IRC log for #debian on 20100522

00:00.01paranoidphreakhi everybody, i'm trying to reinstall lenny from scratch after i've gotten my laptop repaired but i get the following message: ........."kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init!" before i had to get my machine fixed, i had no problem installing lenny from scratch (was successful 4-5 times in the past) and the CD doesn't appeared to b damaged because i tried it on another machine. can anybody help me please?
00:00.13zfraallu2_: nevermind, it's been very helpful so far. Thanks.
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00:02.21allu2zfra, no problem :)
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00:04.01MrJKHow to set up the apache confihguration file for backupppc woth mod-perl ?
00:04.34MrJKI don't know which directives I have to use ... Or I didn't find the good man page
00:06.07jhutchins_ltMrJK: backuppc docs should tell you what you need.
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00:07.29MrJKjhutchins_lt: yes, but it use CGI interface by default
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00:07.45MrJKI'm trying a solution posted on a forum
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00:20.35thepro4e1eris there a way i can check the version of apache2 i installed on debian?
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00:24.37eikenberrythepro4e1er. dpkg -l apache2
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00:36.51thepro4e1ereikenberry: thats very appauling because it says  apache2        2.2.9-10+lenny Apache HTTP Server metapackage
00:37.14thepro4e1ereikenberry: i go to the apache tomcat homepage and it doesn't even list an apache tomcat version 2.29
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01:00.16Bushmillswh not look in apache downloads instead? goes to 2.3.5 alpha there. or 2.2.15, march release
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01:11.12thepro4e1erwhere is the documentation directory in debian
01:11.18darkI have a issue with ffmpeg dependencies that might be caused by debian-multimedia (I'm on squeeze, using the squeeze repository of debian-multimedia). It appeared during aptitude safe-upgrade, and now 'Current status: 3 broken [+3], 75 updates [-2].', is this channel appropriate for asking for help with this?
01:11.41darkif yes, and documents my problem, i am a bit puzzled
01:11.45dark(but i shouldn't)
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01:11.54darkthepro4e1er, /usr/doc ?
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01:12.04darkthepro4e1er, you want documentation on what?
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01:12.32thepro4e1erdark, i'm trying to find where my apache2 documentation installed to with aptitude
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01:12.38iateadonutanyone know fluxbox?  how do i set a single hotkey to run two commands?  do i have to write a script and execute that, or is there a way to do it right in ~/.fluxbox/keys?
01:12.47thepro4e1erdark: and it looks like i have no /usr/doc
01:13.09darktrying to overwrite '/usr/share/ffmpeg/libx264-ipod640.ffpreset', which is also in package libavcodec52 4:0.5.1-3, it seems i have to remove libavcoded52
01:13.28darkbut, why aptitude suggested this, i'm wondering
01:13.39darkthepro4e1er, /usr/share/doc
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01:13.44thepro4e1erdark, i want to read the apache documentation
01:14.22darkthepro4e1er, aptitude install apache2-doc, maybe it will be found /usr/share/doc/apache2 or something like that
01:14.30darkif you don't find it, dpkg -L apache2-doc
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01:15.57thepro4e1erdark: i found it
01:16.17thepro4e1erwhats the command to launch an html page with a web browser
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01:18.33darkthepro4e1er, hmm, what's the web browser you have installed?
01:18.47darki think there is a freedesktop app to find the "right" browser
01:18.56thepro4e1erdark: ice weasel, it was a default with debian lenny
01:19.12darkthepro4e1er, then the command is called iceweasel
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01:19.40darkah, the command for a "generic" graphical browser is x-www-browser
01:20.06thepro4e1ericeweasel index.html worked!!
01:20.29darkhere it links to epiphany, it seems like the system-wide default browser in my system
01:20.43thepro4e1erdark: your brain runs on linux
01:21.03thepro4e1eryou're a walking man
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01:21.07thepro4e1erwalking man page
01:21.12darkthepro4e1er, no, it's not managed (for now)
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01:25.00darkAhh.. this debian-multimedia package is just broken, now I don't want to upgrade anymore, maybe I need pinning..
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01:26.10darkaptitude install libavcodec52=5:0.5.1+svn20100427-0.0 ffmpeg=5:0.5.1+svn20100427-0.0 has no conflicts and installs the latest version from debian-multimedia of both packages, and one tries to write a file the other "owns"
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01:30.57ScottGWhat is the alternatives name for the session manager?
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01:32.16ScottGI would think it would be x-session-manager but I have slim installed and it isn't showing up
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01:34.36darkScottG, here I have /etc/rc3.d/S04gdm that starts gdm unconditionally
01:35.17darkbut I don't have slim installed
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01:36.00ScottGdark: Looks like this is a bug
01:36.19ScottGI mean if slim is installed it should show up in x-session-manager
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01:36.51\amethystScottG:  that's a display manager, not a session manager
01:37.12\amethystScottG:  slim Provides: x-display-manager
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01:38.05darkyes, I was looking that..
01:38.13darkfluxbox provides x-session-manager
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01:43.39MrJKThere is a backuppc user here? I don't understand why the Web interface doesn't work :s
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01:45.33ScottG\amethyst: Ahh display manager
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01:47.24ScottGdark: \amethyst: I don't have an alternative called x-display-manager
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01:48.18wilberfandamn.  aptitude just removed all of my mythtv packages...  now it wont put them back because of 'unmet dependencies'...
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01:50.02Hackwarhi, what is the command to show the current IP adress?
01:50.12azteechifconfig -a
01:50.48dpkgifconfig is used to configure or view your machine's network interfaces.  Use the -a option to view all of them, or "man ifconfig" for more.  See also <interfaces>, <myip>.
01:51.11dpkgTo get your IP address: /sbin/ifconfig -a | grep "inet addr" | sed -e 's/^.*inet addr://' -e 's/ .*$//', or /sbin/ifconfig -a | awk '/inet addr:/{sub("addr:","");print $2}', or hostname -i, or "ip a s eth0 | grep inet | cut -d' ' -f6", or /sbin/ifconfig eth0|perl -ne 'if /addr:s*d+.\d+\.\d+\.\d+/ {print qq|$1n|}', or wget -O- 2>/dev/null|perl -pe 's/.+Address:\ [\d\.]+<.+/$1/;'
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01:52.52hideowow that's ... convoluted
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01:54.31goanuwhat's the diff between hpijs and hplip?
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01:55.13nickgawIn debian if I wish to run a program with the highest priority would nice -20 program work?
01:56.01ZiberWhy wouldnt ipv6 be enabled on boot?
01:56.20goanuwhich should i use for HP Deskjet F380, hpijs or hplip?
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01:56.35darkZiber, (not sure, but from your error msgs, it looks like your kernel doesn't support it)
01:56.58Ziberdark: but modprode ipv6 works fine
01:57.06darkhm, o.o
01:57.21darkcare to paste /etc/network/interfaces? also, the error message
01:57.46darkZiber, lsmod | grep ipv6
01:57.54darkwhat is the output of this?
01:58.07Ziberno output
01:58.13Ziberand sure, sec.
01:58.17darkhere too
01:59.18Ziber <-- interfaces file
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01:59.32Ziberand i'll have to reboot the VM (this is all on a VM, btw) to see the error, gimme a min
02:00.05dark(if it's a boot-time error, type dmesg)
02:00.26darkor at least hmm, early boot time
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02:00.46Ziberthe relevant part of the boot up mesage:
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02:10.00ScottGif I do an aptitude purge <package> will the downloaded files be removed?
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02:11.18darkZiber, maybe, hmm, this debian really has no inet6 support
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02:11.30darkno idea how to fix
02:12.11darkZiber, you set up two interfaces with same name? is this really valid?
02:12.24Ziberyes, one is inet and one is inet6.
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03:00.53doctorwhitemirror of stripes is 01, yes?
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03:15.03magnuxHello Everyone
03:15.07maounafailed to print a .doc file from OpenOffice. no response from printer. error file shows " Can't find initialization file" "May not be a PDF file (continuing anyway)". why is the printer expecting a pdf file?
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03:17.18magnuxmaouna, hi please check if you have installed ghostscript-cups
03:17.30magnuxmaouna, do you know how to do it?
03:17.52maounayes, trying.
03:18.59ranixjudd: pciid 1102:0007
03:19.00judd[1102:0007] is 'CA0106 Soundblaster' from 'Creative Labs' with kernel module 'snd-ca0106' in lenny. See also and the out-of-tree 'snd-ca0106' module.
03:19.15maounamagnux. its already the newest version.
03:19.28maounamagnux: its already the newest version.
03:19.46tuvi export /srv (ro,fsid=0) and /srv/home (rw), then mount -t nfs4 server:/home, but get no write permissions! what am i doing wrong?
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03:20.12tuvi tried nohide, no_root_squash. still no write permission
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03:20.49magnuxmaouna, please check too: ghostscript ghostscript-x
03:21.01tuvif i change /srv to (rw), i get write permission but owner is always nobody, regardless of no_root_squash
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03:26.12maounamagnux: install them too but no diff. job state shows "stopped: "/usr/lib/cups/filter/pstopdf failed""
03:26.43shatiltuv, pastebin your exports file.
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03:29.17z1yhi. Can I disable ipv6 on a system without rebooting running system (Lenny)?
03:29.22tuvshatil: on its way
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03:31.15shatilMoMo, failed.
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03:34.33MoModamn it
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03:40.24gpmhi. recently upgraded and now my gstreamer apps don't play. if i push play they don't ever start to play, just sit there.
03:42.15wolsupgraded to what?
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03:43.57gpmwols: figured it out. installed pulseaudio's raop module and it was sending audio to the airport express
03:44.03shatiltuv, what's inside /srv/home?
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03:45.16tuvshatil: home directories, but it doesn't matter right now. just garbage test files
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03:46.11tuvconsiders using /srv/nfs as nfs4 root instead of /srv - so home becomes at /srv/nfs/home
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03:46.33shatiltuv, try commenting out all the other lines except /srv/home and use the options (rw,no_root_squash). re-export (exportfs -a).
03:47.01tuvshatil: /srv/home alone works
03:47.47tuvshatil: problems start when i have the nfs4 root (ro) and a subdirectory exported (rw) - they all behave ro
03:48.13shatiltuv, I see. Did you try putting the ro lines after the rw lines?
03:52.21tuvshatil: no, but the ro is fsid=0 (root) - i'll give it a try, although i don't think it'll do anything
03:52.40shatiltuv, try without the fsid and other options first.
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03:53.41tuvshatil: nope. order didn't matter
03:54.14tuvshatil:  without fsid it won't mount as nfs4 (nfs works)
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03:57.33shatiltuv, don't specify a "filesystem" type to mount.
03:58.20\amethyst! -type f ! -type d
03:58.43tuvshatil: that will mount them nfs, not nfs4. like i said nfs works. i'm trying to get nfs4 working
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04:00.01shatiltuv, have you tried without the ro option?
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04:05.34tuvshatil: yes. with rw for both /srv and /srv/home i can write, but the owner of newly written files is nobody (no effect of no_root_squash)
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04:11.59liablewtf do i have two audio cards in a laptop?
04:12.51shatilliable, how did you determine that?
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04:15.32wolsliable: hdmi?
04:16.07liablewols: i have no idea, ive never seen this before in a laptop.
04:16.15liabletwo different vendors two..
04:16.31liableand alsamixer is missing a lot of the usual channels that it shows
04:16.50liableits got a nvidia graphics card, i can only assume its related to that
04:17.55liableand my goddamn volume keys dont work, even thow alsa is reporting the key presses
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04:19.55plotneti lost the file /etc/profile, who to make a new
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04:21.43shatilplotnet, use this:
04:22.07plotnetwho to reinstall the package of file profile
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04:23.07shatilplotnet, copy that into /etc/profile.
04:24.59plotneti use the debian lenny, the file of site no give problem here?
04:25.56plotnetok, go make him
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04:31.16tuvbah.. even for a working nfs4 export (can mount as nfs4) automount mounts them as nfs3
04:31.27tuvdespite the nfs4 options
04:32.08shatiltuv, lol, what's so special about 4 that you _have_ to have it?
04:33.07breedxI've been running amd64 on a genuine amd cpu for 5+ years now, but need to fresh install on an intel i7.  is amd64 the right arch for debian on x86-64 (like the i7?)
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04:35.35tuvoh wait. it does work. my bad on this one
04:35.57zfradoes anyone have information about a driver for Nat. Semi. PC87591 Super IO, to allow lm-sensors control the fan correctly? I am using squeeze/sid and when I run sensors-detect, it says that no driver is supported for this Nat. Semi..., post in
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04:39.11tuvso the best i can do now is to just export /srv/nfs (rw,fsid=0), and setup autofs to look for /home/* in server:/home/&
04:39.44tuvthat way i can still export other stuff by putting them in /srv/nfs
04:40.03tuvthe only missing feature i was hoping for is to have /srv/nfs exported ro
04:40.04wolsbreedx: yes, and you don't need to reinstall debian either
04:40.28breedxwols: sweet, but this is a new box. ;)
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04:41.51wolsbreedx: you _can_ copy your old debian install over...
04:42.51tuvas far as i can tell, subdirectories can be exported with different permissions (ro/rw) only if they are bind-mounted under the nfs4 root, not if they are physically there
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04:45.32breedxwols: yeah, good point...but I'd rather not bring along the 5 years of cruft.  easier to install fresh on new box I think.
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04:47.47zfrawols: thanks!, but now what I do not understand is, why it works fine with kernel version < 2.6.32
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04:50.21jk70_?msg dpkg guidlines
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05:36.37wolszfra: .32 kernels are not in stable and nowhere as well tested than stable kernel. It could be a regression however, so check what .26 kernel uses to speak to your chip.
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05:40.22wolsthat's a different issue. nothing to do with lm-sensors
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06:03.45shatilWhat's an ipv6 address I can use as nameserver in /etc/resolv.conf?
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06:33.20ruben23hi guys how do i install this atheros ethernet card on my debian-server 8.04------>
06:34.42pallgone8.04? you mean ubuntu?
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06:36.59mercangood morning/evening everybody.
06:37.06mercanI don't understand something with the debian package management although I really read the official and inofficial documents that I could find.
06:37.17mercanSuppose I patched a source package
06:37.37ruben23pallgone: yes
06:37.43mercannow I have my own version of it and installed by apt
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06:37.50Rashid-ubuntu has its own support channel.
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06:38.08mercanwhen I do safe-upgrade
06:38.13mercanwith aptitude
06:38.15darkit seems he or she is talking about debian, not ubuntu
06:38.21mercanI am talking about debian
06:38.28mercanactually never used ubuntu before
06:38.38mercanhow does it decide whether to upgrade or not?
06:38.48Rashid-was referring to ruben23 myself.
06:39.13mercanah sorry, I didn't notice I interfered in the middle of another conversation
06:39.41Rashid-no worries.
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06:44.45darkmercan, I *think* it will prefer, by default, newer packages. but the dependency solver for safe-upgrade is conservative: it will not remove any packages. (i may be wrong in the details). man aptitude show things
06:45.27valdyndark: it will just not remove any packages that are not marked auto
06:45.57darkmercan, see the section on --safe-resolver (the man page says aptitude --safe-resolver full-upgrade is the same as aptitude safe-upgrade; that is, the difference is the dependency resolver)
06:46.12darkvaldyn, hmm ok
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06:47.08dark(erm, the difference between full-upgrade and safe-upgrade)
06:47.10mercanOK I am going to check it. So if it doesnt replace, whenever a new version is available I will get the source patch and install again and will have to check the availability of a new version manually
06:47.40valdynaptitude just tries to be to clever sometimes, and when it "breaks" chances are that apt-get will find a viable solution quickly
06:47.48darkmercan, ah, i don't know how it interacts with your own packages, but i suppose not
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06:48.09darkmercan, i mean, how aptitude would know about your patches?
06:48.21darkvaldyn, really? people usually praise aptitude here..
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06:48.32valdyndark: rightly so
06:48.48mercanI thought a patched package is considered as another version of the same package
06:49.19valdyndark: users will just often break their system using apt-get more often than "experts" can use it to fix aptitude issues
06:49.25xozalso prefers apt-get than aptitude. at least, apt-get is not tying to be too intelligent
06:49.28darkmercan, maybe you should change the version? if you don't, it will install the new package without any of your patches, that's my bet
06:49.48ranixI have been using apt-get since 1998
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06:49.52ranixwhat's wrong with apt-get
06:49.54xozif you know less about fixing debian, aptitude is ok
06:49.56darkxoz, I know a guy that prefers slackware for this very same reason :D
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06:50.04valdyndark: stuck aptitude and asking for support is much better than broken system then asking for support ;)
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06:50.07xozdark: that
06:50.28xozdark:  that is way overboard for comparison :)
06:50.35mercanI thought a patched packed would be something like packagesoldname-mercan.deb and the version would appear like 1.2.3-mercan or so
06:50.42valdynslackware has no package management, you can have that with debian too
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06:51.25valdynmercan: you can do that
06:51.26xozbut slackware is a nice learning experience to know the guts of linux
06:51.30darkfunny, i'm installing lfs
06:51.51dark(but i may desist, compiling is slow here on my atom..)
06:52.12mercanvaldyn, then when a new package is available, then it is not clear whether my patched version is newer or the newer released one
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06:52.26mercanbut as far as I understand from the man, safe upgrade wont replace my old
06:52.34valdynmercan: if you add a string like -mercan to the version then its newer
06:52.50mercansay I am patching version 2.8 to 2.8-mercan
06:52.58mercanbut the developer released 2.9
06:53.08dark2.9 seems newer than 2.8-mercan
06:53.10valdynmercan: then 2.9 is newest and your patched version will be replaced
06:53.23valdynmercan: to keep your patched version you need to pin it
06:53.26dpkgPinning is a method to choose which version of a package to install when multiple versions are available from <sources.list>.  Bugs are explained at .  If you use stable, pinning won't help you from messing up the system, ask me about <backports> instead.
06:53.28darkmercan, you probably want to pin your preferred version
06:53.54valdynmercan: or you could also put it on hold, but thats less elegant
06:54.14mercanah I didn't notice such pinning
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06:54.42mercanthen when I want a newer version rather than the newly released one, I will unpin my version and upgrade
06:54.48mercanah sorry
06:54.55mercanrather than the patched one I mean
06:55.25sbrothygmorn i psykoer
06:55.38darkoh, i have something to ask: can I have multiple testing repositories, with the same packages? (will aptitude install from them in parallel?)
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07:01.56mercanI read about pinning and I thing thats what I want
07:02.02mercanvaldyn, dark, thank you very much
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07:03.48mercanactually, one last thing: I've been using aptitude all the time. Would I mess up anything if I suddenly start using apt-get?
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07:08.43DogBoyno mercan
07:08.53karlpinc!tell mercan about why aptitude
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07:09.29valdynmercan: yes
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07:12.05mercanso ok it is safer to keep using aptitude
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07:13.11valdynmercan: yes
07:13.35valdynmercan: those 2 questions deserve a pretty long answer, but im lazy, read the why aptitude factoid.
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07:13.49dark!tell dark about why aptitude
07:14.31darki heard that at least a time ago, if you used aptitude a bit and then switched to apt-get, weird bugs appeared
07:14.43darksuch as apt-get dropping packages in a wild way
07:14.57darkit seems to be fixed (but i still don't mix them)
07:15.03valdynits not bugs
07:15.07valdynits working as intended
07:15.14darkhm lol
07:15.21darkso this still happens?
07:15.22valdynand the reason why you don't mix usage of both
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07:16.15valdyndark: in lenny for sure, I don't know about later as i dont know how apt-get later treats the auto flag
07:17.38darkso the auto flag is meant to be a aptitude thing?
07:18.07valdyndark: aptitude just had it first, now ( after lenny ) apt-get  has it too
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07:19.28valdynhold is also different in both iirc
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07:21.01niklaswehmm any ide about this, when i taking my laptop out from sleeping mode, my screen is black, and i must reboot it if i will work with it again..
07:21.08ObligatoryWhy does modprobe say "FATAL: Module nouveau not found."?  Where's it' looking, the file exists.
07:21.24valdynObligatory: where does it exist?
07:21.50Obligatoryvaldyn: it's here: /lib/modules/2.6.32-5-686/kernel/drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nouveau.ko
07:21.52wolsniklaswe: in X and pure console both?
07:22.02valdynniklaswe: some laptops need to use quirks to work around this issue
07:22.21niklaswewols: both
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07:22.37valdynObligatory: run depmod -a and try again
07:23.29valdynniklaswe: is your pure console using std vga text mode or some frame buffer / higher resolution mode?
