IRC log for #debian on 20100918

00:00.02dondelelcaroksx4system: does s2ram or similar work?
00:00.50ksx4systemdondelelcaro: I haven't tried suspending to ram (just don't need it).
00:01.13dondelelcaroksx4system: do you mean by hibernate suspend to disk? Then, does s2disk work?
00:03.50ksx4systemyes, i mean suspending to disk. the only power management which works now is the power button (sends halt or something - Debian just gently shits down)
00:04.11dondelelcaroksx4system: so s2disk doesn't work?
00:04.15dondelelcaro(the command)
00:05.16ksx4systemunfortunately, no.
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00:05.29dondelelcaroksx4system: what does it do?
00:05.47ksx4system"command not found" both from user and root
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00:06.09dpkg*** NEWS FLASH! *** Your box does not come with every app, tool and utility known to debiankind installed already.  If you find that the program you've been told to use isn't there, install it.  Also ask me about <search>.  If someone suggests an application to you, it's highly likely that it's available via apt-get or aptitude.
00:07.03ksx4systemdondelelcaro: "E: Couldn't find package s2disk" strange
00:07.42dondelelcaroksx4system: it's part of uswsusp, the userspace software suspend bits
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00:12.41ksx4systemdondelelcaro: ok, got it. s2disk did what I expected (hibernated my laptop). now I'll try to unhibernate...
00:13.33ksx4systemok, it booted back to Debian.
00:13.56dondelelcaroksx4system: cool; then in theory, everything should work. Do you have pm-utils and acpi-support installed?
00:14.52ksx4systemnot everything works. 3G was disconnected and i can't connect again... i'll reboot and try disconnect and then s2disk
00:15.20dondelelcarothe network is going to be disconnected when you suspend or hibernate; nothing to be done about that
00:15.30dondelelcaroyou may have to load an unload modules for it, or otherwise tweak it
00:16.10ksx4systemi know. but it's something with my modem. on every laptop with various OSes it fails epicly when *not* disconnected after suspending to disk
00:16.11dondelelcaroin theory, network manager should know what to do, but it's complicated in practice
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00:16.54ksx4systemdondelelcaro: i have no network manager. i'm using bare bones wvdial for 3G
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00:19.24dondelelcaroksx4system: well, then you'll have to write all of those bits yourself
00:19.28martian67hi im trying to install a backported lenny kernel, and im getting a pile of errors
00:19.35martian67can anybody help me out
00:21.19ksx4systemdondelelcaro: ok, s2disk and 3G work like a charm now. I have acpi-support and I'm installing pm-utils.
00:22.49ksx4systemdondelelcaro: pm-utils successfully installed.
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00:26.48dondelelcaroksx4system: cool, now just change /etc/acpi/ to call pm-hibernate instead of pm-suspend, and everything should work, in theory
00:27.34dondelelcaroksx4system: if it doesn't, you'll have to check that a lid event is actually being sent, use acpi_listen to do that
00:28.04dondelelcarothough you may find that pm-suspend is better than pm-hibernate; I rarely use suspend-to-disk
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00:29.33*** join/#debian blahdeblah (~paulgear@pdpc/supporter/student/blahdeblah)
00:30.34ksx4systemdondelelcaro: i think suspending to ram may not work or consume too much power - i've got *really* old laptop.
00:30.44blahdeblahHi.  I've got a problem with my lenny i386 system not booting.  After the BIOS startup, it tries to boot from hard disk, scrolls a while and then puts an ASCII smiley face on the last line of the screen at about column 60.
00:31.19blahdeblahI booted from a rescue CD and it finds the RAID, LVM and file systems just fine, so i concluded GRUB had stuffed up.
00:31.46blahdeblahSo i chrooted into the root filesystem and re-installed GRUB, but it gives the same result
00:32.12blahdeblahI looked at the md5sums from my system and my backups, and found that /boot/grub/stage2 was different
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00:32.26blahdeblahSo i copied that into place and re-installed the boot sector with grub, but still no joy.
00:32.28blahdeblahAny ideas?
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00:38.04dondelelcaroksx4system: ah; well, it usually works, but if you have old batteries too, it's probably not worth it
00:38.22blahdeblahPicture of weirdness here:
00:38.34blahdeblahNote the smiley face at the bottom right.
00:39.12dondelelcaroblahdeblah: you might find an image paste site works better in the future... your connection is very slow.
00:39.23blahdeblahdondelelcaro: yeah well
00:39.38ksx4systemdondelelcaro: new battery (extended capacity, not less than 2,5hrs) was sent to me, I will have it probably on monday. :-)
00:39.41blahdeblahI'm on the wrong end of an ADSL connection
00:39.48dondelelcaroblahdeblah: yerp
00:40.58dondelelcaroblahdeblah: there should be more output than that; did grub actually load?
00:41.06blahdeblahThat IS grub loading
00:41.16blahdeblahThat's why i suspected a corrupted stage 2
00:41.43blahdeblahIf i boot the same system from CD, it works perfectly, so it's obviously some crap at the start of the hard disk
00:42.06dondelelcarooh, this must be grub 2
00:42.08blahdeblahHowever, it does it with both disks in the RAID set, so it must be software rather than hardware corruption
00:42.12blahdeblahNo, it's grub 0.97
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00:42.17dondelelcarohrm; weird
00:42.22dondelelcarothat's a loading error I haven't seen
00:42.40blahdeblahme too
00:43.04dondelelcaroblahdeblah: and /boot isn't on lvm or the raids, right?
00:43.42blahdeblahIt's on a software RAID 1
00:44.00ksx4systemdondelelcaro: by the way my /etc/acpi/ does not call pm-hibernate nor pm-suspend.
00:44.10blahdeblahThe weird thing is that it's been working fine ever since sarge (or maybe early etch days - not sure which)
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00:44.51dondelelcaroksx4system: sorry, it's /etc/acpi/
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00:46.22dondelelcaroblahdeblah: and /boot isn't on lvm, right?
00:46.40dondelelcaro(it's fine if /boot is raid1, so long as it's not lvm)
00:47.06Gm4nhow do I make sure my grub configuration is correct? I'm getting "Error 15: File not found" from grub when I try and boot :(
00:47.47dondelelcaroGm4n: that usually means that you're referencing a kernel or initrd which doesn't exist in your grub configuration
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00:49.28Gm4nI'm getting this:
00:49.34blahdeblahdondelelcaro: Yep, boot on ext3 straight on RAID
00:49.48Gm4nI'm trying to boot linux off my non-primary hard drive
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00:50.24dondelelcaroblahdeblah: ok, that error really looks like it's grub2, not grub1... but anyway, boot off of a cd, and rerun grub-install, and see what happens.
00:50.38blahdeblahAlready done that
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00:50.50dondelelcaroblahdeblah: and it's still giving you that same error? Are you really sure this is grub 0.97?
00:51.04blahdeblahabsolutely sure - i even double checked with dpkg
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00:51.18dondelelcaroblahdeblah: do you have grub-pc installed?
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00:51.27blahdeblahIt's the strangest grub error i've ever seen, but i'm pretty sure it's still a corrupt stage2 file
00:51.39blahdeblahI just did another md5sum and it looks like my copy failed somehow
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00:51.46blahdeblahJust gonna update it and try again.
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00:52.37dpkgDo not paste more than 2 lines to this channel.  Instead, use: or for pics.  Use for large files (think tar.gz) up to 100MB.  Remember to tell us the URL of your paste!  Cannot cut and paste?  Ask me about <pastebinit>, <>, <wgetpaste>.
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00:54.26Gm4nmy menu.lst is this: Lenny boots, grub complains when I try and boot squeeze. What's wrong with my config?
00:55.22blahdeblahVictory!  I restored my stage2 from backup via a USB stick, and it got to the menu successfully.
00:55.28blahdeblahI suspect i have some bad sectors on my drives - they are long overdue for replacement anyway.
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00:56.51dpkgIf you want to laugh, use heh or hah or bwahahaha. lol doesn't sound like laughter at all and makes you look like an AOL user.
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00:57.23ksx4systemdondelelcaro: so i should edit "suspendorhibernate suspend" part of to "hibernate" instead of "suspend"?
00:58.00*** mode/#debian [+l 675] by debhelper
00:58.20dondelelcaroksx4system: hrm; that's a different version, but yeah, I think that's what you need to change
00:59.10blahdeblahdondelelcaro: And just to prove i'm not crazy:
00:59.10CutMeOwnThroatGm4n, istn't the "root" keyword saying which device you install on? so you put this in two different boot sectors....?
00:59.39Gm4nthe bottom one is the pre-existing entry (the one that works)
00:59.48dondelelcaroCutMeOwnThroat: no, it specifies what / is in the grub configuration
01:00.01dondelelcaroGm4n: and /dev/sdb1 is /boot in the lenny configuration?
01:00.25Gm4nlenny is the bottom one, and /boot is sda6
01:00.30dondelelcaro(you don't really need separate /boot devices, btw, but whatever works)
01:00.39dondelelcaroGm4n: err, I mean in the squeeze configuration
01:00.51CutMeOwnThroathm, all right
01:01.10Gm4nooh, point... it's all in one partition, so it's /boot/vmlinuz
01:01.18Gm4nhopefully this'll do it :)
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01:02.46blahdeblahdondelelcaro: in Gm4n's configuration (hd1,1) would be /dev/sdb2.  So fixing the path should be the right approach
01:02.59blahdeblahIf there's no separate /boot
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01:03.34dondelelcaroblahdeblah: yes... that's why I was asking what /boot was...
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01:03.52Gm4nthanks to both of you :) now on to debugging the next issue (still isn't booting, heh)
01:04.00blahdeblahdondelelcaro: Well thanks for your help on my system
01:04.11blahdeblahIt is certainly the weirdest grub output i've ever seen
01:04.25dondelelcaroblahdeblah: yeah, I'm almost certain that was grub2 output, though
01:04.41blahdeblahRead my pastebin
01:04.44blahdeblahIt's not
01:04.44dondelelcaroblahdeblah: since it's a pretty common odd error to get with grub2 (and it doesn't match anything in the grub2 manual)
01:04.53blahdeblahGrub2 has never touched this system
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01:05.06dondelelcaroah, it's the lenny version; good
01:05.51dondelelcarothe version in squeeze is a transition package which has similar numbering, so it's not enough that grub is 0.97
01:06.01dondelelcaroare you running windows 7 or something too?
01:06.30dondelelcarohrm; very odd
01:06.58blahdeblahI have 12 functional PCs in this house, and only one (the kids' old games machine) has Windows. :-)
01:07.51dondelelcaroyeah, I don't own any
01:08.00DDRPhah... pretty much the same as my lot.... a cluster of a ton of Debian machines
01:08.22blahdeblahAt least 4 of them have valid Windows licenses, but no Windows
01:08.58blahdeblahUbuntu on laptops & wife's desktop, Debian on servers is my usual approach...
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01:10.23ksx4systemdondelelcaro: this one does not work too :( laptop just ignores it.
01:11.57DDRPI ran Ubuntu on my desktop until a month ago, now I' running Debian/Lenny
01:12.52ksx4systemdondelelcaro: editing in some ways do nothing too. :(
01:13.48ksx4systemunfortunately, hibernation (suspend to disk) is *essential* feature for me
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01:17.21Gm4ndoes grub 1 understand md/v1.x metadata? (mdadm is warning me)
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01:20.06dondelelcaroksx4system: does a lid event get reported when you close the lid? use acpi_listen to find out
01:20.20dondelelcaro(not all laptops have lid sensors, though almost all do)
01:21.28*** join/#debian tabris (~northman@unaffiliated/tabris)
01:21.52ksx4systemdondelelcaro: this one has lid sensor (it worked under winshit)
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01:23.47ksx4systemdondelelcaro: acpi_listen displayed this:
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01:35.13karamorfI failed during my last attempt to install debian. however the only thing I couldn't make happen was setting up the boot partition. what doc should I read to figure out how to only install that part (if possible)?
01:36.12dondelelcaroksx4system: right, that all looks good
01:38.31ksx4systemdondelelcaro: but still does not work :(
01:39.25*** join/#debian joneal (
01:39.30JasonWoofHi, I'm the upstream maintainer for vor, which got bumped to non-free because its graphics are rendered with non-free povray. I intend to switch renderers, but I want to make sure I switch to an acceptable one
01:39.55JasonWoofdo I have to use one that's in main?
01:40.05newsenseanyone know how to get usb drive working in a KVM VM, i tried adding the usb drive with vendor and product id to the xml but it still isn't detected under windows xp ?
01:40.24JasonWoofspecifically, can I use luxrender, which is not packaged for debian (except an old version in experimental)
01:41.01JasonWoofnote that all releases contain the graphics already rendered, so this renderer is only needed if you want to edit the graphics in the "preferred way"
01:41.26qq-!tell JasonWoof -about mentor
01:41.38dondelelcaroksx4system: yes, that's fine, but you're seeing the lid requests, which is the first part
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01:45.20qq-JasonWoof,  see #debian-mentors on
01:45.44belakHi, I'm using LMDE and I was wondering how I can set debian to use my clock as local time in stead of GMT?
01:45.47dondelelcaroksx4system: and /etc/acpi/events/lid has event=button/lid and action=/etc/acpi/actions/ %s; or similar, right?
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01:48.14ksx4systemdondelelcaro: file /etc/acpi/events/lid does not exists.
01:48.30ParabolaHey guys, I'm having issues with a single user account, i keep getting segmentation fault errors when I SSH
01:48.52*** join/#debian tabris (~northman@unaffiliated/tabris)
01:48.53Parabolai can ssh fine as root, or the other user account, but this one it seg faults every time :(
01:49.12Parabolaive been trying to figure this out for 3 days now, im at my witts end, anyone mind spending a couple of minutes trying ot help me at least isolate the issue?
01:49.23BennijWhat's segfaulting? SSH?
01:49.28Bennij* OpenSSH
01:49.40Parabolasec i'll get the exact error
01:49.44BennijIf so, try dropbear
01:49.46Parabolai cant tell what is seg faulting, but it happens when i ssh
01:49.57Parabolawell i removed ssh and reinstalled, and again it works fine as the other users on the system
01:49.57BennijFirst the client, then the server
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01:50.34Parabolassh: /usr/local/zenoss/common/lib/ no version information available (required by ssh
01:50.35ParabolaSegmentation fault
01:50.47*** join/#debian ScottG489 (
01:50.53ParabolaI clean installed zenoss, which recreated the user, and it still does it
01:50.59BennijDo you have permission to that file?
01:51.42*** join/#debian hell_razer (
01:51.46ksx4systemdondelelcaro: if file contains what you mentioned - it does not do anything. but i've got an idea and i'm going to try it
01:51.46qq-zenoss not debian package
01:52.10qq-Parabola, ^^
01:52.18Parabolai know that
01:52.29Parabolalrwxrwxrwx  1 root   root     18 2010-08-12 21:36 ->
01:52.36Parabola-rwxr-xr-x  1 zenoss zenoss 1.7M 2010-06-30 14:12
01:52.57Parabolalast time i tried to tar a file i got the error as well
01:52.58qq-Parabola, ask zenoss
01:53.16Parabolaqq- that really isnt helping, i've been down that road
01:53.21Parabolaagain, 3 days at this
01:53.37Parabolai need to isolate what the issue is
01:53.40BennijIf it's not a Debian shared library, it's probably just compiled for something else
01:53.49Parabolawell i have that library installed already
01:53.52BennijAnd isn't being recognized
01:54.00BennijThen link that to the good version of the library
01:54.02Parabolawhat if i symlink to the real file
01:55.00ScottGRunning lzma on a file seems to consistently freeze up my server. I've never seen a cli utility completely freeze up my computer like this. Does anyone know why this might be?
01:56.28ksx4systemdondelelcaro: my solution (event=button/lid LID 00000080 00000007 and action=/usr/sbin/s2disk)
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01:56.46ksx4systemdondelelcaro: of course id *does not* work too.
01:57.24*** part/#debian m4kub3x (~m4kub3x@
01:57.47Parabolaretarded question, when making a symlink to a file in a different directory
01:58.00*** mode/#debian [+l 669] by debhelper
01:58.04Parabolawhats the syntax on that
01:58.20Parabolaln -s <destination> <actual file>
01:58.33Bennijln -s /full/path/to/file destination
01:58.47BennijIt's analogous to cp/mv
02:01.07Parabolalets see how this goes
02:01.30ParabolaIT WORKS
02:02.26dondelelcaroksx4system: uh... the event is button/lid
02:02.34dondelelcaroksx4system: the other bit is the state
02:02.48dondelelcaroksx4system: and that's *NOT* the action you want
02:02.58dondelelcaro(because a lid event gets sent whether the lid is opening or closing)
02:05.19ksx4systemok. so how to make it work? i don't really have an idea. i mean really.
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02:08.51Gm4ncan someone take a look at my grub.cfg entry? I think I have it correct, but it's a remote box and if I mess this up, it won't boot :(
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02:19.52paranoidphreakhi everybody, i'm going to copy a partition from a flash-drive that has squeeze on it using gparted to a partition on a desktop system; i wont be able to boot into desktop version of debian until i install the grub on it. is there anyway i can install it using flash-drive version of debian? if so, how? (i know how to do it using the cd but i dont have that option on the desktop)
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02:20.18Gm4nparanoidphreak: I think install-grub will do the trick
02:21.15haytham-medGm4n: i guess the partition table wont be copied?
02:21.52Gm4nI don't know gparted that well, but I imagine that paranoidphreak is just copying the filesystem contents
02:22.35BopThere is 1 newly obsolete package: flashplugin-nonfree <- can anyone tell me why i get this message and there isnt a new replacement package when i do safe-upgrade ?
02:23.12Gm4naptitude is wishing that flash is obsolete, perhaps =P
02:23.28paranoidphreakGm4n: i got the following error when trying to run the command: "sudo: install-grub: command not found"
02:23.47Gm4noops, it's grub-install
02:24.23Gm4nand you'll also need to go edit your grub menu.lst or grub.cfg, depending on which grub you're using
02:25.32paranoidphreakGm4n: thanks......
