sorry
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15:06.43nickaugusti know you can make iso files and bootable isos specifying an img file to genisoimage and mkisofs but can they output the img files themselves?  i dont see how to do that from the man pages
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15:09.27homiewhy is root (hd0,1) not sufficient for grub, it does not recognize the kernel line (or rather the kernel i want to boot into), i have to put kernel (hd0,1)/bla kernel (hd0,1)/blabla everywhere too in order too boot into the correct partition....or device
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15:10.24homies/kernel/initrd/ for the second kernel above
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15:11.56mark22Hello, what is a good solution to get IPv6 VRRP (VRRPv3) working on Debian? I want to use 2 Debian hosts as firewalls, but some automated failover for IPv6 (like VRRPv3) is required for us before we can start with IPv6.
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15:16.54AL13N_workdoes anyone know how i can have backports on a lenny? i need a larger iptables version
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15:17.56stewAL13N_work: /msg dpkg ssb
15:18.23stewAL13N_work: what kernel are you running?  do you also need a newer kernel? (since iptables is really just  manipuating the kernel)
15:20.07AL13N_workstew: normally the lenny kernel is fine for that
15:20.33AL13N_workiptables >= 1.4.3 is needed for xtables-addons
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15:20.59jelly,versions iptables
15:20.59juddPackage iptables on i386 -- etch:; lenny: 1.4.2-6; squeeze: 1.4.8-3; sid: 1.4.9-1
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15:21.48AL13N_workcould anyone backport me eg: the squeeze version or something?
15:22.00stewAL13N_work: why can't you backport it?
15:22.06olorin_AL13N_work looks like a familiar face...
15:22.13jellyAL13N_work: I wouldn't trust binaries offered by random people on irc
15:22.15AL13N_workstew: i've never backported debs before
15:22.37stewAL13N_work: why not give it a try?
15:23.28tharkunAL13N_work: iptables of squeeze works fine on lenny
15:23.30AL13N_workstew: it seems like quite a bunch of steps looking at the bot's message; and i don't really have a good machine to build for it
15:23.39AL13N_worktharkun: no problems with dependencies?
15:23.41jpinx-eeepc!tell AL13N_work  about ssb
15:23.55tharkunAL13N_work: at least on amd64
15:24.20stewjudd: depends iptables
15:24.23juddPackage iptables -- depends: libc6 (>= 2.7-1).
15:24.33stewjudd: depends iptables --release squeeze
15:24.35juddPackage iptables -- depends: libc6 (>= 2.7), libnfnetlink0 (>= 1.0.0).
15:24.59*** part/#debian levifig (
15:25.00stewjudd: info libnfnetlink0 --release lenny
15:25.01AL13N_worklibc6 seems to be ok
15:25.02juddPackage libnfnetlink0 (libs, optional) in lenny/i386: Netfilter netlink library. Version: 0.0.39-1; Size: 12.0k; Installed: 72k
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15:25.10stewlibnfnetlink0 isn't
15:25.21jellydepends are one thing, build-depends a different one
15:25.27AL13N_workolorin_: hehe, yeah, i need this for work
15:25.51olorin_AL13N_work: So do I.
15:26.10tharkunAL13N_work: well i downloaded it over a year ago, so it might have changed a little ;P
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15:26.24AL13N_workolorin_: the same iptables?
15:26.27stewAL13N_work: libnfnetlink0 is on though
15:26.41olorin_AL13N_work: No, Debian.
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15:26.44AL13N_workstew: ah thanks, i'll check
15:28.00AL13N_workno offense, but imo; mandriva has less work to build a backport; but then at home i have various installed machines ready on diff versions
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15:28.49tharkunAL13N_work: It is indeed a matter of perspective
15:29.11AL13N_worktharkun: yeah, and if you have a buildserver you can use
15:29.28themillAL13N_work: a build server isn't necessary at all
15:29.35stewAL13N_work: "apt-get -b source iptables"
15:29.49stewAL13N_work: well after "apt-get build-dep iptables"
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15:29.54stewits really not a lot of work
15:29.58AL13N_workthemill: i'm not talking about necessary; more like easyness
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15:30.07AL13N_workstew: i've read the bot's message
15:30.24themillAL13N_work: umm... we're talking about issuing 2 commands. You can't get much easier than that.
15:30.33AL13N_workstew: i would prefer not to fiddle with sources on my table production machine
15:30.56themillYou don't need to.
15:31.03tharkunAL13N_work: Actually you need a build environment which is usually easier the more you do it
15:31.06AL13N_workstew: i'll try to install the libnfnetlink backport and the squeeze version of iptables and see if that works
15:31.17eshatI remember the possibility to build a debian package in a chroot, how was that called ?
15:31.19olorin_tharkun: Virtually?
15:31.19cuscoI am using exim + dovecot and emails are showing with wrong charset... any hints?
15:31.26tharkunolorin_: usually
15:31.31steweshat: pbuilder / cowbuilder?
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15:31.44tharkuncusco: Check your mua
15:31.45eshatstew: ahh thanks
15:31.55themillAL13N_work: and you consider that to be less hassle? Ok. Have fun. You're making your own life much harder than it needs to be.
15:32.00AL13N_worki like how in mdv you can just use "bm" to build what you want
15:32.04cuscotharkun: mail user agent?
15:32.12tharkuncusco: bingo :)
15:32.45stewAL13N_work: so if I install a frech copy of mandriva, i can type "bm" and get a backported iptables package, without messing with source, or without having to do any other setup?
15:32.45themillAL13N_work: you can in debian too. You're just refusing to do so. There's not much anyone in #debian can do about it if you don't want to use the tools that are available.
15:34.32olorin_AL13N_work: Instead of discussing and nagging, do it. ;) You remind me of that Swedish guy now...
15:34.53tharkunolorin_: Don't summon him please
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15:37.02olorin_tharkun: AL13N_work? He knows what and who I mean.
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15:38.26Robinuxheya guys how can i change resolution, "xrandr --size 1024x768" doesn't seem to work
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15:39.42stewRobinux: don't you want --mode instead of --size?
15:39.53tharkunRobinux: check that your mode you want is available
15:40.55swrhRobinux: what error do you get when you run that command?
15:42.23Robinuxkeep in mind its on Vbox
15:42.47Robinuxand the error is that it doesn't exist in available modes, the weird thing is when i run xrandr alone it does show it as available
15:43.43olorin_and the guest additions is properly installed?
15:44.01Robinuxbut i'm thinking this isn't debian's fault i gotta check things in the vbox settings then i'll retry "xrandr"
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15:44.53emersonhow can I set my screen resolution...?
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15:46.21Robinuxno kidding
15:46.29Robinuxwhat a coincidence i was just asking about that emerson
15:46.31emersonI went to : system>preferences>screen resolution> but is disable
15:46.51emersonRobinux: you see you won't the only one
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15:47.14Robinuxrun xrandr and see the available modes, if you're not in a virtual machine it should be done with "xrandr --size 1024x768" for example
15:47.36Robinuxand should be possible on a vm after making sure your vm settings are all right
15:49.23emersonRobinux: right I have to re-edit you mean ...but I have no clue how to do it ...
15:49.42swrhRobinux: you shouldn't specify the resolution with --size argument
15:50.00swrhRobinux: i mean, you mustn't. you must use its index
15:50.02eshathow can I build an updated package (updated in upstream) with pbuilder ? I user uupdate to update the source, but a dsc file is missing
15:50.35swrhRobinux: like, xrandr -s 1
15:50.43swrhRobinux: got it?
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15:51.18swrhoops.. i think i'm mistaken
15:51.28swrhbut that should also work. please try it.
15:52.07emersonswrh: what do I have to do then ? can you show, please ?
15:52.17Robinuxoh ok
15:52.58swrhemerson: try "xrandr" and see if your desired resolution is shown
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15:54.16emersonswrh: right let me see ..
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15:55.28swrhRobinux: did it work?
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15:57.39emersonswrh: now isn't there ..I want 1600X900
15:57.49Muisjehow can i backup the list of installed packages again from apt?
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15:58.02tharkunemerson: man cvt
15:58.18*** mode/#debian [+o richih-banmaster] by RichiH
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15:59.12swrhtharkun: heh.. that will hurt a bit for a gui user ;)
15:59.12*** mode/#debian [-bbbb *!*@* *!*@ *!* *!*@2001 0:4137:9e76:0:f226:9d39:272f] by richih-banmaster
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15:59.45simonrvnbanmaster flash, er richih
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16:00.11RichiHsimonrvn: i gotta make this sound cool _somehow_
16:00.15tharkunswrh: erhhmm small generalization from my part
16:00.23simonrvnof course, and i was helping ;)
16:00.29dokmaguys... my dedicated box is driving me nuts... I can't figure out where I went wrong in /etc/network/interfaces
16:00.42dokmacan anyone check this out:
16:00.57tharkunRichiH: there is this banmaster spamming the channel could you pleas bann him ;P
16:01.32dokmathe /etc/network/interfaces is the one I'm building and the output of route -n and ifconfig is when the box is runnin rescue mode
16:01.50emersontharkun: the screen resolution is disable how can I unable it ?
16:01.54dokmaabrotman: you got a minute for this?
16:02.41sataan1337hi, i got a little problem while trying with shell scripts, maybe someone here got an idear ^^ - i got the line "setfacl -Rm u: $USER :rwx $NAME" but i think the spaces are causing some problems (output of this is "setfacl: Option -m incomplete"  - anyone here got an idear about this?   (ps. sry for mistakes in the language, my english is not the best)
16:02.44stewdokma: what is the problem?
16:03.04dokmastew I can't ssh into the box once I boot it normally
16:03.13dokmawhen it is running rescue mode everything is fine
16:03.13tharkunemerson: Let me look for a url that explains it pretty well
16:03.37simonrvnsataan1337: for one thing, you can do u:${USER} just fine..
16:03.48dokmastew: so I figured there should be a way to build a correct /etc/network/interfaces from the output of route -n and ifconfig when the machine is running rescue mode
16:03.51emersontharkun: thanks man....
16:03.57dokmastew: am I correct in this assumption?
16:04.28stewdokma: why can't you ssh in when you boot normally?  do you get an error?
16:04.51sataan1337@simonrvn thank you, worked ^^
16:04.54dokmaI think that the box does not have connection when it's booted normally
16:04.55emersontharkun: I've been looking for that too but I couldn't find any .....till now ..
16:05.06dokmaI think there is something wrong in /etc/network/interfaces ...
16:05.25dokmabut I don't know how to verify because I don't have access to the box when it boots normally...
16:05.32stewdokma: how do you know if the box has a connection?
16:05.48simonrvnsataan1337: the var "wrapping" in {} helps to make them clear, and insurance (esp. with the "")
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16:06.01dokmaI don't I just know I cannot ssh into the box even though sshd is running
16:06.11stewdokma: do you get an error?  can you ping it?
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16:06.26dokmaI didn't try a ping
16:06.30dokmalet me reboot it now...
16:06.49AL13N_workthanks guys, it seems to work pretty well
16:06.53eshathow can I remove the pbuilder chroot ?
16:07.41AL13N_workstew: you got a point
16:07.45AL13N_workthemill: you too
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16:08.01AL13N_workolorin_: please don't compare me to the mandriva mascotte
16:08.11AL13N_worklater, gtg home
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16:10.02dokmastew: so I rebooted 3 minutes ago and still no ping
16:10.12dokmaI suppose that means the machine has no connection
16:10.40stewdokma: what happens when you try to ssh to it?
16:10.48stewdokma: can you ping it when it is in "rescue mode"?
16:11.08olorin_AL13N_work: It did make you work. :-p
16:11.11dokmassh root@
16:11.11dokmait just sits there blocked
16:11.27dokmaI'll reboot into rescue mode now
16:11.34stewdokma: wait
16:11.36dokmastew: try a ping now and see for your self
16:11.38stewdokma: hwo are you rebooting it/
16:11.47stewdokma: do you have a shell on the machine?