07:23.47niklaswewols:   valdyn  itś an lenevo w500
07:23.56valdynniklaswe: have you tried the quirks supported by pm-suspend ?
07:23.57Obligatoryvaldyn, ran 'depmod -a', same result 'FATAL: Module nouveau not found.'
07:24.06niklaswevaldyn: itś using frambuffer with vga=791
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07:24.27niklaswevaldyn: no i havent
07:24.54niklasweObligatory: how do you loding your module
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07:25.17niklasweyou should use this modprobe modulename not modprobe modulename.ko
07:25.34Obligatoryniklaswe, as root, I run 'modprobe  nouveau'
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07:25.56RainbowWis there a way to echo the time and date of the last reboot, eg, to dump into /etc/ on boot?
07:26.06ObligatoryBut it's not loading 'nouveau'
07:26.15valdynObligatory: try "modinfo /lib/modules/2.6.32-5-686/kernel/drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nouveau.ko"
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07:26.57Obligatoryvaldyn, did that I get 29 lines of info.
07:27.03randomuserso, i have an ext4 volume, and I can't mount it. How can i get ext4 support?
07:27.08valdynObligatory: paste on a paste site
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07:27.19valdynObligatory: paste the output of "uname -r" here
07:27.36valdynrandomuser: get a more recent kernel from
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07:28.35valdynnamanb1: name change?
07:28.54valdynnamanb1: thats not a debian kernel and its sure not the same as 2.6.32-5-686
07:29.18Obligatoryvaldyn, Egad!  2.6.32-3-686!  That explains it... wonder why my kernel isn't updated to 32-5, I've got the 'linux-image-2.6.32-5-686' package installed.  Hmm.
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07:29.38valdynObligatory: thats not an upgrade, thats *different* kernels
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07:29.48valdynObligatory: so they exist in parallel
07:29.59vallhallahallo and a good * to all
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07:30.57Obligatoryvaldyn, thanks!  Is there a Debian way to set 2.6.32-5-686 as the one to use?
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07:31.20wolsjust use this kernel to boot
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07:32.51xozObligatory: make sure your grub menu.lst list it in the top entry
07:33.02wolsObligatory: please pastebin the out put of "COLUMNS=200 dpkg -l linux-image*
07:33.12Obligatorywols, I suppose I could just change the symlinks in '/', but I was assuming there was some more package centric method?
07:33.13wolsxoz: that doesn't matter, at all
07:33.38Obligatorywols, gimme a sec on the pastebin...
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07:33.43wolsObligatory: / symlinks are irrelevant in debian. please pastebin the above command
07:34.05randomuservaldyn: thanks
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07:35.13RainbowWis there a way to echo the time and date of the last reboot, eg, to dump into /etc/ on boot?  or, alternative, capture current date and time at boot, to dump into
07:35.42darkRainbowW, maybe you could do something like date > /var/last_reboot on your shutdown scripts
07:35.53wolsObligatory: the "*" at the end there is not for show. it's important
07:36.09darkRainbowW, but this will not help if the reboot was forced (say, by unplugging the power and plugging again)
07:36.27RainbowWdark: ah aye ty. but not on shutdown scripts, i need it on startup, yeah, for spontaneous reboots
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07:36.39wolsRainbowW: man uptime
07:37.01darkRainbowW, no, i mean, *write* on shutdown, so that you can check later on startup
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07:37.13Obligatorywols, my typo, sorry.
07:37.21darkah, if the reboot is instantaneous, uptime helps
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07:37.58RainbowWi think something like date >> /etc/ will be sufficient for what i need
07:38.04darki was thinking about a box that you shutdown.. waits for hours.. start up and want to see when it.. ok, he didn't said 'shutdown' but 'reboot'
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07:38.22darki think checking uptime might be sufficient, yes
07:38.32wolsObligatory: interesting output :)  either choose your -5- kernel on boot up or make it the default in your menu.lst
07:38.44xozwols: told you
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07:39.14wolsxoz: and I told you that what is on top in the list doesn't matter
07:39.20wolsxoz: it never ever did
07:39.39xozwols: make it default... that's the implication
07:40.06Obligatorywols, thanks for looking.  I'm not sure I know the right way to choose the -5- kernel; e.g.  symlinks, grub, some package command...
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07:40.35darki think it's editing that file
07:40.38wolsObligatory: what does your grub menu.lst display?
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07:40.52zfrawols: I checked the lsmod in the kernel < 2.6.26..., the only difference that I found relevant is the freq_table, there's in the kernel 26 but isn't in the kernel 2.6.32, and can't figure out how to load the module
07:40.53xozObligatory:  /boot/grub/menu.list
07:40.55valdynObligatory: default= is there for a purpose
07:41.25valdynObligatory: or its default  0
07:41.50valdyneven documented in the menu.lst
07:41.58Obligatoryxoz, no such file as '/boot/grub/menu.list' -- but I'm using grub2, ('grup-pc' package)
07:42.16valdynObligatory: which distro is this anyway?
07:42.20xozObligatory: ah, /etc/grub? or somthing like that
07:42.38Obligatoryvaldyn, Debian unstable.
07:42.45wolsxoz: editing grub.cfg directly is another very bad idea
07:42.55valdynObligatory: unstable has no -generic kernel
07:42.57xozprefers top listing. it is more explicit
07:43.17xozwols:  what is good idea then?
07:43.28valdynObligatory: its /etc/default/grub, GRUB_DEFAULT
07:43.29xozwols: make it straightforwar
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07:44.41RainbowWdoes /etc/rc.local still run? or is that a leftover that's been removed from the startup system these days? (in stable)
07:44.48darkRainbowW, yes
07:44.49valdynRainbowW: runs
07:44.53RainbowWas root?
07:44.54Obligatoryvaldyn, 'GRUB_DEFAULT=0' -- to the best of my knowledge this is unstable.  Hmm.
07:45.03wolsRainbowW: all sysvinit scripts run as root
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07:45.12RainbowWyay. okay ty.
07:46.08xozRainbowW's problem is wrong choice of kernel on boot.... how difficult is that? tsk....
07:46.18RainbowWxoz: uh. eh?
07:46.27xozRainbowW: just kidding
07:46.46valdynxoz: wrong target
07:47.03xozvaldyn: :)
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07:48.00RainbowWi've got stuff listed in fstab. every time i screw up secondary partitions in fstab and then reboot, the system halts. is there a way (or a howto?) to get the boot to continue and simply ignore the problem, rather than halt for manual intervention?
07:48.03valdynObligatory: just reboot to the correct kernel and remove the wrong kernel once that worked
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07:48.29valdynRainbowW: press ctrl-d when it asks for intervention?
07:48.49RainbowWvaldyn: hosted box, no console access.
07:48.52xozRainbowW: does halts because it checks the filesytem?
07:49.00Obligatoryvaldyn, OK, will try!  Thanks for the tip.  I'll be back...
07:49.03valdynit halts because it fails to mount
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07:49.16valdynbut it doesnt "halt", it just goes to rescue mode
07:49.24xozi see
07:49.42RainbowWyes i understand why it stops. i want it to not do so -- i want it to ignore the error and continue booting without doing the mount.
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07:50.51RainbowWthat way i don't have to deal with a 24 hour turn-around for my provider to bring my box back online
07:51.00xozRainbowW: there is an option in mount to continue even with error.... man mount
07:51.17xozin the option for mount command
07:51.49xozerrors=continue is the option i think
07:52.11valdynor for fstab
07:52.26xozyeah, place in fstab, option column
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07:52.35RainbowWah okay, yes, thank you.
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07:53.31RainbowWbringing a new box online is *SUCH* a pain. all the little details. :(
07:53.49xozis signing off....
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07:55.42lkDoes kernel v. compile okay with lenny's make-kpkg? Or for that matter, does (I know the earlier 2.6.32 releases used to, but that was last year.)
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07:59.24chaoyiI used 'initrd' to load the root fs image. grub recognized the image, however, modules are not loaded by the kernel, what could be wrong?  Grub is 1.98, kernel is 2.6.32-5-amd64.
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08:01.19Bopchaoyi, error is ?
08:01.32chaoyikernel panic, no vfs found
08:02.02chaoyii could boot with modules compiled into the kernel
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08:04.15nsadminno vfs found?
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08:04.32nsadminhow did you build the kernel exactly
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08:04.48chaoyicompiled ext3, ahci into the kernel
08:04.53HollyRainhi! does anybody is using btrfs? how is going on?
08:05.02nsadmindid you use make-kpkg?
08:05.29chaoyiyes, but the stock kernel from debian doesn't boot.  btw, i am using macbook pro
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08:05.50nsadminok, did you pass --initrd to make-kpkg?
08:05.55chaoyiyes, i did
08:05.55lkHollyRain, I'm waiting for people to stop losing all their data on it.
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08:06.18nsadminand then you installed the resulting kernel .deb on the machine?
08:06.22HollyRainlk: jaja :) ok, thanks
08:07.03nsadminand the kernel image showed up in your /boot?
08:07.31chaoyinsadmin: yes, my own kernel will boot, with some modules compiled into the kernel
08:07.53chaoyinsadmin: initrd is not used at all
08:07.56nsadminso I'm not quite clear on the problem
08:08.09ObligatoryBack again.  Booted successfully into the 2.6.32-5-686 kernel.  'nouveau' is loaded and running.  Also discovered the command needed to get grub2 to discover the new kernel is: was 'update-grub'
08:08.30chaoyinsadmin: i am trying to put some modules like ext3 into the initrd image
08:08.35BopObligatory, oh thanks ! that's valueable information !
08:08.45nsadminof which kernel?
08:08.56wolsObligatory: installing should run that command by default. check your /etc/kernel-img.conf
08:09.14nsadminoh, this is the stock kernel?
08:09.41wolschaoyi: any special reason why you want them in the initrd on a custom compiled kernel?
08:09.43chaoyinsadmin: if i don't compiled the modules into the kernel, it will not be loaded
08:10.04chaoyiwols: because i wonder why it is not loaded automatically, for my own machine
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08:10.31nsadminyou gotta answer my questions if I'm to have any chance of following this
08:10.47chaoyiwols: debian's kernel works on my other machines, but not my macbook pro.  sorry for my bad english
08:11.02nsadminthe question is, which kernel are you trying to modify
08:11.03Obligatorywols, thanks for the tip.  My '/etc/kernel-img.conf' is only 3 lines, one of which is a comment.  We have:  do_symlinks = Yes  \n   do_initrd = Yes
08:11.17wols!tell chaoyi about deosn't work
08:11.49nsadminyour english is just fine; I understand you perfectly
08:12.06Obligatoryhey there's a man page, I"ll check it ...  kernel-img.conf (5)
08:12.13chaoyinsadmin: i am trying to make debian's kernel work on my system
08:12.25Bopchaoyi, can u have grub as boot loader ?
08:12.29nsadminok, how exactly was that kernel installed?
08:12.30Bopin mac pro ?
08:12.43chaoyiBop: yes, i have grub-efi-amd64
08:12.54Bopamd64 ? why ?
08:13.00nsadminoh right, it's a core 2 duo
08:13.00chaoyinsadmin: apt-get install linux-image-2.6.32-5-amd64
08:13.02wolsBop: cause it's a amd cpu
08:13.13Bopmac pro is intel , not amd
08:13.21nsadminor a core2duo
08:13.22wolschaoyi: what is in your /etc/kernel-img.conf ? is the initrd built when installing?
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08:13.29nsadminwhich is the same
08:13.31wols!tell Bop about amd64
08:13.37chaoyiyes, it is built, i have 'initrd' line in grub
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08:13.52nsadminchaoyi: and you ran this on the macbook pro?
08:13.57chaoyiand grub said it is loaded
08:14.13wolschaoyi: when installing, a kernel was installed. did this kernel run properly?
08:14.23wolswhen installing debian lenny that is
08:14.42chaoyiwols: no.  i have compile some modules into the kernel.  the problem is initrd image is not used at all
08:14.54nsadminwhy not?
08:14.57zfrawols: problem (half) solved. I modprobed p4-clockmod, then cpufreq-selector -g powersave, that changed the governor scaling. But now changing to 'ondemand' is the issue.
08:15.00lkchaoyi, then it's not configured in the kernel config.
08:15.03Obligatorywols, 'man kernel-img.conf' isn't too complex, but all the appropriate looking options say DEPRECATED.
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08:15.24nsadmindoes the initrd exist?
08:15.36chaoyinsadmin: yes, and grub says it is loaded
08:16.11wolszfra: echo ondemand > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor
08:16.19nsadminhmm it seems like you did everything right... it must be some config somewhere
08:16.31nsadminmaybe we can mount your initrd and see what's in it
08:16.33chaoyinsadmin: i could compile a few modules so the rest could be loaded my the ext3 partition
08:16.47nsadminshouldn't be necessary
08:17.10nsadmin*: is initramfs mountable?
08:17.15chaoyii did just that, and i can see the modules inside
08:17.24chaoyinsadmin: it's a cpio archive
08:17.26nsadminoh you did
08:17.28nsadminoh ok
08:17.40RainbowWbah. i hate having to find machine names.
08:17.43chaoyinsadmin: the strange thing is the stock kernel from debian doesn't work for me
08:17.57wolsObligatory: the options are still there and still honored
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08:18.15nsadminI wonder what your initrd options are
08:18.21nsadminand where they are
08:18.34nsadmindo you have any /etc/initrd*?
08:19.06nsadminwait, I know I have that wrong, don't bother with that
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08:19.40nsadminand when you boot it it shoudl be like the first or second line
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08:20.07nsadminchaoyi: so if you have the archive mounted, can you confirm ext3 support is missing?
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08:20.47chaoyiright.  when I unpack the image, i have ext3 modules inside
08:21.00nsadminso it's actually not missing
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08:22.03nsadminbut according to your results, the initrd is never even touched at boot?
08:22.04chaoyibut it's not found by the kernel
08:22.10Obligatorywols, added "postinst_hook = update-grub", that might do it...
08:22.11zfrawols: trying 'ondemand' or 'conservative', even if the modules are loaded, returns the scaling_governor to 'performance'.
08:22.45nsadminI can't find a thing wrong, you're doing everything right, and the archive looks fine...
08:23.01nsadminwhat would be helpful tho, is the exact text of the error message...
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08:23.26nsadmin"vfs not found" isn't making sense unless the whole disk subsystem isn't present
08:23.29chaoyii guess it's macbook pro specific, i have a snapshot from my camera
08:23.48nsadmincan you upload it?
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08:24.01nsadminare you ircing from it now?
08:24.12chaoyinsadmin: wait a min.  yes, because disk controller module is supposed to be loaded from initrd image
08:24.40nsadminso maybe it's that
08:25.13nsadminif you used make-kpkg and you also have a debian kernel you have both config files in /boot
08:25.42Obligatorythanks guys, g'nite...
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08:26.00chaoyinsadmin: yes, i have config-* file
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08:27.36nsadminyou can do some comparison on them
08:27.55nsadminit won't be easy but it will be possible
08:28.56chaoyiwhen i compile my own 2.6.34 kernel, i copied .config from debian's kernel, compiled some modules so my root partition could be found, then my macbook pro boots fine.
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08:33.04chaoyinsadmin: the screenshot
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08:36.46wolschaoyi: a tainted debian kernel?
08:36.49nsadminchaoyi, when you compiled your kernel what driver did you use for the disk controller?
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08:37.12bintuti need your advice. if my physical server machine is an amd64/x86_64 architecture and will be running debian lenny amd64 on dom0, what can you recommend for the gnu/linux distros architectures on the domUs? 32bit or 64bit OS? please advice. thank you in advance.
08:37.20chaoyithe modules should be pulled in by a hotplug agent, based an the computer's detected hardware.  probably it's because macbook pro doesn't have a bios?
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08:37.44nsadminthat's not how it works
08:37.44bintuti'm talking about xen here by the way
08:38.07nsadminchaoyi: the initrd is created at the time the .deb of the kernel is installed
08:38.08chaoyinsadmin: i don't remember exactly, ahci, ata, ext3
08:38.29nsadminif you don't remember exactly, then it must not have been special
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08:38.41lkbintut, I don't know that you can run 64-bit without having hardware virtualization... at least it didn't work when I was using virtualbox =/
08:38.42wolschaoyi: if you have a (debian) initrd and it doesn't get used, the problem is your bootloader not loading it most likely
08:38.46chaoyinsadmin: when i used debootstrap, the deb should have a initrd which contains everything
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08:39.00nsadminwols: yeah that seems likely
08:39.08lkbintut, 64-bit guest, I mean. Obviously the host is 64-bit.
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08:39.18wolsso all your kernel debugging stuff is not gonna help
08:39.22nsadminwait you used debootstrap?
08:39.32wolschaoyi: follow the debian wiki for a bootloader and be happy
08:39.58nsadminok, here's what you should do... you're running the debian on your kernel now, yes?
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08:40.01chaoyiwols: it appears in my grub's config, and i also typed it in grub's command line too
08:40.15wolschaoyi: and? what does this matter?
08:40.27wolschaoyi: you run BETA software
08:41.00nsadminmeaning it's beta than nuthin?
08:41.17bintutlk: i actually have setup once for a friend and it's been running until now.. but i'm not sure how optimize and resource hungry.. now that i'm going to setup a new one for work after 3 years + since i last setup for my friend, i'm not sure if i need to use 64bit or 32bit for domUs or guests
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08:41.34wolsnsadmin: means it has bugs. possibly nasty ones
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08:41.52nsadminyou mean the kernel he built?
08:41.54wolsnsadmin: and considering there are various methods to boot debian reliably on macbooks...
08:42.01wolsno I mean his bootloader
08:42.10nsadminoh ok
08:42.53nsadminthat would be one thing that would explain it all
08:43.07chaoyiwols: i read some article about bootloader, grub has two stages, there is a preliminary stage before grub done by bios/firmware, am i get it correctly?
08:43.34nsadminthere's a lot of possibilities
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08:44.17wolschaoyi: you don't make much sense. try to state it again in different words
08:45.20wols!tell chaoyi about macbookpro
08:45.30nsadminwols it might be helpful to let him know what it is exactly you aren't understanding
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08:46.28wolspreliminary stage doing WHAT? certainly nothing at all whatsoever with linux
08:46.39chaoyiwols: sorry.  kernel doesn't know the existance of initramfs image, which is loaded by grub, according to its display
08:47.00wolsa BIOS and EFI initlalize the PC to a basic state and load a OS or a bootloader. that's all they do and all they need to do
08:47.11wolschaoyi: compiters LIE
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08:47.34chaoyiwols: yes, i have seen modern os doesn't use bios service, however, my two thinkpads work well for me, so i am not sure what's wrong
08:47.35wolsand what display tells you anything exactly?
08:47.57wolschaoyi: why do you insist on grub2?
08:48.22wolsheck, why insist on testing or sid if it clearly doesn't work for you?
08:48.52chaoyiwols: grub2 supports efi i guess?  i have a lot of hardwares supported only by newest kernel
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08:49.28wolsyou prove consistently for several hours now that grub in fact doesn't work
08:49.40chaoyiwols: a kernel with some modules compiled in works perfectly for me, i just want to find out what's wrong
08:49.51wolsand what hardware happens to only be supported by newest kernel (which debian doesn't have anywhere afaik, not even sid
08:50.15nsadminwhat kernel version is this again?
08:50.18Bopecho 'install rt2870sta modprobe --ignore-install rt2870sta ; /bin/echo "1737 0078" > /sys/bus/usb/drivers/rt2870/new_id' | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/rt2870sta.conf
08:50.28wolschaoyi: if you want to ignore what I told you several times now. feel free. I won't repeat myself for you forever. have a nice day
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08:50.39Bopcan anyone explain why i need to load this comands in order to modprobe rl2870sta ?
08:51.50chaoyiwols: thank you for your time.  i hope probably other newbies like me could use stock kernel directly without compiling it
08:51.51nsadminBop: it has something to do with modules
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08:52.19wolscause the usb id your hardware tells you is bogus/not supported by the 2870 driver
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08:53.05Bophmm , i didnt check with lsusb
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08:58.04nsadminchaoyi: I dunno why the kernel is failing either... at the moment there are too many possibilities that it could be given we don't know if grub is actually working or not...
08:58.41chaoyinsadmin: wols are right, i guessed grub-efi-amd64 doesn't load initrd image too, although it said so
08:58.49nsadminbut so you know, hardware detection =does not happen= at boot for the purpose of booting a kernel
08:59.03nsadminit happens =when the kernel is installed=
08:59.18chaoyinsadmin: probably the hardware is detected, but modules are no where to be loaded because initrd image is not loaded
08:59.49nsadminno, that's NOT how grub and initrd works.