02:25.59paranoidphreakhaytham-med: the MBR doesn't get copied
02:26.05Gm4nspeaking of grub.cfg, anyone think this looks right?
02:26.34haytham-medwell i doubt copying the partition from gparted will work
02:26.51haytham-medi guess u better use partimage or something
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02:27.10ksx4systemACPI in Linux just fucking sucks. nothing less, nothing more.
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02:27.25Kamping_Kaiseracpi isn't nice to start with
02:28.20paranoidphreakhaytham-med: oh k....thanks
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02:32.19qq-10 Sep 17 06:03<qq-> Bop, not in squeeze .
02:32.39Gm4nwhich uuid do I use for grub's UUID setting? The one reported by mdadm --examine --scan, or the one from tune2fs -l?
02:33.03Bopqq-, is squeeze yes
02:33.19Bopgonna try today
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02:35.29Bopok qq- no message today
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02:38.13factordoes anyone know of a prog to convert m4v to mp4
02:38.31Gm4nffmpeg can do it, I bet
02:38.47factorI play them in kaffiene
02:39.02factorkde media player but need to get them to my sansa fuse player
02:39.55streuner_since when are sansa players able to play videos?
02:40.20streuner_oh, nm, missread it
02:40.31*** part/#debian klxklx (~michael@2001:da8:7000:7008:21e:ecff:fe94:a9d9)
02:40.32streuner_dpkg, m4v
02:40.38factorI have one so I could watch itunes U
02:40.58qq-streuner_, no  dpkg, yet
02:41.03factorI use itunes with wine
02:41.19factorand need its video converted to mp4
02:41.29factorlooks like ffmpeg will do it
02:41.35factorjust get the params to do so
02:45.06factorconverting my Hubble cast to see if ffmpeg will
02:45.54cast_i aint your hubble
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02:46.54mister_mhas anyone ordered anything from
02:46.59mister_mare they legit?
02:47.42cast_mister_m: what exactly do you think we talk about here
02:47.58e-dubyeah their legit
02:48.10mister_mcast_ herp derp
02:48.46e-dubget out u dumbass
02:49.03e-dubsorry admins
02:49.04mister_mcast_ there's no reason to be mean
02:49.10mister_mcast_ all I'm saying
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02:49.24e-dubwell u ask dumb ?
02:49.45mister_me-dub, you make a great case
02:49.46e-dubwhat exactely do you want
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02:50.08e-dubthnx learned it from newsense
02:50.33e-dubhe left?
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02:52.00e-dubtell newsense i did good
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02:52.49e-dubhe thinx im retarded
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02:59.19massmchello.. on 32bit debian i was able to execute a shoutcast by ./sc_serv now on a 64bit machine when I try that it tells me "-bash: ./sc_serv: No such file or directory"   Cant seem to find anything on google about it
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03:05.41the_fileis there a small distro version of debian that you can build on under 200mbs?.
03:07.12massmcthe-file just the base system is like 3-400 meg or so
03:10.49jpinxN900the_file: I doubt it
03:11.31jpinxN900the_file: but you could make a live image that small - I have one on a 256MBs sd card
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03:44.26factor  here is the gui prog to convert itunes to fuze
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03:56.51thewanderer1I just set up Debian on core i3 530... how to monitor the temperature and decrease the CPU frequency?
03:58.48newsenselm-sensors can show temps
03:59.01thewanderer1er, no... it doesn't detect any sensors
03:59.29newsensecpufreq or something for cpu freq AFAIK
04:01.07newsensei used lm-sensors once but at that time the drivers for the sensors didn't detect the right temps or something similar so i can't help much there
04:01.13sedulousthewanderer1: cpufreq-set in the cpufrequtils package allows you to set the frequency and/or the governor
04:02.02thewanderer1oh, so acpi_cpufreq works
04:02.08newsenseanyone know why i might not be able to use a cd in a windows xp kvm guest ?
04:02.15thewanderer1I tried modprobing it before and somehow it didn't want to cooperate
04:02.45sedulousnewsense: never had that problem with XP in KVM
04:03.07newsensei installed from cd
04:03.19sedulousnewsense: have you checked the device manager?
04:03.21newsensethe xml shows the drive usder devices
04:03.36newsensesedulous: yeah it's fine and i got a D: drive letter
04:03.48newsensesays it's working properly
04:04.06newsensei have a cd in the drive and it isn't mounted on the debian host os
04:04.11e-dubit works
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04:05.40e-dubto tell if my ntwrk works
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04:17.20Gm4nwhy would grub2 be giving a "no such device" for the uuid that tune2fs shows for my filesystem uuid of my raid?
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04:23.27jlongsterHey guys, I'm trying to imagemagick for something, and I can't for the life of me figure it out.  I installed the latest version using aptitude which looks like is 6.3.7.  I'm trying to do this example:
04:23.56jlongsterBut imagemagick doesn't recognize the "-set filename:title" command and it's driving me crazy
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04:25.54pjsanyone know the package the 'mail' is in off the top of their heads? So I can do something lke: echo test | mail -s "testing"
04:31.24pjsfound it.. bsd-mailx
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04:44.48Gm4nmy box is booting into initramfs, because it doesn't seem to be able to find the file system. Any ideas?
04:45.45cast_yeah, investigate why it can't see the root FS anymore
04:46.23Gm4nhmm, I lied. It can see the root fs, let's see what the errors are
04:49.03*** join/#debian Morpheus-3000 (caac7321@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
04:51.01Gm4nso my system "gave up waiting for root device". My root devices is a degraded mdadm raid1 formatted with ext4, would that be relevant?
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04:52.33cast_has the same thing worked before?
04:52.57e-dubyes it has
04:53.27Gm4nif you're talking to me, no it hasn't
04:53.34Gm4nthis is a new system
04:54.05e-dubok descript
04:54.28e-dubwhat are u running
04:54.39Gm4nI have a mdadm raid1 that I debootstrapped squeeze onto (one drive, one "missing")
04:54.54Gm4nthe other hard drive has a normal squeeze install on it
04:55.24e-dubdebian sqeeze
04:55.39e-dubill help
04:55.57Gm4nwhen I tell grub to boot the md0 install, it boots partly then says "gave up waiting for root device", and dumps me into busybox
04:59.31Gm4nI get this:
05:01.52*** join/#debian Ologn (
05:02.22epsasHello people
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05:02.46Gm4nhi there
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05:07.03Gm4nok, looks like I'm not loading the raid modules
05:08.17cast_how'd you get the screenshot? :)
05:08.41Gm4nweird graphical console tool, I don't actually have physical access to the box
05:09.05cast_ah. nice
05:09.34Gm4nhow do I get the raid modules loaded?
05:10.27cast_are they in the initrd?
05:10.49Gm4nI don't know how to tell, nor how to add them
05:11.04Gm4nthe initrd files seem very binary :P
05:12.03cast_ahh, its a gzipped cpio archive
05:12.05*** part/#debian Pabl0Escobar (~Pabl0Esco@foresight/developer/pablo-esc)
05:13.19newsenseGm4n: they should be
05:13.40newsenseyou would need them to access your disks
05:13.53newsensesoeey meant cast_
05:13.54cast_note the debootstrap bit
05:14.15newsenseoh right
05:15.34Gm4nso how do I add the raid modules to my initrd?
05:16.55Gm4ncan I copy the initrd from my booting system?
05:16.56newsensenot sure i only ever removed modules from intrd
05:17.25Gm4nit's the same machine, same os (squeeze), and have basically the same things installed
05:17.47newsensei would ask someone who is sure about it
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05:18.42Gm4nI'll just try and see what happens :)
05:19.16cast_Gm4n: but it has a slightly different fstab presumably?
05:19.23Gm4nyes, it does
05:19.44Gm4ndifferent root device
05:19.56cast_considers /etc/initramfs-tools/modules
05:20.29cast_i'd give it a go
05:20.32Gm4nI'll try that, thanks :D
05:20.33cast_but fix the fstab
05:21.33Gm4nwhat part of fstab needs fixing?
05:21.38Gm4nI'm pretty sure both are correct
05:22.21Gm4nand do I just need "raid1" for md raid1 support?
05:23.00cast_the part that points at the wrong root device
05:23.36Gm4neach fstab is correct for the install it's part of
05:24.20cast_until you take an initrd from a different install...
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05:27.30Gm4nhooray, new error!
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05:37.58cast_picking the easy way out...can't you use the debian installer? :)
05:38.22Gm4nnope, I don't have physical access to this box
05:38.31Gm4nif I did, I wouldn't be doing this series of tricks just to get a software raid going
05:38.47cast_you don't need physical access if you have a decent system controller
05:39.03Gm4nwell, I can't boot off a CD
05:39.32Gm4nI beat up the support guy until he gave me this kvm access
05:39.47cast_hmm, so you has no system controller? :(
05:40.00Gm4nI'm not even sure what a system controller is
05:40.23*** join/#debian yow (kcyow@
05:40.33cast_its  smaller computer within your server that you login to do get a virtual console, and power cycle, check HW faults, etc..
05:40.46cast_dirt cheap gear won't have it
05:41.09Gm4nI'm not even supposed to have a kvm, so I'm not gonna complain
05:42.23Gm4nso anyone have ideas about Not sure why the md is now complaining...
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05:51.31e-dubhey newense help me boot this guy
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05:51.54e-dubhey newsense help me boot this guy
05:52.29nsadmin<e-dub> ill help
05:52.29nsadmin<e-dub> hey newense help me boot this guy
05:52.42nsadminnothing in between
05:53.36nsadminso my curiousity about that is, how do you want to be seen?
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05:55.21Gm4nI want to be seen booting and fully functional
05:56.34nsadminwhy are you trying to software raid on top of what's probably a hardware raid?
06:00.38nsadminif it's more storage you want, ask for a larger block and copy the stuff from the smaller, then return it
06:02.31Gm4nthere's no hardware raid
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06:02.57Gm4nthis is where I"m at now:
06:02.58nsadminthen what is the remote using for storage?
06:03.34newsensei am running a windows xp guest under kvm using virsh to manage the guest and the guest doesn't see any cd's i insert, i have the drive defined in the xml file and the xp guest shows a cd/dvd drive in device manager
06:03.35Gm4nyou mean the box I'm working on?
06:04.47nsadminyes (and before we continue much further, I want to give you a choice... you may or may not want to speak to me now as I'm just curious and may or may not be able to help. what I might be able to do is clarify the problem)
06:05.06Gm4nI'd love to talk it over
06:05.14Gm4nI definitely find solutions that way sometimes
06:05.52Gm4nok, so the current situation is that this box has two hard drives. one (sdb) has a squeeze debootstrap that I got up and going
06:05.54nsadminok, so you have a remote that's not booting, and you're trying software raid which is not assembling according to the second screenshot
06:06.34Gm4nrunning from sdb, I created a raid1 (md0) that consists of sda2 and 'missing', and debootstrapped squeeze onto there
06:06.43nsadminare you doing or planning to do any form of virtualization?
06:07.22nsadminok, so for now it's just a multiboot with the squeeze on sdb working
06:07.50Gm4nI added an entry in the grub.cfg (on sdb) for the md device, and it starts booting and then gets to that screenshot
06:07.55Gm4nyes, exactly
06:08.07Gm4nwhen I get it booting off md0, I'm going to nuke sdb and add it to the raid
06:08.20nsadminis there an os installed on md0?
06:09.05nsadminI'd recommend against nuking sdb; can you shrink it sufficiently so you can use the rest of the storage on the raid?
06:09.50nsadminlook at it this way... you have something that works AND boots
06:10.14nsadminyou might want to keep it, and you MIGHT want to use that as your remote's os
06:10.31Gm4nthat's not an option
06:10.36Gm4nI need this to be a raid1
06:10.55Gm4nyes, I debootstrapped squeeze onto md0. That screenshot is what happens when I try and boot it
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06:11.50nsadminso the squeeze on sdb sees md0 but the squeeze on md0 doesn't see itself?
06:12.45Gm4nwell, squeeze/md0 kinda sees itself... it partly boots before it can't find the root filesystem
06:12.48Gm4nso yes
06:13.36nsadminright... the missing piece is why is the squeeze on md0 not assembling itself
06:13.50Gm4nand I have no idea
06:13.54Gm4nthe error is weird
06:13.56nsadminor, what is necessary to assemble md0 before booting
06:13.58Gm4nand how it grows from size 0
06:14.16Gm4nI think the problem is that mdadm didn't get to setup the initrd and such the way it wanted
06:14.23Gm4nbut I don't know how to get mdadm to setup the correct initrd
06:14.34Gm4nas soon as I chroot myself onto md0, it fails because /dev/md isn't real
06:15.21nsadminwould grub2 somehow assemble a raid?
06:15.57nsadminif so I offer the additional resource of #grub -- they may or may not be present/awake
06:17.18Gm4ngrub needs to talk raid just enough to read the kernel and initrd, AFAIK
06:17.28Gm4nand since the kernel and initrd have been read, it's not grub's fault anymore
06:17.39Gm4n(a few hours ago, it was getting stuck at grub, but I figured that one out)
06:18.38nsadminas far as I see things, either grub would assemble the raid, the initrd does it or the booted system somehow does it... but this last one, I don't see it, because it's truely pulling one's self up by their bootstraps
06:19.11Gm4ngrub would load the kernel into memory and then let the kernel do it's own thing
06:19.24Gm4nand that would explain why you need to load kernel modules for the raid
06:19.36Gm4nbecause once the kernel is good to do it's own thing, it can't figure out how to get to the disk itself
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06:20.41nsadmincan you run the installer? it seems like what you've done so far is debootstrapped it onto the raid, which doesn't take care of how it's to be booted
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06:21.44nsadminmaybe you can get the installer working via the squeeze on sdb
06:22.41Gm4nI'm pretty sure all that's left is to make mdadm do it's setup thing
06:23.01Gm4nbut whenever I try it chrooted onto md0, it fails because it tries to look at /dev/md...
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06:24.03nsadmindid you say somthing before about getting the raid assembled from the busybox of the md0 squeeze?
06:24.50Gm4nI might have, but I forgot what I said
06:25.09Gm4nshould I look at that?
06:25.32nsadminat one point, there was an error that dropped you into busybox, and you did something that continued the process
06:25.37nsadminthat sound familiar?
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06:26.32Gm4nI think that may be the wrong impression
06:26.35Gm4nlet me go try busybox
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06:31.40nsadminbtw, why is it necessary to be all raid?
06:33.28Gm4nbecause this box needs to be as reliable as possible
06:33.51nsadminthen why not install a hardware raid?
06:33.56Gm4nbecause that cost more :P
06:34.11Gm4nmy hyporcracy isn't the point
06:34.17nsadminobviously... so you -do- have a prioritization
06:34.30nsadminis there a due date?
06:34.39Gm4nand I prioritize my own sanity and free time the lowest, apparently
06:34.50Gm4nwell, all my other work is on hold until I'm done with this
06:34.57Gm4ntechnically no, but ASAP
06:35.25nsadmincan you get something working now and upgrade later?
06:36.03*** part/#debian infid (
06:36.15nsadminmaybe you can separate some of the issues that seem married so that you can reprioritize your own time a bit higher
06:36.51Gm4nI'm far too stubborn :)
06:38.19nsadminI can't advise you on that point...
06:39.43Gm4nthere's some lag issues, it seems. but md0 won't mount
06:39.53nsadminthe thing is... if you can boot the sdb, it's very likely you can boot an installer
06:40.11nsadmindo you think the kernel needs to wait longer for the raid to assemble?
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06:41.13Gm4nis there a commandline installer?
06:41.31Gm4nno, I think the kernel needs to assemble the raid first thing
06:41.41nsadminwell it's probably dialog/curses-based
06:41.50Gm4nthat would be wonderful if there was such a thing
06:41.53Gm4nbrb in a few
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06:59.36pallgonecan someone help me understand that a bit?
06:59.52pallgonepoint 5.
07:00.08pallgoneremote... (servers's X)
07:00.14pallgonewhat does it mean? xorg?
07:00.59folivoragood question =))
07:01.05folivorai would go for that
07:01.17pallgonei don't have X on my server
07:01.30pallgonemaybe I just leave that line out?
07:02.55folivorayap.. but i'm not shure, that line is a bit weird...
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07:03.12pallgoneok, I'll give it a go
07:04.13yowhi room
07:04.16yowdoes anyone know how to copy or move file(s) to a specific (hardware?) location (starting track/sector) on a hard drive or pendrive, in other words, how can i join or concate the contiguous free disk space together?
07:04.28yowActually, I want to copy  approx. 8GB of ISO files onto a 8GB pendrive but wish to have them written onto the pendrive one after another without any free disk spaces in between the files. Any ideas or suggestions? TIA.
07:04.48yowi've been using pyfragtools-0.1 ( to perform the defragmentation on the 8GB pendrive with 1.2GB of free disk space on it (after removing 1 large ISO file), however, the defrag tool still "failed" to defrag 2 ISO files which are approx. 800MB (split into 6 chunks) & 300MB (split into 3 chunks) respectively. Does anyone know if I can defrag the disk successfully or do i have to do it using other way?
07:05.16yowsorry if my question/description is too long?!
07:07.00yowalso, is there any linux command or tool which will allow me to locate the starting track/sector of a particular file on disk?
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07:07.23Gm4nyow: what filesystem is the pendrive?
07:07.47yowGm4n, thx for your reply. it's fat32
07:08.03nsadminwhy do you care about how the filesystem stores the file as long as you have it?
07:08.03Gm4nI think that might be your problem
07:08.04yowGm4n, any different if it's other fs?
07:08.26cristi8hi. is it recommended to reboot after today's kernel image security update?
07:08.44cristi8or should i not reboot?
07:08.51Gm4nat least, I believe so. I'm no expert ;)
07:08.57nsadminif you're intending to run a different kernel you would have to reboot
07:09.21yowactually, im trying to create a multi-boot linux livecd on the pendrive and it seems that an ISO file has to be contiguous in order for the livecd to work (is that correct?)
07:09.32cristi8i'm running 2.6.26-2-686, for which the update was for
07:09.42nsadmincristi8, if you're intending to run a different kernel you would have to reboot
07:10.51yowGm4n, so, is there any tool to do what i want if im using other fs? what fs can i use?