16:11.55dokmaI can go into rescue mode from web interface
16:12.08dokmaonce I get into rescue mode I can ssh into the machine and get a root shell
16:12.22stewdokma: is this web interface running from the machine? or from an ilo card? or what?
16:12.37dokmait's the hosters control panel
16:12.42dokmait's not on the machine
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16:13.41dokmaI'll go into rescue mode now...
16:13.47dokmaand you can try the ping and ssh then...
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16:18.05dokmastew: it's in the rescue and I can get a ping now
16:19.03dokmastew: do you know if this is true: if I execute traceroute  should the last machine before be my gateway??
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16:20.09stewdokma: not necessarily, and even if it was your gateway, you'd not be seeing the ip address you use as the gateway address, since you'd be seing the "other side" of your gateway
16:20.35dokmastew: aahhh... I see... I'm in the rescue mode root shell now
16:20.42dokmastew: what would you do in my place?
16:21.28stewdokma: what does /sbin/runlevel return?
16:21.41dokmaN 2
16:22.36stewi'd figure out what rescue mode is then, and what the difference between "booting normally" and "booting into rescue mode" actually means
16:22.53stewi'd also find out if I could get a serial console onto the box
16:22.56dokmastew: that's what I'm trying to do right now...
16:23.08stewthis is hard to debug when you can't look at the machine when the problem is actually occuring
16:23.20dokmaexactly my point ...
16:23.45dokmathe 'rescue mode' that I'm in right now does run sshd and I can mount the /dev/sda1
16:24.06dokmathus I do have access to the file system so I assume that this rescue mode must be ran on the machine itself...
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16:24.46dokmastew: that's why I assumed I should be able to rebuild /etc/network/interfaces from the network settings of the machine while it is in the rescue mode
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16:26.45Robinuxheya guys, dkms should install with "apt-get install dkms" right?
16:27.12jhutchins_ltdokma: It looks very likely that the configuration is coming from DHCP - that would be common in that kind of environment.
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16:28.02stewjhutchins_lt: what makes you think that?
16:28.04jhutchins_ltdokma: That should be fairly simple to set up from the interfaces man page.
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16:28.18jhutchins_ltstew: He got a valid network configuration from a rescue mode.
16:28.30stewjhutchins_lt: what is "a rescue mode"?
16:28.31jhutchins_ltstew: It's also how I'd build the system if I were the ISP.
16:28.35stewjhutchins_lt: and how do you know it came from dhcp?
16:28.44dokmajhutchins: the problem is I don't know the values to put in it
16:28.45Robinuxdkms should install with "apt-get install dkms" right?
16:28.46stewand btw, his interfaces file setup seems fine
16:29.08jhutchins_ltBecause if I were running an ISP I wouldn't configure every machine twice, once for normal and once for rescue.
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16:29.27jhutchins_ltdokma: Just set it up for a standard dhcp interface.
16:29.27stewRobinux: that is a correct command to install a dkms package, however note that dkms isn't in stable
16:29.53jhutchins_ltiface eth0 inet dhcp
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16:29.58Robinuxoh so that must be it
16:30.00Robinuxi'm on lenny
16:30.06Robinuxand its not finding it
16:30.11dokmajhutchins_lt, stew: here is the output of route -n and ifconfig in rescue mode and also my attempt at /etc/network/interfaces :
16:30.16stewRobinux: /msg dpkg bpo
16:30.21onurHi. I have two squeeze machine. One of them has a dns resolution problem. It's doing a dns resolution in 4-5 second. Other machine doesn't have any problem. I am using same nameservers in both machine. Do you have any idea?
16:30.25jhutchins_ltdokma: Try ps ax
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16:30.33jhutchins_lter, ps ax | grep dhcp
16:30.44jhutchins_lt(pipe key next to enter, sorry)
16:30.47dokmajhutchins_lt: I'll try that as well
16:30.49stewonur: is /etc/nsswitch.conf the same on both?
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16:30.51dokmaI allready tried ps
16:31.13jhutchins_ltdokma: That should confirm that dhclient is running; or you can just use the above and try a reboot.
16:31.14dokmain the rescue mode... it's just ttys, shell and sshd
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16:31.42dokmathere is no dhclient
16:31.46jhutchins_ltOdd emulation then.
16:32.07stewjhutchins_lt: and your hypothesis is that he can't use the address given by dhcp if he configures it statically?  that somehow the router knows how the ip addresss was assigned?
16:32.13onurstew: I cant access both machines right now. Current machine has this problem and /etc/nsswitch.conf file is:
16:32.15jhutchins_ltStill, I'd try the dhcp set up.  If that doesn't work, you really need to talk to your ISP's support people because you do not have a standard hardware setup.
16:32.37dokmaok... I'll try the dhcp first
16:32.37jhutchins_ltstew: No.
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16:33.20stewhe has an ip addres that works.  he has his interfaces file setup correctly for that IP
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16:33.33dokmajhutchins_lt: there is one more problem... the system that I transfered to the bare metal was running without dhcp so I don't have dhclient installed on it
16:33.41dokmaso it won't work for sure....
16:33.47flaggyhello, is there a way to create a mirror repository in a pendrive with build-essential and its dependencies?
16:33.59stewdokma: you need to find out from your ISP what exactly happens when you ask it for rescue mode
16:34.00dokmaand it's a static ip setup anyways
16:34.35jhutchins_ltdokma: Interesting.  In that case, as stew suggested, use the IP given by ifconfig and configure it for static.
16:34.36dokmaI see, I'll try support now...
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16:34.47jhutchins_ltdokma: In any case, it wouldn't be a bad idea to verify it with the support people.
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16:34.56jhutchins_ltdokma: Who's your ISP?
16:34.59stewjhutchins_lt: no, that's where he was already when he started asking questions
16:35.00dokmajhutchins_lt: that's exactly what I tried but when I reboot I can't ssh into it
16:35.26dokmaI can see from the logs from the rescue mode that the machine does boot
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16:35.40dokmabut does not seem to get the eth0 up properly
16:36.06stewdokma: what does "cat /proc/cmdline" return?
16:36.21dokmastew in rescue mode it returns:
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16:36.28stewdokma: you mean you can see that the machine does boot even in normal mode?
16:36.34dokmaapm=power-off toram=grml.squashfs lang=de vga=791 quiet initrd=/boot/grml/initrd.gz boot=live nomce noquick hostname=rescuecd64 distri=grml noeject noprompt services=ssh BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/grml/linux26
16:37.01dokmastew: I can see when I'm in the rescue that the machine booted ok when I rebooted without rescue mode
16:37.22dokmaso it does boot ok in normal boot but there is no connection on eth0
16:38.11dokmathis output above looks like it boots over the network...
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16:41.51jhutchins_ltstew: Sorry, I should have just let you roll with it.
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16:42.34jhutchins_ltAt this point I would say that it's behavior is divergent enough from what one would expect for a hardware-based or conventional VS that you need to find out how it's supposed to work from the ISP.
16:42.44jhutchins_ltdokma:  .com?
16:42.46eljurehello, is there any way to install debian stable off a usb drive? I keep getting the no cd can't be found error :(
16:43.06dokmathey are located in frankfurt
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16:43.50CutMeOwnThroat!tell eljure about usb install
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16:47.17flaggyisn't there a way to download a package and all its dependencies?
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16:47.36nsadminflaggy: aptitude does that
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16:48.06nsadmincheck man aptitude; pretty sure you can download without installing
16:48.21flaggyeven if I already have it installed?
16:48.28flaggyI see apt-get has a -d option
16:48.44flaggybut it works as normal install would
16:48.48flaggyexcept it doesn't install
16:48.59nsadminand that's bad because...
16:49.11nsadmins/bad/not what you want/
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16:49.31flaggybecause there's a laptop with no internet connection and I want to install build-essential and its dependencies there
16:49.39flaggyin order to compile the nic driver
16:49.48jhutchins_ltflaggy: "all it's dependencies" is a variable, since most packages rely on some of the base system, and packages with a common orientation share packages.  The dependency list within the package is absolute and complete, but would not calculate sub-dependencies (dependency hell); the output of any live run would depend on what was already installed.
16:49.48stewflaggy: apt-zip is made for this task.  it will generate a script to run on another machine
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16:52.39Robinuxstew i'm new to linux, but i've done some reading before migrating here, and from what i remember reading before or after adding a repository mirrors i should add its key or whatever but in the instructions page for adding backports to my sources.list
16:52.44Robinuxit doesn't mention anything about
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16:53.22klikklakhi all, for some reason instead of pointing to a router points to the net, why is this?
16:53.24nsadminwell you just install the backports key then run aptitude update
16:53.41nsadminthen the key is automatically applied
16:53.45klikklakhere's a traceroute
16:54.08Robinuxhow to install the key, nsadmin
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16:54.31nsadminfind its name then install it using aptitude
16:54.49nsadminit's a key ring in a package
16:54.50eljureCutMeOwnThroat: I got the installer on usb now, it boots but now I need to copy the iso somewhere?
16:54.50klikklakalso, an actual question: how did I setup a local network on eth0, so that I can connect to a router for configuration
16:55.06klikklakno dhcp, this is a dd-wrt installation
16:55.12Robinuxnsadmin i see
16:55.38nsadminpoint a web browser at
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16:55.52nsadminmaybe you'd find the info there
16:56.03onurstew: can you paste your /etc/nsswitch.conf file?
16:56.22klikklakthe router should be at  I've tried route add -net and route add default gw
16:56.33nsadminI met a drummer once named Atma Anur... he once played with Journey
16:56.35stewRobinux: its signed by the same key as the main debian archive
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16:56.56Robinuxi see
16:56.58Robinuxthats neat
16:57.05stewRobinux: the instructions are no longer on the backports page because it is no longer signed with a different key than the rest of debian
16:57.39nsadminso he needs not the backports key but the archive key
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16:58.09stewwhich is almost definately already has trusted
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16:58.38nsadminyou mean he might already have that keyring?
16:59.04stewno keyring
16:59.32stewi mean that "apt-key list" would already show the lenny stable release key as a trusted key
17:00.27nsadminoh ok... so if he doesn't have it yet, where would he look to find its name?
17:00.45stewactually its the Debian Archive Automatic Signing Key (5.0/lenny)
17:01.10stewnsadmin: apt would complain about 55BE302B, he'd then check his trust path to 55BE302B, and maybe add it with apt-key add
17:01.43nsadminok, so if he does that, does apt-key go out to a key server?
17:02.12nsadminerr let's ask him if that's the key it's complaining about
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17:03.22nsadminRobinux, have you received a message saying that a key is missing or something like that? what does the message say if so
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17:04.05nsadmindoes he need the key itself or just need to trust it?
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17:07.43Robinuxnsadmin i did apt-get update and it worked fine, although i'm having vbox difficulties installing dkms
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17:08.17stewnsadmin: he was adding and was wondering "don't I have to add a key for this repository or something" and the answer was "no, since its signed by debian"
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17:09.09Robinuxi gotta insert the debian-lenny-cdi386-.iso file into "/cdrom/"
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17:09.27stewRobinux: do you want to install from the iso? or would you rather just install from the internet?
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17:10.12stewRobinux: edit /etc/apt/sources.list and remove the cdrom lines
17:10.37Robinuxwhile i was adding the backport line the cdrom line was commented but ok
17:11.15Robinuxbut no there was another one below it
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17:22.24klikklakis there any reason for to point to
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17:24.41ErtheFor Debian 4.0, I've installed Apache2 and PHP5.  Running: apache -t -D DUMP_MODULES shows that php5 is loaded but PHP files are not being pre-parsed and the browser is receiving a MIME type application/x-httpd-php
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17:25.02ErtheLooking for a little advice.
17:26.02abrotmanErthe: you mean Debian 5.0 .. i hope ?
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17:26.21ErtheNope, Debian 4.0 is the VPS environment I received with the provider I have
17:26.55Erthecat /etc/issue reports Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 \n \l
17:27.23karlpincklikklak: Someone is migrating from one rfc1918 address space to another?
17:28.22karlpincErthe: It's been a long time.  You need to do more than load the module, you need to set the suffix so that it invokes php.  But I've forgotten everything.