08:59.51sdk_lnxHi, i installed debian with samba pdc, i could join a winxp in the domain, but i can't login from winxp to the domain, i get the domain is not available, can someone help troubleshooting ?
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09:00.17nsadminthe initrd is set up to do the same thing every time, NOT detect hardware
09:00.23chaoyinsadmin: i suppose one of grub's functions is to load initramfs into the memory?
09:00.44nsadminif it doesn't do that, something's wrong
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09:02.22nsadminwhen you were running the debootstrap, what were the conditions?
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09:03.14chaoyifrom a chrooted environment
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09:03.38MrWaxI am doing a reverse shell port forward to my webserver, now I need to set the hosts file in Windows on - but some how it doesn't connect me through to that port, what  am i doing wrong?
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09:04.40chaoyinsadmin: sorry, not a chrooted environment, i don't remember exactly
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09:05.27lindi-MrWax: what has hosts file to do with ports?
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09:05.55Bopand what windows have to do with debian
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09:07.01chaoyinsadmin: initrd is an archive of a list of modules, debootstrap will install a big archive.  apt-get install will give an option to choose from everything/just for my box.
09:07.53nsadminthe initrd archive is built while installing the .deb package.
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09:08.33nsadminthe detection of how root is to be mounted happens while installing the .deb package, and informs the process of building the initrd
09:09.45nsadminbut all this is moot if the boot loader fails to load the initrd
09:13.28chaoyinsadmin: thanks.  i remembered how i installed my system: i debootstrap into a partition, boot from another kernel, chrooted, and apt-get install linux-image
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09:13.57Bopchaoyi, can u load osx from grub too ?
09:14.01nsadmincan you get in without chroot with your dompiled kernel?
09:14.15chaoyiBop: i don't know how.
09:14.36Bopoh , u dont have osx no more then , ok
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09:14.58Bopchaoyi, i know there's a bootloader , bootcamp , did u tryed it ?
09:15.05nsadminchaoyi: that is another thing that could explain why the kernel is not booting properly
09:15.05chaoyinsadmin: i have osx.  grub can be chainloaded from refit/or directly
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09:15.34nsadminare you running the debian on the macbook now?
09:15.37chaoyinsadmin: i am not sure about "get in without chroot"
09:15.51chaoyinsadmin: yes, with my own compiled kernel
09:16.03nsadminok, is it running that way now?
09:16.12chaoyinsadmin: yes, it is running godd
09:16.30nsadminok, find the .deb of the stock kernel
09:16.42nsadminit should be in /var/cache/apt/archives
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09:17.10chaoyiyes, the stock kernel doesn't work for me.  so likely initrd image is not loaded
09:17.11nsadminand install it again
09:17.26froohhey guys, I am following this guide: and for some reason when I try to zcat to my usb key it doesn't work
09:17.27chaoyinsadmin: i did several times, with different versions from debian
09:17.34froohit says no medium found
09:17.36froohany ideas?
09:17.57nsadminyou said you installed it while you were chrooting
09:18.11nsadminyou are not chrooting now, or are you?
09:18.51chaoyinsadmin: and i have tried installed it while booting from my compiled kernel
09:19.22nsadminthe last time you installed it?
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09:20.12nsadminthis is important because EVERY TIME you install a kernel image prepared with --initrd, it makes an initramfs when you install the kernel
09:21.07nsadminbut you're basically saying it never works, which makes me wonder if wols is right after all
09:21.42nsadminwhen he says that the boot loader you are using might not load the initrd ever
09:21.43chaoyii guess wols is right.  I have installed several times booted from my compiled kernel.
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09:22.18nsadminif wols is right, maybe you could try other boot loaders
09:22.32nsadminor be happy with the kernel you have built
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09:23.39nsadminanyway... I'm wandering to bubble lounge maybe :)
09:23.52chaoyii am happy with the kernel i have built.  i guess it's the problem of grub2 but not sure about it.  i want to make sure it is not my fault that i did something wrong.
09:24.20chaoyinsadmin: thank you for your help, and have a good night.
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09:24.36nsadminone way to determine that is by trying different boot loaders
09:24.51chaoyiwhat options do i have?
09:25.07nsadminthere was a wiki wols mentioned, I forget :)
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09:26.01chaoyii'll dig into it later.  thank you nsadmin
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09:30.17nsadminwelcome, good luck...
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09:31.09chaoyisee you.  i hope i could find a bug in grub2
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09:31.12froohI need some binary files so that the nework will work with my laptop during install, rtl8168d-1.fw, does anyone have any idea where I can find it?
09:31.24froohI searched google and just found a bunch of deb bug reports
09:31.35nsadmin<wols> chaoyi: follow the debian wiki for a bootloader and be happy
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09:35.11chaoyinsadmin: i don't know why but i used to be able to boot from a debian-installer cd but not anymore, grub-pc also gives me a blackscreen too. elilo, i haven't tried yet.  thank you nsadmin & wols.  i must leave now.
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09:36.18g00seI was curious as to why /tmp wasn't getting cleared on reboot, so i looked and saw the following. Does it look familiar to anyone?
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09:38.06nsadminchaoyi: ok, again, good luck
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09:49.50lkg00se, you can run an @reboot cron to rm -rf /tmp/* is you really need /tmp emptied?
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09:51.11g00selk: Mmm. I'm just wondering what has taken it upon itself to rearrange my mounts?
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09:52.30ham5explaine 'rearrange my mounts'
09:52.37lkg00se, Is that a copy of your fstab or something? Re-arranging shouldn't really matter for _most_ of your mount points anyway.
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09:56.03g00selk: That was the output of mount
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09:57.56lkg00se, it should matter, really.
09:59.00g00seThe odd thing is that a grep for that directory in the init scripts seems to be revealing some quite low level stuff, e.g. portmap etc
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10:02.04g00seworries that this could have been caused by installing hplip stuff in a non-system way
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10:09.28HollyRainmy partition /var is not enoght for an upgrade? how could I join it together to another part. as /tmp?
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10:14.27wolsHollyRain: mount /var/cache/apt/archives/ to some other partition/file
10:14.43wolsanother way is to delete some (old) logfiles to make space temporarily, etc
10:15.08HollyRainI tried to make space but it has not been enought
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10:23.10HollyRainwols: thanks! I did mount --bind /var/cache/apt/archives/ /tmp/cache/
10:24.23wolscries out in pain
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10:24.55lkHollyRain, if you're running ext3 and/or LVM, look into resizing partitions if necessary.
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10:25.09HollyRainit doesn't works because it checks the space in /var
10:25.17HollyRain*the free space
10:25.36frikinzIs it possible to shrink an ext4 fs while being mounted?
10:26.03wolsyou cannot shrink any mounted filesystem
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10:26.26frikinzok.. thanks wols
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10:37.57arezeyguys, i need some help >.< i upgraded from lenny to squeeze but opengl got blown up in the process
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10:39.00arezeyso my first reaction was to re-install but because of me having a marvell ethernet card (and because i don't know how to transfer ethernet drivers between partitions) i can't install it
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10:41.47dpkgFor Debian Lenny installers with up-to-date kernels, see .  The <bnx2> and <bnx2x> firmware files for Linux 2.6.32 are included in 0116 images.
10:42.02wolsthat should make your marvel NIC work
10:42.19wolsas for your opengl: what videocard/chip and what driver?
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10:45.25arezeywols, videocard is ATI Technologies Inc RS780M/RS780MN [Radeon HD 3200 Graphics]
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10:45.42LinexI got a 2TB drive which I'm going to use in a docking station connected by eSata to my computer. What filesystem should I use on it. Its mostly to store DVDs, ISOs , big files.
10:46.29wolslinux2: when you have to ask this question: ext3
10:46.30Bopwhy not NTFS
10:46.40arezeyhe got killed already
10:46.40RainbowWhe got himself killed
10:46.54Boplol ok
10:47.26RainbowWoh and bop, was your suggestion that he go back to windows? ;-)
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10:47.46Bopno , its all about best compatibility
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10:48.14Bopthen he can connect to mac / win / linux , out-of-the-box
10:48.57petemche cant write to it on the mac out of the box
10:49.36Bopu talking about ext3 ?
10:49.37arezeybut thanks wols, i'll try kmuto's disks..
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10:49.49petemcBop: no, ntfs
10:49.57wolsarezey: what PCI ID does your NIC have?
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10:50.28arezeywell it's listed on lspci as 02:00.0 Ethernet controller: Marvell Technology Group Ltd. Device 4357 (rev 10)
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10:52.16wolsarezey: lspci -nn
10:52.25wolsPCI ID is not contained in what you pasted up there
10:52.34arezey02:00.0 Ethernet controller [0200]: Marvell Technology Group Ltd. Device [11ab:4357] (rev 10)
10:53.04wols,pciid 11ab:4357
10:53.06judd[11ab:4357] is 'Unknown device' from 'Marvell Technology Group Ltd.' with kernel module 'sky2' in lenny. See also
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10:53.24wolsarezey: shouldn't be a problem at all with normal debian install cds
10:53.45arezeyhmm weird
10:54.00arezeywhen i try install the installer can't find it. unless... the cd is outdated.
10:54.28*** join/#debian Linex (~kvirc@
10:54.33wolsif it's a lenny CD it should be fine. but you can try the kmuto installer as dpkg showed you
10:54.53LinexI got a 2TB drive which I'm going to use in a docking station connected by eSata to my computer. What filesystem should I use on it. Its mostly to store DVDs, ISOs , big files.
10:54.59arezeyheh, k-lined
10:55.10lkLinex, XFS!
10:56.31arezeyi guess i'll try make a new cd
10:57.46wolslk: xfs on a external disk. yeah right. happy corruption !
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10:59.23lkwols, s/he'll survive =P
11:01.46lkLinex, if you intend to move that drive from system to system, you might be forced to use something more "common" since XFS isn't _always_ supported out of the box.
11:02.07wolslk: please look. he's been k-lined
11:02.52lkOh, wth. Didn't even notice.
11:04.08lkHey, wols, how badly do you suppose a lenny system would suffer is the default python were replaced with the current 2.6.x?
11:04.49wolspretty much everything python related would probably stop working I guess
11:05.07wolsyou can sort of fix it with editing menu entries and such...
11:05.15wolsbut: why do you need python 2.6 exactly?
11:05.17arezeydpkg quit D=
11:05.37bzedlk: you do *not* want to do this. use virtualenv
11:05.43lkwols, 2.6 added a lot of math functionality. Specifically, fractions to complement decimals.
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11:06.11lkbzed, currently I have it "installed" to a folder in my home directory... I did figure it'd break something or other if I swapped the 2.5.2 install.
11:06.33arezeycan't it be installed side-by-side with 2.5.2?
11:07.01lkThat's sort of what I have now, although the system doesn't see it at all.
11:07.01wolsarezey: there is no python2.6 at all in lenny IIRC
11:07.11arezeyah k
11:07.17wolslk: again: what do you NEED python2.6 for?
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11:07.57bzedlk: use virtualenv.
11:08.10lk2.6 has a some functionality that 2.5 doesn't.
11:08.30lkExpanded libraries for math-related things, for example.
11:08.33wolsyou don't need that functionality unless you have a specific need! what is that need?
11:08.46lkProgramming puzzles.
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11:09.22bzedlk: but wols is right, you still don't need python2.6 if you can't specify a need for it.
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11:09.43bzedlk: numpy and friends are available for 2.5
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11:09.52wols,versions numpy
11:09.54juddSorry, no package named 'numpy' was found.
11:10.00lkDid I not mention fractions?
11:10.17bzedwols: hint: python policy....
11:10.24bzed,versions python-numpy
11:10.25juddpython-numpy -- etch: 1:1.0.1-1; lenny: 1:1.1.0-3+lenny1; sid: 1:1.3.0-3+b1; squeeze: 1:1.3.0-3+b1
11:11.01RainbowWis there a howto that actually works on getting debian's mrtg to update every minute rather than every 5?
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11:13.09lkbzed, how does numpy help me, exactly? It doesn't do anything I can't already do in 2.5 that I actually have a need for.
11:13.12cireI am searching for a software (html interface?) which is able to track my hours I spend at clients, which can easily create bills for my work, and store them. Do you know such a software?
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11:15.13eshati just compiled a kernel with make-kpkg but forget to apply a patch, do I have to recompile everything from scratch ?
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11:16.06lkeshat, yes.
11:16.26wolseshat: it won't recompile everything tho. only the stuff you patched and some generic stuff
11:16.35wolse.g. most of your dirvers will stay the way they are
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11:17.22RainbowWshould you feel the urge to do a complete recompile, "make clean" and then "make" will force this. however, this isn't necessary. make will detect only what's changed and will recompile only what's necessary.
11:17.24bzedlk: as I said before, if you have a real reason, use virtualenv.
11:17.42eshatwols: so it won't take half an hour, and I do not need to run "make clean", and I can be sure the .deb will replaced with the patched one ?
11:17.53wolseshat: yes
11:17.55RainbowWeshat: yes.
11:17.58eshatwols: great
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11:18.55lkbzed, yeah, I'm looking into that. I think it may not be useful for this 'project,' though, since I've got what functionality I need with my on-the-side install of 2.6.5.
11:19.34bzedlk: jus don't try to replace the default python version. you would create a mess.
11:20.36lkbzed, I worried about that, but I was hoping against hope it wouldn't result in something that catastrophic =) Oh well.
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11:30.41RainbowWcan someone please do a 'dig' and tell me the answer?
11:31.22eshatRainbowW:   36133   IN      A
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11:31.56RainbowWso wtf is this iframe garbage coming from???
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11:32.29darkwget -O - | less maybe
11:32.39dark/iframe <ret>
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11:33.24RainbowWmust have been chrome gone haywire
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11:34.36darkhere it has no iframe (chromium)
11:34.55RainbowWok. may have bled over from another page. (security hole, yay!)
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11:37.11jmdHow do I find out which device I should use to mount my USB stick ?
11:37.23lkjmd, dmesg | tail
11:37.59jmddmesg does tell me anything usefull
11:38.56abrotmandoes or does not?
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11:39.36abrotmandoes it even acknowledge that you put something in the computer ?
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11:39.56jmdYes.  But it doesn't tell me the mount point
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11:41.07abrotmanjmd: can you put those lines in a pastebin ?
11:41.07RainbowWtry 'mount' and see if it's listed ...
11:41.14jmdHmm.  Now I keep seeing "No path for 05dc/a781 at 005/002" what does thaat mmean?
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11:41.41jmdmount mentions nothing about the USB
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11:48.37Appetitemondo is telling me my kernel doesn't have ramdisk support, is this normal? or can i fix it somehow?
11:49.40Appetiteand it says It looks as if your kernel lacks ramdisk and initrd support.
11:51.27*** part/#debian ijurisic (
11:52.11petemcAppetite: are you using a debian kernel?
11:53.06Appetitei guess, i just installed debian from the disk
11:53.12Appetitedidn't do any kernel modification
11:53.14abrotmanAppetite: uname -r ?
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11:53.28Appetite2.6.32-3-686 abrotman
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11:54.38abrotmanthough i don't know the kernel config option
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11:58.21abrotmanAppetite: AFAICT, it's there
11:58.39Appetitehm, why would mondo be screwing up then?
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11:59.13xelisterhi, what is the status of compcache-tools in debian?
11:59.51xelisterthis is a new package, not yet in any repository? or..? I would like to download and use it
12:00.44abrotmanxelister: you cannot get to the new queue
12:01.12xelisterso it will be, after some time, available in experimental debian, and so on right? so it is in REALLY early stage?
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12:01.34abrotmanxelister: it was uploaded to unstable from what i can tell ..
12:01.48abrotmanit just hasn't been approved yet
12:03.13xelisterthere is no way for me to download this .deb ? because I would like to try this tool out, and perhaps package an Ubuntu package based on this work (in private PPA) so probably better to base on someone's existing work
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12:09.15LinexIn what situation would I want to specify mkfs.ext4 -b 4096 ? In what situation would I want a 4K block filesystem ?
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12:09.58darkLinex, maybe too much small files?
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12:10.56aburchxelister: Sometimes maintainers have the package in a VCS. Finding it is left as an execrise to the reader ;)
12:11.19Linexdark: actually I am oging to put very big file on this drive/partition. 4gigs and above.
12:11.29Linexdark: actually I am oging to put very big file on this drive/partition. 4gigs files and above.
12:11.32darkLinex, on /etc/mke2fs.conf, that holds the defaults, a block of 4k is used as default. actually, on a "small" filesystem, one would use a 1k block, to save even more space
12:11.42darkLinex, use the "largefile" setup
12:11.52darkit puts blocksize to -1 (whatever this means)
12:12.20Linexdark : where are you reading this ?
12:12.29darkit's -T largefile. but there is also a largefile4 that i don't quite understand
12:12.42darkLinex, less /etc/mke2fs.conf, man mke2fs
12:12.54Linexdark: thanks
12:13.01darkyou should really read some doc or tutorial, i currently am using ext4 regular filesystems
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12:13.17dark(in fact, you could be using it if your care about performance)
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12:14.10Linexdark: ok. thanks. usually I go with the default. But now I;m a little more savvy. ... after more than 10 years on linux.
12:14.30Linexwanna tweak it right
12:14.32RainbowWis there a howto somewhere that's actually in english for how to set up rrdtool in debian?
12:14.44wolsLinex: you have to ask about a filesystem you use ext3
12:15.11Linexwols: I use ext4 always.
12:15.21darkmaybe outdated
12:15.22abrotmanRainbowW: there's a package for it .. and it puts docs in /usr/share/doc/<pkgname>/
12:15.25jarlaxehi guys. I'd need a tip about connectig a wifi by CLI: the access point is unsecured, i have the essid and mac address (by iwlist). But when i try to get the access by iwconfig, it doesnt "catch it". I read and read again the man iwconfig but don't find anyhow
12:15.27wolsLinex: what debian version do you use with ext4?
12:15.44darki would search in ted ts'o blog anyway,
12:15.44Linexwols: I'm actually on gentoo. :)
12:15.48Appetitejarlaxe: iwconfig essid  ESSID_GOES_HERE
12:15.50mythomaniaci seem to not able able to use the win-keys in terminal programs nor within terminal programs within X (using openbox here)... is there a way to solve this?
12:16.05Linexbut its all the same.
12:16.06Appetitejarlaxe: if it IS secured, then iwconfig key KEY_GOES_HERE, but if not, dont worry about that
12:16.15Appetitejarlaxe: then, after the essid line, type "dhclient"
12:16.19wolsLinex: please go to #gentoo then. we don't support it here
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12:16.58darkwols, he wasn't asking for support on gentoo
12:17.08jarlaxeAppetite: no worrie for the dhclient and the use of iwconfig. But in this case, the unsecured one don't create the link ....
12:17.15darkjust a random linux question, mke2fs doesn't care about your distro
12:17.16abrotmandark: this channel is for Debian support .. not general linux support
12:17.17Linexwols: ok. dont want to argue. But I came in here because my issue is not distro related.
12:17.20wolsdark: we support debian, and debian ONLY. if he wants generic linux help, he needs to go to ##linux. not here
12:17.27abrotmanLinex: then please use ##linux, have a nice day
12:17.37*** join/#debian XSoul (
12:17.41Linexok ok. sorry. thank you. I'm leaving.
12:17.42Appetitejarlaxe: what do you mean it doesn't create a link?
12:17.51mythomaniaci'm using debian testing btw...
12:17.55*** part/#debian Linex (~Whatever@
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12:18.32wm4has the Go language toolchain been packaged for Debian yet?
12:18.55AppetiteGo or Go! wm4
12:19.22wm4whatever Google's language is spelled
12:19.30Appetitetough i dont know of anyone who actually uses Go!, google fail'ly named their language Go, which interferes with the exisitng Go! language -.-
12:19.35jarlaxeAppetite: i do iwconfig essid "this" ap <the correct address>. and after to verify another iwconfig (as usual) but he does not make the connection: the adress is not registered, so dhclient gives nothing after
12:19.37dark(but, do people need to scare him just because he confessed he was currently using gentoo? he wasn't disturbing anyone)
12:19.37Appetitewm4: google's is Go
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12:20.10abrotmandark: then go to ##linux with him
12:20.11Appetitejarlaxe: i dont know why you are using extra arguments to that line, it should just be "iwconfig essid MyNet"
12:20.17jelly-homeAppetite: so are any of those in Debian?\
12:20.26*** join/#debian elenril (
12:20.29Appetitejelly-home: any of what?