07:10.54Gm4nis there a way to run the debian installer (the one on CDs) from a hard drive? Like, is there a package for that?
07:11.13cristi8nsadmin: so it's a no, but i remember some "the current kernel was upgraded. you have to reboot *now*, i can't stress that enough" messages in some past upgrades
07:11.40Gm4nyow: I don't think manually "placing" files to start on certain blocks will let you fit more
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07:12.13nsadmincristi8, so you got this kernel image update... what is your intent now?
07:12.22yowGm4n, i don't want to fit more but i want all the ISO files NOT fragmented at all so they can be booted (Linux LiveCD)
07:12.47Gm4nah, interesting, I didn't know that could be done
07:12.56Gm4nand you're sure that they're being fragmented currently?
07:13.12Gm4nI can't see any good reason for them to be fragmented if you put them on one at a time
07:13.16yowGm4n, as for now, i still have 1.2GB on the pendrive but 2 (~800mb & 300mb) ISO files still cannot be defragmented.
07:13.29cristi8nsadmin: i don't have any intent now. but from my past experience, i thought kernel upgrades require reboot
07:13.43Gm4nyow: so delete one or both for now, defragment, then put them back on
07:13.57Gm4ncristi8: and that security update IS a new kernel, unfortunately
07:13.59nsadminif you want to run the kernel image that was upgraded, you would have to reboot into it
07:14.11yowGm4n, they are fragmented after checking using windows's defragmentation tool & pyfragtools-0.1
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07:14.52cristi8oh, is it a new kernel? i thought the current one was patched or something..
07:15.21nsadminI don't know that can be done live...
07:15.30Gm4nit can if you use ksplice
07:15.42Gm4nwhich I'd LOOOOVE to use :P
07:17.01yowGm4n, someone did state that one of the "best" way to defrag a pendrive is to move the files to some other disk and then, move them back onto the pendrive. will the files will occupy the pendrive from the starting track/sector and will not leave any space between them if i copy 1 after another onto the pendrive?
07:17.23Gm4nthey should, yes
07:17.38Gm4nand if you want to be extra certain, reformat the pendrive to make sure it's good and empty
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07:17.50Gm4nalthough this is more me being superstitious than actually knowing what I'm talking about ;)
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07:19.03Gm4nIs there something like the base-installer package that can be used from a hard drive?
07:19.26yowGm4n, i see but is there any (low level?) way similar to defragmentation insead of using the `move` approach as it's rather slow to move ~8GB of data back & fro from a pendrive
07:19.37Gm4nnot that I know of
07:20.17Gm4nI'm sure there is one
07:20.23Gm4nI'm just not the guy who knows what it is ;)
07:21.30yowGm4n, thx for your time and help! i'll do the `move` approach then. however, is there any linux command or tool which i can use to tell me the starting sector/track of a particular file on a disk (fat32, ext3, or other fs)?
07:21.52Gm4nif I knew, I'd tell you
07:22.03yowGm4n, hmm... thx.
07:22.19Benkinoobyyow... i woudl use the dd command
07:22.53yowGm4n, im fairly certain that there is linux command/tool to be able to tell me the physical location of a file.
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07:23.28yowBenkinooby, dd? for defrag or copying/moving files? how?
07:23.36cahootyow: stat?
07:23.56Gm4nI can't believe I forgot stat
07:24.54yowBenkinooby &cahoot, im checking the man pages for dd and stat now, it seems that stat may be able to tell me the info i needs but not yet sure how dd can do for me though.
07:25.05yowGm4n, :)
07:25.16Benkinoobyyow... to get u right. your primary aim is to get a multiboot pendirve. but to reach that aim you want to place your ISO very precisely on your pendrive, which is the reason for all the foprmatting questions. right?
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07:27.48yowBenkinooby, afaik, the files do not need to be at specific location but they have to be in "1 piece" (contiguous).
07:27.55simonrvnthe iso just needs to be at the topmost directory, under / IOW
07:28.04Gm4nis there any way to install debian from in debian besides debootstrap?
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07:28.37Benkinoobyyow ... hm i would not be that sure of it... making bootable pendrives were never a problem to me in respect of contigency
07:28.39simonrvnthat's the easiest.
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07:30.48yowBenkinooby, perhaps that's the way this author does it (
07:30.51Benkinoobyyow my solution would be to create the correct amount of partitions, copy the ISOs with dd to the partions (dd keeps ISOs contiguous) and the work on the MBR of the pen drive.... of course this is only one solution
07:31.38yowBenkinooby, correct me if im wrong but i think making a single liveusb system is easier than making multi-boot liveusb?
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07:32.43yowBenkinooby, i think your way is to create a "single-boot" liveusb but not multi-boot liveusb
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07:34.05Benkinoobyyow in the MBR can't you enter multiple boot entries?
07:34.36Benkinoobyor if that doesn't work, use GRUB to chainload the images
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07:35.47Benkinoobyas i see on the website, this is what the author does... he/she uses grup to choose the different images stored on the pendrive.
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07:36.15trebor_dkihello. i would like to update offline from 5.03 to 5.06, are all updates I need (for this purpose) on debian-update-5.0.6-XXXX-DVD-1.iso?
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07:37.04yowBenkinooby, im using the grub approach, however, can i do it in the MBR?
07:37.14Benkinoobyi don't know if he/she locates the iso's by partitions or in an other way (sectors...) but i am quit sure that he/she uses an "independent" grub to kick off the bootloaders (this is called chainloading) of the ISOs
07:37.56greenmang0hello friends, i have multiple printers of same make in different depts over same LAN.. i am trying to add the printer in my lab through cups webinterface, cups finds all 4 printers and displays their names, since all printers are of same make their names are same, how can i distinguish printer from my lab out of them?
07:38.08greenmang0of course all 4 printers have different ips but i can't see those ips on cups web interface
07:38.38yowBenkinooby, i think u r right, but the author stated (error msg) that the boot ISO has to be in 1 piece, hence, i wish to know how i can "defrag" my pendrive to achieve that
07:39.52trebor_dkiwhat urls/man/howtos/books do you recommend for reading about (automatic) updating debian systems (i am just a hobby-user not a computer-science student)?
07:39.53Benkinoobyyow afaik defraging under linux is not common... in your place i would use copy oder dd to make sure it is in one piece...
07:40.20Benkinoobyusually if you copy to an empty drive, it is in one piece automatically
07:40.23jpinxN900yow: what do you mean multi-boot on a live usb?
07:41.18yowjpinxN900, to boot more than 1 linux livecd on a pendrive
07:41.31jpinxN900yow: to make a usb boot, you need to dd the bootable image to the whole device - not a partition on it eg /dev/sdd NOT /dev/sdd1
07:42.07yowjpinxN900, check this out:
07:42.13Gm4nyow, I'm jealous. everybody wants to talk about usb booting instead of kernel initrds and raid support :P
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07:42.47Benkinoobyyow read this
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07:43.17yowjpinxN900, actually, that's not the way i want to do it as it's done under windows, i wish to know how to create multiboot liveusb under linux
07:43.42BenkinoobyGm4n, i guess because his problem is easyier...
07:44.16jpinxN900yow: the only way I can think of to make that work would be to create the live images, make a grub that works and then make an image of the whole thing to be dd'd onto the usb
07:44.33yowjpinxN900, thx for the URL
07:44.57Benkinoobyyow my suggestion: make one partition (primary!) for grub and use it to start the ISOs...
07:44.59jpinxN900I have no idea why they are talking about 16GBs - I have a live image of debian with x on a 256MBs sd card
07:45.08Benkinoobysimilar to jpinxN900 suggestion
07:45.27peterrooneytrebor_dki: aoutomated updating is unwise.
07:46.24Benkinoobyand i would dd the images to different partitions... because i know that grub can locate partitions... this is what is usually does, when you have a multi boot system
07:46.25jpinxN900trebor_dki: there is an auto-update system for debian, but it does security only
07:46.32peterrooneyhighly recommend "The Linux System Administrator's Handbook" by Nemeth et al.
07:46.36Benkinoobylike one partition windows one partition linux
07:47.32jpinxN900Benkinooby: yea - and there is a way to mount remaining space on a USB (unused by the live image) using a loopback
07:48.03jpinxN900and there is even a way to make the live image accept persistent changes - but that's black magic )
07:48.40peterrooneytrebor_dki:  sorry, that should be  "The Linux Administration Handbook" (been so long since I read it)
07:49.06Benkinoobyyow how many live systems / ISOs are you using?
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07:50.14jpinxN900yow: the nature of live systems is such that they self-boot and do not need grub or whatever, so you're going to have to unravel that a bit
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07:53.02trebor_dkithanks peterrooney & jpinxN900. there are two very different scenarios. one pc (father-in-law) is far away and i would this one to do automatic security updates. the other one (daughter) does not have internet access. - so i will search for the book (i cross read a german online book, but i did not find anything for doing the automatic)
07:54.05BenkinoobyjpinxN900, the point is that he want to have multiple live systems on his pen drive and to be able to choose from them...
07:54.19jpinxN900trebor_dki: if you can ssh into your father-in-laws box, just do the updates manually
07:54.44jpinxN900Benkinooby: yea - I get that, but never seen it done - but interesting :)
07:55.04simonrvn,info unattended-upgrades
07:55.05juddunattended-upgrades (admin, optional): Install security upgrades automatically. Version: 0.25.1debian1-0.1; Size: 6.9k; Installed: 40k
07:55.21yowBenkinooby & jpinxN900, sorry, i was away from computer just now
07:55.22jpinxN900Oooo - judd is working
07:55.24simonrvn,versions unattended-upgrades
07:55.25juddunattended-upgrades -- etch: 0.2; lenny: 0.25.1debian1-0.1; sid: 0.62; squeeze: 0.62
07:55.27Benkinooby"never seen it done .  but interesting" ... how many days this kind of idea stole me :D
07:55.39jpinxN900Benkinooby: :p
07:55.58yowBenkinooby, yes, that what i have /dev/sda1
07:56.18yowBenkinooby, about or more than 10 ISOs
07:56.23trebor_dkijpinxN900: yes, i forgot to configure his router/dsl-box to be able to do so (i sent him a bash script for tunneling but he did not like it)
07:56.46Benkinoobyyow, ok the first thing that i would do it
07:56.52jpinxN900trebor_dki: well - tbh, updating is so easy he can do it himself
07:57.06Benkinoobytry to get a working grub on your pendrive
07:57.25Benkinoobymake one small partition for the grub and leave the rest of the drive empty
07:57.32trebor_dkijudd: thanks for this hint.
07:57.38Benkinoobythen work on mrg and install grub
07:57.42Benkinoobyon the pendrive
07:57.49Benkinoobymrg = mbr
07:59.02trebor_dkijpinxN900: i did not give him the root-passwort (experiences of the past ...)
07:59.05Benkinoobyif you have a working grub on the pendrive, you allready won! make partitions for all your ISOs and dd one ISO to each pen drive partition... then add all the ISOs to your grub menu in the first partition
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07:59.38yowBenkinooby, i think your suggestion is very good, i really think it's a good idea to separate the ISOs from Grub as Grub related files will grow and hence fragment the disk!!
07:59.39jpinxN900trebor_dki: next time you go over there you can seet him a very limited use sudo account ;)
08:00.02yowBenkinooby, i've been thinking about that matter, thx for your suggestion!
08:00.20jpinxN900Benkinooby: yow I'm not sure that grub will recognise live images as OS's
08:00.30Benkinoobyit will
08:00.44yowjpinxN900, Benkinooby is right
08:00.51Benkinoobyif you put the ISO on the beginning of a partition
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08:01.14Benkinoobybut be carefull with dd you can mess up a lot of things....
08:01.17jpinxN900cool - I look forward to eharing how this goes yow ;)
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08:02.02Benkinoobyyow in your place i would go for grub and then try on maybe 2 iso's or so... before creating all partitions and copying all ISOs
08:02.13trebor_dkijpinxN900: unattended-upgrades seems a good alternative (plus configuring the dsl-box/rooter)
08:02.38jpinxN900trebor_dki: for sure you need to be able to ssh into that remote box ;)
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08:05.57nsadmingreenmang0, go to each of the printers, and rename them so their name distinguishes them
08:06.28nsadminideally each name should clearly state their location
08:07.26greenmang0nsadmin: yeah, that worked :)
08:07.37yowjpinxN900, im doing it the lazy way using a windows exe (see
08:07.54Benkinoobyyow i tried it once under windows
08:07.58Benkinoobysince then i use linux
08:08.05greenmang0nsadmin: i just didn't want to move my a$$
08:08.17greenmang0nsadmin: but finally i had to
08:08.20yowBenkinooby, i've already put about or more than 10 ISOs on it and all of them should work fine except 3 which are fragmented
08:09.12yowBenkinooby, i really wish to learn the linux way instead of using the windows exe download from the above URL. also, i see the defrag of the ISO as a challenge too.
08:09.17Benkinoobyand are they working?
08:09.50yowBenkinooby, i've tried and some of them working but not the fragmented ones (3 of them)
08:09.51Benkinoobythose who are not fragmented?
08:10.22Benkinoobyare you now under linux or windows?
08:10.38yowBenkinooby, an error msg was displayed saying that the ISO has to be contiguous in order to use it as a live system! do u think that's true?
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08:11.12jpinxN900Benkinooby: if he's talkng fragmeentation he's in wondows
08:11.17Benkinoobyyow might be... i never had this kind of problem when creating live pen drives
08:11.34yowBenkinooby, i started using linux since 2003/2004 and i use linux almost exclusively nowadays unless i need to do some windows specific work.
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08:12.18BenkinoobyjpinxN900, probably... linux is avoiding fragmentation very well... but also fragmention can not be avoided 100% under linux
08:12.47yowBenkinooby, i wish to put those (so many) ISOs on a big pendrive so that i or friends of mine can try different linux distros and also some ISOs are for rescue, backup and partition purposes!
08:13.12jpinxN900Benkinooby: an image dd'd onto a pendrive wille not be fragmented I reckon
08:13.36yowjpinxN900, in a way, it is not about "linux or windows" but about booting live system using ISO on pendrive
08:14.09jpinxN900Benkinooby: and the url referred to is pure windows
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08:14.15yowjpinxN900 & Benkinooby, i think if the source is fragmented, the destination will be fragmented too if dd is used, am i right?
08:14.30jelly-homeyow: right
08:14.37jpinxN900yow: I appreciate what you're doing, but you're doing it in woindows, not linux
08:14.54yowjpinxN900, yes, as i said, it's a  lazy way to do it, i found it on the internet and use it, i really wish to know how to do it under linux entirely!
08:15.07yowjpinxN900, yes, u r right
08:15.19yowjelly-home, thx for your confirmation
08:15.48Benkinoobydd is like bit-wise cloning... so yes
08:15.54jpinxN900yow: you got that earlier, make a partition at the beginning of the drive for grun and make a partition for each live image
08:16.18Benkinoobyyow... and do it under linux
08:16.33Benkinoobywe'll support you...
08:17.06jpinxN900yow: not sure where you are getting pre-fragmented images - they must be at a discounted price ;)
08:17.57yowwhile i was searching info on (de)fragmentation, many linux users stated that deragmentation is not needed in linux, however, i think the point is sometimes we do need to defrag vfaat system, esp since pendrive is so common nowadays and also someone somewhere must have some peculiar needs to do defragmentation under linux, i definitely would not like to boot into windows to do the defrag.
08:18.08jpinxN900Benkinooby: what's this "we" paleface? - I'll watch and crib the howto ;)
08:18.44dutchfishyow: you might want to delve into logfs
08:19.12yowjpinxN900, :))) i think it's because grub fragmented the pendrive, as Benkinooby said, i should use 1 partition for grub and another for the ISO files.
08:19.16jpinxN900yow: if you are working on a vfat system from within linux, then yes - you might run into defrag issues
08:19.33yowdutchfish, logfs? something new to me, i'll google on it later
08:20.04dutchfishyow: further more, copying it all to another place and back is the simplest defrag method i now
08:20.10jpinxN900yow: you might have to do something even more wierd, like installing grub onto the "whole" pendrive, and then resize the partitions after
08:20.50yowBenkinooby, jpinxN900, dutchfish, can i format a pendrive in ext3 instead of fat31 or fat16 to create multi-boot pendrive?
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08:21.15cast_fat31?! you got ripped off!
08:21.17jpinxN900yow: depends ont he pendrive - I have done that
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08:21.28yowdutchfish, i see but it's very very slow on flash memory :(
08:22.07dutchfishyow: not if you reformat after dumping
08:22.19dutchfishyow: the process that eats time is garbage collection
08:22.25jpinxN900yow: for what you're doing you could possible benefit from using ext2
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08:23.04yowdutchfish, reformat after dumping? what do u mean?
08:23.15dutchfishyes ext2 with no write on edit is the best option
08:23.34yowjpinxN900, i've used gparted several times to resize partitions on hard drives
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08:23.51jpinxN900it'll also allow the pendrive to last longer - less writes
08:24.21yowdutchfish, i do think i don't need ext3, ext2 is better as the ISOs are readonly
08:24.32dutchfishyow: by simply throw away the partition and recreate it with your desired fs
08:24.33yowdutchfish, what's "garbage collection"?
08:24.49jpinxN900yow: as I said earlier, I have debian on a live image on a 256MBs sd card - using squashfs
08:24.50yowjpinxN900, im not sure but i think grub has to be on fat32 or fat16?
08:24.50dutchfishyow: let me hand you a link a sec
08:25.13yowjpinxN900, if i put the ISOs on ext2, do i need to modify the GRUB?
08:25.17jpinxN900yow: not so - grub can be anything iirc
08:25.46jpinxN900grub is read by the bootloader whos really doesn't give a damn about filesystems
08:25.52yowjpinxN900, i have put debian netinst.iso on a 256mb pendrive too (but not multi-boot)
08:26.27jpinxN900yow: not netinstall - I have a whole working OS with X in 256
08:26.47yowjpinxN900, do u mean it is possible to have a multi-boot pendrive in ext2 or ext3 instead of vfat?
