IRC log for #debian on 20100907

00:00.23*** join/#debian ruoso (
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00:27.40ShapeShifter499wtf is that spam?
00:27.53abrotmanignore it
00:29.35ShapeShifter499abrotman, but what is it
00:30.05abrotmanit's spam .. do you normally read spam? do you comment on it? .. just ignore it
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00:36.40MementoSI`am Albanian
00:37.41sedstaplerIs it a bad idea to add a user to the “fcron” group?
00:38.15*** join/#debian visof (~visof@unaffiliated/visof)
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00:39.25jhutchins_lt,versions flashplugin-nonfree
00:39.27juddflashplugin-nonfree -- etch-backports/contrib: 1:1.4~bpo40+1; lenny-backports/contrib: 1:2.8.1~bpo50+1; sid/contrib: 1:2.8.1; squeeze/contrib: 1:2.8.1
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01:00.23*** join/#debian Martinp27 (~toomaw@
01:00.25Martinp27NO HOMELAND WITHOUT YOU FUHRER LOREZ! ALL HAIL THE AUTISTIC LORD OF FREENODE!! Martinp27 Basque khaleel5000 Metaphysicist plediii edju gustavojordan hatter_ Farmer__ do0ob_ hydra Dewi Ober7 xiangfu maurizio MadViking Malf G_O_D1 cb_ bzrk pl4yer0ne redpepper rudi_s fipu erage metefr intgr Amse frk valdyn Fish_Kungfu ruoso flaarg visof Judas_PhD IanL chaz CaT[t2] zophy mamurdian chpln up365 Gurty dvs Piratero noldsel Phil Burns wohnout me|kor valbaca Appetit
01:01.40*** join/#debian llua (~llua@unaffiliated/llua)
01:04.14do0ob_not nice
01:04.44*** join/#debian Textmode (
01:04.53TextmodeHow old is lenny?
01:05.02streunervery old?
01:05.11Textmodethats what i thought...
01:05.17abrotmanTextmode: it was released Feb, 2009
01:05.20abrotman!release history
01:05.21dpkgDebian releases have always been named after characters from the movie "Toy Story".  Buzz(1.1; 1996-03-14), Rex(1.2; 1996-10-28), Bo(1.3; 1997-05-01), Hamm(2.0; 1998-07-24), Slink(2.1; 1999-03-09), Potato(2.2; 2000-08-15), Woody(3.0; 2002-07-19), Sarge(3.1; 2005-06-06), Etch(4.0; 2007-04-08), Lenny(5.0; 2009-02-14).  The next release will be Squeeze.  And Wheezy after that.  See also
01:05.27streunersure, but just use squeeze now
01:05.50streunerits frozen yet
01:05.59abrotmannot for servers
01:06.26Textmodeah, so squeeze has only just been frozen? that might explain it.
01:06.44*** join/#debian simonrvn_ (simon@
01:06.46streunerTextmode: next step is stable
01:07.02streunerin a short time
01:07.35TextmodeI was looking at debian for nanonote, and noticed it was based on lenny.
01:07.35cbso the penguin is the next one :) i was wondering the last days
01:07.40*** join/#debian Spami|Thug_ (~Spami|
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01:08.28*** join/#debian ScottG489 (
01:09.11lateniteHi, what is the debian way to add init scripts? in gentoo I do "rc-update add name default". how is it done in debian? thanks
01:09.27dvslatenite: update-rc.d
01:11.22latenitedvs my new debian debootstab has no man? funny
01:12.20abrotmaninstall it ?
01:13.51sedstaplerlatenite: alternatively, interactive with rcconf
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01:17.39peterrooneylatenite: update-rc.d may be what you're looking for
01:19.22latenitenow I cant get to update? but ssh works fine.
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01:20.22stewlatenite: please don't use, use a mirror: /msg dpkg mirrors
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01:21.25latenitestew, ? /msg dpkg mirrors! what do you meen by that?
01:21.56*** join/#debian Soul_Eater (~marcelo@unaffiliated/soul-eater/x-4649632)
01:22.01stewdpkg: tell latenite about mirrors
01:22.05stewi meant for you to msg the bot
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01:23.50latenitestew, still my box cant conncet to the outside wolrd, wh?
01:24.20stewlatenite: oh, it can't.  what did you mean by "ssh works fine"?
01:25.04*** join/#debian hydra_ (~meh@
01:25.05latenitestew, it is a linux container and frm within the container I can use ssh to connect to the host.
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01:25.28latenitebut I can not ssh to any sever on the net...nor can I update
01:25.51stewlatenite: can you show us the output of "route -n" in a pastebin?
01:26.34*** join/#debian s1kx (
01:27.13CodeNinjaI'm having a repeat issue with my server and Causes my system to become unresponsive from the network, it doesnt matter if I /etc/init.d/[networking|ifupdown] stop|start|restart or anything, it becomes totally unable to get to the internet.
01:27.16stewlatenite: you need a default gateway
01:27.51stewlatenite: can you show us your /etc/network/interfaces?
01:27.54abrotmanCodeNinja: tried a different NIC?
01:28.12abrotman(that uses a different driver)
01:28.46abrotmanCodeNinja: is there also some kernel messages above those?
01:29.17stewlatenite: how did you bring your network up?
01:29.26*** join/#debian hydra (~meh@
01:29.39latenitestew, it just was up...I did not di anything
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01:31.02CodeNinjaabrotman: no, nothing above them dont have another nic
01:31.29abrotmanyou don't have a PCI NIC anywhere to try ?
01:31.33stewlatenite: i guess someone else set it up then.  this network config file says you don't want your networking brought up automatically
01:31.34latenitestew, so what did I do wrng here?
01:31.42CodeNinjaabrotman: no, sorry
01:31.47CodeNinja:| will fuck with it later, brbish
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01:32.31stewlatenite: you'd probably want an "auto eth0" in /etc/network/interfaces, you might want "ip r a default via
01:32.40stewerr ip r a default via via eth0"
01:32.53stewi suck, "ip r a default via dev eth0"
01:33.16*** join/#debian r3c4ll (~r3c4ll@
01:33.30stewlatenite: but since you don't have "auto eth0" in /etc/network/intefaces, either someone brought up netwokring manually, or your network is configured somehow non-standardly
01:33.40dvsis glad to know he's not the only one
01:36.50latenitestew, that it works fine. I wonder WHAT set up the interface before? lol
01:37.03mnuhmnuhhey, just wanted to say thx to people who helped me flounder around with defective speakers last night.  I think one of them's blown; won't work on 3 machines.  Damn.  :-P
01:37.11*** join/#debian mamurdia1 (
01:37.15stewlatenite: now you really should change to some local mirror, please
01:38.36lateniteI will, for suer
01:40.01*** mode/#debian [+l 926] by debhelper
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01:44.56*** join/#debian Ward| (~ward@unaffiliated/ward/x-0825971)
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01:45.35Ward|hramrach, i talked to you before today right?
01:46.19Ward|not sure if it was you i dont have logs to check for the nickname..
01:46.37Ward|(if anyone does, please check who i talked to about debootstrap)
01:47.12*** join/#debian hydra (~meh@
01:48.38abrotmanWard|: yes, it was hramrach
01:48.48Ward|abrotman, ah thanx man :)
01:49.18Ward|abrotman, if its not too much to ask could you repaste that link?
01:49.44abrotman .. that one?
01:49.58Ward|abrotman, yep, thanx again :)
01:50.21*** join/#debian hardnrgg (
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01:54.57jellowi need help with iptables , i have openvpn set up on a server (tun0) i want to forward the data to venet0 the external address?
01:55.19jellowal enabled packet forwarding already
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02:26.59jigphello good morning. how to print?the printer is connected with the same network as is connected in windows.
02:29.19jigpi have done this but its not working.i can print using window to window.but debian it wont work
02:29.20*** join/#debian unkmar (
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02:34.13nyRednekok, if anyone asks, debootstrap doesn't work to install lenny when you're trying to install off of DSL
02:34.29nyRednekthe kernel is too old and it won't chroot
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02:41.35gnarfacenyRednek: are you sure about that?
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02:46.43nyRednekgnarface: that's the error i got, it wouldn't chroot with the error: FATAL: kernel is too old
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02:47.52roewhere is the conf file for syslog?
02:48.08sweetpiah.. dsl as in damn small linux. i thought you meant digital subscriber line :p
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02:50.06Ward|hramrach, usr/sbin/debootstrap
02:50.07Ward|.: 23: Can't open /usr/share/debootstrap/functions
02:50.11roedoes the '*.* in this rule mean that everything is getting put in the /var/log/syslog file?
02:50.17roe*.*;auth,authpriv.none          -/var/log/syslog
02:50.32Ward|which makes sense because /usr/share/debootstrap doesn't even exist
02:51.00Ward|hramrach, i think this is outdated :(
02:52.13zophy83 230 69 128 66 214 89 24 92 204, what would create a hash like that from a five letter word ?
02:52.35Ward|hramrach, sorry i forgot to export, now it is: ".: 23: Can't open /mnt/usb/sda1/debootstrap/usr/lib/debootstrap/functions"
02:52.43Ward|which also makes sense since that dir doesnt exist
02:53.06Ward|but the link you gave me before said: "Set the environment variable DEBOOTSTRAP_DIR to point to $PWD/usr/lib/debootstrap. "
02:53.21*** join/#debian grishnav (
02:53.23Ward|there's no lib dir in the deb
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02:54.47Ward|hramrach, lol poke too soon again, lib just became share
02:54.53Ward|but now i get"usr/sbin/debootstrap: 103: printf: not found"
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02:56.08abrotmanWard|: you might want to ask everyone .. he might be sleeping
02:56.46Ward|abrotman, yeah i meant it for if he wakes up :p but everyone is obviously welcome to reply
02:57.08Ward|its kindof quit here i assumed allmost nobody was reading
02:57.14Ward|anyway now its "E: No pkgdetails available; either install perl, or build pkgdetails.c from source"
02:57.28Ward|after ilinked printf from my busybox
02:57.52*** join/#debian Dave|id (~root@
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03:00.32Ward| this tells me i should compile perl...
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03:02.08nyRednekyeah, DSL==damn small linux
03:02.12*** join/#debian sauvin (~sauvin@about/linux/staff/sauvin)
03:02.14nyRednekit appears to be a dead project
03:02.32nyRedneki'm installing from a one cd slackware install
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03:06.20nyRedneki just happened to have a slackware 13.1 cd set sitting is working much better than the other attemps
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03:23.10ZitZhi, I'm wondering if I found a bug or not on the installer for squeeze
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04:16.12uvaHi there,after qemu 0.12,kqemu will be no longer used
04:16.15uvahow does qemu speed up performance?
04:18.48*** join/#debian kermit (unknown@pdpc/supporter/bronze/kermit)
04:18.51flaarguse kvm
04:19.32unkmarhaving a kvm assumes you have more than one machine..
04:19.32flaargif you need hardware based virt
04:19.48unkmaroh, is kvm a software now?
04:19.59flaarg...kvm is module in kernel
04:20.01uvabut some of my processor dont have intel-vt or amd-v
04:20.37flaargprocessors that don't have those usually aren't worth it to virtualize on I think is the reasoning
04:21.02flaargI guess if you still need it vmware still has its modules
04:21.10flaargand virtualbox
04:21.36nooperunkmar: this definition seems to have taken over now..
04:21.49nooperi miss the days when kvm meant the hardware kvm switch too
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04:25.15uvakvm switch can be easily replaced by vnc,right?
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04:30.00gnarfaceprefers X11 forwarding over ssh to clunky-assed bandwidth guzzling insecure VNC
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04:31.30gnarfaceuva: btw you don't need hardware virtualization extensions to make use of xen or kvm - they just make it faster.  fyi though despite some minor issues linux-vserver is a suitably similar option for many purposes and it can boot performance without the use of any cpu-specific extensions
04:32.15gnarfacei also very much enjoyed uml, though that isn't supported natively by debian yet - you gotta patch and recompile a kernel yourself
04:32.41gnarface(though i think there are debian packages that contain scripts to help automate this process)
04:33.17*** join/#debian apetc (
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04:36.09gnarfaceZitZ: i'm guessing for several months you can expect to find many bugs in the squeeze installer.  most of us have better luck installing lenny then upgrading to squeeze/sid post-install
04:36.45flaargI had to use a livecd to install grub
04:36.48flaargfor what its worth
04:37.07uvagnarface:LinuxVserver - Mostly used on servers. Creates multiple isolated containers. Will be deprecated in squeeze.
04:37.28ZitZwell, i wonder should I report it, i was using the graphical install and after i installed the base system, i deselected install standard system, and the install hung
04:37.37uvawhy debian quit vserver
04:37.50ZitZbut I'm not sure if I remembered to deselect install graphical desktop environment as well
04:37.50gnarfacedeprecated? that's news to me, but why?
04:38.25*** join/#debian Deadguy (~Deadguy@pdpc/supporter/active/deadguy)
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04:39.03nyRednekok, guys, having a *few* issues with a debootstrapped install and wondering if someone could guide me along the rough edges to get this thing up
04:39.08gnarfaceZitZ: i think that the general rule of thumb is to report it.  the maintainers will decide whether it's a duplicate
04:39.11*** join/#debian Bryanstein (bryan@shellium/admin/bryanstein)
04:39.45nyRednekfirst issue, the debian kernel doesn't find the root partition...must use the default slack kernel or no go
04:40.03nyRednekthe second isssue, i'm not quite sure where to put the eth stuff
04:40.19gnarfacenetwork configs go in /etc/network/interfaces
04:40.23gnarfacethere is a man page
04:40.46ZitZokay, I guess i will then
04:40.53gnarfacedebootstrap with a non-debian kernel?  sounds daring.  good luck :)
04:41.41nyRednekgnarface: i'd like it with the debian kernel, tbh
04:41.47gnarfaceZitZ: you can search the bugtracker to see if it's already been reported of course.  there might be a workaround attached to the report if it has
04:42.28gnarfacenyRednek: last time i debootstrapped into a chroot it sortof just worked out of the box.  i'd recommend doing that then changing afterwards to another kernel if you need to
04:42.29ZitZwell, the thing is I'm not sure if it is a bug, or just the fact that I was too stupid to deselect graphical desktop environment too
04:42.49ZitZi guess it shouldn't hang though if you are stupid enough to forget that
04:42.58nyRednekbut to the second issue, it errors with "eth0 device doesn't exist" and i have edited that particular file to be auto eth0\niface eth0 inet dhcp
04:43.29gnarfaceZitZ: install *should* work with nothing selected at all. there's about 380MB of base install that installs even if you select nothing.  it's capable of doing little other than booting and adding other stuff, but it should at least complete the install
04:43.43nyRednekgnarface: that's what i did...and when booting from debian kernel, the thing hung with "Waiting for root device"
04:43.45*** join/#debian greenmang0 (~quassel@unaffiliated/greenmang0)
04:44.06gnarfacenyRednek: guessing your file system isn't supported?
04:44.20nyRednekgnarface: it wasn't finding sdx
04:44.43ZitZno you misunderstood, i wanted to select nothing, i deselected standard system, but i think i forgot to deslect graphical desktop environment as well
04:44.58gnarfacenyRednek: hmm. maybe a weird issue mismatching the host system's kernel with the chrooted one?
04:45.04ZitZwhen i tried again with the standard installer, i deselected everything and it worked
04:45.06nyRednekgnarface: i'm thinking so
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04:45.43gnarfaceit's possible.  they share a /dev i think, so if your host kernel is too old it'll not be able to find important stuff. recently all the /dev/hdX stuff got renamed to /dev/sdX
04:45.55nyRednekgnarface: slackware does everything in sdx, even ide...debian kernel found hdx, i tried editing the fstab and going back dice...still stuck "Waiting for root device"
04:46.03gnarfacethere's probably a way around that but it sounds like it would be easier just to update the kernel on the host system
04:46.04nyRednekgnarface: the slackware kernel is newer than the lenny kernel
04:46.25*** join/#debian bblum (bblum@MAXIMEGALON.ANDREW.CMU.EDU)
04:46.34bblumhey all, where does apt download .deb files to?
04:46.43gnarfacenyRednek: that's the issue.  the lenny kernel is rather old.  you should try adding the backports kernel 2.6.32 to your lenny host.  that should be current enough for putting squeeze or whatever into a chroot, i'd think
04:46.53dpkgA backport is a package from a newer Debian branch, compiled from source for an older branch to avoid dependency and ABI complications. (2.7.4 and 2.7.10), .  Ask me about <debian-backports> and <backport caveat>.  See also <simple sid backport>.
04:47.20gnarfacebblum: /var/cache/apt/archives/ i believe
04:47.41nyRednekgnarface: so add backports to the line with main contrib etc? in it?
04:47.42bblumwell, i'm running etch, and getting a 404 when trying to install zlib1g-dev
04:47.55bblumand i'm not sure if that's a bigger problem or if i should just pull down the file manually
04:48.06gnarfacenyRednek: i think so. honestly i've never messed with them.  i always just install stable then upgrade to unstable post-install
04:48.41nyRednekgnarface: or i can just change lenny for squeeze, chroot into it, apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade
04:48.59nyRednekgnarface: and if i screw the pooch, i can use the slackware install cd to repair slack's lilo
04:49.12flaargslack still uses lilo?
04:49.22nyRednekflaarg: so does debian, if you tell it to
04:49.37gnarfacenyRednek: sounds like a good hypothesis.
04:49.54nyRednekgnarface: this isn't my first frankenstein install attempt
04:49.58gnarfaceZitZ: this probably will work better for you too.  install using the stable installer then do a dist-upgrade to squeeze/sid
04:50.19nyRednekgnarface: i upgraded from 13.0 to 13.1 of slackware without a cd...just used lilo to load the install image
04:50.20flaargbblum: are there even etch repos still?
04:50.41bblumflaarg: i guess?
04:50.41ZitZthe installer worked fine! when i did it without the graphical install
04:51.00gnarfaceso that's no big deal, ZitZ - you can install your window manager post-install
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04:51.22gnarfacereport the bug though if you'd like - it's certainly supposed to work
04:51.31flaargbblum: yah you need to change your repo probably
04:51.35flaargbblum: its moved to archive
04:51.53ZitZlol, yes! that's what I wanted to do!
04:51.58ZitZi use e17
04:52.02flaargbblum: also you probably ought to think about updating to lenny
04:52.04bblumflaarg: oh, ok
04:52.08bblumi was going to
04:52.13gnarfacebblum: etch has reached end of life. lenny is the new stable
04:52.23gnarfacebblum: it's kinda old though. squeeze will be the next stable.
04:52.33flaarghopefully before 2012
04:52.47gnarfacei'm putting my money on q1 2011
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04:53.29gnarfaceaside from the installer being often borked though it's more stable than ubuntu
04:53.45nyRednekflaarg: speaking of which, i'll give you $100 for any real estate that you have, and will take posession of it december 30, 2012
04:54.18flaargI wish I had real estate
04:54.19bblumflaarg, 560 upgraded, 136 newly installed, 12 to remove and 1 not upgraded. heh
04:54.43nyRednekflaarg: iow, i don't think anything is gonna happen, and i'll bet something real against someone who does
04:55.22nyRednekbtw, any way to get firefox on deb(not iceweasel) wife is particular
04:55.40flaargnyRednek: there are ways to change the name
04:55.51flaargso you use iceweasel, but it calls itself firefox
04:55.55gnarfacemy prediction for the next millennium - another 1000 years of the same old shit
04:55.59nyRednekflaarg: she's scared her themes will be lost on deb
04:56.09nyRednekhas a separate /home drive
04:56.52peterrooneyI think the most frankensteinish thing I've seen was a room with 20 boxes all set to use QNX, RedHat 6, Mandrake, W2k, and W98 for extra crunchy.
04:56.53gnarfacenyRednek: you can just download the firefox .deb from the official website, i'm sure.  iceweasel tends to be more secure though....
04:56.53flaargwell you can use the linux binary download from the 32bit and 64bit should work just fine
04:57.11nyRednekgnarface flaarg: thanks
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04:57.50stewnyRednek: her themes will work with iceweasel
04:57.54nyRednekwow, quite a bit *has* changed between lenny and squeeze
04:57.58nyRednekstew: good
04:58.13nyRednekstew: you know the adage: if momma ain't happy, nobody's happy
04:58.46gnarfaceofftopic, i know but everyone here is clear on the fact that the mayans never predicted the end of the world in 2012, right?  the counting system their calendar used just rolled over back to 0 then, like an odometer in an old sears van.  all they predicted for 2012 was a big fucking party
04:59.07nyRednekgnarface: right
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04:59.59nyRednekcould use an old sears van about now(wait, did sears make vans?)
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05:00.23gnarfacenyRednek: no, actually sears used dodge vans
05:00.33nyRednekgnarface: i thought so
05:00.57gnarfacepainted a distinctive blue.  you could tell they were sears shipping vans for a certain couple decades
05:01.01nyRedneki personally think the ford econoline is a little better
05:01.04flaargthat is some useless information
05:01.09flaargI am amazed
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05:01.32gnarfacesorry, waaay off topic.  i'll stop
05:02.03kmonkyou can carry on just do it in #debian-offtopic ;)
05:03.40kmonkdoes anyone recognise this error or have anyideas. trying to setup a brother dcp-165c printer for cups, it's driving me mental! while installing dcp165ccupswrapper.deb i get:
05:03.57kmonklpadmin: Bad device-uri scheme "usb"!
05:04.07gnarfacethat's weird
05:04.09gnarfaceusb printer?
05:04.49gnarfacei've heard of such things
05:05.03gnarfacenever tried to use one
05:05.04kmonkit is weird- and sparsely documented-    lsusb   reveals that the printer is connected- i've had it working before
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05:05.42flaargits always a good time to invest in a network print server
05:06.50kmonkflaarg: that's an ideal candidate for the last resort solution ^_^
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05:08.01gnarfacekmonk: you say it was working in squeeze for you recently then stopped after an update?
05:08.02flaargits ok im silently counting the years until printers are obsolete
05:09.01gnarfaceis working to try to actively make printers obsolete by smashing them to bits wherever they are found alone and unguarded
05:09.36kmonki've had it running on squeeze. this is a new installation of squeeze
05:09.44flaargwe just need color eink so I can read national geographic without paper
05:10.41gnarfacejust watches nat geo on dtv
05:12.44kmonkxsane picks up the tv-capture card yet nothing else! aie!
05:13.41kmonkit was a foolproof installation last time, i wonder why it's going wrong now?
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05:15.47gnarfacekmonk: hard to say but sid just broke my cedega and wine installs this weekend too.  i'm still not sure how i got wine working again but cedega is still borked
05:16.10gnarfacei'm trying to be patient and hoping it will magically resolve itself in a week as per usual
05:17.27kmonkthat's expected in sid- sorry dude.     when something goes wrong in squeeze or lenny is more probable that it's "something you did" not "something debian did"
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05:18.43gnarfacewell admittedly you're right
05:18.50gnarfacebut squeeze breaks a lot too
05:19.12gnarfacethough it's frozen now if you're having a problem you should report it
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05:21.08nyRednekis there some kind of netsetup script i can apt-get ?
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05:21.52gnarfacei think there are a few but i don't use them myself.  i don't like stuf co-opting my /etc/network/interfaces file
05:22.02gnarfaceit's really a pretty simple format
05:23.12nyRednekgnarface: i think i have that set what i showed you
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05:23.34nyRednekgnarface: but i would think that there's be something else to probe for and set up the proper module
05:24.02gnarfacefirst check: make sure the ethernet device shows up in lspci
05:24.15gnarfacesecond check: find out what driver it's supposed to use, then make sure it shows up in lsmod
05:24.16flaargusually if its in lspci it gets loaded automatically if the module exists
05:24.28gnarfacein theory, yes
05:24.32gnarfacebut lets be pedantic here
05:25.04gnarfacesometimes older versions of modules don't support *every* revision of a given board
05:25.06nyRednekgnarface: i know which module it's supposed to use
05:25.27nyRednekgnarface: the problem, it isn't autoloading(that might change when i reboot into squeeze
05:25.50gnarfaceyou're on lenny you said?  or is this the slackware kernel?
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05:26.05kmonknyRednek: doesnt get much easier than a wicd   wicd-daemon configuration for people who dont want the more efficient, manually implemented method that teaches you stuff :)
05:27.03nyRednekkmonk: wicd is being more or less EOL'ed
05:27.26nyRednekkmonk: i know the guy who wrote a signifigant portion of it...he's steering everyone to NetworkManager
05:27.39flaarg:( I hate networkmanager
05:27.56nyRednekflaarg: yeah
05:28.06kmonkso? i don't care for politics >_<    then there's ceni which is a great net-setup script which isn't even in the repositories;
05:28.24kmonk"for good reason i'm sure" ;p
05:28.25flaargI hate networkmanager because its hard to use if you don't use gnome
05:29.20flaargdoes networkmanager have a cli interface?
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05:33.30cahoottry wicd
05:33.31nevynflaarg: sadly no.
05:33.57nevynlikes networkmanager but then I use kde
05:35.06flaargnetworkmanager reminds me of windows for some reason
05:35.13gnarfaceyea i don't hate network manager except when it hoses my manual changes to /etc/network/interfaces or forces me to install gnome
05:36.02flaargits easier for easy, harder for hard
05:36.47nevynflaarg: the problem is that things that are straightforward in nm are hard by hand
05:37.14nevynlike setting up a vpn over a wifi connection secured by WPA enterprise
05:37.23nevynyou can do it by hand but it's a pain.