17:28.35ErtheYes, that's AddType
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17:29.20Erthephp5.load loads the module, php5.conf sets the MIME type of certain extensions to be pre-processed
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17:31.12stewErthe: we'd strogly recommend you upgrade to the current stable, that version is no longer supported and has known security problems that nobody is trying to fix
17:31.14docidUmm, seems most of the etch repos are not responding, what etch main repos are still available?
17:31.34stewdocid: they were moved to and are no longer supported
17:31.45abrotman!tell docid about etch sources.list
17:31.49Erthestew: Noted, thank you
17:32.08docidno worries there, i just need the repos...thanks for the info
17:32.23karlpincErthe: You may be helped by the README.Debian in /usr/share/doc/apache*/
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17:32.40stewErthe: if this is a new install and you got debian 4.0, you should find another provider
17:32.47megafhi folks, im stalling debian lenny on an old pentium I mmx at 133MHz
17:32.54megaf58% completed
17:33.16megafI'm curious to see how will it work
17:33.42karlpincmegaf: Use something lightweight like lxde and it'll be slow starting, but fine.  What really counts is how much ram you've got.
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17:34.31megafkarlpinc, 64MB
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17:34.59karlpincmegaf: Barely enough, if you're very patient.
17:35.06megaf64 MB SDRAM 133 MHz and a new 80GB IDE laptop harddrive
17:35.13Robinuxkarlpinc, speaking of README.Debian, is there such a file that's the general README.Debian
17:35.16Robinuxif you know what i mean
17:35.30karlpincRobinux: Probably the debian policy manual.
17:35.32stewRobinux: /msg dpkg reference
17:35.56Robinuxkarlpinc, stew: nice
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17:36.31karlpincmegaf: You'll be better off if you install a minimal system, then xorg and whatever else one at a time.  Perhaps using "aptitude -R" to keep the bloat down.
17:36.32megafhave someone here ever tried to install debian on a really old machine, like a 80486 or a 80386? How did it run?
17:36.56megafkarlpinc, im doing that
17:37.02Robinuxthe bot must be pretty busy!
17:37.18stewmegaf: actually you'd be better off not trying to use a gui
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17:37.43karlpincmegaf: Yah.  Then it'll run fine.
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17:38.18XanbreonWill debian run on anything older than a 486 anymore?
17:38.26XanbreonIm thinking not, at least not a new version
17:38.30schmackif I am a ISP, 'server' an di have debian lenny 5.0.6, e.g., how can i upgrade without loosing the database to 6.0 squeeze when it release?
17:38.33Robinuxand it can be installed too! stew
17:38.36stewXanbreon: no, not for a while now
17:38.49Robinuxbut how does that work, it'll "install" for me text files? haha
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17:39.02Robinuxpdf manual?
17:39.03karlpincschmack: You follow the release notes, and everything should mostly just keep working.  See them on
17:39.11XanbreonDidnt think so ;)
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17:39.16stewschmack: /msg dpkg lenny->squeeze
17:39.24schmackif I am a ISP, 'server' and i have debian lenny 5.0.6, e.g., how can i upgrade without loosing the database to 6.0 squeeze when it release, it is possible with Debian, (without backup rack) ?
17:39.31stewschmack: yes
17:39.48schmackstew: ok
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17:39.56karlpincstew: But he does not want to do this now, but when squeeze is released.
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17:40.20schmackkarlpinc: yes
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17:40.49karlpincschmack: The release notes will be on the debian home page when squeeze is released.
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17:40.53schmackkarlpinc: it's the same
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17:41.12karlpincschmack: There may be changes still.
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17:41.45stewRobinux: "dpkg -L packagename" will show you what files it installs
17:42.04imanwhen i want to used apt-get update, i face this error : Release file expired, ignoring .../dists/squeeze/Release
17:42.18imanyou think whats the problem?
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17:42.34rackITIm trying to use key authentication through ssh - vebose mode outputs Credentials cache file '/tmp/krb5cc_1000' not found - this seems to be preventing authentication - I'm not sure how to fix this
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17:46.11hyper_chhi there, I wonder, as root, how can I start a program under a different user? I'm running a small Minecraft server with a few people and would like for monit to monitor it and restart it if necessary
17:46.15stewrackIT: do you control the server?  these things are much easier debugged from the server side: "/msg dpkg debug sshd" ; its typically a problem with permissions
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17:48.44Robinuxstew thats cool
17:49.03Robinuxcan i check what it would install for not installed packages?
17:49.11rackITstew: i don't. another user has no problems doing the same thing. I can get with the sysadmin to see what the logs say...
17:49.12stewRobinux: /msg dpkg apt-file
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17:49.54megaf"Running mkinitramfs-kpkg" This will take a long time
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17:50.13stewrackIT: on the server, make sure that authorized_keys is owned by you and chmod 600, .ssh is owned by you and chmod 700 and that your home directory and all of its ancestors are not group writable
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17:52.35jaroughi, im trying to play with preseed, the installer launch is ok, but it never hit on the preseed.cfg, here is the pxelinux.cfg/default
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17:53.22jhutchins_lthyper_ch: I'm not actually familiar with the mechanism, but you could take a look at the init files for a program that runs as an alternate user and see how that does it.
17:53.43hyper_chjhutchins_lt: there are no init files... .Minecraft is just a Java .jar file
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17:54.18rackITstew: thanks much!
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17:54.50hyper_chjhutchins_lt: if you have too much spare time and like sandbox games, have a look at it ;)
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17:55.53Robinuxcan be run as a command in bash?
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17:56.07hyper_chRobinux: yes, but you have first to install it
17:56.15hyper_chRobinux: and then first run apt-file update (as root)
17:56.29hyper_chand then you can search it:   apt-file search for example
17:56.31Robinuxthanks hyper_ch
17:56.37jhutchins_lthyper_ch: Ok, then the question is how to run the java interpreter as another user?
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17:57.16hyper_chjhutchins_lt: well, with monit I can check if the .jar is running and if not, I can monit make run a script to start it... but how to I run it as a different user... that's the question :(
17:57.28hyper_chI don't really wanna run it as root :)
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17:59.23jhutchins_lthyper_ch: You might be able to get more information on doing this in a java support channel.
17:59.50stewhyper_ch: to run a command as another user: su -c "somecommand" username
18:00.03hyper_chstew: thx, I'll have a look at that :)
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18:03.49jhutchins_ltstew: That applies to binaries, what about jar's?
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18:04.53stewjhutchins_lt: a jar is something you pass as an argument to the java binary
18:05.11stewjhutchins_lt: i don't believe that the jvm has the ability to drop privileges on its own
18:05.23jhutchins_ltThat would be my assumption as well.
18:05.44jhutchins_ltStill, I believe users can run jars.
18:05.57stewjhutchins_lt: no, a jar is just a zipfile, not somehting runnable
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18:06.32hyper_chwell, I have a short bash script anyway to start minecraft
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18:07.03jhutchins_ltstew: So in order to execute the jar, the user would be the one invoking the jvm.
18:07.10themilla jar is just as runnable as something that starts with #!/bin/bash or #!/usr/bin/perl (or even a PE .exe with wine)
18:07.25hyper_chso if I can run the shell script as a different user, then the jvm called form inside should also be run as that user, right? script:   java -Xms1024M -Xmx1024M -jar Minecraft_Mod.jar nogui
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18:07.56Salivenhi all... how can i mount a media at startup please?
18:08.08abrotmanSaliven: man mount; man fstab
18:08.09hyper_chSaliven: add it to /etc/fstab
18:08.22Saliventhanks alot :)
18:08.48stewwait, i can just ./foo.jar?
18:08.51stewhow on earth?
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18:09.09stewhyper_ch: yes, that java command would be run as the user running the script contianing it
18:09.09jhutchins_ltthemill: If a user executes a bash script, it runs as that user.
18:09.11jhutchins_ltthemill: Is the same true of a jar?
18:09.37hyper_chstew: great, thx :)
18:09.40themillstew: binfmt_misc
18:09.58stewthat's insanity
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18:10.28themilljhutchins_lt: yes. All the kernel is doing is throwing it at an "interpreter" the same way as it does with a shell script. nfc whether suid supported though
18:10.29jhutchins_ltThe same would be true of ruby, python, perl, etc.
18:10.46stewand sh
18:10.48themilljhutchins_lt: that uses deeper black magic from the shebang though
18:10.55ZevvHi all. How can I force 'apt-get install --reinstall' to overwrite/replace configuration files to their defaults ?
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18:11.01rssHi, all I'm a fan of the enlightenment window manager and have been forced to build packages myself. It's working well for me now, but does anyone have any tips?
18:11.28stewdpkg: confnew
18:11.28dpkgstew: are you using Windows?
18:11.44hyper_chZevv: apt-get purge  maybe?
18:11.55hyper_chthat should remove the config files IIRC
18:12.10stewZevv: one second
18:12.11rssZevv: purge the package first
18:12.59stewdpkg: confmiss is dpkg --force-confnew will force dpkg to overwrite any changes you have
18:12.59dpkg...but confmiss is already something else...
18:13.06*** part/#debian lamah (~lamah@fedora/lamah)
18:13.10stewdpkg: confnew is dpkg --force-confnew will force dpkg to overwrite any changes you have made to conffiles.  You can also reinstall them using the following apt-get line: apt-get -o DPkg::Options::="--force-confnew" --reinstall install <packagename>; or using aptitude, aptitude -o DPkg::Options::="--force-confnew" reinstall <packagename>;
18:13.11dpkgokay, stew
18:13.26jhutchins_ltdpkg: confmiss
18:13.26dpkgThe reason you have to use dpkg --force-confmiss is because whenever your config files (<conffiles>) are gone, dpkg assumes you deleted them on purpose, and that you want them to stay deleted.  You can also reinstall them using the following apt-get line: apt-get -o DPkg::Options::="--force-confmiss" --reinstall install <packagename>; or using aptitude, aptitude -o DPkg::Options::="--force-confmiss" reinstall <packagename>;
18:13.37Zevvrss: yes I know purging helps, but tha's kind of hard/risky with all my pam and login related packages, which I'm trying to restore
18:13.46stewZevv: ssee what I said about confnew
18:13.52tharkunCouldn't you instruct the bot on the silence of a pm ;P
18:13.55Zevvrss: i've got config files in my /etc/pam.d from 2001, need to clean up
18:14.02Zevvstew: let me check that out, thanks
18:14.17stewdpkg: confnew is also see <confmiss>
18:14.18dpkgokay, stew
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18:14.47rssZevv: OK, I get it. confnew might help.
18:15.09Zevvrss, stew:ok thanks both, confnew seems to be the Right Thing
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18:17.16rssregarding enlightenment: I'm referrring to e17, not e16 which really works well on debian out of the box.
18:17.32Zevvstew: am I doing this right ? "dpkg -i --force-confnew xdm_1%3a1.1.10-3_i386.deb"
18:17.35Zevvthis reinstall xdm
18:17.48Zevvbut does not overwrite my altered /etc/pam.d/xdm
18:18.37rssZevv: Does xdm actually fill pam.d?
18:18.45stewZevv: is /etc/pam.d/xdm listed /var/lib/dpkg/info/xdm.conffiles?  what about /var/lib/dpkg/info/xdm.list ?
18:18.46Zevv/etc/pam.d/xdm is in 'dpkg -L xdm'
18:19.00stewthat's a yes for .list
18:19.00Zevvyes its there
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18:19.04stewZevv: in conffiles?
18:19.07Zevvit is in /var/lib/dpkg/info/xdm.conffiles
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18:19.22Salivenwhat options should i use in fstab for ntfs filesystem please?
18:19.34Zevvstew: even: if I remove /etc/pam/xdm, and reinstall xdm, there is no new file put in /etc/pam.d
18:19.39hyper_chSaliven: install ntfs-3g
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18:19.54stewZevv: wait, is it missing completely?