08:27.12jpinxN900each OS you have will want it's appropriate fs
08:27.40yowjpinxN900, i suppose i could do the same if i use other livecd ISO instead of the netinst.iso, such as DSL.
08:28.42jpinxN900yow: but the point is that these are live images, not writeable OS's, and as such they are complete of themselves
08:28.44yowdutchfish, don't worry if it's too much hassle to find the link, thx anyway.
08:29.06jpinxN900thinking about it - I wonder if you need to partition the pendrive at all
08:29.16yowjpinxN900, i do know that there r ways to create persistent liveusb
08:29.29dutchfishyow: ok
08:29.33jpinxN900make it one partiiton with grub and a range of the .img files on it
08:29.37yowjpinxN900, i think i have to so that the ISO is not fragmented
08:30.22yowdutchfish, thx
08:30.23jpinxN900yow: you'll need to defrag the iso before you copy it onto the pendriveofere
08:31.21yowjpinxN900, defrag the ISOs? i think it's not necessary unless i use`dd` or something similar
08:31.27jpinxN900yow: I wonder if you create a single partition, copy the images as files, install grub and configure it
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08:32.06jpinxN900yow: don't forget that each OS image is just a file
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08:32.56yowjpinxN900, i still think having 2 partitions is better as the pendrive partition which contains the ISOs will not be fragmented when new ISO is added to it and grub is modified.
08:33.35jpinxN900ok - if I have time I might play with this and see ;)
08:33.54martian67hi, i have one of those "datacenter debians"
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08:34.22martian67how do i go about checking every package to make sure its the actual upstream debian version s
08:34.24yowdutchfish, thx for the link, it seems to contain very useful info, i'll read it in a bit
08:34.31dutchfishyow: squashfs and if you have the ram/mounting in ram is another way to prevent wear and tear and fragmentation
08:34.39martian67(ive already changed my sources.lst to a real debian mirror)
08:35.03yowjpinxN900, yes, it's just a file, in fact, i don't know why it has to be contiguous as the error msg stated!?
08:35.22jpinxN900martian67: aptitue update and safe-upgrade will possible make it complain of bad stuff
08:35.54yowdutchfish, ic, i don't really understand how squashfs works but i'll read about it later
08:36.14jpinxN900yow: exactly - the more I think about it the more I reckon you just copy the images into a single partition and the have some fun getting grub to see them
08:36.14peterrooneymartian67: hrm, download the .debs from official mirrors, compare MD5 sums?
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08:36.26martian67peterrooney, looking for a more automatic way
08:36.28dutchfishyow: if the iso is good it wouldnt indeed mather where the bits are located
08:36.32martian67that would be extremely time consuming
08:36.50yowjpinxN900, that's what i've done but 3 of the ISOs failed to boot because they r fragmented
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08:37.25dutchfishyow: 1 more tip: do a sync && sync after writing the iso, so to make absolutely sure all bytes are writed out to the drive before unmounting
08:37.27jpinxN900yow: I suggest the "fragmented" ones might need a special trip to the vet ;)
08:37.43jpinxN900good point dutchfish
08:37.45yowdutchfish, i thought about that too --- it may be the way the author did it but i don't know how to modify it and get rid of the error msg
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08:38.21e-dubhey how can i get ops in my channel #ethan2010
08:38.27yowdutchfish, thx for the `sync` advice
08:38.33dutchfishyow: any logs?
08:38.39jpinxN900yow: do you have grub on the pendrive now? and is it seeing the images as OSs
08:39.04jpinxN900e-dub: /join #freenode
08:40.38yowjpinxN900, a trip to the vet? what do u mean? anyway, for the time being perhaps the best way is to move the files after the 1st (contiguous) free space to another disk and move them back to the pendrive 1 by 1 later,
08:41.01yowjpinxN900, yes
08:41.25yowdutchfish, i need to check if there's any log. i seems like a grub error msg...
08:41.31jpinxN900yow: so the issue is nothing to do with grub, but some bad images
08:42.50dutchfishjpinxN900: i think so too
08:44.12peterrooneymartian67: one idea:  for i in `dpkg --get-selections | awk ' $2 == "install" { print $1; }' ` do apt-get -y --reinstall install $i ; done # I'm sure someone in #bash would cringe to see this
08:44.44martian67ive just seen automated ways of checking every package
08:44.49martian67using dpkg/apt
08:45.25martian67i dont want to get hacky and break things unless i need to
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08:45.51peterrooneyso, what are you wanting to do?
08:45.57dutchfishpeterrooney: what if the problem is in apt's cache?
08:46.02shadowmasterhm, where did the dpkg bot go? :(
08:46.17martian67make sure every installed package is the actual upstream debian version
08:46.33martian67and not some datacenter homebrew
08:47.48peterrooneymartian67: then, if you've fixed your sources.list, run "apitude clean" followed by something like the quick and dirty script i cooked up.
08:48.00peterrooneyaptitude clean clears out your cache
08:48.25peterrooneyyou don't trust this datacenter, do you?
08:48.41martian67not paritcularlyt
08:48.49martian67i only trust them as much as i need to
08:48.52dutchfishpeterrooney: i dont like the idee so much because of all the wasted bandwidth, i would rather tend to use a good *check* method by apt's checksums and package consistancy
08:49.36nsadminwhat has you needing to trust them?
08:49.39peterrooneydutchfish: if there's distrust of the installed packages, there's cause to distrust the contents of the package cache.
08:49.42dutchfishpeterrooney: imagie everyone uses your method, that would be a disaster, isnt it?
08:49.50martian67yes thats what i was hoping for too
08:50.25martian67nsadmin, they fact they physically host my server :p
08:50.25martian67ill just use peterrooney
08:50.25martian67's method
08:50.32dutchfishpeterrooney: what about rkunter, tripwire and relatives?
08:50.34nsadmin"I only trust them as much as I need to" is probably another way of saying "I don't trust them at all"
08:50.35peterrooneydutchfish: i don't think everyone has cause to distrust their datacenters.  martian67's problem seems a corner case.
08:51.21peterrooneyi prefer debsums, myself, but that's because i trust my cache.
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08:51.34antivirtelhello all!
08:51.39martian67nsadmin, they had custom kernels
08:51.44antivirtelI want to ask, that how can I install debian to 3 HDD in 1 time, because I have a very old server, with 3 SCSI HDD, and their total space is 20GB, I want to make from these 3 HDD 1 big particion... LVM can make me that, but during the installion?!
08:51.49martian67and a custom source.lst
08:51.58martian67its not so much that i actively distrust them
08:52.07martian67its more i want to get rid of all their nonstandard crap
08:52.16martian67and i want a clean vanilla debian
08:52.31dutchfishvanilla debian, whats that?
08:52.41nsadminantiviral: modern installers could get you on lvm
08:52.43martian67the debian as provided by
08:53.09peterrooneydutchfish: if everyone did what I suggested, i'd need a moat and boiling oil to protect myself from lynch mobs.
08:53.26dutchfishmartian67: well, if you setup your box with aproved repositories and follow debians cookbook, thats what you will end up with
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08:53.33Morpheus-3000So I herd y'all liek Mudkipz. Is it true?
08:53.38nsadmindo you think their kernel packages are harming your setup (actively, that is)?
08:53.38martian67dutchfish, i dont want to reinstall
08:53.54antivirtelnsadmin (I am antivirt_E_l) this LVM can only work with 1 HDD, I'm trying it in VBox
08:53.56martian67im getting loss of connectivity when i use ppp
08:54.01dutchfishpeterrooney: ah ok ;)
08:54.10martian67i already replaced their kernel, solved the issue
08:55.11nsadminantivirtel, go ahead and set it up on one drive, you can add the others later
08:55.39antivirtelnsadmin may I unmount it first?!
08:55.44martian67so i dont fear malicious intent
08:55.52martian67simply crappy custom packages :p
08:56.07antivirtelthen I extend it, isn't it?
08:56.12nsadminso it's not actually a trust issue per se
08:56.21Benkinoobysorry was afk
08:56.24martian67no it is
08:56.33dutchfishmartian67: dpkg -L and apatitudes interactive console should reveal that quickly, isnt it?
08:56.36martian67just of a different sort
08:56.46aurelienhas made libre kernel .deb of the libre kernel source, for people using only Free Software you can find it at ::
08:56.49aurelienbe free
08:57.15nsadminwell we'll leave that bit of semantics alone
08:57.30Benkinoobyhow far?
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08:58.41Benkinoobyyow sorry for leaving without a comment... a neighbor needed my help immediately
08:58.45nsadminyou should enumerate the packages that came from them, fix your sources.list, install the packages of the same name and that should be it
08:59.53nsadminif kernels are involved, you'll have to reboot... make sure the modules you need are installed before you do
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09:01.03nsadminaurelien: free licenses don't place requirements on use or failure to use other software
09:02.06aurelienfree license protect freedom's right of the user
09:02.45CutMeOwnThroatsounds like you've been indoctrinated with something
09:02.57nsadminok, we've had our say, now I'm dropping the whole thing
09:03.05aurelienno, i'm just a freedom addict
09:03.13CutMeOwnThroatanother day, another dollar
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09:03.38aurelienmoney don't make anyone free
09:03.54Benkinoobybut mor equal
09:04.02aureliencertainly not
09:04.16nsadminaurelien, agreed... especially worthless fiat moneyh
09:04.35Benkinoobyi was not serious...
09:04.48dutchfishpoints anyone who feels for it to #debian-offtopic
09:04.56Benkinooby*have to look up the difference of sarcasm and irony again -.- *
09:04.56aurelienwell, i just told you about the libre kernel, i'm not here to disturb debian
09:05.04yowjpinxN900, dutchfish & Benkinooby, very sorry that i was away from the keyboard again just now
09:05.15Benkinoobyno prob... i was too
09:05.23dutchfishyow: np
09:05.23Benkinoobyyow so at what point are you now?
09:06.19Benkinoobyis grub installed? are you using linux now?
09:06.36yowjpinxN900 & dutchfish, bad ISOs? never thought of that because of the error msgs, and also i found out that they r fragmented as reported by the author's (modified?) grub. i can do a md5 check on the 3 ISOs later
09:07.41Benkinoobyyow do you want to start form 0 with linux or try to fixe the current state? i just want to know...
09:07.47yowBenkinooby, i think the easiest and first solution i would try is to locate the files after the 1st free space and move them away and later move them back onto the pendrive.
09:07.58yowBenkinooby, i'll try the 2 partition approach later
09:08.19Benkinoobyare you now using windows?
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09:10.04yowBenkinooby, i definitely and would like to do it from scratch in the linux way but unless i find some easy or quick step by step guide, otherwise, i may leave it for later as i have to do some work/study and probably prepare some teaching material on ZigBee for Tuesday.
09:10.21yowBenkinooby, im now using Squeeze
09:10.44yowBenkinooby, i use Ubuntu 10.04 too
09:11.08yowBenkinooby, actually, i have another problem with using xchat (im using xchat now).
09:12.47aurelienyow maybe you can try erc from emacs
09:13.11yowBenkinooby, on squeeze (xchat 2.8.8), my login name (kcyow@...) is display when someone `/whois yow`, however, on ubuntu 10.04 (xchat 2.8.6), my nick (yow@...) will be displayed. do u know why? is it a bug in xchat 2.8.8?
09:13.32yowaurelien, using emacs? for what?
09:13.42aurelienfor your irc
09:13.53aurelienerc is an irc mode
09:14.02yowaurelien, i wish i know how to use emacs but i don't know how to use it
09:14.23aurelienM^x erc in emacs and it's launch
09:14.27yowaurelien, do u mean emacs will hide my login name from /whois?
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09:14.47aurelienyow the cloack wil
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09:15.47yowaurelien, i wish someone can teach me emacs but i know it's too much to ask for. it took me quite a while to learn VIM and am still learning, afaik, emacs is much more sophisticated and complicated
09:16.12yowaurelien, what's cloack?
09:16.22aurelienyou can go to #emacs and for the cloack ask at #freenode
09:16.51aureliencloack hide the part you want in the whois
09:17.11yowaurelien, xchat 2.8.6 seems to get it right and will show my nick instead of my system login name (or host?). do u know if there's any settings to hide my host/login name but show my nick instead?
09:17.14aurelienand tell people what you do, or your way of think
09:17.35aureliensorry, i have not use xchat from a while
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09:18.12yowaurelien, ic. thx for your suggestion, i think #freenode is the place to get any solution for my xchat problem
09:18.14Benkinoobyyow your filesystem on the pendirve is fat right? i would try to use windows and use the windows-own defragmentation tool
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09:18.46yowBenkinooby, yes, fat32.
09:18.55Benkinoobyyow use the windows defrag-tool
09:19.05Benkinoobyif you started with windows, finish with windows ;)
09:19.39yowBenkinooby, i did but it failed to defrag the (last) 2 files which i think is normal as defrag has no "human-intelligent"
09:19.53aurelienor stop use proprietary software, they are the jail of your spirit
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09:20.54Benkinoobyaurelien, but it helps you to honor free software... despite some it's sicknesses
09:20.58martian67aurelien, this is not the place for politics, thanks
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09:21.25Benkinoobyyow then remove one of the files, defrag and then copy again
09:21.57Benkinoobyor remove both and copy with windows, and if that not works, remove both and copy with linux...
09:23.18yowBenkinooby, i did removed 1 of the ISO and leave 1.2gb on the penrive but windows defrag still failed to do the job
09:23.32Benkinoobyremove both
09:23.35Benkinoobyand copy again
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09:23.52Benkinoobywith win first and if that not works, remove and copy with linux
09:24.40yowBenkinooby, thx for the suggestion, i'll try to remove both and defrag and see if the ISO will all be concatenated one after another.
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09:25.21Benkinoobyyow ok
09:25.44yowBenkinooby, thx for your time and effort, i'll try to let u know the outcome later
09:26.06Benkinoobyyow you said you are lloking for a setp-by-step linux how-to.... what do you mean with step by step? descriptions or commands?
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09:30.42mallxshi all
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09:31.26yowBenkinooby, better if step by step commands are available, if not, descriptions is not bad too
09:31.48mallxsI'm now trying to run the mibbrowser  but it complains about missing    but cant find in apt-file any idea ?
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09:33.56stewmallxs: if you can find a CPAN module, you can use dh-make-perl to make a .deb from it
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09:35.12mallxsOk thx.. yestereday tried to use cpan to install perl package but it faild .. but will try this one
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09:36.52mallxsWarning (usually harmless): 'YAML'   got this error using cpan
09:36.55mallxsand later
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09:37.05mallxsCould not read '/root/.cpan/build/Tk-804.029-BHIkDL/META.yml'
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09:38.29Kamping_Kaiserjudd: versions mibbrowser
09:38.32juddSorry, no package named 'mibbrowser' was found.
09:39.31mallxsjudd: libsnmp-mib-compiler-perl: /usr/share/doc/libsnmp-mib-compiler-perl/examples/mibbrowser.gz
09:40.23nsadminthere are tools that build perl module packages
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09:41.11mallxsthx thats what stew told me
09:42.10nsadminare you trying to install perl modules onto a debian-installed perl? or a perl you built and installed yourself outside of /usr?
09:42.33mallxsits on a debian apt-get
09:43.00nsadminone question, is the module already available as a package?
09:43.05mallxssorry wrong screen
09:43.53mallxswoow i dont know .. i'm trying to build a mib for a hp switch and run in to this tool
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09:45.09nsadminwhat is the full perl module name?
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09:46.14mallxsother dump question: if i try to find a perl module i do apt-cahce search xxxxx | grep perl   ........ is that the correct way ?
09:46.36poisonbitModule::Name use to be libmodule-name-perl
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09:48.40nsadmin"correct", dunno. will that get you results, try it and see
09:49.35mallxsThx poisonbit i have now found perl-tk
09:50.18mallxslol its the onlyone not following the libmodule-name-perl naming
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09:53.38poisonbitaptitude show libtk-perl    [....] Provided by: perl-tk
09:54.48mallxsthx poisonbit ...  bbl
09:55.18poisonbitgood luck
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09:58.27lastbossi run a box that functions as a NAT gateway with iptables masq, but it's very unstable, and I'm considering moving to debian stable. will that work
09:58.42lastbossit's currently running arch linux
09:59.02lastbossit crashes at random when iptables is running
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10:01.00folivoralastboss: i don't have any problems with my NAT gateway / iptables setup... stable as a rock
10:01.06folivoraand it's testing version...
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10:04.32lastbossthat sounds good.. there could be a million things causing this unstability though. sometimes my internet uplink also slows from 2MB/s to around 250kB/s, and only a reboot will fix it
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10:15.46nsadminit's helpful to know what is causing a situation (like slowdowns etc) if you want to fix them
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10:19.46PinchiukasI'm trying to install Skype to my headless server and this is what I get:
10:20.27fake51hi, I'm looking to run a couple of servers using openvz on a dedicated machine - basically doing some webhosting. What's the best way to handle email and such?
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10:21.05fake51currently looking at using nginx as a reverse proxy for imap/smtp, to send email and imap requests on to individual containers - is this a good way of handling it?
10:21.15fake51apologies if I got the wrong channel, btw
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10:23.15nsadminPinchiukas: skype comes in a debian package and is in main where all the other free software is?
10:23.44Pinchiukas"Is in main"?
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10:24.21Bushmillsi suppose he means to say "why do you ask debian instead of skype support?"
10:24.33hsa2hello, i am using bind9 as dns server, and i have multiple zones for multiple virtual hosts. i want to disable daemons.log logging for a specific zone, is it possible?
10:24.38PinchiukasI'm asking why doesn't Debian install the dependencies.
10:24.45PinchiukasIt does for other packages...
10:25.25nsadminso it's packaged and the dependencies are listed in a form that debian packaging can resolve them?
10:25.28Bushmillsyes, it does for packes from debian
10:25.51PinchiukasI have no idea how "the dependencies are listed"
10:26.17Bushmillsmaybe skype support can tell you why the skype package doesn't set the deps for installation
10:26.20nsadminlet me drop the hard line for a moment;
10:26.52petemcskype in main?
10:26.54nsadminif you find someone who does know here, more power to you... but I thought skype was not in debian
10:27.02PinchiukasWhat is "main"?