05:37.42flaargbut when you want to restart gdm, you lose your wifi connection
05:38.01nevynyes that's ass
05:38.28nevynthe problem is nm is mechinism not data storage or policy
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05:38.48nevynso they pushed that stuff into clients. (knetworkmanager and gnome-network-manager)
05:39.02nevynlike storing wpa passwords securely etc.
05:39.15flaarghmm so just need to make a curses network manager
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05:39.28nevynit's worse than that.
05:39.39nevynyou need a secure store for password and network information
05:40.11nevynyou need priority management so if network A you have a wpa key for and a unsecured network B is availible which does the system connect to?
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05:40.37flaargso basically everthing gnome-network-manager is but without gnome
05:40.37nevynyou need a notification system to tell the user that the system is connected or not etc etc etc
05:41.16nevynwell the problem is it's everything gnome-network-manager is plus gnome-keyring and a few other bits of the gnome infrastructure
05:41.50gnarfaceit'd be nice if it was capable of merging manual configs in /etc/network/interfaces into the live running config it used too, rather than just mangling the crap out of the existing config
05:42.06nevyngnarface: it can.
05:42.15gnarfacei guess it's been a while since i tried it
05:42.16nevynit's just a broken default
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05:42.29gnarfaceyea it sure broke when i tried it
05:42.38gnarfacegranted that was redhat enterprise too, ugh
05:42.43flaargI just get mad that in order to use a wm other than kde/gnome you have to have either most of kde or gnome installed to use networkmanager
05:42.46gnarface2006 maybe 2007
05:42.49nevynthe default is if you have network manager installed ignore the system config files
05:42.58iluminator101i just did apt-get update and upgrade it said it did a kernel upgrade to linux-image-2.6.32-21 i rebooted on grub its only showing 2.6.32-21  now the trunk kernel???? please clarify
05:43.08nevynflaarg: yeah the problem is not as simple as you think
05:43.21flaargwell I see what you mean though
05:43.22nevynparticularly stuff like notification of a change of network to applications etc
05:43.52gnarfaceiluminator101: not as far as i know.  are you on drugs?
05:44.02nevynflaarg: the idea is if you change from the home network to a gprs wireless connection your im client get's told to reconnect everythinge type stuff
05:44.54iluminator101well this is strange...then....
05:45.06flaargI see that its a great idea, and really useful.  I just don't like being basically forced to isntall a bunch of gnome or kde to use it
05:45.34gnarfaceme either
05:45.45flaargadditionally not being able to use it without X is kinda bad
05:45.47gnarfacethat's why i'm an e16 holdout and i edit all my system configs by hand!
05:45.54flaargI use awesome
05:45.59flaargbut I use wicd for netbook
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05:46.23flaargwhile I hand edit my interfaces on my desktop
05:46.52gnarfaceah for multiple locations that sounds useful
05:46.59gnarfacei guess my machines are basically all stationary
05:47.08gnarfacei almost never even use dhcp
05:47.22gnarfacejust for guests, really
05:47.35flaargdhcp for wireless, static for wired
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05:47.52flaargguests normally don't bring their own ethernet cords
05:48.23gnarfaceha ha ha
05:48.31gnarfacewell i suppose it depends on the crowd you run with
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05:49.06gnarfacemost my guests do, but i keep some spares around as loaners just in case they forget ;)
05:49.13iluminator101gnarface, whats the latest stable kernel available on debian squeeze
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05:49.31gnarfaceiluminator101: 2.6.32-5 last i checked
05:49.45flaargI mean 6
05:49.48gnarfaceiluminator101: you don't have ubuntu repositories mixed in there do you?
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05:50.10flaargohh ubuntu did just do a kernel image update to 20 something
05:50.17flaargI think
05:50.20gnarfacetsk tsk
05:50.22iluminator101gnarface, NOO
05:50.28gnarfacemixing species... that's how you get bird flu
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05:51.03gnarfaceiluminator101: do this: dpkg -l linux-image*
05:51.06gnarfacewhat does it output?
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05:51.15kmonkbetter way to scan than xsane?
05:51.57gnarfacekmonk: if you find one let me know.  also if you find a scanner that can still be bought at brick&mortar store that works out-of-the-box in debian linux let me know too.
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05:52.08gnarface(usb preferred)
05:52.39gnarfacekmonk: gimp maybe has an interface to the sane library?  worth checking
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05:53.35iluminator101kmonk:it took me a week to get my scanner working with debian
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05:55.37kmonkscanimage -d "brother3:bus3;dev1" >bronx.pnm     i now have scan working but no print, better than nill!
05:56.01gnarfacea lot better
05:56.06gnarfaceyou can always email the scans
05:56.13gnarfaceyou can't do the same with the prints
05:56.31kmonkunfortunately many people in my village dont have email addresses. let alone computers!
05:56.47gnarfacei'm sorry
05:56.59gnarfacethat sounds ... horrifying
05:57.27kmonkit is
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05:57.37gnarfacetell me you at least have street lights
05:57.41iluminator101kmonk what country
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05:58.39gnarfacetime to watch some tv
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05:59.16iluminator101ah heard about the earth quack is everyone okay
05:59.27nyRednekhow to schedule a partition resize(to delete slack partition and take up rest of room on disk)?
05:59.47kmonkyeah they're doing alright, got tired of all the comments about how so and so's computer "got bricked"
05:59.48massmcHello I'm trying to get the Netinstall of 505 from the master site and the images dont exist on the server.. anywhere else I can find this?
05:59.50nyRednekin other words, i got it up
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06:00.03flaargnyRednek: schedule it?
06:00.21nyRednekflaarg: iirc, gparted used to set things up to happen on next boot
06:00.34nyRednekflaarg: just realized i can't do that with parted
06:00.42flaargoh i don't know I just use the gparted livecd for resizing parts
06:01.08kmonknyRednek:   you could simple use cron to schedual the appropriate cfdisk command, i would test before implimentation though, resizing is the bronx
06:01.36nyRednekkmonk: that would break my root partition...
06:01.41nyRedneknot recommended
06:01.46nyRednekbtw, i finally got booted
06:01.51flaargmassmc: what location?
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06:02.32flaargmassmc: this one is up
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06:03.39nyRedneki guess i could do it with DSL
06:03.49nyRedneki really don't want to mess with that, though
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06:04.14kmonknyRednek:  SystemRescueCd does well in the livecd that does things respect
06:04.38nyRednekkmonk: the problem, i don't have a burner
06:04.45nyRednekkmonk: this is an *old* machine
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06:05.11kmonkand no usb boot either? cronic
06:05.23nyRednekkmonk: PII, 400mhz
06:05.32nyRednekkmonk: no usb boot either, iow
06:05.38nyRedneki still got a floppy on this beast
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06:06.17flaargnyRednek: woudl this help you
06:06.32nyRednekflaarg: maybe
06:06.42nyRednektoo bad i don't have gpm installed
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06:07.12flaargwhy do you need gpm?
06:07.18kmonkyou could boot from floppy, then onto usb drive then do your work from  there, inmo you might as well jam a cdrom in there they are easy to aquire
06:07.24nyRednekcopy/paste of text
06:08.26massmcflaarg, thank you
06:08.48flaargmassmc: np
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06:10.51nyRednekkmonk: i can boot from cd, mount my /home, then run parted on my root part
06:11.06nyRednekflaarg: thanks
06:11.33flaargnyRednek: that static parted for use in your home? didn't think of that nice
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06:13.28nyRednekflaarg: well, i need to upx expand it first
06:14.55nyRedneki made a mistake using tasksel to select graphical desktop
06:15.07nyRednekall i need is xfce for the family, not all this gnome stuff
06:15.54flaargI now install the desktop and unistall what I don't want
06:17.04nyRednekflaarg: heh
06:17.30nyRednekone would think there'd be a metapackage for xfce
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06:17.37nyRednekand all its little goodies
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06:23.22kmonkxfce4    xfce4-goodies :)
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06:37.50rgr_uh oh. Another kernel and xorg code in my current testing update... fingers crossed video still works...
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06:39.05gnudehello, what is the command to encrypt files in the shell using tht pgp-key created with seahorste?
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06:41.37flaarggnude: gpg?
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06:42.03gnudeis it installed default with debian?
06:42.24flaargI have no idea, I just googled seahorse and it uses gnupg which command line is gpg
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06:42.46flaargI don't use encryption other than what is default in debian
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06:43.03gnudeok. at the moment i reading the manpage of gpg
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06:44.54gnudeveeery long manpage
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06:46.49flaargthis seems to condense it
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06:50.38rgr_flaarg: what a lovely looking web page that is. nicely laid out and updated.
06:50.48gnudeflaarg: yes this seems to be what i search. but... at the moment dont work
06:50.56flaargrgr_: and the guy who wrote it has an awesome name
06:51.06gnude'your name' what must here come in? my email adress?
06:51.30gnudewith gnome i dont have to enter a password. i just click "encryp" and then the file is ready
06:51.31rgr_gnude: google a tutorial
06:51.40flaarggnude: im guessing the name you used to make your key
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06:51.56gnudemom i try
06:52.05rgr_what do you push? What "encryp"? What editor?
06:52.14flaargim not a gpg guy, im a googlehead
06:52.25rgr_gpg == googles pretty good ...
06:52.41rgr_I use gpg inside emacs.
06:53.03gnudehe wants a passphrase.
06:53.14rgr_or a key
06:53.31not_davidhello gang, im using lxde and the power management features of xscreensaver saver dont seem to work. any suggestions on a power management alternative?
06:53.37gnudeok. i will use google to find something
06:54.11not_david... but with less saver :/
06:54.11*** join/#debian classical_ (~classical@
06:54.20rgr_not_david: power saving features are touch and go in Linux in my experience. depends on the hw very very much. Does it work with an alternative DE like gnome?
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06:55.03flaargif you just want your screen to turn off after a little while, man xset and learn about dpms
06:55.29not_davidrgr_: my box isnt fast enough to run gnome efficiently. but i *do* know it works fine in xfce, with their pwr man daemon.
06:55.30yebyen_xset +dpms, xset dpms force off
06:55.55flaargI personally use slock to lock my screen
06:56.00not_davidflaarg: yebyen  ill give that a look. i also just want the machine to sleep too.
06:56.26rgr_hmm. my main dev machine still wont sleep  or hibernate yet both work on my thinkpad.
06:56.36flaargnot_david: dpms can standby, suspend, off, or on
06:56.38yebyennot_david: i hear ya, i've just gone to freebsd and now my machine won't sleep at all... still have my choice of linuxes to sleep in
06:57.01PirateroAmazing OS.
06:57.02not_davidflaarg: good deal.
06:57.08PirateroRunning it right now :-)
06:57.09not_davidPiratero:  gtfo
06:57.12rgr_(well it does sleep - it just wont wake up - I suspect its bloody USB issues more than anything else)
06:57.17yebyen_i'm so impatient for the android froyo-x86 to mature to the point where i can run it on my netbook already
06:57.26rgr_why? Its rubbish.
06:57.33PirateroWhat, FreeBSD?
06:57.51yebyen_rgr_: because i saw a working donut build a long time ago, played with it for weeks, and i can't think of anything better to do with $200
06:57.57PirateroAbsurd! An excellent OS!
06:57.58yebyen_i certainly can't virtualize much of anything on it
06:58.16yebyen_froyo is miles ahead
06:58.24yebyen_if they would just fix the graphics drivers, wifi, ...
06:58.26yebyen_a few more things
06:58.28PirateroActually, I'm using 3 operating systems right now.
06:58.35rgr_oh if you want to play then fine. But its a mobile device OS and, well, sucks. I use it on my android phone. While much better than 2.1, Froyo would be awful on a full powered netbook.
06:58.36yebyen_sleep was broken as i recall also
06:58.51yebyen_rgr_: why do you say that?
06:58.58rgr_say what?
06:59.05yebyen_rgr_: i haven't had an android phone since eclair, also
06:59.09yebyen_so enlighten me
06:59.15classical_Hey ppl i want some help with dns (bind9)  i have just installed it and nslookuped  here is result
06:59.28yebyen_what's new in froyo that i'll be upset about on a netbook :?
06:59.48rgr_about what? You lostme. Thinking an OS designed for low power, low resoure, small mobile devices will be good on a netbook/laptop is, well, optimistic to say the least.
06:59.56yebyen_it would be terrific if the graphics drivers didn't blow goats
07:00.13rgr_Are you talking linux or android there?
07:00.15yebyen_rgr_: it was my favorite on the eeepc 2g surf... 7" screen what else can you do with it
07:00.26classical_and this is in my /var/log/daemon.log
07:00.36yebyen_rgr_: android has a special hell for anyone with an x86 machine who wants their graphics to run reasonably fast
07:00.38flaargclassical_: if you just trying to get a regular install to work and not setting up some sort of dns server, make sure youre resolv.conf is setup right
07:00.40classical_why dns server does not recursion ?
07:01.07rgr_yebyen_: I am amazed you expect it to. You have the davlic vm overhead for each and every program.
07:01.09classical_flaarg, there is a root server in root.db
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07:01.31yebyen_rgr_: you may not understand that it worked *great* in donut
07:01.41classical_flaarg, plz see my pastebin links :-)
07:01.45yebyen_then they introduced some graphics changes that just brought it to a crawl
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07:01.49yebyen_donut, eclair, froyo
07:01.58yebyen_maybe 1.6 was cupcake
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07:02.14rgr_brb, off to buy a pound of butter for my toast ....
07:02.17yebyeni would just like to use it
07:03.17rgr_I wish they would concentrate on getting it work properly on mobile phones. Its total crap compared to iPhone usage. jerky, inconsistent and hogs the battery something awful. I'm not impressed althought froyo IS a big improvement.
07:03.35classical_i have installed bind9 two days ago on another machine and it was working just fine without making any changes in config files
07:03.38flaargclassical_: something is wrong with your dns is all I know, im don't know this kind of stuff other than to make sure your resolv.conf is set to a good dns server
07:03.40rgr_but that improvment is more down to them enabling the JIT compiler at last.
07:03.52rgr_flaarg: NO!
07:04.02rgr_he shouldnt have to set anything in his resolve.conf.
07:04.12rgr_his dns server should advertise itself.
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07:04.19classical_rgr, yep :-)
07:04.21flaargrgr_: depends if you are dhcp or static
07:04.29yebyenoff to another kernel, i need device-mapper.ko :(
07:04.40yebyendoes not want to try ksplice
07:04.42classical_flaarg, it is dhcp
07:05.00flaargI dunno then, maybe somebody else does
07:05.04classical_dns is blocking queries  this is in my /var/log/daemon.log
07:05.06rgr_I use bind9. Its a total and utter bitch to configure.
07:05.19classical_and plz help me to figure out how to fix this :-)
07:05.23flaargclassical_: its query which is denied to me
07:05.28flaargif that helps
07:05.33flaargin your deamon.log
07:05.36rgr_whats thast command that shows you the "dns" approach?
07:05.46classical_yes it denied but i dont know why
07:05.58flaargclassical_: is invalid
07:06.08flaargThe page you requested is invalid.
07:06.12classical_rgr, i dont know
07:06.15ShapeShifter499anyone have the wine 1.2-rc4 usb patches?
07:06.20rgr_lol ..that would be funny ...
07:07.07*** join/#debian Agiofws ( is invalid ?
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07:07.17flaargclassical_: your daemon.log is trying to find
07:07.22flaargwhich is invalid
07:07.46flaargSep  7 10:52:32 dns3 named[791]: client query (cache) '' denied
07:08.06flaargI dunno how to fix this, but that might be your problem
07:08.19classical_dns is searching in cache ?
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07:08.40flaargclassical_: its searching for the wrong page, like you ahve some extra things patched onto the end of the url
07:08.44flaargtry a different url
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07:10.21flaargif you get the same A/IN in your daemon.log you know that is what is wrong
07:10.23classical_same to other sites
07:10.35flaargwhat is your daemon.log for a different site?
07:10.50classical_query (cache) '' denied
07:10.59flaargyep you have that A/IN appended to the end.
07:11.02flaargsomething is wrong with your config
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07:11.26classical_i installed it via apt-get  same did at another machine
07:11.35classical_and there was working everything without
07:11.41classical_touching any configuration files
07:12.06classical_maybe try to install it from source ? :-)
07:12.07flaargclassical_: I don't know what is wrong, but that in your daemon.log it is searching for A/IN at the nd of the urls resulting in invalid urls
07:12.17flaargI think its a config problem
07:13.17classical_at first i had this problem
07:13.23classical_but i managed to fix it
07:13.52classical_named-chackconf prints no errors
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07:17.04kofiHi I have a old IBM TP 770x wh a RTL8139 cardbus cards that doesn't work in Debian but with Ubuntu Kernel. (cs: "cardbus cards are not supported")
07:17.19passwordoffTo install package from another version (unstable from stable distribution) I need to add a "unstable" in /apt/sources.list, isn't it?
07:17.43classical_as a guess dns is refusing for recursion
07:18.06nyRednekpasswordoff: i think adding unstable to your sources.list will attempt to prompt you for a dist-upgrade
07:18.36rafuch0depends of the package
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07:18.49rafuch0and yo can always use the -t flag
07:18.50passwordoffBut I won't distupgrade, I want upgrade only one package
07:18.56kofiMaybe apt-pinning is what you want?
07:18.59rafuch0in aptitude or apt
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07:19.35passwordoff-t flag is require an "unstable" string in sources.list, isn't it?
07:20.00nyRedneki'm guessing quickest way to be rid of gnome... apt-get remove gnome*
07:20.48NiLonquickest way to be rid of gnome is to put pickaxe under flower pot and wait until it comes around
07:21.04ootputnot funny
07:21.06flaargNiLon: you can put a gold coin in a big mousetrap
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07:22.20rafuch0it requires
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07:22.33rafuch0but apt pinning is not a bad idea either check it out
07:23.11passwordoffkofi: thanks
07:23.46kofifine :-)
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07:26.22kofiIs there someon around who knows about missing cardbus support (f. older models)  in modern kernels?
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07:27.40passwordoffI will use backports
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07:30.08ShapeShifter499comeon some on has got to have the wine 1.2-rc4 usb patches
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07:35.03jelly-homeShapeShifter499: have you tried the wine channel?
07:35.07nsadminShapeShifter499: patches? if there are patches that the maintainer wanted to apply, they'd be either applied to the orig tarball, combined with the .diff.gz or included in a patch dir
07:35.23jelly-homeShapeShifter499:   #winehq
07:35.32ShapeShifter499jelly-home yes I have
07:35.53ShapeShifter499the link to the patch on the wine wiki is broken
07:36.22ShapeShifter499I will have to go with the patch for 1.1.28
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07:37.29nsadminwhile you might get help here anyway (mo powah to ya if so), if the patch isn't part of the package (possibly in one of the above mentioned ways), that would put it outside any debian source package, and official line would read, it's not present in debian
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07:37.50jelly-homeShapeShifter499: tried contacting the blog owner where there patch used to reside? What does this have to do with Debian?
07:38.04ShapeShifter499it doesn't?
07:38.26jelly-homeShapeShifter499: this is a support channel for a distro, you might be in the wrong place
07:38.30ShapeShifter499I'm just asking hoping someone tried the patch and hasn't gotten rid of those files
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07:38.41kmonkShapeShifter499: prehaps ##linux is worth a shot as well
07:38.52nsadminthat's a good idea
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07:39.57Jon2Hi - I have a couple of debian boxes. They have been working for many days
07:40.06Jon2All of a sudden they lost connectivity
07:40.19Jon2I check ip route list & saw the the default gateway has been deleted
07:40.21nsadminconstruction work? ladies of the evening?
07:40.24kofiCardbus: Have spent several hours in searching, boot with "pci=noacpi" and it works (common TP 600 / 770 problem.)
07:40.29Jon2the box got connecctivity again
07:40.41Jon2but after a minute again the default gateway got deleted
07:40.49Jon2any idea whow this happens?
07:40.55DewiJon2: how are you getting your IP?
07:41.17Jon2Dew1 : DHCP
07:41.18nsadminJon2: pastebin your /etc/network/interfaces
07:41.51DewiJon2: could DHCP be expiring and failing to renew sometimes, for whatever reason?
07:42.18nsadminwould that info be in his logs?
07:42.21Jon2sorry it's static
07:42.22Dewi(or maybe another DHCP on your network sending out broken info or something)
07:42.23Jon2not DHCP
07:42.27Jon2my mistake
07:42.32nsadminJon2: pastebin your /etc/network/interfaces
07:42.35Jon2one moment
07:42.48nsadminyou can obscure your IP if you wish
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07:43.49nsadminthis is actually somewhat interesting... you didn't know how you get your IP?
07:43.49jargon-any ideas why Suspend won't work in gnome-power-manager 2.22.1 on a fresh lenny?
07:44.16jargon-it just looks screen instead
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07:44.26nsadminI would guess you didn't set up these boxes
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07:45.38Jon2nsadmin :
07:45.49Jon2I have obscured eth1, but that isn't being used at all
07:46.00Jon2the route which was deleted was the one through eth0
07:46.29Jon2eth0 is ISP1, eth1 is ISP2, eth2 not used
07:46.37Jon2eth3 - internal LAN
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07:46.52Jon2only route default route - through gateway of eth0
07:46.57Jon2that keeps getting deleted
07:47.04Jon2this started happening in the last hour
07:47.07Jon2was fine till then
07:47.38nsadminyou have two gateway routes
07:47.55passwordoffThe perfect answer to my question was "man apt_preferences".
07:48.03shogun1234which is the right package to install regarding to use ntp client only?
07:48.11shogun1234ntp, ntpupdate?
07:48.17nsadminntpd is a server and a client
07:48.24nsadminonly difference is config
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07:48.49Jon2nsadmin: yes, but after the routes got deleted, through the command line, I set only a route through eth0 gateway
07:48.54Jon2that got deleted after a minute
07:49.00Jon2and I set it again
07:49.04Jon2again it got deleted
07:49.05shogun1234Does that mean if I install ntp package, then it will automatically syn with external server with setup in ntp.conf?
07:49.21nsadminwith static routing, you can have one gateway
07:49.55nsadminbelieve so.
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07:50.46nsadminif the clock is further away than 1024 secs, you have to do somethign to get the clock closer to the correct time, then ntp will syncv
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07:51.22nsadminthat thing used to be ntpdate, but I dunno how to do it these days
07:51.54shogun1234ok. thanks for the explain.
07:52.41nsadminmaybe ntpd can also be used to move the clock closer initially
07:53.22nsadminthe only caveat being you shouldn't have an ntpd running on the ntp port or it won't work...
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07:54.03jargon-it just looks screen instead
07:54.05jargon-any ideas why Suspend won't work in gnome-power-manager 2.22.1 on a fresh lenny?
07:54.31nsadminso if you have ntp now and the clock is too far out, you have to stop ntp (to get it off the port), run ntpdate or check how to do it with ntpd and do that, then start ntp again
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07:55.16peterrooneyuses rdate, for the brute force win
07:55.27Get_A_Fixi don't understand why i get an error compiling a kernel - lguest unable to find zlib.h
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07:57.02Get_A_Fixhrmm, a tweak to fix
07:57.31passwordoffI'm dislike nano, because it always have a blank string at the top
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08:00.02alcoholvim ftw
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08:06.56jpinx-eeepcis there a way to merge 2 files so that one ends up with the total data, but with no duplication?
08:07.25bocanerijpinx-eeepc, probably, but a great deal depends on the nature of the data.
08:07.58jpinx-eeepcbocaneri: basically text, sometimes the file is csv, sometimes not
08:08.54jpinx-eeepceven if I got it line by line without dupes, that would be a start
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08:09.33bocaneriSomething like (cat {file1,file2}) | sort | uniq > file3 # maybe?
08:10.29jpinx-eeepcsort | uniq looks interesting - thanks
08:11.17nsadminwho/what is 31NABDT41? this would be the second different nick I've seen on the diabloic@something hostmask
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08:15.46peterrooneysort does have the -u option, so no need for a pipe to uniq
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08:16.58peterrooney...unless you need uniq's "--check-chars" or "--skip-chars"
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08:38.52blast_hardcheeseWhere can I look at the list of changes for each kernel revision? I just updated and now X hangs
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08:42.14jellynsadmin: nick collision after a netsplit can do that I think
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08:44.00nsadminblast_hardcheese: I think it might be possibly one of those files in maybe the kernel source...
08:45.07robroseFSF fanboys are getting crazy:
08:46.04classical_how to delete everything in config file with vi ?
08:46.17classical_gg and dG does not works
08:47.32ShadurWhy not just rm the file?
08:47.34blast_hardcheesed999999d ? ;)
08:47.54ShadurOr just echo > file
08:49.01blast_hardcheeserobrose: What the hell? b43-fwcutter's complaint is "Only useful to install non-free firmware"
08:49.07blast_hardcheeseYes, no ****.
08:49.26classical_Shadur, coz i dont want to remove config file
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08:49.33classical_i want to delete source
08:50.27robroseblast_hardcheese, this is the *opinion* of the FSF guys from libreplanet, check debian-reference
08:50.34nsadmindude... learn vi... or learn unix
08:50.46nsadminnano is an easier editor
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08:51.15OpenTokixI like nano =)
08:51.19robroseblast_hardcheese, debian-reference: suggests/instructs installing proprietary software
08:51.48nsadminso you have a coupla choices
08:51.53nsadminactually 3
08:52.02nsadminone, don't use the device under linux
08:52.07nsadminat all
08:52.26nsadmintwo, get the firmware
08:52.44nsadminthree, get a different device that's actually supported by a free driver
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08:53.17blast_hardcheeserobrose: These guys are nuts
08:53.26blast_hardcheeseI like free things
08:53.33blast_hardcheesethis is pedantry
08:53.48nyRednekblast_hardcheese: not everything is free
08:54.11blast_hardcheesenyRednek: Thank you for your contribution. We are reading
08:54.12robroseagree nsadmin, my laptop has got an intel closed firmware wifi module: gave I to stop using it? no more wifi for the sake of libre planet?