18:20.00stewZevv: try confmiss instead of confnew
18:20.03Salivenhyper_ch: thx ill try
18:20.05zfemy notebook has 2 graphic cards
18:20.10zfehow can i decide which one to use under linux
18:20.22hyper_chSaliven: and then add something like this:  /dev/<your partition>     /media/<mount point>     ntfs-3g     defaults,locale=en_US.utf8   0    0
18:20.25rssZevv: unpacking xdm instaead of installing and manually copying should work. At least you know what you have done then. Make a backup first :)
18:20.26stewSaliven: do you need write access? or just read access?
18:20.29Zevvstew: no I have an altered version, but I want hte new one. When --reinstall did not put the default one there, I even tried deleting it and reinstalling, but still no /etc/pam.d/xdm
18:20.43Salivenstew: i need write access too
18:20.51Zevvrss: yes that's what i'm doing now, but it's a lot of work, I'm trying to reinstall all pam-enabled packages to make sure my whole PAM setup is up to date
18:20.55M00R1Zat anyone: any suggestions for a rss/atom reader ? opensource?
18:21.10damascenoSomebody here already use red5 server?
18:21.11M00R1Zmaybe rss?
18:21.14cuscoI am using exim+dovecot+roundcube ... whos fault is it that charset comes all grubbled...
18:21.15stewZevv: can you try "aptitude -o DPkg::Options::="--force-confnew" reinstall xdm" ?
18:21.27Zevvstew: wow, aptitude, never ever used that before :)
18:21.32cuscodamasceno: I used in the past
18:21.56damascenocusco, can you help me? I'm trying to do that. :/
18:21.57Zevvstew: no luck
18:22.03Zevvstew: still the old file there
18:22.17cuscodamasceno: ask away
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18:22.46rssZevv: Everytime that I have seriously broken something, I have always looked for a manual fix. I know debian is really good with depandancies. However, if I make a stuid mistake I try to FIX that rather that rely on scripts that usually assume you have not messed up.
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18:23.26stewZevv: can you try moving the file out of the way and try confmiss?
18:23.26Zevvrss: true :) But I have messed up several things in all those years
18:23.27Salivenhyper_ch: thx, got it
18:23.36angel-tsankovwaves to nsadmin, binarym
18:23.53hyper_chSaliven: ntfs is evil :)
18:23.59Zevvstew: confmiss worked
18:24.09Zevvstew: sweet, although strange the confnew did not
18:24.14damascenocusco, can you access this:
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18:24.22stewZevv: yeah, its strange, your situation is exaclty why it exists
18:24.27rssZevv: I has you assumed you already tried confmiss.
18:24.34Zevvrss: sorry, no I did not
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18:24.49Zevvstew: well, I can fix this now with some dpkg and xargs magic and some patience
18:24.57cuscodamasceno: no. Have you forwarded that port on your router?
18:25.03Zevvstew, rss: thanks for your help
18:25.05angel-tsankovhow can I see the routing table
18:25.06rssZevv: no problem. It's why we're here :)
18:26.07Zevvrss: where do I send the cake ? :)
18:26.10damascenocusco, i don't have firewall or proxy here.
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18:26.33rssZevv: munch, munch, thanks
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18:27.01rssflo: hi
18:27.41flo`i installed runit, runit-run and runit-services. however, i saved my old init and named the runit's init init_runit...
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18:28.00flo`booting with init=init_runit... well... quite of doesn't work good... but it works
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18:28.09rssangel-tsankov: as root 'route -n'
18:28.25megafkarlpinc, now, how do I install and configure X for that old computer?
18:28.35flo`it is entering stage 1 correctly, in stage 2 nothing gets executed (maybe due to misconfiguration). i can add services my own, that works...
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18:28.59flo`HOWEVER... if i want to boot with the old init, everything works well EXCEPT that gdm tries to start X a second time
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18:29.15flo`what's the problem here?
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18:29.44rssflo`: I heve no experience with runit. What does it do?
18:30.40flo`runit is a different init system. it can do service control, dependency-based service-loading and stuff, and it has a pretty small footprint.
18:30.44rssangel tsankov: or you could try 'ip route list'
18:31.15flo`runit and runit-services install only data files and tools. runit-run tries to overwrite my init (which i have backed up)
18:31.47angel-tsankovrss: I'm trying to determine if I can have lan host access a vpn
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18:32.08rssflo`: I use the new inniserv
18:32.23flo`inniserv? you mean insserv?
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18:33.21flo`well, it doesn't quite do what i want ;)
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18:33.41flo`another way to do what i want is to copy arch's bsd-style init... but runit would be nicer ;)
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18:34.24flo`wtf... it seems that everything gets started twice o_O
18:34.29flo`even the gettys
18:34.36emersonI tryed but didn't get right so how to I change my screen resolution to 1600X900
18:34.42flo`can this be related to the fact that i had to uninstall rsyslogd?
18:34.43rssflo`: yes that was a typo. Sorry!
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18:34.57rssangel-tsankov: Yes you can have a lan host access a vpn. You will need a vpnclient for the type of vpn that you use. For ipsec connectivity I use open-swan.
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18:36.04emersonany idea ?
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18:36.44rssflo`: rsyslogd uninstall is unlikely to solve your probblem, Unless, the message is somehow looged twice. In which case double entires would be normal.
18:37.18flo`well, i assume the problem IS that rsyslog got uninstalled
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18:37.35flo`i'm wondering if INstalling it would help
18:38.00rssflo`: what daemon are you using for syslog instead? maybe you just need to reinstall rsyslogd.
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18:38.39flo`some socklog thingy
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18:40.30rssflo`: I'm running syslog not rsyslog. maybe uninstall socklog thing and installing rsyslog will help. I'm not sure about that though.
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18:41.46abrotmanemerson: xrandr
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18:42.01flo`i think i'd rather use some bsd-style init...
18:42.11flo`KISS rocks much more than runit does :(
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18:42.25emersonabrotman: I tryed but didn't work...
18:43.39emersonabrotman: any pastbin that I can show you the output ?
18:43.41abrotman"didn't work" doesn't hhelp me figure out your problem .. error? fire? sparks?
18:44.03rssflo`: The name KISS inspires. Still I'm not dissatidfied with my current setup. Is your preference for BSD style init because of familiarity with it?
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18:44.40OperaFanHi, I have a rsyslog log file I need to copy, but some process has it open and locked and I can't copy it.  I have tried stopping rsyslogd (which failed), I have tried kill the processes that have it opened, and they refuse to die.
18:44.46flo`rss, well, i'm optimising my system boot ATM (i'm bored ;) ) and that's much easier when only editing a rc.sysinit...
18:44.58OperaFanfuser -k -i router-user.log
18:44.58flo`and, well, actually i find the sysV-init pretty useless to me
18:45.34flo`i (who owns a laptop, not a server) doesn't care about multiple runlevels, not even about service supervision (as runit does)
18:45.53flo`i only want to have X started pretty fast, and all its dependencies
18:47.24flaggyI like sysv because it's the default on debian, so the chances of packages working without further configuration is higher
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18:48.01flo`arch's init system is fully compatible. the only difference is that the scripts lie in a different directory (which can be fixed by changing one line)
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18:48.31karlpincflo`: It'll all be for naught because the sysv init scripts are being redone for squeeze so they can run in parallel.  (IIRC)
18:48.41flo`only differences: sysinit works completely different (but as i am fiddling around with sysinit my own, i don't care about compatibility), and starting services works over a daemons array
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18:49.01flo`and while parsing the array, it simply executes /etc/rc.d/<daemon> start
18:49.23flo`karlpinc, with bsd-style init, you don't need to redo them
18:49.42rssflo`: my xserver starts before my network is up at the moment. And I've been editing priorities to delay the start rather that speeding it up :).
18:49.43tapoxiI initially configured my machine to use a serial port running at /dev/ttyS0 for a terminal, but now, even though I removed it from grub's menu.lst, it keeps spawning getty processes attached to /dev/ttyS0. Any way to stop this?
18:50.03flo`you simply need to think a bit, and prefix services that don't need to be waited for with an @
18:50.06*** part/#debian OperaFan (
18:50.38flo`rss, but your sysinit is pretty slow
18:50.47karlpincflo`: With bsd style init it's hard for the system to figure out what can run in parallel.  The new system will look at what has to be done before what and figure out the optimal order.  (Of course if the bsd style init had prerequsites it could do this too.)  Most of the work, I think, is in getting the prerequsites right.
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18:50.59flo`it sets the clock once, waits, does starts udev, waits for it to settle, sets the clock the second time, waits again...
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18:51.43flo`my (modified) arch system sets the clock once in background, uses a static dev, starts udev in background (important stuff is already in the static dev, the rest is there after some seconds), then starts X and all other stuff.
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18:52.01karlpinctapoxi: That's in /etc/inittab.  Using grub on a tty is different, as is the kernel argument you pass so the kernel knows to send messages to the console.
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18:52.15flo`karlpinc, not the system figures it out. YOU figure out. any my experience told me: NO service depends on another, except hal on dbus
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18:52.45karlpincflo`: So you're saying you could start, say an outbound mail server without having dns working?
18:53.02flo`well, yeah. it will fail badly, but i could do.
18:53.13flo`i would simply have to start the dns before the mail server
18:53.21damascenoSomeone already use the red5 server? I'm trying run an application, but don't connect
18:53.33damascenosomebody would try for me?
18:53.47peterrooneylooking to migrate from icedove to a MUA with maildir format, what options are available? (pdo mail section should really have a 'client' subsection)
18:53.49karlpinctapoxi: So, you need to change 3 things, 2 besides grub.
18:53.51flo`DAEMONS=(@stuff dns @mail) will start stuff in BG, dns in FG, wait for dns to finish, then start mail
18:53.58flo`but i have to leave now. cya
18:54.07karlpinctapoxi: Although of course the kernel stuff is via grub's config.
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18:54.48tapoxikarlpinc: Thanks
18:55.15rssflo`: CU
18:55.15karlpincpeterrooney: Gobs.  mutt, emacs, balsa, kmail (iirc).  Does debtags help narrow the search?
18:55.56karlpinctapoxi: (But serial consoles are really nice, imo, for lots of reasons.)
18:56.48*** join/#debian ikonia (~mattd@unaffiliated/ikonia)
18:57.38karlpincpeterrooney: You could also go web based and use squrrelmail or horde's mail solution.
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18:59.00karlpinctapoxi: telinit -q  after mucking with /etc/inttab.
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19:03.18rsskarlpinc: As flo`has left my sysinit runs in parallel and is pretty fast. too fast for my wireless network in fact. Wired net is not a problem :)
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19:09.47rssAWFK getting something to eat.
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19:15.46bdbdbdwhat's this mean?
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19:16.48metalfooBeside of being in #debian, not #ubuntu: apt tells you, just read
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19:17.58bdbdbdyes but when i go to update libc6 it says its the latest, yet php-gtk is saying GLIB is < 2.6
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19:20.02metalfoophp-gtk says what?
19:20.14stewbdbdbd: please go to #ubuntu for help with ubuntu
19:20.28bdbdbdchecking for GLIB - version >= 2.6.0... no
19:20.28bdbdbd*** Could not run GLIB test program, checking why...
19:20.28bdbdbd*** The test program failed to compile or link. See the file config.log for the
19:20.29bdbdbd*** exact error that occured. This usually means GLIB is incorrectly installed.
19:20.29bdbdbdconfigure: error: PHP-GTK 2.x requires GLib 2.6.0 or higher
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19:24.43metalfoobdbdbd: You are confused by version numbering of glibc. You're is fine, you are missing dev header more likely. Nevetheless you may ask in #ubuntu, since you seem to use that.
19:25.04bdbdbdinstall gcc-devel?
19:25.19stewbdbdbd: ask #ubuntu
19:26.00*** mode/#debian [+l 842] by debhelper
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19:27.17bdbdbdsays already newest version
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19:29.05metalfooYou can either continue to install random packages, or you ask in #ubuntu.
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19:31.16wuffi600is there a list of mirrors of
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19:33.46fxkrhmm, on my relatively new (three days, but had that problem from the beginning on) debian squeeze installation, the volume controls (tried both the gnome one and alsamixer) change volume just fine, but "mute" has no effect (tried with Exaile, VLC and smplayer). any ideas what causes this?