12:20.39wolsjelly-home: not according to my wholly unscientific study
12:20.58jelly-homewols: what's the point in bringing it up, then!
12:20.59Appetitejelly-home: i know for a fact you can download the Go toolchain from their website and it runs on linux.
12:21.11Appetiteas far as it being in the repository, i have no idea jelly-home
12:21.37wolsjelly-home: omg googleific! they're so cool!
12:22.34jarlaxeAppetite: yes i do also sometime just iwconfig essid <essid>
12:22.46Appetitejarlaxe: just do that, then try dhclient
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12:22.52Appetitejarlaxe: that is what i do and i dont have issues
12:23.08wolsjarlaxe: how do you know it's unsecured? any other access mechanisms like MAC filtering enabled?
12:24.07jarlaxewols: i read the result of iwlist scan. and anyway it suppose to be my host network. But normally i have no problem to connect by this way
12:24.33jarlaxe(i use a sid with lxde and wicd)
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12:25.25AppetiteIs there a way to make a snapshot of the current debian install into a bootable iso? i have tried bootcd, but it wont boot
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12:27.01jarlaxeAppetite: in this case (i use a debian on a SDcard), i had to manually add a bootable flag on it after the copy of the partition OR any install
12:30.00*** mode/#debian [+l 945] by debhelper
12:30.38mythomaniaci'm using debian testing and while using weechat in both tty and in openbox i seem unable get win-keys working, even when i bind funtions to them... anyone know why this is happening?
12:30.52jarlaxeAppetite: with dhclient, i receive only a "no working leases in persistent database - sleeping" statut, and iwconfig still have noregistered the ap.
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12:31.16Appetitejarlaxe: then i can't help any more, i never have problems connecting with it
12:31.41jarlaxeok. thx anyway.
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12:42.00simonrvnmythomaniac: try mapping them to something with setxkbmap
12:42.05RainbowWwhen i log in via ssh, i get the copyright notice and disclaimer. where is this file? i had though it was /etc/, but it isn't ...
12:42.31lkRainbowW, did you check /etc/motd?
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12:42.46RainbowWbingo ty
12:42.49dpkgmotd is, like, the Message Of The Day, or /etc/motd.  /etc/motd is a symbolic link to /var/run/motd on Debian systems, see motd(5) and motd.tail(5) for further information.
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12:48.08mythomaniacsimonrvn: when i use "xmodmap -pm" it states i have them as an available modifiers?
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12:50.23g00selk: Thanks for your comments
12:53.34abrotmanjudd: versions xmms2-core
12:53.36juddxmms2-core -- etch: 0.2DrGonzo-4.1; lenny: 0.5DrLecter-2; squeeze: 0.7DrNo-5; sid: 0.7DrNo-7
12:53.43abrotmansome weird names ..
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12:58.42g00seI've returned since i'm still uneasy about the tmpfs mount of /lib/init/rw. This is a grep of this happening in init scripts. Do YOU have it? If not, why not?
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12:59.47lindi-g00se: it's for state that should persist after initramfs?
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13:00.40g00selindi-: Well i don't know. It's mysterious. Not much for definite known about it in the wild by the looks
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13:01.29g00seassumes lindi's tmpfs is mounted on /tmp ...
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13:08.00AppetiteDoes anyone know how to fix this problem with qemu?
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13:08.38lindi-Appetite: what output do you want to use?
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13:08.57Appetitewhat do you mean lindi-
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13:09.43g00sefinds the good news is that both lenny boxes are in the same state tmpfs-wise so it looks like a recent system change. Others MUST be in the same boat..?
13:10.11lindi-Appetite: where should qemu send VGA output?
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13:10.24vltHello. I accidentally filled up my root filesystem which is currently (don't ask why) on an LVM _snapshot_ volume (smaller than origin).  The lenny machine is still running but understandably enough throws i/o errors everytime I try to run a command.  Are there any chances to rescue at least some of the files (that are different from the source volume)?
13:10.45macrobathow do i know if the system time is localtime or utc?
13:10.53vltmacrobat: `date`
13:11.03Appetitelindi-: um, to my vga connected screen?
13:11.16lindi-Appetite: via X?
13:11.29Appetitelindi-: i guess, is that how it should be done?
13:11.41lindi-Appetite: there are multiple options
13:11.59Appetitelindi-: ok,w hat is the easiest way without a WM?
13:12.08jhutchins_ltvlt: Boot to another source (live CD).
13:12.24vltAppetite: Answer seems to be in line 10.
13:12.41Appetitevlt wat?
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13:12.49lindi-Appetite: have you told qemu what X server it should connect to? it seems to be trying to use fb0 instead of X
13:13.18Appetitelindi-: i dont have xorg installed
13:13.25nubcakedoes anyone know if there's a similar software as which works under linux ?
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13:14.07lindi-Appetite: that makes using X bit difficult
13:14.08vltjhutchins_lt: Booting from rescue CD would be possible, I think, but I doubt LVM will be able to activate the snapshot volume, once it's in unusable state ...
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13:14.28Appetitelindi-: i know you said there are multiple options, i'm installing xorg now though. is that the best way without a window manager?
13:14.44lindi-Appetite: it depends on what your goal is
13:14.53lindi-Appetite: i've used X, curses and VNC output modlues
13:14.54Appetitelindi-: to boot another iso without a window manager
13:14.59vltAppetite: What about the fbdev option from line 10 (of your paste)?
13:15.08lindi-Appetite: but why are you avoiding a window manager
13:15.14Appetitelindi-: because this is on a server?
13:15.20vltAppetite: You can also connect via VNC to your qemu session
13:15.21Appetiteand a window manager is unneeded cluttery junk
13:15.38lindi-Appetite: VNC sounds like what you want
13:15.48Appetitelindi-: ah, ok, so how do i set that up ?
13:16.50vltjhutchins_lt: When I shutdown the running machine and boot from a live CD, what would be your next steps?
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13:17.45lindi-Appetite: check the -vnc option
13:17.56jhutchins_ltvlt: Sorry, I don't mess with LVM.  Possibly you could mount the volume and copy the files.
13:19.36Appetitelindi-: i did -curses arg and it works how i want it, thanks, i'll look into -vnc if i encounter trouble
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13:20.59vltjhutchins_lt: Usually LVM refuses to activate filled up snapshot volumes. So I'm actually looking for a kind of lvm rescue mode or getting as much files as possible out of the running kernel's file cache ...
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13:21.46jhutchins_ltvlt: Pretty much confirms my impression that LVM is far less than useless and is actually harmful to your system.
13:22.44vltjhutchins_lt: Hmm, I think it isn't. It was just me who didn't use it the right way :(
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13:24.35pmuriaswhy can only root use gnome-terminal
13:24.52pmuriasFailed to get the session bus: Failed to connect to socket /tmp/dbus-IPDqaUgYUQ: Connection refused
13:25.01pmuriasFalling back to non-factory mode.
13:25.01pmuriasFailed to summon the GConf demon; exiting.  Failed to contact configuration server; some possible causes are that you need to enable TCP/IP networking for ORBit, or you have stale NFS locks due to a system crash. See for information. (Details -  1: Failed to get connection to session: Failed to connect to socket /tmp/dbus-C37p1DxxV4: Connection refused)
13:25.43pmuriasshould have used the pastebin :(
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13:37.18cantomaguys, I have been experiencing the following bug related to flashplugin-nonfree. In the end Mike says: Closing the bug, as reassigning to flashplugin-nonfree is pointless. Does this means that the bug is gonna be solve .. or what is gonna happen?!
13:38.28vsmatckcantoma: Because flash is proprietary no one but Adobe can fix it.
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13:40.43cantomavsmatck, so it means we are dependent of their good will
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13:41.01simonrvncantoma: "pointless" as in "no point", "nothing will come out of it". it's closed-source, proprietary, and like vsmatck said, only adobe can fix it. the only thing the maintainer can do is fix packaging bugs.
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13:42.35cantomasimonrvn, but still even if flash fails iceweasel in my opinion should not segmentation fault
13:43.04simonrvnthat is not uncommon
13:43.08vsmatckcantoma: Both run in the same process so if one crashes the other does.
13:43.28simonrvnno it shouldn't, but there's nothing the iceweasel people can do.
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13:43.32cantomai like to think of it as try {} catch {}
13:43.36vsmatckGoogle Chrome runs each tab in a separate process so it can isolate the crash to one tab.
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13:43.51c00kiemon5terhi all
13:43.56abrotmanvsmatck: other browsers are switching to that
13:44.11abrotmanisn't sure he wants tabs 'randomly' disappearing, but oh well
13:44.25c00kiemon5terhow can I install an unstable package in debian ? this one to be specific -->
13:44.41cantomabut I think its better rather than all going to heaven
13:44.47simonrvnyou don't?
13:44.50abrotmanc00kiemon5ter: man aptitude
13:45.00c00kiemon5terwhy not ?
13:45.33simonrvn/msg dpkg ssb
13:45.34wols!tell c00kiemon5ter about ssb
13:46.14abrotmanoh.. misread
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13:51.27xinguassumes that the process running the gui is made from the same material as a black box flight recorder and therefore invulnerable
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13:52.49wolsbuys some ohropax to silence all the whiners "firefox 4 is SOOOO bloated" after it has separate processes per tab
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13:53.04wolsbesides: 50+ processes for my browser? eeek
13:53.15visofwhere should i puts start up scripts , xinirc ??
13:53.38xinguwols: just for you -
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13:58.40dian123hola hi\
13:58.51dian123alguien ha trabajado con daloradius?
13:58.59dpkgEste canal es de soporte tecnico en Ingles para Debian.  Si prefiere que el soporte sea en espanol, por favor ingrese a #debian-es con /join #debian-es tecleado en la linea de chat
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14:02.38thinkdpadT42I have a t42 notebook with atheros wireless chip made for america markets.the wireless chip firmware set regdomain to 0x64,and can't work with wifi channel 13 on winxp.if I switch to ubuntu or debian,linux os could connect with ap via channel 13?
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14:03.40thinkdpadT42I have a t42 notebook with atheros wireless chip made for america markets.the wireless chip firmware set regdomain to 0x64,and can't work with wifi channel 13 on winxp.if I switch to ubuntu or debian,linux os could connect with ap via channel 13? I 'm in japan now
14:03.56thinkdpadT42could somebody help me ?
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14:10.59visofi put path to start service in ~/.xinitrc and it doesn't start
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14:14.15sh0thi all. I don't know what happened. I just know my x server doesn't start anymore.
14:14.55mattgirvsh0t: What does the xorg log say?
14:15.22mattgirvsh0t: It's in /var/log/Xorg.0.log
14:15.29mattgirvpastebin it.
14:15.41sh0tok mattgirv but
14:16.06sh0twhen i pastebinit it get a link, how can i paste it to irssi...?
14:16.19sh0ti have not X now :(
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14:16.42mattgirvFair enough, well either way look inside your log and pay attention to anything with (WW) or (EE) next to it.
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14:17.10wolsa link isn't so hard to type out...
14:17.14mattgirvsh0t: And was it ever working?
14:17.31sh0tmattgirv: i pastebinit it then i copy it by hand wait a minute :)
14:18.09wolsthinkdpadT42: the ath5k/ath9k doesn't need any special firmware. so if everything is inside your wlan chip it won't change
14:18.20wolsif it's some setting or other it should be fine
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14:18.43vallhallahelo again all
14:20.06sh0ti just was opening a pdf and i saw that i could'nt read nothing cause it didn't display any char... so i rebooted...
14:20.30sh0tand then X wasn't wokring...
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14:20.44sh0tbut if I run x from root
14:20.45mattgirvsh0t: I'd reinstall Xorg.
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14:20.55sh0tit works...
14:21.05mattgirvLooks like XKB isn't in your path then.
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14:22.41wolssh0t: how much free diskspace do you have? anything full?
14:22.44vallhallash0t: did you run an update today?
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14:24.04sh0tohhh i did...but i rebooted then...and it was ok
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14:24.38vallhallahmm changed any settings since?
14:25.07sh0tvallhalla: no :|
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14:25.42vallhalladont suppose you have a backup xconfig file do you?#
14:26.20sh0tno..i don't...but i think the fact the if I run startx from root
14:26.25sh0ti works is important
14:26.33sh0t*it works...
14:26.38mattgirvsh0t: Could be a permission issue?
14:27.10sh0tmaybe ...
14:27.17*** join/#debian omid8bimo (~Omid@unaffiliated/omid8bimo)
14:27.27vallhallash0t: so am i correct in thinking you have no kdm/gdm login?
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14:27.47sh0tvallhalla: you're correct.
14:28.04vallhallash0t: ok what one of them did you use?
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14:28.50sh0tvallhalla: i'm sorry, i don't understand what you are asking me.
14:29.01sh0ti use gnome...
14:29.07vallhallash0t: ok
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14:29.36vallhallash0t: that means you login is most likly controled by gdm
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14:29.57sh0tah ok yeah....
14:30.00*** mode/#debian [+l 957] by debhelper
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14:30.14sh0ti have gdm.
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14:30.48vallhallash0t: you could try sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm
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14:32.11sh0tmm....dpkg is telling me gdm is corrupted...or something of similar...
14:32.28vallhallaok try sudo  /etc/init.d/gdm start
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14:33.12jhutchins_ltvallhalla: Debian, not ubuntu.  sudo isn't set up by default.
14:33.54vallhallajhutchins_lt: very true sorry
14:35.28sh0tvallhalla: if i start gdm with the init.d script... it shows me a graphic login
14:35.35sh0tthen if i log in...
14:35.59sh0tit says that i have to check Xsession-error (if i remeber)
14:36.10sh0tand the X dies.
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14:36.42rascal999i have a livecd booting from an nfsmont, i'd like to have changes made to the OS saved for when others boot from this nfsmount. As I understand it, the livecd works in a union mount fashion, with modifications being written to ram, how can i make these changes write to an nfsmount and load this "ram nfsmount" into ram when booting other thin clients?
14:36.45*** join/#debian mmendes (
14:37.59jhutchins_ltrascal999: Well, first let's sort out whether we're booting from an nfs mount or from a live CD.
14:38.23vallhallash0t: you could try Xorg -configure so reset it see if it helps
14:38.28rascal999jhutchins_lt: nfsmount contains squashfs which is what i have managed to boot from on a vm
14:38.55sh0tok vallhalla i can try.
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14:39.58sh0tvallhalla: it's strange... i got segmentation faults...
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14:40.13sh0tbut what if i reinstall all X?
14:40.21vallhallavery odd could you pbin them?
14:40.30edjurunning squeeze, and apt-get update shows 144 packages held back - kde4.4 stuff.   synaptic, however, seems happy to upgrade everything.  is there a reason not to update held-back packages?
14:40.34sh0twait a minute please...
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14:42.12mattgirvedju: Possibly, if it conflicts with other packages you have installed or if there are inherent faults in said package.
14:42.13sh0tvallhalla:, i hope the link it's ok
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14:43.02sh0ti'm seeing right now that i've some problem with the fact if i press capslock
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14:43.20sh0tit doesn't work correctly...
14:43.28mattgirvIt isn't reading your layout, that is one of the errors in your Xorg log file
14:43.36mattgirvLook near the end, (EE)
14:43.36sh0tbut just for some letters.
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14:43.51echosystmi have a question
14:44.02vallhallash0t: did you look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log
14:44.04echosystmwhat is to stop a package maintainer putting malicious code in the package?
14:44.12echosystmare there controls in place for things like that?
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14:44.58sh0tvallhalla:  i  tried to look at that file and there are some errors about keyboard...
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14:45.25sh0tbut i don't know how to fix them.
14:46.25vallhallash0t: you could try a Xorg reinstall or dexconf
14:46.38sh0tnow the Xorg.0.log looks different... it shows segfaults...
14:46.45sh0tvallhalla: ok.
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14:52.52sh0tvallhalla: have i to remove xorg before running apt-get install xorg?
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14:54.05echosystmdo a purge sh0t, just to be sure
14:54.16echosystm(clear out all the config files)
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14:55.16echosystm#apt-get remove --purge package
14:55.16sh0twell now startx doesn't find /usr/bin/X and this is ok.
14:55.22echosystm#apt-get clean
14:55.28echosystmthen apt-get install..
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14:55.40sh0tok echosystm
14:56.05vallhallash0t: apt-get purge xorg && apt-get update && apt-get install xorg
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14:56.22vallhallaechosystm: thank you
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14:56.24thinkdpadT42wols,ath5k does not need firmware....but wireless interface has a in-built eerom regdomained to 0x64 that work as could ath5k work  out to enable channel 13
14:58.38sh0tuff... vallhalla nothing..
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14:59.00vallhallash0t: did you reboot after install?
14:59.01sh0ti don't know why x starts if i run x fromroot...
14:59.08sh0tah no...
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14:59.13sh0thave i?
14:59.27vallhallash0t: may help
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15:03.50michalxohello all! My /dev/dvb tv accidentally is not present, I don't understand. Everything worked fine yesterday :-/
15:04.18sh0tI again... :). vallhalla it just decided not to work!
15:04.37michalxoafter plugging tv-card in, dmesg shows successful connection. Any ideas where can be a probelm?
15:05.14vallhallash0t: ok are you using squeez?
15:05.25sh0tyes i am.
15:05.36vallhallash0t: ok try this
15:05.42vallhallash0t: dpkg-reconfigure console-setup
15:06.25boltwhen creating a user account for an application to run as, is there a way to disallow login as that user, but still allow su to it?
15:06.26*** join/#debian antgel (~topdog@
15:06.34sh0tit says i have not that package. Have I to install it?
15:07.19vallhallash0t: not just yet try X -configure
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15:07.39Ziberwhat are common causes of ?
15:07.58inconsiderableGood day all , where is  .bash_profile or similar file in debian ?
15:08.05sh0tit says i've another X server active O_o???
15:08.08Ziber <-- /etc/network/interfaces
15:08.15abrotmanZiber: there is no device ?
15:08.25sh0tgdm login is running...
15:08.29rudi_sinconsiderable: As everywhere in your home directory. If it doesn't exist create it.
15:08.37vallhallash0t: ok try this
15:08.41Ziberabrotman: well, that'd be the error. but... i should be able to ifup it
15:08.50*** join/#debian iruediger (~igor@
15:08.53abrotmanZiber: the device does not *exist* .. it's not there ..
15:09.07vallhallash0t: X -configure :1
15:09.16inconsiderablerudi_s: thanks  what shuld be the complete name
15:09.20Ziberabrotman: well, how do i create it? ...?
15:09.26*** part/#debian Hackwar (
15:09.34Ziberits there in the interfaces file
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15:10.19abrotmanZiber: dmesg | grep eth .. what do you see ?
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15:10.59sh0tvallhalla: it says this:
15:11.13inconsiderablerudi_s:  there is a file with name of  .profile in home
15:11.40sh0tsomething about wmvare?
15:12.18*** join/#debian format_c (
15:12.20vallhallash0t: do you have vmware installed?
15:12.22abrotmanZiber: so what's missing?
15:12.53Zibersome drivers, but i have no idea what to do about this... this is a VM too, btw.
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15:13.51rudi_sinconsiderable: That are two different files.
15:14.48sh0tvallhalla: dpkg -l |grep vmware says installed.
15:15.09sh0tbut actually this is not my pc.
15:15.27Ziberabrotman: ?
15:15.52vallhallash0t: how do you mean?
15:16.33abrotmanZiber: your system doesn't seem to have any network devices
15:16.40sh0tthis is a my friend's pc.
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15:17.10Ziberhow would i fix that?
15:17.18Ziberor, install network devices?
15:17.33vallhallashot ok do you know what type of graphics card is installed?
15:17.50sh0tok i'm going  to see lspci output.
15:18.15*** part/#debian p1nkb1ts (
15:18.43Ziberand, my other problem, on a different debian vm, everytime it boots up, it says no inet6 support, so i have to "modprobe ipv6" again
15:18.58sh0tvallhalla: VGA compatilble controller: ATI Technologies Inc RS880 [Radeon HD 4200]
15:19.40wolsZiber: put "ipv6" into /etc/modules then
15:19.49inconsiderablerudi_s:  somehwere is written : add a line like
15:19.59inconsiderablewhat should humble do now ?
15:20.08*** part/#debian omid8bimo (~Omid@unaffiliated/omid8bimo)
15:20.20Ziberwols: hm, trying.
15:20.22vallhallash0t: one moment
15:20.39Ziberah ha, thank you :)
15:20.43wolsZiber: on the _other_ debian system you mentioned. for your VM NIC trouble, tell us what NIC it emulates: lspci -nn
15:21.22sh0tvallhalla: ok no problem.