08:54.38nsadminit's one of many choices (do you disagree?)
08:55.16nsadmingetting the firmware is another choice
08:55.22robroseright, choices, but I prefer to make choices with my brain
08:55.36blast_hardcheeseThe problem is that "free" alternatives are not always cost effective
08:55.53nsadminhave you tried it?
08:56.01blast_hardcheesensadmin: Not at all
08:56.07blast_hardcheesebut it would mean I would have to trash everything I own
08:56.18blast_hardcheesewhich is, in itself, not cost effective
08:56.19nyRedneklet's be honest, if we were fully dead set to using only free software/firmware, we wouldn't buy a video card or hard disk less than 10 years old(so that we could put the free bios/firmware to use)
08:56.39nsadminI did... the fwcutter thing grabbed the firmware and put it in a file somewhere. done.
08:56.47robroseyeah let's go back to the 90s
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08:57.24gnarfacesome good games in the 90's....
08:57.30nyRednekrobrose: yeah, 540 meg hd' many of those would we need to really run a modern debian?
08:57.31blast_hardcheeseThat's my point; Even if you used modern technology that was FSF-compatible, you'd still be using stuff that would have seemed normal in the 90's
08:57.42blast_hardcheesenyRednek: One...
08:58.04nyRednekblast_hardcheese: until you started using stuff your wife/girlfriend/etc demanded, like a de
08:58.05nsadmin"modern" === "BLOATED AS ALL HELL"? :)
08:58.12blast_hardcheeseOne of my laptops is operating quite happily on a 512 meg CF card
08:58.17robroseLOL nsadmin :)
08:58.38gnarfacegnome === modern
08:58.42nyRedneknsadmin: pretty much
08:58.44blast_hardcheesegnome === crapass
08:58.50gnarfacea === b === c, PROOF!
08:58.51nyRednekgnarface: well, my wife uses xfce, but yeah
08:58.54blast_hardcheeseThe only thing I use about gnome is gde
08:59.03nyRednekblast_hardcheese: same here
08:59.14blast_hardcheesenyRednek: Which window manager do you use?
08:59.16nyRednekgnarface: btw, i got this thing fully up
08:59.23nyRednekblast_hardcheese: personally?
08:59.29nyRednekblast_hardcheese: or on this machine?
08:59.32gnarfacegrats nyRednek, what was the magic trick? updating the host kernel?
08:59.46robrose..and I though that IceWeasel to be *libre*, but no: it allows user to install non-free plugins
08:59.48blast_hardcheesenyRednek: Which window manager do you put on boxes you will be primarily using
08:59.51nyRednekgnarface: updating to squeeze...fixed everything
08:59.56blast_hardcheeseor do you prefer, shall we say
08:59.59nyRednekblast_hardcheese: fvwm and xfce
09:00.07gnarfacenyRednek: hooraaay!
09:00.23blast_hardcheeseI've never actually used fvwm
09:00.33gnarfaceman that takes me back
09:00.39gnarfaceanyone remember afterstep?
09:00.45gnarfaceor solaris CDE
09:00.50nyRednekgnarface: yeah, i remember both
09:00.52gnarfacegood times
09:01.03blast_hardcheesehas a friend running Solaris CDE
09:01.04nyRednekgnarface: glad i didn't have to compile tmux, btw
09:01.05gnarfacefile drawers
09:01.30nyRednekgnarface: that's why i was wanting to move away from slack...anything you really want, you gotta compile
09:01.34blast_hardcheeseWell, time to sleep.
09:01.36blast_hardcheeseLater all
09:01.53gnarfacei used to install a base redhat and then compile all packages manually after that
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09:02.07gnarfacethen i discovered debian and realized packages can be done right
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09:02.19gnarface(by someone other than me)
09:02.30nyRednekoh, wth happened to xmms?
09:02.39nyRednekthat's one program i *need*
09:02.53jellynyRednek: it's gone the way of dodo
09:03.07jellyno gtk 1.x apps in debian any more
09:03.09gnarfacenyRednek: audacious2 is the clone of the clone you are looking for
09:03.21nyRednekgnarface: audacious is nothing like xmms
09:03.31gnarfaceit is if you load the right theme
09:03.33nyRednekgnarface: well, on surface it is...
09:03.43nyRednekgnarface: but in function, you can't beat tradition
09:03.47gnarfacethere is an option to make it treat playlists more like xmms
09:03.51gnarfacei forget what it is
09:04.37nyRednekgnarface: that's one thing i'll miss about slack...unless i compile it
09:05.05nyRednekgnarface: and compiling one app is better than compiling several dozen
09:05.28gnarfaceif you aren't already familiar with it, check out the 'checkinstall' package
09:05.42nyRedneki'm somewhat familiar
09:06.01gnarfaceit's very useful for uninstalls if you compile stuff yourself in debian
09:06.20nyRednekgnarface: i'll probably read the dox and make a deb
09:06.55gnarfacecheckinstall is the quick and dirty shortcut
09:07.26nyRednekgnarface: i maintain a few addon packages for slack...and, knowing that the package structure here is much rougher than the package structure there, i can still do it
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09:09.31Shadurlikes xmms2, even if there not being an active frontend took some brief getting used to.
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09:11.46linduxedi've got my home mounted on a separate partition
09:12.01linduxedbut i need to unmount it for a second
09:12.21ShadurLog out everything and everyone except root.
09:12.37linduxedthe problem is that it says that home is busy, according to lsof | grep home three zsh sessions are the only thing running there
09:12.38OpenTokixlinduxed: fuser is your friend
09:13.04linduxedthe problem is that this is a headless remote server
09:13.06ShadurAs is ps aux
09:13.31linduxedso i need to get into the root account through sudo -s or su anyway
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09:13.41linduxedi don't think i can go around the zsh shell
09:13.43Shadurlinduxed: In that case, tell sshd temporarily to allow remote root logons, then sign off, log back in as root, proceed.
09:13.59linduxedShadur: i use keys to log in
09:14.09ShadurThen once you're done, disable remote root logons again.
09:14.10linduxedShadur: should i disable that too/
09:14.54Shadurlinduxed: Keys are fine. The important thing is you need to log on as root directly rather than through a user if you want to umount /home
09:15.40linduxedShadur: ok
09:15.51ShadurIn fact, keys are better than password challenge; in the remote case that someone is sniffing and decrypting your SSH session, there won't be any usable password sent over the line.
09:16.10linduxedShadur: that's why i use them
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09:17.16ShadurWell, that and the ability to use rsync securely in conjunction with cron
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09:25.17Infin1tymy raid array is having a check right now, is it possible to disable it via 'echo idle > /sys/block/md1/md/sync_action'? no weird effects?
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09:26.06cantidoInfin1ty: not sure if you can stop it.. you can up the IO bandwidth available so that it finishes faster
09:26.17Infin1tycantido, i don't want that check right now
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09:31.37d3cwhat's the easiest way to maintain (the same) crontab across multiple web servers?
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09:32.28Cooleqhi i have some question. How can I check file system type of connected but not mounted a portable drive? It's a WD 1TB drive
09:32.42gnarfaced3c uh... scp it?
09:33.15d3cgnarface: my though was to create a php file in my svn repository that creates the crontab and installs it. how does that sound?
09:33.48gnarfaced3c: traditionally bash is used for shell scripting such things but php can do it, heathen :-p
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09:33.55amphiCooleq: file -s /dev/whatever
09:34.25d3cgnarface: yeah alright, thanks.
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09:35.30cantidod3c: create a shell script and stick it in the right cron.* directory in /etc .. don't get php involved
09:35.42gnarfaced3c: perl or python or C or anything else you can execute at the command line that can call other shell commands is perfectly suitable as well.  bash is typically used because it's generic "sh" compatible, which has a much broader install base.  if you know php will always be installed where this will be run there's no huge reason not to do it
09:36.00cantidognarface: massive start up time?
09:36.12Cooleqamphi: Thanks!
09:36.52gnarfacecantido: when we're talking about 0.0001 seconds compared to 0.001 seconds for a once-run-per-host script sometimes development time and maintainability trumps optimization.  who am i to tell his team of offshore php coders they need to learn bash?
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09:37.37gnarfaceif you'll scroll back you'll see i *did* try to discourage him from using something other than bash
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09:39.23cantidod3c: if you really have to do it in php, don't generate a crontab with it.. have a php script than cron starts with php. Ala drupal etc
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09:39.45gnarfaceUGH NO
09:40.03gnarfacecantido: NO that's bad.  php is known above all for being *leaky*
09:40.25gnarfacei'd never recommend a daemonized php script
09:40.26gnarfacethat's bad
09:40.37cantidognarface: doesn't matter if it leaks.. when php exits it will get cleaned up
09:40.49cantidognarface: it won't be daemonized.. what gave you that idea
09:40.52gnarfaceif you set it to run all day you might not have that option
09:41.17cantidohe shouldn't generate anything for cron with php just in case it breaks the config and stops the other jobs
09:41.33cantidoif he calls a php script and it's broked there's no harm done
09:41.48gnarfacesorry maybe you meant use cron to start a php script.  i thought you meant to start a php script that stays awake all day polling every minute to avoid using cron
09:42.12gnarfacethe important point here is he should be using bash
09:42.26gnarfacebut there is more than one viable way to do it, god help him
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09:44.32d3cwell. I 'just' need a fast way to maintain the same crontab across multiple identical web servers (that are load-balanced and do the same things)
09:44.54gnarfacewell if it's a cron entry that's time interval never changes
09:45.02gnarfacebut you might need to update the actual job itself often
09:45.08gnarfacethen calling php from a cron entry is a good plan
09:45.09Infin1tyhow can i disable debian checking my raid array? i don't like it
09:45.14cantidod3c: how often does it need to run?
09:45.16Infin1tyit seems as the system is issuing a raid check
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09:45.33cantidoInfin1ty: I think it's in the mdadm settings.. the frequency of checking etc
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09:45.45cantidoInfin1ty: disabling it completely would be a very bad idea
09:45.47d3ccantido: everytime we update the code base. we have a lot of content generated via php in cron
09:45.52Infin1tycantido, it fucks my system up
09:46.02cantidoInfin1ty: in what way?
09:46.23Infin1tycantido, i run a big database server (1tb+ on my sql) and it simply made queries so much slower, instead of a few seconds to around a minute
09:46.31Infin1tycantido, even when the checking is slow around 1000k/s!
09:46.40cantidod3c: so you deploy the new code and you need to do some generation.. shouldn't that be part of your build/deploy process?
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09:47.44cantidoInfin1ty: ok, so why? Is it restricting IO or is it taking too much processor time?
09:48.05d3ccantido: so we might choose to generate something else, thus another php script should be put into the crontab across all servers.
09:48.06gnarfaced3c: i think he asked how often the job needed to *run* not how often it needed to be changed
09:48.07d3cgnarface: ah, well. there are many different jobs that run at different times
09:48.16jellyInfin1ty: limit the IO used for the check, instead
09:48.19Infin1tycantido, restricting IO even though as i said, it set to 1000k/s limit
09:48.33Infin1tyjelly, i know, it is, but still it makes the system slow, i have no reason why, and it's even ssd disks
09:48.47d3ccantido: we have content that is generated by php nightly, hourly, per minute, etc
09:48.47cantidoSSD's aren't always "faster"
09:49.03Infin1tycantido, i know, but in my case they fit well
09:49.14cantidod3c: so, write a script that does that stuff and call it via cron every minute
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09:50.33gnarfacecantido, d3c it doesn't have to be cron necessarily.  i'm pretty sure svn has post-check-in hooks... it's an option
09:50.37d3ccantido: how would you make it one script? we have some scripts that run nightly. other scripts run every minute. I just need some way to edit a 'global' crontab for all web servers.
09:51.07jellyInfin1ty: it's just a cron job in the mdadm package.
09:51.13cantidod3c: you don't need to edit the crontab.. you can drop scripts into /etc/cron.*
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09:51.25Infin1tyjelly, ye, i saw it, /usr/share/mdadm/checkarray, and it's on /etc/cron.d/mdadm, i will just adjust it to my needs
09:52.09cantidothought most databases kept everthing that was live in RAM
09:52.11d3ccantido: and then make that a SVN repository for instance?
09:52.48cantidod3c: you could if you want.. you don't have to make everything automatic though
09:53.00cantidod3c: those scripts should change very rarely
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09:53.35d3ccantido: they don't. lets say we implement a new feature and have 10 web servers maybe. I'd hate to go through every server by hand.
09:54.06gnarfaced3c: personally i like to use bash to automate an ssh command that copies files to each of the cluster nodes from a central repository, rather than checking out on each of them individually, but i guess that part is more about personal preference though
09:54.25cantidod3c: so make the cron part very very simple. Make it call a predefined script that never ever changes.. and any changes go into that (php?) script
09:54.41cantidod3c: s/changes/moves/
09:55.31cantidod3c: you could also write logic into your php application so that it handles content regeneration on the fly
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09:56.40d3ccantido: we pre-generate some content to avoid race-conditions
09:56.44gnarfaceonce wrote a php script that generated php scripts, but eventually had to take it out back and shoot it like a rabid dog is nice today :D
09:58.01d3cgnarface: so in your bash script, you'd also include something that copied a new crontab to every server?
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09:58.12cantidod3c: in cron.daily put a script that calls </var/www/something/cron/daily.php>, in weekly... that way the cron scripts never need to change
09:59.21cantidosomeone has probably written some crappy cron wrapper for php.. it's got everything else wedged in there
09:59.41gnarfaced3c: yes.  this is possible using sudo, scp and public key authentication
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09:59.48gnarface(and a bash script)
10:00.44gnarfacein fact, you can do a massive amount of deployment (or damage) using sudo, scp and public key authentication
10:00.56gnarfaceand one bash script
10:01.00d3cgnarface: I see. that might become the solution.
10:01.07cantidognarface: sudo, pubkeys... and php!
10:01.14gnarfacethrow tar in the mix and you can make a great backup solution out of it too
10:01.15d3cgnarface: since we also need to write a deployment script anyway
10:01.47gnarfaceat 120,000$ per site licence it beats the pants off of netvault, at least
10:02.01cantidod3c: maybe you could look into phing?
10:02.42gnarfaceto be clear here, i never used php as part of the deployment automation - i used bash for all of that.  i only deployed php WITH it
10:02.49cantidod3c: you could get all your deployment stuff wrapped up and include tasks to do your regular regeneration stuff. Cron could then be used to call those tasks
10:02.52d3ccantido: it doesn't have to be php. I'm open for bash scripting as well. it's just that our web services are php anyway.
10:02.56darkskiezi have a package which declares some dependancies but they are not installed, and apt isnt pulling them in
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10:03.14darkskiezits like they are invisible in the Depends: line
10:04.01cantidod3c: if you are rebuilding content or something php is fine. Just don't use it to generate system config
10:04.14sphenxesI am looking for easy to use macro record for debian. Is there any gui one for debian?
10:04.20cantidod3c: make your config static and document it
10:04.41d3ccantido: yeah. I think we'll do the following: write a deployment script (bash) that updates each node (including code base, crontab, etc). the crontab then calls several php files at different times that perform different tasks.
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10:04.53gnarfacesounds like a plan to me
10:05.12d3cyes. I'll include our 'master' crontab in SVN so we'll only need to edit it in one place.
10:05.38d3cthen it can be copied to the nodes with the deployment script.
10:05.39cantidod3c: you don't need to edit the crontab .. use the directories
10:05.53d3ccantido: what if something needs to run every 3 minutes?
10:06.09d3ccantido: aren't the directories not just for daily, hourly, etc?
10:06.42cantidod3c: put a single static call to your script in the crontab
10:07.15cantidod3c: you could put all of them into the crontab actually, the point is that those lines shouldn't change
10:08.03cantidod3c: so as long as you stick "these jobs need to be added to the crontab.." in your deployment docs you're golden
10:08.03d3ccantido: well they don't change unless we want a script to run at another time, add another script to run, etc
10:08.21gnarfaceeh but plans can change cantido
10:08.29gnarfaceit's tough to say what is truly appropriate there
10:08.45gnarfacepersonlly what i'd do is i'd set up a specific *user* on each server node for running these jobs specifically
10:08.49cantidod3c: yes, but you implement that logic in the cron facing script
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10:08.58gnarfaceso i knew that it's crontab could be blown out safely with the full new set
10:09.08cantidod3c: cron calls minute.php every minute .. minute.php sorts out what should happen
10:09.09gnarfaceand i'd just give it a very specialized sudo rule
10:09.10d3ccantido: why not have a master crontab and copy it to nodes on deployment?
10:09.17d3ccantido: then edit that master crontab when needed
10:09.28d3ccantido: yes sure
10:09.49cantidod3c: so you make a small mistake in the crontab and it gets deployed to all your machines. no none of them are working
10:10.02d3ccantido: I won't
10:10.30cantidofamous last words ;)
10:10.35gnarfaced3c: crontabs are user specific.  my suggestion is this: don't make this "master" crontab root's crontab.  make a specific user to run your master crontab, and give that user specialized sudo rules just for what it needs to do
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10:11.20gnarfaced3c: i think this suggetion would avoid cantido's concern without limiting your flexibility in the future with regards to changing execution intervals of the jobs
10:11.25cantidod3c: drupal and wordpress both implement a cron.php that is called by the web server user's crontab.. you might want to take a look
10:11.39cantidoactually, not sure if wordpress does. Drupal does though
10:11.46d3cI'll look into it.
10:11.52d3cgot some nice ideas from you guys, thanks
10:12.02gnarfacegood luck
10:12.05gnarfacesandwich time for me
10:12.09gnarfacegood thing subway is always open
10:12.12gnarfacelater people
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11:00.02easyfitanyone remember how to disable that little line of information about operating system and versions of everything that is printed at the bottom of a directory listing through apache?
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11:08.31handjobHi. I just used 'aptoncd' which just copied packages into apt's cache. How can I install those packages now?
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11:09.04OpenTokixeasyfit: you add ServerSignature Off
11:09.10OpenTokixeasyfit: to apache2.conf
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11:10.00OpenTokixeasyfit: also ServerTokens Prod
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11:11.31binti did: nano file.conf  and edited the file.. but now i dont have permissions to save the changings
11:11.44bintbut i did a lot and dont wanna rewrite them.. can't i somehow change to root?
11:11.50bintwhile editing
11:11.50OpenTokixbint: That menas you can read the file, but not write it.
11:12.19OpenTokixbint: you can open another terminal, change the perimissions on the file. - Or you can change the name of the editied file and write the copy in a folder you have writing permissions for.
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11:13.03bintand to change permissions i do chmod "filename" ?
11:13.19OpenTokixbint: yes, but I would rather write the changed file somewhere else
11:13.34OpenTokixchmod 666 filename would make it writable for everyone
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11:15.17ElAngelomy brother installed debian
11:15.22ElAngeloi can ssh to the machine
11:15.29bintnice :)
11:15.32ElAngelobut every now and then it's like the session freezes
11:15.41ElAngelocan't do anything anymore
11:15.53ElAngelowhile his prompt nicely keeps working
11:16.07ElAngelonah... it's always immediatly after a command
11:16.16ElAngelolike an ls would always fail
11:16.20ElAngelowhile tail won't
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11:16.52ElAngelono one else reported such problems?
11:17.13filePeterElAngelo: Sounds like an hdd prob, no?
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11:17.33ElAngelothere is nothing in dmesg
11:17.43ElAngeloapt-get actions also usually fail
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11:18.42Sebhi fellows
11:18.42binthow can i see all the chmod's of the files and folders in a directory?
11:18.52binti did man chmod
11:19.02Sebi've remapped RightAlt to be backspace in X, but that key doesn't repeat; what can I do to fix that ?
11:19.02bintbut i can't find it how to list everything with its chmod numbers
11:19.09Sebbint: ls -l
11:19.12bintoh thx
11:20.02stewbint: stat -c '%a %n' *
11:20.08bintwow? :D
11:20.11binti dont wanna type that
11:20.30stewthen nm
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11:22.51ElAngelovim gives me problems too
11:22.55ElAngelono fun
11:24.48easyfitOpenTokix: thanks!
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11:25.47ElAngelotop too
11:25.56adacHi guys. I want to do a full system backup via rsync. Can someone point me to a hwoto where it is explained which folders i can exlude?
11:26.16ElAngeloyou can't do full system backups with rsync
11:26.21jpinx-eeepcadac: man rsync
11:26.22ElAngelouse sysresccd for that
11:26.40adacElAngelo, sure you can
11:26.50ElAngelono you can't
11:26.51the-dudeElAngelo: why not ?
11:27.02abrotman!tell adac about what to backup
11:27.22ElAngeloif you want a *FULL* backup (partition tables, bootrecords, .... ) , rsync is useless
11:27.28ElAngelojust as useless as cp
11:27.39jpinx-eeepcadac: use dd
11:27.45the-dudeElAngelo: ah ok thats true :)
11:27.46ElAngelodd is even worse
11:27.52adacyeah that is true. :)
11:27.52ElAngelodd doesn't do any checking
11:28.02ElAngeloyou have about 99% chance on corrupttion
11:28.18jpinx-eeepcrsync will do it if you know how to drive it
11:28.24ElAngeloont it won't
11:28.27abrotmanadac: see what the bot told you .. that will get you the important files
11:28.27jpinx-eeepcElAngelo: bs
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11:28.55jpinx-eeepcElAngelo: please stop misinforming people
11:29.00abrotmanadac: and depending on the machine purpose, you may want to include /var/
11:29.02ElAngelorsync doesnt' understand discs... it understands files, so by definition you can't do a full backup
11:29.15adacabrotman, thx!
11:29.19abrotmanor you could stop arguing about it and actually help the guy
11:29.36abrotmanadac: you'll have to surf the options for rsync to make sure oyu get the ones you want
11:29.49jpinx-eeepcthere are good examples in man rsync - the firstt thing I pointed to
11:30.26adacthey propose to exlude /cdrom /dev /lost+found /proc /sys /tmp
11:30.42abrotmanadac: looks reasonable, though you may want -p also
11:30.47abrotmandepends on your requirements
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11:30.56adacabrotman, true!
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11:32.57adacHmm rsync doesn't seem to have those parameters (like rdiff-backup has): --exclude-device-files --exclude-fifos --exclude-sockets
11:33.21jpinx-eeepcadac: no - you have to exclude by full path
11:33.22adacCan this become a problem if it tries to backup fifis and device files
11:33.23abrotmanthere's a method to exclude though
11:33.48adacabrotman, yes?
11:33.54abrotmanyes, there is
11:34.04abrotmannot for file types (i don't think) but for directories
11:34.31adacman rsync | less -p "--specials"
11:34.34jpinx-eeepcyes, directories (and their contents) or individual files
11:34.38adacguess this is what i want
11:35.36adacSeems by default rsync doesn't backup them at all
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11:40.31DampirWho does parkour?
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11:42.35jellyjpinx-eeepc: ?
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11:43.04DampirWho does parkour???
11:43.25DulinI have one problem. Who help me ?
11:43.50Dulinhow i make same partitions ?
11:43.59dpkgRussian speakers, please use (Pogalujsta, zajdite na) (Pazhaluista, zahodite na) #debian-russian @ or use English here.
11:44.08abrotmanDampir: do you have a Debian question ?
11:44.31Dulini can't create this ...  :(
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11:47.27DulinMy second hard drive fail and i have new. I need resync my raid :( hmm
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11:55.04dpkgi heard pl is polska -> #debian-pl (on  Also, pl is a common extension for perl scripts and is sometimes used as an abbreviation for "packet loss".
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11:55.48dpkgThe language of #debian is English.  We will do our best to help you regardless of your level of English but you might be more comfortable asking for help in your own language.  Ask me about your language code for more information, for example /msg dpkg br ; /msg dpkg pt ; /msg dpkg es ; /msg dpkg fr ; /msg dpkg de
11:55.55jduggan_hey guys, would anyone know where i can source firmware files, specifically /lib/firmware/rtl8168d-2.fw
11:56.05mryanbrownshould it be possible to add an sysctl command in interfaces file to enable ipv6 forwarding since it wont stick on reboot in debian 5?
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11:58.31cornelinuxin my customized install CD i'd like the user to enter a timeserver manually. How do I have to setup the preseed file?
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12:06.25abrotmancornelinux: that's for a package .. not sure if the preseed is used for that, but maybe debconf-set-selection ?
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12:07.18jellyjduggan_: "/msg dpkg rtl8168d" says things should work without the firmware if you use a new enough kernel
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12:17.15the-dudecornelinux: d-i clock-setup/ntp-server string $ntpserver
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12:34.25pifhi, how can I make sure initramfs includes all necessary drivers to boot my box?
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12:34.57pifI tried installing a debian kernel but it fails to detect the most basic hardware
12:36.23petemcwhich hardware? whats the error message?
12:37.09pifa sata controller for one
12:37.23piferror message? try "no disks"
12:37.39petemcive never seen that exact error message
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12:39.15abrotmansorry my ass
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12:40.53sedstaplerIs it a bad idea to add a user to the “fcron” group?