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19:37.31somiajany reason why your using squeeze(testing) over lenny (stable)? -- if mute isn't working almost sounds like a driver issue for the soundcard.
19:38.15dondelelcarofxkr: does alsamixer show the control being muted when you mute it?
19:39.07fxkrdondelelcaro: yes
19:39.36fxkrsomiaj: stables packages are REALLY out of date
19:40.07dondelelcarofxkr: and it really is muted?
19:40.24bluegenehow can i filter some urls from a file? i guess sed is the way to go, is it?
19:40.48dondelelcarobluegene: or grep or perl, or whatever, depending on the file
19:40.50fxkruhh, well, gnome volume control shows the [X]muted and alsamixer changes to [oo] to non-green
19:40.58fxkrdoes that count as "really muted"
19:41.06dondelelcarofxkr: and does sound continue to play through that device?
19:41.10bluegenedondelelcaro: but doesn't grep just print out the whole line with the occurrence?
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19:41.23dondelelcarobluegene: hence "depnding on the file"
19:41.24f3xyis there a cvsdiff package?
19:41.30f3xyI can't find anything in squeeze
19:41.32bluegenedondelelcaro: okay
19:41.36fxkrthats the problem, actually, volume up/down works, but sound continues to play when i activate "mute"
19:41.37f3xyother than patchutils and tkcvs
19:41.48dondelelcarofxkr: which output are you muting?
19:42.03dondelelcarof3xy: cvs has diff builtin; what are you trying to do?
19:42.12fxkrdondelelcaro: tried all of them
19:42.23f3xyjust comparing my current file against the file on in the respository
19:42.45dondelelcarof3xy: cvs diff is what you want, then; or diff if you haven't modified the file in place.
19:43.08fxkrsomiaj: i should note that i'm coming from arch linux; even squeezes packages seem a bit out of date (for example my wacom tablet seems to be unsupported with current kernel)
19:43.20fxkrsomiaj: would be even worse with /stable
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19:43.52f3xyah thanks
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19:44.09stewfxkr: i'd try a newer alsa version: /msg dpkg new alsa
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19:45.47fxkrstew: can i go back from there if it breaks something?
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19:46.49kn0xi feel like this is a very stuipid question, but I've never encountered this before
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19:47.20merethanHi all
19:47.27merethanWhy is HAL being removed?
19:47.32somiajfxkr: Its your choice what you use, I use sid myself -- just saying if you want things to just work well without trouble, go with stable
19:47.41somiajmerethan: read the changelog/bugreports?
19:48.19kn0x/foo/bar is owned by fred:salesgroup with permissions 775, if `groups bill` reports that bill is a member of salesgroup, how could bill not have permissions on /foo/bar?
19:48.57*** join/#debian BuggerMe (
19:49.05somiajkn0x: to do what? are you trying to remove the file? write to it?
19:49.33stewfxkr: it will create a package with the newer alsa kernel mdules you could remove later
19:49.54somiajkn0x: my guess is /foo has the sticky bit on it. This is common and suggested for folders you allow multiple users have full access to
19:50.06stewkn0x: if bill is using a session that was created before he was added to the salesgroup group
19:50.06merethan"The reason is that HAL is considered jack of all trades, master of none"
19:50.13merethanYeah I were expecting that
19:50.18merethanudev can do more and more
19:50.26somiajkn0x: the sticky bit makes it so people cannot delete other peoples files unless they are the owner
19:50.27kn0xsomiaj: sticky bit?
19:50.39somiajkn0x: man chmod -- its a file permision thing
19:50.51kn0xsomiaj: no, bill cant `touch /foo/bar/file`
19:50.51stewkn0x: he means if the directory is not 0775 but 1775
19:51.10stewkn0x: does /foo/bar/file exist? or is that trying to create a new file?
19:51.14fxkrstew: ah, thanks
19:51.26kn0xstew: it does not exis
19:51.50somiajkn0x: does the group have write permisions to the directory?
19:52.09BuggerMeI have a corrupt drive on my server and now cannot login. If I install a second drive and install lenny on that, will the corrupt drive remain intact during the install. I really need to recover the data on the drive.
19:52.27kn0xsomiaj: yeup
19:52.40kn0xsomiaj: permissions of /foo/bar is 775
19:52.45somiajkn0x: stew might have hit it on the head, type 'groups' for bill and see if he is in the group
19:52.53stewkn0x: in the shell where you ran touch, run "groups" by itself and see if the group is listed
19:53.12kn0xstew: shit, yeah groups by itself
19:53.16kn0xit doesnt show
19:53.25kn0xbut i tried new shells from gnome!
19:53.29stewkn0x: bill needs to logout and log back in
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19:53.50somiajyou'll have to log out of X and back in
19:53.51stewkn0x: or he can run "newgrp groupname" to start a new shell, but that changes his default group, so all files he creates would have that group owner
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19:54.12kn0xstew: is there a way to reload?
19:54.13somiajthe shells from gnome (X) just inherit the propertites from the master shell which hasn't reloged -- not sure if there is a way to foce a change
19:55.03stewkn0x: newgrp
19:55.09stewkn0x: but it changes the default gropu
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19:56.29kn0xstew / somiaj : thanks guys, i guess you learn something new everyday :D
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19:56.46kn0xi never realized that group membership is not an instant change
19:57.04kn0xprobably because I usually work from ssh but this was a local change :\
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19:57.37merethanBuggerMe, it is probably a better idea to remove the drive and inspect it with some handy tools like the Sleuth Kit
19:57.59karlpinckn0x: You may be interested in: /msg dpkg user private groups
19:59.08rssHi all, back from food.
19:59.10merethanBuggerMe, one way to be sure the drive's data structure is not altered is disconnecting it or disabling it in the bios.
20:00.01karlpincBuggerMe: Your best bet is to dd the entire content of the drive right away to some other drive.  Then try to recover from that.  Best not to do anything with the drive until you do that.  It may be best to keep it powered off, if you can't hot-plug a new drive in and avoid power cycling entirely.
20:00.15rssBuggerMe: add new drive disconnect old one. put old one in usb enclosure. enspect to hearts content
20:00.30kn0xkarlpinc: isnt that already what Im doing?
20:00.53karlpinckn0x: Dunno.  I just caught the tail end of the conversation.
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20:01.12karlpinckn0x: If you wern't doing that, then it seemed you might want to.  :)
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20:01.59merethanBuggerMe, with dd you can easily make an image of the entire drive to a file
20:02.06somiajkn0x: its a shell thing, the shell inherits the set group/ower when its launched -- so adding yourself to a new group won't affect running applications
20:03.00dec3pti0nis there a way to recreate this /var/lib/dpkg/available file ?
20:03.01kn0xkarlpinc: haha, yeah thats what I was doing.. i just didnt know that you needed to refresh the enrolled groups by re-login
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20:03.15kn0xsomiaj: ahh ok. thanks
20:03.28merethanBuggerMe, 'dd if=/dev/sd{abcde...} of=/home/BuggerMe/imageofmydrivewithbrokenfilesystem.img'
20:03.55merethanThen work with the image with the Sleuth kit and alike
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20:04.14bub3dhi all
20:04.24merethanBuggerMe, review the command before you hit enter.
20:04.34bub3danyone with experience of adding new pci devices at debian?
20:04.35merethanMake sure you know what you are doing
20:04.51merethanbub3d, PCI configures itself.
20:04.54bub3di add a new lan card - 3com
20:04.57bub3dbut unfortunately
20:05.06bub3di can not check if the computer even recognize it
20:05.12bub3di tried ifconfig -a
20:05.18bub3dno card
20:05.19karlpinckn0x: I just updated the wiki with that info.
20:05.27bub3dbut it's not there
20:05.34bub3di checked lspci -n
20:05.40bub3dand put it in kmuto
20:05.57bub3di'm afraid that i miss something
20:06.04bub3dis it possible if there is no driver for it in the kernel
20:06.08bub3dto not be recognized
20:06.12rssbub3d: lspci not giving output of new added card means: card broken.
20:06.14_dreamyhow do i check whats open source ATI driver coming with debian ? the OS driver on ubuntu 10.04 has so beyond better image !!  ?
20:06.15bub3dalso i do not find it in the dmsg
20:06.15merethanIf it does not show up in lspci it is likely a hardware or firmware problem.
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20:06.40orschirohi guys, is there a live cd of debian testing?
20:06.57BuggerMeThanks for the comments guys, I will do some more research. I simply corrupted the drive after doing an apt-get full-upgrade and it buggered up libc. I have now managed to get into the drive so I am going to attempt to re-install libc.
20:06.58merethanbub3d, it is either broke or has problems with other bits of hardware in your machine
20:07.12*** join/#debian zfe (
20:07.16CutMeOwnThroatwhat's a good serif font that looks ... reputabl(?) or respectable  and at best is also windows-compatible... I had URW Palladio up to now, but think there are problems with it
20:07.26merethanmost likely broke, bub
20:07.29CutMeOwnThroatshould of course also betruetype
20:07.39bub3di'll try to change the pci slot
20:07.44bub3das I'm sure the card works
20:07.55bub3di take it from onother computer
20:08.03merethanYou could have damaged it in the process
20:08.04bub3dis it possible to troubleshoot if there is a conflict
20:08.26bub3dthis is the 3rd card that i try
20:08.28merethanHave you worn an anti-static leash?
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20:08.46bub3dnope but i usually touch metal
20:08.53bub3dso i dont have to have static
20:08.53rssbub3d: changing slot might help. is tha machine old or new? maybe you have a card slotted for universal pci that does not support a 5  volt rail or vice versa? Maybe you pci bus doesnt if the machine is old.
20:08.54merethanShould be fine then
20:09.01merethanCould be other hardware as well
20:09.14bub3dthe machine is s939
20:09.14CutMeOwnThroatorschiro, didn't looking at answer the question automagically?
20:09.20bub3di can post the lspci -n here
20:09.25bub3dbut probably will spam
20:09.28merethanuse a pastebin
20:09.29karlpinc!tell _dreamy about bdo
20:09.57karlpinc!tell bub3d about paste
20:10.35CutMeOwnThroatorschiro, err,, it is... well, hit #1 in google anyway on 'debian live'
20:11.02bub3dthans guys
20:11.13bub3dthat's my lspci
20:11.49orschiroah nice, didn't find that while searching for "debian live cd" . so this is the most recent live cd where I will be able to establish a wpa connection?
20:11.57merethanbub3d, there's no names in it
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20:12.05rssbub3d: you ight have a 3 volt pci card with a universal footprint that will not work in a 5 volt pci slot. the converse could also be true. you neet to check the wire paths on your card and mainboard.
20:12.07orschirothat was my problem with the netinstall
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20:12.19bub3dyou can use this service
20:12.21bub3das i use it
20:12.25bub3dto check for the drivers
20:12.54bub3di see
20:13.01karlpincrss: How would you do that?
20:13.07bub3dunfortunately with windows this card works
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20:13.16bub3dit's very strange
20:13.18bub3dthat the lspci
20:13.20bub3dis not updating
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20:14.18bub3di'll put all the 3 lan cards
20:14.19merethanlspci should list it, regardless of drivers and anything alike.
20:14.24abrotmanlspci -nn is probably more useful
20:14.24bub3dand will check the lspci again
20:14.26abrotmanor lspci -k
20:14.36rssbub3d: does lspci n have differnt output with and without card? i.e. no card lspci = lspci with card?
20:14.48bub3dthe same output with and without card
20:15.01karlpincI've never seen an lspci like that.  He must not have the database installed.
20:15.03merethanBut it works with windows in the same machine?
20:15.03abrotmanthen there is something hardware-wise wrong
20:15.12abrotmankarlpinc: that's lspci -n .. he should be using lspci -nn
20:15.16bub3dit works with windows on the same machine
20:15.24abrotmanbub3d: show us 'lspci -nn' and uname -r
20:15.32merethanso if you leave it untouched, boot windows, it works?
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20:15.39jhutchins_ltWhat's the program that returns the scancodes for a keypress?