15:21.41rudi_sinconsiderable: Better add it to ~/.bashrc, so just open a text editor and add it to ~/.bashrc (~/ is your home directory, like /home/incosiderable).
15:21.59Ziberwols: rebooting that one atm, gimme a sec.
15:22.00rudi_sBut you should only add things there you understand! It can be quite dangerous to add random stuff there.
15:22.29inconsiderablethanks  a lot
15:22.41Ziber-bash: lspci: command not found
15:22.50vallhallash0t: what is the output from glxinfo | grep render ?
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15:25.57sh0tvallhalla: sorry i had to install mesa-utils package. however it says error: Unable to open display...
15:26.55bolthow do I run a program as a user who has his shell set to /bin/false? lots of application-accounts have this, but when I try it myself, the process doesn't launch. currently trying su test -c "echo worked" as root. The user "test" has his shell set to /bin/false
15:27.16vallhallash0t: ok you need to setup the drivers for card a how to can be found here if you get stuck i shall be here
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15:27.38Ziberwols: ?
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15:30.07ScottGIs it generall better to get java from sun or the openjdk?
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15:31.17chlinIs there any command that can be used to check what may cause the fan keep running (busy)?
15:31.54eshatchlin: check for high CPU usage by programs
15:31.58abrotmanpowertop .. maybe ..
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15:33.03wolsZiber:uname -a
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15:34.12ZiberLinux 2.6.28-17-server #58-Ubuntu SMP Tue Dec 1 19:58:28 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux
15:34.22chlinprogrammes that has cpu usage is chrome, xorg, but they only have cpu% 2% and 1%
15:34.23wolsnice. now go back to #ubuntu please
15:34.33chlinhowever, when I check /proc/acpi/.../temperature
15:34.39chlinone area shows that it is 90C
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15:34.54chlintemperature:             90 C
15:34.58mixalishi, i have installed xfce and i couldnt move windows.. now dont know what happened but i cant see the bars (with the "x" for close) of windows because they are too high on the screen... and how i install firefox? that iceweasel is to crappy.. "options, file, bookmarks" bar doesnt work..
15:34.59chlinwhich is really high
15:35.01sh0tvallhalla: i was doing what the link you pasted before says...than i noticed that i have not a xorg.conf... but i found in the root dir a xorg.conf backup file so i copied it in /etc/X11 (but it's the same). But when in the page says to test the performace with glxinfo i get the same error.
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15:37.46sh0ti try again to purge and reinstall X.
15:37.50sh0tmaybe it works.
15:38.51elnur It works with this configuration and asks for auth. But if I uncomment LimitExcept, I get Forbidden by default. But it's supposed to allow me for GET PROPFIND OPTIONS REPORT. Any ideas why?
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15:40.00AmberJI installed debian for the first time using minimal netinst and now when I try to play music, nothing is audible. Do I need to install some package/codecs for this?
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15:42.37elnur It works with this configuration and asks for auth. But if I uncomment LimitExcept, I get Forbidden by default. But it's supposed to allow me for GET PROPFIND OPTIONS REPORT. Any ideas why?
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15:42.50abrotman!alsa checklist
15:42.50dpkg1) add yourself to the 'audio' group (log out and log in again)  2) use alsamixer and unmute channels and raise levels (also try muting some channels & toggle jack sense)  3) arts or esound stopped?  4) OSS modules unloaded?  5) speakers on?  6) modprobe snd-pcm-oss  7) does "aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Noise.wav" work for root?  Test your sound with aplay and a wav so codec issues don't confuse the situation.  See also <list alsa users>.
15:42.53abrotmanAmberJ: ^^
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15:44.18JainAmberDid someone suggested anything in the meantime? (I'm AmberJ)
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15:45.14wols!tell JainAmber about about alsa checklist
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15:46.14JainAmberwols, that didn't do anything :( Did you typed 'about' twice mistakenly?
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15:46.35elnur!tell JainAmber about alsa checklist
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15:46.54elnurit telled me
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15:47.23JainAmberThanks elnur and wols
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15:50.21wolsJainAmber: I did. /msg dpkg alsa checklist
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15:51.35sh0tvallhalla: it seems ok now. I deleted the .ICEauthority file
15:51.39elnur It works with this configuration and asks for auth. But if I uncomment LimitExcept, I get Forbidden by default. But it's supposed to allow me for GET PROPFIND OPTIONS REPORT. Any ideas why?
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15:54.06sh0ti also set to 1777 /tmpaccess rights
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15:55.20factorDoes the latest tomcat have a problem with the java that comes with stable debian, I cant seem to get it working.
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15:56.06jhutchinselnur: At keast wait for your first post to scroll off screen before reposting.  If anyone has a clue what you're talking about they'll respond eventually.
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15:56.52wolsfactor: there are severl jvms in stable. I suggest you use the sun one
15:57.01factorwols:I am
15:57.04jhutchinsfactor: Apache2 works fine with it.
15:57.27factorI use testing and tomcat and it works fine
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15:57.45factorbut stable I cant seem to get going , I shoudl nothave to worry about the bind issue correct with stable
15:57.55factorsysctrl bind 0 thing
15:58.00factorits is set as such
15:58.10elnurjhutchins, it did on my screen ;)
15:58.38*** join/#debian Claunia (
15:58.48ClauniaHi all
15:58.50ClauniaI'm having a problem
15:59.02elnurfactor, ditch tomcat and use glassfish
15:59.09Clauniawhenever I compile a custom kernel and invoke either mkinitramfs or update-initramfs I get an initrd without ANY module at all inside
15:59.11Clauniaany idea?
15:59.12factorI have to use tomcat.
15:59.23*** join/#debian Rashid_ (
15:59.32abrotmanfactor: did you use update-java-alternatives ?
15:59.46factorI only have sun version but will try
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16:01.09elnurSolved my problem by removing 'AuthzSVNAccessFile /srv/authz' line from the config
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16:02.22sh0twow. now X works !!!
16:02.44factorheh just could not see the process seems to be working
16:02.49factoroh well
16:02.54sh0tthanks for yuor time vallhalla !
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16:03.13vallhallash0t: np
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16:07.15jhutchins_lticeweasel keeps hanging on third-party links
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16:08.33NazralI have a problem with my new t91MT, I can't get the touchscreen working
16:08.54Nazral(the /dev/hidraw0 is present, but there is no way to calibrate it)
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16:10.05wolsNazral: first google hit:
16:10.59wolsit also has a calibration workaround
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16:13.49rascal999i've extracted an initrd.lz file so i can mount /dev/fd0 as an nfs share, is this possible and how can i do it? Thanks
16:14.21wols!wayttd rascal999
16:14.21dpkgWhat Are You Trying To Do, rascal999?
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16:15.07rascal999in ubuntu there is a mode called persistent mode, which saves any changes you make to a live session in /dev/fd0 (usb stick), i like these changes to be made to an nfs share because the live sessions are booting over pxe
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16:16.14rascal999so i'm looking round in initrd.lz which is on the livecd to either change where to look (nfs share instead of /dev/fd0), or have /dev/fd0 point to an nfs share
16:16.22Nazralwols: thank you !
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16:17.04wolsrascal999: is this debian you use or ubuntu?
16:17.21rascal999wols: debian server, ubuntu as thin client OS
16:17.41wolsthen go to #ubuntu. not a debian problem we can help with
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16:19.18jhutchins_ltrascal999: I use ltsp, it's pretty much install/run.
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16:20.11pallgonejhutchins_lt: how fast is it?
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16:21.02jhutchins_ltpallgone: Running on an Intel MicroATX it'd indistinguishable from a normal desktop.
16:21.17jhutchins_ltServer's a decent Core2.
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16:21.54pallgonejhutchins_lt: but it needs ethernet or would it also work with wifi? (reasonable)
16:22.30mixalishi, i cant use File, Edit, View, Bookmarks bar on iceweasel.. not even right click>Customise.. any ideas?
16:22.42mixalisi reinstalled it and nothing fixed
16:23.25jhutchins_ltpallgone: Depends on how many clients.  Most of the network load is at boot.
16:23.36pallgonemixalis: you could try to rename your iceweasel profile so a new one is created
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16:24.17mixalishow this can be achieved?
16:24.34abrotmanmixalis: try it in safe mode perhaps
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16:25.17pallgonejhutchins_lt: I'm using nxserver/client at the moment
16:25.31mixaliscant i just download firefox itself?
16:25.41smeeais there any way to bind 'control-m' keystroke to work as 'return' in X?
16:25.53jhutchins_ltpallgone: I haven't done any comparisons.
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16:26.24wolsmixalis: stop firefox, rename your ~/.mozilla and try again
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16:26.40dpkgfrom memory, xmodmap is the tool from heaven. It fixed my backspace key to do what it's supposed to. (it modifies X keymaps), or, the tools from hell if you try to apply more than one modmap to the same session
16:27.03jhutchins_ltmixalis: iceweasel is just a build of firefox with the name changed, it's not significantly different software, works the same as FF.
16:27.16pallgoneand it is deprecated (xmodmap)
16:27.17wolsmixalis: you can certainly download normal firefox but not from debian and it won't be supported here
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16:28.53pallgonemixalis: your profile should be in .mozilla/..
16:29.55smeeawols: i don't understand how to bind keystroke via xmodmap
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16:30.15smeeai mean not just control or m, but control+m
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16:34.01xyanmeh does not resolve anymore, got it shut down?
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16:35.43peterrooneyxyan: it's still there and alive
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16:36.16humbolthow can I list all installed packages?
16:36.41AimHereit's easy to do if you have synaptic installed
16:36.42humboltI want to check which "ruby mysql" packages are installed, how would I do that?
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16:37.09humboltis there an apt-cache command for this?
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16:37.33tpocraMy server is being weird... I can't su from my normal user to root.
16:37.40tpocrabut I can log in directly as root
16:37.40mobidevhi to all
16:37.52tpocrasu: Authentication failure
16:38.42smeeahumbolt: dpkg --get-selections
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16:40.51abrotman!tell humbolt about installed
16:40.56abrotmansmeea: that shows all sorts of things
16:42.20Nazralwols: does not work either
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16:43.30Benwahi, i just downloaded a linjux based on debian (fccu) but i do not know how to boot it when i got the prompt : "boot:"
16:43.32arafangionWhy is it so hard to get japanese input to work in Debian?  I thought all I had to do was install tegaki.
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16:44.55compaqhi, anyone running compiz on an intel video card.  Cause I switched to ubuntu, and I couldn't run compiz cause the video card was blacklisted, but I remember running compiz a couple years ago on Sarge with this same pc
16:46.59arafangionHow *do* japanese people use Debian, anyway?
16:47.23aburcharafangion: tegaki? That seems to be only for handwriting recognition?
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16:47.59abrotmanarafangion: there are special howtos for doing that
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16:48.36abrotmancompaq: i have run it .. but you should probably ask #ubuntu why your card is blacklisted
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16:48.44tsocrcabrotman: It seems that my su and passwd binary executable files do not have sticky bit set, they are rwxr-xr-x instead of rwsr-xr-x
16:48.45arafangionabrotman: I've yet to find a howto telling me how to *start* tegaki.
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16:49.11tsocrcWould this cause me to be unable to su from one user to another, or give me authentication token error when trying to change password of a normal user account?
16:49.14abrotmantsocrc: huh ?
16:49.16Nazralwols: my problem is that, when I touch the screen, the cursors goes right into the top-left corner
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16:49.20compaqhi abrotman, I think I am gonna install debian, so you say that you run compiz on an intel video card, what is the model?
16:49.36aburcharafangion: Install something related to ibus and use im-switch.  But I forgot how I did in exactly ;)
16:49.37arafangionaburch: Well, yes, that seems to be the easiest way to use Japanese, given that I don't know how to pronounce any of it.
16:49.42abrotmancompaq: which one is yours?  i have tried it on a few different ones
16:49.58compaqabrotman, 1 sec
16:50.00*** mode/#debian [+l 970] by debhelper
16:50.11wolsNazral: hard for me to suggest anything when I doN't have the hardware in question. I guess use google and the asus forum. those are your best bets.
16:50.15abrotmancompaq: lspci -nn | grep VGA
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16:50.17compaqabrotman, 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE/PE
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16:50.39abrotmancompaq: i had used uhm .. an 855 i think .. but this was awhile ago ..
16:50.54abrotmancompaq: maybe ask #ubuntu why your card is blacklisted before you change distors
16:51.09tsocrcNormal users cannot su to anything
16:51.17compaqabrotman, they said there was nothin I can do, they said it on Ubuntu and compiz channel
16:51.18tsocrcnot to root, not to other users.
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16:52.20illioI can't seem to find the python-memcached package in Debian stable .. is it included in another package?
16:52.40compaqabrotman, I switched from debian to ubuntu, cause I couldn't get the sleep and hibernate on my laptop configured and it worked on ubuntu, but on my desktop sleep isn't working either so...
16:52.56compaqI like su better than sudo anyway
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16:55.04abrotmanhow old is this laptop ?
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16:55.26abrotmantsocrc: i'd be concerned ..
16:55.30arafangionaburch: Thanks, that should actually get me started, the guides I was using (the ones that weren't Japanese) didn't really mention ibus, I seem to have something now. (I've got Tegaki running now, but it's only recognising the keystroke, not actually entering it - could be a window manager issue)
16:55.47tsocrcabrotman: I fixed it by changing the permissions of the su and passwd binaries
16:55.55tsocrcIt needed to be rws not rwx
16:56.16abrotmantsocrc: uhm .. i wouldn't trust that binary
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16:56.58cliperhi, can I know if my debian lenny has a desktop? how?
16:57.35arafangionaburch: And it's working. :)  Woo! Thanks.
16:57.48compaqabrotman, I don't know, its a tp43, 80gig harddrive, dvd-r, 1.5gig ram, I  can't remember cpu, maybe dual cor 1.866
16:58.24abrotman!tell tsocrc about debsums
16:58.35abrotmancompaq: when is the last time you tried debian ?
16:58.45abrotmanwould still find out why it's blacklisted
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16:58.48compaqover a year ago
16:59.00compaqits still 5.0 I see
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17:04.00n00n3ris away, auto-away after 15 minutes
17:04.13Nazralevtouch seems to be using hal & udev
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17:05.50compaqThere is a scale out feature that comes with compiz, basically, it zooms out all the open windows and then you can pick which one to bring up front.  Is it possible to run this without running compiz somehow?
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17:10.59wolstsocrc: i wouldn't trust that debian install anymore. at all. ever.
17:12.27abrotman!tell n00n3r about away
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17:13.27abrotmancompaq: uhm, i think there used to be a switcher like that just for xorg
17:14.22compaqabrotman, it would be good, cause its the only feature for which I am running compiz, but then, I could just turn off all the other features, and it would save cpu resources just the same
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17:16.40tsocrcwols: What?
17:16.44tsocrcWhy not??
17:16.47tsocrcIt's brand new!
17:17.09abrotmantsocrc: that binary should have been correct if it was brand new
17:17.13abrotmancompaq: too bad i can't remember the name
17:17.28tsocrcWell I mean I installed a couple of packages
17:17.39compaqabrotman, thanks for the info just the same, I will do a search later
17:17.59RainbowWif you installed a couple of packages from the debian archive, they should be correct and would not have dinked with permissions on binaries like that.
17:18.17RainbowW(if you installed a couple of untrusted packages you deserve what you got)
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17:20.35NazralI think my problem comes from the fact that I don't have hal
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17:21.45abrotmantsocrc: have you tried debsums ?
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17:23.03tsocrcabrotman: Trying to figure out how to use it on /bin/su
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17:23.38abrotmantsocrc: just run 'debsums -c'
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17:25.01tsocrcabrotman: What package is /bin/su in?
17:25.12abrotmanjust run the command i just said
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17:27.24Warp4hi all
17:27.35Warp4does anyone here have any experience with leafnode?
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17:28.02Warp4im trying to accomplish a couple of things here with my leafnode setup, but cant either figure out how to do it or get it to work
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17:28.36Warp4id like to make my news server available to the public, set up article purging every 30 days (with texpire) and set up a killfile for annoying posters if that is possible
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17:31.59tsocrcabrotman: What if I used aptitude to clean the package cache?
17:32.02tsocrcWill this still work?
17:32.15abrotmanyou could have been done by now
17:32.17tsocrc# debsums -c debsums: no md5sums for binutils debsums: no md5sums for debian-archive-keyring
17:32.26tsocrcOKay it is running
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17:33.51icf7My USB mouse doesn't move the pointer, but is recognized as /dev/input/mouse3. How do I configure input devices?
17:34.14lindi-icf7: lenny?
17:35.04icf7lindi-: yes
17:36.50lindi-icf7: does "sudo hexdump -C /dev/input/mice" show any data if you move the mouse?
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17:37.11latenitehow do I add a language in debian? my default is  englisch but i need german. I want o choose on gdm
17:37.25abrotmanicf7: what's in your xorg.conf ?
17:38.20icf7abrotman: Default, Section "InputDevice" Identifier "Configured Mouse" Driver "mouse"
17:38.38abrotmanicf7: what if you move your xorg.conf aside ?
17:41.10tsocrcabrotman: So debsums did not say anything about su or passwd binaries
17:41.35abrotmanokay .. hopefully it's okay
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17:46.25cliperis VirtualBox-OSE 1.6.6 installation is still recommended on Debian Lenny?
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17:46.31cliperor I have to install a new version? like 3.1.6? <-- the test version?
17:47.23abrotmanthere are virtual box packages in lenny
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17:49.45cliperyup, I have 1.6.6 currently in my sources.list
17:50.08cliper:) do I need to upgrade to .. ex. 2.2? like backports
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17:51.52xandoracle provide .deb files, personally I'd use them...
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17:53.27visofwhen i want to start script when i execute startx , just put it in ~/.xinitrc , if i want to run when i start my Debian only , i want it run before running startx even
17:53.33visofwhere should i add?
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18:05.02cliperxand: so you mean you recommend .deb files to be installed in our Debian Lenny? textbased server?
18:05.14acathurvisof: /msg dpkg startup
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18:06.42xandcliper: you can install them that way
18:06.49deed02392I've just bought a VPS running on OpenVZ with Debian 5.0, and I'm trying to configure a firewall. I couldn't get APF working because it didn't like the the venet0:0 (said it couldn't determine it was a network iface), so I'm now trying to use KISS, which appears to require the ip_tables module. From what I've read I can use insmod to install the ip_tables module, but I'm reserved about where to source this, can anyone give me some advice on what to d
18:08.34abrotmandeed02392: your VPS kernel might not have iptables in it
18:09.46visofacathur so i should create my script at /etc/init.d/myscript that should start scripts i want ??
18:09.49deed02392Yeah, I'm able to insert it though aren't I? Correct me if I'm wrong but I think iptables (netfilter) is different from ip_tables right?
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18:11.00abrotmandeed02392: the kernel might not have it at all ...
18:11.07deed02392iptables -h gives output
18:11.24deed02392however modprobe ip_tables says no such file
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18:11.38deed02392Am I not able to install ip_tables?
18:11.41inconsiderableGood day all , how to find printer port /dev/ ... address ?
18:12.06deed02392"iptables v1.4.2"
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18:12.54deed02392With APF there's a config directive called monokern, which when set allows APF to run using a statically compiled ip_tables/iptables module (from what I understand)
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18:13.15deed02392However I was faced with a multitude of other issues even after doing that so I'm trying KISS now
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18:13.54abrotmandeed02392: it's a VPS, you can't compile your own kernel
18:14.37deed02392ah ok. What are my options from here? Does KISS not have a similar method of getting around lack of ip_tables as what APF has?
18:14.39abrotmandeed02392: grep "NETFILTER" /boot/config-$(uname -r)
18:15.04deed02392No such file or directory
18:15.41deed02392there's nothing in /boot
18:15.47xuserdeed02392: what's KISS, what's APF?
18:15.58deed02392software firewalls
18:16.10cliperwell, yah I thought I couldn't
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18:17.06cliperI only read the installation guidelines from VirtualBox site in the Debian Lenny section
18:17.16xuserdeed02392: you are practically screwed with what you have
18:17.24cliperxand: so I could install .deb on my Lenny then?
18:17.33deed02392Really? Why xuser?
18:18.02xuserbecause is a VPS
18:18.15deed02392Surely there's a software solution firewall out there for me to use
18:18.23abrotmandeed02392: why do you want to use iptables ?