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12:42.46ward|are there any options besides debootstrap and multistrap to get a mips chroot... ?
12:43.02abrotmanqemu possibly?
12:43.03ward|(because both don't work)
12:43.17abrotmanor you mean on a mips machine?
12:43.23ward|abrotman, so you meqn just q regulqr mips instqll in qemu?
12:43.24abrotmaneh .. that was a dumb question :)
12:43.34abrotmanward|: why doesn't the debootstrap work ?
12:43.42ward|abrotman, it needs perl and i dont have that
12:43.51abrotmanward|: the host is also mips right?
12:44.08ward|abrotman, i was trying to run debootstrap on the actual machine
12:44.26ward|abrotman, i tried multistrap on my x86 machine
12:44.39ward|but that just told me about corrupt lines in apt as soon as it got those files
12:45.10ward|so now i was thinking are there no downloadable rootfses
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12:50.12cornelinuxthe-dude: I'd like the user to be asked for the ntpserver, Will this do the trick? I do not know the ntpserver at iso-build-time.
12:50.20bintwhats the command to rename a file?
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12:50.26djszapiW: GPG error: default/unreleased Release: No keyring installed in /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/.
12:50.27bintrm is remove, cp is copy but renemae?
12:50.31djszapihow can I fix it ?
12:50.32cornelinuxbint: mv: move
12:50.45bintbut i dont want to move it i want to rename it :D
12:50.45arosenbint:  mv oldname newname
12:50.49bintah ok
12:51.12hramrachward|: multistrap is supposed to work. If it does not it is likely an issue with your configuration or a bug
12:51.29ward|hramrach, bug i think according to google
12:52.31hramrachqemu might be an option but not exactly speedy
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12:53.13hramrachand it might not be able to emulate the exact hardware you need
12:53.31ward|yeah its not a good option
12:53.39ward|the best option so far seems to forget about it lol
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12:54.06hramrachor fix multistrap ;-)
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12:55.15the-dudecornelinux: perhaps leave it empy and see what that does
12:56.23danielighi, I have installed squeeze on my system and used guided partitioning, after the first few install steps my partition for /usr was full, now my root partition "/" is full after some addional programmes
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12:57.13jpinx-eeepcsmall issue, but annoying. I have lxde and wicd (amongst other things) puts a little icon in the status bar. I had reason to totally quit and stop wocd, and the icon, of course, vanished. On restarted wicd, it didn't come back, can I get it back without restarting X (50 days up atm)
12:57.27danieligI have moved /usr/share to my /home partitions and symlinked it which is working, but now I need to get some more space for the root partition.
12:57.59jpinx-eeepcThis is in lenny-with-backports btw
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12:58.34rsouthardCan someone help me get postgresql in my path?
12:59.58stewrsouthard: how did you install it?
13:00.08rsouthardwith apt-get
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13:01.08stewrsouthard: are you looking specifically for a binary named "postgresql"?  psql should already be in your path, for instance
13:01.16stewas should things like "createdb" or "createuser"
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13:01.47danielig is the output of df -h
13:02.26rsouthardStew: trying to run this command. postgres createdb -U postgres -E UNICODE opennms. I cannot type postgr, then tab and have it autocomplete in bash.
13:02.32danieligI just wonder if the guided tour could provide better defaults
13:02.55danieligalso, now when I want to repartition, what would happen?
13:03.03stewrsouthard: run "createdb -E UNICODE opennms" as the postgres user
13:03.40rsouthardStew: got it. Will try.
13:04.18ward|hramrach, i'm looking at this now:
13:04.41ward|hramrach, but why does he do this? "cp /usr/bin/qemu-arm-static rootfs/usr/bin/
13:05.46ward|ah never mind, i assume this makes chroot use qemu to be aable to chroot in
13:07.10rsouthardStew: That worked thank you
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13:08.09c3lhow do I use aptitude to install multiple packages listed in a file?
13:08.36danieligaptitude install
13:08.37abrotmanaptitude install < file ?
13:08.59danieligc3l first do dpgk --set-selections < file
13:09.20c3lah thats it, with each line en that file being a package, or how should they be separated?
13:09.39danieligc3l for abrotmans each line one programme
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13:10.09abrotmandanielig: i think yours would only work if his file had a new status .. not just a list of packages
13:10.26danieligfor my version first get the seletions with dpkg --get-selections > file
13:10.32danieligright abrotman
13:10.51c3lwhy is the selections useful?
13:11.04abrotmanit's not if you don't have a package state also
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13:12.13danieligit is useful if you have exported you selections for example from a previous install (as a backup)
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13:15.06c3loh, the state's could be useful. so an example line with that method would be 'foopackage install' right? so after ive --set-selection, how do I run that action. or does --set-selection also do whats specified in the state, it doesnt seem like thats the case..
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13:16.18danieligright, and it could also be foopackage deinstall
13:16.46danieligdon't mix --set-selections and --get-selections
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13:17.04c3lyeah, the states are listed in the manpage, but im not getting how its then used
13:17.25abrotmanc3l: did you try what i had suggested yet?
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13:18.24c3lno, maybe I should
13:18.26danieliglisten to abrotman it is easier if you just want to install a bunch of stuff, actually I think I was wrong, you don't need to separate them through linebreaks
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13:19.29danieligit is just as if you had provided stuff on the command line: "#aptitude install apache2 mysql-common php5" for example
13:19.34zapHello! Anybody can tell me the difference between all these "sarge", "K^Hlenny", "etch" names? Can't find it on
13:19.54danielig!tell zap about versions
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13:20.02zaprtfm rules :)
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13:20.29stewdoes abrotman's not need an xargs? or more <<< ?
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13:20.37c3lbut having the ability to spicify not only packages to be installed, but also removed entrigues me
13:21.21danieligc3l of course you could also do aptitude remove <file
13:21.28stewc3l: append '-' to the packages you want to remove, and _ to the packages you want to purge
13:21.52stewc3l: like "aptitude install foo bar- baz_" means "install foo, remove bar, purge baz"
13:22.02danieligah good, didn't know that, so after all aptitude HAS super-cow powers... ;-)
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13:22.39stew(and + means install and = means 'dont upgrade', etc)
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13:22.55c3lstew: ooh, cool. thanks a lot, all of you :)
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13:24.35abrotmanstew: did he try it yet ?
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13:26.06danieligI have a problem here with my partition table. when trying to install stuff I got the message that my root partition is full. and df -h tells me this: . Baobab tells me that the / is 12.7Gb and that it contains /home, although /home is on a different partition.
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13:27.08danieligI wonder what I could through from the / to have more space and why baobab shows these sizes which don't reflect the actual drivespace.
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13:27.58jordanmdanielig: what version of debian are you running?
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13:29.00whatlinuxone, quick question, how small can i get a debian install with a window manager, desktop (links only, not full DE is fine), and a couple tools like gcc and stuff?
13:29.07aguitelis there backports depo for squeeze ?
13:29.49abrotmanaguitel: no, that's where the backports come from
13:29.55whatlinuxi tried the netinst and it was at 1.5gb
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13:30.03whatlinuxmy hdd is 1.5gb! >.<
13:30.14stewaguitel: yes, on
13:30.26abrotmanwhatlinux: aptitude install build-essential xorg blackbox (or whatever small WM you want)
13:30.26D4rKr0Wthe whole point of the backports is so that you can install packages from squeeze to lenny
13:30.34aguitelabrotman, and this ? :
13:30.42abrotmanwhatlinux: don't forget to clean up your aptitude cache with: aptitude clean
13:30.43stewaguitel: that is backports for squeeze
13:30.47abrotmanaguitel: is there anything in it?
13:31.00D4rKr0Wdid they start porting it?
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13:31.05stewaguitel: well, yes, that is the repositor, but it is empty
13:31.20mryanbrownshould it be possible to add an sysctl command in interfaces file to enable ipv6 forwarding since it wont stick on reboot in debian 5?
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13:32.13aguitelstew, ok
13:32.18_strogi have a debian system without a gui, and i wanted to ask how it is possible to change the resolution of the console
13:32.24aguitelabrotman, ok
13:32.43mryanbrownlol you cant change the console resolution w/o gui/x
13:32.57mryanbrownit's 80x25 characters
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13:33.16_stroglol ok font size might be the right word
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13:33.33hramrachmryanbrown: not with kms or framebuffer driver
13:34.04whatlinuxabrotman: did that :(
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13:34.24hramrach_strog: you can use a framebuffer driver for your graphics card to change the resolution
13:34.43whatlinuxdoes anyone know of small debian-based dists?
13:34.44whatlinuxany of them with apt-get, under 1gb installed size
13:34.52jordanmwhatlinux: debian
13:34.55_stroghramrach: got a good link to work with?
13:35.10whatlinuxi did netinst and couldn't get teh small WMs i like
13:35.15hramrach_strog: what graphics card do you have?
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13:35.28hramrachlcpci | grep -i vga
13:35.33_strogthe system is a guest in vbox
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13:35.47whatlinuxideally i woulda done: xorg fluxbox mousepad emelfm dillo
13:35.48whatlinuxbut last 2 you can't get now
13:35.56whatlinuxso i had to replace with xfce4-desktop
13:35.58hramrach_strog: then you have vesa
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13:36.32_stroghramrach: ok...
13:37.01hramrachtry looking at /usr/src/linux/Documentation/fb/modedb.txt or somesuch
13:37.30whatlinuxok, here's what it boils down to: 750mhz processor w/ 640mb of RAM, 1.5gb disk space, and i need about 300mb~ remaining after install. what's the best dist and/or apt-get's
13:37.56hramrach_strog: you will want the linux-doc package
13:38.20jordanmwhatlinux: debian
13:38.35jordanmwhatlinux: if you are looking for a different answer, perhaps ask ##linux
13:38.50ondrejkhello, im getting this on boot: Starting XFS recovery on filesystem: sd(8,2) (dev: sd(8,2)), how can i find out which partition is being recovered?
13:39.00hramrachdebian should be able to do that, and is one of the better distros at saving space
13:39.01whatlinuxit needs a registered nick
13:39.22jordanmwhatlinux: /msg nickserver help
13:39.35whatlinuxyes i know how to register
13:39.40whatlinuxi don't want to
13:39.57jordanmhramrach: debian doesn't package his preferred web browser and file manager, which he hopes to find added by a derivative
13:40.30whatlinuxthe no packaging is fine
13:40.31jordanmwho apparently would not have contributed their changes back to debian
13:40.32cantidowhatlinux: you should be able to get debian into 1.5gb
13:40.33hramrachwas dillo removed?
13:40.41jordanm,versions dillo
13:40.42judddillo -- etch: 0.8.5-4.1
13:40.43whatlinuxi did three netinst's on debia
13:40.48jordanmhramrach: yes
13:40.48cantidohramrach: it still used gtk1 I think..
13:40.54whatlinuxmy last one i managed to get going nicely
13:41.00whatlinuxthen saw only 52mb space left
13:41.08hramrachwell, it sucked anyway. No loss
13:41.09danieligjordanm Ii am running squeeze
13:41.11jordanma base debian install is approx 150mb
13:41.32jordanmdanielig: start by removing old kernels if there are some
13:42.02hramrachstill uses gtk1
13:42.19cantidoGTK1 has been removed from Debian AFIAK
13:42.52hramrachit does not mean you can't have it installed from ancient times
13:43.17hramrachto support ancient software which was not forward-ported to gtk2
13:43.19cantidohramrach: you could, but I think there is a dummy package that should get rid of it
13:43.54jordanmhramrach: IIRC, there have been packages dropped from squeeze for just that reason
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13:44.13hramrachcantido: apparently not. fsv still works
13:44.18whatlinuxwell so how would i install emelfm & dillo?
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13:45.16hramrachfrom etch repository while it's around, probably
13:45.18danieligjordanm, done that already, I just have the current 2.6.32-5
13:45.18cantidowhatlinux: you're machine isn't slow. Install iceweasel (firefox)
13:45.26cantidowhatlinux: your machine
13:45.26whatlinuxyeah, i did
13:45.33whatlinuxmy machine is:
13:45.43cantidodillo was pretty useless
13:45.50whatlinux640mb RAM, 750mhz processor, usb 1.1 ports, 1.5gb hdd
13:45.53hramrachand if you want something lite there is midori or such
13:45.59jordanmdanielig: well, that really is limited space on /, but you do have dedicated other partitions. I recommend using "gdmap" for finding and clearing up space
13:46.01classical_  :-D
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13:46.03whatlinuxneeds to have about 300-400 meggish space left after install
13:46.31jordanmwhatlinux: 640mb of RAM is more than plenty to run something like xfce of lxde
13:46.46cantidowhatlinux: install debian.. when the menu comes up that has "web server, desktop system etc" don't select anything expect "standard system"
13:46.48jordanmprefers xfce regardless of RAM, and is running it on 8gb right now
13:47.02whatlinuxcantido, i did exactly that.
13:47.04hramrachwhatlinux: what did emelfm have that other fms don't?
13:47.18whatlinuxi did debian netinst
13:47.24whatlinuxselected stnd  system ONLY
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13:47.41cantidowhatlinux: ok, so you should only have 300mb or so of disk used
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13:47.49whatlinuxapt-get install xorg gdm xfce4-desktop ixceweasel
13:47.56whatlinuxxosd-bin and gcc
13:48.04cantidowhatlinux: if you install xorg it will install all the video drivers
13:48.28mryanbrownstandard system is essentially lsb correct?
13:48.32*** join/#debian salvin (~salvin@unaffiliated/salvin)
13:48.32cantidowhatlinux: use aptitude to preen out all the bits of xorg you don't need for a start
13:48.41jordanm!tell mryanbrown about standard task
13:49.12mryanbrown!ask tasksel
13:49.23*** join/#debian ChesterX (
13:49.26ChesterXhi, I am looking for the aircrack-ng *.deb repository. I found this link: in the aircrack-ng documentation but it seems as if it is broken. Is there a mirror?
13:49.31mryanbrown!tell mryanbrown tasksel
13:49.40mryanbrownoh bot told me
13:49.42cantidoChesterX: aircrack is in the main repo IIRC
13:49.46jordanmmryanbrown: /msg dpkg tasksel
13:49.47whatlinux!question tasksel
13:49.47dpkgtasksel: Do you have a Debian-related question that we can help you with? If you do, please ask it and someone will try to help; if you do not, then please be quiet.
13:50.00mryanbrownstill curious about...
13:50.09mryanbrownshould it be possible to add an sysctl command in interfaces file to enable ipv6 forwarding since it wont stick on reboot in debian 5?
13:50.35mryanbrownup echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/forwarding
13:50.39cantidomryanbrown: like /etc/sysctl.conf?
13:50.40jordanmMyztik: permanent sysctl belongs in sysctl.conf
13:50.55mryanbrownwhen i enable forwarding, it doesnt save it to the procs fs or w/e
13:50.56*** part/#debian bblum (bblum@MAXIMEGALON.ANDREW.CMU.EDU)
13:51.02mryanbrownso when i reboot forwarding is disabled
13:51.09mryanbrowni even uncommented it in /etc/sysctl.conf
13:51.09jordanmmryanbrown: net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding=1
13:51.13mryanbrowndid that
13:51.13cantidomryanbrown: because proc fs ins't a real fs
13:51.16mryanbrowndoesnt stick
13:51.16hramrachwhatlinux: try tkdesk ;-)
13:51.25hramrachI used to use that on RH5
13:51.27mryanbrownoh right its a kernel model correct?
13:51.28whatlinuxwhat's that?
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13:51.44mryanbrownup echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/forwarding in interface sound best?
13:51.53hramracha desktop written in tk, with filemeneger, notepad, etc
13:51.57handjob_I have problem with apt/internet connection. I am using samsung n130. It does not connect to eth0 and when I use mobile internet provider apt shows some problems with "transating name (for egzample)". Based on what google says it may be DNS relatet, but I don't knew much about setting those.
13:52.07ChesterXcantido, how do i access it?
13:52.09mryanbrownwell even though procsfs isnt a real fs
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13:52.27mryanbrownwhen it starts it should read sysctl.conf and see forwarding is enabled, yet it doesnt
13:52.27hramrach,versions tkdesk
13:52.27cantidoChesterX: eh, aptitude install aircrack-ng
13:52.29juddtkdesk -- etch: 2.0-6.1; sid: 2.0-9.1; squeeze: 2.0-9.1
13:52.36jordanmmryanbrown: most likely, something is setting it back
13:52.43mryanbrowneither that or it reads sysctl.conf before ipv6 has loaded
13:52.57mryanbrowna clean debian 5.0.5 netinstall with just standard system
13:52.57cantidomryanbrown: if all else fails /etc/rc.local ;)
13:53.16mryanbrownits the issue described on the marduck page
13:53.25jordanmmryanbrown: I suppose you could add sysctl -p to either rc.local like cantido said, or to post-up
13:53.35jordanm!tell handjob_ about ubuntu
13:53.38mryanbrownbut I feel that work around is too cumbersome
13:53.51hramrachthere was some other light file manager but I forgot what it was
13:53.53ChesterXcantido, thanks it works. How come it works even if I can find it in the software manager repository?
13:54.01mryanbrowni think ipv6 is just loading after sysctl
13:54.04cantidoChesterX: no idea
13:54.22ChesterXcantido, ok thank you anyway ;-)
13:54.38jordanmmryanbrown: we are on 5.0.6 now btw
13:54.54cantidoChesterX: apt-cache search <keyword, name of app>
13:55.00cantidoChesterX: :)
13:55.02mryanbrownwhen did it come out? I should just do apt-get dist-upgrade correct?
13:55.23jordanm!tell mryanbrown about aptitude
13:55.35whatlinux!question aptitude
13:55.35dpkgaptitude: Do you have a Debian-related question that we can help you with? If you do, please ask it and someone will try to help; if you do not, then please be quiet.
13:55.48whatlinux!ask aptitude
13:56.02jordanmmryanbrown: dist-upgrade/full-upgrade should never be required for a point release. plain safe-upgrade or upgrade is fine. if you used netinst, it likely pulled in the updates already
13:56.11jordanm!tell whatlinux about dpkgbot
13:56.22whatlinuxit pms
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13:56.58jordanmrecommends apticron
13:57.10danieligah, jordanm I found out what the problem was, I had /opt still on the root partition and something like adobe got installed there. thanks for your help
13:57.15*** join/#debian nanomachine (~User@
13:57.22whatlinuxoh god
13:57.32whatlinuxit just insulted me with "are you using windows"
13:57.39whatlinux*kills dpkgbot"
13:57.53mryanbrownoh yay 1 day old
13:57.57jduggan_hi guys, i have a bunch of disks that i create a single partition on each, they all get created fine as sda1 sdb1 sdc1 etc.  When i reboot the partitions are gone.  if i fdisk or cfdisk theyre there, i can write teh table again an dlinux suddenly sees them, what would cause that?
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13:58.54g0rd0ni need the smarty 2.6.20-1.2 version package... is there an archive where i can download it from?
13:59.03pifjduggan_: how do you know they're "gone"?
13:59.08cantidojduggan_: fdisk it telling the kernel to re-read the partition table .. you can do it with partx too
13:59.14g0rd0nthe -1.3 version seems to break something on my install so i want to try the older package
13:59.40cantidojduggan_: I had issues like that with a GPT partition table, if I didn't boot from that disk Debian couldn't see the partitions on it
14:00.05mryanbrownhow do i find out what bugs were fixed in 5.0.6
14:00.26mryanbrownthats the ipv6 sysctl issue im having
14:01.29mryanbrownoh neat I just need to add ipv6 to modules, rather than wait for interfaces to load
14:01.37jduggan_pif: ls -l on /dev/sda1 is not there, the sda device is though.  For whats its worth theyre all set at linux raid disk types and in a raid5 set - looks like there is possibly a bug with mdraid?
14:02.17*** join/#debian Mr_Queue (
14:02.35danieligI just installed the gnome-desktop and now want to get rid of the games and some other things such as abiword etc. but when I want to remove them apt wants to remove all the stuff from the gnome metapackage... how do I go about this again?
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14:02.56danieligwith the -f option?
14:03.08danieligleaving all dependencies unresolved?
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14:03.45daxrocAfternoon all
14:04.02danieligafternoon daxroc
14:04.25whatlinuxAfternoon daxroc.
14:04.37daxrocAre the irish ftp servers slow, some packages are comming in less than 1kB ?
14:06.08whatlinuxquick question, is there  way to cluster 3-4 computers and use them as if it's a normal computer?
14:06.30daxrocwhatlinux: Not as one single
14:06.37whatlinuxlike, desktops 1234 all wired/clustered, me get on #1, and use cpu power of all 4 as if im on one?
14:07.17daxrocwell not with out writing custom application to do what you want, I would guess
14:07.37daxrocwhatlinux: what do you want to do
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14:07.47whatlinuxdistcc with normal applications
14:08.34daxrocwhatlinux: that should work fine , dist cc is setup for that ( distributed c compiler )
14:08.40runaheyas. I happen to have a symlinked cron file to /etc/cron.d/ both the link and the file are owned by root, and I checked syslog and there're no mentions about wrong permissions or anything related. I'm not really sure what's wrong here, but the cron tasks are not ran. any hints?
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14:10.59hramrachdaxroc: yes, distcc is but there is no distfirefox
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14:11.21daxrochramrach: never said there was
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14:11.35hramrachso it won't run distributed
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14:12.03hramrachand given tha lack of design in Mozilla it probably never will unless it's rewritten from scratch
14:12.52daxrocstart it off for them, sure bet they would be greatful
14:13.09*** join/#debian bluethundr (~bluethund@
14:13.52hramrachthe problem is it takes _lots_ of work to make a browser even half-useful, that's why all the 'alternative' browsers suck
14:14.48daxrocso you prefer an ad ridden chrome over firefox ?
14:15.05daxroceach to their own!
14:17.32*** join/#debian mypapit (~mypapit@
14:17.43hramrachchrome sucks because it runs on << 1% paltforms
14:18.58tarzeauhramrach: google chrome?
14:19.06tarzeaufirefox sucks much more!
14:19.21tarzeaudaxroc: i certainly prefer everything over mozilla software
14:19.46abrotmanwonders when tarzeau became so grumpy all the time
14:19.53hramrachI prefer everything over closed software that runs next to nowhere
14:20.13tarzeauhramrach: it's not like there's no source to it, it's called chromium browser
14:21.23hramrachevery software has source .. somewhere
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14:21.35tarzeauhramrach: which is public
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14:22.49hramrachI don't see a link to the source on the Chromium pages
14:23.18tarzeauhramrach: this one?
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14:29.47hramrachtarzeau: yes, that one
14:30.18tarzeauhramrach: there's a link for the source. even i managed to get hold of the source (of chromium-browser)
14:30.30tarzeauhramrach: you can get the debian source package too, from debian (that's maybe easier)
14:31.09hramrachyes, that would be easier. There is just more of the branding crap so it's no longer Chrome
14:31.13ChesterXI am trying to install mdk3-v6 (necessary for aircrack-ng), I always get "ERROR 127", any idea?
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14:37.00imaginaryman_[   15.878477] snd_hda_intel: Unknown symbol snd_ctl_add_slave
14:37.01imaginaryman_[   15.878477] snd_hda_intel: disagrees about version of symbol snd_ctl_add
14:37.25imaginaryman_Can some one tell me what this means?
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14:38.19imaginaryman_my sound does not work Debian is not loading my card; I don`t understand why.
14:41.04mryanbrownlol im at odds here
14:41.12mryanbrowndo i install tor from tor or backports, same version
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14:50.43imaginaryman_yup it means run depmod
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15:25.14Devastatorcan somebody help me create a bootdisk from lenny netinst cd?
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15:27.55bbooqqIn case of binary package, security fix or bug fix comes as a new package or is it defined as a new package which only contains changed files (executables, libraries, ...)?
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15:30.50themillbbooqq: a NEW package has new binary packages -- that wouldn't normally be a security fix or a bug fix except in the case of a library where the SONAME gets changed as part of the fix. This happened a few times recently for dns and krb related libraries, but that's pretty uncommon.
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15:34.04bbooqqthemill: So, normally, small bug fixes come as updated version of the original (or previous) package. right?
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15:34.59themillbbooqq: Yes. That's what you see when you see package versions going from -1 to -2 etc in testing/unstable (or -1 to -1lenny1 -1lenny2 etc in the stable release)
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15:37.37ThisNicknameIsntDevastator, what do you mean exactly? A netinst floppy?
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15:39.19DevastatorThisNicknameIsnt I need to create a floppy boot disk because the computer I'm messing with is too old and doesn't have cdrom boot in bios
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15:39.43Devastatorbut I guess netinst cd doesn't have rawrite, I'm downloading a full image
15:40.01jordanmfloppies were discontinued after etch IIRC
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15:40.47Devastatorjordanm please tell me there's still rawrite under tools folder on cd
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15:41.19jordanmDevastator: no idea
15:41.32Devastatorcrossing fingers
15:41.34blast_hardcheeseDevastator: Is pulling the HDD not an option?
15:41.38bbooqqthemill: Thanks a lot!, I'm very new to debian (*.deb) and studying on package management for my software, which is proprietary though. And my team is having hard time in management of patches. I think studying Debian's method can help our situation.
15:41.56ThisNicknameIsntblast that's what I thought
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15:42.12blast_hardcheeseIf the machine I'm trying to install on doesn't support netboot or reasonable attempts at netinstall, I just use my IDE->USB adapter and kvm
15:42.15Devastatorblast_hardcheese not an option, I don't have other computers to plug it, only notebooks..