10:27.24PinchiukasI downloaded the package from
10:27.46petemcPinchiukas: dpkg on its own doesnt do dependancy resolution, you can can try running aptitude -f install after dpkg to see if it will install what you need
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10:27.59nsadminmain is the section of debian packages that follow dfsg-free guidelines
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10:28.49fake51skype does not look like it's in main
10:28.55fake51at least not in Lenny
10:29.10Bushmillsproprietary software isn't in main
10:29.13nsadminthe page where you got the skype package from should list the dependencies
10:29.26PinchiukasSo how do I install a .deb package with all its dependencies?
10:29.50nsadminfirst, find what the dependencies are
10:29.53nsadminthen install them
10:29.56lcukhey debianites \o have a question:   supposing I download (via git or other) a source package and cd into its folder, is there a dpkg-* command for getting the builddeps, this of course assumes the source was not in the repository already.
10:30.16lcukand hence I couldn't just use apt-get builddep ...
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10:30.37nsadmingenerally no
10:31.10nsadminyou have to find out what the dependencies are, then install them
10:31.11lcukthats unfortunate, it happens often whilst I am browsing around in the source code wildzones
10:31.29nsadminand for your case specifically, you may have -build- dependencies to install
10:32.00lcukusually no, this is wrt a specific package but the problem is generic
10:32.29nsadminfor the generic case, the answer is no
10:32.41nsadminyou have to find out what the deps are and install them
10:32.49Pinchiukasnsadmin: can't debian install the dependencies automatically?
10:32.55lcukyeah I have taken to listing the apt-get install *-dev line in the readme
10:33.07lcukto simplify specific case
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10:34.21petemcPinchiukas: if you stick to software from the debian repositories it will sort the deps automatically, if you grab random deb files and try to install them its more difficult, but you can try running aptitude -f install after failing dpkg -i skype.deb
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10:34.23nsadminPinchiukas: while you're installing binary-only software and lcuk is trying to build something, your cases have some similarities
10:34.59superlinuxI just want to know on debian, what package would help build bluez with ALSA support?
10:35.23Pinchiukas"skype: Depends: libasound2 (> 1.0.16) but it is not installable" - why is it not installable?
10:35.39nsadminpetemc: would that be for the case where a .deb (say, from outside debian) is unpacked but not yet configured, due to missing deps?
10:36.10petemcprovided the corrent version of the deps is available
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10:36.39jelly-homePinchiukas: apt-cache policy libasound2 will tell which versions _are_ available
10:37.06nsadminso you're saying that given the right versions of things are available, aptitude -f install will try to fill in missing deps in the case of an unpacked .deb?
10:37.16jelly-homensadmin: yes
10:37.18lcukfor the binary deb case, you can use dpkg-deb --field [package.deb]
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10:38.07jelly-homensadmin: also, this case (-f install) is one when apt-get may be smarter than aptitude
10:38.31nsadminwhy would it be smarter?
10:38.44petemcbetter programming?
10:39.18lcukdoes anyone know whether theres a ML specifically for the dpkg-* tools?
10:39.21jelly-homewho knows? Sometimes it works out better
10:39.39lcukso I can see whether what I am thinking has been discussed
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10:41.59jelly-homePinchiukas: hm, so any of those two ought to work
10:42.16jelly-homePinchiukas: does apt-get -f install offer to install it?
10:42.28Pinchiukas"apt-get -f install" what?
10:42.35jelly-homenothing, just that
10:45.31Pinchiukasjelly-home: - why does it want to install some bunch of packages now? I haven't installed the Skype package yet and everything seemed to be fine with the dependencies...
10:45.55Pinchiukas# dpkg -l|grep Skype
10:45.55PinchiukasiU  skype                                    Skype
10:46.32jelly-homePinchiukas: apt tries to get its database into a consistent state, and those are the changes it thinks need to be done.
10:46.50jelly-homePinchiukas: a status of U is not "everything fine"
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10:47.33PinchiukasI thought it didn't install this package...
10:47.59jelly-homePinchiukas: dpkg unpacked it and failed to proceed further.
10:48.23jelly-homePinchiukas: if you don't want it installed, tell eg. dpkg to remove or purge skype.
10:48.33PinchiukasWhat does that U mean? The i means that it's installed as far as I can tell.
10:49.05jelly-homePinchiukas: read the first 2-3 lines of dpkg -l output, it provides short explanations
10:49.10PinchiukasOh, I've got lost in the lines. :)
10:49.16PinchiukasYeah, I've been reading that.
10:49.22d1boh hai, nay networking people here?
10:49.23PinchiukasSo it's only unpacked, but not installed?
10:49.37d1btrying to understand how to with, interfaces, configure a bridge that is only loopback
10:49.43jelly-homePinchiukas: first letter is "Desired", second letter is actual Status
10:49.46d1bdoesn't seem to be as trivial as i would like it to be
10:49.54Pinchiukasjelly-home: :)
10:49.57d1bit only need brctl addbr foo && ifconfig foo up
10:50.00nsadmina bridge cannot use loopback
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10:50.31runemasteG'day guys, ive got a quick question: any idea why clamd on my mail/webserver is using 200+ mb of ram?
10:50.47jelly-homed1b: man bridge-utils-interfaces
10:50.49Digdilemrunemaste, large amount of signatures loaded?
10:50.56d1bjelly-home: oh ?
10:51.10d1bjelly-home: i didn't see that referenced in man interfaces
10:51.18runemasteDigdilem, is there any way to bring down the usage? its killing my VPS =/
10:51.27jelly-homed1b: it's not!
10:51.28d1bSee also is just iwconfig ifup and run-parts
10:51.31runemastei dont know much about clamd =/
10:51.33d1bjelly-home: i'm filing a bug!
10:52.05nsadminI'm bugs about the beatles
10:52.05Digdilemrunemaste, don't know sorry.
10:52.16runemastethanks anyway Digdilem
10:52.29jelly-homed1b: there are lots of packages bringing extensions to interfaces format.  Each one comes with its own documentation, and that goes for bridge-utils as well
10:52.30Pinchiukasjelly-home: if the status is 'rc' it means that the package is removed but the config files are still on the system?
10:52.35d1bjelly-home: so with my setup / thing there -> is that trivial in /etc/network/interfaces ?
10:52.49d1bjust a named new bridge brought up :)
10:52.54jelly-homed1b: I don't know, rtfm and tell us.
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10:54.33jelly-homePinchiukas: yes.  If you purge the package everything is supposed to be removed.
10:54.43d1bjelly-home:  OH K
10:54.45d1bfirst i file bug!
10:55.46jelly-homed1b: I hope you get somewhere with that bug, it would be nice if they mentioned where vlan, bridge-utils and wifi stuff syntax can be found
10:56.49jelly-homed1b: but basically, if you installed a package like "bridge-utils" by yourself, you're probably able to look at its contents and find the extra man page
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10:58.39Pinchiukasjelly-home: gow can I remove the config files? 'purge' doesn't seem to work.
10:59.31jelly-homePinchiukas: what is the complete command that fails to work?  Have you checked your syntax with the manual?
11:01.31jelly-homePinchiukas: I'll leave you to learn the apt-get syntax for purging by yourself.  You can also do it with aptitude or dpkg.  Each has a different syntax.
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11:02.11jelly-homePinchiukas: that output looks fine, though.
11:02.35PinchiukasYes, except that it doesn't remove the packages. :)
11:03.12PinchiukasI mean, the config files.
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11:03.47d1bjelly-home: no i didn't!
11:03.51d1bit was pulled in for me ;)
11:04.32jelly-homed1b: you're also supposed to be able to find which package brctl comes from, and then look at its contents... I might be stretching it
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11:09.20J11is it possible to open port 1194 on a router via upnp on debian?
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11:17.11PinchiukasShould be imho.
11:19.04J11well im trying to intall openvpn somewhere remote, and i don't have the router pass, so maybe upnp will work
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11:20.26cast_this whole automagic port forwarding thing, seems very insecure to me
11:21.09nsadminif the router isn't yours, you probably shouldn't be changing it
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11:22.18J11well it's my brother's so it's ok, as it 4 am where he lives i cant ask him that now
11:23.23J11unless he already forwarded it of course
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11:31.40maradonahello my friends, I want to setup a mailserver so my monitoring tools can send me an email when something goes wrong. What's the best way to setup an emailserver (I need to send email to the internetworls
11:32.27nsadminif you're running debian you probably already have exim set up
11:33.01nsadmintelnet localhost 25
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11:33.21nsadminif you get connected to something, you have an mta
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11:36.21maradonansadmin, thnx
11:38.48maradonansadmin, I found out I don't have exim on my Lenny, I remember I did a bare install without any GUI or web/email server. Cause I wanted to install it myself manually so I know how it works.
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11:39.43maradonabut which one is better to use: Sendmail or Exim4?
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11:40.04llutzmaradona: for that purpose:ssmtp
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11:40.54maradonassmtp? never heard about it. Is that a commonly used one?
11:41.21jelly-homedpkg: why are you still away
11:41.25nsadminunless you're running some huge university mail service, don't use sendmail
11:41.29llutzmaradona: it is. just basic functionality, no blown mta needed for your idea
11:41.59nsadminunless you understand email in general -totally- and sendmail specifically, don't use sendmail'
11:42.07jelly-homemaradona: nullmailer is "a minimal <MTA> for hosts which just sends directly to smart relays, packaged for Debian. Does not support /etc/aliases; define a catch-all alias in /etc/nullmailer/adminaddr instead, see adminaddr(5). See also <ssmtp>."
11:42.16jelly-homemaradona: ssmtp is also decent
11:42.19llutzthere is no reason at all to use sendmail today (imo)
11:45.06maradonaguys thank you very much. But for my job and future reasons I think I'll dive into exim4. I need to understand the mail concept, I know there is 3 parts of it, MUA, MTA, MDA. I think it's important to understand what's going on, so I can be more flexible to get things done. But to begin with I might try ssmtp first.
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11:57.21mallxsHi using gnome is the display still hostname:0.0 ?
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12:00.41jelly-homemaradona: postfix is nice, too, and perhaps easier to comprehend than exim
12:02.55nsadminmallxs: I think "man X" would be a good read for you
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12:04.01LegateDo I have to restart a server when aptitude upgrades to a new kernel-image?
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12:05.27nsadmina new kernel image implies a new kernel... if you want to run a different kernel from the one you're running you would have to reboot
12:06.20flo`i'm going to setup a webserver with php on my local machine to do local web-page-testing.
12:06.49flo`which server should i use, and which settings do i have to do to not create a possible security hole?
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12:07.11nsadminif you're testing, run it inside a private net
12:07.32flo`well, i need it only bind to localhost...
12:07.54flo`so, i assume, telling it "only bind to" should be enough...
12:07.57flo`is that correct?
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12:08.30nsadminif you do that, then you would only be able to browse from the same machine the server is running on
12:08.43flo`that's what i want
12:09.01flo`ok. good.
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12:09.02nsadminwell there ya go then :)
12:09.21flo`and, which server should i use?
12:09.36flo`i only need a bit of php, mysql and http to get started with that stuff
12:09.50flo`i assume apache is a bit heavy for getting started, isn't it?
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12:12.45flo`can anyone please recommend me a small webserver to get started with php and mysql stuff?
12:12.48nsadminwhat web server do you know?
12:13.06flo`well, i haven't experience with any server
12:13.13flo`but i know that apache exists ;)
12:14.01Legatensadmin: For example, linux-image-2.6.26-2-686 2.6.26-25lenny1 was released a few days ago. It is labeled as stable-security, urgency=high. So I guess everyone running lenny should upgrade to it. But I wasn't aware that everyone is currenlty rebooting his/her servers...
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12:15.06nsadminLegate: if you upgrade to it but you don't reboot, you will be still running the old one
12:15.25Legatensadmin: ok
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12:16.07nsadminif it's a production web server, maybe you should schedule the reboot
12:16.12Legatensadmin: I was just wondering. Suppose Freenode is running on Lenny. Now they'd have to reboot all their servers, so user's would be disconnected. But I don't see that happening. Is that because they're not running Lenny or because of something else?
12:16.38nsadminfreenode runs on many different unix-alikes
12:17.12nsadminthey are running production services, so they schedule their reboots
12:17.52flo`Legate, there is a kernel extension that allows you to switch between kernels on-the-fly
12:17.56LegateSo they are upgrading their servers when a kernel security patch is released, but they make sure nobody is connected through a specific server when they reboot it?
12:18.04flo`however, to me this looks pretty hacky ;)
12:18.44LegateI know some people brag about server uptimes of several years, but how is that possible when every few months a security patch for the Linux kernel is released?
12:19.04nsadminno, they schedule their reboots then they reboot at that time, and anyone on it is dumped
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12:20.09jelly-homeLegate: security is a complex issue, and more social than technical at times
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12:20.45PinchiukasHow do I make 'man' and 'less' show percentage of the file that I'm at?
12:21.02jelly-homeLegate: if you have a system in an isolated network segment, with only trusted users allowed, you might ignore local privilege escalations
12:21.30Legatejelly-home: so you only really have to apply kernel updates to servers that are accessible from the outside?
12:22.15jelly-homeLegate: you have to weigh the risks, consider possible consequences, and then choose a plan of action.
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12:23.05Legatejelly-home: why would anyone risk running a publicly accessible server with an unsafe kernel?
12:23.11anddamwhy is the DVD set much bigger than CD set?
12:23.14jpinxN900Pinchiukas: =
12:23.37jpinxN900Pinchiukas: it'snot %age, but line number
12:23.38PinchiukasjpinxN900: how about the percentage? And how can I make this the default? Other distros have this as default.
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12:24.58jpinxN900Pinchiukas: man less ;)
12:25.02jelly-homeLegate: possble reasons: a) the cost of replacing the OS is low b) there's no important or sensitive data on it c) there are greater risks in their infrastructure to be solved first
12:25.09PinchiukasjpinxN900: nope.
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12:25.33ZeuZHey all, I've got a bridged network from KVM, in interface BR0, I want to protect all machines in there from more tha one concurrent connection on port 44405, so I tried this: iptables  -A INPUT -i br0 -p tcp --syn --dport 44405 -m connlimit --connlimit-above 1 -j REJECT but alas, it seems that it's not working, any ideas?
12:25.41anddammy bad, I was looking at debian-update that's just 7 CDs iso, but base still is 31 CD images
12:25.59Legatejelly-home: ok, thanks for the information
12:26.19*** part/#debian anddam (
12:27.06jelly-homeLegate: if it's a publicly accessible machine with users you can't trust, there are methods to improve the security and reduce the attack surface.  Eg. where I work at, shared web hosting machines use kernels with grsecurity patchset.
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12:31.59Legatejelly-home: On our servers, I can pretty much trust everyone who can login. By "publicly accessible" I actually meant that it is possible to connect from the outside world. Only with about 6 of our 40 servers this is possible. All the others can only be reached by some of these 6 servers. So I guess I don't need to worry about those not directly accessible. But shouldn't I be worried about kernel bugs making it possible for attackers t
12:31.59Legateo compromise one of the 6 servers?
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12:34.14pickcoderLegate: that's always a concern
12:35.13Legatepickcoder: so these servers should always be rebooted when the kernel image is updated?
12:35.18pickcoderthe only server safe from 'net hacking is one that's not connected
12:35.28pickcoderthat's subjective
12:36.00Legatehow do I decide?
12:36.31pickcoderif the patches fix a vulnerability issue that could be encountered by your setup then reboot it
12:37.04pickcodermore often than not, it's a software bug that you'll have to deal with
12:37.11pickcoderunless you have a ton of services open
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12:37.34pickcoderthen the chances are higher that a kernel buffer or some other root access exploit can be taken advantage of
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12:38.19pickcoderI never expose a machine directly to the 'net
12:38.36pickcoderthe only machine that has a nic plugged into a live port is a router
12:38.48pickcoderthe rest is NAT'd across firewalls
12:40.42jelly-homeLegate: typically one puts the machines exposed to the net into a separate segment, and establishes a perimeter so that one _can't_ reach any other machines from there
12:41.45Legatewell, we have about 40 servers. accessible are things like web, mail, intranet, intranet-web or the login server. Especially the login server can connect to _any_ other server.
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12:42.12Legatewhich makes sense, as everyone is running their screen sessions on this one
12:42.22jelly-homeweb, mail and similar should only have their relevant services exposed
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12:42.51Legateyeah, but if there would be a bug in iptables, we might have a real problem anyway
12:43.00pickcoderthen you should be forcing a VPN or some other protected channel to access those services if they are not "public" services
12:43.14pickcoderthen you mostly have the VPN service to contend with
12:43.50jelly-homeLegate: oh, if you have a shell account machine like that, it should only be able to connect to others, but not the other way around
12:44.25Legatejelly-home: what do you mean? everyone has to be able to ssh into the login server and then ssh to any other machine
12:44.35pickcoder(unless I'm thinking of that backwards as in 'net->login server->local machine
12:45.16jelly-homeLegate: allow only workstation LAN segment to log in to login-server, noone else (especially not other servers)
12:46.02Legatejelly-home: but we have to be able to administer every server remotely. Otherwise I wouldn't be able to do anything right now
12:46.40jelly-homeLegate: VPN
12:46.53pickcoderLegate: you can do that with two VPN setups.. one for admin and one for users
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12:47.09pickcodereach has a different network so you can control routing on each destination machine
12:47.12Legatejelly-home, pickcoder: I see. So VPN would be safer than SSH?
12:47.46jelly-homeLegate: yes.  You don't need ssh exposed to the internets.
12:47.58Legatejelly-home: but then I would have vpn exposed
12:48.15PinchiukasHow do I make 'man' and 'less' show percentage of the file that I'm at?
12:48.48jelly-homeLegate: one vpn point of entry seems more manageable than multiple ssh services on various servers
12:49.34pickcoderLegate: it is extremely difficult to brute force attack a VPN connection the way SSH can be attacked. You need the matching certificate. However, it can still be ddos'd.