20:15.46abrotmanxev ?
20:15.51bub3dplease wait for a moment till i reboot
20:16.00bub3dwith 2 lan cards
20:16.12merethanNo, don't touch anything
20:16.13jhutchins_ltabrotman: That'll do.
20:16.25nsadminwhy do you have to reboot?
20:16.34bub3dto put the second lan card as well
20:16.37nsadminoh ok
20:16.39bub3dthere are 3 lan cards
20:16.46bub3d1 on the board
20:16.52bub3doh wait O_O
20:16.54bub3dthat's so strange
20:16.55merethanbub3d, when doing troubleshooting, don't change multiple parameters. When something changes, you don't know what made the change.
20:16.57bub3dnow the 3 lan cards
20:17.00bub3dare recognized
20:17.16bub3di see
20:17.21bub3dthanks for the hint merethan
20:17.23abrotmanstill waiting for that paste .. lspci -nn and uname -r
20:17.27bub3di was desprete
20:17.30dpkgThe enter key is not a substitute for punctuation.  Hitting enter unnecessarily makes it difficult to follow what you are saying.  Consider using ',', '. ', ';', '...', '---', or ':' instead.  If you hit enter too often, you will be autokicked by debhelper for flooding the channel.
20:17.43rssbub3d: every pci card should have its own listing in lspci! if it doesn't the its posibly broken.
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20:18.31bub3dthat's the new lspci -nn
20:18.43abrotmanand 'uname -r' ?
20:18.52rssbub3d: how many cards?
20:19.02bub3dbut it now seems that with the both card
20:19.05bub3dit works
20:19.09abrotmanthere are only two network cards
20:19.14abrotmanbub3d: stop hitting the damn enter kety
20:20.04bub3dthe first is embeded in the motherboard
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20:20.38bub3dit now founds the 3 cards, but I'm not sure why the first is eth0 and the others are eth2 and eth3
20:20.54bub3deth1 is missing , any clues on why that is happening ?
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20:21.20rssbub3d: remove all on onboard cards. post lspci -nn. add 1 extra network card post lspci -nn. add third network card post lspci -nn. Then we can look at differences.
20:21.22abrotman!tell bub3d about 70
20:21.39jhutchins_ltbub3d: As abrotman said, your pastebin only shows two.
20:21.53abrotmani could say it again if you think it would help
20:22.00jhutchins_ltI wonder if we have an IRQ issue here, given the two video cards?
20:23.19rssjhutchins_lt: double video card and triple boot plus post is why i suggested it. We can that see what appears and dissappears.
20:23.28abrotmanwhy? just fix the one he has
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20:26.43bub3d - that's the list with one card out
20:26.47bub3dbut it works now too
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20:28.31homiedoes anyone have a 256gb usb stick here ?
20:28.36rssbub3d: ther could be a conflict somewhere on you pci bus. please do as i asked. lspci -nn with onboard card only. lspci -nn with one extra card. and lastly lspci -nn with all three cards. let us see those results
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20:29.53bub3dis it possible to troubleshoot if there is a IRQ conflict?
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20:31.31bub3drss : - no cards
20:31.46bub3d - one card
20:32.00abrotmanmaybe he just has to configure the card to actually work?
20:32.45bub3dthere was no cards before to config them
20:32.58bub3dthere was no trace in lspci neither on ifconfig -a
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20:34.07rssbub3d: first post has CK804 ethernet controller. apparently that is the onboard card.
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20:37.00rssbub3d: seconf post shows the nvidia card and the 3com card. ifconfig -a should now show 2 ehternet cards. Check you bios for a setting that automatically switches off onbaord card if second card is installed
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20:39.33bub3d - 2 lan cards
20:39.58bub3dit's strange that from the moment i put both 2nd and 3 cards everything seems to act normally
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20:40.43rssbub3d: your third post shows all three ethernet card preasant and accounted for what does ifconfig -a say
20:41.08bub3difconfig -a don't show the last 3rd card
20:41.30the_fileif I got this correct right after squeeze is stable 7 will be released?.
20:41.30bub3dprobably it's damaged
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20:42.28rssbub3d: third card is no identified as a card from a manufacturer by lspci. Possibly ther is firmware missing.
20:43.00rssbub3d: I'm checking pci identifier on internet BRB
20:43.33jhutchins_ltDisappointing bootlog does not list several errors that appear during boot.
20:43.43merethanEven with weird firmware requirements, I would expect it to show up.
20:44.05jhutchins_ltthe_file: Um, are you confusing "release" with "testing"?
20:44.14the_filewhat does "frozen" mean in regards to squeeze?.
20:44.16rssbub3d: last card added is evidently a realtek card 8139 series. it should be supported.
20:44.29bub3dyes, that's the card
20:44.47jhutchins_ltthe_file: Basically means no new programs or versions will be added, only fixes for listed bugs.
20:44.55rssbub3d: what does lsmod with all 3 cards (onbaord, 3com, and realtek) say
20:44.58merethanRealtek is just about the only vendor publishing fully open drivers
20:45.08merethanin the network department, i mean
20:45.28merethanNearly all the others require some form of binary blob firmware to be loaded.
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20:45.38the_filejhutchins_lt: oww I get it, it code word fro developing right?.
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20:45.55rssbub3d: can you move one of the extra cards to a diffenet slot? if not can you switch them?
20:46.25phekgot a versioning question with debian.  when you see lenny4 in an http banner does that mean debian 5.0.4?
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20:46.55bub3dif i switch them it works perfectly
20:47.05bub3dfirst time i have done that
20:47.07neggehas anyone successfully gotten the proprietary Nvidia drivers to work on a xen-enabled kernel (dom0)? I just spent a couple of hours trying to get it to work but all in vein
20:47.33the_filejhutchins_lt: do you have a clue as to when wheezy will be testing?.
20:48.03merethannegge, nvidia is very picky with kernel memory layouts and all what not.
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20:48.22jhutchins_ltthe_file: Wheezy does not exist.
20:48.26neggemerethan: well, many others seem to have gotten it to work, at least with a bit older kernels
20:48.35neggeI tried only with 2.6.32-5-xen-686
20:48.57rssbub3d: from your post i am missing the 8239too module what dows modprobe 8139too do?
20:49.06neggethe problem is exactly as described my most people but none of the workarounds I've tried have worked
20:49.12jhutchins_ltthe_file: If you read the policies, you will understand that Debian releases aren't on a calendar schedule but depend on a release candidate reaching quality goals.
20:49.36merethannegge, perhaps the Xen kernel build settings have changed recently?
20:49.38bub3drss , it runs ok
20:49.41the_filejhutchins_lt: I read the wikipedia entry for debian
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20:50.03rssbub3d: does sth swithc give you 3 ethernet card in ifconfig -a id so ignore my comment about modprobe and enjoy 3 network cards
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20:50.19bub3dno , again 2
20:50.21neggemerethan: I don't know. The thing is that the Nvidia drivers should honor an IGNORE_XEN_PRESENCE variable if you set it, but it still won't work
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20:50.35neggecompiles fine and seems to load fine and everything but X just freezes and dies
20:50.40bub3dbut i'll trow the realtek away
20:50.41jhutchins_ltthe_file: What is it you're actually trying to find out?
20:50.49merethannegge, the memory map something thing has to do with linking
20:50.54bub3dthaks a lot for your time guys, have a nice day/night!
20:51.12the_filejhutchins_lt: Im trying to find out if wheezy will be stabe by 2011
20:51.20the_fileor even made
20:51.22rssbub3d: i dont follow you it works perfectly comment? please explain.
20:51.30merethanlinking and all that is somewhat decided when the binary is build
20:51.50jhutchins_ltthe_file: Why?  Wheezy doesn't even exist?
20:52.16merethansadly I can't remember what specific memory alignment option affected the nvidia binary blobs
20:52.21stewthe_file: no, wheezy will not be stable by 2011
20:52.30merethanI ever ran into it when I was building a kernel myself
20:52.40stewthe_file: I don't think it is likely that it would even be frozen before 2012
20:52.41the_filejhutchins_lt: will it be even worked on in 2011?.
20:52.55stewthe_file: yes, it will be worked on as soon as it exists
20:53.19rssOK guys, its late where I'm at CUL8R
20:53.25bub3drss , if i switch the card positions on the pci , 3 works perfect , on that position 2 works perfect, the 3rd realtek is not working , also not identified by lspci -nn
20:53.26stewthe_file: it doesn't come into existence until squeeze is released, then it immedately gets a ton of new packages from unstable
20:53.45jhutchins_ltloans rss a spare /
20:53.49the_filestew: you mean wheezy will get a ton of new packages from unstable?.
20:53.59the_fileor squeeze
20:54.08jhutchins_ltthe_file: I really don't think you have a clue what you're asking.
20:54.34rssbub3d: do you have another slot?
20:54.42stewthe_file: itt starts off as a duplicate of squeeze, but squeeze becomes stable, wheezy will automatically get all the update from unstable that have been waiting to move to testing but cannot because testing is currently frozen
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20:54.47bub3dyes but cant use it
20:55.05rssbub3d: why can you not use the slot?
20:55.18the_filestew: oww I got it
20:55.32the_filelike kde 4.5 is one of the packages thats in squeeze which is unstable
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20:55.45jhutchins_ltsqueeze is not unstable.
20:55.53stewthe_file: might help you understand how testing works
20:55.54bub3dbecause the videocard is in the way between
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20:56.40rssbub3d: can you asign irq to slot numbers in your bios?
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20:57.38bub3di'm not sure i can check that
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20:57.57the_fileso the bottom line is
20:58.09the_fileif there is a stable debian there will always be a testing one right?.
20:58.27rssbub3d: your 3com card is probably a 5 volt only card. that could conflict with 5 volt rail and 3 volt rail allocations on the pci bus.
20:58.40stewthe_file: there are always : stable, testing, unstable.  there is sometimes oldstable
20:59.01bub3dthat's pretty possible as the 3com is very old
20:59.11neilthereildeilwhich is the channel that can help with debian-live off a usb flash drive?
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20:59.25the_filestew: so when squeeze will replace lenny as stable wheezy will be unstable right?.
20:59.33bub3di prefer it as it seems to be better company than the newer realtek
20:59.46rssbub3d: that could mean that adding a 5 volt card to a universal slot will disable the 3 volt rail on other unversal slots
20:59.50spetrea-homecan someone explain why after 10 minutes of downloading a torrent on Debian my network fails completely and on Windows the same thing doesn't happen ?
20:59.50stewthe_file: when a new codename is created it starts out as testing.  at some point, when most of the next releases goals have been met, testing is frozen, so only manual updates go in.  when its ready to release, the current stable codename becomes oldstable, testing codename becomes stable and a new codename is created to become the new testing
21:00.06stewthe_file: no, wheezy becomes testing.  unstable is always codename "sid"
21:00.45streunerspetrea-home: must be magtic :-P
21:00.46stewthe_file: unstable is where new packages are uploaded, then, if they meet certain criteria, they are moved to testing (the criteria listed on a page i gave you earlier)
21:00.59stewthe_file: but some stuff never makes it out of unstable for being to buggy
21:01.17the_filestew: so the workflow is based around the packages right?.
21:01.27streunerspetrea-home: torrents arent care about OSS....
21:01.28the_filein the effort to make them work with as little or no bugs
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21:02.08stewthe_file: for the individual package maintainer, perhaps.  but the release team works specifically on getting a set of packages together which will make a good stable release which has acheived a predetermined set of release goals
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21:02.32bub3drss i'll have that in mind and will check it
21:02.34rssbub3d: does the reatlek work without the 3com? does teh 3com wor without the realtek?
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21:04.03rssbub3d: if the cards work singularly then it means youe mainboard isprotecting 3 volt cards attached to a 5 volt rail and 5 volt cards from being underpowred on a 3 volt rail. get the same voltage cards and you problem should go away
21:04.27the_filestew: don't the individual package mantainers such as maintainers for kde or gimp work together?.