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15:42.44themillbbooqq: much of this is documented in tutorial form (/msg dpkg nmg), in "recommendations" form (/msg dpkg devref) and in policy (/msg dpkg policy). Happy reading :)
15:42.47blast_hardcheeseDevastator: You could use a gPXE boot floppy :)
15:42.58uofm426anyone know hardware
15:42.59blast_hardcheeseIf your machine is that old, it would probably have a supported network card by now
15:43.24blast_hardcheesenetboot is much better than physical media anyhow
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15:43.35Devastatorblast_hardcheese as soon as i find a network card, I have to look into the "garbage" again
15:43.48blast_hardcheeseDevastator: ouch
15:45.03Devastatorblast_hardcheese yep.. "ouch" indeed
15:45.20blast_hardcheeseWell, have fun, gotta head to work :)
15:45.51*** join/#debian Admin__ (
15:46.00Devastatorit's holiday here
15:46.17blast_hardcheeseWhere's here?
15:46.29blast_hardcheeseoh, neat
15:46.42blast_hardcheeseWe had a holiday yesterday
15:46.50*** join/#debian mquin (~mquin@freenode/staff/mquin)
15:47.57Devastatoryay holidays
15:48.18binti have a folder "jail" where only root got access to.. but i kinda wanna add some other users to have access to it
15:48.21binthow does it work?
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15:48.32bintls -l i can see owner root
15:48.40bintbut i dont know how to add groups or persons
15:49.26jhutchins_ltDevastator: The problem is that the standard linux kernel no longer fits on a single floppy.  It takes at least two floppies to boot, and since people stopped even trying to support floppies it's probably gotten even more bloated.
15:49.59elkclonefloppies. wtf.
15:50.09bintfloppies suck
15:50.21jhutchins_ltSometimes floppies are all you have.
15:50.23ThisNicknameIsntbint, man chown
15:50.28bintthx ThisNicknameIsnt
15:50.32Devastatorjhutchins_lt so, you mean there's no "rawrite" on lenny?
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15:50.33uofm426are most am2/am2+ am3 board one set watt
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15:50.41elkcloneya chown
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15:50.49jhutchins_ltDevastator: I mean there's no image to make the floppies from.
15:50.53r101011im using mdadm but haven't in a while
15:51.04r101011should I partition before or after creating the raid?
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15:51.42themilluofm426: seriously.... ##hardware.
15:51.44Devastatorjhutchins_lt what my options are? I have cdrom, but bios doesn't support boot, floppy
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15:52.00bbooqqthemill: Quite off topic, but I'm wondering about OS (for example, IBM AIX) patches, the patch is called patch-set, do you think the patch-set of AIX also managed in same manner regarding my original question?
15:52.14jhutchins_ltDevastator: There may be a boot-to-cd floppy image somewhere, check the install guide.
15:52.17r101011meaning should I create the raid (just mirroring) with the devices or with the partitions
15:52.21ThisNicknameIsntDevastator, BIOS update could be one option
15:52.27jhutchins_ltDevastator: Also, check for a BIOS update.
15:52.50DevastatorThisNicknameIsnt for an old socket 7? I highly doubt that..
15:53.06jhutchins_ltDevastator: If you can find an IDE USB hard disk, you can use that on a laptop to create the installation.
15:53.21themillbbooqq: sorry... no idea. Most OSs ship entirely binary packages for updates rather than trying to do binary-updates. Some backport patches to the currently released version, some don't and expect you to just upgrade to the newest.
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15:53.57jhutchins_ltbbooqq: One can patch binaries directly as well.
15:54.06jhutchins_ltbbooqq: It's a bit trickier, but possible.
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15:56.23jhutchins_ltDevastator: Hm, nothing about floppy-to-CD boot in the install guide, sorry.
15:56.37jhutchins_ltDevastator: How much ram does this system have anyway?
15:58.28Devastatoroh well.. seems impossible
15:58.43uofm426anyone give me a idea of a good am2 and am3 motherboard that can take the amd low power x2
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15:59.22Devastatorthis is probably not the right place to ask this
15:59.28Devastatortry #hardware
15:59.32bbooqqthemill, jhutchins_lt: My question was, IBM's patch-set is managed like Debian's package, or they build a patch-set including only changed, fixed, or affected files only.
15:59.49jhutchins_ltDevastator: There are some distributions that are dedicated to old hardware.  There are puppy linux and DSL, and there used to be something like "vintagelinux" which seems defunct now.
16:00.08uofm426no said by invite only on xchat
16:00.36Devastatorjhutchins good idea, from there I can go to debian, probably
16:00.47jhutchins_ltuofm426: /j hardware - it's not restricted - at least for a registered nick.
16:01.05jhutchins_ltuofm426: Just because you can't get an answer elsewhere doesn't mean #debian is the right place to ask.
16:01.59*** join/#debian bluethundr (~bluethund@
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16:02.46uofm426it dont mean someone in here dont know
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16:03.15jhutchins_ltuofm426: This channel is for Debian support.
16:03.27*** join/#debian Asen-Ger (
16:04.07bbooqqthemill, jhutchins_lt: Appriciate, It was very helpful to talk. I'll check IBM's manual or documentation for IBM.
16:04.09*** join/#debian MartyD (~MartyD@unaffiliated/martyd)
16:04.25uofm426is there a general pc unbiased channel
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16:05.22stewuofm426: ##hardware
16:05.57uofm426i have debian question im running lenny why is pidgin no longer have yahoo
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16:06.43jhutchins_ltuofm426: Yahoo mucks about with their protocols.  Try the version from backports.
16:07.01stewuofm426: /msg dpkg backports
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16:08.12lexSay dudes, does debian use pam_limits by default?
16:09.25bzrklex: yes
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16:09.49binti want a sepc. user to be in a group but so far i didn't define any groups
16:10.12bintdo i have first to create a group with root or can i somehow just join a non-existing group and it will create this group?
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16:11.47lexbzrk: would you say violations to limits set by pam_limits configuration are always logged?
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16:13.03lexbzrk:  Cause ive a problem. Ive a java server on top of a box that im assuming is NOT hitting pam_limits but however does lock up under high load. I dont want to increase pam_limits because i find no evidence (eg logs) that limits have been reached.
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16:21.11diegowsis there a way to reinstall a package with the default configuration ?
16:21.49zach23how come dpkg (on irc) tells me that lenny.sources should be "deb http://ftp/.<cc> lenny main" and "deb lenny/updates main" - what about contrib and non-free? can I just append these on? "deb lenny main contrib non-free
16:21.50dpkgThe reason you have to use dpkg --force-confmiss is because whenever your config files (<conffiles>) are gone, dpkg assumes you deleted them on purpose, and that you want them to stay deleted.  You can also reinstall them using the following apt-get line: apt-get -o DPkg::Options::="--force-confmiss" --reinstall install <packagename>; or using aptitude, aptitude -o DPkg::Options::="--force-confmiss" reinstall <packagename>;
16:21.59diegowsi know that I can do a "remove --purge; install"
16:22.05*** join/#debian grazymax (
16:22.12diegowsbut may be there is a quick way
16:22.58abrotmanzach23: what else would you want them to be ?
16:23.11abrotmanzach23: oh, yes .. you can append contrib/non-free
16:23.25zach23abrotman: ahh okay..just odd it's skipped from lenny.sources but in there when you ask for etch.sources
16:23.34*** join/#debian oblu (
16:23.35zach23abrotman: I also have ?
16:23.36abrotmanzach23: well, technically, non-free is not part of Debian
16:23.41abrotmanzach23: volatile is good too
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16:24.13jhutchins_ltlex: Do you have sysstat installed?
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16:24.37jhutchins_ltbint: No, you must create the group as root first, then add the user to it.
16:24.55zach23abrotman: what is volatile for? I hardly see this ever mentioned
16:25.22dpkgDebian Volatile is a project that aims at keeping the <stable> and <oldstable> distributions up to date for fast moving packages such as virus scanners, spam scanners and firmware downloaders.  An example line for your lenny sources.list is: deb lenny/volatile main contrib non-free   See also <volatile mirrors>.
16:26.00*** join/#debian JainAmber (~AmberJ@
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16:26.33dos000i have a server that needs to use ssl. now i *know* that the FQDN part of the url has to match the CN field of the ssl certificate .. except i cant point to an authoritative doc that clearly states this.
16:27.01zach23abrotman: thanks...makes this does not affect most packages
16:27.07dos000someon is arguing against me on this basic thing
16:28.08jhutchins_ltErgh.  Not that.
16:28.32jhutchins_ltSigh.  So clumsy this morning.
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16:30.01*** mode/#debian [+l 999] by debhelper
16:30.03jhutchins_ltdos000: finally
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16:30.22jhutchins_ltSorry for the scroll.
16:31.50*** join/#debian Mike__ (~Mike@
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16:31.57dos000jhujhiti, it does not cover the CN stuff .. this one does
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16:32.10dos000jhujhiti, but it just says hotsname !
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16:33.06jhutchins_ltdos000: Look at the handshake mechanism.
16:33.14keith4there is a new kernel package in lenny... that's *not* a security update?
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16:34.43stewkeith4: what version? 2.6.26-24lenny1? or is there a newer on?
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16:35.26jhutchins_ltkeith4: Check the changelog.
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16:35.52keith4stew: 2.6.26-25
16:35.55abrotmankeith4: /topic
16:36.08fxinystew: 25 , point release
16:36.08stewyeah, hmm, don't know why it doesn't appear in
16:36.18*** join/#debian Malf (
16:36.25keith4abrotman: oh, just part of the 5.0.6 release?
16:36.25fxinylinux-image-2.6.26-2-686 (2.6.26-25 Debian:5.0.6/stable)
16:36.33keith4got it. thanks
16:36.49fxiny2 days old
16:37.02*** join/#debian kroddnoMobil (~kroddn@
16:37.45stewkeith4: but it is a security update
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16:38.34keith4stew: er, i meant that it came from normal mirrors, not
16:38.57keith4(which is how the nagios check_apt decides what is/isn't a "critical" update, apparently)
16:39.27stewhmm.  perhaps it would be better if it used upload urgency
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16:40.23dos000jhutchins_lt, sorry man .. it does not look like they cover matching the CN in both RFCs .. maybe i am blind
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16:41.06jhutchins_ltdos000: Well, you can set up some tests, or just go to one of the many sites that do it wrong and grab a screenshot of the error message.
16:41.10macondohi, what is the command to get the 'boot log' ? thanks...
16:41.24jhutchins_ltdos000: cert will not match for instance (can be done, tricky).
16:41.31jhutchins_ltmacondo: dmesg
16:41.42macondothank you!
16:41.43jhutchins_ltmacondo: Recommend using tail or less with it.
16:42.57hescoI tried mkfs -t Reiserfs /dev/lvg/lvname, but was told "mkfs.Reiserfs: No such file or directory".  I have reiserfsprogs installed.  What am I missing please?
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16:43.36hesconever mind, I tried it without the CAP R and it seems to work much better
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16:45.29swervewhat do I need to get 'startx' command in debian? it says x11-common is installed, and there's no x11-server package
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16:46.35stewswerve: we recommend installing the xorg package which pulls in many needed dependencies
16:47.22swervehmm, i installed a window manager, why didn't it install xorg?
16:47.34swervethe wm seems to require it
16:47.52*** join/#debian asig (~nomail@unaffiliated/asig)
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16:48.23stewswerve: no, because the window manager can run on an X server on another machine, it doesn't require one on the local machine
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16:49.11swerveoh, ok
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16:49.56Ward|hramrach, ping?
16:50.18Ward|chroot rootfs
16:50.19Ward|FATAL: kernel too old
16:50.30Ward|so how do i debootstrap an old rootfs? lol
16:50.40Ward|(since i cannot update the kernel on this device)
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16:51.32Ward|its so silent here i can here myself echo :p
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16:55.23kuenehello. I use lenny with 2.6.26-2-amd64 it hangs on boot. It is caused by the module i5000_edac. I can blacklist the module and insert it after boot and the system freezes. This suggest that I have some kind of hardware error. but what kind. (debian lenny rescue live cd has the same error. but a suse live cd boots just fine...) the server is a supermicro that has been running for 3 years untill the kernel upgrade last week. the only kernel that seems to work now
16:55.23kueneis: 2.6.18-openvz-18-51.3d2-amd64 any ideas?
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16:57.35jordanm,file i5000_edac
16:57.39juddNo packages were found with that file.
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16:57.56jordanmkuene: is that a 3rd party module?
16:58.00jordanm,file i5000_edac.ko
16:58.02juddi5000_edac.ko in lenny/i386: linux-image-2.6.26-2-486: lib/modules/2.6.26-2-486/kernel/drivers/edac/i5000_edac.ko; linux-image-2.6.26-2-686: lib/modules/2.6.26-2-686/kernel/drivers/edac/i5000_edac.ko; linux-image-2.6.26-2-amd64: lib/modules/2.6.26-2-amd64/kernel/drivers/edac/i5000_edac.ko; linux-image-2.6.26-2-openvz-686: lib/modules/2.6.26-2-openvz-686/kernel/drivers/edac/i5000_edac.ko;
16:58.04juddlinux-image-2.6.26-2-686-bigmem: lib/modules/2.6.26-2-686-bigmem/kernel/drivers/edac/i5000_edac.ko; linux-image-2.6.26-2-vserver-686-bigmem: lib/modules/2.6.26-2-vserver-686-bigmem/kernel/drivers/edac/i5000_edac.ko; linux-image-2.6.26-2-vserver-686: lib/modules/2.6.26-2-vserver-686/kernel/drivers/edac/i5000_edac.ko; linux-modules-2.6.26-2-xen-686: (1 more message)
16:58.07kuenei5000_edac is a kernel module
16:58.20WickedWayzhello i m new on Debian and i have a problem with Gnome
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16:58.29WickedWayzerror ss is here ;
16:58.53jordanmkuene: will it boot with the older revision of the kernel?
16:58.58kuenei5000_edac shoud do some kind of hardware error handling and reporting
16:58.58oblukuene: whats on the console when it hangs?
16:59.03*** mode/#debian [+o stew] by ChanServ
16:59.04*** mode/#debian [+q *!*@shellium/member/wickedwayz] by stew
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16:59.23stewplease ignore WickedWayz, and don't visit that site
16:59.38kuenejordanm, no. i installed the same kernel that I had before the upgrade (from apt-cache) it does not work.
16:59.39jordanmkuene: according to the headers in the code, its a memory controller driver
16:59.56jordanmkuene: then perhaps you have a failing memory module
17:00.00kueneI made a memcheck last night without results
17:01.37kueneoblu, when loading edac_core:[  617.929928] EDAC MC: Ver: 2.1.0 Aug 31 2010 when loading i500_edac there is nothing...
17:02.11zach23when upgrading etch -> lenny, I am getting this error on aptitude safe-upgrade on certain packages: perl error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
17:02.19kuenejordanm, hm perhaps but why should it hang??
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17:03.26kueneany idea on how the get the reports from edac? what doe it do?
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17:04.46kuenejordanm, thnx
17:05.02jordanmkuene: its not actually displaying a kernel panic? do you have "quiet" on your boot options?
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17:05.50kuenejordanm, I have it in the blacklist and make modprobe. the server just hangs without panic
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17:06.12jordanmkuene: I meant when booting without it blacklisted
17:06.15kueneafter modprobe i5000_edac nothing goes...
17:06.50kuenejordanm, no it just hangs. thats why i cost me one full day to figure out what it was
17:06.54fxinyzach23: while upgrading etch2lenny aptitude removed libssp0
17:07.31zach23fxiny: my system wont crash on a reboot will it? is this harmless? it's when upgrading ghostscript
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17:08.00kuenejordanm, according to your link i5000_edac does also some pci error handling not only ram...
17:08.40fxinyzach23: i'm checking my notes : aptitude removed that one and libsasl2 libperl5.8 and 3 more
17:09.24fxinyzach23: have you already done aptitude full-upgrade ?
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17:09.54kuenethats really the problem. I do not know how I can get edac or i5000_edac to speak to me.
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17:10.28stewneoark: please see WickedWayz above, thanks
17:10.51kueneI think I have a hardware error. but I do not know what component. and if I blacklist edac the server seems to rung just fine...
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17:11.22fxinyzach23: ghostscript ? -> Leave the following dependencies unresolved: -> ghostscript recommends psfontmgr . that's all i have
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17:12.17dpkg[stable] The status of a Debian release when no packages will be added or new versions introduced, and changes will only fix security issues and critical bugs.  Packages can be removed in rare circumstances.  The current stable version of Debian is Lenny (5.0); ask me about <releases>.  Security bugs are fixed in stable by backporting the fix to the current version (ask me about <security backports>).
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17:16.22visofthere was a command that i was using to know mu global ip, curl , but that give me the html , i need the text
17:16.32visofwhich arg should i use ?
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17:17.07zach23fxiny: I have done aptitude full-upgrade - that's when the problem occurs
17:17.14Ward|is my target is uclibc-mips, what should i debootstrap to get a good rootfs?
17:17.15*** join/#debian Wizard (~wziuuuuu@gentoo/user/wizard)
17:17.17Ward|i also have an old kernel
17:17.27Ward|(2.6 though)
17:17.49zach23fxiny: I just hope my system comes up on reboot?
17:18.09zach23fxiny: also there was no notice to reboot the system due to a kernel upgrade?
17:18.13Wizardis there any way to check history of package update?
17:18.23*** join/#debian mrsprinkles (
17:18.27abrotmanWizard: such as the changelog?
17:18.33stewWizard: what do you mean, exactly? the history on your machine?  history in debian?
17:18.43Wizardon my machine
17:18.56stewWizard: check /var/log/dpkg.log and myabe /var/log/aptitude
17:18.58abrotman/var/log/dpkg.log or /var/log/aptitude
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17:19.09Wizardi don't use aptitude at all
17:19.14fxinyzach23: are you still with the 2.6.18-6 ?
17:19.15guest__visof don't know if this will help or not...
17:19.23zach23fxiny: yes
17:19.27juddAvailable kernel versions are: experimental: 2.6.35-trunk-686 (2.6.35-1~experimental.3); sid: 2.6.32-5-686 (2.6.32-21); squeeze: 2.6.32-5-686 (2.6.32-21); lenny-backports: 2.6.32-bpo.5-686 (2.6.32-20~bpo50+1); lenny: 2.6.26-2-686 (2.6.26-25); etchnhalf: 2.6.24-etchnhalf.1-686 (2.6.24-6~etchnhalf.9etch3); etch: 2.6.18-6-686 (2.6.18.dfsg.1-26etch2)
17:19.33Wizardi updated sid yeterday and wifi stoped working :P
17:19.58dpkgsid is the <unstable> version of Debian.  Sid is the destructive kid in Toy Story.  It is NOT an acronym, but is sometimes backronymed Still In Development anyway.  Do not use sid unless you have the skill to find your way out of the mess that broken packages may put you in; sid is not supported in #debian because sid users should be able to solve their own problems.  Sid will never be released.  See also <sid faq> <unstable>.
17:20.00*** mode/#debian [+l 1006] by debhelper
17:20.24fxinyzach23: maybe that's why , you should boot lenny kernel
17:20.32zach23yes doing that now
17:20.35unkmarI shot myself in the 3 minutes ago.  Now I'm complaining.
17:20.46mrsprinklesI added * hard nofile 2048  in /etc/security/limits.conf  but ulimit -n still shows as 1024 for my users.  Do i need to reboot for the changes to take hold?
17:20.49jelly-homeunkmar: you shot time?
17:21.05*** join/#debian LaptopBrain (
17:21.06AimHereYou should have shot your own 20 minutes in the future
17:21.16fxinyzach23: old aptitude install new aptitude , new kernel . boot it  , finish upgrading
17:21.17AimHereIt would have hurt less
17:21.21WizardBushmills: thanks for cool advice ;)
17:21.30unkmarjust woke up, haven't had my C0FFEE
17:22.10jelly-homemrsprinkles: softlimit wasn't changed, was it?
17:22.22*** join/#debian ireas (~ireas@wikipedia/Ireas)
17:22.30jelly-homemrsprinkles: the users need to re-logib
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17:22.36jelly-homere-login, even
17:22.45guest__AimHere perhaps if he had shot his 2 years ago... it would have stopped hurting before it happened ???
17:22.52stewWizard: does your wifi require firmware?
17:22.58zach23fxiny: ahh there was a custom built version of perl on this...sigh.. that's what is looking for
17:23.11mrsprinklesjelly-home: yeah if I do ulimit -H -n it still says 1024 too.   leme change both hard and soft and relogin
17:23.11ireashow can I check if a certain WLAN driver is supported in the current Linux kernel?
17:23.11Wizardstew: yeah, it does
17:23.12hescoI just rsync'd my home partition onto a new logical volume.  I'd now like to `cd /; mv home home_old; mv new_home home` and hope I don't lose the ability to operate on my machine.  Is this something I need to go into single user mode to accomplish?
17:23.18Wizardit's airportextream
17:23.24fxinyzach23: good news :)
17:23.40zach23fxiny: so I'll have to see what's up with it and rebuild it?
17:23.42jelly-homemrsprinkles: that's a config file for the pam_limits module.  This implies services apply the settings only if they use PAM, and futhermore, only if pam_limits is enabled in their pam config
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17:24.30fxinyzach23: i'm curious : what's new in this perl version ?
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17:24.42jelly-homehesco: you'll have to get rid of all the processes accessing old /home to be able to unmount old and new and mount the new one in place.
17:25.09hescojelly-home: thanks, I assume that is the lsof list?
17:25.14Bushmillshesco: usually works, just log out any non-root users before.  but - if new home is on a new volume, you can mount it into an (empty) new (home
17:25.17jelly-homehesco: right
17:25.28fxinyzach23: perl6 alike ?
17:26.22stewWizard: did you upgrade kernels and the new kernel needs newer firmware?
17:26.26mrsprinklesjelly-home: i'm using it for a process, not a service though.  so is there a way to make it work globally?  or do I ned to also configure pam somehow?
17:26.49zach23fxiny: it's 5.10.1 - something the dev team needed that wasnt in etch
17:26.59Wizardstew: i don't know, that's why i asked about upgrade logs
17:27.01hescoonly 279 lsof connections.  Guess that answers my question.  Need to log out and do this on a fresh install.
17:27.20hescothough suppose I can rewrite my fstab first, before the shutdown.
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17:28.00guest__IP() {     wget -q -O - | grep "Current IP Address" | cut -b76- | sed 's"<.*>""g' | tr -d -- "' \\r"; } ; IP
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17:28.29jelly-homehesco: disabling login and/or temporarily killing the services accessing /home, then killing current processes, can be an option
17:28.41fxiny, perl version
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17:29.00jelly-homefxiny: what are you trying ask judd about?
17:29.08phorce1, versions perl
17:29.09juddperl -- etch: 5.8.8-7etch6; etch-security: 5.8.8-7etch6; lenny: 5.10.0-19lenny2; sid: 5.10.1-14; squeeze: 5.10.1-14; experimental: 5.12.2~rc1-1
17:29.12*** join/#debian DVL-426 (~DVL-426@
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17:29.45fxinyjelly-home: i think zach23 wnats to know debian  perl versions
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17:30.13jelly-homefxiny: zach23 already solved his issue a far as I can tell?
17:30.36fxinyjelly-home: no , he said he wants to rebuild a custom perl version
17:30.53*** part/#debian NixMan1 (
17:30.54fxinyjelly-home: zach23> fxiny: it's 5.10.1 - something the dev team needed that wasnt in etch
17:30.58zach23.I rebooted the system and things seem to be okay though I rebooted after aptitude full-upgrade and not after the kernel upgrade that occurred prior - is that okay?
17:31.29Wizardwtf is unattended-upgrades?
17:31.36fxinyzach23: which perl version you need ?
17:31.36jelly-homezach23: yes, as long as you rebooted after the kernel upgrade
17:31.59guest__Wizard a windows hack that found it's way into linux ?
17:32.04jelly-homezach23: and booted the current kernel as opposed to the old one, naturallyt
17:32.17zach23yes all is fine...
17:32.22zach23fxiny: perl 5.10.1
17:32.24jelly-homefxiny: see!
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17:32.54fxinyjelly-home: isn't that squeeze version ?
17:32.58zach23I'm just rebuilding it from scrarth to make all happy
17:32.59fxinyhe's on lenny
17:33.14jelly-homemight as well go 5.12.x
17:33.27fxinyzach23: wait a minute : debian has all perl version you want , tell jelly
17:33.29*** join/#debian djszapi (
17:33.30djszapiGet:1 1.0/ scratchbox-core 1.0.20 [51.7MB]
17:33.31zach23squeeze isnt ready for production is it?
17:33.33djszapiErr 1.0/ scratchbox-core 1.0.20                                                                                                                                                                             Operation timed out after 120000 milliseconds with 30556160 out of 51697630 bytes received
17:33.45djszapiHow can I set a bigger timeout ? My network connect is too slow ...
17:33.57*** join/#debian Ox1 (
17:34.07jelly-homezach23: likely not.  build and use your perl in a separate prefix (eg. /opt/perl) and use that
17:34.39jelly-homezach23: do _not_ try overwriting the distro perl, that way lies madness
17:34.44*** join/#debian Metaphysicist (
17:35.17guest__removed perl from his system
17:35.21guest__one time...