18:18.24xusersurely there isn't
18:18.52deed02392I don't abrotman, I want to use APF, but I'll settle for KISS
18:18.53xuserunless you can modified the kernel and load modules you are screwed
18:19.07abrotmandeed02392: i'm asking why you think you need a firewall
18:19.32deed02392well, for security. It's going to be hosting a site with upwards of 2000 users
18:19.46abrotmanhuh ?
18:19.59deed02392I think I need a firewall for security.
18:20.08abrotmanto protect you from .. what?
18:20.13deed02392Internet attacks
18:20.16RainbowWlet's be more detailed: what exactly do you want this firewall to prevent, do, or log for you? i.e., what services will you be wanting to hide?
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18:20.40deed02392I want to know that only certain ports are accessible to the outside world
18:21.05RainbowWby default only the ports for services you run are available. if nothing is running on a given port, it stays closed.
18:21.22RainbowWthus, only run the services you need to be exposed to the public.
18:21.34deed02392but there are some things like DNS that would run locally that I only want the server itself to access locally
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18:21.55RainbowWDNS either needs to be accessible to the public, or you shouldn't be running it at all.
18:22.20deed02392Says who? Why shouldn't I be able to run and use bind locally
18:22.21wolsdeed02392: then make that daemon only listen on localhost
18:22.29deed02392well wols, that's only one example
18:22.33deed02392there's mailer daemons as well
18:22.55deed02392it would be a lot easier if I could just configure what ports I want accessible on the inet interface than manually configuring all the services I want to run
18:23.03RainbowWimo bind is a security hazard as well. tho listening on localhost is fine. a properly configured mailer daemon
18:23.07RainbowWisn't a problem either.
18:23.18deed02392a properly configured mailer daemon is no mean feat
18:24.08deed02392a firewall is a far easier method of protecting a mailer daemon I only want to use for basic sending e-mail from an httpd
18:24.29RainbowWthen run it on loopback too.
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18:25.21deed02392I don't want to have to configure every service manually like that, I just want to be able to restrict access per port
18:25.22RainbowWgiven the level of competence you seem to have, running a catch-all firewall's most likely outcome for you is that you'll lock yourself out of your machine. that is usually a negative.
18:25.43deed02392I already have APF running fine on a dedicated server
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18:25.54deed02392the only reason I'm asking for help here is because getting it to run on a VPS is a different story
18:26.06abrotmanyou still don't have a choice .. you have no control over the kernel on a VPS
18:26.24RainbowWif it is, you'll need to discuss it with your VPS provider in any case. (abrotman, that depends on how the VPS is configured.)
18:26.42abrotmandeed02392: what does 'uname -r' say ?
18:26.48abrotmanRainbowW: in most cases, he has no control
18:27.18RainbowWthat's a non-stock kernel. talk to your provider.
18:28.23deed02392I'd rather not involve them
18:28.32RainbowWtoo bad.
18:28.54deed02392if APF can work without the ip_tables module why can't another solution on a VPS
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18:30.01cliperDid anyone tried to install virtualbox .deb files on Debian Lenny (text-based)?
18:30.18RainbowWbecause typical firewall solutions for debian involve iptables. that's the most effective way to control the behavior you seem to be intent on (poorly) controlling.
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18:30.32wols!tell cliper about anyone
18:30.42lindi-RainbowW: often people forget ip6tables
18:30.47deed02392there's no need to thrown in sarcastic little comments like that RainbowW
18:30.53wolsRainbowW: there is no other firewall/packetfilter than netfilter. nothing else exists
18:31.03deed02392it serves no purpose other than to make you look like a wanker
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18:31.29wolsdeed02392: it also doesn't help to insult people in a channel you want help from. no matter how badly you think they behave
18:32.10xozif they behave badly, debian is not a place for them
18:32.26deed02392perhaps RainbowW ought to /part then
18:32.30wolsxoz: read all what I've written
18:32.35RainbowWdeed02392: it has been my experience here that when people make comments like i have, it serves me well to step back and consider the idea that they may have more experience trying to do what i'm trying to do, and maybe they know (and are trying to show me) that the approach i'm trying to take is WRONG.
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18:32.46wolsdeed02392: great way to get help. have a nice day and good luck. you'll need it
18:32.48RainbowWand that i would benefit by changing the approach to solving my problem.
18:32.49befghhsomething weird has happened to my system. Im using both gnome and KDE, today when I started my system I only got a internet connection from Gnome and not fromKDE'
18:33.04befghhdoes it make a difference which UI you use?
18:33.04cliperI dont know what to download now, I've install vbox 1.6.6 from debian default source, it work but I need to have an upgrade, successfully upgraded to 3.1.4 but it doesnt work, so I wonder if 3.2 is recommended ?
18:33.10wolsbefghh: network-manager is evil
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18:33.21wolsbefghh: on a proper configured system it doesn't
18:33.34wols!tell cliper about doesn't work
18:33.50befghhthe network-manager is it resposible for the internet connection or is it also handled by the ui?
18:33.53RainbowWbefghh: if you can connect to <insert website of your choice here> from konq, my suggestion is that it doesn't matter.
18:34.15deed02392well perhaps you know the situation you're in better than you have conveyed, and the people making comments like yourself are doing nothing but to aggravate
18:34.24nsadminthe network connection should be handled by /etc/network/interfaces
18:34.34xuserdeed02392: three people have tell you that if you don't have netfilter support you can't do anything about it unless you talk to your VPS and they can add you netfilter some way, what don't you get about that?
18:34.39cliperlook wols, if you want to help, please talk. I just want a recommendation here.. ok? don't be pathetic.
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18:34.55deed02392xuser, I already stated i have iptables give an output
18:35.02wolscliper: we are not mindreaders here... maybe THINK before you type?
18:35.07RainbowWbefghh: those managers are an interface to control /etc/network/interfaces. if the managers are broken but you still have network conectivity, you should be okay.
18:35.15xuserdeed02392: iptables is not netfilter you moron
18:35.23xozbefghh: check if /etc/init.d/networking restart works
18:35.31xozbefghh: try it inside kde
18:35.31RainbowWdeed02392: you are trying to solve a problem a) you don't have b) in a stupid way. further questions on this topic should be directed to your VPS provider.
18:35.38AimHerecliper, saying stuff 'doesn't work' is so common a problem that there's a canned bot response especially for people who do that.
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18:35.45befghhyes I will try to restart it from KDE
18:35.52befghhthanks for the tips
18:35.52nsadminif you want a recommendation, write your full list of requirements into a text file, upload that to a pastebin site
18:35.55befghhsee you
18:36.05AimHerecliper correct response is to rephrase 'doesn't work' to something with more information
18:36.14cliperyah I know, I apologize. but then, could you please make a simple recommendation? like is it best to install the .deb files from virtualbox? or I have to install from 1.6.6 and upgrade?
18:36.18xozbefghh: and check using ifconfig to know if have ip address
18:36.33nsadmin"doesn't work" doesn't work
18:36.36cliperyah AimHere, please cut the crap.
18:36.36deed02392iptables requires a kernel that features the ip_tables packet filter, therefore the presence of iptables implies i have the necessary modules in the kernel
18:36.56jelly-home,versions virtualbox-ose
18:36.57juddvirtualbox-ose -- etch-backports: 1.6.6-dfsg-3~bpo40+1; lenny: 1.6.6-dfsg-3; lenny-backports: 3.1.4-dfsg-1~bpo50+1; squeeze: 3.1.6-dfsg-3; sid: 3.1.8-dfsg-1
18:37.00xozcliper: .deb files form virtualbox is ok. it is self contained binary file
18:37.06befghhok I'll try that too, can understand why I didn't try it my self
18:37.12jelly-homecliper: 1.6.6 is horribly outdated
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18:37.49poisonbitxoz, ifconfig--, ip addr show++  (root Vs plain user, one IP Vs multiple IPs)
18:37.54cliperjelly-home: yah, :) tried backporting to 3.1 but didn't work for me.
18:38.18jelly-homecliper: even that version in lenny-backports is outdated.  If you don't mind non-free software, use Innotek^WSun^WOracle's package
18:38.24cliperxoz: ok, :) but its too different with OSE right?
18:39.00nsadmin"doesn't work" is ok in a cocktail party but it carries ZERO INFORMATION
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18:39.12xozcliper: you can read the difference in their website. it may ask you to download your kernel source header because it needs to recompile some modules
18:39.22xuserdeed02392: you seem to know it all, carry on then
18:39.58cliperjelly-home: ahh.., ok, well I'll install it now.
18:40.02deed02392i just want a firewall installed, and i'm pretty sure I don't need to contact my provider. is that so much to ask?
18:40.13RainbowWdeed02392: yes.
18:40.14cliperxoz: yah.. thanks :)
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18:40.42cliperwonder what "non-free" means. lol, might be a trial version
18:40.45RainbowWbecause you are trying to solve your problem using a completely incorrect approach.
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18:41.03jelly-home!tell cliper about dfsg
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18:41.45xozpoisonbit: you have multiple ips?
18:41.49deed02392and you know my problem better than me RainbowW?
18:41.58RainbowWdeed02392: in this case, yes.
18:42.01poisonbitin some places yes
18:42.07poisonbitfirewalls mostly
18:42.09deed02392how can you be so certain
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18:42.43xozpoisonbit: i noticed you used perl when cut command is much simpler to extract columns :)
18:42.57cliperahhh, wow thanks jelly-home
18:42.59RainbowWbecause it appears that i have considerably more experience running internet-facing servers than you do.
18:43.01deed02392i know i need control over incoming and outgoing packets, and i know i'd rather not rely on perfectly setting up every single service on my server and having future updates not cause any security issues
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18:43.28deed02392and you don't use a firewall on any of those internet facing servers?
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18:44.17RainbowWi do, and i control only the ports that i need to control -- two ports (5601 and 5606). the rest of the system either a) is supposed to be open and internet-facing or b) doesn't run at all.
18:44.32bzemanaged to put APT into some kind of dependency loop
18:44.36jelly-homedeed02392: if you don't need an externally visible smtp server, all you have to do is configure it to only listen on localhost interface.  In debian, exim4-daemon* and postfix and possibly other smtp server packages have that as a preconfigured simple option
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18:44.42Nazraldoes someone has the T91MT ?
18:45.11deed02392jelly-home, it's not just that, it's other services too
18:45.19RainbowWa blanket firewall will introduce unintended consequences. for example: if you will be running an ftp server, you will need to leave a block of ports open for it to use. if you don't, your users will be unable to to use ftp, and you will be unable to figure out why.
18:45.30bzemanaged to screw up dropbox installation and it screwed up something in the dependencies
18:45.46RainbowWyou will then need to configure your ftp server to use only those ports, and THEN hope you have enough ports open that you'll be able to accomodate the number of users you'll have.
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18:45.58jelly-homedeed02392: oh, that's a different issue, I only read some 20 minutes of the backlog
18:46.13deed02392i'm not running an ftp server, i'm going to be using sftp, and i will be the sole person sending and receiving files, the only other users of the server won't need access to anything other than 80 and 443
18:46.38RainbowWthen you don't need to be running services other than apache and something like nullmailer.
18:46.51poisonbitdeed02392, sorry, what is your original issue?
18:47.00jelly-homeRainbowW: connection tracking and stateful filtering option in iptables take care of that example of yours
18:47.02deed02392i need memcached and sphinx for the web server to use
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18:47.28deed02392poisonbit, the original issue is that APF won't install on the VPS I have, because it doesn't like the virtual network interface
18:47.51deed02392now I'm trying to install KISS firewall, but it can't find the ip_tables kernel module apparently
18:48.04jelly-homedeed02392: are you able to load kernel modules at all with this vps solution?
18:48.07RainbowWjelly-home: yeah. he wants a blanket firewall that will do everything for him, including, i imagine, block access to port 22, which will be amusing. however, he doesn't have control of his kernel.
18:48.15wolsjelly-home: openvz...
18:48.24deed02392jelly-home, i have access to insmod, so I'm assuming I do
18:48.24RainbowWwe have pointed him to his VPS provider for kernel support and he has declined that option.
18:48.33jelly-homedeed02392: if it's openvz, you don't
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18:49.08poisonbitmodprobe -l | grep netfilter | wc -l   <-- 139 modules on a debian kernel
18:49.26RainbowWhe is not using a debian kernel.
18:49.29jelly-homepoisonbit: being able to load them is another question
18:49.57poisonbitman modprobe
18:50.15poisonbitmaybe -v says something
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18:50.31karbonizeHello, I recently moved to Sqeeze from Lenny. However, in Squeeze Gnome seems to be missing a lot of files viz : themes etc. Is there a way to get full-gnome experience like Lenny?
18:50.45deed02392i get 0 poisonbit
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18:51.04poisonbitdeed02392, then userspace will not work, it is not compiled
18:51.10jelly-homepoisonbit: if I must spell it out, merely having a command available doesn't mean it will work.  In a jail-like vps (openvz or vserver), it won't
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18:51.28poisonbitand modprobe -l should list them
18:51.45deed02392it doesn't it says No such file or directory
18:51.52RainbowWkarbonize: start with aptitude install gnome
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18:52.08RainbowWkarbonize: you may have a subset package installed.
18:52.09jelly-homedeed02392: contact your provider about firewalling options your vps has
18:52.35deed02392They never reply, that's why I really want to avoid relying on them for support
18:52.36karbonizeRainbowW: Which was what my guess, I installed KDE the other day & it seems to have installed properly
18:52.45RainbowWdeed02392: then get a new provider.
18:52.53karbonizeRainbowW: Thank you, I'll try that!
18:53.13jelly-homedeed02392: this isn't a Debian issue any more really, if you provider is unresponsive, perhaps you should heed RainbowW's advice
18:53.18deed02392I was told Carat was reliable. Who's a good alternative?
18:53.44poisonbitkarbonize, to see a list of packages of the default gnome lenny install, use: tasksel --task-packages desktop
18:53.48RainbowWgoooooooogle. plenty of message boards with that kind of question asked and answered.
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18:55.09karbonizepoisonbit: Will do that too
18:55.09RainbowWkarbonize: poisonbit has a point, re tasksel. the install you want may include features not included in the gnome metapackage.
18:55.25deed02392I'll send them one last message
18:55.42deed02392Until then I'll make a start on setting up other services
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18:56.57deed02392i'm not an idiot. i've had a kimsufi box for well over a year and I've learned all sorts about debian and networking in that time
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18:57.16xozkarbonize: use apt-file search <file/themes> to know the packages containing them.
18:57.21deed02392i've even recompiled the kernel to add support for running virtual machines on it
18:57.52deed02392VPS seems to be a whole other kettle though, but just because I want to do things perhaps an 'easier' way, don't assume it's because I'm stupid
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18:58.52poisonbitis this issue (change/modify/kernel) documented in the contract you purchased ?
18:59.09deed02392I wasn't even presented with a contract
18:59.17deed02392It's only a cheap $25 a month VPS
18:59.37xozin a brain research, people learns more effectively by making mistakes... so experimenting new ideas and getting mistakes is a part of great learning process. so deed02392, keep playing with your ideas...
18:59.48MoMowhen i boot my pc -- it comes up with a console in which i have to login -- then run startx to launch kde -- I would like it ideal when the pc boots i can hit 1 if i want console login or 2 if i want kde to go ahead and start
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18:59.59MoMofyi -- putting startx in rc.local -- no good!
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19:00.35poisonbitMoMo, add a param to boot line
19:00.46poisonbitthen parse /proc/cmdline in rc.local
19:00.57wolsMoMo: that's what displaymanagers are for
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19:01.22zfraI am trying to set my scaling_governor to 'ondemand', I've tried as wols suggested 'echo ondemand > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor', but this doesn't work, either 'conservative', just works for 'userspace', 'powersave', otherwise will be in 'performance' mode, wich is annoying because the fan is always at full speed.
19:02.02wolszfra: what's your hardware again?
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19:03.09poisonbitMoMo, think again on the same... you need to login to startx, or maybe modify your /etc/inittab
19:03.15zfrawols: thanks again!,
19:03.19RainbowWMoMo: kdm?
19:04.05poisonbityou can't add "startx" to /etc/rc.local, that requires login, you can only put that in your user environment (.bashrc, etc)
19:04.18wolszfra: for stuff like this the model of your notebook is more important
19:04.43poisonbitanyway, any amachine that can runs kde, can move kdm too yes
19:04.56RainbowWMoMo: kdm is what you want.
19:05.06zfrawols: dell inspiron 1000
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19:05.35refeferHey guys, i'm trying to install vim-full but it appears to be missing in lenny.  What am I missing?
19:05.38arezeyhow does one start alsa?
19:05.39cliperjelly-home: still there?
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19:06.14poisonbitrefefer, aptitude show vim-ful <-- read the description
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19:06.37abrotmanrefefer: check your sources.list
19:06.43xozrefefer: change you apt-get source.list
19:06.59RainbowW(poisonbit wins this one guys) :)
19:07.30xozjust installed it in lenny to check...
19:07.38cliperjelly-home: hehe, anyways, got VM started but dont have any idea how to continue installing the guest OS now since I can't see it in the terminal. :) do I have to use VNC?
19:07.44RainbowWin lenny vim-full is a transitional package that has been elimited in later versions.
19:08.32refeferRainbowW, is there a solution?  (aptitude show vim-full fails)
19:08.43xoztransitional package from vim-full to vim-gnome
19:08.49RainbowWrefefer: vim-gnome
19:09.14refeferI'll give it a try, thanks!
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19:10.34xozcliper: installing remotely?
19:10.41refeferHmm, it appears the package is missing?  I assume it's a matter of a missing source?
19:11.00RainbowWrefefer: /etc/apt/sources.list
19:11.01xozrefefer: try a different source
19:11.39cliperxoz: yup
19:11.51xozcliper: then VNC maybe.
19:12.10cliperok, :) I have to enable Remote Display of that VM first right?
19:12.21xozcliper: im not sure it has console/text-based install
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19:13.15cliperlike VBoxManage modifyvm <vmname> -vrdp on
19:13.54cliperI just installed virtualbox using .deb files and make VM, then started it in headless mode. :)
19:13.57nsadminyou could install the base using debootstrap and try to start that in a vm
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19:14.33xozyah, a good idea to use debootstrap
19:15.02nsadminis this virtualization one where it boots a separate kernel?
19:15.07refeferAh excellent, fixed the source and its working.  I appreciate it guys, thanks.
19:15.07xozor you can even manually copy your host linux to your vbox
19:15.18wolsnsadmin: how can you use debootstrap?
19:15.34nsadminto install from an existing linux
19:15.43nsadminok, so there's no existing linux?
19:15.45wolsnsadmin: existing where? to where?
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19:15.47wolsxoz: copy where?
19:15.50xozmount the disk of vbox
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19:16.10wolscan linux mount vdi files?
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19:16.32wolsand why would you want to when vboxmanage can do everything normally, as it should?
19:16.34RainbowWcacti under lenny: where does cacti store its rra files? i can't find them, and the faq on broken graphs indicates checking this directory
19:16.43pbnHi there, I think I've just found a nasty bug in pidgin. This is pidgin 2.6.5 in Debian "testing". Since I've upgrade to KDE 4.4.3 it fails to connect. I have to do, with every account Account > <account name> > Disable then Account > Enable <account name> ...  any idea ?
19:16.49nsadminif he's already running a linux host, he could make partitions and mount them, chroot, and go from there
19:17.18wolsor he could read the fine vbox manual and use vboxmanage for everything as the developers intended
19:17.28xozwols: why dont you just suggest immediately. you sound like trying to show us you are really GOOD. a sign of insecurity. if you want to help. HELP>
19:17.50xozwols: dont be a sissy. we are trying to suggest ideas.
19:18.22RainbowWpbn: check bts?
19:18.30nsadmin"insecurity" is a word used by medical professionals,,, do you really want to use that?
19:18.44xoznsadmin: any suggestions?
19:18.57nsadminI made mine :)
19:19.33jelly-homecliper: dunno, I use the GUI client when setting up stuff, then use headless when it works
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19:20.23nsadminI suggest not assuming a medical condition, becasue if you do that kind of thing as a matter of habit, pretty soon it will be to someone who likes to hire lawyers...
19:20.54nsadminand I don't care to speculate beyond that point
19:21.05jelly-homeI'm not sure a sane, well rounded person would spend time to provide help here anyway
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19:21.39wolsto install on a headless vbox, you use either rdp/vnc or you install it somewhere else and copy the vdi file over. both woth
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19:22.01xozdon't mean it that way... i guess we are just trying to help... otherwise, if our main objective here is other than that, debian is not a place for us.
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19:22.29wolsgpm: first identify to services, THEN join channels
19:22.32jelly-homexoz: speak for yourself.  My main point is getting ego points!