21:04.36the_filewell work together with the distro maintainers
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21:05.59stewthe_file: yes, they would, when its necessary
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21:06.36neilthereildeili need to recompile the debian-live kernel with aufs statically linked into the kernel
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21:07.15karlpincneilthereildeil: Have you looked at live-helper?
21:07.23rssOK guys. I've had it. I'm going to bed. Regards
21:08.00Nirkushi! im testing xen-4.0.1 on debian squeeze. but when i try to boot the debian xen kernel as dom0 the machine just reboots on 'waiting for /dev to be fully populated'. is there something like a xen console device that needs to be mknoded or something like that?
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21:09.32jhutchins_ltStrange, a pretty ordinary USB stick won't mount, nor will my new camera.
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21:10.05angel-tsankovwhy does 'tracert' does not print intermediate hops but only the last one?
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21:11.08neilthereildeilkarlpinc: will that help me statically compile aufs into the kernel?
21:11.17neilthereildeilim trying to avoid using initrd
21:11.36timwangel-tsankov: tracert or traceroute?
21:12.11angel-tsankovtimw: tracert
21:12.59timwangel-tsankov: as in the windows util?
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21:13.24angel-tsankovtimw: yes
21:13.44smesguys I have a deb 64 bit, the mic is 100% but still a very very little sound can be heard after registration... how can I fix this?
21:13.54angel-tsankovtimw: it prints the gateway and the last host only
21:14.07angel-tsankovno matter which host I tracert
21:14.34timwangel-tsankov: where's the debian box in this?
21:14.56neilthereildeilkarlpinc: u there>?
21:15.19angel-tsankovtimw: it is the machine that does not tracert
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21:16.10timwangel-tsankov: try traceroute on the debian box, does that work?
21:17.00angel-tsankovyes, it does
21:17.01karlpincneilthereildeil: It makes a debian-live image, so you should be able to make and distribute a custom kernel.
21:17.37smesany idea about the mic "mute" situation?
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21:17.53angel-tsankovtimw: after a short while, it prints out all host on the route
21:18.17CutMeOwnThroatthe funny thing being, there is no "tracert" on debian
21:18.24timwangel-tsankov: ok, traceroute by default uses a udp packet, where tracert uses an icmp packet.
21:18.39timwCutMeOwnThroat: already pointed that out ;-)
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21:19.27angel-tsankovtimw: so what?
21:19.35CutMeOwnThroatyou only said it's a windows tool... there might have been a program of the same name in debian, but there isn't (there's tracert6, and tracert.db though)
21:19.57bluegeneanyone knows where i could get a rtorrent backport for etch (sparc)?
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21:21.42timwangel-tsankov: ok, before you said you just got 1st & last, but now you're saying it does print all hosts on the route?
21:22.27juddAvailable kernel versions are: experimental: 2.6.36-rc6-686 (2.6.36~rc6-1~experimental.1); sid: 2.6.32-5-686 (2.6.32-24); squeeze: 2.6.32-5-686 (2.6.32-23); lenny-backports: 2.6.32-bpo.5-686 (2.6.32-23~bpo50+1); lenny: 2.6.26-2-686 (2.6.26-25lenny1); etchnhalf: 2.6.24-etchnhalf.1-686 (2.6.24-6~etchnhalf.9etch3); etch: 2.6.18-6-686 (2.6.18.dfsg.1-26etch2)
21:22.35angel-tsankovtimw: tracerotue prints all hosts on the route (after some delay), but tracert does not
21:22.46angel-tsankovtimw: and I do have tracert on debian lenny
21:22.55CutMeOwnThroatsmes ... is gorn
21:23.19jhutchins_ltangel-tsankov: Actually, so do I.
21:23.25jhutchins_ltangel-tsankov: Have you read the manpage?
21:23.37CutMeOwnThroatjhutchins_lt, where the heck from?
21:23.45angel-tsankovjhutchins_lt: which one
21:24.01timwangel-tsankov:ok, so my point is udp/icmp. Some firewalls/routers block 1 or the other
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21:24.40jhutchins_ltCutMeOwnThroat: Garr, what's the dpkg switch to show what package provides a given file?
21:24.45CutMeOwnThroathm, now I have it, too! and it's a softlink into alternative and it doesn't turn up in apt-file
21:24.51angel-tsankovok, tracert = traceroute -I
21:25.09timwangel-tsankov: i.e. traceroute using icmp packets
21:25.27jhutchins_lttracert links to traceroute through alternatives.
21:25.38timwangel-tsankov: presumably to emulare the windows tracert behaviour
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21:25.41XanbreonIs there a problem to test if x is seeing kk inputs?
21:25.48CutMeOwnThroatjhutchins_lt, it's not there! I checked... dlocate would show it and you meant dpkg -S (and btw it's gone in squeeze)
21:25.58jhutchins_ltActually, it links to tracert.db
21:26.00*** mode/#debian [+l 827] by debhelper
21:26.09angel-tsankovwell, it is strange that hosts that use this debian box  as gateway have no problem tracert'ing
21:26.19angel-tsankovisn't it
21:26.30CutMeOwnThroatjhutchins_lt, that's why I was so totally surprised when it turned to be on my lenny system, too... I would have thought soft-links are also found by apt-file and co
21:26.36jhutchins_ltequivalent to traceroute -I if the manpage is to be believed.
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21:27.46CutMeOwnThroatjhutchins_lt, what I first checked was of course apt-file... guess it'S some postinst script making the link and hence it doesn't turn up anywhere
21:27.59jhutchins_ltI need something that will give me uptime statistics for my internet connection.
21:28.04CutMeOwnThroatwell... obviously, as it's from the alternative system...
21:28.19jhutchins_ltCutMeOwnThroat: Yes, qed.
21:28.32neilthereildeilis there a reason why the / partition on debian-live usb is aufs instead of etx3?
21:28.38CutMeOwnThroatstill... should turn up somewhere
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21:28.54CutMeOwnThroatshouldnt that have been hohaha?
21:29.09angel-tsankovwhy do hosts behind this box tracert normally?
21:29.19angel-tsankovbut the host itself does not
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21:33.07timwany netfilter/iptables on the gateway
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21:33.27angel-tsankovtimw: no
21:33.31angel-tsankovtimw: none
21:33.31CutMeOwnThroatjhutchins_lt, that's pretty annoying... means I can't say "XXX is not there in debian", because there's never any way to be sure
21:34.08angel-tsankovtimw: in fact, I do have a postrouting rule
21:34.21angel-tsankovtimw: it does the masquerading
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21:34.28timwangel-tsankov: ah, care to share it?
21:34.48angel-tsankovtimw: iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -j MASQUERADE
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21:40.17fuzzybunny69yHey everyone I have a Sony Vaio VGN-CR520D and it has a really annoying light that blinks at the bottom of my laptop whenever I close the lid and I am  just wondering how I would go about disabling it in Ubuntu. I know how to disable it in Vista but then when I reboot into Ubuntu it is active still. In Vista there is a Sony utlity that gets installed where you can disable it but I am not sure how to adjust the setting in Ubunt
21:40.17fuzzybunny69yu. If anyone could help I would love you forever. Thanks
21:40.19angel-tsankovtimw: I thinks this delay is due to debian's tracert and traceroute; rhel ones do not have the same problems
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21:40.59timwangel-tsankov: when you say delay, do you see the full ouput eventually
21:41.14angel-tsankovtimw: eventuall, yes
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21:42.10angel-tsankovtimw: traceroute spits out the replies from 3 hosts at once
21:42.22angel-tsankovtimw: instead of do this for each host at a time
21:42.23timwangel-tsankov: does it speed up if you add the -n flag?
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21:43.07angel-tsankovtimw: oh, quite a bit :)
21:43.30angel-tsankovtimw: with -n, I get the output instantaneously
21:43.30timwit's having trouble resolving the names
21:44.04timwangel-tsankov: reverse dns lookup
21:44.36angel-tsankovtimw: what is more, tracert -n prints all hosts on the route
21:44.55angel-tsankovwithout -n, tracert only prints the first and last hosts
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21:47.15timwangel-tsankov: ok, 1st host is local and it probably knows about, last host you told it. Sounds like it's not successfully reverse looking anything in between up.
21:47.38angel-tsankovtimw: exactly
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21:49.08timwangel-tsankov: what do you get if you nslookup one of the ip addresses from the middle of the trace?
21:49.22prelleri've enabled root access on my ssh server, restarded the server and still can't connect to it with my root login. it fails with this error message: Permission denied (publickey).
21:50.41angel-tsankovtimw: a very quick response containing the name
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21:51.55timwangel-tsankov: and the server & address at the top are what you'd expect?
21:52.13timwangel-tsankov:i.e. what you think should be your dns server
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21:53.36angel-tsankovtimw: yes, the address is (this is my dns server; it is scpecified in /etc/resolv.conf)
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21:55.02angel-tsankovtimw: first line of nslookup output is: 'Server:', and second line is: 'Address:'
21:55.34angel-tsankovtimw: I'm not sure about that '#53'
21:55.54simonrvnit's the port...
21:55.54timwangel-tsankov: that's the DNS service udp&tcp port number
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21:56.59angel-tsankovso, everything seems fine
21:57.05zfemy notebook has 2 graphic cards
21:57.09zfehow can i decide which one to use
21:57.22simonrvnpick one
21:57.41angel-tsankovtimw: I have one more problem, this one with VirtualBox and bridged networking
21:57.55somiajangel-tsankov: did you get the routing to work? -- did a bit of reasearch, seems a bridge connenctino between devices is a different layer than routing (as I suggested) -- for your case either method will work, just wanted to let you know there is a distinction.
21:58.16*** part/#debian surlyjake (~jacob@
21:58.17zfesimonrvn: how?
21:58.34angel-tsankovsomiaj: I installed latest version of VBox -- it has better support for bridging
21:58.40simonrvneeny, meeny, miny, mo, catch a tiger...
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21:59.08somiajangel-tsankov: oh good, I had no issue when I used VBox to set up a virtual device and connect it to my physical device (I never had to set up a bridge -- it did it all for me)
21:59.23angel-tsankovsomiaj: but now I have a different kind of problem
21:59.51angel-tsankovsomiaj: the VM does not get dhcpack's from a dhcp server on the host
21:59.59qwdpreller: when I got that message it was because of the .ssh folder containing authorized_keys didn't have the correct permissions.
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22:02.05qwdpreller: every directory above that needs to have correct permissions as well
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22:03.02somiajangel-tsankov: a bit out of my of luck
22:03.16angel-tsankovsomiaj: thanks
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22:04.27timwangel-tsankov: I'd be tempted at this point to tshark/wireshark the internet facing I/f of the gateway, then try 1 slow local trace & 1 from an inside hosts that works & then compare. Filter for icmp and udp53 (and maybe tcp53 as well but probably not)
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22:06.12angel-tsankovtimw: could you guide me throut this all this
22:06.13prellerqwd: but it works with my normal user so it has the correct permissions, right?
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22:06.31wallunitHow can i install a bitmap xfont? I know that bitmap fonts are disabled by default. I have aleready replaced 70-no-bitmaps.conf with 70-yes-bimtmaps.conf in /etcfonts.conf.d, but how can I make the new font availalble?
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22:06.51qwdpreller: not sure. did you look at the log?
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22:07.21somiajangel-tsankov: what are you trying to do, set up a server inside a virtual box that needs its own ip?
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22:07.52angel-tsankovsomiaj: I'm trying to make a VM get its address from the dhcp server on the host
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22:08.26somiajangel-tsankov: yes, but I'm wondering why your VM needs its own address. Does giving it a static address work just fine?
22:08.59angel-tsankovsomiaj: not sure how to set a static ip address on rhel
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22:10.04timwangel-tsankov: got to drop off soon ... but ... gui access to the gateway?
22:10.36angel-tsankovtimw: I'm loggin in gateway
22:10.43angel-tsankov*logged in
22:11.10timwangel-tsankov: if so run up wireshark, if not we're on tshark
22:11.31angel-tsankovtimw:whatever you like
22:11.41timwyou have gui?
22:11.49angel-tsankovtimw: yes, I do
22:12.12timwwireshark installed?