17:35.40jelly-homenot an easy task on debian
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17:36.06guest__no it's not.  and i concure    madness awates the trifeling few
17:36.07fxinylights a candle on his little Larry Wall altar
17:36.30Bushmillszach23: squeeze is testing. when it's ready for production, it will be stable
17:36.36djszapiany idea for the timeout setting ?
17:36.38*** join/#debian demoneye (aspire@gateway/shell/
17:37.08zach23no i'm not removing it - it's on /usr/local/
17:37.35*** join/#debian DVL-426_ (~DVL-426@
17:37.40demoneyeHow do I uninstall samba server? I have installed samba when I first booted debian onto my pc, would like to know how do I get rid of it
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17:38.20Wizardguest__: very helpful information
17:38.59*** join/#debian neurolysis (~Chris@unaffiliated/neurolysis)
17:39.01jelly-homedjszapi: man apt.conf, hunt for http option in the Acquire group.
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17:39.07guest__Wizard the name is self explanatory though.
17:39.21djszapijelly-home: I do not care
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17:39.25jhutchins_ltdemoneye: aptitude purge samba
17:39.30djszapiI download with wget and push into the cache dir
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17:40.36jelly-homedjszapi: you're welcome.  Might want to inform the channel you've solver your issue, next time.
17:40.39guest__djszapi your work around is fine, for a one shot.   the cure is better though
17:40.50demoneyeanother question, I have this samba server grub stuff going on when I start-up my pc, how do I get rid of it? or it will be removed when I purge samba?
17:40.59peterrooneyis there a way to automatically  generate a config for make-kpkg that disables any hardware I don't have?
17:40.59wildc4rdevenin' all
17:41.27*** join/#debian ruoso (
17:41.32djszapiman apt.conf does not work ...
17:41.40djszapiI am in chroot environment ...
17:41.42djszapithat is why wget way is better.
17:41.48jelly-homedjszapi: are you sure you're running Debian?
17:42.00djszapiin chroot yes ...
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17:42.18peterrooneydemoneye: jhutchins_lt already answered that question
17:42.37jordanmpeterrooney: I think that is called "using an initrd"
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17:42.54demoneyeok, thank you.
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17:44.32jhutchins_ltdemoneye: Yes, it will be removed.  You can also just turn it off with something like rcconf, but removing it will remove the startup.
17:44.53guest__is aptitude still "considered" better than apt   (channel specific)
17:45.37jelly-homepeterrooney: I don't have an answer; however, while theoretically a nice idea, it makes any hardware updates hard
17:46.13djszapiwhich is the temporary download location of apt-get ?
17:46.44*** join/#debian karlpinc (
17:46.51jhutchins_lt!tell guest__ about why aptitude
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17:46.59jhutchins_lt!tell guest__ about why not aptitude
17:47.07djszapinop. ..
17:47.12djszapiguest__ nothing is there
17:47.27jelly-homepeterrooney: also consider your hardware may present itself dynamically -- on this thinkpad, the bluetooth device only appears (in lsusb) when the radio switch is on
17:47.33*** join/#debian jophish (
17:47.45karlpincI've got a pgp public key file I made with gpg --export --armor foo > bar   Is there a way to fingerprint the keys in bar without importing them into a keyring?
17:47.50demoneyesorry, but that did not work. I executed 'aptitude purge samba' via root. Restart'ed my pc, and I see samba starting (grub)
17:47.55guest__djszapi chroot ?
17:48.01fxinyguest__: you don't get any answer ? hahah : ask about emacs and i'll tell you i'm using anything.el which does everything like aptitude
17:48.10djszapiguest__ ?
17:48.26jelly-homeguest__: /msg dpkg chroot
17:48.46guest__djszapi that's still the location of dl'd packages   any package manager
17:48.55jordanmfxiny: anything.el?
17:49.02fxinyjordanm: yes :)
17:49.04guest__jelly-home no thanks,  already know about it/them
17:49.18*** join/#debian micols (~mio@
17:49.19fxinyjordanm: and another handy one is linkd.el
17:49.25jhutchins_ltdemoneye: dpkg -l samba* && aptitude purge whatever packages are listed.  Pay attention to what aptitude says it's doing.
17:49.34jordanmfxiny: neither appear to be in debian
17:49.44guest__djszapi and if you want to know the location of "partial" dl's   it's the same plus */partial/
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17:50.18fxinyjordanm: and ? i was using tripwire long before it was packaged
17:50.32djszapipartial ?
17:50.44guest__djszapi ;/
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17:51.29karlpincMy guess is no.  I just made a temporary (I hope) keyring and will discard it.
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17:51.52demoneyesamba and samba-common - none - no description available
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17:53.04fxinyjordanm: is huge wc -l -> 5966
17:53.08karlpincBut there does not seem to be an easy way to list all the default keyrings. :-P
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17:55.26demoneyesorry to bother, that didn't work either. I restarted it, and the samba server starts-up again
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17:57.46Posterdatiplease I've got this problem on squeeze, using apt-get: Hash Sum mismatch
17:58.04demoneyeapt-get update
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17:58.17demoneyearghh, sorry wrong window
17:58.46tholl583xxhi whats the difference between the
17:59.00tholl583xx"squeeze main" and "sid main" repos?
17:59.16fxinydemoneye: samba ? /etc/init.d/smb stop && update-rc.d -f  samba remove
17:59.51fxinysmb or samba , don't rermember , you try works!
18:00.30fxinyi know it works , i use that repo
18:00.47Posterdatifxiny: I was talking about my problem!
18:00.56tholl583xxwhat is "sid"?
18:01.10folkendash = dumb ass shell, right?
18:01.40zach23fxiny: another problem - NFS won't mount from an etch server - it was fine prior to lenny upgrade
18:01.51stewtholl583xx: squeeze is the currently frozen "testing" release of debian, which we hope to release as "stable" soon.  "sid" is the "unstable" release meant for developers.  its where (hopefully not but possibly untestesd) packages are first uploaded to debian
18:01.55fxinyPosterdati: kde4 is a mess ? i've checked it yesterday and on my box works much better then gnome
18:02.08Posterdatifxiny: ?
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18:02.29fxinyPosterdati: yes , i've purged gnome before
18:02.38demoneyefxiny: I can't seem to execute those commands provided: "bash: samba: command not found"
18:02.52fxinyPosterdati: but i am an xmonad user , i'm just checking
18:03.08Posterdatifxiny: what do you want from me?
18:03.21Posterdatifxiny: I didn't say anything about kde4
18:03.34dpkgii  samba* reads:                 1.3-15.2           demoneye's private stamp collection
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18:03.40demoneyepn  samba          <none>         (no description available)
18:03.40demoneyepn  samba-common   <none>         (no description available)
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18:06.57fxinydemoneye: what exactly is your problem ?
18:07.26Techtronichello, how can i fix this  ?
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18:08.46demoneyeI want to remove samba from my computer (debian 5). I have instaled samba the first time I fired-up Debian, now I want it removed since I'm no more using it
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18:11.00fxinydemoneye: what aptitude -s purge samba does ?
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18:12.20fxinydemoneye: you can remove samba with aptitude or just keep it installed but not running at reboot : /etc/init.d/samba stop && update-rc.d -f  samba remove
18:12.51jelly-homefxiny: that would reinstall the init script links upon next upgrade of the package
18:13.14fxinyjelly-home: yes
18:13.24guest__Techtronic apt-cache search 'gobject-introspection'    <<<< does that turn up anything ?
18:13.35stewand didn't he already say that samba was purged?
18:13.49fxinyhe said samba restart at reboot
18:13.51jelly-homefxiny: it's better to tell the user to just remove the relevant link for runlevel 2
18:14.45jelly-homefxiny: if you remove them all, next time the package is upgraded they all get back and the service gets started on reboot
18:14.47demoneyenope, none of it are working
18:15.08stewand the package which is currently purged won't get upgraded
18:15.16fxinyjelly-home: i know that , i have samba sleeping here
18:15.30guest__perhaps someone needs to find out what demoneye is really trying to accomplish....
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18:16.03demoneyeto remove samba from my pc (not using it anymore)
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18:16.46peterrooneydemoneye: if "aptitude remove samba-common samba-client samba" does not work, take a look in /etc/init.d/ for samba
18:16.52stewdemoneye: it was already removed
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18:17.16stewdemoneye: unless you installed it from source or by some other means other than with apt-get/aptitude/dpkg/synaptic/whatever
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18:17.23fxinyi asked demone eye what aptitude -s purge samba does "-s"
18:17.37jelly-homedemoneye: -s option for aptitude makes it merely say what it would do.  If you're satisfied with the output of "aptitude -s purge samba" command, you can remove the -s option to make it actually DO something
18:17.39*** join/#debian guenter_ (
18:17.59stewor just run "aptitude install" it should do the same as "aptitude purge samba"
18:18.14guest__demoneye   maybe you want something like this...   but use with care>>>  COLUMNS=300 dpkg -l | grep -i samba | cut -d' ' -f3 | while read q ;do aptitude purge $q ;done
18:18.32stewguest__: he already pasted the output of "dpkg -l samba\*"
18:18.48guest__stew see command again
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18:18.58jelly-homestew: there's the issue of the stamp collection, though
18:19.06stewguest__: you want to purge packages which are already purged
18:19.09demoneyeoh, I see
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18:21.20stewguest__: (and btw, your command is much simpler as "aptitude purge '~nsamba'")
18:22.01guest__stew command will pull in things that only spell samba in the short description too
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18:22.19guest__anyway....   i'll go now.
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18:23.10fishcookerwhat means modem 153kbps?! How the speed on Kb?... ANY POointer will be appreciated
18:24.03krisfremenfishcooker: well, the modem can handle 153kbps perhaps??
18:24.29krisfremenjust divide the kbps by 8 and you'll get that in kilobytes
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18:24.58kuenejordanm, it was a broken ram that caused the system to freeze if i5000_edac is loaded. i will file a bug report tomorrow.
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18:25.54newbiehi guys
18:26.00newbieanyone know why im getting this error
18:26.01newbieReloading web server config: apache2apache2: apr_sockaddr_info_get() failed for SVD-BLUE
18:26.01newbieapache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName
18:26.01*** kick/#debian [newbie!~debhelper@unaffiliated/debhelper] by debhelper (use the paster bot or #flood)
18:26.06fishcookerkrisfremen: how about the speed in KB
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18:29.22krisfremenfishcooker: i told you, divide by 8
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18:31.57newbieapache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName
18:32.10newbieany idea why im getting that whenever i want to restart Apache?
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18:32.56KBlJWQ1NO HOMELAND WITHOUT YOU FUHRER LOREZ! ALL HAIL THE AUTISTIC LORD OF FREENODE!! KBlJWQ1 newbie Old_Spike0 apelgate alandry do0ob sayanriju mamurdian amsterdam1 xlotlu Fabrizio fishcooker fantasticulous gloopy lifeofguenter Lanz chaisen panopticon amphi cga__ PadawanLearner visof Techtronic fddfoo MarkB1 iTonnerre Petrov Bry-Dog msaizar Ward| demoneye DVL-426 icebrain fahadsadah micols jophish karlpinc smica Cope buh ruoso action09 evilbulg1rian evilbulgarian
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18:33.20do0obWhy, why would you do that, please, just why
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18:33.25jayneeNO HOMELAND WITHOUT YOU FUHRER LOREZ! ALL HAIL THE AUTISTIC LORD OF FREENODE!! jaynee maurizio newbie Old_Spike0 apelgate alandry do0ob sayanriju mamurdian amsterdam1 xlotlu Fabrizio fishcooker fantasticulous gloopy lifeofguenter Lanz chaisen panopticon amphi cga__ PadawanLearner visof Techtronic fddfoo MarkB1 iTonnerre Petrov Bry-Dog msaizar Ward| demoneye DVL-426 icebrain fahadsadah micols jophish karlpinc smica Cope buh ruoso action09 evilbulg1rian evi
18:33.25jayneeNO HOMELAND WITHOUT YOU FUHRER LOREZ! ALL HAIL THE AUTISTIC LORD OF FREENODE!! ondrejk LaptopBrain nicoulaj mrsprinkles MrFahrenheit rvsjoen AimHere emma bier|tp ungage CyberGabber tyche Texou fnordperfect grishnav ron_o cahoot achury r3c4ll Spec antgel kuene bit0 AK|offline Zylvain asig kroddnoMobil timahvo1 cusco Ergo^ Mike__ carl4 NoCode oblu grazymax diegows fxiny erikja zir0faive prince_jammys hagabaka lex shylent davyg Asen-Ger debiantonio bluethund
18:33.25jayneeNO HOMELAND WITHOUT YOU FUHRER LOREZ! ALL HAIL THE AUTISTIC LORD OF FREENODE!! uofm426 zach23 km SQlvpapir Gilde ank Cisien brammator shahri pipegeek Morten_ Locke0 salvin jelly-home Trollindor SYN4PS3 massmc xenoplanar SineDeviance mns wasi jpinx-eeepc sphenxes MadViking DimmuR Ober7 jetblack PARLIAMENT mypapit rh- atomx surlyjake myosound gentgeen__ ChaozZBubi sneezewort Mr_Queue slidesinger jthomas_sb behanw Phil_Ewert red1ynx phinaliumz hardnrgg aguit
18:33.25jayneeNO HOMELAND WITHOUT YOU FUHRER LOREZ! ALL HAIL THE AUTISTIC LORD OF FREENODE!! DaDa` aucabarcas Niamor deStone wieshka sejerpz elik DGnome AmberJ carandraug JStoker goldins jduggan_ rasputin pikudoz amkrankruleuen colona igno Yancho CalebRipley pumazi Guest18274 mmnicolas abrotman dpkg valdyn jgeboski jrib xedasx p0g0 TheOnly Mister_X] vizzy ootput mInuxZi dArK_IcE lptv SWFu shingouz master_of_master Bop c0nv1ct nyRednek bint heath blast_hardcheese mo6020
18:33.25jayneeNO HOMELAND WITHOUT YOU FUHRER LOREZ! ALL HAIL THE AUTISTIC LORD OF FREENODE!! JNSamuel miga nebukad__afk magnet Kuzavas llimeht terranova Muhammad verwilst Judas_PhD CAiRO_ CharminTheMoose Amorphous Batchy e-anima kermit Agiofws misnix me|kor Eryn_1983_FL ShapeShifter|AFK AbsintheSyringe rgr_ darthanubis NoNaMeNo {41444d494e}|w dinya_ {41444d494e} sostenuto jonmasters merkelis zerohero Bryanstein ApEtc jjman6_ jjman6 Python1320 rsr Appetite unkmar kylemc
18:33.25jayneeNO HOMELAND WITHOUT YOU FUHRER LOREZ! ALL HAIL THE AUTISTIC LORD OF FREENODE!! astrocub courpse drinkycrow abysed CompWizrd ernst_ s1kx mnuhmnuh ScottG489 simonrvn Farmer__ Dewi bzrk pl4yer0ne redpepper rudi_s fipu erage mete intgr CaT[t2] chpln Piratero Phil wohnout pobega antivigilante XLV Ex-Opesa vader-- Devastator unomi nhandler mastro Posterdati Raptors peterrooney khem_ bhah sw0e lepine hjb swerve obcecado Neo|Desktop ems Oxy-D not-me HermanDE alli
18:33.30*** join/#debian coolmadmax (
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18:33.44dpkgops is, like, Please invoke 'dpkg: ops $problem' to call the ops to deal with a specific problem.  Misuse of this will lead to a ban.
18:33.44do0obthinks IRC needs filtering before the text is posted
18:33.55jordanmdo0ob: its not entirely uncommon. some people dislike freenode staff for w/e reason
18:33.59ThisNicknameIsntgood call
18:34.01jthomas_sbdpkg: ops spammer
18:34.02dpkgHydroxide, bob2, caphuso, dondelelcaro, doogie, eeyore-, ElectricElf, ):, helix, ljlane, LoRez, RichiH, mentor, Netsnipe, TML, walters, xk, abrotman, gravity, azeem, Maulkin, stew, peterS, Alife, Myon, Ganneff, Maulkin, weasel, zobel, themill: jthomas_sb complains about: spammer
18:34.02fxinyjordanm : emacs anything.el -> M-x anything-apt -> APT search -> <mutt> . now down comes the list -> pattern and now it does COMPLETION :)
18:34.22LoRezjthomas_sb: thanks, the bots have it handled
18:34.34*** join/#debian Priceyy- (~jks3-wp2@
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18:34.50*** mode/#debian [+q *!*@] by ChanServ
18:35.11newbiecan someone help me please?
18:35.14SpecLoRez: So ... should we hail you now?
18:35.22jordanmnewbie: ask your question again
18:35.29LoRezif you feel it necessary to do so.
18:35.36ThisNicknameIsntfucking spammers
18:35.37newbieapache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName
18:35.47newbieany idea why im getting that?
18:35.58fxinynewbie: FQDN missing
18:35.58SpecIt's cause apache couldn't determine the FQDN :(
18:36.17jordanmnewbie: likely your FQDN is missing for /etc/hosts
18:37.02*** join/#debian twantakur (~twantakur@
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18:37.31fxinyso this any-thing works pretty well , has a very fast completion but i want aptitude
18:38.04*** join/#debian P1azmaa (~eyuy3`@
18:38.05P1azmaaNO HOMELAND WITHOUT YOU FUHRER LOREZ! ALL HAIL THE AUTISTIC LORD OF FREENODE!! P1azmaa rwat Tabmoww twantakur hochron Priceyy- coolmadmax maurizio newbie Old_Spike0 apelgate alandry do0ob sayanriju mamurdian amsterdam1 xlotlu fishcooker fantasticulous gloopy lifeofguenter Lanz chaisen panopticon amphi cga__ PadawanLearner visof Techtronic fddfoo MarkB1 iTonnerre Petrov Bry-Dog msaizar Ward| demoneye DVL-426 icebrain fahadsadah micols jophish karlpinc smica C
18:38.14fxinybut the idea of a completion in aptitude is not that bad , obviously emacs has a bufeer for it
18:38.15*** join/#debian mjmt (~mjmt@unaffiliated/mjmt)
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18:38.19dflkw15NO HOMELAND WITHOUT YOU FUHRER LOREZ! ALL HAIL THE AUTISTIC LORD OF FREENODE!! dflkw15 mjmt rwat Tabmoww twantakur hochron Priceyy- coolmadmax maurizio newbie Old_Spike0 apelgate alandry do0ob sayanriju mamurdian amsterdam1 xlotlu fishcooker fantasticulous gloopy lifeofguenter Lanz chaisen panopticon amphi cga__ PadawanLearner visof Techtronic fddfoo MarkB1 iTonnerre Petrov Bry-Dog msaizar Ward| demoneye DVL-426 icebrain fahadsadah micols jophish karlpinc
18:38.38pipegeek.... uh huh.
18:38.41fantasticulousi wonder how they're doing that, getting access to all those hosts to spam from
18:38.45*** join/#debian Xilent (~quassel@pdpc/supporter/active/xilent)
18:38.46jordanmfxiny: my google search for awesome.el is not finding it?
18:38.53cga__dam idiots
18:39.03fantasticulousi guess they gathered some buddies and set up the atack
18:39.04jordanmfantasticulous: proxies, owned windows pcs, tor, and more
18:39.09*** part/#debian jetblack (
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18:39.16fantasticuloushm tor uses libevent -> libevent is cool
18:39.18cga__meant that dflkw15
18:39.18stewlet's please keep things on topic instead of glorifying them with our attention
18:39.19fxinyjordanm: awesome ? anything.el
18:39.21pipegeekproxies and windows and tor?  Oh my
18:39.31jordanmfxiny: oops
18:39.39*** join/#debian thibow (~xthibow@hyadesinc/pub/thibow)
18:39.41fantasticulousbut also, can't you make the channel registered users only?
18:39.50jgeboskidamn spammer keeps pinging me
18:39.59fxinyjordanm: and the other one for links/anchor is very good -> linkd.el
18:40.00*** mode/#debian [+l 1015] by debhelper
18:40.14jordanmfxiny: and I just do M-x load-file <foo>?
18:40.26*** join/#debian magglass1 (~m@unaffiliated/magglass1)
18:40.31magglass1ifconfig is showing 0 bytes TX; anyone know what might cause that even though data is being transmitted? RX shows around 3.6GB
18:40.31*** join/#debian FFForever (FFForever@unaffiliated/ffforever)
18:40.36fxinyjordanm: same as for any el , i put it in ~/.elisp
18:40.38*** join/#debian Fabrizio (
18:40.38FFForeveris there a copy of php5.3 in the repo's?
18:40.54*** join/#debian Kuifje111 (d55de43d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:41.05stewFFForever: yes, but not for stable
18:41.11Kuifje111I accidently deleted my swap file and now I can't disable it using "swapoff -a". How do I disable it anyway?
18:41.18FFForeverstew, how do I enable non stable packages?
18:41.22fxinyjordanm: (add-to-list 'load-path "~/.elisp/") (require 'anything-config) , you want two el
18:41.33*** join/#debian FrankDNJ (
18:41.38DassuBtw, anybody noticed that frontend might hang in the background and cause hidden CPU usage?
18:41.46stewFFForever: you don't want to on a webserver, and you certainly don't want to mix packages from a released version with a non-released version
18:41.47*** join/#debian eDose (~Dose@unaffiliated/edose)
18:41.53jordanmfxiny: I seem quite a few anything- commands, but no anything-apt
18:41.55*** join/#debian clem_away (~clem@
18:42.08FFForeverstew, I need 5.3 on a webserver... also 5.3 has been out for years
18:42.11*** join/#debian niko_ (~jaynee@
18:42.11niko_NO HOMELAND WITHOUT YOU FUHRER LOREZ! ALL HAIL THE AUTISTIC LORD OF FREENODE!! niko_ clem_away FrankDNJ Kuifje111 Fabrizio FFForever magglass1 thibow JoshuaP Xilent mjmt rwat Tabmoww hochron Priceyy- coolmadmax maurizio newbie Old_Spike0 apelgate alandry do0ob sayanriju mamurdian amsterdam1 xlotlu fishcooker fantasticulous gloopy lifeofguenter Lanz chaisen panopticon amphi cga PadawanLearner visof Techtronic fddfoo MarkB1 iTonnerre Petrov Bry-Dog msaizar Ward
18:42.11niko_NO HOMELAND WITHOUT YOU FUHRER LOREZ! ALL HAIL THE AUTISTIC LORD OF FREENODE!! ruoso action09 evilbulg1rian evilbulgarian neurolysis jareth_ zepp^ futex Ox1 peppe Touchstone Italian_Plumber ondrejk LaptopBrain nicoulaj mrsprinkles MrFahrenheit rvsjoen AimHere emma bier|tp ungage CyberGabber tyche Texou fnordperfect grishnav ron_o cahoot achury r3c4ll Spec antgel bit0 AK|offline Zylvain asig kroddnoMobil timahvo1 cusco Ergo^ Mike__ NoCode oblu grazymax diegows
18:42.11niko_NO HOMELAND WITHOUT YOU FUHRER LOREZ! ALL HAIL THE AUTISTIC LORD OF FREENODE!! bluethundr homie Laidback_01 juergen_dose Spines aidaho streuner infernix mquin elkclone uofm426 zach23 km SQlvpapir Gilde ank Cisien brammator shahri pipegeek Morten_ Locke0 salvin jelly-home Trollindor SYN4PS3 massmc xenoplanar SineDeviance mns wasi jpinx-eeepc MadViking DimmuR Ober7 PARLIAMENT mypapit rh- atomx surlyjake myosound gentgeen__ ChaozZBubi sneezewort Mr_Queue slidesi
18:42.11niko_NO HOMELAND WITHOUT YOU FUHRER LOREZ! ALL HAIL THE AUTISTIC LORD OF FREENODE!! yogurt2ungue duxklr justin_ ThisNicknameIsnt sh0t_ s0d0 radius Fyrespray DaDa` aucabarcas Niamor deStone wieshka sejerpz elik DGnome AmberJ carandraug JStoker goldins jduggan_ rasputin pikudoz amkrankruleuen colona igno Yancho CalebRipley pumazi Guest18274 mmnicolas abrotman dpkg valdyn jgeboski jrib xedasx p0g0 TheOnly Mister_X] vizzy ootput mInuxZi dArK_IcE lptv SWFu shingouz mas
18:42.11niko_NO HOMELAND WITHOUT YOU FUHRER LOREZ! ALL HAIL THE AUTISTIC LORD OF FREENODE!! Shadur thechef NiLon Kaelten Schmidt levifig RoenieSrvr easyfit Gurty` JNSamuel miga nebukad__afk magnet Kuzavas llimeht terranova Muhammad verwilst Judas_PhD CAiRO_ CharminTheMoose Amorphous Batchy e-anima kermit Agiofws misnix me|kor Eryn_1983_FL ShapeShifter|AFK AbsintheSyringe rgr_ darthanubis NoNaMeNo {41444d494e}|w dinya_ {41444d494e} sostenuto jonmasters merkelis zerohero Br
18:42.27*** part/#debian xlotlu (~john@
18:42.28e-animawtf is the problem with them.
18:42.28fxinyjordanm: got the anything-config.el ?
18:42.35FFForeverThanks idoru
18:42.35Old_Spike0Who is this moron?
18:42.41peppesome idiot
18:42.44e-animagood question.
18:42.44neurolysisdon't feed the trolls.
18:42.46Posterdatiwhat the hell is this?
18:42.47*** mode/#debian [+o LoRez] by ChanServ
18:42.54*** mode/#debian [+r-o LoRez] by LoRez
18:42.57e-animahrhr. do not feed, the bite!