12:49.42Legatejelly-home: but right now, we have only one ssh point of entry. If you want to reach say the database server, you have to first ssh into the login server and then ssh to the database server. The only way into the network is through ssh on the login server
12:50.19xyanwhen configuring a kernel is there a make target which always selects no for new option which could be used for an automated kernel build?
12:50.33pickcoderLegate: that's fine if you control SSH connectivity by only allowing certain IPs to connect
12:50.33ZeuZHey all, I've got a bridged network from KVM, in interface BR0, I want to protect all machines in there from more tha one concurrent connection on port 44405, so I tried this: iptables  -A INPUT -i br0 -p tcp --syn --dport 44405 -m connlimit --connlimit-above 1 -j REJECT but alas, it seems that it's not working, any ideas?
12:50.48pickcoderstill, I prefer the same IP restrictions AND a VPN
12:51.04jelly-homeLegate: that's nice to have as a fallback solution.  We have something like that allowed only from certain static IPs.
12:51.50jelly-homeLegate: it's logically equivalent, esp. if you only use key-based auth
12:52.14Legatepickcoder: we don't. Every one of us has to be able to login regardless of the IP range he/she is in. If I'd go on holidays to Canada I still want to be able to login, even if I have a totally other IP then here.
12:52.37jelly-homeLegate: that's what vpn is for
12:52.40jpinxN900I have gremlins in my usb networking between the eeepc and n900 -- I can plug it in sometimes and it just works, other times it refuses and takes several re-plugins with long pauses to make it happen. Any ideas?
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12:53.06Legatejelly-home: Ah, ok. I think I got it. Thanks for the info.
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13:05.30ZeuZHey all, I've got a bridged network from KVM, in interface BR0, I want to protect all machines in there from more tha one concurrent connection on port 44405, so I tried this: iptables  -A INPUT -i br0 -p tcp --syn --dport 44405 -m connlimit --connlimit-above 1 -j REJECT but alas, it seems that it's not working, any ideas?
13:12.28datacrusheris there a way to add another identical drive to a regular debian instalation, and do some sort of raid to expand a partition in special, like /var
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13:27.59sedulousdatacrusher: you can mount the new drive to some place, e.g. /mnt/foo, mv /var/* /mnt/foo/, umount /mnt/foo and then mount at /var/
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13:28.56sedulousdatacrusher: alternatively, just move the whole /var/ folder and symlink: ln -s /mnt/foo/var/ /
13:33.55antivirtelwhat does it mean: "Standard System" when I can choose software?!
13:34.08antivirtel(debian installion)
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13:36.26phoggantivirtel: I do not understand the question
13:36.30boltantivirtel: just a bunch of normally useful tools
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13:36.47antivirtelbolt and Laptop means laptop things?
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13:36.58antivirtelphogg sry.. my bad englisg
13:37.24antivirtelbolt SQL database is psgsql in default? I want only mysql, or it is installed also?
13:37.51boltantivirtel: you are perfectly free to install none of those and choose your packages afterwards
13:38.05jelly-homeantivirtel: you can install anything you want later as well, provided an internet connection
13:38.18antivirtelahh ok :)
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13:39.47jmdwhich package provides po-mode?
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13:42.20antivirtelbolt, when I wanted to LVM, it installed me Lilo, but now without LVM it instals me GRUB, I want to use grub...why?!
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13:44.41Warlorddoes anyone know of a honeypot better than Kojoney and kippo?
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13:46.57boltantivirtel: i don't know. i've always gotten grub
13:47.06antivirtelnice :D
13:47.21boltagain, you can install grub afterwards if you select lilo by mistake
13:47.39antivirtelbolt, I need to add an extra repo, because mc isnt found?!
13:47.41boltall that install yadayada is just to get your machine booting
13:47.46boltyou can change everything afterwards
13:48.02jmdI thought lilo had been deprecated along with kermit and uucp.
13:48.42jelly-homeantivirtel: task selector in the installer is jsut for rough selection of packages that are going to be available immediately
13:48.56jelly-homeantivirtel: rest assured mc is present in debian
13:49.04jelly-home,info mc
13:49.05juddmc (utils, optional): midnight commander - a powerful file manager. Version: 2:4.6.2~git20080311-4; Size: 2090.1k; Installed: 6252k; Homepage:; Screenshot:
13:49.52jelly-homeantivirtel: you can leave everything unselected, and that will leave you with a base debian system
13:50.08*** join/#debian Ville` (
13:50.38antivirteljelly-home - but "apt-get update && apt-get install mc" shows me: not found: mc
13:51.18jelly-homeantivirtel: pastebin the contents of your /etc/apt/sources.list file
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13:51.51jelly-homeantivirtel: also, use of aptitude seems to be preferred to apt-get these days
13:54.08antivirteljelly-home only &'m sorry, but I cant copy from VBox ...
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13:54.29folivoraHey, how i can configure dhcp3-server to give name with ipaddress to clients like .. So all the clients would be reachable via ?
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13:54.54Warlorddoes anyone know of a honeypot better than Kojoney and kippo?
13:55.10jmdWarlord, Apparently not.
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13:56.40boltfolivora: since you're asking that question, i kind of doubt you have access to enough public ip addresses to do that...
13:56.43ZeuZHey all, I've got a bridged network from KVM, in interface BR0, I want to protect all machines in there from more tha one concurrent connection on port 44405, so I tried this: iptables  -A INPUT -i br0 -p tcp --syn --dport 44405 -m connlimit --connlimit-above 1 -j REJECT but alas, it seems that it's not working, any ideas?
13:57.11stewantivirtel: you need a main mirror two, neither volatile nor security are full repositories.  what country is the machine in?
13:58.19jmdZeuZ, I suggest you ask on one of the linux forums, since this is a Linux specific question.
13:58.31antivirtelstew - it is a test machine, a virtualbox emulation on my desk(ubuntu 10.4) & I'll setup a server monday or thuesday, but I never done it before, I want to practice it :D
13:58.34folivorabolt: ... sorry i forgot to write that for LAN-usage :)
13:58.40ZeuZjmd, yes but so is this channel ;)
13:58.46ZeuZThough I've also done so
13:58.53antivirtelstew - I'm now in Hungary, but server is Slovakia
13:58.55ZeuZTried pretty much everything but ebtables
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14:02.42stewantivirtel: then you'll want to add something like "deb lenny main"
14:02.48stewantivirtel: assuming you are running lenny
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14:03.18Cisiencan ext4 be resized?
14:03.27antivirtelstew - lenny is the stable now, and squeeze is in test mode, isnt it?!
14:03.28jmdZeuZ, Err no.  This is #debian not a linux channel.
14:03.42stewCisien: yes, with resize2fs
14:03.44stewantivirtel: yes
14:04.11Cisieni guess a better question is, how do i resize the partition
14:04.13antivirtelstew - tx, what long will be lenny supported from now?!
14:04.28stewantivirtel: for 1 year after squeeze becomes stable
14:04.28ZeuZjmd, by extention, since it's a GNU/Linux Distro, and iptables is uniform in 2.6 kernel, it's still the same.
14:04.38ZeuZbut anyways
14:05.06jmdLinux is just one possible kernel that can be installed with Debian.
14:05.23antivirtelstew... hmm that isnt so good news, the release date of squeeze is known?
14:06.00jmdYou might as well ask a sendmail question since that is one possible mailserver that can also be installed with Debian.
14:09.05ZeuZjmd, is there anybody serious about kFreeBSD or the hurd port? Not flamebait, but curious question.
14:09.21ZeuZI do get your point, but nevertheless, someone MIGHT have known and answered
14:09.33antivirtelstew tx the repo, it works :)
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14:14.09nsadminCisien, <stew> Cisien: yes, with resize2fs
14:14.27nsadminresize2fs has documentation
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14:17.48qq-ZeuZ, may test mini.iso  >
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14:18.14infinity0my audio capture (ALSA) isn't working, how do i try to fix this?
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14:25.11cahootenabled it in alsamixer?
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14:28.16nsadminhe;s gone... I /msgd him: find out why
14:28.19CainHi, i just saw those messages on my ssh session : what's the meaning of this ?
14:28.49CainSRC=ServerIP DST=ForeignIP
14:29.27nsadminwhat program wrote them?
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14:30.36vlan7rsyslogd i guess
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14:34.17Cainnsadmin : back (sorry, adsl daily disconnection...)
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14:34.31Caini don't know if anyone responds to my request
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14:38.29Raggsis there an auto-cmoplete for packages in apt-get for example apt-get install ice <tab> <tab> would show all available that start with ice
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14:42.09xyanRaggs: install bash-completion and . /etc/bash_completion
14:42.21xyanand add it to your .bashrc
14:43.27Raggswow, i didnt know it would work with apt-get packagename
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14:45.42xyanRaggs: bash_completion actually does alot of stuff (and calls everything from /etc/bash_completion.d/) if you feel it beeing slow there are several autocompletion rules in /etc/bash_completion.d/ you can pick from. like . /etc/bash_completion.d/apt
14:46.03Raggsxyan, yu
14:47.05xyanRaggs: ?
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14:48.46Raggsxyan, how do i add it to the .bashrc? wait, not how, but what do i add to it?
14:48.55*** join/#debian Muisje (~i@unaffiliated/muisje)
14:49.06Muisjeis it possible to make a complete copy of a linux box?
14:49.28nsadminfirst you'll need a copy of a box...
14:49.29MuisjeAs in copy all files and everything, and then on a new install copy all the files back?
14:49.49xyanRaggs: for everything ". /etc/bash_completion" the dot is shorthand for "source /etc/bash_completion"
14:49.49nsadminyes you can do that
14:50.03MuisjeThat would be so awesome
14:50.25MuisjeSo if i just copy all /home /boot etc
14:50.32Muisjeand then later when the server is reinstalled
14:50.37Muisjecopy /home /boot back
14:50.39Muisjeand reboot
14:50.45Muisjei have the exact setup as i had before?
14:51.03Muisjemaybe asin?
14:51.04nsadminyou might have to install grub
14:51.19Muisjeisn't grub installed in /boot?
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14:51.36nsadminunless you know EXACTLY how it is installed and copy it properly
14:51.41Raggsxyan, no quotes though right?
14:51.53xyanRaggs: sure
14:52.10aguitelwhere is dpkg ?
14:52.46vlan7whereis dpkg
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14:52.53jhutchins_ltmusca: no.
14:53.09jhutchins_ltMuisje: No.
14:53.10Raggsxyan, thank you again
14:53.19xyanRaggs: no problem
14:53.40Muisjejhutchins, how you mean no?
14:53.42jhutchins_ltMuisje: You could boot to something like a live CD and copy everything to a new box.
14:53.59jhutchins_ltMuisje: Mixing a new install with a copy-over could have unexpected results.
14:54.08jhutchins_ltMuisje: No, grub is not entirely in /boot.
14:54.32MuisjeSo even if i would copy ALL files, every single bit of them
14:54.37Muisjeand put them back over a new install
14:54.38jhutchins_ltWhat's your actual goal?
14:54.41Muisjeit will not be the same
14:54.52jhutchins_ltMuisje: Like I said, unexpected results.
14:55.15MuisjeMy actual goal is to install proxmox, to provide virtual servers. But i need a partition scheme with LVM configured. and it currently does not have that.
14:55.20jhutchins_ltMuisje: You can clone a system - install all the same packages.
14:55.46nsadminyou'll probably want to make a grub2 rescue image and write it to a cd
14:55.49MuisjeAnd i heard it's impossible to enable LVM on a live machine
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14:55.56jmdjhutchins, If you anticipate something to have unexpected results, then by definition the results are not unexpected.
14:56.24nsadminthat's bullshit... it is possible, it just depends on what drivers are present
14:57.03MuisjeOk, point is the server needs to be reinstalled
14:57.11jhutchins_ltMuisje: I don't work with lvm, I consider it a hazard, an additional point of failure, and deliberate poor planning.
14:57.14Muisjeand i want to have exactly whats on it now, to be on it after
14:57.28MuisjeLVM, it's required for Proxmox
14:57.34Muisjeso too bad, i have to have it.
14:57.50Muisjeit's for making good backups of virtual servers
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14:58.00Muisjeso i never have to deal with this crap again if i need to change something
14:58.02jhutchins_ltMuisje: Well, you're off into unknown territory with proxmox anyway.
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14:58.41MuisjeLet's keep it to what i need
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14:58.59MuisjeWhat is the best way to copy all things i installed onto a new fresh installation
14:59.59jhutchins_ltUsing the clone procedure - details of which are off-line at the moment.
15:00.30jhutchins_ltBasically you tell dpkg to create a list of all installed packages, then you tell the new system to install those packages.
15:00.30Muisjedpkg clone
15:00.52Muisjeahh right
15:00.54Muisjethe bot is down
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15:01.41hichamwill iceweasel be reverted to firefox now that firefox logo is free ?
15:01.44Muisjejhutchins_lt so i make a list of installed packages with apt
15:02.01Muisjethen copy /home /var
15:02.27Muisjeand /etc
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15:04.41NiLonhicham it's not about logo :p
15:04.56hichamNiLon: about what else ?
15:08.32nsadminso is the end result that debian can distribute firefox as firefox, or not?
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15:12.14NiLonwasn't iceweasel renamed to icecat aswell
15:12.17HSorgYvescan anyone point me to a FAQ on how to disable ipv6 in Debian?
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15:13.19nsadminHSorgYves: is there a specific problem you're trying to solve by doing that?
15:13.38jhutchins_ltHSorgYves: Unfortunately our faq bot is down; in the /etc/modules config alias ipv6 and net-pf-10 to off.
15:13.54HSorgYvesnsadmin: yes, here at home everything worked fine, now the server is in the datacenter and i cannot even run "aptitude update"
15:14.15HSorgYvesjhutchins_lt: thx, and then reboot i suppose?
15:14.28nsadminprobably you don't have to reboot
15:14.30jhutchins_ltHSorgYves: That's probably not an ipv6 problem.  I wouldn't reboot until you know what's wrong, you might loose access.
15:15.00HSorgYvesjhutchins_lt: named[4327]: network unreachable resolving '': 2001:500:48::1#53
15:15.32jhutchins_ltHSorgYves: DNS isn't working then (try other hosts).
15:16.22jhutchins_ltHSorgYves: This is interesting, I think we've seen others for whom the system somehow defaulted to ipv6...
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15:16.52nsadminlots and lots actually
15:16.57HSorgYvesjhutchins_lt: resolv.conf has "nameserver" and bind is running locally
15:17.13nsadminand it almost always involved apt-get or aptitude
15:17.18jhutchins_ltnsadmin: How did they resolve it?
15:17.46nsadminI think most of the time they disabled ipv6
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15:18.19Dagger2HSorgYves: can you pastebin an ifconfig and ip -6 route?
15:18.22nsadminbut if this server is in the data center I'd be more careful of applying that unless it was shown to be the problem
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15:20.21HSorgYvesDagger2: where? is down
15:21.16jhutchins_ltHSorgYves: google pastebin - there are others.
15:21.20Dagger2 works
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15:22.10nsadminyou could install perl's nopaste module, then pipe whatever to nopaste
15:22.11*** join/#debian ustunozgur (~ustun@ bas an AAAA record; it might not be the best choice for this
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15:22.40HSorgYvesDagger2: my own computer has no problems with ipv6, my home network neither
15:23.24nsadminis that because your ISP uses ipv6 directly to you?
15:23.39Dagger2HSorgYves: ok, that's wierd, you have no IPv6 addresses configured, so why does bind try to resolve via a v6 server?
15:23.55HSorgYvesDagger2: no clue
15:24.26HSorgYvesnsadmin: no i have an ipv6 tunnel
15:25.27HSorgYveshow to check if the outgoing port for named is closed?
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15:26.46mooglenorphHi. Someone is trying to hijack my smtp server for spamming, using a dictionary attack, and it's causing me problems because my server is a low-resource VPS.
15:26.46HSorgYvestelnet to the ip on port 53 should show?
15:26.49nsadminbut the server at the data center doesn't have that tunnel?
15:26.57HSorgYvesnsadmin: no
15:27.11Infin1tyweird stuff, someone moved a server from amazon (xen vm) to physical box, the physical is running a 64 bit kernel, all the libraries were copied from an i386 box, it ran up until yesterday when i had to use some 64 bit libraries, how did it run? apache2 ran well (it's a production box), is it normal :O?
15:27.24chombeeHey, anyone know why my laptop doesn't automatically connect to my home wireless on boot? Here's my /etc/network/interfaces: Doing ifup says the network's already up, but it's not connected. ifdown then ifup and it does connect.
15:27.25nsadminthat would completely explain why you want to disable ipv6
15:27.27mooglenorphI've sent email to the "abuse" address of their VPS provider. Is there anything else I can do?
15:27.44mooglenorph(running lenny on my VPS)
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15:28.06nsadminrealize it's probably a botnet that has hijacked the vserver
15:28.52mooglenorphnsadmin: I do realize that, but it seems to be coming from only two IP's?
15:28.56nsadminI'd try getting them on the phone
15:29.21mooglenorphnsadmin: they're in russia or some such bull*.
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15:30.01nsadminfilter those IPs
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15:30.40mooglenorphnsadmin: Should I do that in iptables, or postfix, or somethign else? Not sure how to accomplish that.
15:31.22mrd_quick question: running a debian install atm - "erasing data on scsi1" is taking forever [after 2 hours@48% - 70GB]
15:31.29mrd_someone's got an idea why?
15:31.29jhutchins_ltInfin1ty: lenny or squeeze?
15:32.02nsadminI would do it in iptables
15:32.10jhutchins_ltmooglenorph: You can do it with iptables; if you already have a setup that would be a good place.   Otherwise postfix.
15:32.12Infin1tyjhutchins_lt, lenny, i already reinstalled the server (the person before me did that) , but how come it ran "well" up until now?
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15:32.22jhutchins_ltmooglenorph: Also consider running postgrey, it does a great job.
15:32.26nsadminwoudl they have to connect with a password?
15:32.47jhutchins_ltchombee: Which release are you running?
15:33.05jhutchins_ltInfin1ty: Sorry, meant that for chombee.
15:33.15Infin1tyk ;)
15:33.21jhutchins_ltInfin1ty: This is what they refer to as 'unpredictable results'.