22:12.25angel-tsankovtimw: yes, just installed it
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22:13.44timwsee your internet facing I/f on the I/f list?
22:14.32angel-tsankovtimw: yes
22:14.34angel-tsankovit is eth1
22:14.37prellerqwd: looks like i don't have any sshd logs :(
22:15.07prellerloglevel is set to info in sshd_config
22:15.45timwclick on it should start capturing (wait, how heavy the traffic at the moment?)
22:15.57angel-tsankovtimw: not very much
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22:16.18angel-tsankovtimw: I started capturing on eth0 -- the LAN interface that is bridged
22:17.09timwbridged to?
22:17.17angel-tsankovtimw: it looks like only dhcp discover requests are received on this interface and no dhcpack is sent
22:17.37angel-tsankovtimw: it is used in bridged networking by a VM
22:18.01timwon the gateway
22:18.42angel-tsankovthis box serves as a gateway for the LAN and for the VMs
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22:20.28timwangel-tsankov: ok, start capture on eth1
22:20.49angel-tsankovtimw: done
22:20.53timwand create a filter for icmp & udp 53
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22:21.12timwudp.port == 53 || icmp
22:22.01poisonbittcpdump -n -i eth1 proto ICMP or proto UDP and port 53
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22:23.11angel-tsankovtimw: not sure how to create such a filter
22:23.34poisonbitdon't worry, I'm not sure of being myself
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22:24.13angel-tsankovtimw: on the interfaces list, I click the options button for eth1
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22:24.26timwjust stick that in the box next to filter, or you can use poisonbit's tcpdump syntax above
22:25.12angel-tsankovtimw: ok, I'm done
22:26.12timwok try the working trace and the slow one & compare what happens
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22:28.25angel-tsankovtimw: the slow traceroute seems to send some packets with incorrect checksums
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22:29.26timwand you don't see those on the other one? icmp or dns packets
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22:29.58angel-tsankovtimw: with traceroute I can only see DNS packets
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22:31.07angel-tsankovtimw: sorry, I'm not that familiar with protocols
22:32.16angel-tsankovtimw: it looks like DNS all packets sent from my host to my dns server have incorrect checksums
22:32.33angel-tsankov*all DNS packets
22:32.47timwdo you see replies
22:32.52angel-tsankovyes, I do
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22:33.05timwcan't be all bad then ;-)
22:33.09angel-tsankovfor each request, there is a single reply
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22:33.39timwand the reply says?
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22:34.55angel-tsankovtimw: some say 'no such name'
22:35.12stewhas anyone switched from nagios to icinga?  should I?  if i do, would I have to be completely reworking my current nagios infastructure?
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22:35.35timwthat's fair, I have some like that too, and some std quest responses
22:36.08timwI mean std. query response
22:36.16angel-tsankovtimw: well, it seems I do have some std responses, too; btw, what is the purpose of all this
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22:38.30timwTo see what's different. Did you see any icmp go past at all. I'd expect a bunch of TTL exceededs
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22:44.45qwdpreller: /var/log/auth.log ?
22:44.52timwangel-tsankov: got to skoot.
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22:59.02jauiwojauQuestion: is there a way to make the output of a process (that have written yourself) to appear as a file in the file system (and not a directory, such as device files)?
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23:00.17jauiwojaucorrection: (that YOU have written yourself)
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23:00.54abrotmanman script
23:00.54jauiwojauabrotman: was that an answer to my question?
23:01.02jauiwojauabrotman: ah, it was...
23:01.25abrotmanjauiwojau: or you can redirect the output with "./your_script &> outfile" or whatever you want
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23:03.09jauiwojauabrotman: ah but that doesn't work I think, I want to do something more complicated. If the OS makes a random access request to the file, I also want to respond accordingly.
23:03.29abrotmanwhy would it?
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23:03.55abrotmanif you want something else, describe it better
23:04.13jauiwojauabrotman: I want to make an encrypted file appear as a normal file to the system by placing come process in between.
23:04.20jauiwojaucome = some
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23:04.41jauiwojaua file that behaves normally (so allowing random access)
23:05.01jauiwojauassuming of course that the file has been encyrpted with a block cipher etc.
23:05.46abrotmanokay, thoroughly confused now!
23:05.52jauiwojaubut perhaps there is already a solution for this?
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23:10.52EmeraldCatmaybe library interposition is what you are looking for?
23:11.11EmeraldCatyou could reimplement the open/read calls?
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23:13.59jauiwojauemeraldcat: currently reading...
23:14.09jauiwojau(your tips)
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23:15.19jewardSo, I installed the non-free nvidia driver because I need to get higher resolution out of the video card, but it doesn't show higher resolution options.  Could this be limited by the monitor attached?
23:15.47EmeraldCathere's another tutorial, this one showing how to reimplement malloc:
23:16.13somiajthe free nv driver should be able to get all the resolutions just fine jeward -- it is either your xorg.conf file or when it detected your monintor it decided it couldn't handel higher resolutions.
23:16.15abrotmanjeward: certainly
23:16.33jewardOkay, let me connect it to the target monitor.
23:16.33abrotmanjeward: you might want to make sure you're not still using nv
23:16.42jewardI think I am not.
23:16.56jewardnvidia               7086148  24
23:17.05jewardi2c_core               19828  2 nvidia,i2c_i801
23:17.16jewardagpgart                28808  2 nvidia,intel_agp
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23:17.20somiajjust because the nvidia module is loaded, doesn't mean that xorg is using the nvidia module
23:17.24jewardThat's the non-free, right?
23:17.45somiajless /var/log/Xorg.log will tell you what module its using
23:18.21somiajok (also you should see the nvidia logo at startup -- a sign your using the non-free version)
23:18.33somiajdo you know if your monintor can handel the resolution you want?
23:18.35jewardI did see the nVidia logo.
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23:19.05jewardMaybe it can't, let me connect it to the monitor it's supposed to be connecting to (it's a noc).
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23:19.19somiajjeward: sounds like your running the non-free module just fine, so its a monintor issue.
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23:19.27jauiwojauemeraldcat: ah you mean really reimplementing part of the device drivers of my file system?
23:19.39EmeraldCatjauiwojau: I think if you reimplement read, you could decrypt on the fly...just catch the program's read code, perform a read yourself to get the encypted blocks, decrypt and then return them.
23:19.46nvzanyone know of a panel applet for turning on and off the wifi? like rmmod/modprobe style or something..
23:20.03jauiwojaujauiwojau: ah, I see...
23:20.08EmeraldCatjauiwojau: Not a device driver, but a libc function.
23:20.10anonymouse89I have a big problem :(  The MBR of one of the disks that is part of an md-device was overwritten with grub by the debian installer.  mdadm still sees the device, but there is a seriously corrupted partition table on the device (ie md0).  Ideas?
23:20.21xusernvz: network-manager?
23:20.50nvzxuser: I use wicd.. but see no way of doing it with that
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23:21.44nvzactually I think I can maybe make my wifi profiles just rmmod the driver when I disconect now that I think about it
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23:22.17nvzno wait.. that doesn't work cause then i cant see them with the radio off for it to turn it on..
23:22.24nvzscrew it.. might just make two icons
23:23.05nvzon a netbook the radio is one of the more power consuming devices and a lot of the time I am not using it..
23:24.45jauiwojauemraldcat: thanx for the tips, going to investigate them more thoroughly soon, I have to go to bed now!
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23:30.26jewardWow, that's strange, when I hooked it up to the right monitor, I'm getting a kernel failure message and it appears not all of gnome started or at least I can't see all of it.
23:30.28kexman__anyone could tell me how to change mirrors for Linux Mint Debian, package updates are a bit slow and there should be a debian mirror really close to me :)
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23:31.29jewardWhy would changing the monitor cause a kernel failure?
23:32.31dondelelcarokexman_: we have nothing to do with Mint
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23:33.02kexman_dondelelcaro: yeah but i though they are using packages from debian with this new LinuxMint debian release
23:33.07jewardThe good news is, I get the proper resolution.
23:33.22dondelelcarokexman_: sure, but we've got nothing to do with Mint or their mirror network
23:33.28Brent10.0 Wow. I wasn't expecting so many people. Haha
23:33.40kexman_dondelelcaro: where would i see where its getting its packages ?
23:33.46kexman_/etc/apt/source.list ?
23:33.48abrotmankexman_: ask #linuxmint-help on
23:33.56kexman_abrotman: thank
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23:35.39Brent1I have a question for you all. I want a distro that can install to and run well off of an 8gb flash drive. I also want it to be good for programming (Java, php, html, python, all that stuff). What would you recommend?
23:37.55EmeraldCatBrent1: BTW, here is a way you can write an ISO image to a flash drive:
23:38.12Brent1Also, I'm on a netbook with 2gb of RAM. Would that really make a difference with Debian?
23:38.36Brent1Thanks EmeraldCat, but I already have it on my desktop. It's a nice program
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23:39.58medusaXXi've got a udev rule which does not work: DEVPATH=="/block/hde" SYMLINK=+"hde"
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23:40.05medusaXXcan anybody tell me why?
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23:40.44dondelelcaromedusaXX: what do you expect that rule to do?
23:40.52dondelelcaroit looks nonsensical to me
23:41.14medusaXXi need a device node for hde
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23:41.26dondelelcaromedusaXX: one will be created if there is an hde
23:41.52dondelelcaromedusaXX: what are you actually trying to do? what is the real problem?
23:42.10medusaXXthere is no device node for my hard disks
23:42.34medusaXXi have an old debian installation which i upgraded step by step
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23:42.38medusaXXbeginning from woody
23:42.39dondelelcaromedusaXX: do you see the disks in dmesg?
23:42.55medusaXXyes, they are being recognized at boot time
23:43.03medusaXXi always have custom kernels
23:43.10medusaXXi had no udev until now
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23:43.33dondelelcaromedusaXX: and so what precisely is happening? is the root filesystem not being mounted? or what?
23:43.37medusaXXthe system boots successfully but after udev is mounted/started there is no device node for my hard disks
23:43.42medusaXXit is mounted
23:43.51dondelelcaromedusaXX: udev is started in an initrd
23:43.56medusaXXi have no initrd
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23:44.36medusaXXmy kernel is booting, it mounts /dev/hde1
23:44.43medusaXXprobably from old static device nodes
23:44.50dondelelcaromedusaXX: what is the output of ls -l /dev; cat /proc/partitions; ?
23:44.50medusaXXor i dont know how
23:45.00dondelelcaromedusaXX: do you only have one root filesystem?
23:45.17dondelelcaroerr, a single filesystem on / without separate /usr, /home, etc?
23:45.23medusaXXyes single /
23:45.37medusaXXpartitions shows / mounted at /dev/hde1
23:45.44medusaXXand a udev at /dev
23:45.47dondelelcarothat's not what partitions shows.
23:45.54dondelelcaroprovide the output I asked for
23:46.01dondelelcarouse a paste site to do it
23:46.06medusaXXok mom
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23:48.45Brent1What are the differences between the "... CD-4" and CD-5 and all that when downloading Debian? Which one do I need?
23:50.00medusaXXdondelelcaro: my system has no initrd, all drivers are included in the kernel image i compiled myself
23:50.08medusaXXtherefore root=/dev/hde1 works
23:50.37medusaXXthen udev is started after init got into runlevel S
23:51.26medusaXXit mounts a udev /dev pseudo file system and links the devices according to the /etc/udev/rules.d
23:51.42medusaXXbut mysteriosly my hard disks are missing :(
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23:52.29stewBrent1: you need cd1.  the other cds are just cds full of packages for the case that you need to use them to install packages on a machine which can't fetch packages from the internet
23:52.34medusaXXalthough it exists under /sys/block/hde
23:52.56Brent1Ok. Thanks stew!
23:53.05stewBrent1: or intead of cd1, you can get the netinst which is even smaller and contains only packages you definately need.  everything else that you want on top of a base system gets downloaded from the internet
23:53.05medusaXXdondelelcaro: have you seen ?
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23:56.17Brent1Ok, thanks stew.

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