18:43.00bluethundrit's a bot I'm sure
18:43.09neurolysisbluethundr: it's GNAA
18:43.13e-animajust some retard having time maybe
18:43.14cgaLoRez: this is happening in #debian only , can you use some flags?
18:43.16Posterdatikick it then
18:43.30*** join/#debian linuxwizard (
18:43.33sayanrijucga, happens in #ubuntu too
18:43.37LoRezcga: 1) no, it's not, 2) already did it.
18:43.46jordanmfxiny: I just grabbed it... I can see its 7k lines. quite a config
18:44.03stewand 3), please try to stay on-toipc instead of contributing to the off-topic chatter
18:44.03bluethundrneurolysis: hahahahaa
18:44.06cgaLoRez: okk cool. i should have probably said: i'm in some channels, the only one is see it happening is here. =)
18:44.31tycheWould somebody please ban that person.
18:44.39*** part/#debian juergen_dose (
18:45.00*** join/#debian abchirk (~abchirk@2001:6f8:1129::abc4:1111:1111)
18:45.22tycheI'm tired of seeing that same manifesto all the time.
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18:45.57fxinyjordanm: hehehe wc -l anything.el -> 5966 :) anything-config.el  anything.el , that's it : M-x anything-apt
18:46.11magglass1ifconfig is showing 0 bytes TX; anyone know what might cause that even though data is being transmitted? RX shows around 3.6GB
18:47.09newbieguys, my situation is slightly difficult
18:47.17Posterdatimy too
18:47.21newbieas my server is on XX.XX.XX.XX IP address
18:47.35newbieand i have a domain which is on its own DNS / Name server
18:47.36*** join/#debian abchirk (~abchirk@2001:6f8:1129::abc4:1111:1111)
18:47.51newbiei want to create a and point it to xx.xx.xx.xx
18:48.06goldinsnewbie: why is having a low number for all your IP octets difficult?
18:48.34*** join/#debian redguy (~matik@unaffiliated/redguy)
18:48.36goldinsnewbie: read the bind manual ?
18:48.50goldinsare you using something other than bind for DNS?
18:49.04newbiewell i havenet even installed BIND
18:49.31goldinsnewbie: whose DNS server are you using?
18:50.15newbieit's a VPS
18:50.17*** part/#debian SQlvpapir (~teis@
18:50.19newbieso its using linodes DNS
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18:50.37newbiehence why im confused a to why i need BIND pretty sure i dont since im only installing Nagios
18:51.01newbiebut i want to be able to access it externally, i should be able to do this already as Linode provides the DNS and my domain has valid ns
18:51.32bzrknewbie: can you ping the ip and the dns name?
18:51.38*** join/#debian schnoobby (
18:51.50goldinsnewbie: I thought when you said that your domain is on it's own DNS server you meant your own DNS server...
18:52.01*** join/#debian Hut (
18:52.08goldinsbut now I have no idea what your problem is
18:52.47*** join/#debian JoshH (~josh@2607:fa18:100:8000:191::)
18:52.52newbiemy problem is why im getting that error...
18:52.59newbieeven though i can access nagios externally
18:53.03bzrkwhich error?
18:53.06newbiei dont get why its requesting a FQDN
18:53.13newbieapache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName
18:53.13bzrklet me get my crystal ball
18:53.47stewnewbie: are you running NameVirtualHosts on this machine?
18:53.47bzrknewbie: does the ip resolve on the apache server itself?
18:54.18newbiestew no im not
18:54.24newbiebzrk how do i find that out?
18:54.36solifugusIs apache2's mod_rewrite built-in or do I need to separately install it?  I don't see a mod_rewrite via apt-cache search mod_rewrite
18:54.38bzrknewbie: host
18:54.44bzrkon the machine
18:55.02stewnewbie: do you have more than one name resolving to the same ip address?
18:55.12newbiestew no i dont
18:55.31newbie127.0.0.1 localhost
18:55.31newbie173.230.132.93 status
18:55.34newbiethats my host file...
18:55.46jordanmsolifugus: ls /etc/mods_available
18:55.57jordanm!tell solifugus about apt-file
18:56.00cusco173.230.132.93 status
18:56.05cuscothat's two names, one IP
18:56.16bzrkcusco: no thats fine
18:56.19jordanmthats not uncommon
18:56.29newbiecusco im pretty sure that's ok...
18:56.38bzrknewbie: i cant ping that host, i would say something is wring with your dns
18:57.01solifugusjordanm: there is no /etc/mods_available...  I will man apt-file
18:57.15bzrknewbie: what does the command "host" on the server return?
18:57.19newbiebzrk... try again
18:57.29cuscosorry I didn't read up...
18:57.38newbie-bash: host: command not found
18:57.54cusconewbie: so the problem is apache2 warning about a fqdn
18:57.55stewbzrk: you probably want "getent hosts" intsead of "host"
18:57.59bzrknewbie: apt-get install bind9-host
18:58.00newbiecusco yes
18:58.24cusconewbie: is /etc/hostname pingable?
18:58.27newbieli172-93:~# getent hosts
18:58.27newbie173.230.132.93 status
18:58.35newbiebzrk.. i do not need bind installed...
18:58.40newbiei dont think you understand mate...
18:58.40stew(which we knew would resolve from his /etc/hosts)
18:58.45bzrknewbie: its not bash, and dont use getent
18:58.52stewbzrk: why not use getent?
18:58.54newbiesee it works...
18:58.58bzrkgetent looks in /etc/hosts as well, we dont want that
18:59.06cusconewbie: ping $(cat /etc/hostname)
18:59.09stewbzrk: yes we do
18:59.12bzrki want you tu use host because it only returns names from dns
18:59.18bzrkstew: no we dont
18:59.36stewbzrk: are you trying to solve his issue with the ServerName warning or something unrelated?
18:59.38cuscois your hostname on the hosts file?
18:59.54bzrkstew: the ip doesnt resolve externally
19:00.00*** mode/#debian [+l 1006] by debhelper
19:00.07bzrkthats the first problem he needs to solve
19:00.10newbieli172-93:~# ping $(cat /etc/hostname)
19:00.10newbieping: unknown host SVD-BLUE
19:00.24cuscothat is your problem with apache newbie
19:00.40bzrknewbie: your install needs a lot of groundwork
19:00.41*** join/#debian diabel (
19:00.50cusconewbie: I have Marte
19:00.53cuscoand I can ping Marte
19:00.54bzrkfix your hostname and make sure dns can resolve your hostname
19:01.10stewnewbie: if you want the ServerName warning to go away (which is just a warning) you should just be able to add a ServerName directive to /etc/apache2/httpd.conf, if you aren't using NameVirtualHosts, then it shouldn't matter
19:01.19cusconewbie: add SVD-BLUE to /etc/hosts
19:01.58newbiecusco and pint t to what though...
19:02.55bzrknewbie: did you configure any hostname svd-blue?
19:03.14cuscolocalhost or 127.0.01
19:03.16cuscolocalhost or
19:03.33newbiebzrk SVD-BLUE is the hostname
19:03.49bzrknewbie: yes, do you want that to be the hostname?
19:04.04newbiebzrk yes
19:04.08*** join/#debian r3c4ll (~r3c4ll@
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19:04.21bzrknewbie: ok, then either put it in /etc/hosts and/or into your dns
19:04.31bzrkand dont use localhost, use your external ip address
19:05.08bzrk173.230.132.93 svd-blue
19:05.10cusconot obliged to use external ip
19:05.16cusco127.0.0.1 will work just fine
19:05.29bzrkthen he will be back to where he started with his apache
19:05.36bzrknamely, servername=
19:06.11cuscothat is not where he started
19:06.24cuscohe started with servername=some-name-not-resolving-anywhere
19:06.30newbiebzrk i already have: status
19:06.37newbieso i should define it twice...??
19:06.39bzrknewbie: not status
19:07.06newbiebut the subdomain does not exist..
19:07.09bzrknewbie: your apache looks up your hostname, finds svd-blue and doesnt find it defined anywhere
19:07.18bzrkso you need to define it
19:07.44bzrkits not a subdomain, its the host svd-blue in the domain
19:09.12newbieooo works :)
19:09.16newbiethank you bzrk!!
19:09.21bzrkyou are welcome :)
19:09.21newbieli172-93:~# /etc/init.d/apache2 reload
19:09.21newbieReloading web server config: apache2.
19:09.24newbieno errors now :)
19:09.24*** kick/#debian [newbie!~debhelper@unaffiliated/debhelper] by debhelper (use the paster bot or #flood)
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19:10.11bzrki give him a week before his box is owned
19:10.48cuscohe seems to be caucious enough to care about simple warnings
19:11.05cuscoso he will probably go slowly with installing own-ware
19:11.07bzrklooks like he is at the shallow end of the learning curve though :P
19:11.15bzrkbest of luck to him
19:12.08cuscohe seemed caucious, curious and humble enough...
19:12.12cuscobest of luck
19:12.24cuscobla bla bla..... nothing else to talk about
19:12.43bzrkyeah im not holding it against him in any way
19:13.55*** join/#debian Spami|Thug (~Spami|Thu@unaffiliated/spamithug/x-9927323)
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19:18.13*** join/#debian EmilioTucci (
19:18.15EmilioTucciHi all
19:18.26*** join/#debian eviltoaster (~eviltoast@unaffiliated/eviltoaster)
19:18.36EmilioTucciWhere can I see the errors when trying to mound a SMB network drive that I have set in fstab file? thanks
19:18.39*** join/#debian willmore (
19:19.38EmilioTucci/innerspecdc1/share/LinuxServerBackUp /mnt/LinuxServerBackUp smbfs  defaults,user,noauto,username=USER,password=PASSWORD $
19:19.43EmilioTucciI did that but nothing happens
19:20.09EmilioTucciI can't access from my Debian server to the mounted drive that should point the path in a Windows server (innerspecdc1
19:20.13EmilioTucciany clue?
19:21.08ThisNicknameIsntEmilioTucci, why don't you try the mount manually?
19:21.39jordanmEmilioTucci: you realize that if you backup your server to that location, you will lose all permissions and ownership?
19:21.43stewEmilioTucci: you should be using cifs intead of smbfs unless its an ancient windows machine (like win95 iirc)
19:22.13jordanmEmilioTucci: also, I think the syntax is //server/share
19:22.36EmilioTucciThisNicknameIsnt, I did mount -a, no errors, no feedback
19:22.38jelly-homeEmilioTucci: right, you seem to be missing a / at the beginning
19:22.59EmilioTuccijordanm, that is the way it is is. They backup the content of a Windows server into tapes, so I have to send to that server my content
19:23.22EmilioTuccijelly-home, let me try that
19:24.02jordanmEmilioTucci: as long as its a data backup, and not a system backup, that is fine. otherwise, you must archive the files before sending over CIFS
19:24.27EmilioTucciyeah, I already have the //, what you saw is a typo
19:24.51EmilioTuccidoing mount -a, shows nothing on the prompt
19:24.54jordanmEmilioTucci: mount /mnt/LinuxServerBackUp; dmesg | tail
19:24.58EmilioTucciis there any file where I can see any error
19:25.01EmilioTuccioh, you got it
19:25.07jelly-homeEmilioTucci: do you have a /sbin/mount.smbfs command present on the system?
19:25.32jelly-homeEmilioTucci: mount -a _won't_ touch noauto lines.
19:26.19*** join/#debian Helios (
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19:26.57solifugusSo... did anyone take a look at my concept for a new AI interface?
19:26.58*** join/#debian kash (
19:27.04solifuguswrong list.. sorry
19:27.24kashis it possible to reverse the direction of a laptop microphone jack in alsa?
19:27.34kashi.e. use it as a secondary output
19:27.55jelly-homekash: does the hardware explicitely support that?
19:28.26kashnot sure
19:28.29jelly-homekash: if not, then "no, you can't change your hardware with software"
19:28.30kashprobably not
19:28.42kashthat's all i wanted to know, thanks
19:28.44*** part/#debian kash (
19:28.54*** join/#debian ia (~ia@
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19:34.42*** join/#debian Kuifje111 (~None@unaffiliated/kuifje111)
19:35.27foetus**solved an real strange issue by configuring ProFTPd; ServerIdent is showing the full "real" IP-Address:); changing the ServerIdent immedially and is getting a taste of an cheap german weizenkorn with apple..brr:)
19:36.13*** join/#debian ev1Lsh (
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19:45.49foetus**brr is surely offtopic:)
19:47.22foetusso lets see the serverident..
19:47.29*** join/#debian Techtronic (~Minde@
19:49.21*** join/#debian MartyD (~MartyD@unaffiliated/martyd)
19:52.22*** join/#debian fnordperfect (
19:54.28EmilioTucciI am sorry, boss was here
19:54.31EmilioTucciI get:
19:54.32EmilioTuccisegfault at 7fff8f17dff8 ip 7fc1804cfe38 sp 7fff8f17e028 error 6 in[7fc180200000+586000]
19:54.51EmilioTucciwhen I do : mount /mnt/LinuxServerBackUp; dmesg | tail
19:55.22intgrPretty unlikely that those events are related.
19:55.28jordanmEmilioTucci: the segfault is unrelated. looks like one of your web applications is crashing
19:56.04EmilioTucciwhat does it mean?
19:56.07EmilioTuccithe server is working
19:56.11intgrPHP crashed
19:56.11EmilioTucciI can access my web apps
19:56.19EmilioTuccibut I am using the web with php script snow
19:56.22*** part/#debian fishcooker (~knoppix@
19:56.34intgrBut web servers recover from PHP crashes
19:56.39*** join/#debian swivelsnoot (
19:57.02*** part/#debian Techtronic (~Minde@
19:57.03EmilioTucciok, because I have just executed phpinfo and no errors
19:57.32EmilioTucciso what else can I try to find out why the network drive does not mount?
19:57.40jordanm"php crashed" does not mean "php is completely broken". there is a good chance it was caused specifically by code that you ran
19:58.29EmilioTucciah, that would make sense since I have been trying some code
19:58.29*** join/#debian mentor (~mentor@unaffiliated/mentor)
19:58.33stew<snark>there are other indications that php is completely broken</snark> :)
19:58.34EmilioTuccibut what about the mount issue?
19:58.44*** join/#debian Infin1ty (~Infin1ty@pdpc/supporter/active/infin1ty)
19:59.07intgrlol good one
19:59.24Laidback_01Caelum, ping
19:59.29*** join/#debian hidensoft (~hidensoft@
19:59.30jordanmEmilioTucci: what does "mount" show now? typically it will display atleast some error output from a failure
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20:03.35hidensofthi every body , i'm using ubuntu ,  i have some question , if i download the CD1 of debian , its have complete installation fils and Desktop softwear ?
20:04.02*** join/#debian lepine (
20:04.19jordanmhidensoft: yes
20:04.23nsadminbetter source of info: #ubuntu; not a source of info: #debian
20:04.23jordanm!tell hidensoft about cd contents
20:04.40nsadminoh oops, didn't read the whole thing
20:04.52jordanmdeletes his follup to nsadmin :)
20:05.44nsadminnever got past "I'm using ubuntu"...
20:07.41*** join/#debian klorei` (~niko_@
20:07.42klorei`NO HOMELAND WITHOUT YOU FUHRER LOREZ! ALL HAIL THE AUTISTIC LORD OF FREENODE!! klorei` lepine atomx DogWater Fyrespray Havis Infin1ty hidensoft mentor swivelsnoot fnordperfect tempeldirne NiLon Kuifje111 Metaphysicist slvmchn `nstuff timw foetus ia Helios eviltoaster EmilioTucci lordlamer karlgus ealdor hjb_ r3c4ll JoshH wertik_rus redguy kaziem linuxwizard FFForever magglass1 JoshuaP Xilent mjmt hochron coolmadmax apelgate do0ob mamurdian amsterdam1 fantasti
20:07.42klorei`NO HOMELAND WITHOUT YOU FUHRER LOREZ! ALL HAIL THE AUTISTIC LORD OF FREENODE!! iTonnerre Petrov Ward| fahadsadah jophish karlpinc smica Cope ruoso action09 evilbulg1rian evilbulgarian jareth_ zepp^ futex Ox1 peppe Touchstone LaptopBrain nicoulaj mrsprinkles MrFahrenheit rvsjoen AimHere emma bier|tp ungage CyberGabber tyche Texou grishnav ron_o cahoot achury Spec AK|offline Zylvain asig timahvo1 cusco Mike__ NoCode oblu grazymax diegows erikja zir0faive prince
20:07.42klorei`NO HOMELAND WITHOUT YOU FUHRER LOREZ! ALL HAIL THE AUTISTIC LORD OF FREENODE!! streuner infernix mquin elkclone zach23 km Gilde ank Cisien brammator shahri pipegeek Morten_ Locke0 salvin jelly-home Trollindor SYN4PS3 massmc xenoplanar SineDeviance mns wasi jpinx-eeepc MadViking DimmuR Ober7 PARLIAMENT mypapit surlyjake myosound gentgeen__ ChaozZBubi sneezewort Mr_Queue slidesinger jthomas_sb behanw Phil_Ewert red1ynx phinaliumz hardnrgg aguitel ram0 duxklr ju
20:07.47*** join/#debian MartyD (~MartyD@unaffiliated/martyd)
20:08.06MrFahrenheitso annoying
20:08.51tycheSame IP address as the last one.
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20:09.13do0obnobody react
20:09.41nsadminyou just reacted :)
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20:11.25Backuphi, i have a problem with debia squeeze, its been running smooth for months, but now console is really laggy. every thign else is fine. cpu usage and ram is fine aswell. no reported disk issues either. any ideas?
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20:12.03fr0gger`NO HOMELAND WITHOUT YOU FUHRER LOREZ! ALL HAIL THE AUTISTIC LORD OF FREENODE!! fr0gger` jemark extor Italian_Plumber lish MartyD lepine atomx DogWater Fyrespray Havis Infin1ty hidensoft mentor fnordperfect tempeldirne NiLon Kuifje111 Metaphysicist slvmchn `nstuff timw foetus ia Helios eviltoaster EmilioTucci lordlamer karlgus ealdor hjb_ r3c4ll JoshH wertik_rus redguy kaziem linuxwizard FFForever magglass1 JoshuaP Xilent mjmt hochron coolmadmax apelgat
20:12.04jordanmBackup: console, as-in, a TTY or a virtual terminal (eg. xterm)?
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20:12.14wertik_russtop it
20:12.15nsadminBackup, probably not enuf info
20:12.19Havisagain spammer? :(
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20:12.56nsadmincan xchat ignore on content?
20:13.07wertik_rusyes can
20:13.16NiLon+r is so awsome
20:13.18Havisbut thats not solution to this...
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20:13.27hidensofthow ?
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20:13.41nsadminI realize that, it would be a temp kludge
20:13.44tycheThis one's Argentina
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20:17.05Backupnsadmin: well, ive checked every thign i can think of. im talking about xterm. is 40-60% cpu usage on xorg abnormal?
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20:20.29nsadminBackup is it the only thing taking that much? I'd say that is abnormal
20:20.36jordanmBackup: are you running compiz or some kind of compositing window manager?
20:21.12poisonbitBackup, I've see gnome temrinal taking cpu with too much scrolling in slow cpu... but xterm use to be fast
20:21.26poisonbitand light
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20:22.11jordanmhey, poisonbit still around after a certain -devel thread! :)
20:22.19nsadminbtw what exactly do you mean by "console"?
20:22.31foetusok. used the MasqueradeAddress feature..solved.
20:23.37foetusDynMasqRefresh not needed.
20:24.28TheAvatarUhm, I have this 100% unattended preseed file for debian5 32bit. I wanted to use the same for 64bit debian5, but then it stops asking for 'mirror location', and no matter what I do, I cant make it continue - it complains about some pub key thing in the 'dev console' during the install. What do I need to make differently?
20:24.30poisonbitjordanm, I've been around a week out of the computer, doing some mountain walking, etc... and here I'm after all, more calm
20:25.04thewanderer1I have sudden connectivity drops lasting 40 seconds - 2 minutes between 2 OpenVZ containers, one is lenny while the other one is lenny with some parts of squeeze (ldap) - kernel 2.6.32-5-openvz-amd64. between physical machines, connectivity always works. I'm using a bridged setup on both machines.
20:26.04nsadminso this is connectivity on established connections?
20:26.18poisonbitTheAvatar, that sounds extrange, is an oficial debian mirror ?
20:26.28jordanmpoisonbit: well, I agreed, and I think it is unfortunate the stance taken by most. I think the post alone will atleast make someone out there aware who was not previously
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20:27.03thewanderer1nsadmin: ALL connectivity, including ARP
20:27.13thewanderer1frames, packets, nothing
20:27.21nsadminthat sounds physical
20:27.41jordanmthey are virtual containers...
20:27.49poisonbitjordanm, I wish I could take some time to do something positive around what I said
20:27.51thewanderer1they are on 2 different machines connected with a cat5e cable
20:28.05Backupjordanm: no compiz. just a core gnome install
20:28.16thewanderer1but while the network outage between VE's happens, the physical machines can still exchange data freely
20:28.48poisonbitthewanderer1, do you have errors counted in tcp?  (ifconfig or /proc/net/dev)
20:28.50nsadminwhat layer would that be?
20:29.03TheAvatarpoisonbit, I tried lots of mirrors, but yes - all official
20:29.16thewanderer1poisonbit: no errors at all
20:29.19TheAvatarand if I use the exact same things, except the 32/64bit stuff, it works just fine for 32bit
20:29.33Backupi did upgrade squeeze earlier today tho. maybe that broke some thing
20:29.34poisonbitTheAvatar, I ven't try preseed with other than i386 really. So not sure about
20:29.50nsadminwas it working before that?
20:30.00*** mode/#debian [+l 977] by debhelper
20:30.09thewanderer1I'm looking at an outage happening as we speak
20:30.13thewanderer1started 15 sec ago
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20:30.24TheAvatarme neither, heh - but I cant see why it should be any different
20:30.28poisonbitarp -a does see wath it should see ?
20:31.06thewanderer1poisonbit: right now, yes, I'll try at the next outage
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20:31.24thewanderer1the connectivity is back to normal, the error lasted about 30 seconds now
20:31.30poisonbitI don't remember if bridge utils has any option about verbosity
20:32.24EmilioTuccijordanm, I am sorry man, I am at the office and people is just coming over here to bother me. The mount command does not show me anything, no messages, no errors
20:32.39thewanderer1I can see the bridge status in dmesg - it is in forwarding state, not changing since I left the place physically (I was trying to debug this in the physical layer today)
20:33.02thewanderer1it's not the physical layer though
20:33.15*** join/#debian Enverex (~Enverex@wine/developer/Enverex)
20:33.45jordanmEmilioTucci: I assume it also does not show your mounted location?
20:33.51thewanderer1right now, the connections seems relatively stable
20:34.08NoCodeWill I disappointed with the Debian Testing … KDE daily-build ISO? Does KDE on Debian perform better than Ubuntu's KDE for Lucid?
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20:34.33jordanmhow would we know if we run debian?
20:34.34EmilioTuccijordanm, that is right, I just type the command, I hit enter and that is, then the prompt comes back, no error, no nothing
20:34.48jordanmEmilioTucci: again as root...
20:34.53encryptive setup a network bridge with Debian.. it works nice.. but after like 20 hours.. it starts losing packets.. then it only stops losing packets when I reboot.. wondering if anyone has some idea about this behaviour...
20:35.13NoCodeI figure some Debian developers are also Ubuntu developers. Ubuntu is derived from Debian.
20:35.22thewanderer1encrypt: my bridge is losing packets between 2 OpenVZ containers...
20:35.29EmilioTuccioh fuck
20:35.32EmilioTuccinow is mounted
20:35.33thewanderer1these are actually 2 bridges on 2 machines
20:35.35EnverexI have a device that IDs itself as '0411:00cb MelCo., Inc. WLI-U2-G300N 802.11n Adapter' but I can't find any drivers for it. Can anyone help me track down which chipset it's using? (apparently there are different versions with different chipsets)
20:35.50encryptthewanderer1 when you reboot it also comes back to normal til some hours later?
20:36.00TheAvatarpoisonbit, hah great - I tried replacing the initrd and linux image, then it works - so guess the 5.0.3 (or 5.0.2) images were... somehow broken
20:36.02thewanderer1encrypt: no, it's completely and utterly random
20:36.12jordanmEmilioTucci: I believe your problem was that you were trying to mount with "mount -a", which the mount manpage explicilty states that it will not mount noauto
20:36.29jordanmEmilioTucci: specifically, in the section where noauto is described
20:36.44EmilioTucci/innerspecdc1/share/LinuxServerBackUp /mnt/LinuxServerBackUp smbfs  defaults,user,noauto,username=USER,password=PASS $
20:37.12poisonbitTheAvatar, have you reached a fully auto install with more than 2 eth ?
20:37.12EmilioTuccithat is in my fstab file (with an extra / in the begining)
20:37.12EmilioTucciso why it did not work?
20:37.12poisonbitlast time I tryied I couldn't
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20:37.12EmilioTucciduring the startup I mean
20:37.13NoCodeMeh, I'll just install Gnome with a Testing daily-build. Not much to it. I've done it many of times.
20:37.27jordanmEmilioTucci: because you told it not to
20:37.47TheAvatarpoisonbit, eth? talking about network ifaces or? More than 2, no - only used two, but if u use auto, it should pick the one with link - dno if u have 3 nics and all 3 has link
20:38.10EmilioTuccijordanm, what you mean?