19:22.46xozjelly-home: haha
19:22.49wolsstrokes jelly-home's ego
19:22.58jelly-homeyeah baby
19:23.09xozwill sleep now. too much ego points already :)
19:23.17wolsgpm: otherwise everyone knows you hide behind]
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19:23.23nsadminleggo muh ego!
19:23.32wolsruns for the disinfectant
19:23.40wolswho knows what this jelly-home guy carries
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19:24.31gpmwols: is there a way to tell irssi config to do that?
19:24.45nsadmindon't automatically join channels
19:24.48gpmwols: (short of not auto-joining channels)
19:24.52wolsgpm: waith a 2nd or two before joining channels
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19:24.54nsadminat least for now
19:25.11nsadminthat's your decision then :)
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19:25.56wolsgpm: like this: /^msg nickserv identify gr0mbaz0r;wait -debian 2000"
19:26.16gpmnice password
19:26.32gpmwhy the carat before msg?
19:26.48wolsno clue. I use some irssi tutorial years back
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19:28.04gpmwols: that's your autosendcmd?
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19:28.57karbonizeHello, I posted a question here a while ago about Gnome-desktop. When I tried installing 'gnome' synaptic complains that - "libpython2.6:   Depends: python2.6 (=2.6.5-1) but 2.6.5-2 is to be installed" How do I downgrade to python 26.5-1 without also breaking other packages?
19:29.15RainbowWkarbonize: lenny?
19:29.25jelly-home,versions python2.6
19:29.25juddpython2.6 -- squeeze: 2.6.5-1; sid: 2.6.5-2
19:29.33karbonizeRainbowW: upgraded from Lenny to squeeze
19:29.54nsadminmaybe the upgrade isn't completed
19:30.16jelly-homekarbonize: wait a few days for the relevant packages to migrate to testing
19:30.51jelly-homekarbonize: also, care to pastebin the output of apt-cache policy libpython2.6 python2.6
19:32.14jelly-homekarbonize: and the complete output of whatever you did with synaptic, not just that one line.  If synaptic only shows that one line, try installing it with aptitude command line instead
19:34.10karbonizejelly-home: Output of 'apt-cache policy libpython2.6 python2.6' -
19:34.12jargon-so i'm trying to build a customized debian and i'm told it's best to use debian live. i want to start of without any desktop environment, which do i download from here: ?
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19:34.53jhutchinskarbonize: This is also something that happens when the available packages aren't ready for release yet - hence testing.
19:35.24karbonizejhutchins: Yes, I am aware of risks using Testing
19:35.27jhutchinsjargon-: We usually recommend doing a minimal install from the netinstall CD.
19:35.40jhutchins!tell jargon- about install guide
19:36.34jhutchinsjargon-: Also, squeeze is testing, not what you want for a production system.
19:36.47jargon-jhutchins: i installed debian-504-i386-netinst.iso before i heard about debian live. is that what u mean?
19:36.57jargon-jhutchins: it's not going to be production
19:37.40jhutchinsjargon-: live is a bootable CD, you can also build a custom live image.  What are you after?
19:38.11jhutchins,versions libpython2.6
19:38.11juddlibpython2.6 -- squeeze: 2.6.5-1; sid: 2.6.5-2
19:38.15RainbowWpbn: if you think you've found a bug, the first place to look is bts to see if it's been reported.
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19:39.49nsadminand at at least the same priority, look at your own system to make sure the package database is correct... if not, the bug info would be skewed by problems you may be having on your own system
19:39.53jargon-jhutchins: basically i want to build something that uses Awesome WM by default, python2.6, mpd+ncmpcpp, doesn't have certain default apps,instead has others. etc
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19:40.50crzedmonkI am having problems, my flash will not work but I get sound any ideas?
19:41.18cliperit seems that I can't connect to my VM remotely using Mircrosoft RDP client and TightVNC.. In my showinfovm It says, VRDP Connection:    not active
19:41.19cliperClients so far:     0
19:41.29karbonizejelly-home: Please wait, while I type out all errors by synaptic
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19:41.57cliperI use my host ip-address.. :) I configure my VirtualBox as bridged
19:42.01jargon-jhutchins: lower case directory names,and so on
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19:45.20jhutchinsSo what's wrong with what you have so far?  Are you trying to build a custom live CD, or just a regular installation?
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19:46.01jargon-jhutchins: live cd would come later. for now, a custom installation
19:46.33nsadminmaybe FAI would be of service
19:46.35jhutchinsJust start with what you've got.  Use aptitude to install Awesome, which should pull in X.
19:46.58jargon-jhutchins: ok cool. thanks :)
19:47.11jhutchinsjargon-: Unless you REALLY really need 2.6, you're better off learning the ropes with Lenny before you jump t squeeze.
19:47.33jargon-jhutchins: got it
19:47.39jhutchinsjargon-: People here can sometimes help with squeeze, but a lot of us haven't made the move yet and it's not officially supported.
19:48.53jargon-jhutchins: i think i'll go as far as i can,if i'm stuck and can't get help, then i'll try it with lenny
19:48.53clipernow I got it, my problem now is that when I connect to the server using RDP, it doesnt ask for a password!
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19:52.17karbonizejelly-home: Synaptic output -
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19:55.04karbonizejelly-home: Output of 'aptitude install gnome' -
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19:58.00BlackFateRandom Fortune: Never trust an operating system you don't have sources for. ;-) -- Unknown source
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19:59.24nsadmina source is a source of course of course...
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20:01.11karbonizeI almost read it as - 'A source is a source of curse, of course' :-P
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20:02.35karbonizeSomeone suggested this for ubuntu - 'sudo apt-get install python2.5-minimal=2.5.2-2ubuntu4.1 python2.5=2.5.2-2ubuntu4.1'
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20:02.50karbonizeCan something similar be done on Squeeze?
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20:03.49wolswhy didn't you try?
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20:05.21karbonizewols: because I don't have ubuntu repos & hence ubuntu python (I could be wrong)
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20:07.58nosepickerHi, I'm trying to use different locale without language translation, could I please get any tips how to do so
20:09.21nosepickerOnly available choices are et_EE.UTF-8 and et_EE.8859-15, but I want to keep system in English language
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20:10.58crzedmonkis there a way to get root permissions in gnome?
20:11.42jargon-crzedmonk: su?
20:11.55crzedmonkthat is in terminal
20:12.02AimHeregksu isn't
20:12.03crzedmonkI am talking in the gui
20:12.31jargon-crzedmonk: what AimHere said
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20:13.37crzedmonkthat might work
20:15.21RainbowWyay. new bug. <security hole. sigh> 582691
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20:17.06wolskarbonize: that doesn't answer my question
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20:18.13crzedmonkAimHere: How do I use gksu I just installed it
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20:18.54AimHereWOuld 'man gksu' tell you how to invoke it?
20:19.05jaggzwhy in the world is ftp ls/dir so slow outside of my lan?
20:19.06AimHereI can't remember, it's so long since I used it for anything.
20:19.45jaggzit connects very fast, but both vsftpd and wu-ftpd take a very long time to return the results outside the lan
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20:21.40Relativ3Hey guys. Does anyone know if it's safe to browse through an ssh tunnel? (Like, http'ing through ssh-tunnel)
20:22.05fbhyou can use the -D flag and use it as a socks proxy
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20:22.21RienzillaRelativ3: whgat would be ubnsafe about it?
20:22.23pallgoneRelativ3: how do you mean
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20:22.37Relativ3Yeah. I just want to make sure the data is sent (unencrypted I presume) to the server to which I am ssh'ing to. And then securely sent back to me, right?
20:22.53fbhRelativ3: All SSH communication is encrypted
20:23.06Rienzillathe data between your machine and the machine you're ssh'ing to is encrypted
20:23.10Rienzillafrom there, it's probably not
20:23.22Relativ3From there it doesn't matter much. Just wanted to make sure. :-)
20:23.34Rienzillasome people should not see that/what you're browsing? :)
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20:23.58Relativ3Well it's nothing bad. But I just hate the fact that my ISP is forced (by dutch laws) to safe my data for atleast 6 months. :-)
20:24.07Rienzillaah yes that sucks
20:24.13Relativ3And well. Only few sites have SSL enabled. :-)
20:24.28fbhThen you should look into some VPN solution instead
20:24.37Relativ3(Well, few sites I visit). I'm happy Google finally enabled SSL for the main site (at least beta).
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20:24.56fbhBy just proxying over SSH you will not encrypt or hide e.g. DNS traffic
20:25.12pallgoneRelativ3: Oh, I heard in germany the judges ruled that it's illegal to save the data... now they are not allowed to to it anymore...
20:25.26pallgoneRelativ3: *do
20:25.32Relativ3pallgone, my server is located in germany. )
20:25.37wolsfbh: and with that dns traffic alone "they" have a very very good idea what you are doing
20:26.00wolspallgone: no one here trusts that
20:26.23pallgonewols: trusts what? you think they will continue saving the data?
20:26.24fbhwols: At least they can see which lookups are made and it gives kind of the idea
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20:26.36crzedmonkI am so confused I am trying to drop a plugin in my iceweasel directory and it will not let me
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20:26.41crzedmonkgg gnomem I lose
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20:27.54Relativ3fbh, A good point indeed. I'll look into VPN software (I assume it'll cloak DNS lookups?) :-)
20:28.58ayiHi, I am running Debian on a QNAP ARM machine. I have taken measures to minimize disk access to the HD. I am also monitoring disk access using atop. The HD can be spun down using hdparm -Y, and will remain in this state as long as I don't manually access any files on the drive. However, the hdparm -S flag for setting an automatic spindown timer to e.g five minutes does nothing. It never spins down automatically. Is this common at all?
20:28.59fbhRelativ3: Having your OS to route all traffic that way, also DNS will be routed that way
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20:29.26Relativ3fbh, but then. I could also instruct my Gnome to use the SSH tunnel, right?
20:29.49Relativ3Alright. Its not a perfect solution since it'll make it impossible to ssh in the first place lol.
20:30.08Relativ3fbh, I get your point. I'll look into it. :-)
20:30.11wolspallgone: the data retention infrastructure is already there. it had to be
20:30.11fbhRelativ3: I don't know tbh. I suppose you could set up tunnels for port 53 and then set your resolv.conf to use that, but the VPN solution is better, that way you can be sure all traffic goes that way
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20:30.45Relativ3fbh, yeah, I'll look into it. Thanks (And all the others for their comments) !:)
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20:31.09fbhRelativ3: May I recommend OpenVPN, or if you don't want to mess around with it yourself, you can look at - their VPN service works pretty damn good. I use it when in Singapore
20:31.11wolsRelativ3: it all depends how you set everything up
20:31.29Relativ3fbh, I'll look into OpenVPN that is. :-)
20:31.30jaggzI'm trying to mount a remote debian directory locally on a win7 machine.. what's a "secure" way of doing this?
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20:31.44pbnRainbowW: yeah I know, I just thought the bug was "well known". Anymay I'm gonna browse the BTS :)
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20:32.09Relativ3wols, true. But I really do not feel like changes all my settings (here on my local computer - I tend to reinstall once in a while, change Linux distro, etc).
20:32.32wolsRelativ3: ssh in where?
20:32.46Relativ3Relativ3, I ssh to my server, if that's what you meen?
20:32.54fbhNow this is what happens when not using VPN in Singapore. Not only do they log, but also control:
20:33.21wolsRelativ3: that will still work
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20:33.58Relativ3Hmmm... fbh, I hate such governments, really - where's the freedom? :0
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20:34.46Relativ3wols, I suppose if I set Gnome up to the socks (ssh tunnel). And I restart, I guess I couldn't start an ssh session (since it'll try to tunnel it) right? Or is my assumption wrong? (Or am I misunderstanding you?).
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20:34.52fbhRelativ3: And to laugh a bit more, they have prevented access to some of the major VPN providers :p
20:35.11Relativ3Just like they do in china? Blocking sites. :|
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20:35.46fbhRelativ3: Yes, that's not just in china. Porn is directly illegal in Singapore
20:36.14Relativ3fbh, I'm glad the Dutch government does not hijack any sites I like to visit. They only register domainnames which contain swear words ( - as example) .
20:37.04Relativ3fbh, gosh - I wouldn't know where I would be without it. Haha ;P
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20:37.53fbhRelativ3: I'm from Denmark and here the major ISP's only block a very few pirate pages and child porn.
20:38.05Relativ3"This domain name has been registered for the Government of the Netherlands." as in SIDN was ordered to, haha.
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20:38.20fbhRelativ3: And the block is made with DNS, so it can just be bypassed
20:38.21Relativ3fbh, yeah. I would assume that in Holland they also block child porn. I'm not sure about pirate pages though.
20:38.41Relativ3fbh, do they try to hijack the sites or just nullroute it?
20:38.45pallgonefbh: but with openvpn you need to have a server to connect to...
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20:39.17fbhpallgone: Yeah, but I have the impression that Relativ3 has a server he can set it up on
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20:39.35fbhRelativ3: Nope, they just block in DNS and point it to some police page that states why this particular page has been blocked.
20:39.57pallgonefbh: yeah, but he can also use ssh to tunnel :)
20:40.35fbhpallgone: Sure, but that will work as a SOCKS proxy. In that case a lot of apps will need to be configged for that, with VPN everything goes that way easily
20:40.37Relativ3fbh, yeah, I assume they simply changed the DNS records?
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20:41.42fbhRelativ3: They just made the recursive DNS cluster answer authoritatively (damn.. hard word) for those exact domains.. So like they just create a zonefile for and point the A for * to their own IP.
20:42.15fbhThey could enforce it by blocking port 53 access to the outside world, but that would cause a looot of trouble for people running local DNS.. And windows freaks with an AD at home
20:42.22Relativ3fbh, yeah. That's what I ment (just tried to say it simply. Cause in english I tend to make things difficult to understand (one of my flaws lol)). :-)
20:42.36Relativ3fbh, AD ?
20:42.41fbhActive Directory
20:43.00Relativ3Oh, I once hear that word before at school I believe, lol.
20:43.19fbhYes, I know several people that has a freaking AD at home. And I have no idea for what.
20:43.35Relativ3That's for user management and stuff right? Samba and stuff?
20:43.53Relativ3If it's not, please leave me in suspens (unknowningness ftw).
20:44.14wolsRelativ3: if you set a VPN up to your server and then ssh to that server it simply goes through the vpn and then to your server. you can still connect
20:44.24wolsand incoming ssh sessions to you will connect just as before too
20:44.28fbhA lot of stuff really, but user management is a big part of it yeah, then they can control client computers from the AD, push software to clients via group policies and such.. but still, who needs that at home? :p
20:44.37Relativ3wols, yeah.
20:45.11Relativ3fbh, exactly. Then again who needs windows at home.. But let's not go into that (since I think even I can come up with a few reasons).
20:45.26Relativ3wols, yeah, I think I misunderstood you. I'm currently looking into OpenVPN. :-)
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20:45.45fbhI don't do gaming, so I can't come up with a single reason :P
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20:46.27edjuIs /var/lib/dhcp3/dhclient.leases supposed to have two lease entries for wlan0?   They're not identical.
20:46.38Relativ3well fbh, I once tried to shove Linux on my mom's PC. Well I still regret that day, I didn't even had time to poweron my own machine because she kept telling me "How do I do this?" and well, she wasn't quite happy. :P
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20:47.04Relativ3My point is, some users are better off with Windows unless someone else (then me) is willing to help them. hehe
20:47.21fbhRelativ3: She was used to windows. If she had started - at the beginning, with Linux it'd have been easier
20:47.53fbhThen give them a Mac :p
20:47.58fbhCan't be any easier
20:48.59Relativ3fbh, I tried that (or atleast suggested it) and well the answer was 'NO'. A friend once showed her Mac, and well... Let's say, she didn't liked it for a bit. I wish she was less static...
20:49.42jaggzhow can remote ftp take 10 to 15 seconds for a single dir command?
20:50.11fbhRelativ3: It was easy to get my parents to switch: Either that or you can get help else where.
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20:51.03Relativ3fbh, haha, I could say that. But I think I can guess the answer 'Its either that or you'll cook your own dinner'
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20:51.26fbhhaha, well I already cook my own dinner, so that's not an issue for me :D
20:51.37Relativ3Hehe :'P, Not living @ parents?
20:52.35Relativ3fbh, not living @ parents?:-)
20:52.36fbhNo :p
20:52.45Relativ3ah. Great. I'm still 16 :-{
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20:54.30Relativ3fbh, Anyways, I will be returning shortly. Nice speaking to you all :-)
20:54.37Relativ3And of course, all others which have helped me. :-)
20:54.51Relativ3all the others *.
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21:15.09RainbowWhow can i change the amount of root-reserved space on a partition from 5% to something lower, like .25%?
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21:19.52lkRainbowW, if it's ext3, tune2fs -m 1 /dev/sdXY.
21:20.07lkWhere 1 is the percentage you want reserved.
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21:23.27poisonbitRainbowW, I haven't benchmarked it, but some poeple claims that lower % than default, increase fragmentation at long run
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21:26.02DanDareI upgraded VB and now my Debian guest wont show me eth0, it dissapeared
21:26.09eikenberryIt should only increase fragmentation if you use it up... ext3 starts having fragmentation issues once it starts getting full. Even just > 80% can start to show an effect.
21:26.28Bushmillsindeed, some tests indicate that 5% is already quite low#
21:27.13DanDareIt have anything to do with updating guest additions ?
21:28.00Bushmills(means, those 5% are not only put aside for root when fs runs full, but actively and transparently used during normal operations)
21:28.58vltDanDare: What is VB?
21:29.21DanDarevlt, well im sorry... im just at wrong channel, nvm
21:29.28vltDanDare: Debian uses /etc/udev/rules.d to store
21:29.31vlt... ok
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21:32.41aibohi, any way to move back from etch to sarge?
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21:36.41Bushmillsrestore backup
21:36.48aibodon't have
21:36.49rudi_s!tell aibo about downgrade
21:37.03aiboI just need to downgrade base system
21:37.06Bushmillstough feces
21:38.32eikenberryaibo. backup data, wipe system, reinstall sarge, restore data.
21:38.49aibois it the only way?
21:39.44poisonbitI think the dpkg bot has a factoid about downgrades, but don't remember well
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21:46.09oxiwhat's the common practice to push deployments to a debian server, when you're behind a http/https proxy?
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21:50.12RainbowWoxi: are the debian machines behind the proxy?
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21:50.26oxiRainbowW: yes
21:50.43RainbowWoxi: multiple debian boxen to update?
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21:50.57oxiRainbowW: for now only one
21:51.20oxiI've seen some tutorial to setup apache & mod_proxy <-> ssh
21:51.35RainbowWso you're wanting to administer from the other side of the proxy?
21:51.42oxiI've also seen that in combination with re-routing
21:51.54oxiRainbowW: exactly
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21:52.07RainbowWoxi: oh. no clue. i'd open a hole in the firewall on 22.
21:52.09oxiI haven't seen any easy example where https was used
21:52.24oxiRainbowW: I can't open holes :-)
21:52.42RainbowWyou have no control over this proxy?
21:52.47oxiRainbowW: and just rerouting 22 <-> 80 won't do the trick
21:52.55do0obis it possible to increase the weight of fonts slightly, i'm having trouble reading them
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21:53.01oxiRainbowW: nope, I have no control over it
21:53.15RainbowWoxi: then there probably is no "easy" way to do what you want.
21:53.24do0obits not the size of the font, the screen resolution is high and each letter is made up of a 1px wide line, which is too small
21:53.30RainbowWdo0ob: display settings somewhere, but where depends on which wm you're using.
21:53.50oxiI see 3 possabilities: 1) tunnel scp through ssh through http or https 2) try use webdav 3) set up a POST servlet/cgi/...
21:54.19oxiRainbowW: but I don't know how good practice those 3 are
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21:54.27do0obRainbowW: kwin
21:54.39oximaybe a POST to https using curl sounds fine
21:54.48RainbowWoxi: neither do i. i know if i caught you attempting something like that through my firewall, i'd show you what a real firewall looks like.
21:55.03oxibut a POST will only move data from A to B and will not deploy any kind of package
21:55.40RainbowWoxi: you'd need something like, say, a java thing running on the server, accessible over 80, that will then ssh into your machine. good luck keeping it secure.
21:55.44oxiRainbowW: yeah, exactly, .... "a real firewall should prevent me from doing 1, 2 and 3 :-)
21:56.33RainbowWdo0ob: couldn't tell ya. there's a control panel somewhere.