15:33.42jhutchins_ltInfin1ty: I would suggest going with all 32 or all 64.  A mixed system is just asking for trouble.
15:33.42Infin1tyjhutchins_lt, indeed, it's just weird it ran so well up until i tried to install a 64 bit library :)
15:34.11jhutchins_ltInfin1ty: Libraries can be interdependent, and sooner or later something's gonna break.
15:34.14mooglenorphI require AUTH and tls to send mail
15:34.23mooglenorphso yes, they would need to authenticate
15:34.34mooglenorphthe logs are just full of every 3 second auth attempts
15:34.47jhutchins_ltmooglenorph: They can still DOS you by repeated attempts.
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15:35.09jhutchins_ltmooglenorph: I would block them at the firewall - which should be an external device.
15:35.13mooglenorphjhutchins_lt: yeah, that's basically what's happening
15:35.41mooglenorphjhutchins_lt: hmmm, okay. I'll see if linode offers something like that, I guess?
15:35.45jhutchins_ltmooglenorph: If not, block them with iptables, and install a throttling rule.
15:36.05jhutchins_ltmooglenorph: I use shorewall or just iptables scripts.
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15:36.33mooglenorphjhutchins_lt: okay. thanks very much. I haven't really worked with iptables much, but, it's something I can get by reading docs.
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15:36.56chombeejhutchins_lt: stable
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15:39.47nsadminmaybe you can get fail2ban to do it
15:40.51nsadminif you can find out how sshd tells fail2ban about an auth failure, maybe you can get your MTA to do the same
15:41.05HSorgYveswhich port(s) does aptitude use? simple ftp?
15:41.07nsadminprobably fail2ban reads the auth.log
15:41.58nsadmindepends on what the sources are. if they're http sources, it's one port, if they're ftp sources, another.
15:42.22jhutchins_ltchombee: I had the same problem with squeeze and wasn't able to resolve it.   In lenny I use knetworkmanager, which works.
15:42.44chombeejhutchins_lt: I'll try network manager
15:43.10chombeejhutchins_lt: Does that mean I should comment out every line that mentions eth0 in interfaces?
15:43.19jhutchins_ltUm, no...
15:43.41HSorgYvesnsadmin: so its 80 or 21?
15:43.48jhutchins_ltchombee: You still want 'auto eth0'
15:44.02jhutchins_ltchombee: (Also, besure it's eth0 not wlan0, that could be the problem)
15:44.21chombeeIt's def eth0
15:44.53jhutchins_ltnsadmin: IPTABLES throttling is much more efficient.
15:45.55jhutchins_ltIn fact, if I throttle I find that botnets with multiple IP's give up quickly.
15:46.43nsadmincan fail2ban be fitted to do throttling the way you're describing?
15:46.50chombeejhutchins_lt: nm-applet works, thanks
15:47.07jhutchins_ltchombee: Great!
15:47.15jhutchins_ltdondelelcaro: ping!  Bot is dead!
15:48.25Nepheriushey , i`m trying to install chrome but i get this can anyone help me pls ?
15:49.11jhutchins_lt,versions libnss3
15:49.12juddSorry, no package named 'libnss3' was found.
15:49.23jhutchins_lt,versions libnss3-1d
15:49.25juddlibnss3-1d -- lenny:; lenny-security:; lenny-backports: 3.12.6-2~bpo50+1; squeeze: 3.12.6-3; sid: 3.12.7-1; experimental: 3.12.8~b2-1
15:49.57jhutchins_ltNepherius: Can you pastebin your sources list?
15:50.46Nepheriusuhm how i see my sources list ..sry I`m new to linux
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15:51.33jhutchins_ltNepherius: The newer library is available as a security update.  If you set up /etc/apt/sources.list to use on-line repositories and update your system it'll work.
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15:53.21jhutchins_ltNepherius: In fact, I'm not sure where you got 3.12.0... are you running lenny?
15:53.41Nepheriusinstalled Dreamlinux 3.5
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15:54.50jhutchins_ltNepherius: Then why are you asking for help here?  Any advice we give you will likely destroy your system.  Certainly what I would have told you would.  Please come back if you install Debian some day.
15:56.21Nepheriuswell DL is based on debian or at least thats what i read
15:57.00nsadminit may have a similar packaging system but everything else could be different
15:57.13Nepheriusand ty for the help , I`ll try to find out what you said and how to do it
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16:05.05chombeeIs it me or does ext4 have a shorter max filename length than ext2/3? I'm rsyncing some files from debian stable to ubuntu (ext4) and it complains 'filename too long'
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16:14.24wildc4rdafternoon all
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16:15.15infinity0does aptitude have a "source" command like apt-get does?
16:15.59stewinfinity0: not yet
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16:19.13NoCodeI'm getting these missing maintainer errors now.
16:19.19NoCodeIs there anyway to fix them?
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16:19.57stewNoCode: what are you doing to get the errors and what exactly are the errors?
16:20.57NoCodeI just installed irssi. I installed another package a couple days ago too, and it did the same thing. Let me grab the output
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16:23.03jhutchins_ltNoCode: Does the package install and run?
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16:23.22NoCodeYes it works.
16:23.27NoCodeIt installs too.
16:24.10jhutchins_ltI think you can probably just chalk it up to sloppy packaging.
16:24.45NoCodeOkay. :|
16:25.04jpinxN900installed irssi on squeeze a couple of days ago without errors
16:25.13stewif you think it is sloppy packageing you should file a bug
16:25.25stewNoCode: this happens with other packages too?
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16:25.37NoCodeOne other one, yes. I forget what it was though.
16:26.04NoCodeBeen busy, couldn't really go through the motions.
16:26.13NoCodeBut now I have some free time. :P
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16:51.55e-dubhey all
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16:56.44Livingroomhey, silly question, anyone here know of a spot to watch the ohio game online?
16:57.07stewLivingroom: please keep it on topic.  perhaps you want to try a social channel like #defocus
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16:57.35Livingroomthanks stwe
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16:58.59trebor_homehello. i do have trouble installing testing amd64 (2010-09-13). i use text-install (german), automatic partitioning (guided), but i am not able to register dvds #2-8 nor installing grub or lilo. what do i have to check / what may be my fault?
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17:01.14jhutchins_lttrebor_home: Not sure what you mean by "register dvd's", but what happens when you try to install grub or lilo?
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17:03.24spixxHello, I have a simple yet annoying problem; I have a webserver, on this webserver you have wordpress for instance but it seems that the users cannot upload/add themes or similar via the "in script" functions of wordpress. The folder is owned by the user:user tried user:www-data (note not USERS but the username)
17:03.38trebor_homejhutchins_lt: i am asked to add aditional dvds as installation-medias (don't know the exact translation), but if i try, it skips the dvd-scanning and starts installing packages. after that the installer tries to install grub, but fails (can not be installed on /target/).
17:03.43spixxTried all chmods to ;) so yes on that one
17:04.12spixxtrebor_home: You have to do the full install before you can acc install grub by auto?
17:05.15MrFroodtrebor_home: I had that - skip insatalling grub the first time it asks - it will install later
17:05.30MrFroodit's a bug with the testing installer
17:05.32trebor_homespixx: installer says: hd-paritioning, basic installation, packet-manager configuration, software selection, grub-bootloader installation
17:05.52spixxwhat MrFrood said :P
17:07.14trebor_homeMrFrood: i tried, too, but i was not able to continue (last 3 times) - maybe now (trying expert install).
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17:08.37HSorgYvesi have eth0 connected to the internet and eth1 connected to an intranet; do i need to define routes or will debian do this automatically?
17:09.18spixxHSorgYves: yes or at least if you do not have a DHCP that does it for you?
17:09.56HSorgYvesits configured using static ips
17:10.00trebor_homepacket-manager configuration does not work in expert mode, too.
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17:10.40HSorgYvesspixx: some howto on this?
17:11.04spixxwell depends on what you want to do but IPtables router is a good search term
17:11.42spixxbut note that the guide acc has the orders reversed :P
17:11.50spixxso you do not kill your internet ;)
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17:13.22spixxquestion; is the folder structure collapsed if I have on read right to little close to root?
17:13.35spixxguessing that it is so :/
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17:13.37HSorgYvesspixx: hold, i do not need a gateway
17:13.46spixxWhat are you trying to do?
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17:14.15HSorgYvesspixx: the machine simply need to use eth1 as long as I access and use eth0 for all others
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17:14.35spixxah, then it should be no problem
17:15.13spixxyou might need to add some routes but that wouldnt be a great risc :P
17:15.36HSorgYvesmight need? do need or do not need?
17:16.56spixxbut what are you trying to achive? Just having two network-cards? One to the outside and one to your internal network?
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17:17.42jelly-homeHSorgYves: do not need, a route to the local segment is created automatically
17:17.57spixxthen it shouldnt be a problem
17:18.07jelly-homeHSorgYves: however, is this machine supposed to be a router for the local segment to the internet?
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17:18.16HSorgYvesjelly-home: no
17:18.33spixxThen it will work just fine
17:18.42spixxif you do not have a really strange setup at home ;)
17:18.59spixxargh rights problems :/
17:19.14jelly-homeHSorgYves: nothing to do then, a simple static setup.  Make sure you don't accidentally put a gateway line in local interface definition
17:19.16HSorgYveswhy is my traceroute to not going through but through
17:19.44HSorgYvesjelly-home: ok, approaching the problem
17:21.12spixxdo a route
17:21.13HSorgYvesjelly-home: so the following is wrong ->
17:22.09*** join/#debian delight (
17:22.35jelly-homeHSorgYves: just get rid of that gateway line for eth1, ifdown eth1, ifup eth1, and you're set
17:22.58HSorgYvesjelly-home: and the rest is fine?
17:25.03*** join/#debian linuxawi (~linuxawi@unaffiliated/linuxawi)
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17:26.42jelly-homeHSorgYves: it's pretty much a standard setup, can't do much wrong with static ips can you
17:27.09*** join/#debian lenswipe (~lenswipe@unaffiliated/lenswipe)
17:27.10lenswipehey guys
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17:29.58*** join/#debian Enverex (~Enverex@wine/developer/Enverex)
17:30.44EnverexI've noticed the nVidia  drivers on Unstable are very out of date, does anyone happen to know of any more up to date repos for them other than installing them manually?
17:31.02*** join/#debian fdd (~algol@unaffiliated/fdd)
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17:36.43HSorgYvesjelly-home: thx, working now
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17:39.48jhutchins_ltHSorgYves: What fixed the ipv6 problem?
17:40.33*** part/#debian lenswipe (~lenswipe@unaffiliated/lenswipe)
17:40.39HSorgYvesjhutchins_lt: it finally wasn't an ipv6 problem, but a routing problem due to gateway misconfiguration; still can't understand why it work here at home though
17:46.38jhutchins_ltHSorgYves: Often the defaults work fine, it's not untill someone starts messing with it that it fails.  Also, I think you said you had an IPV6 tunnel, which means that an ipv4 failure isn't going to be as obvious.
17:47.16HSorgYvesi have the tunnewl at home
17:51.35*** join/#debian Deadguy (~Deadguy@pdpc/supporter/active/deadguy)
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18:15.20neurolysisHi, can anyone think of what a clicking sound when listening to audio means if it's not a buffer underrun?
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18:17.39cahootmiriam makeba?
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18:18.00*** mode/#debian [+l 684] by debhelper
18:20.57fhffhqvbneurolysis: have you tried muting everything you're not using, like line in?
18:21.27neurolysisfhffhqvb: will try that now, thanks
18:21.44*** join/#debian githogori (~githogori@
18:22.31neurolysisfhffhqvb: still occurs
18:22.46MrFroodneurolysis: assuming that cahoot is wrong it could be a problem with the recordings (if the recording level is too high then peak volumes can become clipped) - try using someform of replay-gain
18:23.10neurolysisMrFrood: it's not there on the original recordings
18:23.23MrFroodor normalisation
18:24.25MrFroodneurolysis: yeah but does not mean that the leval was not messed with when ripping
18:24.32neurolysisMrFrood: rather
18:24.37neurolysisi have analysed the waveform
18:24.38neurolysisit is not there
18:24.48neurolysisand this did not occur until today
18:25.27MrFroodneurolysis: how powerful a machine are you tryin this on?
18:26.02neurolysisMrFrood: phenom ii quad core, so nothing to worry about there ;)
18:26.16MrFroodjust checking
18:27.14fhffhqvbneurolysis: could be your hd accessing
18:27.49neurolysiscoming to think of it actually, it seems to have only occurred since i installed windows xp as a dual boot option
18:28.41neurolysislet me try something, just had an idea about what it might be
18:28.42fhffhqvbwindows xp is not running, is it
18:30.01EnverexAre there any repos that contain newer nVidia drivers or do we have to install them manually? Even the ones in the Unstable repo are a long time out of date
18:30.16*** join/#debian roe (~roe___@unaffiliated/roe)
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18:32.32neurolysisIt seems it is fixed, it was a grounding issue w/ my sound card
18:33.15MrFroodEnverex: it's unoffical and you will get no support in #debian about it but sgfxi may be what you are looking for...
18:34.18MrFroodthe first rule of sgfxi is that you don't talk about sgfxi
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18:38.11jelly-homesounds like yes another script that installs and tries to configure stuff on your system
18:40.16jhutchins_ltEnverex: What do you hope to accomplish with newer drivers?
18:40.59*** join/#debian Ergo^ (
18:41.15Enverexjhutchins_lt, The current driver doesn't work properly with my hardware (it claims to support the chip which it does to some extent, but can't read EDID data so it requires a lot of workarounds). So I'm hoping the new one actually works properly
18:41.50roeis there a more optimized way in the debian installer  to use flash memory (compact flash) as the FS yet?  For instance adding the noatime flag and the like?  or is there a specific FS type that should be used when installing on solid state media?
18:41.59*** join/#debian mns (
18:42.51jhutchins_ltEnverex: Well, there's the direct-from-nvida route, although that requires the newer xorg from squeeze in some cases.
18:44.24Enverexjhutchins_lt, I'm running Sid anyway
18:44.56Enverexjhutchins_lt, I just wondered if anyone had their own repo set up with newer drivers to automate the process rather than building manually
18:45.58*** join/#debian epic9x (
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18:47.42compgenius999hey guys, how do I set up debian so instead of GNOME starting by default, it loads XFCE. I tried changing default session in Login Window Properties to XFCE Session but still, it loads gnome instead
18:47.53*** join/#debian naphex (
18:50.25compgenius999anyone know?
18:50.50jhutchins_ltcompgenius999: have you restarted the dm?
18:51.06*** join/#debian Quibus (
18:51.09Quibushi all
18:51.10compgenius999jhutchins_lt: i've tried restarting the whole system
18:51.54QuibusThere seems to be a problem with font rendering on my system: when I type somethign in a gnome-terminal, Xorg starts using 100% of a core. When I do the same in a plain xterm, no problems... Also redrawing a gnome-terminal seems to be very slow. Any ideas what could be wrong?
18:52.02*** join/#debian superlinux (~oracle@
18:52.21compgenius999Quibus: transparency?
18:52.34Quibuscompgenius999: it is enabled
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18:52.48compgenius999Quibus: try disabling transparency
18:52.48jeffrinhello all
18:52.50superlinuxhi. what would be the name of the dev packages of alsa? I wanna use it to build bluez alsa support
18:52.51Quibusbut why is it suddenly a problem?
18:53.02superlinuxi just could not figure it out
18:53.11jeffrinregarding gcov , what is .gcno and .gcda files
18:53.14compgenius999superlinux: aptitude search alsa
18:53.34superlinuxcompgenius999, I did do all kind of searches on apt
18:53.46superlinuxbut just could not know the correct one
18:53.54QuibusWell, disabling transparency does fix it
18:56.13QuibusWTF is this!?
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18:59.13roeshould the slower disk be / or /var?
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19:01.17jhutchins_ltsuperlinux: aptitude install build-depends bluez-alsa?
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19:02.11superlinuxjhutchins_lt, I am custom building from source pkg bluez 3.x
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19:02.33superlinuxmy bluetooth dongle works only as such
19:03.01superlinuxI removed the 4.x version
19:03.26superlinuxi am building from tar.gz downloaded from bluez homepage
19:05.42jhutchins_ltMine didn't work with 4x either.
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19:08.59superlinuxjhutchins_lt, it looks like 4.x is still unstable
19:09.27jhutchins_ltThere's a backport, but it doesn't work with kde3.5
19:09.55superlinuxi think they need a good leader for the project
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19:17.56lo127is it possible to install debian over serial/console?
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19:21.27[hireme]rhisaHi was it this distribution that stopped using the Linux kernel?
19:22.12lcukDon't be silly, debian never used the linux kernel :P
19:22.22[hireme]rhisalol x)
19:22.23Quibusl o l
19:22.33zr0i cannot ping a computer on my local lan (wireless router) from my debian machine, but it can ping me -- the debian machine has a static ip.. i get 'destination host unreachable' as the error msg from ping
19:23.16*** join/#debian datacrusher (~dtcrshr@unaffiliated/datacrusher)
19:23.45jelly-homezr0: which OS and local firewall does the othe computer use?
19:24.33lo127anyone? possible to install debian over serial/console remotely?
19:24.44jelly-home[hireme]rhisa: is what you're referring to?
19:24.49zr0jelly-home: i can ping the computer that can ping the debian box
19:24.54thewanderer1my machine almost always hangs after about 15 minutes of usage, be it graphics (KDE), console (ls -R /) or playing music... this was tested with Debian only. I don't have any optical drives/media. the console tells me I get a kernel panic. How to debug that? It's not the disk failing (netboot, actually!) or RAM (checked that)
19:24.58zr0jelly-home: from my laptop
19:25.04*** join/#debian ssjones (
19:25.05[hireme]rhisajelly, thank you.
19:25.11thewanderer1this issue of mine has been present for 2 years already I think
19:25.15[hireme]rhisajelly, disregard. jelly-home thank you.
19:25.29jelly-home[hireme]rhisa: that's me in the corner.
19:26.04[hireme]rhisajelly-home, whaat. D: Big apology! :]
19:26.31jelly-homeBig Mistake! not hiring you!