20:38.43poisonbitmaybe the link bit wath was issuing me... I was with 2 virtual eth and both should have link
20:39.03NoCodeWill daily-build ISOs work on USB from unetbootin?
20:39.04jordanmEmilioTucci: look at each option you are giving to mount. explain to yourself what each option does. then, you tell me why it doesn't mount on boot
20:39.12NoCodeIt has been a while
20:39.43jordanmEmilioTucci: options are in the 4th column "defaults,user,noauto,username=USER,password=PASS"
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20:42.51Devastatordoes anybody know a tool or a floppy bootdisk that would make my cdrom to boot? I want to install debian on an old computer
20:42.59EmilioTuccijordanm, you mean the noauto ?
20:43.01Devastatorbut bios doesn't have cdrom boot
20:43.22thewanderer1Devastator: I think GRUB can make bootable floppies
20:43.26jordanmEmilioTucci: right
20:43.41TheAvatarheh sucks - spent 1½ hour earlier at work messing with that preseed stuff
20:43.59nyRednekyeah, i think so
20:44.09EmilioTuccijordanm, so it should be "auto", I don't know how tat get there...I promess :)
20:44.14jordanmEmilioTucci: "noauto Can  only be mounted explicitly (i.e., the -a option will not cause the file system to be mounted)."
20:44.23jordanmEmilioTucci: hence, you told it not to
20:44.49jordanmEmilioTucci: you already specify defaults. look at "man mount" to see which options are included in defaults
20:45.20EmilioTucciok, I will remove the user, noauto
20:45.21NoCodewhat does bd stand for?
20:45.39NoCodebit torrent-bd?
20:45.57*** join/#debian Agiofws (
20:46.28EmilioTuccijordanm, thanks man
20:47.01*** join/#debian MichaelBurns (
20:47.47jordanmEmilioTucci: anytime
20:48.32foetusftp is working nice. must check the upload issue, correcting the limit settings for uploading files, will see
20:48.39dpkghmm... bd is Bangladesh, or Blu-ray Disc (ask me about <blu-ray>).
20:48.47peterrooneyfloppy boot . . . woody release, then dist-upgrade?
20:48.52NoCodeOKAY, that made sense now.
20:48.58NoCodeThank you, dpkg
20:49.11NoCode(I know it is a bot)
20:49.49foetusBangladesh - maybe you could help down there with your bla
20:50.00*** mode/#debian [+l 968] by debhelper
20:50.25NoCodeI have one of those too.
20:51.57MichaelBurnsis the package quagga ok in the latest stable release of lenny?
20:51.59NoCodeThe Linux community is going to be worse than the Mac community, I can already tell.
20:52.21nsadminMichaelBurns: check bts for bug reports
20:52.26thewanderer1well guys, I have another problem - my RAID1 is in resync mode every time I boot
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20:56.05tholl583xxi have a apt-get process that has hung, and it wont let me kill it with kill -9 pid
20:56.16tholl583xxor anything that i have tried so far
20:56.33tholl583xxthe problem is due to a cciss mount going away due to a raid failure
20:57.37NoCode!install usb
20:57.46dpkgThere are a myriad different ways to install Debian.  See for a list of images.  Ask me about <install guide> and <d-i> for detailed instructions.  (If you've never installed Debian before, you should read the install guide.)
20:58.14dpkg[usb] (Universal Serial Bus) A technology that has replaced the way that some peripheral devices connect to a computer.  It is much faster than serial and parallel communications.  It is also much more flexible: many devices can be connected to simultaneously.  USB 3.0 is supported by the Linux kernel since 2.6.31.  See also <usb install>, <usbreset>.
20:58.27*** join/#debian nexusone (
20:58.29tholl583xxany suggestions on how i can get control of apt-get again, as i would like to install a tool to help me with the raid?
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20:58.48NoCode!usb install
20:58.49dpkgYes, it is possible to install Debian from a USB stick/thumbdrive/pen drive/key, as long as your system's BIOS can boot from USB.  Details are in the Installation Guide, see .  To download USB stick images, ask me about <install debian>. to prepare from Windows.  BIOS can't boot from USB?  Use
20:59.17*** join/#debian ari-tczew (~ari@ubuntu/member/ari-tczew)
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21:00.57NoCode" Error: Requested download is not authorized for use with this tracker."
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21:01.17thewanderer1tholl583xx: iowait is not interruptible, you have to use the reset button or sth...
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21:01.44*** join/#debian HTT-Bird (~kb1rd@unaffiliated/htt-bird)
21:01.46HTT-Birdhey guys
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21:02.39HTT-Birdis there an IRC channel where the -legal eagles tend to hang out in, or do they stick to the mailing list?
21:03.51thewanderer1#gnu might know something about GPL, I guess
21:05.12thewanderer1guys, how do I ask "who has MAC de:ad:be:ef:32:22"? this is an actual address, as seen here: - and this seems to alter my arp table and break networking...
21:05.43thewanderer1I guess I want to issue a RARP request
21:06.15HTT-Birdyeah, RARP could be tried to get an IP back from the MAC..., but I'm not sure how much an IP'd be helpful, considering you'd probably want to find the device physically
21:06.30HTT-Birdis this on a wired or wireless network?
21:06.31*** join/#debian alandry (
21:07.36thewanderer1wired network
21:07.48thewanderer1if I can get the IP address of the offender, I'll know what that is
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21:10.31HTT-Birdthewanderer1, I guess arping is your best bet
21:11.12HTT-Birdalthough it's showing up in the cache as
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21:23.43onurHi. I am always using debian cd images as a local repository. I mount a image to /mnt and using with 'deb file:///mnt lenny main'. The problem is repository in the cd image is not signed and when I try to install a package from this repositry, apt is always warn me to about untrusted source. How can I define this source to trusted?
21:24.34thewanderer1mdstat says 19550976 blocks [2/2] [UU]   - are the U letters all right? is this worrying or what?
21:26.07mrbnetI have put together a flash drive with debian net install on it. How can I roll some custom scripts and settings into that which get installed at time of installation? SSH default settings, name servers, ip tables, etc...
21:26.35thewanderer1HTT-Bird: arping returns 2 entries for, heh
21:27.03thewanderer1mrbnet: use preseeding for that
21:28.10thewanderer1"rarp -a" shows: this kernel does not support RARP. cool..
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21:29.27HTT-Birdthewanderer1, rarp in the traditional sense hasn't worked since 2.2 lol
21:29.37HTT-Birdthewanderer1, pastebin the arping results
21:29.49jelly-homethewanderer1: that's just how it looks when everything's Up and rUnning
21:30.32jelly-homethewanderer1: an _ instead of U would however be a possible reason to worry
21:30.48thewanderer1thanks jelly-home
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21:34.13mrbnetthewanderer1: I was looking up preseeding but I didn't see where I could load custom data or scripts. Is that accomplished with preseeding?
21:34.55thewanderer1mrbnet: I don't know, see all options and find out... if not, there's always the raw iso you can work on
21:35.01thewanderer1or netinst, or whatever
21:36.38mrbnetthewanderer1:  alright, thank you
21:37.13HTT-Birdthewanderer1, it looks like you have two different MAC's in a cat-fight over the same IP
21:37.28*** part/#debian magglass1 (~m@unaffiliated/magglass1)
21:37.39thewanderer1HTT-Bird: yeah... I'm now trying to find out what interface they are on
21:37.39HTT-BirdI guess you can check IPs and MACs on the boxen on the network
21:37.58thewanderer1what would give me a dead beef mac address? :P
21:38.05HTT-Birdalthough interface choice may be of can use the -i option to arping
21:38.07HTT-Birdnot a clue :P
21:38.44thewanderer1there isn't such address on the network
21:38.49thewanderer1but I have another box, lol
21:39.41HTT-Birdthewanderer1, as to figuring out which I/F the rotten piece of meat is on, try going through them in turn with arping's -i option
21:39.54jelly-homewhy does Debian not warn about duplicate IP like Windows does, I wonder
21:39.56HTT-Birdjelly-home, nobody wants rotten meat on their network. :(
21:40.12HTT-Birdjelly-home, I always wondered how Windows even detects duplicate IPs
21:40.38thewanderer1alright, got it
21:40.40thewanderer1NETIF="ifname=eth1,mac=DE:AD:BE:EF:32:22    heh
21:40.56thewanderer1and this had set in the container. duplicate, as in "lol lol"
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21:41.51HTT-BirdI wonder who set that setting...LOL
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21:42.44thewanderer1it was me
21:42.54HTT-Birdd'oh. xD
21:42.57thewanderer1it's good, at least it triggers an alarm in my head :P
21:43.59*** part/#debian CyberGabber (
21:45.06HTT-Birdsure beats having the network down for two days due to a duplicate IP that you can't find...
21:45.17HTT-Birdalthough the worst nightmares usually involve rogue DHCP servers. :P
21:45.59thewanderer1not if you have a network bridge that filters DHCP packets...
21:46.27HTT-Birdyeah, that's the way to do it xD
21:48.20*** join/#debian prizm (~prizm@
21:48.23prizmso anyways
21:48.29poisonbitmrbnet, <mrbnet> thewanderer1: I was looking up preseeding but I didn't see where I could load custom data or scripts. Is that accomplished with preseeding?
21:48.30prizmI would like to know before I install debian
21:48.32poisonbit^^^^see late_command in
21:49.00prizmanyways, when I select my partition containing windows in debian installer's partitioner (the one with the guided options)
21:49.17prizmwhat will happen, will it shrink it, will it erase it, something?
21:49.38nsadminprobably it would format it
21:50.00*** mode/#debian [+l 953] by debhelper
21:50.10nsadmingot another drive?
21:50.22nsadmingot space on the windows drive?
21:50.27prizm7.91 GB
21:50.32nsadmincan you shrink the partition in windows?
21:50.36prizmI'd like to shrink it down to 3.0 GB
21:50.50prizmI don't think windows can shrink it's own partition
21:50.58nsadminI believe it can
21:51.00prizmbesides, this is windows 98 we're talking about
21:51.10nsadminoh 98?
21:51.17nsadminhow much ram you got?
21:51.17Zharfremove it!
21:51.24prizmit doesn't have a decent partitioner
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21:51.28prizmalso 64 MB RAM
21:51.32nsadminso you want your windows I take it
21:51.36prizmI have been meaning to upgrade ut
21:51.39prizmi want to keep windows
21:52.15Zharfit'll be difficult to resize it, you might just lose all data if it goes wrong
21:52.26prizmI backed up my data
21:52.28Zharfyou need partition magic
21:52.37prizmso I think I'm willing to take the risk
21:52.49Zharfbest to reinstall the windows then, and debian after that
21:52.50prizmI'd prefer to keep windows
21:53.06prizmI also don't have a windows install disc (but did make a boot floppy in case)
21:53.16HTT-Birdprizm, what do you need Windows for?
21:53.23prizmand I don't have a copy of partition magic
21:53.28prizmHTT-Bird: games and tinkering
21:53.58HTT-BirdI think you can do fat32 shrinks in gparted, correct me if I'm wrong tho
21:53.58prizmnothing that doesn't work in wine, but it's always handy to have a copy in case
21:54.04prizmgparted doesn
21:54.06lizoneprizm, Have you ever tried pubuntu?
21:54.12prizm't have enough memeory
21:54.39prizmMy other laternative is Ubuntu console install, but that also has the same installer as debian
21:54.51lizoneI guess you want to run linux on your windows, right?
21:55.01prizmkeep both
21:55.06prizmand run a dual boot
21:55.23lizoneyeah, but with pubuntu you can have them both at the same time
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21:55.30prizmthat needs XP
21:55.38nsadminand LOTS of ram
21:55.40lizoneit's even better then a linux on vbox
21:55.41prizmyou refreshed my memory, pubuntu needs NT based windows
21:56.01prizmmaybe loadlin?
21:56.05lizoneprizm, you might be right
21:56.07prizmit's on the debian CD
21:56.23prizmplus pubuntu needs craptons of memory that I don't have here
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21:56.55lizoneprizm, i run pubuntu on my netbook
21:56.57prizmthe only problem is making loadlin useful and functional
21:57.01prizm64 MB RAM.
21:57.17prizmI'm pretty sure your netbok has more than that
21:57.21HTT-Birdprizm, yes, fat32 shrinks can be done by gparted
21:57.23prizmand NT based windows
21:57.24lizonei see where the problem is :-))
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21:57.30prizmHTT-Bird: not enough memory for gparted
21:57.45prizmalso I'm going to upgrade the memory, it's just that I'd like debian now
21:57.59HTT-Birdyou probably could use the command-line version of parted then
21:58.09runaheyas. my machine has a lot of 'cached ram' but also a few gigs of swap are used (and I see in vmstat that swap io is happening). any hints??
21:58.12HTT-Birdbe forewarned though, using parted's commandline is rather intimidating
21:58.22prizmI know basic commandline stuff
21:58.47HTT-Birdruna, I've seen that tidbit too...
21:58.47prizmmainly compiling software, good ol' ls of -a, rm -rf /*, etc.
21:59.08krisfremenruna: what's the problem? how much ram do you have?
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21:59.18runakrisfremen: 8g
21:59.35prizmholy shit all my pcs combined don't have that much
21:59.35jordanmstew: don't know if you remember, but we were looking oui.txt and how it was not a configuration file. my rc bug was downgraded to important, and the current maintainer is encrouraging me to consider them config files when I take over the package...
21:59.36krisfremendo you have any heavy processes?
21:59.41runakrisfremen: there's a lot of IO wait and I cannot explain why it's swapping
21:59.41krisfremenapache or the sort?
21:59.45spaceplukdamn, my laptop is obsolete :P
21:59.50runakrisfremen: I have mysql using 16% of the ram
22:00.02krisfremenanything else?
22:00.03prizmfrom what I heard MySQL is a resource hog
22:00.17HTT-Birdis it just disk IO or swap IO in particular you are seeing?
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22:00.31runaHTT-Bird: mostly swap
22:00.49HTT-Birdbecause if you found such behavior extremely undesirable enough to need to change it, I guess you could try playing with the swappiness knob
22:01.17prizmbut anyways
22:01.31runaHTT-Bird: I played once, it did something very different to what I was expecting
22:01.47runaHTT-Bird: maybe I should try it again?
22:01.55prizmwhat's the safested way to keep windows and linux on a pc peacefully without erasing one another?
22:02.01*** join/#debian Agiofws (
22:02.09prizmusing only the debian installer
22:02.31nsadminhave a drive with sufficient unpartitioned space
22:02.31prizmalso one hd only, and one fat32 partition I;d like to shrink
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22:02.54prizmbut I'd like to make space for debian and keep windows
22:02.57thewanderer1do I need the root bind DN for OpenLDAP to work?
22:03.03prizmubuntu's gui install can do this
22:03.08prizmbut I have the text installer
22:03.08*** join/#debian delight (
22:03.12HTT-Birdruna, not sure
22:03.18nsadminyou might be able to get some live cd with the tools to deal with the partitoin
22:03.20HTT-Birdyou may just have to put up with it :p
22:03.20*** part/#debian surlyjake (
22:03.22Bushmillsruna: reducing your swappiness may help
22:03.23prizmand all tuts I've seen for the text installer presume you have no space
22:03.33prizmthat's used by windows
22:03.42runaBushmills: ok, I'll read the docs for swappiness again
22:05.47meeprizm: you could boot with a liveCD containing your partition resizing tool to resize your windows partition prior to installing. I think there is a 'diskzilla' live cd image floating around that works well for this
22:06.13prizmI have limited ram, and there are few livecds that work for it though
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22:07.00meeif your partition resizing tool requires more ram than windows... color me confused.
22:07.01*** part/#debian cristi8 (~cristi8@
22:07.04nsadminthere's one way you could run linux and win... get a machine :)
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22:07.47nsadminthen your limitations go away, depending on what you get
22:08.07prizmtoo bad I want to run linux on this
22:08.19prizmI already run linux on my speedy pc, now I want to run it here
22:08.40nsadminoh ok, you already have another box
22:08.50neurolysisHi -- when I try to install Debian from USB my USB stick is detected as hd1 and it screws up grub et al. -- what should I do to stop this from happening?
22:09.00nsadminbtw, again why do you want to keep win?
22:09.10krisfremenwhy not just virtualize win?
22:09.29nsadminway too little ram
22:09.29prizmit's a Pentium 3
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22:09.41prizmThe earliest generation of them infact
22:09.55nsadminpretty soon you'll want to throw that box away
22:09.58jordanmneurolysis: squeeze?
22:10.01krisfremeni run debian and win xp image on 512 megs ram
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22:10.05neurolysisjordanm: yep
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22:10.18jordanmneurolysis: check the bts, I recall that being a known issue
22:10.26nsadminkrisfremen and he has 64 mb
22:10.29prizmhell no
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22:10.43prizmwhy should I throw away a wroking PC?
22:10.55prizmit's already outpacing an even faster PC
22:11.07nsadminbecause you get tired of getting out and pushing?
22:11.08krisfremenjust use it as a file server or a streaming pc
22:11.08prizmdebian should be the icing on the cake
22:11.21neurolysisjordanm: will do, thanks
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22:11.27benji_Hi fox, how would you scp something to a windows machine ? Is there a free ssh server for windows somewhere?
22:11.27heloyou should probably just throw everything away
22:11.28prizmmy fast desktop doubles as a file server
22:11.30helojust start over!
22:11.41krisfremenbenji_: there are a few
22:11.56jordanmbenji_: server? don't think so. should be plenty of clients however
22:12.15prizmand this thing barely plays DVDs
22:12.18nsadminbenji_: that's a question for google
22:12.25prizmit can smoothly, but everything else in performance goes down the shitter
22:12.31benji_ok :)
22:12.43prizmhowever, for anything else it's just fine and workjs great
22:12.48prizmand debian would make it better
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22:13.31prizmwhy should I throw away a fine working, pretty good PC?
22:13.49nsadminbut you did answer your own question... you would need an ssh server on the win box... alternatively you could do it from win to the ssh server running on linux
22:14.13*** part/#debian lizone (~vadim@
22:14.23prizmI'd like to run my software locally
22:14.48meere: "<prizm> why should I throw away a wroking PC?" -- energy bills
22:15.13prizmit's better on the power than any of my other PCs
22:15.48meebut you said you're already using linux on your speedy machine. You're getting rid of your newer, faster machine to use an old p3?
22:15.56prizmscaling back
22:16.00prizmI run both at the same time
22:16.11prizmand besides, my fast PC has some cooling problems
22:16.22meeunderclock it? This plan sounds half-baked
22:16.57nsadminI don't see a purpose behind putting linux on the other machine either unless it's a laptop
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22:18.30prizmthe fast PC has microarcetecture problems
22:18.30thewanderer1is running a p3 933MHz 256M RAM happily
22:18.40prizmnetburst has some nasty TDP
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22:19.01prizman old Northwood celeron isn't too bad, but you can hear the hum of the fan
22:19.07prizmthe p3 is silent
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22:21.20CaelumLaidback_01: hi
22:21.33Laidback_01Caelum, Hey, how goes it!
22:21.51CaelumLaidback_01: very horrible
22:22.04Laidback_01okay to msg?
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22:24.07rhalffhi, I'm using just X and a a one instance window uzbl-core to show a webpage, any clues on how I can make antialiasing work ?
22:24.10fishcookercan i used debian repository on ubuntu-box
22:24.28nsadminwon't work.
22:24.35rhalffthere is not window manager loaded at all, so I don't really know where to optimize the fonts
22:25.23fishcookernsadmin rhalff that's no for me sir :(
22:25.55nsadminright, it will not work.
22:26.13rhalfffishcooker, quess you just have to install ubuntu then :)
22:26.52fishcookeri forget to make the debian repo on my portable hd....
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22:27.16rhalfffor server use and general installations I love debian, on my laptop I love gentoo though, no need to choose only one distro :)
22:27.17fishcookeractually i've ubuntu repo saved, rite now im on knoppix
22:27.22fishcookerlive cd
22:27.39fishcookerthat's rite rhalff...
22:27.47*** join/#debian mentor (~mentor@unaffiliated/mentor)
22:28.41nsadminfishcooker, do you have any debian machines? do you want to install debian?
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22:36.48thewanderer1I've upgraded to a newer OpenLDAP, but it hasn't migrated my schema - why? how to migrate it by hand? the config file layout and format has changed to LDIF
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22:37.33nsadminI guess you export ldifs and load them
22:37.39thewanderer1hmm, how?
22:37.54thewanderer1the old schema is not in ldif format, but in the old format
22:37.58thewanderer1text only
22:38.23nsadmincan't the ldap server output the schema in ldif?
22:38.31thewanderer1I don't know...
22:38.50nsadmincan you translate the "old format" into ldif?
22:38.54thewanderer1output from where?
22:39.03thewanderer1well, I guess I could
22:39.30nsadminsee if there are existing tools to do it
22:39.51neoicethewanderer1: are you using the OpenLDAP from Sid?
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22:40.21neoiceI had this problem the other day too. its got this cool 'cn=config' directory and such... unfortunately, I solved it by rolling back and restoring from backup :/
22:40.39magyarhi, is there a way to disable open-office presentation  from opening slideshow by default in squeeze?
22:40.56BlackFatethewanderer1, btw do you still get the errors you used to?
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22:41.53thewanderer1BlackFate: what errors? ctx init in LDAP? heh
22:41.56thewanderer1neoice: squeeze
22:42.28thewanderer1BlackFate: the ctx init went away as soon as I commented out the cipher list in the config
22:43.07neoicethewanderer1: what version? cause 2.4.23 _definitely_ is a MAJOR update
22:43.21thewanderer1yeah, just this
22:43.48thewanderer1it sucks when you have to rewrite all your config between minor versions
22:44.45nsadminoh, so I have one question... why are you upgrading?
22:45.06neoiceoh, apparently I'm using the BPO version
22:45.33neoicethewanderer1: if you do get it working, would you mind publishing / sharing the details? even a pastebin diff would be plenty
22:46.34nsadminspecifically... if you have something that's working, why would you "upgrade" to something that doesn't?
22:46.46neoicefor fun!
22:46.54neoiceor to test the new versions for future upgrades
22:47.03jelly-homeand now you tested.
22:47.18thewanderer1this looks good, trying it
22:47.21jelly-home"result: migration untrivial"
22:47.38thewanderer1holy penguin, this is just an upgrade between minor versions
22:47.54thewanderer1I did it because postfix didn't like the previous one and it was slow
22:48.13jelly-homethewanderer1: it's written by openldap people.  don't expect excellent code
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22:48.59thewanderer1still, the new version works 10x times faster apparently
22:49.09thewanderer1and it requires 10 times as much maintenance...
22:49.25jelly-homelost a day or three because their crappy lib always outputs debug messages to fd 2, _no matter what fd 2 is used for in the app calling libldap_
22:49.46jelly-homethewanderer1: that's called job security!
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22:50.23thewanderer1yeah, sure
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22:53.05nsadminfd 2 is not stderr?
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22:56.43thewanderer1ldap_add: Server is unwilling to perform (53)   -- great!
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22:56.55thewanderer1I am unwilling to continue using this...
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22:59.28tholl583xxi am attempting to mount a partitions but it says "structure needs cleanin", its xfs, when I try a xfs_repair its asks me to try to mount the parittion to clear the log
22:59.52tholl583xxis there some tool that will allow the partition to be mounted
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23:03.40nsadmintholl583xx: there's a #xfs around here somewhere
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23:21.45hatter_ah no more overflow
23:21.49hatter_after registering
23:21.56hatter_pays to read the instructions
23:22.41hatter_how do i make sure bind only binds to one external ip address ?
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23:33.25TheMechanichatter_: configure the listen-on directive in named.conf
23:33.50hatter_TheMechanic, thx
23:34.03TheMechanichatter_: np
23:35.18TheMechanicit should be something along the lines of listen-on { x.x.x.x; } and then kill -HUP `pidof named` should take care of things
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23:51.14Armageddonwhat's the package that allows me to use the mouse inside shell ?
23:51.59nsadmininside what shell?
23:52.21Armageddonterminal !
23:52.24zinxxterm or gpm... the program has to support it
23:52.36zinxgpm does cutbuffer stuff too, though
23:52.39ArmageddonI use bas and xterm
23:52.41zinxif that's what you're talking about
23:52.42nsadminI think you want gpm
23:52.58Armageddongpm is the one in alt+f1?
23:53.36zinxgpm works with the linux console
23:53.36nsadminthey are "virtual terminals" (vt)
23:53.51zinxi.e., outside X
23:54.20Armageddonyes, vt
23:54.45Armageddonthe one called terminal what is it gpm ?
23:54.49nsadmingpm works with vt
23:55.27ArmageddonI'm lost here, there is one in application under gnome, Terminal, what is that called ?
23:55.49nsadminyou already have mouse in X for gnome
23:56.58vlan7search google for gpm, it requires some config
23:57.01nsadminif you want to get unlost, find out what means "terminal", and look at it before/without graphics of any kind
23:57.11Armageddonokay, I'm trying to code in ncurses and the mouse doesn't work in neither vt or shell (Alt+Ctrl+F1)
23:59.02nsadminctrl-f1 IS a vt (or, switches you to one of the vts)
23:59.20nsadminctrl-alt-f7 is ALSO a vt, used by X
23:59.43Armageddonokay so far so good !
23:59.44MrFroodArmageddon: gpm is the mouse driver for the console, it runs as a daemon and everytime I've installed it gpm has just worked without any config

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