21:56.47oxiRainbowW: that's exactly the point .... about my question of good practice .... :-) ... because I was also thinking how could I keep that secure ... so that it really is good practice
21:56.56oxithanks RainbowW
21:57.21RainbowWoxi: there isn't any way you could go the easier route and perhaps enlist the cooperation of your firewall admin? they could make your life LOTS easier
21:57.53RainbowWoxi: you could probably do it with a browser certificate authentication system of some sort, but i have no idea how to go about creating one.
21:58.00deed02392Is there any reason why I might be missing /etc/rc.status?
21:58.19simonrvnit's not redhat
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21:58.54deed02392I've followed this:
21:59.12deed02392i'm at the point of setting up an init script
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21:59.39oxiRainbowW: I fear it would be easier to punch a hole into the firewall than discussing this in the coorporation :-) ... further I've came across this several times and I thought I'd find a solution now to finally have that solved, independently of which company I'm at and what firewall kungfu they are doing
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22:00.30RainbowWoxi: then perhaps a java applet that gives you console access, combined with a browser certificate authentication system, eg, where you must create the certificate on the server and then manually import it into the browser
22:00.42RainbowWi have used such systems before
22:00.46RainbowWtho i have never administered one
22:01.35oxiRainbowW: yeah, true, some SSL VPN might do the trick, but those have their quirks and you most probably have to buy a hardware appliance if you want a good solution, .... like Juniper or Barracuda or Cisco or Checkpoint
22:01.53oxiRainbowW: a Java applet is a good idea
22:02.12oxiI might create a java applet that creates a https tunnel using certificates
22:02.15oxisounds great
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22:03.04oxifrom that point on the usual way is to scp a deb into a temp dir and rpm it, right?
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22:03.25oxiI have never really thought about if that's good practice or not
22:03.52oxisure, debian has apt and aptitude for pull
22:03.55RainbowWwell i meant, the a java applet that presented you a console on your end and on the back end was an ssh client. you'd then put that on a web server on the debian box, and use certificate authentication via facilities in apache. you wouldn't want to bother writing java authentication
22:04.27oxibut I thought there might also be some kind of server based tool to push stuff to it, without scp
22:04.43oxiRainbowW: ah, that's also a good idea
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22:05.06RainbowWpushing through the proxy is yet more hassle, i.e., you'd have to do like a java sftp client as well, that's silly
22:05.16RainbowWonce you're into the shell, you can pull whatever you need
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22:05.47oxiokay, I agree
22:05.51RainbowWalternative: cron job that checks a semaphore at a predetermined trusted location -- an off-site web server -- and if exists, downloads and executes a tarball with a script
22:05.57oxiRainbowW: thanks a lot for sharing!
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22:06.14oxiah, that's also a good idea, I never thought about using a cron for that
22:06.31RainbowWif you need to load stuff, load up the tarball, optionally with encryption (public key outside the firewall, private key on the debian box)
22:06.50oxiyeah, right, and add some sh1
22:07.05RainbowWyour check script will reject anything that doesn't decrypt/md5, possibly with your own public key signature (public key on the debian box, private key outside)
22:07.12RainbowWso the box knows that the tarball must come from you
22:07.15oxisounds great
22:07.18oxithanks for the ideas
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22:15.51rfranknjhey, i just setup a new comp; trying to use this amd sb850 raid to setup raid0. i setup the hardware raid and when i booted into debian setup it detected the two drives separately instead of as a single raid drive.. what would be the reason for this?
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22:16.40RainbowWincorrect setup on hardware raid.
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22:17.07RainbowWdebian knows what the raid card reports. if the raid card says there are two drives, there are two drives.
22:18.09rfranknjalright i figured that. in the raid setup it clearly says i have a raid0 volume setup, though..
22:18.48wolsrfranknj: you don't have hardware raid. don't use it
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22:20.02wolsrfranknj: unless your mainboard costs > 200$ and uses registered DIMMS, you have no hardware raid
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22:21.08RainbowWbetter to make yourself a small root partition, say 15g? on your boot drive, and do lvm on the remainder
22:21.28RainbowWlvm tastes great, less filling, AND it's cheap
22:22.06rfranknjwols: it was about 160 and there's a raid setup where i can select raid type and setup volumes nshit
22:22.34wolsrfranknj: you have no hardware raid. you have fakeraid. and nothing you say will change the SB850 capabilities
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22:22.46rfranknjwols: i don't know what fakeraid is
22:22.48wolsthere are no hardware raid chips on any consumer boards like yours
22:22.54dpkg[fakeraid] a term used for controller cards that advertise RAID functionality that is NOT supported by a hardware chip for parity.  Most of these have only a BIOS.  For use with Debian systems, it is suggested that you do not set a RAID in the BIOS and don't use dmraid, just use regular software RAID instead; ask me about <md>.
22:23.18wolsthe only readon to use dmraid is if you need to dualboot on that raid.
22:23.37RainbowWit probably requires some stupid windows driver. like an rpi modem, only worse.
22:23.58rfranknjwell, that's lame
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22:27.54rfranknjwols: well, thanks for the tip .. that blows
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22:32.36latenitehi I am looking for a chanel to aks some questions about "abcde"... where can I do that?
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22:34.15stealth-I've installed portmap and nfs, however port 111 is closed.... I'm pretty sure that's why things aren't working. Any ideas?
22:35.33xx1nice one RainbowW
22:35.57xx1have you started portmap, stealth- ?
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22:36.17stealth-yeah, xx1, it claims it's already running
22:36.35xx1is it?
22:37.08stealth-Oh, I might have found the problem....
22:37.53stealth-Could that ^ stop portmap from operating on 111?
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22:38.19Appetitei have a whole bunch of files without extensions, and i want to rename them to .log extensions, how should i do this? they are being registered by lighttpd as type appliaction/octet-stream even though they are plaintext
22:38.54stealth-Also, xx1, pstree | grep portmap shows its running
22:39.06xx1stealth-: yes, you are rejecting 111
22:39.36xx1apelgate: try some thing like this: for i in `ls`; do mv $i $i.log; done
22:40.04stealth-xx1: Ahh, I thought so. A while back I didn't know what 111 did and didn't feel comfortable having it open... I'm not familiar with iptables, so I don't suppose you know how to fix that off the top of your head?
22:40.11Appetitexx1: is lighttpd seeing it as application/octet stream because it doesn't have an extension? it contains only plaintext
22:40.12stealth-If not, I'll just go read the manpages
22:40.40xx1stealth-: you can flush iptables
22:41.15xx1Appetite: i don't know
22:41.29xx1an extension doesn't mean anything
22:41.59Appetiteyeah, that's why i dont know what the problem is xx1
22:42.00*** join/#debian beardy (~beardy@unaffiliated/beardy)
22:42.37xx1stealth-: use your favorite firewall tool to modify iptables
22:42.43xx1or just flush
22:42.50stealth-xx1: I got it figured out. Thanks for the help :)
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22:54.22guysoft42hi all, is there a way to tell debian to reinstall all packages? i think my filesystem got damaged and some files are missing
22:54.53dpkgwell, reinstall is aptitude reinstall '~i' ; or COLUMNS=200 dpkg -l | awk '/^[hi]i/{print $2}' | xargs apt-get -y --reinstall install, or dpkg --get-selections > my_packages.txt , then later, dpkg --set-selections < my_packages.txt && apt-get install .  See also <aptitude clone> <debian clone>
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22:55.32guysoft42beardy, i tried to do that with synaptic, but i get dependency cycle errors all over
22:56.15beardyguysoft42: Before you try something like that, try to identify which files/packages that are damaged. Also use aptitude for package management instead.
22:56.29wolsguysoft42: debsums should help
22:56.48guysoft42wols, how might i use debsums for this?
22:57.04wolsto identify what is corrupted?
22:57.32guysoft42wols, yes, never heard of that tool in the contex of damage detection
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22:59.16guysoft42debsums -s -a 2> /tmp/broken.log  just saw this somewhere , might it do?
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23:00.29beardyguysoft42: The manual will explain what the options do, read it before running, but probably.
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23:11.01compaqabrotman, hi sir, I wish to inform you that I have confirmed compiz runs on debian with the intel video card, whereas this same video card is blacklisted with compiz on Ubuntu
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23:13.29jargon-how do i check hardware info via cli?
23:13.45beardyjargon-: What kind of hardware?
23:14.12jargon-beardy: RAM type. is it DDR, SDRAM etc
23:14.15*** join/#debian CountDuckula (~CountDuck@
23:14.16beardy!whats my hardware
23:14.16dpkgYou can use lspci, lsusb, lsscsi, lspcmcia, lshal, hwinfo, dmidecode, and/or lshw, or even dmesg to find out what kind of hardware your machine might have, or you could crack the lid and look inside ... oooh, shiny!  If you install lshw, run "lshw -html > myhardware.html" as root and you'll have a nice HTML summation.  See also <myram>.
23:14.40*** join/#debian steampunkey (~4e86862e@gateway/web/freenode/x-qnyhcqvtrysmylwl)
23:14.42dpkg[myram] install and run 'dmidecode -t memory' as root to see RAM info, or also install i2c-tools package, modprobe eeprom, and run decode-dimms for much more detailed informaiton.  Try 'lshal | grep smbios' to obtain mainboard and BIOS information.
23:15.50jargon-beardy: thank you!
23:16.03beardyjargon-: You're very welcome.
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23:17.44jargon-it's SDRAM. damnit.
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23:18.51compaqwhat is the best of those command to find out what kind of socket mother board you have?
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23:19.21RainbowWthere isn't a command to tell you that. you need to know your motherboard's model number and then google a ref, unless you can eyeball it.
23:19.31beardycompaq: 'lshal | grep smbios' and then check the model specs on the web I guess.
23:20.03beardycompaq: Also 'cat /proc/cpuinfo'
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23:20.23steampunkeyok, don't laugh: i have two usb sticks and no hdd. can i mount these two to look like continous chunk of memory (capacity of sda1 + capacity of sda2) and then write a big file to where they're mounted, so that it's written on both, where one stick would contain a part of the file and the other the rest of it?
23:20.24Arrowmasteror use the cpu info to find out the socket, they usually dont make the same cpu in more than one socket
23:20.48dpkgit has been said that lvm is the Linux Logical Volume Manager (  Resources:,, <lvm_tutorial>, <lvm removedisk>, <lvm movelv>, <install using lvm>,,  IRC: #lvm on
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23:20.57steampunkey*and sdb1
23:21.07beardysteampunkey: That was for you.
23:21.15steampunkeybeardy: checking out, thx.
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23:22.27steampunkeybeardy: wiki says it can do it.
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23:23.09beardysteampunkey: Yes I'm sure it can. It might be a bit tedious to set up if it's only temporary though, but well, you'll learn something. :)
23:23.15banginthisboxgod I love Debian!
23:23.32compaqyep Debian rules
23:23.37steampunkeybeardy: hehe.
23:24.08banginthisboxyou realize it when you gotta fix ur buds windows box
23:24.39banginthisboxI just whip out my trusty live disc...
23:24.58steampunkeycompaq: judging by nick, "realname", what he said, the fact that he's not registered on FN, and the recurring troll theme, i'd say this is a (same) troll.
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23:26.23banginthisboxbaddabing baddaboom..and the look on their faces when it boots without any drivers is priceless!!!
23:26.34compaqhmmm, no cairo-dock?
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23:30.01banginthisboxsteampunk....whoose a troll?
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23:32.11RainbowWdoes anyone speak cacti? my bandwidth graph in the default view is at 5 minutes, but when i click through i can see a 1 minute graph. i'd like the default view to be 1 minute.
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23:33.44alyoswhen will 2.6.34 hit testing?
23:34.03anli_Will cdrecord write a boot record to a dvd?
23:34.04ham5hits when its ready
23:34.18RainbowWanli_: in theory, yes.
23:34.23anli_I burned a debian installation iso but I cannot boot on it
23:34.26banginthisboxsteampunky whats a matter ?
23:34.35anli_boot up with it
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23:35.20RainbowWanli_: if it was a stock dvd iso, that's probably not cdrecord. what happens when you try?
23:35.50Bushmillsalyos: when 2.6.34 is deemed fit for testing
23:36.32banginthisboxdid you check the disc?
23:36.37anli_RainbowW: disk boot failure
23:36.42alyosthanks for the helpfull answers. let me paraphrase: how long does it usually take till a new kernel version hits testing?
23:36.43anli_how do I check it?
23:36.56anli_I look on it with nautllus
23:37.27anli_nope, I did not check if the iso had the correct md5 sum
23:37.33zcat[1]anli_:  the boot record will be in the iso, cdrecord only writes an iso as-is to a cd or dvd .. something like mkisofs will put the boot record into the ISO first
23:37.36banginthisboxyup check
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23:39.10zcat[1]easiest way to check md5sums btw is just generate an md5sum and then paste that into google, if ou get any results at all then it matches 'somebody's disk. If it's a bad download it will almost certainly not match anything else and you get no results
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23:39.33banginthisboxgood advise
23:39.35zcat[1].. click one of the results to find out what it actually matches ;)
23:40.23zcat[1]'cos there's also a chance you clicked the wrong link and downloaded the PPC version or something...
23:40.23anli_So writing an iso using cdrecord is a two step action?
23:40.33RainbowWanli_: no.
23:40.43zcat[1]anli_:  writing an iso is one-step
23:40.44anli_look what zcat[1] wrote
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23:41.04anli_I misunderstood that then
23:41.05zcat[1]anli_:  if you already have the ISO then you don't need to concern yourself with how one is created
23:41.06banginthisboxlol rclik burn image
23:41.13compaqcompiz has a feature a like, the scaling when you point to the top right corner.  But the intel driver doesn't work very well with compiz, so I was wondering is there another way to turn on scaling without compiz?
23:41.16anli_zcat[1]: true :)
23:41.34anli_ok, now the question remains, how can it not be bootable :)
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23:41.54banginthisboxmd5 is right?
23:42.00RainbowWanli_: it might not be bootable if you downloaded a bad image.
23:42.04zcat[1]what's the ISO you're trying to burn?
23:42.12banginthisboxpost the md5
23:42.16anli_must check
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23:43.16anli_wonder where those checksums are
23:43.19zcat[1]also if you're in gnome just right-click the iso file in nautilus and select burn to disk, or open in brasero
23:43.44anli_trying to burn in nautilus then
23:43.50anli_wonder if I shall hope
23:43.51zcat[1]anli_:  open a terminal and type md5sum debian-504-i386-netinst.iso
23:44.08anli_zcat[1]: 96d01d5f287c93d252c0ad73006b5ab8
23:44.14zcat[1]best to find out if the md5 is right before you waste a pile of disks.
23:44.17compaqhi, how do you edit metacity settings?
23:44.32anli_hm, can try to search for that string in google
23:44.36RainbowWanli_: that's the calculated md5?
23:44.40zcat[1]Yes, that md5 is good
23:44.43anli_ah, yeah
23:44.46anli_I googled it
23:44.50anli_searching for 96d01d5f287c93d252c0ad73006b5ab8
23:44.53RainbowWok. so reburn.
23:45.01anli_that still makes me think
23:45.10anli_Hm, can I md5sum the dvd btw? :)
23:45.16banginthisboxyou got it from the disc not the net right?
23:45.17RainbowWanli_: no.
23:45.30zcat[1]also try burning at less than full speed, perhaps 12x or even lower? Some drives don't like 'fast burns'
23:45.31anli_I got the md5sum from the iso
23:45.45RainbowWreburn the disc, slower this time, and go on with your life.
23:45.48anli_cdrecord was free to pick
23:45.49RainbowWyou have a bad burn, that's all.
23:46.04zcat[1]you can md5sum /dev/dvd
23:46.10anli_isnt a dvd holding the iso image unaltered btw?
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23:46.14banginthisboxtcheck bios also
23:46.17anli_zcat[1]: trying that
23:46.25banginthisboxfor boot from disc
23:46.50RainbowWbruce almighty. reburn the stupid thing. you're talking a disc that costs 50 cents if you buy it wildly overpriced.
23:46.59zcat[1]sometimes the disk gets null-padded if the original ISO didn't end on a full block, so the md5 can be different.
23:47.20banginthisboxdiscs are not all good anyway
23:47.27banginthisboxalways duds
23:47.33anli_doing md5sum /dev/sr0
23:47.53anli_zcat[1]: maybe the md5sum isnt _that_ different then ;)
23:48.59anli_ok, its the same md5 sum
23:48.59anli_When I was md5sum /dev/sr0
23:48.59banginthisboxhes gotta check the disc not the iso
23:48.59anli_I did
23:48.59zcat[1]OK, so BIOS is set to boot from cd/dvd drive? Can you boot any other bootable disks?
23:48.59RainbowWreburn. the. stupid. thing. if you'd done that when i first suggested it, you'd be done by now.
23:49.08anli_hm, must check, time to check if the dvd reader is ok
23:49.15anli_hm, maybe its only a cd :)
23:49.23anli_wonder if it can handle dvds
23:49.39banginthisboxneeds master drive
23:49.45zcat[1]Hmmm, yes.., you can't boot a bootable DVD in a CD drive ;)
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23:50.09banginthisboxor even  as a slave dvd drive
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23:50.17anli_the text on the unit failed to tell me whether its a cd or dvd reader
23:50.28anli_It cant be that old
23:50.38banginthisboxdidnt you burn it in it?
23:50.48zcat[1]BTW that is a CD-size image, why would you burn it to a DVD?
23:50.48anli_on another system
23:50.57anli_zcat[1]: I only have dvds
23:51.05anli_good reason? :)
23:51.15banginthisboxit wont work
23:51.25zcat[1]well it should still work, but you will only be able to read it in DVD drives...
23:51.25anli_lg 52x32x52x
23:51.35zcat[1]that is NOT a DVD drive!
23:51.36beardywould have dotted too a couple of years ago, but he has only dvds too..
23:51.40anli_zcat[1]: lol
23:51.55anli_how stupid
23:52.05beardywould have used a usb stick instead though
23:52.10RainbowWsends anli_ to the corner with the pointed cap on. What's that word? <dunce>
23:52.27anli_How can I assume that I had such a stupid customer
23:52.28simonrvnhell i have the 52x24x52x version and i would never think of doing that....
23:52.38banginthisboxi used a floppy to do it
23:52.50simonrvn!rube goldberg install
23:52.50dpkg"Hi!  I want to install Debian with a 2.6.x kernel on a machine, but I can't boot from floppies, and I can't boot from CD-ROM, and I have no network card.  I have only a USB dot matrix printer and a punch card reader.  Wait, the card reader just fell on the floor and broke."
23:53.18banginthisboxremove drive
23:53.53banginthisboxhad to do ibm 560e like that
23:54.09simonrvnwith a punch card reader?
23:54.15beardyI'd love to have a USB dot matrix printer.
23:54.19banginthisboxhad no drives or usb
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23:54.39simonrvnthat would be rather trippy
23:54.57banginthisboxtook all day
23:55.23banginthisboxbut sarge ran sweet on it
23:55.30simonrvnwith a punch card reader?
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23:56.06beardyEpson has a bunch apparently.
23:56.24beardyWithout punch card readers that is.
23:57.21simonrvnusb dot matrix?
23:57.23compaqwhere is the gnome settings panel?
23:57.37banginthisboxsarge ran on it w/just 8 megs ram
23:57.47simonrvnon your hard drive
23:58.11rfranknjcan someone give me the dpkg help thing about non-free radeon firmware
23:58.14anli_can I use cdrecord to write to a usb stick? :)
23:58.38rfranknjanli_: o_O why would you want to do that
23:58.40beardysimonrvn: Yeah. USB 1.1 and paralell port.
23:58.48anli_because I am not a friend of dd
23:58.48zcat[1]anli_:  use unetbootin or similar?
23:58.57simonrvnbeardy: neato
23:58.58anli_ah, thats nice
23:59.09zcat[1]!info unetbootin
23:59.13banginthisboxdd is ez
23:59.15beardyanli_: You use dd.
23:59.25anli_I use unetbootin, its nice
23:59.31RainbowWdd if=<iso> of=<device>
23:59.32zcat[1]I would not use dd, does that work?
23:59.35RainbowWwhy is that hard?
23:59.40anli_dd is a hack
23:59.41dpkgunetbootin: (installer of Linux/BSD distributions to a partition or USB drive), section utils, is optional. Version: 442-1 (sid), Packaged size: 241 kB, Installed size: 720 kB
23:59.41beardyAslong as you don't use cdrecord.
23:59.50banginthisboxyes dd is the best for me
23:59.55zcat[1]I would def. not use cdrecord ;)
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