19:27.33*** join/#debian compgenius999 (~root@unaffiliated/compgenius999)
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19:28.43compgenius999hey guys, is anyone else having problems with the script on startup?
19:28.44jelly-homezr0: ok, so you have at least 3 boxes, (A)n undisclosed OS ne, a (D)ebian one, and a (L)aptop.  You can ping L -> A, A -> D, presumably also L -> D, but not D -> A.
19:29.16zr0jelly-home: correct
19:29.31jelly-homezr0: can you ping D -> L?
19:29.37compgenius999GDM didn't start at boot due to "return: Starting: numeric argument required"
19:29.39zr0jelly-home: yes
19:29.41compgenius999anyone know how I fix it?
19:30.01jelly-homezr0: I blame the undisclosed OS and firewall software on A. :-D
19:30.04zr0jelly-home: from what i've read it seems it might be related to using a static ip and having dhcp misconfigured somehow
19:30.23haytham-medundisclosed OS!
19:30.39compgenius999anyone here know how I fix since none of the init scripts are working because of it
19:31.16jelly-homecompgenius999: which debian release are you using?
19:31.17zr0what is the correct way to turn off the process /usr/sbin/dhcdbd?
19:31.19*** part/#debian debuggerboy (~anish@
19:31.48compgenius999jelly-home: debian 5, lenny i think
19:31.52jelly-homezr0: hm.  Perhaps A has issues with dhcp.  Debian shouldn't.
19:31.57compgenius999jelly-home: it's all up to date
19:32.08*** join/#debian jrib (~jrib@upstream/dev/jrib)
19:32.13zr0jelly-home: well, it might if i didn't configure it correctly
19:33.45compgenius999jelly-home: so any idea how I fix it?
19:34.21compgenius999anybody here?
19:34.54jelly-homecompgenius999: can you paste the output of dpkg -l libc6 lsb-base | tail -2
19:35.22*** join/#debian goose (
19:35.56[hireme]rhisaAlright, thanks.
19:36.01[hireme]rhisaThank you again jelly.
19:36.02*** part/#debian [hireme]rhisa (~rhisa@unaffiliated/rhisa)
19:36.07compgenius9992.7-18 and 3.2-20 jelly-home
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19:36.28compgenius999can't really paste since wgetpaste isn't in aptitude and I'm stuck with irssi
19:36.55jelly-hmecompgenius999: paste the two lines here
19:36.59*** join/#debian Droolio (
19:37.08compgenius999libc6 is 2.7-18 and lsb-base 3.2-20 jelly-home
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19:37.43haytham-medjelly-hme: u have a ghost
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19:38.02jelly-hmecompgenius999: you can type "/exec -o dpkg -l libc6 lsb-base | tail -2" in irssi if you're ircing from that machine
19:38.47compgenius999ii  libc6                                2.7-18lenny4               GNU C Library: Shared libraries
19:38.50compgenius999ii  lsb-base                             3.2-20                     Linux Standard Base 3.2 init script function
19:38.55compgenius999oh, that worked.
19:40.15jelly-homecompgenius999: that seems up to date.  what's the full path to this
19:40.41compgenius999/etc/ line 269: return: Starting: numeric argument required
19:40.52jelly-homejudd: file in lenny/i386: usplash: etc/; splashy: etc/
19:41.33jelly-homecompgenius999: there's your possible culprits for that message, get rid of boot splash and see if that helps
19:41.52compgenius999jelly-home: i got rid of it a while back
19:42.06jelly-homecompgenius999: ah, forgot to purge the packages perhaps?
19:42.15compgenius999I'll purge nwo
19:42.31jelly-homecompgenius999: they shouldn
19:42.47jelly-homecompgenius999: they shouldn't break other stuff of they're merely removed, that'd be a bug
19:43.10compgenius999jelly-home: well all I did before was "aptitiude remove splashy splashy-themes"
19:43.15QuibusDoes anyone here use gnome-terminals with transparency and no compiz?
19:43.16compgenius999and that pretty much killed my init
19:44.26compgenius999jelly-home: should I try removing lsb-base and reinstalling it with aptitude?
19:44.43jelly-homecompgenius999: no need to, just purge remnants of splashy
19:45.18compgenius999jelly-home: how?
19:45.43jelly-homecompgenius999: with aptitude or apt-get or dpkg.  dpkg --purge splashy splashy-themes
19:46.02jelly-homedpkg -P short
19:46.21compgenius999jelly-home: done.
19:46.35jelly-homecompgenius999: /etc/init.d/gdm restart ... does it work now?
19:46.48jelly-homecompgenius999: or just reboot and see how it goes
19:47.13compgenius999I'll just reboot
19:47.15*** join/#debian p3rror (~mezgani@2001:0:53aa:64c:38e9:4523:d606:a829)
19:47.18compgenius999since half my init scripts didn't run at all
19:47.22jelly-homethat's probably better, yeah
19:49.16fhffhqvbhm. no dpkg.
19:50.21fhffhqvbapt appears to be non-functional.
19:50.22*** join/#debian Droolio (
19:50.48MrFrooddpkg is on holiday
19:50.55jelly-homefhffhqvb: in the meantime
19:51.11jelly-homeyou heard me.
19:51.28jelly-homefhffhqvb:, even
19:51.31fhffhqvbyou moved the bots somewhere else?
19:52.19jelly-homeit's just a web ui to the factoid database to use while the bots are on holidays
19:52.28fhffhqvbi was trying to figure out how to stop sensord from spamming my syslog with nonsensical alarms.
19:52.36dvswonders where bots go for holidays
19:52.51fhffhqvbis there a reason the bots are on holiday?
19:53.04jelly-homenot an intentional one
19:53.15fhffhqvbbox blew up?
19:53.34jelly-homeyour guess is as good as mine
19:53.41*** join/#debian bier (
19:54.15fhffhqvbsite appears to be up...
19:56.36jelly-homefhffhqvb: duh, why would I point you to a dead site as a replacement for temporarily dead bots?
19:57.03stew~sing sussudio
19:57.04aptACTION sings "Su, su, sudio...Su, su, sussudio"
19:57.04fhffhqvbjelly-home: i mean dpkg's box.
19:57.21stewfhffhqvb: we haven't heard from don in a few days
19:57.31*** join/#debian Droolio (
19:57.39jelly-homestew: feed apt some fresh factoids!
19:58.40jelly-home~factinfo lenny->squeeze
19:58.40aptthere's no such factoid as lenny->squeeze, jelly-home
19:59.10jelly-home~factinfo etch->lenny
19:59.10aptjelly-home: there's no such factoid as etch->lenny
19:59.17*** join/#debian cshore (
19:59.17jelly-home~factinfo sarge->etch
19:59.17aptjelly-home: there's no such factoid as sarge->etch
20:02.11*** join/#debian dpkg (~dpkg@unaffiliated/dpkg)
20:02.59dpkgTest failed.
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20:03.43thewanderer1what exactly does test do?
20:04.03fhffhqvbkills a noob every time you type it.
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20:05.58fhffhqvbhm. looks like the nick for my blootbot expired. guess that will happen if you don't use it for 2.5 years.
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20:32.24jhutchins_ltdpkg: Welcome back.
20:32.24dpkgit's good to be home :)
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20:37.16dpkg<sprax> justin, Wyzard I found it, it's called phpproxy, but it's not a proxy server.
20:38.00stewbah.  no good
20:38.06dpkg<ohad>...i thought that by upgrading to unstable things might work better
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20:42.35badgersOkay, I'm here. (courtesy of fhffhqvb)
20:43.15fhffhqvbhm. guess it's set to PM by default.
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20:46.28jelly-homebadgers: lenny->squeeze
20:46.44jelly-homeooh. fresh new dumps!
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20:49.37spixxMan I'm having strange issues today, anybody who know why munin aint graphing and telnet to 4949 just opens then gets closed?
20:53.33*** part/#debian superlinux (~oracle@
20:55.03cast_ive noticed munin to stop working under high load, though that was 2 years ago now
20:55.33spixxWell thats not the case here, seems like the Node is not creating any data :S
20:55.38*** join/#debian xingu (
20:56.35trebor_homehow can i "register" additional installation-medias (i only have a text-only installation with dvd#1)? can i do this with aptitude?
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21:01.07cast_trebor_home: apt-cdrom used to work for me in the old days
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21:03.01trebor_homecast_: thanks, seems to work
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21:15.30synackfinI followed the instructions from the Sept 04 mdadm advisory ("Versions of grub-pc older than 1.98 will not be able to boot direct off a RAID with the 1.x metadata formats (the new default is 1.2).  To ensure a bootable system, please make sure to use grub-pc 1.98 or later, which is provided by Debian.") -- but grub2 1.98 is still not able to recognize my 1.2 raid array
21:15.53*** join/#debian vici0us (vici0us@gateway/shell/
21:15.56synackfinthis is for Debian squeeze
21:17.44jelly-homesynackfin: it only does 0.9 and 1.0, and does 1.0 badly
21:19.47jelly-homesynackfin: if it's a fresh install, I suggest using a /boot with classic (0.9) md raid1 format
21:23.44*** join/#debian lbt (~david@Maemo/community/contributor/lbt)
21:23.48lbtif I do dpkg-reconfigure debconf and say "ask medium or below" where is that stored?
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21:24.37s3ais it possible to remove evolution without removing gnome?
21:25.58streunerjust try it, apt-get -s remove evolution
21:26.40dpkgIs apt trying to remove packages that it thinks were automatically installed?  This happens when you "aptitude install gnome" and then later remove bits of it causing the gnome meta-package to be uninstalled and then all its dependencies.  Fix this by running "aptitude unmarkauto packagename" on strategically chosen packages, or reinstall the <metapackage> (apt-get also has unmarkauto from squeeze onwards).
21:26.41streunerlbt: please ask in ONE channel at the same time.
21:28.04lbtsorry streuner it was all the noise and hubub in the other channel
21:28.07*** join/#debian jemark (~mark@
21:29.22fhffhqvbsomething loaded framebuffer into my console. how do i get back to normal text mode?
21:29.28s3astreuner, i did that and it removes gnome
21:29.41streuners3a: lenny?
21:29.43s3astreuner, ya
21:29.46lbtstreuner: I just wonder if you know the answer and would rather spend time chastising me than answering?
21:30.03streuners3a: hm, it doenst remove gnome in sid
21:30.43s3astreuner, o i see, so i'll look into it later in squeeze, if it works there then i can remove it when upgrading to squeeze when it's stable
21:31.19streuners3a: just take a look at a dummy package, it might help
21:31.44s3await quick random question, what does "Global inbox" mean in icedove?
21:32.40streunerwhats the name of this dummy package which fullfills depends in Debian again?
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21:33.35streunerdpkg, listvals dummy
21:33.37dpkgFactoid search of 'dummy' by value (7): equivs ;; yes i do have the keys ;; lorem ipsum ;; aptitude-build-dep ;; g77 ;; dsr ;; task-packages.
21:33.43streunerdpkg, equivs
21:33.43dpkgequivs is a package that enables you to create dummy packages that tell <apt> you really have installed (through some other means) the package.  aptitude install equivs, and read /usr/share/doc/equivs/*, or see also <usrlocal>.  A better plan is often to adapt the Debian packages to your needs, ask me about <package recompile> <uupdate> <ssb>
21:33.57streuners3a: ^^^
21:34.34streuners3a: but on the other side, evolution isnt that big, why not just let it installed?
21:35.00s3awell things accumulate
21:35.13s3abut it's not really my priority, i thought there'd be an easy answer
21:35.16s3ai can wait for squeeze
21:35.30s3abut what i need to know is for icedove, what's "use global inbox"?
21:35.34streunerthe easy answer is <equivs>
21:36.33s3astreuner, equivs evolution  as root?
21:36.44s3astreuner, also do you have an answer to my icedove question?
21:36.59streunernah, i dont use icedove, sorry
21:37.39lbts3a: what do you mean by Global Inbox?
21:37.57lbticedove has a facility to merge inboxes for multiple accounts
21:38.00*** mode/#debian [+l 685] by debhelper
21:38.00xusers3a: I bet the mozilla page knows
21:38.04lbtsounds like it could be that
21:38.05s3albt, when creating my account, it says "Use Global Inbox (store mail in Local Folders)"
21:38.41lbtI have a strong suspicion... but I use imap so can't confirm ... sry
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21:40.19streunerlbt: take a look at strace, it might help.
21:42.08lbthmmm /var/cache/debconf/config.dat
21:42.21lbtnot at all where I'd expect
21:43.48streunerso are expectations, they sucks many times
21:43.56*** join/#debian Farmer_ (
21:45.48trebor_homei added all dvds via apt-cdrom -add and did apt-get update, but installing is not possible (apt-get install emacs, kde, gnome, whatever), what may i have to change/check.
21:46.22streunerdpkg, sources.list
21:46.23dpkgThe list of repositories for installing packages is /etc/apt/sources.list and has lines like "deb http://ftp.<cc> lenny main" and "deb lenny/updates main" where <cc> is your country code.  Be sure to run "aptitude update" after editing sources.list.  Also see <mirrors> <apt-spy> <lenny security> <testing security> "man sources.list" and /usr/share/doc/apt/examples/sources.list
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21:55.19trebor_homestreuner: do you mean the "aptitude update" part?
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21:55.31trebor_home(no network on the target-notebook)
21:55.42lateniteHoi folks, how to I get my php to have XSL? I get this error from a plugin of my blog. "Your server's PHP enviroment must have the XSL extention installed"
21:56.25jelly-homelatenite: apt-cache search php xsl will probably show a useful package
21:56.25streunertrebor_home: uhm, Debian make not much fun without working i-net, just make sure you have that
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21:57.36jelly-homejudd: info php5-xsl
21:57.37juddphp5-xsl (web, optional): XSL module for php5. Version: 5.2.6.dfsg.1-1+lenny9; Size: 12.5k; Installed: 80k; Homepage:
21:57.38streunertrebor_home: basically /etc/apt/sources.list
21:57.50trebor_homestreuner: it had been not problem to install debian stable on notebooks - i think i got a total broken testing dvd-set - or dvd-install is a no-go for testing at all
21:58.30trebor_homestreuner: i do not have an editor yet (i can not use vi(m))
21:58.42streunertrebor_home: just use nano then
21:58.51streunerits essential
21:59.36trebor_homei am just doing aptitude update ...
21:59.57streunerwithout i-net? would be hard then...
22:00.31streunerin order to give you more results like before
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22:00.56streunerjust fix your i-net connection (laptop), thats the first prior
22:01.30trebor_homei think this is my last try, after this i will just use a knoppix-installation
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22:01.58latenitejelly, thanks taht it woking now :)
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22:05.31streunertrebor_home: there is also <kmuto> - /msg dpkg kmuto
22:06.38streunertrebor_home: or/and you try grml - its debian based live CD and supports installation to HD, IIRC
22:07.50streunertrebor_home: just take a look at <laptops> (/msg dpkg laptops) and
22:08.23streunertrebor_home: many HOWTOs, trics and workarounds there in order to get the NIC working
22:12.26streunertrebor_home: sounds like a bug in a newer kernel...
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22:13.44trebor_homei give up now, i will install from knoppix dvd
22:13.51trebor_homethanks for the help
22:14.11streunergood luck
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22:26.32KaffeeJunky123Hello, I'm having a problem with the cpufrequency gnome panel app, it was once capable of selecting the cpufreq govenor, but now the govenor selection doesn't show up when I click it.
22:26.32KaffeeJunky123I probably messed up some settings that allow the app to elevate it's rights, but I can't find out how to get it working again.
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22:31.31KaffeeJunky123Oh sorry Lenny
22:32.18streuneruhm, you must something done which is very strange then
22:32.44KaffeeJunky123like messing with the backports repo :>?
22:33.12streunerwell, those packages have no support
22:33.15KaffeeJunky123setting the govenor through cpufreq-set -g works thought
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22:34.45KaffeeJunky123streuner: well my cpufrequtils package is from the stable repo
22:35.00streunerand the kernel itself?
22:35.04KaffeeJunky123streuner: stable
22:35.16streunerfrom bpo?
22:35.24KaffeeJunky123from stable not from bpo
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22:42.12trebor_homeknoppix is installed & boots
22:42.16dekar_on my atom/ion mediapc I ran into several problems installing squeeze
22:42.24streunertrebor_home: what kernel?
22:42.38dekar_I was using netboot x64 using unetbootin from usbstick
22:43.09dekar_it installed grub to usb stick instead of the HDD (it always does this when you don't install from cd, but usb stick)
22:43.45dekar_but the grub on the stick couldn't even boot somehow - just showed "GRUB" at the upper left of the screen
22:44.29dekar_also I had another problem - the moment the kernel comes up my keyboard stops working - using a usb to ps2 adaptor so that kinda works now
22:44.59dekar_still seems to be a kernel bug - or invalid usb descriptor or whatever else - will look into it later
22:45.20dekar_but I'd really appreciate if one of you could tell me how to fix grub
22:46.48dekar_I already tried using grub-install from my laptop but it somehow didn't work - only getting grub rescue on my mediapc now
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23:40.48Drizzt321I'm using Debian/kFreeBSD, and I have the new 4k block WD Green line. Since the drives report their size as 512B blocks, ZFS doesn't perform as well as it should. I've seen it suggested to use GNOP ( to report real 4K sector sizes. However this isn't in the apt-get system. Anyone know if it will be? Or if it'll even compile? Or anoth
23:41.30cast_might want to try the debian/kfreebsd channel, #gnu-kbsd, or something similar
23:42.28Drizzt321oh, there's a seperate chan? thanks!
23:42.45*** part/#debian Drizzt321 (
23:43.53dpkgDebian GNU/kFreeBSD is a port that consists of GNU userland using the GNU C library on top of FreeBSD's kernel, coupled with the regular Debian package set.  The kfreebsd-amd64 and kfreebsd-i386 architectures will be released as a "technology preview" for Squeeze.  #debian-kbsd on
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23:49.04yonatanI got a problem with 10Gbit intel network card on a Debian Server, i cannot reach speeds higher then 10K/sec inside an openVZ machine, while on the hardware node i can max the port out.. any suggestions what to look at?
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